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Lrlk Wahlberg

ChapLer 11 Congress
l Congress aL Lhe LeglslaLlve 8ranch
a 8epresenLaLlon and 8lcamerallsm
l Congress has Lo acL as boLh trustees and de|egates slnce clLlzens do noL have lnformed
vlews on every lssue
ll Congress ls namera| dlvlded lnLo Lwo separaLe chambers Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves and Lhe SenaLe
1 8eflecLs framer's fear LhaL Lhe power of Lhe leglslaLlve branch may grow Loo
lll LeglslaLlve branch ls closesL Lo Lhe people meanlng LhaL members represenL speclflc
populaLlon groups
lv !ames Madlson SoluLlon dlvlde leglslaLure lnLo 2 parLs so Lhey could check each oLher
v Pouse of represenLaLlves ls a large body LhaL reflecLs populaLlon slze wlLhln sLaLes
vl SenaLe ls an ellLe chamber /w 2 senaLors for each sLaLe and members are delegaLed by
sLaLe leglslaLure so boLh popular/ellLe oplnlons are represenLed ln congress
b ConsLlLuLlonal ulfferences beLween Lhe Pouse and SenaLe
l 4 key dlfferences beLween Lhe Lwo chambers CuallflcaLlons for offlce mode of elecLlon
Lerms of offlce and consLlLuencles
ll CuallflcaLlons for Cfflce
1 Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves
a AL leasL 23 years old
b 8eslde ln Lhe sLaLe LhaL he/she represenLs
c Pave been a uS ClLlzen for 7 years prlor Lo runnlng
2 SenaLe
a AL leasL 30 years old
b 8eslde ln Lhe sLaLe LhaL he/she represenLs
c Pave been a uS ClLlzen for 9 years prlor Lo runnlng
3 8eason LhaL SenaLe requlremenLs for clLlzenshlp are greaLer because framers
lnLended for senaLe Lo be more sLable parLner ln leglslaLlve process
4 21
congresses are much more dlverse
3 Average house and senaLe member ls older Lhan 33
6 Pouse members serve an average of 3 Lerms (3 years)
7 SenaLors average Lwo Lerms (12 years)
8 Ma[orlLy of house members served ln sLaLe leglslaLure prlor Lo congress
9 Pouse members use sLaLe leglslaLure as sLepplngsLones whereas SenaLors use
Lhe house of represenLaLlves Lo launch blds for senaLe
lll Mode of LlecLlon
1 Pouse members elecLed dlrecLly by clLlzens
2 SenaLors are nCW elecLed dlrecLly by clLlzens
a lrom 1789 Lo 1914 mode was lndlrecL ClLlzens voLed for members of
sLaLe leglslaLure who Lhen selecLed Lhe uS SenaLors
b lramers lnLended for house Lo respond dlrecLly Lo oplnlons of Lhe
people and for Lhe SenaLe Lo be lnsulaLed from Lhe dlrecL volce of Lhe
l Makes Lhem less dlrecLly responslve Lo Lhe people
c Changed from lndlrecL dlrecL ln 1913 /w Lhe raLlflcaLlon of Lhe 17

l 1hls change opened a dlrecL gaLeway of lnfluence
lv 1erms of Cfflce 1he lengLh of Llme LhaL an elecLed offlclal serves before faclng voLers ln
anoLher elecLlon
1 Pouse Member 2 years
2 SenaLe 6 years
3 Pouse members have shorL Llme so are generally ln a greaL hurry Lo pass
4 SenaLors have more Llme so Lhey generally are more flexlble ln balanclng our
dlsagreemenLs ln leglslaLlon
3 Cnly 1/3 senaLors sLand for reelecLlon whereas Lhe enLlre Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves musL face voLers
a ConsLlLuLlon dlvlded flrsL senaLe lnLo 3 classes
b Lnsures enLlre senaLe would noL be up for reelecLlon
c 8elnforces sLablllLy of senaLe's membershlp
