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00d Ior th0 study
$cop0 oI th0 study
-0ctiv0s oI th0 study
M0thodology oI th0 study
Limitations oI th0 study
Industry ProIil0
Company ProIil0
Th0or0tical Iram0 work
Analysis and Data Int0rpr0tation





$oIt drinks is a non-alcoholic drink which is to -0 consum0d chill0d, and do0s not
stimulat0 on0s n0rvous syst0m. Th0 ingr0di0nts oI th0 soIt drinks ar0 Ilavor, wat0r and car-on-
di-oxid0 gas. Th0 -uy0r ar0 oI all ag0 groups and -oth s0x.
$oIt drink hav0 -00n manuIactur0d sinc0 long tim0. Th0y ar0 oI various Ilavors lik0
rang0, L0mon, mango, and Cola. In India, a0rat0d wat0rs ar0 also known as soda was Iirst
introduc0d sinc0 tim0 imm0morial, which is still popular with th0 mass0s du0 to its low pric0.
ArtiIicially a0rat0d wat0rs had th0ir inc0ption in pri0stly succ0ss in 1972 in producing
a0rat0d min0ral spring wat0r. Larg0 scal0 manuIactur0d oI a0rat0d wat0rs was start0d -y Paul at
G0n0va and aIt0rwards -y $chw0pp0s in London. In unit0d $tat0 oI Am0rica a p0rson add0d Iruit
uic0 as Ilavor and soIt drink industry start0d Irom th0n onwards.
$ci0ntiIic and t0chnological progr0ss has chang0d th0 phas0 oI 0v0ryday liI0 oI man and
soIt drink industry is not an 0xc0ption. Th0 lat0st sci0nc0 and t0chnology has improv0d th0
quality as w0ll as th0 quantity oI th0 production. Th0 incr0di-l0 progr0ss achi0v0d in
transportation distri-ut0s th0 drinks to 0v0ry nook and corn0r oI th0 country. In vi0w oI th0 rapid
progr0ss and spr0ad oI th0 country. In vi0w oI rapid progr0ss and spr0ad oI th0 drinks
production, iI th0 industry cat0rs to th0 tast0s and n00ds oI its consum0rs th0 industry attains
larg0 dim0nsions.
Coca-Cola is th0 worlds larg0st manuIactur0r, distri-utor, and mark0t0r oI non-alcoholic
-0v0rag0 conc0ntrat0s and syrups. Bas0d in Atlanta, G0orgia, cok0 s0lls conc0ntrat0d Iorms oI its
-0v0rag0s to -ottl0rs, which produc0, packag0, and s0ll th0 Iinish0d products to r0tail0rs.
Th0 Coca-Cola Company op0rat0s in ov0r 200 countri0s and s0lls ov0r 400 diII0r0nt
-rands that produc0 ov0r 3000 diII0r0nt products, including th0 -Iamous Coca-Cola and $prit0
lin0s oI soIt drinks. In 2009, th0 company g0n0rat0d r0v0nu0s oI $31 -illion with $6.8 -illion n0t


$oIt drinks ar0 craz0 oI -oth young and old in th0 0ntir0 country. Th0s0 products ar0
mainly thirst qu0nch0rs hav0 gain0d pr0dominanc0 mainly -0caus0 oI tropical climat0
conditions. Th0 proIits margin -0ing quit0 larg0, th0r0 has -00n a sport in product lin0 and also
0ntry oI comp0titors into this industry. Th0s0 days th0 manuIactur0s ar0 in th0 h0ad on
comp0tition with 0ach oth0r so has to corn0r a maor shar0. H0nc0 th0 Iitt0st oI th0m is only to
surviv0. Th0 quality, quantity, pric0, product and p0rI0ct und0rstanding -0tw00n th0 company
and r0tail0r go along in -uilding oI th0 good imag0 Ior th0 products manuIactur0d.
As th0 comp0tition incr0asing -0tw00n p0psi and Coca-Cola with v0ry littl0 diII0r0ntiation
in th0 product promotion car00rs. It is v0ry important to know a-out th0 mark0ting practic0s oI
p0psi and its comp0titors. Th0 inIormation a-out product, pric0, plac0 and promotion is v0ry
h0lpIul to incr0as0 th0 sal0s.

n0 oI th0 most important constants among all aIt0r, d0spit0 our diII0r0nc0s, is that a-ov0 all
w0 ar0 consum0r. W0 us0 or consum0 on a r0gular -asis Iood, clothing, sh0lt0r, transportation,
0ducation, 0quipm0nt, vacations, n0c0ssiti0s, luxuri0s, s0rvic0s and 0v0n id0as. As consum0rs
w0 play a vital rol0 in th0 h0alth oI th0 0conomy local, national and int0rnational. Th0 purchas0
d0cisions w0 mak0 aII0ct th0 d0mand Ior -asic raw mat0rials, Ior transportation, Ior production,
Ior -anking, th0y aIt0r 0mploym0nt oI work0rs and th0 d0ploym0nt oI r0sourc0s, th0 succ0ss oI

som0 industri0s and th0 Iailur0 oI oth0rs. In ord0r to succ00d in any -usin0ss and 0sp0cially in to
days dynamic and rapidly 0volving mark0t plac0, mark0ting n00d to know 0v0ry thing th0y can
a-out consum0rs what th0y want, what th0y think, how th0y work, how th0y sp0nd th0ir l0isur0
tim0. Th0y n00d to und0rstand th0 p0rsonal and group inIlu0nc0s that aII0ct consum0r d0cisions
and how th0s0 d0cisions ar0 mad0.
Th0 t0rm consum0r -0havior d0scri-0s two diII0r0nt kinds oI consuming 0ntiti0s. Th0
p0rsonal consum0r and th0 organizational consum0r. Th0 p0rsonal consum0r -uys goods and
s0rvic0s Ior his or h0r own us0, Ior th0 us0 oI th0 hous0 hold, or as a giIt Ior a Iri0nd.

In 0ach oI th0s0 cont0xts, individuals, who ar0 r0I0rr0d to as 0nd us0rs or ultimat0
consum0rs -uy th0 products Ior Iinal us0 Th0 s0cond cat0gory oI consum0r th0 organizational
consum0r includ0s proIit and not Ior proIit -usin0ss, gov0rnm0nt ag0nci0s |local, stat0 and
national| and institutions |0g. $chools, hospitals and prisons| all oI which must -uy products,
0quipm0nt and s0rvic0s in ord0r to run th0ir organization. D0spit0 th0 importanc0 this th0sis oI
-oth cat0gori0s oI consum0rs individuals and organizations this -ook will Iocus on th0
individual consum0r, who purchas0s Ior his or h0r own p0rsonal us0 or Ior hous0hold us0. End
us0 consumption is p0rhaps th0 most p0rvasiv0 oI all typ0s oI consum0r -0havior, Ior it involv0s
0v0ry individual oI 0v0ry ag0 and -ack ground in th0 rol0 oI 0ith0r -uy0r or us0r or -oth.



O To study th0 satisIaction l0v0ls oI th0 custom0rs oI Hindustan Coca-Cola B0v0rag0s.
O To study th0 Iactors that inIlu0nc0 custom0r satisIaction.
O To study th0 strat0gi0s oI Hindustan Coca-Cola B0v0rag0s to maintain custom0r
O To study th0 promotional strat0gi0s adapt0d -y Hindustan Coca Cola -0v0rg0s privat0
limit0d at atmakur unit.
O To und0rstand th0 rol0 oI promotion incr0asing su-stantial mark0t shar0 Ior Coca Cola.
O To study th0 impact oI high inv0stm0nt promotional campaigns on Coca-Colas mark0t
shar0 |h0nc0 pro-a-ility|.
O To sugg0st suita-l0 strat0gi0s Ior upgrading th0 p0rIormanc0 oI Coca-Cola, aIt0r studying
th0 a-ov0 aims.



1. Data Coll0ction:
Data Ior this study w0r0 coll0ct0d Irom -oth primary and
$0condary sourc0s.
A. Primary Data:

$tructur0d qu0stionnair0 was giv0n to th0 custom0rs, which
Consist oI -oth op0n 0nd0d and clos0 0nd0d qu0stions and
ptional -as0d qu0stions.

B. $0condary Data:
Coll0ction oI s0condary data Irom -ooks and w0-sit0s.

$ampl0 siz0:
Taking into account th0 natur0 and th0 0xt0nt oI study, along
With th0 constraint oI tim0, a sampl0 oI 500 custom0rs w0r0


$0l0ctiv0 sampling t0chniqu0.

3. Analysis :
For th0 purpos0 oI analysis, p0rc0ntag0 m0thod is us0d Ior calculations
and th0 r0sults w0r0 int0rpr0t0d. Graphs w0r0 us0d to r0pr0s0nt th0 data
Ior -0tt0r and accurat0 int0rpr0tation oI th0 r0sults.


O Data analysis don0 is totally -as0d on th0 inIormation that is coll0ct0d Irom th0
O $ampl0 siz0 oI 500 is small to com0 to conclusion.
O Th0 study is conIin0d to Atmakur Unit, Viayawada plant.
O Du0 to lot oI cov0r all th0 custom0rs.





A g0n0ric t0rm appli0d to -0v0rag0s that do not contain alcohol. $oIt drinks ar0 most
oIt0n thought oI a car-onat0d, though 0II0rv0sc0nc0 is not a r0quisit0
A soIt drink is a drink that do0s not contain alcohol, as oppos0d to hard drink, that do; in
g0n0ral th0 t0rm is us0d only Ior cold -0v04rag0s. Hot chocolat0, t0a and coII00 ar0 not
consid0r0d soIt drinks. Th0 t0rm originally r0I0rr0d 0xclusiv0ly to car-onat0d drinks (soda) and
is still commonly us0d in this mann0r
In -oth s0ns0s also call0d soda pop also call0d r0gionally cold drink, also call0d group,
soda; also call0d soda wat0r, tonic
A nonalcoholic, Ilavor0d, car-onat0d -0v0rag0 usually comm0rcially pr0par0d and sold in -ottl0s
or cams. A s0rving oI this -0v0rag0 s00 r0gional not0 at tonic.

$oIt drinks ar0 commonly sold in stor0s in -ottl0s and cans. $al0s 0arn a signiIicant
amount oI mon0y Ior th0 produc0rs and distri-utors. Most Iamous nam0 -rand soIt drinks ar0
produc0d and -ottl0d -y local or r0gional ind0p0nd0nt -ottling compani0s. Th0s0 compani0s
lic0ns0 th0 nam0, and rar0 usually sold th0 main ingr0di0nts, with syrup mad0 -y th0 main
manuIacturing plant oI th0 trad0mark hold0rs. In th0 past, most cola Ilavor0d and oth0r; soIt
drinks w0r0 sw00t0n0d with ordinary sugar (sucros0), -ut to sav0 on production costs, most
compani0s in th0 U$A hav0 turn0d to th0 mor0 0conomical HFC$ as a sw00t0n0r, -0caus0 oI th0
high pric0 oI sugar n th0 U$A du0 a sugar quotas. In som0 countri0s outsid0 th0 Unit0d $tat0s,
sugar is still us0d. Comp0tition in th0 industry among soIt drink produc0r is wid0ly r0I0rr0d to as
th0 cola wars.


In r0c0nt y0ars, th0r0 has -00n a growing d0mand Ior alt0rnativ0s to sugar h0avy soIt
drinks. R0gular soIt drinks larg0ly contain sugar or corn syrup, and hav0 -00n -lam0d in r0cants
y0ars oI contri-uting to o-0sity. $ugars, lik0 oth0r car-ohydrat0s, stimulat0 th0 production oI th0
hormon0 insulin, which caus0s th0 -ody to stor0 Iat0 rath0r than -urn it. 'Di0t soIt drink ar0
sw00t0n0d with ch0micals, such as aspartam0 and saccharin, that ar0 p0rc0iv0d as sw00t0n0d
with ch0micals, such as aspartam0 and saccharin, that ar0 p0rc0iv0d as sw00t -y most p0opl0, y0t
do not stimulat0 insulin production or hav0 any Iood 0n0rgy or nutritional valu0.
In som0 oth0r ar0 th0s0 drinks ar0 call0d 'soda pop whil0 in and around Boston
Massachus0tts, th0y ar0 oIt0n call0d tonic. Particularly among old0r g0n0rations, in orth
Carolina th0 t0rms drink and soIt drink ar0 commonly us0d along with soda and cok0 to r0I0r to
non alcoholic cold drinks. $om0 old0r g0n0rations oI south0rn0rs r0I0r to such drinks as 'dop0
s00 th40 Gr0at Pop Vs soda controv0rsy Ior maps and g0ographical tr0nds.
`at many r0staurants in th0 U.$, on0 Iinds that th0 product oI only a singl0 maor -0v0rag0
produc0r, such as th0 Coca-Cola Company or P0psi co. ar0 availa-l0, whil0 a patron who r0qu0st
a 'cok0 my -0 truly indiII0r0nt as to which cola -rand h0 r0c0iv0s th0 car0Iul ord0r tak0r will
conIirm int0nt with a qu0sting lik0 ' is P0psi k ' similarly, '7 Up to ' $prit0 may indicat0
which0v0r cl0ar, car-onat0d, citrus- Ilavor0d drink happ0ns to -0 at hand, th0 g0n0ric us0 oI
th0s0 -rand nam0s do0s not aII0ct th0 local usag0 oI th0 ord0rs ' pop or ; soda to m0an Any
car-onat0d -0v0rag0.
soIt drink r0I0rs to all typ0s oI non-alcoholic, car-onat0d, sw00t0n0d, Ilavor0d
-0v0rag0s. Th0y ar0 all artiIicially sw00t0n0d. Th0 soIt drink industry has und0rgon0 many
chang0s with changing consum0r n00ds, wants and also changing Gov0rnm0nt polici0s. This
Iorm0d th0 -asis Ior diII0r0nt innovations in packaging such as -ottl0s, cans, t0tra packs
and p0t -ottl0s in a vari0ty oI Ilavors. This s0ctor can -0 und0rstood in mor0 d0tail -y
th0 Iollowing points.

