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Smoking is one oI the worst things teenagers can do to their bodies.

Yet every day,almost

5000 teenagers under age oI 18 try smoking Ior the Iirst time.
No wonder, tobacco companies spend billions oI dollar ever year on advertisements
and other ways to make sure that these young people start smoking and buying their
product. The companies count on them to become hooked Ior it keeps in them in business.
The nicotine in cigarettes is a poisonous drug. It even be used to kill insects. Nicotine
and dozens oI other poisonous chemicals in tobacco can cause illness like heart problems
and certain kinds oI cancer. Some oI these illness take years to develop but others can
show up right away.
Generally, smoking makes a teenager's body less Iit and more susceptible to inIections.
For example, teenagers who smoke are much more likely to get a cold on pneumonia.
Each time they like up, it hurts their heart, lungs and brain. And the longer the smoke, the
worse the damage becomes.
Smoking has such a long list oI bads points that wonders why teenagers smoke. Along
with bad breath and stinky hair and clothes, smoking makes it harder to run and to play
sports. It also cause a diIIiculty Ior blood to move around in the body.
Smokers oIten Ieel tired and cranky and cannot think quickly, not surprisingly, there
are more likely to get in trouble in school and get lower grades. There are also more
likely to lie to their Iriends or their parents about their activities; what they do and how
they spend their money.Smoking thereIore not only brings about health problems but
may also develop undesirable traits. Teen smokers can become lazy, irresponsible and

l would noL wanL Lo see you ever agaln! She sLormed ouL of Lhe room l was shocked seelng
her shouLlng and crylng badly as she had never acL llke Lhls Lowards her mom She grabbed my
hand when l was playlng my favourlLe Angry 8lrds game uslng lad Culckly we lefL her house
and wenL sLralghL Lo mlne When l was drlvlng she asked me uo l need Lo love her lf l am noL
her blologlcal daughLer?" ?es all Lhe doubLs ln my mlnd have been answered by a slngle
quesLlon uLLered by her l [usL keep my mouLh shuL and focus on drlvlng
We were good frlends slnce we were born My mom and hers were also close frlends Loo 8oLh
of us used Lo have lunch aL my house and dlnner aL hers even Lhough we do noL llve Loo near Lo
each oLher Moreover we share Lhe same daLe of blrLh whlch ls 12Lh uecember Maybe our
personallLles are same and LhaL ls why we feel comforLable Lo share our problems and lnLeresLs
AfLer 10 mlnuLes of drlvlng we reached my house 1hrowlng a smlle Lo my mom she Lhen Look
her sLeps Lo my room
l walked afLer her and calmed her down l Look an lnlLlaLlve Lo ask her why alLhough l know Lhe
reason as she quesLloned me earller ln Lhe car l know Lhere ls no one ln Lhls world wanLed Lo
know Lhe facL LhaL he or she ls an adopLed chlld Lo Lhe famlly She Lold me LhaL she can'L accepL
Lhe words LhaL came ouL from her mom's mouLh Per day became llke a dreadful dream Lo her
when she heard Lhe words 8adln l keep Lhls secreL from you for 18 years and l Lhlnk Lhls ls Lhe
besL Llme for me Lo Lell you as you are more maLured now 1he LruLh Lhlng ls l am noL your real
moLher ?our moLher ls" WlLhouL leLLlng her moLher compleLed Lhe senLence she lefL Lhe
room She was really sad because she goL Lo know LhaL she ls [usL an adopLed chlld lL came llke
spear prlckllng my soul" 1haL ls Lhe only senLence LhaL could be volced ouL from 8adln
l hugged her and wlped her Lears as whaL we always do when one of us are crylng l convlnced
her Lo go and see her mom Lven Lhough she ls noL your real mom buL she had Laken care of
you for 18 years lsn'L LhaL much Lo her? lL ls noL easy Lo look afLer and glvlng her full
commlLmenL Lowards a chlld whlch ls noL even hers 8adln ?ou grew up well" As whaL people
could see Lhelr famlly bondlng ls very LlghL 1hey share everyLhlng and llve bllssfully as one
8uL she refused Lo She sald l won'L l [usL can'L bare Lo see her face anymore lL would Lake
Llme for me Lo mend Lhls wound ln my hearL l mean how can she even keep Lhls away from me
for Lhls long? Pow could she?" l [usL sLared aL her ln sllence 1he look on her face as she sald
Lhose words showed me LhaL she was hurL very deeply l can'L help buL Lo [usL comforL and calm
her down A few mlnuLes laLer my mom came ln Lo check on us and as she saw 8adln sobblng
she asked whaL was wrong 8adln answered Mom [usL Lold me LhaL l was adopLed" Mom
shocked she qulckly shuL Lhe door 1hen mom LexLed me and ask me Lo come down and see her
She sald l need Lo Lell you someLhlng Loo"
When l slL nexL Lo mom mom sLarLed Lo cry and hugged l confused Why ls everyone ln Lhls
house crylng? l quesLloned myself l was shocked and do noL know how Lo reacL when mom Lold
me LhaL 8adln ls acLually her daughLer and my Lwln She Lold Lhe real sLory LhaL she could noL
afford Lo look afLer Lwo daughLers ln Lhe same Llme and declded Lo glve one of Lhem Lo her besL
frlend slnce she do noL have any And LhaL ls why 8adln and l were close Lo each oLher and
shares Lhe same daLe of blrLh buL people dld noL reallse LhaL we are Lwlns as boLh of us have
dlfferenL looks
ady Caga sLage name for SLefanl !oanne Angellna CermanoLLa ls a recordlng arLlsL ln new ?ork
unlLed SLaLe Amerlca (uSA) She developed lnLeresL ln Lhe muslc lndusLry aL an early age as
demonsLraLed by her lnLeresL and ablllLy Lo play Lhe plano whlle she was 4 years old of age
aLer she [olned new ?ork unlverslLy where she sLudled muslc opened up her song wrlLlng skllls
She composed analyLlcal papers and essays LhaL focused malnly on soclal lssues pollLlcs rellglon
and arLs 1hen she wlLhdrew from school Lo concenLraLe more on her career

