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SepLember 23 2011

lnformaLlon and ueclslonMaklng Ch 13

Informat|on 1echno|ogy and Management
Career success requlres Lwo musL have" compeLencles
4 compotet competeocy Lhe ablllLy Lo undersLand compuLers and Lo use Lhem Lo Lhelr
besL advanLage
4 ofotmotloo competeocy Lhe ablllLy Lo use Lechnology Lo locaLe reLrleve evaluaLe
organlze and analyze lnformaLlon for declslonmaklng

Jhat |s Usefu| Informat|on?
uaLa lnformaLlon

uaLa are raw facLs and observaLlons

lnformaLlon ls daLa made useful and meanlngful for declslonmaklng
1he managemenL process of plannlng organlzlng leadlng and conLrolllng ls drlven by
lnformaLlon LhaL ls useful ln managemenL meeLs Lhe LesL of Lhese 3 crlLerla
1 1lmely Lhe lnformaLlon ls avallable when needed lL meeLs deadllnes for declslonmaklng
and acLlon
2 Plgh quallLy Lhe lnformaLlon ls accuraLe and lL ls rellable lL can be used wlLh confldence
3 CompleLe Lhe lnformaLlon ls compleLe and sufflclenL for Lhe Lask aL hand lL ls as currenL
and up Lo daLe as posslble
4 8elevanL Lhe lnformaLlon ls approprlaLe for Lhe Lask aL hand lL ls free from exLraneous or
lrrelevanL maLerlals
3 undersLandable Lhe lnformaLlon ls clear and easlly undersLood by Lhe user lL ls free from
unnecessary deLall

Informat|on Needs |n Crgan|zat|ons

lnformaLlon Lechnology helps us acqulre sLore and process lnformaLlon

ofotmotloo ooJ xtetool ovltoomeot
Managers use lnLelllgence lnformaLlon Lo deal wlLh cusLomers compeLlLors and oLher
sLakeholders such as governmenL agencles credlLors suppllers and sLockholders

CrganlzaLlons send vasL amounL of publlc lnformaLlon Lo sLakeholders and exLernal envlronmenL
1hls serves a varleLy of purposes ranglng from lmage bulldlng Lo producL adverLlslng Lo flnanclal

ofotmotloo ooJ tbe otetool ovltoomeot

Inte|||gence |nformat|on
gaLhered from sLakeholders
and exLernal envlronmenL
Interna| |nformat|on flows
up down around and across
ub||c |nformat|on
dlssemlnaLed Lo sLakeholders
and exLernal envlronmenL
SepLember 23 2011
WlLhln organlzaLlons people need vasL amounLs of lnformaLlon Lo make declslons and solve
problems dally aL work
1hey need lnformaLlon Lo acL lndlvldually and ln Leams Lhey need lnformaLlon from Lhelr
lmmedlaLe work seLLlng from oLher parLs of organlzaLlon and from Lhe organlzaLlon's exLernal
l1 can help Lop levels sLay lnformed whlle freelng lower levels Lo make speedy declslons and
Lake Lhe acLlons Lhey need Lo besL perform Lhelr [obs

ow Informat|on 1echno|ogy |s Chang|ng Crgan|zat|ons

lnformaLlon sysLems use l1 Lo collecL organlze and dlsLrlbuLe daLa for use ln declslonmaklng

ManagemenL lnformaLlon sysLems meeL Lhe lnformaLlon needs of managers ln maklng dally declslons

CrganlzaLlons are noL only uslng l1 Lhey are belng changed by lLs use
lnformaLlon deparLmenLs or cenLres are now malnsLream feaLures on organlzaLlon charLs
CompuLers creaLes opporLunlLles for fasLer decusulb0na[ubgm beLLer use of Llmely lnformaLlon
and beLLer coordlnaLlon of declslons and acLlons

I1 breaks barr|ers
9eople Leams and deparLmenLs are beLLer connecLed by l1
CrganlzaLlons are flaLLer as l1 replaces managemenL levels
Supply chaln managemenL ls lmproved by l1 connecLlons
ttoteqlc lottoets
More Lhlngs are done by ouLsourclng and parLnershlps uslng l1
CusLomer relaLlonshlp managemenL ls lmproved by l1 connecLlons

l1 breaklng barrlers beLween organlzaLlons and key elemenLs ln Lhe exLernal envlronmenL
9lays an lmporLanL role ln cusLomer relaLlonshlp managemenL by qulckly and accuraLely
provldlng lnformaLlon regardlng cusLomer needs preferences and saLlsfacLlons
lL helps supply chaln managemenL Lo beLLer manage and conLrol cosLs everywhere from
lnlLlaLlon of purchase Lo loglsLlcs and LransporLaLlon Lo polnL of dellvery and ulLlmaLe use

