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SIKKIM MANIPAL UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH, MEDICAL & TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCE (SMU) Directorate of Distance Education Department Of Information Technology


Detailed Curriculum:
Subject Code Subject Title Book id Name of the Books No. of Credits 04 No. of Books 02

First Semester MC0061 Computer Programming C Language 1. B0678 1. Programming with C Edition: Fall-2007 2. B0679 2. Advanced Programming in C Edition: Fall-2007

MC0062 Digital Systems, 1. B0680 1. Digital Systems Edition: Fall 2007 Computer Organization &Architecture 2. B0684 2. Computer Organization & Architecture- Edition: Fall 2007 MC0063 Discrete Mathematics 1. B0676 1. Discrete Mathematics Edition: Fall 2007 2. B0677 2. Modern Applications using Discrete Mathematical Structures Edition: Fall 2007 B0703 Basic Web Development Edition: Fall 2007





MC0064 Basic Web Development (Internet, HTML, Style-sheets & Basics of Multimedia) MC0065 Financial Management & Accounting




Financial Management and Accounting Edition: Fall 2007



Second Semester MC0066 OOPS using C++ 1. B0681 1. OOPS Using C++ - Edition: Fall 2007 2. B0715 2. Advanced Concepts of OOPS using C++ - Edition: Fall 2007 04 02

MC0067 Database Management 1. B0716 1. Fundamentals of DBMS System (DBMS and Edition: Fall 2007 Oracle 9i) 2. Advanced DBMS with 2. B0717 Oracle 9i Edition: Fall 2007 MC0068 Data Structures using C 1. B0701 1. Data Structures using C Edition: Fall 2007 2. B0702 2. Advanced Data Structures using C Edition: Fall 2007 B0714 System Analysis & Design with UML Edition: Fall 2007





MC0069 System Analysis & Design (SAD) MC0070 Operating Systems with Unix

04 04

01 02

1. B0682 1. Operating Systems Edition: Fall 2007 2. B0683 2. Advanced Operating System with UNIX Edition: Fall 2007

Third Semester MC0071 Software Engineering 1.B0808 1. Software Engineering Edition: Fall 2007 2.B0809 2. Advanced Software Engineering Edition: Fall 2007 B0810 Computer Graphics Edition: Fall 2007 System Programming Edition: Fall 2007 Statistical & Numerical Methods using C++ Edition: Fall 2007 04 02

MC0072 Computer Graphics



MC0073 System Programming MC0074 Statistical & Numerical Methods using C++ MC0075 Computer Networks

B0811 B0812

04 04

01 01

1.B0813 1. Computer Networks Edition: Fall 2007 2.B0814 2. Advanced Computer Networks Edition: Fall 2007 Fourth Semester



MC0076 Management Information Systems MC0077 Advanced Database Systems MC0078 Java Programming

B0901 B0882

Management Information Systems Edition: Fall 2007 Advanced Database Systems Edition: Fall 2007

04 04 04

01 01 02

1. B0831 1. Java Programming Edition: Fall 2007 2. B0832 2. Advanced Java Programming Edition: Fall 2007

MC0079 Computer Based Optimization Methods (Statistics/Applied OR) MC0080 Analysis & Design of Algorithms


Computer Based Optimization Methods (Statistics/Applied OR) Edition: Fall 2007 Analysis & Design of Algorithms Edition: Fall 2007






Fifth Semester MC0081 .(Dot)Net Technologies MC0082 Theory of Computer Science B0974 (Dot)Net Technologies Edition: Fall 2007 04 04 01 02

1. B0972 1. Fundamentals of Theory of 2. B0970 Computer Science Edition:

Fall 2007 2. Theory of Computer Science Edition: Fall 2007 MC0083 Object Oriented Analysis & Design using UML B0969 1. Object Oriented Analysis & Design 2. Advanced Object Oriented Analysis using UML 1. B0958 1. Software Project 2. B0959 Management and Quality Assurance - Edition: Fall 2007 2. Advanced Project Management and Quality Assurance Edition: Fall 2007 MC0085 Advanced Operating Systems (Distributed systems) B0967 Advanced Operating Systems (Distributed systems) 04 01 04 02 04 02

MC0084 Software Project Management & Quality Assurance

Sixth Semester MC0086 Digital Image Processing Yet to be 1. Fundamentals of Digital finalized Image Processing 2. Digital Image Processing MC0087 Internetworking with TCP/IP do 1. TCP/ IP Protocol Suite 2. Internetworking with TCP/IP do 1. Data Warehousing and Data Mining 2. Advanced Data Warehousing and Data Mining MC0089 Project 08 04 02 04 02 04 02

MC0088 Data Warehousing & Data Mining

Detailed Curriculum is given on the web site (

Detailed Syllabus
i) Computer Programming C Language (4 Credits) MC0061

Book I: Programming with C

Unit 1: Introduction to C Programming Features of C; Basic structure of C programs; A simple C program; More simple C programs. Unit 2: Constants, Variables and Declarations Constants: Integer Constants, Real Constants, Character Constants, String Constants, Backslash Character Constants; Concept of an Integer and Variable; Declaring an Integer Variable; The rules for naming Variables; Assigning values to variables.

Unit 3: Operators and Expressions Arithmetic operators; Unary operators; Relational and Logical operators; The Conditional operator; Library functions; Bitwise operators; The increment and decrement operators; The size of operator; Precedence of operators.

Unit 4: Some More Data Types Floating-point Numbers; Converting Integers to Floating-point and vice-versa; Mixed-mode Expressions; The type cast Operator ; The type char.

Unit 5: Input and Output operators Computer Components; Character Input and Output; Formatted input; Formatted output; The gets() and puts() functions; Interactive Programming.

Unit 6: Making Decisions in C The goto statement; The if statement; The if-else statement; Nesting of if statements; The conditional expression; The switch statement. Unit 7: Control Statements The while loop; The dowhile loop; The for loop; The nesting of for loops; The break statement; The continue statement.

Unit 8 Functions Function Basics; Function Prototypes; Recursion; Function Philosophy. Unit 9: Storage Classes Storage Classes and Visibility; Automatic or local variables; Global variables; Static variables; External variables.

Unit 10: Arrays and Strings One Dimensional Arrays; Passing Arrays to Functions; Multidimensional Arrays; Strings. Unit 11: Pointers, Structures and Unions Basics of Pointers; Basics of structures; Structures and functions; Arrays of structures; Unions. Book 2: Advanced Programming in C

Unit 1: Pointers Basic pointer operations; Pointers and one-dimensional arrays: Pointer arithmetic, Pointer Subtraction and Comparison, Similarities between Pointers and One-dimensional arrays; Null pointers; Pointers as Function Arguments; Pointers and Strings; Pointers and two-dimensional arrays: Arrays of Pointers.

Unit 2: Structures and Unions Basics of structures; Structures and functions; Arrays of structures; Pointers to structures; Self-referential structures; Unions. Unit 3: Dynamic memory allocation and Linked list Dynamic memory allocation: Allocating Memory with malloc, Allocating Memory with calloc, Freeing Memory, Reallocating Memory Blocks; Pointer Safety; The Concept of linked list: Inserting a node by using Recursive Programs, Sorting and Reversing a Linked List, Deleting the Specified Node in a Singly Linked List. Unit 4: File Management Defining and opening a file; Closing files; Input/Output operations on files: Predefined

Streams; Error handling during I/O operations; Random access to files; Command line arguments.

Unit 5: The Preprocessor File Inclusion; Macro Definition and Substitution: Macros with Arguments, Nesting of Macros; Conditional Compilation. Unit 6: Advanced Data Representation Exploring Data Representation; Abstract Data Types; Stack as an Abstract Data Type: Array Implementation of a Stack, Implementation of a Stack Using Linked Representation, Applications of Stacks; Queue as an Abstract Data Type: Array Implementation of a Queue, Implementation of a Queue Using Linked List Representation, Circular Queues, Applications of Queues.

ii) Digital Systems, Computer Organization &Architecture MC0062

Book 1: Digital Systems

Unit 1: Number Systems The Decimal Number System; The Binary Numbering System: Counting in Binary, Binary to Decimal Conversion, Decimal to Binary Conversion: Sum of Weight Method, Repeated Division Method, Repeated Multiplication;The Octal Numbering System: Counting in Octal, Octal to Decimal Conversion, Decimal to Octal Conversion, Sum of Weight Method, Repeated Division Method, Repeated Multiplication, Octal to Binary Conversion, Binary to Octal Conversion; The Hexadecimal Numbering System: Hexadecimal to Binary Conversion, Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion, Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion, Hexadecimal to Octal Conversion, Decimal to Octal Conversion, Sum of Weight Method, Repeated Division Method, Repeated Multiplication; Binary Arithmetic: Binary Addition, Binary Subtraction, Binary Multiplication, Binary Division, Complementary numbering systems, 1s and 2s Complements, Binary subtraction using 1s complementary Method, Binary subtraction using 2s

complementary Method; Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Numbering system: BCD Addition. Unit 2: Boolean Algebra Addition and Multiplication in Boolean algebra; Binary Logic Functions, Logical Gates and Truth Tables: NOT Logic, AND Logic, OR Logic, NAND Logic, NOR Logic, Ex OR Logic, Ex NOR Logic; Boolean Rules and Laws: Commutative law, Associative Law, Distributive Law, Boolean Rules; DEMORGANs Theorem.

Unit 3: Combinational Logic Realization of switching functions using logic gates; Canonical Logic Forms: Sum of Products Form, Product of Sum Form; Universal Gate: NAND Gate as Universal Gate, NOR Gate as Universal Gate, Realization of Boolean Functions using Universal Gates; Timing Diagrams and Synchronous Logic; Realization of Combinational circuits from the truth table.

Unit 4: Combination logic realization Karnaugh Map or K Map; Plotting a Boolean expression; Logic expression simplification with grouping cells; Quine McClusky Method: Prime implicants, Prime implicant chart. Unit 5: Analysis and Design of Combinational Logic Binary adders: Half adder; Full adder; Binary Subtractor: Half subtractor, Full subtractor; Parallel Binary Adders; BCD Adders; Binary Comparator or Magnitude Comparator; Decoders: Basic Binary Decoder, 3 line to 8 line Decoder; Encoders: Decimal to BCD encoder, Octal to Binary Encoder; Priority Encoder: Decimal to BCD priority encoder; Code conversion: BCD to Binary conversion, Gray Code, Binary to Gray Conversion, Gray code to Binary Conversion; Multiplexers or Data Selectors; Multiplexers as logic function generators; Demultiplexers; Parity Generators and Parity Checkers: Parity, Detecting an Error. Unit 6: Latches and Flip Flops Latches: The S-R Latch: Active HIGH S-R Latch (NOR gate S-R Latch), Active Low S-R Latch ( NAND Gate S-R Latch); Gated Latches: Gated S-R Latches, Gated D-Latch or D-flip-flop;

Edge triggered Flip-Flops: Edge triggered S-R Flip-Flop (S-R FF), Edge triggered D-Flip-Flop (D-FF), Edge triggered J-K Flip-Flop (J-K FF); Asynchronous inputs: PRESET and CLEAR; Master-Slave J-K Flip Flop. Unit 7: Asynchronous Counters Asynchronous Counters: Negative edge triggered 2-bit ripple Up-counter, Negative edge triggered 2-bit ripple Down-counter, Negative edge triggered 2-bit ripple up/down-counter; Design of modulus counters; Cascading of Ripple Counter; Integrated Circuit Asynchronous Ripple Counter: IC 7493 A 4-bit Binary Counter, IC 7490 A Decade Counter. Unit 8: Synchronous Counters Up- Counters: Two bit Synchronous Binary Counters, A Three-bit Synchronous Binary Upcounter, A Four-bit Synchronous Binary Up-counter, Synchronous Decade Up-counter;

Down- Counters: Two bit Synchronous Binary Counters, A Three-bit Synchronous Binary down-counter, A Four-bit Synchronous Binary down-counter.

Unit 9: Shift Registers Shift Register Classification; Serial-in, Serial-out shift register: Timings in Serial Shift operation, Serial In, Serial out Shift operation 3 register combination; Serial In, Parallel out Shift Register; Parallel In, Parallel out Shift Register; 74LS395 A Universal Shift Register: Serial in, Serial Out Right Shift Operation of 74LS395, Serial in, Serial Out Left Shift Operation of 74LS395; Ring counters; Johnson counters.

Unit 10: Data Converters Digital to Analog Converters (DAC): Binary Weighted Input Method, The R-2R Ladder DAC; Analog to Digital Converters (ADC): Flash Type ADC, Staircase Ramp or Digital Ramp Type; Slope Integrator Type: Single Slope Integrator Type, Dual Slope Integrator Type; Successive Approximation Method; Practical Considerations of ADCs: Resolution, Conversion Rate or Sample Frequency, Step Recovery.

Book 2: Computer Organization & Architecture

Unit 1: Basic Structure of a Digital Computer Mechanical and Electromechanical ancestors; Structure of a computer system: Central processing Unit, Memory Unit, Input/Output and I/O Interface, System interconnection; Arithmetic Logic Unit; Control Unit; Bus Structure; Von Neumann Architecture. Unit 2: CPU and Register Organization Introduction: User-visible Registers,Control and Status Registers,Program Status Word (PSW); CPU Organization: Fundamental Computer Architecture, CPU organization in 8085 microprocessor; Register Organization of different machine: The Zilog Z8000 machine, Intel 8086 machine, Motorola 68000 machine; Instruction cycles: Basic instruction cycle, Basic instruction Cycle state diagram.

Unit 3: Interconnection Structures Types of exchange of information: Modules of a System, Different types of transfers; Types of Buses ; Elements of Bus Design: Bus Types, Method of arbitration, Bus Timing, Bus width, Bus Speed; Bus Structure: Single Bus System, Two Bus Organization,The Bus Standard.

Unit 4: Instruction sets: Addressing Modes and formats. Introduction: Instruction Characteristics, Instruction representation, Instruction types, Number of addresses, Instruction Set Design; Types of Operands: Data types, IBM 370 Data types, VAX Data types; Types of Operations: Data transfer, Arithmetic, Logical, Conversion, I/O, system control, Transfer of control, System Control; Addressing Modes: Direct addressing mode, Immediate addressing mode, Indirect addressing mode, Register addressing mode, Register Indirect addressing mode, Displacement addressing mode, Relative addressing mode, Base Register addressing Mode, Indexing, Stack addressing,Other additional addressing modes; Instruction formats: Instruction Length, Allocation of bits, Variable length instruction; Stacks & Subroutines: Stacks, Subroutines. Unit 5: ALU and Binary Arithmetic: Arithmetic Logic Unit; Number Representations: Non-negative Integers, Negative Integers, Infinite-Precision Ten's Complement, Finite-Precision Ten's Complement, Finite-Precision Two's Complement, Rational Numbers; Binary Arithmetic: Overflow in Integer Arithmetic, Binary Addition, Subtraction, Another Note on Overflow, Multiplication, Unsigned Integer

Multiplication: Straightforward Method, Unsigned Integer Multiplication: A More Efficient Method, Positive Integer Multiplication, Signed Integer Multiplication, Division; Floating Point Numbers: Floating Point Variables, Floating Point Arithmetic, Addition of Floating-Point Numbers, Time for Floating-Point Addition, Pipelined Floating-Point Addition; Real Numbers. Unit 6: Memory Unit Characteristics of Memory Systems; Main Memory:Types of Random-Access Semiconductor Memory, Organization, Static and dynamic memories; Memory system considerations:Design of memory subsystem using Static Memory Chips,Design of memory subsystem using


Dynamic Memory Chips; Memory interleaving; Cache Memory:Principles of cache memory, Structure of cache and main memory, Performance using cache memory, Elements of Cache Design, Mapping functions, Replacement algorithms; External Memory: Magnetic Disk, RAID; Virtual memory; Memory Management in Operating Systems. Unit 7: Input/Output External Devices:Classification of external devices,Input/Output problems; Input/Output Module: I/O Module Function, I/O Module Decisions, Input Output Techniques, Programmed I/O: I/O commands, I/O instructions; Interrupt Driven I/O: Basic concepts of an Interrupt, Response of CPU to an Interrupt, Design Issues, Priorities, Interrupt handling, Types of Interrupts; Direct Memory Access: DMA Function and Operation, DMA Configurations;DMA Controller: DMA Transfer Types, DMA Transfer modes, DMA Controller Operation, Advantages; Synchronization Requirements for DMA and Interrupts: Synchronization with Interrupts, Synchronization with DMA.

Unit 8: Control Unit Micro operations: Micro operations of Fetch cycle, Indirect Cycle, The execute cycle, The Instruction cycle; Control of the CPU: Functional Requirements, Control Signals, Data paths and control signals; Data Path inside A CPU: Single bus structure, Two bus structure, Three bus structure, Execution of a complete instruction, Branching; Sequencing of Control Signals: Hardwired Control Unit, Micro-Programmed Control. Unit 9: Parallel Model of Computers and Pipelining Introduction: Lookahead, Parallelism and pipelining, Flynns Classification; Parallel/Vector Computers: Development Layers, New Challenges; Pipelining: Principles of Linear Pipelining, Pipeline structure of CPU, Timings of pipelining, Effect of pipelining; Basic Performance Issues in Pipelining; The Major Hurdle of Pipelining: Structural Hazards,Data Hazards, Control Hazards.


