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Por Syra Jimnez-Pajarero Arias


1730-1736 (lo que ahorraba la cimentacin y no empleaba terreno cultivable) y el resto se complet a su alrededor, formando un conglomerado de casa rstica y bodega, separadas entre s por un muro medianero. Materiales austeros, tpicamente lanzaroteos; anchos muros de piedras volcnicas y barro. Esquinas con cantos de piedra labrada.

Bodegas el Grifo (LZ-30, Km 11). Horario: de 10.30 a 18.00 (todos los das, festivos incluidos). Entrada (incluye cata): 4 (general) y 2 (residentes). Nios gratis. 928 524 951 / Visita guiada a la bodega: 10.30 (de lunes a viernes). Visita guiada al Museo del Vino y las vias: 11.00 (de lunes a viernes) y 10.30 (sbado y domingo)

La visita comprende: 1.- El lagar 2.- Sala de tonelera: obra de Rafael Corujo de Len. 3.- Bodega 4.- Sala de barricas. 5.- Viedo. 6.- Cata de vinos

Bodegas Grifo (LZ-30, 11 Km). Visiting hours: from 10.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. (every day, holidays included). Admission (includes wine tasting): 4 (general) and 2 (residents). Children free of charge. Contact: 928 524 951 / www. Guided visit to the winery: at 10.30 a.m. (from Monday to Friday). Guided visit to the Museum of wine and vineyards: at 11 a.m. (from Monday to Friday) and 10.30 a.m. (Saturdays and Sundays)

The old buildings were built on the lava flow of the big eruption of 1730-1736 (since it didnt need foundation and cultivated land was not used) and the rest of the buildings were constructed around it, forming a conglomeration of rustic house and wine cellar, separating each other by a dividing wall. Austere materials, commonly used in Lanzarote; thick walls of volcanic stones and clay. We also find corners with chants of carved stone.

El museo ocupa Bodegas El Grifo, la ms antigua de Canarias, en el paraje protegido de La Geria. Fundada en 1775 por Gins de Castro Estvez. Un viedo de 61,5 hectreas que entre 1842 y 1880 pas a propiedad de la familia Garca Durn. Actualmente pertenece a los hermanos Fermn y Juan Jos Otamendi Rodrguez-Bethencourt. Un recorrido por los antiguos utensilios y maquinaria de la bodega (prensa de vino, bombas, pisadoras, alambiques) del siglo XIX y principios del XX. A partir de los aos 80 se dota a la bodega de nueva tecnologa, mecanizndose para la elaboracin de vinos con depsitos de acero inoxidable y prensas neumticas.


The visit includes: 1. The wine-press 2 Cooperage Hall: by of Rafael Corujo de Len. 3 Wine cellar 4 Barrel room. 5 Vineyard. 6. Wine tasting The Museum has also a library with more than 5,000 volumes on wine, which was inaugurated by Jos Hierro in 1998 and confirmed in its 225 anniversary by the writer Jos Saramago. You need to request for permission to visit it.

The Museum is based in Bodegas El Grifo, the oldest winery of the Canary Islands, in the protected landscape of La Geria. It was founded in 1775 by Gins Castro Estvez. A vineyard of 61.5 hectares which passed into the ownership of El museo posee tambin una bibliothe Garca Durn family between teca que cuenta con 5.000 volmenes 1842 and 1880. sobre el vino, que fue inaugurada por
Jos Hierro en 1998 y confirmada en el 225 aniversario por el escritor Jos Saramago. Se necesita solicitar permiso para su visita.

Se accede por el Monumento al Pjaro Grifo, criatura mitolgica con cabeza de guila y cuerpo de len, obra del artista lanzaroteo Csar Manrique de quien parti la idea de reconversin de la bodega en Museo del Vino.

Las edificaciones antiguas fueron construyndose sobre la colada volcnica de la gran erupcin de

It currently belongs to the brothers Fermn and Juan Jos Otamendi Rodrguez- Bethencourt. A tour through the old utensils tools and machinery of the winery (the wine press, pumps, crushers, stills) of the 19th and early 20th centuries. From the 1980s the winery has been provided with new technology, mechanizing it for the production of wines with stainless steel tanks and pneumatic presses.


You can access by the Pjaro Grifo monument, mythological creature with head of eagle and lion body, work by the great local artist Csar Manrique who had the original idea of the conversion of the winery in the Wine Museum.

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