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A cervlcal cone blopsy ls a procedure Lo remove a coneshaped plece of Llssue from your cervlx

A cervlcal cone blopsy ls also called cervlcal conlzaLlon 1he cervlx ls Lhe openlng of your uLerus
(womb) ?ou may need a cervlcal cone blopsy lf your careglver flnds abnormal cells durlng a ap
smear exam Abnormal cells ln Lhe cervlx may cause bleedlng when lL ls noL Llme for your
monLhly perlod ?ou may bleed afLer menopause (no longer geLLlng your monLhly perlod) or
afLer havlng sex A sexually LransmlLLed lnfecLlon (S1l) such as human papllloma vlrus (Pv)
may cause abnormal cells
A cervlcal cone blopsy may be done as LreaLmenL Lo remove abnormal cells from your cervlx
Abnormal cells may be or may become cancer A cervlcal cone blopsy may help you and
your careglver learn Lhe cause of abnormal vaglnal bleedlng ?ou may learn lf you have an
lnfecLlon AfLer a cervlcal cone blopsy you can geL proper LreaLmenL for abnormal bleedlng
or an lnfecLlon A cervlcal cone blopsy may remove cancer cells and prevenL Lhe cancer from
Gett|ng keady
8efore your surgery
O Ask your careglver lf you need Lo sLop uslng asplrln or any oLher prescrlbed or over
LhecounLer medlclne before your procedure or surgery
O rlng your medlclne boLLles or a llsL of your medlclnes when you see your careglver
1ell your careglver lf you are allerglc Lo any medlclne 1ell your careglver lf you use
any herbs food supplemenLs or overLhecounLer medlclne
O ?our careglver may do a pelvlc exam uurlng a pelvlc exam your careglver genLly
lnserLs a gloved flnger lnLo your vaglna ?our careglver may also use a Lool called a
speculum Lo hold your vaglna open uurlng Lhe exam your careglver wlll check your
vaglna cervlx and uLerus
O ?ou may need blood LesLs or oLher LesLs Lo check for an S1l such as chlamydla or
Pv ?ou may need a colposcopy a compuLerlzed Lomography (C1) scan or magneLlc
resonance lmaglng (M8l) 1alk wlLh your careglver abouL Lhese or oLher LesLs you
may need Jr|te down the date t|me and |ocat|on for each test
O 1ell your careglver lf you know or Lhlnk you mlghL be pregnanL
@he n|ght before your surgery
O Ask careglvers abouL dlrecLlons for eaLlng and drlnklng
ay of your surgery
O JrlLe down Lhe correcL daLe Llme and locaLlon of your procedure
O ?ou or a close famlly member wlll be asked Lo slgn a legal plece of paper (consenL
form) lL glves your careglver permlsslon Lo do Lhe procedure or surgery lL also
explalns Lhe problems LhaL may happen and your cholces e sure all your quesLlons
have been answered before you slgn Lhls form
O Ask your careglver before Laklng any medlclne on Lhe day of your procedure 1hese
medlclnes lnclude lnsulln dlabeLlc pllls hlgh blood pressure pllls or hearL pllls rlng
a llsL of all Lhe medlclnes you Lake or your plll boLLles wlLh you Lo Lhe hosplLal
O Careglvers may lnserL an lnLravenous Lube (lv) lnLo your veln A veln ln Lhe arm ls
usually chosen 1hrough Lhe lv Lube you may be glven llqulds and medlclne
O An anesLheslologlsL may Lalk Lo you before your surgery 1hls careglver may glve you
medlclne Lo make you sleepy before your procedure or surgery 1ell your careglver lf
you or anyone ln your famlly has had a problem uslng anesLhesla ln Lhe pasL
Jhat w||| happen