Anyhow Lhere are Lhree quoLes from her LhaL l Lhlnk lL ls really meanlngful Lo me ?ou have Lo
be unlque dlfferenL and shlne ln your own way uo noL allow people Lo dlm your shlne
because Lhey are bllnded 1ell Lhem Lo puL on some sunglasses and WheLher llfes dlsablllLles
lefL you ouLcasL bullled or Leased re[olce and love yourself lL ls no wonder Lhls lady from a
good lLallan new ?ork Lurned lnLo Lhe exhlblLlonlsL mulLlLalenLed slnger songwrlLer wlLh a
LalenL or flalr for LheaLrlcs LhaL she ls Loday ady Caga

She ls openly unlque creaLlve does noL follow sLereoLypes and more surprlslngly she does noL
care whaL oLhers Lhlnk abouL her and she ls dolng whaL she loves Lo do She also Lakes frequenL
pollLlcal sLandlngs Lo supporL her ldeals She ls a drlvlng force ln Lodays socleLy and l admlre her
because she ls easy for me Lo relaLe Lo l flnd a deep connecLlon Lo her ln Lhe sense LhaL she
shares my personallLy 1he ma[or reason l admlre her ls Lhe way she expresses herself She ls
openly qulrky and Lhrlves off Lhe facL LhaL people Lhlnk so l relaLe Lhls because l also llke Lo
express myself ln a way LhaL mosL people conslder odd uesplLe she recelves consLanL crlLlclsm
she malnLalns her prlde wlsely 1he oLher reason l admlre her ls Lhe way she Lakes a sLance She
ls frequenLly seen promoLlng her ldeas and supporLlng varlous naLlonal movemenLs

