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8LSluLn1lAL uLC8LL nC 807

8CvlulnC lC8 1PL C8CAnlZA1lCn Cl 1PL ClvlL SL8vlCL

CCMMlSSlCn ln ACCC8uAnCL Wl1P 1PL 8CvlSlCnS Cl 1PL
CCnS1l1u1lCn 8LSC8l8lnC l1S CWL8S Anu lunC1lCnS Anu
lC8 C1PL8 u8CSLS

wbeteos Lhe ConsLlLuLlon provldes for organlzaLlon of a Clvll
Servlce Commlsslon whlch shall esLabllsh a career servlce and
adopL measures Lo promoLe morale efflclency and lnLegrlLy ln Lhe
governmenL servlce
wbeteos resldenLlal uecree no 110 daLed !anuary 26 1973
declared Lhe Clvll Servlce Commlsslon envlsloned ln Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon ln exlsLence provldlng guldellnes for lLs operaLlon
wbeteos Lhere ls a need for Lhe lmmedlaLe organlzaLlon of Lhe
Clvll Servlce Commlsslon ln order Lo enable lL Lo carry ouL lLs
mlsslon as mandaLed by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and
wbeteos Lhe former Clvll Servlce Commlsslon creaLed under
8epubllc AcL no 2260 as amended and as organlzed under Lhe
lnLegraLed 8eorganlzaLlon lan may serve as Lhe nucleus of Lhe
Clvll Servlce Commlsslon
Now tbetefote l lerdlnand L Marcos resldenL of Lhe
hlllpplnes by vlrLue of Lhe powers vesLed ln me by Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon do hereby decree and order

ArLlcle 1 1lLle

SecLlon 1 1hls uecree shall be known as Lhe clvll 5etvlce uectee of
tbe lblllpploes

ArLlcle ll ueclaraLlon of ollcy

Sec 2 lL shall be Lhe pollcy of Lhe SLaLe Lo lnsure and promoLe Lhe
ConsLlLuLlonal mandaLe LhaL appolnLmenLs ln Lhe Clvll Servlce shall
be made only accordlng Lo merlL and flLness Lo provlde wlLhln Lhe
publlc servlce of personnel admlnlsLraLlon and Lo adopL measures
Lo promoLe morale and Lhe hlghesL degree of responslblllLy
lnLegrlLy loyalLy efflclency and professlonallsm ln Lhe Clvll Servlce
LhaL Lhe Clvll Servlce Commlsslon shall be Lhe cenLral personnel
agency Lo seL sLandards and Lo enforce Lhe laws and rules
governlng Lhe selecLlon uLlllzaLlon Lralnlng and dlsclpllne of clvll
servanLs LhaL a publlc offlce ls a publlc LrusL and publlc offlcers
shall serve wlLh Lhe hlghesL degree of responslblllLy lnLegrlLy
loyalLy and efflclency and shall remaln accounLable Lo Lhe people
and LhaL acLlon on personnel maLLers shall be decenLrallzed wlLh
Lhe dlfferenL deparLmenLs and oLher offlces or agencles of Lhe
governmenL delegaLlng Lo Lhelr reglonal offlces or oLher slmllar
unlLs powers and funcLlons

ArLlcle lll ueflnlLlon of 1erms

Sec 3 As used ln Lhls uecree Lhe followlng shall be consLrued
a Aqeocy means any bureau offlce commlsslon admlnlsLraLlon
board commlLLee lnsLlLuLe corporaLlon wheLher performlng
governmenLal or proprleLary funcLlon or any oLher unlL of Lhe
naLlonal CovernmenL as well as provlnclal clLy or munlclpal
governmenL excepL as herelnafLer oLherwlse provlded

b Appolotloq offlcet ls Lhe person or body auLhorlzed by law Lo
make appolnLmenLs ln Lhe hlllpplne Clvll Servlce

c closs lncludes all poslLlons ln Lhe governmenL servlce LhaL are
sufflclenLly slmllar as Lo duLles and responslblllLles and requlre
slmllar quallflcaLlons LhaL can be glven Lhe same LlLle and salary
and for all admlnlsLraLlve and compensaLlon purposes be LreaLed

d commlssloo refers Lo Lhe Clvll Servlce Commlsslon

e cboltmoo refers Lo Lhe Chalrman of Lhe Commlsslon

f commlsslooet refers Lo elLher of Lhe Lwo oLher members of Lhe

g uepottmeot lncludes any of Lhe execuLlve deparLmenLs or
enLlLles havlng Lhe caLegory of a deparLmenL lncludlng Lhe
[udlclary Commlsslon on LlecLlons and Commlsslon on AudlL

h llqlble refers Lo a person who obLalns a passlng grade ln a
clvll servlce ellglblllLy and whose name ls enLered ln Lhe reglsLer of

l xomlootloo refers Lo a clvll examlnaLlon conducLed by Lhe
Commlsslon and lLs reglonal offlces or by oLher deparLmenLs or
agencles wlLh Lhe asslsLance of Lhe Commlsslon or ln coordlnaLlon
or [olnLly wlLh lL and Lhose LhaL lL may delegaLe Lo deparLmenLs
and agencles pursuanL Lo Lhls uecree or Lhose LhaL may have been
delegaLed by law

[ lotm refers Lo Lhose prescrlbed by Lhe Clvll Servlce
ArLlcle lv Scope of Lhe Clvll Servlce

SecLlon 4 losltloo mbtoceJ lo tbe clvll 5etvlce 1he Clvll Servlce
embraces every branch agency subdlvlslon and lnsLrumenLallLy of
Lhe governmenL lncludlng every governmenLowned or conLrolled
corporaLlons wheLher performlng governmenLal or proprleLary
oslLlons ln Lhe Clvll Servlce shall be classlfled lnLo career servlce
and noncareer servlce
Sec 3 1he Career Servlce shall be characLerlzed by (1) enLrance
based on merlL and flLness Lo be deLermlned as far as pracLlcable
by compeLlLlve examlnaLlons or based on hlghly Lechnlcal
quallflcaLlons (2) opporLunlLy for advancemenL Lo hlgher career
poslLlons and (3) securlLy of Lenure
1he Career Servlces shall lnclude
1 Cpen Career poslLlons for appolnLmenL Lo whlch prlor
quallflcaLlon ln an approprlaLe examlnaLlon ls requlred

2 Closed Career poslLlons whlch are sclenLlflc or hlghly Lechnlcal ln
naLure Lhese lnclude Lhe faculLy and academlc sLaff of sLaLe
colleges and unlverslLles and sclenLlflc and Lechnlcal poslLlons ln
sclenLlflc or research lnsLlLuLlons whlch shall esLabllsh and malnLaln
Lhelr own merlL sysLems

3 oslLlons ln Lhe Career LxecuLlve Servlce namely
undersecreLary AsslsLanL SecreLary 8ureau ulrecLor AsslsLanL
8eglonal ulrecLor Chlef of ueparLmenL Servlce and oLher offlcers
of equlvalenL rank as may be ldenLlfled by Lhe Career LxecuLlve
Servlce 8oard all of whom are appolnLed by Lhe resldenL

4 Career offlcers oLher Lhan Lhose ln Lhe Career LxecuLlve Servlce
who are appolnLed by Lhe resldenL such as Lhe lorelgn Servlce
Cfflcers ln Lhe ueparLmenL of lorelgn Affalrs

3 Commlssloned offlcers and enllsLed men of Lhe Armed lorces
whlch shall malnLaln a separaLe merlL sysLem

6 ersonnel of governmenLowned or conLrolled corporaLlons
wheLher performlng governmenLal or proprleLary funcLlons who
do noL fall under Lhe career servlce and

7 ermanenL laborers wheLher skllled semlskllled or unskllled
Sec 6 1he nonCareer Servlce shall be characLerlzed by (1)
enLrance on bases oLher Lhan Lhose of Lhe usual LesLs of merlL and
flLness uLlllzed for Lhe career servlce and (2) Lenure whlch ls
llmlLed Lo a perlod speclfled by law or whlch ls coLermlnous wlLh
LhaL of Lhe appolnLlng auLhorlLy or sub[ecL Lo hls pleasure or whlch
ls llmlLed Lo Lhe duraLlon of a parLlcular pro[ecL for whlch purpose
employmenL was made
1he nonCareer Servlce shall lnclude
1 LlecLlve offlclals and Lhelr personal or confldenLlal sLaff

2 ueparLmenL Peads and oLher offlclals of CablneL rank who hold
poslLlons aL Lhe pleasure of Lhe resldenL and Lhelr personal or
confldenLlal sLaff(s)

3 Chalrman and members of commlsslons and boards wlLh flxed
Lerms of offlce and Lhelr personal or confldenLlal sLaff

4 ConLracLual personnel or Lhose whose employmenL ln Lhe
governmenL ls ln accordance wlLh a speclal conLracL Lo underLake a
speclflc work or [ob requlrlng speclal or Lechnlcal skllls noL
avallable ln employlng agency Lo be accompllshed wlLhln a speclflc
perlod whlch ln no case shall exceed one year and performs or
accompllshes Lhe speclflc work or [ob under hls own responslblllLy
wlLh a mlnlmum of dlrecLlon and supervlslon from Lhe hlrlng
agency and

3 Lmergency and seasonal personnel
Sec 7 closses of losltloos lo tbe coteet 5etvlce (a) Classes of
poslLlons ln Lhe career servlce appolnLmenL Lo whlch requlres
examlnaLlons shall be grouped lnLo Lhree ma[or levels as follows
1 1he flrsL level shall lnclude clerlcal Lrades crafLs and cusLodlal
servlce poslLlons whlch lnvolve nonprofesslonal or subprofesslonal
work ln a nonsupervlsory or supervlsory capaclLy requlrlng less
Lhan four years of colleglaLe sLudles