O ?ou wlll be Laken Lo Lhe procedure room and moved Lo a Lable or bed ?ou wlll be
glven anesLhesla medlclne LhaL wlll keep you comforLable and free from paln durlng
your procedure ?our careglver wlll lnserL a speculum lnLo your vaglna SLlLches may
be puL ln your cervlx Lo hold Lhe cervlx ln place durlng Lhe procedure ?ou may be
glven a shoL of medlclne lnLo your cervlx Lo help decrease bleedlng An lnclslon (cuL)
wlll be made ln your cervlx Lo remove a coneshaped plece of Llssue ?our careglver
may also use an elecLrlcal wlre loop Lo remove Lhe Llssue from your cervlx
O nce Lhe Llssue ls removed elecLrlcal energy may be used Lo sLop any bleedlng ?our
careglver wlll sLlLch Lhe cuL closed Cauze wlLh a llquld Lo prevenL bleedlng may be
lnserLed lnLo your vaglna A caLheLer (long bendable Lube) may be lnserLed lnLo your
bladder Lo draln your urlne lnLo a bag 1he coneshaped Llssue removed from your
cervlx wlll be senL Lo a lab for LesLs
fter your surgery
?ou wlll be Laken Lo a room Lo resL unLll you are awake o not geL ouL of bed unLll your
careglver says lL ls okay Jhen careglvers see LhaL you are noL havlng any problems you may
be able Lo go home lf you are sLaylng ln Lhe hosplLal you wlll be Laken Lo your hosplLal room
Contact a careg|ver |f
O ?ou are laLe or cannoL make lL Lo your surgery
O ?ou have a fever (lncreased body LemperaLure)
eek Care Immed|ate|y |f
O ?ou have new or lncreased vaglnal bleedlng LhaL ls noL from your monLhly perlod
CopyrlghL 2011 1homson 8euLers All rlghLs reserved lnformaLlon ls for Lnd users use
only and may noL be sold redlsLrlbuLed or oLherwlse used for commerclal purposes
1he above lnformaLlon ls an educaLlonal ald only lL ls noL lnLended as medlcal advlce for
lndlvldual condlLlons or LreaLmenLs 1alk Lo your docLor nurse or pharmaclsL before followlng
any medlcal reglmen Lo see lf lL ls safe and effecLlve for you
8efore your surgery
O Informed consent ?ou have Lhe rlghL Lo undersLand your healLh condlLlon ln words
LhaL you know ?ou should be Lold whaL LesLs LreaLmenLs or procedures may be
done Lo LreaL your condlLlon ?our docLor should also Lell you abouL Lhe rlsks and
beneflLs of each LreaLmenL ?ou may be asked Lo slgn a consenL form LhaL glves
careglvers permlsslon Lo do cerLaln LesLs LreaLmenLs or procedures lf you are
unable Lo glve your consenL someone who has permlsslon can slgn Lhls form for you
A consenL form ls a legal plece of paper LhaL Lells exacLly whaL wlll be done Lo you
efore glvlng your consenL make sure all your quesLlons have been answered so LhaL
you undersLand whaL may happen
O IV An lv (lnLravenous) ls a Lube placed ln your veln LhaL ls used Lo glve you medlclne
or llqulds
O 9reop care Medlclne may be glven rlghL before your procedure Lo make you feel
relaxed and sleepy ?ou are Laken Lo Lhe procedure room and moved Lo a Lable or
bed ?ou wlll lle on your back wlLh your legs held up wlLh supporLs
O nesthes|a AnesLhesla medlclne makes you comforLable durlng your procedure
Careglvers work wlLh you Lo declde whlch anesLhesla ls besL for you ?ou wlll have
one of Lhe followlng
4 Genera| anesthes|a 1hls ls medlclne LhaL may be glven ln your lv or as a gas
LhaL you breaLhe ?ou may wear a face mask or have a Lube placed ln your
mouLh and LhroaL 1hls Lube ls called an endoLracheal Lube or L1 Lube
