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Satellite Tracking System

Tracking of satellite provides the most vital information

about its position and its orbit in space. Tracking is very much essential not

only during its launch for initial critical maneuvers but even after launch to

maintain it assigned slot in space. An effort has been made in this paper to

present various basic techniques of satellite tracking and their merits. A brief

description of precision tracking system has been also presented.

Govt. Poly. Khamgaon.

Satellite Tracking System

When satellite is launched from the launch pad, the most

important requirement is to find out the exact position of the satellite in its

orbit. For that it is essential that it is tracked. Tracking is the process of

determining the location, radial velocity, direction of motion of satellite.

Also the tracking is not only important during launching but even after

launch to maintain it is assigned slot in space. Actually tracking involve the

collection of following data about the satellite

i) Range of a satellite

ii) Azimuth angle

iii) Elevation angle

iv) Velocity of satellite

This data is collected continuously & processed from the

processed data, the position of satellite can be determined and its future

position can be predicted with some accuracy.

Satellite Tracking helps in -

i) Pin pointing the position of satellite in space.

ii) Pointing the tele-command (TC) and Telemetry (TM) antenna in the

direction of satellite for commanding the space-craft or receiving the

signal from it.

iii) Determining the instants for orbit corrections where thrusters can be

fired for orbit corrections.

Govt. Poly. Khamgaon.

Satellite Tracking System



The orbit of a satellite used for communication purpose

has special significance. Such satellite are called gee-stationary and these

have to maintained geo-stationary at all the costs. The two main problems

with the communication satellite regarding their orbit are as -

i) Launching and putting the satellite in desired geo-stationary orbit.

ii) To maintain it in desired slot in that orbit which is known as ‘Station


Once the satellite is launched in the geostationary orbit,

it has to be parked there till its whole life and to maintain it in assigned clot,

the tracking of satellite is necessary.

There are several standard techniques for keeping the

satellite at exact location in its orbit. This avoids the unnecessary losses of

information transmitted by satellite. That is why the tracking of a satellite is

very much important.

Actually tracking of satellite starts much before it is

launched into space. At launch pad the rocket is first tracked by the radar.

When the rocket is fired, radar keeps it tracking and once the satellite is

separated from the rocket, the key systems on the satellite is turns on. Then

radio-tracking of a satellite starts using its own downlink signals. All the

decisions such as, to open the solar panels towards the sun, pointing the

Govt. Poly. Khamgaon.

Satellite Tracking System

satellite antenna towards the earth, even of firing the thrusters for orbit

adjustment, these all decisions depends upon available tracking of satellite is

required to maintain it in desired orbit. Because there may change in the

orbit due to disbalancing of a satellite which can be caused by several factors

such as gravitation force from the sun, moon and planets, solar pressure

acting as antennas and earth's magnetic field etc. Due to this reason while

working with the communication satellite earth station antenna, must be

pointed toward satellite within same accuracy. Otherwise it would have

result in the antenna pointing loss and we will not be able to get maximum

signal from the satellite. For that some antenna tracking systems are used.

For tracking of geostationary satellite within accuracy of ±0.1 0 , in its

longitudinal slot certain corrections in it location against the different

variations in the orbit are carried out. These corrections causes slight change

in look angles of the ground station antennas. Hence antenna has to be

properly monitored for the maximum signal. These are several methods,

available for tracking the antenna of ground station.

e.g. i) Step-tracking

ii) Monopulse tracking

But for satellite tracking, there are two basic techniques -

These are i) Radio tracking system

ii) Optical tracking system

Govt. Poly. Khamgaon.

Satellite Tracking System


The radio-tracking system uses the in-formation

contained in the radio signal transmitted by satellite itself to ground station.

Basically radio-tracking system is used to measure the range, range-rate

angular measurements of the satellite. This system basically consists of a

transmitter system, a receiving system and a tracking signal processor,


The principle of range measurement depends on the

measurement of delay of time between the transmitted wave and its reception

at particular instant.

There are two ways of Range measurement.

i) One Way Ranging :-

In one way ranging system, the time delay of a radio

signal transmitted from space-craft is measured at ground station. The time

of transmission should be accurately known.

ii) Two Way Ranging :-

The round trip time delay of e radio wave transmitted

from the ground station to a satellite and back to the ground station.

Govt. Poly. Khamgaon.

Satellite Tracking System

2.1.1 One Way Ranging :-

In one way ranging a satellite carries a radio source or a

beacon, through which ranging signal is transmitted to the ground station.

