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Journal of Operations Management 16 Ž1998.


Innovation implementation in high technology manufacturing: A

chaos-theoretic empirical analysis
Shekhar Jayanthi a , Kingshuk K. Sinha b,)

Manufacturing Engineering, UniÕersity of Cambridge, Mill Lane, Cambridge CB2 1RX, UK
Operations and Management Science Department, Carlson School of Management, UniÕersity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455,


This paper conceptualizes the process of innovation implementation in high technology manufacturing, a natural setting
of multiple and ongoing innovation implementation. Building on the developments in organizational learning theory, we
frame the process of innovation implementation in high technology manufacturing as a problem of balancing between
exploitation and exploration. Through the application of a logistic difference equation, we provide insights into the dynamics
of balancing between exploitation and exploration, and show that innovation implementation in high technology manufactur-
ing can be conceptualized as a chaotic process, in a scientific sense. Using time series data from a wafer fabrication plant,
the high technology manufacturing plant that served as our research site over a period of 125 weeks, we test this
conceptualization. We find empirical support for the conceptualization of innovation implementation in high technology
manufacturing as a chaotic process. We discuss the managerial implications of our study’s findings, and the directions for
the future research. q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Innovation implementation; High technology manufacturing; Chaos theory

1. Introduction competitiveness, process technologies are upgraded,

or are replaced with new and advanced process
Innovation is now considered to be a critical technologies, or both; operational and organizational
competitive capability of manufacturing plants practices are modified or changed. Introductions of
ŽMiller and Roth, 1994.. With the life cycle of new products, changes and modifications in process
products becoming shorter and shorter—a trend that technologies, organizational and operational prac-
is observable in most manufacturing industries Žvon tices occur most frequently in high technology plants
Braun, 1990, p. 50. —new product introductions are ŽRiggs, 1983; Mohrman and Von Glinow, 1990a,b..
becoming increasingly frequent in plants. To support In fact, rapid and repeated innovation implementa-
the manufacture of new products and improve plant tion is absolutely central to any high technology
manufacturing operations ŽJelinek and Schoonhoven,
Corresponding author. Tel.: q1-612-624-7058; fax: q1-612- Implementing innovation and replicating it within
626-8328; e-mail: a firms operating environment is one of the chief

0272-6963r98r$19.00 q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PII S 0 2 7 2 - 6 9 6 3 Ž 9 8 . 0 0 0 2 5 - 4
472 S. Jayanthi, K.K. Sinha r Journal of Operations Management 16 (1998) 471–494

challenges of managing innovation ŽPisano, 1994.. 271. has observed that ‘‘specialized fields of study
According to Van de Ven Ž1993., implementation is and research have emerged for each of these three
the least understood aspect of the innovation process. innovation stages.’’ The idea inÕention stage has
More recently, this concern is also echoed by Klein been investigated both by psychologists Že.g., Cum-
and Sorra Ž1996. Žp. 1072. who refer to implementa- mings, 1965; Amabile, 1983; Angle, 1989. and
tion as ‘‘the neglected member of the innovation economists Že.g., Rosenberg, 1982; Thirtle and Rut-
family.’’ tan, 1987.. The deÕelopment stage has been investi-
This paper is an attempt to conceptualize the gated by several management scholars Že.g., Utter-
process of innovation implementation in high tech- back and Abernathy, 1975; Burgelman, 1983; Kan-
nology manufacturing operations—a natural setting ter, 1983; Tushman and Romanelli, 1985; Van de
of multiple and ongoing innovation implementation. Ven et al., 1989.. The adoption stage has been
High technology manufacturing operations are proto- widely investigated by social scientists, in general.
typical of future manufacturing operations in other However, research on the adoption stage has been
industries. The pressure on manufacturing operations primarily focused on innoÕation diffusion—i.e.,
due to the rapid pace of technological changes, marketing, dissemination, and transfer of an innova-
market volatility, and global competition that were tion to the end users Že.g., Rogers, 1983; Mahajan et
once considered to be unique features of high tech- al., 1990.. The implementation phase of the adoption
nology industries are becoming increasingly visible stage, which determines the eventual success or fail-
in other industries, as well. ure of the innovation, has not received much atten-
The content of this paper is organized as follows. tion ŽRice and Rogers, 1980; Van de Ven, 1993;
In Section 2, we review the relevant literature. In Klein and Sorra, 1996.. Following Gerwin and
Sections 3 and 4, we discuss the theoretical and Kolodny Ž1992., we define the implementation phase
methodological foundations of this study, respec- as the period of time from the initial tryout of the
tively. Section 5 contains a description of our re- innovation until its full scale operation is attained.
search setting. We present the discussion on empiri- Based on the studies of the Minnesota Innovation
cal analysis in Section 6, and our conclusions in Research Program, 1 Van de Ven Ž1993. Žp. 280.
Section 7. identified the following two issues as being critical
to advancing our understanding of the innovation
process: Ži. the need for extending the conceptualiza-
2. Literature review tion of the innovation process to include re-definition
of the innovation by the organizational participants
2.1. Stages of the innoÕation process in order to implement the innovation, and Žii. the
need for correcting the depiction of users within the
The locus of innovation in this study is the orga- organization as developing or implementing only a
nization. Consistent with Van de Ven Ž1986., we single innovation; in fact many users simultaneously
consider innovation as an idea that is perceived to be choose from diÕerse sets of innoÕation in many
new by the organization although it may appear to be different areas, such as products, processes and prac-
an imitation of something that exists elsewhere. This tices. We address both issues in this paper.
definition purposefully makes no distinction between
technical innovations Že.g., new process technologies 2.2. InnoÕation in manufacturing
and products. and administrative innovations Že.g.,
new operational and organizational practices. be- Manufacturing operations is an appropriate con-
cause such distinction often results in a fragmented text for examining the re-definition of innovations as
classification of the innovation process.
The overall process of innovation is a sequence of
three stages: invention of new ideas, followed by 1
A multi-year, multi-organizational and multi-investigator re-
their development and adoption. In a recent review search program. See Van de Ven et al. Ž1989. for more details on
of the innovation literature, Van de Ven Ž1993. Žp. the studies that were a part of the program.
S. Jayanthi, K.K. Sinha r Journal of Operations Management 16 (1998) 471–494 473

