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Sllde 1 Agenda

S||de 2 Industry Intro

A moLorcycle (also called a moLorblke blke or cycle) ls a slngleLrack1 Lwowheeled2 moLor
vehlcle MoLorcycles vary conslderably dependlng on Lhe Lask for whlch Lhey are deslgned such
as long dlsLance Lravel navlgaLlng congesLed urban Lrafflc crulslng sporL and raclng or offroad

f Importfnce of Industry
MoLorcycles are one of Lhe mosL affordable forms of moLorlsed LransporL ln many parLs of Lhe world
and for mosL of Lhe worlds populaLlon Lhey are also Lhe mosL common Lype of moLor vehlcle343
1here are around 200 mllllon moLorcycles (lncludlng mopeds moLor scooLers moLorlsed blcycles and
oLher powered Lwo and Lhreewheelers) ln use worldwlde6 or abouL 33 moLorcycles per 1000 people
1hls compares Lo around 390 mllllon cars or abouL 91 per 1000 people MosL of Lhe moLorcycles 38
are ln Lhe developlng counLrles of Asla SouLhern and LasLern Asla and Lhe Asla aclflc counLrles
excludlng !apan whlle 33 of Lhe cars (193 mllllon) are concenLraLed ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes and !apan
ln 2006 Chlna had 34 mllllon moLorcycles ln use and an annual producLlon of 22 mllllon unlLs 7 8As of
2002updaLe lndla wlLh an esLlmaLed 37 mllllon moLorcycles/mopeds was home Lo Lhe largesL number
of moLorlsed Lwo wheelers ln Lhe world Chlna came a close second wlLh 34 mllllon

8epllca of Lhe ualmlerMaybach eLroleum 8elLwagen1he flrsL lnLernal combusLlon peLroleum fueled
moLorcycle was Lhe eLroleum 8elLwagen lL was deslgned and bullL by Lhe Cerman lnvenLors CoLLlleb
ualmler and Wllhelm Maybach ln 8ad CannsLaLL Cermany ln 188311 1hls vehlcle was unllke elLher Lhe
safeLy blcycles or Lhe boneshaker blcycles of Lhe era ln LhaL lL had zero degrees of sLeerlng axls angle and
no fork offseL and Lhus dld noL use Lhe prlnclples of blcycle and moLorcycle dynamlcs developed nearly
70 years earller lnsLead lL relled on Lwo ouLrlgger wheels Lo remaln uprlghL whlle Lurnlng12 1he
lnvenLors called Lhelr lnvenLlon Lhe 8elLwagen (rldlng car) lL was deslgned as an expedlenL LesLbed for
Lhelr new englne raLher Lhan a Lrue proLoLype vehlcle1314 Many auLhorlLles who exclude sLeam
powered elecLrlc or dlesel Lwowheelers from Lhe deflnlLlon of a moLorcycle credlL Lhe ualmler
8elLwagen as Lhe worlds flrsL moLorcycle131617

lf a Lwowheeled vehlcle wlLh sLeam propulslon ls consldered a moLorcycle Lhen Lhe flrsL was Lhe lrench
Mlchauxerreaux sLeam veloclpede of 18681314 1hls was followed by Lhe Amerlcan 8oper sLeam
veloclpede of 1869 bullL by SylvesLer P 8oper 8oxbury MassachuseLLs1314 8oper demonsLraLed hls
machlne aL falrs and clrcuses ln Lhe easLern uS ln 186711 and bullL a LoLal of 10 examples17

ln 1894 Plldebrand Wolfmuller became Lhe flrsL serles producLlon moLorcycle and Lhe flrsL Lo be
called a moLorcycle (Cerman MoLorrad)13141718

ln Lhe early perlod of moLorcycle hlsLory many producers of blcycles adapLed Lhelr deslgns Lo
accommodaLe Lhe new lnLernal combusLlon englne As Lhe englnes became more powerful and deslgns
ouLgrew Lhe blcycle orlglns Lhe number of moLorcycle producers lncreased

unLll World War l Lhe largesL moLorcycle manufacLurer ln Lhe world was lndlan1920 produclng over
20000 blkes per year21 8y 1920 Lhls honour wenL Lo ParleyuavldsonclLaLlon needed wlLh Lhelr
moLorcycles belng sold by dealers ln 67 counLrles2223 8y Lhe laLe 1920s or early 1930s ukW Look
over as Lhe largesL manufacLurer242326

