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E"t (?esi<i>t/is* J
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Multse terricolis linguae, ccelestibus una.



THE following work is a translation of
the Lexicon Manuale Hebraicum et Clialdaicum in
Veteris Testament! Libros," of DR. WILLIAM GESENIUS, late Professor at Halle.
The attainments of Gesenius in Oriental known. This is not the place to
literature are well

it is more to our
dwell on them ; purpose to notice his lexicographical labours in the Hebrew
language : this will inform the reader as to the original of the present work, and also what has

been undertaken by the translator.

" Hebraisch-deutsches
His first work in this department was the Handworterbuch des Alten
Testaments," 2 vols. 8vo., Leipzig, 1810-12.
Next appeared the " Neues Hebraisch-deutsches Handworterbuch ;
ein fur Schulen

nmgearbeiteter Auszug," etc., Svo., Leipzig, 1815. Of this work a greatly-improved edition
was published at Leipzig in 1823. Prefixed to it there is an Essay on the Sources of Hebrew

Lexicography, to which Gesenius refers in others of his works. Another and yet further im-
proved edition appeared in 1828.
In 1827, the printing commenced of a much more extensive work, his " Thesaurus Philo-

logicus Criticus Linguae Hebraese et Chaldaeaa Veteris Testamenti." The first

part of this work
was published in 1829 the second part did not appear till 1835 (other philological labours,

which will presently be noticed, having occupied a considerable portion of the intervening years).
The third part of the " Thesaurus" appeared in 1839 a fourth in 1840 and a fifth in 1842
; ; ;

bringing the work down as far as the root *Uj On the 23rd of October, 1842, Gesenius died
in his
fifty-seventh year. His MSS., etc., were entrusted to his friend, Prof. Eodiger, in order
to the
completion of the work. Three years, however, have passed away without any further
progress having been announced.*
Between the publication of the "
first and second parts of the Thesaurus," appeared the

* The
concluding part of the Thesaurus actually appeared in 1853 it completes the Roots in their alphabetical order ;

but the ample revision of the earlier part of that work which Gesenius had intended to publish, has not seen the light his :

notes were probably often too rough and unfinished to be used with confidence indeed it appears that Professor Eodiger,

in completing the Thesaurus, had often rather to

carry out the plan of Gesenius, than to use his fully prepared materials it :

is well that so much was done by that distinguished scholar himself towards the completion of the work exhibitu^ his own
matured view*.
" Lexicon in Latin, of which the present work a translation and also (in
Manuale," is ; 1834)
an edition of his German Lexicon, conformed to the "Lexicon Manuale."*
Of several of the above works translations have been made into English. In 1824, Josiah
W Gibbs
A.M., put forth a translation of the second of the afore-mentioned Lexicons, at

Andover, in North America. This translation has also been twice reprinted in London.
The^/?rs< of these Lexicons was translated by Christopher Leo, and published at Cambridge,
in 2 vols. 4to., the former of which appeared in 1825.

In 1836 there was a translation published in America of the " Lexicon Manuale," by
Edward Robinson, D D.
This work of Dr. Robinson, as well as the translations of Gibbs, had become very scarce in
" Hebrew and
England, and the want of a good English Lexicon," really adapted to students,
was felt
by many.
The question arose, Whether
a simple reprint of one of the existing translations would not

sufficiently meet the wantdid not appear so to the present translator

? It and that on various ;

grounds Gibbs's
work, having been based upon the earlier publications of Gesenius, was in a
manner superseded by the author's later works; while, as regards the translation of Dr. Robinson,

considerable difficulty was felt, owing to the manner in which the rationalist views, unhappily
held by Gesenius, not only appeared in the work without correction, but also from the distinct
statement of the translator's preface, that no remark was required on any theological views
which the work might contain. Marks of evident haste and oversight were also very traceable
through the work ;
and these considerations combined led to the present undertaking.

This translation was conducted on the following plan Each root was taken as it stands in

the "Thesaurus," and the " Lexicon Manuale" was compared with it; such corrections or addi-
tions being made as seemed needful : the root and derivatives were at once translated, every

Scripture reference being verified, and, when needful, corrected. A faithful adherence to this

plan must insure, it is manifest, not only correctness in the work, but also much of the value of
" " Lexicon Manuale "
Thesaurus," in addition to the
Every word has been further compared, and that carefully, with Professor Lee's Hebrew Lexi-
con; and when he questions statements made by Gesenius, the best authorities have been consulted.
In Arabic roots, etc., Freytag's Lexicon has been used for verifying the statements of Geseniu?
which have been thus questioned. Winer's " Simonis" and other authorities were also compared.
In the situations and particulars of places mentioned in the Old Testament, many addi-
tions have been made from Robinson's " Biblical Researches." The " Monuments Phoenicia"
of Gcpenius (which was published between the second and third parts of his " Thesaurus";
has been used for the comparison of various subjects which it illustrates. It is a work of

considerable importance to the Hebrew student ;

and it would be desirable that all the remains

of the Phoenician language therein contained be published separately, so as to exhibit all the

In 1847 the Lexicon Manuale wa reprinted under the care of Professor A. T. Hoffmann of Jena.

genuine ancient Hebrew which exists besides that contained in the Old Testament.* A few
omitted by Gesenius have been added
articles these consist chiefly of proper names.
; The
forms in which the proper names appear in the authorised English translation have been added


When this work was ready for the press, a second edition of Dr. Robinson's translation

appeared : this is
greatly superior to the first ; and it has also, in the earlier parts, various

additions and corrections from the MSS. of Gesenius. The publication of this new edition led
the translator to question whether it would not be sufficient for the wants of the Hebrew student :

a examination, however, proved that it was liable to various objections, especially on the

ground of its neology, scarcely a passage having been noted by Dr. Robinson as containing any-
thing unsound. This was decisive : but further, the alterations' and omissions are of a very

arbitrary kind, and amount in several places to the whole or half of a column. It was thus
apparent that the publication of the new American translation was in no sense a reason why this
should be withheld. The translator has, however, availed himself of the advantage which that
work afforded ; his MS. has been carefully examined with it, and the additions, etc., of Gesenius
have been cited from thence. This obligation to that work is thankfully and cheerfully
acknowledge rl t

has been a special object with the translator, to note the interpretations of Gesenius which

manifested neologian tendencies, in order that by a remark, or by querying a statement, the

reader may be put on his guard. And if any passages should remalu unmarked, in which doubt
is cast upon Scripture inspiration, or in which the New and Old Testaments are spoken of as
discrepant, or in which mistaken and ignorance are charged upon the " holy men of God who
wrote as they were moved by the Holy Ghost," if any perchance remain in which these or any
other neologian tendencies be left unnoticed the translator wishes it
distinctly to be understood
that it is the effect of inadvertence alone, and not of design. This is a matter on which he feels

it needful to be most explicit and decided.

The translator cannot dismiss this subject without the acknowledgment of his obligations

The translator would here make a remark on the name Shemitic, which has been given-by Gesenius and other scholar!
to that family oflanguages to which Hebrew belongs.
This name has been justly objected to ; for these languages were not peculiar to the race of Shem, nor yet co-extensivs
with them : the translator has ventured to adopt the term Phaenicio-Shemitic, as implying the twofold character of the races
who used these languages : the Phoenician branch of the race of Ham, as well as the Western division of the family
of Shem.
This term, though only an approximation to accuracy, may be regarded as a qualification of the too general name
Shemitic ; and, in the present state of our knowledge, any approach to accuracy in nomenclature (where it does not interfere
with well-known terms which custom has made familiar) will be found helpful to the student.
The following remark of Gesenius confirms the propriety of qualifying the too general term Shemitic by that of Phoenician,
He says of the Hebrew language So far as we can trace its history, Canaan was its home ; it was essentially the language
of the Canaanitish or Phoenician race, by whom Palestine was inhabited before the immigration of Abraham's posterity."
DE. B. DATIES'S translation of the last edition of Gesenius's Hebrew) Grammar^ by Prof. Sodiger, p. 6.
t Other editions of Dr. Robinson's translation have since appeared partly from stereotyped plates, and partly so prinUw

ts to admit of the introduction of Professor Eb'diger's new arrangements and alterations.

to the Rev. Thomas Boys, M.A., for the material aid he has afforded him in those passage*
where the rationalism of Gesenius may be traced. For this, Mr. Boys was peculiarly adapted,
from his long familiarity with Hebrew literature, especially with the works of Gesenius, both while

engaged in Hebrew
tuition, and whilst occupied in the Portuguese translation >f the Scriptures.
All additions to the " Lexicon Manuale" have been enclosed between brackets [ ] those :

additions which are taken from the " Thesaurus," or any correction, etc., of the author, are
marked with inverted commas also " ".

Nothing further seems necessary to add to the above remarks ; they will inform the student
as to the nature of the present work, why was undertaken, and the mode in which it was

executed. It has been the translator's especial desire and object that it might aid the student in

acquiring a knowledge of the language in which God saw fit to give forth so large a portion of
those " Holy Scriptures which are able to make wise unto salvation, through faith which is in
Christ Jesus." To him be glory for ever and ever ! Amen.
S. P. T
SOME, February 24th, 1846.

%* The following are the more important MSS. which Gesenius consulted for his work, ana

which occasionally he cites :

I. The Book of Roots J^ ^ by Abulwalid joJjM y\ or Rabbi Jonah. This MS.

is at Oxford. Uri. Catalog. Bibloth. Bodl. Nos. 456, 457.

II. The Commentary of Tanchum of Jerusalem, in Arabic, on the Former Prophets. Thii
MS. is also at Oxford; Gesenius used a copy of it made by Schnurrer.

Ill Bar-BahluTs Syriaco- Arabic Lexicon ; also at Oxford.


IN issuing a new impression of this translation of Gesenius's Lexicon, there are a few subjecti
to which I may with propriety advert.

accurate study of the Old Testament in the original Hebrew, so far from becoming
of less importance to Christian scholars than heretofore, is nmo far more necessary. For the
attacks on Holy Scripture, as such, are farmore frequently made through the Old Testament, and
through difficulties or incongruities supposed to be found there, than was the case when this
translation was executed. Indeed, in the eleven years which have elapsed since the final proof
sheet of this Lexicon was transmitted to England, there has been new ground taken or revived

amongst us in several important respects.

We now hear dogmatic assertions that certain passages of the Old Testament have been
misunderstood that they really contain sentiments and statements which cannot be correct,
which exhibit ignorance or the want of accurate and complete knowledge of truth on the part of
the writers and this we are told proves that all the inspiration which can be admitted, must be

a very partial thing. We are indeed asked by some to accept fully the religious truth taught
" in the
Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms," while everything else may be (it is said) safely
regarded as doubtful or unauthorised. It is affirmed that the Sacred writers received a certain

commission, and that this commission was limited to that which is now defined to be religious
truth : that is, that it was restricted to what some choose
may be exclusively thus
to consider

regarded. To what an
extent some have gone in limiting what they would own to be religious
truth, is shown by their holding and teaching that we must judge how far the Apostles of
our Lord were authorized in their applications of the Old Testament. Thus even in what ia

really religious truth of the most important kind, it is assumed that we are to be the judges
of Scripture instead of "
receiving it, as taught by St. Paul, as given by inspiration of God."
only by a figure of speech, that we can predicate
VI e are farther told that it is
incorrect, or

inspiration as attaching to the books themselves; that inspiration could only properly be ascribed
to the writers and thus the measure of the apprehension possessed by each writer, and the

measure of his personal knowledge, is made to limit the truth taught in Scripture throughout.
And these things are connected with such doguiatic assertions about the force of Hebrew words,
and the meaning of Hebrew sentences, as will be found incapable of refutation on the part oi

him who is not acquainted with Hebrew, even though on other grounds he may be fvre that

fallacy exists somewhere.

Hence arises the peculiar

importance mentioned above, of properly attending to Hebrew
philology. A real acquaintance with that language, or even the ability of properly using the
works of competent writers, will often show that the dogmatic assertion that something very
peculiar must be the meaning of a Hebrew word or sentence, is only a pefitio prindpii devised for
the sake of certain deductions which are intended to be drawn. It may be seen by any competent
scholar, not only that such strange signification is not necessary, but also that it is often inadmis-

sible, unless we are allowed to resort to the most arbitrary conjectures.

Here, then, obsta principiis applies with full force : let the Hebrew language be known : let
assertions be investigated, instead of assuming them to be correct, or of accepting them because
of some famous scholar (or one who may profess to be such) who brings them forward. Thus
will the Christian scholar be able to retort much of what is used
against the authority of Holy
Scripture upon the objectors themselves, and to show that on their principles anything almost
might with equal certainty be affirmed respecting the force and bearing of any passage. And
even in cases in which absolute certainty is hardly attainable, a knowledge of the Scripture in th

original will enable the defender of God's truth to examine what is asserted, and it will hinder

him from upholding right principles on insufficient grounds. Inaccurate scholarship has often
detracted from the usefulness of the labours of those who have tried, and in great part success-

fully, to defend and uphold the authority of Scripture against objectors.

The mode in which some have introduced difficulties into the department of Hebrew Philo-

logy, has been by assigning new and strange meanings to Hebrew words, by affirming that such
meanings must be right in particular passages (although no where else;, and by lin-iting the sense
of a root or a term, so as to imply that some incorrectness of statement is found on the part of the
Sacred writers.

Muchof thid has been introduced since the time of Gesenius, so that although he was

unhappily not free from Neologian bias, others who have come after him have been far worse.

And this leads me to speak of one feature of this Lexicon as translated by me, to which
some prominence may be given in considering these new questionings. This Lexicon in all

respects is taken from Gesenius himself; all additions of every kind being carefully marked. The
question is not whether others have improved upon Gesenius, but whether under his name they
have or have not given his Lexicography. Students may rest assured that they have in thi?
volume the Lexicography, arrangements, and divisions of Gesenius himself, and not of any who
have sought to improve on him. For such things at least the translator is not answerable. It

would be as just to biame a translator of a Dialogue of Plato for the manner and order in

which the interlocutors appear, as a translator of Gesenius for not

having deviated from hit

That Rationalistic tendencies should be pointed out, that such things should be noted and

refuted, was only the proper course for any one to take who really receives the Old Testament
as inspired by the Holy Ghost so far from such additions being in any way a cause for regret,

I still feel that had they not been introduced, I might have been doing an injury to revealed

truth,and have increased that laxity of apprehension as to the authority of Holy Scripture, th<

prevalence of which I so much deplore.

That any should object to these anti-neologian remarks of mine is a cause of real sorrow tt>
me not on my own account, but on account of those whose sympathy with the sentiments on

which I found it necessary to animadvert, is shown too plainly by what they have said on thk
subject. If they consider that an excessive fear of neology haunts mind with morbid pressure, my
I will at least plainly avow that I still hold and maintain the sentiments expressed in preface my
to this Lexicon eleven years ago : I receive Holy Scripture as being the Word of God, and I

believe that on this, as well as on every other subject, we must bow to the sovereign authority

of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Ghost through the Apostles. Thus are we sufficiently
taught hoio we should receive and use the Scriptures of the Old Testament as well as of the New.
To be condemned with the writers of the Xew Testament, and for maintaining their authority
in opposition to some newly devised philological canon for the interpretation of the Old, is a lot
to which a Christian need but little he can only lament for those who thus
object as to himself:
condemn, and he must thus feel the need of warning others, lest they, too, should be misled.

Sound Hebrew Philology will, then, often hinder difficulties from being introduced into the
text of Scripture, and will guard us against the supposition that the writers of the Old Testament

introduced strange and incongruous things incompatible with true inspiration, and against the

theory that the purport and bearing of Old Testament passages were misunderstood by the writers
of the Xew.

Thus a whole class of supposed and objections is at once removed out of the way

of him who receives Scripture as the record of the Holy Ghost and though it is quite true that

do remain, yet let it always be remembered that the principle

difficulties laid down by discrimi-

nating writers, such as Henry Rogers,* remains untouched, that nothing is

really an insuperable

* " The for granted that the discrepancy is realthough it may be easy to suppose a
objector is always apt to take it ;

case (and a possible case is quite sufficient for the purpose) which would neutralise the objection. Of this perverseness (we
can call it by no other name) the examples are perpetual It may be objected, perhaps, that the gratuitous sup-
position of some ucmentioned fact which, if mentioned, would harmonise the apparently counter-statements of two his-
torians cannot be admitted, and is, in fact, a surrender of the argument. But to say so, is only to betray an utter ignorance
of what the argument is. If an objection be founded on the alleged absolute contradiction of two statements, it is quite sufficient

to show any (not the real but only a hypothetical and possible) medium of reconciling them and the objection is in all

fairness dissolred and this would be felt by the honest logician, even if we did not know of any such instances in point of

fact "We do know however of many." Season and Faitk, pp. 69 71.
be capable of a solution: even if we do not see the true solution, yet if we c&& see
difficulty if it
That would suffice to meet the circumstances of the case, we may be satisfied that if all the par-
ticulars were knoirn, every difficulty would vanish. And farther, it may be said, that if we
receive the Old Testament Scriptures on the authority of our Lord and His Apostles as being

reallyand truly the inspired revelation and record of the Holy Ghost, then all the supposed dis-
crepancies must be only seeming, and we may use all that is written for our learning, whether
history, precept, or prophecy, well assured that its authority is unaffected by any such difficulties

Objections will no doubt continue to be raised: but he who uses Holy Scripture as that

from which he has to learn the grace of Christ, the glory of His Person, the efficacy of His blood
as the propitiation for sin, and the glories as yet unmanifested, which are secured in Him to all

believers, will increasingly feel that he stands on a ground of security which can never be thus
affected. He alone who is
taught Dy the Spirit of God can know the true ise and value of
Holy Scripture. Hosea xiv. 9.

8. P. T

Pr.TKouTH, FfJt. 24**, .Wt.


T^HE name of this letter of the alphabet, which, like in, to drink ; D&J}3 suddenly, from PD a moment of
those of the other letters, is of Phoenician origin, time, etc.
signifiesan ox, i. q. Heb. *!/, as we are told by When this letter is to be yet further softened, it

Plutarch (Quaest. Symp. ix. 2), who says that Aleph changes into the quiescents 1 and ', as 1HK and in*
placed before the other letters Sia rove 4>otVticac to join; *|?N .<Ov. to learn; DK"), Dn buffalo; "rill
ovrtit icaXelv TOV ftovv. The name of this letter is . . "
for "1N3 a well. Thus it is that many verbs NQ accord
derived from figure in the most ancient alphabet,

which represents the rude outlines of the head of an in signification with those iy (comp. Gesen. Gr. 76.
ox, which is still found in the remains of the Phoe-
2,6), Bta; P3K Syr. u^ to be sick.
BHK and
nician inscriptions
As a numeral it As to the form of words, it should be remarked
stands for one; with two dots above it (x) a
(l) that in Hebrew N without a vowel is very often
rejected from the beginning of a word by aphceresis,
Aleph has the softest pronunciation of the guttural as I?3S,
WH3 we; 1? >? at a later period <>> who, ;

letters, and it is uttered with a light breathing of and 10 one, Eze. 33 30 Dn-IDH
which, that; *in :

the throat, or rather lungs, like the smooth breathing

for D^VlD^n Ecc.4:14 (compare Lehrg. p.135, 136
in Greek, and the French h in the words habit,
[and Nord. Gramm. 76 A]). But also (2) there is
homme, which we are accustomed wholly to pass
very often prefixed at the beginning of words a pro-
by, because we cannot utter it correctly. And as sthetic N (compare Lehrg. 35, l [and Nord. Gr.
there is a kind of common usage of languages, espe-
80]); see owts?^, Q'B36C, ny-iayns, fte-ru*. And
cially in the Phcenicio-Shemitic family (see on this when a word begins with two
this is chiefly the case
subject the remarks of Ewald, Heb. Gr. 31), consonants, only separated by a moveable Sh'va, such
that the stronger and harsher letters become some-
as yil.T, yJ"i}S arm; te^ Aram. ^iJD cluster (in
what softened in course of time, and give way to
which words both forms are in use), also n'n?^ for
smoother sounds, it will be seen why in the Ara-
maean and the later Hebrew, as well as in Arabic the
nVl? progeny; ^S for p| fist; J3^K for JOT gift;

2T?N for 2T3 lying. Compare the Greek ^fite and

somewhat harsher letters n and y are often softened
^0C yesterday; and something of the same kind in
into e.. words which the French has taken from the Latin;
L spiritus, esprit; status,
etat. In the Syrian manner
But on the
Jer. 52:l5,for pon multitude; ?D Arab. J!
contrary K also sometimes changes

N is also prefixed to the letter Yod, as and 'B ^
Jesse, iCh. 2:12.
H and y; and generally these letters, as being very
nearly allied in pronunciation, are very often inter- construct ?8, with suffix 3, T3,
changed. Comp. in the later Hebrew TH for the pi.n'nx, const. n*n|, with suff.'rat? o^nbs, bnbi
common 'H?; 3*?^ an ear of corn, compare Syriac and DH'nbX, m. FATHER; a primitive noun (see note
? 9 p t

Lx^cn flower; HX3 and nna, HN? and HrO; also l), common to all the Phcenicio-Shemitic languages,
D?K and D3V to be sad "NX and T>y to turn (both are
Chaldee and Syriac
also found in ^Ethiopia); 7X3 and 7V.3 to pollute, to
(Arab. ^\ const.
j\ ^i-1,

stain; 3Nn and 3y.Jp to abhor; KC3 and yO| to suck . But the word father
has often a njicl
wider meaning (see Fesselii Adv. sacra, vi. 6) ;
it is called Seurepoc Trarr/p of Artaxerxes (Est. 3:13, LXX)
used: (l) Of any ancestor (3Cbn, 2Ct)nt)err), l Ki. 15:
Compare I Mace. 11 :32, and Turkish ijjj\j\ father-
11; 8 Ki. 14:3; 1/5:38; i6>2, etc., as of a grand- prince; also Lala, father, applied to the vizier; (see
father, Gen. 28:13; 31:42; 32:10; 37:35; great Jablonskii Opuscc. ed. te Water, torn. i. p. 206, and
grandfather, Num. 18:1, 2; 1 Kings 15:11, 24, etc.; Barhebnei Chron. Syr. p. 219, line 15). The same
Isa.43:24, KBn fltraqn yiX collectively, "thy re- was understood by some of the ancient interpreters,
motest ancestors have sinned'' [this should, how- whom Luther also has followed in the word "Hl^N
ever, be taken strictly]. So, very often in pi. H13X Gen. 41:43, which they explain, "father of the
ancestors, Gen. 15:15; Ps. 45:17. As to the phrase king," or of the land, or kingdom.
nntf-^X f]DX3 see under the word *]DN. connec-
(7) It is further used to express intimate
(a) Used of thefounder, or first ancestor, of tion and relationship; Job 17:14, T>N"Ji? ^ntST?
a nation, Gen. 10:21; 17:4,6; 19 37; 36 9,43; PtFIX '3K " I have said to the
= =
pit [rather corruption,
Josh. 24:3. Here belongs Gen. 4:21, "the father see rin^], thou art my father;" in the other hemis-
who handle the harp and the founder " and to the mother and sister."
of all pipe," i. e. tich, worms, my
of the family of music inventor of the art of music.
Comp. Ps. 88:19.
(3) Of the author, or maker, of anything, spe- (8) In Arabic and ^Ethiopic, the word father
cially of the Creator, Job 38: 2 8, "has the rain a is also applied to a possessor, and is used of one
father?" i. e. Creator. And in this sense God is said who is endued with any thing, or excels in it ; e. g.
to be
" the father of men," Isa. 63:16; 64:7; Deut. /li \
"father of odour," i.e. an odoriferous tree.
32:6[?] comp. Jer. 2:27. [See note a.] All these So in Hebrew, but only in pr. n. e. g.

tropical uses come from the notion of origin; there " fath er of
peace," i. e. peaceful.
are others taken from the love and care of a father,
Note 1. Although this word in its grammatical
from the honour due to him, etc. For
form follows the analogy of verbs H?, so that it may
(4) Father is applied to a bringer up, nou-
rish er, as bestowing his benefits like a parent, Job be said to be for H2X (Lehrg. 1 18), yet it must most
" I was a father to the
29:16, Ps. needy;" 68:6, certainly be regarded as a primitive word since ;

" a father of the fatherless ;" Isa.

22:21, a father both the words 3S father, and BN mother, imitate
to the inhabitants of Jerusalem" (said of Eliakim, the most simple labial sounds of the infant beginning
the prefect of the palace); Isa. 9:5, the Messiah is to articulate; like TraTrttc (-rraTnrdfa), papa, pappus,

called ~iy *3N "eternal Father" (of the people); comp. avus, Persic [>[<. For the usual const, state (the
pater pfitrus in Latin [?].By same metaphor God
the form '?&?), there was also anciently 3K and even 3X
is calleu the Father of the righteous, and of the kings B?T), though
(like "I!, only found in compound proper
of the earth, both of whom are called sons of God, 2 Sa. names D?"}?^, E^'^> "'P'?^, although
in these also

7:14; l Ch. 17:13; 22:10; Ps. 89:27,28 [these we very often find' the form' '3, as T&W&
passages refer to Christ the Son of God]. As it is a Once, Gen. 17 4, 5, in order more plainly to shew the

father's place to instruct his children
etymology of the name DC 1? ?, *? is used in the text
{ 1

(5) It is used of a master, or teacher, l Sa. itself.

1O:12; and hence, priests and prophets, as being Note 2. The interpretation of this word in Job
teachers endued with divine authority, are addressed 34:36, is uncertain; 3'l'X jniP UK,
Vulg. pater mi
father J >b be tried"].
by the name of father out of respect, even by kings, probetiir Joins, etc. [" my let

2 K. 2:12; 5:13 [this passage does not apply];

6:21; But by taking for UX
an address to God [in the
13:14 (comp.8:9); Jud. 17:10; "be unto me a sense of 3], the sense is weak. The Chaldee is not
" 3N or
father and a priest," 18:19. S a 8 * ne Kabbins ^
amiss, i won Id that Job were tried," rendering
were called ri'nX; and so, too, we should understand POX as signifying wish or desire, from the root'lSN,
the titles of honour, the fathers of the church; papa, although there is no other trace of this form.
mett's conjecture [ap. H. A. Schultens] is not un-
pope; most holy father, etc. [But see Matt. 23:9.]
Nearly the same is suitable,who would read inSJ? ^N. [But conjecture
(6) Specially the fa t h er of the king, a name given
isalways unsafe ground with regard to the text of the
to his supreme counsellor, such as the Orientals now inspired word of God. In Amer. Trans, "others not

Gen. 45 8, njriD^ 3K^> VJp'b?} inaptly make UN i.

q. 'foS woe".]
call^. \.]Wezir, vizier;

" he hath made me a fa t h e r to Pharaoh ." So I laman is 21* Chald. with suffix '?* (i per*.),

pi. }n:i$(the letter H inserted, comp. HOS) father, of the words "11* n 7P.P., Deut. 4:26; 11:17;

i.q. Heb.3X Dan. 2:23; Ezr.4:l5; 5:12. Perhaps 23:13,16; also used of a land and hous**? which are
used of a grandfather, Dan. 5 2. laid waste, Jer. 9:11; Am. 3:15; metaph. of
^^ (from wish, desires which are frustrated, Ps. 9:19; 1 12 10 :

33X) m. greenness, ver-

the root ,

Pro. 1O:28; 11:7; Ezek. 12:22. Const, followed

dure of an herb; Job8:l2, 13K? ? " while it(the by
l Sam. 9:3, 20; also followed
grass) is yet in its greenness," i. e. is still verdant,
? of pers., by IP, Deut
*3X " the greenness 22:3; Job 11:20, Dnjp n3K bWO "refuge pe-
flourishing; Cant. 6:11, ?n|n
rished from them;" Jer. 25:35; Ps. 142:5; Ezek.
of the valley," Vulg. poma, from the Chaldee usage.
st 7:26, D>3p.?p nyyi jnbp n3n rrjin "the law shall
Arab. C~;\ ^reen fodder. perish from the priest, and counsel from the old
Jer. 18: 18; 49:7; hence, Deuteron.
2N Ch. (from the root 33)/rui<; with sufF. men;" compare
rt33K 32:28, niVJJ ~I3K ""IS "a nation whose counsel has
(where Dagesh forte is resolved into Nun),
perished," Vu!g. consilii expers Jer. 4:9, 3? 13JO
Dan. 4:9,11,18. In Targg. often for 'If. ;
" the heart of the
V^O king shallperish" (for fear
ZII1N a root unused in Hebrew. In Chaldee, in and terror); Job 8:13, "13N'n t)3.PI nipm " an d (so)
Pael 3HX to produce fruit, especially the first and shall perish the hope of the wicked," Psalm 9:19;
T, V
112:10; Pro. 10:28.
early fruit; Syr. _^25<n produce to
ap- flowers. It
(3) to be ready to perish, to be wretched, unfor-
pears in Arab., as well as in Heb., to have signified 13X wretched, Job 29:13: 31:19;
tunate. Part,
to be verdant, to germinate; see the derivatives*
Pro. 31:6.
greenness, -3'3K ear of corn. I consider the
PIEL 12X (l) to lose, to reckon as lost, give up
mary sense to have been that of putting forth, pro- as lost (ocrjoren geben), Ecc. 3:6.
truding, germinating with impetus, shooting forth ;

Germ. trciben> whence 3Xjunger (2) to cause to wander, to disperse (a flock),

Sriebf young shoots; so
Jer. 23:1.
that it i kindred to the roots ^3K 35O, 3HX, having ?

(3) to cause to perish, to

destroy; Ecc. 7:7
the sense )f desire, eager pursuit of an object see 3HX. ;
" a
njnp 3JPTIX 13JO : gift (bribe) destroys (i.e. cor-
^"7 ^ [Abagtha], Persic pr. n. of a eunuch
rupts) the heart." Followed by |P, to extirpate from
in the court of Xerxes, Est. 1:IO. As to the ety-
" j seemg to be the same as anything, Jer. 51 =55. Specially (a) to lay waste,
mology, see Nri33. used of inanimate things, 2 K. 19:18; Num. 33:52;
^33, and may be explained from the Sansc. bagaddta, Deu.l2:2, fin "12X "to squander one's means of
given by fortune,' from baga, fortune, sun. (Bohlen)." Pro. 29:3.
support" (substance) ; (b) of men, to kill r

Ges. add.]
to slay, to extirpate, Est. 3:9,13; 2K.ii:i; 13:7.
HIPHIL I^X.n, i. q. Pi. to destroy, to cut off, as
S fat. 13^ and (at the end of a clause
men and nations, Deu. 7:10; 8:20; sometimes with
addition of the words DJJH 3^i?p Lev. 23:30; nnfip
DEK, fief) oertieren/ ftcf) oerloren t?aben/ especially used
E^P&'L', Deu. 7:24; also, to lay a land waste, Zeph.
of a lost and wandering sheep (Arabic j^l to flee 2:5; t take away hope, Job 14:19. Very rarely N
in the desert, as a wild beast, and there to in i fut. quiesces, rrV3' for rn3K'K, Jer. 46 : 8. The
derivatives all immediately follow ["I3X
disappear as it were, ftcf) in b?r SBufte wrlieren). rib* I"J3X].
"I3X " a lost and
wandering sheep," Ps. 119:176; "15^, fut, 13N*, Ch.
perish, Jer.

comp. Jer. 50:6; Eze. 34:4, 16. Used of men, Isa. APHEL 131H, fut. "13'in; inf. rn3in to destroy, 1

" those who wander in
27:13, -WBfc jnstt D '13Xn slay, Dan. 2:12,18,24.
the land of
Assyria" (are there exiled); Deut. 26:5, HOPHAL (formed as in Hebrew) "13-iri, Dan. 7:11.
13K "a wandering Syrian;" it is also used of
*l!l^ m. (l) one who is wretched, unfortunate
such as rivers which disappear in the desert,
see the verb, No. 3.
Job6:l8; and metaph. of wisdom failing, 153.29:14. A noun
(2) participial (see Lehrg. p. 488), de-
struction,~Nn. 24:20,24.
(Syr. Sam. id.
to to be
(a) perish, destroyed
fn3^? f. (with Tzere impure). (l) some king lost,
In Arabic, in this kindred
sense, the j\j is
used); Ex. 22:8; Lev. 5:22,23.
used of men and other living creatures as perishing, (2) i.q. ITH3S. a place of destruction, abyss (used
Ps. 37: so; Job 4:11; sometimes with the addition of Hades), Pro. 27 2O ('3X :
H1K render ships of desire, i e
m. (l) destruction, Job 31: 12.

hastening with very great desire to the port. The

(?) place of destruction, abyss, nearly synon.
with VlX'f, Job 26:6; 28:22; Pro.15'11. reading found in forty-four MSS. H3'X, should no
doubt be read (as was done by the Syriac translator)
j^?N m. verbal of Pi. for H?^ (f r that reason
niPX, and must be understood of hostile vessels,
it has the Daleth without dagesh lene), slaughter,
pirates, passing as quickly as possible over the water;
destruction, Est. 9:5.
and, suitably enough, in the other hemistich it if
113X id.
j"]?{, const, st. destruction, death, joined to the eagle darting on its prey. But the
Est. 8: 6. common reading may have the same meaning, if for
H3X we read H3X.
H3N* prop. TO BKEATHE AFTER, com-

pare tlie roots kindred both in form and signification, (from the root H3X No. a) poverty, misery,
a word once found, Pro. 23:29, of the form /IBp, no
HIS, 38, 3XF), also 3HX, 33n Lat. aveo; hence: (l) to

in Isa. doubt formed for the purpose of paronomastically an

le inclined, willing, prone, to wish; except
1 :19; Job 39:9, always found with a negative particle. swering to the words MX and *in compare Lehrg. 374, ;

Constr. with an inf., either alone, Deu. 2:30; 10:10; note r, and
15:4; 17:1; 59:13; so Abulwalid,

which whom I unhesitatingly follow. Kimchi, who is fol-

25:7; Isa. 30:9, or with the prefix ?, latter is
more often found in lowed by most of the moderns, takes it as the same as
prose, Lev.26: 21 ;
2 Sa.l3: 14. 16;
'IX and *in an interjection of grief. [" 0, woe! Cooip.
Ex. 10:27, DH^? H3X i6 "he would not let them
Pac. 1066."
39:9," TJ3J? On n3X'n
Gr. ai/3o7, Arist. Ges. add.]
go;" Job will the buffalo be

willing to serve thee?" Found also with an accusative, D13X(from the root D3X), by a Syriacism, for
Pro. l :25; and absolutely, Isa. l 19, Dryo?'1 *3KPI D5$ : D-13X whence const. D-13X, Isa. 1:3;
; pi-
D "P;|aN m. :

"if ye shew yourselves willing and obey;" Pro. place where cattle are fattened, a stable, stall, Job
1:1O. With a dative of pers. to be willing towards 39:9, and in which provender is kept, Pro. 14:4.
any one, to be willing in mind, to obey (often with The signification of stable is also suitable in Isa. l :
the synonym ^ J"??0, Ps. 8l:l2; Deu. 13:9; Pro. where however LXX. and Vulg. render prcesepe,
1:30. manger, \\ Inch both in this place, and Job loc. cit. is
to to to be in want a sig- s
~ i
(a) desire, long for, of;
not less suitable and probable. Compare Arab. f .\
nification is found, at least in the derivative
nouns, 'tag, fV3X, n:i3X ;
. Ch. XJT-1X stable and manger. So D13X is also used in

(3) In Arabic has a power altogether the reverse

it the Talmud.
to be unwilling, to refuse, to loathe, so that it

answers to the Hebrew H3X N7. It must not however

JN a doubtful root, perhaps [i. q. "^X, "jjsn,

to turn, to turn about (so Ges. corr.). In M&-

be supposed that this signification is actually con- - -0 -
For the sense of inclining (jtd) neigen/ geneigt
used in the Hebrew, for propensity towards,
q. Arab.i^ f r
^ to rebuke, to threaten

and good will (^uncigung); in Arabic, for turning away

*%- i"irO{< or f., once found; (if this be the
from (TCbnetgung), and a loathing mind; whence ^-U true reading) Eze. 21:20, 3nn nri3X "the threat-
"* ening of the sword," i.e. the threatening sword.
stagnant, marsh water, prop, causing loathing, Hf\j\
[" 'a turning of the sword,' i.e. a sword turning
a marsh reed (compare DJX. , pOJX) see ^N, and the ;
itself; perhaps glittering; i.
q. nDSn^D 3nn, Gen.
pJier derivatives, No. a. Ges. corr.] C'astell
3:84." (Mept. p. 10), compa'-es
? *
>"I3K m ., reed, papyrus, i.
q. Arab, i' $ ]J\ collect. Arab. j^\j\ destruction, referring to a Mace. 26:6:

ib^ (see the root No. 3, although the Hebrew word but should be written) from the
(for so it is

may also be simply said to come from the head of a

reed being bowed down; compare Isa. 58:5). It oc- root I n f- conJ- IV. an(^ denotes permission.
curs once, Job 9:26, H3K n^'?^ "vessels of reeds," reference to Castell is of course rejected in Ges.
made of the papyrus Nilotica, such as were of frequent coir.] My own
opinion is, that the reading in that
use among the Egyptians and ^Ethiopians (compare passage in Ezekiel is corrupt, and that we should
tny Comment, on Isa. 18:2) on account of their
very read 3nn nn3D "slaughter of the sword." Thil
(mat swiftness on the water. Others, with Symm. conjecture is confirmed by LXX. o-fu'ym p
Pi?, and by the following context, "Lo! it
[Abigail], pr.n. f.
(l) of the wife of Nabal, after-
isbrightened aud sharpened for slaughter wards of David, l Sa. 25: 3, 14, which name is also
O - t,f
Ccmp. ze. 31 14, 15. The Greek words
I t
: 1

contracted ?3 '?^ (comp. Arab. JL\ for ,Lj\ what?)

ff^ay/j, are often used to express the Hebrew
verse 32, and 2 Sa. 3:3 (o). (2) a sister of David,
nn?p, rap.
l Ch. 2 :l6, also called 2 Sa. 17 25. :
D'lTlSfl&t m. (from the root nB3 transp. for
|T3^ ("father of a judge"), [Abidan], pr.n.
to cook), pi. melons, Nu. 11:5. To this answers of a captain of the tribe of Benjamin at the time of
s - s -

the Arab. i-V ^Sr m |*J* to cook,

the departure from Egypt, Num. 1:11; 2:22.
transp. for fr

to ripen, like the Gr. jrtnwv, ^)febe/ melon, from V 1 ??> ("father of knowledge," i.e.
TrtVrw: comp. ?^3. In the Hebrew there is added [Abida, Abidafi], pr.n. of a son of Midian, Gen.
K prosthetic. From the Arabic word above cited 25:4-
the Spanish budiecas, the French pasteques, are '*1'3 (i.q. .irvn*? "whose father is Jehovah").
lerived. [Abia, Abiah, Abijah'], pr.n. (A) of men. (l) th-j
second son of Samuel, l Sa. 8:2. (2) l Ch. 7:8.
pr.n. f., the mother of Hezekiah, aK.

18: 2, in the parallel place, 2 Ch. 29:1, more fully (3)lK.i4:i. (4) iCh. 24:10; (5) i.q.
and correctly i" '?^, which is also in some copies the
1 '?^ king of Judah see below. (JB) pr.n. of a woman,

l Ch. 2 24. :

reading in Kings.

"*3$ ("father of strength," i.e. strong, ^3$ ("whose father is Jehovah") and flij

from the root to be strong), [Abi-albon], (id.), pr.n. Abijah, king of Judah, the son and suc-
( Li.
cessor of Kehoboam, 2 Ch. 13:1, sqq. constantly
pr.n. of one of David's heroes, 2 Sa. 23:31, called written B'^? in Kings lK.l4:.3l; 15: 1,7, 8, "father :

also ^"O^, l Ch. 11:32.

of the s e a," i. e. maritime man.
7N*2SI ("father of strength," i.e. strong), M!Ta$ (" whose father He," i.e. God, is), pr.n.
[Abief], pr.n. m. (i) iCh. ll =32, see JfcJTSf^. Abihu, son of Aaron, slain by God for offering in-
(Q) the grandfather of king Saul, 1 Sa. 9:1; 14:51. cense contrary to the law, Lev. lo:l, sqq.
In the genealogy, as found iCh. 8:33; 9:39, Ner
TirVriX ("whose father is Judah," i.q. 38
have been Saul's grandfather, but accord-
is said to
Sa. 14:61, he is rather to be taken as his
m [Abihud'], pr.n. m. l Ch. 8:3.
ing to l
paternal uncle. The realgenealogy stands thus: 7?!T3{$ (perhaps incorrectly for ^n ?^ which


Abiel the reading of some copies), [AbihaiQ pr.n.

(l) the wife of Rehoboam, 2 Ch. 11 :l8. (2) m.,
1 Ch. 3 29. :

Kish Ner
JV^IX adj. (l) needy, poor, so called from the
Saul Abner. idea of needing (see the root H3X No. 2), Dftut
15:4; 7:11. Sons of the needy, for the needy^
"P^ ??>(" father of gatheri ng," i.e. gatherer), Ps. 72:4; see 13.
\_Abiasaph~], pr.n. of a Levite of the family of often with the addi-
who (2) oppressed, wretched,
Korah, Ex. 6:24, is also called, 1 Ch. 6:8,22; tion of the synonym ?y ; Psal.4O:l8, ]V?1 *2% 31
9: 19, 19:3$. " and I (am) afflicted and wretched ;" Ps. 70:6 ;

J ?V
(from the root 33N), m., an ear of corn, a like used of one
86:l; 109:22. Specially, N>JJ,

green ear, Lev. 2:14; Ex. 9:31, 3^1N(n) rniyfe>n who suffers undeservedly, although a pious wor-
" the
barley was in the ear," i. e. the ears were God (whence Am. 2:6, p^V and ji" ?^

shipper of
developed. Comp. as to the syntax, Cant. 2:13, are joined) ;
used also of a whole nation succumbing
2 s nxn en'n " the month of
green ears," at a later to miseries, as of the Israelites in exile, 15.41:17;
period called fD'3, beginning at the new moon of comp. 25:4. In the same signification the sect of
April (of March, according to the Rabbins), the the Ebimiites adopted this name, as assuming that
first month of the old
year [as instituted on coming they were IK rH>v VTW^OJI- i5i' iaTiv i/ fiaaiXtta T>
out a Ex. 13:4; Dcu. 16:1.
Egypt], 23:15; rojy, Matt. 5 3- :

.* ?&> ("whose father is exultation"),

i1*3J< f..
prop, appetite, desire (from the root
X No. l hence the caper which is said to
), berry, P JC> Ebiasaph see ^DS^K.T
T ;

stimulate both appetite aiid sexual desire (Plut.

inr?K ("father of help," like the Germ.2Cbolf
Qusest. Symp. vi. 2 ; Plin. N. H. xiii. 23 ;
xx. 15),
from TCtta/ father, and
clf/aid),[.A&t'e.Jer],pr.n. ( l)
Kcc. 12:5. rendered caper by the LXX., Vulg.,
It is
a son of Gilead, Josh. 17:2, and melon, of his de-
Syr. The Rabbies use the pi. r?i*3 as denoting
scendants, Jud. 6:34; 8:2. Tne patronymic noun
not only capers, but also the small fruits of trees, as
is'1$n '3$[;l&te.2riJe],Jud.6:ii,24; 8:32. Hence
myrtles, olives, etc. is the shortened form lUT *, Nu. 26 30, and the patro-
5 :

7*rT3N (" father of strength," bravery, i. q. nym.

J '"WK ibid. (2) one of the heroes of David,
2 Sa. 23:27; l Ch. 11:28; 27 l <*.
[Abihait],-pr.n. m. (i)Num. 3:35. :
brave), (2)
iCh. 5:14. (3) the father of Esther, Est. 2:1559:29. "I^Nt (from the root 3?), subst. strong one I

^D'SK (" father of goodness"), [Abitub], mighty one, only found in the phrase 3pJP T3^ ?

" the
Ch. 8: 11. 75Oij^ "V3X mighty one of Israel, of Jacob;"
pr. n. m., l
used of God, Gen. 49:24; Isa. 1:24.
TO*?X [ father of dew," Abital], pr.n.of one
")*3X the root 1?K).
adj. (from (l) strong,
of the wives of David, 2 Sa. 3 4. :

mighty, used of men commonly as a subst. as, a

MK [Abijam], see W^g. mighty one, Jud. 5:22; Lam. l :
15 ;
Jer. 46:15:
m. of a descend-
Ps. 76:6, 3^? n38 "the strong of heart." Poeti-
^^?fr? [Abimael"], pr. n.
Psa. 22
ant of Joktan in Arabia, Gen. 10:28; l Chron.l: 22, cally used, car' i^u-^y (a) of a bull; 13, :

]W3 '"}.
3S "the strong ones, i.e. bulls, of Bashan;"
probably the father or founder of an Arab tribe Ps. 50:13; and metaph. of princes, Ps.68:3i.
called sKft, a trace of which was pointed out by (b) of

Bochart (Phaleg.ii. 24), in Theophrastus (Hist. Plant.

the horse, only in Jeremiah 8:16; 47:3; 50:11
(comp. Gramm. 104. 2, note).
ix. 4), who
probably by the name of MaXt, means
the same wandering tribe in the neighbourhood of (2) powerful, noble, Job 24:22; 34:20; DH7
Q'TIIX "food of nobles, or princes," i.e. more
the modern Mecca, as in Strabo are called Mincei,
dainty food, Ps. 78:25; comp. Jud. 5:25;
D'jhn T3X "chief
of the herdsmen," l Sa.2l:8.

=|?'P J? ("father of the king," or "father (3) 37 "V3X obstinate, stubborn, a man of per-
king''), [Abimelech], pr.n. (l) of several kings in verse mind, Isa. 46:12; comp. 3? pin.
the land of the Philistines, living at different periods,
2"^5^ ("father of loftiness"), \_Abirain\,
Gen. 2O:2,sqq. 21 :22,sqq. 26:1, sqq.; Ps-34:l. As
pr.n. m. (T, Nu. 16:1, 12 1 K. 16:34.
; ;
; 26:9. (2)
the same king, who in the Ps. loc. cit. is called Abi-
melech, is in l Sa. 2l:ll, called Acliish (tf"?X), this 3Z^3N(" father oferror"),[u46isAa<7],pr.n. cf

name or title appears to have been mostly common David's concubine, 1 K. 1 :3; 2:17.

to them, like >w ^u Padishah (father king) of the J^IU^3X ("father of welfare"), [Abishua],
Persian kings, and (jfew' Atalik (father, properly pr.n. m. (l) l Ch. 8:4. (2) iCh. 5:30; Ezr. 7:5.
"VI w
*3 ^ ("fatherNof a
paternity) of the Khans of Bokhara. (<2) a son of wall"), [Abishur],
Gideon, Jud. 8:31, seq.; 9:1, seq.; 2 Sa. 11:21. pr.n. m., l Ch. 2:28, 29.
(3) l Chr. 18:16, where indeed we probably should
read ^O'nx, as 2 Sa. 8:17.
^'5^ ("father of gift" ["comp. *^." Ges.
add.]), [Abi$kai] pr.n. m. of the son of David's

rnriN (" noble father," or " father of sister, who was also an officer, the brother of Joab,

nobility"), [Abinadab~\, pr. n. m. (l) a son of

l Sa. 26:6, sqq.; 2 Sa. 2:18,24; sometimes called
X, 2 Sa. 10:10.
Jesse,l Sa. 16:8; 17:13.
(2) a son of Saul, l Sa.
31:2 (3)1 Sa. 7:1. (4) iK.4:ii. 3X ("father of peace"), [Abishalom],
E>x5^? (" father of pleasantness," or of pr.n. m. of the father-in-law of Rehoboam, l Kings
grace), [A bin 'am], pr. n. of the father of Barak, Jud. 15:2,10. But 2 Ch. 11:20,21, there is found D17L"3K.
("father of plenty," for "VV3K),
173S ("father of light"), [Abner, marg. [Abiathar], pr.n. of a son of Ahimelech the
46<er],, 183.14: so; elsewhere "U3X, which priest, very closely joined in friendship to David.
together with Zadok, the high priesthood
ee. <>n whom,
was bestowed by David, of which he was deprived I. '-?N> adj., mourning [from the root ?5N
by Solomon, 1 Sa. 22:20, sqq. 23:6; 30:7; 2 Sa. ;
No Gen. 37:35; Lam. 1:4, ^blX |i'V ^"H "the
15:24; as to the passage, 2 Sa. 8: 17, see ^O'njf.
ways to Zion mourn." Const, state ?3*?, Ps. 35:14.
PL const. V?$, Isa. 61:3, with Tzere impure; com-
a root, aval Xfyofji. prob. TO ROLL, TO
^j-1^* 4 $
ROLL UP, also TC INTERTWINE, redden/ nrirfetn/ w& pare Arab. JuA
nricfeln. Kindred roots are c_fl) to intertwine,
7]13 II. ^5^ (from ?3? No. II), apparently a grassy
to be entangled; ^3^ to boil up, aufroallen/ aufquellen/ s-s.

to interweave, to braid." Ges. add.] ; also place, a pasture, meadow, Arabic Jjl fresh and
[" ""13?
long hay, sea weed. Used as an appellative, 1 Sa.
the more harsh "=]?'?

HITHPAEL, to be rolled together, used of smoke,

(Jj^il to turn.
6: 18, unless for !$1|n
^P" 1 1

! !!,
we should read f3
almost demanded by verses 14, 15,
which lifts itself up hi the air in a dense volume,
and is given by the LXX. and Syriac. It is of <ro-
not unlike water bubbling forth from the fountain;
quent use in geographical names
Isa. 9:17, j^JJ
J"NK3 '^aXJVI "and they shall be
rolled together with the
(a) rnxo-iva ^[Abel Beth-Maachah~\,\.e.
lifting up of smoke," situated near Beth Maachah (which see); a town of
t>djj e in SJaucl) aufrcalle (ba comp. Vulg., Manasseh Jordan, at the foot of Mount
25tcEtrf)t)/ to the east of
Syr. Syr.explained by grammarians, to
.. ~s)f is
Lebanon, 2 Sa. 20:14, 15; iK. 15:20; 2 K. 15:29;

be proud, to walk proudly, perhaps, prop, to roll one-

elsewhere called 0?p~~^5S, 2 Ch. 16:4; compare ) K.
self forward, used of the walk of a corpulent man,
15:20, and simply ?3^, 2 Sa. 2O:l8.
ltd) fortiodljcn.
(b) DWn briK ("the meadow of acaoias"),

\_Abel-s hittim~\, Nu. 33:49, a place situated in the

'-**? fut.?3* TO MOURN, followed by ?J>,
plains of Moab; the same apparently, Nu.25:l, Micah
Hos. 10:5; Am. 8:8. Arab., Syr. id. The proper
6: 5, is
simply called D'B^.
appears to be, TO BE LANGUID, TO
WALK WITH THE HEAD CAST DOWN (compare the (c) Dpn? ^S (" meadow of the v'aeyards"),
Jud.l 1 33, a village of the Ammonite", which is stated

kindred roots >?N, 7P.N, also n^3, 733, 723, all of

which are from the bi-literal stock, bal, fed,
by Eusebius to have abounded in vines even in his
having time.
the sense of falling, comp. a<fxi\\w, fallo, Germ, fallen),
nVinp 73K (" the meadow of dancing"),
us done by mourners; but it is transferred from
the dress and manner of mourners to the voice, !
\_Abel-me holah~\, a village of the tribe of Issachar,
between Scythopolis and Neapolis, the birth-place of
and to lamentation (see 73N). Poet, used of in- I

' Elisha the prophet, Jud. 7:22; 1 K. 4:12; 19:16.

animate things; Am. 1:2, D*jnn n'lX3 -173 j* "the !

(e) DHVP '?.$ Gen. 50:11 ("meadow of the

pastures of the shepherds mourn;" Isa. 24:4, 7,
" the new wine
Egyptians"), [Abel-mizraim~\, the name of a
?!'P^ U^"Vijl 7?X
" threshing-floor situated near Jordan, which is so ex-
(i.e. the clusters mourn), the vine languished! ;
plained in the context, that the sacred writer appears
to have read without the points, and pronounced it
HIPHIL ^3X11 to cause to mourn, to make to la-
D^VO 7?X (mourning of the Egyptians). [But why
ment, Ezek. 31:15; used of inanimate things, Lam.
2:8. may not ^^ be here taken in the sense of mourning ;
m ourner of Eyypt ?~\
HITHPAEL, prop, a mourner, hence, toto act as
mourn, i.q. Kal, especially in prose, while Kal is ap- /J with suff. v3^ m. (from ?3^ No. I), mourn-
propriated to poetic diction, Gen. 37:34; Ex. 33:4; ing, Est.4:3; 9:22; specially for the dead, Gen. 27:
'3^ "mourning for an only (son)," Am.
with 7X an! 7}/ of
person, 1 Sa. 15:35; 2 Sa. 13:37. 41, IT 1

The derived nouns almost immediately follow.

[/3? 8:10; Jer!6:26; Mic. 1:8, fUJC. niJ3? ^81 "and
No. I, 73X.] '
(I will make) a mourning like the ostriches,"
which make a ?3^ n ^JJ " to make
wailing cry; ^
u. S:
Arab. Jj| and ^
TO BE WET WITH a mourning for any one," Gen. 50:10.
rHE MOISTURE OF GRASS, hence, Syr. ^->. /J^> adv. (l) in the more ancient Hebrew, affix
mative, truly, indeed, Gen. 42:21; 2 Sa. 14:5;
Cognate is the Hebrew 773, J_, to moisten, to water, 2 K. 4:1 4, also having a corrective power, n ay in-
fience 73X No. iK. 1:43.
is II.
deed, Gen. 17:19; but nay, (Tc thi

and the plummet of desolation," i.e. all shall Ix

fcoswers the Arabic particle of correcting, ^Jj but
destroyed as if by rule and line. (As to the thing
indeed, but rather; takeu from the root n?2, prop. i. q. Am.
comp. 7 8.)

Heb. ?3, so that its primary power lies in denying

(6) Sometimes stones serve to designate places
the contrary. The K is prosthetic.)
geographically; thus (o) "\ty J3K "stone of help"
(a) in the later Hebrew, adversative; but indeed,
\_Eben-ezer~], placed at Mizpeh by Samuel, l Sa. 4: i ;

on the other hand, Dan. 10:7,21; Ezr. 10:13; "stone

5:1; 7:12. (b) ^Tan i?$ of departure,"
l Sa. 20:19;
aCh. 1:4; 19:3; Arab. J.. but. Other particles of compare J"l?n'T.
this kind, which are both affirmative and adver- J3{$ emphat. st. N33K Ch. id. Dan. 2 34. 35.

sative, are ^X, 1?X, o>lN, *| [these two latter words 2 Ki. 5:12, in }'ro for which see.
are omitted in Amer. Trans.] comp. the Lat. verum,
Comp. the
letter 3.
|?^i. q. \^ a stone, only in dual D?3?S prop, a pair
see of stones, used
(l) of the wheel ofa potter. Jer.l8:3,of the potter,
JtS an unused root, which had, I suppose, the D^nsrr^y rot6p -man np
behold he wrought a
force of constructing and building; comp. H33 work upon his potter's wheel." ["It appears to
to build, and IPX to prop, to found, whence |OX have consisted of two stones, one above and the other
faber, an artificer, TiKruy. Hence is and is so depicted on Egyptian
below, i

J3N with suff. pi.

tana D33S,
.33K, monuments; see Rossellini, Monum. Civil.
fern, and so Job. 28:2, but masc. l Sa. 17:40). tab. L. ;
Wilkinson's Manners and Cus-
(l) a stoneof any kind, whether rough or polished, toins of the Ancient Egyptiar^, iii.
p. 164. Ori-

very large or very small. Collect, stones, Gen. 11:3. ginally, and also for potters working in the open air,
Used of the foundation stone of a house, Isa. 28:16; itseems to have been made of stone, afterwards of
wood. A wooden wheel of this kind is called in the
of vessels of stone, Ex. 7:19; Syr. J..I"*) id., but
of rare occurrence. Talmud HP prop, trunk, stem then cippus ; then a
JEtli. JVfl^: Metaph. l Sa.

" and h e a stone"

became stiff as a stone. potter'swheel made of a trunk, and also the wheel ol
*5 37

13Sn 1? a stony (i.e. hard) heart," Eze. 11:19; a cart made in like manner hence, from the resem-

36:26; used also of a bold and intrepid mind, Job blance, it comes to signify

41:16, TJ3 J3a "hail stone;" 153.30:30; whence ["(2) A low seat, stool, on which the workman
Josh. 10: 11, niVn| D^35< is used of sat, made, it would seem, of a block of wod, and fre-
great hailstones,
called a littlebelow Tjari r?3. quently represented on Egyptian monuments. A
seat of this kind was doubtless used by the midwife,
(a)fc-ar'eox'> a precious stone,a <7em,Ex.28:9,
while assisting a woman in labour lying on a bed.
qq- 35 :2 7; Jore fully fan i3a, isa. 54:12; in }3,
Pro. 17:8; !TJ3 J3K, Eze. 28: 13, which latter is also So Ex. iwhen ye do the office of midwife to the

used of stones for building, as of marble, l K. l o a, 1 1 : .
Hebrew women (WH ]3 DN D^3Kn ?^-i.1) then shall
(3) stone ore, ore (Grjflein), Job 28:2. In Arabic ye see (while yet) upon the stool, whether it be a boy,'
&c. The midwife is directed at the very moment of
they say in the dual ..A/.^, both stones," of gold and birth, while she yet sits upon her stool, and no one
silver. else has seen or touched the infant, to ascertain ito
(4) rock, Gen.49:24, ^TJfc f3a "the rock of sex by the sight, or rather touch, and if it be a male
Israel," e. Jehovah comp. iw.
; to kill it, as she could easily do by the pressure of her

(5) a weight of the balance (from stones having hand or fingers, unknown to the parents." Ges. add.
anciently been used, as they still are in the East, for All the following part of the Lex. Manuale being
art. in

weights; compare Germ, tcin/ a large weight used rejected in Amer. Trans."]. Abulwalid, in Lex. MS.;
" The instrument double upon which the potter turns
especially in weighing wool [so also the English is

tone~\Yi this used even when the weight was

word is earthen vessels. consists of two wheels of wood,

uot made of stone; 12$ 13? " divers weights," Deu. like a handmill, the one is larger, which is the lower
i5:i3; D< ? \?3a weights carried in a bag, Pro. 16:1 1 ; one, the other is smaller, and this is the upper. This
Zee. 5:8, rraiyn |3a a weight of lead," Zee. instrument is called D!3?X i.e. a pair of stones,

4:10; /*TfO 1?K also a plummet, Isa. 34:1 1 ;"He although not made of stone, because of their being
will stretch over it the line of wasting (^13 \ like a hand-null, which is generally made of rtoue
Amongst the people of this country (the Moors) it construed with QV; denom. from P3K dust, because
is not found, but it is used by the Oriental potters." is raised. So in Greek iraXaiuv
in wrestling the dust

(2) Used for a roashing-vessel of stone, in which (TVfATraXaifiv, avyKOViovaQat from 7rtiXj, KOVIQ. An
they used to wash new-born infants, Ex. l :l6; such unusual word appears to have been used by the
washing vessels appear to have resembled hand- sacred writer, in order to allude to the name of the-

mills, in being made of two stones, the lower of river p31, verse 23.
which was hollowed, the upper serving as a lid.
pjs> m., dust, specially small and fine (see my con-
Others, to reconcile these two passages, understand jecture as to the etymology [under the verb]), such
in the one the seat of a potter, in this, that of a par- as is easily scattered by the breeze, Isa. 5:24, and
turient woman. So Kimchi, rH^'H n&>K 3&n, and such as a horse raises in galloping, Eze. 26:10. It
so also Ch. and both Arabic versions. thus differs from 1SJJ thicker and heavier dust, Den.
ID33K 05? with Aleph prosthet.), with suff.
(for 28 24. " The dust of God's feet," used poet, of the

1P33K, pi. D'P33K m., a belt, or girdle, such as clouds on which God treads, Na. 1 :3, comp. PDK*.

priests wore, Ex. 28:4; 39 40 Lev. 16:4; and other :

f. id., whence ^Vl np,3K powder,
nobles, Isa. 22:21; comp. Joseph. Arch. iii. 7, 2.
dust of the merchant," i.e. aromatic powder, Cant.
Ch. 13f, K~m3, KI^Bt? a belt. Both words, the 6.
3 =

Hebrew and the Chaldee, come from the Persic, in

which jcj (Sanscr. bandha, Germ. SSanb) signifies any J (l) prop. TO STRIVE UPWARD, TO MOUNT,
TO SOAR, see also the
band, also a girdle. [This word however is used in ftcl) emporfdinringen/ Hiph.,
Pent, before the Hebrews had derivatives "I3S and Perhaps this is kindred
any Persian intercourse.] >"l"p^.

father of light"), A bner, pr.n. m., the

l-!?O ("
to 13JJ, "13.V, comp. Pers. j^ ebei; virtp (super), all
of which have the notion of above, being over, and
general of King Saul, l Sa.i4:5l 17 55,57; 20:25; ;

sometimes called l Sa. 14:50. LXX. 'Afilwrip. hence of passing over, surpassing, see "QJJ. It is

D3N and in the Talmud, TO FEED
as in Ch. (2) to any power, and it'tpytia, see "^N, T3N.
largely, TO FATTEN cattle. (Prop., as appears to me, HIPHIL, to mount upward in flight, as a hawk,
to stamp in, comp. the kindred D-13, hence to stuff, to Job 39 26. [Derivatives, see Kal.]

cram, cinpfvopfen; comp. Gr. rpi^ia pr. i.q. Tn'jyyvfju.) "ON m., a wing feather, (<2rfw>ungfeber)/ with
Part. pass. Pro. 15:17. Used of geese, iK.5:3. which birds soar, such as that of the eagle, Isa. 40 31:

Hence are derived D13X, D-13XQ. the dove, Ps. 55:7. It is distinguished from the
"yrv - pi- f-t pustules, boils, rising up in the
- wing itself, Eze. 17:3.
skin, Ex.9:9,10; verbal from the root JW3 Chaldee rrnK f. id., Job 39:1 3; Ps. 68:14. Poetically
Pilpel y?V3 to boil up, to swell up
' '
hence Syriac ; ascribed to God, Deut. 32 :l l ;
Ps. 91 -.4.
9 . P
J^s-x-^a^is^ pustules ;
in Hebrew K prosthet. was Drn^X Abraham, pr.n., the founder and fathei
prefixed. Compare JN3, V?3. of the Jewish nation; the son of Terah, born in
Mesopotamia, which he left [as called of God], and
V ?\* an unused root, perhaps, i.q. to be
sojourned in the land of Canaan with his flocks, in a
white, whence Ch. K3K tin; hence
kind of nomadic see Gen. 12 In the
life, 25.
| 5v \_Abe z~\, pr.n. of a town in the tribe of Issa- book of Genesis until 17:5, he is
always called
char, perhaps so called from tin, Josh.l9:2O. D^3X, i.e. "father of elevation;" Gr. 'A/3paju
I V?^ "
(perhaps of t i n"), [/& z a n], pr.n. of a judge [Abram]. But in that passage in which a numerous
of the Israelites, Jud. 12 :8, 10. progeny is
promised to spring from him, he is called
by a slight alteration of his name Di?~^> i. e.
a root not used in Kal, which I suppose to S '


have had the force of to pound, to make small, "father of a multitude," (comp. Arab. *l&, a
from the onomatopoetic
syllable p3, "|3, 32, pQ, large number), or as the context itself explains it,
which, as well as p, pT (see PP." }, ^I?"^), had the
Di3 fion 3X. DiVttN VT^5 the God of Abraham,"
force of
pounding; comp. HD3 to drop, to distil; for "
" the seed of
Jehovah," Ps. 30:6; 47:10: a< iq
P31, JJ33, C?33, also jriyy//, Tr/jyi'uw, Germ, potten/ bo!en Abraham," of the Israelites, Ps. 1 05 6 :

(comp. specially Srj pod)en). Hence P3S dust. Isa.41 In the same signification there
: 8. is
Gen. 32: -25, '26, recipr. to wrestle, used rn3S, Mic. 7:20.
word uttered by the herald before (4) arched, vaulted work (ew&lbe), used of the
":J~QX a
If it were Hebrew it
vault of heaven, Am. 9:6; comp. Germ. (Mat, abea,
Joseph s chariot, Gen. 41 143.
might be thought to be the inf. abs. Hiph. (from the story of a building; from the verb gaben, gatten/
root TD?) which is for which has the sense of binding together see Ade-
properly (compare D^I^X "H"?.?!?

D'S^n. Jer 2.5:3), used in this place for the impera- lung Lex. hh. w.
tive, so that it might be, bow the knee. Vulg.
^f m., a nut, Cant. 6:11; Arab, and Syr.J^-,
coram eo genua Jlecterent,
clconante prcecone, ut omnes *
f f
so also Abulwalid and Kimchi, compare Lehrgeb. Hebrew word appears to be
^, Pers.J^i. This
p. 319. But it is more probable that this is a word taken from the Persic by prefixing x prosthetic;
of Egyptian origin, so inflected and altered by the N.
Hebrew writer, that although a foreign word it
\_Agur\, pr.n. of a wise man, the son of
should sound like Hebrew, and might be derived J^
Jakeli n i^), to whom Proverbs, chap. 30, is attri
from roots of their language; compare DO, nt^O^ buted in its inscription. If this name be taken as
ny~i3. And the Egyptian word which is concealed in
" let symbolic, like Koheleth, it might signify an assem-
7p3X is
probably either Au-rek, i.e. every one
bler, one of the assembly (of wise men), n fO^. ?V3
bow himself" (in an optative sense), or, as I prefer,
" bow the head." Jablonskii Ecc. 12:11.
Aperek, i. e.
Opusc. ed.
te Water, torn. i.
p. 4; Rossii Etymologise ^Egypt. I^
f., a silver coin, so called from the notion

German editions of the of collecting, from the root ">3X to collect, like the
s. v. Luther, in the later
bcr SanbcSoater. 3S he takes as father, Lat. stips in the formula, stipem colligei'e, 1 Sa. 2 36. :
Bible, btefcS tjl

In th Maltese, agar signifies the same.

and ^H Ch. king ; comp. 3X No. 6. LXX., Vulg.
c>/3o\o'c, nummus. The Hebrew interpreters
which see.

OTtf ("father of peace"), Absalom,pr.n.

^ an unused root, prop, to flow together, to
in. (l) a son of king David, 2 Sam. 13; etc. (a)
D'fe"3S which see.] be gathered together as water, cogn. to the root /?4,
q. f
which is used of the rolling of the waves. Arab.
NjN an unused root. Arab. VP-I to flee; II. to cause to flow together, hence, to gather
L \^-\
hence s-i-
water together, ^Jj^l*
a pool, a pond; compare
("fugitive"), [Agee], pr.n. m. 283.23:11.
also "*3X. Hence
^P^ an unused root. Arab. '
to burn, to
$ Job 38:28 $ "the (heavenly) reser-
bltfze as fire. Hence voirs of dew," comp. ver. 22, "the storehouses of
*$ \_Afja(f\, pr.n. of the Amalekite kings, Num. snow and hail;" Vulg., Ch., Syr. understand drops
24:7; l Sa. 15:8,9.20,32. of dew, as if little drops, globules (comp. 773); but
n. of Hainan, Est. 3:1, 10; the former is
^f \_Afjayite~\, gout.

8:3, 5; Joseph. Arch. xi. 6, $ 5, explains it

'A/ia\ij- Dy^lN ("two pools"), [#<7/anH],Isa.i5:8, pr.n.
of a village in the land of Moab, called by Eusebius
It can scarcely be doubted that this is
an unused root; in Chaldee to bind. Com-
the same as Agalla ("AyuXAa), which is mentioned
pare "1?^, "^12^, and my farther remarks on the root
by Joseph. Arch. xiv. 1 , 4.
*1*|. In Arabic some of its derivatives are applied
to arched or vaulted work, edifices of firmly com- an unused root: Arabic
pacted structure, because of the strong coherence of (1) Med. A. to burn, to be hot (comp. DDH, DfV <,

all the parts, and the firm compactness; compare whence is ]^D3.X No. 1.
and rnjs: No. 4. Hence (2) Med. E. to be warm and corrupt, as walci,

rPUX whence D3^ and j'lOJ.S No. 2.

(l) a knot, a band; note rinJSj
" bands of the yoke," Isa. 58:6. (3) Med. E. to loathe, to abhor, Ch. DJN to bn

(2) a bundle, as of hyssop, Ex. 12:22. sad, to grieve, whence DJN.

(3) a land or troop of men, like the German CJX '

subst. [absol. Isa. 35:7,cst. D34l:l8], p*
JBanu, 2 Sa. 2:25; comp. ^n.
(l) a pool, a marsh, so called from the corrupt m., for *b~\\ with Akp/i p.osthet. from the
water, Isa. 35 7 42:15; Ps. 1 07 35. Specially used
: :

f (so LXX.
root *n| No. 2, the is t, Ex. 2 1 1 8 Isa. 58:4; :

of the pools of stagnant water left on the shores of and Vulg. in both places, and this word is used
the Nile after its inundation, Ex. 7:19; 8:1. the Rabbins in the same signification).
(a) [" i.
q. J1O3.K a reed, a cane" Ges. add.
Ezr. 1:9;
omitting the following explanation], a marsh over- u, |D3, anj *?9Ta$ LXX.,
grown with reeds, a reedy place, Jer. 51:32. Vulg., Syr. paterce aurece, paterae argenteoe, basins,
chargers of gold, of silver. In the Talmud of Jeru-
li. Jonah explains it strongholds; comp. word is said to be compounded of ">3K to
salem, this
lion's den in a marsh hence refuge, stronghold.
; and H7D a lamb, so that the bowls would be
D3K adj. once in pi. const.
K'W >D3X "sad of so called, because the blood of lambs was collected

soul," Isa. 19:10; see the root No. 3.

in them. But in this word there is no mention of
blood. This word appears to me to be a quadri-literal
P<-3X and j-?^ m. (l) a boiling caldron, with N prosthet., and to signify a slaughter-basin; for
Job 41:1 2; see 03X No. 1.
'9~!J, '83 (see under the letter l). This I suppose
(2) a rush, reed, such as grows in marshes, from
to be for ?2i5, /Q (compare Nasor. taj for
03$ a marsh, and the termination ]i, Isa. 58:5. As ^L3p),

to Isa. 9:13; 19: 15, comp. H32. from ^> to slay, JlaS to cut the throat. Some
(3) a rope of rushes, a muzzle of reeds, like the alsohave taken it for the Gr. KaoraXog, KapraXXog,
jreek a-^oit'og, Job 40 26, compare Plin. N. H. xix. 2.:
which is used in the Septuagint for a basket, fruit-
$-* i,

JjS an unused root. Arab. ij^T' is i.q. basket, whence comes the Arab. JULj, Rabb.
j ^fr* (see ^'- ?*P")i?,
3*), to tread with the feet, to stamp; hence to wash 9
Syr. jtoN^^c, might perhaps be taken in
done by treading them with the
clothes, to full, as is
Ezra for baskets of first-fruits but this Greek word ;
feet. [Hence the following word.] seems rather itself to be of Phcenicio-Shemitic origin,
l?^ m., prob. a trough for washing, Xovri'tp, and to be from the root ?"1| to plait.
hence any laver, basin, or bowl; const. JSK Cant-7:3; " "
!^ a word of the later Hebrew,
J"1 1
J~n.rv, f. 1


Isa. 22 24; Ex. 24:6 (Arab, and Syr. an epistle, especially used of the royal epistles and
pi. niJ|X :

edicts, or those written by public authority, and sent

by a publiccourier (ayyapug) to any one, 2 Ch.3O:l.

*~ ^ m. pi. (root ^\), a word only found in This word appears to me to be from the unused word
Ezekiel, forces,army, Eze. 12:14; 17:21 38:6,9; ; V.^, which denoted one hired, specially a courier

39:4; answers the Ch. *]2?$,

to this a winy, hence ^ (see the root 13^),and which was also adopted in
prop, the wings of an army, comp. D*32? Isa. 8:8; Greek under the form ayyapoc see Schleusneri Lex. ;

in same manner is the word wings applied in

the inN.T.h.v.,Neh.2:7 9; 6:5; 17:19; 51.9:26,29.
Arabic and Chaldee: compare my Commentary on Lorsbach (Staudlins Beytr. v. p. 20) regards this
the passage cited. word as coming from the Persic; comparing the

mod'-rn Pers. ,\j\ engariden, to paint, to write;

filt,"Ug. ^jj
(the harvest), Deu. 28 39 Pro. 6:8; 10:5; comp. "H3 :
whence i^lx)' engdre, anything whatever written.
No. 2, and "13?, also Gr. aytipui. (Prob. this root has the
'K m., exhalation, or
signification, to scrape together, comp. the kindred vapour of the ground
"HJ. i
j softening the roughness of the letter ~) we whence clouds are formed, so called from surround-
have ?3X and ?7|, which are used of the rolling and ing and covering the earth like a vail.
[From the
confluence <
water.) root ~MK No. i.] This derivation is confirmed by the
s- -
(2) In the cognate languages the signification of __

Arabic, hi which j\j\, from the root jf med. Ye,

gain and profit is found (from the idea of scraping
together), also of wages as arising from that of gain; to surround (comp. 1-1K No. l), is whatever guards and
see n"l3X. Other derivatives are "H3S, ""niJtf, accord-
strengthens anything, defence, bark, vail, also atmos-
ing to most ?9^ phere. To this answers the Ch. "V* vapour. Gen. 6; :

" V: einphat. state KPn|J< Ch. an epistle, a Job 36.27.

'elter, i.
q. Heb. J"1
!?.^, which see. Ezr. 4:8, 1155:6. ! see
3X' J TO P I N E M^S :;
the Lord of lords." i.e. Jehovah
"TN by transposition of letters, i.

3HX7 used of idols, Zeph. 1 :g, comp. ?J?3.

4 w A r, which see. Only found in Hiph. inf. This word is not found in the cognate languages
3Hgn^ i Sa. a: 33 Compare especially Deu.
except in the Phoenician, in which "A^wv, "A<Wtt

(Hesych. Kvpiog) is the name of an idol [" where it it
" miracle God," from 4__ol
7N3*|X (perhaps of applied to princes, kings, and gods, see Monumen.
of Ishmael, Gen. Phoenic. p. 346." Ges. add.], and the Chaldee, in
miracle), [Adbeef], pr.n. of a son
which some traces are preserved in the pr u. 1"]^?3,

= A* ^-H^f the Lord; only used of God, Gen. 18:27;

l*^ an unused root. Arab. <^' to befall,
Jud.l3:8; Ezr. 10:3; Neh. l:ll, etc., etc. ["Chiefly
is misfortune, hence j>\ misfortune. Hence HK and (in the Pentateuch always) where God is submis-

K. 11:17; sively and reverently addressed; as in the phrases

"H*? [tfadad], pr.n. of an Edomite, l
tfl '3 Ex. 4:10,13; Jos.
7:8; TIK K|KNeh.i:ii,
who is called "HD, verse 14.
comp. Gen. 15:2; 1 8 30 32 Ex. 34 9, etc. Then

also where God is spoken of, lK.i3:io; 22:6; 2 K.

"7N an unused root, prob. denoting the same
as HTK and Hence 7:6; 19:23; Isa. 6:8; 8:7. Frequently other divine
H1JJ to pass by. 1V1S.
names are added, as nirp *3*~1S
(which the Masorites
HN \_Iddo'], pr.n. m.,
Ezr. 8:17.
write nin,J/3'~IS) Isa. 40:10; Jer. 2:22;
> *3'"I^
P"JK (from the root p^, which see. [See H No. 2.]) Dan. 9:13." Ges. add.] The termination *T is an
Suff. and in pi. defect. T^, otftg, pref. TIX3, 3'nl, older form of pluralis excellenti(s, for the common
tftM&m. lord, master. It is used (a) of a possessor, D*T (as in ^*) [see note] but for V, the lengthened

owner, i K.i6:24, "the owner of the hill Samaria." form V

has been put by the grammarians, so as to
Whence used of a master of servants, Gen. 24:14, 27 ;
distinguish it from TlX. my lords." There are
39:2,7; of kings, as lords of their subjects, Isa. 26: some, and amongst them, of late, Ewald (Heb. Gram,
13; of the husband, as lord of a wife, Gen. 1 8:1 2
p. 299), consider '31^ properly to signify " my
(comp. 7J73 and Greek Kvpiog ywuiKvc, Germ. Gijeljerr)/ lord;" so that
would be for *T, suff. l pers. pi.;
hence of God as the possessor and ruler of the world; the signification of the possessive pronoun being
Jos. 3:13, j*"}srr73 called also, KUT io\>iv,
however commonly neglected, as in the Syr. t ..; xa
P"!?'?, Ex. 23:17; and without the art. I !"!?, Ps.
and French Monsieur. In favour of their opinion
114:7; comp. '3'l. (b) of a ruler,
Gen. 45:8.
they can refer to Ps. 35:23, \3~1K! ^- ? however,
: ;

"my lord!" an address of honour to those there is this hindrance (a) that this word is never used
who are more noble, and to all to whom respect is with this very suffix, 1 pers. pi., except in a plural
due; as a father, Gen. 31 135; brother, Num. 12 :i l ;
(b) and that
sense always "my lords").
('3*"l^ is
royal consort, l K. 1 117, 18; especially to a prince Jehovah himself '3'lN.; Job 28: 28; Isa. 8:7:
king, as ^n T%
2 Sa. 14:9; l K. 3:17. Whoever
comp. verse 5; Lehrgeb. p. 524. [In Thes. Geseniuf
thus addresses another, generally says for the pro-
adopts this opinion himself, and rightly; the difficulty
noun of the second person, " my lord;" for that of as to God '?"% is fully met by the
calling himself
the first, "thy servant;" Gen. 33:8, 13, 14, 15; Job very many MSS. read n j n and ir.
fact that in '.,

44:7,9,19, V13y~nt< 7WJ 3'"18 "my lord asked his

Isa. eight do so: further, this word never takes the
sen-ants," i. e. thou askedst us. In a yet more lowly
art. even when it is almost needed, which is fully
adulation, the names of persons are spoken of with
explained by regarding the termination to include a
the addition of *3'"lt, Gen. 32 5. :
The Jews, from an over scrupulous super-
PI. D'31J$ lords, Isa. 26:13 (with a pi. verb), and stition and reverence for the name of God, when-
o with suff. *r: lords," Gen. 19:2,18.
TK? "my ever in the sacred text nVlJ occurs, read it '3^^,
Elsewhere DTIJt, 'jng (and with suff. Tr, V 7, D ?'r, which in the writers of a later age is pretty fre-
etc.), is always ;;/. excellentice, having just
the same
quently in the text; Dan. 9:3,7,8,9,15,16,19.
signification as the singular, Gen. 39:2 sqq., and on
E?"]n^ ("two heaps"), [Adoraiin], pr.n. of g
this account it is joined to a singular adjective, as
" a hard town in the tribe of Judah; 2 Oh. 11:9, comp
Isa. 19:4, nE>I3 2'3'nx. (cruel) lord ;" Gen.
n H "the lord of the land;" "A^w-xi, Jos. Arch. viii. 1O, l
[now called Dun.
44:30, 33, PS? '.?

"his \ j Rob. iii.

VPS "thy lord," K. 2:3.5,16; V3/18 ,. 4].

master;" Gen. 24:9; 39:2,3; 40:7; Dvu. 10:17,


Heb. const, state, nor plural form ; but it is very often used
[?"1$ Ch. adv. afterwards, then, i.q. TS,
collect, to denote men, the human race, Gen. 1 126,27;
'!$, prop, times, from the singular tnt? (from the root

rns 6:1 Ps. 68:19; 76:11; Job 20:29; CnN" ?? "all

rnj;, nrx to pass by); Dan. 2:15, 17, 19;

JHX3 prop.
at the same time," i.e. immediately; men," Job 21 =
33. Sometimes it is
put as a genitive
Dan. 2:14,35; 3:13,19,21,26, IP "from that n after adjectives, as D"1K ^? " the
needy of m
e n,*

time forth;" Ezr. 5:16, i.q. Heb. Tb. [But see TX.] i.e. needy men, Isa. 29:19; comp. Hos. 1 3 2 and :

with 3 between, as CHN3 E*~!?3 Pro. 23 28. Specially :

"^""1^ adj. (from the root T!^).

(l) large, very used (a) for other men, the rest of mankind, as op-
great, mighty, used of the waves of the sea; Ps.
posed to those in question; Jer. 32:20, E"]K3-1 /"lO^S
93:4; of a large ship, Isa. 33:2.1- "in Israel and in other men," Jud. 16:7; 18:28;
(2) powerful, used of kings, Ps. 136:18; of na- P S 73 5 ; I sa 43 4- (b) of
- : - : common men, as opposed
tions, Eze. 32:18; of gods, l Sa. 4:8.
to those of better condition. So E"]^? nacl) ber (^e
(3) prince, leader; pi. chiefs, nobles, 2 Ch. Job 31: 33; Hos. 6:7; Ps.
V T' ! metnen) ^cnfd)en SBetfe,
23:20; Neh. 10 30 ;D : IN^2D" a bowl of princes,"
82:7. Opposed to B*K viri (mors noble), Isa. 2:9;
i.e.precious, Jud. 5:25;
the flock," i.
JXXn 'T^N "leaders of
shepherds, D'Jp Jer. 25 34, sqq. :
5:15; Q ^
Ps. 82:7; comp. Isa. ig: 21, and in pi.
B>K "3? Ps. 49: 3, Pro. 8:4. (c) used of slaves, like
(4) magnificent, illustrious, glorious, Ps. Nu. 16:32. (d) of soldiers, Jtrtegmannfd)aft, Isa.
22:6; comp. B"i* No. l, letter (/).
(5) Applied in a moral sense, noble, excelling B^S Ecc. 7:28, "a man (i.e.
(2) a man, vir, i. q.
in good qualities, excellent; Ps. 16:3, "the saints one emphatically, worthy of the name) I have found
who are in the earth D3 'X?n^>3 'T^l, and the
one of a thousand, but a woman in all their number
excellent (thereof), all my delight is in them."
I have not found."
^ T 71^f [-4 dalia], Persic pr. n. of a son of Haman, (3) any one, Lev. l :2; with a negative particle,
list. 9:8. no one, Job 32 :2i comp. B"K No. 4.

(4) [Adam~\, pr. n. (a) of the first man made,

D jS TO BE RED, RUDDY (Arab. med. E and Gen. 2:7, seq. 3,24. In these passages at least CH^
0, and ^Eth. id. also, to be fair, handsome). Once assumes somewhat the nature of a proper name, as
found in Kal, La. 4:7, "Their princes" "were . . .
man as the only one of his kind; a
denoting the
whiter than milk, D^3?r? D^y. -irriX, their body
^3H mr
it,., \VW? Satan (Lehrg. p. 653.
Baal, lord;
was more ruddy than coral." Whiteness and rud-
654). Hence LXX. 'A^oju, Vulg. Adam. (b) a town
diness belong to the description of youthful
beauty; on the Jordan, Josh. 3: 16.
hence it is a mistake to apply the word in this ^l^ DnNH " son of
(5) D*] 13 with the art. man;" $
place as meaning clear whiteness, as Bochart in used poet, for man, Nu. 23:19; Ps. 8:5; 80:18,
Hieroz. ii. p.688, and Ludolf in Comment, ad Hist.
Job 16:21 25:6; 35:8; and very often in Ezekiel

^Eth. p. 206, although in Latin purpureus is used of 1

where the prophet is addressed by God, H ]^ J3 "son

whiteness (Hor. Od. 1,1O; comp. Voss ad Virg.
of man," i.e. mortal, Eze. 2:1,3; 3 :1 >3)4? 1O ;4 :1 6;
Georg. p. 750)- But those who defended this opinion
8:5,6,8. More frequent also is the pi. D"J^ \3? men,
would hardly have adopted had they not been
Deu. 32:8; Ps. 11:4, etc.; with the art. D*lNn 33
rather too desirous to attribute to Q^S the signi-
l Sa. 26:19; iKi.lT:39; Ps. 145:12; Ecc. 1:13;
fication of pearls.
comp. Syr. ^j^-^ "son of men," for man. [See |3. j
PUAL part. Q^NP made red, dyed red, Na, 2:4;
Ex 25:5, 35; 7 23.
- = D1X & DHX adj., ns-18, pi. D'B^K. (of the form f.

HIPHIL, to be red (probably to make oneself red), ?bj5 n?jpp, which is frequently used in the names of

Isa. l: 18. colours, Lehrg. 120, No. 21), red, ruddy, used of
HITHPAEL, to be red (as wine in a cup), to sparkle, a garment stained with blood, Isa. 63:2; of rosy
Pro. 23:31. The derivatives immediately follow; see cheeks, Cant. 5 1O of a chesnut or bay horse (gucfyS),

also D"^. Zee. 1:8; 6:2; of a red heifer, Nu. 19:2; of the
u ;V m man redness of lentiles, Gen. 25:30; subst. what is red,
(l) (perhaps so called from the
redness, Isa. loc. cit.
idea of redness,
compare D^ [" The Arabs distin-
guish two races of men; one red, ruddy, which we D1NI pr. n. (l) Edom, the son of Isaac, Jacob's
white, the other black.'" Gesen. add. But both elder twin brother, Gen. 25:25, more often called
'a-se races are sprung from Adam]). It has neither Esau
(2) the descendants of Edom, i.e. the nation of [N an unused root, pt.b. i.
q. pi Arab. ^-
the Edomites or Idumteans; and also the country med. Waw. to be lower. Hence Jl.^-
pdumoja]. The nation is called more fully \3? D"W "
[(2) transit, i.q. I"? to judge, to command, t'
Ps. 137:7; and poet. D"1X J"G "daughter of Edom," domineer. Hence fns lord, owner, master, Mtd^TO
La. 4 2 1 22 the country is more fully called
the Lord also P ^." Ges. add.]
, ;

; T
Gen. 36: 16; 21 :3l D'"l Am. l :6, and;

Gen. 32:4; Jud. 5:4. When it stands alone it pj^ \_Addari\, pr.n. of a man who returned tr

is of the masculine gender, where it denotes the

Jerusalem with Zerubbabel, Ezr. 2:59; this name i*

written in the parallel place, Neh. 7 :6l, P^S.

people, Nu. 20:20; of the feminine when it means
the land, Jer. 49:17. The country of the Edomites |"1^ m. pi. Q'?"1^; const. ^"IX a foundation.
consisted of the mountainous tract between the Dead (l) of a column, base, pedestal, Cant. 5:15; Ex.
Sea and the ^Elanitic gulf of the Red Sea, afterwards 26:19, seq.; 27:10, seq.; 36:38.
called Gebalene, rifiaXnvt], now JUs*- Jebal. (2) of a house, Job 38:6.
The gentile noun is *P*TC? an Edomite, an Idu- ^ 'N see above after P"^.
maean, Deu. 23:8; fern. IVDIX, pi. rfvp'is Idumsean lord of Bezek"), [Adoni-Bezek'],
pT^'^nN (
(women), l Ki. 11:1. the name or title of the king of the Canaanite city
D"1N m., some gem of red colour, perhaps ruby, Bezek, Jud. l =5 7.

garnet, Ex. 28:17; 39: 1O; Eze. 28:13; LXX.,Vulg.

i, Sardiiis.
pr.n. of the Canaanite king of Jerusalem; Jos. 10:1,3.
..*'*; f. naTOIS;
* Vl * *
pi. f. niEnOIK; adj.
dish, It is used Lev. 13: 19, seq. ; 14:37,
(l) a son of David who headed a sedition
in speaking of the spots of leprosy, which are de-
" against his father; l Ki. l 8, seq.; also called ""IJ31S:

scribed as being rnsniplX 0132? white, reddish."

verses; 2 Sa.3:4. (2)2 Ch.l7:8. (3)Neh.lo:i7.
(i) earth (perh. so called from being Also Ezr. 2:13, called
Q^T^ ("lord of enemies"),
red, or tawnyish [" see Credner on Joel, p. 125, seq." [Adonikam~\, comp. 8:13; Neh. 7:18.
Ges. add.]), Ex. 20:24; used of dust which mourners 1

DjT} "!^ see -in'rii* NO. 3.

put upon their heads, l Sa. 4:12; 2 Sa. 15:32.
ff1*^h*J ("lord of height"), [Adoniram~\,
(2) the ground which field, land, Gen. is tilled,

pr.n. of a man who in the reigns of David and

4:2; 47:19,22,23; Ps. 105:35; Isa. 28:24; 3nfc
nO"ltf " one who loves the Solomon, was a royal minister, i Ki. 4:6. In air,
ground," i.e. agriculture,
2 Ch. 26 10 used of the produce of the ground,
unusual manner contracted into E"ji"% \_A dorani],

2 Sa. 20:24; i Ki. 12:18, D^nD [Hadoram], 2 O
(3) land, region, cou n try, Gen. 28: 15; riyjS
n'VV " the land of Jehovah," i. e. Canaan, Isa. 14:2;
a root not used in Kal, prob. TO BE WII>E,
pi. ri'lOl^ lands, regions, once Ps. 49: 12. - $
(4) the earth, Gen. 4:11; 6:1; 7:4. (see "^N,
!!!- )> comp. ,jl to have hernia (prob. to

(5) \_Adamah~\, pr.n. of a town of the tribe of -

Naphtali, Josh. 19:36. swell out}; ,jj&\ inflated, sioelling (of the bell)).
<Tp"]N \_Admah~\, pr.n. of a town destroyed to- Kindred if "IT?. Hence, to be great, magnificen*
gether with Sodom and Gomorrah, Gen. 10: 19; 14:2, (see i^N).
8; Deu. 29:22; Hos.ii:8. NIPHIL,to be madtt great, glorious, Part.; Ex.
^10"]N & *j"]N adj. (of the form ^k"]i?), red, 15:11, and 6, n'33 'l^j n\nj yw. thy right hand.
i.e. red-haired, rotfcbaaricj/ used of Esau, Gen. 25 25 :
O God, has become great (i.e. is rendered illustrious)
of David, i Sa. 16: 12; 17:42; LXX. irvfipt'iw, in power." Yod in '"H^?. is paragogic.

Vulg. rufiu. HIPHIL, to render great, illustrious, Isa. 42:21.

The derivative nouns see under Kal, also the com-
P^S and ^m
P1?f (pr. "human"), [Adami], pr.n. of a town
of the tribe of Naphtali, Josh. 19:33. pound words
N Addar, pr.n. m., iCh.8:3-]
VP^- [Admatha], pr.n. of a certain Persian l^ the twelflli of the Hebrew months, from the
noble, Ert. 1 : 14. new moon of March, to that of April (according to
the Rabbins, from the new moon of February, to or (J) compounded of! ,t j king ^Darius), and H-*? j

that of March); 31.3:7,13; 8:12; 9:1,15,17,! appearance, figure," Ges.

add.] In value, the Daric
19,21. Greek 'A%up, l Mace. 7:43; Syriac J; equalled the Attic -^pvtrovc, in German money about
a ducat and a half [
3*'. 6d. Engl.]. These coins bea:
Arab. ,ljT, ,'JT and ,\S\, the sixth of the Syro-
the image of a foot archer kneeling. Golden (and
Macfdonian 'months. The etymology is uncertain. also silver) darics are preserved in the numismatic
Perhaps this month is so called from the flowers and
museums of Paris and Vienna ; see Eckhel, Doct.
trees b^ing so splendidly covered with leaves. [In Num. P.I. vol. III. p. 551.
add. this suggested derivation is omitted, and instead
" from n T1K
perhaps from Pers. jT fire."] , l]^ (contr. magnifi-
h. id. Ezr. 6:15.
cence of the king"), [Adrammelech~], pr.n. (i)
of an idol of the Sepharvites, brought from Mesopo-
^N see TJN "[!. tamia into Samaria, 2 Ki. 17:31.
m. prop, amplitude, wideness,laence (i) (2) a parricide son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria,
a wide cloak; Mic. 2:8, i.q. fll^. Isa. 37:38; 2Ki.^37.
(2) magnificence, whence Zee. 11 13, T??D
yi"l^ Ch. i.
q. jrn an arm, with X prosthetic,

"magnificence of the price;" a magnificent price,

Ezr. 4': 23; Heb. yJT
said ironically.
'VT!^ (" strong," from SH"!?), [j<7ret],pr.n
1^8$ Ch. a threshing floor, Dan. 2:35. Syr.
(l) of the ancient metropolis of Bashan, situated in
the territory allotted to the tribe of Manasseh, Nu.
)*), Arab. jAJi. The root is [" according to some,"
21:33; Deu. 1:4; Josh. 12:4; called by Eusebius
Ges. add.] "HJ i. q. jj to fall out, as applied to the

'Afyrtrt, by Ptolemy "Atya, by

the Arabian geogra-
grains which are beaten out from the ears in thresh-
nd seems be phers cjU ,^\ and now Di-da ; see Relandi Palest

ing ["but in Arabic .jj^ the to for

p. 547. \_Edhra,
Rob. app. p. 155.]
dd." Ges. add.].
(2) of a town in the tribe of Naphtali, Josh. 19: 37.
P*^TyY"]^ principal judges, supreme
n~ni$ ( i) prop.
fern, of the adjective I^N wide,
judges, >berrid)ter/ Dan. 3:2,3, compound of "1"1S i- q-
T1^ magnificence, greatness, and P.J3 judges comp. ;
ample (comp. &'/>?>, f. n$&) Eze. 17:8, TYTW i&| ;

" a wide
branching vine;" comp. "V^S No. 1.
(2) a cloak, so called from its being wide, 1 Ki.
N^T"]"]^ Ch.adv.~Ezr. 7 i^s, rightly, diligently, 2 Ki. 2:13,14; Jon. 3:6; "TJMt? nn^K "a
Vulg. diligenter. It can hardly be doubted that this
O O ~f ~f Babylonish cloak," Josh. 7:21, i.e. variegated with
is a Persic word, perhaps i. Pers. v^_vw J figures, or interwoven
with various colours^ having
q. ,
the figures of men and beasts; comp. Plin. viii. 48.
truly, uprightly.
tyb nTTK " a hairy cloak," i. q. a garment shaggy
p3*ng ., i Ch. 29 7 Ezr. 8:27; i.q. flDfH :
with hair (^elj)/ Gen. 25:25; Zee. 13:4.
a daric; a Persian coin made of pure gold, much
used by the Jews so long as they were subject to the (3) magnificence, splendour, Zee. 11:3.
rule of the Persians. The letter N is prosthetic, and It'
JtJ* i.q. K'-HTO THRESH, found in one pas-
28:28, -13^-IT E nX "threshing he will
the word |13T! also occurs amongst *the Rabbinical sage, Isa'.
9 =
writers. also This thresh it."
[" Compare Syr. )jcvyi-"]
word is taken from the more ancient Persian lan-
fut. 3D?* and 3D$g ;
^l pers.
guage, in which Dara, Darab, signifiesa king ;
nK Pro. 8:17; and 3HV< Hos. 14:5; inf. 3*nK Ecc.
Dang, Dergah, a royal court. If derived from the
3:8 and n3nN.
atter, it signifies pSTl of the court, with the addi- BREATHE AFTER anything.
syllable ji but if from the former, it is
tion of the
of breathing after, hence of long-

(The signification
compounded of Dara and L___ ?X
image, although no to the and with the
ing, is
proper syllables 3n, 3n,
such coins bearing the image of a king have come
letters softened, 3K, IK, comp. the roots ?3D,
down to us. [" We
can hardly doubt that the word
is kindred to the pr.n. Darius t^VTl. Others make ^^^ > . to desire, to love; >T\X and H3K to breathe

after, to be inclined.) Construed

with an accusative.
either (a) a dimin. from TTl daric, ^opt/;oyc, if

the common reading be correct in Strabo. xvi. p. 5874 ;

Ps. 40: 17; 70:5, seq.; '? Ps. ll6:l.

(a) to love (in which signification it accords with

^ % ayaTraw), construed with an ace. Gen. 37:3, 4; roots i! and
s to mouia, to grieve, like the German,

Deu. 4:37; more rarely with ? Lev. 19:18, 34, and art)/ Almost always in this connection, 'fix. nnx_
id)je n.

3 Ecc. 5:9; i Sa. 20:i7,tonx/iB>93ri3n X"he loved njn "Ah! Lord Jehovah," Josh. 7:7; Jud. 6:22,

or 'J'"IK. nnx. a Ki. 6 5, 15 it stands alone, 2 Ki. 3 10,

him as his own soul." Part. 3n'X a friend, i.e. one :

who and with a dat. Joel l 15.

loving and beloved, intimate; different from

JH a companipn, Pro. 18:24; Est. 5:10, 14; Isa. ^5"!}^ [Ahava"], pr.n. of a river, Ezr. 8:21, 31;
41:8, '?D'K '7J?* V31 "the seed of Abraham my and of a bordering region, verse 15, [But see below.]
friend." where Ezra gathered together the people about to re-
(3) to delight in anything, in doing anything; turn to their country. [" The same is probably meant
construed with a gerund of the verb; Hos. 12:8, in verse 15, where we may render, the river that '

2nN pBT? "hedelightsin oppression," or to oppress ; runneth to the Ahava.' It is hardly doubtful that
Isa.56:10; Jer. 14:10. the word prop, signifies water, aqua; comp. Sanscr. ap,
NIPHAL part. 3HX.3 to be loved, amiable, 2 Sam. Pers. ab, Goth, ahva, Lat. aqua. It is hard to say what
river is meant; possibly the Euphrates, which was
PIEL part. 3HXO. (l) a friend, Zee. 13:6. called car' fE,o\{)v '
the river,' comp. "in|n." Ges. add.]
(2) a lover, especially in a bad sense; one given to TlHNI perhaps *l-inx
i.q. ("joining together"),
licentious intercourse, a debauchee, Eze. 16:33, seq.;
[Ehud], pr.n. (l) of a Hebrew judge, Jud. 3: 15,
93:5, seq. Always thus used, metaph. of idolaters. sq. 4:1; LXX. 'AwS. (2) l Ch. 7:10.
[Hence the following words.]
^^? This word which is elsewhere,
Hos. 13:10.
^H&S only in pi. D*3nX (i) loves, specially in root HVl, is here the same as
l fut. apoc. from the
a bad sense amours, amourettes, Siebfcfyaften. Tropically
""!.'$?, *$
iv here? unless perhaps there is a false reading
used, of fellowship entered into with foreign [idola- from verses 7, 14, and we ought to read n'X. Render
trous] nations, Hos. 8:9. it X1DX n " where then is
thy king?" and
(2) delight, Pro. 5:19, D'Zng rb'K "hind of X1SX *HX ivhere then;
join the words very closely,
delight," i.e. most pleasant, most lovely. this word ought clearly
[see also verse 14; where
jntf rn. love ; in sing, once for lovers, paramours, to be taken as an interrog. part, see l Cor. 15:55.
Hos. 9:lO; B'ZinX loves, " Ewald regards word (Gr.
(LXX. ol
jfyaTrr/ju/froi;) pi. this 444) as compounded
especially, illicit, licentious, Pro. 7:18. from X (i.q. rj) and *n i.e. hie, here ; comp. ^Ethiop
rUHNI f. (i) Inf. fern. gen. of the verb 3HX. With UP; there; HP; here, hither. So, too, Hupfeld.''
Ges. add.]
56:6, 'mrv DtTDX rnnx ? to love

Lamed pref. Isa.

thenameof Jehovah," Deu. 10:15; 11:13,22; Josh.

/nX (0 perhaps i.
q. ^?n J^ TO BE BRIGHT,
8:5; 23:11; with 3 i Ki. 10:9, VIX mrv naqx? II H
" for
the love of Jehovah towards Israel." In TO SHINE, by interchange of the verbs XS & yy.
the same sense with the prefix ? Hos. 3:1; and IP Hence ?n'X so called from its shining vibrating ap-
Deu. 7:8, D3rig nin; ruqxp. "because that Jehovah pearance. See Hi ph.
loveth you." (a) denom. from ^K, to move one's tent, used of

(a) love, specially as between the sexes, Cant. wandering nomades, sometimes pitching their tents,
8:4; 5:8; 8:6,7; of God towards men, Hos. 3 : l ;
Gen. 13:12, sometimes removing them, Gen. 13:18.
of friends towards one another, l Sa. 18:3.
(3) love, delight, concr. of abeloved female, Cant. movens tabernaculum suum.
* '7? 3 5? an d so perhaps also verse 10 PIEL fut. ?DX' contr. ^H! i.q. Kal No. a, to pitch
["where :

others take it as an adj. lovely""]. a tent; Isa. 13:20. Comp. *!?*? for pi?xp.

HIFHIL, i.q. Kal No. i, to shine, probably lanj

an unused root, i.q. ^X to be joined mbreiten/ to give light; Job 25:5, 7*^!"X71. rrv~"lj? jn
together, hence "Mng and "behold even the moon, and it shineth not," i.e.
"1^^ [Ohad~\, pr. n. of a 8on of Simeon, Gen. it not pure, clean in the sight of God.
is Jerome
46:10. eccc! luna etiam non splendet. LXX. VVK iintyavaKn.
[Derivatives, the following words.]
ln inter] of lamentation, from the sound
o i /riX with suffix YV]^> V*?9 (ohfikhd), with n
uttered, AH! ILAS! comp. Arab. aT, >U,
whence the parag. ?*; pi. D^nK (by a Syriacism, for DY^$

Lehrg. p. 152,572); with pref. 07^3 Jud. 8:ll;

an unused and uncertain root. Hence
Jer.35:7, 10 const. ^HK, with
; suff. vJ>HK,
^n'K [" perhaps"]
. DD^nK.
(1) a fenJ, a tabernacle, Gen. 9:27, etc.; ?HK P"^D^ pr.n. (perhaps i.q. fl"

? mountainous, comp
1J?1D " the tent of the Arab. ^;j^), Aaron, the elder brother of Moses,
congregation," commonly called
the tabernacle of the covenant, i. e. the moveable and Ex. 6 20 7:7; consecrated high priest by his bro-

portable temple of the Israelites in the desert, which ther, Ex. 29; Lev. 8; fnnK \3| sons of Aaron,"
is described Ex. 26 and 36; called also Josh. 21:4, 10, 13; and poet. |VVJK J"l'3 "the house
simply ^OK?
l K. i :
39. With regard to the tabernacle, when of Aaron," Psal. 115: 10,12 ; 118:3; use d f r the
^>K .is distinguished from !?^P, 'QK is the outer priests, just as Aaron, Ps. 1 33 2, is used for any high

covering of the tent, of twelve cm-tains of goats' hair, priest.

placed above the dwelling-place (ff^O), i.e. ten in-
ifr? const, st. is (a noun of the form IX, IfJ, from
terior curtains which rested on the boards, Ex. 26:1,
the root H1X to will).
7; 36:8,14,19.
(1) prop, will, desire. It occurs once as a sub-
(2) a house, or habitation of any kind; Isa.
stantive, Pro. 31 :4, in n'm, when- it should be pro-
l6:5, n ^? s "the house of David;" i Ki. 8:66;
n nounced 5
IK " and the desire of strong
I??? E^fy-1
Jer. 4:20; Lam. 2:4. Poet. Ps. 132:3, K3K DK
JT3 7HS3 "I will not enter into the habitation
drink (does not become) princes." np: "'3??' *K (it
does not become to say) "where is strong drink?"
of my house."
(2) free will, choice (SSille/ 2Baf)l)/ hence conj.
(3) Specially of the temple, Eze. 41 : i. that which gives the power of choosing this or that,
(4) [Oh el], pr.n. of a son of Zerubbabel, 1 Ch.
or, like vel (and the word abbreviated from it, t?e),
from vdle (Arab. HS'lD IK nitf a
^f). Deu.i3:2,
"Vfl [AholaJi], pr.n. of a harlot, used by Eze-
sin or portent;" Job 3: 15; 2 K. 2 D*"inn "IHK?
16, :

kiel the prophet to denote

Samaria, Eze. 23:4, seq. "
" mSJJn TnX3 is into some mountain or valley."
pr. (she has) her own tent." r6ns i s written for When doubled, whether, or; Lev. 5: l, JJT IK IK
a .IK"}
?V$ with the omission of Mappik. "whether he hath seen or known;" Ex. 21:31.
Sometimes it intensifies the expression; or rather,
SN/W ("father's tent"), \_Aholiab~], pr.n. of
l Sam. 29 3,
" who has been with me now
an artificer, Ex. 31:6; 35 34. :

days, D^S? HJ
IK or rather years;" (so t\ in Arabic,
"^V0$ [Aholibah'], pr.n. of a harlot, used Eze. o
23:4, sqq. as a symbol of the kingdom of Judah which they explain Jj). Sometimes ellipt. used for
given up to
"my tent in her," H3 for
idolatry; pr. *? IK ober (e fei)) ba^/ ober (e8 mufjte fein) ba^/ or (be
it) that, or (it must be) that, followed by a future
subjunctive in Latin it may be rendered nisi
/tHJ ("tent of the high place"), [Aho- G*

libamah'], pr.n. of a wife of Esau, Gen. 36: 2, 14, and

forte; (comp. Arab. t \ followed by fut. nasb., ellipt
of an Edomite tribe of the same name
(verse 14). G. C. G.* -6

for ^ *\ which they explain ^} ^ unless). Isa.

7TO Nu. 24 6 Pro. 7:17, and nftng
; Ps 45 . :
9 ;

Cant. \*
4:14; pi. a kind of odoriferous Indian
tree, 27:5, "I would burn them altogether; MJH?3 pn.1
in Greek or else let them (unless they) take hold of my
dyaXXo^ov, in later writers frXaXdr/, also
called lignum Lev. 26:41; Eze.
aloes, by the moderns aloes, also lignum strength," ober fte mufjte benn$
parodist and lignum aquilce : Exccecaria Agallocha, 21 15.: Hence it becomes
Linn.; see Diosc. lib. i. 2 1 . The Hebrew name of (3) a conditional particle, prop, if one choose, if, if
the tree, as well as the which in
Greek, comes from its Indian perhaps, but if; (LXX. iav,) comp. Lat. sive,
name aghil ["the r ^1
being softened into /." Ges. add.],
Sanscr. agaru and si conditional is included. (Also the Arabic A it
aguru [" also agarukam"] ; see
in Hierob. torn. i.
Jdsius ^135170;
Wilson's often explained by the Grammarians ^.) So foll<m-
Sanscrit The Portuguese by mis-
Dictionary, p. 5.
take called it
formerly aquilce lignum. [" Hence they ed by a fut. i Sam. 2O:io, " who will shew me, tot
appear to have heard a form agulu or the
o if thy father should answer th

anything harshly ;" LXX. tav; Vulg. siforte. (Wirier | from the earth." LXX. almost always render
tries o show more than from the context can be cor- !

by i-yyaffrpipvdot, ventriloquists, and correctly; be-

reel i i this passage, in endeavouring to defend the cause ventriloquists amongst the ancients, commonlj
common disjunctive power, in Lex. p. 6.) Ex. 81 '.36, abused this art of inward speaking for magical pur-
Kin H33 -te> '? yva is " if indeed it were known that poses. How then could it be that the name Hebrew
the ox was apt to push;" LXX. tav &'; Vitlg. am word should express a bottle, and a ventriloquist?
outer/i. Lev. 4:23, a8; 2 Sam. 18:13. (Without a Apparently from the magician, when possessed with
" Let the maiden remain with the daemon, being as it were, a bottle or vessel, an**
verb, Gen. 24:55, us,
"NET? te D'D^ some e. some time), if sheath of this python. [See Acts 16:16.]
days (i. perhaps
she wish to remain ten," etne Tfnjabl J&ige, twnn fie ett> a
LXX. ;/pac StVa dies saltern
("bottles"), [OoofA], pr.n. of a station
jcfyn wollte. ; Vulg. of the Israelites in the desert, Nu. 21 :1O; 33:43; to
decem. In this example also, the proper power of
" be sought about the land of the Edomites, not fat
choice remains, nor can it be well
explained, many from Moab.
days, or at least ten."
" [Obit], l Ch. 27 :3O, pr.n. of an Ishmaelite
(pTOb. w i 1 1 of G o d," from 1, t, root m), who had the charge of David's camels. It denotes
[Uef], pr.n., Ezr. 10:34.
prop, one who is set over camels, like tlie Arab.
S S- S^
an unused root, Arab. for
and J from Jj^ camels. The form ?^K i
for ??1K, like Tpm for ^IPW, Ps. 16:5.
(i) to return, also to come f o one's senses, whence
s *$ (from the root /?*) and 738 m., a stream,
i__;!.! resipiscens. a river; found in only one passage, Dan. 8:2, 3, G.
(a) to se, as the sun.
(3) to come by night, especially to seek for water.
11K & H^K an unused root. (l) to bend, to
s & s .*

Conj. V, "VIII, id., t^f\j\ (not <_>bl which misprint inflect (Arab. S\ med. Waw) ; hence, to turn, to

turn to turn see subst. T-1. n'niX;

of the first edition of my Lexicon, has been copied about, over,

a water-bearer (Kam. p. 46 not uter, also to gird, tosurround, see "W. With this
by Winer) ; ;

a bottle, as in Golius). In Hebrew, hence agree my

and ^Eth. ft^ST; [this
last is omitted in
Amer. Trans.]. Hence
rulK masc. (as to the gender of the
(2) to load, to press down, as a burden, whence
pi. Job 33 19).
see :

(l) a bottle, so called from carrying water; see
heavy, troublesome ; *y a load, a weight; <-^'U
the root No. 3. Used of wine bottles Job loc. cit. ;

J3 D*enq ntofc? like new bottles" i.e. full of new misfortune, ills, with which any one is pressed down ;

wine " (which) burst." see T.

(a) viKpopaiTtf or vEKvoparnc, i.e. a soothsayer,
-i -i
who evokes the manes of the dead by the power of (3) i.
q. jU for jj\ to be
strong, robust, Conj.H.
s_ s <,

incantations and magical songs, in order to give to strengthen, to aid; jjl and jl strength, might,
ansAvers as to future or doubtful things
comp. i Sa. power, whence the Hebrew 1NO; comp. i"lE'|5 and

28:7; 8:19; 29:4; Deut. l8:ll; 2 Ki. 21:6;

other verbs which have the notions of weight and
3 Ch. 33:6. PI. rvQK Lev. 19:31; 2O:6; l Sam.
strength conjoined.
28:3, 9; 8:19; 19:3. Specially, it denotes
a python, or a soothsaying daemon, of which these men "flX m., a wooden
poker, so called from the fire
being stirred with it; see "NX No. 1. [" hence, any
were believed to be possessed; Lev. 20:27, 1N ^^
SIX DH3 nVP 3 HK a man or woman when
; burnt wood, a firebrand," Ges. add.] ; Zee. 3:8; Isa.
a python is in them;" l Sam. 28:8, 21K3 ^ KrODjJ 7:4; Am. 4: 11. Syr. and Ch. id.
["others make it,

" divine to me
by the familiarspiri t," whence such i.
q ^ wood," Ges. add.].
a sorceress is called 318 n?J/3 riV"K " a woman in whom see the root No. l,
pi. prop, turnings;
isa soothsaying daemon," l Sa. 28:7, 8. (b) the. dead whence causes, circumstances, Umfldnbe, reason*,
person himself raisedvp;^jlYlp^gO 21X ? n

''and thy voice shall 1 e as of a dead man cause, from the root 3?D to
arising affairs; comp.

shall mark out for

you ^ lie borders);" comp. verse*
turn, to turn rc"uid; J>- way, manner, cause, from
7, 8, where same context there is found in
in the
to be turned; Germ, um for rcegen $ ???? on LXX. and Syr. in all three
,JU- ?-in the future 0?^ -IKrUjl.
account of, from 7?3. It is only used in the phrase
places, KarafiErpiifftre, .o
v> A .f
yc shall bound, limit. f

ni"liS'7y i. q. "Q'n hy., *"1.?*1 ?y_ on account of the

causes, i.e. on account of, Gen. 21 11,25; 26:32; :
(from the root HJN No. T, 2). (l) <ZetV,
Ex. 18: 8, and with suff. 'nilix for sake, Josh. ^ my lust; used of desire of food, Deu. 12:15,20,21;
18:6; of sexual desire, Jer. 2 24. :

14:6. ~C'$ n'n'S'73 7JJ "for these very causes that,"

roeil/ Jer. 3:8. As to the reading of the (2) pleasure, will, i Sa. 23:20. Always applied
gerabe bcSfyalb
to the soul (^?3), except Hosea 10: 10.
editions in 2 Sa. 13:16, nilis?N it appears to have .

arisen from the blending of two readings, the one

nniK ^s, the other nniK hy..
(prob. i.q.
of a man, Neh. 3 25. :
% ny "robust"), [Z7*afj, pr.

I. '>;*? a root not used in Kal.

Properly, TO t/"^aZ], Gen. 10:27; one of the descendants
BEND, TO INFLECT, comp. HJV; whence of Joktan, but here taken in a geographical sense,
(l) to turn aside, to turn aside to lodge, to a city or region of the Joktanite Arabs, afterward
called Sanaa, which is the metropolis of the kingdom
dwell, i.q.
Arab. i_>j' Conj. L H. ot< dwelling, see of Yemen. See Bocharti Phaleg. J. D. Mi-
ii, 21;
the derivative *^.
chaelis, Spicil. Geogr. Hebr. ext. torn. ii.
p. 164, sqq.
(a) i.q. Arab. ^.1 to have an inclination, to de-
[" Autger's Hist. Jemense, p. 217."]
long for; see Pi. Hithp., and comp. fQH.
sire, to

^ ("desire," or "habitation," i.q. ), [Evi\
Num. 31:8; Josh. 13:31
Cognate roots are aveo, and Arab, to de- pr.n. of a Midianitish king ;

^^ (comp. H1X No.IT). (i) subst. lamentation,

desire, to wish for;
Pro. 2 1 :

l o,

q. Kal No.
nWK yen B^
2, to
the soul of the wicked
Prov. 23:29, fag
who hath
V ^IN "who hath lamen- ^
tation, misery?" [" want"].
Jesireth evil."
Always applied to the soul (^9?),
(a) of lamentation, alas ! with a dat.
(2) interj.
Deu. 12:20; 14:26; Job 23: 13; iSa.2:i6; 2 Sa. l 4:8; Isa. 3:9; 6:5; rarely with an ace. Eze.
3:21, except the instances, Ps.l32:l3, 14. Isa. 26:9.
24 6, 9 and absol. Num. 24 23.
: of threatening :

l^h TTO T?3 "my soul, i.e. I desire thee in

; (ft)
and imprecating, Num. 21 129. Cognate is *in.
the night." Comp. T'PJJ for followed l
I, by pers.,
Sen. 44:32. i.
q. MX, Ps. 120:5, const, with a dat.
HITHPAEL HJXnn fut. apoc. (Pro. 23 3,6), i. q.
Pi. but pr. to desire, wish, for oneself. Const, absol.
WW :

7*1*5 p1 - D ^m -

(i)a fool, foolish, either as an adj. ?*1S ^N Pro.

root 71-*?)-

l Ch.
11:17; with an ace. Deu. 5:18; Jer. 17:16;
nixn n-JK^n prop, "to 29:9; Hos. 9:7, or as is more often the case, as a
with a dat. Pro. 23:3, 6.
subst. Job 5 2 Isa. 19:11; 35:8; Pro. 7:22; 1O:
desire a desire," burn with desire, to lust
i.e. to
14; 11:29; 1 4 3i I 5 5'i opposed to the prudent
: :

after, Num. 11:4; Ps. 106:14. There is this dif-

(D-liy), Pro. 12 l6,and to the wise (D3H), Pro. 10:14:

ference between Piel and Hithpael, that the latter is

never joined, the former [almost] always to the
(2) it includes the notion of impiety, Job 5:3.
subst. ^33. The derived nouns, besides those which
follow, are IN constr. i, 'K No. I, f !$ i<i. with the termination belonging to adj
as if n&rrtfdv foolish, Zee. 11:15.
II. *]*!? an unused root, but onomatop. to

I 'P ^ J^f [Evil-merodach'], pr.n. of a king

koivl, to cry out; Arab. ^..c. to howl as a dog, *|

of Babylon, who at length liberated Jehoiachin king

wolf, or jackal see ""IN, ^.;
of Judah, who had been long held in captivity by
ITI. nj2) appears necessary to defend the
Tt Nebuchadnezzar, 2 Ki. 25:27; Jer. 52:31. He suc-
power of, to mark,
to designate, to describe, as ceeded Nebuchadnezzar in his dominion, and held
belonging to this root, as found in HKri and rnn ; it, according to Berosus (in Jos. c. Ap. i. 20) for two

comp. rqx, njx, 25*ri to long for. This signification years. As to the signification, TIIP (whict see) is
is manifest both in the noun
Jl'lS (for
ni.X) a mark, the name of a Babylonian idol, and ? 1^. in Hebrew <I

and in the words, Num. 34:10, DrWXnn 0?^ "ye signifies fool ; but it may bp taken for granted tha*
some other noun of Assyrian or Persian origin is shall devour it ;
Jer. 2 1 : 2 . In like manner. Arah
-- *-
it, which the Jews moulded so
concealed in as to re-
semble their own language; perhaps pleasing them- JjI and Ou perhaps, prc-o. is ob ntdjt/ ellipt. As to
selves in calling, for the sake of derision, the king of and various forms and use,
" the f o o 1
etymology, for ^, its
their oppressors, (worshipper) of Merodach." see de Sucy, Gramm. Arab. I, 867, and the note there.
Yet more corresponding are the Talmudic particles
i^ with Vav moveable; an unused root, i.
q. NSu' and NOT ><: prop, ichether or no, also whether
foolish, prop, to be perverse, (comp.
to be

Pirke Aboth 2:4, "say not,

perliaps, if perhaps, e.g.
die kindred ty and even ^X), whence ^1.N *^)
when have leisure, I will learn; perhaps (NDE )
I ;

foolish, n^S folly.

thou wilt not have leisure." Berach. 2:1,9; also Q'NC
/HN & / i> a root not used as a verb, but of "what if?" "perhaps," which is read for the Hebr.
wide extent in the derivatives. The primary notion ^1N Isa. 47:12.
is, TO noLL,.as in the kindred 5*1, ^J,7*|, 7:?3; comp. H. ?W
Ulai, pr.n. of a river of Susiana, empty-
n'X/w, eiXviii, tXXw, and the remarks below under ing the Euphrates and Tigris, after their
itself into
the root <v3 whence ??X a ram, so called from its
; Gr. Choaspes, now called Kerah; Dan.
twisted and curled horns. Also 71S belly, abdomen.
8:2; see Herod, v. 49; Plin. N. H. vi. 27, 31;
Applied Ker Porter's Travels, vol. ii.
p. 412, and map.
(2) to strength and power (comp. >in &
whence ?X strong, God n^S terebinth
; (as if "robust pi (with Kametz impure), pi.
fv>? oak; also T',
rv6?$ aid. root ^."IN No. 3, iproip. front; hence (l) vestibule,
tree"); strength,
The notion of strength and power is portico l Ki. 7:6, seq.; Eze. 40:7, sqq.
applied (9Sort)QlIe)/
- $
Specially applied to the porch erected to the east of
(3) to pre-eminence, whence Arab. JJ to precede, Solomon's temple; Gr. 6 Trpeiraoe, l Ki. 6:3; Joel 2:

first li
17; more fully njrP. D^IS, 2 Ch. 15:8; 29:17. As to
go before, .\ t \ (properly princeps,
the height of this porch, which is said to have been a
comp. Hebr. ?K*. Hence D ylK, Dy^N powerful ones, hundred and twenty cubits high, 2 Ch. 3:4, see the
leaders D7-1X the front, adv. in front, subst. vestibule
; ;
treatise of A. Hirt (Der Tempel Salomo's, Berlin,
??K No. 2, and DTX a projection of a building; rWN
1819, p. 26).
No. 3, pre-eminence.
(2) adv. prop, in front, hence opposite, and
7^ m. (l) belly, body, abdomen, so called from tropically strongly adversative particle ; but, but
s i s_ inched, ov pi)r 2t o\\a, as well given by the LXX.,
its roundness ;
see the root No. 1 ;
A \ . Ps.
Job 2:555:8; 13:3. More often also D7-1N) LXX. ;

73:4 ol> & dXXa, Gen. 48:19; Ex.g::6; Jobi:il;

pLpotcerful ones, i.e. leaders, 2 Ki. 24:15;
12:7; 33 :1 - Where two adversative propositions
In ITO, "^C 1
s "the leaders of the land."
follow each other, as in Germ. aber...unb/ in Hebrew
np has the common form y^. The root ^K No. 2
an adversative particle is repeated D7-1K1 D>1K, . . .

and No. both significations of the verb being united

3, Job 13: 3, 4; comp. *?1 ...'?. Once, Job 17:10, it is
in this word.
written D?X, where some copies incorrectly have D?N.
I. MK comp. of to and ^ = ^>, *6, b6 not, It may be inquired by the learned, wh*!her this
as well as y-1N, be regarded as
comp. TX, *%b. particle may not,
i ?

if n o t, u n less ; so once in a passage with which

compounded of *K =: ^X whether, and D? Jj*
Winer has of late rashly meddled, Num. 22:33, o
'39O nnt33 ^X "unless she had turned from J not, in this sense "but I do not know who the J
13} my
face,I would have slain thee;" LXX. ci Aben or not," ictlftd)t flber. This conjecture certainly
Ezra rightly TO seems to be confirmed by the Syriac word
(2);AcfAernof, ob ntdjt/ hence ellipt. (who knows,
prob. to be read Jjii^o), which
Castell. (Lex. Syi.
be) whether not, i.e. perhaps.
may Used to ex-
press doubt, fear, Gen. 24 5 27:12; Josh. 9:7; also :
; p. 16, ed. Mich.) explains, ) viNy /orscrn, verwn.'

hope, Gen. 16: ; Am. 5:15; Hos. 8:7, "the stalk I have not, however, found instances of it.

ibJl yield no meal, W$3! D*Tf nfe^! ^>1K perhaps (3) [tffam], pr.n. m. (a) l Ch. 7: 16. '&) 8:
t ihall
yield (if by chance it
yield), the enemies 39, 40.

(l) folly (from the root 71*). Very fre-
vain, Isa 41:29 Zee. 10:2 specially used of the
; ;

vanity of and of all things pertaining to idolatry

quently in the Proverbs, as, 5:23; 12:23; i?:i6; idols,

J4=7> 18,29; 15=2,14,21. (comp. ?3Q)> l Sa. 15:23, and even of the idols

themselves, Isa. 66:3. Hence

Hose;, the city in
(2) impiety, Ps. 38:6; comp. ""933, 69:6. " house of
as from the
7&?~n''3 God," as being devoted '> idols, is
(3) perhaps power, pre-em i n e nee; called in contempt J1X~JV3 "house of idols," Hos.
root ?-1N No. 2, 3, Pro. 14:24, Jy 1X
: Dv^pl) nHX
"the pre-eminence 4:15; 10:5. To this should also be referred (a)
(or great honours) of fools
are folly," i.e. a fountain of foolish actions. The 11? nyj53 "the valley of the idol," Amos 1:5; i.e.
some valley near the city of Damascus. (b) 1.1? for jix
writer appears to have on the double signifi-played
cation of the word Heliopolis, Eze. 30: 17, with the notion of city of ido-
latry. Specially it is
(perhaps "eloquent, talkative," Syr. (2) vanity of words, falsehood, fraud (galfd)feit)
Ps. 36:4; Pro. 17:4.
, [Omar], pr.n. m., Gen. 36:11.
(3) wickedness, iniquity, Num.
N but widely extended;
unused roots, 23:21;
Job 36:21; Isa. 1:13; |1*PK'3S, |l?"rit;j
having prop, the signification of NOTHING, and NE- "wicked men," Job 22:15; 34=36; IJ? ^>&2
s- s.

and "workers of iniquity," Job 31:3; 34:8, 22. In

G A TI ON. ["Like 8-13 its cognate forms, as \j\j
pLD'JlK Pro.ll:7, probably for }.}? *E??K according
<UJ to hinder, V3O, JXO," Ges. add.] This, in very toLXX., Syr., Arab., Chald.
many languages is
expressed by the letter n ; comp.
(4) misfortune, adverse circumstances, ca-
Sanscr. na, no, an, and a privative; Pers. &\, \\ Zend

lamity, Unveil; Psa. 55:4, "they cast calamity

and Copt, an; Gr. in and occu; "
upon me." Pro. 22:8, he who sows iniquity, shall
vij vrfiriog, vrj/^cprijc,

Lat. ne, nemo, non also in, privative, prefixed to ad-

reap calamities." 90:10; Job 15:35; Hab.
jectives Germ, me, netn/ and vulgar ne ; also ofyne and "
Specially, sorrow, Gen. 35:18, '?1X'f? son of
r.n/privative, prefixed to adjectives; Eng. no; also s o r r o w," mcin D'OIX Dn? "
bread of
the Phcenicio-Shemitic and Greek verbs |K, 1?3O
my cfytterjenSjotjn 5
sorrow," e. the food of mourners, which was un-

aJu; [given above, and Gr.] cYwuVo/mt somewhat ;

clean, Hos. 9:4; comp. Deu. 26: 14. Care must be
more rarely by the cognate letters M (Sansc. ma, taken by learners not to confound }.]? with suffixes
Gr. fi^) and L (*6, *6, !?, '!?, ^, ^, ft*). Hence with |1X with which it corresponds in form.
t?N, r$ nothing, not, }JK emptiness. The idea of
jiw m. (from the root f-1X No. 3, 4), faculty,
nothing applied
ability, hence (i) strength, power, Job 18:7,
(l) to vanity, hence to falsehood and wicked-
12; 40:16; Hos. 12:9; specially of virile and genital
ness; see IJK No. 2, 3; it is said in Germ. e$ tft ntcfytS
power, }1Sn TVK'&O "first fruits of strength," first-
baran/ nidbtS an it>m compare Lat. AOTWO nequam.

born, Gen. 49:3; Deu. 21:17; Psa. 105:36: pi.

() tightness (comp. }-in) and easiness;
D"3iX Isa.40:26, 29; Ps. 78:51.
(3) these are applied to living at ease (Arab.
j?o; (2) substance, wealth (23ermogen)/ Hos. 12:9;
to live easily, smoothly), riches, Job 20: 10.
.^.\ ease, rest, ^|
v;ealth (see fltf, fin), and on the other hand a (3) [On], pr.n. m. Num. 16:1.
troublesome called gravis, heavy (befcfjroerlid) ;
life is
II. [On], Gen. 41:50, and f'K
Gen. 41:45;
comp. 1*D^|, nt?j3); also jitf
46 2O : a domestic pr. n. of an ancient city of Egypt,

(4) to ease, ability of doing anything; see flN

Eze. 30:17, written 1.1? (see that word, No. 1. i); call-
No. 2.
" to be deficient in ed also by the Hebrews from a translation of the
[Also (5), strength, debilitated,
name &QV 1"T3 Jer.
43 1 3 :
; by the Greeks, Kelio-
exhausted. Arab.
T med. Ye, to be weak, exhausted ;
polis ; by the Arabs, .^^t, .
^ i.e. fountain of the

sun. In the Coptic books

constantly called OJU,
it is
,j' weariness, trouble, sorrow. Hence 1)8 No. 4,
and it can hardly be doubted that in the ancienv
Bi13 labours," Ges. add.]
language this signified light, especially the sun. In
H.^ m. with suff. ^>, D?1K Jer. 4:14; Ps. 94: 23 ; the more modern Egyptian, some rightly compare
D'3'lX Pro. 11:7; from the root which see.
pi. j-itf oreiu, oeiu, oriomi, Peyron, Lex.
light; [" see
This stood on the eastern shore of the
( l) emptiness, vanity, also something empty and p. 273"]. city

Nita, a few miles to the nort\ of Memphis, and was 29)

celebrated for the worship ana 'he temple of the sun Now (XH|i|> is, accoi'ding to the ancient Coptic lexi-
(Diod.i.85; Herod, ii. 59), and tu the obelisks, which cographers ["whose authority however is not verj
in part are even now in existence. Traces of the ancient great"], the Coptic name for India. Further, there
city, are now called _*-i .,* [" 'Ain Shems"], and
is found a
place in India, from the name of which both
the modern adjacent village, Matarie comp. Descrip- ; Ophira and Sophira may be easily explained namely ;

tion de 1'Egypte, Antiquites, vol. v. pi. 26, 27. SouTTUjoa, called by Arrian Ov7T7ra|ua, situated in the
nearer Chersonese, v/Lere there is now the celebrated
13iX ("strong,"for jijis), \_0no~\, pr.n.of atownof
the Benjamites, Ezr. 2 33 Neh. 7:37; 1 1 35 l Ch.
emporium of Goa this place is mentioned by Ptolemy,

Ammianus, and Abulfeda. Equally high authorities

8:12; with a valley of the same name, Neh. 6:2.
contend for Arabia, which has been the opinion held
aCh. 8: 18, in aro for S ships;
by many of the moderns, as Michaelis (Spicil. ii.
with Vav, redundant mater lectionis. Gosselin ; Vincent ; Bredow (Hist. Unters.
p. 1 84, seq. ) ;

U. H. Seetzen, and others.

Th. Chr. Tychsen
("strong"), [Onawi], pr.n. m.
(l) Gen. 253) ; ;

36:23. (2) iCh. 2:26. And, in the first place, Ophir, Gen. 10:29, is men-
tioned in the midst of other Joktanite regions, which,
l^lfcN (id.), [Onare], pr.n.
of a son of Judah, Gen.
as far as is known to us, are all to be sought for in
38:9; 46:12; Nu. 26:19. southern Arabia; it stands enumerated between Sa-

Uphaz, pr.n. of a region producing gold, Jer. basa and Havilah, both of them rich in gold. It

10:9; Dan. 10:5. As the letters T and T are also cannot however be denied, that even though Ophii
elsewhere interchanged (as in PJ3 and P"}| lightning, were more remote, and were situated in India, it might
.^ and t.^ to boast, to glory), TQ1X seems to be cor- in the pedigrees be referred to the same stock, the
people springing from a Joktanite colony. Also, of
rupted from "V?iS.
the articles above-mentioned, some only, namely gems
TfliK, "iSiN, T3K pr .n. Ophir, a very celebrated and apes, are found in Arabia, and that country is
region abounding in gold the sailors of Solomon
; now wholly destitute of gold. But some particidar
went thither, together with the Phoenicians, from the
regions of Arabia formerly abounded in gold, and that
ports of the ^Elanitic gulf, and brought thence every native, and unsuielted, as is mentioned both by the Old
three years, gold, precious stones, and sandal wood, Testament writers, Nu. 31:22; Jud. 8 24, 26 Ps. 72 : :

lKi.9:28; 10:11; 2Ch.8:i8; 9:10. According 15, and Diodorus, ii. 50; iii. 44, 47 compare under ;

to l Ki. 10: 22 (where Ophir is also to be understood, the word TD13 ; Agatharchides (ap. Phot. cod. 250);
although not mentioned by name), silver also, ivory, Artemidorus (ap. Strab.xvi.4, 22); Pliny, vi. 28,32,
" The
apes, and peacocks were brought thence. gold who ought not rashly to be doubted; for the mines
of O p h i r" is very often mentioned in the Old Testa-
may be exhausted and altogether neglected, as in
ment, as Job 28:16; Ps. 45:10; Isa. 13:12; l Ch.29: Spain, or the globules of native gold formerly found
4; once even "VD1K is put for the gold of Ophir, Job in the sand may have failed. Also, Ophir is expressly
22:24. mentioned as an island of Arabia by Eupolemus (ap.
As to the situation of Ophir, various opinions have is now a place
Euseb. praep. evang. ix. 30) and there

Ijeen formed. The moderns, however, have mostly Oman, two miles in-
called Ophir, in the district of
it to be in one of two
supposed regions, India, or some land of the city Sohar.
part of Arabia. And that we should seek for Ophir However be (for we cannot here exhaus;
in India, as among the ancients was Jc-
supposed by the whole discussion), either of these opinions has
sephus, Arch. viii. 6, 4 ; among the moderns, by much more appearance of correctness than that cf
Vitringa, Keland, and others, is sought to be main- those who understandthe eastern part of Africa, viz.
tained by these arguments: First, the Indian regions and Sofala of the Arabs (now Zariguebar,
abound with the above-mentioned commodities; and
Mozambique, where there is a region that produces gold
several of them, as ivory and sandal wood, are
only called Fura\ which after Grotius and Huet has been
found in India: and the words used for apes and so held by d'Anville, Bruce, Schulthess and others.
peacocks, altogether agree with those used in India
on the Malabar coast, and they are no doubt taken m. const, fate; pi. D'JQiK a wheel, Ex. 14:25,
" and he turns the
thence (see *\1p, p'!?^). Also, the LXX. translators etc.; Pro. 20:26, |WK Dn!?J! 1V$
have put for "PS'* always (except one place, Gen. 10: wheel (of his threshing wain) upon them," i e M

treads on the^ and tramples them small ; comp. (3) to kindle, Mai. 1:10; Isa. 27:11 (comp. Eng
Root 19X. - &
to light and TlX fire). Arab. ,.\ to kin He. Hence
(I)TC URGE, TO PKESsanyone ON (comp. are derived the following words, and also "OXD and
Ch. l'X Cognate roots, both in sound and in signifi-

cation, are Y?K, VC ?, r^3 comp. Gr. TTI^W), Ex. 5:13.


m. (once Job 36:32; comp. Lehrg. 546),

(2) to hasten, Josh. 10:13; Pro.
urge oneself, to
light, Gen. 1:3 5; Job 3:9; 12:25. Wherein it
19:2; 28:20. Followed by IP it is, to hasten back-
differs from "lixp. is shown by Gen. 1:3; comp. verses
ward, to withdraw oneself; Jer. 17:16, 'fl>'X X7
14, 16. Thus "lix is light everywhere diffused, such
TTQ n JpP. for np nvnp I have not withdrawn
as that of the day, and the sun, while ~>iXO is pro-
myself, that I should not be a shepherd (prophet)
after thee." perly that which affords light, a luminary, and thus
it can take the plural number, which "11 X does not
(3) to be narrow, strait, Josh. 17: 15.
admit, except in one example, Ps. 136:7, where Q'l'lX
HIPHIL, i. q. Kal No. i, to urge, to press on; con-
stands for D^XP. Specially it is (a) morning light,
atrued with a gerund of the verb, Isa. 22:4; followed "
light of day, Neh. 8': 3, EMn JVyrjB -Jjnixrrjp from
by f of pers., Gen. 19: 15.
morning light unto mid-day;" Job 24: 14. (b) the
const. IVX; pi.
nhtfX m .
(root *). lig lit of the sun, and the sun itself, Job 31:26; 37:21;
Hab. 3:4; Isa. 18:4; comp. ^aor used of the sun,
["properly, what is laid up, a store, stock,"] ,

ire a sure, store, as of corn, food, provision (maga- Odyss. y, 335. (c) light of lightning, and lightning
2 Ch. 1 1 1 1 ; l Ch. 27 27 ; itself; Job 36 32,
11X HD3 D:??-^ " he covers the
especially of gold,
: :

silver, and other precious things, hence used of the light of lightning upon his hands," i.e. he covers his
hands with lightning, his hands are red with light-
treasury of the temple, l Ki. 7 51 of the king, i K. :

14:26; i5:i8piXJV3 "atreasury,"Neh.lo:39. ning; Job 37:3, 1 1, 15. (d) light of life, Job 3:16,
2O more fully D^H 11X Ps. 56: 14. Metaphorically
(2) i.q. "tyix "3 a storehouse, Joel 1:17; a trea- ;

sury, 2 Ch. 32:27. (e) light furnishes an image of good fortune, pros-

perity, sometimes with the proper sense of light re-

I iN
TO BE Or BECOME LIGHT, TO BECOME BRIGHT, tained, Job 22 28 Isa. 9:1; sometimes that of pros-

Gen. 44 3. Used of the eyes of a faint person when he

perity itself, Job 30:26; Psal. 97:11. Isa. 10:17,
Jehovah " the
begins to recover, Sa. 14:27, 29. Pret. impers. 11 K
i is called light of Israel," as being the
" author of their prosperity; comp.Isa.6o: l, 3.
it is
light," l Sa. 29: 10. Imperat. '"HX .sa.6o: i, (/) light
"shine, be bright;" ["i.e. be surrounded and re- for doctrine, teaching ; Isa.
lig lit 49 :
6, D?13 "liX "a
splendent with light"]. of the Gentiles," i.e. teacher; Isa. 51:4; 2:5, " let
NIPHAL 11X3; fut. liK.1 i.q. Kal 2 Sam. 2: 32; Job us Avalk in the light of Jehovah" (verse 3); compare
" for the commandment
33:30; li6 for liSPli? to be made light. Part. 11X3 Pro.6:23, (of God) is like

Ps. 76:5. a luminary, and the law is as a 1 i g h t." (g) "llX

"bright, glorious,"
D'33 light, or brightness of countenance, cheerful-
HIPHIL ">>*n (i) to lighten, to make light, fol-
lowed by an ace. Ps. 77: 19; 97:4; 105:39 ness of countenance, a serene countenance, Job 29 24 :

//Q *yy
to en lighten any one's eyes" (which were (comp. Ps. 104: 15); Pro. 16: 15, \3S 11X? "when ^D
involved in darkness), i. e. as it were to recall him to the king's face shineth," i.e. when it is cheerful
and pleasant Ps. 4:7; 44 4.
hence, "to refresh, to
Ps. 13:4; ;
life, gladden,"
Pro. 29:13; Ps.l9:9; Sir.
Ezr.9:8; comp. 31 17. m. (l) i.q. lix light. Hence in pl.D^-lX

"S '33 TXn " to

(b) lighten anyone's countenance," (a) lights, i.e. lucid region, the East; comp. Horn.
i.e. to make cheerful, Ecc. 8 l
comp. the synon. 1H3. (II. u'. 239 Od. t'. 26), Isa. 24 15.
Trpoc fjw iii\iov ;

1*33 TXH " to make one's own face to s h i n e ;" " to cause
(b) lights, metaph. revelations,revelation, used of
one's face to shine" is God as being
especially used of the sacred lot of the Hebrews, Nu. 27:21; i Sa. 28:6;
propitious, Ps. 80 :
4, 8, 20 ;
followed by ?X Nu. 6 25 :
more fully called D^^L ! D*")Xn "revela- 1
71? PP. 31: 17; ? Ps. 119: 135; *? Ps. 118:27; nN Ps. tion and truth," Ex. 2 8 30 Lev. 8:8; once D'P.n :

67:2. Once without D39 Ps. 118:27. (<0 to en-

D'lXJ Deu. 33 8 LXX. excellently, c//\wr<e Kal a\h-

ligl tea, i.e. to imbue with wisdom, Ps. 1 19: 130. Btia: Luther, 2id)t unb 9led)t. These sacred lots, which
(2) to shine, to give light (leudjten/ fcfcinen)/ absoL were only consulted by the high priest in matters of
Gen. 1:15; with a dat. Ex.
13 2 1 ; Isa. 60 19. : :
great moment, were borne by him in or upon his

breastplate, as appears from Ex. 28:30.

It was a
("flame cf God"), [Uriel], pr.n. in
matter of dispute what they were, even in the time of Ch. 6:9; 15:5, 11.
(l) i
(2) 2 Ch. 13:2.
Philo and Josephus. Josephus, indeed (Arch. iii. 8,
9), supposed that the augury was taken
from the ("flame of Jehovah"), [_Uria k, Uri-
twelve stones on the outer part of the breastplate, yaA],pr.n. (i)of aHittite,the husband of Bathsheba,
and from their brightness; but Philo (torn. ii. p. 152, perfidiously slain by David, 2 Sam. ll :3- (2) of a
that Urim and Thummim were priest in the time of Ahaz and Isaiah, Isa. % 2 2 Ki.
Mangey) teaches
ed. ;

two images, put between the double cloth of the

breastplate, one of which symbolically represented Ui T Tics

(id.), [E7>ya7i], pr.n. of a prophet, slaic
revelation, the other truth [!!!] The Hebrews seem
by order of Jehoiakim, Jer. 26 20, sqq.

in this symbolic manner

have imitated the Egyp-
see ^'K^Knn under "K.
tians, amongst whom the supreme judge wore a sap- tt-f e-
phire image of truth," hung from his neck see ;
niX from HJX No. Ill; comp. AJ' or j 1

Diod. 48, 75 ^Elian. Var. Hist. xiv. 34 [This idola-


trous notion of Philo is not to be regarded as throw- sign for 4_O from ,_^), PI. nin'X m. and f.
ing any light on the subject]. sing, Gen. 9:12; Ex. 4:8, plur. Ex. 4:9; Josh. 24:
(a) brightness of fire, flame; Isa. 50:11, "UN? a sign (Ch. HN, Syr. jYj pi. flol!)). Exod. 12:
&$ and fi re itself, Isa-44 1 6 47
: 1 4 Eze. 5:2; comp.

nix HIPHIL No. 3.

13 Josh. 2:12; Gen. 1:14;
; rtn'j> -Vni. "and 0*^0^
they shall be (the lights of heaven) for signs and
(3) [.Ur], pr.n. (a) of a town of the Chaldees,
more tunes," i.e. by tv $ia Svolv, signs of times. It is
D^tf? "HX, Gen. 11:28, 31; 15:7; Neh.
(1) a
military ensign, and specially that of each
9:7, the native place of Abraham. Its traces remained
in the Persian fortress Ur, situated between Nesibis particular tribe, differing from 7?.^. standard, which be-

tuid the Tigris, mentioned by Ammianus 25 8 [" but :

longed to each camp of three tribes, Num. 2:2, seq.

&r, as an appellative, may perhaps have signified a for- (2) a sign of something past, which serves to keep

tress, castle ; so at least, Pers. \.*\ castle ; Zend and it in memory, Ex: 13:9, 16: Deu. 6:8, hence a me-
Sansc. pura, a fortified city, after the analogy ofpemar, morial, monument, Isa. 55:13; Eze. 14:8.
Pracrit. unar, etc. See F. Bernary, in Berliner Jahrb. (3) a sign of something future, a portent, rvirot
TOV /tw'XXoiToc [?] (Rom. 5:14), i.q. ns'lO. Isa. 8:l9;
1841.1'. 146-" Ges.add.] XaXSa/wv; LXX. \<*>pu rH>v "
Alex. Polyh. ap. Euseb. de Praep. Evang. ix. 17, ex- behold, I and the children whom Jehovah hath given
XnXc((('w>' TroXir.
me are for signs and wonders in Israel from Jeho-
plains it,

m. l Ch. 11:35. vah of hosts," i.e.

by the names divinely bestowed
upon us, all of which are of good omen ( n ^V?7 "the

perity, Est.
(i) light, Ps. 139:12; metaph. of pros-
salvation of God," ^V "God with us," Isa. 7: 14;
8:8; Shear Jashub, 7:3); God makes us types of fu-
(2) plur. nhlX herbs, green herbs, 2 Ki. 4:39; ture things as signifying future welfare. [Gesenius
from the idea of brightness being in the Phcenicio-
does not understand the true reference of the passage ;

Shemitic languages applied to verdure and flowers.

we know, from Heb. 2:13, that Christ is speaking of
Comp. fJ, Arab. ,L}\ lights and flowers. In the cog- himself and the Church, God's children given him for
nate languages with the Samarit.
maybe compared redemption, brought into blessing while the nation of
V/Y/ffGen.l:il,i2,forNCn.herb. So Isa. 26: 19;^?*:) Israel continues in unbelief] Comp. Isa. 20:3; Eze.
&Q nhiK "for the dew of herbs, is
thy dew," i.e. the 4=3-
God shall refresh those that rise frcm the dead,
.lew of
(4) the sign of anything which cannot itself be
like thedew refreshes plants. Compare Sir. 46:13; " the
seen, Gen. l 14, ex. gr.
sign of the covenant,'
49:10; others explain it "dew of light," i.e. of circumcision, Gen. 17 : 1 1 ,
of the sabbath, Ex. 31 :
life, or lifegiving dew, comp. "11K letter (d). hence, token, proof, argument, ^cnnjeicf)cn/ S3e>et8;

comp. Lat. signum, Cic. Invent. 1,34 Gr. reKfu'jpiov,

fllll&f transp. for riinK (which see), stables,
Job 21 29, and hence a miracle, as a sign of the

gers, stalls, a Ch. 32:28.

divine power, i.q. riglD Deu. 4: 34; 6:22; 7:19; 29:2;
fj e form for n"*K),
( ry,"or perhaps a shorter 34: 1 1 see my remarks at length on Isa. 7 1 1 [set

ZTri], pr.n. m. (i) Ex 31 a. (a) Matt, 83, as to the

l :
meaning of the passage]. Of the
(3) i Ki. 4:19. prophetic sign cr [" '.oken of the truth of a prophecy
viz. when God, or the prophet as his inteipreter, fore- which ought, perhaps, to be transposed; comp. j-'^
tells some minor event, the fulfilment of which serves |3 ?JJ *3. Some
consider TS to be kindred to the pro-
as a sign or proof of the future fulfilment of the whole noun HJ, so that it would properly have a demon-
strative power; which is not unsuitable." Append."
prophecy. Ex. 3 1 2 Deu. 13:2,3; 1 Sa. 2 27
; 34 ; :

*>:? 9! 2X1.19:29; 20:8,9; Isa. 7: ll 14; 38: Ps. 76: 8, "nfX TKO "from the time of thy auger," i.e!

7, 22; Jer. 44:29, 30, comp. Mar. 13:4; Luke l: from when once thy anger is kindled. With a finite
18; 2:12." Ges. add.] verb (for "Kfe TKO), Ex. 5 -.23, "i }N 'HKa tttt? "from
the time when I came unto Pharaoh." Gen. 39:5.
or a root not used in Kal.
["Note. Fuller forms from TK, are
(which see),
: i
pi. fut. nitf?., 3 pl.ini&o TO CONSENT, and Ch. P.I? the lattei seems to have come by soften-

2 Ki. 12:9; with a dat. of pers. to consent to any ing the letters from P7.H, p*in here, also there; so that
one, Gen. 34:15, 22, 23. In Arabic this power its ending seems to be plural, while in fact it is no'

nnx to come, Conj. HI. J>U Heb. so. Compare 1H& for ITIJJ. See for these panicles
belongs to J^ i.q.
and their etymology, Hupfeld in Zeitsch. f. d. Kunde
nri'lX, whence a new root n'lN appears to have arisen ;
des Morgenl. ii.
p. 434." Ges. add. J
unless it be better, by changing the points, instead of

iniX' to read HIS}, 1JTI4O, which forms may be T* & HTN Ch. TO KINDLE. Comp. Arab. j\
referred to Poel of the root be a
to hot, to kindle fire; part. pass.
by a
inf. NTO for NTNP,
or FIX only Avith suff. 'O1X, ^X ete. i.
q. Syriacism for HTK,
" Dan. 3:22; ;
riN No. l,
pronoun demonstr. commonly a mark of the suff. ajTD, 3:19.
|N an unused root; whence
TK [" a demonstrative particle originally of place,
o [Ezbai\, pr.n. m., l Ch. 11:37.
in tJiat place, there, kindred with !"IT;
Arab. ^\, be-
IJO Ch. i.q. 7]^ TO GO A WAT, TO DEPART,
hold!" called in Man.]; subst. time (from the root
(comp. ftaKpvov, lacrima; iu}^\, acdpao). Hence Dan.
" the
fiTX, comp. 1JJ), hence in accusat. at that time, then, ^p Snpp out from
2 :5, 8, S^TX AA ord has gone
specially (l) bamalS/ then, of past time; Arabic e. Avhat I haAT e said is ratified, and Avill not be
me," i.

^' and J* thereon Germ, ba ; in

recalled; comp. 9:23; Isa. 45:23. The HebreAV
then, tune, then, ;

<*> > interpreters, as Saad. Tanch. of Jerusalem, have long

apodosis, behold! ftet>e ba fo j Chald. Gen. 12:6; n; ago rightly compared the Talmudic phrase KITS
Josh. 10:12; 14:11. Followed by a preterite, l Ki. 8 : rPDyta? "to go to one's opinion," i.e. to folloAv one's
OAvn opinion. As to the form, N^JTX is part. fern, from
12; 2 Ch.6:i ; 8:12, 17; and a future, used for a pre-
terite, Jos. Ex. 15:1 Deu. 4:41. the masc. ITS (of the form 7T^, 7?Di?).
1. cit. ; ; Comp. Lehrg,
an unused root which seems to have had
(2) then, after that, of future time. Construed
the sense of to pass by, like TJ^, ^7^- Hence are
with a fut. Avhich retains its OAVU pOAver; Ps. 96: 12, %
derived TX TX time, then. [Omitted in Ges. corr.
HH| TX"then shall they rejoice;" Zeph. 3:9; Job ;

as the supposed derivatives are otherwise explained.]

3:13; sometimes also Avith a preterite in the significa-
tion of the future, Avhere a future precedes, Jud. (by a Syriacism for 3^X) m. vaauiroQ, hys-
5:11; Ex. 15:15. ancients, which was used by the Hebrews
sop of the
(3) then, after that, for therefore, because of in sacred purifications, Ex. 12:92; Lev. 14:4.6,49;
that, Jer. 22:15; Ps. 40:8. Ps. 51:9; l Ki. 5:13. Like the names of several
TKO & TX'iP prop, from that time; hence adv. eastern plants, so the word hyssop was borrowed
from of old, formerly, long since, 2 Sa. 15:34; by the Greeks from the Orientals themselves. The
Isa. 16:13; 44:8; 45:21 48:3, 5, 7. (6) prep, and
Hebrews appear not to have applied this word merely
to hyssopus officinalis of the moderns, but to have alsc
crmj.from time,
(any) when, since; from depuis,
des-lors, feit ; const. Avith an inf.Ex. 4: 1O, ^Pf! T^p included under it other aromatic plants, especial ly mint,
"since thou hast spoken ;" Josh.i4:io; Avithasubst. origanum ()ojlen). Some derive it from the root 3T <,
Ruth 2:7, "V^n TKO "from the time of morning," *-
which they regard as the same as to be hairy,
1.3. since
morning, f" Jn the same sense as "l3 f^P,
Uuth 2 -, there i> also us^'; l^ariD T, 2 Sa. 2:27, but the plants mentioned can hardly be called hairy
the pointed form), and JJK, D*J)?8
(by a Syiiacism, i. q.~iiTK)m. (l)a girdle, (sharp) weapons.
Isa. 5:27; Jer. 13:1, ser:;. (Compare O.KOII, awvui, and UKI'I, odes, acuc.) A cognate
root apparently is |VV, which see.
(a) a b o n d, Job 1 2 1 8 Vulg. funis. Root ITS.

HIPHIL PTKH (as if Dtjrcn mad)en/ to make ears) to

i. TX adv. then, at that time, thereupon, ears ;
I^f q. prick up the bie )ren fpi&en/ei'w7/t<T0a< (Arab.
Ps. 124:3 5. Similar is the Ch. Hl^. As to the -

belongs to the root according to the ana-

final *r, it hence to listen. Construed, followed by an
^J\ id.),

logy of the form T\. [But see Ges. corr. in TX.j accus., Gen. 4: 23 ;
Job 33 :i ; ? Job 34: 2 ; ^X Psa.

noun of the 77:2; 7J? Pro. 17:4; 1J? Num. 23:18, of person and
n]3TX fM a verbal couj. Hiphil, from
the root in the signification of sacrificing, Isa. thing. Specially, to hear and answer, used of God ;

66:3; properly a memorial which (offering), that

Ps-5:2; 17:1; 39: 13; 54:4; Job 9: 16; to obey, to
hear and obey, used of men, followed by a dat. Neh.
calls to memory. LXX., Vulg. ^rrinoawov, memo-
riale. This was the name of that part of the meat- 9:30; Ex. 15: 26. Fut. l pers. for n$K Job sa- n
offering [nn3D] which was burned with frankincense
il ;
Part. H9 for HD Pro. 17:4.
upon the altar the sweet savour of which ascending

to heaven, was regarded as commending to God the

}!^ Arab. ^\ to weigh, whence Q^jxb scales.
It only occurs in
remembrance of the worshipper. [But it must be PIEL J? X to w e ig h, to ponde r, Ecc. 12:9. Followed
borne in mind that this, as well as every other part of
by the syn. l^n. Rabbin. JiX to be weighed, proved.
the law, was ordained by God himself.] Lev. 2:2,
9,16; 5:12; Nu.5:26. Lev. 24:7, the frankincense |.[fr>
in. utensil, implement, prop, weapon (camp.
on the loaves of show-bread is called Ch. "
also put P3TS. arms), see the root No. I. Deu. 23:14: and
thou shalt have a spade "H^TK ?J? on thy implement;"
(whence ]$ for
fut. 1 xn, Jer. 2:36), many copies read l^.t^ ?P "among thy utensils,"
properly, if I judge aright, TO BOLL, rollcn/ hence which I prefer. The same notion both of utensil aud
(l) to spin, from the idea of rolling. So in the
weapon is found in the word v?.
Tahmid 7TX, whence '"IN?!*? weaver, Arab. J^ Conj. JJK dual (which is also used as plural) 0*3??, const

(j^~- something spun;
IV., Syr. and Ch.
comp. the kindred ?!3 to spin and to flow, both
*?.t f. tJie
ear, from the root Jl No. I. (Arab.
from the idea of rolling. See PUAL. : Ch. rp, Kn, contr. KJ-1K, Syr.
(2) [" intrans. to roll off, i.e."] to go away, to de-
Lj > ) Ex. 29 20 Lev. 8:23, etc. The phrases of which

part, especially quickly, as if fortrollen/ fortfabren/ com-

J ;

this word forms a part, are considered under the verbs

pare the Germ, ftd) trollen j Eng. to troll, to trowl. [These
supposed English illustrations given by Gesenius do
not make the matter much clearer.] Gr. viw, nco, and
rfa, no3 Hiph., nns, rr&.
in any
^JK? 12^ to speak
one's ears," i.e. before
him and in his hearing,

med. Ch and Gen. 20:8; 23:16; 44: 18; Ex. 1O:2. So Isa. 5:9,
to depart, to flee. So in Syr.
njrv ^1X2 "in my ears (said) Jehovah." Compare
In Arabic we may compare to separate, to take
22:14. "B '?.tX? D-IK' "to place in any one's ears," to
away. Prov. 20 14 =
(followed by a dat. pleon. ft, like deliver something to be perceived by the ears, and
ft t??) 36. Metaph. to fail, as water, Job
Jer. 2 :

to be laid up in the mind of any one, Ex. 17:14.

14:11; food, lSa.9:7; strength, Deu. 32:36. V3TS? yot? "to hear with one's ears," emphatically,
PUAL part. 7NKO what is spun, yarn, thread, t*
Ps. 44:2; Job 28:22.
fponneneS, ejVinnjt/ arn/ Eze. 27: 19.
||JSt ("ear,"
or rather "corner of Shee-
/t&f Ch. i. q. Heb. No. 2. (i) to depart, Dan. 6:
rah"), [Uzzen-SheraJi], pr.n. of a little town built
19. So also in the Syr. and Samarit.
by Sheerah, the daughter of Ephraim, i Ch. 7 24. :

a to go, to journey, Ezr. 4:23; 5:8,15.

TnrrntojN (prob. "ears," i.e. "summits of
/ see t^K No. 6, letter (b).
departure, Tabor"), \_Aznoth-tabor~], pr.n. of a town of the
tribe of Naphtali, Josh. 19 34. :
a root not used in Kal. Properly by a
conjecture sufficiently probable of Jo. Simonis, TO BE '?JK (" hearing"), [Oznt Oznites'], pr.n. of a
SIIARP, ACUTE, POINTED, whence JTK ear (which son of Gad, the patriarch, Nu. 26:16. [Also pa-
may indeed, especially as to animals, be so called from tronymic, ibid.l

^TJ'-^f (" whom Jehovah aears"), [Azaniafi], I. construct T\^, with suff. ns
("my bro-
pr. n. m., Neh. 10: 10. ther"), T, 0? pl. b'nK (with dag..occult), const
'$$, with light suff. TO**, with grave suff. CD'n^ with
chains, bonds, Jer. 40 l 4, i. q. D'jpT with
suff.3 pers. VRN for VPIK (comp. Lehrg. p. 602), A
Alcph prosthetic, which some MSS. omit in verse 1.
Root PP.T. [In Thes. root p^T in the sense of to bind.~\
BROTHER. This word is undoubtedly primitive. Arab.
si - 1 -

")JN fut. "i'T. Jer.i :i7, with suff. 731*1 Job 30:18, A const,
st.yO, ^.\
, f

U.1, Syr. \^\, Chald. HK.

TO BIND AROUND, TO GIRD, also, TO BE GIRDED, TO It follows sometimes the analogy of verbs, ?O, some-
--1 H
GIRD ONESELF. Arab. , ; \ to be strong, robust, and times that of verbs, VV; comp. Lehrg. 118. When
perhaps, also, prop, to be girded, to gird. Couj. II. to used in a sense not quite applied also to
strict, it is

gird. Conj. III. to strengthen, to aid. Cognate roots, those who are not own brothers, as those who are
all of which have the sense of to bind together, to gird, children of one father by different mothers (Gen. 42 :

to surround, are, 1DX, "I** (^>), 1VJJ, TOJf, "^BJ, "(?, J 5 5 43 :

3)> or vice versa to brothers
by the same mo-
~l"in> T13. It is used (a) of the garment with which
ther but by different fathers (Jud. 8: 19), who when

any one is girded, with an ace. of pers. Job 30 :i8. (b) greater exactness is used, are called 2K |5, E&i> J| see ;

with an ace. of the member girded, Job 38 3, W"" !-"

: 1
l?. Sometimes emphatically used of brethren, both
T r^Q g i r d up thy loins ;" Job 40 7 Jer. 1:17. (cj :
; by the father and mother (Gen. 44 20), comp. Gen. :

with an ace. of the girdle or garment with which any 49 5, D ^

= r^P^ " Simon and Levi are
*tt\ (true)
one is girded, and figuratively, l Sa. 2 4, 7*0 'Vttjj : brethren," i. e. not only children of one mother, but

"they are girded with strength." brethren truly in disposition also.

NIPHAL part. 1TW girded, Ps. 65:7. The word brother is also of wider use amongst the
PIEL, to gird, with two ace., one of the person, the Hebrews, and is used for
other of the girdle, Ps.lS 33, 40, non^> ^n T^STl! : (1) any relative, t'nsmara,Gen.i4:i6,"his bro-
"tbou hast girded me with might for the war;" ther Lot," prop, his brother's son, Gen. 13:8; 29:
12, 15.
Ps.30:12, nnpi? 'njSJjN "thou hast girded (i.e. sur-
rounded) me with gladness;" Isa. 50:11, n'lp^T H-TKP (2) a man of the same tribe, 283.19:13; e.g. used
As of the Levites, Num. 8:26; 16: 10; Neh. 3:1.
"girded (i.e. armed) with burning darts." to
the construction of verbs of this kind with two accus. (3) one of the same people, Jud. 14:3 ; Ex. 2:

compare Lehrg. 219, l. ll; 4:18; used even of cognate peoples, e.g. of the
Edornites and Hebrews, Gen. 9: 25; 16:12; 25:18;
HITHPAEL, to gird oneself (i.e. arm oneself), to pre-
Isa. with an accus. Ps. 93:1
Num. 20:14.
pare for battle, 8:9;
(4) an ally, confederate; used of people that
(with strength).
were allied, as of the Ty rians and Hebrews, Am. 1:9;
'y i-i- ~*}
an arm (with Aleph prosthetic, com- or of the same religion. Isa. 66: 20 [here of the same
pare p. l), Jer. 32:21 ;
Job 31: 22.
m -
(f r ""H! with Aleph prosthetic)
(5) any friend; thus used of the friends of Job,
Job 6:15, perhaps also Job 19:13, and of Solomon,
(1) a native tree, not transplanted into another soil,
PS The root is fnt, in the sense of shooting who calls Hiram his brother, i Ki. 9:13; comp. Neh.
37 35-

5:10, 14.
(6) any other man, united to us only by the tie
(2) a native, used in speaking of men, Lev.i6:29;
of the human race. i. q. jn Lev. 19:17. Hence
18:26, etc.
when preceded by B"S, one ... another. Gen. 13:11,
!|K patron, n. [Ezrahite], a descendant ofEz- 1n B*K VriBM " and they separated the o n e from
rach (rnm) used of Ethan, iKi. 5:11; Ps. 89:1;
; the other," Gen. 26:31 and indeed in this phrase it

nd of Heman, Ps. 88 :i. Both of these are said, is even used of inanimate things resembling each other
1 Ch.
2:6, to be the descendants of Zarah (rriT) the if
they be of the masculine gender (of feminines, in
son of Judah and thus rnTS is to be taken
only as the same sense is used rrinx HB'K), Ex. 25 20, DH\3^ :

another form of the same name, used

only in its pa- W$rW BS and their faces (of the cherubim) shall
tronymic. As to the
family of these men, see my be turned one to another"(gegeneinanber), Ex.37:Q,
arguments against Bertholdt (Einleit. p. 1974); Allg. (7) tropically it expresses some similarity of dis-
position or manners, Job 30:29, "I am become a
Lit. Zeit.
Erganzungsbl. 1816, p. 646.
fcrotherof the jackals," i. e. I am forced to howl like const. "inx [" and so before IP Lev. 13:2
a jackal Pro. 18:9. Comp. fern. riinX [also H1QX], and
before "^V Gen. 32 23 and elsewhere, Gen. 48 22

many compound proper names, as ''RO'nX and the 2Sam.l7:22; Zec.ll:7"]; f. nnx (for rnnX); in
like [which follow almost immediately],
pause nnX; a numeral having the power of an adj.
s~$ s $
^ interj. of lamentation (from the sound
ONE. Arab. J^>J (not Aa>-\ as in Winer); f. t_>~-*A
made),AH! ALAS! const.withadat.Eze.6:li ;
2i:2O. >
-3. <-
JEth. ftfhJ?.: ahadu (not t\(\\*: ahad, as in Winei
In Arabic there is a root derived from this, \~\ to

and again: see below, under nnx. also), Ch. and Syr. in, 4 The same radical let-
cry out, ah! again
s ters are found in the Pehlevi advek, one, and without

in. HN f. Arab. -\ A GREAT POT, in which a the third radical Daleth, Sansc. eka, and Pehlevi jek.
One has often the force of (l) i.
q. the same,
fire was kept burning in the king's winter apartment, Gen. 40:5; Job 31: 15.
Jer. 36:22, 23. The orientals still use pots of this
kind for warming instead of fire places, called in Pers. (2) first, but only so used in counting the days of
the months, Ezr. 10": 16, 17, V^rb inx DV? " On tlit
and Turk. ,^J They have the form of a large pitcher, first day of the month." Bnh? inx? " on the first
and they are usually placed in a cavity in the middle day of the month," Gen. 8:5, 13; comp. pia r&v adfi-
of the room. When the fire is out, a frame like a table fidruiv, Act. 20:7. In counting years, the expression
is put over the pot, covered with a carpet and those is nnx rop, just as in Germ, bag 3>ibt' Sing/ 3ici> etc.,

who wish to warm themselves, sit on the ground, and for bag erfle Safyr, etc., Dan. 9:1,2; Ezr. l:i. In
cover their feet, legs, and even their belly, with the other places, as Gen. 1:5; 2:11, ^nx does not lose
The root is nnx No. II. the common idea of a cardinal, and the numbers fol-
low one another as in Lat. unus, alter, tertius
HN Ch. brother; pi.
with suff. T n ? Ezr. 7 : 18. (Suet.
Octav. lOl).
D^* only in pi. D*n'X prop, holdings; hence howl- "IHX " some one of the people;"
(3) some one, DJJH

ing animals (comp. *X No. II.), probably screech owls, nnx }"X,
X? no one." Hence very often -=-
Isa. 13:21. A
word imitating the sound, like the
(4) it acts the part of an indefinite article, espe-
l.'onn. Ufyu/ Sdiubut/ French hibou ; see HS No. II. and
the root nnx.
cially in the later Hebrew, i Ki. 20:13, nn ? *^
"a certain prophet," Trpo^/'/rijc TIQ;Dan. 8:3, ??X
a ram," ein SBibbcrj i Ki. 19:4. So also when
father's brother"),^!AaJ, pr.n. (i)
^K precedes, 1n^ "a certain
king of Israel, B. C. 918 897, a man remarkable for e.g. 11(5 holy one,"
his uxoriousness and idolatry, i K. 16:28 to 22:40. i.e. angel, rc ayytXoc, Dan. 8: 13. Sometimes also
Jer. in the older books, Ex. 29:3; l Sa. l : l and followed
(2) rn., 29:21. ;

by a genitive niibn
inx "one of the cisterns,"
^X ("brother of the prudent," or for |inX
some cistern, Gen. 37:20; comp. Job 2: 1O.

"fraternal"), [Ahban],pr.n. of a man of the tribe

(5) one only of its kind, Job 23:13; Eze. 7:5; Cant.
of Judah, 1 Ch. 2 29. :

s s
^ a root, derived from the numeral T}K, not 6:9 (Arab. .Xs-'j only one, incomparable; >^^; id
used in Kal, its place being supplied by "HT to unite.
A. Schultens on Job loc. cit. and 9:5).
HITHPAEL, to unite, to join oneself together, to
When repeated it is one... another,
"I nx. inx
collect oneself; Eze. 81:31, HO^n? prob. "unite (6)
Ex. 17:12; 18:3. It even occurs three times re-
thyself (sword of three edges)," i. e. ravage with united
powers, or (according to the laws of parallelism), peated, iSa. 10:3; 13:17,18. distributively
of individuals, Nu. 13:2, in tTX inx C 'X

'gather thyself together," i.e. attend! nimm bid) ye shall

The opinion of a very acute interpreter, send one man to a tribe;" Nu. 34: 18.
Chr. Bened. Michaelis, is not to be despised, who (7) "in^O one man, i.e. together. Ezr. -2:64, //>

regards the four first words of the verse as being those inx? T'njjrr'?} "the whole congregation together;''
of a military commander: " Conjunge te, dextrorsum ! 0.3:9; 6:20; Ecc. 11:6, 1HX? Dn^ "both

(aci'jm) stnie, sinistrorsum ! ommclt eud) redjtg flellt alike," allc bepbe. Also i.q. together, unitedly,'

rud) (Tf&tunj!)/ linf$!" Fall together! right! to your Isa. 65:25; in the same sense is said "inx B^X3 Jud

post left
! !
flO:8; iSa.ii:?; Ch.
nnsi nnK Dys one root nin, used in the Hebrew onlj In Piel, but in
(8) f.
ellipt. for time, once,
8 Ki.6:lO; Ps. 62:12. Chaldee in this conjugation likewise.

(9) rins? (a) i.q.

No.8, Num. 10:4. (b) ^ f- brotherhood, Zee. 11:14, denom. fronc
suddenly (mit einem ifflale)/ Pro. 28:18. (c) i. q. HS brother, which see.
in$|) altogether, Jer. 10:8. "
1 ni 1 1

^ [Ahoah], pr.n., i Ch. 8:4, for which there

(10) in$ "ins ? one a/Yer another, one by one,
nnx "one is verse 7, ^HJ<. Patronymic is 'nhg [Akokit],aS*.
tsa. 27:12, and Ecc. 7:27, f"insp after

another." 23:9,28.
In the passage which has been unnecessarily "nnfcs Ch. a shewing, declaration, Dan. 5:12;
discussed, Isa. 66:17, we should retain the common prop. Inf. Aph., from H1IT

signification. It should
thus be rendered, " who sanc- ^HK ("brother " dweller near wa-
of," i.e.
and purify themselves . inx "IHN after one," . .
m. l Ch. 4:2.
tify ters"), [Ahumat], pr.n.
i. e. following one the hierophant who presides over

the rest in sacred rites. Comp. my Comm. on the m .

(i) hinder part, rear, end. Arab. .

passage. id. Hence (a) "VRXftfrom behind, behind, opp.

PL BHC *?. (l) the same, Gen. 11 l comp. Lat.
1 :

^ -- ^^

to D'33D 2 Sa. 10:9. Arab.

uni, as unis moribus vivere (Cic. pro Flacco
26 Terent. ; ^\ (*)

Eun. ii.3,75). backward,Ps.l 14: 3,5 ; with averted face (abijett)anbt)

Eze. 37:17, " a fool
(2) joined in one, united; Jer. 7 : 24. (c)"i'inx? backward; Pro. 29: 1 1,
"and they shall be (the two sticks) joined in one." uttereth all his anger, i"l3n?K^ "linS3 D3H] but a wise

(3) some, a few, Germ, etntge, etnjclne/

Gen. 27:44; man keepeth it b a c k," drives it back, so that it returns
Deriv. the verb tHS, also "Tins. *-*
29:20. pr.n. IIHS in ace. adv. Arab.
to himself. (d) \<J b e h in d,
X (Milel), an Egyptian
word denoting marsh on the Eze. 2 10, " and
back, opp. to D^3 and
CHi?. :

grass, reeds, bulrushes, and any verdure growing

it was written ~>inS1 D^S before and b e h i u d,
(the roll)
in a marsh, Gen. 41:2,18; Job 8 1 1. This word is :
\vithin and without; l Ch. 19: 10; Ps. 139:5. Also,
not only used in Hebrew, but also in the Greek of
backward; Gen. 49: 17, "tins n?h ^21 "and his
Alexandria, in which it is written ti-%1, x t see the 5 rider falleth backward;" Jer. 15:6. So often pleon.
LXX., Gen. 41:2,18; Isa. 19 7 also in the Wisdom of :
; after verbs of returning, Ps.
9:4; 56:10; of turning
the son of Sirach (who lived in Egypt), chap. 40: 1 6.
back, 2 Sa. 1:22; Psa. 35:4; 40:15; and others of
Jerome in Comm. on Isa. loc. cit., " quum ab eruditis the same kind. PI. hinder parts, Ex. 33:23; 26:13;
qucererem, quid hie sermo sifjnificaret, audivi ab JEgyptiis iKi. 7:25; Eze. 8:16.
hoc nomine lingua eorum omne quod in palude virens
(2) the west [the east being the quarter towards
nascitur appellari." The word is retained by the Coptic which one is supposed to look], Job 23:8; Isa. 9:
who for the Greek "AX wrote m-Aljl.
translator, " and the Philistines on the west."
11, linxp D<fl^P
Compare the same, Num. 11:5 [" kindred are AKG, Compare Dig,' pbj, |pfl, ^'f and C. B. Michaelis,
OKG bulrush, reed,"] de Rossii Etymolog. ./Egypt.
Diss. de locorum differentia ratione anticce, posticce, dex-
p.24; Jablonskii Opusc. ed te Water, tom.i. p. 45;
trce, sinistrce, Hale, 1735, 4to, reprinted in Pott Sylloge
tom.ii. p. 160. Celsius (ii. 340 346) indeed, and Alb. Comment. 5, 80, seq. 8. The same mode is followed
Schultens, on Job loc. cit., have sought an Arabic
by the Hindoos, the Mongols, and also the Irish [and
origin for this word, comparing ^^-J
res pascuales, all Celtic nations].
"N n
from the root <^.\
to join together, as
juncus ajun- (3) latter time, the future. $? hereafter, Isa.

gendo, and the Gr. a^piyos denotes both rush wrought 41:23; 42:23-
into a cord, and a cord itself; but the former deriva- ninW f.
(fo r nihS, from the masc. ^, which in
tion is
preferable. Arab, and Chald. is the same as with suff.
'HK), pi.
(for -WTO} "joining together"), [Ehud],
^ning Eze. 16:55 (sing. nriX), and Eze. 16; 'VW
52 which is from the masc. *H^), comp.
pr.n. of a son of Benjamin, l Ch. 8:6, written in the (sing. n^riN,

parallel ace, Gen. 46:21, Vl$. Lehrg. p. 602.

S C "t 99 9

!u^ a declaration, a shewing of

A sister (Arab. c^-oU> Syr. \J^ for }^}, Ch.
Tob 13:17. It is a verbal own
noun, conj. Hiph. from the id.). It properly signifies an sister, born
of the same parents, but (where accuracy of expres- (4) to join, and in pass,
to be joined, to adhere.

sion not important) used also of a sister, opOTrarpia,

is Verbs of and holding are very often thus ap-
Gen. 2O:l2; 2 Sam. 13:2, 5, or o/zo^r/rpm, uterine, plied in the sense of adhering, and joining, as things
Lev. 18:9, 11; 20:17. The Hebrews also called firmly joined together hold and sustain each other
sister firmly; compare "1?? and ng? in Hithp., and 'i^opnt
(1) a female relative, kinswoman, Job 42: ll ; TIVOQ, I hold, depend on any thing; i\aptvoc joined
Gen. 24:60, whore the mother and brother say to to any thing and cupcw, whence Lat. hcereo. Eze.

Rebecca, JjlX "Dinti thou art our sister." 41 :6, rV3H -Vj?3 onro -VIT |6| (that) they should
(2) one of the same tribe or people, Nu. 25: 18. not be joined (inserted) in the wall of the temple;"
(3) an ally, a confederate city or state, Eze. 16: l Ki. 6 : 6. Hence
46; 23:31. (5) to shut, as the Syr. _*,) Neh. 7:3.
(4) after nfcptf one. ..another; used also of inani-
cover with timber, beams and boards, from
(6) to
mate things of the feminine gender, Ex. 26:3, " five the joining together of the beams and planks ; l Ki.
curtains shall be joined fining ? HK'N one to ano-
6:10, "and he covered the house with cedar wood ;"
ther;" verses 5, 6, 17; Eze. 1:9; 3:13. Hab. 2:19.
(5) metaph. sister is used of anything very closely take
to out, away (from a great number),
connected with us; Pro. 7:4, " say to wisdom, Ihou whence part. pass, taken, sc. by lot (like the synony-
art my sister;" Job 17: 14. Compare the rest of mous word I?;'?), Nu. 31 =30, "from the half which
the words which bear the signification of propinquity,
belongs to the children of Israel thou shalt take one
2K No. 6, n No. 7.
especially D^pqn JO Tins part takenoutof fifty;" verse 47;
(6) a s pause is lovingly so called, Cant. 4:9, seq.

1 Ch. 24:6, "ipn'x'p ins rnso iTj? ?^ Tins nnx ax-rvs

Compare Tibull. iii. 1, 26. (where it should again be read with
many copies "IHK
" one
fut. TDK* (more rarely Trw i Ki. 6: 1O; Ecc. MnK) family (by lot) being taken forEleazar,
one for Ithamar," i. e. in casting lots they so ar-
7 :l8).
TAKE HOLD ranged as to draw first a lot for a family of Eleazar,
(1) TO OF, TO SEIZE, specially with
and then a family of Ithamar.
the hand. (Arab. j^\> Ch. and Syr. "Jr% _A,).) Const. NIPHAL (l) pass. Kal No. 2, Eccl. 9:12.
with an accus. of pers. or thing, Ps. 56 :l ; Jud. 12:6; (2) pass. No. 3, Gen. 22:13.
also very often followed by 3, Ex. 4:4; Job 23: ll; (3) to make oneself possessor of any thing, to have
2 Sa. 20:9. (Winer has made a mistake with regard possession of it, Gen. 34:10; 47:27;
Josh. 22:9,
46 it should be rendered, and
to this passage, p.
Comp. Syr. _*,) to possess, and deriv. Hjn^.
Joab's right hand took hold of Amasa's beard.")
PIEL, to shut, like Kal No.5, Job 26:9,"shutting
Metaph. it is ascribed to terror, fear (like Xapfidveiv),
of his throne."
(vailing with clouds), the face
Ex. 15:14, P*7? W' T ^ ^""terror seizes the in-
HOPHAL, to be joined, fastened, pass. Kal No. 4,
habitants of Philistia ;" verse 15; Ps. 48:7. It is also
2 Ch. 9:18.
said vice versa, to take fright (comp. Germ, tie $lucf)t
Job 18:20, tyb The derived nouns immediately follow.
ergreifcn), -ItriK
D7lD"|i? "the ancients
took hold of horror," for "horror took hold of ("possessing, possessor"),
pr.n. (l)
them;" Job 21:6; Isa. 13:8, prn E$irt\ D'TV Ahaz, a king of Judah, cotemporary with Isaiah,
they (the Babylonians) takeholdof pangs and sor- Hosea, and Micah, who reigned from the year B. C.
rows," for pangs and sorrows take hold of them." 744 -7^8 a weak man, and devoted to idolatry, 2 Ki.

(2) to take, e.g. by hunting, fishing, Cant. 2: 15. l6:l,seq.; 2 Ch. 28: 16, seq. Isa. 7: l, seq.; 38:8;

(3) to hold something taken, followed by an ace.

LXX."AX. (2) i Ch. 8=35; 9:42.
I Ch. 13:9; 2 Ch. 25:5; and ?, Gen. 25:26. Metaph.
to embrace anything, with an ace., Job 17:9 (comp. i"ljnN f. possession ; see Niphal No. 3 especially ;

used of the possession of lands and fields, Lev. 27 24, :

Kpariu, Apoc. 2:25); with 3, 23: 11. Part. pass, in

an active signification, Cant. 3 3"in"Tng "holding
H Si? n
*H^ i ?

" whose is the
p o s s e s s i o n of the
land. Verses 16,21,22. rWN
land," who possesses that
the sword." Compare as to this deponent use of pas-
1?P "possession of a burying place," i. e. a burying
sive participles, Lehrg. p. 309, 310 [Ileb. Gram. 49,
place Iwlonging to a family, Gen. 23:4, 9, 20; 49:30.
3. a], and in this
very verb Syr. j holding, JEth. In connection r6q? "rfl Nu. 27:7, and njnK -V?qj
' xi taken and holding. Nu. 35:2. U<"2tf cf slaves, Lev. 25:45, 46.

^r^ [A has at], pr.n. of a man, Neh. 11:13, for

nN ( brothei," or friond of union")
wtnch there is in l Ch. 9 1 2 n^tn*.
Perhaps we should [Ahihu((], pr.n. m. l Ch. 8:7.
read in both places n^rns.
ail3*nK ("brother," or "friend of good-
("whom Jehovah upholds"), ness"), \_Ahitub~], pr.n. m. (l) l Sa. 14:3; 22:<)
pr.n. (i) Ahaziah, king of Israel, son of Ahab (2}
2 Sa. 8:17. (3) l Ch. 5:37; Neh. ll:ll.

and Jezebel (B.C. 897 89,5), iKi. 22:40; 2Ki. l :2.

TITHX ( brother of one born," for ity TIS.),
LXX. 'Ox'4e- (2) Ahaziah, son of Jehoram,
[ A hilud~], pr. n. m. of the father of Jehoshaphat, 2 Sa.
king of Judah (B.C. 884), 2 Ki 8:24; 9:16.
8:16; 20:24; l Ki.4:3.
'tUv ("their possession"), \_Ahuzam], pr.n. HK.
of a man, a descendant of Judah,
D'H&; S ee
l Ch. 4:6.
'H^ ("brother of death"), [Ahimoth^
("possession"), [Ahuzzath~\, pr.n. of a m. l Ch. 6 10 for which there is in the parallt 1
pr. n. :

Philistine, a friend of king Abimelech, Gen. 26:26.

places nno.

_'*? an unused root. I. Arab. W! |7D'n ("brother of the king"), [Akin*

from the sound HS, to cry out ah! In lech'], pr.n. (i) a priest living at Nob, the father of
Hebrew perhaps, to groan (S-i)jen)/ to hoivl, whence Abiathar, the intimate friend of David (l Sa. 21 2; :

The Arabs have under the same root 22:9; Ps. 52 2), and therefore slain by Saul. Differ-

ent from this apparently maybe (2) Ahimelech,

II. the signification of heat, burning, anger, in
the son of Abiathar, one of the two high priests in the
word _ time of David, 2 Sa. 8:17; l Ch. 24:3, 6, 31. Korb,
the 7 whence, perhaps, may be de-
however (Winer Theol. Journal IV. p. 295), sup-
rived nx, ^\ a pot, a furnace. I had rather how- poses, with a great deal of probability, that in 2 Sa.
8:17, for "Ahimelech, the son of Abiathar," we
ever take the signification of furnace, from the root should read, "Abiathar, the son of Ahimelech;"
*i from this erroneous reading he supposes that a mis-
^\ to burn, to kindle as fire; Conj. II. to set on fire, take was introduced into the Chronicles.
s -if
See f&TW{ (
brother of gift"), [A him an], pr.n.m.
te>-\ heat, etc. 3.
(l) one of the Anakim, Nu. 13:22; Josh. 15:14,
TIX [Ehi], see 1-inX. Jud. l : 10. (2) 1 Ch. 9:17.

^?(perhaps contracted from '^), [-4Az], pr.n. i"1

PWTO ("brother of anger"), [Ahimaaz],
m. (l) l Ch. 5:15;
(l) iSa.l4:5O. (2) the son of Zadok, the
(2) l Ch.7:34. pr.n.

CfcMTO (for 3Kr high priest in the time of David, 2 Sa. 15:27, 36;
"father's brother"), [Ahi-
17:17,20; 18:19, seq. It appears to be the same
am], pr. n. m., 2 Sa. 23 33 : l Ch. 1 1 :
who is mentioned, l K. 4: 15.
"IT^ q. Heb. HTH, with Aleph prosthetic,
Ch. i.
]T1X ("brotherly"), [Ahiari], pr.n. m., l Ch,
an enigma, Dan. 5:12. Root Tin.

(" brother," i.e. "friend of Jehovah"), OTtt? ("liberal," or "noble brother")
[Ahiah, AhijaK], pr.n. (i) of a certain priest in Ahinada&], pr.n. m., i Ki. 4:14.
the time of Saul, l Sa. 14:3,8. l Ch. 8:7.
E^rntf ("brother of grace"), [Ahinoam]
(3) 101.11:36. (4) 1X1.4:3. (5) lCh.26:20.
l Sa. 25:43; 27:3,
Ch. 2:25. pr.n.f. (i) iSa.i4-.50. (2)
-(6) i
(7) i Ki. 15: 27, 33. (8) Neh.
30:5; 2 Sa. 2:2; 3:2.
10:27. (9) a prophet living at Shiloh in the time
of Jeroboam, l Ki. 1 1 29 12:15; called H'PIX i Ki.:
"TJDD'H^ ("brother of support," or "aid"),
14:6>8; 2 Ch. 10:15.
[Ahisamach], pr.n. m., Ex. 31:6; 35:34.
( brother," i.e."friend of the Jews," ^BTr^? ("brother of aid"), [Ahiezer], pr.n.
for -nn
TR), [Ahihutf], pr.n.m. Nu. 34:27. m .
(i) a captain of the Danites,
Nu. l 12 2 25;:

VHN ("brotherly"), \_Ahio'], pr.n. m. (i)

7:66. (2) iCh.l2:3.
Sa.6: 3 ,4 (a) iCh.8:i4.-( 3 ) 101.8:3159:37.
BTK? ("brother of the er- ny"\ ~_Ahi

pr.n. m., the father of Gedaliah,

whom the Chaldees Hamedan ( ij^)? the Parthian metropolis, whicl
appointed governor of Judaea, 2 Ki. 25 22 Jer. 39 14 ; : :
name has sprung from a
itself softer pronunciation
40:5, seq. of the ancient word. The accounts given by travellers
DTIINI ("brother of height"), [Ahiram], respecting the remains of this city have been col-
lected by Hoeck (Veteris Mediae et Persiae Monu-
pr.n. m., Nu. 26:38; patronym. *T

menta, page 144 155). If the word be Phcenicio-

JTVn^ brother
of evil"), [Ahira], pr.n. m.,
Shemitic, it means undoubtedly the same as HOn
a captain of the tribe of Naphtali, Nu. 1:15; 2 29 ; :

(from the root nDn), and denotes citadel, fortress; if

7:78,83; 10:27. it be Persic, it is i. a cultivated place, and
q. ^jb^
TltrnK ("brother of the dawn"), [Ahisha- full of inhabitants. The former explanation, how-
l Ch. 7:10.
Aar], pr.n. m., ever, is.
preferable. [But see Ges. corr. above.]

"iB^n^ ( brother of a singer," or for ifc V$ 59u^f [Ahasbai~\, pr.n. of a man, 2 Sa. 23:34.
"brother of the upright"), [Ahishar], pr.n. m., The etymology is unknown. Simonis considers it tc
l Ki 4:6. be contracted from 'H? HDHX " I flee to the Lord."

of folly"), [Akithophet], [So Ges. in corr.].

7|JVn^ ("brother
of a friend of king David, who conspired against
him with Absalom, 2 Sa. 15 17. hence to
(fytnten fepn/ fytnten blcibcn), tarry, delay.
" a fertile In Kal it occurs once, l fut. "inxi Gen. 32:5. (Arab.
("fatness," "fat-," hence,
of a town in the tribe of /
place"), [Ah lab"], pr.n.
-U\ Conj. II. to defer, to delay. Syr. Aphel and Sha-
A^her, Jud. 1 131. V V f V
phel, i.^o) ;-*,<X &
VL?&$ Ps. 119:5, and /L]5$ 2 Ki. 5:3, an optative nns
PIEL inx pi. -nqs Jud.5:28, fut. for nn^_
particle, oh that! tvould to God! followed by a fut.
(l) to retard, one, Gen. 24:56; to
.to delay any
Ps. loc. cit. without a verb, 2 Ki. loc. cit. It is commonly
defer any thing, Ex. 22:28, and by ellipsis, Deu.

derived from the root ^711; PL D'33 n?n to stroke " He will not
the face, to to beseech. But perhaps it is
7:10, delay (punishment) to him that
hateth him."
rather compounded of HX and v = ;
(2) intr. i.q. Kal (Germ. lange mad)cn), Jud. 5:28
V^W* ("oh that"),[4AJaz],pr.n.m.andf. l Ch. "why do the wheels of his chariot tarry;" Ps. 40:18,
2:31 ; comp. ll -.41. ins^ not; Ps. 70:6; Gen. 34:19.
(3) totarry at any thing, with ?V, Pro. 23:30,
f, Ex. 28:19, the name of a precious " who ta
1"JI! ?J? D'TjIXP tarry long at the wine," i.e.
stone; Vulg. a^tfluorroc- Josephus (in whom who drink till late at night. Comp. Isa. 5:11; Ps.
there appears however some confusion in the order
of words), d^nrfjc- This word appears to be a verbal
The derivatives immediately follow, except
of the conj. Hiph. from D^TI to dream, perhaps from
[the superstitious idea of] its
causing dreams to those (with Dag. forte occult) f. nnns, piur. nnms
who wore it. An idea of a similar kind gives its rise to n'nns (from the unused sing. "IHS with Kametz pure).
the name ap.i 0voroe, because of its [having the sup- -'
(l) adj. properly following, another, specially
posed power of] keeping away drunkenness from the one who follows a first, second, (from the idea of fol-
wearers compare Braun. de Vestitu Sacerdot. Heb.
; lowing [compare secundus a sequendo]); Gen. 17:21,
n^nKn H3K'3 "in the following year, next year,"
folgenbeS 3at)tj l Ki. 3 22. Hence generally, another^

Ezr. 6:a [Aehmetha], Ecbatana.

[" The ancient orthography of this name is traced by Gen. 4:25; 8:lO, 12; 29:19 etc. etc. (Arab. j.^T id.
Lassen (Ind. Biblioth.iii. 36), in the Sansc. a^vadhana,
i.e. IvirooTaaia. the Sansc. q passing over sometimes Syr. ^U], HjHj, PI.
fj'^j, Ch.pnK).
Dnns Q'n$

" other gods," of idols, Deu. 6:14.; 7:4; Jer. l: 16;

into a guttural, and sometimes into s. The corre-
sponding modern name Ispahan" Ges. corr. In
is 7:18, and very often. Sing, "ins 7S Ex. 34: 14, and 1

Manuale]. The metropolis of Ancient Media, and without ^ Isa. 42:8, \R$"& inx ? -jb3* "and I will
the summer residence of the kings of Persia; situated give my
glory to another (God);"
Isa. 48:11
in the same place where afterwards was, and still is Once apparently, adv. elsewhere, Psa. 16:4,

VVIO ins "who hasten elsewhere," sc. from the 24:4; Josh.g:i6; 23:1; more rarely "^*? '
is omitted,
true God to idols. [In Ges. corr. this passage is taken Lev. 25:48; once Tgfc? nq? J os h. 2:7.
as another (god)."] (4) 13T)q*$ prop, after that things had so hap-
i. e. afterwards, Gen.
fa) [A her], pr.n. of a man, i Ch. 7:12. pened, 15: 14; 23:19; 25:26,
etc. Comp. Syr. ^orKn and ^cn With the
""^U^ prop, what is behind, hinder part, extre- i>tv^>.

Hence addition of ~W$

becomes a conj. i. q. "HPN \"?n.K, like
beh in d, the Lat. posteaquam for postquam, Gen. 6:4; 2 Sa. 24:
) adv. (a) of place, in the background ;

Gen. 22: 13, vrip_3 -qaipa rns3 ins ^s nsrn. " an d be- 10. In the later [?] Hebrew there also occurs ^qx
hold a ram behind," i. e. in the background (tm
nNT " after this," Job 42: 16; Ezr. 9:10; compare
" Chald. nri nqx Dan. 2:29, 45.
$intf rgrunbe ) caught by its horns in a thicket." Not
that Abraham behind his back, as it is
beheld the ram Comp. with other prep. (i) ^OJj^ once ^nS'JO
1 Chr. 17:7? prop, from after, from (being) after
commonly thought, with the Vulgate, but at a distance
in the part which lay before his eyes, tm intergrunbe (any thing), t)inter (etreaS) meg. It is used especially
ber cent/ and there is no occasion to read with the when one leaves what he has before followed, Num.
Sam., LXX., Syr. and 42. MSS. ins._-(J) adv. of 14:43 Deu. 7:4; 2 Sam. 20:2, also from behind,

time, afterwards, then, Gen. 10:18; 18:55 2 4 : after (compare \Q No. 3); Josh. 8:2; Ex. 14:19;
i etc.
Jer 9:21 used of time, Eccl. 10:14. I n ^ en 4 7>f r
- :
55? 3<> :

(2) prep. (a) of place, behind, Cant. 2:9; Ex. 3:

this is "? *;?qO. Hence, 13
aftenvards, 2 Sa, ^qP
l, "behind the desert," i.e. to the west of the de-
3 28 15 :l. (2) ^qs 7S after, \rith verbs of motion,

2 Ki. 9:18, nn t'Sl'ab "return after me." 2 Sam.

sert [" see in lins No. 2"]; also after. "3 ins ^n
to follow any one, Gen. 37:17; Job3i 7 ; "inxp pregn. : 5:23. (3) ^QK ^ Eze.41 :
15, i.q. nq. Comp. ^.
prop, from
behind (fnnter [etwaS] roog). Ps. 78:71, also Ch. (but
pi. const. *1DS by a Hebraism),
W3H rfky nnsp " from after the milch cattle h* Dan. 2 29, 45 7 24. :
: In the more pure Chaldee is
brought him," i. e. he brought him who had followed used the prep, ina-
Jhe cattle. (b) of time, after, Gen. 9 28. D'la^n ">riK

n?Sn "after these things," i.e. afterwards, a formula j'nnK fem nr^S. (from ins with. the adj. termi-
nation p) (i) hinder, latter, opposed to former,
of transition ; Gen.l5 :1 ;
22:1. Followed by an Infin.
Num. 6:19, i? "ins prop, so, i.e.
foremost, flt^l, Ex. 4 8 Deu. 24 3 Gen. 33 2, 0$ :

after that, after

after that it had so happened, i.e. afterwards, Lev.
^^ " tne hinder (i.
e. the western) sea," the Me-
diterranean, Deu. 1 1 24 34 2 Joel 2 20.
^ "after
: : :

14:36: Den. 21:13.

; ;

S -ins Eze.4O:l and with- (2) after, later, following, fnqS
(3) Conj.TJ : after that, ;
out Lev. 14:43; Job 42 7. :
generation," Ps.48:i4; Jviqs "after-lime," Pro.
31 :25; 30:8. PL Q'riQX those who come after,
Note. Instead of ins there occurs far more frequently
PI. *1Q*?, for which see just below, and it is
posterity, Job 18:20.
constantly " I
used when suff. are joined with this word. (3) last, Neh. 8:18; Isa. 44:6, (God) am the
firstand I am the last;" Job 19:35. Fem. nnqs
PI. D^nS only in const, state nqs ;
with suff. nqs-. so n ?" nsa Det,t. ^
adv. at last, last, Dan. 11:29. i

D3^n Dnnqs, etc. Num. 2:31 Eccl. l :il, at last,

: ,

13: 10, and nr^v ;

(1) subst. the hinder parts, 2Sa.2:23,JT'3nn nqs?

" lastly.
the hinder end of the spear."

(2) Prep. (a) of place, behind, Jud. 18:12 (here

rrin{$ (-
for nsins "after a brother"), [A ha-
i Ch. 8:1.
i.q. to the west); more frequently after, t)tnter, tjinter rah~\, pr.n.,
Lev. 26:33; Sam. 14:37; 2 Ki. 19:21;
(jem.) tjtr,

"those who follow them,"

/D1^ ("behind the breastwork," wall, sc.

D?^q K.) i. e. their

born), [AharheQpr.n., l Ch.4:8.
flatterers, and parasites, Ps.49:i4. Hence it is joined
= *")t?^ ch "4J- fem - another,
Dan. 2:39 ; 7=5,6,
to verbs of to follow ; 'Q ^n.S iTn is to

going, follow
for the common H^nS, Tav of the feminine gender
any one's side, Exod. 23:2; 2 Sa. 2: 1O; comp. 1 Ki. T

H7; Pro. 28: 23, tfyp? ;n nns nns rroto "he who being cast away by apoc., as TST for n^ Kl, WpD foi
following me (i. e. my precepts) rebukes a man,
r*in Chald. adj. ["for |n ins], Dan. 4: 5,
shall find favour." Gen. 16:13;
(6) of time, after,
17:8; followed by an inf. after that, Gen. 5:4. innx properly, at the last, i.e. lastly, at length,
(3) For conj. after that, commonly "1^5? nq, Deu. is pleonastic, see this particle A, 1. ["
whence arose by degrees the softer irnTpd-n jc-" Ge
fi'Tj^ f. (1) the latter part, extreme paries.
399- More frequently used of time.
(a) e n d, Deu. add.]
!i:i; issue, event, latter state, Job 8 7 ; 42:12: :
P^-n^Tl^ Ch. m. pi. i.q. Heb., Dan. 3:2, 3, 2^;
Pro. 5:4, rno BJV'inX "her end (the adulterous wo- 6:2,3."
man's) is bitter," i. e. the latter state of those whom she
r'Uo Ahasjierus, apparently the Hebrew
educes comp. Pro.23 32. Sometimes used of a happy

form of the name Xerxes. It occurs Est. i:l. and

issue or event, Pro. 23: 18; 24: 14. (b) latter time,
future The prophetic phrase should be noticed,

frequently in that book; also, Ezr. 4:6 (where, from

" the date, Cambyses must be understood), and Dan.
D*Djn JV~)nX3 in future days" [prop, the end of the
9:1 (of Astyages, the father.of Darius the Mede). As
days, or latter days], Isa. 2:2; Gen. 49: Mic. 4:
l ;
1 ;
to the etymology, I formerly was of the opinion
N'u. 24:14; Dan. 10:14.
Am. 4:2; self that this word is
compounded of Persic .^skT
(2) ["concr."] posterily,Ps. 109:13;
9:1; Dan. 11:4. prize (see D'Jp'TnB'ri^), the syllable ,. war, denoting
nnX f. Ch. i.q. the Hebrew nnqx No. i b Dan. possessor, and the termination
esh (e.g. Darab

Darabesh, t^.p.1)- But tne true orthography of the

name has come to light of late from what is called
?$ Ch. adj., another, other, Dan. 2:il. the cuneiform writing, in which it is written Khshyar-
adv. backward, Gen.9:23; I Sa.4:l8. shd, or Khshwershe. This appears to be for
i.e. lion-king, an old and harsher form. In imitation, Esth.3:l2; 8:9; 9:3, etc.,
of this harsher form, the Greeks formed the word
satraps, the governors of the greater provinces a-
Xerxes; the Hebrews, by prefixing Aleph pnsthet.
mongst the ancient Persians, who held both civil and '

made Akhashwerosh. Instead of the letters of softer

military power, and were, in the provinces, the repre-
s and sh. which the modern Persians
sentatives of the. kings, whom
they rivalled in mag- 'pronunciation,
nificence. The particular parts of these provinces use, the ancients enunciated much harsher sounds, as

were governed by procurators (mns), while the sa- in the words khshehioh Shah, king, khshatrap= Sa- =
ruled the whole See trap. See St. Martin in the Journal Asiatique, iii.
traps province. Brisson,De Regio
Pers. Principatu,i. 168; Heeren,Ideen,tom.i. p. 489, p. 85 Champollion, Precis du Systeme Hieroglyph. ;

tableau general, tab. vii. 2, p. 24; Grotefend, in Heeren

seq. ed. 4. As to the etymology, many supjose this
Ideen, ed. 4, i. 2, p. 348, seq.; and my remarks in
word to be compounded of the Persic i/l^ akhesh 1
Thes. p. 75. [" Lassen, iib. d. Keilschrift, p. 167."]
I.e. price, value (perhaps, excellence),
t^J^ satrap,
and the Chald. termination ]. However, I have no ^ Est. 10: l, I'ro for
doubt that the Hebrews expressed by this word the N
(no doubt, "muleteer," a word appa-
ancient and harsher Persic word itself, Kshatrap, rently of Persic origin. See the following word),
(since, for sand sh, in the Zendish and Sanscrit ksh [Haahashtari], pr.n. m., l Ch. 4:6.
was often used comp. khshetrao, shetrao, king, khshesh
m. mules.
D*y^?TK$ pi. Persic '

JL- estar, \^\

with the addition at the beginning of Aleph
*^, six),
ester, mule, from the old and harsh form ekhshter.
prosthet. and the termination ]. In resemblance of
Sansc. a^watara."~\ See the remarks a little above
the same harsher form, the Greek t n-poVjc is formed
i There is added, by epexegesis, sons of mares, Est. 8
in Theopompus. See EhlJjJTWi- [The etymology of 1O. |~ is put as a termination, as in
the Persic word iBTIv'O*? has been excellently un-
folded Silv. de Sacy (Memoires de Tlnstitut, Cl. '_'> see
d'lFstoire et de LitteYature Ancienne, ii. p. 229); he ^K
(from the root BPN) subst. m. (l) a gentlt
regards it to be compounded of the Kshetr empire,. sound, murmur, sigh, and pi. concr. D'tSS whis-
province, and ban, 'j keeper, prefect, lord. Ges
perers, i.e. rfk-pofidf-ctc, ventriloquists, by the mur-
App.] [" The genuine form of this word, which hat mur of an artificial voice imitating the voice of the

lately \tecn found in an ancient Indian inscription, is spirits of the dead (see under 31X) Isa. 19:3. ?

ks'atrapa, i.e. warrior of the host; see Giitt. Gel. Anz. (2) a gentle going, a gentle flow, a gentlt
1839, p. 805, seq. ; Lassen, Zeitechr. f. d. Morgenl. iii. mode of acting, whence EN, ONp, DX?, commonly adv
161 To this harsher form correspondc the Greek ea-
gently, slowly,used of the gentle and slow pace of one
i0pa'jrj7c (BoeckL Corp. Ir.sci No. 2691 ,c.),
mourning, l K. 2 1 27 used of water flowing gently,
[sa. 8:6. >
13^? prop. "at my slow pace," narf) metner 3:15; 20:l6, toB T
-IBK "bound in the
allgemady Gen. 33: 14. Used of acting hand," i.e. who could not well use the
'macf)ltcf)fctt, right hand,
and speaking, iSa.l8: 5, T8& *? B$ "deal gently --f
me youth;" Job 15:11,
vrith the
a word gently spoken to thee."
^ tfc$

jJLc to bind,

V. to be hindered; compare

applied to an impediment in
speech. [So in Eng.
U an unused root. Arab, to be firm, Conj.

II. to make firm, to establish. N constr. 'X (i ) adv. of interrogation, w HE u E?

buckthorn (Rhamnus
with suff. n3 "where art thou?" Gen. 3:9; iK
"TJpX m., paliurus Linn.),
"where is he?" Ex.2:2O; DJN"where arethey?"
so called from the firmness of its roots, Jud-9 114,15 ;
Isa. 19:12. More often with n parag. H^S which s,--.\
S-f. .

Fs. 58:10 (Arab. j^\, i.q. the more frequent si s<tt

Arab. ^\ is
pron. interrog. who? f. dj\. So alsc the
X (by a Syriacism for i-1BN)m., thread, yarn, ^Eth. ^jP; Comp. Germ. TOO/ and JBngl. who.
ol linen or cotton, arn (Ch. string, cord). Once
[This appears to h^,ve been formed by the rejection
found, Pro. 7:16, "coverings of Egyptian thread," of Nun from {'&? (whence PSD whence?), and this
which was of the greatest fineness, and as highly
appears to be the same word as |^ negative; just as
esteemed as Turkish yarn is now arn) in
(Sur!ifdieS many negative words are applied afterwards to the
Germany. Compare Cels. Hierob. i., 89, seq. Alb. sense of interrogation (compare Lat. ne Germ, ntdht
Schultens compares Gr. 660 vy, oQdvwv (linen gar- 1*S is not present
n>at)r?). therefore, properly, tliere is
Root IBK. H
ment). (i. q. X, com p. Job 14: 10), interrogatively, is there

** not present? which is nearly the same as where

UUN an unused root. (i)
jo\ to utter a
gen- is? r$ No. I. and II. are in this manner very closely
tie sound, used of the sighing sound of a wearied joined. Comp. Heb. Gram. 150. Ges. App.]
camel; of the rumbling of the bowels when empty
(2) a mark of interrogation put before adverbs and
and hungry (rpveir). Compare my remarks on Isa.
pronouns, giving them an interrogative sense, just as
19:3- "^&? gives them a relative sense. Comp. Germ, reooon ?
(2) to go gently; see BK No. 2.
for con it>ckf)em? Hence ""N who? which f
(a) !"IJ

UUS what? but always (except Ecc.n :6) with reference

the mouth, the ears, Pro. 17:28;
to place; 1 Ki. 13:12, ^fejj TH* n l '^
"by what
21:13; JVl3i?n did he go?" (or ubi vice ? ? Sec
way quorsum vice,
niDB, Eze. 40:16; 41:16,26, "closed windows,
njD "X under (b); 2Ki.3:8; 2Ch.i8:23; Job 38:24;
with shut lattices," the bars of which being let into
and without an interrogation, Jer. 6:l6; Eccl. 11 :6.
the wall and planks, could not be opened and shut at
In other places it is where ? (from HJ here), Job 28 :i 2 ;

pleasure. LXX. dvpileg Sucrvwrtu. Symm. rotirat.