d LlmlLs elecLoral lncenLlves for Pouse and SenaLe members Lo cooperaLe
Lo pass leglslaLlon
v sttuenes 1he seL of people LhaL offlclally elecL Lhe Pouse or SenaLe member ln
Lhe uS Lhls Lerm ls used geographlcally
1 Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves
a Lach member represenLs a congresslonal dlsLrlcL LhaL ls esLabllshed
Lhrough geographlc boundarles wlLhln each sLaLe
2 SenaLe
a Lach senaLor represenLs and enLlre sLaLe Lwo elecLed
l lramers dld Lhls so LhaL aL leasL 1 senaLor would always be
acLlvely represenLlng a sLaLe ln senaLe
3 Average slze of a congresslonal dlsLrlcL ln 1789 was abouL 30000
4 1oday congresslonal dlsLrlcLs 640000
3 esus ConsLlLuLlonally mandaLed counL of Lhe populaLlon every 10 years
a lramers reallzed uS growLh and mandaLed Lhls
b ls used Lo calculaLe Lhe # of congresslonal dlsLrlcLs
6 ln 1911 congress passed law llmlLlng slze of house Lo 433
a Pouse sLarLed wlLh 63 grew Lo 433 by 1911 (670 )
b Worrled lf house grew Loo blg lL wouldn'L funcLlon
c Slnce llmlL ls lnsLaLed populaLlon growLh or decllne has dlrecL bearlng
on sLaLe's represenLaLlon lncreaslng/decreaslng a sLaLe's # of reps Lhus
changlng lnfluence ln Lhe house
7 Ceographlc boundarles on consLlLuencles have dlrecL lmpacL on congresslonal
8 Pouse ls focused on resldenLs ln dlsLrlcL whereas SenaLe ls responslve Lo Lhe
needs of enLlre sLaLe
a Pouse and SenaLe can reacL dlfferenLly Lo Lhe same lssue
vl kedstrntg redrawlng of boundarles of congresslonal dlsLrlcLs ln a sLaLe Lo make Lhem
aprox equal ln populaLlon slze
1 Cnly Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves ls sub[ecL Lo Lhls
2 Slnce llmlLed Lo 433 overall # congresslonal seaLs musL be ad[usLed
3 LlmlLaLlon on redlsLrlcLlng ls LhaL Lhe boundarles of dlsLrlcL musL be
4 Gerrymaderg Ma[orlLy parLy aLLempLlng Lo lnfluence Lhe process Lo consLrucL
each dlsLrlcL so LhaL ma[orlLy of voLers favor lL's parLy so candldaLes are more
llkely Lo wln
a SomeLlmes ma[orlLy parLy comblnes 2 exlsLlng dlsLrlcLs LhaL have house
members from Lhe oLher parLy Lhus forclng Lhem Lo run agalnsL each
3 Pas also been used Lo achleve greaLer mlnorlLy represenLaLlon ln house of
6 Some argue senaLe ls less responslve Lhan house slnce SenaLe ls noL relaLed Lo
sLaLe populaLlon
ll 1he owers of Congress
a 1axaLlon and ApproprlaLlon
l Congress can lay and collecL Laxes wlLh Lhe 16
amendmenL passed ln 1913
ll All bllls ralslng revenue should orlglnaLe ln Lhe house of reps
lll Congress also has Lhe power Lo spend
1 1o pay Lhe debLs and Lo provlde for Lhe common defense and general welfare"
lv 1he geera| we|fare n|ause had been a ma[or means by whlch congress's power has
1 Congress approprlaLes federal money on programs lL auLhorlzes Lhrough lLs
lawmaklng power
v Congress also has auLhorlLy Lo borrow money coln and regulaLe lLs value
b War owers
l Congresses war powers shared wlLh Lhe presenL
ll Congress can declare war
c 8egulaLlon of Commerce
l Congress can regulaLe commerce wlLh forelgn naLlons
ll mmerne n|ause allowed congress Lo esLabllsh a naLlonal seL of laws regulaLlng
lll Congress has passed laws breaklng up monopolles proLecLlng labor unlon seLLlng a
mlnlmum wage and ouLlawlng raclal dlscrlmlnaLlon by buslnesses
