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December 2011 Number 449 4.00

Selling insurance to your customers 54 DMoty and CMoTY announcements 33
Euro USA
Page 52
No: 4 49 December 2011 w w
This month:
News f rom Wat f ord 06
Indust ry News 07-16
- HM RC cracks dow n on personal van use
- Trials f or longer semi -t railers
- NEST publishes enrolment guide
- Traf c signs review concluded
- New t raf c signs f or ser vice areas
- Road casualt ies drop
- Scot land prepares f or w int er
- New driving of f ence int roduced
- Exchange your paper driving licence
- M ajor road w orks st ar t on M 62
- Oxf ord t ops congest ed cit ies list
- Road f reight rises
- New nancing opt ions f or medium-sized
- Count dow n t o London Gat ew ay
- Brit annia sponsors Bolt on school event
- Knight movers in mount ain movie project
- Creat ive move f or Harrow Green
- Reason Global nd links Pickf ords t o
Capt ain Scot t
- Crow n Relocat ions appoint s Pluscrat es
- Pluscrat es invest s in LEZ compliant vehicles
- Sanderst eads readies depot f or LEZ rules
- Reddaw ays go Commando
- Anglo Paci c sees rise in Kiw i bookings
- Carlisle sit e cat ers f or M oment ous cross-
count r y moves
- AGS Four Winds cer t i ed f or dat a securit y
- M oment ous adds new lorries
- O Neil bridges dat a gap
- Housing market t reads w at er
BAR News 17-27
- BAR present s best pract ice
- Business Roadshow s: M embers speak up
- M odernising BAR M arket ing
- Get t ing ready f or Conf erence 2012
- Domest ic M over of t he Year 2012
- Commercial M over of t he Year 2012
- Young M over: Ben Niddrie- Davies
- Indust r y st at ist ics
BAR Services 28
QSS Updat e 30
Olympics Monit or 32
Commercial Moving Group News 42
Overseas Group News 44
Training News 46
European News 49
People News 58
Memberships 60
Compet it ion 61
Diary Dat es 62
Let t ers 70
December 2011 Removals & St orage 5
On t he cover: Richard Flat t , Warehouse Manager,
Euro USA is one of Euro Groups volunt eer Sant as.

Marketing and communication have changed
completely the biggest challenge that we and
the industry have faced in the last thirty years is
how to nd new ways to market our services and
develop online. Gary Burke, Managing Director, Burke Bros.
- Euro Group: All in a good Claus
- Preparing f or pension ref orm w it h Cobia
- Wellers rst -hand experience in removals
- Case st udy: increasing revenue t hrough
insurance ser vices
- New M ember Revells: milit ar y precision
and logist ical mast er y
- Removal Recruit ment : t ailored ser vice f or
removals companies
Features 51-57
Removals & St orage December 2011 6
BAR News
Edit orial
Cont ribut ions on all aspect s of t he removals and st orage
indust ry are w elcome, t oget her w it h phot ographs if
appropriat e.
Please cont act t he M anaging Edit or, Louise Gale on:
Tel: 020 3235 1806
Email: rands-edit orial@analyt
Deadlines: The deadline f or all art icle submissions f or
t he January 2012 issue of R&S is 4t h December.
Advert ising
For all enquiries and bookings, please cont act
St eve Pearce on:
Tel: 0117 957 5400
Email: st eve@rubiconmarket
Deadlines: The booking deadline f or all display
advert isement s f or t he January 2012 issue of R&S is
4t h December.

Subscript ions
Removals & St orage is subscribed t o by members of t he
Brit ish Associat ion of Removers in t he UK and Overseas.
Current annual subscript ion is 48.00 in t he UK and
72.00 overseas. Addit ional subscript ions are available
f rom BAR (see cont act det ails t o t he lef t ).
Regist ered as a magazine The Brit ish Associat ion of
Removers 2011. ISSN 0034-4265
All right s reserved. No part of t his publicat ion may be scanned,
reproduced, st ored in a ret rieval syst em or t ransmit t ed in part or w hole
in any f orm or by any means (elect ronic, mechanical, phot ocopying,
recording or ot herw ise) w it hout t he prior w rit t en permission of t he
Brit ish Associat ion of Removers.
Opinions expressed in Removals & St orage are not necessarily t hose
of t he publisher, Brit ish Associat ion of Removers. The descript ion of a
product or service in t his publicat ion does not const it ut e endorsement
by t he publisher. The publisher does not accept any responsibilit y f or
any claims by advert isers. The art icles in t his publicat ion are f or general
inf ormat ion only and are not int ended t o be advice t o any speci c
person. Readers are recommended t o seek prof essional advice bef ore
t aking or ref raining f rom t aking any act ion on t he basis of t he cont ent s
of any art icle in t his publicat ion.
The Brit ish Associat ion of Removers
Tel: 01923 699 480
Fax: 01923 699 481
Email: inf
Tangent House, 62 Exchange Road, Wat f ord,
Hert f ordshire WD18 OTG
President : Reg Hackw ort hy
Direct or General: St ephen Vickers
Company Secret ary: James Falkner
Removals & St orage is designed on behalf of
The Brit ish Associat ion of Removers by:
Rubicon M arket ing Lt d.
Tel: 0117 957 5400
Email: st eve@rubiconmarket
Art icle submission: 4t h of t he mont h preceding publicat ion
Booking of display Advert s: 10t h of t he mont h preceding publicat ion
Booking of classied advert s: 10t h of t he mont h preceding publicat ion
Booking of t rade advert s: 10t h of t he mont h preceding publicat ion
Art work f or advert s: 15t h of t he mont h preceding publicat ion
Copy and adver t i sing deadlines 20 12 f or f ut ur e i ssues of R& S magazine
ember s w ill be aw are of t he
good w ork t hat is done by
t he Remover s Benevolent
A ssociat ion, a regist ered charit y w hich
has t he aim t o provide relief t o
employees, and t heir dependant s, of
current BAR M ember s w ho nd
t hemselves in dif cult ies. Donat ions
t ow ards t he RBA are al w ays w elcome,
t hat reall y goes w it hout saying, but it is
also necessar y t hat t he Trust ees of t he
charit y are aler t ed t o any necessit ous
cases. So, if you do know someone in
our indust r y w ho is in need of
assist ance, please cont act t he Company
Secret ar y at BAR Headquar t er s f or
f ur t her det ails of how t o make a claim.
The programme f or t he BAR
Conf erence in Royal Windsor has now
been con rmed and f ull det ails of t his
prest igious event can be f ound on
pages 17-20. The hot el, Beaumont
House, and it s surroundings are quit e
superb. There is a packed and varied
agenda f or t he business sessions and
one of t he principal event s w ill be t he
Vehicle Exhibit ion and Compet it ion,
f eat uring a dri ve- by w it h bot h new and
vint age removals w agons. This has
al w ays been a ver y popular event in t he
past , and t he f acilit ies at Windsor have
enabled it t o be re- int roduced f or 2012.
You have t o be t here t o enjoy it , of
cour se,
BARTS has a new Field Trainer, Pet er
Walt er s, w ho has w ide experience in
t he removals indust r y st ret ching over
many year s. Pet er has been out and
about deli vering t raining t o M ember
companies, and it has been not iced t hat
t he BTEC cour ses in Removals
M anagement and Pract ical Est imat ing
have recent l y been f ull y subscribed.
Building on t his success, BARTS w ill
provide f resh cour ses in t hese disciplines
in Januar y 2012. Also in t he New Year
w ill be t he 2012 Commercial M over of
t he Year and Domest ic M over of t he
Year compet it ions, and t hese are
f eat ured in cent re- page pull - out s in t his
edit ion of R&S. Al w ays challenging,
t hese compet it ions are nonet heless ver y
popular, and ent rant s t ell us again and
again of t he commercial advant ages
t hat are t o be had w hen pit ching f or
new w ork, by having t aken par t and
been shor t list ed, let alone being t he
w inner.
In ant icipat ion of all t he celebrat ions,
and pot ent ial f or t raf c congest ion,
w hich are associat ed w it h next
Summer s London 2012 Ol ympic and
para- Ol ympic Games, BAR has t eamed
up w it h Transpor t f or London t o obt ain
as much advance inf ormat ion as
possible on planned changes t o rout es
and parking in and around London and
ot her Games venues. Regularl y updat ed
det ails w ill be provided on t he BAR
w ebsit e. A represent at ive f rom
Transpor t f or London w ill also at t end
t he 2012 Annual Conf erence, w it h a f ull
up - dat e on t he changes.
M ost reader s w ill recognise t he value
of making t he most of net w orking
oppor t unit ies, and BAR now has it s ow n
LinkedIn page w hich w ill enabl e
M ember s t o reach out t o ot her s. Go t o
M y BAR on t he w ebsit e and click on
t he Linkedin discussion group icon,
add your email address w here
prompt ed and t here you are.
Finall y, BAR w ish all M ember s,
Int ernat ional A ssociat es and Af liat es a
M err y Christ mas and Happy New Year.

Cont act Det ails:
December 2011 Removals & St orage
Indust ry News
Getting ready for
London LEZ changes
As most members will be aware, from 3 January 2012 all lorries
entering the London Low Emission Zone (LEZ) will need to meet Euro
IV standards and larger vans will need to meet the Euro III emissions
he LEZ was launched in 2008 to deliver
cleaner air for London. Since that date,
vehicles have had to meet the Euro III
standard for the emission of particulate matter.
However, the LEZ emissions standards are now
becoming more stringent to meet EU legal
Its still not too late to take action to make sure
your eet meets these new standards and are
allowed to drive within the LEZ.
First off, check whether your vehicle is
affected by the LEZ on the Transport for
London (TfL) website. You should also check
whether your vehicle appears on the exemptions
and discounts list on the website.
Long-term strategies involve upgrading to
newer vehicles that meet the required emissions
standards, reorganising your eet to use only
LEZ-compliant vehicles within the London
LEZ, converting to LPG, natural gas or
biodiesel, and tting cleaner replacement
engines. A list of approved lters that can be
tted to engines to reduce emissions of
particulate matter is available on the TfL
website; from 3 January 2012 all approved
lters will be full lters. Any vehicles tted
with partial lters will need to have these
replaced with full lters prior to 3 January 2012
to continue to drive within the zone without
paying a daily charge.
Any modications made to engines will need
to be physically certied by VOSA tests, for a
Low Emissions Certicate (LEC) or Reduced
Pollution Certicates (RPC) test, and the
certicate renewed annually at VOSA test
centres. Each test costs 32.
And if all else fails, there is always the nal
option paying the daily charge of 200 for
lorries and 100 for vans to be able to drive
within the LEZ with a non-compliant vehicle.
The BAR website has detailed information and
direct links to all the relevant pages of TfL,
HMRC cracks
down on
personal van use
M Revenue & Customs is
increasing the monitoring of the
private use of company vans,
according to accountancy rm Wellers.
Edward Parker, Partner at Wellers,
explains: If movers dont use their
vehicle for private use, it isnt classed as
a benet and as such their company, or
the employee, wont have to pay tax on
However, if the vehicle is being used
for personal use by the employee or
family members, it could mean an
additional charge equivalent to 700 for
the driver and an NIC charge of over
450 for the employer.
This is obviously big money for
HMRC so they are keen to crack down
on the proper use of company vans,
says Wellers.
According to the accountants,
insignicant use, such as taking out an
old mattress or a slight detour to drop a
child at school on the way to work, is
not a problem for HMRC. On the other
hand, tasks such as weekly shopping,
holidays and social activities are
denitely not permitted.
Trafc signs
he Department for Transport has
now completed its most extensive
review of trafc signs for over
forty years to ensure that the trafc sign
system continues to meet the needs of
road users now and in the future.
The review sets out measures to reduce
the number of signs on the road and
provides advice to local authorities on
removing unnecessary signing.
It will also help ensure better
information is provided including new
trafc signs to inform road users where
there is disruption on other travel
networks; when travel conditions are
affected by bad weather; that the road
ahead is unsuitable for heavy goods
vehicles; and when the road user is
entering a shared space trafc
management scheme.
The review requires a major overhaul
of the Trafc Signs Regulations and
General Directions and the Department
is proceeding with this work as a
priority. Read the article on page 8 to
nd out more.
Government slow to respond to fuel
price debate

