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2 Marks Questions
1.Mention the components oI data communication systems.
Message It is the inIormation (data) to be communicated.
Sender Devices that sends the data message.
Receiver The device that receives the message.
Medium The transmission medium is the physical path by which the
message travels Irom sender to receiver.
Protocol Set oI rules that govern data communication. It provides an
agreement between the communicating devices. Without a protocol two
devices may be Connected but not communicated.
2.What are the advantages oI wireless media over wired media?
Unguided media transport electromagnetic waves without using a physical
conductor.Signals are normally broadcast through Iree space and thus are available
to anyone. Unguided signals can travel Irom the source to destination in several
i.Ground propagation
ii.Sky propagation
iii .Line-oI-sight propagation.
3.Determine the total number oI links needed Ior N nodes connected as (a) Mesh
topology (b) Star topology (c) Ring topology.
Mesh topology n (n-1)/2
Ring topology n

.What is the purpose oI RS-232 and what is the Iunction oI null modem?
RS232 deIines the mechanical, electrical, and Iunctional characteristics oI
the interIace between a DTE and a DCE. A null modem provides the DTE-DTE
interIace without the DCEs
5.What are the Iive important components oI data communications?
Message, Sender. Receiver, Medium, Protocol
6.DeIine Block Coding & give its purpose.
Block coding changes a block oI m bits into a block oI n bits, where n is
larger than m. |This is normally reIerred as mB/nB coding; it replaces each m bits
with an n bits.|
7.Sketch the Manchester encoding Ior the bit stream: 0001110101.
Binary bit 1 represented by negative-to-positive transition
Binary bit 0 represented by positive-to-negative transition
8.What is dial up modem technology? List any two oI the common modem
Data transIer using the telephone local loop was traditionally done using a dial-
up modem. Modem stands Ior modulator/demodulator. Common Modem standards

(i) V.32 modem has a data rate oI 9600bps
V.32bis modem supports 1,00bps
(ii) V.90 modem (56K modem) with a downloading rate oI 56kbps & uploading
rate oI 33.6kbps.
9.What is a peer-to-peer process?
Peer-to-peer processes are processes on two or more devices communicating
at a same layer
10.What are the Iunctions oI session layer?
The session layer is responsible Ior Dialog control and Synchronization. It
establishes, maintains and synchronizes the interaction among communicating
11.DeIine Protocol.
In data communication, a protocol is a set oI rules that govern all aspects oI
inIormation communication.
12.DeIine Nyquist theorem.
The Nyquist theorem deIines the maximum bit rate oI a noiseless channel.
13.What is the Iunction oI MODEMS?
Modem stands Ior modulator/demodulator, where modulator creates a band
pass analog signal Irom binary data, demodulator recovers the binary data Irom the
modulated signal.
1.Which oI the ISO layer handles each oI the Iollowing:
(i) Dialog Control
(ii) Synchronization

15.What are the major disadvantages oI NRZ Encoding?
O Problem occurs when there is a long stream oI 0s and 1s in the data.
O The receiver receives a continuous voltage and should determine how many
bits are sent by relying on its clock, which may or may not be synchronized
with the sender clock.
16.What are the transmission impairments in data transmission?
Attenuation, Distortion and Noise can impair a signal.
17.What is the need Ior Layered Architecture?
The OSI model is built oI seven ordered layers. Each layers deIines a Iamily oI
Iunctions distinct Irom those oI the other layers. Because oI this layered
architecture it is Ilexible and comprehensive.
18.What are the Iunctions oI Presentation Layer?
The Iunctions oI Presentation layer are Translation, Encryption and
19.What is network Architecture & mention any two design concepts involved in
network architecture.
The network architecture is nothing but OSI model, it is a set oI protocols
that allows any two diIIerent systems to communicate. The purpose oI OSI model
is to establish communication between diIIerent systems without changing the
hardware and soItware.
i. 7 layer OSI model
ii. 5 layer TCP/IP protocol
20.DeIine the term data communication.
Data communication are the transIer oI data Irom one device to another via
some Iorm oI transmission medium.