d AppolnLmenLs and 1reaLles
l Cave senaLe power of advlce and consenL (approve/dlsapprove presldenLlal appolnLed
ll AppolnLmenL of all federal [udges ls sub[ecL Lo approval from senaLe
lll SenaLe checks exec branch by maklng LreaLles wlLh forelgn naLlons
lv Advne ad set ower of SenaLe Lo approve or ulsapprove presldenLlal
appolnLmenLs such as cablneL secreLarles ambassadors and [udges as well as
lnLernaLlonal LreaLles
e lmpeachmenL and 8emoval from Cfflce
l Congress's ulLlmaLe check on exec/[udlclal branches
1 1reason 8rlbery or oLher hlgh crlmes and mlsdemeanors"
ll rocess ls Lwo sLeps
1 Ma[orlLy of house reps voLes Lo brlng formal charges agalnsL presldenL
2 1hen senaLe conducLs Lrlal
f Lawmaklng
l Congress has auLhorlLy Lo make all laws whlch shall be necessary and proper for
carrylng lnLo execuLlon Lhe foregolng powers"
ll necessary and proper clause allows congress greaL leeway Lo carry ouL responslblllLles
under Lhe assumpLlon LhaL addlLlonal powers are lmplled ln Lhese clauses raLher Lhan
lll lf a servlce or program ls lmporLanL for Lhe naLlon congress has Lhe power Lo creaLe lL
lv Lumerated wers owers of Congress llsLed ln ArLlcle l SecLlon 8 of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
g AuLhorlzaLlon of CourLs
l Iudnary Ant CreaLed lower federal [udlclary dlsLrlcL courLs and clrculL courL of appeals
ll 1789 Congress passed Iudnary Ant
1 LsLabllshed federal dlsLrlcL courLs and clrculL courL of appeals
2 94 dlsLrlcL courLs
3 12 reglonal appellaLe clrculLs
lll Marury v Mads (1803) Supreme CourL's power of [udlclal revlew
1 LsLabllshed [udlclal revlew
a lederal [udlclary power Lo declare laws passed by Congress as
2 Cave courLs power Lo lnLerpreL Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and see how congresslonal law
changes by lnLerpreLaLlon
h CverslghL
l Congress's CverslghL auLhorlLy Lo monlLor ways execuLlve branch lmplemenLs law
1 SLems from congress dedlcaLlon Lo general welfare of Lhe naLlon and power Lo
approprlaLe money
ll Lxerclses Lhls power less uder ufed gvermet (same parLy conLrols
congress/WhlLe house) Lhan under a dvded gvermet (dlfferenL parLy congress/
WhlLe house)
lll CverslghL acLlvlLles congress parLakes ln
1 Pold heargs wlLh cablneL offlclals and bureaucraLs Lo analyze how well
programs are worklng
2 lnvlLe memmbers of Lhe publlc Lo descrlbe how federal programs operaLe ln Lhelr
3 WrlLe leLLers Lo execuLlve branch lnqulrlng abouL speclflc programs
4 neargs Congresslonal commlLLee meeLlngs Lo gaLher lnformaLlon or hear
LesLlmony on a blll lssue or appolnLmenL
lll 1he CrganlzaLlon of Congress
a MosL lmporLanL dlfference beLween congress/house ls Lhe power each granLs Lo lLs leaders
b 1he 8ole of ollLlcal arLles
l ollLlcal parLles galned power ln Cov because Lhey were lmporLanL ouLslde WashlngLon
ll Pouse members begun geLLlng [udged on Lhe performance of Lhelr parLy ln offlce
lll SenaLe never changed rules of chamber because # senaLors ls small
1 Also had more Llme Lo make an lmpresslon on voLers
lv MlnorlLy leader ln senaLe has much more power Lhan mlnorlLy leader ln house slnce Lhe
slze dlfference beLween Lhe Lwo ls vasL
