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(Enen 2010) Letras de msicas abordam temas que, de certa forma, podem ser reforados pela repetio de trechos ou palavras. O fragmento da cano Viva la vida, por exemplo, permite conhecer o relato de algum que Viva la Vida I used to rule the world Seas would rise when I gave the word Now in the morning and I sleep alone Sweep the streets I used to own I used to roll the dice Feel the fear in my enemys eyes Listen as the crowd would sing Now the old king is dead! Long live the king! One minute I held the key Next the walls were closed on me And I discovered that my castles stand Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand [] As questes de 2 a 4 referem-se ao seguinte texto:
MARTIN, C. Viva la vida, Coldplay. In: Viva la vida or Death and all his friends. Parlophone, 2008.

a) costumava ter o mundo aos seus ps e, de repente, se viu sem nada. b) almeja o ttulo de rei e, por ele, tem enfrentado inmeros inimigos. c) causa pouco temor a seus inimigos, embora tenha muito poder. d) limpava as ruas e, com seu esforo, tornouse rei de seu povo. e) tinha a chave para todos os castelos nos quais desejava morar.

02.(ITA 2011) De acordo com o ttulo e o subttulo do texto, avatares A( B( C( D( E( ) ) ) ) ) proporcionam efeitos teraputicos e ajudam a prevenir doenas como a fobia social. so verses imaginrias e mais atraentes de ns mesmos. so mais confiveis e, por isso, no despertam fobias. tm uma proposta de entretenimento, que torna as pessoas mais sociveis. so mais confiveis do que algumas propostas teraputicas disponveis em nossa sociedade.

03.(ITA 2011) Assinale a opo CORRETA. A ( ) Os estudiosos da Universidade de Stanford no consideraram, em seus experimentos, a descoberta realizada em 1988, cuja explicao ainda controversa. B ( ) Psiclogos ainda questionam se, de fato, a aparncia afeta o humor e opinio das pessoas. C ( ) Jeremy Bailenson e Nick Yee afirmam que a aparncia transforma o modo como as pessoas nos tratam e disso depende a maneira como percebemos a ns mesmos. D ( ) A aparncia fsica afeta o comportamento das pessoas e traz consequncias para o mundo real e no apenas para o virtual. E ( ) O foco dos estudiosos est no figurino dos avatares e no modo como isso afeta a agressividade dos jogadores. 04. (ITA 2011) Assinale a opo em que o referente do pronome est INCORRETO. A( B( C( D( E( ) ) ) ) ) they (linha 5) em they (linha 5/6) em those (linha 9) em them (linha 10) em Their (linha 12) em they found that raiders they wore black raiders than those in, say, baby blue? players cause them to play players their quarry Bailenson and Yees

As questes de 5 e 6 referem-se ao seguinte texto:

05.(Adapted PUC 2010) The word nevertheless in Nevertheless, despite increasing public awareness (paragraph 2)indicates a) addition. b) contrast. c) conclusion.

d) reason. e) exception 06. (Adapted PUC 2010) Unless Americans radically rethink the way they grow and consume food, a) they will radically improve their way of living. b) they will lose their economical position c) their life will continue the same for a long time. d) their habits will make them famous worldwide. e) they will have problems with their land and health. As questes de 6 a 8 referem-se ao seguinte texto:

06. The research shows that educated students tend to: A) open e-mails from known senders, protect their personal information on the Internet and download files from strangers as well as unknown Web sites. B) download files from people and Web sites they know, open e-mails from known senders and protect their personal information on the Internet. C) protect their personal information on the Internet, download files from unknown people or Web sites and open e-mails from unknown senders. D) run risks on the Internet, only download files from family members and open e-

mails from friends. 07. To protect your privacy on the internet, you should: A) open e-mails from unknown senders and advertisements. B) know the source of the e-mails and files you receive. C) avoid anti-virus protection and safety instructions. D) download any kind of files and general pictures. E) all the options above 08. Researchers from the University at Buffalo and University of Maryland surveyed 285 preteens and early teenagers [] (lines 02-03). The word underlined in the sentence above means: A) mentioned. B) pointed. C) interviewed. D) requested E) looked at. As questes de 9 e 10 referem-se ao seguinte texto:

09. Qual a caracterstica mais evidente da charge acima? a) sinceridade. b) subjetividade. c) sarcasmo. d) insanidade. e) austeridade 10. The word in italic Im environmentally conscious and refuse to use gas express a) purpose b) manner c) time d) place e) quality

As questes de 11 a 13 referem-se ao seguinte texto: Alternative medicine Alternative medicine is, by definition, an alternative to something else: modern, Western medicine. But the term alternative can be misleading for some people. Few practitioners of homeopathy, acupuncture and herbalism regard their therapies as complete substitutes for modern medicine. Rather, they consider their disciplines as supplementary to orthodox medicine. The problem is that many doctors refuse even to recognize natural or alternative medicine. But whatever doctors may think, the demand for alternative forms of medical therapy is stronger than ever before, as the limitations of modern medical science become more widely understood. Alternative therapies are often dismissed by orthodox medicine because they are sometimes administered by people with no formal medical training. But, in comparison with many traditional therapies, western medicine as we know it today is a very recent phenomenon. Only 150 years ago, herbal medicine and simple inorganic compounds were the most effective treatments available. Despite the medical establishments intolerant attitude, alternative therapies are being accepted by more and more doctors, and the World Health Organization has agreed to promote the integration of proven, valuable, alternative knowledge and skills in western medicine.
(Adapted from

11. Few practitioners of alternative medicine A) B) C) D) E) consider modern medicine benefits. reject the term alternative. refuse to recognize alternative medicine. consider their therapies can totally replace modern medicine. refuse to take homeopathic medicines.

12. Alternative therapies A) are well regarded by the medical establishment. B) are totally integrated into western medicine nowadays. C) are becoming more popular among doctors. D) are the most effective treatment available. E) are the best option for poor people.

13. The World Health Organization A) has an intolerant attitude towards alternative therapies. B) agrees with all alternative medicine. C) will support effective alternative knowledge and skills. D) will regulate alternative medicines E) deny alternative medicines benefits As questes de 13 a 15 referem-se ao seguinte texto:

USP 2008 Two in every three people on the planetsome 4 billion in totalare excluded from the rule of law. In many cases, this begins with the lack of official recognition of their birth: around 40% of the developing worlds five-year-old children are not registered as even existing. Later, people will find that the home they live in, the land they farm, or the business that they start, is not protected by legally enforceable property rights. Even in the rare cases when they can afford to go to court, the service is poor. India, for example, has only 11 judges for every 1million people. These alarming statistics are contained in a report from a commission on the legal empowerment of the poor, released on June 3rd at the United Nations. It argues that not only are such statistics evidence of grave injustice, they also reflect one of the main reasons why so much of humanity remains mired in poverty. Because they are outside the rule of law, the vast majority of poor people are obliged to work (if they work at all) in the informal economy, which is less productive than the formal, legal part of the economy. The Economist, June 7th 2008. 14. De acordo com o texto, a) dois teros da populao mundial vivem margem da lei. b) quarenta por cento dos recm-nascidos no mundo no so registrados. c) o comrcio em pases em desenvolvimento rigidamente regulado. d) casos de posse ilegal de terra so combatidos pelos governos de pases pobres. e) quarenta por cento dos recm-nascidos no mundo so registrados aos cincos anos de idade. 15. O relatrio citado no texto observa que a) a ilegalidade uma condio combatida em pases subdesenvolvidos. b) os dados estatsticos sobre a pobreza no mundo so incompletos. c) o fortalecimento do poder legal dos pobres melhoraria sua condio econmica e social. d) a pobreza s poderia ser combatida com a interveno das Naes Unidas. e) N.D.A

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