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>hfZrgyy jZ[hlZ
ih Zg]ebckdhfm yaudm
aZ 6 deZkk
d mq_[gbdm :g]ebckdbc yaud: mq_[gbd
^ey VI deZkkZ rdhe k m]em[e_gguf
bamq_gb_f Zg]ebckdh]h yaudZ, ebp__\, ]bfgZabc,
dhee_^`_c. :nZgZkv_\Z H.<.,
Fbo__\Z B.<. - F.: Ijhk\_s_gb_, 2000.
BOOK........................................................................................... 4
Lesson 1..................................................................................... 4
Lesson 2................................................................................... 13
Lesson 3................................................................................... 20
Lesson 4................................................................................... 26
Lesson 5................................................................................... 33
Lesson 6................................................................................... 37
Lesson 7................................................................................... 38
Lesson 8................................................................................... 39
Lesson 9................................................................................... 42
Lesson 10................................................................................. 45
Lesson 11................................................................................. 48
Lesson 13................................................................................. 48
Lesson 14................................................................................. 52
Lesson 15................................................................................. 54
Lesson 16................................................................................. 55
Lesson 17................................................................................. 58
Lesson 18................................................................................. 61
Lesson 19................................................................................. 62
Lesson 20................................................................................. 63
Lesson 21................................................................................. 65
Lesson 22................................................................................. 67
WOOK BOOK........................................................................... 68
Lesson 1................................................................................... 68
Lesson 2................................................................................... 69
Lesson 3................................................................................... 69
Lesson 4................................................................................... 70
Lesson 6................................................................................... 71
Lesson 7................................................................................... 72
Lesson 8................................................................................... 73
Lesson 9................................................................................... 73
Lesson 16................................................................................. 74
Home Reading............................................................................ 75
Lesson 1................................................................................... 75
Lesson 2................................................................................... 77
Lesson 3................................................................................... 78
Lesson 4................................................................................... 80
Lesson 5................................................................................... 82
Lesson 6................................................................................... 86
Lesson 7................................................................................... 91
Lesson 8................................................................................... 96
Lesson 9................................................................................. 100
Lesson 10............................................................................... 105
Lesson 11............................................................................... 109
Lesson 12............................................................................... 112
Lesson 13............................................................................... 115
Lesson 14............................................................................... 119
Lesson 15............................................................................... 123
Lesson 1
2. Ihkfhljbl_ gZ dZjlbgdb b kdZ`bl_, dZd >`_cg, Kweeb,
Gbd b FZcd ijh\_eb k\hb dZgbdmeu. <ujZ`_gby \ jZfdZo fh]ml
ihfhqv \Zf.
Jane travelled about Russia. She travelled by plane (car, bus). She
stood at large hotels. She lived in double rooms. Those rooms had all
modern conveniences. The weather was sunny, hot and pleasant dur-
ing her trip. She swam a lot, but she also enjoyed lying in the sun.
Sometimes in the evening she played different games with other chil-
dren. As we see, Jane enjoyed her holiday.
On summer holidays Sally travelled by ship. She was on board the
ship for seven days. She visited Spain, Italy, Greece. She saw a lot of
interesting places there. She also met different people. She learned a
lot about these countries. Sally visited different museums and
galleries. And she was very pleased about the weather.
On summer holidays Nick went to the country. The weather was
fine there.
He lived in a small cottage near the farm. His grandparents had a
lot of animals in the farm. So Nick was happy to feed the animals. He
helped his parents by looking after the animals. He also helped his
parents about the house. He worked in the garden. He watered flow-
ers, plants and vegetables. And at the end of the holidays, he got
some money for the job.
On the holidays Mike stayed at home. His Granny was sick. So he
had to help her about the house. He also had to do the shopping in-
stead of her. Sometimes when his Granny became worse he had to
call the doctor. And when his Granny asked him, he went to the drug-
store to buy some medicines. After all he had to warm up food.
Though Mike was very busy during his holidays, he was free on early
mornings. And he also had a lot of free time in the evening. Then
Mike read a lot, watched videos. Sometimes he played football or
volleyball with his friends. And when there was no one to play with,
he played on the computer.
3. K_cqZk \u gZ mjhd_, gh \k_]h g_kdhevdh g_^_ev gZaZ^ \u
[ueb gZ dZgbdmeZo.
KhklZ\vl_ ijZ\bevgu_ ij_^eh`_gby h lhf qlh [ueh b qlh
1) I go to school six days a week at present but I enjoyed my
summer holidays a week ago.
2) I learn English a few times a week at present but I worked in
the garden helping my Mother a week ago.
3) I meet my schoolmates every day when I go to school at pre-
sent but I missed my schoolmates some weeks ago.
4) I have a lot of classes at present but I spent a lot of time on
the beach some weeks ago.
5) I get up early in the morning at present but I kept late hours
some weeks ago.
6) I work hard at present but I played outdoors with friends
some weeks ago.
7) I don`t watch TV every evening at present but I watched lots
of TV programmes some weeks ago.
8) It rains a lot at present but it didn`t rain at all some weeks
9) The leaves of the trees are not green and fresh at present but
they were green and fresh some weeks ago.
10) I do my lessons at present but I didn`t write any exercises at
all some weeks ago.
4. <h \j_fy k\hbo dZgbdme Hev]Z _a^beZ \ :g]ebx. HgZ
ijh\_eZ lZf g_^_ex b \klj_lbeZ ijbylgmx Zg]ebckdmx ^_\hqdm,
dhlhjmx a\Zeb Ebg^Z. >hihegbl_ ^bZeh] f_`^m ^_\hqdZfb, Z aZ-
l_f jZau]jZcl_ _]h. G_ aZ[u\Zcl_ f_gylvky jheyfb.
Linda: Yes, it is.
Linda: Yes, I do.
Olga: Yes, I`m from Russia.
Linda: What`s your name? And where do you live in Russia?
Linda: When did you come to London? And what is your business
Linda: How long have you been here?
Linda: Maybe I can send you a letter, what`s your address?
Linda: I will write you as soon as I can.
5. KdZ`bl_, qlh GhjfZg b >`_d ^_eZeb \ l_q_gb_ k\hbo
e_lgbo dZgbdme.
1) Norman used to play the violin in summer.
2) Norman used to listen to folk music in summer.
3) Norman used to watch cartoons in summer.
4) Norman used to visit picture galleries in summer.
5) Norman used to learn poems by heart in summer.
6) Norman used to lie in the sun in summer.
1) Jack used to play the guitar in summer.
2) Jack used to read detective stories in summer.
3) Jack used to listen to rock music in summer.
4) Jack used to play football a lot in summer.
5) Jack used to work on the computer in summer.
6) Jack used to swim in the river in summer.
6. Ihkfhljbl_ gZ dZjlbgdb b kdZ`bl_, dZdZy ih]h^Z [ueZ \q_-
jZ b dZdZy hgZ k_]h^gy. >Zgguc gZ[hj keh\ fh`_l ihfhqv \Zf.
1) Yesterday the weather was warm but wet, cloudy and rainy.
And today the weather is hot but foggy and cloudy.
2) Yesterday the weather was cold, cloudy, windy and it was
snowing. Today the weather is frosty but sunny and clear.
a) M KZrb _klv ijbyl_ev >`hg, dhlhjuc `b\_l \ ;jblZgbb.
< rdhe_ >`hgZ mq_[guc ]h^ gZqbgZ_lky gZ g_^_ex iha`_, q_f \
KZrbghc. >hihegbl_ KZrbgh ibkvfh d >`hgm.
1) are
2) are fishing
3) are swimming
4) are lying
5) are enjoying
6) was fishing
7) was swimming
8) was lying
9) is
10) am
11) is raining
12) was shining
13) is
14) is blowing
15) are writing
b) L_i_jv gZah\bl_ 5 ^_e, dhlhjufb KZrZ aZgbfZeky e_lhf
b 5aZgylbc>`hgZ. (MijZ`g_gb_ 5 fh`_l ihfhqv \Zf.)
1) Sasha used to swim a lot.
2) Sasha used to fish a lot.
3) Sasha used to lie in the sun a lot.
4) Sasha used to play football a lot.
5) Sasha used to watch cartoons a lot.
1) John used to play on the computer a lot.
2) John used to play the guitar a lot.
3) John used to watch videos a lot.
4) John used to listen to rock music a lot.
5) John used to travel a lot.
10. Ihkfhljbl_ gZ l_jfhf_lju b kdZ`bl_ dZdmx l_fi_jZlm-
jm hgb ihdZau\Zxl.
1) It`s three (degrees) above zero.
2) It`s seven (degrees) below zero.
3) It`s ten (degrees) above zero.
4) It`s fifteen (degrees) below zero.
5) It`s one (degree) above zero.
6) It`s one (degree) below zero.
7) It`s twenty-one (degrees) above zero.
8) It`s five (degrees) below zero.
9) It`s twenty (degrees) above zero.
10) It`s twelve (degrees) below zero.
11. KdZ`bl_, dZdZy l_fi_jZlmjZ [ueZ \ jZaguo ]hjh^Zo ljb
^gy gZaZ^.
1) It was five degrees above zero in Rome three days ago.
2) It was one degree above zero in Paris three days ago.
3) It was eighteen degrees below zero in St Petersburg three
days ago.
4) It was four degrees above zero in Madrid three days ago.
5) It was fourteen degrees below zero in Moscow three days
6) It was ten degrees below zero in Washington D.C. three days
7) It was eight degrees below zero in Edinburgh three days ago.
8) It was two degrees above zero in London three days ago.
9) It was six degrees above zero in Cardiff three days ago.
a) IjhqblZcl_ b m]Z^Zcl_, qlh hagZqZxl ih^q_jdgmlu_ keh\Z.
1) <u fh`_l_ m\b^_lv jZ^m]m \ g_[_, dh]^Z ^h`^v b khegp_
ihy\eyxlky \f_kl_.
2) <q_jZ [ue m`Zkguc eb\_gv. R_e kbevguc ^h`^v b ^me
kbevguc \_l_j.
3) ;Zjhf_lj wlh bgkljmf_gl, dhlhjuc ihfh]Z_l kdZaZlv,
dZdZy [m^_l ih]h^Z.
4) <q_jZ \_q_jhf r_e kbevguc ^h`^v.
5) Kbghilbd kh[bjZ_l bgnhjfZpbx h ih]h^_.
14. Wlh kljZgbpZ ba ^g_\gbdZ fbkl_jZ =jbgZ. Fbkl_j =jbg
kbghilbd b dZ`^uc ^_gv hg ^_eZ_l aZf_ldb h ih]h^_. <q_jZ _]h
gZklb] eb\_gv b _]h ^g_\gbd ijhfhd. G_ fh]eb [u \u ihfhqv
fbkl_jm =jbgm ijhqblZlv wlb aZf_ldb. Bkihevamcl_ keh\Z ba mi-
jZ`g_gbc 12, 13.
1) misty
2) mist
3) calm
4) expect
5) rainstorm
6) barometer
7) changeable
8) look out for
9) shower
10) rainbow
11) daily
12) weathermen
13) forecast
17. KhklZ\vl_ k\hb kh[kl\_ggu_ ^bZeh]b. Bkihevamcl_ fh-
^_eb ba mijZ`g_gby 16. Bkihevamcl_ ke_^mxsb_ keh\Z b keh\Zj-
gu_ khq_lZgby \f_klh l_o, dhlhju_ \u^_e_gu `bjguf rjbnlhf.
1. A: It`s an awful day today, isn`t it?
B: Yes, it`s cool and wet this morning. It`s bad, there is no
sun in the sky.
A: Yes. Much worse than yesterday. They say it is going to
get even cooler.
B: Let`s hope it won`t last.
1.1. A: What a hot day, isn`t it? It has been hot since yesterday
B: They say it is going to get even hotter.
A: Oh, no! I hate when the weather is too hot.
B: So do I. Let`s hope it won`t last.
2. A: It`s a fine day today, isn`t it?
B: Yes, it`s warm and sunny this morning.
A: Yes. Much better than yesterday. It`s good to see the sun
B: Let`s hope it will keep fine for the weekend.
2.1. A: What a cold day, isn`t it? It has been snowing since yes-
terday morning.
B: They say it is going to get even colder.
A: Oh, no! I hate cold and snow.
B: So do I. Let`s hope it won`t last.
3. A: It`s a pleasant day today, isn`t it?
B: Yes, it`s bright and frosty this morning.
A: Yes, much better than yesterday. It`s good to see the sun
B: Let`s hope it will keep fine for the weekend.
3.1. A: What a sunny day, isn`t it? It has been shining since yes-
terday morning.
B: They say it is going to get even warmer.
A: That`s fine. I like warmth and sun.
B: Let`s hope it will keep fine longer.
4. A: It`s a nasty day today, isn`t it?
B: Yes, it`s hot and stuffy this morning.
A: Yes. Much worse than yesterday. It`s bad when the
weather is too hot.
B: Let`s hope it won`t last.
4.1. A: What a rainy day isn`t it? It has been raining since yester-
day morning.
B: They say that the hail may start soon.
A: Oh, no! I hate rain and especially the hail.
B: So do I. Let`s hope it won`t last.
5. A: It`s a nasty day today, isn`t it?
B: Yes, it`s wet and foggy this morning.
A: Yes. Much worse than yesterday. It`s bad that the weather
was spoiled.
B: Let`s hope it won`t last.
5.1. A: What a windy day, is it? It has been blowing since yester-
day morning.
B: They say that the wind is going to be even stronger.
A: Oh, no! I hate wind.
B: So do I. Let`s hope it won`t last.
6. A: It`s an awful day today, isn`t it?
B: Yes, it`s cool and windy this morning.
A: Yes. Much worse than yesterday. It`s bad that the sun
don`t shine today.
B: Let`s hope it won`t last.
6.1. A: What a foggy day, isn`t it? It has been raining since yes-
terday morning.
B: They say that the weather will not change soon.
A: Oh, no! I hate fog and rain.
B: So do I. Let`s hope it won`t last.
7. A: What a wet day isn`t it? It has been raining since yester-
day morning.
B: They say that the weather will not change soon.
A: Oh, no! I hate wet and rain.
B: So do I. Let`s hope it won`t last.
Ijh]gha ih]h^u
Fu ijhfhdZ_f, dh]^Z fu ihiZ^Z_f ih^ eb\_gv [_a ieZsZ.
Bgh]^Z fu gZ^_\Z_f k\bl_j b h[gZjm`b\Z_f, qlh ih]h^Z `ZjdZy.
Fu g_ \k_]^Z agZ_f, dZdmx ih]h^m h`b^Zlv. Iheh`_gb_ [he__
k_jvzagh, dh]^Z n_jf_ju l_jyxl k\hc mjh`Zc ba-aZ ^h`^y, beb
fhjyd ihiZ^Z_l \ g_ijbylghklv, dh]^Z ih^gbfZ_lky \_l_j. GZ l_-
e_\b^_gbb b jZ^bh kms_kl\mxl _`_^g_\gu_ ijh]ghau ih]h^u.
Bgh]^Z ijh]gha g_^hklZlhqgh lhq_g, lZd dZd ih]h^Z g_ lZdZy m`
e_]dZy \_sv, qlh[u __ m]Z^Zlv. <_kv ^_gv b ghqv, kbghilbdb kh-
[bjZxl bgnhjfZpbx k dhjZ[e_c, kZfhe_lh\ b dhkfbq_kdbo klZg-
pbc. K ihfhsvx wlhc bgnhjfZpbb hgb fh]ml ihgylv, dZdZy [m-
^_l ih]h^Z \ l_q_gbb ke_^mxsbo iylb ^g_c. Ohly ^\Z ^gy g_
[m^ml bf_lv kh\_jr_ggh h^bgZdh\mx ih]h^m, g_dhlhju_ lbiu
ih]h^u ex^b fh]ml ij_^kdZaZlv.
Dh]^Z [Zjhf_lj ihdZau\Z_l \ukhdh_ ^Z\e_gb_, ih]h^Z [m^_l
kihdhcghc. Abfhc hgZ [m^_l oheh^ghc b fhjhaghc. E_lhf wlh
h[uqgh hagZqZ_l lmfZggu_ mljZ b `Zjdb_ kheg_qgu_ ^gb. Dh]^Z [Z-
jhf_lj ihdZau\Z_l gbadh_ ^Z\e_gb_, `^b ^h`^y b kbevguo \_ljh\.
DZd j_amevlZl jZ[hlu kbghilbdh\, fu magZzf h ih]h^_. <hl
h^bg ba l_e_\babhgguo ijh]ghah\ k^_eZgguo ;b;bKb.
>h[juc \_q_j, \hl ijh]gha ih]h^u gZ aZ\ljZ.
< RhleZg^bb [m^_l oheh^gh kh kg_]hf \ ]hjZo. GZ k_\_j_
:g]ebb [m^_l \eZ`guc ^_gv k kbevgufb eb\gyfb, dhlhju_ [m-
^ml ^\b]Zlvky d K_\_jghfm Mwekm \ l_q_gb_ \lhjhc iheh\bgu
^gy. P_gljZevgu_ mqZkldb [m^ml kmobfb, gh h[eZqgufb. GZ x]_
:g]ebb ^_gv [m^_l k\_leuf b ykguf k [hevrbf dhebq_kl\hf
kheg_qgh]h k\_lZ, gh d \_q_jm, \hafh`gh, klZg_l \_lj_gh.
19. KdZ`bl_: \_jgh, g_\_jgh beb g_ agZx.
1) Ealse
2) True
3) Ealse
4) True
5) True
24. <Zf ba\_klgh, qlh ih]h^Z \ ;jblZgbb hq_gv i_j_f_gqb\Z.
Hibrbl_ ih]h^m \ Ehg^hg_ gZ dZ`^uc ^_gv ijhrehc g_^_eb.
1) It was snowy on Sunday.
2) It was rainy on Monday.
3) It was foggy on Tuesday.
4) It was cloudy on Wednesday.
5) It was cold on Thursday.
6) It was hot on Eriday.
7) It was windy on Saturday.
26. <u ijhkemrZeb ijh]gha ih]h^u ^ey jZaebqguo f_kl \
Jhkkbb. GZibrbl_, qlh \u mkeurZeb. Bkihevamcl_ keh\Z \ jZfd_.
1) In Moscow the day will be cold with heavy showers.
2) In St. Petersburg the day will be cool with rainstorms.
3) In Astrakhan the day will be warm and foggy.
4) In Tula the day will be windy with a lot of snow.
5) In Novgorod the day will be cloudy and wet.
6) In Lipetsk the day will be dry with a lot of sunshine.
7) In Kursk the day will be windy and frosty.
8) In Saratov the day will be misty and wet.
9) In Murmansk the day will be clear and hot.
10) In Novosibirsk the day will be wet with a thick fog.
27. <ujZabl_ lh `_ kZfh_ gZ Zg]ebckdhf.
1. It`s sunny. It doesn`t rain. 2. It`s cold. It`s snowing. 3. It`s
cloudy. The cold wind is blowing. 4. It`s frosty, but the sun is
shining. 5. It`s raining. It`s foggy. It`s damp. 6. Is it snowing? No,
it`s clear outside.
1. It was warm yesterday though it was raining. 2. It was windy
but clear last Eriday. The sun was shining. 3. The cold wind was
blowing yesterday evening and it was cold. 4. There was no sun
yesterday morning. 5. There was a haze three days ago but it was
warm. 6. It was snowing last week. It was freezing.
Autumn has begun. The days became shorter. There are many
cloudy, rainy days with rainstorms. But quite recently it was warm
and dry, the sun was shining and the days were clear. Last Sunday I
was walking in the forest and was listening to the bird piping. And
now I`m sitting at the desk and doing the lessons. But I like autumn
and I like school. This year I will study the English language again.
Lesson 2
1. Ihf_klbl_ ke_^mxsb_ keh\Z \ ijZ\bevgu_ dhehgdb.
a) fine weather: sunny, hot, calm, bright, clear, warm.
b) nasty weather: cloudy, rainy, misty, snowy, foggy, wet,
changeable, cold, dull, stormy, windy, cool.
3. >Zcl_ wlhfm gZa\Zgb_. Mij. 12, Mij. 13 fh]ml ihfhqv
1) barometer
2) rainbow
3) daily
4) to forecast
5) mist
6) calm
7) changeable
8) rainstorm
9) to expect
10) weathermen
b) Ih^mfZcl_ dZdb_ _s_ \hijhku \u fh]eb [u aZ^Zlv k\h-
_fm deZkkm.
Why do different parts of the world have different climate?
How can climate influence on people`s activities and health?
How do men influence on climate?
6. >hihegbl_ ^bZeh], bkihevamy present perfect or past simple.
Steve: I have never been to Russia.
Barbara: I lived in Moscow for a month last year.
Steve: Have you ever been to St Petersburg?
Barbara: No, but a friend of mine stayed there for a week two
years ago. He enjoyed it very much.
Kate: I just saw Mr Jackson. He is angry because you haven`t fin-
ished your translation yet.
Ian: But I explained everything only an hour ago. I`ve lost my
dictionary and haven`t found it yet.
Kate: I have never done a written translation before. Is it difficult?
Ian: I didn`t write many. In fact, I only wrote two and they were
rather easy.
a) IjhqblZcl_ keh\Z \ ljZgkdjbipbb.
Shower Eorecast
Expect Barometer
Changeable Calm
Misty Rainstorm
Rainbow Daily
8. KdZ`bl_, ihq_fm wlb ex^b mklZeb b qlh hgb k^_eZeb.
1) Sam is tired because he has been riding a bicycle for two
hours and has ridden 3 miles.
2) Mary is tired because she has been doing the shopping since
she finished her job and has bought a lot of food.
3) Bill is tired because he has been reading detective stories for
5 hours and has read 2 stories.
4) Sally is tired because she has been making pancakes since
she woke up and has made 50 big pancakes.
5) Roy is tired because he has been watching videos for four
hours and has seen 2 films.
6) Jack is tired because he has been training since he came
home and has thrown the ball 100 meters.
7) Sarah is tired because she has been washing up for half an
hour and has broken a few plates.
8) The children are tired because they have been planting flow-
ers since 3 o`clock and have planted a lot of primroses.
9. GZibrbl_ lh `_ kZfh_ gZ Zg]ebckdhf.
Hello, Jack. How much time have you been here? Three days.
I`ve come here last Thursday. 2. When and where did you buy this
dress? I bought it in Moscow, but I don`t remember in what shop.
I have had it for one year and a half. 3. It has been raining since
morning. It began at 9 and hasn`t stopped yet. That`s pity! 4.
We have been waiting for Victor for 15 minutes. Where has he gone?
The match has already begun. Don`t worry. I have just seen him.
He was buying an ice-cream a minute ago. 5. How long have you
known Mr Jones? I have known him for three years. He has been
teaching me English since 1995.
10. Ijhqlbl_ ij_^eh`_gby b i_j_\_^bl_ bo gZ jmkkdbc.
1. >hdlhj ihijhkbe f_gy \^hogmlv b \u^hogmlv g_kdhevdh
jZa. 2. <hl lZdkb, aZe_aZc [ukljh. 3. AZoh^b, fu `^_f l_[y. 4. Ih-
]h^Z qm^_kgZy, b y g_ ohqm hklZ\Zlvky ^hfZ. 5. M[bjZcky hlkx-
^Z! k_j^blh aZdjbqZe fm`qbgZ. 6. >\_jv [ueZ aZdjulZ b [_^-
gZy kh[ZdZ ijh\_eZ kgZjm`b \kx ghqv. 7. ?klv lml dlh-gb[m^v?
kijhkbe =he^behdk. 8. E_lhf ^_lb `beb \ ]hjZo b mqbebkv
]hlh\blv gZ h]g_ b kiZlv kgZjm`b.
11. <klZ\vl_ eb[h in eb[h out, qlh[u ^hihegblv ij_^eh`_-
1) in, out
2) in
3) in
4) in, out
5) out
6) out
7) out
17. IjhqblZcl_ l_dkl b kdZ`bl_ fh`_l eb q_eh\_d \ebylv gZ
DebfZl aZgbfZ_l \ ih]h^_ hij_^_e_ggh_ f_klh m`_ \ l_q_gb_
^he]h]h i_jbh^Z \j_f_gb.
DebfZl bf__l hq_gv \Z`gh_ \ebygb_ gZ jZkl_gby, `b\hlguo b
ex^_c b jZaebqZ_lky \ jZaguo qZklyo k\_lZ.
Jhkkby kZfZy [hevrZy kljZgZ \ fbj_. HgZ jZkiheh`_g_ gZ
h]jhfghc l_jjblhjbb hl ih[_j_`vy Lboh]h hd_ZgZ d p_gljm ?\-
jhiu, b _z debfZl gZ k_\_j_, x]_, \hklhd_ b aZiZ^_ jZaebqZ_lky.
GZ aZiZ^_, gZijbf_j, debfZl h[uqgh fy]dbc b \eZ`guc. < lh
`_ \j_fy kZfh_ oheh^gh_ f_klh gZ ieZg_l_ gZoh^blky gZ k_\_j_
Kb[bjb, lh]^Z dZd gZ x]_ Jhkkbb hq_gv fgh]h kheg_qgh]h k\_lZ,
b `ZjZ e_lhf fh`_l [ulv ^_ckl\bl_evgh m`Zkghc. E_lgb_ b
abfgb_ l_fi_jZlmju jZaebqgu_ \ Fhkd\_, Hfkd_ beb DjZkgh-
yjkd_, \ <he]h]jZ^_ beb Jhklh\_. < :jdlbd_ l_fi_jZlmjZ abfhc
^hklZlhqgh gbadZy. < ahgm lZc]b ^ebgguf_, kmjh\u_ abfu b
dhjhldh_ e_lh. F_`^m Q_jguf b DZkibckdbf fhjyfb hq_gv
`Zjdh e_lhf.
Gh g_^Z\gh debfZl \ gZr_c kljZg_ hq_gv kbevgh baf_gbeky,
hkh[_ggh \ _z _\jhi_ckdhc qZklb. G_dhlhju_ mq_gu_ kqblZxl,
qlh \ fbj_ klZgh\blvky `Zjq_. ?keb \u kjZ\gbl_ l_fi_jZlmjm
fhkdh\kdh]h e_lZ b abfu \ gZqZe_ \_dZ b \ _]h dhgp_, \u h[gZ-
jm`bl_, qlh l_fi_jZlmjZ gZ kZfhf ^_e_ baf_gbeZkv. Abfu klZeb
l_ie__. Bgh]^Z \ yg\Zj_ \uiZ^Z_l fZe_gvdbc kg_`hd, Z lZd`_
[ueb abfu, dh]^Z gZdZgmg_ Gh\h]h =h^Z rze ^h`^v (g_ kg_]!).
Fgh]b_ ex^b ]h\hjyl, qlh lZd ijhbkoh^bl ba-aZ iZjgbdh\h]h
wnn_dlZ. <u dh]^Z-gb[m^v keurZeb h[ wlhf? Wlh ijhbkoh^bl
lZd: kheg_qguc k\_l ^Zzl gZf l_ieh. G_dhlhjZy qZklv l_ieZ kh-
]j_\Z_l Zlfhkn_jm, g_dhlhjZy qZklv l_ieZ \ha\jZsZ_lky gZaZ^ \
dhkfhk. < gZrb ^gb \ha^mo, hdjm`Zxsbc a_fex, klZe ]hjZa^h
l_ie__ ba-aZ lh]h, qlh l_ieh g_ fh`_l \_jgmlvky gZaZ^ \ dhkfhk.
<hl ihq_fm l_fi_jZlmju abfu b e_lZ \h fgh]bo f_klZo klZeb
\ur_. < l_q_gb_ ihke_^gbo klZ e_l ex^b ijhba\_eb hq_gv fgh]h
m]e_dbkeh]h ]ZaZ. Wlhl ]Za \ Zlfhkn_j_ ^_ckl\m_l dZd kl_deh \
iZjgbd_. Hg \imkdZ_l l_ieh, gh g_ iha\hey_l [hevrhfm dhebq_-
kl\m l_ieZ \uj\Zlvky gZjm`m. LZd qlh Zlfhkn_jZ klZgh\blky l_i-
e__. Hldm^Z ijboh^bl m]e_dbkeuc ]Za? Ex^b b `b\hlgu_ \^u-
oZxl dbkehjh^ b \u^uoZxl m]e_dbkeuc ]Za. Fu ijhba\h^bf
m]e_dbkeuc ]Za, dh]^Z k`b]Z_f iij_^f_lu. >_j_\vy ih]ehsZxl
]Za ba \ha^moZ b ijhba\h^yl dbkehjh^, gh aZ ihke_^gb_ iylv e_l
ex^b \ujm[beb b kh`]eb [hevrh_ dhebq_kl\h ljhibq_kdbo e_-
kh\. Wlh hagZqZ_l, qlh hklZzlky g_fgh]h ^_j_\v_\ b, jZamf__lky,
fgh]h m]e_dbkeh]h ]ZaZ!
DZd fu \b^bf, debfZl \ jZaebqguo qZklyo k\_lZ ihg_fgh]m
f_gy_lky ba ]h^Z \ ]h^. Wlb baf_g_gby fh]ml [ulv hiZkgu ^ey
gZr_c ojmidhc ieZg_lu, dhlhjZy gm`^Z_lky \ aZsbl_. A_fe_
fbeebhgu e_l, ]hjZa^h klZjr_, q_f ex^b. Fu agZ_f fgh`_kl\h
_z k_dj_lh\. Gh fgh]b_ _sz ij_^klhbl magZlv.
19. Ijhkfhljbl_ l_dkl kgh\Z b ^hihegbl_ ij_^eh`_gby.
1) Climate is the weather a certain place has over a long period
of time.
2) Climate has a very important influence on plants, animals
and humans and is different in different parts of the world.
3) At the same time the coldest place on the planet is in the
north of Siberia, while in the south of Russia there is a lot of
sunshine and the heat in summer can be really terrible.
4) Some of the heat warms the atmosphere, and some of the
heat goes back into space.
5) People and animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon
6) Trees take this gas from the air, and produce oxygen.
24. GZibrbl_ keh\Z, ^Zggu_ \ \ ljZgkdjbipbb \ mijZ`g_-
gbb 7.
1) shower
2) expect
3) changeable
4) misty
5) rainbow
6) forecast
7) barometer
8) calm
9) rainstorm
11) daily
27. AZihegbl_ ijhims_ggu_ nhjfu ]eZ]heh\.
1) , rode, ridden, riding.
2) wear, , worn, wearing.
3) buy, bought, , buying.
4) know, knew, known, .
5) burn, , burnt, burning.
6) cough, coughed, , coughing.
7) travel, travelled, travelled, .
8) , hid, hidden, hiding.
9) smell, smelt, , smelling.
10) break, broke, broken, .
11) hurt, , hurt, hurting.
12) nod, nodded, , nodding.
13) , tied, tied, tying.
14) , worried, worried, worrying.
15) fry, fried, fried, .
16) throw, threw, , throwing.
28. GZibrbl_, qlh wlb ex^b m`_ k^_eZeb b qlh hgb _sz g_
1) Steve has already bought a new bike but he hasn`t ridden it
2) Jane and Pat have already washed dishes but they haven`t
dried them yet.
3) Ian has already taken books from the library but she hasn`t
read the books yet.
4) Jeff and Paul have already built a small cottage but they ha-
ven`t painted it yet.
5) Chris has already written a short story but he hasn`t typed it
6) Monika and Barbara have already seen the famous actress
but they haven`t spoken to her yet.
7) Ered has already cooked breakfast but he hasn`t had it yet.
29. I_ly b _]h jh^bl_eb ijb_oZeb \ Ehg^hg ba Fhkd\u g_-
^_ex gZaZ^ (11-]h k_gly[jy). GZibrbl_ ij_^eh`_gby h I_l_. Bk-
ihevamcl_ present perfect b present perfect continuous.
1) Pete is staying at a hotel. He has been living in London since
11-th of September.
2) Pete has been shopping for a few days. He has bought a lot of
3) Pete has been living in London for a week. He has seen a lot
of interesting places.
4) Pete has been travelling about the city. He has met a lot of
5) Pete has been having a boat trip on the Thames. He has taken
pictures of London.
6) Pete has been walking the streets of London. He has visited
the National Gallery.
28. GZibrbl_ lh `_ kZfh_ gZ Zg]ebckdhf:
a) 1. Anna has been living in London since 1985. She works in
a bank. She has been working there for three years. 2. Bill has always
wanted to visit Brighton. He has read a lot of books about this resort.
3. The Browns family haven`t built their new house yet. How
much time have they been building it? They have been building it
for two years. 4. I haven`t seen you for ages. Where have you
been? Where have you hidden? I am writing a book about my
journeys. I have been writing it for one month and a half, that`s why
I`ve been living in the country since May. 5. How long have you
known Williams? I have known him for three years. 6. I have had this
clock for 5 years. My father bought it to me in St Petersburg. They
haven`t stopped yet.
b) 1. What`s the weather today in Los Angeles? It`s sunny
and warm. It`s day to go to the shore, to have a swim, to take a
sunburn. 2. How much time has it been raining? It has been
raining for three days. It`s windy, wet and cloudy. We have an
autumn weather. 3. What was the weather in Moscow yesterday?
It was snowing. It was 10 degrees below zero but it was sunny. 4.
How a wonderful the weather is today! The sun is shining brightly,
there are no clouds in the sky, but it is cool a little. A cold wind is
blowing. 5. What temperature is is today? It`s zero degree. It`s not
a weather for skiing.
c) 1. Glass is very fragile. 2. We`ve burnt the old leaves in the
garden. 3. Heat has a pernicious influence on people. 4. The influence
of teachers on pupils is great. 5. Have you ever been to a greenhouse?
6. Have you heard anything about the greenhouse effect? 7. What
does this factoey produce? 8. There are more than 4000 hours of sun-
light every year in North Africa. 9. It`s quite cool on the coast, isn`t
it? 10. What influence have the climatic changes on people?
Lesson 3
>_dZ[jvkdbf mljhf ^\Z q_fh^ZgZ, dhlhju_ ijbgZ^e_`Zl
Fbkl_jm MZclm b Fbkl_jm ;ewdm hldjuebkv \ Zwjhihjlm b bo
\_sb i_j_f_rZebkv. Fbkl_j ;ewd kh[bjZ_lky \ Bg^bx, Z Fbkl_j
MZcl \ Ghj\_]bx. H[Z iZkkZ`bjZ kh[bjZxlky hlijZa^gh\Zlv jh-
`^_kl\h kh k\hbfb k_fvyfb. Ihfh]bl_ bf kh[jZlv k\hb \_sb.
Z) KhklZ\vl_ kibkhd \_s_c ^ey dZ`^h]h q_eh\_dZ.
Mr White: the fur coat, the boots, the sweater, the skiing cap, the
jeans, the scarf and the gloves.
Mr Black: the sun-glasses, the T-shirt, the shoes, the shorts and
the swimming trunks.
b) H[tykgbl_ k\hc \u[hj.
The fur coat belongs to Mr White because it is very cold in Nor-
way these days.
The boots belong to Mr White because there is a lot of snow in
The sweater belongs to Mr White because of the cold wind.
The skiing cap belongs to Mr White because it is the right time for
skiing in Norway.
The jeans belong to Mr White because they are light and warm at
the same time.
The scarf belongs to Mr White because he can catch a cold without it.
The gloves belong to Mr White because it`s hard to ski without
them in Norway.
The sun-glasses belong to Mr Black because there is a lot of sun
in India.
The T-shirt belongs to Mr Black because it is too hot in India.
The shoes belong to Mr Black because of the heat.
The shorts belong to Mr Black because they are light summer shorts.
The swimming trunks belong to Mr Black because it is the right
time for swimming in India.
6. <u[_jbl_ ijZ\bevgmx nhjfm ijbly`Zl_evguo ijbeZ]Z-
l_evguo b f_klhbf_gbc b ^hihegbl_ ij_^eh`_gby.
