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1.1 Ratio : The ratio between two quantities a and b of same kind is obtained by dividing a by b and is denoted by a : b. Inverse Ratio : For the ratio a : b, inverse ratio is b : a . A ratio remains unaltered if its terms are multiplied or divided by the same number. a: b = am : bm (multiplied by m)
a : b = a : b (divided by m 0) m m

Thus 2 : 3 = 22 : 32 = 4 : 6, again 4 : 6 =

4 6 : = 2:3 2 2

If a = b, the ratio a : b is known as ratio of equality. If a > b, then ratio a : b is known as ratio of greater inequality i.e. 7 : 4 And for a < b, ratio a : b will be the ratio of Lesser inequality i.e. 4 : 7. For solving problems : 1. Reduce the two quantities in same unit. If a = 2 kg, b = 400 gm, then a : b =2000 : 400 = 20 : 4 = 5 : 1 (here kg is changed to gm) 2. If a quantity increases by a given ratio, multiply the quantity by the greater ratio. If price of crude oil increased by 4 : 5, which was, Rs. 20 per unit of then present

price = 20 5 = Rs.25 per unit. 4 3. If again a quantity decreases by a given ratio, then multiply the quantity by the lesser ratio. In the above example of the price of oil is decreased by price = 20 3 = Rs.15 per unit. 4 4. If both increase and decrease of a quantity are present is a problem, then multiply the quantity by greater ratio for inverse and lesser ratio for decrease, to obtain the final result. Proportion : The equality of two ratios is called the proportion thus 2 : 3 = 8 : 12 is written as 2 : 3 : : 8 : 12 and we say 2, 3, 8, 12 are in proportion. In proportion the first and fourth terms are known as extremes, while second and third are known as means. In proportion, product of means = product of two extremes As 2, 3, 8, 12 are in proportion, we have 212 = 38 (=24) Few Terms : 1. Continued proportions : The quantities a, b, c, d, e.. are said to be in continued proportion of a : b = b : c = ..Thus 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, .. are in continued proportion as 1 : 3 = 3 : 9 = 9 : 27 = 27 : 81 = terms 4 : 3, the present



Example : If 2, x and 18 are in

continued proportion, find x Now 2 : x = x : 18 or,


2 = x or, 2 = x or, x 2 = 36 or, x = 6 x 18 x 18 Obs. If a, b, c are in continued proportion , the b 2 = ac, a = ac . 2. Compound Proportion : If two or more ratios are multiplied together then they are

known as compounded. Thus a1 a2 a3 : b1 b2 b3 is a compounded ratios of the ratios a1 : b1 ; a2 : b2 and a3 : b3. This method is also known as compound rule of three. Example : 10 men working 8 hours a day can finish a work in 12 days. In how many days can 12 men working 5 hours a day finish the same work.? Men Arrangement : 10 12
x = 12 8 10 = 16 days 5 12

Hours 8 5

day 12 x

Obs : less working hour means more working days, so multiply

by greater ratio 8 . Again more men means less number of days, so multiply by lesser ratio 10 . 5 12 Derived Proportion : Given quantities a, b, c, d are in proportion. (i) Invertendo : If a : b = c : d then b:a=d:c

(ii) Alternendo : If a : b = c : d, then a : c = b : d (iii) Componendo and Dividendo

If a = c then a + b - c + d b d a-b c-d Proof : Let a = c = k , then a = bk, c = dk b d b(k + 1) k + 1 L. H. S. = bk + b = = bk - b b(k - 1) k - 1 d( k + 1) k + 1 R. H. S. = dk + d = . Hence the result. = dk - d d(k - 1) k - 1 An Important Theorem If a = c = e ......then , b d f pa n + qc n + re n ...... each ratio = n n n pb + qd + rf ......
1/ n

where p, q, r,. are quantities positive or negative.

Let a = c = e = k, so that a = bk, c = dk , e = fk........ b d f Hence, Pan = p(bk) n = pnkn, qcn = qdn kn, ren = rfnkn, etc.
1.02 MATHS

pa n + qc n + re n ..... n k n ( pb n + qd n + rf n ...... \ = n n n pb + qd + rf ..... pb n + qd n + rf n + ......

= ( kn )

= k.

Hence the result.

Cor. 1. Putting n = 1, we get

pa + qc + re + ..... If a = c = e ......then, each rati o, = b d f pb + qd + rf + .....

Cor. 2. Puttting p = q= r= .=1, we find

n n n If If a = c = e = ........ each ratio a + c + e ...... n n n b d f b + d + f ..... 1n

a c e ..... Cor.3. If a = c = e = ........ then each rat io = b d f b d f ....

sum (or difference) of numerators sum (or difference) of denomin ators deno min ators

Putting p = 1, q = 1, r = Cor.1. Note. 1.

x y z = = is sometimes written as x : y : z = a : b : c. a b c

2. If x : y = a : b, it does not mean x = a, y = b. It is however to take x = ka, y = kb. Solved problems :

4 z - 3y 4 y - 3x x+y+z 1. If 4 x - 3z = = , show that each ratio is equal to . 4c 3b 2a , 2a + 3b + 4c

Each of the given ratio =

4 x - 3z + 4z - 3y + 4 y - 3x x+y+z = 4c + 3b + 2a 2a + 3b + 4c

aceg a 4 + c4 + e4 + g 4 g 2. If a = c = e = show that = b d f h bdfh b 4 + d 4 + f 4 + g 4

a = c = e = g =k (say), so that b d f h L. H. S. = = k 4 bdfg R. H. S. =

a = bk, c = dk, e = fk, g = hk.

b 4 k 4 + d 4 k 4 + f 4 k 4 + h 4 k 4 k 4 b 4 + d 4 + ff4 + h 4 b +d + +h 4 = = = k 4 . Hence the result 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 b +d +f +h b +d +f +h h

4 4 4 4

3. If a1, a2, , an, be continued proportion, show that We have, a1 a 2 a 3 a = = = ..... n -1 = k (say) a2 a3 a 4 an
n -1

a1 a1 = an a2

a a a a a k n -1 = 1 2 3 .... n -1 = 1 a 2 a3 a 4 an an

a again, k n -1 = 1 a2

( (

n -1


a1 a1 = an a 2

n -1

y x 2 - yz y 2 - zx z 2 - xy 4. x = = z prove that = = a b c a 2 - bc b 2 - ca c 2 - ab x = y = z = k (say); x = ak, y = bk, z = ck a b c x 2 - yz a 2 - bc result. 5. If = k 2 a 2 - bc

[I.C.W.A. (F) June 2007]

( )= k 2 , Similarly (2 - bc) a

y 2 - zx b 2 - ca

= k2 =

z 2 - xy c 2 - ab

(to show in detail) Hence the

p q = = r prove that p + q + r = 0 = pa + qb + rc b-c c-a a -b

[I.C.W.A. (F) Dec. 2007]

p q = = r = k (say), p = k (b-c), q = k (ca), r = k (ab) b-c c-a a -b Now p + q + r = k (b c + c a + a b) = k 0 = 0 And pa + qb + rc = ka (b c) + kb (c a) + kc (a b) = k (ab ac + bc ba + ca cb) = k 0 = 0. Hence the result. 6. If x = y = z b+c c+a a+b prove that x ( y - z) b -c
2 2

y (z - x ) c -a
2 2

z ( x - y) a 2 - b2

[I.C.W.A (F) Dec. 2005]

x = y = z = k , x = k (b+c), y = k(c+a), z = k(a+b) b+c c+a a+b x ( y - z) k ( b + c).k (c + a - a - b) k 2 (b + c)(c - a ) = = = -k 2 b+c ( b + c)(b - c) (b + c)(b - c) Similarly, y( z - x ) c -a
2 2

= -k 2 =

z ( x - y) a 2 - b2

(To show in detail)

Hence the result.

7. The marks obtained by four examinees are as follows : A : B = 2 : 3, B : C = 4 : 5, C : D = 7 : 9, find the continued ratio. A:B=2: 3 B : C = 4 : 5 = 4 3 : 5 3 = 3 : 15 [for getting same number in B, we are to multiply by 3 ] 4 4 4 4 C : D = 7 : 9 = 7 15 = 15 : 135 [to same term of C, multiply by 15 ] 28 4 28 28 135 = 56 : 84 : 105 : 135. \ A : B : C : D = 2 : 3 : 15 : 4 28 8. Two numbers are in the ratio of 3 : 5 and if 10 be subtracted from each of them, the remainders are in the ratio of 1 : 5, find the numbers. Let the numbers be x and y, so that x = 3 or ,5x = 3y...(1) y 5 Again x - 10 = 1 y - 10 5



or, 5xy = 40 .(ii) , Solving (I) & (ii), x = 12, y =20

\ regd. Numbers are 12 and 20.

9. The ratio of annual incomes of A and B is 4 : 3 and their annual expenditure is 3 : 2 . If each of them saves Rs. 1000 a year, find their annual income. Let the incomes be 4x and 3x (in Rs.) Now 4x - 1000 = 3 or, x = 1000 (on reduction) 3x - 1000 2
\ Income of A = Rs 4000, that of B = Rs. 3000.