air Fuel UK, the fuel price campaign
backed by BAR and other organisations,
has collected 100,000 signatures for its
online campaign in just over eight weeks. That
is the level needed to trigger a parliamentary
debate. BARs Director General, Stephen
Vickers, said: Many of our members signed
this petition and the number of signatures
collected shows how strongly we all feel about
this issue. Members of Parliament should be
listening to the companies based in their
constituencies. Excluding VAT, fuel duty
accounts for around 50 per cent of the cost of
diesel in the UK, outstripping the average of
just 35 per cent in the EU, at a time when UK
transport operators have seen the cost of bulk
diesel shoot up by 15 per cent over the past 12
months. FairFuelUK says that the Government
is now dragging its feet for allocating time for
the debate. It is calling for supporters to email
their MPs, using the following link:
ritain has a new Secretary of State for
Transport Justine Greening who replaces
Philip Hammond. Mr Hammond has taken
over the position previously held by Liam Fox at
the Ministry of Defence.
Ms Greening is MP for Putney. Born in
Rotherham, South Yorkshire, she studied
economics at Southampton University.
She has an MBA from the London Business
School and was a Finance Manager at Centrica plc
before being elected as Member of Parliament in
May 2005.
Prior to her new position, she was Economic
Secretary to the Treasury from May 2010.
New Transport Minister named
Removals & St orage December 2011
Indust ry News
he guide provides a clear overview of the
key requirements around automatic
enrolment, as well as setting out what
NEST can do to help.
Tim Jones, NEST Corporation Chief
Executive, said As we engage with more and
more employers, the questions we get asked
range from those specically about NEST to
those more widely about automatic enrolment
and what employers need to do, by when. To
respond to these questions weve published a
guide that sets out the core facts, as well as
providing an overview of what NEST can do to
help which we hope will help employers
NEST has been designed with 2012 in mind.
We aim to make our processes as simple for
employers as possible, whilst being exible
enough to work well for organisations large and
small. We will provide more information and
guidance in the months to come.
Please visit
Resources/PensionReformsNEST.aspx to
download the Automatic Enrolment and
Workplace Pension Reform Factsheet and read
more about NEST.
NEST publishes
enrolment guide
The National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) Corporation has
published its automatic enrolment guide for employers, which sets
out what organisations need to consider ahead of the Governments
changes to workplace pensions, with indications of when they might
need to take action.
New trafc signs
for service areas
oads Minister Mike Penning has
given the go-ahead for new
motorway service area signs
which will enable motorists to make
more informed choices about where to
take their breaks.
Service areas will now be able to
display up to six logos indicating the
facilities and franchises operating at each
site. Currently only generic symbols
such as a knife and fork are allowed.
Surveys of motorists indicate that a
particular value is placed on information
that tells them where they are. Having
taken on board this feedback, there will
now also be a requirement for operators
to include geographical information on
the new signs situated a mile and then
again a half mile before services.
Mike Penning said by encouraging
drivers to take regular breaks, motorway
service areas make a vital contribution to
road safety and it is common-sense that
motorway users should have as much
information as possible about the choices
available at service areas.
The system I inherited just wasnt t
for purpose for either road users or the
operator. To get brand names on signs,
some operators even went as far as re-
naming their company to reect the main
franchise operating on their sites because
there was no exibility in the rules.
Now, they will no longer need to do
this. The more descriptive signs will
encourage drivers to take regular breaks,
increase healthy competition and
contribute towards service areas
improving the services they provide to
road users.
Operators will be invited to submit
applications with a view to the rst signs
being installed later this year. As now, the
cost of installing these signs will be met
fully by the motorway service area
Trials for longer semi-trailers
he Department for Transport intends to
proceed with an operational trial of
longer semi-trailers, a move that has
been welcomed by the industry.
Research shows that the ability to operate
longer semi-trailers would provide clear
benets to business and a spur to efciency
and growth, according to Mike Penning,
Under-Secretary of State for Transport.
The decision to hold trials follows a
consultation which suggested that high volume
semi-trailers have potential environmental,
safety and congestion benets: they would
allow up to 13 per cent more loading space
than current articulated lorries, resulting in
fewer journeys needed to transport the same
volume of goods.
The research predicts that by 2015 this would
reduce lorry miles in the UK by between 100
and 180 million a year, reducing congestion,
air pollution and carbon emissions (by around
100,000 tonnes a year). The research also
found that there would be a net decrease in
casualties of around 1.6 per cent due to the
reduction in lorry miles.
The responses to the consultation also
indicate that different businesses would wish
to choose between additional trailer lengths of
up to 1m and up to 2.05m, depending on the
nature of their business. The trial provides an
opportunity to validate the impacts of each
length. The current trailer parc for articulated
vehicle above 40 tonnes in the UK is estimated
at around 100,000 trailers. The Department
intends to proceed with a trial of up to 900
trailers of an increased length of up to 2.05m;
and 900 trailers of an increased length of up to
1m, 1,800 trailers forming just under 2 per
cent of trailers on British roads.
The trial will run for 10 years from January
2012, to allow those businesses wishing to
participate the opportunity to cover the costs
of investment in the longer semi-trailers.
Andy Mai of the Freight Transport
Association said: FTA research suggests
that there are signicant environmental
and efciency benets on offer from
deploying these vehicles. But it is not a
vehicle for all sectors and will only be viable
on journeys where the goods carried are high
volume, low weight as vehicle ll can be
December 2011 Removals & St orage
Indust ry News
ransport Minister Keith Brown, said:
Keeping Scotland moving is vital to the
Scottish economy, and we have built on
the experience of the last two harsh winters. We
are working with our partners across the public
and private sector to ensure our winter service is
as prepared as possible. The Minister said that
Scotlands salt stocks are at 70 per cent of the
total levels used last year but no roads authority
can guarantee to keep roads free from snow and
ice. When severe weather comes there will be
disruption even with the best laid plans, but our
operating companies are better prepared to get
Scotland moving again due to our focus on
improvement since last winter.
Transport Scotland is enhancing its Trafc
Scotland service, providing drivers with more
information to help them make informed
The Winter Service is being strengthened in
three crucial areas: Road User Information,
Treatments and Decision Making. Winter
Service operations involve over 38 depots and
over 230 vehicles, 190 of which are gritters
Six new weather stations are being
commissioned for this winter and a further 24
of the existing stations will have cameras added.
When the new weather stations are
commissioned, 64 of the total 141 weather
stations will have camera coverage.
Camera coverage is being further increased
with 10 Rapidly Deployable Cameras at
Variable Message Sign sites across the network.
Road casualties
here was welcome news from the
Department for Transport, when it
reported that there were a total of
208,648 casualties of all severities in road
accidents reported to the police in 2010, 6
per cent lower than in 2009.
There were 1,850 people killed, 17 per
cent lower than in 2009 and 22,660 were
seriously injured, down 8 per cent. Motor
vehicle trafc fell by 2 per cent over the
same period.
The number of fatalities fell for almost all
types of road user, with a fall of 21 per cent
for car occupants, 19 per cent for
pedestrians, 15 per cent for motorcyclists.
Pedal cycle fatalities rose by 7 per cent.
In 2010, it is estimated that 9,700 reported
casualties (5 per cent of all road casualties)
occurred when someone was driving whilst
over the legal alcohol limit. The provisional
number of people estimated to have been
killed in drink drive accidents was 250 (14
per cent of all road fatalities).
Failing to look properly was again the
most frequently reported contributory
factor and was reported in 40 per cent of all
accidents reported to the police in 2010.
Not all non-fatal accidents are reported to
the police. The DfT estimates that the total
number of road casualties in Great Britain,
including those not reported to police, is
within the range 660,000 to 800,000 with a
central estimate of 730,000.
In 2010, the economic welfare cost of
reported road accidents was estimated to be
around 15 billion, the DfT said.
Road freight
etween 2009 and 2010, the amount
of goods moved by GB-registered
vehicles in the UK increased by 11
per cent to 139bn tonne kilometres,
according to road freight statistics
published by the Department for Transport
in October.
Over the same period, the amount of
goods lifted increased by 10 per cent to
1,489m tonnes and vehicle kilometres
increased by 4 per cent to 18.8bn vehicle
kilometres (11.7bn vehicle miles).
Since the 1990s, there has been a change
in the type of vehicle accounting for HGV
activity, the DfT said. The percentage
share of freight moved by rigid vehicles
declined from 31 per cent in 1989 to 25 per
cent in 1999, and to 22 per cent in 2010.
In 2010, the amount of goods lifted by
UK-registered goods vehicles travelling to
or from the UK was 10.6m tonnes, a 10
per cent increase from 9.6m tonnes in
Scotland prepares for
With all forecasts pointing to another bitter winter, on October 1st
Transport Scotland began implementing its 15m winter service.
The service treats Scotlands 2,000 mile motorway and trunk road
network when snow and ice does inevitably arrive.
New driving offence introduced
angerous drivers who seriously injure
others could spend up to ve years in
The new criminal offence of causing serious
injury by dangerous driving will more than
double the current maximum sentence of two
years, allowing the courts to impose tougher
punishments on dangerous drivers.
The changes will be taken forward as part of
the Governments Legal Aid, Sentencing and
Punishment of Offenders Bill.
Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke said:
We have listened to the victims of dangerous
drivers, their families, MPs, judges and road
safety groups and their experiences have
directly informed these changes. Making
our roads safer is a priority - ve people died
on our roads each day last year, so we need to
do everything we can to further improve
Removals & St orage December 2011
Indust ry News
hen the scheme is completed in
2013/14, road users will benet
from reduced journey times due to
the use of variable speed limits to smooth out
trafc ows and opening up the hard shoulder
as an extra trafc lane.
The managed motorway scheme the rst
of its kind in the North of the country
covers a 15.5-mile section of the M62
between Junction 25 (Brighouse) and
Junction 30 (Rothwell).
It is one of 14 schemes due to start before
2015 that is being delivered as part of a
1.4bn Government package of strategic road
projects to boost the economy.
The rst phase of construction will focus on
the stretch between Junction 27 (Gildersome)
and Junction 28 (Tingley), with construction
on other sections starting in phases from next
The scheme will include overhead gantries
and the construction of emergency refuge
areas alongside the hard shoulder.
Three lanes will be kept available for trafc
in both directions during the works with a
50mph speed limit, enforced with average
speed cameras, in place for the safety of road
users and the workforce. Some overnight lane
closures will be required during the scheme
and full motorway closures (normally
overnight) will be required from Spring next
year for gantry installation.
Work on the scheme is expected to be
completed in October 2013. Highways
Agency Project Manager David Pilsworth
said in order to minimise delays to road
users, we are carrying out this work in phases
and keeping three lanes available to trafc in
both directions at peak times throughout the
xford has seen the biggest increase in
trafc congestion anywhere in the UK,
according to new gures released by
Oxford has risen from sixth to third place in a
nationwide congestion ranking which shows
nearly a third (31.2 per cent) of its main roads
are clogged with trafc.
TomTom measured the top 50 most congested
areas across Britain in the past six months.
Findings suggest that whilst congestion is worst
in London and Edinburgh, it has increased most
in Oxford - by 2.2 per cent since March.
Belfast has seen the second biggest increase in
congestion, followed by Bolton, Southampton
and Shefeld. In Scotland Edinburgh, Glasgow
and Aberdeen are all in the top 10 cities that
have seen the biggest increase in trafc jams in
the past six months. The study shows that,
perhaps unsurprisingly, London is the most
trafc clogged city in the country, with 36 per
cent of roads signicantly more congested
during rush-hours than at off-peak times. At
number two is Edinburgh with a congestion rate
of 33 per cent. Behind Oxford in fourth place is
Belfast where 31 per cent of roads are classed as
congested, followed by Bradford (30 per cent),
Manchester (30 per cent) and Birmingham (28
per cent). The least congested big towns or cities
are Northampton, Warwick and Chestereld, all
with congestion rates of less than 10 per cent.
Only ve in the top 50 have seen congestion fall
over the past six months: Bedford, Colchester,
Newport, York and Chester.
Oxford tops congested cities list
Major road works start on M62
Major construction work is now underway for a 150m scheme to increase capacity, reduce congestion
and improve safety on the M62 in West Yorkshire.
The scheme will include
overhead gantries and
the construction of
emergency refuge
areas alongside the
hard shoulder.
omentous has opened up its Carlisle
site for groupage and full load
services for movements from the
North and Scotland, South, and for Southern
movements going North.
We are able to provide this service as we have
reasonable volumes of our own moving in both
directions already, says Simon Osborne, Group
Managing Director at Momentous.
Simon explains that the way it will work will
be for clients to either drop the goods into one
of our sites or we collect if feasible. We then
transport either North or South and its collected
by the companies or their agent or onward
delivered by ourselves. He believes this will
reduce the amount of journeys non-frequent
users have to make in either direction, and give
more opportunities to companies who
would not normally quote, due to the extra costs
in potential return journeys without loads. It
also reduces cost for the company sending
crews for low volume movements. This option
means if the client wants to do the door to door
themselves, they can, we just provide the
warehouse to warehouse service. If they need
more, we can assist further. We let the client
Momentous site in Carlisle caters for cross-country moves
Removals & St orage December 2011
Indust ry News
o when he was approached by Magnet
Films in 2010 to clear a property
perilously perched on a Snowdonia
mountain top, Wynn relished the thought of
working on a lm project.
Gary Sinyor, Producer at Magnet, was looking
for a removal company that could operate under
the difcult circumstances of a rugged rural
location with virtually no access, and endure the
harsh winter weather, for the shooting of
In the depths of a bitter winter, and armed
with quad bikes, tranship vehicles and thermal
long johns (Snowdonia in winter is always a
challenge!) Wynn and the team arrived at Plas
Llandecwyn eager to start the job.
Wynn and his crew cleared several barns,
outbuildings and a rambling cottage and
removed all the contents into Knightmovers
They used a wide variety of vehicles, parked
at their limit of proximity to the properties.
On set, the props team had identied items to
remain in situ at the property for use during
Antique furniture, farmhouse dcor and rural
replaces were left to give the property an
authentic rustic look.
However, the props team were constantly
changing their minds, and the Knightmovers
team had to load, unload and move items back
and forth countless times until they achieved the
haunted feel they were looking for.
The lm, Retreat, is now on general release
and is a dark thriller starring Jamie Bell (Billy
Elliott), Cillian Murphy (Inception) and
Thandie Newton (Crash).
According to Wynn, it was quite an
experience working with the luvvies of the
entertainment industry but great fun too.
Knightmovers in
mountain movie project
Since setting in out North Wales as a man with a van operation over
15 years ago, Wynn Hammond, Managing Director of Knightmovers,
has built up his reputation as a remote location specialist, solving the
difculties presented by isolated settings and restricted access.
Creative move for Harrow Green
arrow Greens specialist
move teams are on course
to complete the relocation
of the North Warwickshire &
Hinckley College London Road
campus to its new site in Hinckley
town centre.
The new 13m campus will be
home to the Colleges Creative
Arts provision, with state-of-the-
art recording studios, performance
spaces, dance and photography
studios, a theatre and computer
Harrow Green has been
partnering with the building
contractor, ISG, for the new build
to carry out an unusual industrial
move of heavy equipment that
includes potters wheels and kilns,
a print drying machine, glass-
making equipment, drawing and
cutting tables, sewing machines,
fabrics, theatre costumes, pianos
and kettle drums.
There is nothing usual about
this move, said Simon Compton,
Harrow Greens relocation
consultant for the project. Each
item needs special consideration,
planning and handling and we
need to be able to anticipate
problems, for example where lifts
meet grand pianos.
The Harrow Green team is
working closely with Andrew
Crowter, Assistant Principal,
Facilities Management, to
complete the equipment
relocation and the administrative
move of crates, les and personal
items, as well as the library
sequential move of some 300
linear metres.
ONeil bridges
the on-site and
off-site data gap
Neil DataTech LLC has released
RMBridge, a series of web
services that enables end user
systems to simply, securely and seamlessly
manage both on-site and off-site records.
RMBridge provides records management
software companies the ability to have an
integrated real-time interface, which
automates and standardizes the access and
management of physical records stored in
off-site record centers utilizing ONeil
Softwares RS-SQL product suite. These
web services give a convenient, secure and
seamless bridge that can be used to
access, manage and control records in a
consistent manner, utilizing just their in-
house le room software.
RMBridge represents the latest
innovation from ONeil, that will provide
an enhanced end user experience, said Ian
Thomas, Executive Vice President of
ONeil Software. The convenience of a
single platform, unifying the records
management experience, is something we
have been asked about by end users for
many years. With this ability to integrate
to off-site records, record management
software companies now have the
opportunity to put complete control in the
hands of the record managers. This release
marks a signicant step forward within the
records management ecosystem, in
supporting end users who have the difcult
task of managing staggering amounts of
corporate information.
Harrow Green to relocate Hinckley Campus
Cillian Murphy Thandie Newton
December 2011 Removals & St orage
Indust ry News
New nancing options
for medium-sized rms
The Confederation of British Industry is calling for a broader range of
nance to be made available to medium-sized businesses which it
describes as the UKs forgotten army, too long overlooked by
government but with the potential to inject between 20bn and
50bn into the economy by 2020.
Exchange your
paper driving
orry drivers holding a British paper
driving licence are asked to exchange
it for a photocard licence in order to
receive their driver qualication card (DQC)
at no cost.
The DQC proves that a driver holds the
Driver Certicate of Professional
Competence (Driver CPC) which
professional bus, coach and lorry drivers
must now legally hold in addition to their
driving licence. Drivers with a photocard
licence will receive their DQC automatically
when they have passed the Driver CPC
initial qualication or completed 35 hours of
periodic training, as the same photograph
can be used for both documents. While
drivers will still have to pay the usual 20
photocard licence fee, they will benet from
receiving their DQC free of charge, which
could save them up to 30 over the 10 year
photocard licence period. Those drivers
leaving the exchange of their licence until
after they have completed their training may
risk a delay in receiving their DQC. Drivers
can apply to exchange their licence online or
by post or they can drop off their application
at DVLA local ofces and selected Post
Ofce branches.
sponsors Bolton
school event
ritannia Anchor Removals Ltd
sponsored the prestigious annual
Marcus Tillotson lecture at Bolton
School, which the company has worked
with extensively in recent years.

Managing Director Chris Smallwood
explained We have a long established and
excellent working relationship with Bolton
School. We feel privileged to be asked to
support such a prestigious event. Bolton
School like ourselves are proud to be
serving Bolton and putting something back
into the community.
This years guest speaker was Lord Coe,
who spoke of the Olympic Legacy for the
North West of England.
Bolton School is one of the oldest schools
in Lancashire. The origins of the Boys
School can be traced back to at least 1516
when the Bolton Grammar School for Boys
was recorded as being a going concern.
The School is looking forward to
celebrating 500 years of history and will
begin a year of activities in 2015 (100 years
after the School was re-endowed),
culminating with a 500 year party in 2016.
ondon Gateway, the new global shipping
port and logistics centre project, will open
in the fourth quarter of 2013 with an
initial capacity of 1.6 million TEU (twenty foot
equivalent container units), operator DP World
said in October.
DP World, headquartered in Dubai and the
worlds third largest port operator, has been
laying the foundations for the new port since
early 2010. The group is expecting to invest a
further 625m in London Gateway over the
next three years.
London Gateway is a giant leap forward for
the UKs supply chains and will benet our
customers tremendously through more efcient
transportation of goods; it will also support
wider UK business and economic growth,
Mohammed Sharaf, Chief Executive of DP
World, said. London Gateway will provide the
world class service that our customers have
come to expect from DP World across the
globe, using the most advanced equipment and
technology. London Gateways location is
unique, bringing the worlds largest ships
directly to Europes largest logistics park,
providing long-term value for our customers
and UK business.
In addition to a major deep sea port, London
Gateway will integrate with Europes largest
logistics park and will offer individual units up
to and in excess of one million square feet.
An estimated 65m road freight miles will be
saved every year as many goods will no longer
need to be transported from deep sea ports to
inland distribution centres. Instead, goods will
be sent straight into the new London Gateway
Logistics Park and then directly to shops and
Transport Minister Mike Penning said
As an island trading nation, having the ability
to handle the worlds largest ships efciently
and effectively is vital for Britain, and London
Gateway will play a key role in delivering this.
This new port and logistics centre will form a
central part of our nations future