1) She gave me her phone number and I gave her mine.
2) They gave you their car and you gave them yours.
3) He gave them his documents and they gave him theirs.
4) We gave her our books and she gave us hers.
5) You gave us your games and we gave you ours.
6) I gave him my toys and he gave me his.
7. KhihklZ\vl_ wlb jmkkdb_ b Zg]ebckdb_ njZau.
1) 1 10;
2) 2 7;
3) 3 2;
4) 4 8;
5) 5 9;
6) 6 3;
7) 7 4;
8) 8 1;
9) 9 5;
10) 10 6;
8. I_j_^_eZcl_ ij_^eh`_gby lZd, qlh[u bkihevah\Zlv kljZ-
^Zl_evgu_ dhgkljmdpbb.
1) The weather is forecast everyday.
2) Is English spoken all over the world?
3) The textbooks are brought to the lesson by everybody.
4) The rain wasn`t expected this week by us.
5) Cabbages aren`t grown in front of the house.
6) Books are always read by parents to their children at bed-
7) Animals are kept in cages by people. Isn`t it awful!
8) Lessons are never done by good pupils late at night.
10. KhklZ\vl_ kibkhd ljZ^bpbhgguo oh[[b \ Jhkkbb. KjZ\gb-
l_ bo kh kibkdhf ljZ^bpbhgguo [jblZgkdbo oh[[b. DZdb_ ih-
\Zr_fm fg_gbx gZb[he__ gZbf_g__ ihimeyjgu_ oh[[b \ h[hbo
Russian hobbies: doing crosswords, walking, listening to music,
taking photographs, playing computer games, reading, going to the cin-
ema, playing football, playing table games (cards, chess, etc.), fishing,
watching videos, making something and collecting something.
I think that both countries have the same hobbies. And I think that
the most popular hobby is listening to music, while the least popular
is taking photographs.
Fhy kh[ZdZ >xd
Fhx kh[Zdm ah\ml >xd, wlh ^ebgghrzjklgZy g_f_pdZy h\qZj-
dZ. >xd kZfZy [hevrZy kh[ZdZ gZ fh_c mebp_ b dZ`^uc jZa dh]^Z
ihqlZevhg beb dlh-eb[h ^jm]hc ijhoh^bl fbfh, hg eZ_l ^h h^mjb
b ihqlb ^h\h^bl bo ^h k_j^_qgh]h ijbklmiZ. Fgh]b_ ex^b [hyl-
ky b^lb dh fg_ ^hfhc ihlhfm, qlh hg Z]j_kkb\guc. Gh hg aZf_qZ-
l_evguc i_k, dh]^Z _]h emqr_ magZ_rv. Hg ex[bl b]jZlv k fyqZ-
fb b k fh_c mldhc >`hj^`_f.
a) Ihkfhljbl_ gZ kljZgbpu ba ^g_\gbdZ DZjhebgu b kdZ-
`bl_, qlh [m^_l k^_eZgh \ dZ`^uc ^_gv g_^_eb.
1) Eood will be bought on Monday.
2) Aunt Polly will be met at the station on Tuesday.
3) A letter to John Baxter will be written on Wednesday.
4) The flat will be cleaned on Thursday.
5) A meal for the family will be cooked on Eriday.
6) A birthday present for Mum will be looked for on Saturday.
7) Brother Peter will be taken to the National History Museum
on Sunday.
b) <u \b^bl_, dZd aZgylZ [m^_l DZjhebgZ gZ ke_^mxs_c g_-
^_eb. HgZ g_ kfh`_l k^_eZlv fgh]h ^_e, dhlhju_ hgZ ^he`gZ
k^_eZlv. Ijb^mfZcl_ 5 \_s_c, dhlhju_ g_ [m^ml k^_eZgu DZjh-
1) The books won`t be returned to the library.
2) The flat won`t be cleaned.
3) Granny won`t be visited.
4) A story for the Young Writer`s Competition won`t be writ-
5) Some new flowers in her garden won`t be planted.
16. K^_eZcl_ ij_^eh`_gby ihegufb. Bkihevamcl_ lZ[ebpm.
1) The story must be told to him.
2) The cat should be fed immediately.
3) The plants ought to be watered as soon as possible.
4) The gallery can be visited this evening.
5) The address has to be found out until tomorrow
6) The telegram must be sent in a few days.
17. GZibrbl_ lh `_ kZfh_ gZ Zg]ebckdhf.
a) 1. This news will be discussed after lessons. 2. The windows will
be washed at the end of the month. 3. The delegation will be met tomor-
row. 4. They will be told about our coming. 5. The film will be watched.
6. The kittens will be given milk. 7. These pictures will be bought for the
State Museum. 8. These pupils will be asked at the next lesson.
b) 1. The stadium must be built this year. 2. The work can be done
in three days. 3. Animals ought to be protected. 4. These new songs
should be sung at the concert. 5. This battle can be won. 6. The plants
have to be watered. 7. Thes sick boy has to be visited. 8. Old papers
must be burnt.
20. <klZ\vl_ ih^oh^ysb_ keh\Z ^ey lh]h, qlh[u ^hihegblv
l_dkl. Mij. 19 fh`_l ihfhqv \Zf.
1) mammals
2) reptiles
3) insects
4) include
5) species
6) habitat
7) extinct
8) destroy
9) damaged
10) creatures
11) endangered
12) cardboard
@b\hc fbj \ hiZghklb
<u gbdh]^Z g_ \b^_eb ^h^h. <Zrb ^jmavy b mqbl_ey gbdh]^Z
g_ \b^_eb ^h^h. <Zrb ^_^mrdZ k [Z[mrdhc gbdh]^Z g_ \b^_eb
^h^h. Ihke_^gb_ ba wlbo [hevrbo ilbp, dhlhju_ g_ fh]eb e_-
lZlv, mf_jeb fgh]h e_l gZaZ^. L_i_jv wlh \uf_jrbc \b^. Fu ^Z-
`_ ]h\hjbf lZdhc `_ fzjl\uc, dZd ^h^h, qlh hagZqZ_l g_ qlh
bgh_, dZd dhgq_gguc. <Zrb ijZjh^bl_eb \hafh`gh \b^_eb
kljZgkl\mxs_]h ]hem[y: ihke_^gbc mf_j \ 1914. Fgh]h ^jm]bo
\b^h\ gZoh^ysboky ih^ m]jhahc ju[u, j_ilbebb, gZk_dhfu_,
ilbpu, fe_dhiblZxsb_ fh]ml bkq_agmlv ^h lh]h, dZd m \Zk
ihy\ylky ^_lb. Ijbqbghc lhfm q_eh\_d, dhlhjuc m[b\Z_l `b\hl-
guo b mgbqlh`Z_l f_klZ bo h[blZgby.
Gh g_ lhevdh `b\hlgu_ gZoh^ylky \ hiZkghklb. JZkl_gby lh-
`_. < fbj_ [he__ ^_\ylb fbeebhgh\ d\Z^jZlguo dbehf_ljh\ e_-
kh\. Wlh fgh]h ^_j_\v_\, Z lZd`_ fgh]h jZaebqguo \b^h\ ^_j_\v-
_\, gh hgb [ukljh bkq_aZxl. DZ`^uc ^_gv fu bkihevam_f [mfZ]m
b dZjlhg, b lh b ^jm]h_ k^_eZgh ba ^_j_\Z. Fu bkihevam_f jZa-
ebqgu_ \b^u ^_j_\Z ^ey ijhba\h^kl\Z f_[_eb b \ ^jm]bo kn_-
jZo. DZ`^uc ]h^ [he__ klZ lukyq d\Z^jZlguo dbehf_ljh\ e_kZ
mgbqlh`Z_lky ^ey jZaebqguo p_e_c b fgh`_kl\h e_kh\ gZklhevdh
ih\j_`^_gu, qlh \jy^ eb kfh]ml \hkklZgh\blvky. ?keb fu [m^_f
ijh^he`Zlv \ lhf `_ ^mo_, d lhfm \j_f_gb, dh]^Z \u klZg_l_ lZ-
dbfb `_ klZjufb, dZd \Zrb ^_^mrdZ k [Z[mrdhc k_cqZk, \k_ e_kZ
gZ a_fe_ fh]ml [ulv mgbqlh`_gu, \ lhf qbke_ ljhibq_kdb_ e_kZ
X`ghc :f_jbdb, :njbdb b :abb. H]jhfgu_ e_kZ ihfh]Zxl
dhgljhebjh\Zlv fbjh\mx ih]h^m b kha^Z\Zlv fgh]h dbkehjh^Z \
\ha^mo_. Kms_kl\m_l fgh]h aZ[he_\Zgbc, dhlhju_ fu ^h kbo ihj
g_ fh`_f e_qblv. ?klv klZju_ aZ[he_\Zgby, lZdb_ dZd jZd, b
gh\u_, lZdb_ dZd KIB>. Fh`_l [ulv e_dZjkl\Z, \ dhlhjuo fu
gm`^Z_fky, [m^ml h[gZjm`_gu \ ^bdbo jZkl_gbyo \ kZ\ZggZo, \
imklugyo beb ljhibq_kdbo e_kZo. ?keb fu mgbqlh`bf wlb f_klZ,
fu gbdh]^Z g_ gZc^zf e_dZjkl\Z.
BlZd, \u ihgbfZ_l_, qlh g_ lhevdh ^_lb gm`^Zxlky \ a^hjh\hf
ijhkljZgkl\_, qlh[u `blv b jZklb. ?keb fu ohlbf, qlh[u gZrb
`bagb [ueb a^hjh\ufb b bgl_j_kgufb, lh fgh`_kl\h ^jm]bo l\h-
j_gbc b jZkl_gbc lh`_ gm`^Zxlky \ ijhkljZgkl\_ ^ey jhklZ.
32. >hihegbl_ ^bZeh]b bkihevamy kljZ^Zl_evgu_ kljmdlmju.
Have you posted the letters? Not yet. They will be posted
Has Nick washed the plants? Sorry, he can`t do it. The
plants will be washed as soon as he will get free.
I can`t finish this work. Don`t worry. It will be finished in a
few minutes.
What do you know about the delegation from Erance? They
will be met tomorrow evening.
When will we have new pens for the office? They will be
had the next week.
Have you finished the letter? Not yet. I`m sure it can be
written later.
Have they typed the papers? Not yet. But they must be
typed till tomorrow.
Have you brought any news? Not yet. I think it should be
known as soon as possible.
All this people are invited, but I don`t see Mr Brown`s name on
the list. Yes, he has to be sent abroad for a few days.
How often do rabbits get their food? They ought to be fed three
times a day.
33. Bkihevamcl_ \ha\jZlgu_ f_klhbf_gby ^ey lh]h, qlh[u
\ujZablv lh `_ kZfh_ gZ Zg]ebckdhf.
Yesterday my younger brother cut himself with a knife. 2. Don`t
burn yourself. Don`t hurt yourself. Don`t cut yourself. 3. She was
going to the party and she looked attentively at herself in the mirror at
home. 4. She never talks to herself. 5. I don`t have time. Wash the
dishes yourself. 6. I hope you will enjoy yaurself at the concert. 7. I
hope you will enjoy yourself, the play. 8. Good buy, take care of
yourself and come back soon. 9. I don`t like him because he thinks
only about himself. 10. Sorry, I can`t explain this rule to you: I don`t
understand it myself.
34. <ujZabl_ lh `_ kZfh_ ih ^jm]hfm.
1) This name should be included in the list.
2) This trees shouldn`t be damaged.
3) Animals die out if their habitats are destroyed by people.
4) The dog was cured by the vet with great difficulty.
5) Animals must not be endangered.
6) A lot of cities and villages were destroyed by fascists during
the war.
Lesson 4
1. Ihf_klbl_ keh\Z \ khhl\_lkl\mxsb_ klhe[pu.
1) Animals: mammals, humans, insects, pigeons, reptiles.
2) Weather effects: mists, rainbows, rainstorms, showers, sun-
light, the greenhouse effect, temperature, climatic changes.
3) Places: savannas, coasts, habitats, area.
2. KhklZ\vl_ ijZ\bevgu_ ij_^eh`_gby h lhf, qlh fh`_l
[ulv k^_eZgh k wlbfb h[t_dlZfb.
1) Houses can be damaged.
2) Diseases can be cured.
3) Eorests can be ruined.
4) Weather can be forecast.
5) Sick people can be cured.
6) Animals can be endangered.
7) Rivers can be destroyed.
8) Mist can be expected.
9) Village can be ruined.
10) Weather can be influenced.
11) Habitats can be created.
12) Habitats can be destroyed.
3. KdZ`bl_ dZdb_ fZl_jbZeu h[uqgh, qZklh, j_^dh bkihev-
amxlky ^ey ba]hlh\e_gby jZaebqguo ij_^f_lh\.
1) Vases are often made of glass.
2) Boxes are often made of cardboard.
3) Books are usually made of paper.
4) Sweaters are usually made of wool.
5) Chairs are often made of wood.
6) Suitcases are often made of leather.
7) Keys are usually made of metal.
8) Pens are often made of plastic.
4. KhklZ\vl_ ij_^eh`_gby k if b when h `bagb \ ^_j_\g_ b
`bagb \ ]hjh^_.
1) If you go to the country, you won`t be able to go to the theatre.
2) When you stay in the country, you will be able to watch
3) If you spend your holidays in the country, you will be able to
enjoy the beauty of the countryside.
4) When you return to the city, you will be able to visit muse-
ums and picture galleries.
5) If you live in the city, you will be able to have a lot of fun in
city parks.
6) If you prefer to stay in the city you won`t be able to take long
walks in the forest.
a) JZa^_ebl_ ijbeZ]Zl_evgu_ gZ ljb dZl_]hjbb:
1) l_, dhlhju_ hibku\Zxl `bagv \ ]hjh^_, 2) l_, dhlhju_ hib-
ku\Zxl `bagv aZ ]hjh^hf, 3) l_, dhlhju_ hibku\Zxl `bagv \ ]h-
jh^_ b aZ ]hjh^hf.
1) clean, slow, healthy, friendly, boring, quiet;
2) dirty, dangerous, modern, big, expensive, noisy;
3) interesting, busy, beautiful.
b) Bkihevamcl_ keh\Z \ur_, qlh[u k^_eZlv wlb ij_^eh`_gby
ijZ\bevgufb b kjZ\gbl_ ]hjh^kdmx b ^_j_\_gkdmx `bagv.
1) more dangerous
2) more dirty
3) bigger
4) less beautiful
5) more expensive
6) less boring
7) busier
11. Bkihevamcl_ less, fewer beb more, qlh[u ^hihegblv
ij_^eh`_gby b k^_eZlv bo ijZ\bevgufb.
1. There is less noise in the country than in the city. 2. There are
more tall trees in the country, but there are more tall buildings in the
city. 3. There are fewer people in the country. 4. The life is more ex-
pensive in the city, but it is less healthy. 5. There are fewer cars and
buses in the country. 6. There are more modern conveniences in the
city. 7. Life is less boring in the city.
12. IjhqblZcl_ aZljZgkdb[bjh\Zggu_ keh\Z.
1) pigeon
2) creature
3) species
4) extinct
5) destroy
6) cure
7) damage
8) reptile
9) mammal
10) habitat
11) insect
12) endanger
13) cardboard
14) include
15) savanna
16. GZah\bl_ 3 \_sb, dhlhju_ fh]ml [ulv [_ahiZkgufb.
Pillows, books and CDs can be safe.
17. >hihegbl_ ij_^eh`_gby, bkihevamy keh\Z: a shortage,
waste, destruction, pollution, poison, population (2), nuclear weapons.
1) population
2) pollution
3) population
4) waste
5) destruction
6) a shortage
7) poison
7) nuclear weapons
18. Ijb^mfZcl_, dZd emqr_ \k_]h \ujZablv lh `_ kZfh_ gZ
1) Y^_jgZy \hcgZ
2) Y^_jgh_ hjm`b_
3) Y^_jgu_ bkiulZgby
4) Y^_jgZy wg_j]by
5) Y^_jgZy fhsv
1) JZkdju\Zlv lZcgm
2) JZaj_rZlv ijh[e_fm
3) Hl]Z^u\Zlv aZ]Z^dm
4) MkljZgylv ljm^ghklv
5) J_rZlv aZ^Zqm
1) <uau\Zlv aZ]jyag_gb_
2) <uau\Zlv kf_jlv
3) <uau\Zlv jZajmr_gb_
4) <uau\Zlv ijh[e_fm
5) <uau\Zlv [he_agb
1) G_^hklZlhd lh\Zjh\
2) G_^hklZlhd hjm`by
3) G_^hklZlhd _^u
4) G_^hklZlhd \h^u
5) G_^hklZlhd jZ[hqbo
1) JZajmr_gb_ gZ^_`^
2) Ih\j_`^_gb_ hahgh\h]h kehy
3) Mgbqlh`_gb_ ljhibq_kdbo e_kh\
4) Mgbqlh`_gb_ fhj_c b j_d
1) ;_ahiZkgh_ iml_r_kl\b_
2) ;_ahiZkgZy ih_a^dZ
3) ;_ahiZkgh_ fhjkdh_ iml_r_kl\b_
4) ;_ahiZkgZy fZrbgZ
5) ;_ahiZkgh_ f_klh
OjmidZy ieZg_lZ
Keh\h hdjm`ZxsZy kj_^Z hagZqZ_l ijhklh lh, qlh gZk hdjm-
`Z_l. G_dhlhju_ ex^b `b\ml \ ]hjh^kdhc hdjm`Zxs_c kj_^_;
^ey ^jm]bo, hdjm`ZxsZy kj_^Z wlh k_evkdZy f_klghklv. Gh
\ha^mo, dhlhjuf fu ^urbf, ihq\Z gZ dhlhjhc fu klhbf b oh-
^bf, \h^Z dhlhjmx fu ivzf wlh \k_ qZklb hdjm`Zxs_c kj_^u.
< gZrb ^gb ex^b ihgbfZxl, dZd \Z`gh j_rZlv ijh[e_fu hd-
jm`Zxs_c kj_^u, dhlhju_ klZ\yl ih^ m]jham q_eh\_q_kdb_ `ba-
gb. KZfu_ k_jvzagu_ ijh[e_fu hdjm`Zxs_c kj_^u ke_^mxsb_:
H JZaebqgu_ nhjfu aZ]jyag_gby (aZ]jyag_gb_ \h^u, aZ-
]jyag_gb_ \ha^moZ, y^_jgh_ aZ]jyag_gb_);
H Rmf hl fZrbg, Z\lh[mkh\, kZfhe_lh\, b l.^.;
H JZajmr_gb_ `b\hc ijbjh^u b djZkhlu k_evkdhc f_klghklb;
H G_^hklZlhd _kl_kl\_gguo j_kmjkh\ (f_lZeeh\, jZaebqguo
\b^h\ lhieb\Z);
H Jhkl gZk_e_gby.
AZ]jyag_gb_ \h^u
<h^Z, \h^Z ih\kx^m, gb h^ghc dZieb, qlh[u \uiblv, kdZaZe
fhjyd ba ihwfu Dhe_jb^`Z, hibku\Zy ^jm]m, dZd m`Zkgh [ueh [u
[ulv [_a iblv_\hc \h^u gZ dhjZ[e_ ihkj_^b hd_ZgZ. KljZggh ^m-
fZlv, qlh \h^Z \hdjm] _]h dhjZ[ey [ueZ \iheg_ [_ahiZkgZ ^ey ib-
lvy. HgZ [ueZ khezghc gh g_ aZ]jyag_gghc. Fhjkdb_ \h^u k_]h-
^gy ]hjZa^h [he__ hiZkgu. G_l gb h^gh]h hd_ZgZ beb fhjy,
dhlhjuc g_ bkihevam_lky dZd k\ZedZ. Lbobc hd_Zg hkh[_ggh ih-
kljZ^Ze hl y^_jgh]h aZ]jyag_gby ba-aZ bkiulZgby lZf njZgpma-
kdbf ijZ\bl_evkl\hf y^_jgh]h hjm`by. Fgh]b_ fhjy bkihevamxl-
ky ^ey k\Zedb ijhba\h^kl\_gguo y^_jguo hloh^h\. H^gZ ;jblZgby
k[jZku\Z_l 250 luk. lhgg ijhba\h^kl\_gguo hloh^h\ ijyfh \ K_-
\_jgh_ fhj_. Wlh hljZ\ey_l b m[b\Z_l ju[m b fhjkdbo `b\hlguo.
(HljZ\e_ggZy jZ^bZpb_c ju[Z fh`_l [ulv kt_^_gZ ex^vfb.)
Fgh]b_ j_db b ha_jZ lZd`_ hljZ\e_gu. Ju[u b j_ilbebb g_
fh]ml `blv \ gbo. < \h^_ g_^hklZlhqgh dbkehjh^Z. < lZdbo f_k-
lZo \k_ ilbpu [jhkZxl f_klZ k\h_]h h[blZgby b fgh]b_ jZkl_gby
mfbjZxl. ?keb ex^b [m^ml iblv wlm \h^m hgb lZd`_ fh]ml mf_-
j_lv. Wlh kemqZ_lky ihlhfm, qlh nZ[jbdb b aZ\h^u ijhba\h^yl
fgh]h hloh^h\ b keb\Zxl bo \ j_db. LZd qlh hgb hljZ\eyxl \h^m.
NZ[jbdb bkihevamxl qbklmx \h^m. Ihke_ lh]h, dZd \h^Z bkihev-
ah\ZgZ, hgZ b^_l h[jZlgh \ j_db, ha_jZ b fhjy.
AZ]jyag_gb_ \ha^moZ
Dh]^Z Zf_jbdZgpu j_rbeb ihqbklblv klZlmx K\h[h^u \ 1986
]h^m, i_j\h_, qlh bf gm`gh [ueh k^_eZlv, wlh ijh^_eZlv ^ujm \
_z ghk_ b m[jZlv dbkehlguc ^h`^v, dhlhjuc kdhibeky \gmljb.
AZ]jyagzgguc \ha^mo Gvx-ChjdZ kf_rZeky k ^h`^zf b hq_gv
kbevgh ijh\j_^be klZlmx. B \u, jZamf__lky, agZ_l_, qlh [hevrZy
yZqlv aZ]jyag_gbc \ [hevrbo ]hjh^Zo ijhbkoh^bl hl fZrbg b Z\-
<kz qZs_ b qZs_ ex^yf j_dhf_g^mxl g_ gZoh^blky ih^ ijy-
fuf kheg_qguf k\_lhf, ihlhfm qlh mevljZnbhe_lh\Zy jZ^bZpby
hl khegpZ fh`_l \ua\Zlv jZd dh`b.
H[uqgh kehc hahgZ \ Zlfhkn_j_ aZsbsZ_l gZk hl lZdhc jZ-
^bZpbb, gh _keb kms_kl\mxl ^uju \ hahgh\hf keh_, lh mevljZ-
nbhe_lh\Zy jZ^bZpby fh`_l ihiZklv gZ a_fex. Fgh]b_ mq_gu_
^mfZxl, qlh wlb ^uju j_amevlZl aZ]jyag_gby \ha^moZ.
:lhfgu_ we_dljhklZgpbb fh]ml \uclb ba kljhy b \ua\Zlv
y^_jgh_ aZ]jyag_gb_. Wlh kemqbehkv \ <bg^kd_ce_ \ ;jblZgbb, gZ
Lj_ofbevghf hkljh\_ KR: b \ Q_jgh[ue_, ij_`g_f KKKJ.
Y^_jgh_ aZ]jyag_gb_ g_evay m\b^_lv, gh _]h \ha^_ckl\b_ fh`_l
[ulv m`Zkguf.
>ey lh]h, qlh[u aZgh\h hqbklv \ha^mo gZf gm`gu ohjhrb_
nbevlju gZ Zlhfguo we_dljhklZgpbyo, gZ nZ[jbdZo b aZ\h^Zo, Z
lZd`_ \ fZrbgZo b Z\lh[mkZo.
B qbkluc \ha^mo, b qbklZy \h^Z g_h[oh^bfu ^ey gZr_]h a^hjh-
\vy. ?keb ex^b ohlyl \u`blv hgb ^he`gu [ukljh j_rblv wlb
ijh[e_fu. Q_eh\_d gZqbgZ_l ihgbfZlv, qlh _]h hdjm`ZxsZy kj_^Z
wlh g_ lhevdh _]h ]hjh^ beb kljZgZ, Z \ky a_fey. <hl ihq_fm
ex^b \h \k_f fbj_ lZd fgh]h ^mfZxl b ]h\hjyl h[ wdheh]bb.
27. GZibrbl_ ij_^eh`_gby h >`hg_ ^ey lh]h, qlh[u ihdZ-
aZlv, qlh hg \kz \j_fy ohq_l [ulv ihoh`bf gZ GbdZ. (Mij. 12).
1) Nick likes crocodiles. So does John.
2) Nick has never seen a bee. Neither has John.
3) Yesterday Nick ate 10 ice-creams. So did John.
4) Nick can`t swim at all. Neither can John.
5) Nick is going to be a butcher. So is John.
6) Nick was flying in his dream. So was John.
7) Nick must cook supper for the whole family. So must John.
8) Nick will be one hundred years old tomorrow. So will John.
28. <u ]hlh\bl_ ijh\_jhqgmx jZ[hlm ih ]_h]jZnbb ^ey k\h-
bo ^jma_c. KhklZ\vl_ \hijhku h g_dhlhjuo bgl_j_kguo nZdlZo.
Hl\_lu gZ \k_ \hijhku m`_ ]hlh\u.
1) Which is the largest city in USA?
2) Which is the highest top?
3) Which is the largest country in the world?
4) Which is the longest river in Africa?
5) Which is the longest river in South America?
6) Which is the biggest ocean?
7) Which is the largest state in USA?
8) Which is the hottest continent?
31. GZibrbl_ lh `_ kZfh_ gZ Zg]ebckdhf.
a) 1. If we can solve ecological problems, we will safe the world.
2. People will be more healthy, if the pollution of air is stopped. 3. If
different countries test nuclear weapons, it will cause radioactive pol-
lution. 4. If factories pour waste into the rivers, the water there will be
poisoned. 5. We will survive if we protect the nature all together.
b) 1. When you go to the south, try not to stay under the straight
sunbeams too long. 2. When we take part in the TV show, we will
discuss ecological problems. 3. When ecology becomes better, ani-
mals will return to their habitats. 4. You will learn about rare and ex-
tinct species of animals when you read this book. 5. Little Peter will
be able to see different species of mammals, birds, reptiles and in-
sects, when he goes to the zoo with his Mum.
32. GZibrbl_ ij_^eh`_gby h >`hg_ ^ey lh]h, qlh[u ihdZ-
aZlv, qlh hg \kz \j_fy ohq_l [ulv ihoh`bf gZ GbdZ. (Mij. 12).
1) Nick likes crocodiles. So does John.
2) Nick has never seen a bee. Neither has John.
3) Yesterday Nick ate 10 ice-creams. So did John.
4) Nick can`t swim at all. Neither can John.
5) Nick is going to be a butcher. So is John.
6) Nick was flying in his dream. So was John.
7) Nick must cook supper for the whole family. So must John.
8) Nick will be thirteen years old tomorrow. So will John.
33. <u ]hlh\bl_ dhgljhevgmx jZ[hlm ih ]_h]jZnbb ^ey k\hbo
^jma_c. KhklZ\vl_ \hijhku h g_dhlhjuo bgl_j_kguo nZdlZo. Hl-
\_lu m \Zk m`_ ]hlh\u.
1) Which is the largest city in the USA?
2) Which is the highest top?
3) Which is the largest country in the world?
4) Which is the longest river in Africa?
5) Which is the longest river in South America?
6) Which is the biggest ocean?
7) Which is the largest state in the USA?
8) Which is the hottest continent?
34 GZibrbl_ g_kdhevdh ij_^eh`_gbc ih h^ghc ba wdheh]b-
q_kdbo ijh[e_f, dhlhjZy ih \Zr_fm fg_gbx kZfZy k_jv_agZy.
As for me I think the water pollution is the most important eco-
logical problem. Different cars and buses, plants and factories pollute
the air we breathe in. If we don`t solve this problem quickly we won`t
survive. The polluted air can also cause acid rains and ozone holes.
Lesson 5
1. >Zcl_ gZa\Zgb_:
1) poison
2) safe
3) dump
4) weapon
5) population
6) pollution
7) ton
8) shortage
9) waste
2. GZc^bl_ ebrg__ keh\h:
1) to create
2) nuclear
3) population
4) bare
5) waste
1) Speaker, speaking
2) buyer
3) destroyer, destruction
4) creator, creation
5) dumpier, dumping
6) picnicker
1) operation, operator
2) illustration, illustrator
3) radiator, radiation
4) cooperation, cooperator
1) calmness
2) illness
3) softness
4) darkness
a) DZdb_ ijbeZ]Zl_evgu_ \u fh`_l_ h[jZah\Zlv ba ke_^mx-
sbo kms_kl\bl_evguo ijb ihfhsb kmnnbdkZ less?
Penniless, landless, hairless, luckless, sunless, moonless, hopeless,
lifeless, sleepless.
b) KhklZ\vl_ 6 ijZ\bevguo ij_^eh`_gbc k wlbfb ijbeZ]Z-
1) This girl is almost hairless.
2) What a sunless summer day!
3) There are moonless nights in the big city.
4) This wicked boy is hopeless.
5) Just look at this lifeless glance.
6) I spent a sleepless night yesterday.
a) Ih^mfZcl_, dZd ijZ\bevgh kdZaZlv lh `_ kZfh_ gZ jmk-
1) ;_a^hfgu_ ex^b; aZsblZ hdjm`Zxs_c kj_^u; ]hjh^ k
gZk_e_gb_f k\ur_ 3 fbeebhgh\; ^Zevg_cr__ jZa\blb_ kljZgu;
gZklhysZy k\_`_klv \ha^moZ; ykgh \b^_lv; e_]dh kijZ\blvky k jZ-
[hlhc; [_a\h^gu_ f_klZ; aZ]jyagylv Zlfhkn_jm; gZk_eylv jZchg;
mijZ\eylv kljZghc; ebqgh y ^mfZx .; \Z`gh_ khljm^gbq_kl\h;
]h\hjblv \eZklgh.
2) Ih^h]j_lv h[_^; hljZ\blv \jZ]Z; ijh]ghabjh\Zlv ih]h^m;
k[jZku\Zlv fmkhj; bkiulu\Zlv y^_jgh_ hjm`b_; \j_^blv hdjm-
`Zxs_c kj_^_; \ebylv gZ ]hkm^Zjkl\h.
b) Ijb^mfZcl_ ijZ\bevgu_ ij_^eh`_gby k wlbfb keh\Zjgufb
khq_lZgbyfb b gZibrbl_ g_ f_g__ iylb ba gbo.
1) There are a lot of homeless people in the big cities.
2) This man did the job easily.
3) The protection of the environment is one of the most impor-
tant tasks nowadays.
4) People often dump rubbish in the places that are not intended
for it.
5) No one can damage the environment as seriouslyas people can.
Sports: to row, chess, boating, rugby, cricket, athletics, hockey,
golf, team, horse-riding, competition.
Shopping: the baker`s, the grocer`s, the butcher`s, to buy, to sell,
to wrap, the fishmonger`s, to pay, a sweet shop.
Health: headache, sick, a stomach, earache, ill, toothache, to hurt,
blood pressure, pulse, cottage, lungs, to recover, to cough, to sneeze,
a throat, to cure, pain, a prescription, medicine.
Eood: pancakes, cream, a loaf of bread, pork, a jar of honey,
cheese, dairy products, sour cream, a pound of bacon, a soft drink, a
packet of biscuits, to fry, a bar of chocolate.
to ruin to spoil, a little a bit, a crisis a disaster, help
cooperation, litter rubbish, to try to test, to make dirty and dan-
gerous to pollute, to surprise unpleasantly to shock, to take
away to clear away, to begin working to set to work.
H[s_kl\h ih qbkld_ k_evkdhc f_klghklb
(Ebg^Z ;ewd, 12 e_l)
<bdb \ha\jZsZeZkv ba k\h_c fZe_gvdhc ^_j_\_gkdhc rdheu b
wlh [ue h^bg ba ihke_^gbo ^g_c q_l\_jlb. GZ g_[_ [ueh khegp_,
b ilbpu i_eb k\hb djZkb\u_ i_kgb. <bdb ex[beZ k_evkdmx f_-
klghklv b ijh`beZ a^_kv \kx k\hx `bagv. Ih]h^Z [ueZ lZdhc
ij_djZkghc, qlh <bdb j_rbeZ ihclb ih [he__ ^ebgghfm imlb, d
dhll_^`m, ]^_ hgZ `beZ. HgZ ijhoh^beZ q_j_a fZe_gvdmx jhsm,
]^_ hgZ ijb\udeZ b]jZlv. <bdb [ueZ rhdbjh\ZgZ, m\b^_\, qlh
jhsZ \u]ey^_eZ m`Zkgh: hgZ [ueZ gZiheg_gZ fmkhjhf. <bdb [_-
`ZeZ \k_ ^hjh]m gZaZ^ ^hfhc. ?c gm`gh [ueh qlh-lh k^_eZlv k
wlbf [_ah[jZab_f. <^jm] m g_z ihy\beZkv b^_y. HgZ kha^Zkl k\hz
kh[kl\_ggh_ h[s_kl\h ih hqbkld_ k_evkdhc f_klghklb.
Dh]^Z <bdb ijbreZ ^hfhc, hgZ iha\hgbeZ q_lujzf k\hbf
rdhevguf ^jmavyf: Webk, Jhab, Dwlb b >`_cg. Hgb \k_ kh]eZkb-
ebkv \klj_lblvky k g_c \ jhs_. >_\hqdb ijbgyebkv aZ jZ[hlm, gZ-
ihegyy [hevrb_ q_jgu_ ieZklbdh\u_ iZd_lu fmkhjhf. Wlh [ueZ
ly`zeZy jZ[hlZ, gh \kdhj_ \_kv fmkhj [ue kh[jZg b e_k kgh\Z \u-
]ey^_e djZkb\h.
GZ ke_^mxsbc ^_gv m h[s_kl\Z [ueZ ^jm]Zy \klj_qZ. K_]h-
^gy fu ^he`gu ijhgZ[ex^Zlv aZ ex^vfb, dhlhju_ mkljZb\Zxl
fmkhjgu_ k\Zedb gZ ijbjh^_.
<k_ kh]eZkbebkv. <kdhj_ Jhab b >`_cg aZf_lbeb hl^uoZx-
sbo. Hl^uoZxsb_ aZdZgqb\Zeb k\hc ibdgbd b hklZ\beb \_kv fm-
khj gZ a_fe_.
Qlh \u kh[bjZ_l_kv ^_eZlv kh \k_f wlbf fmkhjhf, dhlhjuc
\u hklZ\beb? kijhkbeb ^_\hqdb.
Y g_ agZx, qlh \u bf__l_ \ \b^m, kdZaZe \ukhdbc fm`-
qbgZ k Zf_jbdZgkdbf Zdp_glhf.
<u lhevdh ih^mfZcl_, kdZaZeZ <bdb. Ih^mfZcl_ h[
wlbo klzdeZo, dhlhju_ \u hklZ\beb hl \k_o wlbo [Zghd k dhehc b
ih^mfZcl_, dZd [_ah[jZagh [m^_l \u]ey^_lv aZfmkhj_ggh_ lZdbf
h[jZahf f_klh.
XgZy e_^b ijZ\Z, kdZaZeZ `_gsbgZ k fZe_gvdhc reyi-
dhc gZ ]heh\_. Fu g_ fh`_f hklZ\blv a^_kv \_kv wlhl fmkhj.
IjZ\bevgh, kdZaZeZ <bdZ. <hl, \havfbl_ wlhl iZd_l.