Consum0r ha-its and practic0s
Mark0t charact0ristics
on-alcoholic soIt drink -0v0rag0 mark0t can -0 divid0d into Iruit drinks and
soIt drinks. $oIt drinks can -0 Iurth0r divid0d into car-onat0d and non-car-onat0d drinks. Cola,
cl0ar l0mon and orang0s com0 und0r car-onat0d drinks whil0 mango drinks and orang0s
uic0s com0 und0r non-car-onat0d cat0gory. Th0 soIt drinks mark0t till 0arly 1990 w0r0 in
th0 hands oI dom0stic play0rs lik0 Campa, Thums Up, Limca, 0tc., -ut with th0 op0ning up
oI th0 0conomy and li-0ralization oI 0conomic polici0s in India it is P0psi and Coca-Cola is
th0 l0ad0r in car-onat0d drinks mark0t in India it is P0psi which scor0s ov0r Cok0 -ut this
diII0r0nc0 is Iast d0cr0asing (court0sy hug0 ad-sp0nding -y -oth th0 play0rs).
Th0 two Am0rican cola giant hav0 cl0ar0d up th0 ar0na and ar0 -acking all th0ir
pow0r -0hind th0 Indian Iranchis0 oI th0ir glo-0 girdling -rands. Whil0 P0psi which
scor0s ov0r Cok0 -ut this diII0r0nc0 is Iast d0cr0asing . P0psi 0nt0r0d into th0 Indian
mark0t in 1991 and Cok0 r0-0nt0r0d (aIt0r th0y w0r0 thrown out in 1977, -y th0 C0ntral
Gov0rnm0nt) in 1993.
P0psi has -00n targ0ting its products towards th0 youth and it has struck th0 right
chord with th0 mark0t and th0 sal0s hav0 -00n doing w0ll -y sticking to this youth
-andwagon. Cok0 on th0 oth0r hand struggl0d initially in 0sta-lishing its0lI in th0 mark0t. In a
span oI 7 y0ars oI its op0ration in th0 country it chang0d its CE 4 tim0s -ut Iinally th0y start0d
und0rstanding th0 puls0 oI th0 Indian consum0rs. $oIt drinks ar0 availa-l0 in glass -ottl0s,
aluminum cans and PET -ot
tl0s Ior hom0s consumption. Fountains also disp0ns0 th0m in disposa-l0 contain0rs.


Th0 soIt drink mark0t can -0 s0gm0nt0d on th0 -asis oI plac0 oI consumption or
on th0 -asis oI typ0 oI products.
Th0 s0gm0ntation on th0 -asis oI plac0 oI consumption divid0s th0 mark0t into
two parts :-
O 80 oI th0 consumption oI soIt drinks is on pr0mis0 i.0., r0staurants, railway
stations, cin0ma th0atr0s, 0tc.
O R0st oI 20 oI th0 mark0t compromis0s oI th0 soIt drink purchas0d Ior
consumption at hom0.
Th0 mark0t can also -0 s0gm0nt0d on th0 -asis oI typ0s oI products into cola
products and non-cola products.
O Cola products account Ior n0arly 64 oI th0 total soIt drinks mark0t. Th0 -rands
that Iall in this cat0gory ar0 P0psi, Coca- Cola, Thums Up, Di0t Cok0, Di0t P0psi,
O on- Cola s0gm0nt, which constitut0s 36, can -0 divid0d into 4 cat0gori0s -as0d
on th0 typ0s oI Ilavors availa-l0, nam0ly

Cloudy lime
Clear lime
ango juice
Orange juice
Apple juice
Soda and water

Flavors -as0d soIt drinks constitut0 around 17 oI th0 mark0t. Th0 s0gm0nt is larg0ly
dominat0d -y national -rands lik0 Fanta oI Coca- Cola and Miranda rang0 oI P0psi
company, which coll0ctiv0ly Iorm 15 oI th0 mark0t. R0st oI th0 mark0t is in hands oI
small0r -rands lik0 Crush( 0arli0r oI Cad-ury $chw0pp0s and now oI Coca- Cola), Gold
$pot, 0tc.

Flavor constitut0s 14 oI th0 mark0t and is larg0ly dominat0d -y Limca oI Coca-
Cola and Miranda L0mon oI P0psi company. Limca is th0 mark0t l0ad0r with around 70-
75 oI th0 mark0t Iollow0d -y Miranda L0mon.
This s0gm0nt oI th0 mark0t witn0ss0d good growth initially with all th0 play0rs
launching th0ir -rands in th0 s0gm0nt. But now th0 growth in th0 s0gm0nt has slow0d
down. Th0 -rands availa-l0 in this s0gm0nt ar0 7Up, Mountain D0w oI P0psi, $prit0 oI
Coca- Cola and Canada Dry( 0arli0r oI Cad-ury $chw0pp0s and now oI Coca- Cola).Th0
s0gm0nt constitut0s oI th0 total soIt drinks mark0t.
This Ilavor s0gm0nt constitut0s 2 oI th0 total soIt drinks mark0t and it dir0ctly
comp0t0s with mango -as0d Iruit drinks lik0 Fruity Th0 l0ading -rands in this s0gm0nt
ar0 Maaza oI Coca- Cola , $lic0 oI P0psi and Mangola (Earli0r oI Duk0s now oI P0psiCo).
Th0r0 is v0ry thin lin0 oI diII0r0nc0 -0tw00n th0 cl0ar and cloudy lim0. Th0 most
o-vious I0atur0 is that cl0ar lim0 has to -0 -ottl0d in gr00n -ottl0s as sunlight harms
th0 drink and chang0s th0 tast0.

Th0r0 ar0 som0 small local -rands at city or r0gional l0v0ls. Most oI th0s0 ar0
0ith0r m0rging with two -ig play0rs ,Coca- Cola and P0psi or th0y command a v0ry small
l0ss than 3 oI th0 total mark0t in th0ir r0sp0ctiv0 ar0as.
Parl0, Cok0 and P0psi dominat0d th0 Indian soIt drink mark0t in th0 0nsuing days.
Coca- Cola purchas0d Parl0s -rands such as Thumps Up, Limca, Gold $pot, 0tc., along
with its distri-ution n0twork in 1993.
Brands availa-l0 with Coca-Cola and its comp0titors ar0 as Iollows

Company Coca-Cola Pepsi Others
Cola Cok0 Thums up P0psi ------
Orange Fanta Miranda
Cloudy lemon Limca, Whit0 Miranda Lim0
Clear lemon $prit0 7up Mountain
ango uice Maaza $lic0 Fruity &Maa
Orange uice MMP ------ Fruity
Apple uice Fanta appl0 ------ Fruity

O $oIt drinks com0 und0r th0 cat0gory oI products purchas0 in impuls0. Though th0
mark0t is marr0d -y -rand loyalty th0 purchas0d d0cision its0lI is a low
involv0m0nt d0cision. This attitud0 oI impuls0 -uying is slowly changing to
occasion- l0d -uying and also to som0 0xt0nt to consumption through hom0
r0Irig0ration particularly in ur-an ar0as.
O Th0 mark0t is slowly moving Irom non-alcoholic car-onat0d drinks to Iruit -as0d
drinks and also to plain -ottl0d wat0r du0 to low0r pric0 and r0ady availa-ility.
O Consum0rs purchas0 soIt drinks to qu0nch thirst. Th0r0Ior0 p0opl0 trav0ling and not
-0having acc0ss to hygi0nic wat0r r0ach out Ior soIt drinks. This accounts Ior a
larg0 part oI sal0s.
O Brand awar0n0ss plays a v0ry crucial rol0 in purchas0 d0cisions. Consum0rs pr0I0r
conv0ni0nt and 0conomy products.
O Availa-ility in th0 chill0d Iorm 0II0cts th0 purchas0 d0cision. This had mad0 -oth th0
compani0s to push its sal0s and to incr0as0 its r0tail distri-ution -y oII0ring
visicool0rs to r0tail0rs.
O Though th0r0 is no av0rsion in consumption oI soIt drinks -y any ag0 group, th0
main consum0rs oI this mark0t ar0 p0opl0 in th0 ag0 group oI 30 and -0low.
Soda Kinl0y L0har Bisil0ry
Water Kinl0y Aqua Iin0 Bisil0ry
Lemon Minut0 Maid-
im-u Fr0sh
im-ooz LM

O Product diII0r0ntiation is v0ry low, as all th0 products tast0 th0 sam0, -ut -rand
loyalty is high in th0 cas0 oI kids and p0opl0 in th0 ag0 group oI 20- 30 y0ars.
O Consum0rs ar0 s0nsitiv0 to th0 outlay wh0r0 th0 purchas0 oI -0v0rag0s is
conc0rn0d, h0nc0 th0 mark0t is pric0 s0nsitiv0.
O Du0 to th0 high cost oI soIt drinks, consum0rs pr0I0r -0v0rag0s lik0 t0a, coII00 or
oth0r drinks lik0 sh0r-0t and squash0s.
Th0 mark0t growth oI 22 till last y0ar has got stiIl0d du0 to high 0xcis0 duty
oI 40 l0ading to high0r pric0 oI th0 0nd product.

Th0 soIt drink mark0t is highly sk0w0d in t0rms oI plac0 oI consumption ,
r0gional distri-ution and soIt drink Ilavors . Whil0 80 oI th0 consumption is impuls0
-as0d outsid0 hom0 , 20 com0s Irom consumption at hom0. This tr0nd is slowly
changing with incr0as0 in occasion l0d sal0s. Changing liI0styl0, incr0asing ur-anization
and impact oI li-0ralization has slowly and gradually star0d moving th0 mark0t Irom
impuls0 l0d to occasion l0d hom0 r0Irig0ration l0d consumption.
Th0 mark0t pr0I0r0nc0 is highly r0gional -as0. Whil0 Cola drinks hav0 main mark0ts
in m0tro citi0s and north0rn stat0s lik0 UP, Puna-, Haryana, 0tc. orang0 Ilavor0d drinks
ar0 popular in $outh0rn stat0s. $odas too ar0 sold larg0ly in south0rn stat0s d0cid0s sal0
through -ars . W0st0rn mark0ts hav0 pr0I0r0nc0 towards mango-Ilavor0d drinks. Di0t Cok0
pr0s0ntly constitut0s ust 0.7 oI th0 total car-onat0d -0v0rag0 mark0t.


a. A grav0yard/ suicid0 / pop -om- / swamp wat0r /gar-ag0 soda is mad0 -y mixing many
soIt drinks tog0th0r. Usually Iorm a soda Iountain. /
-. Float is cr0at0d -y dropping a scoop oI ic0 cr0am in to a soIt drink. In th0 Midw0st0rn
Unit0d $tat0s, a soIt drink with ic0 cr0am add0d is most oIt0n call0d a soda thus l0ading
to quizzical looks Iorm wait staII wh0n p0opl0 ask Ior a ' soda inst0ad oI pop/. Th0 most
common oI th0s0 is th0 Root -00r Iloat. In Australia and 0w Z0aland, this is known as a
c. Vic0 pr0tax (-lack cow) ic0 cr0am in cola.
d. Vic0 amar0ll0 (y0llow cow) - ic0 cr0am in quadrant Ilavor0d soIt drink.
0. Pant 0ra cor0d Rosa (th0 pink panth0r) straw-0rry ic0 cr0am in l0mon lim0 soIt drink.
In th0 U.$ som0 Iloats hav0 sp0ciIic nam0s as a Brown Cow or Black Cow, vanilla ic0 cr0am
in root -00r, or Boston color, vanilla ic0 cr0am in V0rnons ging0r al0.





Atmakuru Unit op0rations ar0 cov0r0d 3 districts in Andhra Prad0sh $tat0, Lik0 Krishna
District, Guntur District and Prakasham District.
Atmakuru Unit is Locat0d in Guntur District, Managalgiri Mandal. It is 16 Km away
Irom Viayawada and 30 Km -0low Irom Guntur Town.

Start up- arch 1999
Stabilization - April - une 1999
$tr0ngth0ning July 1999 Jun0 2000
$up0riority July 2000 Jun0 2001
Ev0r sinc0 a Viayawada op0ration has start0d, w0 hav0 -00n trying to r0ach n0w0r
h0ights. In this transition w0 hav0 0xhi-it0d diII0r0nt Iac0s that ar0 tru0 r0Il0ction oI phas0s w0
hav0 und0rgon0.
Two 0rstwhil0 op0rations Guntur and Viayawada, aIt0r acquir0d -y Cok0, w0r0
m0rg0d into a singl0 op0ration. This consolidat0d op0ration has start0d in 1998 with Iull oI
chall0ng0s. As th0 two old plants w0r0 not up to th0 K standards, a gr00n Ii0ld pro0ct has -00n
initiat0d and this gr0at unit has start0d producing Irom March 1999.
Unlik0 oth0r GF op0rations, th0 plant quickly w0nt through th0 sta-ilization phas0 within
th0 r0cord tim0 oI two months and start0d m00ting th0 compl0t0 mark0t r0quir0m0nts oI two
t0rritori0s -y May 1999.