Unit 10: Advanced Processor Technology Instruction set Architecture: RISC and CISC, Characteristics of CISC, Characteristics of RISC, RISC versus CISC, Instruction set complexity- RISC versus CISC; Vector processing requirements: Characteristics of vector processing, Multiple vector task dispatching; Super scalar processors: The emergence and spread of super scalar processors, Specific task of Super scalar processing; Super Scalar instruction issue: The design space, Issue policies, Instruction issue policies of scalar processors, Instruction issue policies of superscalar processors.


iii) Discrete Mathematics

(4 Credits)


Book 1: Discrete Mathematics

Unit 1: Sets, Relations and Functions Sets; Relations; Functions; Intervals; Functions of real variables; Different functions.

Unit 2: Mathematical Induction Progressions; Principle of Mathematical Induction; Summation of series using n, n2 and n3.; Arithmetico Geometric series (A.G.P); Summation of series by the Method of Differences and partial fractions. Unit 3: Combinatorics Principles of Counting; Generating Function; Partitions and Compositions; Orderings; Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion.

Unit 4: Recurrences and Integer Functions Recurrence Relation; Applications of Recurrences; Generating Function; Integer Functions.

Unit 5: Partially Ordered Sets and Lattices Relation Matrices; Partial Ordered Sets; Lattices; Duality; Modular and Distributive lattices. Unit 6: Semigroups, Monoids and Groups Semigroups; Monoids; Groups; Permutation Groups. Unit 7: Rings, Fields and Vector Spaces Rings and Integral domains; Fields; Vector Spaces.

Unit 8: Propositional Calculus and Logical Quantifiers Logical Inference; Propositions and Tautologies; Predicates; Logical Quantification of Propositions.


Book 2: Modern Applications using Discrete Mathematical Structures

Unit 1: Preliminaries Sets; Functions; Equivalence Relations; Algebraic Systems; Algorithms.

Unit 2: Theory of Numbers and Introduction to Cryptography Divisibility and Factorization; Congruence; Arithmetical Functions; Method of Repeated Squares; Applications to Cryptography. Unit 3: Formal Languages Grammars and Languages; Classification of Grammars; Backus Naur Form (BNF); Derivation Trees. Unit 4: Boolean Algebras and Logical Circuits Posets and Lattices; Boolean lattices and Boolean algebras; Uniqueness of finite Boolean algebras; Boolean Expressions and Normal forms; Logical circuits and applications. Unit 5: Finite State Automata Finite State Machine; Non Determinants Finite State Automaton (NDFSA); Languages accepted by an automation; Turing Machine. Unit 6: Algebraic Codes Preliminaries; Hamming Distance; Linear Codes; Parity Check, Generator Matrices.

Unit 7: Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy sets; Fuzzy Relations; Classical logic and Fuzzy logic; Linguistic variable; Fuzzy Truth Qualifier. Unit 8: Graphs Preliminary Definitions and Notations.


Unit 9: Trees and Algorithms Characterization of Trees; Rooted Trees and Applications; Spanning Trees; Algorithms for Spanning Trees. Unit 10: Traversability Eulerian Graphs; Hamiltonian Paths and Circuits; Traveling Salesman problem.

Unit 11: Planarity, Coloring and Partitioning Planar and Dual Graphs; Coloring; Partitioning; Algorithms for Chromatic Number. Unit 12: Representations of Graphs Adjacency matrix and Incidence Matrix; Circuit Matrix; Path Matrix. Unit 13: Directed Graphs Definitions and Examples; Binary relation as a digraph; Eulers Digraphs; Matrix Representation of Digraphs.


iv) Basic Web Development (Internet, HTML, Style-sheets & Basics of Multimedia) MC0064 (4 credits)

Unit 1: Introduction to Internet What is Internet?: Definition, Internet from practical and technical angle, From the practical Angle, From the Technical Angle, Who Owns and cares for the Internet?, Owning of

internet, Who Cares for Internet?, Evolution of Internet, How old is the Internet?, What is TCP/IP?, Introduction to RFC, How Internet Works?, Working of internet, Sending and Receiving messages, Internet Applications, Internet Technologies, E-commerce, Java, Jini,

XML, Wireless communication; Networks: Computer Networks, Point to-Point networks, Local Area Networks, Advantages and Disadvantages of LAN, LAN Hardware, Wide Area

Networks, Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs); Topologies: The Star, Advantages of using star topology, Major disadvantages, The Ring, The Bus, Advantages of bus topology, Major drawbacks; Media Access Control: Ethernet, Token Ring; OSI Model of ISO: Introduction, The seven layers in the ISO model, Roles of each layer, The Physical layer, Data link layer, 3 The Network Layer, The Transport layer, The Session Layer, The Presentation layer, The

Application Layer; Network Protocols: SPX/IPX for DOS, TCP/IP for UNIX. Unit 2: Connecting to Internet Client- server model : Introduction , Server, Client, Mail servers, FTP servers, News servers, IRC servers; Getting Connected: Accessing the internet via your local network, Choosing a computer, Choosing a modem; Different Types of Connections: Dialup Connections,

Conventional Dial-UP Shell Account, Protocol Dial-up (TCP/IP Account), PPP and SLIP, DialUP or On-Demand TCP/IP link through your LAN, ISDN, ADSL, and Leased Line Connections, ISDN Advantages, Cable & DSS Internet accounts, Requirements for connections, For Shell Account, For TCP/IP Account, TCP/IP Software, Web Browser; Internet Service Providers: Choosing an ISP, User ID-Telephone Ratio, Interface simplicity, Roaming Facility, Multiple Login Facility, Special Packages, Support, Discounts on renewal, Brochure-speak; Address in Internet: Introduction, The Domain name system and DNS Servers, IP Addresses; Classes of Networks: Class A: over 16 million Served, Class B: Larger nets, Class C: Addresses, Other Classes, Subnet masks; Resource Addressing: URL (Uniform Resource Locator), URLS and


HOST names, URLS and Port numbers, Pathnames ; Interim Solutions for crisis on the net: Classless Internet Domain Routing, or CIDR, The Internet's next Generation of Addressing Ipng. Unit 3: Email Intranet and Internet: Introduction to intranet , Internet, Intranets vs. LANs; E-Mail Basics, Meaning and definition of email, Difference between E-mail and paper mail, E-Mail Services, E-mail Networks, Gateways, Closed user groups; Parts of an E mail Message: Components of Email, Headers, Message Body, Signature, Using Smileys, Emotions and Abbreviations, Common E-mail Terms, Basic E-Mail Functions, Using E-Mail from Shell Program, Uses of Email, Advantages, Drawbacks; Mail Protocols: SMTP, POP, IMAP, MIME and S/MIME, UUCP; How to Access the Mail System: Ways of Accessing E-Mail, How does E-Mail Works?, Understanding Internet E-Mail Addresses. Unit 4: Web Browsers Terminologies used with reference to web browsers: Clients and Servers, URLS, HTTP, HTML, Java and JavaScript, VBScript and ActiveX Controls, XML, Web Sound and Video Sounds, Multimedia; WWW Browsers: Introduction, HOW does a web Browser works, Basic Features of Browsers, The Web Browser's Window, Menu Bar, The individual pull-down menus are, Keeping Track of Your Favorite Web Sites, Bookmarks, History List, Reading a Web Page, Printing Displayed Pages and Forms, Saving Web Pages, Personalization of Browsers, Introduction, Common ways to personalize your browser environment, WWW Servers.

Unit 5: Introduction to HTML What is the World Wide Web: Introduction, Evolution of WWW, Mechanism of the web, Introduction to URIs, Fragment identifiers, Relative URIs; HTML: Introduction, Definitions , Document overview , Definitions, History of HTML, SGML, Constructs used in HTML, Adding Tags, Including Attributes, Applying Structure Tags, Elements of HTML Syntax, Text; Basic Structure of an HTML Document: Defining HTML Documents with the HTML Element, Describing Documents with the Head Element, Naming Documents with the Title Element,


Wrapping Your Content with the Body Element, Two Categories of Body Elements, Footer, Viewing the HTML Source, HTML's Rules of Nesting. Unit 6: Elements of HTML Introduction; Text Tags: Using Block-Level Elements to Structure the DOCUMENT, Using Text-Level Elements, Tag: <ABBR> ...</ABBR> or <ACRONYM> . ..</ACRONYM>, Quotations: The BLOCKQUOTE and Q elements, Subscripts and superscripts: the SUB and SUP Elements; Lines and Paragraphs: Paragraphs: the P element, Controlling line

breaks, Forcing a line break: the BR element , Prohibiting a line break , Hyphenation, Preformatted text: The PRE element,CITE, CODE, Tag: <DEL> ...</DEL>, Tag: <INS> ...</INS>,Tag: <DFN> ...</DFN>,Tag: <EM> ...<IEM>, Tag: <KBD> ...</KBD>, Tag: <SAMP> ...</SAMP>, Tag: <STRONG> ...</STRONG>,Tag: <VAR> ...<NAR>; Controlling the overall Appearance of the page: Displaying wallpaper in the Background, Choosing Colours for Text and Links, Presentation Controls / Text presentation Tags, Tag: <B> ...</B>, Tag: <I> ...</I>, Tag: <U> ...</U>, Tag: <STRIKE> ...</STRIKE>, Tag. <BIG> ...</BIG>, Tag: <SMALL> ...</SMALL>, Tag: <TT> ...</TT>; Lists: Tag: <LI>, Tag: <UL> ...</UL>,Tag: <OL> ..</OL>, Tag: <DT>, Tag: < DD>, Tag: <DL> ...</DL>, Tag: <DIR> ...</DIR>, Tag: <MENU> ...</MENU>.

Unit 7: Tables Introduction; Introduction to tables; Elements for constructing tables: The TABLE element, Attribute definitions, Table directionality, Table Captions: The CAPTION element, Row

groups: the THEAD, TFOOT, and TBODY elements; Column groups: the COLGROUP and COL elements: The COLGROUP element, The COL element, Table rows: The TR element,Table cells: The TH and TD elements, Cells that span several rows or columns ; Table formatting by visual user agents: Borders and rules, Horizontal and vertical alignment, Cell margins; Table rendering by non-visual user agents: Associating header information with data cells, Categorizing cells; Sample table.


Unit 8: Links and Anchors Introduction; Introduction to links and anchors: Visiting a linked resource, Other link relationships, Specifying anchors and links, Link titles, Internationalization and links; The A element: Nested links are illegal, Anchors with the id attribute, Use id or name, Unavailable and unidentifiable resources; Document relationships: the LINK element: Forward and reverse links, Links and external style sheets, Links and search engines, Adding a Link to your Email Address; Introduction to objects, images, and applets, Including an image: the IMG element, Generic inclusion: the OBJECT element, Rules for rendering objects, Object initialization: the PARAM element, Global naming schemes for objects, Object declarations and instantiations, Including an applet: the APPLET element, Notes on embedded documents, Image maps, Client-side image maps: the MAP and AREA elements, Server-side image maps; Visual presentation of images, objects, and applets: Width and height, White space around images and objects, Borders, Alignment, How to specify alternate text. Unit 9: Frames and Style Sheets Introduction; Introduction to frames; Layout of frames: The FRAMESET element, Nested frame sets , Sharing data among frames , The FRAME element, Setting the initial contents of a frame , Visual rendering of a frame ; Specifying target frame information: Setting the default target for links, Target semantics; Alternate content: The NOFRAMES element, Long descriptions of frames; Inline frames: the IFRAME element, Introduction to style sheets: HTML 4 provides support for the following style sheet features, Adding style to HTML, Setting the default style sheet language, Inline style information, Header style information: the STYLE element, Media types.

Unit 10: Forms Introduction; Introduction to forms; Controls: Control types; The FORM element; The INPUT element: Control types created with INPUT, Examples of forms containing INPUT controls; The BUTTON element; The Select, Optgroup, and Option elements; SELECT Attribute definitions, Pre-selected options, OPTGROUP Attribute definitions, OPTION Attribute definitions; The TEXTAREA element; The ISINDEX element; Labels: The LABEL element, Adding structure to forms: the FIELDSET and LEGEND elements; Giving focus to an element:


Tabbing navigation, Read-only controls ;

Access keys, Disabled and read-only controls, Disabled controls, Form submission, Form submission method, Successful controls,

Processing form data; Determining Form Content: Information Issues, Usability Issues, Group Similar Categories, Make the Form Easy, Provide Incentives, Design Issues, Creating Forms, Selling the < form > Environment, Understanding Widgets.

Unit 11: Multimedia Introduction; What is Multimedia?: Definitions , History of Multimedia Systems, What

is HyperText and HyperMedia?, Multimedia Systems,

Characteristics of a Multimedia

System, Challenges for Multimedia Systems, Desirable Features for a Multimedia System, Components of a Multimedia System, Applications, Trends in Multimedia; Multimedia Why should you use Programming vs

Authoring: Systems and Applications : What is an Authoring System? , an authoring system?, Multimedia Authoring Paradigms,


Multimedia Authoring; Issues in Multimedia Applications Design: (writing), (interacting),

Content Design, Scripting

Graphics (illustrating), Animation (wiggling), Audio (hearing), Interactivity Technical Design, Short checking list for hardware/software

requirements,Visual Design, Themes and Styles, Pace and Running length, Basic Layout; Overview of Multimedia Software Tools: Digital Audio, Music Sequencing and Notation, Image/Graphics Editing, Animation, Multimedia Authoring.


v) Financial Management & Accounting MC0065

Unit 1: Introduction to Accounting Introduction; Meaning of Financial Management accounting; Accounting Principles: Accounting concepts, Accounting conventions; Systems of Accounting; Meaning and classification of Accounts: Meaning of accounts, Classification of accounts; Rules of debit and credit; Journal: Meaning and features of journal, Utility of journal, How to journalise, Format of journal; Ledger: Meaning and features of ledger, Format of ledger. Unit 2: Trial Balance and Rectification of Errors Introduction; Trial Balance: Definition and Meaning of Trial Balance, Features of Trial Balance, Purposes of Trial Balance, Contents of Trial Balance; Classification of Errors: Introduction, Errors not disclosed by Trial balance, Errors disclosed by Trial Balance, General Classification of errors; Rectification of Errors: Errors affecting one account, Errors affecting two or more accounts; Suspense Account.

Unit 3: Understanding Financial Statements Introduction ; Meaning and uses of financial statements: Meaning of financial statements, Purpose and objectives of financial statements; Balance Sheet: Meaning of Balance sheet, Classification of Assets and Liabilities, Classification of Assets, Classification of Liabilities; Profit and Loss Account/Income Statement.

Unit 4: Understanding Ratio Introduction; Meaning and objectives of Ratios; Classification of Ratios: Traditional Classifications of ratios, Functional Classifications of ratios, Classification from the View point of Users; Balance Sheet Ratios; Revenue Statement Ratios; Combined Ratios; Uses and Limitations of Ratio Analysis. Unit 5: Funds Flow Statement Introduction; Meaning and format of Fund Flow Statement; Components of Fund Flow

statement: Computation of changes in Working Capital, Funds from operations, Sources and


Application of Funds, Illustration; Difference between Funds flow statement and P & L A/C; Difference between Funds flow statement and Balance Sheet; Use of Fund flow statement; Drawbacks of Fund flow statement. Unit 6: Cash Flow Analysis Introduction; Meaning of cash flow statements; Classification of Cash flows: Cash flow from operating activities, Cash flow from investing activities, Cash flow from financing activities; Features of cash flow statements: Information required for Cash flow statement, Funds Flow Statement Vs. Cash Flow Statement, IlIustration; Uses and Limitation of cash flow statement: Uses of cash flow statement, Limitations of Cash Flow Statement. Unit 7: Understanding Cost Introduction; Classification of Cost: On the basis of behaviour of cost, On the basis of elements of the cost; Overheads and Non-cost Items: Overheads , Classification of Overheads, Non cost items; Determination of total cost; Cost sheet: Proforma of cost sheet; Estimation of Cost. Unit 8: Marginal Costing & Break-even Analysis Introduction; Basic concept of marginal costing: Meaning and Features of Marginal costing, Advantages of Marginal Costing, Limitations of Marginal Costing; Concept of Profit and Contribution; Concept of Profit/Volume Ratio; Break Even Point (B.E.P.): Methods of

calculating Break Even Point, Assumptions, Uses and Limitations of Break Even Analysis, Factors affecting Break Even Point and Margin of safety, Break-Even Chart.

Unit 9: Budgetary Control Introduction; Meaning of Budget; Meaning, Essentials and Objectives of Budgetary Control; Steps in Budgetary Control; Types of Budgets; Preparation of Flexible Budget; Merits and Demerits of Budgetary Control.


Unit 10: Standard Costing Introduction; Historical Costing Vs Standard Costing; Standard Costing Vs Budgetary Control; Material and Labour Cost Standards; Utility and Limitations of Standard Costing; Variance Analysis : Material Cost Variance.



i) OOPS using C++ MC0066 (4 Credits)

Book 1: OOPS Using C++

Unit 1: Introduction to OOP and C++ Introduction; Evolution of Programming methodologies; Introduction to OOP and its basic features; Basic components of a C++ Program and program structure; Compiling and Executing C++ Program.

Unit 2: C++ Basic Programming Statements Introduction; Selection control statements in C++; Iteration statements in C++; Break, continue and exit statements in C++.

Unit 3: Arrays and Strings in C++ Introduction; Introduction to Arrays; Multidimensional Arrays; Strings and String related Library Functions. Unit 4 Functions and Structures in C++ Introduction; Introduction to Functions; Passing Data to Functions; Scope and Visibility of variables in Functions; Structures in C++.

Unit 5: Objects and Classes Introduction; Creating classes and objects; Constructors and Destructors; Static variables and Functions in class. Unit 6: Operator Overloading Introduction; Operator Overloading in C++; Overloading Unary Operators; Overloading binary operators.


