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5-15-11 History Final 8th grade terms and numbered points Chpt.

5 section 4: Roanoke advantages for British: 1. provide a place for petty criminals 2. allow England to build overseas bases 3. provide a market for English exports of manufacturers goods- serve as good resource of raw amterials 4. plant the Protestant faith in America Sponsorship- backing up something Roanoke Island- englands first colony Richard Hakluyt- urged England to start a colony Walter Raleigh- sponsored Roanoke tripJohn White- convinced Realeigh to try again after failure Chapter 5 SECTION 1 Investor- people who put money into a project in order to earn profits (joint stock company backers)- they backed Jamestown funding Share of stock- pieces of ownership in a company Charter- a written contract giving certain rights to a person of group- VCL S part of Englands claims- VCP- N Indentured servant- sold their labor in exchange for passage into the country House of Burgesses- local gov.- met at least 1 a year- made laws for the colonycompany could veto the laws- 1st representative assembly in American colonies John Smith- leader of voyage to Jamestown- saved from failing during hard timessmith befriended Indians- made all work- then he left and all went to hell everyone almost starved cuz relationship with Indians destroyed John Rofle- married Pocahontas and made everything good w/ Indians- began planting tobacco SECTION 2 Persecution- bad treatment- Pilgrims at Plymouth were escaping this Separatist- broke away from church of England- first moved to Leiden, Holland b/c of religious tolerance and then left B/C: 1. they were farmers before and there wasnt a lot of farming work in the city 2. they spoke English and kids began speaking Dutch -got charter from VC and moved to area in America- but not the one VC wanted them 2 be in- b/c outside charter couldnt enforce rules, but made: Mayflower compact- pilgrims vowed to obey any laws agreed upon for the general good of the colony- they then settled in Plymouth got in good w/ Squanto Indian and had thanksgiving- but hard still difficuilt so Bradford gave land to each family

Bradford- Plymouth governor SECTION 3 Puritan- wanted to rid Church of popish traditions- wanted back to bible religion Great migration- puritans going to America- some went to West Indide- some went to NE-Massachusetts Bay Company had been giving charter for land in NE so b/c puritan merchants invested new settlers were recruited from the puritans Commonwealth- a community in which people work together for the good of the whole- Winthrop WANTED IT FOR NE John Winthrop- leader of migration to NE- Massachusettes Bay knew he was puritan and good leader and got him 2 lead Commonwealth unit: Congregation- group of people from same church- each congregation had own town- farmers worked in surrounding fields and lived in towns Meeting house in middle of town- very important- used for church, town meetings, etc. NE way- beliefs and society of duty, hard work, honesty- depended on educationcreated Harvard college- to spread NE way thye built towns far and wide Dissenters- someone who challenged generally accepted views of church or society- they WERE NOT tolerated in NE Roger Williamson- dissenter said king of England couldnt give away Indian land and church shouldnt have control over religion- before being forced back to England slipped to Rhode Island Anne Hutchinson- challenged religion- escaped to Rhode Island pregnant with 16th. Quakers- puritan group felt each person had to find God themselves- ministers and bible not needed- in NE quakers whipped- thrown in prison- killed sometimes -after 60 years, way of gov. changed- gov. chosen by crown, not people-vote rights to ownage of property not churchiness- they had to tolerate dissenters -NE IS MASSACHUSSETES, Rhode Island -at first, NE and Indians good then after colonists learn all they can from them it gets bad- conflict over land ownership caused war- King Phillips War (Metacom)colonists won SECTION 4 Virginia- prospered in Chesapeake tidewater- tobacco Maryland- Lord Baltimore- refuge for Catholics fleeing England- religious freedomlots of puritans 2 Chesapeake Tidewater- plantations strung out- no towns, church less influence, people didnt live as long, hard, working life, when land was used just pick up and move to more land, lots of indentured servants New Netherlands- Dutch- Fort Orange- to get people encouraged faming and settlement- Patroons- someone who brought 50 settlers and received land in return- different ethnic groups accepted- Peg-Leg Peter (Stuyvesant real last name) very Christian- then he won land from Sweden- NN captured by Duke of Yorkrenamed it NYNJ- Berkeley and Carteret got money from Duke of York- freedom of religion- landrepresentative assembly