KiZkb[h <Zf, ^_\hqdb, kdZaZeb hgb, aZ lh, qlh ihfh]-
eb gZf ihgylv, qlh ^_j_\gy djZkb\h_ f_klh b qlh fu g_ ^he`gu
aZ]jyagylv _z.
AZl_f hg \k_ k_eb \ k\hx Zf_jbdZgkdmx fZrbgm b ih_oZeb \
]hjh^. <bdb b __ ^jmavy aZdjbqZeb:
Ljh_djZlgh_ MJ:! GZr_fm h[s_kl\m! =bi-]bi, mjZ! =bi-
]bi, mjZ! =bi-]bi, mjZ!
<u fh`_l_ ij_^klZ\blv k_[_ dZd m^b\e_gu [ueb ^_\hqdb, dh-
]^Z gZ ke_^mxs__ mljh bo mqbl_ev _kl_kl\hagZgby, fbkl_j ;_j^,
jZkkdZaZe deZkkm h[ wdheh]bb b \Z`ghklb kh^_j`Zgby hdjm`Zx-
s_c kj_^u \ qbklhl_. Hg kdZaZe, qlh aZ]jyag_gb_ mom^rZ_lky b
mom^rZ_lky, qlh e_]dh fh`_l ijb\_klb gZk d ]eh[Zevghc dZlZkl-
jhn_. J_amevlZlhf djbabkZ hdjm`Zxs_c kj_^u [ueh lh, qlh \h
fgh]bo qZklyo k\_lZ ex^b gZqbgZeb kljZ^Zlv hl g_o\Zldb _^u b
qbklhc \h^u ^ey lh]h, qlh[u \u`blv. Gh fbkl_j ;_j^ kdZaZe, qlh
\k_]^Z _klv gZ^_`^Z. Ex^b m`_ magZeb g_dhlhju_ ijZ\beZ, dZd
aZsbsZlv hdjm`Zxsmx kj_^m.
Hibrbl_ jhsm, i_j_^ l_f dZd ^_\hqdb m[jZeb _z b ihke_ wlh-
1. There was a terrible mess in the grove. It was pilled with rub-
bish. A lot of litter was thrown around: bits of glass from bottles,
plastic bottles, paper and plastic bags, broken branches; it looked
really ugly.
2. The litter was cleared away. It was picked up and put into spe-
cial plastic bags. The grove began to look wonderful again. It was
clean and tidy. There were no rubbish under the trees and bushes. It
was a great place to live in, a healthy habitat for animals.
GZibrbl_ lh `_ kZfh_ gZ Zg]ebckdhf.
1. The teacher asked Anna what international organizations she
knew. 2. There was a terrible mess in the room. 3. Little Nick said
that his father praised him. 4. Marry wanted to know where we would
plant trees. 5. Granny said that last winter was very cold and they had
to feed animals. 7. Masha asked me not to leave rubbish in the gar-
den. 8. Bob said that he always switched off the light when he went
out of the room. 9. The speaker advised us to economize energy and
to use less electricity and gas.
Lesson 6
Wdheh]by q_eh\_dZ
Wlh fh`_l a\mqZlv kf_rgh ^ey \Zk, gh q_eh\_d gm`^Z_lky \
aZsbl_ b moh^_ lZd `_, dZd `b\hlgu_. F_klZ h[blZgby ex^_c
bo ^hfZ, ]hjh^db b ]hjh^Z ^he`gu kh^_j`Zlvky wdheh]bq_kdb
qbklufb. < f_klZo, ]^_ ex^b ivxl hljZ\e_ggmx \h^m, _^yl
iehomx ibsm b ^urZl aZ]jyagzgguf \ha^mohf, hgb kljZ^Zxl hl
k_jvzaguo aZ[he_\Zgbc b jZgh mfbjZxl, bo ^_lb jh`^Zxlky keZ-
[ufb. GbdZdb_ e_dZjkl\Z, ijhibkZggu_ ^hdlhjZfb, g_ fh]ml ih-
fhqv bf. WlZ ijh[e_fZ klZgh\blky \k_ [he__ b [he__ k_jvzaghc k
dZ`^uf ^gzf. Kh\j_f_gguc h[jZa `bagb, dh]^Z ex^b bf_xl
gZb[hevrmx nbabq_kdmx Zdlb\ghklv, bkihevamxl fZrbgm \f_-
klh ijh]mehd i_rdhf, kfhljyl l_e_\bahj fgh]h qZkh\ ih^jy^ b
jZ[hlZxl gZ dhfivxl_jZo, ij_\jZsZ_l bo \ [_agh]bo kha^Zgbc.
To forecast weather, climatic changes, to solve the problem, a
shortage of drinking water, nuclear energy, to be the cause of destruc-
tion, air pollution, to survive, habitat, below zero, the greenhouse ef-
fect, ozone holes, to influence on environment, extinct species of ani-
mals, to cure diseases, to destroy forests, to throw waste into the rivers.
The teacher asked Anna what international organizations she
knew. 2. There was a terrible mess in the room. 3. Little Nick said his
father praised him. 4. Marry wanted to know where we would plant
trees. 5. Granny said that the last winter was very cold and they had
to feed animals. 7. Masha asked me not to leave rubbish in the gar-
den. 8. Bob said that he always switched off the light when he went
out of the room. 9. The speaker advised us to economize energy and
to use less electricity and gas.
Lesson 7
6. JmkkdZy ^_\hqdZ, Hev]Z, ijb_a`Z_l \ ;jblZgbx 30-]h hd-
ly[jy. HgZ kh[bjZ_lky `blv \ Zg]ebckdhc k_fv_. Webk, klZjrZy
^hqv, kh[bjZ_lky \aylv Hev]m gZ ijZa^gbd OweehmbgZ. IjhqblZc-
l_ bo ^bZeh] b kdZ`bl_, ihq_fm Hev]Z lZd m^b\e_gZ.
Olga is so surprised because she has never known anything about
Hallowe`en. She has never known that in Hallowe`en people dress up
in strange costumes and pretend they`re ghosts and witches. They
play games and dance and when the party is over they put on white
sheets and knock on their neighbours` doors asking if they would like
a trick or a treat. If they give them some sweets, nuts or cakes
they go away but if the neighbours don`t, they make a lot of noise and
throw flour on their front doorstep. And this day people also cut an
ugly face in a pumpkin and put a candle inside. It shines through the
eye holes.
11. GZibrbl_ g_kdhevdh ij_^eh`_gbc ih h^ghfm ba h]eZ\e_-
gbc ba mij. 9.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is an
island state: it occupies the territory of the British Isles and is com-
posed of some 5,500 islands, large and small. The two main islands
are: Great Britain (in which are England, Wales and Scotland) to the
east and Ireland (in which are Northern Ireland and the independent
Republic of Ireland) to the west. They are separated by the Irish Sea.
Lesson 8
1. Ihkfhljbl_ gZ dhfiZk b ^Zcl_ gZa\Zgb_ \k_f pbnjZf.
3) the east
5) the south
6) the south-west
7) the west
1) Its, its
2) Its
3) It`s, it`s
4) Its
5) Its
6) It`s
7) It`s
9) Its
8. KhklZ\vl_ 6 (33) ij_^eh`_gbc k its b it`s.
1) This film is famous for its actors.
2) I like this car for its safety.
3) People like to stay in/at this hotel because of its service.
4) It`s the most unbelievable thing I``ve heard.
5) It`s too late to go for a walk.
6) It`s her book, not mine.
9. >Zcl_ Zg]ebckdb_ wd\b\Ze_glu:
1) a laughing girl,
2) playing children,
3) falling leaves,
4) a smiling woman,
5) a flying bird,
6) a swimming duck.
a) >_\hqdZ, ]h\hjysZy k Lhfhf; kZfhezl, e_lysbc \ g_[_;
ilbpZ, ihxsZy gZ ^_j_\_; \hkoh^ys__ khegp_; ^_lb, ieZ\Zxsb_ \
fhj_; aZ\h^u, ijhba\h^ysb_ ibsm; ex^b, `b\msb_ \ ]hjh^Zo.
b) The girl talking to Tom is his sister.
There were many clouds and we could not see the plane flying in
the sky.
The bird singing in the tree is not a pigeon, dear.
Let`s get up early tomorrow and go and watch the rising sun.
The children swimming in the sea were laughing loudly.
11. >Zcl_ Zg]ebckdb_ wd\b\Ze_glu:
a finished letter, a written poem, forgotten rule, a destroyed town,
cooked dinner, a broken plate.
a) Bklhjby, jZkkdZaZggZy fh_c [Z[mrdhc; nhlh]jZnbb, kgy-
lu_ \ Ehg^hg_; hrb[db, ^hims_ggu_ \ l_kl_; ih^Zjhd, dmie_g-
guc ^ey fh_]h [jZlZ; h[_^u, ijb]hlh\e_ggu_ fZfhc; jZajmr_g-
gu_ aZfdb; ibkvfZ, ihemq_ggu_ \q_jZ.
1) I have brought you the pictures taken in London.
2) The teacher was surprised at Tim`s mistakes made in the test.
3) I can tell you the story told by my Granny.
4) Vegetables cooked by Mother are always tasty.
5) The letters received yesterday should be translated immedi-
1) shown
2) separating
3) called
4) built
5) brought
6) discovered
7) defending
8) living
17. Ijhkfhljbl_ mij. 14, b mij. 15 b \u[_jbl_ keh\Z, ih^oh-
^ysb_ d wlbf dZl_]hjbyf:
a) places: lowlands, highlands, waterfall, birthplace, university,
scenery, a plain, a meadow, a valley, a hedge, attract, flat.
b) People and their occupations: holiday-makers, pirates, ruler, to
admire, to excite, exciting, attractive, rest, a shape, to connect, position.
26. GZah\bl_ 3 nZdlZ h dZ`^hf j_]bhg_ \ :g]ebb, dhgkmev-
lbjmcl_kv k l_dklhf lhevdh, _keb wlh g_h[oh^bfh.
1) The Southeast is a highly populated region of England. Lon-
don, the capital of the UK, and such historical cities as Windsor, Do-
ver and Brighton are situated there. Heathrow Airport, one of the
world`s busiest airports, is also situated there.
2) The Southwest is a region where the main activity is farming.
It is known for its pirates. The famous Stonehenge is situated there.
3) East Anglia has cities with fine historic cal buildings such as
Cambridge. It is more than half surrounded by the sea. It used to be
partially covered by the sea and now produces good harvest.
4) The Midlands are known as the heart of England. Manchester,
Sheffield, Liverpool and Birmingham are situated there. Stratford-
upon-Avon and Oxford are also there.
5) The North of England has some of the wildest and loneliest
parts of the country. This part of the country is rich in coal. The main
attractions there are the Lake District, the cities of York and Newcas-
Is, came, giving, talks, spent, exploring, been, got, was, reading,
gave, looked, saw, admired, decided, becoming, went, felt, taken,
spent, explored, been, been, go, starting, arriving, going, took, dis-
covering, been.
a) 1. Oxford, an old English university town. It is situated in the
Midlands to the north-west of London. 2. Sheffield is famous for its
steel industry. It is situated to the west of Manchester. 3. Brighton is a
resort town, situated in the south of England. 4. It`s very interesting to
visit the county of Kent. Tourists always admire its wonderful
gardens. 5. The Lake District of England is situated in the north-west
of the country. It`s a very romantic place, famous for its valleys,
mountains, lakes and waterfalls.
b) 1. The south-east of England is famous for its flat plains, where a
lot of farms are situated. 2. Valleys and meadows always attract a lot of
tourists. 3. Hedges in England divide fields. 4. English landscape is fa-
mous for its hedges and green meadows. 5. I admire people that travel,
discover new lands and explore. 6. My father has already been to North
Ireland, but he hasn`t seen other parts of Great Britain yet.
c) 1. What area of England is rich in coal? 2. Where do the famous
resort towns of England situated? 3. Where were William
Shakespeare and Oliver Cromvel born? 4. Why did roman ruler
Hadrian order to build a wall in the north of England? 5. What cities
of England are connected with English culture? 6. What area of
England was covered with sea? 7. Why does the area of the south-
west counties attract holidaymakers? 8. Does the airport of Heathrow
situated far from London? How far?
Lesson 9
1. What dry weather! 2. What important news! 3. What a bitter
orange! 4. What an exciting thought! 5. What beautiful long hair!
6.What fresh vegetables! 7. What a big potato! 8. What a sweet
carrot! 9. What an unusual landscape! 10. What wet climate!
1) I can buy fish at the fishmonger`s.
2) I can buy flour at the grocer`s.
3) I can buy a cake at the supermarket.
4) I can buy sour cream at the dairy.
5) I can buy potatoes at the greengrocer`s.
6) I can buy a loaf of bread at the supermarket.
7) I can buy beef at the butcher`s.
8) I can buy fresh milk at the dairy.
9) I can buy sausages at the butcher`s.
10) I can buy a carton of cream at the dairy.
11) I can buy a pound of bacon at the butcher`s.
12) I can buy a tin of fruit at the greengrocer`s.
1. The day was so exciting. 2. It is such a good idea. 3. Her health
is so poor. 4. Life in the Highlands is so lonely. 5. The weather in
Russia is becoming so changeable. 6. You shouldn`t make such silly
jokes. 7. It`s such nasty weather today! 8. She spends a lot of money
on such expensive books. 9. They have always so such happy to-
gether. 10. My baby brother is such a little dear.
1) reasons
2) crowns
3) reminds
4) character
5) politics
6) owns
7) residence
8) classical
9) reigns
10) touched
11) tragedy
12) official
1) Prince Henry is Lady Diana`s younger son.
2) Princess Anne is the Queen Mother`s granddaughter.
3) Princess Margaret is the Queen Mother`s daughter.
4) The Queen is Princess Anne`s mother.
5) Prince William is Prince Philip`s grandson.
6) The Queen is Princess Margaret`s sister.
7) Prince Henry is Princess Beatrice`s cousin.
8) Prince Andrew is Prince Edward`s brother.
1) There are 17 members in the Windsor family.
2) No, not all of them are married.
3) The Queen has got six children.
4) The queen is married to prince Philip.
5) She has a sister, Princess Margaret.
6) Prince Charles is the Queen`s eldest child.
7) Prince Edward is the Queen`s youngest child.
8) Prince Charles and Lady Diana are their parents.
9) Prince Charles can be the next monarch after Queen Eliza-
1. What a beautiful procession! The people are so happy, their
clothes are so bright. 2. How beautiful this world is! 3. My elder
brother is so clever and kind! 4. What wonderful weather is today!
The sky is so blue! And the sun is so warm! 5. How boring this film
is, it is so long. I don`t like such films. 6. What a wide avenue and
how green it is!
1. What palace is the official residence of the Queen? 2. Where
does the London Zoo situated? 3. Who ruled England at the end of
the XVI century? 4. Why was King Henrih VIII one of the important
monarchs of Britain? 5. Whose government was the longest in the
history of England? 6. When was the Spanish Armada defeated?
7. What museum in London is connected with the names of Queen
Victoria and Prince Albert? 8. When did Queen Elizabeth II come to
the throne? 9. What places in London remind us of the Royal Eamily?
10. Queen Elizabeth II is a granddaughter of Queen Victoria, isn`t it?
1) Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen.
2) Regent`s Park is the home of London Zoo.
3) King Henry VIII ruled England at the end of the XVI cen-
4) Because under him Britain became independent of the Ro-
man Catholic Church, it got richer and more powerful.
5) Queen Victoria government was the longest in the history of
6) During Queen Elizabeth`s reign the Spanish Armada was de-
7) The Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) in London is con-
nected with the names of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.
8) Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne in 1952.
9) There are many places in London reminding us of the royal
family. There are royal palaces, royal parks, roads and streets
where beautiful ceremonies are held. The most important
building is Buckingham palace.
10) Yes it is, queen Elizabeth II is a granddaughter of Queen
Lesson 10
1) public
2) throne
3) empire
4) avenue
5) control
6) classical
7) politics
8) tragedy
9) monarch
How long her reign was!
What an exciting trip it will be!
It is such a silly thing to destroy the world!
It is so old!
They are so brave and desperate!
No wonder they are such beantiful areas!
How vivid it is!
What an awful fact it is!
1) I want mother to make me a cup of tea.
2) I don`t want father to wait for me after classes.
3) I would like my friend to play football with me.
4) I expect him to come home soon.
5) I don`t expect her to go to Scotland.
6) I don`t want them to take me to Britain.
7) I would like us to go to the baker`s.
8) I want you to phone me at five.
9) I expect her to help me with Text 1.
1) My parents don`t want me to tell lies.
2) My parents want me to come home on time.
3) My parents don`t want me to smoke cigarettes.
4) My parents want me to help other people.
5) My parents want me to eat more fruit.
1) My teachers don`t expect me to be too noisy.
2) My teachers expect me to read a lot.
3) My teachers expect me to keep the environment clean.
1) I would like my fiends to be honest and brave.
2) I would like my friends to go with me to the disco.
3) I would like my friends to spend more time together.
1. Nobody wants him to do all this work alone. 2. I expect your
friends to help you to make the map of British Isles. 3. Alice would
like teachers to be kind. 4. Little Red Riding Hood didn`t expect the
wolf to run to Granny`s house. 5. We wanted you to feel comfortable.
6. She wouldn`t like us to give her advice. 7. I don`t expect them to
return soon: it`s a long way. 8. My parents don`t want me to read in
bed. 9. Children would like him to show them a new film. 10. I don`t
want her to make this mistake one more time.
1) teenager
2) deer
3) stupid
4) twins
5) banks
6) thief
7) scream
8) poetry
1) A pilot flies a plane. A dressmaker makes dresses.
2) A baker sells loafs. A journalist writes for a newspaper.
3) A greengrocer sells vegetables and fruit. A doctor cures peo-
4) A teacher teaches children. A writer writes novels, stories.
5) An actor plays in a theatre. A glove-maker makes gloves.
6) A shoemaker makes shoes. A football player plays profes-
sional football.
a) GZibrbl_ \f_kl_ ih^oh^ysb_ ih kfukem keh\Z.
Wicked witch; Twin sister; Exact time; Top shelf; Loud scream;
Teenager boy.
b) KhklZ\vl_ k\hb kh[kl\_ggu_ ij_^eh`_gby kh keh\Zjgufb
khq_lZgbyfb, dhlhju_ \u k^_eZeb.
How does wicked witch differ from a good one?
I didn`t know that she had a twin sister.
My clock shows the exact time.
This book lies on my top shelf.
He made a loud scream.
He is a teenager boy.
21. >hihegbl_ ij_^eh`_gby. <klZ\vl_ as, at, on, against, for
_keb g_h[oh^bfh.
1) against
2) as
3) on
4) at
5) on
7) as
8) for
22. GZah\bl_ 3 \_sb, dhlhju_ fh]ml [ulv iehobfb, 2 \_sb,
dhlhju_ fh]ml [ulv lhqgufb, 2 \_sb, dhlhju_ fh]ml [ulv ij_-
1) selfishness, cruelty, lie
2) time, science
3) murder, theft
1) to, to
2) -
3) to, to
4) to, to, to
5) to, -
Lesson 11
1. A birthday is a special day,
A day that`s all your own.
So hope that this one proves to be
The happiest you`ve known
2. A little card to wish Good Luck,
In the years ahead of you
Bringing you every happiness
In everything you do.
3. Sorry to hear that your are leaving,
But wherever you go
Whatever you do,
The best of good wishes go with you, too.
Lesson 13
1) Ramon woke up, lay in bed for a while and then got up.
2) Ramon had his breakfast, drew pictures for a while and then
went out.
3) Ramon came to the shop, looked for pens and pencils for a
while and then went to school.
4) Ramon came home, built up a toy castle for a while and then
went to his friend`s.
5) Ramon saw a big dog in the street, kept silent for a while and
then ran away.
6) Ramon made his homework on English, learnt a poem by
heart for a while and then went to watch TV.
7) Ramon went to the kitchen, made supper for a while and then
began to eat.
8) Ramon went out, rode a bike for a while and then returned
9) Ramon sat on the chair, wrote poetry for a while and then
went to sleep.
10) Ramon went to the library, read a novel for a while and then
went to the dining-room.
11) Ramon came from school, stood on his head for a while and
then began to do his homework.
12) Ramon called his friend, spoke on the phone for a while and
then went to the party.
13) Ramon went to the country, swam in the lake for a while and
then returned home.
6. Hldjhcl_ kdh[db b ^hihegbl_ ^bZeh].
1) ask
2) speak
3) to speak
4) like
5) to name
6) to mention
7) to be
8) to become
9) to become
1) Teresa wants the twins to help her about the house.
2) The teacher didn`t expect her pupils to like poetry so
3) I don`t want you to scream in the top of your voice,
said mother to her son.
4) We would like you to walk on the bank of the river for a
5) Nobody expects teenagers to earn their living.
6) I wouldn`t like you to read criminal stories.
7) The parents of W. Shakespeare wanted him to become a
8) Do you really expect there will be a lot of deers in our forest?
9) I don`t want you to be friendly with this wicked boy.
10) I expect you to act as you please.
11. >hihegbl_ ij_^eh`_gby. Bkihevamcl_ to let, to make, to
be allowed, to be made.
1) make
2) made
3) let
4) let
5) were made
6) were allowed
12. <klZ\vl_ to, ]^_ g_h[oh^bfh.
2) to
3) to
5) to
6) to
7) to
1) We were allowed to visit Royal Palace.
2) Tom Kenty was made to rule England, though he wasn`t a king.
3) I`ll make you remember this, shouted the women.
4) We just want you to do what we are asking you about.
5) I didn`t expect him to know poetry so good.
6) Children wanted parents to read them a book about pirates.
7) I will make you tell me the truth! shouted Nelly in the
top of her voice.
8) We don`t expect you to believe us.
16. >hihegbl_ ij_^eh`_gby k so . that. <u[_jbl_ khhl\_l-
kl\mxs__ ijbeZ]Zl_evgh_.
1) so smart that
2) so striking that
3) so busy that
4) so modest that
5) so high that
6) so picturesque that
7) so prosperous that
1) busy busy ies the busy iest
2) prosperous more prosperous the most prosperous
3) picturesque more picturesque the most picturesque
4) modest more modest the most modest
5) smart smarter the smartest
6) striking more striking the most striking
7) fragile more fragile the most fragile
8) exciting more exciting the most exciting
9) attractive more attractive the most attractive
10) touching more touching the most touching
11) stupid more stupid the most stupid
12) wicked more wicked the most wicked
1. Eew people know where Pushkin`s grave of Pushkin is situated.
2. Pushkin was buried in Svyatogorsky Monastery. 3. What a striking
woman! She knows six foreign languages. 4. Don`t wear this smart
dress to school. 5. While our travelling we saw a lot of big mountains
and picturesque valleys. 6. I can`t call this town prosperous: there are
too many poor people there. 7. Trade between west and east is devel-
oping. 8. Contrary to her elder sister she always wears modest
clothes. 9. What devotion! 10. We want to hang our pictures in the
classroom before the New Year`s evening. 11. A castle stood on the
top of the rock and seemed to be large and dangerous.
20. GZibrbl_ lh `_ kZfh_ ih-Zg]ebckdb.
1. Eew people know where the grave of Pushkin is situated.
2. Pushkin was buried in Svyatogorsky Monastery. 3. What a striking
woman! She knows six foreign languages. 4. Don`t wear this smart
dress to school. 5. During our travel we saw a lot of big mountains
and picturesque valleys. 6. I can`t call this town prosperous: there are
too many poor people in it. 7. Trade between west and east is devel-
oping. 8. Contrary to her elder sister she always wears modest
clothes. 9. What devotion! 10. We want to hang our pictures in the
class before the New Year`s evening. 11. A castle stood on the top of
the rock and seemed to be large and dangerous.
Lesson 14
1) How do we call a person who climbs the rock?
2) Are you a modest person?
3) Did you hear striking news?
4) Where else can you find such a picturesque scenery?
5) Can you tell me where Mr Brownstone was buried?
6) Is he a smart student?
7) Where did you find such a smart dress?
8) What countries first began to develop trade?
9) How many prosperous countries do you know?
10) Are you of great devotion to your friends?
Verbs: please, strike, act, bury, hang, earn, concentrate.
Nouns: twin, bank, trade, scream, rock, grave, deer, devotion,
Adjectives: picturesque, prosperous, modest, striking, stupid,
smart, busy, military.
Adverbs: wickedly, exactly.
1) Mr Stones wants Jimmy to stop screaming at the top of his
2) Jimmy`s sister doesn`t want Jimmy to tell her silly stories.
3) Jimmy`s friend would like Jimmy to include all the boys in
the list.
4) Jimmy`s mother would like Jimmy to stay in.
5) Jimmy`s teacher wants Jimmy to set to work.
6) Andrew would like Jimmy to go to the Highlands of Scot-
1) We were made to set to work.
2) Parents didn`t let children take part in the procession.
3) I made him solve the problem immediately.
4) He wasn`t allowed to buy a collection of beautiful stones.
5) The nurse was made to test the patient`s blood pressure
6) The international agreement made most of European gov-
ernments stop nuclear tests.
7) We were not allowed to mix these two gases.
8) Eather never let Sam smoke.
9) You weren`t allowed to give sugar to the dog.
10) My teacher made me act on the stage, though I don`t like per-
8. I_j_njZabjmcl_, bkihevamy dhgkljmdpbx have got to do
1. Ann has got to run. 2. Billy has got to play the piano every eve-
ning. 3. We haven`t got to wake him so early. 4. Where have you got
to go? 5. They haven`t got to learn Welsh. 6. I`ve got to phone Phil.
1) Yesterday my mother noticed me smoking.
2) You can hardly ever hear him crying.
3) We never saw him playing on computer.
4) Nobody ever watched me singing.
5) My friend always watches his sister playing the piano.
6) Once I felt somebody look at me behind.
7) I didn`t hear you wake up.
8) I noticed him doing his homework.
1. I never heard this girl laughing, None of us I never saw her
crying. 2. None of us noticed him come out of the class. 3. Betty liked
watching yellow leaves falling down from the trees. 4. Does every-
body like to hear Michael Jackson singing? 5. I felt something hot
touch my legs. 6. Have you ever seen the sun rising? 7. Little prince
watched the sun setting everyday. 8. Mother watched her daughter
playing the piano with pride. 9. Do you like to watch her dancing?
10. I heard her reading books to her little children many times.
19. K^_eZcl_ ijZ\bevguc \u[hj: on beb in.
1) on
2) on
3) in
4) in
5) in
6) on
7) in
20. Bkihevamcl_ keh\Z ba kibkdZ, qlh[u ^hihegblv l_dkl.
Paths, rocks, streams, look, brief, passport, including, injured, res-
cue, service.
21. KhklZ\vl_ 6 ij_^eh`_gbc k ijbeZ]Zl_evgufb ba mij.
1) What city is the industrial center of England?
2) We must keep our cultural values.
3) What is traditional food in Scotland?
4) Natural resources are limited.
5) This country is famous for its agricultural achievements.
6) This play has a comic shade.
after, for, up, in, at, through.
set, was, lived, had, had, went, left, looking, came, ran, saw, hid,
ran, fought, killed, lay, returned, saw, noticed, took, killed, was sleep-
ing, heard, crying, found, saw, understood, carried, collected, see.
Lesson 15
4. Bkihevamcl_ Zjlbdeb a/an ]^_ g_h[oh^bfh, qlh[u ^hihe-
gblv bklhjbx. I_j_kdZ`bl_ bklhjbx.
2) a
3) a
4) a
5) a
6) a
1) What is the colour of your sister`s hair?
2) What is the colour of your sister`s eyes?
3) It is such interesting news.
4) It is such interesting stories.
5) It is such an interesting fairy tale.
6) What sad news!
7) What sad children!
8) What a sad women!
9) It is such funny kittens!
10) It is such a funny monkey!
11) It is such funny news!
Lesson 16
1) I wouldn`t like to enter this college. I would like to look for
another one. I would like to look for it next week.
2) I don`t expect you to finish the job. I expect to finish it by
myself. I expect to finish it tomorrow.
3) I don`t want to write a letter to John. I want you to write to
him. I want you to write to him this evening.
4) I don`t expect to look after Nelly`s cat. I expect Nelly to look
after him. I expect her to look after it, because this is a cat of
her own.
5) I wouldn`t like to invite Stephen to our party. I would like
him to stay at home. I would like him to stay at home be-
cause he is such a wicked boy.
6) I don`t want to pay for the ticket. I want my sister to pay for
it. I want my sister to pay for it because she has much more
money than I have.
1) I noticed Susie passing our school across the road yesterday.
2) I heard David playing rock music in his garage the day be-
fore yesterday.
3) I watched Chris climbing that dangerous hill in the country
on Monday.
4) I saw Peter speaking to Mark in the schoolyard this morning.
5) I watched Betty put a white dress on her doll in my home last
1. Let us stay with you. 2. We expect our parents to come back
early. 3. I wouldn`t like you to drink a glass of milk. 4. I heard
someone ringing at the door. 5. We watched the ducklings swimming
in the river. 6. I want my brother to enter Moscow University. 7. I
noticed Nikolay sleeping in the chair. 8. I heard doctor Smith playing
the violin. 9. We expect spring to come soon.
7. K\_jvl_ nhjfu b agZq_gby g_ijZ\bevguo ]eZ]heh\ b ^h-
ihegbl_ lZ[ebpm.
1) become, became, , becoming
2) shine, , shone, shining
3) , thought, thought, thinking
4) smell, smelt, smelt,
5) , flew, flown, flying
6) wear, , worn, wearing
7) rise, rose, , rising
8) , lay, lain, lying
9) cost, cost, cost,
10) throw, , thrown, throwing
11) , stole, stolen, stealing
12) catch, , caught, catching
8. Ihkfhljbl_ gZ dZjlbgdb b kdZ`bl_, qlh ijhbahreh ^h
lh]h, dZd :e_dk \_jgmeky ^hfhc ba rdheu.
1) Bob had cleaned the flat with a vacuum-cleaner before Alex
came back home from school.
2) Mother had cooked dinner.
3) Granny had bought some food.
4) Eather had washed his car.
5) Ered had ridden his motorbike.
6) Caroline and Ann had fed the chickens.
7) Uncle Rodger had brought a computer.
8) Erieda had watered the flowers.
1) Her cousins had grown to young ladies.
2) A new school had appeared near her house.
3) The roads had become wider than formerly.
4) The streets had become cleaner.
5) The shops had got more modern.
5) A lot of Japanese cars had appeared on the streets.
16. Bkihevamcl_ keh\Z ba mij. 11 b mij. 12, qlh[u ^hihegblv
1) waterways
2) canoe
3) beach, beach
4) mixture
5) attractions
6) melt
7) rises
8) shore
9) shore
10) beach
11) mighty
12) chain
millions of letters, thousands of questions, hundreds of lakes, mil-
lions of faces, thousands of smiles, hundreds of voices.
five hundred words, six thousand houses, seven million trees,
three hundred balls, eight hundred toys, three million pounds, twenty
seven thousand rubles, two hundred cities.
Lesson 17
4. <u[_jbl_ h^gm ba ^\mo nhjf.
1) hundreds
2) hundred
3) millions
4) million
5) thousand
6) thousands
weathermen, greenhouse, skyscraper, holiday-maker, lowlands,
sunshine, glove-maker, rainstorm, farmland, wildlands.
1) Nick had washed his bicycle by six o`clock.
2) Jane had baked a cake by six o`clock.
3) Nick and Jane had done shopping by six o`clock.
4) Jane had taken the dog for a walk by six o`clock.
5) Nick had hung a picture by six o`clock.
6) Jane had rescued a fox by six o`clock.
7) Nick and Jane had watched a film by six o`clock.
8) Jane had looked through the magazine by six o`clock.
Bill had repaired his bicycle before noon.
Nelly had done her homework before noon.
Sarah had dug the garden before noon.
Jim had written a story for the school newspaper before noon.
Polly had cooked dinner before noon.
Sam had cleaned his room before noon.
The children had planted twenty trees before noon.
Chris had lain in the sun before noon.
The rainbow had appeared by the end of the day.
The play had ended by the end of the day.
The rain had begun by the end of the day.
The race had finished by the end of the day.
The sky had finished by the end of the day.
The concert had started by the end of the day.
The storm had stopped by the end of the day.
The show had started by the end of the day.
1) Kitty asked what I had found on the beach.
2) Oleg asked where I had seen a canoe.
3) Erank asked how long they had travelled in the Sahara desert.
4) Alice asked how far the plain had stretched.
5) Sam asked what I called the mixture I had prepared.
6) Nick asked if therer had been many people on the bank of the
7) Petty asked if I had heard anything of mighty American riv-
1) The teacher said that the earth moves round the sun.
2) The student said that two by two is four.
3) Socrates said that nothing can harm a good men.
4) The professor said that the Brooklyn bridge is the most fa-
mous bridge in New York.
5) The History teacher explained that the war of Independence
began in 1775 and ended in 1783.
6) Nick added that the Civil War in America began in 1861 and
ended in 1865.
7) Kate thought that Alexander Pushkin was born in 1799.
8) Nelly mentioned that New York is not an American capital.
9) Tom said that it never snows in Africa.
10) The officer added that Neil Armstrong, an American astro-
naut, stepped on the moon in 1969.
1) Anna explained that ice melts at the temperature of 0 de-
2) Philip said that he had arrived in Russia in July.
3) Anna added Philip liked to travel.
4) Suzie knew that Shakespeare was born in 1564 and told her
friends about it.
5) Robert asked when Lev Tolstoy died.
6) The teacher told us that Romans first came to British Isles in
the first century of our era.
7) John said that he had been to Russia for three times.
8) We all knew that Columbus discovered America in 1492.
9) Anna wanted to know where the Volga starts.
8) Boris said that he had never been to desert.
15. >hihegbl_ ij_^eh`_gby, bkihevamy ij_^eh]b against, at,
by, for, in, on, of, to ]^_ g_h[oh^bfh.
1) to
2) by
3) for, against
4) of
5) , for
6) at
7) on
8) for, against
9) to
10) on
16 >hihegbl_ ij_^eh`_gby, bkihevamy ]eZ]heu: to support,
to declare, to represent, to vote, to judge, to obey.
1) declared
2) obey
3) judge
4) vote
5) represent
6) support
28. KhklZ\vl_ dZd fh`gh [hevr_ gh\uo keh\ ba keh\:
send, tea, present, site, rise, ten, press, pirate, seven.
ten, river, man, set, net, sand.
Lesson 18
ran, took
had begun, was explaining
took, had never seen
was cleaning, came, shook
arrived, had finished
was doing, called, was cooking
got, had left, hadn`t seen
were having, had done
1. May I take off my sweater? It`s very hot outside. 2. As soon as
the plane took off, my head began to ache awfully. 3. I want you to take
down my new address. 4. All the children take after their father, all of
them are merry and hardworking. 5. Please, take this book back to the
neighbour, it`s her book. 6. This map on the wall is very old. Let`s take
it down. 7. Please, take your toys away. It`s time to go to sleep.
1) There is not enough sugar in this cup of tea.
2) He did not do enough exercises.
3) The gardener didn`t have enough trees.
4) You don`t eat enough.
5) This house is big enough for the family to have their own
6) The boy is not strong enough to carry this box.
7) She knows English well enough to translate this difficult arti-
1) . to do my homework.
2) . to contain all of them.
3) . they came.
4) . watch this movie.
5) . buy this car.
6) . play football with my friends
7) . chairs to place all of our pupils.
Does he trust her?
Has she measured it?
Did they shoot at it?
Did he retire?
1. Peter said that he never respected such people. 2. Nelly asked
when grandfather would retire on a pension. 3. John wanted to know
if my sister was shy. 4. Bob told me that he never lived in poverty be-
fore. 5. The children told father that they trusted their new friend. 6.
Dan asked me to push his bicycle. 7. She said that she always tried to
encourage her pupils. 8. Anna added that she had worked in hotel
service for eight years. 9. Do you remember that I asked you not to
shoot? 10. She said that she didn`t use this chance.
