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Research Policy 36 (2007) 88–106

The innovative behaviour of tourism firms—Comparative

studies of Denmark and Spain
Jon Sundbo a,∗ , Francina Orfila-Sintes b , Flemming Sørensen c
a Department of Social Sciences, Roskilde University, Denmark
b Department of Business Administration, University of The Balearic Islands, Spain
c Ceus School of Business, Nykøbing F., Denmark

Received 1 November 2005; accepted 28 August 2006

Available online 31 October 2006

Tourism firms operate in a competitive sector where innovating is often a condition for survival. This article presents a theoretical
framework for understanding tourist firms’ innovative behaviour and innovation systems in tourism. The innovativeness of tourism
firms and its determinants are investigated by analysing quantitative as well as qualitative data comparing Spain and Denmark. A
taxonomy of tourism firms is suggested and the firms’ characteristics which influence their innovativeness are presented. Additionally,
the role of innovation networks is discussed, as is the role of innovation systems. The article suggests that large size, professionalism,
but also entrepreneurship among small tourism firms are important determinants of innovation. Varied innovation networks are
another determinant as are supportive innovation systems. These determinants favour Spanish firms, which are more innovative
than Danish ones. In the final section, policy recommendations are presented.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Innovation; Network; Innovation system; Tourism

1. Introduction that does exist concludes that tourism firms are in most
cases only moderately – if at all – innovative (Hjalager,
Tourism firms operate in an extremely competitive 2002), examples of this being Danish tourism firms
sector which is characterised by continuous transfor- (Jensen et al., 2001) and British coastal resorts (Shaw
mation (Wahab and Cooper, 2001). Therefore, tourism and Williams, 1998). However, there is a great deal of
firms’ competitiveness depends on their innovativeness diversity between countries (Peréz and Llaudes, 2001)
in achieving lower costs and higher quality outputs that and, for example, a number of Spanish destinations
meet the demand requirements of potential customers, have significantly improved and diversified their prod-
and which introduce new products (e.g., improved ucts (Fayos-Solá and Bueno, 2001; Peréz and Llaudes,
services and products, individualisation, environmental 2001). Thus, the research leaves one with the impression
issues and ICT interaction). Nonetheless, research on that tourism firms are, generally speaking, moderately
innovation in tourism has been limited. The research innovative, but with some important exceptions, which
indicates that there is potential for a higher degree of
innovativeness in tourism. However, which firms are
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +45 46742161; fax: +45 46743081. innovative and which are not is not known, nor is the
E-mail address: (J. Sundbo). explanation for these differences.

0048-7333/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Sundbo et al. / Research Policy 36 (2007) 88–106 89

The aim of this article is to provide a more detailed sion, we will construct the levels of innovation behaviour
picture of the differences in the innovativeness of tourism systems that are most adequate for our empirical
firms and to provide an understanding of these differ- analysis.
ences. This is done on the basis of a general discussion
of models of innovation systems. This discussion leads 2.1. A general theoretical framework for innovation
to a three-level analysis: at the level of the firm, the inno- in tourism
vative behaviour and management of tourism firms will
be analysed, at the network level, the tourism firms’ co- Several models of innovation systems have been pre-
operation with other firms will be considered, and at the sented ranging from national or regional systems (e.g.
system level, the role of innovation systems (Nelson, Nelson, 1993; Oinas and Malecki, 1999) to more sec-
1993) will be discussed. In this way, a broad array of fac- tor specific ones (e.g. Pavitt, 1984; Miozzo and Soete,
tors are included and considered. The dominate theories 2001; Håkansson and Ford, 2002). They have mostly
of innovation as being of general importance for differ- been developed from studies of manufacturing indus-
ent productive sectors’ innovativeness – are included and tries. Studies have demonstrated that innovation in ser-
considered in the analysis. The analysis is based on qual- vices follows patterns that are to some degree different
itative and quantitative data from Spain and Denmark from those in manufacturing (e.g. Sundbo, 1998; SIC,
mainly relating to different tourist destinations within 1999; Metcalfe and Miles, 2000; Andersen et al., 2000;
those countries. The data are used to generate a general Gallouj, 2002; Van den Aa and Elfring, 2002; Coombs,
understanding of the innovative behaviour of tourism 1999a,b; Drejer, 2004; Howells, 2004, 2006). One of
firms. However, the data concerning the two countries the main results shows that traditionally speaking inno-
and their destinations are also applied in a compara- vation in services is not technological, but consists of
tive manner so as to discuss geographical differences. a change of behaviour (e.g. Sundbo, 1998). Service is
Thus, the article uses different methods (quantitative and social behaviour and the personal interaction between
qualitative) as well as perspectives (geographical, soci- the user and the service provider is the core of the def-
ological and managerial) in order to analyse and explain inition of service and, thus, the explanation of service
the innovative behaviour of tourism firms. firms’ behaviour (cf. service management theory, e.g.
Grönroos, 1990), including their innovative behaviour.
2. Innovation theory and tourism This means that the product and the process cannot be
separated – the product is the process. On the other
The intention here is to study and understand tourism hand, it has been recognised that the service industry is
firms’ innovation behaviour. This can be done by study- increasingly dominated by technology, not least informa-
ing the behaviour of the individual firm at a micro level tion technology (Miles, 1993; Miozzo and Soete, 2001),
– an organisational approach (cf. Coriat and Weinstein, which means that a number of service innovations are
2002). However, the innovation research tradition’s insti- technological. The products may be technological (such
tutionalist approach has emphasised the coordination of as a PDA tool that tells tourists about sights) and the
the behaviour of the individual firms and the external processes may also be technology dominated (such as a
influence as important factors too, often called inno- PC system which has plans for serving meals for sev-
vation systems (cf. Coriat and Weinstein, 2002). Both eral hundred people). Nevertheless, these facts raise a
approaches are relevant to understanding innovation in discussion about the degree to which the models and
the tourist sector and our empirical analysis of innovation frameworks that are mostly oriented towards explaining
in tourism will be placed in such a general theoretical innovation in manufacturing sectors or technology based
framework. Thus we can give a broader and more general innovation processes can be applied to service industries
interpretation of the results and which possible policy such as tourism.
consequences we can draw. We will start by discussing There are two dimensions of this discussion. The
which general theoretical approach and model is most first one is the understanding of services in relation
adequate. We will discuss this based on the assumption to manufacturing and technology. Gallouj (2002, p. 1)
that tourism is a service industry and thus the charac- introduces a continuum to describe this understanding.
teristics of service innovations and service innovation At the one end of the continuum is the service-oriented
systems can be applied to tourism. We will also put this approach (e.g. Edvardsson et al., 2000) that sees services
discussion into perspective by referring to general mod- as something specific and different from manufactur-
els of systems of innovation and the arguments for and ing/technology, at the other end of the continuum is what
against the different models. After this general discus- Gallouj terms a technologist approach, which equates
90 J. Sundbo et al. / Research Policy 36 (2007) 88–106