irms with a turnover of between 10m and
100m represent less than one per cent of
businesses but generate 22 per cent of
economic revenue and 16 per cent of all jobs. In
terms of new jobs created, six per cent of
medium-sized businesses (MSBs) create 60 per
cent of all new jobs.
With banks lending constrained, these rms
can no longer rely solely on bank lending for
long-term growth capital to invest in their
companies. According to a new CBI report, if
more rms could reach their potential to grow,
this could help achieve an extra 20bn to 50bn
by 2020, a major boost to the UKs GDP.
John Cridland, CBI Director-General, said:
We should be championing, nurturing and
encouraging our medium-sized rms so that
more of them grow and create jobs. For too
long these companies, which could inject tens
of billions of pounds into our economy, have
fallen under the radar of policymakers.
The CBI wants the UK to have its own
version of the German Mittelstand, a
backbone of MSBs which export, innovate and
generate growth. These future champions would
help the UK weather unexpected economic
shocks, and act as a new engine for growth.
For the CBI, to achieve extra growth,
medium-sized rms must have access to new
kinds of nance. This means opening UK bond
markets to medium-sized businesses,
encouraging use of venture capital, and making
it easier for large companies to invest in
medium ones, possibly in their supply chains.
Entrepreneurs Relief should also be
restructured to incentivise longer-term
investments, with the threshold for qualifying
for the relief brought to below the current 5 per
cent. The scope of the R&D tax credit should be
widened to include all aspects of design to help
encourage even more innovation amongst
Countdown to London Gateway
Removals & St orage December 2011
Indust ry News
he vessel is best known for its voyage
under the command of Captain Scott on
his ill-fated expedition to be the rst to
reach the South Pole. The black and white
image, which shows a Pickfords horse and cart
delivering Shell motor spirit to the ship, was
found by Reason Globals Graham Puddephatt
during a search for images for a BAR
conference presentation. Unaware of his nd, it
was fortunate that Michael Andrews, Pickfords
Area Manager, was in the audience and spotted
the connection.
Following the discovery, Pickfords teamed up
with the International Polar Foundation to
embark on a rollercoaster search to nd the
origins of the image.
Michael explains: At rst we thought the
image might have been taken just before
Scotts famous British Antarctic Expedition
sailed in 1910, but lengthy conversations with
archivists at Shell UK, the International Polar
Foundation and the Scott Polar Research
Institute failed to nd any evidence to support
our theories.
Dr Liz Pasteur from the International Polar
Foundation takes up the story: After we drew
a blank with the most famous of Terra Novas
commissions, we started looking a little further
aeld. After speaking to Terra Nova expert and
author Mike Tarver, we were informed that the
ships name, just about visible in the picture,
was not on the hull by the time it was
purchased by Scott in 1909, so the photo must
have been taken some time before then.
From what Mike has told us, the most
plausible explanation is that the photo was
taken at Londons West India Docks in 1905 as
the ship prepared to sail on a rescue mission to
reach members of the failed Ziegler polar
expedition. The US party was stranded north of
the Arctic Circle for two years after attempting
to reach the North Pole.
Michael continues: After speaking to Mike
our investigations have led us as far aeld as
the US descendant of one of the Ziegler party
and to the Norwegian Polar Institute, but no
one can conrm when or where the image was
taken; its a complete mystery. Weve run out
of leads, so were throwing it open to the
public to see if we can shed any more light on
the origins of the photograph.
If anyone has any information on the origins or
background of the photograph, they are urged
to contact Lyndsey Daykin at Pickfords on
0203 188 2248.
luscrates has signed an exclusive
three-year deal with Crown
Relocations to supply crates
throughout the UK and Ireland. The move
comes following Crowns continued growth
in the commercial relocation sector.
Pluscrates Managing Director, John
Mitchell said, Crown Worldwide Group is
well known to us and we have coveted the
opportunity to support Crown Relocations
since we began trading in 2008. Weve had
to be patient but now we have been
presented with this opportunity were
looking forward to justifying the trust Crown
has placed in us. We enjoy mutually
rewarding relationships with all our clients
and its great to be able to count Crown
Relocations amongst them. Steve Durbin,
Head of Procurement for Crown Worldwide
Group, UK and Ireland said, We have
worldwide business interests and are
acknowledged experts in what we do. Its
therefore essential that any third-party we
bring into our business is equally procient,
adds value to our service and shares our
uncompromising passion for excellence.
There must never be any conict of interest
for us, Pluscrates ticks all the boxes.
readies depot for
LEZ rules
ritannia Sandersteads have signed a
lease on a new site comprising 5
warehouses that will increase its
current space from 24,000 ft2 up to
39,000 ft2 and will add substantial
parking and yard space. The company is
now in the process of moving depots.
Over the Christmas holiday, the team
will be moving the ofce, company
equipment, materials and all the trucks to
be ready to operate out of the new depot
early in the New Year. 2012 will be its
fortieth year of being in business.
Once the move is complete by the end of
Feb 2012, Director Stuart Almandras says
Britannia Sandersteads will be offering a
good quality trade storage service at great
prices inside the M25 but outside the
LEZ. They will also be offering a London
part load delivery service using the depot
to avoid LEZ charge for all movers who
dont comply. All email addresses and
contact numbers will remain the same.
Reason Global nd links
Pickfords to Captain Scott
A series of fortuitous events has sparked a hunt to nd the origins of a
photograph linking Pickfords to the world famous ship, Terra Nova.
Pluscrates invests in LEZ
compliant vehicles
rate rental specialist Pluscrates has
invested more than 250,000 in new 7.5
tonne low emission vehicles for its
central London Fleet. The move comes as part
of the companys preparations for tough new
London Emission Zone (LEZ) regulations
which come into effect in January 2013. The
new LEZ regulations will compel vehicle
operators to meet Euro 5 specication or pay a
hefty 200 per day ne for each van entering
the zone.
Pluscrates Managing Director John Mitchell
said, Our London depot is in Wembley, well
within the LEZ, so we have no choice but to
upgrade our eet to Euro 5 spec. However,
were taking a positive approach and using it
as an opportunity to acquire better vehicles
that will improve efciency generally. The
new Daf 7.5 tonne vans are equipped with
super lightweight honeycomb glass reinforced
plastic underbodies and tted with a 20ft box,
permitting a much higher payload than was
possible with the old Iveco models. Other
improvements include aluminium cantilever
tail-lifts to permit safe loading of up to 700
crates, and reversing cameras to improve
safety when delivering. Further Euro 5
compliant vehicles, including a Daf 18 tonne
box van, are due for delivery to Pluscrates
Wembley depot next year.
December 2011 Removals & St orage
Indust ry News
omentous have added two new
Mercedes Atego 7.5t vehicles to the
companys growing eet. Both
chassis were supplied by S&B Commercials
with Essex Bodies building the removal spec
bodies. These new vehicles have been
selected for the companys furniture delivery
contracts throughout UK and Europe Simon
Osborne, Group MD, said We have invested
in 10 new vehicles and 5 new trailers this
year, and plan to do the same again next year.
It is important, and sensible to keep our eet
as young as possible. We have seen our MPG
ratio go up and our costs come down,
through training and modern vehicle
technology. We choose Mercedes as they
offer exactly what we need on the rigid front
and we have found them to be the best for
our business over the life of the truck. Truck
manufacturers MAN have been superb on the
unit side, and have matched all of what we
need for long distance work. We are now
covering most of Europe on our own eet
and this is working out very well for us and
our clients as we can now control our clients
expectations much more. Having vehicle
tracking and using it to its maximum
potential has also enabled the business to
really focus on its costs and needs.
Momentous adds new lorries
Reddaways go Commando
The Reddaways Removals team Move a Bit Quicker got down and dirty at
the Commando Challenge in October, raising money for Devon Air
Ambulance and The C group.
Premier marks
new service
with abseil
o mark the launch of its new
sustainable workplace solutions,
Premier Sustain took part in a 500ft
abseil down Guys Hospital tower in
London, to raise money for St Mungos, a
charity which works to prevent
homelessness and support homeless people
in London and the South.
Waiting around on the roof knowing that
you are next was a little nerve racking, Carl
Robson from Premier Sustain says of the
terrifying descent. To start the descent there
is a ledge about 4 ft you have to climb down
from a platform and there is no turning
back! There is only one way down!!!
The new Premier Sustain service uses the
principles of the waste hierarchy to direct
and manage resources sustainably,
delivering social and environmental benets
as well as cost savings.
In the last six months, Premier Sustain, on
behalf of its clients, has resold 6,700 items
of furniture and donated 1,250 items to
charities and social enterprises. The
company has also recycled over 675 tonnes
of waste, saving over 32,400 for its clients
in landll tax alone. The carbon emission
savings from this new service have
exceeded 1,265 tonnes to date.
Premier Sustain supports St Mungos
through its Giving Back Project, the reuse
element of the service that gives clients the
opportunity to donate unwanted furniture
and equipment. Four members of the
Sustain team (Amanda Russinger, Phil
Oram, Carl Robson and Ann Beavis)
fearlessly took part in the challenge, and
completed the abseil down Guys Hospital
Tower at London Bridge on Sunday 18th
Phil Oram, Operations Director, Premier
Sustain told R&S that the team has so far
raised over 1,650 with more sponsorship
still coming in. If you wish to support them
further please visit
GS Four Winds UK has proven its
commitment to providing the highest
levels of quality and security services for
their customers and partners, by achieving the
ISO 27001 certication earlier this year. The
award recognises that the best practices are in
place for protecting condential information
through proper security processes. AGS Four
Winds UK is in a minority (less than 1 per cent)
of businesses in the UK that have been awarded
this certication which is recognised by the UK
Government and internationally. The company
applied for the ISO 27001 certication to
ensure that its information security systems
complied with the most stringent standards and
was protected against the increasing external
data security threats which are suffered by the
global business community. Mario Amato,
Managing Director of AGS Four Winds UK,
commented, The entire team at AGS Four
Winds UK works hard to ensure the satisfaction
of their clients. As an international removals
company, safeguarding personal client
information is a top priority for us, and were
proud that weve been recognised for our
endeavour to go above and beyond the normal
standards. I am condent that other movers in
the UK will follow suit.
he team had to race round a gruelling
course at the Royal Marines endurance
training centre on Woodbury Common.
The course involved taking on various obstacles
including wading through a mud pit, scrabbling
through pitch black and rocky tunnels, and the
renowned Sheep Dip - a completely
underwater tunnel.
Move a bit Quicker were placed an amazing
6th out of the 75 mixed teams, which means a
very commendable 11th out of the 134 teams
that entered the 4 km challenge.
AGS Four Winds certied for data
AGS FW UK receives ISO 27001 certication
Momentous New Mercedes 7.5 ton trucks
Removals & St orage December 2011
Indust ry News
igures from the Land Registry show an
annual price decrease of 2.6 per cent in
September which takes the average
property value in England and Wales to
162,109. The monthly change from August to
September is a decrease of 0.3 per cent and
continues the negative monthly price change
seen in August of -0.1 per cent. The only region
in England and Wales to experience an increase
in its average property value over the last 12
months is London with a movement of 2.7 per
cent. The North West experienced the greatest
monthly rise with a movement of 1.0 per cent.
The North East experienced the greatest annual
price fall with a decrease of 8.2 per cent and the
most signicant monthly price fall with a
movement of -3.9 per cent. The most up-to-date
gures available show that during July 2011, the
number of completed house sales in England
and Wales decreased by 11 per cent to 59,919
from 67,475 in July 2010. The number of
properties sold in England and Wales for over 1
million in July 2011 decreased by 24 per cent to
707 from 932 in July 2010.
Nationwide, which covers the whole of the UK
and is based on a sample of loans issued in any
given month, reported that prices increased by
0.4 per cent in October, with an average house
price of 165,650, 0.8 per cent higher than in
October 2010. Robert Gardner, chief economist
at Nationwide, said Given the challenging
economic backdrop, Octobers data is
encouraging, but it doesnt fundamentally
change the picture of a housing market that is
treading water. Property transaction levels
remain subdued, and prices essentially at
compared to last year. The outlook remains
uncertain, but with the UK economic recovery
expected to remain sluggish, house price growth
is likely to remain soft in the period ahead, with
prices moving sideways or drifting modestly
lower over the next twelve months.
The October data indicates that there was an
increase in the proportion of sales occurring in
more afuent areas and a similar reduction in
less afuent areas.
Figures from Communities and Local
Government (CLG) for August show that,
based on mortgage completions, UK house
prices decreased by 1.3 per cent over the year
and increased by 0.6 per cent over the month
(seasonally adjusted). The average mix-adjusted
UK house price was 208,476. Average house
prices remain unchanged over the quarter to
August, compared to a quarterly decrease of 0.2
per cent over from the quarter to May.
Average prices decreased during the year in
all UK countries; England (-1.2 per cent), Wales
(-0.3 per cent), Scotland (-1.5 per cent) and
Northern Ireland (-4.3 per cent).
Prices paid by rst-time buyers were 1.8 per
cent lower on average than a year earlier and
prices paid by former owner occupiers also
decreased by 1.1 per cent. Prices for new
properties were 9.2 per cent higher on average
than a year earlier whilst prices for pre-owned
dwellings decreased by 2 per cent.
Halifax, which also covers the entire UK, but
bases its index on a sample of each lenders own
loans each month, said that although house
prices rose by 1.2 per cent in October, house
prices in the three months to October were 0.3
per cent lower than in the preceding three
months; this measure of the underlying trend
turned negative for the rst time since June. The
average UK house price in October was
marginally higher than at the end of last year.
The average price in October was 508 (or +0.3
per cent) higher than in December 2010 on a
seasonally adjusted basis, at 163,311.
The prospect of exceptionally low ofcial
interest rates over the foreseeable future is likely
to continue to support the market in the face of a
very difcult economic climate. Both prices and
activity levels are expected to remain close to
current levels over the coming few months,
housing economist Martin Ellis said.
The latest monthly market report from the
National Association of Estate Agents showed
an increase in the number of people registering
to look for homes. The gure rose from 304 in
August to 308 in September as an average per
branch - the highest level since September 2007
(326). The number of houses available for sale
also increased from 65 per branch to 72 across
August and September while the number of
sales remained the same with eight per branch.
Price change by region Source: Land Registry
Housing market treads water
The housing market is continuing to perform poorly, with latest housing surveys indicating that economic
concerns are weighing on prices and on transaction numbers.
December 2011 Removals & St orage 21
BAR News
AR has received largely positive feedback
from members who attended Octobers
Business Roadshows in various locations
across the country. These seminars covered a
wide range of topics affecting the industry, from
employment regulations and insurance to
training schemes, quality standards, and pension
reforms. Feedback from the London event
showed that 86 per cent of attendees found the
quality of the information provided by speakers
either very good or good, while in Scotland a full
100 per cent of those who responded to the
survey rated the information good or very good.
Speakers from BAR, solicitors Backhouse Jones,
accountants Wellers, and insurance specialists
Basil Fry and Reason Global were particularly
well received, reecting the high level of interest
that members had in the topics covered.
In total, there was a high level of satisfaction
with the quality of the speakers and with the
information obtained, as well as with the
organisation of the Roadshow events.
Many of those attendants said they would come
again, as the subjects covered had been very
useful to their organisations. The only major
source of dissension was the quality of
refreshments provided as some BAR members
indicated they were not fully satised by the
buffet on offer. There was one area on which all
those who did attend the events were unanimous;
the main disappointment was the relatively low
level of attendance from BAR members. Perhaps
in these tough economic conditions, it was
harder to make the time than in previous years?
It would have been good to see more
members, one respondent said, suggesting that
BAR should email the delegate list several times
before the meeting in order to raise awareness
and increase attendance rates.
These events are not only useful in gaining key
knowledge and insights from speakers who are
experts in their eld they are also ideal
networking opportunities for the BAR
community, so we encourage all of you to try
to get involved.
BAR Roadshows: Members speak up
Many thanks to all of those who made the time to ll in the feedback survey on the BAR Business
Roadshows held this autumn. Those who attended the events were overwhelmingly positive about the
quality of the speakers and the information provided, and have encouraged BAR to carry on with this
initiative, which depends on continued member support.
My rst roadshow.
Overall, pretty good and
would attend again.
Best roadshow yet.
Very well organised and
run presentations. Content
was very relevant to the
challenging and changing
face of our industry.
Shame it was not better
attended but it was their
From BAR Members

The London Roadshow
Marketing, Booking and Information:
Advertising materials
promoting the event
Online booking process
Quality of the
information given
by the speakers
V.Good/ Strongly
V.Poor/ Strongly






Organisation and
running of the
Business Roadshow
Quality of Speakers
Knowledge gained
personally from
subjects covered
Use of information to
your company from
subjects covered
V.Good/ Strongly
V.Poor/ Strongly
Loren Webster - BAR Training Manager
Overall Summary Review:
running of the
Business Roadsho
personally from
subjects covered
your company fro
subjects covered
running of the
Business Roadsho
personally from
subjects covered
your company fro
subjects covered
running of the
Business Roadsho
personally from
subjects covered
your company fro
subjects covered
running of the
Business Roadsho
personally from
subjects covered
your company fro
subjects covered
running of th
Business Roa
personally fr
subjects cov
your compan
subjects cov

The Scottish Roadshow
Marketing, Booking and Information:
Advertising materials
promoting the event
Online booking process
Quality of the
information given
by the speakers
V.Good/ Strongly
V.Poor/ Strongly