21.What is the Iunction oI transport layer?
The transport layer oversees the process-to-process delivery oI the entire
message. It is responsible Ior
a. dividing the message into manageable segments
b. reassembling it at the destination
c. Ilow and error control.

22.ClassiIy Polar Encoding.
ii.NRZ I
iv.Bi phase - Manchester and DiIIerential Manchester.
23.What are the main responsibilities oI application layer?
The application layer services include Iile transIer, remote access, shared
database management, and mail services.

2 Mark Questions
1.What is the level oI reliability provided by the simple parity scheme in error
Simple parity check can detect all single bit errors.It can also detect burst
errors as long as total number oI errors in each data unit is oddd1,3,5, etc.)

2.Whether collisions occur in IEEE 802.5 LAN? JustiIy your answer.
Collisions will not occur in IEEE 802.5 (Token Ring) LAN.Because, it
employs token passing method, where each station can send one Irame oI data aIter
capture token.
3.In HDLC, what does each oI the Iollowing received bit patterns represent?
1. 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0...
2. 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
In HDLC, iI the received bit patterns have more than 5 consecutive one`s,
it insert stuffed 0` bit to avoid the conIusion between the data and control
inIormation. Then the data becomes,
a) 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0...
b) 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
.What is the main purpose oI second ring in the FDDI protocol?
FDDI consists oI a primary ring Ior data transmission and a secondary ring
that assist in Iailure situations
5.What is FDDI?
Fiber Distributed Data InterIace (FDDI) is a LAN protocol using optical Iiber
as a medium, with a 100Mbps data rate.
6.What is Byte StuIIing?
Byte stuIIing is the process oI adding 1 extra byte whenever there is a Ilag or
escape character in the text.
7.Write the importance oI CRC in the network.
Simple CRC check can detect all single and burst bit errors.

8.Name the protocols used Ior CSMA.
The protocols used Ior CSMA are
(i) CSMA/CA - Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance
(ii) CSMA/CD - Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection
9.Mention the advantages oI cyclic codes.
They are easily implemented in practice through the use oI shiIt registers and
module 2 address.
10.What do you mean by Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ)?
ARQ means retransmission oI data in three cases:
i. Damaged Frame
ii.Lost Frame
iii.Lost Acknowledge
11.How does a single bit error diIIer Irom a burst error?
Services provided by data link layer:1. Framing, 2. Adddressing, 3. Error
Control, . Flow Control and 5. Medium Access Control.
12.What are the Iunctions oI Data link control?
Services provided by data link layer:1. Framing, 2. Adddressing, 3. Error
Control, . Flow Control and 5. Medium Access Control.
13.What are the three protocols used Ior noisy channels?
Stop and Wait ARQ
Go back N ARQ
Selective Repeat ARQ

1.DeIine Error Control & Flow Control.
Error Control: It is based on automatic repeat request, which is the
retransmission oI data.
Flow Control: It reIers to a set oI procedures used to restrict the amount oI
data that the sender can send beIore waiting Ior acknowledgment.
15.DeIine Bit StuIIing.
Bit stuIIing is the process oI adding one extra 0 whenever Iive consecutive
1s Iollow a 0 in the data, so that the receiver does not mistake the pattern 01111110
Ior a Ilag.
16.Why do you need Bit StuIIing in HDLC?
Bit stuIIing is the process oI adding one extra 0 whenever there are Iive
consecutive 1s in the data, sothat the receiver does not mistake the data Ior a Ilag.
17.What are the Iunctions oI Repeaters & Bridges?
Bridge is a hardware networking device used to connect two LANs. A bridge
operates at data link layer oI the OSI reIerence model.
Repeater is a hardware device used to strengthen signals being transmitted on a
18.What are the advantages oI FDDI over a basic Token Ring?
Fiber Distributed Data InterIace (FDDI) is a LAN protocol using optical Iiber
as a medium, with a 100Mbps data rate.
19.What is the main drawback oI Stop & Wait Algorithm?
Waiting Ior long period oI transmission data.
20.What are the two types oI ARQ error control schemes?
Stop and Wait ARQ
Go back N ARQ