Est. 7 Sometimes written together nrs, see below.
*N whence? (from H|D, hence), Gen.l6:8;
(V) n|D
Comp. i K. 6:4. Comp. Arab. *i^, to put a curtain
over a window. lSa.3o':l3; Jon. 1:8, nn Dy n|O 'K "from what
people art thou?" 2Sa.i5:2,
nn ^J? njO *N "from
HIPHIL id., Ps. 58:5.
what city art thou?" (Pr. undenam populi ? undenam

OS r.not used; perhaps to bin d, to bind toge- urbit? as Plaut. unde gentium? Odyss.
170, irddtv
'^pw*'.) (c)
nx'T ? why? wherefore? (from
thcr; kindred to the root Arab. - ,
the therefore), Jer. 5:7.
cords of a tent. Hence |-1BS Note. Some other particles have *S very closely
joined to them, so that they coalesce into one word,
vPN rut. "IBJO TO SHUT, once Ps. 69:16. Arab.
^p, nD'N, nb, nb'X, which see. This particle is
le\ to make a hedge, to inclose with a hedge. 9 P- 7
used in the same manner by the Syrians, in J._LOy|
Kindred roots are IVK, "!?, 1^. Hence 9 * p 9 V
hew? ov^) whence? J.J-.J who? what? So in
"K?K ("shut," "bound," perhaps "dumb"),
Ch. n8
who then? f. KT. So in JEth. h-:
\Ater], pr.n. m. (l)Ezr. 2:16; Neh.7:2l. (2) where? IIOAV? With Nun parag. |?N where? ard
Ezr.2:4a; Neh. 7:45. which
contr. }K, see. [But see above.] Pro. 31:4,
w m. adj., shut, bound, i.e. impeded; Jud. the reading in np is "9?? *K D '?Pf to be rendered
and (it is not) for princes (to say) where is strong TO BE AN ADVERSARY TO ANY ONE, TO PER-
drink?" [See 1* No. 1.] SECUTE HIM AS AN ENEMY, TO HATE. (The original
I. 'K contr. for *} (as ? for %n for T|,
comp. idea 1 believe to be that of

breathing, blowing, puff-
idea often applied to anger and hatred, prop.
Lehrg. p. 510), m. (f. peihaps, Isa. 23:2), pi. D^K, ing,
oncei^, Eze. 26:18. anfcfynaubenj compare my remarks on the letter n.

(1) pr. habitable, or inhabited I and (from the ["Kindred is 3nN in which the idea of breathing after
root HJS No. as opposed to water, the sea, and
I, l), passes over into that of desire and love"]). The finite
rivers; Isa. 42: 15, rir.n? nnfe "I will turn the
Q*$ verb occurs once, Ex. 23:22. But of very frequent
rivers into habitable land;" compare Isa. 43:1 9; use is the part. 3.>.1K an adversary, an enemy, a
50 : 2. Hence foe, Gen. 22:17; 49 8; ; sometimes it retains the

(2) maritime land, whether the sea coast of a proper construction of a participle, l Sa. 18:29, S.^X

continent, or an island like the Indian Dsib, which

; "NT 71 ? "an enemy of David." f.
na^K a femaU
denotes both shore, and also an island. Specially enemy, collect, used of enemies (comp. Lehrg. 477),
(a) the sea shore, Isa. 20.6; 23:2,6; Eze. 27:7, Mic. 7:8,10. Hence 3V5< and
^EfS? V# the coasts of Elishah," i.e. Peloponnesus, HTN (contr. for ru., as nip'S for PlDg) en-
'K " the f.,
or Greece. (b) an island; Jer. 47:4, "WfD
island of Capthor," i.e. Crete; DVrP V "the mity, hostile mind, Gen. 3:15; Nu. 35:21.

islands of the Chittim ;" Eze. 27:6; Jer.2:lO; comp. ^

m., prop, a burden, load, by which one is
Esth. 1O:1, where E'? V. * are opposed to the conti-
oppressed, or crushed; (root "rtx No. 2); whence
nent. The plural is very often used generally of (1) heavy misfortune, calamity, Psa. 18:19;
maritime and transmarine regions (Jer. 25:22, by Job 2 l 30. :

D'n liy? ~\V'$ *Xn), and hence of those

epexegesis, (2) destruction, ruin, Job 1 8:1 2; 21 :17; 30:12.
very far remote, Isa. 24:15; 40:15; 41:1,5; 42:4, ?K ~PK " destruction of God," i.e. sent God. by
10,12; 49:1; 51:5; especially used of the coasts H*J< rmx, from the root m$ No. H.), prop.
of the Mediterranean sea, Ps. 72:10; Dan. 11:18,
cry, clamour, hence
which are called more definitely E'O V.N Isa. 11:11,
and D^n <K Gen. 10:5; Zeph. 2:11. (1) some unclean clamourous bird of prey, Lev.
ll 14, Deu. 14:13, to which very great acuteness of

the Indian Archipelago is to be understood.

sight is attributed. Job 28 7. LXX. and Vulg. some-

II. ^ contr. for *1K from the root H1K No. com-II, times render it vulture, sometimes kite. Nor is the
pare above 'K island; (l) pr. howling, cry. Hence opinion of Bochart improbable (Hieroz. ii.
as a concrete, a howler, i.e. a jackal; Arab. ^j\ that it is a kind of falcon, called by the Arabs ,.4j

^.T pi. ,_c.T culiJ son, daughters of howling, [" i. e. falco cesalori"] now called smirle, emerillon [Eng.

Shakal. It is so called from its nocturnal merlin]. However, the Hebrew word may perhaps
Damiri be more comprehensive, and include all the hawk or
cry, which is like the scream of an infant.
in Bochart. Hieroz. torn. i. p. 843. It only occurs falcon tribe, whence Lev. and Deu. locc. citt. there is

in pi. D*! Isa.

added a:p^.
13:2 2; 34:14.
(2) interj. i.q. ^K woe! with a dat. Ecc. |Q:l6; (2) [Ajali, AiaK], pr.n. m. (a) Gen. 36:24.

4:1O, where several editions read unitedly, v'K "woe (i)2Sa. 3:7; 21:8.
to him." ""1?$ i.q. *# where? with n parag., as in njn, fn
III. *tf occurs in Job 22:30, and
adv. not. It Gen. 3:9; 18:9, etc., and without an interrogation,
in proper names "rt33~*K (" i n g 1 o r i o u s"), l Sa. 4 : 2 1 , Job 15:23, " he wanders for bread HK where (it
and '3)'**. It is of more frequent use in the Rab- may be").
hinic, especially in forming adjectives with a priva- 3VX land of Uz, a man
pr. n., Job, an Arab of the
tive signification (just as in Germ, un/ ofyn [Eng. m,
remarkable both for his wealth and piety, tried by
tm], for the same purpose), and in the -/Ethiopia, in
God with calamities of every kind; mentioned otily
which is have no doubt
also prefixed to verbs. I
Test.] in the book
f\^ the Old that bears his name,
that it is shortened from P** (see the root P), like a
- */
privative in Greek, and in Sansc. from an. and in Eze. 14:14,20; LXX. 'Ici/3, Arab.
TQ^N ("inglorious"), [I-chabod]-, see
K The name properly signified a man persecuted (frc Ji
NTo.IIL the root3$, as 1! one born, from T) and if t

appears to refer to the calamities which he endured. ttrilbe 3tegen/ and in Latin they are called caprece, from
their likeness to a goat, capra. LXX. always tXa^og.
Others take it as serio resipiscens, i.q. Arab. L *\,\
'.*$ m.
(l) a ram, from its curved and twisted
(from the root 31N, c__>7 to return); comp. Kor. Sur. horns; see the root 7-1K and ?'N, which properly has
xxxviii.40 44, but see against this opinion in Thes. the sense of rolling, or twisting, Gen. 15:9; pi. Cy'N

p. 81, col. i. Ex. 25:5, and DyK Job 42:8. Intensive of this is

(prob. "withotit cohabitation," i.e.
(2) a term in architecture, crepido portce, or the
Plat. p.
249, B, chaste, modest; comp. Agnes,
projecting ledge surrounding a door at the top and
a very suitable female name, and not to be estimated
the two sides, often adorned with columns on each
from the conduct of the celebrated Jezebel of Tyre) :

side, with a frieze above, with a projection below, bie

Jezebel, Isabella, pr. n. of a celebrated woman, mtt unb
eerjterte GinfajTung ber t)ur aulenpfoften/ griee
daughter of Ethbaal, king of Tyre, and wife of Ahab,
Ki. 6:31; Eze. 41 :3;
octel. l
compare Eze. 40: 9, 21,
infamous for her idolatry, and cruel persecution of
24,26,29,33,36,37,48,49. In pi. D^U crepidines,
the prophets, l Ki. 16:31; 18:4,13; 21:5, seq.; 2Ki.
or projections in fron't of a building, commonly orna-
9:7, seq. mented with columns or palm trees, between which
"U $ where? Job 38: comp. of the inter-
19, 24; are spaces occupied by windows, Eze. 41 l 40: 10, :

rogative particle **? (see under that word, No. 2,) 14,16,38; comp. verses 26, 31,34,37. The ancient
and HI this. versions sometimes render it posts, sometimes columns;
Aquila K(jiw/jia, as if ram's-horn-work, i.e. the volutes
^ how? abbreviated from n ?*K, Gen. 26:9. of columns, especially those of the Corinthian order,
Often of lamentation, (alas) how! Ps. 73:19; Isa.
elseAvhere called /cpioe; see the copious remarks in
14:4; Ecc. 2: 16; without an interrogation, Ruth
Thes. p. 43 45. As to the etymology, it is either
3:18; 2 Ki. 17:28.
prop, a projection, prominence, SSorfprttng, from the root
"V \> (from *N No. 2, and H3 i.q. ri3 so, here), 71X No. 3, or else, following Aquila, we must regard
(l) how? Deu. l : 12. ??K prop, as denoting the capitals of columns, so called
(2) where? Cant. 1:7. Often used in lamenting from the volutes resembling ram's horns hence ap- ;

and deploring (as T*?), Isa. 1:21; Lam. 1:1; with- plied to the whole post or column. Comp D^N.
out an interrogation, Deu. 1 2 30. :

'*$ m, strength, might. Once found Ps. 88:5.

"^ X where? without an interrogation, in one Root 9-1S No. 2.
passage, 2 Ki. 6:13, where in np there is 13*K. /*$ Dv'X m., prop,
pi. strong, robust.
! l

??^$ (Milel), how? Cant.5:3; Est.8:6; from (1) pi. mighty ones, leaders, nobles of a state,

'*? and nSBssnS^ H.3 so. Ex.l5:i5; Eze.i7:l3; 2 Ki.24:i5(in np). See ^IX
No. 2, 3.
^ ;
see the root ^-1X.
(2) a strong, robust tree, like Spve, specially, the
oak or terebinth sometimes the palm, i.
q. H7X. fl?X
\? m., a stag, hart, Deu. 12:15; 1 4 5 Isa.
! :

which is more in use. Sing, occurs once, Gen. 14:6,

35:6; pi. 0* Cant. 2:9, 17. Always of the masc. in the pr. n. T^? 7'??; LXX. repeftivOng ri/c
P Qapav
gen., but in Ps. 42 2 joined with a f. in the manner

of common nouns, it denotes a hind, which is else-

PI. D^, D^K Isa. 1:29; 57:5; 61:3.
where called by its own peculiar form "v^, *"'. ri7*X f., a hind, and perhaps also caprea, wild she-
goat; two kinds of animals, which are hardly dis-
Ch. and Syr. id.; Arab. A>\ wild goat, mountain
tinguished in the common use of the language, Gen.
?uit. ch.nnois; JEth. "SP^. 1
an orthography which i
49 2 1 PI. nib'X, const, nfys: 2 Sa. 22 34 ; Cant. 2 7.
: . : :

confirms the relation of the roots 'p-IS and Tin. As (

P7*K (from 7^,"of" or "belonging to a stag"),
tothe etymology ^'X is as it were intensive of the pr.n. of a place, so called from
[Ajalon, Aijalon],
word ^N, prop, therefore it denotes a great ram, rp^t abounding in stags, like the Germ. irfcf)au/ $irfrfifelb.
a larges h e-g o a t. The Hebrews This was the name
appear to have called (l) of a town of the Levites, in
several species of deer and
gazelles, some of which , the tribe of I'an, Josh. 10:12; 19:42; 21:24; Jud.
have horns twisted like those of a ram, great rams, or 1:35. [See Robinson, iii. 63.] (2) a town in th
mid rams, as in German they are called SSergjtegen/ i
tribe of Zebu Ion, Jnd. 12-12.

flTK o*k," see tf>), [^OM], pr.i:.- l) of a

( Ch. in., tree, Dan. 4.7, 8, seq. Syr.
town ia the tribe of Dan, Josh. 19:43; l K 4:9. id. answers to the Hebrew p?K; but the Chalcbe

(2) masc. (a) Gen. 526:34; 36:2. (ft)

Gen. 46: word has a wider use.
14. (c) Jud. 12:11.

X ("trees,""a grove," perhaps, of palm trees,

f f. i.
n /'X (to which it is as a const.), hind,
see under n^X), i Ki. 9:26; 2 Ki. 16:6, and HTtf a loving address of a woman, Pro. 5: 19. It is hard
(for n^X Lehrg. p. 467, used coll. for ni^N), Deu. 2:8; to be explained what it means in the title of Ps. 22,
2 Ki.l4:22; l6:6(ftis) Eloth, Elath, pr.n. of a city
of Edom, situated on the eastern gulf of the Red Sea,
Wn TfRtfai
" on the hind of the dawn." Theae
words appear to me to be the name of some poem, to
which is hence called the Elanitic gulf. After the the tune of which the psalm was to be sung. Cornp.
Edomites were conquered (2 Sa. 8:14), David took " Hind of the
2 Sa. 1. dawn," prob. was the
possession of it, and Solomon afterwards held it and sun shedding its first beams, which the
morning itself
hence his fleet sailed to Ophir, l Ki. 9:26. It was Arabians call gazelle; comparing, according to the
afterwards recovered by the Edomites, but Uzziah use of the language, the rays to horns (see Q2). See
again added it to the kingdom of Judah, 2 Ki. 14: 22 ;
Schultens on Job, p. 1193; on Har. Cons. v. p. 163.
but Kezin, king of Syria, again drove the Jews thence,
2 Ki. 16:6, and they never again possessed it. It is
D^ an unused
The proper
root. Ch. and Talmud. D'X to
called by Josephus, EiXdrrj "EXam, by Ptolemy; :
frighten. sense of the root appears to
vElana, by Pliny, vi. 32, 38. See Relandi Palaest. me to be to stupify (oerflummen macijfn), comp. the

P- 21 7i 554> se q-> L6 Quien, Oriens Christ, torn. iii. root 0*??, E^n. Perhaps we should also compare D!V,
-,-c/ which see. Hence
p. 758. In Arabian writers it is called &JLH< Among
the moderns, E. Ruppell, of Frankfort,- was the first f. n: adj. terrible, formidable, Hab. l :f,
to visit its ruins, which he did lately, and mentions Cant. 6:4, 10, and

that they are now called Gelena. A neighbouring HO'N (for nrp\X ), ;
f. terror, Deu. 32:25. Followed
castle with the modern town, which is shaded by a
by a genitive of the causer of terror to others. Pro.
palm grove (compare Strab. xvi. p. 776, Casaub.), is
20:2, "H^O nD*K "terror of a king," which the royal
called -Ljir- i.e. mountain. See v. Zach, Correspond- majesty causes. Job 33:7, *np'S terror," i.e. "my
ence Astronom., vii. 464. which I cause. With n parag.
nnO'X Ex. 15:16. PI.

i.q. ''$ prop, fortitude, strength, hence DDK
PI. (i) terrors, Ps. 88:16.
aid, Ps. 22:20. Root ^ No.l.
(2) idols, Jer. 50:38 ; so called from the terror
ETK pi. D'S^K and n'lD^K, a term in architecture which they cause to their worshippers. Comp. nV?E?D-
which it is
very difficult to define. It appears to have (3) Emim, pr.n. of a very ancient people, who are
signified projection of a pediment,
Vie cftmfe. mentioned as having occupied the land of the Moab-
It is
clearly distinguished from D?W, with which many
ites before them, Gen. 14 5 Deu. 2:11. :

confound it, in Eze. 40:7, seq. The 3'E^N were car-

ried round a building, and they are almost always j
fc> an unused root, signifying the same as j^x,

with D^"N. See Eze. 40:16, 22,26, 29. which see. Hence
[" Compare Boettcher, Proben, p. 319."] I.
|!^> const, st. PX prop, subst. nothing, emp-
2/fr$ ("trees," perhaps, palm grove), [Elim"], tiness, vacuity. Isa. 40:23, ]1^? D^P !D3 I'"who

bringeth princes to nothing." Hence adv.

pr.n. of a station of the Israelites in the desert, their
second station after they came out of Egypt, " where l
( )
n o t h ing. Often including the verb subst l Ki. .

were twelve wells and seventy palm trees," Ex. 15: 8:9, 0'??$?? nin^\3B> pn j'n3 p "there was no-
27; 16: l; Num. 33:9. With n parag. HO^K Ex. thing in the ark besides the two tables of stone," Ps.
15 27. Geographers compare a valley of that region,
: 19:7; Ex. 22:2.
nailed Garendel[Wady Ghurundel]. but Ehrenberg (2) not, including also the verb subst. is not, tea J

informed me that he found a valley, called A-J'-Cj in

not, are not, were not, etc. i.

q. t?I to, Arab.
that neigh bourhood, in which word it is very proba-
^ m^

ble that there ii a trace of the ancient name. Aram. A!^, TV ?, n^, Nup 14:42,
D33"lip? nin* "because Jehovah is not among you." 133'S Wnj " behold he had disappeared." Of death
Jud. 21 :
25, in those days 'S"}?'!? ^O PS there was Ps. 39:H-
uot a king in Israel." Gen. 37 129, "fa| |pV p " Jo- (4) It may be rendered without, i.q. 1?>?3. But pro-
seph was not in the cistern." Ps. 10:4; Ex. 12:30; perly the examples must be referred to No. 2. Joel
" and
Lev. 13:31. In those phrases in which B?. is used alii r- 1:6, "mighty and without number," prop.
matively, in the same when negative, PS is used, as there is not a number;" Deu. 32:4.
HI ?$ #
Gen. 31:29, and WT ?!? Neh. 5:5. |
(5) with prefixes (a) PS? prop, in not, in defect
" when there was n o t Pro. 8
Moreover, it should be observed (a) wherever any of, (a) ;" 24, nonjfl p3. :

personal pronoun constitutes the subject of a sentence, "when there (were) not yet any waves," i.e. before
it should be suffixed to this word, as '33'S (am, was, the waves were created, comp. 019?- often
will be), not ;" ^3'S "thou (art, wast, wilt be) not ;" ^S, "without
i.q. without,^; 26.38:11, HDiri PS?

My, n|3K, D? ? S, D3, and in the pi. form (as if from a wall." Pro. 5:23; 11:14.
D3) iD'3'S, torS, Ps.59:l4; 73:5. (b) When the (b) well nigh,Ps. 73:2, prop, almost
PS? almost,
verb substantive, from the usage of the language, is
nothing hence, there was nothing wanting from,

included in this negative particle, it is almost always

comp. tsy??3 "there was little wanting from," i.e.
joined to a participle. Dan. 8:5, "behold a he-goat almost.
came from the west upon the face of the whole earth 1
" to him to whom it; is
(c) PS ? (a) for PS ">$P ( ) >

pS3 jy.3 PS1 and did not touch the ground," i. q. not," Isa. 40:29; "to him, to whom nothing (is),
J?33 66. Est! 3:8; 7:4; Ezr. 3:13; Ex. 5:16, J3FI Neh. 8: 10. (/3) for
nVn % so ^a t, there (was)
fri3 PS "straw was not given," i.q. IFI3 tO. Thus
not," Ezr. 9: 14.
often as a circumlocution, ?io one, Josh. 6:1, KW PS not (with a double nega-
(d) j'KQ ( a ) so that
K3 PS1 "there (was) no one going out, nor (was tion. See Lehrg. 224, note 2); Isa. 5:9, 3B>> pO
there)any one coming in," i. e. no one went out and "so that there is not an inhabitant." Isa. 6:11.
no one came in. Lev. 26:6; Isa. 5:29. Very rarely, Also because that (there is) not, Isa. 50:2. (/3)
and not without solecism, it is joined to a finite verb; no
i.q.PS with JO pleonastic (comp. '*? No.l, d),
Jer. 38:5, 1?^T D3I?$ bv TjW pS
king <3 " for the
one, Jer. 10: 6, 7; 30:7.
avails nothing against you." Job 35:15: and even
-ZVbfe. P.S, the absolute state of the noun, only occurs
the particle B, Ps. 135:17, Dn'B? n-n KTPS "there
at the end of a sentence PS ;
const, state, is always so
is no breath in their mouth." It would be more cor-
used that belongs to what follows, e.g. Num. 20:5,
rect to write in both places {<? In tike manner, " there is no
PS DV? water," for which also D!$ PS
however, the more modern Arabs write .^J for ^
may be said.

v pS there is not to me, for I have not, I had not.

Arab. II.
j?^ adv. interrog. where? Arabic M i.q.
Lev. 11 :
10; i Sa. l :2, like the J ,~J. Fol-
lowed by a gerund often equivalent to non licet,
it is 'S, 'S with I added, as in 'T^, PIS. [but see the note
it is not allowed, like OVK 'iariv for OVK tfca-w, and added on that word]. It occurs only with |P pref.

Arab. J .,'j~= "there is to me," for, "it is permitted PSP whence? Gen. 29:4, and frequently.
" it is PS
tome," Koran iv:94, x. 1OO; Est. 4: 2, NH^ pS Sa. 21:9, i.
q. PS, but interrogatively for
o. o t lawful to go in."Ruth 4 4 Ps. 40 6, T /S t"?. PS :

"there is nothing to be compared with thee," where

""I^K, more rarely i"l?S f., a measure

"=py. poet, is used for ""PX?. (d) It is joined with various of grain,
words; B"S PS "no one was)," Gen. 31 :5O; Ex. three seahs ( n SP), or ten
2:12; W PS Ex. 5: 11,
and nip-ISp PS iKi.i8:43,
specially modins, containing
omers, Ex. 16 36. According to Josephus [see below]

"nothing whatever (is, was);" 73 PS "nothing (Arch. xv. 9, 2), an ephah

was equal to the Attic
at all (is, was)," Eccl. 1 :
9. medimnus, or six Roman modii, i.e. ^-| of a Berlin
(3) since B?. is often equivalent to there is present, modius, about 2600 cubic inches French; comp.
there is ready, so P$ there is not present, there is not 16:16, 18,32; Zee. 5:6, seq.; Jud.6:l9; Rulh2:17,
ready, etc. a pas ; Nu. 21:5, CTO P^l QQ7 px ^3
riy from which passages we may passingly form an idea of
"for there no bread ht re i or water." 1 Sa. 9:4;
is the contents of this measure. [The passage just cited
"and we saw PS *3 thai they were not here." from Josephus probably is erroneous for he says,
10:14, ;

" Arch. viii.

Geu. 2:5; Num. 20:5; Gen. 5:24, of the translation 2,9, that the ephah contained seventy-two
or 1993.9*
of Enoch, D*r6 \T\\K
Hj^ ? 3*J ;
i Ki. 20:40, sextarii, equal to the Attic (liquid) metretes,
Paris cubic inches, about l-jij bushels English; see (g) followed by a genitive of city, land, and peopli
Boeckh, Metrolog. Untersuch. pp. 259, 278. This is itdenotesan inhabitant, or citizen of it;
also confirmed other byGes. add.] ns^X testimony." "an Israelite;" ? i Sa. 7:11 *&# ;

ns'JO a double measure (the one just, the other too 283.19:42; also l^n V'?* Gen. 24: 13. Especial)
20:10; Deu. 25:14; Amos 8 5.
small), Pro. This = in this signification sing. is
put w"X &% collectively ;

^ 3 S Josh. 9

word has not any Phoenicio-Shemitic root from brjfc for bfTJ^ ;
6, 7 ;
10 24 Jud. 7:8:

which it may be conveniently derived, unless from 8 22,

: etc. (/t) followed by a genitive of king, leader,
ej}x=5]SS to surround, as though a measure were military commander, of any ont lord. >te., the men
so called from its round form. It very probably are his companions, follotcers, soldiers, feint
must be referred to the Egyptian language; LXX. 8eute. i Sa. 23:3, 12; 24:5,8; 28:1. Once perhaps
render it olfyi or OI^EI, which was a very ancient used of relatives and near friends, as the Syriac
Egyptian measure, and is written in Coptic com I, viz. Eze. 24: 17,22, where D^'J- ^C ? 1
which contained four ^oi rucae according to Hesychius.
Also there is in Coptic the verb (on, com to num- is food which relations and near friends were accus-

whence is uni a measure [" whence LXX. otyi, tomed to send to mourners. In like manner (i)
Arab. an Egyptian measure see Rudiger in
D'nfctf EX and with art. D'n?gn KN a man of God,
<u> , ;
q. a servant and minister of God of angels, Jud. ;

Allg. Encyclop. art. Epha"].

3 6, 8 ; of prophets, l Sa. 2:27; of Moses, Deu. 33:1;
1 :

nS'K (from and n*B "here"), where? Isa. of David, 2 Ch. 8:14. () followed by a genitive
49:21 ; Ruth 2:19; how? Jud. 8:18; in indirect in- which denotes attribute, virtue, vice, it designates one
terrogation, Jer. 36:19. endued tcith such an attribute, and the Hebrews were
accustomed in this manner to make a circumlocution
X13X wholly, so, therefore, Jud.
of adjectives. iSfl fS "a man of form," i.e. hand-
9:38; Pro. 6:3, in some editions; but it would be DW K*K " bloody;" 337 " intelli-
more correct to write N12X, which see. some; Vv'j"*

gent," etc.; D^H W?** "celebrated," Gen. 6:4;

" a
W, comp. nl?"l^ ? ^^ husbandman," Gen. 9:90.

with suff. ^T, n ;

in pl. found

it is used coll. of soldiers, Germ.S0tannfd)aft/,Rrieg

three times, Psal. 141:4; Pro. 8:4; Isa. 53:3; (1)
only B"N
mannfcfyaft/ Isa. 21:9; comp. D"JN Tsa. 22 6. (in) :

D*?"^ in the place of which the use of the language


has substituted D'?'3N (from the unused sing. '?.X) ;

denotes a man of more noble quality; opposed to D^SJ
a man, or men, of the common people; see under
const, state ^3; with suff. W, nnB3K ;
and peri-
D"K< No. i, letter
(b}. (n) when joined to numerals,
comp. No. 6.
phrastically '3f;
after numbers below ten is put D^X, as D^3S nt^t?
(l) A MAN. Specially (a) opposed to woman, a Gen. 18:2; between ten and twenty commonly K*N
male; Gen. 4:1, "I have acquired a man with
Nu. 1:44; above twenty, always iSa. 14: 14;
God," i.e. male Used even of
offspring, l Sa. i : 11.
22:2, 18, etc., etc.
brutes, Gen. 7 2 comp. 1:27; 6:19. So in Latin, vir,

by HN or JH one another; HS

(2) followed see

of animals, Virg. Eel. vii. 7. (b) a husband, opposed
and IT}..
to a wife, Ruth l 1 1 Gen. 3:6; 29 -.32, 34 with suff.
; ;

" our (3) any one, some one, Gen. 13:16; Ex. 16:29;
13VJ'3X men," i.e. husbands, Jer. 44:19; so in
Greek a'/p, II. xviii. 291 Lat. vir, Hor. Sat. i., 2, ;
Cant. 8:7; so Syr. _AJ) for rtc e.g. __!) L'tdj a
127. (c) opposed to an old man, it is the name of
virile age, l Sa. 8:33. Sometimes
certain Jew. [" Pl. ETJX. men, certain men, lik
(d) it denotes 9
manly mind, valour; (comp. verb in Hithp.) i Sa. Syr. ^-icjfcjl
i Ki. 20:17; Jer.37:lO."]
4:9, DB>3$ Vrn ipfnpn be strong and be men;" (4) each, every one; iKi. 2O:2O,
" and
every one

i Ki. 9:9; corap. Horn. II. v-5*g. It is (e) homo, they slew his mnn.'

man, opposed God, Job 9 32 12: 10; Isa. 31:8;

x> :
trw K"X Ps. 87:5; Est. 1:8 (mSnmgttrt)). Once like
especially in pl. Gen. 39:39; Isa. 7:13; comp. Horn. Va it is prefixed to another substantive, Gen. 15:10,
" and he set each of the
irarfip utf.pur re OtSiv re. Opposed to beasts, Ex. 11:7; injni n&OpS n^anrN jr)M
Gen. 49: 6. (/) by apposition it is joined to other several (animals) part over against part." ^~iri3~E"S
" a
substantives, as Dno E*t< is i. q. ^nS" ?^, but the sacred writer has put K"t< for

eunuch," Jer. 38:7;

IH- K*N "a priest," Lev. 91 :Q; especially with Gen- answer to the following '^JD.
?3, so as to
" a
tile nouns, nnyt^K Hebrew," Gen. 39:14; comp. (5) an impersonal construction is used, like tht
&vopec TaXAaio*, ui'Cpcc 'lo/wiifXlrm, Act 1:11; 3:19. Germ, man/ French on, Eng. one or men (one

men say), 1 Sa. 9:9, &$

T?K nb Sdfe3 D'3S>> for- Ch. for E*. iCh. 2:13.
merly it was thus said in Israel," i. e. one used to

pn^ for \VJy m. Eze. 40:15.
np, entrance..
B"S sows of men from the root nnx i.K13 to come, to enter. In 3n3,
^6) \33 periphrastically for
pi. is

inen simply, like D"JX \33; see D~}X No. 5, Psa. 4:3.
the letter Yod being transposed, it is read
Sometimes used {u^art&dc of noble men, opposed to ON Ch. i.q. Heb. E?. there is, from which it ia

DI \33 Ps. 49:3; Pro. 8:4; see D"1S No. i, letter (6). -G*
As to origin, I regard B** as a primitive word, formed. (Arab. /.^, only in a few phrases, Syr. AJ,
somewhat however softened from the harsher form in Targg. nK, Talmud. XJVK) Dan. 5:11, 13 S W
which see; whence HK'S for ""l^X, and pi. ^p-IDpOS "there is a certain man in thy kingdom;"
2:28, 30; 3:25. With a negative particle 'P ^ K^

In like manner the Arabs have and Dan. 2 :

3 29. Followed by a pi. 3 1 2. When
i o, 1 1 ;
: :

the various persons of the verb substantive are ex-

,J,ujU To this answers the Sansc. isha master,
pressed, the pronouns are suffixed, mostly in the pJL.

VWVXheis,"Dan. 2:ll; WrpKwe are," 3:18;


ishi, mistress ;
and perhaps we should compare Gr. tc,
7pn N"thou art," 2: 26; p^p * "ye are," 3: 14. And
i| 11

Lat. vis and

(comp. honor, honos, iralf, Lac. Tro~tp,
these forms, with a participle, serve as a periphrasis
puer). Derivatives pt^N, pr.n. "rint?*K, nt2>3-EK and
for the finite verb. Dan. 3:18, pn^Q K3JVS *6 "we
worship. When
** &> denom. verb
only in are not worshipping," i. e. we do not

HITHPALEL B'E'ixnn to shew oneself or act as a used absolutely, should generally be rendered tliere

man (tti'Spifcadat), fid) ermannenj Isa. 46:8, -l^xnn exists, there is, il y a; Dan. 2:10, n. ? *P*X "there
"shew yourselves men," i.e. be wise, cast away the is to any one," he has, Ezr. 4: 16.
e'dldish trifles of idolatry. Rightly rendered by
Luther, feqb Scanner. (Ch. PE/Kpn and fc?B>Kpn id.)
0^ pr.n. see 'PX.
7XTO< pr.n.
[Ithiet], (for
b 'p* "God is
JiL'B u/ N (" man of shame," i.e. shaming him- with me"), Prov. 30:1. Ithiel and Ucal seem to
self,perhaps bashful), [Ish-bosheth~\, pr.n. of a son have been the children or disciples of Agur, to whom
of Saul, who after the death of his father and bro-
he addressed his instructions.
thers governed eleven tribes for two years in opposi-
tion to David. 2 Sa. 2 of palms"), \_Ithamar~\, pr.n.
of the youngest son of Aaron, Ex. 6:23; 28:1.
K ("man of glory"), [18 hod], pr.n. m.
1 Ch. 7:18. |JVN & JHK (for ]r\\
with Aleph prosthetic, from
the root IP* to be perennial), adj. (i) perennial,
a little man,and
constant, especially used of water. JJVX ?ri3 "a pe-
followed by }*V "little man of the eye," i.e. pupil, rennial stream," constantly flowing, Deu. 21:4; Am.
inwhich as in a glass a little image of a man is seen, 5:24; and without bra i Ki. 8:2, HT DWKn the
Den. 32 1C Pro. 7:2. This
pretty figure is used in month of perennial streams" (elsewhere called
O^C-O -o
Tishri), the seventh month of the Hebrew year

many languages, as Arab, jotll little man of

^^J\ from the new moon of October to the new moon of
the eye, Gr. November. Subst. [This sense as subst. is given as
Koprj, Kopdawv, KopaaiSiov, Lat. pupa,
primary in Thes.] continuance. Ps. 74:15, riVing
pupula, pupilla, Pers. cUX* ,
and compare the instan-
JJVK "rivers ofcontinuance," i.e. continually flow-
ces collected in Thes. more
p. 86; fully, Ps. 17:8, ing. Used of the continuance, i. e. the flow of the sea.
na P^K "pupil daughter

of the eye." (See Ex. 14:27. Job 33:19 in ana, |n an(3) ^W :

"with continual war in his bones," sc. H3^n he is

(2) Metaph. the middle, midst of any thing (as chastened.
t-fc. r

Arab. (2)/zrm, valid [firmness, strength,see\,

^^ pupil, for middle, summit). Hence Pro. Jer. 5:15, jrPX '13 " a mighty nation ;" Job 12: 19.
7 9,=
in the
pupil of the night," i.e. in the middle QWK "the potent" (Vulg. optimates,) (33:19);
of the night 20 " in " his
20, ;the pup i 1 of darkness," i. e. Gen. 49 24, W^i? JP^SS
: 3^n bow will remain
in the middle of the darkness which passage is in ;
firm;" in which passage 3 is Beth essentiae.
"p, J-1^3 "in the darkness of the night."
(3) hard, hence pernicious, terrible. Pro. 13

15, "the way of u:3 wicked is pernicious." Ren- ad Fam. viii. 23, " tan turn quod exArpinati veneram.
dered aptly enough by Luther, bringt 2Bct>e j Jerome, cum mihi a te litterae redditcc sint ;" Vellej. ii. 117.
" of the wicked
vcrago. [Explained in Thes. the way
Hence an unused root, i.q. "13X to bind\
is a perennial stream," see No. i.J "Jp.J|,

from hardness. Mic. 6: 2, hence to

fort ify, strengthen & city. Hence
(4) poet, a rock, a crag,
pTX Hp'lO D^JVXH "the rocks, the foundations of X i.e. fortress, citadel, castle), [Jlc-
the earth;" Jer. 49:19; 50:44, |H'X m? "a stony a city built by Nimrod, Gen. 1O:1O;
cad~\, pr.n. of
dwelling" (comp. 49 16, J^D \y n)
Nu. 24 : 2 1 [This
: ;
LXX. 'Ap X a^: comp. \&1
and i^OII. Targg. and
is rejected in Thes., and these passages are
meaning Jerome understand Nesibis, a city of Mesopotamia.
referred to No.i.] Other conjectures, which are however very uncertain,
(5) [Ethan], pr.n.
of an Ezrahite (see ^JX), a are given by Bochart in Phaleg. iv. 17, and Le Clerc,
wise man (i Ki. 5: ll), to whom Psalin 89 is attri-
on the passage.
buted in its title.
2O5$ (for 3T? with Aleph prosthetic), adj. lying,

*j|^ (shortened
from J3X, from the root |-13 comp. ;
false, deceptive. Specially for 3T3.X
?m " a de-
Ch. r??, *?? and ?, which is taken from the fuller ceiving river," i.e. soon drying up and disappoint-
|5 : [Derivation given in Ges. corr.: kindred are ^3, J3, ing the traveller, Jer. 15:18; Mic. 1 : 14. Opposed to
I3X, see Hupfeld in Zeitschr. f. d. Morgenl. ii.
143."]). J^'X a continual river ; comp. fundus mendax, Hor.
sure ly, c ert ai nly, no doubt.
(l ) affirmative part, Canu. iii. 1,30.
Gen. 44:28, 'PB TIB ^
" no doubt he is
TT?K (i.q. 3T?S), \_Achzib~],
pr.n. (l) of a town
Jud. 3:24; l Ki. 22:32; 2Ki. 24:3; Ps. 58:12; Job
on the sea coast in the tribe of Asher, situated be-
10:21. Hence
tween Acco and Tyre, called by the Greeks Ecdippa,
(2) adv. of limitation, only. Exod. 10:17, "HX
now Dsib; Josh. 19:29; Jud. 1:31.
"only this once;" Lev.ll :2i,^3Xh n^TlX T|X
of a town in the tribe of Judah, Josh. 15: 44;
" (2)
"only these ye may eat;" Ps. 37 8, be not angry, :

Mic. 1:14; comp. TT3 and n3T3.

(for this is)
only doing evil," i.e. anger is often
the cause of crime; Prov. 14:23, "vain words "^X "IT^ (from the root "!!3 prop, to break}, adj.
fbnoV only (lead) to want;" Pro. 11:24; 21:5. [" violence, but always used as a concr."] (i) bold
Specially it is used (a) before adjectives, where brave, daring, Job 41: 2. (2) harsh, cruel, Lam
Deu. 16:15, $^rp "
only is i.q. quite, altogether. : 4:3; hence, an enemy," Job 30:21. (3)/ierce,
r&& ^X "and thou shalt be only joyful," i.e. alto- virulent, used of poison, Deu. 32:33.

gether joyful. Isa. 16:7, D'X3? ^X "altogether 1T3X (with the adjectivial termination
^*]J?*$, i.q.
contrite ;" Isa. 19: 11. (b) before substantives, no-
'7). (l) harsh, cruel, Pro.5:9; 17:11 Jer.6:23. ;

thing but, which may often be rendered solus, merus,

Germ, tauter ; Engl. merely. Ps. 139:1 1, ^Tl ":]X " no- (2) fierce, savage, Pro.l7:ll, "a savage mes-
senger," i.e. one who brings grievous tidings, such as
thing but darkness," i.e. merely darkness. Ps. 39: a sentence of death, Isa. 13:9; Jer. 30:14.
12, '?n "nothing but vanity," i.e. mere vanity.

(c) before adverbs and verbs, quite, altogether. WlpX f.

(from ^.T?X with the termination W,
Ps.73:l3,p'~! ^"altogether in vain." 183.25:21; see Ges. Gram. 85, 4), cruelty, fierceness (o!
Job 19: 13, 'IP ^1 ^X 'JTp " my acquaintances are anger), Pro. 27:4.
quite alienated from me." Jud. 20:39; Job 23:6.
Comp. Ex. 12:15, tfc'Xin Di3 ^|X 'f altogether in n?'?N, a meal, l Ki. 19:8. Root b'
the first day," is, on the first day itself, nur gletd) am #*3X (from the root BbK), [A chit h], pr.n. of a
erftcn Sage. king of the Philistines in e city ?f Gath, l Sa. 21 :

(3) an adv. of exception, o n ly, but. Gen. 20 1 2, :

ii; 27:2; i Ki.a:39-
*TSX D3 XT' "^X "but not
(porovovxi) the daughter of
my mother." Lev. 11:4; Nu. 26:55 ;
Deu. l8:2O; inf. conot. s, with pref. X>, bX3, with
Josh. 3:4. suff.
^3|J, i^X, fut. bx\ in pause rfSp, once ?&,
(4) an adverb of time, only now, for just no IP, 26.42:5.
tcarcely. Gen. 27 30, VHX ibjn 3pJ XVJ XV) ^X
: . . .
(l) TO EAT, TO DEVOUR (kindred root is ^?3). It
X3 "Jacob was but when
scarcely gone out isput absolutely, Deu. 27:7; l 83.9:13; more often
Esau his brother came in." Jud. 7: 19. Comp. Cic. with an ace. of the food, rarely followed by f Lan,

4:5; 3 Ex. 12:43 45? Lev. 23:ii, and J9 Lev. 7: 25; the fruit of good or evil actions, sexual pleasvres,
91 25:22; Nu. 15:19; comp. iaQiuv rtvoe-
It is Pro. 30 20 (comp. 9:17;
: et vesci voluptatibus, Cic. Fin.
used not only (and that very frequently) of men, but 5:20).
also of beasts, Isa. 11:7; whence ??KH Jud. 14:14, (4) perhaps, to taste, to have the sense of taste,
the eater, in Samson's enigma, is the lion
(compare Deu. 4:^8.
(5) to diminish, to lessen, to take from, Eze.
1<^). The following phrases should also be noticed: 42:5, "ihe upper chambers were shorter, -v31* *3
fifD?? D'jWS for the beams or columns took away
(a) to eat a land, a field, a vine, is used for to
from them," i. e. occupied their place.
eat produce or fruit Gen.3:l7; Isa. 1:7; 36:16;
its ,
NIPHAL ^3W, fut. Typ. to be eaten, Ex. 12 =46; 13*
(comp. 37:30). (b) to devour sacrifices, is said of
3, 7 also, to be fit to be eaten, to be fit for food,

idols, a phrase taken from lectisternia, Deu. 32:38 ;

Gen. 6:21. Metaph. to be consumed by fire, Zech.
E^e.l6:2O. (c) DH? TOX is to take food, lKi.21 :7;
Q:4- -*Z*
Ps. 102 5 : ; and when
added, not to take food, to & is

Kal, like the Arab. eat up,

fast, i Sa. 28:20; 30:12; the former is especially, to
i.q. j\ to to

take a meal, to dine or sup, to feast, Gen. 31 154; consume. Job 20:26, K'K -irpD&W
(read fachlehu)
43:16; Jer. 41:1; 52:33; comp. <payelv aprov, Lu.
fire shall consume him," for in?3KJJl. Dagesh
7DS to live,7 Am.7:l2.
forte excluded is compensated by the long vowel Ka-
14:1. Sometimes DPI? VV - T is simply
1 J . .

HVV jJ37 73N is used of sacrificial banquets

metz. Some copies however read }n?3X^. Comp.
held at the temple, Deu. 12:7, 18; 14:23; Ex. 18:12. Lehrg. 72, note 2, p. 251.

(e) to devour any one's flesh, Psa. 27:2, used of PUAL, to be consumed, by fire, Neh. 2:3, 13; by
cruel and fierce enemies who thirst for one's blood. the sword, Isa. l 20. :

HIPHIL V?Xn, fut. ^3S, once l pers. 7<$t* (Hosea

Different from this is (f) to eat one's own flesh,
Eccles. 4:5, of a foolish person devoured by envy. 11:4), inf. ^?n for ^3^6 (Eze. 21:33) to cause to

Compare Horn. II. vi. 2O2 ov Qvp.ov mrt(W. (g) : consume, to devour (of the sword, Eze. 21 :33), spe-
^!?y., BJJ? ?3? to eat up, to devour a people, the cially to give to eat, to feed, construed with two accus.,
one of the person, the other of the thing. Ex. 16:32;
poor, used of princes who consume the wealth of a
Nu. 11:18; Deu. 8:l6; Isa. 49:26; with JP of the
people, oppressing and impoverishing them, Ps. 1 4 4 ; :

Pro. 30: 14; Hab. 3: 14. food, Ps. 81:17.

Comp. /;/zo/3oooe fiaviXevs
i. eat the flesh of a people,
Similar is to
Besides the derivatives which immediately follow,
(Iliad 231).
Mic. 3:3. In other places, to eat is i. q. to destroy see na
by war and slaughter, Hos. 7:7; Isa. 9:11; Deu. 7 :
i. >3&0 Ch.
q. Heb., to eat, to devour,
16; Jer. 10:25; 3<>:i6; 50:7, 17; 51:34. Comp. eat any one's pieces, metaph; to ca-
*1 '"7^12 ?3*i> to
Judith 5 24. to eat any ones words, is to receive
lumniate him, to accuse him, Dan. 3:8; 6:25. So
them eagerly, Gr. (ftuytiv
Asin. iii. 3, 59).
pijfiara, dicta devorare (Plant.
Jer. 15:16, J&pfej T?.?"! WVP3 "thy
in Targg. pypp ^ for Heb. ^, ^ ^,> (Syr.

words were found, and I did eat them," i.e. I eagerly _ for the Gr. dm/3a\Xw, Lu. 16: i ; whence
~ ~ '
devoured them, made them my own. (Compare on
Carm. Samarit. iv. 16.) Hence is the vision to be part.
J^ ^J
devil, Arab.
J& ^ js>\ id.)

explained of the roll given to the prophet to be eaten, [See pi?']

Eze. 2:8; 3:1,
seq. Apoc. 10 9, 1O. [But the vision :
7^^ with (l) an eating, a
suffl n. act.

(2) to
an actual eating.]

devour, to consume, often used of inani-

devouring, i.q. to eat. Exod. 12:4, v3^> B^S ^
"everyone according to his eating;" 16:16, 18, 21;
mate things, as of fire, Nu. 16:35; 21:28; 26:10; Job 20: 21.
Job i 16, etc. followed
by 3 Zee. 1 1 l (comp. ignis
; :
(2) food, especially (a) corn, grain, meal,
edax, Virg. JEn.. ii. 758 vavTag irvp lirdiei, II. xxiii.;
provision, Gen. 14:11; 41:35, seq.; 42:7, seq.;
182); of the sword, 2 Sa. 2:26; 18:8; Deu. 32: 42; 43:2, seq.; 44:1 (i)^rey, Job. 9:26; 3^:29.
of famine and
pestilence, Eze. 7: 15; of fatal disease,
Job 18:13 of the '?& [ Uca f], pr. n. of a man, Pro. 30 : l .

anger of God, Ex. 15:7 of a


curse, Isa. 24:6 of heat and cold, Gen. 31 -.40 of rPDS!

; i.
food, Gen. 1:29; 6: 21; of the food of
loo much
longing and desire, Ps. 69: 10. wild beasts, Jer. 12 9 food of fire, i
ftiel Eze. 15
(3) enjoy any thing, as good fortune, Job 21 :

from the root j-13, for

inf. abs. Hiphil,
of negation, i.q. /jft, ne. (a) put absol. like the Gr
ptf (pro]
p) for p) TOVTO yivTjrat (Arist. Acharn. 458); Germ.
l=n, pan establishing, Ch.pan, >?? [" Others i.q.
13with N prosthetic."]) adv. nid)t bod)/ nidjt alfoj nay! not so! Kuth 1:13, '&
"nay! my daughters (do not so);" mtm
(l) of affirming strongly, surely! Gen. 28.10;
Ex. 2:14; Jer. 8:8. (2) adversat. but, yet, Ps. 31 :
is "^K,
2 Ki. 3: 13; Gen. 19: 18,
has sometimes simply a negative power, but like
^ nidtf fo/

^r^. (b]

23 ;
Isa. 49:4; 53 4- :
Hence, by abbreviation,
the Gr. p/, only in what are called subjective pro-
which see. [This obs. is omitted in Ges. corr.]
positions. Thus it is only put with the future, and
(i) TO PUT A LOAD ON (abeast of burden), differs in this respect from N?. 2 Ki. 6:27, ~/8

prop, apparently to bendjto make to bow down under qy^K PKO rrVv. ^Bn
"(if) Jehovah help thee not,
a load, kindred to the root *)??, which see. Arab. how can I help thee?" C^JT^ &> must be rendered,
" God will not
help thee." Well rendered by LXX.
II. to tie, to bind on a pack saddle, IV. to put are auaai
" I fear the Lord will not help
/u>j Kuptoc,
on a pack saddle. In the verb this signification does Gen. 21 :
16, n&O^rT'K i,1) tonnte nid)t mit
thee"). anfe^n
not occur, but in the noun ^1?^; whence "I cannot look on." 'PS. 50:3, ^7*1 ^Wfl N ^
(2) to urge to work, to impel on, like the Syr. "Our God will corne, and will not keep silence,"
he may be ex-
In the Old Testament only found Pro. 16 26, prop, unb er mod)te rootjl ntfljt fd)n)eigen/
.ONO) :

n'B pected not to keep silence. Ps. 34:6; 41:3; Pro.

vbj> SJ3K '3 "for his mouth urgeth him on,"
3:25, fcO'Fr'pX "thou shalt not fear," there shall b
i.e.hunger impels him to work. Its being construed
no cause that thou shouldest fear, bu braud)(l bid) nidit
with ?y, must be explained from its
primary signifi- " into their counsel
ju furditen. Job 5:22; Gen. 49 6, :

cation of laying on a burden.

^93 N'aFI-'pS
my soul will not enter," in foUten SJatt,

m. a load, a burden, and metaph. weight, wurbe nie metne eete Jtjilltgen. Compare Cant. 7 3. :

" seek
authority, dignity, like "N33- Job 33:7, 'S?N] Sometimes the verb is omitted, Amos 5:14,
133'. fc6 *p!$ "and my burden (dignity) shall not good, in *?X1 and (seek) not evil." g. 8ft. 1:81, "**
be heavy upon thee." So Ch., Syr., while LXX. i] "
03^ IDC-ys) ^0 (let there) not (be) dew nor rain
Xeip fj.ov, and so Kimchi, regarding S)?^ as i.q. *]? in a upon you." Pro. 12:28, where it should be rendered,
The former explanation " the
similar place, 13:81. is
way of righteousness (giveth) life, and the right
however preferable. way r>lD'?N (giveth) not death," or calamity; or,
" a
right way never leads to death."
3N an unused root, i.q. Arab. \ Conj.V. to
(3) By far the most frequently it is a conj. of pro-
Sls$. S-<sf. hibiting, dehorting, deprecating, wishing thai
dig, especially the earth (whence^!, 'i\ a pit, a anything be not done. Always joined to a future
ditch), kindred to the roots nTS^S.-fipjTga. Hence
when it can be, apocopated when in the first person,

paragogic. Ex. 16:29, &' X N>T?>? " let not any one

^3&$ m. a digger, a husbandman; Jer. 51:23; Sam. 26:20. In the second person, Gen.
go out;" l
Am. 5:16. PL DH3K, with suff. Danatf 2 Ch. 26:10;
22:12, T n^fPI'^N "stretch not forth thy hand."
Joel i: 11; Isa. 61:5. (Chald. id.; Syr. and Zab.
r s #
IX'V'rr'pS "fear
ye not," Gen. 43:23; Jer. 7:4. In
the first, Ps. 25: 2, n^nX'^X let me not be asham-
J^a) Arab. Perhaps from the same source
js\. ed I" sc. may God so grant that I be not ashamed.
have sprung Gr. dypo'c; Latogw; Goth, akr; Germ.
It is rarely separated from the verb, Psa. 6:2, "7K
TCcfer. "
[Engl. acre.]). ^rP3in ^KS. not in thy wrath chasten me." Also
^JK ("enchantment," from the root used in imprecation, Gen. 49 4, "iritovX " excel thou :

[Achshaph], pr. n. of a town in the tribe of Asher, not," bu folljl Ecinen SSotjug fyaben. In petitions there
Josh. 12:2O; 19:25. is added W- Gen.l3:8, 'nri Nr^K "let there not be

now." Gen.i8:3, 30, 32. (si? with a future is strongly

L /N a word which has a negative power like
prohibitory; J9 lest perhaps, is more mildly dissua-
the kindred *6, N7, 7| *<!?, '!? (comp. under the root sive.)
p p. xxi).
NOTHING; Job 24:25, " who
(4) used interrogatively, like Gr. (see Passow ^ ,

(l) subst. shall bring Lex. Gr.h. v. litt. C.

[" Butman Gr. Gram. 148,5."]),
my speech nothing?"
to for num, whether; used when a negative reply is ex-
() adv. [referred in Ges. corr. to its use as a conj.] pected. Once found in this sense, l Sa. 27: 10, "*?$
? tfjr fetb bocf) ntd; auSgejogen in btefer ?X n7N Gen. 46: 3; D'P&g
7 njn; Josh 22:22 ; I's.
ye have not tne i made any excursion to-day ?" 50:1, which is
rightly rendered "Jehovah, God of
Here the answer is, " No, we have not gene out, for gods." Comp. Dau. 1 1 36, D vN 7X or without the

the Hebrews, my countrymen, live all around." [?] addition of a genitive of place or person, " whose tu-
From this stock is derived 7 v$$ whether the verb ;
dei'y God is
[This is heathenish ; rather,
was ever used is uncertain. who God, God really is],
7KTP3 7S Gen. 31 :
(6) This T^ord is much more
frequent in poetic lan-
/ ^ Ch. i.
q. Heb. No. 3 but only in the Biblical

Chaldee. Dan. 2:24; 4:16; 5:10. guage, where it stands very often without any adjunct,
sometimes with the art. 7n
Ps. 18:31, 33, 48; 68:

II. 7o
the Arabic article i. q. Heb. 7n prefixed ?
21; Job 8:3. (c) It takes the suffix of the first

also to some Hebrew words in the Old Test., which person, V?X "my God!" Psa. 18:3; 22:2,11. It
are either of Arabian origin, or, at least, although
never occurs with other suffixes, and for " thy God,"

foreign, have come into the Hebrew from the- Arabic,

" his

God," are used TD^,
of gods, and it is
used of idols
(d) It is a general
both with-
see TflD^K, D-li^K. E^$, D*|0^* Cognate is the
out adjunct, Isa. 44:10, 15; and with an
which see. epithet, as
pron. pers. pi. 7K, npX,
^HSI 7K "another god," Ex.34: 14; 1J 7X "a strange
?&$ m. (l) prop. part, of the verb 7'X No. 2,
god," Ps. 8l:lO.
strong, mighty, a mighty one, a Aero(comp. note), Whatever are most excellent, surpassing in their
comp. 7'K No. l. In sing. Eze. 31:11, &** 7K the kind, are said to be of God; as it was customary for
mighty one of the nations," used of Nebuchadnez- men anciently to refer whatever is excellent to the
zar. LXX. apxwv tQvuv. (Many copies have ^X
gods themselves [to God himself] hence 7K \T")S ;

D^3, for instance, those of Babylon.) Isa. 9:5, 7X Ps. 80 11, " cedars of God," i.e. the highest, planted

"113? mighty hero" [prop, mighty God, see No. as it were by God (compare njn *VJt?. Psa. 104:16,
3], of the Messiah; ibid. 10:21, of God. [The same n\n. II Gen. 13:10); 7N
'Tin "mountains of
" God
person is clearly meant in both places, even Ps. 36:7. Compare a\c S7a, Sla Aacoa//iwv.
with us."] Nearly connected with this is the
phrase Plur. DvX (i) heroes, mighty ones, see sing.
32:21, Q^i^jl vN (23 copies v^K) prop.
in plur. Eze. No.i.
"the strong among the mighty," i.e. the mightiest
(2) gods, in a wider sense; used of Jehovah and
heroes; comp. Lehrg. p. 678. Job 41 17, DyX, where the gods of the nations, Ex. 15:11. Comp. Ex. 18:

many MSS. and editions Q' ?^


ll; Dan. 11:36, D^N Sx "the God of gods," i.e.

(2) might, strength ["compare prop. 7S^"] the supreme God. DvS VJ? Ps. 29: l 89:7, " sons ;

So in the phrase* *T 7S ? B*

that which is strong. of gods," by an idiom of the Hebrew and Syriac syn-
" it is in
the power of my hand." Gen. 31 :29, K>* "sons of Gods,"
tax, poet, for i.e. angels.
njn D?oy nVe$ >T ?sV p ro 3:27; Mic. an; and .
Note. Following most etymologists, I have above
negatively, Deu. 28:32, IT 7X^ J'K "there is nothing derived 7K from the root 7-1K but to <nve my opinion ;
in the powerof thy hand," i.e. thou canst avail
more exactly, it appears rather to be a primitive
nothing; Neh. 5:5. Lamed in this phrase marks
word, the etymology being however adapted to the
state or condition. The nature of this phrase has root >1X so that to Hebrews this word would present
been but little understood
by those who would here the notion of strength and power. However this
render ?N by God, and give the whole " may
phrase my :

be, it should be observed that in the Phoenicio-She-

hand is for God;" comparing Job 12:6; Hab. l : 1 1
mitic languages (l) from the form 7K (Arabic

and Virg. JEn. x. 773, Dextra mihi Deus, etc. These

s s
passages are indeed connected amongst themselves,
but have nothing to do with the one before us. JjU Jl & Jl),
as from a stock, are formed several
See "* **
under WX- . U
other derivative words, as n?S to invoke God, espe-
(3) God. More accurately to illustrate the usage f

of the
synonymous Hebrew names of God, as OWK, cially in swearing; npS, 4! to worship God; and
n I make the
'$> !> ^T? following remarks on the
use of this word. it is(a) In prose
scarcely ever ni?^, H7X, $\ God (compare crusj to be a father,
God without some adjunct or >
applied to KUT

attribute, frfy 7S, HP ?X, ttfj? 7, >n 7K; or without JLcn_2sJ fathers, from vTiJ). (2) besides 7X, which
some cognomen, ?&n&. *H7 7X Gen. 33 20 :
7n follows the analogy of verbs 1JJ, two other forms are

of frequent occurrence, according to the analogy of

m 7X " their tongue and their deeds were against
Jehovah;" Isa. 2:4; Josh. 10:6 Jud.l2:3 20:30. ; ;
verbs rf?, which are used in pr. n./, */*, compare Whence after a verb of fighting, Hos. 12:5.
D'i?*?X, 3'C*}X, ^tfP, Y*?, etc. [" Among the Phoeni- here belongs the phrase, Q2 - ^?*? " behold,
* cially
cians I lix, "IXoc, was used car' t^o\rjv of Saturn; see
I am against you" (Targ. "behold, I send mine
Monum. Phoenic. p. 4o6."J
anger against you"); Eze. 13:8; 21:8; 34:10.;
IL ^?$ pron. pi. i.q.
n?X these, only found in the Jer. 50 3 1 5 1 25 Nah. 2:14; which is also rarely

Pentateuch and l Ch. 20 8. is the form of used in a good sense, Eze. 36 9. And so the part. :
/ also in other places used in a good sense for

the article ^, Jl erga, towards, 2 Chr. 16:9,

v D D "their ^ ^ ?^
i ;
heart was perfect towards him;" 2 Sa. 3:8. Com-
HI. /&$ only const. 7$ (almost always followed
pare Ex. 14:5. It is used
hy Makkeph), more rarely and poet, in pi. const. yS
(4) when one reaches a terminus or mark ; usque
ad, even to, i.q. "H?. Jer. 51 : 9, " her judgment has
Job 3: 22; 5:26; 15:22; 29:19 (comp. Arab. Jl), "
t reached D^rr^X." W3^>N
even to his mouth,"
with suff. pi. vX, ""ppX, ^Y$, ^yX 03 vX DHvX and ? ?
Job 40 23 Metaph. Hos. 9:1," rejoice not, O Israel,

B?K, once Q Eze. 31:14, poet. 1DyX Psa. 2:5; ^|'7X even to exultation;" Job 3:22. (To these
prop, a noun indicative of motion, direction to any examples it will not be amiss to add the remark of
place. by the usage of the language
It is the Arabian grammarians, that Jl includes an object
(A) Prep., signifying in general, to tend to any- which is of the same kind, and excludes what is of
thing, to verge to or towards any place, whether it a different kind, see Cent. reg. page 44, 45.) Here
be reached and even entered or not, whether it be by also belongs its use in denoting measure, as
motion or turning and direction of the body or of the nGX-^X Gen. 6 :l6, "even to the length of a cubit," bit
mind, turning to anything in thought; Lat. ad, versus, jut ?dnge einer (5He, etne (Ue lang (not as it is generally
adversus, in; Germ, ju, gen/ nad) (etroaS) t)tn$ Gr.
explained, to the standard of a cubit), comp. Gr. elf
irpoc, ilc, to, towards. (As to its difference
IviavTov, bis jur 23ollenbung etneS 3at)$/ in 3at>r tang/
from *?, which is shortened from this word, see
tc rpt'njj' fifiipai; Bast, ep. crit. page 12, 13; Schaef.
below, under that part.) Specially then it is used ell. page 108. (b) Compos. iP"^ even out of. Job
(l) of motion to a place to, towards. It is
and even out of thorns (i.e.
5:5, -13nj5* D'S-VP ^XT

31C* Gen.
joined to verbs of going ("=1?!?, K13, 8:9; thorn hedges enclosing fields) he taketh it." Com-
TV 2 Ki. i 15; rhyr Deu. i?:8; pT Gen. 24:29; l~y>

pare the similar use of the part. ? Deu. 24:5, and "W
Ex. 14:20), of putting, placing, and casting, i Sam. o ^
6:ll Lev. 16: Josh. 5:14; also of giving, Ex. 25:
i :
Jud. 4:16. (In Arabic we might
compare^] Koran,
16, 21 ;
of selling, Joel 4: 8; and the like (where, in
German as in Latin, a dative is used. In French xxvi. 41, prop, even out of. Indeed A seems to hav<>
and English the particle a, to). Sometimes the con- arisen from this signification of the particle before
struction pregnant, as /&
is ^3T to commit whoredom,
' when
(by going) unto, Nu. 25:1; Eze. 16:29; ^^! to (5) entered into; in, etc, in (cht>a$)
the limit is

seek an oracle (by turning) to any one, Isa. 8:19. tjincin i the more full, ^n/X.
Engl. into, i.
Opp. is ?P, as nV|3rr7X n>;i9n'|p "from end to end," 23:25, U?ni6 ^7?~7X thou shalt not put (grapes)
Ex. 26:28; n S'^X nsp Ezr. 9:11. Used of time, into thy vessel." "^'J?^ M2 "enter into the ark,"
D'V^X DVP Nu. 30:15; iCh. 9:25. Gen. 6: 18; 7:1; 8:9. rvan-^K "into the house,"
(a) used of turning or direction to anything. Gen. 19:3; 283.5:8. DJiT^ "(to cast) into the
(a) of the body, as after a verb of turning,
Isa. 38 2 sea," Jon. i :5- H^V "^ "into the earth," Deu. 1 1 :
: ;

looking, Gen. 4: 4, 5; Ex. 3:6; speaking to, Ex. 19:9; 29. When used of a number or multitude, into
commanding, Nu. 36:13. (b) of the mind, as after which one enters, i.q. inter (with ace.), among; it may
a verb of desiring, Lam. 4:17 of expecting, Hos. ; be expressed more explicitly, P3."7K. Jer. 4:3, " sow
18:7; being accustomed, Jer. 10: 2. not D'ip~?K amongst thorns;" i Sa. 10:22, " be-
(3) wl en either the motion or turning is hostile ; hold, he had hid himself Dv3n~?X amongst the
adversus, contra (as tic, Trpoc, more often tVi), against. baggage."
Gen. 4:8, vnx?3n 7X pj? DjVI "and Cain rose
up (6) as seen above (No.i),
T>X is a
particle of giving;
against Abel his brother;" Isa.3:8, Dn'7?yp^ D3iE7 so also is it used in adding, superadding (comp. fppin

/>$ i Ki. 10. .

; tjtnjtt, prwter, una cum, besides, and in some parts, big SJlontag (for Monday itself),

together with (comp. Gr. eVi rolei, besides these; (as vice versa part. IP used of quiet tarrying at *
and Arab. \\ for u- c Koran iv. 2; Cent. reg. page place. See No. 3). Winer, who lias used in this argu-

Lev. 18:18, " nor shalt thou take a wife ("?K

ment more skill than learning (Lex. page 60), may see
whether all these are void of sense he could hardly
nnini^ unto her sister." Lam. 3:41, "7$ '13337 KK'3 ;

'K'^X D*33 "let us lift up our hearts with our deny that these idioms of languages really exist. One
hands to God" (LXX. M veip<.>; Arab. ,_). After
thing is true, that the signification of motion is not
wholly lost in this class of significations, namely, that
a verb of joining together, Dan. 1 1 123. More often which had preceded. Specially then it is
in this sense use is made of the particle 7j/. Meta-
(1) ad for apud, at, by, near; Germ. an. 3^
phorically jnWrHpK "to sit at the table," ju Sifck ft'fcen, lKi.13:
(7) of regarding anything, having respect or regard 2O (comp. dporovg t'Covro, Od. iv. 51). Jer. 41 12, :

to anything; hence (a) as to, in respect to, Ex. D2H D:-^ " and
they found him at the
14:5 (compare Gr. tc because of,
/ucV raura) great waters, which were near Gibeon." l Sa. 17 :3>

propter. Eze. 44:7, D3<ni3Sprr^3-;>X "because " the Philistines stood

n-jp "tnn'7^ by a mountain
of all your abominations." (Comp. verse 6, where
(am SSerge) on this side." In the same sense there
in the and verse 1 1 where
same context there is IP am
might be said inn'lP, see IP No. 3.
; ,

is 2 Sa. 21:1; l Ki. 14:5; 21:22. So 7K H33 TOpf^l

ugel, "at the hill," Josh. 5: 3. Eze. 7:1 8, D^S-^N
to weep on account of. 2 Sa. i :24, /N PH?', ?$ Enjn HK'ia auf alien eftd)tern@d)aamr6tt)e/ "blushing shall be
Jud.2l :6. (b) de, concerning, after verbs of speak- on all faces," a little after D!WNy^33. (We must not
ing, narrating, telling, as "IPS Gen. 20 : 2 ;
IS ! Jer. 15

refer to this, Gen. 24:11, D^p ^3-^...D^p?n Tflyj

40:16; "ISO Ps. as the discourse "
69:27 (inasmuch where Winer inaccurately renders, he gave to drinK
relates to something); also of hearing, Eze. 19:4; " ne
at the well of water;" it should be rendered,
?N iljnOK* a report concerning anything, l Sa. 4: 19.
made to kneel down at" er lief fie tjtnfm'een an ba
(Compare in N. T. 115, Acts 2 25 Eph. 5:32.) See :

" SOSaffer.)
also l
Sa.l:27, *rP?Srin i"l;Tn "H|3n~7X concerning as in Sophocles, ec <5o/uove fttvttv.
(2) in, among,
this child I
prayed," urn bicfen .Rnaben b,abe id) gebetetij a "but
Deu.i6:6,nDBn-n nsjri D^...Dippn-^-DK
where 7$ indicates the object or end of the discourse
in that place which Jehovah thy God chooseth, there
(ben 3>t>ec). shalt thou sacrifice the passover" (Sam. cod. D1p3).
(8) Metaph. it is also as expressive of rule or
iKi.8:3o, D^rr'pK t^y? Qipp'ps yp^ri nnl"and
standard; sccundum, according to. *S ? "accord- hear thou in the place of thy habitation in heaven."
ing to the command," Josh. 15:13; 17:4- P 3 ?"- ^ " let our

(Here, by a slight change,

it might be,

"according to the certainty," fur g.otnfj/ i Sa. 26:4. prayers go up into heaven ;" but as the words now
n;)n"7X to the pipes," Psa. 5:1;

80 i And
so after the verbs of likeness, as ^P^,
are, ^ follows a verb of rest.)
" and he
Gen. 6:6,
: .

13^'^ 3->'yrV1 was grieved in his heart," ei

which see.
empfanb @d)merj in fetnem erjen (not as taken by
(9) prefixed to prepositions which denote
Winer, eg fdjmerjte i^n in bie eele t;tnein, for 3->'J?nn a a
rest in a place, it gives them the signification of of entering
being intransitive, does not admit the idea
motion or direction to or towards a place, as ? I'-inp Here belongs
into the mind).
without out of doors ?X
(aufievfyalbf braujien oor),
pnp to Avithout, forth without Lev. 4:
(3) ^ as sometimes put before particles, implying
(tsinauS cor), rest in a place, without change of sense (different from
12; com pare foris andforas; p3 between; P? ?S in
above, A, 9). i Sain, a l 5, HI
D 0? !'
: ^* ^
between (junfd)en t)tncin), Eze. 10: 2; 31:10. Comp. no common bread under my hand" (prop.
"there is
333O 7K Josh. 15:3; H?: ?K,
<, ^ a solecism, as the expression of the people of Berlin,
unter metne anb) also >1Cn?S for ^-ID, which see.

(B) More rarely, and by a kind of negligence of Note. It is a mistake to attribute to this particle
speech (although used in a good many most certain some other significations which are altogether foreign
examples), it is used of remaining at, or in a place, to its true sense, as icith, in Nu. 25: l ; Josh. 1 1 : 18
to which one tends
(comp. ? let. B;, as the Gr. tc } is
(see however above,
6) ; through, in Jer. 33 : 4, etc.
For i', t
So^oue Soph.Aj.8o; o'ixade f-ilveiy
(see Passow Lex. No. 6 Bernhardy Synt. Ling. Gr. terebinth"), \ElaK], pr n. m. l
*6); Germ, ju ^>aufe/ ju 4:18.
3;7tf m. hail, Eze. 13: an oath joined with imprecations Nu. 5
11,, 13 ; 38:252, i.

21. n?Kp njnto become a curse, Jer 44:12. |r*

ice, vpwa-aAXoc, whence ^^^N \32X stones of
n ??P to make to be an execration, Jer. 42 18. Plux.
ice, i.e. hail. This word is
perhaps rather Arabic

f O C.
curses, Nu. 5 3 Deu. 29 1 1. :

than Hebrew. Kamus, page 742, i,.*^^ what is

^F^ f- fin oak, Josh. 24: 26, i.
q. $%. Root ^K
frozen; [".^'^.U concretwn, specially connelatum." No. III.
See also Freytag's Lexicon, i.
page 240.]
/^ f. i. q. ^^ No. 2 (from the root b=lH), a strong

hardy tree, specially the terebinth(Piotacia Terebin-

thus, Linn.), a tree common in Palestine, long-lived,
God loves," Theophilus"], and on that account often used in designating places
[Eldad], pr.n. m. Num. n :
26, 27.
(Gen. 35:4; Jud. 6:ll, 19). According to Pliny

("whom God called," see njH), (xvi. 12), an evergreen; but this is contradicted by
, pr. n. of a son of Midian, Gen. 25 14. modern botanists. The ancient versions sometimes
render it terebinth, sometimes oak (see the further re-
marks in Thes. page 50, and the word appears,
?O an unused root. Arab. d\ to
worship a l);
in a wider sense, to be used of any large tree, like the
adore; med.Kesr. to be stunned, smitten,
deit/, to
with fear. See the note on /$ I. Comp. fiv^. Gr. fyvQ. [The modern name of the terebinth is

^Ut btttm, Robinson, iii.

prop, to 5e round; hence to be thick,
7 T

fat; cogn. root 7IX (comp. especially ?-1S abdomen,

?V$ emphat. st. Kr6| m. Ch. i.q. Heb. ^ God,
generally, Dan. 3:28; 6:8, 13; emphat.
Arab. have fleshy buttocks, used of Jehovah, Dan. 2 : 20 ; 3 32. With pref. :

belly, Ps. 73:4). J\ to

"Y^? Dan. 2:19; but also with suffixes, contr. nn?X3
to have a fat tail (as a ram). Hence njpK. Dan. 6:24. PL pn^ gods, Dan. 12 1 : 1 ; 5:4,11,23.
II.denom. from /K (see the note on ?&?).
pri^K 13 son of gods," Dan. 3:25.

(1) to s w ear; Arab. "}\ for A\ Conj. IV. V. prop, n?^ pron. pi. comm. these,
used as the pi. of the
to affirm
by God, l Ki. 8:31 [Hiphil]. sing. HT. The simple and less frequent form is ?^,
(2) to curse, Jud. 17:2; Hos. 4:2. which see. ^T has a demonstrative power, compare
(3) to cry out, to
lament(Germ. otterbarmen/
ott um
rbarmen anrufcn), Joel 1:8.
nan. (Arab. J5, '
JU f. Xj! ; ^Ethiop. ft<Y: hi

(I should not oppose the idea of this root being J\^: hae; Ch. ps.) It is applied either to the tilings
imomatopoetic, comp. 7?J, 7/N, and the signification which follow, Gen. 2 4 6:9; 11:10; or to those :

which I have put in the third place would then be which precede, Gen. 9:19; 10:20, 29, 31. It is
primary.) placed after a noun, as n|n
DniPtn Gen. 15:1 when ;

HirniL, to cause any one to swear, to bind him by placed before, there is either an ellipsis of the
it is
ten oath, construed with ace., lKi.8:3l; verb substantive, or it is used <$mk-wc, Psa. 73: l a.
l 83.14:24. Fut. apoc. Vl
from n^N> for njg! i Sa. Comp. nj. When twice or three times repeated, A,
Derivatives n?K and n?xn.
[" Like nj
1. cit. Isa. 12. it refers also to space,
illi, illi, 49 :

n^K^ i.q. npg Lev. 26:18. Some suppose d?$ to

"V T f-
(with Kametz impure, from n?X No. H.,
be used also for the sing., as 2 Ch. 3:3; 26.46:34;
for n^KS and that for nN^>S, Arab. JJ1, see Ezr. 1:9; but these passages are uncertain. See on
HJ^K; "
this pron. Hupfeld, in Zeitschr. f. d. Morganl. ii. 161
Lehrg. 509.
n?K3 N13 Ges. add.]
(1) an oath. to enter into an oath, i.e.
to bind oneself
Neh. 10:30; hence N'?n
by oath,
n?^r to bind any one by an oath, Eze. 17:13. Com-
^/K Ch. behold! lo! a softened form for ViN.
pare Virg. JEn. iv. 339, hce<. infoedera vent. T^K an
oath imposed on me," Gen. 24:41. (which see), Dan. 2:31; 4:7; 7:8. Compare the
letter ^.
(2) a covenant confirmed by an oath, Gen. 26:28;
Deu. 29:11, 13; Ex. 16:59. y$ and QK
(contr. from [" According to
Wl) imprecation, curse, Nu. 5:21; Isa. 24:6, feld (Zeitsch. f. d. Morgenl. iL 130), it is i. q. ^ with

tne demonst. }X prefixed." Ges. add.], like the Syr. (B) in a singular sei'se, of one god (compare as to
the pi. majestatis or excellentice, Lehrg. page 663, 664),
Q^J)' (/> *w* /
l a Particle of the later [?] Hebrew,
Heb. Gram. 106, 2, b. Constr. with a verb (Gen.
Eccl.6:6; Est. 7:4. and adjective in the singular, as E*n?X.
1:1,3 seq.)
HV7K (with prefix and suffix
a$s6 Dan. 11:38; <D 2 Ki. 19:4,16; p! Dn^|Ps.7:lo; 57:3; 78!
56 but with a plural verb only in certain phrases.
toVV Hah. 1:11), m. GW (Anfc- 4U aft, with art.

Perhaps retained from polytheism [an idea Avhich is

not to be entertained for a moment], in which DWN
of the true God; Syr. jcoSs. ; Chald. !K).
may be taken in a plural sense and understood of
imitation of the Aramaean usage, the singular form
higher powers. [This is not the way in which the
only used in poetry and in the later Hebrew; Scripture speaks of God.~\ Gen. 20:13, *n'X Wrin
plural of majesty, E^'S, occurs, on the other hand, B >;?7?$ as if, "gods made me wander;" Gen. 35:7;
more than two thousand times. The singular is used Ex. 22:8; 32:4,8; 283.7:23; lKi.ig:2; Ps.58:
(1) of any go d, Dan. 11:37 39; sChr. 32:15; 12. Compare my Comment, de Pent. Sam. page 58.
Neh-9:l7. There is a proverbial expression, Hab. It is used also
1 1 1, of an obstinate self-confident man, in?fc<? 1H3 -IT

(1) of any divinity. Deu. 32:39, "there is no

" whose own
strength is as his god," i.e. who despises
god beside me;" Ps. 14:1. Thus, when the divine
*very god and confides in his own strong hand and nature is
opposed to the human. Eze. 28:2; Ps. 8:6,
sword. Comp. Job 12:6, ^T? &&% K?ri TE^ "who " thou madest him a little lower than God"
bears his god in his hand." Arms are intended.
the angels, see Heb. 2:7].
Very often
Comp. Virg. ^En. vi. 773, "Dextra, mihi deus, et
(2) of an idol, a god of the Gentiles. Ex. 32: l,
..Nunc adsint." " make us a "
god," i. e. an idol; l Sa. 5:7, Dagon,
(2) mostly of the true God, car' i^o-^v,
our god;" 2 Ki. l :2, 3, 6, 16. Even used of a god-

dess, i Ki. 11:5.

1^$?, JJ\. Deu. 32 15 :
Ps. 50 22, and
forty times
in the book of Job. Const, with loc. (3) the god of any one is the god whom any one
sing. adj. (Deu.
cit.) and plur. Job 35:10.
worships, whom he has as his domestic god, tTri^wpioe,
tutelar. Jon. 1:5," every one called upon his god;"
PI. D'r6 (with pref. contr. D1

used in Hebrew Ruthi:i6; Gen. 17:7,8; 28:21. Thus, the God

Jehovah, who is thus very often
(A) in a plural sense
general, whether true or
(i) of gods or deities in
false. DP.VP 'n?X "the
of the Israelites is
called ^Of! Ex. ^
5:1; Psa. 41: 14; 3J5JC >?%
Psa. 20:2; 46:8; and conjoinedly 'D^K nvi' ps 18:
gods of the Egyptians," Exod. 12:12. "O3H

OWN 29; TD'$? n V"l> in Deuteronomy more than two hun-


"strange gods," Gen. 35:2, 4; Deu. 29:18.

" new dred times.
B*t?"jn gods," Deu. 32 17. Sometimes, from :

the more common popular usage, Jehovah and idols (4) more rarely followed by a genitive of that over
are comprehended under this common name Ps. 86 8, :
which the god presides, or that which he created,

"there is none like unto thee among the gods, O just as Mars is called the god of war [No such com-
Jehovah!" Ex. l8:ll; 22:19. Elsewhere the idea parison ought to be made of the true God with phrases
of divinity is altogether denied to idols, and is at- relating to idols.], ex. gr. Y~^^\
D ?? Gen.
" besides
God of the heavenly hosts,"
tributed to Jehovah alone. 44 Isa. :
6, me 24:3 ; niK3-yn rft^|
there no god;" Isa % 45:5, 14, 21; 46:9.
is Idols
Amos 3:13; or the attribute of God as f?K 'rpN
" Godof truth," Isa. 65 16. :
are even called D'rDK."^ 2 Ch. 13:9.
(5) E 'T' is used for a divine, godlike appear-

(2) once applied to king p, i. q. D'H?*? ^3 Ps. 82 :1,

ance or form [?] (otter*/ etjtergeftalt), l Sa. 28:13;
especially verse 6.
Not a few where the sorceress says to Saul, " I see a godlike
Note. interpreters, both ancient and
modern, have regarded D^npx. as also denoting angels
form arising from the earth."
(pee Psa. 8: 6, the LXX. and Ch. Psa. 82:1; 97 7 ; :
(6) with the art. D^Kn is GOD, /car
^ox^, the
138:1), and judges (Ex.2 1:6; 22:7,8); this opinion one and true God; Arab. aJJU in the well-known
is discussed and refuted at length in Thes.
page 95.
[But Hebrews, chaps. 1 :6 and 2:7, 9 shew plainly
phrase "d^M ~& t Deu. 4: 35, Dr6n N-in
rrtnj 3
that this word sometimes means
angels, and the * >
authority of the N.T. decides the matter.! "for Jehovah is the (true) God;" l Ki. 18:21, *!/
Jehovah is
(God), follow him, if Baal is (God), X m. (i) i. q. nK an o a k, Gen. 35:8; Eze.
follow him." Verse 37; Deu.7:g. WTience D'nPXn Root No. HI. ^
is used very often of Jehovah, Gen.5:22; 6:9, ll;
(2) pr.n. m. Allan, i Ch. 4:37; [a place, Josh.
17: 18; 20: 6, 7, etc. But equivalent to this is Q^?X
tcithout the article (Josh. 22:34), which is used very
often both in prose and in poetry, with hardly any P'K m. (l) a strong and hardy tree (from the
specially the o a k, as the ancient versions
n j^!, either so that both names are root >1X No. 2),
distinction, for
agree. Gen. 12:6; 13:18; 14:13; 18: l; Deu.
employed together, or the use of the one or the other
11:30, See my remarks in Thes. page 50,51,
depends on the na nre of the phrases and the usage of
in opposition to Celsius (Hierob. t. i. page 34, seq.),
the language, and he inclination of the particular
writers. Thus we \ onstantly find D'^PX ^3, and on who regards fl?X as well as H7S to be the terebinth.
the other hand, njn in other ex-
Sometimes particular oaks were called by particular
rwt?, n}rv DX? ;
" the
names, as oak of Magicians," Jud. 9:37; pL
pressions this use altogether promiscuous, as ">3JJ
" the o a k s of
njrr and Dn*>gn nag Dan. 9:11; nirv nn and rvri Mamre," Gen. 13:18; 14:13; of Moreh,
EWS Gen.i:2; 41:38; Ex. 31:3. As to the usage of
Deu. 11:30.
remarks in Thes. page 97, 98.
different writers, see the (2) pr.n. m. Gen. 46:14.

Things are said hi Scripture to be of God; what- (l)familiar,intimate,a friend,

*p?8$ adj.m.
ever is most excellent or distinguished in its own kind No. l), Pro. 16:28; 17:9; Mic. 7:5;
(see the root
was regarded by the ancients as specially proceeding
Dnyjn rj^K a husband is called "a fri nd of youth,"
from God, or sent, or created by him, or what bears Jer. 3:4 (comp. JH Jer. 3:20).
a divine or august appearance .(TO falor), as " mount "and was a
(2) gentle, tame, Jer. 11:19, I as
of God," Psa. 68:16; " river of God," Psa. 65:10; tame sheep."
D^^X nnn " terror suddenly sent by God," a panic
(3) an ox, i. q. *[?$ No. l, so called as being tamed
terror, Gen. 35:5. 2 Ki. l : 12, DWX
t?X is used of
and used to the yoke. Its gender is masculine epicene,
lightning, etc. ; compare *??< page XLV. B. Similar is so thatunder the masculine gender it is also used of a
the principle of the phrase D'rOX? of God; 6ew,
cow; Ps. 144:14, D^?DO -irs^X.
added to adjectives. Jon. 3:3, r6n pr. (4) the leader of a family or tribe, ^uXap^oc:
"a divinely great." Acts 7:20, TW Qey.
especially used of the chiefs of the Edomites, Gen.
city curre'iot;

36 :
15, seq. l Ch. 1:51, seq. rarely of the Jews, Zech.
Compare the Arab.
pr./row God, divinely, ex-
9:7; 12:5,6; also generally of leaders, Jer. 13:21.
Har. Cons. iv. page 38, ed. de Sacy.
ceedingly. K^l 7S (according to the Talmud, " a crowd of m e n").
As to the phrases, D'r6x E*X, Dr6x |? see under
[Alusli], pr.n.
of a station of the Israelites, Num.
^N, 1? and the other words from which they spring.
Note. Some regard E'^X to be also used in a sin-

gular sense (for as to the plural see A, 2), of one T/NI ("whom God gave'') QeoS&pog. \_Elza-
King, for D*n?X"|5 and they especially refer to Ps.
? ,pr.n.m. (l) l Ch. 26:7. (2) 12:12.
45:7, where they render 1J D/ny Dr6x ?|X D3 "thy
throne, O God O
divine King), shall stand for
/ N a root not used in Kal. Arab. Conj. VTII.
ever;" but this should no doubt [?] be construed by
to become sour, as milk.
D'H^X XD3 ^p?
thy throne shall be a
divine throne" (i. e. guarded and made prosperous by NIPHAL rDS3 metaph. to be corrupted, in amoral
God), according to the accustomed canon of the lan- sense, Ps. 14:3; 53:4; Job 15:16.
guage, Lehrg. 233:6. [This passage speaks of
Christ as God, there is no ellipsis to be supplied, see n?tf ("whom God .gave"),[ EZAanan],pr.n.of J

Heb. ;:8.] one of David's captains who, according to 2 Sa. 21 19, :

slew Goliath (see under the word V?D?). The person

^i?** m.
(i)i.q- styvain, Jer. 14: 14, in a'ro. mentioned 2 Sa. 23 24, does not appear to be
: different.
(2) [j/rj, the sixth Hebrew month, from the
new moon of September to that of October, Nehem. aNvtf ("whose father is God"), [El ia J], pr.n
>".'' (l) a leader of the tribe of Zebulon, Num. 1:9:
IK 15; Arab. Etymology un-
Syr. JAA 2:7. (2) Num. 16:1, 12; 26:8. (3) a brother of
known. David, i Sa. 16:6; 17:73, s8. (4) i Ch. 16:5.

'$$ :$ ("to whom God strength," sc. gives)

("to whom God is the reward," from
Q pr. n. (l) of two of David's mighty men, fc_j ,~w Conj. HI. to recompense), [Elihoreph~\, pr.n.
1 Ch. 11:46,47; 12:11. (2) of a leader of the m. i Ki. 4:3.
tribe of Manasseh, I Ch. 5:24. (3) of a leader of
the Benjamites, l CK 8:20. (4) lCh.8:22. (5) (i) adj. of nothing, of nought, empty,
l Ch 15:9, 11. (6) 2 Ch. 31:13. vain, l Ch. 16 26 Ps. 96 5. PL the vain, empty, i. e.

idols, Lev. 19:4; 26:1; (comp. ^H).

n. m. l Ch. 25 (2) subst. vanity, weakness, Job 13:4, 'YN'Xp"!
fir. :
"vain physicians," i.e. vain comforters, compare Zee.

TT?8 ("whom God

loves"), [Elidad], pr.n. 11:17. Root ^N No. I.
of a leader of the Benjamites, Num. 34:21.
("to whom God is king"), [Elime-

VT*?^ ("whom God cares [Eliada],*pr. for"),

Zec],pr. n. m., the father in law of Ruth. Ruth
n. (l) a son of David, 2 Sa. 5:16, called, l Ch. 1:2 2:1.
14:7, jnyf
(2)1 Ki. 11:23. (3) 2Ch. 17:17.
J?" & |O Ch. pron. pi. comm., these, i.
q. Heb.
(from the root i^>X No. 1), i. q. Ijf, the

"T?N . Dan. 2:44; 6:7.

thick and fat tail of a sheep, such as that of the
peculiar kind of oriental sheep (ovis laticaudia, Linn.), ("whom God added"), [Eliasaph^s.
the smallest of which, according to Golius, an eye- n. m. (i ) a leader of the tribe of Gad, Num. i 14; :

witness (page 146), weighs ten or twelve pounds. 2:14. (2) 3:24.
Comp. Herod iii. 113; Diod. ii. 54, and others cited by whom God
Bochart,in Hieroz. pt. i. page 494, seq. Rosenmiiller,
"1JV Y^ ("to is help"), pr. n. m.,
Damascus whom Abraham
Eliezer. (l) a man of
altes und neues Morgenland, ii. 118. Ex. 29:22;
" let intended to be his heir before the birth of Isaac [of Ish-
Lev. 7:3; 8:25; 9:19;
3:9, him take away
the whole tail, near the back-bone." mael],Gen. 15:2; according to verses, born in his
house. (2) a son of Moses, Ex. 18 4. (3) l Ch. 7: :

rV?N & 1JT7N (

m y God is Jehovah"), 8. (4)1 Ch. 27:16. (5)iCh.i5:24. (6)
Elijah, pr.n. (l) of a very celebrated prophet, 37. (7), (8), (9) Ezr. 8: 16; 10:185.23:31.
the chief of the prophets in the kingdom of Israel
in the time of Ahab, famous for the
many miracles W^*5 (perhaps contr. from '3^K), \_Elienai],
which he wrought; taken up to heaven (2 Ki. 2 '6, pr. n. m., i Ch. 8: 20.

seq. compare however, 2 Ch. 21:12), and to return n. m.

(i- q- BKv*, 3Kv"K), \Eliam\, pr.
before the advent of the Messiah (Mai. 3 23). (2) :
the father of 2 Sam. called .1 Ch.
(l) Bathsheba, 11:3,
m. i Ch. 8:27. (3) m. Ezr. 10:21, 26. 3:5 ^*W- (2) 2 Sam. 23:34.
STY*? ("whose God is He"), [Elihu], m. whom God m.
("to is strength"), pr. n.
(i) i Ch. 26:7. (2) i Ch. 27:18. (3)
No.i. Eliphaz. (l) a son of Esau, Gen. 36:4,sq. (a)
a friend of Job with whom he disputed, Job 2 : 11 ;

(i) [Eliky], the son of

(id.) pr. n. 4:1; 15:1, etc.

Barachel the Buzite, a friend of Job, his fourth op-

73 V^ ("whom God judges," from ^3), [Eli-
ponent in dispute, Job chaps. 32 35. Sometimes
phal~], pr. n. m., l Ch. 11:35.
Mrritteu -liTyX Job 32:4; 35:1. (2) m. l Sa. l:i.
m. i Ch. 12:20.
'iPl^lJvg ("whom God distinguishes," i.e,

makes pr. n. m., l Ch.

s X.''"'.7v
("unto Jehovah my eyes," sc. are distinguished), [Elipheleh'],
turned), [Elioenat], pr.n. m. (i) Ezr. 8:4. 15:18,21.
(2) i Ch. 26:3.
("to whom God is salvation"), [Eli-
TOY** (id.) [Elioenai], pr. n. m. (l) l Ch.
3:23 (2) i Ch. 4:36. (3) i Ch. 7: 8. (4) Ezr. 6; 14:7, called i Ch. 14:5, (2) 2 Sam. 23: OK.
10:22. (4), (5) Ezr.' 8: 13; 10:33.
(5) Ezr. 10:27. 34. (3)1 Ch. 8: 39.

("whom God hides"), \_Eliahba~\, "W78 ("to whom God is a rock"), [Eli*ur~\,
pr. n. m. of one of David's m. Num. 1:5; 2:1O; 7"*o, 35;1O:1?
mighty men, 2 Sa. 23 32. :
pr. n.
|rW^ (" whom God protects"), [Elzephan, WY ("whom God judges"),
Elizaphan], pr. n.m. (l) Num. 3:30, called i?-P? phat], pr. n. m., 2 Ch. 23:1.
Ex.6:22: Lev. 10:4. (2) Num. 34:25.

Np Y [Elikd], pr. n. m. 2 Sam. 23: 25. The

Dan. 3:12, 13,
is unknown. i|?N Ch. these,i.q. n?$,
21,22; Ezr. 4:21; 5:9, etc.
E whom God has set"), Eliakim, pr.
p,?^> ("
I. 7 /ix
an unused verb having the force of no-
n. (l) the prefect of the palace in the reign of Heze-
kiah. 2 Ki. 18:18; 19:2; Isa. 22:20; 36:3. (2) thing, emptiness, ["commonly"] derived from /$
a son of king Josiah, made king by Necho, king of [" but this is
very doubtful"] (which see, and com-
who changed his name to pare the remarks under the root j-IX), whence
Egypt, O'p'V ("whom
Jehovah has set"). 2^.23:34; 24: l; Jer. 1:3; vain, powerless.
i Ch. 3:15. (3)Neh. 12:41. and Arab.
II. '/^ to cry out, onomatop. i.
q. 7?J

P3C*7$(to whom God is the oath," "who

J! Kam. p. 1391. Comp. dXaXa^Etf. Hence is V?N.
swears by God," worshipper of God, comp.
i. e.

Isa. 19:18),
[Elishebd],vr.n.f. Ex. 6:23. LXX. HI. 7? kindred to the roots -IS & No. I, prop. HK
'FAiira/jeV, as Lu. 1:7. to roll, hence to be round, thick; whence n?S,l'li>K
oak, prop, thick tree.
'T ?
[Elishah], pr. n. of a region situated on
the Mediterranean Sea, whence purple was brought to /V- inter}, of lamenting, vce, wo e! Gr.fXeXtiJ, fol-
Tyre, Gen. 10:4; Eze. 27:7. Elis is to be under- lowed by *?i Job 10:15; Mic. 7:1. Root ^S No. H.
stood (comp. the Samaritan
copy, in which, the n
I? a root not used in Kal. (I)TO BIND, comp.
being omitted, it is written Eb>X)- The name of this
PIEL and HCyX.
place appears to have been applied by the Hebrews
to the Avhole Peloponnesus, as the names of provinces, (2) passive, to be bound, sc. the tongue, i.e. to be
when remote, are very often applied to whole dumb, besilent; see NIPH. and the nouns D?K, D?X,
especially %
3b?N. To be silent, dumb, as if tongue- tied (^eff^oe rijc
countries comp. JV. As to the purple not only found

inLaconia (Hor. Od. ii. 18, 7), but also in the gulf of yXwo-oTje, Mark 7 :35), comp. Pers. ..i**j ^.bj
to bind

Corinth, and in the islands of the ^Egean sea, see the tongue, for to be silent, and Gr. ((upovirdai.
Bochart, Phaleg. iii. 4. Others explain HC'^X by (3) to be solitary, forsaken, widowed, for a so-
Hellas, Greece ; see Michaelis, Spicil. Geogr. Hebr. t. i.
litary person is silent
as he has no companion with
p. 78. whom to talk ; comp. *j to be mute, to be unmarried.

("to whom God is salvation"), \_Eli- Hence are derived |O^, O^>K, fb^S, JWpVx.
shua\, pr. n. m., of a son of David, 2 Sa. 5: 15; l Ch. NIPHAL. (i) to be dumb, mute, Ps. 31:19; 39
14:5- 10; Isa, 53:7.

("whom God restored"), [Eliashib'],
(2) to be silent, Eze. 33:22.
PIEL, to bind together,Gen. 37:7.
pr. (i) i (2) Ch. 24:12; Ezr.
Ch. 3:24. l

10:6. (3) Neh. 3:1, 2O; 12:10. (4), (5) Ezr. . silence, Ps.58:2,

" do
10:24, 27,36. ye indeed speak out the silence of justice?"

whom God hears"), [Elishama], do ye indeed use justice which seems to be silent and
mute in your decrees? [" So commonly; but it may
pr. n. m. (1)2 Sam. 5:16. (2) Num. 1:10; 2:l8.
be worth inquiry whether C?X should not be dropped,
(3)2 Ki. 25:25; Jer. 41:1. (4) l Ch. 2:41. of
(5)Ch.i7:8. having sprung perhaps from a careless repetition
D3DK." This conjecture is wholly needless. (" Maurer
pr. n.m. (for ycK "to whom God is
gives to D^$ the signification of league, law, from th
salvation"), the prophet, the disciple, com-
Eli-ilia s *-
sense of binding as JJLC league, from Ipl? to biud. ",
panion, and successor of Elijah, famous for many

D^X njV the d um b dove

:niraeles. He flourished in the kingdom of the ten Ges. add.] Ps. 56 : l , D'j?h-|

perhaps 'he people of Israel

ninth century B. C.
tril*s, in the 2 Ki. chaps. 2 13. among foreigners" (i. e.

the title of a poem, totb*

In N. T. 'EAirocuoc, Lu. 4:27. exile, comp. lin Ps. 74: 19),

time of which Psalm 56 was sung. Comp. my re- No. 3. Metaph. used of a state bereft of its king
marks on the word Jv'N. Isa. 47 : 8. (Compare verse 9, and 54:4.)
K?^ m. adj. mute, dumb, prop, bound as to the II. Isa. i3:a2,/mZac*,i.q.nfo1
tongue; see the root No. 2. Ex. 4: 11 Isa. 35:6; Ps. ; (which is itself the reading of some copies), the letter
38 :
14. PI. crp^S Isa. 56 : 10. >
being softened into 7 as is frequently the case.
Compare fiE"lS. Others retain the idea of a widow,
Op5 Job. 17: 10, in some editions incorrectly for
and understand desolate palaces.
E>1N, which see, but, indeed.

D^ilpvN m. and with the letters

pi. l Ki. 10 : 1 1 ,
1 2,
rWyyfc pi. V>nud?Xf. w idou,hood, Gen. 38:14.
Metaph. used of the condition of Israel as living in
transposed D'S-l^K 2 Ch. 2:7; Q:io, n, a kind of
exile; Isa. 54:4.
precious wood, brought from Ophir, by sea, in the
time of Solomon, together with gold and precious m - a certain on"., o Stlvci, pr. one kept
stones, used for ornaments of the temple and palace, silent (from Q?K Xo. 2), whose name is concealed.
and also for making musical instruments according ;
There is
always prefixed to this word *}?? which see.

to 2 Ch. 2
7, growing
: on Lebanon. [" It seems
i.q. P!?
to correspond to Sanscr. mtc'ata (from simpl. mica,
("whose pleasure or joy God is")
so Bohlen), with the Arab. art. sandal wood, ( ]\; [El net am], pr. n. m. l Ch. 11:46.
pterocarpus sandaliorus, Linn. red sandal wood, still K ("whom God
used in India and Persia for costly utensils and instru-

(VT: gave," compare \^\ as i:

Theodorus, Adeodatus), [Elnathan^,pr.n.Tn.

ments, Celsii Hierob. i. p. 1 7 1 seq." Ges. add.] Many ,
the grandfather of king Jehoiachin, l Ki. 24:8, per-
of the Rabbins understood cor a I, and in this sense
haps the same who is mentioned Jer. 26:2-2; 36: 12,
the singular 3W?^ is used in the Talmud but this is ;

1 25. (2) three Levites in the time of Ezra, Ezr. 8 16. :

not wood (O although if this use of the word by

^) ;

the Talmudists be ancient, that precious wood might Gen. 14:1, 9 \_Ellasar], the name of H

be so called from its resemblance to coral, as if cor a l- region, apparently to be sought near Babylonia and
wood, .RoraUentjoIj. More probable is the opinion of Elymais
J (for
it occurs between IVJ^
and D T
. 'V.)-

Kirnchi, who takes it for the Arab. JLli which the Symm. and Vulg. Pontus; Targ. Jerus. "i^fOf;! (Isa
37:12). But some province of Persia or Assyria
Europeans call ^TX"Q Brazil wood.
is intended, as is shewn by the Assyriaco-Babylonian
TTiDpX Gen. 10=26 ;
iCh. 1:20 [Almodad], name of the king "JV'JK; compare Dan. 2 14. :

son of Joktan, i. e. of a people and region

pr. n. of a
of southern Arabia [so called from this person]. If p^f ("whom God praises," from 1-1V compare
Job 29 : 1 1
), \_Elead~], pr. n. m. i Ch. 7:21.
there were an ancient error in reading (for -nift^x))
we might compare Morad jL*, or ^j the j^ ""1*1^7^ ("whom God puts on," i. e. fills r
name of a tribe living in a mountainous region of B'?? Job 29 :
14), pr. n. m. l Ch. 7 2O.:

Arabian Felix, near Zabid. <>

in other copies *!J?$ (pr "God
! iy7^ - is
a bundle of grain, a
D* and TY\ f. praises," i.e. my praises are directed to God),
\_Eluzai~\, pr. n. m. l Ch. 12:5.
s/jea//Gen. 37:7; Ps. 126:6. Root D"?X No. i.

"ij/W^ (perhaps "the king's oak" for "ssn n>K), "^IV-^ ("whom God aids"), Eleazar, pr. n.
"[Alammelech~\, pr. n., a town in the tribe of Asher, m. (i) Ex. 6:23, 25; 28:1; Lev. 10:6, seq.; Nu.
Josh. 19:26. 3:2, 4, 32; 17:2,4; 19:3; 20:25, seq.; 26:3, seq.;
31:6, seq.; 32:2, 28; 34:17; Deu. 10:6; Josh. 14:
^ m. adj. widowed, forsaken, Jer. 51:5,
l; l Ch. 6:35. (2)2 Sa. 23:9; l Ch. ll 12.

(3) :

from the root QPN No. 3.

iSa. 7:1. (4) i Ch. 23:21; 24:28. (5) Ezr. 8:
|'~7 - m -
widowhood, figuratively used of a state 33, compare Neh. 12:42. (6) Ezr. 10:25. LXX.
bereft of its
king, Isa. 47 :
9. 'E\aVip- From 'EAeu^a/ooc there was afterwards
formed the contracted name Aaapoc.
f. a widow. (Arab. aL.\ Aram. & ^/X?^
N!?SC?$ ("whither God ascende"),
Gen. 38:11; Ex.22 :ai, etc. Root D^K \Elealeh~\, pr. n. of a town in the tribe of Reuben,
one mile from Hesbon, where there are now the ruins ber, Job 9:3; 33:23; Ps. 50: 10. Dual D?P?X " twt
called 1U!1 [el-A I ]see Burckhardt's Travels in Syria, thousands," Jud. 20:45; iCh. 5:21. PL D'E^J
Num. thousands, e.g. O'sta? n&bv Ex. 38:26. Far more
page 623, Germ, edition; 32:3, 37; Isa. 15:14;
often used of a round number, ^33") *Q?X "thou-
sands of myriads," Gen. 24:60.
fcP^pX ("whom God made or created," Job (3) afa m *'y> i- e
7?^ many of which constituted

35:10), \_Eleasah~], pr. n. m. (l) l Ch. 2:39. onetofo^t?', nt?l?),Jud.6:l5; l Sam. 10:19; 23:23.
(a) l Ch. 8:37; 9'-43- (3) Jer. 29:3. Used of a town as the abode of a family, Mic. 5:1.
(4) [Elepli],pr.n. a town of the Beujamites, Jos
7^ future ^X* (Proverbs 22:25) 18:28.

Arab. i__2H. /fr? Ch. a thousand, Dan. 5:1; 7:10.


i* see R/v

Si, S f.
7y?7^ ("to whom God is the reward," comp.
WONT, FAMILIAR, whence ^_jj\ and y_gj^ a friend,
?ys, n?j;3 used of reward), [-7/paa/],pr.n. m., iCh.

companion, associate, Heb. W^ No. l. 8:11; 12:18.

* No.i, W
to be tame, gentle, used of beasts,

No. 3.

(3) to learn, from the idea of being accustomed,


and VOf
7k^ a root not used in Kal, i.q. pX, which sef.


compare "I*??. In Syriac and Chaldee, id. In the 16. It is of more frequent use in Syriac andZabian.
Old Testament, in one passage, Pro. 22:25.
(4) to join together, to associate. Arab. Conj. see I?VY.
L III. IV., whence *!?? a thousand, a family.
t V ^X i.
q. Arab.
+$\ the people. [The noun
PIEL, to teach, like the Syr. .gi^s, with two ace.
with the Arab, art.] Pro. 30:31, i&y E-IP^N "^P. " a
the one of pers., the other of thing. Job 15:5; 33:33;
with one which refers to the person, Job 35 :i i. Part.
king with whom is the people," i.e. who is sur-
rounded by his people, who is amidst them. See
WD/>D for -IJSpXp, compare .^Xw S c-
HIPHIL (denoni. from f)^) to bring forthor make Pocock, ad Spec. Hist. Arabum, 207. (Arab, ^.jj
-&$ be so called from the idea of
people, appears to living,
thousands, Ps. 144:13. (Arab. ^_?_\ to make a
compare Sam. iB^p to live, Heb. B-lp* that which
thousand). LXX. i^qyopwr
liveth, !"ijn people, from living). iv

(l) an ox, or cow, comm.

gen., like /3oJ/e
itirti. The Hebrew interpreters regard B^p/^ as com-
of ?X particle of negation, and D-lp to arise
und bos, Germ. SRinb. It
only occurs in pi. D'?7^ P S - pounded
8:8; Pro. 14:4; used of a cow, Deut. 7:13; 28:4. (compare niD~7X Pro. 12:28); in this sense, "a king
The singular is found in the name of the first letter, against whom to arise (i.
e. whom to resist) is im-
As to the etymology, see T?^ No. possible." But this has but little
suitability to the
Aleph, Alplia. 3.
(2) a thousand (Arab. Syr. 1 21 id.; but
^^I signifies ten thousand. Perhaps it is HjIppN ("whom God created" [rather, "pos-
sessed," see n JPT ]),
[Elkanak], pr. n. m. (l) l Sa.
pr. a joining together, and large conjunction of num-
The nouns enumerated l:i,seq.; 2:l 1,20. (2) Ex. 6: 24. (3)2^.28:7.
bers). generally follow the
(4) iCh.i2:6. (5) i Ch. 6:8, 10, 11, 20, 21 :
numeral, and some indeed in the singular, as E*J<
Jud. 15:16; others in the plural, 2 Sam. lO:l8; gent, noun, Elkoshite, used of Nahum
1 10:26; Deut. l: 11; others promiscuously, as
Ki. the prophet, Nah. 1:1. [" LXX. and Vulg. without
"13? Ch. 19:6, and D'"!?l 29 7-
l More rarely, and
o, 'EA<T7<K Elcuaatt?"\ ,
Jerome (on the passage)
only in the later Hebrew, does the noun precede, l Ch. mentions Elkosh as a village of Galilee, called Hd
22 14; 2 Ch. l :6.
Comp. Lehrg. p. 695, 697, 699. kesei (or Elcesi), "sibique a circumducente monstratum."
The principle is different of the phrase *!?? *)?? Pseudepiphanius contends that Elcesi was a village
thousand (shekels) of silver," as to which see Lehrg. of Judea, see Pielandi Palaest.
p. 627. However thi*
is not unfrequently put for a round num-
p. 700. It
may be, it would seem to have been a town of Pales-

tiac, not Assyria, although even now the Orientals This word
undoubtedly primitive, and, like 2N
ruake J.ij\ [el-kush^\ near Mosul, the native place (see p. B.), it imitates the first sounds of an infant

of the prophet. [" Both are very doubtful," see Thes.] beginning to prattle, like the Greek pappu, puppr),
/ /.id~m, Copt, mau, Germ. 9J?oiua/ limme [Eng.
"1/iD/^ (perhaps, " whose race or posterity is
mamma, Welsh A
fern, form used metaphori-
from God"), [Eltolad], see iVlR is HGS. In Arabic there is hence formed a verb

(" to which God is fear, or

P^r^ be a mother
^1 to ; hence, to be related, to set an
object of fear"), [Eltekeli], pr. n. of a Levitical city i

in the tribe of Dan, Josh. 19:44; 21 :23. example, to teach.

D^ (commonly followed by Makk.) a demonstra-

("to which God is the foundation"), and conditional particle, the va-
tive, interrogative,
[Eltekoii], pr.n. of a town in the tribe of Judah, rious significations of which are distinguished in the
Josh. 15:59.

BN more copious Arabic by different forms ^

constr. st. D with suiF. pi. ns$ f. J, .\,

<^i &t > *

*} 5
MOTIIEU (Arab. *1 and J, ^Eth. ft^:, Aram. .,', . ,'
? while, on the contrary, in JEthiopic and Sy-

riac one only is used f\^l .) ; traces of this word

KB, U>), =Ji3/* OKI 3K "father and mother,"
id.) are also found in Western languages, as in the Greek
both parents, Jud. 14:16; Ps. 27:10; Est. 2:7. ;', i. e. lo! if; Lat. en; Germ, reenn/ roann.

^^ 13 "my brother, by the same mother," Gen. (A) Its

primary power I regard as demonstrative,
43 29. Poet. ^K "33 " brethren" generally, Gen.
my behold! kindred
With exactness a step-mother
lo! to JH en}, Arab. .\
27:29; Cant, i :6. less (i']f,

is also called mother, Gen. 37 10 (comp. 35 16,

: :
seq.), id. see de Sacy, Gramm. Arabe, i.
certainly, . }
; 889,
which would be more accurately called 2K HK'K. But
the name of mother has a wider use, and is applied behold! lo! in the he came and
^\ phrase ^1. i\y>-
lo! Hos. 12:12, |1K "i$| DK " lo Gilead is wicked- !

(i) to a grandmother, i Ki. 15:13; and gene-

In the other member there
ness," i. e. most wicked.
rally to any ancestress, Gen. 3:20. W3 &# DK "
is T|K; Job 17:13, HJJ5K. behold! I
metaph. used of her who bestows benefits on
wait for Hades, my house ;" verse 16 Pro. 3 34. Pre- :

others, Jud. 5:7.

ceded by Q in the same sense, Jer. 31 20. (The :

(3) used as denoting intimate relationship or Hebrew interpreters, as Kimchi, explain this DS which
intimacy, Job 17: 14 (compare 3X No. 7).
they rightly notice to be affirmative, by flDX, and
(4) of a nation, as opposed to the children, i.e.
they consider it shortened from ]P^ I should prefer ;

persons springing from it, Isa. 50 : i ;

Jer. 50 : 1 2 ;
from J^, an opinion which 1 have followed in Heb.
Eze. 19:2; Hos.2:4; 4:5.
Gramm. ed. 9, p. 191, nor can it be denied that the
(^motherof the way, a. par ting of the road, prop.
forms and significations of this particle may be very
source and head of the way (elsewhere T well explained from this root. But the origin above

Eze. 21:26. Arab. +\ is the root, proposed appears to me now to be the more probable.
beginning of a
But see the note.) It becomes
Q ~c-l
thing, but- i.. U\ J\ is a royal way, and perhaps (B) adv. of interrogation (compare JD No. 2, and

in Eze. loc. cit. it

may be taken in this sense. the remarks there, also ?0, D, \
interrogative formed
(6) i.
HDX metropolis, a
great and leading city, t

even though not the capital; 2 Sa. 20:19, D

^! V T from /Jj
.Jl demonstrative).
*inP?? "a city and a mother in Israel." So on the (i) in direct interrogation, num? an? (To this an-
Phoenician coins of Tyre and Sidon ; compare Arab. o.t
swers the Arab. +\); l Ki. l :27 ;
Isa. 29: 1 6. (Winer
J metropolis; Greek /z//r>?p, Callim. Fr. 112, and in both places renders ob? obcr etroa/ which ismore
mater, Flor. iii.
7,18; Ammian. xvii. 1
3. suitable in the passage in Isaiah, than in 1
(7) raetaph. used of the earth as the mother of all ["Job 39: 13; 31:5; 16:24,25,29,33. From the
men, Job 1:21. whole of chap. 31 is seen the close connection between

& interrogative power of OX and its conditional quity in I have injured one at
my hands, if peact
sense in letter (C,, since, between sentences beginning with me ... let him
persecute me," etc. The P&almiu
with QX interrog. are interposed others beginning here denies (if we look at the object of the discourse)
>rith DX conditional, followed by an apodosis; see ver. that he has done such things, but as
though the caust
7>9i 1 3> !9> 20 > 21,25," Ges. add.] It is far more had to be tried, he leaves it as undecided, and as it
frequent in disjunctive interrogation where there pre- were, assuming it, he invokes on himself the heaviest
<* i penalty, thus wonderfully increasing the force of the
cedes Q: whether ...
or; Arab. *\... \*
execration; compare Ps. 44:21; 73:15; 137:5,6;
Josh. 5: 13, Mnsjrns nnx U^q whether art thou Job 31:7, seq. Other examples in which for QX there
for us, or for 15, ?^9. DX "=10
our enemies?" l Ki. 22 :
might have been more accurately >h, are Ps. 50:12,
" whether shall we The same is 2JT]X EX "if I were hungry;" Hos. 9:12; but how-
go... or not?"
Dl-q Job 21:4, and DSl-HSD Job 34: 17; 40:8,9.
ever DX is not here wrong, because its usage is more
Botli are also used in a double interrogation, although widely extended. Specially to be observed (a) when
not disjunctive, as DX-n Gen. 37 8, DXV-ri Gen. 17:17. : a condition or supposition is modestly to be expressed,
(Where two questions follow each other, but without
W-DX is used, see X3. () DK-DN is put disjunctively,
n is repeated, l Sa. 23:11.) if...if=whether...or; sive... sice (tire, tire, lav rt, iav
closely cohering,
(2) in oblique interrogation, an, num, Germ, ob/ re); compare si... si, Gell.ii. 28. Ex. 19:13, non?"Ct<
Engl. (/", whether.
After verbs of interrogation, tJ*X~DN whether it were beast or man;" 283.15:21 ;

Cant. 7:13; examining, doubting, 2 Ki. 1,2; in a two- Lev. 3:1; Deu. 18:3; and with a preceding negation
fold question,
QX-ri Gen. 27:21 Nu. 13:20. ;
neither. ..nor; neque...neque, 2 Ki. 3:14. The same
The phrase EX inv 'D Est-4:l4,
accurately answers is
DN]DX Josh.24:l5; Ecc.ll:3; 12:14 (Arabic
to the Latin, nescio an, haud scio an, n?er ob md)t/ (.
- o -

zi perhaps. \t ... .\ and U^. U^). (c) by an ellipsis of the

> * *
(C)conj. (i)especially conditional //Vsz,t,Germ.
formula of an oath, such as occurs fully, 1 Sa. 3: l*);
nnn (al$ roafyr gefefct bafs)/ compare ID ecce, num? si,
24:7; 2 Sa. 3:35, DX becomes a negative particle, es-
Syr. Jen lo ! and i.q. .
if. It answers in this signi- pecially in oaths. 2 Sa. 1 1 1 1, "by thy life (may God

o heap allmanner of evils upon me) ^3^D"^X nt'yx DX

tication to Arab. Sam. "$&, ^A-> -^thiop. JfyW; fttn I will not do this thing;" 2 Sa. 2O:2O; l Ki. 1 :51 ;

in adjurations, Cant. 2:7; 3 55 Neh. 13:25, rarely :

Followed according to the sense, by a preterite, Est-5 8, :

elsewhere; especially poet. Isa. 22:14; 62:8; Jud.

^?0 "?y? in nKXO DK "if I have found grace in the
5:8; Pro. 27:24. (The use is similar of the Arab.
eyes of the king ;" Gen. 43 9 18:3; and fut. Jud.4 8, :

o o
vp^ni. nsj? '??n DK if thou wilt go with me, I will more Ue for not.)
1, fully .'

go;" Gen. 13: 16; 28:20; Job 8:4, seq.; ll :1O; more > >
rarely by a participle, Jud. 9:15; 11:9; infinitive (for (2) part, of conceding, though, although (Arab.
a fin. verb), Job. 9:27. It also stands without a verb,
Job 8:6; 9:19. This word differs from the condi- Gr. taf (cat, KUV), followed by a pret., to express
tional particle -1^, in DX being used in a real condition,
where it is left uncertain whether something exists "though am," Job 9:15; commonly a fut. to express

"though were." Isa. l: 18; 10:22; Ps. 139:8; Job

or will exist, or be done (si fecisti, si facturus es):
20:6 (compare however, 9:20). Also followed by a
while ^ is used to imply that something does not
verbal noun, Nah. l 12. :

exist, is not done, or will not be, or at least that it is

(3) part, of wishing, oh that! would that! (ti
uncertain, and not probable (si faceres, fecisses, Greek
yap). Followed by a fut., Ps. 68 1 4 81:9; 95 7 : ;
ti^tv); see }?, and as to the similar use of the partt. '"iriX EX
b 139:19. There is an Anacoluthon Gen. 23: 13,
and J de Sacy, Gramm. Arabe, It is an '33JO?? V? "would that thou would that thou
.] i.
> wou d s t hear me." It becomes

ingenious and subtle usage, that in execrations and (4) a particle of time, when (compare the Germ,
imprecations, when conditional, instead of V? (which roenn and roann/ and Engl. when). Followed by a pre-

perhaps might have been expected), there always is terite, which often has to be rendered by a pluperfecl
DX PS. 7:4-7-6, DX '??? ^y c : DX nx> 'rvbj; ox
and fut. perfect, Isa. 24:13, ">'V? $3 DX "when
IT. "
*^9| if I have ione this, if there be ini-
. . . the harvest is ended;" Am. 7:2,^ n>3 DX nw

"and when it Lad consumed;" Isa.4:4, ^IN fQT DX beg inn ing, head, and foundation of a thing. Spe-
Ji'rnu? HNS nN when the Lord shall have washed cially
the filth of the daughters of Zion;" Gen. 38:9; Ps. (1) it is the mother of the arm, i. e. the fore-part
63:7; Job 8:4; 17:13. So in composition, as DN ~U> of the arm; cubitus, ulna, the fore-arm, Deut. 3:11.
until when, until, Gen. 24:19 DK "1^8 "HZ Gen. 28:15; ;
Num. 32:17; Isa. 6:ll. (2) The name of a measure, a cubit, an ell. Comp.
(5) It is
rarely that) quum causal, quandoquidem, the Lat. cubitus,ulna,also Germ. lie, whence Sllenbogen*

since, Arab. ^\. Gen. 47: 18, " we will not hide it Gr. TTJ/ and -n-vyiov, Arab, c \
J, Egypt. LIACI.
from my lord, that ">Np? "FIX. ^..i.*^|D && ON & The method
since all our money is is left for
of numbering cubits is this: ^D^X "two
spent. . .
nothing uhw 27:1, and so on as
cubits," Ex. 25: 10, 17; n'lSX
my lord," etc. Isa. 53 ; : 10.
far as ten; in the later Hebrew vk& JT)SK 2 Ch 6:13;
Note. Winer has of late (in his addenda to Heb.
with numbers higher than ten, in the more ancient
Lex. 1054) altogether denied the affirmative or
demonstrative power of this particle (letter A), (and Hebrew, thus, nES D'B>n Gen. 6:15; in the later,
niBK 2, or bnijfjj niBN sCh. 3:4. Alsc
D'Btorj Eze. 42 :
Rosenm. is not consistent with himself; see him on Job
to numerals of kinds, and both in more ancient
17:13, and Hosea 12:12). Winer defends, in the
and later Hebrew it is joined by ?: HSSa y?"|K "four
passages cited, the common signification, si, ob/ if, a
whether; but his reasons are not convincing. That by cubit," i.e. four cubits; nSS<a nsp a hun-
dred cubits," Ex. 27:9, 18; 36:15; 38:9. The
the primary power was demonstrative, is strongly sup-
common Hebrew cubit was six palms, nor should the
ported by the passage in Hosea, a very early [?] writer,
a o G.
opinion be heeded which makes it only four a larger ;

and by the cognate particle ID, \', and to cubit of seven palms 7rra7ra\aioroe, is mentioned
.^ \^
* > Eze. 40:5; 43:13, comp. 2 Ch. 3:3 ["this agrees
this should be added the authority of the ancient with the royal cubit of the Babylonians ( Herod i. 178)
versions, which is not to be lightly esteemed (see and Egyptians see Bceckh, Metrol. Untersuch. p. 2 1 2,

Noldii Vindiciae, p. 408). seq. 265, seq." Ges. add.] and the remarks in Thes.
It is compounded with other particles p. no, 113. Metaph. Jer. 51 13, "thy end is come, :

QNn twice at the beginning of a question, when
the measure of thy rapine," i. e. the time when God

put affirmatively: nonne? ecce? is not? Num.i7:28; setteth bounds and measure to thy wicked gain.
Job 6: 13. (3) i.q. Q$ No. 6, metropolis. 2 Sam. 8:1, "and
(2) ?"DN (a) nonne? is not?
(where there pre- David took the bridle of the metropolis from the
cedes ?D), Isa. 10:9. unless, Ps.7:l3;
(5) if not,
hand of the Philistines," i. e. he subjected the. metro-
Gen. 24:8. Hence after formula? of swearing, it is a polis of the Philistines to himself. Comp. the Arabian
etrong affirmation and asseveration (see above C, l, c), proverb to give one's bridle to any one," i. e. to sub-
Num. 14: 28 Isa. 14:9; also in adjurations, Job l 1 1
; :
mit to his will. Schult. on Job 30: 11, and Har.
2:5; 17:2; 22:20; 30:25; Isa. 5:9. (c) It is put Cons, iv., p. 24. See Geschichte der Hebr. Sprache,
for but, sed, fonbern
(compare a /zj/, unless, Ch. p. 41.
from K^'DX), Gen. 24:37, 38. (4) foundation. Isa. 6:4, D'SDH n'lON the
s * s -&}
pi. ninip^ (by insertion of the letter n, foundations of the threshold." Comp. c^'U 7 CpWj
comp. Ch. |rn$ and Lehrg. p. 530), f. A HANDMAID, roots, beginning.
FEMALE SLAVE; *l$$ thy handmaid (for/), used 2 Sam. 2:24.
(5) [Ammah~\, pr.n. of a hill,
even by a free woman when speaking to her
pi. pss f. Ch. a cubit, Dan. 3:1; Ezr. 6:3;
Jud.l9:9; lSam.i:il, 16525:24, seq.; 2Sam.l4:i5
(comp. ]HK). nnK-ja "son of a handmaid," i.e.
a slave, Ex. 23 1 2 Ps. 1 1 6 1 6.
(Hence is derived

<?v? i. no*$ which terror.

q. see,
the Arab, verb Ul to be a handmaid. Utterly un- )&< (from the root B*?K) f.
people, Arab,
worthy of attention is the, idea that HDK handmaid, is
Aram. id.
Only found in pi.
derived from the root HDS, &^\ inito pacto indixit.) Gen. 25 16 :
Num. 25 :
15, and DV3K Ps. 1 17 : 1.
prop. i.
q. DK, but always metaph. of the

GN Oh. Dan. 3:29. PL PSK emphat.

f. id.,
19; more fully with the addition of 03 Nali. 2:2
Isa. 40:26.
D*L 3:4,7; 5:19; 7:14; Ezr.4:lO.
J12N 01. (l) workman, architect, i.q. IP.?,
"VOK m. (root No.l ["and see Hithp."]), tht
Prov. B 30 used of the hypostatic wisdom of God, the
: head, top, summit (a) of a tree (SBtpfcl), Isa. 17:
maker of tLe world. This word does not appear to 6, TONtrx'-l? "on the highest top." (b) of a moun-
have admitUjd the feminine form, any more than Lat. tain (ipfel), id. verse 9; on which see the remarks

Plin. ii. 1, Artifex omnium in the notes to German translation, second edition.
artifex, ojriftx, whence
natura. Quinct. ii. 15, rhetorica persuadendi ojrifex. [" See under the art. niWJ?."]

Others understand son, or foster-child (from IPX

No. l) [which is a better rendering]. /<!jN or ''-?N TO LANGUISH, TO DROOP, prop.

(a) [-AmonJ, pr.n. (a) of a son of Manasseh,

to hung down the head. Kindred is /?X which see.
In Kal part. pass, of a drooping heart, 26. 16: 30.
king of Judali, 644642 B.C. aKi. 21 :i8 26; 2Ch.
33:20, seq. (b) iKi. 2-2:26. (c) Neh. 7:59, called PULAL y?!?S [" only in
poetry"]. ( 1) to la aguish,
in Ezr. 2:57, 'P. prop, used of plants hanging down their heads, Isa.

Jer. 24:7; hence used of fields, of a sick person, Ps. 6:3,

II. jlDX i.q. |ton multitude, crowd, 52:15.
where ^1? is for
fy?$P [" so M.aurer"].
Root npn.
(2) sad, Isa. 19:8; of a land laid waste,
to be Isa.
pfr A man,pr.n. of the supreme deity of the 24 4 :
; 33:9; of walls thrown down, Lam. 2:8. it

Egyptians, worshipped at Thebes with much devotion is

only found in poetic language. But in prose there
(see |iOX JO), Jer.46:25, called "Anfnav by the Greeks,
and compared by them with Jupiter (comp. Herod.
ii. 42; Diod. i. 13). On the Egyptian monuments he ?0^ m. languid, feeble, Neh. 3:34.
generally drawn with a human form and a rain's
head. The name is there written Amn ; more fully, i^ an unused root, which like DP|, DPJJ (which
i.e. Amon the sun; see the citations in Thes. see), appears to have had the power of to join toge-
p. 115. See also Kosegarten, De Scriptura Vett. J-
ther. (Arab. . \ to be near, related.) Hence is the
gyptiorum, p. 29, seq. [" Wilkinson's Manners and
Customs of the Anc. Egyptians, second noun nOK i.
q. DJ? people, and
ser. i.
p. 243,
seq."] ^pX [^4??iam], pr.n. of a town in the south of
(from the root 1PK), m. (by a Syriacism, for the tribe of Judah, Josh. 15:26.

?). faithfulness, Deu. 32 20. PI. D'MDN prop.

fidelities, Ps.3i .24. D'^DK BK
a faithful man", Pro.

L j'*-?^*
- (l) prop. TO PROP, TO STAY, TO SUS-
20:6. TAIN, TO SUPPORT, jrufcen/ untcvftufcen/ specially (a)
to support with the arm, to carry a child, Nu. 1 1 12 :

K (from the root IPX),


(i) firmness. Lam. 4:5. Part. IPX Trm^aywyoc, one who carries and
Ex. 17 -.12, HMOK VT W} "and his (Hoses') hands were
cares for a child, Nu. loc. cit. ;
Isa. 49:23; also, one
firm" (prop, firmness).
who guards and 2 Ki. 10: l,

^ ^\ brings up, Est. 2:7.

s-j. s -$ 5
(a) security (Arab. id.), Isa.33:6. (compare ^3??; Arab. .U to sustain, to nourish), f.
(3) faithfulness, in fulfilling promises.
Applied n3p/K nurse, Ruth 4: 16; 2 Sa. 4:4. (b) to found,
tomen, Ps. 37:3; Hab.2:4; to God, Deu. 32:4; Ps. to build up (kindred to H33, }3$). Hence K, flD
36:6; 40:11. Pi. ntoos Pro. 28:20. architect, workman, Saumctfter j n 5P^ column, tufte.

(2) intrans. med. E. to be stayed up; hence to be

P&K ("strong"), pr.n. Amoz, the father of
Isaiah the prophet, Isa. firm, unshaken, such as one may safely lean on.
l i
2:1; 13: l 20 2.
; ;

'N Metaph. to be faithful. Part. pass. D^-IDX faith-

[Ami], pr.n. ra. Ezr. 2:57. It seems to be ful ones, iriarol, Ps. 12:2; 31:24. Compare
* corruption for POX Neh. 7:59.
Arab. to be to lean
Isa. 26:3. ^\ -
faithful; <\ is

% f
p:VpN ( faithful"), pr. n. i.q. fapx. a Sa. 13: and confide on any one; _<T to trust, to be secure.
o, of Amu;n tlie son of David.
NIPHAL (l) to support, to bear in the arms, at
$N (root I'PX), m .
adj./irm, ttrong, Job 9:4, children, l.-a. 60:4. Compare Kal No. 1.
(a) to be founded, firm, stable, e. g. of a house, faithful, trusty, Dan. 6:5; 8:45. Syr
iSa. 2:35; 25:28; 283.7:16; i Ki. 11:38; of a
firm place where a nail is driven in, Isa. 22 123, 25;
of a firm and stable condition, Isa. 7 9. :
.. a workman, an artificer, Cant. 7:2;
9 9 J.

(3) to be of long continuance, perennial, of compare the root No. l, b. Syr. JjJ^o), Chald.
water (opp. to 3T?N), Isa. 33:16; Jer. 15:18; of sick- JEW id., and there is an inclination to this Aramaean

ness, Deu. 28:59; f a covenant, Ps. 89:29. form in the reading, JEN omman, which was in the
(4) metaph. to be faithful, trustworthy, sure, copies of Kimchi, and Judah ben Karish.
such that any one can lean upon (ouf ben man bauen
l) verbal adj. firm, metaph. faithful
fann); of a servant, l Sa. 22: 14; Num. 12:7; a mes-
senger, Prov. 25:13; a witness, Jer. 42:5; Isa. 8:2;
(Arab. ci*"
,^c\, Syr. Lj_OO|.) Compare Apoc. 3:14.
of God, Deu. 7 9 Isa. 49:7; Hos. 12:1. : Ps. 78:8,

ton ^n$ p*
" their &
spirit was not faithful
Neutr. fa it hfu In ess, fide I ity, Isa. 65 : 1 6.

with God." Part. 1O W

up r ig h t. Pro. 11:13; 27:6, (2) adv. truly, verily, Amen! Jer. 28:6. iN
3DN D> are the wounds of a JQK1. Ps. 41:14; 72:19; 89:53. Its proper place
'V.V? ?'?? "upright
is where one person confirms the words of another,
friend," i.e. proceeding from sincerity of mind, tfyi*

Wounds are here used for severe re- and expresses a wish for the issue of his vows or pre-
bukes. Also, a man of approved wisdom, Job. 12 : 20, dictions : fiat, ita sit ;
" A m e n, s o b e it ;" LXX. well,
i Ki. i 36 Jer. 11:5; Nu. 5:22; Deu.
(5) to be sure, certain, Hos. 5:9; of the word of
yivoiTo. ;

God, Psa. 19:8; also, to be found true, confirmed, 27:15, seq.; Neh. 5: 13; 8:6; l Ch. 16:36.
Gen. 42:20; iKi. 8:26.
|ON m. faithfulness, truth, Isa. 25:!.
HIPHIL, lean upon, to build upon
PP^n (1) to

(auf etrcag bauen), prop. Isa.

28:16, he that leaneth "l^ON f.
(i) a covenant ["prop, a confirma-
thereon [ belie veth in him] shall not flee away." Ge-
tion, a surety"], Neh. io:i; (Arab. JjLJ).
(2) something set, decreed,Lq. ph Neh. 11:23.
(2) figuratively to trust, to confide in (like the
To be understood of a daily portion of food furnished
Arab. . r \ with e_>). Job 4:18, PDKI K> 1H3JS JH to the singers.
"behold he trusteth not in his servants;" Job 15: (3) \_A m a n a, Abana],pT. n. of a perennial river,

5; 39 12 Ps. 78: 22, 32; 119:66. nirpa

; psn"he (compare 33:16), rising in Antilibanus and

trusted in the Lord," Gen. 15:6; Vn3 "n K7"to watering Damascus, 2 Ki. 5:12, from which that part
have no confidence for one's life," i.e. to fear for of Lebanon was called by the same name, Cant. 4:8:
one's life, Deu. 28:66. [" most interpreters understand the river to be the
(3) to commonly followed
believe, absol. Isa. 7:9; Chrysorrhoas, now eZ-Burada"].
by h of person and 45 26 Ex. 4:1,8,9; thing, Gen. :

pr. supporting; hence, a column, post.


Pro. 14:15; Ps. 106:24; followed by '? Ex. 4:5; 2 Ki. 18:16.
Job 9: 16; also with an inf. Job 15:22, "he does not
believe (hope) that he shall escape out of darkness JM f.
(i) bringing up, tutelage, Est. 2:20.
(2) truth; adv. in truth, truly, Josh. 7:20;
stand firm, Job Gen. 20: 12. [Boot 1S.]
(4) perhaps intrans. to still,
39:24, "she does not stand still where the sound pN ("faithful"), Amnon, pr.n. (i) the
of the trumpet is heard." Comp. Virg. Georg. iii. 83. eldest son of David, killed by his brother Absalom ;
From the common use of language it might be ren- 2 Sa. 3 : 2 ; 13 : Once called P^P which see.
dered,"he so longs for the battle that he hardly (2) i Ch. 4:20.
believes his own ears for joy." Compare Job 9:16;
D3DN adv. (from i^X with the adverbial termina-
tion D^-), in truth, truly, indeed, Job 9:2; 19:4.,

5; Isa. 37: 18. V? D3r?N "it is true that," Job 12:2;

[ON HIPHIL pcxn i.
q pp>n
. to turn to the
Ruth 3:12.
ight, Isa. 30:21.
DJJpN id. Gen. 18:13; Nu.23:37.
|ON Chald. ATHEL, |?*n to trust, construed with
? Dan. :4; like the Syr. ci> *.:ocn. Part. pass. tut. r?^ v, TO BE ALERT, FIBV, STRONG
DDH n 'V*?$ 2 Ki. 14: (2) a priest of tin
be eager); prop, of the also * l
(kindred to fpn, to ; 9:11
alertness of the feet, rujh'g, rafd) auf ben gujjen fevjn/ to calf, hostile to Amos, Am. 7:10, seq. (3) l Ch. 4.
be strong in the feet, swift-footed (compare PIEL 34. (4)1 Ch.6: 30.
No. 1, fbtf and the Arabic use); figuratively used of
an alert and strenuous mind, opp. to Vl? (to have the '. - -
T inf. absol. "HEX, const. "1OK; with prcf.

knees sinking, to be cast down in mind), 2 Ch.l3:l8. $3 Deu. 4: 10; lbS3 Josh. 6: 8, but 'ibX ? always

Followed by IP to prevail over any one, Gen. 25:23; 1PN\ IpxM; -with conj.
contr.; fut. ace. ">OK'l; with
Psa. 18:18; 142:7. r>PSl Piq "be strong and Aleph omitted ^llp* Ps. 139:20.
alert," i.e. of a strong and undaunted mind, Deu. (l) TO SAY, very frequent in the Old Test. (The
--* primary signification is, to bear forth; hence, to
31:7,23; Josh. 1:6 to be
bring to light, to say; compare ^3, K33T) 133, and
18. alert,
s-Z . Greek <prjf.Li. Hence Hithp. also "TO?X summit, and
nimble, used of a horse; whence ,js^i\ > T^ a nimble nbx pr. mountaineer.) From 131 to s/>eo&,"M?X differs,
horse.) in the former being put absolutely, while ~>PX is fol-
(l) to make
strong, prop, failing feet, lowed by the words which any one speaks thus Lev. ;

Job 4:4; Isa. 35:3. Hence, to make the mind active l 2, D? vK JjnpNI '^"^ '.??'$? "i-?"!
speak to the
and strong, Deu. 3:28; Job 16:5. children of Israel, and say to them;" Lev. 18:2;
2 Ch.
(2) to strengthen, Isa. 41:10; Psa. 89:22; 23:2,10; or Ex. 6:lO, "lbx{? ilBfo-^K njn* 13TJ1 "Je-
11:17; Pro. 31: 17; 24:5. hovah spake unto Moses, saying," i.e. in these words,
2 Ch.
(3) to restore, to repair a building, i.q. PJO thus, Exod. 13:!. Also followed by an accus., Jer.
24: 13; also, to set up, to build, Pro. 8:28. 14:17, n*n i3irrnx nn^ rn)
and thou shalt
(4) to harden (the heart), Deut. 2:30; 15 75 say to them this word;" Gen. 44: 16, 12N3Tlp what

S Ch. 36:13. shall we say?" Gen. 41 :54, lpV IDX TETga accord-
" to the
(5) to appoint, to choose. Ps. 80:18, "(whom) ing to what Joseph had said;" Gen. 22:3,
thou hast chosen for thyself," comp. verse 16; Isa. place 0*??$
i? "!PK "^r'N. of which God had
44:14. to him," i. e. pointed out to him. Rarely followed by
HIPHIL intrans. to be strong, used of the mind, Ps. *? Job 36: 10. In a few and uncertain examples, and

27:14; 31:25. those only in the later Hebrew, IPX seems to be put
HITHPAEL. (l) to be alert, followed by a gerund; absolutely for
131 2 Ch. 2 1O, n?V"j 37)33 DlfiniDK*} :

" and Huram

to do anything speedily, l Ki. 12:18; 2 Ch. 10: 18. nb7^7X spake by letters, and sent
(2) to strengthen oneself, used of conspirators, them to Solomon." The very words follow ; but in
" and sent
them to Solomon," should be included
aCh. 13:7. fact,

(3) to harden oneself, i.e. to be of a fixed mind, in a parenthesis, and 1OK*1 should be referred to the
Ruth 1 18. Compare PJH.
: words of the letter; 2 Ch. 32:24, iV "ip.X'1 " and he
[Derivatives, H?8, W,
H?'N n ?*, W^, Pr n
- -
(God) spoke with him." But this may also be ex-
plained, and he promised
to him, ft fagte (eg) tt)m ju.

N For very often after verbs of saying, pointing out, the

pi. D'XOgj, active, nimble, used of horses,
object it is omitted (see Lehrg. p. 734). This being
Zech. 6:3. It occurs also verse 7, where indeed the
borne in mind, it will throw light on the much dis
context demands D^tSTX red [?]. (Arab. ..j\ and cussed passage, Gen. 4: 8, " and Cain said (sc. it,

s $ that which God had spoken, verse 7) to Abel his

^*i\ swift, active, used of a horse.) brother; and it came to pass, when they were in the
Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and *Jew
lft& strength, Job 17:9. him." (Samar. and LXX. insert HlK'n il3^>3, StcXdw^c^
rTOJpX strength, protection, i.q. TVp, Zec.l2:5. tC TO irttior. [So also Syr. and Vulg.]).
Before the person to whom anything is said, is put ?X
TO* ("strong"), [Amzi], pr.n. (l) l Ch.6:
Gen-3:i6; 13:14; and? Gen.3:i7; 20:5,6. But both
31. (2) Neh. 11:12.
of these particle, although more rarely, indicate also
("whom Jehovah strengthened"), the person q/*whom ono speaks; for instance 7^ 2 Ki.
Amaziah, pr.n. (1) the son of Joash, the father of 19:32; Jer.2a:i8; 27:19; ^ Geo.2O:i3, 7
Uzziah, who held the kingdom of Judah from 838 "say of me;" P8.3:3; 71:10; Jud.9:54. This is
811 B.C. aKi.l2:22; 14:1, seq.; a Chr. 25:1, seq.; also put in the ace., Gen. 43 :
27, your father, the
" thou
old ">^$ of whom ye spake," i.e. whom
man OR"!^ HIPHIL "VPK.H to cause to say; Deu. 26: 17,

70 mentioned, verse 29 ; Nu. 14:31; Deu. 1:39;

PS - hast this day made Jehovah to s a y, or p r o i s e," etc. ; m
139:20. verse 18, "and Jehovah hath made thee promise,"

Specially to be observed (a) to say to anything i.e.

ye have mutually promised, and accepted, and
this or that, it is i.
q. to call
it Isa.5:2O; 8: 12;
so, ratified the conditions of each other. In giving up
Ecc. 2:2. Part. pass. "l-IDK so called, Mic. 2:7; com- the sense formerly proposed (Lehrg. p. 244), I have
pare NIPHAL No. 2. (b) to say, is sometimes i. q. to treated this passage at length in Thes. p. 121.

exhort, Job 36 10 to promise, 2 Ch. 32 24 to shew,

HITHPAEL TOSJpn to lift oneself up, to boast oneself,
Ex. 19:25; to declare any one, i.q. to praise, to
Ps. 94: 4; compare KalNo. 1. The words derived
proclaim him, Ps. 40 1 1 Isa. 3:10. These distinctions
from this root, besides those that follow, are ~^!?N,
are generally pointed out by the context. KIM? and TOt?O.
(2) te^lTOK Gen.l7:l7; Ps. 10:6,11; 14:1; Isa. Ch. 3 fern. nTOS for J1TOK. Dan. 5:10;
- - O _ _ -

TOK.J; inf. TOXD and TOO Ezr.5:'ll; part. TOK

47:8 (Arab. <uu3 ^ J\5, <uljs
^ JlS),

ta3/Y Hos. 7:2; also simply TOX to say in oneself, to (1) to say, with a dat. of pers. Dan. 2 25 with an :

accus. of thing, Dan. 7:1; also followed

think, to suppose, to will; (compare ^JH, rV2>, Arab. by the words
spoken, Dan. 2:24; or written, Dan. 7 2 (compare :

Greek 0^/z/, in
Homer and the tragic poets.
my remarks on the Oriental usage of language on
Forster mentions that some of the nations of the Paci- Lu. 1:63, in the London Classical Journal, No. 54,
ficOcean say, " to speak in the belly," for " to think"). p.240). PI. P")PK those who say,
they are saying,
l 83.20:4; Gen. 44:28, and I think that he was a periphrasis for the Passive it is said. Dan. 3:4,
torn of wild beasts;" Ex. a: 14, TOK nn
" dost thou think to
W$Q KJBPX PT?K PV "unto you it is said,
slay me?" LXX. p) arcXcTy yue Theod. \iytTin. On this idiom compare Lehrg. page
(TV 0'Aie 2 Sa. 2 1 16 (LXX. Sievoelro)
1 Ki. 5 19
; 798.
" meditate
1 Sa. 20:4; absol. Ps. 4:5, in your own (2) to command, to order, see the examples undei
heart upon your bed." the Heb. Kal No. 3.

(3) to command, like the Arab. <!. especially in ""fi?$ in sing, only with suff. npx Job 20:29,
E'TOX constr/TOK (for the
the language of the silver age. Construed sometimes sing. abs. is used the form
followed by a gerund, Est. 1:17, fl?Tn Wtfft
lOS TOK) (i) a word, discourse, i.q. lin but only
" he in poetic language, except Josh. 24:27.
Vashti to be brought ;" Est. 4 13; : Used es-

9: 14. ["Also followed byl and a finite verb."] Neh. pecially of the words of God ?K'npK Nu. 24:4, 16;
" and I HOK TOK Pro. 22:21; Dyi TOK Pro. 15:26;
13:9, nnt?*l riTO'KJ commanded, and they Ps.ig:
Prov. 6 2, etc. Gen. 49 2 1, " Naphtali is
purified," my command they purified; 2 Ch.
i.e. at 15 ;

24:8, in* fns PJJ. TOKI a t the command

: ^n nn-17^ a slender hind, lp.f n.DK |ri3H who utters fair
of the king they made a chest ;" l Chron. 21:7; Ps. words," i.e. pleasant, persuasive words, which may
be referred to some poetic talent of the .Naphtalites,
105:31,34; Jon. 2: 11; Job 9: 7. (In Chaldee the
otherwise unknown.
it is If any one ob- *
former construction is found, Dan. 2:46; 3:13, the although
jects that words cannot properly be attributed to a
latter, Dan. 5:29. frequent in Syriac, Samari-
It is

tan, and Arabic.) Elsewhere followed by an ace. of hind, it is to be observed, that Jflln refers to Naphtali
the thing (as in Latin, jubere legem,fccdus), 2 Ch. 29 :24. and not to H7*K a hind, and therefore we do not need
"for all Israel the king had commanded this burnt the conjecture of Bochart, who followed the LXX.,
reading n?'K and ^"P5?. [" For this use of the art. n,

offering," sc. to be instituted l Ki. 1 1 18, ?

i 1OX Dr6 ;

"he commanded food for him," sc. to be furnished seeHeb. Gram. 107, init."]
him Job 22 29 with a dat. of pers. 2 Sa. 16 1 1
: : .
a command, mandate. Job 20:29, ^H?
; ;

NIPHAL TOM; fat. TOK and TOKJ 'NO np "the lot of his command from God/'
(i) to be said,
with ^ and ^
of pers. Nu. 23:23; Eze. 13:12. It Comp. TOK No. 3.
also stands like the Latin, dicitur, dicunt, Gen. 10:9;
pi. pSK m. Ch. a lamb, Ezr. 6:9, 17
7 ;
82:14; Nu. 21:14. s* s ~* --?.
Syr. . Arab. a lamb. Root
(2) ? TO^.1 there is said to any one (this or that),
.^, J^j ,1 Conj
Le. he is (so) catted, Isa.4:3; 19:18; 6l:6; 62:4;
Hos.t.1. I, IV. to make to become much; "iencf

It might also be, progeny

prop, progeny of the flock. N>
[Amrapkef], (perhaps contr. from "IBK,
of the flock, so called from the idea of producing, K, and ^SN, the commandment which went forth),
see under the root ~"?^ No. i.
pr. n. of a king of Shinar, i.e. Babylonia, in the time

"TDK ("talking," "loquacious"), /mmer. of Abraham, (Jen. 14:1,9.

(l) Jer. ao:l. (a) Ezr. 2:59; Neh. 7:61. Vfa$ nc ps, from the root ncto
to do at L^
*"lfiX i.
q. "ID. K, the forms of which it adopts in pi. evening, compare "^^ from ?^).
A poetic word (l) yesternight, and adv. in yesternight, Gen.
(1) a word, speech, Ps. 19:4. 1 9 34! 3 J
: 2 9>4 2 also, yesterday, i.q. ?iOJ;> 2 Ki.

(2) specially, a poem, hymn (tn-oe), Psa. 19:3; 9:26. It denotes the latter
part of the previous na-
epinicium, Ps.68 12 Hab. 3 -.9. :
tural day, not the conventional, i.e. yesterday even-

(3) a promise of God, Ps. 77:9. ing and night; whence it is used to denote evening
(4)0 thing, something, like "ft^, Jb 22:28. and night in general, just as words which signify to-
morrow are often applied to the morning. For we
Arab. a thing.
^\ commonly carry in memory the end of yesterday,
while the beginning of to-morrow is impressed upon
rTTpN p l. rvnpK q IPX, -Ifc, and, like the for-
i. .

mer of these, only poet, a word, speech, especially

the mind. See Arabic i-*< adv. yesterday,
the word of God, Ps. 18:31; 119:38, 50, 103, 140;
also, a hymn, sacred poem, Gen. 4: 23 Deu. 32 2 ;

Ps. 17:6.
yesterday. Compare L~< to do at evening; and as
used of to-morrow, Heb. ~>i?.3 in the morning, and
f. id. Lam. a: 17. to-morrow, like the Germ. SXorgenj Gr. avpinv, from
s - -

(according to the probable conjecture of J. avpa the morning breeze; Arab. 'i\j>~. the time of
Simonis, prop, mountaineer, from the unused "ION
elevation, mountain, see under IPN No.l), an A mo r- the morning, j, to-morrow, ijur adv. to-morrow.
ite, collect. Amorites (LXX. 'Apoppaioi), a nation of Hence
Canaan, and apparently the greatest and most power- (2) night, darkness, generally. Job 30:3, "they
ful ofthem all, and whose name is sometimes used in the night," or"darkness
flee nxb>p-1 nxit? t?p.X into
a wider sense, so as to include all the nations of Ca- of a desolate waste." The Orientals well compare a
naan, Gen. 15: 16; 48:22; Am. 2:9, 10; Deu. l:2O. pathless desert to night and darkness. See Jer. 2 6, :

A part of them dwelt in the mountainous region which 31, and Isa. 42:16. Rosenm. renders heri desola-
was afterwards occupied by the tribe of Judah, where tionis, i. e. places long ago desolated ; btit, in opposition
were subject to five kings, Gen. 14:7, 13; Nu.
to this, i+*\ as the Arabian grammarians expressly
13:29; another part of them lived beyond Jordan, to ,

the north of Arnon (Num. 21 :

13), as far as Jabbok remark, is
only used of time just past.
(Nu. 2 1 24). and even beyond

this part of them were subject to two kings, one of

this river (Nu. 32 : 39) ;
HK for rOP f. with sufF. 'np$f, \T\KK.

(1) firmness, stability, perpetuity. Isa.3g:8,

whom ruled in Heshbon, the other in Bashan (Deu.
np.Sl D'l?K>
"peace and stability," i.e. firm and
4:47; Josh. 3:1O). stable peace, by lv lia. $voit>, compare No. 2; also
("eloquent"), [/rori], pr.n. (i) 1 Ch. security. Josh. 2 12, nox DIX token of secu-

9:4. (2) NeH.,3:s. rity," i.e. secure or certain.

(2) faithfulness, fidelity, in which any one is
""l^^f ('
whom Jehovah spoke of," i.e. pro- consistent and performs promises (Sreuc unb lauben).
mised, as if Theophrastus), [Amariah'], pr.n.
Applied to a people, Isa. 59: 14, 15; to a king, Psal.
(l) 1 Chr.5-.33 (Eng.Ver. 6:7). (2) i Chr. 5:37
45:5; to God, Ps. 30:10; 71:22; 91:4. Very often
(Eng.Ver.6:ll); Ezr. 7: 3. Comp^nnog No.l.
joined with ^n
Ps. 25 1O 40 1 1 57 4, 1 1 108 5 :
: ;

(3) Neh. 10:4; ia:a, 13. (4) Ezr. 10:42. (5)

138:2; and by lv lia Ivoiv the constant and per-
NcL. 11 :4. (6) Zeph. l :i. (7) see *nno No. 2. IDT nfe'l
petual favour of God is
to be understood.

rrp$ (id.), [AmariaK], pr.n. (i) 2Ch.i9: DJ?ripxi "to shew sincere good will to any one,''
11. (2) lCh.24:23; called also nnOK iCh.23:ig. Gen. 24:49; 47:29; Josh. 2:14; a Sam. 8:6; 15:80.
(3) 2 Ch. 31 ". (3) probity, uprightness, integrity of rnind
nnnox LXIll

Ex. 18:21, W? *X3B> HEX. ^X "upright men, onomat. TO GROAN, TO SIGH, idfcen, jlotjnen 5 Isa.3:2G.
Hence derived the noi.n Gr. aria
hating covetousness.' Neh. 7:2;
Jud. 9 16, 19. Opp. :
19:8. is i"IJ3X.

to y?H Prov. 8 -.7. Specially it is integrity(of a judge), (ariaw, arta^w), and '"1J3S.F1.
" the
ju s t ic e. Ps. 1 9 l o, judgments of God are u p-

II. n^X not used in Kal, to approach, to meet^

right, just;" 16:5; Prov.2g:i4; also sincerity
Josh. 24:14; i Sam. 12:24; to be present. Arab. to IK; in time, \\
opp. to dissimulation,

1 Ki. 2:4; Isa. 10:20.

Gen. 42:16; Deut.
time. Conj. V, X. to delay, to have patience (prop,
(4) truth, opp. to falsehood, to give oneself time), to hold back.
D'~1OX " words (which
22:2O; 2 Sam. 7:28; HOX !

PIEL, to cause anything to happen to any one, or

are) truth," Prov.
22:21. Applied to the word of ,

to meet with any one (used of God), Ex. 21:13.

God, Ps. 119:142; to prophecies, Jer. 26:15; to a ,

to be caused to i.e. to
PUAL, meet, light upon,
servant of God, Isa. 42 3. Hence njrP nDX " the:

tobefall (oon (Sort 5ugefcl)tcft erfyalten), as misfortune,

truth of the Lord," often used for his true doctrine
Prov. 12:21; Ps. 91:10.
and worship, Ps. 25:5; 26:3; 86:ll.
HITHPAEL, to seek occasion for hurting another;
nnrifiX f.
(from the root
nn to spread out), pi. construed with ? 2 Ki. 5 7. :

constr. ninJrlpX a sack. Gen. 42:27, seq.; 43 :1 ^, Derivatives W, HJ3X, n No. II. for ri3X,

TlpN ("true"), [_Amittai\,^r.n. of the father of whit her f see
Jonah the prophet, 2 Ki. 14:25; Jon. 1 1. :

Ch. 7, see X?^.

^ftOtf Ch. f. (for JV-) strong, mighty, Dan. 7 17.
Root jno Arab, to be strong, mighty.

adv. of interrogation, coritr. from 1?X No. ^^? we,

-13n3K in one
passage, Jer. 42 6 ari3. :

jtf II., pr.

where? JXC whence? 2 Ki. 5:25 (in 3m). Hence
This frequent form (which is also used in the

whither? where? Used of time, how long? ]*$~W- Rabbinic) is from *?S, like n3J<, from ^?3K and from ;

this are abridged the suffixes -13, W -13. In np

until when? how long? Job 8:2. ,

With n parag. local H3X indeed, there occurs the common 13P13X, but I have no
(i) whither? also
doubt that 13X is genuine.
without an interrogation, Joshua 2:5; Neh. 2:l6.
Constr. is Isa. 10:3, D3"p23 -njyri n3X
pregnant, Ch. pron. i.q. Heb. DH they, those, Dan.
"whither (mil ye carry and where) will ye leave 2 :44, f. P|S 7: 17. [" And in this passage for sunt,
your riches?" they are. The more regular
fern, form would seem

(2) where? Ruth

2: 19. to be i'3S but TIN stands in all the editions so e. g.
; ;

(3) used of time, n3S"lJ7 until when? how long? Ex. 1 19, Onk. The form )-13X comes from \^$, and

Ex.. 16: 28; Ps. 13:2; Job 18:2, >'3j? j-iDt>ri fUK-is r.?^ or P?K, from jn?^ the demonstrative syllable JK

P?O^ "how long (until when) will ye make an end of (ecce!) being prefixed. So also in the Talmud
words?" in3S =
-ln. See under 33, and Heb. Gr. p. 292, 293,
H3X hither and
(4) without an interrogation, H3X) 13th edit." Ges. add.] In Targg. also psn f. }3n.
thither, i Ki. 2 :
36, 42. .

Syr. .Qjcn and ^jucn. (Incorrectly given by Winer,

|^ i.q. fix Heliopolis. hi, hce, which is p?^.)

^J^f Ch ccmin. 7, Dan. 2 8, more often H3X. 2:23; :

m .
(l) a man (see below C 3),

3:25; 4:6. It is the genitive, Dan. 7:15. See but only in poetic language. rarely used as a sin-
It is

Lehrg. p. 728. gular in sense, Ps. 55 :i4 Job ; 5:17; generally coll. of
be read anna, not onna), interj. of entreaty, the whole human race, Job 7:17; 15:14; Psal. 8:5.
8| (to
compounded of fiX and W
pr. ah, quceso! ah, I pray! [This latter passage applies to Christ solely; see Heb.
Followed by an imperative, Gen. 50:17, or a fut. apoc. 2 : 6.] The same is C^awf? Ps. 144 : 3. Specially it is

i. e. an
optative, Neh. 1:5; elsewhere absolutely, Ex. (a) a multitude, the common people; hence Isa. 8 : i ,

32:31 Dan. 9:4. It is also written H3K 2 Ki. 20:3;

tJ'ISS t2"T,nil "with common
writing," i.e. with com-
Isa. 38:3; Jon. 1:14.
mon letters, not those artificially formed, so as to be
easily read by the
illiterate. Comp. Comm. on my
n 3?, P3,
n)N (from H38, Arab. <tff) i.q. the passage, Ap^c. 13 18 ; 21:17, and Kara avdpvwov

Gal. 3: 15. [This is no illustration at all, the apostle comp. 2Ch.8:i8; i Ki. 10:22, concr. 2 Ch.g:2l*

opposes God to man\. (6) wicked men, Ps. 9:20; Vulg. constantly, classis; Syr. ships.
56:2; 66:12. Comp. DIK No. i.
the noun of unity of the preceding, a ship,
(2) pr.n., [Enos], Enosh, the son of Seth, the
T J^f f.,

grandson of Adam, Gen. 4:26; 5:6,9.

Pro.30:l9; Jon.l:3,5; pi. Gen.49: 13; Jnd.5:l7;
iniD ni3K "merchant ships," Pro. 31 14; ni3K =

M JcS T a root not used in Kal, kindred to the roots B^enj-1 "
ships of Tarshish," Isa. 23:1; used gene-
n3SNo. i,pJK, P83. rally of large merchant ships (see B^Bhri), 2 Ch. 9:21;
Joel l:l8 ni3X #:
NlPHAL, TO GROAN, TO SIGH, Ex.2:23; Ps.48:8; Isa.2:l6; "sailors," l Kings
'Aram. Ethp. id.). Construed with ^H Eze.Sl:l2, 9:27.
and IP Ex. 2:23, of the thing which is the cause of
29:2. Root H3K
"l ?v Isa.
T f., sorrow, mourning,
the groaning. Hence
nn^Nt f., pi. nin3$ a groan, a sigh, Ps.3l:ll;
("sorrow of the people"), [Aniam],
Lam. 1:22; Isa.21:2, PinroX^S "all the sighing
pr.n. m., l Ch.7:ig.
on account of it (Babylon)," Isa. 35 10 51:11. :

^rn^5 pron. comm. we, the common form from

. o-
m., Lai. plumbum, LEAD, i.q. HTgiV; hence,
which is shortened 13H3 (Arab.
for a plumb line; Am. 7: 7, ^3$ nin " a wall of a
plumb line," i.e. erected perfectly true ;
verse 8, "I
:i6,i7; Ezr.4:i6. will set a plumb line to my people Israel," i.e. I

n3NI Anaharath, of a place, Josh. will destroy all things as if by rule and line; com-
pr. n.
pare Isa. 34: 11; 2 Ki. 21 13. : This word seems to
with distinctive ace. *3K be primitive, or Arab, verb t^>\ to be
at least the
*P^f, ? pers. pron. l pers.
common; /, q. *?3K which see. Pleon. it is joined
thick, troublesome, slow; fcfyroerfitlig fe^n/ seems to be
to the first person of the verb, especially in the books denom. from lead, prop, to be leaden. To this an-
of the silver age, as '3$ '?>7?K Ecc. 2: 1,11,12,15,
swers the Arab.
18,20; 3:17; 4:1,2,4,7; 7:25. It is
commonly tj_j\, Syr. l^_> , ^Ethiop. transp.
the nominative, put only for the oblique cases when 9 A ft ; and even the Armen. U/ULUCJ. anak, all of
such have preceded; see Lehrg. 727. [Heb. Gramni. which comprehend both black and white lead.
It sometimes includes the verb substan-
tive, / (am), Gen. 15 7 :
; 24:24. D jN (Milra) in pause with the tone changed *?3K

?$ comm. a ship, or rather coll. a fleet. (Arab. (Milel), pers. pron.

pers. com. /, i.q. This is ^.
s-~- ,t the original and fuller form, and is, on the whole, ra-
*U^ plur. <Lj\ and < J^.\ a vessel, especially a water ther less frequent than the shorter, though in the
Pentateuch it is more often found, while in some of
vessel, urn, pitcher, so called from holding and con-
the later books, as Chronicles and Ecclesiastes, it does
taining; j\ Conj. IV. Words signifying
compare not occur at all. This is not only found on the Phoe-
ships are often taken [as in English] from those monuments Oxo-
nician (see Inscript. Citiensis ii. s.

meaning compare Greek youXoc milkpail, and

niensis), but also
in languages of another stock there.
yauXoc ship, Herod, iii. 136; Heb. nan and KE3 **? is what resembles it; compare Egypt. AMOK, AUP,
Isa. 18:2; also Germ. (i;efd^ often used
by sailors for Sanscr. aha (aham), Chinese ngo, Greek t'yti, Latin
hip.) l Ki. 9 26, 27 lO:li
(where it;
is joined with Germ. The shorter form *?^ accords more
ego, id).
a verb masc.), verse 22, Isa. 33:21 (in both these places 9* *
with a fern.). In all these passages it
appears to be nearly with the Aram. J.j|, W^, Arab. lj^ ^Ethiop
a collective, to which answers the noun of unity '"^X,
according to the analogy of nomina vicis et singulari-
[" Note. The striking resemblance of the Hebrew
tatis in Arabic as ^_7 one stalk of straw, straw personal pronouns to those of the ancient Egyptian
language, appears from the following table in which :

(de Sacy, Gramm. Arabe, i. 577), whence it also has the capital letters are those found in the ancient
DO plural. The author of the Chronicles twice puts writing, and the small vowels are inserted from the
explanatorily in the plural
(see l Kings 9:26, Coptic
Pron. eep. Suffix.
angry (compare Tpn Ps. 10:5). Const, either absol
1. ANoK A, L Ps. 2 :60 3 79 5 or with ? of object, Isa. 12:1;
1 2 ;

2. m. eNToK K. l Ki. 8 46 Ps. 85 6.

: It is only used in loftier and

a. f. eNTO T.
poetic language; in prose there is used
3. m. eNToF F.
HITHPAEL, prop, to show oneself angry, hence i.q.
3. f. eNToS S. Kal construed with ?, Deu. l 37 4:21; 9 8, 20.
; '

pi. i. ANaN N. Derivat. |K No. II.

2. eNTOTeN TeN.
v only in pi. (for the Dual, which I gave in 2nd
3. eNTSeN SeN.
This table shews clearly the following points :
edit.[Germ.] and which has been given also by Winer,

all the Egyptian separate pronouns are compounded
is not used in this
word) T? 3 ^ Ch. i. q. Heb. &%$
face. Dan. 2:46; 3:19. In Targ. more often contr.
by prefixing to the proper kernel of the pronoun the
which must have had ?N. ["Gen.32:30; Deu.l:l7; 34:10;
prosthetic syllable an, ant, ent,
a demonstrative meaning, and served to give more SJN
f. the name of an unclean bird of which there

body and force to the pronominal word. (b) This were several species (33/P^). Lev. 11:19; Deu. 14 18. =

prosthetic syllable, at least an, is found in the He- LXX. xapadpioc, i. e. a bird living on the hollows and
brew pronouns of the first and second persons: banks of rivers ["perhaps, sand-piper""]. Bochart
an-oki, an-i 2. an-ta (sometimes an-kci).
1. ; f.,an-ti, (Hieroz.ii. 335, sqq.) renders it, angry bird, with the
an-t. pi. l. an-ahhnu; 2. an-tem, an-ten. The third Hebrews themselves, and he understands, the bird
person has it not in biblical Hebrew, but the Talmud
J$ ^s^c i. e. a kind of eagle, so called from its
angry dis-
frequently had
he, ipse; pi. for flnj$._( c ) ;

the demonstr. prosthetic syllable an, in (jN) has a position. Among irascible birds, is also the parrot,
clear analogy to the Heb. demonstr. }n ecce! lo.' and which is here understood by both the Arabic versions.
may originally not have been prefixed to the third
person in Hebrew, because this could not be pointed pjN - (l) prop. TO STRANGLE, BE IN
at as present. But we clearly find the same syllable hence used of cries extorted by very great anguish,
in thenun epentheticum (so called), inserted in the suf- or sorrow; (compare the common an!en).

and there is, therefore, scarcely Jer. 51 :

52 Eze. 26 15.
Kindred roo's are P3H, p3y, :
fixes of verbs future ;

a doubt that this Nun belongs strictly to the pronoun. and those which spring from them, ay-^i, ai'ayoj,
For a fuller exhibition of the pronouns, see Heb. angere, angustus, enge/ Tfngjt, more softened H3X, H3K,
Gramm. pp. 293, 294, thirteenth edit., Leipz., 1842." for a3. Ch.
P.3t, Syr, ,fijj id.
Ges. add.]
(2) from the idea of strangling (see PP.H), has
sprung the signification of collar (p3V),to adorn with
^S? notused in Kal; Ch. }3tf TO BE SAD, SORROW-
4-s. a collar (see P?V)> and of neck ,jr. From ifa

FUL, TO MOURN; Arab. \ to

groan. slender neck, a she-goat or kid is called in Arabic
HITHPOEL prop, to shew oneself sad; hence, Hebrew perhaps
vli, as if long-necked, SangtjalSj in
to co mp Jam, Lam. 3:39; with the added notion of
impiety, Nu. 1 1 : 1. formerly p.W, p.^, comp. .^. to have a slender neck.
From the goat is derived the word for roe 1p^?, which
kindred roots are JvN, fW, which see. Once found, Kal No. l. Eze. 9:4; 24: 17, D^
NiPHAL,i. q. P.3XH,
WiK " none did
Est. l :8, 1'K compel" the guests to "moan silently," let no one hear thy moans.
drink. (This root occurs much more frequently in
const, st. np_3X
np3X f.

Targg. Heb. 7]|, }T), P$?5 Syr. Ethpe. ^njJLJ to (1) clamour, groaning (KnQfatffyrty), Mai. 2:13;
as of captives, Ps. 79: 1 1 ;
102 21
of the wretched,
be compelled. Pa. ifloj) for tV/3iao;uai, Sap. 14: 19. 12:6.
DJN Ch. id., Dan. 4: 6, ^ D3KT^ TT^? no mys- (2) Lev. 11:30; a kind of reptiles of the lizard
tery giveth thee trouble." race, taking their name from the groaning noise like
an exclamation of grief, which some lizards make.
^JkS fut. 5)3X TO BREATHE, also to emit breath LXX., Vulg. render it mus araneus, shrew mouse
through the nostrils, as a verb only figuratively, to be See Bochart (Hieroz. i.
1068, seq.)

N i.
q. e|3 Syr. i.n_i (comp. Gr. voirog) TO BE / an tarased root, i.q. Arab, ^jj] (
T and B
SICK, ILL AT EASE. It occurs only in Part. pass.
being interchanged; see under T), to be harmed, to
E^JX, f.
nyu^ sick, ill, used of a disease or wound, receive hurt, and transitive to hurt. Cognate per-
uch as is scarcely curable, Jer. 15:18; Mic. 1:9;
Job 34:6; of pain, Isa. 17:11 (like n^in, r6ri3); of a haps is the Aram. KDK_, j^) to heal, i.e. to restore

calamitous day. Jer. 17:16; of malignant disposition what is hurt; compare ^c.j to be sick, Conj. HI. to
if mind, Jer. 17:9. heal. Hence pDK and KDif.
NIPHAL, to be very ill, 2 Sam. 12:15. =
m., a box for ointment, 2 Ki.4:2. Root "^D
j to anoint.
a primitive word, in sing, not used, signify-
ing A M A N, vir, hence homo, man in general. The m ., harm, mischief, from which
any one
Hebrews used for it the contracted and softer form suffers, Gen. 42: 4, 38; Ex.2i-22,23. Root nDK.
K*K (comp. Gr. 11$ for Ire, gen. troc), a man, vir, also
(from the root ">DK) pl. D^DS. m. a

the prolonged form t?13X homo. From the primary form

is the fern. HB K for ntMK, and pi. &VM.
The signi- Ecc.7:26; 1-lDSn TV? Jer. 37: 15, "house of bond,''
i.e. prison.
fication of sickness and disease which is found in the
root S?3X, is taken from another source (from the Ch. id. Dan. 4:12; Ezr. 7 26. :

theme C'3) altogether foreign to this noun as a root.

(from the root ^PX) m., gathering, or har-
N! & (Dan. 2 10), emphat. state *&}$ Dan.
ves t of apples andfruit, Ex. 23:16; 34 22 after the :

i:38, and KBWj 5:21, and N03X 4:13, 3.7,3, Ch. analogy of the similar nouns "^Vi^, "^r], ^10-
a man, and coll. me 71,4:29, 30. tTJ^ T3 i. q. D"]^}3
*VDJ< (from the root TDK)
a son of man, i.e. a man, [?] Dan. 7:13, "behold pl. D^DK. a captive,

there came with the clouds of heaven &M ~O3 the

Job 3 18 Ps. 68 7. It differs from TWK, which re-

tains the force of a participle, while "Vp^? is used as a

likeness of the Son of man." The king is pointed
substantive; see Gen. 39:20.
out of the fifth empire of the earth, i. e. that of the
Messiah. From
passage of Daniel [together
"W?^ m. id., Isa. 10:4; 24:22; 42:7.
with many others, Ps. 8:5580:18] was taken that ap- Ex.6: 24; i Ch.6,7.
(2) pr.n. [Assir]. (a)
pellation of the Messiah which in the time of our (b) lCh.6:8,22.
Saviour was the most used of all, namely the Son of
man. Besides the New Test, there are traces of the an unused root, i.
q. QIB> to place, to lay up,
fr .*
name in the apocryphal book of Enoch, written about
compare Aram. 1?^ ^coj (O and ,
being interchaug-'
the time of Christ's birth, while Herod the Great was

9 9 P'

yet alive, see cap. 46, Ms. Bodlei. and Eng. Vers. pub- ed), to heap up, to lay up ;
whence \JLCQ] an?
lished by Laurence at Oxford, 1821. Pl. KP3K. J}3
provision, store, heaping up; N*3pK store-
Dan. 2:38; 5:21.
house. Hence
PI. OT3K. (in the Hebrew form) Dan. 4: 14.

Ch. pron. 2 pers. sing, m., thou, Dan. 2 :2g, *P^f

storehouses, Deu.28:8; Pro.3:io,
^V?^ which
3,37,38; 3:10: 5:13,18,22,23; 6:17,21, in a>ro. commonly underground, now
in the East are

called Matmurdt L^
The form is a Hebraism, peculiar to the biblical
Chaldee, instead of the common PI3.X, FIN comm. gen.,
S a n unused and uncertain Aram, to
*nd thus it is not acknowledged by the Masorites, who root,
mark the n as redundant, and always substitute the hide; see CDX. Hence

I^jpN [A snah~\, pr.n. of a man, Ezr. 2:50. Taken

[" J1FON Ch. ye, pron. 2 pers. Dan. 2: 8. as an appellative, the meaning is either storehouse,
pi. In
or else bramble, i.q. Ch. N.?pX; Iltb. njp.
Targg. written pnK."]
NDtf pr.n. ("harm ing," or, as I prefer, "physi- ISJP^ (LXX. 'AT<T>'n^>p: Vulgate, Assenaphar\
cian") borne by (i) [Asa], a king of Judah, the [Asn app r], Ezr. 4 i o, the name of a king, or rather

on of Abijah, grandson of Rehoboam, who died after satrap, of the Assyrians, who is mentioned as having
a reign of forty-one years, B. C. 9 1 4. i Ki
15:934; brought colonies into Palestine.
I Ch. 14 16. (a) 1 Ch. 9: 16. rO&N [Astnath'], Egyptian pr. n of the daughtei

o p Potipherah,priestofHeliopolis, whom Joseph mar-

Those who bring up the rear, keep together, and col-
ried, Gen. 41 45 :
; 46 : 20. The LXX., whose authority lect the stragglers compare PIEL, No. 3.

has some weight in Egyptian names, write it 'Avcvify NIPHAL (l) to be collected, gathered together:
MS. Alex. 'AtrtwiQ, which in Egyptian
o^ *r I would write construed with 7K Lev. 26:25; 7J? 2 Sa. 17:11; ?
AC-II6IT she who is of Neith (i.e. Minerva of the 2 Ch. 30 3 :
of the place to which any are gathered

Egyptians), from AC (she is), like Asisi AC-HCG she together, although ?J? in this phrase more
who is (devoted) to Isis. Differently explained by Gen. 34:30; Ps. 35:15. i3T?&i> ^19^3
signifies against,

Jablonsky in Opusc. ii. 209 Panth. ^Egypt. i. 56. As ;

Gen. 49: 29; Vn'napx Jud. 2:10, and simply PlP^j
to Neith, see also Champollion, Pantheon Egyptien, Nu. 20:26, " to be g a t h e r e d to one's people, to one's
No. 6. fathers;" used of entering into Hades, where the He-
brews regarded their ancestors as being gathered to-
imp. *|b, nsps Nu.n:i6; pi.
D Ps .
gether. This gathering to one's fathers, or one's people,
50:5; fiit.|bS; in pi. and with suff. DK, J3pN!; is distinguished both from death and burial, Gen.
more rarely with N quiescent, or cast away *!?*, ^'l, 2 5:8; 35:29; 2Ki.22:20. The principle is dif-
flQX i Sa. 15:6; 2 Sa.6:l; Ps. 104:29, prop. TO ferent of the passages uv which ^IPK} is used of ga-
SCRAPE, TO SCRAPE TOGETHER, jufammenfdjarren, thering the dead bodies of those slain in battle for
cogn. to the verbs SJ1D (whence HMD
sweeping whirl- burial, Jer. 8 2 26.29:5; Job 27: 19.

wind), HQp; also 'IP*, and with the harsher sjpn ^2) to be received (compare Kal No. 2); used of
(which see); hence the leper, i. q. to be healed, Nu. 12: 14; Jer. 47: 6;
(1) to collect, as fruits, Ex. 23:10; ears of corn, reflect, to receive, or betake oneself (into the sheath),
Ruth 2:7; money, 2 Kings22:4; also to assemble of a sword.
men, a people, peoples, etc., Ex. 3: 16; Nu. 21:16; (3) to be taken away, to vanish, to perish, Isa.
2 Sa. 1 2 28. Const, with
: an ace., also sometimes with l6:lO; 6o:2O; Jer.48:33; Hos.4:3.
?K of the person or
place to which any one is con- PIEL (i)i-q- Kal No. i, to gather, collect, Isa.

gregated; Gen. 42: 17, Tiysforh* DH'X fpsn and he 62:9.

assembled them into the prison;" i Sam. 14:52; to receive, /as a guest, Jud. 19:18.
2 Sam.ll:27; Gen.6:2l ;
also /% 2 Kings 22:20. (3) i.q. Kal No. 6, to bring up the rear, Nu.lO:25;
Hence Josh. 6 9,13; Isa. 52: 12.

(2) to take to oneself, to receive to oneself, espe- PuALpass. of Kal No. l,tobe </a/ieree?, Isa. 24:22;
cially to hospitality and protection, Deu. 22:2; Josh. 33:4-
20:4; njrvsp 'S^pSsKi.s^seq. "to receive any HITHPAEL, to be assembled, Deu. 33:5.
one from leprosy," i. e. to heal a leprous person, after The derivatives follow, also TP?.
which he would be again received into intercourse
with other men. pr.n. (" collector"), Asap h. (l) a Levite,
chief of the singers appointed by David,! Ch. 16:5, who
(3) to gather upto one, to contract, draw back;
is celebrated in a later age as a poet and prophet (2 Ch.
Gen. 49: 33, he drew up his feet into the bed;"
1 Sa. 14:19, T3J epS draw back thy hand," i.e. 29:30), to whom the twelve psalms 50; 73 83 are
" the ascribed in their titles, and whose descendants (\3?
stay from what thou hast begun; Joel 2:10,
stars Dn tops shall drawback their brightness," 5]pX), even in the time of E2ra and Nehemiah, are
mentioned as having occupied themselves with sacred
they shall shine no longer. Hence
verse and song (lCh.25:l; 2 Ch.2O:l4; 29:13;
(4) to take away, especially that which any one
previously given; Ps.iO4:29, IWW DH-IT P|ph
Ezr. 2:41; 3:10; Neh.7:44; 11:22). (2) 2 Ki.
" 18: 18; Isa.36:3.
thou takes t away their breath, (3)Neh.2:8.
they expire;" Job
34: H; Gen. 30: 23, 'np-in-nx nr6K spx God hath the form D'lN) only in pi. D'SD^ collec-
fcptf (of
taken away my shame," Isa. 4 1 10:14. tions, i.e. storehouses, iCh. 26:15, 17. B'T^n *SD^

(5) to take out of the way, to destroy, to kill, " storehouses of the
gates," Neh. 12:25.
Jud.i8:25; 1 Sa. 15:6, iEJ> ^Ep'X |3 " lest I destroy
h a rvest, especially
you with them;" 26.34:29, 3%"} 'B-1DS. " destroy- ^]DJ$ collection, gathering,
e d," i. e. killed "
offruits, Isa. 32:10; 33:4; Mic. 7:1.
by hunger ;" Jer. 8:13; Zeph. 1:2;
compare the roots HSp, f|1D. From the first signifi- ^^?^? f.
agathering together, Isa. 24:22, pleo-
cation conies
HSDK -IDDK " they are gathered in a
(6) agmen davdere, to bring up the rear, Isa. 58 : 8.
gathering," i.e. together.

Gen. 40 3, 5 Isa. 49 9. D^IDXH JV3 ' house of p r i-

: :
f only in congregations, as-
pi. J"riBDJ$

temblies, especially of learned and wise men dis- soners,"i.e. prison, Jud.i6:2l, 25; contr. D'"MDn JV^

cussing divine things. Eccles. 12: 11, niBDS. yP.3

Ecc. 4:14.
"masters (i.e. associates) of assemblies," i. q. (Arab.^1 id., captivity.) \

D*D2n i n the other member. In Arabic it would be (4) bind, or fasten animals to a vehicle, l Sa,
6:7, rtaya nnan-n^ D?np**i and bind the kine to

said <LcliH f_r'xvr^ although the Arabian assem- the cart;" verse 1O; either with an ace. of the vehicle,
blies callel LJU'JU differ widely enough from these to harness a chariot, Gen. 46 29, or else absol. l Ki :

Jewish assemblies. 18:44, Til "lb$ "bind (the chariot to the horses^,
and go down."
U BpX see *]bX.
(5) ["properly to bind on, to join, hence IPX
m., collected, adj. diminutive; whence norparrnR"], to join battle, ben trcit onf&beln, mit
Ki. 30:14;
contemptuously, a mixed crowd, scraped together begin the fight;
jemunbem anbtnben/ to l

of men of all kinds, colluvies, who added themselves 2Ch. 13:3.

to the Israelites; eftnbel (which word is itself a di-
(6) it?Q3~^JJ
"IDS "IDS to bind a bond, or prohibi-
minutive used in contempt). With article ^DSDXn tion upon oneself, bind oneself with a vow of
i.e. to
Num. 11:4, Aleph quiescent. The same are called abstinence, promising from certain things
to abstain
in Ex. 12:38, 3T n^P. otherwise permitted; Nu. 30:3, seq. It differs from

TI3 113, which is to vow to do or to perform something.

") (Milel) adv. Ch. carefully, studious- to
Ezra. 5:8; 6:8, 12, 13; 7:17, 21, (Ch. "IPX to prohibit, to forbid; Syr: j;_O ^coj
ly, diligently.
bind and to loose, also to prohibit and to permit.)
26. LXX. e<r{&' ior, iirifJifXijf, tro/juwc. Vulg. studiose,
NIPHAL (i) to be bound, Jud. 16:6, 13.
diligenter. The
origin of this word is doubtless to be
(2) to be kept in prison, Gen. 42: 16, 19.
sought in the Persic (see K^ITJK), although the ety-
PUAL, to be taken i n war,made captive,Isa.2<2:3.
mology and signification are not certain. Bohlen
Derivatives, besides those that follow, "HDX, "VOX,
(symb. p. 2 1 ) thinks it Ui ;H. e. o u t of w is-
to be
nnbo, onpio.
dom, for wisely, diligently Kosegarten with Castell

"1D^ m. prop, obligation, prohibition, hence

prefers to compare ^j.-~: seperi and ^j.~~i\ entirely, vow of abstinence, Nu. See under the
30:3, seq.
perfectly. root No. 6. In abs. state always "ISX. but with suff.

fctnSpX [Aspathd\, Persic pr. n. of a son of rPDX, pi. nHp5? Nu. 30: 6, 8, 15.

Haman, Est. 9 7. Comp. <uc! espe a horse, bullock,

: ONI Ch. interdict, prohibition, Dan. 6:8, seq.
Zend, aspo, aspahe, a horse Sanscr. asva, id.
[" Pro-
yr.n.Esar-haddo n, king of Assyria,

bably Sanscr. Aspaddta, Pers. yj^y^, given by the son and successor of Sennacherib, a Ki. 19:37; Isa.
horse' (i. e. by Bramah under the form of a horse), 37 38 Ezr. 4 3. Before he became king he was made
: ;

comp. Gr. 'Affira&if. So Benfey, Pott."] by the his father prefect of the province of Baby-
lonia, with royal honours. See Berosus in Eusebii
future Ibtf and
lb*g with suffix Chron. Arm. t. i. p. 42, 43, where he is called \\anp-
*n~lpSn - (l) TO BIND, TO MAKE FAST, TO BIND TO lav as in the LXX., 3 Ki. and Isa., elsewhere 2a-
ANT THINO, cognate to the root "IJS and other verbs 2ax( p3>'C ( To1x 1 :21 )' (
The first s .vllab
of binding which are collected under that root. (Ch. of this word ">Pi< is also found in other Assyrian
proper names, as in Tiglath-pileser, Shalmaneser,
Syr. ;_m},
, Arab.,
.Eth. Aft4: and ftUJ4: id.) This name was,
Ex. gr. a beast of burden, Gen. 49:11; a sacrifice, perhaps it is i. q.
j\\ ^,
fire). ["
to Athro-ddna,
Ps. 118:27; a sword to the perhaps, in ancient Assyrian equivalent
thigh, Neh.4:l2; any
one wit! cords, Eze. 3 25. Pers. <^J.J\ 'gift of fire,' which comes near to Asor
i Hence :

(a) 1" bind, put in bonds, Gen. 42:24, viz. with

dan" Bohlen.] Some have regarded this king a?
fetters, Psal. 1 49 8 Jer. 40 1: a Ki. 25 7. Part. : :
the same as Sardanapalus. See Rosenmuller, in BibL

Alterthumskunde, t. ii. p. 199, and m7 Comment, on


"HDX bound, Ps.

146:7; metaph. used of a man taken
mth the love of a woman, Cant. 7:6. Isa. 39:1.
(3) to make
r.aptive,to in prison, although hold iriDX [Est her], Persic pr.n. given to a Jewish
ot hound, a Ki 17:4; 93:33. Part. "HDK a Hada$8ah(^1>l Eat 9:7\
prisoner, virgin, previously called
who was made by Xerxes, his wife and queen of Per-
themore common and; comp. Arab. ,_J. Isa. 48: 12
sia.The etymology is rightly given in the second Targ.
"and I (am) the last, and my hand hath founded
on Est. 2:7; i fc is tne Pers. > ,'2^. sitareh, star; also
the earth ;" Isa. 26 8 33:2; 41:10.

Zend, stara, Sanscr. nom. stra y

fortune, felicity, sir,
(3) by ellipsis of the conditional particle, i. q. ON *\$
whence in the Western languages ctori/p, aster, (Stern/ even if; Job 19:4, W?^ D:p>p)Nl "even if indeed
Engl. star. [" See Lassen, Ind. Biblioth. iii. 8, 18."] "" f 9
Ihave erred" (Syr. J i2>J andcontr.
This word is used by the Syrians to denote the planet ^j. Also evei.
Venus (see Bar Bahlul, MS.), and we recognise the though, when yet (ba bod))j Ps-44: 10, " we praise
same Persic name in the Hebrew fi'Wy'JJ which see God all the day, -Up^pni nrut although thou !

The name of Venus, and also of good hast cast us off, and put us to shame;"
in its place. Ps.68:i7.
fortune, was suitable enough for her, as thus chosen "l^ Ch. also, Dan. 6:23.
by the king.
? ^
(l) prop, yea more that, but also, but
emphat. state NJ$; Ch. wood, Ezr.5:8; 6:4, even; Eze. 23:40, "yea more, that (fogar) they
11; Dan. 5:4; softened from the Heb. H?, V being brought men from afar;" Hab. 2:5. Hence
changed into N, and f into V see under the letters ; (2) nedum, much more, how much more, when
N, V, and V. an affirmation precedes, l Sam. 14:30; 2 Sam.
whin a negation precedes, how much Job less, 25:6.
I. )?$ conj. (l) signifying addition, especially
of something greater, prop, even, besides, Germ, gar,
*3 is
omitted, id. (see
-IDS >3 f]S i s said for '3
^ No. l). Gen.
3:1, S|t*n "is it even
fogar, the etymology of which has also a common no- so that God hath said?" Hath God so said?
tion. It is also shewn the Ch. 'SK Gen. 27: 33,
Targ. of Jon.) from the root ^9?> an(i like the cog-
^ (for *]3S
m. prop, a breathing
from the root ^?), with
suff. *SN,

nate'lSX K1SK, properly denotes something cooked, well

, place, the with
which one breathes, hence
done, ready ; hence, quite, wholly, Germ, gar, as (i) the nose. (Arab.
to the origin of which compare Adelung, Lex. ii. 41 1 ;
; id.) Used of the nose of men,Nu.
and so that it makes the sense progressive, fogar/ ol=
11:20, and of animals, Job 40:24; ^S PI33 used of
lenbS/ yet more, even (-13K by a somewhat different
pride, see n?3 C]S nn the
turn of signification is ganj unb gar/
blowing of breath through
wholly, altoge- the nostrils, as of those who are
o enraged, Sdjnaubetv
ther). To this answers the Syr. c2>J, Ch. ^N; hence Job 4:9. Hence
abbreviated the Arabic i_J. (2) anger, which shows itself in hard breathing;

is DJ,
Nearly synonymous
which however in prose, and in earlier phrase- *| m Prov. 22:24, and f)X t5K Prov.
29:22, angry.
ology, is more frequent, while ^ belongs to more
Very often used of the

29:19; Job 36:13.

anger of God, Deu. 32:22 ;

poetic and later [?] language. Job 15:4, ISP) nP)S'5|K

D!SK. (i) two breathing places, i.e. tht
IK"!! thou even makest void the fear (of God)," bit
jerftorft gar alle @ottefurd)t 5 Job 14:3; 34: 12. With an
nostrils, the nose, Gen. 2:7.

^H is it even ? (2) anger, especially in the phrases, D?SS ~li?,TW

interrogative particle prefixed (roilljt
slow to anger, i. e. patient
bu gar? roinjl bu etioa gar?) Job 34:17; 40:8; Am. quick of anger. See those

2:11. Followed by DS1.. Repeated before a pronoun
forthe sake of emphasis; Pro. 22: .'9,
nntf ?]X T'^Vlin (3) ["meton."]/ace, countenance(Syr. j^> j, Ch
"I make known to thee, even to thee." Hence ne- Of " to
PB3.N),Gen.3: 19. frequent use in the phrase,
dum, more fully '3 *\$, see below; Job 4: 18,19, ^N prostrate oneself nyiX njSX w ith the countenance
'? nedum quum, nedum si, much less z/(uub nun gar cast down to the ground," Gen.
19: i 42 6. in SH/
" how much less
wenn); Job 9: 14, $ ?3 3 | before David, i Sa. 25: 23, for the more common
if! should answer him?" Job 35: 14; Eze. 15:5. (4) two persons, as if a dual, from the sing. f|K
(2) simply signifying addition, also, Lev. 26: 16, in the signification of
face and person. Comp.
28; 2Sa.2O:i4; Ps.g3:i; 108:2; Job 32: 10, etc.
and Syr. \>}. iSa.l:5, D?
There often occurs ^1 " and also," Lev. 26:39; Deu. WTTOV, D'3S,

15:17; once even Dl" 5!*?! (as in Lat. etiam quoque), " he
gave one portion of two persons," i.e. a double
Lev. 26 44. Twice or three times See my remarks on this in Thes.
repeated, Isa. 40 124 portion.
page 1 27,
41 '.26. Often put poetically, and with emphasis for Others explain it, " he gave to Hannah one
with anger," pr. with sorrow of mind; since words 13*1, Xi2~l) [" properly, here, hie, and ol
ragogic (like
which signify anger are sometimes applied to sorrow. time,now. But it is always a postpositive particle,
(5) \Appaim pr. n. m. i Ch. 2:30, 31.
which gives emphasis to the preceding word." Ges
corr.], these forms in MSS. differ surprisingly; prop
J^ fut.^BX* TO GIRD ON, TO'POT ON, specially entireness, whole, hence
used of the ephod "I13X of the high priest, Ex. 29:5;
(1) adv. quite, altogether. In German it
may be
Lev. 8:7. Hence are derived ~113X and the following rendered very suitably according to the etymology.
words. gar/ see ^X No. l according to the usage of the lan-
; t

(i. q.
lisx the ephod of the high priest"), guage, alfo (altogether so). Job9:24,i2X xVnX"if
not so." Gen. 43: 11, X1QX 13TJS "if altogether
[Ephod'], pr. n. m. Nu. 34:23.
so," if (it be) indeed so" [but see corr. above, and
n^|3X noun of the preceding verb,
(i) active No. 2, c].
putting on, binding on (of the Ephod), Ex. 28:8. (2) from the common usage of language, this par-
(2) covering (of gold), or overlaying of a statue, ticle departs a little from its power, and it is com-
Isa. 30:22 i. q. ^3>*.
They used to make the images monly added emphatically (a) to pronouns and
of idols, of wood or earthenware, and then lay over adverbs of interrogation, like the Gr. KOTI: Lat. tan-
them plates of gold or silver (jrtpi-^vffa, Trepiapyvpa, NiEK HS3
dem, then now, Gen. 27:33. wherein
ep. Jer. 6:34). then?" Ex. 33:16. Isa. 22: l, XiQX $Tlp "what
then (is) now to thee?" N'^ nK " where then?"
Hf^ i-
9- Syr. Ljj-aJ palace, Dan. 11:45, Vv] * 1

" his tabernacles, like unto Job 17: 15; Jud. 9:38; Isa.l9:l2; Gen. 27:37, HD^
13"|3S palaces." It is
s -- 3? nb^X HD Xiex "and what shall I now do to thee,
the Arab. with the
'$ high tower, fortress, castle,
my son?" (b) in exhortations and wishes. Job 19:6,
prefix of Aleph prosthetic, followed by Dagesh forte, N13X 1JH. "know then," nriffet alfo/ LXX. yi-wrt ovv.
comp. I'VISX, and Ch. m, Dn D^X blood, |1, J3S, JJX :, 2 Ki. io:lO; Pro. 6: 3. [" (c) to negative and affir-

garden. mative particles or words. Job 9:24, 12X J\7 DX " if

not now (God)," i.e. if it be not God, who is it?
DN imp. toK (for K), Ex. 16:23, fut. nBX, Job 24:25. The contrary is found, Gen. 43:11,
once -inshl Sam. 28:24.
iax }3 DX " if so now." Corresponding is Chald. {is
specially bread or cake in an oven. (Chald., Syr. id.
s indeed, truly, now, etc. See Buxtorf, Lex. 1706. The
Arab. ,_i. ,
whence c Lw<
oven. In the western lan- primary force of 12X is demonstrative, as in 13, H3
^* -
here, with prefixed, which is also demonstrative,
KB ecce! Comp. Rabb. ^
guages, J?t(i>, on-raw, Triicrw ;
Lat. epulcc, epulari), Gen.
like i.
q .

19:3; Lev. 26:26; Isa. 44 : 1 5, 1

9. Followed by two XM. See Hupfeld, in Zeitschr. fur d. Morgenl.
accusatives, one of the material, the other of that Lit. ii. 128. This teX, KOV enclitic, and the inter-
which is made from it. Lev. 24:5, 3 R& ^HX JV?X1 <I

nb'X Trow, are cognate." Ges. corr.]

ni?n rn^j; "and bake thereof twelve cakes," com-
Note. The ancient copyists and grammarians have
pare Lehrgeb. 219. Part. H^X a baker, Gen. 40: i. confounded this particle with another, similar in sound,
D'EXn ")' "chief of the bakers," a courtier of the
but very different in its origin and orthography, nb'if
king of Egypt (Gen. 40:2, seqq.); a dignity which where? (see Thes. page 79). It has been of late mahr-
also exists amongst the Moguls. tained by Ewald (Heb. Gramm. page 659) that botL.
(a) tobecooked; hence,complete, whole (Germ. these particles are the same. Compare Gr. TTOV and
gar fign). Compare Arab. ^j. to be whole, complete; TTOV. But against this there are constructions such
f - * -
as X'lQX rVX, which, according to the opinion just
j,. whole, complete; Ui^ wholly, and altogether, mentioned, should be rendered irov irov. See also the
gang unb gar. See deriv. *)X No. I. is omitted passages cited under No. l and 2, b. [But sec the
in Ges. corr.] additions above.]

NIPHAL, to be cooked, baked, Lev. 6:1O; 7:9. PI. see TWX.

nrcXFI Lev. 23:17.
X m. (by a Syriacism for "rt-^.), the same in
Derivs. !*< No. I.
[see below], nDXO, D'yBH, and ^ 11
(l Sam. 2: 18); Syr. |L,_a, a word formed
'3N HDX No. 9
(I y a Syriacism for teK., from from the Hebrew [Root 1? x ], Ephod, a garment of
! but see below, No. 2, c]), and N13NI with Aleph pa- the high priest, worn over the tunic and lobo

7'VP Ex. 28:31 29:5), without sleeves, divided be-

The former signification is found in the derived
low the armpits into two parts, the anterior of which nouns ^BS^B'X, n^S^D, the latter in *?'?$
nJ>BX. } ^a$Q,
covered the breast and belly, the hinder covered the
^ m. obscure, dark, of the day, Am. 5:20.
back these were joined on the shoulders with clasps

of gold, set with precious stones. This garment reach- /SN m. darkness, especially th ick, a poet, word,
ed down to the middle of the thighs, and was bound Job3:6; 10:22; 28:3; 30:26. M-itaph. of misery
to the body by a girdle ("rtan 3KTI), Ex. 28:6 12. misfortune, also of a place of ambush, Ps. ll:2.
Besides the high priest, others also wore this garment ;
- thick and dense darkness, Ex. 10:22
David, for instance, when leading the sacred dance,
Comp. ?SS. It often furnishes an image of wretched-
2 Sam. 6:14; and Samuel, the servant of the high 1

ness, Isa. 8:22. PI. ni ??** darkness, Isa. 59 9. :

l Sa. 2: 18, 28; and also

priest, priests of an inferior
order. As to material, the high priest's ephod was ("judgment" from the root 3), [Eph-
made of gold, purple, scarlet, and byssus that of ; laf], pr.n. m. l Ch. 2:37.
others was made of linen.
9N a n unused root, which appears to have sig-
(2) statue, image of an idol (comp. iT^BN No. 2),

nified to turn, tike n35i. Hence JQ'lK a wheel, and

Jud. 8:27; so also apparently Jud. 17:5; 18:17
2O; Hos. 3:3. Root 1?K. |" time, from the notion of turning and revolv-

(3) [written defectively, see "1B&?J, [Ephod~\, pr.n. ing, compare "in, nQ-lpJj^ irtpio^oc, and many words

of a man, Nu. 34:23. which denote a year, all of which properly signify a
circle, as annus, whence annulus, tviavroq.

IT3K ("rekindled," "refreshed," from the
H3K q. n-13, y to breathe, to blow), [Aphiali],
Prov.25:ll, V3B-^? 1^
" a W0rd
spoken in

itsown times," i. e. in a suitable time. (As to the

pr. n. m. l Sa. 9: l. form VJSS for V3Q^ see Lehrg. 575). So amongst
the old authorities Symm., Vulg., Abulwalid, who
/ (from the root ??K), adj. late, of slow
s &
growth, used of fruits and grain; pr. weak, tender, rightly compares the Arabic time. We may
slow in growing, see the root No. 2, Ex. 9:32.
explain ViSJOy "upon its wheels," taking it as a
LU 2X pr.n. see II. ^ No. 5.] proverbial phrase indicating quick ness of answering,
making JSK to be the same as 1Q1N a wheel. So the
p 2^ always in constr. st. P" ?^, pi. ^BS.
or 1

m. (l) a channel, tube, so called from the idea of Syr.^v^-i and Ji^Jb^^^s^.:^ on a wheel, i.e.

containing (see P?X No. l). Job 40: 1 8, n^-in? 'j^BX. quickly.
"tubes of brass." (a) a channel, bed of a stream, DDS i. q. DOS TO CEASE, TO FAIL, TO COME T<
Isa.8:7; Eze. 32:6; also, the bottom of the sea, 2 Sa. AN END,Gen.47:l5,i6;Ps.77:9;Isa.i6:4. Hence
22:l6. (b) a brook, a stream, Ps. 42:2; 126:4;
Joel i: 2O. BY!?} P*BB5 " stream of the vallies," Job 6: cessation, hence
?^! pr.
(A)' subst. (i) end, extremity.
15. Hence (c) a valley itself, especially as watered
Arab. ^jj\ t \_wddy~\, Eze.6:3; "ends of the earth," poet, and hyperbol.usedof the
by a stream, i.
q. ?H3,
extreme limits of the earth, Ps. 2:8; 22:28, and
34:13; 35:8; 36:4,6.
(2) strong, robust, see the root No. 2. Job 41:7,
of the extremities, i.e. the soles
'i^BK "the strong of shields," i.e. (2) Dual DtPSK
E*!?'? strong " water of the
of the feet. Thus Eze. 47 3, D!P? *8 :

shields (of a crocodile). Job 1 2 2 1 " he :

looseth the
soles," i.e. not deep, which would only wet the
girdle of the strong." Par. D^H?. The notion of
soles of the feet. Comp. DS. Ch., Syr., Vulg. render
swiftness is attributed to this word by Ewald, on Cant.
it ancles.
5:12; but this is arbitrary.
(l) no farther, TIJ? &6, Isa. 5:8;
(B) adv.
see Am. 6:1O; Deu. 32:36. Also moreover not, Isa.
i t 45:6; 46:9. There is once added iiy, 2 Sa. 9:3;
' 2N a root not used in Hebrew.
Arab. ^Ji' is also with Yod paragogic, Isa. 47 8, lo; :
Zeph. 2 15, :

(1) pr. to set as the sun (comp. the kindred roots Tiy 'DBK1. ^S " I am, and there is none besides."

'?K, ??3, 733), to be obscure, dark.

D ??? like &6a without, Job
(2) not, Isa. 54:15;
(2) to fail, to be weak, tender, specially used of 7:6; Dan.8:25; Pro. 14:28.
backward plants. DDSO id.
(3) nothing, Isa. 41 12, 29; prop, oj
nothing, Isa. 40 : 1 7 D ??| on account of n o th i ng,"
Besides the derivatives which immrdiately follow
i. e. without cause, Isa. 52 4. : see

(4) adv. of restraining only, Nu. 22:35 (comp. 3N ("strength," "fortress," "fortified

verse ao); 23:13.

DSX city"), pr.n. Aphek. (l) a city in the tribe of
(5) Conj. '? pr. only that, simply, for the
Asher, Jos. 13:4; 1 9 30 ; also called P'?$, Jud. 1:31.

conjunction however, nevertheless, Num. 13:28; This can hardly be any other than Aphaca, a city of
Deut. 15:4; Am. 9:8.
Lebanon famous for its temple of Venus, whose ruin*
D'EPl DStf still called Afka, stand between Byblus and Hello-
[Ephes-dammim~\, pr.n. of a place
in the tribe of Judah, l Sa. 17 : 1, called l Ch. 1 1 : 13, polis (Baalbec); see Burckhardt, Travels, 70, 493
Germ, trans.

SX (2) Different from this is Aphek, near which

a word once found (in my judgment an in-
Benhadad was routed by the Israelites, l Ki. 20 26, :

correct reading), Isa. 41:24, where

speaking of the seq. to this answers the Apheca of Eusebius,
powerlessness of idols V?^D D ?r'V?> tne other mem- m ;

to the east of the sea of Galilee, near Hippus (Ouom.

ber HND. Some of the Jewish writers take !?? as voce 'A^EKO), called also by the Arabian writers
n V?? a "
q. viper; and they render it your work (is) and .* and mentioned by Seetzen
worse than a viper;" but this is altogether unsuited ^\ \_Feik~\,

to the context, in which and Burckhardt under the ancient name (p. 438, 539,
idols are said to be able to do
Germ. ed.).
nothing. Read with Vulg., Chald., Saad. DQXD, which
isfound in the similar passages, Isa. 40:1 7; 41 :12,2Q, (3) in the tribe of Issachar, near Jezreel, there ap-
and is of very frequent occurrence in these chapters. pears to have been an Aphek, remarkable for several
battles with the Philistines, l Sa. 4: l ; 29: i ; comp.
'V : ^ comm. (f.
Isa. 59: 5), a viper, & poisonous l Sa. 28 4. : Either this or No. l was a royal city of
*^ the Canaanites, Josh. 12:18.
serpent, Arab. ^1, from the root njJS, which see.
of a
Job 20: 16; Isa. 30:6; 59:5. pSSI ("strength"), [Aphekah], pr.n.
town in the mountains of Judah, Josh. 15:53.
only poet. )DNk a root of uncertain
construed with an ace., Ps. 18:5; 116:3; signification, perhaps
Jon. 2:6; with 7JJ, Ps. 40 : 1 3. In flection it is not con- kindred to the root">?SJ
to cover, i.
q.Ji compare
tracted, whence a, n?K for T8.
["II. to be whitish; Arab. JLc, whence "13S ashes.
*? a root not used in Kal. (i) TO HOLD, TO
HOLD FAST, i.q. pTH, p\T.nn, see p'SK No. i, and HITH- unless this comes from the idea of grinding, pulveris-
PAEL. ing,
TBK i. q. Tia. Compare 1SJJ. "W]
(2) to be Strong, mighty, see P'3$ No. 2! For a primitive, kin-
. this is
the signification of holding,
especially holding firmly dred to the word ~>SJJ, and pr. denotes dust and earth,
is often applied to strength. Arab.
^\ is to over- compare cinis, from the Gr. KOVIC, and the etymology
of the pr. n. E?"]??, n l?^. Similar is the Gr. r%>a.
come, to conquer; ^jj\ to excel (prop, to be very [or from "1?K II. Num. 19:9, 10;
2 Sa. 13:19. It
s ___ is used principally in speaking of mourning, Jer. 6:
strong) in liberality, eloquence; .j\ excellent, sur-
26; Lam. 3:16; to which belong the phrases, Psal.
1 02 l O,
" I have eaten ashes like bread." Est.
passing. : 4:1,
HITHPAEL, hold oneself fast, to restrain
to 1QK1 pb> 1^>.J " and he put on sackcloth and ashes,"
oneself from giving way to the impulses of love, Gen. compare Est. 4:3; Isa. 58:5. Paronomastically put
43 '-Si; 45:M grief, Isa. 42: 14; anger, Est.5:lO; together, "1S$J 1?JJ "dust and ashes," Job 30:19;
conscience, l Sam. 13:12. Gen. 45 l " and Joseph :
, 42 6. Metaph. used of anything light and fallacious.

could no longer restrain himself;" Isa. 63:1 5, T'Pin Job 13: 12, 1?X \?y'9 " maxims of ashes," i.e. vain
JpSKJ^ri vK "thy love towards me restrains itself;" and fallacious. Isa. 44:20, ~l| njJV) " he follows after
" I forced
1 Sa. loc. cit. of Saul, myself, and offered ashes," sc. as driven by the wind; i.q. elsewhere,
the burnt offering" (although I knew that I was for- " to follow after the As to ib
wind," compare '"Xjn.

bidden ao to 4i ). difference from l^, see below at that word,


m. a covering of the head, a band to cover

l3N> "Syria rests Q?iaK ?J7 upon the borders of Ephraim.'
the head, for lag, see the root"aK i Ki. 20:28, 41.
Where the land is signified it is fern. Hos. 5:9; where
the people, m. Isa. 7:8. Comp. n"V7? No. 2.
LXX. rtXa^uy. Ch. and Abulwalid, by the help of
their respective languages, use nearly the same word; ^..D"13X Ch. pi. [Apharsitet], pr. n. of a nation,
of whom a colony was brought into Samaria, Ezr. 4 9. :

the former riliSyp, the latter j> jLjc, i.e. a cap, a helmet.
Hiller understands the Parr hasii, a nation of eastern

The same word is found hi Syriac J;_2i^OO i. e. a mitre Media; I prefer to understand the Persians them-
selves (comp. D"lf ). Aleph is prosthetic, as it is in
of a priest and bishops. Others take it as transp. for
the words which follow.
~tt?3 ornament of the head.

