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Fred Alan Wolf, Mexico DF, Maria Isabel Sheraton Hotel Oct. 19, 2007

Discover your true nature Think, sense, follow the instructions (In your kit, you will have something to show to your kids, some of the exercises, mirror, scissors, etc.) PART I: What does quantum physics do for you? PART II: Finding out who we are The Oldie Alchemy o Alchemist, ancient Egypt (Egyptian Land), we think people doing experiments, turn into, what it really means: subject of our inquiry, total transformation Heaven above--------------------Heaven below Stars above-----------------------Stars below All that is above-----------------Also is below Alchemist refers to: everything up there is taking place in all of us.

FireWater Our out there experiences consist of changes Greek said: Fire Air Water (above), represents our feelings Earth (base) , represents our body, 5 common senses, intuition

Greek recognized also: Fire Hot Dry OBJECTIVE Moist Water Cold Earth


Thinking Time Space OBJECTIVE Intuiting Sensing Motion Energy Feeling

THE FIST STANDS FOR: F (feeling) I (Intuitive) S (Sensing) T (Thinking)

All energy is made of neutrons, protons, etc. Everything is made of information We are made of mind stuff To discover our true nature, we need to explore our experiences in life We will do some experiments during the seminar Exercise of flipping the coin: o The person that throws the coin (knows if it is head or tail), chances are 100 % to 0, the chances varies depending on the number of times you throw the coin (50 50 chances, etc.) We watched the double slit movie Probability changes as a result of knowledge The double slit experiment What you get is what you wish There is a difference between probability and possibility

THREE GOLDEN RULES 1.- Possibilities vibrate 2.- Squaring makes things (multiplying a number by itself) 3.- You can choose how

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How squaring works: - All positive images, through time - And observation change things too - Wave = ~ - Particle = - Adding probabilities gives you more chances - The old world by adding many probability curves, in other words, square and then add What is Quantum Physics: o Quantum Physics of I (me) o This is our role as an observer/creator, you bring all experience into existence There are three rules of the quantum physics universe: they are the rules of the mind Possibilities vibrate, squaring makes things, you choose when to square VIBRATION: The field of possibilities Is possible to change probability LATINAMERICA = SHAMANIC WORLD The way it is up there, is down there Only my mind changes the image, the image itself remains the same We have the power to make reality to ourselves REVIEW: The world is made of possibility waves, which can change into probability curves o M (matter) is not made of things, is made of information o Possibilities vibrate o Squaring makes things o

Mystical Journey (we watched a video) Life is short, play more Excellent video o Woman having a children: Different stages: baby----children----young----adult----old person---pass away

Who am I? Experiment in the body 9 STEPS TO DISCOVER MYSELF 1.- Realize life as mystery 2.- Be open to discovery, what you see is what you get 3.- Take action 4.- Expect Resistance, if things were easy, anyone can do them 5.- Realize Hidden Desire: Creator/Destroyer 6.- Realize Equality of Values and the Value of Opposition 7.- Accept Uncertainty 8.- Realize you are Everywhere 9.- Realize the Universe begins with you

The spiritual secret of the ages: surrendering the ego A view of the sub-space time world as both a spiritual and physical necessity Recommended books: Searching for the Eagle (La Bsqueda del Aguila), Mind and Body (La Mente en la Materia), Yoga: a journey through time (Yoga: el viaje en el tiempo).

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