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Consumer Service Department

Wb1 fWWb bLb LWPWlWM, 2 P V., M..
You've dreamed of it! (Of course!) You've
hoped for it! (Who hasn't?) And maybe you
thought the day would never come!
But here it i s . . . a glorious fact today, for
now you can buy honest-to-goodness, farm
fresh foods the year 'round! Just think, Straw
berries . , favorful and fresh i n June or Jan
uary. Corn on the Cob, perfect golden ears
. . . yours now, regardless of season.
And here really is another miracle for to
day's busy homemaker.
ever again need you spend precious time
washing and trimming spinach, shelling peas
3764. Copyr. 1941. Frosted Foods Sales Corp. Ptd. in U.S.A.
and Lima beans . . . for now these grand vege
tables come right to you, farm-fresh and
scrupulously clean, ready to cook.
Now you can buy the choicest fsh from the
ocean, trimmed of all waste, even the bones.
And the gli stening fsh fllets and steaks are
all ready to pop into the pan.
Even the fnest quality, selected poultry
and meats are trimmed of excess waste be
fore you buy. Always guaranteed to sati sfy.
they come to you ready for the oven.
What is this miracle? It's Birds Eye Quick
Frozen Foods!
To explain it simply let us take one Birds
Eye Food-follow it from farm to you
and see just how the miracle works.
Take Birds Eye Peas, for example. First,
we plant special kinds of seeds in those
parts of the country where peas are known
to grow fner, sweeter, more tender.
When the peas reach favor peak our men
hurry out into the felds and harvest them.
The peas are then shelled-washed
cleaned-packaged and put into the quick
freezing machines.
And here is where the miracle comes in.
The button is pressed. And, instanta
neously, a blast of arctic cold is released!
This cold is so intense that it catches the
just-picked favor at its peak and HOLDS
IT IN FOR YOU-bringing the full farm-
freshness right to your dining room table!
Indeed, brings it to you often more glori
ously fresh than most peas you buy in sum
mer at the vegetable market!
Here's why ... peas are delicate. They
begin losing favor within a few hours after
picking. Now most peas even in June take
anywhere from 12 to 72 hours to reach the
market. During that time the favor has be
gun to fade and lose sweetness.
But the quick-freezing machines used for
Birds Eye are located near the farm! Fla
vor is captured right at its tastiest, tender
est peak-only 4 hours after picking!
So Birds Eye Peas reach you not days old
-but really hours fresh! They are really
And so it is with all Birds Eye Foods.
Garden-fresh out of season as well as in!
Deliciously fresh in winter as well as sum
mer. At their best all the year around.
Think of serving farm-fresh raspberries in
November and feld-fresh corn in March!
Think of eating ocean-fresh fsh thousands
of miles from the ocean! Or oysters in the
middle of July! Or reveling in chicken as
tender as the farmers eat!
These are no idle fancies. With Birds
Eye they are delicious realities! Realities
that open up a whole new food-world!
There are no menu-planning worries or dis
appointments if you use Birds Eye Foods.
The peas will always be extra good-the
strawberries just like those you had last
time. Every package, every ounce of Birds
Eye Foods you serve is the same unvarying
quality. Whether you buy peaches or cauli
fower, chicken or oysters, Birds Eye guar
antees every morsel to be completely satis
factory . . . or your money refunded.
Here are those glorious Birds Eye Peas served in a new, delightful dish, called Savory Peas.
Just saute bits of oni on and celery in butter, add a box of Peas, seasonings (including thyme),
and 2 tablespoons water. Cover and cook until tender, then serve them with pimiento strips.
- 1
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Garden-fresh spinach is the vegetable ...

Birds Eye Spinach as favorful as the day
it was picked. And to help make this an
easy-to-prepare dinner, Birds Eye Spinach
comes all cleaned, ready to cook. There are
no tough stems-no sand or grit. You just
open the package, cook, and serve every
morsel. Children love Birds Eye Spinach
and it is good for them, too, because vita
mins are retained. (Claims made for Birds
Eye Spinach have been accepted by the
American Medical Association.)

Yes, it's easy to prepare and serve a com
plete dinner within 20 minutes with Birds
Eye Frosted Foods. Let's have ocean-fresh
founder as the main course tonight-fa
vorful Birds Eye Flounder Fillets, cleaned,
boned, and quick-frozen as fast as these
fne fsh could be taken of the trawler in
from the Grand Banks. All the ocean favor
of this fsh has been captured. All there is
to do is unwrap glistening cellophane and
drop waste-free, meaty fllets in the pan.
Ah, dessert! Peaches, beauties of just right
ripeness, sliced and sugared. Just thaw and
they are ready to serve. Imagine being able
to serve fresh peaches any time of the year.
Of course, they're Birds Eye Peaches.
You'll fnd that complete Birds Eye din
ners will save you much kitchen work and
your whole family will be more than satis
fed with the freshness and full favor of
lheseea!!y moden Ioods.
This is just one idea for a Bi rds Eye dinner. Your Birds Eye Foods dealer wi l l be very glad to give you many other suggestions.
1. THE OLD WAY . . . A big, bulky bag hold
ing two pounds of so-called "fresh" Limas.
(Maybe it has been days since they were
picked! ) And no knowing how much of the
weight you pay for is in useless, empty pods.
3. THE BIRDS EYE WAY . . The neat, cello
phane-lined carton flled with plump baby
Limas that were shelled

nd quick-frozen to
capture their freshness just as soon as they
were picked. You pay for beans-not pods.
2. THE OLD WAY 15 minutes of mussy
work . . . for all thi s waste! The empty pods
weigh over one pound-the beans that reach
your table only 12 ounces. And now they'll
take about another 30 minutes for cooking.
4. THE BIRDS EYE WAY , . From carton to the
table in about 20 minutes. And not one ounce
of waste! Birds Eye Limas are ready to serve
before the other beans are even shelled! You
can count on Birds Eye freshness and favor!
Bi rds Eye Lima Beans are l ike al l Birds Eye Foods. They come to your kitchen waste-free, cleaned, ready to cook and serve.
REG. U. S. W, OFF.
WHEN YOU BUY be sure to ask for Birds Eye
Foods by name. You see, all quick-frozen foods are
not Birds Eye . . . so, to avoid possible disappoint
ment, look for the name on the package. The Birds
Eye label is your guarantee of always getting the
very fnest nniform quality.
Lbt1A 8 t3 are served every day in the year in
the modern household. This is easy to do if you
use Birds Eye vegetables, which are always i n sea
son. There's plenty of variety, too, to ft any menu.
Green peas i n December and corn on t he cob i n
Februry are everyday possibilities. And as for
quality, there's nothing better. These vegetables
are chosen from the fnest crops in the land and
this high standard i s maintained at all times.
And here's good news for the busy homemaker!
You'll really save hours of kitchen preparation
work when you serve Birds Eye vegetables. They
me to you scrupulously cleaned and they're
ready to use. There's no washi ng or trimming to
do. Birds Eye vegetables are waste-free ; there's
nothing to throw away. You j ust open the box and
pop these modern foods right into boiling water.
Directions for using Birds Eye vegetables are
printed on every carton. Follow them to get the
best resul ts. Birds Eye vegetables cook in much
l ess t i me t han t he ordi nary vegetable so the ti m
i ng i s important. Don' t guess but watch the clock!
And of course, the question t hat everyone asks
is : "What about vitamins?" Yes, you can be as
sured that vitamins are retained i n Birds Eye vege
tables. They are fully as hi gh in food value, i n
eluding the vitamins, as the freshest foods pur
chased on the market and cooked at home.
Birds Eye vegetables are excellent served plain,
wi th butter -the way most people prefer them.
But, a little variety now and then i s also wel come.
In the followi ng 15 pages are many suggestions.
There are basic recipes for creamed and scalloped
dishes and delicious cream soups. Then to please
the family, or for special occasions, there are new
and unusual recipes for a variety of delightful
Birds Eye vegetabl e di shes.
Cut Green Asparagus
Brussels Sprouts
Lima Beans
Green Peas
Corn on the Cob
Asparagus Spears
Green Beans
Peas and Carrots
Cooked Squash
Wax Beans
Golden Sweet Corn
Cook box Birds Eye vegetable according to directions on box.
(Or see Timetable on page 10.) Follow directions exactly to re
tain the fnest favor and color and the maximum nutritive value.
Season with butter, salt, and pepper. Serves 4. (If any liquid i s
left after cooking, use i t i n sauces, soups, or other suitable dish
es. This liquid contains valuable vitamins and minerals.)
Cut Green Asparagus
Brussels Sprouts
Lima Beans
Green Peas
Asparagus Spears
Green Beans
Peas and Carrots
Wax Beans
Golden Sweet Cor
Cook box Birds Eye vegetable according to directions on box.
While vegetable is cooking, prepare White Sauce (page 8).
Mix lightly with drained vegetable. Serves 4 to 6.
Cut Green Asparagus
Wax Beans
Golden Sweet Cor
Brussels Sprouts
Lima Beans
Green Peas
Green Beans
Peas and Canots
Cook l box Birds Eye vegetable according to directions on box.
While vegetable is cooking, prepare White Sauce d (page 8).
Mix lightly with drained vegetable and cup diced boiled ham,
Satlled in butter. Reheat and serve on toast. Serves 4 to 6.
Creamed Vegetabl es and Eggs. Substitute 4. hard-cooked eggs, cubed,
[ur ham in above recipe.
Cut Green Asparagus
Green Beans
Peas and Carrots
Wax Beans
Golden Sweet Corn
Brussels Sprouts
Lima Beans
Green Peas
Cook box Birds Eye vegetable according to directions on box.
While vegetable i s cooking, prepare White Sauce (page 8).
Arrange seasoned drained vegetable and sauce in alternate lay
ers in greased casserole. Sprinkle generously with buttered
crumbs. Place in pan of hot water and bake in hot oven 450
F.) about 20 minutes, or until browned. Serves 4 to 6.


of the Fi rst Qual i ty. Grown i n
sections of t he country where
Nature is particul arl y ki nd to
the rai si ng of vegetabl es, they
are harvested when at t hei r
peak of favor perfection. Then
they a re cl eaned and sorted,
al l the overri pe and i mmature
vegetabl es being removed and
onl y t he most perfect retai ned.
You can be sure that Bi rds Eye
vegetabl es wi l l al ways be of
uni form and dependabl e qual
i ty. They cook evenl y and keep
thei r attracti ve fresh col or.
t i mesavers. No time need be
nt i n preparation and they
cook i n a jify. Fol l ow t he pack
age di recti ons and don' t over
cook. Wel l-cooked vegetabl es
a re cri sp and perky; overcook
i ng makes t hem l i mp, faded,
and mushy. Then too, over
cooki ng i s hard on the vita
mi ns. It al ways pays to watch
the cl ock, for Bi rds Eye vege
tabl es cook very qui ckl y.
doi ng a l ot of research work
on Bi rds Eye vegetabl es. Thi s i s
what they report: "Bi rds Eye
Foods ore ful l y as hi gh i n food
val ues, i ncl udi ng al l the vita
mi ns, as the freshest foods that
are bought on the market."
The qu ick-freezi ng of Bi rds
Eye vegetabl es, i mmedi atel y
on harvest, bri ngs l i ttl e if any
l oss of the i mportant vitami ns
A and C. I n Bi rds Eye Peas, for
exampl e, vitami n C is retai ned
i n greater quantities than are
usual l y found in the so-cal l ed
"fresh" peas bought at mar
ket several days after harvest.
Compared with peas preserved
by other processes, an even
greater amount of vitami n C
was found in Bi rds Eye Peas.
Vi tami ns B, (thi ami n) and G
(ri bofavi n) are not afected
by qui ck-freezi ng itself. But i t
i s i mportant to fol l ow package
di rections careful l y to avoi d
loss of vitami ns duri ng cooki ng.
Bi r ds Eye Peas and Spi nach
have the Seal of Acceptance
of the Counci l on Foods of the
Ameri can Medi cal Associ ati on.
Cut Green Asparagus
Green Beans
Peas and Carrots
Wax Beans
Golden Sweet Corn
Brussels Sprouts
Lima Beans
Green Peas
Cook l box Bi rds Eye vegetable according to directions on box.
While vegetable is cooking, prepare White Sauce # 2 (below).
Mi x lightly with cup diced boiled ham, sauteed in butter. Ar
range seasoned drained vegetable and sauce in alternate layers
in greased casserole. Sprinkle generously with buttered crumbs.
Place in pan of hot water and bake in hot oven 450 F.) about
20 minutes, or unti l browned. Serves 4 to 6.
Scal loped Vegetabl es and Dried Beef. Substi tute % to l cup fnely cut
dried beef, sauteed in butter, for ham in above recipe. Omit salt.
(If dried beef is very salty, wash in cold water before sauteing.)
Scal l oped Vegetabl es and Eggs. Omi t ham in above recipe and ar
range 4 hard-cooked eggs, quartered, on vegetable layers, cover
ing with sauce
s directed.
Scal loped Vegetabl es with Cheese Sauce. Omit ham in above recipe
and add% cup grated American cheese to the white sauce.
Scal loped Vegetabl es au Grati n. Omit ham in above recipe. Sprinkle
top generously with grated American cheese and buttered crumbs.
Proportions for three sauces are given below. Each is especial
ly adapted to certain reci pes in this book. So choose the one
called for in the particular recipe you are using.
Butter ztabl espoons 3 tabl espoons 4 tabl espoons
Mi nced oni on zteaspoons zteaspoons
fl our IY tabl espoons zV2 t abl espoons 3 tabl espoons
Mi l k cup I cups Icups
*Vegetabl e l i quor,
or vegetabl e
l i quor and mi l k V cup 6 tabl espoons V cup
Sal t and pepper To taste To taste To taste
Melt butter in saucepan. Add onion and four and sti r to a paste.
(For Sauce l, omi t onion.) Add milk gradually, stirring con
stantly. Cook gently 2 minutes or until thickened, sti rring con
stantly. Measure liquor drained from cooked vegetable, adding
milk, if necessary, to make up amount. Add to white sauce and
blend. Season with salt and pepper. Makes enough sauce for
box Birds Eye vegetables.
White sauce for most vegetable dishes i s of fner favor when some
of the I iquor l eft from the cooked vegetable i s used as part of liquid.
Wi th Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, or Caul ifower, however,
omit the vegetable l i quor and use milk for all li qui d. That
i s, use l cup milk i n Sauce #1, 1% cups mi l k i n Sauce #2,
and 2 cups mi lk i n Sauce #3.


Cut Green Asparagus
Brussels Sprouts
Golden Sweet Corn
Asparagus Spears
Lima Beans
Green Peas
Peas and Carrots
Cook l box Birds Eye vegetable according to directions on box,
but cook until soft, or for 3 to 4 minutes longer than the maxi
mum time specifed on box. Drain vegetable, reserving liquor;
add rich milk to make 3% cups. Force vegetable through sieve.
Saute 1 teaspoon minced onion i n 3 tablespoons butter i n top of
double boiler about 2 minutes ; add 2 tablespoons four, stirring
until smooth. Add milk and vegetable liquor gradually, stirring
constantly. Cover and cook over boiling water about 8 minutes,
or until thickened, stirring occasionally. Add vegetable puree
and heat. Season with salt and pepper. Serves 4 to 6. For thinner
soup, add more milk.
Cook Birds Eye vegetables as directed on packages. Chill and
marinate with French dressing, then use as directed below. Serve
salad on crisp lettuce or other salad greens on cold plate.
Mixed Vegetabl e Sal ad. Combine Birds Eye Green Beans, Bi rds Eye
Peas and Carrots, diced cucumber, and minced onion. Toss to
gether lightly. Serve on crisp lettuce with French dressing. Gar
nish with radi sh roses.
Asparagus and Tomato Sal ad. Arrange Brds Eye Asparagus Spears
on crisp escarole. Garnish with sections of tomato. Serve with
French dressing to which pickle relish has been added.
Vegetabl e Salad with Roquefort Cheese Dressing. Arrange Birds Eye
Caulifower, Birds Eye Spinach, chopped, and cooked beets,
chopped, in separate mounds on crisp lettuce. Serve with French
dressing to which crumbled Roquefort cheese has been added.
Li ma Bean and Corn Sal ad. See page 13 for recipe. Arrange in salad
bowl lined with crisp lettuce and garnish with cucumber and
radish slices. (See illustration on page 19. )
Speci al Sal ad Pl ate. Place lettuce cup flled with cottage cheese and
chives in center of plate. Arrange Birds Eye Broccoli, mound of
Birds Eye Lima Beans (tossed together lightly with minced on
ion, diced celery, and bits of pimiento), and sliced tomatoes or
jellied tomato aspic around lettuce. Garnish with water cress.
Serve with French dressing or mayonnaise.
Asparagus Luncheon Sal ad. Arrange Birds Eye Asparagus Spears
on crisp lettuce. Garnish with sections of hard-cooked eggs and
anchovy fllets. Serve with tart French dressing to which diced
pimiento has been added.
Caul i fower and Bean Sal ad. Combine Birds Eye Caulifower, Bi rds
Eye Green Beans, diced celery, and seasonings. Toss together
lightly with French dressing and serve on crisp lettuce. Garnish
with tomato slices and mayonnaise.