[Apharsachites], Ezra 5:6, and

n"l?$ m. the young of birds (Arab. i),

nrn3. Deu. 22:6; Ps. 84:4. The root rns to germi- iOnplfiX, [Apharsathc'hites^Ezr.t'.g,
pr. n. of two Assyrian nations, otherwise unknown, un-
nate, is in Hebrew only used of plants but in Arabic, ;
less indeed they be taken as the same. Some have suit-
is also used of animals producing young.
ably enough compared the Parcetaceni, dwelling
a litter, palanquin, once found Cant.
. between Persia and Media, as to whom see Herod, i. 1 1 .
3:9; LXX., Vulg. <popt~iov (litter, comp.
Athen. v. 5),
n3& and more
[EphratJi], Gen. 48:7; often
ferculum. [" Talmud pnBg and T ^a
bed."] It an- with n parag.
swers to the Syriac L,os, which is rendered by
although without giving
Castell, solium, sella, lectulum,
(land, region).
his authority (prob. out of Barbahlul); also, Chald.
(1) pr. n. of a town in the tribe of Judah, elsewhere
KJT-13S (with Aleph prosthetic), which is also given
called Bethlehem (Gen. 48:7); more fully Beth-
in this place by the Targumist, and Cant. 1 16 for :
lehem Ephratah (Mic. 5:1).
the Heb. &~$l. The root n-13, Ch. K"J? to run, prop.
(2) i.
q. DnaK Ps. 132:6; comp. ^"ISX No. 2.
to be borne, borne quickly (compare ""QS, <j>tpo>,
to be
(3) pr. n. f. iCh. 2:19,50; 4:4.
fero), like currus a currendo, Tpoxpg from rpt-^etv,
tyoptiov, ferculum from ^Ineiv, ferre.
Those who m -
(0 an Ephrathite, or Bethlehemite,
impugn etymology of this Hebrew word, should
this 1 Sa. 17 : 1 2. 0?n?K Euth l 2.
PI. :

also have something to oppose to the similar, and, at (2) an Ephraimite, Jud. 12:5; l Sa. l : l ;
i Ki.
the same time, most certain etymology of the Greek 11:26.
and Latin words just cited. To me II'HBX and (/tope'iov
yvS adv. Ch. perhaps at length, in the end.
and ferculum appear to come from one and the same
the Pers. J jj end, at length, comp. Pehlevi, Afdom,
original stock (iT}?, S")?, (j>tpw,fei-o, fafyren).
end. It occurs once, Ezr. 4:13,
p^njjl D*3^O ChJ<
(perhaps, "double land," "twin land," " and at to the kings," comp.
length bring damage
pr. n.
the younger son
comp. DyYjfb), (i)Ephraim, verses 15, 22, where DhSX is not found. The ancient
of Joseph, ancestor of the tribe of Ephraim (0)1?? *??
versions [" LXX.DinSXI mi rouro,PeshitOoCn cSjo"]
Num. 10:22 and simply D?!? Josh. 16 10), the :

pass it
by ["Aben Ezra and"] others
in translating;
boundaries of which, about the middle of the Holy
conjecture from the context, and interpret it treasury,
Land are described, Josh. 16:5. seq. In this region revenue (of kings).
was B^aS in " mount," or " the mountain region of
Ephraim," Josh. 19:50; 20:7; 21:21; Jud. 2:9; -N an uncertain root, perhaps i.
q. 3JJ to la-
3:27. But different from this is the wood of Eph- bour, to toil. Hence
raim," 2 Sa. 18:6; which, from the narrative, must
be beyond Jordan (comp. 2 Sa.l7 24 29) probably :
^ [Ezbon], pr.n. (i) a son of Gad, Gen.
so called from the 46:16; also called VI which see. (2) l Ch.7:7
slaughter of the Ephrahnites, Jud.
12:16. 2 Sa. 13:23, Ona? DV "at Ephraim," (but compare 8:3).
i. within the boundaries of the tribe.
y?y$ f., with suff. r?3v; Pl. niyayx (for y?v ;

Ephraim, as being the royal tribe, is applied as a with Aleph prosthetic).

name (2) of tho whole kingdom and people of the ten (l) a finger, Ex. 31 18 :
; specially the fore-finger,
tribes, especially in the books of the prophets, Isa. 9:8; which used in dipping into anything (from the root

17:3; 28 SjTTos 4:i7;5:3,seq.;9:3,seq.;Isa.7:2, V); Lev.4:6seq.; 14:16; Ex.8:l5,

ln " this is the finger of God," i.e. this is done by ?VK ("noble"), [Azel], pr.n. (l) m., i Ch
the power of God himself; fingers for the hand,
pi. 8 37; 9 43; in pause ^V iCh.8:38; 9:44.
-( 2 )
= =

Ps. 8:4; 144:1. As a measure across the fingers,

[Aza], a place near Jerusalem; in pause also ^V$
Jer.52:2i. Zee. 14:5. (Appell. side, or root of a mountain,
(2) followed by D^jH, a toe, 2 Sa. 2 1 : 20. (Ch. id.,

Arab. _-u^, Syr. ^fc^-t > especially the fore-finger,
Barhebr. p. 2 15, line 11.) with suff. V*? m. (i)a side, i.q. VK
No. i, so called from joining together (see the root
ySVK also Ch. ; pi. BJ3VK used of the fingers, Dan. No. l). l Sa. 20:41, 33|n 7VND "from the south
5:5; of the toes, Dan. 2: 41, 42. "B ?XKQ "from one's side," 1 Ki. 3:20, and
side ;"

T5K*m.(i) a side, i.q. Ws ; Isa.4i:9, S'8 i.q. at any one's, side (see J9 No. 3), Eze. 40 17. Far
Kj^n "sides (i. e. limits, extremities) of the earth"
more frequently
(as elsewhere H ??5
'Offi, HW "i 3 ??)- In the other (2) prep, at the side, near, juxta (which is itself
member p* ajungendo), Gen.4i :3; Lev.i 16; 6:3; 10: 12 i Sa. :

Arab. Ju^l prop. deep-rooted, strik- 5:2; 20 19. It is joined also with verbs of motion

(2) adj. i.q.

to a place, Gen. 39:10; 2 Ch. 28:15.
ing deep roots into the earth hence metaph. sprung;

from an ancient and noble stock, noble, Ex. 24: 1 1. ^HvV^ (" whom Jehovah has reserved"),

(Compare as to both words, the Hebrew and the [Azaliah~], pr.n. m., 2 Ch. 34:8.
Arabic, the root?? No. i.) The Germans [and other ^^ an uncertain root, i.q. DJ to be strong,
nations] in the same sense take the image from the Hence
stock and trunk, the Hebrews from the root.
DV& [Ozem], pr.n. m. (l) lCh.2:i5- (2)
' -W$ m.
(from the root ?VK No. l), a joining, a
i Ch. 2:25.
jo in t ; hence nft'SS,
D?TJ 7VB "joints of the hands,"
i.e. the knuckles at which the fingers are -?5 f.
i.q. rnjJV
with Aleph prosthetic, prop.

joined to the hand, Jer. 38: 12; Eze. 41:8. In the a leg-chain (from 1KV), a fetter; hence, without re-
passage Eze. 13:18, the context requires that the fore garding the etymology, a bracelet, Nu-31 :5O; 2 Sa
arm should be understood, although others understand 1:10.
the wrist, or the armpit. [" The same are to be un-
derstood in Eze. 13:18, where the sewing of cushions UP, TO STORE, TO HEAP OP, TO
'for all the joints o the hands' is put hyperboli-
TREASURE (The primary idea is that of shut-
ting up, enclosing, restraining; compare the cognate
cally to express the extreme luxury of the females, _ -t
since usually cushions are placed at most under the and Arab.
roots iVn, >?, also IT?, lp ^\ to shut
elbow." Ges. add.]
up, to restrain, kindred to which are _j) and _^^.)
/Sifr* (l) i.q. J*. TO JOIN, TO CONNECT TO- 2Ki.2O:l7; Isa.39:6; Am. 3: 1O.

GETHER; whence ?'?$ joint, ^VX, ?? No. l, side,

NIPHAL, pass. Isa. 23:18.
HiPHiL,<0 cause to lay up in a treasury.i.e. to set
near; Arab. ,Ls\ a root, as that which joins a tree to any one over a treasury; Neh. 13 13, n'VWX / :

" and I made treasurers over the treasuries."

the ground, put forth deep roots, prop, to be
J^t to
Hence are derived "WN and
firmly joined to the ground; metaph. to be sprung
from an ancient and noble stock com p. ?'V? No. 2. ; (" treasure"), \_Ezer~\, pr.n. of a man, Gen.

(2) denom. from

?SN prop, to put by the side, to 36:21,30.
separate (compare 3?|); hence followed by IP to J m., a gem of some kind; as far as may be
take away from, Nu.ll:i7; to refuse, Ecc.2:lo.
judged from the etymology (from n*TJ5 to burn),
Followed by ? to reserve for any one, Gen. 27:36
fiery and sparkling. Found once, Isa.54: i.
(comp. ^"Wi? and D!| followed by ?'). (This significa-
tion may be taken from ">&*, "I being softened into ^>.) m., a roe, a roe-buck, caprea, capreolu^
NIPHAL, to be narrowed, Eze. 42 :6. from PJX, p3 i.
q. Arab, j Lc she-goat, and Talm
HIPHIL, fut. ^>TO i.q. Kal No. 2, Nu. 11 :2.5 K i?K agoat, with the termination \, of the same force
The derivatives are given under Kal No. 1. as p, just as caprea is so called from copra, Deu. 14:5
see more under the root p3K No. 2 compare Bochart, m. (i) lying in waif, used of wild beasts,
Hieroz. i. p. 900, seq. Job 38:40.
*1J$ see "YlK light, and "iSj. (2) a place of lying in wait, a den of wild beasts,
Job 37 : 8.
^")J5 (perhaps i.
q. '"}&$ "lion"), [-4ra], pr.n. m.,
iCh.7-38. } with suff. 12-iX m
ambus h ; Jer. 9 7, i3Tp3
. :

" and in his breast he lieth in ambush."

'^"1$ probably i.q. sW7 lion of God, hero.
Hence ? JV3.
(a) '???"}$ ("sprung from a hero," "son of a
3"]^ m. a locust (from the root H3T to be
hero"), [A*-eli], pr.n.m., Gen. 46: 16; [and patron.]
many); Ex. 10:4, seq.; Lev. ll:22; Joell:4; Psal.
Num. 26:17.
" their 78 146. Specially of a particular kind, prob. the gryllus
(b) a difficult word D7X")K Isa. 33 :
7, hero,"
gregarius, Lev. 11:22; Joel 1:4. As to the various
or rather collectively, " their heroes," sc. of Israel,
species of locusts, see Bochart, Hieroz. ii.
in which interpretation nothing need be changed, but

Dagesh being removed from the letter h (Dp^l^).

^f. i.

q anfc; piur. n'nnx constr.
nb-) oy

nuns only

The common reading with Dagesh has doubtless 25:11, ini^i ^s'f (God)
arisen from another interpretation adopted anciently ;
will humble his (Moab's) pride, with the ambush oi'
his hands," i.e. which his hands have framed. Am-
by which D7X1X was regarded as contracted from
BD/i" ^"^, 1 ri
?~ ?~)?
see Symm., Theod., Chald., ;
bushes are here appositely applied to the hands with
which they are framed, and as it were, woven (comp.
Jerome; comp. my Comment, on Isa. loc. cit. [" and
the root No. l).
Thes.pp-146, 1248"].

-1 N i^n^ f.
prop, interwoven work, or net-work, lat-
J fut. 3~1X' 1) prop. TO KNOT, TO WEAVE, TO Once in sing. Hos. 13:3, elsewhere
( tices. always in
INTERTWINE, whence ""^"TO a net, net-work. (Kindred
pi. [Root an.]
is 3^iJJ to mingle. Arab. e_J.1 to tie a knot, II. id., (1) a window (as being closed with lattice- work,
not with glass), Ecc. 12:3.
&j.\ a knot.) (2) a dove-house, as being shut in with lattice-
- i
60 8 and for the same cause
(2) to lie in wait. (Arab. ^ ,\
to be cunning, work,
(3) a


or smoke-hole, Hos.l3:3. Comp.

astute, III. to act cunningly (prop, intricately). Verbs Voss on Virg. Georg. ii.
of intertwining, weaving, also of twisting, spinning, are " f1 o o d a t e s of
(4) D.^L! nia-i^l g heaven," which
often applied to craftiness and snares, and are opposed are opened when it rains, Gen. 7:11; 8:2; 2 Ki. 7:19;
toupright and open course of acting. Comp.lOV, 'D3, Isa. 24:18; Mai. 3:10.
Gr. <$o\o-, (JiTj-iv vfaivtiv, KCIKCI, ld\ov fx'nrrtiv, nectere JYI37IX [ArvbotK], pr.n. of a place, situated pro-
insidias, scelera, suere dolos, Germ. Slrug frinncn/ anjcttelu.) bably in the tribe of Judah, l Ki. 4: 1O.

Constr. followed by p, Ps. 59:4; Pro. 24:15; Josh. and nyanx constr. st. nyans m. (comp.
^5"]^ f.
8:4; followed by an ace., Prov. 12:6; ?y Jud. 9:34.
Gramm. 95:1).
Elsewhere put absolutely, for to watch in ambush,
(l)four, for y3") with Aleph prosthetic, which is
Jud. 9 2O followed by a gerund, Pro. loc. cit.
34 ;
2 1 :
; ;
omitted in the derivatives; as in &n, 'J^3"|, y^l, etc.,
Ps. 10:9. Part. 3"YIX, 3TIXH a Her in wait, often coll.
with suff. DRV31.X those four, Eze. 1:8, 1O. Often
Hers in wait, a body of soldiers set in ambush, Josh.
for the ordinal fourth, when years and months are
8:14, 19, 21 Jud. 20:33, seq.; hence construed with
counted (see Lehrg. p. 701), Isa. 36: l ;
Zech. 7:1.
a plur., loc. verse 37.
Dual D^aTS f u r-f W, a Sa. 1 a 6.
: Plur. Dya-K
PIEL, i.
q. Kal, construed followed by ?V_, 2Ch.20 22,

absol. Jud. forty, Gen.8 :6. This number,like seven, and seventy,
set an ambush. Fut. 3^*1 for
is used
by the Orientals as a round number, Gen. 7 :17 ,
HIPHIL, to 3^y, Jon. 3:4; Mat.4:2; compare Chil minor, forty towers,
lSa.l 5 5 : .

used of the remains of Persepolis, and the citations,

The derivatives follow, except
Lehrg. p. 700.
j ("ambush"), [.4 raft], pr.n. of a town in (2) [J.ria], pr.n. of a giant, one of the Anakim,
the mountains of Judah, Josh. 15:52. Hence pro- Josh. 14:15; 15:13; 31:11. Perhaps, homo quad-
baHy is the Gentile noun 3~i
[Arbite], 2 83.23:35. ratus. Compare y?n JVTp.
& Ch.Lq. Heb. four, Dan. 3: 25; purple Jy?^ which see. 1?P N 13? "a purple

V:a,3,6, 17.
(2) an// thing dyed with purple, purple cloths.,
- fat. Jhig (Isa.
59:5), (Jud. 16:13).
>3->xri Ex. 25:26, 27; Eze. 27:16; Pro. 31:22; Jer. 10:9.
(l) TO PLAIT, Jud. loc. Cit. The origin is uncertain. If it properly denotes the
(2) to weave, ex. gr. used of the spider (hence muscle, from which the reddish purple is procured
Gr. apa\vri), Isa. 59:5. Part. 3TJX one weaving, Isa. (and this is probable, since ^P?^ also properly sig-
19:9, and subst. a weaver, Ex. 28:32; Isa. 38:12. nifiesa shell-fish), one might understand a ridged or
D'jni* 11 JZ? a weavers' beam, l Sa. 17:7. pointed muscle (such as is the form of the purpura),
The primary syllable of this root is 3"), which had from 03^,
^ (
to heap; if the name refer to the co-

the power of swift motion and agitation, lour, D3Tmay IK the same as Dj?^ to variegate, to dye
comp. .

with colours. Bochart, loc. cit. regards this word as

to move, to
agitate; ~j>-j agitated; to be n. to be contracted from IJSZp^K Syrian colour, Irorn 0"3
moved hither and thither Heb. T3"l, yi"l, Sanscr. rag, <> f
fjo^colour; but this is contrary to the

to move and in the western languages
regere, regcn. (tof)

is the syllable JH, as to which see below in

manner of compound words in the Phcenicio-Shemitic
its languages, in which the genitive does not precede,
but follows the nominative. Some compare the mo-
3"}^ m. [Root 31^].
woven, Jud. 16:14.
(i) something plaited, or dern Persic )
^ t
.\ ~~..\ used of a flower of a

(2) a weaver's shuttle. Job 7 6, 3-iX^|D D : ^ purple colour; but there can be no doubt that this
word has been borrowed from the Phoenicio-Shemitic
"my days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle."
(Compare Job 9 25.) :

[" Note. The etymology

of this word, and of the.
33T " a
of stones," from the
(for heap cognate \\F^> has been traced, with great probability,
root ai^nn) [Argob], pr.n. of a region situated
by F. Benary, in the Sanscrit ; Annal. Lit. Berol.
beyond Jordan, in which were sixty cities, anciently 1841, page 141. The form 1911^ is Sansc. rdgaman,
subject to Og, king of Bashan, Deu. 3:4, 13; l Ki. '
and 113"}^ is tinged with a red co-
Sanscr. rdgavan,
4:13. There is a mountain there now called Arkub
lour;' from rdga red colour, with the formative sylla-
ble mat, vat. See Wilson's Sanscr. Dictionary, page
[(2) pr. n. of a man, 2 Ki. 15: 25.]
700, a. Rdgaman and rdgavan are put in the nom.,
once occurs 2 Ch. 2 6, the primary form being rdgamat, rdgavat" Ges. add.]
H: i
- Purple, i.q. P?|"]K it :

by a Chaldaism; Dan. 5:7, 16, 29. (Arab. .Jr-X I

JO aja unused root, perhaps i.
q. "HH, TJJ to
flee. Hence are the pr. n. THX. and
9 N^V ))
IJ^XN. * ' f" For the root, see under P31X."~|
* * J

m. a chest, coffer, hanging at the sides of ^"1^ [-4r<f], pr.

n. of a grandson of Benjamin,
a vehicle, l Sa. 6:8, 11, 15, for T3T (with Aleph pros- Nu. 26:40; or son, Gen. 46:21. The gentile noun
thetic), from the root T3T to tremble, wag, move to is 'T*? Num. loc. cit.
and fro; whence in Arabic
ijU- a bag filled with |VT]K ("fugitive"), [Ardon], pr.n. m. l Chr.
stones, hung at the sides of camels, in order to
serve equilibrium.
I. n^i$ Germ.
|9if 1^ m (0 purple, reddish purple, a pre-
rupfeni leaves, Cant. 5:1; grapes from a vine, Psa.
cious colour, obtained from some species of shell-fish 80: 13. (Mth. A4P: to pluck off, to gather, ex. gr,

(Gr. iropQvpa, Lat. purpurd), found on the shores of fruits,herbs and ft 44 to reap.)

the Mediterranean sea (l Mace. 4: 23 ; Plin. N. H. ix. (a) to eat down, by plucking, cropping, in the
60, seq.). Compare under the word HS'^S, and Bo- manner of cattle. Hence nj~|X and np_K a manger;
chart, Hieroz. ii. 740, eeq. ; Braunius, De Vestitu Sa- Germ. SKaufe, from the verb rupfe n $ '"}$ a lion, prop.
oerdotum, page 211, seq. Amati, De Restitutione ; plucking, pulling to pieces ; J"l?.J"}$ a hare, prop, crop-
Purpurarum, third edition, Cesenae, 1784; Heeren, ping the grass. So also other names of animals an
Hist Werke, xi. p. 84. Different from this is bluish taken from the idea of plucking, or cropping, as 'If

(2) of a certain number of horses, which were fas-

VB, DTI, ^pn, D$D, Arab, <_jTx. a lamb, from
tened in one stall, or harnessed to one chariot, a pair^
j x^ to pluck.
a team(jugum, ^aar/ efpann), perhaps two (as this
(3) to collect, gather (see ^Jth.); whence jViS. was the number usually harnessed to a chariot), i Ki.
loc.cit. "and Solomon had D'D-ID
H. n j i.
q. Arab. i_?;S *-^ to burn, to in- s S
^t forty thousand teams of horses." Arab. .*y a stall

flame; \ to kindle; kindred to the Hebrew roots S-'f

"Qn, and to the western roots areo, ardeo, uro.

or stable, ^ ,\ a manger. Transposed it is J"lVl).S

Hence is '!P"!$. No. 2, hearth of God. 2Ch. 32:28.

^ Ch. lol behold! or rather, see ye, Dan. 7: 6, H i5>adj. made of cedar (denom. from H)*), Eze.
7,13; and with the roughness of the letter "i soften- 27 24. Others explain
it, firm, stable, comp. PX.
ed, -17$ (which see), in the Talmud *"}!. Several
^'s. nX & i"O""}J$ (in some copies, in some
take this word from the Arabic imperative \ ,\ (of but contradicted by the Masora, see J. H. Mich.

on Jer. 30:17), f.
the form \.lil); but they should attend to this, which
( )
a long bandage, applied by a physician in order
is of much importance in the matter, that the Arabic
to heal a woitnd (see the root No', l). ? n>1~lS nripj?
imperative of the verb ^\. is \. .. I prefer, there- "a bandage is
applied to any one,"i7e. his wound is
fore, regarding -1"1^ as being with the letters trans- healed; Jer. 8:22; Neh. 4:1; 2 Chr. 24:13; and in

posed for -IX"). [" Not found in other Chaldee books ; Hiph. ? na-Y")^ npyn "toapply a bandage toany one,"
but cognate with it are in Ch. and Talmud. ^ID. lo / or to heal his wound, Jer. 30:17; 33:6. Always
*1X lo! then for, because (like Ch. ID lo! if), and metaph., to restore a state, Jer. loc. cit. to repair walls ;

D-nX. because; also, Samar. frZR 1

then /or, be- 2 Ch. ; Neh. 1. 1. c. c., hence
S- -i

cause. This demonstrative force exists elsewhere Arab.

(2) healing, health, Tsa.. 58:8. <j .1 the
likewise, both in the syllables h#, !?H (see ??, 7S, n?^
Arab. A\\ and also in IX, "in
healing of a wound.
R?n, fifrv?, (compare
99 f nO-HX [Arumah"], pr.n. Jud. 9: 41, a town near
^O cn, n 7f ^> ^5? ^ ere "* ^ zs P&**) so that it is hard

same as HD-II 2 Ki. 23:36.

Neapolis, perhaps the
to say which form is the more ancient and primitive."
Ges. add.] E P'"l^ 2 Kings 16:6, an incorrect reading for

" '., which stands in np.

iiv? (for 1J1 with Aleph prosthetic, probably a
X c .(m. lSa.6:8 f. 180.4:17; 2Ch.8:ll),
wandering," "place of fugitives," from the root ;

*m which a city of an ark, chest, into which things are collected to be

see), [Arvad], Arad, pr. n.
Phoenicia, on an island of the same name, situated
kept, from the root nn&J No. 3, to collect. (Arab. .\.\
not far from the shore; according to Strabo (xvi. s ~% *
an d a wooden chest, especially a Used
by Sidonian fugitives (see the ety-
13, 14), built
a, t

mology just given). Eze. 27:8, 11. The Arabian of a moneychest, 2 Ki. 12: 1O, ll of a coffin, Gen. ;

geographers write the name ^, [Rmvdd'], and the ,

50:26; but most frequently of the holy ark in which the
same name is still used. See Rosenmiiller, Alter- two tables of the law were kept called more fully fl"iN.

thumskunde, ii. l, page 6, seq. The noun is

rvnyn "the ark of the testimony," Ex. 25: 22; 26:33;
nirp nn?
"PT1 X Gen. 10: 18; iCh. 1:16.
fn^,; 31:9,25; nn?n fl-ijj j os h.
3:6; 4:9; ni'n; fns, i 83.5:3,4; 6:8, seq.
** i. "wild
(perhaps q. 1'njJ ass"), [Arod],
pr. n. m. Nu. 26 17, whence gent.
: *"rt"? Gen. 46 16. :
njj J [Araunali], 2 Sa. 24:20, seq., pr.n. of a
Jebusite, written ibid/verse 16, in nro, ^J" .^; vers? 1

l^ & HD^
(of the form nK^Pl),. PI. absolute 18, in ana, nj3TS; in Chron. \r$ [Oman'].
"JX (by a Syriacism for J"linK, like D9nfo for D
8 Ch. 32:28, const, n'm i
Ki.5:6, and nins
T"l^ an unused root. Arab. .\ to contract one-
JJ s ^
self, to make oneself compact and firm; :. firm.
Jjl ^

(l) a manger, from which cattle in a stall pluck a-*

their provender (see tJbe root rn No. and tfie
stable ; : \ a tree which has firm roots. Hence (aftei
<a// or afaft/e 2 Ch. 32 :28. A. Schultens) many take made fast
itself, It is used part. pass. W"l

made ft r m, Ezr. 2 7 : 24. But almost all the old trans- id.). Gen. 49 1 7 Jud. 5:6; Psal. 19:6; : ;

ators have rendered D*M~i^ made of cedar (from TT8, p ninns " paths of the seas," Ps. 8:9; compare
jf the form B^H3 brazen, Lehrg. 512), and to these I vypot KtXtvda, Horn. H. a, 312; D^O nns the way
Jo not hesitate to accede. Henoe TPD for T11XD and Hence
to life or happiness," Pro. 5:6. (a) metaph.
course of living and acting, i.q. TH. 1^ fT**
O.^ pi. 0*n^ *J"H$ m cedar, so called from the

of lying," and fraudulent conduct, Ps.

firmness of its roots which is remarkable in trees of "way i.e. false

the pine kind (Theophr. Hist. Plant, ii. The cedi-us 119:104; njn* ryim.X "mode of action pleasing to
God," Ps. 25 4 1 19 1 5 Isa. 2 3. The metaphor of a

conifera, is thekind pointed out, a tree uncommonly

tall (Isa. 2:13; 37 24 Am. 2 9) and wide-spreading
: :
pat h is often retained, as Pro. 4:14; 8:20. (b)mode,

manner; Gen. 18:11, DT?? njh rn^> nvn^) "?nn

(Eze. 31 :3), formerly very abundant in Lebanon (Ps. "it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of
29:5; 92:13; 104:16), but now reduced to a very
small number (Ritter, Erdkunde, ii. its wood is
women," an euphemism for the menses. Comp. Gen.
446); for his condition and
3 1: 35- c
( ) anyone's way,
odoriferous, without knots, and not liable to decay;
lot (Germ, roie eg tym gcbt); Job 8:13; Pro. i 19. :
used therefore for building and adorning the temple
and royal and ceilings. (d) poet, way is used for traveller, or travellers,
palaces, especially for wainscots
Job 31 :32. PI. SOfl nirns travellers of Temu,"
Hence used for cedar- work, iKi. 6:18. Arab, bands of the Temaites, Job 6:19.
which is still used by the inhabitants of Lebanon Dan. 4:34; 5:23.
pi. ?n^K Ch. id.,
JEw. ftCUl Aram. NPK; J)j). There was there-
pi- with suff. ^nn-)K,nnrnx, Chald. i.
fore no need to deny T"WI to be the cedar, and to make
Heb. ways, metaph. counsels of God, Dan. 4:34.
it the
pine, as done by Celsius in Hierob. i. 106, seq. the affairs, vicissitudes of any one, Dan. 5:23.

f- wood-work
"M7 -
of cedar, cedar-work,Zep}i. H M "1^ f. a band of travellers, see under the
2:14. The feminine has a collective power, as in root No. 1.
nyj? timber; Lehrg. 477.
" f-> anjippointed portion, ration offood, or

I. jN TO WALK, TO GO, as a finite verb, once provision, given out daily or at some regular time
Job 34:8. (Ch. rnx. id. To this answers the Gr. (from HIS No. II.), Jer. 40:5; 52:34; 2^.25:30;
tp^opui, and softened forms of the same stock are whence, generally, a portion of food, Pro. 15:17.
^I? ?, ^"V) Part, nnx a traveller, Jud. 19:17;
'"!** pl-D'HS; elsewhere nV"m.(iKL
8 Sam. 12:4; Jer. 14:8. PI. Jer. 9:1. Fern, nrnx
10:19; 2 Ch-9:i8, 19), a lion, as if, plucking, tear-
collect, (seeLehrgeb. 477) a company, or band of
ing abroad (see nn I., No. 2); Nu.24:9; l 83.17:34,
travellers, especially of merchants, a caravan, avv- " a
seq.; 2 Sa. 23:20, etc.; Fli^. ~PE3 young lion,"
otia, Gen. 37:25; Isa. 21:13. See HIX, "IH'jte.
Jud. 14:5; nint?-VI3 "lion's whelp," Jer. 51: 38. It
II TO DECREE, TO APPOINT, i.q. PpH furnishes an image both of strength, Nu. 23:24, ami
II. 1J* / *- T / r ~g
of fierceness and cruelty, Pro. 28: 15; see Bochart,
whence n!
7^? i-
q- pin a statute. To this answers the * r
- -* s - a. .
Hieroz. 5.715, seq. Syr. \/i\.
Arab. to appoint a time, whence >.
^\ t\ appointed
^'IN m. (comp. of >^ and ^?).
time, an era, an epoch; ,1 to date a letter; ^* <,\J (l) lion of God, i.e. very mighty hero. Collect
C^ ^_" -

chronicle, annals. Perhaps it is kindred to the root
2 83.23:20, 3Kto VHS
Tf two heroes of Moab;'
TD? which see. ^XTS and
see *"!^ l Ch. 11 :28. (Compare Arab.
(perhaps for rn.K "wandering"), [Arah~\, and lion of God, an epithet of brav
pr.n. m. (l) Ezr.2:5; Neh-7:io. (2) 101.7:39.
rrirnx constr. nirm with suff.
men, and Pers. \ j^
--i Shiri khoda, lion of God.)
pi. 'n'rnx,
DnrpS, instead of which there are often found
Isa.29: 1,2, used of Jerusalem as the "city of he-
in MSS. and
printed editions 'rfrn'X, TD'n~^,
(see J. H. Mich,on Job 13:27) comm. (m. Pro. 2 115,
D^ roes," which is to be unconquered; although others,
comparing the passage of Ezekiel about to be cited
render it hearth, i. e. altar of God.
comp. Job 6: 18, 19; f. Pro.
15:19), a poetical word, s-

(Ch. rnfc, Syr. l-w'o), Sam (2^ hearth of God (compare hearth, chunn**
way, path, i.q. TT?. ,!

fi-om the root nn No. II.), used of the altar of burnt- 40; 5 =
3; 17:2O; 22:7; Isa.63:lo; also withouf
Qo; Pro. 28:2; 00.7:15; 8:12.
offerbg, Eze.43: 15, 16.
(3) pr.n. of a
[Ariel], man, Ezr. 8: 16. (2) intrans. to be long, i Ki. 8:8, especially used
of time VDJ ttngn " to be 1 o n g-1 i v e d," Ex. SO 1 2 :

*T")*$ fAridat], Persic pr.n. of the ninth son of

; ;

Deu. 5:16; 6:2; 25:15; compare No. 1.

Haman, Est. 9:9; compare 'Apidalog, i. e. strong, from
word K^^nrnx. (3) to retard, to delay, to defer; iSK Tl^n Isa.
the Pers. art, ard; see under the
A iryadao, digna dans' (Benfey), or ' 48:9; Pro. 19:11, to defer anger, to be patient, and
[" Perhaps from
Arid (Bohlen); compare the next ftaKpoQvfios' ["So too te*f3 T"!? id., Job 6:11."
Aryaday, 'donum
Ges. add.]. Compare DJBJJ ^.X under TO*.
article." Ges. add.]
(4) to delay, to tarry (prop. e8 lange
madben), Nu.
Nrrp^ ( strong"), [Aridathci], pr.n. of the 9:19,22.
sixth son of Haman, Est. 9:8. The derivatives, except ^9-1"% immediately follow.

"T."!** i.q. *"!. (with

n- parag. as in V$ and n^), "SpJK Ch. i.q. Heb.; part. ijn [" to make long,
and also of more frequent use, but only found in also to Jit, toadapt"~\,meet, suitable, Ezr. 4:14. "Tal-
^ - t

sing, a lio n. Gen. 49 9

Deu. 33:22; Jud. 14:8; used
mud. id. Arab. cJ ,T most fit, most worthy." Ges. add.]
of a powerful and fierce enemy, Isa. 15:9; Jer.4:7;
" and he cried as a
Isa.2l :8, nnx fcOi^l lion;" com- *J J.^ only found in const, ""l"^ adj.
pare Apoc. 10:3. (1) long; (an eagle) with
26.17:3, 15n T$
[(2) pr.n. Arieh, 2
Ch. 15:25.] long feathers, long- feathered."
(2) slow, in the phrases D-1T ipS Ecc.7:8, and ^11^
n.V|X Ch. id., Dan. 7: 4; pi. |inK Dan. 6: 8.
B??-? "slow to anger," /jiaKpodvpoc, Pro.l5:l8; 16:32;
9 ^ 9 =: y
Ex. 34:6; Nu.l4:l8; comp. Syriac )L^o ; > J^-^^J
^'"}^ \_Arioch~], Assyriaco-Chaldaic pr.n. (l) patient, Arab. LU j t long, i.e. long-suffering. Once
of a king of the land of Ellasar, Gen. 14:1,9; com-
B??^ ^11..^
is ro [jiaKpodvfJiov, patience, long- suffering,
pare Judith 1:6. (2) of the captain of the royal nn
Jer. 15:15. Opposed to IV?.
guard in the court of Babylon, Dan. 2:14. Properly
lion-like man, from *")$ and the syllable <Jj1, with 1^? f. n ?l^. adj. long, xised of space, Job 11:9;
which adjectives end in Persic. [" Sanscr. ArjaJca, to of time, 2 Sa. 3: l.

be reverenced. Bohlen." Ges. add.]

"JTtf ("length"), [ErecK], pr.n. of a city of
P'"]^? [Arts at], Persic pr.n. of a son of Haman, Babylonia, Gen. 10: 10. Amongst the old interpreters
Est. 9:9; comp.
whence like
a lion.
lion, and L..^ ^Ls like ;
Pseudoj., Targ. Jerus., Jerome, and Ephraem under-
stand Edessa; more correctly Bochart (Phaleg. iv.
[" Sanscr. Arjdsdy, sagitta
Arice. Bohlen." Ges. add.] 16), Areca or Arecca, a city situated on the borders
of Babylonia and Susiana (Ammian. xxiii. 21).
(i) pr. trans. TO MAKE LONG, TO EXTEND,
TO STRETCH OUT, kindred to the root TDJJ which see.
Y"^ with suff. i3"}X m . le ng th,
Gen. 6 1 5 Ex. 26 2,

seq. ; 27 : l , seq. ; D'PJ ^JTX g t h of days," longe-

Hence i"13 ! nt$ a long bandage; Syr. ^'1} to prolong, vity, Ps. 21 :5 ; 91 16 :
; D"?* T3$ so 1 o ng as I live"
- -*'
[this would greatly limit the sense]; Ps. 23:6; "^K
Arab. ^\ to
tarry, to delay in a matter. Q!?^? patience, Pro. 25:15.
(a) Med. E. fut. T^; pl.'"J8! intransit. to be
"l^ntf Ch. fern., length, continuance of time, Dan.
long. (Syr., Arab., Sam. id. Aph. ; T")'1X ,
^ioj to pro-
4:24; 7:12.
long.) Eze-31 :5; Gen. 26: 8, D'Djn DB> i^anK 3 WJ
and it came to pass when days were prolonged to
him there," i.e. when he had lived there long; Eze.
"^ Ch. fern., the knee, Dan. 5: 6. In Targ.
by casting away the Aleph prosthetic, 2-13"], N?^"1.
HIPHIL T?$i? (0 to make long, lengthen, pro-
long,Ps.i*9-.3- "to put forth the tongue," Isa. 57:4; '17]K Ch. [Archevites~\; pi. '81f!8 a Gentile
*0* T~!K n " to noun from 'H'Jj^ (Gen. 10:10); Arecenses, Ezr.4:9.
p r o 1 o n g any one's life," to grant him

long life, i Ki.3:i4; on the other hand VOJ 'n "to 3^.5^ Gent. n. [Archites"], inhabitants of the
prolong one's own life," to be long-lived, Deu. 4:26, town or region to be sought on the borders of

the tribe of Ephraim, Josh. 16:8, different from the

name taken from the town of Babylonia, Josh. loc. cit. ;
(Suppl. 128), compare +j\ i.q. ^^ chambers
8 Sa. 15:32; 16:16. p. 78), and *>. women's apartment, Harem ; but
there is no need for us to leave the simple explan&tioa
tt an unused root Ml, DO"}, DVI, DTJJ, D*O,
i.q. first given. Used of the citadel of a hostile capital,
to be high (comp. Arab. ,% to swell up, to exalt one- Isa. 25:2.
self). Hence pO"]X and *!*$ i. q. ^TK. in fern. JVOT$ adv. [Syrian], in
the Aramaean tongue, in Aramaean, Dan. 2:4; Ezr.
const, state D"]^ [Aram, Mesopotamia,
4:7; Isa. 36: 11.
Syria], pr.n. ("height, high region" od)Ianb/

opp. to J1!3J? 9lieberlanb). *S"15$ [Syrian, Aramitess], Gent, noun, Ara-

(1) Aramcsa, Aramaeans, or Syria, Syrians, maean, western 2 Ki. 5:20, and eastern, or an inha-
construed with a verb m. sing. ; 2 Sa. 10: 14, 15, 18 ; bitant of Mesopotamia, Gen. 25 2O 28:5; 3 1 2O, 24.

i Ki. 20:26;
pi. 2 Sa. 10:17, J 9; l Ki. 20:20; more f. "I'Onjjl l Ch. 7:14. PI. D'B1$ 2Ki. 8:29, and by

rarely with sing. f. Isa. 7:2. This ancient and do- Aphseresis DVjnn for cnpngn
2 Ch. 22:5.
mestic name of Syria, was not altogether unknown to *
JD")^ (as if Palatinus), [Armoni], pr. n. ra. 2 Sa.
the Greeks, see Horn. II. ii. 783 Hesiod. Theog. 304;
Strabo xiii. 4, 6; xvi. 4, 27. The name of Ara-
mcea however extends more widely than that of Syria, it ever was used,
uncertain root, which if
and also includes ]"1^ an
Mesopotamia, although Pliny (v. 15, I suspect to have had, like \^, nrj the sense of a
12), and Mela (i. li), give the same more extended tremulous and tinkling or creaking sound; Gena.
limit to Syria. When it simply stands we should Q^ fd>nrirren, as of a tall
tree vibrating in the air; comp.
generally understand western Syria, or that properly
so called; Jud.3: 10; iKi. 10:29; 11:25; 15:18;

especially Syria of Damascus ; Isa. 7:1,8; Am. 1:5;

jn><=} \h, fi31. ^Hence
is to be agile, nimble, whenc*

Jj'l a wild goat.

more accurately called p^l! 01^, 2 Sa. 8:5. Where
|")^ wild goat"), [Aran], pr.n. of a Horite,
Mesopotamia is intended, it is called D?1Q3 Q~3$ [Meso- T (
" :28; lCh.l:42.
potamia, Aram-nahardtn] Syria of the two
rivers," Gen. 24 10 Deut. 23:5; Jud. 3 8 or DTO {IS
; m. the name of a tree, of the wood of whicl
[Padan-arain] the plain of Syria," Gen. 25:20; idols were carved, without doubt a species of pine
28 2, 5, 6, 7 and ellipt. PT? 48 7 rarely simply 0^8?
: ;
; Isa. 44:14. In Talmud. Babyl. (Para, fol. 96, l),
Numbers 23:7, when a more exact description has there are joined D'tn-Ql D3i DTK *W. LXX.
preceded (comp. 'SIX.). In western Syria (not in
TT/ruc- Vulg. pinus.
Mesopotamia, as is
commonly thought), there were As to the etymology, r$* like ]!P, appears to
besides in the time of David, certain other kingdoms, a very which when shaken above by the
lofty tree,
rV3 ong see under
rqW wind, gives forth a tremulous sound (J3l);
[Aram-zobah] (see nato), nrr)
[Aram-beth-rehob^seeini rV3),roj;iD D^^raro- the word Q^; either P.i< may be regarded as denoting
n the same as |3?, or else f$* may *>e taken from
rr>aachah~\ (see ?J?f?), ^?H, etc., which were how-
ever afterwards subject to the kings of Damascus root 15-J itself, contr. for \F$, as 1^ for ]3-lff, ^P from
( l Ki. 20 l ). Comp. Gent. n?T. ST&
"n?"!.Others understand an ash or an elder, from the
(2) pr. n. m. (a) A ram, the grandson of Nahor similarity of sound ; ornus, alnus.

through Kemuel (Gen. 22:21), who seems to have (2) [Oren], pr.n. m, l Ch. 2:25.

given his name to the region of Syria. Comp. 0*1. f. a hare, Lev. 11:6; Deu. 14:7.
(6)1 Ch.7:34.
See Bochart, Hieroz. i.
m . PI. const, napnx a fortress, palace,
Arab. ^-^j\ Syr. )^ji) id.
994, seq., who regards
this quadriliteral as being
BO called from being lofty (see the root) ; Isa. 25:2;
JV3 f\Q-$ i Ki. 16:18; compounded of nnx to pluck, to crop, and 3'3 produce
39:14; Pro. 18: 19, etc. ^Sn
3Ki. 15:25, is "the citadel of the palace," its in- ji3"]tf (for P3~> rushing," "roaring,"i.e. roar-
nermost part, the highest and strongest. None of the ing stream), pr. n. of a stream ( 'D3) with a valley
ancients rendered the word women's apartment, as of the same name, emptying itself into the east of the

very many of late have done, after J. D. Michaelis Dead Sea; it formerly was the northern boundary of

the Moabites, the soifthern of the Amorites (now d, as in the vulgs^ dre. To this also answers the
Num. 21:13, 22:36; Grj, CPS, certs, see No. 6).
^~=>~y<&\ el-Mojib). seq.;
Deu. 2:24,36; 3:8, seq.; 4:48; Isa. 16:2, and see Specially(l) the earth, orbis terrarum, opp. to
Burckharclt, Travels in Syria, p. 372 (Germ, trans.
heaven. r$?$l D^lfn Gen. l:l; 2:1,4, and f!$.
and my remarLs on Isa. 16:2. D?l?>1 Gen. 2:4, "heaven and earth," used of the
p. 633),

whole creation. Synecd. for the inhabitants of the

rpyitf see n3pK .

earth, Gen. 9:19; ii:i; 19:31.


P"1N (" nimble"), [^rnan], pr.n. m., l Ch. 3:21. (2) earth, land, continent, opp. to sea, Gen.i :28.
aland, country, Ex. 3:8; 13:5; Q" ^?? Y~$

a Jebusite, on whose (3)

P*)^ (id-)' [Orna'n], pr. n. of
threshing-floor Solomon built the temple, iCh. 21 :15;
Gen. 21:32; rn-IJT JHX Ru.
1:7. Any one's land
is that which is subject to any one, as " the land of
2 Ch. 3:1. Compare n 2pK ;

Sidon," Neh. 9:22; or which is consecrated (Jer. 2:7;

y~)K Ch. emph. st. Ny"]X_(i) earth, i. q. Heb. 16 1
8) also that in which any one dwells, Deu. 19:2,

PI*?, y and V being interchanged (see under y). Dan. " his native
1O; 28:12; or was born, land," Gen.
2 35,39; 3:31, etc.

24:4; 30:25; Nu.'lO:9; Isa.S'.g; comp. yrj rtvog.

(2) the ground, and adv. below, inferior ; Dan. Acts 7 3, and the words DJJ, "Vy, &*$. Absol. fl? and

2 39, " after thee shall arise another kingdom, Ky~!N


VI"?? are not unfrequently used of Palestine, rar' Qo-

1| inferior to thine." Compare Ch. 'JHX, y T -
.L L
: : Joel l 2, as in the phrase Y~$ I??', B'lJ Ps. 37 9,
X//', : :

ferior, VD?P for yD*??? from below, below. Hence

11,22,29; 44:4; Pro.2:2i; 10:30. Also used of
^ *~^ f. the lowest (part), bottom (of a den), the inhabitants of a region, Isa. 26: 18; specially of
Dan. 6 25. : the wicked, Isa. 11:4 (compare t^fas No. i, b).
land (Germ, etn Stuct 8anb)/
(4) land, piece of
"1S"]^ ("a prop, support," a name not ill applied
Gen. 23:15; Ex. 23:10. Used of the land belonging
to a fortified city; for "IS") from the root "l?^), pr.n. a
to a town, Josh. 8: i.
town and region of Syria, not far from the city of
Hamath, with which it is often joined subject to its ;
(5) the ground, with H
local nyns (Milel) to the

own kings, to be distinguished from T]K (which see) ground, as ""^"IX -inPl^l Gen. 33:3; 37:10. Hence
poet., things that creep on the ground, i.q. Kl^? B>"T..
*Ki.i8:34; 19=135 Isa.iO:9; Jer.4Q:23.
Job 12:8, }HK? !Tb> speak to the ground," i.e. to
"T&^DrT]^ Genesis 10:22, 24; 11:10 13 \_Ar- the reptiles of the ground followed fishes of the
; by
phaxacf], pr.n. of the third son of Shem, designating sea; compare Gen. 9:2
iKi./J:l3. ;

at the same time a people or region nor is the con-

(6) the element of the earth, earthy part, sco-

jecture of Bochart improbable (Phaleg. ii.

4) that this "
silver purified in a. work-
rice (of metal); Ps. 12:7,
'AppaTra^Zne, Arrapachitis, a region of Assyria, near n!$ from its parts," i.e. sconce.
shop earthy
to Armenia (Ptolem. vi. l), the native land of the
PL riiVlX lands, countries, Gen.. 26:3,4,
Chaldeans (see my remarks on Isa. 23: 13). This is
S-ci lands; often used, especially in the later Hebrew, car'
of the lands of the Gentiles (comp. E ?^, DM3 ) e. g.

favouredby the etymology (from *\~$, <i boundary, ,\ i^o-^riv ?

JYIVixn 'y_ " the people of (profane) lands." 2 Ch.

and nab or 1BO i.q. DHK'3 [see note])' and by Jo-
sephus (Antiq. i. 6, 4); 'ApQaZddTjs <$c roue vvv Xa/\- 13:9; 17: 10; niV"]Xn niD?!pO "kingdoms of regions
(of Gentiles)." 1 Ch.29:3O; 2 Ch. 12:8; 17: 1O. The
oat'ouc Ka\ovp.ivov(;

'Ap0aa2a/oi/c wvop.a.(rtv. [Note.

Eohlen on Gen. origin of this phraseology is to be found in these
loc. cit. compares Sanscr. Arjapak-
shatd '
the side of Asia ;' comp. Porussia,
(a land) by passages of Ezekiel, 5:6; 11: 17; 12:15; 20:23;

q. Po-rus, near the Russians."] 22:15; 20:32: 22:4.
Note. n paragogic in ny"lX is commonly local,
y v v comm. (more rarely masc., as Gen. 13:6; but sometimes also poetical, so that ^V"!^ is not diffe-
especially when a land is put for the in- rent from n$> Job. 34: 13 37 12 Isa. 8 23 (comp.
Isa. 9:18, ;

habitants, Isa. 26:18; 66:8) with suff. T1*?, with nj$ for *?).'

art. fnsn, with n local nyiK THE EARTH. (Arab.

V X^*1X (" earth"), [J.rza], pr.n. of a man, l Ki.
S i/

J>j\, Ch. and Syr. Kin*, The Arabic form UJ-
nearly resembled the Sanscr. dhara [Welsh, daear}, emphat. st. Kg"i8 Ch. i.q. NyT"iS, EAETH,
Pehlev. arta, whence terra, Goth, Grbej the letter y being changed into the harder p, Jer. 1O
airtha, earth,
tl'.ft iatler passes over to *he Gr. tpa, anc very often in Targg.
by casting away 1 1 ;


fut. "fii, imp. Judges 5:23; with n HM an unused

rm Nu. 22:6, TO CURSE. (To this answers
root, i.
q. Arab.
^^ to long
_ for; whence
the Arab, jj, to abhor, to detest, and still more Gr. f. Psal.
21:3, desire, longing. LXX.
&pa, apnofMai.} Const, followed by an ace. Nu. 22:6; lavic. Vulg. voluntas.
23:7; Mai. 2:2; Jud. loc. cit.; Job. 3:8, DV '!"!'
"those who curse the day," a kind of enchanters KWnrnx EZT. 4:8,11,23,
who were supposed to render days unfortunate by Ezr.7:7, &Nfl^nrnN 4 7 [Artaxerxes^pr.n. :

their imprecations ;
Gen. 3:14, "thou art cursed of several kings of Persia; in Greek written
above all cattle," i. e. all animals shall shun thee as an
Zipfyg, called by the Armenians tunintua^u Artashir,
accursed beast. [This explanation is wholly unsuit-
Deu. 27:15, seq; 28:16, seq. by the modern Persians, ^lj.1, _,yU&j Ardeshfr, ( \

NIPIIAL, pass. part. D'~)X3 Mai. 3:9. by the ancient Persians, on the inscriptions Nakshi
Tl0 Rustam in Niebuhr (Travels, t. ii. tab. 27), as in-
PIEL, -HK part. (i) i. q. Kal, Gen. 5:29.
terpreted by Silv. de Sacy, inBTimK Artachshetr,
(2) to cause, or produce a curse. Nu. 5:22,
D*Y!Kl?n DV3H the waters which when drunk, would
Artachshatra whence, by the permutation of r and s

and with the letters transposed, has sprung Artach-

destroy the adulterous and perjured woman.
sharta and the Hebrew Artachshast, Artachsliasta.
HOPHAL, fut.-iSV ; pass. Nu. 22:6. Derivative "TWO.
This name is compounded of the syllable art, strong,
see Tjn. powerful (comp.the pr. names 'Apro/3api7c,'Apra/3a';c,
'Apra^'pj'j/e), and "intJTI, which in the usage of the
"1^? [Ararat], pr.n. of a region nearly in the
ancient language denotes king, like the Zend, and Sansc.
middle of Armenia, between the Araxes and the lakes
k'satra, nor should we blame Herodot. (vi. 98), render-
Van and Urumiah (2 Ki. 19:37; Isa. 37:38), even
now called by the Armenians Ararat (utnu/nutui) ing it great warrior ; for that the Persic word kJishetrao,
khshetria has this true arid primary signification, is
on the mountains of which "*!!?)
the ark of (W. shewn by the Sanscr. k'sata, one whois of the military
Noah rested (Gen. 8 4) sometimes used in a wider

order, a soldier. [" See Lassen, Keilschrift, p. 36."]

sense for the whole of Armenia (Jer. 51:27) itself.
The name is that properly of a region, not of a Two kings of this name are mentioned in the Old
Testament. (l) Pseudo-Smerdes, Ezr. 4:7, 8, 23,
mountain, as has been laid down by Moses Chore-
comp. verse 24 whom I suppose to have adopted the
nensis, see Schroeder, Thes. Ling. Arm. p. 55 Moses

name ofArtaxerxes, together with the

Chorenensis, Hjst. Arm. ed. Whiston, p. 289,308, 358, regal authority.

361. As to the region, see Wahl, Asien, p. 518, 806, (2) Artaxerxes Longimanus, in the seventh

seq. Morier, Second Journey, p. 312. Ker Porter, year of whose reign Ezra led his colony into Pales-
tine, Ezr. 7:1,7, 11, 12, 21; 8:i; and from whose
Travels, vol. i.
p. 178, seq. ["Smith and Dwight's
twentieth to the thirty-second year Nehemiah go-
Researches in Armenia, vol. ii.
p. 73, &c. The root
is Sanscr. Arjawarta ' verned Jiidrea, Neh. 2 i 5 1 4 13:6.
: See my fur-

holy ground,' Bohlen, Benfey,

&c." Gesen. add.] ther remarks in Thes. p. 155, 156.

I* J N a root not used in Kal, as rightly observed lltfS an unused root, probably i.q. IpX to bind.
by Manger on Hos. 2:21 pr.i.q.Knj; ^ ,. TO ERECT,
TO BUILD, whence ^^ a bed, couch with a canopy.
'Nlf ("whom God has bound," sc.
by a
S l Ch. 4:16.
vow), iAsareel"], pr.n. m.,
From the idea of a bed-fellow
a husband or
S *"
wife, tjw.yC one espoused; hence
7gT1$ ("vow of God"), [Asriet], pr.n. w.,
Num. 26:31; Josh. 17:2; l Chr. 7: 14.
PIEL, to espouse a woman;
Constr. with HK'N Bn$< Deu. 20:7; 28:30;
pr. to make a W*^ [Asrielitea], Num. loc. cit.

ne>K b bn Hos. 2:21,22; 2 Sam. 3:14. There is with suff. Job 18:5; D??'K Isa. 50: 11.
added 3 of price [paid for the wife] 2 Sa. loc. cit. comm. (but rarely masc., Job 20 26; Ps. 104:4; Jer. :

PUAL, BT)fc f. in Pause nbn'K to be betrothed, 48:45; comp. as to the gender of words signifying
Ex. 22:15; Deu.22 s8 Part. nbn'ND, Deu. 22:23,
: .
fire, Lehrg. 546, note), FIRE. (Amongst the cognate
25, 97. (Ch. Dn F?. and Pa. id). languages, thn Chaldee has N|^> NtJ'l$ fire, fever;
9 9*
the Syr. jth. ^ftT Arab. 2 (for p" opinion of God"), 'Ash-
JA^J fever; : fire; Jt_..,_.\\

bel], pr. n. of a son of Benjamin, Gen. 46:21; i Ch.

which however is rarelv
used. The offshoots of this 8:1. Hence patron. ^>3fK ^Ashbelites^Nn.^:^.
rery ancient stock are very widely spread in the
languages of Asia and Europe comp. Sanscr. ush, ;
|3^K (i.q. fOKTI), [Eshban],, m. Gen.
to burn ; Pehlev. and Persic Gr. aldos, a'idw :
Latin cestus : old Germ. (Sit, fire ; eitcn/ to kindle ;
yZWX ("I adjure"), [Ashbeti], pr.n. m. l Ch.
Germ, fyeijj/ lieien/ jje.
A kindred stock is r; Heb. 4:21.
"MX, "fix, cornp. TIJ? wo, ara>, and with the addition
of a labial,
3^^ [Eshbaat], pr.n. of a son of Saul; see
irvp, comburo,ferveo, guer, geuer). XLI A.
Specially (i) the fire of God, often used of
lightnings, l Ki. 18:38 2 Ki. l:lO, 12, 14; Job
I L/ N an unused root, i.
q. Chald. and Syr. "1?%
16 comp. Ex. 9:23, and Pers. V **

^U^sT ^iJ'T. Also,

1 :
*_f to pour, to pour out. Hence
figuratively used of the anger and wrath of God
" exarsere n m. a pouring out. Nu. 21 15, :

(Virg. ^En. ii. 575, ignes animo, subit ira,

B>X " a kindled places where streams flow down from the mountains.
etc.). Deu. 32 22, 'SK? niTJj} : fire is

in my Jer.4:4; 15:14; 21:12; Lam.2:4;

anger." f. id. a
!* pouring out (of streams), a low
Eze. 22:21; and, by a similar figure, fire, Avhen
place at the foot of mountains, Josh. 10:40; 12:8.
speaking of men, is also applied to internal ardour n|psn n'nspK "the roots (or springs) of Pisgah"(a
of mind. 20 9 Ps. 39 3, 4.
mountain), Deu. 3:17; 4:49; Josh. 12:3. Compare
: :

(2) Poet, fire is used of war, so that to be consumed

the root of a mountain or from uL- to
with fire is i. q. to be destroyed in war. [?] Nu. 21 :

28; Jer.48: 45; Jud.9:i5,2O;; 26:11; Ps. pour out.

21 10. &$ rnj5 " to kindle a fire," metaph. for to

( a fortified place," "a castle," for

excite the tumult of war, Isa. 50:11. The same figure

1. c. from T^), A s h do d, 'A 4"woc, pr- n- one of the
is very familiar to the Arabian poets, compare on five chief cities of the Philistines
(although assigned to
Isa. 7:4. the tribe of Judah, Josh. 15:4), Josh. 1 1 2 2 1 5 46 ; :

(3) Fire and burning are used in Hebrew to de-

l Sa. 5:1; Isa. 20 i. It was the fortress of Palestine,

signate' any destruction, whether of men or things.

on the borders of Palestine and Egypt, compare Isa.
Job 15:34; 20:26; 22:20; 31:12; Isa. 30:30; 33: 1. cit. ^and Herod, ii.
157. There still exists the village
11,14. Esdud or Atzud. See Kosenm. Alterthumskunde, ii.
heat of the sun, Joel l :ig, 20; 2:3, 5.
(4) The Gentile noun is HI^'P^, fern.
2, page 374, seq.
splendour, brightness, e.g. of arms, Nah.
(5) IV and the latter as an adv. t'w the tongue or dialect
2:4. V$ a? "gems of a fiery splendour," Eze. 28
ofAshdod, Neh. 13:23.

14, 16 comp. Stat. Theb. ii. 276, arcano florentes
; -i --*
igne smaragdi." See the derivative nB>N- rTli'JN an unused root, i.q. Arab. U'
$$ Ch. emphat. st. K N
id. Dan. 7:11. (1) to prop, sustain, i.

(2) metaph. to heal, solace. Hence

> i.q. B>^ est, sunt, is, ABE ;
Arab. (j-J' ;
Ch. pr. n. rWN\
n>\ WK 2 Sa. 14:19; Mic. 6:10. (The notion of HBte f.
i.q. e>'g as in the Chaldee. Jer. 6:
the verb substantive is found in Sanscr. under these
29 a'ro, Tf$9 Dn^KD "by their fire the lead" sc.
letters, in the root as ( whence asmi, sum,/ a m; is consumed, np, Dl? tWO
" is consumed
esti,est, by fire."
he is). Compare Zend, Pers. i^-w^*
aste, ashti, est;
n^fc$ const. flK'N; pi. const. ^X m., a sacrifice,
tort; Lat. esse, est. burned (&$),
so called from the fire by which it is

&K (dsk)- Pl.p?fc Ch. foundations, Ezr.4:i2; like vvpa from vvp, as if the food for the sacred fire,
to be burned for God (with n parag., like *!!, "TjK,
5:16; from the root Bfefc. (Arab. 1
1 It comprehends all kinds of sacrifices, and
is even once used of sacrifices not burned [?] Lev.
an unused root, perh. i.q.
24:7, 9. It is of very frequent occurrence in some
n to
mingle, to think. Hence ritual phrases, as nin^p n'lT3 nn nt^N "a sacrific*
of a sweet smell to the Lord," Lev. i :g, 13, 17 ; 2:2, Note. In Ch. woman is KF)K emphat. state NnijlN
9 P <l

9; 3=5; njn$ n|fc nn3nnp; Lev.8:ai; KnJj)3X; pi. pE>3. Syriac JL^jJ, pi. \-M~I- Arabic
" an
ellipt. nirr^ n^X (acceptable) sacrifice to the
Lord," Lev. 2 :'l 6; Ex. 29: 18,25; pi- )
n n :
^"sa- iXr! i'^ ^, pi. >y*J-> ^y^Jj iv)}**^'
a^so c^ 1 ' woman,
crifices offered to the Lord," Lev. 2:3, 10.

pi. ^J\, A^?! ^: anest (not


onset), which
(for nOTX, of the form EOK), in const.
fern, also as a plural stands for women.
state n'JK (fern, of the form B* for n? K); some-
times also put absol. Deut.
.58:9; with
Ps. 128:3;

2 1 1 1 ;
l Sam. 28:7; Ps.

VTfK, W$, ta?>$, etc.;

20.23:44; elsewhere al-
once n'lS'K
once W m. darkness, only once, Pro. 2O:2O, np
T$n p^K?), a reading which is ex-
}-1L'S3 ( 3 >nD
ways O'P'3 (for D^3S by aphaeresis, from the sing. pressed by the same word with a Chaldee inflexion
n*/;$); const, state 'g>?, with suff. ?>3, VBO, DrpB>3 f. in the Targ.
(l) a of every age and condition, whether
married or not; Cant. 1:8, DB>33 npYl
O, fairest
or only with suff. ^W|; pi.
of women !" Cant.5:9; 6:1; Gen.3i :35, D*B>3 TH (Ps.44:i9).
v " the way of women is to me," i.e. I experience (1) a *<ey), Pro. 14: 15. Metaph. steps are said to
that which happens to women, menstruata sum. 2 Sa.
follow the footprints of God (Job 23:11), and, on the
" other hand, to totter (Ps. 37:31), to slide (Ps.73:2),
l :
thy love was dearer to me than the love of
in reference to.virtue and religion; compare "l^V.
women;" Job 42: 15. Used of unmarried women,
ia kind of cedar [" Arab. Sherbin"].
(a) the name
Gen. 24:5; Isa-4:l. (2) q.
Specially it is
of the sex, and is even used of animals, Gen. 7: 2, a Eze.27:6, Dn-I^TO |ghfe^ ijjfrg they have made
Greek thy deck benches) of the daughter of
female, as in Latin femina, French femelle,
(or ivory,

yvft'i in Aristotle; see

B^K No. l, (a). (b) wife, op- [" Sherbin"] cedars," i.e. inlaid in cedar; compare
Virg. ^En. x. 136.
posed to husband, Gen. 24: 3, 4 25 l 26 34 28:1; ;

34:4, seq. ; T?N ^8- "thy father's wife," i.e. thy VltJ'N. a step; const, with a
(i) i.q. fern.,
btep-mother, Lev. i8:ll; compare l Cor. 5:1. Of Job 31:7.
r? HIT? " to
very frequent use are the phrases n&PK?
(i Ch.5:6), with n local
(2) rarely
take to oneself (a woman) to wife," Gen. 4: 19; 6:2.
(Gen. 25: 18), pr. n. Assyria \_Asshur~\, (Hos.9:3;
Also used of a concubine, Gen. 30 4 of one espoused,
10:6; Zec.iO:io); more fully "W ^X
Isa.7:l8, V$
Gen. 29:21. (c) as a man is praised for valour, con- and f^e Assyrians, (const, with a masc. Isa. 19:23,
stancy, and intrepid mind, so woman is used as a 23:3; 30:3i; 3i:8; Ps.Ssig; Hos. 14:4). ["In
tarm of reproach to a cowardly man, one who is timid,
the arrow-headed inscriptions it is written Asura ; see
undecided, Isa. 19:16; 3:12; Jer.5l :3O; Nah-3: 13;
Lassen, liber d. Persepol. Keilschriften, p. 71 79-"]
compare Homer, 'A^nu^tc OVK ir' 'A^nto/, Virg. Mn. The name of Assyria is used in various senses by the
ix.6l7. (d) It is joined by apposition to various
a harlot, Josh. 2 Hebrews, e. g. (a) A ssyria ancient and proper (Gen.
nouns, n3'n n^S : l ; 55>3^B H^X a
lo lO 12,22), and it appears to have comprehended

concubine, Jud. 19:1 njDpX nt>K a widow, l Kings


just the same countries as are ascribed to Assyria

7:14; rm'33 Dtrx Jud.4:4; fftffc
Lev. 24:10.
i.e. those which lie to the
proper by Ptolemy (vi. l),
(e) Followed by a genitive, containing an attribute,
east of the Tigris, between Armenia, Susiana, and
itdenotes a female possessed of such an attribute;
Media, namely Adiabene. It is mostly (1) used ol
^H JTfK an honest woman, Ruth 3:11; D'3H ne>N a the which also included
Assyrian empire, Babylonia
quarrelsome woman, Pro. 27:15; D'3-13? ns?N a harlot, and Mesopotamia (Isa. 10:9,10, and see my remarks
Hos. 1:2. (/) emphat. used of a perfect woman, on Isa. 39: l), extending as far as the Euphrates (Isa.
such as she ought to be, (compare /frpjf! No. l, and
7 20), which, on this account, furnishes an imajre of

the well-known expression of Diogenes, / seek a

the Assyrian empire (Isa. 8:7). So the name of As
man). With the art. collectively of the female sex,
syria comprehends Babylonia in Herod, (i. 102, jo6) k
Ecc. 7 26. :
Strabo. (16 init.), Arrian. (Exped. Alex. vii. 7, 6)
rrtns or
(2; Followed by nW] one, another (see Once even in the Old Test., the provinces situated
under those words).
beyond the Tigris appear to be disregarded, and tLc
e> whosoever, Ex. 3:22; Am.4:3. Tigris is said to flow to the east of Assyria ("NCJ'K
Gen. 2 14. :
(c) After the Assyrian empire was ancient authors, not only often act as intei preters,
overthrown, "MIPS was sometimes used of the countries but also as emendators, and thus substitute at pleasure
in which that empire had formerly nourished, and for difficult words which are perhaps obsolete, others
to the new empires which had arisen in its place videl. ;
that are more familiar. [But let the inspiration of
of Babylonia,* Ki. 23:29; Jer. 2: 18 (comp. Isa. 8:8); Scripture be remembered in all
See Gesch.
Lam. 5:6; also Judith 1:5; 2:1; 5:1; of Persia, Ezr. der hebr. Spr. p. 37, seq. and my Comment on Isa.

6:22, where Darius is called "HE'S "^Q. [" Hitzig loc. cit.

attempts to show that "UK'S is put also for Syria, Isa.

But e>8 6:19; l Ch. 16:3. PI.
f. 2 Sa.
19:23 (Begr. d. Kritik, p. 98; or Isa. p. 235).
his arguments are not convincing." Ges. add.] Hos-3:l & niB>'B'K, Cant.
2:5 liba, cakes, specially
such as were made of grapes, and dried and pressed
nN PI. Q-pB?K [Asshurim, Asshurites], pr. into a certain form
the root tWK.
see Q'? JJJ. *&&$ Hos. loc. cit., from

name of an Arabian nation, Gen. 25 3 perhaps the :

; They are mentioned as dainties, with
same as is called in 2 Sam. 2:9, 'H&'X; to be sought which those who were wearied with a journey and
for near Gilead. languid were refreshed (2 Sa., Chron.,Cant. 1. 1. c. c.),
and which were offered in sacrifices to idols (Hos. loc.
(perhaps "blackness," "black," from cit.). This word differs from p-1Sy i.e. dried grapes,
OS, [4s/zwr],pr.n. m., i Ch. 2:24; 4:5. but not pressed together into a cake, and from ??" i"1

figs pressed together into a cake.
e. The primary
support, column, from the root idea should be sought apparently in that of pressing
No. i.' PI. with suff. n'fli'fK Jer. 5O:i5,np. LXX.
together (see the root, and comp. pi? cakes, from M?
tti/n/c. More correctly Vulg. fundamenta to make firm, and JVfVBX from nsy to spread out),

yus; comp. the Arab. column. In aD3 there and not in the idea of fire (&$), as being cakes baked
with fire. The same word is found in Pseudojon.
is rprp-iK% from rn&?s.
Ex. 16: 31, where \WV$ is for the nWBX, and
in the Mishnah (Nedarim, vi. where DT'B'H ig
^P^frf [Ashima], 2 Ki. 17:30, a domestic di- 10),
men of Hamath, of doubtful origin. It used for food made of len tiles, no doubt cakes made
vinity of the
seems probable to me that we should compare the of boiled lentiles.

Pers. Zend, acmdno. As to

^\*~i\ asuman, heaven, *]v m. a testicle, Lev. 21:20; Syr. ).3_Aj and
what I
formerly compared (on Is. ii. 348), Achuma, : id- It is for HS^S, from the root
i.e. the planet
Jupiter, rests on an error of Kleuker,
the German translator 'of the Zendavesta tWN, from U^), jEth. to indicate,
for this ; (like ^^1 f\Tl?'.

planet is not called Achuma but Anliuma (Zendavesta, to inform; whence ftflf^; index, informer. It is,
I am
sorry that this error has
Paris, ii.
356). p. therefore, equivalent to the Lat. testis, testiculus, nor
been adopted and increased by Winer, page 97, who was there any cause for doubting as to the origin, as
writes it Aschiana. has been done by the editors of Simonis' Lexicon.

73^ PI. if from H^f,

ni^^K and ni^K( as
m. Num. 13:23.
W&$ m. a foundation, frooi the root &**. comp. |io~!>?),

s -, * s. & s * (i) a cluster, Sraubenfamm [" prop, the stem or

stalk of a cluster; Lat.
(Arab. ^J..J, ^J, ^J^ ^J^ in pi. racemus."^, whence berries, or
iy*-~A)> only
flowers, which hang in clusters like grapes as of dates, ;
QWJ>it used of ruins of buildings, because the
Cant. 7:8; of flowers of the henna, Cant. 1:14;
being destroyed, the foundations alone remain ;
cially of the vine, either with the addition of fSjn Cant.
(comp. DHpiB 58512, used of ruins). Isa. 16:
7:9> D ^$: Nu. 13:23, 24; or absol. Isa. 65:8; Mic.
7, nbnq-pj? w&$
"the ruins of (the city) of Kir-
7:1. Once, Gen. 40:10, ?3^N is distinguished from
Harasheth." In Jeremiah (48:31), who imitates
33J? grape, and denotes the stem, racermts,
pr. so called.
the passage of Isaiah, and almost transcribes
it, instead The words D*?3J? rprp^K OHftyri should be rendered

of this there read fenrp'j? 'trpx, but there is no

is " and its
(the vine's) stems (racemes) brought forth
reason why we should suppose that parallel passages grapes." Germ, tie Reben!amme trieben retfe Srauben ob,
of this kind are
always the same in sense. For s -<- s -<.
writers of a later reife Seeren. To this answers the Arab.
age when using the words of more JU31, Jl&f

palm branch; JEth. t\t\t\\ ; grape, vine; whence fails is put with .? Nu. 5:7; Lev. 5: 19; the thing ii
which guilt is contracted, with ? Lev. 5:5; and with
the verb f]f\ A I to be*1 grapes ; Syr. and Ch. JJ cx>^-cr ,

? Hos. 13:1; Eze. 22:4. Some render D^'X in cer-

fcObp grape, stem, cluster. In such a variety of or-
tainpassages, as Hos. 5:15; Zee. 11:5; Lev. 4:22,
thography the etymology is doubtful. Perhaps 'S^'? " to
27, acknowledge oneself guilty." But the com-
may be for ^S&S, from ^3&, JjLl to bind, to plait, mon signification may every where be retained, if w
as a plaiting, braid of grapes. Compare 2J#' render in Hosea, "until they suffer punishment"
(2) \_Eshcot], pr. n. (a) of a valley abounding (see No. 2); in Zee." and are not punished:" Lev.
" when a
in vines in the southern part of the Holy Land, Nu. prince has sinned by error ... he has con-
13:23,24; 32:9; Deu.l:24. (b) m. Gen. 14 113, 24. tracted guilt. But when (ix) it is known to him,"
etc. Ct?N h. 1. is the same as Uty K'^3 Lev. 5: l, 17.
Mry^ [Ashkenaz, Ashchenaz"], pr. name of a
(2) to bear one's guilt, to suffer punishment dw
region and a nation in northern Asia, sprung from the
Cimmerians for it, Ps. 34:22, 23; Isa.24:6; Jer. 2:3.
9^)> Gen. 10:3, to be sought for near


unless this were a province of (3) i.q. V& and CO J>

to be destroyed, to be laid
Armenia, 51 127 ;
* P
that country [" A similar form is
T3KJ*X."]. The waste, used of altars, Eze. 6:6; comp. Syr. ^ v>^ ^)
modern Jews understand it to be
Germany, and a desert.
call thatcountry by this Hebrew name, which is only NIPHAL, to be punished; hence to perish, used of
to be attributed to their wonderful ignorance of geo- flocks, Joel l :l8.
graphy. inflict punishment on others, Ps.5:ll.

m .
for"O!p with Aleph prosthetic, a gift, D^^ with suff. iO^ :
PI. with suff. WXK fault,
Eze. 7 15 Psa. 72 10.
: Root ~&V No. H. i. q. "gfr guilt, b la me, which any one incurs, Gen. 26:10;
to hire, to reward. Jer. 51:5. Hence
L ~* (1) that by which any one contracts guilt, Num.
' IK N an unused root. Arab. <Jj> and <J^' i-
q- 5:7,8.
- *1 S-^'t.
(2) sacrifice for transgression, l Sam. 6:3, seq. ;

^>\ to put forth deep firm roots ; <3j \ root, origin,

2 Ki. 12:17; I sa 53 1O Eze. 40 39. In the Mosaic

stock. Hence
law there is a careful distinction between these sa-
(according to Kimchi ?X, with six points), crifices for trespass (D'P'^)j and sacrifices for sin
Not only were the ceremonies used in the
Lq. Arab. Jjl tamarisk, myrica (Tamarix orientalis, two cases different (see Lev. 5:1 26, Engl. Ver.
Linn.). i Sa. 22:6, ?Kn nrm "under a tamarisk 1 19; and 6:1 7; 7:1 7; compare 4:1 35:
tree." l Sa. 31 : 13
(in the parallel place, l Chr. 10: 6:17 23, Engl. Ver. 24 30), but in one and the
12. n .?Nn nnri " under a terebinth," or " a tree" same offering both kinds of victims were sometimes
generally).Hence, perhaps, any large tree (like i"l?K, joined (as Lev. 14: 10, seq. Num. 6:12, seq. comp. ; ;

l^N), and collect, trees, a grove, Gen. 21:33. A Le v 5 7 1O )

- : and the particular faults or sins

very exact description of the tree ,)j\ is given by which were to be expiated by the one or the other
J. E. Faber in Fab. et Reiskii Opuscc. Med. ex Monum. offering are carefully laid down in the law (see Levit.

Arabum, 137; Ker Porter's Travels, ii. 5:14; 12:24; 19:20 22; Nu.6:ll, 12); although
p. also, 311.
the exact difference between each kind of sin has
Lev.5:i9; Nu.5:7,and D&?N Lev. 4:13; hitherto been vainly inquired[?]. See Joseph. Antiquit.
5:2,3,4, 17; fut.DCW. iii.
9) 3 Philo, De Victimis, ii. page 247
! Mang., ;

(l) TO FAIL IN DUTY, TO BECOME GUILTY. (Arab. Rosenm. on Lev. 5:6; Carpzov, Antiquit. S. Cod.
* "* s -i s -
page 707, seq.
Ji\ id.; ^\ causat. to judge as guilty; and +^\
^\ m. verbal
DC'ltf adj. (l) in fault, one who hat
fault, guilt. Comp. ^Eth. fhUJ^: fault; ArhUJ^: contracted guilt, Gen. 42:21; 2 Sa. 14:13.
to do amiss. The primaYy idea is to be sought in
(2) one who brings a sacrifice for trespass, Ezr
that of negligence, especially in going, in
gait; 10:19.
whence Jj\ a slow-paced camel, faltering and weary.
C^N f.
(i) prop. Infin. of the verb DC'K, like
Compare KOfl, n^>.) Lev. 4-. 13, fla>
Tho person towards whom any one
S7 ; 5: a, 3, 4, Lev. 5: 26, nn npe K *&q 5

^ nTX' :

17; Jer. 50:7. "of all that he hath done in trespassing therein.*
Lev. 4:3, Dj;n ntDEW. "like as the people contract calledfrom the idea of hiding (see the root), I*a
guilt." 22:6; 49:2; Jer. 5:16; 1*8.127:5; Job 39:23; Lam.
" sons of his
(2) fault, guilt, lCh.2l:3; aCh. 24:18; 28:13; 3:13, 'ins^tf \33 quiver," i.e. arrows.
Ain. 8: 14, l'ni?S5 np52>N the guilt of Samaria," for
ite idols. PL flto$$ 2 Ch. 28 o Ps. 6.
T^J^'N \_Ashpenaz~\, pr. n. of a chief eunuch in
: i ; 69 :

the court of Nebuchadnezzar, Dan. l 3. The ety- :

(3) offering of a victim for guilt, or tres-

mology is unknown, but a similar form is found in
pass. Lev. 5:24, inp'fN Di? in the day of the of-
fering of his sacrifice." Comp. DB'N No. 2 and
[The proper name T3S^K has been well illustrated
q. trap? with Aleph prosthetic, by Rb'diger from the Pers. c__ .J a horse, and Sanscr.

fatnesses, hence fat, or fertile fields (comp. Gen.

" we fall in fat ndsd, nose, so that it
properly signifies horse's nose,
27:28). Isa. 59: 10, D'HS? D<3pf K3
fields as dead men." The Rabbins, and Jerome,
render it darkness (compare Lam. 3:6; but see my '^P^ an obscure word, twice found, 2 Sa. 6: 19;
Comment, on the passage), l Ch. 16:3. Vulg/ renders it assatvra bubulce carnist
K'N fire, and 12 ox.
taking it
unlearnedly enough from
constr. rnppcjt (once absol.
However, I have no doubt that we should understand
Jud. 7 :'i9). Plur. nhDgte f.
(from' the root ip^) a a certain measure, or 'cup (of wine, or drink), for
watch, a part of the night so called from ~fo& No. 3.
"ID^ with Aleph prosthetic, from the root
the military watches. Among the ancient Hebrews whence <F*t\<C,'. a measure,
^Eth. |"i<4l to nieasui-e,
there were three watches (the first or rinpt/'&j.
cyathus, see Ludolphi Lex. ^th. p. 187 (kindred to
Lam. 2:19; the middle, Jud. 7:19; the third 1BD to number). Lud. de Dieu came very near the
Ex. 1 4 24 i Sa. 1 1 1 1 ), four are mentioned
: : in
truth following the same etymology, and understand-
the N. T. in the Roman manner.
ing it to be a measured part of a sacrifice.

an unused root, perhaps I. to be hard, m

dunghill, for nbf (Neh.3:i3),
strong; Ch. pPtf, P9& hard, strong; compare P^J|, from the root riBB' to
put, to place, perhaps also to
Arab. heap up, comp. D'b. nSB'Kn -\y_& Neh. 2: 13; 3:14;
^\ hard, strong.
I2:3i,contr. HB^n IJ?'^ Neh. 3:13, "the dung gate"
n. to be dim, dark, see ]-^'K. of Jerusalem. Metaph. used of extreme and squalid
" he raiseth the
poverty l Sa. 2:8, poor out of the
^rVv m. lattices, a, window closed with lattices,

the dust, ji3K D*V naps?? he lifteth the needy from

through which the cold air passes, Jud. 5 28 Pro. :

7:6. Root 33^, which see. thedunghill;" Ps. l3:7- Comp. Arab, ye dung,
PlJBte ( strong," "mighty"), \_AshnaK], pr.n. mud, used of extreme poverty.
of two towns in the tribe of Judah, Josh. 15:33, 43. Plur. rrinatpx (from the unused sing. njjlS^S or

nSE^K). Lam. 4:5, " they embrace dunghills," i.e.

("prop," "support"), [Eshean], pr.n. "
they lie in dung. (Compare the similar phrases, to
of a town in the tribe of Judah, Josh. 15:52.
embrace the rock," Job 24:8, "to lick the dust,"
and others of the same kind.)
"/ ?> an iinused root. Syr. t2i^) to use incan-
tation. Jo. Simonis places the (The signification of dunghill, which has need-
primary power in the J. D. Michaelis, in Suppl.
been questioned by
hiding, and laying up, whence comes
idea of covering,
the Syr. to use enchantment, p. 137, given by the ancient versions with one con-
pr. to use hidden arts ;
sent; and it is similarly used in the Mishnah, where
compare Wtb and LM^, also HS^K a quiver, so called
in the sing. riDB'X is used of a dunghill, Kethuvoth vii.
from the idea of hiding. In the
signification of using
5 Bava Metzia v. 7, and pi. ninst^S of heaps of
enchantment, it is cognate to f\^.

dung in a field, Sheviith iii. 1 3. From the first

Heb. and Ch. an enchanter, a magician',

v* of these forms may be gathered that the root of this

Dan. 2:10. Plur. Heb. D'BB'K Dan. 1 20 2 2 Ch. :

word is t^K, but in that case how have we the plur
P?f K emphat. KJBpfc (from the sing. |g>K), Dan. 2:27; n'WSB'K? It seems to me that this sing, has arisen
from an etymological error of a later age, from the
4-45 .
J.2>a_nJ enchanter.)
ancient n'SB'K used as the plural. Compare
* with sun'. f. a qutvsr, perhaps ao pi. ninp^, and hence sing. Ch. nn&K,)

K (perhaps "migration," from the root note.) The varied use of the relative belongs in full
to syntax, the following remarks only are here given
y, Aram, to migrate; comp. n^p9), pr.n. Ascalon,
^Askelon, Ashkelon~\, a. maritime
city of the Phi- (1) Before the relative, the pronoun he, she, it, it

listines, Jud. l: 18; 14:19; iSa. 6:17; 2 Sa. 1:20. often omitted, e.g. Num. 22:6, "l&Pl 1 ??'S! "and hi
whom thou cursest;" Ru.2:2; Ex.4:i2; Josh.2:lo.
Arab. .Ujjv,^ \^Askuldn~\, which name is still re-
The same pronoun has also to be supplied whenever
tained by the little village standing in the ruins of the
ancient city. The Gent, noun is *n ???' prepositions are prefixed to the relative, "^V "to him
\_Eshka- Gen. " to those Gen.
who," 43:16; who," 47:24;
lonites], Josh. 13:3. "him who," "that which;"
TB/g-n$ TB/gO "from
those who," Isa. 47: 13. Sometimes the omitted pro-
or (comp. pr.n. noun applies to place, as "TB/fcT^X "to that place
(1) TO BE STRAIGHT, BIGHT, i. q. ~&l especially which," Exod. 32:34; "iB/g3 "where" pr. "in that
used of a straight way, hence also of what is uprigli t,
(place) which," liu. l 17; Lehrg. :
whence comes the signification of firmness and
erect, (2) IK'S? is often merely, the sign of relation, which
strength, in the Talmud. serves to give to substantives, adverbs, and pronouns,
(2) to go straight on, and generally to go, Pro. a relative power, as ISJTJIS "ti?S "which dust," Gen.
9 = 6.
13:16; rnbn-ri$ "which field," Gen. 49:30
T& ;

(3) successful, to prosper, to be fortu-

to be where (from DB' there), D^P "IB^ whence
nate, compare the kindred roots "I?* No. 3, "l^S and (from DK>D thence), v "It?*? to whom (from Y? to him),
13 -\V$ in whom, BO Se'b|
from whom, ttfe^ W%
PIEL "ifcpN (i) to guide, or lead straight, Pro. whose tongue, Deu. 28:49, tne regular
an(^ tn i g ^s

23:19; Isa. 1:17, P^C *"$$ "lead

1 the oppressor
way in Hebrew of expressing the oblique cases of the
right," into the right way, (unless, comparing Pual relative (Lehrg. p. 743), with the exception of a few
No. we render with the ancient versions, pvaaade
examples which, as far as I know, have been noticed
aSiKovpcvov. Vulg. subvenite oppresso, pr. make the by no one, viz. ">'&??, Isa. 47 :
12, for QI3 ")'{<. (Targ.
oppressed liappy), and generally to lead, Isa. 3:12;
M, Syr. vOCTir> )),
and TB/8 DV 66^31:32,
go on, Pro. 4:14.
(2) intrans. to
for iV "&*. with whom!

(3) * pronounce happy, or fortunate, Gen. (3) ? ^t? is used as a circumlocution of the geni-
30:13; Ps. 72: 17; Pro.3i:28; Cant.6:g; Job 29:11. tive (like theTalmudic ?^), especially where many
PUAL "KF and I^-IX (i) to be led, Isa. 9: 15. genitives depend upon one governing noun, and in the
^2) to be made fortunate, Ps. 41 :3; Pro. 3:18. later Hebrew, as l Sa. 21:8, TB/8 D'jhn T3N *$
" the chief of the herdsmen of
Derivative nouns are Tg'K, nT5&, I^S, TK/K, Saul;" Cant. 1:1,
nbV^> Dn^n 1^ tlie song of songs of Solo-
mon." See Lehrg. p. 672, 673.
"K^l^ ("fortunate," "happy," compare Gen. (4) In the later Hebrew ~W$. is sometimes redun-
(l) of a son of Jacob and Aram. *% ^ e. g. Est. i 12, "^n "la" 5
30:13), \_Asher~\, pr.n. dant, like the : ?

his concubine Zilpah (Gen. 30:13; 35:26), ancestor D*pnpn T^l ~M'$, compare verse 13, where ">'$? is
of the tribe of the samename (Nu. l :4O, 41), whose omitted. Comp. 2 Sam. 9:8. See below under the
boundaries are described as on the northern border word "I.
of the holy land, Josh. 19 24 31. The Gentile noun :
(B) It becomes a conjunction like the Hebrew *?,
is '"^ Jud. l 32. (2) a town to the east of Shechem,
: Aram. % ^Ethiop. H
Gr. on, Lat. quod, Germ,

Josh. 17:17. ba^/ fo (which latter word had also in the ancient

language, a relative power, as in Ulphilas, sa, so, thata,

(A) relat. pron. of both genders and num- who, which). Its various significations, almost all of
bers, who, which, that. (In the later Hebrew, and which are found in '?, are
in the Rabbinic, is used the shorter form &, &
quod, that, after verbs of seeing, hearing,
[" which was elsewhere used only by the Phoeni-
knowing (Ex. 11:7); finding (Ecc. 7 29) saying :
; (Est.
cians ;"] in the other cognate languages the relative
3:4); confessing (Lev. 5:5); swearing (l Ki. 22 16), :

takes its forms from the demonstrative ""if, viz. Ch.

etc. ; also after nouns of a like power, Isa. 38:7; Ecc.
*?, "*!, Syr. >, Samar. <*, Arab, ^jjl, i.
q. H^n, JEth. How the neliter relative is used with this
5:4. power
H: who, compare T-J; this. As to the origin, see the may be seen by the following examples ; Josh. 2 : 10
Ti^ nin B*ain->c K

nx uypB' "we have ?? Jer. 33 22. Also how, in
: whut way, Job 37 :
heard that which Jehovah "
dried up, the waters of (knowest thou) D'BH ^naa TB/S5 in what way thj
.he Eed sea;" l 83.24:11, 19; 2 Sa. 11:20; 2 Ki. 8:
garments become warm?"
; Deu. 29
15 Isa. 38 7, let this be for a sign to
(8) As sign of apodosis, like '? No. 6, Germ, fd

thee which" (that), etc. No. 11. then, so. Preceded by DN Isa. 8: 20, I^N' *6 D
(2) ut, that, in order that, indicating design and -vyy tfrpK "*fe n*n -OX* if they speak not accord-
" and his
purpose, followed by a future ; Deu. 4 40, :
ing to this word, then there is to them no dawn."
statutes which I command thee this
day, observe di- Like 1 ? and \ (see Lehrg. 723), it is put also when
ligently, T"in
XT.3?/-1 I/' 29" -1B $ that it may be
there precedes a nominative absolute; 2 Sa. 2:4, " the
well with theeand thy children after thee ;" Deu. 6:3; men of Jabesh-Gilead ^KB/VIS nag TZfo (they) bu-
Ruth 3:1; Gen. 11:7; 22:14; 21^.9:37; Ps. 144:12. ried Saul;" and with other absolute cases,
Also after a verb of asking, Dan. l :8. More fully, when denoting time and place. Zee. 8:23, Q'P'3
~V'$ }y.ti?
in order that (see ffi); once T^'nK Eze. *P'IE "IB/K. nsnn in those days then they shall take

36:27. It is hold," Germ, in jenen Sagen, ba ergreifen/ etc. Deu.

" in the
because that, because, followed by a
(3) causal 1:31, 0^1 T^ "4*]?? desert, there thou
pret., Gen. 30:18; 31:49; 34:27; Josh.4:7; 22:31; sawest;" compare 2 Sa. 14: 15, T^S ^"^ HFIJ^ Germ.
l Ki. 15:5; Ecc.
4:9; rarely by a future, when used unb nun/ fo bin id) gefommen (Ch. ^ $3).
of an uncertain thing, l Ki. 8 33 (comp. 2 Ch. 6 24, : :
(This usage of this particle has been altogether
where for it there is *?). More fully "^N J^n, denied, and it has been stated to be entirely foreign
">/K. !VJ; see No. ll.
[" Like '! it is also put at the
to by Ewald in Heb. Gramm. p. 650, who appears

beginning of an answer, assigning a reason where one to have overlooked the particles *?, f, "?, German fo
has been demanded; 183.15:19, 'wherefore then of altogether the same origin and signification nor ;

didst not thou obey the voice of the Lord, but didst should he have given the passage in Isaiah without
fly upon the spoil .? 20, And Saul said unto Sa-
. .
regard to the context, let us turn to the law, so
muel because that ("^K) I have obeyed the voice may they say, in whom there is no dawn," i.e. those
of the Lord, and have brought Agag
. . . and have . . . who despair. Also ellipsis of the words let there be,
utterly destroyed the Amalekites,' i.e. because in there are, is unsuitable, which is brought forward
doing as 1 have done, I have obeyed (I think) the di- in other examples, as Zee. 8:23; 2 Sa.
vine command. Vulgate imo audivi vocem Domini.' " '
(9) It is prefixed to a direct citation of something
Ges. add.J Sometimes it may be more
suitably ren- said, like? No.?, r, on. 1 Sa. 15: 19, nyOB? *6 HS^
dered nam, for, Deut. 3: 24 (LXX., Vulg.,
Syr.). njrV ?ip3 why hast thou not hearkened to the voice
Here belongs HE? "IK'fc Dan. 1 10 (compare HDpB' : of Jehovah ? 2O, And Saul said to Samuel IK'N ;

Cant, l :7); prop, namquare? for why? wherefore? n'liT7ip3 ^riy??^ Vulg. imo audivi vocem Domini, yea
I have hearkened to the voice of Jehovah."
see under HD. [But
hence, i.
q. ne, lest, Syr. Jv>\* ;
see above, No. 3.] It seems to be strongly affirmative
(4) conditional, if (compare Germ, f o bu geijeft). and even intensifying the sentence. There are also
Lev.4:22 (comp. DX verses 3, 27); Deu. 11 :27 (comp. other examples in which
Diverse 28); l8:22; lKi.8:3l (comp. 2 Ch. 6: 22);
(10) it appears to mark gradation, yea, even, for
aCh.6:29; followed by a future, Gen. 30: 38; Isa. the more full 1^. IK until that, wfie on, fcgar. Job
31:4; Josh. 4: 21. Earely it is concessive, etsi, a l-
5:5, ^3K 3JTJ Wyip X;vs y ea even his own har-
though (Germ, fo aud), for roenn aud)), Ecc. 8: 12.
vest the hungry man eateth." In the other member
(5) at time, when, quum,
by a ore, followed "
inni?*D*J$D"^t not his posterity only (ver. 4), but he
pret., Deu. 1 1 :6, "when the earth opened its mouth ;"
himself is threatened with destruction ;" compare Job
i Ki.8:9; Ps.
139:15; 2 01.35:20, ny?& pan TB/K. 9:15; 19:27; Ps.8:2; 10:6.
n??Tns " when Josiah had repaired the
temple" (l l) Prepositions to which it is joined are converted
(compare Syr. 5; Mark 11:3; Mat.26:54; 28:1). into conjunctions, as l^N "IHX afterwards,
(6) where, ubi, ov, for DB> -IB'$. Nu.2O:l3; Ps. until that, ~qfeo 1&
besides that (Est 4:11),
9.^:9: Isa. 64: 10; and for nBB/
Tg^ whither, whi- S in order that,
*/2ersoever,Nu.i3:27; Ps. 84:45183.55:11. (Comp.
Syr.j; Heb.3:9 for ov.) 1B/K y^y. in that, because; compare Lehrg. p. 636.
(7) i-q- ~>?^? as, like as (fo rote), in protasis, Ex. Once 1^ :
is prefixed, I? ^"Wfe Job 34: 27, i. q. }3 7J
4:i3 (LXX. ov TpoTov)} l Ki. 8:24. Followed
by "^ and i? ?j> ^3 because that, because.

comjx unded with prefixes

It is
first ed.) as p/imarily having the
power if mere rel*
(1) ichere, wheresoever, Ruth 1:17; tion (see A, 2), for iw all languages, relatives are

Jud.5:27; 17:9; followed by DB> there, Job 39:30. taken from demonstratives (sometimes from inter-
Fully DBHs^a Gea. 21 17, and QB? IB/i* DlpM 2 Sa. :
rogatives), rt'ith a slight change; see above letter A),
15:21. The same sense may be retained, i Sa. 2 3 1 3 :
; also Arab. ^-jjl.
9 Ki 8:1, where it is commonly rendered whither,
u-iiihersoever, for HEB> TJ J. (2) in that, be-
'TV ni happiness, found only in plur. constr.

*1"'^,where it has the force of an interjection, as

cause, i.q. Syr. *_s Gen. 39:9, 23. (3) ^ HB'ga on *%n '7f $ pr. O the happiness of the man, i. e. " O

accou? where it assumes the nature of a prepo-

happy man!" Psal. 1:1; 2:12; 32:1,2; 33:12
sition, Jon. 1 :8. Contractedly is used ?B/3 Jon. 1 :7,
By an ellipsis of the relative we must understand the
12. Both these answer to the Syriac ^^^son ac- passage Ps. 65: 5, ~in?n ne>K "happy (is he whom)
count of. tliou choosest." With Aff. T'TE/X "happy (art) thou !"
lC/^3 see under 3. Deu. 33:29. T"^'$ (for ViBAX
U^ffe) Ecc. 10: 17;
III. if 'SO '/'<! 43:4. Isa. Pro. 14:21, and WTa/K (for <nne') Pro. 29:18:
./Vote. I have given some conjectures as to the 23 % Tf ^? Isa. 32 2O. As to the contracted
: ol
origin of the relative in Thes. p. 165, referring it to the segolate nouns, such as T"?-?^ (for T7'?) see Lehrg
root "K?'K Ewald, on the other hand,
647, p. regards P- 575> 576? an d indeed in this word the shorter form
"IB/** as i.
as denoting conjunction. Now after
nDS and arises from its use in exclamation. So in German in
a more extended comparison with the Indo-Germanic announcing good news: oiel ftjlucf! In Greek and
languages, it
appears that it should be differently re- Latin, TpicpaKapioe, rptcdX/3ioc, Tpictvlaipwy, teryiu
garded. For, 1B/&? B> B>, B>, equally with the other re- quaterque beatus.
lativepronouns (see above, letter A), seem to have had *1'K with Aff. ns>j 'Svith
my happiness,"
anciently a demonstrative power, which is expressed Gen. 30: 13.
in the languages both Phcenicio-Shemitic and Indo-
Gci manic, both by the letters d, or t, which may be N ??*"!^

Milel ("upright to God"), [Asar-

called demonstrative (eutelaut), eZa/i],pr.n. of a singer and Levite, l Ch. 25:2, written
especially sibilated
and aspirated, and also by a mere sibilant and a mere in verse 14 n/STB/ \ :

aspiration, to which is
commonly added a simple vowel,
and sometimes, besides, a final consonant
H"1^ rarely H^^N
Micah 5:13; Deut. 7:5.
(1, n, r, s, t). PI. DnB/K and nhB ^, J
Jud. 3:7; 2 Ch. 33:3, f. [seo
Com p. a) K^J, '"1, "n, ro, Goth.tho,the, and with an added
below] pr. fortune, i.e. in the idolatry of the Phoeni-
consonant; Sanscr. tad, Goth, that; Anglo-Sax, thocre cians and Aramaeans, Astai'te or the planut Venus,
(who),Swed.<Aer;ter; Ch.n,T3; r ij roc: also with a pre- elsewhere called rnflB'J? (see under that word, also my
fixed vowel ns (which see), flfc, ai/rdc
) npr, -IT, Arab. :
Comment, on Isa. 65:11, and vol.ii. p. 337, seq.); ap-
J, ^4, L\ -<Eth. H : c) Sanscr. sas,sa (tad); Goth.
parently the companion and consort of Baal : and her
90, so (that) = 6, >, ro, Germ, (qua), Engl. she,
fte/ fo image; in images of Astarte, and perhaps generally
Hebr. ?& IPS; d) WH, ton, js s Hebr. and images of idols, at least those of a particular kind
(compare 'Eppai of the Greeks). The signification
Ch. in, X J, CK ; ^ XJt J|,
; art.
(nw?), Engl. and
K of grove, which from theLXX. and Vulgate has found
lower Germ, fe,Swed. and Iceland, aer, Germ, er, e/ its
way into the Lexicons and Commentaries of the
Lat. is, /. These words might easily be added to modems, is altogether unsuitable to the context in
and enlarged, compare under the word HN No. I. many places, and in some it is almost absurd I have ;

The forms beginning with a "^(K), are

sibilant, as refuted it at length in Thes. p. 162. To the remarks
given under letter (c), n is added at the end in the cor- there made, I here add that Venus was regarded by
relatives ber (thaere, ther), cr/ n>er. Therefore, as far the Romans as the giver of good fortune compare, ;

as origin is concerned, the prefix -

appears to be venerem jacere, Suet. Aug. 7 1 venerius jactus, venu*- ;

an older form than T.?X 'although it ; must be acknow- tas, for happiness, Ter. Hec. 5,4,8, 1 8, and Sylla's
ledged that in the monuments of the Hebrew tongue cognomen 'Effa0pt52troc, Felix. As Venus answered
which we have, the fuller form appears to be the more to Asherah, and as Hercules, who was worshipped b)
ancient, and the shorter almost peculiar to the later the Romans as also presiding over and granting for-
books. As to the signification , it appears to be an tune, answered to Baal, 1 have not any doubt that
error to regard it
(as I did myself in the larger Lex. the origin of this mythology was in the East; SHJ,

among other passages, l Ki. 15:13; 2 Ki 21:7; 23:6; and in Appendix), referring !"nB>X. to the nature and
Jud. 6: 25, 26, 28, 30. In several places Asherah qualities of the goddess herself; though I admit that
joined to a male idol, Baal, just as Ashtoreth is in the proper and primary signification of the word waa
other places, see l Ki. 18:19; 2 Ki. 23:4; Jud. 3:7. afterwards neglected and obliterated, as is not uncom-
["(l)Asherah, a goddess of the Hebr. idolaters, to mon. According to this view, rntPK is prop, fortune,
whom they made statues, images (JlSPpD), i Ki.15: 13; happiness (compare "V? No. 3, Ig'X Gen. 30:13,
2 Ch. 15: 16, and whom they often worshipped together especially '"K^N), and hence became an attribute ol
with Baal, as at other times Baal and Astarte (Jud. Astarte, or Venus as Fortuna Datrix, which was made

3:13; 10:6; l Sa.7:4; 12:10). l Ki. 18: 19, prophets great account of among the Hebrew idolaters ;
see the
of Baalprophets ofAsherah;2
. . . Ki. 2 3 4, of Baal, of
: artt. 1J, '3D. To this we may add that the Romans
Asherah, and of all the host of heaven. Jud. 3:7, and too regarded Venus
as the giver of good fortune and
served nnB^rrnKI. D^arrn$ "Baals and Ashe- a happy comp. the expressions, venerem jacere,
lot ;

rahs;" comp. 2 Ki. 17:16; 21 :3; 2 Ch. 33:3; Jud. Suet. venereus jactus, Cic., and others. And I am still

6: 25. Once, where in the same chapter mention is induced to regard this view with favour, by the analogy
made of nngfc, a Ki. 23:6; 14: I5;&ndalsoof TVp&l of other similar names derived obviously fuom the
verse 1 3, the latter seems to pertain to the idolatrous nature and qualities of heathen gods, and very rarely,
worship of the Sidonians, and the former to that of if ever, from the form of their statues or images*
the Hebrews. e.g. Dv}?2, rvnritJ'J?, Q^Bn. It is, however, very pos-
["(2) A statue, image of Asherah made of wood, a sible that the proper signification of n ^{?, E*")^
wooden pillar of great size, Jud. 6:25 27, which being afterwards neglected, these words might come
on account of its height, was fixed or planted in the to be used of rude pillars and wooden statues just ;

ground, Deu. 16:21. An Asherah or statue of this as the Gr. 'Ep/jj/ewas used of any human statue
Baal at Samaria, from the
sort stood near the altar of which terminated below the breast in a square column,
time of Ahab, l Ki. 16: 32,33; 2 Ki. 10:26; 17:16; although it might represent any thing or every thing
on the high place of Bethel, 2 Ki. 23: 15; at Ophra, but Mercury." Ges. add.]
Jud. 6 25, and even in the temple at Jerusalem, from
KinE^X Ch. a wa 1 1, so called from its being erected^
Manasseh until Josiah, 2 Ki. 2 1 37 23 6 PI. D" :

!^ (see the root No. l) Ezr. 5:3. As to the form, comp

Asherahs, pillars, columns, often coupled with the
cippi, or stone pillars constructed to Baal, l Ki. 14:
23; 2 Ki. 17:10; 23:14; aCh. 14:2; Mic.5:i2,i3; an unused root. The primary power ap-
Exod. 34:13; Deut. 7:5; 12:3; 2 Ch. 31:1; 33:9. pears to be that of pressing together, whether by
That these pillars were of wood, appears especially r*J

from the fact, that whenever they are destroyed they treading or in any other way; comp. Arab. \J^i\ to

are always said to be cut down and burned, Ex. 34: tread, to trample on, to subdue (kindred to Y^$ to

urge, and even p-ix and the words there compared).

13; Jud. 6:25; 2 Ki. 23:6, 15, etc.
Hence !"!>&? a cake made of dried figs pressed to
["Note. Of the ancient versions some render this
word a wooden a gether; SJ^K a foundation which is pressed down
Astarte, others pillar, others tree, *Z
LXX. very frequently a\<roe, Vulg. lucus (Engl. a by treading on and Arab. Conj. II, to found,
it, ^J
grove), by which they seem to have understood a sacred to make firm in laying a foundation, HE'S
tree. In the Mishnah too it is 'a
explained by "nj?3 j^X to prop.
tree that is worshipped.' The primary signification of Note. E'JJINrjn see under the root K"N, p. XLI, A.
the word may pertain either to the goddess, her nature
and qualities, or to the statue or figure
of the god-
dess. The
has recently been maintained by
latter (perhaps "petition," "request," as if
Movers in a learned dissertation on this word (Phoe- Inf. Hithp. of an Arabic form, from the root ?^^),
nizier, i.
p. 560, seq., Bonn, 1840) according to whom
[Eshtaol'], pr.n. of a city of the Danites, situated
n Ts'& in the plain of the tribes of Judah. Josh. 15 33 :

prop, right, upright, then a pillar, and at last


a female 19:41. Jud. 13:25; 16:31. [Gentile noun ^J?^

divinity of the Canaanites, worshipped under
the figure of an upright pillar, often as the partner lCh.2:53-]
of Baal in his altars, but different from
"VFiriB'N Ch. ree/Zton,Ezr.4:l5, 19, verbal of
A jtarte; comp. the epithet of Diana, the Conj. ITHPAEL, from the verb
'Op0m, 'Opdaxria. "nijp
q. ?lf IthpaeJ
The former idea was adopted me (Thes. h. v. to strive, to endeavour.
by s.

phasis.) Neh. 9:9. In the Old Testament here ai

("uxorious," "womanly," from
belong (a) its being usedreflectively, ins iuv-or.
"<Afon], pr. n. of a man, l Ch. 4: 11, 12.
Eze. 34:2, " woe to the shepherds
DOS tavrowc ;

nbJ;C'iX* Josh. 15:50, and RiDW^N ("obedi- DDK Vn

D^jh-ip? who feed themselves," i.q. D'fPJ:
ence," as if infinit. Conj. VIII, from the root VP^), verses 8, 10; Jer. 7:19; Nu. 6:13. (b) In Ezekiei
[Eshtemoh, Eshtemoa], Josh. 21 :14; 183.30:28; it occurs even four times without a following noun
l Ch. 4: 17, 19; 6:42,
pr. n. of a Levitical city in the for avro, id, ipsum, this, itself, while elsewhere, as
mountains of Judali. [Now prob. called Semua, or in a relaxed sense (see No. 2), it everywhere requires
" a considerable
es-Semua, $. .+.....-H ; village situated a noun or a suffix; Eze. 43:7, J"IJO ^XD3 Dipp J"IX
onalowhiU." Rob. ii.
626.] ^JIT nis? DipD "this (avro) is the place of my
throne, and this the place of the soles of my feet; Eze.
HX comm. Ch. q. Heb. J11K a sign, a portent,
47 17, 18, 19, compare verse 20, where DST stands in

synon. with Dan. 3:32,33; 6:28. Root HJX.

npjjl. the same context. (Some have regarded the reading
%l&> i.
nns thou, which see. as incorrect; and in verses 17, 18, 19, would amend it

*!>S* with a
accent FIX pers. pron. 2 pers. f.
dist. by reading nx't, as in verse 20 but the similar pas- ;

sage. Eze. 43:7, in which nxt could not be suitable,

thou, of very frequent occurrence. This Avord is
defends the common reading; [" Maurer supplies lo!
shortened from the fuller VIS, as is observed below.
the place, etc., LXX. ewpncac rov TUTTOV *:. r. \."j).
sometimes joined with a masculine, Eze. 28: 14;
It is
From the Rabbinic may be added the phrase, U11M3
Deu. 5 24. :

DVn aunj TTJ /;/if'pa,

on the same day; nj?B>n nniS3
J"IK in the same hour, from the Syriac
by Makk. -n, with
I. followed suff. IP. bevfetbcntunfce :
10'K, in Pause
^nfc, in'K, apfc, n'
(aU which are cnJts> v-^) compare a^' lavrov, a se ipso. [" Note.
just as often written fully), E?nX rarely Q3rflK Josh. Some have questioned the above use of this particle,

23:15, B? 8 , IP'S, ron'K Exod. 35:26, more rarely

choosing rather to refer the passages cited, and others
B^riN Gen. 32: i, DHfliX Eze. 23:45, jntflK verse 47. like them, to its use with the accusative, but with
(l) pr. a demonstrative pronoun, ai/roc, ijose, felbfi, little success. See Maurer 's Comm. ii. p. 608. The
self, this same. This primary strongly demonstra-
of the word which is treated of beloAv, is not
tive power which may be generally expressed by the contrary to the above view, but rather favours it."
Gr. avroe, is more rare in the ancient Hebrew, but it Ges. add.]
appears, however, to have been preserved in the lan-
(This true and primary signification of the word
guage of common life, and afterwards revived and was not unknown to the Rabbins, who explain it by
made current in the later books, in the Rabbinic and
D^y, E'K, and in the same manner do the Syrian
in Syriac. Hos. 10:6, "?3-V -HB^ \T\ DJ "it shall i

itself (the calf) be carried into Assyria;" the peo- grammarians interpret the word J^,. In the Arabic
ple and priests had already preceded. Josh. 7:15; there answers to this also used reflectively c^o J>
l Sa. l?r34, in a place where the reading has cause-
lessly been questioned, 3'nrrnXI. nx.n K31 there I have beaten myself. As to the origin, I have
c _^\j\
came a lion with the bear itself;"
(in Greek it may no doubt but that this word, like the other pronouns,
be rendered avv UVTU ru UOKTU, mit fammt bem 33&ren is primitive and very ancient (see ">*$ p. Lxxxvm, A),
unb bcr S3ar obenbretn/ and a bear besides comp.
airy ; nor should I object if any one were to compare riS, niX
avv fdpmyyi, II. ix. 194, and Passow,Lex. Gr. v. ai/ro'c, with the Sanscr. Gr. auroc- To
etat, hie ; give my
6). Joshua 22:17, "it is not sufficient for you, own more probable than what
opinion now, this is I
lj/9 Ityrnx this same
iniquity of Peor?" as being .
the greatest that could be; Hag. 2 : 17, ^S D3J1K p lately supposed, that 1"IK, HK, \j\ are i.q. D1X a sigtif

"yet ye yourselves turned not to me;" Dan. 9:13, which, however, is also the opinion of Ewald, Gramm
" as it is written in the law
of Moses nyvr^S n$ 593)-
GSJf HK3 n*n all this very evil (as declaVed "Lev. (2) This word by degrees lost much of its primi-
26, and Deut. 28) has come upon us;" Jer. 38:16, tive force, so that as set before nouns and pronouns
PDSn-riK $> Tfo% IE* ns ^n the same who has JJ already definite, it
scarcely increases the demonstra-
" as
given us life;" 2X1.6:5, one of them was felling tive power; "O^n J"IS
i.q. Germ, biefelbe acly/ biefelbigt
ftbeam, the iron (7J"l2rm) fell into the water." Sad)c/ fclbige Sadie/ the thing itself, the same thing;
(The word iron should here be pronounced with em- often redundantly for the simple bufe adjo this thi uj

t is rarely (a) put before a nominative (Gen.l 7 15, Egyptian language is prefixed to the personal pro
O^QIS ^p^TlSl "Iiy ^1i^! K? thy name shall be no nouns, as ent-oten, ye ent-sen, they ent-of, he.
Here ;

Abram;" Gen. 4:18, "lT2~n$

longer called ^H? T2J3; the simple and genuine forms are oten, sen, of; the
aSa. 11:25, n in ; ^3
n ? T^a 21* ^ "let not form ent-sen, corresponds entirely to the Hebr. EDD?*
this thing displease thee," Gen. 21:5; 46:20; Ex. l^r ?, and ent-of, to the Hebr. in'X, while yet all these

10:8; Lev. 10:18; Nu. 11:22 26:55,60; Josh. ;

forms express the nominative. (See the Table in
7:15, etc.); on the other hand it is very often -(b) *?3S, note; Hebr. Gramm. page 293, 13th edit.) From
put before the object of a proposition when already ent come both J"1K (as HO from ^Fl), and rVlK comp. ;

definite (compare the pronouns auroe, ipse, bcrfelbe, Sanscr. etat, Gr. avr-oc. Others refer J"IK, nitf, to the
which, especially in the oblique cases, avrov, avrw, avrov, Aram. 1VN, *0^,Lq.^!; so Hupfeld on the demonstr.
ipsum, ipsi, beSfelben/ benfclben/ lose their strongly de- power of the letter n, see Hupfeld, in Zeitschr. f. d.
monstrative power in some degree), thus it becomes Morgenl. Lit. ii.
page 135." Ges. add.]
a particle pointing out a determinate object. In Hebrew
DVMPnviK properly therefore signifies, i. q. avrbr TOV
II. followed by Makk.-nK,with suff. ',
in pause and ^flS-Gen. 6:18 comp. 2O:l6,i^,
0vpa?ov, but from the common use of language is the
DflX more
same as TOI> ovpavov, like in Gr. aur//i/ XpwniSa, II. i. DpJjIX Gen. 9:9, 11, rarely and chiefly in
the books of Joshua, K ings, eremiah, and Ezekiel,
143, without emphasis for Xpvanioa: IJjtt* pr. avrdr
^jryx, Pin'X, Dn'X(so that it seems to be confounded with
(reav-ov, hence the simple ye. In this manner J"IS
the mark of ace. riK), pr. subst. denoting nearness,
frequently put before substantives made definite
and propinquity, prob. for fl3S (from the root H3S
with the article (VI/J ? Q!P^'1 ^X Gen. l l comp.

No. II. to draw near, as n?3 from ""^3) from the com-
D?P^) Y 1? Gen. 2 4), or with the addition of a geni-

tive or a suffix (31.9:14; Ru. 2:15), also before I

mon usage of the language, a prep, of a similar power
to Oy (which see).
proper names (Jon. 2 l), its occurrence is much more
: I

frequent in prose than in poetry. In the whole Old '

(i) apud,with,at,by, near, used of nearness and
vicinity, Gen. 19:33; Lev. 19:13; Job 2:13;
l Ki.
Test, only three examples occur to me in which this
word 9:26, Eziongeber rnV*$Tfl$ ~W$ which is situated
prefixed to nouns which are not made defi-
two of them (Pro. 13:21; Eze. 43 l o), where the near Eloth," comp. Jud. 4:11, '3
N!f~J"lK to any one's
nite, :

sense is definite, one (Ex. 21 :28), where it is not so. face, i.

q. ^p? There is a singular use of it
see D*3S.
in Gen. 30:29, " thou knowest what thy flock has
[Also Ex. 2:1; 2Sa. 18:18 Ecc. 3:15. Ges. add.] ;

become ""JW w i th me," i. e. having me as the shepherd

Note. Some have altogether denied that this word is
and caring for it, comp. 39:6, "he cared for nothing
put before the subject of a discourse and indeed the ; WK" i. e. while he had Joseph for ok'oVo/toe, verse 8.
examples in which it is joined with a passive verb
Specially () sometimes it indicates possession of a
may be taken impersonally, and so explained that the
thing, like the Lat. penes, comp. Gr. TO. Trap epoi, Arab.
power of the object is retained, viz. fl^H
l^C Nu.
^ gX^c ^l (see DV No. 2, a, b}; especially what one
32 5, man gebe bag 2anb/ let them give the land (see

has in one's mind, Job 12 3, n) to? p 'PTIS "who

Olshausen, Emendatt. zum A. T. page 25, Hebr. Gram,

knoweth not such things ?" Job 14: 5, "the number of

gth edit, page 233 [l3th edit., 140, a]), but many
others (see No. 2, a) cannot be so taken; and it is not the months is with thee," i. e. in thy mind, determined
the place of a sober interpreter to have recourse by thee. (b) It is rarely used of motion to a place
(like Trapa with an ace. and vulg. apud te Inscr. Grut.
unnecessarily to solecisms and critical conjecture.
What has been done with regard to this point which ben bid)). 2 Sam. 15 : 23 ; Ps. 67 2, MRK V3B 1KJ i. q. :

exercised the inquiries of very ancient Rabbins, WylJ; Ps. 4:7. besides (compare
(c) It isi. q. prater,
may Ex. iKi. ll:l, 25.
be seen in Olshausen loc. cit. Ewald (Hebr. Gramm. vapa ravra, prceter ista), 1:14;

page 593); Fahsius (Seebode,

krit. Bibl.l826, No. 3), (d) It is used ellipt. for <'KD Gen. 49:25, where from
and by their follower, Winer, in Lex. Hebr. what precedes JP is supplied. (e) In some phrases
page 103.
and examples ntjt may seem to be inaccurately for in.
["Note. The origin of this particle is still uncertain.
it in the Phoenicio-Shemitic lan-
(as in Lat. apudvillam, apud forum, apud Hierosolyma,
Corresponding to
Sueton. Vesp. 93, apud Pal&stinam, Eutr. vii. 13,
guages are Ch. IV, Syr. ^ 9

ipse ; but these are of rare see Handii Tursell. page 414, 415), but it may, and
occurrence. Cognate are the JE,th. enta, Avho (prop, even ought, in every case to retain the notion oi
demonstr. like all
relatives), Egypt, ent, who ;
and es- nearness, i Sa.7 16, " he judged Israel, ntopp^S'n^

pecially the demonstrative syllable ent, which in the ""WC at all those places;" the courts of justice bean*
XCJV rim-
and thus by or near the towns.
in the gates of towns, utensils; but indeed I should prefer tegarding HN as for
Ki.9:25, JVJl^ ta
-M?f?ni "and Solomon of- n
(like ny for JVJK from nnj/)
= Arab. i'LM an
fered incense at that (altar) which was before Je-
hovah." Compare Suet. Aug. 35, tit thure et mero instrument, ^jj\ apparatus, instrument, specially of
tupplicaret apud arameius del, etc., and Dent. 16:6, -i.
rajF) CV ... DipSrr'pN. One
offered properly at the war, from the root HIX \j\ to aid, also to be furnished
altar,and in l Ki. loc. cit-this phrase is used as the cus- with instruments, apparatus; and 1 should suppose the
tomary expression for offering incense. (I do not see general word to be used for some particular instru.
with Winer, how in this passage WR may refer to >^\.) ment, perhaps for a plough-share.
(a) cum, with (compare EJJ No. l), used of ac-
companying, Gen. 6:13; 43:16; Jud. l :
16; Jer. 51 : ("living with Baal," i.e. enjoying the
of connection Ki. 3 : of a cove- favour and help of Baal), \_Ethbaal~], pr. n. of a king
59 ; by marriage, l l ;

of the Sidonians, iKi.i6:3l, in Josephus (Arch. 8: 13,

nant, Gen. 15:18: of aid, Gen. 4:1, "I have gotten
a male (i. e. a son) nin*'nK by the aid of Jehovah." 1, 2, contr. Apion. 1, 18), 'I0o/3a\oc, E(0w/3aXoc
Ter. 1:8; 15:20. It is said, with any one,"
"to speak
Ki. 8:15; also "to fight, to make war with any

one" (where J"IX may be rendered against), Gen.

IK Deu. 33:2, and NHX I sa .2l:l2, pi.
Jer. 3:22 (for n), fat. np J b 37:22; pi. VJJJg
14:9; i Ch. 20-5; Pro. 23:11. n)n;-ns ^nrjn "to nnSTI Mic.4:8,n.'.!,Deu.
Job 16:22, contr. and def.
walk with God," Gen. 5:24; i.e. having God as it
33:21, and ns.'l (for ^H^), Isa. 4l 125; imper. VOX
were a companion, to lead a life pleasing to God
for ;

'3VI$ non n^j; "to act kindly with any one," Zee. 7:9;-
21:12; 56:9. 12 (almost all of these
(for -Vn^.) Isa.
forms imitate the Aramaean).
compare Ruth 2:20; 2 Sa. 16:17. Noldius, in his
(1) to come, a poetic word ["instead of 1^3"]
Concordance, under this word always confounds J"1R
No. I. and II, which it may suffice thus briefly to Ch. XnR., Syr. Arab, which are of common
JL), li'^,
mention. use in these languages. Const, followed by ? (Jer.
riRD i.
q. DVP pr.from with, from near by any 3:22) and 1J? 4:8) of the person fowhom any

one; Syr. Lo^ ^.iO, Arab. Ai cr<,/rom(iKi.6:33), one comes. Part. pi. fern, ni'nisn things to come,
after verbs and nouns of departing, Gen. 26:31 ; i. e. future, Isa. 41:23; 44:7; 45:11. Arab. e^>T
sending from any place, Gen. 8:8; also of receiving, s _ *
Job 2:1O; buying, Gen.i7:27; 23:20; asking from for J'| future.

any one, iSa. 1:17; performance, Ex. 29:28, etc. (2) to happen to any one, to come upon him (as
Other examples are, Josh, ll :2O, nn>n ^ DSO " by
evil), Job 3 25, : i.
q. \j\ with ace.
Jehovah was this instituted;" Ex. 29:28, " this shall
to go, to pass by, Job 16:22. Vulg. transeunt.
be to Aaron ... a perpetual statute 'B* '33 r>KD to
HIPHIL, to bring, i. q. X'?n. Pret. plur. Vnn (for
be performed by the children of Israel;" Ps. 22:26,
"from " ^V?.??) Isa. 21:14, and the same form for imp., Jer
rn>nj;l I^ISO thee my praise," e. I owe to

thee salvation, the cause of praise." ^RO Isa. 44: 24,
Deriv. fiJVX.
np is i. q. Gr. air ipavrov, John 5 30, from myself, or :

by my own authority. Arabic ^A-r- .*<, Syriac ^ Ch., Dan. 7: 22, inf. np Dan. 3: 2, i.q. Hel
lA^tff ^-S),
and Heb. '|ED Hos. 8:4. Compare as to tocome; with of pers. Ezr. 4:12; 5:3.

this, Anecdota Orientt. i. p. 66. APHEL n?n inf. nn;n (by a Hebraism) (l) to
HI. J"\N with toK DTlK cause to come, Dan. 6:1 7, 25.
suff. i Sa. 13:20, pi. ibid.
verse 21, and DTIK Isa. 2:4; Mic. 4:3; Joel 4: 10, an to bring, to fetch, Dan. 5:3, 23.
(2) Syr. wtw).
iron implement used in agriculture, with an edge, and HOPHAL, borrowed from the Hebrew, but anoma-
ometimes requiring to be sharpened (l Sa. loc. cit.), lous TVH, 3 fem. rvrpn, Dan. 6: 18; pi. VJVn Dan.

according to most of the old versions a plough-share 3:13, to be caused to come, to be brought.
(but in Sa. it is joined with >"lS5nD.9), according to
nN pers. pron. 9 pers. m. THOU; with dist
Symm. and the Hebr. intpp. a mattock. The more nn
LXX. in the book accent (Milel), Gen. 3:11; 4:11; 27:32, with-
general word antvoc is used by the
out n five times in aro $$ l Sa. 24:19; Ps. 6:4;
rf SB. Some compare household-stuff, flocks, Ecc. 7:22; Job. l :
1O; Neh. 9:6. In the oblique cases

>f thee, thine, i Ki. 21:19; thec, Pro. 22:19; see m. Eze. 41 15 (np), 16, 42:3, 5, a kind oj

Lehrgeb. p. 727. (Instead of the doubled Tav, in columns [see below]; (see especially Eze. 42:5
Arabic and ^Ethiopia there is nt, ^*j\ f. c^-ol v^g- comp. verse 6). LXX. and Vulg. chap. 42, render it
Trtpi<rrv\oi>, portions. Root PDS-
( Ji>\> AYt" :
fem A^"t;
- .'
i Q Syriac there is Nun ["A term in architecture, signifying a decrement',
V f where a story or portico is drawn in, an offset, ledge,
occult AuJ f. cA-ij; and the same appears also in terrace. It is a verbal Hiph. from PD? to tear away,

Egyptian in f. HOOK
lieo thou. [" All of which are cut off: So Bottcher recently (Proben, page 350);
compounded of the demonstrative syllable en, and the but so too Abulwalid long before, i. q. J^^x) seg-
'33X note Hebr.
simple pronouns ta, to, tok. (See in ;
ment, increment. See his words quoted in Thes.
Gram. p. 293,1 3th ed.)" Ges. add. omitting the follow-
Append, s. h. v." Ges. add.]
ng paragraph ] The principal letter however is n and

this alone predominates in the Indo-Germanic stock pers. pron. 2 pers. pi. you, m. Inaccurately
of languages. (See the Sanscrit, tuam, the stock of joined to a feminine, Eze. 13 20. It comes from HJjlS :

which is tu, Pehlev. and Pers. tu V ? Gr. TV, av, Lat. which see, with the 'addition of D, the mark of mul-

tu, Goth, thu, Germ., Dan. and Swed. bu.) titude. Arab. \'i Aram.
n!S Ex. 13:20; Nu. 33:6,
|inS a she-ass, so called from its slowness; see
f. \Etham\, the name
s -5. of a place on the borders of Egypt and the Arabian
the root 1HX. (Arab. .'j'\ a she-ass, and the female desert, from which the neighbouring part of the de-
sert, as far as Marah, received the same name. Nu.
of the wild ass; Aram. WH^, JLiLJ id.) Nu. 22:23, LXX.
33:8. 'O0Jy/.Jablonsky (Opuscc. ii. 157)
UnX '33 " the son of his ass," i. e. his ass. Gen. it as the Egyptian ATlOU, i.e. boundary of
49:11. PL'n'uhfij Gen. 12:16; 32:16. the sea.
comm. Chald. a furnace, i. q. Syr. JLJO!.). TICJIItf & /^Qr^ once /IftJjlK i Sa. 10:11 i.q.
Dan. 3:6, 11, 15, seq. The form |WX is for ]W?$, 71DPI with Aleph prostheticj adv.
from the root |3J;I to smoke; like P'T for p'pT.
(1) yesterday, 183.4:7; 14:21; 19:7; Ps.90:4.

Eze. 41 :
15, in ana for pJ?K. (2) formerly, used generally of time long past,
Mic. 2:8; Isa. 30 33. The same form is also found

T\$ i.
q. ny> pers. pron. 2 pers. sing. fern. thou. in Syr., Ch.,and in Cod. Nasar. [" There exists like-
Although this form is rare in the Old Test, (it is >
wise a form ?1O^, which see. Also, Syr. ^iDL) ;
found only seven times in aro, i Ki. 14: 2 2 Ki. ;
Chald. ^i^n^, y.?nS' The form seems compounded
4:16,23; 8:l; Jud.l7:2; Jer.4 3O; 76.36:13; =

fromriX with, a,and?iD i.q. 0^3 forepart, front;

and wherever it occurs, the axptaia of the Masorites
hence of time, antea, aforetime." Ges. add.]
takes away the Yod, so as to read ^, so that in the

yet there can be no doubt

cext there appears ^-?), an unused root. Arab.
^yJ' i.q. ^-''
to walk
chat it is
genuine (comp. Arab. <_^j and Syr. o l^J ) 1
) ;
with short steps. Conj. IV. to stand, to stand still;

and it is even primary and a more ancient form, which to delay. Hence PHX a she-ass.
compare ^\
afterwards the more negligent pronunciation of the
common 18 in some MSS. and printed editions for
people shortened into J;l>?. Yod added at the
end is a mark of the feminine, as in YPpH ; nor constancy, Mic. 6:2; Job 33:19.
should we listen to Ewald (Heb. Gramm. page 177),
!&$ pers. pron. 2 pers. pi. i. you, ye. Once found
who, apart from analogy, conjectures
'FIX to be
Eze. 34 3 1 where other copies have ]$$
With n
for pflX, of which no trace exists in the Phoenicio-
it is written HJriN Gen .31:6; Eze. 13:11, 2O ;
Shcmitic languages.
34:17; and ibid. 13:20. niiriX, according to the
O^ "
(perhaps, neighbouring," from HX near- analogy of the forms nEPj nsn. Nun at the end,
and the termination V), like Mem, is a mark of multitude, especially in the
ness, \_Ittai~\, pr. n. (l)
of one of David's fern. comp. TT, \~,
generals, 2 Sa. 15:19, 22; l8:2.

(2) of a Benjamite, 2 Sam. 23:29 also written 'J ;

inX a gift, reward, specially as given to
f. a
(which 81,-e).
harlot, Hos. 2:14. Root n:n.

')T)K ("bountiful," "munificent," from nar)K 1^ with suiF. ni.J^X m. Ch. (i) A PLACE
a gift), [Ethni], pr. n. m. l Ch.6:26. Dan. 2 35 :
Ezr. 5 15 :
6 :
5, 7. (In Targg. very frc-
9 r

pn Ez e- 16:34, 41, and P ?^ m

1 -
( for B$ ^^ quently; Syr. and Samarit. ]'l\ id.)
1HX ^ "the
K prosthet. from H3PI), with suff. ^'7?- place in which," Ezr. 6:3 ; by a pleonasm, much
(1) <7ain o/a harlot, absol. Eze. 16:31,34; and
used in Aramaean ; Syr. > LJ; compare
with the addition of H31T Deu. 23: 19. Metaph. used
of the produce of the fields, which the idolaters .looked
(see Dip?).
ffc s^
on as gifts from the idols, Hos. 9:1; Mic. 1:7; com p.
(2) perhaps, track, i.
q. _J
^ J 1

Isa. 23:17, 18. hhZ :. Hence 1HX3 for 1^3 Dan. 7 :6, 7, after;
(2) [Et hnan], pr. n. m. l Ch. 4:7.
i.q. ^ <j> jl ,1s in the track; with affix TIOJ
p Q

jj* an unused
Dan. 2:39. Syr. and Samar. U\J5.
root, perhaps i.
q. PDJJ, <jj^c to
be beautiful. Hence P'flN. E*"!0^ (" places," regions"), pr.n. of a place
Nu. " in
[Rejected in Ges. corr. ; the deriv. being referred to the south of Palestine. 2 1 : l , D^rii? i\~W
to pro.] the way which leads to Atharim."

JSeth (fi'3), the second letter of the alphabet when ; positicn, prop,and originally (see the note as to its
used as a numeral, i.q. two. The Hebrew name is origin) denoting tarryance in a place (Greek iv, Latin
contracted from TV? a house, a tent, and the most m), afterwards applied to neighbourhood and asso-
ancient form of this letter (whatever it may have ciation (Germ, an, mit), at, by, with, and joined with
been) appears to have imitated this figure. [" SeeHeb. verbs of motion. The various significations of this
Gramm. p. 291, 13th edit.; Monumen. Phoen. p. 21."] muck-denoting word, in part proper, in part figura-
The form of a tent is still that which it bears in the tive, may be arranged in three classes, which are
./Ethiopia alphabet, f|. called by the Rabbins ^3H JV2 (Germ, in [Engl. tw]),
As to its permutation, 2 changes into other labials, njP:j:n)V3 (Germ, an [Engl.a,&y]),"lTyn JV3 (Germ,
namely (
into S, as 1T3 and "1T3 to disperse, yi?3 and mit [Engl. with]), although it is not to be denied that

*wo<* to cleave, 7.H3 Aram. the third class depends upon the second (see below).
?J"j?, JJ );_> iron, ">?S
V Thus it denotes
and i^j^ to be feeble. (2) rarely into as 313/1,
(A) pr. in, with ablat. Gr. iv. Specially (l) in,
.C5O< great, and even into a quiescent 1, as J?-1BTi3 pr. of place [" which might be fully and pre- more
3T as "1^2 in the city,
for IDt^Ti? compare in the western languages /Soovw,
; cisely expressed by "=1^3, '53"], 1

JV33 in the house, "^33 in the pit, )*!$?? in the land

vescor, pascor, /3a2w, vado. (3) into Q, which letters
are pronounced very much alike the Orientals, as or province, in (a place) which =where; then
used of time: Krln rotf3 Jud.lO:8; rru' JO3 Gen.l l ;

-13 and nO fat, T! and "HIKI? an idol of the :

comp. 1^3, "HV? also of the condition
in which we
Babylonians, 1D3 .^U: to search, JPT ^sj time, "lOT are: Di/K'3 i Sa. 29:7; and, in the later Hebrew, it
to prune a vine, P3H and flO'"
! pr.n. of a river, iseven prefixed pleon. to adverbs: n'33, |D3. By a
peculiar idiom of language, it is used of the foun-
DFDp i. 3F13D a writing, a poem, Arabic <&j for
q. and material whence any thing is drawn,
tain, origin,
" to
<Ce Mecca; compare /jA/jrw for /wX/rrw (from //At, ismade, or comes forth; as (a) hi the phrase,
drink in a cup," i.e. to drink what is in the cup; for
honey) scamnum, scabeUum, marmor, French marbre
"out of the cup'' (like the French " boire dans une

[Engl. marble], etc.

tassef Gr iv \pvvy, iv irorripioic irivf.iv, Xenoph.
3, fwmetimes before monosyllables 3 (see this more l, 4); Gen. 44:5; Am. 6:6; comp. Chald.
(b) of the material, as the German dm
particularly stated, Lehrg. p. 828);
with suff. *3 ; 13, Dan. 5:8.
^33 Ps. 141 :8 in pause and fern. ^3 ^3 ? H3 SRunje in toff in & olle/ in Grg gegofien.
olb/ ein 2 Cb
rarely ; ; ;

B>33 " a footstool of Ex. 38:8

W3; 033, 133; DH3, D3, fern. ?na (Arab. <_,, rarely 9:18, 3n}3 gold."
Lev. 13:52; l Ki. 7:14; Eze.7:ao. Metiph. (c)
t.^, ^th. fir rarely 'fj) [" Syr. Ji"], a prefixed pre- 3 VT to know by any thing, Ex. 7: 17.

(2) When it refers to a multitude, in the midst of h'V -)J/B>

'83^9? "befc re all who go in at the gate
which one is, i.
q. in.
among, Lament. 1:3, D'133 of his city," more fully 3JX3, \3?3; comp. Gr.

"among the nations." 2 Ki. 18:5, rn-irp ^pD'pJS. if <ty0aX/uoIc, II.

^.587; Lat. in oculis, Curt, ix.4-

Sa.i5:3i, "Ahithophel D^B'P? among the con- is

(3) at or in, for upon, 3Y13 i Ki. 8:9; ly
HIPP" Jehovah is among the tabernacle of the congregation," Nu. 14:
spirators." Ps.ll8:7,'l?y3 "upon
my helpers," i. e. is my helper (comp. Lat. in magnis 10; Isa. 66:20, D'D-1D3 "on horses."
viris est habendus); Job 15:10; Jer. 6: 18. Cant.
(4) of motion to a place: ad, an (etwaS) t)tn, to,
1:8, D'^33 nQjn "fair (fairest) among women." unto, upon. This Beth differs from ?N in this
Lam. l : l ;
Josh. 14: 15 comp. Luke l :25, 28, 42.
signification properly and generally, in that 7$ im-
Specially it signifies a part excepted from a whole plies motion to a place, whether the end be arrived
number (as IP No. l). Ps. 139: 16, days were my at or not, nacf) (etroaS) t)in. 3 in this sense signifies
determined 0^3 "intf N?1 when as yet not one among the reaching the end and remaining at it. It nearly
them (of them) existed." Ex. 14:28. l Sa. 1 1 1 1 , :

" two D3 of them approaches in meaning to usque ad, unto, which "IJ7

;" Lev. 26:36; Deu. i 35. Hence, is however

properly used, when the termination and

when used with some verbs, it shews that they refer end of the motion or action has to be more accurately
to only a part of the predicate; as
3 nsn to smite stated: big an (etroa) t)in$ although the later writers
of them, to cause a slaughter among ene-
(several) appear to like to use 1JJ for ?X ; Gen. 11:4, "a tower,
mies (different from H3n with an ace. to smite them), D?jptS'3 IE>K~) whose head reach unto heaven"
2 Sa. 23:10; ? 3V1 Ps 78:31, ? NB>3 Job 7: comp. (not less correctly Jer. 51:9; "her

judgment reacheth
13; 3 H33 an etwaS bauen/to build on, Zechariah 6:15; unto heaven," D?1?^n ?X comp. Winer, Exeget. Stud.
a fine*, b? Pro. 9:5.
p.53)."l'j?3 pplpio mingens ad parietem, "upon a wall,"
(3) When it refers to the limits by which any l Ki. 1 6 1 1: Hence after verbs and nouns of touching,

bounded, within, in; Tl^? "within thy

thing reaching (3J?3p), adhering (3 p? ^), going to, especi-
" within
gates," Ex. 20: 10; *pbin3 my walls," Isa. ally to ask something (3 B'TJ, ? /^^, comp. a n fragen*
Often used of time, D'?B> Bfy?3 "within
56:5. in upper Germany, an einen ehuaS bege'jren/ for after
*,hree years," bintien brety Safyren/ Dan. 1 1 20 Ecc. 1 1 l :
; common verbs of going, ?X is more frequently used),
also so used that the close of the limit is especially
fallingupon (3 y), taking hold on (3 THS, pjn?),
regarded, and so used of time already past, Nu. 28 26. :
inclinationand affection (3HS, 1H3, DXO, n^n), all
(4) Rarely after verbs of motion; in, with ace., tie of which are in Latin compounded with the particles
(Eng. into), as after verbs of going,Gen. 19:8; 31 =33; ad, in. (Many of these, however, are joined in the
sending, Lev. 16:22; Deu. 7:20; also giving (Jer. same sense also with /$, as P?"^, V33, t^TJ.) Since ?
12:7); placing (comp. Lat. ponere in aliquo loco), Gen. in this signification is a particle of transition, it is not
27:17; inserting (Deu. 15:17), etc.; among, inter, to be wondered at that it should give a transitive
with ace., Deut. 4:27; l Ki. 1 1 2. Compare Winer, :
to some verbs, and even a causative power;
Exeget. Studien, i. p. 48, seq. such as is elsewhere expressed by the conjugation
(B) the second class comprehends those species of Hiphil. So n'^3 to borrow, leit;en (cognate perhaps
significations, which designate either nearness
and NK>3 to take), 3 nt^ to lend, an jem. f)tnktt;fn (comp.
vicinity (No. l 3), or motion to a place, so as to to give), 3 n?j;=T3j;n to impose
Ike to take, \->!-.\

be at or near it; Germ, an (No. 4 6); and these

are partly proper, and partly figurative (No. 7 lo). servitude,ftd) jem. bebtcncn (according to Winer, to
labour through any one; so that the ? is instru-
(l) ad, apud, at, by, near, on. pj?^ "at a foun-
tain," i Sa. 29:1; ">3? in3.3 "by the river Chebar,"
mental, see C, 2). Specially, ? in this sense (a)
Eze. 10:15 (Gr. j/7roraynw,by a river). E?P&'3 at or when joined to verbs of seeing, gives the sense of
on the sky, am $tmmel/ Pro. 30:19. JT3X3 HND a looking upon, commonly with the added notion of
hundred by the cubit, i. e. a hundred cubits, see HBK. pleasure, withwhich one remains looking (see 3 ntn,
njn, B'SH); sometimes also of grief (Gen. 2l:l6),
(Comp. Lat. in verubus, Virg. Georg. ii. 396 ; French,
avoir les souliers dans les pieds.) Here also are the pity (29 32), envy ( l Sa. l 1 1 ). So also after verb?
: :

phrases to be referred, DV3 DV Sag an Sag/ day by day,

of hearing (see W&}, of smelling (D*"in). (J) in
oaths, it is prefixed to the person or thing by which,
daily (as if, so that day touches day) ^"jro BHTl in ;

i.e. turned to which, one swears, Gen. 21 :23; 22 16;

H3B/3 niB yearly, Lev.
5 :

every month, l Ch. 27 : i ;

so in curses, l Sa. 17 '43 (comp. Arab, ajj'j by God).

9) before, in the presence of. Genesis 23:18; (c) It is used when single species are referred to

their genus, Gen. 7:21, "all animals ~D|?-1 lH'3 (10) It implies having respect to any thing, having
fiJr?n^ J^rni -which belonged to the birds, and regard of any thing: (a) in respect to, iKi.5:22.
to the cattle," etc. Gen. 8:17; 9:2, 10; Hos.4:3- (b) on account of, Gen.i8:28, nB>t?r]3 "on account
Germ, an an S&geln/ etc.
of thosefive;" :i 2; 2Ki. 14:6; Jon. i =14; n3
wherefore? "l^K? in that, on account of (that) which
(5) of motion down to, upon; in, upon, over,
*vper, with accus. (comp.
No. 3). l Ki. 2 44, " God : ~O"?3, }??3 for any thing or cause, on account of.
turned thy malice ^JE^lS upon thy own head." Lev. on account Koran 81:9; because
(Arab. t__? of, t*.>

20:9, ^
VOT "his blood (come) upon him." So after
the verbs TTJ> ^9, to tread, to reign over; 3 nB3 to that.) (c) about, concerning, after verbs of re-

trust upon. joicing (nob, ^3, fHft hearing (VOIP Job 26:14),
(6) of motion, against, in for contra, adversus, gegen knowing 38 24), especially speaking, as 3 "la.^.
(Jer. :

3 IT his hand to speak concerning any one, especially (such is the

(encaS) an. Gen. 16: 12, te fe *q
3 H3JJ
against every man, and the hand of every man QiXai'Qponria of mortals), to one's disadvantage;
tobear witness concerning any one, especially against
against him." 2 Sam. 24:17. So after verbs of
(? KDn), being angry him, to his harm and injury.
fighting (? ED??), sinning
("QJiDri, nSnDeu. 3:26; comp. Ps. 78:31; Lev. 17: (C) The third class which may be rendered in
10), acting perfidiously (see "W^TTD, rno, 3^, y??a), nut, Eng. with, which may be called Beth of
etc. There follow various metaphorical uses, as acco mp animent and instrument (the appellation of
the Rabbins being too circumscribed) equally with
(7) near, nigh (pr. nebcnsan), according to, i q.
the second, springs from the notion of nearness;
3. Gen. l :
26, n-lO*]3 O^V? "in our image, ac-
Gen. i 27. and it comprehends the following significations:
cording to our likeness." Comp. Gen.

(1) with (a) of accompaniment; Num. 20:20,


5:1,3," and Adam begat a son to ?*? in-IKHS." Gen.

21:12, after Isaac (P^V!?) shall thy seed be call- n?3 Dy? "with much people;" Isa. 8:l6, H^S.
" with
ed." "TT13 according to the way or manner, Amos my worshippers [disciples]," i.e. having them
+: 1O; Isa. 10:24, 26. D*V?^) J"iyya by or according present; lKi.lo:2; Jer. 41:15; 11:19, to[6? YV
" a tree with its fruit." Often used of what we carry
to the counsels of the ungodly, Ps. i i ~~I3"73 ac- : .

in our hands; Gen. 32: 11, " with

cording to the command of. Hence
(and there was no my
staff (vpO3)
need for Winer to have called in question this sig- I passed over this Jordan;" Ex. 8:1, 13; Isa. 7:24.
nification, Exeg. Stud, page 43)
Hence N?3 }"X3, v33 without. Specially
? (a) when
as, like as, in the manner of, i.q. 3 Job 34.:
(8) placed after verbs of going, it gives them the power
of carrying, as ? K13 to come with any thing, to
given in the man-
"because of answers ]JX 'K'JXIl i. e.
ner of the wicked" (LXX. tiinrtp ol adorer. Two bring it; ? Dili? to go to meet with any thing, i.e. to
MSS. 3). Job 37:10 (some MSS. 3) 133.44:4, take it. See "H), "ti?3, and de Sacy, Gram. Arabe, i.
" with
TVn 133 "as in the grass" (LXX.' i c MSS. and . 355. (ft) It is even said many (D'2H3) they
Editt. 3). Isa. 48:10 (Jerome,
" come against me" (Ps. 55: 19), and "ye are left Avith
quasi argentum").
Psa. 37:20 39:7 102:4 ;
Zoc. 10:5 (MSS. and
; ;
very few" (Deu. 28:62), i.e. a few of you are left;
these are manifest instances also there is said, Nu. 13
J, e.g. e ^J

Targ. 3); Hos. 10:15. (So the Arab.


33,"they carried it(the cluster)on a stafF(D?3p'3)witb

U*J _J\ jj to walk in the manner of the common peo-
two" (ju jiDfi)/ fclbfl jirct)tf )/ where two only carried it.
Schult. Opp. Min. page 71.)
(Vulg. duo viri.y(b)ofaid; Ps.l8:3O, in| p ^
(9) for, at, used of price, reward, exchange (a "with thee I will nin through a troop;" Ps. 60:14;
signification which springs from its local sense; comp. 1

N? "
thou wilt not
Isa.26:l3; Ps.44:lO,-i:ni?V? X>!D
Lat. loco, and pro for ante; Germ, anftatt and fur/ in the When
go out to battle with our armies." (c) pre-
more ancient language for cor/and vice versa). Gen. 29: fixed to substantives signifying attributes, especially
" I will serve thee seven
18, years for Rachel, virtues and vices, it serves to form periphrastic ad-
verses 20, 27; Isa. 7:23, "a thousand vines HP " with
verbs, as ptsn? haste," hastily, Ex. 12:11;
at a thousand pieces of silver," Ecc. 4:9; Lam.i :il ; D*DH3 "with uprightness," uprightly; i"l3}3.ri3
Sa. 24:24; Tics. !2:12; Cant. 8:7, 11. Deu.i9:2i,
"}K'X2 "wit h my happiness," i. e. happily, Gen.
7J73 V.V. K W3 PB3
" life for
life, eye for eye" (comp. Psal. " the voice of Jehovah is with
30.13; 29:4,
Koran 5: 49). Hence Dnppj? "with peril of their i.e. endued with strength.
lives," 2 Sa.23: 17; comp. Josh. 23:11 ; V!? pr. for suffi- used of the instrument, where in Latin
It is
ciency, for necessity. (So onen < > is Arabic ) the ablative is used, as 3"in3 with the sword, Josh

io:ll; with the feet, Eze. 34:18; to cry Winer, who has followed him in Heb. Lex. p. 109:
writh the throat (P??), Isa. 58 : i ; used of an agent, although it is certain, that not a few examples which
one standing between (Lat. per), as !"IB'D3 by Moses, have been referred to this idiom, do not belonar to it,

HfO T3 by the Land of Moses (Arab. ^-Jb); also and ought to be otherwise explained. So in Hos. 13:9,
used of the effic i e n t c a u s e, e.g. to faint with hunger TO3 n >3
Vulg. indeed renders,
b$ty ir>nK>, the

Lam. 2 :1Q; to be consumed with fire (^?),

tantammodo in me auxilium tuum ;
perditio tua, Israel ;
H but by comparison with Hos. 7: 13, it should be ren-
Lev. 8:32; to be commanded by Jehovah (nin 3),
" this hath
Nu. 36:2; ^?33, nirr? K33nn to prophecy by God, dered, destroyed thee, Israel, that thou
(wast, or hast rebelled) against me thy helper." In
by Baal, i.e. God 01 Baal being the inspirer; also "
after a passive, Nu. 36 2 Isa. 45 1 7. :
1 Ki.i3:34, render and for that cause (Hjn "Q^S.)
the house of Jeroboam fell into sin." There are three
(3) with, for although, as the Germ, bet) alle bem,
instances found in the later Hebrew, in which 3
Lat. in summa bononim civium copia. JINI'TOS with all
not hindering, nevertheless;
seems clearly to be prefixed to a subject Ezr. 3 3, :

this, i.e. for all this, this ;

nJD>X3 <3 DiV

(unless two constructions
Isa.g:ii,i6,20; 10:4; 47:9; Job 1:22. Nu. 14:11,
and 6n np'K3 have coalesced) iCh. 9:33,
ninxrr'pD? "notwithstanding all the ;

which I wrought;" comp. the Arab. Lfj although, n3S?!p3 DHvy nl?;?! (where however it may be ren-
signs " it was incumbent on them to be in the
Koran 9 125. Kindred is the phrase OXT3 with this,
i.e. on this condition, Gen. 34:22; l Sa. 11 :2.
work"); iCh. 7:23, irT33 HJVn njm '3 "because
there was calamity in his house." Perhaps this was
(D) Tt Avill be well to treat separately that peculiar a solecism of the later age of the language.
idiom in Arabic and Hebrew, of which the origin is
Followed by an inf. 3 forms a periphrasis for the
uncertain, of the Beth essentice or pleonastic ( iob j! b ). 1

gerund, as pn^3 in n'dendo, Pro. 14: 13, and is com-

Tn Arabic it is
commonly put before the predicate,
monly expressed by conjunctions, namely (a) w h He,
especially when this is expressed by a participle or when (in that, comp. A, l used of time), Num. 35:
whether negative, interrogative, or positive
19. iy??3 "when he lighteth upon him." Pro. 30 32
adjective, ;
it is more rarely prefixed to a substantive (Ham. ap. Cant. 5:6; Est. 2:8. (b) when, after that (comp.
Schult. on Pro. 3:26), never to the subject. Its use
A, 3 of completed time), followed by a pluperf. where
istherefore much the same as the use of an accusative
the infinitive has the power of a preterite Gen. 33 ;

put after the verb substantive, and it

may be said
18, D~}$ Hap 1X33 "when he had come out of Meso-
promiscuously JjUj <id]\ U and UjU <d!\ U God
potamia;" 2:4; Ex. 3:12; Isa.2O:i; Job.42:io. (c]
is not remiss ;"may be explained, God
the former because (comp. B, 9), &?$? "because they had
(does not act) as if remiss (compare French en en forsaken ;" 2 Ch. 2 8 6. :
(d) if,though, even i/ (comp.
honnete hoimne), the latter may be explained, God
C, 3), Ps. 46 :
3, n 'Wpna th ough the earth be re-
(does) not (act) the remiss one. moved;" Isa. l :
Similarly are by far the greater number of in-
Note. old opinion of Grammarians is suffi-
stances in the Old Test, to be explained; and this
use of the particle 3 nearly approaches to its use in
ciently probable, that ?
is shortened from ^, in n%
the house, in (like ^ from 7^, P from IP), for (l)
comparing (B, 8) Ex. 6:3, "I appeared to Abra-
; p

ham ?N? as God Almighty;" Isa, 40:10, H3n

'IB* itself (Syr. u^>) not only a house, but it also has

pin? K13J tfig "behold the Lord shall come as a sometimes in the Targums, the sense of the particle th,
" as Cant. 1:9; 2:15. (2) EA^en now in the East the
mi.hty one;" Ex. 32:22, thou knowest the people
Ml J/}3 *3 that they are evil" (Vulg. promts ad word u^^.J is often in geographical names abbreviated
Mo&m); Ecc. 7:14, 3103 iTH H31t3 DV3 "in a joyful

day he joyful;" Pro. 3: 26, l5?M? iTfV nin? "Jehovah

i, I.., t j,as iUp
for ,U;
-S *S
^-~J (see my note
shall he
thy hope;" Ps. 68:5',
Jah" (Jon. [Targ. of R.
'^3 "his name is
Joseph] PTO^ a. Also LXX.,
W in Burckhardt's Travels in Syria, i.

ample of such a contraction is

49 1

found in the Old

(3) An ex-

Syr., Vulg. omit 3, compare Isa. 47:4; 48:2).

Isa. Test, itself in niJTfS?3 for nwy JV3 house of Astarte,

26:4. nir,>
n;3 3 "for Jah
(i.e. eternal, unchange- comp. Bebeten in Euseh. and Jerome, for Beth Beten.
able) is Of some particular examples
Jehovah." (4) A similar analogy is found in Persic, in which
others may judge otherwise but it is vain to reject the

promiscuous use is made of the separate forms <o

idiom altogether from the Hebrew
language, as has been
endeavoured by Ewald (Heb. Gram. with, and the inseparable c_j. -41s^ Arab.
p. 607), and by in, 'j ,J
62 The etymology above stated is given
prob. for ^ and other words contracted not less vio- 25:11.

sacred writer himself, Gen. 16:14 [which is of

and *|, whence D3H C3H by
lently, as {/(see TB13), tOjl, |,
course of absolute authority] by rejecting the voweli ;

Chaldee DJ'?f
, Arab. i& Some rather regard it as one might have conjectured the name of the well to
trace of
have been ^.Tv "^S "the well of the conspicuou*
derived tiom J'3, but there is not any other
jaw-bone," i. e. rock (Jud. 15:19), or region (com p.
this word being contracted, neither is the signification s - -
sufficiently suitable. Further as to the origin of the &*a ,U a jaw-bone, a region).
prefixed particles, see my Heb. Gramm. gth edit. 87.
As to the 3 initial sprung from J3 (son), see under X?
("the well of the oath,' according to

">2"|3,which is itself rendered by the Syriac translator Gen.2l:3l 26:33; but see below[?]),.(\Beer-sfceia],

;_O> ;_s (son of piercing through, piercer through). pr. n. of an ancient town situated on the southern bor-
der of Palestine (2 Sa. 24:7), whence the limits of the
3 Heb. as, " i n heaven," " i n a dream," Dan.
Ch. i. q.
" to drink in " to Holy Land are described, V3t? -IX3-1J> JTO, Jud. 20 :l ;

28; vessels," Dan. 5:2;

give the limits of the kingdom of Judah are said to be y?3P
into the hand," by the aid of hands," 2 34, etc.
ISSny, 2 Ki. 23:8. At present Seetzen states
HN3 fem. entrance, Eze. 8:5, from the root S13 that there are found there five or seven wells called

to enter. Szabea, with a valley of the same name (see Zach,

Correspondenz, xvii. 141). [Robinson, i.
adj. Ch. bad, wicked, Ezr. 4:12. Root P$?.
^N5("T well,"" foil ntain"),[eera],
^3 not used in Kal. Arab. .\j
"* '
TO DIG, specially
l Ch.7:37-

a well, a pit. Kindred roots are "W3, 113, Arab. .U X? (id.), [Beerah~\, pr.n. m., 1 Ch.5:6.
to dig (rather more remote, ^3, ^"13), Lat. forare, N?
("wells"), [EeerotJi], pr.n. of a town
Germ. bot)ren [Engl. to bore]. Comp. 1X3, 1X3, 113. of the Gibeonites (Josh. 9:1 7), afterwards of the Ben-
PIEL. (i) to engrave letters on a stone. Followed jamites (Josh. 18:25; 2 Sa. 4: 2), still in being and
by ^y Deut. 27:8: Hab. 2:2. inhabited after the exile (Ezr. 2:25; Neh. 7:29).
(2) toexplain, todeclare, dig out the sense, The Gentile noun is TnS3 2 Sam. 4:2; 23:37, and
and to set it forth when dug out, Deut. 1:5. The contr. *rh3 i Ch. il :39- Comp. below ^"13. [Now
derivatives follow immediately, except 113, n3, nni-Q prob. called el-Bireh, a--]^ Rob. ii.
or 'rvns.
'33 rVHN3 ("wells of the sons of Jaa-
1N3 pi.
n'r3 const. nh3 (Gen. 14: 10), f.
kan"), pr.n. of a station of the Israelites in the desert,
s'i K 9 z
Deut.iO:6; in the parallel place, Num. 33 131, ellipt.
(l) a well (Arab. ^jjSyr. JH^>j )i^>id.),Gen. 24:
1 1, 20; 26:19, 20, 21, etc. often more fully DV? 1K3,
; " to a fountain"),
Gen. 21
(as if, belonging
19; D".G D?9 ">S3, 26: 19. It is distinguished

from a fountain (|*S) on the surface of the ground or [Beeri], pr.n. m. (l) the father of Hosea, Hos.
1:1. (a) Gen. 26:34.
flowing from a rock; a well (~*?3) may however be
also called a fountain (rJ?),seeGen.i6:7,comp.ver.l4; (by a Syriacism for *^?), i.
q. "113, which
34 11,13, l *>. Used of wells of bitumen, Gen. 14: 1O. form more used, a cistern, 3 Sam. 23: 15, 16, 20,

in 3'ro, where the np, and 1 Ch. 11 17, 18, 22, nte,
(*)apit, Ps. 55:24; 69:16.

(3) [/Jeer], pr. n. (a) of a station of the Israel- compare Gesch. der Hebr. Sprache, p. 40, Note 46.
ites on the borders of Moab; Num. 21 : 16 18, prob.
PI. nbN'3 Jer. 2:13.

the same place which in Isa. 15: 8, is more fully called fut. t?X3? - (l) TO HAVE A BAD SMELL,
D^XTX? [^eer-e/im], "the well of heroes." (b) TO STINK, Ex. 7:18,21; 8:10; 16:20. Comp. BV?.
n town of Palestine, Jud. 9:21 [see Rob. ii. 132].
(a) i. q. Ch. to be evil, to be of an evit nature,
D*7 "1X5 see i3 No. 3,0. see Bte3 D'?^3, flB^S, and HIPHIL No. 3; Arab.


*n? "lK5(wellofthelifcofvision,"i.e. to be bold, daring (prop, evil), German b&fi.

where after the vision of God, my life is nevertheless Amongst the Orientals, the signification of smelling
preserved, conip. Jud. 6: 33, seq.), pr. n. of a well in to a bad disposition, just as on
badly, is often applied
the southern I -orders of Palestine; Gen. 16:14; 24: the contrary, a good smell is applied to goodness and
CI ta-
CK'3 to smell well, and JULO>, Ch. Nfl23, N23. I formerly followed anothei
pleasantness; comp.
etymology which may also be defended. For H3^
to be pleasant, 3113 to be good, and c-jlk to smell

well, etc. may be for nX2N3 i. q. a little

boy, Syr.
NIPHAL, to become foetid, and metaph. to become
(from the onomatop. 'j'j irainrafciv), and this may be
3 and n&? (JjlH)
hateful, odious, construed with
applied to the pupil, in the same manner as pK*K,
of pers., l Sa. 13:4; 2 Sa. 10:6; 16:21, comp. etre
en bonne, en mauvaise odeur.
which see.

HIPHIL (i)toma kef id, Ecc. i o i and metaph.

oe t :
, '55 pr.n. m. \_Bebai], Ezr. a:ii; 8:11; Neh.
make 3
to hateful, odious; with of pers., Gen. 34 30. :

7: 16. (In Pehlev. bob signifies father.)

More Ex. 5: 21, -13nn;nx' DntpN2n
fully, ye have
'23 "confusion," for ?3?3 from the root
made our savour to be abhorred," i.e. have made (i.e.
I I > 9
us to be hated. ??3, Gen. 11:9; compare Syr. Jj^.^ confusion of
(2) intrans. to stink (pr. however,
to produce, to
speech, stammering, and as to the casting away of
excite stench, eftanJ erregen). Exod. 16:24; Psal. the second letter, see HBOiD for "'?9?9> Lehrgeb. 134,
38:6, metaph. to be hateful; with 3, i Sa. 27: 12. 869 others [who
; reject the Scripture account as to the
-71 f
act wickedly, like the Syr. Pro. origin of the name, and follow their own fancies]
to t_*irs).
make hall of Belus), pr. n.
righteous man hates false words, W^ll V&~$
"a it i. t__;b gate, i. e.
13:5, q. J.-

VQITJI the wicked man acts wickedly and causes [_Babef], Babylon, a very ancient and celebrated
.shame" (by his falsehoods). city of Asia, the metropolis of Babylonia, Gen. 1O:1O;
q. NIPHAL, constr. with DJ7, i Ch. 19:6. 2 Ki. 17:24; 20:12, seq. Mic. 4:10, etc., situated

Derivatives follow, except BMK3. in Lat. 32, 32',on both banks of the Euphrates; its
ruins still exist in the neighbourhood of the city of
fc?K5 Ch. to be evil, followed by /9_ to displease,
Dan. 6 -15. Hella (aLs.-), an d they have been of late accurately
[Derivative BMK3.]
and learnedly described. See Herod, i. 178, 183.
(beosh} m. stench, Am. 4:10; with suffix
Strabo, xvi. l, 6. Ker Porter, Travels, ii. p. 283, seq.
3, DBtel, Joel a: 20; Isa. 34:3.
Heeren, Hist. Werke, xi. 158, seq. Germ. Encycl. v.
f. a bad, useless plant, Unfraut, Job Babylon. The name of the city was applied to the
31:40. province of Babylonia, Ps. 87:4; 137:1; Isa. 14:4,
whence there is often mentioned ^22 ^?D " the king
only in pi. Isa. 5:2, 4, bad grapes, sour of a name also given to the kings of
unripe, labruscce, as rightly rendered by Jerome, Neh.
Persia, as to Cyrus, Ezr. 5: 13; to Artaxerxes,
Jarchi, lambntsques. Kimchi, D^K33 D^23JJ, Saad. "t-IB'K.
13:6; compare
D^H D^J?. Aqu. aairpiai. Symm. areXfj. The same
use of the found in Mishnah Maaseroth i. fl,
word is v55 Ch. pl.emphat. K$ttBabylonian,EzT.4:y.
where for D'B>3K, we should read D*B>K3, as may be 33 a Persic word denoting food (t\j, written in
seen from the MSS. Gloss of Tanchum of Jerusalem.
Arab, b ; comp. ^dyttv, and Phryg. fitKoe, bread,
I have treated on this more at
large in Comment, on
Isa. i. p. 230; ii. p. 364, and I have shewn that the Herod, ii.
2), found in the compound word 23^9

opinioncommonly received among moderns, by which (which see) and also Eze. 25 7, a'D3,
" I will
32? Tr>h? : DW
they understand the aconite, rests on a mere error of give thee as fo o d for the nations." The textual
01. Celsius (Hierobot. ii.
p. 199). reading however appears to be not more genuine than
the reading in Eze. 47: 13, where na is written for HJ
"IHNS Ch. after; see under the word
(this); and from the comparison of similar phrases,

Jer.l5:l3; 17:3, especially Eze. 26:5; 34:28, 1 have

? f. (with Kametz impure), pr. cavity, aper-
no doubt but that with the ancient versions we should
ture (from the root 223, for rOl^ n 2N33), hence a
s - read T2^ for a spoil." [So the 'p.]
gate, like the Arab. c_?lj. This word is used in
once 1|2* (Mal.2:lo), properly
fut. 133'.;
Hebrew in one phrase !!JJ J"D3 "the
gate of the eye," to cover (whence 133 covering, garment); hence
i. e. the pupil, which is
really the entrance or gate of ACT COVEKTLY, FRAUDULENTLY, PERFI-
(l) TO
the inner eye; Zee. 2: 12. T:> this accords DIOUSLY.
j (For verbs of covering, hiding are often

pr. n. of an eunuch in the court A

applied to 1'raud aud perfidy ; compare ,^J to cover, *?3.3j, [Bigtha\,
Sam. M*a2, con- Xerxes, Est. l 10. [" For fie etymology,
fc> clothe, to dissimulate, to defraud,

strued with 3 Ex. 21:8; J?3PT _.j to cover, to hide (id.), [Bigthan], id., Est. 2: 21, and K3HJ3
oneself, whence V3P, also to defraud;
compare ?#P, [B igtha n a] ,
Est. 6:2. [" Compare Pers. and Sanscr.
Bagaddna, gift of fortune,' Bohlen."]
73^ and J^-J, J^-). It is
put absol. l Sa. 14:33;
Job 6: 15; more often followed by 3 of pers. (conip. I. 13
m.,prop. separation, something separated,
3B, 6), "to forsake (some one) perfidiously," Jud. from the root 113 No. I. Hence
9:23; Lam. 1:2; namely, a friend, Lam.loc. cit.; a (1) apart, Ex. 30:34; 133 13 part like to part
consort, Ex. 21:8; God, llos. 5:7; 6:7; rarely fol- i.e. in equal portions. In pi. D^S specially parts of
lowed by IP Jer. 3 : 20 ; and an ace. Ps. 73: 15, H3H the body, i.e. members, Job 18:13; 41:4; of a tree.
" behold
W] J 3 T?.3 in I should d e a 1 fa 1 s e 1 y with the i.e.branches (comp. Greek voiXa), Eze. 17:6; 19:14;

generation of thy children;" part. 1313; pi.

DHj3 hence, staves for bearing, Ex. 25: 13, seq. Nu.4:6. ;

"those who perfidiously depart (from God)," i.e. seq. Metaph. the staves of a city, used of the princes
the wicked (LXX. iropuvo^ot); Pro. 2:22; 11:3,6; Hos. ll:6. In sing, with pref. ~l?p (a) adv. sepa-
" six cur-
13:2,15; Ps. 25:3; 59:6; Jer.g:!. rately, apart, French apart; Ex. 26:9,
(2) to oppress, to afflict, to spoil, tains separately ("1 3? ),andsix curtains separately
i.q. ^]3, pefy,
construed with 3; Isa.21:2, "nte> TTIB'ni. n3i3 nai3n (13?);" Ex. 36:6. Often in this signification there is
"the spoiler spoils, and the waster wastes;" Isa. added a pronominal suffix Gen. 2 1 28, " Abraham ;

84:16, HJ3 DHJ3 1331 HJ3 DH3 3 "the : spoilers set seven ewe lambs (1^3?) by themselves;" Gen.

spoil, and the spoilers spoil a spoiling," Isa. 33:1. 30 40:

; 32:17; 43 32, : etc. More frequently also
Used of impudence, Hab. 2 5. :
(b) 13^> with suff. is, i.q. alone; Gen.2:l8, 3VJ-&6
Hence the following words n3p D'lNn flVn " man should bn
it is not good that

U2 in pause 133; with suff. H33, H33 (as if from alone," prop, in his separation; ^3? ^iK I alone,
133 [" the n without only,Nu.n:i4; TO^ nRX Ex.i8:i4; ^i? 3pK Gen.
dag. lene contrary to the rule,
Lehrg. p. 94"]) pi. DH33, H33 onceTJ?'"?? p s- 45 9,
32:25; D^
D'3n 3n Gen. 47: 26; also after
: oblique
against thec o n y," Ps. 5 1 6
; :
cases, as a dat. 113? ^J? 1 : ;

ra. (once fern., Lev. 6: 20).

genitive, Ps.7i:i6, ^13^ 1DPT"]X prop, "the right-
(1) a covering, cloth, with which anything is "
eousness of thee, of thee only," i. e. thy righteousness.
wrapped up, Nu4:6 13; used of the coverings of thine only." (c) adv. of restraining, only, found in
abed, l Sa. 19:13; i Ki. 1:1. the later Hebrew, Ecc.7:22; Isa. 26:13. (d) fol-
(2) a garment [" usually the outer garment of the lowed by IP it becomes a prep, apart from, besides;
Oriental"], Gen.39: 12, 13, 15; 41:42; especially a
Ex.l2:37, "besides children;" Nu.29:39; Josh.
precious one, l Ki. 22:10 2 Ch. 18:9; LXX. ipa
17:5; followed by ?J! Ezr. l :6. Of the same power is

13^P Gen. 26: l Nu. 17 14; with suff. m^p besides


(3) perfidy, Jer. 12:1.

him, Deu.4:35; ~>^ 13^P besides (that) which, Nu.
(4) rapine, a spoiling, Isa. 24: 16. 6:21.
nn^3 pi. fe m .
reacheries, Zeph. 3 4, of the form
t : (2) Specially a thread, collect, thread, yarn,
K; Lehrg. 120, 4. Germ. 3nrirn/ avn (compare 1'IBX), especially of linen,

S hence, fine white linen, Ex. 28:42; 39:28; Lev.

(with Kametz impure, Lehrg. 120,3)
"l133 6:3. PI. 0^.3 linen garments, Eze. 9:2, seq.; Dan.
adj. perfidious, treacherous, Jer. 3:7, 10. s

*W? \_Bigvai], pr.n. of a man, a leader who re- 10:5. (Arab.jj byssus.)
turned from the exile with Zerubbabel, Ezr.2:2, 14; II. "1? PI. D^3 (from the root 113 No. II). v i)
8: 14; Neh.y: 19, perhaps husbandman,
gardener, Ch. trifles, falsehoods, great words, Job. 11:3; Isa.

K3? husbandman, 16:6; Jer. 48:30.

LLp garden, which has also passed
(2) i.q. D'13 T?$ liars, used of the soothsayers
into the Persic, cb bagh, a garden [" or i.
q. Pers. and false prophets. Isa. 44:25; Jer. 50:36.
Ikeyaloc, Herod, iii. 128 ;
according to Bohlen, Sanscr.
bagt, bagasan, happy." Ges. add.] (l)prop. TO FOKM, TO FASHION, Used of
a potter ; Zabian dialed
this sense is preserved in the
(perhaps "garden," "gardener;" see
l Ki. 12:33; (well given
(9) to devise, to feign,
to distinguish diverse things, ievit. 1O:9, 1O; "y
by the LXX.
inXaaaro). Neb. 6:8; in each place shall not drink
wine nor strong drink that ye n\a.y . . .

followed by fafe. Part, with suff. 0503 by a Syria- distinguish the clean and unclean ;" 1 1 47 20:25. :

In both these significations (No. 1, z) there follows

cisni for Arab. \jj to begin, IV.
2^13 Neh. loc. cit.
p?1 ... pa Gen. l 4, 7 Ex. 26:33; N^
; P3 Isa.
to produce something new, to do and devise first; 59 =
;?...ra Gen. 1:6.
comp. c. jj I. IV. to feign, to form.
(3) to separate from the rest, to select out of

I. 1*12 - (l) prop. TO -DISJOIN, TO DIVIDE,

TO them, in a good sense; followed by IP Num. 8: 14;
16:9; Lev. 20:^4, 26; also followed by / of that to
SEPARATE, as the Arab. ju. The notion of cutting which any thing is destined, l Ki. 8:53; also with-
or tearing apart, and hence of dividing, lies both in out IP Deu. 4:41; 10:8; l Ch. 25:1; absol. Deu.
the monosyllabic stock "I?, and in the harder kindred 19:7; Eze. 39:H.
stocks ra, 13, ns, modified variously, comp. ?13, P13 ; (4) toseparate, to shut out, as a mixed multitude
nna, ^na, -ina, pna ina, rns nna, nna, nn^yns,
; ;
from a people; followed by IP Neh. 13:3; ^i'P Isa.
"tns. (Cognate to these is the syllable n, fa, f Q, as 56:3. With the addition of n V?f Deu. 29:20; as ia
to which see often the case in medial phrases e. those which
TT3, Jf*3). [i. may
(2) to separate oneself, to be solitary. Part. be taken in either a good or a bad sense].
TTI2 solitary, alone, Ps. 102:8; Hos. 8:9; Isa. NIPHAL (i)pass.ofHiph.No.3, to be separated,
14:31. to separate oneself; followed by IP Ezr. 6: 21 ; 9:1;
Derivatives are 1? No. I. and "H?- [also pr. n. T!?]. lo:ll; also be selected,Ezr. 10:16; followed by

? to or for any thing, l Ch. 23:13.

II. "T!3 i.
q. Np? (\vhich see), /3ar-oXoyf7i/, to
(2) pass, of Hiph. No. 4, to be secluded, shutout.
babble, to talk triflingly, whence "I? No. II.
(3) to depart from a place, followed by IP of the
T13 m. separation i. q. 13 No. L Hence in Ace.
place, Nu. 16:21; followed by 7 ["of pers.~|, to depart
adv. separately, Lev. 13:46; solitarily, alone to some one, l Ch. 12:8.
(commonly expressed in Latin by the adjective solus), Derivative nouns are ^H?,
5 :
!?P and
Isa. 27 10; "H3 n-V)3 Tj;
: the fortified city standeth
alone," i. e. is left forsaken. Deu. 32 :i 2, -ISH^ TT3 nirv. '1 3 m. part,piece, once followed by J1& "a piece
Jehovah alone did lead him." Also 1 "J ? ? s o h't a r 'ly, i
of an ear," Am. 3: 12.
for alone. i"
? l? some precious article of merchandize, men-
"H3 ("separation," "part"), [Bedad~], pr.n. tioned in Gen. 2 1 2, amongst gold and precious stones

m. Gen. 36:35. the Arabian manna is compared to this (Nu. 11 :7),

H3 see which latter consists of white grains and scales, and is

elsewhere compared to hoar frost (see Ex. 16: l4;Nu.
T :- (P r P- ^T "'^ "i n tne protection of
however, according to Burckhardt (Travels
loc. cit.);

.^ehovah"), [Bedeiah~\, pr.n. m. Ezr. 10:35. in Syria (599), p. 954 Germ, trans.), the colour is

}? m. (l)stott7i7,i.e. plumbum nigrum, alloy yellowish. [It is utterly futile to suppose the manna
tound in ore mixed with silver, which is separated of Scripture is any thing now to be found the ;
from it by means of fire. Germ. SB erf. Plin. N. H. was like r ?" ?, which was round like coriander seed,
1 1

xxxiv.16; Isa. 1:25, T.H?' ?? HTDK "I will


take and not like scales or grains.] Of the ancient inter-

away all
thy alloy," i. e. spurious and impure parts preters, Aqu., Symm., Theod., Vulg., Josephus (Ar-
of metal. chaeol. iii. 1, 6), understand fi$i\\toi', bdellium, which

Germ. Num. 31:22; is the gum of a tree growing in Arabia, India, and
(2) plumbum album, tin, $inn,
Eze. 22:18,20; 27:12. Babylonia. It is whitish, resinous and pellucid, nearly
the colour of frankincense when broken it appears;

'1^1 not used in Kal, kindred to the root ?na the colour of wax, with grains like frankincense, but
larger. Plin.N. H. xii. 9,s. 19. Its various names ac-
HIPHIL to disjoin, Lev. 1:17;
(i) to separate, cord with this, naC\t;ov,j3$o\xov( which however resw
as two places by a veil, fence, wall. Ex. 26:33; Eze.
upon conjecture, see Dios.i. 71 al. 8o),fidt\\a.,fl$l\\iof.
4 i: 2o Gen. l 6, things previously mixed together;
: on the other hand bdellium not such a precious is

'reiv. 1 14. natural production as to be mentioned between gold

(a) Figuratively applied to the mind, to separate, and precious stones, and that the land of Ilaviiah
should be celebrated for producing it. On this ac- three times joined paranomastically with the wore
count the opinion of the Jews is not to be rejected, inh, Gen.l : a ; Jer. 4:23; Isa. 34 1 1 [which arc all :

which has been learnedly supported by Bochart its

(Hieroz. ii. 674 683), that pearls are to be under-
an unused root, perhaps i.
q. Arab,
stood, of which a very large quantity are fished up
in the Persian gulf and in India, and with these it to lie [" i.
q. Aram.
BH3 Heb. ; Bn2, pr. to be white,
would not be unsuitable to compare the grains of shining. Redslob"]. Hence
manna. Bochart gives also the etymology, quadril.
I2n3 Est. i 6, a kind of marble of which pave-

n?na from the root ?13, as signifying an excellent, ments were made. LXX., Vulg. o-juapaySmjt;, smarag-
selected pearl. Compare Arab, jo _j a pearl, from
dites. Arab, according to the Kamus, page 176, is
i "* c^. 1

the root j>j i.

q. 7T.3. a species of stone and from the etymology, it may be

j"J3 [.Sedan], pr. n. (l) of an Israelitish judge gathered that a spurious marble is intended, so called
not mentioned in the book of Judges, if the reading because it falsely puts on the appearance of marble*
be correct, l Sa. 12:11, where probably we should with [" or else white marble"].
the LXX., Syriac (and Arabic) read P")? Jud. 4:9. T?VI3 f. Ch. haste, Ezr. 4:23. Root ^na.
Chald. renders it Samson, as if J"]? were i. q. IT"!.?
Danite, see "XT!?. (2) m. l Ch. 7:17. [In l Sa. 12: ^T^^adj.splendid,bright; of the sun, Job 37: 21.
11, in Thes., Ges. regards !"J3 as for !-PK, by rejection
of the prosthetic N, and interchange of X and "7. / or 'rTjnotusedinKal, pr. TO TREMBLE,
" TO BE IN TREPIDATION, comp. transp. fi/3, ^Eth.
However, J"13 is doubtless i. q. pay, Jud. 12 13, 15, :

the y being dropped as was often the case among the iy^4: t Put m
terror, *? and "I being interchanged.
Phoenicians in the word nay, JOS'&na for laye. g. NIPHAL. (l) to tremble. Used of bones, Ps. 6:3;
fOE'K ;
nnE'jna Bodostor, for nnt?K nay. See the au- hands, Eze. 7: 27; figuratively to the mind, Ps. 6:4.
thor's Monum. Phosnic. pp. 174, 175." Ges. add.] Hence
terrified, confounded, struck with fear,
to be

Ex. 15:15; l Sa. 28:21; 2 Sa. 4:1; Ps. 48:

whence P"J3.. (Comp. under "H3 No I.) 6 90 7 Eze. 26:18; followed by *3{pO, Gen. 45 3 ;

(a) denom.from pn| to repair breaches, to re- Job 23:15; Ecc. 8:3. It includes also the idea of
store the ruins of a building ; a Ch. 34:10; Syr. despondency, Job 4:5; Isa. 21:3.
(3) to flee in trepidation, Jud. 20:41, and gene-
and <_>_j^ id.
rally to hasten after, or to any thing, followed by ^.
with suff. ^I?."?? m. fissure, breach, in a the man of an evil
Prov. 28 22, :
rpn E>>K jir6 Sna?
building, 2 Ki. 12:6, seq. in a ship, Eze. 27:9, 27. hastens to riches," e.
eye (envious man) i.
seeks for riches. [" Ecc. 8 3, fa V3BO bnan be
"I|TJ3 [J5irfiar],(i.q.T5TI| "son of piercing :

through") piercer; i. e. J3 like J"P3 see p. xcix,

not hasty to go out of his sight, i. e. depart not arro-
gantly, perversely." Ges. add.]
being abbreviated into a prefixed 3 comp.D?K'3, ?np3j ;

D vyi, (and as to a similar contraction in

Arabic, see (4)peris h suddenly,Ps. 104: 29, "thou hideal

Tebrisi Schol. ad Ham. page 3, edit.

Freytag), pr. n.
thy face, I'l?!??* and they (thy creatures) suddenly
of a centurion of king Jehu, 2 Ki. 9:25. perish." Comp. n$>na. Part. f. subst. sudden >^^
destruction, comp. nyin3; Zeph. 1:18.
~\\3> Ch. PAEL T!3 TO SCATTER, Dan. 4: 1 1, i.
PIEL (l) to strike with terror, to terrify,Pa.
Heb. Tf3, TJ8. 2:5? 83:16; Dan. 11:44; Job'22:iq; hence, tc
cause to despond, Ezr. 4:4 np.
n nil an unused root, which properly appears to
(2) to hasten, Est. 2:9; and
have had the signification of purity, which in Arabic
(3) followed by a gerund, i. q. ~>np to hasten (as
partly applied to brightness and ornament (U> to tremble) to do any thing, Ecc. 5:1; 7:9.

to be bright, to be beautiful), to be hastened.

PUAL, Prov. 20:21 np, n^qj
partly to emptiness,
njnbD "a hastened possession," i.e. too anxiously
^ to be void and empty, as a house.
' 3*
Hence and hastily acquired. Hence ?r/3p swift, Est. 8: 14
}!~I3 m. (for ina, of a segolate form), emptiness, HIPHIL (i) i.q. PIEL No. i, Job 23: 16.
voidness, and concr. something void and empty. It is (a) i.
q. PIEL No. a, Est. 6: 14.
cv TO- rn"
to thrust any one from a pla a
" Causat. as being of this animal, and not the elephant, m
(3) [or
ofKal No. 3"], 2Ch. 26:20. thought by Drusius, Grotius, Schultens, J. D. Mi-
l 1

?'7|.] chaelis, on the place, Schoder in Hieroz. specially

i. in this I follow the judgment of Bocluu
p. 2, seq.
^H3Ch. not used in Peal.

(Hieroz. ii. p. 754, seq.), and Ludolf (Hist ^Ethiop.

ITHPEAL. Inf. rpnsfln subst. haste, speed; and
ll). But it is probable that the form filOn? really
with the pref. 3 adv. quickly, Dan. 2:25; 3:24;
conceals an Egyptian word, signifying the hippopo-
tamus, but so inflected as to appear Phoenicio-She-
PAEL, to terrify, Dan. 4:2, 16 ; 7:15. mitic (see "^N) ; n-<3<?(i-uUH>TT \_P-ehe-mout]
ITHPAEL pass. Dan. 5 9. :

Derivative ^H3.
denotes water-ox, by which name (bomarind) the
Italians also call the hippopotamus (see Jablonski:
v"7? f-
terror, fear, Lev. 26:16. PL Jer.l5:8. Opuscc. ed. te Water, i.
52). [" It is true that the
With the art. terror, Kar eifojp) '* sudden destruc- 1 word so compounded is not now found in the remains
tion, Isa. 65:23. of the Coptic language but the objection urged ;

(Lee's Heb. Lex. p. 74), that it is formed contrary to

an unused root, pr. to shut, specially the the laws of language, is not valid.
It is said indeed,

mouth; hencetobemute, dumb. Arab.^ shut, that ehe, ox, is of the gender, and that the word

X. to be mute, dumb. (This signification is found in for water is rnou, and not mout. But ehe is of the
very many roots which end in the
which ex- letter n, comm. gender, and is frequently used as masc., see
presses a sound uttered with the mouth shut, as DH Peyron, page 46 and ;
the t in mout can be an article

D?, D/l, DOT, .DV*, DBS'; comp. Lat. hem, Gr. postpositive, see Lepsius, Lettre u Rosellini, page 63."
Other roots which end with the same letter, denote Ges. add.]

murmuring, humming sounds, also uttered with the

mouth shut (furrfmen/ brummen), as DHJ, 0X3, niDH, Dm an unused root, prob. i. q. DH3 +&) Conj.IV.
to shut, to cover. [Hence the two following words ]
Arab, + j.)
^^^fc, fiplfjiw, fremo, [Hence]
m. the thumb, Ex. 29:20 (so called because'
constr. nona with suff. in???, WHS (as it shuts the hand); also, the great toe, according as
iffrom nDij3), pi. rrions, constr.
ntoqi fem.'a ea*<
from being unable to speak), used of large
it is followed
by "V or ?.?T Lev. 8 23, seq. ; 14 14, 17, : :

(so called
25, 28. PL constr. rfuina Jud. i :6, 7, from the un-
land quadrupeds (see however PI. No.
2); Arab.
used sng. Arab. and in the common
<*-. Opp. to birds and reptiles, Gen. 6:7,20; 7:2,

8, 23; 8:20; Ex. 9:25; Lev. 11:2; Pro. 30:30,

" the
B$ language ^ id.

lion is a
'""?D?3 "lia| mighty one amongst jrQ (" thumb"), \Bohan~], pr. n. of a son of
beasts." Specially signifying Eeuben, whose name was applied to )n3"JlK a place
(1) domestic animals, cattle, used collect, like on the borders of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin,
the Latin pecus J"ln pKH
[or Eng. cattle]. Opp. to Josh. 15:6; 18:17.
Gen. 1:24; rnfe>n rvn Gen. 2:20; 3:14; nnn Gen.
7: 14, 21 Lev. 25:7, beasts of the field, wild beasts.
; an unused root; Syr. Oicnji) to be white,
It embraces }K' and 1?3 Gen. 47 18 Lev.i 2. Else- :
specially with leprosy, Ch. Pi??S to
be bright,
where i^^-) Hence
bright. (Comp.
(a) it signifies only beasts of burden, as asses,
m. vitiligo alba, an eruption which in the
camels opp. to rupO Gen. 34 23 36 6 Nu.
; 32 26 ; :
: :

East not of rare occurrence, consisting of spots of

2Ki.3:i7. Compare Isa. 30:6; 46:1. HI "3
palish white (nm? nhna), like the leprosy, but
(3) poet, used also of beasts of the field and wild
beasts. So in pi. J"liDri3 Deu. harmless, and neither contagious nor hereditary.
Hab. 32:24; 2:17;
when followed
by HJSn Deu. 28:26; Isa. Arab. in Avic. Lev. 1 3 39.
: See more in Thes.
( j^j ;

l8:6;nTB>n,T^ i s a 17:44; Joel i :2o;UCMic.5:7.


p. 183.
1. mon3
(i) beasts, quadrupeds, see above.
(2) pi. majest. (and therefore followed by sing, m.), "iri^i an unused root. Arab, ^j to shine, to b(
a large, great beast,
by which name, Job 40: 15, the bright, figuratively to be conspicuous. ^Ethiop
Hippopotamus is I regard the be blight, (\Q);
designated. description transp. fKU: to shine, to light

luminary, (the primary idea lies in vibrating, pie to war; used cf a leader and commander, Num.
glancing, shining, compare ?0?). Hence 1'>13 and 27:17; l Sa. 18:16; 2 Ch. l:io; also without '??&
DV?) Josh. 14:11; i Ki. 3 7 ; comp. Deut. 31:2 (of :

nS rii~>n3 a spot in the skin, especially

Comp. HIPHIL. (e) 3 X13 to have inter-
pi. i Moses).
a white spot, which when it is lower than the rest of course with any one(ftd) dnlafjen mtt fcin.). Josh. 23:
the skin, and has white hairs, is the symptom of the n /^3 Xi3, and with ace. n/X, to enter
7, 12. Hence
Oriental leprosy (Lev. 13:2 4, 18 23, 24 28); an
into o?.th (see ^/?), fl'133 a covenant (see ft'!?),
but harmless, whether it be cicatrix, or it
if not, it is
11D? to be acquainted with a secret counsel, Gen. 49 :

arise from burning, or it be vitiligo, verso 38, 39. With ^,

6. [" Gc-nesis 15: 15,
X13, to go Vnbg-^X
Jahu (Archaeol. i. 215), incorrectly regards this unto one's fathers, i. q. to be gathered unto one's fathers,
word rp^? as being the special name of a certain to enter into Hades, see ^DX, Niph."]. (f) to enter
disease, theXtiixi) of Hippocrates; P'13 differs from
\ upon an office, i Ch. 27 : l.
Opp. to XSJ 2 Ki. 1 1 :Q.
this asbeing the special name of a disease consisting (g) to enter (into a chamber,Ps. 19: 6), spoken of
of whitish spots. the sun, i. q. to set. LXX. i/w, Gen. 15:12, 17; 28:
2 pret. K3 (once 3 Mitel for 3 i Sa. 25:8), 11, etc. Opp. to XJ. (h)to come in, to be brought
i, into the barn, used of annual produce, Lev. 25 :
imp. fc03, K3, bis nR3(Milel), lSa.2O:21; lKi.l3:7,
n3 (Milra), iKi. 14:12; fut. tfoj, K3M, 22; hence, to come in, to return, used of produce
inf.Ki3 once
andrevenues;; 2Ch. 9:13. Comp. HX-nfl.
once i3T'l, i Ki. 12: 12 lnp, with n parag. and suff.
sometimes irregularly finX3FI Deut. 33:16; ^OjKUJjl Opp. to X)tJ to go out, to be expended as money.
Job 22:21; '0X371, np, riN3r) i Sa. 25:34 (see ind. (2) to c owe, very frequently in the Old Test, op-
posed to ""J/ n. Followed by 7X of person or place,
Gen. 37:23; ?J> Ex. 18:23; 1J> 2 Sa. 16:5; i Sam <>

(i) to come in, to enter (JEth. (l^/V id. Arab.j \_>

9:12; Lsa. 49 1 8 also ace., hence Lani. i 4, 1JHD 'X3

" those who come to the feast."

to return. Kindred to this is a\j cooundi sensu. To Often used of ina-
nimate things, Job 37 9 38:11; especially of time,
this answers the Sansc. wd, to go, Gr. /3aw, whence ;

ftaivu, vado ; see signif. No. 3, which, although less

Jer. 7:32; hence D^X3n m future times, Isa. 27:6
(compare '1X). Specially (a)
3 X13 to come with
common, is perhaps primary). Opp. to Nyj Josh. 6:1;
2 Ki. 15: 17. The place which any one enters, as a anything, i. e. to
bring it, to offer it (see 3 C, l), l Ki.
13:1; Ps. 66: 13; Ecc.5:2, f^JJ 31? Di^qn X3 '3
house, city, country, ship, is construed with 3 ? Gen. " for a dream
19:8; Deut. 23:25, 26;%
Gen. 6:18; 7:1; 19:3;^ brings many things," videl. vain, tri-
fling. Ps. 71: 16, 'J1S nh3J3
X'UX "I will come
Estli.6:4; with n parag. Gen. 12:11, 14; and poet.
with the mighty acts < >f the Lord," i. e. I will narrate,
with an ace. Ps. 100:4; Lam. 1:10 (corap. ingredi
vrbem), whence Gen. 23: 10, 18, i~l'J7 'S3 " those "W or praise (parall. I'SJX); compare Pers. ..Ji.T to
who enter the gate of his city ;" Prov. 2:19. The per- bring and and Lat. ferunt.
to tell, (b) X'3p 1i? until
son to whom one enters is
preceded by 78 Gen. 6 20 ; :
thou comest, Jud. 3:3; and ellipt. X3^ Nu. 13:21 ;

7:13. Followed by? to enter into (one's body). 34:8, for usque ad, until, unto, as far as, in geo-
Eze. 2:2, n-n 3 the spirit entered into me"
N3FI1, graphical descriptions the same is ^X.3~*iy Gen. 19:22;

(comp. /uVoc avtipac ifftp-^trm, II. xvii. 157). 2 Ki. riDX.3, ^XS Gen. 10: 19, 30; 13: 1O. (c) followed
18:21. Specially s 13 to enter unto a
(a) H? reach, arrive at (a place), Ex.22:8; and me-
woman honeste dicitur de coitu, Gen. 6:4; 1 6 2 30 " to
taph. to reach any person, i.e. equal him," to be
: :

3 more rarely followed by ?2 Gen. 19:31.

; Arab. $ 'j
equal to him, 2 Sa. 23 ig followed by ?X 2 Sa. 23 23.
; :

(Arab, ^j to be equal, (d) like, prop, glcidjfommeu.)

and j

j id. (b) to enter into the ho use of a husband;

to come upon any one, to fall upon any one, espe-
said of a bride, Josh. 15:18; followed ?K Dan.n :6.
by of an enemy, Gen. 34: 27 l Sa.
N13 cially suddenly used ; ;

Comp.HiPHiL,No.l. (c) DJ? t3B^O3 to enter into

12:12; Job 15:21; of calamity, Job 20:22. In
judgmentwithsaiy one, i. e. to bring before a tribunal.
L* 3:14; Job22:4; Ps. 143:2. K to prose commonly followed by ?K Gen. l Sa. locc. citt. ;

(d) K13) and 7X Gen. 32 :g in poetry followed by an ace., and

go cut arul to come in, a phrase describing the gene-

? Job 3 25 Isa. 47 9.
; Rarely used of anything gcwl

ral course of life and action, i Sa 29:6; Deut. 28:

and desired, followed by 79 Josh. 23:15; ace. Job
6; Pi. 121:8. Different from this is "to
go out, ..*

nd come in before the people," i. e. to lead 22;9i; Ps.il9:4i,77. (Arab. with ace. to com*
thepeo- 'j\
CVI1 -
upon any one, to fall upon any one.) (e) i.q. to to cause to come to pass, to fulfil, words, counsel,
;ome to pass, to befulfi led,accomplished, of de- prophecy, Isa. 37:26; 46:11; Jer. 39:16 (compare
sire, Prov. 13: 12; especially of prophecies,
1 Sam. Kal 2, e).
to bring, to bring away, to carry unth oneself,
9:6; Deu. 13:2; 18:22; Jud. 13:12; ofasigngiven (3)
by a prophet, l Sa. 10:7. Opposed to ^?3, 3-1B>. (/) 2Ch.36:7; Dan. 1:2 (LXX. cWo^tpw); hence (a)
" who carries
niDK'3 N12 to come, i. e. to be recounted by names, nut simply to carry, i.q. X^i; Job 12:6,
9tamen auf* ober ancjefufyvtiwbcn/ lCh.4:38. _
his God in his hand" (see p. XLIX, A); Ps.74:5,
(3) It more rarely signifies to go, i. q. ^/n [" the rm-TnfJ -. nhy^ X>2O? " as one who carries up

place where being usually expressed"]; Gen. 37:30,

. .
axes," lifts up as a woodman.
(6) to brin$
XI 3X H3X " whither shall I
whither shall I go?" back (compare Arab. t to return, IV. to bring back).

" he found a nX3 which

turn? Jon. l :
3, ship
Deu. 33:7, " hear, O Jehovah, the voice of Judah
was going to Tarshish;" Isa. 7:24; 22:15; 24:62; 13X/3D i^"?X1 and bring him back to his people."

Nu. 32 6 Jud. 19:3; Isa. 7 24. Followed by a dat.

(c) to bring away anything, i.e. to procure, to
pleon. ^ l
Specially (a) metaph. to live,
Sa. 22:5.
get, to acquire; compare Arab. t \j followed by <__>
i. ifen, Ps.40:8; followed by nx and Dj;
^tJflri " that we may acquire a
with any one, i.e. to have intercourse, Ps. 26:4; Pro.
Ps. 90: 12, n!??n ^f ^2}}
wise heart."
22:24. K13 "to go to one's fathers,"
(6) lV?i3&p^K HOPHAL Klin (i) pass. Hiph. No. i. to be led in,
Gen. 15:15, i.q. Vni38^K S|DKH to be gathered to Gen. 43:18; Ps. to be Lev.
45:15; brought in,
one's fathers, to go to Hades (see ^IPX Niph. No. l ).
10:18; 2 Ki. 12:10, seq. ;
to be inserted, put in,
HIPHJL K?n 2 njon with sufF. -union p spers.
Ex. 27:7.
66 1 1:D'nsan. Eze. 23:22; more frequently N>nsO3n.,
(2) pass, of Hiph. No. 3, to be brought to any

^n's^D'nfc'dn.; I -.,np2n Lev. 23:10, and Dflfc^n one, Lev. 13:2,9; 14:2; to be brought to, Gen
l Sa.l6:i7; inf. "'??; u <x. ?n Ruth 3:15; gerund ,

33:11. Derived nouns are HX3, K13D and

*?$; twice K?J aCh.3i:io; Jer.39:7; fut. K3J,
K3J1, rejecting the X,
*3X i Ki. 21 :2g; causat. of conj.
^13 The words which are commonly referred to
Kal, in almost all of its significations.
this root, 3-U3 and H32, I refer to the root 333.
(1) to cause to come in, to lead in,to bring in, e.g.
to a house, Gen. 43: 17; a sh/p, Gen. 6: 19; a land, T1H fut. M3J TO CONTEMN, TO DESPISE, kindred
Ex. 6: 8; specially, to take a wife, Jud. 12:9 (see Kal to HT3. (Both of these are properly as it appears to
" to
1, b); t33^DQ N^H bring into judgment," Job me i.
trample with the feet, which is applied
q. D-13 to

14:3; 00.11:9 (flee Kal l,c); K'ani.Knpn "to lead to contempt, comp. Pro. 27: 7-) Const, followed by
(a people) out and bring them in," i.e. to and from an ace. Pro. 1:7? more often by ? 11:12; 13:13'
war; used of a king or other military leader, Nu. 27 :
14:21; 23:9. Cant. 8:1, 7; Pro. 6:30,331^ -IT-UJ $6
17; l Ch. 11:2 (see Kal l,d); "to cause (the sun) "they do not despise a thief," i. e. "they do not let
to enter," i.e. "to set," Amos 8:9 (seeKal i,g). him go unpunished," comp. 30:17. Zech. 4:10, T3
Used of inanimate things, to bring in produce to the in 3 pret. stands for T3 as if from TT3. Hence the }

barn, 2 Sam. 9:10; bring in, to carry in (LXX. to

following words
etfl^'pw), Gen. 27:10; Lev.4:5,i6, etc.; to put in, N3 m. (l) contempt, Job 12:5; 31:34.
to insert, as the hand into the bosom, Ex.4:6; car-
(2) [.Bwz], pr. n. (a) of the second son of Nahor
rying bars into rings, Ex. 25: 14; 26: 11. Gen. 22:21; also of a people and region of Arabia
(2) to bring to, prop, used of living things; fol-
Deserta, Jer. 25:23. The Gent, noun is ^3 Job
lowed by 7X, ? to any person, Gen. 2:19,22; 43:9; l Ch. 5:14.
32:2; (6)m.
44:32; to call for, to admit, Est-5:io, 12. It is "
contempt, hence he who
HT-13 f.
is, or they who
applied to inanimate things (a) to bring to, Gen.
are contemned," Neh. 3:36.
27 10: 30: 14; 31:39; 33: 11 ;2Ch.9: 10; Gen. 37:2,

bn3lp njn Drm-nx K3J1 er trug bem SSater bofe *]*& ("sprung from Buz," compare t-13 No. 2, a)
" he
ciud)te ubcc fie ju, brought to his father an evil pr.n. Euzi, the father of Ezekiel the prophet and
report concerning them." (b)to bring a present, 1 Sa. priest, Eze. l : 3.
9:7; 25:27; a sacrifice, Gen. 4:4. (c) followed by ^53 \Bavai\, pr.n. m. perhaps of Persic origin,
/S. bring upon anyone evii, or anything hurtful, as
the riood, Gen. 6:17; i.q.'33.
calamity, Jer. 4:6; 5:15. More
rawly Mowed by ? Jer. 15:8; and ty 32:42. (d) a root not used in Kal, which had tin
signification of turning, rolling, and hence of nification of polluting and profaning, compare Kara
. -* ifdTiiv i. 1Mac. 3 45, 51 Apoc. 1 1 2 :
q. fitflnXovv, :

disturbing, perplexing, comp. ^]3X, ^^_j\ and "H?? and DD"J.

to turn, to turn about, Arab, tjj" L> to be confused, HOPHAL, part. D2/ID trodden underfoot (used o(

a corpse), Isa. 14: 19.

disturbed, used of any affair, clj to involve oneself
HITHPALEL Dpison to be thrown out to be tram-
in evil.
pled on, Eze. 16:6, 22. Compare DSl^in.
NIPHAL ^33 Part. 0'?3} (Ex. 14:3), to be en-
pi. r *rived nouns are,
n P-13p, np-UJjl and pr. n. W3\
tangled, Est. 3:15; to wander in perplexity, Joel
l :l8; Ex. loc. cit. hence HD-13P.
; an unused root, which with the kindred
words and V33, has the sense of swelling
7^13 for from theroot ?3*
/-13.' (i)ratn, showers yj;J, HJJ3

(see the root No. l), hence the month of shoioers, up; this is afterwards variously applied to water
the eighth of the Jewish months, from the new moon gushing up, boiling up; to ulcers breaking forth,
of November, to that of December, l Ki. 6 38. :
and pustules rising in the skin. See

(2) produce, i. q. HX'QJjl Job. 40:20; with the T^'Q an unused Arab.
addition of ftf the stock of a tree, the trunk, as in
root, i.
q. ^U Med. Ye,
to be white (with an ace. to surpass in whiteness).
Chaldee. Isa. 44:19.
II. to make white. IX. and XI. to be of a white
D^H an tmused root, which appears to have had
whence .^Lo^ white,

the notion of heigh t, whence >"IO3 a high place, which

colour, bright. [" Cognate are

see. The other Phoenicio-Shemitic languages have Ch.r?^, TO ryfS'staiHium, tin, also Bna." Ges.add.]
To this answers the Pers. i'j . white, bright ;
not this root (see however Syr. ^vu,^ l Sa. 10:23,
Engl. roeif!; white; higher Germ, biejj. Hence
Pesh.), but its traces are manifest in the Indo-
an egg, and
Germanic stock of languages, as the Pers. +\j the top
m. bi/ssus, and cloth made of byssus, i.
3 ..

of any thing, roof, mound, and ftovvos,

/3w^/cic, altar,
of a bright, white colour (see the ety-
fine cotton
hill, pomus, used of taller trees;
in the Germanic
mology and Apoc. 19:8, 14, compare the remarks in
languages S3om/ 93oom/ S3aum/ whence fid) b&umen. Thes. p. 190). It was very fine in texture, and mos:
[Derivative ?3.] used as the clothing of kings (l Ch. 15 27), cf :
its derivatives see I ?- priests (2 Ch. 5:12), and of those who were very rich
(Est. 1:6; 8: 15). The word is of Arama3an origin,
n^3 ("prudence"), [Bunali], pr.n. m. l Ch. and it is therefore specially used of the Syrian byssus
a: 25.
(Eze. 27 16), which appears to be distinguished from

*^Sl see 'f 3.

the byssus of the Egyptians, called && (ibid, verse 7);
in other places it does not differ from VV, and it is
fut. W3J TO TREAD WITH THE FEET, TO used for it in the later Hebrew, iCh. 4:21; 2 Ch.
TRAMPLE ON, as a thing neglected and despised, Pro.
27:7; also to trample to as enemies, i.e. 3:14; compare Ex. 26:31. (SoM 0^1 and Ch. pa
thoroughly to subject, Isa.
14:25; 63:6; 44:6;
Ps. in the Old and New Test. Heb. ^ and Gr. /3wFc.)
60: 14. Part. D'pte Zee. 10:5. (To tread with the See J. R. Forster on the Byssus of the Ancients,
feet is expressed in many languages by the syllable Lond. 1776. Celsii Hierob. ii. 167, seq. J. E. Faber
pat variously inflected ; see Sanscr. pati, a way, pad, on Hariner's Observatt. ii. 382,
pada, foot ["path, to go"], Zend, petho, pate, a path, [" After long inquiry and dispute, whether tho
'Pers. [j foot), Gr. iraroc, Trart'w, TTOVC for TTO<$C, gen. cloths of byssus were of linen or cotton, recent minute

and lower Germ, pabben, investigations at London, with the aid of the micro-
ro&Jc, Lat. pes, pcdis petere,
vbton = irartiv, t scope, have decided the controversy, and shewn that
9>fab/ Engl. path, gufi (foot), being
the threads are linen. See Wilkinson's Manners and
changed by the Hebrews into a sibilant pas, bos.
Gust, of the Anc. Egyptians, iii.
p. 1 15." Ges. add.]
Kindred, in the sense of stamping in, is D3K, of despis- 4 -

ing, as the Gr. Trart'w, II. iv. 157; N3, HJ3.

also 3IH, ]BB.)
Compare VViS ("shining," from
a rock near Gibeah,
^ to shine), \Bozez\
pr. n. of
l Sa. 14:4.
PILEL DD13 tread with the feet a holy place

or land, Jer. 12 1O; Isa. 63 18, with the added sig-

: :
i-q. Pi?? to empty Hence and
calamity, Jer. 15:9; 2O:ll; to a husbandman do.-
emptiness, emptying, i e. devastation,

ni Once found Nah. 2:ll, prived of hope of harvest, Jer. 14:4; com p. Isa. 19:9
depopulation (comp. ?3).
used of the greatest devastation, like i"N*B>
and Efain. On the other hand those are said not to
be put to shame, who place their confidence in God.
9-1, nrWp-1 nop?', from the roots Vto
Ps. 22 : 6 ; 25 : 2, 3. Followed by |P of a thing which
*lp13 pr. a herdman (denom. from ">i$ which
disappoints the hope, Jer. 2 36. :

in a wider signification also used of a shep- whatever way

see): (2) It is
applied to the mind, in
herd, Am. 7:14. Of equally wide use is the Lat.
troubled, disturbed, confused (compare Arab.
armentartus (Virg. Georg. iii.
344), which is well ced So especially in the phrase Kfa "1JJ. Jud
in the Vulgate.
3:25, "they waited ^3 1% until they were con-
I. "fa pi. ril-0
m. (for 1N3, 1S3, from the root founded;" 2Ki. 2:17.
s^ (3) It appears to be once used of a thing which
l Ch. 11:22.
1X3) a pit; Arab. * 1 Sa. 13:6;
^ disappointed the hopes of others set upon it (comp.
(2) specially a cistern. Gen. 37 20, seq. nH3 :
Hos.l3:l5, rfiPP Kfa.! "his fountain shall
D'2Xn "cisterns cut in stone," Deu.6: 1 1. Cisterns be ashamed" (compare Jer. 14:3), i.e. shall dry up.
without water were used for prisons (Zee. 9:11; Jer. Followed by 310*. But it is more probable that
38:6, seq.). Hence Ufa.! h. the same as ^?\\
1. is
Isa. 24:22, more fully "tt3H iV3
q. prison, (This word is of frequent use in poetry, but rare in
Jer.37:16; Ex. 12:29. prose, see No. 1,3; in the Pentateuch never found in
(4) sepulchre. Of frequent occurrence is the Kal, but see Hithpalel.)
" those who
phrase "fa"*T^ go down to the sepul- PILEL K^3 to delay, followed by a gerund, Ex.
chre," i. e. the dead, Psal. 28: l 30:4; 88:5; Isa. ;
32 : 1 ;
Jud. 5 28. :
Properly to put to shame one whc
38 18. Isa. 14:19, >i3-\:pX-Vsi TiV those who are
waits, by detaining him too long. Comp. E'13 "1JJ Jud.
to go to the stones of the sepulchre," i.e. to be 3:25.
buried in the more costly sepulchres of stone 113 "JJ ; HIPHIL KfaD 2 pers. niEfari
"unto the sepulchre," Prov.28:l7; Isa. 14:15, (1) to put any one to shame, especially on account
"l^S"^!"^ "the recesses of the sepulchre," i.e. the of frustrated endeavours. Hence used of God, to
lowest sepulchre. cause efforts to be vain, Psalm 14:6; 44:8; lio*
II. *)13 i.
q. 13, which see. 31, 116.
(2) to disgrace, Pro. 29:15.
to do
(3) intransitive, shameful things, to aci
found, Ecc. 9:!, where there is the infinit. [KAL] "'l^?, sham efully (comp. TD'n, jnn). Part. Bfab base,
to search out
(comp. Ecc. 3:18, Q l??). shameful, wicked, Prov. 10:5. As in this place, so
Prov. J4:j>.v, 1?:2, it is opposed to /"SV'P. For
pret. Kfa, Wf3, part. pi. D03, fut. Ufa.!, TO
wickedness also comprehends folly, as elsewhere words
BE ASHAMED. (It answers to the Syr., Ch. rins, J.or_^, n
implying folly (^P?, ???) are applied to wicked-
ness. Fern. HKfap Pro. 12:4; opposed to 7?n
also Arab. (^-4), C^A) to be astonished, confounded,
Another form of the conjugation Hiphil, K
pu'j to silence, and Lat. pudere, pudor. The origin found under the root t^3J.
should not apparently be sought in the idea of blush-
HITHPALEL, to bluch, to be ashamed, Gen. 2:25.
ing, but rather in that of paleness and terror, so that This appears to be a word used in prose, comp.
FI3 and ny2 are kindred to this.) Ezr. 8:22, *J!K?3
?K?7 " I was ashamed to ask;" Ezr. 9:6; once with Derivatives are H33, HP3, D?ap, and
a fin. verb, Job 19:3, v'1"l|nFI 1K'hn~&6
"ye are not
ashamed, ye shun me." Followed by IP of the H^a f. shame, Ps. 89:46; Eze.7:i8; Obad.lO;
Mic. 7 : 10.
thing of which one is ashamed, Eze. 36 32 (comp.

Eze. 43 i o, 1 1 ).
Specially it is Jl^ Ch. TO PASS THE HIGHT, Dan. 6:19. In
(0 to foil in hope and expectation, which
is joined
with shame and Targg. often for \ Y. Syr. Zvrs id. ; and, to delay, to
blushing, Jer. 14:3; Job 6:2O. It
applied to enemies and wicked men put to flight remain. Arab, ci^b Med. Ye; Mth. H.'T : to pass
after their endeavours are frustrated, Ps. 6 1 1 ; 25 3 : :
; the night, to remain. Hence is comironly doriveJ
3 l; 8; 35:4; to men overwhelmed with unexpected JV3 house ; but see under that word.
T2 with suff. W3 m. prey, spoil It is used of Hence the Ch. T3?3 to bring to decay, to dissipate;
from which commonly is derived n 3p3 a liberal gift,
persons and cattle carried away in war (elsewhere
see under that word.) It is construed (a) absol.
*3p>, np^O), also of wealth taken from an enemy, Nu.
Offre- Num. 31 :53; l an ace. of the
Sa. 14:36. (b) with
14:3; Jer. 15:13; 49:32. T3 T13 see TT3.
pant use are the phrases T37 rrn to become a prey, prey, to take any thing for a prey, to seize and
to be carried away as a prey, Nu. 14:31 Deu. 1 :39> ;
carry away what is seized. Gen. 34:29; Nu. 31 :9;
Deu. 2:35 3 7- f? TT3 to seize a prey, Isa. 10:6
42 22 sometimes with the addition of a dative.
Isa. :
> ;

Eze. 26:5; 34:28; T3p jri3 to give for a prey, Jer. 33:23. ?^ U? id. 2 Ch. 28:8. (c) with accus. of
the city, country, persons spoiled, Gen. 34:27; Eze.
17:3; Eze. 25:7 np.
39:10; 2 Ki. 7:16; 2 Ch. 14:13; Isa. 42:22.
NT 21 aira Atyo/i, no doubt haAnng the sense, TO NIPHAL T33; plur. 1T33; inf. and fut. tisn, T13? to
" a be spoiled, pass, of Kal, letter c; Amos 3:11 ; Isa.

ix nnn? ix|3
"rend (1Sf3r
people ...
whose land the rivers divide"
It signifies ^Ethiopia,
PUAL, id., Jer. 50: 37.
see my Comment, on the passage. The root NT3 is Derivatives, T3, nj3.
softened from the harder forms Vt3 (to cleave), VV3,
}VT3 m .
(from the root HT3), contempt, Esth.
y^S, all of which have the power of dividing. It lies
not only in the syllables pa, f>3, T3 (comp. under the
root nyS), DUt: also, as imitating the sound of cleav- HTIVJ3 ("contempt of Jehovah"), [Bizjotn
ing, in many others ending with a sibilant, as j*p, jali], pr. n. of a town in the south of Judah, Josh
D3, TJ; ?n, DPI, TH; TTV, also in T, as Dp, 13, which 15:28.
latter is frequent in the Indo-Germanic languages;

compare Sanscr. bhidh, to cleave, tshid; Pers. tshiden, an unused root, prop, to scatter, to dis
scindo, etc.
perse, like the Syr. o> ^ ;
j -j is, to spit, to sow
q. f!)3 TO DESPISE, TO CONTEMN, pr. to se*l, also to arise (as the sun); prop, to scatter rays,
in vhich signification of
trample with the feet, see M3, D-13. Constr. followed radiating and shining forth
by an ace. Num. 15:31 Ps. 22:25; 102:18; more ;
appears to be kindred to the root P13 (as to I and
rarely followed by ? 2 Sa. 6: 16, and (suitably to the ")
being interchanged, see T). Hence dr
etymology) ^J? Neh. 2:19. Opp. to 133 i Sa. 2:30.
m., Eze. 1:14, i-q- ?~% lightning, flash of
Pro.i9:l6, Vim nri3 "he who makes light of (i.e.
lightning. So all the ancient versions, also Abul-
neglects) his course of living." Est. 3:6, V3^3 T31
walid and Kimchi.
1J npL'7 "and he despised to lay hand;" Ps.73:2O.
NIPHAL part. HT33 despised, Isa. 53:3; Ps. 15:4.
p]|l ("lightning"), [Bezek~], pr. n. of a city of
HIPHIL i.q. Kal, Est. 1 :17. the Canaanites, where Adoni-bezek was
king, Jud.l :4,
Derivatives, I'm, pr. n. nWJ3, nT3!?3.
seq. ;
1 Sa. 1 1 : 8.
"N3 verbal adj. of an intransitive (and passive)
form, despised. Isa. 49:7, K'prnt3 TO SCATTER, TO DISPERSE, TO DISSIPATE,
"despised by
men," '1T3 Ps. Dan. 11 :24. Arabic
i.q. CJJ 22:7. i.q. ITS, .p Conj. H. and 'y

T3 to sow seed compare Aram. "HS.

q. prey, spoil (from the root TT3), but ;

only found in the later Hebrew (compare the Aram. PIEL, to disperse, to put to flight (enemies), Ps.
), aChr. 14:13; 28:14; Ezr.9:7; Neh. 3:36;

Est. 9:10, seq. Dan. 1 1 24, 33. Often joined to the

[Biztha~\, pr. n. of an eunuch iu the court

lynonyms *3^ and ?/?'. of Xerxes, Est i:io; perhaps Pers. 4-^ beste;
once gatus, sc. membro, i.e. spado.
plur. ^T^,^3, inf. T3, fut. Tbj; TO TT3,


*' pnSl m., verbal adj., Lq. JD3 a trier (of metals'),
v Jer. 6: 27.
aroiL (Arab, -j Conj. I. VIII.; Aram. TT3, \^ id.