Unit 7: Inheritance and Pointers Introduction; Inheritance in C++; Types of Inheritance; Introduction to Pointers; Objects and Pointers. Unit 8: Multiple Inheritance, Virtual Functions And Polymorphism Introduction; Introduction to Multiple Inheritance; Introduction to Virtual Functions; Introduction to Polymorphism.

Unit 9: File Input and Output in C++ Introduction; Character and String input and output to files; Command Line Arguments and Printer Output. Book 2: Advanced Concepts of OOPS using C++ Unit 1: Inheritance, Virtual Functions, and Polymorphism Revisited Introduction; Derivation and Inheritance: Derivation, Inheritance; Multiple Inheritance; Virtual Functions; Polymorphism. Unit 2: This Pointer, Friends, and Static Functions Introduction; The this Pointer; Friends: Friend Functions, Friend Classes, Friend Scope; Static Functions. Unit 3: The iostream Library Introduction; Understanding the C++ iostream hierarchy: Standard Input/Output Stream Library, Organization, Elements of the iostream Library; Basic Programming using Streams:

Basic Stream Concepts, Your Very First Program, Reading a File; Managing I/O Streams: Opening a File Different Methods, Checking for Failure with File Commands; Checking the I/O Status Flags; Dealing with Binary Files; Some Useful Functions; Manipulators.


Unit 4: Templates Introduction; Class templates: Implementing a class template, Implementing class template member functions, Using a class template; Function templates: Implementing function

templates, Using template functions; Template instantiation: Class template specialization, Template class partial specialization; Template function specialization; Template parameters; Static members and variables; Templates and friends;Templates and multiple-file projects.

Unit 5 : Exception Handling Introduction;Throwing an exception; Catching an exception: The try block, Exception handlers, Termination vs. Resumption; Exception specifications: unexpected(), set_unexpected(), Catching any exception; Rethrowing an exception; Uncaught exceptions: terminate(), set_terminate(); Standard exceptions; Programming with exceptions: When to avoid exception, Using exceptions. Unit 6: Standard Template Library Introduction; History; STL Components; Containers, Iterators, Algorithms, Functors; Sequence Containers: Vector, Deque, List, Container Caveats, Allocators; Sequence Adapters: Stack, Queue, Priority Queue; Strings; Iterators; Iterator Adapters; Associative Containers: Map and Multimap, Set and Multiset; Algorithms and Functions: Algorithms, Functions and Function Objects. Unit 7: Introduction to UML Introduction; What is UML?; Use Case Diagrams: Use Case, Actor, Associations, Includes, Generalization, Extends, Applications of Use Case Diagrams; Class Diagrams: Packages, Classes, Attributes, Operations, Generalization, Interfaces, Associations, Aggregation and Composition, Dependencies; Object Diagrams; Interaction Diagrams: Instances and Messages, Sequence Diagram, Collaboration Diagram; Activity and State Diagrams: Activity Diagram, State Diagram; Implementation Diagrams Component and Deployment; Extensibility Mechanisms: Stereotypes. Tagged Value, Constraints.


ii) Database Management System (DBMS and Oracle 9i) MC0067 (4 Credits)

Book 1: Fundamentals of DBMS

Unit 1: Fundamentals of DBMS Introduction; DBMS & Approaches to Data Management; Advantages of Database Systems; Functions of a DBMS; Role of the Database Administrator; Types of Database Systems.

Unit 2: Physical Storage Structure of Databases Introduction; Physical Storage Structure; Clustering; Indexing; Hashing; Linear Search, Collision Chain. Unit 3: Introduction to Relational Model Introduction; The Relational Model; Properties of Relations; Integrity Rules; Relational Algebra Operators.

Unit 4: Database Processing Introduction; Database Architecture: Application Logic, One Tier Architectures, Two Tier Client/Server Architectures; Advantages of Database Processing: Economy of Scale, Efficient extraction of relevant Information, Sharing of Data, Balancing Conflicting Requirements, Environment of Standards, Controlled Redundancy, Consistency, Integrity, Security, Flexibility and Responsiveness, Data Independence; Three Level Architecture of a Database; Services of a Database System; Functions of Database Management Systems.

Unit 5: Relational Operators & Standards Introduction; Relational Model a Review: Relation, Formal definition of a relation; SQL The Relational database standard: Database Creation, Sorting, Built-in Functions, Joining Tables, Union; Relational Algebra. Unit 6: Database Design Introduction; Introduction to Database Design; E-R Modeling: Basic Constructs of E-R


Modeling, Degree of a Relationship, ER Notation; Normalization: Functional Dependence, First Normal Form, Second Normal Form, Third Normal Form, Boyce-Codd Normal Form, Multi-valued Dependencies and Fourth Normal Form; Database Design Goals. Unit 7 Database Security and Authorization

Introduction; Introduction to Database Security Issues: Types of Security, Threats to Databases, Database Security and the DBA; Access Protection, User Accounts, and Database Audits; Discretionary Access Control Based on Granting and Revoking Privileges: Types of Discretionary Privileges, Specifying Privileges Using Views,Revoking Privileges, Propagation of Privileges Using the grant option;Mandatory Access Control and Role-based Access Control or Multilevel Security: Comparing Discretionary Access Control and Mandatory Access Control, Role-Based Access Control, Access Control Policies for E-Commerce and the Web; Introduction to Statistical Database Security; Introduction to Flow Control: Covert Channels; Encryption and Public Key Infrastructures: The Data and Advanced Encryption Standards, Public Key Encryption, Digital Signatures.

Unit 8 ORDBMS and Concepts of Data Mining and Data Warehousing Introduction; The Evolution of Database Systems Technology; The Informix Universal Server; Categories of INFORMIX Universal Server; Overview of Data Mining Technology; Goals of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery; Association Rules: Market-Basket Model, Support, and Confidence,Additional Considerations for Association Rules Classification, Clustering; Approaches to Other Data Mining Problems:Discovery of Sequential Patterns, Discovery of Patterns in Time Series, Regression, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Applications of Data Mining; Commercial Data Mining Tools; Data Warehousing: Introduction, Definitions, and Terminology, Characteristics of Data Warehouses, Data Modeling for Data Warehouses, Building a Data Warehouse, Typical Functionality of a Data Warehouse, Data Warehouse versus Views; Problems and Open Issues in Data Warehouses: Difficulties of Implementing Data Warehouses, Open Issues in Data Warehousing.


Unit 9: SQL Introduction; SQL - An Overview: Data Manipulation Language, Data Definition Language, Data Control Language; Implementation of DML Statements: Basics of the SELECT Statement, Conditional Selection, Relational Operators, More Complex Conditions: Compound Conditions / Logical Operators; In & Between; SQL Order of Logical Operations (each operates from left to right):Using LIKE ; Joins: Keys, Performing a Join, DISTINCT and Eliminating Duplicates, Aliases & In / Subqueries; Miscellaneous SQL Statements: Aggregate Functions, Views, Creating New Tables, Altering Tables, Adding Data, Deleting Data, Updating Data; Miscellaneous Topics: Indexes, Group By & Having, More Subqueries, Exists & All, UNION & Outer Joins, Cartesian product. Unit 10: Transaction Processing, Recovery and Concurrency Introduction; Transactions, Read And Write Operations; Transaction and System Concepts; Transaction and System Concepts; Recovery from System Failures; Concurrency Control Mechanism: Locking, Deadlocks.

Book 2: Advanced DBMS with Oracle 9i Unit1: Database Systems Concepts and Architecture Data Models, Schemas, and Instances: Categories of Data Models, Schemas, Instances, and Database State; Three-Schema Architecture and Data Independence: The Three-Schema Architecture, Data Independence; Database Languages and Interfaces: dbms Languages, dbms Interfaces, The Database System Environment: dbms Component Modules, Database System Utilities, Tools, Application Environments, and Communications

Facilities; Centralized and Client/Server Architectures for dbmss : Centralized dbmss Architecture; Basic Client/Server Architectures, Two-Tier Client/Server Architectures for dbmss, Three-Tier Client/Server Architectures for Web Applications; Classification of Database Management Systems.


Unit 2: Data Modeling Using the Entity Relationship Model Using High Level conceptual Data Models for Database Design; An example Database Application; Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes and Keys : Entities and attributes, Entity Types, Entity Sets, Keys, And Value Sets, Initial Conceptual Design Of The COMPANY Database; Relationship types, Relationship sets, roles and Structural

Constraints: Relationship Types, Sets, And Instances, Relationship Degree, Role Names, And Recursive Relationships, Attributes Of Relationship Types; Weak Entity Types.

Unit 3: The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints Elational Model Concepts: Domains, Attributes, Tuples, and Relations, Characteristics of Relations, Relational Model Notation; Relational Model Constraints and Relational Database Schemas : Relational Databases and Relational Database Schemas, Other Types of Constraints; Update Operations and Dealing With Constraint Vioations: Operation, The Delete Operation, The Update Operation. The Insert

Unit 4: Relational Database Design by ER- and EER-to-Relational Mapping Elational Database Design Using ER-To-Relational Mapping: ER- to- Relational Mapping Algorithm; Mapping EER Model Constructs to Relations: Mapping of Specialization or Generalization. Unit 5: Introduction to Transaction Processing-Concepts and Theory Transaction Processing: Transactions, Read and Write Operations, and DBMS Buffers; Why Recovery is Needed: Commit Point of a Transaction, Commit Point of a Transaction, Desirable Properties of Transactions; Concurrency Control Techniques: Two-phase Locking Techniques for Concurrency Control, Types of locks and system lock tables ; Database Recovery Concepts: Recovery Outline and Categorization of Recovery Algorithms. Unit 6: Fire Organizations and Indexes Computer Storage Media: Memory Hierarchies and Storage Devices, Magnetic Tape Storage Devices; Buffering of Blocks; Placing File Records on Disk: Records and Record Types, Files, Fixed-Length Records, and Variable-Length Records, Record Blocking and Spanned Versus


Unspanned Records, Allocating File Blocks on Disk, File Headers; Operations on Files; Files of UnOrdered Records (Heap Files); Files of Ordered Records (Sorted Files); Hashing Techniques: Internal Hashing; Indexing Structures for Files: Types of Single-level Ordered Indexes, Other Types of Indexes.


iii) Data Structures using C MC0068 (4 Credits)

Book 1: Data Structures using C

Unit 1: Arrays, Pointers and Structures Introduction; Definition and concept of an Array: Array Used in C Language, Single Dimensional Arrays (One Dimensional Array),Two Dimensional Arrays. [Matrix]; Pointers;

Declaring a pointer variable,:Pointer Operators; Pointers and Arrays; Pointers used in function; Pointers used in an Array; Structures: Declaration of Processing of Structure, Structure used with an Array. Unit 2 Overview of Data Structures Introduction: What is a Data Structure?, Definition of data structure, The Abstract Level, The Application Level, Implementation Level; Data Types and Structured Data Type: Common structure, Initialization of structure,

Structures, Abstract Data Types, Properties of Abstract Data Types, Generic Abstract Data Types, Programming with Abstract Data Types; Pre and Post Conditions: Preconditions, Postconditions, Checking Pre & Post Conditions, Implementation Checks Preconditions; Linear Data Structure: The Array Data Structure, Using an Array and Lists as a Data Structure, Elementary Data Structures; What the application needs ?; Implementation methods; Non Linear Data Structures: Trees, Binary Tree, Hash Tables. Unit 3: Overview of Stack Introduction; Operations of Stack;Insert / Push operation; Delete/pop operation; Display; Stack implementation using arrays; Applications of stack; Stacks using structures; Sample C programs to represents the Stack Implementation. Unit 4: Overview of Queues Introduction; Queues and its Operations; Different types of queues: Ordinary queue, Disadvantage of ordinary queue, Double ended queue (Deque), Circular queue; Sample C programs to represents the Queue Implementation.


Unit 5: Linked Lists Introduction; Linear list; Linked list: Typical basic linked-list operations, Singly-Linked Lists; Circular singly linked list: Insert a node at the front end, Insert a node at the rear end, Delete a node from the front end, Delete a node from the rear end; Doubly linked lists: Insert a node at the front end, Insert a node at the rear end, Delete a node from the front end.

Unit 6 : Trees Introduction; Overview of Tree Concept; Binary tree: Strictly binary tree, Complete binary tree, Almost complete binary tree, Storage representation of a binary tree; Various operations on binary trees using linked representation: Insertion Operation, Traversals; Binary search tree (BST): Insertion Operation, Searching, Other operations, To find maximum value in a tree BST, To find minimum value in a BST, Height of tree, Count nodes in a tree, Count leaves in a tree, Delete a node from the tree. Unit 7: Graphs Introduction; Overview of Graphs; Adjacency lists & Adjacency Matrix: Adjacency lists, Adjacency Matrix; Depth First Traversal; Breadth First Traversal; Spanning Trees. Unit 8: Searching Methods Introduction; Basics Searching Techniques; Algorithmic Notation: Sequential Search [Linear search], Binary Search; Illustration of C programmes. Unit 9: Sorting Methods Introduction; Overview of Sorting Methods; How do you sort?; Evaluating a Sorting Algorithms: Stability on Sorting algorithm; Internal Sorting: Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Shell Sort, Quick Sort, Tree Sort; External Sorts: Merge Sort, 2-Way Merge Sort.


Book 2: Advanced Data Structures using C

Unit 1: Advanced Topics in Trees and Their Applications Introduction; Analyzing the BST Search Algorithm; Inserting Nodes into a BST; The Order of Insertion Determines the BST's Topology; Deleting Nodes from a BST; Traversing the Nodes of a BST: Preorder Traversal, Inorder Traversal, Postorder Traversal; The Cost of Recursion; Binary Search Trees in the Real-World; Big-O Notation: Application of Big-O notation to algorithm analysis; Big- and Big-:Properties of the sets O(f(n)) and (f(n)), Other useful mathematical formulae; Height Balanced Trees: AVL Trees, Red-Black Trees, Lemma,

Insertion into a red-black tree, Deletions from a Red-Black tree; The A-A tree; AVL Trees: Definition, Worst case height of an AVL tree with n Nodes; The Binary Heap: Definition, Insertions into a Binary Heap, Deletions from a Binary Heap, Analysis of Insertion Algorithm, Build Heap -- building a tree from a collection of forests. Unit 2: Minimum Spanning Trees and Algorithms Introduction; Spanning Trees: Minimum spanning trees, Why minimum spanning trees; How to find minimum Spanning Tree?: Lemma; Kruskal's Algorithm; Prim's algorithm; Finding Shortest Paths using BFS; Relaxation; Dijkstra Algorithm; Bellman-Ford Algorithm; Single-source shortest paths in Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG); Floyd Warshall and Variants:Transitive Hull, MiniMax Distance, MaxiMin Distance, Safest Path; Other Graphs: Graph Transpose Problem, Euler Cycle, Euler Path, Topological Sort Problem, Strongly Connected Components problem. Unit 3: Graphs and their Applications I Introduction to Graphs; Representation; Examples of Graph Problems: Telecommunication, Sample Problem: Riding The Fences, Knight moves, Overfencing; Terminology; Directed Graph; Paths; Graph Representation: Edge List, Adjacency Matrix, Adjacency List, Implicit Representation; Connectedness; Sub graphs; Special Graphs: Rooted tree, Forest, Complete Graph, Bipartite Graph; Uninformed Search: Breadth-first search, Uniform-cost search,

Depth-first search, Depth-limited search , Iterative deepening search, Bidirectional search.


Unit 4: Graphs and their Applications II Introduction; Depth First Search (DFS) Algorithm: Sample Problem: n Queens [Traditional], Depth First Search (DFS) Implementation, Complexity; Breadth First Search (BFS): Sample Problem: Knight Cover [Traditional], Breadth First Search (BFS) Implementation, Complexity; Depth First with Iterative Deepening (DF-ID): Complexity; Comparison of DFS, BFS & DFS+ID; Sample Problems: Super-prime Rib, Betsy's Tour , Udder Travel , Desert Crossing, Addition Chains; Informed Search: Best First Search, A* Search; An Application of Graph; Amortized Analysis: Aggregate Analysis, The potential method, Properties of the Potential Function, The Dynamic Hash Table, A Dynamic Hash Table that both expands and contracts. Unit 5: Splay Trees (Self-adjusting Search Trees) Introduction; Splay Trees; Access lemma; Balance Theorem; Strong Access Lemma; Static Optimality Theorem ; Static Finger Theorem; Other Theorems : Working Set Theorem, Sequential Access Theorem, Dynamic Finger Theorem, Dynamic Optimality Conjecture, Insertion, Join, Deletion.