For one way ranging the down link frequency and the

time at which the signal is transmitted from the satellite must be

accurately known. Then the time required to reach this signal at ground

station is measured. From this the range of a satellite can be calculated as

follows -


Where R = Range in Km

C = Velocity of radiowave in free space

\ = Time delay suffered by radio signal

2.1.2 Two Way Ranging :-

In this system, the ranging signal transmitted by the

ground station to the satellite. The signal may be processed or may not be

processed on the satellite. After that it is transmitted by the satellite to

earth station. The round time trip time delay of ranging signal is

measured. The angle of satellite, then given as-

R = C \ /2

Where C, \ & R have the usual notations as before.

Govt. Poly. Khamgaon.

Satellite Tracking System


For measuring the range rate of a satellite radio-tracking

system utilizes the significance of ‘Doppler Effect’. When a radio

source moves with respect to observer its frequency appears to change as it

approaches or moves away from it. This is trailed as ‘Doppler effect’ and

this apparent change in frequency is called as ‘Doppler frequency’.

The doppler or range rate depends upon radial velocity and orbit of the

satellite with respect to ground station. The doppler frequency f d is given as-

fd = fR – fT

= V r f T /C

Where f d = Doppler frequency

f R = Frequency of received signal

f T = Frequency of radio source

V r = Radial velocity of the satellite with respect to ground


The doppler frequency can be found out by counting the

frequency of satellite signal between the two instants in the desired interval

of the orbit.

Thus the radial velocity of satellite is computed by using

the doppler frequency and position of satellite is fixed.


Govt. Poly. Khamgaon.

Satellite Tracking System

For angle measurement two receiving system. A and B

are used which are separated by some known distance which is multiple of

signal wavelength. At both the system the phase difference at a radio

-signal from the satellite is measured. Due to different path lengths

travelled by radio wave the phase measured at antenna A would be different

with respect to reference antenna B. This phase difference is used to

compute the angle α as follows -

α = cos -1 [φ \ / 2π]

Where φ = Phase difference due to extra path travelled by signal with

respect to station B.

\ = Signal wavelength


This measurement provide the information about the

angle of arrival of the signal i.e. elevation angle but they don't tell in which

direction to look for the rising satellite. To obtain this direction another

set of two receiving systems are used at angles to the line joining the A and

Govt. Poly. Khamgaon.

Satellite Tracking System

B. Thus two direction cosine will be known which would provide third

direction cosine. Using them angular position of the satellite can be



The monopulse radar provides azimuth and elevation

position of the satellite in the space. These angular values are fed to the

ground station antenna servomotor so that it tracks closely the movement of

satellite in space.

The system consists of two pairs of feed points located

on the antenna. One pair is in the horizontal plane and other pair is in

vertical plane placed symmetrically from the central axis of antenna. The

horizontal and vertical feeds provides azimuth and elevation information

respectively. If the target is exactly located on the beam axis then the signal

received at all the four feed is came. But target located to one side of beam

axis produced strong signal in one feed than other. The difference in the

signal strength measured in horizontal feeds provides azimuth

information while that measured between vertical feeds provides the

elevation information. The some of the two signals provides net strength of

the target and is used as a reference. These error voltage direct the movement

of ground station antenna in the direction of satellite signal.

Govt. Poly. Khamgaon.

Satellite Tracking System


As the earth station antenna is subjected to wind loading

effects and there is a drift in the orbit of the satellite as mentioned before,

an antenna tracking system is necessary for large diameter antenna to

minimize the pointing error which is also called as antenna pointing


As shown in Fig. the maximum gain of a antenna can be

achieved if the antenna beam is pointed accurately towards the satellite.

A loss in gain can occur, if the antenna pointing vector is not in line with

satellite position vector. To avoid such a loss antenna trackingsystem is


Basically antenna tracking system is close loop pointing

system i.e. antenna pointing vector which is the function of azimuth and

elevation angles is derived from received signal. In step tracking the

antenna pointing vector is derived from the signal strength of a satellite

beacon signal.


Generally all the tracking system works in two modes

i) Search mode

ii) Track mode

Govt. Poly. Khamgaon.

Satellite Tracking System

i ) Search Mode :-

At first the approximate satellite position is fixed with

the azimuth, elevation data and antenna is move to four positions of the

satellite as shown in Fig.


∆EL(offset in elevation)

offset in AZimuth

Let these positions are A, B, C and D reap. The average

signal strength is measured at these four points by taking several samples.

For scanning, the antenna may rotated in helical -fashion, that is antenna

must be rotated simultaneously in horizontal and vertical plane. This way

antenna covers a whole vertical range once in every 'n' horizontal rotations.

Thus the system determines the average signal at these -four points. Let

these be S A , S B , S C , S D respectively.

Govt. Poly. Khamgaon.

