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Meet|ng w|th Dr Mushtaq from ua|deAzam Un|vers|ty 23rd Iune 2011

8y kesearch Assoc|ateCAC Sundas Imran


Meet|ng w|th Dr Mushtaq
|ant Sc|ences Department
ua|deAzam Un|vers|ty

MeeLlng wlLh ur MushLaq from CualdeAzam unlverslLy 23rd !une 2011
8y kesearch Assoc|ateCAC Sundas Imran

Meeting with Dr. Mushtaq from Quaid-e-Azam University (Plant Sciences
Current status and prospects for bio-fuel production in Pakistan:

O ur MushLaq from CualdeAzam unlverslLy hlghllghLed LhaL aL presenL Lhere are 3 mosL
poLenLlal renewable resources of energy ln aklsLan 1hese lnclude solar wlnd and lasLly
O 1he soclal seLup of aklsLan ls hlndrance for Lhe nexL 3 Lo 10 years for Lhe renewable
resources Lo have Lhelr place ln Lhe markeL 1hls ls Lhe reason people are noL wllllng Lo
use blodlesel lnsLead of peLroleum producLs because of efflclency and avallablllLy of
peLroleum producLs
O olar energy ls Lhe mosL efflclenL one ln Lhe 8L resources because of ample of sunllghL
avallable and lL can be used Lo generaLe energy and power
O -exL Lhe mosL lmporLanL source ls Lhe wlnd energy 1he wlnd energy can only be used
for speclflc purposes and ln speclflc areas and condlLlons lL can be readlly used ln
coasLal areas of 8aluchlsLan lndh
O AfLer solar and wlnd energy comes Lhe blofuels 1here are Lwo Lypes of blofuels whlch
can be produced accordlng Lo Lhelr characLerlsLlcs and lmporLance 1hese are
4 8loeLhanol
4 8lodlesel
O lf we Lalk abouL bloeLhanol lL has some bans assoclaLed wlLh lLs producLlon ln aklsLan
Ldlble oll ls Lhe maln source for bloeLhanol whlch has cerLaln reservaLlons assoclaLed
wlLh lL eople are of Lhe vlew polnL LhaL lf edlble resources wlll be used for produclng
oll lL wlll creaLe food shorLages ln Lhe counLry Powever 8razll Chlna Cermany ls uslng
edlble resources Lo produce bloeLhanol aklsLan can also use lL lf Lhere ls proper
plannlng and lmplemenLaLlon We belng an agrlculLural counLry can harness Lhls
poLenLlal and come up wlLh surplus edlble planLs whlch can Lhen be used for blofuels
and reduce our dependence on lmporLed oll Lo some exLenL as well
MeeLlng wlLh ur MushLaq from CualdeAzam unlverslLy 23rd !une 2011
8y kesearch Assoc|ateCAC Sundas Imran