The primary power appears to be that of to pull in (

with occult Dag. forte) m.,a tcatck-towtr,
pieces, compare the kindred roots KfS, pT3, "13. & tower built for besieging a 23: 13 np.
city, Isa.
ra-nm CXI

"flH3 p l. on-ina, nin? (of the form B3 with oc- The Arabs have in this sense
^U Conj. I, VIII
cult Dag. forte to distinguish it from D^-ins^ m., a <__? and A being interchanged; which prop, has the
youth, youngman, so called from beauty of form, see to nib, to rub upon; used in the sense oi
belo '', part. "WHS No. 2); unless, indeed, it be thought meaning,
that .his signification is taken from the kindred "i?3 trying, proving by rubbing on the lapis Lydius, called
in the Qreek fiatravoQ, which appears to be a word
No. 3, whence Arab. Jo a virgin, Jud. 14: 1O; 1 Sa. formed from the Oriental |n3.)
NIPHAL, to be proved, tried, Gen.42:i5, 16; Job
8: 16. It denotes a
young man of mature age, but
unmarried, Ruth 3:10; Isa.62:5; often connected
PUAL ID3 id., Eze. 2 J 18, 1D3 *3 " because a trial

with n>in3 Deu. 32:25; Lam. l 1 8 2:21, etc. Spe- :

is made;" compare Schnurrer on the passage; LXX.


cially youths, used for young warriors, Isa.g: 16;

on Se&KraiWeu. Others take 103 as a noun, trial,
31:8; Jer. 18:21 49:26; 51:3; Am. 4: 1O (comp.

proof, sc. is made.

Derived nouns besides the following are I1H3, 1-1H3,

|*H3 Isa. 23:13 n>ro; see |D3 m., watch-tower (see the root No. 2), Isa.
32:14, 1D31 htfr "the hill (Ophel) and the watch-
"^P^ m., adj. verb, elect, chosen, tVXtio-oc: only
tower on it." It seems to denote a tower built on
in the phrase njn TH3 chosen of God, 2 Sam. 21:6;
the hill Ophel, as to which pee Neh.3:26,27.
of Moses, Ps. 106:23; of the people of Israel, Isa.
Isa. 28: 16, jna 1?X "a
43 20 45 4
(parall. njn* 13^) of the pious and pro-; ., trial, proof;
phets, Isa. 42 : l
(according to others, of the Messiah tried proved stability, so as to be suit-
stone," i.e. of

[this is of course the true application]); pl. of the able for the foundation of a building.

pious, Isa. 65 9,15, 22; Ps.lO5:43-


fut. "in:T (l) TO PROVE, i.

115 I.
j.q. ^3 No. 3; followed by 3, TO 9

9 ar EXAMINE, like the Syr. i^^ i.q. Heb. 1D3. (I place

LOATHE; compare Syr. jixx*JT> nauseating, suffering this signification first,although it is the less frequent,
from nausea. Zech. 11:8, '3 npqs DK'Q? " their soul and particularly belongs to the later Hebrew[?] be- ;

loathed me." This signification is either taken from cause trial, proof, precedes choice. The primary idea is
the cognate 3 7^3, or from JH3 and 3 "1113, but with the either that of rubbing on a touchstone, so that it is
sense of rejecting. the same as 1Q2, or in dividing in pieces and examin-
II. i. Arab. J^T to be greedy, avaricious. To this answer Greek
ing; comp. ;_Q^, T?3 No.l.

!ence PUAL, Proverbs20 21, in in3, fl/D^P ""1?D.3

7Tipow, Lat. perior, whence experior, comperior, peri-

a possession obtained by avarice;" see Schult.

culum, peritus). Isa. 48:10, '&
"I have n3 I^D?
Animadvv. ad h. 1. The ancient versions express the thee in the furnace of affliction," Job 34:4;
>1p n?ri3O in translating. 2 Chron. 34:6; where the n'ro should be read 103
DrVFiS "he proved (searched) their houses," (of
Ui* fut. fn3*. (l) TO SEARCH OUT, TO EXA- - the idolaters).
IINE, TO TRY, TO PROVE, especially metals (like the to approve, i.
q. to choose, to select. It
lyn. liy), Jer.g:6; Zee. 13:9; Ps.66:lo; whence Arab, VIII. to select the best, to
Jietaph. Job 23: 1O, N>'N 3H-T3 ^?rj3
" let him
answers to the
have the best, to take the better part of a thing,
me, I shall go forth like gold ;" and neglecting the s- <- s- <- *

primary power, Job 12:ll, in3Pl ppp |JN N ?n "doth t ^e, 'i
.^ci something select,
what is chosen. Job 9 :
.lot the ear
try words?" Job 34: 3. Often (a) used Often with a dat. i^> to choose for
14; 15:5; 29:25.
God examining the hearts of men, Ps. 7:10; 17:3;
oneself, Gen. 13:11; Ex. 17:9; Josh. 24:15.
Pro. 17:3; Ps. 8l:8;
especially by sending calami- chosen is put in the accus. (see the instances
ties upon them, Job 7 : 1 8. (b) used of men tempting often also with 3 prefixed; (comp. 3
God cited), and more
(i. q HE?), i. e. of unbelievers, Mai. 3 10, 15 ; Ps. :
B,4). Deu.7:6; 14:2; 18:5; Nu.i6:5; 17:20;
10:24; 16:8, 9, etc.; once (which denotes desire ^
(a) to lookout, to watch, i.
q. na; whence |D3,
of any thing, and see "?J> No. 4), Job 36:21 ; also R?
lr Ps.
(in the sense of preference)
watch-towers. to examine. 84 1 1 .
(Ch. 103, Syr.
p -anna CXII

constr. ^na i Sa. 26.2 (a) beloved, chosen, 6: 20. In such cases, it is
mostly equivalent to
Ex. 14:7 (b) excellent, surpassing, Cant. 5:15. (2) to be secure, to fear nothing for oneself. Jud.

(3) to love any one, to delight in any thing (both 18:7, 10, 27; Jer. 12:5. Job 40:23, 1T]> rrjpa npa
of which are significations taken from that of choosing), W3"7^ "he fears nothing, although Jordan should
to desire, construed with an ace. Gen. 6:2; Isa. break forth at his mouth." Pro. 11:15, D> yi? n ^at?

1:29. 2 Sam. 15:15, ^8 Tprf'g

^3? "according np.3 "he who
hates surctiships lives securely,"
to all that my lord shall desire;" Pro. 1:29; 3:31 ;
has no cause of fear. Opp. to J^T. JH. And so
foUowed by 3 Isa. 14:1, ifo*&* "and he (a) used in a good sense of the security of the
it is

will again love Israel;" Zech. 1:17; 3:2; and ? righteous, Isa. 12:2; Pro. 28 l Job 1 1 18. (b) in :

1 Sa. 20:30 (where however, many copies have 3). a bad sense, of men who set all their hope and con-
Once pregn. ?J> of pers. is added, 2 Sa. 19:39,""^ ' 3 fidence in worldly things, and do not fear God and the
^nb'j;^ ty iron "whatever thou desirest (and Divine displeasure. Isa. 32:9, 10, ll; Pro. 14:16.
layest) on me (to do) I will do it for thee." Comp. ^,-fW, ni^._Part. Pfit33 trusting, with
NIPHAL (i)fo be chosen, preferable, excellent; an active signification, Isa. 26 3, n-1E3 ^]3 '3 " be- :

followed by IP preferable to any thing, Jer. 8:3; part. cause he trusteth in thee;" Ps. 112:7.
inpi choice, ina.J tips Pro. 10:20; 8:10, 19; fol- HIPHIL, fut. apoc. npa (i) to cause to trust,
lowed by IP more choice than, Pro. 16:16; 22 i. : or confide, to persuade to trust, followed
by vK
(2) followed by ? to be chosenbyanyone r to please and ^V.. Isa. 36:15; Jer. 28:15; 29:31.
any one, Pro. 21:3. (2) absol. to make secure, Ps. 22:10.
PCAL, to be chosen, only Eccl. 9:4 aro. Derived nouns, nipa, nnps, jint23, ninths, np?p.
Derived nouns are Tns, -Vina, anna, nVvina, -mo, II. i. to
transp. q. rap., cook,
ap, pr. n. ">n;p and

D'lHS ripen, whence n*p35? melon, which see.

("village of young men"), iSahnrim],
a small town of the Benjamites, 2 Sa. 3:16; 16:5; u m.
(l) confidence, and adv. confidently,
17:18; 19: 17; l Ki. 2:8. Jo. Simonis derives from with confident mind, Gen. 34:25.
this the Gent. n. 'P^H? l Ch. 11:33; with the letters (2) security, Isa. 32 17. In other places always :

transposed 'pn~|3 3 Sa. 23:31. np37 and npa adv. (a) without danger and fear,
D"TO (of the form m. Nu. 11:28, and safely, 3t, HD3 3^J, j?? to dwell safely,
D^), pi.
iSa. 12: ll; Lev. 25: 18, 19; 26:5; Deut. 33:12.
Ecc. 11:9; 12:1, youth.
(b) without fear, securely, Mic. 2:8. Sometimes
& used of one who is in too great security and with-
i.q. VL3 No.H.

out caution, Jud. 8: 1 1.

BABBLE, TO TALK IDLY; fcfyrafccn, TO
TALK ItASHLT AND INCONSIDERATELY, an Ono- (3) \_Betah~\, pr.n. of a town of Syria abounding
in brass, situated on the borders of Hadadezer, 2 Sa.
matop. word, like the Greek and Latin. Part. noi3
8:8, called in the parallel place, i Ch. 18:8, nrnp.
babbler, idle talker, Pro. 12: 18.
PIEL, id. Lev. 5:4; Ps. 106:33. In each of these f.
confidence, Isa. 30:15.
places the addition of BnBb>3 increases the force of
this phrase, see
m .
confidence, Isa. 36:4; hope, Ecc.g:4,
Deriv. 3 f.
pi. Job 12:6, pr. securities, i.e. secure

I. MOJ (i) TO CONFIDE IN any one, TO SET


any one. (Ch.
and Samar. but of rare occurrence. Arab, especially TO BE FREE from labour; hence TO CEASE,
id., ^k>
to throw one down on his back, to throw in the TO REST FROM, Ecc. 12:3. Arab. Jlaj and
face whence Heb. 3 np3 t D6 empty, vain; more rarely, to cease.
perhaps pr. to throw one-
self or one's careson any one compare ^J Psa.
; ^ Ch. id., Ezr.4:24.
22:9). Followed by 3 Prov. 11:28; Psa. 28
[7 ^K ;
to cause to cease, to hinder, to
2Ki. 18:20, 21, 44; ?X Ps. 4:6; PAEL,
31:7. Sometimes
with a dat. pleon. Jer. 7 4, :
Ezr.4:2i,23; 5:5; 6:8
"^0 "set not your hope in lying words." Jer. an unused root, pr. to be empty, h)llom
7:8; 2 Kings 18:21. It is
rarely put absoL Job vain, 7P3 J^j. Hence
CXIII a-tnna
\y? f.
(as being a female member, see No. 8, u ju3 ("pistacias"), \Betonim~\, pr. n. of
S - o
town of the Gadites, Josh. 13 26. :

compare Arab. ^^^ and Lat. cunnus, which are fern.

same reason), with euff. *?P3.

fur the '? ?? from the root nj/3, as ^>3 for ^3),
(l) the belly, so called as being hollow and empty, prayer, asking, and by the usage of the language in
the ace., as a part, of entreaty, or rather of asking
compare Gr. Ktrtuv, Xayw'r, Kot\ia. (Arab. Ui id.,
pardon, always followed by ^1$, *f"l?$, prop, with a
a JEth. H^TV a corpse.) petition, with asking, or with asking, requesting, we
^.ju body, especially corpse ;

Used of the exterior belly of men, Cant. 7:3; or come to thee; as if pace tua, Germ, bttte! mtt Srlaufe

of beasts, Job 40: 16; but mostly used of the inside nifj. Gen. 44: 18, T^
'.?TK3 "131 X3~l3T '31S '3 T^JJ
" I
of the belly, both as the place filled with food, Pro. pray, O lord, let thy servant speak one word to
thee;" Ex-4:io, 13; Num. 12:11; Josh. 7:8; Jud.
13:25; 18:20; Job 20:20; Ecc. 11:5; Eze. 3:3, and
where the foetus is conceived and formed.
as the place 6:13,15; 13:8; i Sam. 1:26; l Ki. 3:17, 26; also

Hence when more than one speak, Gen. 43:20, '3 -Tlpx 1 )
7TJ TV 3'TS "and they said, we pray, lord!
(2) the womb; Genesis 25:23, 24; 1P.3~'1P Jud.
we went down," etc. Of the ancient versions, LXX.
13:5,7; iP 3 P Isa. 48:8; 49:1, and more fully JP.3D
npN Ps. 22:10; Jud. 16:17 from the womb and on- excellently Stolen and hopeda, Vulg. obsecro, oramus,
ward and hyperbol. for, from tenderest years, Job 3 1
; :
Targg. W33, Syr. o N.^~>, Jud. 13:8, with asking,
18. 19? ^? offspring,
progeny, Gen. 30 2 Deu. 7:13; :
; asking ; all of which answer exactly to the Hebrew
Isa. 13:18; Mic. 6:7,
always used of the offspring '3,and remarkably confirm the etymology proposed
already born, not of the foetus also followed by a by me, and afterwards approved by Hartmann, Winer,
genit. of the father (Mic. loc. cit.) [" nx?!p }p,3 uterus and others. The opinions of others are discussed in
" son of
gravidus"]. Used of a single son, VP3 13 my Thes. p. 222.
womb," Prov. 31:2, where the suffix refers to the
mother ;
but Job 3: 10, "OP? " my womb," is " the
5 pret.
W3Psalm 139:2, and P3 Dan. io:t,
womb of my mother;" and
^?P3 *33 Job 19: 17, is not 'JirS Dan. 9:2, inf.
imp. T3, fut. P3J, appc. and conv.
apparently to be understood of Job's sons (for they 15*, J3J1 (see note on Hiph.) pr. TO DISTINGUISH,
were dead, Job compare Job 29:5); but prob.
1 :
TO SEPARATE (comp. ^3, j*

?, and Arab. .,1)

his uterine brothers,
aStX^oi (compare Ps. 69: 9).
Ye intrans. to stand apart, to be separate and
(3) the inside, inmost part, of any thing, i. q.
3}. 718^ |P 3 the lowest part of Hades, Jonah 2 3. :
distinct; metaph. Conj. I. V. X. to be easily dis-
tinguished, distinct, manifest); hence, to con-
Especially used of one's inmost breast; Job 15:35;
32:18; Prov. 22: 18. 1P.3 'Tin the lowest depths of sider, to understand, which depends upon the power
the breast, Pro. 18:8; 20:27,30; 26:22; Hab. 3:16,
of discerning; comp. Kplt'ta, cerno, intelligo, for inter-

'?P3 Trini "and my bowels trembled." ligo ; German merfen, compare SJJarfe, "IV3, ~l|?3, etc.
KOiXia, Sir. 51 :21 Job.. 7:38. ;
a protuberance of a column, like a (1) to
to perceive
discern, (a) with the eyes,
(4.) belly, iKi.
q. to Constr. with an ace. Pro. 7:7; 3 Neh.
a town of the Asherites 13:7; ? Job 9: ll; 23:8. with the ears, i. q.
pr. n. of
(5) [Beten'],
S o- to h ear, Job 23:5; Pro. 29: 19. (c) with the touch,
(perhapo "valley," i.
q. \^ coiXae), Josh. 19:25. i.q. to feel, used of inanimate things, Ps. 58: 1O.
(2) Elsewhere it signifies some counsel and pur-
Gen. 43: 11, pis tad a, an oblong
: T pl- species pose, to turn the mind to any thing, to attend ; '

of nuts from being flat on one side, and

so called
with an ace. Dan. 1O: l Ps. 5:2; 94:7; Deu. 32:7; ;
out on the other; it
bellying grows on a tree very Prov. 23:1; 3 (which seems to be peculiar to the
like a terebinth which is com-
(Pistacia vera, Linn.),
Hebrew, see above, No. i) Ezr. 8: 15; Dan. o:
mon in Syria (Plin. N. H. xiii. This word is
10). 2,23; *? Ps. 28:5; !? Ps. 73:17; Job 14:21; Deu.
unknown to the other but 32:29 Isa. 32:4 TV. Dan. 11:30, 37 absoV Psa.
cognate languages, fc*~, ; ; ;

NPP-13 ,J=J as used for the terebinth
(Pistacia tere-

(3) to understand. Dan. 12:8, T3 &} ^VP^

binths, Linn.), a tree sometimes confounded with the " I heard indeed, but I understood not;" Isa.6:g
pistacia. followed by *3 l Sa. 3 8
2 Sa. 1 2 19; Isa.
43 : 10.

(4) toregard as u thing understood, to know, to 31:1; Ps. 37:10; "iy Job 32: 12; 38:18; 3 Jer. 30-
leacquainted with; followed by an ace. Ps.l9:i3; 24; Job 30:20, and (from the power of the conjuga-
Job 38:20; V Psa. 139:2. 13K?'P P? to know what tion being made transitive), also with an ace., Job 37:
isright, Job 32:9; Prov. 28:5; njn P? Prov. 29:7 14; hence
(compare n33 PTJ). (2) to perceive ["e. hear"], with an ace. Job
(5) absol. to have understanding, Job 42:3; 26:14.
18:2, "understand, afterwards speak." Hos.4: (3) to have understanding, pr. to show oneself
14. Part. plur. 0*33 the wise, understanding ones, wise, Ps. 119:100.
Jer. 4^:7. Hence are derived the nouns P?*, P3P1 HS-iai^ and
NIPHAL 1133 to be intelligent, prudent, Isa. 10: those which immediately follow, p3, 113*3.

13. Part. adj. p33 intelligent, skilful; often joined

j?5 const. PI Arab,
with D3H Gen. 41:33, 39; Deu. 1:13; 4:6; Isa. 5: pr. i.
q. ^j interval, space

91; opp. to words signifying folly, Pro. 10:13; 14:

between (see Dual), only in const, and followed by

33- "^l P 3 ? skilful of speech, eloquent, l Sa. 16: 18. suffixes 33, *|?*3, 13>3, also pi. V3/3, tt'3'3, 03^3 and
PILEL $3 i. Kal No. Deut. 32:10, ^33.30'. *i3*rn3*3, Dn'W3. It becomes a preposition
q. 2,
1113313* "he led him about,(and) took care of him." D^nK p3 " between
(1) between, Arab, ^j bro-
HIPHIL P3H, infin. P3H, imp. }3H (see note), part.
thers," Prov.6:l9; D*n*E>l*3 "bet ween bushes," Job
P3D; it has a signification
30:7; D.TV. PS between the eyes," for in the fore-
(1) proper to itself and causative, viz. (a) causat. head (see P2). [" So ^IS PS 'between the Ulai,'i.*
of Kal No. 3, to declare,to explain. Dan. 8:16,27;
Neh. 8:8, SOP33. '3J1._(i) causat. of Kal No. 4, to among its windings and branches, Dan. 8: 16. After
verbs of motion, i.q. P3 ?8, Jud. 5:27."] When
teach, to instruct, with an ace. of person, Neh. 8:9;
doubled, inter ...inter, between ...between, there is
Ps. 119:34,73, 130; Isa. 40:14; also with an ace.
P3-1...P3, Gen. 26:28; Ex. 11:7; Josh. 22: 25, etc.;
of the thing, Ps. 119:27, '33*3n T^pB TH "teach
more P? an interval... unto),Gen. 1:6;
rarely ? ... (pr.
me the way of thy precepts." Pro. 8:5. Elsewhere
Lev. 20:25; 'Deu.l7:8; P3^...p3 Isa. 59:2; ^...j?
with an ace. of the thing and dat. of pers. Job 6 124;
Joel 2: 17. When followed by words of seeing, un-
Dan. 1 1 33 and with ace. of pers. and dat. of thing,

derstanding, teaching, they signify to see, to under-

Neh. 8:7. Used also of things which are divinely
stand, to teach, the difference between; Mai. 3:18,
disclosed to men, Dan.lO:l4 :
(c) causat. of Kal No.
y&i? P'lV P? OrVX-vl'"and ye shall see the differ-
5, to cause to understand, Job 32:8.
ence between the righteous and the wicked," comp.
(2) Kal No. l, to perceive, as a rumour,
it is i.q.
^...pajnjaSa. 19:36; Jon. 4:11; ^...P.3p3n iKi.
Isa.28:19; No. 2, to turn the mind to any thing; >

construed with 3 Dan. 9:23; lo:ll; Neh. 8: 12; ^>K 3:9; 5 ...P3n7nEze.44:23.
Drh-ltJ' p? "within
Psa. 33:15; and absol. Dan. 8:5, 17; No. 3, to dis- (2) intra,tcithin, Job 24:11,
their walls;" Prov. 26:13, n'u'mn P? "within the
cern, understand, l Ki. 3:9: Wo. 4, to know, to
streets," i.q. in the streets, comp. Zee. 13:6.
be acquainted with, Job 28:23; Mic. 4:12. P?n
of time, Neh. 5: 18, "within ten days" (comp. Arab.
njn Dan. 1 :4; Pro. 1:2, to be skilled in any thing;
(Jj3j C/"-
-j)- Sometimes
followed by 3 Dan. 1:17, and ace. Dan. 8:23; Pro.
1:6; also, absol. Isa. 29:16; No. 5, to have under- (3) ?...P3 and P3-1...P3 are disjunctively used

standing, Isa. 57:1. Part. P3D Pro.8:9; 17:10,

24; 28:7,11.
H3 pt^ 31 p3
2 Ch. 14:10,
" it is the same to thee to

Note. In the examples cited under No. 2, there are ther the strong, or the weak," prop, with thee,
always found Preterites, Infinitives, Imperatives, and God, in aiding there is no difference between the
Participles, which only can be safely referred to this strong and the weak. The origin of this phraseology
The forms of the future p3*, *3*, etc., "
conjugation. may be seen also from Lev. 27:12, and the priest
are placed under the first conjugation [Kal], and shall value it (the beast), XT] P3-1 3VO |3 whether it

only a few examples are found which have a causa- be good or bad," for, in distinguishing between gooc
tive power (Isa. 28:9; 40:14; Job 32:8). and bad, LXX. eire naXj/, tin erairpa. 2 Sa. 19 '.36.
HITHPALEL I.?i2nn (l) pr. to show oneself at- (So in the Rabbinic P3..-P3 sive...sive, tarn ...quam.)
tentive, hence mostly,i. q. Kal No. 2, to consider, to It compounded with other prepositions
is (a]
attend, to remark, absol. Jer. 2 :io; 9:16; Job 11: P3~?X, with ace. into between, amongst,Ez&

11; followed by ^ iKi. 3:21; Isa. 14:16; Job ^ 31:10, 14, and n'13'3-^ 10:2.

(J) pa^ unto between,^? 19:11. have come from ^T?^ strong, fortified, or as other*
prefer, '"I7 ? from the TEthiop. root ^f]4: to Slt
(c ) p2D/rom between, jroifdjen (etroaS) reeg/jnnfdien i

French djentrt; Zee. 6:1," two chariots going

whence ^^flCl a throne, a tribunal, and -
f throne,
forth D^inn *3E' pap from bet ween the mountains;"
Ps. 104: 12, they utter a voice D^?V P3P from a- tribunal, metropolis, as if royal seat. Perhaps how-
mongst the branches ;" Jer. 48:45, lin'p pap, ellipt. ever, the word
of Persic origin, compare Pers. . A>
" out of the midst of the
for kingdom of Sihon." baru, fortress, wall, castle, Sanscr. bura, buii, pur,
By- "! P39 used euphemistically for from the womb
Greek Trvpyos and /3apic). There often occurs ]WW
of a mother, Deut. 28:57, the afterbirth pap n1n "Ty 3 ^ Shushan, the almost used of the palace, always

V *.??"] which comes forth from her womb" (comp. II. royal abode, Neh. l l Est. 1:2; 2:3,8; 3:15; Dan. :

xix. 11O, 05 Key iir fi^jtart

rwSf TTJ; pera. Troervl
8:2; but also of the whole adjoining city, Est. 1:5;
yi/rau-dc), and figuratively for of his seed,race,pos- 2:5; 8:14; 9:6, 11, 12 (compare Ezr. 6:2); which
terity, Gen. 49:10, "the sceptre .... shall not depart is elsewhere more accurately called IW "VJ?n (Esth.
^Y? "] I'^P from his progeny."
It is equivalent to
3:15; 8:15). When applied to Jerusalem, tlie
vyjpp, bpa nsp, ijn-rp.

(compare Gen. 46:26). Where two things are men-

LXX. k r 3i>
W <DV ofo tress of the temple is meant, Neh. 2:8.
(2) a temple, i Ch. 29: 1,19.
tioned from between which any thing comes forth,
ITV3 Ch. f.
emphat. NP)~f
3 id., fortress, palace,
there is found P3P pap, 2 Ki. 16 14; Eze. 47 18.
. . . : :

(d) n'wap between, within, i. q. JTI3'3 Eze.

*? Ezr. 6: 2; Syr. jU-Os.
10:2; 6:7. P33 Isa, 44 4, is for p33 see 3 B, 8. =
; n^yVIl twice in
pi. nto'Vaybr tresses, castles,
DUAL D?33 /ig interval between two armies, TO. /ue- 2 Ch. 1
7 : 1 2 27:4; Compare as to the nature of this
raixnta, Eurip. Phoen. 1285; whence D^an BS i Sa.

" one who comes termination, Lehrg.5i6, note.

17:4, 23, between," pterlrris, used
of Goliath as ready to decide the contest by single JT5 const. J"Pa ;
with n parag. nn^a Gen. 19:10;
combat. const, ""in^a Gen. 43: 17; plur. ^^bottim; with suff.

13^3, D3*na, DH^a. for D'npa from the unused sing.

I*? Ch. between, Dan. 7:5, 8. . =c 9
nna (compare Lehrg. 604); m.,a house,
Syr. ^K^i
[root PS]. f.
(i) understanding; Isa.
Arab. c^-J, Syr. J^rs, ^Ethiop. H,^:- [" Phoenic.
33: 19, "a people of strange language nra ptf whom
thou dost not understand;" Dan. 8:15; 9:22 lO:l. defective 03, see Momimm. Phosnic. p. 348."] (Some

derive it from the root D-ia to pass the night, to re-

(2) intelligence (@injtd)t/ SSerftomb), insight, Pro.
main. But still rpa, JV3 may have sprung from the
4:5,758:14; 9:6,10; 16:16; Job 28:12, 20; JHJ
H3 3 " to be or to become
harder H33 from the root ^33, as ^o'^oc, domus, from
intelligent," Job 38:4;
and as to the form, like above W$, which haa
Prov.4:i; Isa. 29:24.. PI. n'13'3 DJ> "an intelligent cifjHii,

been shewn to
B'P.K, EJ'jlS. If this conjecture be
be for
people," Isa. 27:11. Specially skill, in any art or
learning, 2 Ch. 2:152; 1 Ch. 12:32, D"
skilled in understanding the times"

^ rt3'3

adopted, may be a secondary root from the nov.n

JV3, and D'F|3 for D'n?3 from the sing, n.33 i.q. H3|.

To the proposed etymology we may add the follow-
3 softened into a
ing examples of the letter vowel,
n^3 f., Ch.i.q. Heb. No. 2; Dan. 2: 21. D*3 for D.33 a purse D13 a cup, for D33 a thorn, ; ;
for n.355> for ^3^) HIH OJKOQ, a-ymg, uncus,
''V 5 f- an egg, so called from its whiteness, Arab. (prop. Ijl??' ;

- -
x for from the root run ^H; pn for 150; perhaps

j^_j, Syr. j>to*x^.

In sing, not found. PI. DS\3
KI3 (^Ethiopia), i. q. &M3 congregation, conflux =
adj. f. nnry DV'3 eggs that are left," Isa. 10:14; .JL^- Greek tlc(voc)for 'c: Lat. unus, etc, prep, for

Deu.22:6; Job 39:14; ^,59:5. [Root pa.] fVc(see Car. Schmidt, De Praposit. Gram. p. 7),00/c
5 a well, for rvtyQivc: dSouc for oSoi'e: Latin dens) njari'f^
q. "IS? Jeremiah 6:7 np, compare
s "son of a house," Gen. 15:3; Ecc. 2:7; and n.* ? T9 1

Arab. Gen. 17:12, 27 Jer. 2:14 is, verna, a servant or slavt

^j. ;

" born in the

house," and for that reason of more
3 a word of the later Hebrew.
i"l f.
( sure fidelity JVIin ?K with regard to private per-
; l^
(l) fortress, castle, palace (see below the Ch. sons is <wVoVo/uoc, dispensator, steward, a servant set
nd Syr. If the word be over the houshold and the other servants, Gen. 43
Phcenicio-Shemitic, it may
13 " houses
" and he
16; 44: l but sc below, No.2. "pn
made a trench JHT Q^HSD JV3? of the con-
of clay," Job 4: 19, a name given to human bodies as tent of two seahs of seed." D'?3J* JT3 a stony place (in
being fnil and transitory (compare 2 Cor. 5:1, and the earth), Job 8:17; Neh. 2:3; Eze. 41 :g, nijy TV3
commentators on that passage). The house of God Is JV3r "*?$ " the con ten t of the side chambers of the
once used of the whole world [?], Ps. 36:9. In ace. temple."
const. J"P3 is often used for JV33 tit anyone's house, (6) the inner part, what is inside, within (opp.
Gen. 24 23 38:11; elsewhere in Vie ho us e, at home ;
: ;
pn nn^3 Ex. 28:26; rP3D Gen.
outside, without).
VV3ninto the house. Gen. 34: 32. Specially it is
6:14; Exod. 25:11; 37:2, and nJV3D i Ki. 6:15
(1) a moveable house, a tent, Arab, cj^o Gen. (compare IP No. 3), inside, within. Opp. to
? n>3 Eze. 1:27; ? n)3p i Ki. 6:16; V Num. n'3D^>
27:15; 33:17; used of tents consecrated [to idols],
2 Ki. 23:7; compare HO3 No. 3, 4; nvv, D'r6n JT3 18:7, within (some space). / JVSp.'T'K within, 2 Ki.

used of the tabernacle of the covenant, Ex. 23:19; 11:15; comp. ~7X A, 9. (From this is signification
formed Ch. *3 in, whence the prefix
2 has been de-
Josh.f>:24; Jud.i8:3i; 180.1:7,24; 3:'5? 2 Sa.
rived above.)
12:20: Ps. 5:8. [" In other places JV3 and ^n'S are
opposed."] (7) used figuratively for "persons living together
(2) a royal house, a palace, fortress] more fully, in ahouse/'/dmt'/y (comp. Arab. ^>\) i.e. wife and
^J?Sn TV3 2 Sa. 11:2,9; 1 Ki. 9:1,10; 14:26; 15:18,
children and all the domestics, Gen. 7:1; 12:17;
and nopsn JV3 Est. 1:9, KUT e&JX'i 1
' n <>3 ^; whence

1K K the prefect of the palace, one of the

; 35:2; 36:6; 42:19. So "the king's house," is used
n.'3n ^J?
of the courtiers, Isa. 22 18 Hjns JT3. i. q. nJTIQ H3JJ

king's friends, who was entrusted with the key of the Gen. 50:4. Hence
royal citadel (Isa. 22:22), and who was superintend-
(8) those sprung from any family, descendants,
ent of the king's houshold at large (about equiva-
da palais, $ofmarfd)all), 1 Kings4:6;
lent to marecJutl
offspring, progeny, i.q. D'?3 (in which sense it is
joined with a pi. Isa. 2:5) Gen. 18:19; "b TV3 i.q.; 15:5; Isa.22:l5 (compare Dan. 2:49); n*3 j osh. 17:17;
in the later Hebrew rV3H 3T Esth. l 8 (see No. i
*li? *.3? Ex. an; *|pi
5|^ n^s, rvs
in n3
the race of David, i Sa. 20:16; Isa.
"in JV3 the
palace of David, Isa. 22:22; HJT19 JV3 the
7:2, 13 (oluoc Aa/3/2, Luke 1:27). Like ^3 it is
citadel, or palace of Pharaoh, Gen. 1 2 : 15. Sometimes
used figuratively, as ^pn^p JV3 i. q. 'Jnpn^p 33 m y
used of particular parts of the royal citadel, which,
f adversaries, my enemies, 2 Ch. 35:21; *")P n*3 a
however, consisted of entire houses; D^ |n JV3 Esth. stubborn race, Eze. 2:5; and on the other hand
njn* n*3 sons, family of God, i. q. Israel, Nu. 12:7;
(3) the house of God,i.e. temple; used of the tem-
Hos. 8:1; like ol:oc Qtov [The Church], i Tim. 3:
ples of idols, Isa.
37:38; 44:13; l Sa.5:2,5; and of In some other phrases the figure of a house is
the temple of Jehovah at Jerusalem, called 2^?N JV3,
nirv JV3 iKi.6:5,37; 7:12; Isa. 66 preserved. Ruth 4:11, of Leah and Rachel, "they
:i, and very h ou s e of
built the founded the Israelitish
Israel," i. e.
frequently (compare No. l). nation. ? JV3 H33 to build a house for any one, i. e. to
(4) a sepulchre, especially one much adorned, Isa.
give him offspring, progeny; said of a levir (i. q. D*f?n
14:18; compare |3PT? Isa. 22 16. More fully called
5 D ^) Deu. 25:9; of God, l Sa. 2:35; 25:28; 2 Sa.
DTiyn JV3 " eternal house," Ecc. 12:5.
7 27 of the same meaning is ? JV3 nb ^ s Sa. 7:11.

(5) dwelling, abode, habitation, place of any it is also applied to icealth, property, what is
kind. (n) of men, e.g. of Hades, Job 17:13. [" JV3
" houses of the kept in a house, and all that belongs to a family;
D$?n collect. people," i. e. of the citi- Esth. 8:1, IP.H JV3, LXX. o<ra virap%tt
'ri3 'Afiiit; cc-inp.
zens, Jer.
39 8, i. q. CpJ%TP
: Jer. 52 1 3 DH3y JV3 :

2:7; Gen. 15:2; Ex. l:2l; so Gr. oiw'a, olwc-


"house of servants," i.e. workhouse, prison, spoken

of Egypt, Ex. 20: 2."]
(10) 3 n*3 pr "a father's house," Gen. 24:23:

(b) of beasts, Job 39:6; Ps.

"a family," 31:30. In the enumerations
84:4; 104:17 (compare Virg. Georg.ii.2O9, "#- of the Hebrews, the particular tribes (0^3^, ntep)
rV3 " the house of the
quasque domos avium); E*33JJ were divided into families (rrtriBt?ip) the families ?

spider," Job 8:14? Arab.^^jUl ^~ 5

"the house into
" fathers' house s," nUNH TV3. In this significa-
of the moth,"Job 27:18. (c) receptacle, place for tion in pi. for 3N ^3 there is often used n*13X JV3, a
inanimate thing* ; t?33 'FO perfume boxes, Isa. 3 2O
mode of forming the pi. of compound nouns which
D*nn3>, Dni6 C'ri3, places to receive the carrying ismore used in Syriac [Hebr. Gram. 106, 3, c.]. Nu
" number the children of Israel
bars, Ex. 26: 29, 36:34; 37: 14; 38:5; i Ki. 18:32, l a, : JVjJ?

N according to their families and their fathers' the tribe of Reuben, but which afterwards passed
houses:"Nu.i :i8.2O, 22,24, 26, seq. 2:2,seq. Over ;
into the hands of the Moabites. Its ruins called

the fathers' houses were Dnbg rV3 e8O Ex. 6: 14;

-*.~<[3/z'un],are mentioned by Burckhardt, Tra-
Dn'ns rv;^> D^*n i Ch. 5 24
generally by ellipsis,
vels in Syr. p. [365] 624, Germ, trans. It appears to
ntoxn gw
Nu. 31:26; Josh. 14:1; or n'usn n$?
be the same as fW? (for PPP) Nu. 32:3.
l Ch. 29:6; ntotfn Wbp
2 Chron. 5:2, "princes of
(/)^-|3 r,>3("houseof my creation"), [Beth-
houses," patriarchs. town of the Simeonites, l Ch. 4:31 perhaps
biret], a ;
very often ["especially in later writers"]
corrupted from nixa^ n<l ? Josh. 19:6.
prefixed to the proper names of towns, sometimes as n"l3 JV3
a constituent part of the name, sometimes so that (g) [Beth-barah~\, Jud. 7:24, a place on
the Jordan, pr. for nnay JV3 ("house of passage"),
may be omitted (see letters e, h, i, /, u, v), most
compare B^0a/3apn, Joh. 1 :28, in many copies.
frequently in writers of a later age, like the Syr. AVAJS, (h) Tl| JV3 ( house of the wall"), [Beth-
compare Germ, fyaufen in 9lorbt)aufen/ tOiuijlfyaufen. Of
gader'], a town of the tribe of Judah, iCh. 2:51,
this kind are i. which see.
q. "Tyi?
(a) I?.
5 * fi'3
("house of vanity," i. e. of idols, see P..?
(i) $171 n^3[thehouseofGilgal"],Neh.i2:29,
No.l), [Beth-Averi], a toAvn of the tribe of Benjamin, i. which see.
q. 7|/3
to the east of the city of Bethel, Josh. 7:2; i Sa.
(k) fco| ("house of the weaned"), [Beth
*3 5i with a desert of the same name, Josh. 18: 12.

The Talmudists have confounded this town with the gamut], a town of the Moabites, Jer. 48:23.
D'rtan JV3 \_Betli-diblathaim], Jer. 48:22,
neighbouring city of Beth-El (letter 6), from the (I)

latter having been sometimes called by the prophets and Q^rfan Num. 33:46 ("two cakes of figs"), a
in contempt f1X~JV3, see ].}N. town of the Moabites.

(b) ^
rV3 ("house of
God"), [Beth-el], a very (w) flrj n3 ("house of Dagon"), [Beth-da-
Josh. 15:41.
ancient city of the Canaanites, afterwards of the gon~\, a town (a) of the tribe of Judah,
of the Asherites, Josh. 19:27.
Benjamites; until the time of Joshua called T-1^ (Josh. (/S)
n*3 ("house of the lofty"), [Beth-
18:13, and compare TV?), although once (16:2) the (n) D^n
two names are distinguished from the writer speak- araw], Josh. 13:27, a city of the Gadites; Num.
ing more accurately.was situated on a mountain
It 32:36, called J^n ri'3, afterwards Julias, Livias; see
voc. Betharam.
(l Sa. 13:2; Josh. 16: l;compare Gen. 35 i ), where :
Joseph. Ant. xviii. 2, 1 Jerome ;

the tabernacle of the covenant was placed [?] (Jud. rfan n^3 ("house of the partridge"),[#e<A-
on the borders
2O:l8, 26, 27; 21:2; l Sa. 10:3), and Avhere after- hoglali], a town of the Benjamites
wards Jeroboam set up the worship of the calves (iKi. of Judah, Josh. 15:6; 18: 19, 21 [now Hajlah l^^..
12:28, seq.). Compare J1K n'3 and f JX. Various and Rob. ii.
discrepant [not so !] traditions of the origin of this rV3 ("house of favour"), \_Beth-hanan],
(p) fan
<aty are given, Gen. 28: 10, seq.; 35: 1, seq. 9, seq., a town of the tribe of Judah or Dan, l Ki. 4 9. :

which are discussed by de Wette (Kritik der Israel. IV3 ("place of the hollow," perhaps
(q) f'nh
Gesch.i. 1
24). [The inspired account is plain enough, "of the hollow way"), [Beth-horon^m. two towns
and contains neither discrepancy nor contradiction]. " the
of the tribe of Ephraim, one of which called
Gentn. is ^Kn JV3 i Ki. 16:34. [Now called Beitin
upper" was situated in the northern part of that
Rob. ii. 126.] tribe (Josh. 16:5; 21:22); the other,"the nether,"
^>Kn JV3 ("house of firm root,"i.e. of fixed was situated on the border of Benjamin (Josh. 16:3;
seat), [Beth-ezel], a town" of Judaea or Samaria, 18:13). Twice (Josh, l o : 1 1 ; 2 Ch. 25 : 1 3) Beth-
Mich. 1 11, where allusion is made to this etymology.
: horon is mentioned KO.T tlu-xyv,
and in Joshua it is
of the ambush of God"), clear that tlic nether is intended. Near to this was a
cit. (comp. 1 Mace.
[Beth-arbel~\, Hos. 10:14; prob. "Ap/3r/Xa of the very narrow declivity, Josh. loc.
Galilaeans (l Mace. 9:2); situated between Sepphoris 3 l6 24), famous for the slaughter of several hosts.

(r) nim^n n\3 ("house

and Tiberias (Josh. Arch. xii. 11, of the deserts"), [Beth-
l, xiv. 15, 4;
on the Jordan.
De Vita Sua, 60). {Perhaps Irbid, Rob. iii.
282.] jeshimotli}, a town of the Reubenites,
JV3 Nu. 33:49; Josh. 12:3; 13:20; afterwards belong-
(e) fWp^? \_Beth-baal-meon~], Josh.l3:i7;
elsewhere "?J>3 Nu. W?
32: 38, and flVO rV3 ( house ing to the Moabites, Eze. 25:9.
of habitation"), Jer. 48:23; a town 13 7V3 ("house of pasture"),
assigned to (s) [Beth-car\
mi33-rv3 CXVIII n3
l Sa.y-.ll,
perhaps a garrison of the Philistines, in (a) py n3 ("house of the farm of ti.j

the limits of the tribe of Judah.

shepherds," compare jJLc village, farm), a place neai
(/) CQ3? rva ("house of the vineyard"), [Beth-
Samaria, 2 Ki. 10: 12 and without D'jnn verse 14,
haccerem], Jer. 6: 1 Neh. 3: 14; a town of Judah,

^??y na with art. nT$n n'3 ("hou* A

according to Jerome on Jeriem. loc. cit., situated on a
(&fc) :

the desert"), [JSeth-arabah'], a town on tn

mountain between Jerusalem and Tekoa.
borders of the tribe of Judah and Benjamin, Josh.
() ni5<3> n'3 see above,letter (/).
15:6; 18:22; without JV3 Josh. 18:18.
( ) rnpyj>
n'3 see n-jsy.
n'3 (tf)B^S n'3 ("house of escape"), [Beth-phelet,
(tr)Dn^> ("house of bread"), [Bet h-lehem],
Beth-palel\, a town in the south of Judah, Josh.
m. Mich. 5:1. (a) a town of the tribe of Judah,
more fully nTHT Qr n'3 Jud. 17 :"j, 9; Ruth 1 l, 2 :

(wjm)liy? n'3 ("temple of (Baal) Peor," see?y_3

and n rn?? DH7 n'3 Mic. 5: l. Ephratah (see p. LXXIII,
">1V9),[Beth-pear"], a city of the Moabites allotted to
B) was not only the ancient name of the town (see Gen. the Reubenites, celebrated for the worship of Baal-
35 1 9)> hut it appears to have denoted the circum-

It was the abode of the peor, Deu. 3:29; 34:6; Josh. 13:20.
jacent region. family of H'3
David (see Ruth loc. cit.), and the birth-place of our (nn) f>'P ("house of dispersion"), \_Beth-
pazzez], a town in the tribe of Issachar, Josh.
Saviour, on which account +&.] i^-~-J> about six
English miles from Jerusalem is still celebrated. Gent. n'3 ("house of the rock"),
(oo)T-W [Beth-zur],
noun 'P^n n^^JBeth-leltemite], lSa.l6:l,l8; 17: a town in the mountain country of Judah, Josh. 15:
58. (/?) a town in the tribe of Zebulon, Josh. 19: 15. 58 fortified by Rehoboam, 2 Ch. 11:7; an d yet more

(x) K^D
n'3 gee K'^P. by the Maccabees, l Mace. 14:33.
(y) pyp
n'3 see letter (e). (pp) 3hl n'3("house" or "region of breadth")
(z) royo n'3
("house of Maachah"), [Beth- \_Beth-rehol~], Jud. 18:28; 2 Sa. 10:6; elsewhere
maachah'], a town at the foot of Hermon, 2 Sam.
3h~) (unless perhaps Beth Rechob denotes a region,

20:15; comp. n3p and nDyo n'3 bx.

Rechob a city), a city of the Asherites on the northern
n borders of Palestine (Nu. 13:21), and there situated
(aa) P ">on n'3 ("house of remoteness"), a
in the vallies of Lebanon, not far from the springs of
place on the brook Kidron, 2 Sa. 15:17.
Jordan (Josh. 19:28,30; 21:31; Jud 1:31). The
neighbouring part of Syria is called 3h~] n'3 QT^
marcaboth], a town in the tribe of Simeon, Josh. 2 Sa. 10:6; 3rr) Dl^ ib. verse 8.
19:5; l 011.4:31.
(qq) \m
n'3 ("house of rest"),
(cc) -"QP?
("house of limpid and wholesome Josh. 17:11, 16; contr. ]& n'3 i Sam. 31:10, 12;
water," conip. 1D3), [Beth-nimrah~], Nu. 32:36; n'3 2 Sa. 21 12, a city of the tribe of Manasseh,
Jtt' :

Josh. 13:27; and nnp3 Nu. 32:3, a town of the Gad-

now long held by the Canaanites and Philistines (Jud. and
ites, called BtjOrafipie in the time of Eusebius,
Sa. 1. 1. c. c.), situated on this side Jordan, afterwards
Nemrin; see Burckhardt's Travels in Syria, 661. The
waters near it are called D^IP? *P Isa. 15:6.
called Scythopolis (LXX. Jud. l 27), by the Rabbins:

}D'3, now by the Arabs ^'**-j [Bei'san"].

(dd) nV..n'3 ("house of pleasure"), [the house
n&B n n'3 ("house of the acacia"), [Beth-

nf Eden], a royal city of Syria on mount Lebanon, (rr)

on the Jordan between
shittah"], a town situated
(Amos. 1:5), called by the Greeks flapahtffoi; (Ptol.
Bethshan and Abel-meholah, Jud. 7:22. [Perhaps
(ee) nipjy. n'3 [Beth-azmaveth'], Neh. 7:28, the place now called Sh%tta;
iii. lki, Rob.
and simply nipiy. ib. 12:29; ^ zr 2:2 4> a village of
BteB? n'3
(" of the house
sun"), [Beth-
the tribe of Judah or Benjamin. shemesh], a town (a) of the Levites, Josli.2i:i6f
(/) pPy--7 n 3 ("house of the valley"),^^- on the borders of the tribes of Judah and Dan and

emek~] a town
of the Asherites. Josh. 19:27. Ae land of the Philistines (Josh. 15: 1O; l Sa. 6: 12 ;

(gg) rfo?
("house response" perhaps "of
of seq.; 2 Ch. 28: 18); large and populous (l Sa. 6: 19),
l Ki. 4:9; 2 Ki. 14:11. Constr. with a pi. l Sa. 6:13,
echo"), [Beth-dHOtli], a town of the tribe of Judah,
Josh. 15:59. where the inhabitants are intended. Gent, noun H'3
(lh) nay n'3 [Beth-anatli], a town of the
'e*pB>n id. ver . 14^ 18. [This town apj-ears to .f
iribt of Naphtali, Josh. 19:38; Jud. 1:33 now called 'Ain Shems ^> c , Rob. iL 339."

of the tribe of Naphtali, Josh. 19:38; Jud. 1: PIEL, to bewail, weep for the dead, with an ace.

33- (y) of the tribe of Issachar, Josh. 19:22. (3) Jer. 31:15; Eze. 8:14.
i.q. \\K Heliopolis of Egypt, Jer. 43:13; compare Derived nouns are '"I33 JND3, H ?3, JV33. }

page LXir,, A.
m. weeping, Ezr. 10:1, from the root H33.
rnag n3 ("house of apples"), [Beth-tap-

puali], a town of the tribe of Judah, Josh. 15:53. m. (from the root ~<O^), first-born, whether
Rob. ii. 428.] of men, Gen. 25: 13; 35:23; or of animals, :5;
[Now Teffuh _y;,
12:29; *3 :l 5- I Q the former case, it refers to the
JV5 emphat. K;3, n 7? 3 constr. JV3 with suffix
Gen. 49:3. As the eldest son,
eldest son of a father.
fiDia, pi. pfl3, Heb. house, Dan. 2:5;
Chald. m. i.
in many things, took precedence of the rest (see
KS^D n3 Ezr.6:4; JV3 ^9
Dan. 4 27, royal house, =
rnias No. 2)
palace; NH7X
H" ? house of God,
temple, Ezr. 5:2,

(2) metaph. it used of any thing which is chief,

also, simply Nn?3 id. ver. 3, 9, 1 1.
seq. ;

firs t of its kind. Job 1 8 1 3, HID "033 " the f i r s t-


3 m. constr. JCP3 great house, palace, Esth. born of death," i.e. "the greatest of deadly ma-
:5; 7:7,8. ladies." For disease may fitly be called by a Hebraism,
" the son of
death," as being its precursor and at-
~ an unused root, i.
H33 prop, to drop, to
tendant; as in Arabic <Ljw*Jl Cl^'Lj daughters oj
distil; hence, to weep, to shed tears. (Arab. lj fate, or of death, used of fatal fevers; and the most
to pour rnilk terrible death is here figuratively called the first-
drop by drop.)
born of brethren. Isa. 14:30, D'H ^33 "the first-
K33 (i) weeping, lamentation; Arab. S\j
born of the poor," the poorest; as if the chief
ilj. K??n pSJ? iAe valley of weeping, or of la-
amongst the sons of the poor, or the first-born of this
mentation, Sammerttjal/ pr. n. of a valley in Pales- wretched age see my Comment, on the passage.

tine, so called from some reason connected with its

In fern, of an eldest daughter is used 'TJ'?? which

name; probably, gloomy and sterile. An allusion is see.

made to its etymology, Psa. 84:7, K33n ngjj p#3 l2 in

sing. Isa. 28 4, according to the
: Masor. (see
"passing through the valley of la- W\tt first-
fVT3), elsewhere always in pi. Dn-133,
mentation, they (the sacred pilgrims) make it foun-
fruits, used of fruits and of grain, the firstfruits ga-
thered from the field and the trees, Nu. 1 3 20, espe- :

(2) pi. D$3?

Sam. 5:23, 24; l Chr. 14:14, 15,
to God, Lev. 2:14;
cially of the firstfruits offered
some tree, so called from its weeping, dropping,
23:17; Neh. 10 36. There is sometimes added ri^ST

according to Celsius (Hierobot. i. 335 340), Arab. Ex. 23: 19; 34:26; Dn-133n DH7 "bread baked from
?l> like the balsam-tree, whence white drops dis- the firstfruits,"Lev. 23:20; bn-133n DV" the day of

til of a cold and pungent taste. firstfruits," used of the feast of Pentecost,Nu. 28 26. :

r fut. H33* convers.

^3.^ pr. i.
X33 TO DIS- rn, rnj) f.

(1) firstborn, firstling; pLflrDS: firstborn

TIL, TO FLOW BY DROPS (the primary syllable "|3
imitates the sound of falling drops, comp. the roots
offspring; of men, Neh. 10:37; f * ue young of
beasts, Gen. 4:4; Deut. 12 :6, 17; 14:23.
ending with TJ) ; weep, a root
see *33, specially, to
(2) s\ibst.j)rimogeniture, birth-right, Gen. 43:
common to all the co^ate languages and dialects,
33. Opp. to rnj?V- rnbsn OSti'p the right of pri-
Ex. 2:6; Gen. 43:30; 2 Sa. 19:2; often used of the
mogeniture," or birth -right, Deut. 21:17. -A- 8 to
people lamenting in public calamities, Num. 11 10; :
the same !r 13
ellipt. j' ? Gen. 25:31, 34; 27:36.
25:6; used of the mourning of penitents, Ezr. 1O:1.
Followed by an ace. to weep for, bewail anyone, f. an
early fig, regarded as a delicacy on
especially the dead. Gen. 23:2; 37:35; 50: 3; also that account, Mic. 7:1 Hos.g:!; Isa. 28:4 (whei*

folk wed by ?J? of the person or thing wept for, Lam. it is better with some copies to read n"V)33 with !1

1:16; Jud. 11:37; ^2Sa. 1:24; Eze. and without Mappik, than n~Vl33, with the Masor. and edit.
^ Jer. 22-.1O; Job 30:25. n33 followed by 7JJ is as the suffix, is weak); in Morocco now called ^
also to come to any one weeping, Num. 11 :13; Jud.
X ,\j boccore, Spanish Albacora.
14:16; and, to weep upon any one, i.e. in his em-
brace, Gen.
45:15; 50:1. PTfl33 id. PL nVfi33n 3n Jer. 24:2.

? ("offspring of the first birth"), [Be- loc. cit. and in Thes. page 236. [" Comp. Root ~Q$
m. Sa. g:l.
No. 3."]
chorath'], pr. n. 1

rft!D3 fem.
weeping, mourning, Gen. 35 8; ; P^ (appell. i.
q. "O3 "a young camel '), [J5e-
r33 " the oak of weeping." Root HD3. cAer],pr.n.m. (i) a son of Ephraim; Num. 23:35-
Gent. n. *")?3 id. (2) a son of Benjamin, Gen. 46 2 1 . :

'?? in pause, '?3 with suff. 'P? m .

a young female camel, in heat; Jer. 2*

weeping, from H33, Gen. 45 2 Isa. 15:3; 22:
(l) :

" to make See 133.

4, etc.?na *33 HD3 agreat lamentation," 23.
2 Sa. 13:36; alsoa dropping, a distilling of water
FO3 q Mfi 133, he is first-born"), \_Bo-

in mines, Job 28:11. Comp./ere, for rorare, stillare

in Lucret. i. 350, Gr. cuKpvov and ""HJP" !.
1 cAeru],pr. n. m. i Ch. 1:31 9:44. ;


D'I)3 ("weepers"), [Bochim~\, pr.n. of a place "]p5("juvenile"),[.Bi'cArtj,pr.n.m. 2Sa. 2O:1.

near Gilgal ; Jud. 2:1,5. /? (l) nothing (from the root rP3 No. 3). Ps.

<TVP5 Gen. 19:31; 29:26;

17 :
"prove me, N>'pn^>3 thou shalt find nothing
adj. fem. first-born,
of evil." [" Unless like LXX. and
Sa. 14:49. to ~rt33. Vulg. we connect
nisiKypj:)^3< t h ous h a i t not find my evil thoughta,'
J"^D3 fem. weeping, mourning, Gen. 50:4; from i. e. those which
perhaps lurk within me."]
the root rO3. (2) not, i. q. *O, but poet, followed by a preterite.
Ps. 10:11; 21:3; and a future, Ps. 10:4, 6; 49:13;
J3 a root not used in Kal, pr. TO CLEAVE, to Prov. 10:30; Isa. 26:14; also not yet for scarcely,
break forth, i.q.the kindred word ?3 to be,or come l

Isa. 40 24 (compare 2 Ki. 20
4), once for ??3 N73 :

first, to do anything first (as if tie S3at;n brccben), Ps. 32:9, "be ye not like the horse. be kept in
and to be early, seasonable, to do any thing early, with rein and bridle, T^K ^'np ^3, pr. in not ap-
seasonably. It is applied proaching to thee."
(1) to the day, hence Jo to rise early, to do any (3) lest, i.
q. followed by a fut. Ps. 10: 1 1.

/2 Ch. m. heart, Dan. 6: 15.
thing in the morning, <j the morning time, comp.
s - s -
Syr. \^ heart, mind,
the kindred ~53.

(2) to the year and its produce, D^VI23 first-fruits,

Jb id. for 'lj from n?3,
^ III. to care for,

pr. care, hence, mind which is agitated with cares.

rnW3 early fig, $ ^j early fruit.
HT33 75 contr. from ?V3 i.
q. ?V3 Bel, a domestic and
(3) to the time of life, especially birth, "1133,
chief god of the Babylonians, worshipped in the
tirst-born, (j and * L> a virgin, a woman who has tower of Babel ; Isa. 46 l ; Jer. 50 2 ; 51: 44, and : :

so- Dan. chap. 14, LXX. The Greek and Roman writers
ber a young camel.
first child, ">33, >
(Diod. Sic. ii. 8, 9; Cic. De Nat.
Plin. xxxvii. 19;
PIEL (i)to bear early fruit, used ofatree,Eze. Deorum, iii.
16) compare him with Jupiter; but how-
47 12, comp. Kal No. 2.
: ever, we are not to understand this to be the father
of the gods, of whom the Orientals knew nothing, but
(2) to make first-born, to give the right of primo-
geniture to any one, Deut. 21 :l6. in accordance with the peculiar Babylonian
PUAL, to be first-born, Lev. 27:26. in which all rested on the worship of the stars, the

HIPHIL, part. HT33D a woman who brings forth her p la n e t Jup i t e r, siella Jovis ( Cic. De Nat. Deor. ii. 20),
fi rs t c h ild, Jer. 4 31
: . which [some of] the Shemitic nations worshipped
Derivatives, see Kal. supremely as a good demon and the author and
guardian of all good fortune. It is therefore called by
a young he-camel, already fit for carrying
the Arabians -*i\ A_-.-.-H "Greater Fortune.^
light burdens (comp. T2 and ty). PL const. ^3,
s^- The planet Venus was worshipped with this planet
Isa. 60 To
answers the Arab.
X^ a young
HTJ^, JTiN&). Comp. 1|, W, and see ^3 No. 5.

camel, which they observe signifies the same age as The devotion to this worship is shewn by the propel
fj$\ a young man, in men; see Bochart, Hieroz. i. names of the Babylonians compounded with the name

p. 82, seq. See also my remarks in Comment, on Isa. Bel, as 1-W" ??, 1-VS^3, Belesys, Belibus, etc.

13:28, H73! 3J713 Kim "and he (hucriKiJg for/) as a

/ Ch.i.q. Hebr.'"?. Pael: TO AFFLICT, TO
rotten thing fa 1 1 e t h away," wasteth. Gen. 18:12;
TROUBLE, Dan. 7:25. Compare Heb. PIEL No. 2.
Ps. 32:3. (Compare }\j to care for, pr. to be COU-
n^f/5 (contr. from H^??^-? e "whose lord is i- -

Si. S -
Bel," "worshipper of Bel"), \_Baladan\, pr. n.
of the father of king Merodach-Baladan, 2 Kir2O:l2.
sumed with cares ; ^j" consumed with cares; Jlj.
9 <> I

Jlcs the heart, the mind, so called from cares (see 73).
J / 2 not used in Kal. Arab. ^L TO BK BRIGHT, jEth. HAP.' to be or become old.) Hence
TO SHINE FORTH as the dawn. V. TO LAUGH, TO fail wholly, to be brought to nothing;
(3) to

BE c H E E R F u L, from the idea of a bright countenance. whence 73, v3, PVp3 nothing, not. <l

HIPHIL (i) to cause to shine forth. Am. 5:9,

PIEL (i) causat. of Kal No. 2, Lam. 3:4; hence
TJT/JJ lb> 3v3C>n
"causing desolation to shine generally, to consume, to waste (trans.), Ps. 49:15;
forth upon the mighty," i.e. suddenly bringing it Isa. 65 22. Applied to time, as in Lat. tempus terere,

Job .21: 13, On'0 31133

upon them a metaphor taken from the dawn quickly
rpiftfiv ftioy. 3j "they
and suddenly spreading itself, compare Joel 2:2. spend or pass their days in wealth."
(2) make cheerful, sc. the countenance, to be
to (2) to afflict, trouble, i Ch. 17:9. (Arab. 1
made cheerful, Psalm 39:14; Job 9:27; 10:20.
Hence IVrjaO, and
IV. id. ?IL and <LL sorrow, affliction, calamity.)

Compare Ch. &V?.

nf?3 ("cheerfulness"), [JBityaA], pr. n. m. Hence are derived the nouns and
1 particles 73^, 73,
Neh. 12:5, 18; written in Neh. 10:9, 'I ??. and the com-
73, ni?3, 173, '73, ^73, DW73, 1V73J;>,

T? ? pr. n. (prob. i.
q. *n/> J3 i. e.
" son of con-
pounds 7Jr?3, ^I?/?, fDv3.

tention," "contender," from the root jj to strive, ri73 adj. f. ^73 worn out with use and age, of
see 1T1?), Bildad, the Shuite, one of Job's friends, garments, sacks, bottles, shoes, Josh. 9: 4, 5. Used
^73 " worn out
who takes the second place in disputing with him, figuratively of an adulteress, D*?^?
Job2:li; 8:l; 18:1; 25:1. with adulteries," Eze. 23: 43.

^i a root not used in Kal, TO FEAR, TO BE

nn^5 f. in sing, once, Isa. 17:14; more often in
/4 pr.
7H3, comp. ^b to be modest Jobl8:ll; 24:17; 27:20.
q. feeble, (1) terror, terrors,
J"lin73 " terrors shall
(pr. timid). 18:14, "ij^p? 'I^TVVB pursue
PIEL !??3 toterrify, to frighten, to cause any one's him a king," or military leader (? here serves
mind to be cast down, Ezr. 4:4 n'riD. In np the for comparison, Job 39: 16; compare Job 15:24, and
= p J"lin?3 ^?Q
more common DviUD. 27:20. It is common, but incorrect, to join
Syriac ocn\->. quadril. to
king of terrors.)
(2) sudden destruction, compare
H7H3 No.2;
Derivatives, '"I???, and pr. n. ^^2, }ri^3. "
Ps. 73:19, J"lin?3~iP '^5 they perish with sudden
n J / fat.
n^ pr. TO FALL, TO FALL AWAY, TO destruction;" Eze. 26:21,^5^1 "*(?$$ nin?3.LXX.
FAIL (like 733, ?3K, which see), abfallen, cinfallen, er= airijiXiuit' at 3w<7w, KUI ow^ inrap^ttg tri. Vulg. in ni~
hilum redigam Eze. 27:36; 28: 19.
fallen/ specially used te,

(l) of garments fallen away and torn by use

and age. npll (perhaps "modesty," see n?? in Kal),
Followed by 7JJ. Deut. 8:4, "thy rai-
[BilhaJi], pr.n. (l) of the handmaid of Rachel,
ment T?J? nrij>3 &6 fell not away from thee" who bore to Jacob Dan and Naphtali, Gen. 30 3, seq. ; :

(worn out and torn). Deut. 29:4, and absol. Josh.

35:22. (2) a town of the tribe of Simeon, l Ch.
9:13; Neh. 9:21. Applied to the heaven and the also ^?JS.
4:29; called elsewhere H^3 (Josh. 19:3),
perishing like an old garment, Isa. 50:9; 51 :6;
Psa. 102:27. n/3 (perhaps "modest"), [JBi'Man], pr.n.m. f
(Arab. Jj to be worn out as a gar-
ment.) (i) Gen. 36: 27. (2)1 Ch.7:io.

(a) of men, who through sickness, age, or cares, 1/3 Ch., a species of tribute, prob. imposed on
waste away; Germ, einfallen/ cerfallen Germ.
(compare Gr. articles consumed, (5on[umtiongftcucr/ Recife/ ex*
roXatdc, aud with another flexion, /u'Xw, euro). Job cise, Ezr.4:i3,2O; 7:24; compare also

Ni?3 only found in pL const

'N&3 Jer. 38 12, and : r* m. pr.
something mixed, specially meslt.i
contr. *j/3 ver. 1 1, the rags of worn out clothes. This provender consisting of several kinds of grain, ai
latter form which should be pronounced beluve is wheat, barley, vetches, and other seeds (comp. Varro,
L *L
prop, fr^za the sing, V?3 for 1v? in other copies how-
De R. R. i. 31 Plin. xviii. 15, s. 41), all of which

ever (see J.H.Michaelis) it is read V.ft? and ineditt. were sown mixed together ["or given to cattle"],
r>^3 (of the form ^3, *'\ from the sing. fta (of the Job 6:5524:6. It is clear that grain is to be under-
form stood from Isa. 30:24.

w!p75 ("Bel's prince," i.e. prince whom rtp'7^ comp. of ^3 and no i. q. npinp j6 "not
Bel favours, compare ?3 ; te/ia, a termination which any tiling, nothing," Job. 26:7. So mdeed LXX.,
is added to words in the Zendic as a mark of the Vulg., Syr., Ch., nor are the Hebrew interpreters to
genitive, and zar=.sar, prince), Belteshazzar, the be listened to, who explain nD'721 a bridle, band,
Assyrio-Babylonic name of Daniel in Nebuchadnez- from the root D^3.
zar's court, Dan. l 7 2:26; 4:5,6,15,16; 10:1.

.?3 (comp. of v3 not,withou t, and ?I benefit,

?2 gubst. (i)consumption destruction, t
profit, compare 7' to be useful, and Arab. UU. and
38:17; Arab. [T
J^. i.
q. k_;.' _i noble, prince ;
and not as said by
(2) failure, defect, nothing; hence adv. of ne-
gation, i. q. SO. It is joined to verbs and nouns, Gen. Fischer, in Proluss. De Verss. Grsec. p. 93, from v?
31:20; Hos.7:8; 8:7; Isa. 14:6; 32:10. It is some- and ?iy a yoke, as if impatience of the yoke, con-
times closely joined to substantives, so that they coa- tumacy) pr. unprofitableness, worthlessness,
lesce into a single idea. D^ v3 "not fame," i. e. infamy, what is useless, of no fruit (compare Arabic
Job 30: 8. of no profit, little worth). Hence
jL-Us _i useless,
(3) For Y?3 without, only poetically, Job 8:11, /J?3E^K "a wicked
(1) wickedness, vileness;
D !9 V? "without waters;" 24:10; 31:39; 33 9; =
man" i Sam. 25:25; 30:22; D^N Pro. 6:12,
^4:6; Ps. 59:5. and 7yv3"|3 i Sa. 25: 17 id. PI. often ^y!'?3''33 i Sa.
With prop. (a) y33 prop, in defect, without, 1

2:12, and /y! ?? \33 D'K'JK ?!?? '33 't'3S Deu. 13:
?3. njn '733
imprudently, Deu.4:42; 19:4; 14; Jud. 19:22; 20:13. ?yv3 n3 "a wicked wo-

suddenly, Job 35: 16; 36: 12 compare ^>3 No. 2. ;

man," l Sam. 1:16; ^yt/3 13"^ "an evil, wicked
(l>) $$ id.
(comp. ^> letter B) Job 38:41 ^fc^$ thing," Ps. 41:9; 101:3; compare Deu. 15:9.
HVV }$
''without food;" 41:25; Isa. 5:14. ^y^S ^|33.V Dy 13T " lest there arise a w i c k e d thought
v3D pr. because of defect (a) in that not, in thy heart."
because not; followed by an inf. Deu. 9:28, y3D (2) destruction, Nah. l:ll, ?y.v3 fyi "who
nirv rpb'." because Jehovah could
not," Isa. 5:13. plans destruction;" Ps.l8:5,Wiy_3; Tgffj ^H3 "the
Followed by a part, "because no man," Lam. 1:4; streams of destruction make me afraid," a meta-
TyiO 3 ?3O "becausenone come to the feast."
phor taken from waves, which is not unfrequent in
Sometimes pleon. P *^?9; 2 Ki. 1:3, 6, 16; Exod. the sacred writers. LXX. dro/mtc, i. e. ene-
V V *
14:11 (Syr. > u.^^ ^3> and u^a ^ in that
mies rushing like torrents.
rectly render "torrents
Some moderns incor-
of hell."
not). so that not, Job 18:15,
W *?3O "(terror) dwells in his tent so that it is no
P3 ^^3 ^ (3) Ellipt. for ?y_!?3
ITS a wicked man (see No.l),
2 Sa. 23:6; Job 34: 18, a destroyer, causer of de-
more his," i. e. terror occupies his tent, and the wicked
removes thence; 6:6; Deu. 28:55. Followed by a
[" Note.
Hence was derived in later usage and in
part, so that none,
3K" v?P " so that no one
New Test, the pr. n. BtXmA, or UtAuui, Belial, i. q.
dwells;" Jer. a 15; 9:10; comp. Eze. 14:15. Followed

, Satan. The English version also gives

by "*$ (so that it forms a conjunction) and pleon.
|6 Ecc-3:ii TBfc ^30 "so that man
^S in the Old Test, as a pr. n. Belial, but incor-
? *|?r>6 See Thes. page 210."]
cannot find out." rectly^?].
iy until failure, "as long
LL *
(d) ?3 i.e. as," Ps. POUR OVER (Arab. Jj
't^f (l) TO to wet, to
72:7; Mai. 3:10. i
L. L L ^ ^
(e) v3"72 ' that not, followed by a pret. Gen. moisten, /3J to flow as water. 7^3, ^?/?,' * i
^2}^s t

31:20. sprinkle). Part. pass. 19V'? 'I'? "poured over will


oU of oblations," Lev. 2 :
4, 5 ; 7 : 10, 12 14 2 1 Nu.
Job. 7:19, "thou wilt not let ine alone 3 ^
:1 3> 1 9- Intrans. to be
poured over, anointed. while I swallow down my spittle," i. e. thou givest

Ps. 92:11, 13JD ||^VJ3 "I am anointed with me no breathing space, not even the least moment
wilt thou grant me, that I (So in Arabic

fresh oil In the derivatives, see W^? and ?-1?3J;l. may rest.

to get her (Gr. o-y^x tw ) ^ confound,

(2) to j, our "let me swallow down my spittle,"
especially speech
Gen. 11:7, onBtp DP njafl rrna nan

"come we go down, and there confound their

will i.e. give me so much delay that I may swallow it

e. which is farther explained " so
their speech, down. Har. xv. p. 142 Sacy. See more in Schult.
that one could not understand another;" H733 for on Job loc. cit. So in Persic
,^sC.\ swallowing of
nkn, see Lehrg. page 372, and verse 9. Comp. ?7f. spittle, used of delay. Compare PIEL No. l.)
Arab. to be confounded, of speech, *JJ1 J-i-J
Jjj ot (2) Metaph. (a) to consume, to destroy, so
confusion of languages, Conj. II. to babble. however that the figure of deA-ouring is preserved,
men- e.g. to devour riches, Job. 20:15 (comp. devoratam
(3) to stain, to soil (comp. 73??, '^ss^ss
tioned under KalX So in the derivatives 73$, 7-173J;!. pecuniam evomere, Cic. Pis. 37). Pro. l: 12, "let us
devour them, like Hades, alive," i. e. let us consume,
(Comp. mix, and to stain.)
D^>3 to

(4) denom.from 7v3 to #*Ve ineslin or prove nder kill them; Ps. 124:3. Compare ??^ No. i, g. (A)

to beasts; Jud.ig:2l, D'lbnJ? ?3' 1; Vulg. T

ei pabulum
It is applied to inanimate things, to a chasm of the
earth, Nu. 16 30, seq. of the sea, Ps. 69 16, compare
asinis prcebuit.
7331 Isa. 64:5, is for 733! which
The form Ex. 15:12.
see; also Index analyt. NIPHAL, pass. Piel No. 2, to be destroyed, lost,
Hos. 8:8, specially used of drunkards. Isa. 28:7,
HITHPOLEL, to mix oneself, followed by 3 Hos.7 :8. "
1X*D IP W?? 3 are destroyed with wine," i.e.
Derived nouns are H|, ?3ri, 7-173FI, W>^p and the they .

733. oppressed, broken down, overcome with wine.

pr. n.
pare D^n, I'll,
"Qj;. The Syriac translator retains the
word ^O CYS/N^-).
Jj.vy. The Arabs use, hi the
ally the mouth of a beast with a muzzle, Ps. 32 9. (Syr. :

c same phrase, the verb 4_]_.

id. Ethpe. to be shut, used of the mouth, to PIEL i. to swallow doivn. Once
9 <> (i) q. Kal,
be dumb, NQ'S'-S a muzzle.) In form and significa-
| Nu. 4 20, " neither
ellipt. : shall they come in to see
tion it is kindred to Q/N. As to the roots ending in the holy things V?33 while it is swallowed down,"
D see EDS. sc. saliva, i. e. not for the least moment of time. Com-
pare Kal No.l. Excellently, LXX. iZdiriva. Metaph.
/I (denorn. from a n g> ^
J1K y?3 "to devour wickedness," i.e. to fill oneself
also sycomore), TO CULTIVATE FIGS (and sycamores'), altogether with wickedness, Pro. 19:28 (comp.
or to gather, or to eat them, comp. mura&f r and cbro- Job 15:16).
(wa^Eiv. Am. 7 14, D'PPP> D7I3, well rendered by the
(2) to destroy, specially (a) to give up to de-
LXX. KVIWJ> avKu^iya. Vulg. vellicans sycamina. For struction, Job 2:3; 10:8; Isa.49:l9; Hab. 1:13.
nipping, vellicatio, belongs to the cultivation of syca- (b) to extirpate, to take away altogether,
mines. ["a process by which they were ripened, irl 2l: 10; 35:25; followed by IP Job8:l8. (c) to

lay waste a country, 2 Sam. 20:19, 2O; Lam. 2:8;

ou cvi'arai a.v tiriKi'iaQi]' aXX' t^oj-T<; o
ffior/pdc iTrtKi'i^ovTif' a 3'
a'7ri/c)'io'0jj,~-apr also, towaste riches, Prov. 21 :2O; to destroy, i.e. to
rat."] See Theophr. Hist. PI. iv. 2 ; Plin. N. H. xiii. frustrate counsel, Isa. 19:3; comp. Psa. 55:10; any
7, 14. Bochart in Hieroz. i. 348, seq. one's way, i.e. to cause him to go to destruction, Isa.

,y 7 fut. y?y
PuAL,pass. Piel No. 2, to be destroyed, to perish.
DEVOUR ["with the idea of eagerness, greediness"].
Isa. 9:15, "destruction is prepared;" followed by
(Arab. -1- and quadril. ^Jj id., ^Eth. HAD: to eat, ^ a Sa. 17:16.

L V HlTHPAEL, id. Ps. 1O7:27.

to eat
up. Kindred roots are IN?, < > >N and many
others beginning with y
?.) Used of

men eating ?3 m. with suff. y.? (l) a devouring, some-

greedily, Isa. 28:4; of beasts, Exod. 7:12; Jon. 2:1; thing devoured- Jer. 51:44.
51=34; ^en. 41:7, 24. proverbial phrase, A (2) destruction, Ps. 52:6.
(3) [J5e/a~> pr. n. of a city on the southern shore (i.q. |te?~?3 "son 01 .ongue"i= "elo-
of the Dead Sea, called also "U?V (little), Gen. 14 2, 8 ; :

quent," compare under [Bilshan"], pr.n. ol

19:20, seq. a leader, who returned with ZerubbaboJ from the
(4) pr.n. m. (a) of a king of the Edomites, Gen. exile. Ezr. 2:2; Neh. 7 7. :

36:32 (ft)
Gen. 46:21. (c) iCh.5:8.
or r\/ an unused noun, from the root n?2
^$63 with suff. '1$?, T"3$3 (comp. of ^>3
nD3 from np3, Lehrgeb.
and 1V:ffi until). (of the form p. 507), pr.
nothing, or bringing to nothing, i. q. ??, ^3,
(l) pr. nof unto, nothing to, a particle of depre- *
whence with parag. marking the construct state
cating or declining. Gen. 14:24,^/9$ ~W$ PI >%TJ>?3
0*1??0 nothing (shall come) to me;" I claim no- Tl/3 (i) adv. of negation i. q. t6 l Sa. 20:26.
thing, only what the young men have eaten," etc. (a) Prep, for ^33
(t6?) without, Isa. 14:6;
Gen. 41 16, niris D'l^rnx ruyi D'nfcs n$>3 "(it is)
besides, except (when a negation has preceded),
act I God will answer as to the welfare of Pharaoh."
Gen.21:26; Exod. 22:19; Nu. 11:6; 32:12; with
(a) wi t hout. Gen.4i:44, "without
out thy knowledge and consent) no one shall
thee (with- suff. ^3
"besides me," Hos. 13:4; Isa. 10:4; ^3
up "beside thec," l Sa. 2:2; Isa. 1. 1. translate "with-
his hand." out me (i.e. forsaken of me) they shall go bowed
(3) besides, Isaiah 45:6. Ellipt. for ~*?$ *afri down amongst the bound, and shall perish amongst
besides that which. Job 34:32, nrix n{r VBJS the slain," compare under nnri. [" i. e. part of them
(if I have sinned) besides the things which as captives, exhausted with hunger, thirst, and toil,
9 <t

I see, show it to me." Syr. , vS^v'f'!

,_iO t Os.^> id. shall sink down under the feet of their fellows, (comp.
, J .

?7?1 Jud.
P.? 5:27 ;) and part of them slain in battle,
*T3??5 id.
Always with pref. IP: HJ^P shall be covered with the corpses of others."]
(1) without. Isa. 36:10, "have I without God
(3) Conj. for ~&$ *^3 besides that, Dan. 11 18; :

e. without God's will and permission) come up

(i. unless that, Gen. 43:3, "ye shall not see my face
against this land?" Jer. 44: 19. Comp. 'IJ?/?? No. 2. D5PK* D^HS *J:y3 unless that your brother be with
(2) besides, Ps. 18:32; Nu.5:2O; Isa. 43:11. DK '1^3 "unless that," Amos 3:4,
you." Fully
""7 .
(comp. of 73 and DJJ, non-populus, perhaps
and simply unless, Jud. 7:14; Gen. 47:18.
i.q."a foreigner"), [Balaam], pr.n. (l) of Ba- Comp. with prep. (a) *v3? followed by an inf.,
laam the false prophet, Num. 22 in that Jud. 8: This particle is used in
24 Deut. 23 5, 6 ;
; pr. not, 1.

Josh. 13:22; 24:9; Mic. 6:5. LXX. BaXaa'/*. Hebrew wherever the gerund (^p.?) is to be ex-
(2) [Bi learn], of a town of the tribe of Manasseh, pressed negatively (VlDp 'JjV??). It
may be rendered
situated Ch. 6:55; called elsewhere
l in Latin, ita ut non (quominus), so as not, Exod.
beyond Jordan,
Djr>3> (Oyr n^), [Ibleam'], Josh. 17 1 1 ; Jud.i :27 ;
: 8:25; 9:17; ex. gr. after verbs of resisting, Jer.
16 12 : of forgetting, Deu. 8 1 1 hindering, Nu. 9:7;

ne, lest, Gen. 38:9; and ace. and inf. after

verbs ol
7 TO MAKE EMPTY, VOID, i.q. Pi?3, and like commanding, Gen. 3:11; of consenting, 2 Ki. 12:9.
this onomatop. imitating the sound of a bottle emptied Once used pleonastically ? 'Pl?37 2 Ki. 23:10, and
thrice "vkl*? followed by a finite verb for ~V'$ T-?3)
out. Isa. 24: l. Compare Arab. .Aj I. FV. to open
Jer. 23:14; 27:18; Eze. 13:3.
(a bottle).
(b) 'J!y3p because not, followed by an inf., Num.
PUAL part. f. npT ?3p made empty, i.e. desert, Nah.
t:ll. 14:16; by a verbal noun, Eze. 16:28.
[Hence] until not, followed by a pret, Num.
(c) '^3 ~iy
p?3 ("empty," "void"), [Balak"], pr.n. of a 21:35; Deu.3:3; Josh. 8:22; lo:33;also*o long
king of the Moabites in the time of Moses, Nu. 22:2, as, Job. 14:12; compare v3 Ig.
eq.; Josh. 24:9; Jud. 11:25; Mic. 6:5.
(with Kametz impure), pi. rflD3, construct
v Dan. 5:1, 2, 9, 22, 29, 30; 8:1; and id. and Deu. 32:13; Isa. 58:14; Micah 1:3

S 7 : l , B e Is h a z z a r, the last of the Chaldean 3ro,butinnp V!>!f?3, and so in the text, Job 9 8 Isa. :

kings, called by Herodotus (i. 188) A.afivvr)Toc, by 14:14; Amos 4:13 (see note), with suff. *rriO3 etc.
Berosus (in Jos. Cont. Ap. i. 20) Na/Soi-KijSoc (which (l) a high place, a height, a general
word in-
appears to be the m~>ie genuine form, comp. cluding mountains and hills, see the root W3, 2 Sam.
LXX. l : 19,25;"^! niD3 "m juntains covered with wood,'
Jer. 26:18; Micah3:l2; Eze. 36:2 (compare l).
or temple there built. It is probable that these miiei

fi3~!x n'lD3 "mountains by Arnon,"Nu. 21 :28. were tents adorned with curtains (Eze. 16: 16), comp.

(2) fortress, castle, built upon a mountain, 2 Ki. 23:7; Amos 5:26, a kind of tabernacle which

(compare Lat. arx, Germ. SSurg). Ps. 18 24, 'rflD3~7)J

: it appears that ths Pceni and the ancient Slavi had
'?TPJ!! "he set me upon my fortress," i.e. set me in (Diod. xx. 25. Mone, in Creuzer Symbol, v. 176).
safety; Hab. 3:19. The holder of the fortresses (5) It
rarely signifies a sepulchral mound, Greek
of a region has also secure possession of the whole ftta/.wc.
Eze. 43:7; compare verse 8, and the com-
land as conqueror, whence the poetic phrase ~?5 "^TJ mentators on Isa. 53 9 where : this signification may
f^ 'DE3 "he walked upon the fortresses of the suitably be taken.
earth," Amos 4: 13; Micah 1:3; Deu. 33:29; and Note. The plural construct form is 'D1E3, in
D'~'nO3 ?y Job 9:8 which there a double mark of the plural; similai
figuratively "upon the for- is

tresses of the sea;" 3JpriD3'?J? Isa. 14:14, "upon to 'DIB'gn i Sa. 26: 12;
compare Lehrgb. 541. The
the fortresses of the clouds;" used of God, as the Masorites however rejected this form and substituted
Supreme Ruler of the world also J^X TID3~?JJ 3^3"in
for it 'D$3.
Many read this bamSthe, but 1 as being
Deu. 32:13; Isa. 58: 14. immutable, cannot be shortened into Chateph-Ka-
(3) The ancient Hebrews [when they fell into metz; and some, more correctly, pronounce bom" the
idolatry], like many other ancient nations (see my for D3, from the
nD3 (of the form JU' 3); H ;

Comment, on Isa.65:7; and vol. ii. p. 316), regarded being retained in the plural, like n?"5, ninTH.. How-
sacred rites performed on mountains and hills as most ever, I suppose that we should reject the criticism of
acceptable to the gods. On this account they offered the Masorites, and read '{TIES 'fibs.
sacrifices on them, not
only to idols, but even to God
himself (l Sa. 9: 12,seq.; I Ch. i6:2g,seq.; 1 Ki. 3:4,
7^? ("son of circumcision," i.e. circum-
' cised, for?nD-f3; see TT1?), \_Bimhal'], pr.n. m.
[These passages apply only to true worship] 2 Ki. ;
l 01.7:33.
12:4; Isa. 36:7), and they erected there sanctuaries
or chapels (niOSri VH3 i Ki. 13:32; 2 Ki. lO3 see 1.
and set there priests, and ministers of sacred rites 7

TYlD2l("high places' ;, [Bamotli], Nu. 21:19;

(niO3n \3qb i Ki. 12:32; 2Ki. 17:32); andnotonly more fully 7^3 rriB3 ("high places of Baal"), Nu.
were the Ten Tribes so tenacious of the old rather
[or 22:41 Josh. 13:17, pr. n. of a town in the territory

corrupted] religion (see the passages already cited), of the Moabites, situated on the river Arnon.
but also the Jews themselves, so that even after the
H33 from the root H33 No.
building of the temple by Solomon, and in spite of [5 (for 3), const. "]|
the law, Deu. 12 (if this be ancient (with prefixes ?, 3, ? without Makkeph), rarely ||
[this doubtful expres-
sion is not to be Pro. 30 : i Deu. 25 2 : Jon. 4: 10 and whenever fol-
tolerated, no believer in revelation
; ; ;

doubts the antiquity of the lowed by the pr.n. J-13;

once '33
(like *?S), Gen. 49:
Pentateuch]), they erected
such sanctuaries on the mountains near 11, and 133 Nu. 24:3, 15. PI. D'33 (as if from sing.
Jerusalem, and
there they continued to sacrifice ; and the |3), const. '.33.
kings who
in other
respects were most observant of the Mosaic A son (Arab. .,.! ; pi. L^*i.
const. x>, ^J*j ;
on the
law until [Hezekiah
and] Josiah, neither put a stop
to this forbidden
worship as regards the people, nor
Phocn. monuments very often p ;
but in Aram." ?, 1

[in some cases] as regards themselves, 2 Ki. 12:4; from but with
X"}3 to procreate, pi. P.3, '33, ).. i
H:4; 15:4,35; compare 2 Ch. 20:33; !5:17; 2 Ki. KOT-' i^o-^tiv used of the king's son [The son of God
3:8,9, 19; Eze. 6:3; 20:29; Lev. 26:30. We read
9:5; compare "=1?P"I? Ps. 72:1; pi. QC| ??
really], Isa.
that Solomon himself offered sacrifices at such sanc- sometimes used of children of both sexes, Gen. 3:16;
tuaries, i Ki. 3:2, 3; comp. 11:7 [but in the former 21:7; 30:1; 31:17; 32:12; Deu. 4 l o although :

case the altar and tabernacle of God were at more often there is fully expressed JYI33-1 D'33 Gen. 5- {.,
the latter was mere common
idolatry]. 7,10, 1 3 ;
1 1 : 1 1 , seq. In sing, a trace of the
(4) It very often has the same meaning as nD3n n3 a "
gender is found in "9H? (more correctly ~GJ }3)
"a sanctuary built on a mountain" to God or idols male son," Jer. 20:15; compare vlog ojopjjr, Apoc.
(compare No. 3), iKi. 11:7; H'23; 210.17:9521: It belongs to poetic diction when
" sens of
2 3 !5? an d it is even
applied to any sanctuary or the Grecians" is used for the Grecians; Joel 4: 6, like
fane, Jer. " sons of the
7:31, compare .(Ethiop. rf| ; a mountain, vttQ 'Axatwi', and ^Ethiopians," Amoa
also a cq ivent, Germ. ag, pr. a grove, hence a
church, 9: 7, for the ^Ethiopians; compare Q'"}?3 'lp!Isa.a:6,
useJ of foreigners; jV3X '3.3 of the poor, Ps. 72:4; This arises A-om things, which are done in any time
and Greek dvo vaifae, II. <f>'. 151.
-i\vutv The similar place, being attributed to the time or plac-i itself fef
condition of the father and the son is shewn every- Isa.3:26; 8:23; Job 3: 3); and countries or!
where by this phrase. are regarded as the mothers of their particular in-
The name of son, like those of father and brother habitants (see EN), and also nations as fathers whence ;

(see 3$<, nx), is of wide extent :

-\ Hebrew, and is va- there is also said ^V. \3? "sons of my people," i.e.
It is ased
" those who are of my people" (see EJ?) and DJH V3? of
riously applied.
(1) Of a grandson (like
3N of a grandfather),
the common people, Jer. 17:19; 26: 23. Used of ani-
Gen. 29:5; Ezr.5:l; compare Zee. l : l; plur.
D'33 mals, Deu-32:i4, "rams, sons of Bashan." It is

also applied to things which are contained in any

grandsons, Gen. 32 l (3 1 55) 531: 28 (although where
: :

" sons of a
there is greater accuracy of speech grandsons are place, as quiver," used of arrows, Lam.
called D'33 '33 Ex.34:7; Pro. 13:22; 17:6); also 3:3-
descendants, as ?XTJp*. '3? Israelites; n*l-in* '33, (6) Followed by a gen. of time, it denotes a per-
*)!? Jews, Levites; PBJJ \3? Ammonites; J"in '33
*?.3 son or thing, either born or appearing in that time,
Hittites 7Ny.9y". \33 Ishmaelites. In the same sense
: or as having existed during that time. Thus, " son of
is used Shh
n'3,"n^n' H'3 (see JV3 No. 8); also :
his old age," i. e born in his old age, Gen. 37 3 "son :

of youth," born to a young father, Ps. 127:4; "sons

(2)a name of age, for boy, youth, like the
It is of bereavement," born of a bereaved mother, i. e. in
Greek compare ^3 No. 2, Cant. 2:3; Pro. 7: 7.
iraic; exile, Isa. 49:20; "son of five hundred years," five
The name of son hundred years old, Gen. 5:32; " a lamb n3^"|3
is applied to a
(3) subject, rendering obedience the first, year," Ex. 12:5. J n 4 1O f the ricinus - :

U)a king or lord, as to a father, 2 Ki. 16:7. Hence 13S n^-p-Vrpn r$J7J9|? "which sprung up in one
metaph. a son of death is one doomed to die, and as night, and perished in one night;" "son of the
if delivered into the dominion of death; i Sa. 20:31. morning," poetically of the morning star, lucifer, as
" a s o n of if born in the morning, Isa. 14:12.
2 Sa. 5 12 : :
stripes," q.
i. doomed to stripes ;

Deu.25:2; compare i/e y>'')e, Matt. 23:15; n/c (7) Followed by a genitive denoting virtue, vice,
HTTwAfmc, John 17:12. Son is applied to or condition of life ; it denotes a man who has that

(4) a foster son, who

brought up like a son, Ex. is virtue or vice, or who
has been brought up in that con-
" a son of
t.lO; compare Acts 7: 21; and a disciple, inas- dition, as ??D~i? strength," a hero, warriol
much as teachers were treated with reverence and (see ^D); ^yf/S'JS "son of wickedness," a wicked
obedience, like parents, and received the title of man*, I^BH id.'; IfnV \3? "sons of pride," poetically
father (see
3K No. 5). Hence DW3f n '33 "sons of used of wild beasts ; *?SJT13 i.
q. '3JJ
poor, wretched,
the prophets," for disciples of the prophets, and the Pro. 31:5; "son
of possession," i.e. possessor, heir,
schools of the prophets themselves, l Ki. 20 35 2 Ki. :
Gen. 15:2; " sons of pledging," i. e.
hostages, 2 Ki.
2:3,5,7; 4 38, etc. ; compare Amos 7:14. (So among
14: 14; compare utoc r7c axtititias, Ephes. 2:2, rcVra
the Persians, "sons of the magi," used for the disci- viraKofjg, l Pet.
1:14. In other figurative and poetic

ples of the magi; among the Greeks iarpuv viol, pij- phrases of this kind, which are also common in other
vioi, iratSec fiovaiKuv, for Bux-
^iXoirci^wi' iurpoi,
cognate languages (see Gol. v. j\ ; Castelf and

etc.; Syr. _,;_ri .-.

' ">
sons, i. e. disciples torf v. 13; Jones, on Asiatic Poetry, p. 128, scq ),
bf Bardesanes.) To this usage belongs the manner that is called the son of anything which is like it, as

in which, in the book of Proverbs, the poet [inspired "sons of lightning," used of birds rivalling the light-
" in swiftness, Job 5:7; or which is dependent on
writer] addresses the reader, my son," Pro. 2:1 ; ning
as "sons of a bow," used of arrows, Job 41 :2O;
3:1,21; 4:10,20; 5:1; 6:1 ; 7:1; compare ri3 Ps. it,

45:11. or which by any connection is closely joined with it,

man as " sons of oil," those anointed with oil, Zee. 4: 14;
(5) Followed by a gen. of place, it denotes a
there lorn, or brought up, as "sons of Zion," Zionites, "son of oil, or fatness," fat, fertile, etc.; compare
149:2; "sons
Psal. of Babylon," Eze 23:15,17; 3K, B*X, fe
"sons of the East," i. e. Arabs
" sons of The "sons of God,"
(see E"IJ5); (8) appellation of is given
the province," Ezr. 2 l ; " sons of a foreign country,"
: in the (a) to angels, Gen. 6:2, seq. ; Jot
Oid Test.
Gen. 17:12; "son of a house," i.e. verna (see l :6; 2:1; 38:7; Ps. 29:1; 89:7; either asthehosti
M ton of a
womb," born of the same womb (see and attendants of God (see N?) or on account of
to the divine nature, although a body
gi-eater likeness ("brave," "warrior"), [Ben-haef]
is attributed to them, Gen. loc.cit. (b) to kings (not pr.n. m. 2 Ch. 17:7.
those of theHebrews only, but foreign ones also, Ps. (d) I?n~J3("son of one who is
gracious"), [B en*
89:28), as being the substitutes of God on earth, hanan\, pr.n. m. l Ch. 4:20.

taught and aided by the Divine Spirit, 1 Sa. 1O:6, 9; (e) PPH? ("son of the right hand", i.e. oi

ll:6; 16:1.3, 14; Isaiah 11:1, 2 [Here applied to prosperity, see below PP'?3), [Benjamin"], pr.n. m.
Christ] ;
thus also in the Greek poets, Atoyei'tlv /3a- (l) 1 Chron. 7:10. (2) Ezra 10:32; Neh. 3:23.
" the Lord said to thou art Where Benjamin the patriarch is intended, this word
7i\i/c. Ps. 2:7, me, my
Bon, this day have begotten thee," i.e. constituted
I is always (exc. l Sa. 9:1 a'm) written together, see
king (compare Jer. 2 : 27), [Christ in resurrection is
here spoken of]. Ps. 82 6, I have said ye are gods
(/) p-Vl-'33 ("village of the sons of Berak," or
"of thunder"), [Bene-barafc], pr.n. of a town of
(O kings), and every one of you children of the Most
High;"?, "but ye shall die like (common) men," etc. the tribe of Dan, Josh. 19:45.
Ps. 89:28; 2 Sam. 7: 14. (c) to men
ivho piously (g) li?J>. \>3 see
'3 nim
worship God, Ps. 73:15; Prov. 14:26; Deu. 14:1; p?, M?
sometimes ungrate- J3 Ch. id.; only in pi. (the place of the
specially the Israelites, although as, Nri-1 ?J '33 those who go into
sing, is filled by 13) :

ful children, Isa. l :2; 30:1,9; 43:6; Hos. 2:1; Jer. who Dan. 2 25.
exile, those leave their country. :

3:14, 19. In sing. Israel is called "son of God," . V

Hos. ll:l [applied to Christ] and the first-born and ;
jnin \33 young doves, Ezra 6:9. (Syriae i_2i plur.

beloved, Exod. 4:22, 23 compare Jer. 31 2O. ;

The :
name of son is used
'H33 Ezr. 5:11,
as |N"V!3 " sons of gerund Map? Ezr.
(9) of the young of animals,
5:2, Ezra 5:9; M.aJ> Ezra 5:3, 1 3, i.q.
'33. "son of his ass,"

sheep," lambs, Ps. 114:4; i3h$

Heb. n33 to build, Dan. 4:27.
i. Gen. 49 1
q. il^y
: 1 "sons of a dove," i. e. young

"sons of a raven," Ps. 147:9. ITHPEAL, pass. Ezr. 4:13, 21 with an ace. of ma- ;

doves, Lev. 12:6;

terial, Ezr. 5:8.
(10) son of a tree appears to be poetically used for
sucker, offshoot (compare PP.T , J"lp3.1*).
Gen. 49:22, 1

fut. with i conv. J3|1 and six timps

t)DV rnb |3 Joseph (is) the son of a fruitbearing
(tree)"; for {? (perhaps it would be more correctly ~|3) (i) TO BUILD, TO ERECT, as a house, a temple, a
seems to be put in the construct state, and rnS to be Ezr. 4:2; an altar, Gen. 8:20;
city, walls, defences,
n T~i3 Isa. 17:6, "fruitbearing," sc. tree.
But a fane, Jer. 7:31; the deck of a ship, Eze. 27 15 once ;

others take it otherwise; see FHS.

apparently of the foundation of a house, l Ki. 6:1;
(11) [Ben'], pr. n. m., 1 Ch. 15:18. Other com- where J3?l ;
2 Ch. 3:1, is not ill
explained rfl33? ^njj.
pound proper names are
(Arab. ^>, Aram. U^, N?3 id. Comp. J3$ and JPK.)
(a) ^X'iB ("son of my sorrow"), \_Ben-oni], The material which anything isbuilt is
o/" commonly
pr.n. given to Benjamin by his mother, Gen. 35:18. put in accus. i Ki. 18:32,
nsjrp em^rrns nnM
"HITi? ("son," i.e. "worshipper of Ha-
(b) "and he built the stones into an altar," i.e. erected
dad,"or Adodus, the greatest deity of the Syrians; an altar out of them. (Comp. Lehrgb. p. 813.) Ex.
compare Macrob. Saturnal. i.
23, and pr. n. 1.$"]!?.), 20:25; Deut. 27:6; l Ki. 15:22; more
rarely Avitt.
\_Ben-hadad~\, pr.n. of three kings of Damascene the prefix 3 ibid. fin. Constr. also (a) with an ace.
Syria; the first of whom made Avar with Baasha, king of place on which one builds (Germ. etroaS bebauen).
of the ten Tribes, l Ki. 15:20, seq., and 2 Ch. 16:2, i Ki. 6: 15; 16:24. (b) with an ace. of person, and
seq. The second was cotemporary with Ahab; he it signifies to build a house for any one, i. e. to give
twice besieged Samaria, and by various military him a stable abode ; and figuratively, to cause him
achievements, he became more famous than his fa- to prosper ; (as to another sense of the phrase, see
ther, i Ki. 20: i, seq.; 2X1.6:24, seq.; 8:7. The No. 3). Jer. 24:6, "I will bring them back into
third, the son of Hazael, who lost most of the pro- this land, VWK 6l. D'ry031 DVlK *6l. DW33-1 and
vinces acquired by his predecessors, 2 Ki. 13. " The I will build them up and not pull them down, I will
palaces of B e n-h a d a d," i. e. of Damascus, Jer. 49 27 :
; plant and will not root up,"
i. e." I will
give them a
Am. 1:4. fixed abode and cause them to prosper." Jer. 31 :4,-

nirjli Ben-zoheth, pr. n. m. l Ch. 4:20.*] 33:7; 42:10; Ps. 28:5. (Arab. Uj to benefit wry

(c) followed by be occupied in building

cue.) 2, VlJEl (i.q. rWS), [BenaiaK], pr.n.m. (l) i Ch
any thing, an etnjaS baucn. Neh. 4:4, 11 ; Zee. 6: 15. 15:24; 16:5. (2) i Ch. 27:34. (3) 2 Sam. 8: 18;
Compare 3 A, 2, (d), followed by % for, to obstruct. 23:20, 22. (4) i Ch. 15:18, 20; 16:5. (5) 2Sa
Lam. 3:5, " (God) hath builded against me," ob-
23:30; comp. l Ch. 11:31; 27:14. (6) 2 Chr. 31-
structed me, i. e. shut up my way on every side, so 1 3-
(7) Eze. ll:l.
that cannot go out, comp. ~nj verses 7, 9.
?3 f building, Eze. 4! :
13. Root H33. Com-
tively, to form a person, Gen. 2:22.

pare I'3; 3.
(2) to restore, rebuild (a ruined house or city),
Am. 9:14. Psa. 122:3, "O Jerusalem, rebuilt!"
I T ?3 ("son of the right hand," i.e. of good
Psa. 147:2; Josh. 6:26; i Ki. 16:34; 2 Ki. 14:22.
fortune, as if Felix, see PP* No. 4), pr.n. of Benjamin,
Comp. J"li3"in H33 under i" 12 1

"] ?.
Used of the fortifica- the patriarch, the youngest son of Jacob and Rachel.
tion of a city, 1 Ki. 15:17. The ancestor of the tribe of the same name (PP'?3 \33
(3) ? JT3 5 2 to build a house for any one is equi- Nu. 1 36 '3 H12S Josh. 2 1 4, 1 7 and
; pPt"?3 m.
simply :

valent to, to give him offspring and descendants (see Jud. 20:39, 4)) whose territory (PP*? 2 !$ Jer. l:l)
JV3 No. 8, and NIPHAL No. 3). House is by a common is described as
nearly in the middle of the land on
Eastern metaphor applied to family and children, and this side Jordan, Josh. 18:21, seq. The warlike dis-
he who begets children is said to build a house.
position of this tribe is signified, Gen. 49:27. ~IJ$?
Hence J? a son, so called from the idea of building,
PP?? 2 a gate of Jerusalem, on the north side of the
i. e.
begetting. The same metaphor is carried out in
walls, Jer.37 1 3 38:7; Zec.l4MO; prob. the same

Plaut. Mostell. i. 2, 37. which is called elsewhere "the gate of Ephraim,"

NIPHAL (i) pass. Kal No. i, to be built, Nu. 13: comp. Thes. page 141, A, and Faber's Archseologie,
92 Deu. 13:17; with an ace. of material, l Ki. 6 7.
533. LXX. Bci'tayLttV. This word, whenever it
Men are said to be built, when set in a fixed abode denotes the patriarch, is written in one (see PP^i 2 );
and in prosperity (see Kal No.i, b), Jer. 12: 16; Mai. but the Gentile noun is written separately *3/Pri 2
3:15; Job 22 23. As to another metaphor, see No. 3.
(comp. Lehrg. 515) l Sa. 9:21 Ps. 7: l,Benjamite, ;

(2) pass. Kal No. 2, to be rebuilt, Isa. 44:28. with the art. *3D^rrj3 (like 'EWO TV3) Jud. 3:15;
woman is said to be built, if her house is
(3) a 2Sa.l6:ll. Plur.^p* \33 Jud. 19:16. ES
TPpI ^
built, when she has offspring (see Kal No. 3).
i. e. ^C* for l Sam. 9:1; 2 Sam. 2O:l, and
Gen. 16: 2, HJSD n33S 'SlX perhaps I may be built 5 */-

by her," i. e. I may have children by the aid of this TP? n? * Sa. 9:4 (like the Arab. ^jj Becrite, for
handmaid. Gen. 30 3. :

Abubecrite, from j j').

Derived nouns are, 2 , H3, rV3 3, ]?3, H33D, I ;

as well as many proper names, as ^33, *33, j*?3 m. (i) building, Eze. 41:12. (2) a wall
9 9 S -<-.,
Eze. 40:5. (Syr. li^JUi building, Arab. .Ux id.)
^3 ("building"), [Binnui], pr. n. m., of fre- Heb. No.l, Ezr. 5:4.
|T ^3 Ch. i.q.
quent use after the exile (i) Neh. 7: 15; compare
Ezr. 2:10. (2) Ezr. 10:30, 38. (3) Ezr. 8:33.
^33("our son," from the scgolate form '3? Gi.
(4) Neh. 3:24; 10:10; 12:8. 49:11), [Beninu], pr.n. m. Neh. 10:14.
rV)33 daughters, see H3.
*33 (" built"), [BanQ pr. n. (i) a man, one Often found in Targ.
of David's heroes, 2 Sa. 23:36. (2) l Chr. 6:31. "
N^}3 (according to John Simonis, i.
~OJ33 a
(3) iCh.9:4np. (4)Neh. 3:17; 9:4,5; 10:14;
'3 No.l. gushing forth"), [Bincd], pr.n. m. l Chr. 9:4.3,
11:22. (5) see (6) Ezr. 10:29, 34,38;
andnjJ3 3id. 8:37. :
Neh. 8:7; i<> : 5-

'33 (" built," verbal of Pual), [Bunni], pr.n. m. ("in the familiar acquaintance o/
Neh. 9:4; 10:16; compare M33 Neh. 11:15.
Jehovah'" =
"a friend of God"), [BesodciaK].
pr.n. m. Neh. 3:6.
!T33 ("whom Jehovah has built," see the root
*D3 [.Besot], pr.n. m. Ezra 2:49; Neh. 7:52
No.l, b), [Benaiali], pr.n. m. (i) i 01.4:36.
'V 2 , and the Persic a sword. [" Per-
(a) 9 Ch. 20:14. (3) Ezr. 10:25, 3<>, 35, 43 perhaps i.q. \\>
see the following name, No. 3, 5. haps, Sanscr. bigaya, victory; also, pr.n. Bohlen."]
a spurious root, see D-13 HITHPOLEL.
Jon. 2:6. (5) with a verb of protecting, "U?3 t?n pr.
to fortify around any one, to surround with a bul-

a root ot used in Hebrew ; prob. to be wark, Ps. 3 : 4 ; Zee. 12:8.

between (two among,
jour, fa u e r fei)it i. q. ~1X'. Hence Arab. ^ to do any
(efroaS) tjincin/ Joel 2:8;
things), into,
burd) (etwaS) t)tn, as


thing too soon, to put on a sour countenance, etn with a verb of coming, Joel 2:9; looking out, Gen.
faueveS ejid)t mad)en. Hence 26:8; Jud. 5:28. Metaph.
Job 15:33, and (5) pro, for (from the sense of exchanging, see
"Ip5 with suff. i"ip?
JEth.)i Sam. 7:9; 2Sam. 20 2 1 e. g. to supplicate (see :

lD3 m. sour and unripe grapes, Isa. ??SJpn) to make atonement (see ">??), to consult an

18:5; Jer. 31:29,30; Eze. 18:2. It differs from oracle (Jer. 21:2; Isa. 8:19), to bribe a judge (Job
labruscce, wild grapes, see that word; LXX. 6:22)/or any one; Job 2:4,
skin for % ^? %
&OD-13 id. skin" (see liy).
(Ch. Syr. |','m-s sour grapes.)

see after fut. ny.3? (l) pr. TO MAKE TO SWELL, TO

a root not used in Hebrew. Arab, jju "
trN njnn as the fire maketh the water to boil."
to be distant, remote; JEtln. pr. to be another, dif-
(To this answers the Arab. \Jrj used of a wound
ferent hence pret. A. trans. flO I to change, to

swelling up, Ch. NV.3 to boil up. As to the kindred

exchange, 't'DOJ? I * become other, '{}()*'. and
It appears in Hebrew to
root Vjl3, y33 see VJI3.) From the idea of swelling
H6^I other, different.
have denoted to be without any thing (opp. to within and heat the Arabs derive the metaphoric sense of

it) to be near it, by it. Hence absorbing, also that of ardently desiring and longing;
and so also in Hebrew
lyj (comp. No. 2), with suff. Hy_ 3 and ;
(2) to seek, to ask, to inquire for. ( KJJ?,
12.3 Ps. 139: 11, ny.3, Tltf.?, in pause TO?," hy.3,
JL^^s). Isa. 2 1 : 1 2 (twice).
^iy.3, once Wiyja Am. 9:10, Q?"jJ??, CHy.3 pr. subst.
but from the usage of the language, a
NIPHAL (l)pass. of Kal No. l, tobe swollen up,
prep, denoting to stvell up, and hence to be prominent. Isa. 30:13,
any kind of nearness. (l) by, near; l Sa. 4: 18,
"WD T ny| "by the side of the gate," and metaph. ri3|b>3
noins ny_33 ^S3 as a breach to pM ready
swelling out in a high wall."
because of (comp. ^
A, 7); Pro.6:26, nj'lT nfc'K ny3

(2) pass, of Kal No. 2, to be sought, sought out,

By? "^""ty "because of a harlot (he comes) to a
Obad. 6.
morsel of bread."

(2) behind, after (Arab, j^c, Jue after, used of

Derivatives, ^ and
(for '??).

N^5 Ch. (i) to seek, with an ace.


fut. NV.3. (m
tame). Gen. 7:16, ny.3 nin liD'1 "and Jehovah
Targg. often for the Heb. B'|53) Dan. 2:13; 6:5.
9: 10, Ban N^
shut up after him;" Jud. 3:22; Am.
(2) to ask, to request from any one; followed by IP
nynn -iJHy,! DH_i?n) ev i} w jjj no t come near
us, and Dan. 2: 16; CHi?. Dan. 6: 12, and D7i? i*? Dan. 2:l8; :
upon us behind us;" 2Ki. 1:2; 2 Sam. 2O:2l, 1J?3 Kj;3 to ask a petition, Dan. 6:8. Hence
npinn iy^i pro b. for noinn ny.sp fr0 m behind the
wall." ? 1^2 f. Ch. petition, prayer, Dan. 6: 8, 14.
nysp i.
q. nys (like ^ nnrip i.
q nnp).
. Cant.
thine eyes are like dove's
eyes 'nD^Vi' "TV3P ^5 ("torch," "lamp"), [Beor~\, pr.n. (i)
behind thy vail" (not, bajroifdjetf $eror/ from
behind, of the father of Balaam, Nu. 22:5; Deu. 23:5. LXX.
as in 2nd [Germ.] ed. and in Winer, which would be Eewp, BruJp, 2 Pet. 2:15, Bovop. (2) the father of
Bela, king of the Edomites, Gen. 36:32 ;
l Ch. l :
C3) round about; Psal. 139:11, -13^3 "I1N
" Arab.
the night is
light around me," Job l: 10;
3:23; TJ/H an unused root. t*j to be nimble,
Lam. 3:7, Hy 3 113 "he has obstructed the fleet.
around me" so that I cannot go out. In this
sig- ("fleetness"), pr.n. Boaz.
ty_3 (l) a Beth-
nification who married Ruth, Ru. 2:1, seq. (2) of
(a) with verbs of shutting, as
it is
joined lehemite,
ty 13D to shut
up any thing (pr. to shut around, a pillar erected before the temple of Solomon, s<*
Sa. l :6; i
">X| Gen. 20 18; 1f . : called from either the architect, or if perhaps it were
to shut with a seal, seal
up, einfageln, Job 9:7 ; comp. an avadnpa, from the donor, J Ki. 7 2 1 ; 2 Ch. 3: 17. :


Ki their lord," but it gives a harsh sense; and what

fut. &3? (l) TO TREAD, TO TRAMPLE
weighs with me more, the signification of loathing ii

DOWN (Ch. Peal and Pael,id., Syr. | ^>o_=b treading not foreign to the primary power of the verb. For
down, leaping; compare the remarks under the root there are also other verbs, in which the sense of sub-
W3). Metaph. TO CONTEMN, TO NEGLECT (conm duing, being high over, ruling, is applied to the sig-
Pro. 27: 7), i Sa. 9 29, ~c^ 'flCW ^?-T3 *B3n n ?
nificaKon of looking down upon, despising, con-
*rttS "
why will ye neglect my sacrifices and offer- temning, as
to subdue, followed by <__? to
ings which have commanded?" LXX. iirff^Xe^ac.

despise; ,1-^ V. to be high; Conj. I. to look down

Vulg. "quarc calce abjecistis victvnam meam et mu-
nera meaf upon, to contemn.
to kick backward, applied
to to the NIPIIAI ,
to become the wife of, Pro. 30 23 metaph.
(2) kick,
men Isa. 62: 4.
contumacy of against God, Deu. 32: 15.
Derivatives ^?3 n?3
*y? m. (root fiJJ3) prayer, entreaty, Job 30: 24,
T r6y? 'JJ3 tO "prayers avail nothing, when God S#3 with suff. ^3, r6j?3; pl. D^J?3, const. $83;
stretches out the hand ;" I regard 3 in the word ^3, with 3 sing. V7J/3 Ex. 21 29, 34, 36; 22:1O
suff. :

as radical, and I render the other hemistich " nor in 14; Eccl.5:l2; and H^J?3 Job 3 1 39 Eccl.7:12; :

sometimes used for the singular (like V3T8 his lord,

his destruction (i.
e. sent by God) does outcry profit
them." compare Lehrgb. 663); but with suff. 3 pl. ]nV?J$
Est. l
:17, 20, as a plural.
m., cattle, beasts, so called from their (i) lord,master, possessor, owner (f" frequent
depasturing, (from the root ~Q?3 No. i ; compare
in the Phoenician dialect; see Monumen. Phcen.
No. 2). Used in the sing, collectively, like the Latin
pecus, pecoris, of all
kinds of cattle, Ex. 22 14; Num. 348"], Aram. 3, 3,^:=> id.; Arab. in the

30:4,8,11; Ps. 78:48; specially of beasts of bur- idiom of Arabia Felix, lord, master, elsewhere husband ;

^Ethiop. rjQ\; compare also Sansc. pala, lord [ac-

den, Gen. 45:17. (Syr. with Ribbui, the pi.
s - cording to Lee, Bala~\). Used of the manter and
mark Arab. owner of a house, Ex. 22: 7; Jud. 1Q:22; of a field,
; id.) ^*j
Job31:39; an ox, Ex. 21:28; Isa. 1:3; of money
fut. ?J?3'..
- (l) TO HAVE DOMINION OVER, lent, a creditor, Deut. 15:2; of the master of a
i. e.
TO POSSESS (JEthiop. flOA: much, to be to possess family, Lev. 21:4; D?'lJ \^3 lords of the nations,"
Isa. 16 8, said of the Assyrians, the conquerors of
rich; rflOA: rich}. Isa.26:i3, ^JJJW D3'T| wfy|

u lords besides thee have o s s e s s e d us the nations according to others, of their princes.
p ;" fol lowed by ;

j> lCh.4:22. (2) a husband (Arab., Syr., Ch., id. [" compare
Sansc. pati, lord, also husband"]), Ex. 21:22; 2 Sa,
(2) to take a unlike jjjl* to have dominion over,
1 1 : 26 ;
HL 'X!
?V_3 one Avho has a wife, Ex. 21:3; 7^3
to take a wife (Arab. Jbw, Syr. ^jL^i id.). Deu. E'"}-'^ a husband to whom a wife was married in hia
91:13; 24:1; Mai. 2:ll; Isa. 62:5; part. act. T^3 youth, Joel l :8. i.q.
*roup/2(oe Tronic, II. v. 414.
plur. majest. thy husband, 54:5; part. n^-1J7| Isa. (3) lords of a city, a name given to the inhabitants ;
ibid, l and 7JJ? n?W| she who is married, married tJ^J Josh. 24: 1 1 C5P Jud. 9: 2, seq. ^i?;
; ;
to a husband, Gen. 20 3 Deu. 22:22; metaph. used :
; "tP?3 2 Sa. 21:12; who also are called in 2 Sa. 2 4, 5, :

* Some moderns incorrectly render it princes,

of a land once desolate, now re-inhabited, Isa. 62 -.4. '3 HJ'jJX.

(3)3 '?? prob. to loathe, to

reject; Jer. 3:14, nobles, led perhaps into this mistake by the words,
D?3 B^3 33K 3 D33iB' D'33 -13W
turn, O ye Jud. 9:51,1^ $S3 tej DT^l DT^n-b, where
rebellious children ... for have rejected you;" Jer.
I also LXX. TT/ir-fc 01 //you^ifroi ri}(; iroXeuf. But it
" " men and women, and
31 :32, they brake my covenant D3 wj?3 *D3X1 and should be rendered all the all

I rejected them;" LXX. Kttyw fifii\r)<rn avrtiv (com- they of the city," the latter again comprehending the
pare Hebr. 8:9); so also Syr., Abulwalid, and other former.
ancient interpreters; see Pococke ad Port. Mosis,
p. (4) lord or possessor of a thing, is often applied to
him to whom that quality belongs; a common cir-
6 1O ;
and compare Arab. J^j followed by < > to
cumlocution for adjectives is thus formf? In the He-
fear, to loathe. In chap. 31, the common signification brew (see K*K No. l, k, 3S No. 8), as DJJn ^3 $$
may do, if it be rendered " although (^Kl) I was a two-homed ram, Dan. 8:6. 20;

used of a bird, Ecc.\O:2O; T$> 723 &** is also referred to tne sun' ]. From parti
a hairy man, 2 Ki 1 :8; nicfcnn 7y3 a dreamer, one cular cities devoted to his wciship he received par-
who has dreams, Gen. 37 19 ; D'~!?'; 7J>3 one who has : ! ticular epithets; such as (a) TV")? /y3 [Baal
foremiic causes, Ex. 24:14; comp. Isa.5O:8; "mas- and guardian of covenants, worshipped
berith~], lord
ters of my covenant, of my oath," joined in league by the Shechemites, Jud. 8:33; 9:4; compare 46,
Arith me, Gen. 14: 13; Neh.6:l8; 7y3 master
as if Ztuc opKtor, or Deusfidivs
[" According to Mo-
of tongue, charmer, Ecc. 10 1 1 t?B3 7y3 greedy, Pro. :
vers loc. cit. ' Baal in covenant with the idolaters of
D> - 7 7^3 [Baal-zebub], worshipped
83:2; compare 29:22. Pro. 16:22, 73.b> ? Israel' "].
(b) 3-13?
V7JJ3 " is a fountain of life to its owner,"
prudence by the Philistines of Ekron, as if the fly-destroyer,
i. e. to endowed with it Pro. 1:19; *7 8
him who is ;
like Zevc 'ATTO^UJOC of Elis (Pausan. v. 14,
2), and
Ecc. 8 8, 1^y.3' n ?
: yen OW
K7 " wickedness does not Myiagrus deus of the Romans (Solin. Polyhist, c. l),
deliver its owner," i.e. the wicked person; Ecc.7:l2; 2 Ki. i :2. (c) 1J?f 7y? [Baal-p eor] of the Moab-
Prov.3:27, 1^?P 3itry3rr7K withhold no good ites; see "Wf.
from its owner," from him to whom it is due, to (6) Inasmuch as- it denotes the possessor of a

whom it the needy.

belongs, i. e. thing, it is
applied also to the place which has any
(5) With art. 7y3H with pref. 7y33, ; I,
i. e. W&Baa thing, i. e. in which any thing is and is found, and it is

Lord; KOT' io-)(iiv,

the name of an idol of the Phoeni- of the same power as 7V3 No. 5. So in the proper
cians, especially of the Tyrians : it was their domestic names of tov/ns.
and principal deity, also worshipped with great devo- (a) 7JJ3 i Ch. 4:33; [jBaaJ], perhaps the same
tion togetherwith Astarte, by the Hebrews, especially town as "K<3 npy.3 ("having a well"), on the borders
in Samaria (see rnB^, rnh^y), Jud. 6: 25, seq. 2 Ki. ;
of the tribe of Simeon. Josh. 19:8.
10: 18, seq. Hence 7y3H IV3 the temple of Baal, i Ki. (b) II 7J?3 [Baal- Gad], so called from the wor-
16:32; fen 3|l prophets
of Baal, i Ki. 18:22,25; ship of Gad (i. e. "Fortune"), situated at the foot
?y3n ~)XK> remains of the Avorship of Baal, Zeph. 1:4; of Hermon near the source of the Jordan, prob. i. q.

pi. D^>JJ3'n
statues of Baal. Jud. 2:ll; 3:7; 8:33; }1D"in 7J|3 letter e. It is a great mistake to suppose,
10:10; iSa. 7:4; 12:1O, etc. The worship of this as some do, that this city is to be sought for where th
God by is shewn amongst
the Phoenicians and Poeni remarkable ruins of the city of Baalbec or Helio-
other things by the Phoenician proper names, as polis stand: as to which see Thes. p. 225.
7J,'3n5< (which see), Jerombalus (7y3"V), and by those (c) fan 7jn \_Baal-hamon], ("place of a mul-
of the Poeni, as Hannibal (7y33n "grace of Baal"), titude," i. q. flEX ?V3 sacred to Jupiter Ammon),
Hasdrubal (fentg "aid of Baal"), Muthumballes a town near which Solomon had a vineyard, Canticles

(7EWlOman of Baal"), etc. Amongst the Ba- 8:11. The town

of BfXa/twr (Alexand. BaXa/iwy),
Dylonians the stime deity was called in the Aramaean situated in Samaria,is mentioned Judith 8:3.

manner 73 Belus (see that word) for 7J73 ; amongst (d)

"ten 7^3
[Baal-hazor~\, ("having a vil-
the Tyrians themselves his full name appears to have lage"), a town or village near the tribe of Ephraim,
been IV 7y_3 rTTj^D (Inscr. Melit. Bilingu.) Malke- 2 Sam. 13:23; perhaps i. ">i^H Neh. ll 133, in the
reth (i.e. "king" of the city," for rnj? ^tt), lord tribe of Benjamin.
of Tyre; the Greeks, from some supposed resemblance (e) pO"]n 7V.3 [Baal-hermon], a town with a
of emblems,
constantly called him (see the cited in- mountain near it, at the foot of Hermon, i Ch. 5:23;

Knption) Hercules, Hercules Tyrius; see my more Jud. 3:3; compare letter b.

fiii; remarks in Germ.

Encyclopaedia, vol. viii. p. 397, (f) }iy 7J?3 [Baal-meon], ("place of habita-
sec] ., arts.
Baal, Bel, Belus. Many suppose (see Miin- 7S>3 JV3 p.cxvn, A.
tion"), see Jiyp
ter, Religion der Babylonier, p. l6,seqq. [" Movers' (g) D
?"}? '7S>3 [Baal-perazim'], ("plac? of

Phonizier, i. p. 169, seq."]) that the sun itself was breaches"), a place or village near the valley of
worshipped under this name but that it was not this ; Rephaim, 2 Sam. 5:20; 1 Ch. 14:11; compare Isa.
luminary but the planet Jupiter, as the ruler and giver 28:21.
good fortune, that is to be understood by this name, (A) pa? [Baal-zephon~\, ("place of Ty-
I have sought to shew in Com-
by many arguments my p h o n," or " sacred to
, Ty phon "), a town of the Egyp-
ment, on Isa. vol. ii.
p.335, seq., and in Encyclop. 1. 1. tians near the Red Sea, Exod. 14: 2,9; Nu. 33:7
p. 398, seq. ;
this is acceded to by Rosenmtiller, Bibl. The name suits very well the site of this city in the
Alterthumskunde, i. ii.
p. 1 1, et passim [" Yet I would uncultivated places between the Nile and the Red Sea,
not deny that 7J?3 with certain lQ which were regarded as the abode of Typhon or th*
attributes, as ?y3
evildemon of the Egyptians. See Creuzer, in Com- ">T]3), [Baa I is], pr.n. of a king of the Ammonites
ment. on Herodotus, i. 22; Symbol.!. 317, seq. Jer.40 14. : Some copies with Josephus (Arch. ix. 3)
(i) ns&p^ys \Baal-shalisha1i],
2 Ki. 4:42, the read D^ya.
name of a town, probably situated in the region of
nCvE' near the mountains of Ephraim (l Sa. 9:4).
(civitas, i.q. ^/y? No. a, of the form Jn?f,

[Baalatlt], a toAvnof the tribe of Dan, Josh.

(i)" ?? 1
3 [Baal-tamar~\, ("place of palm n"3?J?),

19:44; rebuilt or fortified by Solomon, iKi. 9:18;

trees"), Jud. 20-33. 2Ch. 8:6.
(I) rrurv $S3(" citizens of Judah"), 2 Sa. 6:2;
a town which is elsewhere called n?J?3 ("city"),
and Kirjath-Joarim, compare i Ch. 13:6; see ^J??
[[y3 pr.n. of a city beyond Jordan, Nu. 32:3 ]
No. 2, a.
(7) proper names of men are iJj/3 (i. q. fcOJ? |3 "son of affliction" = ^jUJ),

(a) !?B3 [5aa/] (a) 1 Ch. 5:5. Q3) 8: 3 O; [Baanah], pr.n. m. (l) l Ki. 4:12. (a) l Ki.

9:36. 4:i6.-( 3 )Neh. 3 :4.

(b) |?n ?y3 [#aa/-Aanan], ("lord of benig-
(id.), [Baanah'], pr.n. m.
(l) 2 Sa. 4:8.
nity"), pr.n. (a) of a king of the Edomites, Gen. 283.23:29; iCh.n:30. (3)Ezr.a:3; Neh.
36:38; l Ch. l
:49; (ft)
of a royal officer, i Ch.
7:7; 10:28.
j3 Chald. i.
q. Hebr. 3 lord, master. As to l-? filt.1^3* -
From form contracted ^3 UP, TO CONSUME, see PIEL and HipmL No. i, and
yp 7y3 see Dytp. this is
V f
which see. "VJJ? cattle, so called from depasturing (Syr. ;-.v> to
30 *

root 83], f-
(l) mistress; IV3n r glean, to gather a bundle ; J;_i o>^ gleaning, gathered
l Ki. 17:17. Metaph. possessed of, endued with bundle).
Miy thing; 3itf"TvJ?3 having a familiar spirit (see 31X); (2) Specially, to consume with fire (comp. ??N
D'Sw'? npyn. "a sorceress," Nah. 3:4. No. 2), to burn p(Ch.~iJJ3 to burn; PAEL, to kindle).
(a) collect, civitas i. q. D vJJ3 cives (see ?3 No.

Psa. 83:15, TCTSFI C N?"as the fire burneth a
like ri? daughter, for D'?3. I thus explain [Baalah], wood;" commonly by 3 Job 1 16, the fire
followed :

the pr. n. of two cities, of which one (a) was situated

of God fell from heaven, D^?? ]K'*3 1J/3R1 and 2

in the northern part of the tribe of Judah

burned up the sheep and the young men." Num.
15:9; 1 Ch. 13:6), called also rnw? 'k? ("inhabi- 11:3; Ps. 106:18; Isa. 42:25; Jer. 44:6; Lam. 2:3;
tants of Judah," see ^3 No. 6 letter /), Dn^ rVTp also, to kindle, 153.30:33. Elsewhere, intrans.
(which see) and ?y3~n*"}j5; and it appears to have (a) to be consumed with fire, Ex. 3:3; Isa. l :.3l :

given its name to Mount Baalah (Josh. 15:11) in the 9:17- (b) to burn as fire, Jer. 20:9; pitch, Isa. 34:
same region, but situated nearer to the sea. (b) 9; a coal, Eze. 1:13; applied to anger, Isa.
another, situated in the southern part of the same Psa. 79:5; 89:47. (c) to be kindled. Hosea 7:4,
" na'SO
tribe, Josh. 15:29; and it appears to be the same like an oven rn#3 kindled by the baker;"
which elsewhere called H73 Josh. 19:3, and nn73
is also, tokindle up as a coal, Ps. 18:9; and metaph
1 Ch. 4: 29, and is attributed to the Simeonites ; anger, Ps. 2:12; Est. l 13. :
Sj?3 No. 6, a. (3) denom. from 1*y3 to be brutish, Jer. 1O:8.
Part. Dny)3 brutish men, Psa. 94:8; fierce, Eze
(civitates, see npy? No. 2) [Bealoth,
A 21:36.
in loth"], pr. n. of a town in the south of Judah,
NIPHAL, to become brutish, Jer. 10:14, 21; 51:
Josh. 15:24; different from n ^3 verses 9,29.
17. Isaiah 19:11, 'TJjn? nvy. "counsel is become
yiy?^? (" whom the Lord has known and cares brutish."
for," compare JH'^?), [Beeliadah], pr. n.
of a son PIEL ty.3 inf. ^3 fut. iyy.
of David, Ch. 14:7; called a Sa.5: 16 in? ?*!
("God (1) depasture a field, a vineyard,
to Isa. 3:14-
kno\yeth"). 5:5; followed by 3 Ex. 22:4.
T7X3 (2) i.q. Kal No. 2, to kindle, as fire, Exod. 35:3;
("whom Jehovah rules"), [BealiaK],
m. Ch. 12:5. wood, Lev. 6:5; also, to burn, to consume, Neh. 1O 1

pr. n. i

35; Isa. 44: 15; 40:16; 3 B^ -\S>_3 to set fire to am

9 (i-q O^B. If "son of exultation," see
thing, Eze. 39:9, 10.
(3) to take away, to remove, to exterminate. (i. q. rnpg IV3 house" or "tempi*
1 Ki. 22 147, and the remnant of the Sodomites Tl?3 of Astarte," see page xc, B), [JBeeshterah']. pr.a
plXn'IP he removed from the land." Deu. 26:13, of a city of the Levites, situated in the tribe erf Ma-
14; 2 Sa. 4:11; 2 Ki. 23:24; 2 Ch. 19:3. The cus- Chron. 6:56;
nasseh, beyond Jordan, Josh. 21 :27; l

tomary phrase Deuteronomy, when the punishment

in called nhWJ?.
of death is commanded, is this, ^T?!? SHH fl")y? "thou As to Annal. Philol.
'inr^3, Fiisius (in i.
147) has
shalt take away this wickedness from amongst you," of late compared Gr. i\>
Kpoiaov, kv AitJc (sc. ok-w).
Deu. 13:6; 17:7; 19:19; 21:21; 22:21, 24; 24:7; But in Josh. loc. cit. rnn^TJg cannot be rendered " in
or^N-tb^D Deu. 17:12; 22-22; compare Jud. 20: 13,
Astarte's"(sc. house, or temple), but it is pr . n. of a
(As 'to the synonymous phrases of Exodus, Leviticus, place, put in the nominative.
and Numbers, see the root J"n3). Isa. 6:13, "yet a
tenth part shall remain in the land, "V.3.V nivrn. n3B>1 or a root nqt used in Kal. Syriac
and this shall again be exterminated." Nu. 24:22,
to fear, to be afraid, to dread.
ppiyn ? rvrp theKenites shall be exterminated."
PIEL rij?3 fut. njD* (i) TO FRIGHTEN, TO TER-
Isa. 4:4, when the Lord shall have washed away
RIFY, only poet. Ps. 18:5; Job 3:5; 6:4; [subst.]
the filth of the
daughters of Zion ...Pin?* BBBte nVT3
7:14; 9:34; 13:11,21; 15:24; Isa.2l:4.
"V.3with the spirit of judgment and with the spirit
(2) suddenly to come upon any one. 183.16:14,
of extermination," i.e. by judging and extermi- nO
the wicked by his spirit, or his divine power.
rrtrr. n^J nn WTO
"there suddenly carne
nating him an evil spirit sent from Jehovah ;" verse 15.
by '1QK, as implying that one
Constr. also followed
who exterminates and expels another, follows and (Arab. ^^Ju to come suddenly, to happen unexpect-
pursues after him. 1 Ki. 14:10, "JVn *in W>rt &M
" edly, with an ace. III. to attack unexpectedly ;
Tfl L "$3'. 1^? D V 3 3J and ! wil1 exterminate the suddenly.)
house of Jeroboam, as dung is cast out." 1 Ki.2l:2l.
NIPHAL, to be frightened, terrified, Dan. 8:17,
PUAL, to be kindled, of a furnace, Jer. 36:22. followed 1 Ch. 21 =30; Est. 7:6.
No. i, Ex. by *3SP [Hence]
HIPHIL (i) to depasture, i. q. PIEL
82:5. nnj;l f. t error, Jer. 8:15; 14:19.
(2) i.q. PIEL No. 2, to kindle, Ex. 22:6; to burn,
DTlJDm. pi- terrors, Ps. 88:17; Job 6:4.
to burn up, with an 5:2; Jud. 15:5. With
ace. Eze.
the addition of B>K3 2 Ch. 28:3; 3 V$ -T?3n to put t*J3 (from the root KV3), m. mud, mire, Jer.38:22.
fire to
any thing, Jud. 15:5, init.
11^3 (from the root FV?), f. a
marsh, Job 8; 11 ;
(3) i.q.
PIEL No. remove, to exterminate,
3, to fol-
40:21. PL with suff. Vri&&3 by an incorrect read-
lowed by nq iKi. 16:3.
ing of Eze. 47 :l l for ^n'VVS.
Derived nouns, besides the three which follow
*V5 (prob. i.q. *D3 which see), \_Bezai], pr.n. of
immediately, are "VJJ3,
$-?^ an(i P1 n '- - 11
a man, Ezr. 2:17; Neh. 7:23; 10:19.
lj/? m. pr. stupidity, but always concr. stupid,
"VX3 (from the root IV? No.i),m. (l) vintage,
brutish, like cattle; used of men, Ps.49: ll ; 73:22;
Pro. 12:1; 30 2. Comp. the root No. 3, and NIPHAL.
Levit. 26:5; Isa. 24:13; 32:10; Jer. 48:32.
(2) adj. inaccessible, high, i.
q."V!^3 see the root
N??5 ("foolish"), [-Baara], pr.n. f. iCh.8:8; No. 2, Zee. 11:2 np.
in verse 9 written BO.'n, by a manifest [tianscriptural]
'?~ an unused root, i.
q. ?V3 ; Arabic A^j to

burning ; specially used of oc rain

y. f.
afield, peel; comp. the remarks under ">3. Hence JT1?y3
Ex. 22:5. Compare root No. 2. and
an unused root. Ch. BT23 ^X3 to be QvV? onions, Nu.
only in
q. 7^3 pi.
11:5. Syriac
evil, to displease. Hence
: Arab. J^j id. Ccaipare quadril
^V *3 Baas ha, pr.n. of a king of Israel from the
year 952 to 930, B.C., i Ki. 15:16, seq.; chap. 16;
2 Ch. 16 i,
seq. ; Jer. 41 :g.
the shadow," L e. protection, "of
5</V3 (" in
1$T& (i.e. TO "work of Jehovah"), pr.n.
a^e/],pr.n.m. (i) Ex. 31; 2; 35:30.
n. 1 Ch. 6:25; see the root HK^.
(2) Ezr. 10:30.

Well rendered by the LXX. in Deut. it

(" a making naked"), [5a*/u*Al pr.n.
>f a man, Ezr. 2:52; written in Neh. 7:54, ny
3 . [Hence the two following]
y*3 m. dough, so called from its swelling up;
^3 flit. VV?' (l)TO CUT IN PIECES, TO BREAK.
J> 1
although used of the lump also before it is leavened.
to Ex. 12:34,39; 2Sa. 13:8; Jer.7:i8.
(Ch. yV3 to cut, to divide as bread; Syriac >*k_S
^pV^ ("stony," "elevated ground," Arab.
break; Arab. *_^> to cut, to cleave, to cut off;
<U^i'), [Bozkath, Hoscath], pr. n. of a town oil
L. part, piece. Kindred is VV? to wound, comp.
Judah, Josh. 15:39 2 Ki. 22 i
Josephus (Arch.
under ~i3.) Amos 9 l ," smite the capitals of the

break them in pieces, x.4, i)

columns, D?3 E'N13 Dy^-tand
(so that they may fall) upon the heads of all." DyV? CUT OFF, TO CUT AWAY
(l) TO (Syr.
for BJJV3. Intrans. to be wounded, Joel 2:8, of lo-
Pael to shorten, diminish
custs [?], " they rush among the swords, WV?? K? ;
)w^s diminished, small,

they shall not be wounded." This is better than, low. Kindred roots are ^V?, yV?, comp. the remarks
they do not break off," sc. their course. on the power of the syllables T3, }*3, f*3, under the
(a) to tear in pieces, to spoil, pr. used of ene- roots NT3, HV3, comp. "H3 I, i.) It
commonly refers
mies, Hab. 2:9; Psalm 10:3; hence the phrase, y^'3 to grapes and the vintage, and it is
equivalent to, to
" to
y| get gain," is applied to private individuals gather the vintage of grapes, with an ace. Lev. 25:5,
intent on unjust gain, and who despoil others; comp. ll; of a vineyard, Deut. 24:21; Jud. 9:27. Part.
Germ. clb fdjnctben. Part. V| IK 3 Pro. l :ig; 15: IjpS "grape gatherer," Jer. 6:9; pi. DHV 13 "grape
27 Jer. 6:13; 8:1O. Inf. Eze. 22:27. ^T3 gatherers," metaph. used of enemies preparing
; Comp.
and A. Schult. Opp. Min. page 61. destruction, Jer. 49 :Q Obad. 5 comp. ">*>'?. Metaph.
; ;

PIEL y*3 cut off; Isa. 38:12,

fut. y-VT (i) to Psal.76:l3, DTH n-n -ft?? he will cut off the
'3y.-y?; rr^ip
h e (God) cutteth me off from the spirit (break down the pride) of princes."
thrum;" a metaphor taken from a weaver who cuts (2) restrain, ivithhold (seeNiPHAL and n~i>*2)

off the finished web from the thrum, Job 6 9. : to make inaccessible. So Part. pass. ^'3 inac~ "1-1

(2) i.q. Kal No. 2, to tear in pieces, to spoil any cessible, used of very high walls, Deu. 28:52; Isa
one, Eze. 22:12. 2:15; of an inaccessible wood, Zec.ll 2 a'ro; of cities :

(3) to perfect, complete, finish, e.g. the temple, very strongly fortified, Nu. 13:28; 0011.3:5; Josh.
Zee. 4:9; used of God, who executes his work, i. e. 14:12; 2 Sa. 20:6; Isa. 25:2; Deu. 1:28. Metaph.
" hard to be
judgments and punishments on the wicked, Isa. lO:l 2; understood," Jer. 33:3.
fulfils a promise, Lam. 2:17. Hence (3) to cut out, dig out, used of metals, see ~>V?-
NIPHAL pass, of Kal No. 2, to be restrained, hin-
in pause Wl, with suff. $>'? m .

dered, difficult, inaccessible to any one, followed

(1) rapine, prey (see the root No. 2), prop, of
enemies, Jud. 5:19; Jer. 51:13; Mic. 4:13, also by IP. Gen. 11 :6, riSflBJj -IDP "&$ V'3 DHD 1>;3 j6
applied to the rapine of kings and nobles who despoil "nothing will be too hard for them which they
a people, Jer. 22:17; Eze. 22:13, and hence purpose doing;" Job 42:2.
PiELcausat. of Kal No. 2, to render a defence inac-
(2) to any nnjust gain whatever, whether ac-
cessible, Jer. 51 :53, also simply to fortify, to rebuild
quired from bribes (l Sam. 8:3; Isa. 33: 15), or by
other frauds (Isa. 57:17); Ex. 18:21; Pro. 28:16; a wall, Isa. 22: 10.
and even The derived nouns follow
immediately, except
(3) an!/ ffain, Isa. 56:11; Eze. 33:31; yV5"-"lD
" what 2 Job
profit is it?" Gen. 37 26 Job 22 3 Ps. 30 10. :
36: 19, i.q. ">V3, which see.

an unused root. Arab. to flow out

X|l m. (l) ore of gold and silver (clbs un>
-- the metal in a rude state, as it is dv/j o\A
's s- -* ersCJrj)/
by little, to trickle as water, from mines, or cut out; so called 1'rom cutti.ig or
*r .
i- little water. Hence f3, n-3. breaking (Ps. 76:13), like the Arab. Jj native gold
or silver before it has been wrought by fire or tbfl
re SWELL UP, hence used of the urs'jxl s-<-

bit, TO BECOME CALLOUS, Deut. 8:4; Neh. r. : hammer, jLj n. unit, a particle of such gold, from
was identical with Buzrah of Auranitis or Hauran;
-J i.q. "W II. to break, VIIL to be cut off, broken ites

seeComment, on Isa. loc. cit., Burckhardt's Travt Js in

off. Comp. Germ, word used by \vorkers
brcdicn/ the
Job 22:24, TQjfa J"PB>
of metals of digging them. Syria, Germ. edit. p. 364, seq. Yet I cannot but assent
to the reasons urged to the contrary by Raumer,
"lay precious metals on the dust." In the
other hemist. of PI. verse 25, '"W njrq Hitzig, and Robinson, loc. cit." Ges add.]
gold Ophir.
T^V 3 "and
the Almighty shall be to thee as pre-
fn3 m. fortified place, strong-hold, Zech.
cious metals;" in the other hemist. nteyin f)D3. 9:12.
Alsc ">V? in pause "IS? 3^:19? which has the Jb J*
v fem restraint, sc. of rain, drought, Jer.
- -

same meaning. I have defended this excellent ex-

Abulwalid more 17:8. LXX. appall a. PL nVvS3 (compare Lehrgeb.
planation of this obscure word out of
p. 600) Jer. 14:1. Some incorrectly refer to thii
at length in Thes. p. 230, where see. Winer regards
it to be a particle of native gold or silver, called from '"H'S? Ps- 9 1O :
10: 1, in which the 3 is servile.

||:- m
(0 a bottle, so called from the sound
being cut off; compare iLJ a particle of gold. But
it makes when emptied (see PP.3), l Ki. 14:3; Jer,
this learned man
appears to have overlooked that the

19:1,10. and Greek

notion of particle does not spring from the root, but
(Syr. UQJ^^S fldfi/3v\oc.

fto^fyvXr), also so called from the sound. Compare

from being a noun of unity. So from
i'^J under the root Maltese bakbyka.)

and piece of gold, from -

(2) \_Bakbuk~], pr. n. m. Ezr. 2:51; Neh. 7:55.
gold is
^gsj a particle

Tp\p- ("emptying," i.e. wasting, "of Jeho-

straw, aj..J a piece of straw; however these feminine
vah"), [Bakbukiah~\) pr.n.m. Neh. 11:17; 12:
forms do not always signify a part or particle. 9,25-
(2) \_Bezer~\, pr.n. (a) of a Levitical town in the "in PIP. 3
tribe ofReuben, which was one of the cities of refuge, ijP5p3 (perhaps
q. "wasting of a
mountain"), [Bakbakkar"], pr. in. l Ch. 9: 15.
Deut. 4 43 Josh. 20:8; 2 1 36.
; Vulg. Bosor. (b) :

m. i 011.7:37. *jp3 [Bukki], (i. q. -H'!??.), pr.n. m. (i) Num.

34:22. (2) iCh. 5:31; 6:36.
(l) a fold, sheep-fold, so called from

keeping in, restraining, see the root No. 2, comp. }rVjp3 ("wasting inflicted by Jehovah"),
^99 from N?3. Chald. JVlMf3 a parted place, a [Bukkiati], pr.n. m. l Ch. 25:4, 13.
chamber. Mic. 2:12. D^P.3 chinks, fissures, Amos 6:
JTp? m. PI.
(2) a fortified place, i.q. ^SSD, hence pr.n. Bozra, ll; Isa. 22:9. Root V53.
a chief city of the Edomites, Isa 34:6; 63: i Jer. ;

fut. yp_3? inf. with suffix Dj;p3_(i) TO

49:13, 22; Amos 1:12; comp. Gen. 36:33. As it
can hardly be doubted [see note below] that this is CLEAVE ASUNDER, TO DIVIDE. (Closely allied to
the same as
Bo<r-pa, Bostra Arabics of the Romans, it Vi?3 and Syr. ^i^ss. The signification of cleaving
worthy of remark that it was situated not in the and opening, as proceeding from striking (see P3N
ancient and proper region of the Edomites, of which
""133). is also found as inherent
in the syllable p3, pQ
Petra, or Sela, Avas the metropolis, but in Auranitis, in the kindred roots n^S, lp.3, 1?3). Specially to
to which the Edomites
appear to have extended their cleave wood, Ecc. 10:9; tae sea ( use d of God), Exod.
borders (compare Lam. 4:21). Once (Jer. 48:24) Amos
14: 16; to rip up women with child, 1:13; to
n 1Y? is attributed to the Moabites, and the same
city wound on the shoulder, Eze. 29:7. To rend a city, or
may for a while have been in the power of Moab. to to oneself, is said of him who takes it by
See my Comment, on Isa. 34:7 Burckhardt's Travels,

storm; 2 Ch. 32: l, vj> DJJpn ? ~\^\ "and he thought
p.364 38$, and von Richter, "Wallfahrten im Mor- to take those cities by storm ;" 21:17. [" Followed by
genlande, p. i8l. 3 to cleave into or through any thing, to break
There can scarcely be a doubt that it was
[Note. through, 2 Sa. 23:16; l Ch. 11:8."]
the same with el-Busaireh (y :
_.^vll dimin. from (2) to cleave and open anything shut, so that
Avhat is shut in may be liberated and break fosth;
l-a) Busrah), a village and castle in Arabia Petrsea, Isa. 48:21, "he clave the rock, the waters oush'd
south east of the Dead Sea ;
See Robinson's Palest. out;" Jud. 15:19. Hence it is construed ev n with
p. 57- 1
formerly held that Bozrah of the Edom- an ace. of that which comes forth, Ps. 74: lj,
?O " thou hast made fountains of streams to was situated, Gen. 1 1 2 comp. Eze. 3:23; ^7 l, 2

burst rorth." Compare NIPHAL, PIEL No. 3 and Gr. fl33?n nj|i53 "the valley of Lebanon," used of the
ohyvvai cuKpva, irqyac, to emit tears, fountains. plain at the foot of Hermon and Antilibanus, at the
(3) a bird is said to cleave eggs, when by sitting rise of Jordan, Josh. 11:17; 1 2 7 and not tne valley :

upon them she hatches the young. Isa. 34:15. between Libanus and Antilibanus, Coelesyria of
Followed by 3 to cleave into or through any thing, Strabo, Ard el Buka c'iJ\ ^c,\ (land of vallies
a Sa.23:l6; l Ch. 11:18.
of the Arabs. Other regions are called from towns
NIPHAL (l) passive of Kal No. i, to be cleft near them, as 1H3!? nj?P.3 2 Ch. 35:28; irrv. '3 Deu.
asunder, to cleave and open itself, as the earth,
Nu. 16:31; Zech. 14:4; also to be cleft, rent, Job 34:3. Arabic *_Jj, and
26:8; 32:19; 2 Ch. 25:12; to be taken by storm
as a city, 2 Ki. 25:4; Jer. 52:7. id.)

(a) passive of Kal No. 2, to be opened, used of

also applied to water (l) TO POUR OUT, TO E M p T r, prop, a ves-
fountains, Gen. 7:11. it is

breaking 35:6; Pro. 3:20; to light, Isa.

forth, Isa. sel; seep^3p 3. (Arab,
^gj onomatopoetic from the
58 8. Comp. syn. ~>I?S, 1^3, 133, in which the sense of

sound of a bottle when emptied, like the Pers.

rending is also applied to the thing which breaks forth.
gulgul, Engl. to bubble. In the Maltese bakbak to
(3) pass, of Kal No. 3, to be hatched, to come

out of the egg; used of a young viper, Isa. 59:5. bubble, boil up, as water, like the Arab. .

(4) As things which are violently shaken together bokka, a bubble of water, bakbyka, bekbyka, a bottle ;
are cleft and broken asunder, it is hyperbolically used
compare also JN3, J?3j;3 p-13.) Figuratively
; (a) to
of the earth as struck and shaken, l Ki. l :4O.
empty a land, depopulate it, Isa. 24: i to despoil, ;

PIEL Ji!>3 fut. ym\ (i) i. Kal No. i, to cleave,

q. to pillage the inhabitants, Nah. 2:3. (ft)
Jer. 19:7,
as wood, Gen. 22:3; a rock, Ps. 78:15; to rip up rnirv r\y~r\X 'np3 "I -will
empty, or pour out the
women with child, 2 Ki. 8 : 12 15: 16. ;
counsel of Judah," i. e. I will make them void oi
(a) to rend, to tear in pieces, like wild beasts,
counsel. Compare Niphal, Isa 19:3.
Lq. tyi?. Hos. 13:8; 2Ki. 2:24. to be
(2) intrans. poured out, to be spread wide,
(3) i.
q. Kal No. 2, to open, to cause to break used of a spreading tree; Hos. 10: " a wide
l, P23 \3$
forth streams from a rock, Job 28:10; streams, Hab. LXX.
spreading vine;" upireXof tvK\rj^arovcrai
3:9; wind, Eze. 13:11, 13.
Vulg. frondosa.
(4) i. q. Kal No. 3, to sit upon eggs, and hatch NIPHAL p?3 inf. piSH- fu t. pty.
; (i)pass. of Kal
the young, Isa. 59:5.
No. l,a, Isa. 24:3. (2) pass, of No. l, b, Isa. 19:3,
PuALVj?3 to be cleft, rent,3osh. 9:4; to be ripped the spirit of Egypt shall be
131-50 Dnyp n-11 nj533
up, Hos. 14:1; i. q. Niphal, to be taken by storm, out from her i.e. she shall be alto-
poured midst,"
as a city, Eze. 26: 10.
gether bereft of understanding and prudence;
l l
HIPHIL (i)i. q. Kal No. i, to open a city,
i. e.
is for nj533 Lehrg. 372.

to take it by storm, Isa. 7 6, :

POEL pp.'IS i. q. Kal l,a, to depopulate, Jer.5i :2.
(a) Followed by ?N to break through to any Derived nouns are p-13?? and pr.n. n*p.3p.3, 'p.%
one, compare Kal No. 4, 2 Ki. 3 26. :

HOPHAL Vi?3n pass, of Hiphil No. l, Jer. 39: 2.

HITHPAEL, to be rent, cleft, Josh. 9: 13; Mio. 1 14. not used in Kal prop. i.
q. Arab. Jb to

The derivatives immediately follow, except J^P. 3. The no-

cleave, to open, kindred to the root "O3.
tion of cleaving and opening in this root is applied
m. a half, so called from dividing, specially
(l) to ploughing (compare tjhn, nns, 1VIJ):
half a shekel. Gen. 24:22; Ex. 38:26.
whence ^3 armentum, as if aramentum, oxen.
forth and arising of light; see
Chald. Dan. 3: l, i.
q. Hebr. (a) to the breaking
PP.3 Kal and Niphal No. 3.
pi. nty3, f. a valley (as
a cleaving and if f f

separation of mountains), opp. to mountains, Deut. (3) to the sense of asking, inquiring (Syr. ;_ors
<> 9 .

8:7; :>l; Ps. 104:8; to hills, Isa. 41 18. But : to inquire, to investigate, j^Q^i and J^JDCLO inquiry,
more often a plain country, widely extended searching out), also that of to look at, to inapt -it
plain (LXX. vtli.v), e.g. that in which Babylon So in
ppa-ip ppa-ypa
PIEL "13. to look at 1i?3 11K morning light, 2 Sa. 23:4. In ace. adv. in
(ij to inspect diligently,
Lev. 13: 16, ?T3 (compare
anything; followed by ? the morning (like the Arab. \
<o), Ps. 5:4; more
J\3 No. Lev.
l), 133. Followed by 3 to look at
27 often 1733 in the morning, Gen. 19:27; and poetically
with pleasure (compare 3 No. 4, a), Ps. 27:4.
1i7.3? Ps. 30:6; 59:17, which is elsewhere T?3 1J|
to take care of, with an ace.
(2) to look after, Deu. 16:4; Ps. 1 30 6. Distributively 1733 1,533 Ex.

5:6.34:11, 12.
16:21; 30:7536:3; Lev.6:5; Tg3^ 123? I'ch.g:
(3) to look at, contemplate withthe mind,tocon-
27; D'll?? Ps. 73:14; 101:8; Isa.33:2; Lam. 3:23;
sider, to think on, 2 Ki. 16:15; Pro. 20:25.
D^i?3? Job 7 18, every morning; metaph. in the

(4) to animadvert on anyone, to punish him;

morning, i. e. dawn of prosperity, Job 11:17.
(2) Specially the next morning, Ex. 20:34; Lev.
Ml the derivatives follow immediately.
19:13; 22:30; Nuin.9:12; Jud.6:31, V? 3nj 1B>N
" whoever will
Ch. not used in Peal. T?-^""^ riCV plead for him, let him
be put to death before to-morrow morn ing" (Vulg

PAEL I??; pi. Vig?; fut. Tg3*: inf. nn,?? to search,

to search for, to examine, Ezr. 4:15, 19; 6: i, fol- "anfafuamluxcrastinavauat;" LXX. ?wc irpwi ). Hence
lowed by Ezr. 7:14.
>J> to-morrow, i.
q.the word 5
in? (compare); an ^ ^v
ITHPAEL, pass. Ezr. 5:17. adv. to-morroic, Ex. 16:7; Nu. 16:5 (comp. verse

Job 16), i. q. 17.33 i Sam. 19:2; used for presently, Ps.

Ex. 21 37
"1p3 comm. (m.
f. i :
: ; 14).
5:4 (in the former hemistich); 90:14; 143:8; 1^3?
(1) bos, whether masc. or fern., bull or cow, so
id., Ps. 49:15.
called ploughing (see the root No.i), like ar-
from its
Kamet^ impure, prob. Aram,
mentum, according to Varro, De L.L. iv. 19, qs. ara-
inf. in
i"Tnj53 (with
Pael), f. care, looking after, Eze. 34: 12; compare
mentum, and Arab. JL, according to Damiri, so called the root Piel No. 2.
because it breaks up the ground with the plough (see
Bochart, Hieroz. i.
280), ["or according to Ewald
f.,animadversion,punishment, correc-
1'rom the cloven hoofs"]. In pi. Amos 6:12; Neh. tion, see the root Piel No. 4, Lev. 19:20.

10:37; 201.4:3. In all its other occurrences it de-

a root not used in Kal. In the significa-
s tion of to search (see Piel) it answers to the Arab.
(2) collect, oxen, cattle,
herd (Arab. jy id.,
t^-j^U, Ch. t-'H? to inquire into, to examine, kindred
S 9 pf

with the noun of unity 5, one ox, Syr. J^ors herd,

to which is ^?H. Its primary power appears to be
' '

prop, used of oxen, but also xised in a wider signifi- that of touching, feeling, Syriac }^A.AA^ a touching ;

cation of other herds compare x ^ herds
compare &&% to feel fc'^'i? to search for, as done bj
1 |
3). "^-l !
; i?.

and flocks (of sheep and goats), Gen. 12: 16; 13:5; touching.
20:14. Deu.32:l4,->[?2 nw?n m ilk of kine." It PIEL
K'j53 (i) to seek for. Const, absol. 2 Ki.
is joined (a) with numerals, and opposed to lit? is
2:17; with an ace. of pers. and thing, Gen. 37 15, 1 6 :

nB> and
signifying one ox (compare !&). Ex. 21:37, 1 Sa. 10: 14; followed by ?, to search into any thing,
"if any one steals one ox pit?) ... ofe 1J53 nBton. Job 10:6; different from this is 6611.43:30, K'i;??^
*Wn nnri he shall restore him five oxen for this JYI337 "he sought for a place of weeping," he sought

one;" Nu. 7:3, 173 l^JJ \3^ ; verse 17, (i) n.^ T?3 where he might weep. There is sometimes added a
with pi. verbs and adjectives, 2 Sa. 6:6, 1730 "I^Pf? ^? dative of benefit V?, 1 Sam. 28:7; Lam. 1:19, with
" for the oxen were
restive;" 1 Ki. 5:3, and these which addition it has also the sense of to choose(\i$
may be feminine if cows are intended; Job 1:14; etn>a au3fud;en)/ to seek for oneself, i Sa. 13: 14; Isa
Gen. 33: 13; 173-|3 *?$ a bull-calf, Lev. 9 2 ; H^V :
40:20; comp. Eze. 22:30. Specially (a) to seek, the
17? Isa. 7: 21, and simply T^'JS Gen. 18:7, 8, of a king's face, i.e. togo to the king, to wish to go to him,
calf;used of artificial oxen, l Ki. 7 29. : Hence the iKi. 10:24; especially to make a petition, Pro. 29:26.
denom. 1?.13.
(b) to seek the face of God, pr.
to go to God, espe-

cially with prayers,

2 Sam. 12: 16; Ps. 24:6; 27:8;
TV pl-
Q '~!73. (l) morning, daybreak, dawn
Ruth 3: 14"], so called from 105 3 to inquire at an oracle, 2 Sa. 2 1 i to appease
: :

[" and oven before

light, c g3 Ex.

the breaking forth of light; see the root No. 2.

him, Hos. 5: 15. Id. is (c) ninp-X 33:7;
2 Ch. 20 4. to ^V9 to be heard by God, Deu.

(Arab. <o, <j id.; compare the root "Q3 No. i). 4:29; Isa. 65:1. ninj H??3& the worshippers oi
Jehovah, Ps. 40: 17; 69:7; 105:3; Isa. 51:1. Comp. m - "G Am.5:ll; 8:6; Ps. 72:16, elsewhere "13
subst. m.
(i) corn, pr. cleaned from chaff ^compare
(a) to seek, to strive after, to try to get, e.g. the Jer. 4:11), such as is laid up in the barn and is sold,
officeof priest, Nu. 16: 1O; lying, Ps. 4:3; love, Pro.
Gen. 41:35, 49; Prov. 11:26; Joel 2: 24; once used

17:9.' Karely followed by <>, Pro. 1 8 i ; 'D C>B3 e g3 :

5 -^

to lay snares for Ex. 4:19; l Sa. 2O: i

any one's life, ;
of grain growing in the fields, Ps. 65: 14. (Arab, j
88:23; 23:15; aSam.4:8; 16:11; once in a good wheat; to this also answers the Lat. far, whence
sense, to take pains for preserving any one's life, Pro.
89: 10 (compare trn Ps. 142:5). 'B
V2& njn See Ch. No.IL
(2) field, country, Job 39:4.
toseek or plan any one's evilor destruction; \ Sam.
94:10; Ps. 71:13, 24; ^ rijn Bfea id. iSa. 25:26.
"15 m. Ch. with suff. PH3 Dan, 5:22. PL '33,

Followed by a gerund, to seek to do any thing, e. g. comp. J3 p.

cxxvn, B).
" son of the
1 Sa. 19:2, ^n<pr6 'ax fcB? efcao Saul, my father (1) a son, Dan.6: i. rr6-Q Gods,"
" son of
seeketh to kill thee;" Ex. 2:15; 4:24; with an inf. [rather God,"] Dan. 3 25. :

Jer. 26:21. (2) grandson, Ezr. 5: l.

(3) to require, to demand, Neh. 5:18; followed Ch. em ph. N^3 m. field, plain, pr. campus
II. *"lj

by IP 104:21; TP (Jen. 31:39; 43:9; Isa.l:i2.

pur us(Liv. xxiv. 14), i.e. void of woods or villages,
'3 "UP '3 D"! t?j33 to
Specially require any one's blood of country, gelb, ba grajej Dan. 2:38; 4:18, 22, 2Q.
any one, i. e. to exact the penalty for bloodshed 2 Sa. ; -- *-
4:11; Eze. 3 18, 20 33 8 and without tt i Sam.
(Arab. J_., '
aj _ plain, desert, Syr. JiJi id.).
40: 16.
"13 m. [Root T>3]. (l) purity. Commonly with
(4) to ask, to seek from any one, followed by |P
of pers., Ezr. 8:21 Dan. 1:8, and ace. of the addition of D.'T Ps. 1 8 2 1 , 25, or D?S3 Job 9 30
: :

thing, Est.

8: 15; also followed by ?V to entreat, to 22:30, cleanness of Iiands,being put figuratively

for any one, Est. 4:8; 7:7.
for innocency. Once "13 simply is used in the samp
sense, 2 Sa. 22:25.
(5) ask,to to inquire of any one, to
followed by IP Dan. 1 : SO. (2) that which has a cleansing property: lixivium,
alkali, i. q. JV"}3 which see; Job 9: 30. Alkali was
PUAL, to be sought, Eze. 26:21 ;
Jer. 50:80; Est.
Hence used by the ancients for washing, when mixed with
oilinstead of soap, and also in smelting metals that
"T (V?
(with Kara, impure), a petition, Est. 5:3, they might melt the more quickly, Isa. l 25. :

7,8; Ezr. 7:6.

I. "13 with suff. a son, so called from the idea

of begetting (see the root N13 No. 3), a word of fre- FORM BV CUTTING [see Note], S66 Piel, Arab. \ j flit,

quent use in Chaldee, in Hebrew poetically. It occurs I. to cut out, to cut or pare down, to plane and polish.
" kiss
twice, Pro. 31:2; Ps. 2 12, 1? -1p'f 3 the son;"
(As to the notion of breaking, cutting, separating,

sc. of Jehovah, i.e. the

king [namely Christ]. Comp. which is inherent in the radical syllable 13, see below
Ps. 8:7 and 1? Isa. 9:5. Others take "^ h. 1. in the under T]3. The same is found in the somewhat
signification of pure and chosen (see ""S under the softened syllable 13, comp. T!?, rn3, cha f jn.3; TT3
root "H3), and consider the king to be saluted by the
to scatter, T]3 pr. to break, also "QH, _,
name cf chosen (W ~H13) or pure; v;hich is not
[Note. As to the primary meaning
of this root, and

very suitable.
its connection with the cognate H13, see Dr. Davidson's
II. "Q f. rna adj. (from the rootTja) .(i) chosen, Lectures on Biblical Criticism ; Appendix p. 399, seq.]
leloved. Cant. 6:9, wn^ton rna mo8t be-
loved to her mother," her mother's
(2) to create, to produce, comp.
to make
In the praises of the maiden, smooth, to polish, hence to fashion, to create; also
(a) clear, pure.
Cant. 6: 10, " fair as the moon, non$ rn3 Germ, fdjaffcn, Dan. skabe, which is of the same stock
pure and
bright as the sun."
Metaph. used in a moral sense, as f djabcn/ Dutch scliaeven, to shave. (Arab. \j id.
23.21? "he who is pure of heart;" Ps. 24:4; 73:1.
See the root No. 3, b. Creator. Syr. Ch. J;_s, J-Js, N~J? Used of th

(3) empty, used of a barn [or stall], Pro. 14:4. creation of heaven and earth, Gen. i : l ;
of men, GCD
:27; 5:1,2; 6:7; specially Israel, 153.43:1,15; Jer. from :he pureneas and whiteness of the plumaare (see
31:32, n^ a nenrj mn 5O3 "the Lord has created T)3 No. 3).
a new thing in the earth, a woman shall protect, a
man" (comp.Nu. 16:30);
rp'3 DVpB'JT " behold I
Isa. 65
create Jerusalem a rejoicing,"
: 1 8, ~n$ 6O3 W hence,
pr. TO SCATTER, comp."ns and"l"l3, i-2b}
scatter hail, to hail, Isa. 32:19.

i e. cause her to rejoice. Part. TK'iia (in pi. majest.) be

: Syr. J>^25 hail; Arab, j .hail, jj to cold,
the Creator, Ecc. 12:1. As to the passage, Gen. 2 3, :

to hail ; but the signification of cold is secondary, and

nib'Jy fcO3 should be explained "he produced by taken from that of hail.
is Hence
making," i.e. he made by producing something new.
m. hail, Ex. 9:18, seq.; 10:5, seq.; Ps. 18:
Comp. Jer. loc. cit. and ?' "??, whence it is seen that
l 1 }

tO3 is used of something new. and as to the construc- 13, 14; 78:47, 48. T13 \33K hail stones, i.e. hail;
see J3N.
tion, comp. the phrases nfc$ "?^n, nV^y) JHi?.
(3) to beget, whence
"13 a
son, see NIPHAL No. 2. D 1|>:

pi. !^3 adj. sprinkled with spots, espe-

Ch. Ithpeal to be begotten.
cially white ones; spotty, used of goats, Gen. 31 10, :

(4) to eat, to feed, to grow fat, so called from 12; of horses, Zee. 6:3, 6. So Lat. "spars as albo
cutting [food]; whence Hiphil, to fatten; adj. NH3
pelles dixit" Virg. Eccl. ii. 41. It differs froni"Tp3,

fat. No. 2. Kindred roots are to be to which it is joined, Gen. loc. cit which denotes
Comp. \ ,
. ,

filled with food ; and to be fat ; ^7? to be lesser spots. (Arab, j j and j a variegated gar-

ment, particoloured, as if sprinkled with hail; transp.

well fed; no i.
q . Kn3 fatt ened, fat, and Gr. fopw
jj. Conj. II. to be spotted, fi()ecig ft^n/ of a sheep.
(ftiftpuffKu) ;
whence fiopa, Lat. vorare. ? . r
NU'HAL (i) to be created, Gen. 2:4; 5:2; to be Syr. )ljo>^2s a leopard, so called from its spots;
made, done, Ex. 34:10. nor can it be doubted but that also Greek and Latin,

(2) pass, of Kal No. 3, to be born, Eze. 21:35; Tropic, pardus, have sprung from this stock. From
28:13; Ps. 104:30. the Arabic word just cited is the French broder.
PIEL tTl? (i) to cut, to cut down, as with a
"TO ("hail"), [Bered], pr. n. (l) of a place
sword, Eze. 23:47; wood with an axe, Josh. 17:15,
in the desert of Shur, Gen. 16:14; compare verse 7.
"go up into the wood DB> "$ nN~}3-1 and cut out
room rendered by the Vulg.
for thee there;" as well (2) m. l Ch. 7:20.

verse 18, " (but the) mountain shall be thine "IJ!1 '3 rrnil rm &O3 TO CUT,
fut. (i) i.q. kindred to
inX"i3-1 X-in
although there be wood there, thou shalt
cut it down." TO CUT ASUNDER, comp. Arab. \ <
ult. Waw, to cut

(2) to form, to fashion, i.q. ">VJ, Eze. 21:24. out, to cut off, and ^"J3 No. i Hence JV13 a cove- .

HIPHIL causat. of Kal No. 4, to a k e fat, to fatten, m nant, so called from the victims being cut in two.
l Sa. 2 : 29. (2) to eat, i. q. N"J? No. 4, so called
from the idea
Derived nouns are ~)3 No. I,
f ")3, "W"]3, and pr. n. of cutting, like "tt3 No. 3, and many verbs of cutting in
Arabic, see Thes.p. 238. [" Comp. ftpow, /3t/3pwo-u*."]
2 Sa. 12:17; 13:6,10. Qn^ iV)3 loc. cit. 12:17, is
the same as Dp^ *??, see ^3 No. l, c.
(3) to choose, also an idea taken frcm cutting and
Berodach-Baladan, pr. n. of WX
separating, see"i"33
No. 2. l Sa. 17:8, DD^> n|
a king of who also is called
Babylonia, 2 Ki. 20: 12 ;

"choose you out a man."

Merodach-Baladan, Isa. 39:1; which latter mode
of writing is both the more PIEL, inf. n'ra Kal Xo. 2, Lam. 4: 10.
ancient, and the better

suited to the HIPHIL, give to eat, causat. of

to Kal No. 2, follow-
etymology, see under "^"IKI?.
ed by two ace. 2 Sa. 3:35; 13 5- :

^!3 ("whom Jehovah created"), [Be- Derived nouns are, !?, nna, n-113,
raiah], pr. n. m. 1 Ch. 8:21.
^"lil ("blessed"), Baruch,pT. name (l) of a
C J^ ]3 m. which \vlienfattened, were
pi. birds, friendand companion of Jeremiah the prophet, to
brought to Solomon's table, l Ki. 5 3. Karachi un- : whom an apocryphal book is ascribed. Jer. 32 12 :

derstands fattened cocks or

capons ; but more probably 16; 36:4, seq.: 43 45:1, 2. (2) Neh. 3
u Targ. and Tanchum of Jerusalem, yvtse, so called 20; 10-". (3) Neh. 11:5.

3 m note hardness and firmness, as 7p3 O3E of a ii f

plur. Ezek.
27:84, variegated gar- "
rule, Ps. 2:9. Isa. 48:4, If 7V T!> "H th .v neck
ments, as rightly given by Kimchi; cornp. the root
-<-. s (is) an iron sinew," said of the obstinacy of the
D"]3. Arab. ^>j a cord twisted of two colours, , ^ people. Specially, an instrument of iron, Deu. 27:5,

a garment woven of such threads. Josh. 8:31: 2 Ki. 6:5; a bond of iron, Psa.iO5:i8,

^T-13 ?33 149:8.
I3 pi. D'EnnS m. (i) the cypress, a tall tree,
pj j3 (" of iron," unless perhaps it be preferred to
Isa.55:1?, and fruit-bearing, Hos. 14:9; together
with the cedar, to which it is very often joined, the compare Talmud. N/P? herdsman, IVP? princes),
[Barzillai\, pr. n. (l) of a Gileadite famous for
principal ornament of Lebanon (Isa. 14:8; 37:24;
60 : 1 3 Zee. 11:2, comp. verse l ) the wood of which, his hospitality and liberality towards David when
; ;

exiled, 2 Sa. 17:27; 19:3239; l Ki 2: 7- (> -

equally with that of the cedar, was used for the planks
of the temple of Jerusalem ( l Ki. 5:22, 24 6 -.15, 34 Ezr. 2:6l.
; ;

2Ch.2:7; 3:5); for the decks of ships (Eze.

27:5); fut. rn3. (l) TO PASS THROUGH, Tt
also, for spears (Nah. 2:4); and instruments of music REACH ACROSS (prop. I believe, burd)fd)neib(n, burdv
(2 Sa 6:5); once, by a Syriacism, called fl'lT?, Cant. brecften/ to cut through, to break through; compare
l :17- That the cypress, not the be under- fir, is to
^n>3j see, as to the sense of cutting, breaking in,
stood, is clear both from the nature of the case, and the verbs beginning with "D, ~IQ, under the verb N
also from the authority of the ancient versions; al- " and he made the middle bar
Ex. 36:33, "Jpfifl 1}
though name may perhaps have comprehended
n^n-'pX n^rrjp ewsnjan to pass through the
also other trees of the pine kind. See this more fully
middle of the boards from one end to the other."
stated in Thes. page 246. As to the etymology, the
Comp. HIPHIL No. l and nn? a bar, bolt. Hence
cypress appears to be so called from the boards and
(2) to flee, to flee away, Germ. burdjbredKn/ burd)*
planks cut from it; see the root.
to break away. j to go away, to de-
(^something madeof cypress wood. (a) a lance,
get)n/ (Arab. .

Nah. 2:4. (b) a musical instrument, 283.6:5. a desert land,

part from itsplace, to go away to tnte
HI")!? plur.
D*nh3 m. cypress,
i.q. ^"13, a form a gazelle, from its fleeing.) Const.
roetdjeu/ ^... _. .^1
inclining to the Aramaean, Cant. 1:17. Root rna. C_V

rVTl3, Ps. 69 22. : Root rna No. 2.

absol. Gen. 31:22, 27; l Sa. 19:18; with an ace. of
the place fled to, l Sa. 27 :4; also followed by ?, Neh.
Pinna Eze. 47 :
16, and Tina 2 Sam. B 8 :
( my 13: 1O; /$ Num. 24: 1 1, and IP of the place fled from,
wells," for *D'ni<3)[5ero<AaA, JBero*/iat],pr.n. of l Sa. 20 :l. The person fled from takes the prefix
a town rich in brass, which was formerly subject to the '3?D Gen. 16:8; 35:1,7; 3?fc? Jonah 1:3; |P Isa.

kings of Zobah, situated on the northern borders of 48 2O "liP(from his haud,i. e. his power) Job 27 22

Palestine. Some understand Berytus [Beirout], a D (prop, from near) 1 Ki. 11:23. It differs from
maritime city of Phoenicia, but from Eze. 1. 1. this city ?pn to escape, l Sa. 19:12, D^-H rrpM ifel he
appears not to have been on the sea coast, but rather went, and fled, and escaped." A dative is some-
in the neighbourhood of Hamath ; see Rosenm. Al- times added to an imperative, 'v n^3 Germ, madx
lerthumsk. ii.
page 292. bid)fort, rette bidv Gen. 27:43; Num. 24:11; Am.

7:12, comp. the French s'enfuir.

T j3 an unused root, Ch. and Talmud, to trans- Note. In one passage, Ex. 14:5, some following
fix, to pierce through; Kp.3 an aperture, a wound
Michaclis have incorrectly compared the Arab. _ to
inflicted by piercing. Hence quadril. 7p3 and
turn the left side; might be well said of a
for it
(" apertures," wounds"), [Birza- people that they fled when Pharaoh was expecting
vit'i], l Ch. 7 31 aro, pr. n. prob. f. [ P, n.T}3 (perh.
them to return after three days [but how does il
T ^3 "well of olives"), so Ges.add.]
appear that he had any such expectation?}, but who
instead were about to enter Arabia.
I ^ m. IRON, quadril. from the Ch. TT3 to trans-
HIPHIL. (l) i.q. Kal No. 1. Ex. 26:28.
fix, with the addition of ?, compare ^9."}2 from 0^3,
(2) to put to flight, cause to flee, Job 41:20,
from 3TTI. Ch. )3 & 9, Syr. u.*. Gen. also to expel, to chase away, Neh. 13:28.

4:22; Eze. 27:12, 19, etc. It is often used to de- Derived nouns are nn| rnap, and
rr-3-rrn CXLT

Hi? Isa. 27:1; Job 26: 13, and H^3 pi. DVT-J3 ("gift"), [Beriah], pr.n. (l) of a scr
Isa. 43:14 (lornn3, of the form (l) one
P^). of Ephraim; iCh. 7:23, "and he called his name
who flees, a fugitive, Isa. 43: 14; also fleeing, an Beriah, W32
nn.'n njpT 3 *? because there was a gift

epithet of the serpent, both of the real creature, Isa. to his house." So indeed Michaelis, Suppl. 224, but
" because there was a c a-
27:1, and of the constellation, Job 1. 1. apparently more correctly,
(2) \_Bariah~] pr. n. m. l Ch. 3:22. 1
amity to his house," njT)3 for njn with Beth es-

nna sentife, as it is called (p.xcix, A); compare ven>es 22,

(from the root n~$)fa t, i. q.
1 f.
adj. LXX. uri lv KaKoli; iyit'fTO iv O'IKW pov, eo
23? Vulg.
comp. the root No. 2. Eze. 34:20, nn.3 nb>"fa t domus
quod in malis ejus ortus esset. (2) m., Gen.
sheep," where perhaps we should read '"1^?- Three
46:17. (3) i Ch.8:l3. (4) lCh.23:lO.
MSS. have nxns. n the words, Job 37:11,
I !
No. 2 is patron.
Wy?- '"!? not a few interpreters, following the
Ch. and the Rabbins, render *"]3 " purity," specially VT?Nu. 86:44.
"serenity" of the sky (Targ. Sn-1T"}3), and they r^~]3 f. (i) a covenant, so called from the idea
render the whole clause, serenity also dispels the of cutting (see the root No. l ), since it was the cus-
cloud ;" another interpretation given below (see ^HP) tom in making solemn covenants to pass between the
is, ho-.vever, preferable. divided parts of victims (see the root n"]3 [" and
" of a Gen. 15:9, etc."]). [" But the idea suggested by Lee
'13 (i.q.^? as if, fountain"), [.Bert],
pr. n.
m. l Ch. 7 :
36. (Heb. Lex. h. v.) deserves attention, viz. that rp~]3 ig
strictly nothing more than an eating together, banquet,
^ fattened, fat, see K"}3 No. 4, used of
j3 adj. from ""H3 No. 2, since
among Orientals, to eat together
men, Jud. 3:17; Dan. 1:15; of cows, Gen. 41 2, 4, :
is almost the same as to make a covenant of friend-
18, 20 ears of corn, ver. 5, 7 (see 3.PH); food, Hab.
; The Hebrews too were accustomed to eat to-
1:16. Fern. nsnsn coU. fat cattle. Zee. 11:16; when entering into a covenant, see Gen. 3 1
gether :

Eze. 34:3.
54; and in this way we obtain an explanation of
np!D ]Tn3 covenant (an eating ?) of salt see np.
1^ ")? f.
something created, produced by God, ;

Ges. add.] It is used of a covenant entered into be-

specially, new, unheard of, Num. 16:30. (Compare
Ter. tween nations, Josh. 9:6, seq. between individuals
31 :22.) ;

and friends, i Sa. 18:3; 23:18; of a marriage cove-

TP, 2 Sa. 13:5,7, 10. Root rn3No.2.
nant, Mai. 2:14; '3 nn? ^3
Gen. 14: 13, and T?8
'D JTHS Obad. those joined .by league to any one.
T"]3 see n-}3. 7,
nn? $$ Jud. 9 46, i.q. nn? ^3 verse 4, "God of

T"13 D'nns m.
pi. covenant," see 7^3 No. 5, a. In speaking of the
(1) a cross-beam, a bar, which was passed from making of a covenant, the verbs rns, Dj?n, }n3, D-lb
one side to the other through the rings of the several are used, 2 Sam. 23:5 3 X13, 3 ")3j; Deut. 29:11,

boards of the holy tabernacle, which were thus held which see; of its violation, 120, Ski, 3TJ?,
3 W. The
together; itfrom passing through or
is so called covenant of any one is the covenant entered into with
" a cove-
across, like transtrum for transitrum, Ex. 26:26, him, Lev. 26:45; Deu.4:3i; nirp. JV)3
seq-; 35:n; 36:31,869.; Num. 3:36; 4:31. nant entered into with Jehovah," Deu. 4: 23; 29:24,
(2) a bolt, a bar, for shutting a door, Jud. 16:3; etc. Specially and most frequently used of the
Neh. 3:3, seq. etc. " The bars of the earth," Jon. covenant and league made between God and Abra-
2:7. are the bars of the door, in the depths of the ham (Gen. 15: 18), confirmed by Moses (Ex. 24: 7, 8
earth, i. e. the entrance to Hades, i. q. ^iNy '?3 Job
Deu. 5:2), to be
[This is another covenant]; 34:27;
17:16. Metaph. a bar is used for a prince, inasmuch renewed and amended after the exile, by the inter-
as he defends a state vention of prophets (Isa. 42 6 49 8) and the Messiah
(see "13 Hos. 1 1 :6) ; Isa. 15:5, :

TJfr ig nrn? her princes (flee) to Zoar." Jerome has utterly

(Mai. 3:1; comp. Jer. 31:33). [Gesenius
ejus. Perhaps the of the verb, to flee,
ellipsis confused the old covenant with the new.] The land
istoo harsh, when this covenant is
especially there has been no pre- promised and given to the people by
yious mention of
flight ;
and I would rather render called nnan Eze. 30:5; and the people itself [?]
with Ch., Saadiah, Kimchi,
fugitives, whether nwa Ehp nn? "(the people) of the holy covenant,"
it be better to read " the
v^nns or to derive i?W"!3 from Dan.ll:28, 30; rP"]3n ^S?l? messenger,
?H| with Kametz pure the form (of of the (new) covenant," i. e. Messiah, M&l. 3: l-

(2) In other places it is th andition of this NIPHAL, i.

q. Hithpael, to bless oneself:

covenant, namely (a) the p: vmise of God, Isa. Gen. 12:3; 18: 18; 28:14; see HITHPAEL. [Pro-
5Q:21; and very often (b) tht precepts of God perly always, pass, of PIEL No. 3, see Gal. 3:8.]
which Israel had to keep, i. e. tta divine law, i. q. PIEL T?3 fut. T!.3' , T) 3 ?!, with a dist. ace. T?.?]!-

rnta. Hence nnan nira$ Deu. 9:9,15; ~\n\ nn? frig to invoke God,
to praise, to celebrate, to
and nn3n f\~\$ the ark in which the law or the tables adnre, bless God, which is done with bended
of the law were kept (see l'n). nna.n n;n "the knees, see 2 Ch. 6:13; Ps. 95:6; Dan. 6: 11, etc.;
vrordsof the law," Jer.ll:2 8; 34: 18; Ex. 34: 28;
(Arab. iJ_O Conj. V. to praise, VI. to be praised
enn-nn nnby nnan th e
precepts of the law,
ten precepts ;" n'"i3n ISO " the book of the 1 a w," used (God) with a reverential mind). Constr. followed by
an ace. (like yovviri.-iiv nva, Matt. 17: 14). Ps. 104:
both of its earliest beginnings, Ex. 24:7; and of the
whole collection of laws, 2 Ki. 23:2, 21 2 11.34:30. i; 26:12; 34:2; 63:5; 66:8; 103:1,2; 104:35;

As to a covenant of salt, see under n?p. ~

rarely followed by ? l Ch. 29 20. Participle pass, :

i 'L .
nin; 7|.rG, D{P|g q-rii "blessed be Jehovah," "God,"
(3) Sometimes ellipt. (a) i. q. IV"!? ^NpO mes-
Exod. 18:10; l Sam. 25:32, 39; Ps. 28:6; 31:22;
senger, herald, declarer and ptni-riq of the new
41:14; Job2:9, J"O D'npS ^3 "bless God and
covenant, or of anew law and religion, Isa. 42:6;
die," i. e. however much thou praisest and blessest
49:8; compare Mai. 2 8. (b) i. q. fV)3

used God, yet thou art aboiit to die thy piety towards God;
of the covenant," of circumcision, Gen. 17:
istherefore vain: the words of a wicked woman.
10, 13; compare 11.
As to this use of two imperatives, the one concessive,
rVl3 f, prop, something which cleanses, something the other affirmative, promising, threatening in its
ichich has a cleansing property (from 13 with the Heb. Gram-9thed.99
sense, see my 127, 26]. [ed. 13,
adj. fern, termination J"l*r)> specially salt of lixivium, More nin* DE> ^"13 "to invoke the
fully expressed
alkali, especially vegetable, (for mineral is called ^D?.), name of Jehovah," Ps. 96:' 2; and njrp DK>3 ^p3 (like
made from the ashes of various salt and soapy plants D>3 fcOpr ) Deut. 10:8; 21:5. Once used of the

(Arab. U -~J '

(.^\ \l*\.' U Salsola Kali L. al.); this invocation of idols, Isa. 66:3; and even of one's own
CJ co-'~ ^ji-
was sometimes used together with praise, Ps. 49:19.
washing gar- oil for
(2) to bless, used of men towards one another, to
ments instead of soap (Jer. 2:22); it was also used
invoke blessings on any one in the name of Go4
in purifying metals [?], Mai. 3:2. These plants, and
and names, are more (mn DK>3 ps .
129:8; l Ch. 16: 2). (Arab. d^U
their various uses fully discussed
by Bochart, Hieroz. 43, seq. Celsius, Hierob.
p. ;
i. ^Eth. n/!ft: id.) Gen. 27:27. Used of the pious
449, seq. ;
Chr. B. Michaelis Epist. ad Fr. Hoffman- vows and prayers which a parent about to die conceives
num De Herba Borith. Hala?, 1728, 4to; J. Beckman, and expresses [rather, his inspired and authoritative
Scijtvdge jur efd)td)te b. (Srftnbb. 410. p. 10, seq. blessing], Gen. 27:4, 7, 10; 48:9; a priest for th.
people, Lev. 9:22, 23; Num. 6:23; a people for &
fut. T! (i) to bend the knees, TO KNEEL
Constr. followed by an ace.,
people, Deu. 27:12.
DOWN. (Arab. cXs ^Ethiop. fl#K Syr. u^s id. more rarely by ? Neh. ll:2. Once used cf ^he
The primary notion lies in breaking, breaking down ;
consecration of a sacrifice, l Sa. 9 : 1 3.

compare and the connection of ideas under the

PlfJ, (3) to men and
other created things,
bless, as God,
verbs JTS, ya.3.) 2Ch.6:i3, Vfyfa TO1 "and he Gen. 1:22; 9:1; and very often used of the result
kneeled upon his knees" (compare Dan.6:ll). Ps. of the divine favour, to cause to prosper, Gen.
95 6, O come U'by mn 'P.D ? ... nDl331 let us kneel
" 1

; 12:2, 19'^ n f?3^1 ^PT!3X1 "I will bless thee and
down before Jehovah our Maker;" see HIPHIL, and make thy name great ;" verse 3;l7:l6;22:i7;24:l;
1Q3 a knee. 30:27. Construed with two ace., one of the person,
(2) to invoke God, to ask fora blessing, to bless; the other of the blessing bestowed on any one by
benedictrt in ecclesiastical Latin. Often thus in Piel, God, Deu. 12:7; 15:14; followed by 3 of the thing,
in Kal only
in part. pass. ^"13 blessed, adored (LXX. Gen. 24:1; Ps. 29:11. When men invoke a bless-
tbXoynpiroc, tv\oynr6f), for the use of this part, see ing on any one, the phrase used is, njn'J
nnx ^-TG
Piel ; but the <brms ^13
(inf. absol. for "qn?, of the "blessed be thou of Jehovah," l Sam. 15:13;
form Josh. 24:10; tola Gen.28:6; i Sa.
Ni3p_, 1*13!), nin^p
N1H Tj-ns Ruth 2:20; comp. Gen. 14:19; Jud
13:10; 2 Sa.8:io; i Ch. 18:10, are referred to Piel 17:2. n'VV q-ri? "blessed by Jehovah," Gen. 24:
with more correctaes?, 31; 06-29; Num. 24:0. God is said also to blest
inanimate things, i. e. make them to prosper, be earth shall bless himself :y the God of truth;" JP*
abundant, Exod. 23 25 Job 1 10 Ps. 6.5 1 1 ; 132
: :
4:2. (J) of the person whose happiness and welfare
15 Pro. 3 33. [" So of the consecration of the Sab-
; : we invoke for ourselves (Gen. 48:20); Ps. 72:17

bath"] Gen. 2:3.

used of the king praised in this psalm, ~?3 13 -13")^^
to salute any one, as done by invoking a bless- irnj^X'.
DM3 "all nations shall bless themselves by

ing on him (l Sa. 15:13; comp. dprji'Tj vp~iv, JLJ1

him, they shall pronounce him happy." So alsc
should be explained a passage found with slight
i^<LL=. : salutation being also used in another sense
alterations five times in Genesis, "73 ^JTlP -13")3.nni
merely for asking after another's welfare (? Di/Ey ?K>, 0?? "^ " an d to thy seed shall all nations of the
see Dl"?>). Pro. 27:14; 2X1.4:29; l Sam. 25:14 earth bless themselves," i. e. they shall pray that
(compare verse 6). Used of one coming, Gen. 47 7 :
the lot of Israel maybe theirs; 22:l8; 26:4; comp.
2 Sa 6:2O; of one who departs and takes leave, Gen.
28:14, where for Hithpael there is Niphal and ;

47:10; l Ki. 8:66; also of those who receive and 12:3; 18: 18, where for "1O? there is also ^3, 13.
oalute one who comes, l Sa. 13:10; and of those who So Yarchi, Le Clerc, and others. Several whose
take leave of one who is going away, Gen. 24:60; opinion formerly followed, explain this phrase in a
Josh. 22:6, 7.
passive sense, with the LXX. and Chaldee. Cornp.
(5) It is also taken in a bad sense, as meaning to Gal. 3:8,
" and all the nations of the earth shall be

curse, i. e. to imprecate some evil on one by calling blessed in thee, in thy seed," i.e. be brought by
upon God. Comp. Job 31:30. (This is one of the words them to the true knowledge and worship of God.
of medial signification, like the Arab.
(JJy^, JEth. [These passages, as well as the one in Ps. 72, refer
to Christ; and they should be taken passively, as
14ft I to bless and to curse, VIII. to supplicate,
and to wish ill, see more
in Thesaur. p. 241.) It shewn us in the New Testament, the blessing is in
of persons, and is transferred to Him: this removes allthe imagined difficulty.] See
is properly used
curses and impious words against God, iKi. 21:lO; Jahn, Archaeol. ii. 263, note. But the analogy of
the other instances in which 3 ^]T!3,? TpISJjin, occurs,[?]; Jobl:5, il; 2:5. Others,as Schultens,
who have not regarded the signification of cursing as favours the former sense. [But the New Testament
derive the sense of contradicts nothing is more common than Hithpael
sufficiently certain in this verb,
in a passive sense, and in some of these places there is
rejecting from that of taking leave (see No. 4), and
they apply it to these examples, comp. Gr. -^aiptiv t<pv, NIPHAL.]
But the former explanation is The derivatives follow immediately, except the
\aiptiv ^pa^eiv nva.
shewn be preferable both by the words of l Ki.
to pr.n. ^"13 j n^nn^ comp.
21:10; and by the analogy of the languages compared Ch. (l) i. q. Heb. No. \, to kneel down, in
prayer, or worship to God, Dan. 6: 1 1.
PUAL T13 part. TPP (l) pass, of Piel No. l, to (2) to bless. Part. pass. T13 i.q. Heb. ^13 Dan
be blessed, praised, used of God, Job 1:21. 3:28.
(2) pass, of Piel No. 3, to be blessed, i. e. caused PAEL T)3 common
(for the T13), to praise, bletf
prosper by God followed by IP of the thing, Deu.
God; followed by /, Dan. 2:19; 4:31. Part, pass
33:13; "i3i
D:?fn ns?3p ixnx njn; nrpn "blessed Dan. 2 20. :

be his land by Jehovah with the gifts ofheaven,"

a knee, in once Isa. 45:23.
Compare \\ ^13 i. e.
njn^ ^1-13. In the prefix
* 9
sing, (Syr.
IP h. 1. there is the same power as elsewhere after LI "; "", \
^f> ^;Ch. transp. X3-13TN.)
-^Eth.--f|Jft ; id.
verbs of plenty (Ex. 16:32). DUAL D!?"}3 constr. % 3~)3 knees, not used of two
HIFITIL T")3H causat. of Kal No. l, to cause camels "
merely, but even of all. B?3"iir?3 all knees," Eze.
to kneel " watpr
down, that they may rest and drink, Gen. 7:17; 21:12. D!?")3 D?B reaching to the
knees," Eze. 47:4. Upon tfie
&?zees(D!?"|3 /JJ)where
24:11. (Arab.cJjl id., JEth.
new-born children are received by their parents or
ibid.) See TOnS, also T).3K p. x, A.
nurses, Gen. 30:3; 50:23; Job 3:12, and where
HITHPAEL T33DC reflex, of Piel No. 2, to bless one-

children are fondled by their parents, Isa. 66: 12.

self, Deu. 29:18. Constr. followed by 3 (a) of
him who is invoked in T)5 Ch. id. Dan. 6: ll.
blessing (comp. \\ OB'S ^3), > i

God whom we worship. Isa. 65 16, 7N? ("whom God blessed"), [Barachfl^
^83 ^D? }^ : 1
pajv "he who bless eth himsJlf to the pr. n. of the father of Elihu, Job 32 : 2, 6.
CXLIV rm-nra
l once -"I3-13 Gen. 87:38, "onstr. rcsna- plur. ?T:ra ( whom j e hovah blessed," for n^
nb-ia m. Ch.
"??. coiistr. f.
Berechiah, pr. n. (i) a son of Zerubbabd, i

(l)ablessing,benediction,invocationofgood, 3:20. (2) iChr.9:i6. (3) Neh. 3:4,30. (4)

as of a lather about to die, Gen. 27 i 2, seq. 33 1 1 '"l
'?7? No. i.
: ;
: .
compare <l

D'7?". D?13"the benediction of righteous men," Pro.


" l'"^? (id.) pr. n. Berechiah. The name thm

11:11; ni.T H3-13 benediction
favour) of
(i. e. that of
spelled is
(i) die father of Zechariah the
God," the result of which is prosperity and good of every verse l, however, n '?^3.
prophet, Zec.l 7 :
; (2) l Ch.
kind,Gen.39:5;Ps.3:g; Isa. 44 13. Also rona simply, 6:24. (3) 2 Ch. 28:12.
Isa. 19:24; Joel 2: 14, sometimes followed by a gen.

of him whom God had blessed. Gen. 28:4, J"13"13 a root not used as a verb; pr. (which has
3??^ "the benediction (with which he blessed) been strangely neglected by etymologists), onomatop.
Abraham;" Gen. 49:26, ~IJ? '"Tin n'WJS "the bene- i.
q. /3pyuw, Pptpaoftai, fremo, brummcn/ jummen. In
dictions (of God with which he blessed) the eternal Arabic it is used
mountains." Differently, Proverbs 24:25,
31D n3"i3 (
of the noise and murmuring of a morose man
"blessing of good." Plur. nta"J3 benedictions, Germ, murrctij whence l Pet. 4 =
9, for the Gr. yoyyv-
blessings, sc. of God, Pro. 10:6; 28:20; but more
there is
excellently in Arab. Vers. *.-.", also
often, benefits, gifts divinely bestowed; Psal. 84:7; - - PT
Gen. 49:25. Compare Isa. 65:8, "destroy it (the *.} to be disdainful, pr. to be morose, murrifd) fepn$
cluster) not, nan^l '? for there is a divine gift in it." also used in Arabic
(2) concr. used of a man by the favour of God,
(2) of the humming sound made in spinning and
extremely fortunate and happy. Gen. 12:2, ""9^3 rvni;
twisting a thread; Germ, fdjnumtv hence + < II. IV.
Psal. tl:7, *q ni:m inryt^ thou hast made him
most blessed for ever." Collect. Zee. 8:13. totwist threads together; Germ, jioirnen/ whence the
Heb. D^p'113. Like other verbs of twisting and binding
(3) a 9*ft-> present, by which one signifies favour
and good will, such as one offers with good wishes. (see ?in), this is farther applied

Gen. 33:11; i Sa. 25:27; 30:26; 2X15:15. t?B3 make

(3) to firmness (* j to firm, comp. also
^37r a bountiful soul," i.e. a bountiful person;
frmtis); hence ["perhaps"]
Pro. 1 1 -.25.
(Syr. IJjios, jEth. fltfl^ id-)-
D"13 Ch. pr. adv. of affirmation, yea, truly, as in
(4) i.q. my_
peace, 2X1.18:31, n:m n V0JJ
" make the Targ. and Syr.
peace with me;" Isa. 36:16. p^S, but in the Old Test, always
(5) [Beraekak"], (a) of a valley in the
pr. n. adversative, but,yet,nevertheless,T>an. 2 -.28; 4:12;
desert near Tekoa, 2 Ch. 20:26. (b) m. l Ch. 12:3. 5:17; Ezr. 5:13. Comp. 73^ No. 2.
constr. n?!)? f. a pool, pond, pr. such as Vr?5 see Bna
camels kneel down to drink at; see T")3n.
an unused root. Arab, c to excel. Conj.

HIPHFL.] (Arab. <&j the cup of a fountain, and a V. to give spontaneously. Hence [perhaps] pr. n.

similar reservoir for water; Spanish alberca.) 3 Sa. and

8:13; 4:12; Cant 7:5; fully D?? n?i? Nah. 2:9; ]3 (" gift" [ u for JH 13, see 3 p. c, A"]), pr.n. of
Ecc. 2 6. There were two such ponds to the west of
a king of Sodom, Gen. 14:2.
Jerusalem, formed by the waters of the fountain Shi-
loah [by some other fountain, not " the SEND LIGHTNING, used
Shiloah], p J^i TO of God; once
upper pool," Isa. 7:3, called also "the old pool,"
found, Ps. 144:6. (Arab. : _.,
Syr. u?iJi id.
Isa. 22:11, and "the king's pool," Neh. 2:14, as
to lighten, frf)4't> ! * thunder.)
watering the king's gardens (Neh. 3:15); and "the

lower pool," Isa. 88:9, which was used for supplying Derived nouns are, D'3ip.3, ri^lS, and
the lower city with water. [" From the upper pool m
}3 .
(i) lightning. (Syriac, Arab.
Hezekiah afterwards brought the water to a reservoir
within the city, between or within the two walls; i.e. .
id.) Dan. 1O:6. Coll. lightnings, Ps. 144:6
the first and second walls of Josephus, north of Zion ;
2 Sa. 22: 15; Eze. l :
13. PI. Dj?T? Job 38:35; Pi
Isa. 22:11; sKi.2O:2O; 2Ch. 32:30. See Robin- 18:15; 77:19, etc. Applied to the brightness of a
ion's Palest i.
p. 4837."] sword, Eze. a i : 1 5, 33. Deu. 32 : 41 "3nn p^ tb ,

lightning of my sword," i. e.
my glittering sword. iChron. 7:40; 16:41; Neh. 5:18. [" Also, select^
Nah. 3:3; Ilab. 3:11. Comp. Zee. 9 :
14. Hence chosen, choice, l Ch. 7:40; animals, Neh. 5:18."]
(2) poet, the glittering sword itself,
Job 20:25 (3) to separate and remove impure things, to

(3) [UaraJt], pr. n. of a leader

of the Israelites, cleanse (a) an arrow from rust, to polish, to
who by the aid of Deborah obtained a great victory point, to sharpen it, Isa. 49:2. See HIPHIL. (Arab.
over the Canaanites, Jud. 4:6, seq. ; 5:1, 12, 15. V to pare down, to point a weapon.)
(b) It is ap-
Comp. H?. He was called "thunderbol t," fulmen and upright words and deeds. Part
" plied to pure
(Cic. pro Balb. xv.), as amongst the Poeni Ilamilcar pass. Zeph. 3 9,
"7113 fiBB> "a pure lip." Adv
Barcas." Job 33:3, $!& ina b$p and what I know fO
pl5, see P13 \3? page cxxvn, B. my lips have spoken purely," i.e. truly, sincerely,
(otjne j5 U<ft).
P sa !9 9> "the commandment of Je-
- :

Dip"]3 ("painter,"
for DipT^a, compare to
^j hovah is pure," i. e. true, just. Compare NIPHAL,
paint in colours, or from the quadril. .j^j j, which
PIEL, HITHPAEL. (Arab, j Med. E, to be just, true;


signifies the same), [.Z?aros],-pr. n. m. Ezra 2 153;

Neh. 7: 55. Syr. j;_,;_2j pure, neat, simple ;
true, just.
In the proper signification of purity, it an-
?P ;5 m. pi. i.q. D^l'lD threshing wains, in- purity.
struments which were used for treading out corn; swers to the Lat. purus, Germ, bar/ Engl. bare ; figu-
made of thick timber, and having the lower side ratively, to the Lat. verus, roafyr.)

armed and jagged with iron or fire-stones [flints], (4) to explore, to search out, to prove, which is

which abound in Palestine, so that the corn was done by separating, comp. 1p_3 No. 3, Ecc. 3:18. It
*~ '1

rubbed out. This word appears to be derived from L

answers to inf.1-137 Eccl. 9:1, see "1-13.
(Arabic xwl
the unused word |PT~!3 giving out light, which I expect ^ >
7 O to investigate the truth, Med. Waw, to search out.)
denoted the fire-stone (comp. < j stony ground, perh.
(5) to be empty, see ">3
adj. No. 3, Ch. 13.
prop, abounding in fire-stone, as is the case with a NIPHAL ">33 reflex, to for entering
purge oneself,
great part of Palestine and Arabia); whence ^i?~!? a on a sacred Part. 133 pure,i.e.
office, Isa. 52:11.
threshing wain armed with fire-stones; pi. 8 27 2 Sa. 22 27 see Kal No.
upright, pious, Ps. 1 :
It occurs twice, Jud. 8:7, 16.
f Ex. 28:17, and np/]3T (Lehrg. page 467) PIEL, to purge, Dan. 11 135.
Eze. 28: 13, a species of gem, so called from its being HIPHIL, purge an arrow, i.e. to sharpen, Jer.

bright. LXX.,Vulg., and Josephus render it smaragdus, 51:11 (see Kal No. 3, a) corn in the threshing-floor, ;

emerald; and this is defended at length by Braun, Jer. 4:11.

De Vest. Sacerdott. page 517, seq., who also considers HITHPAEL, (l) to purge oneself, sc.from the defile-
the Gr. napaySoe, <r/zapayoe, as derived from this ment of idolatry and sin, to reform, Dan. 12::0
word. Nor is this amiss, for also the Gr. papayfi, (compare 1 1 35). [This certainly ought to be taken

afiapayfi, with the derivatives, which have the sense in a passive sense, to be purged.]
of making a noise, thundering, answer to the Heb. P13 : (2) to act truly, graciously, used of God, see
jinpaySoe; also as the name of a gem, it comes from under Kal No. 3, b; Ps. 18:27, "'"J 31?* "?? DV " with
the notion of light, which is
primary in this root. the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure." As to the
form "iSFin see
Analyt. Ind.
pret.TVn3 Eze. 20:38, inf. with suff. D13 Derived nouns are "13 No. II. 13, JV13, Dn3H3.
Ecc. 3: 18 (of the form
roots Kia, rra.
from ^5??), kindred to the

j3 an unused root, which had, I suppose, the

(l)lO SEPARATE, TO SE VER,Eze.20 38.Q3.P 3 '. ^l same sense as the Arab. <^j j i. e. to cut, to cut into
QH"pn I w ill separate the rebels from you." s<~
(see under the root N1?), whence Arab. ciV an
(Arab. C( nj. Vlll. to stand apart from one's com-
(2) to select, to choose (comp. rna No. 3). Part. of wickedness," set
pass, selected, chtsen. i Chr. 9:22, D^-lian D?3 ~>P_"]3), [Birsha], pr. n. of a king of Gomorrah, Gen
" all *
3*TJ7 chosen (that) they might be (porters). 14:2.
ra-nra CXLVI
the contrary, the face of a cioss and angry person it
J l3 an unused root, which seems to have had
; - - s ---
the sense of to cut, to hew; see Hence rfl"O.
disfigured hence J^j > JL the external skin of man

V. to be cold, as which a person's beauty is perceived.

"Tib^ ("cold;" compare ^j "^'2 flesh, in
PIEL (i) to make any one cheerful with glad
water), [Uesor], always with the art. "115???, pr. n.
of a stream near Gaza, emptying itself into the Me- tidings, to bear glad tidings, to announce (glad
diterranean Sea, l Sa. 30:9; 10*21. tidings) to any one with an ace. of pers. 2 Sa. 18:19.

rrws & rnps f.

nji a
$$rm$ rrwss srnyviK let me run and
2 Sa. 18:22, 25;
announce to the king what," etc.; Psal. 68:12,
(l) glad tidings, good news, ni~ib>3Dn "
once with the addition of H31O verse 27.
3"] (women) announcing (victory)
to a great host;" l Sa. 31:9; Isa.4O:9; absol. 2 Sa.
(a) reward of good news, 2 Sam. 4:10. Root
4:10, vry.2 TB>3Z?:) he supposed that he brought
glad tidings;" also followed by an ace. of the thing
U \u 3 an unused root, to smell sweetly, Chald. announced, 60 :6; Ps.40: 10. Part.^?T3p a mes

but commonly gener. senger of good news, Isa. 40:9; especially of peace.
and Syr. QD3, jQnp-> id., to Je
Isa. 52:7; of victory,l Sa. 31:9; Psal. 68:12.
pleasant, agreeable; compare 'N3.
(2) It is more rarely used of any messenger, 2 Sa.
Besides the nouns which immediately follow, there
18: 20, 26; and even one unpleasant, l 83.4:17;
are derived hence pr. n. B^?'., Db^D.
hence there is twice fully said, 310 ~IK>3 i Ki. 1 142 .