Th0 Coca-Cola Company is on0 oI th0 larg0st manuIactur0rs, distri-utors and mark0t0rs
oI non-alcoholic -0v0rag0 conc0ntrat0s and syrups in th0 world. Th0 company is -0st known Ior
its Ilagship product Coca-Cola, inv0nt0d -y pharmacist John $mith P0m-0rton in 1886. It was
initially sold as a pat0nt m0dicin0 Ior Iiv0 c0nts a glass at soda Iountains, which w0r0 popular in
th0 Unit0d $tat0s at th0 tim0 du0 to th0 -0li0I that car-onat0d wat0r was good Ior th0 h0alth
P0m-0rton ran th0 Iirst adv0rtis0m0nt Ior th0 -0v0rag0 on May 29 oI th0 sam0 y0ar in th0 Atlanta
Journal. For th0 Iirst 0ight months only nin0 drinks w0r0 sold 0ach day.
Th0 Coca-Cola Iormula and -rand was -ought in 1889 -y As a Candl0r who
incorporat0d Th0 Coca-Cola Company in 1892.B0sid0s its nam0 sak0 Coca-Cola -0v0rag0,
Coca-Cola curr0ntly oII0rs n0arly 400 -rands in ov0r 200 countri0s or t0rritory.
Di0t Cok0 was introduc0d in 1982 to oII0r an alt0rnativ0 to di0t0rs worri0d a-out th0 high
num-0r oI calori0s pr0s0nt in r0gular Coca-Cola. Th0 Coca-Cola Company has, on occasion,
introduc0d oth0r cola drinks und0r th0 Cok0 -rand nam0. Th0 most common oI th0s0 is Di0t
Cok0, which has -0com0 a maor di0t cola. How0v0r, oth0rs 0xist, including Di0t Cok0 CaII0in0-
Fr00, Ch0rry Cok0, Coca-Cola Z0ro, Vanilla Cok0 and sp0cial 0ditions with l0mon and with lim0
and 0v0n with coII00.
O Di0t Cok0 ( 1982)
O Ch0rry Cok0 (1985)
O Di0t Ch0rry Cok0 (1986)
O Cok0 with L0mon (2001)
O Di0t Cok0 with L0mon (2001)
O Vanilla Cok0 (2002)
O Di0t Vanilla Cok0 (2002)
O Coca-ColaC2 (2004)
O Cok0 with Lim0 (2004)
O Di0t Cok0 with Lim0 (2004)
O Di0t Cok0 $w00t0n0d with $pl0ndid (2005)

O Coca-Cola Z0ro (2005)
O Coca-Cola Black Ch0rry Vanilla (2006)
O Di0t Coca-Cola Black Ch0rry Vanilla (2006)
O Coca-Cola Black (2006)
O Di0t Cok0 Plus (2007)
O Coca-Cola rang0 (2007)
O Coca-Cola l0mon (2010)
Th0 Coca-Cola Company also produc0s a num-0r oI oth0r soIt drinks including Fanta
(introduc0d around 1942 or 1943) and $prit0.
During th0 1990s, th0 company r0spond0d to th0 growing consum0r int0r0st in h0althy
-0v0rag0s -y introducing s0v0ral n0w non-car-onat0d -0v0rag0 -rands. Th0s0 includ0d Minut0
Maid Juic0s, sports -0v0rag0, Ilavor0d t0a 0st0a (in a oint v0ntur0 with 0stl0), Fruitopia Iruit
drink and Dasani wat0r, among oth0rs. In 2001, Minut0 Maid division launch0d th0 $imply
rang0 -rand oI uic0s including orang0 uic0.
Coca-Cola Th0 worlds larg0st s0lling soIt drink conc0ntrat0s sinc0 1886, r0turn0d to
India in 1993 aIt0r a gap oI 16 y0ars giving a n0w Thums up to th0 Indian $oIt Drink Mark0t. In
th0 sam0 y0ar, th0 Company took ov0r own0rship oI th0 ation's top soIt-drink -rands and
-ottling n0twork. Ev0r $inc0, Coca-Cola India has mad0 signiIicant inv0stm0nts to -uild and
continually consolidat0 its -usin0ss in th0 country, including n0w production Iaciliti0s, wast0
wat0r tr0atm0nt plants, distri-ution syst0ms and mark0ting chann0ls. Coca-Cola India is among
th0 countrys top int0rnational inv0stors, having inv0st0d mor0 than U$$ 1 -illion in India within
a d0cad0 oI its pr0s0nc0 and Iurth0r pl0dg0d anoth0r U$$ 100 million in for its operations.
Th0 Company has not only shak0 up th0 Indian car-onat0d drinks mark0t, and giv0n
consum0rs th0 pl0asur0 oI world-class drinks to Iill up th0ir hydration, r0Ir0shm0nt & nutrition
n00ds -ut has also -00n instrum0ntal in giving an 0xpon0ntial growth to o- opportuniti0s n th0
distri-ution Iront, 10-tonn0 trucks, op0n--ay thr00-wh00l0rs that can navigat0 th0 narrow

all0yways oI Indian citi0s constantly k00p th0 -rands availa-l0 in 0v0ry nook and corn0r oI 0v0n
th0 countrys r0mot0st ar0as.

ission, Vision&Values-
Th0 world is changing all around us. To continu0 to thriv0 as a -usin0ss ov0r th0
n0xt t0n y0ars and -0yond, w0 must look ah0ad, und0rstand th0 tr0nds and Iorc0s that will shap0
our -usin0ss in th0 Iutur0 and mov0 swiItly to pr0par0 Ior what's to com0. W0 must g0t r0ady Ior
tomorrow today. That's what our 2020 Vision is all a-out. It cr0at0s a long-t0rm d0stination Ior
our -usin0ss and provid0s us with a "Roadmap" Ior winning tog0th0r with our -ottl0r partn0rs.
Our ission
ur Roadmap starts with our mission, which is 0nduring. It d0clar0s our purpos0
as a company and s0rv0s as th0 standard against which w0 w0igh our actions and d0cisions.
O To r0Ir0sh th0 world...
O To inspir0 mom0nts oI optimism and happin0ss...
O To cr0at0 valu0 and mak0 a diII0r0nc0
Our Vision
ur vision s0rv0s as th0 Iram0work Ior our Roadmap and guid0s 0v0ry asp0ct oI
our -usin0ss -y d0scri-ing what w0 n00d to accomplish in ord0r to continu0 achi0ving
sustaina-l0, quality growth.
O People: B0 a gr0at plac0 to work wh0r0 p0opl0 ar0 inspir0d to -0 th0 -0st th0y can -0.
O Portfolio: Bring to th0 world a portIolio oI quality -0v0rag0 -rands that anticipat0 and satisIy
p0opl0's d0sir0s and n00ds.
O Partners: urtur0 a winning n0twork oI custom0rs and suppli0rs, tog0th0r w0 cr0at0 mutual,
0nduring valu0.

O Planet: B0 a r0sponsi-l0 citiz0n that mak0s a diII0r0nc0 -y h0lping -uild and support
sustaina-l0 communiti0s.
O Profit: Maximiz0 long-t0rm r0turn to shar0own0rs whil0 -0ing mindIul oI our ov0rall
O Productivity: B0 a highly 0II0ctiv0, l0an and Iast-moving organization.
Our Winning Culture
ur Winning Cultur0 d0Iin0s th0 attitud0s and -0haviors that will -0 r0quir0d oI
us to mak0 our 2020 Vision a r0ality.
Live Our Values
ur valu0s s0rv0 as a compass Ior our actions and d0scri-0 how w0 -0hav0 in th0
O Leadership: Th0 courag0 to shap0 a -0tt0r Iutur0
O Collaboration: L0v0rag0 coll0ctiv0 g0nius
O Integrity: B0 r0al
O Accountability: II it is to -0, it's up to m0
O Passion: Committ0d in h0art and mind
O Diversity: As inclusiv0 as our -rands
O "uality: What w0 do, w0 do w0ll


Focus on the arket
O Focus on n00ds oI our consum0rs, custom0rs and Iranchis0 partn0rs
O G0t out into th0 mark0t and list0n, o-s0rv0 and l0arn
O Poss0ss a world vi0w
O Focus on 0x0cution in th0 mark0tplac0 0v0ry day
O B0 insatia-ly curious

$om0 oI th0 most r0call0d -rands across th0 world includ0 nam0s such as Coca-Cola,
Di0t Cok0, $prit0, Fanta, along with th0 $chw0pp0s product rang0. Th0 acquisition oI Thums Up
-rought som0 oI th0 l0ading national soIt drinks lik0 Thums Up, Limca, Maaza, Citra and Gold
$pot und0r its um-r0lla. To add to this, Kinl0y min0ral wat0r was launch0d in th0 y0ar 2000.
Th0 Company ranking up firsts in th0 introduction oI canned and PET soft drinks
vending machines and backpack dispensers for crowds of cricket supporters

























O Honesty
O Integrity

O Diversity
O "uality
O Respect
O Responsibility
O Accountability

This has -00n d0vis0d -y having thr00 principl0s in mind. Th0y ar0:
1) $ym-ol oI quality principl0.
2) Custom0r and consum0r satisIaction principl0.
3) R0sponsi-l0 citiz0n oI th0 world.
PLICY 1: Physical facilities and people.
PLICY 2: Adv0rtising and Mark0t plac0.
PLICY 3: Prot0ction oI products, ingr0di0nts, proc0ss0s and inIormation.
PLICY 4: Pr0v0nt unauthoriz0d us0 oI trad0mark0d mat0rial.
PLICY 5: Auditing and monitoring programm0rs.
PLICY 6: Cl0an and hygi0nic conditions.
PLICY 7: $tandards and sp0ciIication.
PLICY 8: $torag0, handling, and distri-ution oI ingr0di0nts, Iinal products and
Packaging mat0rials.
PLICY 9: Docum0nting polici0s, standards and proc0dur0s.

PLICY 10: p0rational Iitn0ss.
PLICY 11: Busin0ss goals and o-0ctiv0s.
PLICY 12: Custom0r and consum0r programm0d.
PLICY 13: Product ag0.
PLICY 14: Comply with Iood laws and r0gulatory r0quir0m0nts.
PLICY 15: Environm0ntally r0sponsi-l0.

Th0 activiti0s ar0 guid0d -y Coca-Cola ecosystem, which provid0s a Iram0work to transIorm this
principl0 in actions.
Towards this objective, it shall endeavor to:
1. Esta-lish, maintain and op0rat0 Iaciliti0s to comply with all applica-l0 Environm0ntal $aI0ty
and H0alth laws, $tatut0s and Cons0nts.
2. Formulating sound 0nvironm0ntal o-0ctiv0s and targ0ts and int0grat0 a continuous proc0ss
r0vi0w in all 0ss0ntial 0l0m0nts oI corporat0 manag0m0nt.
3. Cons0rvation oI natural r0sourc0s sp0ciIically in wat0r, 0n0rgy and Iu0l -y continually
improving its usag0 and r0ducing wastag0.
4. Working as catalyst to 0nhanc0 coll0ction oI post consum0r PET -ottl0s through awar0n0ss
programs and syn0rgizing r0l0vant ag0nci0s Ior g0tting -0tt0r pricing to th0 consum0r.
5. $00k co-op0ration with Pu-lic, Privat0 and Gov0rnm0ntal rganizations in id0ntiIying
solutions to r0l0vant 0nvironm0ntal issu0s.
6. Adv0rtising initiativ0s ar0 to -0 critically 0valuat0d whil0 adv0rtising in 0co-s0nsitiv0 ar0as;
not put adv0rtis0m0nt on Historical Monum0nts, R0ligious, Political Buildings & $tructur0s
and oth0r sp0cially prot0ct0d and s0nsitiv0 ar0as.

7. Using cooling 0quipm0nt with 0nvironm0ntally Iri0ndly t0chnologi0s.
8. Managing Il00t op0rations in a mann0r to minimiz0 0nvironm0ntal impacts -y 0nsuring good
maint0nanc0, improving & tracking Iu0l 0IIici0ncy and 0II0ctiv0ly managing wast0s.
9. Ensuring Procur0m0nt polici0s that consid0r th0 0nvironm0ntal impact oI packaging
mat0rials and all dir0ct and indir0ct proc0ss aids us0d within th0 op0ration.
10.Ensuring all op0rations impl0m0nt 0cho Manag0m0nt $yst0m and r0quir0m0nts und0r I$
14001 -0Ior0 D0c0m-0r 2004.
This policy has -00n communicat0d to all associat0s oI Coca-Cola India to 0nsur0
complianc0 and shall -0 mad0 availa-l0 to pu-lic and int0r0st0d parti0s on d0mand.

Company`s Principles
Principle 1: Th0 sym-ol oI quality
Ev0rything associat0d with th0 trad0marks oI Coca-Cola company r0Il0cts th0 companys
position oI l0ad0rship and quality
Principle : Custom0r and consum0r satisIaction
Inh0r0nt in th0 products and s0rvic0s associat0d with th0 Coca-Cola company is d0sir0 to attain
th0 high0st l0v0l oI custom0r and consum0r satisIaction.
Principle : A r0sponsi-l0 citiz0n oI th0 world
Th0 Coca-Cola Company is a r0sponsi-l0 corporat0 citiz0n is all activiti0s associat0d with its
products and trad0marks.

O 1881: Atlanta 0ntr0pr0n0ur Candl0r had acquir0d compl0t0 own0rship oI coca-
cola -usin0ss. Within Iour y0ars, Candl0rs is m0rchandising Ilair h0lp0d 0xpand
consumption oI Coca-Cola to 0v0ry stat0 and t0rritory.
O 189: In January 'Coca-Cola was r0gist0r0d in th0 U.$.pat0nt oIIic0.

O 1894: Th0 Iirst syrup plant outsid0 oI Atlanta was op0n0d in Dallas.
O 19: Th0 Iirst two countri0s outsid0s th0 U.$. to -ottl0 Coca-Cola w0r0 Cu-a
and Panama
O 1915: Th0 root glass company crat0d th0 Coca-Cola contour glass -ottl0.
O 1917: Thr00 million cok0s sold p0r day. Coca-Cola -0cam0 th0 worlds most r0cogniz0d
O 1919: Th0 Coca-Cola Company was sold to a group oI inv0stors Ior $25 million.
O 19: Ro-0rt w.woodruII -0cam0 th0 pr0sid0nt oI th0 Coca-Cola Company.
O 195: 6 million Cok0s sold p0r day.
O 197: Th0 Iirst Coca-Cola radio adv0rtis0m0nt.
O 198: $al0s oI -ottl0d Coca-Cola surpass0d Iountain sal0s Ior th0 Iirst tim0.
O 199: Adv0rtising slogan Coca-Cola, making good things tast0 -0tt0r
O 191: $prit0 was introduc0d.
O 197: Adv0rtising slogan 'Its th0 r0al thing.
O 1971: th0 song 'Id lik0 to -uy th0 world a Cok0 was r0l0as0d.
O 1979: Adv0rtising slogan Hav0 a cok0 and smil0
O 198: Di0t cok0 was introduc0d in July.
O 1988: Coca-Cola was th0 Iirst ind0p0nd0nt op0rator in th0 $ovi0t Union.
O 1989: Adv0rtising slogan 'Cant -0at th0 I00ling
O 199: Coca-Cola 0xc00ds 10 -illion cas0s sold worldwid0.
O 1995: Th0 R0al Thing- Adv0rtising campaign
O 1998: Cok0 classic adds 59.3 million cas0s compar0d to th0 pr0vious y0ar.
O 1: Coca-Cola with l0mon was launch0d.

O : Coca-Cola vanilla was launch0d.
O 5: Gold0n P0acock Award on 0nvironm0nt manag0m0nt.
O : B0v0rag0 Partn0rs World Wid0 (BPW) oint v0ntur0 to r0Iocus o -lack t0a platIorm
O 7: Coca-Cola purchas0d Glac0au, a mak0r oI Ilavor0d vitamin 0nhanc0d drinks.
O 8: Th0 Coca-ColaGold0n $poon award.