AfLer World War ll Lhe 8SA Croup became Lhe largesL producer of moLorcycles ln Lhe world produclng
up Lo 73000 blkes per year ln Lhe 1930sclLaLlon needed 1he Cerman company nSu held Lhe poslLlon
of largesL manufacLurer from 1933 unLll Lhe 1970sclLaLlon needed

nSu SporLmax sLreamllned moLorcycle 230 cc class wlnner of Lhe 1933 Crand rlx seasonln Lhe 1930s
sLreamllnlng began Lo play an lncreaslng parL ln Lhe developmenL of raclng moLorcycles and Lhe dusLbln
falrlng held ouL Lhe posslblllLy of radlcal changes Lo moLorcycle deslgn nSu and MoLo Cuzzl were ln Lhe
vanguard of Lhls developmenL boLh produclng very radlcal deslgns well ahead of Lhelr Llme27 nSu
produced Lhe mosL advanced deslgn buL afLer Lhe deaLhs of four nSu rlders ln Lhe 19341936 seasons
Lhey abandoned furLher developmenL and qulL Crand rlx moLorcycle raclng28 MoLo Cuzzl produced
compeLlLlve race machlnes and by 1937 nearly all Lhe Crand rlx races were belng won by sLreamllned
machlnesclLaLlon needed 1he followlng year 1938 full enclosure falrlngs were banned from raclng by
Lhe llM ln Lhe llghL of Lhe safeLy concerns

lrom Lhe 1960s Lhrough Lhe 1990s small LwosLroke moLorcycles were popular worldwlde parLly as a
resulL of LasL Cerman WalLer kaadens englne work ln Lhe 1930s29

c lndusLry Slze ln lndla
1he feellng of freedom and belng one wlLh Lhe naLure comes only from rldlng a Lwo wheeler lndlans
prefer Lhe Lwo wheelers because of Lhelr small manageable slze low malnLenance prlclng and easy loan
repaymenLs lndlan sLreeLs are full of people of all age groups rldlng a Lwo wheeler MoLorlzed Lwo
wheelers are seen as a symbol of sLaLus by Lhe populace 1hus ln lndla we would see swanky four
wheels [osLllng wlLh our ever rellable and sLurdy sLeed Lhe Lwo wheeler
lndla ls Lhe second largesL producer and manufacLurer of Lwowheelers ln Lhe world lL sLands nexL only
Lo !apan and Chlna ln Lerms of Lhe number of Lwowheelers produced and domesLlc sales respecLlvely
lndlan Lwowheeler lndusLry has goL specLacular growLh ln Lhe lasL few years lndlan Lwowheeler
lndusLry had a small beglnnlng ln Lhe early 30s 1he AuLomoblle roducLs of lndla (Al) sLarLed
manufacLurlng scooLers ln Lhe counLry
8lkes are a ma[or segmenL of lndlan Lwo wheeler lndusLry Lhe oLher Lwo belng scooLers and mopeds
lndlan companles are among Lhe largesL Lwowheeler manufacLurers ln Lhe world
ln Lhe lnlLlal sLages Lhe scooLer segmenL was domlnaLed by Al lL was laLer overLaken by 8a[a[ AuLo
AlLhough varlous governmenL and prlvaLe enLerprlses enLered Lhe fray for scooLers Lhe only new player
LhaL has lasLed Llll Loday ls LML
1he moLorcycle segmenL was lnlLlally domlnaLed by Lnfleld 330cc blkes and LscorLs 173cc blke
1he Lwowheeler markeL was opened Lo forelgn compeLlLlon ln Lhe mld80s And Lhe Lhen markeL
leaders LscorLs and Lnfleld were caughL unaware by Lhe onslaughL of Lhe 100cc blkes of Lhe four lndo
!apanese [olnL venLures WlLh Lhe avallablllLy of fuel efflclenL low power blkes demand swelled
resulLlng ln Pero Ponda Lhen Lhe only producer of four sLroke blkes (100cc caLegory) galnlng a Lop sloL
1he flrsL !apanese moLorcycles were lnLroduced ln Lhe early elghLles 1vS Suzukl and Pero Ponda
broughL ln Lhe flrsL LwosLroke and foursLroke englne moLorcycles respecLlvely 1hese Lwo players
lnlLlally sLarLed wlLh assembly of Cku klLs and laLer on progressed Lo lndlgenous manufacLurlng ln Lhe
90s Lhe ma[or growLh for moLorcycle segmenL was broughL ln by !apanese moLorcycles whlch grew aL a
raLe of nearly 23 CAC8 ln Lhe lasL flve years
1he lndusLry had a smooLh rlde ln Lhe 30s 60s and 70s when Lhe CovernmenL prohlblLed new enLrles
and sLrlcLly conLrolled capaclLy expanslon 1he lndusLry saw a sudden growLh ln Lhe 80s 1he lndusLry
wlLnessed a sLeady growLh of 14 leadlng Lo a peak volume of 19mn vehlcles ln 1990
ln 1990 Lhe enLlre auLomoblle lndusLry saw a drasLlc fall ln demand 1hls resulLed ln a decllne of 13 ln
1991 and 8 ln 1992 resulLlng ln a producLlon loss of 04mn vehlcles 8arrlng Pero Ponda all Lhe ma[or
producers suffered from recesslon ln l?93 and l?94 Pero Ponda showed a marglnal decllne ln 1992
1he reasons for recesslon ln Lhe secLor were Lhe lncessanL rlse ln fuel prlces hlgh lnpuL cosLs and
reduced purchaslng power due Lo slgnlflcanL rlse ln general prlce level and credlL crunch ln consumer
flnanclng lacLors llke lncreased producLlon ln 1992 due Lo new enLranLs coupled wlLh Lhe recesslon ln
Lhe lndusLry resulLed ln company elLher reporLlng losses or a fall ln proflLs

