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Business Information Systems 100

What are IS and TI?

What are IS and TI?

Business Information Systems 100 Lecture 2

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BIS100 What are IS and TI? 2


URGENT: If you didnt aQend the First Lecture

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Please download the Unit Outline and read ASAP! Please open the Learning Unit 1 - secHon in there

URGENT: If you havent started Worksheet 1

Please go to BIS100 in BlackBoard
Please open the Unit Resources secHon
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Please open the Unit Resources secHon

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Workshop 01 Workshop Overview and Set-up Read through them closely and do as requested

Get the Unit Textbook (from the Bookshop)

CreaHng Business Value with IT McGraw-Hill Read Learning Unit 1 Chapters
What are IS and TI?

Lecture 01 Value of IT and Unit Overview Read through them very carefully

Do the Electronic Worksheet (in BlackBoard)

Worksheet 01 Workshop Overview and Set-up Follow direcHons, complete, and submit ASAP!
4 BIS100 What are IS and TI? 5


Review of The Value of IT

IT is used extensively throughout most (if not all) modern businesses. People use informa0on technology to work with informa0on. IT can provide compeHHve advantage unHl all businesses can readily acquire the same IT. Whether or not the world is at, IT plays a role and there are many implicaHons for business.
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 8

Review of BIS100 Unit

BIS100 focuses on explaining how businesses can create value with IT, plus the echnology and informaHon literacy graduate aQributes Weekly lecture (1.5 hrs) and weekly workshop (1.5 hrs) plus independent study in own Hme Custom textbook, lecture slides, workshop slides, worksheets and BlackBoard resources Assess: worksheets (20%), assignment (15%), semester test (15%) & nal examinaHon (50%)
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 9

School of IS, Curtin

Business Information Systems 100

What are IS and TI?

Overview of BIS 100

Learning Module 1 The Value of IT
Learning Unit 1 The Value of IT Learning Unit 2 What are IS and TI? Learning Unit 3 CreaHng Business Value with IT


Business InformaHon Systems 100

Learning Module 2 CreaHng Business Value with InformaHon Systems Learning Module 3 CreaHng Business Value with L/SCM and ERP Learning Module 4 CreaHng Business Value with ICT Infrastructure

Learning Unit 4 CreaHng Business Value with InformaHon Systems

Learning Unit 5 CreaHng Business Value with InformaHon

Learning Unit 6 CreaHng Business Value on the Demand Side

Learning Unit 7 CreaHng Business Value on the Supply Side

Learning Unit 8 CreaHng Business Value with ERP

Learning Unit 9 CreaHng Business Value across the Value Chain: A Case Study

Learning Unit 10 CreaHng Business Value with ICT Infrastructure

Learning Unit 11 CreaHng Business Value with Outsourced ICT Infrastructure

Learning Module 5 Future Trends in IT

Learning Unit 12 Future Trends in IT


What are IS and TI?



What are IS and TI?


Academic ObjecHves
The academic objecHves of this lecture are to: 1.Introduce the concepts of systems, parHcularly business, informaHon, and sokware systems. 2.To dene and explain InformaHon Systems and ICT Infrastructure elds, disciplines & careers. 3.To introduce a ve step process and a format for describing informaHon systems.

Learning Outcomes
Aker this lecture students should be able to: 1.Describe what Business, InformaHon, and Sokware Systems are and do. 2.Describe what InformaHon and CommunicaHon Technology Infrastructure (TI) is and does. 3.Compare and contrast the elds, disciplines, and careers in IS and TI. 4.Describe an informaHon system using the simple ve steps and descripHon format.
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 15


What are IS and TI?


Learning Resources (Required)

CreaHng Business Value with IT Learning Unit 2
O'Brien, M., and G. Marakas. 2007. Chapter 1 - FoundaHons of InformaHon Systems. In IntroducHon to InformaHon Systems: McGraw-Hill.


What are IS and TI?


What are IS and TI?



What are IS and TI?


School of IS, Curtin

Business Information Systems 100

What are IS and TI?

What is a system?
Something Happens Inside

What is a System?
DeniHon System
A system is
set of interrelated components, with a clearly dened boundary, working together to achieve a common set of objec0ves by accep0ng inputs and producing outputs in an organised transforma0on process.