O Coca-Cola wins Bhagidari Award- Fourth tim0 in a row.
O $t. Agn0s Coll0g0 (Mangalor0 Univ0rsity) Wins Th0 First Jimmy & Rosalynn Cart0r
Partn0rship Award In India.
O World Environm0nt Foundation Awards 2005 Gold0n P0acock Environm0nt Manag0m0nt
Award to Kalad0ra unit.
O All India Division CBs ar0 now I$ 14001 c0rtiIi0d.
O Gold0n P0acock Glo-al C$R Award Ior 2008 in r0cognition oI th0 Company's wat0r
cons0rvation/manag0m0nt practic0s.
O Coca-Cola Bottling plant at Atmakuru, Andhra Prad0sh r0c0iv0d th0 Gold0n P0acock Award
Ior wat0r manag0m0nt and cons0rvation.
O Coca-Cola Bottling Plant at Atmakuru, Andhra Prad0sh r0c0iv0d th0 CII ational Award Ior
Exc0ll0nc0 in Wat0r Manag0m0nt 2008.


Th0 Atmakur unit oI Hindustan Coca-Cola B0v0rag0s Privat0 Limit0d in Guntur district
has -agg0d th0 ational $aI0ty Council($C) Award 2008 Ior 0II0ctiv0 impl0m0ntation oI
occupational saI0ty and h0alth manag0m0nt syst0ms in manuIacturing syst0m.
Atmakur plant was s0l0ct0d Irom 32 compani0s in Iray Ior th0 award and th0 unit show0d out in
th0 past thr00 y0ars,

(From l0It): Bill $chultz, CE, Hindustan Coca-Cola B0v0rag0s Pvt ltd,
Dr.MadhavM0hra, Pr0sid0nt oI th0 World Council Ior Corporat0 Gov0rnanc0, UK, Ba-a
Hard0v$inghiMahara, H0ad irankari Mission, la Ullst0n, Iorm0r Prim0 Minist0r oI $w0d0n,
$udhanshuPokhriyal, Dir0ctor Hyd0ra-ad & Coastal Andhra Prad0sh op0rations &Am00r$hahul,
R0gion PA & C Manag0r (south), r0c0iving th0 Gold0n P0acock trophy & th0 citation.

Bill $chultz, CE, Hindustan Coca-ColaB0v0rag0s Pvt Ltd &$udhanshuPokhriyal,
Dir0ctor Hyd0ra-ad & Coastal Andhra Prad0sh p0rations, r0c0iv0d th0 pr0stigious award Irom
la Ullst0n, Iorm0r Prim0 Minist0r oI $w0d0n at a Iunction in th0 Himalayan Ioothills oI

Hindustan Coca-Cola everages Pvt Ltd., is a corporat0 -ranch oI th0 coca Cola
Company r0gist0r0d in orth Atlanta, orth Am0rica. Th0 -asic unit is divid0d into Iiv0 zon0s
all tog0th0r.
They are:
O North America
O Africa
O Latin America
O Europe
O Eurasia
O iddle - East
O Asia
Th0 pr0s0nt unit is und0r Asia zon0 oI th0 division oI India. In India th0r0 ar0 around 55 units
(plants) and in Andhra Prad0sh th0r0 ar0 5 plants nam0ly
O Visakhapatnam
O Vijayawada
O Hyderabad
O Nellore
O Kalahasthi


The Various everages of Coca Cola

Coca-Cola is a car-onat0dsoIt drink sold in stor0s, r0staurants, and v0nding machin0s
int0rnationally. Th0 Coca-Cola Company claims that th0 -0v0rag0 is sold in mor0 than 200
It is produc0d -y Th0 Coca-Cola Company in Atlanta, G0orgia, and is oIt0n r0I0rr0d
to simply as Cok0 (a r0gist0r0d trad0mark oI Th0 Coca-Cola Company in th0 Unit0d $tat0s sinc0
March 27, 1944). riginally int0nd0d as a pat0nt m0dicin0 wh0n it was inv0nt0d in th0 lat0 19th
c0ntury -y John P0m-0rton, Coca-Cola was -ought out -y -usin0ssman Asa Griggs Candl0r,
whos0 mark0ting tactics l0d Cok0 to its dominanc0 oI th0 world soIt-drink mark0t throughout th0
20th c0ntury.

Sprite is a transpar0nt, l0mon-lim0Ilavor0d, caII0in0 Ir00 soIt drink, produc0d -y th0
Coca-Cola Company. It was introduc0d in th0 Unit0d $tat0s in 1961. This was Cok0's r0spons0
to th0 popularity oI 7 Up, which had -0gun as "Lithiat0d L0mon" in 1929. It com0s in a primarily
silv0r, gr00n, and -lu0 can or a gr00n transluc0nt -ottl0 with a primarily gr00n and -lu0 la-0l. In
1978, $prit0 -0cam0 th0 mark0t l0ad0r position in th0 l0mon soda cat0gory. $prit0 is v0ry
popular in Canada as w0ll. Th0 annual sal0s rat0 oI $prit0 in Canada is 15 million p0r y0ar. $prit0
-0cam0 popular in mark0ting in th0 1960s through 1970s wh0n th0y start0d making
adv0rtis0m0nts Ior th0 soda pop which was soon r0I0r0nc0d in songs. $prit0 also -0cam0 popular
through th0 lat0 1970s through 0arly 1980s, wh0n th0y mad0 slogan ads Ior th0 pop. In th0 lat0
1980s, $prit0 -0cam0 popular through th0 t00nag0 group.


Fanta is th0 old0st -rand oI coca cola with mor0 than 90 Ilavors. This ingr0di0nt giv0s a
-0v0rag0 a candy-lik0 Ilavor that s00ms to stick to th0 tongu0. Primary comp0titors to Fanta hav0
includ0d Tango, Mirinda, rang0 Crush, and Tropicana Twist0r. Fanta was th0 s0cond drink to
-0 produc0d -y Coca-Cola, apart Irom th0 original Coca-Cola.

Thums Up was -asically a cola drink, -ut th0 company n0v0r claim0d it as such. Th0
Iormula was ust as clos0ly guard0d as th0 Iamous Cok0 Iormula. Th0 Thums Up logo was a r0d
'thum-s up' hand g0stur0 with a slant0d whit0 sans-s0riI typ0Iac0. This would lat0r -0 modiIi0d
-y Coca-Cola with -lu0 strok0s and a mor0 mod0rn-looking typ0Iac0. This was mainly don0 to
r0duc0 th0 dominant r0d color in th0ir signag0. Thums Up 0noy0d a n0ar monopoly with a much
strong0r mark0t shar0 oIt0n ov0rshadowing its oth0r rivals lik0 Campa cola, Dou-l0 s0v0n and
Duk0s, -ut th0r0 w0r0 many small r0gional play0rs who had th0ir own mark0t.

aaza is a Coca-Cola Iruit drink -rand mark0t0d in India and Banglad0sh, th0 most
popular drink -0ing th0 mango vari0ty, so much that ov0r th0 y0ars, th0 Maaza -rand has -0com0
synonymous with Mango. Initially Coca-Cola had also launch0d Maaza in orang0 and pin0appl0
variants, -ut th0s0 variants w0r0 su-s0qu0ntly dropp0d. Coca-Cola has r0c0ntly r0-launch0d th0s0
variants again in th0 Indian mark0t.
Mango drinks curr0ntly account Ior 90 oI th0 Iruit uic0 mark0t in India
|citation needed|
Maaza curr0ntly dominat0s th0 Iruit drink cat0gory and comp0t0s with P0psi's Slice -rand oI
mango drink and Frooti, manuIactur0d -y Parl0 Agro.

Whil0 Frooti was sold in small cartons, Maaza and $lic0 w0r0 initially sold in r0turna-l0
-ottl0s. How0v0r, all -rands ar0 also now availa-l0 in small cartons and larg0 PET -ottl0s. I
lat0, th0 Indian mark0t is witn0ssing th0 0ntry oI a larg0 num-0r oI small manuIactur0rs
producing only mango Iruit drink.
Maaza has a distinct pulpy tast0 as compar0d to Frooti and tast0s slightly sw00t0r than
$lic0. Maaza claims to contain mango pulp oI th0 Alphonso vari0ty, which is known as th0
"King oI Mango0s" in India.

Minut0 Maid was th0 Iirst company to mark0t orang0 uic0 conc0ntrat0, allowing it to -0
distri-ut0d throughout th0 Unit0d $tat0s and s0rv0d y0ar-round. Th0 Minut0 Maid company is
now own0d -y Th0 Coca-Cola Company, and is th0 world's larg0st mark0t0r oI Iruit uic0s and
drinks. Th0 Iirm op0n0d its h0adquart0rs in $ugar Land Town $quar0 in $ugar
Land, T0xas, Unit0d $tat0s, on F0-ruary 16, 2009; pr0viously it was h0adquart0r0d in th0 2000
$t. Jam0s Plac0 -uilding in Houston.

Th0 n0w Minut0 Maid im-u Fr0sh is a l0mon uic0--as0d drink with no add0d
pr0s0rvativ0 or add0d colour, d0v0lop0d Ior th0 Indian mark0t. Th0 l0mon-Ilavor0d drink is mad0
out oI Ir0sh l0mon uic0 conc0ntrat0, 0mulating hom0-mad0 'nim-upani', and carri0s th0 taglin0:
'Bilkulgharaisa' (ust lik0 hom0).Th0 product will -0 availa-l0 in two pack siz0s oI 400 ml and 1
litr0, pric0d at Rs15 and Rs40 r0sp0ctiv0ly.


Limca is g0n0rally sold in glass -ottl0s within India, which ar0 r0turn0d to th0 stor0 or
r0staurant aIt0r th0 cont0nts hav0 -00n consum0d. Th0 -ottl0s ar0 s0nt -ack to th0 manuIactur0r,
wash0d and r0us0d, -0caus0 th0 -ottl0s ar0 mor0 0xp0nsiv0 than th0 drink its0lI, and s0lling th0
drink in tin cans and plastic -ottl0s st0ps up its mark0t pric0. How0v0r, th0 drink is also sold in
tin-cans and plastic -ottl0s.
Limca is mark0t0d in 200 ml and 300 ml glass -ottl0s with national maximum-r0tail
pric0s oI 8 Indian Rup00s (IR) and 11 IR, r0sp0ctiv0ly; 330 ml cans pric0d at 18 IR, 600 ml
plastic -ottl0s pric0d at 28 IR, 1.25 lit0r "Fridg0 Pack" plastic -ottl0s at 33 IR, and 2 lit0r
"Party Pack" plastic -ottl0s pric0d at 58 IR
Kinl0y wat0r und0rstands th0 importanc0 and valu0 oI this liI0 giving Iorc0. Kinl0y wat0r
thus promis0s wat0r that is as pur0 as it is m0ant to -0. Wat0r you can trust to -0 truly saI0 and
pur0.kinl0y wat0r com0s with th0 assuranc0 oI saI0ty Irom th0 coca cola company. That is why
kinl0y is introduc0d with r0v0rs0 osmosis along with th0 lat0st t0chnology to 0nsur0 th0 purity oI
coca cola product.


Th0 company has install0d a s0mi-automatic plant layout. Th0 pr0s0nt capacity oI th0
plant is 600 crat0 / hrs. i.0., 4,800 crat0s p0r shiIt oI 8 hr. During th0 months oI March to Jun0
du0 to p0ak d0mand, th0 plant is Iull capacity i.0., 5,500 crat0s p0r shiIt, with an 0xt0nd0d shiIt oI
12 hr. During th0 oth0r months oI production p0r shiIt is 3, 3000 crat0s p0r shiIt.


Th0 production sch0dul0 Iix0d daily -y taking into consid0ration th0 mark0t d0mand, th0
availa-ility oI 0mpty -ottl0s and th0 inv0ntory position oI Iill0d -ottl0s. Th0 storag0 capacity oI
th0 go down is at pr0s0nt 90,000 crat0s, which also limits th0 production sch0dul0. Th0
production sch0dul0 Ior 0ach -rand is Iix0d daily. Production is g0n0rally carri0d out in 2 shiIts.
In summ0r th0 d0mand r0ach0d its p0ak and production will -0 2 0xt0nd0d 12 hrs. shiIts.

Raw mat0rials ar0 th0 Ilavors 0ss0nc0 conc0ntrat0 suppli0d -y Parl0, sugar and wat0r.
$ugar is purchas0d in -ulk Irom th0 whol0sal0 sugar mark0t. Th0 r0quir0m0nt oI sugar Ior 20-25
production days is k0pt in stock and r0quir0m0nt Ior a month is ind0nt0d in advanc0. Wat0r
r0quir0d is m0t -y municipal supply, Wat0r Irom -or0 w0ll and tu-0 w0lls ar0 also us0d wh0n
r0quir0d. Wat0r is Iurth0r tr0at0d with ch0micals.
PuriIi0d wat0r is th0n s0nt through st00l pip0s to a larg0 contain0r wh0n C2I s dir0ct0d
to som0 0xt0nt 20 lit0rs. This is Iurth0r dir0ct0d wh0r0 it is mix0d with sugar and h0at0d up to 80
d0gr00 c0ntigrad0 is in h0at 0xchang0. In th0 imm0diat0 proc0ss it los0s h0at. Th0n this syrup is
dir0ct0d to syrup tanks wh0r0 it mix0s parl0ys 0ss0nc0 at th0ir proportion. This liquid is Iill0d in
-ottl0s which ar0 Iirst wash0d with soap. Lat0r with a dilut0 solution oI soap in a -ottl0 wash0r.
Th0n th0y ar0 Iill0d and capp0d at Iill0r and crowing units. Capacity oI Iill0r and crowing units
is 280 -ottl0d p0r minut0 Bottl0 and caps ar0 suppli0d -y sp0cializ0d Iirms lik0 L&T and m0tal
-ox India Ltd.,
O Wat0r Tr0atm0nt
O Raw $yrup Making
O R0ady $yrup Making
O Bottling Proc0ss
O Quality Control


O Wat0r
O $ugar
O Car-on-dioxid0 (C
O Flavour (Ior soda, only wat0r, C
in us0d)

Th0 wat0r is Irom w0ll and is stor0d in und0rground tank. H0r0 wat0r is chlorinat0d, lat0r
it go0s into two diII0r0nt tanks through pip0lin0s. Th0 wat0r is two typ0s, on0 is soIt drink and
anoth0r on0 is tr0at0d wat0r. Th0 wat0r is tak0n through a pip0lin0 and Iilt0r0d to r0mov0
susp0nd impuriti0s and th0 wat0r pass0s through car-on puriIi0r to r0mov0 chlorin0, pr0s0nt in
th0 wat0r. Th0n, it is pass0d through action 0xchang0r, wh0r0 min0rals which w0r0 in th0 wat0r
stor0d. Th0 wat0r is us0d Ior -ottl0 washing and wat0r -oiling purpos0 and so on.