innovation in services with the introduction of new tech- increase customer satisfaction and thus the willingness
nology (e.g. Barras, 1990; Miozzo and Soete, 2001). In to pay a higher price, and return at a later date. This is a
between is an integrative approach that emphasises the case of behavioural change on behalf of the receptionist.
blurred boundaries between services and manufacturing However, since receptionists change and cannot remem-
and the integration of technology with human behaviour ber the personal data for thousands of customers, the
(e.g. Gallouj and Weinstein, 1997). The other dimen- new behaviour is based on a common PC-system where
sion is related to the organisation–institution continuum the personal key in the information about the customer as
that for example Coriat and Weinstein (2002) discuss. soon as they get it. Innovation in tourism can thus neither
The issue here is to what degree institutional systems be reduced to the introduction of IT or other technology,
understood as a coherent set of factors and/or actors (as nor can technology by excluded. Innovation in the empir-
emphasised in Coriat and Weinstein’s discussion and, for ical analysis thus refers to both behavioural as well as
example, in Callon et al.’s (1992) model) exist in service technological innovation and will often be a mixture.
industries. On the basis of empirical studies, Sundbo and Concerning the second dimension, we will base
Gallouj (2000) claim that innovation systems are weak our understanding on the Sundbo and Gallouj (2000)
or non-existent in services. Pavitt (1984) and Miozzo approach, which has also been observed in tourism
and Soete (2001) state, on the basis of their “technolo- (Hjalager, 2000, 2002; Jensen et al., 2001; Jacob et al.,
gist approach”, that there are innovation systems in the 2004; Sørensen, 2004; Mattsson et al., 2006), namely
service industry. that innovation systems are weak or even non-existent
We will seek to choose the most adequate theoreti- within tourism. This situation may be explained on the
cal approach to analyse and explain the empirical results basis of a series of traditional factors of innovation,
about innovation in tourism. By adequate we mean the which in services generally and in tourism in particular
approach that most correctly explains the innovation pro- are different from those known from, for example, man-
cesses in the tourism industry. The adequacy is decided ufacturing. One factor is imitation. Service innovations
on the strength of our and other researchers’ empiri- are easy to imitate (e.g. Sundbo, 1998; Boden and Miles,
cal analyses of innovation in tourism and from what 2000) because they are simple, this is, among others rea-
we know about innovation in services in general. Based sons, because there is no advanced technology involved.
on these criteria we will suggest a theoretical frame- Advanced technology is difficult to imitate as it is com-
work that we will use in the development of a model for plicated. In tourism, the ease of imitation is even more
analysing tourism firms’ innovative behaviour. pronounced as many innovations are hard to keep secret
Concerning the first of the above mentioned dimen- due to the nature of tourism and as most tourism inno-
sions, we will take an integrative approach, which sees vations cannot be patented (Poon, 1993). Because of the
innovations in tourism as behavioural and technologi- ease at which innovations can be imitated, service firms,
cal. Some innovations are purely behavioural and do including tourist ones, keep the information about inno-
not include technology, and could be called organisa- vations and are less inclined to participate in networks
tional innovations, however, this would not be the correct such as those defined by Callon et al. (1992). The service
notion as some of them are changes of organisational firms become more competition than network oriented
structures or culture, but some are changes in individu- and thus believe more in their own capacity than in net-
als’ social behaviour. An example of the latter is a Viking working not to give competitors information. One might
ship museum where the guides start by telling narratives suggest that innovations in tourism require networks
about how the Viking boats were found outside where the and co-operative systems. This may be argued from a
museum is now located and they show the places instead destination perspective, where tourists come to a desti-
of producing written or IT-based information inside the nation and the tourist firms are mutually dependent on
museum. Other innovations are real technological ones developing common destination-innovations. However,
such as introducing a web-net based ticket purchasing or empirical investigations, at least in Denmark, conclude
reservation system for all kinds of tourism firms. Other that this is not the case (Hjalager, 2002; Sørensen, 2002;
innovations are a mixture, which could be called tech- Bærenholdt et al., 2004; Mattsson et al., 2006). Tourist
nology based. The innovation is a changed behaviour, firms do not participate to any great extent in common
but the new behaviour could not be carried out with- destination-innovation, and tourists do not clearly see the
out new technology. An example is the change in the destination as the place they visit.
behaviour of a hotel receptionist who starts treating the Thus, Callon et al.’s (1992) technology–economic
customers individually (remembering their wishes con- network model can be used to introduce some elements
cerning rooms, their careers, etc.). This innovation will that could be included in a model of tourism innovation.
J. Sundbo et al. / Research Policy 36 (2007) 88–106 91

However, not all aspects of their model are relevant to knowledge. The small firms will keep their secrets so
the tourism industry. This is because service firms (and as not to give competitors the opportunity to imitate
tourism firms in particular; Hjalager, 2002) undertake their ideas. Only entrepreneurs may be supposed to be
very little research or have relations to external research able to procure adequate knowledge and utilise the actor
institutions (Sundbo, 1998; Boden and Miles, 2000; SIC, network progressively to develop many advanced inno-
1999; Howells, 2004, 2006). They are much more mar- vations.
ket oriented, thus this aspect of Callon et al.’s model is The theoretical considerations outlined above must,
applicable. This also means that service firms’ innova- of course, be applied to the empirical situation of the
tion behaviour is very often not systematic and external tourist industry to demonstrate their adequacy, which
actors play a minor role. The situation may suggest that will be done in the empirical part of the article. It is still
both Pavitt’s (1984) as well as Miozzo and Soete’s (2001) an open question how much the system or institutional
models only cover part of service innovations since they factors exist in tourism. It is also an open question as to
both emphasise technological innovations. Miozzo and what degree increased systematisation or institutionali-
Soete provide a more adequate model than Pavitt because sation will lead to more innovation. In fact, we intend in
they have more variants of the technological innovation the empirical part of the article to demonstrate that the
system and they stress an increased use of technology tourist industry in Spain has become more institution-
in services that also characterises parts of the tourism alised (in the sense of Coriat and Weinstein, 2002), and
industry (e.g. hotels; Lattin, 1990). Studies of general that this has lead to a larger degree of innovativeness.
service innovations and studies of tourism innovations
have presented examples of concrete innovations as well 2.2. An innovation model of three levels in the
as descriptions of innovation systems (Sundbo, 1998; tourist industry
Haukness, 1998; SIC, 1999; Howelles and Tether, 2004;
Hjalager, 2000; Jensen et al., 2001; Mattsson et al., On the basis of the above discussion we now turn to
2006; Orfila-Sintes et al., 2005; Sørensen, 2004; Jacob presenting a three-level model that can be used to anal-
et al., 2004). Innovations follow many patterns and are yse and understand innovation in the tourist industry.
of many kinds – often not technological – and it is diffi- Our three levels are inspired by Coriat and Weinstein’s
cult to point to one category of taxonomy such as those (2002) dimension of “organisation–institution”. How-
launched by Pavitt and Miozzo and Soete should be an ever, our approach follows Sundbo and Gallouj’s (2000)
adequate description of the total tourist industry’s inno- suggestion that service (in this case tourist) firms’ inno-
vation behaviour. Sundbo and Gallouj’s (2000) model vation activities are only loosely coupled to the external
provides a broader and more open view of innovation world. We therefore define the three levels being careful
systems, which may be more adequate when explaining to not too substantially assume that innovation systems
the situation in tourism. Although they argue that innova- exist in the tourism industry. The three levels are: (1) the
tion systems are weak, they also argue that service firms level of the firm, which relates to Coriat and Weinstein’s
are influenced by external factors. They divide these fac- conception of the organisational level; (2) the level of
tors into actors (cf. Callon et al., 1992) and trajectories the network, which characterises more loosely coupled
(cf. Dosi, 1982). A series of actors and trajectories influ- external relations that may be important for the individ-
ence the innovation process in services firms, but they ual firm, but which not are so cohesive and deterministic
are loosely coupled and might not be termed a system. that they can be called an institutionalised system; (3) the
Other factors influence the situation in tourism as systems level, which relates to Coriat and Weinstein’s
well. The skill of the labour force in the industry is notion of institutionalisation. In the following we will
low (Jensen et al., 2001) and labour turnover is high explain these three levels in detail and discuss them in
(Hjalager, 2002), which means that the absorptive capac- relation to tourism. The model will form the basis for
ity of external information (research results, knowledge the empirical analysis. In the conclusion, the implica-
about new technology, etc.) is low in the industry. Only tions of this analysis will be related to the more general
the largest firms have personnel with a high capability to theoretical framework discussed above.
absorb external knowledge via the knowledge trajecto-
ries. Only they may be supposed to have the capacity 2.2.1. Innovation at the level of the firm
to develop more complex and advanced innovations. At the firm level, innovation has traditionally been
Small tourism firms may have relations to many actors; attributed to the imagination of individuals and to R&D
however, it is reasonable to suppose that these relations carried out within individual firms. Schumpeter (1961)
may not open up the possibility for innovation-oriented emphasised the role of imaginative individuals pro-
92 J. Sundbo et al. / Research Policy 36 (2007) 88–106

