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Grade: 9

Subject: Biology-Study sheet

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Nervous System Parts of the nervous system: Central nervous system (CNS) and Peripheral nervous system (PNS) CNS: (Brain and Spinal cord) it receive information from sensory neurons, process and respond by sending messages to the effector organ through motor neurons. PNS: All of the parts of the nervous system except for the brain and the spinal cord, it connect all the parts of the body to the CNS. So it carries information between your body and CNS by nerves. Peripheral nervous system Neuron: is a nerve cell that is specialized to receive and conduct electrical impulse Neuron structure: A neuron is made up of: dendrite, cell body (nucleus, organelles), axon, axon terminal. In a neuron the impulse moves from dendrite to axon. Types of neurons: Sensory neuron, motor neuron, interneuron Sensory neuron: Gather information about what is happening in and around your body, by specialized nerve endings called receptors, ex: receptors in eyes detect light, then sensory neuron send information to the CNS for processing. Motor neuron: Neurons that send impulses from CNS to other systems (effector organ, muscle) so that they respond, ex: motor neuron cause muscle around your eye to contract when you are in bright light. Nerves: (figure 3) CNS is connected to rest of your body by nerves Nerve: Is a collection of axons (nerve fibers) bundled together with blood vessels through which impulses travel between CNS and other parts of the body

Nervous System - Module D; Chapter4; section1 (pages 80-87)

Page 1

Somatic and autonomic nervous system PNS has two main parts: sensory part and motor part. The motor part of the PNS has two kinds of nerves: 1) Somatic nerves,2)and autonomic nerves. 1) Somatic nervous system: neurons that are under your conscious control (Neurons that stimulate skeletal muscles, control voluntary movement.) 2) Autonomic nervous system: do not need your conscious control, it Controls body function that you don't think about (involuntary). The main job of autonomic nervous system is to keep all the body's function in balance/ It has two divisions (Sympathetic and parasympathetic) that work together to keep your internal environment stable. This is called homeostasis. Three functions of PNS: 1.Connect your CNS to the rest of the body, 2.Controls voluntary movements, 3.keeps your body's function in balance. Central nervous system (Brain, spinal cord) Brain: Largest organ in the nervous system, is the main control center of the nervous system (figure: 6) The brain has three main parts: Cerebrum, Cerebellum, and Medulla Cerebrum: Largest part of the brain, it has two halves: left hemisphere and right hemisphere (figure: 4). Area where you think, and where most memories are stored, also it controls voluntary movements and allows you to sense. Cerebellum: second largest part of the brain (figure: 5). It process sensory information from the body, such as skeletal muscles and joints, this allow to keep track of your body position (body balance). Medulla: Controls involuntary actions (heart beat, blood pressure, and breathing). Spinal cord: made up of neurons and bundles of axons that pass impulses to and from the brain, surrounded by protective bones called vertebrae For example when someone touches your skin, an impulse travels along a sensory neuron to your spinal cord and then to your brain, the brain interprets the message Then the response travels back from your brain to spinal cord and then along motor neuron to effector muscle(organ). Spinal cord injury: may block all the information to and from the brain.

Nervous System - Module D; Chapter4; section1 (pages 80-87)

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