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Engaging all of Life with the Christian Faith

Sponsored by Resurrection Presbyterian Church

Speaking of Faith

Proposal: To put together a lively and thoughtful 6 week series of

talks touching on a variety of topics from all of life, from the perspective of the Christian faith.

Purpose: The Speaking of Faith series will engage matters of

significance from all of life and explore them from the perspective of the Christian faith, in order to promote thoughtful reflection, model respectful & civil conversation, and enrich the life of the city.

Core Values: How we want to go about doing this.

Respect: As Christians, we want to take the Bible seriously when it
says Show proper respect to everyone (1 Peter 2:17). Too often, public discourse descends into charged rhetoric, name-calling, and mischaracterization, which have more to do with winning the debate than exploring truth. We want to treat people and their ideas fairly, even when we disagree. We desire an environment of understanding and mutual respect.

Humility: We want to approach each topic with deference and

humility. As we view all of life through the lens of the Christian faith, our convictions will be evident. Yet, we want to hold these convictions with a gracious and humble attitude. We want to be honest about our struggles, doubts and questions. We are not interested in silencing opposing voices or avoiding hard questions.

Confidence in Truth: Although we will present ideas in the most

humble and respectful manner possible, we do have confidence in our convictions. We will approach each topic from the standpoint of the Christian faith. We invite questions and interaction from other viewpoints. Yet we are distinctly Christian in our perspective. Everything

Significance: We will choose topics and questions that matter to

people. This means that we will choose from a variety of fields including, but not limited to, the arts (music, painting, photography, poetry, dance, etc.) books, politics, social issues, entertainment, education, business, recreation and food. We believe that Christianity

is relevant to all of life and we are interested in pursing the different ways that it enriches our experience of life.

Goals: How will we know when we are successful?

Vibrant Public Discourse: We want the Speaking of Faith series to
spark the exchange of ideas in the public sphere. Discussing culture, ethics, worldviews, and faith is a significant way to engage the world and to discover meaning in our lives. We want to provide interesting topics and speakers, thoughtful reflection on those topics, and real give and take between audience and speaker.

The Flourishing of the Broadway Bean & the Carondelet area: We want the city of St. Louis and Carondelet in particular to
flourish and prosper. We believe that, as Christians, we are charged to bring prosperity to our communities. The Bible tells us to seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried youbecause if it prospers, you too will prosper (Jeremiah 29:7). For Resurrection, the prosperity of our neighborhood is not simply a side issue or a pleasant convenience; it is an integral part of our mission. We want the Speaking of Faith Series to benefit the neighborhood and be profitable for the Broadway Bean. Attendance: We aim to have between 25-75 thirsty people in attendance each week.

Responsibilities: Who does what?

The Broadway Bean:
1. Host the series 2. Make & sell great tasting beverages! 3. (Assist with promotion?)

Resurrection Presbyterian Church:

1. Vet engaging speakers and topics. 2. Act as a liaison between speaker and Broadway Bean and

between speaker and audience.

3. Advertise through our website, extended email network, other 4. Provide necessary equipment (e.g. sound, video, chairs)

churches, local seminary, local businesses and in our facilities.

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