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Benchmark Survey: Marketo Benchmark on Email Marketing

Custom Report For: Nuno Coelho

Dear Nuno Coelho,
Email marketing remains one of highest rated marketing tactics, even as social, mobile, video etc. transform
the marketer's landscape. But how does your Email Marketing measure up? What are the best practices
used by today’s top performers? What are you currently doing that you should improve, and what are you not
doing that you should start?
Get the answers now -- here are your personalized benchmarks and recommendations.
About this report
The Marketo Benchmark on Email Marketing combines Marketo's thought leadership and years of
experience gathered from 1,000s of customers with ongoing research into the practices of today’s top
performers in email marketing.
In this personalized report, results from C.M.G are presented alongside industry averages and results from
Top Performers – those companies with the fastest revenue growth, the highest email performance metrics,
and the best use of email marketing to achieve those revenue goals.
The report includes information and recommendations about:
Top uses and challenges for email marketing
The prevalence and ROI impact of various tactics including testing, drip marketing, and social sharing
Email sending frequency and volume by type of campaign
Common practices in privacy and email deliverability
Budgets and resources required for email marketing
and more...
The results offer you a fast and simple way to evaluate your current tactics and consider where C.M.G may
look to improve performance.
The insights to drive more revenue with less work
At Marketo, we thrive on sharing best practices, educating marketers, and helping companies of all sizes to
improve their revenue performance. Please contact us if you would like to learn more about how we can help
C.M.G expand lead flow, improve sales effectiveness, and optimize marketing and sales investments.
Also, if you find this report useful, please encourage others to fill out the Benchmark Survey – the results get
better and better each time someone fills it out.
Here's to your best,

Jon Miller
VP of Marketing, Marketo
Email Marketing Goals and Challenges
Companies use email marketing for everything from education to building brands to driving revenue. However,
satisfaction with email marketing tends to lag its importance - perhaps because of ongoing challenges with
getting noticed in the inbox, measuring results, and managing campaign complexity.
Rank your top goals for Email Marketing
You Average
#1 Website traffic Lead generation
#2 Lead generation Online sales
#3 Education Offline sales
#4 Website traffic
#5 Branding and awareness
#6 Education

Rank your top challenges with Email Marketing

You Average
#1 Building and managing campaigns Click through rates
#2 Measurement Inbox overload
#3 Incorporating social sharing Deliverability
#4 Building and managing campaigns
#5 Budget/resources restrictions
#6 Measurement
#7 Incorporating social sharing

© 2011 Marketo, Inc. | +1.877.260.MKTO (6586) | | | 1

Email Marketing Goals and Challenges

5 You
Top Performer

1 2 3 4 5

Not surprisingly, Top Performers are more satisfied with their email marketing results than the average survey
participant. This is because they are seeing the efforts of their best practices pay off in tangible results that
support revenue growth.
In the tips sections that follow, you'll learn best practices to raise your performance and create an email
marketing strategy that engages your prospects, converts customers, and increases marketing ROI.

© 2011 Marketo, Inc. | +1.877.260.MKTO (6586) | | | 2

Capabilities and Impact
Today, there are more email marketing solutions, tools and tactics available to marketers. Which work best
for you? Which ones are most used by top performers? Do your Email Marketing capabilities increase
your Marketing ROI?

An effective email testing strategy can help increase open, click, and conversion rates by improving the
relevance of your marketing messages. You can test subject lines, copy, graphics, calls to action, frequency,
timing, and more.

ROI Impact
Increase You
Moderate Top Performer
ROI Impact


No Noticeable
Never 2
Rarely 3Often 4
Always 5
Frequency ofFrequency
Use of Use

As a Top Performer in this category, your email testing techniques enhance your email marketing, and you plan to
continue fine-tuning your tactics even more. Keep it up' Here are some suggestions for continuing to see value in this
Start simple by testing subject lines and headers. It doesn’t take a lot of time or creative work to create simple
variants here, but the return can be significant.
Test one element at a time, so you can actually measure the impact of the variance.
Consider the time of day as well as the day of the week when testing your email campaigns.
Keep a log of all your tests so you can refer back to the specific variables that were tested – and more importantly
what you learned.
Don't forget that small differences can be significant if your sample sizes are large. Here’s a post with more
information about testing statistics: The Ultimate Guide to Test Statistics at
See sample test results in this blog post: The Secret to Email Marketing Success: Testing at
Run tests on groups that are small but large enough to determine a clear winner. Then incorporate the winning
variables into your larger mailing.

