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25 Simple Ways to Motivate Yourself

by Henrik Edberg. Print Feeling less than motivated all too often? I do. Well, perhaps not too often. But sometimes I just feel really lazy and unmotivated. Want some practical solutions to that universal motivation-problem? Here are 25 of them. Try a handful. Let me know which ones work well for you. Im sure youll find at least one or two that do just that among these suggestions. 1. Make a deal with yourself. Good for overcoming procrastination and getting things done. You can make the deal small or large. You simple tell yourself something like: When Im done with this chapter/these reports I can take a walk in the park and enjoy an ice-cream. 2. Act like it. If you dont feel motivated or enthusiastic then act like it. The strange thing is that within a few minutes you actually start to feel motivated or enthusiastic for real. 3. Ask uplifting questions in the morning. Heres what you do; every morning ask yourself five empowering three-part questions this way: What am I ______ about in my life right now? What about it makes me _______? How does it make me feel? Put in your own value in the blank space. For instance, a couple of my questions are: What am I happy about in my life right now? What am I excited about in my life right now? Its important that you really feel how it makes you feel. When I think about the last part about what makes me happy right now I really feel it. These morning questions are great because the way they are set up makes you recognize things you take for granted and then they really get you to feel those positive feelings. 4. Move the goalposts. Set a large and specific goal. This will motivate you much more than small goals. A big goal has a big effect and can create a lot of motivation. 5. Do something small and create a flow. Just clean your desk. Or pay your bills. Or wash the dishes. You just need to get started. When you have finished that small task youll feel more alert

and ready to go do the next thing. You just to get started to get motivated. So if you really dont feel like doing anything, start with something small and work your way out up. 6. Do the toughest task first. This will ease a lot of your day-to-day worries and boost your selfconfidence for the rest of the day. Read more about doing the hardest task bright and early right here. 7. Start slow. Instead of jumping into something at full speed start slow. When you do that your mind will not visualize the task as something hard that you have to do fast, fast, fast. If your mind sees such things guess what often happens? Yep, you dont get started. Actually getting started, even if its at a slow pace, is a whole lot better than not getting started at all. 8. Compare yourself with yourself. Not with others. Comparing what you have and your results to what other people have and have accomplished can really kill your motivation. There are always people ahead of you. Most likely quite a bit of people. And a few of them are miles ahead. So focus on you. On your results. And how you can and have improved them. Reviewing your results is important so you see where you have gone wrong in the past to avoid similar missteps further on. But its also important because its a great motivator to see how much you have improved and how far you have come. Often you can be pleasantly surprised when you do such a review. 9. Remember your successes. And let them flow through your mind instead of your failures. Write down your successes. Consider using a journal of some kind since its easy to forget your successes. 10. Act like your heroes. Read about them, watch them, listen to them. Discover what they did that was special and what made them tick. But remember that they are people just like us. So let them inspire you instead of looking up at them admiringly. 11. Remember to have fun. Or create fun in a task. Then youll stay motivated to do and finish it. 12. Get out of your comfort zone. Face your challenges to get a real boost of motivation. If you are holding yourself back have a look at 5 Life-Changing Keys to Overcoming Your Fear and the methods in this article. They can help you get started and take that first scary step outside your comfort zone. 13. Dont fear failure. Instead redefine it as feedback and as a natural part of a successful life. As Michael Jordan said: Ive missed more than 9000 shots in my career. Ive lost almost 300 games. 26 times, Ive been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. Ive failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.