Something Goes In

Something Comes Out

A system
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 18 BIS100

Inputs => TransformaHon => Outputs

What are IS and TI? 19

Human Body

Example Human Body

System Deni*on Set of interrelated components Clearly dened boundary Working together to achieve a common set of objecHves AccepHng inputs Producing outputs Organised fashion Human Body Brain, lungs, skeleton, muscles, digesHve system, Skin, membranes, To survive, to procreate, to have fun, to learn, Food, drink, air, informaHon, Waste, CO2, informaHon, Most of the Hme


What are IS and TI?



What are IS and TI?


More Examples of Systems

Manufacturing System University AircondiHoner Government Computers People Pasta Making Machine ...
What are IS and TI? 22

What is a Business System?

A business can be considered as a system! What are the inputs? What are the outputs? What is transformaHon process(es)?
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 23


School of IS, Curtin

Business Information Systems 100

What are IS and TI?

Example of a Business System

Hotel Business System

What are InformaHon Systems? DeniHon - InformaHon Systems are

informaHon processing and storage systems!

Computerised Information Systems

Management Systems


What goes in?


Non-Computerised Information Systems


Communication Systems

Plus Many More


What comes out?


Human Resources Systems

What happens inside?

Catering Systems

Maintenance Systems

InformaHon Processing InformaHon Storage (and Retrieval)

24 BIS100 What are IS and TI? 25


What are IS and TI?

What are InformaHon Systems?

DeniHon - InformaHon Systems are organised combinaHons of
People Sokware Hardware CommunicaHons networks Data resources Policies and procedures


InformaHon Systems
Filing Cabinet


People Files Database

Filing Cabinet



that store, retrieve, transforms, and disseminate informaHon in an organisaHon.

BIS100 What are IS and TI? 26

Collections of people, computers, filing cabinets, databases, ... organised to process and store (and retrieve) information
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 27

InformaHon System are comprised of:

People Resources Sokware Resources Data, InformaHon, Knowledge Resources Hardware Resources Network Resources

InformaHon Systems AcHviHes

Input informaHon into the system Processing of informaHon in the system Output informaHon from the system Storage of informaHon in the system Control informaHon processing in the system


What are IS and TI?



What are IS and TI?


School of IS, Curtin

Business Information Systems 100

What are IS and TI?

Informa*on System (IS) versus Informa*on and Communica*on Technology Infrastructure (TI) IS is all the components and resources necessary to deliver informaHon and funcHons to the organisaHon. TI is the hardware, sokware, networking and data management that makes up and supports the informaHon system. In theory, IS could be pen-and-paper-based but we will focus on Computer-Based InformaHon Systems (CBIS)
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 30 BIS100

Library InformaHon System (before modern IT)

What are IS and TI?


Library InformaHon System (before modern IT)

Library InformaHon System (with modern IT)

What is this?
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 32 BIS100 What are IS and TI? 33

Library InformaHon System (with modern IT)

Library InformaHon System (with modern IT)


What are IS and TI?



What are IS and TI?


School of IS, Curtin

Business Information Systems 100

What are IS and TI?

Sokware Systems are informaHon systems where computer sokware does the informaHon processing.

What are Sokware Systems?

Sokware Systems
Information System

What goes in? What comes out? What is the transformaHon process(es)?

Sokware Hardware
ICT Infrastructure

Sokware Systems are InformaHon Systems too!

What are IS and TI? 36 BIS100

Software runs on Hardware

What are IS and TI? 37


InformaHon Systems may contain Other InformaHon Systems called Subsystems

University InformaHon System
Student & Courses InformaHon System
Student ONE Sokware

Business Systems may contain Informa*on Systems which may contain SoNware Systems
Sokware Systems

The System


InformaHon Systems

Financial InformaHon System

Finance ONE Sokware

Business Systems

BIS100 What are IS and TI? 38 BIS100 What are IS and TI? 39

Types of a InformaHon Systems

Types of InformaHon Systems

1. OperaHons Support Systems
1. TransacHon Processing Systems 2. Enterprise CollaboraHon Systems 3.

2. Management Support Systems

1. Management InformaHon Systems 2. Decision Support System 3.
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School of IS, Curtin

Business Information Systems 100

What are IS and TI?

