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Learners Book

A delegation of the SANNC who went

to London to protest against the
Land Act of 1913.
The Great Trek Centenary celebrations in
1938 took place at the future site of the
Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria.
Students marching in Soweto on
16 June 1976.
During the apartheid years, whites were called
Europeans. Black and white South Africans were
forced by law, under the Separate Amenities Act
of 1953, to use separate and unequal facilities.
It is illegal to photocopy any pages from this book without the
written permission of the Publisher and Apartheid Museum.
0xlord 0niveraity Preaa Southern Alrica (Pty} Ltd
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by 0xlord 0niveraity Preaa Southern Alrica (Pty} Ltd, Cape Jown
0nderatanding Apartheid Learner'a 8ook
lS8l 978 u 19 5717 2
Apartheid Vuaeum
Jhe moral righta ol the author have been aaaerted
Latabaae right 0xlord 0niveraity Preaa Southern Alrica (Pty} Ltd (maker}
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Publiaher: Claudia 8icklord-Smith
Senior Lditor: Carolynne Lengleld
Lditor: Sara Pienaar
Leaigner: Lauren Rycrolt, llame Leaign
Cover Leaign: Lauren Rycrolt, llame Leaign
Jypeaetter: llame Leaign
Set in 8,5 pt on 11 pt on CorporateS-Regular by llame Leaign
Printed and bound by Creda Communicationa
Jhia book grew out ol a partnerahip between the 0auteng Lepartment ol Lducation (0LL} and the Apartheid Vuaeum in 2uu2. Jhe
Vuaeum would like to thank the 0LL, and eapecially Jom waape, Rae Lavida and lvor Poll.
Jhanka to Vichelle lriedman, Proleaaor Philip 8onner and 0ail 8ehrmann lor their important contributiona. Jhanka alao to Claudia 8icklord-
Smith and Carolynne Lengleld ol 0xlord 0niveraity Preaa, aa well aa editora Sara Pienaar and Vary Vonteith. Jhe varioua organizationa
which have aerved on the Vuaeum'a Lducation Committee alao helped to ahape thia project. Jhey included the loundation lor Jolerance
Lducation, SALJ0, LlSA, SAPRC and the CSvR. we would alao like to acknowledge the generoua grant lrom the C.S. Vott loundation
which allowa ua to diatribute 6OEFSTUBOEJOH"QBSUIFJE to teachera viaiting the Apartheid Vuaeum lor a nominal lee.
linally, the Vuaeum would like to recognize the crucial role played by our Lducation Vanager, Lmilia Potenza. Per commitment to teaching
young people about apartheid waa the driving lorce behind thia project.
Apartheid Vuaeum
Chapter 1: The origins of apartheid 7
0nderatunding uurtheid 8
Vemory und the Aurtheid Vuaeum 8
Lxluining uurtheid: dillerent urouchea 11
Jhe glitter ol gold: luying the loundutiona
ol uurtheid 14
Journeya to the goldhelda 16
Chapter 2: Segregation in action 21
Keeing eole uurt 22
Segregution ua olicy 24
Segreguting the workluce 27
Skilla develoment: how to identily biua
in hiatoricul aourcea 29
Segreguting oliticul righta 2u
Reaiatunce to aegregution 2u
Leveloing eaauy writing akilla: one muin
ideu er urugruh 22
Jhe 0reut Lereaaion 22
Chapter 3: The implementation of apartheid 38
Jhe growth ol Alrikuner lutionuliam 28
Jhe lortiea - u decude ol uheuvul 29
Skilla develoment: dillerentiuting
between lucta und oiniona 41
why did the lutionuliata win the
1948 election` 42
Leveloing eaauy writing akilla:
unulyaing the eaauy queation 42
Jhe imlementution ol uurtheid 44
Skilla develoment: how to
unulyae curtoona 48
Jhe hotogruha ol Lrneat Cole 6u
Jhe creution ol the 8untuatuna 62

Chapter 4: Resistance to apartheid 55

lon-violent roteat in the 196ua 67
Jhe 19ua - Jhe roud to urmed atruggle 2
Skilla develoment: determining biua
und reliubility
Jhe 197ua - Jhe youth tuke churge 8
Leveloing eaauy writing akilla:
writing introductiona 7u
Jhe Soweto 0riaing ol 197 71
Cuuaution - long-term, ahort-term und
immediute cuuaea 71
Chapter 5: From apartheid to democracy 75
Jotul atrutegy 7
'Jotul atrutegy' - Relorm 77
'Jotul atrutegy' - Rereaaion 82
Skilla develoment: hiatoricul emuthy 86
Reaiatunce intenaihea 86
Jhe move to democrucy 89
Skilla review: eaauy writing 92
Skilla review: unawering aource-buaed
queationa 94
Acknowledgements 96