2 1he second level shall lnclude professlonal Lechnlcal and
sclenLlflc work ln a nonsupervlsory or supervlsory capaclLy
requlrlng aL leasL four years of college work up Lo ulvlslon Chlef
level and

3 1he Lhlrd level shall cover poslLlons ln Lhe Career LxecuLlve
(b) LxcepL as hereln oLherwlse provlded enLrance Lo Lhe flrsL Lwo
levels shall be Lhrough compeLlLlve examlnaLlons whlch shall be
open Lo Lhose lnslde and ouLslde Lhe servlce who meeL Lhe
mlnlmum quallflcaLlon requlremenLs LnLrance Lo a hlgher level
does noL requlre prevlous quallflcaLlon ln Lhe lower level LnLrance
Lo Lhe Lhlrd level shall be prescrlbed by Lhe Career LxecuLlve
Servlce 8oard
(c) WlLhln Lhe same level no clvll servlce examlnaLlon shall be
requlred for promoLlon Lo a hlgher poslLlon ln one or more relaLed
occupaLlonal groups A candldaLe for promoLlon should however
have prevlously passed Lhe examlnaLlon for LhaL level

ArLlcle v CrganlzaLlon and luncLlons

Sec 8 composltloo of tbe clvll 5etvlce commlssloo (a) An
lndependenL Clvll Servlce Commlsslon herelnafLer referred Lo as
Lhe Commlsslon ls hereby esLabllshed composed of a Chalrman and
Lwo Commlssloners who shall be responslble for Lhe effecLlve
dlscharge of Lhe funcLlons of Lhe Commlsslon 1hey shall be
appolnLed by Lhe resldenL for a Lerm of seven years wlLhouL
reappolnLmenL Cf Lhe Commlssloners flrsL appolnLed one shall
hold offlce for seven years anoLher for flve years and Lhe Lhlrd for
Lhree years ltovlJeJ LhaL appolnLmenL Lo any vacancy shall be
only for Lhe unexplred porLlon of Lhe Lerm of Lhe predecessors

(b) 1o be ellglble for appolnLmenL as Chalrman or Commlssloners
a person should be a naLural born clLlzen of Lhe hlllpplnes aL leasL
LhlrLyflve years of age aL Lhe Llme of appolnLmenL a holder of a
college degree and musL noL have been a candldaLe for any elecLlve
poslLlon ln Lhe elecLlon lmmedlaLely precedlng hls appolnLmenL

(c) 1he Chalrman and each Commlssloner shall recelve an annual
compensaLlon of slxLy Lhousand pesos and flfLy Lhousand pesos
whlch shall noL be decreased durlng Lhelr conLlnuance ln offlce
ltovlJeJ 1haL no member of Lhe Commlsslon shall durlng hls
Lenure ln offlce engage ln Lhe pracLlce of any professlon or ln Lhe
managemenL of any buslnesses or be flnanclally lnLeresLed dlrecLly
or lndlrecLly ln any conLracL wlLh or ln any franchlse or prlvllege
granLed by Lhe CovernmenL or any subdlvlslon agency or
lnsLrumenLallLy Lhereof lncludlng governmenLowned or conLrolled

Sec 9 lowets ooJ looctloos of tbe commlssloo 1he Commlsslon
shall admlnlsLer Lhe Clvll Servlce and shall have Lhe followlng
powers and funcLlons
a AdmlnlsLer and enforce Lhe consLlLuLlonal and sLaLuLory
provlslons on Lhe merlL sysLem

b rescrlbe amend and enforce sulLable rules and regulaLlons for
carrylng lnLo effecL Lhe provlslons of Lhls uecree 1hese rules and
regulaLlons shall become effecLlve LhlrLy days afLer publlcaLlon ln
Lhe Cfflclal CazeLLe or ln any newspaper of general clrculaLlon

c romulgaLe pollcles sLandards and guldellnes for Lhe Clvll
Servlce and adopL plans and programs Lo promoLe economlcal
efflclenL and effecLlve personnel admlnlsLraLlon ln Lhe
governmenL and prescrlbe all forms for publlcaLlons
examlnaLlons appolnLmenLs reporLs records and such oLher
forms as may be requlred under Lhls uecree

d Advlse Lhe resldenL on all maLLers lnvolvlng Lhe personnel
managemenL ln Lhe governmenL servlce and asslsL ln Lhe
lmprovemenL of personnel unlLs and programs ln Lhe deparLmenLs
and agencles

e AppolnL lLs personnel and exerclse overall supervlslon and
conLrol over Lhe acLlvlLles of Lhe Commlsslon

f Supervlse and coordlnaLe Lhe conducL of clvll servlce
examlnaLlons belng admlnlsLered by Lhe deparLmenLs concerned as
provlded for under aragraph 3 ArLlcle lll ChapLer ll arL lll of Lhe
lnLegraLed 8eorganlzaLlon lan

g rovlde leadershlp and asslsLance ln formulaLlng admlnlsLerlng
and evaluaLlng programs relaLlve Lo Lhe developmenL and reLenLlon
of a compeLenL and efflclenL work force ln Lhe publlc servlce

h Approve all appolnLmenLs wheLher orlglnal or promoLlonal Lo
poslLlons ln Lhe clvll servlce excepL Lhose presldenLlal appolnLees
members of Lhe Armed lorces of Lhe hlllpplnes pollce forces
flremen and [allguards and dlsapprove Lhose where Lhe
appolnLees do noL possess Lhe approprlaLe ellglblllLy or requlred
quallflcaLlons An appolnLmenL shall Lake effecL lmmedlaLely upon
lssue by Lhe appolnLlng auLhorlLy lf Lhe appolnLee assumes hls
duLles lmmedlaLely and shall remaln effecLlve unLll lL ls dlsapproved
Lhe Commlsslon lf Lhls should Lake place wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe
llablllLy of Lhe appolnLlng auLhorlLy for appolnLmenLs lssued ln
vlolaLlon of exlsLlng laws or rules ltovlJeJ floolly 1haL Lhe
Commlsslon shall keep a record of appolnLmenLs of all offlcers and
employees ln Lhe clvll servlce All appolnLmenLs requlrlng Lhe
approval of Lhe Commlsslon as hereln provlded shall be submlLLed
Lo lL by Lhe appolnLlng auLhorlLy wlLhln LhlrLy days from lssuance
oLherwlse Lhe appolnLmenL becomes lneffecLlve LhlrLy days

l lnspecL and audlL perlodlcally Lhe personnel work programs of
Lhe dlfferenL deparLmenLs bureaus offlces agencles and oLher
lnsLrumenLallLles of Lhe governmenL lncludlng governmenLowned
or conLrolled corporaLlons conducL perlodlc revlew of declslons
and acLlons of offlces or offlclals Lo whom auLhorlLy has been
delegaLed by Lhe Commlsslon as well as Lhe conducL of Lhe offlclals
and employees ln Lhese offlces and apply approprlaLe sancLlons
whenever necessary

[ Pear and declde admlnlsLraLlve dlsclpllnary cases lnsLlLuLed
dlrecLly wlLh ln accordance wlLh SecLlon 37 or broughL Lo lL on

k lssue subpoena duces Lecum or requlre Lhe producLlon of books
and papers perLlnenL Lo lnvesLlgaLlons and lnqulrles Lo be made by
Lhe Commlsslon ln accordance wlLh lLs auLhorlLy conferred by Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon Lhls uecree and oLher laws decrees or leLLers of
lnsLrucLlons lssued by Lhe resldenL summon wlLnesses Lo appear
aL such lnvesLlgaLlon or lnqulrles

l SubmlL Lo Lhe resldenL an annual reporL whlch shall conLaln an
adequaLe evaluaLlon of Lhe progress of Lhe merlL sysLem and Lhe
problems encounLered ln lLs lmplemenLaLlon and

m erform such oLher funcLlons as properly belong Lo a cenLral
personnel agency
Sec 10 uotles ooJ kespooslbllltles of tbe cboltmoo
a Sub[ecL Lo pollcles and resoluLlon adopLed by Lhe Commlsslon
Lhe Chalrman shall

1 ulrecL Lhe operaLlons of Lhe Commlsslon lncludlng Lhose
perLalnlng Lo lLs lnLernal admlnlsLraLlon

2 LsLabllsh sLandard operaLlng procedures for Lhe effecLlve
operaLlons of Lhe Commlsslon

3 1ransmlL Lo Lhe resldenL rules regulaLlons and oLher
guldellnes adopLed by Lhe Commlsslon whlch requlre resldenLlal
aLLenLlon lncludlng annual and oLher perlodlc reporLs as may be

lssue appolnLmenLs Lo and enforce declslon on admlnlsLraLlve
dlsclpllne lnvolvlng offlclals and employees of Lhe Commlsslon

4 uelegaLe auLhorlLy for Lhe performance of any funcLlon Lo
offlclals of Lhe Commlsslon