they are implemented in an organization Že.g., more adequate theories of technological change win-
Kazanjian and Drazin, 1986; Ettlie, 1988; Leonard- novationx in organizations.’’ This study is a step in
Barton, 1988, 1990; Schroeder et al., 1989; Tyre, that direction.
1991; Ettlie and Reza, 1992; Tyre and Hauptman,
1992; Georgantzas and Shapiro, 1993; von Hippel
and Tyre, 1995; Tyre and Orlikowski, 1994; Ettlie, 3. Theoretical foundation
1995.. In fact, manufacturing operations is also an
appropriate context for examining the simultaneous
implementation of diverse sets of innovations. For 3.1. Exploitation and exploration in high technology
example, Ettlie Ž1988., and Georgantzas and Shapiro manufacturing
Ž1993. have noted that the general trend in manufac-
turing plants is toward the implementation of ‘syn- High technology firms exist in ‘‘high velocity
chronous innovations’, i.e., the simultaneous imple- environments’’ ŽMohrman and Von Glinow, 1990b,
mentation of technological and administrative inno- p. 291.. In the literature on strategic decision making
vations. In the same vein, Gerwin and Kolodny in organizations, where the term was originally
Ž1992. have noted that implementation of new manu- coined, high velocity environment is defined as an
facturing technologies often occurs simultaneously environment ‘‘in which there is rapid and discontin-
with implementation of new operational practices uous change in demand, competitors, technology
that are aimed at supporting the new technologies. andror regulation’’ ŽBourgeois and Eisenhardt, 1988,
Typically, innovation implementation has been p. 816.. This is an environment in which ‘‘if you do
considered to be a source of uncertainty in manufac- not innovate, someone else will’’ ŽEisenhardt, 1989,
turing operations ŽHayes and Clark, 1985; Gerwin p. 570.. In order to innovate rapidly and repeatedly,
and Kolodny, 1992.. For instance, Van de Ven and and survive and prosper in high velocity environ-
Polley Ž1992. have alluded to unexpected critical ments, high technology firms use ‘‘experiential strat-
problems that were encountered in the scale-up pro- egy’’ involving ‘‘accelerated learning through itera-
duction of therapeutic apheresis—a biomedical prod- tion and testing combined with motivation and focus
uct. More generally, Chew et al. Ž1991. Žp. 5. have of leadership and frequent milestones’’ ŽEisenhardt
associated implementation of manufacturing innova- and Tabrizi, 1995, p. 107..
tions with ‘Murphy’s Law’, i.e., ‘‘whatever can go Based on their case studies in high technology
wrong, will.’’ With increasing complexity of opera- firms, Jelinek and Schoonhoven Ž1990. conclude that
tions—due to the interactions between the introduc- manufacturing operations is the end-game in the
tion of new products, changes and upgrades in pro- innovation cycle where innovations are implemented,
cess technologies, and the ongoing efforts to auto- and the competition is ultimately played out. We
mate and integrate the operations—the uncertainties infer from these case studies that manufacturing
associated with innovation implementation have been operations of a high technology plant is the focus of
exacerbated to such an extent that they are now a dynamic tension between innovations related to the
considered to be a permanent rather than a transient current demands of the market place and innovations
feature of the modern manufacturing plant ŽWeick, related to the future demands of the market place.
1990.. As a result of these uncertainties, ‘‘learning The dynamic tension is a result of manufacturing
occurs slowly and wastefully if at all’’ ŽGerwin and operations having to simultaneously respond to short
Kolodny, 1992., and as Weick Ž1990. Žp. 1. ob- and long term competitive pressures—striving for
serves, modern manufacturing operations ‘‘creates higher quality, flexibility and productivity amidst
unusual problems of sensemaking for managers and ever changing product characteristics and increas-
operators.’’ Therefore, Tyre and Orlikowski Ž1994. ingly complex process technologies. It is this dy-
Žp. 98., who have used manufacturing as their con- namic tension between innovations related to the
text of innovation research, argue that it is ‘‘only by current demands of the market place and innovations
understanding how technological adaptation winnova- related to future demands of the market place that is
tion implementationx occurs can we begin to build fundamental to conceptualizing the process of inno-
474 S. Jayanthi, K.K. Sinha r Journal of Operations Management 16 (1998) 471–494

vation implementation in high technology manufac- Failure leads to search and change which leads to
turing. failure which leads to more search, and so on. This is
Building on the developments in organizational referred to as the failure trap, where an organization
learning theory, we posit that the dynamic tension is trapped into endless cycle of failure and unreward-
between innovations related to the current demands ing change. Pure exploration can be self-destructive
of the market place and the future demands of the because an organization is never likely to benefit
market place can be framed as a problem of balanc- from the returns of its knowledge gained from exper-
ing between ‘‘exploitation’’ and ‘‘exploration’’ imentation. For example, a plant that is focused
ŽMarch, 1991; Levinthal and March, 1993, pp. 105– exclusively on experimenting with new product and
106.. Innovations related to the current demands of process designs, and makes no efforts toward attain-
the market place are exploitatiÕe-actiÕities that in- ing commercially reliable and replicable production
clude modification and refinement of existing prod- volumes is not likely to survive for very long. Main-
ucts, equipment, process technologies and opera- taining a balance between exploitation and explo-
tional practices aimed at high volume, reliable and ration is key to the survival and prosperity of organi-
replicable production. The purpose of such innova- zations. In other words, organizations should simul-
tions is to ensure the survival and prosperity of a taneously engage in sufficient exploitation to ensure
plant in the present. Innovations related to future its current viability and sufficient exploration to en-
demands of the market place are exploratory-actiÕi- sure its future viability ŽMarch, 1991; Levinthal and
ties that include experimentation with new process March, 1993..
technology and equipment designs, or experimenta-
tion with new product designs, or both. The purpose 3.2. The dynamics of balancing between exploitation
of such innovations is to ensure the survival and and exploration
prosperity of a plant in the future.
Engaging exclusively in either exploitation or ex- As we discussed earlier, understanding the dy-
ploration is potentially self-destructive for an organi- namic tension between innovations related to the
zation. The returns to exploitation are ordinarily current demands of the market place and innovations
more certain, closer in time, and closer in space than related to the future demands of the market place is
are the returns to exploration. As a result, organiza- fundamental to conceptualizing innovation imple-
tions discover the short term virtue of exploitation mentation in high technology manufacturing. We
and the folly of exploration. As organizations de- also posited that this dynamic tension can be framed
velop greater and greater competence in as a problem of balancing between exploitation and
exploitative-activities, they engage more and more in exploration. Recently, Cheng and Van de Ven Ž1996.
such activities, thus further increasing the opportu- have used the logistic difference equation to concep-
nity cost of exploration. This is referred to as the tually illustrate the dynamics of balancing between
success trap. For example, consider a manufacturing exploitative and exploratory activities of an organiza-
plant that is focused exclusively on innovations aimed tion. Following Cheng and Van de Ven, we use the
at high volume reliable and replicable production of logistic difference Eq. Ž1. to gain conceptual insights
its existing products. Such a plant will find it ex- into the process of innovation implementation in
tremely difficult to make a quick and smooth transi- high technology manufacturing. Let,
tion to high volume reliable and replicable produc-
x t s kx ty1 Ž 1 y x ty1 . Ž 1.
tion of new line of products. As a result, the plant
will become obsolescent once its products become where, x t is the percentage of exploitative-activities
outdated in the market place, a problem that is in response to the current demands of the market
becoming quite common with decreasing life cycle place at time, t, and assumes values between 0 and
of products. 1. 1 y x t is the percentage of exploratory-activities
On the other hand, organizations engaged exclu- in response to the future demands of the market
sively in exploration, can be turned into frenzies of place at time, t. The parameter, k, determines the
experimentation and change by a dynamic of failure. degree of non-linearity of Eq. Ž1.. At an intuitive
S. Jayanthi, K.K. Sinha r Journal of Operations Management 16 (1998) 471–494 475

level, k, may be associated with the relative strengths between two points. When k is greater than 3.45 but
of the current and future demands of the market less than 3.57, the number of periods increases to 4,
place. As the value of k increases, the severity of 8, 16, etc. Case 2 represents a situation where the
tension between the current and future demands of tension between the current and the future demands
the market place increases. According to Eq. Ž1., the of the market place is greater than case 1. However,
exploitative-activities in response to the current de- the difficulty in balancing between the exploitative
mands of the market place at time, t, are determined and exploratory activities is eased because the activi-
by its value in the earlier time period, t y 1, and the ties vary in fixed proportions and periodically over
parameter, k. Hence, balancing between the current time, and are therefore predictable.
and future demands of the market place implies that
plant managers engaged in exploitative-activities at a 3.2.3. Case 3 (3.57 - k F 4)
given time period will experience pressure to allo- The time path of x t is chaotic, in a scientific
cate more time in the next time period for ex- sense, i.e., there is an order underlying the seemingly
ploratory-activities, and vice-versa. Insights into the random and disorderly behavior of the time path. For
dynamics of balancing between exploitation and ex- example, when k s 3.65, Fig. 1E exhibits the time
ploration can be obtained by varying the parameter, path of x t which appears to be random; it is neither
k. repeating itself nor is stabilizing. The corresponding
Following May Ž1976., a seminal paper on the phase plot, Fig. 1F, shows that the points are at-
properties and structure of first-order difference tracted to a certain section of the phase space in the
equations, we consider three cases corresponding to shape of a cup. Case 3 represents a situation where
three different ranges of values of k. there is severe tension between the current and the
future demands of the market place, and there is
3.2.1. Case 1 (k F 3) considerable difficulty in balancing between ex-
The limiting value of x t s lim t ™` x t is a single ploitative and exploratory activities because their
stable point. For example, when k s 1.8 and the relative proportions appear to be varying randomly
initial value of x t , x 1 s 0.45, the single equilibrium over time in an unpredictable manner. 3
value of x t is 0.44. Fig. 1A depicts the time path of Of the three cases, case 3 exemplifies the process
x t , and Fig. 1B depicts the corresponding phase of innovation implementation in high technology
plot 2 which in this case is a single fixed point. Case manufacturing. As indicated earlier, fundamental to
1 represents a situation where the tension between conceptualizing this process of innovation implemen-
the current and the future demands of the market tation is the dynamic tension between the current and
place is minimal, and maintaining a balance between the future demands of the market place, and the
exploitative and exploratory activities is not difficult problem of maintaining a balance between exploita-
because their relative proportions are a constant over tive and exploratory activities. Simultaneous pres-
time. ence of strong counteracting forces—negative feed-
back Že.g., exploitation. that decrease instability, and
3.2.2. Case 2 (3 - k F 3.57) positive feedback Že.g., exploration. that increase
The time path of x t is periodic. For example, instability—is a necessary condition for chaotic be-
when k s 3.2, Fig. 1C shows how the time path
settles down to a periodic behavior with period 2,
with x t varying between 0.5130 and 0.7995; the 3
For k ) 4, all solutions are attracted to y`. This represents a
corresponding phase plot, Fig. 1D, is a straight line situation where the tension between the demands for stability and
change is so severe that the balance between exploitative and
exploratory activities cannot be maintained. As Levinthal and
March Ž1993. Žpp. 105–106. note: ‘‘sometimes exploitation drives
In a phase plot, the values of time series observations are out exploration’’ Žthe success trap., and sometimes ‘‘exploration
plotted against one another at some constant lags—for example, drives out exploitation’’ Žthe failure trap.. Both of these situations
value at time, t, is plotted against the value at time, t q1, or t q2, are self-destructive because an organization is not likely to survive
or t q3, and so on. and prosper under such conditions.
476 S. Jayanthi, K.K. Sinha r Journal of Operations Management 16 (1998) 471–494

