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Definition: Basic science that deal with everything dealing with dental materials 1. Composition. 2. Properties. 3. Chemistry. 4. Manipulation. 5. Evolution. 6. Development and making it better. So when I know composition, properties, manipulation, evolution I can select proper dental materials to work with it in the lab or clinic, so without this knowledge the treatment will fail (probably) and the restoration will fail, when I say restoration I mean: 1. Function. 2. Statics. 3. The way the tooth looks in the oral cavity especially in the anterior area. The aspect will affect the materials that I select it in the clinic or lab so we should have knowledge to provide a good serves for your patient so you will not waste time and money for you and your patient.

Do proper selection ====> provide good treatment ===> patient will be happy ===> you will be happy ===> LIFE IS GOOD The dental materials that I'll be used should have certain properties (ideal properties) not all properties can be present in the dental material but there is basic properties should be available; there are no perfect dental materials: 1. It should be biocompatible (should not cause any irritation or toxicity inside oral cavity or for the body). 2. Should be able to permanently bond to do structure so it will not fall off. 3. Should have similar properties to enamel and dentin. A) To do structure B) it can respond in similar method to any

factors or any changes in the environment inside the oral cavity ( ) When I got a restoration with similar properties to (enamel and dentin) they will respond in similar way to any factors inside the oral cavity. 4. It should be able to initiate tissue repair or regeneration

If I find dental materials that can regenerate damage tissue like expose pulp tissue thats a good thing so it's a therapeutic material, some materials have this ability so we use it for specific applications to regenerate or repair the damage; some materials have good esthetics appearance similar appearance to nature teeth like: 1. Crowns cover by porcelain. 2. White filling. So if I work with the anterior teeth we need a restoration aesthetically looks like nature teeth that one requirement that should be available in dental materials not all of them have to be good esthetic especially in posterior teeth because we don't see them clearly so we use amalgam fillings they don't look nice they don't look like nature teeth but they're very strong that why we use it in posteriary, amalgam fillings can last up for 15 years so it's effective ( sheep/ last for a long time / very strong ), in arterially I need something looks like nature teeth it doesn't have to be strong because i just need it for esthetics and they are not subjected to have force like posterialy teeth Groups / Categories: 1. Metal and alloys 2. Rubber from elastomers (elastic) 3. Polymers: from compose of small units

4. Ceramics 5. Salt (organic salt) EXAMPLES 1. Metals: amalgam fillings a good percentage based on silver, copper and tin ++ 2. Polymers: acrylic resin we make complete dentures ( ( Or partial dentures *large category: polymer *example: acrylic resin *use: we make complete dentures or partial dentures 3. Ceramics dental porcelain tooth color crowns and bridges ....... When you are replacing lost tooth by bridge or damaged tooth you want to cover it by crown we use porcelain so it will look like the adjacent nature teeth *large category: ceramics *example: porcelain 4. Composite it's the white fillings ( ) Composite: compose more than one component filling materials because it's compose more than one component white fillings to restore anterior teeth it's looks like nature

tooth structure Example: white fillings 5. Elastomers e.g. rubber impression materials We need to take an impression of teeth and soft tissue so we use an impression material when you use these mixed materials together first of all it's going to be soft like paste () Its placed in the patient mouth and then transfers it to the lab in the lab they put some gypsum materials on it this materials form a model (replication to the oral cavity) Replication 1) soft tissue 2) teeth

I get model by taking impression to the oral cavity (teeth/soft tissue) after I take an impression transfer it to the lab they will be able to get a model (cast) Will be useful if I don't know: 1. What the condition of the teeth. 2. The sort of restoration that I going to make. So I don't do the restoration directly in the clinic there is an extra step it's an indirect restoration

------1. Dentist...takes impression 2. Transfer it to the lab 3. Technician... does the restoration 4. Take it back put it in the patient mouth -----Direct: the dentist do the whole work like make a cavity and fill it with fillings Indirect there is an extra step (take an impression....etc) 6. Salts: gypsum (found in nature) take it from nature (rocks) processes it form many types of powders that can mix with water to make models or casts They are inorganic source some of them from natural source LIKE: 1. Gypsum 2. Agar from Seaweed () 3. Waxes: from (A) Animals like bees wax (B) plants