ducing ideas and introducing them into economic life: Miles, 2000; Andersen et al., 2000; Gallouj, 2002). Ser-
the entrepreneur. However, Schumpeter (1947) later vice firms have traditionally not been as innovative as
acknowledged that innovations were primarily the result manufacturing firms, though they have become more
of organised firm-internal activities and were the domain innovative in the last decade (SIC, 1999). The sparse
of large monopolistic or oligopolistic firms, which pos- studies of innovation in tourism have shown that tourism
sessed the necessary resources. Within this tradition, the firms’ innovative behaviour is in some ways similar to
technology-push innovation theory, which was estab- service firms’ behaviour although tourism firms have
lished later, considered science and R&D the central been seen to be generally even less innovative (Hjalager,
innovation determinants. Fischer (1999) can be con- 2002; Jensen et al., 2001).
sidered as developing Schumpeter’s claims (Coombs Orfila-Sintes et al. (2005) have analysed the inno-
et al., 1987). Alternatively, demand has been consid- vative behaviour of hotels. Departing from the inter-
ered the pull-factor that has driven firms’ innovativeness sectorial differences that innovation presents, they first
(Schmookler, 1966). Innovation has lately been con- delimit innovation in service sectors. Then, the particu-
sidered a market and strategy driven activity (e.g. von larities of the hotels lead to a more concrete measure of
Hippel, 1988, 2005; Sundbo, 2001) the innovation in the hotel industry. The empirical results
These perspectives on innovation have survived in arising from the data on the Balearic hotel industry indi-
more or less modified forms and they have also influ- cate an innovative behaviour that may be described as
enced the considerations about innovativeness in tourism a diffusion process that is determined by internal char-
firms. As such, entrepreneurship in tourism has been acteristics such as the size, the star category, the chain,
studied (Morrison et al., 1999; Mattsson et al., 2006). the management, the tour operators’ distribution and the
However, entrepreneurship, understood in terms of the differentiation strategy.
establishment of new firms on the basis of an inno- Thus, traditional views on innovativeness have been
vation, is, compared with other business sectors, rela- considered relevant for tourism firms too, though these
tively unusual in tourism (Hancock and Bager, 2004). have so far mostly been superficial considerations. At
This lack of entrepreneurs in tourism firms has been the same time, it has been indicated that tourism firms
related to these firms’ limited innovativeness (Shaw and do not necessarily innovate in exactly the same manner
Williams, 1994). Nevertheless, innovative tourism firms as firms in manufacturing industries. Finally, the above
with entrepreneurial characteristics have been observed indicates that there are differences between whether and
by other studies (Ateljevic and Doorne, 2000). Further- how different tourism firms innovate. All of these aspects
more, larger tourism firms and in particular chain firms will be considered in the empirical analysis, and differ-
have generally been emphasised as being the main inno- ent innovation determinants within tourism firms will be
vators in tourism (Hjalager, 2002). Innovativeness as the considered in greater depth.
domain of mainly large firms has, as such, also been
considered relevant in tourism: chains or business con- 2.2.2. Innovation at the network level
glomerates provide greater knowledge about procedu- In more recent innovation theory, it has been argued
ral and managerial innovations, technology, and other that networks are an important factor for innovation.
intangibles such as brand image and business reputation Such networks correspond to ‘something in the mid-
(Tremblay, 1998) which favour innovation in these firms dle’ of the organisation–institution dimension of Coriat
(Morrison et al., 1999). and Weinstein. Networks consist of formal and infor-
Tourism firms have been considered as constitut- mal relations among firms involved in the transfer of
ing a sector that is not itself involved in the stage of material and/or immaterial resources. They support inno-
research (i.e., knowledge generation) for innovation as vations as they facilitate the transfer of information (Dyer
other organisations, such as suppliers, are responsible and Singh, 1998), learning (Fischer, 1999) and the co-
for research, and their activities facilitate the subse- ordination of production and product development activ-
quent innovation processes in tourism firms (Hjalager, ities (Holmen et al., 2004). The structures of the networks
2002). It has also been observed that service firms some- are argued to be important for their innovative perfor-
times innovate in ways other than manufacturing firms mance: dense and strong networks sustain stability, the
on which innovation theories have traditionally been transfer of ‘deeper’ specialist knowledge and incremen-
based. Innovation in services is more employee and tal innovations, i.e. gradual changes of existing products
customer based. The innovations are mostly incremen- and services, whereas less dense and weaker networks
tal and based on practical experiences (Sundbo, 1998; allow for more dynamism, the transfer of broad and
Coombs, 1999a,b; Boden and Miles, 1999; Metcalfe and general information and radical changes, i.e. the intro-
J. Sundbo et al. / Research Policy 36 (2007) 88–106 93

duction of new products and services (Håkansson and (Lundvall, 1992, p. 12), e.g. firms, universities, research
Ford, 2002; Rowley et al., 2000). Under most indus- institutes, government agencies and policies, financial
trial circumstances, a combination of the two types of institutions, trade-unions, technical associations, etc. as
networks is necessary to ensure the innovativeness of well as broader social and cultural elements of soci-
firms (Rowley et al., 2000). In a spatial context, such ety (Carlsson et al., 2002; Lundvall, 1992). Broadly
innovation networks have been supposed to exist within speaking, two types of innovation system approaches –
agglomerations (industrial districts, innovative milieu, geographical and sectoral – can be distinguished in the-
etc.) where they support the transfer of mainly specialist oretical terms. Two geographical approaches have been
tacit knowledge through face-to-face contacts sustained dominant in the literature, namely that of the National
by the spatial proximity between firms (e.g. Maskell and Innovation System in which focus is on the nation-state
Malmberg, 1999; Coe and Townsend, 1998). However, (Nelson, 1993), and that of Regional Innovation Sys-
such local networks are acknowledged to favour incre- tems which recognises that within nation-states certain
mental innovations mainly (Capello, 1999; Grabher, productive regions possess specific features affecting
1993) and only in combination with non-local networks the innovativeness of such regions (Oinas and Malecki,
providing firms in agglomerations with external informa- 1999). The Sectoral Innovation System theory, on the
tion and learning benefits, helping them to ‘stay tuned’ other hand, focuses on specific sectors irrespective of
with what is going on in the surrounding world (e.g. their geographical extent (Edquist, 1997, p. 11). The
Oinas and Malecki, 1999), can the full range of network agents of such a sectoral innovation system share a par-
benefits be achieved (Sørensen, 2004). ticular knowledge base, particular technologies, inputs
In tourism, such networks may be both non-local and and demands, learning processes, competencies, organ-
highly localised within tourist destinations (Milne and isational structures, beliefs, objectives and behaviours
Ateljevic, 2001; Tremblay, 1998) and may, as such, com- (Malerba, 2002). Such national, regional and sectoral
bine the benefits of local and global networks. At the innovation systems may vary in composition, which is
destination, such networks may be comprised of local supposed to explain the differentiated innovativeness of
relations among firms in the same branch of tourism, firms belonging to different such systems.
e.g. hotels (i.e. competitive relations); of relations among Tourism has been portrayed as a system which is both
complementary firms, e.g. hotels and other tourism firms geographic and sectoral (e.g. Leiper, 1990). Such system
(i.e. complementary relations); and of relations with approaches emphasise the multiplicity of actors involved
providers of inputs (i.e. input relations). Non-local net- in the process of providing tourism services and their
works, on the other hand, consist of chain relations; interdependencies but do not see the system from an
of relations among firms on destinations and their dis- innovation perspective. From an innovation system per-
tributors, e.g. tour operators (i.e. distribution relations); spective, the tourism innovation system may be defined
and of relations with providers of inputs. Such different as the parts and aspects of the economic structure and
relations may provide different benefits depending on the institutional set-up affecting learning and innovation
their structures and the actors involved (Tremblay, 1998; in tourism firms. These may be limited to a nation, a
Sørensen, 2004). However, there has been a debate as to region or tourist destination (cf. Prats-Planaguma and
what degree local networks exist or non-local networks Guia, 2004), or they may be limited to the tourism firms’
prevail among tourism firms (Sørensen, 2004), but this sector(s). As indicated in the former discussions, it has
and their innovative benefits have received little empiri- been stated that innovation systems are much weaker
cal analysis. or non-existing in services (Sundbo and Gallouj, 2000;
Metcalfe and Miles, 2000). However, tourism has yet not
2.2.3. Innovation at the system level been analysed in such innovation system perspectives,
Whereas innovation network theory focuses on rela- thus its relevance is unclear. This article takes a first step
tions among firms, the innovation systems theories draws by including empirical considerations of the innovation
into consideration a wider system supposedly affect- systems in Spain and Denmark and of different destina-
ing firms’ innovativeness and thus compares to Coriat tions within the two countries.
and Weinstein’s institutionalisation. As such, the inno-
vation system theories have the purpose of identifying 2.3. Conclusion on the theoretical part
all of the factors that influence innovation processes
(Edquist, 1997, p. 17) including “all parts and aspects The three-level model presents a framework that illu-
of the economic structure and the institutional setup minates both ends (the firm and the innovation system
affecting learning as well as searching and exploring” level) and the middle (the network level) of Coriat and
94 J. Sundbo et al. / Research Policy 36 (2007) 88–106