THE COOK with the l i ly-white

hands. She must be the Bi rds
Eye cook for Bi rds Eye vege
tabl es are al ready prepared.
There's no messy ki tchen work
to be done. The Lima Beans are
al l shel l ed, the Spi nach is thor
oughl y cl eaned and washed,
the Broccol i is tri mmed; every
si ngl e vegetabl e i s ready to
s l i p i nto the kettle and cook.
Best of al l , there's no waste
to bother wi th. The ki tchen can
al ways be shi pshape and ti dy!
EVERY TRADE has its tricks.
When you're cooki ng Bi rds
Eye vegetabl es, keep the heat
hi gh unti l the frozen bl ock is
broken up and the water boil
ing vi gorously, then speed up
t he t hawi ng by separati ng the
pieces of vegetabl e with a
fork, al ways taki ng care not to
break t hem. When the frozen
bl ock i s broken apart and the
water is boi l i ng vigorously a
gai n, reduce the heat so that
the boi l i ng i s gentl e duri ng the
act ual cooki ng. And be a cl ock
watcher, too. Al ways count the
cooki ng fi me from the moment
the water starts to boi l the sec
ond time. And pl ease, please
don't overcook. That' s the most
i mportant tri ck of al l .
YOU MAY WI SH to keep Bi rds
Eye vegetabl es. I f so, pl ace
them in the freezi ng unit of
your refri gerator. Do not lei
them thaw. If the vegetabl es
are thawed, then use them just
as quickl y as you woul d vege
tabl es that have not been
quick-frozen. Don' t make an at
tempt to refreeze them! Your
refri gerator can never match
the arctic cold temperature of
the quick-freezi ng machi ne.
Of course i f you are goi ng
to use the Bi rds Eye vegetabl e
ri ght away, you don't need to
take the ti me to thaw i t. You
si mpl y pl unge it, whi l e sol i dl y
frozen, i nto t he proper amount
of bri skl y boi l i ng sal ted water
and cook i t for j ust the ti me
speci fed on the package.
TI ME STANDS STI L L wi th Bi rds
Eye vegetables. Bri mmi ng over
with favor and goodness, they
are rushed right to the arctic
cold quick-freezi ng machi ne.
Here temperatures far bel ow
zero are rel eased, and the
just-picked ori gi nal fresh ness
of the vegetables i s capt ured
wi th al l the natural tenderness
and flavor. They' re just as fa
vorsome i n January as i n Ju ly.
Cut Green Asparagus I cup 8 to Io mi nutes
Asparagus Spears I cup 8 to Io mi nutes
Broccol i I cup s to 8 mi nutes
Brussel s Sprouts I cup 1 mi nutes
Caul i fower IY2 cups 4 to 6 mi nutes
Corn on the Cob Water to cover 1 mi nutes
Gol den Sweet Corn Y2 cup 1 mi nutes
Green Beans I cup 8 to I1 mi nutes
Green Peas cup 5 to 7 mi nutes
lima Beans 1 cups I6 to 1 8 mi nutes
Peas and Carrots 3, cup 5 to 7 mi nutes
Spi nach I cup 4 to 6 mi nutes
Cooked Squash Heat over b oi l i ng water
Wax Beans I cup 8 to I1 mi nutes
Cook Birds Eye vegetables as directed on packages. Serve on
warm plate with any oj the following combinations. To seve 4,
use 1 box of Birds Eye vegetable specifed.
Tomato, Spinach, and Caul i fower Plate. Arrange poached egg on
toast, grilled tomato, buttered Birds Eye Spinach, and Birds Eye
Cauliflower Parmesan on plate. Garnish with parsley. For Birds
Eye Cauliflower Parmesan, pour melted butter over caulifower
and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and paprika.
Economy Vegetabl e Plate. Place baked macaroni au gratin in center
of plate. Arrange buttered Birds Eye Green Beans, buttered
Birds Eye Broccoli, and buttered or pickled spiced beets around
macaroni. Garnish with parsley or water cress.
Gol d and Green Vegetabl e Plate. Place baked stufed potato topped
with grated cheese in center of plate. Arrange buttered Birds
Eye Brussel s Sprouts, buttered Birds Eye Asparagus Spears,
and buttered Birds Eye Peas and Carrots around potato.
Squash Speci al ty Plate. Place Squash with Sauteed Onions (page
19) in center of pl ate. Arrange buttered Birds Eye Green Peas,
buttered Birds Eye Asparagus Spears, and coleslaw made with
green pepper and pimiento and served in lettuce cups around
squash. Garish with parsley.
Creol e Vegetabl e Plate with Corn. Arrange Birds Eye Corn on the
Cob, buttered Birds Eye Cut Green Asparagus, buttered carrots,
cut in strips, and Creole Lima Beans (page 13) on plate. Gar
nish with parsley.
Busy Day Vegetabl e Plate (illustrated on page 11). Place tomato
stufed with cottage cheese and seasoned with chives in center of
plate. Arrange buttered Birds Eye Asparagus Spears, buttered
Birds Eye Lima Beans, buttered Birds Eye Spinach,
and buttered Birds Eye Peas and Carrots around to
mato. Serve with Easy Hollandaise Sauce (page 21).
Vegetable Plates are in fashion, so colorful to look at, so delicious to eat. Here' s a tomato stufed
with collage cheese i n the midst of Birds Eye vegetables. You' l l fnd many more ideas on page I 0.
I box Bi rds Eye Aspar agus Spears,
partial l y thawed
Sifted bread crumbs, seasoned
I egg, beaten wi th 3 tabl espoons mi l k
and das h of salt
Separate asparagus spears. Season crumbs wi th salt
and pepper. Roll each spear i n crumbs, di p i n egg
mixt ure, then roll again in cmmbs. Fry i n deep fat
(370 F. ) about 2 mi nutes, or unti l asparagus rises
to top of fat and i s well browned. Drain. Serve wi th
or without an egg, cheese, or Easy Hol l andai se
Sauce ( page 21 ) , or use to garni sh steak. Serves 4.
I box Bi rds Eye Asparagus Spears
I cup boi l i ng water, sal ted
4 sl i ces toast
'_ cup butter
Grated Parmesa n cheese
Drop frozen asparagus spears i nto bri skly boil ing
salted water. Bring again to a boil and boi l gently
8 to 10 minutes, or until j ust tender. Drai n. Ar
range on toast. Stir butter in small saucepan until
browned ; pour over asparagus. Sprinkl e l i berally
with cheese. Serve at once. Serves 4.
I box Birds Eye As paragus Spears
I cup boi l i ng water, sal ted
4 hard-cooked eggs, cut i n quarters
4 sl i ces toast
Drop frozen asparagus spears into briskly boi l i ng
sal ted water. Bring again t o a boi l and boil gently
8 to lO mi nutes, or unti l just tender. Drain. Ar
range asparagus spears and eggs on toast. Serve
wi th Savory Cheese Sauce. Serves 4.
Savory Cheese Sauce. Melt 2% tablespoons butter
i n top of doubl e boiler. Add 2% tablespoons four
and sti r until smooth. Place over boi l i ng water,
add 1 cup mi l k gradual l y, and cook until thick
ened, stirri ng constantly. Add teaspoon salt, a
dash of pepper, and l teaspoon Worcestershire
sauce and cook lO mi nutes l onger. Add 1 cup
grat ed American cheese and st i r unti l melted.
Serve at once. Makes about 1 % cups sauce.
US E T H E R I GHT TOO L S! When you are cooking
Asparagus Spears, Broccoli, or Caul ifower, use a
Aat wi re whisk or two forks to l ift them out of the
boi l i ng wat er. This allows the water to drain of
thoroughly, yet keeps the vegetables i n attracti ve.
whol e pi eces. Ri ght tool s make every job easier!
I box Bi rds Eye Cut Gr een As paragus
I cup boi l i ng water, sal ted
I cup asparagus l i quor and mi l k
2 tabl espoons chopped on ion
3 tables poons butter
3 tables poons four
% teas poon sal t Dash of pepper
1f teaspoon Worcestershi re sauce
3 egg yolks, wel l beaten
3 egg whites, stifly beaten
Drop asparagus cuts into briskly boi l i ng water.
Bring again to a boil and boi l gentl y 8 to 10 min
ut es. or until j ust tender. Drai n, reservi ng l i quor ;
add mi l k to make 1 cup. Saut e oni on gentl y in
but ter unti l t ender. Add four and st i r unti l smooth.
Add asparagus l iquor and milk and cook unti l
thi ckened, sti rri ng constantly. Remove from fre,
add asparagus cuts, salt, pepper, Worcest ershi re
sauce, and egg yolks, and mi x well . Fol d i nto egg
whites. Turn i nto greased baki ng di sh. Place in pan
of hot water and bake i n moderate oven ( 350 F. )
1 hour, or unt i l soufe is frm. Serves 6 t o 8.
I box Bi rds Eye Gr een Beans
I cup boil i ng water, salted
ll4 cups bean li quor an d mi lk
8 s mall white onions
3 tabl espoons butter
3 ta blespoons four
I teaspoon salt Dash of pepper
Drop frozen green beans i nto briskly boi l i ng sal ted
water. Bri ng again to a boi l, and boi l 8 to 12 min
ut es, or until j ust tender. Drai n, reservi ng l i quor ;
add mi l k to make 11 cups. Cook onions in boil
ing salted water 20 mi nutes, or until tender. Drai n.
Melt butter in saucepan, add four, and stir unt i l
smooth. Add bean liquor and mi l k gradually and
cook unt i l thi ckened, stirring constantly. Add salt,
pepper, beans, and oni ons, and heat. Serves 4.
EVERY MONTH I N T H E YEAR: Bi rds Eye Aspar
agus ! In Birds Eye Asparagus Spears, you have
no waste ; there's nothi ng to throw away. You get
only the tender, all green tips. You eat everythi ng
you pay for. Perfect for sal ads or served on toast.
Cut Green Asparagus is the same high qual i ty, cut
i n small lengths. Use i n sou ps and creamed di shes.
I box Bi rds Eye Gr een Beans
I cup boi l i ng water, sal ted
I I cup green bean stock
1f cup thi nl y sl i ced oni ons
2 11 tabl es poons butter
Sal t and pepper
Drop fro:
n green beans i nt o briskly boi l i ng salted
water, bring again to a boil, and boil 8 to 12 min
utes, or until j ust tender. Drain, reservi ng stock ;
measure 1 cup. Saute oni on wi th 2 tablespoons
butter until tender and del i cately browned. Add to
beans wi t h stock. Season wi th salt and pepper.
Mix thoroughly. Cook slowly about 5 mi nutes.
Add remai ni ng% tablespoon butter. Serve at once
wi th meat , fsh, poul try, or cheese di shes. Serves 4.
I box Bi rds Eye Green Beans
I cup boi li ng water, salted
1/4 cup vi negar
' /4 cup water
2 ta bl es poons ol i ve oi l
2 ta bl es poons chopped onion
1 f teas poon salt
Dash of pepper
l4 teaspoon Worcesters hi re sauce
l f teaspoon s ugar
Drop frozen green beans i nt o briskly boiling salted
water, bring agai n to a boil, and boil 8 to 12 min
utes, or unti l j ust tender. Drain. Combine remain
i ng i ngredi ent s and pour over beans. Chil l . Serve
on crisp lettuce. Serves 4.
I box Bi rds Eye Gr een Beans
I cup boi l i ng water, sal ted
1 f cup g reen bean stock
1f cup thi nly sl i ced oni ons
3 stri ps bacon, cut i n 'h- i nch s quares
11 1 tablespoons bacon dr i ppi ngs
Salt an d pe pper
2 teas poons butter
Drop frozen green beans into briskly boi l i ng sal ted
water, bring agai n to a boil, and boilS to 12 mi n
utes, or unti l just tender. Drai n, reserving st ock;
measure 1 cup. Saute onions and bacon slowly
until del i catel y browned. Add to beans wi th stock
and bacon dri ppi ngs. Add seasonings and cook
gently 5 mi nutes. Just before serving, add butter.
Serves 4 to 6.
Suggestion for luncheon or supper/ Serve Birds Eye
Asparagus Spears with Savory Cheese Sauce {page
II) which has fecks of pimiento shining through.
Or try hot Asparagus Cuts with omelet or col d roast.
I box Bi rds Eye Wax Bea ns
I cup boili ng water, salted
' h cup fnely di ced oni on
2 cup fnely di ced celery
2 tablespoons butter
l' h cups canned tomatoes
l4 teaspoon celery sal t
1 1/4 cups cooked ri ce
' h teaspoon sugar
Sal t and pepper
Drop frozen wax beans i nto bri skl y boi l i ng salted
water, bring again to a boil, and boil 8 to 12 min
utes, or until j ust tender. Drai n. Saute oni on and
cel ery in butter, covered, until tender but not
browned. Add remai ni ng i ngredi ents and simmer
about 5 minutes. Serves 4 to 6.
I box Bi rds Eye Li ma Beans, thawed
I teaspoon sa I t
Dash of pepper
I cup boi l i ng water
4 sl i ces bacon
Arrange Lima beans i n shallow baking dish. Add
salt, pepper, and boil i ng water. Bake in hot oven
(425" F.) 1 hour, or until done. Place bacon slices
on top of bean mi xt ure after i t has baked 35 min
utes. Ret urn to oven ; bake 25 mi nutes. Serves 4.
I box Bi rds Eye Li ma Beans
2 cups boi l i ng water, salted
I ! cup di ced oni on
I! cup di ced green pepper
I ! cup butter
I ' h cups canned tomatoes
teaspoon sal t
Dash of pepper
l4 teaspoon s ugar
Drop frozen Li ma beans i nt o briskly boi li ng salted
water, bring again to a boil, and boil16 to 18 min
ut es, or until j ust tender. Drain. Saute onion and
green pepper in butter until tender. Add Lima
beans, tomatoes, and seasoni ngs, and simmer 3 to
5 mi nutes. Serves 4 to 6.
I box Bi rds Eye Li ma Beans, cooked
I box Bi rds Eye Golden Sweet Corn, cooked
Sal t and pepper
2 tabl espoons pi mi ento stri ps
2 tablespoons green pepper stri ps
I ! cup French dressi ng, wel l seasoned
2 teaspoons vi negar
I teaspoon scraped oni on
Cook frozen Lima beans and frozen corn accord
ing to directions on packages. Drain and season
with salt and pepper. Chill. Mix Lima beans, corn,
pimiento, and green pepper stri ps. Add the French
dressing, vi negar, and onion. Toss together l i ghtly.
Chill about 30 mi nutes. Serve on crisp lettuce.
Serves 8. Pi mi ento and pepper may be omitted.
H OW F R E S H IS F R E S H? Spi nach, for i nstance.
It begins l osi ng favor almost as soon as i t' s picked.
Now most spi nach, even at the hei ght of the sea
son, takes a good 12 to 72 hours to reach the mar
ket. Duri ng that ti me the favor has begun to fade,
the vitamins to di sappear, and the tender leaves to
dry out and wither up. But not Birds Eye Spi nach !
Harvested when at i ts best, i t is immediately
washed, cleaned, packaged, and quick-frozen.
Freshness i s retai ned, with all the i mportant food
val ues, incl udi ng the preciou s vi tamins.
Here is a masterpiece in garden freshness and full favor. Of course, you know that it's Birds Eye
Succotash, a delicious combination of Lima Beans and Cut Corn. It' s economical to serve, too.
I box Bi rds Eye Li ma Beans
2 cups boi l i ng water, sal ted
I box Bi rds Eye Gol den Sweet Corn
1f cup top mi l k or l i ght cream, scal ded
Butter, sal t, pepper
I ta bl espoon chopped pi mi ento
8 sl i ces boi l ed ham
Drop frozen Lima beans i nto briskly boi l i ng salted
water, bri ng agai n to a boil, and boil 16 to 18 mi n
utes, or unti l j ust tender. Drain. Drop frozen corn
into scalded milk in doubl e boi l er. Cover and cook
15 minut es, or until j ust tender. Add cooked Lima
beans and season with but ter, salt, and pepper.
Serve on hot pl atter ; spri nkl e wi th bits of pimien
to. Surround wi th fri zzled ham, made by sauteing
boiled ham sl i ces i n butter. Serves B.
SUCCOTASH I S A FAVOR I T E . Remember what
a job it was to cut the kernels of corn of the cob,
and to shell the Lima beans? Now all that is done
for you with Birds Eye Cut Corn and Birds Eye
Li ma Beans. You cook the beans, then the corn,
mix them together, and season to taste.
I box Bi rds Eye Broccol i
I cup boi l i ng water, sal ted
2 tabl es poons mi nced oni on
3 tabl es poons butter
Das h of sal t, pepper, pa pri ka
I tabl es poon l emon j ui ce
Drop frozen broccol i into briskl y boi l ing salted
water, bri ng again to a boil, and boi l gentl y 5 to 8
minutes, or unti l al most t ender ; drai n. Saut e oni on
i n butter until slightly browned. Add seasoni ngs
and lemon j uice, and heat broccoli in t hi s sauce
about l mi nute, turning careful l y. Remove broc
coli to servi ng dish and pour onion sauce over top.
Garnish with lemon wedges and serve hot. Serves 4.
If you prefer a mil der Aavored dish, use only l
t abl espoon mi nced oni on in thi s recipe.
TRI MME D TO PE R F E C T I ON! We mean Birds Eye
Broccol i . When you buy a bunch of ordi nary broc
col i you have t o t ri m and throw away more than
half of it, heavy st al ks and leaves that you cannot
fat . Bi rds Eye Broccoli saves yon t hi s fuss and
waste. It has only the tender, green side shoots,
cut i nt o 5- i ncl! l engths. Then it i s washed and
cleaned. When it comes to you, j ust open the box
and pop i nt o boi l i ng wat er-season and serve.
I box Bi rds Eye Broccol i
I cup boi l i ng water, sal ted
I cup broccol i l i quor and water
Y4 cup chopped oni on
4 to bl espoons butter
4 tabl espoons fl our
l tf teaspoons sal t
Y4 teaspoon pepper
t/4 teaspoon mustard
4 teaspoons l emon j ui ce
2 tabl espoons grated Parmesan cheese
3 egg yol ks, beaten unti l thi ck and
l emon-col ored
3 egg whites, stifl y beaten
Drop frozen broccoli into briskl y boiling sa l ted
. water, bring again to a boil, and boil gently 5 to 8
minut es, or unt il stal ks are j us t tender. Drain, re
serving liquor ; add water to make l cup. Chop
broccoli coarsel y. Saute onion in but t er until t en
der. Add broccoli and saut e 2 minutes. Add Aour
and mix thoroughly. Add liquor and wat er and
cook until thickened, st irring constant l y. Add salt,
pepper, mustard, lemon j uice, and cheese. Re
move from fre, add egg yolks, and mi x wel l . Fold
into egg whites. Turn into greased casserole. Place
i n pan of hot water and bake in moderate oven
( 350 F.) l hour, or unt il soufe is frm. Serve at
once wjth melted but t er. Serves 4 to 6.
I F YOU ARE CAR E F U L, you can even reduce the
amount of water cal l ed for in the directions for
cooking Birds Eye vegetables. You place the vege
table in just the right size of u t ensi l , add the wat er,
t hen wat ch t he cooki ng very carefully t o avoid
scorching. You don' t need to drai n the vegetabl e.
If any liquid i s l ef t , serve i t wi t h t he veget abl e.
That's t he advant age-you save al l mi neral s and
vitamins ! So it pays t o experi ment and l earn t o
use j ust enough water t o l ast t hrough t he cooki ng
t i me. Try thi s less-water method t he next t i me you
cook Bi rds Eye Peas, Spi nach, Corn, As paragus,
Green or Wax Beans, or Peas and Carrot s.
I box Bi rds Eye Broccol i
I cup boi l i ng water, sal ted
Y4 cup fnel y shredded bl anched al monds
Sal t a nd pepper
3 tabl espoons butter
Drop frozen broccoli into briskly boiling salted
water, bring again to a boil, and boil gently 5 to 8
minutes, or until stal ks are just tender. Drain and
season with salt and pepper. Saute almonds gent ly
in butter until l ight ly browned. Sprinkle over broc
coli. Serves 4. ( If desired, l teaspoon lemon j uice
may be added to al monds and butter. )
I pound chestnuts
4 to bl espoons butter
lt f tabl espoons fl our
I cup mi l k
tf teaspoon s al t
Dash of pepper
I box Bi rds Eye Brussel s Sprouts
I cup boi l i ng water, sal ted
Boil chestnuts about 20 mi nutes. Drain, remove
shells, and cut i nto small cubes. Saute chestnuts in
butter 2 minutes. Add four and mix until smooth ;
then add mil k, salt, and pepper and cook until
smooth and thickened, stirring constantly. Drop
frozen Brussels sprouts into briskly boiling salted
water, bring again to a boil , and boil 2 minutes, or
unt il j ust tender. Drain. Pour creamed chestnuts
over Brussels sprouts. Serve at once. Serves 4.
You' If like this handy way a/ serving vegetables. Here
are Green Beans, Caulifower, and Asparagus Spears
with Easy Hollandaise Sauce (page 21 ), sharing one
platter and all honors. An attractive supper specialty!
I box Bi rds Eye Caul ifl ower
l lh cups boi l i ng water, sal ted
I smal l cl ove gar l ic
3 tabl espoons ol ive oi l
l h teaspoon sal t
1f cup canned tomatoes
Chopped parsl ey
Grated Parmesan cheese
Place frozen caul i fower i n boi li ng sal ted water
j ust long enough to separate forets ( or about 3 to
4 minutes ) . Drai n. Saute garlic i n olive oil until
browned ; remove garl i c. Saute caulifower i n olive
oi l until browned on both sides. Add salt and to
matoes, cover, and simmer 2 mi nutes. Arrange i n
dish ; spri nkle wi t h parsley and cheese. Serves 4.
2 tabl espoons chopped oni on
lj4 cup chopped cel ery
4 tabl espoons butter
2 cups canned tomatoes
I box Bi rds Eye Gol den Sweet Corn
14 teaspoon soda
I % teaspoons sal t
teaspoon pepper
I teaspoon sugar
3 cu ps top mi l k, scalded
Saute onion and celery i n butter unt i l golden
brown. Adrl tomatoes and frozen corn and cook 5
mi nutes. Add soda, sal t, pepper, and sugar and stir
well. Add to hot mi l k and serve at once. Serves 6.
i ng as fresh as though i t had j ust been pi cked. But
please cook it just the right way. The directions
on the l abel tell you how. Thaw the corn partially
before cooki ng. This i s important. If you don't, the
cob may still be cold after kernels are cooked ! But
don't thaw i t completely, either. As soon as the
kernels are thawed, drop the ears into boi li ng wa
ter, then boil exactly 2 minutes. It's grand !
I ta bl espoon melted butter
I tabl espoon fl our
l lh teaspoons s al t
1f teas poon s ugar
teaspoon pepper
l lh cups rich mil k
I teaspoon scra ped oni on
I tabl espoon chopped pi mi ento
2 eggs, s l i ghtl y beaten
I box Bi rds Eye Gol den Sweet Corn, thawed
Combine melted butter, four, sal t, sugar, and pep
per. Add mil k sl owly, sti rring until smooth. Cook
unt i l thi ckened, stirring constantly. Remove from
fre, add onion, pi mi ento, eggs, and corn, and mi x
wel l . Turn i nto baki ng di sh. Set di sh i n pan of hot
water and bake i n moderate oven ( ..0 F. ) l hour,
or unt i l set. Serves 4 to 6.
I box Bi rds Eye Gol den Sweet Corn
I cup sl i ced green peppers
I teaspoon mi nced oni on
6 to bl espoons butter
lf teaspoon s al t Dash of pepper
14 cup sl i ced pi mi entos
Saute frozen corn, green peppers, and onion in
but t er, covered, until corn i s thawed and green
peppers are tender, stirring frequently. Add salt,
pepper, and pimientos, and cook unti l pi mientos
are thorou ghly heated. Serve, garni shed with sprigs
of parsl ey. Serves 4.
I box Bi rds Eye Green Peas
% cup boi l i ng water, sal ted
I cup pea l i quor a nd top mi l k
l- pound mus hrooms, sl i ced
14 teaspoon scraped oni on
Dash of nutmeg
4 tabl espoons butter
2 to bl espoons fl our
1f teas poon sal t Dash of pepper
Drop frozen peas i nto briskly boi l i ng salted water,
bring again to a boil, and boil 5 to 7 mi nutes, or
until j ust tender. Drain, reserving l iquor ; add t op
mi l k to make l cup. Saute mushrooms, oni on, and
nutmeg gently i n butter until mushrooms are ten
der. Add four and mix thoroughly. Add pea l i quor
and milk gradually, and cook and stir until t hi ck
ened. Add salt, pepper, and peas; heat. Serves 4.
I box Bi rds Eye Spi nach, cooked
I cup spi nach l i quor and water
3 boui l l on cu bes
' 1 teaspoon sal t
4 peppercorns
Dash of nutmeg and thyme
I smal l oni on, sl i ced
Li ght cream
3 tabl espoons butter
2 ' 1 tabl espoons fl our
6 tabl es poons grated Parmesan cheese
4 eggs
Cook frozen spi nach accordi ng to directions on
package. Drain, reservi ng liquor ; add water to
make 1 cup. Chop spinach. Add boui l l on cubes,
salt, peppercorns, nutmeg, thyme, and onion to
spi nach l iquor and cook gently 15 mi nutes. Strai n,
measure, and add l i ght cream to make 1 cups.
Mel t butter i n saucepan, add Aour, and stir un
til smooth. Add spi nach l i quor and cream and
cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Add 2
tablespoons cheese. Pour small amount of sauce
into shallow baking dish or i ndi vi dual rameki ns.
Arrange spinach on sauce ; spri nkle with 1 tabl e
spoon cheese. Make four depressions and break an
egg into each. Pour remai ni ng sauce over eggs and
sprinkle with remai ni ng cheese. Bake i n very hot
oven ( 500 F. ) 5 to 10 mi nutes, or unti l eggs are
set. Brown i n broiler 2 mi nutes. Serves 4.
Place 1 box Birds Eye Green Peas, thawed, i n
saucepan. Add 4 tabl espoons butter and V tea
spoon salt. Sprinkle wi th 1 teaspoon mi nced oni on,
cover wi th l ettuce leaves, and top wi th l arge spri g
of parsley. Cover and cook gentl y 15 mi nutes, or
unti l peas are tender. Remove parsl ey. Serves 4.
ED !
C OME O U T O F T H E KI TC H E N! You can with
Bi rds Eye Green Peas or Lima Beans. You don' t
have to shell and wash them, then clean up the
mess and throw away about 63oo of what you paid
for-al l pods. Birds Eye has done this for you !
Just open the box and cook as di rected.