OperaHons support systems

What are they?
Eciently process business transacHons Control industrial processes Support communicaHons and collaboraHon Update corporate databases

Types of OperaHons Support Systems

TransacHon Processing Systems
Record and process data from business transacHons Examples: sales processing, inventory systems, accounHng systems Monitor and control physical processes Example: in a petroleum renery use sensors to monitor chemical processes Enhance team and work group communicaHons Examples: e-mail, videoconferencing
What are IS and TI? 43

Process Control Systems

Enterprise CollaboraHon Systems

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Two ways to process transacHons Batch Processing:

Accumulate transacHons over Hme and process periodically Example: a bank processes all checks received in a batch at night

Management Support Systems

What are they?
Provide informaHon and support for eecHve decision making by managers

Online Processing:
Process transacHons immediately Example: a bank processes an ATM withdrawal immediately
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Types of Management Support Systems

Management InformaHon Systems (MIS) Decision Support Systems (DSS)
Provide reports and displays to managers Example: daily sales analysis reports

OperaHonal or Management Systems

Expert Systems
Provide expert advice Example: credit applicaHon advisor

ExecuHve InformaHon Systems (EIS)

Provide interacHve ad hoc support for decision making Example: A what-if-analysis to determine where to spend adverHsing dollars Provide criHcal informaHon for execuHves and managers Example: easy access to acHons of compeHtors
What are IS and TI? 46

Knowledge Management Systems

Support creaHon, organizaHon and disseminaHon of business knowledge throughout company Example: Intranet access to best business pracHces
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 47


School of IS, Curtin

Business Information Systems 100

What are IS and TI?

Not Everything in a Business System is always an Informa*on System Business systems can also contain systems other than informaHon systems Example
Amazon has an informaHon system to handle the purchasing of books and other products. Amazon also has a physical system to handle the acquisiHon and delivery of the physical products. Oken though there are informaHon systems (e.g. logisHcs systems) to control these other systems.
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 48

A business system oken contains systems that are NOT informaHon systems!
Amazon Business
Web Purchasing InformaHon System
Web Site Sokware

Sta Tea Club InformaHon System

No sokware used in this informaHon system

Product Management Sokware

Human Resources InformaHon System

Human Resources Sokware

Product AcquisiHon and Delivery System (a physical system)


What are IS and TI?


InformaHon Systems FuncHon

InformaHon Systems FuncHon represents
A major funcHonal area, equally as important to business success as accounHng, nance, An important contributor to operaHonal eciency, employee producHvity, A vital ingredient to development compeHHve products and services for strategic advantage, A dynamic, rewarding, and challenging career opportunity, A key component of the resources, infrastructure, and capabiliHes of modern businesses
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 50

What is the InformaHon Systems Academic Discipline about?

It is about teaching and research into: InformaHon Systems Business InformaHon Systems InformaHon Systems Development InformaHon Systems Management ApplicaHon of InformaHon Systems
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 51

Task - Business Systems DescripHon

What are IS and TI?

With a buddy (or on your own) pick a business (any business) and consider the quesHons:
What are some of the inputs and outputs for this business (i.e. what goes in and what comes out)? What are some of the informaHon systems that it may contain (and what processing do they do)? What are some of sokware systems (if any) that it may contain (and what processing do they do)? What sort of non-informaHon-related systems may it contain (and what do they do)?


What are IS and TI?


Use a diagram to summarise this descripHon.

BIS100 What are IS and TI?


School of IS, Curtin

Business Information Systems 100

What are IS and TI?


What are IS and TI?

What are InformaHon Technologies?

Technologies related to all aspects of data, information, and knowledge

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Telephones VoIP

InformaHon and CommunicaHon Technologies (ICT)

Video Conferencing SIP




What are IS and TI?



What are IS and TI?


IT Infrastructure or ICT Infrastructure

is usually just short for


What abbreviaHon or acronym shall we use?

ITI? Too strange ICTI? Too long

BIS100 What are IS and TI? 60

A lot of the industry uses the abbreviaHon IT for IT Infrastructure or ICT Infrastructure
But we ve discussed how IT is now an umbrella term used to cover almost anything in the area

so well use TI for


IT Infrastructure or ICT Infrastructure and oken call it Technology Infrastructure

What are IS and TI?


School of IS, Curtin

Business Information Systems 100

What are IS and TI?