Pennsylvania- duke had borrowed from William Penns dad so his son got it in form of land- quaker refuge- all religions and ethnic groups- got lots of german immigrints The Carolinas- 8 people Charles II was in debt to asked for land- made CarolinasFrench Huguenots forced away from france went here- Charleston very appealing city- then crown took over and split it Geoorgia- James Oglethorpe- to help debtors not go to jailo- very strict rules- then settlers complained and rules changed to slavery allowed and other stuff so more people came Chapter 7 SECTION 1 Magna Carta- document where King of England was forced 2 observe rights made by fremen- one of most important that man not punished except by judgement of peers- no taxation except fro legal means, there were laws even Kings had 2 obeybasically were the rights of the Englishmen Common law- a tradition of customs and law based on earlier court decisionincluded in rights of Englishmen- women had way less rights Parliament- englands lawmaking body- one of the two forms laws came in- THE OTHER ONE was power held by governers appointed by king- How Much COntrolShould England Have over the Colonies? Bacons rebellion- Nathaniel Bacom caqme into Virginia as an immigrant and immediately killed first Indians seen- Berkerly in charge was furious- he then went on to burn down Jamestown and took over Virginia gov.- then ill Bacon diedBerkerly had 20 followers killed- then Berkerly was replaced by horrified king The Glorious revolution- King James II demanded to rule in England- he put all control to Will Andros and abolished colonial assemblies- then he wanted to return England Catholic- then his daughter and her husband came and he was forced to flee from his unpopularity to France- William and Mary became new leaders- made 2 things clear: 1. gov. was 2 be based on law- not whims of kings 2. authority of the king came from parliament- not God English Bill of Rights: 1. no taxation without representation of Parliament 2. no cruel/unjust punishment 3. free speech in pparliament 4. no imprisonment wo/ trial 5. the right to petition 6. the right to bear arms 7. the right to trial by jury Colonial gov. patter: each colony ruled by crown appointed governer- each colony had elected assembly- gov. appointed council helped gov.- they had 2 approve any laws- gov. could veto laws, dismiss assemblies and judges Zenger trial- Cosby was bad gov. of NY who took bribes, etc- he began to be attacked in newspaper edited by Zenger- told it was illegal- then they fought it and new right was added: freedom of press SECTION 2

Southern colonies- Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia -S col. Lots of plantations- plantation economy depended on growing crops for export and slaves for laborers Economy- the way people use resources to make a living -at first few slaves and there were black and white indentured servants- then few whites b/c of Cavaliers- men in England William Berkeley- cavalier- convinced other cav. To move to Virginia by giving land and power-S figured there was lots of land and whites couldnt stay slaves forever b/c they needed to take over land- first turned to Indians and caused most to die off- then turned to African slavery Middle passage- the journey across Atlantic when slaves were packed like sardines Olaudah Equiano- slave taken fromAfrica -Slaves allowed cav. To become richer- soon area was controlled by an elite planter class- at best planters felt responsible for people in house- een slaves- at worst they were tyrants and used violence to enforce will -growth of slavery = growth of plantations- lots of rice, indigo, etc. by slaves Eliza Lucas- first started growing indigo On plantations- slaves worked in large groups- backbreaking workOutside the S- many only had few slaves who worked side by side with mastertreated more like indentured servant Slave codes- harsh laws controlling treatment of slaves- they couldnt keave plantation wo/ permission- meet with free blacks, no reading or writing S slaves lived in qarters where they still practiced African beliefs and sang SECTION 2 Colonial NE- Mass., New Hampshire, Conn., Rhode Island -fishing- which encouraged shipbuilding- which encouraged trade Nantucket island- whaled- blubber=oil- bone=umbrellas, hairbrush, etc.- when not whaling they were making barrels Apprentice- a young person who learned a skill from a master -3 types of trade: -Atlantic coastal trade among colonies -simple exchange across the Atlantic -Triangular trade- ship leaves NE with rum and ironware- then sell its cargo for slaves in Africa- then went across the middle passage- then reached West Indies where the slaves were sold for sugar and molasses, which was then turned back into rum in NE Navigation acts: 1. all shipping in English ships or ships made in colonies 2. products like tobacco, sugar, and cotton could only be shipped to England or other colony 3. All European imports to the colonies had to pass through England first 4. English tax officials were to collect duties (taxes) on any colonial goods not being shipped to England -b/c of n-laws smuggling became common- Edward Teach (Blackbeard)

-little slavery b/c no mass of workers needed- slaves treated different than S- slaves got religios instruction, etc.- not completely equal but closer than in S -men outside work- women chores, etc. -NE puritans changed through generations- began to value $ more than church Salem Witchcraft Trials- Cotton Mather- in salem people accused of witchcraft and killed The Great Awakening- when ministers went through towns putting people back to their faith- colonists enthusiastically agreed- everyone turned back to religion SECTION 4

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