Weinstein’s (2002) organisation–institution dimension. as other research. From this, some indications of dif-
Thus, it presents a framework from which the search ferences of innovation systems in Spain and Denmark
for the innovativeness of tourism firms can start. How- and other countries are shown, they may be related to
ever, as has also been indicated in the above, when the innovativeness of their firms. The conclusion will
each of the levels is applied to the tourism industry, emphasise and concretise the findings of the analysis,
more questions are raised than answers supplied. The and thus provide a final indication of the characteristics
following empirical analysis, based on extensive data of different tourism firms that determine their innovative
analysis, tries to answer these questions and to illumi- behaviour including considerations concerning the firm,
nate the relevance and the implications of the model. The the network and the system levels.
three levels of the model will be analysed individually.
However, it becomes clear during the analysis that the 3.2. Data
different levels of the model are highly interdependent
and that an understanding of each level helps explain The empirical data include all types of tourism firms –
the other levels. Thus, what arises from the analysis is accommodation, restaurants, travel agencies, attractions,
a complex picture of innovation in tourism which, when transport companies, etc., however, with an over-sample
related to the general theoretical discussion of innova- of hotels. The analysis takes the latter into considera-
tion in tourism outlined earlier in this section and to the tion and separates hotels from other tourism firms. The
organisation–institution dimension, has interesting and empirical data are comprised of four surveys – two from
important policy implications. These are discussed in the the Balearic Islands in Spain and two covering Denmark
conclusion. as a whole – and three groups of qualitative interviews
– one from Denmark, one from Spain and one from a
3. Method and data group of different countries:

3.1. Analysis and method S1. A survey of 300 firms in all tourism industries in the
Balearic Islands in 2002/2003 (Jacob et al., 2004).
The first part of the analysis focusing on the level S2. A survey of a representative sample of 331 hotels
of the firm will develop a taxonomy of tourist firms in the Balearic Islands in 2004. Compared to S1
according to their organisational form. By this is meant a similar, but improved, questionnaire was applied
a combination of their size, their formal organisation, (Martı́nez-Ros and Orfila-Sintes, 2005).
and their owner’s/manager’s approach to tourism busi- S3. A survey of 170 firms in all tourism industries
ness. This taxonomy is based mainly on the authors’ in Denmark carried out by Gallup/The Danish
own, but also on others’ empirical research. The tax- Ministry of Industry/Centre of Service Research,
onomy will be used to discuss the determinants behind Roskilde University in 1999 (Jensen et al., 2001).
the innovative behaviour of the different categories of S4. A survey of 98 firms in all tourism industries in
tourism firms. Empirical evidence of such determinants Denmark carried out by Centre of Service Research,
will be presented including quantitative survey results Roskilde University in 2001 (Jensen et al., 2001).
as well as qualitative interview data. Empirical evidence
from the two countries, Spain and Denmark, will receive I1. Qualitative interviews with 35 firms in all tourism
equal attention in the analysis. By including two coun- industries in the destination of the Costa del Sol in the
tries with an in some ways different pattern of tourism, province of Malaga, Spain, as well as in rural destina-
a wider variety of the background for the taxonomy and tions of the same province in 2002/2003 (Sørensen,
the determinants is provided. 2004).
The analysis of networks and their role for the inno- I2. Qualitative interviews with 18 firms in all tourism
vativeness of tourism firms will be based mainly, though industries as well as institutional actors in the des-
not only, on qualitative interviews with tourism firms tinations of Jammerbugten, Northern Jutland, Den-
in Spain and Denmark in particular. In addition to pro- mark in 2001 (Sørensen, 2002).
viding considerations about the importance of networks I3. Qualitative interviews with 61 firms and actors in all
for individual firms, this also allows for a comparative tourism industries in Denmark, Norway, Thailand,
analysis of networks of firms located in different desti- France and the UK (Mattsson et al., 2006).
nations within the two countries. The final discussion of
innovation systems will primarily be of a more indica- The different surveys and qualitative interviews all
tive nature based on the data already presented as well illuminate the same aspects of interest: which are the
J. Sundbo et al. / Research Policy 36 (2007) 88–106 95

determinants of innovation in tourism firms and which purpose of this article, the definitional problems arising
tourism firms are the most innovative. Though the data from the combination of data of different origin as it is
sources in their total are different and not fully com- mainly the general innovativeness which is of interest
patible, the data selected and presented in the following here.
(forming only a smaller fraction of the totality of the data
collected in the different surveys and interviews) is com- 4. Differences in innovativeness among tourism
plementary to a degree that: (1) the survey and the quali- firms
tative data sustain each other (triangulation; cf. Zelditch,
1970); (2) the application of statistical and qualitative The first part of the empirical analysis investigates
data allows for providing explanations (through the qual- which tourism firms are the most innovative and seeks
itative data) of general tendencies (detected in the statis- to identify the determinants of this. Based on a taxonomy,
tical data) and vice versa; (3) the range of data analysed it will be considered which organisational categories
allows for the observing of differences between dif- of tourism firms are the most innovative, as well as
ferent types of firms, destinations and countries, while which different industries are the most innovative. We
also detecting the similarities between these; and (4) the will compare the different categories of the taxonomy
range of data analysed allows for an examination of the and discuss the explanation of the categories’ different
organisation–institution continuum and thus of all lev- innovativeness. Furthermore, the paper analyses what
els of the theoretical model. However, the data and the makes some tourism firms across the taxonomic cate-
article are somewhat biased towards the hotel business. gories more innovative than others. Thus, this part of the
This is particularly the case for the sections dealing with analysis will discuss the following three questions:
innovation at the firm and at the network levels. Nonethe-
less, considerations about the validity of the findings for 1. Which category of tourism firms is the most innova-
other sectors of the tourism industry are added to these tive?
sections. 2. Can particularly innovative firms that operate across
Finally, the innovation-concept has been applied the categories be identified?
slightly differently in the different surveys and quali- 3. Are there differences in innovativeness between dif-
tative interviews. Whereas some of the survey data has ferent tourism industries?
approached innovation in its broadest sense including
product, process, organisation and market innovations 4.1. A taxonomy of tourism firms according to their
(cf. Table 3) – categories which in the survey data regard- innovativeness
ing Spanish tourism firms are differentiated in techno-
logical innovation and widened service (cf. Table 2) The first question concerns which categories of
– the qualitative interviews have mainly focused more tourism firms are the most innovative. To answer this
narrowly on product innovations, which are again com- question, the tourism firms need to be placed in a tax-
parable to widened service. In that sense, the compati- onomy and, thus, some criteria with which to categorise
bility of the data is at first glance problematic. However, tourism firms are needed. As discussed theoretically, size
as seen in Tables 2, 4 and 5 there is clear evidence has typically been considered to be related to innovative-
in the survey data that higher innovativeness regarding ness in service industries and this has also been claimed
widened service is accompanied by higher technolog- to be the case in tourism. The importance of size is also
ical innovativeness. Translated into product, process, evident in all the surveys. Size may be measured by
organisational and market innovations, a high degree of the number of employees, number of beds, turnover and
innovation within one or several of these will therefore other indicators. The surveys have measured size in terms
also generally be accompanied by a high degree of inno- of the number of employees or in numbers of beds. The
vation in the others. This may be caused by the fact that latter, or turnover, might be slightly better than the first
tourism firms are generally speaking either completely because it is not influenced by productivity increases.
non-innovative or innovative in all ways; there are few However, the results are similar whatever indicator is
firms which lie in between the two extremes and are inno- used (Tables 1 and 2).
vative in some ways only. However, and this confirms the Thus, in all the surveys, size is clearly related to inno-
above, it is mainly a consequence of the real life lack of vativeness of hotels whatever measures of size and inno-
distinction between products and processes in tourism vativeness are applied. Therefore, size can be used as one
and between service and technology based innovations dimension from which to create a taxonomy. However,
– one naturally leads to the other. This limits, for the according to the qualitative interviews from the province
96 J. Sundbo et al. / Research Policy 36 (2007) 88–106

