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When the sky is the ear & space as reservoir (One should not mix and become confused

of both these words namely sky and space the 2nd Para of this article elaborates upon it). None can easily repudiate the scientifically proven fact that the sky affixed to our ears is borne with ability to transmit audio, visual and text for any dista nce unmanned space ship to Mars is the ultimate distance human race can authentic ate in its regard. My great spiritual Master once told me that the unseen world i s far, far, far Greater to the one that is visible to human eye (I crisply remem ber that he used the word far three times; whereas he was known for his simplici ty and a composed countenance to extents that none could ever think of ascribing him with the word ). When the Masters of his stature make any mention; then the depths that their words contain should be understood manifold times by the commo ners.

To me when the sky affixed with my body is so powerful to transport the word, pi cture and text then what scope and scale should be understood about the unseen a bility of the same sky that is far, far, far more powerful to bear and carry for ward human thoughts, emotions, intents, imagination and energy. The second subjec title here is space; nothing much is known to the world about it (One should not mi x and become confused of both these words namely sky and space) The sky and spac e in light of our comprehension i.e. the moment we lift our head to see atop we are only able to see one blue sheet that is generally termed as sky and whenever we refer to dimension falling beyond the ambit of our planets gravity then we a scribe it by the name space. It means that for us the sky and space are one except the limits that gravity determines to distinguish its periphery in light of hem ispheres atop the planet. Considering the view of the ancient wisdom and the understanding drawn from it t he Space is the core envelope, yet infinite, that contains in itself the endless skies Comprehension of this subject is not easy on one simple ground that the hu man intellect cannot easily grasp any fact that is unseen and aspires to touch t he limits of infinity though it is not easy to comprehend a nano scale that is on e millionth of a millimeter.

However dogmatic the explanation that discriminates the sky and space may appear but the inference drawn from their objective shall serve the purpose this artic les endeavors to bring about According to a simple translation of this definition lands as sky referred to as a void that transmits and transports voice, picture, text, human thoughts, emotions, intents, imagination and energy. Whereas the Spa ates as the endless infinite envelope that bears the creators might in various fo rms and manners such as the thinking non stuff that we term as unmanifest or the r aw material for the manifest world. The space also contains the record and resol ve for all moves within the entire creation. The space also contains the intelli gent adhesive of entanglement that binds the entire creation. The space also con tains the unfathomable ability of manifesting the entire universe as a Hologram. T his and much more falls into the domain and dimensions of the Space. The elaborate veracity mentioned within few words above now below here shall boi l down to its interpretation at the ends of human learning and growth. Living ou r life outward since we gathered awareness towards world outside right at our ea rly age the entire learning transpired through wide open eyes, ears etc. (through the aid and advice of our external sensory organs) It was not un till the biolo gy class informed us that there are living organisms that are known as bacteria a nd they exist and prevails all around us i.e. in the air we breathe and the wate r we drink. Then as our age progressed at those early parts of our life we were also informed that there is yet perspicacious organism that is subtler to bacter ia and is named as virus. This story advanced and in a way that we begun learnin g that the virus is a name given to the subtlest living organism but there are e

n number for the kind of viruses. The unseen world of virus and bacteria today is engraved upon our mindset to an extent that a mere reference is adequate enou gh to change our response abilities. Not only that the word contagious is far mor e draconian in light of these virus and bacterias that once if it is proclaimed t hat an X virus is contagious through air or touch then the news is more than req uired to alarm heightened premonition worldwide. Such is the case with the deepe st understanding we have today afforded to the concept of bacteria and viruses t hat are almost invisible to naked eye. PURPOSE OF THIS ARTICLE;

The effort has to be initiated at ones own end to deeply affirm and establish th e veracity of a fact that as virus and bacteria exist, move and impact us simila rly; human thoughts, emotions, intents, imagination and energy; the pace and powe smission and impact of the subtlest entities that exist much more to the status of a living organism in light that they are intelligent to conduct their status a s any other intelligent human community upon this planet but without physical bo dy and its limitations.

Once you start believing at the depths of your heart without any trace of doubt or ambiguity that the unseen sky and space is the source of mobility and attract ion of unseen forces of human thoughts, emotions, intents, imagination and energy is life becomes absolutely different. Different in the sense that you shall be a ble to trigger, initiate and turn various events coming towards your self to lan d with a different conclusion. You may not have any control over the larger surr ound but you shall certainly be able to gain access to all that comes forward to touch/contact you in any form. Ask yourself a pertinent question barring your p hysical structure i.e. your body; all that you dispense in entire lives originat es, manipulated and extended through the subtler existence supported by various instrumentalities known as human thoughts, emotions, intents, imagination and ener Keep watching this website for we are coming with a detailed learning about the procedure and manner that leads to establishment of unshakable faith within you in regards with the existence of the subtler forces of human thoughts, emotions, inte nts, imagination and energy and their development to extents that they can be channel ized to produce any desired result. This is the journey of learning and developm ent keep affixed and we shall fly those subtler dimensions. dine sh kumar (learning under discipline)

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