I box Bi rds Eye Peas and Carrots, cooked
I box Bi rds Eye Gol den Sweet Corn, cooked
2 cups vegetabl e l i quor and mi l k
2 tabl espoons chopped oni on
4 ta bl espoons butter
5 tabl espoons fl our
I teaspoon s al t
Dash of pepper
I cup grated Ameri can cheese
I cup buttered bread crumbs
Papri ka
Cook frozen pes and carrots and frozen corn ac
cordi ng to directions on packages. Drai n, reserv
ing l iquor ; add milk to make 2 cups. Brown oni on
sl i ghtl y in butter. Add Aour and stir until smooth.
Add vegetable l i quor and milk and cook until
thickened, sti rri ng constantly. Remove from fre.
Add salt, pepper, and cheese, and stir until cheese
i s melted. Add vegetables and turn into buttered
casserole. Top with buttered crumbs and spri nkle
wi th paprika. Place casserole i n pan of hot water
and bake i n hot oven ( 450 F. ) about 20 mi nutes,
or unti l browned. Serves 6 to 8.
2 tabl espoons chopped oni on
4 tabl espoons butter
5 tabl espoons four
1 1/- cups mi l k
'4 cup grated Ameri can cheese
I box Bi rds Eye Gol den Sweet Corn, thawed
I teaspoon sal t
teaspoon pepper
'4 teaspoon Worcesters hire sauce
4 egg yol ks, beaten u nti l thi ck and
l emon-col ored
4 egg whites, stify beaten
Saute oni on i n butter unt i l tender. Stir i n Aour.
Add milk and cook unti l thickened, stirring fre
quently. Add cheese and sti r unti l cheese is melted.
Add corn, salt, pepper, and Worcestershire sauce.
Remove from fre, add egg yol ks, and mi x well .
Fol d i nto egg whites. Turn i nto greased casserol e.
Place i n pan of hot water and bake i n moderate
oven ( 350 F.) 1 hour, or until frm. Serves 6.
the work has been done and there's no waste to
bother wi th. Thi s squash i s already cooked and
sieved. It needs only to be heated pi pi ng hot, sea
soned to t ast e, and served.
I box Bi rds Eye Gr een Peas , cooked
2 cup cubed Ameri can cheese
' cup fi nel y chopped sweet pi ckl e
' cup boi l ed dressi ng or mayonnai se
/teaspoon sal t
Cook frozen peas accordi ng to di rect i ons on pack
age. Drai n and cooL Add remai ni ng i ngredi ents ;
mi x welL Chi lL Serve on cri sp l el l uce. Serves 4.
I box Bi rds Eye Spi nach
I cup boi l i ng water, sal ted
/ cup chopped oni on
4 tabl espoons butter
3 ta bl espoons four
I cup mi l k
I teaspoon sal t
/teaspoon pepper
teaspoon cel ery sal t
/ cup chopped cooked bacon
4 egg yol ks, beaten unti l thi ck and
l emon-col ored
4 egg whites, stifi y beaten
Drop frozen spi nach i nto bri skl y bo i l i ng sal l ed
water. Bri ng again to a boil and boi l 4 t o 6 mi n
utes, or unti l j ust tender, separat i ng leaves wi t h
fork duri ng cooki ng. Drai n t horoughly and chop.
Saute oni on i n but ter unti l golden brown. Add
four and st i r unt i l smooth ; add mi l k, seasoni ngs,
spi nach, and bacon and cook unt i l thi ckened.
Cool sl i ght l y. Add egg yolks and mi x wel L Fol d
i nt o egg whi t es. Turn into greased baki ng di oh.
Place i n pan of hot water and bake i n moderate
oven I 350 F. ) l hour, or unti l frm. Serves 6.
"THE PEAS ARE ALL PODS and nothi ng much else.
There won't be enough to go ' round. " You never
hear that compl ai nt about Birds Eye Green Peas.
You don' t need to guess at the number of servi ngs
a package wi l l gi ve-you always know. It serves 4.
No matter what else might be served at this di nner
these two dishes would make a meal. Birds Eye Spi nach
wi th egg garnish and Cut Corn, drenched with butter.
I box Bi rds Eye Cooked Squas h, thawed
2 eggs, s l i ghtl y beaten
' can Baker' s Southern Styl e Coconut,
cup s ugar
I ta bl espoon mel ted butter
/teaspoon ci nnamon
teaspoon n utmeg
'J teaspoon l emon extract
I teaspoon vani l l a
Das h of s al t
| 'cups mi l k
' can Baker' s Southern Styl e Coconut
:fix together squash, eggs, chopped coconut. sugar
but ter, ci nnamon, nutmeg, lemon extract, vani lla,
and salt . Then add mi l k gradually, sti rri ng unti l
smoot h. Li ne a 9- i nch pi e plate wi t h pastry rolled
l i nch t hi ck, allowi ng pastry to extend l inch
beyond edge. Fold edge back to form standi ng ri m
and fut e wi th fngers. Fill wi t h squash mi xture.
Bake i n hot oven ( 450 F. ) 20 mi nutes ; then de
crease heat to moderat e ( 350 F. ) and bake 20
mi nutes l onger. Sprinkl e remai ni ng l can coco
nut on t op of pi e and conti nue baki ng 10 mi nut es,
or unt i l coconut i s browned.
I box Bi rds Eye Spi nach
I cup boi l i ng water, sal ted
2 tabl espoons butter
Y4 cup heavy cr eam
2 tabl es poons horse-radi sh
I teaspoon sa I t
Ya teaspoon pepper
Drop frozen spinach i nt o briskly boiling salted
water. Bring agai n to a boil and boil 4 to 6 mi n
utes, or unt i l j ust tender, separati ng l eaves wi t h
fork duri ng cooki ng. Drai n and chop. Heat wi t h
rest of i ngredi ent s i n doubl e boi l er. Serves 4.
'_box Bi rds Eye Spi nach
I cup boi l i ng water , sal ted
I ' _cups broken noodl es, u ncooked
'_ cup grated Ameri can cheese
2 eggs, sl i ghtl y beaten
I ' _cups scal ded mi l k
I teaspoon s al t
Das h of pepper
Y4 teaspoon scraped oni on
Drop frozen spinach i nt o briskly boi l i ng salted
wat er. Bring aga i n t o a boi l and boi l 4 t o 6 mi n
utes, or until j ust t ender, separat i ng l eaves with
fork duri ng cooki ng. Drai n and chop. Cook noodles
i n large amount of boi l i ng sal ted water unt i l t en
der ; drai n and mi x wi t h spi nach and cheese. Com
bi ne eggs, mi l k, and seasoni ngs ; pour over spi n
ach- noodl e mi xt ure. Turn i nt o wel l - greased ri ng
mol d. Place i n pan of hot wat er and bake i n mod
erate oven ( 350 F. ) 45 mi nutes, or unt i l knife in
serted comes out clean. Unmol d. Fil l center with
creamed mushrooms, fsh, or meat. Serves 6.
I box Bi rds Eye Spi nach, thawed
2 ta bl es poons chopped mi xed pi ckl es
'_ cup chopped cel ery
I teaspoon chopped oni on
' _teaspoon sal t
4 ta bl espoons mayonnaise
I cup cottage cheese
a teaspoon scra ped oni on
Drai n spi nach, i f necessary. Add pi ckles, celery,
oni on, salt, and mayonnaise and mix wel. Com
bine cottage cheese and scraped oni on. Arrange
spinach mixture and cottage cheese i n mounds on
cri sp lett uce. Garni sh with addi t i onal mayonnaise
and sprinkle with papri ka. Serves 4.
I box Bi rds Eye Spi nach
I cup boi l i ng water , sal ted
I ta bl espoon butter , mel ted
I tabl espoon fl our
cup l i ght cream
7 teaspoon sal t
' _teaspoon scra ped oni on
I '_ teaspoons vi negar
Drop frozen spi nach i nto bri skly boiling salted
water. Bring agai n to a boil and boil 4 to 6 mi n
ut es, or unt i l j ust tender, separati ng l eaves wi t h
fork duri ng cooki ng. Drai n and chop. Combi ne
but t er and four in saucepan and stir unt i l smoot h.
Add cream gradual l y and cook unti l thi ckened.
st i rri ng const antly. Add spi nach and remai ni ng i n
gredi ent s ; heat and serve. Serves 4 to 6.
I! cup di ced oni ons
3 tabl es poons butter
I '_teaspoons sa I t
Dash of pepper
I box Bi rds Eye Cooked Squas h, thawed
Saut e on ions in 2 t abl espoons butter unti l tender
but not browned. Add with seasoni ngs t o squash.
Pl ace i n top of doubl e boi l er and heat over boi l i ng
water about 25 mi nutes. Add remai ni ng 1 table
spoon but ter. Serves 4.
We ore willing to wager that you' ve never in all your
life enjoyed a salad more than you will the one shown
here. It' s called Limo Bean and Corn Salad on page 1 3.
I box Bi rds Eye Spi nach
I cup boi l i ng water, sa lted
I tabl espoon butter, mel ted
I tabl espoon four
cup l i ght cream
teaspoon sal t
Dash of pepper and n utmeg
Drop frozen spinach i nto bri skl y boi l i ng salted
water. Bring again to a boil and boi l 4 to 6 mi n
ut es, or unti l j ust tender, separat i ng l eaves with
fork during cooking. Drain and chop. Combine
butter and four in saucepan and stir to a smooth
paste. Add cream gradual l y and cook until thick
ened, stirring constantly. Add spi nach and season
ings and heat. Serve at once. Serves 4 to 6.
l. cup fnel y di ced oni on
2 11 tabl espoons butter, mel ted
I box Bi rds Eye Cooked Squash, thawed
2 egg yol ks, sl i ghtl y beaten
l l4 teaspoons sal t
Dash of pepper
I package 8 ounces ) Bi rds Eye Sausage
Li nks, partial l y thawed
Saute oni on i n 1 tablespoon but ter unti l tender
but not browned. Add to squash wi th egg yolks,
YOU CAN RUSH HOME at quarter to si x and drop
the Bi rds Eye vegetabl e into boi l i ng water. It will
be cooked and ready to eat i n plenty of time for
di nner. And you don't need to spend time thawi ng
i t ei ther, for Bi rds Eye veget abl es are best i f they
are cooked frozen. They taste as though you had
j ust picked them i n your own vegetabl e garden.
remai ni ng l l t abl espoons butter, and seasonings.
Turn i nt o greased baki ng pan, about 8x4x3 i nches.
Separat e sausage l inks ; prick each one wel l with
sharp- ti ned fork to prevent bursti ng during cook
ing. Place in hot skillet and cook 4 to 5 mi nutes.
Arrange on squash. Place in pan of hot water and
bake i n moderate oven ( 375 F.) % hour. Serves 4.
I box Bi rds Eye Cooked Squas h, thawed
2 tabl espoons butter, mel ted
l lf teaspoons sal t
Dash of pepper
Dash of ci nnamon
Dash of nutmeg
I egg yol k, s l i ghtl y beaten
2 lf tabl espoons butter
IJ cup brown s ugar, fr ml y packed
I teaspoon four
Combi ne squash with 2 tablespoons melted butter,
seasonings, and egg yolk. Turn i nto greased shal
low baking di sh. Cream 2 % tablespoons butter,
add brown sugar and four gradually, and cream
wel l . Spread on top of squash. Place i n pan of
hot water and bake i n hot oven ( 425 F. ) 20 mi n
utes. Pl ace under broi ler about l mi nute. Serves 4.
I sl i ce bacon
2 teaspoons four
2 teaspoons bacon dri ppi ngs
lf cup mi l k
lj4 cup grated American cheese
l f teaspoon sal t
Dash of pepper
Fry bacon unt il cri sp. Remove from skillet and
chop. Add four to bacon drippings i n t op of
doubl e boiler and sti r unti l smooth. Pl ace over
boiling water, add mi l k and cook unti l thi ckened,
stirri ng constantly. Add bacon, cheese, salt, and
pepper, and cook until cheese i s mel ted. Serve on
Birds Eye Broccol i , Brussels Sprouts, Cauli fower,
and Spi nach. Makes about % cup sauce.
YOU CAN TAKE YOU R C HOI CE. You can buy Birds
Eye Green Beans, cut i n l- i nch l engths, or French
Style Green Beans, sl i ced lengthwi se. No mat ter
whi ch ki nd you buy, you may be sure that Birds
Eye Green Beans are washed, cleaned, and ready
t o cook with no further preparat i on. Just select
the one best sui t ed to your needs.
I cup chi cken stock
I sl i ce oni on
I s mol l carrot, di ced
1h bay l eaf
I spri g parsl ey
b peppercorns
2 tabl espoons butter
1 11 tabl espoons fl our
l4 cup l i ght cream
l4 teaspoon sal t
Dash of pepper
Cook stock 20 mi nutes wi th oni on, carrot, bay leaf,
parsley, and peppercorns. Strain and measure. If
necessary, cook stock until reduced to l cup.
Mel t butter, add four, and stir unti l smooth. Add
stock, cream, sal t, and pepper, and cook until
thi ckened, stirring constantly. Serve on Birds Eye
Spinach. Makes about % cup sance.
teaspoon sal t
l4 teaspoon pa pri ka
Dash of pepper
2 teaspoons tarragon vi negar
4 teaspoons ci der vi negar
4 tabl espoons ol i ve oi l
2 teaspoons chopped green pep per
2 teaspoons chopped cucumber pi ckl e
I teaspoon chopped parsl ey
I teaspoon chopped chi ves
Combine i ngredients. Pour sauce over hot Birds
Eye Asparagus, Broccol i , or Brussel s Sprout s and
chi l l . Makes about Y cup sauce.
I tabl espoon fnel y chopped oni on
I tabl espoon butter
I tabl espoon four
cup s our cream
1 11 teaspoons s ugar
teaspoon sal t
Dash of pepper
112 teaspoon vi negar
Saut e oni on i n butter i n t op of doubl e boi l er unt i l
tender. Add four and st i r unt i l smooth. Pl ace
over boi l i ng water, add sour cream, and cook u nti l
thi ckened, stirri ng constantly. Add sugar, salt,
pepper, and vinegar. Pour over Birds Eye Green
Beans or Wax Beans. Sprinkle wi th chopped pars
l ey. Makes abont % cup sauce.
4 to bl espoons butter, mel ted
2 egg yol ks, beaten u nti l thi ck an d
l emon-col ored
' 14 cup boi l i ng water
2 teaspoons l emon j ui ce
114 teaspoon sal t
Das h of pepper
Dash of cayenne
Add butter gradual l y t o egg yolks, a small amount
at a t i me, beati ng constantly wi th rotary egg beat
er. Add water gradually, beati ng after each addi
tion. Place in top of double boiler and cook over
boil i ng water unti l thickened, stirring constantly.
Remove from hot water ; add lemon j ui ce and sea
sonings. Serve on Bi rds Eye Asparagus, Broccoli ,
Caulifower, Spi nach, or Brussels Sprouts. Makes
about 2/1 cup sauce.
Note : Thi s sauce may be kept over hot water
from 30 to 45 mi nutes.
2 tabl espoons butter
1 f teas poon curry powder
l4 teaspoon s al t
2 to bl espoons fl our
4 tabl espoons heavy cream
cup mi l k
Combine butter and curry powder i n t op of double
boiler ; pl ace over direct heat and cook gently 1
mi nute, stirring constantly. Remove from fre, add
sal t and four and st i r unti l smooth. Add cream
and milk gradually, place over boi li ng water and
stir until thickened. Cover and cook about 30 mi n
utes. Serve on Birds Eye Caul i fower or Birds Eye
Broccoli. Makes about 1 cup sauce.
l eaf of Birds Eye Spinach i s put through a bath
that would wash the stripes of a zebra. Not a grai n
of sand i s l eft. Why, li terally twenty gallons of
cool, clear water are used to wash a si ngl e pound
of Bi rds Eye Spi nach.
YOU MAY LI VLn the heart of the city where you
never even see a blade of grass, but you can have
frui ts and berries that taste as i f you had j u st gath
ered them from your own orchard or picked them
i n your own berry patch. lt real l y seems li ke magic.
And these fruits and berries are always i n sea
son. That's magic, too. Birds Eye magic ! To think
of having strawberry shortcake or bl ueberries and
cream i n June or January-regardless of seasons !
And there are other magical thi ngs to tell about
Birds Eye fruits and berries. They have absol ute
l y no waste. Every particle of fruit i s i n perfect
condition ; there's never a bit to throw away.
These fruits are easy to use, too. Thawi ng is al l
that's necessary, except for Rhubarb, but the ti m
i ng is most i mportant. Directi ons are gi ven on each
box. General thawing i nformation i s al so given on
the next page. You can choose the type of thawi ng
t hat best sui t s your purpose but sl ow thawing i n
t he refrigerator gi ves the best results.
Many people prefer to use their frui ts plain,
with li ttle dressi ng up, as i n fruit cups, sauces, or
on ice cream or puddi ngs. But for those who like
more unusual di shes, this book contai ns recipes
for many di ferent types of frui t desserts. There
are basic reci pes, whi ch can be adapted to several
fruits. With the Shortcake recipe on page 25, for
i nstance, you can have a variety, servi ng each week
in succession Strawberry Shortcake, Peach Short
cake, Red Raspberry Shortcake, and Boysenberry
Shortcake . . . every one, j ust luscious. These basic
recipes include most of your favori tes : cobbl ers,
tapi ocas, puf puddi ngs, and others.
For those occasions when you like to make an
i mpressi on, this book has many del i ghtful sugges
tions. Try Strawberry Ice Cream Tarts ( page 25 )
or Kirsch Birds Eye Berries ( page 27) set afame.
Also Strawberry Angel Pie ( page 28 ) or Red Rasp
berry Mousse ( page 24) would certainly make a
hi t. Or if you l i ke orchard-fresh sun-ri pened peach
es ( and who does not ) j ust try Jel l ierl Birds Eye
Peaches ( page 23) . In season or out you'll enjoy
t he j ust-picked favor and freshness of these fruit s !
l l
bAS|L |KU|1 RLLl |L5
I box Bi rds Eye Red Raspberri es
or Boysenberri es
1 h cup sugar
I tabl es poon four
2 teaspoons l emon j ui ce
I tabl espoon mel ted butter
1 f cup sifted four
1f teas poon Ca l umet Baki ng Powder
1 /4 teas poon sal t
2 teaspoons s ugar
2 tabl espoons mel ted butter
2 ta bl espoons mi l k
Thaw frui t unt i l i t c an j ust be separated. Arrange frui t i n a greased
8x8x2- i nch baki ng dish. Combine sugar and Aour ; sprinkle over frui t.
Spri nkl e lemon j ui ce and bu l l er over frui t , mi xi ng l i ghtl y.
Sift Aour once, measure, add baki ng powder, sal t , and sugar, and si ft
agai n. Combi ne bu t t er and mi l k, add to flour, and st i r u nti l soft dough
i s formed. Turn out on sl i ght l y fl ou red board and knead 10 seconds.
Rol l dough t o ft t op of baki ng di sh ; cut sl i t s t o permi t escape of steam.
Fi t over fru i t . Bake i n hot oven ( 400 F. ) 30 mi nu tes. Serves 4.
Bl ueberry or Peach Cobbl er. Use 1 box Birds Eye Bl ueberries or Birds
Eye Sl i ced Peaches, \l cup sugar, and 1 t abl espoon l emon j ui ce i n t he
frui t mi xt ure i n the above reci pe.
I box Bi rds Eye Red Ras pberri es
l l4 cups frui t j ui ce and water
2 1f tabl espoons Mi n ute Ta pi oca
1h cup s ugar
t eas poon sal t
I ta bl espoon l emon j ui ce
Thaw frui t unti l i t can j ust be separat ed. Drai n ; add wat er to j u i ce to
make 1 ' cu ps. Combi ne Mi nu t e Tpi oca, sugar sal t , and l i qu i d i n
saucepan and mi x wel l . Br i ng mi xt ure qu ickl y t u a f ul l bo i l over di rect
heat, sti rri ng constantl y. Remove from fre. ( Mi xt ure wi l l be t hi n. /Jo
not overcook. ) Add lemon j u i ce and frui t . Cool , sti rri ng occasi onal l y
mi xt ure t hi ckens as it cools. Ch i l l . Serves 4 to 5.
Peach Mi nute Tapi oca. Use l box Bi rds Eye Sl i ced Peaches, 2 tabl e
spoons Mi nut e Tapi oca, % cup s ugar, and 3 tabl espoons of l emon
j ui ce i n the above reci pe.
I package I mi tati on Strawberry
Jel l - 0
l l cups hot water
I box Bi rds Eye Sl i ced
Strawberri es, j ust thawed
I tabl espoon l emon j ui ce
Di ssol ve Jel l - 0 i n hot water. Add frui t and l emon j uice. Chi l l unti l
t hi ckened, st i rri ng occasi onal ly. Pi l e l i ght l y i n sherbet glasses. Serve
wi th plai n cream. Serves 4 t o 6.
Jel l i ed Bi rds Eye Peaches. Use 1 package Orange Jel l - 0, 1 box Birds Eye
Sl i ced Peaches, and 2 t abl espoo ns l emon j u i ce i n above reci pe.
Jel l i ed Bi r ds Eye Raspberri es. Use 1 package I mi t at i on Raspberry Jel l - 0,
21 cups hot wat er, 1 box Bi rds Eye Red Raspberri es, 1 t abl espoon
lemon j u i ce, and 1, cup sugar i n above reci pe, addi ng s ugar to di s
solved Jell - 0 and sti rring unt i l di ssol ved.
l i
before us i ng, except Rhubarb.
The way you thaw i t depends
on how soon you wi sh to use i t.
Sl ow t hawi ng i n the refri gera
tor gi ves the best resul ts.
If you pl ace the unopened
carton i n the refri gerat or, the
frui t t haws i n 6 to 8 hours.
I f t he unopened carton is
l eft on your kitchen tabl e, at
room temperat ure, the frui t
wi l l t haw i n about 3 Y2 hours.
Taki ng the frui t aut of the
carton and l ett i ng i t stand at
room temper at ure shortens the
ti me to 2 to 2 Y2 hours, i f the
frui t i s separated from ti me to
ti me wi th a fork, bei ng careful
not to break i t. (Sl i ced Straw
berri es and Peaches shau l d
not be t aken out of the seal ed
bag u nti l served. )
For the very qu ickest thaw
i ng of al l , Bi rds Eye Bl ueber
ries, Raspberri es, and Boysen
berries, whi ch do not freeze i n
a sol i d bl ock, may be separat ed
i nto smal l dishes, then al l owed
to stand at room temperat ure
about 1 hour . Thi s method i scon
ven i ent but gives l ess perfect
resu l ts t han slow t hawi ng.
THERE' S A BEST WAY to serve
Bi rds Eye fruits; i t tel l s you
how on eoch carton. Bi rds Eye
Bl ueberri es, Sl iced Peaches,
and Sl iced Strawberries are
best i f served just thawed.
Boysenberries and Red Rasp
berri es are best i f served just
before they are compl etel y
thawed. Of course, Rhubarb
must be cooked before servi ng.
use your Bi rds Eye fruits to
day and woul d l i ke to keep
them for awhi l e. Then pl ace
the carton, unopened, i n the
freezi ng compartment of your
refri gerator. These fruits wi l l
keep as l ong as t hey remai n
sol i dl y frozen. Once t hey are
thawed, they shoul d be used
promptl y i n order to obtai n
I quart
I box

- -
, \

the best resu l ts. But don' t ever
try to refreeze the fruit after
it has been thawed. Wi th or
di nary sl ow freezi ng l arge ice
crystals are formed wh ich cut
the cel l wal l s and rel ease the
favor j uices. Onl y the mi racl e
of quick.freezi ng can capt ure
and hol d the fu l l favor, col or,
and freshness of fruits.
.. @
I tabl espoon gr anul ated gel ati n
ta bl es poons col d water
I box Bi rds Eye Sl iced
Strawberri es, thawed
teaspoons l emon j ui ce
Dash of salt
4 tabl es poons s ugar
I cup cream, whi pped
| l ady fngers or stri ps of
s ponge cake
Soak gel at i n i n water about 2 mi nut es. Drai n berri es ; add lemon j uice
to frui t . Heat j ui ce and pour over gelat i n, stirri ng unti l gel ati n i s dis
solved. Add sal! and sugar. When col d, add fru i t . Chi l l . When sl i ght l y
thickened, fol d i n cream. Line bottom and si des of mol d wi t h l ady fn
gers. Fill with berry mi xt ure. Chi ll unti l frm. Unmold. Garnish with
whi pped cream, if desi red. Serves 8.
Raspberry Bavari an Ice Box Cake. Use 1 box Bi rds Eye Red Raspberri es
and l cup sugar i n above recipe. Place raspberries in saucepan and
heat sl owly about 5 mi nutes. Drai n.
Peach Bavari an Ice Box Cake. Use 1 box Bi rds Eye Sl i ced Peaches i n
above reci pe. Cut peaches in small pieces and drain.
Use recipe for Bavarian Ice Box Cake ( above ) . Line sherbet glasses
with lady fngers and fll with fruit-cream mi xture. Chill u ntil frm.
Garnish with whipped cream. Or omit lady fngers, and turn frui t-cream
mixture into ring mol d or i ndi vi dual molds. Chill. Unmol d. Serves 8_
Use recipe for Bavari an Ice Box Cake ( above) , omitti ng lady fngers.
Turn frui t- cream mi xture i nto baked 9-inch pie shell , i ndi vi dual tart
shells, or vani l l a wafer crust_ Chill. Garnish with whipped cream.
To make vanilla wafer crust, mi x thoroughly % cup sugar and Ph
cups fnely crushed vanilla wafers. Add V cup hot melted butter and
mi x well. Pack on bottom and sides of 9-inch pi e plate and bake i n
sl ow oven ( 325 F. ) 15 mi nutes. Cool .
I box Bi rds Eye Sl i ced Peaches,
I! cup s ugar
teas poon s al t
teas poons l emon j uice
I cup cream, whi pped
Crush fruit, add sugar, salt, and l emon j uice and fold i nto whi pped
cream. Turn into freezing tray of automatic refrigerator and l et stand
2V2 to 3 hours, or u nti l frm. Or turn i nto mold, cover with waxed paper,
press cover t i ghtly down over paper, and pack in equal parts ice and
sal t ; let stand 21h to 3 hours. Makes about % quart mousse.
Strawberry Mousse. Use l box Birds Eye Sliced Strawberries and 2
tablespoons sugar in above recipe.
Red Raspberry Mousse. Use 1 box Birds Eye Red Raspberries and cup
sugar in above recipe. Combine raspberries and sugar and heat until
sugar i s di ssolved. Force t hrough fne sieve. Chill.
I box Bi rds Eye Sl i ced Strawberri es I ! cup cream, whi pped
4 hot shortcake bi scuits, s pl it and buttered
Spread thawed strawberries on l ower halves of hot shortcake bi scui ts ;
top wi th upper halves and addi ti onal berries. Garnish wi th whi pped
cream. Serves 4.
To make shortcake biswits, si ft together P h cups si fted Swans
Down Cake Flour, 1% teaspoons Calumet Baki ng Powder, and V2 tea
spoon salt . Cut i n 4 tablespoons butter or other shortening. Add 6
tablespoons milk and sti r unti l mi xture forms a soft dough. Turn out
on sl i ghtly foured board and knead 30 seconds. Roll % i nch thi ck and
cut with foured 3- inch bi scui t cutter. Place hal f of circles on ungreased
baking sheet and brush with melted butter. Place remai ni ng ci rcles on
top and butter well. Bake in hot oven ( 450 F.) 15 to 20 mi nutes.
Peach Shortcakes. Use l box Birds Eye Sliced Peaches i n above recipe.
Red Raspberry or Boysenberry Shortcakes. Use 1 box Birds Eye Red Rasp
berries or Birds Eye Boysenberries i n the above reci pe. Add V2 cup
sugar and 4 tablespoons water and crush sl i ghtly. Let stand % hour.
I box Bi rds Eye Sl i ced Peaches,
8 baked 3 1f.i nch tart shel l s
2 teaspoons l emon j uice
I tabl es poon four
3 egg whites
6 tabl espoons s ugar
I pi nt vani l l a i ce cream
Drai n peaches, reservi ng j ui ce ; arrange peaches in bottom of tart shell s
and sprinkle wi th lemon j ui ce. Add peach j ui ce slowly to four, stir
ri ng until smoot h. Cook until thickened, st i rri ng constant l y. Cool and
pour over peaches. Beat egg whi tes unti l foamy throughout ; add sugar,
2 tablespoons at a time, beati ng after each addi ti on until sugar is
blended. Then conti nue beating unt i l mi xture will stand i n peaks.
Cover peaches with hard i ce cream. Pile meringue on top, being sure
ice cream i s well covered. Place under broiler 3 mi nutes, or until
meringue is browned. Serve i mmedi ately. Serves 8.
Strawberry I ce Cream Tarts. Use l box Birds Eye Sliced Strawberries,
thawed, in above recipe. Reduce lemon j uice to 1 teaspoon and add it
to strawberry juice and fou j ust before cooki ng.
I! cup water I box Bi rds Eye Rhubarb
I cup s ugar I box Bi r ds Eye Red Raspberri es
2 t

aspoons l emon j ui ce
Mi x water and sugar and bring to a boi l ; add frozen rhuharb and cook
unt i l tender. Remove from fre. Add frozen raspberries and lemon
j uice, cover, and let st and unt i l raspberries are thawed. Chill before
serving. Serves 6 to 8.
Rhubarb Boysenberry Compote. Use 1 box Bi rds Eye Boysenberries i n
stead of raspberries i n above reci pe. Reduce lemon j ui ce to 1 t easpoon.
Rhubarb Strawberry Compote. Use 1 box Birds Eye Sliced Strawberries
i nstead of raspberries i n above reci pe. Reduce wat er to 1 cup, sugar
to % cup. and i ncrease lemon j ui ce t o l tabl espoon.
YOUR F I NGERS needn' t be
stai ned, i f you use Bi rds Eye
fruits. There' s no hul l i ng or
cl eani ng or washi ng to do. Al l
t hat has been done for you.
Al l the waste has been thrown
away and every ounce of frui t
reaches the tabl e. Best af al l ,
there is never a bit of frui t
that i sn' t i n perfect condi tion.
BI RDS EYE PACKS onl y top
qual ity fruits; that' s one rea
son why they are so del i ci ous.
I n parts of the country where
the fnest fruits grow, there
the quick freezi ng packi ng
pl ant is set up and the frui t
qick-frozen i mmedi atel y af
ter harvest. At every pl ant are
experts who careful l y watch
and control producti on and
each pl ant has its own l abora
tory which conti nual l y tests col
or, texture, appearance, and
favor. Al l of thi s is Bi rds Eve
Qual i ty Control .
I t is t his r i gi d Qual ity Control
at every step of the Bi rds Eye
process that i nsures guaran
t eed uni formity i n the qual i ty
of each Bi rds Eye product.
The Queen of Desserts! Years ago Strawberry Shortcake was a seasonal luxury. Now you can have
it on any day you please in the year. The recipe for Birds Eye Strawberry Shortcake is on page 25.
I package Lemon Jel l -0
l i4 cu ps hot water
l4 teaspoon sal t
1h cup sugar
l4 cup l emon j ui ce
cup heavy cream
f box Bi rds Eye Red Ras pberri es, thawed
I baked 9- i nch pi e shel l
l4 box Bi r ds Eye Red Ras pberri es, thawed
I 'h to bl espoons s ugar
tabl espoons water
Di ssolve J ell-0 i n hot water ; add salt and 11 cup
sugar. Reserve % cup Jel l - 0 mi xt ure for glace.
Add l emon j uice to remaining Jel l - 0 and chi ll un
ti l slightly thi ckened. Fold i n cream, whipped only
unt i l thi ck and shi ny, but not st if. Turn i nto pie
shell. Chill until frm. Cover with % box rasp
berries. Pour gl ace over raspberries and chill un
til frm. Cut with sharp knife. Serves 8.
To make glace, combi ne remai ni ng % box rasp
berri es wi th l % tablespoons sugar and 2 t able
spoons water in small saucepan. Cook gently un
t i l berri es are soft. Rub through sieve and add to
reserved cup Jell - 0. Chi l l unt i l cold and syrupy.
. @
I ora nge, peel ed an d sl i ced
% cu p sugar
l4 teas poon grated orange ri nd
I box Bi rds Eye Rh u bar b
Place orange sli ces i n casserole and add snar
and orange ri nd. Top wi th frozen rhubarb. Bake
i n hot oven ( 400 F. ) l hour. Serve hot or col d.
Serves 4. Thi s simpl e di s h has deli ghtf ul favor.
May be baked with crust on top li ke deep- di sh pi e.
BR I G H TEN UP Y OU R MEN US. Some day when
you t h i nk that t here's nothi ng new under the sun,
why not surprise the fami l y wi th Bi rds Eye Boy
senberries ? A cross between a blackberry, l ogan
berry, and raspberry, t hey are l arge berries wi th a
rich ful l favor capt ured by Bi rds Eye. So for an
i nt eresti ng dessert, serve Bi rds Eye Boysenberries,
j u st thawed, with sugar and pl ai n cream.
cups chi l l ed ora nge secti ons, free from
I cup chi l l ed orange j ui ce
I tabl espoon l emon j ui ce
I ta bl espoon s ugar
I box Bi rds Eye Red Raspberri es, thawed

