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Course LPN 101

Introduction to Nursing Southeast Technical Institute Syllabus

4 Credits Fall 2011

Lecture Instructor: Ms. Shannon Wright


Lecture Class Time: MW 8:00-9:50 am Section 1 MW 1:00-2:50 pm Section 2 Lecture Location: HC 227 & HC 125

Lab Instructors: Ms. Shannon Wright HC-207 Mrs. Jeanette Saugstad HC 207

Lab Class Time: T- 8:00 am-4:00 pm Th-8:00 am-4:00 pm F- 8:00 am-4:00 pm Lab Location:

Section 1 Section 2 Section 3

HC 144/145

FAX: E-mail: Telephone: E-mail: Telephone:

(605) 367-5724

(605) 367-4833

Office Hours: Office Hours:

As posted As posted

(605) 367-5693

I. Catalog Description The focus of this course is to introduce students to the foundations of nursing that can be used throughout their careers. The student will be introduced to the nature of nursing; personal and environmental health; developmental stages of the life cycle; nutrition, the nursing process, safety in the health care setting and client care and also provide an overview of basic pharmacology. Students will learn the administration of medication injections with concern for safety and precision. The nursing process, as well as patient teaching, is also stressed in this course to maximize the potential of reaching the therapeutic goal. The Introduction to Nursing lab is a vital part of the LPN students education in which skills are demonstrated, practiced, and tested (performed). II. Course Prerequisites None III.Description of Instructional Methods Southeast Technical Institute values a student-centered learning environment, which nurtures intellectual and social development. Southeast instructors have designed their general education courses to utilize a variety of instructional methods.

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Course LPN 101

Introduction to Nursing Southeast Technical Institute Syllabus

4 Credits Fall 2011

This course includes the following: Course readings Collaborative learning groups Lecture Discussion Modeling of learning activities Demonstrations IV. Course Requirements a. Required textbook(s) and other materials Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing, 3nd Edition, DeWit Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing, Student Learning Guide, 3nd Edition, DeWit Student Nurse Planner, A Guide to Success in Nursing School, Version 5 DeWit Math for Meds, Dosage & Solutions, 10th Edition, Curren & Munday Procedure Checklists for Fundamentals of Nursing, Wilkinson & Van Leuven Calculating Drug Dosages, 2nd Edition, McCullough & Martinez de Castillo Fundamentals of Nursing Skills video, Wilkinson & Van leuvens Laptop Computer ATI On-line testing/CDs and text books Basic Calculator b. Supplementary materials Lab materials needed for skills lab 1. Scrubs-any color (NO LOW RISE) should not be able to see underwear when bending over 2. Name tag 3. Watch with second hand 4. Hair shoulder length or longer, needs to be tied back 5. Do not wear open toe shoes 6. No jewelry except wedding or engagement ring 7. No piercings and tattoos must be covered c. Class attendance policy

Punctuality and attendance is essential for the successful completion of the course. One absence per credit hour is normally allowed before absences can reduce grades. However, due to the accelerated nature of the lecture portion for this course, students are allowed half the number of absences that would be allowed for a full semester course. This class for the lecture portion: 2 credits lecture equals 1 absence, for the lab portion 2 credits lab equals 1 absence. Documentation of the attendance is as follows: Present = 1; Tardy or leaving early, sleeping in class = 0.66; absent = 0. If a student missed one half of a class period that is considered an absence and a 0 for attendance that day. In all cases of absence, it is the responsibility of the student to make up work that is missed (prior to the absence 2 of 9

Course LPN 101

Introduction to Nursing 4 Credits Southeast Technical Institute Syllabus Fall 2011 when possible, please). Procedure for make-up tests will be arranged according to health team policy. Any student missing a test has 1 week to arrange to make up the test. Make-up tests scheduled during make up times. The following criteria will be used for grading of make up tests: 1st test made upno grading penalty given 2nd test made upmaximum grade will be 93% 3rd test and any subsequent tests made upmaximum grade will be 86% Any student not making up a test within one week will receive a 0 for that test. The student will show mastery by completing the daily work, quizzes, tests and lab skills with a minimum of 85% accuracy. Students must receive 85% in both the lecture and lab portions, and pass the Math for Meds final with 85%, in order to receive a passing grade for the Introduction to Nursing course and continue in the program. Classroom and/or Clinical Conduct The use of most electronic devices will not be allowed during lecture and/or clinical time. Examples of electronic devices include but are not limited to: cellular phones, i-Pods, MP3 players, blackberries, earphones, etc. Laptop computers may be used only with instructor permission. Only basic calculators use will be allowed. Disruptions such as loud talking during the instructor and/or peer presentation, excessive movement around the classroom, or other behavior deemed disrespectful or unprofessional will not be allowed. Food and drink is allowed in the classroom; however, each student is responsible for clearing their designated area of trash, etc. at the end of class. d. Cheating and plagiarism policy Students attending Southeast Technical Institute are expected to comply with all pertinent state laws and take personal responsibility for their conduct. Southeast policies authorize suspension or termination of any student from school for misconduct as outlined in the rules of this policy. The following student misconduct shall constitute grounds for student discipline, suspension, or termination when such activity occurs on school grounds or during an educational function under the auspices of the school board: acts of dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism or other forms of dishonesty relating to academic achievement. e. Make-up policy There will be no makeup on quizzes if absent from the class or lab. If a quiz is missed due to an absence or tardy it is a zero. Worksheets for the day missed cannot be made up so a zero will be given for preparation on the day missed. Assignments are deducted 5 points per class period late if not handed in by the due date, however if you are absent, assignments can be turned in the next class period with no penalty. It is the students responsibility to find out what they missed, and make up the work needed.