c 1he Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves
l arty naunus ls used Lo choose a parLy leader
1 1op offlclal ls speaker of Lhe house
2 MlnorlLy parLy ls mlnorlLy leader
ll 1he Speaker f the nuse
1 Cnly formal leadershlp poslLlon wrlLLen lnLo congress
2 LlecLed by a ma[orlLy of house members every 2 years
3 MosL lmporLanL responslblllLy ls Lo malnLaln power ln Lhe house for Lhe ma[orlLy
4 ConsLlLuLlonal and ollLlcal leader of Lhe Pouse
lll Pouse arLy Leaders
1 nuse Ma[rty Leader Leader of Lhe Ma[orlLy arLy ln Lhe Pouse
2 Second ln command and works wlLh speaker Lo declde whlch lssues Lhe parLy wlll
3 LxpecLed Lo ralse slgnlflcanL amounL Campalgn conLrlbuLlons for parLy members
4 Pas 9 ma[orlLy whps Lo creaLe supporL for parLy's preferred pollcles + keep llne
of communlcaLlon open beLween parLy leadershlp and Lhe rankandflle
3 Jhps LeglslaLors deslgnaLed Lo counL voLes wlLhln ma[orlLy or Lhe mlnorlLy
6 MlnorlLy parLy ln Lhe house ls Lhe parLy LhaL has largesL # of house members who
are noL ln Lhe ma[orlLy parLy
Comment |E1]: needs lurLher LxplanaLlon
a PlghesL ranklng member of Lhe mlnorlLy parLy ls Lhe nuse Mrty
l 8esponslble for crafLlng mlnorlLy parLy's poslLlons on lssues +
belng publlc spokesperson
d 1he SenaLe
l resdet r 1empre ConsLlLuLlonal leader of Lhe SenaLe
1 ConsLlLuLlonally v shall be presldenL of Lhe SenaLe buL ln absence a presldenL
pro Lempore" may be elecLed
2 v can break a Lle voLe ln senaLe
3 ro Lempore ls closely advlsed by Seate par|ametara
a 8esponslble for admlnlsLerlng rules of Lhe senaLe
ll SenaLe arLy Leaders
1 Ma[orlLy parLy elecLs a leader
2 oslLlon ls noL wrlLLen lnLo Lhe consLlLuLlon
3 !ob ls Lo make sure senaLe funcLlons enough Lo pass leglslaLlon
4 Cfflclal scheduler of SenaLe buslness and ls always recognlzed flrsL Lo speak
a Clves power Lo conLrol Lhe floor and prevenL any oLher senaLor from
3 Seate Mrty Leader Leader of mlnorlLy parLy ln Lhe SenaLe
a LxpecLed Lo represenL mlnorlLy and negoLlaLe wlLh ma[orlLy leader on
whaL bllls are broughL Lo Lhe SenaLe floor
e 1he CommlLLee SysLem
l 1he parLy LhaL has ma[orlLy ln enLlre house/senaLe has ma[orlLy of seaLs on each
ll Stadg nmmttee permanenL commlLLee wlLh power Lo wrlLe leglslaLlon and reporL
lL Lo Lhe full chamber
lll Se|ent]It]Spena| nmmttees are focused on a more narrow seL of lssues
lv ln Pouse Lhere are 20 sLandlng commlLLees
1 Avg house commlLLee has 43 members
v ln SenaLe Lhere are 16 sLandlng commlLLees
1 Avg senaLe commlLLee has 20 members
vl CommlLLees are Lhe cenLral hub for leglslaLlve acLlvlLy ln congress
vll WrlLe leglslaLlon LhaL ls evenLually consldered on Lhe Pouse and SenaLe floors
vlll Pearlngs are dlrecL gaLeway for lnfluence on members of Congress
lx CommlLLee hearlngs serve 3 baslc funcLlons for members of congress
1 uraw aLLenLlon Lo currenL lssues/problems
2 lnform commlLLee members on consequences of passlng a cerLaln blll
3 1o convey consLlLuenLs quesLlons/concerns on an lssue
4 LxerL overslghL of Lhe execuLlve branch Lo deLermlne wheLher congresslonal
lnLenL ls belng honored
3 1o provlde an arena where lndlvldual members make speeches Lo aLLracL medla
x mmttee har Ma[orlLy parLy member of a Pouse or SenaLe commlLLee who has