Table 1 tive is not primarily to protect their family life, but to be

Size (no. of employees) and innovativeness in all tourism industries dynamic and create business. Both such types of firms,
Spain 2000 Denmark 1999 small family/life-style firms and small entrepreneurial
No. of Innovation No. of Large degree of
firms, were clearly identified in the empirical studies
employees intensitya employees innovativenessb undertaken in Malaga and the latter was clearly a more
innovative type of firm than the former (Sørensen, 2004).
<3 26
3–9 30
Yet another distinction partly related to size is relevant
<50 8.34 10–49 48 for the taxonomy. In the above mentioned qualitative
50–249 12.16 >48 75 interviews, large independent firms were seen in cer-
300> 18.09 tain ways to be distinguished from business units that
N = Spain 300; Denmark 170. Source: Jacob et al. (2004) and Jensen were part of a corporation (or of tightly coupled chains):
et al. (2001). e.g., the step from large individual firms to corporations
a Number of innovations per firm within a 3-year period.
involves a giant leap in size, and business units of cor-
b Percentage of firms that within the last 2 years has introduced an
porations have less independence to innovate on their
own as decision processes are more or less centralised
(Sørensen, 2004). Such different organisational forms,
of Malaga, though large firms are also here seen to be as well as other characteristics (considered later), may
more innovative than small firms, it is evident that size is influence their innovativeness.
not the only dimension that needs taking into consider- The mentioned, qualitative and quantitative observa-
ation (Sørensen, 2004). First, among the smaller firms, tions lead to the suggestion of a taxonomy of tourism
an important distinction between more and less innova- firms operating with three categories: tourism corpora-
tive firms is evident. Most smaller firms are life-style tions, tourism enterprises and tourism shops (Fig. 1).
based, meaning that the business activities are an inte- These are not only characterised by their size but also
grated part of the owners’ private life and a fundamental by other characteristics of the firms which in the tax-
life-style that involves working as well as family life. onomy are condensed under the term “organisational
Most people do not want too much turbulence in their form”, including the structure – is it complex and bureau-
family lives, thus they are rather conservative in their cratic or simple and ad hoc, and the culture – is it a more
business style and do not want to innovate too much. “scientific” culture as in large industrial organisations
However, another category of small firms is inhabited (cf. Taylor, 1911) or is it very “practical” as in small craft
by very development, and innovation, oriented persons. and artisanal firms. Also, the question of whether the firm
The businesses of these persons, known in the literature has several branches such as a hotel chain or only one
as entrepreneurs (e.g. Sexton and Landström, 2000) may branch is an element of the organisational form. Further-
be integrated with family life, however, their life perspec- more, derived from the above-mentioned observations,
the small firms – the tourism shops – are divided into
Table 2 two sub-categories: entrepreneurial shops and family-
Size (no. of beds) and innovativeness in Balearic hotels 2004a life-style based shops termed “artisanal” (cf. Sundbo
No. of hotels’ Technological Widened and Gallouj, 2000). In the following, by analysing sur-
beds innovationb servicec vey data, the relevance of the taxonomy is sustained and
8–60 79.28 31.53
more specific characteristics of the firm categories are
61–219 85.05 45.79 distinguished.
220–1743 93.81 67.26 First of all, as the taxonomy is partly based on size,
Total 86.1 48.34 and as size has already been shown, statistically, to be
related to innovativeness, the size dimension of the tax-
N = 331. Source: Martı́nez-Ros and Orfila-Sintes (2005).
a Percentage of hotels that have introduced technological innovation onomy is corroborated. Thus, tourism enterprises are
or widened service within a 2-year period. more innovative than tourism shops and tourism cor-
b Technological innovation refers to incorporation of technological porations are more innovative than tourism enterprises.
novelties or improvements, i.e. control processes (e.g. quality control This is also the case, irrespective of size as is confirmed
and environmental management); computer equipment; information in Table 3, where the innovativeness of units of the Dan-
and telecommunications technologies; kitchens; food and beverage;
ish survey is established according to whether they are
rooms; maintenance and savings of utilities; security; cleaning and
laundry service. part of a corporation or participates in different degrees
c Widened service refers to expansion of the offered services so as of chain co-operation (e.g. Best Western hotels). The
to increase added value to the stay. table shows that the corporations are the most innovative.
J. Sundbo et al. / Research Policy 36 (2007) 88–106 97

Fig. 1. Three organisational forms of tourism firms.

Table 3
Innovation and co-operation in all tourism industries
Denmark 1999

The unit is Part of corporation Franchise or license Voluntary chain

Yes (%) No (%) Yes (%) No (%) Yes (%) No (%)

Innovativea 67 33 46 40 59 32
Not innovative 33 67 54 60 41 68

N = 170. Source: Jensen et al. (2001).

a Has introduced at least one substantial improvement of product, process, organisation or market behaviour within a 2-year period.

Further, tourism firms participating in voluntary chains influence the innovativeness of tourism firms. The roles
(more or less tightly or loosely coupled co-operation of such networks are considered in detail later in the
between independent enterprises) are more innovative article.
than enterprises or shops that do not participate in such However, within the smaller tourism firms, the shops,
chains. That units in the third category of co-operation, two sub-categories have been established. These sub-
franchising chains, are less innovative than the others is categories can normally not be separated in statistics
not surprising since franchising is a standard concept. It because they are both small firms. However, based on
is surprising that these units at all are innovative. This the surveys differences between all the categories of the
underlines the fact that membership of a large organisa- taxonomy (corporations, enterprises and entrepreneurial
tion is a strong determinant of innovation. Additionally, and artisanal shops) can be detected. Table 4 shows
it indicates that network arrangements of different sorts that also Balearic hotels in tourism corporations and

Table 4
Taxonomy and innovation in Balearic hotel industry 2004a

Taxonomy Technological innovationb Widened serviceb Bedsc Firm’s average number of beds

(A) Tourism corporation 93.67 67.09 31,932 404.20

(B) Tourism enterprise 92.77 56.63 23,440 282.41
(C.a) Entrepreneurial shop 86.17 45.74 10,982 116.83
(C.b) Artisanal shop 70.27 22.97 4,248 56.64
Total 86.06 48.48 70,602 213.30

(A) Hotels that are part of a hotel chain or of a business conglomerate with companies not operating in the lodging sector. (B) Hotels that are part
of less important chains and business conglomerate and independent hotels that are large and formally organised with training plans, graduates and
proactive attitude to IT; their star category is three or more stars. (C.a) Independent hotels that are smaller than those in tourism enterprise and
formally organised; their star category is three or less stars. (C.b) Small independent hotels that are not formally organised; their star category is
three or less stars. N = 331. Source: Martı́nez-Ros and Orfila-Sintes (2005).
a Percentage of hotel establishments innovating within a 2-year period.
b cf. Table 2.
c Total number of beds offered in each category.
98 J. Sundbo et al. / Research Policy 36 (2007) 88–106

in tourism enterprises are more innovative than shops. innovativeness. First, the relationship between innova-
Additionally, the distinction between artisanal and tiveness and a series of explanatory factors of innova-
entrepreneurial shops based on whether they are for- tiveness for hotels in the Balearic Islands is presented in
mally organised or not, i.e., with training plan, gradu- Table 5 and for Danish tourism firms in Table 6.
ated employees and proactive attitude to IT, sustains the In both tables, it is clear that the most innovative
hypothesis that within the small sized firms there are dif- hotels are those that use professional management instru-
ferences according to the type of firms in terms of their ments. Innovative hotels are furthermore more positive
innovativeness. towards using IT. Thus, the more professionally organ-
The above has established a taxonomy of tourism ised hotels appear to be more innovative. Furthermore,
firms and empirically shown the relevance of the tax- the production system explains the innovative behaviour
onomy. In the following section, a closer examination of of the firms. In the case of the survey relating to the
the characteristics of the firms in the different categories Balearic Islands (Table 5), it can be seen that the inno-
of the taxonomy will be carried out so as to provide fur- vative hotels use tour operators more frequently than the
ther explanations and details of the innovative behaviour non-innovators. The presence of the tour operators is an
of the tourism firms of the taxonomy. expected determinant of innovative behaviour, since they
possess expert knowledge of the demand (UN, 1982) and
4.2. Which firms across the categories are most have more negotiation power than the individual clients
innovative? booking their beds directly (Sørensen, 2004). This co-
operation with tour operators is one of several relevant
Within the established categories, there are certain types of network relations which are discussed in detail
characteristics of the tourism firms that may be of impor- later. The production system is also relevant for the
tance for their innovativeness. This will be discussed in Danish tourism firms’ innovativeness though measured
the following data analysis where different characteris- differently (Table 6). The innovative tourism firms are
tics of tourism firms will be compared with the firms’ characterised by their production system being mostly