Fig. 1. Illustration of the dynamics of balancing between exploitation and exploration using a logistic difference equation x tq 1 s kx t
Ž1 y x t ., x 1 s 0.45, t s 1,2,3, . . . ,123. ŽA. Stable time path, k s 1.80. ŽB. Phase plot for the stable time path. ŽC. Periodic time path,
k s 3.20. ŽD. Phase plot for the periodic time path. ŽE. Chaotic time path, k s 3.65. ŽF. Phase plot for the chaotic time path Žstrange
attractor.. ŽG. Random time path Ždata in E is randomly shuffled.. ŽH. Phase for the random time path.
S. Jayanthi, K.K. Sinha r Journal of Operations Management 16 (1998) 471–494 477

havior ŽThietart and Forgues, 1995.. It is evident implementation in high technology manufacturing is
from Fig. 1E and F that although the relative propor- evident in the findings of the case studies of Jelinek
tions of exploitative and exploratory activities ap- and Schoonhoven Ž1990.. Employees of high tech-
pear to be varying randomly over time ŽFig. 1E., a nology manufacturing plants routinely finagle time
balance between these activities is being maintained to engage in innovative activities amidst their regu-
because in the corresponding phase plot ŽFig. 1F. the larly scheduled work. ‘‘Such finagling is expected
observations lie in a certain section of the phase and encouraged wby the managementx within some
space in the shape of a cup. If the variations in the loose limits’’ ŽJelinek and Schoonhoven, 1990, p.
relative proportions of the exploitative and ex- 301.. Similarly, Eisenhardt and Tabrizi Ž1995. Žp.
ploratory activities were truly random, the observa- 108. have found that within limits the employees of
tions in the phase plot would be scattered throughout high technology firms are allowed to improvise and
the phase space. For an illustration, see Fig. 1G and engage in real time learning through iterations and
H. In Fig. 1G, the sequence of the values of x t that testing; the limits are defined through the ‘‘focus and
resulted in the time path depicted in Fig. 1E is discipline of milestones and powerful leaders
randomly shuffled and plotted over time. While the wmanagersx’’. This implies that observations in a
time path in Fig. 1G appears to be as irregular as in phase plot corresponding to the time path of a mea-
Fig. 1E, the corresponding phase plot, Fig. 1H, sure of high technology plant performance can be
shows that the observations are scattered throughout imagined as settling down into patterns, which while
the phase space. never identical, is bounded in a region of the phase
In the preceding paragraphs, we showed that in- space Žattractor..
novation implementation in high technology manu-
facturing can be conceptualized as a chaotic process, 3.3.2. SensitiÕe dependence on initial conditions
in a scientific sense. In Section 3.3, we discuss the This is the other distinguishing characteristic of
characteristics of the innovation implementation pro- chaotic behavior—no matter how close the initial
cess that follow from this conceptualization. values of x t are, their time paths will ultimately
become far apart. For example, if the initial value of
3.3. Characteristics of innoÕation implementation the logistic difference Eq. Ž1. is changed from x 1 s
0.45 to xX1 s 0.45001, the time paths corresponding
3.3.1. The presence of an attractor to the two initial values will begin to deviate from
In Fig. 1F, the region in the phase space Žin the one another after a few time periods; see Fig. 2A.
shape of a cup. to which the observations are bounded This deviation is evident in Fig. 2B where we plot
is referred to as an attractor. A distinguishing char- the time path of the difference, x t y xXt . In the begin-
acteristic of the time path which is a realization of a ning—for about 20 time periods—the difference is
chaotic process is the presence of a strange attractor. almost zero, but thereafter the difference builds up
An attractor is a set of points in the phase space rapidly and becomes as large in magnitude as that of
trajectories that represents the possible states which a the original time series observations on x t . At an
dynamic process tends to take over time. Strange intuitive level, support for sensitive dependence on
refers to the geometrical structure of the attractor. 4 initial conditions is evident in the findings of case
At an intuitive level, support for the presence of an studies of Tyre and Orlikowski Ž1994. Žp. 113–114.
attractor as a characteristic feature of innovation on innovation implementation: ‘‘The decisions and
directions taken during the short period following
initial installation—a period that may be as brief as
two to three months—are major determinants of how
Ruelle and Takens Ž1971. were the first to describe the the technology winnovationx will be used by the
attractors as ‘strange’ because of their unexpected and strangely organization over the long term.’’ In the same vein,
irregular shapes such as the ring-shaped attractor of Henon, the
butterfly wing shaped attractor of Lorenz, or the sugar bread
Weick Ž1990. Žp. 21. notes that ‘‘beginnings are of
shaped attractor of Rossler Žfor illustration, see Briggs and Peat, special importance’’ during the implementation of
1989; Peitgen et al., 1992.. new technologies as it determines what sense the
478 S. Jayanthi, K.K. Sinha r Journal of Operations Management 16 (1998) 471–494

Fig. 2. Illustration of the chaotic property of sensitive dependence to initial conditions. ŽA. Time paths for x tq 1 s kx t Ž1 y x t ., k s 3.65,
t s 1,2,3, . . . ,123. ŽB. Time path for x t y x t , x 1 s 0.45000, x 1 s 0.45001.

users will make of the technologies and the problems 4.1. Chaos theory: a brief oÕerÕiew
that will arise.
Chaos theory is a sub-set of dynamical systems
theory, the origins of which can be traced back to the
4. Methodological foundation investigations of Poincare´ Ž1899. of the planetary
dynamics. Early work on the development and appli-
The choice of research methodology should be cation of chaos theory occurred in biology, meteorol-
guided by theory ŽBlalock, 1969; Monge, 1990.. ogy, physics, chemistry and computer science. In
Since our conceptualization of innovation implemen- recent years, chaos theory is beginning to appeal to
tation in high technology manufacturing suggests social science researchers because it provides an
that it can be a chaotic process, it is necessary to opportunity to examine complex behaviors that pre-
identify research methods that can diagnose chaotic viously eluded explanation ŽEtheridge and Sriram,
behavior. ‘‘Traditional linear statistical techniques, ´
1993; Parker and Stacey, 1994; Levy, 1994; Thietart
such as time series regression, are not able to distin- and Forgues, 1995..
guish between chaos and randomness’’ ŽHibbert and In a review article, Feichtinger and Kopel Ž1993.
Wilkinson, 1994, p. 226.. Hence, we take recourse to suggest two categories of applications of chaos the-
diagnostic techniques from chaos theory that make it ory in economics and management. The focus of the
possible to distinguish between chaos and random- first category is to develop simulation models that
ness in time series data. imply chaos as a logical outcome of dynamic pro-
S. Jayanthi, K.K. Sinha r Journal of Operations Management 16 (1998) 471–494 479