Lesson 19
was, came, saw, had fallen, didn`t know, haven`t seen, couldn`t,
was, had, put, sent, thought, will melt, arrived, was, saw, sent, put,
have never seen.
1. Push the door harder and it will open. 2. Everybody respected
Mr. Green for his honesty and wisdom, and thought he was a real
gentlemen. 3. Cinderella was a smart, modest and shy girl, but her
stepmother didn`t love her. 4. Sometimes it is hard to listen to the
rules, declared the judge. 5. America in the land of the endless
plains, picturesque valleys, savannas and majestic waterfalls. 6. I
support your idea to thank this remarkable man for his faithfulness
and loyalty. 7. There are a lot of sky-scrapers and millions of citizens
in this lively town. 8. The Congress in general consists of 100
senators and 435 congressmen the members of the House of
Representatives. 9. Courageous people from the Rescue Service help
those who are in danger. 10. This mountain chain stretches to the
beach of the ocean. It`s very picturesque and attracts crowds of
Lesson 20
is thinking
are planting
is travelling
is beginning
are working
was doing
was playing
was watching
was looking
was decorating
was writing
will be doing
will be travelling
will be writing
will be waiting
won`t be playing
will be walking
will be playing
will be driving
1. On Sunday I`ll be cooking a holiday dinner. 2. We won`t be
watching TV, we will be reading a new book in the evening. 3. We
will be meeting mother at the station at 7 o`clock. 4. They won`t
be having dinner, they will be waiting for you to come. 5. Tomor-
row morning we will be planting flowers near the school. 6. The
pupils of the six the grade won`t be writing a dictation at the next
English lesson, they will be reading new texts. 7. Come to the
meeting with this writer, he will be telling about his books.
8. What will you be doing tomorrow afternoon? 9. Will they be
dancing after the concert? 10. Next year my elder brother will be
studying Erench.
1. May I take all these plates and cups out? Help me please. 2.
Never give up hope. 3. Guess which of two cities is the capital
of Australia, Sidney or Canberra? I don`t know. I give up. Tell me.
4. Why did you give away this magazine? I haven`t read it yet. 5. I
gave up dancing when I was 10. 6. I can`t give up thought of going to
London to see this city with my own eyes. 7. Katya has given back a
book with stories, now you can take it. 8. Try one more time, don`t
give up. You can do it.
most, least
least, most
am having
is smiling
will be doing, will tell
will be dancing, laughing and enjoying
will help
will be
were reading, rang
saw, were talking, were discussing
was going, didn`t know
Lesson 21
1) As soon as the plane takes off he will be playing a computer
2) As soon as lunch is brought he will be eating.
3) As soon as the no smoking notice appears he will be
4) As soon as the video is turned on he will be watching a film.
5) As soon as the plane starts landing he will be looking through
the window.
1) The teacher asked me who inhabittd the territory of this huge
2) The citrus trees usually grow in the tropical climate, don`t
3) He wanted to know where they grow wheat in England.
4) This coast is famous for its vast beaches.
5) Of all the fruit I like pears least of all.
6) What English-speaking countries, except Britain and the
USA, do you know?
7) What continents are situated in the north ern hemisphere?
8) What leading industrial countries can you hame?
1) Today people have got a lot of environmental problems.
2) She has canned a lot of fruit since August.
3) I have never seen hedges in Australia.
4) Mike was born in 1990 in London.
5) The Niagara Ealls attract a lot of tourists every summer.
1) My sister usually borrows books from the local library.
2) They are both well educated.
3) People in many countries still live in poverty.
4) Real gentlemen always stand up when a woman comes in.
5) Mary Drake is just a congresswoman.
6) Have you ever seen skyscrapers?
7) Do they usually choose picturesque places for their picnics?
8) The climate here is also humid.
9) You can`t always see big crowds of people on this lonely
10) Are they all fluent in English?
1) We made off very soon and left for a walk together.
2) He always makes up songs by himself, and then sings them
by himself.
3) Won`t you help me? I can`t make out what`s written there.
4) She is very young. It will be hard to make her up as an old
5) You made off so soon that I couldn`t say goodbye to you.
6) What did he say? I didn`t make out anything.
1) Grown-ups never smoke in my family.
2) My grandfather and grandmother retired on a pension re-
3) It often rains in the isle of Tasmania.
4) Yesterday I had a chance to ride a horse in the park.
5) Stepsons of Mr Brown have never lived in poverty.
6) They are both full of wisdom and kindness.
7) Sometimes I feel melancholy at home in the evenings.
8) Sometimes in the mornings my brother eats too much.
Lesson 22
had, was, was, were, won, was reading, rang, got up, went,
opened, saw, was, was holding, am selling, want, are, are, cut,
bought, have, buying, have got, said, are, cut, are.
a) 1. I saw Anna laying the table. 2. We watched the children go-
ing surfing. 3. I want you to find a suitable place on the beach. 4.
Don`t beat about the bush! I expect you to explain me everything. 5.
Let me visit Australia, Daddy.
b) 1. Several nuclear stations were closed in the territory of Rus-
sia, because people thought they were dangerous. 2. The problems of
the environmental pollution will be discussed at the conference in
Melbourne. 3. The members of the royal family were invited to visit
Russia again. 4. Mother said that the table will be laid in time. 5. This
uninhabited land is seldom visited by the investigators.
1) . if they had heard anything of that mysterious Mr Hyde.
2) . if they had read May`s periodicals.
3) . she had received a lot of mail the day before.
4) . they should go to the opera house in two days.
5) . when had they sent a telegram to their uncle Peter.
6) . when they arrived in Sydney they would take a taxi.
7) . she was sure their would get over her pain in the leg.
8) . their elder cousin was nearly sixteen.
Lesson 1
1. GZibrbl_ 10 ij_^eh`_gbc, qlh[u hibkZlv dZjlbgdm.
1) This family is travelling by train.
2) There are four members in this family: a boy, a girl, their fa-
ther and a dog.
3) The father is reading a book.
4) The girl is eating an ice cream.
5) The boy is watching through the window.
6) The dog is sleeping under the table.
7) Their table is laid because there are a lot of fruit and drinks.
8) The weather is fine; though there are some clouds it`s quite
9) There is a plane flying behind the window.
10) They are passing a mountain chain.
3. L\hc ^jm] lhevdh qlh \_jgmeky ba ^_j_\gb, ]^_ hg ijh\ze
k\hb dZgbdmeu. Lu ohq_rv magZlv dZd fh`gh [hevr_ h _]h dZgb-
dmeZo. Bkihevamc keh\Zjgu_ khq_lZgby ba gZ[hjZ b gZibrb \h-
ijhku, dhlhju_ lu fh`_rv aZ^Zlv _fm.
1) How often did you make a fire?
2) Did you build sandcastles?
3) Did you wear jeans and T-shirts when you went to play out-
4) Did you stay much outdoors during your holidays?
5) Did you meet different people when you were in the country?
6) Did you have time to take little children to the zoo?
7) How many times a day did you have a swim?
8) Was the weather hot and sunny?
9) Did it rain a lot?
10) Did you read much in the evenings?
11) Did you help your parents to grow vegetables?
12) Did your parents want you to eat a lot of fruit?
13) Did you ride bicycles with your friends?
Lesson 2
3. Ihkfhljbl_ gZ dZjlbgdb b gZibrbl_ ih 3 ij_^eh`_gby h
dZ`^hc dZjlbgd_, ]h\hjy h lhf, qlh wlb ex^b g_ ^_eZeb.
This woman was not watching TV.
This woman was not reading a book.
This woman was not cooking dinner.
These girls were not riding bicycles.
These girls were not writing.
These girls were not playing different games.
These grandparents were not dining.
These grandparents were not walking the street.
These grandparents were not sleeping.
These grown-ups were not walking by themselves.
These grown-ups were not singing songs.
These grown-ups were not eating.
These children were not studying.
These children were not helping their parents.
These children were not climbing the mountains.
Lesson 3
5. Ijhkfhljbl_ Mij. 10 \ \Zrbo mq_[gbdZo b gZibrbl_
kibkhd oh[[b lbibqguo b ^ey Jhkkbb b ^ey <_ebdh[jblZgbb.
1) Doing crosswords
2) Walking
3) Listening to music
4) Taking photographs
5) Playing computer games
6) Reading
7) Going to the cinema
8) Playing football
9) Playing table games (cards, chess, etc.)
10) Eishing
11) Watching videos
6. KhklZ\vl_ k\hb kh[kl\_ggu_ ij_^eh`_gby bkihevamy
lZ[ebpm b gZibrbl_ g_ f_gvr_ 10 k\hbo kh[kl\_gguo ij_^eh-
1) The work must be completed soon.
2) This telegram ought to be sent today.
3) The film has to be watched in the evening.
4) The plants have to be watered this evening.
5) The dog should be fed in half an hour.
6) Dinner must be cooked in a few minutes.
7) The museum ought to be visited tomorrow.
8) The books must be returned to the library in time.
9) The dishes have to be washed as soon as possible.
10) The food ought to be bought soon.
11) The letter has to be written quickly.
12) The carpet must be cleaned today.
13) The wicked boy must be punished as soon as possible.
Lesson 4
3. GZibrbl_ \hijhku d wlbf ij_^eh`_gbyf, ^ey lh]h qlh-
[u \uykgblv, ]^_ b dh]^Z wlb \_sb [m^ml k^_eZgu.
1) When will bread be bought?
2) When will the carpet be cleaned?
3) When will the work be finished?
4) When will the game be played?
5) When will the table be set?
6) When will the operation be made?
4. Bkihevamcl_ keh\Zjgu_ khq_lZgby, ^ey lh]h qlh[u gZib-
kZlv, qlh ^_lb [m^ml ^_eZlv b qlh hgb g_ [m^ml ^_eZlv, _keb hgb
\klmiyl \ h[s_kl\h KiZkbl_ `b\hlguo.
1) If the children join the Save the Animals society, they will
feed birds in winter.
2) If the children join the Save the Animals society, they will
clean animals` habitats.
3) If the children join the Save the Animals society, they will
help to keep rivers clean.
4) If the children join the Save the Animals society, they
won`t throw (dump) waste into rivers.
5) If the children join the Save the Animals society, they will
protect wild animals.
7) If the children join the Save the Animals society, they
won`t damage the environment.
8) If the children join the Save the Animals society, they
won`t hurt animals.
9) If the children join the Save the Animals society, they will
take home stray animals.
10) If the children join the Save the Animals society, they will
prepare food for cold seasons.
11) If the children join the Save the Animals society, they will
help animals to survive.
12) If the children join the Save the Animals society, they
won`t catch insects.
13) If the children join the Save the Animals society, they
won`t collect birds` eggs.
Lesson 6
7. GZibrbl_ \hijhku d l_dklm \ur_, bkihevamy keh\Z: who,
where, when, why, what kind of, what, how many.
1) Who is the author of the book Childsplay?
2) Where should small children have special exercises?
3) Why do many small children become not active and unfit?
4) When should parents begin exercise with their children?
5) What kind of exercises parents should begin with?
6) What should children follow as they grow?
7) How many schoolchildren do some sport at school?
8. GZah\bl_ ljb ijbqbgu, ihq_fm Exkb kqblZ_l qlh fZe_gv-
db_ ^_lb ^he`gu j_]meyjgh ^_eZlv mijZ`g_gby. GZibrbl_ bo.
Lucy thinks small children should have regular exercise because:
1) if they spend most of their time in front of the television or
sitting in a pushchair and and/or high chair, they will become
not active unfit.
2) if the child have a regular exercise he will have a better di-
3) the child grows strong and well-developed.
Lesson 7
4. Ihkfhljbl_ gZ dZjlm Ehg^hgZ. <hh[jZabl_, qlh \u ihdZ-
au\Z_l_ Ehg^hg k\hbf ^jmavyf. GZibrbl_ g_ f_g__ 5 ij_^eh`_-
gbc h 3 f_klZo, dhlhju_ \u [u ohl_eb ihdZaZlv bf.
Eirst of all I would like to show them the Tower. Because it is one
of the most ancient buildings of London. It was founded in the 11
century by William the Conqueror. But each monarch left some kind
of personal mark on it. Eor many centuries the Tower was a fortress, a
palace, a prison and royal treasury. It is now a museum of arms and
armour, and, as one of the strongest fortresses in Britain, it has the
Crown Jewels. The grey stones of the Tower could tell terrible stories
of violence and injustice.
Secondly, I would like to show them Westminster Abby. It took
its name from its position five kilometers west of London`s center.
Erom Norman times British monarchs have been crowned there and
since the 13
century they have been buried there. Many other fa-
mous people are also buried in Westminster Abby including states-
men, musicians and writers. In Poet`s Corner can be found statues
and tombs of poets such as T. S. Eliot.
And then I would like to show them the Piccadily circus which is
the center of night life in the West End of London. It is usually top of
everyone`s list of things to see in London, because it is so well
known. It is actually quite small, and most people are rather disap-
pointed when they see it for the first time because they imagined it
would be much bigger.
6. >hihegbl_ l_dkl gZ hldjuld_ b kdhibjmcl_ _]h.
by train
the Piccadily circus
Lesson 8
10. GZibrbl_ ljb k_jv_agu_ ijbqbgu, ihq_fm \Zf [u ohl_-
ehkv ihk_lblv:
a) The Southeast of England;
I would like to visit the Southeast of England, because of the county
of Kent, which is known as the garden of England, because it produces
a lot of fruit and vegetables which are eaten all over the country.
And of course Brighton, on the south coast, is a famous seaside
resort. There are entertainments of all kinds there.
And after all there is Canterbury, a town in Kent. It is the religious
capital of England because its cathedral is the seat of the Archbishop
of Canterbury who is head of the Church of England.
b) The Southwest of England;
I would like to visit it because of the Stonehenge and Averbury, and
the huge earth pyramid of Silbury. And of course because of Ports-
mouth and Southampton which are the homes of the Royal Navy.
c) East Anglia;
I would like to visit it because of Cambridge, Ely, Norwich, Pe-
terborough and Colchester. And at the same time, it has many sandy
beaches and inland waterways.
d) The Midlands;
I would like to visit it because of the Peak District National Park,
the Cost Hills and the Malvern Hills. And of course, because of the
Stratford-upon-Avon, which is famous all over the world as the birth-
place of William Shakespeare.
e) The North of England;
I would like to visit it because of Northumbria, a region of great
natural beauty. The Lake District, which is the central mountainous
area of Cumbria in the Northwest and has some of England`s most
beautiful scenery. And because of York which was the capital of a
Viking kingdom.
Lesson 9
1) What a long street!
2) How old the cars are!
3) The sunshine is so bright!
4) It is such fresh air!
5) What huge crowds!
6) How tall the buildings are!
7) The day is so misty!
8) It is such changeable weather!
9) What a calm man!
10) How brave the balloonist is!
11) People are so excited.
12) It is such exciting journey!
13) The procession is so unusual!
14) It is such flat fields!
15) What an attractive idea!
16) How pleasant the holiday is!
Lesson 16
1) catch . caught catching
2) shake shook shaken .
3) blow . blown blowing
4) . hid hidden hiding
5) burn burnt burnt .
6) . led led leading
7) cost cost . costing
8) mean meant meant meaning
9) fall fell fallen falling
10) choose chose chosen choosing
11) grow grew grown growing
12) lose lost lost losing
13) . forecast forecast forecasting
Lesson 1
1. JZaf_klbl_ ij_^eh`_gby \ ijZ\bevghf ihjy^d_.
1) 6
2) 1
3) 2
4) 10
5) 7
6) 5
7) 8
8) 4
9) 3
10) 9
2. BkijZ\vl_ ij_^eh`_gby.
1) Linda was very happy when it began raining hard.
2) Linda wasn`t afraid of the coming storm.
3) Linda parents didn`t keep all their animals in the farmhouse.
4) The river wasn`t narrow and quiet during the rainstorm.
5) Linda slept in spite of the rain.
6) Isobel and her calf were swallowed by the river.
7) It took Linda`s mother a long time to make hot drinks for her
husband and daughter.
8) Ted`s house was on high ground at the other side of the val-
9) The rainstorm lasted for one day.
3. Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku.
1) It was spring when it began raining hard.
2) Linda`s mother became angry because Lisa thought that there
is nothing wrong in rainstorms.
3) They promised a rainstorm.
4) The river changed to a yellow hungry lion.
5) Dad and was driving the cows up to the house.
6) Cow Isobel was Linda`s pet.
7) The dining room was fool of animals and birds, some of the
pigs were by the fireplace.
8) Mother put an arm around father and Linda and said that it
might as bad as it looked. The water would go down soon.
9) It was Ted Jackson who saved Linda and her parents. He
took them to his house in his boat.
10) She couldn`t believe that she was the same girl who asked
God for a rainstorm and disaster.
4. H[tykgbl_ ihq_fm:
Because of the math test.
Because they promised a rainstorm.
Because of the rain.
Because he howled very loudly.
Because of the math test.
Because everything was very wet.
Because the yellow hungry lion was starting to come into their
Because they didn`t have enough time.
Because Dad had to borrow money from the bank.
Because she saw that there was no good in rainstorms and disas-
RdZeu ^ey baf_j_gby l_fi_jZlmju
Ex^b bkihevamxl ^\Z lbiZ l_jfhf_ljh\, ^ey lh]h qlh[u hi-
j_^_eblv l_fi_jZlmjm. RdZeZ P_evkby bkihevam_lky, \ hkgh\-
ghf, \ ?\jhi_. Wlh lZdZy rdZeZ, dhlhjZy ihdZau\Z_l, qlh \h^Z
aZf_jaZ_l ijb 0 ]jZ^mkh\ b dbibl ijb 100 ]jZ^mkZo. HgZ h[hagZ-
qZ_lky kbf\hehf K. GZijbf_j: L_fi_jZlmjZ \k_ _s_ 21 ]jZ^mk
K. Gh \u fh`_l_ ijhqblZlv wlh ^\mfy imlyfb: eb[h Wlh \k_
_s_ 21 ]jZ^mk ih 100 ]jZ^mkghc rdZe_, beb Wlh \k_ _s_ 21
]jZ^mk ih P_evkbx.
< :f_jbd_ bkihevam_lky ^jm]Zy rdZeZ, ^ey lh]h, qlh[u baf_-
jblv l_fi_jZlmjm. Wlh rdZeZ ijb dhlhjhc \h^Z aZf_jaZ_l ijb 32
b dbibl ijb 212 ]jZ^mkZo. <u qZklh fh`_l_ mkeurZlv lZdb_ njZ-
au: 10 ]jZ^mkh\ ih P_evkbx. Kdhevdh wlh ih NZjbg]_clm? Hl-
\_l: 50. Ihkfhljbl_ gZ lZ[ebpm b kjZ\gbl_ ^\_ rdZeu.
Lesson 2
1. KdZ`bl_, dlh \h \lhjhf l_dkl_:
Pepperpots grew vegetables in the greenhouse.
Mr Pepperpot slept out during the holiday on the Mediterranean
Mrs Pepperpot suffered a little from the heat.
Mr Pepperpot was going to win the cup.
Mr Pepperpot had been a pretty good skier while young.
Pepperpots were fond of travelling all over the world.
Mr Pepperpot left the can of wax on the chair.
Pepperpots lived in Norway.
Mrs Pepperpot fell into the cup.
2. KdZ`bl_ <_jgh, G_\_jgh beb Y g_ agZx.
1) I don`t know
2) Ealse
3) True
4) I don`t know
5) Ealse
6) True
7) Ealse
8) True
9) True
10) Ealse
3. Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku.
1) Pepperpots live in Norway.
2) They spent their summer holidays on the Mediterranean
3) The heat was really unbearable.
4) He swam a lot and spent many hours a day in the sunshine.
5) The weather got changeable.
6) Yes, he was a pretty good skier when he was young.
7) She promised him to cook his favorite cake.
8) He left his can of wax.
9) She saw a huge crowd there.
10) There were letters P.P. on the cap.
Fbjh\u_ debfZlu
< fbj_ kms_kl\m_l fgh`_kl\h jZaebqguo debfZlh\. Hl Zjd-
lbq_kdbo ^h ljhibq_kdbo. DebfZlu fh]ml [ulv deZkkbnbpbjh\Z-
gu jZaebqgufb dhfie_dkgufb imlyfb. RbjhqZcrbc b kZfuc
]eZ\guc f_lh^ wlh jZa^_eblv dZ`^h_ ihemrZjb_ gZ rbjhdb_
ihykZ b debfZlbq_kdb_ ahgu. >j_\gb_ ]j_db ^_eZeb i_j\u_ ih-
iuldb deZkkbnbdZpbb debfZlZ. Hgb hij_^_ebeb [_aabfgbc ljh-
ibq_kdbc j_]bhg, [_ae_lgbc iheyjguc j_]bhg, ]^_ h[uqgh hq_gv
gbadb_ l_fi_jZlmju, b mf_j_gguc j_]bhg k ijhoeZ^gufb e_lZfb
b fy]dbfb abfZfb.
IjhklZy deZkkbnbdZpby fh`_l [ulv hkgh\ZgZ gZ ^\mo debfZ-
lbq_kdbo we_f_glZo gZa\Zguo l_fi_jZlmjhc b hkZ^dZfb (^h`^v,
kg_], jhkZ, b l.^.). Dh]^Z kj_^gyy l_fi_jZlmjZ b hkZ^db ba\_klgu,
klZgh\blky \hafh`guf deZkkbnbpbjh\Zlv hij_^_e_ggh_ jZkih-
eh`_gb_ \ debfZlbq_kdhf lbi_. Ihkfhljbl_ gZ dZjlm ^ey lh]h,
qlh[u ihemqblv [hevr_ bgnhjfZpbb h fbjh\uo debfZlZo.
Lesson 3
1. Wlb iheh`_gby g_\_jgu. BkijZ\vl_ bo.
1) Mr. Pepperpot didn`t want to tell everybody what an unusual
creature his life was.
2) Mrs. Pepperpot was in the cap of skier 46.
3) The skier didn`t understood who was in the cap.
4) Mrs. Pepperpot didn`t use her magic to make the skier run as
fast as he could.
5) The skier wasn`t sure there was a witch in his cap.
6) The skier stopped because Mrs. Pepperpot told him to do it.
7) The skier looked frightened because of his cap.
8) Mrs. Pepperpot hadn`t hurt her arms and legs.
9) Mr. Pepperpot didn`t win the cup.
10) When Mrs. Pepperpot feels sad or things do not go just right,
all she has to do is to remember the bay she went ski-racing
in the wrong cap.
3. Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku.
He hated to think anybody might get to know about her ability to
change her size.
She had an ability to change her size.
She started talking with the skier as soon as the race began.
She asked the skier to put her near their house.
He was afraid of his cap.
She felt that she began growing big.
When the skier took off his cap.
He said that he had forgotten to take the wax.
He looked very strange, as if he`d seen a ghost or something ex-
tinct reptile or insect.
G_\_jhylgu_ ilbpu
Jhd [ue fbnbq_kdhc ilbp_c, kh]eZkgh: :jZ[kdbf ghqZf.
Hg [ue h]jhfgh]h jZaf_jZ, ^hklZlhqgh [hevrhc, qlh[u ghkblv
kehgh\ ^ey dhjf_`db k\hbo il_gph\! Hg e_]dh fh] \ae_l_lv k
q_eh\_dhf (Kbg^[Z^ fhj_oh^ [ue h^gbf bo gbo). JZamf__lky,
Jhd \k_]h ebrv kdZahqgh_ kha^Zgb_, \hh[s_ g_gZklhysZy ilb-
Gh ]b]Zglkdb_ ilbpu ^_ckl\bl_evgh `beb, g_ lZd ^Z\gh.
GZ hkljh\_ FZ^Z]ZkdZj `beb kehgh\u_ ilbpu, \ukhlhc \ ljb
f_ljZ b \_kbeb 500 dbeh]jZff. IlbpZ FhZ ba Gh\hc A_eZg^bb
[ueZ gZiheh\bgm e_]q_, gh \ur_. Wlb ilbpu g_ fh]eZ e_lZlv.
H[_ \uf_jeb f_`^m 1700 b 1850 ]h^Zfb, mgbqlh`_ggu_ q_eh\_-
@b\hlgu_ \ hiZkghklb
Ibg]\bgu ih]b[Zxl ba-aZ aZ]jyag_gby, \ua\Zggh]h ml_qdhc
g_nlb k dhjZ[e_c b l.^. =hjgu_ ]hjbeeu, dhlhju_ \_kyl [he__
100 d] b hq_gv kbevgu, `b\ml \ukhdh \ ]hjZo M]Zg^u. Hgb ih]b-
[Zxl ba-aZ lh]h, qlh bo jmdb bkihevamxlky, dZd km\_gbju. Fmk-
dmkguc [ud ba Bg^bb b G_iZeZ lZd`_ y\ey_lky l_i_jv \ufb-
jZxsbf \b^hf. Fmkdmkgu_ [udb ih]b[Zxl ihlhfm, qlh ex^b
bkihevamxl bo fmkdmk ^ey ba]hlh\e_gby iZjnxfZ.
:jZ[kdbc hgbdk `b\_l \ :jZ\bb b gZoh^blky \ hiZkghklb ba-
aZ k\hbo jh]h\. Hgb bkihevamxlky ^ey hjgZf_glh\. :njbdZgkdbo
kehgh\ hlklj_eb\Zxl. Ex^b ^_eZxl wlh ^ey lh]h, qlh[u \aylv bo
[b\gb b k^_eZlv ba gbo km\_gbju. K_cqZk hklZehkv g_ hq_gv fgh-
]h kehgh\.
Lesson 4
IjhqblZcl_ l_dkl b kdZ`bl_ dZdh\u ih-\Zr_fm fg_gbx emq-
rb_ ijZ\beZ, qlh[u ijh`blv ^he]mx `bagv.
DZd ^he]h \u ijh`b\_l_?
Khlgyf ex^_c \ fbj_ ih khlg_ e_l b [he__. Hij_^_e_ggu_
qZklb fbjZ agZf_gblu ^he]bfb `bagyfb k\hbo `bl_e_c: =jmaby
gZ DZ\dZa_, >hebgZ <beZdZf[Z \ Wd\Z^hj_, b jh^bgZ =Zgah_\ \
Gh lml kms_kl\m_l lZd gZau\Z_fZy k_jv_agZy ijh[e_fZ, dh-
]^Z \u ijh\_jy_l_ \hajZkl ex^_c. < 1959-f 224 fm`qbgu b 368
`_gsbg \ Kh\_lkdhf Khxa_ kdZaZeb, qlh bf d lhfm fhf_glm [u-
eh [he__ q_f 120 e_l. Gh gbdlh g_ fh] ^hdZaZlv k\hc gZklhysbc
\hajZkl. =h\hjbeb eb hgb ijZ\^m beb g_l? H^bg klZjuc q_eh\_d
\ :a_j[Zc^`Zg_ ijh`be ^h 168 e_l. < q_f [ue _]h k_dj_l? Hg g_
mf_e kdeZ^u\Zlv, b ihwlhfm khkqblZe k\hc \hajZkl g_ijZ\bevgh.
Khlgb e_l gZaZ^ gbdlh g_ mf_e qblZlv b ibkZlv \ ]hjguo ^_j_-
\mrdZo, ihwlhfm g_ [ueh gbdZdbo kibkdh\ jh`^_gbc b kf_jl_c.
< h^ghc ^_j_\g_, dh]^Z fheh^hc q_eh\_d g_ aZohl_e \klmiblv \
Zjfbx, hgb ijb[Z\beb ^_kylv e_l d _]h gZklhys_fm \hajZklm.
Fu kebrdhf klZju, qlh[u kjZ`Zlvky, ]h\hjbeb hgb q_eh-
\_dm ba ]hjh^Z. GZ \kx hklZ\rmxky `bagv hgb hklZ\Zebkv gZ ^_-
kylv e_l klZjr_ k\h_]h gZklhys_]h \hajZklZ. Hlpu b kugh\vy
qZklh bf_eb h^bgZdh\u_ bf_gZ. Kug, mkeurZ\ bfy k\h_]h hlpZ \
kibkd_, ]h\hjbe: Wlh y. LZd qlh \ h^gm k_dmg^m hg ^h[Z\eye 30
e_l d k\h_fm \hajZklm. Fgh]b_ kh]eZkgu, qlh \ =jmabb, Wd\Z^hj_
b \ =bfZeZyo fgh]h hq_gv klZjuo ex^_c, h^gZdh hq_gv keh`gh
\uykgblv bo gZklhysbc \hajZkl.
Ihq_fm lZd fgh]h ex^_c `b\ml \h a^jZ\bb ^h klZjhklb \ hi-
j_^_e_gguo qZklyo fbjZ? < q_f k_dj_l bo ^he]bo `bag_c? Ljb
\_sb dZ`mlky gZb[he__ \Z`gufb: k\_`bc \ha^mo, k\_`Zy ibsZ b
ijhklhc h[jZa `bagb. Ex^b jZ[hlZxl jy^hf kh k\hbfb ^hfZfb
gZ qbklhf, ]hjghf \ha^mo_, \f_klh lh]h, qlh[u iml_r_kl\h\Zlv
gZ ^ebggu_ jZkklhygby gZ jZ[hlm Z\lh[mkhf, fZrbghc beb ih_a-
^hf. GZk_e_gb_ hkh[_ggh g_ kljZ^Z_l hl aZ]jyag_gby \ha^moZ b
\h^u. Ex^b fgh]h ^mfZxl h ]hjghc wdheh]bb b h[_j_]Zxl k\hx
hdjm`Zxsmx kj_^m. Ohly ijhkljZgkl\Z aZ ]hjh^hf dh_-]^_ aZ-
]jyag_gu b bf gZg_k_g ms_j[, ex^b \kz _s_ klZjZxlky kh^_j-
`Zlv f_klZ k\h_]h h[blZgby qbklufb. LZd`_ hq_gv \Z`gh, qlh
ex^b g_ kb^yl p_eufb ^gyfb aZgylu_ \ hnbkZo b aZ\h^Zo, Z jZ-
[hlZxl \g_ ^hfZ gZ iheyo. Hgb [hevr_ mijZ`gyxlky b _^yl
f_gvr_ ibsb, q_f ex^b \ ]hjh^Zo gZ aZiZ^_. =h^Zfb =Zgahb \
=bfZeZyo g_ gm`^Zebkv \ ihebp_ckdbo, Z^\hdZlZo b ^hdlhjZo. G_
[ueh gb ij_klmie_gbc, gb kbevguo aZ[he_\Zgbc \ bo h[s_kl\_.
Hgb agZf_gblu ih \k_c Bg^bb, [eZ]h^hjy bo ^he]bf, a^hjh\uf
=Zgahb g_ _eb fgh]h ibsb, b _eb hgb lhevdh k\_`mx ibsm.
Hgb \ujZsb\Zeb k\hx kh[kl\_ggmx ibsm gZ ohjhr_c ihq\_ b
g_ i_j_`Zjb\Zeb _z. Kwj Jh[_jl FZdDZjjbkhg, ^hdlhj \ Bg^bc-
kdhc F_^bpbgkdhc Kem`[_, ijh\h^be g_dhlhju_ hiulu k dju-
kZfb, dhjfy bo jZagufb ^b_lZfb gZ ijhly`_gbb 27 f_kyp_\.
(Wlh lh `_ kZfh_, qlh 50 e_l q_eh\_q_kdhc `bagb.) Ba wlbo wdk-
i_jbf_glh\ ihemqZ_lky l_hjby h lhf, qlh ijZ\bevgZy ^b_lZ \_^_l
d ^he]hc, kqZkleb\hc b a^hjh\hc `bagb. < Wd\Z^hj_ b =jmabb
lZd`_, ex^b _^yl gbadhdZehjbcgmx ibsm, k\_`mx, \ujZs_ggmx
gZ ohjhr_c ihq\_, b hgb g_ i_j_`Zjb\Zxl k\hx ibsm. LZd qlh
k_dj_l ^he]hc `bagb wlh: ?rv f_gvr_ b `b\b ^hevr_. H^gZ
\_sv ^h kbo ihj hklZzlky kljZgghc. Fm`qbgu \ =jmabb `b\ml
^hevr_, q_f `_gsbgu. < q_f ijbqbgZ wlh]h jZaebqby? Fm`qbgZ
jZ[hlZ_l f_gvr_, q_f `_gsbgZ b iv_l [hevr_ \bgZ.
<u ohlbl_ ijh`blv ^h khlgb? <hl g_dhlhju_ ijZ\beZ ^ey mk-
i_oZ. <h-i_j\uo, ZddmjZlgh \u[bjZcl_ k_[_ jh^bl_e_c b ijZjh-
^bl_e_c. ?keb hgb ijh`beb ^h ij_dehggh]h \hajZklZ, lh \Zf lh-
`_ ij_^klhbl. <h-\lhjuo, `b\bl_ \ ijZ\bevghf f_kl_. ?keb \u
g_ jh^bebkv \ =jmabb beb Wd\Z^hj_, _klv ^jm]b_ a^hjh\u_ f_klZ
\ fbj_, lZdb_ dZd <hklhqgZy :g]eby \ ;jblZgbb. <-lj_lvbo, \u-
[bjZcl_ ijZ\bevgmx jZ[hlm. >hdlhjZ, ^Zglbklu b Z\lh[mkgu_
jh^bl_eb mfbjZxl fheh^ufb. N_jf_ju b k\ys_ggbdb `b\ml ]h-
jZa^h ^hevr_.
Fgh]h ex^_c ^Z^ml l_[_ kh\_l dZd ^h`blv ^h khlgb. G_dhlh-
ju_ ex^b ]h\hjyl: >mfZc dZd fheh^hc b hklZg_rvky fheh^uf.
:g]ebckdZy e_^b kdZaZeZ: IjbgbfZcl_ oheh^gmx \Zggm dZ`^h_
mljh. KZfuc dhjhldbc, ijhklhc kh\_l ijbr_e hl fbkl_jZ >`b-
fZ QwifwgZ, k \hajZklhf \ 103 ]h^Z. Ijhklh ijh^he`Zcl_ ^u-
rZlv, kdZaZe hg j_ihjl_jZf.
Gh ^_ckl\bl_evgh eb \u ohlbl_ ^h`blv ^h khlgb? Qlh iehoh-
]h \ klZjhf \ukdZau\Zgbb: ?rv, i_c b [m^v kqZkleb\, aZ\ljZ fu
fh`_f mf_j_lv?
1. K^_eZcl_ ijZ\bevguc \u[hj kh]eZkgh l_dklm.
1) b;
2) b;
3) b;
4) b;
5) b;
6) c;
7) a;
8) c;
Lesson 5
IjhqblZcl_ l_dkl b kdZ`bl_, ihq_fm fbkl_j <hgdZ [ue kZ-
fuf mfguf rhdheZ^gbdhf \ fbj_.
Fbkl_j <hgdZ b bg^bckdbc ijbgp
(Ih JhZe^m >Zex)
Fbkl_j <beeb <hgdZ [ue agZf_gbluf rhdheZ^gbdhf. Hg
[ue kZfuf mfguf rhdheZ^gbdhf \ fbj_. Hg \eh`be \k_ k\h_
k_j^p_ b wg_j]bx gZ bah[j_l_gb_ [he__ ^\mo khl_g gh\uo \b^h\
rhdheZ^guo ieblhd, dZ`^Zy ba dhlhjuo ]hjZa^h keZs_ b \dmkg__
q_f qlh-eb[h, qlh fh]eb [u ijhba\_klb ^jm]b_ rhdheZ^gu_ nZ[-
jbdb. B hg ijb\ud hlkueZlv _]h \h \k_ q_luj_ m]hedZ a_feb, \_jy
\ f_`^mgZjh^gh_ khljm^gbq_kl\h. Hg ihkueZe rhdheZ^gu_
iebldb dh \k_f dhjheyf b ij_ab^_glZf fbjZ. H^gZdh hg ijhba-
\h^be g_ lhevdh rhdheZ^gu_ iebldb. Hg bah[j_e kihkh[ ijhba-
\h^kl\Z rhdheZ^gh]h fhjh`_gh]h, dhlhjh_ hgh fh]eh hklZ\Zlvky
oheh^guf qZkZfb, qZkZfb g_ gZoh^ykv \ oheh^bevgbd_. <u fh]eb
[u ^Z`_ hklZ\blv _]h e_`Zsbf gZ khegp_ gZ \kz mljh \ `Zjdbc
^_gv, b hgh [u g_ lZyeh.