1o be qulLe frank l have never been one Lo openly admlL LhaL l love Lhls lady who wears
scandalous cloLhlng and baslcally acLs llke a dlva a loL of Lhe Llme Powever she ls dlfferenL for
some reasons She seems genulne and sLrong ln her qualnL dresses l belleve she does lL all for
herself and also her fans 1hls lady has done so many performances on so many dlfferenL shows
8esldes every Llme l see an lnLervlew wlLh ady Caga she really lnsplres me She has a
sLralghLforward way of communlcaLlng LhaL l love ?ou can say she ls annoyed wlLh or ln love
wlLh Lhe lnLervlewer because she does noL hold anyLhlng back l love LhaL Lype of honesLy

uesplLe her blg personallLy and qulrky dresses l would have never pald aLLenLlon Lo her lf lL
were noL for Lhe facL LhaL l love her muslc lL makes me wanL Lo slng along and dance every Llme
Whenever lL geLs sLuck ln my head lL puLs me ln a good mood lL ls because Lhe rhyLhm of Lhe
sound ls really caLchy and Lhe lyrlcs are overwhelmlng and passlonaLe lus wlLh her volce of an
angel LhaL sooLhes Lo my soul

Descriptive Essay: Friend
This good English essay was submitted by yumphilip. You can submit your essay and get
it published on this blog too'

This Iriend I have is special, whilst young, intelligent and righteous. He lives with me
since he was born, a pleasure to have all these years.The strength to Iace each day can
sometimes be drawn Irom knowing him.

When I watch him dribble around with the ball at the street soccer court then knocking it
into the goal leaving the opponent Irustrated there is unspeakable pride and joy emitting
Irom the core oI my heart. How this Iine young man has grown Irom a novice soccer
player just three years ago to a Iorwarder that instill Iear to deIenders who have to mark
him. A elusive player who pass his opponent with ease and elegant he can match the
highest standard oI the land.

The Iond memories oI the time we spend together still lingers in my mind. Bringing him
to the movies, watching him Iight with his sisters still sits in my mind. When he is
younger, he never kept still and even climb out oI the cradle that is meant to restrain him.
That is when he is only two years old and that time nearly got a spanking Irom his grand

The coolest transIormation is his hair. It uses to be always gelled and groomed into the
"curry puII" look that is the trademark look that signiIies his childhood days. Curry puII
is a local snacks that has ultra ordinary puII when Iried. Youth has robbed away that and
reinstall a new image to beIit the modern time. The "anime" type spike hairstyle is now
the replacement. Skinny jeans with a smart tee shirts is the order oI the day when he
needs to go Ior a outing. While I would preIer him to be in long sleeved shirt and a
business pant, his peer may Ieel out oI place with this sort oI strange outIit.

Our Iavorite chat always centered on his Iavorite Barclay Premier League Club Chelsea
and my Manchester United Football Club. Our exchange on the matter can turn into a
Ieisty with each not giving way to the other. GloriIied Manchester United has done it
once again but the arrival oI Ancelloti this season and the departure oI Christano Ronaldo
has up the challenge Ior the rivals.

Every weekend is spent at the soccer Iield where we conduct soccer lessons Ior children
under ten. He is my coach while I am his manager and together we managed to keep
soccer alive Ior these kids who showed up every weekend. Our eIIort has rewarded us
with two championship through the years and the greatest pride is the one that Chris has
played in.

Chris is more oI a Iriend than a son, we spend our time together like most Iriends do. I
am proud oI him both as a Iriend and a son.

!ersuasive / Argumentative Essay: Money
This good English essay was submitted by quine. You can submit your essay and get it
published on this blog too'

It is truly undeniable that in this science and technology millennium, we can hardly live
without money. Even buying something small such as sweet will cost you some money.
However, this does not mean that money can buy happiness, unlike the misconception oI
most people in the world. In Iact, wealth is a Iar cry Irom happiness. II you disagree with
me, let's look at the reasons Ior my stand.