cesses. A common application of chaos theory that agement, it is not possible to reliably detect the
belongs to this category is inventory management. presence of an attractor in a phase plot 5 ŽBrock et
For example, there are studies in which chaos is al., 1991; Sayers, 1990; Cheng and Van de Ven,
derived due to delays in adjusting production and 1996.. Hence, we do not use phase plot as a diagnos-
sales ŽSterman, 1988; Mosekilde and Larsen, 1988; tic technique in this study. Instead, we compute
Rasmussen and Mosekilde, 1988; Levy, 1994.. correlation dimension which is a numerical measure
The focus of the second category of applications of the dimension of a strange attractor and can be
is to examine empirical data for detecting chaotic used to distinguish between chaos and randomness.
behavior in the underlying dynamic processes. For The notion of dimension is consistent with the basic
example, studies in economics and finance that have concepts that a point has dimension of zero, a line
found empirical support for chaotic patterns in time has dimension of one, a plane has dimension of two,
series data belong to this category ŽBrock, 1986; and a cube has dimension of three. Let us consider
Brock and Sayers, 1988; Scheinkman and LeBaron, R n as the space or dimension in which the observa-
1989.. Similarly, a recent study in the management tions on the state of a system over time exist. Then,
literature by Cheng and Van de Ven Ž1996. which if we consider an infinite sequence,  rt 4 , t s
shows that the actions and outcomes experienced by 1,2, . . . ,`, of uniformly distributed random numbers
innovation teams exhibit a chaotic pattern in the on the w0,1x interval and plot them against each other,
initial period of innovation development belongs to  rt ,rtq14 , in two-dimensional space, they should fill
the second category. the square. If we plot these numbers against each
The present study also belongs to the second other,  rt ,rtq1 ,rtq2 4 , in three-dimensional space, they
category. We collected time series data that are should fill the cube. If we continue with spaces of
realizations of the innovation implementation pro- higher dimensions, we can see that in the limit,
cess in a high technology manufacturing plant. From random numbers are infinite-dimensional. A major
a methodological standpoint, the objective is to ex- difference between a chaotic process and a truly
amine whether the data exhibits the two fundamental random process is that the truly random process will
properties of chaotic behavior: Ži. the presence of a have high dimension, whereas the chaotic process
strange attractor, and Žii. sensitive dependence on will have low dimension. Hence, the identification of
initial conditions. chaotic behavior involves testing whether or not a
seemingly random process exhibits low dimensional
4.2. Diagnostic techniques structure. We use the well-known algorithm pro-
posed by Grassberger and Procaccia Ž1983. to esti-
mate correlation dimension.
Recent reviews of the interdisciplinary research
literature on chaos theory ŽChatterjee and Yilmaz, Estimation of correlation dimension. The
1992; Berliner, 1992; Feichtinger and Kopel, 1993;
algorithm of Grassberger and Procaccia Ž1983. is
Hibbert and Wilkinson, 1994. suggest that estimation
based on a geometric view of the attractor which is
of correlation dimension and LyapunoÕ exponents
are the commonly agreed upon diagnostics for em-
pirically examining the two fundamental properties
of chaotic behavior. 5
The reason why the observations in the phase plot ŽFig. 1F.
exhibits a clear pattern in the shape of a cup with only 123 data
points—a pattern that is strikingly different from the phase plot
4.2.1. Correlation dimension corresponding to the same time series data after it has been
The phase plot, discussed earlier, is a visual means randomly shuffled ŽFig. 1H. and which shows no patterns is that
of detecting a strange attractor and distinguishing the exact specification of the equation generating the time series
between chaotic and random behavior. However, data is known. This is the logistic difference Eq. Ž1.. Since the
exact specification of the equation is known, there are no mea-
when the number of observations in a time series surement errors. In empirical applications, however, the equation
data set is small Že.g., N - 200., as is normally the of the dynamic process generating the time series data is not
case with empirical studies in economics and man- known.
480 S. Jayanthi, K.K. Sinha r Journal of Operations Management 16 (1998) 471–494

considered to be a subset of the n-dimensional space. shown that for small values of d the correlation
The basic idea is to cover the attractor with volume integral grows as a power:
elements of certain size, such as hypercubes with Cm Ž d . ; d n m Ž 6.
edge length, d. The measure is obtained from the
correlations between random points on the attractor. where,
The mathematical intuition underlying the estimation nm s correlation exponent, m s 1, . . . ,n.
of correlation dimension is best understood by form-
Taking natural log of both sides of Eq. Ž6., we
ing m-histories from a data set of time series obser-
vations  a t 4 , t s 1, . . . , T. m can be interpreted as
the dimension of the phase space that is being recon- lnCm Ž d . s bm q nm ln d Ž 7.
structed, and is commonly referred to as the ‘embed- where,
ding dimension.’For example, if m s 1,
bm s a constant.
X t1 s w a t x Ž 2. For large values of d, all m-histories will be compa-
Likewise, if m s 2, rable, the value of correlation integral will be one,
and the correlation exponent will be zero. For d less
X t2 s w a t ,a tq1 x Ž 3. than the smallest distance between m-histories, the
value of the correlation integral will be zero, and the
More generally, the vectors in m-dimensional phase correlation exponent will be infinite. Thus, a plot of
space with an embedding lag t can be represented ln CmŽ d . vs. lnŽ d . —also known as the GP ŽGrass-
by berger and Procaccia. plot—resembles a waterfall.
In practice, one searches for a zone of stability on
X tm s w a t ,a tq t ,a tq2 t , . . . ,a tqŽ my1.t x Ž 4. the GP plot within which the power law fits well.
Due to the exponential divergence of trajectories, Measurement of the slope within this zone of stabil-
most pairs Ž X km , X jm . with k / j will be dynamically ity determines nm . If a process is random, nm will
uncorrelated pairs of essentially random points. continue to increase with the increasing values of m;
However, since the points lie on the attractor, they however, if the process is chaotic—that is, a strange
will be spatially correlated. This spatial correlation is attractor is present— nm will stabilize with the in-
measured with the correlation integral: creasing values of m. The stabilized value of nm is
considered to be an estimate of the correlation di-
1 mension, nm ), of the attractor ŽMizrachi and Grass-
Cm Ž d . s lim
N™ ` N2 berger, 1984; Chatterjee and Yilmaz, 1992.. In this
study, we used SPECTRUM, 6 a dynamical systems
number of pairs Ž k , j . whose distance < X km y X jm <
= ½ is less than d,k / j 5 analysis software, for computing the correlation ex-
Ž 5. Shuffle diagnostic. While numerous experi-
where,CmŽP. is the correlation integral; m is the ences with the correlation dimension as a diagnostic
embedding dimension; d is the edge length of the for chaotic behavior are reported in the natural sci-
hypercubes defined by the researcher Žalso known as ence literature, no formal statistical theory seems to
the ‘tolerance distance’.; N is the number of time exist. Hence, with small and noisy data sets 7 that
series observations; X km is the k-th m-dimensional
vector in the phase space; X jm is the j-th m-dimen-
sional vector in the phase space. 6
The correlation integral can be interpreted as the SPECTRUM is available from Professor Tse-min Lin, De-
partment of Government, The University of Texas at Austin,
probability that, out of all possible choices, a given Austin, TX 78712, USA.
number of distances are within the tolerance dis- 7
For more details on statistical properties of dimension calcula-
tance, d. Grassberger and Procaccia Ž1983. have tions using small data sets, see Ramsey and Yuan Ž1989, 1990..
S. Jayanthi, K.K. Sinha r Journal of Operations Management 16 (1998) 471–494 481