10. The prime cost of an article was three times the value of material used. The cost of raw materials was increased in the ratio 3 : 4 and the productive wage was increased in the ratio 4 : 5. Find the present price cost of an article, which could formerly be made for Rs. 180. [I.C.W.A (F) June 2007] Prime cost = x + y, where x = productive wage, y = material used. Now prime cost = 180 =3y or, y = 60, again x + y = 180, x = 180y = 18060 = 120 Present material cost = 4y , present wage = 5x , 3 4

\ Present prime cost = 4 60 + 5 120 = 80 + 150 = Rs.230. 3 4

SELF EXAMINATION QUESTIONS : 1. The ratio of the present age of a father to that of his son is 5 : 3. Ten years hence the ratio would be 3 : 2. Find their present ages. [ICWA (F) 84] [Ans. 50,30]

1. The monthly salaries of two persons are in the ratio of 3 : 5. If each receives an increase of Rs. 20 in salary, the ratio is altered to 13 : 21. Find the respective salaries. [Ans. Rs. 240, Rs. 400] 3. What must be subtracted from each of the numbers 17, 25, 31, 47 so that the remainders may be in proportion. 4. If 5. x = y = z show that (bc)x+(ca)y + (ab)z = 0 b+c c+a a+b 4z - 3y 4 y - 3x x+y+z If 4x - 3z = = show that each ratio = . 4c 3b 2a 2a + 3b + 4c x = y = z = k prove that k = 1 , if ( x + y + z) 0 y+z z+x x+y 2
2 2 a- b 1 = , prove that a + ab + b = 91 a+ b 2 a 2 - ab + b 2 73

[Ans. 3]

6. If

7. If

[ICWA (F) June2001]

H int s :2 a - 2 b = a + b or, a = 3 b or, a = 9b. 81b 2 + 9b 2 + b 2 L.H.S = &etc. 81b 2 - 9b 2 + b 2

MATHS 1.05


8. If a = b = c , prove that a + b + c = 2 4 5 9 c
H int s : a = b = c = k; a = 4k, c = 9k & etc. 4 5 9

[ICWA Dec. 2000]

9. (i) If b + c = c + a = a + b and a + b + c 0 then show that each of these ratios is equal to 2. a b c Also prove that a 2 + b 2 + c 2 = ab + bc + ca. (ii) If a : b = c : d show that xa + yb : :aa - bb = xc + yd : ca - db 10. Given
a = b = g , prove that a + b + g = 0 = pa + qb + rg [ICWA, July, 62] q-r r-p p-q

[ICWA (Prel.) Dec. 90]

11. In a certain test, the number of successful candidates was three times than that of unsuccessful candidates. If there had been 16 fewer candidates and if 6 more would have been unsuccessful, the numbers would have been as 2 to 1. Find the number of candidates. [Ans. 136]

12. (i) Monthly incomes to two persons are in ratio of 4 : 5 and their monthly expenditures are in the ratio of 7 : 9. If each saves Rs. 50 a month, find their monthly incomes. [Ans. Rs. 400, Rs.500] (ii) Monthly incomes of two persons Ram and Rahim are in the ratio 5 : 7 and their monthly expenditures are in the ratio 7 : 11. If each of them saves Rs. 60 per month. Find their monthly income.
5x - 60 7 h int s 7 x - 60 = 11 & etc.

[ICWA(F) June 2003][Ans. 200, Rs. 280]

13. A certain product C is made or two ingredients A and B in the proportion of 2 : 5. The price of A is three times that of B. The overall cost of C is Rs. 5.20 per tonne including labour charges of 80 paise per tonne. Find the cost A and B per tonne. [Ans. Rs. 8.40, Rs. 2.80]

14. The prime cost of an article was three times than the value of materials used. The cost of raw materials increases in the ratio of 3 : 7 and productive wages as 4 : 9. Find the present prime cost of an article which could formerly be made for Rs. 18. [Ans. Rs. 41]

15. There has been increment in the wages of labourers in a factory in the ratio of 22 : 25, but there has also been a reduction in the number of labourers in the ratio of 15 : 11. Find out in what ratio the total wage bill of the factory would be increased or decreased. [Ans. 6 : 5 decrease]

16. Three spheres of diameters 2, 3 and 4 cms. respectively formed into a single sphere. Find the diameter of the new sphere assuming that the volume of a sphere is proportional to the cube of its diameter. [Ans. 3 99 cm ]



OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS : 1. 2. Find the ratio compounded of 3 :7, 21 : 25, 50 : 54 What number is to be added to each term of the ratio 2 : 5 to make to equal 4 :5. [Ans. 1 : 3]

[Ans. 10] 10]

3. Find the value of x when x is a mean proportional between : (i) x2 and x+6 (ii) 2 and 32 4. If the mean proportional between x and 2 is 4, find x [Ans. (I) 3 (ii) 8] [ICWA (F)] [ICWA (F) June 2007] [Ans. 8] [Ans. 8]

5. If the two numbers 20 and x + 2 are in the ratio of 2 : 3 ; find x [ICWA(F) Dec.2006] [Ans. 28] 28] 6. If
a- b 1 = find a b a+ b 2

[I.C.W.A. (F) Dec. 2006]

[Ans. 9 ] 1 [Ans. 9] [Ans. 7]

7. If 3, x and 27 are in continued proportion, find x 8. What number is to be added to each term of the ratio 2 : 5 to make it 3 : 4 ?

h int s : 2 + x = 3 & etc. 5+x 4

2 2 9. If a + b = 2 find the value of a - ab + b a-b a 2 + ab + b 2

[Ans. 7 ] [I.C.W.A. (F) Dec.2005] 13

10. If

4 x - 3 y 4 z - 3 y 4 y - 3x x+y+z = = show that each ratio is equal to 4c 3b 2a 2a + 3b + 4c [I.C.W.A (F) June, 2005]

4 x - 3z + 4 z - 3 y + 4 y - 3x & etc. h int s : each ratio = 4c + 3b + 2a

11. The ratio of the present age of mother to her daughter is 5 : 3. Ten years hence the ratio would be 3 : 2. Find their present ages. 12. If A : B = 2 : 3, B : C = 4 : 5 and A : C 13. If x : y = 3 : 2, find the value of (4x2y) : (x + y) [I.C.W.A. (F) Dec. 2004] [Ans. 50; 30 years) [Ans. 8 :15] [Ans. 8 : 5]

14. If 15 men working 10 days earn Rs. 500. How much will 12 men earn working 14 days? [Ans. Rs. 560]
2 2 15. Fill up the gaps : a = a = 1 = = b b - 1 -

[Ans. ab, b a , a b , b 3 a , in order ] [Ans. 8 ; 18] [Ans. 5 ] 13

16. If x, 12, y and 27 are in continued proportion, find the value of x and y 7x - 4y 17. If x = 3 , find the value of 3x + y y 4

18. What number should be subtracted from each of the numbers 17, 25, 31, 47 so that the remainders are in proportion.
h int s : 17 - x = 31 - x or = 3 25 - x 47 - x

[Ans 3]

19. 10 years before, the ages of father and son was in the ratio 5 : 2; at present their total age is 90 years. Find the present age of the son. [Ans. 30 years]



20. The ratio of work done by (x1) men in (x+1) days

to that of (x+2) men in (x1) days is [Ans. 8]


9 : 10 , find the value of x.

( x - 1) ( x + 1) 9 h int s : ( x + 2) ( x - 1) = 10 & etc.

1.2 AVERAGE : The arithmetic average or arithmetic mean or simple mean of a number of quantities is the sum of the quantities divided by their number. If x1, x2,.,x3, are the n numbers, then the average X is given by x + x 2 + .... + x n X= 1 n For example, if there are 5 boys whose height are 50, 54, 52, 56 and 58 inches, then the average (or mean) = 50 + 54 + 52 + 56 + 58 = 54 Inches. 5 Thus we find , average = sum of quantities number of quantities

or, average number of quantities = sum of quantities. Note : When quantities x1, x2,.,xn are all different, the average of the numbers is known as simple average. WEIGHTED AVERAGE : If there are n quantities x1, x2,.,xn and w1, w2,.wn are their respective weights, then the weighted arithmetic average is given by w 1x1 + w 2 x 2 + ............. + w n x n w 1 + w 2 + ..... + w n For example, a contractor pays wages to his employees at the following rates : Rs. 2.50 per man per day and Rs. 2.25 per woman per day. If he engages 20 men and 12 women,



Let number of girls be m and that of boys be n so that total numbers of all candidates be (m + n). Now total score of girls Total score of boys Total score of all candidates By question, = 75 m = 70 n = 72 (m + n)

75m + 70 n = 72 m + 72 n

Or, 3m = 2n or, m = 2 n 3 \ reqd. ratio is 2 :3. 3. In a class there are three divisions. The number of students and the average marks in mathematics in the three divisions are 30, 40 30 and 40%, 30%, 50% respectively. What is the average marks in mathematics of the class? For division ,, ,, ,, ,, I of 30 students, total marks II ,, 40 ,, III ,, 30,, ,, ,, ,, ,, = 30 40 = 1200 = 40 30 = 1200 = 30 50 = 1500

For the whole class of 100 students total marks = 3900 3900 = 39. \ average mark of the class = 100 4. The average monthly income of 6 employees is Rs. 310. After one of them receives an

increment the average rises to Rs. 312.50. Find the amount of increment. Total income of 6 employees = 6 310 = Rs. 1860

Total income of 6 employees after increment of one employee only = 6 312.50 = 1875.00
\ amount of increments = 18751860 = Rs. 15.

5. During the year 1932, the bank rates where as follows : 6% for 1 week, 5% for 1 week, 4% for 1 week, 4% for 17 weeks, 3% for 3 weeks, 3 % for 5 weeks and 4% for 24 weeks. What was the average rate during the year? Diff. rates are Occurs (time) 6% 1 5% 1 4% 1 4% 17 3% 3 3% 5 4% 24

\ required average rate

6 1 + 5 1 + 4 1 1 + 4 17 + 3 1 3 + 3 5 + 4 24 2 2 1 + 1 + 1 + 17 + 3 + 5 + 24

= 205 % = 3 49 %. 50 52 Again, the simple average rate = 6+5+ 41 + 4+31 +3 2 2 6 = 4 1 % (as there are 6 diff. rates) 2

This average is different from the correct average.

MATHS 1.09

6. The average dividend paid by a company during the last five consecutive years was 10%. The


dividends for the last four years were 8 1 % , 9 1 % , 11% and 12%. What was the dividend for the 2 2 first year? Total dividends for last four years = 8 1 % + 9 1 % +11+12 = 41% 2 2 Since the average dividend for 5 years was 10%, so the total dividend for 5 years = 5 10% = 50%.
\ Dividend for the first year = 5041 = 9%.

7. The weight of a person during July is 85.50 kg. and every following month he reduces his weight by 1/50 kg. than the previous month. Find out his weight in June and by how much percent there is a shortfall from his average weight of the year. From July to June we find 1 year (= 12 months) His weight in August = 85.50 1.50 kg.; that in September = 85.50 21.50 = 82.50 kg. In the same way his weight in June = 85.50 111.50 = 85.50 16.50 = 69.00 kg.
\ total weight for the whole year will be

85.50 + 84 + 82.50+81.00+79.50+78.00+76.50+75.00+73.50+72.00+70.50+69.00 = 927.00 kg.