usually you are asleep before careglvers puL Lhe Lube lnLo your LhroaL 1he
L1 Lube ls usually removed before you wake up ?ou are compleLely asleep
and free from paln durlng surgery
4 p|na| or ep|dura| anesthes|a 1hls ls medlclne puL lnLo your back Lo numb
you below Lhe walsL JlLh splnal anesLhesla Lhe medlclne ls glven Lhrough a
shoL leellng reLurns ln abouL Lwo hours Lpldural anesLhesla ls puL lnLo your
back Lhrough a Llny Lube 1he Lube may be lefL ln place Lo glve you more
medlclne laLer lf needed AfLer epldural anesLhesla feellng reLurns Lo your
legs when Lhe medlclne wears off
ur|ng your surgery
O ?our careglver lnserLs a speculum lnLo your vaglna A speculum helps hold your
vaglna open so your careglver can beLLer see your cervlx SLlLches may be puL ln your
cervlx Lo hold Lhe cervlx ln place durlng Lhe procedure A shoL of medlclne may be
glven lnLo your cervlx Lo help decrease bleedlng An lnclslon (cuL) ls made ln your
cervlx and a coneshaped plece of Llssue ls removed ?our careglver may use an
elecLrlcal wlre loop Lo remove Lhe Llssue from your cervlx
O nce Lhe Llssue ls removed elecLrlcal energy may be used Lo sLop any bleedlng ?our
careglver sLlLches Lhe cuL closed Cauze wlLh a llquld Lo prevenL bleedlng may be
lnserLed lnLo your vaglna A loley caLheLer (long bendable Lube) may be lnserLed
lnLo your bladder Lo draln your urlne lnLo a bag 1he coneshaped Llssue removed
from your cervlx ls senL Lo a lab for LesLs
fter your surgery
?ou are Laken Lo a room Lo resL unLll you are awake o not geL ouL of bed unLll your
careglver says lL ls okay Jhen careglvers see LhaL you are noL havlng problems you may be
able Lo go home lf you are sLaylng ln Lhe hosplLal you are Laken Lo your hosplLal room
O o|ey catheter lf you have a caLheLer afLer your procedure keep Lhe bag of urlne
well below your walsL LlfLlng Lhe urlne bag hlgher wlll make Lhe urlne flow back lnLo
your bladder whlch can cause an lnfecLlon Avold pulllng on Lhe caLheLer because
Lhls may cause paln and bleedlng and Lhe caLheLer may come ouL uo noL allow Lhe
caLheLer Lublng Lo klnk because Lhls wlll block Lhe flow of urlne
O ,ed|c|nes
4 nt|b|ot|cs AnLlbloLlcs may be glven Lo help prevenL an lnfecLlon caused by
germs called bacLerla
4 9a|n med|c|ne Careglvers may glve you medlclne Lo Lake away or decrease
your paln Medlclne may be glven regularly or may only be glven lf you ask
careglvers for lL 1ell careglvers lf your paln does noL decrease enough for
you Lo feel beLLer uo noL walL unLll Lhe paln ls very bad Lo ask for your paln
medlclne 1he medlclne may noL work as well aL conLrolllng your paln lf you
walL Loo long Lo Lake lL Ask your careglver for help geLLlng ouL of bed lf you
feel Llred or dlzzy
O eep a wrlLLen llsL of Lhe medlclnes you Lake Lhe amounLs and when and why you
Lake Lhem rlng Lhe llsL of your medlclnes or Lhe plll boLLles when you see your
careglvers Learn why you Lake each medlclne Ask your careglver for lnformaLlon
abouL your medlclne uo noL use any medlclnes overLhecounLer drugs vlLamlns
herbs or food supplemenLs wlLhouL flrsL Lalklng Lo careglvers
O Always Lake your medlclne as dlrecLed by careglvers Call your careglver lf you Lhlnk
your medlclnes are noL helplng or lf you feel you are havlng slde effecLs uo noL qulL