are common in empirical studies in economics and proposed by Wolf et al. Ž1985. to estimate Lyapunov
management caution must be exercised when the exponents.
algorithm of Grassberger and Procaccia Ž1983. is
used to estimate correlation dimension. Brock and Estimation of LyapunoÕ exponents. The
Sayers Ž1988. have proposed a data diagnostic ap- mathematical intuition underlying the algorithm of
proach—viz. shuffle diagnostic—to address the Wolf et al. Ž1985. is best understood by considering
problems associated with estimating correlation di- a continuous dynamical system in an n-dimensional
mension using small and noisy time series data sets. space. The long term evolution of an infinitesimal
The intuition behind this approach is that if the data n-sphere of initial conditions is monitored as it be-
under examination has a hidden structure—such as comes an n-ellipsoid. The i-th one-dimensional Lya-
the presence of a strange attractor—then random punov exponent is then defined in terms of the
shuffling will destroy this hidden structure. Empiri- length of the ellipsoidal principal axis:
cally, this implies that when the data are from a 1 pi Ž t .
chaotic process where a strange attractor is present, l i s lim log 2 Ž 8.
the correlation exponent, nm , will stabilize as the t™` t pi Ž 0 .
embedding dimension, m, is increased; however, where, l i is the i-th one-dimensional Lyapunov
after the data are shuffled randomly, the hidden exponent, i s 1, . . . ,n; pi Ž t . is the length of the i-th
structure will be destroyed, and nm will continue to ellipsoidal principal axis at time, t.
increase as m is increased. As Feichtinger and Kopel Ž1993. Žp. 155. note,
Lyapunov exponents measure ‘‘the average rates of
contraction or expansion on an entire attractor’’. In
4.2.2. LyapunoÕ exponents this study we used a computer program, FET ŽFixed
Sensitive dependence on initial conditions is a Evolution Time., to compute the Lyapunov expo-
feature that makes chaotic processes manifest behav- nents. FET is a more efficient version of the com-
ior that appears to be random. As noted earlier, puter program that first appeared in Wolf et al.
sensitive dependence on initial conditions means that Ž1985.. 8
small change in the state of a process will grow at an
exponential rate and will dominate the process be-
havior. Estimation of Lyapunov exponents is a com- 5. Research setting
monly used method for detecting sensitive depen-
dence on initial conditions. Lyapunov exponents are A wafer fabrication plant of a US merchant semi-
the time average exponential rates of divergence or conductor manufacturing firm is the high technology
convergence of the nearby orbits in the phase space. manufacturing plant that served as the research site
Since nearby time paths correspond to nearby identi- for this study over a 125-week period. In a wafer
cal states, exponential divergence of time paths means fabrication plant, ‘‘the equipment changes fre-
that processes whose initial differences we may not quently; new manufacturing processes are introduced
be able to resolve will soon behave quite differently, frequently; existing technologies are improved
and the predictive ability will be rapidly lost. Time through process development; and new products are
series data from a process may possess any number introduced on new and continuously improving tech-
of Lyapunov exponents, but to confirm sensitive nologies’’ ŽSchoonhoven and Jelinek, 1990, p. 106..
dependence on initial conditions we only need to We considered the wafer fabrication plant to be an
show that the dominant Žlargest. exponent is positive ideal research site for this study because it is a
—the larger the exponent, the more chaotic the
system. While positive Lyapunov exponents are
characteristic of sensitive dependence on initial con-
ditions, zero exponents characterize a marginally 8
FET is available from Professor A. Wolf, Department of
stable process, and negative exponents characterize a Physics, The Cooper Union, 51 Astor Place, New York, NY
periodic process. We use the well-known algorithm 10003, USA.
482 S. Jayanthi, K.K. Sinha r Journal of Operations Management 16 (1998) 471–494

natural setting for multiple and ongoing innovation In terms of physical layout, the plant consisted of
implementation. hundreds of interrelated steps that were spread over
The operations of a wafer fabrication plant is several different basic processes—brief description
probably the ‘‘most complex’’ manufacturing pro- of the key process steps is presented in Appendix A.
cess in the world today ŽChen et al., 1988, p. 203.. The steps were mostly conducted on automated com-
The changes in equipment, processes and products, puter controlled machines. Each step included a
just alluded to, and the interactions between these combination of mechanical, chemical and physical
changes contribute toward the increasing complexity activities that required extraordinary, microscopic
of wafer fabrication operations ŽCooper et al., 1992.. precision to submicron geometries. If any step in the
In addition, there are two other sources of complex- process chain deviated from the specification, most
ity. First, there is the extremely broad spectrum of other steps were affected, often in unpredictable
the knowledge base underlying the production tech- ways. The production environment was extremely
nologies. Specialists in crystallography, metallurgy, clean 9 because the operations that were performed
ceramics, physics, chemistry, electronic engineering, on the wafers included etching and depositing very
mechanical engineering, and other areas all con- fine, carefully controlled patterns of specific chemi-
tribute to the semiconductor knowledge base. The cal compounds on the wafer surface. A flaw in any
second additional source of complexity is the rapid processing step, or contamination of the production
speed with which new discoveries are quickly chan- environment would result into a defective final prod-
neled into products and manufacturing processes. uct which could not be reworked; when something
There are armies of ingenious physicists, engineers, went wrong at any step, all the previous work was
designers, and manufacturing specialists who regu- wasted. The physical flow of materials in the plant is
larly conspire to find ways to push the technology, best described as re-entrant flow of material, i.e.,
and expand the envelope of the possible ŽJelinek and machines are divided into disjoint banks, each prod-
Schoonhoven, 1990.. uct has a unique sequence of operations, and each
At our research site, the raw material that served product sequence requires repeated visits to each tool
as the input to the plant were wafers. A wafer is a bank ŽDietrich, 1991..
slice of polished silicon disc; the diameter of wafers During the 125-week study period in 1988–1990,
used in the plant was 6 in. The output of the plant the two major process technologies used in the plant
was a broad array of memory dice Žpotential inte- to produce dice from wafers were NMOS ŽNegative
grated circuits; die is singular, and dice is plural. Metal Oxide Semiconductor. and CMOS ŽComple-
with changing designs. These memory dice were of mentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor. technologies.
nonvolatile EPROM ŽElectrically Programmable Common to the devices produced by the MOS ŽMetal
Read Only Memory. type, ranging from 256 K to Oxide Semiconductor. technologies are three elec-
2-mega-bit. A ROM ŽRead Only Memory. device is trodes—a source which emits electrical carriers; a
one in which the programmed information is stored drain which collects the carriers emitted by the
in the memory, and only the read operation is per- source; and a gate which controls the amount of
formed. Examples of ROM applications include carriers flowing from the source to the drain. NMOS
look-up tables and code-conversion systems. technology produces devices in which the active
EPROMs are ROM devices that are electrically pro- carriers are electrons flowing between an NŽnega-
grammable, but can be erased with ultraviolet light. tive.-type source and an N-type drain in an electro-
‘Nonvolatile’ refers to the type of semiconductor statically formed N-channel in a PŽpositive.-type sili-
memories that can stand power failure or be stored
and shipped without being energized all the time.
Some of the EPROM device types produced in the 9
plant were considered to be among the best in the The cleanliness class of the production environment was
Class 10, as per the federal standard 209 ŽFS 209.. This standard
industry. The plant manager had once remarked: is released by the US General Service Administration. The numer-
‘‘The company has leading market share of 1-mega- ical value of the class refers to the maximum number of particles
bit devices and we are rapidly expanding upwards’’. greater than 0.5 m mrft 3 of air.
S. Jayanthi, K.K. Sinha r Journal of Operations Management 16 (1998) 471–494 483

Fig. 3. Transition from Negative Metal Oxide Semiconductor ŽNMOS. technology to Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor ŽCMOS.
technology in the wafer fabrication plant during the study period. Ž% Technology refers to the percentage of wafers released in a given week
to be processed by NMOS and CMOS technologies, respectively..