Table 5
Innovativeness and explanatory factors in Balearic Hotel Industry 2004a

Factors Variables Technological innovationb Widened serviceb

Yes No Yes No

Professional management Member of chain 41.75 23.91 51.88 27.49

Training plan 80.35 47.83 85.00 67.25
Academic employees 62.31 32.56 72.00 45.34
Production system Tour operators booking 76.14 73.91 86.88 65.50
Size of board < average 60.00 80.00 51.88 72.94
Size of board = average 56.49 31.11 61.25 45.29
Size of board > average 26.67 11.11 33.13 16.47
Active customers 41.40 28.26 39.38 39.77
Opened > 6 months 59.30 32.61 59.38 52.05
Organisation of innovation activities Co-operation with externals 5.66 * 8.90 *

Internal information sources 95.02 * 95.48 *

External information sources 35.94 * 42.58 *

Innovating for improved quality 97.19 * 97.44 *

Innovating for lower costs 67.37 * 71.79 *

Innovating for competing 84.21 * 85.90 *

Positive attitude to IT URL 77.19 52.17 85.00 63.16

E-mail 80.7 52.17 88.75 65.50
Booking by Internet 61.05 34.78 63.75 51.46

N = 331. Source: Martı́nez-Ros and Orfila-Sintes (2005).

a Percentage of hotel establishment innovating within a 2-year period.
b cf. Table 2.
* Not applicable.
J. Sundbo et al. / Research Policy 36 (2007) 88–106 99

Table 6
Innovativeness and explanatory factors in Danish tourism in 1999
Factor Variables Innovativenessa

Yes No

Professional management—use of A business plan 58 24

management instruments Systems to measure customer satisfaction 29 17
A training plan for the employees 30 10
Production system Individualised (totally customised) products 38 68
Modulised products 47 53
Standardised products 31 69
Organisation of innovation activities A permanent innovation department 22 *

Ad hoc project groups 43 *

Use external advisors 31 *

No particular way—do not know 33 *

Attitude to IT It is important to exploit the new possibilities that IT gives 78 44

N = 170. Source: Jensen et al. (2001).

a % within each category innovating within a 2-year period (yes) or not (no)—answering that they use the instrument or do the activity defined.
* Not applicable.

modualised (standard elements that are combined indi- It can be supposed that all these determinants of inno-
vidually to the individual customer; cf. Sanchez and vation vary with size, thus they are stronger the larger
Mahoney, 1996; Sundbo, 1994) and by using several the size of the tourism firms. This will fit with the con-
types of organisations of the innovation activities of clusion that tourism corporations and enterprises, the
which ad hoc project groups is the most commonly used largest firms, are the most innovative (Table 4). This
type. However, 33% answer that they have no particular is confirmed in the qualitative studies (Sørensen, 2002,
way of innovating or they do not consider which way to 2004) where it is seen that tourism corporations and
do it. enterprises are those that apply professional manage-
The innovative behaviour of the Balearic Islands’ ment tools (e.g. business plans, quality control measures,
hotels is also positively correlated to a larger board employee training, etc.) to a great extent, in addition
(Table 5). Furthermore, the hotels attracting active cus- to which they employ graduates in management, devel-
tomers, i.e. tourists with cultural or sport interests and opment and public relations departments. Furthermore,
not only for sun and beach interests, and hotels opening those firms have more professionally organised innova-
for more than 6 months per year are also more inno- tion activities, and apply complex IT systems and the
vative. Probably, the hotels attracting active customers Internet. Furthermore, they are more inclined towards
innovate to meet more client requirements. The effect innovating according to tourists’ demands and they are
of the opening period can be explained as hotels opened – not least – also those that have access to the neces-
for longer periods will play a greater role in the creation sary finances. All this indicates that the surveys’ most
of tourist products of the destination, will have more salient explanatory factors for innovativeness are such
information, and will experience lower occupancy rates that are found in corporations and enterprises. Thus, type
in periods of lesser demand. These hotels may be more of organisation, size, professional management, produc-
interested in maintaining an innovative offer-structure tion systems and organisation of innovation activities
that responds effectively to the seasonal nature of tourism seem to be interrelated explanatory factors of the inno-
(e.g., the search for ways to decrease fixed costs), they vativeness in tourism firms.
may have a greater accumulation of knowledge resources However, as has been seen, among smaller firms,
and can introduce innovations that require more trials and entrepreneurial shops are distinguished from artisanal
adjustments during periods of lower occupancy. Finally, shops. Again combined with the survey results, we may
improved quality as being an important motive for inno- find an explanation of this in the qualitative studies. Con-
vation is in accordance with the current nature of com- trasting artisanal shops, these entrepreneurial shops, just
petition emphasising quality issues since competition on like larger firms, apply quality control measures, busi-
pricing is more difficult. ness plans and employee training to the degree that this
100 J. Sundbo et al. / Research Policy 36 (2007) 88–106

is possible in a smaller firm. At the same time, the man- though only artisanal and entrepreneurial shops where
agers/owners are often academics in contrast to the typ- identified among the interviewed campsites. Though not
ical artisanal shop where they are ‘have been all the life statistically representative, this indicates a more gen-
in the business’ people (Sørensen, 2004). As such, these eral applicability of the taxonomy of tourism businesses
firms possess certain of the same explanatory factors of in general. Thus, it is suggested that business-structural
innovativeness as corporations and enterprises. Addi- characteristics of different sectors of the tourism indus-
tionally, these firms can be considered entrepreneurial try determine the differences in the overall innovative
in the sense that they are being developed around the behaviour of the different sectors in both the Danish and
personal belief of their managers/owners in a business the Spanish tourism industries. This issue is discussed
idea that may, or may not, turn out to be a success. Thus, further in the section concerning the role of innovation
they risk their savings on building a business in contrast systems.
to the artisanal firms where a ‘steady and safe business’
is the goal. 5. External networks in tourism innovation