Removals & St orage December 2011 22
BAR News
Modernising BAR Marketing
Raising BARs
prole by
n terms of business
partnerships, the agreement
with Re:locate will raise
awareness of BAR and the BAR
badge among the 30,000
thousand specialist readers of the
web site.
The Re:locate web site will
also include a direct link to the
BARs online estimating system
and a page dedicated to
explaining the benet of using a
BAR Member.
And by establishing new online
links, these partnerships will also
move BAR higher up the Google
Its a fully integrated marketing
approach, that is designed to help
the BAR community compete
better in the Internet age and
generate new leads for its
AR is embarking on a major
overhaul of its advertising
and marketing strategy,
which will improve the online
positioning of the association
and its members, and will
provide advertisers in R&S with
more presence on the BAR
Caroline Suard, Director of
Marketing, says that much of the
focus of the new approach to marketing
is focused on strengthening the online
visibility of BAR and its members, and raising
awareness of the advantages of using a member
company. In addition, BAR is developing
marketing alliances with strategic organisations
that increase recognition of the BAR badge in key
sectors of the market. The two prongs of this
strategy are designed on the one hand to increase
the generation of leads and the recognition of
BAR as a brand, and on the other to improve the
level of information provided to members, while
also creating opportunities for networking.
The BAR world at a click
On the online information front, BAR is now
beginning to map members worldwide on its web
site; members will be able to click on
a world map to identify the
location of full Members, or the
UK map can be used to identify
the location of all UK
Members as well as the
group(s) they belong to
(Overseas, CMG, SSSIG).
New additions to the BAR web
site include an Olympics section,
with the latest updates from
Transport for London, as well as a
new Funding page that lists the grants
available to BAR members. A page on pension
reforms and the role of NEST has been added in
the Resources section of MyBAR. Advertisers in
the print edition of R&S will also be able to
display their logo on the BAR website, while R&S
itself will move to a new position on the public
page, increasing visibility for our advertisers.
Also in the online space, there are already 111
members in the BAR Group on LinkedIn, the
social network for business-to-business. This
provides an ideal forum for members to engage in
debates and raise any concerns they may have.
If you would like to join the group, login into the
BAR website and click on the LinkedIn logo.
December 2011 Removals & St orage 23
BAR News
or the rst time, the Conference has also
been opened to members of FIDI and
Fedemac, who are sure to appreciate the
historical beauty and royal atmosphere of
Royal Windsor, and who will help make the
event a truly international and memorable
As ever, the winners of the much coveted
Domestic Mover of the Year and Commercial
Mover of the Year awards will be announced
at the Gala Dinner and Awards Night, on
Saturday 19th May - it could be you!
This year, BAR is advertising the
Conference on the consumer-facing section of
the BAR website, demonstrating BARs
commitment to raise the prole of how it
encourages best practice among our
Conference sponsors and exhibitors are also
being given pride of place on the website,
with full descriptions of the services that they
provide to the Industry.
Industry experts
Conrmed speakers at the Conference include
keynote speaker Mike Nattrass, MEP from
the UK Independence Party, David Silvey of
Transport for London (TfL), and Alan Ward,
Chairman of the Residential Landlords
Association (RLA).
Mike has represented the West Midlands in
the European Parliament since May 2004. As
a member of the Transport and Tourism
Committee of the European Parliament, Mike
will share his views about how he is standing
up for the interests of the British transport
industry in Europe. Alan will be giving us a
deep insight into the eight-million strong
world of the Landlord industry, by sharing his
understanding of valuable market trends and
his wealth of industry experience.
And David Silvey will present all the latest
and most accurate information relating to the
changes affecting the road network, just two
months away from the Olympics Games of
Between them, the three speakers will
provide delegates with outstanding insights
into residential market trends, European
policy and legislation, and how to plan ahead
for what is set to be a challenging summer for
those operating on UK roads.
Interactive sessions on the challenges
facing our industry
In response to BAR member feedback from
previous events, BAR is pleased to announce
that the Business Sessions of 2012
Conference will involve a series of high-
value workshops, covering key topics of
interest to the removals and storage industry.
Topics to be covered include:
Web Marketing
Warehousing Best Practices
Cost Modelling
Shipping Overseas
And many more!
With these new features, the Conference is
set to become an even more useful forum for
networking with peers, meeting industry
suppliers, addressing the Board of Directors,
and learning about important new trends in
business practices and legal requirements.
BAR Members, international guests, BAR
afliates and partners, and, of course, the
industrys valued suppliers are all welcome to
attend the 2012 Conference and Exhibition.
We look forward to seeing you all at Royal
Windsor for what promises to be an
enjoyable, informative, and rewarding
occasion for everyone involved in the
removals and storage industry.
To register online, see
ready for
BARs 2012 Annual Conference
and Exhibition at Windsor is
taking shape, and is now only six
months away. BAR has attracted
some top quality speakers for the
event, and is launching an
exciting range of new features,
including a series of business
workshops that are designed to
be of the highest interest to the
removals industry.
The 2011 DMOTY and CMOTY winners, Maidmans,
Bournemouth (left) and Delivery Services, Belfast
Removals & St orage December 2011 24
BAR News
n addition to their presence at the Annual
Exhibition itself, each of the exhibitors will
have the opportunity to showcase their
products and services within a dedicated area
of the Exhibition Hall. This ensures a much
higher exposure for exhibitors at the event.
And, the benets of being an exhibitor at
Conference will not be limited exclusively to
the Windsor event. BAR has developed new
All-Inclusive Exhibition Packages that give
companies the opportunity to enjoy sustained,
high-calibre PR and advertising over the
course of six months, through a combination
of branding and advertising in BAR
communications, leading up to the conference
and also after the event.
The BAR Annual Exhibition is open to BAR
Members, International Guests, BAR
Afliates and companies that provide products
and services to the professional Removals &
Storage industry in the UK.
For more information, see
New look for Conference Exhibition
The Exhibition at the 2012 BAR Annual Conference will include some attractive innovations, including the
launch of an Exhibitor Showcasing initiative.
Vehicle Competition
he 2012 Conference will include the popular
Vehicle Competition, with top prizes to be
The event will host the nest display of new
and vintage removal vehicles in the country, from
horse and steam-powered carts to bespoke and
state-of-the-art vehicles that are bound to fascinate
anyone in the industry. There will also be a
special Drive- by outside the White House,
Beaumont Estate, on Friday 18th May at Midday.
There will be press coverage at this event. For
more information, see
A roller-coaster evening at
Thorpe Park
he BAR Friday Party Night on the 18th of May will be held at Thorpe Park,
one of the leading theme parks in the UK and home to some of the most
extreme and fastest roller coasters ever built!
The evening will begin with drinks and canaps, then the thrill seekers among you
will have exclusive use of three roller coasters during one hour. Alternatively you
can savour the Lake view over a relaxing drink. Members will enjoy unlimited beer,
wine and soft drinks all night. The evening will culminate in a fully interactive and
fun game show. BARs Young Movers will also be touring the Windsor & Eton
Brewery. We expect all participants to return as experts in the business of beer, after
a lot of in-depth research through tasting the different beers produced by the
Brewery! For more information, see

AR Director General Stephen Vickers
(pictured right, above) talked to the
audience, which included Chris
Grayling (pictured, right, below), the Minister
of State for Work and Pensions and David
Bluhkett MP, about how BAR promotes its
Code of Practice to its members and to
The Code of Practice was approved by the
Ofce of Fair Trading (OFT) four years ago,
following consultation with BAR members,
the OFT, and consumer associations, and has
proved to be a major success in winning new
business for the BAR membership.
For Stephen, the Code of Practice is a
unique selling tool, which is helping to raise
and maintain standards in the industry: It
gives members a real competitive edge against
non-members, and ultimately it helps our
members win more business.
The Code of Practice means that every
BAR member is committed to acting fairly
with their clients, providing them with clear
descriptions, prices and timetables for work,
and offering insurance or other protection
options. As part of this commitment, BAR
members provide staff who are competent
and motivated, and they must deal quickly
and sympathetically with things that go wrong.
The nancial protection provided by the
Code has been a major differentiator in the
marketplace as it establishes refunds of up to
150 per cent for cancellations, and provides a
pre-payment protection scheme. BARs
Consumer Affairs department also provides a
free independent conciliation service in the
event of any dispute.
BAR encourages members to actively
publicise the Code, making sure to use the
logo on company web sites and vehicles and in
any marketing material. BAR and the OFT
have also prepared a leaet for consumers that
is designed specically for members to give to
their customers. This leaet summarises the
main points of the Code of Practice. With the
Code extended to all domestic removals
worldwide since 2009, its clearly here to stay,
so its important to make the most of it!
Promoting BARs Code
As the winner of the 2011 Trade Association Forum Best Practice awards for Website of the Year and for
Membership Pack of the Year, BAR was invited to present its approach to best practice at the high-prole
Best Practice Exchange in November.
December 2011 Removals & St orage 25
BAR News
ens main role at White and Company
is that of Sales Estimator, which
involves visiting clients and completing
a survey, and then taking the time to do
follow-ups with clients. As everyone knows,
no-one who works at a mid-sized removals
company sticks to just one set of duties, and
Bens other responsibilities include making
appointments for surveys, creating invoices,
writing up quotes, and even helping with some
operational work.
During my time in the ofce there will
always be other tasks to complete and it does
get quite hectic at times, which is when being
organised really matters, Ben told R&S.
Ben started at White and Company in
November 2010. Understandably he says that
it feels like he has been there a lot longer, as
the work has been so varied and at times so
intense. Not that its a completely sink or swim
environment; the company has provided Ben
with a lot of support as he learns his way in the
trade, and he has already completed his
BARTS BTEC Practical Estimating course.
White and Company have also put Ben

forward for the BARTS BTEC in Removals
Management course. Investing in training is
going to prove essential for our business, if we
want to attract and motivate a new generation
of talented young people to the trade, he says,
and its good to see White and Company
taking this so seriously.
The Young Movers initiative has also helped
Ben feel a part of the industry. It seems like a
lot of fun and a really good way, if not the only
way, of meeting people who are interested in
Removals, Ben says. At the Star City event
in Birmingham, a number of speakers
discussed a variety of topics, which was
followed by Laser Quest, an unexpected
youthful twist to the day!
Away from removals, Ben clearly has a
good business brain. He studied accounting
and nance at the University of Portsmouth
and did a work placement in the Management
Accounts department at Southampton NHS.
After university, he worked in some temporary
assistant accounting positions before joining
White and Company.
He was also able to spend a year travelling in
between education and employment, and
admits to having a real appetite for travel
a passion that the international removals
business should be able to cater for.
A keen sportsman, cricket and football are
two of Bens other passions, while he has also
played the drums in a number of local bands.
Looking ahead, Ben is clear that the
removals industry needs to have a greater
emphasis on the management of its
environmental impact. After all, it is this new
generation that will have to manage the
consequences of the environmental bad
practice of today. There are many ways in
which removal companies can help in meeting
the national emissions target, whilst
simultaneously reducing costs, Ben says.
Its something that a lot of young movers
believe needs to be taken more seriously.
Travelling man:
Ben Niddrie-Davies
Its now exactly one year since Ben Niddrie-Davies joined the removals
business, at BAR member White and Company, one of the largest and
oldest family-owned companies in the country. Ben talks to R&S about
his rst impressions of the industry, and about the environmental
concerns of young people starting out in the trade.
Young Mover Prole: Ben Niddrie-Davies
Every mont h Removals & St orage includes a number
of f eat ure it ems. These are planned well in advance
t o allow members of BAR and suppliers t o t he
indust ry t o join in.
Please cont act Andy or Louise at Analyt ica
Media on: 020 3235 1806
or e-mail: rands-edit orial@analyt
Feat ure Schedule 20 12

Investing in training is
going to prove essential
for our business, if we
want to attract and
motivate a new
generation of talented
young people to the
Removals & St orage December 2011 26
BAR News BAR News
he results for October 2010/2011
suggest the following:
Our latest statistics show a positive increase in
domestic removals of approximately 4% for
October 2011 compared to the previous years
ndings. It is encouraging to see positive results
for the fth consecutive month which perhaps
signies optimism for the UK domestic market
going forward.
Reports show
a slight decrease
of 5% in the
number of
European moves
for October 2011
compared to
October 2010,
however the
overseas market
held strong
throughout the October month compared to the
same month for the previous year with an
increase of almost 2%.
BAR Members identied the top European
removal destinations for October 2010 as France
followed by Spain and then Ireland. The top
European removal destinations for October 2011
were Spain followed by France and then
BAR Members identied the top Overseas
(non-European) removal destinations for
October 2010 as Australia followed by USA and
then New Zealand. The top Overseas (non-
European) removal destinations for October
2011 were New Zealand followed by Canada
and then USA.
Number of staff employed in October 2011
dipped slightly by just 2% compared to October
2010. Despite the decline in the number of staff
employed, the number of vehicles in use for
October 2011 is still higher than the same time
last year.
BAR will continue to report monthly industry
statistics. To take part in the new industry
incentive scheme, look out for the monthly
email which will contain a link to the online
survey. It is important for BAR to receive these
monthly statistics from Members as it helps
BAR gain a better understanding of the industry
and allows BAR to send regular reports to the
press and relevant industry bodies.
Industry Statistics: October 2010/2011
BAR would like to thank those
Members who have participated in
the October Industry Survey.
Take part in the online industry
surveys and automatically be
entered into the monthly cash draw
to win 100.
For more information, please contact
the Commercial Department: or call
01923 699 483
Please note all information received is aggregated
and treated in the strictest of condence
- 1.00%
- 2.00%
- 3.00%
- 4.00%
- 5.00%
+3.89% +1.74% +0.38% - 5.00% - 2.00%
+1.74% +0.38%
- 2.00%
- 5.00%
December 2011 Removals & St orage 27
BAR News BAR News
Removals & St orage December 2011 28
BAR News BAR Services
ith a slow and patchy 2010, 2011
has proved to be a year of pretty
much the same for the housing
market and therefore the removal industry.
House prices have at least stabilised
throughout the year but many estate agents
are reporting a stand-off between buyers and
sellers. With sellers reluctant to cut their
prices and buyers unwilling to pay over the
odds, many homes remain unsold.
To add to these problems, 2011 saw three
further price increases in corrugated board
prices. BAR Services has negotiated hard on
behalf of the members to ensure the
percentage increase on cartons has been
minimal but shockingly over the last two
years there has been a total increase in excess
of 30 per cent. For BAR Services, the fragile
market coupled with several increases in
paper prices throughout the year have proved
frustrating. As a cooperative, the company
sympathises with its members that an
increase in the cost of their packaging
materials is not helpful at a time when there
is stiff competition for fewer removals.
Adapting to new market conditions
In mid-2011, BAR Services began to see a
change in carton buying behaviour. In 2010,
it had recommended a change to kraft cartons
in order to save money and there seems to
have been a general move towards this by
most members. Many medium-sized removal
companies are making the most of the BAR
Services special offers on Pack 2s and Pack
6s as they are able to take ten pallets at a
time. However, smaller companies appear to
be buying small quantities from local
packaging businesses as and when they are
needed. The larger companies ,who have the
benet of storage space, are bulk buying in
quantities of say 10,000 to keep the unit cost
right down.
BAR Services has always seen its role to
include the provision of important and useful
packaging information to members.
Throughout the year, the BAR Services
Product of the Month has suggested some
new or helpful packaging products. This
article helps BAR Services to introduce the
members to new products such as,
destruction sacks and security seals but also
to remind members of some trusty old ones
that often get forgotten about e.g. utility bags
and correx board. During 2011, we also
communicated information about export
packaging, the potential revenue in retail
self-storage products and provided members
with guidance to deciphering the board grade
on your carton quotes. This was to give
customers a better understanding of the
quality of board that is being used and to
highlight that when prices of cartons are too
good to be true, this may be because the
board quality is of a lesser grade.
Increasing sales
In July, BAR Services announced its new
afliate link to its new look website. The
Packaging Materials Catalogue Module has
been designed by David Miller from Open
SEO and will allow your customers to buy
packaging products through your website but
the order will be placed directly through the
BAR Services website. It is that simple and
you dont need to do anything! Your
customer places the order and BAR Services
delivers the order; all you need to do is sit
back and watch the extra revenue come in.
The product has already proved extremely
popular with many members lined up to
integrate the module. Further information on
this can be obtained by contacting David on
01732 740894.
After a several years without a sales
person, BAR Services was very pleased to
announce the recruitment of its new Sales
Account Manager, Tim Oliver, whose wealth
of sales experience makes him the ideal
person to look after BAR members and
discuss their packaging needs. In this way,
BAR Services can full its main aim to
provide the members with low prices on
good quality products and an excellent
service. Throughout 2012, BAR Services will
be dependent on contact from the
membership to be able to nd new ways and
products, and to negotiate new deals that will
benet your company. As a cooperative,
BAR Services is owned by the members and
exists solely to work on your behalf. It relies
on industry knowledge and feedback utilises
this to buy more intelligently. Please feel free
to contact any of the sales team with any
information you may have or products you
would like sourced. Dont forget BAR
Services is your company and is working for
you. It is just remains for BAR Services to
wish you a very Merry Christmas and a
prosperous New Year, and to thank you for
your support throughout 2011.
If the last two years are anything to go by,
we are likely to be in for snow this winter.
As always, the country will come to a
standstill and probably the amount of health
and safety claims will increase due to
accidents on dangerous ice.
Particularly for removal men, the snow and
ice can be a major hazard as carrying heavy
furniture in these conditions can lead to
serious injuries. BAR Services has sourced
an easy-to-use product that will stop such
accidents occurring.
The product is called the Trex Ice Gripper
and from the picture you can see it is a
straightforward traction device that slips
over the shoe or boots, delivering tenacious
grip and stability. Its three major benets are
as follows:
Rugged steel studs for grip
Stretchable rubber for t and easy on/off
Flexible to (-40degrees)
This simple product can be bought in Small,
Medium and Large sizes and is just 16.50
per pair.
For further details of this product,
please contact the BAR Services
sales team on 01342 321172 or email
BAR Services 2011 yearly round up
It is December again and before BAR Services eat, drink and be merry, a roundup of the year is in order!
Product of the Month
Ice grippers
December 2011 Removals & St orage 29
BAR News
1/4 Page f rom just
1/2 Page f rom just
Full Page f rom just
call Sandra Zealand on:
0 117 957 540 0
or email:



Removals & St orage December 2011
Indust ry News

Ive got re in my belly! Those were the
words from Tom Ryan that greeted the
member of the QSS team on arrival at
Ryans Removals, of Solihull, Birmingham.
And so it has proved.
Ryans Removals was founded in 1969 by
Toms grandfather, also called Tom, and his
wife Eileen. With their three sons the removal
rm went from strength to strength, based on
the main attributes of care and reliability.
This has never changed.
Tom Ryan senior passed away in 1976 but
his wife continued to run the business with two
of the sons. A few years later Eileen retired
from the business as did one of the two sons
which left Dave Ryan, the remaining son, to
continue. Keeping to the companys unwritten
motto Dave ensured that the service remained
of high quality, with the main objective being
customer satisfaction. Ryans Removals
continued to grow and became a force to be
reckoned with as far as removals were
concerned in the Birmingham area.
In time Daves two children joined him to
help run the business. Stacey was the ofce
manager and played a major part in the
company, which became the main removal
contractor for the NHS at Heartlands Hospital,
Birmingham & Solihull Hospital.
Tom joined them at the age of 19 in 2000. He
worked rst as a porter, then a packer whilst
occasionally helping out in the ofce. In 2004
he passed his LGV Class 2 and regularly drove
7.5 tonne removal trucks up & down the
country, moving customers just like his father
and grandfather had before him.
In 2006 Tom took the Estimating Course at
BAR Head Ofce in Watford and has not
looked back since. He is now the Company
Manager and main estimator. His father still
keeps his hand on the tiller but is able to
take more of a back seat. (Although, while
we were there, he seemed still to be rushing
about estimating and taking phone calls.)
Recognition for high standards
Pursuing its long-held objective of quality
service, Ryans Removals obtained
certication for BS EN 12522 and BS 8522
in 2010 and they are now working towards
gaining more certicates. They are spurred
on by Toms enthusiasm for quality
standards and a strong belief in their value not
only for marketing purposes but in terms of
what they have helped the company to achieve
internally, in efciency and consistency.
Having recruited an experienced part-time
Quality Manager they are already well on the
way to obtaining ISO 9001 and are looking at
other British Standards such as ISO 14001 and
27001. The fact that the company has several
standards has been a major factor in obtaining
work from several hospitals including Solihull
Hospital, Heartlands Hospital, Good Hope
Hospital and the Birmingham Childrens
Hospital. Diversifying into other areas, Ryans
have also moved and stored stage equipment
& props for various shows for the BBC in
Pebble Mill, Birmingham and conducted large
commercial moves for Melville Exhibitions
based at the N.E.C. and for Network Rail.
Dave Ryan is proud of the company he has
been involved with for forty-seven years and
says: As a family run business it gives me and
the rest of my staff great pleasure in taking
pride in the fact that we are a BAR member
and still continue to receive thank you letters
as gratitude for our service. It gives us all the
peace of mind that our customers are
happy with our service and that we
make a potentially stressful time for
them exactly the opposite.
Propelled by Toms determination
and, yes, that re in his belly,
Ryan Removals and all its staff are
living proof that a commitment to
quality ensures that the company
will deliver the satisfaction that
the customer expects.
In this case study, the QSS team considers how Ryans Removals turned their desire to be the best into
a viable, and convincing, business strategy.
Ryans Removals a burning
desire to be the best
The fact that the
company has
several standards
has been a major
factor in obtaining
work from several
hospitals including
Solihull Hospital,
Heartlands Hospital,
Good Hope Hospital
& the Birmingham
Childrens Hospital.
QSS Updat e
December 2011 Removals & St orage 31
BAR News
Removals & St orage December 2011 32
BAR News
>> Olympics monitor
This regular section of R&S is designed to help members prepare for the transport challenges that we will all face in the
summer of 2012, as the UK hosts the largest sporting event in its history.
ree workshops are being provided by the
London 2012 Olympic Delivery
Authority (ODA) for rms with less than
200 employees based in areas set to be most
impacted by the Games.
These two-hour sessions were designed to
help small and medium enterprises (SME)
prepare for travel disruption that may affect
their business. Topics covered include how
they will be impacted, how to get started on
their action plan, what they need to plan for to
keep their business running, how to manage
staff travel and how to manage deliveries to
and from their business during the Games.
To sign up for a workshop please email with your
business location, sector, number of
employees and the session you wish to attend
which is closest to your business location.
Multisite companies
Bespoke support is also available for multisite
companies employing more than 200 people,
such as retail outlets, restaurant chains and
nancial institutions.
Each session will help businesses manage the
impact of the Games on staff and business
operations and optimise deliveries, servicing
and freight during Games time.
If your business is in an affected area and
you have over 200 staff located at one site,
you may be eligible for free assistance from a
dedicated 2012 travel advisor.
For further information, please email with your
contact details, organisations address and
number of staff.
Workshops to plan ahead
TfLs at Windsor
avid Silvey, London 2012 Road
Freight Interface Manager for
Transport for London will be one of
the speakers at BARs Annual Conference
which will take place in Windsor on 17-19
May 2012.