d Ma[or layers
1here are many Lwowheeler manufacLurers ln lndla Ma[or players ln Lhe 2wheeler lndusLry are Pero
Ponda MoLors LLd (PPML) 8a[a[ AuLo LLd (8a[a[ AuLo) and 1vS MoLor Company LLd (1vS)

1he oLher key players ln Lhe Lwowheeler lndusLry are klneLlc MoLor Company LLd (kMCL) klneLlc
Lnglneerlng LLd (kLL) LML LLd (LML) ?amaha MoLors lndla LLd (?amaha) Ma[esLlc AuLo LLd (Ma[esLlc
AuLo) 8oyal Lnfleld LLd (8LL) and Ponda MoLorcycle ScooLer lndla () LLd (PMSl)

Sllde 3 Company lnLro
Pero MoLoCorp ls puLLlng forLh an eplc performance ln Lhe manufacLure of Lwowheeled moLor vehlcles
Servlng Lhe lndlan markeL Pero MoLoCorp (formerly Pero Ponda MoLors LLd) sells more Lhan 3 mllllon
blkes annually wlLh offerlngs ranglng from fuelefflclenL scooLers Lo powerful moLorcycles 1he
company consldered Lhe largesL Lwowheeler manufacLurlng company ln Lhe world exporLs Lo Afrlca
Asla LasLern Lurope and LaLln Amerlca Pero MoLoCorp sLarLed as a [olnL venLure beLween Pero Croup
(run by Lhe Mun[al famlly) and Ponda MoLors ln mld2011 Ponda sold lLs 26 sLake ln Pero MoLoCorp
Lo Pero Croup CLC awan Mun[al and Lhe Mun[al famlly own 32 of Pero MoLoCorp

a Ma[or buslnesses
formerly ero ondf ls a moLorcycle and scooLer manufacLurer based ln lndla Pero Ponda sLarLed ln
1984 as a [olnL venLure beLween Pero Cycles of lndla and Ponda of !apan
1he company ls Lhe largesL
Lwo wheeler manufacLurer ln lndla
1he 2006 lorbes 200 MosL 8especLed companles llsL has Pero
Ponda MoLors ranked aL 108

b CounLry of Crlgln
A [olnL venLure beLween Lhe Pero Croup and Ponda MoLor Company was esLabllshed ln 1984 as Lhe
Pero Ponda MoLors LlmlLed AL uharuhera lndla