con substrate. CMOS technology produces devices tivity, i.e., to efficiently manufacture high volumes
that incorporate both P-channel and N-channel struc- of continuously changing set of dice with changing
tures within the same silicon substrate. process technologies. Our review of the 125 weekly
As shown in Fig. 3, the 125-week study period production reports 10 of the plant suggested ongoing
represented a time-window during which there was a exploitative and exploratory activities in the plant.
transition going on from the NMOS technologies to Exploitative-activities included de-bugging of new
the CMOS technologies. There were also upgrades equipment and processes, and modification of equip-
within each of these two process technologies—5 ment to reduce machine downtime, unit processing
upgrades for the NMOS, and 2 upgrades for the times, contaminants, wafer handling, wafer breakage
CMOS—during this period. The transition from the or scratches. ‘Corrective action teams’ were formed.
NMOS to CMOS technologies was consistent with These teams comprised of operators, engineers and
the general technology trend in the semiconductor vendor representatives who were empowered to ad-
industry. CMOS was becoming the dominant tech- dress operational problems in the plant. A ‘stretch
nology of choice across all products by the late goal program’ was implemented that set ambitious
1980s. The relative complexity Žmeasured by the goals for quality improvement and production vol-
number of processing steps. of CMOS technology umes, and in turn forced extensive planning and
was higher than the NMOS technology. However, its coordination across different functional areas in the
popularity was growing because of Ži. the inherent plant.
low power capability of CMOS devices, Žii. their Exploratory-activities included experimentation
simple circuit design, and Žiii. the availability of with process technologies aimed at achieving supe-
special features on CMOS technology ŽEl-Mansy rior functional performance from new die designs
and Siu, 1988, pp. 238–239.. introduced in the plant, and also reducing the vari-
Due to the ongoing transition from NMOS to ability in the quality of the dice manufactured in the
CMOS technologies, and the ongoing upgrades
within the two process technologies, the 125-week
study period was an ideal time-window for examin- 10
These were one-page reports which summarized the plant’s
ing the innovation implementation process in a natu- production status in a given week. Besides quantitative production
ral setting. Throughout the study period we noticed a data, the reports contained qualitative comments on the state of
constant pressure to improve manufacturing produc- operations in the plant.
484 S. Jayanthi, K.K. Sinha r Journal of Operations Management 16 (1998) 471–494

plant. A ‘paperless fab project’ was initiated that lyze the time series data on yield, cycle time, and
aimed at eliminating several hundred pieces of paper activities. From the standpoint of research design,
involved in the production processes and allow the analyzing three separate realizations of the innova-
operators to use touch screen interfaces and bar code tion implementation process in the plant will allow
readers to collect data for computer input. A ‘cell us to triangulate the results from two separate analy-
project’ was implemented allowing computers and ses to empirically test the conceptualization of inno-
equipment to interface without the need for operator vation implementation in high technology manufac-
intervention. turing. Following is a description of the three met-

6. Empirical analysis 6.1.1. Yield

It is the ratio of good dice actually produced as a
The research question guiding the empirical anal- proportion of maximum number of good dice possi-
ysis is: Is innoÕation implementation in high tech- ble from the wafers released in the plant during a
nology manufacturing a chaotic process? The unit given time period. Data for calculating yield were
of analysis for conducting the empirical analysis is collected at the ‘wafer probe’ operation. 11 Yield is
the plant. From a methodological standpoint, the sensitive to the changes in design of products and
objective is to examine whether the time series data processes, and operational practices. Fluctuations in
that are realizations of the innovation implementa- quality, observed as variations in yield, are common
tion process in the wafer fabrication plant during the when new products, processes and operational prac-
125-week study period exhibit the two fundamental tices are introduced in a plant. We found that man-
properties of chaotic behavior: Ži. the presence of a agers and engineers at the plant monitored this met-
strange attractor, and Žii. sensitive dependence on ric quite closely, and used it to regulate the imple-
initial conditions. To this end, first, we discuss the mentation of innovations. For the empirical analysis,
time series data collected from the wafer fabrication we use weekly plant level data on yield—the vol-
plant. Second, we outline the steps in data analysis. ume-weighted average of the yields of different types
Finally, we present the results of the data analysis. of dice in the product portfolio in a given week.

6.1. Data 6.1.2. Cycle time

It is the length of time elapsed from when a lot of
The implementation phase represents the first op- wafers is released into the plant until the time dice
portunity to regulate an innovation; hence, the data exit from the ‘wafer probe’ operation. This metric
on plant performance collected during innovation includes the time elapsed to complete all operations
implementation are monitored carefully by the man- on the wafer lot, namely, the processing time, wait-
agers ŽGerwin and Kolodny, 1992.. Problems in the ing time, and transport time. Cycle time is a surro-
innovation implementation process, e.g., failure to gate measure for plant flexibility. According to the
integrate advanced equipment and systems fully into firm’s senior vice-president of the programmable
production—directly affect quality, flexibility, and product group,
productivity of a plant ŽTyre, 1991..
‘‘Cycle time reduction shortens company’s response
At the wafer fabrication plant managers routinely
time, thus enabling plants to build the right quantity
analyzed performance data to gain insights into the
of right products at the right time’’.
process of innovation implementation. Our examina-
tion of the plant’s weekly production reports re-
vealed that data on overall plant quality, flexibility,
and productivity—viz. yield, cycle time and activi- 11
‘Wafer probe’ is the final processing step in the plant. This is
ties—were reported regularly. Accordingly, we use the step where each die on the wafer is electrically tested. See
the two diagnostic approaches—estimation of corre- Appendix A for abbreviated descriptions of the key process steps
lation dimension and Lyapunov exponents—to ana- in the wafer fabrication plant.
S. Jayanthi, K.K. Sinha r Journal of Operations Management 16 (1998) 471–494 485

Fig. 4. 123-Week yield data.

Cycle time is also considered to be critical for and replicable production. For the empirical analysis,
managing innovation implementation in the plant. we use weekly data on the total number of activities
The same senior vice-president had also observed: performed in the plant in a given week.
The data on yield, cycle time, and activities were
‘‘It wcycle time datax allows you to learn more
collected from the plant’s weekly production reports
quickly, which is probably the most important advan-
for 125 consecutive weeks of the study period. Dur-
tage. If cycle time is short, more experiments on new
ing these 125 weeks there were two 1-week plant
productrprocess designs can be produced, tested and
shutdowns for yearly preventive maintenance; effec-
analyzed in the plant on a timely basis’’.
tively, we have time series data for 123 weeks on the
For the empirical analysis, we use weekly plant three performance metrics of the plant. Figs. 4–6 are
level data on cycle time—the volume-weighted aver- plots of the 123-week data on yield, cycle time, and
age of the cycle times of different wafer lots in the activities for the plant.
product portfolio for a given week.
6.2. Steps in the data analysis
6.1.3. ActiÕities
A unit activity is defined as the processing of one A common problem encountered in analyzing time
wafer through one machine stage. Manufacturing series data for the purpose of detecting chaotic be-
productivity in a given time period is measured as havior is autocorrelation. Autocorrelated randomness
the total number of activities accomplished, i.e., the
total number of wafers processed through each ma-
chine stage. 12 As noted earlier, there was constant 12
Measuring manufacturing productivity as the total number of
pressure at our research site to improve productivity, wafers processed in the plant in a given time-period is inappropri-
i.e., to efficiently manufacture high volumes of con- ate because the number of machine stages through which wafers
tinuously changing set of dice with changing process are processed vary by the type of dice to be produced. Complex
technologies. For a high volume wafer fabrication dice require that the wafers be processed through many more
operations, such as our research site, data on activi- machine stages than the simple dice. Using ‘activities’ as the
measurement unit makes it possible to compute manufacturing
ties is used by managers to gain insights into the productivity even across diverse and noncomparable dice pro-
process of innovation implementation during ‘pro- duced in a given time period. See Kaplan Ž1985. Žpp. 213–218.
duction ramp-up’, i.e., attaining high volume reliable for more details.
486 S. Jayanthi, K.K. Sinha r Journal of Operations Management 16 (1998) 471–494

Fig. 5. 123-Week cycle time data.

can be easily confused with chaos. The ‘residual largest Lyapunov exponent and the same correlation
test’ documented in Brock Ž1986. and Brock and dimension as  a t 4 ’’. The application of residual test
Sayers Ž1988. is a means to address this problem. has now become a routine procedure in studies aimed
This involves fitting a plausible model to the time at detecting chaos in time series data Žsee Sayers,
series data, and analyzing the residuals using the 1990; Cheng and Van de Ven, 1996.. Accordingly,
diagnostics for detecting chaotic behavior. According we initiate the data analysis by fitting time series
to Brock and Sayers Ž1988. Žp. 78., ‘‘if a time series models to the data sets on yield, cycle time, and
 a t 4 , t s 1, . . . ,T, has a deterministic explanation and activities, respectively. For each one of the best-fit-
you fit a smooth time series model, then the residuals ting time series models, we examined the residuals
 ´ t 4 , t s 1, . . . ,T, of that model must have the same Žwhich have been declared to be white noise, i.e.,

Fig. 6. 123-Week activities data.