\ Average weight = 927 = 77.25 kg. 12

Again shortfall = 77. 25 69.00 = 8.25 kg. Av. Weight 77.25 100 Shortfall 8.25 x
\ reqd. percentage = 10.4 (app.)

x = 8.25 100 = 10.68% ( app .) 77.25

8. The average age of a class of 17 boys at the end of a term was 14 years 3 months. Of these 5 left of the average age of 15 years 2 months and at the beginning of the next term, 2 months later 6 new boys of average age 13 years 11 months came into the class. What was then to the nearest month, the average age of the class? Total age of 17 boys = 14 yrs. 3m. 17 = 242 yrs. 3m. Total age of 5 boys left the class = 15 yrs. 2m. 5 = 75 yrs. 10 m. Now, total age of (17 5=) 12 boys belonging to the class = 242 yrs. 3m. 75 yrs. 10 m. = 166 yrs. 5 m. Again, total age of 6 new boys joined the class = 13 yrs. 11 m. 6 = 83 yrs. 6m. Now, total age of (12+6=) 18 boys in the class = 166 yrs. 5 m. + 83 yrs. 6 m = 249 yrs. 11 m.
\ Average age =

249 yrs.11m. = 13 yrs.11 m.(app.) 18

9. A school with 78 boys and 72 girls on the books meets 432 times in the year. If each boy loses one meeting in 9, and each girl one in 8, find the average attendance of each sex for the year. Out of 9 meetings each boy attends 8 meetings.



\ .432...

.. .. 8 432 = 384 meeting. 9

78 boys meet = 384 78 times and average attendance of boys per meeting = 384 78 = 69 1 i.e. 2 432 69 boys. Similarly, out of 72 girl, each girl attends = 7 432 meetings. 8
\ 72 girls meet =

7 432 72 times 8

7 432 72 = 63 girls. \average attendance of girls per meeting = 8 432 10. A person drove his car for first 20 km and then 30 km at an average speed of 20 km and 30 km per hour respectively. At what speed must he drive next 50 km if the average speed of the whole distance of his driving is 40 km per hour? June 2006] Time required for first 20 km = 20 = 1hr. and time for next 30 km. = 30 = 1hr. lastly time 20 30 required for next 50 km = 50 (where x = reqd. average speed) x Again time for whole journey = 20 + 30 + 50 = 100 = 5 40 40 2 So we get, 1+1+ 50 = 5 or, 2 + 50 = 5 or, 2 x + 50 = 5 x 2 x 2 x 2 Or, 5x = 4x + 100 or, x = 100.
\ reqd. average speed = 100/hr.

[(ICWA (F)

11. The average salary per head of all the works in an institution is Rs. 60. The average per head of 12 officers is Rs. 400. The average salary per head of the rest is Rs. 56. Find the total number of workers. Let total number of workers (including officers) = n and number of others = 12 No. of workers other than officers = n12. Now, 60n = 400 12 + 12+ 56 (n 12) or, 60n = 4800 + 56n 672,

or, 60n 56n = 4128 or, 4n = 4128 or, n = 4128 = 1032 4 SELF EXAMINATION QUESTIONS : 1. The average height of 50 students of a class is 160 cm. The average height of 30 of them is 155 cm. Find the average height of remaining 20 students. [Ans. 167.5 cm.]

2. The mean of 5 numbers is 27. If one number is excluded, the mean becomes 25. Find the excluded number.
st th

[Ans. 35]

3. The average earning of a man for 9 days from 1 to 9 January is Rs. 5 per day and that for 10 days from 1st to 10th January is Rs. 5.10. What is his earning on the 10th January? [I.C.W.A (Prel.) June, 1986] [Ans. Rs.6]



4. In a factory out of 60 workers 40 are males and 20 are females. The mean wage of a male


worker is Rs. 70. If the mean wage of a male worker is Rs. 80; find the mean wage of a female worker. [ICWA(Prel) Dec.1984] [Ans. Rs. 50] 5. From the following table find the value of x. Class VIII IX X XI No of students 30 35 50 x Average wt. in kgs 35 40 45 50 [ICWA(Prel)June1984] [Ans. 30]

Average weight of all students is 42.4.

6. A candidate obtains following percentage of marks in an interview for a technical job : (i) Written examination (ii) Practical (iii) Qualification and achievements (iv) Viva 75 80 70 60.

Find the weighted average marks obtained by the candidate of the weights allotted are 3, 2, 2, 2 respectively. 7. A candidate obtained the following % of marks in a job interview. Written examination 83, Practicals 75, Viva 71, G. K. 65. Find the weighted mean in the weights are 3, 2, 3, 2 respectively [ICWA(Prel) Dec. 1984] [Ans. 74.2] [Ans. 70.5]

8. A candidate obtained the following percentages of marks in an examination. English 75, Mathematics 60, G.K. 59, Accountancy 55, Hindi 63. Find the weighted mean if the weight are 2,1, 3, 3 and 1 respectively. [ICWA (prel.) June 1984] [Ans. 61.5] 9. The employees of a company consist of its officers and clerks. The average wages of employees in the company is Rs. 100. The average wages of 150 clerks is Rs. 80 and the average wages of officers is Rs. 300. Find the number of officers in that company. [ICWA (Prel) June 1988] [Ans. 15] 10. (I) A truck runs 25 km. at a speed of 50 km.p.h. another 50 km. at a speed of 60 km. p.h. then due to bad condition of road travels for 12 minutes at a speed of 5 km. p.h. and finally covers the remaining distance of 24 km. at a speed of 30 km. p.h. show that the average speed of the truck is
42 6 km. p.h. 7



(ii) Form the following data, find the value of x, if the average marks in mathematics for all the centres together is 52. Centre No. of student Average mark Scored in mathematics Bombay Calcutta Delhi Madras 30 30 x 40 45 55 50 60 [ICWA(Prel) June 1990] [Ans. 100] (iii) The average marks in Elements of Mathematics of Preliminary students of 3 centres in India is 50. The number of candidates in three centres are respectively 100, 120, 150. If the averages of the first two centres are 70 and 40, find the average marks of the third centre. ICWA (Prel.) Dec. 1990] [ Ans.44.67 marks]
100 70 + 120 40 + 150 x & etc. H int s :50 = 100 + 120 + 150

11. A person drove his car 20 km. at an average speed of 25 km. per hour. At what average speed for the whole distance is to be 30 km. per hour? [Ans. 37.5 km. per hr.]

12. The average score of boys is 60, that of girls is 70 and that of all the candidates is 64 appearing in mathematics of annual examination. Find the ratio of number of boys and the number of girls there. If the total number of candidates appearing in mathematics is 150, find the number of boys there. [ICWA (F) Dec. 2006] [Ans. 3 : 2 ; 90] OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS : 1. The average of 3 numbers is 15. With inclusion of a fourth number, the average becomes 17. Find the included number. [ICWA(F) June 2004] [Ans. 23]

2. Speed of a car to go up a hill us 10 km. per hour and to go down is 20 km per hour. Compule it average speed. [hints : refer w.o. ex. 12] 3. The mean of 5 numbers is 27. If one number is excluded the mean becomes 25. Find the excluded number. [Ans. 35] [ICWA(F) June, 2003] [Ans. 13 1 km. per. Hr.] 3

4. The average height of 50 students in a class is 160 cm. The average height of 30 of them is 155 cm. Find the average height of remaining 20 students. [Ans. 167.5 cm]

5. The mean of 4 numbers is 9. If one number is excluded the mean becomes 8. Find the excluded number. [Ans. 12]

6. The average weight of 24 students is a class is 35 kg. If the weight of the teacher be included, the average rises by 400 gms. Find the weight of the teacher. [Ans. 45 kg]



1. A batsman scored 87 runs in the 17th innings and thus increased his average by 3. Find his


average after 17th innings.

[Ans. 39]

2. The average of 50 numbers is 38. If two numbers, say 45 and 55 are discarded, find average of remaining numbers. [Ans. 37.5]

3. The average age of three boys is 15 years. If their ages are in the ratio 3 : 5 : 7; Find the age of youngest boy [Ans. 9 years]

4. The average score of a Cricketer for 10 matches is 43.9 runs. If the average for the first six matches is 53, find the average for the last four matches. [Ans. 30.25]

5. The average salary of 20 workers in an office is Rs.1900 per month. If the managers salary is added, the average salary becomes Rs. 2000 p/m. Find the managers annual salary.] [Ans. 48,000] 6. The average age of four children in a family is 12 years. If the spacing between their ages is 4 years, find the age of the youngest child. [Ans. 6 years]

1.3 MIXTURE : Problems of mixture can be classified into two waysDirect and Inverse. In case of direct problems, if the individual price of the different ingredients and the proportion in which they are to mixed are given, we can find the price of mixture. Formula. Price of mixture (per unit quantity) = total cos t . total quantity

In case of inverse problems, we are to find the proportions of the ingredients are given. Example : To find proportion in which two kinds of tea costing Rs. 6 and Rs. 6.30 P per kg are mixed up to produce a muxture of costing Rs. 6.20 P per kg. If 10 kg. of first kind are taken, then there is a gain of 10 20P = Rs. 2. Similarly, if 20 kg. of second kind are taken, the loss is 20 10 P = Rs. 2. So, 10 kg. of first kind are to be mixed with 20 kg. of second kind. Hence the mixture should be 10 : 20 = 1 : 2. Rule. First kind; gain per kg. (i.e. difference) = 20 Second kind per kg. loss = 10
\ First : Second = 10 : 20 = 1 : 2


First : Second = diff. of second : diff. of first.

WORKING RULE : (i) All the prices must be expressed in the same unit. (ii) The cost price (C.P.) of the mixture must lie in-between the cost prices of the other ingredients. (iii) All prices used should be cost prices. If in some cases, the selling price of the mixture at profit or loss is given, find the corresponding cost price.



(iv) Now applying the following formula to find the required ratio 1st kind difference of C.P. of mixture with that of 2nd kind = 2nd kind difference of C.P. of mixture with that of 1st kind Alternatively : Working Rule Cost Price of ingredients 1st kind (...) (...) (...) 2nd kind (...)

Cost Price of mixture

(...) Difference \ 1st kind : 2nd kind = 2nd difference : 1st difference = () : (.) SOLVED EXAMPLES : (On direct problems)

1. A dealer blends 75 kg. of salt @ Rs. 1.50 per kg. with 45 kg. of salt @ Rs. 1.30 per kg. what is the lowest price at which he can sell the mixture so as to gain at least 25%? Cost price (C.P.) of the mixture = 45 1.30 + 5 1.50 = Rs. 171 45 + 75 120 C.P. 100
171 120

S.P. 125 x
\ x = 125

171 = Rs.1.78 (app.) 120 100

the lowest price per kg = Rs. 1.78. 2. A man mixes 5 gallons of spirit at Rs. 5.50 per gallon,12 gallons at Rs. 6 per gallon and 13 gallons at Rs. 6.50 per gallon. At what price per gallon must he sell mixture so as to gain Rs. 26 on the whole? C.P. of 5 gallons = Rs. 5.50 5 = Rs. 27.50 C.P. of 12 gallons = Rs. 72.00 C.P. of 13 gallons = Rs. 6.50 13 = Rs. 84.50 \C.P. of 30 (= 5+12+13) gallons = Rs. (27.50 + 72.00 + 84.50) = Rs. 184. Total gain = Rs. 26
\ S. P. of 30 galls. = Rs. (184 + 26) = Rs. 210 \ S. P. per gallon = Rs. 210 = Rs. 7. 30

3. A merchant buys sugar at Rs. 4.10, Rs. 3.75 and Rs. 4.50 per kg. and mixes in the proportion 5 : 4 : 1. At what price must he sell the mixture so to gain 25%? C.P. of the mixture per kg. 4.10 5 + 3.75 4 + 4.50 1 = Rs. 40.00 = Rs.4 5 + 4 +1 10




S.P. 125 x \ X = 125 4 = Rs.5.00 100


100 4

\ S. P. per kg. = Rs. 5.00.