been chosen Lo lead Lhe commlLLee and deLermlne whlch lssues Lhe commlLLee
1 CommlLLee chalrs declde whlch bllls go Lo hearlngs and whlch go onLo markup
(blll formally wrlLLen/revlewed by members of Lhe commlLLee)
a 8oLh hearlng/markup process Lhe commlLLee chalr glves preference Lo
Lhe vlews of Lhe ma[orlLy parLy members of Lhe commlLLee
2 CommlLLee Chalrs Lyplcally ma[orlLy parLy who has mosL senlorlLy
xl kakg Memer MlnorlLy parLy leader on a commlLLee from Lhe mlnorlLy parLy wlLh
Lhe greaLesL senlorlLy
xll 1993 8epubllcan ma[orlLles ln house/senaLe adopL a 6 year Lerm llmlL on chalrs
1 Speakers reLaln more conLrol over commlLLees' leglslaLlve agendas
xlll When a blll ls referred Lo a commlLLee Asslgned Lo subcommlLLee
1 Cnly full commlLLee can reporL a blll Lo Lhe chamber floor
xlv 1973 Pouse expanded subcommlLLees and subcommlLLee chalrs
1 Smaller cenLers of power where lndlvldual members had lnfluence over conLenL
of leglslaLlon
f Advnany aunuses Croup of members of congress from boLh parLles who share a common
background economlc lnLeresL or oplnlon on an lssue LhaL reflecLs Lhelr consLlLuenLs'
l Clves an opporLunlLy Lo represenL speclflc lnLeresL and draw aLLenLlon Lo lssues of
concern Lo Lhem
ll 8rlngs members LogeLher from dlfferenL parLles and reglons
lll Pave no formal leglslaLlve power yeL can sLlll lnfluence a blll
1 Can lnfluence because Lhey represenL a block of members who could voLe
LogeLher ln supporL/opposlLlon
lv SenaLors can [oln a congresslonal caucus
lv 1he Lawmaklng rocess
a 1he rocedural 8ules of Lhe Pouse and SenaLe
l 1he Pouse CommlLLee on 8ules
1 nuse ku|es mmttee CaLekeeplng commlLLee LhaL seLs Lhe guldellnes for
debaLlng changlng and voLlng on a blll on Lhe floor
2 8llls musL pass Lhrough Lhe Pouse 8ules CommlLLee (CaLekeeplng commlLLee
LhaL seLs Lhe guldellnes for debaLlng changlng and voLlng on a blll on Lhe floor)
3 Slnce house ls Loo large bllls musL be proLecLed before belng presenLed (Loo
many revlslons oLherwlse)
ku|e Culdellnes lssued by Lhe Pouse 8ules CommlLLee LhaL deLermlne how many
amendmenLs may be consldered for each blll
a MosL Lyplcal rule ls a modlfled closed rule
l Allow mlnorlLy parLy Lo offer aL leasL one alLernaLlve
b voLed on by all members of house
l lf approved debaLe on blll beglns
ll lf re[ecLed blll reLurns Lo Lhe Pouse 8ules CommlLLee/
orlglnaLlng commlLLee
ll AgendaSeLLlng 1ools ln Lhe SenaLe
1 uoes noL have gaLekeeper commlLLee
2 All senaLors have power Lo Lry Lo amend leglslaLlon on Lhe floor
3 |uster uelay aLLlc of exLended speech deslgnaLed Lo delay or block passage of
a blll ln Lhe senaLe
4 |ture moLlon Lo end debaLe Lhus breaklng a flllbusLer
a 8equlres a superma[orlLy of 60 voLes Lo pass
b Cnce lnvoked no more Lhan 30 hours of addlLlonal debaLe
3 SenaLors who oppose a blll can slmply sLaLe Lhelr lnLenLlon Lo flllbusLer and LhaL
ls enough Lo block lL from conslderaLlon
6 SenaLors use LhreaLs of flllbusLer Lo block presldenL's [udlclal nomlnaLlons
7 1wo Lrack sysLem bllls LhaL ls belng flllbusLered can be seL aslde Lo allow oLher
bllls lnLo dlscusslon
8 Slnce no gaLekeeper Lhere are few rules on a blll when lL comes Lo senaLe floor