© 2011 Marketo, Inc. | +1.877.260.MKTO (6586) | | | 3

Dynamic Content
Although less popular than basic testing, dynamic content can increase email relevance by customizing
emails based on various customer or prospect attributes. For example, emails sent to customers in
Manufacturing would include different copy and images than those sent to customers in the Financial
Services industry.

ROI Impact
Increase You
Moderate Top Performer
ROI Impact


No Noticeable
Never 2
Rarely 3Often 4
Always 5
Frequency ofFrequency
Use of Use

You see the direct connection between your use of Dynamic Content and bottom line results. Here are ways
to increase the value your Dynamic Content delivers even more:
Develop buyer and customer personas and align them with the content in any email message.
Don't customize for the sake of customization - focus on varying the content that your personas will
most care about.
Work on your data quality to ensure that the fields you use to customize messages are accurate.
Plan ahead of time, since creating dynamic content requires more creative and testing.
Review all versions created by dynamic content before sending to ensure there aren't mistakes.
Consider customizing based not on demographic and firmographic information (such as industry), but
on behavioral information as well: email click activity, website behaviors, revenue cycle stage, lead
score, etc. This can be even more important for improving the relevance of your emails.

© 2011 Marketo, Inc. | +1.877.260.MKTO (6586) | | | 4

Segmentation is the ability to target exactly the right message to the right customers at the right time. Email
campaign results tend to improve when targeting fine-tuned audiences. That’s why the best segmentation
solutions combine demographic and firmographic attributes with behavioral and online data.

ROI Impact
Increase You
Moderate Top Performer
ROI Impact


No Noticeable
Never 2
Rarely 3Often 4
Always 5
Frequency ofFrequency
Use of Use

You don't segment your emails as frequently as other marketers and don't enjoy as much ROI as a result.
Consider improving the strategic value of your email marketing with more effective segmentation:
Segment your audience based on demographic and firmographic attributes such as industry and title.
Even more importantly, segment based on where the prospect is in the buying cycle: early-stage, mid-
stage, late-stage, or customer. Prospects that are actively engaged with sales should get different
message from those you are trying to develop.
Consider segmenting your audience based on how frequently they interact with your messages (opens
and clicks). This can help you know how often to send.
Evaluate your lead database and create segments based on lead source or profile information for your
marketing campaigns.
Try more advanced ways to segment your email lists by combining demographic information with
behavioral data. Knowing what web pages the prospect has visited, what content they've read – even
what they’ve said on social sites - can help you to send them the right message at the right time.
Also consider a subscription center where your audience can subscribe to different topics and
frequency of communications.

© 2011 Marketo, Inc. | +1.877.260.MKTO (6586) | | | 5

Drip Marketing / Lead Nurturing
Lead nurturing is the practice of keeping in touch with prospective qualified customers regardless of their
timing to buy. Done right, it can result in 50% more sales qualified leads at 33% lower cost. Although lead
nurturing often consists of interactions over many channels, many companies will incorporate drip email
marketing into their nurturing strategy.

ROI Impact
Increase You
Moderate Top Performer
ROI Impact


No Noticeable
Never 2
Rarely 3Often 4
Always 5
Frequency ofFrequency
Use of Use

You don't use drip campaigns often nor consider them to be very valuable. However, on average all survey
respondents indicated drip campaigns can impact their ROI. Here are some ways you can do the same:
Create a normal and an accelerated nurturing program. Allow leads to choose which path they will
participate in or use online behavior to determine if a prospect should be moved to the accelerated
nurturing path.
Test the order the prospect receives the messages you are sending.
Each email in your nurturing program needs to be updated and improved on a regular basis.
Stay ahead of the drip, adding to your nurture campaigns before your prospects or customers
consume all your nurture content.
Check out the Marketo Definitive Guide to Lead Nurturing at

© 2011 Marketo, Inc. | +1.877.260.MKTO (6586) | | | 6

Triggered Emails
Individual customers receive triggered emails when they demonstrate specific behaviors (or lack thereof).
For example, if a prospect visited your pricing page but didn’t fill out a contact form, then a triggered email
could invite him to a weekly event to learn more. According to some studies, the effective use of triggered
emails can improve open rates by over 50% and conversion rates by more than 350%.