Unit 6: File Structures Introduction; Logical or Physical Organization and Data Independence; A language for describing file structures; Basic terminology; Sequential files; Inverted files; Index-sequential files; Multi-lists; Cellular multi-lists; Ring structures; Threaded lists; Trees; Scatter storage or hash addressing; Clustered files; B - Tree File Organization; B- Tree Index Files; Dynamic Hashing: How does it work?.


iv) System Analysis & Design (SAD) MC0069 (4 Credits)

Unit 1:The Context of Systems Analysis and Design Introduction; Principles of Modeling: Object-Oriented Modeling; An Overview of the UML: The UML Is a Language, The UML Is a Language for Visualizing, The UML Is a Language for Specifying, The UML Is a Language for Constructing, The UML Is a Language for Documenting, Where Can the UML Be Used?; A Conceptual Model of the UML: Building Blocks of the UML; Things in the UML: Structural Things, Behavioral Things, Grouping Things; Relationships in the UML; Diagrams in the UML; Rules of the UML; Common Mechanisms in the UML: Specifications, Adornments. Unit 2: Basic Structural Modeling Introduction; Terms And Concepts: Names, Attributes, Operations, Organizing Attributes and Operations, Responsibilities; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling the Vocabulary of a System, Modeling the Distribution of Responsibilities in a System; Advanced Classes; Terms And Concepts: Classifiers, Visibility, Scope, Abstract, Root, Leaf, and Polymorphic Elements, Multiplicity, Attributes, Operations, Template Classes, Standard Elements, Common Modeling Techniques. Unit 3: Relationships Introduction; Terms And Concepts: Dependency, Generalization, Association, Name, Role, Multiplicity, Aggregation; Other Features; common Modeling Techniques: Modeling Simple Dependencies, Modeling Single Inheritance, Modeling Structural Relationships; Advanced Relationships; Terms And Concepts; Dependency, Generalization, Association, Realization; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling Webs of Relationships, Unit 4: Common Mechanisms Introduction; Terms and Concepts: Notes, Other Adornments, Stereotypes, Tagged Values, Constraints, Standard Elements; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling New Building

Blocks, Modeling New Properties, Modeling New Semantics; Interfaces, Types, And Roles;


Terms And Concepts: Names, Operations, Relationships, Understanding an interface, Types and Roles; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling the Seams in a System, Modeling Static and Dynamic Types. Unit 5: Diagrams Introduction;Terms and Concepts;Structural Diagrams: Class Diagram, Object Diagram,

Component Diagram, Deployment Diagram; Behavioral Diagrams: Use Case Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Collaboration Diagram, Statechart Diagram, Activity Diagram; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling Different Views of a System, Modeling Different Levels of Abstraction, Modeling Complex Views. Unit 6: Class Diagrams Introduction; Terms And Concepts; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling Simple Collaborations, Modeling A Logical Database Schema, Forwarding And Reverse Engineering; Object Diagrams; Terms And Concepts; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling Object Structures, Forward And Reverse Engineering.

Unit 7: Interactions Introduction; Terms And Concepts: Context, Objects and Roles, Links, Messages, Sequencing, Creation, Modification, and Destruction, Representation; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling a Flow of Control.

Unit 8: Events and Signals Introduction; Terms And Concepts: Kinds of Events, Signals, Call Events, Time and Change Events, Sending and Receiving Events; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling a Family of Signals, Modeling Exceptions; State Machines; Terms And Concepts: Context, States, Transitions; Advanced States and Transitions; Substates; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling the Lifetime of an Object; Statechart Diagrams; Terms And Concepts: Common Properties; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling reactive Objects, Forward and Reverse Engineering.


Unit 9: Components Introduction; Terms And Concepts: Names, Components and Classes, Components Interfaces, and

Binary Replaceability, Kinds of Components, Organizing Components, Standard

Elements; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling Executables and Libraries, Modeling Tables, Files And Documents, Modeling an API, Modeling Source Code; Collaborations; Terms And Concepts: Names, Structure, Behavior, Organizing Collaborations; the

Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling the Realization of a Use Case, Modeling

Realization of an Operation, Modeling a Mechanism; Components Diagrams; Terms And Concepts: Common Properties, Contents, Common Uses; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling Source Code, Modeling an Executable Release, MODeling a Physical Database, Modeling Adaptable Systems, Forward and Reverse Engineering; Deployment Diagrams; Terms And Concepts: Common Properties, Contents, Common Uses; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling a Embedded System, Modeling a Client/Server System, Modeling a Fully Distributed System.

Unit 10: Systems And Models Introduction; Terms And Concepts: Systems and Subsystems, Models and Views, Trace; Common Modeling Techniques: Modeling the Architecture of a System, Modeling Systems of Systems.


v) Operating Systems with Unix MC0070

Book 1: Operating Systems

Unit 1:Overview of Operating System Introduction to OS; What is an Operating System?; Functions of an Operating System: To hide details of hardware, Resources Management Provide a effective user interface; Evolution of Operating Systems: Early Systems, Simple Batch Systems , Multi Programmed Batch Systems , Time Sharing Systems , Distributed Systems, Real-time Operating System ; Operating System Components: Process Management , Main-Memory Management , File Management , I/O System Management , Secondary-Storage Management , Networking, Protection System, Command Interpreter System; Operating System Services: Program

Execution, I/O Operations, File System Manipulation , Communications , Error Detection; Operating Systems for Different Computers.

Unit 2: Operating System Architecture Introduction; OS as an Extended Machine; Simple Structure; Layered Approach; Microkernels ; UNIX kernel Components ; Modules; Introduction to Virtual Machines: Hardware Virtual machine, Application virtual machine; Virtual Environment; Machine Aggregation; Implementation Techniques: Emulation of the underlying raw hardware (native execution), Emulation of a non-native system. Unit 3: Process Management Introduction; What is a Process?; Process Creation; Process Termination; Process States: Five State Process Model, Swapping, Seven State Process Model; Process Control: Process Structure, Process Control Block, Modes of Execution, Context Switching; Example: UNIX Process; Threads: Processes Vs Threads, Why Threads?, Advantages of Threads over Multiple Processes, Disadvantages of Threads over Multiple Processes; Types of Threads: User Level Threads, Kernel Level Threads,Thread States.


Unit 4: Memory Management Introduction; Memory Hierarchy; Paging: Control bits, Multi level page table; Segmentation: Combined paging and Segmentation, Fetch Policy, Placement Policy, Replacement Policy, Algorithms, Page buffering ; Cleaning policy; Frame locking; Load Control; Cache Memory: Basic Structure, Cache Memory Organization, Fully Associative Mapping; Cache

Performance; Fetch and write Mechanism: Demand fetch, pre-fetch, Selective fetch, Instruction and data caches, Write Operations, Write-through mechanism, Write-back

mechanism; Replacement policy: Random replacement algorithm, FIFO replacement algorithms, Least recently used algorithm for a Cache; Second-level Caches; Optimizing the data cache performance: Principle of Locality, Data Blocking ; Associative Memory. Unit 5: CPU Scheduling Introduction; CPU-I/O Burst Cycle; CPU Scheduler; Scheduling Criteria; Scheduling Algorithms: First-Come First-Serve Scheduling, FCFS, Priority Scheduling, Round Robin Scheduling, Multilevel Queue Scheduling; Multiple-Processor Scheduling: Approaches to Multiple-Processor Scheduling, Symmetric Multithreading; Thread Scheduling; Operating System Examples; Algorithm Evaluation. Unit 6: Deadlocks Introduction; Solutions to deadlock; Deadlock detection and recovery; Deadlock avoidance; Deadlock Prevention; Livelock; Killing Zombies; Pipes. Unit 7:Concurrency Control Introduction; What is concurrency?; Race Conditions; Critical Section; Mutual Exclusion: Requirements for mutual exclusion, Mutual exclusion by disabling interrupts, Mutual exclusion by using Lock variable, Mutual exclusion by Strict Alternation, Mutual exclusion by Petersons

Method:, Mutual exclusion by using Special Machine Instructions; Semaphores: What are Semaphores, Semaphore Implementation, Mutual Exclusion using Semaphore. Unit 8: File Systems and Space Management Introduction; File Systems; File Structure: File Types, Access Modes, File Attributes;


Implementing File Systems : Files , Contiguous, Linked List, Disk Index, File Index, Directories; Space Management : Block Size and Extents, Free Space, Reliability, Bad-block

Forwarding, Back-up Dumps; Consistency Checking: Transactions, Performance. Unit 9 Input-Output Architecture Introduction; I/O structure; I/O Control Strategies; Program-controlled I/O; Interrupt-controlled I/O; Direct Memory Access; The I/O address space.

Unit 10: Case Study on Window Operating Systems Introduction; Architecture of the Windows NT operating system line: 1 User mode, Kernel

mode; Windows 2000:History, Architecture; Common functionality:NTFS 5, Encrypting File System, Basic and dynamic disk storage, Accessibility support, Language & locale support, System utilities, Recovery Console; Server family functionality: Distributed File System ,Active Directory ,Volume fault tolerance ;Versions; Deployment.

Book 2: Advanced Operating System with UNIX

Unit 1: Review of Operating system Concepts What is an Operating System?; Hardware Management, Part 1; Process Management ; Hardware Management, Part 2; The UNIX Operating System; UNIX Architecture; The History of UNIX: Berkeley Software Distributions; Process Control; Help; Environment Variables and Shells; Layers of UNIX Operating System; UNIX and Standards: UNIX for Mainframes and Workstations, UNIX for Intel Platforms, Source Versions of "UNIX", Making Changes to UNIX; Introduction to the UNIX Philosophy; Introduction to the UNIX Philosophy: Simple, Orthogonal Commands, Commands Connected Through Pipes, A (Mostly) Common Option Interface Style, No File Types . Unit 2: The Standard File Systems Introduction: root, Swap; File System Types: s5, ufs, Ext2, Iso9660 or hsfs, msdos or pcfs2.2.6 swap, swap, bfs The boot file system, proc or procfs2.2.8 Fdisk, mkfs; File System Mounting and Un-mounting; Fsck: File System Checking; The Boot Procedure; Kernel; System


Processes; Startup Scripts; Backup & Restore: Tape Media and removal cartridge, Backup Options, dump. Unit 3:Processes in Unix Introduction; Setting a processes priority; Other Process Related Commands; The fork() System Call; Child Process Termination; Inter Process Communication: Communications Via Pipes, The pipe() System Call; Named Pipe: Creating A Named Pipe; Message Queues: Creating A Message Queue - msgget(); The Message Structure - struct msgbuf: Writing Messages Onto A Queue - msgsnd(), Reading A Message From The Queue - msgrcv(); Semaphore; Shared Memory. Unit 4: Beginning with UNIX Introduction: User Account Setup, Logging In to the System, After Login Succeeds; Different Privileges for Different Users; Logging Out; Using Commands: What Is a Command?, Redirecting Input and Output, Configuring Your Environment, Viewing and Setting Environment Variables, Using Shell Startup Files, Configuring with rc files; Managing Your Password; Working on the System: Erase, Kill, Stop and Start, eof; Online Help. Unit 5: UNIX File System Introduction; The Types of UNIX Files; Creating Listing, and Viewing Files; The UNIX File Tree; File and Directory Names; Creating Directories with mkdir ; Working with Files: Copying Files with cp, Moving Files with mv, Removing Files with rm; Working with Directories: Creating Multiple Directories with mkdir, Removing a Directory with rmdir, Renaming Directories with mv, Keeping Secrets File and Directory Permissions; Default File and Directory PermissionsYour umask; Hard and Symbolic Links. Unit 6: Managing Data Files in UNIX Introduction; Listing Files and Directories: ls Revisited: ls The Short and Long of It, Other ls Options, Showing Hidden Files with a, Showing File Types with F, Listing Files Whose Names Contain Nonprintable Characters with q, Other Useful ls Options; Using Metacharacters When Referring to Filenames: Pattern Matching on a Single Character,


Pattern Matching on a Group of Characters, Pattern Matching on Character Sets; How File Substitution Works: The find Command, Search Criteria, Finding Files with a Specific Name: name fname, Locating Files of a Specific Size: -size n, Locating Files of a Specific Size: -size n and Displaying the Path Names of Found Files: -print, Executing a UNIX Command on the Found Files: -exec cmd \;, Executing a UNIX Command on Found Files, But Querying First: ok cmd \;, Writing Found Files to a Device: -cpio device, Search Qualifiers, Searching for Files on Only the Current File System: -mount, Altering the Search Path with depth, Combining

Search Criteria, Negating Expressions to Find Files That Don't Meet Criteria, Specifying More Than One Path to Search; Controlling Input and Output: Output Redirection, Input File Redirection, Redirecting Error Messages; Using Pipes to Pass Files Between Programs. Unit 7: Other Popular Tools in UNIX Introduction; Making Calculations with dc and bc: Calculating with bc, Calculating with dc, Finding the Date and Time, Displaying a Monthly or Yearly Calendar with cal ; Getting Information About Users: The who Command, The finger Command, The id Command; Switching Accounts with su; Learnig More About Commands with man; Finding Information About Disk Utilization with du and df : Summarizing Disk Usage with du, Reporting Blocks and Files with df.

Unit 8: Shell Programming Introduction; The Kernel and the Shell; The Functions of a Shell: Program Initiation, Inputoutput Redirection, Pipeline Connection, Substitution of Filenames, Maintenance of Variables, Environment Control, Shell Programming, How the Shell Interprets Commands, Entering Simple Commands, Redirection of Input and Output, Entering Multiple Commands on One Line, Entering Commands Too Long for One Line, Filename Substitutions on the Command Line, Substitution of Variable Data, Substituting the Results of Commands in a Command Line, Escaping from the Special Characters, Entering Data from the Shell; Shell Options: The Restricted Shell, Changing Shell Options with set, Variables, Defining Your Own (UserDefined) Variables, Conditional Variable Substitution, Substituting Default Values for Variables, Conditional Variable Substitution with Error Checking, Positional Variables or Parameters; Special Variables in the Bourne Shell: Environment Variables, HOME, IFS,


MAIL, MAILCHECK, MAILPATH, PATH, PS1, PS2, TERM; Preventing Variables from Being Changed; Shell Programming: What Is a Program?, The Shell as a Language, Using Data Variables in Shell Programs, Entering Comments in Shell Programs, Doing Arithmetic on Shell Variables,Passing Arguments to Shell Programs, Decision Making in Shell Programs, The ifthen Statement, Data Output from Shell Programs, The if-then-else Statement, Testing Conditions with test, Testing Character Data, Testing Numeric Data, Testing for Files, Combining and Negating test Conditions, A Shorthand Method of Doing Tests, The Null Command, Displaying the Program Name, Nested if Statements and the elif Construct, Reading Data into a Program Interactively, The case Statement, Building Repetitions into a Program, Repeating Within a while Loop, Repeating Within an until Loop, Repeating Within a for Loop, Getting Out of a Loop from the Middle; Structured Shell Programming Using Functions; Handling the Unexpected with trap; Conditional Command Execution with the And/Or Constructs; Command aliases and Commad details: Command history, Command editing, Directory Management, Arithmetic expressions, Syntax improvements,Wildcard expressions, Coprocessing, Job processing, Privileged mode switching; Shell Basics: Redirection of input and output, Entering multiple commands on one line, Filename

substitutions, Substitution of variables, Command substitutions, Escaping and quoting, Extending a command over multiple lines; Overview of C Shell: A Little History, Invoking C Shell.



i) Software Engineering MC0071 (4 Credits)

Book 1: Software Engineering

Unit 1: Software Development Approaches Introduction; Evolving Role of Software; Software Characteristics; Software Applications. Unit 2: Software Design Processes Introduction; What is meant by Software Engineering?; Definitions of Software Engineering; The Serial or Linear Sequential Development Model; Iterative Development Model; The

incremental Development Model; The Parallel or Concurrent Development Model; Hacking. Unit 3: Software Reliability Introduction; Software reliability metrics; Programming for Reliability: Fault avoidance, Fault tolerance, Software Reuse. Unit 4: Software Design Principles Introduction, System Models: Data-flow models, Semantic data models, Object models, Inheritance models, Object aggregation, Service usage models, Data Dictionaries; Software Design: The design process, Design Methods, Design description, Design strategies, Design quality; Architectural Design: System structuring, The repository model, The clientserver model, The abstract machine model, Control models, Modular decomposition, Domain-specific architectures. Unit 5: Object Oriented Design Introduction; Object Oriented Design: Objects, Object Classes & Inheritance, Inheritance, Object identification, An object-oriented design example, Object aggregation; Service Usage; Object Interface Design: Design evolution, Function oriented design, Data flow design; Structural Decomposition: Detailed design.


Unit 6: Configuration Management Introduction; Change Management; Version and Release Management: Version identification, Release management, Version management tools; Software Maintenance; The maintenance process, System documentation, Maintenance costs, Maintainability measurement; Software Reengineering; Software Refactoring,

Unit 7 : Software Testing Techniques Introduction; Software Testing Fundamental; Testing Principles; White Box Testing; Control Structure Testing; Black Box Testing; Boundary Value Analysis; Testing GUIs; Testing Documentation and Help Facilities. Unit 8: Software Testing Assurance Introduction; Verification and Validation: Validation Testing, Validation Test Criteria; Test Plan: Test Documentation; Test Strategies: Top-Down Testing, Bottom-Up Testing, Thread testing, Stress testing, Back-to-back testing; Principles of Testing; Testing methods and tools: Testing through reviews, Black-box testing (Functional testing), White box testing (glass-box testing), Testing software changes; Additional requirements in testing OO Systems; System Testin;g Acceptance Testing; Regression testing; Metrics Collection, Computation, and Evaluation; Test and QA plan; Managing Testing Functions. Unit 9: Software Testing Strategies Introduction; Organizing for software testing; Software Testing Strategy; Unit Testing: Unit Test Considerations; Top-down Integration; Bottom-up Integration.

Unit 10: Case Study Introduction; System Requirements; Architectural Alternatives.