21.What is CSMA/CD?
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection is a protocol used
to sense whether a medium is busy beIore transmission but it has the ability to
detect whether a transmission has collided with another.
22.What is FDDI & its use?
Fiber Distributed Data InterIace (FDDI) is a LAN protocol using optical
Iiber as a medium, with a 100Mbps data rate.
23.Describe the two timers used in FDDI?
Two timers used by FDDI are called the Token Rotation Timer (TRT) and
Token Holding Timer (THT)
TRT-runs continuously and measures the actual time taken by the token to
complete a cycle.
THT-begins running as soon as the token is received and it shows how much
time remains Ior sending asynchronous Irame once the synchronous Irames have
been sent.
2.List any Iour Ieatures oI SMDS.
i.SMDS can be used to create a connection between LANs belonging to
diIIerent organization
ii.SMDS is a switched-packet network; the same network is available to all
iii. SMDS can be a backbone network connecting diIIerent LANs oI the same
iv. Subscribers pay only when they actually use the network.

1. What is project 802?
Project 802 is a IEEE standard used to interconnect the equipment the variety
oI manuIacture. It covers the Iirst two layers oI the third level.
2. Compare project 802 with OSI model?
In project 802 the data link layer is divided in to two sub layer, logical link layer
(LLC), media access control (MMC).

3. What is the function of project 802 standards?
802.1adeal with internet working it standard Ior LAN`S.
802.2aprovide inIormation about the logical link control which is the upper
sub layer oI data link layer.
802.3a provides inIormation about media access control (MMC), which is the
lower sub layer oI the data link layer
802.atoken bus.
802.5aToken ring.
. Write the function of IEEE802.1 standard?
This standard provides internet working inIormation Ior LAN`S&MAN`S.
O It is the internet working standard.

. What is the function of IEEE 802.2 standard? (Or)
Write notes on logic link control?
.The project 802 model takes a structure oI an HDLC Irame and divides in to two
set Iunction s.
.One set contains logical address, control inIormation and data.
.These Iunctions are called upper sub layer and the Iunction by the LLC control
protocol. & the data unit is called as protocol data unit.
6. Draw the PDU format?
DSAP SSAP Control InIormation
DSAP;-destination service access point.
SSAP:-source service access point.
O The DSAP&SSAP are used to identiIy the protocol stacks.
O II the Iirst bit oI DSAP is 0 then it is an individual one, &`1`indicates group
one .so DSAP indicates whether the Irame is individual or group one.
O SSAP indicates whether communication is command or response.
O Control Iield is same as that oI HDLC Irame, Ior I, S, U Irames.
O InIormation carries user data.
. Explain why there are no physical address, flag or CRC fields in PDU
The PDU has no Ilag Iield, no CRC, and no station address .because these
Iields are upper sub layers which is going to added with the lower sub layer.
8. Write the Ethernet format?

