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Is Ninety Percent of Americans Christian?


Carl Sterling Parnell, Ed.D.

America is a nation with many different religious beliefs. However, the most dominant
religion is Christianity. But, Christianity is more than a religion. It is a way of life based
on the teachings of God’s truths contained in His Holy Word, the Bible. Also, it is a way
of life based on the teachings of God’s only begotten son Jesus Christ who gave His life
as a sacrifice for the sins of mankind. Therefore, a true follower of Jesus Christ must live
a life that mirrors the life of Jesus Christ Himself. Also, a true follower of Jesus Christ
must live a life that glorifies God the Creator and not Man the Creation.

There are many Americans that profess to be a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. In fact, in
recent surveys, sociologists estimate that 90 percent of Americans are Christians.
However, this is the greatest sociological error ever made in America. There is no way
that 9 out of 10 Americans are living by standards required by God and Jesus Christ to
truly become a Christian. If ninety percent of Americans were true Christians, then the
United States would not be in the social and economic mess that it is in at present.
America would be a utopia. But, America is not a utopia. It is a nation struggling with a
myriad of problems that seemingly there are no solutions.

What are some prevalent examples that 90 percent of Americans are not true Christians?
If 9 out of 10 Americans, which includes Supreme Court Justices, were Christians, Roe
vs. Wade would never have been passed by the United States Supreme Court. Since
Christians are led by the Holy Spirit, the same spirit that was in Jesus Christ, Christian
judges would not give in to the dictates of man. They would proudly say that an unborn
fetus has the right to life. Also, since humans must sell out to Jesus Christ and His
teachings when they become Christians, Christian women would not ever think of having
an abortion, unless it meant saving their own life due to complications at birth. Therefore,
the millions of murdered babies by abortion, since the adoption of Roe vs. Wade, would
still be alive. They would probably be well-educated and performing great feats in the
present world. They might just be responsible for saving the very life of the person who
would have been responsible for their death many years earlier.

A true Christian is a person who unequivocally accepts the truths written in the inspired
Word of God. One such truth stated in the Bible is that homosexuality is not an
acceptable lifestyle for a person to live. In fact, it was called an abomination to God.
Therefore, true Christians would not support the gay rights agenda that has become an
integral part of America’s culture today, even in the church and in the Congress, too.
Instead, true Christians would evaluate all societal challenges based on what is said about
them in the Bible. Since true Christians are led by God’s spirit and the dictates of the
Bible, they would not permit unholy living to permeate the society in which they live.
Therefore, if 90 percent of Americans were true Christians, homosexuality would not be
accepted as an alternative lifestyle.

America’s economy is still in a downward spiral. The stock market is continually

dropping and losing its investors large amounts of their assets. Of course, the major
problem is the love of money by the leaders of giant financial institutions. As stated in the
Bible, the love of money is the root of all evil. Therefore, the greed of these powerful
business tycoons has brought about an economy in America that could lead the United
States into a serious recession or possibly another economic depression. But, even with
the recent government bailout of the economic failures of large corporations, it appears
that America’s economy will not rebound as quick as most Americans would like.
However, if 90 percent of Americans were true Christians, these economic trials that
Americans are facing would never have occurred. Those who are responsible for
America’s current economic crisis would not have put their monetary greed ahead of the
love of their fellow man.

Illegal drugs and some prescription drugs are responsible for destroying the minds and
sometimes the lives of many young Americans. They seek a euphoric high that would
take their minds off the negativism that affects their lives. However, if 9 out of 10 drug
users were true Christians, they would never have the need to use drugs. They could get a
spiritual high from their relationship with Jesus Christ. As a result, all those who died
from the use of drugs or who were killed as a part of the drug culture would still be alive.
They would possibly achieve great successes that would make America an even better
place to live. Of course, their parents would not be living their lives in agony until the
day they die because their children died from overdosing on illegal drugs.

Child abuse is another terrible issue that affects many American families. More and more
parents and guardians are abusing their children verbally and physically. Of course, it is
difficult to understand why parents would actually hurt their own flesh and blood. But, it
does occur too often. In fact, each year too many children die at the hands of their own
parents and guardians. Therefore, child abuse has become an epidemic of shame in many
households in the United States. However, if 90 percent of parents were true Christians,
very little, if any, child abuse would ever take place in America. Instead, parents would
love their children just like Jesus Christ loves them, a love that lasts through the good
times and the bad times.

Finally, if 9 out of 10 Americans were true Christians, what problematic political scenario
would play itself out in the upcoming 2008 Presidential Election? On the surface, it
would be an easy decision. If true Christians were voting, they would vote for the
presidential candidate whose platform best exemplifies the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Therefore, a pro-abortion and pro-gay rights candidate like Senator Barack Obama would
not get the support of Christian America. As a result, John McCain would win by a
landslide margin. But, based on recent surveys, many Christians have stated that they
would vote for Senator Obama. Of course, this would be a serious mistake on the part of
people who claim to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Christians should not
permit the flowery words of a charismatic presidential candidate like Senator Barack
Obama to convince them to vote irresponsibly. In Matthew 6:33, God admonishes His
children to seek first His Kingdom and then the needs of His followers would be met. In
other words, true Christians should pray first and then allow the Holy Spirit to guide them
in their selection of the next President of the United States. Otherwise, Christians who
refuse to listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit would be refuting the tenets of their
own religious faith. Also, true Christians should never make decisions based on how their
pocketbook or wallet would be affected, nor should the economy trump the moral values
of a nation. Instead, they should always make decisions based on the Holy Book of God.

Dr. Parnell is a retired public school educator and presently teaches social science courses 
at a private, Christian high school in Georgia. He is the author of From Schoolhouse to
Courthouse: Exposing America’s New Terror from Within (Wheatmark Publishing,
ISBN: 1-58736-613-4). He is also a guest columnist on several online websites.

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