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Price: Pediatric Nursing, 10th Edition

Open Book Quizzes Chapter 15: The Adolescent 1. Both sexes produce male hormones (androgens), and female hormones (estrogens), in comparatively equal amounts during childhood. At puberty, the hypothalamus of the brain signals the pituitary gland to stimulate other endocrine glands (ovaries, testes, adrenals) to secrete their hormones directly into the bloodstream in differing proportions (more androgens in boys, more estrogens in girls). 2. The first sign of puberty in boys is usually the enlargement of the testes, which begins between the ages of 9 and 14 years. 3. Early adolescents are in the concrete phase of thinking because they take things literally. By middle adolescence, the ability to think in abstract terms has increased. This is the stage of formal operations. 4. Middle adolescents develop capacity for abstract thinking. They enjoy intellectual discussions, often set in idealistic terms. There is concern with philosophic, political, and social problems. Late adolescents have achieved abstract thinking. They can perceive and act on long-range operations. They are able to view problems comprehensively. Their intellectual and functional identity is established. 5. Adolescence is a lonely, in-between age; daydreaming helps fill the void. Acting out imaginatively what will be said or done in various situations prepares teenagers to deal with others, so when confronted with real scenarios, they are better able to handle and cope with the situation. Daydreams are also a valuable safety valve that allows the expression of strong feelings. 6. An emancipated minor is an adolescent who is less than 18 years of age and is no longer under their parents legal authority. 7. At the very least, new disposable gloves and sterilized or disposable needles must be used to prevent transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis B. The skin at the site of the piercing is inspected regularly for signs of infection or allergic reaction. Jewelry should never be shared. Self-inflicted or friend-inflicted piercing and tattoos are to be avoided because improper technique is often used. 8. Eat a variety of foods low in calories and high in nutrients. Eat less fat and few fatty foods. Eat less sugar and sweets. Eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Increase physical activity. 9. Crankiness, frustration, impatience, and being accident-prone may indicate a lack of sleep. 10. Guidelines for Internet safety include the following: never share personal information; never meet with an online contact; discuss with a parent or adult any relationships developed over the Internet; and never send a message over the internet that you
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would not say in person.

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