4. There are two one-litre decanters containing liquor and water in the ratios 7: 3 and 8 : 2 respectively. The contents of the two decanters are poured into a two litre decanter, and the mixture is sold at Re. 1 per litre, thereby realising a profit of 12 1 % on the returns. Find the cost 2 price of a litre of liquor. Quantity of liquor the 1st decanter = 7 litre 12 Quantity of liquor the 2nd decanter = 8 litre 10 Total quantity of liquor in the 2-litre decanter = 7 + 8 = 15 litre. 10 10 10 Now S.P. of 2 litres = Rs. 2, gain = 0.25 P. (= 12 1 % of Rs. 2) 2 \ C.P. = 2 0.25 = Rs. 1.75 2 litres of mixture contains 15 litre of liquor 10 \C.P. of 15 litre liquor = Rs. 1.75 (as water is free of cost) 10 C.P. of 1 litre liquor = 1.75 10 = Rs1.16 P. (app.) 15 5. 30 litres of mixed paint containing 10% oil is to be made into a paste containing 50% oil. Find the quantity of oil added. If 6 more litres are added, find the percentage of colouring matter in the mixture. Quantity of oil in 30 l mixed paint = 10 30 = 3 l; so quantity of paint = 30 3 = 27l. For 50% 100 oil in the mixed paint quantity of oil should be made equal to that paint. So quantity of oil = 27 l i.e. oil to be added = 27 3 = 24l. If again 6 l oil being added more, total quantity of oil = 27 + 6 = 33 l And total quantity of mixed paint = 27 + 27 + 6 = 60 l. \Reqd. percentage of paint = 27 100 = 45%. 60 6. In a liquid mixture 20% is water, and in another mixture water is 25%. These two mixtures are mixed in the ratio 5 : 3. Find the percentage of water in the final mixture. In the first pot liquid : water= 80 : 20 = 4 : 1 (as water = 20% so liquid = 80%) In the second pot liquid : water = 3: 1



Let 5 litres of mixture from first pot be mixed with 3 litres of second pot In 5l mixture, water = 1 5 = 1 5 = 1 1+ 4 5 In 3 l mixture, water = 1 3 = 1 3 = 3 1+ 3 4 4 In 8 l mixture, total water = 1 + 3 = 7 4 4 In 100 l mixture total water = 7 100 = 21 7 4 8 8 \ reqd. percentage = 21 7 8 7. Two types of oil A and B are mixed in the ratio 3 : 2. After selling 25% of this mixture, type A is mixed to the remaining mixture so as to make a new ratio 5 : 3. If this new mixture is 400 litres by quantity, find the quantity of original mixture (before selling) and also the quantity of A mixed later on. In 400 l mixture, quantity of A = 5 400 = 250 l. 5+3

And that of B = (400 250) = 150 l. Let the quantity of mixture (after selling 25%) = x l, quantity of A = 3x , quantity B = 2x . 5 5 Now as quantity of B remains fixed, so 2x = 150 or, x = 375 l 5 i.e., quantity of A = 3 375 = 150 l 5 So quantity of A added = 250 225 = 25. Let original mixture = y l. Now 75 % of y = 375 or, 75 y = 375 100 or, y = 375 100 = 500 75 \ reqd. quantity = 500 l. 8. 4 Litres are drawn from a cask full of sepecial liquid, it is then filled with water then 6 litres of the mixture are drawn and the cask is again filled with water. If the quantity of special liquid now in the cask be to the quantity of water in it as 1 to 2; how much does the cask hold? Let x = capacity of cask. After taking 4l of liquid and filling with water, the ratio of liquid and water is (x4) : 4. Now in 6 l of drawn mixture, there are Remaining liquid in the cask = (x 4)

(x - 4)+ 4 6 =


6( x - 4) l of liquid. 4

6( x - 4) x 2 - 4 x - 6 x + 24 x 2 - 10x + 24 = = x x x


2 remaining water in cask = x - x - 10x + 24 = 10x - 24 x x 2 Now x - 10 x + 24 : 10 x - 24 = 1 : 2 x x 2 or, x - 10x + 24 = 1 or 2(x2 10x + 24) = 10x 24 10x - 24 2

or, or,

x 2 - 15x + 36 = 0 (x 3) (x 12) = 0 or, x = 3, 12

Now x = 3 is impossible, as in the first case 4l of liquid drawn out.

\ reqd. capacity = 12l.

(On inverse problem) 9. How should salts at Rs. 2.50 and Rs. 3.35 per lb. be mixed to produce a mixture worth per lb.? In the 1st kind, profit per lb = 3 2.50 = 50 P. In the 2nd loss per lb = 3.35 3 = 35 P. \ 1st : 2nd = 35 : 50 = 7 : 10. 10. A dealer mixes two varieties of grains costing Rs. 6 per quintal and Rs. 15 per quintal in such a way that can gain 10% by selling the resultant mixture at Rs. 8.25 P. per quintal, What is the proportion in which the gains are mixed? On 10% profit, S.P. = 100 + 10 = 110. Now to find the C. P. of mixture. S.P. 110 8.25 C.P. 100 x x = 100 8.25 = 7.50 110 Rs. 3

So, for the 1st variety, gain = 7.50 6 = 1.50 And for the 2nd loss = 15 7.50 = 7.50
\ 1st variety : 2nd variety = 7.50 : 1.50 = 5 : 1

11. A dealer mixes tea costing Rs. 8 per kg, with tea costing Rs. 7 per kg. and thereafter, sells the mixture at Rs. 8 per kg and earns profit of 7.5% on his sale price. In what proportion does he mix them? To find cost price of mixture. Here gain is on selling price. So S.P. 100 8 C.P. 92.5 ? ? = 92.5 8 = 7.4 (C.P. of mixture) 100 [ICWA (F) Dec. 2003]

1st kind 7.40 - 7 0.40 2 = = = 2nd kind 8 - 7.40 0.60 3

1.18 MATHS

12. A dealer mixed two varieties of teas having costs Rs. 1200 and Rs. 2500 each per kg in such a way that he can gain 20% by selling the resultant mixture at Rs. 1800 per kg. Find the proportion in which the two types of tea are mixed. We are to find cost price, here gains is on cost price So S.P. 120 1800 C.P. 100 ? ? = 100 1800 = 1500 \ Cost price of mixture = Rs. 1500 120 [ICWA (F) Dec. 200]

1st kind 2500 - 1500 1000 10 \ reqd proportion is 10 : 3. = = = 2nd kind 1500 - 1200 3000 3 13. In mixing tea, 1 kg. in every 100 kgs. is wasted. In what proportion must a dealer mix teas which cost him Rs.24 and Rs. 18 per kg. respectively, so that the cost is Rs. 20 per kg. Let us take 100 kg. of two kinds. Then during the time of mixing, 1 kg. is wasted, leaving 99 kg. only. C.P. of 99 kg. of the mixture = Rs.99 20. Again , C.P. of 100 kg. of two kinds = 100x, where x = average price, if there would be no loss
\ 99 20 =100 x

or, So,

x = 1980 = 19.80 100 1st kind diff . of prices (per kg ) of 2nd kind and mixture = 2nd kind diff . of prices ( per kg.) of 1st kind and mixture

= 19.80 - 18 = 1.80 = 3 \ reqd. proportion = 3 : 7. 24 - 19.80 4.20 7

14. A lump of gold and silver weighing 200 gm. is worth Rs. 825, but if the weights of gold and silver be interchanged it would be worth Rs. 562.50. If the price of 10 gm. of gold be Rs. 67.50; find the rate per 10 gm. of silver. Also calculate the weight of silver in the lump. Worth of 200 gm. Gold and Silver = 825 Worth of 200 gm. Gold and Silver = 562.50 (When weight of gold and silver interchanged)
\ Worth of 200 gm gold and 200 gm of silver = Rs. (825+562.50) = Rs. 1387.50

Again worth of 200 gm. gold = (67.50 20) = Rs.1350.00 Subtracting, worth of 200 gm. silver = Rs. 37.50 gold 825 - 37.50 787.50 3 worth of 10 gm. = 37.50 = Rs. 1.88 From 1st lump, = = = 20 silver 1350 - 825 525 2
\ gold : silver = 3 : 2 Weight of silver = 2 200 = 80 gm. 5

15. Two vessels contain mixture of milk and water are in the ratio of 5:1 and in the other in the ratio of 9 : 1. In what proportion the quantities from the two should be mixed together so that the mixture thus formed may contain milk and water in the ratio 8 : 1? Let 1 litre mixture from 1st vessel be mixed with k litres mixture of 2nd vessel



From 1st vessel : milk = 5 l, water = 1 l, taken 6 6


From 2ndvessel : milk = 9k l, water = k l, taken 10 10 Total milk 5 + 9k = 50 + 54k l, Total water = 1 + k = 10 + 6k 6 10 60 6 10 60 By condition, 50 + 54 k : 10 + 6k = 8 :1 60 60 or, k = 5 ( on reduction)
\ reqd. proportion = 1 : 5.

or, 50 + 54 k = 8 60 1

Mixture of three or more kinds : Problems regarding the mixture containing three or more kinds are also solved in similar way. At first, two kinds are to be selected, one of which is at a higher price than the average price while the other at a lower price. Similar treatment is made for the other two and so on, till all the kinds are taken at least once. It may be noted that such problems give infinite number of solutions.