InformaHon and CommunicaHon Technology Infrastructure (TI) InformaHon Systems (IS) ICT Infrastructure (TI)
InformaHon Systems run on the InformaHon and CommunicaHon Technology Infrastructure
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 62

IS and TI Departments
Also known as
IS Department or IT Department or Management InformaHon Systems Department

IS - The department in a business responsible for the InformaHon Systems funcHon. IT - The department in a business responsible for ICT Infrastructure (TI) May be combined or misnamed
BIS100 What are IS and TI?


Management InformaHon Systems (MIS)

Management InformaHon Systems is the name of a business funcHon (and academic discipline) covering the applicaHon of people, technologies and procedures, collecHvely called informaHon systems to solve business problems. MIS is a business funcHon just as markeHng, nance, operaHons, and human resources are business funcHons
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 64


What are IS and TI?


What are IS and TI?


What is Computer Science (CS)?

What is the Computer Science Academic Discipline about?

Computer Science (CS) is about teaching and research related to: Theory of ComputaHon (CompuHng) Programming Languages Hardware and Sokware Programming Databases
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 67

The science of bits and bytes and everything to do with computing

BIS100 What are IS and TI? 66

School of IS, Curtin


Business Information Systems 100

What are IS and TI?

What is Sokware Engineering (SE)?

What is the Sokware Engineering Academic Discipline about?

Sokware Engineering (SE) is about teaching and research related to: Developing Large Sokware ApplicaHons Managing Sokware Development Real-world Engineering Programming TesHng
68 BIS100 What are IS and TI? 69

Engineering with bits and bytes using computers

BIS100 What are IS and TI?

What is Computer Engineering (CE)?

What is the Computer Engineering Academic Discipline about?

Computer Engineering (CE) is about teaching and research related to: Developing all computer hardware Developing networking hardware Sokware embedded in hardware Electronics
70 BIS100 What are IS and TI? 71

Designing the computer hardware, Networking, and accessories.

BIS100 What are IS and TI?


Civil Engineering

Applied (Business)
City Planning

What are IS and TI?

Computer Science & Physics

Sokware Engineering & Computer Engineering

InformaHon Systems & ICT


What are IS and TI?



What are IS and TI?


School of IS, Curtin


Business Information Systems 100

What are IS and TI?

Which of the following is NOT an informaHon processor?

Computer Person Insect Stop Sign Mechanical Calculator Washing Machine
What are IS and TI? 75

Which of the following is NOT an informaHon store?

Paper Database Computer File Filing Cabinet Computer Network Folder
What are IS and TI? 77



In this unit IT = IS + TI True or False?

True False I m not sure MathemaHcal equaHons scare me


What are IS and TI?


What are IS and TI?



What are IS and TI?


Describing InformaHon Systems

Describing InformaHon Systems from the outside is a common task for IS Professionals to understand the informaHon system
E.g. See the role of Business Analysts Information Focus

InformaHon System (External View)

2. System Boundary
Outputs to People and Other Information Systems

1. Inputs
Inputs from People and InformaHon Other Information Systems

Describing InformaHon Systems from the inside is a common task of TI Professionals to plan development of an informaHon system
E.g. See the role of Systems Analyst or Architect

InformaHon System A


4. Outputs 3. Information Processing and Storage

83 BIS100 What are IS and TI? 84

We can describe InformaHon Systems with text and pictures / drawings.

BIS100 What are IS and TI?

School of IS, Curtin


Business Information Systems 100

What are IS and TI?

1. Name the InformaHon System

Describing an InformaHon Systems (from the Outside)

Give the informaHon system a name (and usually an acronym) by which it can easily be referred to (usually ends in Info. System )

InformaHon System (Internal View)

ICT Technology Focus
InformaHon Processor 1

2. IdenHfy the Inputs and the Outputs

3. Describe the InformaHon Processing 4. Describe the InformaHon Stored 5. Dene the System Boundary

Document what informaHon comes in and goes out (not who or what enters or receives the informaHon) Describe what informaHon processing the overall informaHon system is responsible for. Describe what informaHon is stored and/or retrieved overall in the informaHon system. Work out what is within and what is NOT within the system (and draw or describe this).
What are IS and TI? 85

InformaHon Store 1

Communication Network 1

InformaHon Processor 2

InformaHon Store 2

Should not describe any ICT infrastructure (technology)!



What are IS and TI?