' cup seedl ess white gra pes
6 spri gs of mi nt
Drain orange sect i ons, reservi ng j u ice ; add addi
t i onal orange j ui ce t o make l cup. Add l emon
j ui ce and sugar. Pl ace orange sect i ons i n bottom
and around si des of each sherbet gl ass and fll
center wi t h raspberries. Garni sh wi th grapes. plac
i ng l gra pe between adjacent orange sect i ons.
Pour fru i t j uices over frui t . Add mi ni . Serves 6.
I box Bi rds Eye Sl i ced Peaches, thawed
I box Bi rds Eye Sl i ced Strawberri es, thawed
ta bl espoons l emon j ui ce
| 'cups frui t j ui ce a nd water
I package I mitati on Strawberry Jel l -0
| 'cups cream, whi pped
Drai n peaches and strawberries, reservi ng j ui ce.
Spri nkl e frui t wi t h lemon j ui ce. Measure frui t
j ui ce, add water to make 1 % cups, and heaL Di s
solve Jel l -0 i n hot frui t j ui ce and water. Chill un
ti l thi ckened. Add grad ual l y to whi pped cream,
beat i ng thoroughly with rotary egg beater after
each add it ion. Fol d i n frui ts. Turn i nt o l arge ri ng
mol d or i ndivi dual mol ds. Chi ll unt i l frm. Unmold.
Serves 10 to 12.
YOU WON ' T BE D I S APPO I NT E D! Have you ever
taken home a box of st rawberries, which looked on
top of the box as i f they had j ust been pi cked ?
But when you t urned t hem out -what a di sap
poi nt ment ! You wil l never have t his experi ence
wi t h Bi rds Eye St rawberri es. They have been care
f ul l y cl eaned, hul l ed, sl i ced, and sugared, and
t here' s never an i mperfect berry. One box equals
one quart of whol e berries.
I box Bi rds Eye Sl i ced Peaches,
thawed and ha l ved
I tabl espoon l emon j ui ce
I box Bi rds Eye Red Raspberri es,
thawed and sweetened
Combi ne peaches and lemon j ui ce. Arrange % of
peaches i n sherbet gl asses, cover wi th raspberries,
and arrange remai ni ng peaches on t op. Chill. Gar
nish wi th mi nt . Serves 6.
4 l u mps s ugar or '_tabl espoons
granul ated s ugar
4 teaspoons ora nge j uice
I two-i nch pi ece orange peel
I two-i nch pi ece I eman peel
I box Bi rds Eye Red Ras pberri es or
Sl i ced Strawberri es, thawed
' cup Ki rsch or other cordi al
8 servi ngs van i l l a i ce cream
Combi ne sugar, orange j ui ce, and orange and
l emon peel i n chafng di sh and heat slowly until
sugar i s di ssolved. Add berries and 6 tablespoons
Kirsch. Heat remai ni ng 2 tablespoons Krsch in
large spoon and set i t afame. When blazing pour
over berries. As soon as bl aze dies down, pour
sauce over vani l la ice cream. Serves 8.
In dozens of households t his dessert i s an all-time fa
vorite. Birds Eye Sliced Strawberries folded i nf o Mi n
ute Tapioca Cream, made as directed on the package.
Bi rds Eye Sl iced Peaches are
at thei r very best when j ust
thawed. I f you wi sh to hasten
thawi ng, remove the bag of
frui t from the carton and l et
stand i n the seal ed bag about
2 Y hours at room tempera
ture. I f the peaches are not
to be served i mmedi atel y af
ter bei ng taken from the bag,
they shoul d be spri nkl ed wi th
l emon or pi neappl e j uice to
prevent discol orati on.
member about Bi rds Eye frui ts.
They are al ways s un-ri pened
j ust to the ri ght poi nt before
they are picked. The Straw
berries are pl ump and burst
ing with j uice; there are no
half-green and sour berri es.
They are gathered when at
thei r most l uscious. The Peach
es are mel l ow and br i mmi ng
wi t h favor, never hard and
tasteless. So i t i s wi t h al l Bi rds
Eye frui ts. They are mi nutes of
the bush, and the magi c of
quick-freezi ng seal s in al l the
goodness-al l the fresh flavor
-that makes frui t del i ci ous.
. @
3 egg whites I box Birds Eye Sl i ced Peaches or Sl i ced
cup sugar Strawberri es, j ust thawed
Dash of sal t I tabl espoon l emon j ui ce
I. teaspoon vani l l a 'h cup cream, whi pped
Beat egg whi tes until stif but not dry. Add sugar, 2 tablespoons al a
Lime, beat i ng after each addi ti on until sugar is blended. Add salt and
vani l l a and continue beating unti l mi xture will stand i n peaks. Turn
into l i ghtly greased 8- inch pie plate, buil di ng sides up % i nch above
edge of plate. Bake i n slow oven ( 300 F. ) 45 mi nutes. Cool. Drain
frui t, reservi ng j uice. Then arrange fruit in center of meri ngue shel l .
Sprinkle wi t h 2 teaspoons l emon j ui ce. Mi x remai ni ng lemon j uice and
frui t j ui ce, and boi l 10 mi nutes, or unt i l slightly thickened. Cool and
pour over frui t . Arrange wreath of cream around edge. Serves 6.
Raspberry or Boysenberry Angel Pi e. Use 1 box Bi rds Eye Raspberries
or Boysenberries, just thawed, in above recipe. Omi t lemon j u ice. Bake
meri ngue as directed. When cold, fl l center with berri es and arrange
wreath of cream around edge. Serves 6.
Strawberry Sauce. Use 1 box Bi rds Eye Sliced St rawberries, thawed.
Makes 1% cups sauce.
Raspberry Sauce. Combine 1 box Birds Eye Red Raspberries, thawed,
% cup sugar, 2 tablespoons water, and 2 teaspoons lemon j u i ce. Crush
sli ghtly and let stand about % hour. Makes 1% cups sauce.
Peach Sauce. Use 1 box Birds Eye Sl i ced Peaches, thawed. Cut i n small
pieces and combi ne wi t h 2 teaspoons lemon j uice. Makes 1 % cups sauce.
Rhubarb Sauce. Separate 1 box Birds Eye Rhubarb, partially thawed.
Add 1 cup sugar. Cover and heal over low fame until sugar i s dis
solved, sti rring occasional ly. Then cook gently about 8 mi nutes, or
until tender. Cool quickl y. Makes 2 1/l cnps sauce.
I box Bi rds Eye Red Raspberri es,
2/3 cup s ugar
I tabl espoon four
teas poons l emon j ui ce
I tabl espoon mel ted butter
Pl ace fruit i n saucepan. Combi ne s ugar and four and stir i nt o frui t .
Add l emon j ui ce and but ter. Bri ng to a boi l and pou r i nt o 6- i nch casse
role or baking dish, 8x4x3 inches. Cover wi th topping and bake i n mod
erate oven ( 350 F. ) 40 mi nutes, or unti l done. Serves 4.
To make topping, combi ne 1 egg, % teaspoon sal t, l teaspoon
cream of t artar, and 1 teaspoon grated lemon ri nd ; beat unt il foamy.
Beat in 3 t ablespoons sugar, 1 tabl espoon at a time. Add 4 tabl espoons
four, si fted, and stir unt i l smooth. Add Y teaspoon vani l l a.
Bl ueberry or Peach Puf Puddi ng. Use 1 box Bi rds Eye Blueberries or
Sl i ced Peaches, % cup sugar, and 1 tabl espoon l emon j uice i n frui t
mi xl ure in above reci pe.
Rhubarb Puf Puddi ng. Use 1 box Birds Eye Rhubarb, 1, cup water. 2
t abl espoons four, and omi t lemon j u ice in fri t mi xt ure in above rfcipe.
I box Bi rds Eye Bl ueberri es, thawed
1h cup sugar
Y4 teaspoon sal t
tabl espoons fl our
Dash of ci nnamon
I tabl espoon mel ted butter
ta bl espoons l emon j ui ce
Combine blueberries, sugar, salt, four, cinnamon,
butter, and lemon j ui ce. Line an 8- i nch pi e plate
with pastry rolled about 7 inch thick, allowing
pastry to extend % i nch beyond edge of plate.
Moisten edge of pastry with cold water and fol d
inward, even with rim of plate. Fill with blueberry
mixture. Moi sten edge again. Rol l upper crust of
pastry 7 i nch t hi ck. Fold hal f the pastry back on
other hal f. With sharp knife make several slits to
permit escape of steam. Place upper crust on flled
lower one, opening out folded half after i t is placed
on pie, and drawing snugl y across top to prevent
sagging at edges. Press edges together. Trim of sur
plus pastry, being careful not to cut folded edge.
Bake i n hot oven ( 450 F.) 20 mi nutes ; decrease
heat to 350 F. and bake 25 mi nutes l onger.
I box Bi rds Eye Rhubar b, thawed
3 to bl espoons fl our
2h cup sugar
'/a teaspoon sal t
egg yol ks, sl i ghtl y beaten
tabl espoons mel ted butter
1f cup seeded rai si ns
egg whites
4 tabl espoons s ugar
Drain rhubarb, reserving J UlCe. Combine four,
sugar, and salt. Add rhubarb j u
ce and mix well.
Add egg yolks and butter, mi xing thoroughly. Add
raisins and rhubarb. Line a 9-inch pie plate with
pastry rol led 7 inch thi ck, allowing pastry to ex
tend l inch beyond edge. Fit loosely on plate. Fold
edge back to form standi ng rim and fute with
fngers. Fill with rhubarb mi xture. Bake i n hot
oven ( 450 F. ) 15 mi nutes ; then decrease heat to
moderate ( 350 F. ) and bake 35 mi nutes.
Beat egg whites unti l foamy throughout. Add
sugar, 2 tablespoons at a time, beating after each
addition until sugar i s blended. Then continue
beating until mixture will peak. Pi le on flling.
Bake i n moderate oven ( 350 F. ) 15 mi nutes.
I tabl espoon gr an ul ated gel ati n
cups mi l k
egg yol ks, sl i ghtl y beaten
3 tabl espoons s ugar
Das h of s al t
teaspoon vani l l a
cup cream, whi pped
I box Bi rds Eye Sl i ced Strawberri es,
Peaches, or Red Raspberri es, thawed
Soak gel ati n i n % cup mi l k 5 mi nutes. Combi ne
egg yolks, remai ni ng 1 % cups mi l k, sugar, and
salt i n top of doubl e boi l er. Place over boiling
water and cook unti l mi xture coats spoon, stirring
constantly. Remove from boiling water, add gela
tin, and stir unt i l gelatin i s dissolved. Cool. When
slightly thickened, fold i n vanilla and whipped
cream. Turn i nto ri ng mold or i ndi vi dual molds
and chill until frm. Unmold and serve with straw
berries, peaches, or sweetened raspberries poured
around mold as a sauce. Serves 6 to 8.
I cups chi l l ed gra pefr uit s ecti ons, free
from membra ne an d spl i t i n hal ves
Chi l l ed gra pefrui t j ui ce
I box Bi rds Eye Sl i ced Strawberri es, thawed
6 spri gs of mi nt
Sweeten grapefruit secti ons and chi ll % hour.
Drai n, reservi ng j uice. Arrange 6 grapefrui t sec
tions i n bottom and around sides of each sherbet
glass and fll center with strawberries. Pour grape
fruit j uice over fruit. Garnish with mint. Serves 6.
WH E N T HE S N OW IS B L OWI NG and it's the
middle of the winter, that' s the day to serve the
family del i ci ous red raspberries and cream. Rasp
berries so brimming over with favor that it seems
as though they had j ust been picked. There's no
secret to it, of course. They are Birds Eye Red
Raspberries-a real treat i n wi nter or summer !
'h cups sifted four
'h teaspoons Cal umet Baki ng Powder
' h teaspoon sal t
'h cup butter or other shorteni ng
I cup sugar
I egg, un beaten
'h cup mi l k
I box Bi rds Eye Bl ueberri es, parti al l y thawed
Si ft four once, measure, add baki ng powder and
salt, and si ft again. Cream butter thoroughly, add
sugar gradually, and cream together well. Add
egg and beat very thoroughly. Add four, alter
nately with milk, a small amount at a time, beat
ing after each additi on unt i l smooth. Add berries.
Turn into greased l3x9x2-inch pan. Bake in mod
erate oven ( 350 F.) 45 mi nutes.
I box Bi rds Eye Sl i ced Strawberri es, thawed
I tabl espoon l emon j ui ce
' h cup fne maca roon crumbs
Dash of sal t
tabl espoons sugar
v4 teaspoon vani l l a
I \
cups cream, whi pped
Crush strawberries unti l thoroughly mashed. or
force t hrough coarse sieve. Add l emon j ui ce, and
turn i nto freezi ng tray of automati c refrigerator.
Fold macaroon crumbs, salt, sugar, and vani lla
into whipped cream. Spread l i ghtly on berry mi x
ture. Place i n refrigerator, setti ng control for cold
est freezi ng temperature, and freeze until frm.
Freezi ng time : 3 to 4 hours. Unmol d. Serves 8.
berries are a delicate fruit and require careful
handling. Slow thawing i n the refrigerator i s the
best. The more the thawing i s hurried, the more
the frui t softens and the j ui ce l eaks. Time t he
thawi ng, for Birds Eye Red Raspberries are best
i f served j ust before they are completely thawed.
A B I T 0 F SPRI N G any day in the year wi th Birds
Eye Rhubarb. This rhubarb is al ways uni form;
all i mperfect stalks have been discarded. Perfectly
ripened, fne- favored stalks have been cleaned and
cut i nto one- inch lengths. There's nothi ng to do
but cook i t ! And that takes only a few mi nutes !
% cup s ugar
I box Bi rds Eye Red Raspberri es, thawed
l 'h teas poons gran u l ated gel ati n
1h cup water
tabl espoons l emon j uice
egg whites Dash of sa I t
Add sugar to berries and crush. Place over low
fame and cook 5 mi nutes. Force through sieve and
keep hot. Soak gelatin in water 5 mi nutes. Add to
berries. Cool . Add l emon j ui ce. Turn i nto freezing
tray of aut omati c refri gerator, setting control for
coldest freezi ng temperature. Freeze until mushy
but not hard. Remove to cold bowl and beat wi t h
rotary egg beater unt i l fufy and l i ght. Add sal t
t o egg whi tes and beat unt i l sti f but not dry. Fold
egg whi t es into raspberry mixture. Return to freez
ing t ray and freeze until frm, sti rri ng t horoughly
once after frst % hour of freezing. Freezi ng ti me :
4 to 5 hours. Makes about * quart sherbet.
SWE E T E N E D TO TAST E ! Birds Eye Sliced Peach
es and Sl i ced St rawberries are sweetened before
packing. When using these frui ts i n other recipes,
remember to make allowance for the sugar.
"Glamorous" is a word that is overworked but here' s
one pl ace where it really bel ongs. Luscious Birds Eye
Peaches are held in a shining mol d of Orange Je/ / . 0.
DWELLERS along the seacoast have always en-

j oyed sea food di nners but now fol ks, hundreds of
mi l es away, can buy fsh as ocean-fresh as t he day
they were caught. These Birds Eye fsh are avai l
abl e i n any season, wi th a money- back guarantee.
The prices are reasonable, too. In the former
way of buying, you bought a 3- pound codfsh. You
paid for the head, tail, bones, and i nsi des, whi ch
averaged over 65oo of the wei ght. Today yon buy
only one pound of Birds Eye Cod Fi l l et s and
there is no wast e to throw away. Every ounce you
pay for is served and can be eat en.
Another poi nt t o remember i s t hi s. You can al
ways depend on the qual ity of Bi rds Eye fi sh.
They are the very freshest fsh t hat t he boat bri ngs
into port and are qui ck- frozen only a few hours
aft er t he boat comes i n. Li ke ot her sea foods, these
Bi rds Eye fsh are ri ch sources of i odi ne, a mi n
eral whi ch is often lacking in t he di et s of people
who l i ve i n sect ions t hat are far from t he sea.
Most fami l i es prefer fs h cooked i n a simple
way, then served pl ai n or wi th sections of lemon.
So on page 32 of thi s book i s a basic recipe for
Broi l ed, Pan-fried, or Baked Fish, with a table
gi vi ng the t i me for cooki ng the di ferent kinds of
Bi rds Eye fi sh. Wi th t hi s one reci pe and usi ng the
steaks and fl l ets whi ch Birds Eye ofers, a wi de
vari et y of fsh di nners i s possi ble.
Al so i n t hi s hook are approxi mately two dozen
reci pes for servi ng Bi rds Eye fsh i n other i nter
est i ng ways. You may be a l over of Fish Chowder,
Manhat t an or New Engl and style, pages 33 and 35.
For a very speci al l uncheon, Hal i but Timbal es
wi t h Lemon Parsley Butter ( page 36) or Jel l i ed
Sal mon Loaf ( page 37) are del i ci ous possi bi l i
t i es. Whet her it be a si mpl e home meal or a com
pany dinner you are pl anni ng, you can fnd plenty
of suggest i ons i n t hi s book.
EVEN THOUGH you ore hun
dreds of mi l es from t he sea
coast, you can honestly soy
that you've never tasted fsh
so refreshi ngl y fresh u nl ess
you' ve actual l y caught them
on your own hook and l i ne.
They are the fnest ocean-fresh
fsh, wi th a money-back guar
antee. Of course, i t' s Bi rds Eye
fsh we ore tal ki ng about.
SEA FOODS ore ri ch sources
of protei ns and mi neral s. They
are one of the best natural
sources of i odi ne, a mi neral
l ocki ng i n di ets of many peo
ple who l ive for from the sea.
Wi th the magic of qui ck-freez
i ng, these good foods ore mode
accessi bl e to peopl e l i vi ng hun
dreds of mi l es i nl and.
R E ME MB E R T I ME S w h e n
you've brought home fsh an d
stored i t i n t he icebox -how
"fshy" the box smel l ed? But
that' s not true wi th Bi rds Eye
fsh. These trim l ittl e packages
of fsh can be stored unt i l
t i me for fsh to be cooked. And
there' s never a smel l . I t' s be
cause they ore quick-frozen .
Cod Fillets
Haddock Fillets
Mackerel Fillets
Fillets of Flounder
( Sole Variety)
Red Perch Fillets
Halibut Fillets
Salmon Steaks
Halibut Steaks
Swordfsh Steaks
Use Birds Eye Fillet or Steak ( frozen or thawed) .
Some packages of fllets contain more than one piece. These fllets
may be cooked in one piece ( frozen) or they may be partially thawed
and separated before cooking. Fillets of Red Perch and Mackerel are
best partially thawed and separat ed.
In most cases, a range of cooking time i s given i n the Timetable
below. Allow the shorter cooking time for thawed fsh and the longer
cooking time for frozen fsh. Do not overcook.
Broiled Fish. Brush fllet or steak with mixture of melted butter, salt,
pepper, and paprika. Place on well-greased broiler and broil, turning
to brown both sides.
Pan-fried Fish. Roll fllet or steak i n seasoned four. Fry in small amount
of cooking oil in heavy iron skillet, turning to brown both sides.
Baked Fish. Place fllet or steak in buttered shallow baking dish ; spread
with softened butter and sprinkle with salt, pepper, paprika, and but
tered crumbs, if desired. Bake i n hot oven ( 450 F. ) until done.
For Fillet of Red Perch, pour milk around fllet, and reduce the
baking temperature to 350 F.
Fi l l et of Cod 15 to 25 mi n. 1 5 to 25 mi n. 35 t o 45 mi n.
Fi l l et of Fl ounder
(not separated) 1 2 to 1 8 mi n. 8 to 1 0 mi n. 25 t o 30 mi n.
Fi l l et of Fl ounder
(separated) 8 to 10 mi n. 3 t o 5 mi n. 20 to 25 mi n.
Fi l l et of Haddock 1 2 to 18 mi n. 8 t o 1 0 mi n. 30 mi n.
Fi l l et of Hal i but 1 0 to 1 2 mi n. 8 to 1 0 mi n. 20 mi n.
Fi l l et of Mackerel 10 to 1 2 mi n. 8 t o 1 0 mi n. 20 mi n.
Fi l l et of Red Perch 10 to 15 mi n. 8 to 1 0 mi n. 30 t o 40 mi n.
Hal i but Steak 10 to 1 5 mi n. 1 0 to 1 5 mi n. 20 t o 30 mi n.
Sal mon Steak 10 to 1 2 mi n. 1 0 t o 1 5 mi n. 20 to 35 mi n.
Swordfsh Steak 1 0 to 20 mi n. I sto 20 mi n. 25 to 30 mi n.
Tar t Lemon Butter. Cream 4 tablespoons (2 ounces) butter, add 2 to
3 tablespoons lemon juice, and cream well. Makes enough sauce
for 4 to 6 servings of fsh.
Lemon Parsley Butter. To Tart Lemon Butter ( above ) , add 4 table
spoons minced fresh parsley.
packages Bi rds Eye Fi l l et of Cad
tabl espoons chopped oni on
tabl espoons fi nel y di ced cel ery
tabl espoons shredded green pepper
4 tabl espoons butter
I tabl espoon fl our
| 'cups canned tomatoes
'teaspoon sal t
Dash of pepper
teaspoon sugar
V4 bay l eaf
I tabl espoon chopped parsl ey
Cut fl l ets ( frozen or thawed) into servings and
place i n buttered shallow baki ng di sh. Saute onion,
celery, and green pepper i n butter until tender ;
add four and mix well. Add remaining i ngredients
and cook slowly 10 to 15 minutes, stirring occa
sionally. Pour over fsh and bake in hot oven
( 450 F. ) 25 to 30 mi nutes, or until fsh i s tender.
Serves 4 to 6.
packages Bi rds Eye Fi l l et of Cod
3 strips bacon, di ced
'14 cup di ced cel ery
cup sl i ced oni ons
4 cups hot water
cups cubed potatoes
I cup canned tomatoes
1 11 teaspoons sal t
1/a teaspoon pepper
Cut fllets ( frozen or thawed) i n l-inch cubes.
Saute bacon i n kettle until crisp and delicately
browned ; then add celery and onions and saute
until tender. Add fsh and remaini ng i ngredi ent s.
Cook unti l fsh and potatoes are done. Serves 6.
I N THE GOOD OL D DAYS, you bought a whole
haddock, weighing 3 pounds. You threw away the
head, the tail, the bones, and the insides. You
cooked and ate only about 35% of i t . Today, you
buy one pound of Birds Eye Haddock Fillets and
throw none away. You cook and eat every morsel.
i i
I packa ge Bi rds Eye Fi l l et of Fl ounder,
I cup fsh l i quor a nd heavy cream
tabl espoons mel ted butter
tabl espoons fl our
Dash of pepper
4 egg yol ks, beaten u nti l thi ck an d
l emon-col ored
4 egg whi tes, sti fl y beaten
To cook founder, pl ace the founder ( frozen or
thawed) i n saucepan, add 1h cup boiling water
and % teaspoon salt and cook until tender. Drain,
reserving liquor ; add cream to make l cup. Sepa.
rate fsh into very fne fakes.
Combine butter, four, and pepper ; add fsh
l i quor and cream gradually, stirring until smooth.
Cook over medium fame until well thickened, stir
ring constantl y. Add fsh and cool. Add egg yolks
and mix well. Fol d i nto egg whites. Turn into
greased casserol e. Place i n pan of hot water and
bake i n moderate oven ( 350 F. ) l hour, or until
soufe i s frm. Serve wi th melted butter. Serves 6.
A GOOD TH I N G TO -KN OW! Fi sh i s a food that
i s best when ocean- fresh. And Birds Eye brings
that ki nd of good, wholesome fsh. Once thawed,
though, i t will keep only as long as fsh that has
not been qui ck-frozen. Of course, you should never
attempt to refreeze it, but should cook i t soon, j ust
as you would fsh that has not been quick-froz

Aren' t you gl ad you didn' t l i ve back i n Grandmother' s
day? When she bought haddock, she had a whole fs/1
to wrestle with. Today we buy neat Birds Eye packages.
This looks like a traditional Fourth of July dinner. It' s broiled salmon with green peas. But we
throw tradition overboard. We serve Birds Eye Salmon and Green Peas any day in the year.
packages Bi rds Eye Fi l l et of Haddock
| 'to bl espoons chopped oni on
I cup chopped mushrooms
3 tabl espoons butter
I teaspoon chopped parsl ey
I teaspoon sal t
teaspoon pepper
I tabl espoon water
| 'cups fne bread cru mbs
Place fllets ( frozen or thawed) in buttered shal
low baking di sh. Spri nkl e wi th sal t and pepper.
Saute onion and mushrooms i n butter 5 minutes.
Add parsley, sal t, pepper, water, and bread crumbs,
and mix thoroughly. Spread over fsh. Bake in
moderat e oven ( 375 F. ) 35 t o 45 mi nut es, or un
til done. Serve plain or wi t h Celery Sauce ( page
35) . If desired, add 1 tabl espoon chopped parsley
to sauce before servi ng. Serves 4.
Strips of bacon may be placed on top of dress
ing before baking.
packages Bi rds Eye Fi l l et of Cod, cooked
| '_cups fsh l i quor and mi l k
% cup cracker crumbs
tf teaspoon sa I t
Dash of pepper
2 tabl es poons chopped pi mi ento
I tabl espoon l emon j ui ce
I teaspoon s cr aped oni on
eggs, sl i ghtl y beaten
l4 cup cracker crumbs, buttered
To cook codfsh, pl ace codfsh ( frozen or thawed)
i n saucepan ; add l cup water, l small oni on,
sl iced, l bay leaf, l t easpoon sal t , and 2 pepper
corns. Cover and cook gently 10 mi nutes. Drai n,
reservi ng l i quor ; add mi l k to make Ph cups.
Separate codfsh i nto Aakes ; mix with % cup
cracker crumbs, sal t , pepper, pi miento, l emon
j uice, and onion. Combi ne eggs and fsh l i quor and
mi l k. Pl ace codfsh mi xt ure i n greased 8x8x2- i nch
pan, add egg mi xt ure, top wi t h but t ered cracker
crumbs, and spri nkle with papri ka. Bake i n mod
erate oven ( 350 F. ) l hour. Serve wi t h Cel ery
Sauce ( page 35 ) . Serves 8.
Y4 cup di ced fat sal t pork
Y cup sl i ced ani ons
cups hot water
cups sl iced potatoes
packages Bi rds Eye Fi l l et of Haddock or Cod
11 teaspoons sa I t
Dash of pepper
I cup evaporated mi l k
3 cups fresh mi l k
Try out sal t pork i n kettle unti l cri sp and deli
cately browned. Add onions and saute slowly.
Add water and potatoes and cook 5 mi nutes, or
unti l potatoes are partially done. Then add fsh
( frozen or thawed) and cook u nti l i t may be sepa
rated i n large pieces wi t h fork. Add remai ni ng in
gredi ents ; reheat and serve. Serves 6.
Birds Eye Hal i but Steaks or packages
Bi rds Eye Fi l l et of Hal i but
1 1/ cups carrots, cut i n stri ps
Y cup cel ery, cut i n stri ps
Y cup thi nl y sl i ced oni ons
3 tabl espoons butter
1 1 teaspoon sal t
Dash of pepper
1/ teaspoon curry powder
11 cup mi l k
Place hal i but ( frozen or thawed) i n buttered bak
ing dish ; spri nkl e with salt and pepper. Saute
carrots, cel ery, and oni ons i n butter 5 mi nutes.
Add salt, pepper, and curry powder, and mi x wel l ;
then add mi l k and heat thorou ghly. Pour over fsh,
cover, and bake i n moderate oven ( 350 F. ) 30
mi nut es ; then remove cover and bake lO mi nutes
l onger. Serves 4.
TOP OF T H E CAT C H . That' s what Bi rds Eye fsh
are. When fshi ng boats arri ve at the pier, t he
freshest fsh-t he last ones caught before t he boat
turns back to port-are cal led t he "top of the
catch. " These are the fsh that Bi rds Eye chooses
for qui ck- freezi ng. They are "top" qual i t y.
packages Bi rds Eye Fi l l et of Haddock, cooked
I cup fsh l i quor
I tabl espoon butter
I t abl espoon fl our
I cup fne bread cru mbs
I ta bl espoon chopped pi mi ento
tabl espoons chopped oni on
I egg, sl i ghtl y beaten
1f teas poon s al t Das h of pepper
I hard-cooked egg, chopped
3 tabl espoons chopped par sl ey
To cook haddock, pl ace the haddock ( frozen or
thawed) i n saucepan, add 1 cup b
i l i ng water,
: teaspoon salt, 1 oni on, sl i ced, and 4 pepper
corns. Cover and cook gently 10 to 12 mi nutes. or
unt i l t ender. Drai n, reservi ng liquor ; measure 1
cup. Separate fsh in to fakes.
Melt butter i n saucepan, add four and sti r unt i l
smooth. Add fsh l i quor gradual l y and cook until
t hi ckened, stirring constantly. Add faked fsh and
remai ni ng i ngredients, and mi x well . Turn into
greased l oaf pan. Pl ace i n pan of hot water and
bake i n moderate oven ( 350 F. ) 1 hour, or until
browned. Serve wi t h Celery Sauce. Serves 4 to 6.
Cel ery Sauce. Saute % cup chopped celery i n 3
tablespoons but ter unt i l tender, an

