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Thoughts on “Love” and Being Born Again

Those who live in the light of (love) can do so “peacefully” even when they live
Among saints or sinner, theives or theologins, & healers or hell-hounds… Love
Over-rules any fear that the adept may have. “Life” itself does not require a reason or
(excuse) to exist. It is only mankind who demand “excuses” for his own existance.
“Reason, rumor and reaction are the only entertainment that man-kind has for “pass-
time”. Cause & effect are mans
reaction to his own ideas of what constitutes “un-reasoning”.

When we try to bottle (reasoning) or try to encapsulate life- it just slowly but,
Surly evaporates. For example; put water into any clear glass jar into direct sun
Light with an air tight cap for 6-8-10 months- then when we return, we find the jar
Empty… So, how did the water get out? Water is much like life. You cannot
Contain it (forever) & truth is much the same way. Eventually any truth will come
To light. Truth & water are both independent (life-forces) and any lifeforce will
Eventually overcome any man-made prison… “eventually”.

So, why are we here? Its very simple; we are all builders in the middle of building
The new heaven & new earth which was prophesied by many from ancient days of
Old. Just remember; where there is (life) there will always be “conflict… and, Where
There is (no voice) there can be no rumors of (war). Life itself has its own purpose,
But so does “death”. The two can never be seperated- because they are (Twins)…!
You can never have one without the other… A time to gather stones? And a time to
Cast them away? A time to live & a time to die- a time for peace & a time for (war.)

These are all quite (relative) to each other as “you” are to them. Most of us have
Been here before & the reason you may not recall your past is because this is you’re First
time visit...? Ten thousand years from now when your future ancestors ask; (why are we
here?) you will be able to give them the simple explanation- whomever you are born as,
at that time…unless, they already know the answer in that era of endless time and endless
space… How do we explain (rebirth?) simple; study molecular biology and
The nature & “working” of the atomic cell structure. “Rebirth” is simple biology and
the (consciousness) within all of us is only “pure energy” from one single source…

And now you know why God never spares (ALL) of the innocent ones- why bother, since
they all come back (later) anyway… Gods apparent lack of care & concern over
Worldwide “chaos” is due to the fact that; (life) always returns & since consciousness
Is (pure energy) & energy is comprised of “atomic cells” and every cell has a memory
Cell within each & every cell…”eventually” you will remember the chaos that killed you
so many times before… Read Isaiah 45 vs# 7 very slowly & think it through…
By; Fr/Chaplain; Lonnie Craig

My Own Clinical Death Experience

Lonnie’s Yhoo Photo Page

United Faith Ministries Public Page


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