For information and to book your place,
contact the Conference Team on 01923 699
483, email or visit
Olympics Monit or
tatutory consultation is now closed for
the last two phases of the proposed
Olympic Route Network. This
consultation was required before Trafc
Regulation Orders can be issued this is the
legal process that enables enforcement of the
changes to be made to the roads.
As BAR members will know, Temporary
Games Lanes will operate on around a third
of the ORN/PRN (the Paralympic Route
Network). They will only be accessible to
athletes, Games ofcials, the media and those
that make the games happen, as well as on-
call emergency vehicles.
There will also be some temporary changes
along the routes including:
Changes to trafc signal timings
Restricted turns
Suspension of parking or loading bays
Suspension of some pedestrian crossings
The Phase 3 and 4 consultations covered
sections including the Blackwall Tunnel,
central London, the North Circular, Wembley,
and Heathrow.
Trafc consultation ends
Food for
ARs dedicated Olympics 2012
section in MyBAR has detailed
information about all of the
Olympic activities that will take place
around the UK.
For those who are likely to be doing
a signicant amount of work within
London during the Olympic Games
period, there is also a helpful checklist
Food For Thought. BARs tips to
consider are:
Will your manpower be sufcient
to handle delivery and packing
within the time constraints?
With the London Lorry Control
Scheme in place, will you have
enough vans available to operate
with a shuttle method if required?
If you plan to stop packing and
delivery during the Olympics and
receive overseas shipments, do you
have enough storage space
Should you consider working
together with other BAR Members
to help each other with manpower,
storage, deliveries in certain areas
Will your employees be able to get

he UKs largest ever park-and-ride scheme is to enable ticket holders for the London 2012
Olympic Games to benet from over 30,000 parking spaces.
The park-and-ride sites are mainly intended for spectators who may nd it difcult to
make their entire journey to and from the Games by public transport, particularly those who live
outside of London.
A eet of buses will transport passengers between the sites and venues. There will be spaces
for around 350,000 vehicles at the park-and-ride sites over the 16 days of Olympic competition.
Park and Ride scheme launched

Make t he most
of your BAR membership
For more inf ormat ion visit :
or cont act :
Inst ant recognit ion
Use of t he BAR brand
OFT approved Code of Pract ice
FREE use of t he BAR model Terms &
Condit ions
Award Winning Websit e
Unique sales lead generat or
Members search direct ory
Real-t ime online est imat ing & enquiry
syst em
Members area wit h f ree broadcast s
and not iceboard f acilit ies

Net working Event s
Annual agship conf erence and exhibit ion
Business seminars
Area meet ings
Young Movers

FREE Prof essional Support
& Advice
FREE legal advice line
FREE nancial advice line
FREE inf ormal conciliat ion service and low-cost
arbit rat ion scheme

FREE Product s and Services
FREE Market ing & promot ional mat erials
downloadable f rom members area
FREE mont hly issue of Removals &
St orage (R&S) magazine
FREE Award winning
membership pack

Subsidised Product s and
Comprehensive range of product s, services
and market ing mat erials f rom BAR Services at
exclusive member rat es
Subsidised indust ry speci c t raining
Discount ed advert ising in R&S magazine
Exclusive rat es f or indust ry speci c Qualit y
St andards

Exclusive Promot ional
Opport unit ies
Indust ry recognised annual awards:
- Domest ic Mover of t he Year (DMot Y)
- Commercial Mover of t he Year (CMot Y)

Full member represent at ion
BAR Board of Direct ors, including t hree
direct ly elect ed members
BAR Execut ive Commit t ee
Local represent at ion t hrough 16 BAR areas
BAR Funct ional Group Councils and Special
Int erest Groups
Access t o f ull range of business part ners:
- Af liat es
- Int ernat ional Associat es
- Prof essional Advisers Panel
- Corporat e Alliances
- Furnit ure recycling
- Conf ederat ion of Brit ish Indust ry (CBI)
- Trade Associat ion Forum (TAF)
Easy Payment Terms:
- Membership Subscript ions
- Training Courses
FEDEMAC membership including f ree
European inf ormat ion on www.f
Range of lobbying act ivit ies
The Removers Benevolent Associat ion (RBA)
charit y f or t he removals indust ry
New Members Induct ion Incent ive Scheme
Removals & St orage December 2011 42
CMG News
BS 8522
CMG Prole: Company Moves
or almost twenty-ve years, Company
Moves has been specialising in exactly
what it says on the box professional,
high quality commercial moves, for companies
that range from local one-man bands to large
Established by Ted Mooney in 1987,
commercial relocations remain the dominant
business of the Farnborough-based company.
But as the company evolves, it has also
responded to the many changing demands of
its customers. Company Moves now offers
storage, archive storage, safe and machinery
moves, computer transport and the
decommissioning/recommissioning of IT
Some ten years ago, Ted also expanded the
company into the domestic market, offering
household removals as an additional service.
Kevin Mack joined the company at that time to
oversee this work and has since moved on to
become Operations Director.
But it is the commercial business that is the
lifeblood of Company Moves. Recent
innovations that the company has introduced
for the corporate market include a condential
destruction service for shredding documents in
house, and a clearance service, in which the
company recycles or disposes of all unwanted
items when customers clear a building.
Company Moves also undertakes WEEE
disposal as part of this service.
Unsurprisingly, Ted says the economic
downturn has had a major impact on the
company. On the 1st of October 2007 our
turnover dropped by 50 per cent overnight and
it has never recovered to the level it was, Ted
says. In response, we started taking cost
saving measures which we are still doing to
this day.
Ted is a little downbeat about the future; like
many BAR members, he complains that
nancial institutions have become reluctant to
support the industry. Its difcult to be
optimistic especially as regards expanding or
diversifying further due entirely to the cash
restraints imposed by the Banks and their
unwillingness to assist in any way as far as
funding is concerned.
While in the long term, the ongoing shake-
out in the removals market may make for a
more comfortable competitive environment,
the priority for a lot of companies right now is
just survival, he says.
And in addition to the difculties in nding
nance, legislative pressure is creating further
problems for the sector.
The Industry has changed enormously over
the last fteen years or so mainly due to
the incessant stream of legislation that has
emanated from Brussels, none of which is
necessary and all of which costs an increasing
amount of time and money, Ted says.
Still, as a BAR member Ted says that the
support of both head ofce and the companys
peers has provided a real boon in times of
need. Ted himself is a former Area Chairman,
and was once a tutor at the Institute. It
seemed a natural progression for us to join the
CMG as it applies to the bulk of our work, he
And as the MD of a smaller removals
company, Ted warns that moving to a
standards-based membership for BAR would
only add to the reams of paperwork and
bureaucracy that Company Moves is already
burdened with. He recognises however that the
benet of a Standard Based Membership is
that gradually this is being put forward to
potential customers as a criterion for being
invited to tender for any contract.
For most of the corporate market, being
qualied as a BAR member remains
conrmation enough that the company has the
professionalism and expertise to carry out
sensitive relocation work; I would have
thought that once the company has passed the
initial inspection to become a BAR member
then that should sufce, Ted says.
CMG Pro le
The Commercial Moving Group (CMG) is a dedicated group of companies within
the British Association of Removers that specialise in all aspects of
commercial relocations.
Commercial moving is the main
business of Company Moves Ltd.,
and few people understand the
market as well as founder and
managing director Ted Mooney.
R&S talks to Ted about how the
company has diversied, and about
how BAR membership is helping
him cope with the challenges of
falling demand, rising paperwork,
and unfriendly banks.

Removals & St orage December 2011 44
Overseas Group News

urke Bros Removals & Transport was
formed in 1982 by brothers Gary and
Chris Burke with a start up loan of just
1,000, and became members of BAR in 1985.
In the early 1990s, the brothers purchased
George Clark Removals in Wolverhampton,
Goddards Removals Rugby and Hudson &
Rudge Removals in Birmingham, which
included their three separate locations across the
West Midlands. At this stage, the brothers
decided to incorporate those names and use the
name of Burke Bros, trading as Burke Bros
Moving Group.
We are very much a traditional moving
company operating in all traditional elds,
Domestic, Storage, European, International and
ofce moving, Gary says. We joined the
Overseas Group in the early 1990s and FIDI
shortly after that.
Global reach
Prior to being in Removals, Chris was employed
in nance and insurance, while Gary had a
business and nance background in the aircraft
industry. We always wanted to start our own
business and accidentally came into the moving
industry with the intention of starting off in
general freight, Gary recalls. Dealing with
people has always made the removals industry
appealing, and that continues to be the case
The business has been grown based on the
simple ethos: Listen to customers, listen to your
staff and listen to your suppliers. These principles
are the key to moving forward. Its not very
complicated! says Gary.
Overseas and corporate work now represent 65
per cent of all of Burke Bros business.
Although we have seen big declines in all areas
of our business we have seen upturns in a few
countries, Gary says. Corporate moves both
within the UK and overseas have declined
although we are now seeing a little growth
compared to two years ago. September of this
year was Burke Bros best month, beating sales
in July and August. Gary attributes this to
corporate moves and to better communication
and fast response during August leading up to
The company operates a weekly service
relocating private and corporate families to
France and enjoys good links with French
removal companies, some of whom they have
worked with for nearly twenty years. They also
operate weekly services to Cyprus for private
customers and trade colleagues.
To be a global mover you have to understand
the cultural differences and not expect customers
and agents to be like ourselves, Gary says.
What you say and how you behave in one
country can cause offence in another, so cultural
education certainly has to be the way forward in
our business. The main challenges ahead for us
are communication, marketing, and relationships.
In my rst economics lesson I was taught the
importance of the 3 Cs, communication, cash and
credit, and that has never been truer or more
relevant than it is today.
Meanwhile, back home in the West Midlands
area, Burke Bros remain a major player in the
ofce moving market, and have a strong
portfolio of loyal accounts.
The company has also diversied into storage,
and now has facilities of 50,000 sq ft with ample
parking. These facilities serve many transport
and removals companies, including McGimpseys
of Belfast.
And during the recession, a 30-month logistics
contract kept the team busy around the clock,
with the company taking on 36 drivers at the
peak of the contract, as well as warehouse and
management staff. This helped to offset the
slowdown in household and ofce moving
during this period, Gary says.
Industry matters
The brothers have always played high prole
roles in the wider industry. Gary is currently Vice
President of Paima, the Pan American
International Movers Association, which has
membership in nearly fty countries and is now
Burke Bros:
Brothers in
Over the last thirty years, Burke Bros
of Wolverhampton has become the
leading privately-owned international
moving company in the Midlands,
with particular strengths in Latin
America, Cyprus and France.
Managing Director Gary Burke
(pictured) talks to R&S about how the
business has grown, and discusses the
way ahead for BAR members and the
removals industry in general.
Overseas Group Pro le
Overseas Group News
December 2011 Removals & St orage 45
based in Florida. Initially, Gary represented
Northern Europe as regional Director before
representing all of Europe. Two years ago he was
voted onto the board and was then elected by the
full assembly in California to Vice President of
Paima; he is the rst person from outside of the
Americas to hold such a high rank in its history.
The Latin market is one we have been
developing slowly over about seven years now
and we have agents throughout all of Central and
South America in place to receive our shipments
and to also carry out origin services when
required, Gary says. Many good friendships
have come through meeting and visiting
countries such as Panama, Colombia and others.
Paima awarded Burke Bros an ecology award
for their operation to recycle old refrigeration
units in Hospitals, Hotels and other industries
an attractive side line that has secured the
company a lucrative new stream of business.
In addition to BAR and Paima membership, the
company also has quality accreditation through
Improving public perceptions
Gary Burke believes BAR may need to do more
to raise the market prole of the association; I
wonder whether BAR should be spending more
cash on Public Relations, he says. Public
awareness of our industry is what all BAR
members want to read about in newspapers.
Removers know that we want to show we have
high standards, and for years we have tried to
nd many ways to raise the prole of BAR to
show the consumer that they are in better hands
than with a non-BAR member, Gary believes.
We all need to raise the level as a business as
the consumer expects a better and greater
service. For Gary, its not what we say that
counts but what the customer says afterwards,
and to meet these ever changing demands we
have to change ourselves which means having to
prove ourselves. If a standards-based
membership is the way forward then, so be it.
What is crucial is how this is discussed and
communicated with our membership as we want
to preserve the diversity of the association!
He also told R&S, One thing is clear the
industry needs the BAR as a voice that can
represent it to the greater public, differentiate the
professional, responsible mover from the online
cowboy, and market high-quality removal
Regardless of the recession, work will never
come back the way it was, Gary says. The
industry needs to constantly keep working at new
ideas that will bring new work. Marketing and
communication have changed completely the
biggest challenge that we and the industry have
faced in the last thirty years is how to nd new
ways to market our services and develop online.
Overseas Group Pro le
Our companys sole purpose since its inception in 1977 is to serve the membership to
supply good quality, innovative packaging products at low prices. This is achieved by buying
jointly on your behalf and passing on the discount achieved from this bulk purchasing power!
As a member, we should be your preferred supplier but are we? For many of you the answer
will be yes but for those of you that say no then we would like to know why?
Your feedback is important so please ring us on 01342 870087 or you can simply emai
We look forward to hearing from you.
Are we your preferred
s upplier - if not, why not?
Its not what we say
that counts but what
the customer says
Gary Burke, Managing
Director, Burke Bros
Removals & St orage December 2011 46
Training News