Describing an InformaHon Systems (on the Inside)

1. What informaHon processing components does it contain and what do they do? 2. What informaHon storage components does it contain and what do they store? 3. What informaHon networks (communicaHon) components does it contain? 4. What smaller informaHon systems does it contain? If any? Usually describes ICT Infrastructure (technology)!
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 87

What are the components inside an InformaHon System

InformaHon Processing Components
People, calculators, sokware on computers, other devices

InformaHon Storage Components

Paper, folders, ling cabinets, computer memory, Flash drives, databases on disks,

InformaHon (CommunicaHon) Networks

Sneaker-net, telephone, postal service, Internet, intranet,
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 88

A Step-By-Step Process for Describing InformaHon Systems

Step 1 Provide General DescripHon of IS Step 2 Describe External View of IS
Name, overall funcHon, users, user tasks Find inputs, outputs, high-level processsing, boundary Draw input arrows, circle system, output arrows Find informaHon processors and stores, networks Draw cube processors, cylinder stores, link networks
What are IS and TI? 89

A Format for a document Describing InformaHon Systems

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

General DescripHon

Title, descripHon of overall funcHon, list of users and funcHons they use or tasks they perform with the system, instance details List of users and the named inputs they provide and/or outputs they receive, descripHon of system boundary External informaHon focus input and outputs as arrows with user and input/outputs respecHvely, named informaHon system as a circle List of named informaHon processors and informaHon stores, and any signicant networks Internal ICT focus informaHon processor and stores and networks

External DescripHon

Step 3 Draw an External View Diagram Step 4 Describe Internal View of IS

External View Diagram Internal DescripHon

Step 5 Draw an Internal View Diagram

Internal View Diagram Further Notes References


What are IS and TI?


School of IS, Curtin


Business Information Systems 100

What are IS and TI?

Simple Example Video Store InformaHon System DescripHon

Task describe the informaHon system that exists within a Video Store Business. Overview
A video store is a business that rents and sells videos (usually DVD movies) as well as computer games and snack food Modern video stores use sokware systems but they sHll employ people and maintains some paper-based documentaHon
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 91

1. General DescripHon
Video Store InformaHon System (VSIS)
NB: Oken use an acronym to make it easier to refer to the informaHon system, rather than using full name.

Overall FuncHon
Processes and stores all the informaHon required for the video store to provide a video rental and sales service to its customers


What are IS and TI?


1. General DescripHon
Users and FuncHons
Customer rent, return, and query videos; buy videos and snack food; query video availability Head Oce IS collect sales informaHon, provide details of new videos being shipped to store etc. Postal System - receives leQers to be delivered to customers with overdue videos.

Importance of the Boundary of an InformaHon System

The boundary of an informaHon system determines what is inside and what is outside of the informaHon system As a result it determines what are the input and what are the outputs, as well as what informaHon processing and storage occurs. Consider the boundary carefully when describing an informaHon systems (don t make it too small or too big)!
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 94

E.g. BlockBuster Video Store InformaHon System
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 93

Option 1 Customer

VSIS Boundary Which boundary to use?

Information A

2. External DescripHon
Inputs From Customer

Video Store Clerk

Information B

Video Rental Processor

Information C

From Head Oce Outputs To Customer

Customer Details, Video Query Details, Video Rental Details, Payment Details New Video Details Video Rental Details, Video Query Result, Cost, Receipt InformaHon Sales Details

Option 2
Information A

Customer Option 3
Information A

Video Store Clerk

Information B

Video Rental Processor

Information C


To Head Oce IS To Post Oce


Video Store Clerk

Information B

Video Rental Processor

Information C


Delivery Details (on leQers) Message (inside leQers)

Video Store Clerk is inside the informaHon system Customer is outside the informaHon system
What are IS and TI? 96


What are IS and TI?



School of IS, Curtin


Business Information Systems 100

What are IS and TI?

3. VSIS External View Diagram

Customer Details Video Search Details Payment Details

Postal Service
Delivery Details Message

4. Internal DescripHon
InformaHon Processors
Store Clerk processes customer requests Store Personal Computer (PC) tracks sales & rental

Video Store InformaHon System (VSIS)

Head Office IS
New Video Details

Rental Details Query Results Receipt Details

InformaHon Stores
Filing Cabinet stores completed registraHon forms Database stores videos and rental details

Head Office IS
Sales Details

Human network? Phone network?
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 98


What are IS and TI?