Also, try to find the valuable lesson(s) in each of your failures. Ask yourself: What can I learn from this? 14. Do some research on what you are about to do. Then your expectations will be more grounded in reality and you can also get good hints on what difficulties that you might run into along the way. Managing your expectations can lower the often almost explosive initial enthusiasm. But it can also lessen the lack of motivation that usually follows when most of that enthusiasm has dissipated. When you know what has happened to others in similar situations what path they have walked you can adapt and try their solutions (and personal variations of those) and your own. This makes the worries and challenges easier to handle. Both emotionally since you know at least some of the things that will happen and that others have lived through it before and practically. 15. Figure out why youre doing something. If you dont know or dont have good enough reason to do something then it will be hard to get it done. Do things that you have really strong reasons to do. If you want to do something then figure out a good reason to do it. If you cant find one consider dropping it and doing something that you have a good reason to do instead. 16. Write down your goals and reasons for working towards them. Tape them on your wall, computer or bathroom mirror. Then youll be reminded throughout the day and it becomes easier to stay on track and stay focused. 17. Take The Positivity Challenge! Learn to think more positively most of the time. Learn to let to go of negative threads of thought before they have a chance to take hold of you. You might not be able to be positive all the time no matter what happens. But I think most of us can improve on our positive thinking and the results it can lead us to. Perhaps more than you realize right now. 18. Cut down on TV. Do you watch it too much? Watch less of what they are doing in TV-land and do more of what you want to do in life. 19. Break it down. Break down your task or project into small steps. And just start with focusing on that first small step. When you are done move on to the next and just focus on that one. The small successes will keep your motivation up and keeping your focus away from the big picture stops you from becoming overwhelmed and discouraged. Its amazing how much you can get done if you follow this simple method. 20. Reprogram your information intake. Program out negative and cynical thoughts from the media and society. Reduce your information intake. Then program in positive news and entertainment, more of your own thoughts and useful information such as personal growth tapes and books. Be selective and keep it positive. 21. Make use of your creativity. Take out a piece of paper. Write at the top of the page what area in your life you would like to have more ideas about. Perhaps you want ideas to earn more money or become a healthier person. Then brainstorm until you have written down 20 ideas on

that topic. Then try for 10 more. Not all ideas will be good. But some will. And as you make use of your creativity you not only discover useful ideas. You also discover just how creative you can be if you try and how motivating and great that feels. Have a look at 8 Ways to Spark Your Creativity for more ideas on this topic.

22. Find out what makes you happy. Then do that. As much as you want or can. 23. Listen while youre on the move. Build your own small library of motivational/personal development tapes. Listen to them while you are driving, riding the bus or your bike, while you are out running or walking. Take a peek at my recommended personal development products if you are looking for a good place to start. 24. Think outside your box. Dont imagine the future from the box of what you have now. Just because your mind is in box of previous experiences doesnt mean thats the limits of the world. Your possibilities are much larger. Create the future from the now and from nothing rather than your past to experience bigger changes with fewer limitations than you would if you created it from what you can see from your box. 25. Make each day count. We dont have all the time in the world. So focus on today and do the things you really want to do.

5 ways to motivate yourself to study a boring subject and/or complete a project

August 6th, 2009 by Jane

How do I get motivated to study? is one question I am constantly asked by students. Having just completed my honours thesis (which turned out to be the hardest, most stressful and rewarding project I have ever done) I am happy to say that there are many ways to motivate yourself, but it may involve some pain, frustration and overcoming mental barriers to begin with (at least this was the case for me!). Unfortunately, there are no quick and easy solutions to have you feeling totally inspired and energised about studying a subject or completing a project that may not be all that inspiring/interesting at times. Here are some of the things you can do to motivate yourself to get on with the work and study that needs doing. 1. Make every thought serve you and move you forward During the initial phase of my honours project I spent a lot of time in my head but it wasnt time well spent. I would worry constantly about whether Id be able to pull this project off, whether Id get the response rate I needed, how Id start writing it, etc. In hindsight, this was a complete waste of time. It was only towards the end of my project that I started to be more effective with my thinking. I heard Dr Sharon Melnick state that we have 60,000 conscious thoughts a day. Now for those of you who just thought Whats a conscious

thought? thats exactly what a conscious thought is, you just had one! Dr Sharon Melnick states that each of these thoughts are going to either be bringing you closer towards achieving your goals or further away from your goals. After hearing this I decided to carefully watch what I was telling myself. I replaced thoughts such as I cant do this and My writing sucks with Im making progress and Im doing the best I can and my writing will evolve and get better. This is a work in progress!. 2. Visualise yourself taking action Studies have found that visualisation makes a difference to professional athletes performance, so why dont we as students practice doing it as well? Practice visualising yourself taking the actions that need to be taken (e.g. see yourself typing up your work on your laptop, organising your files and being able to access articles/materials with ease). This simple strategy helps you to stay focus on what needs to be done. As Jesse Jackson said If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it.