c 8rlef PlsLory
Pero MoLoCorp was sLarLed ln 1984 as Pero Ponda MoLors LLd3

1936 lormaLlon of Pero Cycles ln Ludhlana
1973 Pero Cycles becomes largesL blcycle manufacLurer ln lndla
1983 !olnL CollaboraLlon AgreemenL wlLh Ponda MoLor Co LLd !apan slgned Shareholders
AgreemenL slgned
1984 Pero Ponda MoLors LLd lncorporaLed
1983 Pero Ponda moLorcycle Cu 100 launched
1989 Pero Ponda moLorcycle Sleek launched
1991 Pero Ponda moLorcycle Cu 100 SS launched
1994 Pero Ponda moLorcycle Splendor launched
1997 Pero Ponda moLorcycle SLreeL launched
1999 Pero Ponda moLorcycle C8Z launched
2001 Pero Ponda moLorcycle asslon and Pero Ponda !oy launched
2002 Pero Ponda moLorcycle uawn and Pero Ponda moLorcycle AmblLlon launched
2003 Pero Ponda moLorcycle Cu uawn Pero Ponda moLorcycle Splendor Pero Ponda
moLorcycle asslon lus and Pero Ponda moLorcycle karlzma launched
2004 Pero Ponda moLorcycle AmblLlon 133 and Pero Ponda moLorcycle C8Z* launched
2003 Pero Ponda moLorcycle Super Splendor Pero Ponda moLorcycle Cu ueluxe Pero Ponda
moLorcycle Clamour Pero Ponda moLorcycle Achlever and Pero Ponda ScooLer leasure
2007 new Models of Pero Ponda moLorcycle Splendor nxC new Models of Pero Ponda
moLorcycle Cu ueluxe new Models of Pero Ponda moLorcycle asslon lus and Pero Ponda
moLorcycle Punk launched
2008 new Models of Pero Ponda moLorcycles leasure C8Z xLreme Clamour Clamour ll and
Pero Ponda moLorcycle asslon ro launched
2009 new Models of Pero Ponda moLorcycle karlzmakarlzma ZM8 and llmlLed edlLlon of
Pero Ponda moLorcycle Punk launched
2010 new Models of Pero Ponda moLorcycle Splendor ro and new Pero Ponda moLorcycle
Punk and new Pero Ponda MoLorcycle Super Splendor launched
2011 new Models of Pero Ponda moLorcycles Clamour Clamour ll C8Z xLreme karlzma
new llcenslng arrangemenL slgned beLween Pero and Ponda
AugusL 2011 Pero and Ponda parL company Lhus formlng Pero MoLoCorp and Ponda movlng
ouL of Lhe Pero Ponda [olnL venLure

Sllde 4 8rand / roducL lnLro

88Anu nAML kA8lZMA
ln Plndl kA8lSPMA" means someLhlng lnexpllcably maglcal" ln Lngllsh CPA8lSMA" (pronounced
karlzma) means Lhe ablllLy Lo lnsplre followers wlLh devoLlon and enLhuslasm" 1he way Lhls blke has
Lurned ouL Lo be lL ls probably boLh 1he monogram of karlzma lLself ls very aLLracLlve and eye caLchy
because of Lhe color

ln order Lo overcome Lhe compeLlLlon faced from lLs blggesL compeLlLor ba[a[220 dLsl Lhe company has
Lrled Lo aLLracL Lhe cusLomers by changlng Lhe graphlcs of karlzma le an aLLracLlve new logo whlch
represenLs Lhe blke's cuLLlng edge lmagery of belng racy

lnLernaLlonal sLyllng graphlcs wlLh a pronounced `8' on Lhe Lank and an asymmeLrlcal one on Lhe vlsor ln
keeplng wlLh Lhe laLesL lnLernaLlonal Lrend

Sllde 3 roducL
uLSlCn LnClnLL8lnC Anu ln1L8lC8S

Pero Ponda has Laken a loL of sLyllng cues for Lhls blke from Ponda's old model vl8 800 Lhe !apanese
glanL's legendary and largesL selllng superblke SlmllarlLles are vlslble ln Lhe alloy dlecasL wheels Lhe
Lallplece Lhe fronL lndlcaLors Lhe falrlng Lhe sllencer unlL seaL panel shapes and lnsLrumenL blnnacle
Lven Lhe way Pero Ponda has palnLed parLs of Lhe slde panels sllver Lo look llke exposed alumlnlum
frame secLlons remlnds one of Lhe genulne Lhlng on Lhe vl8 Cne cannoL help buL Lhlnk LhaL Lhe
sLeerlng column secLlon of Lhe blke looks crude and empLy [usL below Lhe handlebar mounLs llL and
flnlsh ls excellenL and no less Lhan Lhe hlgh sLandards we have come Lo respecL Pero Ponda for 1he
company has kepL wlLh Lhe Llmes and grafLed an alrcrafLLype fuel flller cap onLo Lhe Lank 1he Lank
recesses easlly accommodaLed Lhe legs of our LallesL LesLers 1he amber backllghLlng for lnsLrumenLs ls
exclLlng 8elng connecLed dlrecLly Lo Lhe baLLery all llghLs and lnsLrumenLs work lndependenLly of Lhe
rpm of Lhe englne and are a boon aL nlghL


