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Cardiac Care Molecule: It contains: Rauvolfia serpentina (Sarpagandha), Convolvulus pluricaulis (Shankhpushpi),Terminalia arjuna (Arjuna),Tribulus terrestris (Gokhru), Rosa

powder (Gulab), Boerhaavia diffusa (Punarnava), Inula racemosa (Pushkarmoola), Onosma bracteatum (Gogazaban) Indications: Hypertension, Heart palpitation and Irregular heart beats Mode of Action: Our Cardiac Care dosage contains the herb Rauvolfia serpentina that has become an important therapeutic aid to promote healthy blood pressure. It exerts hypotensive effects by the depletion of norepinephrine through inhibition of catecholamine storage in postganglionic adrenegic nerve ending. This has sedative and tranquilizing properties. Carditone has dilating effect on the small blood vessels thereby increasing blood flow to the heart. It also has diuretic activity without depleting potassium. Overall it has a calmative and carditonic effect. Indian coral powder provides elements calcium and magnesium, which provides strength to the heart. Magnesium is a very important element in hypertension and coronary-artery diseases. Diabetic Drug Molecule: It contains:Gymnema sylvetre (Gurmar), Pterocarpus marupium (Bijasar), Ocimum basilicum (Tulsi), Momordica charantia (Karela), Azardirachita indica (Neem), Salacia chinensis (Saptrangi), Aegel marmelos (Bilwa), Trigonella foenum graecum (Methi) Syzygium cuminii (Jamun), Binca rosea Indication: Bio Gymnema is used in condition like type 1 and type 2 diabetes, maturity on set diabetes and hyper-glycemia. Mode of Action: It blocks the sugar absorption in small interline & stimulates the beta cells of pancreas. Gymnemic acid from Gymnema Sylvester even rejuvenates the pancreas. Gymnemic acid has a hypoglycemic activity; Pterocarpus marsupium has insulin like activity. Insulin dependent diabetic patients will be able to reduce insulin intake and people on oral hypoglycemic agents will eventually be able to go off from taking allopathic drugs. Drug molecule for Fat Metabolism It contains: Commiphora mukul . Indication: For Hyperlipidemia

Mode of Action: It has shown remarkable results in promoting healthy lipids. Studies have shown that this molecule promotes healthy cholesterol, triglycerides, increase HDL and clears LDL from the liver both by binding to extra fats in gut and normalizing thyroid gland function. According to Ayurvedic texts, it is said to prevent sluggish metabolism especially with respect to fats. Natural Immuno Enhencer It Contains: Standardized extract of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha). Indication: Anti-stress condition, Immune modulator, Anti-inflammatory, Diuretic. Mode of Action: Withania somnifera also known as Indian ginseng, is indicated in Ayurveda as a daily Rasayana, or anti ageing therapy. It acts as an adaptogen, an immune modulator, nourishing and strengthening the inner reserve of the human body. It literally means, "to impart the strength of the horse." Research shows this to promote anti inflammatory, diuretic, sedative, antibacterial, antifungal and amoebicidal activity. Studies have shown Withania Somnifera to be an excellent hematinic and to contain high levels of iron and free amino acids such as glycine, valine, tyrosine and alanine. Anti Aging/ Anti Wrinkle free Herbal Cosmetics It contains: Sharpunkha (Tephrosia purpurea), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Sitawari (Asparagus racemosus), Blue Lilly (Nymphaea stellata), Wild cane (Saccharum spontaneum), Almond (Prunus amygdalus) In the base of medicated clay. Preparation: Open a sachet and pour all of its Contents into bowl. Mix in some Rose water and Milk until a paste is formed. Direction: Rinse face with warm water and pat dry With a soft cloth. Apply the face pack over the entire Face and neck avoiding the eyes. Allow some time to Dry. Use a cool, wet cloth to gently remove the face Pack. Rinse off with water. Use 2-3 times A week, or as needed. Warnings: A mild tingling sensation may occur due to the efficacy of the herbal ingredients. If severe skin irritation or any adverse reaction occurs, then discontinue use and Consult a physician. Always protect your eyes when applying the pack.

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