3. Small actions add up My mum recently said to me Jane, every action is a cause which has an effect! If you put in the action, youll get the results!. What great advice mum! Often we can get bogged down and feel overwhelmed/stressed by the enormity of the things we need to do (e.g. writing an 11,000 word thesis). I had to regularly remind myself that even if I wrote only one sentence each day, eventually all those sentences were going to add up to my 11,000 word limit. But I was really committed to finishing my thesis on time and doing a good job, so in February I set myself a goal to write 500 words a day. This meant that if I stuck to my goal then my draft thesis would be written in 22 days. I said to myself It doesnt matter how bad the writing is, just type up 500 words. This was a very empowering activity as it forced me to be in action. I read somewhere recently that worry disappears in the face of action. So next time you start worrying about an assignment or exams, force yourself to do something, however small it might be. 4. Get some comrades and spend time with them Theres something really comforting and energising about spending time with others who are going through or have gone through the same painful experience as you.

I found that it made a huge difference to be able to talk to other students who were doing their honours projects or had completed an honours project in previous years. A lot of these people gave me motivating pieces of advice such as Youre going to feel so good once you finish this project! We know its tough but just stick at it! as well as practical advice/tips (e.g. Make sure you dont leave your referencing until the last minute!) I was told by one of my lecturers about this idea of getting together with other honours students and having regular writing sessions each week (where you would all sit around at a table and write for an hour or so). Whilst I never did this for my honours project, I have done this in previous years with friends when preparing for really difficult exams. Getting together with others can turn boring, stressful tasks into a fun, playful ones. 5. Remind yourself that this wont go on forever I see a lot of students that are really overwhelmed and want to throw in the towel at this point in the year in regards to their studies. If youre a student, remind yourself that this wont go on forever, that everything changes and all you need to do is just keep taking action.

How to become motivated to study? I. The motivational power of having a goal!

One of the most effective motivational technique students can apply is to set themselves some well thought out goals and objectives. These aims could be either short-term goals (e.g. about an upcoming exam) or long-term goals (e.g. about your achievements you want to reach during your education on university). Objectives and aims are one of the best sources of motivation, as they will keep you focused and enable you to do whatever it takes to accomplish your goals. Furthermore, cleverly chosen objectives will inspire you to greater heights, allowing you to reach your true potential. A very positive side-effect of an excellent goal is that it will drastically increase your perseverance. Important tips for goal setting:

#1 Write your goals down #2 Avoid vagueness, negations and necessities #3 Split complex goals into main targets and sub-goals #4 State how you intent to achieve your goal #5 Visualize how you accomplish your objective and what it feels like #6 Gratification, once the goal is reached

For more details and an in-depth explanation on the above named aspects of the best goal setting strategies, visit How to set goals effectively?
II. Gratification: Reward yourself!

Personally, I dont consider the act of rewarding oneself once a goal is accomplished as a motivation technique for students per se, but the effect such a gratification can have on your motivation to study is stupendous, leaving me no choice than to include the fantastic aspect of gratification into this article. If you feel the urge to become motivated to study, set yourself a goal (as discussed in I. The motivational power of having a goal) and determine an appropriate reward once the objective is accomplished. Its really that simple, but so effective. By rewarding yourself, whenever a goal is achieved, your brain elicits positive emotions, leading to the realization of your brain that an effort results in a positive reward. Furthermore, you will consciously or subconsciously recognize that a high effort will result in an all the more positive gratification in accord with the formula {high effort + accomplishment of the objective = gratification}. Basically, you will begin to associate upcoming challenges and necessary efforts to reach a goal as another chance to get rewarded (= positive emotions), hence increasing your motivation to study drastically and allowing you to maintain this motivation on a high level, until the objective is accomplished. Also, your willingness to make an expenditure (e.g. studying) in order to accomplish the objective (e.g. an excellent grade) will raise, when having a reward in mind that you desire for long. Please keep in mind that this method can only stir your motivation to study as long as you apply the simple rule: {demanding objective = glorious reward} and {simple goal = small reward}. Also, its crucial that you DO NOT reward yourself if you failed and were not able to reach the

objective as determined. Furthermore, the reward should be received once the goal is reached, not any time prior to this. Important tips when rewarding yourself to become motivated to study:

#1 Set a goal & determine appropriate reward for its accomplishment #2 Associate the efforts you take with the positive reward #3 Ambitious challenges require outstanding rewards #4 Basic objectives should only be rewarded slightly #5 Do not allow yourself to receive a reward if you failed #6 Reward yourself subsequently when having achieved the goal

III. Just do it & start studying

I know, whenever you feel a lack of motivation to get started with studying, there are a dozen other activities that sound by far more interesting that studying. No matter if it is watching TV, an episode of your favorite sitcom, that new movie that has hit cinemas, listening to music or hanging out with your friends. The simple trick to overcome this dilemma is to just start studying, no matter what. Boost yourself to get started with studying, no matter if you are feeling tired or if the teaching material isnt interesting at all. It doesnt matter where you go, as long as you get going. Why am I recommending to just do it, whenever you lack motivation for studying? Simply because it will allow you to free your mind from all kinds of negative thoughts about you being lazy or lacking motivation. Basically, instead of wasting important time worrying about being unenthusiastic and lazy (in short: playing the victim) you take action. You will notice that once youre getting started just for a couple of minutes, time will fly by and you will get used to your tasks. Once you got in the habit of studying, it will feel just natural to remain on your task for a longer period of time. Important tips to just get started with studying:

#1 Force yourself to do 15-20 minutes of studying for now #2 Dont agonize yourself over picturing all the alternatives of studying #3 Try not to procrastinate. #4 The more you focus on your task, the faster youre finished #5 Imagine the negative consequences of prolonging studying #6 If youre tired, get up and jump on the spot, take a shower or the like #7 Prevent distractions (TV, internet, email, telephone, smartphone)

IV. One step at a time avoid prolonging

Lets face it, one of the main reasons we students are not very enthusiastic about studying is the fact that we have prolonged the start of the necessary study work for too long. As a result, we fail to grasp the subsequent teaching and learning contents, forcing us to become a self-tutor that has to teach himself everything he missed. In the end, thats the more time-consumptive method of

studying, as a result of prolonging studying. The alternative is to constantly keep up with your tasks in college or university on a daily basis. This by all means doesnt suggest that you will have to study for hours each day, from the beginning to the end. Instead it means that you keep going one step at a time, allowing you to grasp subsequent contents and to stay ahead with your tasks. If it takes you 10 minutes each day to organize and revise the contents you learned of the present day, thats fine! That way, you will understand whats being discussed, thereby avoiding the accumulation of gaps in knowledge. At the beginning of your term, write down the specific goals you aim to accomplish (as discussed in I. The motivational power of having a goal). Consider this to be your letter of motivation for the upcoming semester. Whenever you feel a lack of motivation, or disinterest in studying, grab this letter and reassure yourself of the higher purpose on why you are studying. Realize that you are having a once in a lifetime opportunity; you are young, entitled to study and are going to apply for colleges, universities or a job, so you might as well make the best of it, work and study hard and give the best you can to get accepted at the destination of your choice. Otherwise, you might regret it at a later point in time.
V. Music there is no easier way to get motivated

Music is a wonderful way to stir your motivation, as it elicits positive emotions. If chosen wisely, a song can get you motivated to study, cause a spirit of optimism and evoke epic feelings of being able to do anything. When compared with all the other techniques to get motivated to study, listening to music is by far the simplest way to become excited of studying. As a rule of thumb, you shouldnt opt for ballads, chill-out or lounge music. Instead, choose songs that you find motivating and inspiring, songs that immediately energize your whole body and make you smile broad from ear to ear. So, grab your headphones, turn on your stereo equipment and listen to some fantastic songs, for instance Jorge Quintero 300 violin orchestra: I really hope you like the song and if it stirred motivation then its even the better! In general, you can listen to any kind of music, as long as it energizes you, makes you happy and increases your motivation to get going. In the following, Ive prepared a short list of suggestions for music that could help you to get motivated to study. Suggestions of very motivational songs:

#1 Steve Jablonsky Arrival to Earth (Transformers Soundtrack) #2 Daft Punk The Game has Changed (Tron: Legacy Soundtrack) #3 Hans Zimmer Time (Inception Soundtrack) #4 Paul Engemann Push it to the Limit #5 Nas ft. P. Diddy Hate me now #6 Queen We Will Rock You #7 Phil Collins In the Air Tonight #8 ACDC Thunderstruck #9 Blur Song 2

Hopefully, Ive covered a broad range of tastes in music, for further suggestions see The Best and Inspiring Orchestral Movie Soundtracks and the Most Motivational Songs.