3 SubmlL Lhe annual and supplemenLal budgeLs of Lhe
Commlsslon and

6 erform such oLher funcLlons as may be provlded by law

b ln hls capaclLy as member of Lhe Career LxecuLlve Servlce 8oard
he shall presenL approprlaLe vlewpolnLs ln Lhe dellberaLlon of Lhe
8oard are properly harmonlzed wlLh Lhe overall pollcles and
programs of personnel managemenL ln Lhe governmenL

c 1here shall be an LxecuLlve ulrecLor ln Lhe Cfflce of Lhe
Chalrman who shall be responslble for Lhe effecLlve
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe pollcles rules and sLandards promulgaLed
by Lhe Commlsslon Lo coordlnaLe and supervlse Lhe acLlvlLles of
Lhe dlfferenL offlces ln Lhe Commlsslon lncludlng Lhose of Lhe
reglonal offlces Lo reporL Lo Lhe Chalrman Lhe operaLlons of such
funcLlons as may be asslgned Lo hlm by Lhe Chalrman
Sec 11 uotles ooJ kespooslbllltles of tbe Otbet Membets of tbe
commlssloo !olnLly wlLh Lhe Chalrman Lhe Lwo Commlssloners
shall be responslble for Lhe effecLlve exerclse of Lhe rulemaklng
and ad[udlcaLlve funcLlons of Lhe Commlsslon ln case of Lhe
absence of Lhe Chalrman owlng Lo Lhe lllness or oLher cause Lhe
senlor member shall Lemporarlly perform Lhe funcLlons of Lhe
Sec 12 Offlces lo tbe commlssloo 1he Commlsslon shall carry
ouL lLs funcLlons Lhrough Lhe followlng Cfflces and Servlce (1)
Cfflce of 8ecrulLmenL LxamlnaLlon and SelecLlon (2) Cfflce of
Career and Lmployee uevelopmenL (3) Cfflce of ersonnel
lannlng and rogram LvaluaLlon (4) Cfflce of ersonnel 8elaLlons
(3) Cfflce of Legal Affalrs and (6) AdmlnlsLraLlve Servlce lL shall
keep and malnLaln such reglonal offlces as Lhe exlgencles of Lhe
servlce so requlre ln accordance wlLh Lhe perLlnenL provlslons of
ChapLer lll arL ll of Lhe lnLegraLed 8eorganlzaLlon lan or as may
be provlded by law
1 1he Cfflce of 8ecrulLmenL LxamlnaLlon and SelecLlon headed
by a ulrecLor shall provlde leadershlp and asslsLance ln developlng
and lmplemenLlng Lhe overall Commlsslon program relaLlng Lo
recrulLmenL examlnaLlon and selecLlons

2 1he Cfflce of Career and Lmployee uevelopmenL headed by a
ulrecLor shall provlde leadershlp and asslsLance Lo llne agencles ln
formulaLlng admlnlsLerlng and evaluaLlng programs relaLlng Lo Lhe
developmenL and reLenLlon of skllled and efflclenL work force ln
Lhe publlc servlce develop pollcles sLandards and procedures on
Lhe esLabllshmenL and admlnlsLraLlon of deparLmenLal and agency
career and personnel developmenL plans shall lnclude provlslons
on merlL promoLlons performance evaluaLlon lnservlce Lralnlng
[ob roLaLlon suggesLlons and lncenLlve awards sysLem lnLegraLe
such plans lnLo a naLlonal plan and monlLor and evaluaLe progress
ln connecLlon LherewlLh

3 1he Cfflce of ersonnel lannlng and rogram LvaluaLlon
Peaded by a dlrecLor shall provlde Lhe Commlsslon wlLh
economlcal efflclenL and effecLlve servlce relaLlng Lo pollcy
developmenL program plannlng research and sLaLlsLlcs budgeLary
and managemenL servlce and shall conducL perlodlc evaluaLlon of
personnel managemenL programs and performance of Lhe dlfferenL
deparLmenLs and agencles of Lhe naLlonal governmenL lncludlng
governmenLowned or conLrolled corporaLlons

4 1he Cfflce of ersonnel 8elaLlons headed by a ulrecLor shall
provlde leadershlp and asslsLance ln developlng employee relaLlons
programs ln Lhe dlfferenL deparLmenLs and agencles lncludlng Lhe
esLabllshmenL of employee organlzaLlons and Lhe coordlnaLlon of
Lhelr acLlvlLles

3 1he Cfflce of Legal Affalrs headed by a ulrecLor shall asslsL Lhe
Commlsslon on all maLLers relaLlng Lo admlnlsLraLlve dlsclpllne and
ln lLs quasl[udlclal and rulemaklng funcLlons and Lhe prosecuLlon
of Lhe vlolaLlon of Clvll Servlce Law and 8ules and laws affecLlng Lhe
Clvll Servlce and such oLher funcLlons as may be asslgned by Lhe

6 1he AdmlnlsLraLlve Servlce headed by a ulrecLor shall provlde
Lhe Commlsslon wlLh economlcal efflclenL and effecLlve servlces
relaLlng Lo personnel records supplles equlpmenL collecLlon
dlsbursemenLs accounLlng and daLa processlng a cusLodlal
Sec 13 keqloool Offlces Lach reglonal offlce of Lhe Commlsslon
shall exerclse Lhe followlng auLhorlLy
a Lnforce Clvll Servlce Law and 8ules ln connecLlon wlLh personnel
acLlons of naLlonal and local governmenL agencles wlLhln Lhe
reglon and conducL of publlc offlcers and employees

b ConducL recrulLmenL and examlnaLlon for governmenLwlde
poslLlon ln Lhe reglon

c rovlde Lechnlcal advlce and asslsLance Lo publlc agencles wlLhln
Lhe reglon regardlng personnel admlnlsLraLlon and

d erform such oLher funcLlons as may be asslgned Lo lL by Lhe
Sec 14 Aotbotlty to keotqoolze ln order Lo carry ouL Lhe powers
and funcLlons seL forLh ln Lhls uecree Lhe Commlsslon ls hereby
auLhorlzed Lo reorganlze Lhe lnLernal sLrucLure of Lhe Commlsslon
sub[ecL Lo Lhe approval of Lhe resldenL ltovlJeJ bowevet 1haL
Lhls auLhorlLy shall noL exLend beyond uecember 31 1976

ArLlcle vl 8esponslblllLles of ubllc Cfflcers and Lmployees

Sec 13 uotles of lobllc Offlcets ubllc offlce ls a publlc LrusL
ubllc offlcers and employees shall serve wlLh Lhe hlghesL degree
of responslblllLy lnLegrlLy loyalLy and efflclency and shall remaln
accounLable Lo Lhe people

ArLlcle vll Clvll Servlce AsslsLance Lo ueparLmenLs and Agencles

Sec 16 Lach head of deparLmenL offlce agency governmenL
owned or conLrolled corporaLlon and local governmenL shall have a
head for personnel admlnlsLraLlon ln hls offlce whlch shall be ln
accordance wlLh Lhe provlslon relaLlng Lo clvll servlce embodled ln
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon Lhls uecree and Lhe rules prlnclples sLandards
guldellnes and regulaLlons esLabllshed by Lhe Commlsslon
Whenever lL deems lL ln Lhe lnLeresL of Lhe publlc servlce Lhe Clvll
Servlce Commlsslon shall organlze ln each deparLmenL offlce
agency governmenLowned or conLrolled corporaLlon and
provlnclal and clLy governmenL a Clvll Servlce SLaff whlch shall be
headed by an offlcer of Lhe Commlsslon 1he necessary sLaff
personnel and offlce faclllLles and equlpmenL shall be provlded by
Lhe deparLmenL governmenLowned or conLrolled corporaLlon or
local governmenL where Lhe sLaff ls esLabllshed buL Lhe
Commlsslon may augmenL Lhese wlLh lLs own 1hls shall serve as
Lhe prlnclpal llalson beLween Lhe clvll servlce and Lhe ueparLmenL
concerned and shall perform Lhe followlng speclflc funcLlons and
Lhose funcLlons whlch may hereafLer be asslgned Lo lL by Lhe
1 rovlde Lechnlcal asslsLance ln all aspecLs of personnel

2 MonlLor and audlL perlodlcally Lhe personnel pracLlces and
performance of Lhe ueparLmenL or agency concerned as well as
Lhose of publlc offlcers and employees LhereaL

3 ueLermlne agency compllance wlLh Clvll Servlce Law and rules

4 ln Lhe performance of Lhese funcLlons Lhe sLaff shall welcome
and recelve from publlc any suggesLlons observaLlons and
complalnLs perLalnlng Lo Lhe conducL of publlc offlcers and
ln Lhe performance of Lhelr funcLlons Lhe unlLs so organlzed shall
avall of Lhe Lechnlcal asslsLance and guldellnes of Lhe Clvll Servlce
Sec 17 cooocll of letsoooel Offlcets 1here ls hereby creaLed a
Councll of ersonnel Cfflcers Lo be composed of Chlef personnel
offlcers of Lhe dlfferenL execuLlve deparLmenLs and agencles wlLh
Lhe caLegory of deparLmenL LhaL Lhe Chalrman of Lhe Commlsslon
shall elecL for membershlp LxcepL for lLs LxecuLlve Cfflcer who
shall be deslgnaLed by Lhe Chalrman from among Lhe approprlaLe
offlclals ln Lhe Clvll Servlce Commlsslon Lhe councll ls auLhorlzed Lo
elecL such oLher offlcer from among lLs members and Lo flx lLs own
rules or procedures concernlng aLLendance aL meeLlngs approval
of pollcy declaraLlon and oLher buslness maLLers rovlslons for
necessary faclllLles and clerlcal asslsLance for Lhe Councll shall be
made ln Lhe annual budgeL of Lhe Commlsslon
1he Councll shall have Lhe followlng funcLlons
a upon requesL of Lhe Pead of ueparLmenL or Lhe Commlsslon Lo
offer advlce ln developlng consLrucLlve pollcles sLandards
procedures and programs as well as on maLLers relaLlng Lo Lhe
lmprovemenL of personnel meLhods and Lo Lhe soluLlon of
personnel problems confronLlng Lhe varlous deparLmenLs and
agencles of Lhe governmenL

b 1o promoLe among Lhe deparLmenLs and agencles Lhrough
sLudy and dlscusslon unlform and conslsLenL lnLerpreLaLlon and
appllcaLlon of personnel pollcles and

