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Name: Anglyn Charles

Name oI School: Mucurapo West Secondary School

Subject: Principles oI Business
Topic: Production

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Table of Contents
Profile 1
Aim oI the Project............6
Description oI a Business...........8
Mission and Vision Statement.........9
Role oI the Entrepreneur...........10
Functions oI an Entrepreneur.........11
Use oI Technology..............12
nternal Potential Growth..........13

Profile 2
JustiIication oI Location..............15
Labour....................16, 17
Sources oI Fixed and Working Capital......18
Type oI Production.............19
Level oI Production.............20
Quality Control measure...........21

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Profile 3
Government Regulation............24
Ethical ssues.................25
External Growth..................26
Executive Summary...............27

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The name oI the business is James`s clothing. t was run by the late Jenny James which was
passed down to her daughter Cindy James. This business has been around Ior the past eleven
years and is planned to stay in the Iamily Ior generation to come. t is located in Arima. They
planned to open more store in the Iuture.

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The aim oI the project is to provide Iashionable clothing Ior all people oI all ages and size. They
planned to become nationwide. The business was established on 11
May 2000.t was inIluenced
by Mrs. Jenny James that was later passed down to her daughter Cindy James.

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Description of tbe Business

The name oI the business is James`s clothing.` t was run by the late Jenny James which was
passed down to her daughter Cindy James. This business has been around Ior the past eleven
years and was established on the 11
may 2000. The organizational type oI the business is sole
trader. The goods the business will be providing are clothing Ior both ordinary and plus size
catering Ior the working class. t is located in Arima. They planned to open more store in the

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The mission statement oI the business is to become nationwide and have other stores in the

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The entrepreneur have to create a vision Ior the business to ensure that both short term and long
term goals are achieved in order to make the vision a reality.

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Three (3) Iunction oI the entrepreneur in the business being studied are:
Collect proIit and bear risks oI losing assets that have been put in
Visioning ideas to come up with
Put in money and other assets to start the business in other words invest

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They have a Iull body scanner to ensure that no one steals any oI the clothing. They also have a
cash register and a vault to ensure the saIe keeping oI money.

They have computers with accounting soItware Ior recordkeeping, paying oI employees,
purchases made, inventory and even books.
The beneIits oI using technology are:
The speed and accuracy oI computation and retrieval oI inIormation
The ability to become automated once the inIormation is store or loaded

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The business will experience internal growth by using its assets Irom its newish market to district
by having other branches. E.g. San Juan, Tunapuna the proIits can be re-invested in the business
to purchased and upgrades equipment, and higher more workers. They would work Ior more
hours to produced more each day.
nternal growth is obtained by re-inventing the proIits to either increase the amount oI normal
stock or to invest in new types oI goods and services e.g. Irom small to plus sizes, dresses as well
as work shoes and perIumes.

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James`s Clothing is located at #75 Raymond Street Arima.This is because many businesses
places both government and private places are located there. The business was chose there
because it is the ground Ilood oI their Iamily house. ThereIore only utility bills and land taxes the
business will have to pay. ts location is between the main working area and transportation easily
accessible. Thousand oI pedestrians pass in Iront oI the store on a daily basic. There is also a
gigantic car park adjacent Irom the business.

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The term labour is the qualiIication oI the type oI employees needed in the business.

The type oI labour necessary to manage the business is semi-skilled and unskilled. This is
because the job involves little or no special training and usually involves working with the hands.

The methods in Iinding labour are the using oI the radio media, advertisement and Ilyer.

The business needs Iive employees:
ne to cash the item oI clothing. This person need to have at least a grade two (2)
in mathematics and must have a great personality to deal with customers.

Two employees to assist customers with any request they might have towards the

ne employee is the manager. This person needs to have a degree in Business
Management, rganizational and Communication skill. This person also has to
co-ordinates the daily running oI the business and obtains daily reports on proIits,
expenditure and employees` perIormance level.

The last one is the receptionists. This person needs the knowledge oI interpersonal
skills and communication skills and must posse one year experience in the Iield.
This person provides daily reports on business to the manager and manages the
documents made.

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The payments of salaries will be paid in order:

The cashier will be paid ten dollars($10.00) per hour

The sales persons will be paid fifteen dollars($15.00) per hour and

The manager and receptionist will be paid twenty five dollars ($15.00) per hour.
All of these payments are for an eight hour day work.

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Fixed Capital
The Iixed capital Ior this business is: 1 transportation vehicle
2 computers
1 cash register
1 printer
4 Iiling cabinets
Two (2) examples oI Fixed Capital are cash register and computers. This is because these items
are used many times over in the production oI goods and the creation oI Iurther wealth.