O ouLhern un[ab and lndh are consldered Lo be Lhe sugar belL 1he coLLon belL of
aklsLan ls also geLLlng replaced wlLh Lhe sugar belL whlch shows Lhe abundance of Lhe
edlble planLs ln Lhe counLry 1hls can be Lhe cheaper raw maLerlal for Lhe bloeLhanol
O Ldlble planLs are belng used all over Lhe world for produclng blofuels u ls uslng soya
bean for produclng bloeLhanol Cermany and Canada are uslng Canola seeds for Lhls
purpose and lndla ls focuslng Lhese days on nonedlble source le !aLropha !aLropha
has some negaLlve connoLaLlons assoclaLed wlLh lL llke lL ls an alllopaLhlc Lo oLher crops
whlch means LhaL lf lL ls planLed on barren lands LhaL land can'L be used for oLher edlble
crops and Lhus geLs wasLed lf we look from Lhls perspecLlve
O ood securlLy ls Lhe maln challenge whlch ls llnked Lo Lhe use of edlble crops 1hough
Lhese crops are readlly avallable and can be explolLed for blofuels yeL governmenL
needs Lo Lake cerLaln sLeps Lo make Lhls happen
O ln nonedlble olls !aLropha ls Lhe besL opLlon avallable Lo aklsLan aL Lhe momenL 1he
besL slLe for lLs planLaLlon ls ouLhern un[ab and areas ln lLs suburbs ome of Lhe
deLalls of !aLropha planLaLlon have been elaboraLed ln Lhe Appendlx
O -exL comes ln nonedlble olls Lhe ukh Chaen planL Cne of Lhe problems assoclaLed
wlLh Lhls ls LhaL lL ls Lhe source poLenLlal Lree for 8lodlesel 8uL lL can be ln usage
capaclLy afLer 37 years of planLaLlon whlch means walLlng for Lhls perlod of Llme 1hls
negaLlve lmpllcaLlon assoclaLed wlLh lL ls noL someLhlng blg and can be neglecLed lf we
look lnLo lLs far reachlng and longLerm beneflLs 1he reason belng oLher counLrles are
uslng Lhls as a source of poLenLlal for blodlesel
O CasLor 8ean ls also a source of blodlesel 1hls raw maLerlal ls belng used ln 8razll 1hey
planLed Lhls ln 1983 and afLer 2023 years Lhey were ln a poslLlon Lo use lL for blodlesel
producLlon Powever lL was unable Lo have a good quallLy blodlesel from Lhls resource
as lL gave bad vlscoslLy Lo Lhe fuel whlch was a naLural phenomenon assoclaLed wlLh Lhls
seed o lL ls noL a good opLlon aL whlch aklsLan can look aL ln longer Lerm
O 1hese days Algae ls also belng used for produclng blodlesel Powever Lhere are Lwo
Lypes of algae whlch can be used Cne ls Cellulose algae and Lhe oLher one ls Cll
dropplng algae 1hese specles are aquaLlc Amerlca has formulaLed an AquaLlc pecles
MeeLlng wlLh ur MushLaq from CualdeAzam unlverslLy 23rd !une 2011
8y kesearch Assoc|ateCAC Sundas Imran

rogram (A) for produclng blodlesel and bloeLhanol from algal sources aklsLan can
uLlllze Lhls opLlon by maklng use of coasLal areas of karachl and have beLLer opLlons for
fuLure usage of renewable resources of energy
O 8oLh Lhe unlverslLles (CML-u1 and CualdaAzam unlverslLy) are dolng an exLenslve
research Lo harness Lhe mosL ouL of blofuels producLlon ln aklsLan 8uL one Lhlng LhaL
hampers Lhe progress ls lack of coordlnaLlon among Lhe ma[or unlverslLles worklng on
Lhe same area Lhe governmenL supporL and human experLlse ln Lhls area

MeeLlng wlLh ur MushLaq from CualdeAzam unlverslLy 23rd !une 2011
8y kesearch Assoc|ateCAC Sundas Imran

Iatropha |antat|ons by ub||c r|vate Sector

1 Pakistan State Oil Company Ltd
Jatropha nursery established.
Jatropha plantation on 22 acres at
PMY, Karachi.
Arid Zone Research nstitute,

Jatropha nursery established.
Jatropha plantation on 1 acre in
Bahawalpur city and 1 acre in
3 Biofuel Research Centre
Jatropha nursery established at Mirpur
(100,000 saplings ready for plantation)
4 Al-Wardah Agro ndustries Farm
Jatropha plantation on 50 acres,
5 Javed (Pvt) Ltd
Undertaking Jatropha plantation on 85
acres near Karachi, out which 29
acres have been completed.
6 One Gas (Pvt) Ltd
Jatropha nursery established.
Jatropha Plantation on 2 acres in
7 NUST 20,000 saplings planted at H-12
Campus, slamabad.
Jatropha PIantation DetaiIs
Sr. No. City / Town

1 Karachi 125
2 Nawabshah 2
3 Tandojam 16
4 Hyderabad 105
5 Jamshoro 3
6 Mirpur Mathelo 4
7 Khairpur 30
8 Dadu 32
9 Omerkot 71
10 Tharparkar 8
11 Nowsheroferoz 50
12 slamkot 10
13 Larkana 2
14 Kundri 40
15 Nangarparkar 1
16 Malir 15
17 Gharo 30
18 Mirpur Sakro 15
19 Dhabeji 12
20 Bhambhore 9
21 Thatta 5
MeeLlng wlLh ur MushLaq from CualdeAzam unlverslLy 23rd !une 2011
8y kesearch Assoc|ateCAC Sundas Imran

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