C^3 or 2^3 (withKametz

impure) m., balsam, Isa.52:7.
the balsam plant, formerly frequent in the gardens HITHPAEL, to receive glad tidings, 2 Sa. 18:31 ;

of Judaea, and still cultivated at Tiberias, Cant. 5:1. Arab. Conj. I. Med. E, and Conj. IV., VIII., X.
Derivatives !"niK>3 and
(Arab. an odorous shrub, like the balsam

tree; by the insertion of Lam quadril. +U..J _ *1&?3 once in pl.Dnj?3 Pro. 14:30; m., flesh. As tc
the balsam tree.)["Ch. and Tal- m^, Ch.
^'*Jj /3aA<ra/u>c, its etymology, see the root. (Syr. );

mud. lPD-13, also jiOp~|aX., I being changed into r."] '*< denote the exterior
id., Arab. JL and 1

DE>3 Ex. 30:23, and C(?3 m.

ekin, and metaph. the human race, a signification
(\} a sweet smell, especially such as spices emit, which is taken from flesh.) Used () of the flesh
e .
of the living body, whether of men or of beasts, Gen.
Syr. Jjsimri spice,- Isa. 3:24; DK>3'|D|i? sweet smell-
ing cinnamon, Ex. loc. cit. pi. Cant. 4:16. ;
41:2,19; Job 33:21, 25; once apparently for the sk in
(2) spice Ki.lo:io; Ex. 35:28; Eze.27:
itself, l
itself(compare Arab.); Ps. 102 :6, in describing ex-
treme wasting, *"?'3? *PVS? '"'i??^! " my bone clcavet
33; pi. D'Of? slices, Ex. 25:6; 35:8; D'Df3 nn
mountains abounding in spices, Cant. 8:14. to my skin." (b) used of the flesh of cattle whic
D r? tne balsam shrub, Cant. 5:13; 6:2. is eaten, Ex. 16:12; Lev. 7:19; Nu. 11:4, 13.
(3) i- -

31:31, in praise of his hospitality, N? i~l6'3p |J|J*

y2C?3 "
("sweet smelling"), who is there that was not satisfied with
, (l) of a wife of Esau, some-
pr. n. f.
flesh" (i.e. in
his feasts)? Flesh is also used-
times called a Hittite, 6011.26:34, sometimes called whole body; opp. tot
(1) More generally for the
the daughter of Ishmael, Gen. 36: 3, 4, 13. [Two of
Isa.10: 18; Job 14:22. Pro.l4:3O, 3^
Esau's wives bore this name.] (2) a daughter of " the welfare of the
nS")O body is a tranquil heart;
Solomon, l Ki.4:i5. sometimes with the added notion of weakness am
proneness to sin (Matt. 26:41), Ecc. 2:3; 5:5.
not used in Kal; Arab. J^j to be joyful, J
(2) of all living creatures. "f'3
?3 "all
cheerful, especially in receiving glad tidings ; Med. creatures," Gen.6:l3, 17, 19; 7:15,16,21; 8:1*
A. and Conj. gladden with good tidings, with an specially all men, the whole human race, Gen 6:1;
II. to

cc. of person and <__? of thing. The primary sense Ps. 65 3 1 45 2 1 Isa. 40 5, 6.
; Very often used

opposed to God and his power (D'n?X
appears to be that of BEAUTY, whence f%j fair,
the notion of weakness and frailty. Gen. 6:3; J<
beautiful, since a face is made more beautiful by joy 10:4, ^
IKO rrj?n "hast thou mortal eyes?"
and cheerfulness (see 31O good, fair, joyful); and, on dull, not-clear-sighted; Isa. 31: 3. "The
CXLVII ra-n-a
men, not gods, C&"> Wl ">'^3
are DH^WD their horses Bashan," Ps. 68 1 6, is a name of Hermon), and on

are flesh, not endued with divine power;" Ps.56:5; the south by Jabbok and Mount Gilead; on the east

78:39; Jer. 17:5; compare 2 Cor. 10:4. In the New extending to Salchah (Deu. 3 l 'J, 1 3 Josh. 12:4). It :

Test, similarly napS, Kai alpa, opp. to God and the was taken from Og an Amorite king, by the Israelites,
Mat. 16:17; Gal. l : 16. and was given with part of Gilead to the half tribe of
Holy Spirit,
nba-l npyj; "my bone and my flesh," used often Manasseh (Num. 21:33; 3 2 33)? ^ was celebrated for :
of a relative. Gen. 29 : 14 ; Jud. 9:2; 2 Sam. 5:1; its oaks (Isa. 2:13; Eze. 27:6; Zee. 11:2) and for its

19:13, 14; comp. Gen. 2:23; also simply

Gen. ^? rich pastures and abundance of cattle (Deut. 32:14;

37 27, K-in -13")^? 'n? V3.

Used of any other man, Ps. 22:13; Amos 4:1; Eze. 39:18). Arab.
as being our brother, Isa. 58 7. Comp. "W. :

Ch. Gr. in Josephita and

l^JID, 13J>13, Syr. ,

(4) by a euphemism for pudenda viri (compare

Gr. o-wjun), more fully nriy ")b>3 flesh of nakedness Ptolem. Barai'cua, now !

(Ex. 28:42). Gen. 17:11, seq.; Lev. 15:2, 3,7, 19.

shame (from the root KH3), Hos. 1O:6.
"1^3 Ch. Heb. flesh, Dan. 7 5, in emphat. st.
: Nouns ending in the syllable ^3, N3, added to the root
~tB>3 Dan. 2:il, used of the human race, ibid. are also found in Chaldee (see KJ"!^), and more fre-
S all living creatures, Dan. 4:9. quently in ^Ethiopia; see Ludolfi Gramm. ^Ethiop.
p. 90. It is rendered, very unsuitably, by Michaelis
(Suppl. p. 233), sackcloth, or mourning garment, by
s~ --
or i TO BE COOKED, RIPENED. comparison with the Arab. dj'*u. sackcloth of coarse
(l) to be cooked with fire, Eze. 24:5. flax, but sackcloth of linen was not used for mourn-

(a) ripened with the heat of the sun, as the ing garments. The common interpretation is suffi-
ciently defended by the parallelism, and no new sense
harvest, Joel 4: 13 (Syr. ^o, Ch. ^3, JEth. (Vjfl :
need be sought.
to be cooked, to be ripened. In the same manner
the sense to be cooked, and to be ripened, are
Dt^J once found in Poel 02*13 for DD13 TO TREAD
joined in other verbs; as in Arab. ^uL>, Pers. .-.^
DOWN; followed by ?J? (& and D being interchanged,
and .^j bukhten and pukhten, which is kindred to see D), Amos 5: 11.
the Germ, bacfen [Engl. to bake], Gr. TrtTrrw, TreWw,
a root falsely adopted, whence some derive
Lat. coquitur uva, vindemia, Virg. Georg.ii. 522, Germ.
Pilel of the verb E>13, whidi see.
bie Sraube fodit).
PIEL causat. of Kal No. l, to cook, especially with suff. Vlf3 (from the root efa), f.

flesh,Ex.l6:23; 29:31; Nu. 11:8; other food, 2 Ki. (1) shame, often with the addition of D^S Jer. 7:

19; Ps. 44:16; Dan. 9:7,8; n? 3


4:3^,6:29. EQ^ Job 8:22; Pg.

PUAL pass, of Piel, Ex. 12:9; Lev. 6:21. 35:26, and n^n ntpj; p s 109:29,
. to be covered Avith
HIPFJL causat. of Kal No. 2, to ripen, Gen. 40:10; shame.
see under the word 'S^S.
(2) ignominy, a vile and ignominious condi-
Derived nouns n'vBQp and tion, Isa. 54:4; 61:7; Hab.2:lo; Mic. i:ii, nng
m H^3 in nakedness and sham e," (al. nuda pudendis).
Vj'Sl Ex. 12:9,
rW| f. Num. 6:19, some-
(3) an idol, which deceives the hope of the wor-
thing boiled, sodden. them
shippers and pxits to shame, Jer. 3:24; 11:3;
son of peace"), [Bish- Hos. 9:10.
(for Dp-jf
lam], pr. n. of a Persian magistrate
[in the Holy I. n3 (contr. from ro? for H33 from the root n33),
Land], Ezr. 4:7. with "^3 (from T133)
stiff. ; pi.
n^33 ;
constr. H133 (as if
from sing. H33; compare E^S a daughter
a root not used in Hebrew. Arab, ^j 5 S --
V c?.
level and soft soil, soft sand. Hence pr.n. |B>33 and (Arab, c^cj ; pi. CL?Uj, Syr. )).; ,^; pi. )A. i
^, Ch.
" often with the art. H3 and
J&'2 (" soft," sandy soil"), ni3; const. rn3; with suiF. nni|; pi. D33).
l^D pr.n. Bashan, the northern part of the region D*1Sin 0133
"daughters of men," human women,opp.
beyond Jordan ;
bounded on the north by the moun- to sons of God, Gen. 6:2,4; Cant. 7:2, 3^13-03 "O
tains of Ch. 5:23 (whence "the
Hermon, l hill of daughter of a noble (father)," a loving address to a
rnra-ra CXLVIII ra
maiden. A queen herself is addrel .ed as H3 Ps. 45 : a 3Lam.l :i5; DnVPTl? '3 Jer. 46 : 1 1 ;
T13 q
11 ; compare 13 No. 3. 'SJ? Jer.14: 17. And as the names of nations are
The name of daughter as well as that of son (see often transferred to countries, and vice vers& (Lehrg.

13), is of wide extent. It is used for page 469), which properly denotes the
this phrase,

grand-daughter, a female descendant. So

(1) inhabitants, is also used
by the poets of a city or
'$". n'133 the Hebrew women, Jud. 11:40; U?3? H133 region itself. So P'VTIS of the city it&elf, Isa. l :8;
Canaanitish women, especially maidens, Gen. 28: 8; 10:32; ^33-nS Ps. 137:8; and it is even said n3Cn'
and with the name of a people, D'P>??n rfl33 2 Sam. '33TI3 "inhabitress (i. e. inhabitants) of the daugh-
1 20 : ^y O133 the women of my nation, Eze. 13:17.
ter of Babylon," i.e. of the city itself, Zee. 2:11;
So also we should take "TNfV n'l33 Ps. 48: 12, where Jer. 46, 19; 48:18.
some incorrectly understand the towns of Judah. For, (6) Followed by a genit. of time, it implies a fe-
lesser towns around a city are called the daughters male who has lived during that time; HJC' D^'Pms
of the city, not of a region ; the daughters of Judah, i. e. one ninety years old, Gen. 17:17. Comp. }3 No. 6.
the women of Judah (see No. 5) are opposed to Zion, (7) Figuratively, the daughter of any thing is
e to the sons of Zion, Zionites, and both used with regard to whatever depends upon it, pertains
by the
laws of parallelism denote the inhabitants of Zion, to it, or is distinguished
for it. Comp. |3 No. 7. So
and the rest of Judah of both sexes; compare Isa. daughters of a city is a name given to the smaller
4:4. towns situated in its jurisdiction and dependent on
(2) a maiden,a young woman, a woman, comp. it, Num. 2 1 :
25, 32 ; 32:42; Josh. 17:11 ; Jud.ll:26;
?3 No.
Gr. dvyarrip, Fr. fille, Gen. 30:13; Cant.
2, pyns daughter of the eye, i. e. the pupil (see f^"K)
2:2; 6:9; Jud. 12:9; Isa. 32:9. Poet. 0^3? J"I3 [" n^'n "daughters of song," songstresses,
"daughter of women," for "maiden," young Ecc. 12:4; ^3
FI3 a wicked
woman, l Sa. l 1 6 ;"] :

woman, Dan. 11:17. D'"Vltt'S<~n3 (ivory) the daughter of cedars, i e. set in

(3) foster-daughter, adopted daughter, Est. cedar, Eze. 27:6.

(8) It is applied to animals in one phrase, TI3
(4) female disciple, worshipper, Mai. 2:11, n i?J?! (JUU;^ c^-i. the
daughter of the female ostrich,

"O3 /-S"r>3 " the

worshipper of a strange god." used of the ostrich (see J"l3y_'_). Comp. )3 No. 9.
(5) followed by a genit. of place, especially a city (9) It is supposed to mean a branch of a tree.
or region, it denotes a woman there born and direll- Gen. 49:22, !?
n-WV ni33the daughters"
ing, specially of youthful age, as, D.v^T JYI33 Cant. i. e. b r a nch es of a fruit tree
(J"nb 13 comp. J3 No. 10),
3:5; 5:8, 16; Isa. 3:16, 17^ 4:4; 71133
2:7; fl'V "go up over the wall," i.e. in their luxuriant growth.
r^KH ni33 Gen. 34: l. a peculiar idiom of Heb.
By It
may, however, be better to read with IJgen on
and Syriac J"I3 daughter, like other feminines (see the passage, ^
7? n 1VY n " 3 "the daughters at
Lehrgeb 477), is used by the poets collectively for ascent," i. e. the wild beasts dwelling in the mountains
0'33 sons
(comp. inj D3 Mic. 4: 14 for "Ml? 33 2 Ch. "Hem uYuT(Itr0en
(comp Arab, j'j^ C_>';j)> auf txt
25: 13), and daughter of a city or region or people,
is used
poetically for its inhsibitants. So "ivn3 for
(10) In proper names
D^'f1TTI3 Isa. 37:22;
3? Ty r ia n s, Ps. 45 : 1 3 ;
D'STna ("daughter of many"), [Bath-
P'Vn3 Isa. 16: l; 52:2; Jer. 4:31; D'"IKT13 Lam.
E"Enrrrn rabbim], pr. n. of the gate of Heshbon, Cant. 7:5.
4:22; D.^XP'riil Jer. 46 1 : 1 ; 19 24 :
i sa- ;

VS^VIS ("daughter of an oath," y3C for

23: 10; "3jrn3 i.q. N3y '35 my people, Isa. 22:4; Jer.
HJN3!?, comp. Gen 26:33, 345 or daughter of seven,
4:11; 9:6; as in Syr.
jocn^js) 1^_S daughter of sc.
years), [Bath-sheba~], the wife of Uriah, denied

Abraham, for sons of Abraham, Hebrews, see by David, who married her after her husband wa
i. e.
my killed; and by whom she was the mother of Solo-
Comment, on Isa. 1 :8. Hence hfis arisen the TTYMHTW-
mon, 2 Sa. 1 1 : 12 l Ki. l :
15, seq. Also called "H3
roTroiid, so common in the Hebrew poets, by which

all the inhabitants are presented under the figure of

HT [Bath-skua'], l Ch. 3:5.
" of Je-
a woman (c) nj^3 ("daughter," worshipper,
23:12, seq.; 47:1, seq.; 54:1, seq.;
hovah"), [Bithiah'], pr.n. f. i Ch. 4:18.
Lam. i l seq.), and the daughter of a country is

called the virgin, as tfTXVIS n?in3 i. e. " virgin II. ri3 (from the root fins No. l), pi. Dri3 comm.

daughterof Sidon" (the construct, state standing (m. Eze. 45:10; f. Isa. 5:10), a measure of fluids,
for apposition), Isa. 23: 12; ?33~n3 '2 Isa. 47:1; as of wine and oil, of the same content as HD'^ of any
thing dry. It
may be called in Lat. amphora. Ten which cities or states ar^ spoken of under the figure
baths made a homer ppn, see Eze. 45: 11, 14); the of women, they are also culled virgins, see the ex-
tenth part of a bath was called-IO'y i Ki. 7 26, 38 :
; amples cited under ri3 No. 5. Also without 03 there
2 Chron. 2 9 4:5; Eze. 45 1 0, seq. Isa. loc. cit.
simply said ?8OB'J n?-in2 the virgin of Israel,"

Joseph. Arch. viii. 2, 9, 6 It |3a2oc %vvara.i of the people of Israel, Jer. 18:13; 31:4, 21; Amos
5:. Rightly Ch.^trH KFIB*3| the congregation
H3 Ch. Heb. No. of Israel.
pi. ]n3 Ezr. 7:22.

nriS fem. desolation (from the root nr>3 No. 2. m .

pl._ (!) virginity, Lev.2l:l3,
^K and he shall take a wife in her
Isa. 7:19, ninan ^qa "desolated (deaert) valleys,"
" virginity;" Jud. 11:37; Eze. 23:3, |n^-in3 'TJ
or abrupt rallies" (comp."W3 broken off, abrupt, " the teats of their
virginity," verse 3.
headlong, and paydc from pftyrvpi) but the former ;

is preferable. It does not appear that we (2) tokens of virginity (compare JV"13 No. 4, of
the sign of the covenant), i. e. stragulae inter prima:
should read differently the a;ra Xtyofitvov
noctis amplexus hymehis scissi sanguine inquinat.
fem - I sa - 5 ;
6, where it is said of a vineyard: Deu. 22:i4,seq. Compare Leo Afric. p. 325 Niebuhr's
r^?, as if n^D -inn^x Germ, id) will itjm bag
Description of Arabia, p. 35 39. Arvieux,Itin. vol.
arauS madicn. Vulg. "ponam earn desertam." iii.
p. 257, 260. Michaelis, Mosaisches Recht, t. ii. 92.
" I will The grammarians have
lay it desolate."
"PHI! see n3 I. 10, c.
not been consistent with regard to this form, which

ought in each case to have the same vowels. [But PI houses, see
still not unfrequent here
a variation in the vowels is ;

we have a long vowel in the one case to compensate /JjJ' an unused root kindred to the roots

for dagesh in the other.]

q. Arab, jjsj
to separate, to seclude. Hence
(i) of a man (i. q.
pr.n. -irip man of
(rod"), [Bethuel], the father of Laban and Rebecca,
Gen.22:22,23; 24:15,24,47,50; 25:20; 28:2,5. not used in Kal. Once in PIEL, Eze.
" and they shall cut thee in
(2) of a place (pr. tarrying of God," from bj 16:40, DniTTl? "n-lpyi?
q. n-13), a town in the tribe of Simeon, l Ch. 4:30, pieces with their swords." LXX. Karaff^u^ovai at.
which in Josh. 19:4 is written contr. 7iri3. In Josh.
Vulg. trucidabunt te.
(Arab. t
j_u to cleave asunder,
15:30, in the same series of cities (as to this remark- ^Eth.
to cut, to cut off. fl't'Ti: to break.)
able corruption see Relandi Palsestina, p. 152, 153),
there is found -^P?. CUT
TO UP, TO DIVIDE, as slain victims,

(i) a virgin, pure and unspotted, so

in Kal and Piel, Gen. 15:10. to cut off,
called as being separated and secluded from inter-
" "
to break off. Kindred roots are o,, l
^ ?,
1 |
C I-

course with men, see the root

^,k>, ^ '

(Arabic a pure
Jyy Ch. after, for 1HS3, see 1D>< page xcvi, B.
a religious of
9 * *^ specially the virgin Mary,
with suff. 'n^3, pi. const.
Syr. JJoA^ virgin, also a manprofessing virginity,
e (1) a divided part of victims, Gen. 15:10; Jer.
compare JEth. \ \fc\\ a virgin, chaste young man.
ft v 34:i9-
Syr. \^-i a virgin). Gen. 24: 16, nijjjni.
to defile
(2) section, a dividing, used of a country divided
nj>T *6 "
e$]nJ>Ul3 .... an d the girl .... was a by mountains and valleys (see P" ??), rugged and

virgin, and no man had known her ,"2 Sa. 13:2, 18; abrupt. Cant. 2:17,
:rnrr73;, LXX. tVt opri KotXw-
"V-n? '"$?- "a girl, a virgin," i. e. pure, Deu. 22: ,
i.e. mountains divided by valleys. Compare
93,28; Jud. 19:24; 2l:l-2; i Ki. 1:2. n??.
(2) Also used of a woman newly married, Joel
l :G as in Latin virgo, m. a region divided by mountains and
Virg. Eel. vi. 47 JEi.. i. 493 ; ;

valleys, or a valley which divides mountains, Koi-

458, and Arabic virgin, LXX. from prjyvvu. 9 Sa. 2:29.
puttta, Georg iv. j Aw/tu, S3crgfd)lud)t/ paync,
viiUJri. Others suppose this to have been the pr. n. of some
3.) By a TrpoffwTroTroua, familiar to the Hebrews,
by particular region; but this
would make but little
Jilfcrence, for the pr. n. would be taken from the
and <icJ! quite, altogether. In Hebrew it
natuie of the place. [Root ID?.]
to have denoted
an unused root. Arabic I. IV. to (l) to define, i. e. to measure; whence J"13 a mea-
cut, to cut off, to break off (com p. under the root "H3
s *- (2) to cut any thing off, to put an end to a thing^
**<>. I.); i^j'zj something broken off, destroyed ; & to lay waste altogether, i.q.
H?3 whence n l??,
; '"'D?.

Gimel ('9^), the third letter of the alphabet, when adorned, magnificent.) In the signification of pride,
used as a numeral, i.q. t hree. Its name differs only itaccords with the Gr. ya/w.
in form from 7D3 camel; and its figure in the Phoe- Derivatives follow, except NJI, HJ3 No. H.
nician monuments on the coins of the Mac-
(4, ~1), ""3 adj. (i) lifted up, high, Isa. 2:12. Job
cabees, and ^thiopic alphabet (*]), bears a
in the
resemblance to the neck of the camel. The Greeks
40: 1 1,
12,*n^9!?n} nX3-^:i ntn behold every thing

received this letter from the Phoenicians, and by turn-

that is
high, and bring it low."

(2) proud, arrogant, Jer. 48:29. PL D % X3 the

ing the head to the right, made it F.
proud, often with the adjoined notion of impiety; as
As being the softest of the palatals (p3'J) except
elsewhere, meekness and a humble spirit include the
Yod, it is often interchanged with the harder ones 3 e
idea of piety (see ^tf). Psa. 94 : 2 ;
40 6
Pro i
and p; both within the limits of the Hebrew lan-
25; 16:19. LXX. vTrepiifyaroi, vftpiffrai.
guage itself, and as found by a comparison with cog-
s <- * s
$? f.
pride, arrogance, Pro. 8: 13.
nate languages, see ,. - jj a heap of
B*"!3, ^^j^j
9 ar * ("majesty of God"), [Geuet], pr.n. m.
sheaves; J"l'"i.33, l^;- ^, 1^0 ~
-> sulphur; 13| and Nu. 13:15.

JJ3 to cover, to protect; T33 and D33, .<=-. to collect, ll^^ f. pr. elevation (from ^|
to heap up; ?Y\ and ??T to run up and down; JP33, (1) magnificence, majesty, as of God, Deu. 33:
& - - ^
26; Ps. 68: 35.
calix of flowers; "H3, j^ and jji to cut;
"1$^ (2) ornament, splendour (3>rad)t), Job 41:7;
Deu. 33:29.
)-feUi almond.
(3) pride, arroganci/. Psa. 73:6, ten^ JD?
More rarely it
passes over (2) into gutturals, n l*?3 "therefore
which are pride clothes their neck," i.e. they
les? allied;
namely, V see !"n|, fpa, and n, are elated with pride. A stiff neck being regarded
a r
as T ??,
l.xOiS young of birds, comp. nnN. as the seat of pride.
Ps. 31 24 Pro. 14:3; Isa. 9:8; :

K3 HW 13:3,11; 16:6; 25:11. Used of the sea, Psa. 46:

adj. (for t
from the root Htjl|), m. proud,
Isa. 16:6. 4, *'the mountains quake at its pride."
m. plur. (of the form Dmitry, D'OHp), re-
HN? a poetical word.
demptions, redemption. Isa. 63:4, v-1X| n3"'"thj
water rising up, Eze. 47:5; of a plant growing, Job year of my redemption," i.e. in which I will re-
deem my people. So LXX., Vulg Syr. Commonly ,
8:11. Job 10:16, Tiwri ^n? ? n*F\ "and (if) it ;

taken as " the year of my redeemed ones."

(my head) raise itself up, as a lion thou wouldest
hunt me." ptf const. fl|, once pi. D^KJ (from the root HKJ),
(a) Metaph. to be exalted, magnificent, of God, Eze. 16:56, pr. elevation hence ;

Ex. 15:1, 91. In the derivatives it is applied (l) sublimity, majesty, of God, Ex. 15:7; Isa.
(3) to honour (see |iX| No. l), and 2:10, 19, 21 24:14, ^>n>;; p)3 "they sing wil.1
(4) to pride and arrogance, see ^1X3 and fiNi joy of the majesty of Jehovah." Job 37: 4,Mxj. ^P
" his s u b i m e Job 40 1 0, NJ'nnj
voice," thunder.
1 :
N;. 3. (Syr. Pael ll^to decorate, to make mag-
HJJI flK| "deck thyself, now, with majesty aid
nificent. Ethpael, to boast oneself; JU, magnificence." Mic. 5 :

(2) ornament, glory, splendour, Isa. 4:2; 60 Num. 35:19, seq.; Deu 19:6, 12; Josh. 20:3; 2 Sa
15, "I will make thee D7TI7 P^f a perpetual glory." 14:11; and without C^JO Nu. 35 12. :

Isa. 13:19, C^3 pX3 rnxpn "the splendid glory (3) Since both the right of redemption (No. l),
of the Chaldeans," said of the city of Babylon. Isa. and the office of avenging bloodshed (No. 2 ) belonged
14: 11. Ps. 47 15, 3'pgl PS? " the glory of Jacob," to the nearest kinsman, /W denotes, near of kin^
i.e. the Holy Land; 8:7.
also, God himself, Amos near relative, Num. 5:8; Lev.25:25; Rutli3:l2,
PHI? liK? the glory of Jordan," poet, used of its with art. /N3H " the nearest kinsman," Ruth 4:1,
green and shady banks, beautifully clothed with wil- 6,8; compare 3:9, 12. The one next after him ia
lows, tamarisks, and cane, where lions used to lie hid called ^Nap Ruth :2O; compare 4:4. PL D^3 re-
amongst the reeds, Jer. 12:5; 49:19; 50:44; Zee. latives, iKi. 16: 11. (So to the Hebrew ~>8^ i.e. near
11:3; comp. Jerome on Zee. loc. cit. Kelandi Pa- ;

kinsman, answers the Arab. -I' avenger of blood,

kestina, page 274. *
(3) i- <} '"'T^ No. 3, pride, arrogance. Pro. 16:
3pK. fif "the
and J, denotes both a friend, kinsman, and a pro-
18, "pride goeth before a fall."

pride of Jacob," Am.6:8; Nah. 2:3; Job 35:12; tector. avenger of blood.)
13:11: 16:6. It is also ascribed to the waves,
(4) Since by the law of Moses it was also the office

Job 38:11. Compare H-ISS No. 4. of the next of kin, when a man died without children,

to marry his widow (see D?J, B?'); the verb ?S3 ia
(with Tzere impure), from the root
also transferred to this right and office of a relation,
(1) a lifting up, something lifted up. Isa. 9: 17,
where it is dcnom from ?X3. See Ruth 3: 13, where
n-IJU "a column
(a) majesty, of God, Ps. 93:1.
of smoke."

Concr. Isa.
'&$ f^l lfc*B^
TH^' " if he will marry thee
31B l^JfT^
right of rela-
(3) gl r yi splendour, Isa. 28:1, 3.
12:5- tionship, let him marry thee, but if he will not, I
will marry thee;" compare Tob. 3:17.
(4) pride, arrogance, Ps. 17:10; 89:10.
NIPHAL, pass, of Kal No. i, to be redeemed, of a
P ^
adj. proud, arrogant, Ps. 123:4,
ones of the oppressors.
3>ru. field and farm, Lev. 25 30 of consecrated things, Lev.

np, 'K| the proud [Root 27:20, 27, 28, 33; of a slave, Lev. 25:54; reflex, to

n|.] redeem oneself, ib., verse 49.

f" X3 vallies; see the root

Derivatives n^S3, D^-lXf and pr. n. ^3.

'N3 - (l) TO II. / N5 a word of the later [?] Hebrew, not used
I. fut. 7X3?. REDEEM, BUY BACK,
as a field or farm sold, Lev. 25:25; Ruth 4:4, 6; a
in Kal, to be polluted, impure,!.*}. Chald. ?$}, ?yj.;
Ithpe. ^a.J^K to be polluted.
thing consecrated to God, Lev. 27: 13, 15, 19, 20, 31 ;

a slave, Lev. 25:48, 49. Part. ?K3 redeemer (of a PIEL ?X3 to pollute, to defile, Mai. 1:7.
PUAL. polluted; part. *?XJp polluted.
to be
field), Lev. 25 26. :
Very frequently used of God as (l)

redeeming men, and specially Israel, as out of the impure, unclean, of food, Mai. 1: 12.
(2) declared impure, i.e. to be removed,
as a
slavery of Egypt, Ex. 6:6; from the Babylonish cap-
other dispersions], Isa. 43:1; 44:22; 48: priest from sacred ministry, Ezr. 2:62; Neh. 7:64;
tivity [or
2O 49:7, etc.
; Const, absol. also followed by IP Ps. >
to cast awa} r
compare Syriac ^ssj > reject, /J?|
72:14; TO ps 106:10. Part. pass. D^K|, fijn

$ Hiphil.
those redeemed
by God, Isa. 35 9 5 1 10 Job 1 9 25, :
: ; :
NIPIL\L ^?3 Zeph. 3: l, and ^J Isa. 59:3; Lam.
" I
VI >sta JJUJT '3$ know (that) my Redeemer liv- 4 -.14 (which Ibrm is like the passive Couj. VII. in
eth,"that God himself will freemefrom these calamities
[in the resurrection, see the context. The Redeemer Arabic J-JL-^), polluted, defiled, stained.
here is Christ]. Job 3 5, in the imprecations cast on
stain, as a garment with
to to
" let darkness HIPHIL, pollute,
the day of his birth, nvo'pvi
Tf n W^t blood, Isa. 63: 3. The form wW*
for 'n?K?n imi-
and the shadow of death redeem it" for themselves,
tates the Syriac.
let them retake
possession of it. with unclean fcod,
HITHPAEL, to pollute oneself,
(2) Followed by D^J; to require blood, i.e. to
Dan. 1:8. Hence -

ivtnge bloodshed, to require the penalty of bloodshed

from any one; only in
part. D^n ?N3 avenger of blood, pl. const. !?!, defiling s, Neh. 13 -<tg.
* f.
(l) the redemption of a field and
2 pi.
D'33 a Ki. 25:12 3ro; see the roU 311

(arm, Lev. 25:24; Ruth 4:6; hence (a) the right No. 3.

of redemption, more fully n?X3n DBtpD Jer. 32:7, L 3* m. (i) aboard, so "aled from the idea ol
eomp. 8 (see rvTD3) Lev. 25:29, 31,48; oViy
cutting. PL D'33 iKi.6:9.
the right of redeeming for ever, Lev. 25:32. (b)
(2) a well. PL D'33 Jer. 14:3. Root 313.
followed by a gen. afield to be redeemed by any one
II. 33 (for H33. from the root ^33) a locust. PI.
by right of relationship, Ruth 4: 6. (c) price of re- '

D'33 Isa. LXX.

demption, Lev. 25:26, 51,52. 33:4. &Kp/2 cc .

(a) relationship, kindredship (see root I, 3). ^3 Ch. emph. N33 a den, where lions were kept,
Eze. 11:15, 1D/*J? ^?N tliy kindred. Dan. 6 8, seq.
: In Targ. for the Hebrew 113, Syriac
1* with suffix '33, pi. D'33 (see No. and H133
Arabic rf

JJ&OOQ^, ^_^~^, jEthiopic ]'f); id.

5, 6) from the root 333 No. l, pr. something gibbous, J-^><i^

something curved like an arch or a bow. [Root 313.]

(1) the back of animals, Eze. 10:12; and of men, 33 & 313 ("pit* cistern"), [Goi], pr. n. of a
Ps. 129:3, D'cnn icnn 33 ^y "the plowers plowed
place otherwise unknown, 2 Sa. 21 : 18, 19, for which
upon my back," i. e. they cut my back with stripes there is in the parallel place, i Ch. 80:4, "IT3.
as the ground is cut with a plough.
s <
N Jy an unused Arab. Up- ultWaw and
root, i.q.
(2) back, boss of a shield (comp. Arab. <-_-'y>-
and French bouclier from Job 15 26, Ye, to gathertogether, specially water into a reser-
shield, boucle). :

it is said proverbially, V|3D '33 '3J?3 . . .

V^X f>"C he voir, to collect tribute, Up- IV .to gather together,
rushes upon him . . . with thick bosses of shields," to collect. Hence
a metaphor taken from soldiers, who join their shields N33 m. (l) a reservoir for water, a cistern.
closely together like a testudo, and so make an onset. Isa. 30:14. Vulg. fovea.
Comp. Schult. ad loc. cit. Har. Cons, xxiii. p. 231
(2) a marsh, a pool, Eze. 47:11.
; ;

xl. 454, ed. de Sacy. Hence

(3) bulivark, fortress, Job 13:12, D3'33 *tt?n3j -III;! has a double power; the one proper, the
" fortresses of The proper
clay (are) your fortresses." This other derived. is

is be understood of the weak and feeble arguments

to (1) tocurved, hollow, like an arch or
with which the adversaries are defending themselves vault, whence 3| something gibbous; this sense ia
(comp. Isa. 41:21). So Arab. J^ back for bul- widely extended in the kindred roots, as ^3, H13,
wark. whence whence ^ll; 5)13, whence n ^3.
1}, ^3; 5)33,

(4) a vaulted house, avault, specially used of a also ^S? (where see more) and HB3 33J5, c__>\j;, and ;

brothel or chamber, where harlots prostituted them- also ^H. To this answer gibbus, tebel, ipfcL Also
selves (like the Lat. fornix, Juven. iii.
156), Eze. 16: the roots H33, H33, J33, y33.
24,31? 39- LXX. mKi] Tfopi'tKuy, iropvtloy. (2) The other is borrowed from 313, 33J
to cut, to

(5) rim, circumference of wheels. Plur. D'33

JTI33 Eze. l:l8. dig; Arab. ^_^&- to cut, to cut out; comp. c-j's*-
bow of the PL Med. Waw and Ye id. and Conj. VIII. to dig a well.
(6) the eyebrow, as if the eye.
Whence Ch. 33 a well.
Lev. 14:9. Arab. Ju^- the bone above which the
eyebrow grows. an unused root, i.
q. Arab. L->- to go out
(7) back, i. e.surface of the altar. Eze. 43:13.
from the earth, as a serpnt from its hiding place:
LXX. TO v\(/oc TOV Ovtrtaarripiov. So the Gr. rwroy
used of the surface of the sea, land, &c. hence <__>';>- for jl->- locusts, so called as issuing
to this isnajsn JJ Ex. 30:3; 37:26; so that it may from the earth when hatched comp. ^Eth. ;

be doubted whether it should not be so read.

a very krge locust, from iaJ to emerge iVnn the
33 Ch. q. Ht;b.
back, pi. backs, for sing, like Bochart, Hieroz. ii.
water, comp. Plin. xi. 29,
the Gr. ra VUTO. Dan. 7:6 3'ro, "and that beast Hence 33. No. II, 3^3.
p. 443.
had four wings 3'2J 7Jf on its back." np nsj.
LXX. tVavu* ai/rvc- Theod. vwtpavu airijc- Vulg. jl
inf. 533, once
HH33 Zeph. 3: 11 <ut.

tuperie. 3 pi.
fern, irregularly ^J? Eze. i6:5C

(1) TO BE HIGH (comp. under the root 333 No. l); (pr. the cord by which the limit is measured out
of a tiee. Eze. 19:11; of heaven, Ps. 103 1 1 of a :
from the root 73 1 No. l) Deu. 19:14; 27:17; Pro.
toll man, l Sa. 10:43. 22 28 Jud. 1 1 18 D' 7-133 the western boundary,

(2) to be exalted, elevated to a greater degree Nu. 34:3, 6. Used of the boundary of the sea, Ps.
of dignify and honour, Isa. 52: 13; Job 36:7. 104:9. As to the phrase /-132-1 Num. 35:8; Deut.
(3)127 PQ3 (a) in a good sense, to take courage, 3: 16, 17> e tc., see under Vav copulative.
2011.17:6; nirv 'D713 \& aaa.?! and he took (<2)the space included within certainborders, limits,
courage in the ways of Jehovah." (b) in a bad territory Gen. 10:19; *?y?.?D V-133. "the

cense, to lift up itself (the heart) in pride or arro- limits of the Canaanites." D^V*? 7-133^?3 "the whole
gance, to be pro ud, Ps. 131:1; Pro. 18: 12; aCh. 26: e x t e n t of Egypt," Ex. l o 1 4, i 9 7N^: h^^>3 i Sa. : ;

16. Hence used of the person himself 11:3,7; ft*- *2?^3| Nu. 21:24, etc. PL bounds,
Jer. 13:15..
(4) to be proud,arrogant, Isa-3: 16; territories, Jer. 15513; Isa.6o:l8; 2 Ki. 15:16;
HIPHIL i^aan to make high, to exalt, Eze. 17:24; Eze. 27 :4; "in the midst of the sea are thy bounds,"

21:31. Prov. 17:19, *inri3 n'23.0 "who makes his (of Tyre).
gate more lofty." Jer.
49:16, 1|p T^33 iT^rp? (3) edge (of the altar), Eze. 43: 13, 17.
although thou make thy nest high like the eagle," n7-Q.3 Isa.
border, margin, 28:25, ^9??1
i. e. thou constructest thy fortresses on the tops of
in733 "and spelt in the margin of it," (the field).
rocks comp. Obad. 4, where it is without 1.3p. Fol-
PI. rii,?3| boundaries, limits, as of a field, Job. 24:2;
lowed by an inf. adv. Ps. 1 13 5, npgj rP338n "who :

of regions, Nu. 34:2, 12; of peoples, Deu. 32:8.

dwelleth on high." Job 5:7, |W >n3 they fly
on high." Without S]-iy id. Job 39: 27 followed by ;
113;!, ~l2l5 adj. [root ">33].
(i) strong, mighty,
* finite verb, 7:11.Isa. impetuous, used of a hunter, Gen. 10:9; commonly
Derivatives follow, except pr. n. i"in23J.
of an impetuous soldier, a hero, 2 Sa. 17:10; Ps. 33:
' 16; 45:4; ~>i23 Jjbo "a mighty king" (Alexander
^IJ-I i.
q. H!3! adj. lofty,high, only in constr. the Great), Dan. 11:3. "1133 h$ a mighty hero. [The
na3 pro 16:5; nn na3 ECC.

n:ry aaj p s 101 =5; a.?. .

mighty God: Christ is spoken of.] Isa. 9:5; 10:21;
7 8, of one who is proud.

comp. Eze. 32 1 1. Gen. 6:4, DT7iyO lg' D-)3Jin non


ni33 Ps. 138:6, adj.; constr. 33| \ Sa. Q^H {j^N "these are the heroes, those who were
famous of old;" Pro. 30 30, " the lion is aheroamong

16:7 (compare ^33), f. nri23.

beasts;" also used of a soldier generally, Jer. 51 :3O;
(1) high, lofty, of a tree, Eze. 17:24; a tower,
Isa. 2:15; mountain, Gen. 7 1 9 Isa. 57:7; stature :
Ps. 120:4; 127:4; 7?n 1133 "a mighty warrior,"
of a man, l Sa. 9:2; powerful, 00.5:7; subst. Jud.6:i2; ii:l; iSa.g:!; pl. ??D ni33 2Ki.i5:2o;
which Sam. and D^JQ ^133 i Ch. 7 5 1 1 40. Used of God, Ps. : :
that height, ta lines s,
is high, i.
q. i

16:7. 4:8,ncrfr9 ni33 nin> -11331 my nin:"j e hovah(is)

(2) proud, arrogant, Isa. 5: 15; iSa.2:3. strong and mighty, Jehovah (is)mighty in battle."
Deu. 10:17; Jer. 32:18; Neh. 9:32. In mockery,
^53 m.with suff.in3!, (i)/ie j<7/i^ Of trees, build- ^r,
Isa. 5:2-2, "i??? ^bipV ^n-^ps \ r rtwff nni3|
ings, etc., Eze.l:l8; 40:42; i Sam. 17:4; Amos " woe to those who are heroes in drinking wine, who
2:9; Job 22:12, DJOB? H33 aft&p6q "is not God in are in mingling strong drink."
mighty Compare
the height of heaven?" PI. constr. Job 11:8, *n33
my remarks on Isa. 28:1. It is also referred to
" the
7y_5rrnD D?OB> heights of heaven (are those energy, ability, in performing things, ?.*n ~li3| a
deep things of the divine wisdom); Avhat wilt thou man Ki.
strong in ability (ttjatigcr/ tuditiger Sftann), l
11:28; Neh. 11:14; wealth, 7?D ~ft33 "mighty to
magnificence, Jer. 40: 10.
(2) majesty, in wealth" (oevmogcnb), Ruth 2:1; l Sa. 9 i 2 KL :

(3) pride, arrogance, Jer.48:2g; more fully 15:20; to power, Gen. 10:8. Hence
33 aaa 2 Ch. 26:16; nn nai pro 16:18; and aai ^5<1 "1*133
(2) a chief, a military leader, Isa. 3:2,

*|K Ps. 10:4; which last phrase is

very frequent in nonpP "the commander of soldiers and the soldier;"
Arabic, see Thes. p. 257.
compare Eze. 39 20. So also apparently, we should

3 f. Isa. 2 1 1,
understand those who are ^33 2 Sa. 23:8;
called 1)"J
pride, :
l Ki. i 8 i Ch.
1 1 : 26 ; 29 24.
: Used generally of
with suff.
af, 33; p l. D7-ia| m . a chief, l Ch. 9:26, D^D ni33 "the chiefs of th

(l) boundary, li-nit of a field, and of a region, porters." It is rarely


(3) in a bad sense, proud, a tyrant, Ps. 52:3;

/1^5^ f. curdled milk, cheese, Jobio:io; from
like the Arab. the root |33 No. 3. Arab. f>- IV. to curdle as
Si. . S -

Q3 f. (from the root 1?|) (i) strength, milk; V. to be curdled,

Ecc.g: 16, n-yi3|p neon rn'lB "wisdom is bette.r than
strength;" 10:17, "Happy land !... whose princes
Syr. J^^x^ cheese.
eat in due season, TIBQ &O1 "T?3?? for strength y ?? m. (from the root V33). (i) a cup, bowl,
(to strengthen the body), not for drunkenness." PI. Gen. 44:2, seq.; a large bowl of wine, Jer. 35:5,
Ps. 90 10, " we live seventy years, D*3b^ nr3J 3 DN1
; distinguished from n'lDS the smaller cups into which
H3y' and if
by reason of strength eighty years;" the wine was poured from this.
Job 4:4. Specially (2) calix of flowers, in the ornaments of the holy
(2) fortitude, military virtue, Jud. 8: 21; Isa. candlestick. Ex. 25:31, seq.; 37:17, 19, compare
36:5. It is also applied to the horse, Job 39:19;
Arab, ajtj calix of flowers Heb. J"H?3i5 cup, bowh
applied to the strong and intrepid soul of a
it is once

prophet, Mic. 3 8. Sometimes in concr. for mighty

?? m. lord, so called from the idea of power,
: l

deeds, l Ki. 15:23, "and the rest of the things done found twice, Gen. 27 29, 37. Root "V?3. :

by Asa, nfe^ T$TPJ VnTOf^ and his mighty

deeds and all that he did," etc.; 16:27; 22:46; Q Jil f.
lady, mistress, everywhere used of a
queen, specially of the wife of a king, l Ki. 11:19;
["coucr. "] also for DH13J strong men, heroes, Isa.
2 Ki. 10: 13; of the mother of a king, l Ki. 15:13;
2Ch. 15:16.
(3) power,30: 15; especially of God, Ps. 21
Isa. :

14; 54:3; 66:7; 71:18; 89:14. PI. nirv nH-Qf E- 1

(from EOS) pr. ice (see &$ft)\ trop. used

"mighty deeds of God," Deu. 3:24; Ps. 106:2; Job and was
for crystal, which is like ice, in fact re-
86:14. garded as ice (Plin. H. N. xxxvii. a), compare Gr.
(4) victory, Ex. 32 : 18 ; compare the verb, chap. jjpuornXAce, and ^Eth. ft^: R4^: hailstone and
17:11. crystal. It occurs once, Job 28: 18.
Ch. emph. ^^^ power, might, of God,
Dan. 2 20. :
WREATHE as a rope (kindred to /3n, 733, compare
-*fl i. q. n3| to be high, but specially used of

itature, and of the forehead, Ch. T3| a man who

UU^- a rope),hence JW33, n <??P ^Teathen work,
and ?-13| prop, a line by which boundaries were
is too tall, Arabic i^>-\ having a tall forehead, measured, then used of the boundary itself (compare
forehead. Hence finis and funis, Engl. line, both cord and boundary),
s- -

2 and from the signification of limit, J,-^ a mountain,

ni. adj. one who has too high a forehead,
a chain of mountains, as being the natural limit of
(nouns of the form ?E>? indicating some defect of
body), hence bald on the front part of the head, regions, comp. opoq and opoc, and Heb. ?3^ ?3J. De-

forehead-bald, Lev. 13:41. LXX. ctr nominative from /"I3| is

Opp. to HTJ5 i. e. bald on back of the head. (a) to bound, to limit (a) used of the boundary
itself. Josh. 18:20, Wtaftolfl |T|PI) "and Jordan
U? f. baldness on the
front part of the head, was its border." (6) with an ace. of the boundary,
Lev. 13:42, 43. It is applied to a bald or bare
to set, to determine. Deut. 19:14, " Kemove not
place on the outer or right side of garments and the boundaries of neighbour D'3b JO ^33 X"'

clothes, Lev. 13:55. Opp. to nrn baldness of the which those of old have set."
back of the head, and of the back part of cloths. 3 to border upon,
(3) Followed by to be adja-
- * * v
3? exactor of tribute"), cent to, Zee. 9:2.
i.q. Syr. Lc^f"an HIPHIL, to set bounds to any thing, to limit. Ex.
[Gabbai], pr.u. of a man, Neh. 11:8.
I9:23 n; :
? !r
n ^3?v] "set bounds round the moun-
D'33 "
(" cisterns," Jer. 14:3, or locusts," Isa. tain;" Ex. 19: 13, DVr n ? ^/W? "and set bouadi
33:4), [Gebim], pr.n. of a small town not far from to the people."
Jerusalem, tcvards the north, Isa, 10:31 Derivatives, see Kal No. 1.

i-q- J-o- "mountain" ["see the root 73J tain; 68:16, 172-in D'mnD
Psal. a mountait
No. 1."]), [<7e6a], pr. n. of a city of the Phoenicians, of summits, the mountain of Bashan;" and vers
17, by apposition, D'3.??3_ D*"in
between Tripoli and Berytus, situated not far from mountains (which
the sea, in a lofty place (Strabo xvi. p. 755, Casaub.), are) summits," i.e. abound in summits. (Compare
<> 37
whose inhabitants were skilful as sailors (Eze. 27:9) Talm. head summit, Syriac sum-
and as architects (l Ki. 5:32). was |Lt^x^
It called by the S" "**

Greeks, Bu/3/Voc (see Strabo, Ptol., Steph. Byz.), rarely

mit of a mountain, eyebrow, Arab. <jj \^>- rough and
uneven country (prop, abounding with humps), a ce-
B//3A.oc, by the Arabs to this
day <L^, and dimin.
aro- 5 o- .
metry, so called from the sepulchral mounds.
JL-J>-> J^-cs-, i.e. little mountain. Gent. n. v?|
a root not. used as a verb, kindred to the
[Giblites, stone-squarers], pi.
D v33 i Ki, 5:32.
roots 333 (which see), n33T) PI33 etc., having the sense

m. ("mountain"), [e&a/], Ps. 83:8, Ge- of elevation, like a mountain or hill specially, round ;

like a cup or the head (see ^33, ^33, n^33O) C om-

balenc, pr.n. of a mountainous region inhabited by ;

the Edomites, extending southward from the Dead Sea

pare <_^J head (prince), K(f>u\(], caput, capo, all of
to Petra, now called
JUrs- Jebdl, Judith 3:1 (Lat. which come from the same primary stock.
Vers.); in the historians of the crusades, Syria Sobal ;
[Derivatives,the following words,
by Josephus, Eusebius, Steph. Byz., ro/3o\(rtc, TE-
("hill"), [Geba, Gibeah, Gaba'], pr.n. of
a Levitical city in the tribe of Benjamin (Josh. 18:
24; 21:17), situated on the northern limits of the

rn/2;l w r eat hen work, kingdom of Judah (2 Kings 23:8; Zee. 14: 10); more
f. like a rope tAvisted
und wreathed; see the root Kal No. l. Ex. 28:22, fully 1^3^33 183.13:16.
" and thou shalt make for the niBhB>
breastplate, ( hill"), [Gibea], pr. n. m., i Ch. 2:49.
nntp 3HT nb nbgD n^3j wreath en chains, with
twisted work of pure Well rendered by the pi. n3f f._ (i) a hill, 283.2:25; Isa.
LXX. As 40:12; 41:15; Cant. 2 8, etc. D^W n'y33 the an-

av^EirXty^ivovq, Ex. 39: 15.

KporrtroiiG to
" an d cient hills, the same from the creation of the world
the same
gold, raj?
thing, Ex. 28:14,
two chains of pure
nnx nbyn nftaap wreath en thou to this day, Gen. 49:26; Job 15:7, J^in niy3}
" wast thou born before the hills ?" Pro. 8
25 J"iy:?3
shalt make them, of twisted work." LXX. Kara-

If I understand this, small njrp "the hill of Jehovah," Zion, Eze. 34:26; com-
liifuyptyu (iv uvOtai).
chains are meant, made of double threads of gold. pare Isa. 31:4. Many of the hills of Palestine Avere
twisted like a rope, fdwurenf&rnrifle juttcfrcn/ designated by proper names (""2^, 3^, ry'Dn^ in
and ri3JJ H^yc specifies it more other places the name of hill is applied
epex-accurately, by To a town
(2) situated on a hill (compare dunum
in the ancient cities of Germany, Gaul, and Britain,
(l) [an unused root] to be curved, which in Celtic signifies a hill [rather a fortress],
gibbous (see under 333 No. l), of the body (see |33), Auyustodunum, Cwsarodunum, Lugdunum, etc.), [Gi~
of a mountain
(see 0^33.3.), of the eyebrow curved be ah, the hi If], as (a) P!?3 n^33 i Sa. 13: 15; r?3 '3
as a bow
(Syr. and Ch.
W" 3 D- pp;?3 2 Sa. 23:29, "Gibeah of the Benjamites;"
(2) it is
applied to the body when horror-stricken, also >W^ TO.33 i Sa. 1 1 :4; D*n$Nn nj)33 i Sa. 10 =5;

and contracting compare 1O, KO.T tf,oxi]>> n JJ33n Hos. 5:8; 9:9; 10:9;
itself and
(jufammenfatjren)/ ^~ and ""^33 i Sa. 10:26, etc., a town of the Benjamites
be timid, cowardly, act. to
to where Saul was born, infamous for an outrage of the
(1 terrify.
used of milk which curdles inhabitants (Jud. 19:12, seq. 20:4, seq.), but equally
(3) (Germ, bte ;

filjrr jufammen, bte Wd) crfdjnrft, for bic ?mi(d> gertnnt)/ with Bethel reckoned among the ancient sanctuaries of
whence nra^ curdled milk, cheese. Palestine [???] (l Sa.lo:5,6). Gent. n. 'nj|33 i Ch.

12:3. [This town is now prob. called Jeba' * *s-,

I?? m. adj. gil.bous, hump-backed, Lev. 21 :2O;
see the root }3| No. i. Rob. ii.
114.]^) DTO^ nj?33 (hill of Phinehas) 'in

Mount Ephraim, Josh. 24:33. (c) ^^f a town u


j3 m .
pi. summits, as if humps of a moun- the tribe of Judah, Josh. 15:57*
CLVI rroj-pjni
with our tongue will we prevail" (compart
(" pertaining to a hill," i. e. built on a hill),
Isa. 28:15).
Gibeon, a great town of the Hivites (Josh. 10: 2 1 1 ;

HiTHPAtL (l) to show oneself strong, follcwtnl

19), afterwards of the Benjamites (Josh. 18:25; 21 :

by ?J? Isa. 42: 13.

17), to be distinguished from the neighbouring towns
Geba (#33) and Gibeah ( nJl), and situated to the (2) to be proud, insolent, vfipifciv, Job 36:9;
north [or rather west~\ of both. In the reigns of Da- followed by ?K against any one, ib. 15 25. Arab. V. :

s * -
vid and Solomon the holy tabernacle was there (l Ki. to be proud, contumacious, ,',^>- proud, contuma-
3:4>5; 9^2). Gent. n. *JV33 2 Sa. 21: i, seq. [now cious.

prob. el-Jib __..^

, Rob. 11.137]. [Derivatives, the .following words, also 1133, ^-13^
Ch. T3| and H73| .]
quadril. m. calix, coro lla, offlowers (S3lu
tfcenfnofpt), i. q. 3^33 calix, with
/ added at the end, ""Q3
Dn33 m. (i) a man,vir,so called from
which sometimes appears to have a diminutive force ; strength, i. a word with few exceptions (Deu.
q. BK,
compare 'PI?, ?3"!H (from J1H). Once used of flax, 22:5; l Ch. 24:4; 26:12; compare Q*"?3??), found
Ex. 9:31, "for the barley was in the ear nwprn. f 9 V

?y?l and the flax in the corolla," i.e. the flax had only in poetry in the Aramaean (13 1, ;
i-^^ I*
the corollas of flowers. It is also used in the Mishnah Ps. 34:9, i3"np( ~>33H
it is very widely used. '"t^N
in speaking of the corollas offlowers on the top of the " blessed is the man who trusteth in him Ps. 5 2 :
;" ;

stalks of hyssop, which almost look like ears (of corn), 94: 12, etc. ; 0^33? , ^"Op man by man, Josh. 1 14, :

Para xi. 7, 9, xii. 2, 3, where the more learned of 17; i Ch. 23:3. Specially (a) opp. to a woman, a
the Hebrews have long ago interpreted it rightly male, Deu. 22:5; Jer.3O:6; 31:22; and even used
" the
(see farther remarks in Thes. p. 261). The signifi- of male offspring newly born; Job 3:3, night
cation of stalk has been incorrectly attributed to this which said "133 rnh a male is conceived;" compare
word in the Mishnah (after Buxtorf) by A. Th. Hart- EK i, a. (b) opp. to wife, a husband, Prov. 6:
mann (Supplem. ad Lex. Nostr. ex Mischna, p. 10). 34. (c) it denotes the strength of
Sometimes a

HjEljl (" h ill"), a town of the tribe of Judah, Josh. man, 22:17, "behold Jehovah will cast thee
133 rO'J^D with the casting of a man," i.e. with a
i8:8 [see nj#J c].
strong, most violent propiilsion Job 38 3 40 7 Ps. ;

& 2 Sa. 1:23; ^ut "^a,^ TO BE STRONG,

88:5; comp. K"K i, d. (d) man, homo, opp. to God;
TO PEE VAIL. (The primary power is that of binding, compare &* l,e, Job 4: 17; 10:5; 14:10,14. (e)
a so Idier (compare K"N l,/), Jud-5:3O; compare Jer.
kindred to i3|,like I.,VII.,VHI., to bind
.^ up any-
41 16, npn'pp \ijftK onaa.

thing broken, to make

firm; this signification is ap- "K No. 4, every one, each. Joel 2:8,
(2) i. q.
plied to power and strength, as Conj. V., to be strong, in
f i * f r * j-132! /PP? "9? "each one shall go on in his own
strengthened; Syr. ;_^LJ, ;_^j_^Lj to show one- way." Lam. 3 39 :
(in the second hemistich).

self strong; JEth. *H14l to work, to make, which (3) [Geber], pr. n. m. l Ki. 4:19; comp. 13.

appears to be derived from power and strength. A i.

q. "Q a man, in the Chaldee form, Ps. 18:

cognate root is Const, abs. of an

"O3, ^.) enemy 26; in the parallel place, 2 Sa. 22:26, there is "i'l3|.
prevailing, Ex. 17:11; of waters prevailing, Gen. 7:
Ch. id. a man, Dan. 2:25; 5:11. PI. p33,
18, 19, 20, 24; of wealth, Job 21:7; followed by jO
K133(as if from tO33) men, Dan. 3 8, :
seq. ; 6:6,
to be
stronger than nay one, 2 Sa. 1:23; also followed
Gen. 49:26. seq.; etc.
by ^J?

PIEL, to make strong; robust, to strengthen; "13;! Ch. i.

pi. const. *133 m. a hero, a sol-
Zee. 10:6, 12 ; Ecc. 10: 10, 133* B^jq " to exert one's dier, Also, Ezra 2: 20 [Gibbar],
Daniel 3:20.
strength." apparently as the name of a town, for PJJ33, compare
HLPIIIL. (i) to make strong, firm, to confirm; Neh. 7 25. :

Dan. 9:27, D'Sr nna T3Jn he shall confirm a

covenant with many." TIT)?! (" man of God"), Gabriel, one of the
highest angels, Dan. 8 : 1 6 ; 9:21, comp. Luke i 1 9.
(a) intrans. to prevail (prop, to put forth strength ;

compare synn. rP2, PT59 an(* Lat. robur facere, rn.3;l with suff. (from the masc. T33 fot
TO! ; ,

Hirt BelL Afr. 85; Ital. far forze)\ Ps. 12:5. nT33), f.
lady, mistress, opp. to handmaid, Gen
16:4, 8, 9; 2Ki.5:3; Prov. 30:23. planet Venus, called in the East, the lesser good
the lady of kingdoms, Isa. 47 :
5, 7. fortune see under this word. I have treated f these

religions at greater length on Isa. vol. ii.

p. 283, seq.
* a root not used as a verb,
i.q. Arab. 335, seq. Well rendered by the LXX. 'Vv^l- Vulg.
Fortuna. Compare "13 7J> ? page cxxxi, B.
- to congeal, to freeze with cold; whence
13 m. (l) fortune, i.
13 No. 2; compare the
3 and t^33. [Also, pr. n. B^O.]
("a lofty place," "an acclivity," com- root No. 3. (Arab. &> and Syr. ^T *
pare Chald. Nn|3) (
\_Gibbethon~], pr. n. of a town of
be fortunate, rich; Gen. 30:11.
the Philistines, situated in the tribe of Dan, Josh. JjJcj- fortunate.)

19 44 21:23; l Ki. 15 : 27 ; called by Eusebius,

; aro, 133. LXX. iv rvxy- Vulg. feliciter,
sc. this

to me. 13 K3 "fortune has come."

', by Josephus, Fa/3a0w. happens np,
(2) Gad, pr. n. (a) of a son of Jacob, taking
32 const. 33 with sufF. 133, with n parag. H33 Josh. name from good fortune (Gen. 30:11); although,
3:6; JTI33 m. Gen. 49 9, allusion is made to another signification
pi. : 1

(1) THE UOOF of a house, flat, as is usual in the of it. Scripture account must be the correct
East, Josh. 2:6, 8; l Sa. 9:25, 26; Prov. 21:9, etc. He was the ancestor of the tribe of the same
Used of the roof of a tower, Jud. 9:51 of a temple, ;
whose limits are described in the mountains
Jud. 16:27. of Gilead (Deut. 3: 12, 16), between M:masseh and
(2) the surface of the altar, Ex. 30:3; 37:26. Reuben, Josh. 13:24 28: compare Nu. 32:34, 35.
$ -

Some from 36; Eze. 48:27, 28. 13H pm " the stream of Gad,"
derive it
to spread out, but this
i. e. Jabbok (not Arnon), 2 Sa. 24 =5. Gent, noun is *~[\
root originates in an error of Golius and Caste! 1, who *13n Gadites, Deu.
from collect.
* - *> - (different ^13), mostly

wrote _^j>- for 3:12; Josh. 22:1. a prophet who nourished

^>- to spread out, see the KamCls, p. (ft)

in the time of David, i Sa. 22 :5 ;

2 Sa. 24: 1 1,
269; Calc. comp. page 223. I suppose, however, that
S> - 3 Ch. see below
53| had nearly the same meaning as nn|, -v?-> whence
s "C.
quadril. ^Ethiop. guadguada, to beat, to
>- a plain, the plain surface of any thing; comp.
thunder. Hence

,-sv.k-j a roof, from ^L^ to spread out. 13*73 (perhaps, "thunder"),

\_Gidgad'], pr. n.
The suggestion of Redslob whence If."^!}
"in Nu.
33:32, name of a station of the
[" Note. is not impro-
and Israelites, i.q. "I3"]3 Deu. 10:7.
bable, that 33 may be for 333 333, this from J|33 ;

as nth? from HTghg?; "pD, from T5r@ r \yo0d,

^}J J ;
l| fut. 13^ (i) TO CUT INTO, TO CUT; Arab.
Arab. ijjLp-, from n73?3."]
j-.- to prune a vine, to cut cloth from the loom.
|3 m. coriander
from its seed, so called
(l) Compare Ch. Tj3. (Kindred roots are HT3, yi3. This
furrowed and striped grains; see the root *n| No. l,
signification of cutting, hewing, belongs to the sylla-
Ex. 16:31 Nu. 11:7; LXX., Vulg. Kopioi', ble 13 in common with the sibilated T3, see T13, from
coriandrum ; and so the other Eastern interpreters, which it springs,
by taking the sibilant away: both
except Ch., Sam.; and similar to this was the Punic of these are softened forms from the harsher syllables
usage, of which Dioscorides says (iii. 64), Aiyvirnoi DD, pn, in, and (with the sibilant taken away)
M f*P, B>p,
o\ioi', A<f>poi (i.
Poeni) To/?. Dp, lp, I3n, in; in all of which there is the power of
(2) i.q. 13 No.l, fortune; with art., specially^ see the roots T!|, Hi?, HP, "Hi?, "11". In
cutting :

divinityof Fortune, worshipped by the Babylonians the Indo-Germanic languages, compare ccedo, scfndo,
and by the Jews exiled among them elsewhere called ;

Baal (see ?J?3, 72), i.e. the planet

Jupiter, regarded
Engl. to cut.) From
the idea of cutting is
in ah the East as the
giver of good fortune (jjtdl break in upon, i.q. *V13. Ps.
(2) penetrate, to
the greater good fortune). Isa. 65 : 1 1. In the
jSi\ 94:21, followed by 7J?. Hence "IH3 and HiTHPora,
other hemistich, there is mentioned From the idea of cutting off, defiling, is
'3D, prob. the

(3) the signification of lot and fortune (compare 713, three times in np "?1| Psal H5- 8; Nah.
- l : 3
"9! No. 2), whence, Heb. 13, 13 fortune. Pro. 19:19.
HITHPOEL (l) to cut oneself, to make inci- (l) great, of magnitude and extent, ?n!0 Cjn
sions on one's skin, as in mourning, Jer.l6:6; 41:5; Nu. 34:6 [" D^3J?al)n|n Dnxn a /ar^e (tall) man
47 5? or
: as afflicting the body for any cause, Deut. among the Anakim, Josh. 14:15"] of number and ;

14:1; iKi. 18:28. multitude, as ?H3 *13 Gen. 12:2; of violence, as of

(2) reflect, of Kal No. 2, brSngtn, jtifammcnbrSngcn/
joy, Neh. 8:12 .of mourning, Gen. 50: 10
of im- ;

to crowd in great numbers into one place, Jer. 5:7; portance, Gen. 39 9 Joel 2:11; Gen. 29 7, DVn liy

Mic.4:i4. 7113 "as

yet the day is great," i.e. there is yet much
Derivatives, 1J, 1|, 1H3, and pr.n. ^, ?1HJ, V=UP. day left. French, grand jour ; Germ, tiocf) am Sage $
LXX. tn iarly irnXXtj. Subst. l^" ! ?T3 mag-

l-l Ch. to c<, cuf down a

to tree. Imp. Vli 5

nitude of thy arm ; Ex. 15: 16. Plur. hi? !! great

Dan. 4:11,20. Comp. Heb. No. l .

actions, things done nobly, especially of God, Jor

rn3 see HTJ nvq. 5:9; 9:10; 37=5-
Specially (a) elder, eldest. Gen. 1O:21, *n^
M ]
3 an unused root, which had the sense of
n ns* " the e 1 d e s t brother of Japhet" [this should
cutting, cutting off, and plucking away, like the be, "the brother of Japhet the eldest;" see the
kindred "H3, which see. Hence HI a kid, so called ?'"l3n 13? "his eldest son;"
accents]; Gen. 27:1,
from cropping, and Gen. 15:42. (b) great of power, nobility, wealth,

"Hr or (of a river),

I^"73 pi. constr.
J"fn3 banks powerful. Ex.ll :3; 2 K. 5:1; Job 1:3. 7H3n jnbn
" the
Josh. 3:15; 4:18; Isa. 8.7, so called because they great (i.e. the high) priest," Hag. 1:1,12, 14.
PI. D<7! nobles, Pro.l8:l6; Tyn 4^ 2Ki.iO.6,ll.
are torn away and broken down by the water. Comp.
-"* No. 2. Ps. 12:4,
(a) proud, compare HITHPAEL,
*)!! and S]ir; &U>. shore, from 1
1C- ? to rub away, to niTIS n"l2"ip |iC7 "a tongue speaking proud things,"
e. magniloqiient, impious things (compare Dan. 7 8,
i. :
wash off,-zj[^i-^ bank, from A^. to cut off (whence also,
11,2O; 11:36; Apoc. 13:5, and Gr. piya. tlirtlr, Od.
a kid), comp. Gr. an-ij, dyq, from ayvvpi, pi xvi. 243, xxii. 288).

pa\ia, from p/yrv/it.

(Chald. wall, stone wall, H. Mich.
? (for copies diner, see J.

also bank, as if wall of the sea. Arab, j^ shore, on 2 Sam. 7:23; l Ch. 1 7 : 1
9), and "?*$ f. a word
also called from the idea of cutting off.) especially belonging to the later Hebrew.
(1) prop, magnitude, greatness, concr. great
TVljl pi. onn? and nhni m. actions, 2 Sa. 7:23; l Ch. 17: 19. PI. rripnj 1 Ch.
(1) incision, cutting (from the root 113). (a) lm.
17:19,21 and Ps. 145:6
of the skin, Jer. 48:37. (b) of a field, a furrow,
Ps. 65: n. (2) magnificence, majesty of God, Ps. 145:3;
of a king, Est. 1:4; Ps. 71:21.
(2) a troop, band of soldiers (pr. a cutting in),
so called from the form [" as intended to cut or break in plur. Dpnj Isa. 43: 28; Zeph. 2:8,
Spljl only
in upon the enemy"], like the Lat. odes, especially of and rflQ-na Isa. 51 :7, reproaches. Root ^1*13.

light armed troops foraging. Gen. 49:19, 1113 13

*3"W " l
f. id. Eze. 5:15.
troops shall invade Gad." This is to be un-
derstood of the nomadic Arabs in the neighbourhood
(i) patron, from
*"13 "13
aGadite, see^l No. 2, a.
of Gad. 2Ki. 5:2, DHVia WSJ "the Syrians Cm m. 2 Ki.
(2) Gadi, pr.n. 15:14.
had made an incursion in bands." l Sa. 30:8, 15,
83; 2 Sa. 3:22. H13n j? "sons, i.e. soldiers, of ^3 ("fortunate," from 13, 13), \_Gaddt], pr.n.
a band," 2 Ch. 25:13; poet. 1-113 H3 Mic. 4:14. Used m. Nu. 13:11.
of a troop of robbers, Hos. 7:1; l Ki. 1 1 24. 'in? :

*1? m. a kid, so called from cropping the herbage;

njn "the band s of Jehovah," used of angels, Job s - <-

*5 3> of the troops of

: ills sent by him, Job 19:12. see the root nnj. (Arab. ^j&- id. AJ;AS>- a femala

a band of soldiers. goat), Gen. 38:23; Ex. 23:19; Deut. 14:21; more
8yr. Jta^a troop, " a kid of the
fully called DMV H| goats," Gen. 38 :17,
3 PL D\n|
rarely defect. ^| Gen. 1:16; constr. 7113, ao. i Sa. 10:3; Q^y ^3 Gen. 7:g, ift

verse 21). Also to be celebrated with praises, Ps-

^T"^ ("fortune of God," i.e. sent from God),
m. Nu. 13:10. 35: 2 7 nj'"7 '^P "praised be Jehovah;" 40-17:
[Gdddiet], pr.ri.
70:5; 283.7:26.
PIEL 75|, in the end of a clause ?1!! (Josh. 4: 14;
12:15 Est. 3:1). [" Compare Lehrg. 93, n. l ; Heb. Gram.

,"? f
female goat. Plur. Wl{! Cant. 1:8.
Compare HI. (1) to cause and to take care that any thing
shall grow, and become great, hence, to nourish,
^13 only in pi. DyH| m. intertwined threads, to train, as the hair, Num. 6:5; to nourish plants,
twisted work, see the Root No. l. (Chald. &O'"]3
trees; used of the rain, 153.44:14; 20.31:4; to
thread, cord; Syr. locks; Arab. .L'Jo- bring up children, 2 Kings 1O:6; Isa. l:2; 23:4.
JJo-^ plaited
Figuratively, to make rich and powerful, Josh.
a rein of plaited thongs). Used
3:7; Esth. 3:1; 5:11; 10:2; Gen. 12:2.
(1) of the fringes (nV'V) which were according to to make much to value highly, Job
(2) of,
the law to be made on the borders of garments, Deu.
7:17? "what is man'-IS.n^r 1
*| that thou makest sft
much of him?" Hence to praise, to celebra% Ps.
(a) festoons on the capitals of columns; lK.7:i7. followed by ^ 34 4.
69 3 1:

t^l? m. (from the root ^1|). (l) a

heap of PuAL,pass. of Piel No. i,to be *; ,/ught up, caused
sheaves in the field. Ex. 22:5; Jud. 15:5; Job to grow. Part. Ps. 144:12.

HIPHIL. (i) to make great, Gen. 19:19: isa.
5 26.
(Syr. Ch. Jj*.,^, id. Arab, especially
9:2; 28:29; nibj?? 7^Jn to act nobly, to perform
amongst the Moors /.jujj^, iw3.~~', comp. iw&p* great actions, used of God, Joel 2:21; and without
m^J?2 l Sa. 12:24; but see below. An ellipsis cf
heap up.
another gerund is found, i Sam. 20:41, "they both
(2) a sepulchral heap, Job 21 132; comp. Arab. 1

wept, T^n "in~1JJ (followed by rrian ?) until David

C_>A- sepulchre. wept most violently." The phrase is taken in a bad
sense, H3 ^jin Obad. 12; ^jin Eze. 35:13, H2 to
speak arrogantly, proudly, also rri'J? 7*"^n to
GETHER, like the Arab. to twist, to twine a and simply 7^?n Lam.
Jjc>- act arrogantly, Joel, 2: 20;

cord, Ch. 713, Syr. twist, to twine, whence 1:9; Zeph. 2:8; followed by ?J? Ps. 35:26; 38:17.
^_^to Compare 133 Hithpael.
Heb. Dy'll threads twisted together. This
primary make
(a) to high, to lift up, Ps. 41: 10.
power is partly in the cognate languages applied to
HITHPAEL. (l) to sheiv oneself great and
wrestling, whence Jj';>- to wrestle, and JSthbpic powerful, Eze. 38:23.
^'"N to wrestle, to contend;
partly to strength (2) to act arrogantly; followed by ^y Isa. 1O:

and/orce, like other verbs of binding and twisting, 15; Dan. 11:36,37.
Derivatives 7113, np-lll, DyHf, '"^P. and pr. n
?}n, :>in, 133, Tg^ whence Arabic
Jjc>- strength. Vf^o ^^) r '^P. The rest follow immediately
Hence the intrans. signification which is almost the
^ J-* m. part, or verbal adj. growing, growing up,
only one in Hebrew
to be or become great, to grow, pret. E, Job l Sa. 2 : 26 Gen. 26 : 1 3 gr ea t, Ez. 16:26.
(2) ; ;

31:18; fut. ?!?*. (A trace of a transitive power is I

with suff. ?"!!, once ja Ps. 150:2.
found in the pr. n. nT
y]3 which see.) Gen. 21:8; 25 :
(1) magnitude, greatness, Eze. 31 :'].
27; 38:14; Exod. 2:10, ll; Job 31: 18, 3K? ^n|
(2) magnificence, majesty, as of a king. Eze.
"the orphan grew to me as a i. e. with
up father," 31:2, 18; of God, Deu. 3:24; 5:21.
me, under my care. The sufHx is to be taken as a
(3)33? /"ijarrogance, insolence,lsa.Q:8; 10:12.
dative. It is
applied to riches and power, Gen.
26: 1
3, "lfc 7ir3 ny until he became very great," - (perhaps "too great," "giant"), of the
i.e. " form of adjectives expressing bodily defects, as n3l
very rich; 24:35; 48:19; 41:40, only in the

throne will I be greater than

thou," I will only be
D!, nj5S, etc., \_Giddel~], pr.n. m. (a) Ezi a^j
above thee in the
royal dignity.
Neh. 7 49. :
(b) Ezr. 2 56 Neh. 7 58. :

(3) tc be Sa.
greatly valued, l
26:24 (compare see
?""l (the actually occurring form), see r
pr. i. q. Arab. v-- to cut off (compare.

see under T1|), figuratively TO CUT WITH OPPROBRIOUS

""^7*^1 ("whom Jehovah has made great," or PIEL to to revile. (Arab. Conj. II.
*!:! reproach,
strengthened, see the root No. a), Gedaliah, pr. n. men
Syr.Pael id.) (see O'Ert^J), especially
(a) (b)
(l)of a governor of the Jews, appointed by Nebu- God, 2 Ki. 19:6, 22; Isa. 37:6, 23; Ps. 44:17. This
chadnezzar, 2 Ki. 25:22,seq.; Jer. 40:5, seq.; 41:1, not only be done by words but also in action,
eq.; elsewhere ^H^lf 39: 14. (2) Ezr. 10: 18. (3) when men, by boldly and determinedly sinning, meek
Zep. 1:1. God and his law. Num. 15:30; Eze. 20:27.
*t!713 (id.), [Gedaliah], pr.n. (i) m., Jer.
38:1. (a) i ^.25:3,9. (3) see rrjnj No.i.
V"Y^ [Giddalti], pr.n. of a son of Heman, WALL, hence to erect a wall. (Arab. ,j^. id. The
101.25:4,29. that of surrounding, fencing, see the
primary sense is

* J< fut. in?). - (l) TO CUT, TO CUT DOWN, TO kindred roots ">VF, "H^j &c. under the Avord ~ITK page

PRUNE, prop, trees (see PUAL), applied also to the xxvn, A. Also 1N, ^D?. The same stock is widely
extended in the Avestern languages, sometimes desig-
laughter of men, Isa. 10:33; Jud. 21:6. (Arabic
nating that which fences, and sometimes the space
cj^ to cut off the hand, nose, ears, mutilated. fenced off. Comp. in the Latin of the middle ages,
Kindred is VJJ, see more under "1"1|). Once used of the cadantm, Ital. catarata, Germ, otter/ ittcr but more ;

beard of mourners as cut off, Isa. 15: 2, njjna !i?r?3 frequently Avith the letter r transposed, Gr. ^o'proc,
hortus, cors, chors, cohors, Germ, arten/ arb/ i. e. a
"every beard cut off," or mutilated. In the place
where this fortified space, a fortress, as in the pr. n. Stuttgard,
is copied, Jer. 48 37,we
read, njtt"^ shorn,:

but there is no need to regard this as the true read- etc., &'uvt/\^5urtf/ Slav, gorod, i. e. a fortified
Part. D^TM
ing in Isaiah, though it is found in 80 MSS.; for [" comp. Russ. Novo<70rcxf ], etc. etc.)
builders of the Avail, 2 Ki. 12:13. Often used figu-
Jeremiah, as usual, substitutes for a word in little use
(<r) /% T!? "Hi
to fortify Avith a AA all, to r

another appropriate to the purpose. See my Com- ratively

ment on the passage. Comp. Gesch. d. Hebr. Sprache, Availaround, i. e. to set 13:5;any one in safety, Eze.
'S IV? to obstruct
p. 37, and above in
"L"8 see
p LXXXV, A. comp. 22:30. (b) T!| any one's
(2) to break as a rod, Zee. 1 1 10, 14. To break : Avay so that he cannot go out, Lam. 3:7,9; Job 19:8;
one'sarm (said of God), i Sa. 2:31; and any Hos. 2:8.
one's horn, Lam. 2:3 (compare Ps. 75:11), figura- Derivatives all follow immediately.

tively for to break his strength, as also in Arabic. TJ3 c.

(m. Eze. 42:7, f. Ps. 62:4).
NIPIIAL, to be cut down, 14:12; 22:25; also
a Eze. 13:5; Avail of a vim-yard, Num.
(1) wall,
to be broken, of horns, Jer. 48 25 of statues, Eze.
22:24; Isa. 5:5.
(2) a place fortified with a wall, Ezr. 9:9.
PIEL JH3, Avith distinct, ace. Jill to break, to s<- - s - s
break in pieces, as bars, bolts, Isa. 45 : 2; horns, Ps. (Arab. ,jc>-, .^Jc^> hedge, wall, .j^, a place sur-
75:11; the statues of idols, Deu. 7:5; 12:3. rounded by a wall.)
PUAL, to be cut down
as a tree, Isa. 9:9.
The Derivatives all follow m. i. "H3 wall, Twice for
immediately. (l) q. fence.
in const, state (comp. Lehrg. p. 565), Prov. 24:31'
pyU (perhaps, "cutter down," i.e. brave sol- Eze. 42:10.
dier, comp. Isa.
10:33), [Gideon], pr. n. of a judge
(2) [Geder], pr. n. of a royal city of the Cans
of Israel, who delivered the people from the Midian-
ites,Josh. 12:13; perhaps the same as ^711. [(
itish bondage. Jud. chap. 6 8. LXX. rcdcwp.
noun *T!I i Ch. 27:28.]

("cutting down"), [Gidom], pr. n. of a "

(" hedge," wall"), [Gedor~], pr.n. <

place in the tribe of Benjamin, Jud. 20:45. of a toAvn in the mountains of Judah, Josh. 15:;
of the form #), Rob.ii. 338.] Ch. 8:31;
(id. [Gideont],pr.n.m. [Now Jedur^j^ (a)m. l
Num. i : 1 1 ; a : 22.

used of Elisha in the raising of the dead child,

T?.? f. const, rmf pi. const. rrt"H3, with suff.
" and he bowed
Ivy himself upon him." l Ki.
l*rni| Ps. 89:41 (with Tzere impure comp. i' jc-). 18:42, nyiK nnj?l and he cast himnelf down<

l) the wall of a Ps. loc. cit. more fre- on the ground." This signification, which the con-
v city, ;

Nah. 3:17. text almost demands, expressed by all the ancient

quently thefmce of a vineyard, Jer. 49 3 :

It differs from a living hedge (HS-lb'O), Isa. 5:5. interpreters (except the Ch. and Arabic, 2 Ki.). The

(2) a " place fortified with a wall, and

Syriac has the same word under the letters *CTL^
Arab. * jJc- a fold for flocks, i. e a stall erected in Ethpeal, to which answers the Ch. |n? see examples ;

of the interchange of the letters ~\ and under the

the fields, open above, walled all around, fully rflTI!
Num. 32 As to the thing, compare
letter Nun.
|K :
16, 24, 36.
Horn. Od. ix. 185. Hence with art. nTia.n
[Gede- I
with suff.
v m. the back (from the root HJ|
n. of a town in the plain
rah~], pr. country of the No. I); in one phrase
nq ~^h^r\ to cast behind
tribe of Judah, Josh. 15:36, perhaps the same as is
one's back," i. e. to neglect, to despise, l Ki.
elsewhere called T!| ?. [" Comp. Pun. T13 i. e.
f Eze. 23:35; Neh. 9:26; comp. The same
Gades in Spain, see Monumm. Phcen. p. 304, seq.;
also raSapa a city of Peraea, racapjji'oc, Mat. 8:28."]
is often used in Arabic, x *U<
Jbe^-, i j \ ,. ,xJ.

Gent. n. is Trn? l Ch. 12:4. 13 Chald. const. 13 and K^ with sufF. a?.l, W3 mas.
middle, midst, see H1| No. I. (Syr. Q^. id. Arab
nrn.3( folds"), [GederotK], Josh. 15:41, and S '
with art. nVn3H 2 Ch. 28:18; also pr. n. of a town *,-..
-9- inner part of a house, |,-^ within.) Hence-
in the tribe of Judah.
K133 i. q. ^pri? in the midst, and
(a) 133, simply in.
("two sheep-folds," comp. C^B^O), fcO-ia 133 in the
fire, Dan. 3:25; 4:7; 7:15. HJ 33 in
[Gederothaiiri], pr.n. of a town in the plain country it, Ezr.'4:i5. Ezr. 6:2, n/np^ n-133 3>n? |3 so in
of the tribe of Judah, Josh. 15:36. it (thebook) was written a commentary." Ezr. 5:7.
!W [Gederite], Gent. n. from "T|3~n'3 or from (b) no,Dan. 3:6, 11, 15. (c)N^19 "out

which see. l Ch. 27:28. of the midst," Dan. 3:26.

13 H33 from the root ni| No.
(for n)3, like |3 for I.),
* j3 i.q. Chald. ^1| TO HEA.P UP, TO FILL. const. 13; with suiF. '13, 113 m.
Hence K'Ha which see.
(1) back, Pro. 10:13; 19:29; 26:3; Isa. 50:6;
"13 Eze.
47:13, an erroneous reading for HJ as in 51:23; 1J! TK T^38:17; see under 1|.
Isa. .

verse 15, which is expressed in

translating by the (2) ["prop. belly"~\, middle, midst; Job 30:5,
LXX., Vulg., Chald., and found in 14 MSS. Comp. j\ 13'jp they are driven from among (men)."
under 33. see Chald.

pr. TO THRUST AWAY, TO REMOVE, Spe- 13 <__jW Med. Waw and Ye; TO
(l) q.
cially thebandage of a wound [" to cure""]. Hos.
CLEAVE, TO CUT; whence 33 a plank. Hence
5:13, TiTD D3J? nmrt6l he (the king of Assyria)
shall not thrust (2) to dig a well, like the Arab. Conj. VIII. see ;

away from you (the Jews) the 33 No. 2.

bandage," i. e. he shall not heal you, as in the other
9 (3) i.
q. 33^ to plough, to cut the ground with a
hemistich. (Syr. ) CTL.V to
^* withdraw,
to flee. Aphel,
plough; hence aKi. 25:12 nro,D'33 (^^plough-
/ -a

to rest, to ;Arab. to repel.) The He- men, in np, D'33V.

liberate; <*-*.

breAvs explain nn| by Ka> Hence H13 a locust (from H33 which see), Nah. 3:17;
'313 and '33 D'313
pi. (or coUect.) (for Lehrg. p. 523),
"7s f. removal of bandage, i. e.
healing of a Amos 7:1; Nah. 3:17, '313 313 "the locust of lo-
wound. Prov. 17:22, nn.3 3O nob 3^ a joyful
custs," of a great abundance of them. Chald. K313,
heart gives a LXX. tvetrreiv iroifl.
happy healing." X3-13, '313 ; pi. 'S313.
Comp. 16:24.
313 (" pit"), [<7o&], pr.n. of a place otherwise un-
Ojl TO BOW ONESELF DOWN, TO PROSTRATE known, where David fought with the Philistines, 3 Sa.
KESELF, TO LAY ONESELF DOWN. 8X1.4:34,35, 21:18,19,

presently perceivest thy state, from the lowest

^13 Gog, pr.n. (i) of the prince of the
land of
become most prosperous.
Magog (3i3n P), E Z e. 3 8:2, 3, 14, 16, 18; 39:1,
1 1 also of the Rossi, Moschi, and Tibareni, who is to (2) pride, arrogance, Jer. 13:17, Jot 33: 17.

come with great forces from the extreme north (38 : "113 Ch. pride, Dan. 4:34.
15; 39 2)) after the exile (38:8,12), to invade the

T^3 (kindred to TT3) pr. to cut in pieces; hence

holy land, and to perish there, as prophesied by Eze-
Otherwise Apoc. 20:8, Fwy equally (1) TO PASS THROUGH, TO PASS OVER, OR AWAY,
kiel; see 3*UD. - - f
with Magog, seems to be the name of a region not of Arab. ;U- Med. "Waw, Syr.
q. pass away, to ^to
a prince, as amongst the Arabians _^-U. [Gog and
. fail; Ps. 90: 10, nejM
Bri tr*3 "for it (human life)
soon passes away, and we fly away."
Magog in Apoc. belong to a different time to those
(2) caus. to cause to pass away, to bring over;
spoken of in Ezekicl, so that it is in vain to point out
Num. 1 1 "a wind went forth from Jehovah T3*l
a discrepancy.] (2) of a Reubenite, 1 Ch. 5:4.
CDjn-|D Vb
DVpb and brought quails from the sea;"
^)3 i-
q. *H| No. 2, TO PRESS, URGE upon any LXX. the Hebrew inter-
e&irtpaarei', Vulg. detulit,
one, TO INVADE him, Gen.49:i9; Hab. 3:16. and cut offfrom the sea ; compare TT3. As to
the word \T'3 Ps. 71:6, see the root HT3.
j3 I M &
iy an unused root, of the same sense
as 3?3 to be elevated, to rise up, like a back or hump. jl;l m., a young bird, of a dove, Gen. 15:9; ol

For the derivatives which partly follow the analogy an eagle, Deu. 32:11, both so called from chirping
- 5 -^
of verbs partly of verbs rb pi, '?!
13 for
Jjy, nil, ;
(see the root ?T3 No. IT.). Arab. 1 ;-^ the young oi

^3.3, n^l), have the signification both of back (see 23)

a dove and other birds of that kind, Syriac transp.
and of belly (see *!), which latter is applied to middle

(compare ,U belly middle, interior, AJj within).

}P3 (from the root '"IJ3,
as j?U from n?3, perhapj
[" From the belly comes then the word for body; see
"stone quarry"), Gozan, Gauzanitis, a region
*}?, and this idea is thon transferred to the sig-
of Mesopotamia subject to the Assyrians (2 Ki. 19:12;
nification of people, see ^13." Ges. add ] Isa. 37: 12), situated on the river Habor (2 Ki. 17:6;

n. ]$?' i\5
& X T 3 roots also unused [omitted in 18: 11; l Ch-5:26), whither a part of the ten tribes

Ges. corr.], which appear to have had the sense of

were carried away by Shalmanezar; Greek Fav^aj'7-
T-C, now called Kamhan, 2 Ki. 17:6; compare Ptol.
flowing together; transferred from water to men, '

v. 18; l Ch. loc. cit. indeed in the word" ^0? D^T.l

whence *i3 people, prop, confluence of men [but see
Ijia -injJ-1
tnni n'nm Habor is separated from the
above] ; K?|, *! a valley so called from the confluence :

river of Gozan, by the word K"ini, so that it might

of water there. Kindred are the Arab. ,_c5>- seq.
seem to be different; but I have no doubt that this
<_ > and Conj. IV. to gather camels together to the
is to be attributed to the negligence of the writer.
[If this means the writer of the book, it is
not to be
water, \^~ valley, level country, also J-*. to come,
' borne, for no inspired writer can be safely thus
\->. \j>- to gather camels together to the water, t^->- charged; transcribers may err.]

l^>- ,
contr. ,.,> a place where water flows toge-
^3 with suff. l pers., once fy Zeph. 2:9; pl.Dfy;

ther, a valley, a low region. const. V.13; sometimes in inD, E v.3 Ps. 79:10; Gen.
HU 25:33, m.
I. "fli! f-, i.
q- N. body, Job 20:25. Root
No. I. (i) a people, prop, a confluence of men, from thei
root nl| No. II. [" Prop, it would seem body, corpus,
IT. rP3 f. contr. for rngj (from the root from the root i"H3 which see; and then transferred to
lifting up, exaltation; Job 22:29, 'l''?^'!' *? a body politic, or whole people; compare Lat. corput
nJ3 "lOShj " when (men) a~t
humbly, thoii command- reipublicce, populi, civitatis, in Cicero and Livy."]
estlifting up," i. e. thou liftestup the modest, meek word is general, and used of the nations at large,
men. Commonly rendered, " when thy ways are hum- and also (which should not have been doubted bj
bled (verse 8), thou shalt say, 1 i ft i n g u p," i. e. thou some interpreters) of the Israelites, c.
g. Isaiah l -.4

9:2; 26:2; 49:7; Gen.35:ll; 12:2; Psal.33:l2. an 15:19), Ezr. nil; 9:4; Jer. 28:0,
exile, 3 Sa.

In pi. however D)13 specially is used of the (other) Eze. 1 : l15 ; 1 1 24, 25 ; and used also of
; 3: 1 1, :

nations (compare D"]N No. 1, a; espe-

besides Israel those who have again returned into their country,
s- - s- -

Jer. 32 20 also TV\ 1$

p. LXXXI, B)
: Neh. 5 8, :
cially ; ;
Ezr. 1O:8 (Arab. U- and <LJU- exiles).
often with the added notion of being foes and barba-
l Chr. 5:22, "fJJ
rians, I 'sal. 2 :
i, 8; 9:6, 16, 20, 21 ;
10: 16; 59:6,9; (2) abstr. exile, migration.
79 6, i o 1 06 47 (comp. O^T), etc. ;
: or of being profane r6ian until the exile." nVl3n 7? equipment for
persons, strangers to the true religion,
i. e. Gentiles exile," Eze.l2:7. nVua Jer. 29: 16, etc. "to go ^H
Jer. Eze. Psal. into exile." nVian \33 exiles; also, those who have
(see below). 31:10; 23:30; 30:11;
" the circle of the returned from captivity, Ezr. 4:1; 6:19; 8:35.
35 15, etc. D?Un
: ^|
i.e. Galilee of the Gentiles (see W>|); Djijn N "isles
1^3 (" exile"), [Golan], pr.n. of a city of Ba-
of the Gentiles" (compare ^); collect. MJ for D?13 Isa. of
shan, afterwards in the tribe pf Manasseh; a city
14:32. It is sometimes opposed to DV, DJJH, which Deut. Josh.
refuge, allotted to the Levites, 4 43 :

more commonly used of Isa.

20:8; 21:27 (where there is 3'ro P'!); iCh 6:56.
is Israel; 42:6, *!?!???
D?ia I'lN^ Dj; nn^ I will make thee a covenant of
Josephus mentions both the city (calling it Fai/Xavq,
the people, a light (i.e. a teacher) of the Gentiles;" Bell. Jud. i. 4, 4, 8) and the adjoining region, Tav-
comp. ver. i,Isa.49:6; Deu. 26:18, 19; 32:43. Hence XavlTig, Archaeol. viii. 2, 3, 13, 4, etc., which he
it is
very rarely found followed by a gen., and with placesby the spring of Jordan and the sea of Galilee;
suff. Hirr; >iS, >ia (Zeph.2:g); very frequently F?\T\\ DJ>, elsewhere he comprehends it under the name of Ba-
*'?y, '">y.; LXX. pretty constantly render DJ? Xao'c, 'U tanea [Bashan]. This region is now called Jaulan.
edvor; Vulg. <7e?zs, whence also in New Test, ra tBvri
are opposed to rw \aw Geou To-pcu/X, Lu. 2:32. 1*^3 m. a pit; once found, Eccl. 10:8. (Syriac

(2) Poet, applied to herds and troops of animals, *W* the letter
Chald. 13 id 3
LiOQ^ id.; K^' ,

Joel 1:6; Zeph. 2:14. Comp. DJJ Prov. 30:25, 26; f2 The root used
being interchanged with 3.)
Gr. Wi'ea xjrwr, yeparwi', pviauv, fieXifftrafitv, ^o/pwv,
in Syriac and Chaldee in the signification of digging.
Homer's' 11. ii. 87, 458, 469 Od. xiv. 73 equonim ; ;

gentes, Virg. Georg. iv. 430. pi)

an unused root. Syr. ^0^,. colour, Ch. IHJ to

(3) Sometimes Qfl3 Gentiles, very nearly ap- colour, to dye. Hence
proaches to the nature of a pr. n. Josh. 12 23, "^O :

^3 ("painted with colours"), [Guni], pr.n.

^W? Djia " king of the Gentiles at Gilgal." For m. (l) Gen.46:24; whence patron, of the same
Gentiles seem there, as in Galilee, to have afterwards form (for 3), Nu. 26:48. (2) l Ch. 5:15. .

settledamongst the Hebrews. [But what could this

have to do with the previous name?] It is more un- inf. #1 and V3I, fut. jn3% TO EXPIRE, TO
certainwhere we should seek for Q?13 Gen. 14:1, BREATHE OUT ONE'S LIFE, Gen. 6:17; 7:21; Nu.
waging war against Sodom. Le Clerc understands a 17:27; especially poet. Job 3:11; 10:18; 13:19:
nation of Galilee, comparing QJ15H 7^>| Isa. 8:23; 14:10; 27:5, etc. sometimes with the addition of ;

comp. Gen. 10:5, "the nations of the west" might n-IO Gen. 25:8.
be understood. Not amiss an anonymous translator,
^3 i.
q. Arab. (_j\^- to be hollow (see under 3?3
No. i). V. id. and to be, or to be hid away in the
(i) body (pr. belly, like the Syr. a*. midst of any thing, Conj. II., to shut a door (pr. to
8eU). Eze. 1:11,23; Dan. 10:6. Gen. 47: 18, " no^
cause that any thing within be hid away). So
thing remains ...Unp-JKl nj1|-nK *J&2 but our
HIPHIL, to shut doors, Neh. 7:3. Hence
bodies and our lands." Neh. 9:37, D^O -l^r^
i"lto3 f. a body, corpse, so called from the idea
^npn;n- "they have dominion over our bodies and

cur cattle." of being hollow, l Ch. 10:12, for HJ1| in the parallel

(2) a dead body, corpse, both of men, i Sa. 31 : T Sa. 31 12. Arab.
Nah. 3:3; and of beasts, Jud. 14:8, 9.
place, :
^J^. cavity, belly,
10, 12; Rabbin. s^3 body, person.
713 to
rejoice, see ?'?.
q. Arab. ,U~ prop. TO TURN ASIDE FROM
n7!3 of the verb fk) No. 2 THE WAT, hence to turn aside to any one
(i) part. act. f.
like ~HT;
Uect. a band of exiles, exiles (comp. sing. !"6>i3 and in the common use of the language

(\)totarr$ anywhere, as a sojovrner and stran- once used with an ace. of the thing feared Deii. 3 ;

ger, to sojourn; used of individuals, Gen. 12:1O; 19: 27; / of the thing far which one fears, Hos. 10:5
g;2O:l; Jud. 17:7; and of whole nations, Ex.6:4; Of fear or reverence towards God, Ps. 22:24; 33:8,
Ps. 105 23 Ezr. 1 14. Poet, used of brutes, Isa. 1 1 6.
(3) to be gathered together, or gather selvel
Followed by 3 of the land in which any one tarries together; this signification (which I have defended
as a stranger, Gen. 21:23; 26:3; 47:4; DJJis pre- at length against J. D. Michaelis, in Thes. p. 274) it
fixed to the person or people with whom any one has in.common with the kindred verbs 13X, TT3 which
tarries, Gen. 32:5; HN Exod. 12:48; Levit. 19:33; see, jufamnunfdiarren. Ps. 56:7, WB>*! *~fl3J "they
? Isa. 16:4, but poet, these are also put in the accu- are gathered togeth er (and) hide themselves;" i.e.
sative; Ps. '20:5,
that I sojourn in
WJJ 3 7TOM "woe is me,
Mesech;" Jud. 5: 17, "W3J HS? J"J1
they lie hid in troops in their lurking places. Fol-
lowed by /% and ns against any one, Ps. 59:4; Isa.
'3X "and why did Dan remain in his ships?" i. e. 54 : 1 5 see HITHPALEL. Once, apparently, transitively
- v
sit at leisure on the sea shore, as is well expressed by
Lat. con greg are (from grex
LXX., Vulg., Luth. Job 19: 15, W3 na "the so-
i.q. Ch., Syr. ^|AJ^?
iournersof my house," i. e. servants, for in the other gregis). Ps. 140:3, nin?p Trtaj "they gathered

hemistich there is handmaids; Ex. 3:22, HIT? JT]3 together wars.

"her sojourners;" or according to Vulg. hospita HITHPALKL "Tiia^n. (i) i. q. Kal No. 1, to tarry;

ejvs. LXX. (Twffjcjjroc.Others understand neighbour, i Ki. 17:20. (2) i. q. Kal No. 3, to gather selves
from the Arabic usage; Isa. 33:14, &$ "WV "0 W together. In Hos. 7 : 14, '? WID^ Vniafl'. KTVrn. \Ffi%
DViy HiflO J> TM*-n? nbfc w ho among us shall "they gather themselves together for corn and
dwell with the devouring who shall dwell with new wine, they turn aside from me ;" i. e. they gather

everlasting burnings?" It is the cry of sinners near together to supplicate idols for the fertility of their
fields. ~n.3^P Jer. 30:23; see under the root 113.
the overthrow sent by Jehovah (verse 1 a, 13), fearing
for themselves. njrp '0^? ~M "to sojourn in the
Derivatives 13, T3, J1V1J; 113D, "W3O, H'liap, n^Jtp,

tent of Jehovah," is i. q. to be frequently present in iTViapp, and pr. n. ~^3J.

the temple to be as it were God's guest, and (what is [" II. "|13, a different root. Perhaps to suck, whence

~W3, ~ft3 a suckling, the sucking whelp of a lion.

joined with this idea) to have His care and protection.
Ps. 15:!; 6l:5, compare 39:13, also with ace., Ps. Compare "VS. ^Eth. 6T^\I a young ass; ?W a suck-

5-5- $1 T)3* W "a wicked person shall not dwell ing child,


a young animal." Ges. add.]

with thee." Parall. God hath no pleasure in wicked- which see; a lion's whelp.
i- "H^i Plur.
"fl3 <1-

ness. (Arab. \^~ Conj. Ill, to remain in a temple on ninx na j er 51 :38; rrtij Nah. 2:13.

^3 pi. D^3
account of religion, also to receive under protection. m. a whelp, so called as still sojourn-
~c --
ing under the care of its mother (see the root "HI
<U\ ,b- a guest or client of God, used of a man
No. 1 ). [So called from being a suckling, see II. "V13. |
tarrying long in a holy city.) Part. ~>3, which is "a lion's whelp," Eze.l9:9, 3,5;
Specially used of
distinguished from the verbal noun "13, whence Lev. "TV)** Gen. 49 9 Deu. 33 22 where a whelp still
"W3 :

I3n "the stranger that sojourn-

l7:i2,D??^ri? sucking its mother's teats is to be understood, differ-
eth amongst you;" 18:26; 19:34. ["Plural Dnj ent from "V?? i.e. a young lion, which is weaned and
strangers, nomades, Isa. 5: 17."] Job 28:4, in the begins to seek prey for itself. Once used of the
description of a mine, ">| DJ>P ^D? with Rabbi pa Lam. 4:3. (Arab.
s<-- s<-

Levi I
"a man breaks a channel e. a shaft) whelp of a jackal (i?), *. ->-i . 9-
interpret, (i. *,
from where he die el Is, and as were sojourns," i. e. it
t ~>- used of a lion's whelp, and of a puppy, Syr.
from the surface of the ground as the abode of men ;

DJ7O for the fuller DP 13 T^S DJ i.

q. afterwards
Pr. n."W3TT?JJp \_goi ng up ofGur], the going up of
the whelp or whelps ; pr n of a place near Fhleam,
(a) to fear, like and . This signification
j>- t
istaken from that of turning aside, since one who is 2^9:27.
timid and fearful of another, goes out of the way and
^3 "^("sojourning of Baal"), [Gvr-baaf]
turns aside from him (gttjt ihm au6 bem SBegc, tritt jjvucf ). pr.n. of a town in Arabia, prob. so called from

Followed by IP (compare No. a, a) Job 41: 17; P temple of Baal, a Ch. 26:7.
Nu. 88:3; Deu. 1:17; 18:23; 1 Su. 18: i- ;
T313 pi-
D ^ J
[this pi. not found] and

prop, a little stjne, pebble, v\jpoc, specially such as the Persic syllable .. (Germ, bar, in ef)tbar,acf;toar)
were used in casting lots. which is used to form possessives.
(1) a lot, Lev. 16:8, seq. Of casting lots, there
are used the verbs .TV, IT, T^'7, ^W, ^?D, W3, IT prop- TO CUT, like TT| (which see); specially
(which see) of a lot cast, ??3 Jon. 1:7; E ZC 24 6
- :
; (l) to cut a stone, to form by cutting, whence IVf!
z V
of a coming forth from the shaken urn, there is
(Syr. to prune, to shear.)
soid,^7fo n^Lev. 16:9, and^V^J K Nu. 33:54;
(2) Metaph. to give, to divide out, which is de-
Josh. 19:1, seq. A thing concerning which lots are
rived from the idea of cutting and sectioning out
cast is construed with ?9 Ps. 22 19; ?S Joel 4:3. :

(Germ, jufdinetben, for jutfjeiten),just as ra^lai- from

(2) what falls to any one by lot, especially part of
Especially like the syn. ?O|, used of favours
an inheritance, land which falls to any one by inhe-
ritance; Jud. 1:3, ^nU? VIK r\ty "come up with
conferred on any one ; Ps.71:6,
" from
nj?^ W ^ ^C
me portion received
my mother's womb thou hast conferred fa-
into my lot," my by lot, Isa.

57 6 :
; Metaph. used of the lots assigned
Ps. 125:3. vours upon me." (Arab. \'p>-
to give back; to pay,
by God to men, Ps. 16:5; Dan. 12:13,
M and thou shalt rise that thou
ibym ^$ S
jz>- retribution, penalty, reward.)
mayest share in thy
Derivatives JVT3, and pr. n. HTll, ijia.
lot at the end of the days," in the kingdom of the
Messiah (compare Apoc. 20:6). ^J-l f. i.
T3 No. l, a fleece, Jud- 6:39, 40: more

fully lO-Vn njll verse 37 Arab. i>- fleece.

w ^3 A CLOD of earth,of dust. Once found in

the Old Test. Job 7:5, np, ">?JJ &&]

anD, B^l
! *T?
" worms and clods of earth clothe
^ !"lf? (of the form
quarry"), pr. name of a place otherwise unknown,
ripa, n?^', perhaps "stone

whence is derived Gent. Vrt3 \_Gizonite], l Ch. ll:

cover) rny body ;" referring to the ashy skin of a sick
as it were scaly, may 34, like ?V| from n$|,
<jW from nTV.
person, which being rough, and
seem as if sprinkled with clods of earth LXX. (3w- ;
H3 TO CUT, as hay (see 13); specially TO SHEAR
Xac yrjc; Vulg. sordes pulveris. The Talmudists a flock, Gen. 31:19; 38:12; l Sa. 25 4, 7 the hair, :

use the same word of a clod, and a lump resembling a as in mourning, Job i 20 Mic. l 16 ; Syr., Ch., and : :

clod, Mishn. Tehor. 3, 2, 5, % l see more in Thes. ;

Hence is derived denom. K>K>Unn to wrestle, Arab. '&- id. (Kindred roots, all of which have the
p. 276.

prop, to stir up the dust in wrestling (see P5$?.). The primary power of cutting, are HT3, DT3, JJT3, 7T3, 1T3

etymology is
very obscure; Jo. Simonis thought K>-13 and transp. H3, see under fVi?, HP, ^-1, ^j TT1 Nu.

and "3 were for WH from the root * to be 11:31; see under the root M3.
NIPHAL T"iJ3; pi. -U'l33 to be shorn, used of enemies,
whence filth I prefer i. e. tobe cut off, to be slain, Nah. l 12 compare aa
unclean, filthy ;
aL-l^jj ; regard-
to the metaphor, Isa. 7 2O. :

^^jj, whence
ing J?-13 as i.
q. also pr. n. l^'l..
Derivatives T3, nj3, and
1$ m. (from the root const, a two men,
pr. n. of
TT|), pi. \i|. (l) [" fJ3 ("shearer"), [Gaze*],
shearing,meton."] shorn wool of sheep, a fleece; aCh. 2:46.
Deu. 18:4, 1?N V T 3 n W) the firstfruits of the fl e e c e
(from the root HT3) a cutting of stones.
thy sheep," Job 31 :2O; compare HJ3. JVT3 \3?S 1 Kings 5:31, and simply n\T3 cut
(2) ["a mowing, e.g."] a mown meadow, Ps-72:
Am. stones, especially squared, Isa. 9:9; iKi. 6:36; 7:9,
6, 7:1, ^on J3"the king's mowings." This
the firstfruits of the hay, which
11,12; Ex. 20:25.
apparently signifies
the ki.igs of Israel 7T3
perhaps required. I. fut ^? (kindred to 1J|). (i) prop. TO
'-!" m., Ezr. 1:8, a treasurer, the officer who STRIP OFF, as skin from flesh, TO FLAY, Mic. 3: 2.
had the charge of the be galled and wounded, used of a beast
royal treasures amongst the (Arab. J *j>- to
Persians, see under T3|. PI. Ch. p?-T| Ezr. 7 21 and :
of burden, gefdjunben fojn.)
by extruding the sibilant, P13"U Dan. 3:2, 3; to this
(2) to pluck off, or away, like Syr. transp.
answers the Syriac )

(a) by open force, 2 80.93:31, ^!P rnqri'D

all of which are composed of T|, T3| and he plucked the spear from the hand of tb

Egyptian;" i Ch. 11:23; Job 24: 9, "they pluck

orphan from the mother's breast;" Gen. 31 131. "I
feared lest thou wouldst take thy daughters away jJ 1*1 an unused root, i.q. JHJ No.l. to cut down
from me," Deu. 28:31. Used of the carrying off of tree. c 3s>- Conj. II. and c \s>- I. II. to cut,
women, Jud. 21 23. In an applied sense, Job 24: 19,
to prune; VI II. to cut wood from a tree. Hence
&r-'D'D V^jP Diva: nV " drought and heat take
away the snow water," i.e. they absorb, drink up. yj-l m. with suff. iyfl *Ae frunfc of a felled tree.
It is more often used (b) of one who takes to him- Job 14:8; hence, any trunk, Isa. ll:l; and even
the goods of
self, claims for himself (an fid) reijjen) that of a tree newly planted, and putting forth its
another by injustice of any kind, Job 20 19; 24: 2 : ;
first roots, Isa. 40 :
24. Arabic 5 j^ the trunk of a
Mic. 2:2; especially used of the more powerful who 9
^ '-

takes for himself the goods of the weaker, whether palm; Syr. Jj^jcVxa trunk, a slender stem.
by violence or by fraud, Levit.5:23; Jer. 21:13;
1T| fut. ity (see No. 3), and TB.
88:3. (No. 4).
TO CUT, TO DIVIDE, 1 Ki. 3:25, 26; Ps. 136:
(3) with ace. of person, to despoil any one (a) (1)
properly, Jud. 9:25; Ps. 35:10. (b) by fraud and 13. (Arab, ,;->- to cut off; Syr. cut away,
injustice, i. q. P?^. Lev.l9:l3; Pro. 22:22; 28:24. around. Comp. the remark on TT3, "inj. Especially
Part. pass. ?N3 Deu. 28:29.
related are ">i?, 1!?, c-~ and with the letters
NIPHAL pass, to be taken away, used of sleep, Pro. , ;

4:16. transposed, H3, fTf?, IT]3.)

derivatives follow presently.] (2) to cut down wood, 2X1.6:4. See n "JI?D,
and an axe, from the kindred H3.
II. 7T3 an unused root, i.q. Arab. <_]/?"
to chirp, (3) to ea* jo, to devour, from the idea of cutting
to coo, of a dove. Hence 7T13. food, see N~}3 No. 4, and n;Q No. 2. So fut. O. Isa.

m. rapine, robbery, and concr. goods obtained 9:19, used there of the slaughter of war. Arab.
to eat quickly, to slaughter, to kill.
by force and wrong, Lev. 5:21; Isa. 6l:8; ?t| 7J3
; ->-

Eze. 22:29. Followed by a genitive, there" twice (4) to decree, to decide, to constitute, fut. A
occurs the form Job 22: 28; as Chaldee and
"!I|, 'J^Ja Syri
^]3 id Eze. 18:18; 00.5:7. compare >"nT.3.
(5) intrans. to cut off, to fail. Hab. 3:17, ">J
HSU const. ll| (Isa. 3: 14) id. n^TJ ^TJ Eze.i8: |XV n^psp "the sheep fail in the folds." LXX.
7, 12. *?jn n?T| goods taken away from the poor,
ii\iirsy irpofluru. (Arabic '^ specially used of
Isa. 3:14. water decreasing.)
an unused root, pr. to cut off, like the Arabic NIPHAL (i) pass, of Kal No. 4, to be decreed,
Est. 2:1.
,.X>- and />- (whence *'-*. Jesm, the cutting off
(2) to 6e separated, excluded [cut off]. 8Ch.
of a syllable) compare under the root TTS.
In the 26:21, njfV n"3p i]33 *3 "for he was excluded

use of Hebrew language it is applied to the significa- from the house of God." Isa. 53 :
8, D^D jnxp -IT33 J
tion of cutting off, devouring, like the kindred " he was excluded [cut off] from the hind of the
DD3, Dp")3 (compare ">1J No. 3); whence living." Ps. 88:6.

(3) to be taken away [cut off], toperish, Lam.

species of locust, so called from its eating
QJ3 m. a
With a dak pleon. Eze. 37:11, W

off; like ^pn. Joel 1:4; 2:25; Amos 4:9; Targ. 3:54.

**^3l o.
creeping locust, without wings. Syriac " we are lost." (Arab. ,>. calamity, destmction.)

( 'oJhJO, which lexicographers explai,

a locust Derivatives follow, except n^T3O.
without wings; comp ^fifTl! to Pu^ * n pi 6068 -iaxL* ;

*^If Hi. (l)i.q. Heb. No.l,tocu/, tocutaway.

to comb, both from the idea of plucking. LXX. see
ij/iTTij. Vulg. eruca. ["See Credner on Joel loc. (2) i. q. Heb. No. 4, to decree, to decide, tc e
tit."] tablish, specially used of fate. Part. pi. P1TI pr. tk
OJ3 r* eating up"), [Gazzam], pr. D of a man, deciders, determiner s, hence the Chaldee astiolo
Ezr. 2:48; Neh. 7:51. gera,who, from the preition of the stars at the hou

of birth, by various computation and divining

arts of curved (see the root 103), comp. Germ. v from

(Numeri Babylonii, Hor. Carm. i.

11,2), determined beugen/ bficfen.

Dan. 2:27; 4:4; 5:7, 11.

the fate of individuals.
Oomp. Ch. 7I| decree, in the Rabb. used
of the '!0$> W3
("valley of vision"),
n. of the servant of Elisha, 2 Ki.4: 12, seq. ; 5:20,
divine decree, fate. |V)J3 the art of casting nativities,
oa which comp. my Comment, on Isa. vol. ii.
p. 349.
ITHPEAL, cut off, 3 pret.
to be fern. rinT|J;iK Dan.
'U* an unused root, prob. i.
q. Arabic
8:45, and in the Hebrew manner, rQT.3.J;in
verse 34.
* i

of victims, (? and D being interchanged), to light afire, Med.

"IJ^ (i) a piece, a part, pi. W]]* parts s
Gen. 15:17; the parts of the divided sea, Psalm Damma to burn, to flame, whence ^-cy-s-
a great
136:13. fire burning vehemently, Gehenna, from the primary
(2) Gezer [Gazer], (prob. "place cut off,"
stock Dn, Dpn. Hence
"precipice"), pr.n. of a city, formerly aroyalcity of
the Cnnnanites (Josh. 10:33; 12:12); situated in nSnil f.
pi. O^n.3, ^qa (f.
Eze. i:i$),a live coat
the western border of the tribe of Ephraim (Joshua (different from OHS a black
26:21). Job coal, Prov.

16:3); allotted to the Levites (Josh. 21:21); although 41 13; Prov. 6:28; Isa. 44: 19, fully V$ !?.nj Lev.

the ancient inhabitants were not expelled (Joshua 16:12. Poet, live coals are used for lightnings,
16:10; Jud. 1:29). Laid waste by the Egyptians, 2 Sa. 22:9, 13. Hence used of punishments sent by
but restored by Solomon (i Ki. 9: 15 17). God, Ps. 140:11. "Live coals upon the head," a
l once found Lev. 16: 22, rnT3 "into proverbial expression for any thing very trouble-
f. r&"
a desert land." The same thing is expressed in some, which gives any one very great pain and tor-
ment. Prov. 25:21, " if thine enemy hunger, feed
verses 10, 21, and 22, fin. rnsnisn. LXX. tic yrjy a/3a-
him; if he thirst, give him drink. 22. .. thou wilt
rof. Vulg. in terrain solitariam. It properly denotes,
land eaten heap coals of fire on his head;" i. e. so thou wilt
off, naked, devoid of herbage, from
overwhelm him with very heavy cares, and he will
the signification of eating (see the root No. 3) ;
be ashamed of his enmity against thee comp. Rom. ;

the Arabic \.=>-, see Kamus, p. 699, Syriac 1 2 30.

: In like manner the Arabs say figuratively
99 V "coals of the heart, fire of the liver," to denote
burning cares, and a mind heated and suffused with
const. rn.T| Ch. f. decree, sentence of God, shame. Compare my remarks on this expression
of angels [?], Dan. 4:14, 21. in Rosenmiiller, Rep. i. page 140, and in the Lond.
Frequently in Targ.
i i.
Classical Journal, No. 54, p. 244. Elsewhere a livt
Comp. the root No. 4, and Syr. Jli
coal, which alone remains to keep in fire, like the
(i) the form, figure of-a man, so called Gr. ^Mirvpov, denotes the only hope of a race almost
from cutting and forming; comp. 3 from 2>'i?, and destroyed, 2 Sa. 14:7.
French taille. Lam. 4:7. To this answers Arabic
Dfl i.
q. Arabic jsk>- to flame (see ^Da);
(2) a part of the sanctuary at Jerusalem; as far as
may be collected from the not very clear words, Eze. D^ \_Gaham\, pr. n. of a son of Nahor, Gen.
- t*"i-

41:12 15; 42:1,10,13; an area or inclosure in

22:24, perh. called i.
q. ^\^~\ having flaming eyes.
the northern part of the temple, a hundred cubits

long and broad, surrounded with a particular build- il i. Ch. Ml, Syr. to bend, to bow
q. ^
ing n ( ,% $3),
with cells at the side. LXX.(nb$^>) oneself down. Hence pna.

'")$ Li 3 an unused root. Arab. _^vp- to hide one-

i Sa.27:8 np (anD T),
[Gizrites], pr. s ^ -
of a people defeated
by David while he sojourned self, .te>- a hiding-place. Hence
amongst Ijhe Philistines, prob. inhabitants of the city
Gezer pT3.). ^D^ ("hiding-place")i[6rAa/]j pr.n. m.Eir.
. m
the belly of reptiles, Lev. 11:42; of ser- 2:47; Neh.7:49.
pents, Genesis 3:14, so called froTi its being bent, ^ see xJ-

**?3 ["or KT], i-q- ** No. H, to //OM> *0-

Tim. (i) a thread, a thong, Isa. 48:4, of i
Hence stiff-necked people, fB"!JJ ^H3 ^*3 "thy neck is an iror
y ether as water.
thread," or rod.
K |Isa.4O:4; f

NJ3 more rarely K'l Zee. 14 14, and 9 9

omission of Aleph const. N*3 and 'A pi. pr. (2) a nerve, tendon, Ch. KT3, Syr. J-s^i
by *J, ;

nifcO3 (read niiO}) a Ki. 2 16 Eze. 6:3 aro, but :

32:33; pl.Eze. 37:8; Job 10:11; 40:17-
more often transp. OV3, with suffix T x ^. Eze. n^3 & TTJ3 (Micah 4:10), Vav
fut. D^J, with
35:8 c. (m. Zee. 14:5, f. verse 4), a valley, so called conv. nai.
from the water flowing together there; hence aflat,
(I)TO BREAK OUT, TO BURST FORTH, used of aiiver
low region. (The learned may enquire whether Gr.
breaking out from its source, Job 40:23; of a child
yam, yijj, Goth, gauje, Dutch gate, Germ, au/ are cog-
issuing from the womb, ib. 38 : 8 of a soldier rushing ;
nate). It differs from ?n3,which denotes valley
watered 9

to battle, Eze. break forth as

by a torrent, also from H^pa and pBJJ, which denote 32 : 2. (Syriac u*^ to
larger plains and level ground (see Relandi Falsest.
water, as a child from the womb; Ch. id., especially
to rush forth to battle.)
348, seq.) and hence it is used of some particular

?nj } (2) trans, to cause to break forth, or to come

valleys, just as others are
called nyps, pOJ7.

This name is applied to forth, as an infant, to bring him forth from the
(a) D3nf3 M f j|
[the valley of the son of Hin- womb; Ps. 22: 10, |0?O n3 HHJpa for thou didst
Jer. 7: 32; 19:2,6; D3H \3? >3 2 Ki. 23:10
take me from the womb;" 03 is a rare form of the
3'n3 ; 15 8, to the south and east [? west]
03"? *A Josh. : participle; comp. Lehrg.4O2. Of a mother, to bring
of Jerusalem, through which ran the southern bound-
HIPHIL, to issue forth from hiding-places; part.
ary of Benjamin, and the northern of Judah (Josh.
15:8; 18: 16), remarkable for the human sacrifices
D'3D Jud.20:33. Hence 1'WI.
offered to Moloch (2 Kings, Jer. 1. 1. c.
c.); also called T$ or Hill Ch. APHEL to break, burst forth, as

n?fl, and KUT" eox>}' **?!? Jer. 2:23. wind, as if to battle, Dan. 7:2; see above, the Hebrew
\b) D'pnq | and with the art. D*enqn | ra /- (^ root No. 1.

ley of craftsmen), Neh.i i 35, on the borders of Judea, :

with a village of the same name.

T-l (" breaking forth," sc. of a fountain),
r_6ri"aA], pr. n. of a place near Gibeon, 2 Sa. 2 24. :

(c) 7S'nPlp*
(the valley which God opened), on
the northern borders of the tribe of Zebulon, Josh. 3
pfi prop, a river, so called from its bursting
9:H,7- forth from its fountains, compare Job 40: 23. To this
(d) rbt) K'| ps 60:2; 2 Sa. 8: 13, the valley of

answers the Arab. which the
fait, near the Dead Sea.
D v??yn '3 the valley of passers by, Eze. 39: 11 ; Arabs commonly use of larger rivers, as the Ganges,
to the east of the sea of Galilee.
Araxes. In Hebrew it is
pr. n.
3 (1) Of a
fountain, with a stream and ponds, near
(f) D'y'3?n *fo valley ofhycenas, in the tribe of
1 Sa. 13:18. Jerusalem, called elsewhere DT^* [But this is a mia
nnay take, they were different], l Ki. 1 :33, 38 a Ch. 32.
(a) N'l in the plain country of the tribe of ;

Judah, 3 Ch. 14:9. 30; 33:H.

(2) The second of the four rivers of Paradise, which
(A) KM with art.-K; JH (the valley), a place on Mount
is said to surround the land of K*I3
Pisgah, over against Beth-peor, in the land of Moab, (^Ethiopia), Gen.
a station of the Israelites, Num. 21 :2O; Deu. 3:29; 2:13. Some who follow the Arabic use of the word
understand the Araxes, and they take K>13
4:46. ^^x>-
in this place in a signification entirely different from
T 3 an unused
root, having the signification to that which it commonly has but this is improbable.

bind, couple, like the Arab, j'j Med. Ye Conj.

to On the other hand was the constant opinion of the
ancients that the Nile was intended; see Jer. 2: 18;
il, to bind with fetters, ,xJ a bond, a fetter, a
thong, LXX. Sir. 24:37; Joseph. Arch. i. l, 3; and I ex-
and with a prefixed guttural "li3J, "1?N j|,
(per- pect that the ^Ethiopia Nile was particularly meant,
haps THK).
"ID**, In the western languages compare which may in fact be said to surround ^Ethiopia. I
the root gaben/ gatten/ i.e. to couple; whence atte/ have discussed this more at length in Thesaur. page*
attung/ rtte/ (catena), etc. Hence 281, 282.

rarely ^2 or 7lil(Pro. 23: 04 ITO;, fut3^, when slacked, 153.27:9. Arab. and
jU=^- quick
dpoc. A>J prop. TO GO IN A CIRCLE (comp. ??3, whence lime.

V'3), like the Arabic

JU- MeJ. Waw to dance * Ch.
emphat. K")*3 id. Dan. 5:5; compare DBA
(compare; Tin and 3Jn); hence 27:9; Amos 2:1, Targ.
(1) to leap for joy, to-
rejoice; poet. Job 3: 22, '
r! a stranger, i. 2 Ch. 2:l6.
" those q. 13,
?'J"vX who rejoice even to exulta-
&* see
by 2 of
tion;" Isa. 49: 13 ; 65 :
18, seq. ;
followed pers.
or thing, concerning which we are glad, Psal. 9:15; m.
J^a ("filthy," see Blj), [GesAawJ, pr. n.
13:6; 21:2; 31:85149:2; also "?y Zeph. 3:17; ^ l Ch. 2:47.
niiT3 to rejoice in Jehovah, i. e. to delight in Him, es-
73 m. pi. D^3 (from the root ^|). (l) a Aea/3
pecially on account of benefits bestowed by him, Isa.
of stones, commonly with the addition of D^3S Josh.
29:19; 41:16; Joel2:23; Ps.35:9; 89:17. Re-
7:26. Often used of ruins, Isa. 25:2; pi. heaps,
and leaping for joy are sometimes ascribed also
to inanimate things, Ps. 96: 1 1 Isa. 35 i. ;
ruins; Jer.giio, D'W? D^-IT-nX *nn3 and I will
make Jerusalem into ruins;" Jer. 51 :37.
(2) to tremblers, accompanied by the leaping and
(2) fountain, spring, scaturigo, Engl. a well,
palpitation of the heart (see Job 37 i Psal. 29:6; :

Cant. 4:12; see 7?\ Niph No. 2. PL waves. 2BeUen,

compare the roots 3?n and 7-1H. So Gr. up-^e Urat tcopSia

ipri/3w, jEschyl. Choeph. 164, 1O22;

jraXXtt ^o'/3w, Seidl. ad Eurip. Electr.
/ Kaplia irdXXei,
433; Lat. cor
Ps 42:8; 89:10; 107:25,29.
; .
(Syr. ^
JU a wave.)

7:1 m., bowl, oil- vessel of a lamp, so called from
salit, Plaut. ;
and on the other hand "JHS, of the
its being round, i.
H?3 No. 2, Zech-4:2. Root ??|
trembling for joy, Isa. 60:5 ;
J;r. 33:9). Ps. 2: 11,
to roll.
fnjna 17' 3
"tremble with fear" [there is no need
to depart from the common meaning]; Hos. 10:5, N/il see n^|.
" for the mourn on account of
people shall it
calf), -l^aj VJ3J
intM* and the priests shaU tremble ^ / ^ an unused root, softened from 313 to scratch^
for it." to scrape thebeard (like the Germ. 23attner for 8Jar*

The derivatives follow immediately. kindred to s_?U- to scrape, to scrape

bier), off",

^3 see ^?S. to shear wool. Hence

7 3 m. (l) prop, a circle, hence age, and meton. Jp^ m., a barber, Eze. 5:1. (Syriac
cotemporaries, i. q. ~>'n, compare }QN; Dan. 1:1O, razor.)
DpV^S "Vfe D'l&Ll " the young men of your age."
Jl7il ("bubbling fountain," from 73 and #3
Arab. Ju^- or i.
q- in, yertd. In the Talmud, ebullition; see the root 32-12), Gilboa, pr. n. of a

"a mountain, or mountainous region, in the tribe of Is-

'^3 p is, man born in the same hour, and with the
sachar, where Saul was defeated and killed by the
same star as I."
Philistines, 1 Sa. 28 4 3 1 1 2 Sa. 1 6, 2 1
From : .

(2) exultation, rejoicing, Hos. 9:1; Isa. 16: 10; would appear not improbable that
the etymology it
this was properly the name of a fountain (Tubania),
"V 3 No. or of a village near a fountain, from which the neigh-
f. i.
q. T^jl 2, exultation, rejoicing, Ps.
65:13; Isa. 35: 2, IPJ n^| "rejoicing and shout- bouring mountain had its name. Eusebius mentions
ing;" const, state for the absolute. a village called Tefiovt (read TcX/Soue). [A village
stands, on what appear to be these mountains, called
(TO'I Ginath, pr. n. m., l Ki.
Jelbon ....Jj?-, Rob.iii. 157.]
i . C-17-
* an unused root. Arab. .l~>- Med. Ye appears
- ss. 7fpJ! pi. 0^3
(from the root ^|)._(i) a wheel,
to hve signified to be hot, to boil up; whence >U- of a chariot, Isa. 5: 28: Eze. 10:2, 6; 23:24; 26:10;
Leat of the breast from of a well to draw water, Ecc. 12:6.
anger, hunger, thirst. To
this answers 9&^ren/ in other dialects (2)0 whirlwind, Ps. 77:19; Eze. 10:13. (Syr.
gotjren/ gtefyreu.
Hence Hence
lime, so called from its effervescing (3) straw, chaff, husk, which is driven by a
whirlwind; Ps. 83: 14, J? form Vl my God metaph. to uncover anything). In the usage of th<

make them as chaff, which the wind drives away;" Hebrew language
Isa. 17: 13, HSUD \3f& ^3
"like chaff in the whirl- (1) to make naked; hence, to disclo??, -.

touncover; especially in the phrase 'S IJN '"1/3 V
wind;" Parall. fO. (Aram, jj, K)| chaff, dust,
make bare, to uncover any one's ear by taking away
and the like, driven by the wind, Arab. J->- id. the hair, as done by those who are about to disclose
some secret thing; hence to certify of anything, to
7fp3 Ch. awheel, Dan. 7: 9. disclose a matter; l Sa. 20: 2, father will not "my
do anything ^N-nX...r6;p &6l. but he will disclose
f?3 m
(l) a wheel, Isa. 28:28.

it to me," verses 12, 13; 9:15; 22:8,

17. Elsewhere
(a) with art. 73p3n (" a circle," or according to
used, hi a sense a little different, of God, Job 36: 10,
Josh. 5: 9, "a rolling away"), Gilgal, pr. n. [a] of a
"he opens their ears to instruction;" verse 15; 33:
town situated between Jericho and the Jordan (Josh.
16. Hence
it is
applied "V.D n?| to reveal a secret,
4:19. -20; 9:6; 10:6, 7; 14:6; 15:7), where Samuel Amos 3:7; Pro. 20:19. It is also said, ~>9P H73 tr
and Saul sacrificed (l Sa. 1O:8; H:14> 55 13 4 =

disclose, to unfold a book, em SSud) auffdjlagen/ Jer. 32

9 15:21,33), and where prophets dwelt, 2 Ki. 4 38,

but where also the worship of idols was practised
(2) to make a land naked of inhabitants, i.e. to
(Jud-3:l9; Hos.4: 15; 9:15 Amos5:5); more ;

JV3 emigrate (Arabic and Jj>- and that

fully ^l^n
Neh. 12:29; FaXyaXcr, 1 Mac. 9:2. \,j^- id.),

The village mentioned, Josh. 12:23; Deu. 1 1 30, does : whether willingly, 2 Sa. 15: 19; or unwillingly, i. e. to
not appear to have been different. beled into exile, 2 Ki. 17:23; 24: 14; 25:21; Am.
[" (6) a place or region near the western coast
1 5; :
6:7, etc; used of inanimate things, Isa. 24: 11,
of Palestine, Josh. 1 2 23."] : "the joy of the land is gone away," is exiled; Job
20:28; Pro. 27:25.
*V. %
f- th* skull, so called from round form
(i)to beuncovered, to be made naked;

(root ^/l,), 2 Ki. 9:35. This word is also used where
the single individuals of a nation are 47 3, thy nakedness shall be uncovered ;" Eze.
Isa. :

numbered; as
in Lat. caput, Germ. &opf [Engl. heads'^ Ex. 16:16, 13:14; 16:36; 23:29. Also used of avail taken

"1OJ7 "an omer apiece;" Num. 1:2, "13J"?3 away, Jer. 13:22.
DrP37.3p "all the males according to their heads," (2) to be revealed. (a) used of men and of God;

i.e. man by man, verses 1 8, 20, 22; compare t?{O to appear, as if by the removal of a vail, i.
q. ""IN"}3;

Jud. 5:30. (In the Rabb. n?i^3n *)D| signifies a poll- followed by ?N Gen. 35:7; l Sa. 14:8, 11 compare ;

"> ^ 9 Isa.53:1, where there follows ?& (b)to be mani-

tax; Syr. JOkO^v id. by casting away Lamed of fested, manifest, used of things which were before
the first Arabic where the second concealed, Isa. 49:9; Hos. 7.: i. (c) to be declared,
syllable; 4^1-
followed by ? and ? Isa. 23:1; 1 Sa. 3 7.

Lamed is cast away; comp. ToXyoOd, Matth. 27 33.) :

(3) to be carried away ; pass, of Hiph. Isa. 38: 12.

1/3 an unused which appears to have had
root, PIEL i.
q. Kal, but so however, that the proper signi-
the signification to be smooth, naked (like very many fication is the prevalent one.
roots beginning with the letters ?3, bn); hence (l) to make naked, to uncover, as the feet, Ruth
3:4, 7 the foundations of a building, Micah i 6.

su ff- ^-l* the skin of a man, so called

s^- It is also followed by an ace. of the removed covering,
from its
being naked, Job 16: 15; Arab, jl?-, Syr. Isa. Nah. 3:5; Job 41:5. Specially
22:8; 47 2 :

HK'X "to uncover the nakedness of a
ni"iy. n?jl

woman;" i.e. to have intercourse with her, Lev. 18:

8, seq. 2O:l7,seq.
From the words of Lev. 18:8,
/? fut. n73? with Vav convers. /3M prop. TO BE
it is understoodto uncover the nakedness of a
I.AKED, and trans. TO MAKE NAKED (kindred to the
man, is have unlawful intercourse with his
used for, to
root Hpj to be naked; hence, to be bald,
whence, by in which sense there is also said,
wife, 20 1 1, 20, 21:
A softer pronunciation, Hpa, n?|);
especially used of to uncover his skirt or coverlet; Deu. 23: l
the ear
27 20. ;

by taking away the hair, of the face

by taking (b) to uncover any one's eyes (said of God), i. tt
away a veil (Arab. J-,- to cast away a garment, to
to open them, to shew to him things hidden from
can away a vail and make bare a woman's face.; mortals; Nu. 22:31; Ps. HQ:l8, 0*3^ fy ( marl


'with open eyes;" said of a prophet, Nu. 24:4, 16. m. (from the root D?3) a mantlt, cloak
[Part. Paul.] with which any one is wrapped up, Eze. 27 24. (Ch :

some hidden thing, Job 20:

(a) metaph. to reveal 9v| id. Hence Gr. x\apvc xXai't'c, x^a'*'"^ ,

27 a secret, Pro. 1 1 : 13 to deliver

; ; up a fugitive, Isa.
make known and
Josh. 21 :
27, np i.
q. I?H which see.
16:3; to his power glory, as God,
Ps. 98:2; Jer. 33:6. ?S n)j is i.q. -ie>&rn$ n nfea nV?3 once n/>3 Obad. 20 (with Kametz impure)
'T ?y to uncover a vail, which vailed over any thing, f.
[root rta.]
Lain. 2:14; 4:22 (where nothing needs alteration). (1) a carrying away, exile, 2 Ki. 25:27; Jer.
PUAL, to be uncovered; Nah. 2:8, of Nineveh, 52:31; Eze. 1:2; 33:21.
nrv?3 "she is uncovered," i.e. ignominiously. (2) collect, those who are carried away, exiles.
HiPHlL, iy?? and "Y?? fut. to carry HTin* m?4 "the exiles of Judah," Jer.
apoc. 73.J3 24:5; 28:4; 1

3way, to lead into exile; 2 Ki. 15:29; 17:6, 11; 29 22 40 i n'VV n-1 ?! used of Israel living in exile,

l3:ll, etc. Isa. 45:13.

HOPHAL pass. Esth. 2 : 6, etc. n^3 Ch. ext/e, Kn^J J3
nV?J emph. f., exiles;
HITHPAEL (l) to uncover oneself, Gen. 9:21.
Dan. 2:25; 5:13; Ezr. 6:16.
(2) to reveal itself, said of any one's heart. Syr. jlai>^.
Derivatives, nbia, fbia, n^S, jr?3, and the pr. n.
f ? unused in Kal, prop, to be smooth; hence
to be naked(comp. n7|) speciaLy ? to fo fea/rf. Arab.
ri7il, N73
reveal; Dan. 2:22,28, 29.
Ch. to to be bald in the head. This root is softened
APUEL (in the Hebrew manner) Y?D, i. q. Heb.
from the harder root rnj?; transp. it is P?n. In the
ffiph. to lead into exile,
Ezr. 4:10; 5:12.
western languages there correspond with this, calvus,
"V^ i-
i" 1
?^ emigration, exile. Slav, goly, holy, Germ, faijl/ also gelu, glades.
PIEL. to shave the head, Nu. 6:9; Deu. 81: 12; a
(of the form ^, exile, from H73)
""1 ""l?"
person, a Ch. 19:4; to shaveoffcut off the hair (see
Giloh, pr. n. of a city in the mountains of Judah,
Josh. 15:51 2 Sa. 15: 12. Gent. n. is 2 Sa. loc. cit. PUAL), the beard, 2Sa. 10:4. Once intrans. to shave

from the form P^l, like ^7^ from n7*K'. oneself (the hair and beard), Gen. 41 14. Metaph. :

any one is said to shave a land, who devastates it with

*T$ (fr m the root 773 see the etym. note.) fire and sword Isa. 7 2O. (Ch. H?3 to shave, to shear,

73 No. 2. Plur. Josh. n-| bald, used by the Kabbins of the monks, like the
(l) fountain, spring, i.

15:19; Jud. 1:15. Bohem. holy).

(2) a bowl, reservoir, so called from its
round- PUAL, to be shorn, Jud. 18: 17, 22.
ness; used of the bowl or oil-vessel of the holy HITHPAEL (i) to shave oneself, Lev. 13:33.
candlestick, Zee. 4:3; comp. 2, where there is in masc. (2) to shave, or cut off from oneself (compaie
73. Ecc. 1 2 6, in describing old age and death, ~l&r'N~*lJJ
Lehrg. p. 284, letter d), with an ace., Nu. 6:19.
anfn n?3
-':':*: *lD3n " pm
7?n PDir^' "before the silver
. . .

cord be severed, and the golden lamp be broken." (of the form fi3, in, JV$) m. a tablet
made of wood, stone, or metal, on which any thing is
(3) a ball, a small globe, on the capital of co-
inscribed, so called as being bare, naked, and
lumns, l Ki. 7:41 ;
2 Ch. 4:12,13.
empty (see the root n /|), Isa. 8:1. With tho Talmud -
U /VPS m. plur. pr. trunks, logs, blocks, such as ists P y3 is the blank margin of the leaves of books.

are rolled, whence the name (see ??), hence in derision PI. DOya Isa. 3:23, mirrors, pr. tablets or thin

idols, Levit. 26:30; Deut. -29: 16, etc; in various plates made of polished metal, such as were the
phrases ; Dv^Sn nqx ^?n to follow idols, 1 Ki. 2 1 :
26, mirrors which the Hebrew women carried about with
3v1?3n 131? to serve idols, 2Ki. 17:12; 21:21; them (Ex. 38:8; Job 37:18), as was done also by
'3rr?X D*yy KKO to lift
up the eyes to idols, Eze. other ancient nations (see my Comment, on Isa. loc.
18:12. often joined to other nouns expressing
It is cit.) these mirrors were mostly
of a round form and

contempt of idols, as D^'-lpK' Deu. 29:16; nuyifl Eze. with a handle. So Chald., Vulg., Kimclii in Comment.,
16:36; 2yv. 30:13, and is mostly used in speeches Abarbanel, Jarchi. On the other hand LXX. (a-
ill which worshippers of rebuked, as idols are <j>avTJ AaKoviKo)
and Kimchi explain it of trans'
with idols, Eze. 20:7,
to pollute oneself
parent garments, as it were making the body naked.
1D^ 6:9; Dv-1?3rrnx s]X3 23:37, etc. Comp. Schrcedw, De Vestitu Mull. Heb. p. 31 1, 312-

to things that are round, globular, or rolling, as 73^1

(i) adj. rolling, turning, used of the

awheel, also a whirlwind; 7y3 a ring, H73- a volume

leaves of a door, 1 Ki. 6: 34. (Comp. Eze. 41 24.) :

(2) subst. a ring, Est. 1:6; Cant. 5:14, vv|

VT a roll, SRolle/ ^73 skull, 773 a ball of dung, 73, n?j
P'VhftS D'K7Dp anj " his hands (are like) gold rings a reservoir for oil.
(6) to heavy things, such us \votiiu
be rolled and not carried, whence 7! a heap of stones,
adorned with gems of Tarshish." The fingers when
bent are like gold rings, the dyed nails are compared Dy1?3 trunks, stocks (iRlofcej, so called from being
to gems. rolled ; 7?| a large stone. li~- an important
, ,
(3) circuit, region, i.q. "E?. Specially D^3n 7'7|
affair.) It is
(c) of waves of water roll-
used also
Isa. 8:23, the circuit [Galilee"} of the Gentiles, and
ing themselves onwards, like the German and English
car' efox'}*' H^H Josh. 2O:7; 21:32; n?7|n (with
qucllcn/ to well, whence D'73 Germ. SBellen. From
n parag.), 2 Ki. 15:29; 7^3n jnx iKi.g:!!, is the
this most fertile monosyllabic stock, have also sprung
name of a region with twenty cities, although small
the tri-literal roots 73X, Arab. U-^, 73JJ whence n73g
ones, in the tribe of Naphtali, around the city Kedesh

7v33 BHp), inhabited by a cart, and with a third radical added at the end, D?3
(for there thrice occurs
to roll up, D73. D73 Lat. gloinus, glom.era.vit, globus,
Gentiles, namely by the neighbouring Phoenicians.
LXX. ^lumpen. In the Hebrew language it has also the sister
y FaXtXata.
roots 7*3 to go into a circle, and with a
palatal turned
n/vjl f. i.q. 7v3 No. 3, circuit, region, into a guttural 7 n, 74K, 7 S
s <I

D 'n?7?p H " regions of the Philistines," Josh. 13:2; 7-in, (which see) ; also
it has a vast number of offsets in the western langua-
fl?7? Joel 4:4; FaXiXa/a 'AXXo^uXuv, 1 Mac. 5:15.
ges, especially in Greek. Comp. 'XXw, m'XXw (Valck.
JTVH rN7v3 i. q. jTlfn 133 the circuit, the bank of ad Herod, vii. 155), KvXiu, nvXiidw (D73), coXXt,^,
Jordan, el Ghor. Josh. 22 10, 1 1. Nearly the same

KoXXafios, jco'XX, jcvXXoc (comp. jeoiXoc), KoXXvpa (a

region appears to be denoted, Eze. 47: 8. round cake, "9?), and with the palatal rejected or else
D*^3 ("fountains"), \_Gallim~], pr.n. of a town put at the end, tXXw, <Xw, ilXiw, tlXvw, 'iXij, oiJXor,
of the Benjamites, situated to the north of Jerusalem, toi/Xoc, IXiy/og, eXi and iKiaaw etc. Lat. volvo, Lat.
1 Sa. 25:44; Isa. 10:30. med. callus, i.
q. French gallet, caillou (73), Germ. alle
6lle i.
q. Q.uelle/ quellen, allen/ waljen/ onomat. fulterni
H*/3 ("exile," "an exile"), Goliath, a giant,
Swed. kula, and Lower Germ. Jtaul
(whence ^ugel).
of the nation of the Philistines, killed in single com-
bat by David (i Sa. 17:4,23; 2l:!O; 22: 10; Sir.
When any thing is rolled along on a rough
As to 1 Ch. 20:5, see under the word 'PH?. soil, make a scraping sound, this is expressed
so as to
by roots made harsh with the canine letter 1 713, TTI, ;

/$ *$!, butGen. 29:3,8, imp. "H3 the effects of which are not less widely diffused.
Ipers. pi. ,|

1, l3, once ?! Ps. 119:22, TO BOLL, as stones, Gen.

NIPHAL 7J3 plur. 3733 fut. TO
29:3,8. Met. followed by ?J?O to roll off, or away (1) to be rolled, of the waves of water, Am. 5:24.
fro many one, e.g. reproach, Josh. 5 9 Ps. 119:22; (2) to be rolled up, used of the heaven; rolled
; up
like a book, Isa.
followedby / and 7J2 to transfer what is rolled away 34:4.
from oneself to another; Ps. 37:5, 1|"11 nin^j; 71 1 POAL, to be rolled in blood, i. e. to be stained with
"roll upon Jehovah thy way," i.e. commit all thy blood, Isa. 9 :

concerns to God; Prov. 16:3, T^P rtftfa ^ HITHPOEL id., 2 Sa. 20 : 1 2. Followed by 7 to ro II
"commit Jehovah whatever thou doest." Ellipt.
to oneself upon any one, i.e. to rush upon him, Gen.
Psal. 22 9, where the poet [Christ] speaks of his
: 43:18.
enemies as deriding his confidence in God and saying, PILF-EL?!?! i.q. Kal No. 1, to roll, to roll down,
*nt$B n j n r'? ? 7 * "let him devolve his matters Jer. 51:25.
upon Jehovah, let him deliver him ;" so that ?i may be HITHPALPEL 7J?!nn to roll oneself down, used
taken as the third person of the imperative, or " he of an
attacking^ enemy,
Job 30:14,
devolved" etc., so that ?j is the infinitive put for HIPHIL, fut. 7|J] to roll, to roll down a stone,
the finite verb. Gen. 29:10.
Note. The genuine power of this root is expressed Derivatives, see note under Kal.

by the Germ, rolltn/ which, like this, is also onomato-

r (*) dung, so called from its globulal

poetic It is <m
very widely extended, imitating the
form, Lq. ?/!, see the root No. 1 ; 1 Ki.14: 10. Arab
noise of a globe or other round body rolled forward

quickly. ia U
applied therefore in derivatives. (a)

(a) circumstance, cause, reason; Germ. Um quarrel Avith any one, especially in lice, drinking
whence or in dividing an inheritance. So the Hebrew
j comp. as to the etymology nap, nil'lS,
$3, with suffix ^7?5, C ?^?? 3 , prep, because of.
HITHPAEL, to become angry, irritattd(\n strife)
Gen. 39:5; Deu. 15:10; 18:12; Jer. 11:17; 15'4- Pro. 20 :
3, "it is an honour to a man to have off

To this ansAvers the Arabic i^wljsj-

^ and
^ strife, y?3rP7^,p>31 but every fool becomef angry."
Followed by ? of the thing, Prov. 18:1. It is alsc
(with Elif prosthetic). used of strife itself, as becoming warmer, Pro. 17: 14.
(3) [Galaf], pr.n. of
two men (perh."Aveighty," ? $-;-
" Chr. I>C / *
an unused quadril. root Arabic
as l Chr.g:i5- (*) ;
worthy," J&-\)(a)
hard, rough. Hence
9:16; Neh. 11:17.
773 m. Ch. [Gilead], pr.n. (l) of several men, as
rolling; hence weight, magni-
(a) a son of Machir, grandson of Manasseh, Nu. 26:
tude (see the root, note under Kal), Ezra 5:8; 6:4, 1

such as were 29, 30. Hence patronym. ^ISJ ?? Jud. 1 1 : l ;

12 :
ty} J5X "great, heavy, squared stones,"
(b) Jud. il: l, 2. (c) 1 Ch. 5:14.
rolled, not carried. In German, a book of large size,
(2) with the art. "Uf?? ("hard, stony region;"
1 1
such as might be rolled sooner than carried, according
according to Gen. 31 21, :
i.q.^J:?! "hill of witness"
to the present custom, in a bag, is called jocosely
ein Talm. i6^3 without pH is used of a large [which is of course the true etymology]), Gilead, a
region of Palestine beyond Jordan. It
properly de-
stone (Buxt. page 433).
signates the mountain district to the south of the
'/$ m. i. q. 7? | No. l, dung of men. In sing. river Jabbok (Gen. 31 :2i 48; Cant. 4:1), with a
once, Job 20:7, "QK' nV3? V??J| according to Chald. city of the same name (Hos. 6:8; comp. Jud. 12:7,
and Vulg. rightly, " sicut stercus suum in ceternum LXX. which appears to be the same as "V^ rrtO^),
peribit ;" as
to this comparison, by which ignominious where there are now two mountains (Jebel Jelad and
denoted, see Ki. 14:10.
Jelud), with the ruins of cities of the same names
destruction is l

D >!
dung, pr. globules of dung, Zeph. 1:17;
PI. ?^| (see Burckhardt's Travels, Germ. edit. ii. page 599).
specially human, Eze. 4:12, 15. It is hence applied to the whole mountain tracts be-

tween Arnon and Bashan, inhabited by the tribes of

/7j? (perhaps "dungy"), [Gilalai], pr.n. of a
Gad, Reuben, and the half tribe of Manasseh (now
man, Neh. 1 2 : 36.

called c'jljl and

[el-Belht~\ ^jjU-c J-j> [Jebel-
U7| fut. D??! TO ROLL TOGETHER. Found once
'Ajtu>i\)Nu. 32:26, 29; Deu-3:l2; Josh. 12:2, 5; 13:
2 Ki. 2 8. : See the root ??| and the note there under
1O, ll, 31 Am. 1:3, 13. It is therefore used
for the
Kal. Hence the nouns and
tribes of Gad and Reuben, Ps. 60:9; 108:9; f r ^e
[with suffix P?!], m. prop, something rolled
"/ tribe of Gad, Jud. 5: 17, comp. 5:16; although also,

together; hence, rude and unformed matter, not from the variety of usage in any thing of the kind, l Sa.
yet wrought, the parts of Avhich are not yet unfolded 13:7, the land of Gad and Gilead are spoken of to-
and developed. Thus of an embryo, Psalm 139: 16. gether. It once comprehends even Bashan, and extends
[Rather, of the mystical body of Christ.] (It is often to the northern boundary of Palestine, Deu. 34:1.
used in the Talmud of anything not yet wrought and
developed, see Chelim xii. 6 and it is applied to ; fc-^/jJ i.q. Arabic \^r^r TO SIT, TO SIT DOWN,
an ignorant man, Pirke Aboth v. 7.) TO LIE DOWN. Cant. 4: l, " thy locks are as a flock
of goats "1^73 ~i~'1Q
W^yy which lie down on mount
'37- quadril. not used; compounded of <X*;>- Gilead." Cant. 6:5. Prop, lie down, as if hanging
&n(l jJo- each of which roots have the signification from mount Gilead, from its side, see IP No. 3.
of hardness. Hence Jerome 4 l " qua ascenderunt"
LXX. 6:5, Complut.
aviflqaav, compare _Jj>- Conj. II. to go up.
hard; Arabic hence ,

p adj. quadril. uv **!j>-

u3 prop, subst. addition, accumulation; hence
tterile, prop, used of hard stony ground (comp. trrep-
POQ, sterilis) hence used of a woman, Isa. 49 2 1 poet,
part, indicating accession, like
*) (which se). (l)
of a night in which one is born, Job 3:7 lean, and ;
also, Gen. 3:6, 22; 7:3; 19:21,3.5; 30:15; 35:17.
emaciated with hunger (oerfyungert), Job 15 34 30 3. : :
etc. It is prefixed to the words to which it refers,

like the Lat. etiam ; but when words are rep3ated foi
y /* a root not used in Kal. Arab. Conj. III. to the sake of emphasis, it is
put between them as with ;
SOH DJ K'H she herself also, Gen. 20:5
pronouns. ;
m. a marsh i ush, specially papyrus nibtica.
tttn D| V53 in his mouth
also, 2 Sa. 17:5; Prov. 23: so called because it absorbs and drinks moisture
15 ; Gen. 27 34(comp. Gram. 92, i [i 19, 4]; Lehrg.
Job 8:
'comp. bibula papyrus, Lucan. iv. 136). 11

191) used with verbs, Gen. 46 14, D3 T>

; ?JX1 Isa. The Egyptians used this to make
" and 35:7. gar-
H?J? also come up with thee." Gen. 31
I will
ments, shoes, baskets, and vessels of various kinds,

15;! Sa. 1:6. sometimes put at the beginning

It is
Ex. 2 3,
especially boats (Plin. xiii. 2 1 26). :

of a sentence, referring not to the nearest word, but NO3 " an ark," or " skiff of papyrus." Isa. 18:2.
to one more remote. Gen. 16:13, *n*S"i D?n DJn
**P 'in * 5 "do I here see (i.e. live) also after the
an unused root, the true sense of which has
vision (of God)? Prov. 19:2; 20 1 1 ; Isa. 30 33. : :
been altogether neglected by etymologists. Pr. it is
^Observe the same thing of the part. "=!*? Isa. 34: 14; to cut, to cut down boughs, or trees, like the vEthiopic
PI Isa. 28: 19.) Poet, used sometimes for the simple
} (compare Dan. og and); Joel i 12 Jud. 5:4; Psa. :
and Arab, .x*-,- Kamus p. 353, comp. transp.
137:1. 03 ...D3 also. ..also, both, and, Gen. 24: Hence is formed (l)
lOJI a
branch, a
2 5; 43 8; Ex. 12:31; that, Jer. 51:12 ; and
staff, hence a cubit; the same verb is applied to

even put three times, Isa. 48 8 D3]...D3 Gen. 24:44. :

; brave warriors who cut down enemies like trees;
(2) Not unfrequently it is used as an intensitive,
even P|K No. hence (2) Arabic ,x*^- and Syriac AFHEL, to be.
(see Prov. 14:20; 17:26; Joel
3:2; with a particle of negation, not even, Psal. fierce as a soldier. Hence the word which has
H:3; 53=45 2Sa. 17:12, 13 (comp. iyNo. 3, a). greatly perplexed interpreters

(3) It often only serves to make a sentence em-

D^*7Q3 m. pi. Eze. 27:11, brave, bold so Idiers.
phatic, and sometimes may be rendered yea, indeed,
Jerome, bellatores. The vain and unlearned conjec-
truly, or else it shews that the next word takes a
tures of interpreters are wearying (see Thes. p. 292"),
considerable emphasis. Job 18:5, TRTP DyBn IIX D3
"yea, the light of the wicked shall be put out." iSa.
24:12, nx~l D3 ns~| see, yea, see (ftefye, ft'etje bod) !).
m. pr. a staff, rod, so called from being
Gen. 29:30, "and he loved Rachel more than 9 f
cut off (Zab. staff; the letter 1 being
Leah." Job 2 10, " shall we receive good from the
inserted, and also T and T interchanged, Ch. Nrp~^3) ;
Lord, and shall we not," etc. Hos. 9:12," for woe
to them!" Gen. 42:22; Job 13:16; 16:19; Isa. hence a cubit, as the German dealers, in selling silk,
use tab for the measure of two cubits. Jud. 3:16.
So D?3$? D3 aiie benbe, both Gen. 27 9=r.
66:4. together, :
?z 9ZP-
15; Prov. 17:15;2O:1O, 12; l Sa. 4: 17, ^3 DJ all (Syr. j-^oo^ cubit,
Jj_ooia^, )*-OCi^v id.)
together, alte jufammen ; 2 Sa. 19:31; Ps. 25:3. DJ
nny Germ, nun gut/ Gen. 44: 10. jl ("weaned"), [Gamut], pr. n. m. l Chron.

even 24:17. Comp. ^03 IV3.

(4) '?~D3 if, by a fut. Isa. 1:15; followed
Hos. 8:lO; 9:16; and without *3 Isa. 49:15; Ps. w m. (l) action, work, any thing well or
95 9. There also occurs 03 *? Eccl. 4:14; 8:12.
ill done, more
fully D?1J ^>! Jud. 9:16; Proverbs
(5) advers. however, but, chiefly followed by a 12:14; Isa.3:ll; in a good sense, a benefit, PB.
negative part. Ps. 1 29 2 Eccl. 4:16; Eze. 16:28.:
103:2. ? VMO3 TE*n to repay actions to any one,
i.e. his deeds.>s. 28:4, D^D| HKM; Proverbs D^
(J3 not used in Kal, TO ABSORB, TO DRINK up, 12:14; followed by *W Psalm 94:2.' !? DJ?# id. ^|
TO SWALLOW, i. q. Ch. Ps. 137:8; Prov. 19:17; followed by Joel 4 14. ^
PIEL poet, applied to a horse as it were Isa. 35:4. Root
swallowing (2) retribution, recompense,
the ground in his rapid course. Job 39: 24, ]*~JK W5\\
"he swallows the ground," i. q. he runs away with
Z i. Nos. 1,2. 2 Sa. 19:37; Isaiah
(The same metaphor is of frequent use in Arabic ' q. |

in the verb
^ to swallow up, as
^W ^.\\ ; see

Schultans ad h. 1. and Bochart, Hieroz. i.

p. 142 TT.D;) an unused root, prob. i.
q. "1P3 to cut off,
s s *
<- ..

whence Arab. '.**& acute-minded, and ^>- a sy-
ITiPMiL, to give to be drunk or absorbed, Gen. ^
' * *

24:17. Heace camore, so called from being cut (seo D?3). Hence
'0?frpa a place abounding with sycamores), however, more probable that j has adopted the
(i. q.
signification of the cognate to carry.
[Gimzo~], pr. name of a town of the
tribe of Judah, J^-
2 Ch. 28:18. Rob. "
[Now Jimzu, .L*p~, iii.
57.] ?'P 3 (" one who possesses camels," or who is car
ried on a camel"), ^Gemallt], pr. n. m.,Nu. 13:!!?.
* ftlt. ??? (l) TO GIVE, TO DO, Or SHEW
to any one (good or evil), followed by two ace., one
^{OpJ "benefit of God"), Gamaliel, pr.n.
of the person, the other of the thing (compare Gr. iv,
m. Nu. 1:10; 2: 20; 7:54.

KaKw irpurrfiv TIVO). 1 Sa. 24: 1 8, nnit2H rWX ^O3 J^ an unused root, i. q. DPJJ (which see), to
"thouhast done good to me." Gen. 50: 15, " all
gather together, to join together, to heap up.
the ills iri'N -1j?p3 ~I'K which we brought upon him."
Gen. 50 17 Prov. 3 30 3 1 1 2 Isa. 63:7; followed
Compare ->- to heap up, to increase, and intrans. to
by of pers. Isaiah 3: 9, fTjn DH? -Ppa they have
be heaped up, to be much. Hence D| and H^jp.
brought evils upon themselves." Psalm 137:8,
W? " '
that which thou hast
J^pOi^ ^7-loa brought J j)
a root not used in Hebrew, to dig, see PM.

upon us."
do good to any one, Pro. 11:17; i^?3 ?Pi3
(2) to fut. ~)b^. - TO COMPLETE, TO FINISH,
doing good to himself, followed by ?K Ps. 13:6; Ps. 57:3, fy "103 W(l)"God who will complete for

116:7; HQ:!?! 142:8. me," i. e. will plead my cause; Ps. 138 : 8, se.q. "1J?3.

(3) to repay to any one good or evil, followed by (2) intrans. to leave off, to fail, Ps. 7:10; 12:2;
an ace. Ps. 18:21, ^-JV| nin; ^p?* "God repaid 77 :
9. In the Aramaean dialects this root is of fre-
me according to my righteousness ;" 7J? 2 Ch. 20 1 1 :
; quent occurrence in both significations.
Ps. 103: 1O; ? Deu. 32:6 (unless the words be diffe- Ch. id. Part. pass. "VO^ perfect, complete, in
rently divided,
HVV 7n and there is here an accusative
skill or learning, Ezr. 7:12.
of person).
II. (4) to wean
an infant, Isa. 28:9 (where 'P3 Gomer, pr.n. (l) of a northern people
is added), Isa. 11:8; i Ki. 1 1 20. : sprung from Japhet (Gen. 10:2), from whom Togar-
(5) to ripen fruit, Nu. 17:23. Intrans. to become
mah (or the Armenians) is said to be descended (Gen.
ripe, Isa. 18:5. 10:3), and who in the army of Magog are mentioned
Note. This primary signification and the origin with Togarmah (Eze. 38:6). This is probably to be
and connection of the other meanings are well illus- understood of the Cimerii (Kt/^juf'piot) inhabiting the
trated by Alb. Schultens (on Pro. 3 30) Tauric Chersonese and the region near the Don and
comparing :

Arab. ,L*i pr. to cover with fomentations, to produce Danube; remarkable for their incursions into Asia-
Minor in the sixth century before Christ (Herod, i.
warmth, to cherish, which notion of cherishing and The Arabians, by a trans-
6, 15, 103; iv. l, 11, 12).
warming is applied (a) to ripening fruit. (6) tc a
position of the letters, call the people of this region
weaned child. (c) to benefits conferred on any one,
* j, whence now Krim is used from the Tauric Cher-
and with which as it were we cherish him nor is it ;

difficult to understand IIOAV such a word afterwards sonese and A ^\\ the Cimmerian used of the
JjJ\ sea, is
became used in a bad sense (see "^3). ["But the
Euxine Sea. Wahl (Altes und neues Asien,i. p. 274)
verb LKC can only refer to the significations in No.
compares Gamir, which amongst the Armenians was

II ;
while for those in No. I, we may compare ?PJJ, the name of Cappadocia.
Arab. J*K, to labour, to do." Ge.s. add.] (2) the wife of Hosea the prophet, a harlot, Hos.
NIPHAL pass, of II, Gen. 21:8; l Sa. l :22. l -.3.
(Appell. i.
q. .*->- coals.)
Derivatives n ?^?ri, and^-1^1, ?'1^|, pr.n.
("whom Jehovah has completed");
/Of plur. Dvp| comm. a camel (Gen. 32:16). [Gemariah], pr. n. m., Jer. 29:3.
This word is found in all the Phcenicio-Shemitic
languages; and besides, not only in Greek and Latin,
VT"]^ (id.), [Gemariah'], pr.n. of one of the
nobles in the time of Jeremiah, Jer. 36:10 12.
but also in^Egypt.(^AU()VA, O\VUOVA) and Sanscr.
under the form kramela, /./ unelaka. Bochart (Hieroz. |3 with suff. '?? comm. (f.
Gen. 2:15), a garden,
p. 75)
**{-) and s
others, derive it from ?P. | to repay, especially one planted icith trees (prop, a place
becaus the camel is an animal uvntriicaKoc. It is protected with a fence, from the root fj|). Gen. 2:8

seq. P*vn a garden of herbs, Deut. lino; 1 Ki.

11 D'T33 const, st. \T3J.
(i) treasures, Esther 3:9;
ii :8. the garden of Eden planted by God, Gen.
I"]J? J3
3:24; Joel 2:3; also called D'H/K || Eze. 28:13; (2) chests, in which precious wares are kept, Eze.
31:8, 9; and nirvfl Gen. 13:10; Isa.5l:3- A garden 27:24.
enclosed, Cant. 4: 12; figuratively used of a chaste wo-
man. Plur. D'3| Cant. 4:15; 6:2. P33 Ch. pi. m. treasures, Ezr. 7:20. KJT3.3 JV3
treasury. Ezr. 5:17; 6:1. Compare "13J3.
3 J;3 fut. 333?. (i) TO STEAL, TO TAKE AWAY BY
*|!T^ m.
pi. D*?T treasuries of the temple,
l Ch.
THEFT, SECRETLY. (This verb- appears to be deno-
s <- 28:11. (The termination ""Jr, ^r is found also in
minative from the Arab. v_^.~>. a side, Ch. 3| and other Chaldee words, as TH, ^1?X. Comp. Lehrg. p. 5 1 6. )

prop, equivalent to, to put aside ; Germ, auf tie cite

bringen.) Compare Sanscrit parqvaka thief, from

[" J^3 (kindred to |33, 13^), prop. TO COVER, TC

parqva side."J Hence L^^.^>- has many significations COVER OVER, i.q. Arabic -r ->-, figuratively, to pr&
taken from the idea of side, to break a side, to take
tect; always used of God as protecting men, followed
from the side.) Followed by an ace. of thing, Gen.
by /P., like verbs of covering (see 7J? No. 2, a). 2Ki.
31: 9; 30, 33; and person, 2 Sa. 19:42; Deu. 24:7; 20:6, nwn Tyn-^j; in\iy\
" and I will
protect this
Job 21: 18, HMD VI333 fb31 "and like the chaff, Isa. 7X 2 Ki. 19 Pret.
city." 37:35: 38 6; : :
which the wind driveth away;" 27:20. Part. pass, iaf. absol. fl33 Isa.
^n'133; 31:5.
with Yod parag. 'n33J Gen. 3 1 39. :
HIPHIL, fut. ]y i.q. Kal, Isa. 31:5; Zee. 9:15 (fol-
(2) to deceive, like the Gr. K\tirreiv. Gen. 31 :27, lowed by 1 2 8 (followed 1J>3, see "U|3 No. 4).
?J>) ;
'jYtf 333P.1 " thou hast deceived me."
Especially Derivatives, jl, H33, H33, ^O, nj3p.
followed by 3? prop, to deceive anyone's heart, i. e.

understanding, like KXlirniv vt'mv, Horn. II. xiv. 227.

Gen. 31:20, \^> ib-nx 3'pJC. 35?!1 "and Jacob de-
^ld ("gardener"), [Ginne^on], pr.n. m.
ceived Laban;" verse 26. See L. de Dieu, on Gen. Neh. 10:7 18 ;i6. Verse 4, incorrectly readg'iriSJ.

loc. cit., and John 10:24.

NIPHAL pass, of No. i, Ex. 22:11. y TO LOW as an ox, an onomatopoetic root

q. Kal. (l) steal, Jer. 23:30.
l Sa. 6: 12 ;
Job 6:5. Talmud, id.
Syr. J,j^^to cry
(2) followed by 37 to deceive, 2 Sa. 15:6.
33 V tin 'pK "an oracle was out, to vociferate. To this answers the Gr.
PUAL pass. Job 4: 12,
brought to me by stealth," or secretly. Inf. absol. Sanscr. gau, Malab. ko, Persic .1^, ,1 kau, gau, ox ;

333 Gen. 40:15.

Latin ceva, i. e. vacca, Columella, vi. 24, fin. In the
HITHPAEL, to do by stealth, followed by a gerund, Germanic languages, .Ro/ 6oit>/ .Rutv a cow, from itn
2 Sa, 19:4, "Win Ki3? Jttnn Di3 Dyr n najnV'and the Hence
people that day went by stealth into the city."
en las
J ("lowing"), [Goath~], pr.n. of a place near
o_L^to steal oneself away.) Hence
Jerusalem, Jer. 3 1 39. :

333 m. a thief, Ex. 22: l, 6, 7. Also

!"O!5$ f.
something stolen, theft, Ex. 22:3. TO CAST AWAY (Ch. Ithpeal, to be unclean, impure,
rO33 ("theft"), [Genubath], see 7X3 No. II. whence the notion of loathing may
pr.n. m. l Ki. ;

11:30. be derived, that is, to regard as impure, foul, comp.

DDJ). There often occurs riX ^p3 n7#3T " my soul
H33 fem. from II a garden, Isa. l :3O; Job 8: 16.
loatheth any thing," Lev. 26 ll, 15, 30, 43; fol- :

PI. nfoj Am. 4:9; 9:14. Root J3J.

lowed by 3 Jer. 14:19; and without E*D3 Lev. 26;
133 fem. id., but only found in the later Hebrew 44; Eze. 16:45.
Est. 1:5; 7:7, 8; Cant.6:ii. Root 133. NIPHAL, to be cast away. 2 Sa. l :2i, 7V33 DE' 3
" for there the shield of the
D^TIS? |3O mighty was
Tj3 an unused
Arab.J^>- and Ch. T3| to
" ibienim
root, i.q. cast away;" est abjectus clypeus heroumC
hide, to lay up in store. Kindred roots are D33, as well in the Vulg., LXX. Trpoaw^OitrOr).
33, and transp. D33, |3D, |p HIPHIL i.q. Kal, Job 21 : 10, ?J??! K?i 13V hie " hii 5

cow conceiveth and casteth not," does not

abortion. Vulg."5os eorum concepit,et non abortivit;" people shall be moved," (i.e. shall totter) "and pe-
so also Aqu., Symm., LXX. I prefer however, "tau- rish."
rus ejus init vaccam, neque abjicit" sc semen; i.e. HITHPAEL, to be moved, used of the earth, Ps. 18:
the coitus is not fruitless, the cows conceive ; so that 8, and 2 Sam. 22:8, fin.; of the waves, Jer. 5:22;
the fruitful breeding would be spoken of in the former 46:7.
hemistich, in the latter the prosperous birth. HITHPOEL, to stagger, to reel, as a drunken man,
Jer. 25:16.
/$ ("loathing"), [Gaat], pr. n. m. Jud. 9:26,
*8, 30. ("shaking," "earthquake") [GaasA].
pr. n. of a mountain in Mount Ephraim, Josh. 24: 30 ,
loathing; Eze.l6:5, ^?? ^33 "with the
Jud. 2:9. Hence Btya *!?D3 " the valleys of Gaash,"
loathing of thy soul," i.e. so that thou mightest
those under the mountain, 2 Sam. 23:30; 1 Chron
loathe thyself, i. q. ^J^a ;
not as others take it, "with
the loathing of thy life."

("their touch"), [Gatam\, pr. n., Gen.

.1 fut. iy?! TO REBUKE, TO REPROVE any one, 36:11,16.
as a father a son, Gen. 37: 10, V2X 12 l^'l " and his
m. (from the root ^SS). (l) back, i.
q. 33;
father reproved him." Euth 2:16; Jer. 29:27.
V *S| /% upon the back, i.e. upon, i.
q. Ch. ^337^, Pro.
Const, with an ace. and 3. (Syr. ; N..^ id., JEih.
(2) body. Hence 133? with his body (only), i. e.
T0^5 tc Cr7 out - Allied is the Arab. .U- to low,
without his wife and children, Exod. 21 :3, 4; LXX.
to ask with a loud voice, to entreat with groans and
cries.) Often used of God rebuking his enemies, Tsa.
3 Chald. a wing; plur. f?! Dan. 7:4, 6, Syriac
1? :1 3; 54 9;
= Ps. 9:6; 68:31; 119:21; especially
that he may restrain them and deter them from wicked
compare above Heb. Q" ??^. The signification

efforts, Zee. 3: 2, lp'$>n ^3 n\n\ nj>3/. "the Lord re-

of back is applied in Hebrew to any surface what-
buke thee, Satan!" i.e. restrain, deter thee; Mai. 3:
" I have ever, and particularly to the side from the significa- ;

II, ^?'N3 Dsb vqjM rebuked for you (for tion of side comes that of wing. Secondary are the
your benefit) the devourer," i.e. voracious and hurt-
ful animals; Mai. 2:3, jnrrrns DD^ -i#j 3jn "be-
roots Med. Nun 333, Arab. <^_ Q-. ->- to turn to the

hold I will rebuke side.

for you the seed," i. e. I will pro-
hibit the seedfrom entering into your barns I will :

refuse you your harvest. jfiil

an unused root, i.
q. |33T to be bent, bowed.
It is also
applied to the
sea, which, when rebuked by God, dries up, Ps. 106: Hence in Arab, the eyelashes, also a short twig,
9; Nah. i =4. Hence fYJiMD and See more as to
SEBeinrebf/ so called from being bent.

x rebuke, reproof, Pro. 13: i 17:10; Ecc. this root which has been incorrectly treated by ety-

7:5; Isa.30:l7; also used of God rebuking enemies mologists, in Thes. p. 298.
and preparing destruction for them, Ps.
76 7 ; 80 17
|S3 with suff.

pi. D^Sjl comm. (m. rarely

; ^333 ;

restraining the sea, so that it dries up, Ps. 104:7;

Hos. lo:l; 2 Ki.4:39), a twig, and a plant which
Isa. 50:2.
has twigs, especially a vine, which hoAvever ["comp.
salix^ifXi^ prop, a rod, switch"], when more exact-
? prop. TO PUSH, TO THRUST, Germ. jlojjen.
ness was needed, as in the laws, is called J!!H |S3. Nu.
^A^.^ to push with the horn, ftojkn.) Hence 6:4; Jud. 13:14; rarely used of other similar plants,
in the
passive conjugations, to be concussed, moved, as rnb JB3. 2 Kings 4:39, a wild vine, on which wild
prop, tym unb tjergeflojkn roerbeni and once also in Kal, cucumbers grew. Hence most commonly it simply
Ps. 18: 8, pKH itfnijn B7JJ?1 " and the earth shook denotes a vine, Gen.4O:g; Isa.7:23; 24:7532:12;
and trembled." In the A noble vine figuratively denotes
parallel place, 2 Sam. 22:8, Jud. 9: 13, seq.
it is
Hithpael ['3 Kal], in whir.h this signification is men of more noble qualities, Jer 2:21 (compare Isa.
more frequent; the writer however
appears to have 5:2); and on the other hand, a wild vine, vine oj
used Kal men
intransitively, on account of the paronomasia Sodom ( Jer. loc. cit. ; Deut-32:32), denotes of
of the verbs
t^ri, trjpn. ignoble and degenerate qualities; as to the latter, see
POAL Byi id.; Job 34: 20, "the on the apples of Sodom, Jos. Bell. Jud. iv. 8, 4.

an unused root, i. 3?3 to be bowed as a

kind. Leviticus 2 1 : 2O ;
22:i2. LXX. \frvpa dyp/a
*"|D;3 q.
Vulg. scabies jugis.
hump. Hence "II, C S S3K..

S3 }
("scabby"), [Gareb'}, pr. n.~(i) of OM
an unused root, prob. i.
q. ">?3 and jii to
of David's captains, 2 Sa. 23:38; i Ch. 11:40.
cover, to overspread. Hence aira \eyop.
(2) of a hill near Jerusalem, Jer. 31 :3g.
"TS3 Gen. 6: 14; prop, pitch, i.
q. "^ as I sup-
pi. D'13"i3_ m. a berry, so called from ita
pose; and I
interpret ~>f
J *XJ? pitch resinous

round and rolling form, see "H3 No. 5, i.q. ?t\. Isaiah
trees, such as the pine, fir, cypress, cedar, and other <-

kind used in ship-building; see n'~!?3. Of

trees of the 17:6. In Mishnah id. Arab.
the moderns, Bochart (Phaleg. i. 4) and Celsius (Hie-
f. t
rob. 328) are not amiss in understanding specially
hroat,gullet(comip. gurges, ffiurgel),

always, however, used of the outside of the

q- P" ^,
KvxapifferoG, the cypress; not without reason appealing
neck. Proverbs 1:9; 3:3,22; 6:21. (Sing,
also to the similarity of letters.
occurs in the Mishnah, Cholin ii. 4, iii. 3.)
JV]3;1 f., prop. I believe, pitch, the name of which
was afterwards transferred to other inflammable mate- an unused qnadril. Ch. clod
y i =r .
, ;

rials ; specially s u Ip h u r. ( Syr. J ^-; ^o and ) k.^ -so 7

Syriac ) Arabic ir- black mud.
Arab. L-^< -^ whence L- ? -~ to smear with sul-
phur, Ch. nn?|, nn^i, xnn?-i3 id.) Gen. 19 24; =

Deu.29:22; Isa.3O:33; 34:9; Job 18:15. ^^"l-l ("dwelling in a clayey soil"), a Gir-
gashite, Girgashites, a Canaanitish people,
f. i"n| a
sojourner ; see the root "H3 No. 1. whose location does not appear from the Old Test.
"w m. [Root 1-13], a sojourner, stranger, fo- Genesis !O:i6; 15:21; Josh. 24:11. LXX. with
reigner^ person living out ofhisoicn country. Josephus, Ant. i.
6, 2, ripytaalof. Euseb. in Onom.
Gen. 15:13; Ex. 2:22; 18:3; 22:20, ete. Often under the word repyaaii, says that they dwelt beyond
joined with the syn.
HK'W a stranger (compare Mich. Jordan.
on the Laws of Moses, ii. 38), Gen. 23:4; opp. to ~
n ?I? a native, Ex. 12: 19. Isa. 5:17 B*~]3 appear to 1? not used inKal; Chald., Syr., Arab. T}3 TO
be foreign shepherds and nomadic tribes wan- SCRATCH, TO SCRAPE, a root imitating the sound;

dering about with their flocks in the land; such as compare Bin, Din, tjnn, nin ^prrw, t^.jo ^,L>.
the Hebrews had formerly been in the land of Ca-
^j^-i; and in the western languages, grattare,
naan, and the Kechabites were in the time of Jere-
gratter, to grate, toscratch, !ra|cn. Compare undei
miah. [But the word loc. cit. is D'~!3.] With suffix
1")a ? 113
thy or his sojourner, stranger, i. e. living in
HITHPAEL, to scrape oneself (with a potsherd),
thy or his country (not house). Ex. 20: 10: Dent. to allay itching. Job 2 8. :

5:14; 24:14; 31:12.

*w lime, see "M. M]3 not used in Kal, pr. TO BE ROUGH (from
the idea of scraping, comp. the roots beginning with
"13 a lion's whelp, see 113.
U), specially of roughness of the throat, i. q. 113 No.
a grain"), [ra], pr. n.
N~}3 (i.q. (i) 3 (whence P" 3r throat);
it is then applied to morose-
of a son of Benjamin, Gen. 46:21.
(2) Jud. 3:15. ness, austerity, proneness to anger; Arab. ^,
(3) iCh.8:?. (4) iCh.8: 3 5 .-(5) 2 Sa. 16:5. ,

give way to anger, IV. to provoke, e.g. a dog (Are

an unused root, pr. to scratch, to scrape,
*"?3, o;_^, '-N^-N.
t irritate; comp. Genn. trafttg
a notion found in many roots beginning with 13, as
grifggramig/ used of a morose person).
imitating the sound of scraping, seeTlS, D"]3r> J13, JHS,
"H3. It is afterwards applied to roughness (see PIEL, ni3 to stir up, excite strife. Prov. 15:1!
j'np rnV non t"S " an angry man stirreth u]
t^- to be scabby, < _ .-- scab; Syr. strife." Prov. 28:25; 29:22.
HITHPAEL, pr. to excite,stirup oneself to anger,
Grm. tfrifcf/ fraften.
to strife, or to battle.
sc *b, scurvy, perhaps of a (i) to be irritated, angry,
Prov. 88:4, niirj ntf>C?
03 " those who keep the law are irritated full voice. For those who jpeak in a low voice use

against them." Dan. 1 1 :

1O, init. only the lips, and the front part of the closed mouth
(a) to make war -with any one, followed by ?. ( 1 Sa. 1:13), while those who cry with a loud voice

Deu. -2:5, 19, E2 "VnJT7S "wage no war with them;" propel their words from the throat and breast. Used
in verses 9 and 24 there is also added """PC ?*? ""H? 11
^ contemptuously of the outside of the neck, like the
Isa. 3:16, }V| niMB: "with an
ni?V3 "to wage war with Jehovah," Jer. 50:24. Lat. guttur, gula.
" Eze. 1 6 1 1
i Ki. 14:10, njn? nns^n PIS? why shouldst thou outstretched n e c k." : .

contend with (excite to battle) misfortune?" Absol.

place of habitation, root No.
Dan. ll:io, WO'iy rnw "he shall make var f. "rt3 l, Jer.

Dan. 1 1 25, 41:17.

(shall penetrate) as far as his fortress." :

Tqriyfl mjm* "he shall stir himself up (shall

j a root not used in Kal, i. q. "1T| (which see),
arise) to war."
Arab. -- to cut, to cut off, to separate, also to
eat, to devour; whence Sam.MflT'Vl a locust.
rumination, the food which rumi-
(l) Niphal No. 2. Psal. 31 :23, ^H??

NIPHAL, i.q. "ll|

nating animals bring up to chew, the cud, Arabic "
off (or am excluded) from thy
I am cut
T3'8 "1319
i j>-, see the root "H3 No. 3. Used of a ruminating presence;" comp. IT?? Ps. 88:6. 14 MSS. also read
in Ps. 31, 'mraa.
quadruped rn3 H?yn Lev. 1 1 :
3, seq. ;
Deu. 14:6, 7;
and rna TL| Lev. 11:7.
T$ (of the form T), or
("dwelling in a
(2) a grain, a bean, so called from the idea of
desert land," comp. Arab. >- barren land), Ge~
rolling, and the round form i. q. "'I' ?, see the root
1 ;

No. 5; hence used of the smallest Hebrew weight rizite or Girzite, pr. n. of a people near the Philis-
and coin, a gerah, the twentieth part of a shekel, tines, conquered by David, i Sa. 27 8 a'ro. :

Exodus 30 -.13; Levit. 27:25; Numb. 3:47; 18: 16. U Q" ">D Mount Gerizim, a moun-

i"^, always '?"?!

[" LXX. oftoXog, Vulg. obelus, either from the figure
mountain land of the tribe of Ephraim,
tain, in the
of a granule of lead (as Gr. 6/3o\oc, according to
situated opposite Mount Ebal (Deut. 1 1 29 27:12; :

Aristotle, is from the figure of a spit or needle; Ch.

Josh. 8 33), on which, after the exile, a temple was

Nyp a little stone, obolus), or, because in weighing built by the Samaritans that it might be the seat of
small things, the Hebrews used grains or kernels either
their domestic Avorship (Jos. Arch. xi. 7, 2 ; 8, a, 4, 6).
of pepper or barley (compare English barleycorn}, or
As to the reading of the Samaritan copy, Deu. 27:4,
perhaps the seeds of the carob tree." Ges. add.] For it is Comment, de Pent. Sam. 6l. As to the
see my p.
very probable that the Hebrews, like the Greeks and
B V"?| T I should suppose to denote the Mount
Romans, used the seeds or beans of the carob tree the Gerizites (see T?! ), from some colony of that

moderns some-
\_Ceratonia siliqua, Linn.], just as the which perhaps settled there, just as the Ama-
times use barleycorns or peppercorns. [" But it
lekites, the neighbours of the Gerizites, gave their
must be remembered that the Mosaic gerah, which
name to another mountain in the same tribe ("in
I3j 5 Paris grains, is equal to 4 or 5 beans of the 'i^oyn jud. 12:15).
carob, and, according to the Rabbins, to 16 grains of
m. an axe, so called from cutting; for cutting
barley. Of a like origin are Arab. <5Lo- grain, berry,

wood, Deut. 19:5; 20:19; Isa. 10:15; for cutting

and .
-s. carob bean; Persic
jjlj (cWj-ajo;) = S S t-

S stone, lKi.6:7- Cognate words are ,^b ^y/^,

uJ^~' <U^Jj all of which refer also to small weights." S c S"~ S <-

Ges. add.]

l"? const. }i"l| mas. the throat, so called as being

rough, and giving forth rough sounds (see rna, "H3 '
1| root, softened from "H| (h'ke 7]$
an unused
\ o. 3, nVlJTI comp. Ps. 69 4). It is spoken of as the
: from l^n having the sense of roughness,
to burn),

organ of speech. Psalm 115:7; 149:6; 5:10, ~Oj? on

especially used of a rough, gravelly, gritty soil,
Q-Pf nins "their throat is an open sepulchre." which the foot gives forth a scraping, grating sound;
Smooth speeches are here intended, which
prepare a gravelly place,
hence Arab,
for others' destruction like an open sepulchre. Isa. ^j^ \^ gravel
58: Cly ^th the throat," i 3. with the Hence Heb.v^J a little stone, fcence a lot, Gr.
li\33 KTJJ pr.

transp. KA;Poc, Lat, GLaRea. and Arab. J j?- to be ]3 an unused root. Arab. .,
-> to'.nake smooth^
stony, Kamfts p. 1412, which is derived from the noun to sweep away, a kindred root to DT|, and othen
a- - s -
beginning with 13.
J -.- stones, whence also
J y*- a stony place.
Hi! with suff. T!|, with n parag. H3na Mit. 4:12.
rough, morose (gr&mltdv grolltg, grtlltgj
PI. r.wnj Joel 2 :
24, constr. JTI3"}3 Hos.g: 1, m. a level
from the same stock, Prov. 19:19 aro, norr^ll place, pr. a place levelled, made smooth. (Arab.
- S~ <-

morose of anger, i. e. of morose anger, angry, rough. Used

i.}'S>-i .r &-, .,>s-^c id.). (a) of an open
All the Verss. express the np, HDH 713, which how-
ever appears too feeble. place before the gates of cities, elsewhere called ^h"]
lKi.22:iO; 2 Ch. 18:9. (b) especially used of a
floor on which corn is trodden out. Ru. 3:2, seq. ;

Jud. 6 37, etc.

: \~$ DK^ri the produce of the floor, i. e.
] pr.xo CUT OFF, like the Syr. p;.,^, and Arab. Nu. 18:30; Isa. 2i:lO, V"!|"15 "son
threshed corn.
*js>~. In the Old Testament once followed by a dat. of my floor," i.e. O people of my country, who are
n now trodden down and broken, like grain on a floor.
[" to cut offfor ~\ to reserve, to lay up. Zeph. 3:3,
" Parall. ^T''? my threshing. Compare Mic. 4:12, 13.
"^3? 1D")3 K? they lay up nothing for the morrow."
Met. used of corn itself; Job 39: 12.
Well rendered by the LXX. ov% vjreXiVoiTo. Vulg.
now relinquebant ad mane. Comp. ? ?? Gen. 27 136, TO BREAK IN PIECES BT SCRAPING, RUB-
also Koran 1 i and generally TO CRUSH, especially into largish
87. BING,
PIEL DTJ (denom. from B^|), to gnaw bones. Nu. 1
So Syr. Arab.
pieces (comp. "sj?^, N?" !). .ec;^, . ~ ,r>-
" he shall devour the nations his
i4:8, enemies,
and he bones." compare Heb. D1IJ, whence np^ meal, ric6, rufce.
B"?.?' 2?*niO>*y) shall gnaw their
In the Old Testament once intrans. Ps. 119:20, HCna
ITence figuratively, " thou shalt drink
26.23:34, 'l?B3 " n?v soul is crushed for
rQKJYp longing."
and suck it (the cup) out, *Q~)W and thou ^^T^} HIPUIL, tocrusn, to break in pieces, Lam. 3:16,
shalt gnaw the sherds," i. e. thou shalt lick, lest a
^IK* Vyn? D1J3U "and he has broken my teeth with
single drop of wine be left therein.
gravel," figuratively for a condition very calamitous
!- m.
(i) a bone, i. q. DV^, but more rarely, and unhappy. See below B^a.
and only poet. Pro. 17:22; 25:15. PI. Job 40:18.
1 fut. JH?? TO SCRATCH, TO SCRAPE (like very
KT.|, Sam. s<\t Arab.
Ch.p^ o~^, id.,
many verbs beginning with na), hence y

.->- body. The letter r, and the sibilant being inter- (1) to scrape off the beard (like the Syr. ^i_\

s<~ Jer. 48:37; according to some copies, Isa. 15:2 (see

changed, it is kindred to 05^3, v.-_-^
and DV)g itself. under JHJ). To this answers the Gr. rctpw, fd)men,
Gen. 49:14, D"]| IIDQ Hence
(2) iorfy, as in Arabic.
"an ass of a great and powerful body," i.e. powerful, (2) generally to take away, to withhold (cogn
X/poc, and intrans. careo). Jer. 26:2,
~n jna.ri ?K
robust. Vulg. asinm fortis. So also in Arab. ..-- " take not
away any thing (from it)," followed by ft?

Job 36:7. Often P? jn| is equal to, to take away

body, is used of a beast of burden, as + ~>-
J a
(something) from any thing, but so that the ncc. of
horse of a large body, +-* \z~ a strong ass and
the part taken away is omitted. Compare opj>. T?1 '"1

the same is expressed with the peculiar adjective No. Deut. 4:2; 13:1; Exod. 5:8, 19;
a, 00.3:14.
Hence with an ace. to diminish, prop, to take away
(3) substance of a thing, a thing itself, like DVJ
from. Exod.2l:lo; Eze. 16:27; Job 15:4, Jn?n.
a bone, himself. 2 Ki. 9:13, " and they took every 7X ^Q? niTi? " and thou with boldest prayer before
one their garments and put them under him D^J."7N God." Followed by 7 to take in, i. e. to lay c/>, to
themselves." put in store for oneself; fur ftrf) befyalten, compare CHJ
jr?3n upon the steps
Job 15: 8, "hast thou hearkened in the council of
3! Ch. a bone, Dan. 6:25.
God, nDZin fj< Jn?W and hast thou taken in oil
"bany"), [Gar-mite], pr. n. of a man, knowledge?" Cognate is the Arabic usage, in which
01.4:19. c p>- is to absorb, to swallow down.
PIEL i.q. Kal No. 3, to draw in. Job 36:27,^ *? or for Niphal, just as in Syriac and Arabic they rtc

IVGHDP3 "after (God) attracts,(draws up) the drops press this by passive or reflective forms, prop, to i

of water." minate ivith oneself.

( ) pass,
of Kal No. * to be t a k e n a w ay,
, (5) Sometimes this root loses part of its props*
withheld. Construed either so that the thing to be force, and also expresses the softer sound of rolling,
taken away is expressly marked, Nu. 27:4; 36:3; elsewhere proper to the kindred root ??|. So ^Eth.
or so that it is supplied, IP JH3? there is taken away : to roll oneself, Syriac JU-^i-^
from any thing, a thing is lessened, Nu. 36:3, fin.; chariot, and in the Old Test, "ip.! foi
Ex. 5:11; Lev. 27:18. Hence
is found in the
l?4 (as Talmud), a berry; compare
to be put back, made less of, Nu. 9:7. "
(2) 1
?1? and the Lat. currere.
NIPHAL (i) to be scraped together, used of
- (l) TO SNATCH AWAY, TO SWEEP AWAY. riches (compare the kindred root 13X, which is also
used of gain collected and scraped together from every
(There something onomatopoetic in this root, both

in the letters "13, which convey

the notion of scratch- quarter). So no doubt we should understand part,
n'n33 (of the Chald. form); Job 20:28, "wealth
scraping (see under the root 1~)3), as well as
in pi.
the syllable sp ; compare rapere, rajfen. Arab. 4__ji-- scraped together," i. q. 7W. in the other hemistich.
The entire verse should be rendered, the provision oj
to sweep away, to clear off, as mud with a shovel.
his house vanishes, his wealth vanishes in the day of his
as a river part
Conj. II, to carry away, to wear away,
of a bank, , _ jy>~, (__;.=>-
a stone worn away by the (2) to ruminate, see under Kal No.4.
flow of water. JSthiop. *]<<: a drag net. Ch. and POAL, to be cut with a saw, lKings 7:9; compare
c Kal No. 2.
Talmudic to sweep. Syr. of water carrying
t2>i^.used HITHPOEL, i. Kal No. l used of a whirlwind
q. ;

away whatever itmeets with.) Once in the Old Test.

sweeping away as it were everything, Jer. 30:23.
Jud. 5:21, &?"}? P^i? '^ tne river Kishon carried
LXX l&irvpev. traxit cadavera
Derivatives nna, nhpj, fn|, rnj.0 [and also ^4;
them a way." Vulg. p3 p].
pr. n. ;

see also n ?^p. ""H3
(2) to grasp, whence ^P"1 ?? the fist; (according to Simonis, "sojourning," "lodg-
ing-place," from the root TO i.
q. "V13 ; compare Gen.
J< an onomatopoetic root, prop, expressing, TO

SCR APE, TO SWEEP, TO SAW, and similar rough sounds, 20:1 ; perhaps also water-pots, Arab
such as those which proceed from the throat; comp. abode of the kings of
pr. n. of a city, formerly the
Gr. <ra<poj, aapow, avpw, Lat. sario, sarrio, serro, verro, the Philistines in the time of the patriarchs, subject

Germ, fdjarren/ fetjren

garrio ; jerven/ fcfyuren/ fcfyeuern/ to king Abimelech, Gen. 20: l ; 26:6; "n? Vn3 "the
(see also I??). Specially
valley of Gerar," Gen. 26: 17.
(1) to drag or snatch
away, pr. so as to sweep
the ground. Germ, jerren. (Syriac and Arabic id.) which hence
J< i.q. D"13 see;
Hab. 1:15; Pro. 21:7; see HITHPOEL.
(2) to saw, to cut with a saw.In Syriac and | with suff. T"|3 something crushed, Lev. 2:

Arabic this signification 14, 16.

expressed by the cognate

form. 133. Hence ""Q3P a saw. See POAL.

*/ ]3 prop. TO DRIVE, TO THROST (like the Ch.).
(3) to gargle, to produce rough sounds in the
In Kal specially
throat. Compare Arabic
-c.c f>-f>- denote which (1) to expel, as people from a land, Ex. 34:11.
various guttural sounds, whether made a But in this signification much more use is made of
by liquid or " the
by the voice, fd)lucfen,fd)narren, fdjnardjen/ gurgeln/ Piel. Used of inanimate things, Isaiah 57 :
wicked are like the troubled sea which cannot rest,
pita, garyariser.
ruminate, i. e. to bring up the food again
(4) to B'PJ K'QT VD^p. whose waters cast forth mire

through the throat and to eat it again ["which is and dirt." Also to put away, to divorce a wife. Pan.
visually attended with a gurgling noise"]. So fut. 13' pass. ntJTJ| a (wife) put away, Lev. 21:7, if; 22:13;
Nu.3O:lO; Eze.44:2H.
Lev. 11:7, IV. and VIII., Syriac
Arab-^sj. fkk^LJ. (2) to plunder, to spoil; Eze. 36:5, nH?p $P?
This eithet be taken as Kal in a Chaldee form, " that
may T?J> they may spoil it
(th? land) for prey
is here an infinitive of the Aramaean form. In different from the J, mentioned inunediateh
the derivatives also under
(3) to put forth fruit; see En.3, and Gent n.
^i Geshurite, (l) of a people liv
(4) tn drive cattle to pasture; see EH3P.
ing at the foot of Hermon, near Maachah, to th
Pi EL C'?j! to expel, to driveout, with an accusat. north of Bashan and Argob, inclosed within the boun-
of pers. Gen. 3:24; 4: 14; 21 :1O; and IP of the place
daries of the Holy Land, but not subject to the do-
from which any one is driven, Ex. 11:1; Jud. 11:7;
minion of the Hebrews, Deut. 3:14; Josh. 12:5; 13.
'Q 'OBS KHjj to drive out before one,
i. e. so that thou
13; l Chron. 2:23; compare "W|. bridge is now A
mayest put him to flight, e. g. God, the Canaanites found in that region ( Jisr beni Yakub), where the Jor-
before Israel, Ex. 23 29, 3 1 Jud. 2 3. : :
dan is crossed. (2) of a people near the Philistines.
POAL t^li pass. Ex. 12:39.
Josh. 13:2; l Sa. 27:8.
NIPHAL (i) to be expelled, Jon. 2:5.
(2) to be carried off by the violence of water, not used in Kal, TO RAIN, especially with
Am. 8:8, Dnyp nifcO? nj3gbl PiBhja it is carried
violence, giefien.
off and inundated as by the river of Egypt."
[" PUAL, Eze. 22 24; see Q^."] :

(3) to be driven, agitated, as the sea; Isa. 57:20,

HIPHIL, to cause torain, Jer. 14:22.
en;j D; "the troubled sea."
[Hence the three following words.]
Hence are derived ^?P and the words immediately
following. DB?3 m .
p l. D'DPf ,
const. 'f 3.

(1) rain, violent rain, heavy shower, different

~ m -
prop- what is propelled, put forth, hence from "IBD which denotes any rain. Hence DK'3 "lpp
" the
produce; Deu. 33: 14, D 'TJ: &H3 produce of "
shower of rain," SRegengufr Zee. 1O l, and "Vpp. DBJJ :

the months," i. e. what each month produces from the Job 37:6. The same is also apparent from the epi-
earth compare the root No. 3.
thets, as Vn| DK>3 i Kings 18 45; =
|BiB> 'J Eze. 13:

*"r "I: expulsion, driving out; specially of 11,13.

[Geshem], pr. n. m. Neh. 2: 19; 6: which
persons from their possessions, Eze. 45:9. (2) 1,2,
is also written
P^"l* ("expulsion"), pr. n. Gershon, a son of
Levi, ancestor of the Levitical house of Gershonites,
id. With suff. aol. Eze. 22 24. :
[" But it

Gen. 46:11; Ex. 6:16; Nu.3:l7, seq. Hence pa- is better to write without Mappik HDt?3 for ""It?tp3

tron. ""SpH?. a Gershonite, and collect. Gershonites, Pual of D^3 is rained upon, Vulg. compluta es<."]

Nu. 3:23; 26:57. w* with suff., n-'v^a Ch. body. Daniel

(" expulsion," i.
q. |ten), pr.n. (l) of 4 :
35 5^21. (Syriac pa_n_-v Arabic
a son of Moses and Zipporah, Ex. 2:22; 18:3. In
the former place the etymology of this name is alluded and .,Uir>- id. Com p. under CH?.).

to in such a manner that it appears that the writer

took it for DC? "13 i.
DK* ill a
of course the true etymology; Moses wrote by in-
stranger there [this (3 pr. n. Goshen (l) a region of Egypt, in
is which the Hebrews dwelt from the time of Jacob to
spiration, and he knew very well why he gave this that of Moses (i. e. during four hundred and thirty
name to his own son] (compare J i. hence years [only two hundred and fifteen, see Gal. 3 17])^ :

q. Dt?) ;
Gen. 45:10; 46:28,34; 50:8; Ex. 9:26. 47:27;
the LXX., that they might express this etymology As the name of this region is never mentioned by
more distinctly, have put Fqporct/z. (2) of a son of Greek geographers, interpreters and investigators of
Levi, who is elsewhere called P^n.!! which see. (3) ancient geography have formed various npiuiuus.
Jud. 18:30. (4) Ezr.8:2. To me it appears sufficiently plain that
Goslu-n is a
name given to the region of lower Egypt, situated to
( bridge," Arab^, Syriac the east of the Pelusiac branch of the Nile, between
Heliopolis and the Heroopolitan gulf. And
that, such
pr. n. region of Syria, subject to king Tol-
mai, whose daughter David took to wife, 2 Sa. 3:3; was its situation (a) is not obscurely tignified by
1 3
37 * 5 8- From the words l Ch. 2 23, it may be
: : not a few passages of the Old Test. ; see Gen. 46 29; :

gathered that Geshur is to be sought in the neigh- Ex. 13:17; 1 Also (6) there is the
Chron. 7:21.
bourhood of Gilead, and that the Geshurites are not authority of the LXX., Avho well
render ftj'J by Yeaip

iac, Gen. 45 10, and :

'Ityu'iwr voXis > y; 'Pa/i- juice flowed into a vat (3p) placed near, as it TOU
Gen. 46:28.
ri, The opinions of others are given squeezed from the grapes. Joel 4:13. J"l| TTJ to

in Thes. p. 307. tread a winepress, Neh. 13:15; Lam. 1:15.

(2) a city with a neighbouring district in the moun- (2) [<7a//i], pr. name of a city of the Philistine^
tains of the tribe of Judah, Josh. 10:41; 1 1 : 1 6 ; where Goliath was born. Josh. 13:3; l Sa. 6:17;
15:51- 2l:il; l Ki. 2 39, 40. Hence patron.
*J?3. \_Git'
M !' 3 an unused root. Syr.
<* ~
^ to soothe tite].
nen nj wine-press of the well"),[(ra*/i-
tenderly. Hence (

hepher], a town of the tribe of Zebulon (with n

Sfto pr n . . m. ("soothing"), [(?i />], Neh. isn HJR3), Josh. 19: 13, celebrated as the birth-

place of Jonah the prophet.

an unused root. Arab. ^^>- to construct (4) p8~]
na (" wine-press of the pomegra-
nate"), [GaLh-rimmon], a town of the tribe of
a bridge (pr. to join, comp. "^i?); also to be daring,
Dan, Josh. 19:45. [See Robinson, ii.
since to construct a bridge, especially in war, and
where the river is rapid, is the act of a bold and ^3 a Gittite, Gent. n. from H| No. 2. 2 Samuel

daring man. Syr. ; ^^_ id. Hence "VI-"!. 6:10, 11; 15; 18. Hence fern. JVflJ Ps.8:l; 8l:l;
84:1, a kind of musical instrument, either usec
a root only used in Piel, TO F E EL, TO s EEK
by the people of Gath, or as it were f.iri\>iviov, as
BT FEELING, TO GKOPE, with ace. Isa. 59:10. (Arab. used in the vintage with the songs of the wine-
Aram. and but generally dressers and press-treaders.
.>us>~i -u^ ^--^ id->

Kindred to K^|5. EV?T (" two wine-presses"), [6ri^aim],pr.n.

trop. to explore.)
of a town of the Benjamites, Neh. 1 1 33.
H3 (contr. from 033, of the form H33, J13, for

n3T from the root |V), pi. n'W| f. [FromJJj in Thes.] "^T Gen. 10:23 [Gether], pr. n. of a district of

(l) a wine-press, or rather the trough in which the Arama3ans, whose boundaries are altogether tin
ihe grapes were trodden with the feet, whence the known.

Daleth (r), the fourth letter of the alphabet; and the idea is
variously applied either to the lan-
when used as a numeral, four. The nauje signifies guor of a sick or old person, or to fear. The primary
a do or, which appears to have been the most ancient idea is that of melting with heat, jcrfcfcmeljen/ jet*
form of this letter. fltefjen/ comp. 2}|. Amongst the Indo-Germanic lan-
In sound, Daleth is kindred -(l) to the harder guages this may be compared with Pers. <__? J heat,
dentals, as 12, n, with which it is not unfrequently
to warm, to kindle, Baim*, ^..xJbLj
^xi'j, .yuJ
interchanged, see 33^, 33O, eiQO; ^3, ^13, Jy ;
to melt away; Sansc. tapa, Lat. tepeo. Kindred is
PI?, pri3. More rarely also it changes to 7, see
r//k-w, l^.) It is applied to the eye, pining away
"I?. (2) to the sibilant T,
as to which see below
with grief, Ps.88:lo (see E^V, nVa); to the soul
[at that letter].
(K'aj), Jer. 31 :25; to the person himself, Jer. 31:12.
N! Ch. i. Heb. n*T and n^T this, fern, andneut. Hence
(elsewhere T?,
to that,"
together. ["
Dan -
4= 2 7; 5 :6
Found in the
^ N 1 " this
Targums with
jw f.
fear, terror (wrongly explained by

Simonis, even in the last edition [Winer's] sollicitvido,

n prefixed &nn, Nnri; Syr. J;cn. Sam. ^A^ Nasor.
?- moeror), so called from the idea of melting away (see
J." Thes.] DDO). Job 41:14. Also

O V T0 MELT AWAT, TO MELT, hence TO PINE, const, ita^n m. pining, wasting, /un-
TO LANGUISH. (The signification of melting or guor of soul, Deut. 28 65 (comp. Jer. 31 25).
: :

pining is
widely extended amongst cognate verbs, as
q. rj a fis A, Neh. 13:16. As Kametz in
^, 3W, nn, Syr. oo>, Arab l , this word (signifying a fish and not a fisherman) if

pore ^from ^H), the letter X which is omitted in etymology is concerned, but old age is not very well
very many MSS. (as the Masora observes) is a re- put in opposition to life. Anotl er trace of this root
dundant mater lectionis, as in D'?K?9 a Sa. 1 1 : 1. is found in the pr. n. NIlTp
("water of vest").
<3k> -T
prop. i. q.
to melt, Greek r//cw. It is J H> Arab. t_-?J (i) pr. TO GO S-OWLY AND
applied to terror and fear (comp. 31D, DPP.), to fear, GENTLY, TO CREEP; an onomatopoetic root, like the
to be afraid, Jer. 17:8; followed by an ace. 38:19;
German tappen/ French tapper. Nearly connected is
Isa. 57 : 1 1 IP Jer. 42 : 16 also ? of the person for
^99, used of a gentle but quick progress, such as in
; ;

whom we 9:5; 10:2; and JP of the thing,

fear, l Sa. German is expressed by the diminutive verb trippeln ;

on account of which one is afraid, Ps. 38 19. Hence :

compare further 2fl3 whence 3'ru, Qr. tmiftm. Else-

the following words where in the signification of treading, the Phcenicio-
^n ("fearful"), [Do eg], pr.n. of an Edomite,
Shemitic languages commonly use transp. pat, see the
chief of the herdsmen in the court of Saul, l Sam. rootW3. Hence aM a bear.
I:8; 22:95 Ps. 52:2. In anD, i Sam. 22:18, 22, (2) to creep about, used of a slanderer, hence
to slander, whence n |' !; ?3"J and
it isJin, according to the Syriac pronunciation. simply compare

rV q- ""9?^ fear dread, anxious care,

f- i- i
(3) of liquids, to flow gently, as of wine, Cant
Eze.4:l6; 12:18,19; Pro.l2:25. ["Ascribed to
the sea as agitated;"] Jer. 49:23.
7:lO. Comp. as to this passage under the root l^J. 1

[Derivatives (as given above), a'l and '"IS

apoc. NT. Psal. i8:ii,TO FLT;
fut. an unused root. Hence
used of the rapid flight of birds of prey, Deut. 28:
49; Jer. 48:40; 49:22; of God, Ps. iB-.H,^. NT}
(root -?''} No. 2) slander, calumny.
HIT 'Q33 " and he f 1 e w the of the wind."
upon wings
na*l SO Sin to
spread slander, Num. 14:36; Prov.
Hence nH and 10:18. The genitive which follows has either an
(For 2 Ki. 17:21 see KTJ.)
active sense [i.e. of the slanderer], e.g. Ps. 31:14,
^ only found in Levit. 11:14 (as in the
D#n rm*Ryi3& *? "for I heard the slander oi
parallel place, Deu. 14: 13 there is H&O, by mistake of
many," Jer. 20:10; or a passive [of the person slan-
some bird ofprey which// ies rapidly.
transcribers); dered], Nu. 13:32; 14:37; Gen. 37:2; Pro. 25:10,
LXX. yi>4- Vulg. milvus. Comp. Bochart, Hieroz. 3^n tO ^jnani. "(so) that thine infamy turn not
s *-
tii.p. 191.
away from thee." (Arab. c_-v^ a secret slanderer,
7*n see n^SO?. 9
one who spreads calumnies. Syr. ^^ report, rumour,
"l^l see "to. f
and to spread a rumour. Ch. H2C5 reproach).
JM and JIM masc. epicoene a bear, so called from u2^J
it? slow pace (see the root
3?^), i Sa. 17 :34, 36, 37 ;
rnOT s
f._ (i) a bee, Isa. 7: 18; plur.
9 * *
D^ Jud.
2 Sa 17:8; Pro. 17:12; Hos. 13:8,^25? n'l "a bear
14: 8; Psa. 118:12. Syr. JLicL^t a bee, a wasp.
(I. e. she bear) robbed of its whelps." Plur. D'2n f. s<~

- ;
Arabic j j collect, a swarm of bees, or wasps, <

she bears, 2 Ki. 2 :4. (Arab. <_JJ, <Lo, a he bear,

exagimen, ab exagendo, see ^"] No. 2 (like agmen qs.
a she bear.) The Hebrew word, how-
agimen, also ab agendo).
J^T Ch. id. Dan. 7:5.
ever, is a noun of unity, from the unused ~n3':l=jj.

J -
an unused root, i.
q. Arab. \j j to be quiet, (2) [Deborah], pr.n. of a prophetess of the Is-

raelites, Jud. 4 4, 5 5 :i. [Also another, Gen. 35

: :
to rest, prop, to
languish, to pine; kindred to the ;

root SN 1

:) and the others there cited. Hence

^ Chald. TO SACRIFICE, i.q. Heb.rO|. [Part.
m. languor, rest, poetically used of death. ,
Ezr. 6:3. Hence nanp an altar, and
Once found Deu. 33 25, ^N?^ TO;? " as thy day*

51 pi. P n f! Ch. a sacrifice, Ezr. 6:3.