Ijbgpm Ihg^bq_jjb hq_gv gjZ\beky rhdheZ^. Hg [ue h^gbf
ba [h]Zl_crbo ex^_c \ fbj_ b bf_e fgh]h rhdheZ^guo ieblhd \
k\h_c kljZg_. H^gZ`^u hg gZibkZe ibkvfh fbkl_jm <hgdm, \hk-
o\Zeyy _]h rhdheZ^gu_ iebldb, b ihkeZe _fm kh[kl\_ggh_ ijb-
]eZr_gb_, ^ey lh]h, qlh[u lhl ijb_oZe \ Bg^bx b ihkljhbe _fm
h]jhfguc ^\hj_p bkdexqbl_evgh ba rhdheZ^Z. B fbkl_j <hgdZ
k^_eZe wlh. Qlh wlh [ue aZ ^\hj_p! < g_f [ueh klh dhfgZl, b \k_
[ueh k^_eZgh eb[h ba l_fgh]h, eb[h kh k\_leh]h rhdheZ^Z. HdgZ
[ueb rhdheZ^gufb, b \k_ kl_gu b ihlhedb [ueb k^_eZgu ba rh-
dheZ^Z, lZdbfb `_ [ueb dh\ju b dZjlbgu b f_[_ev b djh\Zlb; b
dh]^Z \u \dexqZeb djZgu \ \Zgghc, ebeky ]hjyqbc rhdheZ^.
Dh]^Z hg [ue iheghklvx aZdhgq_g, fbkl_j <hgdZ kdZaZe
ijbgpm Ihg^bq_jjb, qlh ^\hj_p ^he]h g_ ijhlyg_l.
<Zf [u emqr_ gZqZlv _klv _]h ijyfh k_cqZk, kdZaZe hg.
Q_imoZ, aZdjbqZe ijbgp. Y g_ kh[bjZxkv, _klv k\hc
^\hj_p. Y ^Z`_ g_ kh[bjZxkv ebaZlv e_klgbpm b kl_gu. Y kh[b-
jZxkv `blv \ g_f! Fhc ^\hj_p g_ fh`_l [ulv bkihjq_g!
H^gZdh fbkl_j <hgdZ [ue ijZ\, jZamf__lky, ihlhfm qlh \kdh-
j_ ihke_ wlh]h, gZklmibe hq_gv `Zjdbc ^_gv k yjdbf kheg_qguf
k\_lhf, b \_kv ^\hj_p gZqZe lZylv, Z ijbgp, dhlhjuc \ wlh \j_fy
kiZe \ kiZevg_, ijhkgmeky b h[gZjm`be k_[y ieZ\Zxsbf \ h]-
jhfghf dhjbqg_\hf ha_j_ ba rhdheZ^Z.
Wlh [ueZ gZklhysZy dZlZkljhnZ! Ijbgp Ihg^bq_jjb [ue rh-
dbjh\Zg, gh gbq_]h g_ fh] ih^_eZlv. Hg ijbdZaZe m[jZlv [_kih-
jy^hd b j_rbe ijh\_klb g_kdhevdh ^g_c \ ]hjZo, \ _]h \eZ^_gbb
k^_eZgghf ba gZklhysbo dbjibq_c b fjZfhjZ, b j_rbe gbdh]^Z
[hevr_ g_ jZa]h\Zjb\Zlv k fbkl_jhf <hgdhc.
Kms_kl\h\ZeZ h^gZ kljZggZy \_sv k rhdheZ^ghc nZ[jbdhc
fbkl_jZ <hgdZ. G_ [ueh gbdZdbo jZ[hqbo aZoh^ysbo \ wlh f_klh
beb \uoh^ysbo ba g_]h. <hjhlZ \k_]^Z [ueb aZdjulu. Gh jZgvr_
lukyqb ex^_c jZ[hlZeb gZ nZ[jbd_ fbkl_jZ <beeb <hgdZ. AZl_f,
h^gZ`^u, kh\_jr_ggh g_h`b^Zggh, fbkl_j <hgdZ ihijhkbe dZ`-
^h]h ba gbo mclb, ihclb ^hfhc, b gbdh]^Z g_ \ha\jZsZlvky. Hg
k^_eZe wlh ba-aZ ribhgh\.
<k_ hklZevgu_ ijhba\h^bl_eb rhdheZ^Z ohl_eb magZlv k_dj_-
lu fbkl_jZ <hgdZ. Hgb ihkueZeb ribhgh\ gZ _]h nZ[jbdm.
Ribhgu ijbgbfZebkv jZ[hlZlv gZ nZ[jbd_ fbkl_jZ <hgdZ, b ih-
dZ hgb [ueb lZf, dZ`^uc ba gbo k lhqghklvx h[gZjm`b\Ze dZd
ijhba\h^beZkv dZdZy-gb[m^v hij_^_e_ggZy hkh[Zy \_sv. : aZl_f
hgb \ha\jZsZebkv gZ k\hb kh[kl\_ggu_ nZ[jbdb b jZkkdZau\Zeb
k\hbf [hkkZf \k_ k_dj_lu. <kdhj_ ihke_ wlh]h jZaebqgu_ nZ[jb-
db gZqZeb ijhba\h^blv fhjh`_ggh_, dhlhjh_ gbdh]^Z g_ [m^_l
lZylv, ^Z`_ gZ kZfhf `Zjdhf khegp_. B lZd ^Ze__ b lhfm ih^h[-
gh_. B fbkl_j <hgdZ ^_jgme k_[y aZ [hjh^m b aZdjbqZe: Wlh
m`Zkgh! DZlZkljhnZ! Y [m^m jZahj_g! Ribhgu ih\kx^m! Fg_
ijb^_lky aZdjulv nZ[jbdm!
B hg k^_eZe wlh. Hg kdZaZe \k_f jZ[hqbf, qlh _fm [ueh `Zev,
gh bf ijb^_lky jZahclbkv ih ^hfZf. AZl_f hg dj_idh aZdjue
]eZ\gu_ \hjhlZ. B \^jm] rhdheZ^gZy nZ[jbdZ <hgdZ klZeZ lbohc.
Ljm[u i_j_klZeb jZ[hlZlv. Ihke_ wlh]h gb h^ghc rhdheZ^db beb
dhgn_lu g_ [ueh ijhba\_^_gh. Gbdlh g_ \oh^be b g_ \uoh^be
hllm^Z. D lhfm `_ gbdlh g_ fh] m\b^_lv fbkl_jZ <hgdZ.
Rze f_kyp aZ f_kyp_f, gh nZ[jbdZ fbkl_jZ <hgdZ \kz _sz hk-
lZ\ZeZkv aZdjulhc. B \k_ ]h\hjbeb: ;_^guc fbkl_j <hgdZ. Hg
[ue lZdbf ohjhrbf. B hg ^_eZe lZdb_ g_h[uqgu_ \_sb. Gh _fm
ijbr_e dhg_p. <k_ aZdhgq_gh.
AZl_f kemqbehkv g_qlh kljZggh_. H^gZ`^u jZgh ihmljm
ma_gvdb_ klhe[bdb [_eh]h ^ufZ klZeb ih^gbfZlvky ba \ukhdbo
ljm[ nZ[jbdb. Ex^b \ ]hjh^_ hklZgh\bebkv b \ulZjZsbeb ]eZaZ.
Qlh ijhbkoh^bl? aZdjbqZeb hgb. MjZ! Djbabk fbgh\Ze!
NZ[jbdZ gZqZeZ jZ[hlZlv! Fbkl_j <hgdZ ^he`gh [ulv aZgh\h _z
hldju\Z_l! Hgb ih[_`Zeb d \hjhlZf, h`b^Zy m\b^_lv bo rbjh-
dh hldjulufb b fbkl_jZ <hgdZ klhys_]h lZf ^ey lh]h, qlh[u
ijb\_lkl\h\Zlv k\hbo jZ[hqbo k \ha\jZs_gb_f gZaZ^. Gh g_l!
H]jhfgu_ \hjhlZ [ueb \k_ _s_ aZi_jlu dZd b \k_]^Z, b fbkl_jZ
<hgdZ gb]^_ g_ [ueh \b^gh.
Gh aZ\h^ jZ[hlZ_l! aZdjbqZeb ex^b. IjbkemrZc-
l_kv! <u fh`_l_ mkeurZlv rmf fZrbg! Hgb kgh\Z jZ[hlZxl! B
\u fh`_l_ ihqm\kl\h\Zlv aZiZo lZys_]h rhdheZ^Z \ \ha^mo_!
A^_kv ihegh jZ[hqbo. Gh gbdlh g_ aZoh^bl \gmljv. <hjhlZ aZdju-
lu. Wlh g_\_jhylgh! D lhfm `_ gbdlh g_ \uoh^bl!
K l_o ihj nZ[jbdZ jZ[hlZ_l m`_ ^_kylv e_l. D lhfm `_, rhdh-
eZ^db b dhgn_lu klZeb [he__ nZglZklbq_kdbfb b \dmkgufb. Gh
gbdlh g_ agZ_l ^Z`_ l_i_jv, dh]h fbkl_j <hgdZ bkihevam_l ^ey
lh]h, qlh[u \uihegylv \kx jZ[hlm gZ nZ[jbd_. Wlh h^gZ ba kZ-
fuo [hevrbo lZcg fbjZ ijhba\h^kl\Z rhdheZ^Z.
Fu agZ_f lhevdh h^gm \_sv ijh gbo. Hgb hq_gv fZe_gvdb_.
Bgh]^Z, kd\hav kl_deh hdhg nZ[jbdb ex^b fh]ml gZ[ex^Zlv aZ
fZe_gvdbfb l_fgufb l_gyfb ^\b]Zxsbfbky ih\kx^m. Wlb keZ-
[h jZaebqbfu_ l_gb dZd djhr_qgu_ ex^b, ex^b g_ \ur_ q_eh-
\_q_kdhc dhe_gb. Gbdlh [hevr_ g_ \b^bl fbkl_jZ <hgdZ. Hg gb-
dh]^Z g_ \uoh^bl. ?^bgkl\_ggu_ \_sb dhlhju_ \uoh^yl ba wlh
f_klZ wlh rhdheZ^db b dhgn_lu.
1. Hl\_lvl_ >Z beb G_l.
1) Yes
2) Yes
3) Yes
4) No
5) No
6) No
7) Yes
8) Yes
9) No
2. JZaf_klbl_ ij_^eh`_gby \ ijZ\bevghf ihjy^d_.
1) 10
2) 2
3) 6
4) 4
5) 3
6) 1
7) 5
8) 7
3. Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku.
1) He was a chocolate maker.
2) He invented ice cream that would never melt.
3) Prince Pondichery was fond of chocolate.
4) Mr. Wonka built a palace for him.
5) It was a chocolate palace.
6) He told the Prince that he`d better start eating it without de-
7) In huge brown lake of chocolate.
8) There were no workers there.
9) There were spies in the factory who learnt all Mr. Wonka`s
10) It were tiny black people.
=JBGIBK wlh f_`^mgZjh^gZy hj]ZgbaZpby, [hjxsZyky k
aZ]jyag_gb_f hdjm`Zxs_c kj_^u. HgZ [ueZ hkgh\ZgZ \ 1969
]jmiihc dZgZ^kdbo [hjph\ k aZ]jyag_gb_f hdjm`Zxs_c kj_^u.
Qe_gu =JBGIBK: ihy\eyxlky \ f_klZo, ]^_ hdjm`ZxsZy kj_^Z
gZoh^blky ih^ m]jhahc. Hgb \k_]^Z ^_ckl\mxl [ukljh b ojZ[jh.
<_kv fbj agZ_l h ^_ckl\byo =JBGIBK:, gZijZ\e_gguo gZ ij_-
djZs_gb_ hohlu gZ dblh\ b m[bckl\Z ^_l_gur_c lxe_g_c. Hgb
[ehdbjmxl imlv dhjZ[eyf, dhlhju_ iulZxlky k[jhkblv hloh^u,
b fgh]h jZ[hlZxl gZ^ kha^Zgb_f [_ay^_jgh]h fbjZ. >_yl_ev-
ghklv =JBGIBK: qZklh ^hkZ`^Z_l ijZ\bl_evkl\h, dhfiZgbb b
ex^_c, dhlhjuo g_ \hegm_l [m^ms__ fbjZ. Bgh]^Z ^_yl_evghklv
=jbgibk [u\Z_l ^hklZlhqgh hiZklghc. GZijbf_j, 10 bxey, 1985,
dhjZ[ev =jbgibk <hbg jZ^m]b, dhlhjuc [ue gZ k\h_f imlb \h
NjZgpmakdmx Ihebg_abx ^ey lh]h, qlh[u ijhl_klh\Zlv ijhlb\
y^_jguo bkiulZgbc, [ue mgbqlh`_g njZgpmakdbfb Z]_glZfb.
Wlh \ua\Zeh k_jv_aguc f_`^mgZjh^guc dhgnebdl. M =jbgibkZ
_klv hnbku \h fgh]bo kljZgZo fbjZ, \dexqZy Jhkkbx. Ex^b, dh-
lhju_ g_ fh]ml ijbgylv mqZklb_ \ ^_ckl\byo =jbgibkZ gZijZ\-
e_ggh, ihfh]Zxl wlhc hj]ZgbaZpbb ^_gv]Zfb.
Qe_gu =jbgibkZ qZklh hlh`^_kl\eyxlky k a_e_gufb. A_-
e_gu_ wlh ]jmiiZ ex^_c, qv_c p_evx y\ey_lky aZsblZ _kl_kl-
\_gguo ij_^f_lh\, lZdbo dZd jZkl_gby b `b\hlgu_.
Lesson 6
IjhqblZcl_ kdZadm b ^hdZ`bl_, qlh ijbgp_kkZ ?ebaZ\_lZ [ueZ
^_ckl\bl_evgh fm^jhc.
Ljb ijbgpZ
(Ih Wjbdm :. Dbff_em)
H^gZ`^u \ ^Ze_dhc kljZg_, `beZ ijbgp_kkZ, dhlhjZy [ueZ gZ-
klhevdh `_ fm^jhc, gZkdhevdh djZkb\hc. Ijbgp_kkZ ?ebaZ\_lZ
`beZ \ qm^_kghf f_kl_. GZ jZ\gbg_, ]^_ gZoh^beky _z ^\hj_p,
[ueh fgh]h p\_lh\. DjZkb\u_ ilbpu i_eb gZ ^_j_\vyo b ahehlu_
ju[db ieZ\Zeb \ ha_j_ jy^hf k aZfdhf. Ex^b \hkobsZebkv i_c-
aZ`_f ihaZ^b ^\hjpZ h]jhfgu_ ]hju k [_euf kg_]hf gZ bo
\_jrbgZo, a_e_gu_ em]Z k gbam. <k_ [ueb kqZkleb\u b ex[beb
ijbgp_kkm b _z hlpZ, dhjhey >`hj^`Z.
Ijbgpu kh \k_]h fbjZ ijboh^beb ijhkblv jmdb ijbgp_kku,
gh _^bgkl\_ggufb dlh _c gjZ\beky [hevr_ \k_]h [ueb ijbgp
>`_cfk, ijbgp :ev[_jl b ijbgp QZjeva. Ijbgp >`_cfk b ijbgp
QZjeva h[Z [ueb [h]Zlu, gh g_ohjhrb kh[hc g_ijb\e_dZl_evgu.
Ijbgp QZjeva [ue \ukhdbc, kbevguc b djZkb\uc. ?]h l_fgu_
]eZaZ aZklZ\beb jZklZylv k_j^p_ ijbgp_kku k i_j\h]h jZaZ, dZd
hgZ _]h m\b^_eZ. Gh hg [ue [_^_g. ?]h jh^bghc [ueZ fZe_gvdZy
a_fey \ukhdh \ ]hjZo. IjZ\bl_ev a_feb, hl_p ijbgpZ QZjevaZ,
[ue [_^guf dhjhe_f, dhlhjuc g_ bf_e gb [hevrhc Zjfbb, gb
h]jhfguo [h]Zlkl\. H^gZdh hg [ue ^h[juf b kijZ\_^eb\uf.
Kug [ue ihoh` gZ k\h_]h hlpZ. G_ m^b\bl_evgh, qlh ijbgp_kkZ
ex[beZ _]h \k_f k_j^p_f.
Gh dh]^Z hgZ kdZaZeZ Dhjhex >`hj^`m, qlh hgZ \uc^_l aZ-
fm` aZ ijbgpZ QZjevaZ, __ hl_p g_ [ue kqZkleb\. Hg ohl_e [h]Z-
lh]h b fh]ms_kl\_ggh]h fm`Z ^ey k\h_c ^hq_jb.
<uoh^b aZfm` aZ ex[h]h ijbgpZ, dhlhjh]h lu \u[_j_rv,
kdZaZe dhjhev >`hj^`, gh g_ \uoh^b aZfm` aZ ijbgpZ
< wlhf kemqZ_, kdZaZeZ ?ebaZ\_lZ, imklv dZ`^uc
ijbgp ih_^_l ih fbjm, b \_jg_lky q_j_a ]h^ k kZfhc qm^_kghc
\_svx, dhlhjmx hg gZc^_l. Y \uc^m aZfm` aZ ijbgpZ, dhlhjuc
ijbg_k_l fg_ kZfh_ \_ebdh_ qm^h.
GZ ke_^mxs__ mljh ijbgp >`_cfk, ijbgp :ev[_jl b ijbgp
QZjeva \u_oZeb \f_kl_. Hgb iml_r_kl\h\Zeb q_j_a \ha\ur_ggh-
klb b gbaf_gghklb, hgb \b^_eb djZkb\u_ \h^hiZ^u b hiZkgu_
j_db b \ dhgp_ hgb \ureb d madhc ^hebg_ e_`Z\r_c f_`^m \u-
khdbfb ]hjZfb. < dhgp_ ^hebgu jhkeh kZfh_ \ukhdh_ ^_j_\h, dh-
lhjh_ hgb dh]^Z-eb[h \b^_eb. Ljb ^hjh]b \_eb \ ljzo jZaguo gZ-
ijZ\e_gbyo. Ijbgpu ih^mfZeb, qlh wlh [ue agZd ^ey gbo, qlh[u
Ijbreh ^ey gZk \j_fy ihclb gZrbfb hl^_evgufb kh[kl\_g-
gufb imlyfb, kdZaZe ijbgp >`_cfk. HklZevgu_ kh]eZkb-
ebkv, b hgb jZkklZebkv kh keh\Zfb: <hafh`gh, fu \klj_lbfky
kgh\Z. Ijbgp >`_cfk \aye ^hjh]m gZijZ\h, Ijbgp :ev[_jl \aye
^hjh]m, b ijbgp QZjeva ih_oZe ijyfh.
Q_j_a ]h^ hgb \_jgmebkv \ ^hebgm. Hgb [ueb jZ^u m\b^_lv
^jm] ^jm]Z b bf_eb fgh]h bklhjbc ^ey lh]h, qlh[u jZkkdZaZlv h
k\hbo ijbdexq_gbyo.
DZdb_ \_ebdb_ qm^_kZ lu \klj_lbe \h \j_fy k\hbo iml_r_-
kl\bc? ijbgp >`_cfk kijhkbe ijbgpZ :ev[_jlZ.
Y iml_r_kl\h\Ze q_j_a `_e_agu_ ]hju, Ijbgp :ev[_jl
gZqZe k\hx bklhjbx, lZf y gZr_e \_ebdh_ qm^h.
Hg hldjue k\hx kmfdm b ^hklZe g_qlh \ nhjf_ rZjZ.
Qlh \ wlhf lZdh]h qm^_kgh]h? kijhkbe ijbgp >`_cfk.
Wlh \k_]h ebrv h[udgh\_gguc kl_deygguc rZj.
Wlh g_h[udgh\_gguc rZj, hl\_lbe ijbgp :ev[_jl.
<k_ qlh fg_ gm`gh k^_eZlv lZd wlh aZ]eygmlv \gmljv, b hg ihdZ-
`_l fg_ \k_, qlh ijhbkoh^bl ]^_ m]h^gh \ fbj_. JZa\_ wlh g_ m^b-
Ijbgp >`_cfk b ijbgp QZjeva kh]eZkbebkv, qlh wlh lZd. AZ-
l_f ijbgp >`_cfk ihdZaZe lh, qlh hg gZr_e. Wlh [ue dh\_j.
KlZjuc ibjZl hl^Ze _]h ijbgpm. Wlh [ue g_h[udgh\_gguc dh-
\_j, ihkdhevdm hg fh] mg_klb q_eh\_dZ dm^Z m]h^gh \ fbj_ aZ
f_gvr__ \j_fy, q_f lj_[m_lky, qlh[u kdZaZlv h[ wlhf. Ijbgp
QZjeva b ijbgp :ev[_jl kh]eZkbebkv, qlh dh\_j [ue m^b\bl_ev-
Ijbgp QZjeva ^hklZe Zi_evkbg ba k\h_]h dZjfZgZ b kdZaZe,
qlh wlh [ue p_e_[guc Zi_evkbg. Y iml_r_kl\h\Ze \ fZe_gvdbc
mgb\_jkbl_lkdbc ]hjh^. LZf y \klj_lbe ijhn_kkhjZ, dhlhjuc ^Ze
fg_ Zi_evkbg. Wlh g_ h[udgh\_gguc Zi_evkbg. ?keb q_eh\_d [h-
e_g wlhl Zi_evkbg fh`_l \ue_qblv _]h. Ijbgp >`_cfk b ijbgp
:ev[_jl h[Z kdZaZeb, qlh _keb wlh [ueZ ijZ\^Z, lh]^Z Zi_evkbg
[ue gZ kZfhf ^_e_ qm^_kguf. Gh hgb ihkfhlj_eb lZd, dZd _keb
[u hgb gZ kZfhf ^_e_ \ wlh g_ \_jbeb.
AZl_f ijbgp QZjeva kdZaZe:
DZd lZf ijbgp_kkZ? Fu g_ \b^_eb __ p_euc ]h^. Y gZ^_-
xkv m g__ \k_ \ ihjy^d_.
Fu fh`_f \uykgblv, hl\_lbe ijbgp :ev[_jl. Fhc
kl_deygguc rZj ihdZ`_l gZf, b hgb \k_ \f_kl_ aZ]eygmeb. Hgb
h[gZjm`beb m`Zkgmx \_sv. Ijbgp_kkZ e_`ZeZ gZ djh\Zlb, [e_^-
gZy dZd kf_jlv. <hdjm] g_x klhye dhjhev >`hj^` b \k_ baysgu_
e_^b, b ^`_glevf_gu __ ^\hjZ, i_qZevgh ju^Zy. >hdlhjZ ljykeb
k\hbfb ]heh\Zfb. Ijbgp_kkZ mfbjZeZ.
Fhc Zi_evkbg fh`_l \ue_qblv __! Y agZx hg fh`_l! aZ-
djbqZe ijbgp QZjeva. Gh dZd fg_ ihiZklv \h ^\hj_p \h\j_fy?
;ukljh! GZ fhc dh\_j! aZdjbqZe ijbgp >`_cfk. Hg
hlg_k_l gZk lm^Z.
AZ f_gvr_ \j_f_gb, q_f lj_[h\Zehkv, qlh[u kdZaZlv h[ wlhf,
dh\_j hlg_k bo \h ^\hj_p ijbgp_kku. Ijbgp QZjeva ih^[_`Ze d
djh\Zlb ]^_ e_`ZeZ mfbjZxsZy ijbgp_kkZ b, \klZ\ gZ dhe_gb jy-
^hf k g_c, jZa^_ebe p_e_[guc Zi_evkbg gZ q_luj_ ^hevdb. DZd
lhevdh i_j\Zy ^hevdZ kdhevagmeZ q_j_a __ ]m[u, __ p\_l \_jgmeky,
\lhjZy b __ ]eZaZ hldjuebkv. Lj_lvy, b hgZ ijbih^gyeZkv gZ
djh\Zlb. DZd lhevdh hgZ kt_eZ ihke_^gxx ^hevdm hgZ \ue_-
Qm^h, aZdjbqZeb \k_.
Wlh gZ kZfhf ^_e_ qm^h, kdZaZeZ ijbgp_kkZ. Wlb
[eZ]hjh^gu_ ijbgpu ih^Zjbeb fg_ `bagv. Y \uc^m aZfm` aZ
lh]h ijbgpZ, dhlhjuc [ue gZb[he__ hl\_lkl\_gguf aZ fh_ kiZ-
Ijbgp_kkZ bf__l \\b^m ijbgpZ QZjevaZ, kdZaZeb ^hdlh-
jZ. <_^v wlh [ue __ Zi_evkbg dhlhjuc kiZk __.
IjZ\^Z, kdZaZe dhjhev >`hj^`. Gh Zi_evkbg ^he`_g
[ue ijb[ulv \h\j_fy ^ey lh]h qlh[u [ulv ihe_aguf. Dh\_j
ijbgpZ >`_cfkZ \hl, qlh gZ kZfhf ^_e_ kiZkeh __.
Gh gb Zi_evkbg gb dh\_j g_ ihfh]eb [u _keb [u ijbgpu g_
agZeb qlh ijbgp_kkZ mfbjZeZ, baysgu_ e_^b b ^`_glevf_gu
aZdjbqZeb. Qlh gZ kZfhf ^_e_ kiZkeh __ `bagv lZd wlh kl_d-
eygguc rZj ijbgpZ :ev[_jlZ.
<k_ ihkfhlj_eb gZ ijbgp_kkm.
AZ dh]h lu kh[bjZ_rvky \uclb aZ fm`? Dlh gZ kZfhf ^_e_
kiZk l\hx `bagv?
Ijbgp_kkZ meu[gmeZkv.
G_\hafh`gh kdZaZlv. Gb h^bg ijbgp kZf g_ kfh] [u kiZklb
f_gy. Y [eZ]h^ZjgZ bf \k_f. Gh y g_ fh]m \uclb aZfm` aZ \k_o
gbo. Ihwlhfm y \uc^m aZfm` aZ ijbgpZ.
1. JZaf_klbl_ ij_^eh`_gby \ ijZ\bevghf ihjy^d_.
1) 3
2) 8
3) 9
4) 6
5) 2
6) 4
7 5
8) 1
9) 7
2. BkijZ\vl_ iheh`_gby.
1) The princess palace stood on the plain.
2) There was a green meadow behind the palace.
3) King George was Elizabeth`s father.
4) Princess Elizabeth wanted to marry Prince Charles.
5) Prince Charles found the healing orange.
6) King George didn`t save his daughter`s life.
7) The princes saw three roads near the tree.
8) The glass ball showed that the princess was dying in the pal-
9) The healing orange helped the princess.
2. Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku.
1) Princess Elizabeth lived in a wonderful place.
2) Princess liked Charles most of all.
3) She asked them to bring her the greatest wonder.
4) They parted near three roads.
5) They met in the valley.
6) Prince Albert found a glass-ball, prince James found a flying
carpet, prince Charles found a healing orange.
7) He found it in the Iron Mountains.
8) An old pirate gave it to him.
9) In a small university city.
10) Prince Charles did.
11) He thought that prince James saved her.
12) They thought that prince Albert saved her.
Dlh ieZ\Ze \hdjm] k\_lZ?
:f_jbdZ [ueZ hldjulZ \ 1492. Ijhreb ^he]b_ ]h^u, ij_`-
^_, q_f N_j^bgZg^ FZ]_eeZg, ihjlm]Zevkdbc bkke_^h\Zl_ev,
kh\_jrbe i_j\h_ djm]hk\_lgh_ iml_r_kl\b_. Hg hlieue hl Bk-
iZgbb \ 1519 ]. b lhevdh \ 1522 ]. g_fgh]b_ ba _]h ex^_c \_j-
gmebkv ^hfhc. KZf FZ]_eeZg g_ ^h`be qlh[u kgh\Z m\b^_lv
k\hc ^hf. Hg [ue m[bl \ 1521 ]. gZ NbebiibgZo, dhlhju_ hg
< gZrb ^gb dZ`^uc mq_gbd fh`_l h[gZjm`blv bfy FZ]_eeZ-
gZ gZ dZjl_ fbjZ: FZ]_eeZgh\ ijheb\ kh_^bgy_l ?\jhim k ^Ze_-
dbf <hklhdhf ih aZiZ^ghfm fZjrjmlm. Wlh fZjrjml, dhlhjuc
FZ]_eeZg i_j\uc bkihevah\Ze, dh]^Z ieZ\Ze \hdjm] k\_lZ.
DZiblZg >`_cfk Dmd, Zg]ebqZgbg, ieZ\Ze \hdjm] k\_lZ p_euo
ljb jZaZ.
< 1768 ]. hg gZqZe k\h_ i_j\h_ djm]hk\_lgh_ iml_r_kl\b_. Hg
h[h]gme fuk Jh]Z k :leZglbdb b \_jgmeky \ :g]ebx \ 1770 ].
Kimkly ljb ]h^Z hg kh\_jrbe iml_r_kl\b_ \hdjm] :glZjdlbdb,
dhlhjh_ ^ebehkv ljb ]h^Z. < 1778 ]. hg hldjue k_\_jh-aZiZ^gh_
ih[_j_`v_ :f_jbdb. <h \j_fy k\h_]h h[jZlgh]h iml_r_kl\by hg
[ue m[bl ]Z\Zckdbfb lma_fpZfb \ 1779 ].
Lesson 7
IjhqblZcl_ l_dkl b kdZ`bl_, ihq_fm W^\Zj^ VI [ue hq_gv oh-
jhrbf dhjhe_f.
Dhjhev dhjhgh\Zg
Fgh]b_ ba \Zk agZxl b ex[yl dgb]b FZjdZ L\_gZ, agZf_gblh-
]h :f_jbdZgkdh]h ibkZl_ey. ?]h jhfZgu Ijbdexq_gby LhfZ
Khc_jZ (1875) b Ijbdexq_gby =_dev[_jjb NbggZ (1884)
deZkkbq_kdb_ dgb]b ^ey ^_l_c, dhlhju_ ^h kbo ihj qblZxlky b
bfb gZkeZ`^Zxlky ih \k_fm fbjm. Ijbgp b Gbsbc (1882) [ue
i_j\uf bklhjbq_kdbf jhfZghf FZjdZ L\_gZ. Fgh]b_ ]_jhb \
dgb]_ j_Zevgu_ ex^b. DZd \u agZ_l_, dhjhev =_gjb VIII mf_j \
1547 \ \hajZkl_ 56. Hg [ue `_gZl r_klv jZa. Hl k\h_c i_j\hc
`_gu m g_]h [ueZ ^hqv, Fwjb. Hl _]h \lhjhc `_gu m g_]h [ueZ
^hqv, ?ebaZ\_lZ (dhjhe_\Z ?ebaZ\_lZ I), b hl _]h lj_lv_c `_gu m
g_]h [ue kug, ?^\Zj^, dhlhjuc b _klv Ijbgp wlhc bklhjbb.
W^\Zj^ VI [ue dhjhe_f \k_]h ebrv r_klv e_l, 1547-1553. Dh]^Z
hg mf_j ljhg i_j_r_e d Fwjb, Z aZl_f d ?ebaZ\_l_.
< bklhjbb FZjdZ L\_gZ W^\Zj^ \klj_qZ_l [_^gh]h fZevqbdZ,
LhfZ D_glb. FZevqbdb \u]ey^yl dZd [ebag_pu, lZd qlh, dh]^Z hgb
h[f_gb\Zxlky k\hbfb h^_`^Zfb ijbgpZ, W^\Zj^Z \u[jZku\Zxl ba
^\hjpZ, Z Lhf hklZ_lky \ dhjhe_\kdhc j_ab^_gpbb. <kdhj_ Dhjhev
=_gjb mfbjZ_l, b [_^guc Lhf ]hlh\blky klZlv dhjhe_f kljZgu, ohly
_fm kh\_jr_ggh g_ gjZ\blky wlZ b^_y. < lh `_ kZfh_ \j_fy ijbgp
W^\Zj^ iml_r_kl\m_l ih kljZg_, kljZ^Zy hl oheh^Z b ]heh^Z ih^m-
fu\Zy h \ha\jZs_gbb gZaZ^ \ Ehg^hg. Dh]^Z hg keurbl h kf_jlb
k\h_]h hlpZ hg ihgbfZ_l, qlh gZklZeh _]h \j_fy. Hg b _]h ^jm]
FZcek Owg^hg ^hklb]Zxl Ehg^hgZ \ ^_gv, dh]^Z gh\uc dhjhev kh-
[bjZ_lky dhjhgh\Zlvky. Wlh dhg_p bklhjbb h ijbgp_ b gbs_f.
FZcek b W^\Zj^ ih^hreb d \hjhlZf <_klfbgkl_jkdh]h >\hj-
pZ, ]^_ gZqbgZeZkv ijhp_kkby. <k_ \_ebdb_ ehj^u b e_^b kljZgu
kh[bjZebkv \f_kl_ \ <_klfbgkl_jkdhf :[[Zlkl\_ p_jdh\v b \
dhlhjhc dhjhgmxlky \k_ :g]ebckdb_ fhgZjob. P_j_fhgby gZqb-
gZeZkv q_j_a iylv fbgml.
< <_klfbgkl_jkdhf ^\hjp_ Lhf [ue ]hlh\ h^_lv k\hb bays-
gu_ gZjy^u, \ dhlhjuo hg ihc^_l \ <_klfbgkl_jkdh_ :[[Zlkl\h,
qlh[u dhjhgh\Zlvky. K gbf [ue b Ehj^ =_jlnhjl b Ehj^ Khf_j-
k_l b ^jm]b_ ijZ\bl_eb a_feb. AZ \hjhlZfb jZa^Zeky rmf, djbdb
b a\mdb kjZ`_gby.
Kwj OZfnjb ih \_jgmeky d h^ghfm ba k\hbo ex^_c: B^b b
ihkfhljb, qlh ijhbkoh^bl. < dhjhldh_ \j_fy q_eh\_d \_jgmeky.
LZf fm`qbgZ b fZevqbd k gbf. Fm`qbgZ ]h\hjbl, qlh hg
FZcek Owg^hg, Z fZevqbd ]h\hjbl, qlh m g_]h ibkvfh d dhjhex.
Y ^mfZx, hg kmfZkr_^rbc. Hg ]h\hjbl, qlh hg dhjhev!
Lhf k^_eZe rZ] \i_j_^.
Lu kdZaZe fZevqbd? k ibkvfhf?
>Z, <Zr_ <_ebq_kl\h.
G_ ljh]Zcl_ bo. Ihijhkbl_ bo \hclb \gmljv.
LZd qlh FZcek b W^\Zj^ [ueb ijh\_^_gu \ dhfgZlm, ]^_ kh-
[jZebkv Lhf b \k_ \_ebdb_ ex^b. DZd lhevdh W^\Zj^ \hr_e q_j_a
^\_jv, Lhf ih^[_`Ze b [jhkbeky gZ dhe_gb.
<Zr_ <_ebq_kl\h! aZdjbqZe hg. <u ijbreb dZd jZa \h-
Qlh wlh [ueh aZ aj_ebs_! H^bg ba fZevqbdh\ \u]ey^_e lZdbf
]jyaguf b g_kqZklguf, Z ^jm]hc lZd ohjhrh h^_l b hgb klhyeb
jy^hf ^jm] k ^jm]hf.