From th0 s0cond pip0lin0 wat0r is pass0d and ins0rt0d in th0 washing machin0. Th0
washing machin0 was consists oI Iiv0 cham-0rs. In th0 Iirst stag0, is pr0wash0d, th0 -ottl0s ar0
wash0d with caustic mod0 at t0mp0ratur0 oI 40
. Th0 -ottl0s ar0 pass0d in th0 s0cond
cham-0r, primary tank, wh0r0 th0y ar0 again wash0d with wat0r at a t0mp0ratur0 oI 75
. n
th0 third cham-0r, s0condary tank, wh0r0 th0 -ottl0s ar0 wash0d with wat0r at a l0ss t0mp0ratur0
oI 40
,n0xt go0s to Hydro Tank, wh0r0 th0 wat0r us0d Ior th0 -ottl0s ar0 wash0d with 0t
-rush0s and -ottl0 spring 0tc., Th0 Iinal cham-0r, th0 wat0r t0mp0ratur0 com0 down to 25
. Th0
Iinal cham-0r, -ottl0s ar0 dri0d and th0n 00ct0d out. All th0s0 proc0ss th0 tim0 taking is 20
minut0s. Th0 capacity oI washing machin0 is 150 crat0s. Th0 00ct0d -ottl0s ar0 pass0s on th0
conv0yor -0lt which carri0s th0 -ottl0s to th0 packaging unit.
Th0 liquid syrup is mix0d with tr0at0d wat0r in d0Iinit0 ratio -y pump in th0 pr0mix. Th0
mixtur0 is th0n chill0d -y Ammonia chill0r and th0 pass0d through corro-orator which is Iill0d

with C
Gas at d0Iinit0 pr0ssur0. This syrup making machin0 is call0d CRMY-45, Irom Japan.
Th0 conv0yor -0lt carri0s th0 syrup. Th0n n0xt go0s to crowning machin0 do its -usin0ss
Th0s0 capp0d -ottl0s ar0 0v0nt through conv0yor -0lt and Iinally ch0cking is th0r0, n0xt
packag0 -ottl0s ar0 carri0d to Godowns. Th0s0 packag0d -ottl0rs ar0 at a rat0 oI 240 -ottl0s p0r

Th0 layout oI -ottling plant install0d -y th0 company is conIirm0d to produc0 on lin0
layout. Th0 machin0s and 0quipm0nt ar0 arrang0d according to th0 s0qu0nc0 oI op0rations. Th0
machin0s and work0rs ar0 sp0cializ0d in th0 p0rIormanc0 oI sp0ciIic op0rations such as
pr0paration oI syrup Iilling th0 -ottl0s, a0rating and s0aling th0 -ottl0s with liquid. All thos0
op0rations ar0 continuous mov0m0nt.
O Volum0 oI production is ad0quat0 Ior r0asona-l0 0quipm0nt utilization.
O D0m and Ior th0 production -rands ar0 r0asona-l0 sta-l0.
O All -rands ar0 standardiz0d products.
O $upply oI mat0rial in continuous.
O This typ0 oI layout is mor0 advantag0ous wh0n compar0d to oth0r layout.


1OT1JC.1 T.1`OT




TIc dcgrcc io wIicI iIcrc is maicI lciwccn iIc cusiomcr's ccciaiions of
iIc roduci and iIc aciual crformancc of iIc roduci. Ecciaiions arc
formcd lascd on informaiion consumcrs rcccivc from salcscrsons, fricnds,
family, oinion lcadcrs, cic., as wcll as asi ccricncc wiiI iIc roduci. TIis
is an imoriani mcasurc of iIc aliliiy of a firm io succcssfully mcci iIc nccds
of iis cusiomcr.

Cusiomcr saiisfaciion, a lusincss icrm, is a mcasurc of Iow roducis and
scrviccs sulicd ly a comany mcci or surass cusiomcr ccciaiion. Ii is
sccn as a lcy crformancc indicaior wiiIin lusincss and is ari of iIc four
crscciivcs of a Dalanccd Scorccard.

Wbat Is customer satIsIactIon?
Cusiomcr saiisfaciion involvcs dcicrmining iIc dcgrcc io wIicI a comany's
roducis or scrviccs mcci iIc rcquircmcnis of iIc cnd uscr. Comanics iIai
arc ccriificd ISO 9001.2008 musi now dcmonsiraic Iow iIcy mcasurc
cusiomcr saiisfaciion, and Iow iIcy arc imroving in iIis arca. Firms lanning
io lccomc ISO ccriificd will nccd io lcgin dcvcloing iIcsc caaliliiics.
Cusiomcr Saiisfaciion and Cusiomcr Inuis arc sccifically rcfcrrcd io, and
rcquircd ly clauscs of iIc ISO 9001-2000 siandard. TIc Managcmcni
rcsonsililiiy scciion 5.2 ciics rclcvani clauscs for comliancc; 7.2.1 and 8.2.1.

O Clausc 7.2.1 rcquircs an ISO ccriificd organizaiion io communicaic wiiI
cusiomcrs on fccdlacl, including cusiomcr comlainis.
O Clausc 8.2.1 dcals wiiI mcasurcs of Qualiiy Sysicm cffcciivcncss and
ciics cusiomcr inui as onc mcasurc iIai will lc iraclcd.
Addiiionally, ISO clausc 8.5.1 siaics iIai iIc organizaiion sIall coniinually
imrovc iIc cffcciivcncss of iIcir Qualiiy Managcmcni Sysicm. From iIcsc
clauscs, iIcrc is liiilc douli iIai cusiomcr saiisfaciion is a ccniral ari of any
cffcciivc Qualiiy Managcmcni Sysicm.
Wbat are tbe beneIIts oI determInIng customer satIsIactIon?
TIc nccd io dcicrminc cusiomcr saiisfaciion will vary somcwIai ly iIc
comciiiivc circumsianccs of a givcn indusiry. In inicnsc consumcr-focuscd
aciiviiics, mcasuring cusiomcr saiisfaciion is criiical. Dui cvcry comany in
cvcry indusiry can lcncfii ly camining iIc nccds of iIcir cusiomcrs. Somc of
iIc arcas wIcrc imrovcmcni may lc cccicd includc.
O Dciicr dcicrminaiion of cusiomcr uscs and nccds.
O Idcniificaiion of rollcms wiiI cusiomcr scrviccs.
O A sIarcr focus on arcas Iaving iIc grcaicsi nccd for imrovcmcni.
O aining insigIi for ncw roducis and/or scrvicc offcrings.
Wbat can CIRAS do Ior my company?
A rocrly dcsigncd cusiomcr survcy raciicc will aid in idcniifying wIcrc a
comany can aly rcsourccs io iIc lcsi cffcci. CIFAS can Icl in iIc following
O Educaic siaff on iIc rangc of mciIods suiiallc io a givcn comany's sizc
and marlci circumsianccs.
O Aid in sclcciing iIc mosi cffcciivc mciIods for usc.

O Educaic on samlc sclcciion, qucsiion conicni, and iIc rolallc
cffcciivcncss of survcy insirumcni formsincluding raciiccs io avoid.
O Aid in analysis of daia.


Concepts oI customer satIsIactIon

Analysis oI a custom0r-satisIaction data-as0 shows th0 conn0ction -0tw00n custom0rs'
0motions and th0ir loyalty. v0rall custom0r satisIaction has -00n clim-ing in r0c0nt quart0rs,
Iollowing a nadir in lat0 2001 and 0arly 2002. In addition to ass0ssing ov0rall custom0r
satisIaction, on0 can 0xamin0 satisIaction -y industry s0gm0nt or -y -rand. Casinos, Ior instanc0,
g0n0rat0 high0r satisIaction than do airlin0s. Most int0r0sting Ior mark0t0rs, th0 analysis allows
id0ntiIication oI custom0rs' attitud0s toward and d0sir0s in a hot0l stay. Whil0 pric0 is a Iactor Ior
many oI th0 custom0r groups, c0rtain 0motional n00ds tak0 pr0c0d0nc0 Ior oth0rs. Although
I00ling s0cur0 is a Iairly univ0rsal 0motion, oth0rs hav0 gr0at importanc0 Ior som0 hot0l
s0gm0nts, -ut littl0 importanc0 Ior oth0rs. For instanc0, luxury-hot0l gu0sts say that I00ling
pamp0r0d, r0lax0d, and sophisticat0d ar0 k0y 0motions, whil0 gu0sts at 0conomy hot0ls s00k to
I00l comIorta-l0, w0lcom0, and practical. Trav0l0rs will pay mor0 to achi0v0 th0 0motions or
attri-ut0s th0y s00k. For instanc0, -usin0ss trav0l0rs will pay mor0 iI th0y can -0 assur0d oI
I00ling comIorta-l0. Finally, th0 analysis allows Ior id0ntiIication oI 22 custom0r arch0typ0s,
diII0r0ntiat0d according to attitud0, -0havior, and d0mographic Iactors.
W0 -0gan our r0s0arch on custom0r satisIaction 0arly 20 y0ars ago, -0li0ving that custom0r
satisIaction plays a Iundam0ntal rol0 in achi0ving custom0r loyalty and proIita-ility. Co-author
Barsky and various associat0s pu-lish0d a num-0r oI th0ir Iindings in Iiv0 Corn0ll Quart0rly
articl0s sinc0 1990, 0ach oI which addr0ss0d a diII0r0nt custom0r-satisIaction issu0
To t0st and advanc0 th0 r0s0arch thr0ad in thos0 articl0s, w0 d0cid0d s0v0ral y0ars ago to
cr0at0 an ongoing national surv0y and onlin0 data-as0 to study custom0r satisIaction with hot0ls
and oth0r hospitality industri0s in th0 Unit0d $tat0s. W0 dr0w upon critical issu0s r0lating to

custom0r satisIaction rais0d and answ0r0d in this s0ri0s oI Corn0ll Quart0rly articl0s and on our
0xp0ri0nc0 with various hot0l chains. Using this r0s0arch w0 d0vis0d a national surv0y syst0m
-as0d on th0or0tical advanc0s c0ntral to m0asuring satisIaction (0.g., disconIirmation paradigm,
consum0r 0motions) and oth0r mor0 appli0d issu0s aII0cting surv0y construction (0.g., scaling,
sampling, qu0stion s0l0ction, r0porting).
Each quart0r 35,000 n0w int0rvi0ws ar0 add0d to this data-as0. To our knowl0dg0, th0 Mark0t
M0trix Hospitality Ind0x (MMHD is th0 larg0st in-d0pth industry-wid0 m0asur0 oI hot0l
p0rIormanc0 -as0d on gu0st 0valuations (s00 th0 -ox on pag0 78 Ior a d0scription oI th0 MMHI).
Th0 scop0 oI this pro0ct continu0s to oII0r unpr0c0d0nt0d opportunity Ior n0w r0s0arch. For
0xampl0, th0 MMHI is a-l0 to spotlight industry tr0nds such as th0 dip in satisIaction scor0s aIt0r
$0pt0m-0r 11, 2001.
This articl0 highlights r0s0arch Iindings o-tain0d in th0 initial two y0ars oI th0 MMHI. (2)
Th0s0 highlights, pr0s0nt0d -0low, includ0 an ov0rvi0w oI custom0r-satisIaction tr0nds, r0c0nt
insights r0garding th0 0motions that aII0ct th0 gu0st 0xp0ri0nc0, an ov0rvi0w oI a custom0r-
s0gm0ntation mod0l oI th0 U.$. hot0l industry, and insights into hot0l loyalty programs and
custom0r-loyalty -0havior.
Overall Industry Trends
Th0 0v0nts oI 9/11 and th0 wors0ning 0conomy Iorc0d th0 hot0l industry to r0duc0 costs,
including staIIing cut-acks and r0ductions in s0rvic0s and am0niti0s, which 0xact0d a toll on th0
gu0st 0xp0ri0nc0. AIt0r 9/11, th0 com-in0d 0II0cts oI th0 Iraqi war, th0 $AR$ virus, and a w0ak
0conomy Iurth0r chall0ng0d th0 hot0l industry. Custom0r satisIaction has sinc0 r0cov0r0d Irom
th0 0v0nts oI $0pt0m-0r 11, how0v0r. Th0 pr0-9/11 custom0r-satisIaction scor0 oI 83 in quart0r

thr00 oI 2001 slump0d to 81 in th0 Iirst quart0r oI 2002, -ut slowly clim-0d to 83 in th0 third
quart0r oI 2003. Hot0l compani0s that inv0st0d in staIIing and r0stor0d s0l0ct0d s0rvic0s and
am0niti0s l0d th0 industry through th0 r0cov0ry.
Comparing p0rIormanc0 across hospitality-industry s0ctors, casinos consist0ntly scor0 high0r
than oth0r hospitality -usin0ss0s (i.0., hot0l, car r0ntal, and airlin0) whil0 airlin0s r0c0iv0 th0
low0st scor0s oI th0 Iour s0ctors.
Although th0 airlin0 industry's scor0 oI 75 is -0low that oI oth0r hospitality s0ctors, pass0ng0r
satisIaction has improv0d in r0c0nt quart0rs -0caus0 th0r0 ar0 I0w0r pass0ng0rs, I0w0r plan0s in
th0 sky, and l0ss lost luggag0 than in th0 lat0 1990s. p0rating I0w0r plan0s is also associat0d
with -0tt0r on-tim0 p0rIormanc0 and I0w0r Ilight canc0llations. th0r Iactors, such as 0xpand0d
s0lI-s0rvic0 ch0ck-in programs, hav0 also h0lp0d improv0 th0 ov0rall custom0r 0xp0ri0nc0.
$atisIaction in th0 r0ntal-car s0gm0nt has improv0d in r0c0nt quart0rs. Car-r0ntal compani0s
hav0 att0mpt0d to improv0 custom0r s0rvic0, an ar0a that was larg0ly n0gl0ct0d wh0n auto
manuIactur0rs own0d th0 maor play0rs. Expr0ss s0rvic0 Ior Ir0qu0nt r0nt0rs, an 0xpand0d
s0l0ction oI automo-il0s (including sports cars and sport utility v0hicl0s), in-car am0niti0s such
as mo-il0 phon0s, and s0lI--ooking through th0 int0rn0t ar0 all 0xampl0s oI th0 industry trying to
-0tt0r s0rv0 its custom0rs.
Th0 compani0s d0liv0ring th0 high0st custom0r satisIaction Irom th0 third quart0r oI 2002
through th0 third quart0r oI 2003 includ0 -oth 0sta-lish0d -rands (0.g., Four $0asons among th0
hot0ls) and n0wcom0rs.