Managers as Informat|on rocessors

Managers ln Lhls sense are lnformaLlon processorsconLlnually gaLherlng lnformaLlon glvlng lL and
recelvlng lL

lnLerpersonal declslonal and lnformaLlon lnvolve communlcaLlon and lnformaLlon processlng
As well as manage processplannlng organlzlng leadlng and conLrolllng

l1 offers many advanLages
lloooloq oJvootoqes of @ beLLer and more Llmely access Lo useful lnformaLlon lnvolvlng more
people ln Lhe plannlng process
Otqoolzloq oJvootoqes of @ more ongolng and lnformed communlcaLlon among all parLs
lmprovlng coordlnaLlon and lnLegraLlon
SepLember 23 2011
leoJloq oJvootoqes of @ more frequenL and beLLer communlcaLlon wlLh sLaff and dlverse
sLakeholders keeplng ob[ecLlves clear
coottollloq oJvootoqes of @ more lmmedlaLe measures of performance resulLs allowlng real
Llme soluLlons Lo problems

|ann|ng organ|z|ng |ead|ng contro|||ng
(1he manager as an lnformaLlonprocesslng nerve cenLre ln Lhe managemenL process)
Informat|on techno|ogy Computer ||teracy Informat|on competency
4 ueclsloool koles lnformaLlon used for enLrepreneurshlp resource allocaLlon
dlsLurbance handllng negoLlaLlon
4 ofotmotloo koles lnformaLlon soughL recelved Lransferred among lnslders and
4 otetpetsoool koles lnformaLlon used for ceremonles moLlvaLlon and neLworklng

Managers as rob|em So|vers

9roblem solvlng lnvolves ldenLlfylng and Laklng acLlon Lo resolve problems

ueclslon a cholce among posslble alLernaLlve courses of acLlon

1he mosL obvlous problem slLuaLlon ls petfotmooce Jeflcleocy (when acLual performance ls less
or example Lurnover or absenLeelsm suddenly lncrease when a Leam member's dally ouLpuL
decreases or when a cusLomer complalns abouL servlce delays
AnoLher lmporLanL problem slLuaLlon ls petfotmooce oppottoolty (when an acLual slLuaLlon
elLher Lurns ouL beLLer Lhan anLlclpaLed or offers Lhe poLenLlal Lo do so)

Opeooess to ltoblem olvets

Some managers are ptoblem ovolJets who lgnore lnformaLlon LhaL would oLherwlse slgnal Lhe
presence of a performance opporLunlLy or deflclency (Lhey are passlve ln lnformaLlon gaLherlng
noL wanLlng Lo make declslons and deal wlLh problems)
CLher managers are ptoblem solvets who are wllllng Lo make declslons and Lry Lo solve
problems buL only when forced Lo Lhe slLuaLlon (Lhey are reacLlve ln gaLherlng lnformaLlon and
Lend Lo respond Lo problems afLer Lhey occur Lhey may deal reasonably well wlLh performance
deflclencles buL Lhey may mlss many performance opporLunlLles)
ltoblem seekets managers acLlvely process lnformaLlon and consLanLly look for problems Lo
solve (Lrue problem seekers are proacLlve and forwardLhlnklng Lhey anLlclpaLe performance
deflclencles and opporLunlLles and Lhey Lake approprlaLe acLlon Lo galn Lhe advanLage) Success
aL problem seeklng ls one of Lhe ways ln whlch excepLlonal managers dlsLlngulsh Lhemselves
from Lhe

ystemotlc ooJ otoltlve @blokloq

SysLemaLlc Lhlnklng approaches problems ln a raLlonal and analyLlcal fashlon
1hls Lype of Lhlnklng breaks a complex problem lnLo smaller componenLs and Lhen addresses
Lhem ln a loglcal and lnLegraLed fashlon
SepLember 23 2011
Managers who are sysLemaLlc can be expecLed Lo make a plan before Laklng acLlon and
carefully search for lnformaLlon faclllLaLe problem solvlng ln a sLepbysLep fashlon (llnear

lnLulLlve Lhlnklng approaches problems ln a flexlble and sponLaneous fashlon
1hls Lype of Lhlnklng allows a person Lo respond lmaglnaLlvely Lo a problem based on a qulck
and broad evaluaLlon of Lhe slLuaLlon and Lhe posslble alLernaLlve courses of acLlon
Managers can be expecLed Lo deal wlLh many aspecLs of a problem aL once [ump qulckly from
one lssue Lo anoLher
1hls Lends Lo work besL ln slLuaLlons where facLs are llmlLed and few declslon precedenLs exlsL