d stir in 1 table
spoon four. Add l cup mi l k and cook until thick
ened, stirri ng constantly. Season with % teaspoon
sal t and dash of pepper. Makes about l cup sauce.
packages Bi rds Eye Fi l l et of Haddock,
partial l y thawed
I tabl espoon mi nced oni on
4 tabl espoons butter
Y4 teaspoon sal t Dash of pepper
1 1/ cups fi ne soft bread cr umbs
l j4 cup grated Ameri can chees e
11 cup mi l k
Separat e fl l et s and cut i n servi ngs ; sprinkle with
salt and pepper and pl ace i n shallow baki ng dish.
Saute oni on i n bu tter unti l delicately browned.
Add sal t , pepper, bread crumbs, and cheese, and
toss l i ghtly with fork t o mi x well . Spread over
fllets, pressing frmly on fsh. Pour milk around
fsh and bake i n moderate oven ( 350 F. ) 35 mi n
ut es, or unt i l done. Serves 4.
This recipe can be used with Fillet of Cod, Fil
let of Flonnder, Fillet of Red Perch , or Swordfsh
Steaks. ( Bake Swordfsh Steaks in moderate oven
( 350 F.) about 50 minutes. )
I package Birds Eye Fi l l et of Hal i but or
I Birds Eye Hal i but Steak, cooked
I cup fsh l i quor and mi l k
tabl espoons butter
3 tabl espoons fl our
I teaspoon l emon j uice
Y4 teaspoon scraped oni on
'h teaspoon Worcestersh ire sauce
egg yol ks, sl i ghtl y beaten
egg whites, stifly beaten
To cook hali but, place hal i but ( frozen or thawed)
in saucepan ; add l cup water, slice of onion, 1,
bay leaf, 3 peppercorns, and l teaspoon salt.
Cover and simmer 10 mi nutes, or until fsh is ten
der. Drain, reserving liquor ; add milk to make
1 cup. Separate fsh into fakes.
Melt butter i n saucepan, add four and stir until
smooth. Add fsh liquor and milk gradually and
cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Remove
from fre. Add fsh, lemon j uice, onion, Worcester
shire sauce, and egg yolks and mix well. Fold into
egg whites. Turn into greased ramekins. Place i n
pan of hot water and bake in moderate oven ( 350
F. ) 40 minutes, or unti l frm. Or t urn into greased
casserole, place i n pan of hot water, and bake in
moderate oven ( 350 F. ) l hour. Serve with Lemon
Parsley Butter ( page 32) . Serves 6.
I package Bi rds Eye Fi l l et of Mackerel ,
partial l y thawed
1f cup mi l k
Y4 cup chopped cel ery
Y4 cup chopped oni on
4 tabl espoons butter
' !" teaspoon sal t
Dash of pepper
Ya teaspoon Worcestershi re sa uce
I teaspoon chopped parsl ey
cups fne soft bread cr umbs
Separate fllets and place, skin-side down, in but
tered baking dish. Pour mi l k around fsh ; sprinkle
with salt and pepper. Saute celery and onion in
butter until deli cately browned ; add salt, pepper,
Worcestershire sauce, and parsley, and mix wel l .
Then add bread crumbs, tossing l i ghtly to mix.
Spread over fsh. Bake i n moderate oven ( 350 F. )
40 minutes, or until fsh is done and crumbs are
browned. Serves 4.
packages Bi rds Eye Fi l l et of Mackerel ,
partial l y thawed
I teaspoon sera ped oni on
Y4 teaspoon pepper
I tabl espoon l emon j ui ce
I teaspoon sal t
4 tabl espoons mel ted butter
I tabl es poon chopped parsl ey
Separate fl l ets. Arrange i n greased shallow bak
i ng dish. Combine oni on, pepper, l emon j uice,
salt, and butter, and spread over fsh. Bake i n mod
erate oven ( 350 F.) 40 mi nutes, or until fsh is
done. Sprinkle with parsl ey and serve at once.
Serves 4 to 6.
Try Fillet of Red Perch or Fillet of Hoddock.
They may also be used in this simple recipe.
I package Bi rds Eye Fi l l et of Mackerel ,
partial l y thawed
Sal t and pepper
I cup sl i ced oni ons
4 tabl espoons butter
1 f cup fne soft bread cr umbs
sl i ces cri sp br oi l ed bacon, crushed
Separate fllets, arrange i n greased shall ow baki ng
di sh, and spri nkle with salt and pepper. Saute
onions gently i n butter until tender but not
browned. Turn out on fsh, sprinkle with crumbs,
and top wi th bacon. Bake i n hot oven ( 400 F. )
15 mi nutes, or until fsh i s done and crumbs are
browned. Serves 4.
you cook Bi rds Eye Fillets of Flounder, be sure
to choose t he proper cooki ng t ime, as given in the
Timetable on page 32. A range of t i me is given
for each method of cooking. You can cook Birds
Eye Fillet of Fl ounder, frozen, i n a solid block.
You can cook it thawed, but not separated. You
can cook it thawed and separated into pieces. Of
course, thi s takes the shortest cooking t ime of all.
2 packages Bi rds Eye Fi l l e_ t of Red Perch,
3 cups fsh l i quor an d l i ght cream
2 11 cups sl iced mushrooms
4 to bl espoons butter
4 tabl espoons fl our
I teaspoon sal t
To cook red perch, place perch ( frozen or thawed)
in saucepan, add 1 cup boi li ng water and % tea
spoon salt. Cover and cook gently about 10 min
utes, or until tender. Drain, reserving liquor ; add
l ight cream to make 3 cups. Separate perch into
large fakes. Cook mushrooms i n butter unti l well
browned. Stir i n four. Add fsh liquor and cream
gradually and cook over low fame until thick
ened. stirring constantly. Add sal t and perch. Re
heat. Serve on hot buttered toast or in patty shells.
Garnish with water cress. Serves 6 to 8.
This recipe can be used with several Birds Eye
fsh. Try Salmon Steak, Halibut Steak, Fillet of
Halibut, or Fillet of Flounder.
Use 2 packages Birds Eye Fillet of Red Perch
( frozen or thawed) . Separate fllets and roll in
seasoned four. Fry i n small amount of cooking oil
in heavy iron skillet 8 to 10 mi nutes, t urni ng to
brown both sides. Place on hot pl at ter, pour Al
mond Sauce over fsh, and sprinkle l i ghtly with
lemon j uice. Garnish wi th parsley. Serves 4 to 6.
Al mond Sauce. Add 1/ cup shredded bl anched
almonds to 6 tablespoons melted butter i n skillet ;
heat over medi um fame, stirring constantl y until
almonds are del icatel y browned.
This recipe can be used with Fillet of Flounder,
Fillet of Halibut, Halibut Steak, or Swordfsh
Steak. (Cook Halibnt Steaks 10 to 15 minutes and
Swordfsh Steaks 15 to 20 minutes. )
I Bi rds Eye Sal mon Steak
Sal t an d pepper
' J cup thi ck sour cream
4 thi n sl ices l emon
I teas poon mi nced parsl ey
Place sal mon ( frozen or thawed) in buttered bak
ing di sh and sprinkle with sal t and pepper. Top
with cream and lemon sl i ces ; spri nkl e wi t h pars
ley. Bake i n moderate oven ( 350 F. ) 35 to 40
minutes. Serves 2.
I Birds Eye Sal mon Steak, cooked
Sal t, pepper, and vi negar
I box Bi rds Eye Green Peas, cooked
I cups hot s al mon l i quor a nd water
I tabl espoon gran ul ated gel ati n
cup col d water
teas poon Worcestershi re sauce
2 dr ops to basco
2 hard-cooked eggs, thi nl y sl i ced
To cook salmon, place sal mon ( frozen or thawed)
in saucepan ; add 1 cup water, % teaspoon vine
gar, 4 peppercorns, 2 whole cloves, 1 bay leaf, 1 1
teaspoons salt, % cup sliced onions, % cup sliced
carrots, and % cup sliced celery. Cover and cook
gently about 20 mi nutes. Drain sal mon ; cool .
Flake salmon ; season with sal t , pepper, and 1
tabl espoon vi negar. Cook peas accordi ng to di rec
tions on package. Season peas with salt, pepper.
and l tablespoon vi negar. Strain salmon liquor
and add water to make l% cups. Soak gelati n i n
col d water, add hot sal mon l iquor and water and
stir unti l di ssol ved. Add Worcestershire sauce,
tabasco, and salt and pepper to season ; chill until
sl i ghtly thi ckened. Pour % i nch l ayer into loaf pan
and chill unt i l frm. Arrange row of overlapping
egg sl i ces down center of mol d. Cover with sal
mon fakes, t hen with drained peas. Pour over re
mai ni n: gel at i n mi xt ure. Chill . Unmold on crisp
lettuce. Serve wi th Cucumber Mayonnaise. Serves 6.
Cucumber Mayonnai se. Combine % cup chopped
cucumber, % teaspoon salt, dash of pepper, and 1
t abl espoon vi negar and l et stand 5 mi nutes. Drain
thoroughly and fold into % cup mayonnaise.
Makes abou t 1 ' cups sauce.
I Bi rds Eye Sal mon Steak, cooked
Cucu mber Sauce
To cook salmon, pl ace sal mon ( frozen or thawed)
i n saucepan ; add 1 cup water, % cup sl iced cel
ery, 1 cup sliced onions, % cup sliced carrots,
1 sprig pars. l ey, 1 teaspoon salt, 4 peppercorns, 2
whol e cloves, and 3 thick slices l emon. Cover and
cook gently about 20 mi nutes, or unti l salmon i s
done. Cool i n l i quor. When cold, remove and chi l l.
Serve wi t h Cucumber Sauce. Serves 2.
Cucumber Sauce. Mi x together l i ghtly Ph cups
fnely chopped and dqlined cucumber, 1 teaspoon
sal t, % teaspoon pepper, 1 teaspoon scraped oni on,
and l % t o 2 t abl espoons vinegar. Chil l thoroughly.
Makes 11 cups.
Food for epicures! This is Birds Eye Swordfsh Steak,
broiled to a turn, and garnished with parsley potato
balls and mushrooms. Lemon, too, for those who want
a dash. Doesn' t just looki ng make you feel hungry?
2 packages Bi rds Eye Fi l l et of Red Perch,
parti al l y thawed
I tabl espoon mi nced oni on
2 tabl espoons butter
I cup canned tomato pul p
I teaspoon s al t
teaspoon pepper
I teaspoon s ugar
5 drops Worcesters hi re s auce
Separate fl l ets ; sprinkle wi t h sal t and pepper and
arrange i n shallow baki ng di sh. Saute onion in
butter, add tomato and seasoni ngs, and boi l S mi n
utes ; pour over fsh. Bake i n hot oven ( 450 F. )
25 mi nutes, or unt i l done. Serves 4 to 6.
Fillet of Haddock or Fillet of Cod may be used
in this recipe.
I box Bi rds Eye Spi nach, cooked
I package Bi rds Eye Fi l l et of Fl ounder ,
I cup fsh a nd s pi nach l i quor
li ght cream
3 ta bl espoons butter
2 'h tabl espoons fl our
6 ta bl espoons grated Parmesa n chees e
Cook frozen spinach accordi ng to di rections on
package. Drai n, reservi ng l i quor. Chop spi nach. To
cook founder, separat e fl l et s ( part i al l y thawed) ,
place i n pan, and add % cup boi l i ng water and
' teaspoon sal t. Cover and cook gently 5 mi nu tes,
|l 5d
or unt i l tender. Drain, reservi ng l i quor ; add spin
ach l i quor t o make l cup. Add % t easpoon sal t ,
a dash of nutmeg, 4 peppercorns, a dash of thyme,
and 1 smal l oni on, sl i ced, and cook gent l y 15 mi n
utes. St rai n ; add l i ght cream t o make 1 Y cups.
Mel t bu t t er i n saucepan, add fl our , and stir un
t i l smoot h. Add fsh and spinach l i quor and cream,
and cook u nti l thi ckened, stirring constantly. Add
2 t abl espoons cheese. Pour smal l amou nt of sauce
into shall ow baki ng di sh. Arrange spi nach on
sauce and spri nkl e wi th 1 tablespoon cheese. Ar
range founder on spi nach. Pour remai ni ng sauce
over fsh and spri nkl e wi t h remai ni ng cheese. Bake
i n very hot oven ( 500 F. ) 10 mi nut es. Place un
der broi l er 2 mi nu tes, or unt i l browned. Serves 4.
2 packages Bi rds Eye Fi l l et of Fl ou n der,
Fl our, sa l t, pe pper, oi l
1h cup butter
4 tabl espoons chopped parsl ey
2 ta bl espoons l emon j ui ce
2 teaspoons oi l from an chovi es
I teas poon Worcestershi re sauce
Anchovy fi l l ets
Separate fl l ets and roll in seasoned four. Fry in
smal l amount of cooking oil in heavy i ron skil l et
3 to 5 mi nutes, turni ng to brown both si des. Brown
but t er i n ski l l et, add parsley, lemon j ui ce, anchovy
oil, and Worcestershi re sauce. Place fsh on hot
pl at ter, top with anchovy fl lets, pour butter sauce
over fsh, and serve at once. Garni sh with water
cress or parsley and ripe or stufed ol ive slices, i f
desired. Serves 6 t o 8.
E VE RY DAY I S F RI DAY. Bi rds Eye fsh fl l et s
and steaks make possible great variety i n merus.
You don' t have to wai t until Thursday or Friday
t o get the best sel ection of fsh. You can have a
Bi rds Eye fsh di nner any day in the week and be
sure that your fsh is al ways ocean- fresh !
P E OP L E WH O N EVE R K N E W the taste of
sea foods, fresh from the ocean, are now l eari ng
about them for the frst Li me. Hundreds of mi les
from the sea, they are enjoying the fresh favor
and salt tang of these Birds Eye shel l fsh.
And Bi rds Eye i s changi ng the buyi ng habi ts of
peopl e everywhere. Now i t ' s so convenient t o buy
these neat l i ttl e packages of Bi rds Eye Oysters,
Scal l ops, and Shri mps. And they are sold with a
guarantee ! What woman won' t buy wi th an abso
l ute guarantee of qual ity that she wi l l be com
pl et ely satisfed or her money wi l l be refunded.
I t 's very pl easant to know t hat I hese fne shel l
fsh are always i n season ! Of course, you' ve heard
the sayi ng : "Eat oysters only i n the months wi t h
an R. " So from May through August, oyster l overs
have had to go wi t hout their favori t e sea food.
ow Bi rds Eye has changed all t hi s, for Oysters
and other shel l fsh are al ways avai lable.
Bi rds Eye Oysters may be used either raw or
cooked ; i n either case, you thaw them beforehand.
It i s not necessary to thaw Shri mps, but they must
be cooked before usi ng. There are complete di rec
t i ons on t he carton tel l i ng you how.
Most peopl e cook t hei r shel l fsh i n rather pl ai n
ways. An Oyster Stew, perhaps. There's a good
reci pe on page 41. Fri ed Scal l ops are popul ar.
There are cart on di rect i ons that tell you how to
do i t . Shri mps, thoroughly chi l l ed, and heaped on
l ef t u ce wi t h mayonnai se are si mpl e but del i ci ous.
But for t hose of you who like t o put a l ittle
glamour i nt o your foods, there are recipes i n this
book t hat tel l you how to do it. Scallops Fi l i ppi ni
( page 43) or Savory Shri mps ( page 44) have i n
terest and appeal . And for an aftertheatre supper,
t ry making Sea Food a l a Newburg ( page 41 ) .
1f pound mushrooms, sl i ced
5 tabl espoons butter
I box Bi rds Eye Oysters, thawed
2 tabl espoons fl our
I cup rich mi l k
l4 cup oyster l i quor
I teaspoon l emon j ui ce
1 f teaspoon salt
Dash of pepper
teaspoon cel ery sal t
Saut e mushrooms i n 2 tablespoons butter until
tender. Place oysters i n saucepan. Mel t 3 tabl e
spoons butter i n another saucepan. Add four and
stir to a smooth paste. Add milk gradually, stir
ring constantly. As sauce begins to thicken, pl ace
oysters over medium heat, cover, and cook gently
2 to 3 minutes. Conti nue cooki ng sauce, stirring
constantly, 2 to 3 minutes. Drain oysters ; measure
% cup oyster liquor. Add oysters, oyster l i quor,
lemon j uice, and seasonings to white sauce. Add
mushrooms. Reheat. Serves 4.
Use l box Birds Eye Oysters, thawed. Allow 6 oys
ters for each serving. Arrange i n shallow paper
cups or cocktai l glasses. Serve with either of the
following cocktail sauces. Serves 4.
Or use l box Birds Eye Shrimps, cooked. Cook,
peel, and clean shrimps as di rected on package.
Chill. Arrange shri mps i n cocktail glasses. Serve
with either of the following sauces. Serves 6.
Chi l i Cocktai l Sauce
% cup chi l i s auce
I ta bl espoon horse-radi sh
2 tabl espoons l emon j uice
1 f teaspoon grated l emon ri nd
l4 teas poon Worcestershire sauce
3 drops to basco
l4 teaspoon sal t
Combi ne i ngredients. Chill well. Makes % cup.
Mustard Cocktai l Sauce
l- cup prepared mustard
1 f cup heavy cream
I tabl espoon l emon j uice
Dash of sal t
Combine i ngredi ents. Chi l l wel l . Makes % cup.
. .

This is something rather special. Why don' t you try

making it this very day? If's Oyster Baked Potatoes
and the recipe, telling iust how to do it, is on page 4 1 .
4 tabl espoons butter
1f4 teaspoon Worcestershi re sauce
1f teaspoon sal t
Das h of pepper
I box Bi rds Eye Oysters, thawed
1 f cup chi l i s auce
1f cup heavy cream
Combi ne butter, Worcestershire sauce, sal t, and
pepper i n saucepan ; add oysters and saute very
gently unti l edges begin to curl. Add chili sauce
and cream and heat thoroughly. Serve at once on
hot buttered toast. Serves 4.
2 thin sl ices ham
I box Bi r ds Eye Oysters, thawed
4 tabl espoons butter
1 f cup chi l i sauce
4 teaspoons Worcestershi re sauce
4 ta bl espoons heavy cream
Cut ham slices i n halves, and saute i n skillet un
til done. Remove to hot platter and keep hot . Saut e
oysters gently i n butter i n same skillet until edges
begi n to curl. Arrange on rounds of hot buttered
toast i n center of pl at t er and keep hot. Combine
remai ni ng i ngredient s i n same skillet ; mix well
and heat thoroughly. Pour over ham and oysters.
Serve at once. Serves 4.
This recipe can also be used with Birds Eye
Scallops. Saute scallops gently about 5 minutes.
! "
3 cups Bi rds Eye Scal l ops, Oysters, or
Shri mps
4 tabl espoons butter
I cup sea-food l i quor a nd l i ght cream
1f teaspoon sal t
Dash of pepper
'4 teaspoon pa pri ka
4 egg yol ks
4 teaspoons sherry
Any desired combinations of the above sea foods
may be used. ( Shrimps shoul d be cooked and
peeled before using. ) Saute sea food i n butter
very gently until heated through. Drain, reserving
l i quor ; add l i ght cream to make l cup. Combine
salt, pepper, and paprika i n top of doubl e boiler ;
add egg yolks and mix thoroughly. Add sea-food
liquor and cream and blend. Place over hot water
and cook until thickened, stirring constantly, be
ing careful not to overcook and curdle mixture.
Add sea food and heat wel l ; then add sherry.
Serve at once on toast points or in patty shel l s.
Garnish wi t h water cress. Serves 8.
I box Bi rds Eye Scal l ops, thawed
I tabl espoon chopped oni on
3 tabl espoons butter
3 tabl espoons fl our
1 11 teaspoons sal t
Dash of pepper
'4 teaspoon pa pri ka
3 1f cups mi l k
3 tabl espoons butter
Chop scallops fne. Saut e oni on i n 3 tablespoons
butter i n top of double boiler until del icately
browned. Add four and seasoni ngs and stir until
smooth ; add milk gradually. Place over rapidly
boiling water and stir until sli ghtly thickened.
Saute scal lops gently i n 3 tablespoons but ter
about 5 minutes. Add to sauce i n doubl e boiler.
Serve at once. Serves 8.
I box Bi rds Eye Oysters, thawed
4 tabl espoons butter
2 to 4 cups ri ch mi l k
or 3 cups mi l k an d I cup l i ght cr eam, scal ded
Sal t and papri ka
Saute oysters i n butter unti l edges curl. Add to
hot milk, season with sal t and paprika, and serve
at once. Serves 2 to 4.
4 l ar ge baki ng potatoes
Mel ted butter
I box Bi rds Eye Oysters, thawed
French dressi ng
Hot mi l k, butter, s al t , pepper
11 cup buttered bread crumbs
Pa pri ka
Scrub potatoes, brush wi th melted butter, and
bake i n hot oven ( 400 F. ) l hour, or unti l done.
Marinate oysters i n French dressing 30 minutes.
Drai n. Cut potatoes l engthwise i n halves and
scoop out inside. Mash, add butter and hot milk,
and season wi th salt and pepper. Beat unti l l i ght
and fufy. Pi l e mi xture i nt o potato shells, making
a hollow i n center of each hal f. Arrange oysters
i n hollows i n potatoes. Top with buttered crumbs,
sprinkle with paprika, and return to oven 15 min
utes, or until crumbs are browned. Serves 8.
I box Bi rds Eye Oysters, thawed
4 tabl espoons butter
I cup oyster l i quor and ri ch mi l k
1 11 t o bl espoons four
Dash of sal t
Dash of pepper
'4 teaspoon curry powder
Saut e oysters very gently i n 2 tablespoons butter
unti l edges begin to curl . Remove from fre. Drain,
reservi ng l iquor ; add rich mil k to make l cup.
Mel t remai ni ng 2 tablespoons butter i n saucepan
and stir in four and seasoni ngs. Add oyster I iquor
and mi l k gradually and cook over l ow fame until
rhickened, stirring constantly. Add oysters and
heat thoroughly. Serve wi th boiled rice. Serves 4.
E VERY MONTH HAS AN R ! You can serve Birds
Eye Oysters every month i n the year ; they are al
ways i n season. These carefully selected oysters
are harvested duri ng the cold months when they
are at their very best. They are of medi um size
and fne- favored. These oysters are al so shucked
and cleaned, ready to serve with a cocktail sauce
or i n any favorite oyster dish.
I box Bi rds Eye Oysters, thawed
2 cups rol l ed cracker cru mbs ( unsa l ted )
1h teaspoon sal t
's teaspoon pepper
'h cup mel ted butter
'4 teaspoon Worcestershi re sauce
I % cups mi l k
Arrange 1 of oysters i n bottom of buttered shal
low baking dish. Combine cracker crumbs, sal t ,
pepper, and butter, tossi ng l i ghtl y to mix ; sprinkl e
V over oysters. Arrange the remai ni ng oysters on
cru mbs. Add Worcestershi re sauce to mi l k and
pour over contents of dish. Spri nkl e remai ni ng
crumbs over top. Bake i n hot oven ( 450 F. ) 30
mi n ut es, or until crumbs are browned. Serve at
once. Serves 4.
I box Bi rds Eye Oysters, thawed
'h cup cooked spi nach
tf oni on
tf bay l eaf
I spri g parsl ey
1 f teaspoon sal t
's teaspoon cel ery sa l t
Dash of cayenne
3 ta bl espoons butter
3 tabl espoons bread cr umbs
Drai n oysters and dry between towel s ; arrange i n
shallow buttered baking di sh. Put spi nach, onion,
bay leaf, and parsley through food chopper, usi ng
fnest knife. Add seasoni ngs and cook i n butter
5 mi nutes. Add bread crumbs, mi xi ng welL Spread
over oysters and bake i n hot oven ( 450 F. ) lO
mi nutes. Garni sh wi t h l emon sl i ces. Serves 4 to 5.
I box Bi rds Eye Oysters, thawed an d dr ai ned
Fl our
I egg, beaten wi th I tabl espoon mi l k
and das h of sal t and pepper
Sifted bread cr umbs
Rol l oysters i n Aour, shaki ng of excess. Di p i n egg
mi xture ; rol l i n crumbs. Fry i n deep fat ( 390 F. )
about l mi nute, or unt i l gol den brown. Drai n on
ungl azed paper. Serve at once wi t h l emon secti ons
or L a rtare sauce. Serves 4 to 6.
5HI|||l Sd