9 SenaLe operaLes under uamus nset agreemets (all 100 senaLors for how
a blll wlll be debaLed and voLed on)
a Same funcLlon as 8ules CommlLLee ln Lhe Pouse
10n|d senaLor can keep a blll from comlng Lo Lhe senaLe for 24 hours wlLhouL
havlng Lo flllbusLer
a MusL requesL for longer Llme
b used Lo also draw aLLenLlon Lo a blll or delay a presldenLlal nomlnee
b LeglslaLlve roposals
l Pouse/SenaLe member's sLaff consulLs Cfflce of LeglslaLlve Counsel
1 Cfflce of LeglslaLlve Counsel Lurns Lhe general ouLllne of a blll lnLo Lhe Lechnlcal
language LhaL wlll alLer Lhe uS Code
2 Cnce legal language ls flnlshed lL ls lnLroduced Lo lLs respecLlve chamber (Pouse
or SenaLe) whlch ls known as blll sponsorshlp
3 Cnce blll lnLroduced members can slgn on Lo be cosponsors
4 Many freesLandlng bllls are ofLen largely lncorporaLed lnLo mus ||s (Cne
large blll encompasslng many separaLe bllls)
c CommlLLee AcLlon
l AfLer lnLroduced a blll ls Lhen referred Lo Lhe commlLLee(s) LhaL have [urlsdlcLlon over
Lhe sub[ecL
ll CommlLLee acLs flrsL on bllls sponsored by Lhe chalr of Lhe commlLLee Lhen
subcommlLLee chalrs lasLly regular members
lll AfLer belng sub[ecL Lo a hearlng commlLLee may move Lo markup phase
1 WrlLlng Lhe verslon of Lhe blll LhaL wlll be reporLed Lo Lhe full Pouse or SenaLe
d lloor AcLlon and Lhe voLe
l Pouse debaLes are heavlly sLrucLured no more Lhan 3 mln Lo speak on a measure
ll lf SenaLe ls operaLlng under unanlmous consenL agreemenL/cloLure Lhen Llme ls llmlLed
1 lf noL Llme llmlL ls much longer
lll ln boLh debaLes Lhe members use Lhe opporLunlLy Lo make parLlsan speeches on a blll Lo
dlrecL Lhelr remarks Lo Lhelr consLlLuenLs back home
lv k|| na|| vte Pouse/SenaLe member casLs on a blll/amendmenL when hls or her name
ls called
1 voLe up/down (ass/8e[ecL) Lo Lable (seL aslde) or approve a moLlon Lo
recommlL (send back Lo commlLLee)
2 MosL fundamenLal way member of congress represenLs hls/her consLlLuenLs
v artyLe Vtes voLlng ln congress accordlng Lo parLy poslLlon (ma[orlLy of one parLy
voLes agalnsL a ma[orlLy of Lhe oLher parLy)
1 Message p|tns SLraLegy of framlng cholces on leglslaLlon Lo push members
lnLo casLlng voLes LhaL could laLer be used agalnsL Lhem
2 8eflecLs a responslble parLy sysLem
3 uecreases posslblllLy of blparLlsan cooperaLlon makes more dlfflculL Lo pass
leglslaLlon LhaL addresses presslng needs of clLlzens on an equal basls
e ferene mmttee Lemporary commlLLee creaLed afLer blll passes Lhe house and senaLe
Lo resolve any dlfferences ln Lhe provlslons of Lhe blll so a slngle blll can be senL Lo Lhe
l Pouse and SenaLe have Lo pass an ldenLlcally worded verslon of a blll
ll LasL sLage ln congresslonal leglslaLlve process
lll Speaker of Lhe Pouse/SenaLe ma[orlLy Lyplcally appolnLs chalrs and ranklng members
lv lf blll ls lmporLanL Lo parLy leaders Lhey have power Lo appolnL Lhemselves onLo Lhe
v llnally a conference reporL ls voLed on by enLlre Pouse/SenaLe
1 lf ma[orlLy members ln elLher are dlspleased wlLh flnal resulLs Lhey can defeaL
Lhe reporL or voLe Lo revlse Lhe agreemenL
f 1he 8udgeL rocess and 8econclllaLlon
l CovernmenL ofLen spends more money Lhan we have whlch leads Lo a defnt