VI. How bad you you want to succeed?

The foundation of all motivation not only the motivation to study will make or break with one question, How bad do you want to succeed?. If you want something badly enough and you really want it to happen, you are going to be motivated to the hilt. Its as simple as that; you know it and I know it. The question is, do you really thoroughly want to succeed in your graduation or study? And if not, why is that? Get to the bottom of this question and find out what you can do to make you want to succeed in school, college or university. Focus on the higher purpose of your education, i.e. getting enrolled in your favorite college/university, earning an door-opening degree or being recruited by that top employer youve dreamed of. If you want to succeed in life badly enough, some lack of motivation to study will not be a difficult obstacle to overcome, will it? Important tips to increase your desire to succeed:

#1 Find out the reason you are studying! #2 What is your driving desire to succeed in school, college or univ.? #3 Where do you want to be after finishing school?

VII. A positive approach!

Your attitudes and mindsets about university/college can have a huge impact on your motivation! Having a mindset like: University is a place where I face daily anxieties and get mentally tortured by all my professors. is not helpful and will not help you to get motivated. But if you have a positive attitude towards your studies (e.g. you see university/college as a chance to gain important knowledge, improve yourself and getting ready to make career) you will be able to boost your motivation, only by having a positive attitude. A positive approach of yourself, your fellow students and professors will help you to keep your academic motivation on a constantly high level.
VIII. Negative feelings can kill your motivation!

You will be confronted during your studies every once in a while with negative emotions such as anger, anxiety and disappointment. These emotions can decrease your motivation drastically, which means you will begin to lack in drive with negative results for your studies. My tip for you is to not waste your precious time and energy on negative feelings/emotions and attitudes towards professors, fellow students or situations you neither can change nor control. A lot of professors can be a real pain with their egoism, pressure to perform or their lack in social skills. However you are not able to change them, so anger would be an unnecessary reaction towards their behavior. Pack their negative behavior back with excellent marks. Anything else is contra productive (for you!). The pay back attitude is also an interesting method for someone when trying to how to get motivated to study when facing negative emotions.

IX. True interest!

Another very effective motivation technique that helps you to get motivated to study is interest in the subject. True interest! If you are able to develop a true interest in what you are studying it will help you to become very motivated! If you know the difference between a task you dislike and an assignment you enjoy you know what I mean! Important tips to become truly interestd in studying:

#1 Get curious about the subject #2 Read interesting books, magazines or articles on the topic #3 Team up with others that are interested in the subject

X. Beat procrastination and distraction!

Procrastination or any kinds of distractions can have negative influences on your ability to get motivated to study in general. Therefore it is important that you create yourself an own studying-space where you do not distracted by any means. Only by sitting in a room where you cannot get procrastinated or distracted will help you to get started with your studies. Cut out any kind of distraction (TV, radio, mobile phone, internet, telephone, etc.) that could interrupt you while studying. The above mentioned motivation techniques will help you to know how to get motivated to study! Dear Friend:

Are you worried about the amount of studying you have to do for your exams? Do you find yourself confused by the amount of information you have to take in? Are you constantly worried about passing your exams? Are you looking for the best ACCA Tips?

I was too. Allow me to introduce myself My name is Soul Patel and Ive been studying accountancy and finance for over 15 years now. I remember when I was at school and being taught accounting for the first time and just not being able to understand it at all! Why?

It Was Almost Impossible to Learn!

I then went to university, did my masters and even joined an investment bank and still had no clue how to study for accountancy exams. I even went on expensive courses at university and at work but it didnt help.

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Trust me, you dont want to stay in that position! There was so much information to take in and not enough time. And it was almost impossible to balance work and studying and having a social life too. I honestly felt like there was no way to do everything I needed to do and cope with all the pressure. But

Heres The Good News I Found a Solution!