Ko\Zlblv wlh]h fZevqbrdm! aZdjbqZe Kwj OZfnjb, mdZ-
au\Zy gZ W^\Zj^Z.
Klhi! aZdjbqZe Ehj^ =_jlnhjl. Ihkfhljbl_ gZ ^\Z
wlbo ebpZ. Hgb lZd ihoh`b ^jm] gZ ^jm]Z. <hafh`gh, gZr
ijbgp g_ [ue kmfZkr_^rbf, \hafh`gh, hg g_ gZklhysbc ijbgp.
?klv eb dZdhc-gb[m^v, dhlhjuc fu fh]eb [u aZ^Zlv fZev-
qbdm, dhlhjuc [u ihfh] gZf? kdZaZe Ehj^ Khf_jk_l.
Ehj^ =_jlnhjl ih\_jgmeky d W^\Zj^m b klZe aZ^Z\Zlv _fm \h-
ijhk aZ \hijhkhf h dhjhe_ =_gjb, h fZl_jb W^\Zj^Z, h ^\hjp_
b l_o, dlh jZ[hlZ_l \ g_f. W^\Zj^ hl\_lbe gZ \k_ \hijhku, gh
Ehj^ =_jlnhjl \k_ _s_ g_ \_jbe, qlh lhl [ue gZklhysbf ijbg-
p_f. AZl_f Lhf \kihfgbe h ibkvf_, dhlhjh_ ijbg_k W^\Zj^.
Ehj^ =_jlnhjl \aye ebklhd b ijhqblZe, =^_ gZoh^blky <_ebdZy
Hg ih\_jgmeky d lhfm.
Y kijZrb\Ze \Zk, <Zr_ <_ebq_kl\h, fgh]h ^g_c gZaZ^, gh
\u g_ kdZaZeb fg_.
Y g_ agZx qlh lZdh_ <_ebdZy I_qZlv, b y g_ agZx ]^_ hgZ,
kdZaZe Lhf.
Ihkfhljbl_ \ gZjmdZ\gbd_ ^hki_oh\ \ fh_c dhfgZl_,
gZihfgbe W^\Zj^, b \u gZc^_l_ __.
H, wlZ! aZdjbqZe Lhf. WlZ djm]eZy ly`_eZy! Y .
Qlh lu ^_eZe k g_c? aZdjbqZe Ehj^ =_jlnhjl. KdZ`b
Y dhehe _c hj_ob.
Hg dhehe _c hj_ob! <_ebdb_ ehj^u b ijZ\bl_eb a_feb
kf_yebkv b kf_yebkv.
LZd qlh gZklhysbc W^\Zj^ klZe dhjhgh\Zgguf dhjhe_f, b hg
[ue hq_gv ohjhrbf dhjhe_f, ihlhfm qlh hg ih[u\Ze kj_^b ex-
^_c b magZe dZd hgb `beb b \ qzf hgb gm`^Zebkv. Lhf `be \h
^\hjp_ b [ue emqrbf ^jm]hf dhjhey. Dhjhev W^\Zj^ g_ ijZ\be
hq_gv ^he]h. Dh]^Z hg mf_j, Lhf mr_e b `be \ ij_djZkghf ^hf_,
dhlhjuf hg \eZ^_e \f_kl_ kh k\h_c fZl_jvx b k_kljZfb, b hg gZ-
ibkZe wlm bklhjbx ]h\hjysmx h lhf, dZd Lhf, gbsbc, [ue gZ
g_kdhevdh ^g_c dhjhe_f :g]ebb b mijZ\eye `bagvx b iheblbdhc
\_ebdhc kljZgu.
1. Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku.
1) They gathered in Westminster Abby.
2) There was a noise at the gate, shouting and sounds of fighting.
3) He let them in.
4) One of the boys looked very dirty and miserable and the
other looked very well dressed.
5) Their faces were so like each other.
6) It was inside the arm piece of the suit of armour.
7) He used it to crack nuts.
8) King Edward VI reigned for six years.
9) He was a very good king.
2. JZaf_klbl_ ij_^eh`_gby \ ijZ\bevghf ihjy^d_.
1) 2
2) 5
3) 6
4) 1
5) 4
6) 8
7) 7
8) 3
;hjv[Z aZ ljhg
?ebaZ\_l_ [ueh ^\Z^pZlv, dh]^Z W^\Zj^ VI mf_j \ 1553 ]. DZd
h^gZ ba gZke_^gbdh\ ljhgZ, hgZ \k_ \j_fy [ueZ \ g_dhlhjhc
hiZkghklb, lZd dZd kms_kl\h\Zeb jZaebqgu_ b^_c h lhf dhfm ba
^_l_c =_jgb VIII ^he`gh ih\_alb. >Z`_ \ l_q_gb_ \j_f_gb,
dh]^Z W^\Zj^ [ue dhjhe_f. B dh]^Z hgZ [ueZ gZim]ZgZ, dZd j_[_-
ghd, ex^b iulZebkv \h\e_dZlv __ \ hiZkgu_ bgljb]b. L_i_jv, dh-
]^Z __ [jZl mf_j hgZ [ueZ ^Z`_ \ [hevr_c hiZkghklb.
Fwjb (klZjrZy k\h^gZy k_kljZ ?ebaZ\_lu dhjhe_\Z Fwjb)
ijh\ha]eZkbeZ k_[y dhjhe_\hc, gh ]_jph] Ghjlmf[_je_g^kdbc
ihf_klbe `_gm k\h_]h kugZ e_^b >`_cg =j_c, ijZijZ\gmqdm
=_gjb II, gZ ljhg dZd dhjhe_\m. <h \j_fy wlhc [hjv[u aZ ljhg
?ebaZ\_lZ [ueZ ^hklZlhqgh fm^jhc, qlh[u hklZ\Zlvky \ Owlnbe-
^_, ]^_ hgZ ijbl\hjyeZkv [hevghc. Fwjb ^_j`ZeZkv gZ ljhg_, gh
hiZkghklv ?ebaZ\_l_ _s_ ]jhabeZ.
IjZ\e_gb_ dhjhe_\u ?ebaZ\_lu
?ebaZ\_lZ I \ahreZ gZ ljhg \1558 ]. M g__ [ueh hq_gv fgh]h
hlph\kdbo dZq_kl\, lZdbo dZd qm\kl\h h[s_kl\_gghklb b kbeZ oZ-
jZdl_jZ. DZd b hg, hgZ ihgbfZeZ ex^_c. HgZ ex[beZ hohlblvky b
lZgp_\Zlv. HgZ fgh]h iml_r_kl\h\ZeZ ih kljZg_. HgZ ohl_eZ ma-
gZlv k\hbo ih^^Zgguo b [ulv magZgghc bfb. ?_ khe^Zlu b fhjy-
db \hkobsZebkv __ ojZ[jhklvx. Mgb\_jkbl_lu [ueb m^b\e_gu __
h[jZah\Zgghklvx, lZd dZd hgZ fh]eZ ]h\hjblv ih-eZlbgkdb, ih-
]j_q_kdb b gZ g_kdhevdbo ^jm]bo kh\j_f_gguo yaudZo. HgZ h[h-
`ZeZ rmlblv.
<h \j_fy k\h_]h ijZ\e_gby dhjhe_\Z ?ebaZ\_lZ jZaj_rbeZ
k\hx i_j\mx ijh[e_fm, k\yaZggmx k p_jdh\vx. :g]ebckdb_
p_jd\b ijb ?ebaZ\_l_ ijhreb kj_^gbc dmjk. ;hevrbgkl\h ex^_c
\ ;jblZgbb ohl_eb lh]h, qlh b __ hl_p, =_gjb VII ^Ze bf: j_nhj-
fbjh\Zggmx dZlhebq_kdmx p_jdh\v, dhlhjZy bkihevah\ZeZ Zg]-
ebckdbc yaud b [ueZ k\h[h^gZ hl bghkljZggh]h \ebygby. B hgb
ihemqbeb lh, qlh hgb ohl_eb.
Ke_^mxs_c ijh[e_fhc ?ebaZ\_lu y\eyeZkv aZ^ZqZ hkl_i_-
gblv k\hbo \jZ]h\, ihdZ __ kljZgZ [ueZ ^hklZlhqgh kbevghc, qlh-
[u aZsblblv k_[y. H]jhfgZy hiZkghklv ijbreZ ba BkiZgbb. <
bxe_ 1558 ]. bkiZgkdZy ZjfZ^Z \ 130 bkiZgkdbo dhjZ[e_c ih^h-
reZ ih dZgZem. :g]ebckdb_ dhjZ[eb [ueb [uklj__, q_f f_^e_g-
gZy ZjfZ^Z. :g]ebckdb_ imrdb fh]eb klj_eylv ^Zevr_. Ihke_
kjZ`_gby f_gvr_ iheh\bgu ]hj^hc ZjfZ^u \_jgmehkv \ k\hb
ihjlu. Wlh ihjZ`_gb_ BkiZgbb [ueh hq_gv \Z`guf ^ey :g]ebb,
ohly fgh]b_ ex^b ]h\hjbeb, qlh biZgkdZy :jfZ^Z [ueZ [hevr_
ihjZ`_gZ ih]h^hc, q_f Zg]ebckdbfb imrdZfb.
<h \j_fy ijZ\e_gby dhjhe_\u ?ebaZ\_lu :g]eby ihkueZeZ
k\hbo bkke_^h\Zl_e_c gZ jZaebqgu_ a_feb. Hgb iulZebkv gZclb
[ukljuc imlv \ Bg^bx \hdjm] k_\_jZ Jhkkbb. < j_amevlZl_ hgb
ijbreb \ :joZg]_evkd b [ueb ijb]eZr_gu \ Fhkd\m, b gZqZeb
gh\mx lhj]h\ex k Jhkkb_c. :g]eby ohl_eZ fbjgh lhj]h\Zlv k
^jm]bfb kljZgZfb b gZclb k\h[h^gu_ a_feb, ]^_ [u hgZ fh]eZ
h[jZah\u\Zlv k\hb dhehgbb.
< l_ ]h^u i_j\uc Zg]ebqZgbg kfh] ijhieulv \hdjm] k\_lZ.
Wlh [ue Nj_gkbk >j_cd, dhlhjuc \ 1577 ]. hlijZ\beky \ x`gmx
:f_jbdm. Hg bkke_^h\Ze ih[_j_`v_ DZebnhjgbb b ijheh`be
k\hc imlv q_j_a Lbobc b Bg^bckdbc hd_Zgu, \hdjm] :njbdb, b
\_jgmeky \ :g]ebx \ 1580 ]. <h \j_fy ijZ\e_gby dhjhe_\u ?eb-
aZ\_lu ihemqbeb rbjhdh_ ijbagZgb_ b jZa\blb_ bkdmkkl\h b l_-
Zlj. KZfZ ?ebaZ\_lZ [ueZ ohjhrbf fmaudZglhf. :g]ebckdZy fm-
audZ, hkh[_ggh p_jdh\gZy fmaudZ, [ueZ k l_o ihj h^ghc ba
emqrbo \ ?\jhi_. Fgh]b_ \_ebdb_ ex^b ibkZ\rb_ klbob b ^jZ-
fu [ueb lZd`_ agZf_gblu. Iv_ku <bevyfZ R_dkibjZ [ueb gZ-
ibkZgu \ ]h^u __ ijZ\e_gby b y\eyxlky iml_\h^bl_e_f \
`bagv lh]h i_jbh^Z. Hgb g_ lhevdh ihdZau\Zxl gZf dZd ex^b \
l_ \j_f_gZ \u]ey^_eb, jZa]h\Zjb\Zeb b \_eb k_[y, gh dZd hgb ^m-
fZeb b qm\kl\h\Zeb.
Lesson 8
IjhqblZcl_ l_dkl b kdZ`bl_, ihq_fm Jh[bg Nblaml klZe Jh-
[bghf =m^hf (dZixrhg).
Jh[bg b e_kgbqb_
(Ih We_hghj_ =jwowf <wgk, dhlhjZy i_j_kdZaZeZ bklhjbx)
>Z\guf, ^Z\gh, dh]^Z =_gjb <lhjhc ijZ\be \ :g]ebb, \ _]h
kljZg_ [ueh fgh]h ijh[e_f. G_dhlhju_ [h]Zlu_ ^\hjygbg_ `beb
\ k\hbo h]jhfguo aZfdZo b bf_eb \k_, qlh hgb ohl_eb, gh [hev-
rbgkl\h ex^_c gZ wlhc a_fe_ [ueb [_^gu b g_kqZkleb\u. Ex[hc
q_eh\_d fh] e_]dh klZlv [Zg^blhf [_ah \kydh]h `_eZgby, ihlhfm
qlh aZdhgu [ueb kljh]bfb b g_kijZ\_^eb\ufb. G_dbc \_evfh`Z
dhjhe_\kl\Z, <bevyf Nblaml ba OZglbgdlhgZ ^_eZe \k_, qlh hg
fh], qlh[u ihfhqv ex^yf, dhlhju_ `beb jy^hf k gbf. Hg b _]h
`_gZ mqbeb k\h_]h ih\ajhke_\r_]h kugZ Jh[_jlZ [ulv ^h[juf
dh \k_f. =jZn, lZd`_, mqbe Jh[_jlZ \k_fm, qlh hg agZe \ bkdmkkl-
\_ klj_ev[u ba emdZ. Hl_p b kug ex[beb ]meylv \ k\hbo e_kZo,
qlh[u ihhohlblvky. Bo khk_^ ehj^ E_ckb [ue lZd`_ ohjhrbf
klj_edhf ba emdZ. M g_]h [ueZ djZkb\Zy ^hqv FZjbZggZ, dhlhjZy
[ueZ gZ ]h^ beb gZ ^\Z feZ^r_ Jh[_jlZ. >_lb [ueb ohjhrbfb
Gh \kdhj_ i_qZevgu_ \j_f_gZ gZklmibeb ^ey Nblamlh\. =jZn
<bevyf [ue gZklhevdh s_^juf, qlh d lhfm \j_f_gb, dZd _]h ku-
gm bkihegbehkv q_lujgZ^pZlv, hg jZa^Ze [hevrbgkl\h ^_g_],
qlh[u ihfhqv k\hbf [_^guf khk_^yf. AZl_f g_dhlhju_ iehob_
ehj^u, dhlhju_ g_gZ\b^_eb ]jZnZ <bevyfZ, aZo\Zlbeb _]h a_feb
b [jhkbeb _]h \ lxjvfm. ?]h `_gZ mf_jeZ hl ]hjy g_kdhevdh g_-
^_ev kimkly b, dh]^Z __ fm` mkeurZe wlm i_qZevgmx gh\hklv \
lxjvf_, hg lZd`_ aZ[he_e b mf_j.
Ehj^ E_ckb \aye Jh[_jlZ `blv \ k\hc aZfhd b FZjbZggZ ^_-
eZeZ \k_, qlh fh`gh qlh[u ih^[h^jblv fZevqbdZ. Gh Jh[_jl g_
fh] aZ[ulv k\hbo jh^bl_e_c. D lhfm `_ hg `_eZe gZclb dZdhc-
gb[m^v kihkh[ aZjZ[Zlu\Zlv k_[_ gZ `bagv.
Dh]^Z _fm bkihegbehkv iylgZ^pZlv, hg kijhkbe g_ fh] eb hg
kZf ihclb gZ agZf_gblmx Ghllbg]_fkdmx yjfZjdm, dm^Z klj_edb
ijboh^yl aZ fgh]b_ fbeb, qlh[u bkiulZlv k\h_ fZkl_jkl\h. Hg
agZe, qlh r_jbn Ghllbg]_fZ ^Zkl emqrbf klj_edZf f_klZ kj_^b
dhjhe_\kdbo e_kgbqbo.
?keb lu klZg_rv e_kgbdhf, l_[_ ijb^_lky ihdbgmlv gZk!
aZdjbqZeZ FZjbZggZ.
>Z, kdZaZe Jh[_jl. Gh y g_ fh]m `blv \k_]^Z `blv ih
^h[jhl_ <Zr_c k_fvb. Y ^he`_g gZclb dZdhc-gb[m^v kihkh[ aZ-
jZ[Zlu\Zlv k_[_ gZ `bagv, b y g_ fh]m ^mfZlv gb h q_f emqr_f,
q_f kem`blv dhjhex.
FZjbZggZ g_ ohl_eZ l_jylv k\h_]h ^jm]Z, gh __ hl_p ihgbfZe
qm\kl\Z fZevqbdZ b jZaj_rbe _fm ihclb gZ yjfZjdm.
LZd, ij_djZkguf \_k_ggbf mljhf Jh[_jl \aye k\hc emqrbc
emd b klj_eu b hlijZ\beky d Ghllbg]_fm. ?fm [ueh ijbylgh, qlh
imlv e_`Ze q_j_a R_j\m^kdbc e_k, dhlhjuc hg ex[be aZ _]h ^_-
j_\vy. IhdZ hg r_e hg i_e \_k_emx i_kgx, dhlhjZy a\mqZeZ lhqgh
lZd`_, dZd \_k_ggb_ i_kgb ilbp.
<^jm] hg mkeurZe q_eh\_q_kdb_ ]hehkZ b kf_o. Jh[ k\_jgme k
ljhibgdb b m\b^_e ]jmiim ba iylgZ^pZlb q_eh\_d kh[jZ\rboky
\hdjm] dhkljZ.
Dhjhe_\kdb_ e_kgbqb_, kdZaZe Jh[ kZf k_[_. <ha-
fh`gh, \kdhj_ y klZgm h^gbf ba gbo.
Ex^b lh`_ aZf_lbeb fZevqbdZ
Gm, xg_p! djbdgme ]jm[h h^bg ba fm`qbg. Dm^Z gZ-
GZ Ghllbg]_fkdmx yjfZjdm, kdZaZe Jh[ ^hklZlhqgh
\_`eb\h ohly hg m\b^_e, qlh e_kgbqb_ gZkf_oZebkv gZ^ gbf.
Y ohqm bkiulZlv k\h_ fZkl_jkl\h, Z aZl_f, \hafh`gh y lh-
`_ [m^m dhjhe_\kdbf e_kgbqbf.
Lu e_kgbqbc dhjhey, aZkf_yeky h^bg q_eh\_d. Lu
g_ [hevr_, q_f ijhklh fZevqbd.
>hklZlhqgh eb lu [hevrhc, qlh[u ih^gylv emd? kdZaZe
Jh[ ohl_e ml\_j^blv k_[y b hg aZdjbqZe \h \_kv ]hehk:
<u[_jbl_ fg_ p_ev! <u[_jbl_ fg_ p_ev b y ihiZ^m \ g__!
<u[_jb k\hx kh[kl\_ggmx p_ev, aZdjbqZe eb^_j ex^_c
\ a_e_ghf. Gh y [vxkv h[ aZdeZ^ gZ ^\Z^pZlv fhg_l k_j_[jZ,
qlh lu g_ ihiZ^_rv \ g__.
>h]h\hjbebkv! aZdjbqZe Jh[_jl, b hg ihkfhlj_e \hdjm].
Kd\hav ^_j_\vy hg m\b^_e he_gy. Y ijhklj_ex k_j^p_ [hevrh-
]h he_gy, kdZaZe Jh[_jl.
Klj_eyc, kdZaZe e_kgbqbc, gh l\hy klj_eZ g_ dhkg_lky
Jh[_jl gbq_]h g_ kdZaZe, hg ihkfhlj_e gZ he_gy g_dhlhjh_
\j_fy b imklbe klj_em. He_gv miZe gZ a_fex.
Jh[ h`b^Ze, qlh ex^b iho\Zeyl _]h, lZd dZd hg \ub]jZe iZjb.
Gh d _]h m^b\e_gbx hgb aeh[gh gZ g_]h kfhlj_eb.
Eb^_j k^_eZe rZ] \i_j_^.
Lu m[be he_gy \ e_km dhjhey =_gjboZ. Lu gZjmrbe aZdhg.
L_i_jv lu \hj. M[bjZcky ihdZ fu g_ hl\_eb l_[y d r_jbnm,
qlh[u hlj_aZlv l\hb mrb!
Jh[ gZqZe \hajZ`Zlv, aZl_f m\b^_e, qlh wlh [ueh [_kihe_agh.
Hg ih\_jgmeky gZaZ^ d e_kghc ljhibgd_, dZd \^jm] klj_eZ ijhe_-
l_eZ fbfh _]h moZ. Eb^_j e_kgbqbo \uklj_ebe \ g_]h! D kqZklvx
_]h klj_eZ ijhe_l_eZ fbfh ]heh\u Jh[Z. Ij_`^_ q_f ^jm]hc q_-
eh\_d kfh] \uklj_eblv \ g_]h, Jh[ imklbe klj_em b ]eZ\Z e_kgb-
qbo miZe gZ a_fex. Jh[ ih[_`Ze q_j_a e_k dZd he_gv. Hg [_`Ze b
[_`Ze ihdZ g_ ^hklb] [_ahiZkghc ^bklZgpbb f_`^m gbf b e_kgb-
qbfb. Hg [jhkbeky gZ a_fex b gZqZe ^mfZlv h \_ebdhc i_j_f_g_
\ _]h `bagb.
Ij_klmigbd! ih^mfZe hg \ m`Zk_. L_i_jv y ij_klmigbd!
?keb y k_cqZk ihc^m \ Ghllbg]_f, hgb hlj_`ml fhb mrb. Fg_
ijb^_lky hklZ\Zlvky a^_kv \ R_j\mj^kdhf e_km, ]^_ y fh]m ijy-
lZlvky. DZdhc ]emiuc ihklmihd y kh\_jrbe!
F_`^m l_f, dZd reb ^gb hg h[gZjm`be, qlh [ueb ^jm]b_ lZ-
db_ `_ dZd hg \ e_km ex^b, dhlhju_ klZeb ij_klmigbdZfb,
m[b\ he_gy ^ey k\hbo ]heh^guo k_f_c. <kdhj_ hgb \ayeb Jh[_jlZ
\ k\hx [Zg^m b ^Zeb _fm gh\h_ bfy Jh[bg =m^. Q_j_a g_dhlh-
jh_ \j_fy ex^b ba R_j\mj^kdh]h e_kZ k^_eZeb Jh[bgZ k\hbf
ij_^\h^bl_e_f. D lhfm \j_f_gb, dZd Jh[bgm bkihegbehkv ^\Z-
^pZlv hg bf_e [he__ khlgb ohjhrbo emqgbdh\ \ k\h_c dhfiZgbb.
1. KdZ`bl_ <_jgh, G_\_jgh beb Y g_ agZx.
1) Ealse
2) True
3) True
4) True
5) Ealse
6) Ealse
7) Ealse
8) True
9) True
10) True
2. Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku.
1) The life was very bad.
2) They liked to walk through their forests to hunt.
3) They died.
4) He lived in Lord Lacy`s palace.
5) He wanted to become a forester.
6) He met them in the Sherwood forest.
7) They were laughing at him.
8) He told them that he is good in archery.
9) The foresters didn`t believe Robert.
10) The leader of the foresters shot at him.
L_Zlj ?ebaZ\_lu
<eh \j_f_gZ R_dkibjZ [h]Zlu_ ex^b (^\hjyg_) gZgbfZeb
dhfiZgbb Zdl_jh\. G_ [ueh gbdZdbo Zdljbk, jheb fheh^uo `_g-
sbg b]jZebkv fZevqbdZfb b jheb \ajhkeuo `_gsbg b]jZebkv
dhfiZg_ckdbfb dehmgZfb. <k_ Zdl_ju [ueb \ lh `_ kZfh_ \j_fy
fmaudZglZfb b lZgphjZfb.
< gZqZe_ Zdl_ju \uklmiZeb i_j_^ im[ebdhc \ ihklhyeuo ^\h-
jZo. I_j\uc ihklhygguc l_Zlj [ue ihkljh_g >`_cfkhf ;mj[_c-
^`_f. Hg ijhklh gZau\Zeky L_Zlj. Kug ;mj[c^`Z klZe \_^msbf
Zdl_jhf kljZgu, dhlhjuc b]jZe fgh`_kl\h jhe_c \ iv_kZo R_d-
kibjZ. GZa\Zgby g_dhlhjuo ^jm]bo l_Zljh\ [ueb: AZgZ\_kZ, JhaZ,
E_[_^v, =eh[mk, NhjlmgZ b GZ^_`^Z.
L_Zlj ?ebaZ\_lu h[uqgh [ue djm]euf kljh_gb_f kh kp_ghc \
p_glj_ ih^ hldjuluf g_[hf p_gljZevguf f_klhf ^ey klhys_c
im[ebdb b ex^_c, ihdmiZ\rbf f_klZ \ ]Ze_jdZo ih klhjhgZf.
?keb ih]h^Z [ueZ hq_gv iehohc g_ [ueh gbdZdh]h ij_^klZ\-
L_Zlj Zg]ebckdh]h j_gbkZgkZ ihl_jye k\hx ZdlmZevghklv ih-
ke_ kf_jlb R_dkibjZ.
Lesson 9
IjhqblZcl_ l_dkl b kdZ`bl_, ihq_fm Jh[bg =m^ j_rbe ih-
fhqv :eZgm-w->wcem.
K\Z^v[Z \ e_km
H^gbf mljhf ex^b Jh[bgZ =m^Z aZf_lbeb fheh^h]h q_eh\_-
dZ \ baysghc h^_`^_. Fheh^hc q_eh\_d \u]ey^_e hq_gv i_-
qZevgh b g_k k kh[hc Zjnm f_g_klj_ey, gh hg g_ b]jZe gbdZdhc
fmaudb. Hgb hklZgh\beb fheh^h]h q_eh\_dZ b hl\_eb _]h d Jh-
[bgm =m^m.
Ihq_fm lu lZdhc ]jmklguc? kijhkbe ij_^\h^bl_ev e_kZ.
<q_jZ y [ue kqZkleb\, kdZaZe kljZggbd. Y ^he`_g
[ue `_gblvky gZ ij_djZkghc ?e_g_. Gh __ hl_p, dhlhjuc aZgbfZ-
_lky lhj]h\e_c ^he`_g ^_gv]b r_jbnm Ghllbg]_fZ, b r_jbn oh-
q_l qlh[u ?e_gZ \ureZ aZfm` aZ dh]h-gb[m^v [h]Zlh]h, lZd qlh
[u hg lhqgh ihemqbe k\hb ^_gv]b. R_jbn b __ hl_p gZreb ^ey
g__ [h]Zlh]h klZjh]h jupZjy, b fh_ k_j^p_ jZa[blh.
?keb ^_\mrdZ ex[bl l_[y, ihq_fm lu g_ kjZ`Z_rvky aZ
g__? kijhkbe Jh[bg.
HgZ ex[bl f_gy \k_f k_j^p_f. <hl dhevph, dhlhjh_ y ojZ-
gbe k_fv e_l, qlh[u ih^Zjblv _c \ ^_gv gZr_c k\Z^v[u dZd kbf-
\he gZr_c ex[\b b ij_^Zgghklb. Gh jupZjv aZ dhlhjh]h hgZ \u-
oh^bl aZfm`, kebrdhf klZj ^ey f_gy, qlh[u kjZ`Zlvky. Hg ^Z`_
klZjr_ q_f hl_p ?e_gu. Hg h^ghc gh]hc \ fh]be_.
Ke_^h\Zl_evgh fu ^he`gu ihfhqv l_[_, j_rbe Jh[bg.
DZd l_[y ah\ml?
: lu fh`_rv b]jZlv fmaudm gZ wlhc Zjn_?
Wlh y fh]m, gh ijyfh k_cqZk m f_gy kebrdhf ly`_eh gZ
k_j^p_, b y g_ fh]m kdhgp_gljbjh\Zlvky gb gZ q_f ^jm]hf djhf_
dZd gZ k\Z^v[_ Wee_g, hl\_lbe :eZg.
Qlh lu ^Zrv fg_, _keb y ihfh]m l_[_ `_gblvky gZ l\h_c
gZklhys_c ex[\b?
M f_gy g_l ^_g_], kdZae :eZg, gh y klZgm l\hbf ij_^Zg-
guf kem]hc, _keb Wee_g kfh`_l [ulv fh_c `_ghc.
F_g_klj_ev, qlh[u i_lv i_kgb h ojZ[juo ijbdexq_gbyo
fhbo kqZkleb\uo ex^_c wlh lh, qlh gZf gm`gh, kdZaZe Jh-
[bg. K\Z^v[Z Wee_g kh klZjuf jupZj_f ^he`gZ [ueZ khklhylvky
bf_ggh \ wlhl ^_gv \ p_jd\b hdheh iylb fbeyo hlkx^Z. ;ukljh b
^_lZevgh Jh[bg jZkkdZaZe ex^yf k\hc ieZg. AZl_f hg h^he`be
Zjnm :eZgZ b ihki_rbe \ P_jdh\v. LZf hg gZr_e _ibkdhiZ, kdZ-
aZe qlh hg [ue fbgbklj_e_f b _fm [ueh iha\he_gh b]jZlv gZ
k\Z^v[_. <kdhj_ hgb m\b^_eb djZkhqgmx ijhp_kkbx gZ ehrZ^yo
ijh_a`Zxsmx fbfh p_jd\b. I_j\uf _oZe jupZjv lZdhc klZjuc
b keZ[uc, qlh hg fh] k ljm^hf kb^_lv gZ k\h_c ehrZ^b. AZ gbf
_oZeb _]h ex^b gZjy^gh h^_lu_ \ gh\u_ b k\_jdZxsb_ h^_`^u.
AZl_f jy^hf kh k\hbf hlphf _oZeZ djZkb\Zy fheh^Zy ^_\mrdZ. B
dZdhc ihjZabl_evghc ijhlb\hiheh`ghklvx hgZ [ueZ klZjhfm
jupZjx! GZ __ ]hem[uo ]eZaZo [ueb ke_au. Gh hgZ kdjhfgh g_
himklbeZ k\hx ]heh\m. HgZ ^_j`ZeZ k\hx ]heh\m \ukhdh b kfhl-
j_eZ ijyfh i_j_^ kh[hc. =jmiiZ hklZgh\beZkv i_j_^ p_jdh\vx
ihkj_^bg_ h`b\e_gghc iehsZ^b.
Ihq_fm fu g_ gZqbgZ_f b]jZlv fmaudm? kijhkbe _ib-
kdhi ih\hjZqb\Zykv d Jh[bgm.
K_cqZk gZqgm, kdZaZe Jh[bg. Gh \f_klh lh]h, qlh[u b]-
jZlv gZ Zjn_ hg \ugme k\hc jh] b ^mgme ljb jZaZ. F]gh\_ggh
^\Z^pZlv q_luj_ emqgbdZ \ha]eZ\ey_fu_ :eZghf -w->_cehf ih^-
[_`Zeb. :eZg \jmqbe Jh[bgm _]h emd.
Ijb \b^_ :eZgZ, ij_djZkgZy Wee_g k^_eZeZkv jhah\Zlh-
djZkghc, Z aZl_f klZeZ hq_gv [e_^ghc. <ky hklZevgZy dhfiZgby
klhyeZ \ lbrbg_ h`b^Zy m\b^_lv, qlh ijhbahc^_l. >Z`_ _ibkdhi
[ue gZklhevdh ihjZ`_g, qlh g_ fh] ]h\hjblv, b ]hehk Jh[bgZ aZ-
a\_g_e ]jhfdh b qbklh, dh]^Z hg h[_jgmeky, qlh[u ih]h\hjblv k
<hl :eZg-w->_ce, l\hy gZklhysZy ex[h\v, kdZaZe hg.
B y a^_kv k fhbfb ohjhrbfb ex^vfb ^ey lh]h, qlh[u m[_^blvky
qlh lu b hg ih`_gbl_kv.
<k_ ex^b, dhlhju_ ijbreb ihkfhlj_lv gZ k\Z^v[m \hreb \
p_jdh\v. Lhevdh klZjuc jupZjv, _]h ex^b, b hl_p We_g klhyeb
kgZjm`b. B ex^b Jh[bgZ gZ[ex^Zeb aZ gbfb. FhgZo Lmd qblZe
kem`[m. <k_ ihgbfZeb, dZdhc wlh [ue \_ebdbc fhf_gl. Dh]^Z
k\Z^v[Z aZdhgqbeZkv \ky dhfiZgby kqZkleb\h \_jgmeZkv \ R_j-
\_j^kdbc e_k. Lhc ghqvx e_k keurZe keZ^dmx fmaudm, lZd dZd
[Zg^Z kh[jZeZkv \hdjm] dhkljZ ihke_ k\Z^_[gh]h m`bgZ ^ey lh]h
qlh[u ihi_lv b qlh[u ihkemrZlv Zjnm :eZgZ-w->_ceZ. M :eZgZ
[ueh fgh]h qlh jZkkdZaZlv bf h lhf qlh ijhbkoh^beh \ fbj_ aZ
ij_^_eZfb R_j\mj^kdh]h e_kZ. ;hevrbgkl\h ex^_c ^Z`_ g_ agZ-
eb, qlh dhjhev =_gjb mf_j b [ue ihohjhg_g.
Dh]^Z ^h[e_klguc JbqZj^ Ev\bgh_ K_j^p_ klZe dhjhe_f,
kdZaZe :eZg, fu ih^mfZeb, qlh m gZrbo ex^_c \k_ ihc^_l
ohjhrh. Gh k_cqZk hg ^Ze_dh b ^_eZ om`_, q_f dh]^Z eb[h.
Ijbgp >`hg, _]h aehc [jZl, ijZ\bl \h ^\hjp_ JbqZj^Z, b ex^b
]h\hjyl, qlh hg ohq_l aZihemqblv ljhg k\h_]h [jZlZ. Hg ex[bl
lhevdh ^_gv]b b \eZklv.
Fh`_l Ev\bgh_ K_j^p_ kdhjh \_jg_lky, kdZaZe Jh[bg.
Hg ohjhrbf dhjhezf. Y ^mfZx, qlh hg ijhklbl gZk dh]^Z
magZ_l, qlh fu ij_^Zgu b iulZebkv ihfhqv _]h ijhkluf ex-
Hg [hevr_ gbq_]h g_ kdZaZe, lZd dZd g_ ohl_e \g_klb ]jmkl-
gmx ghlm \ k\Z^_[gh_ ijZa^gh\Zgb_. Gh _]h k_j^p_ [he_eh aZ
\k_o ohjhrbo ex^_c gZ a_fe_.
1. Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku.
1) A young man in smart clothes with a harp was brought to
Robin Hood one morning.
2) He said that his true love marries some rich old knight.
3) He could play a harp.
4) He could give nothing.
5) It was to take place in the church about five miles away.
6) He saw very big and picturesque procession on horseback.
7) He pulled out his horn and blew three times.
8) Eriar Tuck did it.
9) He told them about what was going on in the world outside
Sherwood Eorest.
10) He thought that Richard the Lionheart was a good king. And
he would forgive them when he knew that they were loyal to
them and had tried to help his suffering people.
2. JZaf_klbl_ ij_^eh`_gby \ ijZ\bevghf ihjy^d_.
1) 4
2) 7
3) 1
4) 10
5) 3
6) 8
7) 5
8) 9
9) 2
10) 6
NZdlu h RhleZg^bb
AgZ_l_ eb \u qlh.
GZa\Zgb_ LZllm bf__l bgl_j_kgh_ ijhbkoh`^_gb_. Ih ljZ-
^bpbb khe^ZlZf ]h\hjbehkv \ha\jZsZlvky gZ k\hb `beu_ mqZkldb
dZ`^mx ghqv m^ZjZfb [ZjZ[ZgZ, dhlhjuc a\mqZe dZd LZl lm.