c 1o serve as a clearlng house of lnformaLlon and Lo sLlmulaLe Lhe
use of meLhods of personnel managemenL LhaL wlll conLrlbuLe
mosL Lo good governmenL
Sec 18 ospectloo ooJ AoJlt 1he Commlsslon Lhrough lLs
deslgnaLed represenLaLlves shall conducL a perlodlc lnspecLlon and
audlL of Lhe personnel managemenL program of each deparLmenL
agency provlnce or ClLy ln order Lo (a) deLermlne compllance wlLh
Lhls uecree rules and sLandards (b) revlew dlscharge of delegaLed
auLhorlLy (c) make an adequaLe evaluaLlon of Lhe progress made
and problems encounLered ln Lhe conducL of Lhe merlL sysLem ln
Lhe naLlonal and local governmenLs lncludlng governmenLowned
or conLrolled corporaLlons (d) glve advlce and provlde asslsLance ln
developlng consLrucLlve pollcles sLandards and procedures and (e)
sLlmulaLe lmprovemenL ln all areas of personnel managemenL
erlodlc lnspecLlon and audlL wlll lnclude an appralsal of personnel
managemenL operaLlons and acLlvlLles relaLlve Lo (a) formulaLlon
and lssuance of personnel pollcy (b) recrulLmenL and selecLlon of
employees (c) personnel acLlon and employmenL sLaLus (d) career
and employee developmenL (e) performance evaluaLlon sysLem
(f) employee suggesLlons and lncenLlve award (g) employee
relaLlons and servlces (h) dlsclpllne (l) personnel records and
reporLlng and ([) program evaluaLlon

ArLlcle vlll ersonnel ollcles and SLandards

Sec 19 kectoltmeot ooJ 5electloo of mployees (1) CpporLunlLy
for governmenL employmenL shall be open Lo all quallfled clLlzens
and poslLlve efforLs shall be exerLed Lo aLLracL Lhe besL quallfled Lo
enLer Lhe servlce Lmployees shall be selecLed on Lhe basls of
flLness Lo perform Lhe duLles and assume Lhe responslblllLles of Lhe
(2) When a vacancy occurs ln a poslLlon ln Lhe flrsL level of Lhe
Career Servlce as deflned ln SecLlon 7 Lhe employees ln Lhe
deparLmenL who occupy Lhe nexL lower poslLlons ln Lhe
occupaLlonal group under whlch Lhe vacanL poslLlon ls classlfled
and ln oLher funcLlonally relaLed occupaLlonal groups and who are
compeLenL quallfled and wlLh Lhe approprlaLe clvll servlce
ellglblllLy shall be consldered for promoLlon
1 When a vacancy occurs ln a poslLlon ln Lhe second level of Lhe
Career Servlce as deflned ln SecLlon 7 Lhe employees ln Lhe
governmenL servlce who occupy Lhe nexL lower poslLlons ln Lhe
occupaLlonal group under whlch Lhe vacanL poslLlon ls classlfled
and ln oLher funcLlonally relaLed occupaLlonal groups and who are
compeLenL quallfled and wlLh Lhe approprlaLe clvll servlce
ellglblllLy shall be consldered for promoLlon

2 lf Lhe vacancy ls noL fllled by promoLlon as provlded hereln Lhe
same shall be fllled by Lransfer of presenL employees ln Lhe
governmenL servlce by relnsLaLemenL by reemploymenL of
persons separaLed Lhrough reducLlon ln force or by appolnLmenL
of persons wlLh Lhe clvll servlce ellglblllLy approprlaLe Lo Lhe

3 A quallfled nexLlnrank employee shall have Lhe rlghL Lo appeal
lnlLlally Lo Lhe deparLmenL head and flnally Lo Lhe Cfflce of Lhe
resldenL an appolnLmenL made (1) flnally ln favor of anoLher nexL
lnrank employee who ls noL quallfled or (2) ln favor of one who ls
noL nexLlnrank or (3) ln favor of one who ls appolnLed by Lransfer
and noL nexLlnrank or by relnsLaLemenL or by orlglnal
appolnLmenL lf Lhe employee maklng Lhe appeal ls noL saLlsfled
wlLh Lhe wrlLLen speclal reason or reasons glven by Lhe appolnLlng
auLhorlLy for such appolnLmenL ltovlJeJ 1haL flnal appeal shall be
Lo Lhe deparLmenL head concerned lf Lhe appolnLmenL ls lssued Lo
a quallfled nexLlnrank employee 8efore decldlng a conLesLed
appolnLmenL Lhe Cfflce of Lhe resldenL shall consulL Lhe Clvll
Servlce Commlsslon lor purposes of Lhls SecLlon poollfleJ oext
lotook refers Lo an employee appolnLed on a permanenL basls Lo
a poslLlon prevlously deLermlned Lo be nexLlnrank Lo Lhe vacancy
proposed Lo be fllled and who meeLs Lhe requlslLes for
appolnLmenL LhereLo as prevlously deLermlned by Lhe appolnLlng
auLhorlLy and approved by Lhe Commlsslon

4 CuallflcaLlon ln an approprlaLe examlnaLlon shall be requlred for
appolnLmenL Lo poslLlons ln Lhe flrsL and second levels ln Lhe career
servlce ln accordance wlLh Lhe Clvll Servlce rules excepL as
oLherwlse provlded ln Lhls uecree ltovlJeJ 1haL whenever Lhere
ls clvll servlce ellglble acLually avallable for appolnLmenL no person
who ls noL such an ellglble shall be appolnLed even ln a Lemporary
capaclLy Lo any vacanL poslLlon ln Lhe career servlce ln Lhe
governmenL or ln any governmenLowned or conLrolled
corporaLlon excepL when Lhe lmmedlaLe fllllng of Lhe vacancy ls
noL permanenL ln whlch cases Lemporary appolnLmenLs of non
ellglbles may be made ln Lhe absence of ellglbles acLually and
lmmedlaLely avallable

3 1he approprlaLe examlnaLlons hereln referred Lo shall be Lhose
glven by Lhe Commlsslon and Lhe dlfferenL agencles ltovlJeJ
bowevet 1haL noLhlng hereln shall affecL ellglblllLles acqulred prlor
Lo Lhe effecLlvlLy of Lhls Clvll Servlce Law ltovlJeJ fottbet 1haL a
person wlLh a clvll servlce ellglblllLy acqulred by successfully
passlng an examlnaLlon shall be quallfled for a poslLlon requlrlng a
lower ellglblllLy lf he possesses Lhe oLher requlremenLs for
appolnLmenL Lo such poslLlon

6 1hose who acqulre clvll servlce ellglblllLy afLer Lhe passage of Lhe
lnLegraLed 8eorganlzaLlon lan by Lhe vlrLue of havlng passed clvll
servlce examlnaLlons or Lhelr equlvalenLs may avall of sald
ellglblllLles wlLhln a perlod noL exceedlng flve years
Sec 20 Ooollflcotloo 5tooJotJs (1) A quallflcaLlon sLandard
expresses Lhe mlnlmum requlremenLs for a class of poslLlons ln
Lerms of educaLlon Lralnlng and experlence clvll servlce ellglblllLy
physlcal flLness and oLher quallLles requlred for successful
performance 1he degree of quallflcaLlons of an offlcer or
employee shall be deLermlned by Lhe appolnLlng auLhorlLy on Lhe
basls of Lhe quallflcaLlon sLandard for Lhe parLlcular poslLlon
CuallflcaLlon sLandards shall be used as basls for clvll servlce
examlnaLlons for poslLlons ln Lhe career servlce as guldes ln
appolnLmenL and oLher personnel acLlons ln Lhe ad[udlcaLlon of
proLesLed appolnLmenLs ln deLermlnlng Lralnlng needs and as ald
ln Lhe lnspecLlon and audlL o Lhe agencles personnel work
lL shall be admlnlsLered ln such manner as Lo conLlnually provlde
lncenLlves Lo offlcers and employees Lowards professlonal growLh
and fosLer Lhe career sysLem ln Lhe governmenL servlce
(2) 1he esLabllshmenL admlnlsLraLlon and malnLenance of
quallflcaLlon sLandards shall be Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe
deparLmenL or agency wlLh Lhe asslsLance and approval of Lhe Clvll
Servlce Commlsslon and ln consulLaLlon wlLh Lhe Wage and
oslLlon ClasslflcaLlon Cfflce
Sec 21 keleose of xomlootloo kesolts 1he resulLs of any
parLlcular clvll servlce examlnaLlon held ln a number of places on
Lhe same daLe shall be released slmulLaneously
Sec 22 keqlstet of llqlbles 1he names of Lhe compeLlLors who
pass an examlnaLlon shall be enLered ln reglsLer of ellglbles
arranged ln Lhe order of Lhelr general raLlngs and conLalnlng such
lnformaLlon as Lhe Commlsslon may deem necessary
Sec 23 coltotol commooltles ln llne wlLh Lhe naLlonal pollcy Lo
faclllLaLe Lhe lnLegraLlon of members of culLural communlLles and
acceleraLe Lhe developmenL of Lhe areas occupled by Lhem Lhe
Commlsslon shall glve speclal clvll servlce examlnaLlons Lo quallfy
Lhem for appolnLmenL ln Lhe clvll servlce
Sec 24 letsoooel Actloos All appolnLmenLs ln Lhe career servlce
shall be made only accordlng Lo merlL and flLness Lo be
deLermlned as far as pracLlcable by compeLlLlve examlnaLlons A
nonellglble shall noL be appolnLed Lo any poslLlon ln Lhe clvll
servlce whenever Lhere ls clvll servlce ellglble acLually avallable for
and ready Lo accepL appolnLmenL
As used ln Lhls uecree any acLlon denoLlng Lhe movemenL or
progress of personnel ln Lhe clvll servlce shall be known as
personnel acLlon Such acLlon shall lnclude appolnLmenL Lhrough
cerLlflcaLlon promoLlon Lransfer relnsLaLemenL reemploymenL
deLall reasslgnmenL demoLlon and separaLlon All personnel
acLlons shall be ln accordance wlLh such rules sLandards and
regulaLlons as may be promulgaLed by Lhe Commlsslon
a Appolotmeot tbtooqb cettlflcotloo And appolnLmenL Lhrough
cerLlflcaLlon Lo a poslLlon ln Lhe clvll servlce excepL as hereln
oLherwlse provlded shall be lssued Lo a person who has been
selecLed from a llsL of quallfled persons cerLlfled by Lhe
Commlsslon from an approprlaLe reglsLer of ellglbles and who
meeLs all Lhe oLher requlremenLs of Lhe poslLlon
All such persons musL serve a probaLlonary perlod of slx monLhs
followlng Lhelr orlglnal appolnLmenL and shall undergo a Lhorough
characLer lnvesLlgaLlon ln order Lo acqulre permanenL clvll servlce
sLaLus A probaLloner may be dropped from servlce sLaLus A
probaLloner may be dropped from Lhe servlce for unsaLlsfacLory
conducL or wanL of capaclLy any Llme before Lhe explraLlon of Lhe
probaLlonary perlod ltovlJeJ 1haL such acLlon as appealable Lo
Lhe Commlsslon