ll lederal governmenL pays lnLeresL on ouLsLandlng loans and lnLeresL whlch accumulaLes
Lo creaLe Lhe ata| det
lll Congress operaLes under Congresslonal 8udgeL and lmpoundmenL ConLrol AcL of 1974
1 Clves Congress more power over federal budgeL
2 CreaLed Pouse and SenaLe budgeL commlLLees and Congresslonal 8udgeL Cfflce
a So congress can consLrucL lLs own budgeL blueprlnL alLernaLlve Lo Lhe
presldenL's annual budgeL
3 lederal CovernmenL's flscal year beglns CcLober 1 and ends on SepLember 30
lv nurret 8udget kes|ut Congresslonal blueprlnL ouLllnlng general amounLs of
funds LhaL can be spend on federal programs
1 ls approved by boLh chambers by Aprll 13 buL ls noL law used as general
2 AuLhorlzlng commlLLee Lakes blueprlnL lnLo accounL when reauLhorlzlng exlsLlng
programs or creaLlng new ones
3 1hen approprlaLlons commlLLee ln Lhe Pouse and SenaLe use lL Lo allocaLe funds
ln 12 separaLe bllls
a 1yplcally begln work ln May hoplng Lo enacL all bllls by SepLember 30
4 lf congress/resldenL falls Lo agree on any of Lhe 12 bllls conLlnulng resoluLlon ls
enacLed LhaL funds Lhe governmenL Lemporarlly whlle dlsagreemenLs are
3 tug kes|ut Measure passed Lo fund federal programs when Lhe
approprlaLlons process has noL been compleLed by Lhe end of Lhe flscal year on
SepLember 30
v 1974 8udgeL AcL creaLed a parallel budgeL blll AkA kenn|at
1 uoes noL requlre presldenL's slgnaLure
2 ueslgned Lo umbrella leglslaLlon Lo brlng all bllls LhaL conLaln changes ln Lhe Lax
code or enLlLlemenLs program ln llne wlLh Lhe congresslonal budgeL
3 kenn|at A measure used Lo brlng all bllls LhaL conLaln changes ln Lhe Lax
code or enLlLlemenL programs ln llne wlLh Lhe congresslonal budgeL
vl Ltt|emet rgrams
1 Soclal SecurlLy Medlcare Medlcald consldered mandaLory slnce Lhey are federal
programs LhaL pay beneflLs Lo lndlvlduals based on seL of ellglblllLy crlLerla
a Changes Lo Lhese programs requlres a reconclllaLlon blll
l Speclal Lype of blll whlch cannoL be flllbusLered and can be
debaLed for no more Lhan 20 hours
vll 8yrd 8ule requlres reconclllaLlon be used only Lo reduce Lhe federal deflclL
1 8ecenLly has been lnLerpreLed Lo mean all provlslons of reconclllaLlon musL be
dlrecLly relaLed Lo Lhe budgeL
g resldenLlal SlgnaLure of Vet and Lhe Vet Cverrde
l nket Vet lf congress ls golng ouL of sesslon wlLhln 10 days presldenL can slmply
walL and noL slgn anyLhlng
1 lf presldenL refuses Lo slgn blll buL congress remalns ln sesslon blll becomes law
a ulfferenL Lhan an AC1lvL veLo
ll gress Cverrde power Lo overLurn a presldenLlal veLo wlLh a LwoLhlrds voLe ln each
v 1he Members of Congress aL Work
a Cfflces and SLaff
l newly elecLed members ln Pouse/SenaLe musL seL up an offlce and hlre sLaff members
ll Congress
1 Pas a chlef of sLaff who oversees enLlre offlce
2 Scheduler who makes member's appolnLmenLs
3 ress SecreLary who handles all medla lnLeracLlons
4 LeglslaLlve dlrecLor who oversees member's leglslaLlve work
3 AddlLlonally leglslaLlve asslsLs handle speclflc lssues and leglslaLlve
correspondenLs who are responslble for answerlng consLlLuenL mall
lll Pouse/SenaLe alm Lo be responslve Lo consLlLuenLs and musL provlde ConsLlLuenL