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Course LPN 101

Introduction to Nursing Southeast Technical Institute Syllabus

4 Credits Fall 2011

Lab Make- up policy

For Lab make up you must: 1. Read all material in your textbooks that was covered that day in lab and watch the video prior to lab make up. 2. Arrange with the instructor a time when they can provide supervised instruction time in the lab. 3. Practice the skills that were done that day in lab. Make arrangements with instructor to check off. (You must be completely ready to check off at that time. Practicing should be done prior to that time). 4. You must find one nursing journal article that pertains to the material missed and write a two page double spaced summary of that article. This must be turned in within one week of the missed lab or it will be a zero. The article must be a professional journal article and a copy must be turned in with your summary. 5. Missed check offs must be completed within two weeks of the missed check off or it will be a zero for that skill. Students are expected to turn in assignments on the day indicated in the course schedule. It will be subject to instructors discretion as to whether the assignment will be accepted late. The instructor will issue a grade of incomplete only for extenuating circumstances. No assignment will be accepted for grade after the final day of the course. f. Course Goals Course Objectives Upon completion of LPN 101, Introduction to Nursing, the student will be able to: Describe events in the history of nursing that has influenced the development of contemporary nursing. Discuss Florence Nightingales influence on modern nursing practice. List important milestones in the history of nursing. List five components of health and describe how each is attained. Explain the health-illness continuum. Discuss the different types of disease. Identify the five universal characteristics of families. Describe various types of family structure. Identify effective and ineffective coping patterns in families. 4 of 9

Course LPN 101

Introduction to Nursing 4 Credits Southeast Technical Institute Syllabus Fall 2011 List the characteristics and sequence of human growth and development. Describe Ericksons stages of psychosocial development. Explain the purposes of nutrients and list their six classes. List the major functions and dietary sources of carbohydrate; fat; protein; minerals; & fat and watersoluble vitamins. Explain the bodys need for water. Identify common modified diets, and explain the diet progression from liquid to regular. Explain the means of assisting people who are visually impaired, cannot swallow, or chew. Explain the use of the nursing process in nursing practice. Discuss the steps in the nursing assessment. Differentiate between subjective and objective data. Identify techniques used in the health interview. State the guidelines for documentation. Demonstrate correct charting methods, including recording documentation error. Explain how and when to report to nursing staff. Define microorganisms, pathogen, aerobe, and anaerobe. Explain three basic ways in which infectious diseases are transmitted to people. Name the components of the chain of infection. Define the nosocomial infection, and predisposal factors to this infection. List ways nurses can avoid contracting and spreading nosocomial infections. Discuss the purpose, use and components of Standard Precautions. Review arithmetic as applied to pharmacology. Explain percutaneous methods of drug administration. Discuss information from out of class sessions as it applies to a real world experience Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals Become proficient in the reduction of fraction Understand the relative value of decimals and rounding decimals to the nearest tenth and hundredth Multiply fractions and decimal equations Understand the basic units of the Metric/SI System Know the meaning of the prefixes and abbreviation of the Metric/SI units

g. Student Learning Outcomes Student success is important to STI faculty, and all faculty are involved in assessing student learning. Upon completion of the LPN program, Southeast graduates will have competence in the following four broad student outcomes: 1. Science & Technology: Technical competence including knowledge of technology and/or scientific principles as these apply to programs. 2. Problem Solving & Critical Thinking: The ability to select and use various approaches to solve a wide variety of problems scientific, mathematical, social and personal. Graduates will also be able to evaluate information from a variety of perspectives, analyze data and make appropriate judgments.