Book 2: Advanced Software Engineering Unit 1: Software Development Strategies I Basic Planning and Control Introduction; Characteristics of software Development Strategies; Life-Cycle Models:The waterfall Model, Incremental and Iterative Models; Risk-Reduction Models: The Prototyping


Model, The Spiral Model, The Clean Room Model. Unit 2: Software Development Strategies II Tools, Objects, and Reuse Introduction; Case Tools; Object-oriented and Reuse Model: Object-Oreinted Model, Rational Unified Process Model, Commercial Off-the-shelf Model (COTS), The Reengineering Model. Unit 3 : Software Development Strategies III Process Improvement Introduction; Productivity-Driven Dynamic Process Modelling; Human factors in Development Models; The capability Maturity Model; Personal and Team software development Models. Unit 4: Software Development Strategies IV Reinventing How It Is Done Introduction; Open Source development Model; Agile Software Development; Rapid Application Development Model; Workflow Application Model; Aspect oriented Development. Unit 5: An Assessment of Process Life-Cycle Models Introduction; Overview of the Assessment of Process; The Dimension of time; The Need for a business model in Software engineering; Classic Invalid assumptions: First Assumption: Internal or External Drivers, Second Assumption: Software or Business Processes, Third Assumption: Processes or Projects, Fourth Assumption: Process Centered or Architecture Centered; Implications of the New Business Model; Role of the Problem-Solving Process in This Approach: Data, Problem Definition, Tools and Capabilities; Redefining the Software Engineering Process: Round-Trip Problem-Solving Approach, Activities, Goals,

Interdisciplinary Resources, Time.

Unit 6: Software Technology and Problem Solving Introduction; Software Technology as Enabling Business Tool What Computers Can Do ?: Exponential Growth in Capability, Business Problem-Solving Optimization, The E-Business Revolution, Portability Power, Connectivity Power; Software Technology as a Limited Business Tool What Computers Cannot Do?: People Have Different Needs That Change over Time, Most Users Do not Understand Computer Languages, Decisions and Problems Complex and Ill Structured, Businesses View Software Technology as a Black Box for Creating


Economic Value; A View of Problem Solving and Software Engineering. Unit 7: Diversification of Problem-Solving Strategies in Software Engineering Introduction; Understanding Diversification in Software Engineering: Driving Forces of Diversity in Development Strategies; The Hidden Value of Differences; Integration Not Differentiation: Investing in Diversification, Factors That Affect Interdisciplinary Ignorance, Unreliable Sources of Information, Partial Knowledge, Lack of Communication,

Interorganizational Ignorance; Diversity in Problem Solver Skills at the Project Management Level. Unit 8: People and Software Engineering Introduction; Traditional Software Engineering; The importance of people in problem solving process: The Rolers of Users in Problem definition; Human driven software engineering; The people factor Multidisciplinary aspects; The team factor; The customer factor.


ii) Computer Graphics MC0072

Unit 1: Introduction to Computer Graphics Introduction; Image Processing as Picture Analysis; The advantages of Interactive Graphics; Representative Uses of Computer Graphics; Classification of Applications; Development of Hardware and Software for Computer Graphics: Output Technology, Architecture of a Vector Display, Architecture of a Raster Display, Direct-view storage tubes, Input Technology, Software Technology; Conceptual Framework for Interactive Graphics. Unit 2: Graphics Hardware Introduction; Graphics Workstation; Raster Display System with Peripheral Display Processor; The Video Controller; Color and Grayscale Levels; Color Tables; Grayscale; Video Mixing; Random Scan Display Processor. Unit 3 : Raster Graphics Algorithms Introduction; Overview of Simple Raster Graphics Package: Displays with Frame Buffers and Display Controllers, Display with only Frame Buffer; Scan Converting Lines: Basic Concepts in Line Drawing, Line Drawing Algorithms, Digital Differential Analyzer, Bresenhams Line Algorithm, Midpoint Line Algorithm; Scan Converting Circles: Basic Concepts in Circle Drawing, Representation of a Circle, Polynomial Method, Trigonometric Method, Circle Drawing Algorithms, DDA Circle Drawing Algorithm, Bresenhams Circle Drawing Algorithm; Midpoint circle drawing Algorithm.

Unit 4: Filling Rectangles and Polygons Introduction; Filling Rectangles; Filling Polygons; Types of polygons; Polygon Filling: Seed fill, Boundary Fill algorithm, Flood Fill algorithm, Scan Line algorithm; Pattern filling; Thick

primitives: Replicating pixels, Moving pen, Filling areas between boundaries, Approximation by thick polyline; Line Style and Pen Style.


Unit 5: Clipping Introduction; Clipping Lines: Sutherland and Cohen Subdivision Line Clipping Algorithm, Eneralized Clipping with Cyrus-beck Algorithm, Liang-Barsky Line Clipping Algorithm; Clipping Circles and Ellipses; Clipping Polygons: Sutherland Hodgeman Polygon Clipping; Generating characters: Stroke method, Starbust method, Bitmap method.

Unit 6: Geometrical Transformations Introduction; Two dimensional transformations: Translation, Rotation, Scaling; Homogeneous Coordinates and Matrix Representation of 2D Transformations: Homogeneous Coordinates for Translation, Homogeneous Coordinates for Rotation, Homogeneous Coordinates for Scaling, Reflection, Shear, X shear, Y Shear, Shearing Relative to Other Reference Line, Inverse Transformations; Composition of 2D Transformations: Rotation About and Arbitrary Point; Window to View-port Transformation or Viewing Transformation: Normalization

Transformation, Workstation Transformation; Efficiency; Matrix Representations of 3D Transformations: Translation, Scaling, Rotation, Shear; Composition of 3D Transformations: Rotation about Arbitrary Axis, Reflection with Respect to Given Plane, Reflection with Respect to xyplane, Reflection with Respect to Any Plane. Unit 7: Viewing in 3D Introduction; Three Dimensional Viewing; Specifying an Arbitrary 3D View; Transformation from World Coordinate to Viewing Coordinates; Projection: Parallel Projection, Perspective

Projection, Types of Parallel Projections, Orthographic Projection, Oblique Projection; Types of Perspective Projection.


iii) System Programming MC0073 (4 Credits)

Unit 1: Language Processors Introduction; Fundamentals of Language Processing; Fundamentals of Language

Specification: Programming Language Grammars, Classification of Grammars, Binding and Binding Times; Language Processor Development Tools.

Unit 2: System Software and Machine Architecture Introduction; Introduction to Data Formats; Introduction to RISC & CISC machines;

Addressing Modes: Addressing modes for CISC (Motorola & Intel), Addressing modes of RISC Machines; Difference between CISC and RISC. Unit3: Assemblers Introduction; Assembly Language; Basic Assembler Functions; Design Specification of Assembler: Data Structures, pass1 & pass2 Assembler flow chart; Design of Single Pass Assembler; Design of Multi-pass(two pass) Assemblers Implementation; Examples: MASM Assembler and SPARC Assembler. Unit 4: Macros and Macro Processors Introduction; Macro Definition and Expansion: Conditional Macro Expansion; Macro

Parameters; Nested and Recursive Macro Calls and its expansion; Flow chart of Design of Macro Preprocessors Implementation; Examples: MASM Macro Processor; The C Preprocessor for GCC version 2.

Unit 5: Linkers Introduction; Relocation and dynamic linking; Bootstraping: Boot strap loading, Software and compiler boot straping, Bootstrap loaders; Design of a Linker; Implementation Examples: A Linker for MS-DOS.


Unit 6 : Loaders Introduction; Relocation; Tools that deal with machine code instructions; Motivation for a Retargetable loader (RL); Basic Loader Functions: Design of an Absolute Loader, A Simple Bootstrap Loader. Unit 7 : Scanning & Parsing Introduction; Finite State Automata(FSA): Deterministic Finite Automata, Non-Deterministic Finite Automata, Generalized Non-Deterministic Finite Automata (GFNA), Moore Machine and Mealay Machine, Advantages of Finite State Automata; Parsing: Types of Parsers, Simple Precedence Grammar, Context Free Grammar, Operator Precedence Grammar, Operator Precedence Parser. Unit 8 : Compilers & Interpreters Introduction; Phases of Compilation: Lexical Analysis, Syntax Analysis, Intermediate Code Generation, Code Optimization, Code Generation; Java Compiler and Environment; YACC Compiler-Compiler; Interpreters; Difference between compiler and interpreter; Compiler writing tools. Unit 9 : Memory Allocations Introduction; Binding and binding times: Memory Allocation in Block Structured Languages; Storage or Memory Allocations: Static Memory Allocations, Stack Based Allocations, Dynamic Memory Allocations; Heap Storage & Garbage Compaction; Java and its Garbage collection.

Unit 10: Software Tools Introduction; Software Tools for Program Development: Compilers, Editors, Debuggers,

Interpreters; Programming Environments: IDE, User Interfaces.


iv) Statistical & Numerical Methods using C++ MC0074 (4 Credits)

Unit 1: Probability Introduction; Features of random experiment; Definition of some basic terms; Conditional probability; Bayes theorem.

Unit 2: Random Variables Introduction; One-dimensional random variable; Discrete and continuous random variable; Mathematical expectation and variance; Two-dimensional random variable; Marginal and conditional probability distribution; Correlation coefficient; Covariance. Unit 3 : Distribution Introduction; Bernoulli trials; Poisson distribution; Normal distribution; Uniform distribution; Exponential distribution; Gamma distribution; Chi-square distribution.

Unit 4: MGF, Sampling theory and estimation Introduction; Moment generating function; Functions of random variable; Sampling theory; Point estimation. Unit 5: Statistics Introduction; Graphical representation; Measures of central tendency; Moments; Skewness; Kurtosis; Curve fitting; Regression.

Unit 6: Stochastic process, Marcov-chains Introduction; Stochastic process; Classification of stochastic process; Bernoulli Poisson process; Markov chains. Unit 7: Errors in Numerical Calculations Introduction; Accuracy and Significant digit; Rounding off numbers to significant

digits; Errors and their computation; Absolute, relative and percentage errors.


Unit 8: Matrices and Linear System of Equations Introduction; Different type of matrices; Operations on matrices; Determinant of matrices; Rank of a matrix; Solution to a system of linear equations; Eigen values and Eigen vectors. Unit 9: Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations Introduction; Bisection method; Method of false position; Iteration method; NewtonRaphson method; Generalized Newton method. Unit 10: Interpolation Introduction; Finite differences; Newtons forward and backward difference interpolation formulae; Lagranges interpolation formula; Divided differences. Unit 11: Numerical Differentiation and Integration Introduction; Numerical differentiation; Derivatives using Newtons forward and

backward difference interpolation formulae; Numerical integration. Unit 12: Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equation Introduction; Initial value problem; Taylors series method; Eulers method; Modified Eulers method; Runge-Kutta method of second and fourth order. Unit 13: Introduction to Mathematical Software used for Numerical Analysis Introduction to MATLAB: Key Features of MATLAB, History of MATLAB, Syntax of MATLAB, Variables, Vectors/Matrices, Semicolon, Graphics, Limitations, Lab Exercise, Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG).


v) Computer Networks MC0075 (4 Credits)

Book 1: Computer Networks

Unit 1: Introduction To Computer Networks Introduction; Definition of a Computer Network: What is a Network?, Components of a computer network; Use of Computer networks: Networks for companies, Networks for people, Social Issues; Classification of networks: Based on transmission technology, Based on the their scale, Local area networks, Metropolitan area networks, Wide area networks, Wireless networks. Unit 2: Network Software &Network Standardization Introduction; Networks Software: Protocol hierarchy, Design issues for the layers, Merits and De-merits of Layered Architecture, Service Primitives; Reference models: The OSI Reference Model, The TCP/IP Reference Model, Comparison of the OSI & the TCP/IP Reference Models; Network standardization: Who's who in the telecommunication world?, Who's who in the standards world, Who's who in the Internet standards world?. Unit 3: Data Communications Introduction; Theoretical basis for communication: Fourier analysis, Band limited signals, Maximum data rate of a channel; Transmission impairments: Attenuation distortion, Delay distortion, Dispersion, Noise, Data transmission modes, Serial & Parallel, Simplex, Half duplex & full duplex, Synchronous & Asynchronous transmission.

Unit 4: Physical Layer Introduction; Network topologies: Linear Bus Topology, Ring Topology, Star Topology,

Hierarchical or Tree Topology, Topology Comparison, Considerations when choosing a Topology; Switching: Circuit switching, Message switching, Packet switching, Implementation of packet switching, Relationship between Packet Size and Transmission time, Comparison of switching techniques; Multiplexing: FDM Frequency division multiplexing, WDM Wavelength division multiplexing, TDM Time division multiplexing.


Unit 5: Transmission Medium Introduction; Transmission medium: Guided & Unguided Transmission medium, Twisted pair, Coaxial cable, Optical fiber, Comparison of fiber optics and copper wire; Wireless transmission: Electromagnetic spectrum, Radio transmission, Microwave transmission.

Unit 6 : Data Link Layer Introduction: Goal of DLL; Design issues of DLL: Services provided to the Network layer, Framing, Error control, Flow control, Link Management, ARQ strategies; Error Detection and correction: Parity bits, Importance of flamming distance for error correction, Single bit error correction or (n, m) flamming code, Error Detection or Cyclic Redundant Code (CRC); Data Link layer protocols: Transmission control protocols, HDLC. Unit 7: Medium Access Control Sub Layer Introduction; The channel allocation problem: Static channels allocation, Dynamic channels allocation in LANs and MANs; Multiple access protocols: Pure ALOHA or Unslotted ALOHA Protocol, Slotted ALOHA or Impure ALOHA Protocol, CSMA Protocol, CSMA/CD Protocol, Binary exponential Algorithm, Comparison of channel access protocols; IEEE standards: Ethernets, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, IEEE 802.3 frame format. Unit 8: Network Layer Introduction; Design issues of Network layer: Nature of the service provided, Internal organization, Routing, Internetworking; Principles of Routing: Types of routing algorithms, Classes of routing algorithms, Properties of routing algorithms, Optimality principle; Routing algorithms: Shortest path algorithm, Flooding, Distance vector routing, Hierarchical routing, Link state routing, Comparison of routing algorithms; Congestion: Factors of congestion, Comparison of flow control and congestion control, General principles of congestion control, Closed loop solution; IP protocol (IPV4).


Unit 9: Transport Layer Introduction: Services of Transport layer: Service primitives; Connection establishment; Connection Release; Transport Protocols: TCP protocol, UDP protocol. Unit 10: Networking Devices Introduction: Goal of networking devices; Repeaters: Uses of Repeaters; Hubs: Classification of Hubs, Stackable Hubs, USB Hub; Switches: Switching Methods, Comparison of switching methods, Working with Hubs and Switches, Cables Connecting Hubs and Switches, Managed Hubs and Switches, Port Density; Bridges: Bridge Implementation Considerations, Types of Bridges; Routers: Dedicated Hardware versus Server-Based Routers, Advantages and Disadvantages of dedicated hardware routers, Drawbacks of Routers; Gateways: Advantages of gateways, Gateways Functionality; Other Devices: Modems, Proxy Server, Wireless router, Brouter, Wireless Access Point (WAPs). Book 2: Advanced Computer Networks

Unit1: Internetworking Introduction; Motivation for internetworking: How networks differ, Internetworking; Internet architecture; Protocols and Significance for internetworking: Protocols for internetworking, Significance of internetworking; Internet layering model; Internet services; Future growth and technology. Unit 2: Internet addresses Introduction; Universal identifiers; IP Addressing scheme; Different classes of IP addresses: Primary classful addresses, Class A, Class B, Class C, Other classes; Special IP addresses: Interpreting all Zero to mean THIS HOST, A Host on THIS NETWORK, Broadcast on LOCAL network, Broadcast on DISTANT network, LOOPBACK; Dotted decimal representation; Range of addresses in each class; Limitations to Classful Addressing; Internet addressing authority.


Unit 3: ARP and RARP Introduction; Address Resolution problem; Types of address resolution: Resolution through Direct mapping, Resolution through Dynamic Binding; ARP protocol: ARP Implementation; ARP frame format: ARP request frame, ARP reply frame; ARP cache: ARP time outs; RARP protocol: RARP request, RARP reply, Limitations.

Unit 4: Subnet and Classless Addressing Introduction; Minimizing network numbers: Transparent Routers, Proxy ARP, Subnet

addressing; Subnet address extension; Subnet address format, Flexibility in Subnet address assignment, Disadvantage of fixed length subnetting; Variable length subnets: Advantage, Disadvantage; Subnet masks: Implementation of subnet using subnet masks, Representation of subnet masks, Example on subnetting, Maintenance of subnet masks; Benefits of subnets; Supernetting: Effect of supernetting on routing or CIDR, CIDR address blocks and Bit masks, CIDR address blocks and CIDR notations, Example on CIDR; CIDR reserved for private networks.

Unit 5: Internet Control Message Protocols Introduction; ICMP: ICMP Encapsulation; Types of Messages: Principle ICMP messages, ICMP message format; Testing Destination Reachability and Status: Echo Request and Echo Reply message format, Reports of Unreachability; Congested and Datagram Flow control: Source quench format; Route change requests from routers: Redirect message format; Detecting circular or long routes: Time exceeded message format; Reporting other problems; Clock Synchronization and transit time estimation: Time stamp request or reply message format; Obtaining a subnet mask: Address mask request or reply message format; Router discovery: Router advertisement message format; Router solicitation: Router solicitation message format. Unit 6: Routing in the Internet: Interior gateway protocol Introduction; IGP: Definition, RIP, Hello protocol; OSPF: Goals, OSPF message header; OSPF message formats: Hello, Database description, Link state request, Link state update, Link state acknowledgement.


Unit 7: Routing in the Internet: Exterior gateway protocol Introduction; EGP: BGP Characteristics, BGP functionality, BGP message types, BGP message header; BGP message types: Open message, Update message, Notification message, Time to live message; Key restriction of EGP.