GZa\Zgb_ DeZg hagZqZ_l k_fvy b \_ebdb_ deZgu XVI b
XVII \_dh\ ^_ckl\bl_evgh [ueb dZd [hevrb_ k_fvb, mijZ\ey_-
fu_ fh]ms_kl\_ggufb gZqZevgbdZfb. <j_f_gZfb f_`^m jZa-
ebqgufb deZgZfb ijhbkoh^beb kjZ`_gby, gh \ gZrb ^gb FZd-
>hgZev^u, FZdD_gab b Dwf[_eu \k_ `b\ml \ fbj_ ^jm] k ^jm-
Fgh]b_ ex^b RhleZg^bb ghkyl bf_gZ FZd>hgZe^ beb FZd-
D_gab. FZd hagZqZ_l kug dh]h-lh b ex^b k lZdbf bf_g_f
h[uqgh qm\kl\mxl k\hx ijbgZ^e_`ghklv d h^ghc k_fv_ beb deZ-
gm. Ih^h[gu bf_gZ fZevqbdh\ wlh :g]mk, >hgZev^ beb >mg-
dZg, b bf_gZ ^_\hq_d, wlh FhjZ], NZchgZ beb >`bg.
GZpbhgZevgZy h^_`^Z rhleZg^pZ wlh dbevl, dhlhjuc gZ
kZfhf ^_e_ ghkyl fm`qbgu. Wlh x[dZ k fgh`_kl\hf kdeZ^hd.
Ghkblv rhleZg^db (jZaghp\_lgu_ de_ldb), ljZ^bpbhggh \ Rhl-
eZg^bb. GZ kZfhf ^_e_ rhleZg^dZ ghkbeZkv dZd ^ebgguc dmkhd
ldZgb, i_j_dbgmluc q_j_a ie_qb. < gZqZe_ XVII \_dZ klZe ihim-
eyj_g dbevl.
25 yg\Zjy ijZa^gm_lky rhleZg^pZfb ih \k_fm fbjm dZd ^_gv
jh`^_gb_ Jh[_jlZ ;_jgkZ. N_klb\Zev gZau\Z_lky, dZd Ghqv
;_jgkZ. <h \j_fy n_klb\Zey b]jZ_l fmaudZ \heughd, ghkblky
ljZ^bpbhggZy h^_`^Z b _klky ljZ^bpbhggZy rhleZg^kdZy _^Z.
Ex^b lZd `_ qblZxl klbob k\h_]h ex[bfh]h ihwlZ.
Fgh]b_ rhleZg^kdb_ ex^b \k_ _s_ bkihevamxl g_dhlhju_
rhleZg^kdb_ keh\Z, dh]^Z ]h\hjyl ih -Zg]ebckdb. GZijbf_j,
\b hagZqZ_l fZe_gvdbc, \ lh`_ kZfh_ \j_fy dZd \b ew^^b
fZe_gvdbc fZevqbd. ;hggb e_kk, wlh djZkb\Zy ^_\mrdZ b
[_cjg, wlh fZe_gvdbc j_[_ghd. ?keb dlh-gb[m^v hl\_qZ_l gZ
\Zrb \hijhku k Zc hg kh]eZkgu k \Zfb, ihlhfm, qlhZc hagZ-
qZ_l ^Z
RhleZg^kdbc fmaudZevguc bgkljmf_gl wlh ^m^db b \h-
< hl^Ze_gguo m]hedZo RhleZg^bb ^h kbo ihj `b\u klZju_
ex^b, dhlhju_ ]h\hjyl gZ ]Zwevkdhf yaud_.
< RhleZg^bb _klv q_luj_ klZjuo mgb\_jkbl_lZ: K\ylh]h Wg-
^jx, =eZa]h, :[_j^bg, W^bg[mj] b q_luj_ kh\j_f_gguo.
< \hk_fgZ^pZlhf \_d_ j_dZ DeZc^, ijhl_dZxsZy \ p_glj_
=eZa]h, [ueZ \k_]h ebrv \ nml rbjbghc, gh [h]ZlZ [ueZ kzf]hc.
Ij_^iheZ]Z_lky, qlh rhleZg^kdZy jZkZ kZfZy o\Zkleb\Zy
jZkZ \ fbj_.
=hevn wlh gZpbhgZevguc rhleZg^kdbc kihjl.
DebfZl b ^bdZy `bagv \ RhleZg^bb
DebfZl RhleZg^bb fy]dbc b \eZ`guc gZ aZiZ^_ b g_fgh]h
ijhoeZ^guc b f_g__ \eZ`guc gZ \hklhd_. L_ieh_ :leZglbq_kdh_
l_q_gb_ ijb^Z_l fy]dhklv abfhc aZiZ^ghfm ih[_j_`vx. GZ \ha-
\ur_gghklyo [u\Zxl hq_gv kbevgu_ kg_]hiZ^u. G_kfhljy gZ
h[s_ [jblZgkdb_ ^_j_\vy lZdb_ dZd ^m[, yk_gv b \ya, fy]dZy
\eZ`gZy ih]h^Z, hkh[_ggh gZ aZiZ^_ ih^oh^yl d o\hcguf ^_j_\v-
yf lZdbf dZd ebkl\_ggbpZ b _ev. K_j_[jbklu_ [_j_au jZklml gZ
\ha\ur_gghklyo, \ lh \j_fy dZd gZ [he__ kmohf \hklhd_ jZkl_l
rhleZg^kdZy khkgZ.
GZ \ha\ur_gghklyo \h^ylky [eZ]hjh^guc he_gv, b ^bdZy
dhrdZ, b dmgbpZ, ^\Z j_^qZcrbo \b^Z `b\hlguo <_ebdh[jblZ-
gbb. GZ ih[_j_`v_ fh`gh \klj_lblv fgh]h lxe_g_c. K_\_jguc
he_gv ba R\_pbb [ue aZ\_a_g \ D_cjg]hjfk. Baj_^dZ fh`gh
m\b^_lv ahehlh]h hjeZ, iZjys_]h gZ^ ]hjgufb \_jrbgZfb, b dm-
jhiZldZ, ilbpZ, dhlhjZy klZgh\blky [_ehc abfhc, lZd`_ `b\_l \
]hjghc kljZg_. L_l_j_\ b rhleZg^kdZy dmjhiZldZ `b\ml \ \_j_-
kd_ gZ lhjnygbklhc f_klghklb, Z lZd`_ kms_kl\mxl h]jhfgu_
dhehgbb fhjkdbo ilbp gZ kdZebkluo hkljh\Zo.
Lesson 10
IjhqblZcl_ l_dkl b kdZ`bl_, ihq_fm ex^b Jh[bgZ ihf_gyeb
k\hb p\_lZ, dh]^Z hgb ihreb gZ khklyaZgby ih klj_ev[_ ba emdZ.
AhehlZy klj_eZ
R_jbn Ghllbg]_fZ mkeurZe, qlh Jh[bg jZkkljhbe k\Z^v[m
Wee_g kh klZjuf jupZj_f b [ue gZklhevdh ahe, qlh hlijZ\beky \
Ehg^hg ijhkblv ijbgpZ >`hgZ h ihfhsb.
Qlh lu `^_rv, qlh[u y k^_eZe ^ey l_[y? kijhkbe ijbgp.
JZa\_ lu g_ r_jbn? Lu ^he`_g ^_eZlv k\hx jZ[hlm kZf b ^_eZlv
__ [ukljh bgZq_ fg_ ihgZ^h[blvky gh\uc r_jbn. R_jbn g_ kih-
jbe b \_jgmeky gZaZ^ \ Ghllbg]_f ae__, q_f dh]^Z-eb[h. ?]h [_k-
ihdhbeh lh, qlh kdZaZe ijbgp >`hg. LZd dZd hg [ue g_ ojZ[juf
q_eh\_dhf, _]h fukeb [ukljh h[_jgmebkv \ fZr_ggbq_kl\h. Hg
j_rbe mkljhblv khklyaZgby ih klj_ev[_ ba emdZ b gZ^_yeky, qlh
Jh[bg =m^ b _]h ex^b ihy\ylky lZf qlh[u ihiulZlv k\hx m^Zqm.
<hl hgh ih^mfZe hg. Y aZdZ`m k\hbf ex^yf k^_eZlv djZkb-
\mx k_j_[jbklh-ahehlmx klj_em. Emqrbc klj_ehd mg_k_l wlhl
ijba. Wlb gh\hklb ijb\_^ml Jh[bgZ b _]h ex^_c kx^Z.
Hg [ue ijZ\: dh]^Z gh\hklb h ahehlhc klj_e_ ^hreb ^h R_j-
\mj^Z, Jh[bg j_rbe \klmiblv \ khj_\gh\Zgby, gh ojZ[juc fheh-
^hc q_eh\_d >_\b^ ba >hgdZkl_jZ ih^hr_e d Jh[bgm b kdZaZe:
Ohaybg, ihkemrZcl_ f_gy. Y keurZe, qlh wlh \k_]h ebrv ijh-
^_edZ r_jbnZ. GZ khklyaZgbyo [m^_l fgh]h _]h ex^_c, b fu g_
kfh`_f kiZklb l_[y. Y g_ ^mfZx, qlh \u ^he`gu b^lb.
Lu ohjhrh ^_eZe, qlh ^_j`Ze k\hb mrb hldjulufb, kdZ-
aZe Jh[bg. Gh y \k_ _s_ ohqm bkiulZlv k\h_ fZkl_jkl\h gZ kh-
klyaZgbb r_jbnZ.
AZl_f aZ]h\hjbe fZe_gvdbc >`hg, emqrbc ^jm] b ihfhsgbd
Jh[bgZ: M f_gy _klv ieZg. Fu \k_ fh`_f ijh[jZlvky gZ khkly-
aZgby b gbdhfm ba gZk g_ ijbqbgyl [hev beb jZgyl. >Z\Zcl_ k^_-
eZ_f wlh: fu hklZ\bf gZrb a_e_gu_ dhklxfu a^_kv \ e_km. H^bg
ba gZk h^_g_l [_eh_, ^jm]hc djZkgh_, ^jm]hc `_elh_, ^jm]hc kb-
g__. Hgb [m^ml h`b^Zlv m\b^_lv gZk \ a_e_ghf, b hgb gbdh]^Z g_
^h]Z^Zxlky dlh fu.
B lZd jZah^_\rbkv \h fgh]h p\_lh\ Jh[bg =m^ b _]h ex^b gZ-
ijZ\bebkv ih k\h_c k_dj_lghc ljhibgd_ \_^ms_c ba e_kZ, i_j_-
k_dZxs_c rbjhdbc jmq_c b kf_rZebkv k ijZa^ghc lheihc b^m-
s_c \ Ghll_g]_f.
R_jbn ^_ckl\bl_evgh bkdZe ex^_c \ a_e_guo dhklxfZo, dh-
lhju_ \k_]^Z ghkbeb ex^b Jh[bgZ, ihwlhfm hg [ue hq_gv jZa-
hqZjh\Zg b ahe.
Y ^mfZe Jh[bg =m^ [m^_l a^_kv, kdZaZe hg. Hg fh`_l
[ulv ojZ[juf, gh hg g_ ^hklZlhqgh ojZ[j, qlh[u ijbclb \ Ghl-
Dh]^Z Jh[bg mkeurZe, qlh r_jbn ]h\hjbl wlb keh\Z, _]h
djh\v \kdbi_eZ. Hg ohl_e ^Zlv lheklhfm r_jbnm agZlv, qlh hg
[ue lZf. < k\h_c yjdh-djZkghc h^_`^_ hg y\eye kh[hc djZkb\mx
dZjlbgm, gh k l_o ihj, dZd hg ihf_gye p\_l k\hbo \hehk b aZl_f-
gbe k_[_ ebph khdhf ]j_pdh]h hj_oZ, gbdlh g_ magZ\Ze _]h.
DZd lhevdh khklyaZgb_ \ klj_ev[_ ba emdZ gZqZehkv, ]hehkZ
ih^gyebkv ba lheiu, ih^[Z^jb\Zy wlh]h ex[bfqbdZ beb lh]h.
Kbgyy dmjldZ! djbqZe h^bg. Dhjbqg_\Zy! djbqZe
^jm]hc; \ lh \j_fy dZd ^jm]hc djbqZe OjZ[j_p `_eluc! : ^jm-
]hc q_eh\_d kdZaZe: G_l, wlh djZkguc! Lhl q_eh\_d \ djZkghf g_
bf__l a^_kv jZ\guo k_]h^gy!
B Jh[bg, [m^mqb hlebqguf klj_edhf, hdZaZeky emqr_, q_f
\k_ hklZevgu_, b mg_k ahehlmx klj_em \ R_j\mj^. A^_kv kh[jZ-
ebkv _]h ex^b, qlh[u ihkfhlj_lv gZ ijba b jZkkdZaZlv ^jm] ^jm-
]m h ijbdexq_gbyo ^gy.
Lhevdh h^gZ \_sv [_kihdhbl f_gy, kdZaZe Jh[bg.
Fg_ [u ohl_ehkv, qlh[u r_jbn agZe, qlh y lhl, dlh ihemqbe wlm
B hg magZ_l. Imklv wlh ihkem`bl ^ey g_]h ohjhrbf mjh-
dhf, aZdjbqZe FZe_gvdbc >`h.
GZibrb dhjhldmx aZibkdm b y ijhke_`m, qlh[u hg ihem-
qbe __! Djbd h^h[j_gby jZa^Zeky ba lheiu.
B \hl dZd wlh kemqbehkv. R_jbn kb^_e aZ k\hbf h[_^_gguf
klhehf lhc ghqvx, ihly]b\Zy \bgh b o\ZklZykv, qlh Jh[bg =m^
ih[hyeky ihdZaZlv k\h_ ebph \ Ghll_g]_f. G_h`b^Zggh q_j_a hd-
gh ijhe_l_eZ klj_eZ. HgZ \hgabeZkv \ [hevrh]h lheklh]h ]mky,
dhlhjh]h r_jbn lhevdh qlh kh[bjZeky jZa^_eZlv. R_jbn k^_eZe-
ky [_euf hl kljZoZ b klhye lZf ljykykv.
A^_kv aZibkdZ, aZdjbqZe h^bg ba ]hkl_c. <havfb __ b
ijhqblZc. >jh`Zsbfb jmdZfb r_jbn \aye aZibkdm b ijhqblZe:
Y, Jh[bg =m^, [ue l_f, dlh \ub]jZe ahehlmx klj_em.
Lh]^Z r_jbn ihgye, qlh Jh[bg kgh\Z i_j_obljbe _]h.
1. Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku.
1) He went to London.
2) He said that it was only Sheriff`s job and not his.
3) He asked to prepare a beautiful silver-and-gold arrow.
4) He wanted to take part in the competition.
5) He heard that it was only a trick of the Sheriff.
6) He suggested to leave their green suits there in the forest.
And to wear clothes of different colors.
7) He didn`t saw people in green suits that Robin`s men always
8) They dressed in many colors and took their secret path lead-
ing out of the forest, crossed a wide stream and mixed with
the holiday crowd going to Nottingham.
9) Robin Hood carried off the golden arrow.
10) Robin sent him a message that told about it.
2. KdZ`bl_ <_jgh, G_\_jgh beb Y g_ agZx.
1) True
2) True
3) True
4) True
5) True
6) Ealse
7) Ealse
8) True
9) Ealse
10) True
Bklhjby Mwekh\
D_evlu, dhlhju_ i_j\ufb ijb_oZeb \ Mwek \ VI b VII \_dZo
^h gZr_c wju, [ueb ih[_`^_gu JhfZgpZfb \ IV \_d_ gZr_c wju.
JhfZgpu lZd`_ m[beb h]jhfgh_ qbkeh ^jmb^h\, d_evkdbo j_eb-
]bhaguo eb^_jh\. >jmb^u g_ mf_eb gb qblZlv gb ibkZlv, gh hgb
aZihfbgZeb \k_, qlh dZkZ_lky aZdhgh\, bklhjbb, f_^bpbgu g_h[-
oh^bfhc d_evlZf.
KZdkhgu lhedZeb mwevp_\ ^Zevr_ b ^Zevr_ ih gZijZ\e_gbx d
aZiZ^m, ihdZ, \ VIII \_d_, kZdkhgkdbc dhjhev ih bf_gb HnnZ g_
\ujue h]jhfguc jh\ ^ey lh]h, qlh[u ^_j`Zlv bo ih^Zevr_ hl
:g]ebb. AZl_f ijbreb ghjfZg^pu, dhlhju_ ihkljhbeb h]jhf-
gu_ aZfdb ^ey lh]h, qlh[u aZsbsZlv k_[y hl ZlZd k aZiZ^Z.
Mwevpu kjZ`Zebkv fgh]b_ ]h^u ^ey lh]h, qlh[u aZgh\h \_j-
gmlv k_[_ k\h[h^m. <_evkdbc dhjhev Exwebg <_ebdbc iulZeky
h[t_^bgblv k\hbo ex^_c ijhlb\ Zg]ebqZg, gh _]h \gmd Exwebg
Ihke_^gbc [ue hdhgqZl_evgh ih[_`^_g \ 1282 ]. :g]ebqZg_ ih-
kljhbeb h]jhfgu_ aZfdb \ OZe_d_ b DZjgZj\hg_, b \ 1301 ]. W^-
\Zj^ 1 ba :g]ebb k^_eZe k\h_]h klZjr_]h kugZ ijbgp_f Mwev-
kdbf. WlZ ljZ^bpby khojZgy_lky b ih k_c ^_gv b \ 1969 ]. lZdZy
p_j_fhgby kgh\Z bf_eZ f_klh. Dhjhe_\Z k^_eZeZ k\h_]h klZjr_]h
kugZ, QZjevaZ, ijbgp_f Mwevkdbf \ DZjgZj\hgkdhf aZfd_.
Lesson 11
IjhqblZcl_ l_dkl b h[tykgbl_, ihq_fm >hjhlb b __ kh[ZdZ g_
kfh]eb ihiZklv \ mjZ]Zg \f_kl_ k jh^kl\_ggbdZfb ^_\hqdb.
M^b\bl_evgh_ iml_r_kl\b_
<her_[gbd Ha h^gZ ba kZfuo ihimeyjguo ^_lkdbo dgb]
\ fbj_. Jmkkdb_ ^_lb emqr_ agZxl __ ih^ gZa\Zgb_f <her_[gbd
bamfjm^gh]h ]hjh^Z i_j_kdZaZggh]h :. <hedh\uf. Hjb]bgZev-
gZy dgb]Z [ueZ gZibkZgZ E. NjZgdhf ;hfhf, dhlhjuc jh^beky \
Qbl_gZg]h, Gvx-Chjd, <1856]h^m. Hg [hevr_ jZ[hlZf dZd `mj-
gZebkl gZ aZiZ^_ b gZqZe ibkZlv ^_lkdb_ bklhjbb, qlh[u aZjZ[h-
lZlv [hevr_ ^_g_] ^ey _]h jZklms_c k_fvb. Hg gZibkZe <he-
r_[gbd HA \ 1900 ]. b m dgb]b [ue h]jhfguc mki_o. ;hf j_rbe
gZibkZlv _s_ ljbgZ^pZlv jZkkdZah\ h kljZg_ HA.
>hjhlb `beZ gZ n_jf_ kj_^b ^bdbo a_f_ev \ DZgaZk_ kh k\h_c
l_l_c Wf b ^y^_c =_gjb. M >hjhlb g_ [ueh gb jh^bl_e_c, gb ^_-
^mrdb k [Z[mrdhc. <k_ ljh_ `beb \ h^ghdhfgZlghf n_jf_jkdhf
^hfbd_. Dm^Z g_ ihkfhljb, \hdjm] ^hfbdZ g_ [ueh gbq_]h djhf_
[_kdhg_qghc ij_jbb DZgaZkZ.
Ij_jby gZih^h[b_ iZkl[bsZ fh]eZ [ulv kmohc, dZd imklugy
e_lhf. < ihem djhr_qgh]h ^hfbdZ [ue exd. Hg \_e \ ]em[hdmx
l_fgmx ^ujm \ a_fe_. WlZ ^ujZ [ueZ bo ih]j_[hf ^ey mdjulby
hl mjZ]Zgh\.
Fh]mqb_ rlhjfZ fh]ml ijbclb \g_aZigh gZ iehkdmx ij_jbx
DZgaZkZ. Wlb rlhjfZ gZau\Zebkv lhjgZ^h. Kbevgu_ \_ljZ lhj-
gZ^h fh]ml jZajmrblv qlh m]h^gh gZ k\h_f imlb. LZd qlh, dh]^Z
gZqbgZeky lhjgZ^h, k_fvy ijylZeZkv \ ih]j_[_ ^ey [_ahiZkgh-
>y^y =_gjb b l_ly Wf fgh]h jZ[hlZeb hl jZkk\_lZ ^h aZdZlZ.
Bo `bagb [ueb lZdbfb i_qZevgufb b k_jufb, dZd ij_jby DZgaZ-
kZ. @bagv >hjhlb [ueZ gZfgh]h k\_le__, ihlhfm qlh m g__ [ue
Lhlh. Lhlh [ue fZe_gvdhc q_jghc kh[Zqdhc kh kf_rghc fhj^hq-
dhc b [e_klysbfb ]eZaZfb. Hg aZklZ\eye >hjhlb kf_ylvky b hgb
b]jZeb \f_kl_ gZ ijhly`_gbb \k_]h ^gy.
K_]h^gy, h^gZdh, >hjhlb b Lhlh g_ b]jZeb. Hgb kb^_eb gZ
djuevp_ k ^y^_c =_gjb, lZd dZd hg bamqZe g_[h. D k_\_jm h[eZdZ
jhkeb b klZgh\bebkv q_jgufb. G_h`b^Zggh >y^y =_gjb \klZe.
Ih^gbfZ_lky lhjgZ^h, Wf! hg \hkdebdgme k\h_c `_g_.
;uklj__, >hjhlb! aZdjbqZeZ l_ly Wf. < ih]j_[!
Lhlh [ue gZim]Zg. Gh ih[_`Ze b kijylZeky ih^ djh\Zlvx >h-
jhlb. >hjhlb ih[_`ZeZ qlh[u ihcfZlv _]h, ihdZ l_ly Wf b ^y^y
=_gjb kimkdZebkv \ ih]j_[. GZdhg_p, >hjhlb \ayeZ Lhlh \ k\hb
jmdb. Gh ^h lh]h, dZd hgZ kfh]eZ ijh[jZlvky \ ih]j_[, gZqZeky
<_l_j ljyogme ^hf lZd kbevgh, qlh >hjhlb miZeZ gZ ihe. : aZ-
l_f ijhbahreh g_qlh hq_gv kljZggh_. KgZqZeZ fZe_gvdbc ^hfbd
ih\_jgmeky \hdjm] ljb jZaZ. AZl_f hg gZqZe ih^gbfZlvky \\_jo \
\ha^mo_. <ur_ b \ur_ d \_jrbg_ mjZ]ZgZ e_l_e fZe_gvdbc ^h-
fbd, Z aZl_f q_j_a ij_jbx, q_j_a ]hjgu_ p_ib, j_db b ha_jZ
^Zevr_ b ^Zevr_.
< ^hfbd_ [ueh hq_gv-hq_gv l_fgh. <_l_j ]jhfdh aZ\u\Ze. Lh-
lh [ue gZim]Zg b hg ih[_`Ze ih dhfgZl_ k eZ_f. Gh >hjhlb \k_
_s_ ijhklh kb^_eZ h`b^Zy m\b^_lv, qlh `_ ijhbahc^_l.
AZl_f kh\_jr_ggh g_h`b^Zggh ^hfbd ijba_febeky. >hjhlb
ih^iju]gmeZ b ih[_`ZeZ hldju\Zlv ^\_jv. B qlh aZ qm^_kgmx
a_fex hgZ m\b^_eZ ijhklbjZxs_cky i_j_^ g_c!
LhjgZ^h mg_k ^hf d g_agZdhfhc b ij_djZkghc a_fe_. Ih\kx^m
[ueb p\_lu, kf_kv yjdbo p\_lh\. H]jhfgu_ ^_j_\vy k njmdlZfb
ly`_eh gZ\bkZeb \^hev ebgbb [_j_]Z fZe_gvdh]h `b\hibkgh]h
ha_jZ. M^b\bl_evgh jZkdjZr_ggu_ ilbqdb i_j_e_lZeb k \_ldb gZ
\_ldm. Qlh aZ \b^ ^ey fZe_gvdhc ^_\hqdb ba iehkdbo k_juo jZ\-
gbg DZgaZkZ! Qlh aZ ijb\e_dZl_evghklv!
IhdZ >hjhlb klhyeZ \ ^\_jghf ijhoh^_, ljh_ fm`qbg b klZjZy
`_gsbgZ ih^hreb d g_c. Hgb [ueb g_ \ur_ ^_l_c. Gh hgb \k_
[ueb \ajhkeufb. KlZjZy `_gsbgZ, h^_lZy \h \k_f [_ehf, [ueZ
i_j\hc, dlh aZ]h\hjbe:
>h[jh ih`Zeh\Zlv \ kljZgm @_\mgh\, kdZaZeZ hgZ.
Fu [eZ]h^Zjbf l_[y aZ m[bckl\h aehc \_^vfu \hklhdZ.
Gh a^_kv ^he`gh [ulv dZdZy lh hrb[dZ, hl\_lbeZ >hjhlb.
Y ba DZgaZkZ. Y gbdh]^Z gbdh]h g_ m[b\ZeZ \ k\h_c `bagb!
Gh ihkfhljb, fhy ^hjh]Zy kdZaZeZ klZjZy `_gsbgZ. HgZ
ihdZaZeZ >hjhlb gZ ^\_ gh]b lhjqZsb_ ba ih^ m]eZ __ ^hfZ.
H ;h`_! kdZaZeZ >hjhlb. Qlh fu l_i_jv [m^_f ^_eZlv?
AZq_f? Gbq_]h, hl\_lbeZ klZjZy `_gsbgZ HgZ [ueh
hq_gv aehc \_^vfhc. @_\mgu hq_gv jZ^u ba[Z\blvky hl g__ gZ-
: lu `_\mg? kijhkbeZ >hjhlb.
G_l, fhy ^hjh]Zy, kdZaZeZ klZjZy `_gsbgZ. Hgb `_-
\mgu. HgZ mdZaZeZ gZ lj_o fm`qbg jy^hf k kh[hc. Y \_^vfZ
k_\_jZ, kdZaZeZ hgZ.
<_^vfZ? kdZaZeZ >hjhlb, ^_eZy [hevrhc rZ] gZaZ^.
Lu ^_ckl\bl_evgh \_^vfZ?
>Z. Gh y ohjhrZy \_^vfZ, kdZaZeZ `_gsbgZ. IhgbfZ-
_rv, A^_kv q_luj_ \_^vfu \ kljZg_ Ha. <_^vfu \hklhdZ b aZiZ^Z
aeu_. Gh \_^vfu k_\_jZ b x]Z ^h[ju_. < h[s_f, kiZkb[h l_[_.
L_i_jv hklZeZkv lhevdh h^gZ aeZy \_^vfZ.
>h[jZy \_^vfZ k_\_jZ ^ZeZ >hjhlb k\hx djZkgh-jm[bgh\u_
Hgb ijbgZ^e_`Zl l_[_ l_i_jv, kdZaZeZ hgZ. < gbo kh-
^_j`blky h]jhfgZy kbeZ. B hgb ijbg_kml l_[_ m^Zqm.
Gh dZd fg_ ihiZklv ^hfhc \ DZgaZk? >hjhlb kijhkbeZ
\_^vfm. Y kdmqZx ih fhbf l_l_ Wf b ^y^_ =_gjb.
Ke_au gZqZeb dZlblvky ih __ s_dZf. <kdhj_ ^h[jh^mrgu_
`_\mgu lh`_ gZqZeb ju^Zlv.
Lu ^he`gZ b^lb \ Bamfjm^guc ]hjh^, kdZaZeZ ^h[jZy
\_^vfZ K_\_jZ. Wlh ^hf \her_[gbdZ Ha. <hafh`gh hg kfh`_l
ihfhqv l_[_.
1. <kihfgbl_, dlh \ bklhjbb kdZaZe wlh.
1) Uncle Henry said it.
2) Aunt Em said it.
3) Witch of the North said it.
4) Dorothy said it.
5) Witch of the North said it.
6) Witch of the North said it.
7) Witch of the North said it.
8) Witch of the North said it.
2. KdZ`bl_ dlh, beb qlh \ bklhjbb:
1) Dorothy did.
2) A trapdoor did.
3) The strong winds of tornado can.
4) Dorothy`s family did.
5) Toto did.
6) The clouds were.
7) Toto was.
8) The house did.
9) Toto did.
10) Wonderfully coloured birds did.
Lesson 12
IjbqblZcl_ l_dkl b h[tykgbl_, aZq_f hojZggbd ihijhkbe >h-
jhlb __ ^jma_c gZ^_lv a_e_gu_ hqdb.
<_ebdbc \her_[gbd
GZ k\h_f imlb \ Bamfjm^guc ]hjh^ >hjhlb ih^jm`beZkv kh
KljZrbehc, dhlhjuc ohl_e ihemqblv fha]b, `_e_aguf ^jh\hk_-
dhf, dhlhjuc ohl_e ihemqblv ex[ys__ k_j^p_ b ev\hf, dhlhjuc
gm`^Zeky \ ojZ[jhklb. <k_ \f_kl_ hgb ihreb \ Bamfjm^guc ]h-
jh^ ijhkblv \her_[gbdZ Ha, qlh[u lhl ihfh] bf.
@_elZy dbjibqgZy ^hjh]Z [_`ZeZ b [_`ZeZ. <^hev ^hjh]b
klhyeb ^_j_\vy k h]jhfgufb kl\heZfb, \^hev g__ lZd`_ [ueb
n_jfu. Ih \k_c hdjm]_ [ueh fgh]h fZe_gvdbo a_e_guo ^hfbdh\.
Ih\kx^m [ueh yjdh_ a_e_gh_ kbygb_.
Wlh ^he`gh [ulv Bamfjm^guc ]hjh^, kqZkleb\h kdZaZeZ
GZdhg_p hgb ih^hreb d \ukhdhc kl_g_ k \hjhlZfb. Jy^hf k
\hjhlZfb [ue a\hghd. >hjhlb iha\hgbeZ \ g_]h, b \hjhlZ f_^-
e_ggh hldjuebkv. I_j_^ gbfb klhye kljZ`gbd, h^_luc k gh] ^h
]heh\u \ a_e_gh_.
AZq_f \u ijbreb \ Bamfjm^guc ]hjh^? kijhkbe kljZ`-
Qlh[u m\b^_lv \her_[gbdZ, [ue hl\_l >hjhlb.
G_fgh]b_ dh]^Z-eb[h \klj_qZebkv k \her_[gbdhf ebphf d
ebpm, kdZaZe kljZ`gbd. Hg, \hafh`gh, g_ aZohq_l \Zk \b-
^_lv, gh y hl\_^m \Zk d g_fm \ ex[hf kemqZ_. Ij_`^_ \Zf ijb-
^_lky gZ^_lv hqdb.
>jmavyf ijbrehkv ih^qbgblvky.
;_a wlbo hqdh\ yjdhklv ]hjh^Z fh`_l hke_iblv \Zk, ijh-
bag_k kljZ`gbd. Y aZfdgm ih iZj_ hqdh\ gZ dZ`^hf ba \Zk.
Lhevdh m f_gy _klv dexq, qlh[u hlhfdgmlv bo.
KljZ`gbd gZ^_e a_e_gu_ hqdb gZ dZ`^h]h ba gbo ^Z`_ Lh-
lh! AZl_f hg hldjue ^jm]b_ \hjhlZ. I_j_^ gbfb [ue Bamfjm^-
guc ]hjh^ Ha.
Qlh wlh [ue aZ ij_djZkguc \b^! Mebpu [ueb \ufhs_gu a_-
e_guf fjZfhjhf. <^hev gbo [ueb a_e_gu_ ^hfZ k \ukhdbfb a_-
e_gufb dhehgZfb. Ih\kx^m [ueb lukyqb bamfjm^h\. Hgb k\_j-
dZeb gZ a_e_ghf kheg_qghf k\_l_.
<k_ ]hjh`Zg_ Bamfjm^gh]h ]hjh^Z ghkbeb a_e_gu_ \_sb. <
fZ]ZabgZo ^_lb ihdmiZeb a_e_guc ihi dhjg b a_e_guc ebfhgZ^ b
hgb jZkieZqb\Zebkv fZe_gvdbfb a_e_gufb fhg_lZfb. KljZ`gbd
ijhimklbe >hjhlb __ ^jma_c p_gljZevghc ^\_jb ^\hjpZ \her_[-
gbdZ. LZf klhye khe^Zl k ^ebgghc a_e_ghc [hjh^hc.
Wlb kljZggbdb, kdZaZe kljZ`gbd khe^Zlm, ijbreb
ih\b^Zlvky k \her_[gbdhf.
Khe^Zl ijhr_e \gmljv. Hg mr_e gZ hq_gv ^he]h_ \j_fy. GZ-
dhg_p hg \_jgmeky d gbf.
<_ebdbc \her_[gbd Ha m\b^blky k \Zf \ k\h_f ljhgghf
aZe_, kdZaZe khe^Zl.
KgZqZeZ khe^Zl \imklbe >hjhlb b __ ^jma_c \ ^ebgguc dhjb-
^hj. LZf [ueh g_kdhevdh q_eh\_d ]h\hjysbo ^jm] k ^jm]hf b
h`b^Zxsbo. <her_[gbd hldZaZeky ih\b^Zlvky k dZ`^uf ba gbo.
Gh >hjhlb b __ ^jmavy [ueb ih^\_^_gu d ^\_jb ljhggh]h aZeZ.
Hgb hldjueb __ b \hreb ijyfh \gmljv. Hgb hdZaZebkv \ h]jhf-
ghc djm]ehc dhfgZl_ k hq_gv \ukhdbf ihlhedhf.
Ihkj_^b dhfgZlu klhye h]jhfguc ljhg k^_eZgguc ba a_e_gh-
]h fjZfhjZ. < p_glj_ g_]h ieZ\ZeZ h]jhfgZy ]heh\Z. G_ [ueh gb-
dZdh]h l_eZ, qlh[u ih^^_j`Zlv __. M g__ g_ [ueh gb gh], gb jmd.
F_^e_ggh ]b]ZglkdZy ]heh\Z ih\_jgmeZkv ih gZijZ\e_gbx d
^jmavyf. AZl_f ]em[hdbf b fh]ms_kl\_gguf ]hehkhf hgZ aZ]h-
Y Ha, \_ebdbc b m`Zkguc. Dlh \u? Qlh \u ohlbl_ hl f_gy?
Y >hjhlb, fZe_gvdZy b keZ[Zy, \hkdebdgmeZ ^_\hqdZ.
Ih`ZemcklZ, hlijZ\v f_gy gZaZ^ \ DZgaZk.
Y \k_]h ebrv kljZrbeZ, gZ[bluc khehfhc, kdZaZe kljZ-
rbeZ. Y [u ohl_e, qlh[u lu ^Ze fg_ g_fgh]h fha]h\, qlh[u y
fh] ^mfZlv.
Y ^jh\hk_d k^_eZgguc ba `_e_aZ, kdZaZe `_e_aguc ^jh-
\hk_d. Y [u ohl_e, qlh[u lu ^Ze fg_ k_j^p_, qlh[u y fh] ex-
[blv ^jm]bo.
Y ljmkeb\uc e_\, kdZaZe e_\. ?keb [u lu ^Ze fg_ g_-
fgh]h ojZ[jhklb, y [u fh] klZlv pZj_f a\_j_c.
=heh\Z ihfheqZeZ g_dhlhjh_ \j_fy. AZl_f hgZ aZ]h\hjbeZ
<hl \Zf fh_ j_r_gb_. Y hlijZ\ex ^_\hqdm gZaZ^ \ DZgaZk.