ROI Impact
Increase You
Moderate Top Performer
ROI Impact


No Noticeable
Never 2
Rarely 3Often 4
Always 5
Frequency ofFrequency
Use of Use

You rarely use Triggered emails, and therefore rarely see many results. Top Performers report higher ROI
than you do, so here are some suggestions to improve the value of your Triggered emails:
Automate send processes for repetitive emails (for example, event confirmations).
Utilize triggered emails to notify key stakeholders when key actions occur.
Listen to the way your segment responds and ensure your follow up is as relevant as possible.
Trigger follow-up campaigns based on social media interactions.

© 2011 Marketo, Inc. | +1.877.260.MKTO (6586) | | | 7

Include Social Sharing
Even as social media marketing increases in importance, email marketing is here to stay. In fact, leading
email marketers augment their email strategies by embedding social sharing capabilities in their emails. Such
links enable customers and prospects to amplify your message to their social networks.

ROI Impact
Increase You
Moderate Top Performer
ROI Impact


No Noticeable
Never 2
Rarely 3Often 4
Always 5
Frequency ofFrequency
Use of Use

You are using Social Sharing and seeing the results. Here are some suggestions for continuing to increase
value received:
Include share, Facebook, LinkedIn and other sharing options in your email. Make sure these are
customized to the landing page and not put in email. Find out how in this blog post at
Don't confuse follow us buttons with social sharing buttons.
Thank those that share your content in social media to encourage this behavior.
Track referral traffic from sharing activity.

© 2011 Marketo, Inc. | +1.877.260.MKTO (6586) | | | 8

Text Emails from a Sales Rep
In the B2B industry, emails sent via individual sales rep email addresses perform far better than traditional
marketing emails. Such campaigns deliver improved engagement rates because they leverage the power of
the "human touch" and begin building a relationship between the sales rep and the prospect.

ROI Impact
Increase You
Moderate Top Performer
ROI Impact


No Noticeable
Never 2
Rarely 3Often 4
Always 5
Frequency ofFrequency
Use of Use

You rarely use Text emails from a Sales rep and are not seeing the results. Top Performers report higher
ROI, here are some suggestions to get more value:
Create personalized email templates for the sales team and experiment with different calls to action
(download offer vs. follow-up call vs. scheduling a meeting).
Make it easy for sales reps to send emails that will track engagement by the recipient.

© 2011 Marketo, Inc. | +1.877.260.MKTO (6586) | | | 9

Custom Landing Pages from an Email
The landing page is an essential part of many email marketing campaigns. By directing clicks to a landing
page customized for a specific email rather than a generic home page, marketers can significantly improve
their conversion rates.

ROI Impact
Increase You
Moderate Top Performer
ROI Impact


No Noticeable
Never 2
Rarely 3Often 4
Always 5
Frequency ofFrequency
Use of Use

You are using Custom Landing Pages but are seeing less value than average and Top Performers. Consider
these tips to increase your ROI:
Build landing page templates to make landing page creation easy to implement.
Optimize your landing pages to ensure the best results. Not sure where to get started? These landing
pages should be optimized first:
Lowest conversion landing pages
High bounce rate landing pages
High exit rate landing pages
Lowest time spent landing pages
Key pages (i.e., contact us, top offers)
Ensure email reader knows what content they will receive upon clicking on a link.

© 2011 Marketo, Inc. | +1.877.260.MKTO (6586) | | | 10

Email Volume and Frequency
What is the size of your total list / database?
You indicated C.M.G has a database with 5,001 - 25,000 contacts. Here's how this compares.