Unit 8: Internet Applications Introduction; Electronic mail: Architecture, Header format, User agents, E-mail Services, Different ways to convey e-mail; FTP: FTP features, FTP process Model, Transfer modes; World wide web: Architectural overview, Web Model, Common URLs, Differences between WWW and hypertext system; GOPHER; Veronica: Types of information resources included in the index; IRC: Basic IRC Commands, Multimedia. Unit 9: Internet Security Introduction; Network security; Cryptography: Encryption model, Substitution cipher, Transposition cipher; Symmetric key algorithm: Product cipher, DES; Digital signatures: Benefits of digital signatures, Drawbacks of digital signatures; E-mail security: PGP, PEM, S/MIME, XML security.


Semester IV
MC0076 Management Information Systems
Unit 1 Introduction to Management Information Systems Introduction; What are Management Information Systems?: Introduction, Interpretation of MIS Concept; Organization and Management: What Are Organizations?, Management; The concept of information: Meaning: Information as Processed Data, Information as the Opposite of Uncertainty, Information as a Meaningful Signal; Uses of information: Information as a Resource, Information as an Asset, Information as a Commodity; The Cost of Information: Acquiring Information, Processing Information, Storing Information, Retrieving Information, Communicating Information; The Need for Information Systems: Individual Needs, Managerial Needs, Organizational Needs, Information Technology: The Role of Information Technology; Components of Information Technology: Software, Hardware, Database Management Systems, Data communication technology; Managing Information in a Global Environment: Information management model: Diagnosis, Evaluation, Design, Implementation; Management information system as a discipline: Relationship of MIS to Reference Discipline.

Unit 2 - Management Information System from Managerial Outlook Introduction; The Managers Job in a Global Environment: Management and Managers, Information and Levels of Management, Information needed by different levels of management; Information Required for the Process of Management: Functions of Managers; Functional Information Needs: Accounting, Finance, Resources Marketing, Operations, Human

Unit 3 Information needs of Organisation and Individuals Introduction; How information are selected and organized: The Components of Perception, Humans Versus Computers; Development of Organisational Computing; Demands on Organizations in an Information Society: Components of an organizational information system, Informational responses to the new environment, Organizational Design for Knowledge Work,


Mechanisms for Acquiring and Distributing External Information; Capabilities of information system in an organizational view; The Individual at Work: The Information Needs of

Individual Job Holders: Task-Related Needs, Time Management Needs, Enhancing Personal Productivity, Career-Related Needs; Challenges of Information Management: Dealing with Quantities of Information, Facing Insufficient or Conflicting Information, Enhancing Personal Productivity, Information Management Requirements; Acquiring Information; Storing

Information; Retrieving Information; Communicating Information; Ensuring Privacy and Security

Unit 4 The Structure of MIS Introduction; The components of MIS; Types of Organizational Information: Transaction Processing Systems; Office Information Systems; Information for Management: Internal versus External Information; Management Reporting Systems: Characteristics of MRS, Reporting by MRS; Decision Support Systems: Characteristics of DSS; Executive Information Systems: Characteristics of Executive Information Systems; The Role of Expert System. Unit 5 Information Needs for Strategic Planning

Introduction; Value Streams: Michael Porter's Value Chains, Michael Porter's Competitive Force Model, Michael Porter's Generic Strategies for Competitive Advantage; Information and Organizational Strategy: Strategy; Strategies for Competitive Advantage: Differentiation, Cost Leadership, Focus, Linkage, Information Leadership; Information and the Situational Analysis: Major issues to consider in situational analysis: Potential Internal Strengths, Potential External Opportunities, Potential Internal Weaknesses, Potential External Threats; Using Information for Strategic Advantage: Reacting to Market Conditions, Improving Customer Service, Controlling Costs, Improving Quality, Expanding Globally, Creating Strategic Alliances; Organization Structure and Information: International Strategy: Multinational

Corporation, Global Corporation, International Corporation, Transnational Corporation; Organizational Requirements of Information: Cost, Accessibility, Reliability, Security; The Strategic Use of Information System. 61

Unit 6 Impact of IT Managing in 21st Century

Introduction; Enterprise Management System (EMS): Business needs of today; Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System: ERP Architecture; ERP Solution Structure: Business Operations, Technology, Implementation; ERP Model and Modules: ERP Basic Features: General Features; Business System; Characteristics of ERP Solution; Benefits of the ERP; ERP Selection: Vendor Evaluation Factors, Technology Evaluation Factor, ERP Solution Evaluation; EMS and MIS.
Unit 7 Quality and Privacy Issues Introduction; Business Decisions and Information Assurance: Introduction, Common Business Exposures, Major threats to IT installations; Ethical and social issues with network: Home Office: The Value of Telecommuting, Other Remote Options; Ethical and Social issues with ECommerce; Risks of Internet to Organizations; Data Security and Data Privacy; Privacy and Databases; Development of long range plans of the MIS: Contents of MIS Plan; MIS plan is linked to the business plan: MIS goals and objectives, Strategy for the plan achievement, The architecture of the MIS, The system development schedule, Hardware and software plan; Ascertaining the class of information: Organisational Information, Functional Information, Knowledge Information, Decision Support Information, Operational Information;

Implementation of the Management Information System; Management of Quality in the MIS Unit 8 Business Process Re-engineering Introduction; Organisation and Business Process Reengineering: Definition and Approach, Business process, Process model of the Organisation, Value stream model of organisation; Redesigning of Processes: What delays the business process?, Relevance of Information Technology (IT), MIS and BPR Unit 9 Manager and Decision Making

Introduction; What do Mangers Accomplish?: Managerial Roles and Their MIS Support; Decision Making: Rational decision making and its limits: Organizational Limits to Rational Decision Making, Individual Limits to Rational Decision Making; 62

Individual differences and cognitive styles: Creativity in decision making by individuals and groups: Software that assists your creativity.
Unit 10 DSS and EIS

Introduction; When should you use the decision support approach?: Ill structured problems, How DSS are Deployed?, Capabilities of DSS; Components of DSS: Data Management Subsystem, The model Management Subsystem, The Dialog

Management Subsystem; Classification of DSS: Data Access Systems, Data Analysis Systems, Forecast-Oriented Data Analysis Systems, Systems Based on Accounting Models, Systems Based on Representational Models, Systems Based on Optimization Models; Building a decision support system: DSS Technology, Who builds a DSS, How DSS are developed?, Developmental trends in DSS; Executive Information Systems; Organisational aspects of DSS and EIS.

MC0077 Advanced Database Systems

Unit 1 Introduction Introduction; History; Database models; Flat Model: Hierarchical Model, Network Model, Relational Model: Relational Operations; Normal Forms: First Normal Form, Second Normal Form, Third Normal Form, Boyce-Codd Normal Form, Fourth Normal Form, Domain/Key Normal Form; Dimensional Model, Object Database Models, Post-relational Database Models;Database Internals: Indexing, Transactions and Concurrency, Replication Unit 2 Query Processing Introduction; Query Optimizer; Query Plan; Implementation; Heuristics of Query Optimizations: Equivalence of Expressions, Selection Operation, Projection Operation, Natural Join Operation: Join Ordering; Query Planning for Nested SQL queries;Cost Estimation; Measuring Index Selectivity: Index Selectivity, How to Measure Index Selectivity?, Manually measure index selectivity; How to choose Composite Indexes?; Guidelines for choosing columns for composite indexes: Join Strategies for Parallel Processors: Parallel-Join, Pipelined Multi-way


Join, Physical Organization,Database Tuning, Efficient SELECT statements; Optimizing SQL Query Processing: Introduction; Query Processing; Query Optimizing: Indexes, Selectivity, Uniformity, Disjunctive Clauses, Join Selectivity, Views. Unit 3 Advanced Data Management Systems Introduction; Data Collection; Data Management Functions; Database Design & Creation; Information & Data Retrieval; The Evolution of Data Management Systems; Administrative Database Management Systems; Text-based Information Retrieval; Systems; Image Retrieval Systems; Multiple Media Information Retrieval Systems, MIRS; Management of Web Databases, W-DBM Unit 4 Advanced Data Modeling Introduction; A Brief History; Concepts & Components; Methodology; Graphic vs. Declarative Data Models; Model Types: Relational, Entity-Relationship, Object-Oriented; A Structural Semantic Data Model SSM: SSM Concepts: Entity Types, Relationship Types, Attribute Types, Domain Specification, Cardinality Specifications, Data Value Constraints; SSM Syntax; Translation to Relational Constructs; Modeling Multiple Media Data Collections: Metadata; Metadata for Mulltimedia: Semantic Metadata, Context Metadata, Structural Metadata; Standards for Metadata Specification: Dublin Core, MPEG-7, CIDOC-CRM, Multiple Media Documents, Characteristics of Text Documents, Characteristics of Images; Modelling Multimedia Collections in SSM Unit 5 SQL 3 Querying Complex Objects Introduction; Database Query Language; New Features in SQL3: Accessing Hierarchic Structures, Accessing Multi-Valued Structures, Utilizing User Defined Data Types (UDT), Accessing Large Objects, Result Presentation; An example SQL3 query; Query Optimization; Text Retrieval Using SQL3/TextRetrieval: Text Document Retrieval, Retrieval using Context Metadata, Text Retrieval by Semantic Content; Result Presentation: Ordering Query Results Ranking, Measuring Retrieval Quality - Recall and Precision; Image Retrieval: Using Extended SQL3 for Image Retrieval, Attribute-Based Image Retrieval, Text-Based Image Retrieval; Query by Image Content, CBIR: Using Content Descriptors; Color And Texture, Identifying Shapes - Image Objects, Streamed Image Retrieval Video, Improving Result Quality.


Unit 6 Object Oriented Databases Introduction; Query Processing in Object-Oriented Database Systems: Type System, Encapsulation, Complex Objects and Inheritance, Object Models; Query Processing Architecture: Query Processing Methodology; Object - Relational Database Implementation: DB Components; DB Design: From Requirement Analysis to DB Specification, Schema Architecture; SQL3 DB specification: Complex Structures, Hierarchical Structures,

Relationships, Large OBjects, LOBs, Storage of LOBs. Unit 7 Data Warehouse & Data Mining Introduction; History of Data Warehousing; Data Warehouse Architecture; Data Storage Methods; Advantages of using Data Warehouse; Introduction to Data Mining; Data dredging; Data Mining Functions: Classification, Associations, Sequential/Temporal patterns,

Clustering/Segmentation, IBM - Market Basket Analysis example; Data Mining Techniques: Cluster Analysis, Induction, Decision Trees, Rule Induction, Neural Networks, On-line Analytical Processing, OLAP Example, Comparison of OLAP and OLTP, Data Visualization Unit 8 Fuzzy Dimension to Databases Introduction; Uncertainty: A Modern Outlook; Fuzzy Sets: Basic Concepts: Introduction, Definition, Fuzzy Set Operators and Fuzzy Logic; Fuzzy Databases: Need for Fuzzy Databases, Techniques for implementation of Fuzziness in Databases, Classification of Data; Fuzzy Querying to Relational Databases: The proposed model, Meta Knowledge, Implementation; Realization of Fuzzy SQL. Unit 9 Distributed Database Systems and Data Replication Introduction; Clients, Servers and Nodes; Direct and Indirect Connections; Site Autonomy; Schema Objects and Naming in a Distributed Database; Database Links; Statements and Transactions in a Distributed Database: Remote and Distributed Statements, Remote and Distributed Transactions; Transparency in a Distributed Database System; Heterogeneous Distributed Database Systems: The Mechanics of a Heterogeneous Distributed Database; Data Replication: Availability, Performance, Disconnected Computing, Network Load Reduction, Mass Deployment; Applications That Use Replication: Replication Objects, Groups,


and Sites: Replication Objects, Replication Group, Replication Sites; Types of Replication Environments: Multi - Master Replication, Materialized View Replication, Multi-Master and Materialized View Hybrid Configurations; Other Options for Multi-Master Replication:

Synchronous Replication, Procedural Replication, Conflict Detection and Procedural Replication Unit 10 Transaction Management in Distributed Database Management Introduction; Features of Distributed vs. Centralized Databases or Differences in Distributed & Centralized Databases: Centralized Control vs. Decentralized Control, Data Independence, Reduction of Redundancy, Complex Physical Structures and Efficient Access, Integrity, Recovery and Concurrency Control, Privacy and Security, Distributed Query Processing, Distributed Directory (Catalog) Management; Relative Advantages of Distributed Databases over Centralized Databases: Organizational and Economic Reasons, Incremental Growth, Reduced Communication Overhead, Performance Considerations, Reliability and Availability, Management of Distributed Data with Different Levels of Transparency: Distribution or Network Transparency, Replication Transparency, Fragmentation Transparency; Problem Areas of Distributed Databases; Structure of Distributed Database Management Systems; Transaction Processing Framework; Models of Failure; Two-Phase Commit Protocol; Recovery in TwoPhase Commit Protocol: Site Failures, Failure of Coordinator, Network Partitions; Elimination of Prepare Message: Increasing Efficiency by Using Defaults, Remote Recovery Information Problem; Three-Phase Commit Protocol: Recovery in Three-Phase Commit Protocol: Site Failures, Failure of the Coordinator, Coordinator Failure Protocol; Classification of Concurrency Control Techniques; Two-Phase Locking Algorithm; Concurrency Control (Serializability); Locking Protocols for Concurrency Control in Distributed Databases: SingleLock-Manager Approach, Multiple Coordinators, Majority Protocol, Biased Protocol, Primary Copy; Concurrency Control Techniques: Timestamp-Based Algorithms, Conservative Timestamp Ordering Algorithm, Optimistic Algorithm; Deadlock Handling: Deadlock

Prevention, Deadlock Detection, Centralized Deadlock Detection, Hierarchical Deadlock Detection; Distributed Deadlock Detection: False Deadlock.


MC0078 (A) Java Programming

Unit 1 Getting Started Features of Java, Java Magic: Byte Code

Unit 2 Basics of Java Introduction-Keywords, How does it work?. How to include comments, Data Types in Java, Primitives Data Types, Abstract/Derived Data Types, Variables in Java, Naming Variables, Using classes in java, Standard for coding, Declaring methods in java, Code to display Test Value, The main method, Invoke methods, How to Save a Java Program, Compiling Java Programs, Executing a Java Program Unit 3 Playing with Java Introduction, Operators, Arithmetic Operators, Increment and Decrement operators, Comparison Operators, Logical Operators, Operator Precedence, Control Flow Statements, Ifelse statement, Switch Statement, for Loop, While Statement, do.while statement, Break statement, Continue Statement Unit 4 Inheritance, Package and Interface Inheritance, Types of Relationships, What is Inheritance?, Why Generalize?, Implementing Inheritance in Java, Access Specifiers, The abstract class, Packages, Defining a Package, Understanding CLASSPATH, Interface, Defining an Interface, Some uses of interfaces, Interfaces verses abstract classes

Unit 5 Exception Handling Definition of an Exception, Exception Classes, Common Exceptions, Exception Handling Techniques Unit 6 Streams in Java Introduction to Streams, The Abstract Streams, Readers and Writers, Random Access Files, Serialization


Unit 7 Creating Front End Applets, Introduction,Objectives,What are Applets?,The Applet Class,The Applet and HTML,Life Cycle of an Applet,The Graphics Class,Painting the Applet,User Interfaces for Applet, Adding Components to user interface,AWT Controls,Event Handling, Introduction, Components of an Event, Event Classes, Event Listener, Event-Handling, Adapter Classes, Inner Classes, Anonymous Classes

Unit 8 JDBC Database Management, Mechanism for connecting to a back end database, Load the ODBC driver Unit 9 RMI, CORBA and Java Beans RMI, RMI Terminology, CORBA, What is Java IDL?, Example: The Hello Client-Server, Java Beans, The BeanBox, Running the BeanBox

Unit 10 JSP and Servlets JSP, What is needed to write JSP based web application?, How does JSP look?, How to test a JSP?, Servlets, History of Web Application, Web Architecture, Servlet Life Cycle


MC0078 (B) Advanced Java Programming

Unit 1 Multithreading Processes and Threads, The Java Thread Model, Thread Priorities, Synchronization The Main Thread, Creating a Thread, Creating Multiple Threads, Inter-thread Communication Unit 2 RMI Introduction, Writing an RMI Server, Designing a Remote Interface, Implementing a Remote Interface, Declaring the Remote Interfaces Being Implemented, Providing Implementations for Each Remote Method, Passing Objects in RMI, Implementing the Server's main Method, Creating and Installing a Security Manager, Making the Remote Object Available to Clients, Creating a Client Program, Compiling the Example Programs, Running the Example Programs Unit 3 Networking Socket, What Is a Socket?, Reading from and Writing to a Socket, Writing the Server Side of a Socket, Datagram, What is a Datagram?, Writing a Datagram Client and Server

Unit 4 JSP What is needed to write JSP based web application?, How does JSP look?, How to test a JSP? Unit 5 Servlets History of Web Application, Web Architecture, ,Servlet Life Cycle, The Java Servlet Development Kit

Unit 6 Java Beans Using the NetBeans GUI Builder, Writing a Simple Bean, Properties, Simple Properties, Bound Properties, Indexed Properties, Introspection


Unit 7 JDBC JDBC Product Components, A Relational Database Overview, Retrieving Values from Result, Sets, Updating Tables, Creating Complete JDBC Applications, Applications Unit 8 CORBA What is CORBA?, The Stock Application, Implementing a CORBA Client, Object Implementations Providing an Implementation, Interface versus Implementation Hierarchies, Implementation Type Checking, Implementing a Server Using the Java 2 ORB, Implementing a Server Using VisiBroker 3.x, Differences Between Server Implementations, Packaging Object Running the Sample

Implementations Object Adapters, Activation on Demand by the Basic Object Adapter (BOA) Unit 9 Introduction to AJAX Defining Ajax, How Does Ajax Work? Unit 10 Introduction to Java Struts How Does Struts Work?