Y ^Zf kljZrbe_ fha]b. Y ^Zf `_e_aghfm ^jh\hk_dm k_j^p_. B y
^Zf ev\m ojZ[jhklv. Gh \u ^he`gu dh_-qlh k^_eZlv ^ey f_gy \
hl\_l. <u ^he`gu m[blv aemx \_^vfm aZiZ^Z!
Gh fu g_ fh`_f! aZdjbqZeZ >hjhlb
Lu g_ fh`_rv km^blv h[ wlhf, fZe_gvdZy ^_\hqdZ, Z y fh]m.
;ueh q_luj_ \_^vfu ^\_ ohjhrb_, ^\_ iehob_. Y keurZe, qlh
\u m`_ m[beb h^gm iehomx \_^vfm. Gh \k_ _s_ hklZ_lky h^gZ ieh-
oZy \_^vfZ \ kljZg_ Ha, kdZaZeZ ]heh\Z. Y bkihegx \Zr_ `_-
eZgb_, dh]^Z hgZ mfj_l, \k_ jZ\gh, dZd \u wlh k^_eZ_l_. G_ jZgvr_!
K wlbf, ]heh\Z ih\_jgmeZkv d h]g_gghfm rZjm. Hg aZ]hj_eky
lZd kbevgh, qlh >hjhlb b __ ^jmavy \u[_`Zeb ba dhfgZlu.
1. JZaf_klbl_ ij_^eh`_gby \ ijZ\bevghf ihjy^d_.
1) 2
2) 7
3) 10
4) 3
5) 9
6) 4
7) 5
8) 8
9) 1
10) 6
2. Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku.
1) It brought them to the Emerald City of Oz.
2) They saw a guard.
3) He was dressed from head to toe in green.
4) No, he was sure the Wizard of Oz would see the guests.
5) The guard locked the glasses.
6) The streets were paved with green marble. Along them were
green houses with tall green columns. There were thousands
of emeralds everywhere. They shone in the green sunlight.
7) He agreed to see the friends.
8) They saw a number of people talking to each other and
9) It was a high room with a very high ceiling.
10) The ball of fire did.
Lesson 13
IjhqblZcl_ l_dkl b h[tykgbl_, ihq_fm \her_[gbd Ha [ue
m^b\e_g, qlh >hjhlb b __ ^jmavy \_jgmebkv d g_fm k gh\hklvx,
qlh aeZy \_^vfZ mf_jeZ.
>Zju \her_[gbdZ
Ihke_ lh]h, dZd >hjhlb r\ujgmeZ \_^jh \h^u gZ aemx \_^vfm
b \_^vfZ jZklZyeZ, e_lZxsb_ h[_avygu ijbg_keb ^jma_c d \hjh-
lZf Bamfjm^gh]h ]hjh^Z.
KljZ`gbd ih^\_e >hjhlb b __ ^jma_c dh ^\hjpm. M^b\bl_ev-
gu_ gh\hklb [ueb ^hklZ\e_gu ijyfh d \her_[gbdm. >hjhlb [u-
eZ m\_j_gZ, qlh hg kjZam `_ ihah\_l bo. Gh gbdlh bo g_ iha\Ze.
KljZrbeZ \kdhj_ mklZe `^Zlv. Hg kdZaZe, qlh gbdh]^Z g_ ^h-
\_jye \her_[gbdm b ihkeZe _fm ke_^mxs__ ihkeZgb_: K_cqZk
`_ \imklbl_ gZk beb fu ihah\_f e_lZxsbo h[_avyg. >\_jv \
ljhgguc aZe hldjueZkv i_j_^ gbfb. Q_luj_ iml_r_kl\_ggbdZ
\hreb, h`b^Zy m\b^_lv ]b]Zglkdmx ]heh\m. Gh k bo m^b\e_gbx,
dhfgZlZ [ueZ iheghklvx imklZ. AZl_f ]hehk aZ]h\hjbe \ukhdh
gZ^ gbfb.
Y Ha, \_ebdbc b m`Zkguc, kdZaZe ]hehk. Q_]h \u ohlbl_?
AeZy \_^vfZ mf_jeZ, ]hj^h kdZaZeZ >hjhlb. Lu ^he-
`_g k^_j`Zlv k\h_ h[_sZgb_.
Gh wlh lZd g_h`b^Zggh, kdZaZe ]hehk. Ijboh^bl_ aZ\-
ljZ. Beb gZ ke_^mxsbc ^_gv.
M l_[y m`_ [ueh ^hklZlhqgh \j_f_gb! aeh[gh kdZaZe
`_e_aguc ^jh\hk_d.
K^_j`b k\h_ h[_sZgb_! kdZaZeZ >hjhlb, lhiZy gh]hc.
Lhlh kjZam `_ klZe eZylv gZ wdjZg \ m]em dhfgZlu. Hg lhedgme
_]h, b lhl miZe. AZ wdjZghf [ue fZe_gvdbc klZjuc q_eh\_d.
@_e_aguc ^jh\hk_d ih^gye k\hc lhihj.
Dlh lu? kijhkbe hg.
Y Ha, kdZaZe fZe_gvdbc klZjuc q_eh\_d kh kfms_gguf
ebphf. <_ebdbc b m`Zkguc. Ih`ZemcklZ, ih`ZemcklZ g_ ljh-
]Zcl_ f_gy!
JZa\_ lu g_ \her_[gbd? kijhkbeZ >hjhlb.
Fg_ hq_gv `Zev, fhy ^hjh]Zy, kdZaZe klZjuc q_eh\_d.
Gh y \k_]h ebrv h[udgh\_gguc q_eh\_d.
Lu [hevr_ wlh]h! aZdjbqZe kljZrbeZ. Lu [hevrhc
Gh y g_ ihgbfZx, kdZaZeZ >hjhlb. : dZd gZkq_l ]heh-
\u b h]g_ggh]h rZjZ b ]hehkZ?
Ijhklu_ fZ]bq_kdb_ nhdmku, kdZaZe \her_[gbd.
L_[_ ^he`gh [ulv klu^gh! kdZaZe kljZrbeh.
H, fg_ klu^gh! GZ kZfhf ^_e_ klu^gh! kdZaZe \her_[-
gbd. Gh \u ihgbfZ_l_, wlh [ueh \k_, qlh y fh] k^_eZlv. B
\her_[gbd gZqZe k\hx bklhjbx:
Y jh^beky \ ^Ze_dhf ]hjh^_ ih^ gZa\Zgb_f HfZoZ.
Wlh jy^hf k DZgaZkhf! kdZaZeZ >hjhlb.
Y \ujhk \ [hevrhc k_fv_: m f_gy [ue hl_p, fZq_oZ b g_-
kdhevdh k\h^guo [jZlv_\ b k_kl_j. Y g_ fh]m kdZaZlv, qlh fu `b-
eb \ [_^ghklb, gh y agZx, qlh fh_fm hlpm [ueh g_ ijhklh aZjZ[h-
lZlv k_[_ gZ `bagv. Hl_p ohl_e, qlh[u y [ue ohjhrh h[jZah\Zg,
gh y m[_`Ze k pbjdhf. < pbjd_ y aZimkdZe rZju. Y iml_r_kl\h-
\Ze k pbjdhf ih kljZg_ b dZ`^uc jZa, dh]^Z fu ijb_a`Zeb gZ gh-
\h_ f_klh, wlh [ueh ]jZg^bhagh_ kh[ulb_, dhlhjh_ ijb\e_dZeh
lheiu gZjh^Z. Bf gjZ\bebkv fhb \uklmie_gby, b hgb ih^[Z^jb-
\Zeb f_gy k\hbfb djbdZfb.
<her_[gbd [ue ohjhrbf jZkkdZaqbdhf, b ^jmavy kemrZeb
_]h k h]jhfguf bgl_j_khf.
Gh \kdhj_ \k_ dhgqbehkv, \her_[gbd ijh^he`Ze. H^-
gZ`^u y \ae_l_e gZ k\h_f rZj_ b \_j_\db h[hj\Zebkv. Y g_ kfh]
aZgh\h kimklblvky \gba.
>_gv b ghqv y ieue gZ^ h[eZdZfb. GZdhg_p, y ijba_febeky
\ wlhf g_agZdhfhf f_kl_. Ex^b m\b^_eb, dZd y kimkdZxkv k g_-
[_k. Hg b j_rbeb, qlh y ^he`gh [ulv \_ebdbc \her_[gbd b jZa-
]h\Zjb\Zeb kh fghc k h]jhfguf m\Z`_gb_f. JZamf__lky, y ih-
a\hebe bf ijh^he`Zlv lZd ^mfZlv.
Ex^b ihkljhbeb fg_ wlhl ]hjh^ b wlhl ^\hj_p. Y aZklZ\be
dZ`^h]h ghkblv a_e_gu_ hqdb, qlh[u \k_ dZaZehkv a_e_guf. AZ-
l_f y gZa\Ze wlh f_klh Bamfjm^guf ]hjh^hf.
Y ^mfZx lu hq_gv iehohc q_eh\_d, kdZaZeZ >hjhlb.
G_l, fhy ^hjh]Zy, \hkdebdgme \her_[gbd. Y hq_gv oh-
jhrbc q_eh\_d. Gh y hq_gv iehohc \her_[gbd.
AgZqbl lu g_ fh`_rv ^Zlv fg_ fha]b? kijhkbe kljZrbeZ.
Hgb g_ gm`gu l_[_, kdZaZe \her_[gbd. DZ`^uc ^_gv
lu qlh-lh magZ_rv b \hl lZd lu ihemqZ_rv k\hx fm^jhklv.
Gh y lZd g_kqZkleb\ [_a fha]h\, kdZaZe kljZrbeZ.
Gm, kdZaZe \her_[gbd. M f_gy wlh g_ hq_gv ohjhrh
ihemqZ_lky, gh.
<her_[gbd ^hklZe fgh]h [meZ\hd b b]hehd. AZl_f hg kgye ]h-
eh\m kljZrbeu. Hg kf_rZe [meZ\db b b]hedb \gmljb \f_kl_ k
khehfhc. AZl_f hg \_jgme ]heh\m gZ f_klh.
L_i_jv lu kZfuc mfguc q_eh\_d \ hdjm]_, kdZaZe \he-
r_[gbd. Y ^Ze l_[_ fgh`_kl\h b fgh`_kl\h gh\uo hkljuo
: dZd gZkq_l fh_]h k_j^pZ? kijhkbe `_e_aguc ^jh\h-
L_[_ hq_gv ih\_aeh, qlh lu g_ bf__rv _]h, kdZaZe \he-
r_[gbd. Hgh ^_eZ_l [hevrbgkl\h ex^_c g_kqZklgufb. Gh y
fh]m ^Zlv l_[_ k_j^p_, _keb l_[_ _]h m` lZd ohq_lky.
<her_[gbd ^hklZe k_j^p_ k^_eZggh_ ba r_edZ, ijh^_eZe fZ-
e_gvdmx ^ujhqdm \ ]jm^b `_e_agh]h ^jh\hk_dZ b ihf_klbe gh\h_
k\_jdZxs__ k_j^p_ lm^Z. AZl_f hg aZgh\h ihklZ\be aZieZlm `_-
e_aghfm ^jh\hk_dm.
: dZd gZkq_l fh_c ojZ[jhklb? kijhkbe e_\.
M l_[y m`_ ^hklZlhqgh ojZ[jhklb, kdZaZe \her_[gbd.
G_l gbq_]h iehoh]h \ lhf, qlh[u [hylvky hiZkghklb. L_[_ lhevdh
ke_^m_l ih\_jblv \ k_[y, \hl b \k_. Gh _keb lu ^he`_g bf_lv
<her_[gbd ^hklZe [hevrmx a_e_gmx [mluedm ba k\h_]h
ibkvf_ggh]h klheZ. GZ yjeud_ [ueh gZibkZgh OJ:;JHKLV.
Hg gZebe g_fgh]h wlh]h \ qZrdm b ^Ze wlh ev\m, dhlhjuc [ukljh
wlh \uibe.
DZd k_[y l_i_jv qm\kl\m_rv? \her_[gbd kijhkbe m
DZd pZjv a\_j_c! kqZkleb\h kdZaZe e_\.
: l_i_jv fhy hq_j_^v, kdZaZeZ >hjhlb. Gh ebph \he-
r_[gbdZ klZeh i_qZevguf. >Zc fg_ g_fgh]h \j_f_gb, kdZ-
aZe \her_[gbd. GZ^ wlbf gm`gh ih^mfZlv.
Ihreh q_luj_ ^gy [_a \kydhc \_klb hl \her_[gbdZ. AZl_f,
gZdhg_p, hg ihkeZe aZ >hjhl_.
Y gZr_e imlv, qlh[u ^hklZ\blv l_[y \ DZgaZk, kdZaZe hg.
Fu fh`_f k^_eZlv rZj, qlh[u hg hlg_k gZk lm^Z. Wlh gZr
GZk? kdZaZeZ >hjhlb k m^b\e_gb_f. Lu lh`_ kh[bjZ-
_rvky \ DZgaZk?
>Z. GZ kZfhf ^_e_, kdZaZe \her_[gbd.
Fg_ gZ^h_eh [ulv fhr_ggbdhf. Y ij_^ihqblZx \_jgmlvky
\ pbjd.
LZd qlh \her_[gbd b >hjhlb k^_eZeb rZj. : `_e_aguc ^jh-
\hk_d gZjm[be ^jh\ ^ey h]jhfgh]h dhkljZ. Dhkl_j ih^h]j__l \ha-
^mo \ rZj_ ^ey lh]h, qlh[u hg ih^gyeky. H]jhfgZy lheiZ kh[jZ-
eZkv i_j_^ ^\hjphf. <her_[gbd aZe_a \ h]jhfgmx dhjabgm,
dhlhjZy \bk_eZ ih^ rZjhf.
IhdZ f_gy g_ [m^_l, \her_[gbd kdZaZe lhei_. KljZ-
rbeh [m^_l ijZ\blv \ fh_f ^\hjp_. Hg kZfuc fm^juc q_eh\_d \
kljZg_ Ha.
>hjhlb ^_j`ZeZ Lhlh \ k\hbo jmdZo. RZj [ue ihehg ]hjyq_]h
\ha^moZ hl dhkljZ `_e_agh]h ^jh\hk_dZ. DZd lhevdh >hjhlb kh-
[jZeZkv \e_alv \ dhjabgm, \_j_\dZ ihj\ZeZkv. Kh\_jr_ggh h^bg
\her_[gbd Ha ihieue \\_jo \ h[eZdZ.
1. <kihfgbl_, dlh \ bklhjbb kdZaZe wlh.
1) The Scarecrow.
2) The Wizard of Oz.
3) The Tin Man.
4) Dorothy.
5) Dorothy.
6) The Wizard.
7) Dorothy.
8) Scarecrow.
9) Tin Man.
10) The Wizard.
2. KdZ`bl_ <_jgh, G_\_jgh beb Y g_ agZx.
1) True
2) I don`t know
3) True
4) True
5) True
6) True
7) True
8) True
9) True
10) I don`t know
Lesson 14
IjhqblZcl_ l_dkl b kdZ`bl_ d_f [ueb Imfiu-Emfim b ihq_-
fm hgb [ueb g_h[udgh\_ggufb jZ[hlgbdZfb.
Fbkl_j <beeb <hgdZ, \eZ^_e_p emqr_c rhdheZ^ghc nZ[jbdb
\ fbj_ ijb]eZkbe iyl_juo ^_l_c b bo jh^bl_e_c ihk_lblv _]h
nZ[jbdm. Dh]^Z \_ebdbc ^_gv gZklmibe, iylv ^_l_c ih^hreb d
\hjhlZf nZ[jbdb. >_gv [ue yjdbf, gh oheh^guf. >me e_^yghc
\_l_j. <ky l_jjblhjby i_j_^ nZ[jbdhc [ueZ ihdjulZ kg_]hf.
Fbkl_j <hgdZ klhye kh\_jr_ggh h^bg ijyfh aZ \hjhlZfb. B qlh
aZ g_h[uqgucf fZe_gvdbf q_eh\_dhf [ue hg? GZ _]h ]heh\_ [ue
q_jguc pbebg^j. Hg ghkbe njZd krbluc ba [ZjoZlZ. ?]h [jxdb
[ueb [mluehqgh-a_e_gh]h p\_lZ. ?]h i_jqZldb [ueb `_fqm`gh-
k_jufb. B _]h ]eZaZ _]h ]eZaZ [ueb hq_gv yjdbfb. <k_ ebph, \
p_ehf, [ueh ihegh kqZklvy b kf_oZ. B ^Z, lZdbf mfguf hg \u-
]ey^_e! LZdbf [ukljuf b hkljuf, b iheguf `bagb. Hg [ue, dZd
[_edZ, dZd [ukljZy, mfgZy klZjZy [_edZ ba iZjdZ. <^jm] hg k^_eZe
fZe_gvdh_ kf_rgh_ iZ gZ kg_]m b meu[gmeky iyl_juf ^_lyf, b
hg \udjbdgme: >h[jh ih`Zeh\Zlv fhb fZe_gvdb_ ^jmavy! >h[jh
ih`Zeh\Zlv gZ nZ[jbdm b \_^bl_ k\hbo jh^bl_e_c.
AZl_f, dh]^Z \hjhlZ aZdjuebkv k ]jhfdbf rmfhf fbkl_j <hg]
aZdjbqZe: <hl fu b a^_kv! Q_j_a wlm [hevrmx djZkgmx ^\_jv,
ih`ZemcklZ! IjZ\bevgh! <gmljb l_ieh b mxlgh! Fg_ ijboh^bl-
ky khojZgylv l_ieh \gmljb nZ[jbdb ba-aZ jZ[hqbo. Fhb jZ[hqb_
ijb\udeb d qj_a\uqZcgh `Zjdhfm debfZlm! Hgb g_ \ughky oh-
eh^Z. JZgvr_ hgb `beb \ ljhibq_kdhf debfZl_!
Gh dlh wlb jZ[hlgbdb?, kijhkbe :\]mklmk =emi. <k_ \
k\h_ \j_fy, fhc ^hjh]hc fZevqbd! kdZaZe fbkl_j <hg], meu[Z-
ykv :\]mklmkm. <u \k_ \gmljb? Ohjhrh.
Hgb hdZaZebkv \ ^ebgghf dhjb^hj_ dhjb^hj [ue lZdbf rbjh-
dbf, qlh Z\lhfh[bev fh] [u e_]dh ijh_oZlv ih g_fm. Kl_gu [ueb
[e_^gh- jhah\ufb. Hk\_s_gb_ [ueh fy]dbf b ijbylguf b aZiZo
\ \ha^mo_ \hdjm] gbo aZiZo dhn_ b ``_gh]h kZoZjZ, b lZxs_]h
rhdheZ^Z, b i_jkbdh\, b Z[jbdhk, b ]jmr, b y[ehqguo p\_lh\, b
dZjZf_e_d, b ebfhgghc dh`mju. <kdhj_ fbkl_j <hgd k\_jgme k
]eZ\gh]h dhjb^hjZ \ ^jm]hc ihm`_. AZl_f hg k\_jgme gZe_\h.
AZl_f hiylv gZe_\h. AZl_f gZijZ\h, aZl_f gZe_\h, aZl_f gZijZ\h.
AZl_f gZijZ\h. AZl_f gZe_\h. B q_lujgZ^pZlv q_eh\_d khijh\h-
`^Zeb _]h. Wlh [ueZ ^hklZlhqgh [hevrZy ]jmiiZ ex^_c, dh]^Z lu
gZqbgZe gZ^ wlbf aZ^mfu\Zlvky. LZf [ueh ^_\ylv \ajhkeuo b
iylv ^_l_c. L_i_jv fu kimkdZ_fky ih a_fex! <k_ kZfu_ \Z`gu_
dhfgZlu fh_c nZ[jbdb gZoh^ylky ih^ a_fe_c, kdZaZe fbkl_j
Ihq_fm lZd? kijhkbe dlh-lh.
GZ\_jom ^ey gbo \k_o g_ o\Zlbeh [u f_klZ! hl\_lbe fbk-
l_j <hgd.
Wlb dhfgZlu, dhlhju_ fu kh[bjZ_fky ihkfhlj_lv h]jhfgu_.
Hgb h[rbjgu_. Hgb [hevr_, q_f nml[hevgu_ ihey. A^_kv \gbam
m f_gy _klv \k_ ijhkljZgkl\h \ dhlhjhf y gm`^Zxkv.
<^jm] fbkl_j <hgdZ hklZgh\beky. I_j_^ gbf [ueZ [e_klysZy
f_lZeebq_kdZy ^\_jv. GZ ^\_jb, [hevrbfb [md\Zfb, [ueh gZibkZ-
gh: RHDHE:>G:Y DHFG:L:. Wlh \Z`gZy dhfgZlZ! aZ-
djbqZe fbkl_j <hgd. Wlh p_glj \k_c nZ[jbdb, k_j^p_ \k_]h ^_eZ.
B lZdZy djZkb\Zy! GbdZdh]h [_ah[jZaby gZ fh_c nZ[jbd_! L_i_jv
fu \oh^bf \gmljv! Gh [m^vl_ hklhjh`gu, fhb ^hjh]b_ ^_lb!
Fbkl_j <hgdZ hldjue ^\_jv. Iylv ^_l_c b ^_\ylv \ajhkeuo
\hreb \gmljv. Hgb kha_jpZeb ij_djZkgmx ^hebgm. GZ dZ`^hc
klhjhg ^hebgu [ueb a_e_gu_ em]Z b ihgbam __ ijhl_dZeZ h]jhf-
gZy dhjbqg_\Zy j_dZ. LmfZg ih^gbfZeky k h]jhfghc l_iehc rh-
dheZ^ghc j_db. Dh \k_fm d wlhfm \^hev j_db [ue h]jhfguc \h-
^hiZ^. Ih^ \h^hiZ^hf [ueh fgh]h kl_deygguo ljm[
gZiheg_gguo rhdheZ^hf. Pbljmkh\u_ ^_j_\vy b djZkb\u_ dmklu
jhkeb \^hev [_j_]h\ j_db. <u fh]eb [u m\b^_lv ihey ir_gbpu,
b djZkgu_ y]h^u jy^hf k dmklZfb.
>_lb b bo jh^bl_eb ihl_jyeb ^Zj j_qb. Hgb ijhklh klhyeb \u-
imqb\ ]eZaZ. <h^hiZ^ wlh kZfh_ \Z`gh_! kdZaZe fbkl_j
<hgdZ. Hg f_rZ_l rhdheZ^. Hg ^_eZ_l _]h k\_leuf. GbdZdZy
^jm]Zy nZ[jbdZ \ fbj_ g_ f_rZ_l lZdhc rhdheZ^ \h^hiZ^hf! Gh
wlh _^bgkl\_gguc kihkh[ k^_eZlv wlh. : \Zf gjZ\ylky fhb ^_j_\vy
b fhb dmklu? Y kdZaZe \Zf, qlh g_gZ\b`m [_ah[jZaby. B jZamf__l-
ky hgb \k_ kt_^h[gu. B \k_ jZaghh[jZagu b hq_gv \dmkgu.
<^jm] hgb m\b^_eb fZe_gvdbo ex^_c gZ [_j_]m j_db. M gbo
[ueb kf_rgu_ ^ebggu_ \hehku b hgb [ueb hq_gv fZe_gvdbfb,
g_ [hevr_ q_f dmdeu kj_^g_]h jZaf_jZ.
Dlh hgb?
Hldm^Z hgb ijbreb?
Qlh hgb ^_eZxl?
>_lb b jh^bl_eb [ueb \a\hegh\Zgu.
Gh hgb g_ fh]ml [ulv gZklhysbfb ex^vfb, kdZaZe QZj-
JZamf__lky hgb gZklhysb_ ex^b, hl\_lbe fbkl_j <hgdZ.
Hgb MfiZ-EmfiZku. Hgb ijb_oZeb ba EmfiZeZgbb. Wlh gZ-
oh^blky \ x`ghf ihemrZjbb. KljZgZ aZgbfZ_l fZe_gvdbc hkl-
jh\. L_jjblhjby kdhj_c [hehlbklZy, \ha^mo \eZ`guc b hq_gv ]h-
jyqbc. Wlh m`ZkgZy kljZgZ. LZf gbq_]h g_l, djhf_ ]mkluo
^`mg]e_c. Dh]^Z y ih_oZe lm^Z, y gZr_e fZe_gvdbo MfiZ-
EmfiZkh\ `b\msbo \ ^hfZo gZ ^_j_\vyo. Hgb `beb \ ^hfZo gZ
^_j_\vyo ihlhfm, qlh hgb [hyebkv hiZkguo kha^Zgbc, dhlhju_
`beb \ ^`mg]eyo. ;_^gu_ MfiZ-EmfiZku! DZ`^mx fbgmlm k\h_c
`bagb hgb ijh\h^beb, dZjZ[dZykv ih ^_j_\vyf b q_j_a ^_j_\vy. B
hgb iblZebkv a_e_gufb ]mk_gbpZfb b ]mk_gbpu [ueb m`Zkgh
g_\dmkgufb. ?^bgkl\_ggZy _^Z, dhlhjmx hgb ohl_eb ihemqblv
[ue dZdZh [h[, gh hgb g_ fh]eb ihemqblv _]h. MfiZ-EmfiZ [ue
kqZkleb\, _keb _fm m^Z\Zehkv gZclb ljb beb q_luj_ [h[Z \ ]h^.
DZdZh [h[, kdZaZe fbkl_j <hgd. Dhlhjuc jZkl_l gZ
dZdZh ^_j_\_, b _klv lZ \_sv ba dhlhjhc ^_eZ_lky \_kv rhdheZ^.
<u g_ fh`_l_ k^_eZlv rhdheZ^ [_a dZdZh [h[Z. DZdZh [h[ wlh
rhdheZ^. BlZd, y kdZaZe MfiZ-EmfiZkZf, qlh m f_gy gZ nZ[jbd_
]hju dZdZh.
Ihkfhljbl_ kx^Z, kdZaZe y (]h\hjy g_ ih-Zg]ebckdb, jZamf_-
_lky, Z gZ mfiZ-emfikdhf), ihkfhljbl_ kx^Z, _keb \u b \Zrb
ex^b ijb_^ml \ fhx kljZgm b [m^_l_ `blv b jZ[hlZlv gZ fh_c
nZ[jbd_, m \Zk [m^_l klhevdh dZdZh [h[h\, kdhevdh \u ih`_eZ_l_.
<u fh`_l_ _klv dZdZh [h[u \f_klh ex[hc ^jm]hc _^u. Y ^Z`_
[m^m ieZlblv \Zf \ dZdZh [h[Zo, _keb \u aZohlbl_.
B hgb kh]eZkbebkv. LZd qlh y i_j_ijZ\be bo kx^Z, dZ`^h]h
fm`qbgm, dZ`^mx `_gsbgm b j_[_gdZ. Wlh [ueh ijhklh. Hgb
m^b\bl_evgu_ jZ[hlgbdb. K_cqZk hgb \k_ ]h\hjyl gZ Zg]ebckdhf.
Hgb ex[yl lZgpu b fmaudm. Hgb ex[yl i_lv i_kgb b ex[yl rml-
db. Hgb \k_ _s_ ghkyl h^bgZdh\u_ h^_`^u, dhlhju_ ghkbeb \
1. JZaf_klbl_ \ ijZ\bevghf ihjy^d_.
1) 3
2) 5
3) 7
4) 1
5) 6
6) 7
7) 9
8) 2
9) 10
10) 8
2. KdZ`bl_ <_jgh, G_\_jgh beb Y g_ agZx.
1) Ealse
2) True
3) True
4) True
5) I don`t know
6) True
7) Ealse
8) Ealse
9) Ealse
3. Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku.
1) Mr. Wonka was standing all alone and was smiling.
2) He had a black top hat on his head. He wore a tail-coat made
of velvet. His trousers were bottle green. His gloves were
pearly gray.
3) He made a funny little dance in the snow and he smiled at the
five children.
4) No it was warm in Mr Wonka`s factory.
5) They found themselves in the long corridor.
6) It was the smell of coffee and burnt sugar and melting
chocolates and peaches and apricots and pears and apple
blossoms and caramel and lemon peel.
7) The chocolate room was.
8) It was used to mix the chocolate.
9) They saw them on the bank of the river.
10) He told them that Oompa-Loompas were from Loompaland
and they were wonderful workers.
Lesson 15
IjhqblZcl_ l_dkl b kdZ`bl_, ihq_fm Lmlb [ue kqZkleb\hc
(Ih K. Hii_go_cfm)
H^gZ`^u \ ^Ze_dhc kljZg_ `be klZjuc q_eh\_d, dhlhjuc im-
l_r_kl\h\Ze ih \k_fm fbjm. M g_]h k kh[hc [ueh hq_gv fgh]h
de_lhd b \ de_ldZo [ueh fgh]h ilbp. Hgb `beb \ de_ldZo ihlh-
fm, qlh q_eh\_d [ue ijh^Z\phf ilbp b hg g_ ohl_e, qlh[u _]h
ilbpu \uj\Zebkv gZ k\h[h^m. M g_]h [ue dZdZ^m k [hevrbf dh-
ebq_kl\hf h]jhfguo i_jv_\ gZ fZdmrd_ b ebjho\hkl k ^ebgguf
o\hklhf \ nhjf_ ebju, abfhjh^hd-ohohlmg b fgh]h ^jm]bo bgl_-
j_kguo ilbp \ _]h dhee_dpbb.
H^gZ`^u hgb ijb_oZeb \ ;Z]^Z^, g_h[udgh\_gguc ]hjh^. JZ-
gh ih mljm \k_ de_ldb [ueb ijbg_k_gu gZ p_gljZevguc [ZaZj.
Q_eh\_d ohl_e, qlh[u ex^b aZf_lbeb _]h ilbp, ihwlhfm hg b gZ-
qZe: >Z\Zcl_, ih^oh^bl_ \k_! Ihkfhljbl_ gZ wlbo g_h[uqZcguo
ilbp! G_dhlhju_ ba gbo g_\_jhylgh mfgu_, ^jm]b_ hq_gv ]jZpb-
hagu, ihkemrZcl_ kf_o abfhjh^dZ-ohohlmgZ. Hg ijb_oZe ba ;m-
rZ. Ihkfhljbl_ gZ wlh]h k_jh]h ihim]Zy!
KlZjuc q_eh\_d \aye fZe_gvdmx [Zf[mdh\mx iZehqdm b ldgme
ilbpm \ _]h yjdh-djZkguc o\hkl.
A_e_guc ihim]Zc, ih bf_gb Lmlb, wlh kZfZy g_h[uqgZy ilb-
pZ \ k\h_f jh^_.
H^bg aZ ^jm]bf, kh[jZeZkv lheiZ. LZf [ueb \ajhkeu_ b ^_lb,
fheh^u_ b klZju_, dhjhldb_ b ^ebggu_, lhgdb_ b lheklu_. Hgb
klhyeb b gZ[ex^Zeb aZ ihimlqbdZfb Lmlb. Hgb iml_r_kl\h\Zeb
lZd fgh]h ^g_c!
=^_ fu? Lmlb kijhkbe k\hbo ihimlqbdh\. GZ [ZaZj_ \
;Z]^Z^_, hl\_lbe ebjho\hkl.
Hgb [ueb gZ k_\_j_ b x]_, gZ \hklhd_ b aZiZ^_ b hgb agZeb.
GZ [ZaZj_, ]^_ dZ`^uc ihdmiZ_l b ijh^Z_l.
IhdmiZ_l b ijh^Z_l!
Lmlb ihkfhlj_e \hdjm] b m\b^_e fgh]h `b\hlguo jy^hf k bo
de_ldZfb. Hgb lZd `_ [ueb ^ey ijh^Z`b djhebdb b kh[Zdb
^bg]h, aZ[Z\gZy dhZeZ b fZe_gvdbc d_g]mjm, ^\Z i_j\h[ulguo
fmjZ\v_^ b mldhghk. LZd `_ lZf [ue djZkb\uc wfm. Dlh `_ dm-
ibl bo? ih^mfZe Lmlb. Dlh `_ dmibl f_gy?
Ijhreh g_fgh]h \j_f_gb, ij_`^_ q_f ihy\beky hl\_l.
Kdhevdh? ]jhfZ^guc q_eh\_d \ q_jghf lxj[Zg_ kfhlj_e
gZ Lmlb. < ihem^_gghf khegp_ [_eu_ h^_`^u q_eh\_dZ k\_jdZeb
dZd p\_lhd `ZkfbgZ. Gh qlh Lmlb aZf_lbe emqr_ \k_]h wlh
meu[dm q_eh\_dZ.
LZd qlh Lmlb hlijZ\beky `blv \ Zil_dm \ p_glj_ [ZaZjZ. :i-
l_dZjv [ue ^h[juf, ex[ysbf q_eh\_dhf, dhlhjuc `be h^bg.
G_ kh\k_f h^bg! h[uqgh \hkdebpZe hg, ih^gbfZy k\hc iZ-
;h] \k_]^Z kh fghc, hg fhebeky iylv jZa \ ^_gv. >_gv aZ
^g_f Lmlb kemrZe _]h fhebl\u, ihdZ g_ \umqbe bo gZbamklv. B
\hl h^gbf mljhf, dZd lhevdh Zil_dZjv ]hlh\beky ijhbag_klb i_j-
\u_ fhebl\u ^gy Lmlb gZqZe: <h bfy ;h]Z, \k_]h fbehk_j^by,
\k_]h khkljZ^Zgby. >Z ih[eZ]h^Zjbf ;h]Z, <eZkl_ebgZ fbjZ, \k_-
]h fbehk_j^by, \k_]h khkljZ^Zgby ohaybgZ Km^gh]h ^gy. Fu [h-
]hl\hjbf l_[y, b l_[y fu ijhkbf h ihfhsb. MdZ`b gZf ijZ-
\bevguc imlv, imlv l_o lh[hc [eZ]hkeh\e_gguo, g_ l_o, dhlhju_
jZahaebeb l_[y, g_ l_o, dhlhju_ aZ[em^bebkv.
:il_dZjv klhye \ lbrbg_. Lmlb ]h\hjbe keh\Z k lZdbf qm\kl-
\hf, qlh ihoh`b_ hklZgZ\eb\Zebkv, qlh[u ihkemrZlv. <kdhj_
i_j_^ fZ]Zabghf Zil_dZjy h[jZah\ZeZkv lheiZ. Dh]^Z Lmlb aZ-
dhgqbe, fgh]b_ ex^b aZreb \ fZ]Zabg b dmibeb fgh]h \_s_c.
KeZ\Z h m^b\bl_evguo kihkh[ghklyo Lmlb ^hklb]eZ dZ`^h]h
m]hedZ ;Z]^Z^Z. LheiZ jhkeZ \k_ [hevr_ b [hevr_ b ex[h\v Zi-
l_dZjy d Lmlb jhkeZ \k_ ]em[`_ b ]em[`_. Lmlb [ue hq_gv kqZkl-
eb\uf ihim]Z_f.
1. Dlh kdZaZe?
1) The bird-seller said.
2) Tooti said.
3)1The bird-seller said.
4) The lyrebirds said.
5) Tooti said.
6) The druggist said.
7) The druggist said.
2 Dlh \ bklhjbb:
1) The bird seller had
2) The birds had.
3) The lyrebirds had.
4) The druggist had.
5) The druggist had.
6) The druggist did.
7) Tooti did.
8) Tooti did.
9) Tooti was.
3. Hl\_lvl_ gZ \hijhku.
1) He brought a cockatoo, lyrebirds, kookaburra and many other
curious birds.
2) They had traveled in cages.
3) He had a very interesting laughter.
4) He had a lot of large feathers on the top of his head.
5) It had a long tail shaped like a lyre.
6) He saw rabbits and dingoes, a funny koala and a small kan-
garoo, two primitives an anteater and a duckbill and also a
beautiful emu.
7) He had a black turban and his white clothes shone like a jas-
mine flower.
8) It was a smile of a kind and loving man.
9) He could talk.

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