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Why Bother Learning Techniques, it the Technical Knowledge Thats Important Right?
You may be wondering how learning about techniques to effectively prepare for your exams is going to help you? Some might even say its a waste of time and you should just spend that time revising the technical aspects of your exams. But they would be wrong! Heres why: If you could double the amount of information you can take in and remember from your studying, or learn the same material but in half the time, wouldnt it be worth spending some time and effort to learn those? Youd be crazy not to! Even if using the techniques meant you needed to study 30% less, or 20% less or even 10% less wouldnt that still be worth it? Or another way to think about it is instead of slaving away and failing, you are more likely to pass with the same amount of work! A win-win for you either way. Wouldnt you want to know something that could help you? Its like youre a sports car with the wrong gasoline and oil running through you you could just set off to race now but why would you?

Get Yourself Set For Success in Your ACCA Exams

Im going to teach you what other teachers dont want you to know (so they can keep the high marks for their students) or what they simply dont know. These will be the best ACCA tips you can pick up trust me on that one! And once youre done youll know more than most of the other students and teachers out there about passing ACCA exams. Its been a crazy ride for me, Ive learned so much and come up against many challenges And now I want to pass my knowledge on to you

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Other ACCA students agree:

I am a part qualified accountant, but due to a brain tumor I have been unable to study or work for the last couple of years. I have recently started to study again (P2) and to begin with I found it quite daunting due to my memory not being what it used to. I study almost every day and repeat, repeat and repeat everything until it was nice to read that you used that method too, it gave me more confidence knowing that other students dont remember things straight away too. It has made me feel more confident in my studying approach. Thank you and Kind Regards, Marie Jones ACCA Student I must admit I am guilty of some of the bad attitudes you mentioned. Right now I am going through a very challenging situation in my life, I felt as though you were speaking directly to me. I must say thank you. Excellent work. Sharon Wilson ACCA Student Click Here To Get Started Now

There is a small flaw however

There is a small problem with the system its not for everyone. You see I can give the AIDE System to two different students and one will succeed and pass quickly and easily, and the other

wont. I was worried about this for a long time until I realised it was nothing to do with the AIDE system, but the student themselves. I could have given that student one to one coaching and they still would not have passed, because they werent really committed. It didnt matter how many ACCA exam tips I gave them. So I say to you now, only get the AIDE System if you are 100% committed to passing your ACCA exams and creating a better life for yourself and your family. If you are, the system, combined with your ambition, will do amazing things for you. (If youre not then I wish you the best of luck, youll need it.) For those of you truly committed to making a difference through your exams

Heres What Youre Going to Learn

A is for Attitude

Why a Positive Attitude Doesnt Work How to Use Specific Mental Strategies to Help You Prepare Help You Focus On Why You Are Doing The Exams How to Remove Negative Self-Talk (talking in your head) How to Use Specific Mental Strategies to Help You Prepare How to Motivate Yourself to Study Why You Choose To Work Hard How To Get Yourself to Work Harder How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety I is for Intelligent Learning

How to Use Your Psychology to Your Advantage The Emotions You Will Go Through, Why You Sometimes Feel Low and What to Do About it How To Ask the Right Questions How to be Effective with Your Time Management How You Wasted Time at School/University and How to Avoid Doing That Now How to Use Techniques from Strategy Consultants to Learn Effectively How to Use Mindmaps to Help with Learning and Remembering The Three Steps to Effective Learning How to Keep Yourself in Top Condition For Your Exams D is for Developing Abilities

Why You Feel Really Bad Whilst Studying And What To Do About It Why You Sometimes Feel Stuck When Studying, And How To Get Out of That How to Increase the Amount of Time You Can Study In One Sitting Tools and Techniques: How To Accelerate Your Learning How to Use Mindmaps Effectively How to Learn Faster in Class

How to Use Mnemonics How to Use a Log of Lessons Learned Understanding Question Requirements When You Should Cheat To Pass Your Exams E is for Exam Execution