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What percent of your list do you consider inactive?

A key indicator of a healthy email marketing program is the level of audience engagement. You indicated that
10 - 25% of your list is inactive. Here's how this compares.

Average (shown as %) Top Performers (shown as %)

26 25

20 20

14 15

8 10

2 5
Under 10% 26 - 50% Over 75% Under 10% 26 - 50% Over 75%
10 - 25% 51 - 75% Don't know 10 - 25% 51 - 75% Don't know

Rather than sending the same campaigns to inactive prospects, it often makes sense to run specific
reactivation campaigns to attempt to "wake the dead". This is a great place to test and experiment - you
can't "kill them again".

© 2011 Marketo, Inc. | +1.877.260.MKTO (6586) | | | 11

Frequency of Communications
Please estimate how often an individual in your database typically receives various
One of the most common questions marketers ask is "How often should I email my contacts?" The standard
expert answers to this question are "it depends" or "test to find out". Although true, this advice is not as
actionable as marketers might like. Fortunately, the Marketo Benchmark on Email Marketing can tell you
what other companies are doing - including the Top Performers.

Type of Email Frequency

Product and Service Promotions Two Times Per Month
Newsletters Two Times Per Month
Automated Nurturing Emails Occasionally
Event Promotion Two Times Per Month

© 2011 Marketo, Inc. | +1.877.260.MKTO (6586) | | | 12

Execution Metrics
What is your average email open rate?
While Open Rate is widely known as an imprecise metric, it nonetheless provides a baseline for trending and
can be of value to measure subject lines, monitor inbox delivery, and understand engagement. You indicated
C.M.G has an email open rate of 21 - 25%.

Average Top Performers

11 - 15% 16 - 20%
Congratulations, your open rate is higher than the industry average. Check out these suggestions to see if
you can improve your open rates even further. These include:
Use a consistent "From" label that recipients learn to trust. This can be a person from your company,
your company brand name, or a combination such as Jon Miller, Marketo.
Ensure your recipients know who you are and why you are emailing them. If they don't know who you
are, they are much less likely to read your message. Following the best practice for opt-in can make a
big difference here.
Test subject lines rigorously. This is perhaps the single most important item to test to improve email
marketing success.
Find the time of day and day of week that works best. Although Tuesday to Thursday is often
considered to be the best performing days, some companies are finding their best open rates for
emails sent over the weekend. In some cases, not following the same best practice that everyone else
follows can help you stand out!
Manage your list and remove contacts that have not opened your emails in the last six months. This can
also help your email deliverability rates.
Don't mail too often. If you send too many emails, your list may start to feel fatigued and will stop
opening your messages.

What is your average email click through rate (clicked / delivered)?

The click rate is the fraction of all delivered emails that get clicked on. The more people that are clicking your
emails, the more they are engaging with your brand and content. A high click rate shows that your emails are
causing your intend audience to respond. You indicated C.M.G has an email click through rate of 10.1 -
15.0% .

Average Top Performers

2.1 - 5.0% 5.1 - 10.0%
Your prospects and customers are showing good engagement with your emails. Take your results to the next
level with the suggestions that follow.

© 2011 Marketo, Inc. | +1.877.260.MKTO (6586) | | | 13

What is your average email click to open rate (clicked / opened)?
The click to open rate focuses on how well recipients interact with your emails once they are opened. It
focuses on the call to action and email design / copy more than the subject and from address (though those
can matter as well). You indicated C.M.G has an email click to open rate of Don't know.

Average Top Performers

11 - 15% 16 - 20%
You indicated that you don't know your click to open rate. Regardless, here are some ways to increase the
likelihood that recipients will click your emails:
Have a clear call to action. Tell the recipient what you want them to do in plain language.
Use multiple links for the same call to action – in the image, in a button, and in the copy (multiple times,
each with different anchor text). Having more links has been shown to improve click rates.
Create scarcity. A recipient is more likely to click if they feel your offer has a limited quantity or time
available. You want them to think they are missing out if they don’t click and take action.
Test, test, test! If you can’t think of anything else, try changing the color of your call to action button.

