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Submitted By

RAJIV GANDHI PROUDYOGIKI VISHWAVIDYALAYA, BHOPAL (Fulfillment of course curriculum of Bachelor of Engineering)





Signature of Trainee

Signature of HOD

To acquaint with the environment of industries. To understand organizational hierarchies. To understand information flow in organization. To understand the work culture in industry. To adopt the work methodology of department. To inculcate the habit of systematic recording of learning experiences and events. To be initiative and participative at work.

One faculty member or TPO will plan industrial training of students in consultation with training manager of the industry (work place) as per the predefined objectives of training. The trainee will maintain a proper daily diary (Format enclosed). The section in-charge of the industry is requested to sign the daily diary at the end of the week and offer his comments about the initiative and the institute provides participative attitude of trainee during training in this daily diary witch. Attendance records of each trainee may please be kept in the industry. Absence without permission may please be communicated to the institute.


WEEK Date ONE Sign Date TWO Sign Date THREE Sign Date FOUR Sign Date FIVE Sign Date SIX Sign Date

Day-1 1-7-10

Day-2 2-7-10

Day-3 3-7-10

Day-4 5-7-10

Day-5 6-7-10

Day-6 7-7-10






































Signature of Guide

Week No. : 1 Day: 1 Date: 01/ 07/2010

Topic (Problem): Introduction of HTML language Discussion Held: In this we simply learn that it is used to create document on the World Wide
Web. It is a platform independent language that can be used on any platform such as Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and so on.

Objectivies:Create, save and view a HTML document format a web page using section heading tags describe Ordered and Unordered lists explain graphics in HTML document describe hypertext links and making text/image links.


Week No. : 1 Day: 2 Date: 02/07/2010

Topic (Problem): Making of Table and Registration form. Discussion Held: Tables are defined with the <table> tag.We simple made the PET counseling
form through the HTML in which we use the different controls.And made some other registration form like for online shoping card,and made contect form for Adsoft.
<html xmlns=""> <head runat="server"> <title>Sample Registration Page</title> <style type="text/css"> .style1 { width: 100%; } </style> </head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div>

<table class="style1"> <tr> <td> Full Name:</td> <td> <asp:TextBox ID="TxtName runat="server"></asp:TextBox> </td>

</tr> <tr> <td> Username:</td> <td> <asp:TextBox ID="TxtUserName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Password:</td> <td> rd"></asp:TextBox> <asp:TextBox ID="TxtPassword" runat="server" TextMode="Passwo

</td> </tr> <tr> <td> Re Password:</td> <td> word"></asp:TextBox> <asp:TextBox ID="TxtRePassword" runat="server" TextMode="Pass

</td> </tr> <tr> <td> Address:</td> <td> <asp:TextBox ID="TxtAddress" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Age:</td> <td>

<asp:TextBox ID="TxtAge" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Gender:</td> <td> <asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" AppendDataBou ndItems="true"> <asp:ListItem Value="-1">Select</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem>Male</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem>Female</asp:ListItem> </asp:DropDownList> </td> </tr> </table>

</div> > <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Save" onclick="Button1_Click" / </form> </body> </html>

Week No. : 1 Day: 3 Date: 03/ 07 /2010

Topic (Problem): JavaScript Discussion Held:

It is a scripting language used to provide a validation. JavaScript is case sensitive Lightweight(easily embedded with HTML) Interpreted Language No License Provide a graphical interaction with user <Script language=JavaScripttype=text/JavaScript> function confirmSubmit() { var doc = document.forms[0]; var msg = "Are you sure you want to submit this data?"; if (confirm(msg)) { doc.submit(); } else { // do nothing } }

Example JavaScript confirmation

Week No. : 2 Day: 5 Date: 05 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): Program using JavaScript

Discussion Held:

JavaScript using conditional statement like if statement,if-else statement. JavaScript using looping statement,and functions.

This JavaScript statement:document.write("Hello Dolly");

Week No. : 2 Day: 6 Date: 06 /07/2010

Topic (Problem): Array Discussion Held: How to create string array in
StringArray.aspx view plaincopy to clipboardprint? 1. <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
2. 3.

4. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "

D/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> 5.

