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In this chapter, the writer will discuss about background of study, statement of the problem, purpose of study, significance of study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms.


Background of the Study Literature is simply another we can experience the world around us through our imagination (Jones, 1968: 1). While according to Monroe C. Beardsley (1958), literature is a term used to describe a range of apparently very different things: essay, histories, novels, sermons, poems, plays, short stories, biographies, autobiographies, collection of letters, and so on. It means, by learning literature express human ideas to invent a creation. According to Webster (1952:660), novel is fiction prose narrative of considerable length, portraying character, action, and scene representative of real life. So, novel is one part of literature and interesting to read because it is the reflection of the real life. When the students study literature or literary work especially prose (novel), they add not only their knowledge but also they get many experiences despite its analysis. Moreover, the students future reading habits can be stimulated by learning literature. The explanation above encourages the writer of final assignment to analyze a novel. The writer would like to discuss Margets jealousy with Kerrin in Joshephine Johnsons Novel Now In November . The writer thinks that it is attractive to be analyzed because Marget was the real figure

of woman who faced a lot of complicated problem and conflict, especially in jealousy with her sister, Kerrin who love Grant.


Statement of the Problem In referring to the background of the study, the writer formulates the problem of the study in questions as follows: 1. Why is Marget jealous with Kerrin? 2. What is done by Kerrin, so Marget is jealous? 3. How does her family responses to the jealousy of Marget?

1.3 Purpose of the Study Concerning with the problem of the study, the writer focuses investigation: 1. Analyzing the cause of Margets jealousy with Kerrin 2. Finding the attitude of Kerrin which make Marget is jealous with her 3. Analyzing the response of her family to the jealousy of Marget 1.4 Significance of the Study The result of this study is expected to encourage and motivate the students especially and to the readers generally, in order to understand more about novel and the whole its contains and brings advantages to students life by knowing Elizabeth Ardens struggle to be successful. Hopefully, the information which is presented at this final assignment will be as one of the models of reference for the students who are interested in studying literary work, especially novel.

1.5 Scope and Limitation Since there are many conflict done by the character in Joshepine Jonsons novel Now In November, this study only focuses on the jealousy of Marget to her sister Kerrin.

1.6 Definition of the Key Term To clarify and avoid misunderstanding the meaning of this research title, the terms are necessary to be defined as follows: 1. Analysis is study of something by examining its parts. 2. Marget is the main character of Now In November novel. 3. Joshepine Jonson is the authors of Now In November novel.


In this chapter, the writer of this final assignment wants to present the review of literature. It concerns with theoretical framework underlying this study which are the focus of the novel of Now in November by Josephine Johnson. 2.1 Theory of Analysis In observing literature, there are two kinds of aspects namely the intrinsic and extrinsic aspects. The intrinsic approach in about: plot, theme, setting, character, and characterization. Second, extrinsic approach deals with moral message, and religious teaching. According to the Graham Little (1996), they are five basic terms of literary criticism. Those are themes, approach, form, structure and style. It seems that the critic concentrates his analysis on intrinsic aspect. Supriono (1991) states that fiction says nothing if it only collection of words and sentences of the author. There are some elements, which should not be neglected. Those included plot,

characterization, point of view, theme, setting, tone and style. 2.2 Element Of Novel 2.2.1 Character Character are persons in dramatic or narrative work, endowed with the oral and disposition and qualities that are expressed in what they say (the dialog), and what they do (the action). The grounds in a characters temperament and moral nature for his actions constitute his motivation (Koesnoebroto. 1988:65).

