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CONTIN, (rar) contiine, s.f. 1. (Fil.) Sentiment, intuiie pe care fiina uman o are despre propria existen; p. ext.

cunoatere intuitiv sau reflexiv pe care o are fiecare despre propria existen i despre lucrurile din jurul su. 2. Faptul de a-i da seama; nelegere. Contiin social = ansamblu de reprezentri, idei, concepii, cunotine, mentaliti ale unei colectiviti umane, care reflect condiiile de existen ale acesteia, precum i psihologia social a oamenilor. Contiin de clas = parte a contiinei sociale care reflect existena social a unei clase determinate. 3. (n opoziie cu existena, materia) Gndire, spirit. 4. Sentiment al responsabilitii morale fa de propria sa conduit. Caz (sau proces) de contiin = dificultatea de a hotr ntr-o problem moral greu de rezolvat. Mustrare de contiin = remucare, regret. Expr. A fi cu contiina mpcat sau a nu avea nimic pe contiin = a fi convins c nu a svrit nimic mpotriva legilor moralei sau a legilor statului. A fi fr contiin = a fi lipsit de scrupule. Cu mna pe contiin = cu toat sinceritatea. 5. (n sintagma) Libertate de contiin = dreptul recunoscut cetenilor de a avea orice concepie religioas, filozofic etc. [Pr.: -ti-in-] Din fr. conscience, lat. conscientia (dup ti). CONTIN// ~e f. 1) Form de reflectare psihic a realitii, proprie oamenilor, produs al activitii creierului uman. 2) Capacitate de nelegere; sim de rspundere; cuget. ~ moral capacitate de autocontrol i de autoapreciere din punct de vedere moral a aciunilor svrite. Mustrare de ~ prere de ru; remucare. A fi fr ~ a nu avea scrupule. 3): Libertate de ~ dreptul de a se bucura de o deplin libertate n ceea ce privete convingerile religioase, filozofice etc. [G.-D. contiinei; Sil. -ti-in-] /<fr. conscience, lat. Conscientia

CONTIN s.f. 1. Forma cea mai nalt, proprie omului, de reflectare a realitii obiective, produs al materiei superior organizate -creierul uman- i al vieii sociale. Ansamblu de procese psihice variate, complexe, cuprinznd senzaii, percepii, reprezentri, noiuni, judeci, raionamente, inclusiv procese afective i voliionale. 2. Faptul de a-i da seama; nelegere. Contiin social = viaa spiritual a societii ca reflectare a vieii ei materiale; contiin de clas = faptul de a fi contient de apartenena la o anumit clas, de a nelege interesele acestei clase, rolul ei istoric. 3. Sentiment pe care omul l are asupra moralitii aciunilor sale. Proces de contiin = lupt sufleteasc generat de momente i de situaii de via deosebite, cruciale.; mustrare de contiin = remucare. 4. Libertate de contiin = dreptul recunoscut cetenilor de a avea orice concepie religioas, filozofic etc. [Pron. -ti-in-. / < fr. conscience, cf. lat. conscientia, dup tiin]. CONTIN s. f. 1. forma cea mai evoluat, proprie omului, de reflectare psihic a realitii obiective prin intermediul senzaiilor, percepiilor i gndirii, sub form de reprezentri, noiuni, judeci, raionamente, inclusiv procese afective i voliionale. gndire, spirit. 2. faptul de a-i da seama; nelegere. o ~ social = ansamblul concepiilor etc. unei societi ca reflectare a vieii ei materiale; ~ de clas = faptul de a fi contient de apartenena la o anumit clas, de a nelege interesele acestei clase, rolul ei istoric. 3. sentiment pe care omul l are asupra moralitii aciunilor sale. o proces de ~ = lupt sufleteasc generat de momente i de situaii de via deosebite, cruciale; mustrare de ~ = remucare. 4. libertate de ~ = dreptul recunoscut cetenilor de a avea orice concepie religioas, filozofic etc. (< fr. conscience, lat. conscientia) CONTIN//T ~t (~i, ~te) 1) (despre persoane) Care are contiin; caracterizat prin existena contiinei. 2) (despre manifestri ale oamenilor) Care denot contiin; bazat pe

contiin. [Sil. -ti-ent] /<fr. conscient Sursa: NODEX | Trimis de siveco, 21 Aug 2004 | Greeal de tipar contint (contint), adj. Care i d seama de realitate, care are contiin. Fr. conscient, cu fonetismul influenat de tiin. Der. contiin, s.f., din lat. conscientia (sec. XIX); contiut, adj. (cunoscut); contiincios, adj. pe baza fr. consciencieux; contiinciozitate, s.f. (scrupulozitate); incontient, adj.; incontient, s.n.; subcontient, s.n. din fr. Sursa: DER | Trimis de blaurb, 24 May 2007 | Greeal de tipar CONTINT, - adj. 1. Care are contiina treaz, care i d seama de realitatea unui fapt, a unui lucru. 2. Care i d seama de posibilitile proprii, de rolul care i revine n societate. // s.n. (Fil.) Categorie care exprim ceea ce omul nfptuiete n conformitate cu un anumit scop. [Pron. -ti-ent. / < fr. conscient].