6. <script runat="server">
7. 8. 9. protected void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string[] controlArray = { "DropDownList","CheckBoxList","BulletedList","RadioButtonList","ListBox"}; Label1.Text = "String array created successfully!<br />Array elements:<br /><br /><i>"; foreach (string control in controlArray) {

10. 11.
12. 13.


17. 19. }

Label1.Text += control+ "<br />"; } Label1.Text += "</i>";

18. </script> 20. <html xmlns=""> 21. <head id="Head1" runat="server"> 22. <title>How to create string array in</title> 23. </head> 24. <body> 25. <form id="form1" runat="server"> 26. <div> 27. <h2 style="color:Navy"> array example: String Array</h2> 28. <asp:Label 29. ID="Label1" 30. runat="server" 31. Font-Size="Large" 32. ForeColor="HotPink" 33. Font-Bold="true" 34. Font-Italic="true" 35. > 36. </asp:Label> 37. <br /><br /> 38. <asp:Button 39. ID="Button1" 40. runat="server" 41. OnClick="Button1_Click" 42. Font-Bold="true" 43. Text="Create String Array" 44. ForeColor="DarkBlue" 45. /> 46. </div> 47. </form> 48. </body> 49. </html>

Week No. : 2 Day: 7 Date: 07 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): Validation Discussion Held:JavaScript can be used to validate data in HTML forms before sending off the
content to a server. We see different type of validation control such as Required entry for RequiredFieldValidator, Comparison to a value for CompareValidator, Range checking for RangeValidator , Pattern matching for RangeValidator and User-defined for CustomValidator. The validation Controls that are available in .Net Framework are given below:

Control RequiredFieldValidator CompareValidator

Description Ensures that the user enters data in the associated data-entry control Uses comparison operators to compare user-entered data to a constant

value or the value in another data-entry control RangeValidator Ensures that the user-entered data is in a range between given lower and upper bounds

RegularExpressionValidator Ensures that the user entered data matches a regular expression pattern CustomValidator Ensures that the user-entered data passes validation criteria that you set yourself

Week No. : 2 Day: 8 Date: 08 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): .NET framework Discussion Held:

The operating systems that can take the .NET Framework include Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows NT. In .NET Framework is the Common language Run Time(CLR). The next layer up is the .NET Framework Base Classes. This layer contains classes, value types, and interfaces that you will use often in your development process. The third layer of the framework is ASP.NET and Wind

Week No. : 2 Day: 9 Date: 09 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): .NET Architecture

Discussion Held:

Week No. : 2 Day: 10 Date: 10 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): Constructor

Discussion Held: Constructors are very useful but only and only if we are aware of the best way
to use it for a requirement. One need to be sure of the input that has be given to the constructor and the way the class is supposed to be used. Some of the vast variety of design pattern suggests the usage of Constructors in smart way.

public class mySampleClass { public mySampleClass() { // This is the constructor method. } // rest of the class members goes here. }

Week No. : 3 Day: 11 Date: 12 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): Forms

Discussion Held:
Button:- The Button control is used to display a push button. The push button may be a submit button command button. By default, this control is a submit button. The example below demonstrates a simple Button control: <html> <body> <form runat="server"> <asp:Button id="b1" Text="Submit" runat="server" /> </form> </body> </html> Textbox:- The TextBox control is used to create a text box where the user can input text.The TextBox control's attributes and properties are listed .The contents and settings of a TextBox control may be changed by server scripts when a form is submitted. A form can be submitted by clicking on a button or when a user changes the value in the TextBox control.

Week No. : 3 Day: 12 Date: 13 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): HTTP Method

Discussion Held: The GET method

The GET method is used to retrieve information from a specified URI and is assumed to be a safe, repeatable operation by browsers, caches and other HTTP aware components. This means that the operation must have no side effects and GET requests can be re-issued with worrying about the consequences.For example, displaying the balance of a bank account has no effect on the account and can be safely repeated. In fact, Internet Explorer will allow a user to refresh a page that resulted from a GET, without displaying any kind of warning.