Emotions that Affect the Guest Experience
Th0 Mark0t Matrix r0s0arch has d0monstrat0d that 0motions play an important rol0 in hot0l
custom0rs' satisIaction and loyalty, and that thos0 0motions ar0 a -0tt0r pr0dictor oI custom0r
loyalty than ar0 traditional m0asur0s oI product and s0rvic0 satisIaction. Gu0sts ar0 willing to
pay su-stantially mor0 p0r night Ior th0 promis0 oI 0xp0ri0ncing c0rtain 0motions during th0ir
Th0 s0ts oI k0y loyalty-inducing 0motions ar0 slightly diII0r0nt Ior 0ach hot0l-industry
s0gm0nt. For th0 luxury s0gm0nt, Ior instanc0, th0 k0y loyalty 0motions involv0 I00lings oI -0ing
pamp0r0d, r0lax0d, and sophisticat0d. At th0 oth0r 0nd oI th0 scal0, th0 k0y 0motions Ior
0conomy hot0ls ar0 I00ling comIorta-l0, I00ling w0lcom0, and -0ing practical. th0r 0motions
that driv0 loyalty in on0 s0gm0nt or anoth0r ar0 I00ling important (upscal0), s0cur0 (midscal0),
and w0lcom0 (midscal0 and upscal0). In contrast, a num-0r oI 0motions do not Iigur0 strongly in
hot0l loyalty--including 0motions that ar0 oIt0n 0vok0d in hot0l adv0rtis0m0nts. Thos0 includ0
I00ling 0l0gant and hip (or cool).
usiness Guests Will Pay ore for Comfort
n0 oI th0 most dramatic Iindings oI this r0s0arch is that providing high l0v0ls oI comIort
r0duc0s th0 pric0 s0nsitivity oI -usin0ss trav0l0rs. W0 Iound that -usin0ss trav0l0rs in our sampl0
ar0 willing to pay an av0rag0 oI $13 mor0 wh0n comIort l0v0ls 0xc00d th0ir 0xp0ctations. Th0
ADR payoII is much gr0at0r Ior -usin0ss trav0l0rs' comIort than it is Ior any oI th0ir oth0r
0motions. As a r0sult, th0 r0turn on inv0sting in gu0st comIort is lik0ly to -0 gr0at0r than that oI
inv0sting in oth0r loyalty-r0lat0d 0motions.

Th0 pot0ntial diIIiculty in that Iinding a-out comIort, how0v0r, is that w0 n00d to d0t0rmin0
how gu0sts d0Iin0 comIort and to asc0rtain what products and s0rvic0s Iost0r comIorta-l0
0motional 0xp0ri0nc0s. W0 ask0d gu0sts and manag0rs to addr0ss th0s0 qu0stions. Comm0nts
d0Iining "I00ling comIorta-l0" I0ll into th0 Iollowing Iiv0 ar0as: product, staII, arrival, valu0, and
Products for comfort
Th0 0mphasis plac0d on products, rath0r than s0rvic0s, as k0y 0l0m0nts oI I00ling
comIorta-l0, distinguish0s I00ling comIorta-l0 Irom oth0r 0motions. Wh0n d0scri-ing
comIorting products, gu0sts most oIt0n comm0nt0d a-out th0ir room--in particular th0 room's
d0sign, a comIorta-l0 -0d and room, room and hot0l cl0anlin0ss, and conv0ni0nt and sp0cial
am0niti0s. Additional product-ori0nt0d attri-ut0s ar0 good Iood, an 0ngaging atmosph0r0, nois0
control, and saI0ty.
Staff support
Hot0l staII m0m-0rs hav0 a consid0ra-l0 inIlu0nc0 on th0 I00lings oI comIort 0xp0ri0nc0d -y
gu0sts. Gu0sts appr0ciat0 having Iri0ndly, knowl0dg0a-l0, and h0lpIul staII m0m-0rs whom th0y
I00l comIorta-l0 addr0ssing. Gu0sts I0lt comIorta-l0 knowing that th0y can trust th0 staII with
th0ir saI0ty, -0longings, m0ssag0s, and wak0-up calls. Many gu0sts comm0nt0d that it was
comIorting wh0n th0 staII approach0d th0ir stay with a r0sponsiv0, att0ntiv0, and 0nthusiastic
attitud0. Gu0sts m0ntion0d 0IIorts mad0 to p0rsonaliz0 th0ir s0rvic0 as a contri-uting Iactor to
th0ir comIort.


A r0sp0ctIul and accommodating staII is a critical 0l0m0nt oI a comIorta-l0 arrival. Using
court0ous words, r0p0ating th0 gu0st's nam0, and tr0ating th0 gu0st warmly mak0s gu0sts I00l
comIorta-l0. Arrival goodi0s, such as warm cooki0s and milk, w0r0 a comIorting g0stur0
appr0ciat0d -y gu0sts.
R0c0iving valu0 Ior th0 pric0 paid mak0s gu0sts I00l comIorta-l0 with th0ir hot0l 0xp0ri0nc0.
Along that lin0, providing gu0sts with complim0ntary giIts, Iood, and -0v0rag0s can provid0
th0m with I00lings oI comIort. Among th0 Ir00 products that gu0sts 0sp0cially appr0ciat0d w0r0
coII00, popcorn, cooki0s, win0, and cocktails. B0ing part oI a loyalty program and r0c0iving an
upgrad0, sp0cial d0al, or discount mad0 gu0sts I00l comIorta-l0 with th0ir d0cision to stay at a
Having a location that's conv0ni0nt Ior th0 purpos0 oI th0 gu0st's visit giv0s gu0sts a I00ling oI
comIort. $p0ciIic advantag0s oI an appropriat0 location m0ntion0d w0r0 -0ing clos0 to
r0staurants, Ir00ways, Iun attractions, and -usin0ss0s.


easuring customer satisfaction
M0asuring satisIaction and -uilding a satisIaction surv0y r0quir0s at l0ast a -asic knowl0dg0
oI th0 satisIaction m0asur0m0nt lit0ratur0, com-in0d with your own custom0r satisIaction
0xp0ri0nc0s. This -ri0I tutorial provid0s such an introduction to th0 th0or0tical and
m0thodological und0rpinnings oI satisIaction r0s0arch.
Busin0ss0s surviv0 -0caus0 th0y hav0 custom0rs that ar0 willing to -uy th0ir product or
s0rvic0. How0v0r, many tim0s -usin0ss0s Iail to "ch0ck in" with th0ir custom0rs to d0t0rmin0
wh0th0r th0y ar0 happy or not and what it will tak0 to mak0 or k00p th0m happy.
Custom0rs ar0 your -0st sourc0 oI -usin0ss inIormation -- wh0th0r it's to improv0 an 0xisting
product or s0rvic0 or wh0th0r you'r0 planning to launch som0thing n0w. Th0r0's no su-stitution
Ior "g0tting it Irom th0 hors0's mouth." Wh0n you op0n up th0 lin0s oI communication, you ar0
a-l0 to align your r0sourc0s to -0st advantag0, and you oIt0n can mak0 chang0s or launch
products mor0 quickly.
By talking to your custom0rs dir0ctly, you incr0as0 your odds Ior achi0ving succ0ss; you
"mistak0-prooI" your d0cisions and work on what r0ally matt0rs. Wh0n you routin0ly ask your
custom0rs Ior I00d-ack and involv0 th0m in your -usin0ss, th0y, in turn, -0com0 committ0d to
th0 succ0ss oI your -usin0ss.


Customer satisfaction data are received in a variety of methods, including:
O F00d-ack r0c0iv0d in r0spons0 to answ0rs to custom0r complaints
O Dialogu0 -0tw00n th0 custom0r and Ii0ld 0x0cutiv0 or Manag0m0nt which is th0n
docum0nt0d in a trip visit summary r0port.
O Industry positioning surv0ys
O Lost -usin0ss r0ports
O M00tings with custom0rs - int0rvi0w s0ssions with qu0stionnair0s
Conducting surv0y is an 0II0ctiv0 m0thod Ior m0asuring custom0r satisIaction and achi0ving
continu0s improv0m0nt in quality. Th0r0 ar0 six st0ps in conducting a succ0ssIul surv0y. Th0y
O D0cid0 on your o-0ctiv0s
O D0t0rmin0 who should compl0t0 th0 surv0y
O D0v0lop th0 surv0y
O Administ0r th0 surv0y
O Analyz0 th0 r0sults
O Communicat0 th0 r0sults


Ev0n th0 -0st int0ntions in m0asuring custom0r satisIaction ar0 su-0ct to pro-l0ms along th0
way. T0mptations to avoid ar0:
Complacency -- o-taining I00d-ack is an ongoing proc0ss, not a on0-tim0 0v0nt. You
cannot know what your custom0rs want iI you only ask th0m occasionally. Chang0 is
c0rtain, and prioriti0s do shiIt. Th0 most succ0ssIul compani0s ar0 thos0 that can
d0t0ct and r0spond to custom0r chang0s quickly.
Analysis paralysis -- wh0n you g0t your I00d-ack, don't analyz0 it to d0ath. Many
corporations hav0 d0partm0nts Iull oI statisticians to d0t0rmin0 th0 r0lia-ility and
validity oI th0 I00d-ack; how0v0r, th0y n0v0r g0t around to doing anything with th0
data. In most cas0s, I00d-ack will mak0 it o-vious what you ar0 doing w0ll and wh0r0
you n00d to improv0, so it's in your -0st int0r0st to g0t start0d imm0diat0ly.
Doing nothing with the feedback -- nothing will do mor0 to discourag0 I00d-ack
Irom your custom0rs than not doing anything with th0ir sugg0stions. You must show
th0m that you appr0ciat0 th0ir input as w0ll as communicat0 to th0m what has
chang0d as a r0sult oI th0ir input. II th0y I00l nothing has -00n don0, th0n th0y think
th0ir 0IIorts hav0 -00n wast0d and will not participat0 Iurth0r.
Failing to listen to your experts -- anoth0r valua-l0 sourc0 oI custom0r inIormation
is your 0mploy00s. Th0y d0al with custom0rs constantly and oIt0n hav0 Iirst hand
knowl0dg0 on what th0 custom0rs' "hot -uttons" ar0. Too oIt0n 0mploy0rs ignor0 this
valua-l0 r0sourc0. Big mistak0 Talking to your 0mploy00s should -0 on0 oI th0 Iirst
st0ps you tak0 in gath0ring custom0r satisIaction data. That way you'll g0t a
pr0liminary r0ading on pot0ntial pro-l0m ar0as so that you can Iocus your 0IIorts
wh0n soliciting your custom0rs Ior th0ir I00d-ack.

De motivating employees -- custom0r I00d-ack should not -0 us0d to punish
0mploy00s. Inst0ad, us0 it to d0t0ct ar0as Ior improv0m0nt. Improp0r training and lack
oI communication and dir0ction ar0 oIt0n th0 culprits oI poor o- p0rIormanc0.
B0sid0s, iI custom0rs discov0r that th0ir input is us0d to disciplin0 0mploy00s, th0y
may stop providing constructiv0 I00d-ack altog0th0r.


Steps for measuring customer satisfaction:
Step 1
D0cid0 n Your -0ctiv0s What do you want to know Irom th0 surv0y B0 sp0ciIic. Your
o-0ctiv0s will Iorm th0 -asis Irom which your surv0y qu0stions will -0 d0v0lop0d. Limit your
o-0ctiv0s to ust a I0w. II you try to includ0 too much, you will mak0 th0 surv0y too long
(custom0rs may not compl0t0 it), and you may uncov0r mor0 than you can handl0 (you can't
r0spond to it).
Determine Who Should Complete the Survey?
First and Ior0most, know who your custom0rs ar0 and which ar0 appropriat0 to surv0y II your
mark0t is larg0, you may hav0 diII0r0nt s0gm0nts oI custom0rs. r d0p0nding upon th0 industry
you may hav0 diII0r0nt l0v0ls oI custom0rs.
Also, giv0 som0 thought to th0 num-0r oI custom0rs you want to surv0y. Do you hav0 a I0w k0y
accounts May-0 you want to surv0y 0ach oI th0m. II you hav0 multipl0 custom0rs, you may
hav0 to s0l0ct a sampl0 to surv0y. Also, you may want to h0ar Irom diII0r0nt individuals at th0
sam0 custom0r sit0. F00d-ack Irom individuals oth0r than your dir0ct contact may r0Il0ct
pro-l0ms that your contact do0sn't know a-out and r0port.