(thy life) so thy death," [" Ges. corr. 'as thy days so
shall thy rest be,' as
long as thy life endures, so long D^Vin m. pi. 2 Ki. 6:25 np, dove's dung; an
lhall thy condition of rest continue, q. d. thy pros- euphemism for D*?i' 'IG, which stands in the an3|
senectui tua ; not amiss, as far as the pr. the flowing
or discharge of doves, from the vert
CLXXXV m-oan
to flow; comp. piv/.ia sense of cooking; compare 3?, Pers. at, J

.Xar'J bukhten, pukhten. See also J?f). Const, followed
*^y\ m. inmost recess, adytum, of
(l) the
Solomon's temple, elsewhere called E*^"^. BQP * Ki- by 2 Job 19 2O 3 1 1 p Ps. 1O2 :6, intrans.
; ??< Jer. 1 :

Lam.4:4,i3n-^ P?T jfc? P?1 "the tongue of the

6:5, 19 22; 8:6,8; 2 Chr. 3: 16; 4:20 5:7, 9.
sucking child clave to the roof of its mouth" (from

Jerome "
oraculum, oraculi sedes" (from
translates it
1 thirst, drought). Ps. 22:l6 [HOPHAL]. The same
"f ! to speak [a far better rendering than the one
expression is used of one who is silent out of rever-
proposed by Gesenius]) but it can hardly be doubted ;
Job 29:10; Psa. 137:6 (comp. HIPHIL, Eze. 3:
but that it properly is the hinder part, i.e. the
26). Deut. 13:18, "let nothing cleave to thy
western (see "tinx No. 2), as has been rightly observed
hands," i.e. take nothing by stealth. Job 31:7.
by Iken, in Dissert. Philol. Theol. part i. p. 214.
Trop. to follow any one, to cleave to him, Ruth 2 :8,
(2) [Deifr], pr. n. (a) of a town in the tribe of 21 ;
followed by 3
verse 23. Hence, to be attached
Judah, elsewhere called Kirjath Sepher, Jud. l:ll.
to any be lovingly devoted (>X\aer0ai rt>'t),
one, to
[" (fy f a town in the south of the tribe of Gad. e. g. to a
king, to God, to a wife, followed by 2 and
(c) of a king of Eglon."]
? Deu. 10:20; 11:22 2 Sa. 2O:2; l Ki. 11:2; Josh.

83:12; Gen. 2:24; 34:3; followed by 'Tp^ Psa.
j-*T an unused root; prob. i. q. p? ^ to cleave

together, and trans, to join together, see ^IJ.

63:9, TTDK ^?3 "i3 "my soul cleaveth to

'3^ (kindred to 72T), TO PRESS TOGETHER (2) [" to attach cneself to any thing"], to comt
upon, to reach any one, followed by an ace.; 2 and
INTO A MASS, especially a ROUND MASS. Hence
*?.[!Gen. 19: 19; Deu. 28:60. Jer. 42 16, P?T DE> :

J'jJ, aL J
ball of dung (compare 7?H), ^Jjj Dp^.tlK " there it (famine) shall overtake you."
s-o s~** - ?-o *
Synon. i'K'n see HIPHIL No. 3.

dung; dLj, <3_ja round morsel. Hence

PUAL, pass, to be glued together, to adhere
D}^ f. const. rV3'
plur. Ey? 15
! cakes made of firmly, Job 38:38; 41:9.
dried figs, pressed together in lumps Gr. iraXadtj
HIPHIL (l) causat. of Kal No. l, to cause to ad-
here, to make to cleave, Eze. 3 26
9 *
29:4; Jer. :

(from fr*???^ Jj&vXs, the Daleth being omitted),

1 Sam. 25: 18; i Chron. 12 140; with the addition of

E^Nfl 2Ki. 20:7. See Celsii Hierobot. vol. ii. page follow hard, followed by an ace. Jud. 18:
(2) to

22; 2 Sa.1 :6, and nQK. Jud. 20:45, V-V1K -Ip^T]

377 79 J- E. Faber on Harmer's Observations, i.
"and they followed hard after him;" i Sa. 14:22;
page 389, seq.
i"Pn Ezek. 6:14 [Diblath], no doubt erro- (3) to come upon, to reach any one (like Kal
neously written for "?1~], which is a town in the No. Gen. 31 23
3), Jud. 20 42 also causat.
; to
northern confines of Palestine, see below [n?3")~|. cause to reach, Deu. 28:21.
HOPHAL, to cleave fast, Ps. 22:16.
[D?7lp! ("two cakes"), [Dii/aim], pr. n. of
The derivatives follow.
the father-in-law of Hosea the prophet, Hos. 1 :

E.O?:t ("two cakes," a name probably de- ?^ Ch. id.

[" followed by DJT], Dan. 2 :43.

rived from the form of the town), [Diblathaim],

verbal adj. cleaving, adhering, Prov. 18.
Num. 33:46, and D^rn JV2 Jer. 48:22, pr. n. of a
24; Deu. 4:4.
town of the Moabites. Jerome says (Onomast. s. v.
" et usque hodie ostenditur inter Medabam et v m
soldering of metals, Isa. 41 17.
Deblatai" (2) plur. D^i?^. i Ki. 22:34; 2 Chr. 18:33, ProlD -

the joinings of a coat of mail. So Chald. Others

and fut. P2T inf. understand armpits; comp. Ch. ^"l"! *i?.2*]D Jer. 38: 12,

(l) TO
CLEAVE, TO ADHERE, specially firmly, as Targ.
if with
glue, TO BE GLUED, anlleben/ anbacEen. (Arab.
IJ *T. This root has various significations, of
(Ju' J> Syr. . o-xi id. A kindred root is ^f^ to cook,
which several are only found in the derivatives [in
the primary syllable is p2, which has the Hebrew], but which in the cognate languages alia

appeal in the verb. These various meanings may things which I speak unto thee;" Exod. 24:7, ?i
be thus arranged n'^y.3
niiT Ta^-K^N "all that Jehovah hath spoken

(1) The primary power, as the etymologists in AVC will do." Jer. 1:17; Dan. 10:11; Jon. 3:10.
Holland long ago rightly observed, is that of SET- (c) Rarely like 1OX, it is so used that the things
TING IN A ROW, RANGING IN ORDER (Gr. f'ipu); spoken follow, and ~ibX7 must then be understood.
hence Gen. 41:17; Ex. 32:7, "^ nchr^X r,in i3/v!"and
(2) to lead, to guide, specially to lead flocks or Jehovah spoke unto Moses, Go," etc. iKi. 21:5;
herds to pasture (see "131, '"naM, 13TO), to rule, to 2Ki. 1:7, 9; 26.40:4; Dan. 2:4.
direct a people (Syr. and Ch. The person to whom, or with whom we speak, is
^59 to lead, to rule,
__ commonly preceded by the particles /$ Gen. 8:15;
Arab. j), also to bring into order, to subdue (see 19:14, and ^ Jud. 14:7; also after Dy Gen. 31:29;

Deu.5:4; nx (HX) Gen. 23:8; 42:30; t>y Jer. 6:10.

Hiphil), comp. j swarm, as if a herd of bees, and
3 T3T to speak to, used of God making something ;

TTiaT (a noun of unity), a bee

(which see). As a known by revelation, Zee. l :9 [Kal]; *3 "Gin ^XpSn
" the who was speaking with me;"
shepherd follows his flock, from the idea of leading angel verse 14;
there arises that of following. 2:2, 7; 4:1, 4; 5:5. Hab.2:l Jer.3l :2O; Nu.l2:6,8.;

Once with an ace. (to speak to) Gen. 37:4; compare

(3) to follow, to be behind, like the Arab, jj,
\iynv TWO. to speak to any one. To speak of any
whence <
j the hinder part, ^j the last, Heb. "P31. person or thing is
put with an ace. (like Xiytiv riva).
the inmost recess of a temple; and as those who are
Ru.4: l, tya-iin ifX Tay Vxan "the kinsman passed
by of whom Boaz spoke;" Gen. 19:21; 23:16; with
going to lay snares come from behind 3 i Sa. 19:3, ^X'bx sja ->3T^ 'r^i "and 1 will speak
to lay snares, to
(4) plot against (comp. 3(3?), of thee to my father" (verse 4); ? Job 42:7; ?JJ
todestroy, like the Arab, jj and Heb. Piel No. 2,
l Ki. 2 19: this is especially used of the things which

s~- God speaks or promises to any one (see letter a), l Ki.
whence "I3T But
,j destruction, death, pestilence. 2:4; Dan. 9:12; Jer. 25:13; 42:19. To speak
from the primary idea of ranging in order, or con- against any one, constr. with ?y (prop, to assail any
necting, there arises one with reproaches), Ps. 109:20; Jer. 29:32; Deut.
(5) the much used, and in the verb the most fre- 13:6; or 3 (see 3 B, 6). Nu. 21:7, ^31 njrra ir)31.
quent meaning, to sp e a k, properly, to put uords in "we have spoken against Jehovah and against thee."
order. Comp. sermo and dissero a serendo, and Gr. Job 19:18; Psal-5O:20; 78:19. But 3 13M is also
etpw in the signification of connecting and saying. In to speak through any one, to use any one as an
Kal only found in part. act. 13M Ex. 6:29; Nu.
it is
interpreter (see
3 C, 2), Nu. 12:2; 2 Sa. 23:2; l KL
32:27; 36:5; Ps.5:7; pass, "On Pro. 25:11, and inf. 22:28.
with suff. T}.3^ Psal. 51:6. More frequent is the To speak often signifies (as the context shews)
conjugation i.
q. to promise, jufagenj Deu. 19:8;
Jon. 3:10,
PIEL ~i3n and in the middle of a sentence, "IST, fut. with an ace. of the thing, Deu. 6:3; with ?? and ?S
of the pers. (see above), and in a bad sense to threaten,
(l) to speak, differing from ~IP$ to say (which Ex. 32:14. (b) to command, to prescribe (comp.
see No. i), like the Germ, reben and fagcn, Gr. XaXtiv ad-
">9? No. 3), Gen. 12:4; Exod. 1:17; 23:22; to
and Aram. ??J? and "I*?X. It is put
tiirtiv, (a) monish, l Sa. 25:17. (c) to utter a song, i.
q. to

Job 11:5, T3T

absol., e. g. frr**? &$
" O that God
sing, Jud. 5:12; compare Arab. \' an(J Gr. liroc,
would speak;" Job 33: 2; Nu. 12:2; Eze. 3: 18, etc.; \0

sometimes in an emphatic sense, for to be eloquent, when used of a poem. (d) to speak to a woman,

to ask her in marriage; followed by ? Jud. 14:"; 9

Exod. 4: 14, wn Tan; Tan '? rriyT; j er i 6. often . :

with the addition of TDK (see examples under the 1 Sa. 25 : 39. Comp. Arab. ^_->!a>- and PUAL.
word TDX p. LX., B). (6) with an ace. of that which Farther, these expressions have to be noticed
any one says, utters, as "^2', 3T3, Nit?, pl^ ~)|n t to (e)
'D 3./>"^y T5"1! to
speak kindly to any one, espe-
speak justice, deceit, lying. Psal. 101 =7 console; compare 7rapa^v6t'opu, Lat. allo-
[Kal]; Isa. cially to
45:19 [Kal]; 59:3; Dan. 11:27. D '"? 3>1 "^ i- q- quium. Gen. 34 3 50 2 1 Ru. 2:13; 2 Sam. 19:8;
: :

Lat. verba dedit, Hos. 10:4; Ex. 6:29, nyi9~7K T3T

2 Ch.30:22; 32:6. (/) i3?~^y, ~^f ^^ "to speak
tf ~>3T
'?$ ~&X^2 nN "speak unto Pharaoh all with oneself;" Gen. 24:45: l Sa. l : 13,
"she was speaking in her heart." Also followed when fehe shall be isked in marriage ; see PIEL, let

te ??, Ecc.l:l6; 2: 15; Ps. 15:2 ter d.

by'13^ CH?, [Kal].
(g) hy. rniB,
nib -iS^t (of God) " he has spoken good NIPHAL, recipr. of Piel, to to OTH
speak together,
things of any one," he has promised; Num. 10:29; another, Mai. 3: 16; followed by 3 26.33:30; Ps,
1 Sa.25:30; Jer. l8:2O. ;V. HJH ""I" to decree, to
119:23; and ?J! Mai. 3: 13.
inflict evils on any one. l Ki. 22:23; Jer. 11:17; HIPHIL, to subdue (see Kal No. 2), Psal. 18:48,
19:1.5; 26:19; 35:14; followed by "7$ Jer. 36:31. VDDFI D^pjj ~)3"p " who subdueth the people under
The meaning is rather different in Est. 7:9, '?Ty? me;" Ps. 47: 4; see Kal No. 2.
$$D"^fi ate-ia "&* "Mordecai, who had spoken

*! HITHPAEL, part. "O^p speaking with, Nu. 7:89;

good for the king" (compare 6:2). (h)
JTQto "I?" 5
! 2 Sa. 14:13; Eze. 2:2.
"v$, ft$ to speak kindly with any one; 2 Ki. 25:28; [(2) rnjnp what one has spoken;" see iT}?"!.]
Jer. 12:6; it. DJ? D1^&> "IS"'! to speak friendly, The derived nouns follow immediately, except
peaceably with any one; Psal. 28:3 [Kal], followed mm. TQ
by riX Jer. 9:7; followed by "vN to announce wel-
m. (i) [const, i?^; suff. na^ Dnw,
fare, to promise, Ps. 85:9; followed by 3 id. Ps. ; pi.
const. 'I? 111

word, Gen. 44: 18, etc. Often

122:8,^3Di^K3-n->3'!$ "I will pray for peace for !],
in pi. Gen. 29: 13, n?n Dnn^n-b "all those words;"
thee;" followed by ^ Est. 10:3 [Kal], TTjJ D^B> inM
" he Gen. 34: 18; Ex. 4: 28; 18:19; 19:7,8; 2O:l; 24:3,
iJH! spoke for the welfare of all his
And even absolutely, Ps. 35:20. J1X BBP IIR ;
etc.; D^'n Pj;3, K'^ an eloquent man, Exod. 4: 10;
24:14. Often collect, words, speech, discourse,
to pronounce sentence
(by which a penalty is de-
Job 15:3; D?DQ?' "l^. word of lips, i.e. futile, vain
clared) upon some one, and to plead with some one.
See Basra. speech, Isa. 36:5; "13^ fu? skilled in speech, 1 Sam,
16: 18. Specially it is (a) a promise, something
(2) to p/of against,to lay snares
(Arab. Conj. above Kal No. 4), Ps. 127 5. Hence to de- :
promised, l Ki. 2:4; 8:20; 12:16; Ps. 33:4; 56:5
(compare Greek reXe'iv tiroc, Germ, fcin SOSovt l)altcn),
stroy, 2 Ch. 22 10 (compare ^38 in the parallel place,

(b) a precept, an edict (compare "^H No. i,Z>); "I?"

aKi. 11 :l).
n-137P a royal mandate, Est. 1 19; Josh. 1:13; 1 Sa. :

[" Note. in former editions, like A. Schultens (Opp.

Min. p. 124, al.), I have ascribed further to the verb 17:29, X-in "i:n fcoq "was there not a command-
"tt'n in Piel the significations, to waylay, to plot
ment?" Isa.8:lo; Exod.34:28, n^g the D^n
ten commandments, the decalogue, l Ch. 26 32 2 Ch. :

against, also to destroy; com p. "O^. and Arab, o 2 9 J 5-

: c a saying, asentence,as of a wise man;
( )

followed by Wv ^ molitus est in aliquem. But the three pi. Ecc. 1:1, n^np
nni Pro.4:4, 2O; 30:1; 3!:!;
passages usually cited, do not necessarily make out especially the word of the Lord, an oracle, Nu. 23;
" 5,16 (compare Aoyoc) ? n'in' "Q1. *HM the
this sense. Thus Gen. 34 1 7Toc,
3,-njnjl and they s p ak e,"
; s

so nD1 D3 " word of Jehovah came any one, Jer. l 4, 1 1 2 i

to : :

deceitfully, as before.
sc. Ps. 127 15, ; ;

shall not

be ashamed when they shall talk with the 13:8; Eze. 3: 16; 6:l; 7:1; 11:14; followed by ^
lChron.22:8; Job 4: 12, 33TJ "m ^K
" a
enemies in the gate," i. e. when they shall combat (divine)
with enemies; corresponding to the Greek oracle was secretly brought tome." Very often col-
lect, oracles, Hos. l i Mic. l l Joel l l. (d) a
ffi/AAaAtlv rii'i, Is. 7: 5, LXX. ; compare also Heb.

n ?10? 2 Ki.
14 8 Comm. on Is. i. p. 280. More dif-
counsel, proposed plan, 2 Sa. 17:6. (e) rumour,

ficxilt is 2
Ch.22:lo, "and Athaliah arose, "I31JJ11 report, l Ki. 10:6; followed by a genit. words to be
naTOsn jn^a-nx" in parall. 2 Ki. 1 1 spoken concerning anything, what is to be said aboiit
i,n3KJjn here :

LXX. and Vulg. it;Job 41:4, "I will be silent... nn-13|l in^ as to
('nrutXeire, interfecit. But it can be
and what is to be said about his strength;" i Ki. 9:15;
rendered, she talked with them, i.e. made war
Deu. 15:2; 19:4. It may also be rendered, what is
upon them; compare Ps. 127:5; or it may be ellipt.
measure of (compare nna* No. l).
his strength

D'psipp -~Gnm i. e. she pronounced sentence

for '3VIN tlie

upon them." Ges. add. The reader may judge whe- (2) thing, thing done, affair, business, prop,
ther it be not that which is spoken of (compare Xoyor in Passow, A.
preferable with Schultens to admit the
sense of to No. 11, tVoc, pij/j a from piw, Germ. ack from fa^en,
PUAL, pass. Psal. 87: 3, ^3 T3-JO nha?3 Zinfy which originally signified a discourse; see Ade-
lung, h.v. The same power of word and thing is
by God) are spoken of thee;" Cant.
things (decreed

33-13-1$ Di3 "when she shall be spoken for,"

8:8 }
conjoined in the Aram. n?p, JAA^-, BJV B Arabio
S~t SO- ,

and ^JUs^). nb?p '"t^n the actions of Solomon, pi. f.
floats, rafts, as brought by sea ;
the root No. 2, Ki. 5 : 23.
the notable deeds, 1 Ki. l 1 141 ; D'P'O ^^ commen- l

taries of actions performed, journals, l Ch.27:24; f. rn:n words,

pi. precepts, found once
Est.6:l; njn na^n this thing, this, Gen.2O:lO; 21 :
33:3, TDi~ ?'i9 K'r rightly rendered by LXX,

11,26; n^s'n Dna^rr^ all these things, Gen. 20:8; and Vulg. (Israel) accipit de vei-bis tuts (Jehovce).
I~IM ^S Gen. 18:25; 32:20; 44:7; and Dnyng "Israel shall receive thy words (Jehovah's)". As
"T?^? Gen. 24:28; 39:17, 19; in this manner, thus, to the use of the prep. iP in this
place, see IP No. l.
nVsn Dna^n in (LXX. //era ra pft/iara raOra), after
Further, Dagesh in n ^31 may be regarded as euphonic,
these things, when they were accomplished, Gen. 15: so that H'lai may be i. q. "T^?^, H'l^'l and not a verbal }

l; 22:l; 39:7; DV "V?^. daily matter; hence "Q^ of Piel. The conjecture ofVateris needless, who would
DV a daily matter in its day, i. e. daily, day by read it with other vowels 1^1?"!P #&'!
day, Ex. 5: 13, 19; 16:4 iKi.8:5Q;;
Lev. 23:37 ; will undertake thy guidance" ri^3"|p which he re- )

also DVa Di naia 2 Chron.8: 13; and IDi'3 DV 13*]?

gards as meaning guidance, rule. [In Thes. this
verse 14; 31:16. More often it stands pleon. like word is referred to Hithpa. part, of the verb, " (Israel)
the Gr. x/%; l Sa. 10:2, riuhn n.3Tn
T3^? will receive the things which thou hast spoken."]
thy father has left the matters of the asses," has
ceased to care for them; prop. tie TCngelegcnfyett/ bie f- i-
q-1?^, but principally found in the later
9rftyi$te nut ben Sfelinnen; Ps.65:4, 3O naa nijtyna^ Hebrew [but see the occurrences].

"iniquities prevail against me;" Psalm 105:27; (1) ["thing, i.e."] manner, mode (see la'l No.
" thou art a
fin.), Ps. 1 1 o 4,
145:5. Hence l , priest for ever 'Jin?" 7JJ
: !

(3) anything, something, Gen. 18:14; "13^ pK, P1V *??P according to the manner of Melchisedec ;"
"OT *6 nothing; Sam. so: 21, la^ px "there is no-
l (V is paragogic. Lehrg. 127,2).
sc. to fear; la" ! No. 4, cause, reasc n.
Hence n'ia >:
thing," Jud.l8:7,28, 'D? Dnjrps nani. (2) i.q.

D"|SI "and they had no concern (or business) with "on account of," Ecc. 3:18; 8:2; V rnai. ^ t

(other) men;" "O'TvS everything, anything, Num. the end that," 7:14.
31 :23; Deu. 17:1; ^Pt? ">3^ anything unclean, Lev. (3) i.
"OT No. 5, cause, in a forensic sense, Job
5:9; "n^ nrjg anything filthy, Deu. 23:15; 24:1; 5:8.
compare 2 Kings 4: 41 l Sam. 20: 2. Also pi. B'la'l

D'aia a Ch. 12:12.

Ch. f.
cause, reason, Dan. 2:30, ~rna^
1 ^"tothe end that."
(4) a cause, reason, Josh. 5:4. Hence")?" ?J?on !

account of, Gen. 12:17; 2O:ii; 43: 18; 'lai. id., ^ L

Deu. 4:21; Jer. 7:22; 14:1; Tg>8 followed by
a verb, because that, Deu. 22:24; 23:5; 2 Sam. 1 3
^^ :
m., Lev. 24:11.
(perhaps "eloquent"), [Dibri], pr. n.

as (compare '"H?"! No. s). L n

J?"^ \_Dabareh, Dalerath~\, pr. n. of a town
in the tribe of Issachar, Josh. 21 :28."]
(5) cause, in a forensic sense; Ex. 18: 16, nnp?
^"^ Dn? if they have a cause," verse 22; 2S:8,
L an unused verb, prop. i.q. Gr. and Lat.
yB>B~U' p'|>~^ " in every cause (suit) of trespass;"

depso, to work up a mass, to make it

Ex. 24:14, D 1 "!?^. 7R? " one who has causes,
ti//w, ^i//cii>,
soft by kneading it. Kindred are VFft and B>1
Hence "1

D S 1?^. (Hos. 13: 14),prop. destruction,
with suff. VF\ m., HONEY ["so called as
death, Arab, jj (see the root No. 4, and
like the s^.

being soft like a kneaded mass"]. Arab, i^j J, Syr.

Piel No. 3); hence a plague (compare HID No. 3),
9 *
Ex.9:3; Lev. 26:25; Deu. 28:21; 2 Sa.24:i3; l Ki. Maltese dibsi, yellow, i. e. honey colour,
LA.-TJ* id.
8:37, etc.; LXX. commonly Odvaroc ; compare Sir. No verb from which this noun can come exists in
39-29- the Phcenicio-Shemitic languages; but there is also
formed from such a verb, Gr. TiQaiflwatrv to make
q na^t Jer. 5 :i3."]

honey, Od. xiii. 106. Specially it is

[with suff. ^^'], i.q. ^J? a pasture, whi- Sam. 14:26, 27,
(l) honey of bees, Lev. 2: 11 ; l
dier cattle is driven ; see the root No. s, Mic. 2:12; Isa,
, r 9 s"- 9 43; Prov. 16:24; 24: 3) etc. Used of wild or
5:17. (Syr. J;jS> and J^s, Arab, jj a meadow.) wood honey, Deut. 32:13; Psal. 81:17,
" with out of the rock would I have idea of covering). Thus it is oace found as a verb
$J*3tpK honey
supplied thee." to multiplied, to be increased [**T.], Genesis

(a) honey of grape *,i.e. must or new wine boiled 48:16. Hence N, HJ^ a fish (so called frcm being
down a third or half; (Gr. tyrjfjia, Lat. sapa, defr-u-
to so prolific, compare i^3), P^ and JJ'H.

tum, Ital. musto cotto;) which is now commonly carried n

into Egypt out of Palestine, especially out of the
("great fish"), [" diminutive, little fish, then
used lovingly, dear and honoured/'s/i"Ges.corr.],pr.n.
district of Hebron (comp. Russel's Natural History
Dagon, an idol of the Philistines, worshipped at Ash-
of Aleppo, 20) Gen. 43 1 1 Eze. 27:17.
p. ;
: ;
dod with the head and hands of a man, and the rest of

[" Milk and honey are often joined together as being his body that of a
fish, see l Sa. 5:2, seq., especially
delicacies provided by nature, Ex. 3:17? *3:5; 33: verse 4; Jud. 16:23; * Ch. 10:10, compare l Maoc.
3; Lev. 20:24; Num. 13:27; used of very pleasant
10:83; 11:4. Very similar was the form of Derceto,
discourse, Cant. 4: 11."]
worshipped at Ashkelon, also in the form of a fish;
|n f.
(l) the hump, bunch of a camel, Isa. thus mentioned by Diod. Sic. ii. 4, avrij e TO piv
30:6. This signification is plain enough from the irpoauiTroi' X fl ywutKOQ, TO $f a\\o awp.a. war l^dvos.
context, and is expressed by Ch., Syr. and Vulgate; As worship of fishes in these countries, see
to the
but the etymology has long exercised the ingenuity Selden, De Dis Syris, ii. 3. Creuzer, Symbol, ii. 12
of interpreters, who have almost all confessed their

ignorance. 1 now think that it

may properly mean J {
a bee hive (derived from Q' !), and be thus trans- :

(see the kindred roots under "3^), whence also to act

ferred in meaning to a camel's bunch, because o'f
covertly, to deceive (compare "132). Hence ?iH a
similarity of appearance. A conjecture lately com-
flag, a standard, like the Germ, gafyne from TT^VOC,
municated to me is not amiss, that ri^l by change The idea of shining, being bright, Avhich
and transposition of letters may be for 1^3% J"lH| I
formerly ascribed to this root with Nanninga (Diss.
a heap. [In Thes. Gesenius ascribes to the root Lugd. ii. 916), and Muntingh (On Ps. 20:6), seems
t??^ the idea of softness, and hence takes the idea me From the noun ?3^
to hardly able to be proved.
of a camel's bunch, from its softness in flesh and ^^ to set up
there again formed the denom. verb
fat.] banners. Ps. 20:6, ?s"t3 -13'r6x DE>? "in the name of
(2) [Dabbasheth], pr.n. of a town, Josh. 19:11. our God we will set up our banners;" compare the
^, from being so Avonderfully
so called expressions V. ^'^ "^?Tn, \] ^^? ^7R- LXX. ^teya-
the Xvrtinrroptda, reading or else conjecturing ^133.

prolific (see root '"U^), Jon. 2:1, 11; Plur. D'?"


constr. ^/I, Gen. 9:2; Num. 11:22; l Kings 5:13. tingh (see above), through that etymological conjecture,
we will glory, we will exult. Part, pass >13 J erect as a

Hence is derived the denominative verb 2-n to fish.

See the form 3X"i above. used of a young
(In the cognate languages banner, conspicuous, distinguished;
fish is called JW. ;
a trace of this Hebrew word man, Cant. 5: 1O.
is found in the Gr. tOwe- NIPHAL, to be furnished or arrayed with ban-
ners. Cant. 6:4, 10, rrV?r]33 ns^ "terrible as
Constr. nrj fern, of the preceding, id. Deu. furnished with banners," i. e. as hosts or a camp of
4:18; Jon. 2:2; commonly collect., like HD-ID, Gen. soldiers. Symm. we -ayyuora Traptp-fioXw/j.. The virgin
1:26, 28; Ex. 7:18,21; Nu. 11:5; Eze. 29:4,5. ishere described as conquering and captivating the
hearts of all. Comp. a similar image taken from an
pr. TO COVER (like the Arab. U-j to cover and the same, figure as being of
army (Cant. 6:2, 3),
over ; hence to be dark, comp. the kindred roots N frequent use in the Arabian Poets.

a ^ so ~O, of
/ with suff. n, plural DH const, ""l masc.
J=r<-\ *^> t^rT^
allwhich the primary
a large military i tandard, that of each of the four
idea is that of Hebr. ^TJ, "i^ also wht-b the twelve were divided;
covering; as also ; camps into tribes
the words in other th^ smaller being called nin'X. Nu. 1:52; 2:2,
languages, tego, riyoq, ort'yw, in
the old German
Dialects, bagen, bad)en/ this becfcn); 3,10,18,25; 10:14,25; Cant. 2:4, nans^fyni
*erb and plenty covering over " and his banner over me
applied to multitude (was) love."
every thing (compare
^^ a great company, from
ant unused root, prop. i.
" ^VJ to covtr
to cover, a great multitude, also from the
^y Hence"]
m. corn, from traffic, 21: 13; according to Eusebius not fat
|-J const, state ]F\ [with suff. ^H]
IN to
multiply, like H3 from H13. [But see the pre-
from the city Phoeno; perhaps these are to be taken
Gen. 27:528,37; Nu. 18:27; Deut. 28: as a colony of the former (No. l ), or else vice versa.
ceding root.]
used of bread, Lam. 2:12. [But the different ancestry of the two, proves this
51 ; (Arab. ^?~' J, but it
lastremark to be impossible. See Forster's Geog. of
only found in the Arabic versions of the Bible.) Arabia, i
p. 328.]
like the Ch. "ti^ TO BROOD as a bird OVER
her eggs or young; pr. apparently to cover (see under
[Z)0rfanim], m.
Gen. 10:4, pr. n. of a
nation descended from Javan, e. from the Greeks. i.

"Jli^D- Jer. 17:11, l &} tan trip "the par- If this reading be correct, one cannot avoid com-
tridge sits upon eggs which she has not laid; (to
paring this with Dodona, a city of Epirus. [In corr.
which is similar), he who gathers riches but not
Gesenius suggests the Dardani, i. e. Trojans D'3^1.1.
by right." LXX. TTip$i <rvvi]yaytv a OVK trtKtv. For ~\ thus softened into a vowel, see Monumenta
Isa.34: 15, of a serpent brooding its young, not eggs. Phoen. p. 432.] The
preferable reading, however,
Vulg. in each place,ybrere. The incorrect remarks of is D'P'TI Rhodians, which is found in the Samaritan
J. D. Michaelis as to this root, have been already well
copy, LXX., and the Hebrew text itself, iChr. t :y.
refuted by Rosenm. on Bochart, Hieroz. ii. 632, seq. See the word D3Tl.
q. 1^, (which see) BREAST, PAP. Only

m .Chald. emphat. X^D"'!, naq^ GOLD,

found in dual, const. *!"% with suffix H'TH BREASTS,
Heb. 3HT. Dan. 2:38; 3:1,5,7. Hence
Eze. 23:3,8, 21; Prov.5:l9.
&\.V ? according to nro N.1\!^m. pi. Ch. Daki,
^ TOGO SLOWLY, a secondary root contracted
-*-i- [Dchavites'], pr. n. of a people from which a colony
from the fuller was broiight to Samaria, Ezr. 4:9. They seem to
j^ j.II. to delay, loiter, to go on slowly,
have been the Ado, Herod, i. 125 (prob. villagers
towaver or totter in going. [The comparison with this
Arabic root is spoken of doubtfully in Thes.] Ch. from Pers. jj deh, dih, a village), a Persian tribe
and Talmud, rn* to lead slowly, e. g. a little child.
[near the Caspian sea, Strab. xi. p. 480, Plin. H. N.
HITHPAEL rmn (for nT^n), i sa 38: 15,^? rnw . xi. 17J, jf which a farther account is given in Lors-
" bacl Archiv. ii. p. 274. Mention is also made of
*rH3p> all
my years I will go slowly" (i.
e. sub-
missively, cornp.
BS 'spn i Ki. 21 :27), i. e. I will act this ooople in the Zendavesta.

modestly and submissively, as if, I would never

cease to lament. Hence used of the solemn slowness j a root unused in Kal, which I believe

of a procession, Psalm 42: 5, D'rfrK TV3 Ig DT^S I means, TO BE DUMB, TO BECOME DUMB, like DH3, an
went with them to the house of God." idea which is applied to STUPOR, as in D1?',
The suffix
DT is for Dnp ;
and the dative is to be referred to Arab. ,jjo is to come upon suddenly, pr. to amaze,
this, that the Poet [Psalmist], as leader of the choir
8 it were, made way for the people.
to confound, +~&J foolish, stupid, ^ > > sudden ca-

lamity, pr. stupifying.

l) [Derfa/i], prop, name of a people, with a NIPHAL, participle 2^"]? amazed, confoun ded by
country of the like name, sprung from Raamah, Gen. sudden misfortune. Jer. 14:9.
10:7 ; 76.27:15. Raamah ('Pty^a) is to besought
(as I shall shew) on the shore of the Persian gulf; i.q. Tn TO oo IN A CIRCLE, especially
and Dedan is likewise to be sought same for in the QUICKLY (comp. also ~0^). Hence
part, in which with Bochart (Phal.
iv. 6) and J. D.
(1) to beborne
on swiftly, to press on swiftly^
Michaelis we may recognize Daden an island used of a horse and rider, Nah. 3 2, pr. to go in a
circle, as is the custom
of those who break in or
of the Persian gulf, called by the Syrians
^w?. exercise horses. See the noun ^3$.
'See also Forster's Geog. of Arabia, i. 38, 63.] Most
go in a circle, hen(e"] to endure long
of the islands of this gulf were the seats of Phoenician (2) ["
Hence "^Ify and
colonies,comp. Heeren, Ideen, i. 2, p. 227. [But this
people were not Phoenicians].
rapid course of a horse. Jud. 5:88.

(a) a people of northern Arabia, descended from (See Bochart, Hieroz. parti, p. 97. Michaelis, Suppl
Keturah, Gen. 25:3; bordering on the Edomites, p. 401.)
Jer. 49:8; 85:23; Eze. 25:13; also
carrying on i.
q. Tl % bear, which e

3N1 which see, TO PINE AWAY. TO LAN- hence a paternal uncle; comp. Sri3*3n a mother-in
GUISH. law; Germ, greunb/used of a relation; Latin amita
HIPHIL, causat. to cause topineaivay,or to lan- qs. amata.
Lev. 10:4; 2O:2O; 1 Sa. 10:14, 15,16;

guish. Lev. 26: 16. Hence fan pr. n. Est.a:l5; Jer. 32:7, 8, 9. In verse 12, indeed, it
seems to be put for in J3.
& -1
M a secondary root denom. from 31, m. Job 41 :1S;
(i) a pot, see the root No.
"I'll l.
TO FISH. Jer. 16: 16, DW11 " and they shall fish
them ;" hence nan. JJ1 and Ml a fisher. l Sa. 2 :
14. Plur. DHH 2 Ch. 35: 13. (Syr. )>o>) a
V !>.

N3 m. a /is A er, Ez. 47:10, and Jer. i6:i6an3. large pot, J;o? a kettle, Sam. rvin pots.)
(2) a basket, Jer. 24:2: Psal. 81:7. Plur. DHVj
H2H fern, fishing, fishery. nj-11 nil'p fish- 2Ki. 10:7.
hooks, harpoons. Am. 4:2, ye shall be drawn
with hooks, njn n'lTD3 JpJVinKI and your posterity "Tj^, in the Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Zechariah,

with fishing-hooks," an image drawn from taming

more rarely in the more ancient books (Hos. 3:5)

beasts, into the noses of which hooks and rings were

TH ("beloved," -part. pass, from i.q. *rn), T^
put. Comp. Isa.37:29, "I will put my hook into \_David~], pr. n. of a son of Jesse, the second of the
thy nose . . . and will turn thee back whence thou kings of the Israelites, 1055 1015, B.C. very cele- ;

earnest." The reason why fishing-hooks should be brated on account of his wars successfully waged,
mentioned is shewn by Ezekiel 29:4; Job 40: 26; and not on account of his sacred songs. As
less so

comp. Oedmann, Verm. Sammll. aus d. Naturkunde, to hislife, i Sa.

16, to the end of 2 Sa.
see especially
v 5. The larger fishes, when taken, used to have l Ch. 12 30. This name denotes Messisih the son
rings put into their nostrils by which they were of David, i.q. in {? Eze. 34:23, 24; 37:24, else-
again let down into the water. where i. q. 1)1 33 [?] Hos. 3:5. 1HT TJ? the city oi
David, i. e. Zion, l Ki. 3 l 8:1; 9:24. in ;V2 the

an unused root. i. TT pr. to boil up

family, the descendants of David, Isa. 7:2, 13; Jer.

as water, hence generally 21:12.

i\ p
(l) to be troubled, disturbed. Syr. Pa. o?
MM f. aunt, father's
sister, Ex. 6: 20; also an

disturb, to agitate. Hence 1-11 a pot, Syr. J?o?


uncle" s wife; Lev. 18:14; 20:20.

a kettle.
("belonging to love"), [ZWo], one
(a) to love, i.
q. TV, jy Hence I'll love, of DaA'id's captains, i Ch. 11:12; also others, Jud.
and the pr. n. 1)1, Y$K (
whom God loves"), 2O:l, etc."]
["'IITTfn ("love of Jehovah"), [Dodavah],
with suff. also defect. ll, ^p 1 m. pr. n. m., 2 Ch. 20:37."]
(1) love, only used in the plur.
O v<n, especially
between the sexes, Cant. 1:2, 4; 4:10; Eze. 16:8; pr. adj. with the Ch. termination *T i. q. *T
bed of love ;" Prov. 7: 18, HD^ (from the root 1-n) in sing, not used. PL D'K"jn.
23; 17,
0*1.1 ""IY13 "come let us take our fill of love." In (1) boiling, cooking, hence a cooking pot, i.q.
some places tokens of love, caresses, kisses, are sup- in No. l, hence a basket, Jer. 24: i.
(2) loving, amatory (from the root No. 2), plur.
posed to be the meaning, by Driessen in Dissertatt.
love apples, Jiete&ipfcl/ Gen. 30:14, seq., i.e. the
Lugd. 1101, seq.
(2) as a concrete, object of love, one beloved,
apples of the Mandragora (Atropa Mandragora, Linn.),
a herb resembling the Belladonna, with a root like
(compare ^ t^-o^, u_~o- love, and one loved, a a carrot, having white and reddish blossoms of a
sweet smell (Cant. 7:14), and with yellow odoriferous
rijniD acquaintance, for an acquaintance,
apples which commonly are ripe from May to July.
German, metne erfte ?tete, Sefanntfcfyaft/ English, a re-
To these, Oriental siiperstition attributes still a sexual
lation of mine), Cant. 1 :
13, 14, 16; 2 :3, 8, 9, 10, 16,
power (Gen. loc. cit.) See Dioscorid. iv. 76, Marpa-
l?; 5:5.
yo'pac KipKaiav KaXovat, iTreidrj SOKE? ff pia
...... ci 5t
(3) /rienc?,Isa.5:l. Specially a fiifhcv's brother,
9 9 tyiXrpdJv tlvai TrotTjrt/d; ....... cat Trap' avra (^u\\a)
uncle by the
father's side; Syr. J>>, K ar
i^oxnv called juijXa, owotc (sorbis) ip^epr], WXP> euwSj/, iv olc KCU
thi friend of the
family, like the Cb a friend, 33Q atriov. Schulzii Leitunpreu d. Hcchsten

rol. 5, page 197D'Herbelot Biblioth. Orientale,

in the insipid herb?" verse 7, ' sou reiusetl My ,

p. 17. LXX. pq\a parloayopuv. Ch. ?? which P" 1

to touch them, 'Ely M"]? n ? n they are as the loath-

is the same in meaning; compare Arab. _ .^J, see some things of my food." Loathsome insipid food
In defi-
is applied to an intolerable evil. According to n
Sprengel, Hist. Rei Herbarise, i. 215, ed. a.
common Oriental figure, one is said to eat, to taste
ning this plant, interpreters have differed exceedingly.
Celsius (Hierobot. i. p. 1, seq.) understands it to be
any thing, meaning to experience this or that fortune;
Sidra or lotus Cyrenaica, and has been refuted by
COmp. HI11I23 *?5X Job 21:25, yevtrrQai Oavarov, Syr.
jlox> Arab. i\j Koran 3:182, Pers.
J. D. Mich, in Suppl. p. 410, seq. Oedmann, Verm. ;OJ^, c^jyN
Samml. fasc. v. p. J. E. Faber Rosen- ,j ,*. *z to eat cares, i. e. to experience them,
94, seq. (in
Morgenland, on this passage) conjectures that
miiller's to eat torments, ,.,J.>- ^i^Jtoeat
^,J,*s*- t__^jic
we should understand a species of small and odo-
judgment. Comp. in the New Test, tcpl^a iaditi, iCor.
riferous cucumber or melon (Arab, luffahh)"; others
11 :2g. [But this refers to actually eatinr/ the bread.]
have taken it
variously, whose opinions see in Jo. Some have suggested what is that
quite inadmissible,
Sitnonis, in a particular dissertation on this word n
'.1*7? in this passage is put for n? so as; for
annexed to Arcanum fonnarum. G. T. Steger (Rosen-
properly constr. st. of the word '1 satis, enotigh
miiller Repert. ii. 45,
seq.) brings forward his opi-
(which see): much less can it be compared with
nion denying altogether that any plant is to be under-
stood. d^j substance; for this word is
properly fem. from
[ nn (i.q.nn), [Dodai\, pr. n. m. i Ch. 27 :4."]
. j, and answers to the nT, J"IXT.
Comp. Allg.
Lit. Zeit. 1825, No. 258.
ny~J 3JH which see, TO LANGUISH, TO BE %
i.q. yl m. (of the form ?^i5) sick of mind, Isa. 1:5;
SICK (Arab, ^c.j and ^\j for \S), especially used of Jer. 8 :18 Lam. 1:22.
Root nn.

women in menstruation. Lev. 1 2 : 2, " the unclean- TH see m

ness of her menstruation;" compare Lev. 15:33.
(2) to be sad ["sick at heart"]. Comp. nn No. 2.
nn nn.o. Nu. 11:8. (Arab, ijjlj id.) Hence ""O'lD a mortar.

l f.
(l) languid, sick, used of
n^pV! fem. Lev. 11:19; Deu. 14:18, some un-
women menstruation.
in Lev. 15:33, ^^H?? nn; clean bird; according to the LXX., Vtilg., Saad.,
Lev. 20 18. :Hence nvi Isa. 30:22, a menstruous the hoopoe; according to the Targ. gallus montanus,

garment, i. e. polluted by the menses.

mountain cock["Tetrao urogallus n ~\\ wbich laltei
(a) sick of mind, sad, Lam. 5:17. explanation may be confirmed by a comparison with
n=J lord [or
" = (J_<lo
cock"], and
flE'3 =
(3) afflicted, wretched, Lam. 1:13. (Syr. Jo>
to grieve, to be unfortunate. Aph. to afflict, to make Ch. N3'3 a rock compare Bochart, Hieroz vol. ii

e e 9 9
page 346. No difficulty need l>e made as to the ter-
unhappy. (,o> unfortunate, unhappy. JUoo mis- mination n-7 for n , as to which see Lehrg. page 467.
fortune, misery.) Jo. Simonis, in defending the signification of hoopoe,
less aptly supposes np'?n to be compounded of ^n
M M not used in Kal, i.
q. """J^,
ss (jj,j a cock, and J"1S, to which he ascribes the
OUT, TO CAST AWAT. Arab. !j to render abject, t

and intrans. to be VI. to cast forth. idea of dung, comparing bJ to void dung.
vile, abject.
HIPHIL nnn (i) to thrust out, to cast away, an unused
No. l, to be
root, i.q. D'." silent,
(a) to wash away, to purge the altar, 2 Ch-4:6;
to be dumb. Arab. *L % to be quiet, to remain.

Eze. 40:38; the crime of bloodshed, Isa. 4:4. to quiet, to allay. Hence the three nouns wl
m. (from the root nn., of the form >tpi?) (l)
languishing, disease, Ps. 41 14. [Hence used of] DV! fem. (l) silence, place of silence, poet.
(a) uncleanness, something unclean, causing used of Hades, Ps. 94: 17 15: 7-

loathing (see nn No. 2). Job 6:6, can that which

" tribe and a
(2) [DumaK], pr.n. of an Ishmaelite
u unsavoury be eaten without salt, or is there taste region in Arabia, Gen. 25: 14;
Isa. 21 : 1 1 ;
no dc abt
same now called <U.J stony Dumah, strive [very Others take it
the as is
J jc^ preferable].
Michaelis' Suppl. page Itosenm tiller
Compare 422 ;
and aLLJ\ <J Syrian Dumah; situated in Arabia De Vers. Pent. Pers. page 19.
on the borders of the Syrian Desert a place fortified
I'na to strive, t contend. Part. 2
with a citadel ;
in D'Anville's map placed 58 longit.,
29, 30' latitude; Aou/zou'fla of Ptolemy. See Abul-
Job 19:29 np p. am, judgment.
feda's Arabia, Gagnier, page 50, and Jakut as
edit. pPT i.q.
there cited; Michaelis' Supplem. page 41 9; Niebuhr's
Ps. 97:5, and masc. wax, Psa. 22:15;
Arabia, page 344; my Comment, on Isaiah, loc. cit.
68:3; Mic. 1:4. Boot 3^ which see.
in (pr. adj. f. from the unused
f. 'BH silent,
TO LEAP, TO DANCE. Job 41 14, V3B
taciturn, of abstr. signif. like nouns in IV
" before him dances The
(1) silence, and adv. silently, Psa.39:3; rest, ?^. pin terror." tre-

quiet, ease from pain, Ps. 22:3. pidation of terror is thus well compared to skipping;

(2) the silent expectation of divine aid, confi-

dence placed in God. Ps. 62:2, njp-n D<r6s^X TJK
comp. Psa. 29:6. To this answers the Arabic ^J
Med. Waw and Ye, see Schult. on the passage Syr. ;
" soul L> confident" [re-
1^33 upon God alone my ft

ferred in Thes. to the primary meaning, silence]. O> in New Test, for <TKipraf, Chald. pi, whence
" to thee
Ps. 65:2, n^nrj rTO-n ^
(belongs) silence N^. a wild goat, Lacon. &'a. Kindred roots are
(confident waiting), praise." K*-n, Ehl. These are contracted or softened from

Hab. 2 DDW fH (like Tpn from ^n, p

from fa, p-iy from p3j;),
(i) subst. silence. : J3K
the dumb silent stone. It hoAvever be taken by which dancing is expressed in the Slavonic and
may German languages, tatty banja/ taniec, see Adelung, iv.
adverbially in this place also, compare D|n.
530, 31.
(2) silently, Isa. 47:5. Lam. 3:26, "happy is

he who waits DD-H1 even silently." A noun of an unused root. Chald. and Syriac, to loot
this form never has an adjectivial power. look forward, to look out. Hence P.V^.

pQI pr. n. 2 Ki. 16: 10, a rare form, but also

Ch. i.q. PP.1, but intrans. to be broken to
used in Syriac for P^TSn or P^?T! Damascus.
pieces. Plur. Ipl Dan. 2 :
35 [referred in Thes. to

prob. i.
q. .\ j Med. Waw intrans. '3T

TO BE LOW, DEPRESSED, INFERIOR, whence ["per- 1 M (l) pr. i.q. Arabic Jj TO GO AROUND,
haps"] r"? (according to Ewald, Heb. Gramm. p. 418, 5-0 - s - -

for riD) trans, to

subject to one's self, to rule, to TO GO IN A CIRCLE; whence ..j and I a circle,
judge. A
kindred root is H?, which see; hence is "

j\j round. Kindred roots are ID''', I" 1 "M3, "WR; 1

derived fnx lord. [But see that word.] It occurs once, J:
Gen. 6: 3, D^ CHS1 '(TH jn-fi6 "
my spirit (i.e. my and with a dental changed into a sibilant, "VIT, "VlD,
superior and divine nature) shall not be always hum- "l-1B>;
all of Avhich have the idea of going round, turn-

bled in men," i.e. shall not dwell in a mortal body, ing oneself, girding, variously applied. Hence "VH
descending from heaven and having to do with earth. No. and "to [also iTVnp],

[What can any one make of this theology?] (comp. (2) to remain, to delay, to inhabit (like the Ch.
verses 1,2). Well rendered according to the sense in), Psa. 84: 11, either because the first habitations
by the ancient versions, as the ,
ov prj k-ara^eiVjj LXX were of a round form (which is the opinion of Jo.
" non
Simonis), or (as I prefer) that the idea of going round
TO ->n'vp.(i f.iv K.rA. Vulg. permanebit ;" Syr.,

Arab. " shall not dwell ;" there is no occasion for sup- and turning oneself was applied to turning aside to
posing them to have had a different reading, such as lodge (compare "W3, HIS). In the western languages
OVV = *.jo
J "
shall continue, "fl"P shall dwell. It will this may be compared with STJ/JOC, $r]po>>,
a long

time, S^poc xporoc; Lat. durus, durare; Germ, bauertu

be seen that I have returned, in interpreting this
anciently buren/ (uren.
passage, to the opinion proposed in the first edition
of my larger Lexicon. In the smaller I ex- Lexicon, ,!H Ch. to dwell, to inhabit,Dan. 4:9, 18. Part.
plained jiT=pT "my spirit shall not always rule in ?, np p!;j Dan. 2:38; 3:31; 6:6; whence 1*19,
man;" so also Ilosenm. ; others, shall judge, i.e. shall -too, rrvno, 7in.
m. In the phiral there are two forms (both masc. Jcb
(l) a circle (Arabic ^..j), Isaiah 29:3,
3 " as in a circle," round about. 42:16), Dnn ;md nVin. The former occurs in one
expression, D*"!*n
for ever and ever, signifying
(2) a ball, Isa. 22:18.
perpetuity, Ps. 72:5; 102:25; Isa. 51:8; the latter
^3) a burning pile, a round heap of wood, Eze.
n "}np, verse 9).
frequently used of generations, ages to come,
84:5 (compare Nu. 9

Lev. 23 43, D?'TTft *JTV IS?? ?. Lev. 22 3.

: : :

" to
& "H .
(l) " agt-i generation of men, 10, D3'n'"l'l^ IK D3? you, or to your posterity;"
as if the period and circu it of the years of life, from Num. 15:14; especially in the legislatorial phrase,
Dp'rhV? D?iy n|?n a perpetual law (to be observed)
the root ~fn No. 1
compare ,b' time, also from ,U
; j'

to and other words signifying time under by your posterity, Lev. 3:17; 23: 14, 31, 41 comp. ;

go round, s<~- Gen. 17:7, 9, 12; Ex. 12:14, 17; 16:32, 33.
the !?'X. (To this literally corresponds ^j (3) [Z)or], pr. n. of a city, see HQi. [" The city
time, age; Med. Waw and He being interchanged of a Canaanitish king, Jud. 1:27, written also "W
Eccles. l 4, "in Josh. 17:11; more fully, INI riQ? ("height oi
amongst themselves, see letter n.) :

K3 ~ii~n "^h "one generation goes, and another Dor"), Josh. 12:23 "^ HQ3 i Ki.4:ll TKI ri!D3 ; ;

" the Josh. 1 1:2 Gr. Awpa, ra Awpa, Awpa. It belonged

comes." Deu. 23:3, 4, g.'TO.-in, ^fixf tenth, ; >/

the third generation." Job 42 : 1 6. Jud. 2:1O, to Manasseh, but lay in the territory of Issachar, on

n$ "in " another generation (age)." Nu. 32:13, the coast near mount Carmel. Now Tantura. See
inn-73 DJVJJJ "until all that generation be con- Reland's Palaest. page 738, seq. ; Prokesch, Reise,
sumed." TIJ "ft every generation, all generations, page 27."]
" to
Ps. 61:7. Joel 2:2, VH ~H \Vf~IJ? every future
Psa. 45:18, in) "11^33 "through [Dura~\, Ch. pr. n. of a plain in Babylonia,
generation." Dan 3:1. With this has been compared the
all generations (or ages) to come." So "H "H? to city
Dura (Ammianus Marcell. xxv. 6) situated on the
all generations (to come), Ex. 3:15; Joel 4:20; "ft?
VH "ft 1JJ Psa. 100:5; Tigris, or another of thesame name (Polyb. v. 48).
"ftj Ps. 10:6; 33:11; 49:12;
on the Euphrates, near the mouth of the Chaboras.
fsa. 13:20; "ft "ftp Ex. 17:16. Elsewhere used of
See Miscellan. Lips. Nova, t. v., p. 274.
past time, a past generation, Deu. 32:7; Isa. 58:12;
60 15. Compare the pi. below. With the addition

of a genitive or suffix, the generation of any one, (Mic.4:l3), and Deu. 25:4
his cotemporaries, Isa. 53 8 [This passage has a much
: (softened from G5H^, which see).
fuller rvn
D'pn(Noah) (1) to beat, to pound, especially by treading,
meaning]. Gen.6:9,VnVft3
was upright in his The Hebrews, hence to trample on, Job 39: 15; Hab.3:l2; espe-
cially enemies, to break to pieces, Mic. 4:13.
like ourselves,appear to have reckoned a generation
at from thirty to forty years (see Job 42:1 6); but, (2) to thresh corn, which is done by oxen tread-
from the longevity of the patriarchs, in their time it ing it out with their feet, Jer. 50:11; Hos. lO:ll;
was reckoned at a hundred (Gen. 15: 16, comp. verse also used of men who drive an ox when threshing;
l Ch. 2 1 2O, D*pn BH \T\^\ " and Oman was tb resh-
14, and Ex. 1 2 :4o); and in like manner amongst the

Romans, the word seculum originally signified a ge- ing." Applied

neration, and was afterwards applied to a century, (3) to a cru^l punishment inflicted by the Hebrewg
see Censorinus De Die The idea of on their captives, .'y crushing them with threshing
Natali, cap. xvii.
wains of iron on the floor like corn, Am. l : 3.
generation being neglected, it often means
age, or
a race of men [vice versa, Gr. yinb, primarily
(Arab. ^.J j to tread the earth with one's feet, men
race, hence generation], in a good sense, Psa. 14:5; in battle; to tread out corn on a threshing floor.
24:6; 73:15; 112:2; in a bad sense (like the Germ.
Jta:e), Deut. 32:5, 7P?DP
" a froward
and^ ^ 9

Syr. ._> id.) Compare &?!X.

perverse race." Deu. 32:20. Jer. 7 29, irn?V. "ft : NIPHAL E'ilJ inf. constr. t?nn pass, of Kal No. I.
"the race of his anger," those with whom God is Isa. 25:10.
angry. HOPHAL, pass, of Kal No. 2, Isa. 28:27. Hence I

s -

(2) habitation (like the Arab. ,\j), see the root

No. 12. Psa. "in the Ch. i.

q. Hebr. No. i. Dan. 7 23. :
2. Isa. 38 :
49 20, Vn'l3$

house of their fathers," L c. the grave. unused root, see

n-nm cxcv


which many species are grown in Italy, Syria, at,-}

see Jeuhari in Egypt; partly used for green fodder, for which tha
flofjen/ umjlofjcn. (Arabic '~.j id.,
leaves serve, and partly for the grain, which is of a
Schultens, on Job HO) also de coitu, like t_?-J
dusky, blackish colour when ripe, and is used for

and other verbs of thrusting, see nirn. Syriac and bread, pottage, etc. Comp. OeHmann, Verm. Sammll.

Ch. Jx/, Kn id. The idea of thrusting, pushing, aus der Naturkunde, vol.v. p. 92, Germ. vers. Forskal
is found in whose Flora jiEgyptio-Arab. p. 174. Niebuhr's Arabia, p.
knocking, impelling, many verbs,
primary syllable is m, as H-H, Pirn, firtt, prn, rn3, 295. [Some of] the ancient versions translate it
panicum, see Celsii Hierob. i.
453, seq.
^_ ___ ^ ,*-^j, j^^i ^^1> *-*? compare bimilar
under the words "=1?"^ and PP.^.)
families Ps. 35:5; TO THRUST, TO IMPEL, TO URGE, 866 the

118:13, Vs? ? 'jn'rn. n'rn "thou hast thrust at me root nPH. Part. pass, impelled, hastened, urged
that I might fall;" 140:5. Ps. 62 -.4, rnnp 113 an on. Est.
3:15; 8:14.
overturned wall." NIPHAL ^n^J to impel oneself, to hasten. 2 Ch.
NIPHAL, pass. of Kal to be thrust away,Pro.i4.:^2, 26:20; Est. 6:12. Hence
"the wicked is driven away in his wickedness,"
TO THRUST, TO PUSH, asis done in a great
perishes, rushes to destruction.
i. e. Compare
(prop, from nrn) ?
Jer. 23:12. But the part. plur. crowd, Joel 2:8 (Arabic /j^s-J to repel, to drive
constr. \rn?> as ?K"U5? '"]?, is more correctly refer-
cast whence the
away, -ju^-J aside, quadriliteral
red to rnj which see.
PUAL, pret. -IPR "they are thrown down," Ps. j_^Ji~O to push from behind, compounded of ^^-J
36:13 and ^_^A.. Aram. JXwf , P^ i.
q. Heb. With this
Derivatives ^H, nrnp and accords the Gr. ?WKW). Part. pnM an oppressor (of

f. Ch. a concubine (from the root a people). Jud. 2 : 18.

pi. HCp..,

nrn, Arabic Uo
and U^ j subegit feminam). Dan. ^ const, state *?., suffix ^1 (l) sttbst. suffi-
6:19, 'niOTjS.fefn^ npll "nor did he aUow con- ciency, a large enough quantity, hence adverb,
cubines to be brought in to him." Theodot. and enough The form is as if from the verb "^
n (like = H
5 _ 4 -
the S^a-iac arbitrarily interpret it food ; the Hebrew
" from ,.-), which, according to Simonis, has
interpreters better, musical instruments," especially
such as were struck. the same meaning as
^\ to be many. It may also

be said that '1 put by is aphseresis for ^1$, of the

U i.
q. nn^ whence
fut.Niph. -inT Jer. 23:12-. form IPJ, 3ST; TB^, ^V. Esther l:l8, I'm n?1
But if written -in
^ it
may be referred to nrn. " and there will be
*\\?\ enough of contempt and
U m. (from the root ^n^) a thrust-
in pause *n^.
anger." Mai. 3: 10, "I
pour you out a blessing

ing down, overthrowing, Ps. 56: 14; 116:8. '1 v2 1JJ until (there is) not
sufficiency," until all
my abundance be exhausted, and as this never can
rT -

Ch. fear, i.q. Hebr. ?HT prop, to creep
be, it means, for ever; comp. Ps. 72:6. (Jo. Simonis
along, to go with a quiet gait, like timid persons, renders it well as to the sense, ultra quam satis est,
furcfyfam f)eranfd}letd)en. To this corresponds the
Syr. but hoAv he draws this from the words I cannot at all
see.) The genitive which
follows this word, commonly
\>~ to fear. Arab. Jj>-t>
to flee, to withdraw, pr.
signifies the thing or person for
rvhom something
fid) withdraw oneself secretly. Constr.
Sasonfdilfidben, to
suffices. Prov. 25:16, T.I "which is sufficient
followed by D"jP. JO (compare
\3^D NT), Dan. 5: 19. for thee." Ex. 36:7, Q'Ti " sufficient for them."
Part, ^n^ terrible, Dan.
Obad. 5; Jer. 49:9. Lev. 5:7, ng> n
2:31; 7:7. "
PAEL ?rn to make afraid, terrify. Dan. 4:2.
e. to buy) a lamb" (not as given by Simonis ed.

T*^T an unused Arabic to

l 4: so many persons as were enough to eat a
root, ^r^J smoke, "
hence used of a lamb). Lev. 12:8; 25:26, \rfag n? enough to
smoky, dusky colour; whence ap- " so far as was in
xedeem him." Neh. 5:8, -Ul *!?
_,;_ s < -
us," according to our power. The genitive racre
PI m. Arabic
^.^ Ezekiel 4:9, millet (holcus
rarely signifies that of which
there is enough. Prov
dochna, Lino.), Germ. fOterfeirfen/ a kind of corn, of 27:27, Dv 2?n "
jy ^ enough goat's milk "
() Prepositions are often prefixed to
n the const, prefix \ See more under
page Lxxxvm, A. > ~$
state, and thus new compound prepositions are form- As to the use of the relative, be observed it is to
ed ;
in all of which, however, the idea of sufficiency (1) it is often put for he ivho, that which, Dan.
and plenty i: more or less presen *i. 2:23; more fully, H np Dan. 2:28,43. In som
according to the according it is
(a) n.3 plenty of, places
as. Jud. 6:5, innumerable, 3 "y ""I3"1X n.3. Deut. (2) a mere mark of relation, non *T where
25:2, inyi""]
ns "according to the amount of his Ezr. 6:1. pn"np H
whose habitation, Dan. 2:ll
wickedness." TIK^ who, Dan. '7: 17.
(b) np idem, according to the multitude, or is the mark
(3) It of the genitive (compare
abundance (comp. IP 2, letter rf); whence with an e.g.KS^P H NC^B* "the king's captain," prop. who
inf. following, asoftenas, whenever, l Sa. 18:30, was of the king, Dan. 2:15; in such a case the sub-
onx>* np 'H^V'anditcame to pass as often as they stantive is put in emphat. state, Dan. ioc. cit., or in
went out;" comp. Sa. 1:7. l Ki. 14:28,
1 \T1 no const. ~W3 ^ "in? Dan. 7: 10; or with pleon. suff.
^JTOn N13 "and it came to pass as oftenas the king ^C ^.
^ the name of God (Germ. otteS fetn Slame),
came," etc. Isaiah 28: 19; Jer. 31:20; 2X1.4:8. Dan. 2:20, NH^n^ jin'STg accusations of the Jews,

Also followed by a finite verb, when 1E'N is under- Dan. 3:8. A genitive of material is found, Dan. 2:
stood. Jer. 20 :
8, 13/1X.
no "as often as I speak;" 32, 30 3rn Ptffvn "his head was of fine
also followed by a noun where there is an ellipsis, as, Ezr. 6: 4.
farm? trhh no Isa. 66:23, i. e.
" as often as month
(4) Through the verbosity of the Chaldee, it is

(comes) in its month," i. e. in its own time; every sometimes redundant before the prepositions 3, JD;
T\W HO yearly, "
month; and so niK'3. l Sa. 7:16; D'^T3 390 the temple (which is) at Jerusa-

Zee. 14: 16. lem;" Dan. 5:2, 10? n NriT3 "the palace (which
(c) n? according to abundance of,i. q. n?
(a) is) in Media," Ezr. 6 2 Dan. 6: 14; especially Dan

and np (compare 3 B,
7), hence as often as. Job 8:34; compare Est. i 12, with verse 15. :

39:25, "ISII? n.3 "as oftenas the trumpet is blown." (B) It becomes a conjunction, like the Heb. "l^X
(/3) to what is sufficient for any one (comp. 3 B,
letter B, and denotes
4), i. e. until he have enough for some one, properly (1) that, Dan. 2:23; in that, because that, be-
used when food is mentioned. Nah. 2:13, VfliiJ ns cause, Dan. 4: 15.
"enough for his whelps." In the other hemistich, (2) that, so that, Dan. 2 16, 47. :

Vn'K37?. Habak. 2:13, "the people labour K'N H3 (3) prefixed to direct discourse, like '?,
It is on,
as food for fire, and the nations labour pn na for Dan. 2 :
" he said thus to
him, ">3| nri3^ n
H a
nought," vainly. Jer. 51:58 (where there are the man is found," etc.; verse 37: 5:7; 6:6,14. |i? *^
same words). German, fur bag gcuer/ fur SrttcbtS. Jo. Dan. 2:9=Heb. DK '?. Well rendered by Theod.
Simonis absurdly renders pn na quantum requiri- iay ovv.
tur, ut aliquid frustra sit, and K'N n.3 quantum materice It is compounded with prefixes (l) '"!? i.
q. "^'^3
ignis requirit : which to my surprise has not been when, Dan.3:7; 5:20; 6:11,15.
corrected even in the last edition
ns is (2) 'TIP from what (time), Dan 4: 23: Ezr.
never, as Voter formerly laid down, a mere poetic 5* 12.
form for 5.

V Ch. (A) relat. pronoun, qtti quo?, quod, who, t

1 (" a place abounding with gold,"
which, that, i. q. Hebrew "KW. (This relative has compare Ch.
n No. l), [DizaAai], pr. n. of a place
in the desert of Sinai, so called apparently from
sprung from the demonstrative n|, Arab. . j^ ^j,

which latter word is commonly rendered lord, master, abundance of gold, Deu. l i. I have no doubt but :

! that it is the same place as that now called Dehab

e -8-
.-r^j^ ^ possessor of two horns, bicornis, but on the western shore of the vElanitic gulf, where there
still it is
nothing but a pronoun, and is also used in are many palms; see Burckhardt's Travels in Syria,

p. 847, and 1075, my edit., LXX. Kara^puacu; com-

the Tayitic dialect for the relative So
^^}\. pi. J.l

and JJ commonly lords, masters, but pr. i. pare Euseb. and Jerome in Onom. on this word.
q. JJ,
n?X irho; ccmp. 3HJ n and S.hultens ad see the root 3tt),
Florileg. ("pining," [Drton],
Sentent. 182; ad Haririi Consessus, t. ii. p. 75.
p. pr. n.
Uaoce iu Syrjac and Chaldee is formed the shortened Of a town on the borders of Moab, on tin
aorthern shore of Arnon, built, i.e. restored by the according to thy might judge me," i. e. avenge me
Gadites (Nu. 32:34), whence called Dibon-Gad (Nu. More fully, Jer. 5: 28; 22: 16, fl^fcO pr "he ^n
33:45), afterwards granted to the Reubenites (Josh. has judged the cause of the poor and needy;" Jer.
13:9, 17), afterwards again occupied by the Moab- 30:13-
ites (Isa. 15:2; Jerem.48: 18, 22). It is now called (3) Followed by DV, to contend with anyone, like
Dluban, see Burckhardt's Travels, ii. p. 633. Once Niphal, Ecc.6:io.
(Isa. 15 9), by a change of the letters D and 3 it is NIPHAL fnj recipr. to contend together [j-H in
written PO**5!, so as to form a paronomasia with the Thes.], 2 Sam. 19: 10; compare syn. t^D^i. (Arab.
word D^. Hence beside*
^C-v. to judge, III., IV., to strive).
(2) Of a town in the tribe of Judah, Neh. 1 1 :
25, 1 %
the words immediately following, J ^, P"1 ^? ^ <l

? ]9,
called naiO'" 5 Josh. 15:22.!


H3HP and the pr.n. JHO, TD, bK.3 n. ,

J j to Hence
fish, see 3-n. 1>T
} 1 and }n Chald. id. part. Ezr-7:25.
^""1 m., a fisherman; Isaiah 19-8; andJeremiah
16:16 np. | V (l)judg ment (hence in the western lan-
guages I consider to be derived Horn. S//vt), Ps. 76 :9;
-T an unused and uncertain root. (I) Perhaps pn ND3 tribunal, Pro. 20 8. :

i.q. Ch. nrn to be dark; whence 'Vt. ink. (2) a cause which is judged; Deu. 17:8, P" p3

" between one cause and

(II) to be much, to be sufficient; see ''I. pip another," Prov. 29:7;

H -T
f. Deu. 14: 13; Isa. 34: 15, some bird of prey,
PI n ^
Psal. 140:13, i.q. P^l to judge, or protect H
any one's cause; Est. 1 :13; P1J n*i *y"|'"73 "all who
T ?

dwelling amongst ruins. According to Bochart, the knew laAV and right;" Job 36: 17, P^. and BBK'P are
black vulture ; compare I*"
!. I prefer the falcon, or kite,
opposed to one another, like crime and punishment.
called from its swift flight, so that i"IH may be from
(3) strife, controversy, see the root No. 3, and
H&n (K doubled being changed into * like the Syr.
-H f Niph. Pro. 22:10.
Pa. ^^j). LXX. IKTIVOQ, Vulg. milvus.
Chald. (i) judgment, -meton. used for u-
^ m. (of the form V??), tnk, Jer. 36:18; Aram.
S " preme tribunal; compare .,V'^ ^ie highest tribu-
9 k.

Arab. Lj inkstand, Pers. i^^o .J id.

nal; Dan.7 10, 3n* : W^ " the
judgment was set,"
No. 1,2. verse 26.

(2) right, justice; Dan. 4: 34, p HnnnK "his

"I fut. PT pret. nj.
- (l) TO RULE, TO REGU- ways are j u s t i c e ;" Dan. 7:22, P^V. ^B? 3 ?*' X?^
LATE. (Prop, apparently, to subdue, to subjugate, "and (until) justice was done to the saints of the
causat. of the root j-H which see, as if for most high."
CJonst. with ace. 1 Sam. 2:1O; Zee. " thou shalt
3:7, (3) penalty, Ezr. 7:26.
rule mylioiise." , 7
I*" ! (i) a judge; l Sa. 24:16.
(2) to judge, i.q. but more often in poetic
As the ideas of ruling and judging are in (2) a defender, an advocate; Ps 68:6. Chaid.
Ezr. 7:25.
practice closely joined in the East, so also are they
closely connected in the languages compare Bj?!p also ;
("judged," i. e. acquitted, vindicated),
and J^. Gen. 49: 16, iJ> P1J p Dan \_Dinali], pr.n. of Jacob's daughter, Gen. 30:21;
Jj T shall
34:1, seq.
judge his people;" more often used of God as the <

judge of the nations, Ps.7:9; 9:9; 50:4; 72:2; 96: ^. !^' ^! Ch. m.
pi. \_Dinaites~], pr.n. of an Assy-

1O; Isa. 3: 13. To judge any one is specially used rian people transplanted into Samaria, Ezr. 4:9.
for condemn, to punish the guilty, Kara-
(a) to J")SH [Riphath, marg. Dip hath'], 1 Ch. 1:6, a
Gen. 15:14; Job36:3i,seq.; followed
KplrFir, by? various reading for nQ 41
"! in the parallel place, Gen.
Ps. iiO:6.
(b) to defend the right of one, to any
cause him to obtain his right;
10:3, where however many MSS. together with the
spoken of a just judge, Greek and Latin translators, have Riphat, which see,
especially of God Pro. 3 1 9, fV3g5) *)% || "judge

the poor and the Ch. and Syr. root p-H to look out),
needy;" Gen. 30: 6, b'rpg 'SH "God p.H (from
lias m. a watch-tower, place to look out, as erected bf
judged my cause;" Ps.54:3, *?3Hn

besiogers, i.
V F-

ID? and Syr. Lccv, commonly collect.

\ J = '"'J,
with a pleonastic suffix of the second person

9Ki.95:l; Jer. 52:4; Eze.4:2; 17:17; 21:27; cl/^ pr. this to thee; also <Jj3J and when we
36 8 : There is often said P.H 3, once jro Eze. 26 8. :
J. D. Michaelis, whom I formerly followed, understood speak with many, ,Hj this to you. Often used in
it tobe a wall of circumvallution, cast up by besiegers,
book of Kings, iripi-
the Targums for the Heb. T3, T2, '?'?., *?)!.
iStrcunroallaticitflinic (LXX. in the

rxoc); but compare Kosenm. on Eze. 4:2; also f H i.q.

'~i:n TO BE BROKEN IN PIECES, crushed,
Barhebr. p. 206; he erected a tower Loo_^ for not used in Kal. Compare "=1?^.
looking out, keeping watch. PIEL X31 (i) to break in pieces, to crush. Ps.
72:4, P?*iy X?l^ "and he shall break in pieces
Hence the oppressor;" Psal. 89: ll; 143:3; Job 6:9, ?xh
*/ "T i.
q. fc?n to thresh, which see.
\3X|T) aft and oh! that God would crush me!"
\^ m. threshing time, Lev. 26:5.
f *'
Metaph. Job ig:a, D^P? ^Ksnrj-'l "and (how long)
p ! m. (i) a species of gazelle, so called will you break me in pieces with words?"
from its leaping and bounding; from the root K^n (2) to trample
(with the feet). Lam. 3:34, and
pr. to tread, but prob. also i.
q. pi to leap, whence hence to oppress (an inferior), Isa. 3:15; Psal. 94:5;
/ f
especially in the administration of justice, Pro. 22:22.
**% )-> wild goat, gazelle (comp. Bochart, Hieroz.
NIPHAL, part, oppressed, broken in spirit, Isa.
page 270 and Rosenin. on the place), Deut. 14:5.
LXX. irv-yapyoc, Syr. and Targ. jQ<,both the Arab. PUAL (l) to be broken, broken to pieces, used ol

all of which words denote a kind of gazelle. the arm, Job 22:9.
(2) to be bruised, smitten (with stripes), Isa.
(2) [Dishon], pr. n. (a) of a son of Seir, also
the name of a district in Edom, so called from him. 53 =
to be crushed, humbled, broken in spirit
Gen. 36 2 1 30 i Ch. i 38.
, ;
(b) a grandson of Seir,
Gen. 36:25; iCh. 1:41. through grief, Isa. 19: 10; Jer. 44: 10.
HITHPAEL K3":!? pass, of Piel No. 2, Job 5:4534:25.
[1^^ Pr n - - m -
Dishan, Gen. 36:21, etc.] The derivatives follow.

! m.
adj. (from ""P^) (i) crushed, hence 2 -1
adi. Tpl- const.
^S' '!, intensive from th.
** LI i J'
dejected, afflicted, wretched, Psal. 9:10; 10:18; root S31 (of the form ?^i?) (l) very much crushed,
74 2 1 It 'seems once to be used in an active
: .
sig- broken very small, hence as a subst. that which is
5> -
nification for crushing, i.e. chastising, reproving.
Thus I understand with Luther and Geier, Pro. 26 28, :
very small, poet, for dust. (Arab. \j dust [rejected

V31 K3? Tj>B? |fc$ a lying tongue (i.e. a liar) in Thes.].) Ps. 90:3, K3TH? WM 2VR " thou turnest
hates those who correct him." Verbal adjectives man to dust."
of the form 'J'l, 'H are commonly, indeed, intransitive, (2) broken in spirit, cast down, Isa. 57: 15; Ps.
and are derived from intransitive verbs, as QP1, ?1, 3"]
and many others yet this does not hinder that words ;
m. with suffix IK^n and with Dag. forte
of the same form derived from a transitive verb, such
euphon. (Lehrg. p. 87), iS?"^ bruising, wound. Isa.
as "H?^, may also be taken transitively; ^''l contr.
53:10, 7QJJ i?l V5C n j"? "it pleased Jehovah to 1

T^, 'Tl=1?'' '; and that this is the case sometimes, is


sicken his wound," i.e. to wound him severely. The

shewn by \Q&, ]1?X. LXX. render this passage well construction is
asynthetic. [This word is taken in
as to the sense, yXunrtru I|/EI/C->/C piati aXi/dtiay, and Thes. as inf. from N?"^.
this is favoured by the other hemistich, "a flattering
mouth worketh ruin." I
formerly interpreted this q.

with Dathe, lingua mendax odit a se atterendos, those CRUSHED, once found in Kal, Ps. 10:10 aro, ^7,
whom it wishes to destroy ; but I unhesitatingly "
HC^ and crushed he crouches down." np, HS"!* id.
prefer the former. PIEL, to break to pieces, to crush. Psal. 44:20;
" that the bones i
m. Ch. 51:10, rP?H rrioyy. ro^on which)
"sp. this, Ezr. 5:16, 17; 6:7,8, "?p! fern.
thou hast broken may rejoice," i.e. broken by *
Ezr. 4: 15, 16, 19,5:8. (To this answers the Arab.
consciousness of guilt.
and both are from the simjle demonstrative NIPHAL, pass, to be broken, crushed, Psal. 38:9;
cxcix rfn-sm
used of the hear',,Psal. 51:19, n|H31 13E'3 3? a ?/1) weak, powerless. 2 Sa. 3:1, "David becamt
broken and a contrite heart." Hence *?;!. continually stronger D'Vl) D?Vn 7WP JVn-1 u nd th#

'sH :
house of Saul grew weaker and weakier;" specially
a crushing (from the root <r

3:2, i"l31 Jrt^?" mutilated (or castrated) by crush-

l?' j).

(a) lean, Gen.4l : 19; 2 Sa. 13:4,
nD3 nriKlTlE ^
There can be no doubt that a why art thouso lean?" (6) weak, low, ignoble.
ing," sc. the testicles. Often in plur. D'H Ex. 2 3 3 Levit. 14:21; 19:15, :
to which
peculiar mode of castration is here alluded ;
Ruth 3:10;
1 Sa. 2:8; Ps.41:2; 72:13; Prov. 10:
as we learn from Greek physicians, was customary in
15; 14:3M 19:4; Isa. 14:30; 25:4; 26:.
the East; in this mode the testicles of very young

boys were softened with hot water, and were extir- ?

"T TO LEAP, TO SPRING, found once in Kal,
pated by rubbing. Such a eunuch was called by the Zeph. 1:9.
Greeks OXudiac, from dXAw. Well rendered by the PIEL id. Isa. 35:6, DDQ >ja ah* TK "then shall
Vulg. eunuchus attrltis testiculis.
the lame man lea pas the hart;" followed by ?JJ Cant.

? ;!
from HS'I m. crushing, dashing (of waves), 2:8; followed by ait ace. Ps. 18:30, "Wrft^
" "
hence roaring noise; Ps. 93:3, B*?" ! I"11 ?? ^97 "the
by my God I have leaped over a wall." Ch. id.

floods lift
up their roaring." (Arab. lj to beat, to
7^ (l) i-
q- y?^ TO
thrust, VI. dash together; compare ^l/!j VI. to
PENDULOUS, compare Arabic Jj Conj. V used of
s- *
press on one another in the tumult of battle; <&.j
branches hanging down, and JEih. ^AI * wave,
to hang down, see Hv"!.
tumult, conflict.)
(2) to make to hang down, i.e. to let down, a
an unused Arab. <^_x> to break very draw
'\-~ '} root, bucket into a well, to water. (Arab, "i j and

small, to break in pieces, crush, i. q. Kin, rD ^

Jj, Syr.
id. Hence Gr. rXaw, and the compound
whence ""HI, ""^l; compare Pi2^ and the remarks JJj,

on nrn. In the western languages I compare this av-rXaw, Lat. antlare) Exod. 2: 16, 19. Metaph. Pro.
with Gr. 20 5, " counsel in the heart of a man is as deep water,

n3-13n B>W but a man of understanding will

"l Ch. this, i.
q. "sjl. Dan.2:3i; 7:20. draw it out."
PIEL, to draw, to take out (from a well), metaph.
'P / Ch. i.
q. Hebr. "1?T to remember, whence to set free, Ps. 30:2, *?n*f! *3 iponj? "I will extol
thee, for thou hast set me free." As to the form V?l
7 V !

! pi. | P' ! Chald. a ram, Ezr. 6:9, 17; 7:17. Pro. 26:7, see T?^.
Prop, it signifies a male, like the Heb. ~OT, specially Hence ?*!! No. I, f^, rh"^, 7^, 7^ n*^ and the
used of the male of sheep, like Gr. a male, apprjf, pr. n. I,*?'''., ^T?"!-
apr}, a ram.
^T*"! l-'Vl a door, see 71 No. I, Isa. 26:20

[ir ^.], whence dual Q!0?' !, see the word H?^.

1 !

(from the root I? '!)

m. emph. nj"^ Ch. Tp,

a memorial, vTrd/ji'r/jua,
a record, a document,
Ezr. 6: "^/^I f. (from 'r^J), pr. something hanging down,
slender, specially
?l m., Ezr. 4: 15, KJ3T?"? IQp </ie (l)slender thread, specially the thrumloy which
of records, or memorials, i.e. the public acts of the the web is beam Isa. 38 1 2,
fastened to the weaver's ;

nplp "he has cut me


kingdom compiled by the chancellor (Hebr. 1*3 IP) *3i?-y? ! from the thrum," off
99 *
an image of death, taken from a weaver who cuts off
by public authority. Syriac lj;_co> memorial, e.g.
his finished work from the beam.- (Ch. 7V" the web).
used of the memorials of
(2) hair, locks hanging down, Cant. 7:6; where
"^ (I) (from the root fy^), pr. something hang- the Vulg. has coma capitis.
ing, swinging, hence the leaf of a door as being (3) slenderness, poverty for theconcr. the poor,
hung up, and swinging both ways. Once used metaph. 2 Ki. 24:14; 25:12. Plur. DJjn ni?1 Jer. 52:15,
the door and niNn "l verse 16 id.
of the lips, for mouth, Ps. 141 13 (compare
Mic. 7 5? an d TTvXcu
oro/iaroc, Eurip. Hippol. 882).
By far more frequent is fern. IT? ; a door, which see. /
-T TO DISTURB water with the feet. Fze. 33
(II.) plur. D7% fem. ril^ feeble (from the root 2,13. (Syr. ^^j id.
m. (from a bucket, any vessel for draw- true one, who explain ^vl! by KY?, which it will b
7\ ""1^1),
well to explain and vindicate in a few words. A
ing water, Isa. 40: 15. Arab. Jj. doubled semi-vowel sometimes se^ms to bo so soften-
ed and prolonged that the second is sounded like i 01 Nu. 24:7, Vnp DV? >T. "water shall
flow from his
y ; as is the case in Italian, Spanish, and French, in
buckets," i.e. his posterity shall be which latter language this manner of pronunciation
numerous metaphora ab aqua de situla destillante,
expressed by the peculiar verb mouiller. Comp. with
ad semen virile translata, ex nostro sensu obscoena,
each other Lat. filia, fille, figliuola ; familia, famiglia t

aed Orientalibus familiari; compare TW, J^^ and A similar in-

famille ; Hispan. hollar, lluvia, nino.
Isai. 48:1. In the other hemistich D*?1 D?P? WIT. **-

Vy^ (dol-yav) is from the dual 0"? (as buckets for ;J

stance is Arab. _>^jj [So Castell;
' ' >^..j Freytag]
drawing were made in pairs), but with Metheg re- i.
q. <_v J a calumniator; Heb. SPVT! Ezr. 10: 16, for
tained in the penultima.
EMT1; also it seems as if Nun were sometimes put
"T?! ("whom Jehovah has freed"), [Delaiah], instead of doubling the semi -vowel, as Arab. t__>J j*.
S 4-
pr.n. m. (i)Neh.6:io. (2) iCh. 3:24. (3)Ezr.
2 : 60 ; Neh. 7 : 62. [" The Phoenicians had the pr. n.
for <_?.,- a pod, 0^9 Isa. 23:11, for 0^'? a^^

AeXaidoroproe, Jos. c. Apion, i. e. mnBV vT freed by perhaps -lipfl Lam. 2:12, for WJ?. [In Amer. edit
these philological comparisons are mostly omitted,
and the word is only explained thus : " In this pas-
^T?l (
id -) [Dtlaiah], pr.n. m. (l) Jer.36: sage, if we read * vl (with Pathach) it may be for
12,25. (2) l Chr. 24:18.
}?^; so several rabbins, and comp. Ezr. 10: 16, W"H
for Wft\ <j,\\ov folium, c'iXXoc alius, and vice versS
""l/Yl fern, ("feeble," "pining with desire" But it better with
filio, fille. is 11. Jonah, R. Judah,
["weak, delicate."]), [Deli I a A], pr.n. of a Philistine and several MSS. to read To return to
woman, beloved by Samson, Jud. 16:4 *8.
the passage in the Proverbs, the sense is given well
only in the plur. rii?' J fem. (with Kametz
by Symm. il\nroy Kvjjpai arro ^wXoi/ see also L.

De Dieu, who ascribes a like sense to the form

impure) boughs, branches, so called as hanging
down and waving, Jer. 1 1 16; Eze. 17 :6, 23 31:7,
V?l, deriving it from '~if^. This was what I formerly
thought. I then regarded -V?"! for ^?1 to be for imp.
9,12. (Syr. jlj^j id.)
Piel, from H/n, and I thus interpreted the passage
with Chr. B. Michaelis, "take away (as if, draw off)
'V'l pret. pi. 1 Isa. 19:6; Job 28:4, and the legs from the lame, and a sententious saying,"
171 Pro. 26:7 (see No. 1), tW"I Ps. 1 16:6. l
etc.,both being useless; but the former explanation
(l) TO HANG DOWN, TO BE PENDULOUS, TO is preferable.
SWING, TO WAVE, fdjlaff tjcrab^ngen/ fyinabroallen unb
(2) to be languid, feeble, weak (a) used of slow
a bucket hanging in a well, as slender
fcfycanfen/ as
and shallow water. Isa. 19:6, TISO 'Tfc -13-im nyj
branches, such as those of palms, willows, which are
"the rivers of Egypt languish and are dried up"
pendulous and wave to and
fro. (Kindred roots are
(comp. "flumen languidum" Hor. Od. ii. 14, 17 "aqua ;

n^, also ^T, and fyifrri, which see. Com-

JJj, ^ri, languida" Liv. i. 4). (b) used of men, as being in a
pare in the Indo-Germanic languages, Sanscr. til, to feeble condition, Psa. 79 8 ; 116:6; 142:7. (c) of

be moved Gr. eraXtuw, a<i\<'iaau>, ffdXoc, to wave, the eyes, as languishing with desire, Isa. 38:14, }?!

To the same family are to be referred /'"in, ttnfi

in all of which the pass, of No. 2, to be enfeebled, used of
jLri-, Jiac, primary idea is that
a people, Jud. 6:6; Isa. 17:4.
of pendulosity, laxity, languor.) Job 28 14, used of
Derivative nouns ?1 No. II., n?% and pr. n. n ?7l.
miners letting themselves down into the shafts, -^1
W3 B*i3gp "they hang down from men and swing."
Here I would also refer Prov.
26:7, DDSO D?jX5>
yi V an unused root. Arab, to thrust out the
V^ tongue. Ch. ny?

a cucumber (perhaps as teing


D7*Q$ *9? ^'P* tne legs hangdown(asa useless Whence

oblong like a tongue).
weight) from the lame, and (equally useless) is a sen-
tentious saying in the mouth of fools." I do not
? (" cucumber field"), [Z>i7ean], pr. a. 8
ioubt that the r
pinion of some of the rabbins is the a town in the tribe of Judah, Josh. 15:38.

two-leaved doors are spoken of, the dual is commonly

*1 /7 fut ^ -
: (0 DROP TO DRIP, used of
T0 >

" the house used (which see), but the singular is also used to
a house, Ecc. 10: 18, n?3n spT drps,"
lets inrain through the chinks in the roof. express both leaves, see l Ki. 6 34, fQ1<] D'y?y '>$

" the two leaves of

to shed tears, to weep, used of the eye. Job Dvv| nnXH the one door were
" folding."Without much strictness of use, Eze. 41 24 :
16: 20, TV. HS^ iTI^'^X my eye sheds tears to
God." Psa. 1*19:28, B>93 n
A??. put both for the leaves singly, and also for
"my soul weeps." ?^ the whole door, niap-io D^t? tfotyfa nin^ on^
slowly, to creep;
B'a. 3 No. 3. (Arain. id. ;

VII. to be poured out, to flow;

Arab, i^jjj to go
ny$fa nin^i
two leaves to
nnx nH<> tfaf? ninjn.
each of the doors, both were
comp. ^"H). folding, two leaves to the former door, two leave
to the latter." Used of the covering of the ark, 2 Ki.
"^ m> a dropping, Prov. 19:13; 27:15. "
12:10. Metaph. Cant. 8:9, if she (our sister) be
a door," if she be easy of access.
^n [Dalpho w],pr. n. ofasonofHaman,Est.9 :
Dual D.'-rta const. 0f! (pr. from the form ffyty
P?T (I)TOBUJJN, TOFLAME. (Aram. two-leaved doors, folding doors; especially large
p/ -T fut.

ones, such as the gates of a city. Deut. 3:5; 1 Sa.

id. To this corresponds Gr., prop, to
23:7; Isa. 45:1; Jer. 49:31. Metaph. the doors
flame, to shine, which is applied to the power of
" of heaven which let down the rain (elsewhere rrt3'TO)
Ps. 7 1 4, fy*\ D'bW V

ueeing comp. t\l&). he :

" the doors of the
Jobs: 10, 3B3 ^1
Ps. 78:23.
makes his arrows flaming," i. e. he shoots burning
2 to set on fire, to kindle,
womb (that bare) me." Job 41: 6, V3Q V^l " the
arrows. Followed by doors of his face" (the jaws of a crocodile). Job
Obad. 18. " he has shut
The 38:8, up the sea with doors;" comp.
(2) signification of burning is variously ap-
verse 10.
plied (a) to the glow of love and friendship. Pro.
1 1" PI.nin^. const, nin^n f. (but Neh. 13: 19 masc.j.
26:23, D' !??' D?npb burning lips," i. e. speeches

which show or feign the warmest love. (1) leaves of a door, gates, 1 Ki. 6:31; Ezekiel
(&) to
41 :24 (see the sing.), hence
anxiety, which is often compared to heat (Isa. 13:8;
Ps. 39:4). Ps. 10:2. Comp. Schult. Ep. ad Menken. (2) thedoorway or gate itself, Judg. 3:23 25;
19:27. Ezekiel 26:2, D$m
flta?! Pro^l "the
p. 49. (e) to the heat of persecution, pursuing,
whence ^.D^ P?" }
"to pursue hotly" (in the language gate of the people (Jerusalem) is broken."
of higher Germany, nad)feuern). Gen. 31 36, fl?i?3 *? :
(3) the columns of a book, so called from the
" that thou resemblance to a door, just as in Latin columna from
*Tinf pursuest me so hotly," i Samuel
the resemblance to a column, Jer. 36 23. Others un- :

*7 53- Followed by an ace. id. Lam. 4:19, D^n-pJ?


" derstand chapters of a book, like the Eabbinic TS??'.

Wp?"' the.y pursued us upon the mountains."
L &l 5
const. D" !, with sufiix
(Arab, ^jj and .jj
j have various figurative uses m., '^, DSp^ (Gen.
nearly approaching to those in Hebrew; as
^]j to
(l) blood (prob. for D"]^ from the root D1X, to be
rush violently as a crowd, comp. letter c. to be
^jjj red, whence Talmud. BTg, &1*, KOTS, Pun. Edom
sharp and ready, as the tongue, comp. letter a.
according to Augustine on Psalm 136. Arabic *j
HIPHIL, to kindle, Eze. 24:10, to heat, to in-
flame (used of wine). Isa. 5:11, Qp..v*]* J*l wine whence a new verb to emit blood,
inflames them." rarely .J, ^j
" to eat
II. to wound). QiJ *?# ^?K (flesh) with the
/. Ch. to burn. Dan. 7:9.
blood." l Sam. 14:32, 33; Eze. 33:25 (contrary to
- f-
burning fever, Deut. 28:22.
the "Mosaic law, Lev. 17:11; Deut. 12:23). D1 ^
"innocent blood," 2 Ki. 21:16; Ps. 106:38; also
feminine, (compare masculine aira \ey6p. ?1 used of an innocent person himself, Psalm 94 2 1 :

No. I, root "V *), the leaf of a door, so called from its

WBn 'p3
" and
they condemn the innocent blood;"
hanging and swinging (see the root) hence the door D" ! blood of an innocent

also *p.3 person. Deii.ig: 10,
itself as
hanging on its hinges, Prov. 26:14, which 13; 27:25; Jer. 19:4; 22:17. Figuratively
isshut or opened, Genesis 19:10; 2 Kings 4:4; 9:3; (2) blood is used speciallyfor bloodshed,slaugh-
knocked at, Jud. 19:22. It differs from nnij^ which ter, Lev. 19: 16, and for guilt contracted by killing,
denotes the doorway which the door closes. When SSlutfdjulb/ Genesis 37:26; Levit. 17:4. Deut. 17:8
naan-on ecu nm-tn
0-1> DTPS. Nu. 35 27, :
D-J ft P he is not guilty This signification of resemblance appears tc b
of blood.'' proper to this root; but it has another borrowed
(3) blood of the grape is used of wine, which in from the cognate stock DP'I, D^ namely
Palestine is red; compare al/m r?;c ara^uXifc, Sir.
II. n/J^
Gen. 49: 11 Deu 32:14. (l) TO BE SILENT, TO BE QU1E1,
39:26. ;
TO REST, TO CEASE; Jer. 14:17, " my eyes are
Plur. DW (i) blood, specially as shed, Isa. 9:4.
S a bloody man, Ps. poured out in tears, day and night, and they do uoi
5 ^:
; 26:9; 55 24. :

cease;" Lam. 3:49.

(2) slaying, guilt of slaughter. "^, JV3
make an end of any thing, hance
(2) causat. to
'H a
house, a city guilty of slaughter, 2 Sa. 21 : l ;
to des troy (compare 0*1.0, TPDn, JVS^n, n?3 No.4),
13 VOT Lev.
Ezc. 22:2; 24:6. 20:9; Eze. 18:13.
D3 especially to lay waste, to desolate, Hos. 4:5,T^P1
DnW. Lev. 20: 1 1,
seq., he is, they are, guilty of "JJSN "I destroy thy mother," that is, lay waste thy
country; Jer. 6:2, 'I'STD JVp "I
waste the <!
U~ likeness (from ""'P^) So perhaps in the daughter of Zion," i. e. thee.

NIPHAL, to be cut off, to perish, used if men;

loubtful passage, Eze. 19:10, thy mother is like
a vine," *1P^3, which Kimchi explains ^rvlO"]3 " in
Hos. 10: 15, ^gn^ $
np-U nbn? in^3 to- morrow
shall the king of Israel be cut off;" Isa. 6. 5, Y'^N
thy likeness," like thee. Compare also Targ. See
T^P"!?" ? "alas for me! for I perish;" used of nations,

more in Rosenm-on the passage. [" Calmet l?3?

IP"!? as a vine of thy vineyard." This is only a con- Zeph. l:ll; Hos. 4 6 of cities, countries, Isa. 15:1;

Jer. 47 5 Hos. 10:7. [See also Ps. 49 1 3, 2 1 .] (In


allthese examples the preterite occurs, in the future

-! the forms used are -1T., WTO

from syn. Dp'l). Hence
(Aram. HOT, p>), [fat. HOT.], TO BE
LIKE, TO BECOME LIKE, followed by ?, Ps. 1O2:7;
144:4; Cant. 2:9; 7:8; ^>X Ezekiel3ir8. With a Ch. to be like, Dan. 3 25 :
; 7:5.
pleonast. dat. Cant. 2:17, '?$ jfrVS] "be thou HH
(from the root QP^), laying waste, and
like, my love, to a hart." Cant. 8: 14.
concr. that which is laid waste, Eze. 27:32, "HV3 *O
NIPHAL, to become like, followed by ?, Ps. 49: 13,
n"|| "who was likeun to Tyrus, like the destroyed?"
81, ace. Eze. 32 [In Thes. all the occurrences in
: 2.
but it is not unaptly conj ectured by Houbigaut that the
Niphal, except the last cited, are referred to No. II.] common
true reading is np"]3.
[In Thes. the reading
PIEL ""lE^ (i) to compare, to liken, followed by is explainedby reference to ? B, 4, so utterly
?K 40:18, 25; f 46:5; Cant. 1:9; Lam. 2:13,
destroyed.] More satisfactorily than Houbigant, a
nft'TX nip " what shall
V* Icompareto thee?" Hence learned writer [Hitzig] in Ephem. Jan. 1 830, IV. p-373,
to use parables, i. q. A?P, ?tfP. Hos. 12:11, "I?? has conjectured that for n P"T3 we should read n P"l.P.
rranj* D'K'33n "through the prophets I have used
But the common reading may also be tolerated if the
parables" (it is better to take it thus as required 3
prep. ? be taken in the manner explained under No. 4.
by the context, than "I have destroyed," i.e.
announced destruction). rtiKF[ f.
(from the root np^ No. I). (l) simili-

(a) to liken in one's mind, to imagine, to think. tude, likeness, image, i. q. Syr. )Lcvx>*- Gen. i :26,
Ps. 50:21, TIE? njngrnVq rmn. t hou thoughtest " let us make man ....
Wn-lD-jS according to our
I was altogether such a one as
thyself," Esth. 4:13; image;" compare 5:1, 3, "he begat a son in-ISlS
isa. 10:7. to?S? according to his likeness, after his image;"
^3) to think, to purpose, to meditate doing 2 Chr. 4:3, D'"?i?? r\W*\ "images of oxen," cast,

something, Num. 33:56; Jud. 20:5, 3'"in? ^"1 'JYK molten oxen; Isa. WTJjn n-lO^-np "what
40: 1 8,
i ?

"they thought to have slain me." Isa. 14:24; 2 Sa. image will
ye compare him?" to

ai:5, i> "SI

~C 8!
f| B**n "the man who

T (2) model, pattern, 2 Ki. 16: 10.

WD ^ 1

destroyed us and who meditated (evil) against us." appearance, Eze. 1:16, ART]*? "1
(4) to remember, Ps. 48:10, T1PO D'r6 'B} "those four had one appearance." Followed by
"we have remembered, O God, thy loving kind- a genitive, the appearance of any thing, that is,
ness." an appearance resembling something, when any
HITHPAEL, i fut. no^Sl Isa. 14:14, to make one- thing seen in a dream or vision is described as not
ni'n y-qs* rVIDT rOinen "and
ttlf like. clearly seen; Eze. l :5,
Derivatives D1. No. II, TOOT, jVpl. in the midst of it was the appearance of four livinf

creatures," i. e. a certain ap x?arance like four living to be dumb, which is

applied both to silence and
creatures; verse 26, KB? JVltJ ! "the appearance of and stupefaction of one who U
quietness, also to the
a throne;" verse 28; 8:2; 10:1,21; Dan. 10:16. lost in wonder and astonishment; and also in the

Compare '"IK19. Hence causative and transitive conjugations it is applied

Ps. 58:5. to destruction and desolation, inasmuch as things 01
(4) adv. like, as, Isa. 13:4, niB"}? id.

7 places which are destroyed and made desolate, are

Vp* m. quiet, rest, stillness (from the root HD^

still and quiet.

No. II). Isa. 38:10, '; *P"]3 "in the quiet of my
Most nearly kindred to this root are D-H (in which
life," i. e. now when
I might reign in quietness. LXX.
is to be observed the obscure sound which is peculiar
iv TU v-^et (eitherfrom reading or else conjecturing
to the mouth when closed; see the Latin and German
*DT2) TUV iipipwv /jou. See more in my Comment, on
words below) and nD^ which see. The same primary
the passage. I formerly, in common with others, fol- }

lowed Scheid (Comment ad Cant. Hiskiae ad h. 1.),

power is found in D^, ^OH, Drn etc., not to mention
those in which the idea of the closed mouth is applied
who understands it to mean stillness, i. e. thestand-
to taste ( C JN3), or to -abstinence from food (MS), or
E1*n p3p under
ing still of the sun, or noon (comp.
the verb J13) in this explanation he has discussed the
to onmeaning sounds (&13, ED-?, DK3, r"?C )) or lastly, 1

to the general sense of closing (see DBN, E-?JJ, etc.).
passage with more learning
than correctness.
From the branches of this family in Greek is ^.vu,
*DT. masc. quietness, rest (from the root HE" !

which is frequently used of the mouth, lips, or eyes,

CD'r6x "O God, be not
No. II). Psal. 83:2, $*PP* as being closed, and also of sounds uttered with the
quiet," i. e. do not look on our troubles quietly and mouth shut (see Passow's Gr. Lex. v. pit, /uvw, and the
without doing any tiling, do not put off thy aid (comp. citations there given); hence davpa, 0a^/3=Heb.
Isa. 62: 6, 7.
enn, HBTI). DDk?, Chaldee nDJj) Latin mufti* (from /^u^oc, pvu},

nOT No. i. nran. m likeness,

and still more in the Germanic languages, bumm =
J1OT (from I.) q. .

image, Ps. 17:12. stupid,English and Anglo-Saxon dumb (which is in

meaning nearer to the primary idea), which, with
! pret.
SH imp. and inf. tfn fut t?V. pi. the addition of a sibilant, becomes ftumm j comp. =
Lat. stupor, stupidus, and Germ, to stun,
(in the Chaldee form). ftaunen/
STILL; Lev. 10:3; Lam. 3:28; Eze. 24:17, DM pp.SH Fr. e'tonner. .

" POEL Dpn to bring to silence, to compose, Psa.

Vulg. ingemisce tacens. Job 29:21, T\'*% \d? -ID^l. and
they kept silent at my counsel." Followed by ? to 131:2.
silence for some i.e. to hear someone with- HIPHIL C^n prop, to bring to silence, hence to cut
keep one,
out speaking. Hence n'lHv DO^ to be silent for off, to destroy, Jer. 8: 14 [" See Kal No. l"]. See
Jehovah i. e. patiently and with confidence to expect HEn No. II, 2.

his aid, Ps. 37:7; 62:6. NIPHAL D13 ran: (Jer. 25:37), fut. *B1, also
(2) astonished, confounded (see etym.
to be 'ip'nn (Jer. pass, of Hiphil, to be cut off, to
note), DDK', with admiration and amazement, Ex.
q. perish (used of men), i Sa. 2:9, ran* D^-| ^H?
" " the wicked shall
15 16 and also with grief, Isa. 23:2,^ '3^ ran be
; perish in darkness." Jer. 49 :
astonished ye inhabitants of the coast (sc. of Tyre)," 26; 50:30; 51:6; to be laid waste, as a,
Lam. 2 : 10. Silence is also transferred from speaking Jer. 25 37 48 2. Here must also be referred Jer. 8
: :

to acting
(compare ^1^, ""^'P), hence it is 14 [see Kal l, to which this is referred in Ges. corr.],
(3) to be quiet, to cease, to leave off, Ps. 4:5.
" let us r
go into the fortified cities, Dt5 nD' 13^ &n< }et
Sa. 14:9; Job 31 34; Lam. 2: 18, TO713 tfttrtK there," let us wait for destruction. nD" !} for
1 : perish
" let Gramm. Hence
not the apple of thine eye c e a s e," stop weeping ; (See 57, note 11.)
Job 30 27, -IB! j6) $n?nx yp my bowels boiled, and

rested not;" also to stand still, Josh. 10:12, S?DK> p"! f. silence, stillness, e.g. of the winds, a
Dh fly??? "Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon!" calm, Ps. 107:29. """?91 ^P a voice of silence, i. e.
verse 13, ^'O^n oVl "and the sun stood still." Ki. 19: 12, and so poet, tv $ia
gentle, still, l by v6li>,
Note. This root is onomatopoetic, and one which is Job 4: HOO-n I heard silence and a
16, J?Pf topj
widely spread in other families of languages, and voice," i. e. a
gentle whispering voice ; unless it be
equally with the kindred roots Dpn, C-in, non, and
preferred to take it, there was silence, and I heard
Gr. pviti, it is an imitation of the sound of the shut a voice." LXX. and understand it "
VuLj. lenii
mouth (hm, din). Its proper meani \g therefore, is aura."
cciv 7NM n-|D1
made of silk curiously wrought, which still iu the
y an unused root; Arab. >r<t > to dung, t* ma-

western languages bears the name of that city Engl. ;

nure, whence, besides the words immediately follow- and Danish, Damask ; Ital. Damasco ; Fr. Damas ;
ing, iPip, napip, napi.p. Germ. SDamajt Am. 3:12. The same word, but will
tf o S - -

m. dung. (Arab, and a Ki. 9: the letters variously changed and transposed, is found
^j j.)
So -
37; Jer.8:a; 16:4; 525:33. in Arabic, namely, J according to the Kamus,

("dunghill"), [Dim na A], pr.n. of a town page 760, silk, especially that made from the cocoons
in the tribe of Zebulon, Josh. 21 135. out of which the butterflies have already come (lo
retfetbe), floss silk; according to others, white silk;
TO WEEP, TO SHED TEARS, Jerem. 13:17;
Aram, and Arab. id. Hence also, jjwlLcJ, ,yA-ci.\ ,-eljUJ. Silk worms are still

m. a tear, metaph. used of that of olives and much kept about the foot of Lebanon.
grapes, i. e. of wine and must (comp. Greek Saicpi/t v rS>v
P! ("judge"), [Dan], pr. name (l) of a son of
cfiYcpwr, Theophr. ; arborum lacrimce, Plin.xi. 6). Ex. Jacob, and of the tribe his name the boun-
bearing ;

Si2:28, Wll 1?Ki?P, LXX. dirapxac aXwvoc u daries of whose land are described, Josh. 1 9 40 48. :

[Whence the Gentile noun

Jud. 13:2]. *3"H

f. a tear, commgnly coll. tears. (Arab. (2) of a town on the northern limit of Palestine
S S--0- (otherwise called K'v), Joshua 19 47; Jud. 18:29, :

_^ej tears, <5jcj a single tear. In like manner in which took its name from a colony of the Danites.
Greek SaKpv is commonly used by the poets collect.) In the words ]V. na^ 2 Sa. 24:6, there appears to b<
Psal.6:7; 39:13; 56 9. The plur. however occurs
: a transcriptural error, and we should probably read
niycn Ps.8o:6; Lam. 2:11. As to the expression "C. Vulg. silvestria.
of Jeremiah, nj/p^ ^^ Tin "my runs down with eye [For I'll, see under 1.]
tears," see under the word T}J. Hebr.
Ch. emphat. st. H3^ pron. demonstr. i.

M an unused whence nj, nx'T comm. this, Dan. 2 :

18, 28, 30, 36, 43, 47,
root, lO"])?, which see.
etc. nr?3 like this, so. Ezr. 5:7, 3*ro H313 "so

it was written." Dan. 2 10, Hyp n?O
Jer. 10: ll.
M unused quadril. Arab. ^JA^ to be hasty,

?- o- s - <.
"such a word." nyi. 7J? therefore, Dan. 3: 16; Ezr.
quick, active, alert. Hence 4:14, 15. H3"! ^H^ afterwards. Dan. 2:29. (In the
active, jLi^J. J^LJ word
Targums this is commonly written fully P%
perhaps pr.n.
17, PTD for Heb. HT; PI? thus).

p^cn Arab. and

,j^L<J ^_^L<j (" alertness,"
an unused root, which has, I imagine, the
perhaps industry with regard to traffic), sometimes
signification of tenacity, see the root I JFI.
[In Thes.
P^?TI, P^^ which see. Gesenius supposes melting to be the primary idea.]
(l) Damascus, metropolis of Damascene Syria,
[Derivative, 33'"''.]
situated on the river Chrysorrhoas, in a large and
fertile plain at the foot of Antilibanus, Gen. 14:15; i"ljn ("a low place," from the root |3^), [Dan-
15:2. It was taken by David, 2 Sa.8:6, but reco- nah~], pr. n. of a town in the tribe of Judah, Josh.
vered its liberty in the reign of Solomon, l Ki. 1 1 : 15=49-
and was governed by its own kings until
24, Tig-
("Qn}"} (perhaps for rnrn ^
master of (i. e. a
lath-Pileser,king of Assyria, subjected it to his rule,
flKi. 16:9; Isa.7:4,8; 8:4; 10:9. At present Da- place of) plundering, i. <. a lurking place of robbers,

mascus is one of the richest cities of hither Asia. comp. \_^fj to plunder), [DtnAaioA] pr. n. of a

(a) Gen. 15: 2, i.q. J*^ STK, or pfc^ If, like town of the Edomites, Gen. 36:32 l Ch. 1 143. ;

B? Hos. 12 :8, fur '??. This form, and' not W^n,

was doubtless chosen by the writer in allusion to the ("God's judge," i.e. who delivers judg-
ment name of God),[Danief], pr.n. especially
in the
preceding P!^9; compare Lehrg. 164,3.
that of a Hebrew prophet and wise man, who Imdat

I^P^! (according to pretty many MSS. \*PQ\ the Babylonian court. Dan. l :6. Also /W% Eze. 14
see De Rossi, SchoL Grit.), Damascene cloth, 14,20; 28:3.
ccv rh rn-

an unused root. Arab, i.)^ = Med. nopn, naaiji prov.

1:4; 2:6; 24:5, etc. nyi 7??
foolishly, 6 ; 36 12 Job 35
: 1 JHJ :
; Wl
" Arab,
Waw, to 6e loiv [in Thes. .j to wAi'sper"]; to be possessed of wisdom, Pro. 17:27.
whence ^3":!.
MS -1 an unused foot. Arabic ^ij, Ijj to
5?^! m. inf. used as a noun, root SHJ, wAa one
thrust, to push, so as to make to fall, to wound, also
knows, knowledge, opinion. Job 32: 10, ftyns.
" and I also will show Job
*3N"P1SI ^H my opinion." to slay (compare the lundred roots ^l^, u_JJ, -!j
32:6, 17; 36:3. Plur. DTi! E' ?? he1
who is perfect p!?"'}).
of wisdom. Job 37 16.

^fl^I in pause ^M m. Ps. 50:20, prob. ruin, des-

knowledge, knowing, followed
""I>H pi. niVtl f. truction. LXX. and Vulg. oKavlaXov, offendiculum,
an ace. [" like Isa. 11:9, nVv-JlK Pljn which may very well be drawn from the etymology.
by inf."],
" the
knowledge of Jehovah." Isai. 28:9; Psalm The Hebrew interpreters explain it badly by a con-
73:11; Job 36:4. drawn from the other member, n^l nsn evil

'"'J^I Prov. 24: 14, see Analyt. Ind. report, slander.

U/-T an unused root, i. q. Arab. U,^ to call, p5*^T (i) TO KNOCK AT a door, Cant. 5:2;
traces of which are found in the pr. n. ^JJ"^?? and compare HITHPAEL.
(2) to dri ve a flock hard, to overdrive, Gen. 33:13.
invocation of God"), [DeweZ], pr.n.
( (Arab. i j to go quickly, pr. to be thrust forward.)

m. Num .1:14; 7 42 for which

: Num . 2 : 1 4, is found
HITHPAEL, part. CPpSID? knocking in rivalry at
Sun. a door (this seems to me to be the signification of the
conj. Hithpael in this place), Jud. 19:22.
^\y. ^ i-q. Syr.
<^> to Je extinguished," pr.
" the
npS"^ [Dophkah~\, pr.n. of a
a lantern, or lamp, Prov. 13:9, "=$"?. ^JKJn station of the
Israelites in the desert; Nu. 33:12. Seetzen (in v.
lamp of the wicked shall be put out," i.e. their
Zach. monatl. Correspond, xxvii. p. 71) compares a
good fortune compare the Arabic pro-
shall perish;
place calledel Tobbachd.
verb, U^\ jt^\
-9-1 ill
_. fortune has put out my'
^J^s ;
(l) beaten

lamp. Pro. 20:20; 24:20; Job 18:5,6; 21 :17. Ap- p""! adj.Hp^ (from the root PP" })

plied to the destruction of enemies, Isa. 43: 17, and small, fine, minute, pr. used of dust. Isa. 29:5,
p" ! P?^J "fine dust." Lev. 16:12, hence subst. some-
to thedrying up of water, see NIPHAL.
NIPHAL, to become extinct, i. e. to dry up (when thing small or fine, dust, particle, Exod. 16:14;
Isa. 40:15.
spoken of water), (comp. exstinguere aquam, Liv. v. 15 ;

succum, Curt. vi. 4 ; mammas, Plin. xxiii. 2). Job 6:17. (2) slender, thin, used of slender, thin hair, Lev.
PUAL, to be extinct, applied to enemies, Ps. 118:12. 13:30; of lean kine and thin ears of corn, Gen.
41 3, seq. ; of a man too much emaciated, or having

L /Jil an unused root, see 7jnFI.] a withered limb, Lev. 2l:2O; light, gentle, of a
inf. f. used of a noun, from the verb JHJ gale, i Ki. 19:12.
(like ?. and njn)_ rh\ m. pr. infin. verb PP" } thinness, fineness,

(1) knoivledge,knoiving, sometimes followed by something fine, hence thin fine cloth, Isa. 40:22.
an ace. Jer. 22:16, *n'K n$nn knowing me, the

knowledge of me; D'n^N njn, Hos. 4:1; 6:6, and *-! an unused root. Arab. Jjj j,
Aram. &vP.%
KQT ioxfjv, njnn Hosea 4:6, knowledge (of God). 9 **

JJj3> palm tree.

fijn V?? through
ignorance, unawares (opp. to "of set
purpose, advisedly"), Deut. 4:42; 19:4; Josh. 20:3. of a son of Joktan, Gen.
!7p'l [m. Diklah, pr.n.
rijn 7^tp Isa. 5:13, is not
"unexpectedly, suddenly" 10:27.] Gen. 10:27 [DiklaK], pr.n. f. of a region
(the interpretation which I defended in my com- of Joktanite Arabia, probably abounding in palm
mentary on this passage); but by comparison with trees of such places there are many in Arabia.
; [See
Hoe. 4: 6 (where once there is rijnn ^??P), "for want Forster's Geog. of Arabia i. 147, where the Duklaite
of the
knowledge of God,"
of religion. Rightly i.e. tribe in Yemen is compared with this pr. n.] There
therefore rendered by LXX. &a TO was one celebrated place of palm trees situated at th<;
pi) tldlvai awrouc
rnv Kvpiov. Deu. 4:42; 19:4; Josh. 20:3. entrance tc Arabia Felix, called in Gr. fotvlKttv (PtoL
(2) intelligence,understanding, wisdom, i.q. vi. 7), but mis would be too far from the other terri
"" <
tones of the Joktanites. [But Ges. overlooks that (

?1 ("piercing through"), [Z)jfcr], pi D. (A
Jerah, the son of Joktan, is commonly called in Arab. a man, i Ki 4:9.

-AJ j)\ the father of Yemen; see Forster i.

115.] T"! m. Esth. 1:6, commonly taken as i.
q. Arabic
2- s*^
I therefore prefer following Bochart, (Phaleg. who a pearl, especially a large one, from the
IL> i ,*l
22) understands it to be the district of the Minasi, root "n'l to shine. Nor would pavements inlaid with
which was rich in palm trees (Plin. vi. 28).
pearls be foreign from Asiatic luxury (see Bochart,

^ pret. p% fut. p"IJ i.

q. ^l?^ (which see), and Hieroz.
a stone like
780, seq.) I prefer, however, to understand

a p earl, perhaps mother-of-pearl ($>erlen

Arab, sj an onomatopoetic root (i) TO CRUSH, kind of alabaster, called in German
mutter), or the
Isa. 41 15,
" behold I will make thee a
new sharp threshing wain ...... p'"in] Dnn KTtn thou
Gh.i.q.'iFl generation, age, Dan. 3:33; 4:31.
shall thresh the mountains and break them to *PJ see "fa.

pieces." There is a paronomasia on the two-fold N

signification, Tsa. 28: 28,
tm n? fc6 '3 P1-V DnJ>
J^T an unused root. Arabic \ , j i.
q. g j .

to repel from oneself, especially evil, whence
J5T t6 ...... H'^T "wheat is out, but he
does not continue threshing it, ...... nor does he be at it -
abhorring, abomination, Dan. 12:8,
small." The former PT^ is i.q. BHV verse 27 (unless "these to shame o?iy l
to eternal contempt"
indeed it ought to be so read) to beat out with a wain
(Theod. ala-xyvri. Syr. J^ncu/). And
or horses, opp. to B3n? verse 27, Hi|" denotes the

bruising of the grains, which must be avoided.

^ m - I sa - 66:34 that which is abhorred.

(a) beaten small, crushed. Exod. 32:20,

to be
an unused root, i.q. Arabic ^-^j to bt.
y*~~W$ 1J? iHtp'l " and he ground (it) till it became
small like dust;" Deu. 9:21. sharp, whence
HIPUIL, Pin i.q. Kal No. i, to beat small, e. g. p3*pT only in pi. nwtaTJ (read dorvonoth, compare
altars, idols, 2 Ki. 23:6, 15; 2 Ch. 15:16; 34:4,7. Lehrg. p. 43) goads, Ecc. 12 ll. :

IW. Pin adv. very small (like dust). Exod. 30:36.

j^n"! m. (read dorvdn, as to the Metheg see Lehrg
Metaph. Mic. 4:13, "thou shalt beat to pieces p.43) an ex goad, povKtvrpov. 180.13:21. Theopi-
many people." Inf. P1D 2 Ch. 34:7. Fut. with suff. nionthat these two forms should be pronounced notdor-
D!>n8 for DiTfX 2 Sa 22:43.
bon, dorban (of the form 13~H5), but dd-r'bon, dd-r'ban^
HOPHAL, pass. Isa. 28:28, see Kal No. i. Hence was brought forward by Ewald, in Heb. Gram. p. 143 ;

PI, P*. but he has since tacitly given it up in his smaller

pp^l Ch. id. to be crushed, to be beaten small, Grammar, 159,214. Indeed, Dag. lene is not more
in Peal only P'l Dan. 2 35, a form derived from pVT.
necessary in i^T} than in H?9 Est. 8:6 (erroneously
APHEL P?."? to beat small, in 3 pret. fern, npjnn Dan. p 3K,
which is found in the last edition of Simonis
a: 34, 45, fut. p^, P19, part. p?np f. n^Vp Dan. Lexicon), and in nC^P, nn^.

3"!*-J an unused root. Arab. ,j to go on, espe-

cially by steps, and so to ascend, cogn. "HTJ- Hence
as with a sword or spear. Aram. ;_o, ">p.1 id. Nu.
5:8; Jud.g:54; 183.31:4.
Isa. ^"^"^ ("pearl of wisdom," comp. of "l% ,j
NIPHAL, pass. 13: 15.
and ri^y.1, nyi wisdom), [Darda], pr. n. of a wise
PUAL 37:1O; 51:4; Lam. 4:9, "happier
id. Jer.

are those slain by the sword than by famine, OH??

man contemporary with Solomon, or else living a little
nt? nuWJ^p C > Tj5'lp lir for th ese waste away, pierced 11 in the parallel place, l Ch.2:8
previously, lKi.5: ;

want of the produce of the or cormptedly), JH%

through, (i.e. slain) for (contractedly
field." D^T^P is put in this place by a bold figure *n*T^! m. a luxuriantly growing, but uselesi
9 y
a? to those who perish from famine, as in the former
member 3JH 77P1 s opposed to 3 "VI v?0 (com p. Isa.
plant, Gen. 3:18; Hos. 10:8. (Syr. )?>} for the

Gr. rp//30Aor, see L. De Dieu, on Gen 3:18. Arabic

32 :
a). Vulp. contabuerunt consumti a iteriUtate terra. ?-<--

Hence, "^?,
"i" |

p"}9 and AJ id.) From the root "VTJ No. 8.

m. or the Aapi fci/c we read Aoptoio.c, or, as I should prefer
pr. the light sunny region (from
r<* t TH No. 2 for D'VH), hence the south quarter (opp.
[" Note. The genuine form of this name appeari
to |is the region covered with darkness; comp. in
in the arroAv^headed inscriptions of Persepolis, nom.
Homer, wpoc 'Hw T 'lle\iov TI and TTJJOV 6<f>ov). Eze.
40:24, seq; 42:i2,seq. Ecc. 1:6. Poetically used ;
see Lassen, iiber
die keilfdrmigen Inschriften, p. 158; Beer in Allg.
of the south wind, Job 37: 17.
1838, No. 5.
Lit. Zeit. It is compounded according
?R*R m. [but f. Ps. 84: 4. Root nnn.] (l) swift to Lassen (p. 39), from the root darh (darg), Zend.
flight, gyration hence concr. used of a bird wheeling
dere, Sansc. dri, to preserve, with the affirmative awu,
in its flight; according to the Jewish interpreters the and s as the sign of the nominative; all which accords
(in the other member
swallow there is "IISV spar- with Herodotus, who translates the name
to the ancient versions the turtle
row), according by tpltinc, perhaps coercer, conservator." Ges. add.]
dove, i. "VI, which less suitable, Ps. 84:4;
>VT! Ezr. 10 : 16, see &n.
Pro. 26:2. Compare the root IT} No. l.
(2)0 free or abundant flow (see the root No. 2). ^j :J fut. TH' CO TO TREAD with the feet, TO
Ex. 30:23, "li~n~"Mp myrrh which flows spontaneously. TRAMPLE, treten. (Syr.& Closely cognate 3TJ,
a way, Gr. rpi-^w. also of this family
(3) liberty, freedom (comp. anj, nan?), ninn. nj3
.j; ,jjb
? to
proclaim liberty to any one. Isa. 61 i ; Jerem. :
are ^'TJ,
(juu,J pr.
to rub, beat, pound; "H^: m tne
"Annn flJf
34 :
8, 7 followed by ? Lev. 25:10.
1 5, 1 ;
western languages, tero, fyt'yuw, trappen^ treten/ in all
the year of liberation (of slaves), i. q. the year of of which the initial letters tr imitate the sound of the
jubilee, Eze. 46:17. when put when
feet forcibly on the ground, especially
some of the kings of breaking anything by trampling on SSReicn, jers
^T'H Darius, pr. n. of it,

Media and Persia. treten). Specially (a) 3i Job 24:11, or D3, TH

ri32 Lam. 1:15; Isa. 63:2, to tread a press, to ex-
(1) of Darius the Mede, Dan. 6:1; 9:1. This
was Cyaxares (II.), the son and successor of Astyages, D^?^3 1!! "HTJ Isa. 16: 1O;
press the wine or oil; also
and uncle of Cyrus, who reigned over Media, between rV! Mic. 6:15, and simply "HTJ !eltern.
f\~Fl Judges
his father and nephew, from 569 536 B.C.; Cyrus, 9:27; Jer. 25:30. Metaph. to tread down enemies
as if they were grapes, 63 3 ; referred to also in
however, so administered the kingdom for him that

Jud.5:2i, TV ^95 ^"H^ TK " then, my soul, thou

he only is mentioned by Herodotus. Frequent men-
tion is made of Cyaxares didst tread down strength," i. e. strong enemies.
by Xenoph. Cyrop. i. 4, 7,
v. l and Josephus says correctly of (5) ri^5 "*\Tl to tread a bow (to bend a bow), i: e. to
2, viii. 7, ;

Darius the Mede (Ant. x. 11, 4), f]f'A(rrva.yove vlog,

bend by putting the foot upon it, which is done

The when the bow is very large and strong (Arrian. Ind.
fTfpor 2e Tropct ro7f "EXXjjtrtv iKaXeiro orop.a.
16. Diod. Sic. iii. Psalm 7 =13; 11:2; 37:14;
various opinions of interpreters and historians are 8).
iCh. 5:18; 8:40; 2 Ch. 14:7; Isa. 5:28, etc. The
collected, and the true opinion brought to view by
Bertholdt in Comment, on Dan. p. 842, seq. origin of the expression being overlooked, there is

also said D vVn ^TJ Ps.58:8; 64:4.

(2) of Darius Hystaspes, king of Persia, Ezr. 4:5;
5:5; Hag. l:l; Zee. 1:1. (2) Specially, to tread a or place, by going 01 way
to a place, Mic. 5:4; in a
hence to enter
(3) of Darius Nothus, king of Persia, Neh. 12 22. walking
: it,

As to the origin of the form, I should regard ^"H place, followed by ?, Deut. 1 1 24, 25 Joshua 1:3; :

to be the Persic iijl from 14:9; Isa. 59:8; followed by ace. Job 2 2 1 5 fol- :
iJ royal, \ ,\
j, <__>! ,j
lowed by /J? l Sa. 5:5; followed by IP to walk out
king, and the syllable
,y which in the modern
from, Nu. 24: 17. 7J? TT^ is also to Avalk or go upon

Persic denotes similitude. However this may be, the anything, Job 9:8; Ps. 91:13.
genuine form, Darheusch or Dargeusch is found in the HIPHIL (i) causat. o'Kal No. 2, to cause to go,
cuneiform inscriptions at Persepolis (see Niebuhr's walk. Isa. 11:15, QvV?? T11 n l " and he will cause
Itiner. p. 2, tab. 24 G
and B), as has been shown with them to walk
(through the bed of the Euphrates) in
ry appearance of truth, through the sagacity of shoes," with them dry, hardly wetted.
i. e. Followed
rotefend (see Heerenii Opera Hist. torn. xi. p. 347). 3, to cause to go in any particular way,Ps. 107 7,
by :

le same thing appears to have been known to Strabo Q " and he made them in a
H")^; T?l? 3*T7.n go
fxvi. p. 785), if there, "with Salmasius, instead of straight way," he led them in a straight way. Psalw

" the ma
H9:35; Isaiah 42: 16; 49:17; Prov. 4:11. Psalm in which the way is. Isa. 8:23, D'H yn
2f :
5, TIP*?3 ^an^n cause me to walk in thy truth." ritime district," on the shore of the sea of Gal 'lee.
Ps. 25:9. (3) way, i. q. mode, course, in which one goes. -
(a) i. q. Kal No. 1, to tread a threshing floor, i. e. or which one follows (like the Gr. o6c, Arab. -i> !?
the grain on it, Jer. 51:33; also to tread (bend) a
bow, but metaph. Jer. 9:2,!^ DH?>J2 D3V^-nX T1! J--_.,
^Eth. 47 : 47^ -^^ : : Germ, einen an
they bend their tongue (as) their bow for lies;" netjmen). Gen. 19:31, n?V|J? ? ^71? "after the man-
also i. q. Kal No. 2, to tread & way, to walk it, poeti- ner of all the earth." Specially (a) a way oj
cally with an ace. Job 28:8.
- ^,-t living or acting (SBanbcl). Prov. 12:15, ^1N TH
(3) q. Arab, tl/.j! and Syr. Aph.
i. to overtake ^V.? ^T " a fool's way is right in his own eyes."
20 Pro. 1:31, B?"p *"!? the advantages or disadvantages
any one, followed by an ace. Jud. 43. Hence :

" and
TT1P and the following words springing from a course of life, i Sa. 18:14,

David acted prudently Vpfr^-" Often with the

a "^y^ nly used in the Dual, figure of away retained (comp. "=]?n No. 2, TT1? "fe^,
??Vl.perverse in a double way, used of a double- '3
'?"]"!? to follow, to imitate
any one's course of life,
i Ki. 16:26; 22:43; 2Ki. 22:2; 2 Chr.
tongued man, Prov. 28:6, 18. 17:3; 21:
12; 22:3; Isa. 8:11. Din* OTl, 7]^ used of men, a
comm. (m. 1 Sa. 21 :6$ f. Ezr. 8 :
21), with course of acting approved by God, Ps. 5:9; 27:11;
suffix ?7? pi.
D'3-n const. "^..
25:4; used of God, his course of acting, Ps. 18:31 ;

(1) prop, the action of going, walking, agoing, Deu. 32 4; specially with regard to the creation (baS

hence a journey which any one takes, ang^ ben SStrfen Pro. 8 22, 'Wfl JVE iO 33j5 nin; Je-

jemanb madtt, al$ anblung. TJl n FV irottltrOat blov, hovah created me
from the beginning of the crea-
Jud. 17:8; T31 V? Proverbs 7:19, to go a journey.
tion," }U Tfnfang feine6 SBirfcnS. [This passage cannot
l Ki. 18:27,1? "n^.1 he is on a journey, or at least, "
refer to creation, for it is said before his works of
he is from home, cr tjat fincn Sang, ift auSgegangcn. " the
wisdom of God," is
old;" see also H3j5; Christ,
0^ T31 one day's journey (on which see Rosenm. " Jehovah
spoken possessed me in the beginning
Alterthumsk. i p. 161), l Ki. 19:4, D^ f^f T. of his ways."] PI. works of God, Job 96: 14; 40:
three days' journey, Gen. 30:36, comp. Gen. 31 :23;
19. (b) the mode of worshipping God, religion
Ex. 5:3.' S -o- *i>-a j
Pers. i^,; bloc, Acts 1Q:9,
(2) a way, path, in which one goes, ang 2Beg/ (comp. ^v^c <OJ\
(a) followed a genitive of place " the
very frequently. by 23). Amos 8 :
14, J>?r~^? TJl way of Beer-
it means the way which leads to that place (comp. on
sheba," i.e. the worship of idols there. Ps. 139:24,
the Attic use, Valck. ad Hippolyt. 1197), thus TH 3p ^ITI
worship of idols," and D^iy Til [the old
ft? the way to the tree, Gen. 3:24; sttt? 'y^t Prov. "the fathers' worship," i.e. the true and
7:27, comp. Gen. 16:7; 35 19? 38:14? Ex.i3:l7, genuine worship; compare D7W <??' Jer. 18: 15.

rarely with any word put between, as Hos. 6:9, T}.1. Sometimes (c)
it is passively lot, that which one ex-
*TCp3g> }R-V"V they murder in the way to Shechem." periences, m ie eS jemanbcm getjt. Dp.VP TH? according
In the ace. it commonly has the force of a prep., in to what the Egyptians have experienced, Isa. 10:24.
the way to, towards, Germ, gen (from gegen = nad) PS 37 5> T|TI "
- : ^
'^ " commit thy way unto the
ber egenb con). Dl'Hri TH towards the south, T?l
Lord;" and with the figure of a way retained, Job 3:
nyiQV towards the north, Eze. 8:5; 21:2; 40:20,
23; Am. 2:7.
seq.; 41:11,12. Deu. 1:19, "we passed through
the desert '"^Sn "in
ip.^ towards the mountain of f n
m. Ezr. 2:69; Neh. 7:70 72, a
the Amorites." (b) followed by a genit. of person, a Persian gold coin, i. q. p3*n$, which see from ;

the way of any one is the way in which any one is which word, however, this perhaps differs in origin,
accustomed to go. T^f ? TJ1 the royal way, i. e. the and isthe same as the Persic ^j **\ Jj the king's

public, military way, Nu. 20: 17 21 22 i?oc /3a- bow [" Bow of Darius," Thes.], these coins bearing
: ;
; >/

te*pf "^V to g on one 8 way>


viXnia, Herod, v. 53.

the image of an archer.
to go home [or on one's journey] by the usual road,
Grn.l9:2; 32:2; Nu. 24:25; Josh. 2:l6. "vf ^01 p^?*n i.
q. P^l Damascus, l Chr. 18 :5, 6,

fJKH the way of all men, i. e. to Hades, i Ki. 2 2 :

; Dagesh forte being in Syriac manner resolved into

Josh.. 23:14. Sometimes it means the whole district Resh.

to go to a place, to frequent it; with an ace. -2 Ch
[with suff.
'ntoTQ Ch. i.
q. Heb. J>ty AN
1:5; Am. 5:5; followed by ?N Deut. 12 15. Part
ABM, Dan.2:3a. Hence
pass. ntp-IT!. a city frequented, celebrated, Isa. 62:
VT! [Dara], pr. n. see 12. Hence with ace. of pers. to go to any one with

prayers, to implore his aid; so JP" ? ^"H Psa 34 5>

1 - :

p ]] an unused root, Ch. i.

q. P^T to scatter,
69 : 33 1 05 4 in other places, especially in the later

Arab. ? (L> to hasten. Hence Hebrew, followed by *? 2 Ch. 15:13; 17:4; 31:21;
? Job 5: 8. Compare NIPHAL No. i. Farther, the
Jl \_Dar kon~\, pr. n. m. Ezr. 2:56.
signification of "going to" is applied to that of seek-

ing, inquiring, demanding also, of caring for.

1$ a root unused as a verb; prop, onomat. TO
I ;

TWIST, bretjen (kindred to the root *vn, and the others
which have been there cited ; also, ropvoe, ropvtvw, (2) to seek, with an a< c. of the thing, Lev. 1O: 16:
Germ, bod/ brillen/ trtllen, trtllern); Arab, spoken of a followed by "IHS to search after, Job 39:8 (nad
s-t~ ? - fucfycn).

spindle ( \ .j a spindle, ,.x a woman turning her (3) to seek from anyone, to inquire, Jud. 6:29;
Deu. 13:15; 17:4,9; with ace. of pers. and thing,
spindle quickly); Heb.
about which any one asks, 2 Ch. 32:31, ncisn VTff}
(1) to fly in a circle, to wheel in flight, as a

bird (perhaps also onomat.), like the Germ, puvren; "to inquire about the miracle;" lCh.28:9,n^33?'^3
w Vrn "Jehovah into all also ?
whence ~fi~H the swallow, so called from its gyrations ; inquires hearts;"
2 Sa. 2 Ch. 31:9; Ecc. 1:13. to
go quickly in a circle, as a horse (compare 11:3; *?y Specially
also, to
s seek an oracular answer from any one, to consult
TH); Arab, j a swift horse. Swiftness of motion
any one, as God, with an ace. Gen. 25: 22 Ex. 18 15;

is applied 2 Ki. 22:13; also idols, enchanters; followed by ?

(2) to the signification of shining, sparkling, (pr. to inquire at any one), 1 Sam. 28:7;
2 Ki. 1:2:
1 Ch. 10:14; ?X (to go to some one to inquire), Ia

dialing, whence ,c>c> a radiant star, 11, ,j a

8:19; 19:3; Deu. 18: 11; Eze. 14:7; \\ i?P j
(although this may also have its name from its (out of the book of Jehovah), Isa. 34: 16. The pro-
being round) and 01"ffi for Dl^l bright region.
; Also, phet through -whom the answer is sought from God,
from the signification of radiating, it is is put with DS?0 iKi. 14:5; HKO 2Ki.3:ii; 8:8; ?

flow out like rays, Eze. 14:7, e.g. 1 Ki. loc. cit. " the wife of Jeroboam
(3) to to spout, as milk,
cometh to seek an answer from thee concerning
blood, rain (Arab, .j in Gol. No. l 3, j',j plenty her son."
of milk); hence to flow forth freely, spontane- (4) to ask for, to demand, with an ace. of tin;
ously (see IITH No. 2, 3); also, to grow luxuriantly, thing, and IP, DV? of pers. Deu. 22:2; 23:22; Mic.
6:8. Absol. to ask for (bread), to beg; Ps. 109: 10,
exuberantly, spoken of a plant, see "IT?!. I ar-
ranged these meanings rather differently in Comment, D^nn-lTO they beg (far) from the rains (of
on Isa. 66:11, beginning there from the signification their home)." Also to ask back, followed by 1!P
of shining but this appears to be a secondary idea.
Ezek. 34:10, and even to vindicate, punish, to
avenge; absol. Psal. 10:4, f.^J ?2 (God) will not
^ J V fut O P r T0 RUB, TO BEAT, TO TREAD,
punish;" verse 13; Deut. 18:19; specially D" Kn ^


TO TRAMPLE with the the Syriac _$> 1*P, Dyp to require blood from any one, i. e. to avenge
feet, like to
murder (comp. ?K|), Gen. 9:5; 42:22 [Niph.~l; Eze.
tread or beat a path; Arab. /vJiJ to rub, to thresh;
33:6; Ps. 9: 13.
used figuratively, terere libros, to learn, to study. (Kin-
(5) to apply oneself to any thing, to study, to
dred to this are the roots mentioned under "=11^, all
having the signification of treading. The letter E follow, to practise any thing (com r. .
/^ ,o to study,
being softened into a vowel, there is formed from jEth. {\ compose a book studiously) as justit/ t
to ;

this root the biliteral K'-H,

comp. ^n, ^J-IH; and both Isa. 1:17; 16:5; good, Am. 5:14; the law of God,
of these are also found in the Germanic stock of lan-
guages, with the sense of threshing: brefcfyen/ Dutch
Ps. 1 1 9 45 l Ch. 28 8.

: '3 n3'lD,
to seek

Deu. 23:7; Ezr. 9:12; f Di?^? tJH'l

one's welfare,
DW ^
b6cfct)en/ Lower Germ. b6fcf)en.) In Hebrew trn Ps 38 :13 Pro. 1 1 27 31:13,
Jer. 38 :4; 'S njn .

(l) to tread a place with the feet (betreten); hence, 1DV n^n^j "she applies herself to wool." Henca
tocare for, to take the care of any thing (compare ashes, i. e.
by sending fire down from heaven, comf
No. l and
!). Deu.ll:l8, nnfc ITPI "K>$ }'nx l Ki. 18:24,36.
M a
land which the Lord careth for." Job 3:4; Ps. (3) (denom. from |B>*) to clear front ashes, Ex
H2:5; 26.34:6. Hence HX en* to care for 27:3; Nu. 4:13.
(regard) (i. q.
JHJ), i. e. to reverence, to PUAL, pass, of Piel No. l but figuratively, to be sa-

worship, Ps. 14:8 ; Hos. 10: la ; Isa. 58:8. (For the tiated abundantly. Prov. 13:4, fBnfl D*V?n B*Dj
" the soul of the
>ther senses of this expression see No. l,
3.) diligent shall be abundantly
NIPHAL Bhl? inf. absolute
Bh*n), Eze. Bh^ (for
filled;" Pro. 28:25.
14:3, ifut. enfl_ (i)pass. of No. i, to allow one's HOTHPAEL je^n for itjnipn to be anointed with
self to be approached, to give access to any one, smeared, used of a sword, Isa. 34:6.
fatness, to be
followed by <>; hence to hear and answer any one The derived nouns follow immediately.

(used of God). Eze. 14:3, DnV Eh/JK fcTRXn shall

t^l adj. [pi. D3Bfc const. s ^Tj (l) fat, rich,
I give access them;" Eze. 20:3, 31; Isa. 65:1,
["comp. J9B*"], (used of a soil), Isa. 30:23.
fyn? *6^> npnPi3 "I have listened to those who (a) juicy, full of sap (used of trees), Ps. 92:15.
asked not." With the addition of an ace. of the
(3) rich, wealthy (used of persons), Ps. 88:30
thing granted to those who seek it, Eze. 36: 37 (comp.
Comp. 10.
H3JJ with ace.
Ch. 26:31. m. with suff. 'SB**
(i) fatness, Jud. 9:9,
(a) pass, of No. a, to be sought for, l

No. Gen. meton. used of and sumptuous food, Job 36:16;

(3) to be required (as blood), pass, of 4,
Isa. 55:2; Jer. 31:14; fertility, abundance, Psal.
PIEL, t^Tl Ezr i o 1 6, if this be the true read-
inf. . : 65:12.
(2) ashes, as fat ashes from the victims burned

ing, for E^l, comp. under the root?? ^. Hence B^HO.

on the altar (Lev. l: 16; 4:12; 6:3,4; l Ki. 13:3),
u/ -7 GREEN (of vegetation),
TO SPROUT, TO BE and from corpses burned on a funeral pile (Jer. 31 :4O),
It differs as to use, from ~i?*? which see.
Joel a 82. :
(In Arabic this signification is found in gettafcfje.
- s Ashes were also used by the ancients for fattening
the cognate root /,?., whence of the
(vuJ. sprouts manuring the fields. See Plin. xvii. 9.
earth), Joel 2:22.
^l f. constr. n*, pi.
O^n*. constr. *D* a word be-
HIPHIL, to bring forth herbage, used of the earth,
longing to the later Hebrew and Chaldee (see below
Gen. l:ll ; comp. N'Vin verse 14. Hence
[Specially Deu. 33:2]); prob. of Persic origin, i.
m. first sprouts of the earth, tender Heb. ph ast atute, pr. something set; afc/ gafcuny
grass, tender herb, Gr. \\6ri (so five times LXX.), @efe|j Pers. j^j right, justice, from .J^J to give,
Isa. 66:14; as clothing the meadows, Deut. 32:2;
to set, to command; Pehlev. Dadha, Dadestan; Zend.
a Sa. 23:4; as the food which beasts like, Job 6:5; 9 P 9 3

Daetie; Ann. return judgment (Syr. Jb, L' placitum).

greenness of herbage, Psal. 37:3. It is dif- )
KB/1 Pt>4
ferent from I'VC grass ripe for 1
mowing, Pro. 27:25; [In Thes. it is suggested that this word may be from
!"I"Vin the sense to shew, to point out.] In the Old
and from 3?*# the more mature herbage, when already
Test, it denotes
in seed, Gen. l:ll, 12. (Chald. '"INJT'., Syr. transp.
(1) a laic, Esth. 1:13, 15, 19; 2: 12,
DVH rn?
Zab. to the law of as to
"according to-day," day; 9:13.
(2) a royal mandate, an edict, Est. 3: 14; 8:13;
TO BE FAT, TO BECOME FAT, Deut. 31:2O. To this I also refer the words, Deu. 33:2,
ID? n* &*N 'WD'P " at his
D and (Jehovah's) right hand fire,
(Arab, ^-j id., ] being interchanged.)
to be a ru e for them (Israel) in journeying," referring

PIEL (l) to make any

thing fat, marrowy. to the pillar of fire. Others render it a fire of law,
Prov. 15:30, D^rt^hfl rniO njpoi? "good tidings a law given with fire. Vulg. lex ignea, and similavly
make the bones fat," as if, fills them with marrow, Arab.
Syr., Chald.,
imparts strength. Hence to anoint, Ps. 23:5.
(2) pronounce fa.'-
to Psal. 20:4, H3?n ir>?W HI Chald. f.
(1) law, Dan. 6: 9, 13, 16. la*
a ?? sn^J "the
pronounce thy burnt-offering fat," i.e. accept it.

.'As to H pirag. comp. i Sa. 28: 15.)

According to of God;" Ezr. 7:18,31.
Kimchi (denom. from IB/* compare No. 3), turn to (2) religion, system of religion. Dan. 6:6, rn?
"iyN "in th. law of his God," in his religion; com- the termination "13, ... (comp. ">3M). In the Pehler
(The Rabbins also apply this word to
pare 7 25. :
there is found Datouber, a judge, Pers. ,\ ,\,j^ j juris-
Christianity and Mohammedanism.) consults. ,
(3) an edict, a decree, Dan. 2:13, 15.
(4) counsel, plan, purpose, Dan. 2:9, N^H rnr] pHI ("two wells," dual of the Chaldee word rn a
jtarn this only is your counsel." [This passage is well), [Dothari], Gen.37^17, and in a contracted
referred m
Thes. to the signification of edict, decree, form (Lehrg.p. 536) |rn, aKi. 6: 13; pr.n.ofatown to
"one thing is decreed for you."] the north of Samaria, Gr. AwOcu/z, Judith 4:6; 7:18;
Awr/a, 3:9. [In Thes. from TUT in corr. from "TVJ. ;

emph. st. nKr^l Ch. i.

q. Hebr. tender
herb, Dan. 4:12, 2O. }rn (perhaps, "of," or "belonging to a fountain,"
from rPJ =
rn a well), [Dathan], pr. n. of one of
"0! m. one skilled
Ch. (pr. Pers.) Dan. 3:2, 3, the fellow-conspirators with Korah, Nu. 16: l ; 26:9;
in the law, a judge; compounded of J"H law, and Deu. 11:6; Ps. 106:17.

He (KD), the fifth letter of the alphabet ; when used It is rarely (a) prefixed to the relative, as is, ea, id.
as a numeral, five. It is better to remain ignorant 2 Ki. 6:22, Wi?3-1 Ifjn? JT3B> l^n "those whom
of the meaning of its name, than to follow far-fetched thou hast taken captive with thy sword and with thy
conjectures. [" Its original form perhaps represents bow;" or (b) it stands instead of the relative itself,
a lattice, or window, and the same seems to be ex- and is even prefixed to the verb, but this is done only
pressedby the word ^
lo! see! Comp. the German in the later Hebrew [but see the citation from
a garden window opening upon a prospect. See
4?at)a/ Joshua!, Josh. 10:24, "the captains of the soldiers
Hebr. Gram. 13th ed. p. 291." Ges. add.] WK M3?nn who had gone with him;" Ezr. 8:25,
As to its guttural sound n holds a middle place be- " the vessels
nnn which the king and
tween X which is moregentle, and n which is rougher his councillors offered;" 10:14, 17; 1 Chr. 26:28;
in pronunciation. It is interchanged with X
p- 29:17; Dan. 8:1. (Similarly J\ for ^jjl is pre-
p. I,A.); more rarely with n, as JH3, ^OT^s. fi?!, fi?- ;

fixed to verbs and prepositions see De Sacy's Gram,


Frequently also n, as the middle letter of a root, i-
793)- Hence it becomes
softened into a Vav quiescent,
although, as the (2) the definite article, the, like the Gr. 6, T/, TO, in
Phoenicio-Shemitic languages are now found, the the insertion or omission of which similar laws are
harder form with n is the more frequent in the latter followed in Heb. as in Gr. and in modern languages ;

dialects. E?13 Aram. n^> to be these laws are explained in grammars (Lehrg. page
Compare J~iri3. j.

652, seq.). It will be well, however, to treat with

ashamed, in, jio age, ?-1, ?L"? to circumcise, inil
care a subject which has been discussed of late,
to give light,
f*n, t^cn*
to run. although without much exactness or accuracy, as is
n sure to be the case when a judgment is formed from
U, n, (as to the different use of these forms
see the but a few examples (see Winer's Lex. p. 239, Gram.
note), a letter prefixed to nouns and pronouns,
Excurse, p. 57. Ewald's Hebr. Gram. p. 568 and on
rarely toverbs; abbreviated from the fuller /H,
Ci the other hand Gramberg, Religion d. A.T. i. p. 12),
in the common language sometimes (Jj& (comp. and on this, it will be well to add some original
the kindred n?N 7S, and
see more as to this farrily observations. The question has been raised (as it has
of words p. XLV,
A). ucc 11 denied by some, and defended by others) whether
(\) prop, a demonstrative pronoun, this, hie, hcec, the definite article can ever be used for the indefinite.
hoc, like 6,
Q, TO in Homer, and often in Herodotus. To this it must be replied, that the definite article can
-o-oi never rightly be said to be used for the indefinite;
So in the phrases J\ this i. e. to
Din, day, day, however, there are many ideas which would be thought
OJgn Exod. 9:27; fl^Pl this night, Gen.
this time, of and expressed as definite by the Hebrews, which,
19:34, compare 35. Hence, too. we must refer DVn from their being taken indefinitely in Greek, German/
t a French [or English], would be without the aiticle
time, pr. at that time, about that time, &u ber -kit.

just RO in the n.xlern languages, rreat differences are which to compare those which are well known ;
found as to the vr* of the article in this respect; in pare the German fltnf roie ber SScgel in tec 2uft/ trie bn
F~ench by a peculiar idiom, the article
for instano? .
gifit im SBafior, n)ct9 n>ie bcr gefalle ne (Sdinee. [And so in
frequently prefixed in places in which it could not English.] So JN*3 Isa. 53:6; Ps.49:i5; nb? Isa
be used ir German. Thus ir. French it is correct to 53 7 ?
ni?33 Isa.
: 1 1 7 65 25 Job 40 15 ">>*? Isa
: ; :
: ;

" >

aay nous aiirons avjouid' htn la pluie, soyez If bien 1 : 1 8;

51:8; H'? Job 14 2 D*?^, V>r3 scarlet, :

venu, il a la me'moire bonne, I" esprit inquiet"


Isa. i :i8. To shew to what an extent this is car-

in all of which expressions, the definite article could ried, it will be enough to give the following exam-
not in German [or English] be even tolerated. The ples taken from the single book of Isaiah, 5:24,
]>eculiarities in the Hebrew usage, in this matter, may nw P?; verse 25, nm3
verse 28, >VI and HC-1D3 ;

be arranged in certain classes, almost all of which, (compare 66: 15; Jor. 4:13); Isa. 10: 14, )i?3; Isa.

however, rest on the principle that the article is pre- 13 8; nnVl*3 (and always with this word, Ps.48:7;

rfxed to known things. (Apollon. de Synt. i. 6, TV Isa.42:l4: Jer.6:24; 30:6; 49:24; Mic. 4:9,10);
apQpov vpov<jmrru>ffav yrSxrif SnXoi, and ibid. tipOpov, Isa.14:17, 13"1P? (con\pare Isa. 27:10; Jer. 9:11:
ov tfa/ptroc icrny / cirafopd cf. 2, 3> i^/wyua ava- Hos. 2:5); Isa. 22 18, "VH? like a ball (compare Isa.

tievrtpa yviLaic,
qxipne TrpoKctTfiXfypivov TrpotrtuTrov 29:3); isu. 24:20, "list^? like a diomkard, etc. ; see
See some excellent remarks in Harris's Hermes, B. II. 188.30:17,29; 34:4; 35:6; 38:14; 4>:15; 42 13; =

c. i.). Hence in a manner differing from our usage, 43: 17; 44:22. One thing has to be observed, that
the article is appended the article is commonly omitted when the noun,
(a) to nouns which denote objects and classes of which is made the standard of comparison, is made suf-
things which are known to all, allgemcin bc!annte ficiently definite, either by having
an adjective or any
1^3 Isa. 10:14, but nX' p
den unb attunggbrgrifff/ as {&&?, 3n*n, f|P|n, other com 3
adjunct; p. !i?.

Gen. 13:2, "Abraham was

very rich ^023 [incorrectly cited], Isa. 16:2; "'? Ps. 1:4,
but }'b?
3v'J3 >;" Deut. 14:26, "and thou shalt lay out the Q'y Isa. 29:5; *|BiBJ ^033 Isa. 30 28 ^31.3 JVrTBY?

money T3B?3^ 13-1 fKM* I'M;" Ex. 31:4, nifc>J& Ex. 16: 31.
51D25-1 3n?3 in olb unb gilbcr ju avbeitenj Lam. 4:2,
Better is the use of the article (d) as pre-
TB3 D'^DP; Isa. 1:22, "wine D^3 binp " Ex. 2: 3, ; fixed to collectives (Lehrg. p. 653 [Heb. Gramm. 107,
" and she daubed
[the ark of bulrushes] J"l-tf3-1 12]) (e) also it is rightly noticed by
some that the
with bitumen and pitch;" 2 Ki.g:^o, n'jJ'J? ^53 article is used in such cases when a suffix would de
fte legte iljre ttugcn in bie (gdjminfej compare Isa. 28:7; fine the noun more accurately (see de Sacy, Gramm.
40: 19; 4.3:24 ["compare Heb. Gramm. 107, 12"]. Arabe ii.
482, i as when a woman calls her hus-
Similarly the article is used with band Kar iZo'xftv, the husband ; a slave his master, bcr

(b) abstract nouns, like Greek TO iro\iTiKt>v, TO So TTVQn

etr, the master. Isa. 9 :
6, rtflQ^ for in^'O ;

UFjrita&v t for instance before the names of virtues and verse 2, nnptrn for innps?; so too we must probably
vices (compare in French, la modestie convient a la Isa. 7:14, which, with the Hebrew in-
explain "'PPy?
jeunesse; la superstition engendre rerrevr, where we
terpreters and Grotius, I take as 'np^J?. [But thia
commonly omit the article). "^i!!^3 Tjpn Jerem. 23: 14: contradicts the New Testamett; see !"!?>/?, also Alatt.
compare Jer. 51:19; 16:4,5; Isaiah 29:21; Prov.
*5 5> 1X ? 3 PT?? 13 (although
i - in these cases the ar-
After these remarks it is needless to state that
ticle is often omitted); especially used before the
it is
there no noun, which has the article, which ooth
names of evils and calamities, as KO S3 n-lD to perish cannot and even ought not to be taken definitely-
with thirst, Isa.4i:i7; 50:2; Jud. 15:18; D'lUBn As to the instances which I formerly brought ibrwai-d
blindness (in German indefinitely SSlinbfceit/ but defi-
in contradiction to this (Lehrg. p. 655), they may be
bie $efl, bie Slattern [so in
Gen. 19:
11, "he smote them D^ypS;" 153.45:16, ^n nrP
explained as follows: ^n
1 Sam. 17:34, the lion, as

the known and continual enemy of the flock; com-

fl?/?? (in b;e d)mach,as in German, in bag JBerberben);

compare Isa.32: 19, I'Vn ^?B'fn n??^? (in bie 9lieb pare 6 XUKOC, John 10: 12; Arabic i_^j,i!', ^J**"!
a: 15, the well of that district: "U?3? Num.
rigfctt ffnft bie@tabt); Isa. 46: 2, n^n'up DK D3 ; Iga. 1X3n Ex.
47=5, Wn l *?3; compare Isa. 60 : 2.
11:27, the young man who attended him in the camp ;

(c) But [in such cases] by far the most frequent and in like manner B^Bri Gen. 14: 13, the fugitive,
use of the article So 1 Sam. 17:8,
after ?, the particle of compari-
namely, the one who had escaped.

inasmuch as we can only use as objects with " behold I am

x>n; TiB^n," namely, he who has com*

forth to challenge you to single combat. Also in a kindred wi h the Heb. ^N, n|K.
guage Jus., Manj
parjage which I have lately noticed, Isa. 66:3, t2niK>
?n nnir BK grammariu-is suppose, therefore, that -H comes from
3^1 *\~\V n^o -licrn. it may be asked
why the words "lit?,
nb> have the article, and E^X and ?n = ?X, Jt; and this not without reason, comparing
3?? have it not. The reason is, that the slayers of ~i

oxen and sheep really existed, and could be pointed PSPn the sun, Arab.
^^^1 pron. esh-Shems. On
the other hand cannot be denied, that the pure
out, as it were with the finger, by the writer; the
murderers and sacrificers of dogs in this passage are syllable ha has the same demonstrative power; as in

only supposed for the sake of comparison, b e r SJinbers the Ch. n, P! n , Jjcn, Arab. \j&; and this syllable
Offerer tfl rote ein 9ttnifd)enmorber, the ox-slaughterer is
Hupfeld supposes to be the source of the Hebrew
as a murderer. The rule is also rightly given by article so that, if so, Dagesh in tWg>n would arise in

grammarians, that the predicate of a sentence does the same way as in i"HO for nj.'no, D3?P for DD/>"nD.
not take the article (compare \(t\t TTO. TO. KuXa and ret See Zeitsch. f. d. Kunde Mes Morgenl. ii.
p. 449."
Xa\tTra iraXa); contrary instances are however to be Ges. add.]
observed in Deuteronomy and in Jeremiah, as Jer. 19 :

13, "the houses of Jerusalem were D'X^lSn unclean," D ""}> "7 (as to the origin and different use of these
Deu. 4:3; 3^21; and in like manner before a parti- forms see the note). An interrogative adv. like the
ciple fora finite verb, Is. 40:22, 23; 46:6; Ps. 18:
Arab. \
prefixed a prefix joined to the first word of
33, 48. [But see Heb. Gramm. 108, 3.]

a sentence, abbreviated from the fuller /n (Deuteron.

Note. It will be well to state with a little more ac-
32:6, according to the reading of the Nehardeenses) ;
curacy than is commonly done, what the vowels are <,-

which H takes. Arab. Jjj,.

(l) Commonly before letters which are not guttu- (l) indicating a simple interrogation made direct
rals, it takes Pathach, followed by Dagesh forte, like the Lat.
3VN " hast thou
ne. Job 1:8, ^T^? ^ 9?^
servant Job?" Ex.
(2) Gutturals do not admit Dagesh forte, but the 1O: 7 5 33 : 1 6, etc. (a) A question is often so asked
use of n differs before the different
that one expects a negative answer, and thus the in-
before K which it is
altogether impossible to double, terrogation has a negative power, when we should in
Pathach is always lengthened into Kametz, as fnxn, Latin properly use num? Gen. 4:9, *?JK 'PIS "IDk^n
" am I
""j?*?n, P"ljn, Dt^Xn, and the same is the case before my brother's keeper?" for, I am not my bro-
1, as ?3"!!n> ^^n,
also and so
frequently before V and
ther's keeper. Job 1 4 1 4, nvrn na| IUDJ DX " when :

n, as the contrary
DJjn. On a man dies, shall he live?" i. e. he will not live again.
inn, (b) the harder
gutturals n and n admit a kind of doubling, although Job 8: ll; Ql:22 (comp. 23:6; 36:19, where the
grammarians have not marked it by Dagesh forte speaker himself supplies a negative answer). There
German the words
(just as in ftcfyer/ oergltdien, are al- is a remarkable example in 2 Sa. 7:5, y n3?R nriNn

most pronounced a double d)) ;

and for this reason JV3, which in l Ch. 17:4, is changed into a negative
sentence: Tl r.RX N ?

the more acute syllable often retains Pathach, as (b) Sometimes an affirmative
inn, Mnn. ( ) Whenever the guttural has Ka-
c answer is understood, so that the interrogation has
metz, Pathach (as often the case in other
is an affirmative force. Gen. 30:2, ^bS DM7S nnnq
places ;
see Heb. Gramm. gth ed.
17, note 2 [ 27, note 2, &]) "am I [not] under God?" Gen. 27:36; 50:19.
changed into Segol, especially before n, as ^"V?n, Job 20:4, flV"V nSTn dost thou [not] know this?"
fr nn 3n n ! nn before n and
? in the y iSa. 2:27; Jer. 31:20; Eze. 20:4. In the same
, ;
vowel is Kametz (according to the rule laid down, sense is used N?n.. Comp. Gr. ycip, and >) yap ov,
letter a), as "inn,
Qj;ri; Segol is used only with dissyl- for nonne? and the Lat. ne for nonnef see Heu-
lables or trisyllables, where the accent is farther to- singer on Cic. Off. :ii. 17. (c) In disjunctive ques-
wards the end of the word, Dnnn (although "inn), tions, the latter question is preceded by DX and CW

(see above, page LVI. B)

DN ... (1 utrum ? an ? whe- :

ther ? or ? more rarely IK ... n Job 16:3; Ecc. 2 19.

[" Note 2. Corresponding to the Hebrew article

in tli3 kindred Also DK n and EK1 ... n are of frequent use in the
. . .

languages are: (a) Phoenician M,

more rarely n, once ^>K see Monumm. Phrenic, ;
poetical books where two questions expressive of the
wX same or a like sense follow one another, according to
*37- (&) Arab. and in the vulgar Ian- the laws of parallelism in different words : num ...ant
J], rarely
man f v not v ^rum
... et . <"? [whether or ?]), . . .
glorying over an enemy's misfortune, Psalm 40: 16
kind of relation is contained 26.25:3.
although '.
ever ir. these cases but however it is rather in words

than in sense that the distinction of the questions is

3D imp. of the verb 3rp which see.

observable. Job 4:17, WC7P DK P^Y? 3'^KP PUg? . Hos. 8:13, gifts, in this phw
np.3->np!comp. Job6:5, 6; 8:3; 10:4,5; H:2,7; offerings, for D^n^n* from the root 3HJ to give.
22:3. Thus it is that a simple copula often in such
cases precedes the second hemistich. ... L! Job 6: -1

'^V fut.??n}pr.
26; 10:3; 13:7; 15:7,8,11; comp. espe- 18:4; (compare as to the signification of breathing in tht
cially Job 13:7 and 8; and even the copula itself is syllable 3H unf>er the root S"! ^), hence 1 ^3n breath,
omitted, Job 22:4. often used of something vain, vanity.
(2) in an indirect interrogation, num, German ob/ (2) to act, or speak vainly. 2 Ki. 17:15, 13?'3
whether (comp. DK No. B, 2), after verbs of proving, tarn ^nn nns and they followed vanity (i.'e.
Ex. 16:4; Jud. 2: 22; seeing, Ex. 4:18; Gen. 8:8;
idolatry), and acted vainly;" Jer. 2:5; Job 27:1 2,
trying, Deut. 8:2; 13:4 (compare dubito an). In a I72nr) ?3T '"W~nD7
"why then do ye speak so vain-
disjunctive proposition followed by CX Gen. 18: 21 ;
ly?" Also to have a vain hope ; Psal. 62 11, 'N ?!?? :

or n Nu. 1 3:18," and see the land and the people, PJHD
^?nr) "set not a vain hope on robbery."
3VDK wn oypn ncnq Kin
whether they be strong
HIPHIL, to seduce to vanity, i. e. to the worship oi
or weak, whether they be many or few."
idols, Jer. 23:16.
It is prefixed to other particles, as C5*D, see EN ;
[The derivatives follow.]
*?q, see '?; *6n, see *6.
Note. This interrogative particle, like n demon- 7i w ith suff. '^n, pi. CTq constr. ?n.
(1) breath, breathing, used of a gentle breeze,
from ?n,
strative, is derived \\ demonstrative; just Isa. 57: 13. (Well rendered
by the Vulg. aura. Less
us many interrogative words in other languages are
correctly by the LXX. Kuraiyi^.) More often used
properly affirmatives or negatives, which are after- of the breath of the mouth (Kimchi, HBO SS'E' TS.
wards used in an interrogative sense comp. the Heb. which word, Sap. vii. 25,
Aqu. uTpic, Symm. ar/xo'c,

affirmatives DN, \7) J Syr. J<n, Arabic I

jt, Gr. f; (see Syr. is rendered JJ^cn). Commonly used of any

Passow h. v.); the negatives *S (from T^?, see that thing transitory, evanescent, frail. Job 7:16, ^?n '?
word), Lat. ne, Germ. nid)t toafyr ?
"D* "for
my days are a breath ;" Prov. 13: 11, fin
" riches vanish more
quickly than a

As to the form (a) before letters which are nei- EJ!P? ' 3?'=?

ther gutturals nor have a simple Sh'va, n interro- breath;" Ecc. 1 1 1O, "childhood and youth are

Pro. 21:6; 31:30; Ps. 39:6; Ecc. 1:2,14;

gative takes Chateph-Pathach, HTQ, nnnn (the vivid- vanity;"
ness of interrogation causing the word to be even 8:11,17,23; 4:4,8; 5:9; 6:9, etc. Hence arises
more curtailed than the demonstrative) rarely the signification something vain and empty, Lam.
(b) ;

it has the same form as the art. n ? Qtp^n Lev. 10: 4:17; Jer. 10:3, 8, and adv. vainly, emptily, in
19, but this is principally before letters which have rain; Job 9: 29; 21:34; 35= 6; Isa. 30 7 Ps. 39 7. :

ShVa, 13?n Gen. 17:17; 18:21; 37:32. So also it Specially used of idols as being vain and impotent,
also used of their worship, 2 Ki. 17:15; Jer. 2:5.
corresponds in form with the art. (c) before gut-
Plur. Ps. 31 :7, ti7 ^2rj "vain idols." Jon. 2:9.
turals, ^Nil, and-(rf) before gutturals which have
Kametz, '?3Xn Pjnn. ?
See very many examples in (2) exhalation, vapour, mist, darkness, which
Nold. Concordd. part. cannot be seen through. Ecc. 6:4, of an abortion;
p. 856, seq.
" for it comes in a
mist, and goes away in rnnity,'
M Ch. interj. LO ! BEHOLD! Dan.3:25. Syr. seen by no one; Ecc. 11 :8,
" all tliat '<
^n X3^3
coming is a mist," i.e. involved in darkness ECJ.
Jen, Arab. U id.

K^ Heb. and Ch. id. Gen. 47:23; Eze. 16:43. (3) pr. n. Abel (LXX. "AfleX), the second son of
In Ch. pleon. Dan. 2:43, '1? NO behold as, etc. So Adam ; prob. so called from the shortness of his life

the Syr. Jen. [but he had this name from his birth] ;
Gen. 4: i, se\j

interj. imitating a cry of joy, Aha! Germ. ?5 No. breath, hence vani fy. ^
ijfn ^?L? i-
q- l,

fudjlje! Isaiah 44: 16; Psalm 35:21, 25; also used in Chaldaizing form. 0^3^ ^H Ecc. 1:8; 12:8.
an unused root, i. 13^, hence
narl)benfen). Josh, l :8,
n?$J DOV> te JVJn} and thoa
shalt meditate thereon (on the law) day and night;'
from J3X, )3.X a stone),
pr. stony (as if ^??N,, Ps. 1:2; "and I will
63:7; 77:13, ^y.S~^M "*??%]
hence 0'??? Eze. 27 15 np, in a'ro D'ann
meditate on
pi. all
thy works;" Ps. 143:5. (Syn. nK>j.
wood, ebony, pr. as if stony wood, Steinijolj/ so called Pro. 15:28, niaj? S nan*
"the heart of the
pn* $
from its hardness; (an etymology so manifest, that meditate what Also to to answer."
righteous will
there is no need to seek any other, especially from remember an// thing, followed by an ace., Isa. 33: 1 8,
a foreign language). The Phoenicio-Shemitic name nD'X n$nj ^37 "thy heart shall remember the
is retained in Gr. and Lat. tfisms, ebenum (see Bochart, terror." And in a bad sense, to plot, to plan, to
Hieroz. ii. page 141); from the Greek it has been re- devise. Psal. 2: i, do the
P'"! -lanj D^Sp "(why)
ceived, retaining its Greek termination in Arab, and nations devise vain things?" i.e. vain sedition : Pro,
Tne P mr al
Pers., where it is written
^yA ^y-A 24:2; Isa. 59:13. [Poel] (Syr. L^CTI to meditate,
isused in Hebrew, because wood of such a kind was
to read syllable by syllable. PAEL, to meditate, to
exported, cut up into pieces (called in Gr.
contemplate. ETHPAEL, to read. Comp. ^Eth. ^flfll
comp. to murmur, to utter an inarticulate sound, to speak,
TO CUT, TO CUT UP, TO DIVIDE OUT, I.q. to meditate ; Conj. IV. to read. Arabic <._^J to
Arab. _j&. It occurs once Isa. 47^3 '">p, E3^B> ^3n
"those who divide the heavens," for purposes of POEL, inf. iah i.q. Kal No. 2, Isa. 59: 13.
augury, taking a horoscope, i. e. augurs, astrologers ;
HIPHIL, part. plur. D^anD those who mutter, i.e.
LXX. aorpoXoyoi TOV ovpuvov. Vulg. augures caeli. soothsayers murmuring their songs; or those
Qn (1^^). See my Comment, on Isa. ii. ing, sighing, i. e. necromancers imitating the low and
Others take 13n as
>1, seq. i.q. ^^ to know; slender voice of the shades of the dead, Isa. 8: 19.

fhile others would read ^?n, comparing ^l^n Hence are derived, nan ( JTian^

Esth. 2:3, and ^D verses 8, 15 (Hege, H. njn i.q.

ilV No. II, to beremoved, taken away
tegai), pr. n. of a eunuch in the court of Xerxes." (comp. "=1??, and "=]/*), transit, toremove, to take away,

" Monats- Pro. 25 4, flD-pP D^D'lJn "takeaway the dross from

Benfey compares dga, eunuch ;

namen, page 192."] the silver." Inf. absol. with an imperative signification.
$ -
Symm. Kadaipt. Vulg. aufer; verse 5. (Others read
33 a root unused in Hebrew. Arab. ^Jt> IV.
in this place ijh i.e. Hiph. of i"lV). Hither also, ap-
s - <~
Hence ^?n. must be referred Isa. 27:8, HK'jP.n in-1")3 nan
to kindle, ^Ws-Jt heat. parently,
DHi? DV3 "he takes (them) away by his strong
n371 MUT- wind in the day of his east wind." Well explained
I. fut. na.rr (i) TO MURMUR, TO
PE R, TO G R o \v L, (almost the same in meaning as ^On) ;
by Kimchi,
sed of the growl of a lion over his prey (Gr. viro- m (
) growling of thunder, Job 37:2.
to roar is axt?, fipv^uopai), Isa. 31:4; Eze. 2: 10.
(2) sighing, mourning,
of low thunder (see nan Job 37: 2); of the muttering
(3) thought, meditation, Ps. 90:9; comp.
of enchanters
(see HIPHIL)
of the sound of a harp ; Root nan NO. L
when struck (see l^an Ps. 9 1 7 92 14) of the cooing :
; ;

f. Kametz impure) thought, medita-

of doves, Isa. 38:14; 59:11; of the groaning and (with
tion, Ps. 49:4. Root nan NO I.
eighing of men (qifjiwfeiv), Isa. 16:7; Jer. 48:31.

(2) poetically, to speak. (a) absolutely (to utter J JM (from the root
^n) heat, fervour of mind,
sound], Ps. 115:7. (b) with an ace. of the thing, Psal. 39:4, nyan ^rana "in my fervour, fire
Job 27:4; Ps. 37:30; Isa. 59:3; Pro. 8:7; hence to kindled." Hence a fervent cry, Ps. 5:2.
sing, to celebrate (like to say, ""??). Psal. 35:28,
^jTl.y nann \nB^> "my tongue shall celebrate thy |
m. constr. ,
with sufif. Ps. 19: i/>;

righteousness ;" Ps. 7 1 24. : Lam. 3:62.

(3) to meditate (prop, to speak with oneself, mur- (l) the sound of the harp when struck (see the
muring and in a low voice, as is often done by those root nan I, i. Compare n^pn Isa. 14:11). Ps. 92:4,
who .ire musing, compare No. 1 and "^N, 13/2 -11333 }Van ^y. "with the' sounding of the harp."
followed by 3. to meditate on any thing (uber LXX. fjter wd/jc
iv Kidapy. Ps. 9:17, npp jvan ig a
ccxvi Din-ran
s _
musical sign. LXX. y'3r} Sta^/dXuaroc, similarly
to sound in Arabic, compare jjj> cry ,f the camel, I
Symm., Aqu., "Vulg. [But Symm. fitXoc &o\//aX/m- s _
roc. Aqu. J<^ Vulg. vacat. See n?P.]
j^ the sound of the wave* break-

heavy thick voice,

(2) a meditation, Ps. 19:15; a device, plot,
Lam. 3 : 62 (compare Ps. 2 : l).
ing on the shore, jj^ crashing.
m a4J- convenient, suitable, Talmud. [Derivatives in, nTH and pr. n. "HD,
I yj - i.

|UH and J3nP. Eze. 42 12. : From the root

n [Hadad], pr. n. of a king of Edom, Gen.

js v a r00 * "which
not found in this signification
36 35:
l Ch. i :
46, compare 50. Used elsewhere af
[that of the preceding derivative], in any of the the name of a Syrian idol. See ^IITI! 1
p. cxxvu. A.
cognate languages.
Pr n ("whose help is Hadad," Le.
- -

Ipn an unused root. Arab. ^jj> to flee, whence Adodus; under "\"(J^\^)Hadadezer, king of Syria
of Zobah, a cotemporary of David, 2 Sam. 8 3, sqq :

J .yji [HejraK], the flight of Mahomet. Cognate HH- In other places there occurs "'PHIO 10: 16, 19; l Ch.
Whence 19:16, 19; but however, in all the passages, there
are MSS. which contain the former reading, which ia
"IjH ("flight"), pr. n. g a r, the handmaid of Ha far preferable.
Sarah, an Egyptian by birth the mother of Ishmael, ;

afterwards put to flight by her mistress, Gen. 16: l ; D'TTin [Hadadrimmon], pr. u. of a town
situated in the plain near Megiddon, Zee. 12: 11,
called afterwards, according to Jerome, Maximiano-
("fugitive"), [Haggeri, Hagarite], l Ch. polis. Both Hadad and Rimmon are the names ot
11:38; 27:31. Pl.Dnjnps .83:7,andD'KnjniChr. idols.
5:10, 19, 20 \_Hagarites, Hagarenes^pr. n. of an
Arabian people, with which the tribes who lived in JIT nr and STRETCH
q. (comp. nan), TO
oeyond Jordan waged war. Doubtless this corre-
OUT, TO DIRECT (the hand to any thing), found one*

sponds to the A rab.^^jfc, whence the Gent. n. ^^s-U Isa. 11:8. (Arab, ^j j^ to guide aright, to shew the
a people and district near the Persian gulf, 'Aypaiot
way. Syr. t/>oi , <JJJJJ> ^' a y manner, Gr. 6?dc-)
ap. Strab.xvi. p. 767 Casaub., 'Aypt'tc Dionys. Perieg. o
y56, in the province now called Bahhrein. 'nn EsL
(for^jn), Syr. O_icn, Arab. j^js> India.
in m. i.
TVH shout for joy, rejoicing, Eze. 1:158:9. In Zend and Pehlvi it is Heando.
7:7; compare Isa. 16:9, 10. Root
\_Hadoram~], Gen. 10:27; pr.n. of a
Ch. the friends or the ministers
.?;!- na. pi. Joktanite tribe in Arabia Felix. They seem to be
if the king, taatSritt-e/ viziers. Dan. 3: 24 54:3356:8, the 'Adpa/itrat, Atramitce of Ptolemy vi. 7, and of Pliny
and N3^P ^"jin 3:27, "the king's highest friends." vi. 28 s. 32,
dwelling between the Homerites (Him-
As to the etymology, I can scarcely doubt but that yarites), and the Sachalites, on the southern shore of
this is the Chald. P~n leaders, governors, with Arabia.
the Hebrew article prefixed, which coalesces into one
word, just as the Arabic article does with some Hebr.
^.H [Hiddai], pr. n. m., 2 Sa. 23:30 ["for njl.n,
words [" So Lee."] see 7K p. XLV. A. Formerly from n n^ * ne rejoicing of Jehovah"]; for which in
5 ,

the syllable ~Q (by comparison with "13? J, 1?rn) I the parallel place, l Ch. 11 132, there is *"?n.

conjectured this word to be of Persic origin, like the

other official names in these chapters, but as to what :j
IM TO TREAD down to the ground, TO TRAM-
TT might mean, it had to be left undetermined. PLE; once found Job 40: 1 2. Kindred roots are *O%

- riD"^ TJS ^. Arab, (,^/j^ to destroy (a house).

i v an unused root. Arabic jjj> pr. to break
(kindred to nnn), in Hebrew break
U }n an unused root. Arab. .juJ> to overturn,
figuratively to
into joyful sounds (compare H3"!, H^B), whence to destroy (houses), pr. to level tcith the ground
"I?, I'VE. The-e is a similar figurative application ["perhaps to tread down, intraus. to be trndde*
min-Din CCXVII
down, whence trop. to serve, to wait upon. Arab.
(Arab. .jj&l tumid, ,jc>~ to become tumid.) Part
jo-"], whence DID a footstool, pr. the ground. "Win swollen, tumid. Isa. 45:2,1^*^ D^l-lir.
"I will level the tumid (lofty) places." LX.X. oprj-
JU Ch. Pael Din, jpycn to cut in pieces; Syr.
m p i> ,
but perhaps they read D^lin. (Tumidos monies occurs
pcnLJ Comp. Arab. /*JJb
pass. to cut quickly, to in Ovid. Amor. ii. 16:51.)
cut in haste (einfyaucn). Hence It is applied (2) to pride [rather, to splendour],
Isa. i'-12?3 1-11 n " swollen in his
11 63: i, (i.e. proud)
-in Ch. a fragment, a piece; Syriac
apparel," fid) bruftenb in feinem cwanbe. [But see the
member [" Comp. Pers. -JjcJfcj ,Jjj! a member"]. context; Christ the person spoken of]

PPin 13y. Dan. 2:5; Gr. /u'Aij Troulv, 2 Mace. 1 :l6, (3) to ornament, (the more costly Oriental garments
to cut in pieces, a mode of punishment in use amongst being very large); hence to decorate, to adorn (pr.
" p-
usedof the adorning of garments, see lin), to honour,
many ancient nations. Comp. p j en Barhebr. p. 2 1 8.
constr. with an ace. Ex. 23:3; followed by 'Q \3? to

D"tD always followed by 0^31 stool far the feet, honour any one's countenance, Lev. 19:32 ;
" the forto favour one, rashly to take his part(ia
always used metaph. Isa. 66 l, earth is my : any
footstool." Ps. 110:1, " until I make thy enemies judgment), like D'3) XK>3 Ex. 23:3; Lev. 19:15
thy footstool." Specially, the footstool of God is NIPUAL, pret. pi. in pause 'Hinp. were honoured,
a name given to the ark of the covenant above which Lam. 5:12 (compare Kal No. 3).
his presence was believed to be [It was believed to HITHPAEL, to act proudly, to boast, Pro. 25:6.
be because was The derivatives follow.
so], l Chr. 28*2; Psa.
so, it
99:5; 132:7; Lam. 2:1. Ch. Pael lin to honour, Dan. 4:31, 34.

f V 1 an unused root. Talmud, to spring, to m .

(l) [const.
11 H, with suff. 'TJD., pi. const.

leap, to hasten. *"!!"]ornament, adorning, decoration, Ps.45:4;


[Derivatives, the two following.] 96:6. Eze. 16:14. BHp *lin "holy ornaments," Pro.20:29, HTb D^pJ lin the adorn-
1Q m. myrtle, so called (as some sup-
ing of old men is hoariness." Levit. 23:40, 11 H YV.
pose), because springs, i.e. grows rapidly, like salix;
"ornamental ma-
trees." Specially used of the
according to Verrius, a saliendo [" though Salix really jesty of God. Ps. 104: l, W#3S? 11 n] 11 n thou art
is from e\t"], see Isid.
Origg. xvii. 7. Neh. 8 15; :
clothed with honour and majesty." Job 40:10. Ps.
Isa. 41: 19; 55:13; Zech. 1:8, 10, 11. See Celsii "
29:4, lllf ^V" ^ ^P the voice of Jehovah is in ma-

Hierob. vol. ii.

page 17, seq.j. (Arabic /^j^ id. in jesty."
(2) honour, Ps. 149:9.
the dialect of the Yemenites ; amongst the other Arabs,
this tree is called
m. ornament. Dan. 11:20, lin '^3*13 T ?^ 1

"sending the exactor through the glory

(" myrtle"), [Hadassah], pr.n. by which (through the ornament) of the kingdom," i. e. Pa-
the Jewish virgin was called, who afterwards bore the lestine, the most excellent part of the kingdom, like
name of Esther, Est. 2 7. : 'Q-'ifn
fnx verse 16; comp. Zee. 8:6. As to the matter,
see 2 Mace. 3:1, seq. [That is, on the assumption
fut. fpin*
(i) TO THRUST, TO PUSH (Ch. that it is of this that the prophet speaks.] Some
a comp. nb% pal), Nu. 35:20, 22 Eze. 34
understand, tribute, census, like the Greek rip.ii ; but
; :

81. Job 18:18, ^n-7K liNO -inQln.'.

"they shall see my observations in Gesch. d. Heb. Sprache, p. 64.
thrust him from light into darkness ;" hence, to
thrust down, to prostrate Jer. 46:15. ["Tin Ch. i.q. Heb. lin, with suffix *Tin Dan.
to to thrust 2Ki. 4:27. This word is omitted in Lexicons and Con-
(a) repel, away (;uructftofen),
4:27; Pro. 10:3. cordances." Thes. Inserted in Englishman's Heb. and

(3) to expel (wrfto&en/ auSjlofen), Deu. 6:1959:4; Chald. Concord.]

[" "HI! pr. n. see liq No. 2."]

P r like the cognate 11K, TO BE L A R G E,
) - i"lTin f. const. ril"jn i.q. lin ornament, adorn-
WOLLEN, TUM'D, and trans. TO MAKE TUMID. ing, Prov. 14:28.
niin "holy ornaments,'
CCXVIII -nn-nnmn
I.e. apparel worn at solemn festivals (not priestly Deu.32:39, ye
DrS H$V fXl ln '3X ':X *

dresses, as some have siipposed), Psa. 29 : 2 ; 96 9; : that I, am He (auroc), and beside me there if
even I,

comp. Bnp nrin ps 110:3. . no God," that is, He who only is to be adored, who alone
created and preserves the world; Isa. 43:10, 13, 25:
Tj.yTl'!} \_Hadarezer.~\ Sometimes found in- names
48:12; Jer. 14:22, etc. So also in proper
correctly for itjp"!?., which see.
of sorrow, imitating the sound, like
in^>X ( whose
He"), God is W^ ("whose father
He"). The following examples may be referred to
i*!"^ is
Eze. 30:2.
the same use, Ps.44:5; 2 Sa-7:28, 0'?^?? W" '"WS
In Am. 5: 16. " thou art
id. interj. of sorrow, i.
q. MM. He, God." (6) this, that, he, hie, ovroc,
Gen. 4: 4, KW D3 X>an *->}r\] "and Abel even he of-

(1) pron. 3 pers. sing. m. HE ; neut. IT.
letter X
in X-in and X*n is not paragogic and
fered;" Gen. 2:li,
it is,
n^PjD n^ 2 wn "this
which compasseth the whole laud of Havilah."
H^? ^
otiose but radical, as has been rightly remarked by
It is often used with a substantive, ju which case it
Ewald in Heb. Grainrn. page 176; referring to the
takes the article when the substantive has it; E*ttn
Arab. *&, and common Arabic, in which hue, hie
to the Kinn this man, Job 1 : l X-inn Dipsb to this place,

Gen. 21 :3l X-inn DV3 in that day, an expression oi

is the pronunciation laid down by Caussin, Gramm. ;

Arabe, page 51, 55. Also, the Maltese hua, huae; frequent use in the prophets, in speaking of a future
hia, hiae, as remarked by Vassalli in his Maltese time, [if the passages be examined in which this ex-
Grammar, page 146; and JSth. (D'ft'fc :
tfh^ : in pression occurs, they will be found to be very defi-
which the syllable ", ^ has a demonstrative power. examples here given, the time spoken
nite ; in alt the

Similar to this is e in the Germ, fte, wie/ bte. In Syr. of previously pointed out]; Germ, on jcnem Sage*

Isa. 2:11,17,2053:7, 18; 4:1, 2; 5:30; 7:18,20,21,

the X is rejected: ooi, wCn; a form which is also
23; 10:20, 27, etc. Sometimes it is used con-
found in the pr. name '
v|, and perhaps Jer. 29:23
! |

temptuously, like ouroc, iste; 2 Ch 28:22, ^ID

a*m, which ought, it appears, to be read 8T' i 1
Tnx " this is that kingAhaz;" compare HJ. Else-
The Persians also have this pronoun without the n
where dtiKTiKwQ for the pronoun of the first person,
(as in JSth.), -. Phoenic. Xn, Samar. ton,
^-.^ ^\ [" as in Latin hie homo, Job 13:28; compare Tibull.
fern, in and X'n,
Vl"]; in the Germanic dialects the Eleg. ii. 6, 7, and the interpreters.
forms f)0, bttt fyue/ fcua. t)c/ t>ci/ are of frequent occurrence ;
(2) It often includes the verb substantive he is,
see a great number of examples in Fulda's German this is, will be, was. Genesis2:ll (see l, b); 20:7,
Wurzelworter, page 223, 224; comp. Schmitthenner, Xin X<33 '3 for he is a prophet;" Gen. 24:65, XW
" that is "
Ursprachlehre, p. 228 [" As to its origin, see Hup- '?"'&? my master;" Gen. 15:2, the posses-
feld on the Phoenicio-Shemitic demonstr. particles in sor of my house "'JJJ.vS '"* ^rs he will be Eliezer ol
Zeitschr. f. d. Kunde des Damascus." Hence often used a formula
Morgenl. ii. page 127, seq. ; for id est, as
147, seq."] In the Pentateuch, X-in also takes in the of explaining; Gen. 14:8,^ X-in y^3 "Bela which
feminine, and stands instead of X'n which (according }
(now) is Zoar;" verse 7, BHj> XW CB'fO H? "the
to the Masora on Gen. 38 35) is found but eleven :
fountain of judgment which (now) is Kadesh;" Deu.
times in the whole of the Pentateuch. Those who 4 48
Est. 2 : 16 ; 3:7. More rarely put for the
it is

appended the points to the text, not attending to this verb substantive itself, Gen. 17:12, X-in ^JTHP
idiom of the Pentateuch, whenever tun is feminine, "who is not of thy seed;" Lehrg. | 196, l.

have treated it as though it were an error, and have

Ch. i.q. Heb. Dan. 2:21, 22, 28, 32, 38, 47;
pointed it Xir^ to signify that it ought to be read X'n ;

out of the Pentateuch fcMn fern, is found l Ki. 17: 15; 4: 19, etc. [" Often as implying the verb to be, he is,
Job 31:11; she is, etc., Dan. 2 9, 20, 28,32,47; 6:5; put also
30 33, pointed in the same manner.
Isu. :

In Latin would often be

it for the verb to be, Dan. 4:27."]
(a) i.q. ipse, awro'c,
himself; Gen. 14: 15, VUgl XI n himself and his fc^JD Ch. i.
q. "^L| which see.
servants;" Gen. 20: 5, 7 TOX Kin s6q "did not he
M "Tin "H'"1 from tne
tell me hiraself; Isa.7:l4,niX D?^> xin <riX. JJV p$ (by aphseresis, apparently for },
" therefore the Lord himself root to lift oneself up, to become Med.
will give
you a sign;" .x-j lofty,
and this is sometimes referred to God in an emphatic Damma be eminent, beautiful [" swelling"].
ease, although not to be regarded as one of the di-
(l) majesty. (a) used of the majesty cf God;
rine names (see Simonis Onomast. V. T. p. 549); often joined with 1"jn p s 2 1:6; 96:6; 104:1; 111:^ .
Job 40 10. (6) of princes and kings, l Ch. 29:25; & Nn Ch. to be, i.
q. Heb. njn. *\lt ninj .

Dar..ll:2i; compare Nu. 27 2O. (c) of a voice, Isa. :

and K?.!*. To this future there is sometimes prefixed
30:30; Job 39: 20. the particle j5 which then means that, in order that,

(2) splendour, freshness, beauty; Dan. 10:8, and the preformative of the future is commonly omit-
yJJ "HSn^ H %iri
"my freshness (i. e. the lively colour
ted, as P].? that they may be, that they might be,
of my was changed in me," id) oerf&rbte mid) (tjor Dan. 2 43
face) :
; 6:2,3; TT)r6 Dan. 5:17; compare Winer
Hos. 14:7, Vlin rW3 " his freshness Ch. Gramm.
@d)recteu); 44, 4. It is often joined with the par-
like an olive tree." Used of ornaments, Zech. 10:3; of another verb, and thus forms a
ticiple commonly
6. 13 used circumlocution for the aorist; rVVJ i"ITn " thou
(3) [Hod], pr.n. 101.7:37. wast seeing," Dan. 4:7,10; 7:2,4, etc.

JT^"Tin (perhaps H^l'in "praise ye Jehovah" nlH verbal of Piel, from nin
(i) desire, cti-
["or for ?1J
i~lii"l Jehovah his glory"]), [HodaviaK], pidity, from the root No. 2, Prov. 10:3, O^Kh njn
pr.n. m. (l) i 01.5:24. (2) i 01.9:7. (s)Ezr. ^'''C'v
"^ie casts away the desire of the wicked."

[HodaviaK], (.id.),
i 011.3:24.

pJ B'W. Comp.
19:13; Job 6: 2; 30:13 (in these two
desire, ^
latter places the 1 TO is Hjn).
("majesty of God"), [#Weva/i], pr. n. [See also No. 2, to
= rm-rin No. 2, Neh.7:43.
which these three passages are also referred ; in Thes.

n~*"Tin they are omitted under No. 1.]

(id.), [HodijaJi], pr.n. of certain Levites, S o-
Neh.S:?; 9:5; lO:il, 14, 19. (-2) ruin, fall (Arab ,_cfc), from the root No. 3.

Hence calamity, destruction. Ps. 57:2, "OgflJiJ

M ]M prop. TO BREATHE (^jfc to blow, as the 'Vin " until destruction be
past;" Psal. 91 :3, "91
s in "the
wind, t \*Zs air, breeze), like the cognate roots n?K, destroying pestilence;" Ps. 94:20; Pro.
3HK which see. This primary signification is applied 19:13; Job 6:2; 30 1 3. Hence also, destruction:

which any one brings upon another, injury, mis-

(l) to the breath of living creatures ; hence, to live
chief, wickedness. Psal. 5:10, HVin D3"ij? "their
(see njn nTl), and in the use of the language, to be, i.q.

the common word In Aramaean this form of the inward part is very wickedness;" Ps. 38:13, TlSn
verb is the most in use for the verb substantive (^Jil,
"they speak of mischiefs;" Ps.52:4,9; 55:12;
9 Prov. ll:6; 17:4, nVin ji^J? H9 " listening to a
jocn), in Hebrew
peculiar to the poets and the
it is
mischievous tongue;" Job 6:30.
more recent writers [but see the occurrences], and
it is found but rarely. That it is older than the com- i.q. ^JL) No. 2, misfortune, calamity. Isa.

mon form n^n and itself primitive, may be seen, both 47 : 1 1 ;

Eze. 7 26. :

from the Vav conversive (see !) derived from it, and

(prob. for D^^J, "whom Jehovah im-
also from form being originally onomatopoetic
pels"), \_Hoham~\, pr. n. of a king of Hebron, Josh.

Hjn therefore has its origin from nin, like Hjn from
""Ijn, which latter indeed appears to be a primary
word. Part, nin Neh. 6:6; Ecc.2:22. Imp. nin, ^n ^n interj. onomatopoet., h'ke *1X
Gen. 27:29; Isa. 16:4. Fut. apoc. N-in 11

. Ecc. 11:3, (1) of threatening, ho! woe! hei, oi, vae! followed
for -in*from HVg. by an ace. [" nom. for a voc., see LXX."], Isa. 1:4,
(2) to breathe after anything, to desire, to long, Nph ^
*in "woe to the sinful nation;" Isa. 5: 8, 11,

18,20,21; 10:5; 28:1; 29:1,15; 30:1; 31:1; 7K

q. njtf (Arabic ,_j& to desire, to love, to will), Jer. 48:1; ?y Jer. 50:27; Eze. 13:3; ? Eze. 13:18.
^fix 'in "alas!
whence HJQ No. l, desire. This signification, when (2) of lamenting, a/as/lKi. 13:30,
more intensitive, becomes my brother!" Isa. 17:12.
(3) torus h headlong upon anything, to fall head- (3) of admonishing, ho! heus! he! Zee. 2:lO; Isa.
long, to perish, i.q. ^-js, Job 37:6, ">BK* 3?0 '?
" f r he suith to the Ch. TO GO, a form softened from com p.
PWT n ?? : snow, fall down upon ;pn "n?n,
the earth," Vulg. ut descendat in terram ac- en'l and ^-H, Y^ and pX, and PW, and in the

cording to signif. 1, yivov tiri yi/e)- more modern languages, Engl. talk, ivalk, dark, warm
(in which the
[The derivatives (except >V.) follow.]
r is omitted in pronunciation [probably
it was intended to refer to the / iu khe two former other hemistich oiy niyna "the eternal bills." Tin
words ; the two latter are wholly misplaced in this Masorites have indeed pointed these words, 1J? ^TpHj

comparison]). The French

doux, from dulcis ; faux and they seem to have indicated the interpretation
from falsus. Fut. (the only instance of fut. A. in which the Vulg. and Chald. have embraced; taking
verbs 1J?) "W. Ezr. 5:5;6:5;7:13. Infin. ^HO Ezr. *lin as the part, of the verb '~nn, my parents; "!
is thus referred to what follows.
[This gives a very
good sense, so that we have no need to conjecture
plur. ntfton folly. Ecc. 1:17; a:ia.
another meaning.] But this sense is contrary to the
Verbal from ^n in PoeL
similar passages, Deu. 33:15; Hab. 3:6 [an unsafe

n ground to rest a conjecture upon], and also to the

f. id. Ecc. 10:13.
parallelism of the members. [This would be carry-
m. (Milel) Isa.4i:7, see ing the idea of parallelism of Hebrew poetry very
(2) [//or], pr.n. of two mountains, of which (a)
to the roots DOn, HDH. Deu. 7:23, n^TIJ nCKnr? DOH one is on the borders of Edom, one day's journey and
" he
brings upon them great disturbanc e." Whence a half southward of the Dead Sea at the foot of which ;

DinPI pr. the sea in commotion. Petra stood. It is now called from Aaron, who died
fut. Dn to be disturbed, to be in commo-
there,.. \jt, _J Jr^T' ^ eoe ^ Neby Hdrun ("the
tion, as a city, land, Ru. 1 :
19; l Sa. 4:5; l Ki. 1 145.
make a commotion, germen mountain of Aaron the prophet"), or . ,\js, \jju-j
HJPHIL, to madjcn/ tobcn

(comp. B WH used of a multitude making

SRutje fyalten), ("our lord Aaron"). See my Comment, on Isa,
a noise, Mic. 2:12; of an uneasy mihd (oben im 16 1. Nu. 20 22 33 37.
: :
; (ft)
the other belongs to

Sunern), Ps. 55:3. Lebanon, towards the north, Nu. 34:7, 8.

Derivatives, "i

(for yOBnn*, "whom Jehovah hears"),

(" destruction," root Q?^), \_Homam], [Hoshama~], pr.n. m. l Ch. 3:18.

pr.n. m. 1 Ch. 1:39, for which, Gen. 36:22, there is

found 00'H. Ho sea, pr. n.

(1) this was the original name of Joshua, the mi-
7171 i.
q. Arab. ^\& to be light, easy, compare nister and successor of Moses [as leader of Israel],
cogn. |SS, PN. Hence Nu. 13:8, 16.
Arab. Conj. H.
(2) a king of Israel, 2 Ki. 15:30; 17:1, seq; l8:l,
IV. X. to esteem of little worth, to contemn. So
HIPHIL, Deut. 1 141, nuy? WnPl) y e thought il but (3) a prophet. LXX. '}<rj. Hos. 1:1, 2.
little to go up," i. e. ye acted lightly and rashly in
that ye went up. Others take it "contemning (the n$Bnn ("whom Jehovah aids" ["whom Je-

command of God) ye went up." Comp. Nu. 14:44.

hovah has set free"]), [HoshaiaJi], pr. n. of several
men Nehem, 12: (2) Jer. 42:1; 43:2.
(2) to be in easy circumstances, to live com- (l) 32.

fortably, to be rich. Compare px No. 2, 3. Hence see nnn.

are derived pn, and
TO DREAM, TO TALK in one's dreams, Isa.
m. riches, substance. Prov. 1:13;
pn (l)
56:10. Kindred is ntn, and the original idea is that
6:31; 8: 18; Ps. 44:13, pn N?3 gratis, for no price.
of nocturnal LXX.
vision. ivvTn'iar>nf.voi. Aqu.
Plur. D'?in Eze. 27:33.

(a) adv. enough. Prov. 30:15, 16. So LXX. (bavraZoutroi. Symm. cpapariffral. (Arab. ^^ and
!jjj> to talk ramblingly, to be delirious, especially
ii), Chald., Syr., Arab. (Arab. . (
ys> facility,
com- and so commonly amongst the Tal-
through illness,

fort; compare ^\\ Med. Waw to live

quietly; ^.\ quiet, wealth; wealth, substance).
*H (for *n? from the verb HH3, as ^3 for ^)
lamentation, Eze. 2:io.

*fln & *lh (l) an ancient word, in but little use, N*H (i) pron. 3pers. sing, fern she, neut. it
Lq. "XJ a mountain, Gr. opoc- Gen. 49:26, iy nin
1 in the Syr. ooi, Arab. j&. Compare Kin. Sometimes ii
(I read TJ2 'l'1 mountains;"

), "everlasting
the Masoretic text, there occurs K*n, in cases in which nvm nrw n> ^ rvnyhe shall be u
KM taken in a neuter sense, and referred to the
is thee for a mouth, and thou shall be to him for God,'

masculine, and the Jewish critics expected Nin, Job i. e. thou shall suggest and, as
il were,
inspire word?
31:11; Ecc. 5:8; Ps. 73:16. Besides this, all the to him God
does to ihe prophets.
as Exodus 2: 16,
observations made above on the masculine K-in apply Gen. 28:21; Nu. 10:31. Also with a gerund, Isa.
" it
equally to the feminine &0n It is often (a) i.
q. 44: 15, "flnV D 1?? ny? (the wood) is for a man
herself, ipsa, avri'i, Joshua 6: 17; (b) this, avrn, to burn." Also to sheiv oneself as such a one. : ^a.
especially when it has the article, as N'^D rjjatthat 4:9, D'B>3X7 vn "shew yourselves men;" and Avilh

time, Mic. 3:4; the same, i Ki. 19:8. (2) not un- dat. of pcrs. l Sa. 18: 17, ^'.D rvn thou to ]^ $ "be
frequently it takes the
place of the verb substantive, me for a valianl man." Followed by ? before an
as Lev. 1 1 39. : inf.
(c) to be about to, to be going to (comp. Engl.
lam to play
[ihis comparison wholly unapt], er ifl
NT! Ch. i.
q. Heb. Daniel 2:9, 20, 44; 4:21,27;
Gen. 15: 12, '&f n W] ;
baran/ im 23ccjriff ju ttntn).
7:7; Ezr. 6:15. "
the sun was about lo set." Josh. 2 15,
lap ? ~iyK>n *n M " and when the gate was about to

~T"1 mas. (root "^1^) joyful acclamation, re- ;

shut" (in a passive sense, as in Germ. cS ijt jum (Sffcn

joicing (a) of vintage gatherers and wine-press
ba/ that it be eaten). Isa. 6:13; Deu. 31 ri?.
treaders. Jer. 25:30; 48:33. (6) of soldiers going (d)
to be intent itpon any tiring, Germ, er rear .barauf/ more
to battle, Jer. 51:14; Isa. 16:9, 10, where the two
2 Chron. 26:5, D ^. Bh^
senses are put in opposition. fully barauf credit.
" and he was intent to serve God. As to H^n when
:\ pi. f. Neh. 12:8, praises, songs, compare it is omitted in such expressions, see Lehrg. 211.
Neh. 11:17. This word is derived from PHin [Hiph.
CJ? iTil to be with any one (a) to be on his side,
of ^T], to praise, of the same signification as n'nifl.
to take his part, tlvai pro TIVOG (Matt. 12:30), l Ki.
There does not, however, occur any other word cor- HB>
1:8 (see DV). CJ? n;n to be with a woman,
responding to this in form. [" Compare also Neh. to lie with her, Gen. 39:10; 2 Sa. 13:20, Syr. jocn
12:27, where in a like context is
JIAjj ^-^- '^ ^$- ""C? to be in any one's eyes,

fut. n;rp
n with Vav convers. W\, i. e. to seem
him, see TV. to

inf. absol. H n const,

nvn, once n*n. Eze. 21 :15, Avith With the participle of another verb it forms <\ cir-

cumlocution for the imperfect. Gen. 4:17, H3b n|J

pref. nvi,nVna i.
q nin, ch. nja, Syr. jocn, )ocr.

q. 13.'!, especially in writers of a later age, Job 1
(l) TO BE, TO EXIST (as to its origin, see the note),
the verb substantive. Used absol. Genesis 2:5, H^b* 14; Neh. 1:4; 2:13, 15; comp. Syriac Jooi

^> 9

H3 n;nj Din nnbn the shrubs of the field were he was killing.
not as yet in the earth." It more often joins the (2) to become, to be made or done. Absol. i. q.
subject to its predicate, whether this latter be a sub- to exist, to come to pass. Gen. 1:3, "liN 'H W\
stantive or an adjective, or if it indicate the place of ">1N
" let there be and there was into
light (came
any person or thing. Gen. l :
2, -inhj -inn niVn psni. existence) light;" verse 6. Isa. 66:2, rl^fiH?? -ViTJ
Gen. 3:1, D-njj r\\r\ eTanj.
" and all these have have arisen,
Gen. 2' 1 8, n'v 'n : nitb'x" ?
things been," i. e.

V^ n-rn. Gen. 3:20, "rrb DX nn n Nin s

\ Gen. have existed. Elsewhere a thing is said to come to
4:8, nn.B>3 Dnrna W\ an d it came to pass when pass (in opp. to to fail). Isa. 7 7, Qlpn &6l n;nn N ^

they were in the field." Gen. 2 25 :

; 4:14. (As to followed by "? of the agent, Isa. 19: 15, Dnyp^ "$? #?
" done by
ellipsis, see Lehrg. p. 849 ) nb^D no work shall be the Egyptians."
Followed by (a) ? to be to any one (used of a To be made any thing used followed by an ace. is

thing), i. e. for him

as the possessor, to be possessed. Gen. 19:26, n?O 2*V? ~fl! " and she became (was
Ex. 20:3, " there shall be to thee no made) a pillar of salt." Gen. 4:20, 21 more often
strange gods," ;

i e. thou shalt have no

strange gods. Deut. 21 :15; followed by Bfe^ Dnsn nJ and
Gen. 2:7, nn
a Sa. 1 2 2 Isa. 45 14.
Hos. 1 9, CD^> nVIN &6 ^j
: : man became a living soul." Gen. 2:24; 17:4; 18:
" I will not b e to i. e. I will not be But ? i^n is also
you," your God. 18; 32:11; Ex.4:4; Isai.l:31
So very often ^ and negat. ^ |. #(b) to be for (a) to be or co/c <o anyone Ex. 32: 1. (4) to be
anything, i. e. to serve for, or as
anything, ju ctwaS btes or o any one, as a prey, portion, Jem. ju Sfyftl
fall to

nen, gmidjen. Gen. 1:14, 15, nil'sp^ -VH) and they roerben. 7:23; 17:2; 61:7; specially used of a
hall be for luminaries." Verse 29. Ex. 4:16, X-1H woman, With nn^n, like the Syr. J; LOOT ^>
*6n-rrn CCXXII
fell to the lot 01 a husband, "became a husband's." being past, (like the expression fuimus Troes,) i e to bt
IIos.3:3; Jcr. 3:1; Ru. 1:12. over, ended, gone by, ferttg/ uoruber/ batjtn fe^n. Dan.
? n'n pr. lo become like any oue, to be made like 2:1, V^JJ nivrg 'WU?> his sleep left him." German,

any one, Gen. 3:5, 22 ; hence to experience the war corbct) fur ibn/ roar babin fur tt)n. 1 yJJ is for V?K, i?
same as. Isa 1:9, -l^n tflp? " -we should have been by a Syriacism (not for
VTty?). 8:27, *JV>rm 'JT'.nj
like Sodom" (should have experienced the same). "I was ended (I failed), and was sick." Germ, id)
Gen. 18:25, MPT* P^'V? n;m that it should be the roar ba^in/ roar ferttg/ L e.
my powers failed. Vulg.
same to the righteous as to the wicked." Nu.l7:5; langui et ceyrotavi.

133.17:3; 24:2; 28:4; 29:7; 30:13; Hos.4:9;

Job 27:7; Cant, l :"]. Similar are the passages, Isa.
<"1*D fern, in nro Job 6:2; 30:13 for rijn de-
10:9; 20 6, in which n*n is omitted.

In the historical books there frequently occurs the

n .^,
YD aChaldeeformforTK/toto? lCh.13: 12; Dan.
phrase ? }
'n*1 "and it came to pass, that," like in 10:17. (A word of frequent occurrence in Chald. Sam.
N. Test. Kcii on. Similarly, in the prophets ift id.).
n*n*j "and it shall come to pass;" even when this
same verb is afterwards repeated, Isa. 3 24, nnFl n*ni:
' J U quadrilitt. not used. [In Thes. ??n an ?

n*n* pOiba "and (thus) it shall come to pass, in- unused root, prob. i.q.
?H3 (with the letters transposed)
stead of sweet smell there shall be a stench ;" 2 2 :
; 7 23.

