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Intended Effects of Calendar Year Election Cycle: 1. Ensure continuity between administrations a.

The outgoing eboard is available throughout first half of the term to assist in transition, including proper introductions to stakeholders (community leaders, university administrators) and explanation of items overlooked in the transition period. i. The outgoing eboard should not provide policy advice, except to detail the direction they understood the committee was taking. ii. Less reliance on transition documents b. University administrators have indicated a need for continuity i. More willing to work with a well-trained, well-informed Executive Board and Cabinet ii. More opportunities to work within the University workflow (Ex. Summer Orientation) 2. Ensure a productive summer a. Enables Student Union to have a more meaningful role in Summer Orientation b. Make use of SUAC (Student Union Advisory Council) i. Students who are willing to work during the summer, yet dont have worthwhile projects to work on ii. These students should help ensure initiatives are not lost over the summer months 3. Start the academic year out strong a. Transitioning the E-board, Cabinet and Senate at once is difficult i. Staffing is a large job, more effectively done with prior experience ii. Sends the wrong message 1. Gives the illusion that the Executive Board has more power then it does a. Currently, eboard suggests initiatives at the start of the year so the Union begins work on something. These initiatives should be coming from the Senate. 4. Position Student Union as an effective university resource for students a. Stronger representative leadership i. When Boards are well trained to do their job, the emphasis shifts to passionate students within the organization to demand change for constituencies b. Stronger organization i. Stronger Senate-based objectives year-to-year ii. Stronger branding iii. Empowered Senators 5. Better serve students a. More capable leaders through training b. More opportunities for effective representation Clarifications and Amplifications: Only the E-board, Directors and Chief of Staff (excluding Committee Chairs) have a different election cycle (Senators are elected based on an election cycle determined by their constituency.) The work of the Student Union is determined by the members of the Senate and the Committee Chairs, not the Executive Board.

Amendment to Constitution introduced to Senate (11/21/2011) Necessary revisions made to improve Amendment

Revised Amendment voted on by Senate (12/5/2011)

Amendment passes

Amendment does not pass

Election cycle is officially changed January-January

Student Union functions as it does now

Special Election for E-Board term May 2012- January 2013

Election cycle remains May-May (Academic Year)

Next Regular Election (term Jan 2013- Jan 2014)

Campaigning/Voting November 2012

Results Announced by December 1st

Transition period Results- First day of Spring Semester

First day of term- First day of Spring Semester

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