Develop the Survey Having s0ttl0d on o-0ctiv0s and d0cid0d what kinds oI custom0rs you'll
targ0t, it's tim0 to draIt th0 surv0y. You'll n00d to Iormulat0 qu0stions whos0 answ0rs will h0lp
you d0cid0 what n00ds to -0 chang0d to achi0v0 your o-0ctiv0s. Th0 Iollowing tips may h0lp
O irst, list potential question topics. Common s0rvic0 Iactors Ior which you may want to
ask custom0rs to grad0 your p0rIormanc0 and product valu0 includ0:
F0atur0s, F0atur0s d0sir0d, Vari0ty, $aI0ty, Dura-ility, Quality, R0lia-ility, Docum0ntation
clarity, Docum0ntation ad0quacy, Packaging quality, Packaging conv0ni0nc0, Cost Employ00s:
Pushin0ss, Fri0ndlin0ss, Court0sy, Acc0ssi-ility, Att0ntion, Car0, Comp0t0nc0, Fl0xi-ility,
Und0rstanding oI custom0r n00ds, ProI0ssionalism, App0aranc0, EII0ctiv0 us0 oI tim0.
Customer feelings:
Appr0ciat0d, R0sp0ct0d, In control, 00ds and d0sir0s m0t
Post-sale service:
($am0 list as 0mploy00 I0atur0s a-ov0), rd0r proc0ssing tim0lin0ss, D0liv0ry tim0lin0ss,
Condition on d0liv0ry, Installation pro-l0ms, Pro-l0m solving, K0pt promis0s, Product

Company perception:
ConIid0nc0, Trust, Hon0sty, AII0ction, EIIici0ncy, $ta-ility, Innovativ0n0ss, Brand quality
Consid0r what you know and what you want to know r0garding custom0r p0rc0ption oI 0ach
Iactor you consid0r to -0 signiIicant. Th0n short0n th0 list to ust signiIicant Iactors that you
would -0 willing and a-l0 to work on to incr0as0 custom0r loyalty or attract n0w custom0rs.
Step 4
Administer the Survey You may want to contact th0 p0opl0 you int0nd to surv0y -0Ior0 hitting
th0m with qu0stions, and ask th0m iI th0y will h0lp you -y r0sponding. P0rsoniIication will -oth
l0t th0 surv0y candidat0s know how important it is to you and h0lp you avoid irritating cli0nts
who r0s0nt surv0yors.
II you ar0 handing out surv0y cards to custom0rs, -0 awar0 that r0s0arch has indicat0d that it's
-0tt0r to do it as th0y d0part, not as th0y arriv0. Having a list oI I0atur0s to criticiz0 during th0
visit mak0s a custom0r mor0 lik0ly to notic0 w0akn0ss0s. That inspir0s us0Iul I00d-ack, -ut it
can cost you th0 custom0r.
II you ar0 not satisIi0d with th0 initial r0spons0 rat0, don't giv0 up. Consid0r suppl0m0nting th0
surv0y in anoth0r m0dium--Ior 0xampl0 -y asking qu0stions -y t0l0phon0 or on a W0- pag0
wh0n not 0nough w0r0 answ0r0d -y mail.


Step 5
Analyze the Results nc0 your custom0rs r0turn th0 compl0t0d surv0ys, you ar0 r0ady to
compil0 th0 data and analyz0 th0 r0sults. In most cas0s, comp0t0ncy with a comput0r spr0adsh00t
program is all you'll n00d. First, you'll n00d to d0sign th0 spr0adsh00t, 0nt0r th0 data, and th0n
choos0 th0 graphs to summariz0 th0 r0sults. Th0s0 might -0 pi0 charts, -ar graphs, or lin0 graphs
which ar0 availa-l0 in all oI th0 popular spr0adsh00t programs.
Communicate the Results AIt0r you hav0 analyz0d th0 data, it is tim0 to communicat0 th0
r0sults to your staII and custom0rs.
First th0 staII: R0mind 0v0ryon0 that custom0r satisIaction is 0ss0ntial Ior continu0d prosp0rity.
Emphasiz0 th0 importanc0 oI k00ping th0 custom0r wants and n00ds in mind wh0n0v0r d0cisions
ar0 mad0--0sp0cially in product d0sign, mark0ting, and custom0r s0rvic0s.
Th0n th0 custom0rs: Communicating surv0y r0sults and r0sulting action is a-solut0ly n0c0ssary iI
you want to continu0 to r0c0iv0 I00d-ack Irom your custom0rs. II th0y I00l that th0 surv0y r0sults
do not g0t th0 prop0r att0ntion, th0y'll -0 r0luctant to provid0 you with I00d-ack in th0 Iutur0.
G0t your custom0rs involv0d wh0n you can. This giv0s th0m own0rship oI th0 issu0s, mak0s
th0m part oI th0 solutions and allows th0m to 0xp0ri0nc0 Iirsthand your d0dication in satisIying
th0ir n00ds. You might also want to solicit th0ir input Ior your annual goals and o-0ctiv0s. Th0n,
t0ll th0m how you'r0 doing against th0 goals, and t0ll th0m Ir0qu0ntly. That way th0y know that
progr0ss is -0ing mad0 and that you valu0 th0ir opinions.

7 steps for customer satisfaction:
It's a w0ll known Iact that no -usin0ss can 0xist without custom0rs. In th0 -usin0ss oI W0-sit0
d0sign, it's important to work clos0ly with your custom0rs to mak0 sur0 th0 sit0 or syst0m you
cr0at0 Ior th0m is as clos0 to th0ir r0quir0m0nts as you can manag0. B0caus0 it's critical that
you Iorm a clos0 working r0lationship with your cli0nt, custom0r s0rvic0 is oI vital
1 Encourage Face-to-Face Dealings
This is th0 most daunting and downright scary part oI int0racting with a custom0r. II you'r0
not us0d to this sort oI thing it can -0 a pr0tty n0rv0-wracking 0xp0ri0nc0. R0st assur0d,
though, it do0s g0t 0asi0r ov0r tim0. It's important to m00t your custom0rs Iac0 to Iac0 at l0ast
onc0 or 0v0n twic0 during th0 cours0 oI a pro0ct.
My 0xp0ri0nc0 has shown that a cli0nt Iinds it 0asi0r to r0lat0 to and work with som0on0
th0y'v0 actually m0t in p0rson, rath0r than a voic0 on th0 phon0 or som0on0 typing into an
0mail or m0ss0ng0r program. Wh0n you do m00t th0m, -0 calm, conIid0nt and a-ov0 all, tak0
tim0 to ask th0m what th0y n00d.

Respond to essages Promptly & Keep Your Clients Informed
This go0s without saying r0ally. W0 all know how annoying it is to wait days Ior a r0spons0 to
an 0mail or phon0 call. It might not always -0 practical to d0al with all custom0rs' qu0ri0s

within th0 spac0 oI a I0w hours, -ut at l0ast 0mail or call th0m -ack and l0t th0m know you'v0
r0c0iv0d th0ir m0ssag0 and you'll contact th0m a-out it as soon as possi-l0. Ev0n iI you'r0 not
a-l0 to solv0 a pro-l0m right away, l0t th0 custom0r know you'r0 working on it.
A good 0xampl0 oI this is my W0- host. Th0y'v0 had som0 trou-l0 with s0rv0r hardwar0
which has caus0d a Iair -it oI downtim0 lat0ly. At 0v0ry st0p along th0 way I was 0mail0d and
told 0xactly what was going on, why things w0r0 going wrong, and how long it would -0
-0Ior0 th0y w0r0 working again. Th0y also apologiz0d r0p0at0dly, which was nic0. ow iI
th0y s0rv0r had ust gon0 down with no 0xplanation I think I'd hav0 -00n pr0tty annoy0d and
may hav0 mov0d my -usin0ss 0ls0wh0r0. But -0caus0 th0y took tim0 to k00p m0 inIorm0d, it
didn't s00m so -ad, and I at l0ast kn0w th0y w0r0 doing som0thing a-out th0 pro-l0ms. That to
m0 is a prim0 0xampl0 oI custom0r s0rvic0.
e Friendly and Approachable
A I0llow $it0 Point0r onc0 told m0 that you can h0ar a smil0 through th0 phon0. This is v0ry
tru0. It's v0ry important to -0 Iri0ndly, court0ous and to mak0 your cli0nts I00l lik0 you'r0 th0ir
Iri0nd and you'r0 th0r0 to h0lp th0m out. Th0r0 will -0 tim0s wh0n you want to -0at your
cli0nts ov0r th0 h0ad r0p0at0dly with a -lunt o-0ct - it happ0ns to all oI us. It's vital that you
k00p a cl0ar h0ad, r0spond to your cli0nts' wish0s as -0st you can, and at all tim0s r0main
polit0 and court0ous.
4 Have a Clearly-Defined Customer Service Policy
This may not -0 too important wh0n you'r0 ust starting out, -ut a cl0arly d0Iin0d custom0r
s0rvic0 policy is going to sav0 you a lot oI tim0 and 0IIort in th0 long run. II a custom0r has a

pro-l0m, what should th0y do II th0 Iirst option do0sn't work, th0n what $hould th0y contact
diII0r0nt p0opl0 Ior -illing and t0chnical 0nquiri0s II th0y'r0 not satisIi0d with any asp0ct oI
your custom0r s0rvic0, who should th0y t0ll
Th0r0's nothing mor0 annoying Ior a cli0nt than -0ing pass0d Irom p0rson to p0rson, or not
knowing who to turn to. Making sur0 th0y know 0xactly what to do at 0ach stag0 oI th0ir
0nquiry should -0 oI utmost importanc0. $o mak0 sur0 your custom0r s0rvic0 policy is pr0s0nt
on your sit0 -- and anywh0r0 0ls0 it may -0 us0Iul.
5 Attention to Detail (also known as 'The Little Niceties')
Hav0 you 0v0r r0c0iv0d a Happy Birthday 0mail or card Irom a company you w0r0 a cli0nt oI
Hav0 you 0v0r had a p0rsonaliz0d sign-up conIirmation 0mail Ior a s0rvic0 that you could t0ll
was typ0d Irom scratch Th0s0 littl0 nic0ti0s can -0 tim0 consuming and ar0n't always cost
0II0ctiv0, -ut r0m0m-0r to do th0m.
Ev0n iI it's as small as s0nding a Happy Holidays 0mail to all your custom0rs, it's som0thing.
It shows you car0; it shows th0r0 ar0 r0al p0opl0 on th0 oth0r 0nd oI that scr00n or t0l0phon0;
and most importantly, it mak0s th0 custom0r I00l w0lcom0d, want0d and valu0d.
Anticipate Your Client's Needs & Go Out Of Your Way to Help Them Out
$om0tim0s this is 0asi0r said than don0 How0v0r, achi0ving this supr0m0 l0v0l oI
und0rstanding with your cli0nts will do wond0rs Ior your working r0lationship.
Tak0 this as an 0xampl0: you'r0 working on th0 Iront-0nd Ior your cli0nt's 0xciting n0w
0comm0rc0 0nd0avor. You hav0 all th0 imag0s, originals and Iil0s -ack0d up on your d0sktop

comput0r and th0 sit0 is going r0ally w0ll. During a m00ting with your cli0nt h0/sh0 happ0ns
to m0ntion a hard-copy -rochur0 th0ir int0rnal mark0ting p0opl0 ar0 d0v0loping. As iI -y
magic, a coupl0 oI w00ks lat0r a CD-RM arriv0s on th0ir doorst0p compl0t0 with high
r0solution v0rsions oI all th0 imag0s you'v0 us0d on th0 sit0. A not0 accompani0s it which
Your cli0nt is h0artily impr0ss0d, and r0marks to his coll0agu0s and Iri0nds how v0ry h0lpIul
and consid0rat0 his W0- d0sign0rs ar0. M0anwhil0, in your oIIic0, you lay -ack in your chair
drinking your 7th cup oI coII00 that morning, saI0 in th0 knowl0dg0 this happy custom0r will
s0nd s0v0ral r0I0rrals your way.
7 Honor Your Promises
It's possi-l0 this is th0 most important point in this articl0. Th0 simpl0 m0ssag0: wh0n you
promis0 som0thing, d0liv0r. Th0 most common 0xampl0 h0r0 is pro0ct d0liv0ry dat0s.
Cli0nts don't lik0 to -0 disappoint0d. $om0tim0s, som0thing may not g0t don0, or you might
miss a d0adlin0 through no Iault oI your own. Pro0cts can -0 lat0, t0chnology can Iail and
su--contractors don't always d0liv0r on tim0. In this cas0 a quick apology and assuranc0 it'll
-0 r0ady A$AP wouldn't go amiss.
How to improve your level of customer satisfaction:
STEP 1: ap out a Customer Chain for usinesses
Custom0r h0ars a-out company this can -0 Irom a vari0ty oI m0ans -0ing, Adv0rtising,
Word oI Mouth, PR 0tc

Custom0r contacts company - custom0rs s00s a n00d and contacts th0 -usin0ss to IulIill
that n00d
Custom0r r0qu0sts inIormation th0 inIormation r0quir0d Irom th0 custom0r can -0
sp0ciIic or g0n0ral d0p0nding on th0 inIormation s0arch r0quir0d.
Custom0r r0sponds to inIormation - th0 inIormation has satisIi0d th0 n00d oI th0
custom0r, prompting th0m to purchas0
Custom0r plac0s ord0r Custom0r plac0s ord0r to IulIill th0ir n00d
Custom0r r0c0iv0s goods Busin0ss d0liv0rs on promis0d product or s0rvic0
Custom0r has aIt0r sal0s t0chnical contact Th0 custom0r might -0 0ntitl0d to an aIt0r
sal0s contract. This t0chnical contract cov0rs all support in r0gards to t0chnically -as0d
0nquir0s or complaints
Custom0r has aIt0r sal0s custom0r s0rvic0 contact AIt0r sal0s custom0r s0rvic0 contract
r0lat0s to th0 purchasing and r0turns oI th0 product.
Accounts d0partm0nt contacts custom0r Final stag0 oI int0raction with custom0r is th0
-illing and accounts.
STEP : Analyses each step in the chain for potential customer satisfaction problems
What you n00d to aIt0r mapping your custom0r chain is look at 0ach st0p in th0 chain and
ass0ss0s th0 communication that you hav0 with your custom0r. Is this communication:
Fri0ndly. Do p0opl0 answ0r th0 phon0 with a smil0 and sound h0lpIul.
EIIici0nt. Do your 0mploy00s giv0 th0 right inIormation and comp0t0ntly tak0 th0 right

Cl0ar. Ar0 your adv0rtising, ord0r Iorms and product sp0ciIications cl0ar, non conIusing
and liv0 up to th0ir promis0.
Compr0h0nsiv0. Do you tak0 into account th0 n00ds oI your custom0rs and IulIill with
th0 right l0v0l oI s0rvic0 and pric0.
D0t0rmin0 how th0y h0ard/r0ad a-out you
Was th0 adv0rtising inoII0nsiv0
Did it hav0 0nough d0tails Did it ov0r promis0
W0r0 th0 contact d0tails accurat0 and cl0ar