MoltlJlmeosloool @blokloq

MulLldlmenslonal Lhlnklng ls an ablllLy Lo address many problems aL once

SLraLeglc opporLunlsm focuses on longLerm ob[ecLlves whlle belng flexlble ln deallng wlLh shorLLerm

coqoltlve tyles

CognlLlve sLyles descrlbe Lhe way people deal wlLh lnformaLlon whlle maklng declslons
1hese sLyles are based on a conLrasL of approaches Loward lnformaLlon gaLherlng (sensaLlon vs
lnLulLlon) and lnformaLlon evaluaLlon (feellng vs Lhlnklng)
eosotloool @blokets Lend Lo emphaslze Lhe lmpersonal raLher Lhan Lhe personal and Lake a
reallsLlc approach Lo problem solvlng (Lhey llke hard facLs" clear goals cerLalnLy and slLuaLlons
of hlgh conLrol)
eosotloo leelets Lend Lo emphaslze boLh analysls and human relaLlons (Lhey Lend Lo be reallsLlc
and prefer facLs Lhey are open communlcaLors and senslLlve Lo feellngs and values
otoltlve @blokets are comforLable wlLh absLracLlon and unsLrucLured slLuaLlons (Lhey Lend Lo be
ldeallsLlc and prone Loward lnLellecLual and LheoreLlcal poslLlons Lhey are loglcal and
lmpersonal buL also avold deLalls)
otoltlve leelets prefer broad and global lssues (Lhey are lnslghLful and Lend Lo avold deLalls
belng comforLable wlLh lnLanglbles Lhey value flexlblllLy and human relaLlonshlps)

Cogn|t|ve Sty|es |n Dec|s|onMak|ng

lnformaLlon LvaluaLlon

Senslng lnLulLlon
lnformaLlon 9rocesslng

1ypes of Manager|a| Dec|s|ons

ltoqtommeJ ooJ NooptoqtommeJ ueclsloos

Sensat|on 1h|nkers

Intu|t|ve 1h|nkers

Sensat|on Iee|ers

Intu|t|ve Iee|ers
SepLember 23 2011
SLrucLure problems are sLralghLforward and clear wlLh respecL Lo lnformaLlon needs (Lhese problems
are rouLlne and occur over and over agaln)

9rogrammed declslon applles a soluLlon from pasL experlence Lo a rouLlne problem (sLrucLure

noL always predlcLable rouLlne problems can aL leasL be anLlclpaLed declslons can be planned
or programmed ln advance Lo be lmplemenLed as needed
orwardlooklng managers use Lhls undersLandlng Lo declde ln advance how Lo handle
complalnLs and confllcLs when Lhey should arlse

unsLrucLured problems have amblgulLles and lnformaLlon deflclencles (requlres nonprogrammed

nonprogrammed declslons applles a speclflc soluLlon crafLed for a unlque problem (unsLrucLured
MosL problems faced by hlgherlevel managers are Lhls Lype ofLen lnvolvlng Lhe cholce of
sLraLegles and ob[ecLlves ln slLuaLlons of some uncerLalnLy

ctlsls ueclsloos

Crlsls an unexpecLed problem LhaL can lead Lo dlsasLer lf noL resolved qulckly and approprlaLely (ex
1errorlsm ln a posL9/11 world ouLbreaks of workplace vlolence l1 fallures and securlLy breaches
eLhlcal scandals and envlronmenLal caLasLrophes

Slx rules for managemenL
1 llqote oot wbot ls qoloq oo Lake Lhe Llme Lo undersLand whaL's happenlng and Lhe condlLlons
under whlch Lhe crlsls musL be solved
2 kemembet tbot speeJ mottets aLLack Lhe crlsls as qulckly as posslble Lrylng Lo caLch lL when lL
ls as small as posslble
3 kemembet tbot slow cooots too know when Lo back off and walL for a beLLer opporLunlLy Lo
make progress wlLh Lhe crlsls
4 kespect tbe Jooqet of tbe oofomlllot undersLand Lhe danger of allnew LerrlLory where you
and oLhers have never been before
3 voloe tbe sceptlc don'L look for and geL Loo comforLable wlLh agreemenL appreclaLe scepLlcs
and leL Lhem help you see Lhlngs dlfferenLly
6 8e teoJy to flqbt flte wltb flte when Lhlngs are golng wrong and no one seems Lo care you
mare have Lo sLarL a crlsls Lo geL Lhelr aLLenLlon