Note. As the notion of the verb substantive is too

and ^3.] Arab. J^Ljb to be great, lofty. Hencp.

abstruse for it to be regarded as primitive, etymolo- /3V7. [In Corr. this root is altogether rejected.]
have properly made research as to the origin
of the Hebrew H*n and njn. I
formerly followed
^D comm. once certainly fern. Isa. 44: 28. (["
comes from root ^bj i. q. >13, 7111^ to take, to hold,-

the conjectures which some had made, that the pri-

specially to be capacious, spacious" Ges. corr.j
mary signirication is that of falling (comparing it
with to be headlong, to fall down), and that Arab. Jjj>, Syr.JJj^OT, ^th.U^n^: id.
^yj) - -<*-
falling out, coming to pass, was a sense derived is likewise a verb PI. D*~, once J"rt Hos. 8:14.
from the former; in confirmation of this, it may be
(1) a large and magnificent building, apalact
compared with Pers. ^J\Z3\ to fall, to fall out, to Pro. 30:28: Isa. 39:7; Dan. 1:4.
I now (2) njn* TO^n "the palace of Jehovah," an appel
happen. hardly think that this signification
of falling can itself be primary; and the notion of lation of the temple at Jerusalem, 2 Ki. 24: 13; 2 Ch
existence seems rather to come from that of living, 3:17; Jer.50:28; Hag. 2:15; Zee. 6:14, 15 (calle-
and to be hence applied also to all inanimate things ;
elsewhere njn* JV3), also the holy tabernacle which
so that the verbs njn, JVH and nin, rvn are of the Avas used before the temple was built; compare J"l*3
same origin. Of these Hjn and Hjn prop, had the No. i. 1 19; 3:3; Ps. 5:8 (not however, 2 Sa.
i Sa.

signification of breathing, blowing (comp. H1K, H2X, 22:7; 9 9> where heaven is to be understood);
l is - 2 :

3"N, '5n), which has partly been applied to the mean- poet, also heaven,; 18:7 (and 2 Sa. 22:7);
ing of breathing after, desiring, rushing headlong, and 29:9; Mic. 1:2 (sometimes also with the epithet,
partly to that of living and existing. Comp. under nin. "holy").
NIPIIAL n*n3 as if pa$s. of Hiph., hence i.
q. Kal No. 2, (3) Specially it is a part of the temple at Jeru-
but more rarely used (l) to become, to be made. salem, namely, 6 vaoc KUT ox'/', answering to the
Followed by ? to be made, to become any thing, Deu. nave of modern cathedrals between the entrance and
47:9; Pro. 13:19, n*n3 ni^ri "a desire which has the holy of holies p^.), l Ki. 6:5, 17; 7:50. By
been done" (em SBunfcb/ bcr gefcfyefcn ifl), i. e. fulfilled;
a mere error it has occurred that in the last edition ol
compare verse where there is nN3 corresponding
12, Simonis Lexicon [Winer's], ?3'D is said to be applied
to this. manner Zee. 8: 10 used of wages;
In like to the holy of holies itself.

i Ki. i :27, njn -Qin njna ^en tfn* nxo DX s this i

77H emphat. *6p*n Chald. like the Hebrew.
thing done by my lord the king?" i.e. appointed
tnd ordered by him; 12:24; also i. q. to happen, to (1) the palace of a king, Dan. 4:1, 26; Ezr. 4:14.
(2) a temple, Dan. 5:2,3, 5.
ametopass, Deu. 4:32; Jud. 19:30; 26:3, 12;
Eze. 81:12539:8; Neh.6:8. ^/ D
Isa. 14: 12 according to LXX., Vulg., Targ

(2) Sometimes there is the added idea of something Rabbin. Luth.,ste#a lucidti, bright /ar,i.e. Lucifer

Nor is this a bad rendering, for there is added "lO with a stroke ; compare the kindred verbs Ppn, "igr^
and in the Chaldee also Lucifer [the morning star],
it and ?3H D3PI which see.

is called nn?3 3313, in Arab, ji j& i i. e. splendid star. [" Once fut. Kal, or (Heb. Gramm. 52, ncte4) ]
this opinion ?.?'[} would be derived from HIPHIL, to
stun, stupify; Job 19:3, 1"'i3n fc6
According to VlSriri "
the root 7^n to shine ; as a participial noun of the
*? ye are not ashamed, ye stun me," LXX.
OVK aia-^vvo^troi pt ETriKtifftii
fjtoi, Jerome, et non eru-

(comp. Arab. Ja-J, Syr. ;_^x*re and the

S?*j3 J bescitur opprimentes me ; fd)aamlo6 ubertdubct tt)r mtdh/ a

like), or else of a quadriliteral verb 7?*n,comp. ?3'n, rightly given by Cromayer, Schultens in Animad-
verss.- DSnri seems to stand for Wsnri (compare
"^TH. However, ??'[? itself is not unfrequently Imper.
'3 Jer. 9: 2). It may even be taken for the fut
Hiph. of the verb "??* in the signification ica il, lament ")"]!3

(Eze. 21: 17; Zee. 11:2), and this does not appear Kal, but on account of the dative V, which particu-
less suitable, and is adopted by Syr., Aqu. and larly often follows verbs in Hiphil (Lehrg. p. 817), the
suitable." Ges. corr.]
common opinion appears to me to be preferable.
Jerome. [" This is less

[" Better perhaps to assign to ~>n the force of

Q'H see Din. Arab. J^>_ to injure, to litigate
pertinaciously ;
[DO'PI pr.n. see DOta]. in Job 1. c. shameless ye injure me. Several MSS.
read n?rm." Ges. corr.]
(=10ntD Ch. and Syr. faithful), [Hem an']
(Verbal of Hiph. from the root 133, of
(i) pr.n. of a certain wise man, who flourished
the form n^n, see Gr. 74, 29, 75, 1. [83, 28 584,1]),
before the days of Solomon ( l Ki. 5:11), of the tribe
a knowing, taking knoivledgeof[" a beholding"];
of Judah, 1 Ch. 2:6. There is a different (2)Heman,
Isa. 3 9, DfVjJS rnsn
: the knowledge of their coun-
a Levite of the family of the Kohathites, a leader of
David's choir, 1 Chr. 6 1 8 tenance," i. e. what may be known by their faces,
15:17; 1 6 41 42 Ps.
, ;

what they manifestly shew [" the beholding of their

88:i; compare Thes. p. 1 1 7.
persons, respect of persons, partiality in a judge
i. e. ;

H m. a
hin, a measure of liquids containing ["the
compare the phrase D^B "V?n in 133 Hiphil"].
seventh part of a Bath, i.e. twelve Roman sectarii"]
12 37, 2 Attic x<i e (according to Joseph. Ant. iii. 9 4). /n (i) the article, Arab. Jl, Heb. -H,^ being
Nu. 15:4,sqq., 28:5,7, H5 Eze. 4:11. LXX. Eir, inserted [by a compensative Dagesh] in the next let-
!v, vv. Its is doubtful. It may be derived
etymology ter; see Lehrg. p. 197, and above, p. ccxin.
from as being a light, small measure. [This
(2) A particle of interrogation, Arab. whence
rejected in Thes.] [" This corresponds to
reason is
is taken interrogative, which see. The full form is
the Egyptian hn, hno, which signifies prop, vessel, L]

once found, Deu. 32 :6,according to the reading of the

and then a small measure, sectarius, Gr. 1i wr. See
Nehardeenses, who thus divide i"lin* ^, which others
Leemans, Lettre a Salvolini, p. 154. Bb'kh. Metrol.
Untersuch. pp. 244, 260. But it is not certain that join together mnvn. If the former be correct, ?O5
these Hebr. and Egypt, measures were of the same
is joined with an accusative, as is often the case.

size." Ges. add.]

** p"

in Kal. (Nearly connected is the Syr.\>cn^oi to put

5 -

pn in Kal not used. [See added note below.] far, to remove, and Arab. Jj. II. to stay
away, to go
away, to recede.)
ab. Jj* an d J^> to be stupified, to be stunned,
[In Thes. this is not given as a verb ;
the Niphal
is made denom. from i"1
lus 1.691, 3i\ .1 i
t _^^r j\ admiration, or, most
NIPHAL, partic. nspqan removed, far off, col-
vehement admiration, e. Kimchi, after R. removed, the remote, Micah 4:7
stupor. lectively, the far
Jonah n,n3 n!Tn great admiration. Alb. Schultens Hence \

(^n Job 19:3) thought the original idea to be that of being

N/n n y?>P-?)> subst. distance,
(segol. form, like
tiff, rigid, but considered it worthy of more examin- < i

tion ; I have no doubt but that it is that of beating, remoteness, always with n para^. ^^/v 1
ending, comparing it with the primitive syllable on that account without Metheg), adverb far off t

pn, in which there is the sense of beating, cutting, farther.


(1) Used of space, Gen. 19:9,

go far- nxl anciently went. Troj. cay of acting, Pro. 31 :27
nn s 3 no^n " (she attends to) the ways of her houw *
ther back," begone; LXX. rurotTra iKii: Vulg. recede
illuc (see my Commentary on Isa. 49: 20). Accord- i. e. her domestic concerns.

" come v?
ing to others, nearer," which is incorrect, and (3) companiesof travellers, Job 6: 19. Koot
unsuitable to the sense, l Sa. 10 3, nK?nj DK'P (and :

thou shalt go) thence farther;" l Sam. 20: 22, ''JPP ^J

/ <7 & *^J
/^ (see Gramm. 67, [77]) fut. ^fe

HN^nj "from thee farther," i.e. beyond thee; verse "!]&.

r (from
v &\
once with Yod np^K Mic.
:8; poet,

37. (In opposition to nsnj ^pp on this side of thee.)

VL]! (from ^pnJ? Psal. 73 -.9; imp. "H? with
V?)i once
wrr|D KTU oy n$m
Num. 32:19; Isa. 18:2,
people terrible and farther off than it;" verse 7.
own 1
n parag.'n37 or with the n omitted 'V (see HDp in its
place), fern." ??, p.p, rarely -13?n Jer. 51 -.50; inf.
" farther off
? "$? than," as Am. 5:27, n^np abs. W?,
constr. nb^> with suff. ^p^, part. $1.

P^PY "beyond, farther off than Damascus." (1) to ^o, to walk, to go along (kindred roots are
N-inn DViiO
(2)' Used of time, l Sam. 18:9, n$nj ni^, ^-in, which see). Used also of inanimate things ;

" from that as of a 7:18; reports, 2 Ch. 26 8 bound-
ship, Gen.
day and o n w a r d ;" Lev. 2 2
: 27 .
( Syr."^ en,

aries, Josh. 16:8; letters, Neh. 6: 17. 2 Sa. 15:20, *?>?

^vk^ id., ^Jso "VcnA beyond, Ch. vkrfc, n^ and S|j?ta ^"f $ ;
hy_ ifcin "I, indeed, go whithersoever I

1???, which belong a root Med. Gem., see under

can go;" l Sa. 23: 13.
?) Q Thes. Gesenius thus derives the word, The
[I place towards which one is going, commonly
probably for n?n from ?H (which see, No. l)."] takes the preposition ? Gen. 26:26; ? l Sa. 23: 18;

D V^H m 2Ch.8: 17; sometimes ^ 2 Sa. 15: 20 ;? iKi.i9:4; Isa

pi verbal of Piel from ?/n ["praises (of

45: 16; 46:2 (pr. to go, to enter into), or it is put in

God)"], festival days, celebrated on account of the the accusative ; as Jud. 19:18; 2 Ki. 9 : 2 1 , nb^h nV3
finished harvest, pu b lie
Lev. J9-.24.
thanksgivings, Jud.g:27; f B>~)n "ships going to Tarshish;'' or with n parag.
2Ki. 5:25;
see The following constructions of this verb should be
ipn comm. this. It is masc., Jud. 6:2O; l Sam. noticed (a) with an ace., it is to go through or overa>
place, as Deu. 1:19, ^IPT?? J">X "and we went
14:1; 17:26; 2 Ki. 23:17; Zee. 2:8; Dan. 8: 16. fern. "=1^1

2 Ki-4:25. The more full form follows as the next through the desert;" 2:7; Job 29:3.
all So also
uticle; this apocopated form also occurs in Arabic TH "^ Num. 20: 17; i Ki. 13:12 (in other places
-* * ** THJ? VC Pro. 7: 19). (b) followed by ? it is to go

jJJ- jj^ Gol. Col. 2122. with some person or thing, Exod. 10:9, also to takt
with one, to bring, Hos. 5:6. (Compare ?, C. 1.)
^t?n(Milra),m. this, Gen. 24:65; 37:19. Com- For another sense see above. (c) with &V or
of HT and the fuller form of the article
pounded ?n, to go ivith, to have intercourse with (German
the 7 being doubled as in the cognate 7X, n?X. [" Ac-
umgetjen mit), Job 34:8; Prov. 13:20. Compare Job
cording to Hupfeld from nt and N?n=:nK7n which is 31 :5. (d) with 'Tinx to go after any one, to follow
also favoured by the Talm. plur. V??n for ^I?X ^fL
him, Gen. 24:5,8; '37:17/0^?, D!J7$ nq ^n to
It answers to the Arabic which assumes the go after, i.e. to worship, God or Baal, Dent. 4:3;
l Ki. 14:8; Jer. 2:8; also to pursue, 48:2, T"1D.^
power of a relative; hence is the shortened form T?n
3"!}D "the sword shall pursue thee.
"vfl (e) with a

pleonast. dative ft "V'7 *

depart, see No. 3.
jj\, and by aphaeresis
(2) trop. to walk, i.e. to /t've, to follow an)
V?n once occurring
id., 26.36:35, joined with manner of life (Germ, jcanbcln/ comp. TT!! No. 3.) Ps
~|N and thus of the feminine eender. 15:2, Q^pri TJjh "who walketh (lives or conduct*

or himself) uprightly." Ps. l l, D*V?n "walks : n$3 ^n

m., a 0oin0, a sfgp; Job 29:6,
?n " my steps." Root ^n. (lives) according to the counsel of the wicked." l Ki
9:4. 'Q
^"l* !?, ^"iTia ^n to follow any one's footsteps,
^^VL? f.
only in pi.
(l) going, progress, Na. to imitate him in life and manners, hence '?")'!!? ^^
i:fi; specially solemn processions of God, Psal. \\
"to follow the precepts of God;" Deut. ift:9;
8.25. 28:9; Ps. 81 13. Rarely with an ace. (likeT^ l^n).

() ways, Hab.3:6, ft
"ancientwaye Isa. 33: 15, n P"]V v^l " he who walketh uprightly;*
are to him," i. e. God goes in the ways in which he Mic. a: iijTi^nnn^h "living in wind d e vanity)
and lying;" Pro.6:i2, HB nfe^g Tfeta "walking (2) i.
q. Kal No. 2; Psal. 86: ll; 89:16; 131 :ii
(living) in perverseness of mouth," i. e. who, while Eccl. 11:9.
ho lives, continues to practise perverseness of speech. (3) i.
q. Kal No. 3, Ps. 104:26.
(?) Specially to go aioay, to vanish, Ps. 78:39; (4) perhaps to fall upon any one, grassatus est
Jcl>7 :9; 19: 1O; 14:20; especially followed byadat. (which, like the Hebrew, is a frequentative from

"T?;!, French s'en aller, Ital. andarsene. Cant. gradior), whence ^DP grassator, robber, attacker,
9:11; 4:6; often in imp. Gen.l2:i; 22:2 v v \

Prov. 6:ll (parall. I.3O ^^)- Compare HI];, \^ to
Hence to decease, to di e, Gen. 1 5 2 Psal. 39:14. :
; walk, to invade, to rob. Others understand a vagrant.
(So in Arabic ^c, , ^.
jbj, ^U, _ ,j; and t . Compare HITHPAEL.
HJPHIL ""Jvin(from ^J?J), rarely Tr^D Ex. 2:9, and
more fully &**** ^L< to go one's way. Syr. -l^ DO prip
part. Zee. 3 7 (formed from ""J/n in the Chald

to migrate, to wander; in JEth. 'iOH.' and frf (D:)- | manner) (i) causat. of Kal No. i pr. to cause ;

But to this head does not belong Gen. 25 32, '33K

: "-fen some one go, hence to lead, Deu. 8:2 2Ki.24: 15;
to ;

rMD? ;
for it must not be rendered I am going to die, but Isa. 42: 16, etc. Part. Q 1

*? p Ijtp leaders, companions,

I am daily liable to die, I am daily in danger of death. Zee. 3:7; also to take anything away, Zec.5:lo;
(4) to go, as water, i. e. to to be poured out, So Ex. 2:9, njn i^rrns *ytyr\ "take
flow, Ecc. 10:20.
Isa. Such expressions are of frequent use in ^nsirrns "^r'lN H3X " whither

8:7. this child." 2 Sa. 3 1 3.

1V -/ :
T . .

Hebrew, as the hills flow with milk or with water, i.e. shall I shame?" whither shall I go with

carry my
there is
plenty of milk, of water
amongst the hills
my shame ?
Gramm. note [ 135,1, note 2], Lehrg.
(see 107, 3.
(2) causat. of Kal No. 3, to cause to perish, to

218,4); Joel4:i8. Similarly Eze. 7: 17; 21:12, destroy, Ps. 125:5.

D?D n33?n D?3~}3~?3. Vulg. omnia genua fluent aquis
(3) causat. of KalNo.4,toca?<se toflow(as water),
out of fear). Compare Virg. Georg. ii. 166: auro
(i.e. Eze. 32: 14, that (the sea) may flow away, Ex. 14: 21.
plurima fluxit. HITHPAEL ^n^n (i)pr. to go for oneself, comp.
go on, to to go forward in any thing, i.e. to
(5) Gr. vopevofjiai, Germ, fid) ergetjen/ hence to ivalk up
go on adding. variously construed
It is (a) with and down, Gen. 3:8; 2 Sam. ll :2, to go about^ to
pleon. ^vH and the participle of another verb, walk about, Ex. 21:19; Job l :7; Zee. l:lO, ll;
Gen. 26: 13, /n31. ^?n ^1 pr. he went on going on,
6:7, to walk, to go, Ps. 35:14; with ace. (like Kal)
and grew, i.e. he went on growing' day by day, he Job 22: 14, "ilpnjV. W.& J:n "he walks upon the vault
grew more and more. Jud. 4:24, 76f^V7J|
T ^7>rn of heaven."
n !j?l?1
V? "and the hand of the Israelites became (2) trop. (like Kal and Piel No. 2) to live. ^?D^n
harder and harder upon Jabin." iSa.i4:i9; 2Sa. DTQ npN3 to live (to walk) in truth, in upright-
5: 1O; 18 25. Instead of the first ^?n the verb walk
ness. Ps. 26:3; 101:2; Pro. 20:7; 23:31, "to
itself is not unfrequently put, which expresses the "
action thus increased.
Gen. 8 3, H99
D ^? >n
and the waters returned (flowed away) from
: ^ ^
before God;" Gen.17 i 24:40 48 15, and to
with God;" 5:22,24; 6:9,
; ;

i.q. to lead

a life
to God.
off the face of the earth more and more;" 12:9;
(3) i.
q. Kal No. 4,
to flow, used of wine, Pro. 23:31.
compare Gen. 8:5. (c) with the partic. ^I?n and the Pro. 24:34, an attacker, a rob-
(4) Part. "=l?nj;ip
partic. of another verb ;
l Sa. 17 : 41 , ^H W^f D ^.'.1 ber, or a vagrant, comp. Piel No. 4.
yyy\ "and the Philistines came nearer and
Derivatives, besides those which immediately follow,
Sa.2:26, ate} ? 'fentewp' "IBI31 "and the child
Samuel grew on more and more;" 2Sam.3:i Est. "sjvn nDvrij vD'?, na^7nn see also ""15?. }

9:4; Jon. l: ll; Pro.4:l8; 2 Ch. 17:12. Comp. the

Ch. PAEL, to go, Dan. 4:26.
French, la maladie va toitjours en augmentant et en
APHEL, id. Part. 1 'P/
?*? Dan. 3:25; 4:34.
empirant, the disease increases more and more. See
Gramm. 100, 3, and the note there. [ 128, 3.] m. &*$
(l) journey, way, also i.q. "^D
NIPHAL "ipnj pr. to be made to go, hence to go a traveller, a ivanderer, 2 Sam. 12:4. (Compare
aw ay, to
vanish, Ps. 109:23. Gramm. 111:2, letter a [ 104:2, a.]).
PIEL ^|?n
q. Kal, but always poetic (except l Ki. l Sa. 14:26, C'a' ^jn

(2) a flowing, a stream, {

81:27) (of frequent use in Chaldee and Syriac), "astreamof honey." Comp. ^n No. 4.
specially (i) i.
q. Kal No. l, to go, to walk, Job
4:iO; 30:28; Ps. 38:7; 104:3. m. Ch. a way-toll Ezr.4:l3, so; 7:84.

7n - (l) JO BE CLEAR, TC BE BRILLIANT, t)flt

admit the syncope of the letter n, take i?n to be int
Kal of the form "*\&, with a pleonastic suffix so thai
or sound. [" In
ffpn, pr. used of a clear, sharp tone
it should be rendered, "when it shined," sc. his
Ethiopia the women on occasions of public rejoicing
light; compare Job 33:20; Eze. 10:3.
are accustomed to repeat the sounds ellellell-eUellell ;
to shine, to give light, i. "VKH No. a, ficty
whence make see Isenberg (2) q.
to ellell, is i.
q. to rejoice;
and crbreiten/ leud)ten, Job 31 126.
Amhar. Lex. p. 112."
Ges. add.] Comp. fallen/
HITHPAEL (i) pass. of Piel l,to be praised, Prov.
the kindred roots gellen/ ^V> fallen. See PIEL. It is
applied to boast
l Ki. 2O:ll; l*ro.
(2) glory,
(2) to brightness of light, Arab. Jj>> (like the 20 : 7TX " he goeth away, and then he
14, ?pni;P TN '"6

Germ. tjelle garben). See HIPHIL, and the noun ??*J, boasteth (of his bargain)." With ? of that in
Hence which one glories, Prov. 25:14; 27:1; especially
(3) to make a show, used both of external ap- used of God, Ps. 34:3; 64:11; 105:3. Once with
pearance, and of grandiloquent words, glinjen rcollen/ oy p s 106:5.

prablen, Ps. 75:5. Dv?in the proud,

Part. the inso- HITHPOEL Jer.
(i) to be mad, to be foolish.
lent, Ps. 5:6; 73:3; 75:5. Hence
25:16; 51 :7; Nah. 2:5, 3D^n -l^injV the chariot*
(4) to be foolish. See POEL. In the sacred wri- are mad," they are driven impetuously; Jer. 50:38,
ters, the more any one boasts, the he regarded more is $??iniV D'p^XIl used in a pregnant sense, " they
as being foolish: just as, on the other hand, a modest confide in idols."
person is looked upon as wise and pious. Comp. 733. madness, Sa. 21:14.
to feign

PIEL, pr. to sing (see Kal No. l), especially any Derivatives, W>n, OT, n , M^in, ^>qo, H?,
one's praises praise, to celebrate, es-

hence, to n/n^. P r n - -
Wfei ^feo and
pecially God, with an ace. rjp??n praise ye Jeho-
vah." Psal. 117:1; 145:2 in the later writers with ;
?ri ["singing," "praising"], Hillel, pr. n.

^ (properly to sing to God), l Ch. 16:36; 25:3; 2Ch. of a man, Jud. 12 13, 15. :

ao 2 1 30 2 1 Ezr. 3 1 1 with ? Psal. 44 9. Also


simply praise, Prov. 27:2; 28:4; folknved by /&*

to fut. (Psal.74 6) (l) TO BEAl, TO

STRIKE, TO SMITE. Jud. 5:26, iOP'p """??$ " fill*

to praise some one to another, to commend, Gen.
smote Sisera;"Ps-74:6; 141:5; Isa.4i:7,Pys D^in
(a) intrans. to glory. Psal. 56:5, who smote the anvil, pr. P? P/?in. As to the change
"in God glory." Comp. Ps. 10:3.
I will of the accent, see Lehrg. p. 175, 308. Used of the
PUAL, to be
praised, celebrated, 26.26:17. hoof of a horse striking the ground, Jud. 5 :aa.
Part. ^HO worthy to be praised (God), Psal. 18:4; Metaph. J" 'P-l/L! Isa. 28 i, sm itten by wine, drunk-

96:4; 145:3. Ps. 78: 63, tfa\ *6 ttfWp according ards; compare Gr. oiv<nr\i'], Lat. percussus tempora
" and their
to the present vocalization, virgins were Baccho. Tibull. As to similar expressions in Arabic,
not celebrated" (had no nuptial song); comp. Ch. see my Comment, on Isa. loc. cit.
8p1?n epithalamium. But this does not accord suffi- (2) smite
in pieces, to break, Isa. 16:8.

ciently with verse 64, and I prefer reading ^?in for ?

(3) dissolved, to break up (intrans.) as an
to be

''?*?? lamented.
army, to be scattered; Germ, fid) jerfrfjlagen. i Sa.

POEL X?in fut. ??in* causat. of Kal No. 4, to make 14:16, P^ni "HZ!! "and (the hosts) were scattered
foolish, Ecc. 7:7; also to shew to be foolish, to more and more."
make ashamed. Job 12:17; Isa. 44:25, 7?in? D'pDp Derivatives, besides those which immediately follow,
" he shews the diviner, to be fools."

POAL part. '?

1? T? mad, pr. smitten with fury. Ps.
" those D/n adv. of place. (l) hither, Ex. 3:5; Jud.
102:9, vX1n ? who are mad against me" (like
18:3; l Sa. 10:22; cfcpV. hitherto. 9 Sa. 7: 18.
*9i?). Ecc. 2:2. -
HiPlflL (l) causat. of Kal No. 1, to make bright To this answers the Arab. ^Jjj. (not Jjj>, as given in
or thin ing, Isa. 13:10; Job 41 :1O. I would with the former editions and by Winer) come hither, which
Ewald (Hebr. Gramm. p. 471), place here [in Thes.
is inflected like an imperative whence the fern,
put under Kal a], Job 29: 3, Via i^n? for n? ^nqa

" when God

(by the omission of n preformative), Perhaps the Hebrew word also, was originally an im-
made his light to shine." Those who do not thus perative signifying come hither; from D?n to strife*

tlieground with one's foot (comp. DV5). As to the i.e. the streets, Pro. 1:21.
" wine is a
Pro. 2O:l, noh |n p
sense, comp. also Gr. fitvpo, Sevpi, pi. Sevre.
"DtJJ and
mocker, btrong drink (is) raging.'

(2) here, Gen. 16:13. [In Thes. this word is said Comp. Zee. 9: 15.
to mean pr. a stroke of the foot on the ground, as an (3) used of internal emotion, from disquiet of
indication whence one has come.] mind arising from cares, solicitude, pity, Psal. 42:6,
12; Jer. 4:19; 31:20; comp. Cant. 5:4. This in-
E/D ("stroke"), [#Wem],pr.n. ofaman, iCh. ternal emotion is sometimes compared poetically with
, the sounding of musical instruments (No. 2), just as
Hlopn f.
hammer, Jud. 5:26, so called from Forster narrates that in some of the islands of the
striking. See the root. Pacific they call pity, the barking of the bowels. Isa.

DM Cn n -11333 bowels shall

or \_Ham~^, pr. n. of a region otherwise 16:11, ZlKiD^ 'go my
unknown, where the nation of the Zuzim lived; pro-
sound like a harp Moab." Jer. 48:36,3X10? '3?
"my heart shall sound for Moab like
bably in the land of Ammon, or in the bordering D^>!}3
country; Gen. 14:5. pipes." .

DH DH Dnon for DJVpn (4) used of a person wandering about from in-
only in pi. with suffix
Eze. 7:11, *6l. Djtonb Dno jfti quietude of mind ; as the adulterous woman, Pro. 7 :
their riches. >1.

" 11 ; 9:13. Similar in signification is H3n.

OOP"!?? nothing of them (shall remain), neither of
Dn O r on, nnpn, jion
their multitude, nor of their wealth." The paro-
nomasia of the words Cnp, D3bqp Bnpnp appears ?
see Dn.
to have given occasion for the use of this new or at
(1 & pDn Ch. pers. pron. pi. they, those, Dan.
least uncommon form.
2:34; Ezr. 4:10, 23, i.
q. Heb. DH.
& n/JR
pers. pron. pi. m. THEY, THOSE; ion (from the root nDH), m. (f. in one passage.

ometimes incorrectly put for the feminine, ecc.

it is
Job 31: 34).
Zee. 5:10; Ru. 1:22. With the article it becomes
(1) the sound, noise of a shower, l Ki. 18:41 oi ;

the demonstrative, these; see fcOH. Not unfre- Am. 5:23; especially of a mul-
singers, Eze. 26 1 3 :

it takes in a manner the place of the verb Hence

quently titude, iSa. 4:14; 14:19; Job 39:7.
substantive, 1 Ki. 8 :
40 9 20 Gen. 25 16 even
(2) a multitude of men itself. P^n ?ip the noise
with feminines, Cant. 6:8; and for the second per- of a multitude, Isa. 13 4; 33 3; Dan. 1O:6. P^r : :

son, Zeph. 2:12, "you also, O Cushites, "S.-in \7pn 0^3 Gen. 17:4, 5. D^J? ''"I Isa. 17:12, many peoples.
iTOn shall be stricken through with sword."
my 0^3 |in a multitude of women, 2 Ch. 11:23. Es-

Compare N-in.
pecially used of hosts of soldiers, Jud. 4:7; Dan. 1 1 :
un fut. norr onomatop. root, TO HUM; Germ. 11,12,13. Also, plenty of water, Jer. 10: 13; 51:16.
brummen/ fummen, or rather the old twmmen 5 Engl. to (3) plenty, wealth, riches, Ps. 37: 16; Ecc. 5:9;
Isa. 60:5.
him, used of the sound made by bees; whence the
(4) emotion of mind. Isa. 63:15, T$? f10 ?. pr.
Germ, pummel/ Arabic It is
^jj. fU'i, j,**/*^- "commotion of thy bowels," i.e.
used thy mercy; comp
the root No. 3.
(l); of the noise made by certain animals, as of the
growl of the bear, Isa. 59 1 1 ; of a snarling dog, Ps.
see n.

59 7- 1 5; of the cooing of a turtle dove, Eze. 7:16.


("multitude"), [HamonaK], prophetic
applied to the sighings of men, Ps. 55:18; 77:4;
It is
name of a city, to be situated in the valley where the
which are compared to the sounds uttered
by bears slaughter of Magog is to take place, Eze. 39 16. :

and doves (Eze. 7:16; Tsa. 59 1 1 :


2) used of the sound of the harp (compare Germ.

( ""1$?^ ^ sound of a harp, Isa. 14:11. Root HDn.

pummel of a particular kind of harp), Isa.l6: l 1 (com-

pare 14: 11), and of other instruments of music, Jer
' yV a root not used. Arab. <J-*.k to rain in-

cessantly; kindred to the Heb. ID n. The original

48 36; the noise made by a shower, l Ki. 18 41

idea appears to be that of making a noise; compare

[A derivative is found in this passage] the waves, ;
HOn used of the noise of showers, iKi. 18:41. Henc
1*8.46:4; Isa. 51: 15; Jer.5:22; 31:35; 51:555 of
Jsturbed and tumultuous
people, Ps. 46 7 59 7 :
; ;! f. noise, sound,i. q. floq Eze.
83:3; Isa, 17:1 a. Hence ni'Din poet noisy places, i bip as they went,
:24, f^Dn Dro^3

noise [was heard] like the soiind of a host." (Comp. Persians and Greeks. If the etymology of the syl-
Jton Tiplsa 13:4; 33:3; iKi. 20:13, 28; especially lable 3D ^ai'oc be further traced, the idea of many ia
Dan. 10:6.) Jer. 11:16. not improbable that it properly signifies the moon,
and that /uorcaY-j/ is properly i. q. prjviffKoc, a little
fut. on* i. o^n pr. TO PUT IN MOTION,
q. moon worn round the neck (compare P~'i]K'). Indeed
in 2ku?egung hence
fefcen j
in modern Persic the moon is called ate, but the
(l) to impel, to drive. Isa. 28:28,^^ tyl DDH Nun shown
be omitted by the Greek
is to
"lie drives the wheels of his threshing wain." primitive
* -
pijf, fitjvri,
Dor. para, Goth, mana, Lat. mensis, Germ
(Comp. Arab. ^ to urge on a beast.) SOIatn/ Dlonb. Geddes on Ex. 25:22, compares th
Lat. manica from manus, and supposes 'DPI propcrl-
(a) to
disturb, put in commotion, to put to

when used of God, his enemies, Ex. 14: to mean an armlet. [" Comp. also Sanscr. mani,
flight, e.g.
84; 23:27; Josh. 1O:1O. Psalm 144 6, T-)fn : fW gem, a pearl."]
DEnr^ " send forth thine arrows, and put them (the Dr^n an unused root, i.
q. .?**, ir^*^> which
enemies) to flight," Ps. 18: 15. 2 Ch. 15:6, D'n^g
are used of a gentle noise of various kinds (comp.
rm-^M DOOn.
" God disturbed them with every
npn, /OH, )Dn, ^pn), as of persons walking, of small
misery." Hence
branches and twigs mixed together and breaking
(3)destroy utterly, to make extinct, Deut.
one another (.Rntcfen be SRetSboIaeS) compare transp. ;

8:15; Est. 9:24 (where it is joined with "13N). Jer. to break any thing dry, as brushwood, ^A-^
51:34 (with ^?N).
brushwood. Hence
[Derivative, pr. n. OOin.]
D^DDH m .
pi. i sa . 64:1, brushwood. Saadiah
j'^V aval \c-yop. i.
q. nOH, 7DH, IDH TO MAKE has well retained See Schult. in Origg. i-
A NOISE, TO RAGE. Inf. Eze. 5 7, "IP
??P^! U
D ,u*^U
" p. 68, 69.
D^ian because that ye raged yet more (against
God) than the nations (which are around)." Compare a root not used in Hebrew. Arab.
npn Ps. 83:3; 46:7. It also be that IP? is a
secondary root, formed from pon. The Hebrew in-
to flow in a rapid stream (of water)

terpreters regard D?3Dn as being for DD3bn, and that shower. The original idea is no doubt that of

this is the verbal noun pon itself. [So Ges. in Thes. making a noise (comp. ^pn), as in ?PH, a root which
and Corr.] is formed from this, the letter 1 being softened. Of
the same origin are Gr. opfipof, Lat. imber. A kin-
[Haman], pr. n. of a noble of Persia, cele-
dred root is "HO.
brated on account of his plots against the Jews, Est.
3:1, seq. (With regard to the etymology of this
word, I
formerly followed Jo. Simonis, who compares I. M
pers. pron. 3 pers. pi. fern. THEY,
it with Pers. which he translates alone, soli- with 1D3 Gen. 19:29; 30:26; IDS Ezek.
^lo>, Only pref.

But 18:14; 1H9 Eze. 16:47; IH^ (therefore) Ruth 1:13.

tary. ^Ujfe
is nothing but an adv. so, only,
The separate pronoun always has n parag. HIH, which
but. Perhaps a better comparison will be Pers. .LJZ> see.

homam, magnificent, illustrious ;

or Sanscr. heman,
the planet Mercury.)
JH followed by Makk. ~JH (l) demonstra-
tive adv. or inter). LO! BEHOLD! (Cognate words are
O 1 - j ^ -
TppTI or according to iro "H^pn Chald. Daniel
09, a necklace,ncckchain, monile. To this
<>:7, 16,
DK which see, let. A., Arab.
^ behold, L&, LJ^ here,
9 x r 9 = Gr. fir, jjrt
=n .?H, fp'tSe, Lat. en, also Chal. IH, }nn ?
corresponds Syr. |_o^J_iQOT, >om, and Greek f^i }HX the demonstrative pronoun, this. Pronouns and
pariaKor, fiavrof. also paruKwr, fjLavva- demonstrative adverbs are often expressed by the
: all of which are diminutives from fidi'oc, o
the words being chiefly Doric ; whence also same or a similar word; comp. \ j], j] behold, and
* *
the Lat. monile (see Polyb. ii. 31 ; Pollux v. 16, the f,
Greek interpreters of the O. T. in Biel and Schleus- Ijjj, this; 'K where,
^\ who?) Gen. 3:22;
ner). n in Ch. and Syr. is a prosthetic letter, and 4:14; 11:6; 15:3; 19:34; ?:"; 29:?? 3<>:34i
H or 'Fr i* a diminutive termination familiar to the 09 8 47 2 3 Job 8:19,
etc. Of yet more frequent
non-tn CCXXIX
occurrence is H3H which see. f" It becomes a part. strative particle, Jo/ behola (As to its etymoiogj
of affirmation, lo '
q. yea, surely, as in the Talmud. or rather analogy, see ft No. II.) Used for pointing
Gen. f,0:34, where Saadiah well
K&" Ges. add.]
becomes an interrogative particle, num; or
Hence |n? i.
Gen. 12:19, nan
16:6; 18:9, ^>nth nan
out persons, things, and places, as well as actions
behold thy wife." Gen.
behold (it is) in the tent."
at least in oblique interrogation, an (ob). Jer. 2:1O, Gen.2o:i5, 16; 1:29, "131
DD^nn: nan behold!
nx'TS njvn }n -liO " gee whether -there be such a I have given you every herb," etc. Especially in
thing." Compare Ch. }n No. 2. The transition of descriptions and in lively narration. Genesis 40 9, :

" in
demonstrative particles into interrogatives is easy; OQ^> nan] *D$na
JQ3. my sleep, behold a vine
was before me." Verse 16; 41:2,3; Isaiah 29: 8.
compare Heb. n, DX letter B. ; also Syr. jcn behold,
which is used interrogatively in some phrases, as
Compare Dan. 2:31; 7 :5, 6. Sometimes also used as
a particle of incitement, Psalm 134.:!, " riS -IDI.^ nar
<n nonne ? Lat. ecquid ? for en quid or ecce quid. "
) come, praise ye the Lord."
(3) a conditional part. i. DN let. C., if, like the When the thing to be pointed out is
q. expressed by
a personal pronoun, this is
suffix (as appended as a
Ch. jn, Syr. A, especially found in the later books in
Plaut. eccum, for ecce eum), in these forms, % 33n be-
which there is a leaning to the Chaldee, 2 Ch. 7:13
hold me (the pronoun being regarded as in the ace.,
(where there follows ON). Job 40: 23; Isa. 54:15;
Jer. 3:!. The manner in which this signification of comp. Gr. 25, ed. 9 [ 98, 5]), in pause N>3n Gen.
the word has arisen may be seen in these passages of 22:l,ll; 27:1; and ^an Gen.22:7; 27:18; ^3n
the Pentateuch, Lev. 25:20, " what shall we eat in
behold thee, Gen. 20:3; once n3|n aKi. 7:2. f. ^3"
Gen. 16: 11 13H behold him, ecce eum, eccum, Num
the seventh year jnp &O |n (for) behold we shall ;

not sow," i. if we do not sow. Ex. 8:22. 23 17 -133 n behold us, Josh. 9: 25 in pause -133n Job
; ;

38:35; -133n Gen. 44: 16; 50:18; D33n Deut. l 10; :

|D Ch. (l) behold, surely, Dan. 3:17. D3n Gen. 47:1. "33n behold me! tyr\ beholdus! are
(2) whether (ob) Ezr. 5:17. used as the answer of persons called, who reply, shewing
(3) if, Daniel 2:5, 6; 3: 15, 18. When doubled, their ready obedience Gen. 22: 1,7, ll 27: 1,1 8; Nu.
; ;

whether, or, Ezr. 7:26. See Heb.

14:40; l Sa.3:8; Job 38:35; Isa.52:6; 58:9; 65:1.
Gen. Further nan with a suffix, in more lively discourse is
I?U (l) pron. 3 pers. pi. fern, they, those.
very often prefixed to a participle, when it stands for
41:19; themselves, ipsce, avrai, 33:6; these, with
the art. l Sa. 17:28. It often includes the verb the finite verb, especially for the future. Gen. 6: 17,
n'nb O>; or stands for it, 'fl-n K30 03. n "behold I am about to bring a
substantive, Gen. 6:2, H3H
Gen. 41 26, nan DOS' y?t? JYQbn nhs yae>.
: Verse flood" (pr. behold me going to bring); Gen. 20:3,

37. With prefixes njna Levit. 5:22; Nu. 13:19; np ^3n "behold thee about to die," thou art about
to die. Isa. 3:1; 7:14; l?:l; Jer.8:i7; 30:10;
4:2; Isaiah 34:16; nan"? Ezek. l :5, 23;
n|n3 Gen. 41:19; Job 23:14 (like these things = but also for the pret., Gen. 37:7; 1 Ch. 1 1 :25; and
of that Germ, unb fowel/ 2 Sa, the present, Gen. 16:14; Ex. 34:11. A finite verb
kind). n3rj3] nsn.3 fo
12:8. more rarely follows, with a change of the person; as
" behold me, who
Adv. of place (a) hither(comp.of ft No. II.
Isa. 28:16,10? founded," for
behold, here, and n parag. local), Gen. 45 8 Josh. :
vns? or ip\

3:9. etc. nsm H3n hither and thither, Josh. 8: 20. ^D f-

(a verbal noun of Hiphil, from the root
iSa. 20:21, nani ?jpp from thee hither," i.e. "on Remission of
n-13), grant of rest, rest, Est. 2: 18.
by the LXX. and Ch.
this side of what
thee," opp. to H^rn ^pp, see nK^n. ~iy tribute is is xinderstood
n |D thus
far, hitherto, Num. 14:19; iSam. 7:12; udH Hinnom, see under letter a.
hither, 2 Sam. 20:16; 2 Ki. 8:7; used of time, to
tins time, hitherto, Gen. Sam. 1:16, etc. y^D \_Hena~\, pr. n. of a city of Mesopotamia, the
15:16; l

Contractudly H.y, finj[ which see. (b)here (Arab. same apparently as was afterwards called Ana (Jjlc.).
where n situated at a ford of the Euphrates, 2 Ki. 18:34:
OJb), merely demonstrative, Gen. 21 :29;

when repeated here, there, Daniel 12:5. nam nan 19: 13; Isa. 37: 13.
here and there, l Ki.
20:40. not used in Kal (kindred to n^n, cri<o,
T nan Gen.
ra-ely 19:2, i.
q. ft with n parag. [Not given as a verb in Thes. except at
having a demonstrative power (as *$, n), a demon- formed from Dn which stands as an interjection.']
PIEL, imper. ap>c. DH BE SILENT SILENCE! an itself," i.e. flashing, brandished. Used of a cloud
onomatopoetic expression for commanding silence ; turning itself, i. e. as it were walking across the sky
like the Germ, ft! >.jl! from which have been formed Job 37: 12.
the roots nDH, HC'R
Hab. 2 2O Zeph. 1:7; Zee. 2:17;
: :
(2) to turn, i.e. to change oneself, to be turnedj
Jud.3:i9; Amos6:io. Adv. silently, Amos 8:3. Job 38:14.
LXX. trw^r. Plur. 1BH Neh. 8 1 1 : .
(3) to roll oneself on, to tumble, Jud. 7:13.
HIPIHL, to command to be silent, to still (a Derivatives besides those which immediately fol-

people), Nu. 13:30. low, nasno, nasno, na-isnn.

n fem .
remission, cessation, Lam. 3:49. ^D
Eze. 16:34.
and ^n m. the reverse, i.e. the contrary,

Iloot MS.

[*:jn perverseness, folly, with suff. Isa.

H fut. *|brr (Aram. ^SSOT, Arab. (X ;
29:16, Eaasn "O your perverseness." Others
(1) TO as a cake, Hos. 7:8; a dish, 2 Ki.
(so Ges. in Manuale) regard this as an inf. used
TURN, in

31:13; TVr ""P^ rn

hand, or thy side, i.e.
*'4 ,y the sense of a noun, which however the dagesh lene
turn back, return 34 2 Ch. 1 8 33. Comp.
l Ki. 22 :
in a prevents."]
2 Ki. 9:23. \3Q? ^'TV "=150 to turn the neck to any
Sn f.
overturning, overthrow, Gen. 19:29.
one, Josh. 7:8. Also intrans. (like (rrpi<j>tffOai, and
See the root No. 2.
in Horn, sometimes also oTptytiv), to turn oneself,
2 Ki.5:26; hence to turn back, to flee, Jud. 20:39, ^3D3n adj. crooked, twisted, Pro. 21 :8. Opp,
41; Ps. 78:9. toT:
(2) to overturn, to overthrow (as cities), Gen.
n?^n f. verbal of Hiph. from the root ?V?, escape,
19:21, 25; Deut. 29:22; followed by ? Amos 4:11.
liberation, Est. 4:14.
(Arab. i^'^iJAi the overthrown, irar'
tox'?>', a name
an unused anc* .^^-
rr i/ root, prob. i.
q. ,^-^
for Sodom and Gomorrha.)
(n and n being interchanged), to be strong and /or-
(3) to turn, to convert, to change, Ps. 105:25;
O 5
followed by ? into something, Psal.66:6; 105:29; lifted, whence
^- defence, weapons; ^Eth. ^ft.^:

114:8; Jerem. 31:13. Intrans. (like No. l) to be iron, pi. instruments of iron. Hence
changed, followed by an ace., into something. Lev.
" the hair in the is
23:24 (where however many copies have
13:3, ja^ ^jan yjJ3 "IJJ* plague
turned white;" verse 4, 10, 13, 20. weapons, arms, as well explained by the Tar-

to e. one's words, Jer. 23:36. gum and Kimchi.

(4) pervert, g. any
perverse. Isa. 29: 16, E???n "O your
lutrans. to be m. with art. "inn, with n local nvi Gen.l2 :8;
perverseness !" [As a noun in Thes.] 19:17, 19, etc. Once nnn Gen. 14:10. Plur. D^JH
NIPHAL ^sna inf. absol. "nisn^. constr. ^H, with art. D'~}nn m.
(l) to turn oneself about, as an army, Josh. A MOUNTAIN, a primitive noun as if from a verb,
8: 2O. Pro. 17:20, UB^a ^3n3 "he who has a tongue Med. Gem. [so derived in Thes.], whence also TJHj Tin,
that turns about." Followed a to turn oneself also lin which see. (Corresponding to this are Greek
against any one, Job 19: 19; ?J? toany one, Isa. 60:5. ooor, Slav, gora.) A word of very frequent occurrence ;

l Sam. 4: 19, nn? n^j; ?ri3 "her pains turned it often means a mountain tract of country, Gen.
themselves unto her," i. e. took hold of her. Also 14:10; hence i"n-1~* "in the mountainous district of the
followed by Lam. 5:3.
?, tribe of Judah, Josh. 1 1 2 1 20 7 also tr'
; :

(3) to be overthrown, Jon. 3:4. "inn Josh. 10:40; ll: 16; i/ opeit'ii, Luke 1 :39, 65;

(3) to be turned, i.e. to be changed, followed by D?"]SS in the mountainous district of Ephraim (see
/ Ex. 7: 15; Lev. 13: 16, 17; followed by an ace. Lev. DncS). D^xn nn tlie mount of God, a name of
I 3 :2 5-
Specially, to be changed for theworse,i.e. (a) Sinai, as the abode of Jehovah [at the giving of the
to degenerate, Jer. 3:21 (coinp. Ps. 32:4; Dan. IO:8).
law], Ex. 3:1; 4:27; 18:5. (b) Zion, Ps. 24:3; Isa.
HOPIIAL, ^nn followed by 7J?, to turn oneself, to 2:3; often called also the holy mountain of God
be turned
against any one, to assailhim, Job 30: 15. (commonly '1"$ ^, so used that, the sutiix
T"]i? "*?,
HITHPAEL (l) to turn, to turn oneself. Gen. refers to God), Isa. 11:9; 56 7; 57:13; Psal. :G;
3:34, np^nJjN? avj "a sword (continually) turning 15H 43 3> Obad. 16; Ezek. 20:40. More fully
Zion [Moriah rather], is called ** JV3 in Isa. 2:2. f. id. nsiqn JK\ sh e\ for the slaughU f,

(c) once the mountain of Bashan, i. e. Hermon, Psal. Zee. 1 1 :4, 7 (comp. the verb Isa. 22 13).
nainn N'l :

68: 16, as being a very lofty mountain. (d) the the valley of slaughter, Jer. 19:6
LoJv land, as being mountainous [?] Isa. 57: 13; more
often in plur. mountains of God, Isa. 14:25; 65:9. M jn (i) TO CONCEIVE (is a woman), TO BE-
Farther, as to the religion of the ancients, especially of COME PREGNANT ["The etymclogy seems to lie in
the Hebrews [?],who regarded mountains as holy, and the idea of swelling; kindred to Tin, inin." Ges. add.],
as the abodes of deities, see my remarks in Comment. Gen. 4:1, 17; 16:4; 21:2; 25:21; 29:32; followed
on Isa. vol.
p. 316, seq. and in pref. to Gram-
ii. ; by ? of the man by whom she conceives, Gen. 38 18. :

Die Keligionsideen des A. T. page xv. Part, niin she who conceives; hence used poet, for
berg's book,
a mother, Cant. 3:4; Hos. 2:7. The Hebrew inter-
seq. [This would have much more to do with super-
D'lin to be as if
stition and idolatry, than with revealed religion.] preters also consider the plur. by
JVnKJJiin in the mountain, i. e. the fortress of the
zeugma (comp. Ar,abic .^\ both fathers, for parents),
destroyer, used of Babylon, Jer. 51 :25.
In proper names Din in ("mount of the to be put for parents, Gen. 49 26 :
but see under the
word 11 n.
sun"), a city of [the territory afterwards belonging to]
to conceive in the mind; hence to
(2) metaph.
the Samaritans, Jud. 1:35. (b) DnjP in, see IT-
devise nin
plan, to any thing. Ps. 7: 15, "1^1. !?];
"H see I'm.
"he conceived mischief, and brought forth
N i

("mountainous"), [Hard], pr. n. of a

falsehood;" Job 15:35; Isa. 33:11; 59:4.

Media PUAL nin pass, to be conceived. Job 3:3, "and

country in the kingdom of Assyria, prob.
(let) the night (perish, which) said 1?3 nih there
magna, now ..^j: x^c, also called J -^ moun-

is a man
child conceived." Well explained by
tainous, 1 Ch. 5:26. See Bochart, Phaleg. iii. c. "
14. Schultens, Inducitur nox ilia (in qua Jobus conceptus
et exultans ob spem prolis
sit) quasi conscia mysterii
("mount of God"), used of the altar of
burnt offerings, Ezek. 43:15, ibid, and verse 16,
It is altogether without ground that some have also
called <W1K which see.
ascribed to this verb, the signification of bringing
forth, appealing to 1 Ch. 4: 17,
DnVIK inPlI, for all
^ J*7 fut. 3in* TO KILL
(a) persons, used not that the passage shews is that the mention of the
only of private homicide (for which n\*1 is more fre- birth is omitted.
quently used), Gen. 4:8, seq.; Ex. 2:14, but also of POEL, inf. absol. ilh Isa. 59: 13, i. q. Kal No. 2.
the slaughter of enemies in war, Isa. 10:4; 14:20;
The derived nouns are pin, *in, JVIH [and the
Josh. 10:ll; 13:22; also of any
slaying, iKi.lQ: 1O, following]
seq.; 2 Ki. 11 : 18; Est. 9:6; whether by the sword,
(Tinadj. only found in fern.-
nin pregnant, with
Ex. 22:23; 2 Sa. 1 2 :
9 Am. 4:10;
; or by throwing a
stone, Jud. 9:54. Hence child, Gen. 16:11; 38:24,25; Ex. 21:22, etc.["fol-
it is
applied also to a pes-
lowed by ?, by whom ']. H7? nin with child, near

tilence, Jer. 18:21 ;

to a viper, Job 20: 16; and even
to be delivered, l Sa. 4: 19. D/ n ^ n always with
poet, to grief, Job 5 2.
(b) to kill animals, Isa. 27:1;

hence to Isa. 22: 13. child, Jer. 20: 17. PI. nhn Am. 1:13. With suff.
slay for food, Metaph. (c) it
applied even to plants. Ps. 78:47, D3S53 1122 31 rp rprynn, Drvrynn (forms which regularly take dagesh,
"he killed their vines with hail." as if from Piel), 2 Ki. 8 1 2 15:16. :

Comp. JT1O Job


14:8, and the observations on that word, Virg. Georg. "irnn Chald. a thought,from inin to think; see
lv 33O;
fdices interfice messes. Constr. commonly Tin. PI. Dan. 4:2, where it is used of night visions ;

with ace.,
rarely followel by 2 Sa. 3: 30; <" Job 5:2; 99 f
and followed like the syn. JVJH Dan. 2 29, 30 4 16. : :
Syr. J scni CT
by 2, to make a

slaughter amongst,
Ch. 28:9; Ps. 78^31. a phantasm or imagination.
Comp. 2 A. 2.
NIPHAL, pass, to be killed, Eze. 26:6, 15. jVVl m. (fromnin)conce^ft'0rt,Gen.3:l6.
PUAL, id. Isa. 27:7; Ps. 44 3. : -2 tzere impure.
Derivatives the followin words.
*1? i.q. ffjn fern, nnn, whence VnVin Hos. 14-1,
m. a killing, a slaughter,ls&.
27:7; 30:25; |V"VI
m. conception (from rnn) Ru. 4:13: His
26:15; Est.9:5; Pro. 24:11, and
v-ncnn CCXXXII
Joel 1:17; Eze. 30:4, etc.; used also of mountains
np'TI(from the root Din), that which is de-

ttroyed, ruined or destroyed houses, Am. 9: 11.
q. Kal No. l, Ex. 23:24; Isa. 40:17.
'"in f. destruction, Isa. 49:19. Derivatives npnn, n-IDnn, and
rT an unused i. D1K, D11 to be high,
D"in curuS Xtyo/u. [Destruction], a word of
root, q.
s doubtful authority, Isa. 19:18, where inmost copies,
lofty. Arab. .j& to make great, to lift up whence ;
MSS. and printed, as also Aqu., Theod., Syr., is found
nnx? 110X* Dinn TJ? according to the common use of
a pyramid, a lofty edifice. Hence ponn a iid
the languages "one (of these five cities) shall be called
("height," of the form D/iy, or "mountain- the city of destruction," i. e. according to the idiom

ous," from in with the addition of

D ), [Horam], of Isaiah "one of these cities shall be destroyed;"

pr. n. of a Canaanitish king, Josh. 10:33. compare ~>PK Niphal. The Jews of Palestine who
approved of this reading, applied it to Leontopolis
D"J? ("made high"), [ZTaruro], pr.n.m.,1 Ch. and the temple there, which they hated, and the
4:8. destruction of which they supposed to be here fore-

flDIX a fortress, palace, used of a
told. The name of the city was supposed by /Am
Am. 4:3. Root 01^. Some under-
hostile fortress, to be figuratively expressed in these words (Dissertatt.,
S "

stand this to be a women's apartment, and some Philol. Crit., No. XVI), comp. *>* -fc dilacerator, i. e.

Armenia, but the explanation already given is alone

a lion. The more probable reading, however, is Din
which see. I have made further observations on this

in Comment, on the place.

177 ("mountaineer," from")?), [/faran],pr.n.
(a) of a brother of Abraham, Gen. 11 :26, 27; ["Tin an unused root; prob. to swell, kindred
1 Ch. 23:9. pn
r TV? see p. cxvii, B. to nin to pregnant, prop, to swell, to become
tumid. Chald. -irnn id. Hence "n, in, -nn, <-nn."
Chrg P8 . 28 :5
fut. ;
Isa. 22 19, and
Ges. add.]
Ex. 15:7; 2Ki. 3:25.
(1) to pull down, todestroy, einretjjen/ nieberreijien. once with suff. 'TJH Jer. 17:3; and
The primary signification lies in the syllable D1, which only with suff. 'T]n Ps. 30:8; plur. constr. 'Tin, with
like PI and Gr. p/<r<rw, p>)rrw, Germ, reijjenf has the suff. n^Tin Deu. 8:9 i. q. in m o u n t a in, but commonly

meaning of tearing, pulling down, and is itself onoma- poet. Jerem. loc. cit. \n* T?^> ...nnb'? niq "I will give

topoetic. Compare f^, n*1, also p_?, D"^, PJJ etc. my mountain (i.e. Zion) with the field... for a
(Arab. i>*^, JJfe is> to tear, to tear to pieces). This prey;" in the parallel member DKn3 T niD3 >

high places with sin," i. f. with idols.
verb is properly and commonly to pull down houses,
Ki. 18:30;
cities, walls, l 19:10; Isa. 14:17; Jer. I
j U Chald. unused in Kal, kindred to the Hebr.
i :
10; 45:4; Lam.2:2; Eze.i3:l4; 16:39; Micah nin to conceive. Palp.TOn to conceive in the mind,
5: 1O; etc. Elsewhere it is to break out teeth, Psal. Hence "min.
to think.
58:7; pull down any one from his station
*TTJ 2 Sa. 23:33, and 'Tfi ver. 11
(fyrunterreiikn), Isaiah 22 119, to destroy a people,
Exod. 15:7; and hence a kingdom, Prov. 29:4,
a mountaineer, either of Ephraim or of Judaea.
"a king by justice established! the land, niO-ll^J C"X) C'H (perhaps i.q.
"fat"), [Has h em], pr. n.
n?P~inj but he who loveth gifts (i. e. the king when m., l Ch. 1 1 :
34 ;
in the parallel place ]$* 2 Sa. 23 32. :

he is unjust), destroy s it," pulls it down. The mean-

ntyDE^n verbal of Hiph. from the root SW i.
q. inf.
ing of the passage was clearly overlooked by those Eze. 24 -.26, D?3?K that the ears
who ascribe to the verb Din h. 1. the meaning of ruyp^n^ may hear."
corrupting manners. A
kingdom is compared to a ":pnn verb, of Hiph. from fjro, a melting, Eze
building, which is established by a just king, but is

subverted and destroyed by one who is unjust. *^n p r n [7/a<ac/t], of a eunuch in the court
. .

(2) intrans. to break through, to break in, Exod. of Xerxes, Est. 4:5. Bohlen compares ajjt, truth.
19:21, jr^ IDirP {3 "lest break to
they through
fa 2 Lord;" verse 24. jn
/Jjn in Kal not used; a secondary root formed
NIPIIAL, to be brokendown, destroyed, Ps. 11:3; from the Hiph. of the verb 7/p [* which in Thee, il
1-t CCXXXIII i-riDnn
u referred]; very many of the forms manifesting to defraud, Compare Ewald, ic
Jbrs. fraud, guile.
their origin from the rooty$; in others n appearing
Hebr. Gramm. p. 487, who only errs in altogethei
as though it were radical. The former is the case
denying n to be at all radical.
[Apparently in Thes.
in the pret. ^DD Gen. 31:7; "PD? Ex. 8:25, fut.
Gesenius adopts the opinion of Ewald, even in this
Job 13:9; pass. /"D-in Isa. 44 20 (all of which :

are really forms of Hiphil and Hophal, from 7;>n) the ;

point]. Other secondary roots of this kind in which on
/nrv servile letter or another becomes a radical are J"in3,
latter is the case in i Ki. 1 8 27
; vjjpj Jer. 9 4, :

SKfl which see; also in the

and the derivatives EvQD, J"li?Di)l? (in which n is nnti>, cognate languages
preserved as though it were radical). The meaning n^5 a bow, from the root ,
hence <--*-> j

of these forms is <

from *ttO, hence Eabb. ; before,
(1) to deceive; followed by ? Gen. 31 Jud. 16: f,
:J ;
from ^.-so, hence Hence
10,13,15; Job 13:9; Jer. 9:4.
to deride, to mock, 1 Kings 18:27; see the
U m. plur. mockings, derisions, poet, for
derivatives. mockers, Job 17:2.
In the cognate languages 7?n is found both as a root not used in Kal, prob. i.
a primary root, and also as a secondary, in which i

the preformative guttural assumes the appearance of jjb to break; hence to break in upon, to rush upon
- one. *A7ro

any Xsyo'/i.
a radical letter. Thus Jj is to cause to
whence POEL. Psal. 62:4, t^K ^8 Wtfimjl ru TJ "how
HS }, 1

long will ye rush upon a man?" LXX. iviTiQiaQe.

Hiph. ?Tin to deceive, like atyaXXot, to deceive;
Vulg. in-uitis. I do not agree in judgment Avith those
which figurative sense is found in the cogn. ,11? to who make the root D-in, nor do I think the significa-
defraud: then from ?nn by the change of the letter tion of noise (comp. Arab,
making a c^-'lis) suitable
n into a harder guttural, is formed jjx>- to deceive, to the passage.

Vav, the sixth letter of the alphabet ; when it require to be connected, did not make any precise
stands as a numeral 6. =
The name 11, sometimes distinction of the manner of the connection and thus ;

also written VI, denotes a nail, or hook(see below); to in the simplicity of an ancient language they made
this even the modern form of the letter bears a resem- use of this one copula, in cases in which, in more
blance. The ancient form, as found in the Phoenician cultivated languages, adversative, causal, or final par-
remains, is similar, only the hook is larger at the top ; ticles would be used. To its use is to be ascribed,
see e.g. the Maltese bilinguar inscription, line 2.
very often, a certain looseness of expression in He-
For the twofold power and use of this letter the brew. [The sense of a passage, however, makes the
grammars must be consulted. As a consonant it is manner of the connection of sentences very definite.]
extremely rare as the first radical letter, being al- It is then properly and most frequently
most every where substituted for it; "v* for "l?1, jj.: (l) copulative, and serves for connecting both
in the middle of a rootsometimes moveable (and
it is
words (H?? 1 : W?
Gen. l:i,-lnbl -inh 1:2) and
is then sentences, especially in continuing a discourse. Gen.
interchangeable with 2, which see), and is
l : 2, -inh njvn VJSrH. As to the use of the copulative,
sometimes quiescent (comp. Lehrg. p. 406) in the end ;

it is
quiescent, except in a few instances, as \V^, $1^.
ithas to be observed (a) when three, four, or more
nouns or verbs are connected, the copulative may be
followed by Sh'va moveable, or the letters f]C2, joined to each, Gen. 6:21
1 Deu. 14:26; Isa. 51:19; ;

} ; before monosyllables and or to the second and third, Gen. 13:2; and then also
barytones, especially
when they have a distinctive accent, \ (see further to the fourth
D. P^n S3V
2 Ki. 23:5, rnl
and fifth, 5^2 B^
'3f1 ni?JS?1; or, in a way very contrary
Lehrg. 155) copulative conj. and, et, .,
K ai (Arab. to our custom, between the first and second, Ps. 45 9, :

pronounced in the common language Syr. o, -<Eth. ,

rriyVi? TtkiWfl I'D; Job 42 :g; Isa.l :
13. As to the total
0); this particle is very widely extended in its use, omission of the copula, or asyndetic sentences, se
isce the Hebrews, in cases in which sentences
many Lehrg. 842.
Sometimes the copulative is used to connect for " who blessed thee." Job 29 : l a,
" for 1 aided the
nouns, the second of which depends upon the first, as poor...
1 />
"Hi? fc6} D1JV1. and the orphan, (who) had no
Isa. 13:14; Ps. 55:20. The close relation
though in the genitive (per lv Sea Ivoiv, as it is called helper."
" between the copulative and the relative has been well
by grammarians). Gen. l 14, they shall be rtiriXp:

QHJjlD^ foi signs and for seasons," i. e. signs of treated by Harris, Hermes [book i. last chap, but
seasons. [Such an interpretation would greatly limit one], page 66, Germ. Trans.
the sense of this passage.] Gen. 3:16, "I will in- commences an apodosis Arab.
(e) It ^'ike the

crease thy sorrow and

thy conception," for the sorrow see De Sucy,Gramm. Arabe ii, 551 56; especially
of thy conception. JobiO: 17, K?>'1 T^Sihn "changes, &z
and an army," for, hosts continually succeeding one when preceded by t<^), like the Germ, fo; but it k
another; 2 Ch. 16: 14. See however Winer's remarks more correctly rendered bann (then), for it is pro-
on the abuse of this grammatical figure, in Diss. de
perly a particle of time, and used in continuation of
Hypallage et Hendiady. Erl. 1826, 4to. The use is discourse. Gen. 3:5, '31 -132p C2p3S DV? an bem Sag
similar in the passages where TOO itjr bacon effet, ba roerbcn cud) bie TCugcn aufgct;en

(c) The
copulative inserted by way of explanation
is Often when preceded by OK Psal. 78:34, D3nrj QS
between words in apposition, as in Lat. isque,et quidem. in-IEhn-l " when he slew them, then
they sought
l Sa. 28 3, ITj;?-! ncna
" in him."
Ramah, even in his own Jud. 4:8.

city." l Sa. 17:40. Ps. 68:io,'131

n$?J ^D? "thou Frequently, and not without an especial emphasis,
didst refresh thy wearied inheritance." Am. 3:11; it is
put after verbs and sentences standing absolutely,
4:10; Jer. 15:13; Lam.3:26; Isa. 2: 13,14; 57:11 ; especially those which imply time or condition. Ex.
Ecc. 8:2. To
same head belongs the following
this 16:6, DPIVT1 3 "$ am TCtenb/ ba font tyr erfatjrcn. Pro.
" "
example from the Chaldee, ^.i?! "I'V Dan. 4: 10, a 24:27, ^IV? P'??} ~>nx afterward, then thou shall
watcher (i.e. an angel) even an holy one." Some- build thy house," txrnad)/ b a baue bcin ->aufj. Gen. 2 :

has a cumulative sense, like the Lat. immo, 4, 5, "i3i irb bb\ ojoch ps nil-y DV3 40:9; 48:7.
times it *;. : ;

Heb. D|. Job 5:19," from six troubles he will de- Ex. 12:15, nrn?31. fort S;D'X^>3 " if any one eat leaven,
liver thee, and (i.e. yea) in seven, evil shall not hurt
then he shall be cut off," etc. l Sa. 2:13. So also
thee." So in a similar sense Pro. 6: 16; 30: 18, after a nominative of subject, Job 36: 26,T?.n K?\ V3t?
91, seq., 29, seq. ;
Am. 1 13, 6, 9, 1 1.
Comp. Lehrg. Germ, (cine 3at)re/ bte fmb md)t ju jdt;lcn. Pro. 23:24;
Job 23 12 28:5; l Sa. 25 97.
Lehrg. page 733.
(Compare Arab.

page 702. . in Harnasa, ed. Schult. ;

(These latter examples may also be conveniently ex-

page 320, and Taurizi.)
plained by signif. 5.)
[" Sometimes two nouns are joined together by
(/) It is put between words (l Sam. 12:15) and
Vav, the former of which denotes genus, the latter sentences which are to be compared with each other,
species, or at least the latter is also contained in the to mark their resemblance DV No. l, e), 11
former, so that one might say, and and
adsequationis is the name then applied
specially, nSinwTl
particularly, and namely. So often p?BM"i'1 rTTirp to it l Sa. 12:15,
" and the hand
" Judah by grammarians,
and (specially) Jerusalem," Isa. l : l ;
a : l ;
of God be D^n'U^a-l D?2 against you, and (i.e.
" out of the
36:7, etc. So also Psa. 18: power of " man is
was) against your fathers." Job 5:7,
l, as it
all his enemies, and (specially) out of the power of born to trouble, and the sons of lightning (i.e. the
Saul." Isa. 9:7," Ephraim and (among them) the
birds of prey) fly aloft," for "as the birds of prey
inhabitants of Samaria." More rarely the special aloft." Job 12:ll; 14:19; 34 35 Prov. 25:25. =
word stands first, as "Jerusalem and (the rest of)
" Zion and Je- (So in Arabic, especially in proverbial sentences, e.g.
Judah," 2 Ki. 94:20. Zech. 14:21.
So in Lat."PtE/ii <Li*~J\ "the merchants and the
rusalem," Isa. 24:23. Jer. 21 :y.
et Hannibal? Just. xxix. 3; and "Hannibal et Pceni"
dogs of Seleucia," i.e. they are like one another, see
Liv. xxi. 40." Thes.] Elnawab. ed. H. A. Schultens, No. 3 Carmen Togr. ;

(d) As thus prefixed to substantives, so also

it is Vers. 2.)
is it to verbs and sentences by way of explanation, (</)
When doubled 1...1. is et, both...and,Nu.
where the relative might have been used. Gen. 49: 9:14; Josh. 7:24; Ps. 76:7; Isa. 16:5; J(r. 32:24.
5, il33?l. "itf nl ^.TV-l T3 *W " fr m the God of (/i)
As to Vav conversive of the preterite, which is
and Ewald'l
thy father, and he helped thee (i.e. who helped merely continuative, see Lehrg. 88,
thee), and (from) the Almighty, and he blessed thee," Heb. Gram, page 547.
ccxxxv 1

(2) It is prefixed to adversative sentences, and may gogic (see Lehrg. p. 873), Isaiah 13: 2: Job 10.20;
be rendered 6 ut, Gen. 2:17; 17:20,21; Hos. 1:7; Gen. 42:34; so that (fo ba|i), that. Numb. 23:19,
" God is not a man
and yet, Jud. 16 15, "why sayest them that thou
: 3J.31 so that he may lie." 1 Ki.

lovest me, 'IjlK p^ ''I??! when yet thy heart is not 22:7; Isa. 41:26.
with me." Ru. i 2 1 especially before personal pro-
Note. 1 formerly made the observation (Lex. Man
nouns, '3lM but I (ba id) bod)), Gen. 15:2; 18: 13, 27 ; [Germ.] ed. 3, No. 9), (a) that
employed 1 also is

to connect question and answer, comparing Job 28:

HF1K1 Ps. 50:17; N-in] Isa. 53:7 (compare my obser-
vations in Comment.); HFIK] Gen. 26 27 [?]; DFM. :
20,21; (b) and that it is put for what is called
i. e. for the verb substantive, com-
the logical copula,
ib. (comp. Arab.
JU-J^ A> especially before pro-
paring Job 4:6; 2 Sa. 15:34. This, however, now
nouns, ascu-A)> although, Job 15 5; Mai. 2:14; :

appears to me to be less certain. In Job 28 the in-

otherwise, Job 6: 14; Ps. 51:18; 143:7. terrogation contained in verse 2O has a negative
Exod. 21:17. " but wisdom is no where to
(3) Before disjunctive sentences, or, power, and the sense is,
When repeated 1 ...1 sive...sive, whether ...or, Ex. be found," 21, "and it is hidden from the
eyes," etc.;
21 :
16; Lev. 5:3; Deut. 24 : 7.
(To must this use the examples, Job 4:6; 2 Sa. 15:34, belong to 1,
not be referred l Sa. 17:34, 3*3 n1 K3, which nn let. e.
T3T! Dm. ^DJPR thy hope (this is) the up-
must then be rendered, "there came a lion or a rightness of that way," i. e. this rests in thy upright-
bear," altogether absurd; see verse 36, 37,
which is ness 2 Sam. loc. cit. TN '3^1 T??
; ncd)t beinc* "^
and for this passage see under fiN page xcn, A.). SSaterS/ bag rear id) fonft.

[This supposed disjunctive use is almost entirely

1 before gutturals ), a letter which, when prefixed
rejected in Thes.] to futures, gives them the sense of the imperfect;
(4) Before causal sentences, like '? because, for,
and, on this account, it is called by grammarians
Gen. 20:3, " behold, thou art a dead man because of &
he will kill, &PJ! he
spBnn ij Vav conversive,
the woman that thou hast taken, ?J?? n ?V%? Wrp be-
was This prefix has arisen from the verb
cause she is a man's wife." Psa. 60:13; because,
substantive Hin, so that it may have been originally
" let them ever shout for joy ^P^l
in that, Ps. 5:12, Hln " it was (that) he might
expressed fully ?bjV
\DvJJ because thou defendest them;" hence, after
kill;" then n (which in Syriac also is suppressed
verbs of being angry, Gen. 18:32 (Isa. 64 5) swear- :

ing, Josh. 2:12; believing,

Gen. 30 27. Isa. 43 12, : :
in this word Jo en) being cast away, and ?bj3* nj
ye are my witnesses, ?&? '?$! f o r (that) I am
being contracted by the aid of Dagesh forte conjunc-
(5) before conclusive or inferential sentences, so tive into bfe^fl, just as HT HO, n T D^> n, D3^D. ; ;

that, therefore, wherefore. Eze. 18:32, "I de- 'Bjp'i is, therefore, properly, a compound tense, alto-
sire not the death of the sinner... VJjU -IQ^n] where-
" waa
fore turn and live." Zech. 2: 10. To this head are gether answering to the Arab. JcJj .,'.= it

to be referred the greater part of the passages in (that) he might kill." JEfa. UAQ: .PM^: "he
which Vav stands at the beginning of a sentence; was baptizing," Amhar. " it was (^(14) tua * he
since the reason is contained in what has preceded,
" he was
might dye," for dying ;" see Lehrg. 87,
and the proposition to which } is prefixed has a con- and as to the use of this form, see Hebrew Gramm
" and he
clusive power. 2 Ki. 4:41, HDJ5 inp-l ION'} 99, 6 (ed. IX). One thing is to be observed that
said (since things are so) then bring meal," or
; Vav conversive very frequently includes also the

"therefore bring meal," fo fyolt WetjL Isa. 3:14, copulative and he was saying, for

D^3H Dn~)J?3 DfiXI. therefore ye have eaten up the which never occurs), and thus it is always placed at
vineyard" (for so I understand on known grounds), the beginning of a sentence. I would not, however,

or " so then
ye have," etc. Psa. 4:4, W]-1 "know concede that it has always this copulative power,

therefore," fo unfict benn. Ps. 2:io, D'S? nnyi which the opinion held by some, who therefore

"now therefore, O kings," etc.; compare verse 6. suppose that '1 has sprung from rvni., or else that it
Sa. 24:3; Isa. 47:9; 58:2. Ex. 2:20, "and he does not differ in its origin from Vav copulative (see
said to his
daughters (who had told him of the coming Ewald's Heb. Gramm.). A
converted Future occurs
of Moses), i'Nl where then is he?" even at the beginning of whole books, and such too
(6) before final and consecutive sentences, i. e. those as are clearly not at all connected with those pre-

marking end or object, in order that (auf bafi) followed ceding them, as Ruth 1:1;
Esth. l 1 ; n can an : T
appeal be made Ex. 1:1; 1 Ki. 1:1; Ezr. 1:1
by a future which is commonly apocopated or para- to
mi-pn T-p
where even a copulative Vav is found at the begin- a hook, only occurring Ex. 26; 27; 36; 38; used d
ning; for in these books the histories of the pre- the hooks by which the curtains of the hoi} taber-
ceding books are continued. [In some cases, how- nacle were hung. The etymology is obscure.
ever (such as Ezra), it would be a question, what &
"1T1 Arabic ,;. TO CARRY (whence j ;
book ought to precede, whether the Hebrew or Greek
order should be followed.] pr. laden with public affairs, comp. bajulus, used by
[In Thes. Ges. inclines to the opinion that 1 con- writers of the middle ages for a royal envoy, chargt
versive does not differ in origin from 1 copulative, d'affaires,
whence the Germ. Saillif/ Ital. bailo), in pass.
only that it is more emphatic as including a note of to be borne down with punishment. In Phoenicio-
time ; and in Corr. he appears entirely to adopt this Shemitic idiom [and in actual Scripture truth both
view: whether he has done so on just grounds may of the O. and N. T.] sin is a burden lying upon the
fairly be questioned, as the fact of the apocopated or wicked (Ps. 38:4; Isai. 53:11), whence also N'J,
paragogic future being used after it sh^ws that it has aipito,
to take away, for, to pardon. [This is not
a kind of subjunctive power. See Thes. p. 398.] the only meaning of the phrase Christ bore our tins ;

was for us by dying vicariously.] Hence

pr. n. of a place in Arabia. Eze. 27:19. It

rightly observed by Michaelis that \ is radical and not "M m. laden with guilt. Prov. 21:8.
copulative (Spicileg. Geog. Heb. p.274). Nor is there Va-
fc^n (Pers. s*j . pure pr. white, see p3), [
any need that we should read ]"}}. But Bochart and Haman.
Forster suppose that Dan
spoken of as trading is jezatha'], Pers. pr. n. of the youngest son of
to foreign lands. [" Very probably the prophet here,
speaks of the city and mart pj? ,jj; 'Aden, in
connection with which Edrisi enumerates these very
wares," wrought iron, cassia,and spices, T. i. p. 5 1 ed. ,

Jaubert. The town of Aden is small, but renowned m. offspring. Gen. 11:30, and
on account of its port, whence vessels sail to Sind,
m. id. 2 Sa. 6:23. np and the western MSS.
India, and China. From the latter of these countries
they bring merchandize, such as iron, Damascus sword
blades, cardamum, cinnamon ...Indian plums ...vari- [
r\y\ an unused root, i.
q. JJ. to be torpid, weak,
ous kinds of cloth woven with grass, and others rich and meek." Hence ]
made The
text ought, therefore, probably
like velvet.
rV^} \_Vani ah~\, pr. n. of a man. Ezr. 10:36.
to read py or pjn unless perhaps is for 1"$ the V H
and then 1 is the Ges. add.]
being dropped, copula." T>$) (perh. i. q. 'PPJ "my addition"), [Voph-
2H) a doubtful word, found Nu. 21:14. Some 8t],pr. n. m.
Nu. 13:14.
to be the name of a place, according to Le
take it.
*J^1 [FasAni], pr. n. m. l Ch. 6 13, apparently
Clerc i.
q. !*? Verse 1 8, comp. i^*Jt>
to give, i.
q. a corrupt form; for verse 18, and 1 SH. 8:2, for the
jna. But Kimchi found in MSS. ^DlpX in one word, same there is WlV [" Probably this should be '3Bn.
which would be Aram. Ethpa. of the verb ^jb t The whole passage is, nj3S| 3#n "pKi* Tte?n ; see
= 3DJ: Jehovah dedit se in turbine. However, the
Mover's Chron. p. 54." Ges. add.]

,-^ t "beautiful woman"), Vash-

whole passage is abrupt and very obscure. J;^ (Pers.

f\ pi. D^IJ m -
(with Kametz impure), a peg, a nail, ti, pr.n. the wife of Xerxes.
Est. 1 :Q.

The seventh letter of the alphabet called H, i. e. Syr. When this letter corresponds to the former, it be-
comes in Aramaean 1, when to the latter, f is re
\JU) a weapon, which this letter resembles in form
in all the more ancient alphabets. [" As a numeral tained; thus AAS>, n?! to slaughter: *J, 1HJ tc
it denotes
7."] sow, Comp. the letter 1.

In Arabic there are two letter? which answer to Also j and are interchanged amongst themselves

this, which somewhat differ in pronunciation, j dh,

e.g. 1TJ?, and j-i to help; and
j dz; as H3J ^J to slaughter; XHJ c
seed. to cut off.
(a) with j> (ts) in PST and PJ?V
T is
interchanged ("gift"), [Zabad], pr.n. m. (i) i Chi
to cry out; T?3J and Yty to exult, to shout aloud; 3HT
2:36. (3) ibid. 11:41.
-(2)iCh.'7:ai. (4)aCh.
gold; comp. 3hv tawny, yellow. (b) with D, b>, as 24:26. In the parallel passage, 2 Ki. 12:22, it ii
VIT and 1-1D to go away; T^, D^y to exult; HT3, Syr.
Jm_2i to despise; 11DS damage, from n 9? ^^ *
(probably for nT3! "the gift cf Jeho-
hurt. [Also with 1, e. g. P13 and PTT3. Thes.] vah"), [Zabdi], pr.n. m. (i) Josh. 7:1, in thr
parallel passage, i Ch. 2:6, '"!PT. (2) i Ch. 8:19.
an unused root. Arab. (___?' j to terrify,
" which (3) l Ch.27:27. (4) Neh. 11:17.
I consider to be the same as 3HJ, 3H to be
yellow or tawny, like gold." Thes.], whence perh. 3KJ. h^y ("the gift of God"), [Zabdiel], pr.r
m. Neh. 11:14; comp. 2a/3S/\, 1 Mac. 11:17.
( l) a wo If, because
-I (with Tsere impure) m.
frightens the flock (unless the verb be a denomi- ("the gift of Jehovah"), Zebediah(Gr.
native). [" So called from its tawny and yellow pr.n. of several men, iCh. 8:15, 17:

s *
. <> = 12:7; 27:7; Ezr-. 8:8; 10:20.
colour." Thes.] Arab. ^.^oJ, Syr. |^). Gen. 49:27;
in^pf (id.)pr.n.m. (l) 1 Ch.26:2. (2) 2 Ch.
Isa. 11 :6 65 =25 Jer. 5 :6, 3^ '3XJ
; ; evening 17:8. (3) 2Ch. 19:11.
wolves," those which go forth to prowl at evening. ^DT m. a fly, from the root 3?T. Isa. 7:18; Ecc.
Hab.l:8; Zeph. 3:3, comp. XVKOI rvurspivol, Oppian.
10:1, 'njO *3WJ "flies of death," i.e. deadly, or
Cyneget. iii.206, vvKwrdpoi ibid. i. 440.
poisonous [" dead, not poisomnis, which is not in ac-
(2) \_Zeeb~], pr. n. of a Midianite prince, Jud. cordance with the context." Thes.] 3-1DT 7}?3 the lord

7:25; 8:3; Ps. 83:12.

this, fern, of the which see.
of flies, see ^3 No. 5, letter b. ["Arab. <__>b j, Ch,
pronoun HT,
Tn : id."]
an unused root [" onomatopoetic i. q. DPT TQT ("given," ["a gift bestowed, sc.
to hum, to buzz; Germ, fummcnj whence
by God"J),
to murmur,
pr.n. m. l Ki. 4:5.
a fly, from its buzzing; like Lat. musca, from
musso (mussito); Bochart compares"] Arab. (id.) [Zabbud], Ezr. 8: 14 3ro.
jjj to float, to hover, to move oneself about in PITQT ("given"), [ZebudaK], pr.n. f. 2 Ki.
the air: as applied to flying insects, compare 35"
to 23:36 np, but is ^T3J. am
creep on the ground, used of reptiles. The former /^T and ?2T [root ^3T], m. (i) habitation,
may be expressed in German, in ber Suft nrimmeln
reside nee, especially of God. lKi.8:i3; aCh.6:2;
(fdw&rmen)/ the latter auf bcr 6rbe wtmmeln. [" But
Ps. 49: 15; Isa. 63: 15; Hab.3:ii, n^3j nnj> rn; efe^
this Arabic root is
secondary." Thes.] " the sun
Hence are derived 3-13T, ^3T.
(and) moon stand still in their habitatio n,"
i. e. retain their place in the heavens [" i. e. hide them-
once, Gen. 30:20, TO ENDOW, TO BESTOW selves, do not shine"]. Compare what has been said
A GIFT; rightly rendered by the LXX. ^uprjTat. under flvJO.
Vulg. dotavit. Comp. Ch., Saad., Abulw. In Arab. (2) \_Zebut], pr. n. m. Jud. 9:28.
jj has the same signification, see Jeuhari in Schult.

P^QT, J^QT, p73T ("habitation"), Gen. 30:20,

Origg. Hebr. torn. i. page 49. Schultens is not to be
[Zebulun], pr.n. (i) of the tenth son of Jacob
followed in supposing this word to be only used by whom he had by Leah. (2 ) of the tribe of Zebulun,
the Arabs of a gift of small value, and thus he has
whose limits are described Josh. 19:10 16. The
devised a new and abstruse explanation. This root is
Gentile noun is *?>13t from the form JV?13T, Num.
not found as such in
Syriac, (see however Palmyr.
Inscr. No. 4, line 5,) but the Zabians have the noun
ljO._^f gift, see Cod. Nasar. iii.
p. 26. The many (a root kindred to n3D, Arab, -*yj, Syr
p. C_'
proper names derived from this word, manifest its
Zab. .^>9 and ^Eth. FHlfh: Per-
more frequent use in Hebrew.
haps the same root is found in the Greek o^dffou-
Besides the words which follow
immediately, see ofafo, i.e.2* a r). [fut. nap].
(i) TO SLAUGHTER ANiMAi s, Gen. 31:^4; l S*
m. a gift, dowry, ibid. 28:24; 1X1.19:91; 76.39:17.

(2) specially to slay in sccrifice, to sacrifice,

to immolate, 1 Sa. 1:4; followed by ? (l Ki. 8:63),
and *3?7 (ibid, verse 62 ;
2 Ch-7:4; Lev. 9:4), before n^r
the name of him to whom the sacrifice is offered. It
is not used of priests slaying victims, but of private
Chald. to procure for oneself, TO BUT (so Syr.
who brought sacrifices at their own
and Samar.). Dan. 2:8, P31 l ?^ K3TJJ ^ "thai w
PIEL n3T fut nar. ye will gain the time," i. e. ye seek delay (compare
to sacrifice, i.
q. Kal No. a, l Ki.
P?T)- Hence pr. n. K3'3f.
12:32; 2 Ki. 12:4. It is frequently used iteratively
J* m. Nu. 6:4, the skin of a grape, clear and
of the custom of sacrificing (like the Arab, ^v. 1
j to T

transparent. Its root is the following word.

sacrifice much or frequently), l Ki. 3:2,3; 1 1 : 8 Hos.

4:14, ete. *?} [an unused root] TO BE CLEAR, TRANSPA-

Derivatives, !!?TP and RENT, compare Samar. 33T i. q. *pT to be pure, the
s -
m . with suff. 'H3T, pi. D'rnj, const. \n3f once Arabic ~>-\ glass, i.
q. JV343J, Ch. 3tt to be clear,
? Hos.4:i9.
transparent. [Derivative
(1) pr. a slaying; hence the flesh of slain animals,

feasts, Gen. 31 -.54; Eze. 39: 17 Pro. 17 :

l, a'TO^t m. from *W,
"TT H^T) proud (properly
(verb. adj.
contentious feasts.
swelling up, inflated), with the connected idea of
(2) a sacrifice ["whether the act of sacrificing insolence and impiety (compare ^!?n No. 3, 4). Isa.
or"], an offering, a victim. Opposed both to nrop 13:11; Jer.43:2; Psal. 19:14; 119:21,51,69,78,
a bloodless offering [when so contrasted], l Sa. 2 29 :
Psal. 40:7, and to !"Wy a burnt offering, holocaust;
BO that H?J denotes sacrifices of which but a part were
constr. PIT (as if from the root rnT=TT), with
suff. Sa.i7:28; Jer. 49:16, sicelling, pride;
13.'"JT, l
consumed, such as expiatory or eucharistic offerings,
as joined with insolence and arrogance, haughtiness.
etc., Ex. 10:25; Lev. 17:8;* Nu. 15:5, D*te H3T a
eucharistic offering, Lev. 3: l ; 4:10, etc. It is also
Prov. 11 :2; 13:10; 21:24, i'nj "the haughti-
ness of the heart;" Jer. 49:16; Obad. 3; Deut
used in speaking generally of great and solemn sacri-
fices, and sacriiic al feasts. C'P^H POT an annual 17:12. As a concrete used of Babylon, as the mo'
sacrifice, Sam. l:2l; 20:6. nns^D H3T a family
l haughty, Jer. 50 31 32. :

'acrifice, 20:29; compare 9:12, 13; 16:3. "IT with prefix more rarely nV ECA.
n.J3, m!>, f. HNT,
(3) [ZebaJi], pr. n. of a Midianite king, Jud. 8:5; 2:2; 5:15, 18; 7:23; 9:13; Hosea7:i6; Psal. IT
Ps. 83: 12.
132:12 (and in this place instead of the relative),
3? ^Zabbaf], pr.n.m., Ezr. 10:28; Neh-3:2O once nriNT J e r. 26:6 nro, plur. H?N (which see).
TnS perhaps it is
erroneously written for '51, which (l) this, a. demonstrative pronoun, hie, hcec, hoc.

is found Ezr. 2:9; Neh. 7:14.

Arabic j, '
r\jj hie, Syr. |<n haec, JKih. "H; fern.
HT2T S ee '"HUt. have sprung the Aramsean *?, and
H: H^! Hence "t.

r\yyi ("bought"), ^Eth. Hi, which have become relatives. Correspond-

pr.n.m., Ezr.
10:43. ing to the Sanscrit sas, sa, tat. With regard to
demonstratives generally beginning with the demon-
'5J (l) properly in my opinion, i. q. 73" ! TO BE
strative letter d, or with the same sound sibilated,
ROUND, TO MAKE ROUND, whence the Talmudic see above p. xc, A. [in the note after l

and tc

'?J, '3f round or globular dung, such as that of goats, these may be added the German ba.

or camels, nj is
placed either separately, or with a substantive;
Syr. and Arab, jlsf, <3j ;.
if the latter, it like an adjective, follows
>.. commonly,
(2) to inhabit [to dwell with], (comp. in No. 2). the substantive, and it has the article prefixed when-
Gen. 30:20, 7?f "he will inhabit ever the substantive itself has; as njn I3"nn this word
(together with) ;

me," i. e. he (my husband) will dwell with me the idea ;

n J n DV? "in this day," Gen. 7:11. In other placet
of conjugal intercourse being for verbs HT without the article is prefixed to a noun, and this
of dwelling joined with an rccusative,
imply dwelling takes place (a) where the predicate of a proposition
together, see "HI, pe*. is contained in this pronoun, "'3'nn nT "tnis (is) the
Derivatives, word, Ex. 35 4 ;
Jud. 4:14.
(b) where the pronoun it
HT ccxxxix TIT- mi

emphatically demonstrative. Ps.lO4:25,7nan HT. Dn With a demonstrative power nj Hjin jtefcf ba! lol here
(behold!) ',h is great sea." Ezr.3: 12, JV3H HJ "this Cant. 2:*i Ki. 19:5. ; (&) of time, noiv, already^

bouse." Jud. 5:5, TP "J. "this Sinai." Josh.g: is, properly, at this, sc. time. Mic. 5:4, nj n^nj DW
Upr6 nj t h i s our bread'." Ps. 48 15, : DWK PIJ
th i s, "and now there shall be peace;" l Ki. 17:24, nj
God ;" l Ki. 1
4 : 6
23:13. Comp. in Gr. rovro TO
Isa. ^yi\ "now I know." nj r\Pi]3just now, at present.
And more emphatic collocation, which
this Ruth 2:7; i Ki. 17:24. With this signification it is
is much used in
Syriac and Chald. (^PpH ""^l Dan. often prefixed to numerals; Gen. 27:36, D!Py.? <"l]

4: 15), is frequent with the Hebrew poets, and later "these two times;" Gen. 31 -.38, n3K> Dn'^V. HT" these
writers sometimes also, like the Gr. ovroc, and Lat.
; twenty years ;" verse 41; 43:10; 45:6; Nu. 14:22;
iste, it is used in the sense of despising, and as express- Jud. 16:15; Zee. 7:3, D^t? nj "already so n?
ing contempt towards some one. Ex. 32:1, H^O n.T.
many years."
B"n; verse 23, cotnp. 10:7; l Sa. 10:27. Likewise (4) Avith prefixes (a) HT3 {n this sc. place, here
vividly demonstrative, when added to interrogative
it is
(see No. 3), Gen .38:21; Ex. 24 : 1 4 ; tropically applied
pronouns to increase their power. Isa. 63 : l N2 DJ
'D to time, then, Est. 2:13. H.T3) !"lt3 50 and
(b) so,
"who (is)
this coming?" Job 38: 2; 42:3, elsewhere Jud. 18:4; 2 Sa. 11:25; l Ki. 14:5.
MH 'P (see Kin), and more fully nj N-in Jer. 30: 21 ;

Ps. 24:10 (and so HjTtO Avhat then? trie benn? ime an unused root, certainly the same in signi-
bod)? Gen. 27:20; why then? Jud. 18:24; lKi.2l:.5; fication as 2ny, to shine like gold.

J-IJ ne& id. Gen. 18:13; 25:22. Arabic \j\). n} constr. HJ (once~ ' tlT. Gen. 2:12), m.
s o ^

rarely follows, asDaniel 10:17, HJ Ol^, and in (1) gold (Arab. _^j,
Syr., Chald.
with a pronoun HJ nfiX thou (compare the Latin ille Gen. 24:22,53; Ex. 3:22; 36:33, etc. When
ego), bu ba/ Genesis 27:21.
This pronoun may be
preceded by numerals, the weight is understood, 7^
used as referring to that which precedes (Ecc. 6:9), 3HT niE'fi. "ten (shekels) of gold."
e.g. Gen. 24:22,
or, as is more common, to that which follows. Gen.
" (2) metaph. of the golden splendour of the heavens,
5:1, in the introductory words of the chapter, this perhaps of the sun itself, Job 37:22; of the purest
(is) the book
of the genealogy of Adam." Ex. 30:13,
oil, brilliant like gold (tjcH wit olb), Zee. 4:12.
^ rpynp . ri? nj th i s they shall give ... a half
. .

shekel." Ps.7:4,'nxf MVb>J? DS "if I have done this" an unused root. Arab. U&; to shine, to be

(namely, what follows) ; 42 5 Tsa. 56 2 ; 58 : 6 ; 66 2. :

: :

So the plur. n ?X (which see), Greek ovroq (v. Passow fair, also to be proud; .&; splendour, beauty, espe-

h. v. No. 2). The repetition i"lT...nj this. ..that,

cially that of flowers, the flower itself; compare N,
hie ...ille, one ...another, unus ...alter ; Jobi:i6;
1 Ki. 22 20
: HJ /N HT one to another, Isa. 6:3.
from N ;
to be bright. Syr. J
<n J to be proud ;

Ethpael, to be made splendid or beautiful.

(2) HJ is
rarely, and only by poetic usage,
Derivatives, VJ and J"PT.
put instead of the relative, like the Germ, bcr for

tt>eld)er/ b a mil for rc> e mit [like the use of that in English
unused in Kal. Arab. ^; TO STINK, TO
instead of who or which"], (compare on the subject of

relatives, asspringing mostly from demonstratives BECOME RANCID (when speaking of fat). Chald. TO
under the words lp, -D). Psal. 104:8, nj D\pCT^
STINK, TO BE FILTHY. This root is used in the Za-
ED? fllP* to the place which thou hast founded for bian, of water when it has a stinking smell, fny.
them ;" Prov. 23:22; Job 15:17; Ps. 78 :54- With f"l?T .-O are kindred roots.
this signification it seems to be indeclinable, like "^^f,
nnd thus it stands also for the plural, Job 19: 19. PIEL, 'o regard as stinking or filthy, thus to

regard tcith disgust, to loathe, or to be weary of.

["Once for the fern. plur. if is found, Ps. 132:12."]
Job 33: 20, Dni? -IFirDnT "he loathes namely bread."
As a mark simply of relation (like "10* A, 2),Ps.74:2, it,

"Mount The suffix is pleonastic; comp. Lehrg. 195,2.

t3 FI??B> HT ]iV "in Zion in which thou
Jwellest;" Isa. 25:9. DH] ("loathing," ["fat." Thes.]),
(3) It becomes an adverb (a) of place, here, for pr. n. m. 2 Ch. 11:19.
.^3 in this sc. place, Gen. 28: 17; Num. 13: 17, etc.;

W? hence, Gen. 37:17; Ex. 11:1 n-JO-1 njp hence ;

unused in Kal, i.
q. Jbj, icnj TO SHINS,
and henct, on either side, Num. 22:24; Josh. 8:33. BE BRIGHT; comp. "iny.
CCXL m-im
of the female catamenia, Lev. 15:25, or of seminal
HIPHIL "V^T.n (i) to make to shine. Metaph.
teach (lefcren), construed with ace. both of
to emission or gonorrhoea of males, Lev. 15:2. To flow
con- with any thing is also, by an idiom of the language,
person and thing, Ex. 18:20; to warn (bclebrcn),
strued with ace. of pers. 2 Ch. 19:10. (b) to ad- used of things or persons, in or from which any

monish, to dissuade from anything, 2 Ki. 6:lO; thing flows, as a woman in her menstrual flow, Lev.
followed bv IP (roarnen or ftroa$)/ Lev. 15:31. [But 15:19? a man suffering from gonorrhoea, Lev. 15:4,
see 113 Hiphil.] Eze. 3: 18, n^enp \yrto yen -vnyrft seq. 22:4; Nu. 5:2; 2 Sam. 3:29; it is especially

"to dehort the wicked from his evil way." But thus used of affluence and abundance, with ace. of
the thing with which anything abounds. Ex. 3:8,
Eze. 3:17; 33:7, W?
on'K n-inn "thoushalt ad-
monish them from authority; Germ.
^?>1 3^n rQT p.S "a land flowing with (i.e. aboun-
me," by my
Don mir, on meinctiDcgen. (Syr. Pa. and Aph., Chald. ding in) milk and honey." Verse 17; 13:5; 33 3; =

Lev. 20:24; Nu. 13:27; 14:8516:14. ["Notfo-

Aph. id.) '

shine forth, to be brilliant, pro- lowed by an object, Jer. 49:4, "Hklpy 3J thy valley
(2) intrans. to
Ch. in?*? id. sc. with blood." Thes.]
perly to give forth light, Dan. 12:3. flows,'
to flow away, to pine away, to die. Lam.
NIPHAL, to be taught, to be admonished; also to (2)
take warning, to accept admonition, 00.4:13; 4:9-
Eze. 33 4, 5, 6. Followed by IP Ecc. 12:12. Aram. _ro?, 3-H to flow, to flow away, to be-

"Hf Ch. id. part. pass. "VHJ admonished, cau- come liquid. Arab. <~.j\j to pine away with hun-
tious, Ezr. 4:22. (Syr. Ethpe. to take heed, to be See under the root ^N'l.
ger or sickness.
watchful about any thing.)
Jl* m. a
flowing, discharge, us of semen, gonor-
"V1T m. brightness (of the sky), Eze. 8:2; Dan. rhoea benigna, Levit. 15:2 15; of menstrual blood,
!:, Lev. 15:19, seq.

1? m. i.q.
H (which indeed is the reading of many HI (l)i. q. the kindred root "NT TO BOIL,
or I T
copies), for VHJ (from the root
^), splendour, i"1

TOBOILOVER (speaking of water), onomatopoetic like

especially of flowers,
whence comes the name of
the German fteben, the English to seethe, Greek ',
the second Hebrew month, \_Zif], from the new moon
whence 40oe (utv tfbfub), compire the similar
of May to that of June, (according to the Rabbins
<riu. See Niph. and Hiph. No. i. Hence to over-
from the new moon of April that of May), as to

it were the month of flowers; i Ki. 6:1,37;

flow (speaking of boiling water).
KT'3V? H fTV the month of the splendour of (2) Like the Gr. 4f'w and Lat. ferveo, it is trans-
ferred to the violence or Jierceness of a passionate
flowers. In Chaldee, Syriac and Arabic, the same
< *
9 x
mind (compare Tna, Arab, 'i.- and Schulteus, Opp.
month is called, "l"K, );_/), ,\.>\, also from splendour.
Min. p. 80), and thus to insolence and wickedness.
Compare German ?enj> Sued. Glenz, spring; likewise Hence he acted insolently, proudly, or wickedly to-
named from splendour, brightness. wards any one, followed by ?V Ex. 18: 11 '$ Jer ;

IT see HT. 50 29. In this signification n*lV is a kindred root


}T comm. i.q.
HI and DNT. In Arabic both the roots j\ ;
Med. Waw and j, ,

(1) demonstr. pron. Ps. 12:8; Hab. l:il, irb IT Med. Ye, have significations derived from boiling and
\<r?K? "this his strength (is) for a god to him." More cooking, but these are only secondary. The former
- *
frequently also
(for j.;) is, to prepare provision for a journey, j\:
(2) used as a relative, Ex. 15:13; Ps. 9:16;
it is
food for a journey, from the idea of cooking, coir.
142:4, and thus as a sign of relation, Isa. 43:21;
ft ^SOn " whom we have jJufocfan jurSReifej the latter (for jj to increase, to
42:24, IT
against sinned." ;)

(In the Talmud IT not unfrequently is used for nt, exceed, from the idea of overflowing. [See *MT in

and also in its compounded forms. The Tayitic Thes.]

NIPHAL, part. TJ? (from the form TT comp. Lehrg
use^ j
Arabs are accustomed to for ^jjl ;
see Schult.

ad Har. ii. p. 4 ll, for it is

by no means necessary
to suppose
p. 75.)
another root [although to assume such a root

(l) TO FLOW, properly used of water. Psalm could hardly be regarded as inaccurate]), somet h ing
78:9O; 105:41; Isa.48:2i. It is also often used cooked, pottage. Gen. 25:29.

HIPHIL (i) to cook (see Kal. No. i), to prepare to be intended ;

corner stones of strength and beauty
oy cooking. Gen. loc. cit. TU 3J?y>
1TM and Jacob are simply spoken of.]
sod pottage." LXX. t\l/ijere Se 'Irccw/3 ci^q/ia.
7lT (i) i.
q. ??T TO POUR OUT, once, Isa. 46:6,
(2) to act insolently, fiercely, wickedly, es- "
D^3p 2HT DyJH pouring out (i.e. lavishing) gold
pecially in speaking of those who sin knowingly
the of God. Deut. from the bag." make
1 to
purposely against precepts :43 5
(Arab. light of.)
17:13; Neh. 9: 16, 29; followed by a gerund, Deut.
(2) toremove, to take away, compare Arab. A\j
18:20; followed by ?J? before the person, Ex. 21 14, :

n-$n \r\rb -injn^J B*$ nr S "if a man act

Med. Waw and Ye, to take away; intransitively, i.

against his neighbour, by slaying him with subtlety."

to go away, to desist, to fail. Hence n>1T.
Neh. 9:10. [HiPHiL 7 tn for *?\Tn (comp. the roots H-1D, H-13, )-1? f

Derivatives IT, fn\T, jhj. >1D, and Gesen. Gram. 71, note 9), to make light
of. to despise, comp. Kal. No. 1. Lam. 1:8. Thes.]
Ch. id. APHEL inf. fnjn i. q. Heb. Hiph. No.
9, to act insolently or violently, Dan. 5:20. f.
taking away, putting aside, only found
in const. and with suflT. *n>1T, 1JTOT as a prepo-
7T1T an unused root. Arab. ^, : to hide, to con-
sition besides, save, except, e. g. ^7-IT besides me,
ceal, VII. to hide oneself, to betake oneself to a cor-
properly I being removed, or more closely still, the
ner; in Hebrew also it probably signified to lay up,
removing of me, through the removing of me. 2Ki.
to preserve.
24:14; Isaiah 45:5, 21, etc. Sometimes with Yod
Derivatives !"MT and 1TO.
parag. WIT for ripIT Deut. 1:36; 4:12. Once as a
T^T an unused root. (l) pr. i.
q. Ch. T-1T to move conjunction, for I^X Hp-IT except that, unhss that,
oneself about. [" Talmud, id."] Hence nj-ttP and
ry NO. i.
unused in Kal. Chald., and Sam. TO NOU-
(2) From swiftness of motion it is
figuratively ap-
pT Syr.,
plied to shining or radiating (comp. }** and the very
HOPHAL, Jer. 5:8, D'3WD OMD-1D a>nD,/ed hortet,
similar series of significations of ~>TJ), hence to spout i. e. fat. The np has DW*?> which, according tc
forth like rays or in streams (speaking of milk), and
derived from JP, in this sense:
the noun TT a full breast. [ Note, in Thes. the order
Schultens, is
^ ; .

uf these instructs
(pondera q. testes e. g. i. Catull.
meanings is
reversed.] ponderibus
Ixii. 5. Stat. Silv. iii. iv. 77), bene vasati. LXX.
D^TIT Gen.
14:5 \_Zuzims\, pr. n. of a nation, the
Hence flTO.
aborigines of the land of the Ammonites, inhabiting
the borders of Palestine, perhaps the same as the JIT Chald. id.

D*8TlpT (which see). LXX. tQi-rj Iff^vpa, so also ITHPEAL, fut. fTri* pass. Dan. 4:9.
Derivative PTD.
Syr., Onk. Syr. [" Perhaps so called from the fer-
of their country."] from the
tility f. a harlot, prostitute, part. fern,

nniT [ZohetJi], pr. n. m. iCh. 4:20. No root root H3T which see.

from which this name can be derived is found in

(frequently used in Syr., Chald. and Zabian),
Hebrew, or in the cognate dialects.
q. Gr. fftin), ffcww (compare W
vsvw), to shake, to
"vt or n li.
(with Kametz impure), only found in n
agitate (see Pilpel, and JM)> in KAL intransitive *!J
the plural ni'tt f. a corner, from the root njj. (Syr. BE SHAKEN, hence
^ S~ '
(1) to move
oneself, Est. 5:9.
\bjQj, Arab. <L .!;). It is used in speaking of the
tremble, to shake, Ecc. 12:3.
corners of the altar, Zee. 9: 15, and by metonymy, of PILPF.L part. Viytp to agitate, to trouble, Hab. 2 :7
the corner columns of a
palace [why not of the cor- (Aram, and Arabic id.)
ner stones Psalm 144:12, n)T? Wn'l33, The derivatives follow, except i"lJJT sweat [which in
ntatsno "our corner co- Thes. referred to VP; also JH],
literally daughters like is
(beautifully) carved." Caryatides are to be
STlT Chald. to tremble, to fear, followed by IP
understood, so often found in Egyptian architecture.
Aqu. we eVtywj'ta. Vulg. quasi anguli.
Part. ryXT or according to np T^T Dan. 5 119; 6:27
[There is
no need to Vav
suppose in this passage any such allusion f.
(from JM with the moveablc).

(l) agitation, trouble, Jer. 15:4, Him? an enemy, Herod, ix. 1 1 on the other hand Sam.

to all
nto^>pp ^
"I will deliver them for trouble
kingdoms of the earth;" 24:9; 29:18; 34: 17;
properly a hater, and in a derived sense a stranger;.
Isa. 1:7; 25:2; 29:5; P.<-54:5; Eze. 1,1:9; 28:10;

Chr. 29:8. The np every where [in these pas- 30:12; Hosea7:9; 8:7; Obad. 11. ~>? a strange ^
has the form """WI, as being of more easy or foreign god, the domestic god of some other nation,
utterance (which see). introduced amongst the Hebrews; [May not these
a) terror, Isa. 28:19. passages simply mean strange as opposed to Jehovah,
their own God?], Ps. 44:21; 8l:lO; ellipt. ">T Isa,
an unused root. In Chaldee to borrow. 43:12. Pl.DnjDeu. 32:16; Jer.3:i3;[?] 5:19[?]-
Hence the pr. n. 5H. ["Probably i.q. 31T to flow, (2) of another family. Fern. rnt a strange
woman (i. q. JH
J")'X Pro. 6 29),
especially with regard
compare Arabic u_f J. to flow, to be liquid, i__J J to

" Hence to unlawful intercourse with her, an adulteress, a

!>ecome liquid, to melt in drops," etc., Thes.
harlot [this is clearly the general use of the term],
1BJ and *TP].
Prov. 2:16; 5:3,20; 7:5; 22:14; 23:33 (Syr. and
I. I 'l
(l) TO PRESS, TO SQUEEZE, TO PRESS Sam/i.^. <VT"I is to commit adultery, prop, to turn to
9 f """"
JUT (Syr. Arab, j lodge with). So
D*"}t adulterers, profligates, Jer.
jj, jo) to take in the hand. ; to
8:25; Eze. 16:32, 0*"!T D'22 strange children, i. >
press, especially applied to the lip of a horse. The
bastards, Hos. 5:7.
original idea is that of restraining, pressing in, comp. As opposed is upright, true, and
to that which
in (3)
the kindred roots "*, "H?). Fut. Jud. 6:38,
lawful, strange is the as unlawful, HIT E'K strange
W? "and he
squeezed together the fleece." Job
fire, i. e. unlawful or profane fire, as opposed to the
39= 15> V

tyl *? n ?^l "arid (the ostrich) forgets

fire. Lev. iO:l; Num. 3:4; 26:61, rnt rnbj3

that the foot may press upon them" (her eggs), that holy
crush them; compare profane incense; Ex. 30:9.
is, may 59:5. Intrans. Isa.

1~lt which
form see Lehrgeb.intransitive (4) In opposition to one's own self, i.
q. "tf?X another,
pret. (for
Prov. 11:15; 14:10; 20:16; 27:2,13; iKi. 3:18.
p. 401), Isa. l 6, Vlt J& "(the wounds) are not pressed

(5) Tropically new, unheard of, Isa. 28:21.

together," not cleaned from blood. [Query. But does
not this simply mean not closed up in healing?] ["Also i.q. Arab. ^ j Med. Ye to loathe; intrans.
[" Part. pass. fern. Isa. 59:5 fr^DI, 'and the pressed to be loathsome, Job 19: 17, 'Rp'Np rnt *nn my
or broken (egg) is cleft into a viper,' i. e. a viper spirit (as agitated, querulous) is loathsome to my
springs from the broken (egg).
H is a more obtuse wife.' Hence KIT loathsomeness, for n "3!-"]
form for n ? compare Zee. 5: 4"]. Hence "MO No. I. NIPHAL i.
q. Kal. No. i, Isa. i -.4.
HOPHAL part.
"WO become strange, Ps. 69:9.
II. M a kindred root to "HD and "ttj. TO No. rnt Job 19:17, see under
Derivative "ft II.

(l)to turn aside, to depart (like Arab. .'; Med. | the root ">\T [but see the added remark from Thes.
Waw Conj. VI. VIII), followed by IP from some- above].
one, Job 19:13; Ps. 78 30 especially from God, Ps. :
; ITTlT m. once Isa. 59:5, njjsx s?i?3n rnijrn "if
58:4; from the way of truth and uprightness, whence
s > (an egg) be crushed, a viper breaks forth." If the
"WD falsehood, falsehood, I. to tell lies vowels stand correctly, *V1T is part. pass, of the verb
,. ; lie, .\ \
"rttNo. I, being added for
"! n fem. gen. (like Zee.
(compare "rtS and Arab. ,1-^).
5:4, although in both places it seems to be a tran-
(a) to turn from the way, to lodge at any one's
It would be more
scriptural error). suitably written
house (Arabic ,! ; to visit some one), hence to be a rnijn part, act., according to the form of the pret. )~)
ttr anger (Arabic j\\ a visitor, stranger) Isa. 1:6.
["to be
ttrange or foreign""]. [NTT pr. n. Zaza, l Ch. 2:33.]
Part, a
stranger, strange, especially (i) of
another natwn, an alien by birth, Exod. 30:33 j J unused in Kal, i.
q. Arabic _ and
; \s^ \ In
surely passage refers to any one not the high
remove, to Aram,
displace. w^/o), D^f.
with which the idea of an enemy or barbarian is
priest], NIPHAL to be removed Ex. 28:28; 39:21.
often associated (like the Lat. host is olim erat
l,and Gr. M'OC, which also signified (I)TO CREEP, TO CRAWL. Part.
the creepers of the dust," i.e. serpents; Dent. the similar instances collected in Lehrg. page 145, tc

32:24; Mic. 7:17. Hence which add fiXj? for fa?, N for P3X.) burning
(2) to fear, to be afraid, properly to walk with darts or arrows, Isa.5O: ll, i.q. D^jpT Prov.26: 18
faltering footsteps, see 'CH. Job 32: 6, WO copies read
(where many Syr. Jjxj a weapon,
tfTXJ "therefore I was afraid and feared."
n/C 1
\" stone of the serpent"), a stone near Jerusalem,
f Arabic J<3 Med. Ye, TO LOATHE. Intrans.
i Ki. 1:0.
to be loathsome. Job 19:17, **$*& n~\\ nn " my
breath is loathsome to Others, whom
my wife."
pTT adj. m. (from the root TIT) boiling, over- formerly I followed, take this according to the Syriac
floioing, spoken of water, Ps. 124:5. version, "my mind is (i.e. I am) become estranged
1Chald. m. splendour, brightness (contracted
from my wife." Hence N^T (for rnT) loathing.
fin Thes. under "I-1T No. I [
see above.]
from VHT, from the root nnT which see, i. q. Hebr. 1T),
Dan. 2:31 plural is used of the bright
; 4:33. The H.'T constr. n\T, pi. DWT m.
Dan. 5:6, 9, ni6g }^
colour of the face. "his WT (l) an olive, olive tree, Jud. 9:9; more fully called
colour changed upon him," i. e. he became pale, 1$B> n\T Deu. 8 8. rrj IOB? oil of olives, Ex. 27:20;

verse 10; 7:28. Comp. the Hebr. chap. 10:8. (Syr. 30 24; Lev. 24
: : 2. D^Mn in the Mount of Olives
y ac " "
near Jerusalem, Zee. 14:4, regarded as holy even in
JOjj brightness. Arab. ^j\ and o -j ornament.) the Old Test., 2 Sam. 15 30; l Ki. 11 : 7. [These :

passages prove nothing of the kind ; if the latter refer

1 m. (from the rootT-IT) (i) any moving thing, at all to theMount of Olives, any such reverence
roaS ftdtf regt, So poetically '"!?' TT
n?aS lebt unb roebt.
would have been idolatrous.]
used of the beasts of the field, Ps. 50 1 1 80:14. The :

() an olive, the fruit. JV$n fV. the olive tree,


Greek KvwdaXov, a beast, for Ku'wdaXov, has been

Hag. 2 19. TVT TH he trode the olives, Mic. 6: 15.

rightly compared with this; as may be also Kivwire-

(3) an olive branch, an olive leaf, Zee. 4:11 ;

TOV, Ki M\l/ from KIVIW, TrpofiaTov from 7rpo/3oVw.


compare verse 12.

(2) ["streams of milk, milk flowing abun- A similar word is used in all the cognate
languages :

dantly and in streams from a full breast, abun-

dance of milk." Thes.] a full breast (see the root
Syriac JjL) olive tree, Arab. "-^-Vj oil, ^fi.j olive,
NT No. 2). So the original figure being preserved, ^Eth. HJS'T': il an d olive; hence it was introduced
Isa.66:11, nnns nn ori^y^ni. -vsbri \yd? "that ye into the Coptic, in which ycoiT is an olive tree; and
may suck and be glad (i. e. suck with pleasure) from into the Spanish, in which there is azeyte, oil.
her full (or abundant) breast," i.e. from her breasts
Etymologists acknowledge themselves to be igno-
filled with milk. The parallel is n'n?n n'^p. rant of the origin of this word; which, it appears to
[In Thes. the order of the meanings is
reversed.] me, should be sought in the root nnT (which see), and
i>- -

H ("abundance"), \Zizd\ (i) pr. n. m.

to shine,
^ \
to adorn ["
^j (for ^i) to
iCh. 4:37. (2) 2 Ch. 11:20.'
adorn, prop, to cause to shine, V. to be clothed,
"in (id.), [Zizah], pr.n. m. l Ch. 23: ll, instead
of which, verse 10, N^T. adorned"] ;
whence ,cj a fair or splendid form,

[" ornament, prop, splendour ; see Castell. p. 1040"];

ST! ("motion"), [Zia], pr.n. m. 1 Ch. 5:13.
Heb. IT, Ch. VT: so that JVT prop, should be feminine,
("borrowed," ["flowing"], from the root
name (l) of a town situate in the from the form'!, ^\, and denote brightness. This
*pT), \Zipl\~\, pr.
tribe of Judah, Josh. 1 5 55 ; 2 Chron. 11:8; in the :
might be either referred to the freshness and beauty
neighbourhood of which was a desert of the same of the olive tree (comp. rvniX), or, as I prefer, to the
name, Sam. 23 14, 15.
i : Hence the Gentile noun brightness of oil (compare IpV*. oil, from "iny to be
'P^ l Sam. 23:19; 26:1. (__>: Rob. bright, and 2HT Zee. 4:12, of clear and brilliant oil).
[Now ii.
After the true origin of the word had been forgotten,
(2) of a man, i Ch. 4: 16.
the letter n was taken for a radical ; and thus nil
I f.
pi. (for rtp?J, Dipt from the root P3J, comp. is of the masculine gender, and it in Arabic a new

verb has been formed, eul to preserve in oil, IL to i. 166 [" The origin seems to lie in the idea of prick-
lay up oil. ing, piercing, comp. kindred ">i!!^; whence "OJ mcmbnun
virile; ... the idea of memory then may come from
JO'l ("olive tree," Arabic ;), [Zethan], that of penetrating, infixing, compare Ecc. 12:11. A
pr. n. m. i Ch. 7:10.
different etymology was proposed by me in Monumm.

]\ and *J[ f. HpT adj. pu re ; used of oil, Ex. 27 2O :

Phoen. p. 1 14, viz. that as in Athen. i. l,T3D-is written
of frankincense, Ex. 30 34 figuratively of thesoul and
for "9! memory, perhaps ~I3T is primarily i. q. ~>?D tG
morals, Job 8 6 ; 11:4; 33:9; Prov. 16:2; 2O:ll;
: shut up, and then to keep, to preserve ; compare "ipt?
31:8. No. 2. But the other view is favoured by the noun
"I3T." Ges. add.]). Followed by an ace. Gen. 8 i :
i. ^3T [fut. nfT.], TO BE PURE (always in
19 29, etc.; more rarely by ? Ex. 32: 13; Deut. 9:

a moral sense), Job 15:14; 25 4; Psa. 51:6; Mic. :

9 27; Psal. 25:7; 136:23; | Jer. 3:16; followed by

6:li. (Arab. $J, Syr. loy and \3] id. The Greek *3 Job
7:7; 10:9; Deu. 5:15. It signifies especially
/tyior, Ayi'oci and probably also the Lat. sacer, sancio, (a) to to be mindful, i.e. to retain in
transp. castiis, are from the same stock.) memory, 9:13; 98:3; 105:5,42; 2 Ch. 24:22.

PIEL, to make pure, to cleanse, e.g. the course of Ex. 13:3, rijn Di'n nx ibT "be mindful of thia
life, the soul, Psa. 73:13: Prov. 20:9. Psa. 119:9, day;" 20 8. nnan DX IDT to be mindful of the

IrrjX-nX TgJ n?rn93 "how shall a young man covenant, Gen. 9:15; Levit. 26 42 Am. i 9. (b) :

cleanse his way?" i.e. maintain purity of life? to bear something in mind, to account, to con-

HITHPAEL '"I3fn for H3Tnn to cleanse

himself, Isa. sider (bebenten). Deut. 5:15, " account that thou
1 : 16. [The accent shews that this is not Niph. of wast a servant in Egypt." Deu.l5:l5; l6:12; 24:18.
*I?T. See Thes.] Job7:7,*'n mi 3 lb| "consider that my life (is) a
[Derivative, T.] breath." Ps. 103:14. (c) to contemplate things
called back to memory, i.e. recordari. Ps. 119:55,
^\ Ch. f.
purity, rectitude of life, Dan. 6 23. :

TOB? ffyfa W13J "I remember thy name, O Lord,

[Koot, the preceding.]
in the night." Ps. 119:52; 143 5; 63 7- (<0 to
= =

Job 28:17, glass or crystal. in memoriam re-

n*?i^J fern, once, recollect, reminisci, a.yafuftvfifftetft
4 -- back to Gen.
vocare, to call memory. Opp. oblivisci.

(Arab, -^r}, Syr. j'^^o^v I

id -) Rt 1?I- Com- 40:23,^03^1 ciP>-nS D'i?^'Sn
"IB> IDT t6l. Verse
pare 3T. 14; 42:9; Num. 11:5; Ecc. 9:15; Job 21:6; Jer.

"TOT m 44:21 (syn. l^y. n fe). Often with the added idea
[only with suflf. ^12?], i. q. IDT a male,

of care, again to care for some one (i.q. ^i??), Gen.

used both of men and of animals, Ex. 23: 17 34:23; ;
8:l; 19:29; 30:22. (e) Followed by a dative of
Deu. 16: 16; 20:13.
the person and an ace. of the thing, to remember
("mindful"), [Zaccur], pr. n. of several something either for the advantage or the disadvantage
men, Nu. 13:4; iChr.4:26; 25:2; Neh.3:2; 10:
13; 3:3-
5J ("pure," "
of another, jcmanbem
5: 1 K ^3

Hfdj ^7

me, O my God, all things which I have done (that

aebenfcn; for good,
H-OT remember

innocent"), [Zaccai], pr. n. m.

thou mayest at some time) requite (them)." Neh.
ee '31.
6:14; 13:22; for evil, 13:29. (/) It is also re-
n ?l (which
TO BE PURE, used of ferred to future things, like reputare, and
see), respirere,
things physically [V], Lam. 4:7; used morally, Job meminisse, in the common expressions resjn'ce Jinem,
5:l.5; 25:5- Cornp. the kindred root 33f ["also nn>"']. memento mori. Lam. 1:9, and she did not remem-
HiiMiiL, tocleanse, to wash, Job 9:30. ber (meditate on) the end." Isa. 47:7. Hence, to
[" NIPHAL, see H3T HITHPAEL."] meditate, to think on, to attempt something, auf
Derivatives, "^T and IT, rV31I| and pr. n. *?L -
etwaS bcnfcn. Job 40: 32, non'?'? "Of ben! an ben JCampf,
i.e. to approach, to prepare the battle.
and Ch.
fut.TbTXArab.yj, Syr. ?, ["(2) to make mention of a person or thing,
tneminisse, rccordari, remiiiisa, TO REMEMBER, TO RE- Jer. 20:9."]

COLLECT, TO BRING TO MIND (compare as to the NIPHAL (l) to be remembered, or recalled to

distinctionbetween these [Latin] words, Cic. Leg.xii. mind, which is often equivalent to to be mentioned.
35, and Doederleia Lat. Synonyme und Etymologien, Job24:2o,i3j* N? "riy "no one remembers him anj
more," he not mentioned, he has gone into oblivion
is ;
Ges. cor. where this reason is
omitted], 2 Sa. 18: 18.
Jer. 11 19, "IW I?*? &O 'm$ "his name shall no more
: It isused of men, Gen. 1:27 5:2 17:10, seq.' ; ;

be mentioned or remembered;" Eze. 3:20; Isa. 34:15, seq.; and of animals also, Gen. 7:3, 9, 16;
Zee. Est. nnsy? D'D'n n^n Ex. 12:5. Plur. 0^3? Ezr. 8:4, seq.
23:16; 13:2; 9:28, Compare ">?j
0*^31 "those days (should be) remembered and
Niphal No. 2, and T-13T.
(Arab. <j, Syr. );j3 id.,
kept." njrp p sa 109:14, and \\ \3pp Num.
"?{< -GJ3 l.

the former is also used to signify membrum
!O:9, to be before God, to berecalled virile.)

to his memory. Followed by ? the memory of a [For the etymology, see added remark on ~Ql.~]

thing to be preserved for some one's disadvantage and iy.|, (Ex. 17:14; Isa. 26:14; Pro. 10:7
(compare Kal, letter e\ jemanbem gebadjt rcerben/ Eze. where however other copies have Tzere, see J. H
18:22; 33:16. Michaelis, Nott. Crit.), with suff. '"JST m.
(2) denom. from "I3T, to be born a male,
Ex. 34:19

(1) remembrance (TCnbenten)/ Arab. ^"j. Exod.

(Arab. J^j IV. to bear a male).
17:14, "I will -blot out the memory of Amalek;'
with suff. D3n?rn] Deu. 25:19; 32:26; Ps. 9:7; 34:17; 109:15, etc.
(1) to bring to remembrance before
some one.
(2) a name by which any one is remembered, i. q.
Gen.4O:i4, nV"!?"?^ *3rn?Tn "bringmetoremem-
D^. Ex. 3: 15, -n ~H? n?y nn ch\sfy n??rn " this ig
brance before Pharaoh;" iKi. 17:18; Eze. 21:28;
my name for ever, and thus ye shall name me
^?|n "make mention
0*13? to [lit.
29:16; Jer.4:i6, this is my

memorial] through all generations; Ps.

the nations." In the titles of Psalms 38 and 70,
" to 30:5, teHJ? 'TSJ? -Hin "Praise
ye his holy name"
T3jnp bring to remembrance (oneself to
["his holy memorial"], Hos. 12:6.
God)," which accords with their subject matter.
(2) to make mention of. (Arab. make (3) praise, celebration; Ps.6:6; 102:13 (j).
mention of, Sam. 4: 18; Ps. 87:4. Es-
to praise) l
of a man, Ch. 8:31.]
[(4) Zacher, pr. n. l

pecially to make men tion of

with praise, to praise,
to celebrate, Ps.45:i8; 71 :i6; 77: 12, e.g. nin^ Dt? p"l3f m. constr. P"P* pi.
D* and ni.

(1) memory, remembrance, Josh. 4:7; Exod.

Isa. 26:13, and C^3 Josh.23:7; Ps. 20:8; Am.6:lO
Once used 12:14; Ecc.l : 1 1 2 : 16. P~G! \33K memorial stones,
(compare CB'a fcOi?), Isa. 48:1; 63:7.

the name
applied to the two gems in the shouldei
causatively, to cause to be remembered, or cele-
bands with which the dress of the high priest was
brated, Ex. 20: 24.
call to one's oivn adorned, Ex. 28:12; 39:7. P"13.? J"inpp a memorial
(3) i.
q. Kal, to remember, to
Nu.5:l5; P~13T D-1K* to establish a memorial,
mind, Gen. 41:9; Isa. 19:17; 49:1. 1
namely by the procreation of children, Isa. 57:8. [V
(4) to offer a memorial offering (called
Isa. 66 3.
(2) a memorial or memento, i/Tro/ir^a (French

memoire). Exod. 17:14, ~iG>3 P~QT HXT ah? "write

(5) to cause to be remembered. Part,
this a memorial (that which shall cause to be re-
subst. i Ki. 4:3; 2 Ki. 18:18,37; 2 Ch. 34:8; Isa.
who caused to be remembered," membered) in a book." P~)3T ~lp Mai. 3:16, and
36:3,22, "he ~I2D Est. 6 l a book of
pi. ni3i~p-Tn memorials, annals,
i.e. the recordei', or superintendent of the
annals of the kingdom, one of the ministers of the journals; comp. H?!' a memorial sign, Ex. 13:9.
Hebrew kings, whose office it was to record events (3) the celebration of any particular day (comp.
the verb, Est. 9:28; Ex. 20 8); Lev. 23:24. :
as they occurred,
especially those which might relate
to the A
similar officer is mentioned in the (4) i.
q. ?S?9 a memorial sentence, aTro'^&y/ia,
Job 13:12.
royal court of Persia, both anciently (Herod, vi. 1OO; s<-

vii. 90; viii.

100) and in modern times (Chardin, *"}?! ("celebrated," "famous," compare ^j
Voyage, torn. iii.
327), amongst whom he is called
fame), \_Zichr i~\, pr.n. of several men, Exod. 6:21 ;

Waka Nuvrish [ JLJ - ."1, and also in that of the l Ch.8:l9,23; 9:15; 2 Ch. 23:1; Neh. 11:9, etc.
O j i_ ^
Roman emperors Arcadius and Honorius [and after-
^)"l?t &
T "1?I
(" whom Jehovah remem-
wards], bearing the name of magistri memorial.
bers"), pr.n. [Zechariah, Zachariah~\, (Greek
Derivatives, the words immediately following; and
also rnsjx, -HST, -VIST.
(l) of a king of Israel, the son of Jeroboam II.,

jj m. a male, as being he through whom the killed by Shallum after a reign of six months, BC
material of parents is continued
[but see Thes. and 773, 2Ki. 15:8 11.

(; who lived after the Bab) lonish

of a prophet note 15. Well rendered by the LXX. c'craXti tinea i
captivity, whose prophecies form a part of the canon (the root T^T agreeing in etymology with <mXoc, aa
of Scripture. He was the son of Barachiah, the Xtuw), and the Ch. and Syr. express the samn (Arab.
grandson of Iddo the prophet fconip. J3 No. l), Zee.
Ji ; to shake the earth,
Jj: an earthquake). Set
1:1,7; Ezr.5:l;6:l4.
(3) of a son of Barachiah [Jeberechiah], cotem- D'h^I.
HIPHIL (pointed according to the Chaldee form), ?^H
porary with Isaiah, and also as it seems a prophet,
Isa. 8:2; comp. lS[?]. causative of Kal No. 3, to despise. Lam. i :8. [" Sec
the root ^T."]
(4) of a prophet the son of Jehoiada, slain in the
court of the temple, in the reign of Joash, 2 Ch. [Derivatives ni^, D^lVl.J
94:20, seq.
an unused quadriliteral, i.q. ^t to be hot^
(5) of a prophet living at Jerusalem in the reign )3l (!
the letter ? being inserted, compare Lehrg. p. 804.
of Uzziah, -2 Ch. 26:5, etc.
Other etymological attempts, especially those brought
out by Eichhorn in his edition of Simonis' Lexicon,
N/J an unused root, perhaps i. q. ""l^J, JJ> to

draw out; hence pr. n. '"INvp" Thes.] resting on false significations attributed to Arabic
words, I have examined and refuted in Ephemerid.
3 7T an unused root, prob. i.
q. Arab. ^-\! j (kin- Litt. Hal. 1820, No. 123. Hence
dred with n^H), to draw out. Hence 3^T9, HJT^D fork. PI. ni- (Ps. ll:6; Lam. 5: 10)

HV?T terror, trembling, Psal. 12:9. Root a violent heat, especially of the wind, Ps. 1 1 :6 (the
a wind called +.4...-.-H es simum, i. e. poisonous, is to be
["uff a Xeyo/i. prop, shaking, trembling, earthquake,
see the root in Niphal. Hence a storm, a tempest.
" the wicked walk on understood); of famine, Lam. loc. cit. (Ezckiel 5:9,
Ps. 12:9, every side, fM ?T DD3 compare verses 12, 16, 17, X/iog a'ido^, Hes. Op. 361 ;
D"1K '32? like the rising of a tempest upon the sons
ignea fames, Quinctilian. Declam. xii. ;
Arabic .U
of men." Ges. add.]
of famine, Hariri), also of indignation,
c j^l a fire
only in pi. m. shoots, twigs, sprigs,
Ps. 119:53.
from their trembling and quivering motion, Isa.
18:5. Root ?/T, see especially Niphal. Comp. also
' c I an unused root. Ch. Pael to drop, i.
q. *J?^.
' /J answering to the German fd/uttcrn, fdjuttcln/ 37T ("a dropping"), [Zi7/)a/i], pr. n. of the
fdjutten/ to shake (kindred with 7?^ and the words handmaid of Leah, Gen. 29:24; 30:9.
there compared).
fttSJ f. (from OPT) (l) counsel, in a bad sense,
(l) to shake, to make tremble, see Niphal. Proverbs 21:27; 24:9; more rarely in a good sense,
(a) to pour out, to shake out (hence, to lavish),
Job 17: 11 (in which passage allusion is made to the
(auSfcbutten/ ausfcfcutteln). squanderer, a
Part. ??1T a
derivation of the word: see what is said under the
prodigal, Prov. 23:21; 28:7; Deut. 2l:2O; Prov.
93:20, "^3 v?'T "those who squander (or, are
(2) wickedness, a wicked deed. Psal. 26:10;
prodigals as to} their own body," voluptuous pro- 119:150. Especially used in speaking of sins oi
fligates. Comp. 7*T. And as we only cast out and uncleanness, such as fornication, rape, or incest.
throw away those things which we count worthless, Lev. 18:17, K '" nJrJ "this would be wickedness."
Job 31:11; Eze. 16:27; 22:9,11.
(3) intrans. to be abject, worthless, vile. Jer.
*- ..
(3) [Zimmult], pr. n. m. iCh. 6:5, 27; 2 Ch.
Lam. l:ll. 29:12.
15:19; (Arab. Jj id., Jj vileness,
!"1T f. j.
ibjectness of mind. Syr. to be vile.) Sec^) Him. q net NO. i.. PI. 'ntet for rtel (omp.

NIPHAI ^3 (comp. as to this form Lehrg. Gr. $ 79, note 2 [$ 88, note i]), my counsels or pur-
QoU- 7), tc \ tremble. Isai. 64:2, T^BD
awaken, to poses, Ps. 17:3. According to the accents it is cer
*;>T3 D'"in
the mountains tremble before thy face." tainly to be thus taken,
for the word T"2t is Milra.

The passage, Jud. 5:5, ^3 D'^H is to be similarly With the accent changed 'JTIftl is, / hare pin'/wed,

understood, for </T3 is there used for ^3 Lehrg. l >3, and the sentence runs more smoothly if rendered
* shall not This new definition of this root of course influence!
(thai which) I
purposed (my mouth)
transgress." [Qu. Is not this inf. of DPT?] ; the synopsis of meanings, as well .as it entirely super-
sedes the following remark.] Properly to tie, to bind.
TVto f.
[root TOT], pi. D'r(Nah. 2:3). <l) a
vine-branch, or twig, so called from being pruned i.
q. the kindred DPV, and Arab. * : to bind, to tie

(see the root ~>P ).

T Nu. 1 3 2 3 Isa. 1 7 l o. :

together, whence *t a cord. Hence tropically

(a) generally a branch, or shoot. Eze. 15:2; j
" and
8: 17, they put the branch to their nose;"
lo, (l) to lie in wait, to plot, followed by 7, Ps. 37 l -2 ; :

referring to the Persian custom of worshipping the to purpose, or meditate evil, Prov. 30:32; fol-

rising sun, holding in their left hand a bundle of lowed by a gerund, Ps. 31:14. Hence (2) as a
twigs of the plant called Barsom, see Strabo, xv. p. verb of medial signification, to meditate something,
733, Casaub. roe o' tVw^ae -owvv-at jroXvf
: to propose to oneself, followed by an accusative,
Ka-i\oi'Tt. Comp. Gen. il:6; Lam. 2 17. Proverbs 31 16, nnb HDOJ
: :

Hyde, De Rel. Vett. Persarum, p. 350. Zendavesta ed. innj?Pll "she proposed to herself (to possess) a field,

Anquetil du Perron, ii. 532. (she considers a field,) and she obtains it:" followed

by a gerund, Zee. l :6.

QJ/jT an unused quadriliteral, i.
q. Arab. \sc\ With regardto the original signification above

onomatopoetic fummcn/ to buzz, to murmur, to make proposed [but see the added note], it is sufficient to
S' <-

remark, that verbs signifying binding or weaving

a noise, to hum, whence <uUi a noisy multitude. are very often applied to counsels, especially in a bad
Hence sense, of which examples may be seen under the root
3"!>8. Allusion is made to this origin in Job 17:11,
D')T<pT masc. pi. (" tribes making a noise"), "
}ptf ^rfiDT my purposes are broken off," that is,
^famtummims^, prop, name of a nation of giants, like a cord; since the Orientals compare a counsel
anciently dwelling within the borders of the Ammon-
formed to something woven or wreathed. Vit. Tim.
ites, but extinct even before the time of Moses, Deu.
t:2O. Comp. D\*-1T. t. i.
p. 90: /
Jj\l\ ^'r*- *** ^ ie
firmly twined the

vj m. Cant. 2:12, the time of the priming of

' cord of his purpose. In Arabic the figurative idea
* -
fines (of the form ~i'V?, E""! ? Lehrg. 120, No. 5), 1

found in the verb to

from IpT. Well rendered by the LXX. Kuipog rijg
^. to purpose to himself,
To/Jirjg. Symm. K. Vu!g. tempuspu-
n;c K\(idtvfft<*)(:.
nTO and DPT.
Others translate the time
Derivatives, nT, HOT,
tationis. of the singing of

birds, which is contrary to the use of the verb "^PT QpT m. a counsel or purpose in a bad sense,
and to the analogy
of the form ^PP. Ps. 140:9.

T? (Isa. 25:5), pi. JTr^.pT. a song. Ps. 119:54; Jf unused in Kal, kindred to the root DPT TO
2 Sa. 23:1; especially a hymn, a song of praise. where
APPOINT. [In Sam. Pent. Gen. 11:6, 13G>r
Isa. 24:16. Job 35:10, "who giveth songs (i.e.
the Heb. has '1^.]
joy, rejoicing) in the night" (i.e. in adversity); a
very frequently used in Chaldee.
triumphal song [of oppressors], Isa. 25:5.
PUAL, plur. part. Q^PJP, D'JW Ezr. 10:14; Neh.
especially Pi.
10:35, and ni3!3TO ']) 13:31, times appointed or
"tyP! ("song"), [ZemzYa/t], pr. n. m. i Ch. stated. Hence
]fo\ plur. D'Spt,
m. time, especially a stated time
and T'' E ! fut. DTJ pi. ^DT*T for
Ecc. 3:1,
18V (see Gr. % 57, note 1 1 [ 66, note 1
1] ; Lehrg. p.
^-rnuuii; _ r< ;
^ve' time.
Syr. ^rsj id.),

372 ;
for the root DV, which some propose, is alto- JPT >2? "its own time for every thing," i.e. every
gether fictitious). [In Ges. adu. to meditate, to thing remains only so long, things are trail and all

Neh. 2:6; Est. 9:27,31. It is * word of a

have in mind, to
purpose,- Arab. *. id. It seems
later age used instead of the more ancient ny.. [This
to come from the idea of murmuring or muttering, i. e. remark (omitted in Thes.) takes for granted what
the low voice of cannot be admitted, that Solomon did not write thf
persons talking to themselves or
meditating ; coinp. OT.Pt to murmur, also book of Ecclesiastes.]

JET Chald. PAEL, to appoint, to establish, to m. occurs once, Deut. 14:5, an animal, a
prepare. species of deer or antelope, so named from its leaping
HITHPAEL t^T.H to agree together, properly to (see 1OT Piel No. 3), like fl^. from Bn, (Arab. pT
appoint for each other time and place, Dan. 2 19 np. -cj
to leap as a goat.)

Comp. Am. 3 3 Targ. The nro is to be read J-IFpOT, n,


singing, or music. (a) vocal, Ps. 81 13;

and is Aphol, in which, however, this verb is used f?I f.

[elsewhere] neither in Syriac nor in Chaldee [?]

98 15. (b) instrumental, Amos. 5 : 23. Meton. rnJ?\
but only in Samaritan ["and this reading is to be r!)9v' song of the land, i. e. its most praised fruits or

preferred, as being the more unusual"].

productions, Gen. 43:11. Compare Greek doi&jzoc,
celebrated in songs, i. q. celebrated.
|DT & JDT emphat. st.
WOT plur. pD| m. Chald.
n3 " at the y^l masc. ("celebrated in song," do/S</ioc,
(1) time, a set time. Dan. 2: 16, WIpT
same time;" 3:7,8; 4:33. "celebrated"), [Zimri], pr.n. (i) of a king of
IP? "H? "until a 1^
timeand season;" 7:12. Used of holy times (feast Israel, who slew Elah and succeeded him, B. C. 930.
iKi. 16:9, 10; 2Ki.9:3l. Gr. of the
days), Dan. 7 125. Compare "UpD No. Za/i/3pi. (2")

(2) pi. times, Dan.6:ll, nrtal

vices (3J*ale). pT capt-oftheSimeonites,Nu.25: 14. (3) l Chr. 2:6.
three times (to be compared with the correspond- (4) l Chr. 8:36; 9:42. (5) it seems also to be
V a patronymic from H?I for ^"J9I- ^ er 2 5 2 5- -

mg English expression three times. Also^iJ and

s <~- |1r- (id.), \_Zimran~\, pr.n. of a son of Abraham,
Arab. i^Jf. time, pi. times, vices). and Keturah, and of an Arabian nation sprung from
him, Gen. 25:2; l Ch. 1:32. Perhaps Zabram, a
["properly k would seem "TO PLUCK"],
regal city according to Ptolemy between Mecca and
ro PRUNE, especially the vine, Lev. 25:3, 4. Hence Medinah is to be compared with this. Compare *Tpt
n^T?? snuffers. (
Arab, j ; to prune a vine, the letters No. 5.
D and 2 being interchanged). f ;PJ f. i. q. n !PJ song, meton. the object of song,
NIPHAL pass. Isa. 5:6. or praise. HJ ^^P?1 ^ f
'ehovah is my strength
Pi EL "18T
(i) sing, properly (as has been well
to and my song," Ps. 118:14, Isa. 12:2.
obserred by Albert Schultens and Bishop Lowth),
m. pi.
D H 3y species. As to its origin see under
to cut off the discourse or sentence, or song; to [I
the root Ps. 144: 13, ]H?X ftp of every kind*
express a song divided according to rhythmical num- |3T.

2 Ch. 16 14. :
(Chald. and Syr. id.)
bers, (compare t^i'3 a song, properly a discourse
Chald. id. Dan. 3:5, 7, 10, 15.
divided, from
^ J to cut, to cut off.
Arab. -: I. and
PI. nU3T, constr. riUjll THE TAIL of animals
ll. ; Syr. ;_s>| and ;_s>) ; JEth. Conj. II. id.). Followed s ~ '. s .'~~.
by a dative of the person whom the song celebrates, (Arab. v_^.j and Ljj, Syr. J.-VJQ* id. The verb
Jud.5:3; Ps.QrlS; 30:5; 47:7; and an ace. Ps. i_^Jj to follow after, is Ex. 4:4; Jud.
47=7; ^6:2; 68:5,33.
15:4; Job 40: 17. Metaphorically, extremity, the
(2) to play on a musical instrument [or to sing so end of any thing. DH-1NH n'133! \3.f "two ends of
accompanied], \l>u\\tii'. Ps. 33 2 :
; 71: 22.
fire-brands," Isa. 7:4. Also something vile, or con-
(3) to dance (Arabic _<;), which is also done
temptible, especially as opposed to t'Nl Deu. 28: 13,
according to rhythmical numbers, and is connected "Jehovah will make thee the head and not the tail;"
with singing and music (comp. pHV and PO^)- Hence verse 44. Isa. 9: 13; 19:15. (In the same sense the
TOT. [It may be questioned whether "1ST ever
really Arabs oppose ^_^i.>. <^p'.\ nose and tail, see my
meant to da nee ; this signification seems to be
imagined in order to connect ~>PT with its commentary on Isaiah 9:13.) Hence the denomi-
native verb
Derivatives, "VOT, TDJ, rrfnsj, -I'lDTO, rnOJO, nTBtf?
and also those which immediately follow.
PIEL 33? properly to hurt, or cut off the tail,
hence figuratively to smite, or rout the rear of a
"IT! [em ph. ^7?I] m Chald. music of instru--
host (Arab. 4^^jj, Greek ovpa, ovpayia). Dcut.
ments, Dan. 3:5, 7, 10, 15.
18; Josh. 10:19. Denominative verbs derived from
S] m. Chall. a $ingert Ezr. 7:24. the names of members of the body often have thi
sense in the Phoenicio-Shemitic languages of hurting the commerce of gentile nations amongst themselyea
or cutting off those members. See Lehrg.p. 257, and Spoken of Tyre, Isa. 23:17, "she committed forni-
Ewald's Hebr. Gram. p. 200. cation with all the peoples of the earth;" compare
Nah. 3:4 and Jjr ^. 1

H3p apOC. |f'l
- (l) TO COMMIT FORNI- PUAL nan pass. Eze. 16:34.
HIPHIL npjn fut. apoc. ]r.. (i) to seduce to for-

CATION. (Arab. ; coivit, to commit fornication;

o nication, Ex. 34:16; to cause to commit forni-
Syr. Jj| id.; Jt\\. H^:, although Nun
is retained
cation, Lev. 19:29.
n semen caitus.) Attributed properly and commit forni-
(2) intrans. like Kal, properly to

chiefly to a woman whether married (when it may

cation, Hos. 4:10, 18; 5:3.
be rendered, to adultery) or unmarried, Gen.
Derivatives, D3J, JTI3},
38:24; Lev. 19:29; Hos. 3:3; and it is construed
with an accusative following of the fornicator or J (perhaps, "a marsh," "a marshy place,"
adulterer, Jer. 3:1; Eze. 16:28; Isa. 23 : 17 (unless comp. I"I3T Hiph. ["stinking"]), [Zanoo/i], pr. n.
nx in this place is with); also followed by ? (to com- of two towns in the tribe of Judah, Josh. 15:34, 56;

mit fornication ivJ.h), Eze. 16: 17; ??? 26.16:26,28; Neh. 3 1 3 1 1 30 l Ch. 4 1 8. [Prob. now Zan&a,

very often fcUowe.1 by 'T10*?, prop, to go a whoring l Rob. ii.

after, to follow <i
paramour, Eze. 16 :
34 ;
On the other hand, u Ji3J m. (from H3T with the addition of a for-
17:7; 20:5,6; Deu. 31:16, etc. pi.

IP is whom the adulteress

put before the husband from
mative 3, like PVi? from ^^]tyX from ""If?, see

departs in committing whoredom, against whom she Lehrg. page 508).

transgresses, Ps. 73 27 ^nSO Hos. 1:2; nnrip Hos.
whoredoms, adulteries, Gen. 38:24. Hos.

4:12, and nnr, Eze. 23 5 (comp. Num. 5:19, 29); :

1:2, D3I
nfr. n'3-13? ntrx a whorish wife and
?1?P Hos. 9:1, and ?3? Jud. 19: 2 (where, however, the bastard children." Hos. 2:6; 4:12; 5:4. Hos.2:4,
reading doubtful); Eze. 16 15 (she committed
is :
n^3D n^-13^ IDW "and let her remove her adul-
teries (i. c. vulius protervus ; compare I lor. Carm
adultery with a husband ; i. e. whilst she had a hus-
i. from her face" (comp. Eze 6:9).
19, 7. 8)
band, she thus transgressed against him). Part. H31T
a harlot, whore, prostitute, Gen. 38:15; Deut. (2) Used figuratively (a) of idolatry, p. Ki. 9
22. of commerce with foreign nations, Nah.
23:19, and more fully n31T riB>X Lev. 21:7; Josh. 2 1 :
Jud. ll:l; nor are those to be listened to, who, in 3 14; compare the verb, Isa. 23: 17.
some passages, for instance in that cited from Joshua, f.
phir. QMVI3T (from J~13T), fornications,
understand a a keeper of a house of entertain-
hostess, whoredoms, always used figuratively () of thu
ment, from J-1T to Iced. This word is rarely used of a
worship of idols, Jer. 3:2, 9; Eze. 23:27; 43:7, 9;
male paramour, as Nu. 25: i, followed
by ? (comp. Hos. 4:11. (b) of any want of fidelity to God, e.g.
that of a complaining and seditious people, Nu. 14 33. :
Arab. \: for
j\\ a whoremonger).

(2) very often used figuratively

It is
(a) of
idolatry, [to go a whoring after strange gods,] (the RUPT, see HiriiiL. (So the Arab, ^-.j ^,^. Kin- ;

prophets shadowing forth the relation in which God SO <^_^ C_

stood to the people of Israel dred roots are !Dy, CHT, vj, ; turbid or muddy
by the marriage union,
see Hos. 1:2; Eze. 16 : 33; so that the
people wor- water ; and in Greek, rayyoc and rayyjy, rancidity,
shipping strange gods is compared to an adulterous rancid ; also, on^oc, causing loathing,
woman). For the prepositions which follow, see
above, No. i. A very common expression is ~13T
(2) be abominable. Hos. 8:5, H3J
D'ln^ D'npx nrix go a whoring alter strange gods,
to ?V."O Samaria, thy calf is an abominable
Lev.i7:7; 20:5,6; Deut. 31:16; Jud. 2 17 "also, :
thing." Also transitively, to loathe, to spit out, to
V\P% nnnp njT to go a whoring, departing from one's HiT " Israel
reject (comp. DHT)- Hos. 8:3, 3VJ if.
own God, The expression also is used
see above. has rejected that which is good;" often used of
ttj"3 'I
the gentiles, Eze.
go n3T to
a whoring after (i. e. imitating) Jehovah rejecting a people, Ps. 43 2, *? "
why :
23:30. (b) of superstitions con- hast thou cast me off?" Ps. 44: 10, 24; 60:3,12;
nected with JYQSn nrjtf H3T to a
idolatry: go whoring 74:1; 77:8; 89:39. Followed by JP^o thrust away
(following) necromancers, I -evil. 20:6. (c) of from any thing. Lam. 3:17 Plijrn thoo
hast thrust me away from peace," thou hast de- m. Gen
1$! (" disturbed"), [Zaaran], pr. n.
prived mo of peace, or welfare.
36:27; i Ch. 1:42.
HIPEIL (l) like Kal No. i, pr. to emit a stench.
Isa. nhr irvjijxn "the rivers shall stiiik," "Vy| m .
[" properly adj.

'], (from the root TJ?T), a

and become shallow. LXX. little, Job 36:2, like /m-joj/: a word which imitates
Le. they fail ixXti^ovcnv
the Chaldee.
ol iroTapoi. Vulg. deficient Jlumina. (The form *rV3|Sn
scarcely Hebrew, and it seems to have sprung from Ch. little, Dan. 7:8, i.
q. Heb. TtfX, see tht
the coalition of two readings, *rV3jn and 1H'???, the root T8J.
latter being a Chaldaisni.)
No. 2, to reject, cast away, TO BE EXTINGUISHED, occurs once
i.q. Kal
(2) to l Ch. .

28:9; followed by 19 2 Ch. 11:14; causat. [to ren-

der stinking, i.e. to pollute, or] to profane, aCh. NIPHAL, Job 17:1, where three MSS. [" of Ken-
nicott,and nine of De Eossi"] have the usual form
Derivative, OUT pr. n.
fut. Dj?n Nu. 23:8, and D Proverbs 24 24 :

an unused root, prob. i.q. Arab. jj- (kindred
(Arab. V. to foam at the mouth, speaking
Hebrew ^~.\ Conj.
to the !3')> t
form, to put into shape;
i^j S of a camel, to speak angrily. Of the same origin is
whence ^-- form, appearance, A.J rule, mode. Hence the German diaum/ fdjiumen/ the English to scum.
Heb. it kind, species (the origin of which has hitherto to skim, the French e'cume, comp. also HVJ), hence
been unknown to etymologists) although this word ;
its origin being neglected, was inflected
afterwards, the added idea of punishment; to pour out angei

according to the analogy of verbs n^ .

upon any one, followed by an accusative, Mai. 1 :4
Zee. 1:12, nripyr J*
n>in; ny f ;
the cities of Judah
unused in Kal. Syr. jaj) to shoot an arrow, which have borne thy anger" (lit. "which thou hast
especially to a great distance. Talmud, to leap, to been angry with"). Isaiah 66: 14; followed by ?2
leap forth ; and so with the letters transposed, Arab. Dan. 1 1 :
30. Part, nin* D-U't Prov. 22 14. :

Sj. The original idea is that of binding together, (2) to curse, with an accusative, Num. 23:7, 8;
e f Prov. 24:24; Mic.6:io.
comp. Arab. (J-'j to bind beneath, Syr. J.JXIJ a cord,
NIPHAL, as though it had been the passive of Hiph
with which a load is bound together. Used especially
to be made angry, to be enraged, to be provoked to
of animals which, when they prepare to take a leap,
draw their feet together in order to spring with greater
anger. Proverbs 25:23, D'PPT? C.^3" an enraged
countenance," i. e. one that is morose. Vulg. faciet
force (comp. Y$%, fid) iufummenjie^n jum pvungc/
Jo); tristis (comp. ^JVT). Hence
firf) fortf dmcllcn also used of shooting an arrow. [" Com-
CyT ni. (l) [" properly ff>"m, so used perhapa
pare DM ?."]

Isaiah 30:27; hence Jierceness,"] anger or indigna-

Pi EL, to leap forth very violently, spoken of a
Deut. 33:22. LXX. tion, especially the wrath of God as shown in the
lion, [" iKirtiliiaiTat, in other
MSS. iKTrijCi'imt. Kimchi 3?V'j
infliction of punishment; punishment sent from God
Hence D'ipj for D'i??t arrows, also nip'T for rripj (opyi'i), [" always in this sense, except Hos. 7: 16"],
Isa. 10:5,25; 26:20; 30:27; Dan. 8:19. DJ?t DV?
[and Cj?TX ]. :

Ezckiel 22:24.
in the day of (divine) indignation.
f ic eat, the effect of violent motion (from Daniel 11:36, CVA '"l^S "IV " until the punishment
i"IJ?T f.

the root JW, whence the Tzere is impure). [In Thes.

sent from God be completed ;"' comp. Dan. 8: 19.
derived from U], Gen. 3: 19; elsewhere there is also
(2) rage, insolence. Hosca7:i6, DJ1C7 DJftp
P. " because of the insolence of their
(Talmud. njJ'T sweat, V'jn to sweat, Syr. J>fcoo> tongue."
weat, whence a new verb A^> to sweat.)
^iJi! fut. A. (l) TO BE ANGRY, followed by /S
formed by transposition of letters from
Prov. 19 3, DV 2 Chron. 26:19. (The original idea is
either that of foaming, the same as DyT, compare the
nyjt (like ni^y for n^J?) trouble ["prop, shaking,
words of which the syllable say; is the common stock,
agitation, i. e. oppression, maltreatment"], Deu.
18:25; Eztf. 23:46 a'ro, and Jer. 15:4; 24:9; 29: see HDJ: or else that of burning, compare Syr.
18; .Viri-mp. Ethpe. to be burned, and the quadriliteral

[" The primary signification is either to breathe, as Genesis 18:20, Dtp r>pj?| "the cry concerting
to snuff up, (Sam. 3V A^ id. comp. Ch. NSJJ! a strong Sodom."
wind,) or else, to b urn."]
^'> '

(2) tobesad, to fret, tobe morose(asto the con- T

an unused root. Aram. ;_ij,"iyt lobelittl^
nection of ideas see under the root 3-$). Part. D'Ql?t q. Heb. ~V*.
Comp. under Wf- Hence TJ?T Heb.
sad, Gen. 40:6, i. q. D*JH verse 7; Dan. i 10 (of the :
and Ch.,
countenance, as having become thin and sad-looking
llST an unusedroot (whence nai pitch), which I
through long fasting. Well rendered by Theod. OKV-
Matt. 6: 16). Hence suppose to have had the signification of flowing or pour-
0/iw7ro'c, comp.
ing, and hence to have been applied to fluid or fusible
m. angry, enraged. iKi. 20:43; 21: 4>
^jyJ ndj. materials, as is the case with many words springing
from the stock sap, sp as N?D, nBt?, DDE?, ^jL:, Arabic
^1 with suff. te-V! in. anger, rage, 2 Ch. 16: 10; i .%. to flow, to become liquid, and ,__ j. to become
28:9; figuratively used of the raging of the sea,
to melt into drops; in western languages,
Jonah 1:15. liquid,
o-TTt'w, spuo, spuma, sapa, sapo ; fyn;cn/ (Sfeicr.d/ <Saft
fut. py?! imp. P2J inf. pty i.
q. pyy (which etft.
[In the Thes. HSJ is referred to ^t as its root,
latter word is peculiar to the more ancient books of hence this supposed root is altogether omitted.]

the Old Test, while on the other hand pJJT, d^>) is

an unused root. Arab, .it) to diffuse a
more common in Chaldee [and Syriac]. In Arabic
sweet smell, as a garden. Hence
both occur, the same as in Hebrew, j*^ and i.\ .

*~> o ^'
also rz j), TO CRY OUT, TO EXCLAIM, especially for I : ("sweet smell''), [Ziphron~\, pr. n. of a
town in the north of Palestine; once Nu. 34:9.
sorrow, as complaining and imploring aid. P is pre-
fixed to the person implored, Ps. 22:6; 142:2; Hos.
pitch, Ex. 2:3; Isa. 34:9. Arab.
7:14; ? l Ch.5:2O; in theacc. Jud.l2:2; Neh.g:28.
TV is prefixed to the cause of complaint, Jer. 30: 15; Aram. JA^aj, KPIfT; but also NT, from the root HBT,
^ Isa. 15:5; Jer. 48:31; \3?^P l Sa. 8:18; it also which see. [In the Thesaurus this word is referred
stands in the accusative, as in Hab. l :2, where both to Cj-IT (like nE'g from Pip), as having the idea oi

constructions are combined, DOH ^P?^ PJ?1^

" n
(how liquefaction or dropping.] In Arabic servile passes

long) shall I
cry unto thee concerning violence?" into a radical letter; see ^nn.

comp. Job 19:7. I. or in the plur. D'PJ (for D'p?f, from

pi, only
NIPHAL, the passive of HIPH. No. 3, to be called shoot an arrow), arrows, especially as ignited,
P3T to
together, Jud. 18:22, 23; hence to assemble selves, Pro. 26:18. Also found in the form flip'!, which see.
iSa. 14:20; Jud. 6:34, 35.
HIPIIIL.(l) i.q. Kal, to cry out, but properly II.
pi or pi, only in the pi. DM*?, fetters, chains^
to occasion a cry, Job 35:9; to proclaim; used from the root PEJ No. l. Psal. 149:8; Isa. 45:14;
absol. Jon. 3:7. Nah. 3: 10; Job 36:^8. (Ch. Pi?T id., also in the Tal-
(a) to call, to call upon, followed by an accu- mud D'P/T). See D'P.T**. [In Thes. this word is de-
sative, Zee. 6:8. rived from the root P?T in the sense of binding.']
(3) With icference to many it
signifies, to call
together, to assemble, 283.20:4,5; Jud.4: 10,13. comm. (Isa.i5:2; 2Sa.iC:5), THE BEAKDED
*" S
[The derivatives follow.]
CHIN of a man, Lev. 13:29,30; 19:27. (Arab.
if j
pVl Ch. to cry out, Dan. 6:21. 9 f
chin; ju_Q) beard or chin.)
pi! m. an outcry, 30: 19. [By many taken
as the inf. of the verb so also Gesen. in |p! fut. IPJ? to be old, to become old, to grow
Thes.] The
word more commonly used is old (properly to have the chin hanging down, from
s >-

an outcry, especially that which \\>\, like .ij an old man with a chin hanging down,
f. is the
expression of sorrow, or the cry for aid.Isa. 15:5; decrepid in which perhaps may be found the origin

65:19; Neh.5:6; 9:9; Jer. 18:22; 20: 16; 50:46. of the Latin senex, senectus, which others have ab-
It is sometimes followed
by a genitive objectively, surdly taken as used for seminex}. This word, how*
ever, is used not merely of decrepit, but also of (2) TO SQUEEZE THROUGH a strainer, to strait.
rigorous old age, Gen.iS: 12, 13; 19:31 ; 24: l 27: l ; ;
hence to refine (a) wine (see PUAL, comp. Arab.
I Sa 2:22, etc.

[But is not decrepitude implied in

all these passages?] For the difference between ;: wine newly pressed out). (b) metals, Job 25:1.

and its
synonyms i^, 3&, &W see those words. With this signification agree oxk-coc, o/u-oc, sackcloth,

HIPHIL, intrans. to be old, to become old (as if to a strainer; <TK-'W, pacEtvw, <TUKKIU Lat. saccus, ;

contract old age, comp p'inn [" in Heb. Gr. 52. 2, saccare; Hebr. p$?; and the same stock is found in
note"]), Pro. -22": 6; also of plants, Job 14:8; just as fcit;en fctgen/ fci-jcrn/ ficfrrn/ properly used of metals.

Pliny applies senesco to trees. (3) to pour, to pour out, in a general sense, like
the French couler, and the Latin dlare, Job 36:27.
li2T Gen. 24:2, pi. D'?PJ, \3pT m. an old
jpf constr. PiEL
man Pi?T to refine, to purify gold, Mai. 3:3.
["either put as an adj. with a subst., as B?'?X.
PUAL, to be refined, used of wine, Isa. 25:6; oi
lp}0 the old man your father,' Gen. 43: 27, or alone

metal, Ch. 28:18; 29:4; Ps. 12:7.

as a subst., as Gen. 19:4, etc." Thes.], Gen. 18: ll ;
Hence D'i?I No. II. [In Thes. derived from p?T.]
*9 4, 25:8; followed by iP older than some one.

Job 32: 4, D'P/? 138D nDfTTrapJ 3 "for they were "ft a stranger, an enemy; see the root TIT No. IL
older than he;" Dp.VP, Tjjn, T^f* 'JpJ the elders
A m. border, edge, wreathed work, crown
of Israel, of the city, of Egypt, i. e. the chief men,
around a table, or the ark of the covenant, Ex. 25 1 1, :

rulers, magistrates, without reference to the idea of 9 =

2 4, 2 5; 37:2,11,26. Syr. J^j neckchaiu, collar.
age; Ex.3:l6; 4:29; Deu.l9:l2; 21 13,4,6;- 22:15,
s <- Root TTT No. I.
17, 18. (The use is similar of the Arab. sheikh, ^*,
f. for HIT once Nu. 11 :2O, loathing. Vulg.
an old man, hence the captain of a tribe and in the ;

languages sprung from the Latin, Ital. Signor, French nausea, from the root "W, ,\ j which see.

Seigneur, Spanish Senor, Engl. Sir, all of which are

from the Latin Senior; as Germ, diraf/ is properly 2 jj unused in Kal, i.
q. Syr. .Ciij TO MAKB
i. In no language, how- NARKOW. [In Thes. many meanings which have
q. grate, fraioo,
been proposed for this root, are discussed that re-
ever, does this reverence for old age appear more ;

habitual and familiar, than in the Chinese; in which garded by Gesenius as most probable, is to perish,
the ministers of a king, even though young, are called to be dissipated. In Corr. Gesenius compares Ch.

great king father,i. e. a man of

very high eminence; Ithpeal to pour out, to flow off, or away, whence
and men of the same rank address each other " O 2to"tf gutter; and by transpos. 3HP; Arab. (__;_
my elder brother !") Metaph. used of an old nation, channel.] It once occurs in

become, weak, Isa. 47 :6. Plur. f. JTUpJ Zee. 8:4. PUAL, used of rivers, W)V n#? at the time when
they become narrow ["what time they flow off, they
m. old age, Gen. 48: 10.
fail, i. e. when the waters flow off, the streams dry

rUpT f. old age, Gen. 24:36; Psal. 71:9, 18. up"], Job 6: 17.
s -<-
Kightly compared with Arabic
Metaph. of a nation, Isa. 46:4; cpmp. Isa. 47:6. a narrow channel.
t__^ ; c

D'}p} m. pi. id., Gen. 21:2, 7 44:20. D'ipJ-fS ;

a son born in old age, Gen. 37 3. (As to denomina- :

(probably for [" 33nj 'scattered to Ba-
tives of this form, see Lehrg. 122, No. 13.) bylon,' or for"] ^23 J?Vf "born at Babylon"),
pr. n. Zerubbabel (LXX. ZtipuftupiX), a descendant
To RAISE, figuratively TO COMFOET the af- of David, who brought back the first colony oi' the
Jews to their own land, after the Babylonish cap-
flicted, Ps. 145: 14; 146:8. (Syr. csioj id.)
Ezr. 3 : 2 ; 3 2
; Hag. l : l.

Ch. to raise up, to hang, e. g. a criminal on
a stake set up. (Syr. ><=^c> | to
crucify.) Ezr. 6: 1 1. I jJ an unused root. Chald. to prune trees to ;
" in this passage to the man, not
[Note. spi?? applies clear them of leaves and branches. TTT. the luxuriant
to the wood."] Whence
growth of trees.

to tie
(i) fast, toind(Chald. PPJ id.), [Zered, Zared], pr. n. of a valley (Num.
whence D'pT and D'PJ^ bonds. [This meaning in 21:12), and of the river flowing in it; eastwud oi
Jordan, on the confines of Mcab ( 2:13, 14),
wholly excluded.]
Targ. Jonath. brook of willows, compare 2 Ch. 32:8, 1^3 ynj "human power." Ps. 44:4,
Isa. 15:7. Job 40:9, VT WIT "the strength of his hands;"
Gen. 49: 24. Hence military force, an army, Dan.
fu t. rnp, apoc. ">r (i) TO SCATTER, TO 11:15, 22, 31. (b) violence, Job 35:9. V^\ ^X
DISPERSE (Arab. ^ , J to disperse e. g. dust by the "a violent man;" Job 22:8. Here the phrase
wind, winnow. Syr. and Chald. ), ^l* !. Kin-
II to
belongs to break the arm of any one, for to destroy his
l Sam. 2:31; Job
dred verbs, all of which have the sense of scattering, power, or violence, 22:9; 38:15;
V3I, ?% -HT No. II, also HIT, Arab. \, j to sow. In Ps. 10:15; 37:17 (comp. Arab. $.xJ- i^j)- ( )

the Indo-Germanic languages corresponding words strength imparted to another in aiding him, hence
are Sanscr. sri, to scatter, stro, and with the addition h e Ip, a id. Ps. 83:9; Isa. 33:2 (like the Arab,
of p or t to the sibilant, Sanscr. stri, to spread out,
Pers. ,;b an arm, also aid; Syr. )L^5 ;_2s son of arm,
ffropiu), flrcucn/ sterno ; mrelpM, spargo, Goth, spreihan,
Germ, fpruljcn/ <3preu [English to strew]). Ex. 32:20; i.e. helper; see farther on the place referred to in

Nu. 17:2; Isa. 30:22. Especially Isainh),hence a helper, a companion, Isa. 9; 19

ivinnow, Isa. 30:24; Jer.4:ll; Ruth. 3:2,
(2) to (comp. Jer. 9:19, where for this word is found JH).
Dny'fri firn rrr) N-irrnjn behold he winnows his
LXX. Cod. Alex. a?e\^o'c. Ji^T^ is the same word
barn floor of barley." with Aleph prosthetic.
Figiiratively applied to the
dispersion of enemies. Jer. 15:7; Isa. 41:16; Eze.
m. (verbal of Piel, from the root FIT of the
5 = 2.
form p-13D) so ton, Levit. 11:37; phir.
that which is
(3) to spread out generally, whence fry. a span.
NIPIUL SWti.things soivn, garden herbs, Isa. 61 11. :

to be scattered, Eze. 6:8; 36:19.

PIELHIT. (i) to spread abroad, Pro. 15:7, hence
] )"]! m. quadril. formed from the root *nT a violent
9 = 9
to scatter, to disperse, e.g. nations, Levit. 26:33; Talmud.
shower, Ps. 72:6. Syr. IjLsu'i a shower.
Eze.5:10; 6:5; 12:15; 30:26; Pro. 2O:8, "a king
N'Ol 'S^PT sprinklings of water, drops.
...scatters away all evil with his look."
winnow, Pro. 20:26; and hence to win now
(2) to '
ML tied together,girded,from "HTT
(which see),
jut, to shakeout,and thus to examine thoroughly. the radical being inserted in the last syllable, as

Ps- 139:3) 9'"?! ^1} T>"!?"thou hast searched me in the word TPT, once Pro. 30:31, D^D? I'P.l "girt
in my walking and in my lying down." Jerome in the loins,"
by which a war horse is meant, as
eventilasti LXX. tt,i.yviaaa.. (The figurative signi- ornamented about the loins with girths and buckles
fication is found in the Arabic J to know.) ^ ,
(such ornaments are very frequent in the sculptures
at Persepolis), compare Bochart, Hieroz. t. i.p. 102.
PUAL, scattered, Job 18: 15; to be spread
to be
Schultens. ad h. 1. Joh. Simonis understands it of a
o u t, Pro.
1:17 As to the form nit Isa. 30:24, which
some place here, it is the participle of Kal used Zebra, or the wild ass of Abyssinia, as if so called
from its skin being striped as if girded. Some of the
impersonally, and Hi) Ps. 58 4, is from the root : "I-1T.
Hebrew interpreters understand it to mean a grey-
Derivatives, rnj, fTTJD, Dnjp.
hound ["others understand a wrestler, see Talm,
".'"IT f.
(rarely masc. Isa. 17:5; 51:5; Dan. 11: Hieros. Taanith, fol. 57 ;
Maurer ad h. 1.
15> 22, especially in the signification No. 1. Comp.
Lehrg.p.47o), m. pi.
C' and Dl-. l>
]J fut. nip. (i) TO RISE, used of the sim, Gen.
(l) an arm, Isa. 17:5; 40 1 1 especially the fore
32:32; Ex. 22:2; 2
Sa. 23:4; Ps. 104:22, etc.: also
inn, as in Lat. brachium KUT i,o-^i]f (differing from
applied to light, Isa. 58: 1O; to the glory of God, 60:
nji? laoertus), Job 26:2; in animals the fore leg,
1,2; Deut. 33:2. (It properly means to scatter
shoulder, ^a^/wj', Nu. 6:19; Deut. 18 (Arabic
rays, comp. the kindred words H1J, "lit. This root

Aram. WTW, )L^$ an arm, is

variously changed in the cognate languages hence
also a cubit, from ;

in Arabic and JEthiopic -ji UJ/ ^ n Aramscar:
the root jnt No.
i). rntDp gh| a stretched* out arm, a
gesture of threatening applied to a people ready for
battle [ ascribed to God "] Exod. 6:6; Deu. 4:34; ,
(2) It is
figuratively applied (a) to leprosy break-
Eze. 20:33, 34? non Jht Job 38: 15.
similarly ing out in the skin, (b) in the derivatives also to a
(a) Figuratively (a) strength, might, power, foetus breaking forth from the womb (see HTJ and
Gen. 38:30), and (c) to a plant springing up, i.q. 2:2, njM-lf pX a land not sown." (d) with
rns, sec n "JT$?. ace. both of the seed and the Lev. 19:19, Tl^l field.

Derivatives, n "J?, n 7^> pr.n. nj'TlJ!,

and the words D^/ ? Jnjn *6 " thou shalt not sow thy field wi*h

immediately following. divers kinds." Dent. 22:9; Isa. 30:23; Jnd. 9:45.
To scatter seed is also said of a plant which bears
n"lT m.
sufF. ^n-j! (l) a rising of light, Isa.
seed, Gen. 129; comp. 12.
Metaphorically? to sow
justice, Pro. 1 1 18 and on the contrary, wickedness,

(2) [Zerah, ZaraJi], pr. n. (a) of a son of

Pro. 22 8; mischief, Job 4:8; the wind, Hos. 8:7,

Judah, by Tamar his daughter-in-law, 6611.38:30;

that is, by good or evil actions to provide rewards or
Nu. 26 20. (b) of a son of lieuel, Gen. 36: 13, 17.

m punishments answering to the figure of the harvest;

(c) m. Num. 26:13,
other places called "IHT.
comp. Gal. 6:7, 8. [The NBAV Testament use of lan-
(d) Ch. 6:6,26.
l (e) ["A king or leader of the
guage, apart from its context, must not be pressed too
Ethiopians, who invaded Judah in the reign of Asa"], far to illustrate Old Test, how " God
expressions ;
aCh. 14:8. Gr. Zapa.
could be just, and yet the justifier,"had not then been
*D"1? [Zar kites], patron, from rnj No. 2, a., Nu. manifested.] little A
differently, Hos. 10: 12, D5? W"!l
26:13,20. See TPJK ""?0 *?? '"'Vi?
n i?"jy? "sow for
yourselves according
to righteousness, reap according to the mercy (of
l^ - ("whom Jehovah caused to rise," see
JHT ite
No. m. God)." Ps. 97 : 1 1 , PTK& light (i.e. happi-
2, b), [ZerahiaJi], pr. n. (l) l Chr.
ness) shed abroad (isprepared) for the righteous."
5:32 6:36; Ezr. 7:4,
for which H'rnj.' occurs, l Ch.
To sow a nation, i
q. to multiply, to increase, Hos. a :
7:3. (2) Ezr. 8:4.
25; Jer. 31:27.
["D*~lT i.q. D^I (see Thes.) a violent shower, (3) to sow, i.q. to plant, with two ace. Isa. 17: 1O.
inundation, bursting of a cloud. Isa. 1:7, ri33np| NIPHAL (l) to be scattered, Eze. 36:9.
" as the desolation of an
D*")T inundation," or over- (a) to be sown. Lev. 11:37. Figuratively, Nah.
" there shall be sown no more of
whelming rain. See in partic. 3. Root C"1J."J 1:14, thy name,"
i.e. thy name shall be no more perpetuated.
(3) to be sown, spoken of a woman, i.e. to be made
which see; followed by an ace. to inundate, to over-
fruitful, to conceive, Nu. 5:28.
whelm, to bear away, Ps. 90:5.
pass, of 2, Isa. 40:24.
POEL, to pour out, with ace. Ps. 77 18. : Hence
HIPHIL (l) to bear seed,Gen. l :ll,
as a plant.

2*3| a shower, storm of rain, storm, Isa. 4:6; Jri? ? 2t?J7 comp. verse 29, where there is in the

25 4; 28 2, "TQ D^T. "a shower with hail-storm."

: : same context, JHT. O.
T*i? E}T a violent storm, which throws down walls, (2) to conceive seed, speaking of a woman; to be
Isa. 25:4. made fruitful, Lev. 12:2; comp. NIPHAL, No. 3.
Derivatives, besides those which immediately fol-
HO"]? fem> seminis fluxus, used in speaking of
low, xh| (tfn!?), y^n.!, ^jrir, jnyo.
stallions, Eze. 23:20.

. const, id.; once Pit Nu. 11:7, with suff.

* J; fut. in?* (l) TO SCATTER, TO DISPERSE, with
suff. D3T?! (l Sa. 8:15).
Zee. 10:9. See the kindred roots commencing with
(1) prop, sowing; hence seedtime, the time oj
the syllable IT under the root H^T. From the kindred
sowing, i.e. winter, Gen. 8:22; Lev. 26 :/}; also, a
signification of expanding, is derived yi">! an arm, like
a span, from HIT. A planting, Isa. 17:11 (compare the root No. 3).
secondary root, and derived
(2) seed, that which is scattered, whether of
from n\.j is found in Arab, c .j to attack Gen.
plants, trees, or grain,
JTli?, 1 1 1, 12, 29
47 23 ;

violently, to seize,
IV. to take in the arms. Lev. 26:16; Deu. 22:9; Ecc. ii:G; hence that which
(2) Especially, to scatter seed, to sow (Arabic springs from seed sown, harvest, field of grain,
JEth. Constr.
iSa. 8:15; the produce of fields, Job 39: 12; Isa
cy,, Syr. xTij, HCO: id.). (a) absol.
Job 31 :8; Isa. 37:30. (b) with an ace. of the seed (3) semen virile, Lev. 15:16, seq.; 18:21; 19: 20
sown 'e.g. D'tin jnj to sow wheat), Jer.12:13; Hag. (comp. the verb, NIPHAL, No. 3 HIPHIL, No. 2) hence ; ;

1:6; Lev. 26: 16; Ecc. 11:6. (c) with ace. of the (a)offspring,progeny, descendants, Gen.3 1.5;
field sown, Gen 47:23; Ex. 23:10; Lev. 25:3. Jer. 13:16; 1/5:6, 13; 17:7, 10; 21:13, etc.; alsoofon
CCLV n-mt
eon (when an only one, the passage therefore, Gen. 3: sprinkle upon, Exod. loc. cit. Intrans. Hos. 7:9, C|
15, is not to be thus explained, as is done by polemical
13 rt|T]T "grey hairs also are scattered upoc
theologians). Gen. 4 25. l Sa. l 1 1 , DT?.
" male
: :
^ him." Compare the Lat. spargere, in the
same sense,
offspring." [The remark upon Gen. 3:15 is in-
Prop. iii. 4, 24, and Arab. \ , j to scatter, Mcd. E. to
tended apparently to contradict its application to the
be grey on the front of the head (prop, to be sprinkled
Lord Jesus Christ and his redemption, as if he could
over with grey hairs, to begin to be grey).
not be the seed of the woman in reply it will here ;

PUAL, pass. Nu. 19: 13, 20.

remark, that in the very passage cited, im-
suffice to
[Hence pnjp.]
mediately after Gen. 4:25, it is clear that ID! is used
of one son, namely, Seth, when he was not an only
I. '
J; an unused root, i.
q. Arab. <: to bind
one, because Cain was yet alive; and further, this
seed of the woman was to bruise the head of the together, as with buckles, to buckle a kindred root ;

" to TIT No. I, also "n, T-1X. Hence the nouns ">1,
tempter, thy head," which can in no sense apply to
~>\n!. In Chaldee there occurs HJ to bind, originating
any but Christ individually, who became incarnate,
" that in the quadril. ITU.
by means of death he might destroy him that
had the power of death, that is the devil."] 1JTIT JHJ
the offspring of thy offspring, i. e. Isa.
II. >}\ prop. TO SCATTER; like the Arab. ,j:
thy descendants,
kindred roots "Tir, y]T, PIT. Hence
59:21. stock, race, family; ^KT?" JTTJ Psa.
POEL "vVlt to sneeze, in doing Avhich the particles
2 :
24. %Sn JHJ, n3bp?3n 'T the royal 'race, '2 Ki.
of mucus are scattered from the nostrils, 2 Ki. 4:35.
1 1 : l ;
l Ki. 1 1 :
14. (c) a race of men, as &?p JHT
Isa. 6:13; 1]
'P.-'n? jnj Isa. 65:23; and in an evil Comp. Ch. "V}? sneezing; see Schult. ad Job. 41 : 10.

sense, D'inP Pit Isa. 1:4; JHT, Isa. 57:4; comp. "W
Hebr. nrr)|, Gr., Matt. 3:17; Germ. S3rut, ("gold," from the Persian ,; gold, Avith the

French race. termination pr. n. of the wife of

^.), [Zeresli],
["(4) a planting, what is planted, Isa. 17: 11. Haman, Est. 6:13.

Also, a sprout, a shoot, Eze. 17:5. See the root in

JTTJ f. a span, Exod. 28:16; 39:9; l Sam. 17:4.
Kal No. 3."] p I 9 F

JH! Oh. id. Dan. 2:43. (Aram. Lij, JUj, N P7* ^-)> ^rom tne root n "3l to spread
out; whence It(for'rriT); f. nTJ, like nnp. from nTjJ,
& S m. pi. vegetables, herbs, vege- np3 from HD3. ["Also according to the Kabbins JTTJ
table food, such as is eaten in a half fast; opposed to little finger, for HTJ^and hence they derive the
is the
flesh and more delicate food, Dan. 1:12, 16 (Ch. and
* * V
meaning of a span, as being terminated by the little
Talmud. Syr. JLjO_^jJ id.).
finger." Ges. add.]

an unused root. Arab, used an unused root, perh. Aram. fc*rn=XB'

J^iJ to flow,
i <!
]-l /' i.
of water or tears. D1T. Hence the quadri- whence
Comp. to germinate,
literal W)l
\Zatt\i\, pr.n. m. Ezr. 2:8; 10:27; Neh.

(a kindred root to rnt, JHT)
ll 7:13; 10:15.
(a) dry things, such as dust, Job 2:12; 2 Ch. 34:4;
CHT (perhaps i.q. DnI,!0^ "olive"),
cinders, Exod. 9 8, 10; live coals, Eze. 10 2. :
() :

more often liquid things pr.n. m. l Ch. 23:8; 26:22.

(to sprinkle, fpvengcn), such as
water, Nu. 19: 13; blood, Ex. 24:6; 29: 16, 20; Lev. "
! (perhaps i. q. "TQ$ star"), \Zefhar\, pr.n.
1 :
5> i 1
5 3 2, and often besides. Followed by Vy to of a eunuch of Xerxes, Est. l : 10.

the eighth letter of the a hedge, or fence, from the root
n^Pl, alphabet, as a bably signifies
numeral denoting eight. The shape of this letter in
the Phoenician to surround, to gird, n and B being interchaEg jJ.
monuments, and the Hebrew is V^A,
The name corresponds to that of the ^Ethiopia lettei
(whence the Greek 17), and its name pro- rh Haut.
As to the pronunciation of this letter, which is the HIL. to hide, Josh. 6:17,25; iKi. 18:13; 2Ki.
harshest of the gutturals, it seems anciently to have 6:29.
had iOiuetimes a softer sound, like that of double h; HOPHAL, pass. Isa. 42 :22.
sometimes a harsher and stronger sound, like that of HITHPAEL, i.q. Niphal, i Sa. 13:6; 14: 11, etc

the letters kk ; these two sounds were afterwards, in Derivatives,,

Arabic and yEthiopic, expressed by two different
letters _, fa (Haul) = hh and , *i (Harm) = kh TO LOVE, found once Deut. 33:3.

(although in ./Ethiopia the distinction became obso-

JL^ HI. X., Syr.
I. Pe. and Pa. id. ^L
is found in breathing upon, warming,
lete, so that both are pronounced with a soft sound original idea
like li) ;
it is thus that the same Hebrew root is often cherishing (whence 3h the lap, the bosom, in which
in Arabic written in two different ways; as flV^ to any thing is wanned or cherished); compare the
kill, Arab. ^
and ^j, to break to pieces. More
, ,
remarks made on the root 3ns. There is a manifest
trace of this origin in the Syr. .>_. to burn, used of
however, the varying significations of the same
often, 9 9
Hebrew root are distinguished in Arabic by this fire ; \
">'->.. a burning, heat, especially as raised by
double manner of pronunciation ;
as P?n (i) to be blowing. Hence, besides 3h is derived
imooth (Arab. ,+>. trans, to make smooth or bald,
("beloved"), ^Hobab'], pr.n. of the fathei
to shave;) (2) to smooth, to form (Arab. /dr>- to in-law of Moses, Nu. 10:29; Jud. 4:11. Comp. ~>JV,
form, to create); ??n (i) to pierce (Arab.
N3n TO HIDE ONESELF. In Kal once
Conj. I.
V.): (2) to open, to loose (Arab. Jis-)>
imp. *3n Isa. 26:20.
comp. the roots 3On, Din, Enn.
NIPHAL, inf. nsnn id., i Ki. 22:25; 2Ki. 7:n.
most frequently with n (which
It is interchanged
and the proper names n^Oj
Derivatives, ]i'3n
nee) besides the gutturals it also, on account of the simi-

larity of its sound, is interchanged with the palatals,

especially 3 ; comp. the roots ?*| and 7-IHj
7*n ; ?3| and f. Chald. a wicked action, wickedness
!?3n ; rn and*nn. Dan. 6:23; compare the root /'Sn Neh. 1:7.
Like X and n it is sometimes prefixed to triliteral
roots, and thus quadriliterals are fonned; see '^jri, ("joining together"), [77aior], pr.n.
n3DCTI, and Lehrg. p. 863. Chaboras, a river of Mesopotamia, rising near Rat
el 'Ain, falling into the Euphrates at Circesium, 2 KL
2H *?n m. bosom, lap, from the idea
with suff.
iCh. 5:26; Arab. ,v'ci-, comp. 133.
17:6; 18: ll;
of cherishing; see the root 3?n, Job 31 133. (Ch.
K3n, K3in, N3in id., Sam. 3-$.) & n^!i (Isaiah 53:5), f. a stripe or
bruise, the mark of strokes on the skin, Gen. 4:83;
unused in Kal, i.q. n3n TO HIDE, compare Isa. 1:6; 53:5; Ps. 38:6; from the root ">3n No. 3,
which see.
the kindred roots K2n, ian. Arab. U^, ^Eth.

to hide; also L-^ for .-^ to put out fire, properly

B3fT TO BEAT OUT, or OFF, with a

to hide; Conj. X. to hide cneself. stick (Arab. _ly^ to beat off leaves with a stick).

NIIMIAL, to hideoneself,to lie hid. Gen. 3:10; Jud. (1) to beat off apples or olives
from the tree,
" when the
Q:5; Job 29-8, youths saw me they hid Deu. 24:20; Isa. 27:12.
themselves," i.e. they gave place to me out of (2) to beat out or thresh corn
with a stick or
respect and modesty; verse 1O, "the voice of the flail, Jud. 6: 1 1 ;
Ruth 2:17. (Arab, .ko-.l
princes hid itself," that is, they were silent, held
NIPHAL, pass, of No. 2, Isa. 28:27.
their peace. Followed by 3 JosLio:i6; a Sam.
17:9, and ^S i Sa. 1O:22. With an inf. following, rP3n (" whom Jehovah hides," i.e. defends),
it must be rendered
by an adverb (like \nvQuvtiv [Hobaiali], pr.n. m. Ezr. 2:61; Neh. 7: 63.
with part.) Gen. 31:27, rh3^ nxaru rcsb why
hast thou fled away secretly?" JV?H m . a covering, Hab. 3:4, from the roo*

\iAL,i<L$ beforced to hide oneself, Job 24:4.

fen CCLVII San-nn
yoke: [Qu. as to this rendering and exposition of th
5n [see note at the end of the next art.] (i)
last word of the passage], (Deu. 32:14; Hos. 4: 16).
Hence ftyOQ.
( Corresponding is Arab. U*., for which see Kamus,

L L L [Note. In Thes. 73H is treated as one root; signify-

Kindred roots are 733, 733, also ~i?n, >in).
p. 1219. ing in KAL (l) to bind, to twist. (2) to bind by
Hence 7in a cord. Part. 7?.'n properly, tying or a pledge. (3) to pervert, and intrans. to act tvick-
It is thus ap-
binding, poetically used for a cord. edly. NIPHAL, pass, of PIEL No. 2. PIEL (l) i.q.
the parabolic name of the rod or crook
parently that KAL No. l, to twist, hence to writhe with pain, to
D^lh Zee. 11 :7, 14 (Luth. bcr tab SBefye), should be bring forth. (2) to overturn, to disturb, to cast
understood, that is a crook of cords or bands, on the abroad, hence to lay ivaste, to destroy. PUAL,
breaking of which the brotherly covenant is made void
S O - pass, of Piel, No. 2.]

[" Comp. Arab. J^-*. league, covenant."]

(ver. 14). 7?H Ch. PAEL (l) to hurt, Dan. 6:23.
bindtosome one by a pledge, to take a
(2) (2) to spoil, destroy, Dan. 4:20; Ezr. 6:12.

pledge from some one, with an ace.

of the person,
ITHPAEL, to perish, to be destroyed, spoken of a
Job 22:6; Prov. 2O:l6; 27:13; also with ace. of
" to take kingdom, Dan. 2:44; 6:27; 7:14.
the thing pledged, (something) in pledge,"
especially used
of one who compels a debtor to give 7?n Isai. 66:7, usually in the pi. Ev30, const.
a pledge, Deut. 24:6. 17; Exod. 22:25; Job24:3- \73n m. pa ins, pangs, especially of parturient women
78 TEW "and the
Job 24 -.9, &IT! $
7jn for $ (see the root in Piel), o^Tr^c (Syr. )|^A/ id.), Isaiah
of the is on the poor) they take " when
garment poor (what 13:8; Jer. 13:21. Jer.22:23, Q^?n ^"^'3?
as a pledge;" comp. 7. Part. pass. 7-12n taken to
pangs come upon thee." Isa. 66:7; Hos. 13:13.

pledge, Amos 2:8; (compare Arab. J~- to make a Job 39:3, ""IJrip^ Envsn properly " they cast forth
o -
S S -
their pangs," i. e. they bring forth their young ones
Covenant, Ao- a covenant, and with Kha ,J-ci.
9 & with pain. Since the pain of parturition ceases with
debt, usury, see Kamfts, p. 1434, Syr. JJ_2so^, Chal. the birth, a parturient mother may well be said to
i$ttq id.). cast forth her pangs together with her offspring. (In
72n II.]
[(3) See Greek also d?tv is vised of offspring brought forth with

PIEL, to ivrithewith painsor sorroivs, [hence] pain, Eurip.

Ion. 45, ./Eschyl. Agam. 1427). Of otter
tobring forth. Cant. 8:5; Ps-7:l5. Hence *?3n pains once, Job 21 :
a pang, pain. [This word and the following have sometimes been
The derivatives follow, except niPSriFI. taken as the same; which appears to be correct; see
II. the connection between Acts 2:24 and Psalm 18:4
t ne
?5v [ see note at en(i f tne art.] fut.
(Heb. 5), and 116:3; an<3 see note on the root.]
730!, 73C1! Arab. J-r*-.
q. (l) to spoil, to cor-
rupt (see PIEL). (2) to act corruptly, or wick-
3H m .
(once f.
Zeph. 2:6), with suff. ?D pL
edly. Job 34: 31, ?3riK N7 "I will not act cor- D?b const. ^?n ps .
18:5; 116:3, and ^3D Joshua
r s^- ,
ruptly (any more)," followed by ? Neh. l j. (Arab.

17:5. (l) a cord, a rope (Arab. J.^,Syr. ^^^

Lrk Med. E. to be foolish. Syr. and Ch. Pa. to
^Ethiop. fh-f)^: To this answer
Gr. uapXoc, French
wickedly.) Interpreters have well observed [but nor was there ground for the
[and English] cable,
J that this root is different in its origin from
see note!
i i
f rejection of the Greek word as fictitious, as was done
J-*- No. Perhaps 7?n to be vain, to act
by some philologists, see Passow. Lex. i. 779). Josh
<3pi I.

a cognate root to this. " a cord made of silver

vainly, is 2:15. Ecc. 12:6, HP? D ?5P
NIPHAL, to be destroyed, Prov 13:13. threads."
PIEL, to spoil, to destroy, Ecc. ,5:5; with refer- (2) especially a measuring line, Amos 7: 17}
ence to men, Isa. 32:7; to countries, i. q. to lay 2 Sa. 8:2 hence; (a) a measured field, given to
waste, Isa. 13:5; 54:16; Mic. 2:10. any one by lot, Josh. 17:14; 19:9, and thus inhe-
PUAL, pass. Job 17:1, n^3n 'nm "my breath is ritance, portion, possession. Psal. 16:6, Dv^CI
destroyed," i.e. my vital strength is exhausted. D'P^SS ^"'79(3 a portion has been allotted to me
Isa. 10:27,

be broken
" and th e
yoke (of Is- in a pleasant region."
" Jacob
Deut. 32:9, inVqi 72P -p#!
rael) shall because of fatness;" where (is) his possession." Hence, in a general
Israel is likened to a fat and wanton bull breaking the sense, atractofland, a region, Deu. 3:4, 13, 14.

'?n a maritime district, sea-coast, Zeph. colour, growing from poisonous bulbs. As to the
1:5,6! etymology, it is clear that in this quadriliteral the
(3) agin,anoose, a snare, Ps. 140:6; Job 18: triliteral ?3 a bulb may be traced; while the n
to. V'W nip TflJ, snares of death, of Hades" is a guttural sound, such as is also prefixed to
if this word and the preceding are to be taken to- other roots (see D'SE^D, Lehrg. p. 863), or, according
gether, (and from the connection with the N. Test, it to Ewald's judgment (on Cant. loc. cit.), this quad-
riliteral is composed of H?F and ?W3, and signifies
appears that these occurrences must at least belong
to the former,) these expressions signify the pangs acrid bulbs. [So Ges. in corr.]
(or sorrows) of death, of Hades'], Ps. 18:5, 6; 116:3. r.n. m. Jer.35:3. (As
(4) a band of men, a company, i Sa. 10:5, 10 an appellative, perhaps "lamp of Jehovah," from
^comp. Germ. SSanbe/ SRotte
[Engl. band]). Ch. fr^>*i2 lamp and nj Jehovah, n being prefixed,
[" (o) destruction (compare Piel No. 2), Micah see
: 10, well rendered by the Syr. and Vulg."]

/ID m. apledge, Eze. 18:

jr in Kal only occurring three times, inf. P3Q
12, 16; 33:15; comp.
the verb No. 1,2.
Ecc. 3:5, part. p3JI 00.4:5; 2 Ki. 4: 16, elsewhere
only in Piel.
n f. id. Eze. 18:7. PIEL P3n fut. p?n* part. p3np (i) TO EMBRACE,
n followed by an ace. Gen. 33:4; Pro. 4:8; 5:20; fol-
Ch hurt, injury, Dan. 3:25.
lowed by a dat. Gen. 29:13; 48:10. To embrace
/an Ch. m. damage, Ezr. 4:22. the rock, the dunghill, for to lie, or make one's bed, OB
/SU occurs once, Pro. 23 -.34. The form implies
them, Job 24 8 Lam. 4 5.

(2) with the addition of D^V to fold the hand*

it to be intensitive for /3'n or ?3.n a cord.
[See note Hence
(spoken of an idle man), Ecc. 4:5.
on this word.] A large rope of a ship, djiffstau/ is
tc be understood; perhaps it is especially a cable, p2n m . a folding of the hands, as marking the
and thus the expression may be very fitly understood :
lazy, Pro. 6: 10; 24:33.
" thou shall
be as one lying ?3H E>N13 On the
top, p'lpan ("embrace," of the form T-VW), pr.n.
L e. at the end of a rope" (a cab'e) : in the other hemi- of Habakkuk the prophet, Hab. l 1 3:1. LXX* :

stich there "one who

down in the heart of the
'AnfiaKoup, according to the form p'lpsn and K cor-

sea." I
formerly understood it to mean a mast so called ,
rupted into p.
from ropes ('3.0), but examples are wanting of

denominative nouns of this form. [In Thes. Gesenius -jri properly TO BIND, TO BIND TOGETHEB,
has reconsidered this word, and given mast as its
(kindred to /3n No. I.), see Piel. Hence
probable meaning. Prof. Lee suggests wave, billoiv, (1) to join together, but almost always used
apparently without etymological grounds.] Ewald's intransitively, to be joined together, to adhere
conjecture (Heb. Gram. p. 240), that Hades, Orcus,
is intended, as
(Aram. ;_Cw, Mt\i. ^fl/J: id.). Exod. 26:3; 28:7;
destroying, (see Piel No. II), will not be
39:4; Eze. l :9, 11 used of peoples, to be confede-

adopted by many.
rate. Q^>n pcr^N -n^n rbyehs "all
Gen. 14:3,
m. (denom. from ?3H the rope of a ship), these came together as confederates unto the
sailor, Jon. 1:6; Eze. 27:8, 27 29. valley of Siddim." Participle pass. 1103.4:17, ~H3n
" D'3yi; "allied to idols."
'PD f. Cant. 2:l; Isa. 35 : i , a flower growing
(2) to bind, to fascinate, spoken of some kind of
in meado\vs, which the ancient intei^preters some-
times translate lily, sometimes narcissus
magic which was applied to the binding of magical
[" some-
times rose"] most accurately rendered by the
knots ;
Gr. uirai'tw, i;ar(W/ucc compare Germ. ;

Syriac banncn =
btnben/ and other words which signify bind-
translator who uu* the same word
[in its Syriac
ing, which are applied to incantations as yEth. AUU4! ;

form] Jiv^ YU/, i.e.

according to the Syrian Lexi Deu.lS: 1 1 Ps. 58:6 (of the incantation of serpents).

cographers (whom I have cited in Comment, on Isa. (3) to be marked with stripes, or lines, to b(
35:1), the autumn crocus, colchicum autumnale, or variegated; gcftrcift ffipn; Arab. _-*_, whence 'i

meadow saffron, an autumnal flower growing in

meadows, resembling a crocus, of white and violet a striped garment; pass. -*>. to be striped (as the

skin), i. e. to be marked with the traces of stripes (2) an incantation, a charm, Dcu. 18:11. PI
and blows, see Kamus, p. 491. Hence nn-nn a stripe, >3n. Isa. 47:9, 12.
bruise, and J"l1~i3~On the spots on the skin of a leo- (3) \_Heber~\, pr. n. of several men (a) Gen.
pard. Comp. Schult. in Har. Cons. V. p. 156, 157. 46:17, for which there is ~i3n Nu. 26:45. (
PIEL "1311
(i) to connect, to join together, Ex. 4:11,17., (c) iCh. 8:17. (d) iCh.4:i8.
6:6, etc.
in^ f. pi. the variegated spots (of a panther),
(2) to bring into fellowship, to make an al-
" and he or rather stripes or streaks (of a leopard), Jer.
liance. 2 Ch. 20: 36, iV -inTjinn brought
13: 23. See the root "1?H No. 3.
him into alliance with himself," made a league
with him. ^ Ch. f. a companion, fellow, hence an-
PUAL once "I3n (Ps. 94:20).
"I3n, other, i.
q. n-1jn Dan. 7: 20.
(1) to be joined together, Ex. 28:7; 39:4. (Ecc.
9:4, np.) Ps. 122:3, f Jerusalem when restored, Un {.fellowship, Job 34:8.
r\ry<_ n^ rnanB> Tj;?
" as a
city which is joined to-
"conjunction," "joining"),[5"e&ron],
gether," i.e. the ruins of which, and the stones
pr. n. (l) of an ancient town in the tribe of Judah,
long thrown down and scattered, are again built
formerly called- y3")S"nni? Gen. 13:18; 23:2, comp.
together. It was the royal city of David for some
Jud. : 10.
(2) to be associated with, to have fellowship
time, until after the taking of Jerusalem, 2 Sa. 2:1;
with. Psal. KD3 T)?n*n "shall the
94:20, ni-in

throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee?" 5:5. It is now called

JJ<s^> in full
HIFHIL, to make, or enter into a confederacy. (the city of) the friend of the merciful God, i. e.

Job 16:4, D^Pf D?'i?y_ rrvan "I could make aeon-

of Abraham.
fed e racy with words against you;" id) wollte mid) (2) of several men. (a) Exod. 6 : 1 8 ;
l Ch. 5 28 ;

a metaphor taken
nut SBortcn gegen eud) oerbuuben. It is Patron. r Nu. 3:27. (6) i Ch. 2:42,43.
from a warlike alliance. [" To twine, or weave,
Job 16:4, 'I would weave words against you.' "3 \_Heberites~\, patron,
from pr.n. "13H, Num.
HITHPAEL 1?n^n and (by a Syriacism) 13nj;iK to 26:45-
join in fellowship, to make a league, 2 Ch. 20:35,
37 Dan. 11:6. The infin. formed in the Syriac
-? companion, consort, wife, Mai. 8:14
manner, is JTnannn Dan. ll :23. f.
junction, place of union, Ex. 26:4, to
Derivatives, see Kal No. 3 also see fnanp, ni~l3np f

"N3n and the words

pr. n. ? immediately following. n
fut ear once t?3IT, Job5: 18.

m. an associate, companion, i. q. "OH. (1) TO BIND, TO BIND ON, TO BIND ABOUT (a)
Job 40: 30, where fishermen are to be understood, a head band, turban, tiara, Exod. 29:9; Lev. 8:13;
who form a partnership for pursuing their calling; Jon. 2:6, 'K'iO^ B"Q e V)D "the sea weed is bound
see n*J3. about head," as if my turban.
my Eze. 16:10,
t2^2 Y^3n$ "and I bound thee around with byssus,"
. an associate, a companion, fellow. i.e. adorned thy head with a turban of byssus.
Cant. 1:7; 8:13; Jud. 20:11, Dnan. ins B&$5 "all Job 5:18; Isa. 30:26;
(b) to bind up a wound,
associated as one man;" Psal. 119:63; Psal. 45:8, followed Eze. 34:4, 16; Isa. 61 l. Part. KOh :

" by ?>

T13D? above thy fellows," other kings (comp.

a healer, physician, who heals the wounds of the
Barhebr. p. 328). [This application of Ps. 45, con- 6.
state, Isa. 3:7; compare l :

tradicts what we know to be its meaning; namely, to saddle a beast of burden, which is done by
that the king is the Lord Jesus (Heb. 1 8), the fellows followed by an ace.,
binding on the saddle or pack

his "brethren"
(Heb. 2: 11, 12).] Gen.22:3; Nu.22:2l; Jud. 19:10; 283.17:23.
Job 40: 13, D?\3?
"OH with suff. m Ch. Dan. 2:l 3, (3) to bind fast, to shut up,
[pi. 'nhnn], .
id., " shut
17, 18.
J-1Dt33 t^nn up their faces in darkness." See
PIEL No. 2.
V m. (i) fellowship, association, Hos. (4) to bind by allegiance, to rule,
Job 34:17, ^H
6:9. Pro.2l:9, "an JV3 a house in common;" tJbqi BS^p K.aifc' shall then he who hateth right be
Pro. 25:24. i
able to govern?" Some here take *\$ in the sense o/
Tin-ran CCLX

nger, which cannot be admitted an account of the (2) to keep a festival, from the idea of leaping
parallel passage, 40:8, 9. and dancing in sacred dances, Ex. 5:1; Lev. 23 41 j
PIEL (l) to bind up (wounds), followed by ? especially of a public assembly, Psal. 42 5 (Syriao :

9 r = v *
of pers. Ps. 147:3.
"^ Arabic *&>- *
g to Mecca, as a
(8) bind fast, to restrain, Job 28 11, *3?P
to : J-^~> ^^^^
n'nnp "he stops up the streams that they do Hadj or pilgrim, to keep the public festival.)
not trickle ;" spoken of a miner stopping off the water (3) to reel, to be giddy, used of drunkards, Ps.
fiom flowing into his pits. 107 27 applied to a person
: ; terrified, whence Njn fear.

PUAL, to be bound up (as a wound), Isa. 1:6; Eze. Hence are derived in, N3n, and the proper names
30:21. 'ID, |PI, nan, rvan.
an unused root, prob. TO COOK, TO BAKE jn an unused i. Arabic U^sw to take
?., root, q.
bread. ^Eth. VOlTr*.' Arabic L^ bread, j^ to refuge with some one, whence
bake bread. Hence n3no a cooking pan, and
B^?T! m. pi. J^Bn-^n places of refuge in the rocki

E'^aD m. plur. things cooked, or baked pastry, [perhaps dwellings carved in the rocks~\, Cant. 2: 14;

; Ch. 9:31; compare rinnp. Obad. 3; Jer. 49: 1 6. a refuge, an

(Arabic 2
9 9 9
jrl constr.and followed by? (Ex. 12:14; Num.
asylum. Syr. JL^*>. 1^^ a lofty rock, a cliff. [It is
19:12) 30, w ith suff. '3PI m.
doubtful whether these Syriac words are really used in
( l ) a festiva /(from the root 3311), Ex. 10:9; 12:14.
JP1 nb>j; an an to keep a festival Levit. 23:39; Deut. these senses.])

16: 10. In the Talmud KCLT i^o^v, it is used of the "fi^D [of the form ^Bf?], m., pr. verbal adj. from
feast of tabernacles, and so 2 Ch. Ki. 8 the root ian (i) binding, hence a girdle, a belt,
5:3; comp. l : 2.

" So of the l Sa. 18:4.

passover, Tsa. 30 29. :
Comp. Arabic
(2) intrans. girded, clad. Ezek. 23:15,
pilgrimnge to Mecca."] X "girded with a girdle", compare 2 Ki. 3:fli.
V (2) nieton. a festival sacrifice, a victim, Ps.
118:27, D'nhJS 3rrnDK "bind the sacrifice with ri f. a girdle, 2 Sam. 18: ll (from the root
cords." Ex. 23:18, ^n 3^n "the fat of my sacri- n), an apron, Gen. 3:7.
fice;" Mai. 2:3. Compare 1J>P 2 Ch. 30:22.
*5n ("festive," from 3PI with the termination *7"
*V / i. nan (which
the reading of many copies)
q. i.
V) pr. n ofHagga i the prophet. LXX.'Ayya7oc
E. fear, terror, Isa. 19:17. Root 33n No. 3.
Hag. i i. :

an unused root. Arab. to hide, to ^?H (id.), [Haggt], pr.n. of a son of Gad, Num.
.eil. Hence 26: 15. Patron, is the same [for 'fan] ibid.

m. (l) a locust, winged and ediole (Lev. n*3n ("festival of Jehovah"), [Haggiah],
11:22), said to be so called because it covers the pr.n. m., i Ch. 6:15.
ground, Nu. 13:33; Isa.4O:22; Ecc.l2:5. ["An-
("festive"), [ffaggith], pr.n. of a wife
etymology proposed by Credner, on Joel
of David, the mother of Adonijah, 2 Sam. 3:4; l Ki.
page 39- The Saniar. in Lev. Joe. cit. has n33in
which may signify a leaper, compare Arab.
J^*- ->.
and from 3Jin then might come the triliteral 33ri; 3 M an unused root. Arabic J^^jv. to advance
comp. Jy-j*., ^n."]
by short leaps in the manner of a crow, or of a man
(2) \_IIagab'}, pr.n. m., Ezr. 2:46. with his feet tied. This triliteral appears to have

rGJn sprung from the quadriliteral ^"in which see), by (^

("locust"), [Ilagaba'], pr.n. m., Ezr. 1. Hence


VTV (" a partridge uk e Arab.

')> J^>-, Syr
(kindred to tho root ain) to go round in a

Jrcle, hence ,,
[Hoylah\ pr.a fern., Num. 26:33; 27-1;
(l) to dance, l Sa. 30: 16 36:1 1.
CCLXI Sin-ron
ri fut. "ire TO GIRD. roots, Arab. (a) to be swift, like many other words signifying
to restrain. to lame."] Construed sHrpness, which are used also in the sense of swift-
Syr. i-^~ V
ness, see Gr. owe, Lat. acer, Syr. tSU^ Hab.
(a) with an ace. of the member girded,
9 Ki. 4:29; 9: l also with 3 before thatttnl/t which
1:8. Comp. pn.
HIPHIL, to sharpen. Pro. 27: 17, "tfV ^.!"]33 7.H3
jne is girded. So figuratively, Prov. 31:17, "she
n V.T'j3? " as iron
girdeth her loins with strength," (b) with an ace.
^ ""3! K^JO. is
sharpened on iron, so

of the garment or girdle, e.g. 3"inn"n^ "OH "he girded

a man sharpens the face of another." 1HJ is fut. A.