b ltomotloo A promoLlon ls a movemenL from one poslLlon Lo
anoLher wlLh an lncrease ln duLles and responslblllLles as
auLhorlzed by law and usually accompanled by an lncrease ln pay
1he movemenL may be from one deparLmenL or agency Lo anoLher
or from one organlzaLlonal unlL Lo anoLher ln Lhe same deparLmenL
or agency

c 1toosfet A Lransfer ls a movemenL from one poslLlon Lo
anoLher whlch ls of equlvalenL rank level or salary wlLhouL break
ln servlce lnvolvlng Lhe lssuance of an appolnLmenL

lL shall noL be consldered dlsclpllnary when made ln Lhe lnLeresL of
publlc servlce ln whlch case Lhe employee concerned shall be
lnformed of Lhe reasons Lherefor lf Lhe employee belleves LhaL
Lhere ls no [usLlflcaLlon for Lhe Lransfer he may appeal hls case Lo
Lhe Commlsslon

1he Lransfer may be from one deparLmenL or agency Lo anoLher or
from one organlzaLlonal unlL Lo anoLher ln Lhe same deparLmenL or
agency ltovlJeJ bowevet 1haL any movemenL from Lhe non
career servlce Lo Lhe career servlce shall noL be consldered a
d kelostotemeot Any person who has been permanenLly
appolnLed Lo a poslLlon ln Lhe career servlce and who has Lhrough
no dellnquency or mlsconducL been separaLed Lherefrom may be
relnsLaLed Lo a poslLlon ln Lhe same level for whlch he ls quallfled

e keemploymeot names of persons who have been appolnLed
permanenLly Lo poslLlons ln Lhe career servlce and who have been
separaLed as a resulL of reducLlon ln force and/or reorganlzaLlon
shall be enLered ln a llsL from whlch selecLlon for reemploymenL
shall be made

f uetoll A deLall ls Lhe movemenL of an employee from one
agency Lo anoLher wlLhouL Lhe lssuance of an appolnLmenL and
shall be allowed only for a llmlLed perlod ln Lhe case of employees
occupylng professlonal Lechnlcal and sclenLlflc poslLlons lf Lhe
employee belleves LhaL Lhere ls no [usLlflcaLlon for Lhe deLall he
may appeal hls case Lo Lhe Commlsslon endlng appeal Lhe
declslon Lo deLall Lhe employee shall be execuLory unless oLherwlse
ordered by Lhe Commlsslon

g keosslqomeot An employee may be reasslgned from one
organlzaLlonal unlL Lo anoLher ln Lhe same agency rovlded LhaL
such reasslgnmenL shall noL lnvolve a reducLlon ln rank sLaLus or
Sec 23 mploymeot 5totos AppolnLmenL ln Lhe career servlce
shall be permanenL or Lemporary
a letmooeot stotos A permanenL appolnLmenL shall be lssued Lo
a person who meeLs all Lhe requlremenLs for Lhe poslLlons Lo whlch
he ls belng appolnLed lncludlng Lhe approprlaLe ellglblllLy
prescrlbed ln accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of law rules and
sLandards promulgaLed ln pursuance Lhereof

b 1empototy oppolotmeot ln Lhe absence of approprlaLe
ellglbles and lL becomes necessary ln Lhe publlc lnLeresL Lo flll a
vacancy a Lemporary appolnLmenL shall be lssued Lo a person who
meeLs all Lhe requlremenLs for Lhe poslLlon Lo whlch he ls belng
appolnLed excepL Lhe approprlaLe clvll servlce ellglblllLy ltovlJeJ
1haL such Lemporary appolnLmenL shall noL exceed Lwelve monLhs
buL Lhe appolnLee may be replaced sooner lf a quallfled clvll servlce
ellglble becomes avallable
Sec 26 5oloty octeose ot AJjostmeot Ad[usLmenLs ln salarles as
a resulL of lncrease ln pay levels or upgradlng of poslLlons whlch do
noL lnvolve a change ln quallflcaLlon requlremenLs shall noL requlre
a new appolnLmenLs excepL LhaL coples of Lhe salary ad[usLmenL
noLlces shall be submlLLed Lo Lhe Commlsslon for record purposes
Sec 27 keJoctloo lo lotce Whenever lL becomes necessary
because of lack of work or funds or due Lo a change ln Lhe scope or
naLure of an agencys program or as a resulL of reorganlzaLlon Lo
reduce Lhe sLaff of any deparLmenL or agency Lhose ln Lhe same
group or class of poslLlons ln or more agencles wlLhln Lhe parLlcular
deparLmenL or agency whereln Lhe reducLlon ls Lo be effecLed shall
be reasonably compared ln Lerms of relaLlve flLness efflclency and
lengLh of servlce and Lhose found Lo be aL leasL quallfled for Lhe
remalnlng poslLlons shall be lald off
Sec 28 coteet ooJ letsoooel uevelopmeot 1he developmenL
and reLenLlon of a compeLenL and efflclenL work force ln Lhe publlc
servlce ls a prlmary concern of governmenL lL shall be Lhe pollcy of
Lhe governmenL LhaL a conLlnulng program of career and personnel
developmenL be esLabllshed for all governmenL employees aL all
levels An lnLegraLed naLlonal plan for career and personnel
developmenL shall serve as Lhe basls for all career and personnel
developmenL acLlvlLles ln Lhe governmenL
Sec 29 coteet ooJ letsoooel uevelopmeot lloos Lach
deparLmenL or agency shall prepare a career and personnel
developmenL plan whlch shall be lnLegraLed lnLo a naLlonal plan by
Lhe Commlsslon Such career and personnel developmenL plans
whlch shall lnclude provlslons on merlL promoLlons performance
evaluaLlon lnservlce Lralnlng granLs [ob roLaLlon suggesLlons and
lncenLlve award sysLems and such oLher provlslons for employees
healLh welfare counsellng recreaLlon and slmllar servlces
Sec 30 Metlt ltomotloo lloos Lach deparLmenL or agency shall
esLabllsh merlL promoLlon plans whlch shall be admlnlsLered ln
accordance wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhls uecree and Lhe rules
regulaLlons and sLandards Lo be promulgaLed by Lhe Commlsslon
Such plans shall lnclude provlslons for a deflnlLe screenlng process
whlch may lnclude LesLs of flLness ln accordance wlLh sLandards
and guldellnes seL by Lhe Commlsslon romoLlon 8oards may be
organlzed sub[ecL Lo crlLerla drawn by Lhe Commlsslon
Sec 31 letfotmooce volootloo 5ystem 1here shall be
esLabllshed a performance evaluaLlon sysLem whlch shall be
admlnlsLered ln accordance wlLh rules regulaLlons and sLandards
promulgaLed by Lhe Commlsslon for all offlcers and employees ln
Lhe career servlce Such performance evaluaLlon sysLem shall be
admlnlsLered ln such manner s Lo conLlnually fosLer Lhe
lmprovemenL of lndlvldual employee efflclency and organlzaLlonal
Lach deparLmenL or agency may afLer consulLaLlon wlLh Lhe
Commlsslon esLabllsh and use one or more performance
evaluaLlon plans approprlaLe Lo Lhe varlous groups of poslLlons ln
Lhe deparLmenL or agency concerned no performance evaluaLlon
shall be glven or used as a basls for personnel acLlon excepL under
an approved performance evaluaLlon plan ltovlJeJ 1haL each
employee shall be lnformed perlodlcally by hls supervlsor of hls
performance evaluaLlon
Sec 32 kespooslblllty fot 1tololoq 1he Commlsslon shall be
responslble for Lhe coordlnaLlon and lnLegraLlon of a conLlnulng
program of personnel developmenL for all governmenL personnel
ln Lhe flrsL and second levels
CenLral sLaff agencles and speclallzed lnsLlLuLes shall conducL
conLlnulng cenLrallzed Lralnlng for sLaff speclallsLs from Lhe
dlfferenL agencles Powever ln Lhose cases where Lhere ls
sufflclenL number of parLlclpanLs Lo warranL Lralnlng aL deparLmenL
or agency or local governmenL level such cenLral sLaff agencles and
speclallzed lnsLlLuLe shall render Lhe necessary asslsLance
consulLaLlve servlces
1o avold dupllcaLlon of efforL and overlapplng of Lralnlng funcLlons
Lhe followlng funcLlonal responslblllLles are asslgned
a ubllc and prlvaLe colleges and unlverslLles and slmllar
lnsLlLuLlons shall be encouraged Lo organlze and carry ouL
conLlnulng programs of execuLlve developmenL