Satellite Tracking System

Thus in search mode small range of azimuth and

elevation angle is determined in which the target can be found out. The exact

position is not determined.

ii) Track Mode :-

In the above Fig. the centre of square ABCD

corresponds to assumed satellite position. Thus if the satellite position

vector is aligned with antenna pointing vector, the amplitude of beacon

signal received at each of four points A, B, C and D will be equal. Therefore

by comparing the average amplitude of A and B with that of C and D, the

difference in elevation error can be found out. Similarly by comparing the

average amplitude of A and D with that of B and C, the azimuth angle error

can be determined.

If the value of ( S B + S C ) > (S A + S D ) and

( S A + S B ) > (S C + S D ) then system commands the antenna to move in one


But if the value of ( S B + S C ) > (S A + S D ) and

( S A + S B ) > (S C + S D ) then system commands the antenna to move in

another direction and accordingly origin is selected. Before each shift in

origin a check is made to see whether the real origin is approached or not.

This check can be made by comparing ( S B + S C ) -  (S A + S D ) and

 ( S A + S B )  -  (S C + S D )  with some threshold signal level called as s.

This threshold is selected as low as possible. When the above difference in

Govt. Poly. Khamgaon.

Satellite Tracking System

some average levels of signals becomes less than s, no further correction is

done on the origin and precision step track is said to be completed. Then

antenna is commanded to move to the corrected origin and it is locked to that

position till next correction is initiated.

Govt. Poly. Khamgaon.

Satellite Tracking System


In many studies or application, the position of satellite is

required to the known very accurately. In such cases other tracking systems

such as -

i) Optical tracking system

ii) Laser tracking system

are used.


The position of a satellite can also be determined by

tracking it optically. In this tracking system special type of cameras are used

to take the photograph of satellite. There are several optical stations spread

all over the world. These stations are used with Baker-Nunn-Cameras. These

cameras have field view of 30 0 along the track of satellite and 5 0 in the

direction at right angle to it. It has special mirror 30 inches in diameter with

some special mounting so that camera can be pointed in any desired location.

Approximate position of satellite must be known so that camera may be

pointed in that direction. The satellite track is photographed in the different

segments against the background of fixed stars using a rotating shutter which

allows the light from the space-craft at regular intervals. A series of

exposures of the moving target is taken on the same plate. From the

photograph taken at different stations a satellite path and its angle are

computed with respect to known stars in background. The photographs are

Govt. Poly. Khamgaon.

Satellite Tracking System

taken at dawn and dusk, when the satellite is in illuminated condition with

sun’s ray just below the horizon and the background stars are visible.


Laser can also be used for tracking of satellite. The laser

beam is highly directional and narrow. The spreading of beam is very less as

compare to radio-wave. The laser beam is flashed to satellite at certain fixed

rate with the help of telescope, A number of small angular reflector are

attached to the body of satellite. The laser beam projected towards satellite

will be reflected back from these reflector to the ground station while some

gets scattered in other directions. At ground station the time between

transmission of signal and upto that it is received is measured and from this

the range of satellite can be determined. As most of the incident energy is

reflected back from the satellite, a transponder or repeater is not required.

Optical tracking with laser beam is much more accurate than radio-tracking

system. The major drawback of this system is that they depends on light and

weather conditions.

Govt. Poly. Khamgaon.

Satellite Tracking System

Tracking of satellite is very essential requirement, during

the launching of satellite as well as during its working period. For satellite

tracking mainly the radio-tracking systems are used. But for specific

missions where more accurate orbit determination is required, a laser or

optical tracking systems are used. For such a missions precision tracking

system can also be used.

Govt. Poly. Khamgaon.

Satellite Tracking System


1] Ha T. T. "Digital Satellite Communication",

Mac-millan Publishing Corporation, New York.

2] Dr. D. C. Agrawal, "Satellite Communication",

Khanna Publishers.

3] S. N. Prasad "Satellite Tracking System",

S. Pal IETE Students Journal, Vol.-36.

4] K. A. Krishnamurthy, "A Microprocessor Based Precision

Step Tracking System",

IETE Technical Review, Vol.-II

Govt. Poly. Khamgaon.

Satellite Tracking System

Actually tracking involve the collection of following

data about the satellite

1. Range of a satellite

2. Azimuth angle

3. Elevation angle

4. Velocity of satellite


i) Pin pointing the position of satellite in space.

ii) Pointing the tele-command (TC) and Telemetry (TM)

antenna in the direction of satellite for commanding

the space-craft or receiving the signal from it.

iii) Determining the instants for orbit corrections where

thrusters can be fired for orbit corrections.

For satellite tracking, there are two basic techniques-

Govt. Poly. Khamgaon.

Satellite Tracking System

These are


a) Range Measurement

One way Ranging

Two way Ranging

b) Range Rate Measurement

c) Angle Measurement

Monopulse Radar





Govt. Poly. Khamgaon.

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