I box Bi rds Eye Oysters, thawed a nd
dr ai ned
1 2 stri ps bacon, cut i n hal ves
Wrap each oyster i n bacon ; fasten wi th toothpi ck.
Cook under broiler about 3 mi nutes ; then tur
and cook other si de about 3 mi n utes, or unt i l ba
con i s crisp. Remove toothpi cks. Serve on hot but
tered toast. Serves 4 to 6.
I box Birds Eye Scal l ops, thawed
Sal t, pepper, fl our
I egg, beaten with 3 ta bl espoons mi l k
and das h of s al t
Si fted bread cr umbs
Separate scal l ops and dry between towels. Spri nkl e
l i ght l y wi t h sal t and pepper and roll in Aour,
shaki ng of excess. Di p i n egg mi xt u re, then rol l
i n crumbs. Fry i n deep fat ( 380 F. ) 2 t o 3 mi n
ut es, or unt i l browned. Drai n on unglazed paper.
Serve at once wi t h tartare sauce. Serves 4.
I box Bi rds Eye Sca l l ops, thawed
2 ta bl es poons ol i ve oi l or mel ted butter
Sal t an d pepper
4 t o 6 sl i ces bacon
Pl ace scal l ops i n greased shal l ow broil i ng pan :
pour oi l over scal l ops and spri nkl e wi th sal t and
pepper. Broi l at medi u m heat 7 mi nut es. Turn
scal l ops, t op wi t h bacon and broi l lO minutes,
turni ng bacon after 5 mi nutes. Drain on unglazed
paper. Serve hot. Serves 4.
B R I N G A WH I F F OF SE A AI R into your menus.
Whet her you l i ve i n t he mountai ns or on the
prai ri es, hundreds of mi l es from the ocean. you
can serve t he fnest sweet - favored scal l ops at any
I i me of t he year. Of course, t hey are Bi rds Eye
Scal l ops. These tender smal l scal l ops are delicious
i n creamed or scal l oped di shes, or fri ed and served
with bacon or rel i sh.
! /
Spinach and Scallops in a brand-new role. It' s a ring mold of Birds Eye Spinach, seasoned just
right. Sliced eggs for a garnish and Birds Eye Scallops, fried to a golden brown, as a border
I box Bi rds Eye Scal l ops, thowed
4 tabl espoons butter
2 '/. cups scol l op l i quor an d mi l k
4 tabl espoons chopped oni on
I s mal l cl ove garl ic
3 tabl espoons four
I teaspoon s al t
Dash of pepper a nd cayen n e
2 tabl espoons chopped parsl ey
2 egg yol ks, s l i ghtl y beaten
1 11 cups buttered bread cr umbs
Cut scal lops in halves. Saut e gent l y i n 2 table
spoons butter about 5 mi nutes. Drai n, reservi ng
l i quor ; add milk to make 2 14 cups. Saute oni on
and garl ic i n remai ni ng 2 tabl espoons butter un
ti l delicately browned. Remove garl i c. Add four
and stir unt i l smoot h. Then add scall op l i quor and
mi lk, and cook until t hi ckened, stirri ng constantl y.
Remove from fre, add scallops, sal t , pepper. cay
enne, parsl ey, and egg yolks, and mix wel l . Turn
into shal l ow baki ng di sh and cover wi t h buttered
crumbs. Place in pan of hot water and bake in
moderate oven ( 350 F. ) 45 mi nutes. Serves 4.
! i
I box Bi rds Eye Li ma Beans
2 cups boi l i ng water, sal ted
I box Bi rds Eye Shr i mps, cooked
3 tabl espoons butter
3 tabl espoons fl our
I cups mi l k
cup grated Ameri can cheese
I teaspoon sal t
Dash of pepper
cup fne bread crumbs, buttered
Drop frozen Lima beans i nto briskly boi l i ng salted
water, bri ng again to a boi l , and boil 16 to 18
mi nutes, or until j ust tender ; drain. Cook, peel,
and clean shri mps as directed on package ; cut
each i nt o 2 or 3 pi eces. Arrange Li ma beans and
shri mps i n al ternate l ayers i n greased casserol e.
Mel t butter i n saucepan and stir i n four. Add
mi l k gradual l y and cook unti l thi ckened, stirri ng
constantl y. Add cheese and seasonings and bl end.
Pour over Li ma beans and shri mps. Cover wi th
but tered crumbs. Pl ace i n pan of hot water and
bake in hot oven ( 450 F. ) about 20 mi nutes, or
u nt i l crumbs are browned. Serves 4 t o 5.
I box Bi rds Eye Shri mps, cooked
3 tabl espoons butter
2 tabl espoons fnel y di ced oni on
3 tabl espoons di ced gr een pepper
cup cream
1 1/4 cups cooked rice
1 f teaspoon l emon j ui ce
% teaspoon cel ery s al t
Dash of cayenne
Sal t
I cup hot tomato sauce
Cook, peel, and clean shrimps as di rected on pack
age. Cut shrimps i n 2 or 3 pieces. Place butter,
onion, and green pepper i n top of double boiler ;
cover and cook slowly unti l tender but not
browned. Add shrimps, cream, ri ce, lemon j ui ce,
and seasoni ngs and mi x welL Place over boil i ng
water and cook about lO mi nutes. Add tomato
sauce and conti nue cooki ng about 5 mi nutes, or
until thoroughly hot and blended. Serve i n bowl
and garnish wi th parsley. Serves 6.
To prepare tomato sauce, mi x Ph cups canned
tomatoes, l cup fnely diced onion, lO pepper
corns, small piece bay l eaf, % teaspoon salt, %
teaspoon sugar, and a dash of pepper and simmer
i n saucepan, covered, 30 mi nutes. Rub through
strainer ; measure l cup. Melt l tablespoon butter
i n saucepan, add 2 tablespoons four, and stir un
ti l smooth. Add tomato gradually and cook unti l
t hi ckened, sti rri ng constantly. Makes l cup sauce.
B I RDS EYE S H E L L F I S H ARE "TOPS" i n qual-
ity. They are careful ly selected, only the fnest
being retaineq. Then they are qui ck-frozen, with
all the tangy, ocean-fresh favor captured and held
intact. They are real ly "just li ke the fsherfolk
eat." No matter how many mi l es you live from
the sea, you, too, can always enjoy fried scallops,
oyster stew, curry of shrimps, oyster or shrimp
cocktails, or any of your favori te shel l fsh di shes.
. .

Do you know Pigs in Blankets? They are grand to eat/
The recipe, page 42, tells that the "pigs" are oysters
and the "blankets" are slices of bacon to wrap them in.
I box Bi rds Eye Shri mps, cooked
2 sl i ces bacon, di ced
I ta bl espoon bacon fat
4 to bl espoons butter
4 teaspoons l emon j ui ce
1 1f ta bl espoons ketchup
I teaspoon Worcestershi re sauce
1f teaspoon scra ped oni on
Y4 teaspoon cel ery sal t
Dash of sal t and cayenne
Cook, peel, and clean shrimps as di rected on pack
age. Saute bacon gently until crisp. Remove ba
con ; measure l tablespoon fat. Combi ne shrimps,
bacon fat, and remaini ng i ngredi ents. Heat thor
oughly. Add bacon. Serve on toast. Serves 3.
1f cup sl i ced oni on
4 ta bl es poons butter
I box Bi rds Eye Scal l ops,
thawed a nd drai ned
1 f cup can ned tomatoes
Sal t an d pepper
Dash of cur r y powder
Saute onion i n butter i n shallow saucepan about
l mi nut e, sti rri ng constantly. Add scallops and
conti nue cooki ng and stirring about l mi nute
l onger. Add remainin
i n
redients and cook rap
idly, sti rri ng occasionally until tomato is thi ck
ened. Serve on toast points. Serves 3 to 4.
I box Bi rds Eye Peas an d Carrots, cooked
French dressi ng
I box Bi rds Eye Shri mps, cooked
1 f cup chopped cel ery
2 tabl espoons chopped pi mi ento
2 teaspoons mi nced oni on
1f cup mayonnaise
1 f teaspoon sal t Das h of pepper
Cook frozen peas and carrots as di rected on pack
age. Marinate with French dressi ng ; chi l l . Cook,
peel, and clean shri mps as directed on package ;
cut in 2 or 3 pi eces, reservi ng 6 to 8 whole shrimps
for garni sh. Chill . Mi x shrimps, celery, pi mi ento,
and onion, and marinate with French dressing.
Add peas and carrots, mayonnaise, salt, and pep
per, and toss together li ghtly. Serve on crisp let
tuce and garnish wi th addi ti onal mayonnaise and
whole shrimps. Serves 6 to 8.
I box Bi rds Eye Shri mps, cooked
1f cup chopped cel ery
I cup mayonnaise
1f teaspoon sal t
Dash of pepper
I l oaf bread, thi nl y sl i ced and toasted
Cri sp l ettuce
4 tomatoes, thi nl y sl iced a nd s pri nkl ed
wi th sal t
Cook, peel, and clean shri mps as directed on pack
age ; cut i n small pieces. Add celery, % cup may
onnaise, salt, and pepper and mix thoroughly.
Spread shri mp mixture on a slice of toast, arrange
lettuce on this, spread thi nly wi th mayonnaise,
and cover with another piece of toast. On t hi s
place more lettuce, mayonnai se, and slices of
tomato. Cover wi th a third pi ece of toast. Trim
edges and cut di agonally across each sandwi ch to
form triangles. Garni sh wi th tomato wedges and
sweet pi ckl es arranged i n lettuce cups. Makes 6.
Peel and clean 1 box Bi rds Eye Shrimps, thawed,
as directed on package. Sprinkl e with salt, pep
per, and paprika ( generousl y) . Wrap bacon strip
around shrimp once ; fasten with toothpick. Bake
i n hot oven ( 400 F.) 10 mi nutes. Serve at once as
an appetizer. Or remove toothpi cks and serve on
hot buttered toast wi th lemon wedges. Garnish
with chopped fresh parsley. Serves 3 to 4.
! i
Here' s a n old favorite served i n a most appealing way.
A big sturdy t ureen of Oyster Stew, with the smart
little bowls that go with it. The recipe is on page 4 1 .
2 packages Bi rds Eye Fi l l et of Cod, cooked
1 1/4 cups fsh l i quor and mi l k
6 tabl espoons butter
I tabl espoon l emon j ui ce
2 teas poons sera ped oni on
Das h of s al t
Dash of pepper
Dash of cayenne
box Bi rds Eye Oysters, thawed
% cup fne cracker crumbs
2 tabl espoons fl our
I egg, s l i ghtl y beaten
To cook codfsh, place codfsh ( frozen or thawed )
i n saucepan. Add l c u p water, l teaspoon sal, 2
slices oni on, 4 peppercorns, and % bay l eaf. Cover
and cook gently 10 mi nutes, or unt i l tender. Drai n,
reservi ng li quor ; add mi lk to make Ph cups.
Separate codfsh i nto fakes.
Melt 4 tablespoons butter, add lemon j ui ce,
onion, salt, pepper, and cayenne. Di p oysters in
butter mixture, then roll in crumbs. Place layer
of codfsh in greased casserole, then layer of oys
ters ; repeat, fni shi ng with l ayer of codfsh. Mel t
remai ni ng 2 tablespoons butter in saucepan, add
four and st i r unti l smooth. Add fsh liquor and
milk gradual l y and cook unti l thi ckened, stirring
constantly. Cool sli ghtly and add egg. Pour sauce
over fsh and oysters. Cover wi th mi xture of re
mai ni ng crumbs and butter mi xture. Bake i n mod
erate oven ( 350 F. ) 30 mi nutes, or unt il crumbs
are browned. Serve with Lemon Parsl ey Butter
( page 32) , i f desired. Serves 6.
I box Bi rds Eye Shr i mps, cooked
4 tabl espoons butter
3 ta bl espoons fl our
I teas poon sal t
I teaspoon curry powder
I } cups mi l k
I ta bl espoon chopped parsl ey
I teaspoon l emon j ui ce
I teaspoon Worcestershi re sauce
b ounces s paghetti , or 3 cups cooked and
seasoned wi th sal t, pepper, and butter
Cook, peel , and cl e3n shri mps as di rected on pack
age ; spl i t l engt hwi se and cut l arge pieces in
halves. Mel t but t er i n saucepan, add four, salt.
and curry powder, and sti r unt il smooth. Add mi lk
gradual l y and cook unt i l thickened, stirring con
stantly. Add shri mps, parsl ey, lemon j ui ce, and
Worcest ershi re sauce and heal wel l . Pour over hot
spaghet ti and serve at once. Serves 4.
I box Bi rds Eye Shr i mps, cooked
tf box Bi rds Eye Gree n Peas, cooked,
or I cup cooked cut cel ery
4 ta bl espoons butter
4 tabl espoons fl our
I teaspoon mi nced oni on
cu ps mi l k
% teaspoon sal t Das h of pepper
' teas poon Worcester shi re sauce
I teaspoon chopped parsl ey
I ' teas poons l emon j ui ce
Cook, peel , and cl ean shri mps as directed on
package ; spli t l engthwise and cut l arge pi eces
S L OW T H AWI N G IS BE ST ! u you have plenty
of time, i t's best to thaw Birds Eye Oysters and
Scallops in their unopened boxes. Then you aren't
l osi ng the fresh-from-the-ocean favor, which has
been capt ured by the magi c of qui ck- freezing.
. . K

in halves. Cook frozen peas as di rected on pack
age ; drai n. Mel t bu t l er in saucepan, add four and
oni on and stir unt i l smoot h. Add mi l k gradual l y
and cook u nt i l t h i ckened, st i ri ng const anl iy. Add
:hri mps, peas, and remai ni ng i ngredi ents and heat
wel l . Serve on t oast. Serves 4.
Rub saucepan wi t h cl ove of garl i c. Combi ne 2 t ea
spoons salt, dash of whi te pepper, 1 t abl espoon
chopped onion, 1 t ablespoon each l emon j u ice and
chopped l emon ri nd, 5 bay leaves, and 2 cups wa
ter i n saucepan. Bri ng to a boi l. Add 1 box Bi rds
Eye Shri mps. Cover, bri ng agai n to a boi l , and
boi l 10 to 15 mi nu tes. Drai n, and cool sl i ghtl y.
Peel and clean as di rected on p3 ckage.
Chi ll and use i n sal ad or cockt ai l . Or ret u r
shri mps t o stock ; heat. Serve wi t h mel t ed butter.
2 packages Bi rds Eye Fi l l et of Fl ounder,
I box Bi rds Eye Oysters, thawed
a nd chopped
4 cu ps soft br ead cr umbs
4 tabl espoons mel ted butter
t f teas poon sal t
Das h of pe pper
tf t eas poon scra ped oni on
tf cup buttered br ead cr umbs
tf cup mi l k
Cut fl l ets i n halves l engthwi se and spri nkle l i ght
ly wi th sal t and pepper. Combi ne oysters, soft
bread crumbs, butter, sal t, pepper, and oni on and
mi x wel l . Shape i nto round balls. Wrap one pi ece
of fsh around each bal l , fasteni ng wi th toothpi cks.
Place, cut- si de down, i n shal l ow baki ng di sh. Top
wi th buttered bread crumbs. Pour mi l k around
fsh. Bake i n moderate oven ( 375 F. ) 40 mi n
ut es, or unt i l done. Serves 6 t o 8.
but i t ' s no j ob to get ri d o f t he shel l s. You pl u nge
the frozen shri mps i nto bri skl y boi l i ng salted wa
t er and cook them 15 mi nutes, i f you are goi ng t o
use t hem i n sal ads or other uncooked di shes. If
t hey are goi ng i nt o cooked di shes, you can reduce
t he cooki ng ti me to 10 mi nutes. When cooked, you
break the shell on t he under si de, open from front
t o back, and s l i p out t he shrimp, al l i n one pi ece.
Then you take out the l i ttl e black l i ne t hat runs
along t he back and, l o and behol d, you have the
very fnest shri mps you ever ate !
! i
k C HI C KE N DI N N E R is a rather special occa-
sion, and when you do the orderi ng, you demand
the very best. That' s why so many women are ask
i ng for Bi rds Eye poul try. Bul gi ng wi th tender
succul ent meat, Bi rds Eye poul try is all U. S. Gov
ernment inspected-every bi rd i s sel ected from
t he very best of Grade A. We guarantee that you
will never taste chicken that' s fner !
These birds all come from the l argest poul t ry
centers in the country and onl y the fnest are
chosen from selected Aocks. Then they are fed on
a di et of buttermi l k and grai n. They l i teral l y
gorge themselves unt i l they have more whi t e meat
than would ever seem possi bl e.
Get ti ng a Birds Eye chi cken di nner i s a joy,
especi al l y when you thi nk what a t ask i t used to
be. Now there's no waste to di spose of and the
chickens have been washed and are absol u tel y
clean. You handle t he bird as di rected on t he car
ton ; then you cook i t i n any favori te way. There
are di rections given wi t h each kind of Bi rds Eye
poul try. These tel l you t he more usual ways of
cooki ng, such as broi l i ng, fryi ng, and roast i ng.
It may seem l i ke "gi l di ng the l i l y" to gi ve spe
cia! recipes for cooki ng Bi rds Eye poul try. Thi s
poul try i s so del i ci ous that i t doesn' t need fril l s t o
dress i t up. But modern cooks are al l for variety ;
t hey are always tryi ng somethi ng new.
This group of more than 20 recipes has been
col l ect ed from many so urces, from fne cooks all
over the land. There are suggestions here that wi l l
i ntri gue even the most di scri mi nati ng. Chicken en
Ca,sero)e ( on page 50) served wi th wi l d ri ce and
Bi rds Eye Broccol i or Asparagus Spears makes a
di st i ngui shed di nner. Then for l uncheon for a
very speci al guest , we suggest Chicken Luncheon
Pancakes wi th i ts savory mushroom flling ( page
53) and a crisp green sal ad to give added zest.
Not t he least among thi s group of excell ent rec
ipes are several usi ng l eft-over chicken or t urkey.
Chi cken and Ham Net herlands and Turkey Tet
razzi ni ( page 5 1 ) are del i ci ous exampl es. And
you' l l fnd t wo extra good stufngs (on pages 5 1
and 5 3) t o a dd glory to a t urkey dinner.
ity Bi rds. They are the "Tap
Hal f of Grade A" Government
I nspected poul try. They have
been fed on a di et of butter
mi l k and grai n unti l they are
extra pl ump and lender. They
have been ful l y drawn and
cl eaned-not a pi nfeather i s
left-and are ready f or t he
pan, pol, or ski l l et. They taste
l i ke the chickens you had, as a
chi l d, down on the farm. But
there' s more white meat on
these Bi rds Eye bi rds!
Al l Bi rds Eye poul try, except
Fowl for Fri cassee, shoul d be
thawed before usi ng. Roasti ng
Chi cken and Turkey must be
thawed enough to remove the
gi bl ets and to put i n the stuf
i ng. Broi l i ng Chicken must be
thawed enough to separate
the hal ves. And Fryi ng Chi cken,
Country Styl e, must be thawed
enough to separate the pi eces.
After Birds Eye Fowl for Fr icas
see has cooked a few mi nutes
and is partial l y thawed, the
parchment contai ni ng the gi b
l ets may be easi l y removed.
Country Style Fryers
Fowl for Fricassee
Roasting Chickens
Complete directions for using are given with all Birds Eye poul
try. These include thawing directions and the more usual meth
ods of cooking. You can broil Birds Eye Broilers slowly or by a
slightly faster method. Frying Chicken, Country Style, may be
fried i n three diferent ways. You can take your choice. You can
cook Fowl for Fricassee, then serve it in a variety of ways as
given on the box. You can learn the best way to roast to a turn
your Birds Eye Roasting Chicken or Turkey. In every case, the
directions are clear and easy to follow.
Besides all this, i f some day you wish to serve a very special
dinner, you can fnd i n the pages that follow recipes that are new
and unusual. With these, you can achieve a real reputation.
Cook Birds Eye Broili ng Chicken as di rected on package. Serve
with any of the following accompaniments.
Broiled Mushrooms. Peel caps from 1 pound mushrooms. Brush
caps, inside and out, with melted butter. Cook mushroom caps
under broiler about 5 minutes, or until browned ; turn, baste
with chicken drippings or butter, and cook about 5 mi nutes more.
Arrange around broiled chicken.
Broi l ed Tomatoes. Wash 1 pound medi um tomatoes and cut i n
halves. Brush wi th butter and cook under broiler about 3 mi n
utes ; turn, baste with chi cken dri ppi ngs or butter, and cook
about 3 minutes more. Arrange around broiled chicken.
Rel i shes. Brandied or spiced peaches, spiced watermelon rinds,
or pickled beets may also be served with broiled chicken.
Thaw Bi rds Eye Frying Chicken, Country Style, enough to sepa
rate pieces. Roll in four seasoned with salt and pepper. Heat
sizzling hot about % inch fat (vegetable shortening or lard) i n
heavy skillet. Place chicken in fat and fry slowly 25 to 30 mi n
utes, or until tender, turning to brown delicately on both sides.
Serve with cream gravy. Serves 4.
To make cream gravy, remove chicken to warm platter. Meas
ure 2 tablespoons fat from skillet for each cup of gravy desired.
Add an equal amount of four and mix to a paste. Use 1 cup
light cream and % cup milk or chi cken stock f or each cup of
gravy desired; combine and add gradually to the four. Cook and
"'' ""til thkk'"'d. S"'"" with "It '"d P'PP"
I Bi rds Eye Fryi ng Chi cken, Cou ntry Styl e,
parti al l y thawed
6 tabl espoons butter or other fat
Sal t and pepper
I smal l oni on, fnel y chopped
I cl ove garl i c, fnel y chopped
2 tabl es poons Worcestershi re sauce
2 tabl espoons A- I sauce
4 teaspoons vi negar
4 tabl espoons ketchup
Few drops tabasco
Separate pieces of chicken. Mel t butter i n ski llet ;
add chicken and saute about 20 mi nut es, turning
to brown both sides. Place i n baki ng di sh, spri nkl e
with salt and pepper, and pour fat from skil l et
over chi cken. Pl ace onion and garl i c i n cheese
cloth bag and place i n corner of baki ng di sh.
Cover chicken wi t h sauce made by mi xi ng remai n
i ng i ngredients. Bake i n moderate oven ( 350 F. )
30 mi nut es, basti ng frequently. Serves 2 to 4.
I Birds Eye Fryi ng Chi cken, Cou ntry Styl e,
parti al l y thawed
Sal t and pepper
3 tabl espoons chopped oni ons
2 ta bl espoons butter
I teaspoon Hungari a n pa pri ka
2 ta bl espoons boi l i ng water
I teaspoon fl our
' cup heavy cream
Separate pieces of chicken. Spri nkl e wi th sal t and
pepper. Saute onions i n butter unt i l gol den brown.
Add paprika and mi x, then add chi cken. Cover
CONVE N I E NT F OR YOU! All Bi rds Eye poultry
comes to you scrupul ously clean-there' s no wasl P
to di spose of. The head, t he feet, the feathers, and
the insides have al l been removed. Every bird has
been carefully washed and i s ready to cook with
out further preparat i on.
and cook over medi um fame, turning to brown on
al l sides. Add boi l i ng water. Lower fame and
cook sl owl y about 20 mi nutes, or unti l tender.
Remove chi cken to warm servi ng dish and cover.
To dri ppi ngs i n pan, add four and stir to a smooth
paste. Add cream and cook and stir until thick
and smooth. Pour gravy over chi cken. Serve at
once. Serves 4.
I Bi rds Eye Roasti ng Chi cken, parti al l y
'/. cup di ced carrots
' _s mal l oni on, sl i ced
Dash of thyme
I spri g parsl ey
I bay l eaf
4 ta bl espoons butter or other fat
2 cups boi l i ng water
Thaw chi cken enough to remove gi blets. Spri nkle
sal t inside chi cken and truss. Spri nkle outsi de
with salt and pepper.
Saute carrots, onion, thyme, parsley, and bay
l eaf i n fat in deep roasti ng pan, unti l vegetables
are tender. Remove vegetables and brown chicken
i n this mi xture over direct heat. Place chicken on
rack i n pan. Add boi l i ng water and vegetabl es.
Cover and bake i n slow oven ( 325 F. ) 50 to 60
mi nutes, or unti l tender, basti ng frequently.
To make pan gravy, remove chicken to warm
platter. Remove parsl ey and bay l eaf from l i qui d.
Ski m of fat. Measure 2 tablespoons fat and 2
tablespoons four for each cup of pan l i qui d. Mi x
f at and Hour t o a paste. Add l i qui d gradually and
cook and sti r until thick and smooth. Serves 6.
This is the way "we moderns" buy chicken. All wrapped
and packaged. All messy kitchen work done. We just
have the fun of cooking. See illustration, next page.
Here's the way the Birds Eye Frying Chicken looks offer we get through frying it. We don' t
dress it up with a lot of frills. We serve it just as it is and enjoy every satisfying morsel of it.
I Bi rds Eye Fowl for Fri cassee, parti al l y
Sal t, pepper, fl our
I! cup butter or other fat
'h cup sliced oni ons
2 cups top mi l k or l i ght cream
Separate fowl into pi eces for servi ng. Season wi th
salt and pepper and rol l i n four. Saut e i n butt er.
Place i n greased casserol e. Saute oni ons i n drip
pings in pan unti l del i cat el y browned ; add cream
and pour over chi cken. Cover casserol e r i ghtl y and
bake i n moderat e oven ( 325 F. ) 2V2 hours, or
until chicken i s tender. Serves 6. ( If desired, 1
cup mushrooms sliced lengthwi se through cap and
stem may be sauteed with t he oni ons. )
_ C
I Bi rds Eye Broi l i ng Chi cken, thawed
'h teaspoon sal t
'a teaspoon pepper
I teaspoon pa pri ka
4 tabl espoons butter, mel ted
2 teaspoons vi negar
2 teaspo ons prepared mustard
74 cup fne bread crumbs
Cu t chicken in hal ves and break joints. Combine
sal t, pepper, papri ka, butt er, vi negar, and mus
t ard. Place chi cken ski n- si de up on broiler and
brush wi t h but t er mi xt ure. Broi l at moderate heat
1 5 mi nutes ; t urn, bno sh other si de wi th butter
mi xt ure, and broi l 15 mi nut es. Turn agai n, brush
wi th remai ni ng but t er mi xture, sprinkle wi th
bread crumbs, and broi l 15 mi nutes, or until ten
der, reduci ng heat duri ng l ast few mi nutes to avoid
burni ng cru mbs. Serves 2 to 4.
i "
I Bi rds Eye Fowl for Fri cassee, parti al l y thawed
'_ cup butter or other fat
Sal t and pepper
' cup sl i ced oni ons
'4 cup di ced cel ery
'cup sl iced mushrooms
4 cups conned tomatoes
2 ta bl espoons chopped parsl ey
' teaspoon s ugar
Separate fowl i nt o pieces for serving. Saut e i n
butter, season wi t h sal t and pepper, and place i n
large kettl e. Saut e oni ons, cel ery, and mushrooms
in dri ppi ngs i n pan. Add t omat oes and bri ng to a
boil, st i rri ng constant ly. Add parsl ey and sugar
and pour over chi cken. Cook slowl y, parti al ly cov
ered, 2V2 hours, st i rri ng occasi onall y. Serves 6.
2 ta bl espoons fnel y chopped oni on
' cup fnel y chopped cel ery
4 to bl espoons butter
4 cups soft bread crumbs
2 cups coarsel y chopped chestnuts
I teaspoon sal t
'4 teaspoon pepper
I egg, sl i ghtl y beaten
Saute onion and celery wi th 1 tabl espoon butter.
Dice remai ni ng but ter and combi ne wi th bread
crumbs, chest nuts, seasoni ngs, and oni on-celery
mixture. Add egg and mix l i ghtly. Makes enough
stufng for 4- to 5- pound chicken.
When you buy an un
drawn 4 l b. ch i cken
One pound i s was: e
t hat i s t h rown away.
YOU B U Y NET WEI G H T. The usual way of sell
i ng poultry i s by undrawn weight . Only t he feath
ers have been removed from birds sol d this way.
You pay for the head, the feet, and the "i nnards,"
which i s 25oo to 33% of total wei ght i n waste.
With Birds Eye, you pay only for cl ean, drawn
weight-net wei ght . Every ounce you buy goes on
the table. The table on pages 62 and 63 show how
Bi rds Eye weight compares wi th u ndrawn weight