Working Capital
The working capital Ior this business is: 10 clothing racks
5 tables
15 chairs
stationery supplies
Two (2) examples oI Working Capital are tables and chairs. This is because the business used
these thing on a everyday basic
The Working Capital would aIIect the running oI the business because iI the working capital is
small then limited stocks can be bought, iI it is larger more stocks can be bought also in diIIerent

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The type oI production is a Commercial Service. This is because the owner oI the store buys
goods Irom wholesalers and sells it to the public.

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The level oI production is Export/Surplus. This is because the business planned to become
nationwide and have other stores in the region e.g. Jamaica, Barbados and Grenada.

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Quality is one oI their watch words. The clothing obtained is L.A. type Irom the establish U.S.
brand name companies. The clothes are thoroughly examined by the store clerks Ior any Iaults
beIore the customer is allowed to leave the store. The store is sanitized every three (3) months
and regular cleaning is also done on a daily basis. There are also disposal oI torn clothes and
there is a record oI people who bought Irom the store in case oI re-dress

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The type oI linkage to be derived Ior the business is Tertiary.

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Government Regulations that relates to the business are:

Payment oI taxes and collecting tax Irom customers

The business is inspected by saIety oIIicials every month to ensure the saIety oI

Consumers rights oI re-dress

Co-operate responsibilities paying rates e.g. national insurance

Pay the employees National nsurance Service (N..S)

Registration oI the business

Collecting VAT Irom customers

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Ethical issues are problems which require choice oI either a right way or a wrong way which the
customers are always right.

All oI the plastic wrapping Irom the clothing will go into a recycling bin so it will not end
up in drains or be consume by animals.
There is N EATNG, DRNKNG AND SMKNG sign through the store, so that the
clothing will not get stained and the smoke Irom cigarettes will not aIIect the other
customers or clothes.
The limit numbers oI days Ior returning articles oI clothing that are damage is Iive (5)
working days.
Any oIIicials that come to the store to inspect cannot be bribed because the owner oI the
store will not be the only person that will be present but will include the manager or other

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External growth
When there is no more room Ior internal growth Mrs. Cindy exhibits some external growth by
opening new branches in San Juan, Tunapuna and Sande Grande in order to share resources and
increase sales.

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James`s clothing was established in 2000. t catered Ior the young and trendy with the
nutriment oI Ms James. Her daughter then took over the business and aIter doing research she
decided to add to the outlook oI the business by adding a newish section Ior working women and
plus sizes.
Due to the location oI the business Mrs. James was able to observe the majority oI people
who did not have their own transportation passed in Iront the business to reach their designated
transportation either government or other Iirms.
nIormation Irom shoppers was used to Iorm part oI a SWT analysis. Many establishments
have catered Ior the trendy setters. Mrs. James kept with their pass and has exceeded by
establishing parcels Ior that are not Iinancial equipped and advertised by Ilyers when new stocks

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#75 Raymond Street Arima, James`s Clothing

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Please provide briefs response to the following questions?

Business Name
Total investments $

1) Would you rather be employed or running your own business?

2) Running your own business requires dedication, discipline and passion. Do you think you
have such?
3) What is your plan oI expansion in the next three to Iive years?
4) What do you expect as the monthly income Irom this business?
A. ?$5,000
B. ?$10,000
C. ?$15,000
D. ?$20,000
5) Have you been able to meet the set income targets?
I not, what do you think explains that?

6) How much time do you devote to this business per week?
A. Less than 5 hours
B. A maximum oI 10 hours
C. 10 to 20 hours
D. 40 to 60 hours
7) I you were to start this business again, what would you do diIIerently?

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8) How much can you invest in employee training?
A. Not more than 50,000 dollars annually
B. A maximum oI 100,000 dollars annually
C. A maximum oI 250,000 dollars annually
D. don`t train

9) Did you have a business plan when you Iirst started this business?
10) Do you think a business plan is important Ior the success oI a business?
11) How long have you been operating this business?
12) Have you made any changes in the way you produce, package, and price and promote your
products and services?
(I yes, please state the changes)
13) How would you rate the organizational or planning skills in your business?
A. ?Excellent
B. ?Good
C. ?Fair
D. ?Needs improvement
14) How would you rate staII members in your business?
A. Skilled proIessionals
B. Casual laborers
C. A mixture oI skilled proIessionals and casual laborers
15) How well do you know your competitors?
A. ?Quite well
B. ?Fairly well
C. ? don`t know them at all
16) Do you have a deIined target market?
1 yes, please speci1y

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17) Did you have target revenue Irom the very beginning?
1 yes, are you meeting this target?

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