4.3. Differences in innovativeness between tourist It has already been indicated that certain types of co-
industries operation with units external to the tourism firms, and
thus networks, are of relevance for the innovativeness of
The innovativeness of different tourism industries tourism firms. For example, those firms that are mem-
is measured in the Spanish data (Table 7). Hotels are bers of chains have been seen to be more innovative
observed to be the most innovative, next come leisure than those which are not, and those that co-operate with
activities (attractions, etc.) and restaurants. Transport tour operators are more innovative than those that do not
and car rental firms are the least innovative. (Tables 3 and 5). The following discussion will be dedi-
This demonstrates that there are differences between cated to establishing a more detailed insight into the role
tourism industries. In the Danish data (Jensen et al., of the innovation networks related to the taxonomy of
2001), hotels and restaurants were found to be the least different types of tourism firms.
innovation oriented industries while tour operators and
travel agencies were the most innovation oriented. This 5.1. Networking in three regions
is different from the Spanish survey results. However,
in the qualitative interviews (Danish and Spanish) other The following analysis is mainly based on qualitative
types of firms than hotels were observed to fit into the tax- interviews undertaken in Malaga, Spain, and Jammer-
onomy. As such attractions that can be characterised as bugten, Denmark. In analysing the role of the tourism
shops (entrepreneurial or artisanal) or as enterprises were firms’ networks, three aspects of the networks are inter-
identified and these different types of attractions’ inno- esting: (1) the benefits of different types of network
vative characteristics are comparable to those of the sim- relations; (2) different firms’ networks; and (3) the geo-
ilar categories of hotels. The same counts for campsites graphical differences of the firms’ networks. Concerning
the first, the empirical findings from the province of
Malaga (Sørensen, 2004) indicate that local networks
Table 7
Innovativeness of different tourism industries
among firms from similar branches, for example among
hotels, are dense (almost all firms participate in such), but
Spain 2000 of a loose character and provide firms with broad general
Tourist Percentage Innovation Innovations information. Other types of local relations are, however,
industry of firms intensitya percentageb not seen to provide any innovation benefits at all. In the
Hotels 46.66 13.85 63.10 case of relations among complementary firms, they are
Leisure 15.00 9.38 13.75 either non-existent or of a very loose character, and the
Transport 3.00 8.67 2.50 complementary tourism firms see each other as being
Restaurants 18.34 6.82 12.20 too diverse to co-operate more closely and to learn from
Travel agencies 11.67 5.17 5.90
Car rental 5.33 4.94 2.60
each other. Local relations with providers of inputs do
not provide innovative benefits of importance either, as
Total 100.00 10.20 100.00
they concern regular inputs that are not related to product
Source: Jacob et al. (2004). developments. The destinations are, in this way, places
a Average number of innovations per firm within a 3-year period.
b Percentage of total innovations carried out in each sector.
of loose networks, dynamism and distribution of gen-
eral information, but only so among firms within the
J. Sundbo et al. / Research Policy 36 (2007) 88–106 101

same industry. On the other hand, non-local network apparent that the characteristics of these firms, described
relations are seen to provide greater differences in inno- earlier, provide mechanisms that take over where the
vation benefits. Non-local relations with distributors, benefits of their small networks are lacking. So, while
mainly tour operators, are of varying strengths, whereas networks may in important ways support tourism firms’
chain relations are typically stronger though they are also innovativeness, neither the networks nor their benefits
of varying strengths providing varied innovation bene- and consequences are independent of the characteristics
fits. Finally, non-local relations with providers of inputs of the tourism firms.
share characteristics with the local ones. The impor- Last, the geographical differences of networks are
tant exceptions are stronger relations with producers evident. The tourism firms of Jammerbugten in Den-
of specialised inputs, which support product develop- mark have hardly established local networks and there-
ments. In these relations, innovations initially made out- fore barely benefit from such (Sørensen, 2002). Sim-
side tourism are further developed and adjusted to the ilar research carried out on other Danish destinations
needs of the tourism firms through an interchange of (Roskilde (Framke and Sørensen, 2002) and Bornholm
specialist knowledge, ideas and needs. All in all (and (Nilsson, 2002)) indicates that this lack of local networks
contrary to general assumptions of agglomeration litera- may be a widespread phenomenon in Danish destinations
ture), tourism firms possess loose local networks that (see also Bærenholdt et al., 2004). On the other hand,
mainly sustain dynamism and the transfer of general in Costa del Sol, local competitive networks are well
information, whereas stronger networks that sustain the developed and functioning. In between these extremes
transfer of ‘deeper’ specialist knowledge are a non-local are the rural destinations of Malaga where local com-
network phenomenon. Still, the combination of local and petitive networks exist without being as well developed
non-local networks has the potential to supply tourism and without providing benefits to the same degree as
firms with a combination of important network innova- on the Costa del Sol (Sørensen, 2004). The reasons for
tion benefits. these differences are several: the firms of the rural des-
The next observation is that different firms’ networks, tinations of Malaga and of Jammerbugten are primarily
and thus their benefits, vary. Not surprisingly, larger shops in contrast to the Costa del Sol. Additionally, in
firms, i.e. corporations and enterprises, possess larger the case of the Costa del Sol, an extreme spatial con-
networks than the smaller shops and, just as in those centration of firms has facilitated the establishment of
aspects already mentioned, have a more professional local networks. Finally, the role of the destinations in
approach to utilising and benefiting from the networks the minds of the managers/owners of destinations seems
(cf. Jensen et al., 2001; Sørensen, 2004). These networks relevant. In the case of the Costa del Sol, a sense of a
are also of a more varied character involving local and common belonging and commitment to the destination
non-local relations to a varied collection of firms, thus is evident whereas it is not in Jammerbugten. This may
providing more varied benefits. However, in the case be related to the origin of the destinations. In the case
of corporations, it is seen that the centralisation of net- of Jammerbugten, this destination is a recent political
working within the central unit of the corporation limits construct rather than a historically developed destina-
the size of local networks to varying degrees and, thus, tion and its geographical borders seem to be relevant
the benefits of such. Irrespective of this, corporations only for political purposes and not for local firms. Thus,
and enterprises achieve more innovation network bene- while local authorities encourage the establishment of
fits than shops. Thus, network benefits also relate to size networks within this destination, local firms do not. A
and the other innovation variables described earlier, such higher innovativeness of larger and of Spanish firms may
as professionalism. However, an important exception therefore partly be related to their participation in more
from the network size–innovation relation is observed developed and diverse networks.
as entrepreneurial shops which have small networks turn
out to be highly innovative. Whereas for artisanal shops, 5.2. Networking in different tourism industries
local relations are mainly latent and represent unused
opportunities, they are for the entrepreneurial shops val- As has been illustrated in the above, there are dif-
ued as a possibility of learning and co-operatively devel- ferences between networks of firms located in differ-
oping products. Entrepreneurial shops therefore take a ent destinations. Furthermore, according to the findings
more active approach to the networks, in particular local of one of the Danish surveys, Danish tourism firms’
ones, in using and developing them (Sørensen, 2004). employ networks in their innovative activities to dif-
Though this may partly explain the higher innovative- ferent degrees (Table 8). The most externally oriented
ness of the entrepreneurial shops, it is, however, also industries are tourist information offices, attractions and
102 J. Sundbo et al. / Research Policy 36 (2007) 88–106

Table 8 perception of the rural destinations’ regional innovation

External relations in innovation of tourism industriesa systems as less developed and less beneficial than is the
Denmark 1999 case of the Costa del Sol (Sørensen, 2004). The regional
Tourist information 100
tourism innovation system of Jammerbugten follows a
Attractions 92 similar pattern to that of the rural destinations of Malaga
Travel agencies 85 (Sørensen, 2002).
Transport 44 Another important element, related to this and to the
Accommodation 31 spatially concentrated character of the Costa del Sol,
Restaurants 0
seems to be that of collective learning through which
N = 98. Source: Jensen et al. (2001). information becomes a public good (Capello, 1999).
a % of firms that answer that they have participated in external net-
Whereas processes of collective learning are not evident
works in development of innovations.
in the other destinations, it is significant in the Costa
del Sol. This also seems related to a somehow culturally
travel agencies. They are either dominated by enter- based social openness characterising all the destinations
prises (attractions) or corporations (travel agencies) or in Malaga (Sørensen, 2004), but which is not evident in
are forced to network (tourist information offices). The Jammerbugten where tourism firms seem to ‘mind their
traditional tourist industries, restaurants and accommo- own business’ (Sørensen, 2002).
dation (hotels, pensions, youth hostels, camping sites), A further element of the regional as well as of the
are those that use networks the least when innovating. national tourism innovation system seems to be differ-
However, in Denmark, these industries are dominated ences in public/private planning measures. These have in
by shops, which may be interpreted as being mostly arti- the Costa del Sol involved coastal, beach, urban, traffic
sanal. By this it is indicated that different types of firms and sustainable development plans (Garcı́a et al., 2004;
belonging to the taxonomy possess similar networks irre- Barke and Towner, 1996; Barke and France, 1996). Span-
spective of which segment of the tourism industry they ish public policies are in general designed to support the
belong to. Thus, the results of the above network anal- restructuring and diversification of the traditional mass
ysis are indicated to be valid for the tourism industry tourism destinations while sustaining the development of
in general. However, there are still minor differences. new products such as rural or cultural tourism (Baidal,
These are evident in the qualitative studies where it is 2004). In Denmark, by contrast, tourism ‘planning’ has
observed how attractions in particular are less oriented mainly focused on initiatives to brand the same offer in
towards local networks. This is a result of the diversity new manners and on offering new types of packages of
within destinations of the attractions and the lack of sim- the already existing offer rather than on actually devel-
ilar attractions within the destinations. oping or renewing it. In this way, tourism planning in
Spain sustains a tourism innovation system focused on
6. Tourism innovation systems product innovation to a higher degree than in Denmark.
Irrespective of the planning measures, the national
So far, the article has dealt with innovation at the firm tourism innovation system seems less beneficial in Den-
and at the inter-firm levels. The following section will mark: tourism education (higher and lower), research,
consider the existence of wider innovation systems in support industries and institutional attention towards
tourism. Thus, the discussion focuses on how regional, tourism appear less developed in Denmark. This may
national and sectoral innovation systems are relevant in be directly related to other elements of the system such
tourism, and how they may affect the innovativeness of as the lower spatial concentration of the tourism firms
tourism firms. At the regional, or destination level, dif- and the lower national economic importance of tourism
ferences in the composition of the firms, their spatial compared to Spain. Such limits of the Danish tourism
concentration and their relation to institutional actors innovation system can partly explain a general lower
are obvious. All of these factors seem to influence the level of innovativeness of the tourism firms. Further-
functioning of the regional tourism innovation system. more, at the regional as well as at the national level, the
It is observed how firms of the rural region of Malaga composition of the sector (the concentration and types
perceive themselves to be on the margin of the informa- of firms) varies: Danish tourism is more dominated by
tion flows, which are more concentrated in the Costa del shops and less by corporations and enterprises.
Sol, just as are educational establishments and institu- An important aspect is demand. As described ear-
tional actors. This combined with the low spatial concen- lier, demands are of importance for the corporations
tration and the existence of many tourism shops justify a and enterprises on the Costa del Sol, which innovate
J. Sundbo et al. / Research Policy 36 (2007) 88–106 103