MC0079 Computer Based Optimization Methods (Statistics / Applied OR) Unit 1 Operations Research: The Science towards Excellence Introduction; Scope of Operations Research (OR); The significant features of OR; Phases of operations Research; Methodology of Operations Research; The Structure of Mathematical Model Unit 2 Linear Programming Introduction; Linear Programming; Some basic definitions; Graphical Methods to Solve the LP Unit 3 The Simplex Method Introduction; The Standard form of LPP; Solution of the LPP Simplex Method; The Simplex Algorithm, Flowchart and C/C++ Programs; Penalty cost Method or Big-M Methods; Two Phase Method; Duality Concept; Sensitivity Analysis Unit 4 Transportation Problems Introduction; Mathematical Formulation of Transportation Problem; Methods of finding Initial Basic Feasible Solution; Modified Distribution Method Algorithm; Degeneracy in Transportation Problem Unit 5 Assignment Problems Introduction; Special case of Transportation Problem; Hungarian Method; Some special cases Unit 6 Network Analysis and PERT-CPM Introduction; Basic difference between PERT and CPM; PERT / CPM Network components and precedence relationships; Critical path Calculations; Determination of critical path; Determination of Floats; Project Management PERT Unit 7 Queuing Theory Models Introduction; Queuing Theory; Analysis of a Queuing Process; General Structure of Queuing System; Mathematical Analysis of Queuing Process; Poisson-Exponential Single Server Model (Infinite Population); Multiple Service Channels; Erlang Family of Distribution of Service Times; Finite Queuing Models


Unit 8 Integer Programming Problem Introduction; All and Mixed IPP; Gomorys all IPP Method; Construction of Gomorys

Constraints; All IPP algorithm; The Branch and bound technique Unit 9 Game Theory Models Introduction; Competitive Games and Strategies; Maximin Minimax Principle and Saddle Point; Dominance; Graphical Method Unit 10 Simulation Introduction; Process of Simulation; Simulation Procedure; Random Numbers Allocation; Some Miscellaneous Example


MC0080 Analysis of Algorithms

Unit 1 Elementary Algorithms Introduction; Notation for expressing algorithms; Role and Notation for comments; Example of an Algorithm; Problems and Instances; Characteristics of an Algorithm; Building Blocks of Algorithms; Procedure and Recursion; Recursion; Outline of Algorithmics. Unit 2 Mathematical Functions & Notations Introduction; Functions & Notations; Modular Arithmetic / Mod function; Mathematical Expectation in average case analysis; Mathematical Expectation; Concept of Efficiency of an Algorithm; Well known Asymptotic Functions & Notations; The Notation; The Notation ; The Notation ; The Notation ; Analysis of Algorithms Simple Examples; Analysis of First Averages; Well known Sorting Algorithms; Divide and Conquer Technique; Recursive Constructs; Average Case and Amortized Analysis; Sorting in Linear Time; Medians and Order Statistics. Unit 3 Elementary Data Structures Introduction; Stacks and queues; Linked lists; Hash tables; Collision resolution by chaining; Binary Search Trees; Red-Black Trees; Rotations; Insertion; Augmenting Data Structures; Determining the rank of an element; Maintaining subtree sizes; How to augment a data structure; Divide-and-Conquer; Integer Multiplication; Binary Search; Sorting; Quick Sort; Matrix Multiplication; Splay tree; Zig Step Unit 4 B Trees Introduction; Properties of B Trees; The height of a B Tree; Binomial trees; Binomial Heaps; Fibonacci Heaps; Data Structures for Disjoint Set Unit 5 Graph Algorithms Introduction; NIM/Marienbad Game; Traversing Trees; Depth-First Search; Breadth-First Search; Best First Search & Minimax Principle; Topological Sort


Unit 6 Dynamic Programming Introduction; The Problem of Making Change; The Principle of Optimality; Chained Matrix Multiplication; Matrix Multiplication using Dynamic Programming Unit 7 Greedy Techniques Introduction; Some Examples; Formalization of Greedy Technique; Minimum Spanning Tree; Prims Algorithm; Kruskals Algorithm; Djikstras Algorithm Unit 8 Models for Executing Algorithms : FA Introduction; Regular Expressions; Regular Languages; Finite Automata Unit 9 Models for Executing Algorithms II: PDFA & CFG Introduction; Formal Language & Grammar; Chomsky Classification for Grammar; Context Free Grammar (CFG); Pushdown Automata (PDA) Unit 10 Models for Executing Algorithms III: TM Introduction; Prelude to Formal Definition; Turing Machine: Formal Definition and Examples; Instantaneous Description and Transition Diagrams; Some Formal Definitions; Observations; Turing Machine as a Computer of Function Unit 11 Algorithmically Unsolvable Problems Introduction; Decidable and Undecidable Problems; The Halting Problem; Reduction to Another Undecidable Problem; Undecidability of Post Correspondence Problem; Undecidable Problems for Context Free Languages; Other Undecidable Problems Unit 12 Complexity of Algorithms Introduction; Notations for the Growth Rates of Functions; Classification of Problems; Reduction, NP-Complete and NP-Hard Problems; Establishing NP-Completeness of Problem


Semester V
MC0081 DOT Net Technologies Unit 1 Introduction to Microsoft .Net Framework Introduction to .Net Platform; Features of .Net Platform; Components of .Net; Architecture; Assemblies Overview

Unit 2 Introducing C# Programming Introduction; Creating your first C# Program; Introducing Data Types; Control Statements; Understanding Properties & Indexes; Delegates and Events; Exception Handling Unit 3 Building Windows and Web Forms Introduction; Creating a Simple Windows Form; Developing Web Forms: An introduction; Web Form Life Cycle; Creating a Web Form Unit 4 ASP.NET Introducing the ASP.NET Architecture; Master Pages; Themes & Control Skin

Unit 5 ASP.NET Applications Anatomy of an ASP.NET Application; The Web.config File; The Global.asax; Application File Unit 6 State Management using ASP.Net ASP.NET State Management; Cookies in ASP.NET; Session State; Application State

Unit 7 ADO.NET Introduction; Connecting to a Data Source using ADO.NET; Connection Strings using ADO.NET; Connection String Builders (ADO.NET); Building Connection Strings from Configuration Files; Basic ADO.NET Features; ADO.NET Namespaces and Classes Fetching the data: DataAdapter; XML & ADO.NET


Unit 8 Web Services Introduction to Web Services; Your First Web Service; Testing a Web Service; Web Services and Code-Behind; The Web Services Description Language (WSDL); Web; Services and Complex Data Types; Web Service Discovery DISCO; Web Service; Discovery UDDI; Web Service Clients; Web Service Proxies; A Simple Web Service; Client; A brief overview of Web Service Standard

Unit 9 Website Deployment Internet Information Services (IIS); IIS 6.0 Architecture (IIS 6.0); Creating Application Pools (IIS 6.0); Managing Application Pools in IIS 6.0; Deploying Your ASP.NET Application Unit 10 Security The ASP.NET Security Model; Forms Authentication; Membership; Windows; Authentication; Authorization and Roles; Profile; Cryptography; Custom Membership Provider


MC0082(A) Fundamentals of Theory of Computer Science

Unit 1 Mathematical Preliminaries for Computer Science Introduction; Sets and Cartesian product of sets; Functions and Relations; Equivalence Relations; Matrix Representations; Closure Relation:

Unit 2 Recursive Functions, Strings and Growth Functions Introduction; Recursive Functions; Integer Functions; Sequences and Strings; Growth Function: Unit 3 Methods of Proof Introduction; Proof Techniques: Unit 4 Graphs and Binary Trees Introduction; Definitions and Examples; Isomorphism; Trees; Rooted Tree:

Unit 5 Formal Languages and Grammars Introduction; Grammars and Languages; Classification of Grammars: Unit 6 Deterministic Finite Automata Introduction; Basic Terms; Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA); Transition System (Transition graph); Language accepted by a DFA:

Unit 7 Non Deterministic Finite Automata Introduction; Non-Deterministic Finite Automata; Language accepted by a NDFA; Conversion from NDFA to DFA; Moore and Mealy Machines: Unit 8 Further Problems on DFA and NDFA Introduction; Problems on DFA; Problems on NDFA; Difference between DFA and NDFA


Unit 9 Regular Expressions and Regular Languages Regular expressions; Regular Expressions accepted by the Language; Finite Automaton from Regular Grammar; Regular Grammar from Finite Automata Unit 10 Properties of Regular Languages and Pumping Lemma Introduction; Closure Properties of Regular Sets; Pumping Lemma; Applications of Pumping Lemma:

Unit 11 Context Free Grammars Introduction; CFG for various types of CFL; Derivations; Ambiguous Grammar:


MC0082(B) Theory of Computer Science

Unit 1 Mathematical Fundamentals for Computer Science Introduction; Sets and Properties; Functions and Relations; Equivalence Relations ; Recursive Functions; Strings and Growth Functions: Unit 2 Proof Techniques Introduction; Proof Techniques Unit 3 Trees and Binary Trees Introduction; Graphs; Trees; Binary Trees; Walks and Paths; Directed Graphs:

Unit 4 Grammar and Formal Languages Introduction; Grammars and Languages; Types of Grammar:

Unit 5 Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) Introduction; Basic Terms; Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA); Transition System (Transition graph); Language accepted by a DFA: Unit 6 Nondeterministic Finite Automata (NFA) Introduction; Nondeterministic Finite Automata; Language accepted by a NFA; Construction from NFA to DFA; Moore and Mealy Machines:

Unit 7 Regular Expressions and Regular Languages Introduction; Regular expressions; Regular Expressions accepted by the Language; Finite Automata from Regular Grammar; Regular Grammar from Finite Automata: Unit 8 Regular Languages-Properties and Pumping Lemma Introduction; Closure Properties of Regular Sets; Pumping Lemma; Applications of Pumping Lemma:


Unit 9 Context Free Grammars Introduction; CFG for various types of CFL; Derivations; Ambiguous Grammar: Unit 10 Pushdown Automata (PDA) Introduction; Definition of PDA and Moves; Graphical Representation; Construction of Pushdown Automata; Deterministic and Non-deterministic PDA:

Unit 11 Context Free Languages - Properties Introduction; Pumping Lemma; Applications of Pumping Lemma for CFL; Closed Properties of CFL Unit 12 Turing Machines- Construction Introduction; Turing Machine Model; Language Accepted by a Turing Machine; Design or Construction of a Turing Machine:


MC 0083 Object Oriented Analysis and Design using UML

Unit 1 An Overview of Object-Oriented Systems Development Introduction; Two orthogonal views of the software; Object oriented systems development methodology; Advantages of Object Orientation; Overview of the Unified Approach (UA): Unit 2 Object Basics Introduction; An object-oriented philosophy; Objects; Objects are grouped in classes; Attributes: Object state and properties; Object behavior and methods; Objects respond to messages; Encapsulation and information hiding; Class hierarchy; Inheritance; Multiple inheritance; Polymorphism; Object relationships and associations; Consumer-producer association; Aggregation and object containment; Case Study: A payroll program; Structured Approach; The object-oriented approach; Advanced topics; Object and Identity; Static and dynamic binding; Object persistence; Meta classes

Unit 3 Object Oriented Systems Development Life Cycle Introduction; The software development process; Building high-quality software; Objectoriented systems development: A use case approach; Reusability: Unit 4 Object Oriented Methodologies Introduction; Rumbaugh et al.s Object Modeling Technique; The Booch Methodology; The Jacobson et al. Methodologies; Patterns; Frameworks; The Unified Approach

Unit 5 UML Summary Overview; Primary Artifacts of the UML; UML-defining Artifacts; Development Project Artifacts; Motivation to Define the UML; Why We Model; Industry Trends in Software; Prior to Industry Convergence; Goals of the UML; Scope of the UML; Outside the Scope of the UML; Comparing UML to Other Modeling Languages; Features of the UML


Unit 6 UML Architecture and Foundation Language Architecture and Language Formalism; Four-Layer Meta model Architecture; Package Structure Levels of Formalism; Naming Conventions and Typography; Foundation Package; Core; Extension; Mechanisms; Data Types:

Unit 7 Behavioral Elements Behavioral Elements Package; Common Behavior; Collaborations; Use Cases; State Machines; Activity Graphs; Model Management: Unit 8 UML Notation Guide Diagram Elements; Graphs and Their Contents; Drawing Paths; Invisible Hyperlinks and the Role of Tools String, Name, and Label; Keywords; Expression; Note; Type-Instance Correspondence; Model Management Package; Subsystem; Model; General Extension Mechanisms; Constraint and Comment; Element; Properties; Stereotypes:

Unit 9 Static Structure Diagrams Class Diagram and Object Diagram; Name Compartment and List Compartment; Attribute and Operation; Nested Class Declarations, Type and Implementation Class; Interfaces and Parameterized Class; (Template); Bound Element, Utility and Metaclass; Enumeration, Stereotype Declaration and Powertype; Class Pathnames; Accessing or Importing a Package; Object and Composite Object; Association, Binary; Association, and Association End; Multiplicity and Qualifier; Association Class and N-ary Association; Composition, Link, and Generalization; Dependency and Derived Element: Unit 10 Other UML Diagrams Use Case Diagrams; Interaction Diagrams; Sequence Diagram; Collaboration Diagrams; State chart Diagrams; Activity Diagrams; Implementation diagrams:


Unit 11 UML Diagrams Part II State chart Diagrams; Activity Diagrams; Implementation diagrams: Unit 12 UML Example Profiles UML Profile for Software Development Processes; Introduction; Summary of Profile; Stereotypes and Notation; UML Profile for Business Modeling; Introduction; Summary of Profile; Stereotypes and Notation; Example for Existence Dependency and classes found in Business; Simple visitor Example: Unit 13 Object Constraint Language Specification OCL PART 1 Overview; Introduction; Relation to the UML Metamodel; Basic Values and Types; Objects and Properties: Unit 14 Object Constraint Language Specification OCL PART 2 Collection Operations; The Standard OCL Package; Predefined OCL Types; Grammar:


MC 0084 (A) Software Project Management and Quality Assurance

Unit 1 An Introduction to Software Development Organization and Roles Introduction; The Management Spectrum People, Process, Product, Project; Organizational Structures; IT and Organizational Structures; Hierarchical; Organizational Structure; Flat Organizational Structure; Matrix Organizational Structure; Networked Organizational Structure; T-Form Organization; Job Roles in Software Development:

Unit 2 Overview of Project Management Introduction to Software Project Management; Factors influencing Project Management; Project Manager; Project Management activities; Stakeholders; Project Communication; Project Development Management Associations Unit 3 Project Planning Introduction; Tasks in Project Planning; Work Breakdown Structures (WBS); Development Life cycle models; A generic project model: Unit 4 Estimation and Budgeting of Projects Introduction; Software Cost Estimation; Software Cost Estimation Methods; Comparison of Methods; Cost Estimation Guidelines; COCOMO model; The Basic COCOMO Model; The Intermediate COCOMO Model Introduction to COCOMO II; Budgeting; Capital budgeting; NPV; ROI; Payback models: Phases; Project charter; Statement of Work (SOW); Project

Unit 5 Project Scheduling Introduction; Scheduling Techniques; PERT Technique; Gantt Chart; Critical Path Method; Automated Tools


Unit 6 Risk Management Introduction; Concepts of Risks and Risk Management; Risk Management Activities as applied to project management; Effective Risk Management; Self Assessment Questions; Risk categories; Aids for Risk Identification; Risk Components and drivers; Risk Prioritization:

Unit 7 Configuration Management Introduction; Software Configuration Management; Baselines; Software Configuration Items; Software Configuration Management process; Identification of objects in the Software Configuration; Version Control Status Reporting; Goals of SCM: Unit 8 Team Development and Conflict Management Introduction; Organization; Centralized-Control Team Organization; Decentralized-Control Team; Organization; Mixed-Control Team Organization; Case study: Open-source

development team organization; An Assessment of Team Organizations; Case study 8.2: Nokia software factories; Team discipline; Conflict management

Unit 9 Introduction to Software Quality Assurance Introduction; Goals of Software Assurance; Supportive activities involved in the software life cycle; Formal Technical Reviews; Standards and Procedures; Types of standards; Software Quality Assurance Activities Software qualities; Quality; Cost of quality; Creating the Software Quality Assurance Plan:

Unit 10 Project Closure Introduction; Project Closure Analysis; The Role of Closure Analysis; Performing Closure Analysis; Closure Analysis Report; Sample closure analysis report


MC 0084 (B) - Advanced Software Project Management and Quality Assurance

Unit 1 Project Monitoring and Controlling Introduction; Project Status Reporting; Project Metrics; Earned Value Analysis (EVA); Project Communication Plan & Techniques; Steps to Process Improvement; IEEE recommended steps for process improvement; Six Sigma:

Unit 2 Testing Techniques Introduction; Types of Software Testing; Manual Testing; Automated Testing; Black Box Testing Equivalence Partitioning; Boundary Value Analysis; Cause Effect Graphing Techniques; White Box Testing Techniques; Basis Path Testing; Flow Graph Notation; Cyclomatic Complexity; Deriving Test Cases; Control Structure Testing; Advantages and Disadvantages of White Box Testing; List of Testing Tools: Unit 3 Software Testing Strategies Introduction; Unit Testing; Unit Test Considerations ; Integration Testing ; Big Bang; Bottom-up Integration; Top-down Integration ; System Testing ; Recovery Testing ; Security Testing ; Stress Testing ; Performance Testing ; S/w validation; Verification and Validation; Validation Test Criteria S/w; Configuration review; Alpha and Beta Testing; Debugging; Steps for Debugging ; Testing Life Cycle; Roles in Software Testing Unit 4 Software Process and Project Metrics Introduction; Measure, Metrics and Indicators; Why use Metrics?; Process Metrics; Project Metrics; Software Measurement ; Metrics for Software Quality Unit 5 Software Design and Principles Introduction; Software Design Process; Design and Software Quality; Evolution of Software Design; Design Principles; Design Concepts; Abstraction; Refinement; Modularity; Software Architecture; Control Hierarchy; Structural Partitioning; Data Structure; Software Procedure; Information Hiding; Effective Modular Design; Functional Independence; Cohesion; Coupling:


Unit 6 Clean Room Software Engineering Introduction; The Cleanroom Strategy; What Makes Cleanroom Different?; Functional Specification; Black-Box Specification; State-Box Specification; Clear-Box Specification; Cleanroom Design: Unit 7 Software Quality Assurance Introduction; Software Quality Assurance Activities; Software Qualities; Standards; ISO Standards for Software Organization; SEI Capability Maturity Model; Comparison between ISO & SEI CMM; Other Standards and Initiatives: Unit 8 CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) Tools Introduction ; CASE support in Software Life Cycle; Classification of CASE Tools; Steps for CASE Tool Implementation; Integrated CASE Environments; Architecture of CASE Environment; CASE Repository

Unit 9 Formal Methods Introduction; Mathematics in Software Development; Mathematical Preliminaries; Formal Specification Languages; The Ten Commandments of formal languages Unit 10 Re-Engineering Introduction; Growing problems of software maintenance; Redevelopment or Reengineering; Business Process Reengineering; Software Reengineering Process Model; Technical Problems of Reengineering; Terminology of Software Reengineering.


