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Every society has an organizational principle, with authority figures, with defined roles and obligations. There are written or oral laws. Some societies are tightly knit, while others are very loosely organized. Political institution is one of the important social institutions which keep the society, organized and united through the organ of government. There are four elements in political institution they are 1. Population 2. Territory 3. Government 4. Sovereignty Without these political institution cannot be formed.

A government is an institution entrusted with making and enforcing the rules of a society as well as with regulating relations with other societies. In order to be considered a government, a ruling body must be recognized as such by the people it purports to govern. A person or group that considers itself the leading body of a society has no power if the members of the society do not recognize the person or group as such.

Types of Governments Monarchy

Monarchy is a political system in which a representative from one family controls the government and power is passed on through that family from generation to generation. Example: Saudi Arabia is a monarchy. Until recently it was an absolute monarchy, meaning that the king had complete control of the country.

Democracy is a political system in which citizens periodically choose officials to run their government. Example: Nepal

Authoritarianism is a political system that does not allow citizens to participate in government. Example: Zimbabwe is controlled by an authoritarian leader whose human rights violations and disastrous economic policies have brought on international condemnation.

Totalitarianism is a political system under which the government maintains tight control over nearly all aspects of citizens lives. Example: Cambodia

ROLES OF POLITICAL INSTITUTION:A. Liberal democracy answer: the poltical sphere of modern society has the three interconnected jobs which are carried out by these different sets of political groups: 1. Introducing laws: This is the role of the parliament which includes both the elected government and the elected members of the parties which didnt achieve government i.e. the opposition. This includes debating over whether these laws should be enacted or not. 2. Administrating the laws: This is the job of the elected government who direct the bureaucratic part of government, the huge range of civil servants or bureaucrats which include the police, education employees, social welfare officers, etc. 3. Judging: Judging on whether these laws are fair and whether the administration of these laws is fair, this is the job of the various levels of the Judiciary i.e. the courts. The political system also includes the whole adult population in their roles as a)voters b)pressure groups from the smallest neighborhood group to the largest lobbying groups, One of the major laws that government makes concerns the amount of resources ,and the manner of collecting those resources, that the general public (i.e. taxation) must pay to be able to fund the actions that the various laws generate e.g. to fund the universal education system B. Functionalist theory Talcott Parsons summarizes all this as the 'goal attainment role' of politics i.e. through the political system a society sets its goals and the methods of achieving these goals C. Conflict sociology: focuses more on the inequality of power and resources . So from this point of view the role of politically powerful is to favor one class

(or ethnic group or gender etc) over another. Whilst it is also the institution through which people can oppose this unfairness.


1. The Institutionalization of norms (Laws). 2. The enforcement of laws. 3. The adjudication of conflict (Court). 4. Provide for the welfare of members of society. 5. Protection of Society from external threat.

If there is more political institution there may be conflict in the state or country. And if the parties cannot gain the major voting then the government cannot be formed on its own.

The economy is the institution that provides for the production and distribution of goods and services, which people in every society need. Sometimes they can provide these things for themselves, and sometimes they rely on others to provide them. When people rely on others for goods or services, they must have something to exchange, such as currency (in industrialized societies) or other goods or services (in non-industrialized societies). The customs surrounding exchange and distribution of goods and services shape societies in fundamental ways. This involves the production of goods and the organization of labor, the provision of care and similar factors, not just money, buying and selling. Every society has systems of provision or procurement. Economic and political institutions are related.

Economic Systems
The two dominant economic systems in the world are capitalism and socialism. Most societies have varying blends of the two systems. Common hybrids of capitalism and socialism are welfare capitalism and state capitalism.

Capitalism is a system under which resources and means of production are privately owned, citizens are encouraged to seek profit for themselves, and success or failure of an enterprise is determined by free-market competition.

Example: The United States is one of the most purely capitalistic societies in the world. Most U.S. businesses are privately owned, but the government does regulate business practices.

Socialism is a system under which resources and means of production are owned by the society as a whole, rights to private property are limited, the good of the whole society is stressed more than individual profit, and the government maintains control of the economy. Example: China is a socialist country. The government owns and controls almost all natural resources

Welfare capitalism
Welfare capitalism is a system that features a market-based economy coupled with an extensive social welfare system that includes free health care and education for all citizens. Example: Sweden allows private business ownership, but the government controls a significant part of the economy.

State capitalism
State capitalism is a system under which resources and means of production are privately owned but closely monitored and regulated by the government. Example: South Koreas government works closely with the countrys major companies to ensure their success in the global marketplace.

Economic Trends
There are several important trends:

Globalization: The expansion of economic activity across many borders characterizes the global economy. Poorer, developing nations now produce the raw materials for the worlds multinational corporations. These multinational companies control most of the worlds economy. Demand for educated professionals: The postindustrial economy is driven by trained professionals such as lawyers, communications professionals, doctors, and teachers. Self-employment: New, affordable communications technology has allowed more people to go into business for themselves. Diversity in the workplace: Once the bastion of white males, professional offices are heavily populated by women and minorities in todays society.


1. Provide methods for the production of goods and services. 2. Provide methods for the distribution of goods and services. 3. Enable societys members to consume goods and services which are produced. These all functions are important aspects of society and if the duties should be performed in a proper and organized way than every society can improve. So, as a citizen its our duty to respect all the institutions and respect its functions for a betterment of society and the nation.


The countrys future and fate is highly dependent on the economy of the country. If the economy of the country falls then they should be dependent on others and the government cannot do or perform its activities and it cannot develop the nation.

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