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Untitled you? 1. Why should a company employ you? employer? 2.

Why would you be of strong value to your next employer? employees/mgrs. yours? 3. How do you handle fellow employees/mgrs. different views or opinions on projects from yours? problems? 4. Give an example of how you adjust to difficult or unexpected situations or problems? project? 5. Give an example of a project you had to work on & how you prioritized the elements of the project? challenge/ you' career? 6. What was the biggest challenge/problem you've had in your career? How did you handle it and did it involve upper management? management? accomplishment? 7. What was your best business accomplishment? money, 8. How did this accomplishment help the company make money, save money or was responsible for change that affected efficiency. income. the efficiency. % converted into income.? sets? 9. List your skill sets? 10. it. 10.Can you think of a conflict and how did you handle it. yourself" background. "Tell me about yourself" is not an invitation for a 20 minute dialog about your background. Its a way for you to problems. provide reasons why you are the best candidate for the job and how you will help solve their problems. Yourself". accomplishments, "Tell Me About Yourself". This annoys me because generally we have gone over my accomplishments, what I have to for. don' and/ offer that fits with what your looking for. You really don't want to know about my personal likes and/or dislikes ask? or what is most important to me, so why ask? me,

Seriously, Seriously, it depends on the job and the level of responsibility as well as the core capabilities for the actually vacancy. vacancy. An experienced interviewer will adapt questions depending on the above as well as the strategic direction company. of the company. I'll have stab at it 7 questions for you though but not necessarily in any particular order and try and give you question. some background as to why they might be asking you that question. leave/ job? **Is 1. Why did you leave/are you leaving your last job? **Is this person serious about moving or are they using this as money/ employer? a potential bargaining chip to get more money/responsibility with their current employer?** 2. If you were offered this job, are there any barriers that would prevent you from accepting it? **If we want to job, it? **If offer you the job, what other considerations do we need to take into account? ie relocation** job, account? relocation** here? **Does 3. What do you know about this company and why would you want to work here? **Does this candidate want a career or live... ...Is just a pay packet or is the location just handy to where they live...Is this the most focused candidate for the role? role?** role? **How 4. What do you see as the most challenging aspect of this role? **How much experience does this person have in a challenges? similar role or how much research have they done into current market challenges?** you? **What 5. What motivates you? **What sort of management style is this person going to need and can we accommodate that structure, sort of individual in the current company structure, is the company culture right for this person or would they be timeframe? miserable working here and leave again in a short timeframe?** you' capacity? **Who 6. What is the biggest mistake you've ever made in a professional capacity? **Who cares really but can they analyse it? what went wrong and learn from it?** me? **How company, 7. Do you have any questions for me? **How interested are you really about the company, the job and any information interview? you have picked up throughout the interview?** anyway) The basis of an interview is to establish what competencies (formally trained interview procedures anyway) a job. candidate has in relation to the competency requirements of the job. The above questions (arguably with the candidate. exception of number 6) are information and profiling questions specifically about the candidate. Mahendranathan lists questions that are mainly competency based ie specific to the type of role or company he is applying to. to. Ie. Ie. Q4 - Example of adjusting to difficult situation - Competency = ADAPTABILITY Q7/8 - Best accomplishment - Competency = GOAL ORIENTATION / MOTIVATION Colleagues/ Q3 - Colleagues/Managers - Competency = TEAMWORK starts: when...... ......, of....... ......., Any question that starts: Tell me about a specific time when......, Give me an example of......., are competency based. based. description. do, Often you may find competencies listed at the end of a job description. If you do, make sure you have prepared some area. examples that demonstrate your experience in that area. Its extremely hard to lie about it as there are ways to honest. drill down in the question to get exact details so be honest. In any interview process there should also be a technical element which will deal with things like skill sets etc. etc. you, uncomfortable. A skilled interviewer is not there to scare the pants off you, infuriate or make you uncomfortable. They work on the basis that they have a number of relevant candidates for the job and have to make sure for the businesses sake job. that they secure the best person possible for a job. It should be done on a professional basis and is in no way personal. personal. is: "Regardless interview, The best question for a candidate at the end of the interview is: "Regardless of the outcome of this interview, would you be able to provide me with honest feedback as to how I came across and why you made that decision?" decision? Always be professional in an interview no matter how much of a twit you might think the person interviewing is. Its is. a much nicer feeling to turn a job down that never have the opportunity at all because you let them know they didn' you. didn't impress you.

1. What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses? weaknesses? 2. What is the reason for leaving your previous work? work? you? situational) 3. Can you describe a previous job condition where you? (a situational) environment? 4. What do you consider an ideal work environment? mistakes? 5. How do you deal with mistakes? achievement? 6. What do you consider as your best achievement? company? 7.Why do you want to work for this company? Page 1

Untitled like, 'Tell yourself' weakness' Questions like, 'Tell me something about yourself' and 'What is your biggest weakness' are age old questions that with. many people still struggle with. Look at them as hidden opportunities to further set yourself apart from other benefit. position, applicants and turn the question around to your benefit. If you have researched the company and the position, this dots. question, 'Is is your chance to connect the dots. Just like the traditional final question, 'Is there anything you would like to add?' add?'

This is a kind of interview which is known as a conversational interview as long as i remember as i went through this topic during my MBA because normally the interviews are interogative in which they ask specifically about your e. experience the reasons for your interest in the job and e.t.c. When the interviewes asks you for questioning them instead it exhibits your strength and experience in a a different manner conveying about your home work and knowledge with which you came up for the interview

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