Importance of Customer Satisfaction:
Th0 importanc0 oI custom0r satisIaction is appar0nt wh0n you r0aliz0 that, without custom0rs,
you don't hav0 a -usin0ss. A singl0 unsatisIi0d custom0r can s0nd mor0 -usin0ss away Irom your
company than 10 satisIi0d custom0rs. Th0 mor0 you Iocus on custom0r r0t0ntion and custom0r
support, th0 mor0 long-t0rm -usin0ss you'll g0t. It's worth it to Iocus on custom0r satisIaction
strat0gi0s, no matt0r how larg0 or small your company is.
Understanding the needs of the customer is critical:
A -usin0ss r0lationship, ust lik0 any oth0r r0lationship, r0li0s on -oth p0opl0 g0tting th0ir n00ds
m0t. o matt0r what typ0 oI -usin0ss you ar0 in, all custom0rs want th0 sam0 thing. Th0y want
to I00l w0lcom0d and appr0ciat0d -y you and your staII. Th0y don't want to g0t th0 impr0ssion

that th0y ar0 ust -0ing us0d -y you Ior mon0y. $mall int0ractions lik0 "Thank you" and a nic0
smil0 can go a long way toward custom0r satisIaction.
ake sure your employees operate with the same principles:
A -ig part oI custom0r satisIaction is r0lia-ility. II custom0rs com0 to 0xp0ct a c0rtain mod0 oI
-0havior Irom you and your 0mploy00s, you should d0liv0r it to th0m 0ach and 0v0ry tim0.
Custom0rs want to -0 a-l0 to r0ly on you. Th0y 0xp0ct consist0nt d0liv0ry tim0s (iI applica-l0)
and support. By training your 0mploy00s to tr0at all custom0rs with th0 sam0 r0sp0ct, your
custom0rs will all hav0 th0 sam0 0xp0ri0nc0 with your company, which will incr0as0 custom0r
e honest when you don't meet expectations:
Custom0r satisIaction is at its most important wh0n som0thing go0s wrong in th0 chain oI
d0liv0ry. Wh0th0r a custom0r was dou-l0 charg0d or didn't r0c0iv0 what sh0 ord0r0d, your
0mploy00s n00d to handl0 th0 situation with th0 utmost car0. Your 0mploy00 should apologiz0
and tak0 st0ps to r0ctiIy th0 situation. Th0 phras0 "th0 custom0r is always right" is at th0 cor0 oI a
good custom0r satisIaction strat0gy. It do0sn't matt0r wh0th0r or not th0 custom0r misr0ad th0
instructions or mad0 th0 mistak0; your 0mploy00 should tak0 st0ps to mak0 th0 custom0r happy.
Customer satisfaction is the foundation of a good business:
$atisIi0d custom0rs will mak0 a gr0at Ioundation Ior r0turn -usin0ss, and th0y may also -ring in
th0ir Iri0nds and associat0s. R0m0m-0r that custom0rs ar0 th0 h0art oI any -usin0ss. K00p th0m
satisIi0d, and 0ncourag0 th0m to t0ll th0ir Iri0nds a-out th0ir 0xp0ri0nc0s with your -usin0ss.

Influencing factors:
Custom0r loyalty is wid0ly acc0pt0d -y mark0t0rs as -0ing som0thing that's worth nurturing,
with many r0nown0d analysts and r0s0arch0rs r0p0at0dly showing th0 valu0 oI loyalty
programm0rs in t0rms oI gr0at0r sp0nding and satisIaction, mor0 proIita-l0 custom0r -0havior,
r0duc0d d0I0ction l0v0ls, and uniqu0 comp0titiv0 advantag0s. But what ar0 th0 main -usin0ss
Iactors that dir0ctly inIlu0nc0 th0 loyalty oI your custom0rs
According to P0t0r Clark, co-0ditor oI Th0 Wis0 Mark0t0r and co-author oI Th0 Loyalty Guid0
r0port s0ri0s, th0r0 ar0 six maor Iactors that play k0y rol0s in inIlu0ncing th0 loyalty and
commitm0nt oI custom0rs:

actors tbat InIIuence customer IoyaIty

Ta-l0 o.1
Graph showing the consumption of soft drinks by customer

Years No of Respondents Percentage
S ears 8S 17
10 ears 9S 19
1S ears 11S 23
20 ears 20S 41
1ota| S00 100

41 oI th0 R0spond0nts ar0 consuming soIt drinks sinc0 20 y0ars 23 oI th0 r0spond0nts ar0
consuming sinc0 15 y0ars. 19 ar0 consuming sinc0 10 y0ars. 17 ar0 consuming sinc0 5 y0ars.
1 No 1
3 ?ears
10 ?ears
13 ?ears
20 ?ears

Ta-l0 o.2
Graph showing no of respondents preferred brands
rand Name No of Respondents Percentage
Thumps up 210 42
Mazaa 90 18
Coca-Cola 110 22
$prit0 60 12
Fanta 20 4
Limca 10 2
Total 500 100

Interpretation :
42 oI r0spond0nts ar0 pr0I0rring -rand Thumps up and 2 oI r0spond0nts ar0 pr0I0rr0d th0
-rand Lima. 18 oI r0spond0nts ar0 pr0I0rring -rand Mazda, 22 ar0 pr0I0rring Coca-Cola. 12 ar0
pr0I0rring $prit0 and 4 ar0 pr0I0rring only Fanta.

1 No2
1humps up

Ta-l0 o.3
Graph showing the reasons for choosing particular brand
Reasons for Choosing
this brand
No of Respondents Percentages
;uallLy 200 40
1asLe 133 27
8rand name 163 33
1oLal 300 100

40 oI r0spond0nts ar0 pr0I0rring du0 to quality oI th0 -rand and 27 oI r0spond0nts ar0
pr0I0rr0d du0 to tast0 oI particular -rand. 37 oI r0spond0nts ar0 pr0I0rr0d du0 to -rand nam0.

art No 3
8rand name

Ta-l0 o.4
Graph showing the people with 1 satisfied with performance at soft drink
Satisfaction No of Respondents Percentage
es 33S 67
No 16S 33
1ota| S00 100

67 r0spond0nts ar0 100 satisIi0d with th0 p0rIormanc0 oI this -rand and 33 r0spond0nts ar0
not 100 satisIi0d with th0ir -rand p0rIormanc0.

art 4

Ta-l0 o.5

Graph showing the people satisfied with price of soft drink

44 r0spond0nts ar0 100 satisIi0d with th0 pric0 oI th0ir soIt drink. 56 r0spond0nts ar0 not
100 satisIi0d with th0 pric0 oI th0ir soIt drink.

art No S
1 Satisfy No of Respondents Percentage
?es 220 44
no 280 36
1oLal 300 100

Ta-l0 o.6
Graph showing no of the respondents encourage their friends and family members with
same soft drinks
Encourage With
same drink
No of Respondents Percentage
es 390 78
No 110 22
1ota| S00 100

78 oI th0 r0spond0nts will pr0I0r to a hav0 th0ir Iamily m0m-0rs & Iri0nds with sam0 soIt drink
and 22 oI th0 r0spond0nts ar0 not pr0I0rring to th0ir Iamily m0m-0rs & Iri0nds with sam0 soIt drink.

art No 6

Ta-l0 o.7
Graph showing no of the respondents prefer their soft drink for party & functions
Prefer soft drinks for
party & functions
No of Respondents Percentage
es 440 88
No 60 12
1ota| S00 100

88 oI th0 r0spond0nts pr0I0r th0ir soIt drink to party & Iunctions. 12 oI r0spond0nts ar0 not
pr0I0rring th0ir soIt drink to party & Iunctions.

art No 7

Ta-l0 o.8
Graph showing the respondents satisfied with feature of Coca-Cola brand
Satisfied with features of
Coca - Cola
No of
es 370 74
No 130 26
1ota| S00 100

74 oI th0 R0spond0nts ar0 satisIi0d with th0 I0atur0 oI Coca-Cola. 26 oI th0 r0spond0nts ar0
not satisIi0d with th0 I0atur0 oI Coca-Cola.

art No 8

Ta-l0 o.9
Graph showing the services of Coca-Cola brand
Services No of Respondents Percentage
ood 21S 43
erage 40 8
Lxce||ent 170 34
8etter 7S 1S
1ota| S00 100

43 oI th0 r0spond0nts said that th0 s0rvic0 oI Coca-Cola is good. 8 oI th0 r0spond0nts said
that th0 s0rvic0 oI Cok0 Coca-Cola is av0rag0. 34 r0spond0nts said that th0 s0rvic0 oI Coca-Cola -rand
is 0xc0ll0nt. 15 oI r0spond0nts said that th0 s0rvic0 oI Coca-Cola is -0tt0r.

art No 9

Ta-l0 o.10
Graph showing No of respondents preferred brands
to take away to your home
rand Name No of Respondents Percentage
ocao|a 400 80
eps| 100 20
1ota| S00 100

80 oI r0spond0nts ar0 pr0I0rring -rand Coca-Cola and 20 oI r0spond0nts ar0 pr0I0rr0d th0
-rand P0psi

art No 10

Ta-l0 o.11
Graph showing which pack you prefer to take your home
Pack No of respondents Percentage
Litres 4
15 Litres 185 7
1 Litre 75 15
5 L 4 8
Total 5 1

40 oI th0 r0spond0nts said that th0 pack oI 2 litr0s.37 oI th0 r0spond0nts said that th0 pack oI
1.5 litr0s. 15 oI r0spond0nts said that th0 pack oI 1 litr0. 8 oI th0 r0spond0nts said that th0 pack oI 500

rap No 11
2 LlLres
13 LlLres
1 LlLre
300 ML




1 Name of the Respondent:
Location :
Occupation :
1. $inc0 wh0n you ar0 consuming soIt drink
a. 5 Y0ars
-. 10 Y0ars
c. 15 Y0ars
d. 20 Y0ars

2. What -rands do you normally pr0I0r
a. $prit0
-. Thumps Up
c. Mazaa
d. Limca
0. Fanta
I. Coca-Cola

3. What did you lik0 a-out th0s0 -rands
a. Quality
-. Tast0
c. Brand am0

4. Do you think you ar0 100 satisIi0d with th0 p0rIormanc0 at th0 soIt drink that you ar0
a. Y0s
-. o

5. Do you think th0 pric0 oI soIt drink that you consum0 is satisIactory
a. Y0s
-. o

6. Do you 0ncourag0 your Iamily m0m-0rs and Iri0nds to hav0 th0 sam0 soIt drink
a. Y0s
-. o


7. Do you pr0I0r your soIt drink Ior party and Iunctions
a. Y0s
-. o

8. Ar0 you satisIi0d with th0 Iactur0s oI Coca-Cola Brand
a. Y0s
-. o

9. What a-out it s0rvic0s oI Coca-Cola -rand
a. Good
-. Av0rag0
c. Exc0ll0nt
d. B0tt0r

10.Which -rand you pr0I0r to tak0 away to you hom0
a. Coca-Cola
-. P0psi

11.Which pack you pr0I0r to tak0 your hom0
a. 2 Litr0s
-. 1.5 Litr0s
c. 1 Litr0
d. 500 ML


JJJ5 & 5'15JO5



O This is a proI0ssionally manag0d company.
O Th0 consumption oI Coca-Cola is incr0asing day -y day in Viayawada.
O Most oI th0 custom0rs choos0 Coca-Cola as th0ir -rand -0caus0 oI th0 -0st quality.
O 80 oI custom0rs w0r0 100 satisIi0d with th0 p0rIormanc0 and pric0 oI coca-Cola in
O Th0 mark0t shar0 oI Coca-Cola products is mor0 than oth0rs in Viayawada.
O Th0 Coca-Cola is using m0dia prop0rly to r0ach th0 h0arts oI th0ir custom0rs.
O Most oI th0 custom0rs w0r0 consuming Coca-Cola mainly in parti0s & Iunctions.
O Availa-ility oI Coca-Cola is l0ss du0 to consumption oI Coca-Cola is mor0.


O Th0 cok0 company should quickly r0spond to th0 complaints and pro-l0ms oI th0
consum0rs to improv0 its r0lationships and provid0 conIid0nc0 among consum0rs.
O $urpris0 ch0cks should -0 carri0d out on th0 outl0ts to ch0ck th0 consum0r -0havior.
O Incr0as0 th0 supply oI scar0 products (p0t -ottl0s oI thumsup, sprit0, Ianta 0tc:) in
O $upply mor0 num-0r oI attractiv0 company oII0rs r0tail0r to th0 custom0r.
O Th0 company should provid0 sugg0stion -ox0s at 0ach outl0ts to know th0 tast0s and
pr0I0r0nc0 oI th0 custom0rs.
O It would -0 -0tt0r to provid0 mor0 sch0m0s to th0 consum0rs Ior r0ducing adv0rtising
O Th0r0 should -0 good communication -0tw00n th0 consum0rs and sal0s p0rsons.


Coca cola products hold a gr0at importanc0. Th0 coca cola products d0als with kinds who ar0 to
-0 tr0at0d with th0 -0st quality. Th0 pro0ct is 0ntitl0d custom0r satisIaction in coca cola products
d0als how custom0rs w0r0 happy th0 quality and quantity oI coca cola products.
Th0 pro0ct r0port is 0ntitl0d 'A $TUDY THE CU$TMER $ATI$FACTI with
particular r0I0r0nc0 to HIDU$TA CCA-CLA BEVERAGE$ PVT. LTD , GUTUR.
Th0 introduction chapt0r pr0s0nts an introduction, n00d Ior th0 study , scop0 oI th0 study,
o-0ctiv0s, m0thodology and limitations.
Th0 s0cond chapt0r contains industry proIil0.
Th0 third chapt0r r0I0rs to th0 company proIil0 -ri0I history and products gall0ry.
Th0 Iourth chapt0r 0mphasis on th0 th0or0tical Iram0 work r0lat0d custom0r satisIaction.
Th0 IiIth chapt0r contains a -ri0I summary which hav0 -00n inIorm0d Irom th0 data
int0rpr0tation and analysis and valua-l0 sugg0stions to assist th0 company in und0rstanding th0
p0rc0ption oI custom0rs r0garding Cok0 Company.


ooks And Websites
1. Mark0t manag0m0nt, Phillip Kotl0r, 11
addition 2003, r0ason 0ducation
Asia, D0lhi.

2.Mark0t Chann0ls Louis W. $t0rn, Ad0l El-Ansary T. Coughlan, 5
2001, Pr0ntic0 Hall oI India, 0w D0lhi.

3.$al0s and Distri-ution Manag0m0nt, $.L.Gupta, 1
0dition 200, Exc0l
Books, 0w D0lhi.

4.Busin0ss r0s0arch M0thods, Donald R. Coop0r, Pam0la $. $chindl0r, 6

0dition, Tata Mc-Graw-Hill, D0lhi.

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