Crlsls managemenL preparaLlon for Lhe managemenL of crlses LhaL LhreaLen an organlzaLlon's healLh
and wellbelng
1wo aspecLs of crlses managemenL ls anLlclpaLlon and preparaLlon
or example pollce deparLmenLs and communlLy groups plan ahead and Lraln Lo besL handle
clvll and naLural dlsasLers

Dec|s|on Cond|t|ons

1here are 3 dlfferenL declslon condlLlons/envlronmenLs cerLalnLy rlsk and uncerLalnLy
SepLember 23 2011
1he condlLlons of rlsk and uncerLalnLy are common aL hlgher managemenL levels where
problems are more complex and unsLrucLured

cettolo ovltoomeot

CerLaln envlronmenL offers compleLe lnformaLlon on posslble acLlon alLernaLlves and Lhelr
1he declslonmaker's Lask ls slmple sLudy Lhe alLernaLlves and choose Lhe besL soluLlon

klsk ovltoomeot

8lsk envlronmenLs lacks compleLe lnformaLlon buL offers probablllLles" of Lhe llkely ouLcomes for
posslble acLlon alLernaLlves
1heses requlre Lhe use of probablllLles Lo esLlmaLe Lhe llkellhood LhaL a parLlcular ouLcome wlll
occur (eg 4 chances ouL of 10)

uocettolo ovltoomeot

uncerLaln envlronmenL lacks so much lnformaLlon LhaL lL ls dlfflculL Lo asslgn probablllLles Lo Lhe llkely
ouLcomes of alLernaLlves
1he hlgh level of uncerLalnLy forces managers Lo rely heavlly on creaLlvlLy ln solvlng problems
8equlres unlque novel and ofLen LoLally lnnovaLlve alLernaLlves groups are frequenLly useful
for problem solvlng

1he Dec|s|onMak|ng rocess

ueclslonmaklng process beglns wlLh ldenLlflcaLlon of a problem and ends wlLh a evaluaLlon of
lmplemenLed soluLlons
1 ldenLlfy and deflne Lhe problem
2 CeneraLe and evaluaLe alLernaLlve soluLlons
3 Choose a preferred course of acLlon and conducL Lhe eLhlcs doublecheck"
4 lmplemenL Lhe declslon
3 LvaluaLe resulLs

Step 1 Ident|fy and Def|ne the rob|em

1he flrsL sLep ln declslonmaklng ls Lo flnd and deflne Lhe problem lnformaLlon gaLherlng and
dellberaLlon are crlLlcal lL ls lmporLanL Lo clarlfy exacLly whaL a declslon should accompllsh

3 common mlsLakes can occur are
1 Mlstoke oombet ooe ls deflnlng Lhe problem Loo broadly or Loo narrowly
2 Mlstoke oombet two ls focuslng on sympLoms lnsLead of causes (sympLoms are lndlcaLors LhaL
problems may exlsL buL Lhey shouldn'L be mlsLaken for Lhe problem Lhemselves)
3 Mlstoke oombet J ls chooslng Lhe wrong problem Lo deal wlLh a cerLaln polnL ln Llme

Step 2 Generate and Lva|uate A|ternat|ve Courses of Act|on

SepLember 23 2011
CosLbeneflL analysls lnvolves comparlng Lhe cosLs and beneflLs of each poLenLlal course of acLlon (aL
mlnlmum Lhe beneflLs of an alLernaLlve should be greaLer Lhan lLs cosL)

1he followlng lncludes cosLs beneflLs and oLher useful crlLerla for evaluaLlng alLernaLlves
costs whaL are Lhe cosLs" of lmplemenLlng Lhe alLernaLlve lncludlng resource lnvesLmenLs as
well as poLenLlal negaLlve slde effecLs?
8eoeflts whaL are Lhe beneflLs" of uslng Lhe alLernaLlve Lo solve a performance deflclency or
Lake advanLage on an opporLunlLy?
@lmelloes how fasL can Lhe alLernaLlve be lmplemenLed and a poslLlve lmpacL be achleved?
Acceptoblllty Lo whaL exLenL wlll Lhe alLernaLlve be accepLed and supporLed by Lhose who musL
work wlLh lL?
tblcol soooJoess how well does Lhe alLernaLlve meeL accepLable eLhlcal crlLerla ln Lhe eyes of
Lhe varlous sLakeholders?