5. VSIS Internal View Diagram

InformaHon Systems Design and DescripHon

General and External Design and DescripHon
Key task performed by InformaHon Systems Professionals
Business Analyst Systems Analyst

Store Clerk

VS Sokware on PC

Filing Cabinet

Databas e

Internal Design and DescripHon

Key task performed by InformaHon Systems Professionals
Systems Architects Systems Developers


What are IS and TI?



What are IS and TI?


Informa*on Systems Descrip*on Assignment NOW AVAILABLE!

Please see: BIS100 Blackboard > Assessment > Assignment You NEED to read the following documents
1. IS DescripHon Framework


What are IS and TI?

See PDFs in Resources secHon of Learning Unit 2 See PDFs in Assignment secHon of Assessments

2. IS DescripHon Assignment

Due Week 6 Start Now!

What are IS and TI?



What are IS and TI?


School of IS, Curtin


Business Information Systems 100

What are IS and TI?

Task Describe a simple Calculator InformaHon System

With a buddy (or on your own) follow the IS DescripHon Process to quickly sketch a simple descripHon of a simple calculator IS. Remember:
1. You only need to describe the *informaHon* aspects of the system 2. You may simplify your system by ignoring complex operaHons
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 104

Task Describe an AutomaHc Teller Machine (ATM) InformaHon System

With a buddy (or on your own) follow the IS DescripHon Process to quickly sketch a simple descripHon of an ATM / cash point etc. Remember:
1. You only need to describe the *informaHon* aspects of the system 2. Dont forget the Main Bank Computer and its easiest to think of it as external to the ATM IS. 3. You may simplify your system by ignoring complex operaHons
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 105

What are IS and TI?

Careers in IT are Professional Careers


What are IS and TI?



What are IS and TI?


What do IS Professionals do?

Analyse the Business

Develop, manage, and support information systems to help businesses succeed.

BIS100 What are IS and TI? 109 BIS100 What are IS and TI? 110

School of IS, Curtin


Business Information Systems 100

What are IS and TI?

Design the InformaHon Systems

Work with People


What are IS and TI?



What are IS and TI?


Manage the InformaHon Systems

Careers in InformaHon Systems (IS)


InformaHon Systems Support InformaHon Systems Developer Data Modeller Business Analyst Systems Analyst or Architect InformaHon Systems Project Manager Chief InformaHon Ocer (CIO)
What are IS and TI? 114


What are IS and TI?


What does the IS Department in businesses do?

The group of people in an organisaHon that designs, deploys, supports, and manages the InformaHon Systems with an organisaHon.

What do TI Professionals do?

Design, manage, and support the ICT Infrastructure that runs the business information systems.
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 115 BIS100 What are IS and TI? 116

School of IS, Curtin


Business Information Systems 100

What are IS and TI?

Work with Technology

Work with People


What are IS and TI?



What are IS and TI?


Support Users

Manage the TI


What are IS and TI?



What are IS and TI?


Careers in ICT Infrastructure (TI)


What does the IT Department in business do?

The group of people in an organisaHon that builds, deploys, supports, and manages the InformaHon and CommunicaHons Technology Infrastructure (TI) within an organisaHon.

Technology Worker Help Desk Training ICT Specialist ICT Project Manager Chief InformaHon Ocer (CIO)
What are IS and TI? 121


What are IS and TI?


School of IS, Curtin


Business Information Systems 100

What are IS and TI?

Other IT Areas & Careers

Computer Science
The science of compuHng



Sokware Engineering
The engineering of large sokware systems

Computer Engineering
The engineering of computer-related hardware

BIS100 What are IS and TI? 123 BIS100

Computer ScienHsts
What are IS and TI? 124



IS and TI Professionals

Sokware & Computer Engineers

BIS100 What are IS and TI? 125

Working close with the business. Here to stay!

BIS100 What are IS and TI? 126

The bridge between Business and Technology

Where are the dierent IT Professionals in businesses?

Business EducaHon

Business EducaHon

IS Management
IS EducaHon

TI Management
TI EducaHon

IS Specialist

TI Specialist

The job of IS and TI Professionals

BIS100 What are IS and TI? 127

SE EducaHon

SE Specialist

TI Specialist

CS / CE EducaHon

What are IS and TI?

School of IS, Curtin


Business Information Systems 100

What are IS and TI?