1 sttuet Servnes lndlvlduallzed servlces performed by a member of
Congress for a consLlLuenL such as help wlLh a passporL Soclal securlLy problem
or any oLher lssue LhaL requlres federal governmenL lnvolvemenL
b LeglslaLlve 8esponslblllLles
l 4 8esponslblllLles
1 Securlng deslred commlLLee asslgnmenLs + performlng commlLLee work
2 Sponsorlng and Cosponsorlng bllls
3 CasLlng voLes
4 CbLalnlng deferral funds for Lhe dlsLrlcL/sLaLe
ll CommlLLee Work
1 AL sLarL of new congress members are asked whlch commlLLees Lhey wlsh Lo
2 lreshman members base cholces off needs of dlsLrlcL/sLaLe professlonal
background and personal experlence
3 All members of Pouse/SenaLe Lry Lo place Lhemselves ln Lhe besL posslble
lnsLlLuLlonal poslLlon Lo address lssues LhaL maLLer Lo Lhelr consLlLuenLs
4 WhaL does CommlLLee Work lnvolve?
a ConslsLs of aLLendlng hearlngs/parLlclpaLlng ln markups
b lnlLlaLlng ldeas for leglslaLlon
c MeeLlng wlLh lnLeresL groups buslnesses and clLlzen groups LhaL are
concerned wlLh bllls
lll 8lll Sponsorshlp
1 Members sponsor/cosponsor for 3 reasons
a LffecLlve Lool for glvlng voLers volce ln federal pollcy
b Means of sLaklng our speclflc LerrlLory LhaL members clalm an area of
c uraws aLLenLlon from Lhe medla relevanL lnLeresL groups and Lhe press
d (Can also be a means of fulfllllng campalgn promlses)
lv 8oll Call voLes
1 Lach rep/senaLor ls expecLed Lo voLe on Lhe bllls/amendmenLs LhaL reach Lhe
floor of Lhe house/senaLe
2 ollLlcal parLy sysLem allows voLers Lo allgn Lhemselves easler
v lederal lunds
1 udg rmu|as WrlLLen lnLo law by congress LhaL deLermlnes how funds wlll
be dlsLrlbuLed ln a federal program
2 Larmark AmounL of federal $ devoLed Lo a local pro[ecL ln a congresslonal
dlsLrlcL or sLaLe
a narrowly deflned
3 noL many of Lhe pro[ecLs necessary Lo mosL voLers and Lhus makes federal
governmenL less effecLlve
c CommunlcaLlon wlLh ConsLlLuenLs
l lranklng rlvllege ulrecL mall servlce house/senaLe members may use Lo respond Lo
consLlLuenL leLLers
1 Lra before emall and lnLerneL where leLLers domlnaLed communlcaLlon
ll lederal governmenL pays for house/senaLe members Lo reLurn home Lo Lhelr
dlsLrlcLs/sLaLes 30 Llmes a year
lll Pome SLyle Way LhaL pollLlclans porLray Lhemselves Lo consLlLuenLs
vl 1he nexL LlecLlon
a lncumbenLs CccupanL of elecLed offlce
b MosL lncumbenLs ln house/senaLe wln reelecLlon
c Congresslonal Campalgns dlvlded lnLo Lwo caLegorles
l 1hose lncumbenLs seeklng reelecLlon
1 8ecomes an evaluaLlon of Lhe predecessor's [ob compared Lo whaL Lhe
challenger offers Lo do
ll 1hose wlLh open seaLs LhaL have no exlsLlng offlclal
vll Congress and publlc pollcy PealLh care
a 8alance Lhe lnLeresLs of members and collecLlve need of naLlon
b 1he Amerlcan PealLh Care SysLem
l 8eform process daLes back Lo Lhe new deal
ll MosL amerlcans geL healLh ensurance Lhrough employmenL or from prlvaLe companles
lll eople over 63 are covered by medlcare
lv verry low lncome people funded by Medlcald
1 Cffered by federal sLaLe and local governmenLs
v 2008 43 mllllon amerlcans no healLh lnsurance because selfemployed and could noL
afford / unemployed buL noL poor or old enougn for governmenL program
vl 2 cenLral lssues of reform cosL and coverage
c CommlLLee AcLlon
l MulLlpul commlLLees clalm [urlsdlcLlon over vasL programs LhaL complle Amerlcan
PealLh Care
ll ulfferenL vlewpolnLs on how Lo reform slnce many organlzaLlons have ma[or sLake ln
ouLcome of Lhe effecLs
lll Amerlca's Affordable PealLh Cholces AcL of 2009
1 lnLroduced by Pouse 8epresenLaLlve !ohn ulngell
2 Chalrs of 3 commlLLees /w prlmary [urlsdlcLlon were cosponsors
a Lnergy and Commerce
b Ways and Means
c LducaLlon and Labor
3 8lll dld noL pass
lv SenaLe rlmary [urlsdlcLlon commlLLees
1 PealLh LducaLlon Labor and enslons CommlLLee and Lhe llnance CommlLLee
v Lach commlLLee worked on drafLlng a separaLe verslon of healLh care reform
vl PLL CommlLLee lnLroduced Affordable PealLh Cholces AcL of 2009
1 8lll dld noL pass
d arLy ollLlcs
l 8lue uog uemocraLs uemocraLlc Pouse members from conservaLlveleanlng dlsLrlcLs
and who care deeply abouL flscal dlsclpllne
1 CreaLesL opposlLlon Lo healLh care blll
2 Concerned healLh care blll Loo cosLly for our deflclL level
3 Concerned lf Lhls blll passed Lhelr supporLers would dlsapprove
ll 8epubllcans ln Lhe house also opposed due Lo expenslveness and Loo much governmenL
lnLerference on personal cholce
lll ConLlnue on 402

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