b 1he Commlsslon Lhe Commlsslon on AudlL Lhe 8udgeL
Commlsslon Lhe Ceneral Servlces AdmlnlsLraLlon and oLher
cenLral sLaff agencles shall conducL cenLrallzed Lralnlng and asslsL ln
Lhe Lralnlng program of Lhe ueparLmenLs or agencles along Lhelr
respecLlve funcLlonal areas of speclallzaLlon

c ln coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe Commlsslon Lhe ueparLmenL of Local
CovernmenL and CommunlLy uevelopmenL shall underLake local
governmenL Lralnlng programs

d ln coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe Commlsslon each deparLmenL or
agency provlnce or clLy shall esLabllsh malnLaln and promoLe a
sysLemaLlc plan of acLlon for personnel Lralnlng aL all levels ln
accordance wlLh sLandards lald down by Lhe Commlsslon lL shall
malnLaln approprlaLe Lralnlng sLaffs and make full use of avallable
Lralnlng faclllLles
Whenever lL deems lL necessary Lhe Commlsslon shall Lake Lhe
lnlLlaLlve ln underLaklng programs for personnel developmenL
Sec 33 mployee 5oqqestloos ooJ oceotlve AwotJ 5ystem 1here
shall be esLabllshed a governmenLwlde employee suggesLlons and
lncenLlve awards sysLem whlch shall be admlnlsLered under such
rules regulaLlons and sLandards as may be promulgaLed by Lhe
ln accordance wlLh rules regulaLlons and sLandards promulgaLed
by Lhe Commlsslon Lhe resldenL or Lhe head of each deparLmenL
or agency ls auLhorlzed Lo lncur whaLever necessary expenses
lnvolved ln Lhe honorary recognlLlon of subordlnaLe offlcers and
employees of Lhe governmenL who by Lhelr suggesLlons
lnvenLlons superlor accompllshmenL and oLher personal efforLs
conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe efflclency economy or oLher lmprovemenL of
governmenL operaLlons or who perform such oLher exLraordlnary
acLs or servlces ln Lhe publlc lnLeresL ln connecLlon wlLh or ln
relaLlon Lo Lhelr offlclals employmenL
Sec 34 letsoooel kelotloos (a) lL shall be Lhe concern of Lhe
Commlsslon Lo provlde leadershlp and asslsLance ln developlng
employee relaLlons programs ln Lhe deparLmenLs or agencles

(b) Lvery head of deparLmenL or agency shall Lake all proper sLeps
Loward Lhe creaLlon of an aLmosphere conduclve Lo good
supervlsoremployee relaLlons and Lhe lmprovemenL of employee

Sec 33 complolots ooJ Ctlevooces Lmployees shall have Lhe
rlghL Lo presenL Lhelr complalnLs or grlevances Lo managemenL and
have Lhem ad[udlcaLed s expedlLlously as posslble ln Lhe besL
lnLeresL of Lhe agency Lhe governmenL as a whole and Lhe
employee concerned Such complalnL or grlevances shall be
resolved aL Lhe lowesL posslble level ln Lhe deparLmenL or agency
as Lhe case may be and Lhe employee shall have Lhe rlghL Lo
appeal such declslon Lo hlgher auLhorlLles
Lach deparLmenL or agency shall promulgaLe rules and regulaLlon
governlng expedlLlous falr and equlLable ad[usLmenL wlLh Lhe
pollcles enunclaLed by Lhe Commlsslon

ArLlcle lx ulsclpllne

Sec 36 ulsclplloe Ceoetol ltovlsloos (a) no offlcer or employee
ln Lhe Clvll Servlce shall be suspended or dlsmlssed excepL for
cause as provlded by law and afLer due process
a 1he followlng shall be grounds for dlsclpllnary acLlon
1 ulshonesLy
2 Cppresslon
3 neglecL of uuLy
4 MlsconducL
3 ulsgraceful and lmmoral conducL
6 8elng noLorlously undeslrable
7 ulscourLesy ln Lhe course of offlclal duLles
8 lnefflclency and lncompeLence ln Lhe performance of offlclal
9 8ecelvlng for personal use of a fee glfL or oLher valuable Lhlng ln
Lhe course of offlclal duLles or ln connecLlon LherewlLh when such
fee glfL or oLher valuable Lhlng ls glven by any person ln Lhe hope
or expecLaLlon of recelvlng a favor or beLLer LreaLmenL Lhan LhaL
accorded oLher persons or commlLLlng acLs punlshable under Lhe
anLlgrafL laws
10 ConvlcLlon of a crlme lnvolvlng moral LurplLude
11 lmproper or unauLhorlzed sollclLaLlon of conLrlbuLlons from
subordlnaLe employees and by Leachers or school offlclals from
school chlldren
12 vlolaLlon of exlsLlng Clvll Servlce Law and rules or reasonable
offlce regulaLlons
13 lalslflcaLlon of offlclal documenL
14 lrequenL unauLhorlzed absences or Lardlness ln reporLlng for
duLy loaflng or frequenL unauLhorlzed absences from duLy durlng
regular offlce hours
13 PablLual drunkenness
16 Cambllng prohlblLed by law
17 8efusal Lo perform offlclal duLy or render overLlme servlce
18 ulsgraceful lmmoral or dlshonesL conducL prlor Lo enLerlng Lhe
19 hyslcal or menLal lncapaclLy or dlsablllLy due Lo lmmoral or
vlclous hablLs
20 8orrowlng money by superlor offlcers from subordlnaLes or
lendlng by subordlnaLes Lo superlor offlcers
21 Lendlng money aL usurlous raLes of lnLeresL
22 Wlllful fallure Lo pay [usL debLs or wlllful fallure Lo pay Laxes
due Lo Lhe governmenL
23 ConLracLlng loans of money or oLher properLy from persons
wlLh whom Lhe offlce of Lhe employee concerned has buslness
24 ursulL of prlvaLe buslness vocaLlon or professlon wlLhouL Lhe
permlsslon requlred by Clvll Servlce rules and regulaLlons
23 lnsubordlnaLlon
26 Lngaglng dlrecLly or lndlrecLly ln parLlsan pollLlcal acLlvlLles by
one holdlng nonpollLlcal offlce
27 ConducL pre[udlclal Lo Lhe besL lnLeresL of Lhe servlce
28 Lobbylng for personal lnLeresL or galn ln leglslaLlve halls and
offlces wlLhouL auLhorlLy
29 romoLlng Lhe sale of LlckeLs ln behalf of prlvaLe enLerprlses
LhaL are noL lnLended for charlLable or publlc welfare purposes and
even ln Lhe laLLer cases lf Lhere ls no prlor auLhorlLy
30 nepoLlsm as deflned ln SecLlon 49 of Lhls uecree

b LxcepL when lnlLlaLed by Lhe dlsclpllnlng auLhorlLy no complalnL
agalnsL a clvll servlce offlclal or employee shall be glven due course
unless Lhe same ls ln wrlLlng and subscrlbed and sworn Lo by Lhe

c ln meLlng ouL punlshmenL Lhe same penalLles shall be lmposed
for slmllar offenses and only one penalLy shall be lmposed ln each
case 1he dlsclpllnlng auLhorlLy may lmpose Lhe penalLy of removal
from Lhe servlce Lransfer demoLlon ln rank suspenslon for noL
more Lhan one year wlLhouL pay flne ln an amounL noL exceedlng
slx monLhs salary or reprlmand
Sec 37 ulsclpllooty IotlsJlctloo (a) 1he Commlsslon shall declde
upon appeal all admlnlsLraLlve cases lnvolvlng Lhe lmposlLlon of a
penalLy of suspenslon for more Lhan LhlrLy days or flne ln an
amounL exceedlng LhlrLy days salary demoLlon ln rank or salary or
Lransfer removal or dlsmlssal from offlce A complalnL may be flled
dlrecLly wlLh Lhe Commlsslon by a prlvaLe clLlzen agalnsL a
governmenL offlclal or employee ln whlch case lL may hear and
declde Lhe case or lL may depuLlze any deparLmenL or agency or
offlclal or group of offlclals Lo conducL Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon 1he resulLs
of Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon shall be submlLLed Lo Lhe Commlsslon wlLh
recommendaLlon as Lo Lhe penalLy Lo be lmposed or oLher acLlon
Lo be Laken

(b) 1he heads of deparLmenLs agencles and lnsLrumenLallLles
provlnces clLles and munlclpallLles shall have [urlsdlcLlon Lo
lnvesLlgaLe and declde maLLers lnvolvlng dlsclpllnary acLlon agalnsL
offlcers and employees under Lhelr [urlsdlcLlon 1helr declslons
shall be flnal ln case Lhe penalLy lmposed ls suspenslon for noL
more Lhan LhlrLy days or flne ln an amounL noL exceedlng LhlrLy
days salary ln case Lhe declslon rendered by a bureau or offlce
head ls appealable Lo Lhe Commlsslon Lhe same may be lnlLlally
appealed Lo Lhe deparLmenL and flnally Lo Lhe Commlsslon and
pendlng appeal Lhe same shall be execuLory excepL when Lhe
penalLy ls removal ln whlch case Lhe same shall be execuLory only
afLer conflrmaLlon by Lhe deparLmenL head

(c) An lnvesLlgaLlon may be enLrusLed Lo reglonal dlrecLor or
slmllar offlclals who shall make Lhe necessary reporL and
recommendaLlon Lo Lhe chlef of bureau or offlce or deparLmenL
wlLhln Lhe perlod speclfled ln aragraph d of Lhe followlng SecLlon