according to perceptions of the demands which is in the least innovative firms. However, among the tourism
contrast with the entrepreneurial shops where, to higher shops, entrepreneurial shops have been distinguished as
degree, personal beliefs direct innovations (Sørensen, a particular innovative type of small firm. Apart from size
2004). Furthermore, as described, different firms, pri- and organisational form, other differences among the cat-
marily corporations and enterprises compared to shops, egories have been detected of which professionalism can
have different needs for and access to finance, technolo- explain a large part of the variation in innovativeness.
gies, information, etc. and they act according to different The more professional the tourism firms are in terms of
values, professionalism and within varied innovation applying business and training plans, quality control sys-
networks. All this indicates that even firms in the same tems, academic employees, IT, etc., the more innovative
business, such as hotels, may not be seen as participants it is.
in the same sectoral innovation system. This is even more The value of networks has also been demonstrated.
so for different firms, e.g. attractions and hotels. Thus, a The most innovative tourism firms, i.e. corporations
perception of tourism as one sectoral innovation system and enterprises participate more in local as well as
may not be a plausible one, as different tourism firms non-local networks, thus achieving larger and more
do not operate with the same knowledge base; do not varied innovation network benefits than shops. How-
utilise particular technologies, inputs and demands; and ever, entrepreneurial shops have a more active approach
do not possess similar beliefs, objectives and behaviours. towards networks than artisanal shops. Nevertheless,
Instead, the tourism innovation system can be understood tourism firms can be highly innovative even when they
as being comprised of a variety of sectoral innovation possess very limited networks as the case of Spanish
systems. entrepreneurial shops has shown. It can further be con-
It is, as such, evident that different destinations and cluded that innovation systems at regional (or destina-
countries are characterised by different tourism innova- tion) and national levels influence the innovativeness of
tion systems influencing the innovativeness of tourism tourism firms. However, the tourism innovation system
firms. These characteristics of different innovation sys- may also be perceived not to be one coherent system but
tems are, however, also partly due to the characteristics of instead a variety of systems, when viewed from a sectoral
the firms operating within the systems, which also affect innovation system approach, due to the high diversity of
the character of the networks as has been seen. This has tourism firms.
also been demonstrated by Mattsson et al. (2006) who Among tourism firms, hotels, restaurants and trans-
show how entrepreneurship creates local innovation sys- port have been seen to be the most innovative. There
tems. However, two entrepreneurship roles are required, are, however, national differences between the innova-
the initiator – called scene maker – and one who main- tiveness of tourism firms in Denmark and Spain with
tains the system – called the scene taker. A condition for the Spanish firms being the more innovative. This can be
success in system creation is that the scene taker creates explained by the fact that tourism shops in Spain seem to
local networks which include firms and institutions from be more entrepreneurial while those in Denmark seem to
different industries and public authorities. The system be more artisanal. Further, shops seem more dominant in
creation can be explained by the existence of individual Denmark than in Spain, where larger and more innova-
entrepreneurs and public support systems. Thus, an inti- tive corporations and enterprises are more common. The
mate relation between firms, networks and innovation national differences may further be explained by the fact
systems is evident. that Spanish tourism firms, partly related to the charac-
ter of the Spanish firms, are more network oriented and,
7. Conclusions and policy perspectives in particular, participate in more developed local net-
works. Furthermore, the Spanish innovation systems are
This article has discussed the innovative behaviours more innovation-procuring than the Danish ones. This is
of tourism firms and the determinants of the innova- partly due to the character of the firms involved in Span-
tiveness. Tourism firms’ innovation behaviour is related ish tourism, but can also be explained by a more offensive
to size: the larger the firm, the more innovative it is. tourism policy emphasising change of the whole tourism
However, this is also related to the type of firm. A tax- concept, and a market stressing innovation. Thus, Span-
onomy of tourism firms has been established according ish tourism has taken a planned strategic turn which
to their organisational form and has been demonstrated has created a focus on innovation and procured new
to be able to explain the innovative behaviour of tourism entrepreneurship.
firms. Tourism corporations are the most innovative fol- The many determinants of innovation identified in
lowed by tourism enterprises and tourism shops that are the article are intrinsically interrelated: larger size or
104 J. Sundbo et al. / Research Policy 36 (2007) 88–106

entrepreneurship, professionalism of varying types, in which direction to develop their innovations thus they
networks and favourable innovation systems are all all support each other in a common development. The
interdependent and interrelated determinants of the innovation system in tourism should emphasise the last
innovativeness of tourism firms. part of the technology–economic network (cf. Callon et
These conclusions indicate that innovation effort is al., 1992), namely the commercial development–market
increased and becomes more successful if a more insti- relation. As elsewhere in the service sector, the inno-
tutionalised innovation system (cf. Coriat and Weinstein, vation system would be most efficient if it is strategy-
2002) is developed. The comparison between Denmark based and market/customer-oriented – without for-
and Spain demonstrates that the tourist industry in Spain getting the technological possibilities (cf. Sundbo,
is more innovative than the Danish one and has more 2001).
system character. The Spanish lead cannot be explained Finally, while the general assumption that innovation
as result of a national culture or a national innovation increases with firm size has been confirmed in the arti-
system. It is caused by development of specific factors cle, it has also been shown how a certain type of small
within the tourist industry. These factors are a combina- tourism firm, the entrepreneurial shop, is highly inno-
tion of the existence of larger corporations within Span- vative. Smaller tourism firms have often been deemed
ish tourist industry and a political strategy for renewing ‘non-entrepreneurial’ and non-innovative (Shaw and
Spanish tourism (from low class sun-and-beach to high- Williams, 1998; Hjalager, 2002), non-networking (Bull,
class culture tourism). The latter have among others 1999, p. 160), and generally responsible for a lack
implied a more widespread training and education sys- of innovation in tourism (Hjalager, 2002). This article
tem, which has increased professionalism, which again suggests that such a one-sided view may be distorted
is connected with a larger innovation-orientation among and that more research, to understand the dynamics of
managers and employees. We have even observed that entrepreneurial shops, may be essential. Furthermore,
formation of networks, which may be seen as a germ of these findings of the article could have important plan-
innovation systems, increases when innovation increases ning implications. Destination building based on large-
because the firms need external actors and knowledge scale tourism firms may sustain innovative and thus
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Gallouj, 2000). Larger firms can afford to employ peo- may not only be beautiful but can, when sustaining
ple with more education, which improve their innovation entrepreneurial shop activities, result in highly innova-
capacity. Thus, differences in innovativeness between tive destinations as well.
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