The POST method

The POST method is used for operations that have side effects and cannot be safely repeated. For example, transferring money from one bank account to another has side effects and should not be repeated without explicit approval by the user. If you try to refresh a page in Internet Explorer that resulted from a POST, it displays the following message to warn you that there may be side effects:

For banking, and other transactional web applications, the best approach is to use a POST when the user submits a change and then use a 302 redirection to change to a GET that displays the result of the action (e.g. the new account balance)

Week No. : 3 Day: 13 Date: 13 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): Operator overloading

Discussion Held: Operator overloading is the most evident example of Polymorphism. In

operator overloading, an operator is overloaded or made to perform additional functions in addition to what it actually does. For e.g. we can overload the + operator to add two complex numbers or two imaginary numbers. X= a + b //+ is overloaded to add two integers, float etc Few operators like :: cannot be overloaded. Why use Operator Overloading? Operator overloading makes a program clearer than accomplishing the same operations with explicit method calls. Now if you want to add tow complex numbers of Type ComplexNumber you just need to instaniate tow objects from it then do this: z = x + y; //x, y & z are ComplexNumber but if you don't have the operator overload for + operator what you should do to add them?? repeat the implementation of the + operator several times, or put it in a method and call it several times.

Week No. : 3 Day: 14 Date: 14 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): Events and Delegates

Discussion Held: An event is a message sent by an object to signal the occurrence of an action.
The action could be caused by user interaction, such as a mouse click, or it could be triggered by some other program logic. The object that raises (triggers) the event is called the event sender. The object that captures the event and responds to it is called the event receiver. A delegate is a class that can hold a reference to a method. Unlike other classes, a delegate class has a signature, and it can hold references only to methods that match its signature. A delegate is thus equivalent to a type-safe function pointer or a callback. While delegates have other uses, the discussion here focuses on the event handling functionality of delegates. The following example shows an event delegate declaration.

Week No. : 3 Day: 15 Date: 15 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): Master Page

Discussion Held: A Master Page is a page that contains markup and controls that should be
shared across multiple pages in your site. For example, if all of your pages should have the same header and footer banners or the same navigation menu, you could define this in a Master Page once, and then all pages associated to this Master Page would inherit those common elements. The advantage of defining the header, footer, and navigation in a Master Page is that these elements need only be defined once, instead of multiple times in duplicate code across the pages in your site. <% @ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Master.master" Title="Content Page 1" %> <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="Main" Runat="Server"> Main content. </asp:Content> <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="Footer" Runat="Server" > Footer content. </asp:content

Week No. : 3 Day: 16 Date: 16 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): State Management Technique

Discussion Held: This article discusses various options for state management for web
applications developed using ASP.NET. Generally, web applications are based on stateless HTTP protocol which does not retain any information about user requests. In typical client and server communication using HTTP protocol, page is created each time the page is requested. Client side State management Options: ASP.NET provides various client side state management options like Cookies, QueryStrings (URL), Hidden fields, View State and Control state (ASP.NET 2.0). Let's discuss each of client side state management options. Bandwidth should be considered while implementing client side state management options because they involve in each roundtrip to server. Example: Cookies are exchanged between client and server for each page request. Cookie: A cookie is a small piece of text stored on user's computer. Usually, information is stored as namevalue pairs. Cookies are used by websites to keep track of visitors. Every time a user visits a website, cookies are retrieved from user machine and help identify the user. Server Side State management: As name implies, state information will be maintained on the server. Application, Session, Cache and Database are different mechanisms for storing state on the server. Care must be taken to conserve server resources. For a high traffic web site with large number of concurrent users, usage of sessions object for state management can create load on server causing performance degradation.

Week No. : 3 Day: 17 Date: 17 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): Cookie

DiscussionHeld: A cookie is a small piece of text stored on user's computer. Usually, information
is stored as name-value pairs. Cookies are used by websites to keep track of visitors. Every time a user visits a website, cookies are retrieved from user machine and help identify the user. Let's see an example which makes use of cookies to customize web page.
if (Request.Cookies["UserId"] != null) lbMessage.text = "Dear" + Request.Cookies["UserId"].Value + ", Welcome to our website!"; else lbMessage.text = "Guest,welcome to our website!";

If you want to store client's information use the below code





Cookies can be disabled on user browsers Cookies are transmitted for each HTTP request/response causing overhead on bandwidth Inappropriate for sensitive data

Week No. : 4 Day: 18 Date: 19 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): Caching

