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Tool Name


Possible Classroom Use


Youtube is a site that you can upload videos to or watch videos that other people have uploaded. You can also share videos or comment on a video. Skype is a tool on the computer that is used to chat with people online and actually be able to see them through the screen. You can either type with them live or leave voice messages. Facebook is a social networking site that allows people to communicate with others and keep in touch with friends.




Twitter is a tool that allows people to update status whatever something happens. It also lets people know what is going on in the world and with other people. Flickr is a site that allows people to upload photos and organize them into groups and folders. It also lets you share your pictures with others. Powerpoint is a program that allows people to create slideshows and presentations.






Delicious is a site that allows people to bookmark certain sites so you can share them with other people. Blogger is a website that allows people to make blogs easily.


This could be used in the classroom in many different ways. It could be used for educational movies or movie clips. It could also be used to see how to do a classroom activity. This could be used in the classroom by skyping with people out of the country for a foreign language class. Or it could be used to keep in touch with professors when you want to talk with them face to face. Facebook can be used in the classroom in many different ways. First it can be used to do group projects. It can also be used to make pages about a certain topics to educate others about the issue. This could be used as an educational tool by making updates about things happening around that world. Students would have to keep up with current vents and tweet about them. This could be used in the classroom to analyze photos and learn how to take good pictures. It can show you what a good photograph is and what not to do while taking a picture. It could be used in the classroom as a visual aid when doing a lecture. It would get the students more involved in the class and material. It could be used in the classroom as a way for professors to send students certain websites for projects or for homework that night. It can be used in the classroom by having all of your students make a blog and have them keep up with it every week or every day.


Imovie is a tool that allows you to access your videos and photos very easily. It also helps you make new movies and allows you to share them with people. Google maps is a website that has maps of the world at the click of a button. It helps you get directions, locate places, and embed maps where ever you want.


Google Maps

It can be used in the classroom by having the students create movies on the subject they are learning about. Or it could be used as a way to present material in a new and fun way. It can be used in the classroom by having the students look up different locations on a map. It gets them familiarized with how to use a map and different places on a map.

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