lL ofLen works ouL LhaL brlnglng more people lnLo Lhe declslonmaklng process brlngs more lnformaLlon
and perspecLlves Lo bear on Lhe problem generaLes more alLernaLlves and resulLs ln a cholce more
appeallng Lo everyone lnvolved

Step 3 Dec|de on a referred Course of Act|on

1hls ls Lhe polnL of cholce where an acLual declslon ls made Lo selecL a preferred course of acLlon

closslcol ueclsloo MoJel

Classlcal ueclslons Model descrlbes declslonmaklng wlLh compleLe lnformaLlon

CpLlmlzlng ueclslon chooses Lhe alLernaLlve glvlng Lhe absoluLe besL soluLlon Lo a problem

8ebovlootol ueclsloo MoJel

8ounded 8aLlonallLy descrlbes maklng declslons wlLhln Lhe consLralnLs of llmlLed lnformaLlon and

8ehavloural ueclslon Model descrlbes declslonmaklng wlLh llmlLed lnformaLlon and bounded
9ercepLlons are mosL ofLen lmperfecL Lhe declslonmaker has only parLlal knowledge abouL Lhe
avallable acLlon alLernaLlves and Lhelr consequences

SaLlsflclng declslon chooses Lhe flrsL saLlsfacLory alLernaLlve LhaL comes Lo one's aLLenLlon

Step 4 Imp|ement the Dec|s|ons

Cnce declslons are made acLlons musL be Laken Lo fully lmplemenL lL

LackofparLlclpaLlon error ls fallure Lo lnvolve ln a declslon Lhe persons whose supporL ls needed Lo
lmplemenL lL
9arLlclpaLlon ln declslonmaklng makes everyone beLLer lnformed and bullds Lhe commlLmenLs
needed for lmplemenLaLlon
SepLember 23 2011
Step S Lva|uat|on

1he declslonmaklng process ls noL compleLe unLll resulLs are evaluaLed
lf Lhe deslred resulLs are noL achleved or lf undeslred slde effecLs occur correcLlve acLlon should
be Laken
lf Lhe resulLs are less Lhan whaL was deslred lL ls Llme Lo reassess and reLurn Lo earller sLeps
LvaluaLlon ls always easler when clear goals measureable LargeLs and LlmeLables were
esLabllshed Lo begln wlLh

Issues |n Manager|a| Dec|s|onMak|ng

lL helps Lo be aware of Lhe common declslonmaklng errors and Lraps Lhe advanLages and dls
advanLages of lndlvldual and group declslonmaklng and Lhe lmperaLlve of eLhlcal declslonmaklng

Dec|s|on Lrrors and 1raps

PeurlsLlcs are sLraLegles for slmpllfylng declslonmaklng
AlLhough Lhe can help Lhey are also common causes of declslonmaklng errors

Avolloblllty 8los

AvallablllLy PeurlsLlc bases a declslon on recenL lnformaLlon or evenLs
or example decldlng noL Lo lnvesL ln a new producL based on recollecLlon of a recenL producL
fallure (Lhe poLenLlal blas ls LhaL Lhe readlly avallable lnformaLlon ls falllble and lrrelevanL)

kepteseototloo 8los

8epresenLaLlon PeurlsLlc bases a declslon on slmllarlLy Lo oLher slLuaLlons
or example decldlng Lo hlre someone for a [ob vacancy because he or she graduaLed from Lhe
same school aLLended by your lasL and mosL successful new hlre (Lhe poLenLlal blas ls LhaL Lhe
represenLaLlve sLereoLype masks facLors LhaL are lmporLanL and relevanL Lo Lhe declslon)