MC 0085 Advanced Operating Systems (Distributed Systems)

Unit 1 Introduction Distributed Computing Systems; Distributed Computing System Models; Advantages of Distributed Systems; Distributed Operating Systems; Issues in Designing Distributed Operating Systems; Distributed Computing Environment.

Unit 2 Message Passing Introduction; Features of Message Passing; Issues in IPC by Message Passing; Synchronization; Buffering; Process Addressing; Failure Handling; Group Communication. Unit 3 Remote Procedure Calls Introduction; The RPC Model; Transparency of RPC; Implementation of RPC Mechanism; STUB Generation; RPC Messages; Marshaling Arguments and Results; Server Management; Parameter Passing, Call; Semantics; Communication Protocol for RPCs; Complicated RPC; Client-Server Binding; Security. Unit 4 Distributed Shared Memory Introduction; Distributed Shared Memory Systems (DSM); DSM Design and Implementation Issues; Granularity Block Size; Structure of Shared Memory Space in a DSM System; Memory Coherence (Consistency) Models; 4.7 Memory Consistency models; Implementing Sequential Consistency; Centralized Server Algorithm; Fixed Distributed Server Algorithm; Dynamic Distributed Server Algorithm; Implementing under RNMBs Strategy; Thrashing.

Unit 5 Synchronization Introduction; Clock Synchronization; Clock Synchronization Algorithms; Distributed Algorithms; Event Ordering; Mutual Exclusion; Deadlock; Election Algorithms.

Unit 6 Resource Management Introduction; Desirable Features of a Good Global Scheduling Algorithm; Task assignment Approach; Load Balancing Approach ; Load Sharing Approach.


Unit 7 Process Management Introduction; Process Migration; Threads. Unit 8 Distributed File Systems Introduction; The Key Challenges of Distributed Systems; Clients Perspective: File Services; File Access Semantics; Servers Perspective Implementation; Stateful Versus Stateless Servers; Replication; Caching; Ceph. Unit 9 Naming Introduction; Desirable Features of a Good Naming system; Fundamental Terminologies and Concepts; System Oriented Names; Object Locating Mechanisms; Human Oriented Names; Name Caches; Naming and Security. Unit 10 Security in Distributed Systems Introduction; Potential attacks to Computer Systems; Cryptography; Authentication; Access Control; Digital Signatures; Design Principles.


MCA 6th Semester MC0086 - Digital Image Processing

Unit 1 Digital Image Processing An Introduction
Introduction; The Origins of Digital Image Processing; Examples of Fields that use Digital Image Processing: Gamma-ray Imaging, X-ray Imaging, Imaging in the Ultraviolet Band, Imaging in the Visible and Infrared Bands, Imaging in the Microwave Band, Imaging in the Radio Band; Fundamental Steps in Digital Image Processing; Components of an Image Processing System.

Unit 2 - Digital Image Fundamentals

Introduction; Elements of Visual Perception: Structure of the Human Eye, Image formation in the Eye, Brightness Adaptation and Discrimination; Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum; Image Sensing and Acquisition; Image Acquisition using a Single Sensor, Image Acquisition using Sensor Strips, Image Acquisition using Sensor Arrays; A Simple Image formation Model.

Unit 3 - Image Sampling and Quantization

Introduction; Basic concepts in Sampling and Quantization: Representation of Digital Images, Spatial and Gray-Level Resolution, Aliasing and Moir Patterns, Zooming and Shrinking Digital Images; Some Basic Relationships between Pixels: Neighbors of a Pixel; Adjacency, Connectivity, Regions and Boundaries; Distance measures; Linear and Nonlinear Operations.

Unit 4 - Image Enhancement

Introduction ; Contrast Manipulation : Amplitude Scaling; Histogram Modification; Noise Cleaning: Linear Noise Cleaning, Non Linear Noise Cleaning; Edge Crispening: Linear Technique, Statistical Differencing; Color Image Enhancement: Natural Color Image enhancement, Pseudo Color, False Color; Multispectral Image Enhancement.


Unit 5 - Image Restoration

Introduction; General Image Restoration Models; Optical system Models; Photographic Process Models: Monochromatic Photography, Color Photography; Continuous Image Spatial Filtering Restoration: Inverse Filter, Wiener Filter; Blind Image Restoration: Direct Measurement Methods, Indirect Estimation Methods.

Unit 6 - Morphological Image Processing

Introduction; Basic operations: Dilation, Erosion, Properties of Dilation and Erosion, Close and Open; Hit-or-miss transformation: Additive operators, Subtractive operators; Morphological algorithm operations on binary images: Shrinking, Thinning, Skeletonizing, Thickening; Morphological algorithm operations on gray scale images: Gray Scale Image Dilation and Erosion, Gray Scale Image Close and Open Operators.

Unit 7 - Image Feature Extraction

Introduction; Image Feature Evaluation; Amplitude Features; Transform Coefficient Features; Texture Definition; Visual Texture Discrimination; Texture Features: Fourier Spectra Methods, Edge Detection Methods, Autocorrelation Methods.

Unit 8 - Edge Detection

Introduction; Edge, Line and Spot models; First-Order Derivative Edge Detection: Orthogonal Gradient Generation; Second-Order Derivative Edge Detection; Edge-Fitting Edge Detection; Luminance Edge Detector Performance: Edge Detection Probability; Color Edge Detection; Line and Spot Detection.

Unit 9 - Image Segmentation 1

Introduction; Detection of Discontinuities: Point Detection, Line Detection, Edge Detection; Edge Linking and Boundary Detection: Local Processing, Global processing via the HOUGH transform, Global processing via Graph-Theoretic Techniques.


Unit 10 - Image Segmentation

Introduction; Thresholding: Foundation, The Role of Illumination, Global Thresholding, Adaptive Thresholding; Region-Based Segmentation: Basic Formulation, Region Growing, Region Splitting and Merging.

Unit 11 - Shape Analysis

Introduction; Topological Attributes; Distance, Perimeter and Area Measurements: Distance Measures, Perimeter and Area Measures; Spatial Moments: Discrete Image Spatial Moments; Shape Orientation Descriptors; Fourier Descriptors; Thinning and Skeletonizing.

Unit 12 - Wavelets and Multi Resolution Processing

Introduction; Image Pyramids; Series Expansion: Windowed Fourier transform; Scaling functions - Continuous Wavelet Transform; Haar transform; Subband coding; Wavelet functions; Discrete Wavelet transform in one dimension; Wavelet transforms in two dimensions: Standard decomposition, Non-Standard decomposition; Multiresolution

processing and wavelets.


MC0087 - Internetworking with TCP/IP

Unit 1 - Architecture of TCP/IP
Introduction; The Internet Standard Process; TCP/IP Terminology; The TCP/IP Protocol Suite: Network Interface Layer, Internet Layer, Transport Layer, Application Layer.

Unit 2 - Network Interfaces

Introduction; Ethernet and IEEE 802 Local Area Networks (LANs); Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI); Serial Line IP (SLIP); Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP); Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); X.25; Frame relay: Frame Format, Interconnect issues; Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM): Address Resolution, Classical IP over ATM.

Unit 3 - Internetworking Protocols-1

Introduction; Internet Protocol (IP): IP Datagram, IP Datagram Format, Fragmentation, IP Datagram Routing Options, IP Addressing; Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP): ICMP Messages; Address Resolution Protocol (ARP): ARP Overview, ARP Detailed Concept; Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP); Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP); Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP): DHCP Message Types, DHCP Lease Renewal Process, Reusing a previously allocated network address.

Unit 4 - Internetworking Protocols-2

Introduction; IP Routing: Direct Routing, Indirect Routing, IP Routing Table, IP Routing Algorithm; Methods of Delivery: Unicast, Broadcasting, Multicasting, Any casting; The IP Address Exhaustion Problem; Intranets: Private IP Addresses; Network Address Translation (NAT): Traditional NAT, Basic NAT, Basic NAT translation mechanism, Network Address Port Translation (NAPT), NAT limitations; Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR): CIDR implementation.


Unit 5 - Transport Protocols

Introduction; Ports and Sockets: Ports, Sockets; User Datagram Protocol (UDP): UDP Datagram Format, UDP Application Programming Interface; Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): TCP Concepts, TCP Congestion Control Algorithms.

Unit 6 - Routing Protocols

Introduction; Autonomous systems; IP Routing: Static routing, Distance vector routing, Link state routing, Path vector routing, Hybrid routing; Routing Information Protocol (RIP): RIP packet types, RIP packet format, RIP modes of operation, Calculating distance vectors, RIP limitations; Routing Information Protocol Version 2 (RIP-2): RIP-2 packet format, RIP-2 limitations; RIPng for IPv6: Differences between RIPng and RIP-2; Open Shortest Path First (OSPF): OSPF terminology, Neighbor communication, OSPF neighbor state machine, OSPF route, redistribution, OSPF stub areas, OSPF route summarization; Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP): Features of EIGRP, EIGRP packet types; Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP); Border Gateway Protocol (BGP): BGP concepts and terminology, IBGP and EBGP Path selection.

Unit 7 - IP Multicast
Introduction; Multicast addressing: Multicasting on a single physical network, Multicasting between network segments; Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP): IGMP messages, IGMP operation, Multicast delivery tree; Multicast forwarding algorithms: Reverse path forwarding algorithm, Center-based tree algorithm; Multicast routing protocols; Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP): Protocol overview, Building and maintaining multicast delivery trees, DVMRP tunnels; Multicast OSPF (MOSPF); Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM): PIM dense mode, PIM sparse mode; Interconnecting multicast domains: Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP), Border Gateway Multicast Protocol; The multicast backbone: MBONE routing, Multicast applications.

Unit 8 - Quality of Service

Introduction; Why QoS?; Integrated Services: Service classes, Controlled Load Service, Guaranteed Service, The Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP), Integrated Services


outlook; Differentiated Services: Differentiated Services architecture, Differentiated Service Domains; Integrated Services (Intserv) over Diffserv networks.

Unit 9 - TCP/IP Security

Introduction; Security exposures and solutions: Common attacks against security, Solutions to network security problems, Implementations of security solutions, Network security policy; Firewalls: Firewall concept, Components of a firewall system, Types of firewalls; IP Security Architecture (IPSec): Concepts, Authentication Header (AH), Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), Combining IPSec protocols, Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol; SOCKS: SOCKS Version 5 (SOCKSv5); Secure Shell (1 and 2): SSH overview; Secure Sockets Layer (SSL): SSL overview, SSL protocol; Virtual private networks (VPNs) overview: VPN introduction and benefits; Kerberos authentication and authorization system: Assumptions, Naming, Kerberos authentication process; Secure Electronic Transaction (SET): SET roles, SET transactions, The SET certificate scheme.

Unit 10 - Domain Name System

Introduction; Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs): Generic Domains, Country Domains; Mapping domain names to IP addresses; Mapping IP Addresses to Domain Names: Pointer Queries; The Distributed Name Space; Domain Name Resolution: Domain Name Full Resolver, Domain Name Stub Resolver, Domain Name Resolver Operation; Domain Name Server Operation; Domain Name System Resource Records; Domain Name System Messages: Message Compression; Using the DNS Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI).

Unit 11 - Remote Execution

Introduction; Telnet: Telnet Operation, Network Virtual Terminal, Telnet Command Structure, Option Negotiation, Telnet Basic Commands; Remote Execution Command Protocol (REXEC and RSH), Principle of Operation.


Unit 12 - FTP and TFTP

Introduction; File Transfer Protocol (FTP): An overview of FTP, FTP Operations; Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP): TFTP Usage, Protocol Description, TFTP Packets, Data Modes, TFTP Multicast Option, Security Issues.

Unit 13 - Mail Applications

Introduction; Simple Mail Transfer Protocol: How SMTP Works, SMTP Messages, The SMTP Destination Address, Mail Header Format, Mail Exchange, SMTP Mail Transaction Flow, An Additional Example; Post Office Protocol (POP); Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP4): Fundamental IMAP4 Electronic mail models, IMAP4 states, IMAP4 messages.

Unit 14 - Voice over Internet Protocol

Introduction; VoIP functional components; Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) technologies: SIP request and response, Sample SIP message flow, SIP protocol architecture; Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP); IPTV overview; Functional components: Content acquisition, CODEC (encode and decode), Display devices and control gateway, IP (TV) transport; IPTV technologies: Summary of protocol standards, Stream Control Transmission Protocol, Session Description Protocol, Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP), Real-Time Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) standards, H.261. Control Protocol,


MC 0088 - Data Mining

Unit 1 - Introduction to Data Mining
Introduction; Meaning and Working of Data Mining; Data, Information and knowledge; Data Warehousing and Data Mining Relation; Data Mining and knowledge Discovery; Data Mining and OLAP; Data Mining and Statistics; Data Mining Technologies; Data Mining Software.

Unit 2 - Data Warehousing and OLAP

Introduction; Data Warehouse: Operational Database Systems versus Data Warehouses; A Multidimensional Data Model: Stars, Snowflakes, and Fact Constellations, Examples for Star, Snowflake, and Fact Constellation Schemas, Introducing Concept Hierarchies, OLAP Operations in the Multidimensional Data Model; Data Warehouse Architecture: The Design of a Data Warehouse: A Business Analysis Framework, A Three Tier Data Warehouse Architecture, Types of OLAP Servers: ROLAP versus MOLAP versus HOLAP.

Unit 3 - Business Intelligence

Introduction to Business Intelligence; Business Intelligence Tools; Business Intelligence VS Data Warehouse; Business Intelligence VS Data Mining; Business Intelligence Infrastructure.

Unit 4 - Data Preprocessing

Introduction; Data Cleaning: Missing Values, Noisy Data, Inconsistent Data; Data Integration and Transformation: Data Integration, Data Transformation; Data Reduction: Data Cube Aggregation, Dimensionality Reduction, Numerosity Reduction; Discretization and Concept Hierarchy Generation: Segmentation by Natural Partitioning.

Unit 5 - Data Mining Techniques An Overview

Introduction; Data Mining Vs DBMS; Data Mining Techniques: Association Rules, Classification, Regression, Clustering, Neural Networks.


Unit 6 - Associations Rule Mining

Introduction; Market Basket Analysis; Association Rule; Association Rule Mining: A Road Map; Methods to Discover Association Rules; A Priori Algorithm; Partition Algorithm; Pincers Search Algorithm; Dynamic Itemset Counting Algorithm; Fp Tree Growth Algorithm; Mining Multilevel Association Rules from Transaction Databases: Multilevel Association Rules, Approaches to Mining Multilevel Association Rules, Checking for Redundant Multilevel Association Rules; Mining Multidimensional Association Rules from Relational Database and Data Warehouses: Multidimensional Association Rules, Mining Multidimensional Association Rules Using Static Discretization of Quantitative Attributes, Mining Quantitative Association Rules; From Association Analysis to Correlation Analysis; Constraint Based Association Mining.

Unit 7 - Clustering
Introduction; Clustering; Cluster Analysis; Clustering Methods: K-means, Hierarchical Clustering, Agglomerative Clustering, Divisive Clustering; Clustering and Segmentation Software; Evaluating Clusters.

Unit 8 - Classification and Prediction

Introduction; Classification and Prediction; Issues Regarding Classification and Prediction: Preparing the Data for Classification and Prediction, Comparing Classification Methods; Classification by Decision Tree Induction: Decision Tree Induction, Tree Pruning, Extracting Classification Rules from Decision Trees.

Unit 9 - Web Mining

Introduction; Terminologies; Categories of Web Mining: Web Content Mining, Web Structure Mining, Web Usage Mining; Applications of Web Mining; Agent Based and Data Base approaches; Web Mining Software.

Unit 10 - Multimedia and Text Mining

Introduction; Multimedia Data Mining; Text Mining.


Unit 11 - Applications of Data Mining

Introduction; Business Applications using Data Mining; Scientific Applications using Data Mining; New Applications.

Unit 12 - Case Study: Data Mining Techniques in Healthcare Industry.


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