Resources and references 96
How to use this book
6OEFSTUBOEJOH"QBSUIFJE ia divided into hve chutera. Luch chuter locuaea on u dillerent uaect ol uurtheid. Jhe content ia
deult with within the context ol the current achool aenior und lLJ huae curriculu und ia auituble lor both home lunguuge und
udditionul lunguuge leurnera.
Jhe tuble below ahowa how thia book integrutea with the Piatory Senior Phuae und lLJ bund curriculu.
lnduatriulizution in South Alricu:
diumonda und gold, und chung-
ing work und livea in South Alricu
on the minea, the lund und the
citiea (including the 1912 Lund
Aurtheid in South Alricu:
lmuct ol world wur Jwo
whut wua uurtheid`
Pow did it ullect eolea' livea`
Rereaaion und reaiatunce to uurtheid
in the 196ua (e.g. the Lehunce
Cumuign, the lreedom Churter und
oulur culture}.
Rereaaion und the urmed atruggle in
the 19ua.
Livide und rule: the role ol the
Rereaaion und the growth ol muaa
democrutic movementa in the 197ua
und 198ua: externul und internul
8uilding u new identity in South Alricu
in the 199ua: re-1994 negotiutiona,
the hrat democrutic electiona und
South Alricu'a Conatitution.
Pow unique wua uurtheid in
South Alricu`
Pow wua aegregution u
loundution lor uurtheid`
Jo whut extent wua uurtheid
in South Alricu urt ol neo-
coloniuliam in the oat world
wur Jwo world (1948 - 19u}`
Pow did uurtheid entrench
ideua ol ruce`
whut wua the nuture ol
reaiatunce to uurtheid during
theae decudea, und how wua
thia reaiatunce urt ol the
wider reaiatunce in the world to
humun righta ubuaea.
Pow hua the South Alricun uat
been ublicully rereaented in
whut lorma ol civil aociety roteat
emerged lrom the 19ua u to 199u`
Jhe 197ua, Jhe 8luck Conaciouaneaa
Vovement in South Alricu.
Pow did South Alricu emerge ua u
democrucy lrom the criaea ol the 199ua`
Jhe criaia ol uurtheid in the 198ua.
Jhe colluae ol uurtheid in
South Alricu - coming together ol
internul und externul reaaurea.
Pow the criaea were munuged
- conuict, comromiae, negotiution,
aettlement, electiona.
Jhe government ol nutionul unity und
the muking ol the Conatitution.
lew identitiea und the conatruction
ol herituge.
6OEFSTUBOEJOH"QBSUIFJE hua numeroua leuturea to muke teuching und leurning ubout thia toic euay und intereating.
Aaaeaament oortunitiea ure rovided lor 0rudea 8, 9, 11 und 12 with more demunding uctivitiea highlighted by
meuna ol un uateriak (

~ct|v|t|es prov|de a
var|ety ol access|b|e
|earn|ng exper|ences
t|at accouuodate
|earners w|t| vary|ng
|earn|ng sty|es.
Carelu||y se|ected v|sua|s
add va|ue to t|e text and
conso||date |earn|ng.
~ content leature
s|ows |ow t|e
content ol t||s boo|
||n|s w|t| t|e l|story
Sen|or l|ase and
lL band curr|cu|a.
lew words are ||g|||g|ted |n t|e text and
exp|a|ned lu||y |n t|e page-by-page g|ossary.
Cu|de||nes lor deve|op|ng
s||||s, |e|ps |earners to
answer ouest|ons.
~n |nd|cat|on ol w|ere act|v|t|es |ntegrate w|t|
l|story Learn|ng 0utcoues and ~ssessuent
Standards |n t|e Sen|or l|ase and lL band.
Leur Leurner
ou huve belore you u hiatory ol uurtheid - one ol the hrat ubliahed lor achoola
in South Alricu. Jhia book rovidea you with the oortunity to underatund why
our country aullered under thia olicy ol ruciul diacriminution.
Jhe ayatem ol ruciul dominution creuted dee und luating wounda in our eole
und country. Vuny eole will aend yeura, il not generutiona, recovering lrom
thut rolound hurt. 8ut the decudea ol oreaaion und brutulity hud unother,
unintended, ellect. Jhey roduced leudera, eole ol extruordinury couruge,
wiadom und generoaity. ou will reud ubout them in thia book. Jhey, und the
ordinury men und women ol thia country, mude the dillerence. Jogether they led
the wuy out ol oreaaion.
Jhe unimuginuble aucrihcea ol revioua generutiona - their couruge und aullering
- cun never be counted or reuid. 8ut it ia through underatunding hiatory und why
eventa huened thut we cun ull begin to move lorwurd into u new eru - the new
South Alricu in the twenty hrat century.
lt ia with ideua ol aucrihce, lreedom und reaonaibility in mind thut the
lelaon Vundelu loundution uaka you to reud thia hiatory und to enguge with
the imortunt ideua ol tolerunce und lorgiveneaa. we hoe thut your generution
ol South Alricun youth will be known lor ita reaect lor und uccetunce ol one
unother, regurdleaa ol buckground, colour, creed or cluaa, ao thut thia country,
beloved by ua ull, will uouriah und continue to grow in ita generoaity ol airit.
lLLS0l VAlLLLA l00lLAJl0l

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