Other C-Level ExecuHves

Chief Technology Ocer (CTO) IT Product Leader
Leads development of IT products

Kinds of organisaHons employing IT Graduates

Small & Medium Enterprise (SMEs)
Most employ some ICT support

Chief Knowledge Ocer (CKO) Knowledge Leader

Leads management of knowledge within business

Chief Financial Ocer (CFO) Money Man

Not IT specic but controls the purse strings

Large (MulHnaHonal) Companies

IS and/or IT Departments

Chief OperaHons Ocer (COO) OperaHons Manager

Not IT specic but hands in all places

Government Departments
Local, State, and Federal

Chief ExecuHve Ocer Boss of the Business

Oken also plays the role of CIO, CKO, CTO,
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 129 BIS100

What are IS and TI?


Companies employing IS and TI Graduates

IS / TI Companies (All IS and TI Roles)
IBM, CSC, Dell, Oracle,...

What you DO need to be an IS or TI Professional

An excellent understanding of INFORMATION An excellent understanding of TECHNOLOGY An excellent understanding of BUSINESS An excellent understanding of PEOPLE And excellent interpersonal and communicaHon skills (wriQen, spoken, presentaHon)
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 132

UHlity Companies (All IS and TI Roles)

Synergy, Water CorporaHon,

Banks (All IS and TI Roles)

CBA, ANZ, Westpac,

ConsulHng Firms (Business/Systems Analysts)

Accenture, DeloiQe, ...
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 131

What you DO NOT need to be an IS or TI Professional

To be a geek, a hacker, a technical guru, a hardware expert, a programming expert, ... but it helps to have some of these qualiHes or tendencies.
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 133 BIS100

InternaHonal OpportuniHes

What are IS and TI?


School of IS, Curtin


Business Information Systems 100

What are IS and TI?


What are IS and TI?

How would you categorise the Business / Systems Analysts job?

InformaHon System (IS) job ICT Infrastructure (TI) job Equal parts of the above Something else I dont know


What are IS and TI?



What are IS and TI?


How would you categorise a Network Support Specialist s job?

InformaHon System (IS) job ICT Infrastructure (TI) job Equal parts of the above Something else I dont know

How would you categorise a Chief ExecuHve Ocers job?

InformaHon System (IS) job ICT Infrastructure (TI) job Equal parts of the above Something else I dont know


What are IS and TI?



What are IS and TI?


of the lecture!

Summary of What are IS and TI?

InformaHon Systems (IS) are systems that process and store (and retrieve) informaHon. ICT Infrastructure (TI) is the informaHon and communicaHon technology that runs the informaHon systems. A business is a system that contains other systems, including informaHon systems which may contain sokware systems. IS and TI careers are professional careers that work closely with the business (especially senior execuHves) InformaHon System DescripHon : 1. General DescripHon, 2. External DescripHon, 3. External View Diagram , 4. Internal DescripHon, 5. Internal View Diagram
What are IS and TI? 144 BIS100 What are IS and TI? 145


School of IS, Curtin


Business Information Systems 100

What are IS and TI?

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Challenge Topics (OpHonal)


to stretch you!

Examine in depth the dierent types of InformaHon Systems (as touched on in the lecture and shown in the full slides). Compare and contrast Computer Science, Sokware Engineering, and Computer Engineering (as discussed in full slides) with IS and TI. Examine in depth the concepts of control and feedback in informaHon systems (see textbook) and where these concepts are most important.
146 BIS100 What are IS and TI? 147


What are IS and TI?

AddiHonal Resources (OpHonal)

Check out Wikipedia s ( entries for:
InformaHon Systems InformaHon Technology

What you need to do?

1. Before the Next Workshop
1. Complete the previous workshops worksheet and submit it online. 2. Complete the next workshops pre-workshop acHviHes (i.e. reading, reviewing, and quiz). 3. Bring any quesHons that arise from these tasks to the workshop!

How do the deniHons in there relate to the deniHons given in this lecture? Who writes the entries for Wikipedia and are they always correct?
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 148

2. Before the Next Lecture

1. Read the appropriate learning unit / specied chapters in the textbook.
BIS100 What are IS and TI? 149

Thank You and Good Day! Next Lecture: CreaHng Business Value with IT


What are IS and TI?


School of IS, Curtin


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