Discussion Held: ASP.NET provides two types of caching that you can use to create highperformance Web applications. The first is called output caching, which allows you to store dynamic page and user control responses on any HTTP 1.1 cache-capable device in the output stream, from the originating server to the requesting browser. On subsequent requests, the page or user control code is not executed; the cached output is used to satisfy the request. The second type of caching is traditional application data caching, which you can use to programmatically store arbitrary objects, such as data sets, to server memory so that your application can save the time and resources it takes to recreate them. through the querystring, the page output for a particular category of books is the same for all users. ASP.NET provides support for "caching" which will help us solve this problem to a great extend. It can cache [store in memory] the output generated by a page and will serve this cached content for future requests. And this is useful only in the second scenario described earlier, where the page content is the same for all requests [user-independent]. The caching feature is customizable in various ways and we will see how we can do that as we go through this article. Cache.Insert("Name", strName, new CacheDependency(Server.MapPath("name.txt"), DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(2), TimeSpan.Zero);

Week No. : 4 Day: 19 Date: 20 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): Session

Discussion Held:
Sessions can be used to store even complex data for the user just like cookies. Actually, sessions will use cookies to store the data, unless you explicitly tell it not to. Sessions can be used easily in ASP.NET with the Session object. We will re-use the cookie example, and use sessions instead. Keep in mind though, that sessions will expire after a certain amount of minutes, as configured in the web.config file. Markup code:

%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" Inherits="_Default" %>


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" > <head runat="server"> <title>Sessions</title> </head> <body runat="server" id="BodyTag"> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:DropDownList runat="server" id="ColorSelector" autopostback="true" onselectedindexchanged="ColorSelector_IndexChanged"> <asp:ListItem value="White" selected="True">Select color...</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem value="Red">Red</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem value="Green">Green</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem value="Blue">Blue</asp:ListItem> </asp:DropDownList> </form> </body> </html>

Week No. : 4 Day: 20 Date: 21 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): Database SQL SERVER 2008

Discussion Held: The previous version of SQL Server, SQL Server 2008,was released (RTM)
on August 6, 2008 and aims to make data management self-tuning, self organizing, and self maintaining with the development of SQL Server Always On technologies, to provide near-zero downtime. SQL Server 2008 also includes support for structured and semi-structured data, including digital media formats for pictures, audio, video and other multimedia data. In current versions, such multimedia data can be stored as BLOBs (binary large objects), but they are generic bitstreams. Intrinsic awareness of multimedia data will allow specialized functions to be performed on them. According to Paul Flessner, senior Vice President, Server Applications, Microsoft Corp., SQL Server 2008 can be a data storage backend for different varieties of data: XML, email, time/calendar, file, document, spatial, etc as well as perform search, query, analysis, sharing, and synchronization across all data types. SQL Server 2008 R2 includes a number of new services, including PowerPivot for Excel and SharePoint, Master Data Services, StreamInsight, ReportBuilder 3.0, Reporting Services Add-in for SharePoint, a Data-tier function in Visual Studio that enables packaging of tiered databases as part of an application, and a SQL Server Utility named UC (Utility Control Point), part of AMSM (Application and Multi-Server Management) that is used to manage multiple SQL Servers.

Week No. : 4 Day: 21 Date: 22 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): ADO.Net Architecture

Discussion Held: ADO.NET is a data access technology from Microsoft .Net Framework , which
provides communication between relational and non-relational systems through a common set of components . ADO.NET consist of a set of Objects that expose data access services to the .NET environment. ADO.NET is built for disconnected architecture , so it enables truly disconnected Data Access and Data Manipulation through its Dataset Object, which is completely independent from the Data Source.

Week No. : 4 Day: 22 Date: 23 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): Data Set

Discussion Held:
Dataset provides a disconnected representation of result sets from the Data Source, and it is completely independent from the Data Source. Dataset provides much greater flexibility when dealing with related Result Sets. Dataset consists of a collection of Data Table objects that you can relate to each other with Data Relation objects. The Data Table contains a collection of Data Row and DataCoulumn Object which contains Data. The Data Adapter Object provides a bridge between the Dataset and the Data Source.

Week No. : 4 Day: 23 Date: 24 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): Data Adapter

Discussion Held: A Data Adapter plays a vital role in the ADO.NET architecture. It sits between
a data source and a dataset and passes data from the data source to the dataset, and vice versa, with or without using commands. Now is the time you'll be using disconnected classes such as Dataset, Data Table, Data View, and DataViewManager to write Windows Forms and Web Forms based interactive database GUI applications.