9. Compare and contrast the SSAP and DSAP on the PDU with the
Source and destination address of the MAC frame?
O The SSAP and DSAP are the address used by the LLC to identiIy the
protocol stacks in sender and receiver.
O I.e. SSAP indicates whether the Irame is individual or group one, SSAP
indicates whether the Irame is command or response.
O The source and destination address oI provides the source and destination
device inIormation.
10. Write notes MAC layer?
O MAC layer is the media access layer which contains the speciIic project 802
standards as (802.3), token bus (802.), and Token ring (802.5).
11. What is Ethernet? (OR what is IEEE802.3?
O The IEEE802.3 supports a LAN standard originally developed by Xerox and
later extended by joint venture between digital equipment corporations, inter
corporation and Xerox is called Ethernet.
O Ethernet deIines two categories.
1. Base band
2. Broad band
12. What is the difference between base band and broad band?
O The base band &broad band are the classiIication oI Ethernet.
O Base speciIies a digital signal with Manchester encoding.
O E.g. 10base5, 10base2, 10-baset, 1base5, 100-baseT
O I.e. in 10base5
10aspeciIies data rate in Mpbs
5a speciIies maximum cable length or type oI cable.
O In broad band, the broad species analog signal with PSK encoding.
E.g.: 10broad 36
13. What is CSMA/CD? (OR) Write notes on collision detection?
O CSMA/CD is the carrier sense multiple access with collision detection .any
station may listen to the line to determine iI the line is clear. II clear
transmission can commence. II a collision occurs transmission stops and the
process is repeated.
1. What is a collision?
O Whenever multiple uses have unregulated access to single line, there is a
danger oI signal overlapping and destroying each other. Such over laps,
which turn the signals in to unusable noise, are called collisions.
1. Compare persistent and non persistent CSMA. NOV-200(
O In persistent CSMA, the terminal listens to the channel and waits Ior
transmissions until it Iinds the channel idle.
O In non persistent CSMA, aIter receiving the negative acknowledgement, the
terminal waits a random time beIore retransmission. It is used in wireless
LAN applications.
16. Write the implementation of Ethernet?
Thick Ethernet, Thin Ethernet, Twisted pair Ethernet, star LAN.
1. Write notes on switched, Fast, Gigabit Ethernet?
O In switched Ethernet, a switch can direct a transmission to just the
destination replaces the hub.
O In Iast Ethernet, the data rate is increased to 100Mbps, but the collision
domain is reduced to 250 meters.
O In Gigabit Ethernet, 1-Gbps data rate serves as a back bone to connect the
18. Define IEEE 802.? (OR) Define token bus?
Token bus combines Ieatures oI Ethernet and token ring. It combines the
physical conIiguration oI Ethernet and the collision Iree Ieature oI token ring.
O Token bus is a physical bus that operates as a logical ring using tokens.
O It is used as a LAN in Iactory automation and process control
19. Define the features of IEEE802. (OR) Define the features of
Token ring? (OR) How does a Token Ring LAN Operate?
O Token ring resolves uncertainty by requiring that stations take turns to send
O Each station may send data only during its turn. & only one Irame is
transmitted during each turn. This mechanism oI rotation is called Token
O A station may send data only when it has posseion oI the Token.
20. What is the disadvantage of Token ring protocol?
The main disadvantage oI token ring is the requirement Ior token maintenance.
O Loss oI the token prevents Iurther utilization oI the ring.
O Duplication oI the token can also disrupt ring operation.
O One station must be selected as a monitor to ensure that exactly one token is
on the ring and to ensure that a Iree token is reinserted, iI necessary.
21. Mention the advantage of Token ring?
O Main advantage oI token ring is the Ilexible control over access that it
22. Write notes on SA& TTRT& AMT?
Synchronous allocation (SA);
O It indicates the length oI time allowed each station Ior sending synchronous
Target token rotation time (TTRT)
O The TTRT register indicates the average time required Ior a token to
circulate around the ring exactly once.
Absolute max. Time (AMT)
O This register holds equal value to twice the TTRT. A token may not take
longer than this time to make one rotation oI the ring. II it does, some station
or stations are monopolizing the network and the ring is reinitialized.
23. What is FDDI and its use? April-200(
O FDDI is a Iiber distributed data interIace LAN protocol using optical Iiber as
a medium with a 100-Mbps data rate.
O It consists oI a primary ring Ior data transmission and a secondary ring that
assists in Iailure situations.
O It provides high speed alternative to Ethernet and Token ring.
2. Write notes on TRT, THT? (OR) Explain the timers used in FDDI?
O The two timers used by FDDI are called the TRT, THT.
Token rotation time;-
O TRT is nothing but the actual time taken to complete a cycle.
Token holding time:-
O THT begins running as soon as the token is received. Its Iunction is to show
how much time remains Ior sending asynchronous Irames once the
synchronous Irames have been sent.
2. Distinguish between FDDI and token ring?April-200(
O The FDDI uses quite similar operation oI token ring. But FDDI has higher
data rate compare to token ring.
O FDDI scheme is more Ilexible than other 802 standards.
O There are some diIIerences in control bits in FDDI compare to token ring.
26 Define MIC?
O MIC is the media interIace connector that connects the dual FDDI ring to a
2. Define IEEE 802.6 standard? (OR) Write notes on Distributed queue
Dual bus (DQDB)?
O The distributed queue dual bus (DQDB) protocol is a dual bus conIiguration.
That means each host in the network connects to two back bone network
lines. Here we are using a mechanism called as distributed queue.
O Hence it is called as Distributed queue dual bus (DQDB).
28. Why are the services DQDB and SMDS are used in MAN`S?
O A MAN is a network designed to extend over an entire city. So number oI
LAN`S connected and they are distributed over a large area to Iorm MAN`S.
O The DQDB and SMDS are high speed data communication Ior Metropolitan
area network.
29. Define SMDS?
O SMDS is nothing but switched Multimegabit data service. It is a packet
switched datagram service Ior high speed MAN traIIic.
O It is a switched service provided by common carries subscribers pay only Ior
the time they use.
30. Write few important features of SMDS?
O It is a back bone network connecting diIIerent LAN`S oI the same
O It can also be used to connect diIIerent organizations.
O It is a Switched Packet Network.
O The data rate ranges Irom 1.5 Mbps to 155 Mbps.
O Multicasting is available i.e. a user can send data that can be received by
several users.
31. How is DQDB related to SMDS?
O Subscribers LAN`S link to an SMDS network through routers that are
connected to switches using DQDB architecture.