What is your average unsubscribe rate?

Unsubscribes happen even to the best email marketers; the key is to keep them as low as possible by
having engaging content and the right permission marketing practices. Top performers consistently see lower
than average unsubscribe rates. You indicated C.M.G has an email unsubscribe rate of Don't know.

Average Top Performers

0.11% – 0.2% 0.06% – 0.10%
You indicated that you don't know your unsubscribe rate. Regardless, use these tips to improve performance
First and foremost, only send your emails to recipients who have agreed to receive offers from your
organization. This is a no-brainer.
Send offers or newsletters at least once per month so your recipients are used to receiving your email
and you don't lose touch.
Only email the content your recipients requested. Over-mailing your customers can result in list fatigue,
which can in turn lead to an increased unsubscribe rate.
Most importantly, provide value in your messages. Be the trusted authority on a certain subject,
continually offer great deals to your customers, and announce exciting news or updated product

© 2011 Marketo, Inc. | +1.877.260.MKTO (6586) | | | 14

What is your average bounce rate range?
Bounce rate is an important indicator of the quality and health of your email marketing list. Even if an address
was good when it came into your system, people often change their email addresses - requiring a solid
process to keep the list clean. A high bounce rate can also hurt your email deliverability since many ISPs
consider senders with high bounce rates as less trustworthy. You indicated C.M.G has an email bounce rate
of Don't know.

Average Top Performers

2.1 - 5% <= 2%
You indicated that you don't know your bounce rate. Begin by tracking this metric, and then use these
techniques you can to improve the health of your list:
Automatically remove recipients who bounce from your mailing list for future sends, but be sure to
process soft bounces such as "out of office" messages differently.
Provide a way for recipients to update their email address.
Consider calling or direct mailing high-value prospects whose email addresses bounce to let them know
and get a correct email address.

What is your average conversion rate from known name to Marketing Qualified Lead?
Measuring how the prospect engages and then moves through the sales cycle from Marketing Qualified to
Sales Qualified to Opportunity and ultimately Close Won is critical to understanding the effectiveness of all
your Marketing programs. You indicated C.M.G has a conversion rate from known name to Marketing
Qualified Lead of < 5%.

Average Top Performers

5.1 – 10% 5.1 – 10%
Powerful and easy solutions such as Marketo's Revenue Cycle Analytics make it easy to measure, track, and
improve your MQL conversion rate. Here are suggestions to align sales and marketing for the most impact:
Have the sales team re-think their traditional sales strategies - instead of having them actively talk and
"sell" your products or services, encourage them to listen more to prospect needs and behaviors.
Establish lead scoring thresholds to identify when leads should be passed on to sales and when they
should be returned to marketing for further nurturing.
Coordinate marketing and sales when identifying "interesting" behaviors that indicate hotter leads and
establish sales alerts based on these behaviors.
Make it easy for sales to sort leads by priority in the CRM system, enabling them to focus on the most
sales-ready leads.
Enable salespeople to view the companies in their specific territories that visit your website and to
access the important contacts at each organization within the CRM system.

© 2011 Marketo, Inc. | +1.877.260.MKTO (6586) | | | 15

Email Deliverability
Deliverability remains one of most important factors in successful email marketing - if your messages don’t
hit the inbox, they can't drive the results you seek. Many marketers find the topic intimidating because it is
influenced by so many variables - variables than can't be condensed into a single metric or score.
In the end, successful email deliverability is a shared responsibility between the sender and the email service
provider. You should ensure your provider uses the latest email technology compliant with today's current
requirements. See how Marketo does it at
At the same time, senders directly affect their own email deliverability. Senders with long-term deliverability
keep clean lists and follow email opt-in best practices, such as refusing to purchase email lists. They also
create carefully targeted messages that are relevant and trusted by their subscribers.
Learn more about email deliverability best practices at Marketo’s Email Deliverability Resource Center at

What opt-in method do you use?

You said C.M.G uses Double opt-in. Here's how that compares.