16. The prices of 3 kinds of tea are Rs. 5.00, Rs. 6.00 and Rs. 6.80 respectively. In what proportion they should be mixed so that the price of the mixture may be Rs. 6.50 per kg? Let A, B and C are the three kinds. Taking A and C, at first, For A, profit per kg. = 6.50 5.00 = Rs. 1.50 = 150P. For C, loss per kg. = 6.80 6.50 = Rs. 0.30 = 30 P. \ A : C = 30 : 150 = 1 : 5 Taking B and C. For B, profit per kg. = 6.50 6.00 = Re. 0.50 = 50 P For C, loss per kg. = 6.80 6.50 = Re. 0.30 = 30 P. \ A : B : C = 1 : 3 : 10 Note. In the above example, if we take A : C = 3 : 15 and B : C = 6, 10, then A : B : C = 3 : 6 : 25 (a different result from the former) Alternatively C.P. of 1st kind .2nd kind .3 rd kind = Rs. 5 = Rs. 6 = Rs. 6.80

Let the proportion of mixing the three kinds be x : y : z

\ C.P. per kg. of mixture.

5x + 6 y + 34 z 25x + 30 y + 34 z 5 5 = Rs. = Rs. x+y+z 5( x + y + z ) Here, C.P. of the mixture = Rs. 6.50 = Rs. 13 per kg. 2

25x + 30 + 34z = 13 5( x + y + z ) 2



Solving, 15x + 5y = 3z If we take x = 1 and y = 3, then z = 10 Thus one possible proportion is 1 : 3 : 10 (A)

Such a problem will have infinite number of solutions. Note. The values of x and y in (A) should be chosen such that after substituting the values of x and y in (A) . L.H.S. does not become negative. On withdrawal : Rule. Original quantity of liquid in vessel = x units (say) from which if y units being withdrawn and replaced in same quantity of water for n operations (repeated), then amount of liquid left = x y 1 - units. x Example . A vessel contains 50 litres of milk. From the vessel 5 litres of milk being withdrawn and replaced by water by same quantity. The operation being repeated three times. Find the quantity of milk left in the cask. Here x = 50, y = 5 , n = 3. Now using the rule, we get quantity of milk left in vessel
= 50 1 - 5 = 50 (1 - .10) 3 = 50 (0.9) 3 = 50 .729 = 36.45 l 50
3 n

SELF EXAMINATION QUESTIONS : 1. A milkman mixes 61 litres of water with 349 litres of milk which he buys for Rs. 123. At what price should he sell a litre so as to save one-third of his outlay? [Ans. 40P]

2. A grocer blends 75kg. salt at Rs. 1.12 P per kg. with 45 kg. of salt at Rs. 1.31 P. per kg. What is the price at which he should sell the mixture so as to gain 25% [Ans. Rs.1.49P]

3. Three equal jars are filled with mixtures of milk and water, the proportion of milk to water being at 5 : 2, 4 : 3, and 8 : 3 respectively. The mixture of the jar are poured into a drum. What is proportion of milk and water in the final mixture? [Ans. 155: 76]

4. There are two one-litre decanters containing liquor and water in the ratios 11 : 4 and 10 : 5 respectively. The contents of the two decanters are poured into a two-litre decanter and the mixture is sold at Re . 1 per litre thereby realising a profit of 12 1 % on the returns. Find the cost 2 price of a litre of liquor. [Ans. Rs. 1.25] 5. A dealer mixes 90 litres of wine containing 10% of water with 60 litres of wine containing 20% of water. What is the percentage of water in the mixture. [ICWA(F) June, 2005] [Ans. 14%]

6. Two grades of motor oil A and B are mixed in the proportion 3 : 1 to make 96 litres of grade C. When half of C has been sold, a further quantity of A is added to increase the proportion of A to B in the resulting mixture to 7 : 2, Find the quantity of last added. [Ans. 6 litres]

7. Two grades C and D of alcohol are mixed in the proportion 3 : 2. After 25% of this has been sold from stock, a sufficient quantity of C is mixed with the remainder to raise the proportion to



5 : 3. If the stock is now 7200 gallons what was the quantity of the original mixture and how much


of grade C was added to make the new mixture?

[Ans. 9000 gals. ; 450 gals.]

8. A dealer mixes tea costing Rs. 8. Per kg. with tea costing Rs. 7 per kg. and sells the mixture at Rs. 8 per kg. with tea costing Rs. 7 per kg. and sells the mixture at Rs. 8 per kg. and earns a profit of 7 1 % on his sale price. In what proportion does he mix them? 2 [Ans. 2: 3]

9. A tea dealer mixes two qualities of tea at Rs. 2.56 P. and Rs. 5.53 P. per kg. and sells the mixture at Rs. 3.41 P. per kg. to make a profit of 10% on his outlay. In what proportion does he mix the two qualities? [Ans. 9 :2]

10. A dealer buys oranges of two qualities one at Rs. 12 a dozen and the other at Rs. 8 a dozen. These were mixed up and he sells them at 15 per Rs. 12 and thereby makes 5% on his total outlay. Find the ratio of the number of oranges of the two kinds. [Ans. 2 : 5]

11. A grocer sells one kind of tea at Rs. 2.70 P. per kg. and loses 10% and another at Rs. 4.50P. per kg. and gains 12 1 %. How the two quantities of tea should be mixed, so that the mixture may 2 be sold at Rs. 3.95. P. kg. at a profit of 25%. [Ans. 21 : 4] 12. A grocer mixes 4 kinds of rice which cost him Rs. 5, Rs. 4, Rs. 3 and Rs. 2 per kg. respectively, in the proportion of 2, 3, 4, 7 respectively. Find at what rate he must sell the mixture so as to gain 25% on the whole. [Ans. Rs. 3.75]

13. A dealer mixes varieties of grains at Rs. 6 per kg. and Rs. 15 per kg. and in such a way that he can gain 10% by selling the resulting mixture at Rs. 8.25 per kg. What is the proportion in which the grains are mixed? [Ans. 5 : 1]

14. (i) In mixing tea 1 kg. in every 100 kg. is wasted. In what proportion must a dealer mix teas which cost him Rs. 42 and Rs. 32 per kg. respectively so as to gain 10% by selling the mixture at Rs. 40 per kg. [Ans. 2 : 3]

(ii) In mixing tea 1% is wasted. In what proportion must a dealer mix two grades of tea which cost him Rs. 4.50 and Rs. 7.00 per kg. respectively, so as to gain 8.9% by selling the mixture at Rs. 5.50 per kg? [Ans. 4: 1]

15. What weight of tea worth Rs. 7.00 per kg. should be mixed with 60 kg. of tea worth Rs. 5.00 per kg. so that when the mixture is sold at Rs. 5.50 per kg. there may be neither gain nor loss? [Ans. 20 kg] 16. A gold is value at Rs. 10 per gm. An alloy of gold and silver weighs 1 kg. and its value is Rs. 6080. If the weights of gold and silver are interchanged it would worth Rs. 4120. Find the proportion of gold and silver in and alloy also the price of silver per kg. [Ans. Rs. 200; 3 : 2]

17. With grain worth Rs. 10 per kg. a trader mixes an inferior quality worth Rs. 6 per kg. In what proportion must he mix them so that by selling the mixture at the higher price he may gain 16%? [Ans. 19 : 20 ]
1.22 MATHS

18. (i) Two casks A and B are filled with the two kinds of liquids; mixed in cask A in the ratio of 2 : 7 and in cask B in the ratio of 1 : 5. What quantity must be taken from each to form a mixture which shall consist of 2 litres to one kind and 9 litres of the other? [Ans. 3 : 8]

(ii) Two vessel contain mixtures of milk and water in the proportion 2: 3 and 4 : 3 respectively. In what proportions should the two mixtures be mixed so as to form a new mixture containing equal quantities of milk and water? [ICWA (F) Dec, 2005] [Ans. 5 : 7]

19. Three vessels have capacities in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3. All the three glasses are filled with mixtures of milk and water. The proportion of milk and water in the first glass is 3 : 1, in the second the proportion is 5 : 3 and in the third it is 9 : 7. If the contents of all the three glasses are put into a bigger single vessel what will be the proportion of milk and water in the mixture in the bigger vessel? What is the percentage of milk in the final mixture in the bigger vessel? [Ans. 59 : 37 : 61.46%] 20. A trader mixes 100 lbs. of tea at one price with 70 lbs. of tea at a dealer price. By selling the mixture at Rs. 2.12 per lb.he gained 20% on his outlay. Find the value of each kind of tea, the difference in their prices being Re. 0.36 per lb. [Ans. Rs. 1.62; Rs. 1.98]

21. Nine litres are drawn from a pot of full of milk. It is then filled with water, then nine litres of the mixture are drawn and the pot is again filled with water. If the ratio of the quantity of milk now in the pot to the quantity of water in it 16 : 9, how much does the pot hold? [Ans. 45 litres] 22. Several litres of milk were drawn off a 54 litre vessel full of milk and an equal volume of water added. Again the same volume of mixture were drawn off. As a result the mixture in the vessel contains 24 litres of pure milk. How much milk was drawn off initially?
2 x Hints. Use 54 1 - = 24 & etc. 54

[Ans. 18 l ]

23. Four litres are drawn from a cask full of wine. It is then filled with water. Four litres of mixture are again drawn and the cask is again filled with water. The quantity of wine now left in the cask is to that of wine in it is 36 : 13. How much does the cask hold? OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS : 1. A mixture of 30 litres contain wine and water in the ratio 7 : 3, how much water must be added to it., so that the ratio of wine and water may become 3 : 7 ? [Ans. 24 l ] [Ans. 28 l ]

2. 65 litres of a mixture of wine and water contain 15 litres more wine than water. Find the ratio of wine to water. Hints : 65 15 = 50 litres water = 1 50 = 25 l. 2 Total wine = 25 + 15 = 40; ratio = 40 : 25 = 8 : 5]
3. In what ratio salt worth Rs. 6 per kg. be mixed with salt worth Rs. 7.30 per kg. to make mixture worth Rs. 6.50 per kg? [ Ans. 8 : 5 ]

[Ans. 8 : 5]



SOLVED EXAMPLES : 1. Amit deposited Rs. 1200 to a bank at 9% interest p.a. find the total interest that he will get at the end of 3 years. Here P = 1200, i = 9 = 0.09, n = 3, I = ? 100 I = P. i.n = 1200 0.09 3 = 324. Amit will get Rs. 324 as interest. 2. Sumit borrowed Rs. 7500 at 14.5% p.a. for 2 1 years. Find the amount he had to pay 2 after that period. P = 7500, i = 14.5 = 0.145, n = 2 1 = 2.5, A = ? 100 2 A = P (1+ in) = 7500 (1+0.1452.5) = 7500 (1+0.3625) = 7500 1.3625 = 10218.75
\ reqd. amount = Rs. 10218.75.

3. Find the simple interest on 5600 at 12% p.a. from July 15 to September 26, 1993. Time = number of days from July 15 to Sept. 26 = 16 (July) + 31 (Aug.) + 26 (Sept.)= 73 days. P = 5600, i = 12 =0.12, n = 73 yr. = 1 yr. 100 365 5 S.I. = P. i.n. = 5600 0.12 1 =134.4 5
\ reqd. S.I. = Rs. 134.40.