To prepare chestnuts, cut t wo crosswise gashes
i n each chestnut. Place nuts i n a pan and heat in
hot oven ( 450 F. ) 20 mi nutes, or unti l shells and
skins can be easi l y removed. Or, after maki ng
gashes, boil 5 to 7 mi nutes. Remove shel l s and
ski ns whi le hot, and chop chestnuts.
2 teaspoons fnel y chopped oni on
I cup sl i ced mus hrooms
3 ta bl espoons butter
4 teaspoons four
l l4 cups l i ght cream
'teaspoon papri ka
'a teaspoon nutmeg
l '
cups chopped cooked chi cken ( Use l eft
over Bi rds Eye Roasti ng Chi cke n )
2 sl i ces boi l ed h o m, cut i n h al f
Pormeso n cheese
4 sl i ces toast
Saut e oni on and mushrooms gently i n butter until
browned. Add four and stir until smooth. Add
cream and cook until thi ckened, stirring con
stantly. Add paprika, nutmeg, and chicken and
heat thoroughl y. Arrange ham sl ices i n greased
shal l ow baki ng di sh and cover with mushroom
chi cken mi xt u re. Spri nkle wi th Parmesan chces.
and pl ace under broi ler unti l browned. Serve on
hot but t ered toast. Serves 4.
Left-over Birds Eye Turkey may be substituted
for chicken in above recipe.
I cup sl i ced mushroom cops
3 ta bl espoons butter
2 ta bl espoons fl our
| '_ cups l i ght cream
I cup cooked turkey, cut i n l -i nch stri ps
( Use l eft-over Bi rds Eye Turkey )
' teaspoon sal t
Dash of pepper
'4 teaspoon cel ery sal t
' cup cooked s paghetti, cut i n l -i nch pi eces
Parmes an cheese
Saute mushrooms in butter until tender. Add fl our
and st i r unt i l smooth. Add cream and cook unt i l
thickened, st i rri ng constantl y. Add turkey, sal t,
pepper, cel ery sal t, and spaghetti, and heat t hor
oughl y. Turn i nto greased shal l ow baki ng di sh or
i ndi vi dual rameki ns and sprinkl e generousl y wi t h
Parmesan cheese. Pl ace under the broi l er unt i l
browned. Serve at once. Serves 4.
I Bi rds Eye Broi l i ng Chi cken, thowed
Oi l or soft butter, sol t, pepper
2 tabl espoons chopped green pepper
I tabl espoon chopped oni on
8 sl i ces bacon
I tabl espoon bacon fat
2 tabl espoons dri ppi ngs
2 tabl espoons fl our
I cup l i ght cream
Cut chicken i n halves ; break joi nts, brush with
oil, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place skin
side up on broi l er and broil at moderate heat 15
mi nutes ; turn and broil other side 15 minutes.
Turn agai n, sprinkle wi th mixture of green pepper
and onion, and broil 15 mi nutes, or until tender.
Fry or broil bacon.
Mi x bacon fat and broiler drippings in sauce
pan. Add four and stir to a smooth paste. Add
cream gradually, stirri ng constantly, and conti nue
cooking and stirring unti l thickened. Pour gravy
over chicken and top wi th bacon. Serves 2 to 4.
I Bi rds Eye Broi l i ng Chicken, thawed
Oi l or soft butter, sal t, pepper
I cup soft bread cru mbs
Ys teaspoon sage
Dash of thyme
Dash of nutmeg
Y- teaspoon sal t
Dash of pepper
l j- teaspoon scra ped oni on
2 tabl espoons mel ted butter
l j- box Birds Eye Oysters, thawed an d chopped
Cut chicken i n halves ; break joints, brush with
oil, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Combine
bread crumbs, sage, thyme, nutmeg, salt, pepper,
and onion. Add butter and toss together lightly
unti l thoroughly mixed. Add chopped oysters and
mix well.
Place chicken skin-side up on broiler and broil
at moderate heat 15 minutes ; turn and broil other
side 15 mi nutes. Pack 1h of stufng on cut-side of
each chicken half. Return to broiler and broil 15
minutes longer. If necessary, i ncrease heat during
last few minutes to brown stufng. Garnish with
water cress and radish roses. Serves 2.
I Bi rds Eye Fryi ng Chicken, Country Styl e,
parti al l y thawed
Sal t, pepper, four
4 tabl espoons butter or other fat
I cup chopped oni ons
1f pound mus hrooms, sl i ced
Y- cup hot water
cup heavy cream
I cup mi l k
3 tabl espoons four
Separate pieces of chicken. Spri nkle with salt and
pepper and rol l in four. Melt f at i n large ski l l el .
Add chicken and brown quickly on al l sides. Re
move chicken, add onions and mushrooms, and
saute unti l browned. Add chi cken and water, cov
er, and simmer gently 30 minutes. Remove chicken
to platter. Add cream and milk gradually to four,
stirring until smooth. Add to vegetables in skillet
and cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Pour
sauce over hot chicken and garnish with paprika
and water cress. Serves 6.
I Bi rds Eye Fryi ng Chi cken, Cou ntry Styl e,
partial l y thawed
Sal t, pepper, fl our
4 tabl espoons ol ive oi l
1f pound mushrooms
1 2 smal l white oni ons
I smal l cl ove garl ic, fnel y mi nced
4 tabl espoons butter or other fat
2 tabl espoons fl our
6 tabl espoons water
6 tabl espoons sherry
4 s mal l tomatoes, quartered
1 11 teaspoons sal t
Y- teaspoon pepper
Separate pieces of chicken. Sprinkle wi th salt and
pepper and rol l in four. Saute chicken slowly i n
olive oi l about 30 mi nutes. Wash and peel mush
rooms and chop stems. Parboil onions 10 minutes.
Saute mushroom caps and stems, onions, and gar
lic slowly in butter 15 mi nutes. Add four and st i r
unt i l smooth. Add water and sherry slowly and
cook unti l thickened, stirri ng constantly. Add to
matoes, salt, and pepper. Cover and si mmer gent ly
15 mi nut es. Pour sauce over chi cken, being care
ful not to mash tomatoes, cover, and simmer gently
15 mi nutes, or unti l chicken is j ust tender. Re
move chi cken to hot platter and serve with sauce
poured over i t . Serves 6 to 8.
fl cup sifted fl our
l. teaspoon sol t
2 eggs, wel l beaten
I cup mi l k
2 teaspoons mel ted butter
Sift four once, measure, add salt, and sift again.
Combine eggs, milk, and melted butter and add
to four, beating thoroughly. Bake on hot, li ght l y
greased 8- i nch ski llet, allowi ng 4 tabl espoons to
each pancake and spreading batter quickly over
entire surface of skil l et. Reduce heat slightly.
When well browned, turn and brown other side.
Turn again, fll with Chicken Mushroom Fil l i ng
( below) , and rol l . Serve at once. Makes 6 t o 8.
Chi cken Mushroom Fi l l i ng
2 teaspoons fnel y chopped oni on
'1 cup butter
3 cups fnel y chopped mushrooms
2 cups fnel y chopped cooked chi cken
{ Use Bi rds Eye Fowl for Fri cassee or
Roasti ng Chi cke n )
2 tabl espoons four
I teaspoon sa I t
Dash of pepper
1 11 cups chi cken stock a nd mi l k
Saute oni on i n but ter i n ski l l et unt i l very sl i ght ly
browned. Add mushrooms and cook unti l l i qui d
i s nearly evaporated. Add chi cken and conti nue
cooking until mushrooms are well browned. Add
four and seasonings and mi x well. Add chicken
stock and mi l k and cont i nue cooki ng unti l thick
ened, stirri ng constantly. Spread on pancake and
roll . Serve at once. Makes enough fl l i ng for 6 to
8 Luncheon Pancakes.
2 cups soft bi scui t crumbs
2 cups soft corn bread cru mbs
l4 cup chopped oni on
'h cup di ced cel ery
'1 teas poon sal t
1/4 teas poon bl ack pepper
1/s teaspoon s age
4 tabl espoons col d butter, di ced
I egg, sl i ghtl y beaten
Combine biscuit and corn bread crumbs, onion,
cel ery, seasonings, and butter. Add egg and mi x
li ghtly. Makes enough stufng for 3- to 4- pound
chicken. Doubl e reci pe t o make stufng for 8- t o
10-pound t urkey.
i i
I Bi rds Eye Fowl for Fricassee,
partial l y thawed
4 tabl espoons butter
1/4 cup chopped oni ons
2 cups can ned tomatoes
I cup water
3 'h teaspoons sal t
l4 teaspoon pepper
Dash of cayenne
I box Bi rds Eye li ma Beans
I teaspoon Worcestershi re sauce
l4 cup col d water
2 tabl espoons four
I box Bi r ds Eye Gol den Sweet Corn
Separate fowl i nto pieces for servi ng. Saute i n
butter unt i l deli cately browned. Remove chicken,
add oni ons, and saute until onions are slightly
browned. Add chicken, tomatoes, water, sal t, pep
per, and cayenne. Cover and simmer 2 % hours,
or unt i l chicken i s nearly tender. Add frozen Li ma
beans and Worcestershire sauce and conti nue
cooki ng 25 mi nutes. Add 1 cup water to four and
stir unti l smoot h. Add to stew, stirring vi gorously.
Add frozen corn and cook 5 mi nutes longer, stir
ri ng constantly. Serves 12.
Or remove chicken from st ew when Li ma beans
are added. Remove meat from bones, cut i n cubes,
return to stew, and cont i nue cooking as di rected.
QU I C K THAWI N G ! You can thaw Birds Eye Broil
i ng Chicken and Fryi ng Chicken, Country Style,
i n about 30 mi nut es by placi ng the chicken in
a large bowl under the cold water faucet and let
ting the water run until the chi cken i s thawed. By
r he same met hod, Birds Eye Roasting Chicken may
be thawed enough to remove the giblets and to
st uf the bird in 30 mi nutes to 1 hour. Caution:
Keep close check on the thawing, so that the chi ck
en wi ll not remain i n the wat er after i t i s thawed.
To thaw Fowl for Fri cassee qui ckly, place i n boil
i ng water and heat about 20 mi nutes.
2 cups cu bed cooked chi cken
( Use Bi rds Eye Fowl for Fri cassee )
2 teaspoons mi nced oni on
2 tabl es poons di ced green pepper
5 to bl espoons butter
2 cups quartered mushrooms
5 tabl espoons fl our
1f teaspoon sal t
Dash of pepper
I Y4 cups chi cken stock
3, cup mi l k
I ta bl espoon chopped pi mi ento
Cook Bi rds Eye Fowl for Fricassee as directed on
package. Remove from bones and cut in cubes.
Measure 2 cups cubed chi cken. Saute onion and
green pepper i n 1 tablespoon butter ; add mush
rooms and saute unt i l mushrooms are j ust tender.
Mel t remai ni ng 4 tablespoons butter i n saucepan,
add four and seasoni ngs, and stir unt i l smooth.
Add stock and mi lk and conti nue cooking and
stirring unt i l thi ckened. Add chicken, onion-mush
room mi xture, and pimiento. Reheat. Serve on
toast poi nts or i n patty shells. Serves 6 to 8.
3 cups hot cooked cubed potatoes
4 ta bl espoons ol ive oil
4 to bl espoons vi negar
I teaspoon scra ped oni on
lf teaspoon sal t
I box Bi rds Eye Green Peas, cooked
3 cups cubed cooked chi cken
( Use Bi rds Eye Fowl for Fri cassee )
1f c u p chopped cel ery
I tabl espoon chopped pi mi ento
I ta bl espoon mi nced oni on
1 1/ teaspoons sal t
teaspoon pepper
3 ta bl espoons chopped sweet pi ckl e
2 hard-cooked eggs, chopped
1f cup mayonnaise or cooked sal ad dressi ng
Mi x hot potatoes l i ghtl y wi t h ol i ve oi l , vi negar,
scraped onion, and sal t , and marinate unti l col d.
Cook frozen peas accordi ng to di rect i ons on pack
age. Drain and chi l l . Combi ne chi cken, potatoes,
peas, cel ery, pi miento, mi nced oni on, salt, pepper,
pi ckle, and egg. Add mayonnai se and toss to
gether l i ght l y. Chil l . Serves 8 to 10.
For the Hol i day dinner or for that very speci al
occasion, l et Birds Eye Turkey be t he Ki ng of the
Feast. If you usual l y buy a 12- pound t urkey, now
you can order a 9-pound Bi rds Eye bird. For Bi rds
Eye Turkeys are drawn wei ght, you pay onl y for
what you cook and serve. And it's very nice to
know that these Birds Eye Turkeys are guaran
teed to be "tops" i n quality and i n tenderness and
to have an extra amount of white meat.
Stufng Wi sdom. The ki nd of stufng you make is
up to you and the fami l y. Some fami li es have their
own favori t e reci pes, handed down as heirl ooms.
There are peopl e who prefer a moist st ufng wi t h
very l i beral seasoni ng. Ot hers l i ke t hei r st ufng
dry wi t h onl y a dash of a favori te herb. When
t hese t wo school s of t hought meet and cl ash i n a
si ngle family, there's one happy sol ut i on. You can
make a 8mal l er amount of the two reci pes, t hen
use one ki nd of st ufi ng in t he body of t he bi rd and
t he other ki nd t o st uf t he breast.
Vegetabl es and Extras! For vegetable accompani
ments, Broccol i wi t h Toasted Al monds ( page 15 )
and Squash wi th Sauteed Oni ons ( page 1 9) add
i nterest to the meal. But i f it' s a Thanksgiving or
a Chri stmas di nner you are servi ng, you can spring
a real surprise wi t h Bi rds Eye Corn on t he Cob
or Asparagus wi th Parmesan Cheese ( page l l ) .
And be s ure to i ncl ude Bi rds Eye Raspberry Sher
bet ( page 30 ) . It 's the modern subst i t ut e for t he
tradi tional cranberry sauce.
Then for Dessert, Bi rds Eye makes possi ble Straw
berry Short cakes ( page 25 ) or Peach Angel Pie
( page 28 ) as l uscious replacement s of the usual
mi nce pie or pl um puddi ng.
SPE AK I N G O F STU F F I N G. Most fol ks l i ke st u f
i ng wi t h their roast t urkey or chicken. ( There are
people who don' t. For t hose, we advi se cooking the
unst ufed bi rd a l i ttl e less time t han the direct i ons
say. ) But here' s some advi ce for t he st ufng fans.
Allow one cup of bread crumbs or cubes for each
pound of Birds Eye Roast i ng Chi cken or Turkey.
Have bread i n fai rl y uni form pi eces. Then place
stufng i n l i ght l y t o al l ow room for expansion.
WH E N I T' S Y O U R J O B to buy food for the
family, you are especi ally anxi ous to get the best
value for what you spend. This i s one reason why
so many women are usi ng Bi rds Eye meats t oday.
When they buy these meats, they don' t have to
shop around and possi bly guess at the qual i ty ;
they know i t's the fnest. Al l Bi rds Eye meats are
U. S. Government i nspected, guaranteed to be the
fnest uniform quality always. Thi s i nsures you full
satisfaction, or your money back.
This means, i n fact, that Birds Eye Bee i s
young, corn-fed steer beef, sci enti fcal l y aged to
the right degree of tenderness. That only genui ne
spring l amb i s used for Birds Eye Lamb Chops
and Roasts. That Bi rds Eye Pork cuts are from
selected, stri ctly fresh, grai n-fed young pork. And,
furthermore, that all Bi rds Eye meats are of del
nile, uniform cut-the same every ti me yon buy !
You're sure to make a good choi ce when your
market l i st includes Bi rds Eye meats.
And with Bi rds Eye meats you are get ti ng j ust
what yon pay for. For these meats are trimmed
of excess waste before weighing, not after. Every
: :
thi ng that i s pai d for goes o n the table. So, when
compari ng pri ces, remember that Birds Eye meats
are all tri mmed, ready to pop into the pan.
There i s a wi de variety to choose from i n the
Bi rds Eye li ne of meats. There are steaks, chops,
and roasts ; calves' l i ver and sausage l i nks ; as
well as stew meat and chopped beef. You'l l fnd
all Bi rds Eye meat cuts l i sted on page 63. Use this
handy li st when pl anni ng your menus.
Al l these ki nds of meat may be cooked i n the
usual ways. On page 56 there are directions tel l
i ng j ust how to pan-broil and broi l the steaks,
then the timetable whi ch follows gives the cooki ng
ti me for each one.
Wel l over hal f of the reci pes i n the meat section
have been devel oped for use with Birds Eye Chop
ped Beef, Beef for Stew, and Lamb for Stew. Wi th
such appet i zi ng di shes as Barbecued Chopped
Beef ( page 60) or Lamb en Casserol e ( page 59) , a
l ong step has been taken toward sol vi ng the prob
l em of servi ng i nexpensi ve yet at tracti ve meal s.
BI ROS EYE MEATS come from
the country' s great meal cen
ters. Each ani mal i s "fni sh fed"
to i nsure the hi ghest standard
of qual ity. Then these meats
are U. S. Government i nspect-
ed. Any i nferi or or 1 1 j ust fai r"
pi eces are rejected. Next the
sci entifc agi ng begi ns. The
meal i s i nspected dai l y and
even the tenderness i s tested.
ALL BI RDS EYE meal cuts are
careful l y cl eaned and tri mmed,
before weighing, not after.
Everyt hi ng you pay for goes
on the tabl e. And best of al l ,
these cuts of meal are uni
form. You al ways get the same
fne qual ity.
THERE' S ONE very i mportant
poi nt to remember. And thi s
is i t. Li ke al l Bi rds Eye Foods,
Bi rds Eye meals are sol d wi th
a money-back guarantee. This
means that if the cut of meal
doesn' t give f ul l sati sfacti on,
your money wi l l be ref unded.
Thi nk what i t means to be sure
of gelli ng guaranteed qual ity
al ways-merel y by aski ng for
Bi rds Eye meals by name!
These Birds Eye steaks may be used either frozen or thawed,
with the exception of 1%" Sirloin Steak which should be either
completely or partially thawed. For partial thawing, let steak
stand about 1 hour at room temperature, or about 2 hours for
complete thawing.
To pan-broil (medium rare}, rub bit of fat over very hot heavy
skillet. Place steak i n skillet and sear 1 mi nute on each side,
moving to prevent sticking. Reduce heat to low and cook each
side as directed below. Salt after searing. Serve on hot platter ;
dot with butter.
To broil (medium rare), place steak on well-heated broiler
and broil each side at hi gh heat as directed. The steak should be
placed 2 or 3 inches below the heat unit, depending on the thick
ness of the steak, and the door may be left sli ghtly aj ar. Salt be
fore turning. Serve on hot pl atter ; dot with butter.
Ti me on each si de
1 " Si rl oi n, Bonei n
t hawed 1 mi n. 6 to 7 mi n. 7 to 8 mi n.
frozen 1 mi n. 9 to 1 0 mi n. l O to 1 1 mi n.
1 " Si rl oi n, Bonel ess
thawed 1 mi n. 4 1o 5 mi n. 6 ta 7 mi n.
frozen 1 mi n. S to 9 mi n. 8 t o 9 mi n.
1 V2" Si rl oi n, Bonel ess
parti al l y or
compl etel y thawed 1 mi n. 6 to 1 1 mi n. 8 t o 1 0 mi n.
1 " Tenderl oi n
thawed 1 mi n. 4 to 5 mi n. 5 to 6 mi n.
frozen f mi n. 9 to 1 0 mi n. 7 to 8 mi n.
Rump Steak
thawed 1 mi n. 6 to 7 mi n. 7 to 8 mi n.
frozen 1 mi n. 9 to 1 0 mi n. 1 0 to 1 1 mi n.
V2" Mi nute Si rl oi n
thawed 1 to l V2 mi n. See Note 2 mi n.
frozen 1 mi n. 1 to 1 V2 mi n. 3 to 3' mi n.
Supper Steak
thawed 1 mi n. 1 mi n.
frozen 1 mi n. 4 mi n.
Note : Mi nut e Si rl oi n St eak, i f t hawed, needs no cooki ng after seari ng.
: i
A Meal loaf with a surprise! You make it with Birds
Eye Chopped Beef (recipe on this page). You bury
hard-cooked eggs in center before it goes in the oven.
I package ( 8 ounces ) Bi rds Eye Beef for Stew
I package ( 8 ounces ) Bi rds Eye Lamb for Stew
2 ta bl espoons butter or other fat
| '_teaspoons sal t
3 cups boi l i ng water
I cl ove garl i c
I bay l eaf
teaspoon pepper
teaspoon mustard
Dash of thyme
I cup di ced carrots
I cup di ced potatoes
' cup sl i ced oni ons
' cup diced cel ery
I s prig parsl ey
3 tabl espoons fl our
Dumpl i ngs
Brown beef and l amb ( frozen or thawed ) i n fat,
adding salt duri ng browni ng. Add water and sea
soni ngs, cover, and simmer 1 2 hours, or unt i l
meat i s nearly tender. Add vegetables and cook
25 mi nut es longer, or unti l vegetables are done.
Add small amount of liqui d from stew to four.
mi xing to a smooth paste. Add to stew and cook
unt i l thi ckened, stirring vi gorousl y. Drop dump
li ng mixture from teaspoon on boi l i ng stew; cover
very t i ghtly and cook wi t hout removing cover 5 to
7 minutes, accordi ng to size of dumpl i ngs. Serves 6.
To make dumplings, measure 1 cup sifted four,
add 11 teaspoons Calumet Baki ng Powder and
l teaspoon sal t , and si ft agai n. Add 1 teaspoon
mel ted butter t o ' cup mi l k ; add to four and stir
careful l y unt i l all fom i s dampened and soft
dough i s formed.
I one- i nch cube s al t pork, di ced
I tabl espoon mi nced oni on
2 packages ( I pound ) Bi rds Eye Chopped
Beef, thawed
cup fne fresh bread cr umbs
I l- teaspoons sa I t
teas poon pepper
3, cup strai ned, canned tomatoes
( j ui ce an d pul p )
I egg, sl i ghtl y beaten
Try out salt pork, add onion, and saute unti l gold
en brown. Add pork, onion, and drippings to re
mai ni ng i ngredi ent s and mi x thoroughly. Bake in
8x4x3-inch loaf pan i n hot oven ( 450 F. ) 15
mi nutes ; then decrease heat t o 350 F. and bake
30 mi nutes l onger. Serve wi th tomato or mush
room sauce. Serves 6. If desired, mi l k may be sub
st i t ut ed for t omatoes i n thi s reci pe.
I package ( 8 ounces ) Bi rds Eye Chopped Beef
3 stri ps bacon, diced
3 cups cooked s paghetti
'cup chopped green pe pper
I cup canned tomatoes
2 teaspoons prepared mustard
I teas poon sal t
Dash of pepper
2 tabl espoons chopped oni on
' cup gr ated Ameri can cheese
Cut chopped beef ( frozen or thawed) in cubes.
Fry bacon slightl y, add chopped beef, and brown
well. Add spaghetti , green pepper, tomatoes, mus
tard, sal t, pepper, and oni on, and bring to a boi l.
Remove from fre and sti r i n cheese. Turn i nto
casserol e, cover, and bake i n hot oven ( 400 F. )
30 mi nutes. Serves 4 to 6.
T H E R E ' S NO STAN D I N G I N L I N E whi l e t he
bu tcher cut s t he meat . The Bi rds Eye people have
hunted around and found the fnest meats that can
be obtained. Then they have trimmed of excess
waste and cut the meat and packed i t i n conven
i ent form. The meat you buy and take home is
ready t o cook-always guaranteed t o satisfy.
2 packages ( I pound ) Bi rds Eye
Lamb for Stew
I teas poon sal t
I s mal l oni on
I cl ove
I carrot

bay l eaf
Dash of thyme
2 spri gs parsl ey
2 cups water
2 ta bl espoons butter
2 tabl espoons fl our
/ pound mus hrooms, quartered
8 s mal l oni ons
I egg yol k, sl i ghtl y beaten
I tabl espoon l emon j ui ce
Dash of pepper
/ teas poon nutmeg
Cook l amb, sal t , oni on, clove, carrot , bay l eaf,
thyme, and parsl ey i n water l hour, or until meat
i s almost tender. Drai n, reservi ng stock and vege
tables. Mel t but ter i n saucepan, add four, and stir
unt i l smooth. Add stock gradual l y, and cook unt i l
thi ckened, st irri ng constantl y. Add meat and vege
tabl es, mushrooms, and oni ons, and cook 30 mi n
utes. Pour smal l amount of l i qui d from fri cassee
over egg yol k, st i rri ng constantly ; add to fri cas
see with l emon j u i ce, pepper, and nut meg, and
cook 2 mi nutes, st i rri ng constantl y. Serves 6.
Ca ps from ' pound mushrooms
4 Bi rds Eye Lamb Chops
I box ( 8 ounces ) Bi rds Eye Cal ves' liver, thawed
4 medi um tomatoes, hal ved
Mel ted butter, sal t, pepper
8 sl i ces bacon
Peel mushroom caps. Brush l amp chops, l iver, to
matoes, and mushrooms with mel ted butter and
sprinkle with salt and pepper. Pl ace on well- heated
broiler and broi l at hi gh heat. Broiling ti mes :
lamb chops, 10 mi nutes on each si de ; mushrooms,
5 mi nutes on each side ; tomatoes, 3 mi nutes on
each side ; l iver and bacon, 2 mi nutes on each
side. Baste wi th melted butter duri ng broi l i ng. To
serve, arrange lamp chop, port i on of l i ver, 2 slices
of bacon, 2 tomato halves, and portion of mush
rooms on plate. Garnish wi th parsl ey. Serves 4.
2 packages ( I pound ) Bi rds Eye Beef for Stew
2 tabl espoons butter or other fat
I cup boi l i ng water
' cup fnel y chopped oni on

s mal l green pepper

I cup peel ed di ced tomatoes, or
I cup canned tomatoes
I tabl espoon Hu ngar i an pa pri ka
I teaspoon sal t
4 smal l potatoes, peel ed and quartered
Brown beef ( frozen or t hawed) i n fat i n skillet.
Pl ace i n ket t l e. Add wat er, cover, and simmer l
hour. Saut e oni ons and pepper in dri ppi ngs i n
ski l l et unt i l del i cately browned ; t hen add toma
toes and si mmer lO mi nutes. Remove pepper. Add
tomat o sauce, papri ka, and sal t t o meat , cover, and
simmer 30 mi nutes l onger, or unt i l meat i s tender,
addi ng wat er as needed. Add potatoes, cover, and
cook 30 mi nut es. Serves 4.
2 packages ( I pound ) Bi rds Eye Chopped
Beef, thawed
4 tabl espoons fnel y chopped di l l pi ckl e
I s mal l oni on, fnel y chopped
4 ta bl espoons fi nel y chopped boi l ed potato
' teaspoon sal t Dash of pepper
Mi x i ngredi ents thoroughly and shape i nto 8 fat
cakes. Sante i n hot, greased ski l l et 3 mi nutes on
each si de, or unt i l done, pressi ng to fat t en meat
sl i ght l y whi l e cooki ng. Serve at once. Serves 4.
Cut a slit from fat to bone in each Bi rds Eye Lamb
Chop ( frozen or thawed ) . Insert 3 or 4 l arge fresh
mi nt leaves. Brush wi th oi l or melted butter ;
sprinkl e wi t h salt and pepper. Broi l at moderate
heat 5 to 10 mi nutes on each side ; i ncrease to hi gh
heat and broi l each si de 2 mi nut es longer.