(d) An appeal shall noL sLop Lhe declslon from belng execuLory and
ln case Lhe penalLy ls suspenslon or removal Lhe respondenL shall
be consldered as havlng been under prevenLlve suspenslon durlng
Lhe pendency of Lhe appeal ln Lhe evenL he wlns an appeal

Sec 38 ltoceJote lo AJmlolsttotlve coses Aqolost NoolteslJeotlol
Appolotees (a) AdmlnlsLraLlve proceedlngs may be commenced
agalnsL a subordlnaLe offlcer or employee by Lhe head of
deparLmenL or offlce of equlvalenL rank or head of local
governmenL or chlefs of agencles or reglonal dlrecLors or upon
sworn wrlLLen complalnL of any oLher persons

(b) ln Lhe case of a complalnL flled by any oLher persons Lhe
complalnL shall submlL sworn sLaLemenLs coverlng hls LesLlmony
and Lhose of hls wlLnesses LogeLher wlLh hls documenLary
evldence lf on Lhe basls of such papers a prlma facle case ls found
noL Lo exlsL Lhe dlsclpllnlng auLhorlLy shall dlsmlss Lhe case lf a
prlma facle case exlsLs he shall noLlfy Lhe respondenL ln wrlLlng of
Lhe charges agalnsL Lhe laLLer Lo whlch shall be aLLached coples of
Lhe complalnL sworn sLaLemenLs and oLher documenLs submlLLed
and Lhe respondenL shall be allowed noL less Lhan sevenLyLwo
hours afLer recelpL of Lhe complalnL Lo answer Lhe charges ln
wrlLlng under oaLh LogeLher wlLh supporLlng sworn sLaLemenLs
and documenLs ln whlch he shall lndlcaLe wheLher or noL he elecLs
a formal lnvesLlgaLlon lf hls answer ls noL consldered saLlsfacLory lf
Lhe answer ls found saLlsfacLory Lhe dlsclpllnlng auLhorlLy shall
dlsmlss Lhe case

(c) AlLhough a respondenL does noL requesL a formal lnvesLlgaLlon
one shall neverLheless be conducLed when from Lhe allegaLlons of
Lhe complalnL and Lhe answer of Lhe respondenL lncludlng Lhe
supporLlng documenLs Lhe merlLs of Lhe case cannoL be declded
[udlclously wlLhouL conducLlng such an lnvesLlgaLlon

(d) 1he lnvesLlgaLlon shall be held noL earller Lhan flve days nor
laLer Lhan Len days from Lhe daLe of recelpL of respondenLs answer
by Lhe dlsclpllnlng auLhorlLy and shall be flnlshed wlLhln LhlrLy days
from Lhe flllng of Lhe charges unless Lhe perlod ls exLended by Lhe
Commlsslon ln merlLorlous cases 1he declslon shall be rendered by
Lhe dlsclpllnlng auLhorlLy wlLhln LhlrLy days from Lhe LermlnaLlon of
Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon or submlsslon of Lhe reporL of Lhe lnvesLlgaLor
whlch reporL shall be submlLLed wlLhln flfLeen days from Lhe
concluslon of Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon

(e) 1he dlrecL evldence for Lhe complalnanL and Lhe respondenL
shall conslsL of Lhe sworn sLaLemenL and documenLs submlLLed ln
supporL of Lhe complalnL or answer as Lhe case may be wlLhouL
pre[udlce Lo Lhe presenLaLlon of addlLlonal evldence deemed
necessary buL was unavallable aL Lhe Llme of Lhe flllng of Lhe
complalnL or answer upon whlch Lhe crossexamlnaLlon by
respondenL and Lhe complalnanL respecLlvely shall be based
lollowlng crossexamlnaLlon Lhere may be redlrecL and recross

(f) LlLher parLy may avall hlmself of Lhe servlces of counsel and
may requlre Lhe aLLendance of wlLnesses and Lhe producLlon of
documenLary evldence ln hls favor Lhrough Lhe compulsory process
of sobpoeoo ot sobpoeoo Joces tecom

(g) 1he lnvesLlgaLlon shall be conducLed only for Lhe purpose of
ascerLalnlng Lhe LruLh and wlLhouL necessarlly adherlng Lo Lechnlcal
rules appllcable ln [udlclal proceedlngs lL shall be conducLed by Lhe
dlsclpllnlng auLhorlLy concerned or hls auLhorlzed represenLaLlve
1he phrase ooy otbet potty shall be undersLood Lo be a
complalnanL oLher Lhan Lhose referred Lo ln subsecLlon (a) hereof
Sec 39 Appeols (a) Appeals where allowable shall be made by
Lhe parLy adversely affecLed by Lhe declslon wlLhln flfLeen days
from recelpL of Lhe declslon unless a peLlLlon shall be declded
wlLhln flfLeen days noLlce of Lhe appeal shall be flled wlLh Lhe
dlsclpllnlng offlce whlch shall forward Lhe records of Lhe case
LogeLher wlLh Lhe noLlce of appeal wlLh lLs commenL lf any 1he
noLlce of appeal shall speclflcally sLaLe Lhe daLe of Lhe declslon
appealed from and Lhe daLe of recelpL Lhereof lL shall also
speclflcally seL forLh clearly Lhe grounds relled upon for excepLlng
from Lhe declslon

(b) A peLlLlon for reconslderaLlon shall be based only on any of Lhe
followlng grounds (1) new evldence has been dlscovered whlch
maLerlally affecLs Lhe declslon rendered (2) Lhe declslon ls noL
supporLed by Lhe evldence on record or (3) errors of law or
lrregularlLles have been commlLLed pre[udlclal Lo Lhe lnLeresL of Lhe
respondenL ltovlJeJ 1haL only one peLlLlon for reconslderaLlon
shall be enLerLalned

Sec 40 5ommoty ltoceeJloqs no formal lnvesLlgaLlon ls
necessary and Lhe respondenL may be lmmedlaLely removed or
dlsmlssed lf any of Lhe followlng clrcumsLances ls presenL
a When Lhe charge ls serlous and Lhe evldence of gullL ls sLrong

b When Lhe respondenL ls a recldlvlsL or has been repeaLedly
charged and Lhere ls reasonable ground Lo belleve LhaL he ls gullLy
of Lhe presenL charge

c When Lhe respondenL ls noLorlously undeslrable
8esorL Lo summary proceedlngs by dlsclpllnlng auLhorlLy shall be
done wlLh uLmosL ob[ecLlvlLy and lmparLlallLy Lo Lhe end LhaL no
ln[usLlce ls commlLLed ltovlJeJ 1haL removal or dlsmlssal excepL
Lhose by Lhe resldenL hlmself or upon hls order may be
appealed Lo Lhe Commlsslon
Sec 41 lteveotlve 5ospeosloo 1he proper dlsclpllnlng auLhorlLy
may prevenLlvely suspend any subordlnaLe offlcer or employee
under hls auLhorlLy pendlng an lnvesLlgaLlon lf Lhe charge agalnsL
such offlcer or employee lnvolves dlshonesLy oppresslon or grave
mlsconducL or neglecL ln Lhe performance of duLy or lf Lhere are
reasons Lo belleve LhaL Lhe respondenL ls gullLy of charges whlch
would warranL hls removal from Lhe servlce
Sec 42 llftloq of lteveotlve 5ospeosloo leoJloq AJmlolsttotlve
ovestlqotloo When Lhe admlnlsLraLlve case agalnsL Lhe offlcer or
employee under prevenLlve suspenslon ls noL flnally declded by Lhe
dlsclpllnlng auLhorlLy wlLhln Lhe perlod of nlneLy (90) days afLer Lhe
daLe of suspenslon of Lhe respondenL who ls noL a presldenLlal
appolnLee Lhe respondenL shall be auLomaLlcally relnsLaLed ln Lhe
servlce ltovlJeJ 1haL when Lhe delay ln Lhe dlsposlLlon of Lhe
case ls due Lo Lhe faulL negllgence or peLlLlon of Lhe respondenL
Lhe perlod of delay shall noL be counLed ln compuLlng Lhe perlod of
suspenslon hereln provlded
Sec 43 kemovol of AJmlolsttotlve leooltles ot ulsobllltles ln
merlLorlous cases and upon recommendaLlon of Lhe Commlsslon
Lhe resldenL may commuLe or remove admlnlsLraLlve penalLles or
dlsablllLles lmposed upon offlcers or employees ln dlsclpllnary
cases sub[ecL Lo such Lerms and condlLlons as he may lmpose ln
Lhe lnLeresL of Lhe servlce