(In counting days one of two extreme days is to be excluded, Usually the first day is excluded). To find Principle : 4. What sum of money will amount to Rs. 1380 in 3 years at 5% simple interest? Here A = 1380, n = 3, i = 5 = 0.05, P = ? 100 From A = P (1 + 0.05.3) or, 1380 = P (1+0.15) Or, 1380 = P (1.15) or, P =
1380 = 1200 1.15

\reqd. sum = Rs. 1200 5. What sum of money will yield Rs. 1407 as interest in 1 1 year at 14% p.a. simple interest. 2 Here S.I. = 1407, n = 1.5, I = 0.14, P = ? S.I. = P. i.n. or, 1407 = P 0.14 1.5 Or, P = 1407 = 1407 = 6700 1.14 1.5 0.21

\ reqd. amount = Rs. 6700.



6. What principal will produce Rs. 50.50 interest in 2 years at 5% p.a. simple interest.


S.I. = 50.50, n = 2, i = 0.05, P = ? S.I. = P. i.n. or, 50.50 = P 0.05 2 = P 0.10 or, P = 50.50 = 505 0.10
\ reqd. principal = Rs. 505.

Problems to find rate % : 7. A sum of Rs. 1200 was lent out for 2 years at S. I. The lender got Rs. 1536 in all. Find the rate of interest p.a. P = 1200, A = 1536, n = 2, i = ? A = P (I + ni) or 1536 = 1200 (1 +2I) = 1200 + 2400 I or, 2400i = 1536 1200 = 336 or, i = 336 = 0.14 2400
\ reqd. rate = 0.14100 = 14%.

8. At what rate percent will a sum, become double of itself in 5 1 years at simple interest? 2 A = 2P, P = Principal, n = 5 1 , i = ? 2 A = P (1 + ni) or, 2P = P (1+ 11 i) 2 or, or, 2 = 1+ 11 i or, i = 2 2 11 n = 2 100 = 18.18 (app.); 11
\ reqd. rate = 18.18%.

Problems to find time : 9. In how many years will a sum be double of itself at 10% p.a. simple interest. A = 2P, P = Principal, i = 10 = 0.10, n= ? 100 A = P (1 + ni) or, 2P = P [1 + n(.10)] or, 2 = 1 + n (.10) or, n (.10) = 1 or, n = 1 = 10 .10

\ Reqd. time = 10 years.

10. In what time Rs. 5000 will yield Rs. 1100 @ 5 1 %? 2 P = 5000, S.I. = 1100, i =
2 = 0.055, n = ?


S.I.= P. ni or, 1100 5000 n (0.055) = 275 n or, n = 1100 = 4. 275

\ reqd. time = 4 years.



Miscellaneous worked out Examples : 11. In a certain time Rs. 1200 becomes Rs. 1560 at 10% p.a. simple interest. Find the principal that will become Rs. 2232 at 8% p.a. in the same time. In 1st case : P = 1200, A = 1560, i = 0.10, n = ? 1560 = 1200 [1+n (.10)] = 1200 + 120 n or, 120 n = 360 or, n = 3

In 2nd case : A = 2232, n = 3, i = 0.08, P = ? 2232 = P (1+30.08) = P (1 + 0.24) = 1.24 P or, P = 2232 = 1800. 1.24

12. A sum of money amount to Rs. 2600 in 3 years and to Rs.2600 in 3 years and to Rs. 2900 in 4 1 years at simple interest. Find the sum and rate of interest. 2 Amount in 4 1 yrs. = 2900 2 Amount in 3 years = 2600

S. I. for 1 1 yrs. = 300 2 S.I. for 1 yr. = 300 = 300 2 = 200 3 11 2


S.I. for 3 years.= 3200=600

\ Principal = 2600 600 = Rs. 2000

P = 2000, A = 2600, n = 3, i = ? 2600 = 2000 (1+ 3 i) = 2000 + 6000 i or, 6000 i = 600 or i = 600 = 1 or, r = 100 = 10 6000 10 10

\ reqd. rate = 10%.

Alternatively. 2600 = P(1+3 i).(i), 2900 = P (1+ 4.5 i).(ii) P (1 + 4.5 i) 1 + 4.5 i Dividing (ii) by (I),, 2900 = = 2600 P (1 + 3i) 1 + 3i or, or, 29 = 1 + 4.5 i 26 1 + 3i or, i = 0.10 (no reduction)

r = 0.10 100 = 10%

From (i) 2600 = P (1+30.10) = P (1+0.30) = P (1.30) \ P = 2600 = 2000. 1.30



13. A person lent some amount at 12% p.a. for 2 1 years and some amount at 12.5% p.a. for 2


2 yrs. If he had amount of Rs. 10,000 in hand and on such investment earned Rs. 2700 in all, find the amount he invested in each case. In 1st case let the investment be Rs. x, then in 2nd case, it would be Rs. (10000 x) In 1st case, interest earned = x 12 2 1 = 3x 100 2 10 In 2nd case, interest earned = (10000 x) = (1000 - x) By question, 3x + 2500 - x = 2700 10 4 or, 3x - x = 200 or x = 200 or x = 4000 10 4 20
12.5 2 = 2500 - x 4 100

\ reqd. investment in 1st case = Rs. 4000.

And that in 2nd case = Rs. (10000 4000) = Rs. 6000. 14. Divide Rs. 2760 in two parts such that simple interest on one part at 12.5% p.a. for 2 years is equal to the simple interest on the other part at 12.5% p.a. for 3 years. Investment in 1st case = Rs. x (say) Investment in 2nd case = Rs. (2700 x) Interest in 1st case = x 10 2 = x 100 5 Interest in 2nd case = (2760 - x ) 12.5 3 = 1035 - 3x 100 8 By question, x =1035 3x or, x + 3x = 1035 5 8 5 8 or, 8x + 15x = 1035 40 or, 23x = 1035 40 or, x = 1800

\ Investment in 2nd case = Rs. (2760 1800) = Rs. 960.

15. A person borrowed Rs. 8,000 at a certain rate of interest for 2 years and then Rs. 10,000 at 1% lower than the first. In all he paid Rs. 2500 as interest in 3 years. Find the two rates at which he borrowed the amount. Let the rate of interest = r, so that in the 2nd case, rate of interest will be (r1). Now ( r - 1) 8000 r 2 + 10,000 1 = 2500 100 100 or,

160r + 100 r 100 = 2500 or, r = 10

\ In 1 case rate of interest = 10% and in 2nd case rate of interest = (10 1) = 9%

Calculations of interest on deposits in a bank : Banks allow interest at a fixed rate on deposits from a fixed day of each month up to last day of the month. Again interest may also be calculated by days.
1.28 MATHS

16. A man deposited Rs. 5000 on 20th April in a Co., paying interest at 2% p.a. He withdraws Rs. 3000 on 15th may and deposited Rs.400on 6th June. How much interest was due to him on 30th June following? From 21st April to 14th May = (10 +14) = 24 days. For investment of Rs. 5000 for 24 days, the corresponding interest (l2) due
n.r. = Rs. 480 , From I = P. 73 100

From 15 th may to 5th June = (17+5) = 22 days. For the investment of Rs. (5000 3000) for 22 days, 176 The interest (I2)= Rs. 73 From 6th June to 30th June = 25 days For the investment of Rs. (2000 + 4000) for 25 days The interest (I3) = Rs. 600 73 Total interest I1+I2+I3 = 480 + 176 + 600 73 73 73 Interest on instalment basis : For purchasing costly goods, instead of each down price, instalment payment is introduced. In that case, the seller charges some interest, calculation of which will be clear from the following example: 17. If I buy a watch with cash down, I pay Rs. 150. If I pay it on instalment basis, I pay Rs.10 cash down and 10 monthly instalment of Rs. 15. What rate of interest is calculated in the second case ? The price of the watch = Rs. 150. Now Rs. 10 is paid in cash and the balance Rs. 140 is to = Rs. 17.21 (approx).

cleared up with interest in 10 monthly instalment of Rs. 15 each. So the amount of Rs. 140 for 10 months = the sum of amount of the successive instalments of Rs. 15 each, with the respective earning of interest. Taking i = interest of Re. 1 for one month, in this case 140(1+10 i) = 15 (1 + 9 i) + 15 (1+8 i) + .+ 15 (1 + i) + 15 = 15 10 + 15 i (9 + 8+ ..+1) = 150 + 15 i 45 = 150 + 675 i or, 140 + 1400 i = 150 + 675i or, 725 i = 10 or, i = 10 725

Now interest for Rs. 100 for 1 year = 10 100 12 = 16 16 725 29

16 % p.a. \ reqd. rate of interest = 16 29



18. A Pressure cooker is available for Rs. 350 cash or Rs. 80 down-payment and Rs. 50 per month for 6 months.


Find (I) total amount paid (ii) rate of interest charged. Principal left for ... . .. 1st month 2nd . 3rd 4th 5th. 6th Total Instalment charge = amount paid in all cash prige = (50 6 + 80) 350 = Rs. (380 350) = Rs. 30 Thus Rs. 30 is the interest on Rs. 870 for 1 month Now reqd. interest = 30 100 12 = 41.38 % . 870 SELF EXAMINATION QUESTIONS : 1. What sum will amount to Rs. 5,200 in 6 years at the same rate of simple interest at which Rs. 1,706 amount to Rs. 3,412 in 20 years? [Ans. Rs. 4000] = 350 80 = 270 50 = 220 50 = 170 50 = 120 50 = 70 50 = Rs. 270 = Rs. 220 = Rs. 170 = Rs. 120 = Rs. 70 = Rs. 20 = Rs. 870

.. .. . ..

2. The simple interest on a sum of money at the end of 8 years is 2 th of the sum itself. Find the 5 rate percent p.a. [Ans. 5%]

3. A sum of money becomes double in 20 years at simple interest. In how many years will it be treble? [ICWA (F) Dec. 2004] [Ans. 40 yrs.]