Firstly, one oI the main gates to happiness is to stay healthy. Maybe some people think
that when one is rich, he can be healthy or it does not matter even iI they have diseases
because these rich men have lots oI money to pay their medication. This is totally wrong.
Good health is acquired Irom a healthy liIestyle progressively and not in a day. With lots
oI money we are tend to temp ourselves to exotic, luxurious Iood. II this Iood is taken
excessively, it will let to obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension and other serious
illness. Moreover, rich people are probably lack oI exercise as they hardly walk outdoor
due to 24 hours-service debar Ietching them about causing them to be at a higher risk oI
getting these unnecessarily health problems. How a person can enjoys his liIe and Ieels
happy when he is conIined to a wheelchair or bed-ridden. He would not even be glad
spending his money and time curing his sickness. ThereIore, wealth cannot bring

ProIessionals like doctor, nurse, lawyer, engineer, Iood technologist and accountant earn
a lot oI money per month. They are considered the high class citizens who can aIIord
large, expensive house with huge beautiIul gardens. But do they really enjoy the
pleasures oI liIe? Most probably not because they are simply too busy with their work.
They Irequently burnt the midnight oil in their work place. It is even more miserable iI
they have to turn their home into a working place. Most specialists have to stand-by 24
hours in case oI emergency calls Irom the hospitals. Hence, they can hardly spend any
relax, restIul night at their home even iI they posse a huge two and a halI storey
bungalow with a beautiIul garden and artiIicial waterIall. SuccessIul businessmen may
always have a chance oI Ilying to all parts oI the world when they go out station to make
business. However, very Iew oI them can really take it as a holiday as a treat Ior
themselves Ior their schedules are always Iull and they are so stressIul with their works.
Even Iewer businessmen can ignore urgent, pursuing calls Irom their clients or oIIice
when they are going Ior holidays or resting. In other words, one can make lots oI money
but he may not enjoy even the beauty oI nature around them or the branded, expensive
things with them. So what is the use oI money when we do not even enjoy a meal
properly and discontented with lives. One with a moderate income can Ieels happier iI he
leads a simple liIe and be grateIul with what he has.

Finally, a children or a teenage brought in moderate Iamily is better than in a rich Iamily.
As the sons or daughters oI billionaires, their parents will give them whatever that they
want in material. These children or teenagers get a lot oI pocket money Irom their parents
and can aIIord to buy many expensive things like branded, latest handset, expensive
clothes and branded sport shoes. But the question is, are they happy iI their parents are
always working with only an Indonesian maid to accompany them. II they are asked to
choose between wealth and love Irom their parents, I believe that they were undoubtedly
choose love. A healthy Iamily is not created Ior the children. These children mentally are
not as healthy as those being cared and loved by their parents. Children need parents who
can listen to their problems and give them words oI wisdom, teaching then day by day.
Parents who are not rich may not be able to buy branded things to satisIy their children
but with more communication and understanding, these teenagers will understand the
diIIiculty oI their parents in earning money, learning to be thriIty. In short, money does
not promise a happy, caring Iamily.

Money may be able to buy a lot oI things but not love, Iriendship, health and others.
These are the main ingredients` Ior a happy liIe. Thus, it is a controversy iI money can
bring happiness. Even, iI we can aIIord many things we desired with lots oI money, we
may not be happy and enjoy our lives iI we are always dissatisIied with what we had,
yearning Ior more. Thus, I stand Iirm that money cannot bring happiness.

Descriptive Essay: My Mother
This good English essay was submitted by Alexis. Jisit her blog to read her poems and
stories. You can submit your essay and get it published on this blog too'

About seventeen years ago, a beautiIul young woman, named Kari, was trying to adjust
and understand the purpose oI her liIe. She was a typical adolescent, making mistakes
and hoping each lesson would guide her in the right direction oI liIe. At this time, she
was living in Germany, occupied in the US Army, on and oII with a boyIriend, and
Iighting to keep a relationship with her Iamily, through letters. It may not seem like an
ideal situation, but everything in liIe has a purpose, the challenge is discovering it. Unlike
most adolescents, her liIe was put into perspective very quickly. At the age oI nineteen,
Kari received results Irom a test, which changed her liIe Iorever. She was pregnant.