1. What are the three switching Methods? Explain.
The three types oI switching methods are:
F Circuit switching
F Packet switching
F Message switching
Circuit switching: It is a direct physical connection between two devices such as
computers and phones.
Packet switching: In this the data is transmitted in discrete units oI potentially
Variable length blocks called Packets.
Message switching: It is a store and Iorward mechanism; it receives a message,
stores and sends it to receiver.
2. Write the types of Circuit packet switching?
F Circuit switching
1. Space division Switches
2. Time division Switches
F Packet switching
1. Datagram approach
2. Virtual circuit approach

3. In what way Circuit switching differs from virtual circuit
F In circuit switching, the diIIerent segments oI a message Iollow a dedicated path.
F In virtual circuit approach to packet switching, the segments Iollow a created
route, the links oI which may be shared by other connections.
. Define Switching.
Switching is a method in which multiple communication devices are connected to
one another eIIiciently i.e. it links the devices together temporarily.
. Define space division & Time division switches. Name the
Technology involved in this?
a) Space division switching:
O In this path the Irom one device to another is spatially separated Irom other
O It is used in cross bar switches, multistage switches.
b) Time division Switches:
O [ In time division switches, the inputs are divided in time, using TDM.A
control unit sends the input to the correct output device.
O [ Time slot interchange and the TDM bus uses Time division switches.
6. What is crossbar switch & how is related to crossbar & multistage
F Crossbar switch is the most common space division switch. It connects n` inputs
to m` outputs via nm cross points.
F Blocking occurs when not every input has its own unique path to every output i.e
the reduction in the number oI cross points results blocking i.e. heavy traIIic.

. What are the five types of offices of PSTN?
PSTN is a Public Switched Telephone Network is a best example oI circuit
switched telephone network. The Iive oIIices are Regional oIIices, Sectional
oIIices, Primary oIIices, Toll oIIices, End oIIices.
8. What are Datagrams? (OR) What is Datagram approach?
The independent packets oI the connectionless organization are called
Datagrams.and this process is called as Datagram approach.
9. Define Virtual circuit approach?
In a virtual circuit approach all packets oI a message or session Iollow the exact
same route.
It is implemented in two Iormats: SVC, PVC.
Switched virtual circuit: In this virtual circuit is created whenever it is needed and
exits only Ior the speciIic exchange.
Permanent virtual circuit: In this virtual circuit is provided on a continuous basis.
10. What are X.2 layers? How does each relate to the OSI model?
X.25 is a popular packet switching protocol used in WAN. It deIines the protocol
Ior data transmission between a DTE and a DCE Ior terminal operation in the
packet mode on public data networks.
It has three layers Physical, Frame, Packet layer. This layer deIines the Iunctions
at the Physical, Datalink, Network layers.
11. Name the X.2 frame and their primary functions? X.25 contains three
categories oI Irames:
I-Irames: used to encapsulate PLP packet Irom the N/W layer.
S-Irame: Flow & error control in Irame layer.
U-Irame: Used to set & disconnect the links between DTE & DCE.