4. At what simple interest rate percent per annum a sum of money will be double of it self in 25 years? [ICWA(F) June, 2005] [Ans. 4%]

5. A certain sum of money at simple interest amounts to Rs. 560 in 3 years and to Rs. 600 in 5 years. Find the principal and the rate of interest. [Ans. Rs. 500; 4%]

6. A tradesman marks his goods with two prices, one for ready money and the other for 6 months credit. What ratio should two prices bear to each other, allowing 5% simple interest. [Ans. 40 : 41] 7. A man lends Rs. 1800 to two persons at the rate of 4% and 4 1 % simple interest p.a. 2 respectively. At the end of 6 years, he receives Rs. 462 from them. How much did he lend to each other? [Ans. Rs. 800 ; Rs. 1000]

8. A man takes a loan of Rs. 10,000 at the rate of 6% S.I. with the understanding that it will be repaid with interest in 20 equal annual instalments, at the end of every year. How much he is to pay in each instalment? [Assam H.S. 1986) [Ans. 700.64]

[Hints. Refer W.O. ex. 4. 10,000 (1+20 .06) = P (1+19.06) + P(1+18.06) + P]



9. The price of a watch is Rs. 500 cash or it may be paid for by 5 equal monthly instalments of Rs. 110 each, the first instalment to be paid one month after purchase. Find the rate of interest charged. [Ans. 42 6 %] 7

10. Divide Rs. 12,000 in two parts so that the interest on one part at 12.5% for 4 years is equal to the interest on the second part at 10% for 3 years. [Ans. Rs. 4500; Rs. 7500]

11. Alok borrowed Rs. 7500 at a certain rate for 2 years and Rs. 6000 at 1% higher rate than the first for 1 year. For the period he paid Rs. 2580 as interest in all. Find the two of interest. [Ans. 12%; 13%] 12. If the simple interest on Rs. 1800 exceeds the interest on Rs. 1650 in 3 years by Rs. 45, find the rate of interest p.a. [Ans. 10%]

1. 13. A certain sum put out at S.I. amounts to Rs. 708 in 3 years. If the rate of interest increased by one third, it will amount to Rs. 744 in the same time. Find the sum and rate on interest. [Ans. Rs. 600; 6%] 3. 4 r 1 + 3r .....(i); 744 = p1 + 3 H int s. 708 = P 100 100 ......(ii)

4r 744 p1 + 100 or, r = 6%; from (i), find P & etc. or, 708 = p1 + 3r 100

14. A certain sum at a certain rate of interest p.a. S.I. becomes Rs. 1150 in 3 years and Rs. 1250 in 5 years. Find the rate percent p.a. [Ans. 5%]

15. Mr. X deposited a total of Rs. 95000 in two different banks which give 5% and 7 1 % interest. 2 If the amounts repayable by the two banks at the end of 7 years are to be equal. Find the individual amount of deposit. [Ans. Rs. 5700; Rs. 3800]

16. A man left Rs. 130000 for his two sons aged 10 years and 16 years with the direction that the sum should be divided in such a way that the two sons got the same amount when they attain the age of 18 years. Assuming the rate of simple interest is 12 1 % p.a. calculate how much the elder 2 son got in the beginning. [Hints. n (for elder son) = 18 16 = 2, n (for younger son) = 18 10 = 8 ; x = elder sons sum. Now
x1 + 12.5 2 = (130000 - x )1 + 12.5 8 100 100

[Ans. Rs. 80,000]

or, x = 80000]

17. What annual installment will discharge a debt of Rs. 3094 due in 4 years at 7% S.I.? [Ans. Rs. 700]


[Hints. (amount of x for 3 yrs) + (x for 2 years) + (x for 1 yr.) 18. A dealer of radio offers radio for Rs. 2700 cash down or for Rs. 720 cash down and 24 monthly instalments of Rs. 100 each. Find the rate of simple interest charged per annum. [ICWA (F) June, 2007] [Ans. 10.06%(opp)] [Hints : rafer solved ex. 17] 19. A dealer offers an item for Rs. 270 cash down or Rs. 30 cash down and 18 equal monthly instalments of Rs. 15. Find the rate of simple interest charged. [Hints : refer solved problem no. 17] OBJECTIVE QUESTION : 1. At what rate of S.I. will Rs. 1000 amount to Rs. 1200 in 2 years? 2. In what time will Rs. 2000 amount to Rs. 2600 at 5% S.I.? [Ans. 10%] [Ans. 6 yrs.] 1 years? [Ans. 5%] 3. At what rate per percent will S.I. on Rs. 956 amount to Rs. 119.50 in 2 2 4. The S.I. on a sum of money at the end of 8 years is 2 th of the sum itself. Find the rate percent 5 p.a. [Ans. 5%] 5. To repay a sum of money borrowed 5 months earlier a man agreed to pay Rs. 529.75. Find the amount borrowed it the rate of interest charged was 4 1 % p.a. 2 which Rs. 1706 amount to Rs. 3412 in 20 years? [Ans. Rs. 520] [ICWA (F) June, 2004] [Ans. 17 7 % ] 9

6. What sum of money will amount to Rs. 5200 in 6 years at the same rate of interest (simple) at [Ans. Rs. 4000]

7. A sum money becomes double in 20 years at S.I., in how money years will it be triple? [Ans. 40 years] 8. A certain sum of money at S.I. amount to Rs. Rs. 560 in 3 years and to Rs. 600 in 5 years. Find the principal and the rate of interest. [ Ans. Rs. 500; 4%]

9. In what time will be the S.I. on Rs. 900 at 6% be equal to S.I. on Rs. 540 for 8 years at 5%. [Ans. 4 years] 10. Due to fall in rate of interest from 12% to 10 1 % p.a.; a money lenders yearly income 2 diminishes by Rs. 90. Find the capital. diminishes by Rs. 90. Find the capital. [Ans. Rs. 6000] 11. A sum was put at S.I. at a certain rate for 2 years. Had it been put at 2% higher rate, it would have fetched Rs. 100 more. Find the sum. 9. Complete the S. I. on Rs. 5700 for 2 years at 2.5% p.a. [ICWA(F) June, Rs. 2007] [Ans. Rs. 285] 13. What principal will be increased to Rs. 4600 after 3 years at the rate of 5% p.a. simple interest? [ICWA (F) Dec. 2006] [Ans. Rs. 4000] [Ans. Rs. 10,000]

14. At what rate per annum will a sum of money double itself in 10 years with simple interest ? [ICWA (F) Dec. 2005] [Ans. 10%]



15. The simple interest on Rs. 300 at the rate of 4% p.a. with that on Rs. 500 at the rate of 3% p.a. both for the same period, is Rs. 162. Find the time period. [ICWA (F) June, 2005] [Ans. 6 years] 16. Calculate the interest on Rs. 10,000 for 10 years at 10% p.a. [ICWA(F) Dec. 2003] [Ans. Rs. 10,000] 17. A person deposited Rs. 78,000 in Post office monthly interest scheme (MIS) after retirement at 8% p.a. Calculate his monthly income. [Hints : Income (monthly) = 78000 8 1 & etc.] 100 12 1.5 DISCOUNTING OF BILLS : Few Definitions : Present Value (P.V.) : Present value of a given sum due at the end of a given period is that sum which together with its interest of the given period equals to the given sum i.e. P.V. + Int. on P.V. = sum due Sum due is also known as Bill Value (B.V.) Symbols : If A = Sum due at the end of n years, P = Present value, i = int. of Re. 1 for 1 yr. n= unexpired period in years, then A = P+P n i == P(1+n i).(i) or, P =
A 1 + ni

[ICWA (F) June, 2003] [Ans. Rs. 520]

True Discount (T.D) : True discount of a given sum due at the end of a given period, is the interest on the present value of the given sum i.e. T.D. = P n i..(ii) T.D.= Int. of P.V. = amount due Present value i.e. T.D. = A P(iii) Again T.D. = A A = Ani ............(iv ) 1 + ni 1 + ni

Example : Find P.V. and T.D. of Rs. 327 due in 18 months hence at 6% S.I..
3 6 327 Ani 2 100 = 27, here A = 327, n = 18 m = 3/2 yrs. i= 6/100. T.D = = 3 6 1 + ni 1+ 2 100

We know P.V. +Int. on PV (i.e.T.D)= sum due (i.e.B.V) Or, P.V. = B.V. T.D. = 327 27 = Rs. 300. SOLVED EXAMPLES : (T.D; n; i are given, to find A) 1. The true discount on a bill due 6 months hence at 8% p.a. is Rs. 40, find the amount of the bill. In the formula, T.D = Ani , T.D. = 40, n = 6 = 1 , i = 8/100 = 0.08 1 + ni 12 2
A. 1 .(0.08) 2 \ 40 = , or, A = 1040 (in Rs.) 1 + 1 (0.08) 2

2 : (T.D.; A, i are given, to find n) Find the time when the amount will be due if the discount on Rs. 1,060 be Rs. 60 at 6% p.a.



1060.n.(0.06) T.D. = Ani , or ,60 = or, n = 2 yrs. 1 + ni 1 + n (0.06) 3


3. : (T.D.; A; n are given, to find i) If the discount on Rs. 11,000 due 15 months hence is Rs. 1,000, find the rate of interest, Here, A =11,000, n = 15 = 5 , T.D. =1000, i = ? 12 4 11000, 5 .i 4 or, 12500 i = 1000 or i = 0.08. \r = 8% So we have, 1000 = 1 + 5 .i 4 4. (If A, n; i; are given to find T.D.) Find the T.D. on a sum of Rs. 1750 due in 18 months and 6% p.a. Here A =1750; n = 18 yrs. = 3 .yrs; i = 6 = 0.06 17 2 100 1750 3 0.06 2 So we get T.D. = = 1750 0.09 = 144.50 (app) 3 0.06 1 + 0.09 1+ 2 \reqd.T.D. = Rs.144.50. 5. Find the present value of Rs. 1800 due in 73 days hence at 7.5% p.a. (take 1 year = 365 days) Here : A = 1800, n = 73 = 1 years; i = 7.5 = 0.075 365 5 100 T.D. = 1800. 1 .(0.075) 5 = 1800 0.015 = 27 = 26.60 1 (0.075) 1 + 0.015 1.015 1+ 5

We know P.V. = A T.D. \ P.V. = 1800 26.60 = 1773.40 6. The difference between interest and true discount on a sum due in 5 years at 5% per annum is Rs. 50. Find the sum. Let sum = Rs. 100, Interest = 10050.05 = Rs. 25, i = 5 = 0.05 100 Again T.D. = Ani = 100 5 0.05 = 25 = Re 20; So difference = 25 20 = 5 1 + ni 1 + 0.05 1.05 Diff 5 50 sum 100 ? ? = 100 50 = 1000, \reqd. sum = Rs.1000. 5 [ICWA (F) Dec. 2005]

7. If the interest on Rs. 800 is equal to the true discount on Rs. 848 at 4% When the later amount be due? T.D. = A P.V. = 848 800 = Rs. 48, here A = 848, P.V. 800 Again T.D. = P. n.i or, 48 = 800 n 0.04, or, n = 1 1 yrs. 2
1.34 MATHS