Average (shown as %) Top Performers (shown as %)

40 60

30 45

20 30

10 15

0 0
Single opt-in Opt-out Don't know Single opt-in Opt-out Don't know
Double opt-in Other Double opt-in Other

© 2011 Marketo, Inc. | +1.877.260.MKTO (6586) | | | 16

How much do you agree or disagree with this statement: My audience trusts my emails.
Trust is a critical component of email success. If your audience trusts your emails, they are more likely to
open them, less likely to unsubscribe, and are much less likely to mark your messages as spam.

My Email is Trusted Unsubscribe % Bounce %

% Agree / Strongly Agree
Average 54% 0.11% – 0.2% 2.1 - 5%
Top Performers 100% 0.06% – 0.10% <= 2%
You Agree Don't know Don't know

Top Performers report a higher level of trust and a lower unsubscribe rate than the average.

You indicated that C.M.G generates contacts for email marketing via Forms on my website and Referrals
and word of mouth. Here is how this compares.

Average (shown as %) Top Performers (shown as %)

100 100

75 75

50 50

25 25

0 0
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It's great to see that you are primarily using high-quality methods of acquiring contacts for email marketing.
This can help improve your email deliverability and increase how much recipients trust your messages.

© 2011 Marketo, Inc. | +1.877.260.MKTO (6586) | | | 17

Email Technology
What is your primary method of managing your Email Marketing?
You said C.M.G uses In house as your primary method of managing Email Marketing. Here's how that

Average (shown as %) Top Performers (shown as %)

40 60

30 45

20 30

10 15

0 0
... ... ncy e ne ... ... ncy e ne
pro om age ous No pro om age ous No
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Em Ma Ful Em Ma Ful

What CRM solution does your organization use?

You said C.M.G uses Oracle/Siebel for your CRM solution. Here's how that compares.

Average (shown as %) Top Performers (shown as %)

60 80

45 60

30 40

15 20

0 0









Built In-...

Built In-...









© 2011 Marketo, Inc. | +1.877.260.MKTO (6586) | | | 18

How effective are you at making the most of your time and financial resources to optimize your email
marketing? What are you doing to strategically improve your results and deliver incremental ROI?

How many employees in your organization help execute Email Marketing programs?
C.M.G has 11 - 20 employees involved with email marketing. Here's how that compares.

Average (shown as %) Top Performers (shown as %)

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
1 6 - 10 21 - 30 > 50 1 6 - 10 21 - 30 > 50
2- 5 11 - 20 31 - 50 None 2- 5 11 - 20 31 - 50 None

How much of your team's time is spent on Email Marketing?

Here's how your team spends their time, compared to their peers.

Your Time Average Top Performers

Hours Per Month 50 62 123
Creative (design and copy) 10% 23% 20%
Segmentation and targeting 5% 12% 13%
Strategy 25% 14% 22%
Email layout and processing 20% 18% 17%
Reporting 15% 10% 13%
Content creation 25% 23% 16%

© 2011 Marketo, Inc. | +1.877.260.MKTO (6586) | | | 19

How much do you spend on Email Marketing per month (in US dollars)?
C.M.G spends None per month ($USD) on email marketing. Here's how that compares.

Average (shown as %) Top Performers (shown as %)

40 32

30 24

20 16

10 8

0 0
00 00 00 00 00 0,0... 0,000 None now 00 00 00 00 00 0,0... 0,000 None now
1,0 5,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 K 1,0 5,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 K
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You indicated that C.M.G does not send emails regularly outside of your local region. Here’s how that

Average (shown as %) Top Performers (shown as %)