Week No. : 5 Day: 25 Date: 26 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): Grid

Discussion Held:
GridView totally supports 6 field types, they are: 1. BoundField, 2. CheckBoxField, 3. ButtonField, 4. CommandField, 5. HyperlinkField, 6. ImageField and 7. TemplateField 1. Create a Web site 2. Open the Default.aspx page in design view and drag a GridView control onto it.

Week No. : 5 Day: 26 Date: 27 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): Server Controls

Discussion Held: ASP.NET has solved the "spaghetti-code" problem described above with server
controls. Server controls are tags that are understood by the server. There are three kinds of server controls:

Validation Server Controls - For input validation

ASP.NET - HTML Server Controls HTML server controls are HTML tags understood by the server. HTML elements in ASP.NET files are, by default, treated as text. To make these elements programmable, add a runat="server" attribute to the HTML element. This attribute indicates that the element should be treated as a server control. The id attribute is added to identify the server control. The id reference can be used to manipulate the server control at run time. In the following example we declare an HtmlAnchor server control in an .aspx file. Then we manipulate the HRef attribute of the HtmlAnchor control in an event handler (an event handler is a subroutine that executes code for a given event). The Page_Load event is one of many events that ASP.NET understands: <script runat="server"> Sub Page_Load link1.HRef="" End Sub </script> <html> <body> <form runat="server"> <a id="link1" runat="server">Visit W3Schools!</a> </form> </body> </html>

Week No. : 5 Day: 27 Date: 28 / 07 /2010

Topic (Problem): Validation Server Controls Discussion Held: Validation server controls are used to validate user-input. If the user-input does
not pass validation, it will display an error message to the user. Each validation control performs a specific type of validation (like validating against a specific value or a range of values). By default, page validation is performed when a Button, Image Button, or Link Button control is clicked. You can prevent validation when a button control is clicked by setting the Causes Validation property to false. The syntax for creating a Validation server control is: <asp:control_name id="some_id" runat="server" /> In the following example we declare one TextBox control, one Button control, and one RangeValidator control in an .aspx file. If validation fails, the text "The value must be from 1 to 100!" will be displayed in the RangeValidator control:

Week No. : 5 Day: 28 Date: 29 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): Client Control Discussion Held: The new state management and post back features of ASP.NET are indeed very
exciting. They provide developers with a whole new range of mechanisms for producing dynamic web pages. The ability to write your own custom controls takes that ability to a whole new level allowing you to write a control with custom functionality that can easily be reused in multiple pages by simply defining custom tags, similar to any other HTML element.

namespace Spotu { public class hii : Control { protected override void Render ( HtmlTextWriter writer ) { writer.Write(@" <script> function hii() { document.all('_msg').innerText = 'hii'; } </script>"); writer.Write("<button onclick='javascript:hii()'>" + "Click Me</button>"); writer.Write("<div id=_msg></div>"); } } }

Week No. : 5 Day: 29 Date: 30 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): Container Control Discussion Held: A graphical interface is easier to use when related controls and information are
presented in groups. By putting controls into a container type of control, you can control them as an entity for example, hiding or showing them. You can also use a container control to create a diverse appearance for a group of controls.ASP.NET Web controls for grouping components include:

Panel - use it when you want to mimic the TPanel Delphi (Win32) component Placeholder - use it when you want to mimic the TPanel Delphi (Win32) component, BUT without any visual output of the TPanel itself Table (with TableRow and TableCell) - one could think of a Table ASP.NET component as a TStringGrid (or Drawbridge) Win32 Delphi component.

Table, Table Row, Table Cell Table, Table Row, Table Cell map to the standard TABLE, TR and TD HTML elements, and are designed to allow the creation and management of tables. In general, the Table Cell is a *valid* container type go control. To add controls to a Table Cell you must first place a Table cell into a Table Row that is added to the Rows collection of a Table control.

Week No. : 5 Day: 30 Date: 31 /07 /2010

Topic (Problem): Data Source Controls Discussion Held: Data Source controls are new server controls that performs the core task of
connecting to a data source, handles all database related tasks like reading, writing and updating the data. It acts as coordinator between underlying different physical data sources at data access layer and data bound controls like Grid View, Data Grid at presentation layer. These new Data Source controls are built with features like sorting, paging, editing and updating data directly in data source. You can seamlessly integrate these features into your application with out writing any custom code. Voila, it's beautiful. Don't you think so! We will discuss capabilities and worthiness of new Data Source controls available in ASP.NET 2.0. I am limiting my discussion to only significant controls which happen to be the following given ones.