S. Jayanthi, K.K. Sinha r Journal of Operations Management 16 (1998) 471–494 487

Fig. 7. Steps in the data analysis for testing chaotic properties of a dynamic process.

they are independent and identically distributed based ary data set Žon yield, cycle time, and activities.. An
on the standard statistical tests. to determine if they ARIMA model is defined by three parameters—p,
exhibit chaotic behavior. d, q—and is usually denoted by the notation ARIMA
As shown in Fig. 7, following are the steps in the Ž p, d, q .. p and q, respectively, indicate the number
data analysis. of autoregressive and moving average parameters in
Step 1. Collect time series data on the metrics
Žyield, cycle time, and activities. that are realizations
of the dynamic process under investigation Žinnova- The two conditions for stationarity of a time series data are:
Ži. the mean and variance do not change with historical time, and
tion implementation in high technology manufactur-
Žii. the autocovariance structure is independent of historical time.
ing.. In practice, stationarity of a time series data is checked by
Step 2. Make the data time-stationary 13 and esti- observing the autocorrelation function. If the data are stationary,
mate the best-fitting ARIMA model for the station- the autocorrelation function should rapidly decay to zero.
488 S. Jayanthi, K.K. Sinha r Journal of Operations Management 16 (1998) 471–494

Table 1
Estimation of the best-fitting ARIMA models Ž t-statistics in parentheses.
Yield ARIMA Ž2,1,3. DlnYLDt s y0. 54 DlnYLDty1 y 0. 89 DlnYLDty2 q c t y 0. 22 c ty1 q 0. 20 c ty2 y 0. 86 c ty3
Ž2.51 . Ž2.29 . Ž10.57 . Ž8.14 . Ž15.92 .
where, YLDt s yield, and c t s yield residuals.
AIC s y119.16; Standard error estimates 0.14; N s 123.

Cycle time ARIMA Ž0,1,1. DlnCYCTt s x t y 0. 46 x ty1

Ž5.62 .
where, CYCTt s cycle time, and x t s cycle time residuals.
AIC s y175.69; Standard error estimates 0.12; N s 123.

Activities ARIMA Ž2,1,0. DlnACTt s y0. 44 DlnACTty1 y 0. 39 DlnACTty2 q a t

Ž4.66 . Ž4.67 .
where, ACTt s activities, and a t s activities residuals.
AIC s y126.41; Standard error estimates 0.14; N s 123.

the model; d indicates how many times the original Step 5. Compute Lyapunov exponents for the
time series data are differenced to make it stationary. original residuals of the best-fitting ARIMA model
The usual criteria are used to select the best-fitting Žfor yield, cycle time, and activities.. If the dominant
model. These include stationarity, parameter signifi- Žlargest. Lyapunov exponent is positive, then it sug-
cance, diagnostic checks of the residuals exhibiting gests that the dynamic process exhibits sensitive
white noise characteristics, and minimization of the dependence on initial conditions; zero exponents
Akaike Information Criterion ŽAIC.. The residuals suggest a marginally stable time path, and negative
corresponding to the best-fitting ARIMA model Žfor exponents suggest a periodic time path.
yield, cycle time, and activities. are collected and A dynamic process is considered to be chaotic
saved. when there is empirical support for both the pres-
Step 3. Randomly shuffle the residuals corre- ence of a strange attractor and sensitive dependence
sponding to the best-fitting ARIMA model Žfor yield, on initial conditions.
cycle time, and activities. and save them separately.
Step 4. Compute correlation exponents 14 for dif- 6.3. Results
ferent embedding dimensions—in an ascending or-
We analyzed the three sets of time series data on
der, starting from m s 1,2, . . . , and so on—using Ži.
yield, cycle time and activities following the steps
the original residuals of the best-fitting ARIMA
model, and Žii. its corresponding randomly shuffled
Table 2
counterpart. If the correlation exponents for the orig- Estimates of correlation exponents for embedding dimensions,
inal residuals stabilize with increasing embedding ms1 to 5, for the original residuals from the best-fitting ARIMA
dimension, then it suggests that a strange attractor is models, and for the randomly shuffled residuals
present. However, if the correlation exponents con- Original ARIMA residuals Embedding dimension Ž m.
tinue to increase with increasing embedding dimen- 1 2 3 4 5
sion, as would be the case for the randomly shuffled Yield 0.95 1.63 1.90 2.68 2.70
residuals, then it suggests that a strange attractor is Cycle time 0.94 1.59 1.93 2.44 2.44
not present and original time series data set is the Activities 0.86 1.48 1.90 2.15 2.15
realization of a random process.
Shuffled ARIMA residuals Embedding dimension Ž m.
1 2 3 4 5
Since we are analyzing ARIMA residuals, we use an embed- Yield 0.73 1.77 2.55 3.11 4.31
ding lag, t s1; see Eq. Ž4.. The embedding lag is estimated as the Cycle time 0.67 1.31 2.15 2.56 3.34
smallest value of lag for which the autocorrelation function is Activities 0.65 1.92 2.65 3.41 3.84
approximately equal to zero ŽKaplan and Glass, 1995, p. 322..
S. Jayanthi, K.K. Sinha r Journal of Operations Management 16 (1998) 471–494 489

Table 3 as the embedding dimension is increased from 1 to 5.

Estimates of dominant Žlargest. Lyapunov exponents for the origi- This indicates that a hidden structure in the form a
nal residuals from the best-fitting ARIMA models
strange attractor did exist, but was destroyed after
Original ARIMA Best-fitting ARIMA Dominant
the residuals were shuffled randomly. 15
residuals models Lyapunov exponent
Following step 5 in Fig. 7, Lyapunov exponents
Yield ARIMAŽ2,1,3. 0.1261
were estimated for the original residuals correspond-
Cycle time ARIMAŽ0,1,1. 0.0766
Activities ARIMAŽ2,1,0. 0.0758 ing to each of the three best-fitting ARIMA models.
As shown in Table 3, the dominant Žlargest. Lya-
punov exponents in all three cases are positive,
suggesting that the dynamic process under investiga-
tion exhibits sensitive dependence on initial condi-
outlined in Fig. 7. Following step 2, all three original
time series data sets were made stationary by taking
All in all, the above results indicate both the
first logarithmic difference, Dln x t s ln x t y ln x ty1 ,
presence of a strange attractor and sensitive depen-
where x t is the original observation at time t, and ln
dence on initial conditions in the residuals of the
is the natural logarithm. We then used the ARIMA
three time series models fitted, respectively, to the
procedure of SAS Institute Ž1988. to obtain the
123-week data on yield, cycle time, and activities. In
following best-fitting models: ARIMA Ž0,1,1. for
summary, there is empirical support for the concep-
cycle time; ARIMA Ž2,1,3. for yield; ARIMA Ž2,1,0.
tualization of innovation implementation in high
for activities. The residuals of each of the fitted
technology manufacturing as a chaotic process.
models exhibited properties of white noise, and
Ljung-Box Q-statistics at various lags implied an
adequate model fit for all three cases. Table 1 con-
tains the equations, parameter estimates, and the 7. Conclusion
relevant statistics for the three best-fitting ARIMA
Following step 4 in Fig. 7, we estimated the 7.1. Summary
correlation exponents corresponding to the original
sequence of residuals of the three time series models.
Our purpose of undertaking this study was to shed
As shown in the top-half of Table 2, the correlation
light into the process of innovation implementation
exponents in all three cases stabilize as the embed-
—the least understood aspect of the overall innova-
ding dimension is increased from 1 to 5. This sug-
tion process after more than four decades of research
gests that a strange attractor is present. In the bot-
on innovation ŽRice and Rogers, 1980; Van de Ven,
tom-half of Table 2, we report the correlation expo-
1993; Klein and Sorra, 1996.. We focused our inves-
nents for the residuals after their original sequence
tigations on innovation implementation in high tech-
was randomly shuffled. In all three cases, we ob-
nology manufacturing, a natural setting for multiple
serve that the correlation exponents keep increasing
and ongoing innovation implementation, to ensure
that this study complements earlier studies on inno-
vation implementation where the implementation
15 process was investigated one-innovation-at-a-time.
Following Kaplan and Glass Ž1995. Žp. 342., we also tested
the ‘‘linear-dynamics null hypothesis’’, i.e., the dynamics of the
Building on the developments in organizational
time series data is linear with Gaussian white noise. This hypothe- learning theory, we framed the process of innovation
sis is inconsistent with chaotic behavior as linear dynamics cannot implementation in high technology manufacturing as
produce chaos. We tested the linear-dynamics null-hypothesis by a problem of balancing between exploitation and
phase-shuffling the residuals corresponding to the ARIMA models exploration. We obtained insights into the dynamics
for yield, cycle time and activities. For all three sets of phase-
shuffled residuals data, the correlation exponent continued to
of balancing between exploitation and exploration
increase with increasing embedding dimension. Thus, the linear- with the aid of a logistic difference equation, and
dynamics null hypothesis was rejected. showed that innovation implementation in high tech-
490 S. Jayanthi, K.K. Sinha r Journal of Operations Management 16 (1998) 471–494

