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The Rain Horse

Dramatic Impact

This essay will examine how the Rain Horse has a dramatic impact on the story. Ted Hughes wrote the Rain Horse in the year 1974. In this essay I will look at the sudden bursts the horse had at the man, the picture and the details of the horse, and the fact that the horse was standing tall and vigilant in the rain. In the story, it said that horses ordinarily relax and rest in the rain. However, the horse in this story was standing its body straight and alert and its head high. This shows that the horse was in some sort of competition because the rain had no effect on the horse. This gave the man the feeling that the horse was interested in something else rather than the rain but more in him. The picture of the horse in the story was not precisely detailed but it was concentrated more on his overall body structure and how he was standing, Crash of a heavy body. This explanation tells us that the horse is an immense and mature horse. This also provides us a representation to the reader that it is terrifying and big, Thin, black running horse.
Once the horse was wild and untamed, the man feels this violence himself. He feels as though the horse feeds off of his own energy. He knows that he has no control over it, and, in the

Hani Al Zein



The Rain Horse

Dramatic Impact

end, he just shares the energy, in hopes he can regain control. After understanding that it doesnt work, he resorts to wild and simple methods of self-protection.

Hani Al Zein


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