ObjectDataSource control SiteMapDataSource control XMLDataSource control

ObjectDataSource control This new Data Source control represents a middle-tier business object in a multi-tier application. It acts as a data interface for data bound controls such as Grid View controls. It enables data bound controls to perform database tasks like retrieval, editing and updating using intermediate middle-tier business object. It provides a structured way for you to bind data bound controls on page to middletier business object. You can declaratively bind data bound controls to business objects without writing single piece of code using ObjectDataSource control.

Week No. : 6 Day: 31 Date: 02 /08 /2010

Topic (Problem): Operations supported by ObjectDataSource control Discussion Held:

Selection: Set the SelectMethod property to business object method which retrieves data.

Sorting: Set the SortParameterName Property to parameter which is part of sort criteria. Filtering: Set the FilterExpression to a filtering expression. Updating: Set the UpdateMethod to business object method that performs updation. Deleting: Set the DeleteMethod to business object method that performs deletion. Inserting: Set the InsertMethod to business object method that performs insertion.

Below figure should give an idea of above properties. You can specify parameters for any of these methods using corresponding parameters collections.

ObjectDataSource control

ObjectDataSource control supports sorting and paging capabilities by passing sort and page information requests from a data bound control. ObjectDataSource control can also cache objects returned by business objects.

Week No. : 6 Day: 32 Date: 03 /08 /2010

Topic (Problem): Navigation Controls Discussion Held: Any website that is composed of more than one page needs some sort of
navigation user interface. A navigation user interface might be as simple as static hyperlinks to the other pages in the site, or might involve the use of menus or trees. But before a navigation user interface can be created for a site, the site's logical structure must first be defined. (This logical structure is often referred to as a site map.) For example, a website like is arranged into various sections by product line, like Books, Electronics, Computers, DVDs, and so on. Each of these sections may have sub-sections. Books is broken down into categories like Accessories, Books on CD, Novels, History, Romance, and so on. Typically, these logical structures form a hierarchy of sorts. The screenshot below shows an abbreviated version of's site map.

Week No. : 6 Day: 33 Date: 04 / 08 /2010

Topic (Problem): ): Navigation Controls (Menus) Discussion Held: The Multitier control is a container for a group of View controls. It allows you
to define a group of View controls, where each View control contains child controls. Your application can then render a specific View control to the client based on criteria such as user identity, user preferences, and information passed in a query-string parameter. You can also use the Multitier control to create wizards. In this scenario, each View control contained in a Multitier control represents a different step or page in the wizard. You should also use this control to develop multiple-screen applications for mobile devices. This control provides the same functionality as the ASP.NET mobile Form control in .NET Framework version 1.1. You can define the active view declaratively or programmatically. Setting the ActiveViewIndex property declaratively when you define the Multitier control causes the View control that is set as the active view to render to the client the first time the Multitier control is called.
<asp:Menu ID="Menu1" runat="server" CssClass="MenuStyle" Orientation="Horizontal" Width="600px" onmenuitemclick="Menu1_MenuItemClick" ForeColor=White Font-Italic="true"> Page load event: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DateTimeLabel.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString(); if (Page.IsPostBack == false) { MyMenu.Items[0].Selected = true; } }

Week No. : 6 Day: 34 Date:05 /08 /2010

Topic (Problem): ): File Uploading Discussion Held: The requirements for an HTML form to be able to upload files are very simple:
you have to use multipart/form-data encryption and you have to use method of post. <form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server" enctype="multipart/form-data"> HTML input control that is used to upload file has a simple type of file. <input id="filMyFile" type="file" runat="server"> This is all that needs to be done to an HTML form for a client to be able to submit a file to your ASP.NET application. Receiving Uploaded Files <INPUT TYPE="file" corresponds to the System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputFile type of object on the server side. So if you, like myself, are using a CodeBehind architecture for your page you will have a member field definition similar to this in your class: protected HtmlInputFile filMyFile; HtmlInputFile classes have a few different properties, but the only one that really concerns us here is PostedFile. This property will tell us all we need to know about the file that had been uploaded to our server. The PostedFile property is null if no file was submitted by a client. So, we can simply check whether a file was sent by doing something like this: if( filMyFile.PostedFile != null ) { // File was sent } else { // No file