**Material divided by sources: 1. Extracted from nature (nature source) 2. Synthetic materials ( )

Dental material classification 1. Restoration: restore ((function/static)) A. permanent/ temporary B. fixed / removable C. direct/ indirect ** Permanent / temporary: permanent ===>if you got enough time in the clinic you can immediately drill a cavity fill it with permanent filling send the patient home temporary ===> if the patient still in pain or don't have enough time in the clinic or need to do extra step I can replace a temporary filling send patient home and ask him to come again SO IT DEPENDS ON THE SITUATION (patient condition)

** Fixed /removable: Removable ===> like complete dentures () Fixed===> like bridges

**direct/indirect: Indirect===> you need to send your model to the lab technician to do restoration for you Direct===> inside clinic NO extra step in the lab 2. Preventive: some dental materials can do to prevent diseases () A) Therapeutic materials: examples.. 1. Fluoride Fluoride prevent caries Fluoride is not only present in: 1) Toothpaste 2) Mouthwashes 3) Gel that we use it in the clinic and put it inside the patient mouth to increase the ability to fight caries : 1. 2. 3. ((Enamel and dentin))

2. Chlorhexidine chlorhexidine it's antibacterial present in Mouthwashes it prevents accumulation of bacteria ( antibacterial ) so it will 1. Minimize the plaque on tooth 2. Improve the health of gingiva 1. 2. 3. B) Protective materials fissure sealant ==>on the ocular surface (posterior teeth) there is a different fissure (mountains / vales) so it's an irregular surface ==> it's easy for food to accumulate there it's easy for bacteria to stay there and cause dental cares (so we close these areas that cannot be easily brush) so we prevent accumulation of food or bacteria inside it so I protect them from caries

Fissure sealant

Black stuff ==> accumulated food // fissures will not be able to clean by toothbrush fissures are deep in the occlusal surface so we just close these deep part but the rest of your tooth going to be exposed to the oral cavity and the rest can be easily cleaned by tooth brush so we take about very deep narrow areas inside the tooth *if there is decay (caries) I have to drill a cavity and I can't place sealants alone I should fill it but if there is no decay I can but the sealants ...because I'm doing a protection not a treatment 3. Auxiliary materials: when I'm sending something to the lab indirect restoration (impression and gypsum) these materials are used when you cannot do your reservation direct in the clinic you have to send it to the lab and they will make it for you so that's why we use an impression to replicate the oral cavity and then gypsum to form model that the technician will work on and make a restoration.

4. Finishing and polishing: after I do my restoration and before placing them in the patient mouth or some restoration after replacing them in the mouth they need to have a good surface shiny smooth surface so I need some material to do finishing and polishing before I replace my material inside patient mouth like crown and bridges to do finishing and polishing I have to use different dental materials each material has a way to finishing and polishing it so when you place it in the patient mouth it will not cause irritation or any damage and it will not cause accumulation of plaque or bacteria Restorative materials and their uses: **some restorations are used in the crown corundum like composite / amalgam A) Amalgam ==> we use it in the posterior area B) Interiorly fracture tooth like incisor ==>composite fillings==>aesthetic material C) tooth color materials we use glass-ionomer cements white fillings but they are weaker than composite and amalgam so we use it in primary teeth in children because they don't use high forces inside their oral cavity before using this materials we have to treat the surface of the tooth ( Gel ) acid basically used to make the material bond well some materials we just drill cavity and put filling other materials we treat the surface of the tooth to make your filling stick well to do structure so I do treatment

to the surface tooth so the material will bond

Amalgam ==> provide in capsule Composite ===> provide in syringes so you squeeze it out or can be perform in powders and mixed together so dental materials can be supplied in different forms **cements can be used for therapeutic purposes causing regeneration like calcium hydroxide so if I had deep caries in my tooth.... pulp is exposed I want to repair this exposed pulp to prevent further damage ---> I can use calcium hydroxide ** 1) calcium hydroxide ---> underneath the pulp is exposed so I place calcium hydroxide materials because it will regenerate dentin and close this exposure and also it's antibacterial material 1) 2) if I got an exposed pulp instead of going ahead throw root canal treatment I can repair it with calcium hydroxide it have the ability to close the uncovered from the tooth like a barrier BUT THIS DOESN'T ALWAYS WORK....sometimes the pulp will not respond well so we have to do root canal treatment