In January 1995, at the age oI twenty years old, Kari gave birth to a baby girl. Her liIe
now revolved around her child, Alexis. She got out oI her relationship, got a job, and
Iound a saIe place Ior the two oI them. Now living with her mom and step dad, working
as a papergirl (newspaper delivery person), and Iighting Ior divorce, Kari was struggling.
It didn`t matter though; she made the best oI it.

When Alexis was two, Kari married her husband, Mike. Together, they got a town home.
Now, with a home and Iamily, it may seem like times were great, but there was still a lot
oI liIe to be learned Irom. Mike was constantly traveling; in Iact, he was in Utah Ior two
years aIter they got married. Kari was now raising Alexis, working seven days a week,
and working to keep her marriage healthy. As with everything in her liIe, Kari took
sacriIices and made it work.

Fourteen years later, looking at this 36 year old, you would never realize the struggles she
has Iaced in liIe. She is a beautiIul, young, and caring, mother, Iriend and wiIe. She lives
in a nice house, takes care oI kids, home-schools Alexis and, her husband is home almost
every night. She has many great qualities, but I think the characteristic that makes her the
most unique and genuine person, is her love and creativity. She was, and is, able to take
anything normal and make it enjoyable.

By now you have probably realized, I am Alexis, her daughter. I have a great relationship
with my mom, something many girls, my age, are lacking. In some ways, it`s like we
grew up together (although twenty years apart), best Iriends. She has always provided the
loving, but strict mother Iigure, which I can rely on, in my liIe. Her creativity brought me
lots oI Iun times, and cherished memories, throughout my adolescents. Her strong words
and lectures, many she has learned Irom in the past, bring me wisdom and guidance Ior
the rest oI my liIe. And her open and loving heart, gives me a saIe place to share my
emotions. I never could ask Ior a better person to spend my memories with, Ior they
wouldn`t be the memories they are, without her.

%he behavior engaged in by Bullies: Bullying

In colloquial speech, bullying is most oIten used to describe a Iorm oI harassment
associated with being perIormed by a child who is older, stronger, or otherwise more
powerIul socially, upon weaker peers. Bullying can occur in situations including in
school or college/university, the workplace, by neighbours, and between countries.
Whatever the situation the power structure is typically evident between the bully and
victim. It seems to those outside the relationship that the bully's power depends only upon
the perception oI the victim, with the victim being too intimidated to put up eIIective
resistance. However the victim usually has just cause to be aIraid oI the bully due to the
threat and actually carrying out oI physical/sexual violence, or loss oI livelihood.
Bullying is behind most claims oI discrimination in the workplace.

%ypes of bullying

Bullying is when someone repeatedly acts or says things to have power over another
person. Bullies mainly use a combination oI intimidation and humiliation to torment
others. The Iollowing is some examples oI bullying techniques:

* Calling the victim names and stating the victim is useless at whatever they do
* Spreading gossip and rumours about him/her
* Threats oI job loss and disciplinary action Ior unspeciIied reasons
* Constant negative criticism Ior unspeciIied allegations
* Taking the victim's possessions or taking control oI the victim's work
* Demoting the victim
* Making the victim do what they do not want to do with a threat oI violence or
disciplinary action iI they reIuse
* Actually Iollowing through with a threat on one occasion to ensure the victim will
comply with all Iuture orders

Locations of bullying

Bullying can occur in schools, universities, Iamilies, between neighbours, workplaces,
between countries and in the military.

Both school and workplace bullying has come increasingly to public attention. Bullying
is now one oI the most contentious issues in the occupational health and saIety arena.

Cyberbullying is bullying through the internet, e.g. in a blog.