12. What are the frame layer phases involved in communication between a
DTE and a DCE? Which frame types are associated with each phase?
The link setup, Data&control transIer, link disconnect are the phases oI Irame
layer. They are related to U-Irame, I-Irame & S-Irame respectively to the phases.
13. What is the purpose of LCN?
The virtual circuit identiIier in X.25 is called Logical Channel Number.This is
a 12-bit Iield that identiIies the virtual circuit chosen Ior a given transmission.
1. What kind of Virtual circuits does X.2 use?
The X.25 uses a packet switched virtual circuit network.
1. List the fields of PLP packet header?
The header Iield oI PLP packet header includes GFI, LCN, PTI.
General format identifier (GFI): It is a Iour bit Iield. First bit is a QualiIier bit,
2nd bit is a Delivery bit; the other two bit is used to indicate the size oI the
sequence number.
Logical channel number (LCN): It is a 12bit Iield that indicates the virtual circuit
chosen Ior given transmission.
Packet type identifier (PTI): It deIines the type oI packet.
16. What is the purpose of X.21 & Triple-X protocols?
An X.21 protocol provides a method to globally address a DTE connected to a
public or private network. Triple-X protocols are used to connect a dumb terminal
to an X.25 Network.
1. What is frame relay?
Frame relay is a low cost eIIective technology that connects LAN`s. It can
handle Bursty data.It operates in the physical and data link layer oI the OSI Model.
It is not using Network layer.

18. What is Bursty data?
Bursty data means Bandwidth on demand.i.e. The user needs diIIerent
bandwidth allocations at diIIerent times to transmit the data`s.
19. Compare X.2 with Frame Relay.
Feature X.25 Frame relay
Connection establishment At network layer None
Flow & Error control At data link layer None
Data rate Fixed Bursty
Multiplexing At network layer At data link layer
Congestion control Not necessary Necessary
20. Name some Advantage & Disadvantage of Frame Relay?
O Frame relay operates at a higher speed.
O It allows Bursty data.
O It allows Irame size oI 9000 bytes, which can accommodate all LAN Irames.
O Less expensive.
O Compare to B-ISDN data rate is low.
O It allows variable length Irames. This may create varying delays Ior diIIerent
O It is not suitable Ior sending real time voice or because oI delay.
O It is not suitable Ior teleconIerencing.
21. What is DLCI?
DLCI is nothing but Data link connection identiIier. It is used to identiIy a
virtual circuit in Irame relay.

22. Compare an SVC with a PVC.
O A Switched virtual circuit provides a connection that each time a DTE wants
to make a connection with another DTE, by a new virtual circuit line.
O A Permanent virtual circuit connection is established between two DTE`S by
the N/W provider. The two DTE`S are connected permanently through
virtual circuit connection.
23. List the strategies of controlling congestion?
O Allocating resources in advance.
O Allowing packets to be discarded when they cannot be processed.
O Restricting the number oI Packets in the subnet.
O Using Ilow control to avoid congestion.
2. What does the DE, FECN, BECN bits have to do with congestion?
O The Discard Eligibility (DE) indicates the priority level oI the Irame. The
switches have to discard the Irames in emergency situation to avoid
O Forward Explicit Congestion Notification(FECN) is set by any switch to
indicate the traIIic in the direction in which the Irame is traveling.
O Backward Explicit Congestion Notification(BECN) is set to indicate a
congestion problem in the direction opposite to the one in which the Irame is
2. Mention the factors involved in Traffic control?
O Frame relay traIIic depends on Iour Iactors. Access rate, committed burst
size, committed inIormation rate, excess burst size.
26. What is Leaky Bucket Algorithm?
O The Leaky bucket algorithm is a model Ior Irame transmission at a switch.
The queue outputs bits at a Iixed rate while the bits enter the queue at a
variable rate.