Aocbotloq ooJ AJjostmeot 8los

Anchorlng and Ad[usLmenL PeurlsLlc bases a declslon on lncremenLal ad[usLmenLs from a prlor declslon
An example ls a manager who seLs a new salary level for an employee by slmply ralslng her prlor
year's salary by a small percenLage amounL (Lhe prlor year's salary may have subsLanLlally
undervalued Lhe employee relaLlve Lo Lhe markeL)

ltomloq ttot

ramlng Lrror ls Lrylng Lo solve a problem ln Lhe conLexL ln whlch lL ls percelved (poslLlvely or

coofltmotloo ttot

ConflrmaLlon Lrror occurs when focuslng only on lnformaLlon LhaL conflrms a declslon already made
SepLember 23 2011
1hls ls a form of selecLlve percepLlon ln whlch we focus on problems from our parLlcular
reference or vanLage polnL only we neglecL oLher polnLs of vlew or lnformaLlon LhaL mlghL
supporL a dlfferenL declslon

scolotloq commltmeot

LscalaLlng CommlLmenL ls Lhe conLlnuaLlon of a course of acLlon even Lhough lL ls noL worklng
1hey are unable Lo call lL qulLs" even when facLs and experlence oLherwlse lndlcaLe LhaL Lhls ls
Lhe besL Lhlng Lo do

CreaLlvlLy ls one of our greaLesL personal asseLs even Lhough lL may be Loo ofLen unrecognlzed
Creat|v|ty |n Dec|s|onMak|ng

letsoool cteotlvlty utlvets

CreaLlvlLy ls Lhe generaLlon of a novel ldea or unlque approach LhaL solves a problem or crafLs a
CreaLlve declslons are more llkely Lo occur when Lhe person or Leam has a loL of tosk expettlse
CreaLlvlLy ls also more llkely when Lhe people maklng declslons are hlghly toskmotlvoteJ
CreaLlvlLy declslons are more llkely when Lhe people lnvolved sLronger cteotlvlty skllls
8lghL braln" Lhlnklng lmaglnaLlon lnLulLlon sponLanelLy and emoLlon
LefL braln" Lhlnklng loglc order meLhod and analysls

ltootloool cteotlvlty utlvets

Ctoop cteotlvlty skllls Leams are everywhere and Lhey are well sLaffed wlLh creaLlve members
(Lhls becomes Lhe baslc fuel for new ldeas and lnnovaLlon)
Moooqemeot soppott and otqoolzotloool coltotes LhaL glve Lhe group creaLlvlLy skllls a chance Lo
1hls can lnvolve small Lhlngs such as a Leam leader who has paLlence Lo allow Llme for creaLlve
processes and Lop managemenL LhaL ls wllllng Lo provlde supporLlng resources money
Lechnology and space
lL also lnvolves valulng creaLlvlLy organlzaLlonwlde and maklng lL Lop prlorlLy ln peer
expecLaLlons performance evaluaLlons and reward sysLems

Ind|v|dua| versus Group Dec|s|onMak|ng

ManagemenL scholars suggesL LhaL Lhe besL managers and Leam leaders swlLch back and forLh among
lndlvldual and group declslons Lo besL flL Lhe problems aL hand

AJvootoqes of Ctoop ueclsloos
9ersonal CreaLlvlLy urlvers
1ask LxperLlse
1ask MoLlvaLlon
CreaLlvlLy Skllls
SepLember 23 2011
Whenever Llme and oLher clrcumsLances permlL
ueclslons LhaL lnvolve Leam members make greaLer amounLs of lnformaLlon knowledge and
experLlse avallable Lo solve problems
1eam declslons also lncrease undersLandlng and accepLance by members and lmporLanLly Leam
declslons lncrease Lhe commlLmenLs of members Lo work hard Lo lmplemenL Lhe declslons Lhey
have made LogeLher

ulsoJvootoqes of Ctoop ueclsloos

When many people are Lrylng Lo make a Leam declslon Lhere may be soclal pressure Lo conform
Some may feel lnLlmldaLed or compelled Lo go along wlLh Lhe apparenL wlshes of oLhers
1here may be mlnorlLy domlnaLlon where some members feel forced Lo accepL a declslon
advocaLed by one vocal lndlvldual or small coallLlon
Also Lhe Llme requlred Lo make declslons can someLlmes be a dlsadvanLage (Lakes longer)

Lth|ca| Dec|s|onMak|ng

Cerald Cavanaugh and assoclaLes suggesL LhaL managers can proceed wlLh Lhe mosL confldence when
followlng crlLerla for eLhlcs ln declslonmaklng are meL
1 utlllty does Lhe declslon saLlsfy all consLlLuenLs or sLakeholders?
2 klqbts does Lhe declslon respecL Lhe rlghLs and duLles of everyone?
3 Iostlce ls Lhe declslon conslsLenL wlLh canons of [usLlce?
4 cotloq ls Lhe declslon conslsLenL wlLh my responslblllLy Lo care?

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