SELF EXAMINATION QUESTIONS : 1. The true discount on a bill due 1 1 years hence 4 1 % p.a. is Rs. 54. Find the amt. of the bill? 2 2 [Ans. Rs. 854] 2. The true discount on a bill due 146 days hence at 4 1 % p.a. is Rs. 17. Find the amount of the 2 bill (take 1 year = 365 days) [Ans. Rs. 1017] 3. When the sum will be due if the present worth on Rs. 1662.25 at 6%p.a. amount to Rs. 1,525. [Ans. 1 1 yrs.] 2 4. Find the time that sum will be due if the true discount on Rs. 185.40 at 5% p.a. be Rs. 5.40 (taking 1 year = 365 days) [Ans. 219 days]

5. If the true discount on Rs. 1770 due 2 1 years hence, be Rs. 170, find the rate percent.[Ans. 4 1 % p.a] 2 2 6. If the present value of a bill of Rs. 1495.62 due 1 1 years hence, be Rs. 1424.40; find the rate 4 percent. percent. [Ans. 4% p.a.] 7. Find the percent value of Rs. 1265 due 2 1 years at 4% p.a. 2 the sum. [Ans. Rs.1150]

8. The difference between interest and due discount on a sum due 73 days at 5% p.a. is Re.1. Find [Ans. Rs. 10,000]

9. The difference between interest and true discount on a sum due 2 1 years at 4% p.a. is Rs. 2 18.20. Find the sum. [Ans. 20,000] 10. If the interest on Rs. 1200 in equal to the true discount on Rs. 1254 at 6%, when will the later amount be due ? [ Ans. 9 months]

BILL OF EXCHANGE : This is a written undertaking (or document) by the debtor to a creditor for paying certain sum of money on a specified future date. A bill thus contains (i) the drawer (ii) the drawee (iii) the payee. A specimen of bill is as follows Stamp Address of drawer

C.K. Roy 1/1 K.K. Bose Rd. Kolkata 700 012A.


P. Dhar (drawer)

Bill of Exchange is two kinds



Bill of exchange after date, in which the date of maturity is counted from the date of drawing the bill.


Bill of exchange after sight, in which the date of maturity is counted from the date of accepting the bill.

The date on which a bill becomes due is called nominal due date. If now three days, added with this nominal due date, the bill becomes legally due. Thus three days are known as days of grace. Bankers Discount (B.D.) & Bankers Gain (B.G.): Bankers discount (B.D.) is the interest on B.V. and difference between B.D. and T.D. is B.G. i.e. B.D. = int. on B.V. = Ani (v) B.G. = B.D. T.D. and B.G. = interest on T.D.
B.G. = A (ni) 2 ..............( vi) 1 + ni

B.V. B.D. = Discounted value of the bill(vii) SOLVED EXAMPLES : Problems regarding T.D. and B.D. 8. A bill for Rs. 1224 is due in 6 months. Find the difference between true discount and bankers discount, the rate of interest being 4% p.a. 1224. 1 .(0.04) Ani = 2 T.D = = 24.48 = 24. B.D. = Ani = 1224. 1 .(0.04) = 24.48; 1 + ni 1 .(0.04) 1.02 2 1+ 2 B.D. T.D. = 24.48 24= 0.08; \ reqd. difference = Rs. 0.48 [ This difference is B.G. (0.48) Again Int. on 24 (i.e., T.D.) = 24. 1 .(0.04) = 0.48, i.e, B.G. = Int. on T.D.] 2 9. If the difference between T.D. and B.D. on a sum due in 4 months at 3% p.a. is Rs. 10, find the amount of the bills. B.G. = B.D. T.D. = 10; n = 4 / 12 = 1 yrs.; i = 3 = 0.03 ; A = ? 3 100 B.D. = A ni, T.D. = Pni, B.G. = B.D. T.D.= A ni Pni = (A P) ni Now, (A P) ni = 10 or (A P) 1 . (0.03) = 10, 3

or, (AP) = 10 = 100 0.01 or, T.D. = 1000 (as T.D. = A P.) Again T.D. = P ni,

or, P. 1 (0.03) = 1000 or, P = 1000 2 0.01

\ P = 1,00, 000. Now, A = P.V. + T.D. = 1,00,000 + 1000 = 1,01,000 \ reqd. amount of the bill = Rs. 1,01,000.
1.36 MATHS

A. 1 .03 A ( ni) 3 , A = 1,01,000. Aliter : B.G. = , 10 = 1 + ni 1 .03 1+ 3


10 : The T.D. and B.G. on a certain bill of exchange due after a certain time is respectively Rs. 50 and Re. 0.50. Find the face value of the bill. We know B.G. = Int. on T.D. Now, B.D. = T.D + B.G. Again B.D. int. on B.V. (i.e., A) or, 50.50 = A. ni or, 50.50 = A.. (0.01) or, A = 50.50 = 5050 0.01 or, 0,50 = 50 n i or, ni = 0.50 = 0.01 50

or, B.D. = 50 + 0.50 = 50.50

\reqd. face value of the bill is Rs. 5050. Problems regarding discounting of bills. 11 : A bill of Exchange drawn on 4.1.81 at 5 months was discounted on 26-3-1981. If the bankers discount at 3% be Rs. 603.60; find the value of the bill and also B.G. Unexpired days from 26 March to 7 June, 1981. (M) (A) (M) (J) 5+30+31+7 = 73 (excluding 26 3 = 81) drawn on period normally of grace days of grace leqully due on 4. 1. 81 5 4. 6. 81 3 7. 6. 81

Let the face value of the bill = Rs. 100, here i = 3 = 0.03, n = 73 = 1 yr. 100 365 5 B.D. = int. on B.V. = 100. 1/5. (0.03) = 0.60 B.D. 0.60 B.V 100 x = 100 603.60 = 1,00,600 0.60 Hence, reqd. face value = Rs. 1,00,600
2 2

603.60 x

100600 1 0.3 A ( ni) 5 Now, B.G. = = i + ni 1 0.03 1+ 5 Hence, B.G. = Rs. 3.60

= 100600 0.000036 = 3.6 1.0060

[Observation : In this case, the discounted value of the bill = 1,00,600 603.60 = Rs.99,996.40 (i.e., this amount the holder of the bill will receive.] 12 : A bill of exchange drawn on 5.1.1983 for Rs. 2,000 payable at 3 months was accepted on the same date and discounted on 14.1.83, at 4% p.a. Find out amount of discount. [ICWA (F) June, 2004] Unexpired number of days from 14 Jan to 8 April = 17 (J) + 28 (F) + 31 (M) + 8 (A) = 84 (excluding 14.1.83)



1983 is not a leap year, Feb. is of 28 days. B.D. = 2000 84 4 = 18.41 (after reduction) 365 100


Hence, reqd. discount = Rs. 18.41. Drawn on period Period Nominally due on Days of grace Legally due 5.1.83 3 5.4.83 3 8.4.83

SELF EXAMINATION QUESTIONS : Problems regarding T.D. B.D. B.G. 1. At the rate of 4% p.a. find the B.D., T.D. and B.G. on a bill of exchange for Rs. 650 due 4 months hence. [Ans. Rs. 8.67; Rs. 8.55; Re. 0.12]

2. Find the difference between T.D. and B.D. on Rs. 2020 for 3 months at 4% p.a. Show that the difference is equal to the interest on the T.D. for three months at 4%. [Ans. Re. 0.20]

1. Find the T.D. and B.D. on a bill of Rs. 6100 due 6 months hence, at 4% p.a. [Ans. Rs. 119.61;Rs.122] 4. Find out the T.D. on a bill for 2550 due in 4 months at 6% p.a. Show also the bankers gain in this case. [Ans. Rs. 50, Re.1]

5. Find the T.D. and B.G. on a bill for Rs. 1550 due 3 months hence at 6% p.a. [Ans. Rs. 22.9]; Re.0.34] 6. Calculate the B.G. on Rs. 2500 due in 6 months at 5% p.a. [ICWA(F) June, 2003] [Ans. Rs. 1.54] 7. If the difference between T.D. and B.D. on a bill to mature 2 months after date be Re. 0.25 at 3% p.a.; find. (i) T.D. (ii) B.D. (iii) amount of the bill. [Ans. Rs. 50; Rs. 50.25; Rs.10,050]

8. If the difference between T.D. and B.D.(i.e. B.G.) on a sum of due in 6 months at 4% is Rs. 100 find the amount of the bill. [hints : refer solved problem no 9] 9. If the difference between T.D. and B.D. of a bill due legally after 73 days at 5% p.a. is Rs.10, find the amount of the bill. [Ans.1,01,000] [ICWA(F) June, 2007] [Ans. Rs. 2,55,000]

10. If the bankers gain on a bill due in four months at the rate of 6% p.a. be Rs. 200, find the bill value, B.D. and T.D. of the bill.

[Ans. (F) Dec. 2006][Ans.5,10,000; Rs. 10,200; Rs.10,000]

11. A bill for Rs. 750 was drawn on 6 March payable at 6 months after date, the rate of discount being 4.5% p.a. It was discounted on 28th June. What did the banker pay to the holder of the bill? [Ans. Rs. 743.62] 12. A bill of exchange for Rs. 846.50 at 4 months after sight was drawn on 12.1.1956 and accepted on 16th January and discounted at 3.5% on 8 th Feb.1956. Find the B.D. and the discounted value of the bill. [Ans. Rs. 8.18; Rs. 838.32]



13. A bill of exchange for Rs. 12,500 was payable 120 days after sight. The bill was accepted on 2nd Feb.1962 and was discounted on 20 th Feb. 1962 at 4%. Find the discounted value of the bill. [Ans. 12,356.17] 14. A bill for Rs. 3,225 was drawn on 3

Feb. at 6 months and discounted on 13th March at 8%

p.a. For what sum was the bill discounted and how much did the banker gain in this? [Ans. Rs. 3121.80; Rs. 3.20] Problems regarding rate of interest : 15. What is the actual rate of interest which a banker gets for the money when he discounts a bill legally due in 6 months at 4% p.a. [Ans. 4.08% app]

16. What is the actual rate of interest which a banker gets for the money when he discounts a bill legally due in 6 months at 5%. [Ans. 5 3 % ] 9

17. If the true discounted of a bill of Rs. 2613.75 due in 5 months be Rs. 63.75; find rate of interest. [Ans. 6%]

BOOK FOR REFERENCE : 1. Basic Mathematics and Statistics N. K. Nag 2. A Text Book of ICSE Mathematics O. P. Sinhal




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