60 80

45 60

30 40

15 20

0 0
Yes No Don't Know Yes No Don't Know

© 2011 Marketo, Inc. | +1.877.260.MKTO (6586) | | | 20

Summary and Best Practices
Top Tips to Improve Your Email Marketing

1. Group your target customers. Use demographic information or BANT characteristics to segment
your audience. Develop profiles for each of your target audience groups.
2. Customize content for your unique buyer personas. Craft multiple email messages for each profile.
Dynamic content will ensure each email delivers information that engages your prospects and can
significantly improve your effectiveness levels.
3. Standardize your send information and email style. Increase the likelihood that email recipients
recognize your email by using a consistent “from name” and corresponding email address. Also,
standardize your branded emails with one shared style, so each email feels familiar.
4. Test for the best. Optimize your emails with testing to find the right subject lines, images, and content
for your buyer personas. By creating personalized email templates for your sales team, you can
experiment with different calls to action, such as download offers, follow-up calls, or scheduling a
5. Deliver a straightforward call to action. Each email should communicate one clear call to action.
Otherwise, email recipients can become overwhelmed. However, it is advisable to repeat the call to
action multiple times.
6. Develop trust with opt-in functionality. Go beyond following CAN-SPAM rules to ensure every
recipient has opted-in to your email.
7. Identify the best time to send. Consider the time of the day as well as the day of the week when
executing your email campaigns.
8. Ensure deliverability by proofing campaign content in different email readers and troubleshooting
content that may activate spam filters.
9. Optimize your email list segmentation with more advanced tactics that combine user demographics
with online behavioral data.
10. Implement improvements with automation. Take your efforts up a level by exploring more complex
automated email workflows for lead nurturing, such as triggers that send out emails based on lead
11. Speed up your sales cycle by creating content for every stage. Develop standard emails that
communicate your key messages throughout all stages of your buying process. These take the form of
everything from educational emails vs. solution-oriented emails.
12. Schedule maintenance. Set aside time for keeping your database up to date and clean with de-
duplication, especially after you send emails.

© 2011 Marketo, Inc. | +1.877.260.MKTO (6586) | | | 21

Resources to Learn More
What are you doing to explore new opportunities for improving your email marketing? Do you set aside time
to sit down and learn from others, or do you mostly go it alone on an ad hoc basis?
With these online resources, you can access best practices from multiple industries and develop action-
oriented plans for email campaigns that deliver the results your business needs.
Marketo Email Marketing Resource Center
B2B Email Marketing Success Kit
Marketo Email Marketing: Thinking Outside the Inbox
Email Deliverability Design and Creative Checklist
Email Deliverability Cheat Sheet
Marketo Email Deliverability Technology
Marketo Email and Anti-Spam Policy
View all these resources at

Marketo Email Marketing

With Marketo's email marketing software, you can:
Customize and automate triggered and multi-step email campaigns that incrementally deepen your
prospect relationships and convert customers over time
Consistently deliver content that catches customers using the latest email deliverability technology
Design professional emails with our WYSIWYG editor templates, or import your own HTML
Improve your open rates by sending personalized messages on behalf of sales reps; track who opens
and clicks on each email
Fine-tune your email marketing to engage more targeted audiences with reporting and A/B testing

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Don't Just Email Prospects - Engage Them in a Dialogue

The days of batch email marketing campaigns with low response rates are over. It's time to use targeted
email marketing with 1:1 dialogue marketing capabilities. These include drip campaigns with automated lead
nurturing and the ability to trigger follow-up activities. For example, imagine being able to send a campaign
and then automatically send a personal reminder a week later if the prospect did not open the first
communication. By segmenting and targeting prospects based on specific behaviors, such as whether the
prospect opened a prior email or visited a specific webpage, marketers can increase open rates by more
than 50% and increase conversion rates by more than 350% (Jupiter Research)'
With powerful yet easy B2B email marketing software from Marketo, B2B marketers can create, execute,
and measure sophisticated email dialogue campaigns with a simple drag and drop user interface.

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Dramatic Improvement in Prospect Relationships

How much more effective could your B2B email marketing be if you had the ability to manage relevant and
personalized dialogues with each and every prospect?
Increase lead conversion: Convert 400% more prospects into sales ready leads
Boost response rates: Raise open and click rates by segmenting lists and sending customers
messages specific to their profile, interests, and actions
Be more creative and strategic: Automate repetitive manual execution and analytics so you can focus
on creativity and strategy
Here’s how you can learn more or schedule your personalized demo of Marketo
Call us at +1.877.260.MKTO (6586)
Email us at

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