CONTINT, -, contieni, -te, adj. 1. (Despre oameni) Care i d seama de realitatea nconjurtoare, care are contiin. 2. Care i d seama de posibilitile sale, de rolul care-i revine n societate; Care realizeaz scopuri dinainte stabilite; care acioneaz pe baza cunoaterii legilor obiective ale vieii sociale i i d seama de consecinele sociale ale aciunilor sale. [Pr.: -ti-ent] Din fr. conscient (dup ti). INCONTINT, -, incontieni, -te, adj., s.n. I. Adj. 1. Care nu este contient, care nu tie ce face, care i-a pierdut cunotina (ca urmare a unei stri patologice). 2. (Adesea adverbial) Care nu are o atitudine contient fa de realitatea nconjurtoare; fr minte, fr judecat. (Despre fenomene psihice) Care scap contiinei, de care omul nu-i d seama; involuntar, automat, instinctiv. II. S.n. Activitate psihic a omului de care el nu-i d seama, totalitate a fenomenelor psihice care scap contiinei. [Pr.: -ti-ent] Din fr. inconscient (dup contient). Here Is The Map of Consciousness : Map of the Scale of Consciousness Level Log/Calibration Emotion Enlightenment 700 - 1,000 Pure Consciousness Peace 600 Illumination Joy 540 Serenity Love 500 Reverence Reason 400 Understanding Acceptance 350 Forgiveness Willingness 310 Optimism

Neutrality 250 Trust Courage 200 Affirmation The above are levels of Truth The below are levels of falsehood Pride 175 Scorn Antagonistic 150 Hate Desire 125 Lust Fear 100 Anxiety Grief 75 Regret Apathy/Hatred 50 Despair Guilt 30 Blame Shame 20 Humiliation

Introduction to Consciousness Research

By Scott Jeffrey

Understanding the Levels of Consciousness

Psychiatrist, consciousness researcher and mystic Dr. David R. Hawkins developed a map of the levels of human consciousness (also called the Scale of Consciousness) that uses a muscle-testing technique called Applied Kinesiology (AK) to document the nonlinear, spiritual realm. The research was scientifically-validated and published in Dr. Hawkins doctorate dissertation titled Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis and Calibrations of the Level of Human Consciousness, an elaborate discussion of the Scale of Consciousness and its significance as outlined in his groundbreaking book, Power vs. Force: The Anatomy of Consciousness (Veritas Publishing, 1995). Briefly, each level of consciousness (LOC) coincides with determinable human behaviors and perceptions about life and God. Each level represents a corresponding attractor field of varying strength that exists beyond our three-dimensional reality. Theres a critical point within each LOC from which its field gravitates (or entrains). The numbers on the scale represent logarithmic calibrations (measurable vibratory frequencies on a scale which increases to the tenth power) of the levels of human consciousness and its corresponding level of reality. The numbers themselves are arbitrary; the significance lies in the relationship of one number (or level) to another (e.g., Dr. Hawkins scale is from 1 to 1000; a similar scale could be devised from 1 to 10 where 2 is courage and 5 is love). Using the kinesiologic response, two people can calibrate the LOC of any person, place or thingpast and present. For example, two researchers can calibrate Albert Einsteins LOC, and their results can be verified by two people on the other side of the planet. If the kinesiologic technique is done properly,

both teams will calibrate Einstein at 499. The kinesiologic response transcends all personal opinions and beliefs, accessing truth beyond the physical realm.

The Great Barrier

Dr. Hawkins points out that the two greatest spiritual growth barriers seem to be at level 200 and 500. Two hundred, the level of courage, represents a profound shift from destructive and harmful behavior to life-promoting and integrous lifestyles; everything below 200 makes one go weak using kinesiology. Currently, approximately 78% of the worlds population is below this significant level. The destructive capacity of this majority would annihilate mankind without the counterbalancing effect of the 22% above 200. Because the scale of consciousness is logarithmic, each incremental point represents a giant leap in power. As such, one person calibrated at 600 counterbalances the negativity of 10 million people below 200. The second great barrier is level 500Love. Love in this context is a way of being in the worldnot an emotionality as most of us perceive it. According to Dr. Hawkins, the reason the level of love is so difficult to achieve is because our ego is so rooted in the physical domain as opposed to the spiritual domain, which emerges at 500. The 400s represent the level of reason, guided by the linear, mechanistic world of form (our modern society that includes advancements in medicine, science, government, etc). Interestingly, the top echelon of intellectual genius, including Einstein, Freud, Newton, Aristotle, etc., all calibrated around 499. The 500s represent a very difficult hurdle as only four percent of the worlds population calibrates in the 500s. This level denotes a shift from the linear, provable domain (classic physics or Newtonian physics) to the nonlinear, formless, spiritual realm. It is important to understand that no level is better or worse than another. There are no opposites. The Map of the Levels of Consciousness represents a gradation of consciousnessdegrees of the experience of Reality, the existence of God, and the level of lovingness that is present. The 500s (love) are not better than the 400s (reason); they simply represent another gradation (and a higher level of truth) on an infinitely growing scale. A persons LOC remains rather steady through the lifetime. Emotions come and go like the passing wind, but a persons calibratable LOC is governed by specific energy fields in the nonlinear domain which generally doesnt waver. Over the course of a lifetime, the average persons LOC will change approximately five points (this is not a statistical derivation, but an average discovered through Dr. Hawkins kinesiologic research). However, it is possible for an individual (such as a spiritual aspirant) to have their LOC jump (or drop) hundreds of points in a single lifetime. Click here to view Hawkins Map of the Scale of Consciousness. References: Carnie, Teddy. Synopsis and Study Guide to Power vs. Force. Sedona, AZ Veritas Publishing, 1996. Hawkins, David. Power vs. Force: The Determinants of Human Behavior. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, 2002. Hawkins, David. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis and Calibrations of the Level of Human Consciousness. Sedona, AZ: Veritas Publishing, 1995.

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