I have worked in the Removal Industry for 27
years. I started in 1983 at Vanguard
Commercial Removals as a removal porter,
where I gained a lot of experience in large
commercial relocations, handling all types of
ofce furniture and in some challenging
circumstances. I soon learnt various techniques
of handling furniture in these situations and
one of the rst things I was taught was the
correct lifting procedure, which proved
invaluable throughout my career in the
It was a fascinating experience, as I hadnt
known much about removals before, I was
amazed at the sheer size and scale of these
removal operations, and over the years they
became less daunting as my experience grew.
In 1988 I left Vanguard Commercial
Removals and started working for Olympic
Removals; they were a new company formed
by a friend and colleague from Vanguard.
Olympic Removals were a domestic and
commercial removal company and this is
where I gained more experience in domestic
removals, learning new skills, mainly being
export wrapping. I started as a porter but was
soon promoted to foreman, and Olympic
Removals became recognised as a commercial
removal company capable of large-scale
relocations, which I was now supervising, with
crews of up to 20 operatives. This also
involved onsite training to less experienced
In 1994 I passed my HGV class 2 driving test
and I was promoted to driver foreman.
Although at this time I had some knowledge of
vehicle loading, it was at this period that I
honed my skills, which proved helpful on
many occasions where I had to load some very
tight loads.
Olympic also became recognised as the
countrys leading Library Removal specialists,
which involved understanding the packing
techniques and adapting labelling systems for
each library to meet their requirements.
An opportunity arose at Olympic Removals
in 2004 to become an estimator which I
undertook with relish, as it seemed a good time
to take on a new challenge. This was a role
that I enjoyed for the next 6 years, successfully
estimating and managing Domestic,
Commercial and Library Relocations, but
unfortunately Olympic could not survive the
economic crisis and sadly went into
I found myself in the unfortunate situation of
looking for a new job, and when the
opportunity came along to work for BAR
Training Services, I jumped at it, as it will
provide more challenges for me and the chance
for me to pass on my knowledge and
experience to others.
Out & about with the BAR Field Trainer
Jamie Briggs Removals are an established
Removal company who mainly deal in
Domestic Removals and Export Wrapping in
Heyford Park near Bicester. Although the
personnel are experienced in Removals, they
felt that they needed a refresher course in
Export Wrapping skills and also how to
prepare, pack and transport barometers.
In mid-October, I went along to their
warehouse in Heyford Park to deliver their
BARTS training course. Most of the morning
was spent on the theories of Export Wrapping
covering aspects like the correct use and
economy of materials, types of materials,
wrapping pictures, mirrors and clocks. They
all had a sound knowledge of this and I was
able to give them some hints and tips,
especially on the different methods for each
type of barometer, which they found very
During a break from the course, as they were
loading a container, I watched the Jamie
Briggs personnel load, during which I spotted
some minor aws in their wrapping, which I
was able to address in the next session.
The practical session showed that all
personnel had good skills in wrapping and
what stood out for me was how well they all
worked in teams. By the end of the session
they had competently wrapped various items
of awkward shapes.
Diamond Relocations. BARTS also delivered
a half-day training course in October on
Manual Handling to Diamond Relocations,
just off the Purley Way in Croydon. The
company specialises in Commercial
Relocations and wanted to enforce the
importance of safe handling and lifting
They were very responsive to the safety
aspects of safe lifting, and it was clearly
obvious that they wanted to improve their
knowledge and standards in handling furniture
carefully and safely. All of the trainees were
impressed with the use of lifting aids,
especially the use of webbing in tying furniture
securely and assisting in carrying large items
of furniture up staircases.
All participants took part in the practical use
of webbing and also demonstrated that they
were able to carry awkward items up and
down stairs using the web. They collectively
agreed that wrapping the webbing around the
wrists as well as hands added more support
and comfort. The feedback from Diamond
Relocations Operations Manager Gary
Harding was: Well informed course,
especially to us new employees.
Introducing Peter Walters,
BAR Field Trainer
The Team at Jamie Briggs and (Inset) The team Diamond Relocations
Because your people are your great est asset
BARTS Courses
Book your places t oday
Call: 01923 699484 or email: t
BTEC Advanced Award in
Removals Management 2012
The BTEC Advanced Aw ard in Removals
M anagement is a 2 unit course and is t he only
nat ionally recognised removal speci c quali cat ion
of it s kind. St udent s w ill be required t o pass an
examinat ion on an addit ional dat e in order t o pass
t he quali cat ion.
Course Dat es 2012
Part 1 - 28 February 02 M arch 2012
Part 2 - 3 15 M arch 2012
Part 1 - 16 19 July 2012
Part 2 - 07 - 09 August 2012
Part 1 - 22 25 Oct ober 2012
Part 2 - 06 08 November 2012
Writ ing a Winning Tender
f or t he public sect or
This is a brand new w orkshop t aking place at BAR
Wat f ord covering t opics such as:
Risk M anagement Opport unit ies t o score
Const ruct ing a w inning st at egy
Present at ions What t o w rit e Feedback
Ident if ying your USP Pricing
Where you can st and out Tips & t echniques
Common M ist akes Usef ul inf ormat ion
Course Dat es 2011
08 December 2011
99 + VAT p/p
1675 + VAT p/p (BAR Member)
1995 + VAT p/p (Non BAR Member)
BTEC Award in Pract ical
Est imat ing 2012
This 2 day course is pract ically based and is designed t o
t each st udent s t he art of est imat ing as w ell as f ace t o
f ace sales t echniques, covering t opics such as:
Pract ical Est imat ing at 2 local propert ies
Quant it y Assessment The Role of t he Est imat or
Healt h & Saf et y Cont ract Condit ions
Communicat ion Techniques
Removals Insurance
Course Dat es 2012
24 & 25 January 2012
06 & 07 M arch 2012
09 & 10 M ay 2012
03 & 04 July 2012
12 & 13 Sept ember 2012
14 & 15 November 2012
Selling Skills/Promot ing t he
BAR OFT Code of Pract ice
This 1 day course is designed t o enhance sales
skills and t o demonst rat e t he most ef f ect ive w ay
of promot ing t he BAR OFT Code of Pract ice t o w in
business, covering t opics such as:
The Role of t he Salesperson M arket ing
Prospect ing & Negot iat ing Promot ing t he
OFT Code Communicat ion & Present at ion
Ident if ying Cust omer Needs Closing t he Sale
Course Dat es 2012
15 February 2012
11 July 2012
17 Oct ober 2012
19 December 2012
545 + VAT p/p (BAR Member) 99 + VAT p/p (BAR Member)
Removals & St orage December 2011 48
Training News
AR Training Services have
added further 2012 dates for its
BTEC in Practical Estimating
course due to the huge demand from
BAR Members.
The recent November course was
fully subscribed with twelve students
visiting BAR Watford to take part in
the two-day programme.
BARTS BTEC in Practical
Estimating is the only removal industry
specic, nationally recognised,
removals estimating qualication.
Taking place at BAR Head Ofce
Watford the qualication is uniquely
designed for BAR members and the
removal industry as a whole.
The two-day course includes two
practical visits to local properties
enabling students to improve and
practice their skills in real working
environments. The course focuses on
methods of estimating, selling skills
and communication techniques and is
ideal for both current estimators and
anyone new to the skill of estimating.
Staff who successfully complete the
BTEC qualication and examination
are presented with certicates that are
recognised throughout the United
Kingdom as a further educational
award. See page 47 for details of
BARTS 2012 dates for the
qualication. If you would like further
information on any of the courses
available from BARTS, please contact
a member of the training team on
01923 699484 or email training@bar. For a full list of the training
programmes that are available from
BARTS, please visit BARTS new
website at
where a copy of the training brochure
is available for download.
Demand for extra dates for BARTS
BTEC Practical Estimating
From a recent course in November 2011
December 2011 Removals & St orage 49
European News European News
R&S is grateful to FEDEMAC for
its contribution to this section
backs eCall

European Commission
recommendation to make eCall
road accident reporting devices
mandatory on all new cars and light
commercial vehicles sold in the EU from
2015 was welcomed by Transport
Committee MEPs at a meeting with
Digital Agenda Commissioner Neelie
Kroes. The devices currently cost under
100 to install.
Transport Committee MEPs called on
the Commission to work on organizing
an effective eCall information campaign
for EU citizens and recommended that
eCall technology also be introduced on
heavy vehicles, such as trucks or buses.
The eCall system, which is activated
automatically when in-vehicle sensors
detect a serious crash, dials the EU
emergency number 112 and sends details
of the accident, including accurate
location data, that enable emergency
rescue teams to arrive 40 per cent faster
in urban areas and 50 per cent faster in
rural ones.
Replying to MEPs concerns about data
protection and privacy safeguards, Ms
Kroes said that the device is activated
only in the event of a serious crash and
that safeguarding human lives is more
important than safeguarding privacy:
eCall has the potential to reduce the
number of road fatalities by at least 4 per
cent and severe injuries by at least 6 per
cent. This means that one life could be
saved every 6 hours if eCall were
deployed, she said.
Czechs rule
out LEZs
he Czech president Vaclav Klaus
has intervened to stop the Czech
Republic introducing Low
Emissions Zones (LEZs). The law had
been agreed at all levels of the Czech
legislature, but was vetoed by the
president because it would have a
negative impact on business and due
to a number of loopholes would not
be effective in reducing emission levels.
The aim of the law is to reduce air
pollution from transport, especially in
the industrial area of Moravia.The
presidents veto could yet be overturned
in the Czech parliament.
Europe readies EUR250
bn transport network
The European Commission has announced a plan to transform the
existing patchwork of European roads, railways, airports and canals
into a unied transport network (TEN-T).
he Commission said that the new core
network will remove bottlenecks, upgrade
infrastructure and streamline cross border
transport operations for passengers and
businesses throughout the EU. It will improve
connections between different modes of
transport and contribute to the EUs climate
change objectives.
European Commission Vice-President Siim
Kallas, responsible for transport, said:
Transport is fundamental to an efcient EU
economy, but vital connections are currently
missing. Europes railways have to use 7
different gauge sizes and only 20 of our major
airports and 35 of our major ports are directly
connected to the rail network. Without good
connections Europe will not grow or prosper.
Freight transport in the EU is expected to
grow by 80 per cent by 2050, and passenger
transport by more than 50 per cent. The new
policy follows a two-year consultation process
and establishes a core transport network to be
established by 2030 to act as the backbone for
transportation within the Single Market.
The aim is to ensure that progressively, by
2050, the great majority of Europes citizens
and businesses will be no more than 30
minutes travel time from this comprehensive
The TEN-T network consists of two layers: a
core network to be completed by 2030 and a
comprehensive network feeding into this, to be
completed by 2050. Both layers include all
transport modes: road, rail, air, inland
waterways and maritime transport, as well as
intermodal platforms.
The core network will connect 83 main
European ports with rail and road links and 37
key airports with rail connections into major
cities. 15,000 km of railway line will be
upgraded to high speed and 35 cross border
projects will be implemented to reduce
It is estimated that the cost of implementing
the rst nancing phase for the core network
for 20142020 will cost 250 billion euros.
News Roundup
R&S is grateful to FEDEMAC for
its contribution to this section
he European Commission has
requested that Portugal take the
necessary measures to comply with
the Eurovignette directive on the charging
of heavy goods vehicles for the use of
certain infrastructure.
The Commission alleges that tolls on
HGVs in Portugal may not be based only on
the need to recover infrastructure costs.
The directive requires member states to
respect certain conditions when maintaining
or introducing tolls and/or user charges. The
directive sets out a methodology for
calculating average tolls, which must be
followed by member states for all new
tolling arrangements put into place after 10
June 2008.
The Portuguese law transposing the
Eurovignette Directive contains a provision
that leaves concession toll systems entirely
outside the scope of the directive. The
Commission considers this to be contrary to
the directive. In addition, Portugal failed to
comply with the obligation to communicate
to the Commission information on the
calculation of the tolls for newly introduced
tolling arrangements. The Commission said
that failing to implement this directive
appropriately and to communicate to the
Commission the relevant information means
that Portuguese tolling arrangements risk
contradicting the general aims of the
directive, such as the prohibition of
discrimination or the principle that tolls
must be based only on the recovery of
infrastructure costs. If Portugal fails to
inform the Commission within two months
of measures taken to ensure compliance
with EU law, the Commission could refer
the case to the EU Court of Justice.
Portugal in the dock over HGV
Removals & St orage December 2011
Indust ry News
European News
Spain scraps
new speed limit

pain is to abandon its temporary
110 km/h motorway speed limit.
The limit for cars was introduced
as a money-saving measure when the
price of oil was around 90/$125 per
barrel. It resulted in an immediate year
on year reduction of fuel consumption by
8.4 per cent and saved Spain 450
million in oil imports. Despite its obvious
success, the government now says the
limit can return to 120 km/h because
crude oil prices have fallen under
80/$110 per barrel again.
Polish lorry
charging now
in place
oland has now introduced its
viaToll distance-based lorry
charge on parts of its national
road network. The system requires all
vehicles over 3.5 tonnes using a
network of 1,560 kilometres of national
roads, express roads and motorways to
be equipped with a tracking device.
Some 350,000 on-board units have
been distributed. The level of the toll
varies according to vehicle weight and
emissions class.
Denmark backs
down on border
enmarks new centre-left
government is to withdraw plans
to reintroduce permanent border
The European
Commission had
strongly criticised
moves by former
Danish Prime
Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen to
place permanent customs controls at the
countrys border with Germany.
The Social Democrat Prime Minister,
Helle Thorning-Schmidt, also pledged
to reverse other conservative policies,
including a point system which made
it more difcult for foreign spouses
of Danish residents to move to the
News Roundup
Lynxs to develop air
cargo hub at Shannon
ublin Airport Authority (DAA) has
signed an agreement with US company
Lynxs to develop a new global air
freight hub at Shannon Airport.
Under the agreement, Lynxs is planning to
construct a new temperature-controlled freight
logistics facility at Shannon with infrastructural
support from DAA. This new facility will now
be marketed to both existing freight and
logistics companies at Shannon and to potential
new customers both domestically and
The new cargo hub will provide signicantly
improved facilities for Shannons existing cargo
businesses and will radically reposition the
airports cargo capabilities. The Lynxs facility
will include chilled, frozen and heated areas
for cargo which would enable Shannon to
bid for more high value, high volume
freight business.
According to Shannon Airport Authority
Chairman Brian OConnell: Lynxs will give
Shannon Airport an excellent opportunity to
exploit its central location between the major
economies of the US, Europe and Asia and to
develop as a signicant cargo destination. He
added: Shannon has always led the way in
international air trade, with its pioneering duty
free and Free Trade Zone operations, and more
recently with the successful US Customs &
Border Protection (CBP) passenger and general
aviation pre-clearance facility.
onstruction is set to begin on a new
multimodal logistics complex,
Trilogiport, in the Belgian city of Lige
at the start of 2012, following project approval
by the development minister for the Walloon
Trilogiport should begin operating at the end
of 2013, after receiving public funding of 45
million euros. The project is designed as an
extended gateway to the ports of Rotterdam,
Antwerp and Zeebrugge, and will include a
container terminal operated by Euroports and
its partner DP World.
Lige is the third largest inland port in
Europe after Duisburg and Paris, and is well
located at a cross road of European trade
Trilogiport will contain road, rail, and
waterway transport, and could generate up to
two thousand jobs in the region.
Trilogiport is located along the Albert Canal
and is therefore considered to be a key
logistics artery by the Port Authority of
Antwerp. This location is crucial for accessing
the south of Belgium as well as the highly
industrialized Ruhr basin in Germany.
Green light for Lige logistics project
December 2011 Removals & St orage
Indust ry News
rom 2012, as a result of the pension reforms,
businesses will also be required to pay
contributions towards their enrolled
employees pensions. These new arrangements
represent a signicant administrative burden for
large and smaller employers alike.
Every employer in the UK has now been issued
with a staging date - the date on which it will
need to enroll all qualifying employees into a
qualifying pension scheme.
Even if an employee does not want to
contribute or join, the employer must opt them in
to their scheme and then allow the employee to
opt out with the pension provider, who will then
also need to notify the employer.
Exactly three years later, the employer must opt
any employees who initially opted out back
into the pension scheme, again with the
employee then having to opt back out
with the pension provider should they
not wish to participate.
Documentary evidence of the opt
in and out process must be retained
by the employer for six years. The
employer will also need to identify
all qualifying staff (by age and total
earnings) and determine which of
the eight different types of worker
categories employees may fall into.
Hard costs
As well as the administrative costs, there is
a compulsory employer contribution rising to
3 per cent of qualifying earnings and signicant
nancial penalties if employers do not comply
with their responsibilities.
Penalties will vary according to the size of the
business but the initial ne for employers who
fail to register by their staging date will be
400. Businesses with less than four employees
can incur non-compliance penalties of 50 per
day, rising to 10,000 a day for the largest
employers.For more information on how these
changes could affect your business, contact
Minesh Gandhi at Cobia by email on or phone
01582 390003.

The 2007 and 2008 Pension
Acts have together introduced
the most fundamental change to
the UK pension system for over
fty years. From 2012 all
employers will be required to
make a Qualifying Workplace
Pension Scheme available to their
employees and to auto-enroll
eligible employees into such
scheme. Heres what you need to
know, as explained by business
consultants Cobia.
for Pension
Pension Reform Seminar
Cobia will be hosting a free Pension Reform
seminar in London on the 7th December
2011. To reserve your place at the seminar,
please contact Minesh Gandhi by email on
or phone 01582 390003.
These new
represent a signicant
administrative burden
for large and smaller
employers alike.
Feat ure Preparing f or Pension Ref orm
Removals & St orage December 2011
Indust ry News
ts tough
for anyone
to be in
hospital over the
Christmas period,
but especially for kids
far from the Christmas
Trees and Christmas
stockings of their own
Thats why Euro USA has
teamed up with the local
community radio station to
make a big effort to bring
some real festive cheer to
these children.
Christmas is a time for
families, for giving presents
and is a very special time of
the year for children, says
Jon Barton of Euro USA.
We want to help make this
Christmas memorable for
those children in our
community who
unfortunately will have to
be in hospital this year.
Euro USA has donated and
distributed cartons for 14
collection points for presents
to be donated throughout the local area.
A radio campaign on Zack FM, Toys for
Tots, will appeal for donations of new toys
from the local community. Euro USA will
then collect the cartons to enable the
distribution of the toys on Christmas Eve to
the West Suffolk hospital.
As the photographs show, the team at Euro
USA are already getting into the Christmas
spirit, and there is a long line of volunteer
Santas ready to give their time to the good
All toys donated to the Toys for Tots
campaign will be distributed to the children
in the West Suffolk Hospital Rainbow Ward
on Christmas Eve with surplus toys being
given to the Forest Heath area department of
social services.
Were very proud to be in a position to
help these children, Jon Barton says. Its
very important to us to be able to use our
skills and our expertise to help the
community. Everyone at Euro USA is really
looking forward to making a difference this
Christmas and seeing the smiles on the
childrens faces!
For more information, contact EUROUSA
Shipping Ltd. Tel: +44 (0) 1638 515335
or visit:
Euro USA of Mildenhall has teamed up with local radio station Zack FM to deliver a very special
Christmas to children who will be in hospital over the festive season.
Cover Feat ure EuroUsa
Euro Group Delivers Christmas
December 2011 Removals & St orage
Indust ry News
Feat ure Wellers
Wellers rst-hand experience in
BARs very own nancial helpdesk experts, Wellers Accountants, recently moved to new premises in Vincent
Square, Westminster, London. BAR member Clockwork Removals assisted them with the move.
he move to larger ofces after 11 years
enables Wellers to cope with their
growing team and expanding client base.