2. What is ISDN? Contrast the three categories of services provided by
O Integrated Service Digital Network (ISDN) provides digital services to the
users over integrated digital networks(IDN)
O The ISDN Services are:
Bearer Services Which provides the switching Ior transIer oI data, voice signals.
O Tele Services It is used in teleservices such as Telegraphy, Telephony etc.
O Supplementary Services Which is used in telephone company services such
as call waiting, message handling etc.
28. How is an IDN differing from ISDN? & Write the channels of
O IDN is the Integrated Digital Networks which uses digital pipes. but ISDN
integrates the services oI IDN.
O ISDN deIines three channel types:
Bearer (B) channel - carries user inIormation.
Data (D) channel Ior control oI B-channel, low rate data transIer
and other applications.
Hybrid (H) channel High data rate applications.
29. In what respect is PRI differ from BRI?
O A BRI is a digital pipe composed oI two B channels and one D channel.
Two B channel having 6kbps and one D channel having 16kbps data rate,
totally 192kbps.
O A PRI is a digital pipe with 23B channels and one 6Kbps D Channel.
30. What is the Primary difference between N-ISDN & B-ISDN?
O The Broad band ISDN is the extension oI ISDN.It provides subscribers to
the Network with data rate in the range oI 600Mbps, almost 00 times Iaster
than the PRI rate.
O The Narrow band ISDN is the original ISDN which was designed to replace
the analog telephone system with a digital one Ior both voice & data

1. What are the functions of Session layer?
The session layer establishes, maintains and synchronizes dialogues between
communicating upper layers. It also handles upper level problems such as
inadequate disk space or lack oI paper Ior the printer.
2. What is the difference between minor synchronization points and major
Synchronization points?
O The major synchronization points must be conIirmed. II there is an error, the
control can go back only the to the last major synchronization point.
O The minor synchronization points do not need to be conIirmed. they are only
security blankets. II there is an error the control can go back one or mort
minor synchronization points and resend the data.
3. What are the functions of presentation layer? April-0(
The Iunction preIormed in presentation layer includes translation,
encryption/Decryption, Authentication, and compression.
. What are the two methods of translation?
O The Direct and Indirect methods are the two types oI translation.
O In direct method ASCII code is translated to EBCDIC code at the receiver.
O In the indirect method, ASCII code is translated in to a standard Iormat at
the sender and translated in to EBCDIC at the receiver.

. What is the transmission method recommended by the OSI model?
What is the role of ASN.1?
O The indirect method is recommended by the OSI.
O The recommended model is called abstract syntax notation 1(ASN.1).this
model not only takes care oI translation problem but also handles other
Iormatting problems such as diverse nature oI data and the diversity in data
6. What is encryption and decryption?
O Encryption means the sender transIorms the original inIormation to another
Iorm and sends the resulting unintelligible message out over the network.
O Decryption reverses the encryption process in order to transIorm the
message back in to its original Iorm.
. What is the relation between plaintext and cipher text?
O The sender uses an encryption algorithm and a key to transIorm the plain
text (original message) in to a cipher text (encrypted message).
O The receiver uses decryption algorithm and a key to transIorm the cipher
text back to the original Iorm.
8. Define cryptography. State the types of cryptographic algorithms?
O Cryptography is a technique oI encoding (i.e. encrypting) and decoding (i.e.
decrypting) messages.
O The types are
1. Secret key encryption (or) private key symmetric encryption.
Eg: Data encryption standard (DES)
2. Public key encryption
Eg: RSA Algorithm