ArLlcle x LlmlLaLlon on AppolnLmenL

SecLlon 44 llmltotloo oo Appolotmeot (1) no elecLlve offlclal
shall be ellglble for appolnLmenL Lo any offlce or poslLlon durlng hls
Lerm of offlce
(2) no candldaLe who losL ln an elecLlon shall be ellglble for
appolnLmenL Lo any offlce ln Lhe governmenL or ln any
governmenLowned or conLrolled corporaLlon wlLhln one year
followlng such elecLlon
Sec 43 lolltlcol Actlvlty no offlcer or employee ln Lhe Clvll
Servlce lncludlng members of Armed lorces shall engage dlrecLly
or lndlrecLly ln any parLlsan pollLlcal acLlvlLy or Lake parL ln any
elecLlon excepL Lo voLe nor shall he use hls offlclal auLhorlLy or
lnfluence Lo coerce Lhe pollLlcal acLlvlLy of any oLher person or
body noLhlng hereln provlded shall be undersLood Lo prevenL any
offlcer or employee from expresslng hls vlews on currenL pollLlcal
problems or lssues or from menLlonlng Lhe names of candldaLes
for publlc offlce whom he supporLs ltovlJeJ LhaL publlc offlcers
and employees holdlng pollLlcal offlces may Lake parL ln pollLlcal
and elecLoral acLlvlLles buL lL shall be unlawful for Lhem Lo sollclL
conLrlbuLlons from Lhelr subordlnaLes or sub[ecL Lhem Lo any of Lhe
acLs lnvolvlng subordlnaLes or sub[ecL Lhem Lo any of Lhe acLs
lnvolvlng subordlnaLes prohlblLed ln Lhe LlecLlon Code
Sec 46 AJJltloool ot uooble compeosotloo no elecLlve or
appolnLlve publlc offlcer or employee shall recelve addlLlonal or
double compensaLlon unless speclflcally auLhorlzed by law nor
accepL wlLhouL Lhe consenL of Lhe resldenL any presenL
emolumenL offlce or LlLle of any klnd from any forelgn sLaLe
Sec 47 llmltotloo oo mploymeot of lobotets Laborers wheLher
skllled semlskllled or unskllled shall noL be asslgned Lo perform
clerlcal duLles
Sec 48 ltoblbltloo oo uetoll ot keosslqomeot no deLall or
reasslgnmenL whaLever shall be made wlLhln Lhree (3) monLhs
before any elecLlon
Sec 49 Nepotlsm (a) All appolnLmenLs ln Lhe naLlonal provlnclal
clLy and munlclpal governmenLs or ln any branch or lnsLrumenLallLy
Lhereof lncludlng governmenLowned or conLrolled corporaLlons
made ln favor of a relaLlve of Lhe appolnLlng or recommendlng
auLhorlLy or of Lhe chlef of Lhe bureau or offlce or of Lhe persons
exerclslng lmmedlaLe supervlslon over hlm are hereby prohlblLed
As used ln Lhls SecLlon Lhe word telotlve and members of Lhe
famlly referred Lo are Lhose relaLed wlLhln Lhe Lhlrd degree elLher
of consangulnlLy or of afflnlLy

(b) 1he followlng are exempLed from Lhe operaLlon of Lhe rules on
nepoLlsm (1) persons employed ln a confldenLlal capaclLy (2)
Leachers (3) physlclans and (4) members of Lhe Armed lorces of
Lhe hlllpplnes ltovlJeJ bowevet 1haL ln each parLlcular lnsLance
full reporL of such appolnLmenL shall be made Lo Lhe Commlsslon

1he resLrlcLlon menLloned ls subsecLlon (a) shall noL be appllcable
Lo Lhe case of a member of any famlly who afLer hls or her
appolnLmenL Lo any poslLlon ln an offlce or bureau ln whlch evenL
Lhe employmenL or reLenLlon Lhereln of boLh husband and wlfe
may be allowed

(c) ln order Lo glve lmmedlaLe effecL Lo Lhese provlslons cases of
prevlous appolnLmenLs whlch are ln conLravenLlon hereof shall be
correcLed by Lransfer and pendlng such Lransfer no promoLlon or
salary lncrease shall be allowed ln favor of Lhe relaLlve or relaLlves
who were appolnLed ln vlolaLlon of Lhese provlslons

ArLlcle xl Lxamlnlng CommlLLee Speclal Lxamlners and Speclal
Sec 30 xomloloq commlttee 5peclol xomloets ooJ 5peclol
ovestlqotots Sub[ecL Lo approval by Lhe proper head of
deparLmenL or agency Lhe Commlsslon may selecL sulLable persons
ln Lhe governmenL servlce Lo acL as members of examlnlng
commlLLees speclal examlners or speclal lnvesLlgaLors Such person
shall be deslgnaLed examlners or lnvesLlgaLors of Lhe Commlsslon
shall perform such duLles as Lhe Commlsslon may requlre and ln
Lhe performance of such duLles Lhey shall be under lLs excluslve
conLrol Lxamlnlng commlLLees speclal examlners or speclal
lnvesLlgaLors so deslgnaLed may be glven allowances or per dlems
for Lhelr servlces Lo be pald ouL of Lhe funds of and aL a raLe Lo be
deLermlned by Lhe Commlsslon
Sec 31 lees 1he Commlsslon shall collecL and charge fees for
clvll servlce examlnaLlons cerLlflcaLlons of clvll servlce raLlngs
servlce records and oLher clvll servlce maLLers Lralnlng courses
semlnars workshops ln personnel managemenL and oLher clvll
servlce maLLers
lor Lhls purpose Lhe Commlsslon shall prescrlbed sLandard and
reasonable raLes for such examlnaLlons cerLlflcaLlons Lralnlng
courses semlnars and workshops ltovlJeJ 1haL Lhe fees so
collecLed ln Lralnlng courses semlnars and workshops shall be
used excluslvely for Lralnlng acLlvlLles of Lhe Commlsslon ltovlJeJ
fottbet 1haL no examlnaLlon fees shall be collecLed ln
examlnaLlons glven for Lhe selecLlon of scholars
Sec 32 Aotbotlty of Offlcets to AJmlolstet Ootbs 1oke 1estlmooy
ltosecote ooJ uefeoJ coses lo coott Members of Lhe
Commlsslon chlefs of offlces and oLher offlcers and employees of
Lhe Commlsslon deslgnaLed ln wrlLlng by Lhe Chalrman may
admlnlsLer such oaLh as may be necessary ln Lhe LransacLlons of
offlclal buslness and admlnlsLer oaLhs and Lake LesLlmony ln
connecLlon wlLh any auLhorlzed lnvesLlgaLlon ALLorneys of Lhe
Commlsslon may prosecuLe and defend cases ln connecLlon wlLh
Lhe funcLlons of Lhe Commlsslon before any courL or Lrlbunal
Sec 33 lloblllty of Appolotloq Aotbotlty no person employed ln
Lhe Clvll Servlce ln vlolaLlon of Lhe Clvll Servlce Law and rules shall
be enLlLled Lo recelve pay from Lhe governmenL buL Lhe appolnLlng
auLhorlLy responslble for such unlawful employmenL shall be
personally llable for Lhe pay LhaL would have accrued had Lhe
employmenL been lawful and Lhe dlsburslng offlclals shall make
paymenL Lo Lhe employee of such amounL from salary of Lhe
offlcers so llable
Sec 34 lloblllty of ulsbotsloq Offlcets LxcepL as may oLherwlse
be provlded by law lL shall be unlawful for a Lreasurer or oLher
flscal offlcer Lo draw or reLaln from Lhe salary due an offlcer or
employee any amounL for conLrlbuLlon or paymenL of obllgaLlons
oLher Lhan Lhose due Lhe governmenL or lLs lnsLrumenLallLles
Sec 33 leool ltovlsloos Whoever makes any appolnLmenL or
employs any person ln vlolaLlon of any provlslon of Lhls uecree or
Lhe rules made Lhereunder or whoever commlLs fraud decelL or
lnLenLlonal mlsrepresenLaLlon of maLerlal facLs concernlng oLher
clvll servlce maLLers or whoever vlolaLes refuses or neglecLs Lo
comply wlLh any of such provlslons or rules shall upon convlcLlon
be punlshed by a flne noL exceedlng one Lhousand pesos or by
lmprlsonmenL noL exceedlng slx (6) monLhs or boLh such flne and
lmprlsonmenL ln Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe courL

ArLlcle xll CovernmenLowned or ConLrolled CorporaLlons

Sec 36 CovetomeotowoeJ ot coottolleJ cotpototloos letsoooel
All permanenL personnel of governmenLowned or conLrolled
corporaLlons whose poslLlons are now embraced ln Lhe clvll servlce
shall conLlnue ln Lhe servlce unLll Lhey have been glven a chance Lo
quallfy ln an approprlaLe examlnaLlon buL ln Lhe meanLlme Lhose
who do noL posses Lhe approprlaLe clvll servlce ellglblllLy shall noL
be promoLed unLll Lhey quallfy ln an approprlaLe clvll servlce
examlnaLlon Servlces of Lemporary personnel may be LermlnaLed
any Llme
Sec 37 Aotbotlty to use Apptoptlotloos 1he Commlsslon ls
hereby auLhorlzed Lo use such sums approprlaLe d ln resldenLlal
uecree no 733 and balances of exlsLlng cerLlflcaLlons Lo accounLs
payable lncludlng prlor years whlch have noL yeL been reverLed Lo
Lhe unapproprlaLed surplus as are necessary Lo carry ouL Lhe
provlslons of Lhls uecree PenceforLh approprlaLlons Lo cover Lhe
salarles of offlclals and employees of Lhe Clvll Servlce Commlsslon
and lLs malnLenance and operaLlonal expenses shall be lncluded ln
Lhe annual Ceneral ApproprlaLlons uecree
Sec 38 IesteJ klqbts LxcepL as oLherwlse provlded ln Lhls
uecree rlghLs vesLed or acqulred under Lhe provlslons of Lhe old
Clvll Servlce Law rules and regulaLlons and any oLher AcLs prlor Lo
Lhe effecLlvlLy of Lhls uecree shall be respecLed
Sec 39 kepeolloq cloose All laws rules and regulaLlons or parLs
Lhereof lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhls uecree are hereby
repealed or modlfled accordlngly
Sec 60 5epotoblllty of ltovlsloos lf any parL secLlon or provlslon
of Lhls uecree shall be held lnvalld or unconsLlLuLlonal no oLher
parL secLlon or provlslon Lhereof shall be affecLed Lhereby
Sec 61 ffectlvlty 1hls uecree shall form parL of Lhe law of Lhe
land and shall Lake effecL lmmedlaLely
uone ln Lhe ClLy of Manlla Lhls 6Lh day of CcLober ln Lhe year of
Cur Lord nlneLeen hundred and sevenLyflve

1PL CPAn 8C8LLS vl81uAL LAW Ll88A8? CulCk CLAnCL
hlllpplnes | Worldwlde |

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