Neil Beck, Managing Partner at Wellers
Accountants told R&S: Although it is really
tough out there at the moment, we are still
achieving steady growth. To be able to recruit
in such a difcult climate is very rewarding
and we are feeling very positive about the
future. Our approach to working as an integral
part of our clients businesses is in demand: in
this climate they appreciate our pro-activity
and day-to-day involvement.
Wellers are also demonstrating their
commitment to corporate social responsibility
by donating all of the furniture from their old
ofces to a charity called Aspire Oxford, who
recycle items raising funds for homelessness
and the disadvantaged.
Clockwork Removals
Wellers naturally chose a BAR member to be
sure that their commercial move would be
carried out properly and professionally. As the
company works closely with BAR, Wellers
knows that all BAR members meet stringent
criteria and are regularly inspected to ensure
that their staff, vehicles, premises and
facilities meet the required standards set out in
the BAR Code of Practice. After getting a few
quotes from different BAR members, Wellers
selected Clockwork Removals. James
Tillotson, Manager at Wellers, says:
Everyone we dealt with at Clockwork, from
the Commercial Business Developer to the
team members carrying out the move were
courteous, helpful and quick to respond to any
questions and issues that arose. The two days
they were onsite went very smoothly and we
would denitely recommend them to anyone.
For more information visit
Our approach to working as an integral part of our
clients businesses is in demand: in this climate
they appreciate our pro-activity and day-to-day
Neil Beck, Managing Partner, Wellers Accountants
Wellers Accountants is one of the most
successful medium size accountants in
the South East.
Established more than 50 years ago,
Wellers has four ofces covering
London and the Thames Valley with
around 80 loyal and experienced
employees. Wellers provide a
comprehensive range of accountancy
services whilst retaining a partner-led
approach. Partners work integrally with
each client to achieve their business
Clients benet from tangible savings and
sustainable business growth, branded by
Wellers as Business Oxygen.
About Wellers
Removals & St orage December 2011
Indust ry News
Feat ure Case st udy in increasing revenue t hrough insurance services
nchor Removals, part of the Britannia
Moving Group, specialise in UK
household removals and international
shipping. They selected Reason Global to
provide insurance services after a rigorous tender
process. Chris Smallwood, Managing Director of
Anchor, said originally we chose Reason Global
because they came up with the best all-round
package, and their service, attitude and general
demeanour suggested theyd be a good t.
Reason Global were quick to recommend that
Anchor start selling customer goods insurance to
their customers as an optional extra, but the
company was initially sceptical about the idea.
There were a couple of reasons why we didnt
think it would work, explains Chris. Firstly, we
thought it would reect badly on our service.
And secondly, we were worried about how we
would manage the insurance premium tax
collection. We were also concerned that even if
customers agreed to take the insurance, they
would be more likely to make a claim.
However Reasons experience meant they were
able to answer these concerns. Graham at
Reason showed us how simple the process could
be, Chris says. Rather than charging a
percentage of the cost of the job, we could just
charge a at fee around 25 including
Insurance Premium Tax (IPT). We dont have to
get involved in the IPT because Reason deals
with that. In fact charging the insurance
separately actually reduces the amount of tax our
customers have to pay because they are only
required to pay 6 per cent IPT instead of 20 per
cent VAT.
Anchors condence in Reason pays off
Since implementing Reasons recommendation,
Anchor reports that 99 per cent of customers
have agreed to take the insurance. In just two
months, Anchor was able to increase their
revenue per job by an average of 28 resulting
in additional income of 1,500 to 1,600 across
60 jobs.
We were absolutely thrilled, Chris
comments. Replicating this over a year will
increase our turnover by around 12,000 to
14,000 minimum. Realistically, it is likely to
increase our turnover by closer to 20,000.
In fact Reason Globals advice has had such a
positive impact on Anchor Removals that the
increase in revenue will more than pay for their
insurance premiums. I think a xed, optional
cost is actually quite attractive to customers,
particularly when its a relatively small amount,
says Chris. It means our pricing is completely
transparent and in some cases it actually saves
our customers money, as well as generating extra
income for us. Reason Global has given us all
the advice and tools we need to sell the insurance
efciently. Were very knowledgeable about the
product were selling which gives our customers
condence that were professional and
A good deal for everyone
Although the industry in general appears to be
quite nervous about selling insurance, Anchors
experience shows that it can actually help rms
generate a good prot with very little extra
effort. Reasons advice has been invaluable
the gures speak for themselves, says Chris.
The fact that 99 per cent of people take the
insurance shows how compelling the argument
for it is. And to date we havent had a single
claim, which I think demonstrates that people are
comfortable that theyre getting value for
In fact through customer goods insurance sales,
Selling insurance to your customer
Most BAR members will be familiar with specialist insurance broker Reason Global, in particular the
tireless globe-trotting gure of marketing manager Graham Puddephatt. In this case study, Chris
Smallwood (pictured below) of Anchor Removals explains how the company is partnering with Graham
and Reason Global, selling insurance services to their customers and boosting Anchors turnover and
bottom line signicantly.
Graham Puddephatt,
Marketing Manager, Reason Global
December 2011 Removals & St orage
Indust ry News
Reason Global has helped many clients earn
additional revenue of up to 10 per cent per year.
Graham says thats because they dont just
provide excellent cover at extremely competitive
rates; the company also tries to provide high
quality training, professional documentation and
constant advice and support to all clients. Chris
conrms: Although I was dubious to begin with
Im so pleased Graham talked us around. He has
not only got me more revenue with which to pay
my premiums but also around 12,000 pure
prot in my bank account.
Feat ure Case st udy in increasing revenue t hrough insurance services
For more information
please contact:
Chris Smallwood
Tel: 0161 790 6666
Graham Puddephatt
Tel: 01273 200 479
The fact that 99 per
cent of people take the
insurance shows how
compelling the
argument for it is.
Chris Smallwood,
Managing Director,
Removals & St orage December 2011
Indust ry News
Feat ure New Member Pro le
evells is based in Suffolk and operates
four large capacity vehicles and several
smaller vans while also providing
containerised storage in a substantial, new,
purpose-built warehouse with security systems
and environmental monitoring. Established in
1961, the company was bought by proprietor,
Antony Bowring (pictured), in 1999 and
currently employs nine full time members of
Although Revells does have commercial
clients, the major focus of business is the
residential market which is derived from
recommendations of existing customers, estate
agents and solicitors. The company does not
have a big PR or marketing programme but it
does have an enthusiastic clientele who have
developed a good rapport with the staff.
Although local house moves make up a
substantial part of the workload, the client base
has increased throughout East Anglia and now
includes London, the home counties and reaches
to the continent and overseas.
Signicantly, in recent times, the company has
developed an excellent relationship with a
number of international antique and ne art
dealers, galleries and collectors.
Fearlessly managed
Revells is managed by Paul Nichols who has
worked in the removal business for 20 years.
Prior to that, he was in the Armed Forces. He
runs Revells with a military precision which is
very popular with customers.
Antony Bowring took over the company after
years of working with Sir Ranulph Fiennes
Revells: military
precision and
logistical mastery
Before acquiring Suffolk-based Revells in 1999, Antony
Bowring managed expeditions for Sir Ranulph Fiennes
perfect training, some would say, for the varied logistical and
managerial challenges of the removals business. With ex-
Services man Paul Nichols as MD, this new BAR member has
the service-focused culture that characterise all the best
removals companies.
[Removals] is one of
the few proper service
industries and the
physical effort, long
hours and permanent
good humour required
of those at the cutting
edge are worthy of the
highest praise.
managing expeditions. He organised a number
of ground-breaking projects including the
marine side of the Transglobe Expedition from
1979 to 1982. This was the rst and only
surface, longitudinal circumnavigation of the
world via North and South Poles.
In an effort to get a proper job at the age of
fty, he bought the removal business from the
founder, Des Revell. Bowring saw that Revell
had prospered from the business in contrast to
the income derived from expeditions. However,
experience shows that Removals and Storage is
a far tougher and more competitive trade than he
anticipated with little prot to show after
revenue is reinvested into the development and
improvement of the business.
For years, I was involved in non-prot and
charitable activity, Antony says. It is ironic
that now I am trying to earn a living in a
respectable commercial business, I nd that for
many small traders such as myself ,prot is a
rather elusive concept! However, we have
remained extremely busy throughout the
recession and our diary is pretty full for the
months ahead. The team here are wonderful and
have my greatest respect and gratitude for all the
hard work and long hours they put into the
business. We are a great team and I think our
customers appreciate it.
Looking ahead, the proprietor is bullish. Im
fully committed to this business. Im sure that
Im not alone in realising that the appreciation
and trust of customers is really the only thing
that matters. Removal people are extraordinary.
Theirs is one of the few proper service
industries and the physical effort, long hours
and permanent good humour required of those
at the cutting edge are worthy of the highest
praise. We have a housing shortage in Britain
and while there is a demand, there is likely to be
business. As long as we are not priced out by
legislation and rising costs, and as long as we
provide the highest standard of service and
integrity, ours is an industry to be very proud
Revells joined the BAR in August this year
and already Paul Nichols has noticed that
customers (particularly those with larger
properties) are impressed. It gives greater
condence that standards will be met
effectively, efciently with the minimum of fuss
and at a competitive price, Paul explains.
December 2011 Removals & St orage
Indust ry News
Feat ure Af liat e Pro le
Removal Recruitment: tailored
service for removals companies
In these uncertain economic times, the use of casual staff is an increasingly compelling proposition for
companies looking at reducing their operating costs. Removal Recruitment is a specialist company that has
been providing trained staff to the industry for more than ten years now. Directors Lesley Crumpton and
Paul Dyde tell R&S how the company is working with removal companies to improve their protability.
emoval Recruitment provides trained,
experienced porters, drivers, team
leaders, tters and more, exclusively to
the removal industry on a daily, weekly or
project basis. The key to the companys
success, Director Paul Dyde says, is the
investment that it makes in training and
induction; even people who have worked for
removal companies in the past still have to do
the same training.
That training ensures that the industry knows
it can rely on Removal Recruitment to supply
capable, professional and responsible staff to
meet its every need. The companys
programmes are tailor made to the industry
and cover everything from manual handling to
export wrapping.
When we worked for removal companies,
we knew about the headache and hassle of
dealing with full time and casual staff, Lesley
Crumpton says. One of the reasons we set up
Removal Recruitment was to support removal
companies, by offering a solution to reduce
the stress, also to keep their operating costs
down when it comes to staff, allowing them to
take on extra work and increasing
Best in class
Removal Recruitment is a proud holder of an
Investors In People Bronze Award, dedicated
to selecting the right people, with the right
attitude for the job, with a commitment to
quality and reliability. This has enabled them
to be one of the few companies in the country
to achieve the prestigious bronze award.
Our clients save valuable time by using our
services Lesley says. It allows the remover
to concentrate on getting more business and
less time on dealing with the stress of staff
using our service is just one phone call away.
Its now over ten years since Removal
Recruitment rst entered the market; the
company was established in April 2001, after
identifying the need for a steady supply of
high quality staff for the industry, which
would give removal companies the condence
to take on the extra work. The companys
experience in the business extends even
further back than that: Lesley started out in a
commercial moving company sixteen years
ago, while Paul has been in the industry for
nearly twenty-one years, starting out working
on the vans, before moving into operations,
project management and general management.
With my previous experience, and ten years
at Removal Recruitment, dealing with several
removal companies, I feel I have the
knowledge to understand what our clients
want and need, and what they dont need!
Lesley says.
Removal Recruitment became afliate
members of the BAR in 2003. Membership
enables them to attend area meetings, network
with potential clients and keep in contact with
existing clients in a relaxed and agreeable
atmosphere; they do not constantly pester
companies on the phone trying to sell their
services. BAR membership also serves as an
indication of their complete commitment to
the industry, which is highly appreciated by
their client base.
Improving protability for removals
Like every other company in the sector, the
team at Removal Recruitment is concerned by
the current economic uncertainty and by fears
of a double dip in the market. Removal
Recruitment is responding to increased
demand in the commercial moving sector with
its IT service support decommissioning and
recommissioning of computers. We had
trained some of the people we have to do this
type of work and have seen an increase in
demand, so to meet the increase we have
recently trained more people to the standard
required, Lesley says.
Lesley and Paul are also keeping a lid on
prices, keeping their services competitive in a
difcult environment for business; in the last
ten years with yearly increased costs, they
have kept any increases to the bare
minimum.We are always willing to discuss
options with clients depending on their
individual needs, Paul says. Removal
Recruitment has always negotiated with
individual clients that need our support to be
specially tailored to their requirements (e.g.
CSCS cards that are required to work on
particular sites with regard to health and
As Paul says, Removal Recruitment is
dedicated to the removal industry only, there
is no true comparison; what suits one
removal company doesnt always t another -
we do everything we can to become a valuable
part of their team and enhance their company
in what they do and the quality of service they
provide to their clients
[Our services allow] the
remover to concentrate
on getting more
business and less time
on dealing with the
stress of staff using our
service is just one phone
call away.
Paul Dyde and
Leslie Crumpton
of Removal Recruitment
Removals & St orage December 2011
Indust ry News
James Dasey, Group International Director, Doree Bonner International
Baby for French


edric Zibi of Paris-based
BAR International
Associate Neer Service
has contacted us to let us know
his wife Maud has just had the
couples rst baby, a healthy
girl named Chlo (pictured).
Congratulations to Cedric from
R&S magazine and its readers!
Momentous adds to
international team


sti Constantinou has
joined the growing
corporate and
international team at
Asti (pictured) has
extensive experience with a
well-known international
moving company in the UK. She will be a Move
Manager based in the Momentous International and
Fine Art Shipping Ofce and will handle corporate
accounts and key worldwide agent partners
Grospiron appoints
sales director


International has
Christophe Chevallier
(pictured) as Sales Director.
Christophe worked for
eight years in the moving
industry, for large
companies in England and
France and then with Asian
Tigers in Asia. Since returning to France eight
years ago, he has occupied sales positions for
Federal Express and American Express.
Using his combined experience in sales and
removals, Christophe will now be based in
Grospirons Paris headquarters, where he will be in
charge of the sales team, the moving and relocation
corporate portfolio, and partnership with agents.
During his free time, Christophe likes to go to art
galleries, share good meals with friends and relax
by swimming and jogging. Christophe has a nine-
year old daughter.
ames Dasey has been appointed as
Group International Director, a new
position for Doree Bonner
James joined the International department
of Doree Bonner in 1998 as International
Sales Consultant then in 2003 he became
International Manager London. Following
ve successful years in this role he was
promoted to Group International Manager
where he successfully completed the
reorganisation of the Groups Co-
ordination Centre.
In his newly created role, James will now
take responsibility for the International
product across the Doree Bonner Group for
both consumer and corporate business.
James will be based at Doree Bonners
head ofce in Dartford and will report
directly to the Joint Managing directors
Geoff Watson and Gordon Lyall.
Commenting on the appointment,
Geoff Watson said that James has been
instrumental in the successful development
of our International product over the last
10 years and is a well-known and respected
gure in the Industry. In addition to his
responsibilities at Doree Bonner he is also
currently president of the FIDI under 35
club. In his new role James will be tasked
with strategically cementing our position
as one of the UKs leading migrant
Movers. Our International division is going
from strength to strength and Jamess
appointment will enhance the capability of
our renowned and dynamic team.
The Doree Bonner International Group
has over 90 years experience in providing
a friendly and professional service in the
removals industry. Its branches stretch
across Southern England from Bath in the
West to Canterbury in the East.
For further information, visit the Doree
Bonner website
New senior management
appointment for Doree Bonner
People News
nterdean Geneva has made two new
appointments; Rafael Fiorgentili has
joined as Customer Services and
Quality Manager, and Sandra van Gessel,
of dual French and Dutch nationality, has
been appointed Sales Manager.
In her new role with Interdean, Sandra
will be heading the sales function in
Geneva, maintaining current client
relationships and developing new ones.
She will also be responsible for the
relationship with Interdeans network of
approved partners in the region.
Rafaels role will see him reinforcing
Interdeans European transport and
logistics capability. Rafael is a talented
linguist and is uent in English, French,
Spanish and Italian and has dual Spanish/
Italian nationality. As if that wasnt
enough, Rafael is also currently learning
Two appointments by Interdean
Do you have any news to
share with R&S readers?:
Send to
Rafael Fiorgentili Sandra van Gessel
For any independent insurance, nancial or legal advice, please contact a
BAR Professional Adviser partner.
Financial Legal
Basil Fry & Co Ltd
Tel: 01372 385 985
Reason Global Insurance
Tel: 01273 739961
Tel: 0207 630 6665
Backhouse Jones Solicitors
Tel: 01254 828 300
in association with
The Professional Advisers Panel is a brand new
initiative specically designed to offer members
extended support across every aspect of their business.
This is a development of our highly successful Insurance
Broker Panel scheme whereby BAR members receive
unlimited support, guidance and advice from qualied
specialist companies within the UK. We are constantly
looking at ways to support our members businesses;
therefore, if this initiative proves to be a success, we
will develop the Professional Advisers Panel even further
into other relevant areas such as Health & Safety and
Environmental services.
Removals & St orage December 2011 60
BAR News Memberships
Regi st er ed:
The f ollow ing M ember s have
regist ered:
Nat ional & European Group
Br ycelands Removals Ser vi ces Lt d
M emb No: B059
Jack s Hill
Great Nor t h Road
Gravel ey
Her t f ordshire
Tel: 014 62 675555
Web: w w

Dunbar Removals & St orage Lt d
M emb No: D0 62
The Deposi t or y Gilmer t on Est at e
Nor t h Ber w i ck
East Lot hian
EH39 5LQ
Tel: 01620 8 8 0213
Squab LLP t /a Bri t annia Squab Group
M emb No: S0 9 4
Squab Hall
Harbur y Lane
Bishops Tachbrook
Leamingt on Spa
War w i ck shire
CV33 9QB
Tel: 01926 8 82282
Web: w w

Int ernat ional Associat e
Bi ddulphs Removals & St orage
M emb No: B4 0 9
15 Crast er Road
Sout her t on
Harare, Zimbabw e
Tel: 0 02634 620753/ 9
0 02637 772147 6 07/10
Web: w w za
Applicat ions:
BAR has received t he f ollow ing
applicat ions f or:
Nat ional & European Group
Alexander s Removals & St orage Lt d
Unit 1 Chase Road Trading Est at e
51 Chase Road
NW10 6LG
Tel: 0333 80 0 2323
w w w.alexander
G W Tw illey & Son Lt d
71 Coburg Road
Wood Green
London, M iddlesex
N22 6UB
Tel: 0208 888 5156
Web: w w w.t w
Clari cat ion:
BAR are pleased t o advise t hat
Scot t s of Somer set (M emb No: S115)
remain in member ship.
Resignat ions:
BAR is sorr y t o lose t he member ship
of t he f ollow ing companies w hilst
t hanking t hem f or t heir suppor t :
Nat ional & European Group
E & A Wat es Lt d
M emb No: W013
JB Carl t on & Co Lt d
M emb No: C0 49
Int ernat ional Associat e
M ovement s Int ernat i onal M over s
Pt y Lt d, Aust ralia
M emb No: M 4 0 6
Terminat ion:
Liquidat ion:
Nat ional & European Group
Olympic Lt d & ATN
Olympic Removals
M emb No: O011

BAR Memberships December 2011
Any member wishing t o
make any comment
regarding an applicat ion
should do so in writ ing t o
BAR Head Of ce wit hin
21 days of receipt of t his
not icat ion. Det ails of
membership applicat ions
in process may also be
f ound on t he BAR
websit e:
December 2011 Removals & St orage 61
BAR News
Dont delay! Send in your answers now
There were a number of correct entries to last months Rugby World Cup quiz. Congratulations to
Carl Lewis, Project Manager at Xpress Relocation who was the rst name to be pulled out of the hat.
Carl will get a free quarter-page advert for his company in the next issue of R&S. Quizmaster: SJS
The answers to last months Rugby World Cup quiz were: 1) 20 2) Russia 3) Australia 4) 30 5)
Wales 6) B 7) Leonardo Ghiraldini 8) Simon Culhane (45 points, New Zealand vs. Japan, 1995)

Adam Werritty is the close friend of which ex-Cabinet Minister?
How much money will the Bank of England spend on the 2nd round of
Quantitative Easing?
Which large southern European nation held general elections on Nov 20th?
Who is the new President-elect of Ireland?
Which large Commonwealth country is introducing a carbon tax?
Where was David Cameron when the riots broke out in August 2011?
What currency did Greece use before joining the euro?