But according to Meyer (1990:61), characters are no more than people in a novel, whom the readers recognize from the words they read in the novel. Characters are not always human beings. They can be animals or other creatures. In fantasy fictions, for the examples, the characters are robots, plants, or animals. 2.2.2 Plot Plot is the arrangement of the detail events and incidents in a story (Connonly. 1955:6). Mac Milan in Appreciating Literature states there is the scheme of plot, they are:

1. Exposition is the beginning section in which the author gives the necessary background information. 2. Rising Action is the build up of events and the presentation of the problems and conflicts faced by the characters. 3. Climax is the turning point of the story; the point of greatest emotional involvement. This is the point when the readers know whether the main character will be successful or not. 4. Falling Action is the point at which the readers learn of the characters reaction to the climax. This section of the story may be very short. 5. Resolution is the end of the falling action; the final tying together of the story. 2.2.3 Conflict Edward H. Jones in his book Outline of literature mentions that there are three kinds of conflict: 1. Physical conflict is a conflict between human being and nature and environment. 2. Social conflict is a conflict between one person and another.

3. Psychological conflict is a conflict between man and himself, his conscience, his guilt, or simply trying to decide what he is going to do. 2.2.4 Setting According to Kenney (1966:38), setting is everything that happens somewhere at sometimes that element of fiction which reveals to us where and when of events. The major elements of setting are the time, place, and social environment that frame the characters. So, setting is very important to give information about the situation.

2.2.5 Theme Theme is the idea or message by which the author presents and provides the basic form of a fiction. Theme expresses the authors opinion or raises a question about human nature or the meaning of human experience. (Milan, 1984: 720). Jones (1968: 82) says that theme of novel is it is underlying idea or wisdom that the author is presenting.

2.2.6 Point of View Griffith (1982:37) states point of view is the authors relationship to his or her fictional. Jacob Sumardjo classifies point of view into four. They are: 1. First point of view The author as the character who tells his own experience but the readers have to be aware not to mix it with the authors opinion because I here not always the author, but one of the characters. 2. Objective point of view The author tells what happens in the story like the audiences look on the story.

3. Limited point of view The author chooses one of the characters to be told. This character can tell his ideas and opinion, but he cannot tell the others opinion or feeling. 4. Omniscient point of view The author acts as the creator of everything. He knows everything about the characters. 2.3 Definition of Jealousy Jealous is feeling angry or unhappy because somebody you like or love is showing interest in somebody else. 2.3.1 Cause of Jealousy Someone feel jealous when somebody he like or love is showing interest in somebody else. 2.3.2 Effect of Jealousy Jealousy has some effect such as: -Feel angry with couple without strong prove, -Feel hate with person who make us feel jealous, -Feel not confidence in front of his or her couple. 2.3.3 Solving Jealousy Problem To solve this problem, someone who feel jealous has to talk together with people involve in the problem to get the solution. In addition, people have to have positive thinking and honesty.

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY In this chapter, the writer presents research methodology that is used to analyze the novel. Furthermore, the writer divides into five parts of research method. There are research design, object of the study, data resources, procedure of data collection and data analysis. 3.1 Research Design Since this study is literary study, the object is the novel, which is studying the topic of the novel Now In November by Joshepine Johnson that is rich of description, the writer will use descriptive qualitative research design, because the result of this study is not numerical data, but only a long explanation of the novel story. In general the characteristics of qualitative research are: a. The collected data is soft data, rich with the description of man, place, dialogues that cannot be treated with statistical procedures. b. The research question does not refer to variables as in quantitative research. c. The researcher is the key instrument in the data collection and analysis process. d. The result is argument and description.

3.2 Object of the Study The object of this study is the topic of the novel Now In November by Josephine Johnson. 3.3 Data Resources The writer collects the data from the novel entitled Now In November by Josephine Johnson that consists of three parts. In this case, the writer will focuses on the topic of the novel. 3.4 Procedure of Data Collection To collect the data researcher uses three steps: a. Reading the novel many times and selecting the quotation carefully. b. Analyzing intrinsic aspects, especially the topic. c. Arranging the result of the data analysis. 3.5 Data Analysis The technique used in analyzing the novel is descriptive qualitative analysis. It means that the writer will read, analyze and summarize to find the plot and setting, character and characterization, point of view. Besides intrinsic aspects, the writer also focuses on the analysis of the topic in the novel.

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