YOU D O N ' T P AY meat prices for bones and ex
cess fat when you buy Bi rds Eye meats. All excess
waste i s cut of before weighing, not after. Every
thi ng you pay for goes on the table.
1 1
A man' s idea of a perfect dinner! Roost Beef, fender and juicy. You' re sure it' s j ust right, be
cause it' s Birds Eye Roost Beef. Then for the vegetables, golden Cooked Squash and Lima Beans.
I package ( 8 ounces ) Bi rds Eye Sausage
Li nks, parti al l y thawed
I box Bi rds Eye Li ma Beans
2 cups boi l i ng water, sal ted
2 tabl espoons fl our
Sausage fat
I cups mi l k
1f teaspoon sal t
Dash of pepper
cup fne bread crumbs
Separate sausages and prick with fork. Cook in
hot skillet 12 to 15 minutes, turning to brown on
all sides. Cut i n l- inch pieces and arrange i n
greased casserol e. Drop frozen Li ma beans into
briskly boiling salted water, bring again to a boil,
and boi l 16 to 18 mi nutes, or until j ust tender ;
drain and arrange on sausages. Stir four inlo 3
tablespoons sausage fat in saucepan. Add milk
gradually and cook until thickened, stirring con
stantly. Add seasonings. Pour over sausages and
Lima beans. Toss bread crumbs and l V2 tabl e
spoons additional sausage fat together lightl y with
a fork and sprinkle over creamed mixture. Place
in pan of hot water and bake i n hot oven ( 450 F. )
about 20 mi nutes, or unti l browned. Serves 6 to 8.
: "
2 packages ( I pound ) Bi rds Eye
Lamb for Stew
I ta bl espoon butter or other fat
2 cups boi l i ng water
I bay l eaf
Dash of thyme
1 11 teaspoons sal t
i j4 teaspoon pepper
1f cup sl i ced oni ons
I cup can ned tomatoes
I cup di ced carrots
I cup di ced potatoes
i j4 cup col d water
3 ta bl espoons fl our
Brown l amb ( frozen or thawed) i n fat. Place meat
i n casserol e. Add water and seasonings, cover, and
bake i n moderate oven ( 350 F. ) 1% hours. Saute
onions i n meat drippings until golden brown ; add
vegetabl es and bring to a boil. Add to meat, cover.
and conti nue baking 45 minutes, or until vege
tables are tender. Add water gradually to four,
mi xing to a paste. Add to casserole mixture, sti r
ring wel l . Bake 5 minutes l onger. Serves 6.
This recipe can also be used with Birds Eye
Beef for Stew. Increase fat to 2 tablespoons.
2 packages ( I pound I Bi rds Eye Chopped
Beef, thawed
I cup cooked ri ce
I teaspoon sal t
Dash of pepper
2 tabl espoons chopped oni on
1 f teaspoon Worcestershi re sauce
I tabl espoon butter or other shorteni ng
I medi um head cabbage, cooked
2 cups canned tomatoes
1 cup sour cream
Mi x chopped beef, ri ce, sal t, pepper, oni on, and
Worcestershire sauce. Shape i nto 16 smal l rolls.
Brown i n butter. Cover cabbage wi th boi li ng salt
ed water and boil 15 mi nutes. Cool and separate
leaves. Wrap each meat roll i n a cabbage leaf and
fasten with a toothpi ck. Ret urn to skillet, add to
matoes mixed with % cup sour cream, cover, and
si mmer l lh hours. Remove roll s to platt er. Strai n
pan l i quid, add remai ni ng % cup sour cream,
heat thoroughly, and pour over rol ls. Serves 8.
2 packages 1 poun d I Bi rds Eye Beef for Stew
2 tabl espoons butter or other fat
I cup boi l i ng water
I pound sauerkraut
I cup canned tomatoes
2 teaspoons Hun gari an pa pri ka
Brown beef ( frozen or thawed) i n fat. Add water,
cover, and simmer 1 hour. Add remai ni ng i ngredi
ents and conti nue cooking gently 45 to 60 mi nutes,
or until meat is tender. Serves 4.
C ONVE NI E NT TO U S E . You can cook Bi rds Eye
Chopped Beef, while still frozen, in a solid block
or cut i n squares. You can thaw it, season i t wel l ,
and shape into meat balls. Any way you cook i t,
you are usi ng hi gh-grade ] an meat, mi xed wi th
j ust the ri ght proporti on of fat.
For breakfast, or l uncheon, for midnight supper, this
is the meal to serve. Tender hot cakes, drippi ng with
butter, glazed apple, and crisp Bi rds Eye Sausage Li nks.
4 Bi rds Eye Pork Chops
Sal t a nd pepper
I s mal l oni on, fnel y chopped
I cl ove garl i c, fnel y chopped
2 tabl espoons Worcestershi re sauce
2 tabl espoons A- I sauce
4 teaspoons vi negar
4 tabl espoons ketchup
Few drops t a basco
Place pork chops ( frozen or thawed) i n hot ski l
let and brown slowly, about 5 mi nutes on each
side. Place in baking di sh, sprinkle with salt and
pepper, and pour fat from skillet over chops. Place
oni on and garl i c i n cheesecloth bag and place i n
corner of baki ng di sh. Cover chops wi th sauce
made by mi xi ng remai ni ng i ngredients. Bake i n
moderate oven ( 350 F. ) 30 mi nutes, basti ng fre
quently wi t h sauce. Serves 2 to 4.
Barbecued Chopped Beef. Use above recipe, substi
tut i ng for chops, 2 packages Bi rds Eye Chopped
Beef ( frozen or thawed) , browned quickly i n 4
tabl espoons fat. Bake 15 mi nutes i nstead of 30.
Serves 4.
Barbecued Beef or lamb Slices. In greased baki ng
di sh, pl ace 4 slices l eft-over roast of Bi rds Eye
Beef or 8 slices left-over roast of Bi rds Eye Lamb.
Mix together chopped oni on, garlic, and season
i ngs l i st ed i n recipe above. Pour over meat. Bake
i n moderat e oven ( 350 F. ) 20 mi nut es. Serves 4.
i 1
I egg, sl i ghtl y beaten
% cup mi l k
2 s l i ces whi te bread, broken
4 teaspoons mi nced oni on
I Y4 teaspoons sal t Dash of pepper
2 packages ( I pound ) Bi rds Eye
Chopped Beef, thawed
Combine egg, mi l k, and bread and l et stand unti l
bread i s wel l moistened. Add remai ni ng i ngredi
ents and mix well . Shape i nto 12 round cakes.
Fry i n hot skillet i n generous amount of fat about
5 mi nutes, turni ng to brown both si des. Cover and
si mmer 10 mi nutes l onger. Remove to hot platter.
To make gravy, add 1% tablespoons A our to Ph
tablespoons dri ppi ngs i n ski llet, stirri ng unti l
smooth ; add % teaspoon salt, dash of pepper, and
1 % cups hot water. Cook and stir until t hi ckened.
Pour around meat bal ls on pl atter. Serves 6.
2 tabl espoons mel ted butter
3 ta bl espoons prepared mustard
I teaspoon papri ka
1f teaspoon sal t Dash of pepper
I teaspoon scra ped oni on
4 Bi r ds Eye Lamb Chops
Combine butter and seasoni ngs and sti r unti l
smooth. Place chops ( frozen or thawed) i n very
hot skillet and sear about 2 mi nutes. Turn and
cover wi th % of seasoni ngs while other side is
searing. Turn again and cover wi th remai ni ng sea
soni ngs. Reduce heat sl i ghtly and cook each side
Ph to 4 mi nutes, turni ng occasi onal l y. Serves 4.
I box ( 8 ounces ) Bi rds Eye Cal ves' Li ver, thawed
I tabl espoon melted butter
Sal t a nd pepper
Y4 cup soft bread crumbs
I cup fnel y chopped mushrooms
I tabl espoon fnel y chopped parsl ey
' /4 cup fnel y chopped oni on
1f cup hi ghl y seasoned stock, or 1f cup
hot water a nd I boui l l on cube
Separate pieces of l iver and pl ace i n greased sha].
low baking dish. Brush wi th melted butter and
sprinkle wi th salt and pepper. Combine crumbs,
mushrooms, parsley, and onion and sprinkle over
l iver. Pour stock over contents of dish. Bake i n hot
oven ( 400 F. ) 35 mi nut es. Serve at once. Serves 4.
2 packages ( I pound ) Bi rds Eye
Chopped Beef, thawed
Y4 cup chopped oni ons
2 to bl espoons fat
2 cups canned tomatoes
2 cups canned red ki dney beans
I to bl espoon chi l i powder
1 1f teaspoons s al t
Dash of pepper
Separate chopped beef i nto small pieces. Brown
meat and onions well in fat. Add tomatoes, kidney
beans, chili powder, salt, and pepper. Si mmer 20
mi nutes. Serves 6.
I package ( 8 ounces ) Bi rds Eye
Chopped Beef, frozen
2 to bl espoons butter or other fat
I teaspoon sal t
1f cup di ced potatoes
1 h cup di ced carrots
1f cup di ced turni ps
Y4 cup chopped cel ery
Y4 cup can ned tomatoes
6 s mal l white oni ons
2 cups water
Cut chopped beef i n l- i nch cubes and saute in
butter unti l well browned. Season with l tea
spoon salt and dash of pepper. Add vegetables,
wat er, remai ni ng 1/2 teaspoon sal t , and dash of
pepper. Cover and si mmer about 45 mi nutes, or
unt i l vegetabl es are tender. Serves 3 to 4.
S P E AK I N G O F STE WS ! Nowadays stews are be
i ng served on the tables of the best people, espe
cially stews made with Bi rds Eye stew meat. Birds
Eye Beef for Stew and Lamb for Stew are made
from fresh l ean meat, cut i nto handy cubes. Bone
and excess fat are removed, there's no trimmi ng
to do. It' s ready to cook and you can eat every bi t.
( St ri ngl ess)
F renc h Styl e
Al l green stal ks, sinches l ong-cl eaned,
ready to cook.
Tender, 1 1-inch all green cuts-for
cooked dishes and sal ads.
Tender young beans, cl eaned and cut
in 1 -inch l engths.
Garden-fresh, stringl ess beans, sl iced
l engthwise.
Onl y tender, green, si de shoots-al l
cl eaned, ready to cook.
Smal l tight heads of fne favor
cl eaned and waste free.
Pure white heads, cut in singl e florets.
Excel l ent favor.
Gol den kernels, whol e, pl ump, and
mi l ky-cut from the cob.
Perfect 6-inch ears with ful l rows of
gol den kernel s.
Sel ected, tender, green, ba by-si ze
beans-shel l ed and washed.
Sweet young peas of uniform tender-
1 2 oz.
1 2 oz.
1 0 oz.
1 0 oz.
1 3 oz.
1 3 oz.
1 3 oz.
1 0 oz.
2 ears
1 2 oz.
ness-shel l ed and washed. 1 2 oz.
Young carrots, diced and mi xed with
equal amount of peas. I2 oz.
No sand, no grit-washed, ready to
cook. Al ways garden-fresh. I oz.
Bl ended for favor, cooked and pur
Just reheat, s
eason, and serve. 1 6 oz.
1 l b. 1 0 oz.
1 l b. 1 0 oz.
1 4 oz.
1 4 oz.
1 l b. 7 oz.
1 quart
1 med. head
s ears
2 ears
2 l bs.
2 l bs.
2 l bs.
2 1 l bs.
1 l b. 6 oz.
( Sol e Vor i et y)
1 2 t o 2 4 oz.
Ocean-fresh fl l ets-ski nl ess, bonel ess,
enti rel y waste-free. Ready to cook.
Cut from sel ected ocean-fresh haddock
-bonel ess, waste-free. Ready to cook.
Bonel ess fl l ets cut from sel ected North
Atl antic Mackerel . Rich in favor.
Cut from fnest Gray or Yel l owtail Floun
der. Always ocean-fresh.
Bonel ess fl l ets cut from one of the most
del i cate and sweet-tasting of seafoods.
Cut from fresh-caught hal i but-of fne
favor and faky texture. Waste-free.
One-inch steaks cut from the meaty por
tion of fne-favored Pacifc Sa
One-i nch steaks cut from the center,
sol i d portion of ocean-fresh hal i but.
Del icious, bonel ess, one-inch steaks.
Guaranteed Ameri can Swordfsh.
Tender, pl ump, young birds-completely
cl eaned, drawn, washed. Spl i t down
back. Wrapped gi bl ets i nsi de.
1 l b. 3 l bs.
1 l b. 3 l bs.
1 l b. 1 * l bs.
I l b. l bs.
I l b. s l bs.
I l b. 1 l bs.
1 l b. I), l bs.
1 l b. 2 l bs.
1 l b. 1 1 l bs.
1 l b. I\2 l bs.
Hand-pi cked t o insure fnest, perfectl y
ripened berries. Hand-sorted to el i mi
nate al l i mperfect ones.
A wonderful l y favored, bi g berry,
practical l y seedl ess. A cross between a
bl ackberry, l oganberry, and raspberry.
Orchard-ri pe peaches, careful l y sel ect
ed. Peeled and sliced, with syrup add
ed. Al l ready t o serve.
Care in picking ond packi ng resul ts in
perfect berries, with natural favor and
rich, red color.
Perfectly ri pened, fne-favored stal ks
-sel ected, cl eaned, and cut in l - inch
l engths. Ready to cook.
Cl eaned, hul l ed, sl i ced, and sugared
these sun-ri pened berri es have ri ch, red
col or and ful l favor.
8I kD5 T 5 H | | P I 5H
Tender, sweet, smal l scal l ops-aver-
age 25 to 35 in package.
Medi um size, fne-favored-average
20 t o 24 i n package. Ready t o serve.
Uncooked, green, headed shri mp-av-
erage 20 to 24 in package.
1 1 oz.
1 3 oz.
1 6 oz.
1 3 oz.
1 4 oz.
1 6 oz.
1 2 oz. 1 pi nt
1 2 oz. 1 pi nt
1 2 oz. 3. l b.
COUNTRY Pl ump, tender bi rds, cut i n 1 0 pi eces-
STYLE F RYE RS thoroughl y cl eaned. Gi bl ets wrapped
l2 to 2\2 l bs. separatel y. Ready for the pan. 2 l bs. 3 l bs.
ROASTI NG Ful l - breasted, pl ump, young bi rds-
CHI CKE NS cl eaned and drawn, pi nfeathers re-
2\2 to 4\2 l bs. moved. Ready to roast. 3 l bs. 4 l bs.
F OWL F OR Sel ected mi l k-fed fowl, pl ump, meaty,
F R I CAS S E E and tender-thoroughl y cl eaned and
2 l bs. 2\2 oz. cut in 9 pieces. Ready to cook. 2 \2 l bs. 3% l bs.
to 3' l bs.
T UR KEYS Pl ump, extra-meaty, sel ected Northern
9 to 1 8 l bs. bi rds-cl eaned and drawn. Ready to
stuf and roast. 9 l bs. 1 2 l bs.
All Birds Eye Poultry is U. S. Government Inspected.
BE E F-Al l Bi rds Eye beef cuts are from sel ected fully devel oped, young corn-fed
steers. Bi rds Eye beef i s careful l y aged to insure fne favor and texture. It i s tri mmed
of excess waste so that every ounce you buy reaches the tabl e. Your Bi rds Eye Frosted
Foods deal er will gl adl y help you to sel ect the cut of beef you desire for any meal
and you can be sure of getting guaranteed uniform qual ity al ways.
STEAKS : Sirl oin . . . \2 inch thick, 1 inch thick bone-in, 1 inch thick bonel ess,
and 1 \2 inch thi ck bonel ess. Tenderl oi n 1 inch thick. Rump . . . 1 inch thick.
ROASTS: Sirl oin, Rib, and Pot Roasts.
L AMB-Onl y ful l y devel oped, sel ected, enuine spri ng l ambs are used in packi ng
Bi rds Eye cuts. You can be sure of the fnest qual ity. Chops are wrapped separatel y
and roasts come in various si zes to meet fami l y requi rements.
L AMB CHOPS , loin and Ri b; L AMB L E GS , Whol e or Hal f; L AMB F ORE QUAR
PORK-Bi rds Eye por k i s sel ected from strictly fresh, grai n-fed young pi gs. Each cut
is the fnest qual ity, al ways guaranteed to satisfy.
The above products and package sizes are subiect to change from time to time.
F I S H DI S HE S Page
Baked Fi sh . . . . . . . . . 32
Baked Haddock wi th Dressi ng 34
Baked Mackerel wi t h Dressi ng 36
Baked Sal mon, Russi an Styl e. 37
Broi l ed Fi sh . 32
Cod Baked with Tomato Sauce 33
Col d Sal mon wi th Cucumber Sauce . 37
Crea med Perch and Mushrooms 37
Curry of Hal i but . . 35
Fi sh Chowder . . . . . . 35
Fi sh Souffh i Supreme . . 33
Fi sherman' s Di nner . . . 34
Fl ounder wi th Anchovi es . 38
Fl ounder wi th Spi nach . . 38
Haddock Baked with Cheese 35
Haddock Loaf 35
Hal i but Ti mbal es 36
Jel l i ed Sal mon Loaf 37
Mackerel Pi quant . 36
Mackerel wi th Bacon and Oni ons . 36
Manhattan Fi sh Chowder . 33
Pan-fri ed Fish - . . . . . . 32
Perch Baked wi th Tomato . 38
Perch wi th Al mond Sauce . 37
Ti metabl e for Cooki ng Fi sh . 32
Bava ri an Cream Pi es
Bava ri an Creams, Bi rds Eye
Bava ri an I ce Box Cakes
Bava ri an Puddi ng, Frui t Sauce .
Bl ueberry Cobbl er . . .
Bl ueberry Pi e . . .
Bl ueberry Puff Puddi ng .
Boysenberry Angel Pi e .
Boysenberry Cobbl er . . .
Boysenberry Shortcakes
Cocktai l s, Frui t . . . . .
Ice Box Cakes, Bavari an
Jel l i ed Bi rds Eye Frui ts .
Ki rsch Bi rds Eye Berri es .
Mai ne Bl ueberry Cake . .
Mousse .
Peach and Strawberry Mol d
Peach Angel Pi e .
Peach Cobbl er . .
Peach I ce Cream Tarts -
Peach Mi n ute Tapi oca
Peach Mousse, Bi rds Eye .
Peach Puff Puddi ng .
27, 29
25 Peach Shortcakes . .
Pi es
Raspberry Angel Pi e .
Raspberry Cobbl er . . . . .
Raspberry Gl ace Lemon Pi e
Raspberry Mi nute Tapi oca .
Raspberry Puff Puddi ng
Raspberry Sherbet, Bi rds Eye .
Red Raspberry Mousse .
18, 24, 26, 28, 29
Red Raspberry Shortcakes
Rhubarb Compotes
Rhubarb Meri ngue Pie .
Rhubarb Puff Puddi ng .
Sherbet, Bi rds Eye Raspberry .
Strawberry Angel Pi e
Strawberry I ce Cream Tarts . .
Strawberry Macaroon Cream .
Strawberry Mousse
Strawberry Shortcakes . .
Sundae Sauces, Bi rds Eye .
Tropi cal Rhubarb
Ba ked Cal ves' Li ver 61
Barbecued Meats . 60
Beef a I a Li ndstrom 58
Beef and Ca bbage Rol l s 60
Beef and Lamb Stew . . 57
Beef wi t h Sauerkraut - 60
Bi rds Eye Mi xed Gr i l l . 58
Casserol e of Beef and Spaghetti 57
Chi l i con Carne . . . 61
Devi l ed Lamb Chops . 61
Fri cassee of Lamb . 58
Hungari an Goul ash . 58
Hu rry- up Beef Stew 61
Lamb Chops with Mi nt . 58
Lamb en Casserol e 59
Li ma Bean and Sausage Casserol e 59
Meat Loaf . 57
St eak Di recti ons, Bi rds Eye 56
Swedi sh Meat Bal l s 61
Ba rbecued Chi cken - - - - . . 49
Bl anketed Chi cken . 52
Brai sed Chi cken . . . 49
Broi l ed Chi cken , Accompani ments for 48
Broi l er wi th Oyster Stuffi ng 52
Brunswi ck Stew 53
Chestnut Stuffi ng 51
Chi cken a I a Ki ng 54
Chi cken and Ham Netherl ands 51
Chi cken and Potato Sal ad . 54
Chi cken en Casserol e - 50
Chi cken Luncheon Pancakes 53
Chi cken Marengo . 52
Chi cken Mushroom Fi l l i ng . 53
Chi cken Papri ka . . . 49
Corn Bread Dressi ng . . . . 53
Del monico Devi l ed Chi cken . 50
Di recti ons for Usi ng Bi rds Eye Poul try 48
Fri ed Chi cken, Southern Style 48
Smothered Chi cken wi th Mushrooms 52
Spani sh Fricassee of Chi cken 5 1
Turkey a n d Fi xi ngs, Bi rds Eye 54
Tu rkey Tetrazzi ni 51
Al mond Sauce . 37
Bacon Cheese Sauce . 20
Bechamel Sauce . 21
Butter Sa uces f or Fi sh - 32
Cel ery Sa uce . . . 35
Chi l i Cocktai l Sa uce 40
Cucumber Mayonnai se . 37
Cucumber Sauce . . . 37
Curry Sauce . 21
Easy Hol l andai se Sauce 21
Mustard Cockta i l Sauce 40
Savory Cheese Sauce . 1 1
Sour Cream Sauce . 21
Vi nai grette Sauce 21
Whi te Sauce for Bi rds Eye Vegetabl es 8
Broi l ed Scal l ops wi th Bacon 42
Creamed Oysters and Mushrooms . 40
Creamed Shri mps and Peas 46
Creol e Shri mp Sal ad 45
Fl ounder Stuffed with Oysters . . 46
Fri ed Oysters 42
Fri ed Scal l ops . 42
Li ma Beans and Shri mps au Grati n . 43
S HE L L F I S H DI S HE S , continued Page
Oyster Baked Potatoes - 41
Oyster Cockt ai l s . . . . 40
Oyster Stew . 41
Oysters, Bal ti more Styl e 40
Oysters l ndi enne . 41
Oysters Rockefel l er 42
Pan Roast of Oysters . 40
Pi gs in Bl ankets 42
Savory Shr i mps . . . 44
Scal l op Bi sque . . . 41
Scal l oped Cod a n d Oysters . 45
Scal l oped Oysters . . . 42
Scal l ops Conti nental . . 44
Scal l ops Fi l i ppi ni . . . 43
Sea Food a I a Newburg . 41
Seasoned Shri mps . . . 46
Shr i mp Cl ub Sandwi ch . 45
Shr i mp Cockt ai l s . . . 40
Shr i mps and Ri ce Loui si ana o . . 44
Shri mps and Spaghetti Seashore 46
Shri mps in Bl ankets . 45
Asparagus Souffh i 1 2
Asparagus wi th Par mesan Cheese 1 1
Baked Li ma Beans wi th Bacon - 13
Baked Squash wi t h Sausage Li nks 20
Broccol i Souffl i . 1 5
Broccol i wi th Oni on Sauce 1 4
Broccol i wi t h Toasted Al monds . 1 5
Broi l ed Mushrooms . . . . 48
Broi l ed Tomatoes . 48
Brussel s Sprouts, Creamed Chestnuts 15
Buttered Bi rds Eye Vegetabl es 7
Caul i fl ower a Ia Romana . . 1 6
Corn and Cheese Souffl e . . 1 7
Corn a n d Tomato Chowder . . 1 6
Corn Puddi ng 16
Cream of Vegetabl e Soup . . 9
Creamed Bi rds Eye Vegetabl es 7
Creamed Green Beans and Oni ons 1 2
Creamed Peas and Mushrooms . 1 6
Creamed Vegetabl es, vari ati ons . 7
Creol e Li ma Beans 1 3
Eggs a I a Fl orenti ne . 1 7
French Fri ed Asparagus 1 1
Fri ed Corn 1 6
Gl azed Squash Puddi ng 20
Green Bean Sal ad - . . 1 2
Green Beans, Southern Styl e 1 2
L i ma Be a n and Corn Sal ad . 1 3
Lyonnai se Green Beans . . . 1 2
Mexi can Spi nach 1 9
Peas wi th Lettuce 1 7
Sal ads 9, 12, 13, 18, 19
Savory Asparagus and Eggs 1 1
Savory Ri ce and Wax Beans . . 1 3
Scal l oped Bi rds Eye Vegetabl es 7
Scal l oped Vegetabl es, vari ati ons 8
Spi nach and Bacon Souffl e 1 8
Spi nach a n d Noodl e Ri ng 1 9
Spi nach, Dutch Styl e 19
Spi nach i n Cream 20
Squash Pi e, Coconut . . . 1 8
Squash wi t h Sauteed Oni ons . 19
Succotash wi th Fri zzl ed Ham 14
Swi ss Sal ad . 1 8
Ti metabl e f or Cooki ng Vegetabl es . 1 0
Vegeta bl e Pl ates, Bi rds Eye 10
Vegeta bl e Sal ads, Bi rds Eye 9
Veget abl es au Grati n 17
Vi ta mi n Sal ad 1 9



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