Remember 2011? With a turbulent year
coming to a close, see how much attention
you were paying to affairs in 2011!
R&S Competition
Nort h West Area
Cont act : Annet t e Harris
0161 6534455
annet t e.harris@anglopaci
December 8 Quiz Night
January 19
Nort hern Ireland Area
Cont act : Dominic Murray
02890 748588
Dominicmurray@coast ways
Scot land Area
Cont act : Georgina Berry
0151 502220
georginaberry@bt int ernet .com
Sout hern Area
Cont act : Pet er Doman
01372 385985
pet erd@basilf
Sout h Wales Area
Cont act : Andrew Robbins
01792 584229
Sout h West ern Area
Cont act : Sue Christ ophers
01637 872529
Sussex Area
Cont act : Miranda Hyder
01342 870087
December 8
Removals & St orage December 2011 62
Diary Dat es
Diar y Dat es
Board of Direct ors
December 7 - 10.0 0am-15.0 0pm
Nat ional Council
February 7, 2012
Overseas Group Council
February 8, 2012
CMG Council
February 9, 2012
East Anglia Area
Cont act : Andrew Pearson
01362 853777
January 10 12.00pm
The Flying Fort ress
East Met Area
Cont act : Paul Freeman
0800 413335
nealesremovals@bt connect .com
East Midlands Area
Cont act : Andy Wade
01476 579210
Kent Area
Cont act : Tom Bourne
01797 228000
t omb@ut
New Met Area
Cont act : Julie Thompson
01932 410100
Nort hern Area
Cont act : Alan Hoggin
0191 5491194
West ern Area
Cont act : Ria Russell
01278 447099
ria@brit annialanesof somerset
January 10
West Midlands Area
Cont act : Sarah Parget er
01384 377786
sparget er@f
Yorkshire Area
Cont act : Graham Puddephat t
0845 6021775
GrahamPuddephat t @reason-
January 19
Do you have any diary dat es?
E-mail t hem t o: rands-edit orial@analyt
To view diary dat es/ event s, please log int o M yBAR and click on t he Calendar/ Event s
and BAR Calendar t abs w here you can view f ull det ails including t ime, dat e, locat ion and
agendas (w hen available).
To view area minut es, please log int o M yBAR and click on t he BAR Areas t ab and
t hen one of t he 16 areas list ed. M inut es f rom past 2011 area meet ings can be view ed and
dow nloaded (w here available).
Trade Services
Removals & St orage December 2011 64
Channel Islands
Isle of Man
Scot land/Europe
Scot land and Islands
Aust ria
It aly
This space is
available from just
33 per month
Promote your services to
over 4,000 UK based removers
from just 33 per month
Trade Services
December 2011 Removals & St orage 65
It aly
Regular runs to all areas Full or part loads
Receiving depot 10mins from M25 J5 ...or we collect
All deliveries and collections carried out by our own crews
Phone Paul for advice and genuine delivery/collection times
01732 358900


Germany and Aust ria
Weekly Groupage Service
Full origin and destination
services available.
German speaking staff
Contact Darrel or Justin
Tel: 0208 144 0734 Fax: 0844 770 7111
Swit zerland
Trade Services
Removals & St orage December 2011 66
UK Office: 01843 585055,
Mallorca Office: 0034 971 693566,
Trade website: www.william- worldwide-
Weekly Scheduled Service, Containerised Storage Depots
Holder of Spanish Transport Licence
for our Tranship vehicles
Unrivaled Infrastructure in Mallorca, Menorca & Ibiza
Excellent Rates, Payment in Euros or GBP accepted
Purely The Balearics, No Bull!
Memb No: W001
TL: 01202 576514
FAX: 01202 574011
France - 8pain - FertugaI - ItaIy
weekl] 8ervice for the Trade. Call now for oest rates
Depots in Preston, Chester, Alicante, Nalaga
F880 01772 651570
Email. weo.
Promote your services to over 4,000 UK based
removers from just 33 per month
Cyprus and Malt a
by Road
7 day transit time
Twice-monthIy departures
British Crews & ProfessionaI Service
HighIy recommended in Greece
00 44 1733 311 561 |
Cest rian Removals
Speci al i st Trade Movers t o Spai n & Port ugal

Vehi cl es depart i ng weekl y f or Al i cant e,
Al meri a, Mal aga and t he Al garve

Modern Secure Cont ai neri sed St orage
Faci l i t i es i n Spai n and Port ugal

Rat es f rom 1.90 ex our depot

Groupage or dedi cat ed vehi cl es
Chest er Depot : 01244 521 959
Al i cant e Depot : 0034 966470426
Mal aga Depot : 0034 952426463 (i n associ at i on wi t h BRC)
www.cest ri anremoval
emai l - enqui ri es@ bri t anni acest ri
Trade Services
December 2011 Removals & St orage 67
TRADE Part or Full Loads
Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai
Deliveries throughout P.R.C
Call: 0845 0580632
Regular Services to all Major
Destinations Worldwide
Receiving in Windsor & Stourbridge
Contact Mike, Chris or Steve on
01633 488 100
Trade Rates
to Europe
Sout h Af rica
Unit ed Arab Emirat es
2 weekly trade servlce to 4PVUI"GSJDB
+44 208 749 0362 |
Regular Trade
Services to
Dubai, Sharjah
and Abu Dhabi
Full & part loads
Contact Justine or Stuart on
01432 377477
fax: 01432 279894
Memb No: GO13
One point of entry for
delivery anywhere in India.
11 receiving depots
Full & part loads
Contact Justine or Stuart on
01432 377477
fax: 01432 279894
Memb No: GO13
The largest consolidators of HHPE
from the UK to Israel.
Weekly + full destination services!
020 8832 2222
Stephen Morris Shipping Plc, Unit 9, Ockham Drive,
Greenford Park, Greenford. UB6 0FD UK.
Worldwi de Relocati on
Fi ne Art & Anti ques Shi ppi ng
Space t o Hire
This space is
available from just
33 per month
Trade Services
Removals & St orage December 2011 68
We are not a removal company or
your competitor, you are our clients
on which our business depends.
London or Swindon
0208 795 4838 or 01793 731696
They say that imitation is a form of
flattery - but there is only one
Trade Storage Limited.
Recommended by the worlds finest piano manufacturers,
auctioneers, music colleges & academies.
A family run business, Est. in 1968.
Mem. No G005
Tel: +44 (0) 20 8994 9733 Fax: +44 (0) 20 8995 0855
Call BARI5 on 01923 699484
or email
Trailer Hire
Warehouse Cont ainers
From car trailers to 3200 cubic feet
stepframes, 8 container
curtainsiders unsignwritten haulage
available too. (UK and Europe).
020 8795 4838 or 01793 731696
Trade St orage Piano Specialist s
This space is
available from just
33 per month
Driver CPC Training - Indust r y Speci c
BARTS Courses
BAR Training Services t rain you at t he f ollow ing
locat ions at specially discount ed member rat es:
At your premises
In t he BAR areas
BAR in Wat f ord
Flexible t raining t he way you want it !
Book your places NOW
or f or f urt her inf ormat ion cont act BARTS on 01923 699484
This space is
available from just
33 per month
Classi eds
December 2011 Removals & St orage 69
Opport unit ies
Please cont act
01923 699484
or email
Vehicles For Sale
Fant ast ic opport unit y t o purchase a qualit y East Midlands
removals company wit h a great reput at ion.
Long est ablished in a st rat egic posit ion near one of t he
f ast est grow ing resident ial areas in t he count r y.
Only 1 local compet it or. Excellent st af f, 5 vehicles, subst ant ial
st orage depot w it h self st ore. Turnover @200k
Genuine reason f or sale. Replies t o box no.4074
Are You Look ing To Sell?
We are looking t o buy good qualit y household moving
and st orage compnies in London and t he home count ies.
Please call 07933 123 123 in f ull con dence
f or a quick decision.
0 117 957 540 0
Removal Business wit h
St orage in Spain f or Sale
Sit uat ed Est epona, M alaga. 2 w arehouses f or sale in prime locat ion on
indust rial est at e. Corner sit e w it h maximum exposure. The proper t ies are
f reehold and a genuine invest ment oppor t unit y comprising of t he f ollow ing:
Warehouse 1; Prime locat ion of ces, new st eel cont ainer s f or long t erm
st orage, bat hrooms and show er s. M ezzanine oor w it h luxur y 3 bedroom
apar t ment .
Warehouse 2; Purpose built self st orage rooms. 2 lif t s, bat hrooms et c.
Bot h w arehouses have new roof s and are w ell maint ained.
The business is w ell know n and ver y w ell est ablished.
It is sensibly priced at 1.5 million euros negot iable depending.
Email: inf
BAR Ser vices is seeking an experienced of ce based sales/
cust omer ser vices advisor t o w ork f ull t ime at our East
Grinst ead of ce. You w ill need a minimum of 3 years
experience in a t elesales/cust omer ser vice posit ion and having a
proven t rack record of your success.
Essent ial Requirement s:
Con dent
Self mot ivat ed
Able t o w ork in a t eam
Target driven
Know ledge of t he packaging indust r y is bene cial but not
essent ial.
Please send your CV t o:
Mrs Miranda Hyder, General Manager,
BAR Services, Moor Hall, Sandhawes Hill,
East Grinst ead, West Sussex RH19 3NR
Full job spec available on applicat ion.
2002 Scania
P94D euro 3
M arsden Vanplan
2500 f t
Spacious CLEAN pod
5 + space
cont ainer doors
Drop- dow n rear door
including ramp
Oil changed ever y
15,500 OVNO
Call Chris
07779 232 566
Classi ed
Advert ising
All classi ed advert isement s should be booked no lat er t han t he 10t h
and received no lat er t han t he 15t h of t he mont h preceding publicat ion.
For all advert ising enquiries please cont act :
Sandra Zealand at Rubicon M arket ing
on: 0117 957 5400 or e-mail: sandra@rubiconmarket
Rat es
Sit uat ions Vacant 2.15 per w ord (min 15 w ords)
For Sale and Want ed ads 2.15 per w ord (min 10 w ords)
Boxed Ad (Semi-Display) 30 per single column cent imet re
(Please not e all lineage & semi-display ads are set by R&S in house st yle)
Half Page M ono 510
Half Page Colour 615
Quart er Page M ono 425
Quart er Page Colour 500
Box Number +30
All charges are plus VAT.
Box Numbers
Replies t o Box Number advert isement s should be sent t o:
The Advert iser
Box no. (XYZ)
The Brit ish Associat ion of Removers
Tangent House, 62 Exchange Road, Wat f ord, Hert s WD18 0TG
Sit uat ions Vacant
In line w it h t he Sex Discriminat ion Act , all posit ions are open t o male
and f emale applicant s.
Purchasers of a vehicle advert ised in Removals & St orage should
sat isf y t hemselves t hat t he payload/volume is suit able f or t he purpose
f or w hich t hey int end t o use it .
Removals & St orage December 2011
Indust ry News
Send your letters to:
The Editor, Andy Stern,
I am writing to you to comment on the excellent
service received from the BAR Removers
Benevolent Association.
It was peak season this year and we had a
crew unloading, unpacking and unwrapping a
consignment having just docked from South
Africa. The crew were undertaking their third
and nal day on site, having unloaded a 40ft
and a 20ft container, they were nishing the
unpacking and reinstatement service for the
The work had gone extremely well up until
the point where the crew were attempting to re-
assemble a large trampoline. One of the crew
members was tensioning the trampoline bed
when the hooked tool that he was using slipped
from the spring and consequently the tool
slipped and severely injured his wrist. He was
rushed to hospital and taken for immediate
reconstructive surgery to re-attach his 2 severed
tendons in his wrist.
Following this ordeal, our crew member had
his arm put in plaster and was told by the
consultant that he had to rest it for at least 4
weeks to ensure that the wound and tendons
heal effectively. Consequently, this meant that
he was unable to work for this period. With it
being peak season, our crew member was
especially disheartened by the thought of not
bringing in any money for the coming weeks.
His obvious concerns were how he was going to
meet his nancial commitments.
Based on our contract of employment, our
employee was only entitled to receive statutory
sick pay during this period of recovery. This
was quite obviously an industrial injury and as
his employer we felt a responsibility to try and
nd a means of reimbursing our employee for
some of his loss of earnings. Whilst speaking to
a fellow BAR member company, we were
advised that the BAR has a special division that
may be able to assist our employee nancially,
to help with his loss of earnings and his need to
continue to meet his nancial commitments.
This division is called the Removers Benevolent
Association (RBA). I had never quite
understood what the RBA were about, however
I had an inkling that they only dealt with BAR
companies in receivership, oh how wrong I
I contacted Tracey Britten at the BAR who
put me in touch with the chairman of the RBA.
Between them they advised that they are at
liberty as a registered charity to offer a lump
sum payment to assist our employee in this hard
time. It was quite simple, we completed a claim
form indicating his role within the company and
some nancial details allowing the RBA to
assess his loss of earnings and on-going
Within one week, we had received a telephone
call from the chairman of the RBA who advised
us that the board had met and concluded the
meeting with a unanimous decision to award
our employee with a lump sum payment, which
I understand is one of the highest ever paid out
by the RBA. I was very impressed by their
It was 4.5 weeks before our crew member was
in any way t for a phased return to work. This
payment made by the RBA was a life saver for
our employee and his partner.
My experience when dealing with the RBA
was excellent and it just goes to show that the
BAR is out there to help members get through
tough times, whether it be the member company
needing the help or an employee. The RBA has
managed to put a smile on the face of a very
despondent employee. From a company
perspective, this intervention has provided our
employee with the motivation to get back into
work and help to keep a very experienced
removal man happy in his job.
Thanks RBA.
David Smith,
F Smith & Son (Croydon) Ltd
Praise for the RBA
At our latest Yorkshire area meeting, one of
the Pickfords team indicated that the next
series of TV programmes for Channel 5 are in
the planning. From my point of view, this is
good news for Pickfords and the industry in
general. Having read comments in the media
and listened to various comments from the
removals industry, our peers have a mixed
perception as to the value.
Before criticising the programmes, content
and general presentation, you should put
yourself in the chair of the viewer. I have
heard comments such as, the estimators
didnt do a good job on that move and there
werent enough vehicles for the job. The
viewer only sees that Pickfords responded
quickly, politely and in a friendly manner;
calling up an additional vehicle, nothing was
too much trouble.
I watched the programmes with my wife,
and she commented on what a friendly bunch
the removals industry seems to be; she could
see why I enjoy my job. The moral of my
story is, in the main, the general public are
not removals experts, they want a friendly
efcient service delivered in a professional
manner; that is precisely how Pickfords and
by association our industry was portrayed.
These programmes were not designed to be a
removals training video, we leave that to
BARTS. I understand there was a signicant
spike in hits on the Pickfords web site after
the programmes, this goes a long way to
demonstrate they were well received.
Lastly, at the Yorkshire meeting I alluded to,
the speaker was a representative from Help
for Heroes, as we met he commented he had
seen the series. He and his family really
enjoyed them; he said It really shows you
should use a professional mover at such a
stressful time. I have also had comments
from members at my local golf club who
enjoyed the series. Its about time we had
some positive news about our industry.
Well done Lyndsey Daykin and the
Pickfords team.
Graham Puddephatt,
Reason Global
Promoting the positive
Speak to Ria Compton or Peter Doman
Tel: 01372 385985
Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Services Authority
Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Services Authority
Close links with
the industry
since 1970.
Choose the Removers Broker, Choose Basil Fry.
Nows a good
time to call Basil
Fry for a quote.

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