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Course LPN 101

Introduction to Nursing 4 Credits Southeast Technical Institute Syllabus Fall 2011 3. Communication: The ability to communicate effectively in several forms oral, written, nonverbal and interpersonal. Graduates will also demonstrate knowledge of how to manage and access information. 4. Professionalism: Strong work ethic, including responsible attendance; skill in teamwork and collaboration, as well as an ability to work with others, respecting diversity; ability to adapt to change; commitment to lifelong learning; adherence to professional standards; and positive selfesteem and integrity.

h. Evaluation Procedures a. Assessments The methods of evaluation and criteria for this course are: Lecture: Attendance Workbook Med cards Quizzes Exams Lab: Lab Performance/Skills Quizzes Handouts/Worksheets Cooperation and participation Math for Meds b. Grading policy

Letter Grade
A B C D F Grading Procedure:

100-95% 94-90% 89-85% 84-80% Below 79%

The lab grade will be part of the LPN 101 and equal 30%. A final lab grade of less than 85% in lab will result in failure of the Introduction to Nursing Lab regardless of the grade in Introduction to Nursing lecture. If lab is not passed, the student will not continue. The lab grade is broken down as follows: 40% = Skills Evaluations, 30% = Daily work, 20% = Math, 10% = Participation and Cooperation. Students will need to pass Math competency Final at 85% to pass the lab portion of the course. **Each skill must be performed until 100% accuracy is achieved. The grade will drop each time the skill is 6 of 9

Course LPN 101

Introduction to Nursing Southeast Technical Institute Syllabus

4 Credits Fall 2011

repeated for errors. 100% = 1st time no errors 95% = repeat skill x1 with no errors 85% = repeat skill x2 with no errors If a student does not pass a skill on the third attempt, that student will not pass lab. Skills must be completed in appropriate time frame as determined by faculty, and in compliance with industry standards. Final Course Grade: 30% = Unit Tests 30% = Lab Performance 15% = Daily Work, Quizzes 25% = Final Exam Final grades for this course are based on performance in both lecture portions of the course, Introduction to Nursing and Pharmacology, as well as the lab portion of the course. Students must pass both the lecture and lab portions of the course at 85% or higher to pass and continue in the LPN program. The Introduction to Nursing Lab is a vital part of the LPN students education in which skills are demonstrated, practiced, performed and tested. The class will reinforce patient care skills, teamwork skills, and respect for property, self and others. LAB MAINTENANCE IS EVERYONES RESPONSIBILITY! No one will be excused until the lab is ready for the next group. The material covered in this lab is a prerequisite to further studies in nursing including clinical experiences. Clinical placement is determined only after the student has been observed safely and consistently performing all required procedures in the specified time frames.

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Course LPN 101

Introduction to Nursing Southeast Technical Institute Syllabus

4 Credits Fall 2011

Students are expected to wear required lab attire starting 2 weeks after the first lab session in LPN 101. Students, who do not wear a nametag, watch with working second hand, or otherwise do not meet lab dress codes will receive a 0 for participation, cooperation, and uniform standards for that lab session. Instructors have the authority to send students home for frequent violations of dress code, behavior, or professional standards in lab. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. clean. 8 of 9 Student conduct will be professional at all times NO lab equipment may be taken out of the lab Do not begin procedure until instructed to do so by instructor Always use proper body mechanics when doing procedures No invasive procedures to be done without an instructor present Follow standard precautions at all times Never recap needles, do not walk around the room with needles Use of all equipment must always be professional Nametags to be worn during lab times Lab must be neat and orderly prior to leaving: linen must be refolded, equipment must be put Any injury including needle sticks must be reported immediately Students who report to class/lab after the consumption of alcohol or other drugs are subject to Any student displaying unprofessional behavior is subject to immediate dismissal from the class No opened toe shoes while in the lab Notify instructors of any allergies to lab materials such as latex, iodine, alcohol etc. Must wear scrubs of any color to lab. (NO LOW RISE SCRUB PANTS) Hair shoulder length or longer, must be tied back. No jewelry can be worn in the lab except engagement or wedding rings. All visible tattoos must be covered. No headbands, feathers, or non-hair type extensions. All piercings must be removed including tongue rings. Only clear nail polish is allowed. Nails must be no longer than the tip of the finger. Nails must be

(ex. needles, tourniquets, mannequins etc.)

away and tables must be cleaned prior to leaving the lab

suspension/ expulsion: notify administration and disciplinary action will occur.

Course LPN 101

Introduction to Nursing Southeast Technical Institute Syllabus No artificial nails are allowed.

4 Credits Fall 2011

23. The above rules apply to both clinical and lab. Failure to comply with these rules could result in students being sent home and a zero for the day.

i. ADA Statement The instructor in this course will act with integrity and strive to engage in equitable verbal and nonverbal behavior with respect to differences from age, gender, race, handicapping conditions, and religion. If you have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and need course materials in alternative formats, notify your instructor immediately. Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate your special needs. Violation of safety to self and others and/or violations of safe operating practices of equipment may result in: the reduction or loss of your daily grade; removal from class and/or other disciplinary action. j. Tentative Course Outline/Schedule Schedule: A Semester Itinerary will be distributed and is to be used as a general guide throughout the class. The course content from the Fundamental Concepts and Skills for Nursing from DeWit will be covered on Mondays & Wednesdays.

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