Week No. : 6 Day: 35 Date:06 /08 /2010

Topic (Problem):Application of ASP.NET Discussion Held: ASP.NET improves on the type of application that developers could use in
classic ASP, and adds a new application, called a webservice. Read this article to learn more about the new application, which lets clients use the functionality of a particular application without needing to use the application's specific user interface. ASP.NET Web Applications The ASP.NET Web Application is the type of application most developers will work with on a regular basis. The terminology comes from the description used in the Visual Studio .NET environment to describe the project type used to create this type of application. You may also hear this type of application described as an ASP.NET Web Forms Application. For reasons well explore in the next chapter, we prefer the former term. A simple ASP.NET page <%@ Page Language="VB" %> <html> <head> <title>Simple ASP.NET Page</title> <script runat="server"> Sub Page_Load() Message.Text = "Hello, world!" End Sub </script> </head> <body>

Week No. : 6 Day: 36 Date: 07 /08 /2010

Topic (Problem):Web Services Discussion Held: Web Services allow programmers to easily solve one of the fundamental
problems facing many programmers today: how to get information from "here" to "there". Over the years there have been many different ways to move data between systems (including FTP, ODBC, Mapped Drives, DCOM, etc) but no previous method has successfully bridged the "ease of use", "open standards", and "scalability" issues as successfully as that of Web Services. Web Services are easy to code, based on open XML standards, and can be scaled both up and out in the same manner that IIS web servers are (by adding more processing power to existing hardware or adding additional servers in a web farm layout). Web Services, like COM objects, give you the ability to create blocks of logic and make them available to both yourself and other programmers. Multi-Platform Although championed by Microsoft, Web Services are by no means a Microsoft-only technology. One prime benefit of building a Web Service is that it may be consumed by other programmers regardless of their platform (Mac, Unix, Linux, PocketPC, etc). All data is sent through XML to the calling system. In this way you can continue to use VB.NET, C#, VB6, etc as your programming language of choice even though your business partners may be using PERL, PHP, or Java to connect to your systems. However, this article will focus exclusively on VB.NET as the programming language of choice. Identifying a Web Service in Code Marking a class as a Web Service in VB.NET is as simple as adding the identifier <WebMethod()> immediately before your class definition. Since no changes are required in your main code the migration path to Web Service development is relatively straightforward.

Week No. : 6 Day: 37 Date: 09 /08/2010

Topic (Problem):Crystal Report Discussion Held: Crystal Report of Visual Studio .NET is the standard reporting tool for Visual
Studio .NET. Youcan host reports on web and windows platform and can publish reports as Report Web services on the web server. It is based on framework of Crystal Report 8.0 and uses open and flexible architecture, with standards like XML, to allow porting reports over the web. Using crystal report expert you can choose report layouts, display charts, calculate summaries, subtotals as grouped data as well as conditionally format text and rotate text objects. Although Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET supports variety of data source like ADO recordset, CDO recordset, DAO recordset, MS Excel workbook, this walkthrough endeavor to explain How to report off ADO.NET DataSet using Visual Basic .NET. 1. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the project name, point to Add, and click Add New Item. 2. In the Categories area of the Add New Item dialog box, expand the folder and select Data. 3. In the Templates area, select Dataset. 4. Accept the default name Dataset1.xsd.

This creates a new schema file that will be used to generate a strongly typed dataset. The schema file will be displayed in ADO.NET Dataset designer. 5. In the Solutions Explorer, click on Dataset1.xsd file, if now already the active view. 6. From the Server Explore, on the right connect to SQL Server and drill down to Northwind Database. 4. Crystal Report Gallery will be displayed, as shown below.

5. You can choose from any of the options provided in Crystal Report Gallery. purpose of this walkthrough choose As a Blank Report and click OK. 6. On File menu, click Save to save the report. 7. Right click in the Report Designer, point to Database, and click Add/Remove Database. 8. Youll be presented with Database Expert wizard. 9. In the Database Expert wizard, expand the Project Data folder, expand the ADO.NET

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