How To Prepare Effectively What To Do The Night Before the Exam What To Do Just Before the Exam How To Cope With Whatever Happens In The Exam Room How To Do Questions Quickly The 2 Secrets to Passing Exams How to Approach Multiple Choice/Objective Test Questions How to Ensure You Please the Marker How to Cope if You Get Stuck What to Do Straight After the Exam Managing Yourself and Your Emotions After the Exam

And Theres More! Think About The End Results For You

Get more studying done in less time (I managed in half the time see if you can do better!) Pass each exam first time Learn how to manage your time Save time from not having to re-sit exams Save money from not having to pay for additional exams Stand Out From the Crowd versus other students who didnt pass as well Qualify faster get that payrise sooner! More respect and recognition

If that wasnt enough Im going to do something extra special for you

You Also Get Two Bonus Reports

The Top 10 Student Mistakes & How to Make Sure You Dont Make Them! Ultimate Self-Study Guide to Studying From Home & Passing Your Exams

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What Could Not Knowing The AIDE System Cost You?

Not knowing the AIDE System could have some serious consequences. In the current economic climate if you are lucky enough to have a job you could lose your job if you fail exams no joke, I know people its happened to. That could lose you hundreds or thousands. And ultimately failing exams means you have to spend time studying again for the next set of exams thats lost time that you can never get back.

I mean, look at the failure rate for ACCA exams:

That shows that for the Professional Level Papers failure rates are between 42% and 72%! Thats up to 72% of students failing a paper! Which side of that percentage do you want to be on?

Theres No Reason to Hesitate

So if youre tired of being worried about the amount of studying you have to do for your ACCA exams, tired of being confused by the amount of information you have to take in, and tired of constantly worrying about passing your ACCA exams then take action. I went from not being able to balance my working and studying, being stressed about my financial position and the cost of exams, not being able to study at home properly, being tired all day long and at weekends too to a place where I was able to effectively prepare and pass SIX year of exams in half the time,

The AIDE System gives you a COMPLETE step by step approach to preparing and studying for your exams effectively, through videos, advanced learning techniques, written reports and audio recordings. You wont need any more ACCA tips ever! Give yourself the gift of getting more studying done in less time, passing each exam first time, saving time and money from not having to re-sit exams and standing out from the crowd. Imagine the proud day when you get your ACCA qualification and know it was down to your hard work and skill, and intelligence to find the best learning tools possible.

This Could Cost You Thousands

Now for this information I could charge thousands really. Imagine the cost of failing all the money to pay for re-sits, the future money you miss out on by not getting your qualification sooner, the extra teaching costs! And most of all, the extra time in your life you will NEVER get back thats a LOT! Ive been advised to sell the AIDE System at the same price as online ACCA courses, the last time I checked Kaplan were charging between 1,100 and 1,250 for JUST ONE EXAM COURSE! It was be perfectly justifiable for me to charge that much but Im not going to. And Ill tell you why

I Want To Help You Pass Pass 1st Time

So heres the price:

297 for the WHOLE course.

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Grab your copy of the AIDE System Course right now. Take a full 30 days to implement everything in the system. Get some real improvements and see for yourself how easy (and simple) it is when you follow my plan and implement the training.

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(Order online safely and securely. All orders processed and secured by Paypal Youre 100% protected from unauthorized payments with 24/7 monitoring to prevent fraud. Click the button above, fill in your details, and instantly download the AIDE System.) I truly look forward to teaching you everything Ive learned over the years And to giving you the simplest possible system and all you need for passing your exams faster and first time too! Learn the best system to get you through your exams now I wish you the best of luck! Yours Sincerely Soul Patel P.S. If you really want to learn the best ACCA Tips, from someone who has been there and done it, then dont waste time. Invest in yourself today and prepare for an amazing ride! P.P.S. This product used to cost less, but due to high demand I put the price up. I cant guarantee that the current price will stay the same P.P.P.S. More and more ACCA students are learning about the AIDE system and using it to get an advantage over all their rivals Im not making that up its a fact. So I do urge you to take advantage of this offer because you will get left behind otherwise. thanx a million times for this valuable information Owen Sibuku ACCA Student Hi Soul, I must say it was a beautiful piece, thanx so much. Very much appreciated Hayford ACCA Student It was magnificent. It had valuable hints, I loved it. Thanks man Abdirahman Daud ACCA Student Click Here To Get Started Now

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