nology manufacturing can be conceptualized as a 7.3. Managerial implications

chaotic process, in a scientific sense. Through the
application of diagnostic techniques from chaos the- From a managerial standpoint, this study provides
ory, we empirically tested this conceptualization by insights on one hand, and raises questions on the
analyzing time series data from a wafer fabrication other hand. The key insight associated with framing
plant—the high technology manufacturing plant that innovation implementation in high technology manu-
served as our research site over a 125-week period. facturing as a problem of balancing between ex-
We found empirical support for the conceptualiza- ploitation and exploration, and finding empirical sup-
tion of innovation implementation in high technol- port for the presence of a strange attractor, is that it
ogy manufacturing as a chaotic process. is possible to simultaneously engage in exploitative
and exploratory activities in a manufacturing envi-
7.2. Contributions ronment, and also maintain a balance between these
two types of activities. This insight raises the follow-
At an intuitiÕe level, the two fundamental proper- ing questions: How should the personnel in a plant
ties of chaotic behavior— Ži. the presence of a strange be encouraged to engage in both exploitative and
attractor, and Žii. sensitive dependence on initial exploratory activities? How should the balance be-
conditions—have been alluded to separately in ear- tween exploitative and exploratory activities in a
lier studies on innovation implementation. As we plant be maintained?
discussed earlier, the findings of the case studies of The fact that the process of innovation implemen-
Jelinek and Schoonhoven Ž1990. seemed to indicate tation exhibits sensitive dependence on initial condi-
the presence of a strange attractor. The findings of tions suggests that the earliest stages of the imple-
the case studies of Tyre and Orlikowski Ž1994. along mentation process are extremely important. Minor
with the characterization of the innovation imple- differences in the earliest stages of the implementa-
mentation process of Weick Ž1990. seemed to indi- tion process can result into significantly large differ-
cate sensitive dependence on initial conditions. To ences in the potential of the innovations realized in
the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that the long term. This insight raises the following ques-
Ži. provides a theoretical foundation for chaotic be- tions. Who should be involved in exploitation, or
havior of the innovation implementation process, and exploration, or both, and for how long?
Žii. empirically examines, and finds support for the
two properties of chaotic behavior. Thus, this study
contributes to the research on innovation implemen- 7.4. Directions for future research
tation by providing a conceptual basis for integrating
the findings of earlier studies, and adding rigor to The primary limitations of this research are that it
this stream of research. is a longitudinal field study of one plant, and the
After reviewing studies on managing high tech- empirical analysis is based on secondary data. Hence,
nology organizations, Mohrman and Von Glinow there are at least two logical directions of future
Ž1990b. Žp. 294. concluded that ‘‘the field is rich research. First, there is a need to continue investiga-
with anecdotal and case based research’’, and recom- tions aimed at conceptualizing the process of innova-
mended ‘‘it is time to go beyond this type of tion implementation. Such studies should also be
methodology, for as any scientific inquiry proceeds, longitudinal field studies based in other high technol-
it alters its lens from qualitative to quantitative anal- ogy manufacturing settings. However, the empirical
yses’’. The demonstrated application of diagnostic analysis should be conducted using primary data on
techniques from chaos theory for conducting quanti- the innovation implementation process. Second, there
tatiÕe analysis of time series data and testing the is a need to develop and validate models that capture
conceptualization of innovation implementation as a the dynamics of the innovation implementation pro-
chaotic process is a contribution of this study toward cess. The purpose of such models should be to
advancing the research on managing high technology improve managerial decision making pertaining to
organizations. specific questions about the innovation implementa-
S. Jayanthi, K.K. Sinha r Journal of Operations Management 16 (1998) 471–494 491

tion process. In closing, we believe that this study A.2. Photolithography

provided fresh theoretical and methodological per-
spectives into the process of innovation implementa- This is the process through which circuitry is
tion and will motivate other scholars and practition- produced on the wafer. First, a mask or master
ers to pursue this line of inquiry. pattern of circuitry is prepared on a glass plate. The
pattern is magnified several hundred times and
checked and rechecked, and then reduced to final
Acknowledgements size using special cameras. The line of the final
patterns are about 1 m or less. A typical circuit may
contain many thousands of such lines. Absolute ac-
This study is supported by a grant from Advanced
curacy is required, as any errors will be reproduced
Micro Devices and the Grant-in-Aid of research
on the dice. Step-and-repeat cameras are used to
from the University of Minnesota. We acknowledge
reproduce the master circuitry pattern many times to
the assistance of Warren Hastings, Jim Macek, Jack
mass produce copies of the pattern on wafers. Next,
Smith and Paul Steele in collecting the data and
the wafer is spread with a photosensitive material
related information for this study. We thank Alan Žcalled photoresist., which is dried and then exposed
Wolf and Tse-Min Lin for providing us with the
to ultraviolet light through the mask. The pattern is
softwares used to analyze the data. We are grateful
developed, and unexposed areas of resist removed.
to Rajiv D. Banker, Kim Bates, Kevin J. Dooley, Joy
The silicon dioxide in unexposed areas of the wafer
M. Field, Paul E. Johnson, Inder S. Khosla, James G.
is then chemically etched away, and the remaining
March, Christopher J. Nachtsheim, Douglas Polley,
resist is removed. What remains is a carefully de-
Claudia B. Schoonhoven, Roger G. Schroeder,
fined pattern of insulating silicon dioxide on the
Michael J. Stutzer and Andrew H. Van de Ven for
their help and advice during the study, comments on
earlier versions of the paper, or both.
A.3. Diffusion

During this process the patterned wafer is diffused

Appendix A. The key process steps in the wafer
with a dopant—an element which, when incorpo-
fabrication plant
rated in the semiconductor material strongly en-
hances its ability to conduct electricity. Diffusion
Following are abbreviated descriptions of the key occurs in a controlled atmosphere and at high tem-
process steps in the wafer fabrication plant through peratures. The dopants diffuse into the unprotected
which the silicon wafers were processed into dice. areas of the wafer in a predictable fashion, with the
Depending on the type of dice, there were variations diffusion concentration determined by the atmo-
in both the number and sequence of the steps. For spheric concentration of the dopant, and the diffusion
detailed technical descriptions of the steps, see Rab- depth determined by the exposure time, both of
bat Ž1988.. which need to be precisely controlled. Since dopants
diffuse slowly into silicon oxide, hence oxide cov-
A.1. Epitaxy ered areas are protected against diffusion.

This is the process that grows a substrate crys- A.4. Ion implantation
talline structure on the polished surface of the wafer
to obtain the precise electrical characteristics desired. This is the process through which the dopants are
Epitaxy is a useful means of employing a general- introduced by directing a high energy stream of
purpose wafer substrate as the basis for a multitude dopant atoms at the wafers in a vacuum. Both the
of tailored silicon layers. These layers are the locus number of atoms introduced and their depth of pene-
of the dice produced in the subsequent steps. tration has to be carefully controlled.
492 S. Jayanthi, K.K. Sinha r Journal of Operations Management 16 (1998) 471–494

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