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From the hand of God comes the street man From God Jesus the Holy Spirit the

hand of God comes the street man of all human life to share Jesus with all people. Mike the holy human birth right street man from God of Jesus to reach all humanity about life with God. The truth of God is from the street man comes God right to human life freedom peace by birth right for all people. From the concrete life comes God street man giver of Jesus birth life truth for all human life on God earth. The street man from hell comes with God Jesus the Holy Spirit in truth peace freedom human rights for all people on God earth. Read the street man has been through the hell wars hunger battles of human life from God is this man of Jesus to reach out in holy human truth words for all people. The gauntlet of street life God has brought my life in holy human truth for we are all the birth right children of God. Beaten down by human life comes the birth right of God Jesus the holy spirit voice for all people peace love human freedom need of all humanity. The holy human street man hardens by concrete blessed from God Jesus the Holy Spirit to bring God truth free to all humanity. The holy human life of God is Jesus the Holy Spirit the street man will share with all people god wants to teach Jesus the Holy Spirit freedom of all human life on earth. Mike I am the concrete man made by life from God came the truth birth right peace freedom holy truth Jesus lived died for us all.

This My holy human street life holy covenant with God Jesus the holy spirit all people are birth right from God in all nations on God earth. From the harden streets of hopeless homeless hungry human life comes a street man from God in Jesus the holy spirit for all people. The lies death wars street life that is on earth comes the holy human birth right street man of God Jesus the holy spirit blessed in holy human truth. I am from the streets any government that does not work for all people does not work for God Jesus the Holy Spirit. From the holy human God of life the dark cold concrete streets comes a man in God Jesus the Holy Spirit for all people. Resurrected from the streets after thirty years God Jesus have one truth birth right holy human life freedom, from God back to all people on earth. The concrete man has come from the darkest of dark to God from God Jesus the Holy Spirit to share god holy human truth life. From God comes the street man of God teacher of Jesus the Holy Spirit. Never before has From God come a street man from human hell to teach the holy human truth God wants peace freedom birth right Jesus to all people on earth. From God Jesus the Holy Spirit I carry the street scars of human life in the cold dark life on earth. The holy human street man from God cares about God truth freedom birth right reaching all nations on God earth to each person. From the body scarred street life of hell comes a man rebirth from God Jesus the holy spirit for God loves cares wants peace heal freedom for all human life on earth.

Mike is the holy human street man from God in Jesus the Holy Spirit god cries wants human peace rights freedom throughout the world. Holy human worldwide birth right comes from God Jesus the Holy Spirit its came for the holy human street man of humanity for all people. The holy human street man life without anything yet birth life again of God in holy human truth we are each born of God in all nations on earth. This holy human street man comes from God Jesus the Holy Spirit freedom peace human life comes in holy human birth right of all human life. We must all accept respect God Jesus the Holy Spirit all human birth right free to live with God as Jesus taught in any all nations on earth. The holy human street man is from God in Jesus light of the Holy Spirit for all human birth right life for all people. The the holy human street man of all human life with the birth right truth peace life love of God no money no charge no race religion. From God comes the holy human street man of Jesus the Holy Spirit in peace freedom human holy truth will come upon the earth. From the human hell of drugs booze street life death gangs comes the holy human hell made man from God Jesus the Holy Spirit for all people on God earth. This holy human holy street man of God Jesus the Holy Spirit in birth right truth freedom I share will all people from God The holy human street man from God Jesus the Holy Spirit is coming with God truth birth right peace freedom human rights to all nations near you.

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