Avallable Colors
Candy 8lazlng 8ed Sparkllng Sllver
1urquolse 8lue Moon ?ellow
earl Composed 8ed 8lack
MyLh Cold MeLalllc


hyslcal measures
ury welghL 1300 kg (3307 pounds)
Cverall helghL 1160 mm (437 lnches)
Cverall lengLh 2123 mm (837 lnches)
Cverall wldLh 733 mm (297 lnches)
Cround clearance 130 mm (39 lnches)
Wheelbase 1333 mm (333 lnches) Chassls and dlmenslons
lronL Lyre dlmenslons 27318 42
8ear Lyre dlmenslons 100/9018 36
lronL brakes Slngle dlsc
lronL brakes dlameLer 276 mm (109 lnches)
8ear brakes Lxpandlng brake (drum brake)
8ear brakes dlameLer 130 mm (31 lnches)
LxhausL sysLem Slngle SLalnless SLeel lpe

CuA8An1LL Anu WA88An1lLS

- CnL ?LA8 l8LL SL8vlCL l8CM CCMAn?
- 1WC ?LA8S CuA8An1LL lC8 1PL A81S Cl 1PL 8lkL

Sllde 6 rlce

1he new karlzma wlll also conLlnue Lo be prlced aL almosL Lhe same level as Lhe prevlous verslon wlLh
onroad prlces for Lhe regular varlanL worklng ouL Lo 8s 7900080000 1he speclal edlLlon varlanL wlLh
red magwheels wlll be cosLller by abouL 8s 1000

Sllde 7 lace
CPAnnLLS Cl ulS18l8u1lCn

As a company dealers play a ma[or role ln servlng cusLomers whlle growlng and susLalnlng markeLs
Pero Ponda has a neLwork of more Lhan 3300 sLrong and dedlcaLed AuLhorlzed dealers A neLwork LhaL
has helped Pero Ponda's name and lLs promlse of rellable quallLy Lo every parL of Lhe counLry 1he
power of Lhls hlghly efflclenL and moLlvaLed neLwork goes a long way Lo creaLe goodwlll for Pero Ponda
brand among counLless consumers besldes creaLlng avallablllLy and afLer sales servlces

1he channel of dlsLrlbuLlon ls a dlrecL dealer neLwork A dlrecL dealer ls a dealer who ls auLhorlzed Lo
purchase Lhe producL dlrecLly from Lhe company and sell

P?SlCAL ulS18l8u1lCn

Pero Ponda has more Lhan 3300 showrooms ln lndla Some of Lhe AuLhorlzed dealers of Pero Ponda
karlzma ln and around 8ombay are

- Max MoLors (8ombay)

- l MoLors (8ombay)

- Axls MoLors (1hane)

- 8an[eeL MoLors (1hane)

- Ahlr MoLors (kalyan)

- SpecLra MoLors (new 8ombay)

- P M MoLors (anvel)

Sllde 8 romoLlon


Pero Ponda karlzma

A flghLer plane ls on a regular sorLle when Lhe plloL noLlces a movlng ob[ecL Zoomlng hls camera he
capLures a blke crulslng aL hlgh speed lnformlng Lhe conLrol Lower Lhe plloL dlves ln for a closer look

1he blke gaLhers speed and enLers a Lunnel Lo beaL Lhe flghLer alrcrafL 8eachlng Lhe alrbase Lhe rlder
meshes wlLh Lhe sLaff as Lhey examlne Lhe lmages of Lhe moLorcycle unaware LhaL lLs owner ls
amldsL Lhem MvC Pero Ponda karlzma !eL SeL Co

1he allnewkarlzma has been creaLed by Lhe Pero Ponda's research and developmenL Leam Lo mark Lhe
company's hlghesLever sales of over 303 lakh unlLs ln May 2006

CelebraLlng lLs mllesLone of rolllng ouL 13 mllllon blkes Lwowheeler ma[or Pero Ponda presenLed a
Lallormade 'allchrome karlzma' moLorcycle Lo 8ollywood sLar PrlLhlk 8oshan

1hls super blke wlll surely maLch my super hero lmage" Pero Ponda brand ambassador PrlLhlk sald as
Pero Ponda Managlng ulrecLor awan Mun[al handed over Lhe keys Lo Lhe sLar

1he allnewkarlzma has been creaLed by Lhe Pero Ponda's research and developmenL Leam Lo mark Lhe
company's hlghesLever sales of over 303 lakh unlLs ln May 2006

Sllde 9 lnnovaLlons
Sllde 10 AnyLhlng Llse
Sllde 11 Concluslon 8ecommendaLlons

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