9. What are the categories of encryption (or) Decryption methods?(OR)
What are the classifications of encryption methods?
The categories oI encryption /Decryption are
Public key encryption
O In conventional method encryption and decryption key are same.
O In public key method encryption key is same but decryption algorithm is
kept secret.
10. What is monoalphabetic and polyalphabetic substitution? (OR)
Define the types of substitution encryption?
O The monoalphabetic encryption algorithm simply adds a number to the
ASCII code oI the character; the decryption algorithm simply subtracts the
same number Irom the ASCII code.
O In poly alphabetic substitution each occurrence oI a character can have a
diIIerent substitute .it Iinds the position oI the character in the text and uses
the character in the text and use that value in the key.
11. What is transpositional encryption?
O In Transpositional encryption the characters retain their plain text Iorm but
change their position to create the cipher text. The text is organized in to a
two dimensional table, and the columns are interchanged according to the
12. Contrast straight compressed and expanded permutation?
O In straight permutation the number oI bits in the input and output are
preserved. only the positions are interchanged.
O In compressed permutation the number oI bits is reduced.
O In expanded permutation the number oI bits is increased.

13. What is DES?(OR) For private key encryption, discuss the keys and their
O DES is the data encryption standard was designed by IBM and adopted by
the U.S government as the standard encryption method.
O Here only one key I used and the same key is used Ior encryption and
decryption and both parties must agree the key beIore any transmission
1. What is RSA encryption? (OR) Write about public key encryption?
O The RSA algorithm is the best technique used Ior public key encryption. it is
O Here one party uses a public key the other party uses a secret one key
is used Ior the encryption and only the other key must be used Ior
1. What is reciprocity of RSA?
The RSA algorithm is reciprocal. This means the bank can use the same secret key,
to send a reply to the customer and the customer can decrypt the message using
his own private key.
16. List the security services provided by the network. Nov-0(
O Protecting data Irom being read by unauthorized persons.
O Preventing unauthorized persons Irom inserting or deleting messages.
O VeriIying the sender oI each message.
O Making it possible Ior users to send signed documents electronically.
1. What is known as Authentication?
O Authentication means veriIying the identity oI the sender. it tries to veriIy
that a message is coming Irom an authentic sender and not Irom an imposter.
O Digital signature is one oI the authentication method used today.

18. What is Data compression? What are the types?
O The data compression is the method to reduce number oI nits.
O It is oI two types
1. Losseless method (All inIormation is recoverable)
2. Lossy method (Some inIormation is lost)
19. Define Run length encoding, Statistical compression?
Run length encoding:
O When data contains strings oI repeated symbols, the strings can be replaced
by a special marker, Iollowed by the repeated symbol, Iollwed by the
number oI occurrences.
Statistical compression:
O It uses short codes Ior Irequent symbols and long codes Ior inIrequent
symbols. Hence the length oI the total data is compressed tremendously.
20. What are the three encoding systems used in statistical compression?
O Morse code
O HuIIman code
O Lampel-Ziv-Welch encoding.
21. What is message handling system?
O MHS is the Message handling system.
O It is the system used to send any message that can be delivered in a store and
Iorward manner.
O Store and delivery means that instead oI opening an active channel between
sender and receiver, this protocol provides a delivery service that Iorwards a
message when a link becomes available.
22. What is MTA?
The MTA is the Message TransIer Agent.MTA`s are like the diIIerent departments
oI the post oIIice. The combined MTA`s make up the message transIer system.
23. What is Virtual file store?
A virtual Iile store is a non-implementation speciIic model Ior Iiles and data bases
that can be used as an intermediary Ior Iile transIer, access and management.
2. What is function of VT, Directory services?
O A virtual terminal allows dissimilar terminals or machines to communicate
with one another.
O The Directory services (DS) allows the users to access the data bases.
2. What is DIB?
O DIB is the Directory InIormation Base. The inIormation contained in the
directory is called DIB.
O It is stored as a set oI entries each describing one object. An entry may
consist oI diIIerent attributes oI the object.
26. What are DUAs and DSAs?
O The DUA is the Directory user agent that communicates with one or more
entities called Directory system Agents (DSAs) contained with in the
directory system itselI.
2. What is CMIP?
O The CMIP is nothing but common management inIormation protocol; it
implements the OSI management service.
O It monitors and manipulates the communication between OSI entities and
managed objects.
28. What are the five standard application protocols?
O Message Handling System(MHS)
O File transIer, access and management(FTAM)
O Virtual terminal(VT)
O Directory service(DS)
O Common management InIormation Protocol(CMIP)

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