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Iliad and Odyssey

Greek Heroes ACHILLES the main hero in Iliad. He is the Greek hero with the vulnerable heel. Thetis, his mother, dipped him the River Styx when he was a baby, for him to become invulnerable, but his heel, where Thetis holds him remained untouched by the river. Thus, he died when Paris arrow, guided by Apollo, struck him in the heel. Achilles is also the youngest and the best among the Greek heroes, who fought against the Trojans. He led the Myrmidons in this war. ODYSSEUS the wise hero in the Odyssey. Although he didnt play a major ole in the Iliad, he is the main hero in the Odyssey, in which he travels from Troy (after sacking the city) to his own land, where his wife, son and father await for his return. Odysseus is the wisest among the Greek heroes, who fought against the Trojans. He is also the King of Ithaca. AGAMEMNON The head of the whole Greek fleet who fought against Troy. He is also the King of Mycenae. While on his way to Troy, he sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia to Artemis, for them to have a good voyage. When he returned home from Troy, his wife, Clytemnestra together with Aegisthus, avenged the death of their daughter by killing Agamemnon. MENELAUS the king of Lacedaimon and the husband of Helen. He is also Agamemnons brother. DIOMEDES the king of Argos. He is the hero who wounded two immortals in the battle: Aphrodite and Ares. PATROCLUS Achilles cousin and good friend. He was killed by Hector in the Trojan war. Trojan warriors HECTOR the eldest son of Priam. Hector, the best among the Trojan warriors, led the Trojans in the battle. When he killed Patroclus, Achilles sought vengeance for his friend, and thus, Achilles killed Hector. PARIS The cause of the Trojan war. He is a son of Priam and brother of Hector. Because of giving the golden apple of Discord to Aphrodite, the goddess gave him Helen as his wife. Also, because of this, he was hated by the goddesses whom he didnt choose as the fairest, Athena and Hera. He carried off Helen from Lacedaimon to Troy, and the Trojan War began. AENEAS The son of Aphrodite and Anchises. He led the Dardanians in the battle. Other Trojans PRIAM the king of Troy HECUBA The wife of Priam and the mother of Hector, Paris and Cassandra. CASSANDRA a daughter of Hecuba and Priam. She is a prophetess who speaks the truth but is not believed. She offended Apollo, and since the god could not take from her the gift of prophecy which he had bestowed, he took this means rendering the gift useless. She was killed by the jealous wife of Agamemnon, Clytemnestra. ANDROMACHE The wife of Hector Others HELEN The daughter of Zeus and Leda and the wife of Menelaus. She is said to be the most beautiful mortal. Aphrodite used her as a gift when Paris gave her the golden apple. PENELOPE Odysseus wife known for her wits TELEMACHUS Odysseus and Penelopes young son. When Odysseus left his family for Troy, Telemachus was still a child, but when Odysseus went back, his was already a man. Telemachus helped his father to kill the wooers of Penelope. LAERTES Odysseus old father CLYTEMNESTRA Agamemnons wife who made plans with her lover Aegisthus to kill Agamemnon. She did it to seek vengeance for daughter after being sacrificed to Artemis by Agamemnon for a good sail to Troy. Immortals who sided the Greeks in the Trojan War HERA her hatred of Troy sprouted from the Judgment of Paris, in which Paris didnt chose her as the fairest among the three goddesses (Hera, Athena and Aphrodite). She offered Power to Paris in exchange of the golden apple, yet she was not chosen.

ATHENA like Hera, Paris didnt gave her the golden apple, despite of offering him Wisdom. During the war, she was always beside some Greek Hero. She helped Odysseus on his journey in the Odyssey. HEPHAESTUS He sided the Greeks because Hera, his mother, sided the Greeks. He made the new armor of Achilles after Thetis asked him to make one. POSEIDON Although he is with the Greeks, he saved Aeneas, Aphrodites son, in his battle against Achilles. HERMES Immortals who sided the Trojans APOLLO in the first part of the Iliad, Apollos arrows of pestilence rained in the Greek camp for nine days. He also saved Aeneas from Diomedes and prevented Achilles from entering the Trojan gates by letting him fall in his trick ARES at first, he swore to his mother Hera that he will fight for the Greeks but Aphrodite pursued him into fighting for the Trojans. He, being the god of war, killed many of the Greeks but Diomedes, with the help of Athena, wounded him to make him stop. APHRODITE being the goddess whom Paris gave the golden apple and the mother of Aeneas, she fought for the Trojans. In the Judgment of Paris, she offered him Helen, and helped him in taking Helen to Troy. She saved Paris in his combat against Menelaus. Aphrodite was also wounded by Diomedes when she was saving her son Aeneas. ARTEMIS Immortals on Odysseus journey CIRCE the Immortal sorceress who turned Odysseus comrades into swines using her potion, but with Odysseus, with the help of Hermes, managed to turn his companions back to normal by tricking the goddess. CALYPSO - The goddess who kept Odysseus in her island for years Creatures on Odysseus journey POLYPHEMUS The Cyclops who brutally ate some of Odysseus comrades, but because of the heros wits, they managed to escape the horrible creature. Polyphemus is also a son of Poseidon, thus, the god punished Odysseus because Odysseus blinded the Cyclops. CHARYBDIS & SCYLLA two sea monsters who lived in caves on opposite sides of the straits of Messinia who devoured sailors from passing ships. Scylla was originally a beautiful nymph, who was given poison by Circe. She turned into a monster after taking the potion. Charybdis personified a dreadful whirpool.

Roman Gods and Goddesses

Bacchus - the god of wine. Ceres - the goddess of farming and the Earth. Cupid - the god of love. Diana - the goddess of the moon. Fortuna - the goddess of luck. Janus - the god of gates and doors. Juno - the queen of the gods. Jupiter - the king of the gods. Mars - the god of war. Mercury - the god of thieves, commerce and travelers. Neptune - the god of the sea. Pluto - god of the underworld.And all the riches under the earth. Venus - goddess of love and beauty. Vulcan - the god of fire, volcanoes and blacksmiths. Vulcan was seen as a blacksmith in the roman Belife

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