In the 1990s, the United States saw an epidemic oI school shootings (oI which the most
notorious was the Columbine High School massacre). Many oI the children behind these
shootings claimed that they were the victims oI bullies and that they resorted to violence
only aIter the school administration repeatedly Iailed to intervene. In many oI these cases,
the victims oI the shooters sued both the shooters' Iamilies and the schools.

Since media coverage has exposed just how widespread is bullying, juries are more likely
now to sympathize with victims. In recent years, many victims have been suing bullies
directly Ior intentional inIliction oI emotional distress, and including their school as a
deIendant under the principle oI joint and several liability.

As a result oI all these trends, schools in many countries strongly discourage bullying,
with programs designed to teach students cooperation, as well as training peer moderators
in intervention and dispute resolution techniques.

However, with respect to workplaces, there are Iew localities that are governed by
legislation which speciIically targets workplace bullying. This is because lawmakers Iear
that those rules could be used as leverage in other industrial or interpersonal matters.
ThereIore most bullying claims are conducted under discrimination laws.

Bullying in the Iamily is normally ignored by society unless it includes a Iorm oI
physical/sexual abuse. Once it does outside parties such as the police and social services
can get involved iI the victim speaks up, or iI the abuse has gone too Iar - the victim is in
hospital or dead.

Between neighbours bullying normally takes the Iorm oI intimidation by nuisance
behaviour, such as excessive noise to disturb sleep and normal living patterns, and reports
to authorities such as the police Ior minor or made up incidents. The purpose oI this Iorm
oI behaviour is to make the victim so uncomIortable they move Irom their property. It
should be noted that not all nuisance behaviour is bullying, as some individuals are
unaware oI other people's Ieelings and the havoc they are causing.

Bullying between countries occurs when a more powerIul country such as a superpower
decides to make a smaller one do its bidding. This is normally done with military Iorce,
the threat that aid and grants will not be given to the smaller country or the smaller
country will not be allowed to join a trading organisation.

Bullying in the military can occur when a superior misuses their power to get
subordinates to do whatever they want including sexual Iavours. However the excuse Ior
this sort oI behaviour is that the military is not subject to normal civilian laws so they
should be allowed to do what they want. This can lead to a high number oI suicides and
mysterious deaths oI subordinates which are not investigated openly. Deepcut Barracks in
the UK is one example oI this where the UK government reIuses to do a Iull public

An extreme case was where an eighth grader named Curtis Taylor at a middle school in
Iowa had been the victim oI continuous bullying Ior three years, which included name-
calling, him getting bashed into a locker, chocolate milk poured down his sweatshirt and
vandalism oI his belongings. This drove him into committing suicide on March 21, 1993.

Effects of bullying

Persistent bullying may have a number oI eIIects on an individual, and in the
environment where bullying takes place.

EIIects on the individual include:

* Reactive Depression, a Iorm oI clinical depression caused by exogenous events
* Posttraumatic stress disorder
* Anxiety
* Gastric problems
* UnspeciIied aches and pains
* Acne and other skin disorders
* Loss oI selI esteem
* Relationship problems
* Drug and alcohol abuse
* Suicide (also known as bullycide)

EIIects on a school include:

* High levels oI truancy
* High staII turnover
* Disrespect Ior teachers
* High level oI absence Ior minor ailments
* Weapon-carrying by children Ior protection
* Legal action
o Against the school or education authority
o Against the bully's Iamily

* See Only Wayne ( - a racist
bullying case study in a wiki-Iormat, that illustrates some oI the unIortunate eIIects oI
bullying on a particular school community.

EIIects on the organisation such as a workplace:

* Loss oI morale
* High level oI sick leave absence Ior depression, anxiety and backache
* Decreased productivity and proIit
* High level oI staII turnover
* Loss oI customers
* Bad reputation in industry
* Negative media attention
* Legal action
o Against the organisation Ior personal injury
o Against the organisation and individual bully under discrimination laws

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