2)zinc oxide eugenol they can decrease pain (pain from caries) caries causes pain and sensitivity to the patient after removing caries I can place this material(zinc oxide eugenol) because it can minimize pain so it has therapeutic ability ((***)) Treatment materials: 1. Calcium hydroxide( for exposed pulp....etc) 2. Zinc oxide eugenol(decrease pain...etc) **if the pulp is inflamed you have to remove it you need to fill the space with something... pulp part of it in the crown and the other part in the root so I have to fill the root with something after removing the pulp... I shouldn't leave any dead space inside the oral cavity... so I use a material biased on rubber called ((gutta-percha)) Gutta-percha: is a material that used to fill root canal after removing the pulp (after root canal treatment) Coronal restoration====>means crown area Radicular restoration=====>means root area, so gutta-percha fill the root with it (radicular restoration) and amalgam or composed ( coronal restoration ) gutta-percha it supplied in different sizes and it has different codes( color coded ) .... so the dentist chose the size according to your canal size

*****the posterior root canal size differs than anterior******

**if the tooth is damaged too much you cannot do a restoration inside it you might need to cover the tooth with (crown) sometimes a tooth is extracted and you need to replace it so I got a crown to cover one tooth that is badly damage ...or by placing a bridge the bridge will cover tooth behind it ,tooth in front of it and replace the missing tooth it's an extra coronal restoration Crown, fixed bridge====> come from outside (extra coronal restoration) Fillings like amalgam====>from inside (intra coronal restoration) **if I got larger number of teeth extracted I need a different restoration, what's called ( partial denture ) Partial denture made of 1. Acrylic OR 2. Acrylic + metal (to make them stronger) Metals like: A) nickel B) cobalt C) chromium

Metal partial denture stronger that acrylic pure denture

If the patient get multiple missing's an option to put partial dentures....

partial denture

crown **if all the teeth are missing I use a complete denture and the material that used is acrylic material in this restoration I need to use impression and gypsum (( indirect restoration )) some of them are flexible or rigid

Complete denture When we take an impression we use a tray mixed impression material replaced in tray then we put it inside patient mouth


***Implants: most popular now they drill a hole inside patient mouth they palace the root portion and they fix the crown on the top instead of using teeth on both side of the empty area we only drill a hole in the bone and place the implant this implant made from titanium because it's biocompatible it will not cause any irritation for tissue...but there is condition to make this kind of restoration.

Implant Before using dental materials they need to consider certain requirements and Standards and to be tested... so they go lab test and clinical test (on patients)....then they can be introduced to the market. certain organizations can do these things like : 1. American dental association (ADA) 2. Food and drug (FDI) 3. International stander organization (ISO) ...they deal with dental materials...examine them... After getting this material how we select it? 1. Analyze the clinical situation 2. What you want your material to do inside patient mouth 3. Find out what materials are available in your clinic

These materials are supplied in boxes you have to read ALL the information available like: 1. Some material can have some toxicity so you need to handle them carefully 2. Some materials need to be store dry 3. Some need to be store away from the sun 4. Should not be left open 5. Should not be close to any source of fire

You need to wear a mask when you are using this material because it has a strong vapor or it release dust

**this material is harmful you should wear gloves

**sign represent danger or toxicity And others like you shouldn't touch it with your hand we find it in amalgam... ****so you need to be careful and read instructions inside****

Done by: Araam Odeibat Good luck for you all forgive me for any mistake...

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