Laklng your medlclnes unLll you dlscuss lL wlLh your careglver lf you are Laklng
medlclne LhaL makes you drowsy do noL drlve or use heavy equlpmenL
O 9a|n med|c|ne ?ou may be glven medlclne Lo Lake aL home Lo Lake away or decrease
paln ?our careglver wlll Lell you how much Lo Lake and how ofLen Lo Lake lL 1ake Lhe
medlclne exacLly as dlrecLed by your careglver uo noL walL unLll Lhe paln ls Loo bad
before Laklng your medlclne 1he medlclne may noL work as well aL conLrolllng your
paln lf you walL Loo long Lo Lake lL 1ell careglvers lf Lhe paln medlclne does noL help
or lf your paln comes back Loo soon
O nt|b|ot|cs AnLlbloLlcs may be glven Lo help prevenL an lnfecLlon caused by germs
called bacLerla
o||owup v|s|ts
Ask your careglver when Lo reLurn for followup vlslLs ?ou wlll need Lo see your careglver Lo
check your cervlx for heallng ?ou may need Lo see your careglver every slx monLhs for 2 Lo 3
years and Lhen yearly eep all appolnLmenLs JrlLe down any quesLlons you may have 1hls
way you wlll remember Lo ask Lhese quesLlons durlng your nexL vlslL
Car|ng for your wound
Ask your careglver how Lo care for your wound (procedure area) Avold uslng Lampons and
havlng sex for 2 Lo 3 weeks afLer your procedure ?ou also need Lo avold douchlng durlng Lhls
Get vacc|nated aga|nst human pap|||oma v|rus
Ask your careglver abouL Lhe vacclne for Pv 1he Pv vacclne can help decrease your rlsk
for geLLlng Lhe lnfecLlon and formlng more abnormal cervlx cells
9ract|ce safe sex
use proLecLlon such as a condom when havlng sex Avold havlng sex wlLh many dlfferenL
parLners racLlclng safe sex may help decrease your rlsk for an S1l and abnormal cell growLh
ln your cervlx
9|ann|ng a future pregnancy
1alk wlLh your careglver lf you wanL Lo become pregnanL A cervlcal cone blopsy changes Lhe
shape of your cervlx ?ou may be aL rlsk for preLerm (early) dellvery of your unborn baby
?ou may need more care durlng a fuLure pregnancy Lo help prevenL problems
top smok|ng
lf you smoke lL may Lake longer for your wounds Lo heal Smoklng lncreases Lhe rlsk of
havlng abnormal cells ln your cervlx Smoklng also harms Lhe hearL lungs and Lhe blood ?ou
are more llkely Lo have a hearL aLLack lung dlsease and cancer lf you smoke ?ou wlll help
yourself and Lhose around you by noL smoklng Ask your careglver how Lo sLop smoklng lf you
need help Lo qulL
O ?ou have a fever (lncreased body LemperaLure)
O ?ou have new or lncreased paln ln your lower abdomen and pelvlc area
O ?ou have vaglnal bleedlng and lL ls noL Llme for your monLhly perlod
O ?ou feel paln when you urlnaLe or your urlne looks cloudy
O ?ou have quesLlons or concerns abouL your procedure medlclnes or care
O ?ou have badsmelllng whlLe or yellow dlscharge comlng from your vaglna
O ?ou have vaglnal bleedlng LhaL wlll noL sLop
CopyrlghL 2011 1homson 8euLers All rlghLs reserved lnformaLlon ls for Lnd users use
only and may noL be sold redlsLrlbuLed or oLherwlse used for commerclal purposes
1he above lnformaLlon ls an educaLlonal ald only lL ls noL lnLended as medlcal advlce for
lndlvldual condlLlons or LreaLmenLs 1alk Lo your docLor nurse or pharmaclsL before followlng
any medlcal reglmen Lo see lf lL ls safe and effecLlve for you

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