Kal for irv, HIT fut. Hiphil, formed in Jhe Chaldee

(himself with) a sword." 1^.17:39; 25:13; Ps.
manner for "irv, ~irv ? like ^D? Num. 30 3, 7QK Eze.
45:4j P^ "^C
to gird himself with sackcloth, Tsa.
39:7. See Lehrg. 38, l 103, note 14.
15:3; Jer. 49:3. Part. act. 2 Kings 3:21, "I3h Vsp ;

"of that were

HoPHALirnn to be sharpened, spoken of a sword,
n"JJn all girded with a girdle," i.e.
Eze. 21:14, 15, 16.
who bare arms. Part. pass. 112^ "VI JH i Sam. 2:18,
Derivatives, ID No. DHHn, pr. n. inn.
girded with an ephod; followed by a gen. Joel l :8,

pb> rn-13[) "girded with

sackcloth;" sometimes used "HD
("sharpness"), \_Hadad~\, pr.n. of one of
elliptically Joel 1:13, "gird yourselves (with ^n the twelve sons of Ishmael, Gen. 25: 15; l Ch. l :3O.
HK'nn l-ian
sackcloth)." 2 Sa. 21 16, jnnj "he being
[ *nn is probably the true reading in both places."
girded with a new (sword)." Metaph. Ps. 65:13, There is a tribe in Yemen probably sprung from
nnann nijna ^J "the hills are girded with joy" this person. See Forster, i. 204, 286.]
(compare verse 14). Ps. 76: 1 1 (c) with a double
ace. of the person and of the girdle, Ex. 29:9; Lev.
O id.
fut. apoc. ^
TO BE GLAD. (Syriac J_^/,
In the western languages there accord with
8:13; and with ? of the girdle with which, Lev. 8:7;
this, y;;0w, yafo'w, to rejoice.) Ex. 18:9. Job 3:6,
16:4. (d)absol. to gird oneself, Eze. 44: 18; i Ki.
20:ll. Here belongs 2 Sa. 22:46, Dnhspsp -Darn !"I3E> ^3 "H.1T ?S "let it not rejoice amongst the
"and they shall gird themselves (and go out) from of the year."
PIEL, to make glad, Ps. 21:7.
their fortresses ;" unless the
Syriac usage be preferred
for explaining this passage, "
they creep forth from Derivatives, nnn [ pr n..
their fortresses," compare Mic. 7:17; Hos. 1 1 : 1 1. II -In
(from the root "l"!^ sharp, and perhaps
Derivatives, tian, iTvian, rnJnD. V
as a subst. sharpness, a point, Job 41 22, !H '!3 :

"in m .
inn, rnq f. Ch. one, for the Heb. 1HK, the K^H sharpnesses of a potsherd, sharp potsherds,
K being cast It is used
used of the scales of a crocodile comp. JElian. Hist. ;
away by aphseresis. (a)
Dan. 2 3 1 "in D7y "an
often for the indefinite article, :
Anim. x. 24.

image." cin 23Ubj comp. Dan. 6: 18; Ezra 4: 8. (b)

fWlft f. joy, gladness, lCh.l6:27; Neh.8:iO;
fern, rnrj is used for the ordinal from the root <~nn. In the Chaldee portion of the
number, especially
in the enumeration of
years; ^~^? "Tin T\y& Germ. Scripture, Ezr. 6: 16.
ba Ezr. 5:13; 6:3; Dan. 7:1.
Satjr (Sing be3 (5t)rug/
"T"in ("sharp"), [Had icf], pr.n. of a town of
in prefixed to numerals, serves as a circum-
the Benjamites, situated on a mountain, Ezr. 2 33 ; :

locution for expressing a multifold or

proportional Neh. 7:37; 11:34; Mace. 12:38; compare
" seven-fold 'ArStSci, 1
sense. Dan. 3:19, VjJ njntrin ^ more
Joseph. Antt. xiii. 6, 5.
than" (in the same manner as the
Syr. ,_*,). (d)
'"i^n? like as one,a< once, i.e. J'lD Ch. pi. breast; Heb. njn Dan. 2:32. (In the
together (Heb. "IHX?),
Dan. 2 35. :
Targums the sing. HQ occurs.)

I. "^ fern, n^n (from the root Tin), sharp (used &
of a sword), Eze. 5:1; Ps. 57 5 :
Pro. 5:4. (l) TO LEAVE OFF, TO CEASE, TO DESIST. (Arab.

n. "in ^jc>- id.; also, to forsake, to leave, see Scheid on

q, Heb.
one, Eze. 33:30.
the Song of Hezekiah, page 53; Schultens on Job,
" - (l) page 7 2. The primary idea lies in becoming loose,
[future inj] TO BE SHARP, TO BE
flaccid, which is referred to slackening from labour.
(Arab- j^ fut. I. Kindred roots, It belongs to the family of roots cited at the word
and the words i>cre
"HJ, cited.) Prov. 27:17 (see 7?"^, which have the meaning of being pendulous and
Hiphil.) flaccid.)

Constr. (a) with a gerund following, Gen. 11:8, and to be sharp-sighted, are kindred words
n nm> fclfn "and they left off to build the Hence
city." Gen. 41:49; i Sa. 12:23: Prov.ig:27; also
" cease to D Mic. 7:4, and p"lH Prov. 15:19, a kind of
poetically with an inf. Isa. l 16, jri? bin :
<io evil;" and with a verbal noun, Job 3:
17, T3~l ITnn thorn. Arab.
s.\5- melongena spinosa, w. Abulfadli
they cease to trouble." (ft)
absol. to cease (from
" the ap. Celsium in Hierob. ii. page 40, seq.
l Sa. 2 5, b~\n D'3JT1
labour), :
hungry have
left off (working);" also, to rest, Job 14 :6. Jud. ^ [Hiddekef], pr.n. of the river Tigris, Gen.
5:6, the highways rested," were void of travellers. 2:14; Dan. 10:4. Called by the Aramaeans Kp^,
, J - *- C -
(c) absol. i. q. to cease to be, to come to an end.

Ex. 9:34, " the hail and the thunder ceased;" verse
A^JDJ, Arabic <51?-J, <51p-J, Zend. Teg'er, Pehlev.

2 9> 33 Isa. 24 8
i also, to fail, to be wanting.
; Teg era; whence both the Greek name Tigris, and
Deu. 15:11, "the poor shall not fail." Job 14:7. the Aramaean and Arabic forms have arisen. In the
(2) to cease or desist from any thing, followed by Hebrew, n is prefixed, as is the case in the word
P? before an inf. l Ki. 15 : 21; hence, to beware of Q'lP'fn and others. [In Thes. the prefix is taken to
be "10 active, vehement, rapid ; so that this name would
doing anything, Ex. 23:5 [" as to this passage see
under 31V"]; to give anything up, i 83.9:5; Pro. be pleonastic : Teg'er having a similar meaning.]
23:4; with an ace. Jud. 9:9, seq.; also with ace. of
pers. to leave, to let alone, Ex. 14: 12; Job 7: 16;
and in an evil sense, TO BESIEGE. (This root be-
1O:2O; and followed by IP Isa. 2:22, IP Q3? 3/nn
longs to the same family as "1?n and which see,
D"lJ<n "cease
ye from man," let man go, let go your s <-

vain confidence in men. 2 Ch. 35 2 1 C^npXD ^7 ?in The Arabic ,0^ a curtain, and be hid behind
jci- to

"forbear from God," i. e. do not oppose him any

a curtain also, ^Eth. ^j,^ ; to dwell, are secondary
(3) to leave something undone, not to do some-
roots.) By means of this signification, I now ex-
" the sword which
plain Eze. 21 19, En? JTVjhn 2~\n :

thing, to forbear doing something; ctn>a lafien, unters

" shall we besieges them (on every side)," besets them all
i Ki. 22 6, 15, ^ru DX ...ifon
lafien. :
go around. Abulwalid considers the same sense of be-
...or shall we not go?" geljen ittr...oter laffen unr eg?
Eze. 2:5; Jcr. 40:4; sieging to be derived from sitting down and lying
Jobi6:6; Zee. 11:12. Followed
hid (see Arab, and jEth.). The ancient versions have
by a gerund, Nu. 9 : 1
3 ;
Deu. 23:23; Ps. 36:4. " a sword
frightening them," as though it were the
[Derivatives, the words immediately following.] Hence
same as f^VTi.

/l^ m. verbal adj. (l) ceasing to be some- const. *nn w ith suff. cnnn const
iinn, piur.
thing, frail, Ps. 39:5.
(2) forbearing to do something, Eze. 3:27.
(1) a chamber, especially an inner apartment,
(3) intrans. made destitute, forsaken (compare whether of a tent or of a house, Gen. 43 30 Jud. :

J.J^U id.). Isa. 53:3, DpK ^nq "forsaken 16:9, 12; hence a bed chamber, 2 Sa. 4:7; 13:10;
by men;" compare Job 19: 14. women's apartment, Cant.l :4; 3:4; a bridal cham-
ber, Jud. 15:1; Joel 2 16; a store room, Pro. 24:4. :

'HO m
Hades, prep, the place of rest,
38 :i 1. Isa.

(Arab. ,.\>- a curtain by which an inner apartment

See the root ^IH No. l, b ; comp. njp-H. [If this be
the import of this word, the whole verse must be con- is hidden, whence an inner apartment, a private
strued thus: " I said, I shall not see Jah even Jah apartment, compare HJTT the curtain of a tent, and
in the land of the living; I shall behold man no
Syr. L^w>w a tent.)
more; with (ue. when I a:n with) the inhabitants of (2) metaph.fprpTiri Job 9:9, the chambers of
Hades."] the south, the most remote southern regions, comp.
pay 'nfV. IC?Ttn the innermost parts of the
("i eat" ["for H-p
'rest of God'"]),
breast, Pro. 18:8; 26:22. nip^Tiri "the chamber!
Had la f], pr. n. m. 2 Ch. 28: 12.
of death," i. e. of Hades.

' [H an unused root, i.

q. Jj-^*- to prick, to
D Hadar, pr. n., Gen. 25: 15.]
Tin and
tting; to which ?jc>- to be sour, e. Sf. as vinegar, H^ 1
("dwelling," from
nn- CCLXIIl rnrv-^n
s in ^1), [// drach'], pr. n. of a city and a region J"1D Chald. adj. new, Er. 6:4 Syr.
of the same name, situated to the east of Damascus ;

itoccurs once Zee. 9:1. There are not any certain win SPP mn.
traces of this place, for the trustworthiness of R. Jose
of Damascus, and of Joseph Abassi, may well be <J

called in question; see Jo. D. Michaelis Suppl.p.676. like Syr. c2^w, Arab. (_>'.>-, used of a debt(Eze. 18
Also see Van Alphen, De Terra Hadrach Damasco, et 7), and of an ofTencc.

Traj. 1723,8; and in Ugolini Thes. t. vii. No. 2O. PIEL 3*n to make someone liable to
Dan. i : 10. Hence
unused in Kal, TO BE NEW. Arab. IJL>._V-^
m. a debt, Eze. 18:7.
to be new, recent. IV. to produce something new;
but Conj. III. IV. also to polish a sword. Etymolo- ( a hiding place"), [Hobah], pr.n. of
a town to the north of Damascus; once Gen. 14: 15;
gists have well observed
that its primary sense is
that of cutting or polishing, see Dissertt. Lugd., p. 936. compare Xw/3a, Judith 4:4; 15:4. Eusebius in his
Onomasticon confounds this town with Cocaba, the
It is of the same family as Tin, pin, and the signifi-
seat of the Ebionites; see note to Burckhardt's
cation of proceed from that of a
newness appears to my
Travels, ii.p. 1054.
sharp polished splendid sword; comp. 2 Sa. 21: 16;
Aram. rnn.
PIEL to reneic, 1 Sam. 11:14; Job 10:17; Psal.
as with compasses. Job 26:10. (Syr. to go in
51:12, especially to repair or restore buildings or 9
towns, Isa. 61:4; 2 Ch. 15 8 24:4.
; a circle, a circle. Kindred roots are 32n and
HITIIPAEL, to renew oneself, Ps. 103:5. Hence Hence and
aiy). nj-inp
^"7 f. nsnn adj. new, e.g. used of a cart, a thresh- J*n m
a circle, sphere, used of the arch or vault

l Sam. 6:7; Isa. 41: 15; of a house, Deut.

ing wain. of the sky, Pro. 8 27 Job 22:14; of the world, Isa.

20 5 :
22:8; of a wife, Deu. 24:5; a king, Ex. l 8 a
: ;
song, Psal. 33:3; 40 4 a name, Isa. 62:2.
It often
means fresh of this year ; of grain (opposed to 1?")? (i) properly i. q. Arab oU- Med. Ye, to
Levit. 26:10; unheard of, Eccles. l '.9, 10; "new turn aside, II. to tie knots, whence may be derived
the Hebr. nTn an enigma, a parable, which is joined
gods," i.e. such as had not been previously worshipped,
Deut. 32:17. to this verb, and then it signifies
n^iq "something new," Isa. 43:19,
plur. Isa. 42:9. As to nL?nq "^n 2 Sa. 21: 16, see (2) to propose an enigma, Jud. 14: 12, seq. to set ;

forth a parable Eze. 17:2. Compare p ? and ^V Y?

and Gr. f^trXcm? ulviyna-a, ^Esch. Prometh. Vinct.
m. [stiff, tenn, p ur D'trjn] the
l . new moon, 610. (So it is commonly taken, and it is not amiss.
the day of the new moon, the calends of a lunar It is worthy of examination, however, whether ni^n
month which was a festival of the ancient Hebrews,
may not be used for n^n and signify a smart saying;
Num. 29:6; l Sam. 20:5, 18,24; Ex. 19:1, Enna for "vin may be a denominative derived from it.)
Tv^D "on the third calends" (the third new moon), Hence nTn, nTTO?.
i. e. the first of the third lunar month. Hos. 5 7, :

^"jn E??s'* nriy "now shall a new moon devour

M JM a root unused in Kal. (l) properly TO
them," i. e. they shall be destroyed at the time of the BRE A THE (see with regard to thispower in the sylla-
new moon. ble nn, 2S, IS under the roots 3ns, njS, ^n), comp.
(2) a lunar month, beginning at the new moon.
PIEL. Hence
Gen. 8:5; Ex. 13:5, etc. D'PJ Ehn the period of (2) to live, i.
q. njn, compare the noun n-in.

a month (see D'P*). Gen. 29: 14; Nu. 11 :2O, 21. PIEL njn prop, to breathe out, hence to declare, to

(3) [Hodesh], pr.n. f., i Ch. 8:9. shew, a word used in poetry instead of the prosaic Tin

Y^ metron. preceding No. 3 [Gesenius

n. of the (Chald. and Syr. ?n, oQ*/, Arabic transp. ^^^. t , like -'

speaks doubtfully of this word in Thes.], 2 Sa.24:6. n-W Arab. ^.). Job 32: 10,17. Constr. followed
w J -

(.nt/in Hadasha,pr.n. of a place, Josh. 15:37.! by a dative of pers.,Ps. 19:3; more often an ace.,
Job 32 :
6, with suff. 15:17; 36 : 2. Derivatives njn
Chald. to be new, i. q. Bhn. Hence [njn, in,

t used in Kal.
Chald. nc m. (l) a thread, a line, Judges 16:12
PAEL N?.n, i.q. Hebr. n}P1 to shew, to declare, Dan. Ecc. 4:12; Cant. 4:3. A
proverbial Baying, Genesii
11; followed by ? of pers., Dan. 12:24, with suff. 14:23, TO ifr*? Tyi tarn? "neither a thread nor a
5:7. shoe-latchet," i. e. not even the least or the most

APHEL inf. n;iqn, fut.

mnn id. ; followed by 7 Dan. worthless thing. Similar is the Latin neque Idlum
8:16,27, ace. 2:6,9. (Lucr. 784; Enn. ap. Varr. L. L. iv. 22), for

Derivative njlDS. neque Jilum, whence nihil. A

similar proverb is used

nJD HIH in Arabic JL^j see llamasa, Schultens, p. 404.

ID i.
q. (from the root rrn, comp. HJH )!,

and f. (2) a rope, cord [collect, of No. l in Thes.], Josh,

(1) ///e. Hence [Eve"], pr. n. of the first woman,
us being the mother of all living ('!? '3 ^$)> Gen. "
^VH (perh. belonging to a village," from Hjn
3:20; 4:1. LXX. Eva (comp. '-in, Euatoc). Vulg. = i"rtn No. A
Gentile noun, a Hivite, generally
Heva. s used collectively, the Hivites (LXX. Eia?oc), a Ca-
i. n*n No. Arab. ?>- a family, a tribe, naanitish nation dwelling at the foot of Hermon and
(2) q. 2,
Antilibanus (Joshua 11:3; Jud. 3 : 3), but also in
especially of Nomades, hence a village of Nomades,
a village [" prop, place where one lives, dwells, so various other places, as for instance at Gibeon (Gen.
Germ. Icbcn in pr. n. (SiSlcben/ Ttfdjergleben"], (as on the 34:8; 2Sa.24:7; lKi.9:2O; Josh. 11:19).
contrary /N, jjjsl properly a tent, hence a family, ^O [Havilah], pr.n. (l)of a district of the
Joktanite Arabs (Gen. 10: 29), on the eastern borders
men), Nu. 32:41; Dexi.3:i4; Josh. 13:30; Judges
of the Ishmaelites (Gen. 25 18), and of the Anialek-

10:4; l Ki. 4:13. Another etymology has com-

ites (l Sa. 15:7). Probably the Xav/Wuloiof Strabo
monly been sought from Arab. ,_f *=- to collect, to near the Persian
(xvi. p. 728, Casaub.), dwelling
gather together, V. to roll oneself in a circle; which
gulf, on the shore of which Niebuhr (Arabia p. 3421
altogether needless.
mentions Chawila as a town or district (<L'5>-) Ha-
an unused root, whence Tinp which see. wilah.

m. 2 (2) of a district of the Cushites (Gen. 10:7 ; l Ch,

("prophet"), pr. n. 01.33:19.
i :
9), to be sought for in ^Ethiopia. I now consider
m (j) jn Thes. this noun is
rightly re- that the Avalitae are to be understood, Avho inhabit
to the root n?; ] 1
the shore of the Sinus Avalitis (now Zeild) to the
Job 31: 40; Proverbs 26: 9; 2X1.14:9. Plur. D'nin south of the strait ofBab el Mandeb (Plin. vi. 28;
Cant. 2:2; and with } moveable, D'Hjn i Sam. 13:6, Ptolem. Saadiah appears to have formed a
iv. 7),

thorn-bushes, thickets. similar judgment, since three times in Genesis he

(2) i. q.
nn a hook, a ring,
put through the nos- gives as the translation of n^in <sL \
= <3j ',
trils of the larger fishes after
they were caught, which The
Havilah (No. l) enables us I believe
were then again put into the water, Job 40:26.
to discover the situation of the land of Havil ah(Y~$
(3) an instrument of a similar kind used for
npMnri)^ Gen. 2:ll, Jibounding in gold, pearls (com-
binding captives, 2 Ch. 33 : 1 1
comp. Am. 4 : 2. (In
monly taken as bdellium), and precious stones, around

s "-' 9 r
Jie cognate languages occur the words -i>-, L*/o_v, which flowed the Pishon (Indus?), since Havilah also
is mentioned in connection with coun-
(Gen. 10:29)
prunus spinosa, and also there are in Hebrew the
cognate words nn and 'nn. No verb of a suitable tries producing gold; and as being on the Persian
gulf, it must be in the neighbourhood
of India. In-
signification can he found, and the noun itself appears
to be primitive, sometimes following the
deed it appears that India is to be understood, as used
analogy of
according to the custom of the ancients to compre-
9 * *T

verbs W, sometimes V9 and n?, comp. I"IX a brother,

hend also Arabia. See Assemani Bibl. Orient, torn.
ee Lehrg. p. 602.)
iii. P. p. 568
ii. 70. Some erroneously understood
Chald. TO SEW, TO SEW TOGETHER, it to mean Chwala on the Caspian sea, which in
Russian is called Chwalinskoje More.
Arab. .bUi. Med. Ye id.


tc repair a wall, Ezr. 4:12; comp. T)l! & 7*n fut. fcnj and ^n, apoc. (Psalm
Sam. 31: 3), ^(Jer.giiao), imp
97:4), fyvi (i
^n Micah 4: 10, and &'n Ps. 96:9, prop. TO TWIST, (2) i. q. Kal No.4, to bring forth, Job 39: l ; and
TO TURN, TO TURN BOUND, and intrans. to be with regard to inanimate objects, to create, tojorn*
Deu. 32:18; Ps. 90:2; causat. Ps. 29:9.
twisted, turned, turned round. (Arabic
(3', i. q. Kal No. 5, to tremble, Job 26:5.
Med. Waw be changed, to be turned,
to |
^, round (4) i. q. Kal No. 7, to wait for, Job 35: 14.
PULAL <v"in to be born, to be brought forth, Job
about, J^>- a year, Jp- full of turns, wily.
15:7; Pro. 8:24, 25; Ps. 51: 7.
KiudreJ words are to return, to turn oneself HITHPOLEL Wnjpn (^ to twist oneself, to hurl
JJ i.e. to rush violently; Kal No.
oneself, i.
q. 2, Jer.
turn away, and in Hebrew, >1X, Gr.
round, JU to
tl\iu), ttXuoj, t\Aw. Hence, with Vav hardened as (2) to writhe with pain, Job 15: 20.
it were into Beth, has sprung ??n No. i.) Hence (3) to wait for, i. q. Kal No. 7, and Pilel No. 4,
(1) to dance in a circle, Jud. 21:21. Compare Ps. 37 =
Pilel No. l, and also the noun 7in9. HITIIPALPEL /npnrjn to be grieved, Est. 4:4.
(2) to be twisted, to be hurled on or against Derivatives ^in], Vn, ^n, >n, jftn, ^n, njn, |fch,
something (gcfdjroungcn/ gefdjleubcrt werbcn), properly
used of a sword, Hos. ll :6; of a whirlwind, followed
Sam. 3 29, m. sand (Syr. Jiw), either so called from the
by ?y Jer. 23:19: 30 :
-23 ; figuratively, 2 :

Ml 3Xi S7JO ^ VX$ " let (the murder of Abner) be idea of rolling and sliding (q. d. cvolle), or as being

hurled rolled about by the wind, Ex. 2:12; Deu. 33:19; Jer.
(fall) upon the head
of Joab," etc. Lament.

The sand of tie sea (C Ts n 'pin, poet. D'S? Vin) is

4:6, DHJ H3 -V?n K ? "no (human) hands were hurled 5:22.

(put) upon her." It is more frequently used thus in very often used as an image of great abundance, Gen.
32:13; 41:49; and of weight, Job 6: 3; Pro. 27:3.
the Targums, see Buxtorf, p. 719. (Arab. JU- to Job 29: 18, in this passage the Hebrew interpreters
leap on a horse, JU) auf spfcrb fdjnringcn. IV. to rush understand the phoenix to be spoken of, giving the
upon with a scourge, followed by U: and <__;.) word a conjectural translation, gathered from the
(3) twist oneself in pain, to writhe, to be in
to other member of the verse; and thus the Babylonian

pain (coinp. 7?H No. I), especially used of partiirient copies read ^-in [for the sake of distinction] but ;

women, Isai. 13:8; 23:4; 26:18; 66:7,8; Micah there is no cause for departing from the ordinary
4:10. Metaph. followed by ? to mourn on account signification.
of any thing, Mic. 1:12; hence
7^1 H ("circle"), [//M/], pr. n. of a district of
(4) to 54:1.
bring forth, Isa.
Aramasa, Gen.lo:23. Rosenm. (Bibl. Alterth. ii. 309)
(5) to tremble, probably from the leaping and
understands it to be the district of Huleh (<*sz
palpitation of the heart (comp. ?'3 No. a,) [" from
the trembling of a parturient woman"]. Deu. 2 25 :
Ard-El-IIuleli), near the sources of the Jordan.
Joel 2:6, followed by IP of the pers., causing terror,
an unused root; to be black, properly to be
183.31:3; iCh. 10:3.
burned or scorched; comp. the cognate CJpn Arab.
(6) to be strong or firm; verbs that have the

signification of binding or twisting, are applied to fc>- to be black. Hence

strength; see CH3, pm, T^j5. (Arab. Jl^- Med.
Waw id. Aram. Pael to make firm. ^Eth.^PA adj. black, Gen. 30:32, seq.
733 ;

whence ^."n
strength). Psal. 10:5, V3T] -I^IT his a wall, from the root nipn to surround,

ways are firm," i. c. his affairs go on prosperously ; which see. Exod. 14:22, 29 Detit. 3:5; 28:52. ;

Job 20: 21, UVJ !?'n; t6 "his welfare shall not Generally the wall of a town, Isa. 22:iO; 36:11,
endure." 12; Neh. 3:8, 33, etc.; rarely of other buildings,
(7) to wait, to stay, to delay, i. q. ?DJ. Gen. Lam. 2:7. Metaph. used of a maiden, chaste and
8:10; Jud. 3:25. difficultof approach, Cant. 8:9, 10.
HIPHIL causat. of Kal No. 5, Ps. 29:8. Plur. ntein walls, Isa. 26: i Ps. 51 :2O, with pi. ;

HOPHAL fut. ?nv pass, of Kal No. 4, to be born, verb, Jer. 50:1.5; so also Jer. 1:18, "I make thee
Isa. 66: 8. thisday a fortified city and brazen walls," al-
PILEL ^n (i) i.q. Kal No. i, to dance in a though in the same phrase, Jer. 15:20, the singulaj
circle, Jud. 21:23. is used.
I-D1PI -iin-or
From the pi. is formed the dual D*ribn double I
close, to surround; comp. -~ to surround
jealls, the double series of walls with which Jeru- Hence ff.*n a wall, and
salem was surrounded on the south ; whence 1*3
V*5|n m. properly a wall; hence csj>ecially ?/<eosu/<
D*nbnn between the two walls (of Jerusalem), 2 Ki.
(of a house), and thus pnpl JV3p within and with-
45:4; Isa. 22 : l i ;
Jer. 39:4. Comp. as to forms of out (properly, on the house side, and the wall side)
this kind, Lehrg. 125, 6, and as to the topography are often opposed to each other, Gen. 6:14; Exod
of the city, my Comment on Isa. 22:9. [See also 25:11. Hence it is
Robinson on the walls of Jerusalem, Palest, 460.] (1) subst. whatever is without
() out of the
house, the street, Jer. 37:21; Job 18:17; P^ rflwn
fut. Dim, D'rv, i
wns (i) TO PITY, Job 5: 10 Isa. 5:25 1O:6.
pers. ; (b) out of the city, the

TO HAVE COMPASSION on any one; followed by ?J? fields, country, deserts. Job 5 : 10 (Aram. 13),
Psal. 72:13, to be grieved on account of any thing. whence there are opposed to each other DViWI fix
Jon. 4: 10, l'VpT 'P.n~'y ripn nnx " thou wast
grieved Prov. 8:26, the (tilled) earth and the desert regions,
on account of the ricinus" which perished (compare
comp. Mark l :45.
Gen. 45:20). Hence
(2) adv. out of doors, without, abroad, Deut.
to spare, folknved by ?JJ Neh. 13:22; Jer.
(2) 23:14, e.g. pn'rnVlD born abroad, i.e." away from
13:14; Eze. 24:14; Joel 2:17. (Aram. <ocu,, seq. home, Lev. 1 8 9 > also, forth, fort h abro a d, Deu.

23:13. So also with n parag. ny-in without, on the

outside, iKi.6:6; abroad, forth, to the outside,
It is to be observed with regard to this root, that
Exod. 1 2 46, with art. pn.l fo rth, Jud. 19 25 Neh.
: :

pitying and sparing, are more often attributed to the

13 8 (prop, into the street), and Hvinn Gen. 15 :5-

eye than to the persons themselves, (as in other roots With prepositions (a) pn? without (in the open
slackness and strength are attributed to the hands;
place), Gen. 9:22. (b) pn? poet. id. Psa. 41 :"j, and
comp. ""ID"!, ptn :
pining away, also to the eyes, see
n$VQ 2 Chr. 32 :5. <c) pnp without, on the out-
Hp3). Hence it
may be rightly concluded that the side, as opposed to J"P3p within, Gen. 6:14. pnnp
primary signification is in the idea of a merciful or id. Eze. 41:25. (d) ? pnp without (in a state of
indulgent countenance, as the Germ. nad>fehi/ 9la*fTdrt/
rest, as opposed to motion), c. g. ">*JJ? pnp without
bur* tie Thus Deut. 7: 16, 1?'J! Dinrr*6
Singer fefen.
(or outside the city), Gen. 19:16; 24:11. ? ny-inp
D?vJ? "spare them not," properly, let not thine eye Ezekiel 40:40,44. (e) ^ pnp'^X without (after
pity them or, do not regard them with a feeling of
verbs of motion), Nu. 5 3, 4, n;qp? pnp"?NI "with- :

mercy; Deut. 13:9; 19:13,21; 25:12; Isa. 13:18; out the camp;" Deut. 23 1 1 Lev. 4:12.
Eze. 5:11; 7:4,9. Gen. 45:20, 7J> Dhrr ?* D3?*
Metaph. :

D3*?3 "do not grieve for your stuff" which must (/) 19 n besides, n
Eccl. 2 :
25. (So Ch. IP 13,

be left behind. It is once used ellipt. l Sa. 24:11, Syr., Sam. and Zab. ^o ;_^^.) Hence P^*n.
" and
"sjvJJ DnPll (my eye) spared thee." In Arabic, L" (^TrT an unused root, Arab. to eur-
mercy is similarly ascribed to the eye (Vit. Tim.

torn. i. 542, 1.
14). round, to embrace. seems to have sprung from It
p3n, the 3 being softened. Hence pin (o) and p*0."]
m. the shore, as being washed by the
SJH or bosom, Ps. 74:
i-q- P* ii'ro.
1 1
from the root H^n No. H. to rub off, to wipe oft, pill
bea; I .
S- -
pr. n. l Ch. C:6o, see ppn.]

to wash ;
whence Arab. <jlr- t^_sjb>- the coasts and
hore of the sea. Of the same origin are t- 1
-"v T0 BE W ITE; hence to becomt
pale (as the face), Isa. 29:22. Aram, io*-,^ id.;
and J;_2icc the sea shore, Gen. 49:13; Deut. 1:7;
Josh. 9:1. Arab, with Waw quiescent, ,\^- to be blenched (of a

garment). Hence lin, T-in No. I, and "Vjn, nh.

(perhaps "inhabitant of the shore,"
["(2) figuratively, to be splendid, noble, i.q." "!^

from m. of a son of Benja-

S)in), [7/u;>/irtwi], pr.
No. 2. See traces of this signification
min, Nu. 28 39 for which D'pn is found, Gen. 46 2 1
whence patron. 'CDin Nu. loc.cit.
f *^ an unused root, the meaning of which wat
V*\ Ft an unused root. Syr. ^ Pael -^ to in- that of hollowing, boring, as shewn by the deriva-

;ives "fin, "Vin No. II, a hole, a cavern, and the proper [however, Geseniug explains the readings as thej
names 'Yl, pin ; compare some of the derivatives of stand in Thes. i. page 458].
(3) a Benjamite, i Ch. 8:*>.
the root ,U., as

of a river, bay of the sea.

^\ ^ foramen
Kindred roots are 113 and
the mouth
N]- [//awran], pr. n. of a region beyond Joidan,
situated eastward of Gaulauitis (1^3) and 1'atunasa,

.U; whence HTWP, J(**, a cavern. and to the west of Trachonitis (now el Lejah), ex-
tending from Jabbok to the territory of Damascus,
I. "ftFI & m. white and /iwe linen, from the
Ezek. 47 : 16, 18; Gr. Avparine, lpav~i-ic; Arabic

root Tin. LXX. /3u<7ffoc. Est. l 6 8:15. :


1 ,*>-. It undoubtedly takes its name from the

II. *flH m.
(l) a hole, as that of
q. "tin
No. IT,
number caverns (lin), in which even now the
of its
a viper, Isa. ll 8; used of an abominable subter-
inhabitants of the region dwell. See a more full
ranean prison (Germ. Sod)), Isa. 42 22. Root "tin :
account of this district in Burckhardt's Travels in
No. II.
Syria and Palestine, page 1 1 1,
seqq. 393, seqq. 446;
n. of several men
; ;

(2) [/fur], pr. (a) of a Mi- Germ. ed.

dianite king, Num. 31 :8; Josh. 13 21. (b) of the :

husband of Miriam, the sister of Moses, [on what ["Once psa .

71 : 12 (l) TO
does this description of Hur rest?], Ex. 17: MAKE HASTE *U_Med.
authority (Arab. Ye, to flee with
10; 24:14. (c) l Chr.2:ig, 50; 4:ij4; compare alarm. This root is onomatopoetic, as though im-
l Chr. 2 20; Ex. 31 :2.
(d) Neh. 3 9. (e) 1 Ki. :

itating the sound of very hasty motion; like the

4:8. German t;ufd)cn< transit, fyafdjen also, tjajlcn/ .fmfti
I. *lin i.q. n-in
No. I, white linen. PI. 'in (poet.
t;cen. Kindred roots are, Arab. ii> to move, to agi-
for D*Y!) cloths of linen or byssus, Isa. 19:9. Allied
tate, to excite to speed, tjiffen/ l;c$enj >'Jb id.; c
fa this are Arab.
_p- white silk, ^Ethiopia rhC ;

be Heb.
to agitate; intrans. to swift; to fear;
cccton, according to Ludolf. Lex. ^Ethiop. page 36.
non to flee, to flee for refuge; tJMy, T-1V, JU, which
Root Tin.
see). Constr. (a) absol. l Sa. 20:38; also, in the
II. (l) a hole, 2 Ki. 12:10; used of a
"lin m.
sense come quickly, to approach, Deut. 32:35.
of, to
window, [Is not this rather, a hole in a door?], Cant.
(b) followed by a gerund, to make haste to do
5:4; of the cavity of the eye, Zee. 14:12.
of a den of something, Ps. 119:60; Hab. i :8; also with a. noun
(a) a cavern, Job 30:6;
i Sa. 14: 1 1
in the dative, Ps. 22:20, fSB'in '*)"$$ " make haste

wild beasts Nah. 2:13. ;

Root "fin.
for my help." Psa. 38:23; 40:14; 70:2; 71:12;
TlH free-lorn, nobles, see "in. and in the same sense with dative of pers. Ps. 70 6, :

> nc'in D'r6s; O God, make haste unto me." Ps.

"fin m. Ch. white, Dan. 7:9, from the root "lin.
141:1. Part. pass, (with an active signification^,

see n'n. hasty, quick, alert, Nu. 32:17.

(2) Used figuratively of violent internal emotion.
(perhaps "linen-worker," from *Vin No. I, Job 20:2,'? ''-in T-13]P "on account of my hasting
like Arabic Hariri), [7fri'], pr.n. m. l Ch. within me," i. e. of the emotion by which I am
5:14. moved. Hence

(id. ChaM.), [-ffwrai], see

(perhaps "noble," "free-born," from "in

(3) used of the passions of the mind, pleasures
lusts. Eccl. 2:25, B'W n>1
who makes haste?"
n? who eats,
enjoys the pleasures of
i. e.
with the termination ^7), ITv-ram, pr.n. life. (In the Mishnah it is not unfrequently used ia
l) of a king of Tyre, cotemporary with Solomon,
speaking of the sensations of joy and sorrow. Syr.
9 V 9 V
8 Ch. 2 2 elsewhere B^n 2 Sam. 5:11; 1 Ki. 5 : 15
: ;
_<tA, and c^k^y to feel, to perceive ; )Luw a passion
[" called inGreek E'ipw^or, Jos. c. Ap. i. 17, 18"]. 9

(2) of a Tyrian artificer, 2 Chr. 4: 11 elsewhere ;

of the mind; jiOt^&OjJ lust; Arabic ^^^ to feel
OVvn 11^.7:40; m;n 2Ch. loc.cit. UTO; '?K DTjin -- ** -

2 Chr. 2:12 and V3K D^n 4: 16 (where either the one whence ,>**=>- and the kindred word <LiU*- ; ^Etl iop

reading or the other must have been corrupted); : sense, feeling.)

pm-ncnn CCLXVIIl

HIPIIIL (l) to hasten, accelerate, Isa. 5:19; know Him as propitious, an image taken from tli
60:22; Ps. 55:9. custom of kings, who only admit to their presence
(a) i.q. Kal, to make haste,3ud. 80:37.
those whom they favour, Ps. 1 1 :
7 ; 17:15.
(3) t fl ee quickly ["just as on the contrary (2) This word is especially appropriated to speaking
words of fleeing are applied to haste, see W3"j, Isa. of those things which are presented to the minds of
18:16. prophets, whether in visions properly so called, or in
Derivatives ^"n and the following proper names. oracular revelations. Hab. 1:1, 'H ntn iw'X KB'?30
"the burden (oracle) which Habakkuk saw,'' i. e.
nWl ("haste"), Chr. 4:4; pr.n.
[Hushah], l
that which was revealed to him by God Isaiah i : i ; ;
see nmC', patron. 'HtJ^n a Sa. 21 : 18 ; l Chr. 1 1 : 29 ;
9:i; 13:1; Numbers 24:4; Amos l:i; Eze. 13:6,
*K*in Hus hai, David's friend
"?' ^
"they have seen vain things;" Zee. 10:2.
("hasting"), pr.n. Followed by ? when speaking of the visions or reve-
and confederate in the war against Absalom, 2 Sam. lations as declared to any one. Lam. 2:14, *TH
!*O> l6. K l^ ^ " thy prophets have seen for thee (i.
e. declare
to thee) vanities;" Isa. 30: 10.
D^n ("those who make haste"), [Hushim], (3) Followed by ? to look upon, to contemplate,
pr. n. (l) of a son of Dan. see
m. on-lt?. (a) i Ch.
onfdjcucn/ Isa.47:13; especially with pleasure, to de-
7 :ia[D^nj._(3)iCh.8:8, 11.
light in the sight of something (comp. 3 letter B, 4.,
["Dfc^n ("taste"), Husham, pr.n. of an Edom- Ps. 27:4; Cant. 7:1; Job 36: 25; Mic. 4:11.
ite king, i Ch. l 45 defectively written D^'n, Gen.
; (4) to choose for oneself, fid) auScvfctn/ Ex. 18:21

36:34,35."] Isa. 57:8; compare I ? n.;O Gen. 22:8.

(5) to see in the sense of
to have
experienced, Job
JlTlT a spurious root introduced by some on
15:17; 24:1; 27:12. Used by a bold metaphor
account of the form 10W Hab.3 :
17, which is,however, of the roots of plants which perceive or feel stones in
for n?T. from nnn. the earth, i. e. they find or meet with stones. Job
(!) a seal, a seal-ring (fromtheroot
. 8:17, "(the root) perceives the stony place."
Ex. 28:11, 21; Job 38:14; 41:7; Jer.22:24,

The derivatives follow, except i'v^n, nno PiTTO,


etc. The Hebrews were accustomed, like the Persians and the proper names JfEJ, n;jq, jVjn. [^P , TWKg,
in the present day, sometimes to carry a signet ring
n jtn!,
hung by a string upon the breast (Gen. 38:18)^10 njil & NTH Chald. to see, Dan. 5:5,23; 3:19,
which custom allusion is made, Cant. 8: 6. Arab. JU. I
n* n
^ ^ "W" ? "one sevenfold (more) than (ever

s I
was) s e e n." Inf. 1TO Ezr. 4 1 4. ["Also absol.
: to
and behold, Dan. 2:34,41,43; 3:25."]
(a) [Hotham], pr.n. masc. (a) l Chr. 7:32. nTn m. the breast of animals, properly the front
(*) part as being open to sight, Exod. 29:26,27; Levit
he who sees God," [" whom God 7 : 3?3i; plur. niin 9:20,21. (Chald. in plur. Pin
XJH pr.n. ("
watches over, cares for"]). Hazael, king of Syria,
which see).
'n JT3 the house a seer, a prophet, a word of the
l Ki. 19: 15, 17; 2 Ki. 8:9, la. "IJH m. (i)
of Hazael, i.e. Damascus, Am. 1 14. f_" Lat. Azelus, silver age of the Hebrew language [also of ancient
Justin, xxxvi.2."] use; see l Sam. 9:9], of the same meaning as N^?3
iCh. 21:9; 25:5; 29:29.
fut. nmj apoc.
Tnn Micah4:ll; in pause
(2) ["Segolate (like
nJO Isa 28:7), and .
tnt< Job 23:9, to see, to behold, a word of frequent niin No. 3 (which see), a covenant, Isaiah
9 i.q.
use in Aramaean (JU/, NJH, j{M\jO, * r e Hebrew ^ 28:15; on which passage see my Commentary: ["a
HKi. In Hebrew this root is principally poetical, like vision, hence a covenant"].
Germ. fd>auen/ Ps. 46:9; 58:9,610. Especially 1TH (perhaps for rfin" a vision"), [7/azoj, pr.n.
(l) to see God, sometimes used of the real sight of of a son of Nahor, Gen. 22:22.
the divine presence, Ex. 24: 1 1 ; Job 19: 26 (compare
38:1), elsewhere applied to those who enter the emph. Klin, suff. Mjn, plur. P?m Cha.d. m.
temple, Ps. 63:3. So "to behold the face of God" (l)a vision, something seen, ^airaam, Dan. 2:a8
is used metaphorically for to enjoy His favour, to 4:2,7; 7:7,13.
* *
(2) Ijok, appearance,aspect, Dan. 7:20. (Syr. Tn or
TH m. (from the ro;t TTH), properly cat
arrow, hence lightning; Zee. io:i; more fully
HO lightning of thunders, Job 28:26; 38:25.
m. (from the root ^Tn). (i) a divine vision M^fcfetM ^ x
["a vision, spoken of a divine vision or dream, Isa.
JU m. hog, swine, Levit. 11:7. Syr. J;-VA/,
29:7; specially a vision from God respecting future Arab, with the insertion of Nun, whence
events, prophetic vision, Lam. 2:9; Micali3:6; Ps. 'JS*t
89:20"], Dan. 1:17; 8:1; 9:24. Hence the verb ,t-i. to have narrow (piglike) eyes, seems to

(2) generally a divine revelation, i Sa.3:l; l Ch. be derived.

17:15; Prov. 29:18.
*HD ("swine"), [#ezer],pr.n. m. 1 011.24:15;
(3) an oracle, often collectively (compare opapa, Neh. 10:21.
Acts 12:5; 16:9), Isa. l l Obad. l Nah. i l [This
; ;
: .

reference is omitted very rightly in Thes.]. fut. pTn* (l) TO TIE FAST, TO BIND bonds
rllTn strongly. (Arab. .?;>- and cl^V- id-> Syr. to gird.
vision, revelation, 2 011.9:29; from the
root nrn. Of the same stock are the Hebrew "^'H and Gr. I<TXW,

<<TXVC, both
I<T\/I/W, in the signification of adhesion,
Chald. view, prospect, sight, Dan. 4:8, 17. and in that of strength.) Intrans. to be bound fast,
f. Kametz impure), from the root njn Isa. 28:22. Hence
(2) to hold fast, 2 Sam. 18:9,
to stick fast.
(l) appearance, aspect, especially of something
rfa) iB
8h p]nl " and
head held (stuck) fast in
grand or handsome, (compare i"l^1P). Dan. 8:5, p.?.
n-ITn the terebinth." So rn'lPia Tl to adhere to the law, to
aconspicuous or great horn, verse 8, nj^yj:!!
n-un "and there arose four conspicuous be zealous for it, 2 Ch. 31:4; followed by ? with an
For it appears that it must be thus inter- inf. to persist in any thing, to be constant, to be
preted on account of verse 5. earnest, or assiduous, Deut. 12:23; Josh. 23:6;
1 Ch. 28:7.
(2) a prophetic vision, Isa. 21 :2.
(3) a revelation, a law, hence a covenant (both (3) to make firm, to strengthen, to confirm.
ideas being kindred to the minds of the Hebrews, (Verbs of binding, tying, girding, are applied to
with whom religion was a covenant with God). Isa. strength, inasmuch as with muscles well bound and
28:18 (compare nth verse 15); 29:11. with loins girded, Ave are stronger; on the other hand,
* " if ungirt, the weaker. See the roots 7?n, 7-in, pt',^

an unused root. Arab. j^L to pierce and the Arabic roots cited by Bochart in Hieroz. L
p. 514, seq., and Schultens in Opp. Min. p. 187, seq.)
e.g. with an arrow, -_ to cut into, to perforate, to
[Trans.] Eze. 30:21, and i. q. to help, 2 Ch. 28:20.
wound. A kindred root is f^n. Hence nn. More often intrans. to be firm or strong, to become
'N strong. It is used of men who increase in pros-
("the vision of God;" ["seen by God"]),
perity, Josh. 17:13; Jud. 1:28; of an increasingly
[Hatief], pr.n. m., i Ch. 23:9.
severe famine, Gen. 41: 56, 57; 2Ki.25:3; Jei\52:6;
njn ("whom Jehovah Avatches over"), [Zfa- of a firm and fixed determination, 2 Sam. 24:4;
pr.n. m., Neh. 11:5. l Ch. 21:4. Followed by IP to prevail over, to be

("vision"), [Hezion\, pr.n. m., i stronger than, l Sa. 17:50; followed

by ?JJ id. 2Ch.
Kings and acc l Ki. 16:22. Used figuratively
15=18. 8:3; 2 7 :
5> -

(a) of the health of the body, to become strong,

'v m. constr. fVjn pi. _i a vson to recover, Isa. 39: l. (b) of the mind, to bestr ong,
Job4:i3; 7:14; 20:8. to be undaunted.
So in the expression )'>$ PTH
(2) a revelation, 2 Sam. 7: 17. fWPl V3 Isa. 22:5 (Gr. <r>/fw) "be strong
in mind," Deut. 31:23;
(comp. ver. the valley of vision, or
i ),
collectively of compare Dan. 10:19; and in the same sense, to be
visions, i. e. Jerusalem as the seat and especial home strong, as applied to the hands of any one, Jud,
of divine revelations
(Isa. 2:3; Luke 1 3 33), perhaps :
7: ll 2 Sa. 16: 21 (comp. what has been said under

with an allusion to )VVH

(whence LXX. Stwi/), or to the root D-in). (c) to be confirmed,
or established,
n ri'D which latter AA'ord is " the vision of
interpreted e. g. a kingdom, 2 Kings 14:5; 2 Chron. 25:3.
Jehovah" (Gen. 22:2; 2 Chr. 3:1). The
city was
to be obstinate
(d) in a bad sense, to be hardened,
ritual ad in
[on the side of] a valley. spoken of the heart, Ex. 7 13, 22 comp. Ma'. 3 1 : ;
,4) to be urgent upon any one, to be pressing ; similar]), Nehem. 5:16; Ezek. 27:9, 27. (6) fc
fallowed by 7J? Ex. 12 133; Eze. 3: 14; followed by an strengthen [persons], Eze. 30:25; and intrans. to
cc., Jer. be strong, to be
20:7. poicerful (comp. Lat. roburfacere,
PIEL PiH (i) causat. of Kal No. 1, to bind a Ital.far forze), 2 Ch.26:8; Dan. 11 :32. (c) to a/rf,
girdle on to some one, to gird him; followed by two assist, followed by ?
Levit. 25:35; compare P'TQO a
accusatives, Isa. 23:21; Nah. 2:2. helper, Dan. 1 1 l followed by an ace., verse 6.

(2) to make strong, to strengthen, especially to HITHPAEL. (i) to be confirmed, or established^

fortify a city, 2 Ch. 11:11, 12; 26:9; to repair ruins, used of a new king, 2 Ch. i i 12:13; 13:21; to : ;

2 Ki. 1 2 8, 9, 1 3, 15 followed by ? 1 Chron. 26 : 27 ;

; strengthen oneself, i.e. to collect one's strength,

compare Neh. 3:19. Especially (a) to heal (see Gen. 48 2 to take courage,
3 Ch. 15 : 8523:1; 25 : 1 1.
Kal No. 3, ), Eze. 34:4, 16. (6) to strengthen (2) to shew oneself strong, or energetic, 2 Sam.
one's hand, i. e. to encourage him, Jud. 9:24; Jer. 1O:12; followed by \3?? against some one, to with-
23:14; Job 4:3; l Sa. 23 1 6. VT p7H to strengthen
: stand some one, 2 Ch. 13: 7, 8.
one's own hands, to take courage, Neh. 2: 18. (c) (3) to aid, assist, followed by
3 and DJ? aSa. 3:b;
toaid or assist any one, 2 Ch. 29:34. Ezr. 6:22; l Ch. ll:lO; Dan. lo:2l.
1:6, "and all their neighbours tlD?-^?3 Dn>T3 -ip-jri Hence the following words [also
strengthened them with vessels of silver," i.e.
gave to them, etc. (c?)
in a bad sense, with the ad-
make obstinate,
. verbal adj. (l) firm, in a bad sense
dition of 3j? to harden the heart, to
Eze. 3:9, 3 ?, nVP"'j?jn " hardenedof

Ex. 4:21. V35, 13? pfn to harden one's own heart or
forehead or heart," i. e. obstinate. Eze. 2:4; 3:7;
face, to be obstinate, Josh. ll:2O; Jer. 5:3. Psal.
comp. verse 8.
64:6, jn -QT iD^> *pjri "they are obstinate in
(2) strong, mighty. Isa. 40:10, N13J pjn? he
doing wickedly." will come as a mighty one," see 3 No. 17.
HIPOIL PTHH (i) to bind fast to anything, hence
to join to, in the expression ? HJ P'jnn to join one's pin id. becoming strong, Ex. 19:19; 283.3:1.
hand to something, i. e. to take hold of it
(compare with suff. 'i?jn strength, in the sense of help,
Gr. to hold). Gen. 21:18, 13 ^T~nK j?'jpn p.JD
(0x, Ps. 18:2.
'join thy hand to him," i. e. take hold of him. Else-
where without "!', followed by 3 of the person or m .
strength, Ex. 13:3, 14,16; Am.6:i3
thing, to take hold of, to seize, to catch any one, inf. of the verb Pip
or any thing (comp. Gr. Kpariiv rn-oc), Ex. 4:4; Deu. properly (i
2 Ch. 12:1; 26: 16, " in his being strong," when he
92:25; 25:11; also followed by ? 2 Sam. 15:5; 7J? had become strong.
Job 18:9; poet, with ace. Isa.4l:9, 13; Jer.6:23,
Isa.8:ii,TTrrngT.n3 "in the hand (of God)
4; 8:2l; 50:43; Mic. 4:9, ^H 1i?|nn "pain has
being strong," i.e. impelling me, being impelled by
taken hold of thee," and in the same sense [or
the Spirit of God, comp. the verb, Ezek. 3:14; Jer.
rather with the figure inverted], Jer. 49 24, t2t3T :

" she has taken hold of terror." 20:7.

'"'P/TH'!} (So in n i?!? "'in
(3) Dan. 11 :2, i^'JJ? ^ his being strong
Latin the expression is used ignis comprehendit ligna,
in his riches," i. e. confiding in them.
and vice versa, domus comprehendit ignem [in English
the catches the house, and the house catches fire],
fire f.
) might,viol'ence. ^P, l
?? by force,
also capere misericordiam, detrimentum, we are taken violently, l Sam. 2:l6; Eze. 34:4; very, mightily t

hold of by compassion, etc. Compare Heb. TnK Job Jud. 4:3; 8:1.
18:20; 21:6.) But to take hold of any one is (2) repair of a house, 2 Ki. 12: 13; compare the
often () i.
q. to hold fast, to retain, Exod. 9:2; verb, PIEL Nc. 2.
Jud. 19:4. (b) to receive, to take in, to hold, as a
(" strong"), [Hezeki], pr.n.m. l Chron.
vessel, 201.4:5. (c) to get possession of, Dan.
(2) to adhere, to hold fast to any thing, e.g. & VVpTH ("the might of Jehovah,*
justice, innocence, Job 2:3,9; 27:6; followed by ?Ji i.e. given by Jehovah; like the Germ, otttyarb)
of pere. Neh. 10:30. [ffezekiah, Hizkiah, Ilizkijah'], pr. n. Gr. *Ec
(3) to make strong or firm, hence (a) to X/ac, Lat. Ezechias, borne (l) by a king of Judah
rutore, rebuild or repair (edifices [or any thing 728 699 B.C., 2Ki 18:1,10; also called
'"'JEW, in the manner of de- Gen. 42 22 :
4:23; Neh. 9 29 followed by 7%
Ltrv. :

rivatives of the future,(like 'KpJiT for ?8f?tO;), Hosea Levit. 5:22; Num. 6: 11; Neh. 13:26. There is a
i : l ;
Isa. l : 1. (2) one of the ancestors of the pro- pregnant construction in Lev. 5:16, "IP Ntpn TE^ nS
phet Zcphaniah, whom many suppose to be the same ^P? "that which he hath sinned (taken sinfully)
as Hezekiah the king, Zeph. l : l. (3) l Ch. 3:23. from the holy things."
(4) Neh. 7:21; 10: 18. (3) to become liable to a penalty or forfeiture
of something by sinning, followed by an ace. Lev.
"1TH S ee Ttq ["an unused Ch. and Syr. " he
root, Iffi, 5:7; comp. verse 11; Prov. 20: 2, i^?3 KDin
)\j* to return, to go round, to roll, Arab. ,;>_ to have becomes liable to the penalty of his life," brings
narrow (qu. piglike?) eyes: this may be a denomina- his life into danger, compare Hab. 2:1O. Gen. 43:9,
" unless I
tive." Hence "Wri, and the proper names "MH and bring him back "W 'flKBm I shall be
liable (i.e. I shall bear the blame) through all my
HP! with suff. *nn D'nn (with Dagesh forte
pi. PIEL NBH (i) to bear the blame (to take the
implied, see Lehrg. 38: l), properly a thorn, i. q.
consequence of sin), followed by an ace., Gen. 31 :39?
Hin which see. Hence hence
(1) a ring, put through the perforated nostrils of
(2) to offer for sin. Levit. 6:19, nn'S Kt?nipn
animals which are to be tamed, and to which a cord " he who offers it"
(the sin offering). Levit. 9: 15,
was attached. 2 Ki. 19:28; Isa. 37:29; 26.29:4 " and offered it as a
^nxpnjl sin-offering."
(comp. Job 40 26, and the remarks under the word

nin NO. 2). (3) to expiate, to cleanse by a sacred ceremony,

q. 133, as men, Num. 19: 19; Ps. 51 :Q; vessels, a
(2) a hook or clasp, to fasten together the gar- etc. Lev. 8: 15, followed by ?J? Ex. 29:36.
ments of women (compare epingle, Germ. Sptnbcl/ from
HIPHIL ^PDO (i) i.
q- Kal No. l, to miss the
spinula, see Tac. Germ. 17), Ex. 35:22. Others un-
mark (as an archer), Jud. 20:16 (Arab. Conj.IV.),
derstand this to be a nose ring, elsewhere called DT3 ,

see Bochart, Hieroz. i. p. 764. [Root nP.n.] (2) causat. of No. 2, to lead into sin, to seduce
some one to sin, Ex. 23:33. l Ki. l5:26,inNt2n?l
DD i.
q. nn, pi. Eze. 29:4, where :rro is Q\'nn_. ^nb-'-nSI N't?nn T ;
S. an d in his sin which he made
Israel to sin," to which he seduced Israel (used
t. NSn*
- here, as often in other places, concerning idolatry).
THE MARK, speaking of an archer (the opposite idea to l Ki. 16:26; 2Ki. 3:3; 10:29.
that of reaching the goal, to hit the mark), see Hiph.
(3) [" * cause to be accused of sin, Deu. 24:41
Jud. 20:16; of the feet, to make a false step, to Ecc. 5:5; also"] i. q. JT^hn to declare guilty, to
stumble (Prov.i9:2), Germ. fetjlen/ oerfet;len/ specially in a forensic sense, Isa. 29:21.
fetjltreten. (The same origin is found in HITHPAEL (l) i. q. Kal to miss or wander from
Arab. \z~>- to miss the mark, opposite to u^Ls to the way, used of a man terrified and confounded,
^w *
and thus in a precipitate flight mistaking the way.
hit the mark, see Jeuhari in the specimen edited by Job 41 17 comp. Schultens. Opp. Min. p. 94.

Scheid, p. 67 71, and Greek a/*aprai'w, used of a

(2) reflect, of Piel No. 3, to purify oneself, Nu.
dart, II. x. 372; iv. 491; of a way, Od. vii. 292.)
19:12, seq. 3l:2O.
The opposite of Ny? to hit upon, to find, German
The derived nouns follow immediately after.'
tceffen. Prov. 8:36, iS>f3 DOh Kph " he who wan-
ders from me, injures his own soul." Opposed to Nt?n.m.-with suff. WpHphir. D'Bq const.
'KQ verse 35. Job 5 24, " thou numberest thy
(which is from the form K^O)-

flock, ^tprip t?} and missest none;" none is want- sm,/ M ^ Lev - 1 9 :1 7; 22: 9- 1 KPD
ing, all the flocks are there.
(In this signification sin against any one, i. e. for him to be reckoned
agrees with the ./Ethiop. V? ft: not to find, not to
guilty in the matter,
Deu. 15:9.
have, to lack, see Ludolf, Lex. ^Ethiop. p. 288.) [" ( 2 ) penalty of sin, hence calamity, Lament
(2) to sin (to miss or wander from the way, or to 3:39." Thes.]
t tumble in the path of rectitude), followed by ? of
the person against whom one sins, whence Klpn m. [pi. D'KQn, suff. n$90], (with Kameta
nin^ Gen. 20:6,9; l Sa. 2:25; 7:6, etc.; also fol- impure) (l) a sinner [in an emphatic sense],
lowed by ? of the thing in which one has sinned, Gen. 13:13.

() one who bears blame, one counted cul- medulla or flour of the wheat, fivtXov ai-$p&v\ it if
pable, I Ki. 1:21. also called D'EH 3^>n Ps 147: 14. .

Plural D'tpn grains of wheat (the sing, is four d

Htfpn f. s i nt GCU. 20:9. ["(2)0 sacrifice for sin,
Ps. 40:7."] applied to one grain, "EH, Mishn. Chelaim i. 9),
D'pn jnj Jer. 12:13; D'tSH T>*p Gen. 30 14; D'Bn E>H :

l Ch. 2 1 20 D'tpn 13 2 Ch. 27 5.

: ; a Chaldaism :
ful. Am. 9:8.
(2) S.q. nxan (a) sin, Ex. 34:7. (J) penalty of In the cognate languages it is Uy-w &&<~ Chald.
tin (like nxtpn No. 3), Isa. 5:18.
^n, and some on
account regard O?n to seas on,
Ch. f. a sacrifice for sin, Ezr. 6:17
But, however, the letter Nun may be
('p). as its root.
constr.nKBn plur. niXBn
[ a miss,
inserted as originating in Teth doubled, so that the

misstep, slip tcith thefoot. Pro. 13:6"]. root may be Cn. [In Thes. it is put under liJn, where

(1) sin, Ex. 34:9; Isa. 6:7, etc. ["Rarely for

it seems to
belong.] The Gr. alrus, wheat, appears to
the habit of sinning, sinfulness, Prov. 14:34; Isa. answer to this word, the aspirate being changed
into a sibilant.
3:9."] Also applied to that by which any one sins, [" Bohlen compares Sanscr. godhuma,
e.g. idols, Hos. 10:8; Dent. 9:21; comp. 2 Ki. 13:2,
wheat, so called from its
yellow colour. Pers. .
,x. "J
water of sin, i.e. of expiation or purifying, Num.
B*it9H (prob. "
assembled," from the root B pPl),
(2) a sin offering, Levit. 6: 18, 23; as to its [ffattusli], pr.n.m. (i) iChr.3:22; Ezr.8:.
difference from D^'X see that word. (2) Ntih. 3:10. (3) Neh. 10:5; 12:2.
(3) penalty, Lam. 4:6; Zee. 14:19; hence cala-
Isa. 40:2; Prov. 10: 16 (opp. to
n an unused root. Aram.
^ to dig, to
mity, misfortune,
D *?D). not this last sense wholly needless ? and Arabic U-c
[Is explore. to engrave, to write. Henoe
would not introduction utterly mar the sense of
pr.n. K0pn.
the passages referred to in support of it ?]
^D m. Chald. sin, suff. T ?D Dan. 4: 24,
T firctn the
HEW wood, Deu. 29: io; root Nbn Hebr. KCH.
(i) jo CUT, TO i.q.
Josh. 9:21, 23; sChr. 2:9; Jer. 46:22. Arabic X DH
s - - - - - [" T Chald. f. a sacrifice for sin, Ezn
.^^U.^ hewn timber, ^_^sy>~ to go for timber. A 6:17(0)."]
kindred root is 3VH to cut stones also 3V? and the ;
Ntp'pri ("diggiug," "exploring"), [HaUta],
words there cited.
pr.n.m., Ezr. 2:42: Neh. 7:45; see
(2) Med. E. intrans. prop, to be cut, to be smitten
with a rod, hence to be marked with stripes, to be
H ("waving"), [JTaiZ] f pr.n. m., Ezr.
a : 57 ;
Neh. 7 59. : Root fen.
itriped, compare 1?n No. 3. Arabic i^^z- to be

K3'pri ("seized," "caught"), [Hatipha],

ttriped, to be variegated, used of a garment.
Hence HUOn pr.n. m., Ezr. 2:54; Neh. 7: 56.
[part, pass.] pi. f.
striped tapestry, Pro.
? p r
7 : l6. Syr. IJk^j.AxiD a variegated vest, properly < tpn an unused root. Arab. JIa=L to be pen-
striped. The same signification is found in the cog-
dulous, to be loose ; kindred to "K?n. Hence pv. n,
nate root i_?lj t see Castell, Heptagl.p. 3329.
PUAL pass, of No. l, to be hewn out, carved, Ps.
144:12. STOP the mouth of an animal with *

tpri par*, pass. f.

p^ Of the preceding verb.] muzzle, TO MUZZLE. (Arabic ^-^, whence ^HM
f. wheat, in sing, especially as growing in a muzzle. Cognate roots are Dpn, D>*JJ, also
Exod-9:32; Deu. 8:8; Job 31:40; Isa.
the fields. comp. my remarks on the signification of the syllables
98:25; Jel i:ll. The expression nan 3^n Psal. D1, DO, DJ1, p. ccni. ) Of a kindred power to this root
81:17, fat of wheat, is, however, to be explained of are domare, b&mmen/ jubdmmcn/ j&bmen. Metaph. Isa.
grains of wheat, and so nan ni^>3 3$n fat of kidneys 48:9, ^"DOnx "I tame or muzzle 4
(myself [ mj
of whrat, Dent 31:14; fat thus used denoting the anger']) towards thee, I restrain myself."
CCLXXIII rvn-rux&n

l3M f. f|br i. q. Win TO SEIZE, TO TAKE with (B) subst. life, Lev. 25 : 36. [i Sam. 25:6, "and
hail!" to be
say ye thus, jn? to life (i. e. to welfare),
violence, Jud. 21:21; Psalm 10:9. (Aram. <&*>, regarded as a form of salutation, and not as being hero
the adj. See Thes.] So in the formula of swearing,
Arab. ^^U-L id.) Hence pr.n. SQ'tpn.
["when by created things"]. nir>B "H by the life

~)Dn an unused root. Arab. L-L (kindred to of Pharaoh, Gen. 42:15, 16; If 92 'D by thy life,

l Sa. 1 126; 17:55. The name of Jehovah is in the

the roots ^n, Jla^> Jit, and others, the primary
same sentence preceded by 'D (see letter A, l ) whence ;

syllable of which having the force of

is dal, tal, sal,
^Q3 ^n) n'VV *n i Sam. 20 3 25 26. It is much
being pendulous, waving, or swinging, see page ^ more usual to use in this sense the

cc) to shake, or brandish, a rod or spear (fdwen* Pl. B^n, once P!D Job 24:22, Jt/e, Gen. 2:?; 3:14.
tail (roebeln); see Alb. Schultens,
fen), to wag, as a n-Tl the breath of life, Gen. 6: 17,
17; 7. 15, etc. D\'D
Hamasa.,p.35O,5l,Epist. ad Menken., ii.p.6l.
Hence duration.
D\'nn Y% the tree of life, i. e. of life of long

*ltpn m. a roc?, Pro. 14:3; abranch, sucker, Isa. OeottxeXnv or immortality, Gen. 2:9; compare 3:22,
24. Hence sustenance, /3toc, Prov.
(a) living,
11 :i. (Arab Jk>- a branch, Syr. J^Qu/ staff, a
27:27. (b) refreshment, Prov. 3:22; 4:22. (c)
or rod. Sam. \^^, x and n being interchanged.) * f
prosperity, welfare (comp. Syr. pLw 19 9> Luke :

\L/ LpM an unused i. Arab, for the Greek o-wrr/p/a), happiness, Ps. 34: 13; Pro.
root, perhaps q. yOs^- nnx the way
to assemble themselves Hence 4:22,23; 12:28; 13:14; 14:27. D^n
(used of people).
of welfare, Pro. 2:19; 5:6.
*H Ch. emph. st. N'Dj pl. J\'n.
(1) adj. alive, living, Dan. 2 :3O; 4:14, 3l;6:
D constr. B fern. nn, pi.
Dn fem . nin (from the
root r?n). Ezr. 6: 1O; Dan. 7: 12.
(2) Pl. P*n as a subst. life,
(l} alive, living, Gen. 43: 7, Dpn&pijTj
(A) adj.
'0 "is your father yet alive?" verses 27, 28; 45:3, ^n (perhaps for^rT" God liveth"), [Hiel],
m. l Ki. 16:34.
6; 46:30. *D ?3 "every living thing;" Gen. 3:20; pr.n.
8:21. D?iyn *n "he who lives for ever," i.e. God, fH^n f. (from the root 1-in, which see compare ;

Dan. 12:7. This is an accustomed formula in swearing, Dan. 5:12), properly, something twisted, involved;
nVlJ ^n "Jehovah (is) living," i.e. as God liveth; whence
Ru. 3:13; lSa.l4:45- Tl
&ro$ 283.2:27; poet.
(1) subtlety, fraud, Dan. 8:23.
^? *n Job 27:2, and \3? Tl "as I live," when Jeho-
(2) a difficult sentence, an enigma, compare
vah himself swears, Nu. 14:21,28; Deu. 32 40 Jer. :
nyvp. In proposing enigmas, the verb commonly
39:24; Eze-5:il; 14: 16, 18, 20, etc.; also used of used is ~J-in which see in solving them, Tan Jud.

the oath of a king, Jer. 46: 18, [but this King is nirp
to'f nitoy].
Dn "those who
are alive," i.e. men.'
(3) i.
q. 7^9 a sententious expression, Prov.
Ecc. 6:8,D\V3 Y-\$ "the land of the living," as
1:6; a parable, Eze. 17:2; a song, poem, Psalm
opposed to the place or state of the dead (Hades), 49 5j 78:2; compare Hab. 2:6; an oracle, a

Eze. 26:20; 32:23.

vision, Num. 12:8.
(2) lively, vigorous, 2 Sara. 23:20, according to
lro: (np <>!n B^X). Compare rvn. Also, flourish- n
inf. absol. n'n Eze. 18:9, and Vri 3:21 ; 18
ing, prosperous [" according to some"], 1 Sa. 25:6. 28; constr. with suff. Dn'vn. Josh. 5:8; with prefix
(3) reviving; hence metaph. H^n Gen. 18:
njf|i nvn? Eze. 33 12 ; imp. with prefix rPnj Gen. 20 7 ;
' '

10, 14; 2 Ki. 4: 16, 17; at the reviving of the season, Vni 42 18 fut. !W1. apoc. W, rfl.
pl. ;

i.e. the
year, in the next spring, when the winter TO LIVE, a word of very frequent use. Arabic
is past, TrepnrXoptvov ii'tavrov
(Od. xi. 247).
which form is also found in
(4) raw, used of flesh, l Sa. 2:15; Lev. 13:14, seq. ^, Hebrew, see "H.
(5) fresh, as of a plant in its greenness, Ps. 58: The original idea of this
: Syr. Liuw id.
1O; as of running water, opposed to that which is word is that of breathing ; inasmuch as the life of
stagnant and putrescent, which is called in Arabic animate beings is discerned by their breathing (com-
dead water. Gen. 26:19; Lev. 14:5,50.
pare ^?5) and the more ancient form of this root is

frn-rvn CCLXXIV rrn

fij^jwhich see. The same original idea is found in to deliver from destruction of lite, i. e. to save frorc

the Greek aw, ww, cognate to which is aw, uij/ii, to death, Gen. 47 25 :
50:20; followed by ? Gen. 45 7
: :

breathe; which, in yEschylus, is applied to the winds also, to suffer to live, to grant life, Josh. 6:25; 14:
as breathing or blowing. Those who are curious in 10; 2 Sa. 8: a.
languages inquire whether the Sanscrit dschiv,
may (a) i. q. PIEL No. 3, to res tore to life, 2 Ki. 5:7;
to live; Greek )3<ow; and Latin vivo; belong to the 8:1,5. Hence HJTO [and the pr. n. ^1?,
same stock. H*n & K^rj Chald. id. Dan. 2:4, \n
[/'Construed (a) with ace. of time, Gen.
5 3, 'and : " O king, live for ever;" a usual phrase in saluting
Adam lived a hundred and thirty years;' Gen. II :

kings. Dan. 3:9; 5 :

10; 6
7, 22 compare Neh.

1 1, etc. with 2 of place, Lain. 4: 20; also of that

(b) Ki 1:31-
2:3, "#! E7^ $VJ * -

from which one lives, 2 Ki. 4:7 and of that by which ;

APHEL part.
Nn preserving alive; comp. Syr.
one lives and prospers, Hab. 2:4."] v
Lx*5 Dan. 5:19.
Followed by ^?, to live upon any thing, compare ?J!
No. 1, a, letter y. Often i. q. to live well, to be ""17? adj., pi. f. nvn lively, strong, robust, Ex. 1:
prosperous, to flourish, Deut. 8:1; 30:16; Neh. 19; see *D No. 2.
9: 29 [Qu. as to the use of this latter-cited passage]. n M T constr. JVn and poet. Wn with Vav parag.
^S>ri <r^ "may the king live," may he prosper, l Sa. Gen.l:24; 50:10; 79:2; 104:11 (comp. Gramm.
10: 24; 2 Sam. 16: 16. CD??? ?
" let
your heart

^ 78, note; [ 93, 2;] Lehrg. 127, 3); fern, of the

live," Le. let it flourish, or be glad, Psalm 22 :
adjective *D living, or, in a neutral sense, that ivhich
59:33 lives; hence
(2) to continue safe and sound, Josh. 6:17;
(1) an animal, a beast; Hjn njn a wild beast
Nu. 14:38; especially in the phrase ^93 nirn "my PI. HVH Ps. 104:
(lit. an evil beast), Gen. 37:20, 33.
soul liveth," I remain alive, Gen. 1 2 1 3 19:20; :
25 ;
Isa. 35 :9 ;
Eze. 1:5; but more often in the sing
Isa. 55 3; Jer. 38:17, 20.
collect. ?3 Gen. 8:17; 9:5;
all living creatures,
(3) to live again, to revive, Eze. 37 :5, seq. l Ki. ;
Lev. ll :46. This word is also applied (a) in the
17:22; hence widest sense to beasts of all kinds, and also to aquatic
(4) to recover health, to be healed, Gen. 20:7; creatures, Levit. loc. cit. ; more frequently (b) tc
Josh. 5:8; followed by JP from a disease, 2 Ki. 1:2;
quadrupeds as opposed to birds, Gen. l 30; : 2 :
8:8; and to be refreshed (spoken of one wearied,
8:19; 9:2; Lev. 11:2, 27; 17:13; Isa.46:l. (c)
or sad), Gen. 45:27; Jud. 15:19.
to wild animals, as opposed to tame cattle (^PH?),
PIEL njn (i) to cause to live, to make alive, Gen. 1:25; 2:20; 7:14,21; 8:i; 9:10; specially
to give some one, Job 33:4.
life to A woman, when to wild beasts, the meaning of which is often more
he conceives by a man, is said to vivify his seed, Hlbn JVPI Ex. 23:11; Lev. 26 22
fully expressed :

Genesis 19:32, 34; similarly, Hoseai4:8, JH V1T\

Deu-7:22; Hos. 2: 14; 13:8; Jer. 12:9; 76.34:8:
"they shall vivify the corn" in the desert land, by s*>-
and njn rvn Eze. 14:15; 34:25. Arabic <L~
again cultivating the fields and scattering the seed. spe-

Metaph. Hab. 3:2,"O Jehovah, vivify thy work," cially denotes a serpent.
i.e. accomplish it. Also, to cause to be well, or (2) a people, Ps.68:ll,a band of men, a troop,
to flourish, Ps. 119:37. 2 Sa. 23:11, 13, i. q. MH No. 2. In this word the
fern, living is taken collectively for those who art
(2) to keep alive, compare Kal No. 2; Gen. 12 :

12; Exod. 1:17; Ps.4l:3; 138:7; Job 36:6; njn alive (Lehrgeb. p. 477), D'!D, specially for men.
*D E>33 id. l Ki. 20:31; Psa. 22:30; JHJ Dn to pre- (3) as a subst. life, only in poetry, i. q. D*?n Jot
serve seed, Gen. 7:3; 33:18,22,28; Ps. 143:3. So in the expression K*?|
"*i?? "^H to feed oxen, Tsa. 7:21.
call back to restore njn with art. nnn CJ'D3 animal of life, i.e. a living
(3) to Sam.
life, to life, \

creature, see KT No. 4. The term life is also applied to

30:4; Dim. 32:39; hence, to refresh, Ps.
1:6; Ps.
viqnnr, strength. Isaiah 57: 1O, r.KSO ^T TVP "thot
71:20; 85:7; and figuratively, to repair (a city),
1 Ch. ll:8. Neh. 3:34, D^rrr^ Vrnn w ffl they (yet) findest the life of thy hand," i. e. vigour in thy
hand. Hence
call the stones to life?" So Syr. J0u*j to raise up (4) i.
C'W No 2, vital power, life, anima, to
ruins. which is ascribed hunger, thirst,weariness (Job 33 2OV :

\n K^P Job 38:39, i. q. ^ !?3 N?P to fill the soul, i. e.

HIPHIL ivnn (i ) i. q. PIEL No. a, to keep alive,
Gen. 3: iq, 20; with the addition of t?S3 Gen. 19: 19; to satisfy. Poetically ^3 nn is also used for tht

row/, desire, will, like ^Q?, No. 3; to which, besides m.iy be rendered the host of the afflicted ;
but it ;i

other things, desire and blood-thirstiness are ascribed preferable to follow HTD, se*^ n??^.
(Ps. 27:12; 41:3). So I interpret, Ps. 74:19, 1^"^ (2) defence, fortification, especially a particulai
*|-iin JVn^ "give not to the desire (of blood-
E>f[3 part of the fortifications, namely, a ditch, with the
thirsty foes [bloody-minded troop, No. 2,Ges.corr.]) antemurale surrounding it, 2 Sam. 20:15; Isa. 26:1;
thy turtle dove," i. e.
thy innocent people. Nah. 3:8; Lam. 2:8; comp. l Ki. 21 :23; Ps-48:i4;

122:7. LXX. irpoTti-xiffna., Vulg. ante-

NVn emphat. K$VD, mn f. animal, a
murale. (In the Talmud ^n is used fora space sur-
beast, Dan. 4:12, seq.; 7:3, 12, 17 for rPH, double
rounding the wall of the temple, see Lightfoot, Opp.
Yod being changed into V.
t.ii.p. 193).
lf. life, 2Sa.20:3. Vn m . & riTH f. Job 6:10.
(1) pain, especially of parturient women, Ps. 48 : 7 ;
.r i.
PPPI TO LIVE, but with the middle radical
& - Jer. 6:24; 22:23; Mic. 4:9.
doubled, like the Arab. ^- To this belongs 3 Pret^D, (2) fear, trembling, Ex. 15: 14; see Wl No. 3, 5.
Gen. 5 5, :
Pn#8 DIN D^>3 "all the days of Adam Ps. 48:14, according to the common read-
which he lived;" 3:22/0^ nj "(lest) he ^W ing, q.
h*n No. 2; but LXX., Vulg., Syr., Chaldee,

should eat and live for ever;" Num. 21:8. Care is

Jerome, and 18 codices read it with the addition of
necessary not to refer to the verb the occurrences in Mappik J^D, from the word ?'D ;
and it is
" is
which TJ is an adjective, as *H "liyn your fa- O^X to take it thus.
ther yet alive?" Gen. 43:7. Hence VI, Hj
DVn \Helam\i 2 Sam. 10:16, and / verse

/^H S ee ^,n. 17, pr.n. of a town near the Euphrates, the scene of
a battle of David with Hadadezer.
/!D m
constr. ^D, with suff. ^n pi. D^jq (see ^in

No. 6), strength, power, might (especially warlike), 7 [He Ian], pr. n. of a sacerdotal town in the
tribe of Judah, i Chron. 6 43. :
[Called |Vn, Josh.
valour, Psal. 18:33, 40; 33:16. B nb>JJ fo sAeu?
oneself strong, display valour, Nu. 24:18; Ps.
to 21:15-]
60:14; 108:14. Hence m. Job4i grace, beauty, whence
pH :4, i.q ID
(2) forces, a host, Ex. 14:28. 7?nn "ib> leader
tenjj }*H 'the
beauty The form
of his structure."
of the army, 2 Sa. 24: 2. 7$ 33,, 'E>3X soldiers, Deu.
imitates the Chaldee, in which IH, S3n 83/11 are i. q. ?

3:18; l Sa. 14:52; Ps. 110:3, D1<>

? "in the day
of thy warfare," i. e. of thy warlike expedition;
^P Heb. ID, like K||, N3>a for ||. [" Comp. the name ^
of the letter, for ]^."] The word with which this is
[that is, the day of the sending of the rod of Messiah's
strength out of Zion, when he rules in the midst of compared by Alb. Schultens, Arab. *+&- opportunity,

his enemies, and strikes through kings in the day of is only used in speaking of time.
his wrathl.
m. a wall, Eze. 13: 1O. Arab. JbjU- id., see
(3) ability, hence wealth, riches, Gen. 34:29; Job
the root fin.
80:15. ^n nbj; to acquire wealth Deut. 8:17,18; ;

Ruth4:ll ;
Pro. 31:29.
P^^H m . naiXn
from the word ^n),outer,
(4) virtue, uprightness, integrity, also fitness. exterior, Eze. 10:5; 40:17, 31; hence civil (as
?!D T?K men of capacity, Gen. 47 6 ; Ex. 18:21,25. :
opposed to sacred), l Ch. 26:29; comp. Neh. 11:16.
??n Ht^SI a virtuous woman, Ruth 3:11; Prov. 12:4; i? without, on the outside, l Ki. 6:29, 30.

31 1O.: ?'D || an honest, or upright man, l Ki. 1 152.

(5) the strength of a tree, spoken poetically of its
an unused root. Arabic v^ Med. Ye, TO
fruits, Joel 2:22; compare D'3 Job 31 39. :
SURROUND, kindred to 3-1 PI, 3W which Hence

properly PTJ. [In Thes. this root is omitted, and j^PI is

?*U m. Chald. (l) strength, might, Dan. 3:4. inserted ;
see that root in this Lexicon.]
(2) host, army, Dan. 3:20; 4:32.
p*H rarely PD Prov. 17:23, with suff. *i?'n Psalm
'.U & A? m. properly i.
q. 7JPJ, especially 35:13, and 'i?PJ Job 19:27, m. [" the bosom, i.e.
(\)anarmy,a host, 2 Ki. 18:17; once ?n Obacl. the breast with the arms so called from embracing
1O: also Ps. 1O:1O, according to np, where D^K3"7'n SOP the root P-in"l.
(I) boscm of a garment, Prov. 16:33; ? ? palate" (mouth). Comp. nsn. Cant. 7:10, comp
" a Cant. 5: 16, the palate seems to be delicately put foi
present (given) into the bosom," i. e. given se-
cretly, Prov. 31:14; comp. Prov. 7 23. (Lat.
1 sinum : the moisture of the mouth perceived in kisses comp. ;

laxare, expedire, used of an expectant of gifts, see Lette ad Amrulk. Moall. p. 1 80.
Senec. Epist. 119. Thyest. 430.)
(a) the bosom of a person. p'HS 33K> to lie in the TO WAIT. (Alb. Schultens, on Job 3: 21,
bosom (of a woman) de complexu venereo. The phrase seeks for the primary idea in tying, or binding, comp.
" to t
P*n3 33:? is a consort's bosom," l Ki. 1:3;
lie in
Arab. \^. a knot, and the Latin moram nectere
to tie
Mic. 7:5; a mother's, 1 Ki. 3:20 (of an infant, comp.
Ruth 4: Hence ap. Senecam Trag. & Val. Flacc.). In Kal once, part
16). it is
applied to intimate conjugal followed by ?. Of more
who in thy bosom, Deu. [active] const. *?in Isa. 30:18,
love, "Hi^n n^'X the wife is
frequent occurrence is
13:7; 28:54; compare verse 56. P*n ?X D??' Jer.
PIEL nsn id. 2 Ki. 7:9; followed by an ace. and ?,
32:18; 'S p*n h# 3'trn Ps. 79:12, to recompense to
Job 32:4; especially used as njn v nsn to wait for
any one into the bosom (as God the actions of men), Jehovah (full of confidence), Ps. 33:20; Isai. 8:17;
3't?n Jud.
q. elsewhere E'iOS. 9:57 ; 1 Sa. 25 : 39; Isa. 30:18, D3?3$ njn nsn; Jehovah will wait
Joel 4: 7. (Winer is altogether wrong in taking this
that he may be gracious to you," if he can again be
expression to signify full measure (Lex. p. 323) to be favourable to you. Inf. in a Ch. form ""Sn Hos. 6 9. :

received not by the hand but into the bosom of a gar-

[" In the parallel member is arise, so. in
D-1">* he will

ment, compare Luke 6: 38; the phrase simply means

order to do this or that, which thus comes near to
something is made to return from whence it came
-that ;
the Arab. +\ . i.
q. opiyeadai" Ges. add.]
compare the similar Arabic expression a,^ ^ Jj
to return upon one'sneck, Hist. Tim. torn. i.
p. 30,
n2n a hook, fern, from ^H, so called because of
Mang.) It is spoken of the breast for the mind or its fixing itself in the palate of fishes [" with which

soul, Job 19 27 [?1

the jaws of fishes are drawn together, and thus they
Eccl. 7:9. [" Also i.
q. JTg
Job 19:27."] are choked"]. Job 40:25; Isa. 19:8.

(3) Metaph. the bosom of-a chariot, i.e. its

hollow part, l Ki. 22:35: the bosom of the altar,
riTpn ("dark, dusky"), [HachilaK], pr. n.
of a hill near the desert of Ziph, l Sa. 23:19; 26:
the lower or hollowed part for the fire, in which it is
1,3. Root ^>3n.
kept burning, Eze. 43: 13.
iTTn ("nobility," "a noble D*2H Chald. adj. wise, Daniel 2 :2l; specially a
race"), [tftraA],
Dr. n. m. Gen. 38:1, 12. magian, a magician. Dan.2: 12, seq.; 4:3; />:7,8-

' 3r\ an unused root. [See below.] Arab.

to dark, or obscure, e. g. used of an obscure
q twn [which see] TO MAKE HASTE, imp. sound or speech, of a difficult affair, of the eye of the
.'1:12, nro. Hence drunkard becoming dim. It will not be amiss to
B^H subjoin a version of what is said of this root in the
adv. speedily, Ps. 90: 1O.
Kamus (p. 1426) which was not rightly understood by
*v *
with '?n m. the
palate with the cor-
"sJH Schultens on Prov. 23:29. j-^ & ^ af tfie sound
responding lower part of the mouth, the internal
of which is not heard, like the ants,... with the addition
of the mouth, the jaws, like D?nJ3?D. (Arab.
the palate and the lower part of the mouth of He ^\ that which is foreign in speech (difficult

be understood), followed It to be doubt-

answering to it, beak, Syr. f oit ^ palate. Root ^H
to j>- by
No. l .) Whence Job 20 1 3, ten TpH3 " in the midst :
ful orobscure, spoken of an o^otr...Conj. VIII. to bt

of his mouth." Job 33: 2. s

(a) for the organ of
taste, Job 1 9 : 1 1 ; comp. Job 6:30; Ps. 119:103.
confused, to speak barbarously, ,jW drunken
(6) for the organ of speech. Proverbs 8:7, niD$ *3 with wine. [But see Thesaur. and Freytag, Proleg.
'3PI " for
n|P my palate shall speak the truth." p. xi. appears probable that this last assigned sig-
Job 31 130, " for I have not suffered my palate to nification has only originated in a misprint ic th
in ;" compare Hos. 8:1 " (Put) the Kamus:
trumpet to thy Calcutta to speak obscurely or conjectu
HITHPAEL (i) to seem wise to oneself, to &
rally, is tne meaning given in another copy;
wise in one's own eyes, Ecc. 7: lt>.
for Prof. Lee translates the passage accord- (2) to show oneself wise, followed by? to de-
ing to the Calcutta reading, the person refreshed
with ceive, Ex. l:lo. (Compare the Greek ao^/Jc, cun-
wine. Perhaps the only definition of the Hebrew ning.)
root is that which can be deduced from the use of its The derived nouns all follow [except D ??, and

And this last gloss nearly accords with pr. n.

the Hebrew use of the term ; for both of its deriva-
JN adj. i. q. Gr. o-o^oe; prop, capable of judging
tives,YY??, and rvvv?n are used of the eyes of
(see the root), knowing; hence (l) skilful in any
drunkards, or at least of those who have drunk, as
art, Isa. 3:3; 40 20 : 2 Chron. 2 :6, 1 2 ; more fully

becoming dim. (See Preface to Lex. Manual Heb., 3i?"?D e g. Exod. 28 3

have refuted the
. :
; 31:6; 35:10; 36:1,9,8
Germ. ed. 3, p. xxxiv., where I ;

who (compare Homer, cidvlat irpaTridte). Jer. 10:9, t^W

opinion of Schultens, explains this root to mean "
D'P^n the work ofskilful artificers." Jer. 9: 16,
to be red).[" To be dark, b la ck, kindred to 7n3,and
niDDn "(mourning women) skilful" (sc. nj*p) of
used in the derivatives of the dark flashing eyes of a
person excited with wine: (a) in a good sense,
Gen. 49:12; see vy?n. a bad sense, and (2) wise, i.e. intelligent (<po>'t/ioe, oerfl&nbig),
(J) in
endowed with reason and using it, Den. 4:6; 32:6;
referring to the fierceness arising from intoxication,
Prov. lO:l; 13:1; Hos. 14:10; often joined to P 33
Prov. 23:29; see JvMpn." Ges. add.].
Deu. locc. citt. opp. to ^?3 ibid.; ^1$, ^P? Prov. 17:
rV??n("whom Jehovah disturbs" ["dark"]), 28; Ecc. 6:8; sagacious, shreivd, 2 Sa. 13:3; Jer.
\_Hachaliah~\, pr. n. m. Neh. 10:2. 18: 18; Isa. 19:11; 29:14; wise from experience of
life, and skilful with regard to affairs both human
f dim, becoming dark, spoken of the
7?U adj.
(Prov. 1:6; Eccl. 12:ll) and divine (Gen. 41 8; :

eye, see the root,

[which perhaps will give very little hence used of enchanters and magicians, Ex. 7:11,
aid]: [" dark, dark-flashing, spoken of the eye"],
Gen. 49:12, !? Djyg v^sn "being dim (as to his) compare Ch. D^D); endued with ability to judge
(iKi. 2:9).; hence subtle or crafty, Job 5 -.13;
eyes through wine," which in this passage is to be
strong and stedfast in mind, Isa. 31:2. The range
taken in a good sense, as indicating plenty in the
of virtues and mental endowments which were in He-
land of the tribe of Judah. [" Dark eyes are here
brew included by this word may be well gathered
contrasted with white teeth. Aquila well, Ka-aKopot, out of the history and manners of those whose wisdom
satiated with colour, dark ; LXX. -^apoiroioi, Peshito
f 9 became proverbial such as Solomon ( 1 Ki. 5 9, seq.),

^-N^l shining, flashing,

a word applied only to the Daniel (Ezek. 28:3), the Egyptians (l Ki. loc. cit.).
eyes." Ges. add.] Thus the wisdom of Solomon was manifested in acute-
ness in judging (l Kings 3:16; 1O:1, seq.); in his
*"''?pU f. a darkening, or bedimming, of the
knowledge of many subjects, especially those of na-
eyes arising from drunkenness [" dark-flashing of ture (l Ki. 5:13); in the abundance of hymns and
the eyes, Prov. 23 29.
fierceness"]. :

sentences, which he either composed himself or else



retained in memory (l Ki. 5:12; Pro. l:l); in hi
s*~- rightjudgment in human matters, etc. elsewhere, ;

f Arab. ,>- t
judge, hence to rule, ^So- judgment, wisdom also includes skill in civil matters (Isa. 19;
s i
11), in prophesying, explaining dreams, using en-
and >- a judge, Aram, to know, more rarely,
chantments (Ex. 7:11; Dan. 5:11). [But observe
to be wise. Indeed the primary power of this word, that in this enumeration, wisdom which comes from
as I understand it, is that of judging, so that it is kin- God, and even actual inspiration, are blended with
dred to the root Pi?!?.) Prov. 6:6; 23:19; Ecc. the works of darkness, such as magic.] Higher and
2:19; iKi. 5:11; Job 32:9, etc. greater wisdom is attributed to angels than to men,
Piix, to make wise, to teach wisdom, Job 35 1 1 ; : 2 Sa. 14: 20; so also to God,Job 9:4; comp. 28: l,
Ps. 105:22. The heart spoken of as being the seat of
PUAL part, made wise, learned, Prov. 30:24.; f wisdom; hence often D?n n <? Pro *6:23, and 3? D3Q -

n enchanter, Ps. 58:6. 11:29; 16:21. Plur. D'9?n wise men, magicians,
HIPHIL L q. Piel Ps. 19:8. 5en. 41:8.
n ?pn, so called from fatness, Gen. 1 8 8 :
49 : 1 2 Pro
(i) skill of an artificer, dexterity,
; ;

1.28:3; 31:6; 36:1, 2. 27:27. For the phrase P3"H 2^n rqt Y, see un<lil
the root 3tt. To suck the milk of nations, poet, foi
(2) icisdom, see more as to the idea which this
to make their wealth one's own, claim for oneself
coii^rises, under the word D?H No. 2, Job 11 :6; s - -
13:2,12; 15:8; 26:3; 28:18. It comprehends
various learning, Dan. 1:17; piety towards God
Isa. 60 : 16. (Arabic ,_ J.^ y_ ^ ~^ id.; whence

(Job 28 28); it is ascribed to a ruler, Deut. 34 9;

: :
to milk; ^Eth. : milk.)
to a king [Messiah], Isa. 1 1 : 2 ; in a greater and more
eminent sense to God, Job 12:13; 28: 12, seq. ? & ? (isa. 34 :6) with suff. ian p i. U*Q
const. *3?n Gen. 4:4, m.
Ch. id. Dan. 2:20. (i) fat, fatness, Levit. 3 3, seq. ; 4:8, 31. 35; :

metuph. (a) the best or most excellent of any

("wise"), (Hachmoni, Hachmonite],
pr. n. m. 1 Ch. 1 1 : 1 1 ; 27 32. :
kind. H 5
?? 3 ^
tue fat f tlie land i- e. the best of
Hn ln p
its fruits, Gen. 45 18 :
s. 81 -.17 ;
D'Bn 3^n
pn ni^ty) wisdom, construed
sing, (like Psa. 147:14, fat of wheat, and nan rfvS? 3^>n Deut.
with sing. Prov. 9:1, compare 14: 1 (perhaps 1 : 2O, 32:14 (comp. Isa. 34:6), fat of the kidneys of wheat,
where however n |"W may be taken as a pi. [" more i.e. the best wheat. (6) a fat heart, i.e. torpid,
correctly"]); with plur. 24:7; it occurs once besides,
unfeeling, Ps. 17:10; com pare 73: 7, and Gr. TTQ^VC,
Ps. 49 4-=
Lat. pinffuis, for foolish, stupid. Some have compared
s <-

pn id. with sing. Pro. 14:1.

, ,1-L pericardium, but that also seems to be so called

/D see "7'D.
from fatness, although under the root s_ _<. there
?H m. profane, unholy, common, opp. to holy are in Arabic all kinds of other things.

or consecrated, Lev. 10:10; 1 Sa. 21:5, 6; from the (2) \_Heleb~\, pr. n. of one of David's captains,
root ??n PIEL No. 4. 2 Sum. 23 : 29; for which l Chr. 11 :3O is l^n, and

/V (kindred to npn) (i) probably TO RUB,

also TO ( fatness," i. 3. a fertileregion), [Hel-
STEIP, rciben/ aufrctben/ ftreidxn/ auffheicfcen.
bah~\, pr.n. of a town belonging to the tribe of Asher,
(Arab. }Ls- to rub and to smear the eyes with col- Jud. 1:31. [Prob. i.

lyrium, auffrmd)en/ percussit gladio, fhrcichcnj to strip

? ( fa t," i. e fertile), ^Helbon'], pr.n. of a

off skin, abftretfen.) Hence n ??!?. [This is omitted

in Ges. corr.] city of Syria, fruitful in good wine, Eze. 27 : 18 ; Gr.
XaXu/5wi-; as to the excellent wine of this place, for-
(2) to be sick or diseased, perhaps properly to be
rubbed away, merly brought to the kings of Persia, see Strabo XT.
?!? No. 2, 3. It occurs once
i. i"" 1
*nn 2 Ch. 1 6 : 1 2. Hence page 1068 (al. 735). This city, which was very ce-
lebrated in the middle ages (see Freytag, Hist. Halebi),
fust of a copper pot, perhaps so
called frombeing rubbed or scoured off, Eze.
is called in Arabic ^_J^, and now bears the name

24 6, seq. [Qu. does not the passage speak of the

of Aleppo, see Bochart, Hieroz. i. 543; Abulfeda, Sy-
contents of the pot without any mention of rust? ria, page 1 18 Golius ad Alferganum, page 270, seq.
; ;

D. Michaelis (Supplem. page 748, %eq.) conjec-

Engl. Trans, scum."]
i Ch. 4:5, 7. tures- that the city Kennesrin is mea-e (which some
(a) [Helen], pr.n,
call Old Aleppo), but there is no need of this.

7 f-galbanum, a strong smelling gum; the

^7 v an unused root, to be fat. (The primary produce of the Ferula Galbanifera, growing m Syria
idea is that of the smoothness,
lubricity of fat sub-
and Arabia, Ex. 30 34. Syr. ) -> sy gum. Comp : IJ

stances; corresponding are the Greek XiVu, XT<JW, Celsii Hierob., t.i.p.267.

XtTTou*, aXt<4>ii; Lat. lippus.) Hence pr.n. ^f^, and

the words which immediately follow. I
\> an unused root. (I) i.
q. Syr. t N.^. to

3/n m w i tn art. 3^n? const. 3J?n (as if from

^H), whence "vl (II) Arabic ^yl^ to continue, to bt

rith suffix '??H milk, whilst fresh,

differing from lasting, to be always enduring. Hence ~n. fjn
pSn--6n pSn-rmi
Thes. Geseuias rejects this latter meaning for this hardly be healed, Jer. 14: 17 ; 30: 12, comp. 10: 19;
root; and gives it the signification of moving smoothly Nah. 3:19.
and quickly, connecting both the derivatives with tlm (3) to be careful, or solicitous, followed by 7J2,

meaning. In Corr. "to be smooth, slippery."] Am. 6 : 6.

PIEL, n?n (i) to stroke, to smooth any one'

duration, or time of life ["life,
) from the primary idea of the roots N7H and n?ri
fice, (

as passing away quickly."], Ps. 39 6 89 48 whence : :

; ;
i.e. that of rubbing, rubbing away, comp. Gr. Kn\tw,
life, Job 11:17; according to others, time (like B/ij?). to soothe, to caress. It is
always fully expressed, i"l$>n
(2) the world (compare E^W). Ps.49:2; 17:14, 'Q some
\3? to stroke one's face (a) of soothing,
T>nO D'HD " those who love the things of the world ;"
flattering, a king or a noble. Job 11:19; Prov. 19*6;
compare John 15: 1
KcJoyzoe, 8, 19.
Ps. 45:13, "the richest of the nations shall make
mo le ^weasel, suit to theewith gifts." (i) of asking or intreating,
"J/n m. a so called from its swift

gliding motion, or from its gliding into holes ; comp. imploring any one's favor, Ex. 32:11 ; l Sa. 13: 12;
f i Ki. 13:6; 2 Ki. 13:4; Dan.9:i3; compare Iliad,
Syr. t
N.^. to insinuate oneself. So Vulg.,Targ. Jon.,
viii. 37 1 ;
x. 454, seq.
and so Talmud rr6in. "], Lev. 1 1 :
29. (Syr. J ,
\ -
(2) to make sick, to afflict with sickness. Deut.
JTOj i'0 .

Arabic JkLss a mole). See Bochart, Hieroz. 29:21; Psal. 77:11, fc^n 'JTIpn "this has made me
t. i.
p. 1022. Oedmann, Verm. Sammlungen aus der
PUAL, pass, to be made weak (used of a departed
Naturkunde, ii.
p. 50.
spirit in Hades), Isa. 14:10.
a mole?" ["weasel"]), [Huldah], n
HiPHiL,pret. '!?nn (Syriac form for /QD), Isa.53 lo
HTpn (

pr. n. of a prophetess, 2 Ki. 22 14; 2 Ch. 34:22. :

(1) to make sick or grievous (of a wound), Isa.

Mic. 6:13, to make oneself sick.
loc. cit., Hosea
("worldly," "terrestrial" ["vital"]), 7:5, "in the day of our king |O nprj
D^b -l^nn the
[Stldaf], pr.n. m. (i) see ^H. (2) Zec.6:iO;
princes made (themselves) sick with the heat of
for which verse 14, there is D?H ("a dream").
(2) to make sad, Pro. 13:12.
*7 T
rubbed (compare (*VC9
properly, to be
HOPHAI., to be wounded, l Ki. 22:34.
hence (i) TO BE POLISHED, SMOOTH, whence vH, HITHPAEL. become st'c(with 2 Sa
(l) to grief),
HJ/n ornaments of a woman, so called from polishing;
so the Arab. J^>_ to adorn with a woman's ornaments, ibid, verse 5,6.
(2) to feign oneself sick,
Syr. US^A/ to be sweet, pleasant (properly smooth), The derivatives formed from the idea of polishing,
9 r are given under Kal No. 1 [to which add JTTID1;
Pael to adorn, LOixA, sweet. L L
those which have the idea of sickness are vf}, n?nD f
(2) to be worn down in strength, to be infirm, Jud.
rpno, D^/np [and some proper names].
16:7, seq. ;
Isa. 57:10.
(3) to be i. vn !"Pn, like
sick, diseased, Gen. 48: a cake, 2 Sa. 6:19; especially such as waa
"1/U f.

the Greek voativ vuaov, 2 Ki. 13:14. 1v?i 1"IN ^n offered in sacrifices, Lev. 8:26; 24:5; from the root
to be diseased in the feet, i Ki. 15:23. Of disease 7yn No. l to perforate, such cakes having been perfo-

from a wound or hurt, 2 Ki. i 2 8:29, n?in njn

rated, as is still the custom of the Arabs and modern

a diseased evil, i.e. one which can

scarcely be healed. Jews.
Ecc.5:i9, 15, nans r6in sick with love, Cant. 2:5;
5:8. i. a dream, Gen. 20:3, 6; 31:10,
11,24. Dreams used for Ecc. 5 6 comp. a.
(4) tube pained, Pro. 23:35; hence metaph. to be
trifles, ;

careful, or solicitous, followed Root D?n.

71?, i Sa.22:8. by
(Corresponding JSthiopic <tAP: to be careful or
comm. (Josh. 2 1 8 Eze. 41 16), pi. D JoeJ
: V
solicitous, for the Gr. fuptfirfv, Mat. 6:28; see Lud.
2:9; and ni Eze. 40: 16, a window, so called from
De Dieu, h. 1.).
being perforated, see the root ??n. P?nn TJJ
NIPHAL, n?TO (i) to be worn down in strength,
tobecome wearied, Jer. 12:13. through the window,Gen. 26 8 Josh.2 15 Jud. 5 28. :

(2) to be or become sick, Dan. 8:27. Part. f. H ("strong"), pr.n. of a man, Num.
'VD? e.g. rt/HJ HBO a sickly wound, one which can 2:7."]

P/n , pr.n. (["sandy"] according to in pause 'fr with suff. V^n p l. Dj>n m
Simonis, "delay"). (l) of a sacerdotal town in the (l) disease (from the root <"l?n No. 3), wLethe:
tribe of Judah, perhaps the same as that elsewhere internal, Deu. 7:15; 28:61; or external, Isa. l 5. :

called l.?'n, iCh.6:43; Josh. 15:51; 21:15. (2) (a) affliction, sadness, Eccles. 5:16, iyn foi

of a town of the Moabites, Jer. 48 : 2 1 ; probably i.

" ^n.
tfnh. (3) aw evil, a calamity, (in Uebel/ Ecc. 6:2.

m. that which is left behind (when one dies). 'cH a necklace, Hos. 2: 15,
Pro. 31 8, sp^D 3? "children left behind," orphans
from the root njn No. l .

(Arab. i^jidL. II. to leave children when dying, Mark

' /rl
(i) subst. m. a pipe, a flute, so called
12:19,20; Acts 18: 21). [".4 going away (see the
root *"? No. l), especially when others are left behind,
from being pierced (see the root ??H No. l), Isa,

5:12; 30:29; i Ki. 1:40.

hence the death of parents. Arab. S_P\~L to leave
(2) adj. profane (see the root Piel No. 3, b, and
children at death."]
Hiphil No. 3), and neut. any thing profane, whence
n f.
slaughter ["properly a prostrating of with n parag. "V'pn, "V?n (Milel) properly, to pro-

men""], from the root K^n. fane things! ad profana, i. e. absit,far be it! (Tal-
mud. "]^ pSin), an exclamation of abhorrence, l Sa.
Vy a province of Assyria,
[Hal a A] pr. n. of
20:2, rV)n N? rh'hn "far be it! thou sh alt not die;"
whither a portion of the ten tribes were taken by
comp. i Sa. 2 30. It is used
(a) "? ^/VO followed
Shalmanezer; it is probably Calachene (KaXa^rjyi'i, with an inf.
" far be it from me that I should
by IP
Strab. xvi. l; KaXciKtvi}, Ptol. vi. l), the northern
(so) do," Genesis 18:25; 44:7, 17; Joshua 24:16;
province of Assyria, on the confines of Armenia, CX with a future
comp. Job 34: 10. (b) followed by
a Ki. 17 :6; 18 : 1 1. Compare n?3. Job 27:5; i Sa. 14:45; (without v) 2 Sa. 20:20.
[/^npn Halhul, pr.n. Josh. 15:58, now called To both of these expressions there is sometimes

Hulhul, JU, Rob. i.

added nirrp i Ki. 21:3, with
Sa. 24:7;
the sense of, to places profaned or accursed by the

"Wf (from the root ^-in Pilp.)

(i) pain Lord (see IP 2,&); or, the primary signification being
of a parturient woman, Isa. 21:3. neglected, a curse be to me from the Lord, if, etc.
(a) trembling, terror, Nah. 2:1 1 Eze. 30:4,9. ; Josh. 22:29, nin'3 Tip? 130p ^ nW>n WO e be to
us from him (i.
e. Jehovah), if we should sin against
VJ a root unused in Kal. In the Talmud in Jehovah." The idea is a little different, l Sa. 20:9,
Kaland Hiphil,ro DECLARE, TO CON FiRii(seeMishn. " far be it from
thee, (for me) that if I know I tell
Surenh. v. p. 216; vi. p. 42), and this
meaning may thee not." [" In this passage instead of the dat. of
be applied to the Hebrew words [Hiphil], i Ki. 20: the person detesting, there is added a dat. of the
33, ppn nnp^j and they hastened, and
: -It^nn person for whose benefit these things are sworn."]
made him declare, whether (this was uttered) by
him," they carefully so acted, that the king should
i. e.
"13 vHf.
(from the root ^H) change. 2Ki.5:5,
DH33. riwfc) "^7 "ten changes of raiment," that
again declare and confirm what he had said. ^/n1
is for lO^nn [compare] l Sa. 14:22; 31:2; Lehrg. is, ten sets of garments, so that the
whole might be

p. 322. Arab. U\-^ is to affirm zealously, to swear, changed ten times. 2 Ki. 5: 22,83; Jud. 14:12, 13;
a meaning little suited to the passage in question. Genesis45:22; also without DHJ3 Jud. 14: 19. Spe-
cially used
of soldiers keeping guard by turns, whence
[In Corl i.q. Arab. JaU-, Uo- to be quick and hasty
metaph. Job 14:14,
" all the
days of my warfare I
LXX. at tXi^avro TOV will wait T>p *?D Ni3~iy until others take my
in any tning.] \6yov IK TOV place,"
aurou. Vulg. rapuerunt vei'bum ex ore ejus: (lit.
till my exchanging come:) the miserable con-
for dition in Orcus being compared to the hardships of a
on watch. know not whence this strange
H , n .
D'Kn for DO (Lehrg. p. 575) a neck-
soldier [I
piece of theology originated; certainly
such ideas
lace, a neck chain, so called from being polished,
form no part of God's revealed truth.] Elsewhere
ee n No. 1. Pro. 25 : 1 2 ;
Cant. 7 : 2. (Arab. l>. used of a fresh band succeeding in the stead of those
who are wearied; Job 10:17, 'PV ?>'] J"l'lD 7q by lv
f [) Halt, pr. n. Josh. 19:25.] 3ia Ivolv. changes and hosts arc against roe."
I. e. host? fight against me continuously succeeding one's owu use, Deu. 20 :6; 28:30; Jer. 31:5; henc<
one another. Used
also of similar changes of work-
men, i Ki. 5:28, adv. " in alternate courses." (4) to cast down, to destroy, like the Gr.
Isa. 23:9.
!T vH f spoils, as taken from a
m man slain [in
on a pipe or
(5) denom. from ?V9, to play flute
battle], 2 Sa. 1:21 Jud. 14: 19; from the root pn.
[see Kal No. 3], i Ki. 1 140.
PUAL pass, of Pi. No. i Eze. 32 26
pass, of No. 3. b,
/FT an unused root. Arab. t^^L*. to be black, , ;

Eze. 36:23.
metaph. to be wretched, unfortunate, like ^KC
POAL 7?in to wound, to pierce Through. Isa,

(JJ3U- a miserable (The primary idea, I life.

51:9, I"

?? f"V.?inp "who pierced through the

judge, is that of burning, scorching, and this root dragon" (meaning Egypt). Pass. //inp wounded,
is softened from the Ch. T!D, Arab.
to scorch, Isa. 53:5. LXX. tTpavfjiariadi).
NLPHAL ?ru (for ?n3) inf.^nn (Hk e Ben) fut. ^T.^np.
compare D-1H black from the root D-in and
Hence pass, of Piel No. 3. b, to be profaned, to be defiled,
Eze. 7:24; 20:9; 14:22; Lev. 21:4.
for ^P/5 -) quadril. adj. (with the addition
( HIPHIL ?nn (i) to loose, to set free. Hosea
at the end of K and n, see Lehrg. p. 865), m. Ps. 8:10, ^ KifSr? EJ?p "and they (the hostile

10: 8, in pause n3?n ver. 14, O s N??n ver. 10 H'ro,

pi. nations) shall presently force them from the burden
the wretched, the unfortunate, as rightly rendered (i.
e. the unpleasant dominion) of the king.
in the ancient versions. Others render rO^TI thy (2) to break one's word, Nu. 30:3.
host (O God)," and Q^3 ^n (which also the Masora i.
q. Piel
No. 3, b, to profane, Eze. 39:7.
be written as two words) " the host of the
(4) to begin, of which the
directs to idea is derived from
afflicted;" but the interpretation previously given that of opening, like many synonymous words, e.g.
L creferable. nnD Arab, to open, to begin. Syr. );_ to loose, tc
German It stands with an
3 _
open, to begin.
inf.followed by ? Gen. 10:8; without ? Deut. 2:25,

and V.), and l Sam. 3:2; rarely followed by a finite verb, as

(Arab. J^ Conj. I. intrans. TO BE 31 ;

Deut, 2:24, BH ^nn. i Sam. 3:12, rr??i. 'pnn "hi

beginning and finishing," i. e.
from the beginning to
Hence W>n,
and Poel.
^H, n^n, $>n, r^PID. Compare Piel
the end. Gen. 9:20, ^97^?
'C ?- an d Noa^ ^^ 1

began (to be) a husbandman."

(2) to loose, to lay open. (Arab. J^-j nearly HOPHAL, pass, to be begun, Gen. .4:26.
allied are the Gr. The derivative nouns are ^H, npn, Tpn } <T>np t
^aXaw, Xvw). Comp. Piel, Hiphil. fipn,
[" (3) denom. from ?vn to play on a flute or n?nn and
pipe (see Piel No. 5), Ps. 87 .-7."]
PIEL (i) to wound, Eze. 28:9. '7"? niasc. adj. (l) pierced through, hence

(2) to loose, to dissolve, to break (a covenant), mortally wounded, Job 24: 12; Ps. 69:27; Jer.5i:52,
Psalm 55: 21; 89:35. and often s lain, in battle, Deu. 2 1 1, 2, 3, 6. 3"jn 7?n :

slain with the sword, Num. 19:16; and figuratively,

(3) to lay open, to give access to ["toprofane,
from the idea of opening"], hence ri2n 7?n Lev. for the sake of the antithesis,3jn v?D those slain by
hunger, Lam. 4:9; compare Isa. 22:2.
19: 29, to prostitute one's daughter, comp. Lev. 21:7,
2 ) profane (seethe verb Piel No. 3). Eze.2 1 30; :

14. (b} to profane, as the sanctuary (things counted (

f. ""WO (standing in connection with nji?) profaned,

holy not being open to public access), Lev. 19:8;
i. a harlot, Lev. 21 :7, 14. As to the active signi-
21:9, seq. ; Mai. 2 1 1 the sabbath, Exod. 31:14; :

the name of God, Eze. 36 22 Mai. 1:12; the :

fication of one who pierces through, i. e. a soldier,
priests, ;

Isa.43:28; a father's bed (by incest), Gen. 49:4. which some have proposed, see Comment, on Isaiah
Used with a pregnant signification, Ps. 89 40, flp?n :
^|? V~$? thou hast profaned his crown (by cast-
0/^7 fut - D^T C1) Arabic A>- ConJ- I- V. TO
it) to the ground,"
ing comp. Ps. 74:7; Eze. 28: 16.
BE FAT, FLESHY, spoken of an infant, flocks, see the
&P?D <>.?n to apply a
vineyard to common uses (as
having been [for the first three years] sacred or Arabic lexicographers in Scheid, Cant. Hiskize, pagj
dedicated, Lev. 19:23), i. e. to apply its produce to 140 (cogn. 3/n, i_->L=>--)- Hence once Job 39:4, to
rbn-tbt CCLXXXII

bfconte strong or robust (Syr. Pe. and Ethpe. to be- any thing foolish, especially foolish discourse, may I*
come sound or strong). proverbially and jocosely called ,Rot)ls2Jr&fce.
Jewish interpreters and the Targums make WO?n tc
(a) to dieam (because, it is said, fatness
of body
inclines to sleep and dreams ; at all events the signi- be the same as flB^n and P3?H the yolk of an ogg
fications of fatness and dreaming are often found in (from the root D?n
3?n No. l ), and the slime of the
to be the white of an
the other cognate languages expressed by the same yolk of an egg they interpret
egg, as being unsavory food an explanation not bad ;

letters. Arab. Jj>- <<th. rhA^: Syr. ja^A,)> Gen. in itself, but that already given is preferable, on

37:5, seq. ; 42 9
Isa. 29 8. D'^D D^h a dreamer of
: account of the analogy of so many languages.
dreams, i. q. K*??, inasmuch as dreams were ascribed
to divine inspiration [or rather because revelations T
m .
quadrilit. FLINT, hard stone, Job
were often made to God's true prophets in dreams], 28:9; Ps. ll4:8; more fully B*?&nn
TW Deu. 8:15;
Deu. 13:2,4; compare Joel 3 l Nu. 12:6.
^^1^, not ^^1^
32 :
13. (In Arabic pyrites.
HITHIL (l) to cause to recover, Isa. 38:16. The primary idea appears to be that of smoothness,
(a) to cause to dream, Jer. 29:8.
a signification found in verbs beginning with
Derivatives, D^n niC&n
np'pnK false D?n and
compare glaber, gladius, Germ.

^>n, see n^n, n^n, fbn,

patron. 'P/.]. A kindred word is Gr. \a\iZ, silex).

D/n m .
(l) emph. NO?n Chald. a dream, Dan.
fut. erj! poet, for 1?V ["<<> sliP> to 9 lide *
2:4, seq.; 4:2, seq.
^?n No. of the swill motion of any tiling smooth, the
(2) \_Helem\t pr. n. see 2. spoken
primary idea being thatof smoothness andslipperiness.
fem. aval \ey6p. Job 6: 6, a word with as of fat things; compare also "li?n, &!?n. Gr.^n
regard to which, interpreters have advanced many d\Yw ;
and so Germ. fd)lupfen/ Eng. to slip, with the
conjectures, agreeing however in this, that the context sibilant prefixed"]. (1) TO PASS BY, Job 4: 15;
requires the meaning to be some offood which is
article 9:26; Cant. 2:11; hence to pass on, l Sam. 10:3;

or insipid. In order to shew the true perish, to come to nothing, Isa. 2:l8;
to j>6$
unsavoury to

signification, we must have recourse to its

etymology. beyond, transgress (a law), 24:5.
rHD?n then (of the form nw?3) from D?n properly is
(2) to pass through, whence pierce
dreaminess, dreams, hence fatuity (comp. Ecc. through, Jud. 5:26; Job 20 124.
5:2, 6), a foolish matter, which may be applied to (3) to come on against any
one hostilely, Job 9:
tasteless food, just as vice vers& insipidity is transferred ll; 11 10; of the wind, Isa. 21 l of a river, Isu.
: :

from food to discourse ; compare /zwpoc, ap. Dioscorid. 8:8.

of insipid roots. The Syriac version well shews what (4) to come on or up; hence to revive or flou-
this food was, rendering )^v>\.. for this word,
it rish as a plant, Ps. 90 :
5, 6. Figuratively, Hab. l : 1 1 ,

closely resembling the Hebrew word in question, H-11 C]Vn TX "then his spirit revives." (Syr. Aph.,
denotes the purs la in, a kind of herb, the insipid taste Arab. ^_j\-^ Conj. IV. id.)
of Pi. and Hiph.
of which has become proverbial in Arabic ( ._<: [" (5) to be changed, as if pass,
No.l, Ps. 102:27."]
more foolish than purslain; v. Meidanii Prov.
PIEL, to change (used of garments), Gen. 41 14; :

No. 344, 219, ed. H. A. Schultens ; Golius ad 2 Sa. 12:20. (Syr. Pael id.)
Sententias Arab. No. 81), in Greek (fiupoy Xa-^aruv, HIPHIL (l) to change, to interchange, to alter,
3\irof, whence jfy/rw, /3\irac, /3\tro/zn^ac, Arist.
Gen. 35:2; Lev. 27:10; Ps. 102:27.
Nub. 997, of a foolish man), and Latin (bliteus, Plaut. (2) to change, Gen. 31 =7, 41. [In Thes. l and a,
Trucul. iv. 4, l ) whence it is called are put together.]
foolish herb,
(3) causat. of Kal No. 4, to cause to revive, 01
JlaJl which very word the Arabic translator
sprout forth (as a tree), Isa. 9 9; and intrans. to :

of Job used for the Syr. J Zoo^w. The Talmudic word revive (prop, to produce new buds, or leaves), Job
JVO?n may be compared with this which is used of 14:7; whence, with the addition of nb, to gain neii
herbs in general, Chilaim viii. 8. niD?n "in in Job strength, to renew one's strength, Isa. 40:31; 41.1;
properly the slime of purslain, seems to be
loc. cit. and with the ellipsis of that word. Job 29:20.
contemptuously spoken of herb broth, just as in Germ. Derivatives, $?, #*[, ns^n, s)VnD, ntoj>n?>.
battle [or other active exertion], Job 38:3; 40 : 7
|?g Ch. pass, used of time, Dan. 4: 13, 20, 29.
to go out of the loins of any one, to be begotten
'D (i) subst. exchange; whence prep, for, in
by him, Gen. 35: 1 1. (Chald. PVin, Syr. ] "+,, ^ or 1
exchange for, Nu. 18:21, 31.
(a) \_Heleph~], pr. name of a town in the tribe of being omitted, see under the root 1^0 No. II.)

Naphtali, Josh. 19:33. 1 n

(perh. loin," i. q. [" liberation"]),
[Helez~\, pr. n. m. (i) i Ch. 2:39. ( 2 ) 2 Sa. 23:
j 7^7
fat- P'D! (i) TO DRAW OUT, Lam. 4:3;
hence to draw off, or loose, or pull off (a. shoe),
26 for which there is
i Ch. 11:27; 27:10. ^H
Deu. 25:10.
(2) to withdraw oneself, to depart, followed by i ^ fut P'H-
(0 (Arabic
\O Hos. 5:6; compare Germ, abjietjn for roeggetjn/ to
,drL and /iL>- id. ;
but /d^- act. to ibnn, to frame,
depart. (The former signification is found in Arabic,
in the root draw to create, properly to smooth; kindred to which ia
_L>-, anc^ V being interchanged, to
out, to draw off garments and shoes; the latter is to cut off the hair; prop, to make smooth the
found in ..A^. to go out from a place, to go away head or chin. stocks of words, also in westsrn
free see examples in Schroeder, De Vestitu Mul.
; languages, beginning with gl, especially with glc, have.
Heb. page 212.) the signification of smoothness; as x aA^e> X"^'
PIEL (l) to draw out, to take away, as stones smooth silex, calculus, cc!\, a smooth man, a flat-
from a wall, Lev. 14:40, 43. terer = P?9 No. 2; y\vk'6c, the primary idea of which
(2) to set free, to deliver, 2 Sa. 22:20; Ps. 6:5; lies in touch; yXotoc, yXt'ffxpof ; Lat. glades, glaber,

50:15; 8l:8. gladius, glisco, gluten 5 Germ, glatt/ gtciten/ la/ gleijkn =
(3) According to the Syriac usage in Pe. and Pa. gldnjen $ comp. Heb. H?|, ^-_ to polish, etc.) Metaph.
to spoil, despoil. Psal. 7 5, " if I have despoiled
to be smooth, bland, of the heart, Hos. 1O:2; of
my enemy." Comp. nyvD. [There does not appear men themselves [rather their words or lips], Psa.
to be any necessity for giving this word a Syriac
" 55:22.
meaning in this passage it irsay be taken, yea, I
(2) to divide, especially by lot, Josh. 14 5; 18:

have set free him who was my enemy causelessly."]

2; 22:8. (This sense is derived from the noun
NIPHAL, to be set free, to be delivered, Pro.ll:8;
P/D, which properly denotes a smooth stone, and
Ps.6o:7; 108:7. a
hence signifies lot, comp. Ch. P?n a stone used in
Derivatives, n V*?D, fli^DD.
[In Thesaur. f?n is not divided into two articles, reckoning, a lot, <?!>. id. The Arabic /ii*- to des-
which appears to be a better arrangement.] a secondary root r
tine, to predestine, is ;
.<Eth. *pA4" >

H. f
?n to be active, to be manful; perhaps a
hudlekud to number, to count among, ^^4* 'I huelqu
kindred root to p?. Part. pass. P'P active, ready number, compare Aram,
lot; Ni?in Ni
for battle (Syr. "
! J
field lot, an inheritance.)
divided by 2 Sa. 19:30;
prepared ^A/) fully, Say ) ; 1.
iSa. 30:24, -1p?n.! I^H! "they shall divide (amongst
ready prepared, equipped, or arrayed for war, Prov.
Nu. 32 :21, 27, 29, seq.; Deu. 3:18; Josh. 6: 7, seq.; themselves) equally," i. e. in equal portions.
" he shall share the inheritance
" the 17:2, amongst the
Isa.l5:4, SXto'^YpD equipped ones of Moab;"
brethren," i. e. shall have the same portion as they;
poetically used for the prose term 3i<iO~^"Y)33 the
compare Job 27 17 : followed by DJ? with whom any-
mighty men or soldiers of Moab, which stands in the

thing is shared, Prov. 29: 24; followed by ? to divide

place when repeated out of Isaiah, Jer. 48 :4l. [Per-
or impart to any one, Deuteron. 4: 19; 29:25; Neh.
haps the one phrase is as little prosaic as the other.]
13:13; followed by ? of the thing. Job 39: 17,
NIPHAL, to gird oneself, to be ready prepared ny:i3 n? p?n N7| " and he has not imparted to her
for war, Nu. 31:3; 32:17. in (or of) understanding;" comp. P^n No. 2, letter b.
HIPHIL, to make active, or vigorous, Isa. 58: 11.
(3) to despoil, from p.^n No. a, b. 2 Ch. 28:21,
[Derivatives, the two following words.] " Ahaz despoiled the house of God, the house of

[ /n only in the dual, D?7n loins, so called from the king, and the princes;" well rendered by the
the idea of
activity [connected with girded loins']. LXX. tXafiev -a rw oticw, house being here used

Hence to gird vp one's loins, i. q. to prepare for for the riches there see rV3 No. 9. kept,
NIFHAL (i) to be divided, to be apportioned, i.e thou worshippest idols where there is a plaj ;

Nu. 26:53,55. upon the double signification of the word P^D smooth-
(2) to divide one' s telf. Job 38:24; Gen. 14:15; ness, a lot, portion. [In Thes. it is suggested that
a i -regnant construction, BHvJ! P<>rM " and he divided the smooth stones of the brook are the materials oi
himself against them," i. e. made an attack upon which the idols were made.] Metaph. flatter its _

them after having divided his forces. Prov. 7:21.

(3) to divide amongst themselves, like Hithp. (2) lot, part, portion (see the root No. a).

i Chr. 23:6, DEJiflQ and he divided them," i Chr. p/n? share and share (alike), in equal portions, Deu.
24:3. However, the preferable reading is D P../P;1, see 18:8. [" Spoken of the portions of the sacrifice?
Lehrgeb. p. 462. allotted to the Levites."]
Specially (a) a portion
PIEL. (i) like Kal No. 2, to divide, e.g. booty, of spoil, Gen. 14:24; l Sa. 30:24; whence used of
Genesis 49 27 Ps. 68:13; followed by V to divide
thespoil itself, poetically for the spoilers, depredators,
amongst, Sam. 6: 19; Isai. 34: 17. 1 Kings 18:6,
Z P^D n&K. Job 17:5, Dm
T# &ti " (who) betrays
r^rrrm Dr6 -Ip^nn "and they divided the land his friends to the spoilers." (6) a portion of a
between them." Also i. q. to field, the field itself, 2 Ki. 9: 10, 36, 37 (so with
apportion, to allot,
Job 21: 17. Isa.53:12,D':mtfrp^ "I will allot the letters transposed Ch. &yp.n and ^Eth. fh<J>\ :
to him a portion amongst the mighty." a hence land (as opposed to sea), Am. 7:4.

(2) to disperse, Gen. 49:7; Lam. 4:16. p?D Jehovah is called the port ion of Jacob,
(c) 3pJ
PUAL, to be divided, to be distributed, Isa. 33: because they were allotted to be his worshippers.
23; Am. 7:17; Zee. 14:1. Jer. 10:16; 51:19; comp. Deut. 4:19; Psal. 16:5;
HIPHIL (l) trans, of Kal No. 1, to make smooth, 142:6; and on the other hand njrp p?n is applied tc
to smooth (used of an artificer), Isa. 41 :7- Metaph. the people of Israel, whom God has allotted to Him-
to makethe tongue smooth, to flatter, Ps.5:lo; self to be protected and cared for. Deu. 32:9. (eTi
Prov. 28 23 ; " he uttered smooth words," Proverbs
J&frn& DV Wqjl p^n ^ B "I have a lot and inhe-
common " with
2: 16; 7:5, i. e.
flattered; or without these accu- ritance," i. e.
fellowship or possession
" a man
satives, Proverbs 29:5, ^"IJTr^J? p^Hlp 135 anyone;" Deu. 10:9; 12:12; 14:27, 29; 2 Sa. 20: i ;

who flatters his neighbour." Ps. 36:3. l Ki. 12:16; Ps. 50:18. (e) the lot of a man in
(2) causat. of Kal No. 2. Jer. 37:12, this life, funpa, Ecc. 2:lO; 3:22; 5:17; Job 2O:i^;
" the allotment
designed of God."
to receive thence his portion" or inheritance. 31:2, 5'vg p?n
Thes. Gesenius speaks of the meaning of this word (3) [Helek~\, pr. n. ofason of Gilead, Nu. 26:30;
as being doubtful in this passage, suggesting the Josh. 17:2; of which the patron, is
'P/D. Nu. 1. c.

above meaning, and also the idea of to escape, to

tlip away, which appears the preferable rendering.] p?D adj. sm oo th. l Sa. 17 :4
" five smooth things of stones," i. e. five smooth
HITHPAEL, to divide (amongst themselves). Josh.
18:5. stones; as to this idiom, compare Isa. 29: 19; Hosea
The derivatives immediately follow, except J"lj5:>np. 13:2, and Lehrg. p. 678.

p/V m a^j- (0 smooth (opp. to hairy), Gen. i-q- P?$ (0 smoothness, Gen. 27:

7 : H
hence bare, used of a mountain, Josh. 1 1
; : 16; smooth or slippery ways, Ps. 73 1 8. Metaph.

flattery, Prov. 6:24. nip^D ?f flattering lips t
17; 12:7; bland, smooth, flattering, of the palate,
the mouth of a Ps. 12:3, 4; pi. rilp^n. id. Isa. 30: 10.
i. e. harlot, Prov. 5:3; comp. Prov.
(a) a portion, apart, with the addition of
26:28. H'lb'

Ezek. 12:24; compare a portion of a Gen. 33 19 Ruth 2:3; without

(a) slippery, deceitful.
field, ;

Eze. 13:7. rnb id. a Sa. 14:30, 31; 23: 12.

[( 3 ) (a)Dnwn np_>n ('the field of swords'),

Ch. portion, lot,Ezr.4:l6; Daniel 4: 12,
p/H Helkath-hazzurim,-pT.n.of a place near Gibcon,
SO; comp. Ileb. p/0. 2Sa.2:i6. (6) rip^n Helkath, a Levitical town
in the tribe of Asher, Josh. 19:25, called fij^C Josh. 1

p/D with suff. >P?n pi. D'P?D const. 'PJ?PI, once

*2?n (with Dag. euph. Isa. 57:6), m.
(l) smoothness. Isa. 57 :6, ^n Wp]>n} in f- a division, a Ch. 35:5.
die smoothnesses (i.e. in the bare places devoid
of wood, comp. Josh. 1 1 :
17) of the valley is
thy lot," f.
pL fiatteriei. Dan. 11:31,
'J37C ("flattering"), ["for njj^ri the portion descendants, Gen. 10:6 20, are described ;,s occu-
of Jehovah"], [He Mai], pr. n. m. Neh. 12:15. pying the soxithern regions of the earth this is very ;

suitable to the name of their progenitor w v ich sig-

? & ip ("the portion of Jehovah," nified hot.
peculiarly appropriated to God), Hilkiah, pr. n.
III. On a name
of Egypt; properly its domestic
(i) of the high priest in the reign of Josiah, 2 Ki.
name amongst the Egyptians themselves, but however
32:8,12. (2) of the father of Jeremiah, Jer. 1:1.
so inflected, that the Hebrews supposed Ham the son
(3) the father of Eliakim, 2 Ki. 18 : 18, 26; Isaiah
of Noah to have been the ancestor of the Egyptians
22:20; 36:3 (4) iCh. ft6:ii. (5) Jer. 29:3.
(6) 101.6:30. (7) Neh. 8:4. amongst other nations. [This, of course, was the
simple fact, if we are to believe what God has re-

pl.f. (l) slippery places, Psalm vealed.] Psal. 78:51; 105:23,27; 106: 22. The
35:6; Jer. 23:12. name of Egypt in the more recent Coptic tongue is
() flatteries, blandishments,<ll,34. written XHUI, in the Sahidic dialect KHLU3; words
which signify blackness and heat, as Plutarch observed,
^ 7/V (0 fat. ^H! TO PROSTRATE, TO VAN- De Iside et Osir, vii. page 437, Reisk., and which is,
QUISH, Ex.17 !3; : folio wed
by ^^1.14:12; like the according to their Coptic etymology, in which XAUfi

Germ, signifies black, IjUOU hot, or heat. [" In the Hiero-

ftegen ubcr. (Arab. ^Ls^ to prostrate, ,ll^ it is written with two letters K
glyphic language M."]
manful, brave). Hence n^'-lpn. named likewise in the Rosetta inscription,
is so
(2) fut. ^7.n; intrans. to be weak, to waste away, in which this word occurs more than ten times (Lin.
to be frail, properly to be prostrated; Job 14:10. l, 6,7, 8, 11, 12, 13), and is read by Champollion
9 q p-

chine, see Jablonskii Opuscc. ed. te Water, i. p. 404, seq

(Syr. Ethpael, to be weakened, J_*^A/ weak.)
[Derivatives ^?H, n^-pn.] Champollion, L'Egypte sous les 104, seq
Akerblad,Lettre a Silv. De Sacy, sur ITnscription <U
"pn m -
weak, Joel 4: 10.
Rosette, p. 33 37.

[In Thes. referred to non unused EH masc. heat, Gen. 8:22; from the root
[classed in Thes. under Inf. ].
to join
together], TP n C^P? m. A
only with suff. ,

FATHEK-iN-LAw,Gen.38:i3,25; 188.4:19,21. The

fern, is riion which see. It follows the an unused root. Arab. L*sw to become
analogy of
the irregular nouns, 3, milk [" the primary meaning seems
HK, Lehrg. pp. 479, 605, thick, to curdle, as
to be that of growing together, see the root
606. (Arabic ^ a relation of either husband or
and the remarks under DPJJ"], whence
wife, jEth. rh^: a father-in-law; frh^Q) : to and npn No. II.
contract become son-in-law Sam.
affinity, to ;
p written in theChaldee manner for i"lOn
son-in-law, also one espoused. It is thus evident
that the proper
Dan. 11:44.
signification of this word lies in the
idea of and thus it answers to the Greek
affinity, p, ? f. Chald. heat, anger, Dan. 3:13, 19;
yapfipoc for yaptpos, a father-in-law, a son-in-law, i.
q. Hebr. HDn.
one espoused, or connected from by marriage, yayuoe,
ya^e'w. Nor is it in signification alone that these ^?U f.
(l) curdled milk (from the roo

words correspond, but both are from the same OH), Gen. 18:8; Jud. 5:25 (Joseph Arch. v. 6, yc'iXu
tf .

stock, for both the Phenicio-Shemitic DH and the Stt00opoc ifir], such milk having an intoxicating powei
Greek ya/ioc, belong to the [?]); Isa. 7:22; 2 Sam. 17:29; used- poetically in
wide-spread family of
roots which denote the idea of such speaking of any milk, Job 20 17 Isa. 7:15; Deu't. :

joining -ogether;
as 32:14. In Isa. loc. cit. the inhabitants of the land
DOS, D3, especially Dy, where more instances
are when it has been laid waste by enemies, and is devoid
of the fruits of the field, are said to feed on milk and
n r
(l) adj. hot, warm (from the root Bfip), honey.
used of bread
newly baked, Josh. 9: 12; plur. Q'n (2) cheese, Prov. 30:33.
In no place of the Old
Job 37 117. it appear that butter should be under-
Testament does
() pr.n. (a) Ham, the son of Noah, whose stood, which, by the ancients, and even IKW yy tht
Orientals was only accustomed
be used medically; to Bn f. (from the root Dpn)_(ij Jiea t, of the
see Michaelis Suppl., p. 807. H. Voss, on Virg. J.
sun, Ps. 19:7.
Georg., p. 634. By syncope, as derived from this, is sun
(2) poetically for the itself, Job 30:28; Cant
the form npn, which see. [See 6:10; Isa. 30:26. (So often in the Mishnah.)

pn and ipn*, whence ^rnprij, Isaiah

fut. ibljT I- ""ID!! f. constr. riPO (for npn from the root
53:2 (l) TO DESIRE, TO COVET, Exod. 2O:17; Qn*)r(l) warmth ["sc.from wine, Hos.7:5"],a^cr
34:24; Mic. 2:2.
(Arab. aLr, r), Gen. 27:44; Jer.6:ii. LVD Di?
(2) to delight in any thing, Psa. 68:17; Isa.
1:2 9 53 :2 > Prov. 12:12, with the addition of a npnn Jer. 25- 15, and npnn D13 I sa 51 17, the cup . :

dat. of benefit Pro. l :aa. Part. "MDH something to of wrath of which Jehovah makes the nations
i^> drink,
be desired, something desirable,lience that which is comp. Rev. 16:19; and Job 21: 20, "let him drink
dearest to one, Job 20 20 Ps. 39 1 2. DrpTlOH Isa.:
of the wrath of the Almighty."

44:9, "their delight," i.e. idols (comp. Dan. 11:37). (2) poison (as that which burns the bowels), Deu.
NIPHAL, participle 1PH3 (l) desirable, hence 32:24; Psa. 58:5. Arab. 43- poison of a scorpion
pleasant, agreeable, Gen. 2:9; 3:6. j32th. fh^P''^; poison.
(2) precious, Ps. 19:11; Pro. 21:20.
PIEL, i.q. Kal No. 1. Cant. 2: 3, *????. II.
iTpn i.
q. nxpn (with the radical N omitted),
"I desire to sit down in his shadow."
Lehrgeb. f.milk, Job 29: 6.
222, l note.
TNIfin ("heat of God"), [Hamuef], pr. n. m.,
Hence "^DP, iblTD, and the words immediately
i Ch. 4:26.
D-lun (" father-in-law," connection by
'PU m. beauty, desirableness, pleasantness.
" of the dew" near
Eze. 23:6, "IP.H ^na "handsome marriage ['whose connection
young men."
is the dew'], i.e. refreshing like dew; perhaps also
P. '"& pleasant fields, Isa. 32 : l a ; comp. Am. 5:11.
for ?P nioq), \_Hamutal~], pr. n. of the wife of
n f.
(l) desire, regret. 2 Ch.2i :20, j6? king Josiah, 2 Ki. 23:31; 24:18; Jer. 52 : l ,
in which
"he departed regretted by no one." latter places the an3 is 7t?^pn.

(2) that which is desired, delight, l Sam.9:20;

Dan. 11:37, D *P7 rnpn "the delight of women;"
7^11 ("who has experienced mercy"), [^Ta-
this is to be understood, as the context shews it mul~\, pr.n. m., Gen.46:l2; lChr.2:5. Patron.
must, '

of some idol, especially worshipped

Nu. 26:21.
by the Syrian
women, such as Astarte, or Anaitis. 3n ("warm" or "sunny," from the root
(3) pleasantness, excellence. ""npn flN the
[Hammon], pr.n. (l) of a town in the tribe of
pleasant land, Jer. 3:19; Eze. 26:12. P"npn '\?3 Asher, Josh. 19:28. (2) of a town in the tribe of
precious jewels, 2 Ch. 32 27 :
; 36 : i o.
Naphtali,/ Ch.6:6l.
& pl. precious things, Dan. f. m. a violent man, an oppressor, i.q.
11:38,43. handsome garments, pre-
nnoq '.??',*?.?? 1:17; from the root fPH No. 3, a. Ac-

cious jewels, Gen. 27 15 ; 2 Chr. 20 25. nn-IDH Dr>

: :
cording toothers, one who has suffered violence
more agreeable food (from which any one who fasts, or wrong; LXX. adiKovptvoc, Vulg. oppressus ; nor
abstains), Dan. 10:3. n'VNDn E"N verse ll, 19; and do I object to its being thus taken, as the intransitivo
without K"N 9: 23, a man beloved [of God], delighted form (P^r!) may assume a passive signification.
in (by heaven).
circuit.. Cant. 7:2, to? ^3^ N^EO
" the circuit of
pl ("pleasant"), [ffemdan], pr. n. m., Gen. ^<H thy thighs is like necklaces,"
56:26; for which, l Chr. 1:41, there is that is, the knobs [qu. beads] in necklaces ; from the
mitten root

n, "in
[ once f.
2 Sa. 19:27"], m. (l) an
' I
'-TV an unused root. Arab. \*&. to guard, to
as8, Genesis 49: 14; Ex. 13:13; so called from the
tut round tcith a wall \to join together, reddish colour, which in southern countries belongs
, and the proper names npn, ^PIT. not only to the wild ass, but also to the common 01
domestic KJS; from which it is called in Spanish, fy Job 20:13; Ezekiel 36:21. " Iwill be sparing
of my I will care for its honour.
buiro, burrico. Comp. also 1HV. holy name,"
(2) i.
q. ~>P'n a heap; this more rare form is Hence ?PHP (unless it be from the Arab,
perhaps employed on account
of the paronomasia. and
[also pr. n. 7-lDn]
Jud. 15: 16, DjrVTton-Aorj lioqn 'n ?? "with the jaw-
"I/an f.
mercy, gentleness, oren. 19:16; Isa
bone of an ass (I have killed) a heap, (even) two
heaps." Root ~ipn No. 3.
n. of a Hivite, a cotemporary of
(3) \Harn or], pr. fut. Dnj with Vav conv. Drn,but fut A
the patriarchs, Genesis 33 1 9 34:2; Josh. 24:32; :
- *>
Jud. 9:28.
kindred root is DH\ Arab. ^^ to make warm, Med .

"HlOn f.
[dual D?rnioq] i.
q. -to;} No. 2, a heap, r
which see. Kesra to be warm ;
^ to be hot (as the day). Ex.

H (of the form nins, for nipq, from the

16:21 ;
Isa. 44:16. QVn Dl"l? at noon, Gen. 18: i ;

masc. ^n = Vpn, DH), a mother-in-law, Ruth l :

l Sa. 11:9. Impers. i? 00 fut.'v CQ1 to become warm
CH No. (German eg roorb ifym
roarm), l Ki. l : 2 Eccles. 4:11.
14; 2:ll; see
Metaph. of the heat or excitement of the mind, Ps.
an unused root. Ch. to lie on the ground. 39:4; of heat arising from wine, Jer. 51 :39; of lust,
In the Targums for the Heb. JT)3. Hence Hos. 7 7. : DI
?ry is referred to inf. Kal of this verb,
but see Ind. Analyt.
t^EH m. Lev. 11:30, prob. a species of lizard,
LXX. lacerta. NiPHAL,part. D^pn.3 Isa.57:5, made hot, burning,
iravpa. Vulg.
sc. with lust, followed by ?. The other forms which
[" HtpJpn (perhaps i.q. Syr. |i>oL "a defence" have been referred to this conjugation in part belong
or " place of lizards"), pr. n. of a town in the to Kal ('lEfV compare Lehrgeb. p. 366), and in part to
tribe of Judah, Josh. the root DHJ
15:54."] fut. D1T, DfV. [In Thes. they are put
m. under this verb.]
fEfi adj. salted. Isaiah 30 24,
TP ? 1

"salted provender," PIEL, to make warm, Job 39: 14.
sprinkled with salt; of
i. e.
to make
which flocks and herds are so fond, that the Arabs HITHPAEL, oneself warm, Job 31 :2O.
Derivatives, Dn No. II, En, nE)n J52n and the pr. n.
say proverbially, sweet fodder (<Ls~) is the camels'

V&MBH, - rncn, *vn
bread, when salted it is their sweetmeats.
See Bo-
chart, Hieroz. t. i.
p. 113. Faber in Harmer's Ob- Sn plur. only D*?^n a certain kind of images,
servations, vol. i.
p. 409. Lev. 26:30; 17:8; 27:9; Eze. 6:4; 2 Ch. 14:4;

TOH 34:7; in these passages it is several times connected

'KfypH & m JV-T f. adj. numeral ordinal

with the statues of Astarte (D'n^H) from 2 Ch. 34:4, ;

(from card. & pn), fifth, Gen. 1:23; 30:17; Lev.


appears that n^JSH stood upon the altar of Baal.
19 25;
= Num. 7:36, etc. Fern, is often tised ellipt.
Jarchi [and Erp. Ar.] explained it to mean statues
n i?<0
( being omitted), a fifth part, Gen. 47:24; of the sun ; and now some Phoenician inscriptions
I-ev. 5:16; 27:15. Plur. irreg. VfPB'pq Lev. 5:24. illustrate exceedingly well both this interpretation
and the thing itself; in
these inscriptions pr6jD
/r^il fu t. y^ inf. r6pn Eze. 16:5,70 BE MILD,
* (read i^H ?J/3) is the name of a deity to whom votive
GENTLE. (Arab, with the letters transposed stones were Amongst these were
inscribed. (l)
Humbert's four stones preserved at Ley den, published
to be gentle, longsuffering, A-*. paKpoOvpla, *-Ie-
and deciphered by Hamaker (in Diatribe Philol. Crit.
gentle. The primary idea is that of softness, and aliquot Monumentorum Punicorum miper in Africa
this signification is
preserved in the Greek, 4/mXoc, repertorum interpretationem exhibente, Lugd. Bat.,
iifiaXoc, airaXor.) Hence 1822,410). My interpretation of these inscriptions in
(1) to pity, to have compassion on, followed by Ephemerid. Hal. (1826, No. ill) mostly agrees with
'y of pers. Ex. 2:6; 1 Sa. 23 2 1 : . that of Etienne Quatremere (Nouveau Journal Asia-
(2) to spare, followed by ?JJ i Sam. 15:3, 15; tique, 1828, p. 15 seq.) against the
publisher of them,
aSa 21:7; 2011.36:15,17; followed by *?S Isa. 9: 18; who had read bin, and has since made an un-

atso, to be sparing of any thing, to use sparingly, satisfactory defence of his opinion (see Miscellanea
folJowed by ^S Jer. 50:14; ^ with inf. 2 Sa. 12:4; Phoenicia, Lugd. 1828, p.lo6seq.); (a)
tone (see Hamakeri Misc., tub. 3, No. i), in which, with 0^.6:11,13:49:5. DDneKpsa 18:49; Pro. 3:31 .

rery little doubt even on the part of the editor, there and D'ppn E"K 2 Sa. 22:49; Ps. 140:2,5, the violent
stands |Dn ^ya^> (I ? ? 'y?^)> although he thus connects
1 1
man. DOH 1J? a witness of wrong, i. e. a false witness,
the separate words ]??< JEH 7>y_3? to Baal a pillar of Ex. 23:1. The genitive and suffix may refer either to
stone. Also (3) Inscr. Palmyr. iii. Lin. 2, where there him who does the wrong, or to him who suffers wrong.
is written in Aramsean words (H3)T nrpyi H31 S3On Of the former the following are examples, 1DB0 hia

IPOS' ? mpl ... m

(y) "this (statue) of the sun and wrong, i.e. the wrong which he causes, Ps. 7:17;
this altar made and consecrated to the sun," etc.
they B^T Dpq 58, 3, compare Eze. 12: 19; of the latter
See Kopp, Bilder und Schriften der Vorzeit, ii. p. 1 33. are 'P^D the wrong done to me, Gen. 16:5; \?3 DDH
As to the grammatical interpretations, I do not rn-irv Joel
4:19; also Jud. 9:24; Obad. 10; Hab.
hesitate to explain i^n ?y_3 the sun I, or the sun Sao 2:8,17; J er 5 l 35- - :
(So also the Latin word injuria,
0r<f (from iTSn sun, with an adjectivial termination, e.g. Caes., Bell. Gall., i. 30, "jn-o veteribus Helvetiorum
compare i^CH, I^P'n?), and i^n I consider to be an injuriis populi Romani," i. e.
populo Romano illatis,
epithet of Baal, as bearing rule over the sun (comp. as on which see intpp. ;
also Heinrich ad Cic. part
to his other epithets p. cxxxi. A) and because allusion ; inedit., p. 21.)
perhaps made in the sound to |1OX 'A^uwr of the (2) that which is gained by violence and wrong,
Egyptians. The plural D'?En is in Scripture con- Am. 3 i o. :
[" Plural id. Pro. 4:17."] ,

cisely used for D^'jn DvSJ?,

and occurs in the same
fu t. fpn,inf. nxpn TO BE SHARP, EAGER.
connection as elsewhere D^V? ^ s found. similar A Used with regard
grammatical view is taken also by Hamaker in his
(1) to taste, hence to be sour, of leavened bread,
learned dissertation on thisword (Miscell. Phoen.
Ex. 12:39, f vinegar (fPH), also to be salted (see
p.5O,seq.); in this, however, he differs from me, in
that he considers /t?3 to be supplied, explaining the PPC )- 1
Arab. ,^7-, Syr. vy/- When used with

expression a Sun-image, such as are related to have reference to sight

been of a conical or pyramidal form, and to have
(2) tobeof abright (i. e. a splendid) colour, such
stood in the most sacred parts of temples Compare as dazzles the eyes; especially used of a bright ted.
also Bochart, Geogr. S.ii. 17. Part. pass, splendid, of the scarlet mantle of
a ruler, [But it here means blood-stained
Isa. 63 : l ;
fitt. Dbri^ (i) JO TREAT VIOLENTLY, TO
see the context, and Rev. 19: 15]; compare verse a,
and LXX. Syr. Similarly the Greeks say, XP^M"
eager, vehement, hence to be violent, i. q. fOH No. 3, a. &n
dw, i. e. KOKKIVOV, Trop(pvpat 6vrarai, o,v(f>t yyi\ ft' ;

(Arabic .^ in a good sense, to be bold, manly, see Bochart, Hieroz. i.p. 1 14; SimonisArc.formarum,
p. 66, 120.
comp. "nt?. Nor does
stedfast, '1^3- martial valour, (3) figurativelyof the mind (a) to act violently,
like the kindred word Don, whence part. H? violent, 1

ppn to be sharp, eager, differ much from this word


and this meaning may also be its primary significa- Ps. 71 :4; comp. yion and fpn No. 2. (^Eth. 0^0:
to be unjust, violent, to injure.) (b) to be
tion, and hence, vehement, fervid, comp. H?n No. 4.)

Jer. 22:3; Pro. 8:36, "he who sins against me, ODD spoken of pain, see HITHPAEL.
^?3 hurts (or does violence to) his own life." Job HITHPAEL, to be embittered, i.e. to be affected with

21 : ni^TO "counsels with which you wish

27, IDbriFI '7JJ anger, pain, Ps. 73 2 1. :
(Chald. Pa. id.)
to oppress me;" bte spline/ nit tyr mid) fdjlagen roollt. Hence P^p, PPC 1 and the following words.
rnin Dl?n to violate the law, Eze. 22 26 Zeph. 3:4. m. w leavened, Ex. 12 -15;
(i)that which
; ?
(a) to tear away violently (a covering or shelter). 13:3, 7> etc.
Lam. 2 :6, to tear off from oneself. Job 15 33, DbO! gained by violence and
(2) probably that ivhich
: is
I " as a
.~p2 tD|3 vine, he shall shake off from him- wrong, DDn Am. 4:5; see the root No. 3. So
tl.row down his unripe grapes.
self,'' i. e. Chaldee. The ordinary signification of something
NiPHAL,fc> be treated with violence, Jer. 13:22; in leavened is not amiss in this passage, but that now
this passage (as is shewn by the other member of the is preferable [?].
sentence) "to be violently made naked."
Hence DOnn and j^pn m. vinegar, Num. 6:3; Ruth 2:14; Psa
69:32. "O/j0 is the rendering of the old version*,
m .
(i) violence, wrong, oppretsion, Ps. loc. cit., and Pro. 10:26; and this is defended by
Michaelis, in Suppl. p. 828 but the common render-
; miiller, altes und neues Morgenlaad, i. No. 94, 31.)
- .

ing is not unsuitable to

any of the passages [and we Gen. 11:3; 14:10; Ex. a: 3. It receives
know that vinegar is the in Ps. Arab.^-.
meaning 69:22].
its name either from its boiling up from the fountains

(i) TO GO ROUND, a kindred root to P?H. (see Gen. 14: 14), from the root No. l, or from red-
8< HlTHPAEL. ness, the best kind being of that colour;,
(2) toturn oneself round, to depart, Cant. 5:6. cio^ttXroc Sia<f(pet / lovf.a'iK^ rfj<; X.OITT//C' <rrt $*

HITHPAEL, to wander-about, see Kal, Jer.3l :22. KaXi) TTOfxpvfJoe iCwc; trriXftovoa ......
Derivative Kai kv QoiriKri rat iv St^ort vat iv Ba/SuXtofi cat if


so called from its fermenting, Deu
Conj. I., II., VIII., to ferment, as leaven; and Couj. Isa. 2. See the root ~"?n No. 1. (Arab
32 14;:
27 :

VIII. to ferment, as wine). Used of the foaming or

raging of the sea, Ps. 48 4; of wine, Ps. 75 9 (where

: :
, Syr. J^Oo id.)
others assign the sense of redness, compare No. a) ;
lOH wine, 1DPI No. l.
"tt?n Chald. emph. *qpn m .
id., Ezr. 6 9; 7:22.
compare pass.,
Dan. 5: 1,2, 4, 23.
(2) to be red, from the idea of boiling, foaming,
*lJpn m. (i) boiling, or foaming (cf waves),
becoming inflamed (Arab. ?~ Conj. IX. and XI. to be Hab. 3: 15; compare ipn No. 1.
red; Conj. I, Med. E, to burn with anger. Conj. II, of a red kind,
(2) clay (so called from its being
to write with any thing red, -^\ red, *- redness, comp. the root No. 2) (a) of the potter, Isa. 45:9.
-C- * -^
(b) for sealing with, Job 38: 14; cement, mortar,
fig- very vehement ardour, -4>rv. to blush, to be
Gen. 11:3; wire, Isaiah 1O:6; JoblO:9; 30:19.
(3) a heap, a mound (see the root
ashamed.) Used of the face inflamed with weeping, No. 3), Ex.8:
Job 16: 16 [Poalal] according to some used of wine,
; 1O; hence a Homer, a measure of dry things containing
Psa. 75: 9 (compare No. l). Hence ~\>D, "lidO, IDH ten Baths, Levit. 27 16 ; Num. 1 1 32 Eze. 45 1 1 ,
: :

No. 2. 13, 14. By later writers the same measxire is called

(3) to swell up, also from the idea of foaming and 13, which see.

boiling; as those things which boil up or foam, as

|TrD [Amran"], pr.n., see HP^.
the sea, leaven, etc., also swell. Hence "l^n, "NPD,
Tji^n a heap. I. an unused root, to be fat, whence
(4) denom. from "ion to daub with bitumen, Exod.
abdomen. Arabic
<J:^~ fat, Kam.p. 826; but
Pass, of a gem. form Poalal, ~tf?19J] to be made to much more commonly with the letters transposed,
boil (g&bren/ braufen), used of the bowels when much
to be also to
troubled (comp. HDH N
o 3, HlTl), Lam. l 20; 2:11;
. :
fat, fatness, fat;

used of the face as inflamed with weeping, Job 16: 16. become fat after having been lean.
(Such geminate forms as this are especially used in
the Phoenicio-Shemitic languages, when swift motion II. a root nearly allied to the roots

is the
signification intended; as has been shewn by and fpn i. q. Arabic -. to be eager or manly in

many examples by H. Hupfeld, in Exercitatt. ^Eth.,

battle. II. IV. to excite anger. XII. to be angry.
P. 7,a8.)
For the derivatives, see under Kal No. V. to act harshly and obstinately (in religion and}
l 3. s - ^-^f- s -
n war brave, warlike, i^U^. martial
i^U m. aff^ciXroc, bitumen, which boils up from
subterranean fountains like oil or hot pitch, in the
valour, comp. i/L**- to be angry, to kindle
vicinity of Babylon, and also near the Dead Sea, and
from its bottom; it afterwards hardens through the with anger; all which words have a sense springing
heat of the sun, and is collected on the surface of the from that of sharpness, acrimony. Hence part. pass.
Dead Sea, which hence receives the name of lacus plur. D^pD (a word, the etymology
of which has
asphaltites. (Tac. Hist. 5, 6. Strabo, xvi. page 763. been long sought for), i. e. the eager, active, brave,
DioJ., 48; xix.gS 99. Curt.,v. 16; see also the ready prepared for fighting, Ex. 13:18; Josh. 1:14;
woounts of modern travellers colle".ted liosen- 4:12; Jud. 7:11; comp. in the context D*V<tJ, Josh.
4:13 (compare verse 12). Num. 32 :
30, 32. Aqu. part of produce, which the Egyptians paid as a tax,
hninr\iopivoi. Symm. KaduTrXtapiroi. Vulg. armati, Gen. 47 26. :

and similarly Onk. Syr. Some have referred this

II. m. abdomen, 2 Sa. 2 :23; 3:27; 4:6;
.rord toC'pn No. Ill; comparing ..M^^. i.e. a host
20:10; from the root t'DH No. l.
arrayed (for battle), properly five-parted, as consist-
2 Sa. 3 27 :
; 4 :
6, id. ;
JEtli. fh^ft womb : ; Talmud.
ing of the centre, the front and rear guard, and the ^V?*^> ^
being interchanged, abdomen. The
and ^'

two-wings. Theod. 7rfju7rra'ojTc: variously rendered Phcenicio-Shemitic words appear to have given rise
to the Lat.
by others; but the explanation previously given, is omasum.)
that which best suits the context and the structure of
the language.
;iu unused root. Arab. (J^~v>- to be hot,
HI. constr. Bri f. andHn, npq m., warm
SO- s - c - (spoken of the day), to become stagnant, or
the numeral FIVE. Arabic ..^^s^, dLw*>., in the rancid (as water, butter, etc.); whence L^-V.**- and
S * o-
other cognate languages CMDn. In the Indo-Germanic
gtock of languages this numeral is in Sanscr. pantshan, i*ZJ*+~sC a bottle and its contents become rancid;

Zend, and Pehlev. peantche, pandj. Pers. ^cj- Gr. unless that root should rather be secondary and derived

from these nouns; the primary root being *- to e

(JEo]. irifjnrt), all of which agree with the
Phenicio-Shemitic in the two latter radicals; with a
hot; whence uu--^- for <L^~. Either from HCn pr
palatal instead of a labial also in Lat. quinqve (reVce), from HDn is
like ;rwcj KWC> XUKOC, lupus, 1inrof,eqiiiis, tirofjiai, segvor,
etc. As a septenary number is often used for a sacred ? m. Gen. 21 :
15, 19 constr. ripn verse 14

and round number, so also sometimes is a quinque- (but noq Job 21 :

20; Hos. 7:5, is constr. from non
nary, Isa. 17:6; 30:17; especially, it maybe noticed heat), a bottle.
with regard to Egyptian affairs, Gen. 43 34 45 22
("defence," "citadel," from the root
: :
; ;
J"tf?n HOP),
47:2; Isa. 19:18 [these instances do not prove it; kindred to nin a wall), pr. n. Ham a t h, a distin-
five appears to have been the exact number in each guished city of Syria, situated on the Orontes, on the
case]. This srems to have been borrowed from the northern frontier of the Holy Land (Num. 13 21 :

religions of the Egyptians, Indians, and other Eastern 34:8), formerly the capital of a great king, a friend
nations, amongst whom, five minor planets, five of David; it was called
by the Greeks Epiphania, - -
elements, and elemental powers were accounted sacred s
by the Arabs by the ancient name iu^>- called more
(compare the sacred irtrrac of the Basilidians, Iren.

Adv. Epiphan. i.p.68, Colon.). [The

Hseres.,i.23. fullyAm. 6:2, H3T npq " Hamath the great," and
fact of Jive having been a sacred number amongst
any n^q 2 Chron. 8:3. The Gentile noun is *nq
ancient nations, is in no way applicable; for 1st. it Gen. 10: 18. HDH px 2 Ki. 25 -21, " the territory :

would be needful to prove that the Jews so regarded of Hamath." See Abulfecl;i (who was prince of this

it, and 2nd. if they did so regard it, it must be shewn yet distinguished city), Tab. Syrise, page 108, loy;
that they borrowed it from the idolaters around them Relandi Palaestina, page 119, seq. Burckhardt's Tra- ;

a thought utterly inadmissible on the part of those vels, i.

page 249, 514, Germ, trans.
who regard the Scripture as inspired by God, and [" HSH ( warm of a town in the
baths"), pr. n.
who rightly reverence the revealed religion contained tribe of Naphtali, Josh. 19:3/5, near Tiberias. Jose-
therein.] phus calls it 'A/Jpoovc, which he interprets
PI. WVVn fifty, with suff. T*PB, WfOq thy fifty, B. J. 1,3. The same is
his fifty,
i Ki. 9 l 1 2.
D'B>Pq ~& a captain of fifty "1XT HIGH p r. n of a town in the tribe of
(soldiers), rcm|fcorrapo, 2 Ki. 1:9 14; Isa. 3 3. :

tali, Josh. 21:32."]

H |H with stiff. *|H m .
(from the root l^n
PJEL, as if to fifth any one, i. e. to exact a
(l) grace, favour, good-will. ID 6*xa (d)"^
fifth part of produce from him, Gen. 41 134; and
'??? to find favour in the eyes of some one, to be ac-
I. &yn m. a fifth part (from t?n fi
ve> likeVS'l a ceptable to him, Gen. 6:8; 19:19; 32:6; 33:8,
fourth part, from W), W*). Specially, the fifth V?? ID TOV? r a ^ "if now thou art favourable

lc 27 47 29 ; 50 4. In the same
me," Gen. 30 :
: : have been a most distinguished antediluvian prophe^
sense 131 10 '9 10 jn3 but they have also imagined him to have been the
(6) 3J|3
Est.2:l5, 17.
to give some one favour with somebody. Ex. 3 2 1 :
inventor of letters and learning; and thu? books have
onyo -y^ np nyn jrrnx nc>3] " and I will give been ascribed to him (see the Epistle of Jude, ver. 1 2).
this people favour with the Egyptians." Ex. 11:3; [Whatever the Jews may have feigned, and whatevei
12:36; Gen. 39:21; 00.9:11. books niay have been falsely ascribed to him, we may
authority of God in the New Test.,
rest assured on the
(2) grace, i. q. gracefulness, beauty, Prov. 22:
11 31 30.
Prov. 5 19, ID n?y;_" the beautiful
: : that he was a prophet, and that he uttered the
" a
wild roe." Psa. 45 3 [?] Eccl. i o 1 2. }0 f3K :
phecy recorded in Jude 12; the same Spirit who
beautiful a precious) stone," Pro. 17:8.
(i.e. spoke by his mouth wrote by the pen of Jude.] The
(3) supplication, prayer, Zee. 12:10. Seethe Arabs have re-wrought these fables, by whom he is
verb in Hithpael. called .oj ,jl.

(4) [7/en], n. m. Zee. 6:14; but comp. ver. 10.

(3) the eldest son of Reuben, Gen. 46 9 ; Ex. 6:14. :

^ (for
Tin }n the favour of Hadad," see (4) a son of Midian, Gen. 25 -.4.. Patron. No. 3

iH), [Henadxrf], pr. n. Ezr. 3:9; Neh.3:i8.

("gracious" ["whom God pities"]),
fut. n:q!, apoc. JO'! (i) TO BOW DOWN, [Ha nun], pr. n. (l) of a king of the Ammonites,
TO INCLINE (TO DECLINE). (Kindred roots are 150, 2 Sa. 10: l; l Ch. 19:2. (2) Neh. 3:30. (3) Neh
n3V. Arab. U>- to bend, to incline; nietaph. to be
inclined to any thing; compare f^C -) J UCL 1Q 9>
: .
adj. gracious, merciful, benignant,
DVn n'n nan behold the inclining of the day," Ps. 111:4; 112:4; from the root 150.
the day already declining. Hence n*3n a spear, from rfljn f. a and Syr.
flexibility. 9*9 stall, cell, dwelling (Chald.
a tradesman's Arabic
oneself down, to pitch one's tent, Gen.
(2) to set stall, erc&lbc,

86:17; encamp, Ex. 13:20; 17:1; 19:2. Nu.

so called from its being curved or

1:50, jSt^n n'^O? "where the tabernacle is let arched (see the root No. l ). Hence Jeremiah, 37 :

down," i.e. is pitched. (a) followed by ?J? to en-

16, is said to have been cast n'Vjnn ty "fan 7V3 *?
camp against any person or city; hence to besiege, "into the dungeon, and into the stalls (or vaults)"
Ps. 27 3 2 Sa. 1 2 28 Isa. 29 3.
Followed by an

(bie ficotbe), i. e. subterranean. So the passage is

ace. id. Ps. 53:6. (b) to defend any thing, followed
usually taken, and not unsuitably. The exposition
by ? Zee. 9:8; compare Ps. 34:8. of Ev. Scheid in Diss. Lugdun. page 988, is however
(3) to inhabit, Isa. 29: i.
a little more suited to the context; he understands
Derivatives, n^O, rvfann, pr. n. inn.
J"P50, ^.O ?, the word to mean curved posts or crooked bars, in
^3*1 rtan grace, which the captive sat in a distorted position; else-
(from the root fen) (i) pi.
mercy, Ps. 77: 10. where called "IP, n3SnD compare Jcr. 2O:2, 3; 29:

(2) [" perhaps"] entreaty, prayer, like JO No. 3. 26 Gr. from KVTT-U
Job 19:17, '5P? \31^ *niarn. "and entreaties
; Kv<j)d)v, ; compare Arab. XP- the
my crooked wooden frame of a saddle.
(are loathsome) to the sons of womb," i. e. to my my
brethren. *JTl3n (which some take for 1 pret. from 130, jn
an unused root, i. q. "H^n & p3n (which
although contradicted by 'the accent) for ^0*130. see; comp. Gr. ayx w ^ at an9\ to press upon, to

(3) pr. n. Hannah, the mother of Samuel, i Sa.

make narroiv; hence to suffocate, to strangle,
1:2, seq. and intrans. to be narrow. Two nouns are doubtless
: 1," or "initiating"), [.tfnocA], derived from this root, nn and nin."J
pr. n.
the eldest son of Cain, Gen. 4:17; whose name
UJM TO SPICE or SEASON, used in the sense
was also given to the city which his father built. (/i)
to embalm corpses, Gen. 50:2, 3, 26 (
Wi~. I. II.

(a) the father of Methuselah, translated to heaven id.). (b) poet, the fig spices,
i. e. fills its fruit with

because of his piety ["by faith," Hebrews aromatic juice, to mature, Cant. 2:13. ["Arabic
(Gen. 5:18 24). From the etymology of his name Jai-*- to mature (fodder for camels), etc." See Th38."|
the later Jews have not only conjectured him to Hence 0^0 [" also nan, pj^ri"].
D^DjH m
pi. the embalming
. of corpses; hence the ? f. Chald. id., Dan. 3:2,3; Ezr.6:i6, 17.
lime of embalming (according to the analogy of nouns
"! a dv.
which designate time, like Q'"?J^, D'3|5J),Gen.5O:3. (from ID with syllable &-; with wLick
adverbs are formed)
Ppi?n m. pi. Chald. wluat, Ezr. 6:9; 7 22, : i.
q. (1) gratis, gratuitously, for nothing, Gen
Heb. D'BD, which see. 29:15; Ex. 21:2; 2 Sa. 24 24 without reward, Job :

1; 9-
7N'3n ("the favour of God"), [Hanniet],
(2) m
rain, Pro. l 17; more fully Djn~7X (Germ. :

pr. n. (l) of the captain of the tribe of Manasseh,

fur umfonft), Eze. 6:10. Compare Swptai-, N. Test.
Nu.34:23- () ^.7:39.
gratis, in vain, and/rustra, in Plautus, for gratis.
m. properly initiated; hence skilled, of without cause, rashly, undeservedly. Job
tried fidelity, Gen. 14: 14. Root^n No. 2, b. Arab. 2 3;
Ps.35:7; l Ki.2:3i, Carr-Dl innocent
blood; Pro. 26:2; compare Lehrgeb. p. 827.
tried, proved; &y>- experience, proof.
L E3n an unused and doubtful root, whence the
yyi f.
grace, favour, mercy, Jer. 16: 13. Root two following words."]

JV3H pl. D'JVjq 3 Chron. 23 9, nijV3q Isa. 2:4;

TMM? (perhaps i.q.n), [Hanameet], pr.n.
m., Jer. 32: 7, 9.
Mic. 4:3, a spear,
fern, so called from its flexibility
nan No. l), I Sa. 18:11 19:10; 20:33.
(see [The ;
J quadril. once occurring Ps.
pl. f. in
form appears to denote spear heads, while 78 47 where,

that ending in D^~ is simply the pl. of the word in its

in the other member of the sentence, there is "H2 hail;

the context shews that it must be something destructive

common sense.]
to trees. LXX., Vulg., Saad., Abulwalid, translate it
(l'; "0 MAKE NARROW, and intrans. TO frost, which, however, can hardly be supported on ety-
BE NARROW, enge feijn/ i.
q. p3n, p3JJ, which see. mological grounds. I, therefore, prefer an ts. Comp.
s s
Arab. J^j iLj an ant .with the letter n prefixed
Hence "HD for ^n, Arab. uJo>r>- jaws compare ; PJJJ. a

see rV;pri, 'iH^- See more in Bochart, Hieroz.iii.

neck, (from the kindred root P^JJ,) & P3H to strangle.
s -- page 255, ed. Lips. [Professor Lee suggests locusts,
(2) d*nom. from ^1D, (JJoo- j^"'s, palate, properly
comparing with it Arab. Jj 1-^, etc.]
Ififtutiy, put something into the mouth, to give to

be tasted; then by a common metaphor, in which

taste is applied to understanding (see D$p and Job j-3 V
fut IT an d like regular verbs 13$ Am. 5:15;

the former with suffix W3fV Psa. 67 2 ; 123:2; ^SSn1 :

IS-.ll) (a) to imbue some one with any thing, to

train up (compare - /tj
Isa. 27 : 1 1 ;
but with suffix 2 pers. ^W for 1?n^ Gen.
instruct, to to put some- 43 29 :
Is. 30 : 1 9 ;
inf. absol. ji^ri Isa. loc. cit., constr.

thing into one's mouth, also to instruct, to

train). with suff. DD^q 30: 18, and *$)(} Ps. 102: 14.
Pro. 22:6, "train up a child according to his way," to be inclined towards (compare the kindred
as to his manners and habits. It is thus applied to
n3n) t hence to be favourably inclined, to favour
inanimate things, hence (b) to initiate, a house
some to be gracious to, to pity. (Arab. IJ,^ to
(that is to dedicate, or to commence to use). Deu.
to: 5, the temple, l Kings 8: 63; 2Chr.7:5. (Arabic feel desire, or commiseration towards any one followed ;

As by '\, JLT.) Followed by an ace., Exod. 33: 19;

jjjos^ to understand. to the
meaning to perceive

as ascribed to the JKtli. ft^ft: it does not rest upon

Lam. 4:16; Pro. 14:31. '?.?n, 3n (once '33.3n psa .

sufficient authority; see Ludolfi Lex. ^Eth., page 40, 9:14), have mercy on me, on us; Psa. 4:2; 6:3;
whilst the additional meanings to know, to j>erceive 31:10.
tMe sense, are altogether incorrect). (2) to give some one anything graciously, fol-
n ?D, T??> P r lowed by two ace. of pers. and thing, Genesis 33:5;
Derivatives, "HD, - ". "T^n and
Psa. 119:29; Jud. 21:22; ace. of pers., Pro. 19 117 ;

UJM initiation (handselling), cf a house;

f. absol. Ps. 37: 2 1,26. As to Job 19 117, see nan No. 2.
the altar, Numb. 7:11, a dedicatory sacrifice, NIPHAL ID?, (of the form "tt^J from the root "H^
?ne io ;
Pi. 30:1. DTD from the root D&ri; eee Lehrgeb. p. 371), to bt

compassionated, to be an object of pity, Jer. (2) to be profane, impious, Jer. 23 : 1 1.

2:23; pass, o* PoelNo. 2. (3) Jer. 3:9, causat. like Hiphil, to pollute, n
PIEL, to make acceptable (compare iD, j^n), Pro. make profane. (The origin uncertain.)
86:25. HIPHIL, to profa n e a land. Nu. 35 33 :
Jer. 3:2;

POEL (l) i.q. Kal No.2,Prov. 14:21. men, i.e. to lead them to impiety or rebellion, Dan.
9 9 V * V
(2) to compassionate, to lament for, Ps.lO2: 15. 11:32. Syriac Isiju*, unclean, a gentile, .aj_x/J to

HOPHAL, to receive favour, to be favoured, i. q. turn aside from the true religion. Hence
ID **? SKttleib/ nabe ftnben/ Pro. 21 :
1O; Isa. 26: 10.
profane, impious, i.q. Arab. j' Job 8:
HITHPAEL, intreat for mercy, followed by ? of
to ^)-?V

pers., Est. 4:8; Job 19: 16,

*?N l Ki.
8:33, 47; Job 13; 13:16; 15;34; 17:8, etc. LXX. a<re/3nc, ao-
8:5; Psa. 30:9, and 9$ Ki. 8:59; 9:3; 2 Chr.
l fjiot-, Traparopoc, twice i/7TOK"jUir//c.

6:24. ni. Isa.

impiety, 32:6.
Derivatives (besides those immediately following),
f. id. Jer/23:l5.
ID, pn, nan, pan, nr:n, Qjn, nanri, D'aunn, and the '
r.-.n. pan, ^*|n, i;inin"[aud Yianjhan].
Ji unused in Kal; properly TO BE N A it "Row,
(jn Chald. to have mercy on, followed by ace. enge fcpn, of the same stock as P5X, ^an, p3^ (PW),
mf. JDP, Dan. 4:24. and in the woitern languages, tiy^w, araytij, ango,
ITHPAEL, to make supplication, Dan. 6:ia. angnstus, cnge (3angc> 3^ang). Hence

be used as an PIEL, to strangle, liyx w (wfirgcn), irvlyta, used of

("merciful" ["unless rather it
a Nah. 2:13. (Arab. (J^>~, ^Eth.
abbreviation of 1JHV whom Jehovah gave"]), [Ha- lion, */^ |>: Syr.

nan\, pr.n. (l) of one of David's captains,! Chr. wOJUs/ id.).

ll 143. of various other men of less note, Ezr. Sam. 17:
(2) NIPHAL, to Jiang, or strangle oneself, 2
Neh. 23. Hence PJH*?.

Tln ("which God gave"), [Hananeel], On ( gracious"), [Hannathon~\, pr. n. of a

pr.n. of a tower of Jerusalem, Jer. 31 :38; compare town in the tribe of Zebulon, Josh. 19:14.
Zee. 1 4 l O Neh 3 : l ; 1 2 : 39.
[So called probably

from its builder. Thes.] r/ a root not used in Kal, to which is ascribed
the sense of benignity, and also (by antiphrasis) that

("favourable" [perhaps contracted from of reproach, disgrace. The primary signification

'see Thes.]), [Hanani], pr.n. m. (l) of a me to be that of EAGER AND ARDENT DE-
appears to
prophet, the father of Jehu, l Ki. 16: l ;
2 Ch. 16:7. SIRE by which any one is led. i. q. K3pT and then ,

(2) of a brother of Nehemiah, Neh. 1:2; 7:2; like NJ5, it is applied

also of others. (1) to love, des ire towards any one (see Hithpael
and IDn No. l).
[and W] ("whom Jehovah gave"),
[Hananiafi], Greek 'Araviac, pr.n. (l)of a false (2) to emulation, envy (Arab. jux> -- to envy,
prophet, cotemporary with Jeremiah, Jer. 28: l, seq.
ji^js- envy), whence odium and opprobrium (see
(2) of a companion of Daniel, afterwards called
Shadrach, Dan. i :6, 7 also of others.
Ipn No. 2, and Piel).

PIEL, to put shame, or contempt, Prov. 25:

once Isa. 30:4 [Hanes], pr. n. of a city of 10. Syr. ..nn.v id., in Targ. 1BH for the Heb. ^0
middle Egypt, situated on an island to the west of the 9 =n

Nile; called by the Greeks Heracleopolis,

to reproach, )^ceu/ envied, also, beloved, see Kal.
Arabic (vuUjil, in Egyptian HITHFAEL, to show one's self gracious, Ps. 18;
TT('.\tc, IJGC, line,
26; comp. Kal No. 1.
G ;MI formerly a royal city of Egypt; see Etienne
Derivatives, besides the words which follow, are
Quatremere, Memoires sur 1'Egypte, t.i.p. 500, 501.
-ppn, nTpn.
Champollion, L'Egypte sous les Pharaons, i. p. 309,
and my observations on Isa. loc. cit. "It!!!
in pause IPD"], with suff. ^DPJ pi. DHpq,
const. *"1PD prop, desire, ardour (see the root),
fat. B 1?D* - (l) TO BE PROFANFD, POL- whence
(l) in a good sense, zeal towards any one, lov*,
DEFILED, Ps. 106:38' Isa. 24 g-
nan-mon CCXCIV Don --mD"i
" r
kindness, specially (a)of men amongst themselves, ("fleeing for refuge," or a iefuge \
benevolence, as shown in mutual bene- n. in. l Ch. 16:38; 26:10.
benignity, ], pr.
in misfor-
nis; mercy, pit;/, when referring to those a dj. strong, mighty, Am.
often tXtoc); 2:9; powerful^
tune, Gen.21:23; 2 Sam. IO:2 (LXX.
Job 6: 14. The expression often occurs, DV "I?!?
to act kindly towards, Gen. loc. cit. 2 Sa. 3:8; 9: ;
^ collect, the rulers (of a city), Isa.

n^lDH refuge [or " trust, confidence""],

1:31. Koot {On.


1,7; also followed by

HX Zee. 7:9; ? l Sa. 2O:8; 30:3; from the root n p n .

more fully, D? DtpXl npn nbTJ Gen. 24:49; 47 2 9; =

"l^P^ adj. (from the root "ipri) i) kind, ex-

Josh. 2:14; 2 Sa. 9 3, :
n ^
n n ^V n2Tf 1 will act
cellent, Ps. 12:2; 18:26; 43:1.

k i n-dly towards him like unto God." ? "ipn niM to

(2) used of God, merciful,gracious, Jer. 3:12;
turn, or incline, kindness upon any one, Gen. 39:21 ;
Ps. 145:17-
more fully, Ezr. 7: 28, ^n g non rupn fy(God)
(3) pious towards God. njn* H^pn the pious
turned kindness upon me before the king," and Dan.
" and God caused that worshippers of Jehovah, the saints of Jehovah, Psalm
i.q,"IDn^^:ynD'n^n JJVI
ft "POn P8 .4:4.
30:5; 31:24; 37:28;
Daniel should obtain favour." (b') piety of men
towards God. "Jpn V?*? D'TPO. the pious saints, ""H^Pl) f. the stork, prop, the pious (bird), so
Isa. (c) the grace, favour, mercy
of God called from love towards [" its parents and"] its
towards men. Psalm 5:8; 36:6; 48: 10, etc. It is young, of which the ancients made much mention
often joined with HOS (see ^OX No. 2) constant or (see Plin. H. N. x. 28. ^Elian. Hist. Anim. iii. 23;

abiding favour. The same expressions

likewise occur x. 26); as, on the contrary, the Arabs call the female
as under letter a, as D? 1n
nb'JJ Gen. 24:12, 14;

followed by !? Ex. 20 6 Deut. 5:10: J1J npn nl"J?

ostrich ^^
" impious bird, on account of her neglect

PI. D'~!P." mercies or benefits

of her young; (see Job 39:13, seq.) Levit. 11:19;
CJ? 2 Sa. 2:6; 15 2O.

Deu. 14:18;
^of God), Ps. 89 :2, 50; 107:43; 'isa. 55:3> n n ^.90 Psal. 104:17; Jer.8:7; Zee. 5:9; see
mercies of David," abiding mer- Bochart, Hier. ii. 327, seq. Job. 39:13, nvpn is not
D'3pX|n'-the sure
to be taken as the name of the stork, but as the fern.
cies such as wer<> bestowed on David [or rather,
which were securely promised to David]. Figura- with an allusion to the stork.
adj. pious, yet The
" the
words are, wing of the ostrich exults, ~"3?S CN
tively, God
himself is called npn q. d. bie ult/ Sicbe.
Ps. 144:2; Jon. 2:9. Once, like its synonym D, it nyti] nTpn. but (is her) wing and feather (also)

ueems to signify grace in the sense of beauty, Isaiah pious?" i.e. but she is not (like the stork) pious or
40:6. LXX. 2c!a, and so l Pet. i :24-
affectionate towards her young, but she treats them
ardour against any cruelly (verses 14 16).
(2) in a bad sense, zeal,
one, envy, hence reproach (see root No. 2). Prov. 7 pH m a species of locust; prop, that which
14:34; Lev. 20:17. Some would also place here eats or devours (root ?P n )> l Ki. 8:37; Ps-78-
Job 6: 14. 46; Isaiah 33:4; Joel 1:4. LXX. [" durpu, and in
(3) [Ifesecf], pr. n. m. l Ki. 4:10. 2 Ch."] i^wivx "^ [Aqu.], i. e. a locust not
yet winged,

so called from fauKtiv, to devour.

"T!^- ("whom God loves") [7/aserdia/i],
pr. n. of a son of Zerubbabel, 1 Ch. 3:20. fpL) adj. strong, mighty, Ps. 89:9. Koot Ipn.

and npnj] properly TO FLEE

Tpn Chald. adj. wanting, used of weight, too
[f,,t. npn*
light, Dan. 5:27.
(see the root B^n), specially to take refuge, to flee
some where for refuge, followed by ? of the place, as
TO EAT OFF, TO DEVOUK (used of the
'Q ?>*3 under the shadow (protection) of some one,
locust), Deu. 28:38. (Ch. id. This is a kindred root
Jud. 9:15; Isa. 30: 2; *t *?? '^3 under the shadow
to IVi?, TT3, "On, which see.) Hence ^pn.
of the wings of God, Ps. 57 2 61:5; hence to trust
: ;

in some one, especially in God, followed by 5, Psalm T0 ST01 ,

UPj T0 MUZZLE the mouth, Den
a:l2; 5:12; 7:2; 25:20; 31:2; 37:40, etc. Ab- 25:4; the 39:ii,on:i"yn-riK ton noph
nostrils, Kze.
sol. Psal. 17:7. Prov. 14:32, P'~>* iniD? npn the "
(this valley) shall str p (the nostrils) of those who
righteous confides (in God) in his death," i. e. when pass through;" that is, because of the stench; unless
dying, or as about to die. the sense adopted in the Syriac version be preferred,
Derivatives, won, npng, n ;pn, and "by reason of tho multitude of corpses it will stop
nsn-ron ccxcv nsn-mDn
jp the way against passers by." [" Kindred to PIEL, to cause to want. Psa. 8.6, BJ?p
" thou hast made him to be
which see."] Hence DWNp wanting but a
of God;" that he should not be much lower
STRONG, like Syr. and Chald.
(i) TO BE than God; [but see the true meaning of this passage
Dq. Hence pD?, TPl), 1PD. [" The primary from the use made of it in lleb. ii. 7> 9] ?
idea lies in binding together ; pin No. 3."]
by IP of the thing, Ecc. 4:8.
(2) to be wealthy (see !9H); whence to heap up, HIPHIL (l) causat. to make to fail (fet)kn/

in store. whence geln laffcn), Isa. 32:6.

to lay up (Arabic ,.ila>.
a storehouse.) (2) intrans. to be in want, Ex. 16: 18.

Derivatives, "^BH, ~>bnp and the following words.

NIPHAL, to be laid up, Isa. 23: 18.

Derivatives, see Kal No. l. "1DH [verbal] adj. wanting, lacking, needing,

D Chald. Aphel (or rather Hiph. in the Hebrew followedby ace. l Ki. 11:22: followed by ? IP Ecc.
6:2. Dn? "'PH in want of bread, 2 Sa. 3 29. J? ~>DQ :

manner), to possess, Dan. 7: 18, 22.

wanting understanding, Pro. 6:32; 7:7; 9:4;
}9^ Ch. emphat. KJPH, strength, power, Dan. subst. want of understanding, 1O:21.
2:37; 4:27-
m. want, penury, Pro. 28:22; Job 30:3.
jpn m. riches, see the root No. 2, Pro. 15:6; 27:

24; Jer. 20:5; Eze. 22:25; treasure, abundance,

m . id. Am. 4:6.
Isa.33:6, niy-lfc^. | DPI "abundance of salvation." n [HasraK], pr. n. m. 2 Chron. 34 22 :
In the other member is "I^IS. (Ch. i?nx to possess.) which in the parallel place, 2 Ki. 22 :
14, there it

MUM root unused in Kal, i.q. *l?>n TO STRIP OFF
m .
want, Ecc. l :
BARK, TO PEEL, TO SCALE. i^j...~~ to peel

and transp. _
s^Us to scrape or rub off; hence adj. m. pure, in a moral sense, Job 33:9.
dates, t J

S -- Root *l?n No. II.

Ch. *1?C!; Arab. ( _;X- and ^_r _*, a scale, a sherd;-

9 Tl ^H fjin.

Syr. ^3^^.- id. There are of the same origin in the

*3 X3FT prob. i.
HBH and n? ? No. I, TO COVER; 1

Western languages, crmTrrw, scabo, squama ; German whence PIEL, to do secretly ["i.e. to act per-
fd)aben/ fd)itppen/ <Sd)uppe/ cfjerbe, @d)tefer/ fdiaufetn [Eng. fidiously'^, 2 Ki. 17:9.
scab, scale, sherd~\ ;
in all of which the sibilant comes
first, as in Hebr. and Arab. ^HD, k _z~?^. (i) TO COVER, TO VEIL; as the head,
2 Sa. 15: 30; Jer. 14:4; the face, Esth. 6:12; 7:8.
Quadril. DSpn part. pass. DSpnp Exodus 16 :
something peeled off, scaled off, i.e. like a scale. (Syr. \.2u*j Arab.
^- id.). Compare ^H No. I.

Hence (2) protect, see PUAL.


PIEL, to overlay with silver, gold, wood followed

|l? m. Chald. earthenware, sherds, potter's ;

ware, Dan. 2:33, seq. Root ^pn. by two accusatives, 2 Ch. 3:5, 7, 8, 9.
PUAL nsn to be covered, protected, followed by
fut. ipm plur. VOri! ["TO DIMINISH, TO /J? like many other verbs of covering, Isa. 4:5, ~^3~^
anything, DEVOID OF nan 1133 " all glorious things shall be covered
by an ace. (like over (or protected)." LXX. oxe7ra<r9//<Tira. Others
verbs of plenty and want), Deu. 2:758:9; Ps. 34 1 1 HSn in this place as a noun in the same sense,
; take
Pro. 31:11. Gen. 18 28, a'p'Wn D'B>pq fnpri! tyo*
"over all the glory (is) a covering (or defence);"
filfpn five shall be lacking to the
perhaps fifty which seems more harsh; [perhaps not to every one;
righteous;" properly, "perhaps the fifty righteous Gesenius himself altered his judgment in Thes.].
shall lack five."
NIPHAL, pass, of Piel, Ps. 68: 14.
(a) absol. to suffer want, Ps. 23: 1 Pro. 13:25.
(3) to fail, to be lessened, Gen. 8
HSn f.
(from the root l!>n No. I) (l) propcrl/
5; l Ki.
a covering (see i"1 ?-^ Pual); hence a bed with
_ _
(4) to be wanting, Ecc. 9:8; Deu. 15:8. (Arab. canopy, a nuptial bed, tmrmlbett/ Srautbett j COD
pare bny. ps .
19:6 ;
Joel 2 16. :

and ...^ to suffer harm or loss.)

(a) [Huppafc], pr. n. m. l Ch. 34: 13.

TSFT fat. TbrP

"" TO LEAP or SPRING UP, kindred (a) intrans. and metaph. to incline, to be favour
able. (a) to do something; to will, to desire, absoi

T9B,ji3; comp.t!9, jj1,jj. jfc'
t ] Cant. 2:7; 3 5? followed by a gerund, Deut. 25:8,

WITH HASTE, or FRIGHT [" to spring up suddenly Ps. 40:9; Job9:3; iSa. 2:25; by a naked infinitive
in order to flee"]. (Arab, causat. :j>- to thrust for- Isa.53:io; Job 13:3; 33:32. ^.V^VPn "I desire
ward, to impel. A kindred root is "'HS.) 2 Ki. 7:
thy justification." (b) towards some one, i.e. to
to be in alarm, Psa. 31:23; favour him, to delight in him as in God, in men;
i5(anD); Job4O:23;
116:11. to love some one, followed
by 3 Gen. 34: 19; 2 Sam.
(a) to make
haste, 2 Sam. 4:4. Compare Lat. 3O:ll; Nu. 14:8; 2 Sa. 22:20; 24:3; followed by
fugere, trepidum esse, used of any kind of haste. Virg. an ace., Psa. 40 7 Mic. 7:18. It is also applied to
: ;

things, 2 Sa. 24:3.

Georg. iii. 462 ; iv. 73 so Hebr. ^n??, Syr. e2>ch i)

be in alarm, to cause to make haste [but see above]. |

2n m> (
w itli Tzeie impure), [
pl. constr. ^VSH,
NIPHAL (i) flee, Ps. 48:6;
to 104:7. Ps- 35 27 :
; 40 15 but D^>*?n,
Ps. 1 1 1 :
a."] verbal
(a) to make haste, i Sa. 23:26. Hence adj. from the preceding; often used with personal
pronouns instead of the verb, e. g. l Ki. 21:6, DX
.a hasty flight, Ex. 12: 11; Deu. 16:3. nriS pan "if thou art
willing," if it please thee.
D*3n ("coverings"), [Huppim], m. Mai. 3:1, p'V??n QJ5^ "you wish for," delight in
called DEfln. Chr. nysrj Bfej a wiUing 'mind, i Ch. 28:9.
(l) Gen. 46:21, otherwise
7:i, 15 fSD m . Avith suff. VPP [pi. DVBD] (I) delight.
1 Sa. 15:22; Psa. 1:2; 16:3; l Ki. 10:13, Hyp
an unused root. Arab. to take with
jDH ,is>-
"every thing in which she delighted."
\oth hands, to fill both hands. Hence (unless
pleasant, acceptable words. Ecc. 13 : 10 ; 5:3, |*sn pj<
he verb should rather be taken as a denominative) Dv'DSS "(God) has no pleasure in fools."
jf>n, only in dual D???n both fists [both hands, (2) desire, will, Job 31:16.
as full of any tiling], Ex. 9:8; Levit. 16:12; Prov. (3) something precious (comp. "^^O- y?.T"M?N
precious stones, Isa. 54:12; plural D*V?0 precious
30:4; Eze.- 10:2, 7; Eccles. 4:6. (Aram. (_L2O^/,
s-i* things, Pro. 3:15; 8:11.
Arab. <LjLs-. Hence by transposition irvypn, fist). ardour, hence affair, matter,
JSn (perhaps "pugilist," "fighter"), [Hoph-
(4) pursuit,

time for
every thing,"
Ecc. 3:1, ^y.) W^
" and its own

i. e. all
things are fleeting
*t], pr.n. of a son
of Eli, l Sa. 1:3; 2:34; 4:4.
and unenduring, nothing is stable and everlasting.

I. ^5^ n ?? T0 COVER, followed by 7JJ

q. 5:7, r?nD ^8 n^ri- ?S "marvel not at this thing."
(compare nD3), hence TO PROTECT, Deut. 33:12. The may be seen from
origin of this signification
- & nin fon
passages such as these, Isa. 53: 10, n?y? IT?
(Arab. i__c*- to cover with a garment. The signi- "the affairs of Jehovah shall prosper in his hand,"
fication of covering is founded in the syllable ^H, as
Isa. 44:28; 58:3,13; Job 2l:2l; 23:3. (Similar
also in the cognates 3H, ep, cjy, 3y, compare besides fe

non and KOn the roots K3n and H3n to hide; "1?3, to this is the Syriac o^ a thing, an affair, from
* .
f~ j
"* ,/^^
and B>D3 to cover, f^y Isaiah 31 15, 33J;, \~* i.
q. ^3H to will, desire.)

also ^JS, vJj, in which Nun and Lamed are

("in whom is my delight," "in whom
fl3JJ etc.,

inserted in the primary syllyable, as in fcK, pK etc.)

I delight"), [Hephzi-bah], pr.n. of the mother
Derivatives, nBH, D'SH. of king Manasseh, 2 Ki. 21:1; comp. the symbolic

an unused root rub name of Zion, Isa. 62 4. :

II. (i) to off, to
9 -

tcrape off, to wipe off. (Arab. i_c>- to rub off.) I. fllt - nsl
-- (l) to dig, as a
(a) to wash off, to trash. well, apit, Gen.2l:3O; 26:15, seq.; Eccles. 10 8;
Derivatives, fpn, fjn.
spoken of a horse, Job 39:21, pOV.3 V)?r". "they dig
in the valley." Virg. Georg. 3:87, 88, 'cavat lelltu -em,
n! and f9!V (i) i.q. Arabic (In the Western languages this power is found in the
to bend, to curve. Job 40: 17, ^3? fbn! "he bends same letters transposed in the roots grf, glf, as ypctyw,
hi UiL" u; yXa^w, y\v<f>u; sCRiBo, sCaLPo, sCuLPo;

graven.) Metaph. to dig a pit for, to lay snares, to n TO SEARCH OB ["

<7k'aXXw, Psalm
i LXX.
plot, Ps.
35 17.
76:7. Ch. and Sam. DBrj, Kindred perhaps tc id.
(2) to search out, to explore (comp. ">i?3 No. 3, ~>? n the "I and & being
and Sim. Arc. Form., page 62). Job 39: 29, "from ,
interchanged"]. Always in
Kal metaph. TO SEEK OUT. e.g. wisdom. Prov. 2:4;
thence she seeketh the prey;" followed by an ace.
comp. Proverbs 20: 27. Ps. 64:7, ni^iy -ibarp "they
to explore (a country ),Deu. 1:22; Josh. 2:2,3. As
devise wicked things." (In Chald. and Sam. the
to Isa. 2: 20, see '~na")?n.
proper sense is that of digging the ground, searching
in the earth, comp. ~i?n No. I.
II. '
fut. ">anj once in plur. ^S^n, Isa. 1 129.
NIPHAL sought out, Obad. 6.
pass, to be
Arabic ashamed. PIEL, to search, Gen. 31:35; 44:12;
to blush, to be (Perhaps fcJowedby
an ace. 1 Sa. 23:23; to search
through, l Ki. 2O:
kindred to "1DH
No. 2, to be red.) Mostly used of
6; Zeph. i
Metaph. once Ps. 77:7, T^" ^3DM
: 12. 1

shame arising from disappointed hope, Ps. 35 4, 26 :

"and my made
spirit diligent search."
40:15; 70:3; 83:18; with the addition of D'33 Ps. PUAL (i) to be sought, hence to let one's self be
34:6; Job 11:18, MtfPI HO?) Jjnam "(now) thou sought for; to hide one's self, Prov. 28: 12 compare ;

art ashamed, (afterwards), thou shalt dwell in tran- verse 28 and Hithpael.
quillity;" followed by which any one
JP of the thing in
(2) to be devised, Ps. 64:7.
disappointed, Isa. 1 29 (comp. >i3).
HITHPAEL, properly to allow one's soil to be sought
HIPHIL (i) to put to shame, to cause dis- for; to hide one's self (see Pual No. l), hence to
honour, Pro. 13:5; 19:26. one's self to be another, to disguise one's
feign self.
(2) intrans. like Kal (compare verbs of colour). l Sa. 28 8. :i Ki. 20 38,
VfTW ">8*$ ksniV! " and

Isa. 54 4 :
; spoken of Mount Lebanon, Isa. 33 9. :
he disguised himself, having a bandage over his

see eyes." i
Kings 22:30. Job 30: 18, K'BnjV n:ry}3
'EMU? by (its) great power my garment (i. e. skin)
is changed," comp. verse 19.
("pit," "well"), [Hep her'], pr.n.
(1) of a royal city of the Canaanites, Josh. 12:17 n m. a device, a counsel, Psalm 64:7; see
(compare l Ki. 4:10). Pual No. 2.
(2) of several men (a) of a son of Gilead, Nu.
26:32; 27:1; Josh. 17:2. (b) of one of David's r pr. TO BE LOOSED, FKEE, Opp. to that
captains, l Ch. 11 :36. (3) i Ch. 4:6. Patron. No. 1. which bound, restrained.
is Hence (l) to spread
26:32. out loose things on the ground (see t?Dh). Arabic

D?ln jiijbi- II. to stretch out.

(" two pits"), [Haphraim], pr. n. of a
town in the tribe of Issachar, Josh. 19: 19. (2) to be prostrate, hence to be weak, infirm,
as if with one's strength loosened. (Compare K'/n.
pr.n. Hophra, king of Egypt, cotempo- Arabic Med. Hence Tan, rWPBn.
LXX. JSJ^ E.).
rary with Nebuchadnezzar, Jeremiah 44 30. :

(3) to set free, to liberate (a slave). Arab. iJb-

QlnQprj (perhaps priest of the sun, Coptic OTHB
called the seventh tobe poured out freely.
<J>pH), by Manetho, Owa^ptc;
king of the second Sa'itic
dynasty; whom Herodotus
PUAL, to be set free, spoken of a slave, Lev. 19: 20.
Hence the following words
(ii. 161, 162, 169; iv.
159) and Diodorus (i. 68) call
Apries m. a spreading out, once Ezek. 27:20,
sh~n33 " cloths spread out for riding," see
?"]Sn some domestic reptile, a digging
the root No.l.
animal. Jerome talpa, a mole; better
mus major, rat, so called from [" (2) a bed, a couch, place of lying down, Psalm
that this name
digging. appears
88:6, T?n D'n^Q " among the dead is my couch."
ought to be restored to the text in "
Isaiah 2 20, where now there is read
More commonly the dead Iamong laid (am) pros-
separately, No.
nna " into comp. *n*jn in verse 5, also the root
i. e
$ the hole of the mice."

would be much more suitable to the context to read

")?^ to the mice, or rats, or moles. Compare K'^ f.
liberty, freedom, Lev. 19:20; see the
verb No. 3.

JWI5H& JVC'fiPIf. infirmity,diseast, whence PM...P3 to divide and distribute between... and be-
JV6??nn TV? nosocomium, a sick house, hospital, tween, Nu. 3 1 27, 42. Isa. 30 2 8, n vn TJOX nj; (the
: :

Ki'. 15:5; aCh. 26:21. river) shall di vide(a man) unto the neck," i.e. reach-

'#Sn = HB'pn with ing as high as the neck it shall, as it were, divide
adj. ( pr . from the subst. B^h
him into two parts. (b) also used of more than two
the adj. termination *T) pi. D'B>pn (i) prostrate,
parts, Jud. 9 43
Job 40 30. :

infirm, Ps. 88 :6. [See B ph.]


NIPHAL, to be divided, divide ones self, 2 Ki.

(2) free, as opposed to a slave or captive, Job 3: a :8, 14; Dan.
n npC> to set a slave free, to make him a freed
1 1 -.4.
Specially into two parts, Eze.
19. '???
man, Den. 15:12, 13, 18; H^r6 nW id. Ex. 21:26,
Derivative nouns, ^0, Sn, n^np, TVVqO and the
7, VP&
Tfn X to be set'free (see K).
pr. n.
(3) /f*^, enjoying immunity from public burdens,
1 Sa. 17:85. ("village," "hamlet" ["fence, castle, i.q.
S -

fD m. with suff. *TI pi. D'-Vn. Arab. .Lys--"])> \Hazor~\, pr. n. (l) of a town in
(1) an arrow, from the root HC D
Arrows of God are
W^P the tribe of Naphtali, fortifiedby Solomon, Josh. 1 1 i :

archers, Genesis 49:23. (a)

12:19; 19:36; Jud. 4: 2; iKi.9:i5; 2X115:29.
lightnings, as Habak. 3:11, then (b) poet, evils,
(2) of a town in the tribe of Benjamin, Neh.
calamities inflicted on men, Deu. 32:42; Job 6:4;
1 1 33-
(3) of a district of Arabia, Jer. 49 28 [also :
Psa. 38:3; 91:5; especially famine, Ezek. 5 1 6. :
other places].
Nu. 24:8, pnp* VSn " he will dash his arrows (into
blood), comp. Ps. 68 -24. : ["nrnn Tin( n ew castle"), [Razor Ha-
(2) a wound inflicted by an arrow, Job 34: 6. dattah,~\ pr. n. of a town in the southern part of the
(On the contrary Euripides, Iphig. Taur. 314, calls tribe of Judah, Josh. 15:25."]

weapons rpuvunra iiriitVTO., flying wounds).

IV3nn fn i Sa. 17:7 (avia) is the iron head of
see rmq a trumpet.
a spear ; but in np and in similar passages, 2 Sam. [
Inf. used as a noun."] only in constr.
81:19; iCh. 20:5, there is found YV. wood, the f.
middle, from the root nvn to divide,
sing, to halve,
shaft of a spear and it is this only which suits the
Job 34:20; Ps. 119:62; Ex. 11:4.
context. For it is a mistake to suppose that VO can
'Xn & % VD
constr. VD, with suff. \'Sn m.
have the same meaning, and denote the wooden part
of a spear. (1) a half, Exod. 24:6; Nu. 12:12; Josh. 4:12,
V.yn our half, i. e. half of us, 2 Sa. 18:3.
fut. nVm
(l) TO CUT, TO HEW (2) middle, Jud. 16:3.
OUT, especially stones (compare 3OH) Deut. 6 1 1 :
; (3) i.
q. pn an arrow, from H\*n in the signification
l Sa. 20 36, 37, 38
8:9; Isa.5:2; 10:15; 22: 16; Proverbs 9: l. Part. of dividing, :2 Ki. 9 24. ;

IVn a stone cutter, 2Ki. 12:13; alsoa woodcutter,

niPJjBn 'VO ("the midst of the places of
Isa. 10: 15 ;
used of both, l Ki. 5: 29. Metaph. Psa.
"the voice of Jehovah cutteth out flames of quiet"), pr. n. m., l Chr. 2:52; whence patron. ^VO
*9 :
VJiruDn verse 54.
fire ;" i. e. sends out divided flames of fire.

I. *"J V T i q- "'VP prop, a

(a) figuratively, destroy, to to slay. Hos.6:5, fence; hence poetically
" I have hewed
DW3|3 'F)3n (them) by the pro- a habitation, dwelling, i.q. JV3. 153.34:13 [a
phets ;" i. e. I have declared to them death and de- dwelling for ostriches, 35:7.], "a dwelling for
struction. In the other member there is DV?31Q. reeds and rushes." Root "IVQ No. I.

NIPHAL, to be graven (on stones), Job 19:24.

to be he ion out, i. e. to be formed, Isa. 51 :i.
II. T^n m. (l) grass, Job 8: 12; 40:15; Ps.
No. a. 104:14. (2)0 leek,Nu.n:5. Root ~>Vn No. II.
q. Kal
HIPHIL, i. Isa. 51:9.
Derivative ["P^T an unused root, whose primary power
appears to have been that of strength and firmness;
q. p>*n (which see) TO D I v i D E, especially
(a) into two parts, Genesis 32:8; Ps. 55:24,$ compare Arab. .*&->- to be strong, to be fortified."]
Dn*D' ^'n " let them not halve
: (or divide) their
days" (the days of their lives), i. e. let them not
Psalm 129:7, and l^H Isai. 49:2^, Neh
reach to half of their length of life. Followed by 5: 13, m., THE BOSOM of garments in which any thing
CCXCIX -ran-iwsn
Jtorn, which was crooked like a horn. See Jos., Ant.
is carried. Arabic Mill. fh6^I id., whence
iii. 12:6. Jerome on Hosea 5:8; Buxtorfs Lexicon,
deiioni. verb .->- to carry in the bosom. [In Thes. p. 8 1 6. "] Various have been the conjectures as to the
Most (with whom I formerly agreed),
1|D arm,forearm; so called from strength (root ]VH) ; etymology.
also bosom where any thing is carried.]
derive it from ~>Vn, Arab.
^^ to be present, Conj. X.
to call together; hence the form "l^'D was considered
Chald. TO BE
to be after the analogy of the 12th Arabic conjuga-
SEVERE, and (especially Pa. and Aph.) trans, to urge, tion, to call together (witha trumpet), whence ""QV^D
to hasten. a trumpet, so called from calling together. Others
Part. Aphel nayipno severe or hasty (spoken of (amongst whom of late Ewald, Hebr. Gram. p. 242),
the king's edict), Dan. a: 15; 3:22.
derive "TTO'^n from i^C No. I supposing it to be so

called because of its being narrow and slender, an

T?V TO DIVIDE, and intrans. TO BE DIVIDED.
etymology much less suitable. I have no doubt that
Arabic ,^>- Conj. III. to divide one's share with
this word is onomatopoetic, imitating the clangour
of 'the sound of a trumpet, as in Latin taratantara,
another, l*~^~ a part, a portion. Talmud, to cut up, in the verse of Ennius ap. Serv., ad Virg. /En.,ix. 503,
Germ, trarara. To this the Hebrew word before us
to cut in pieces (whence H^XO an axe or adze),
hence figuratively, to distinguish. Kindred roots are is similar, especially if pronounced in the Arabic

nyn, 3 Xn, Chald. ISD. The primary syllable f n has manner iL^Li-^ hadddera. From this noun is derived
the power of cutting, dividing, or sharpening, in the verb
common with the cognates tn (see Tin), in (see
U to blow a trumpet,
trumpet. It occurs to
enn), also p, 03, u, 1J (see the roots Tl|, TT3, in part. DnVXriDChr. 15:24; 2 Chr. )
(B'")>'*0 ?),
Pro. 30:27, "the locusts have no king, i?3 fV'n N>?.1
and yet they all go forth di vided," i. e. in a divided
5:13; 7:6; 13:14; sg-.'aS a'ro; where in np one
V being rejected, it becomes D'l^riD^ (BH'VDP or
ha.t (comp. Gen. 14:15). Jerome, per titrmas suas.
D^VHP, part. Piel or Hiphil), by a jejune correction
D'Vynp Jud. 5:11, those who divide
PIEL, part.
of a more uncommon form. 2 Chron. 5:12, it is
(booty), (compare Isai. 9:2; 33:23; Psal. 68:13).
Avhich appears to be a transcriptural error.
Others, following the Targum and the Jewish writers,
translate it archers, taking it as a denom. from 'r*D. an unused Arabic
I. IJ root. -^, ^Ethiop.
fSo Gesenius himself in Thes. "Compare Targ.,
J to surround to enclose icitli a wall, whence
Jud. 5:8."]
PUAL, to be cut off, i. e. finished, ended
(spoken of srfc. an enclosure, defence, castle. Kindred roots
the months of one's life), Job 21:21.
are ~>JJ, and those given under the words ">TX and
Hence PD and the following words.
*n|. Hence "IVH, TSPI No. I, and pr. n. "ten.
(l) a small stone, gravel stone
(from being broken up, made small), and collect.
II. '3?n an unused root, i.
q. ^&. to be green,
small stones, gravel, Prov. 20:17; Lam. 3:16. whence 1'VC 1
which see. identity of thifc
grass, [The
root with the preceding is maintained in Thes.
Etymologists have usually assumed here two differ-
(2) i.
q. YD an arrow, poetically for lightning, Ps. ent roots. But the connection of the ideas is shewn
77:18. in theGreek -^op-oc, which, like ">'?!? signifies first
of the an enclosure, court, specially for cattle, and then
( pru ning
a pasture, and by melon, pasturage; i.e. grass,
palm"), \_Hazazon- tamar, Hazezon-tamar],
Gen. 14:7; 2 Ch. 2O:2, pr.n. of a town situated in green herbage, etc. See Passow, h. v."]
the desert of the tribe of Judah, celebrated for its IXPI ('p) Piel, 2 Ch. 5: 13; Hiphil, l Ch. 15:
palms: afterwards called HI P#. As to the palms of 24; 2 Ch. 5:12; 7:6; 13:14529:28, to blow with a
Engadda, see Plin. H. N. v. 7. Celsii, Hierob. ii.
491. trumpet; see O TW3 and ""^Cj.]
HlV^n & JTTCiVn a trumpet,^. lo:2,seq.;
f. "TCH constr. "isn with suff. nyn, p l. nnsn constr.
31:6; Hos. 5:8; 2 ICings 12: 14. ["This was the *").XTI and n'nyn comm. an enclosure
rtii^O const,
ttratgkt trumpet, different from the "1^1^ buccina or a place surrounded by a fence, specially
ym-vran ccc
s < --c -
(1) a court, an enclosure before a building, Neh.
8 : 16 ; Est 5:2; especially before the holy tabernacle
still called by the Arabs ci^ ..- i^_ %
.c -*i>- ,

and temple, Ex. 27:9, seq. JVB^Sn i^n the inner 10:26. See Abulfedae Arabia, edit. Gagn. page 45
court, or court of the priests. 1 Ki. 6:36, 'V"l|n "IX ?
1 Niebuhr's Description of Arabia, page 283 294.
the great court, l Ki. 7:12.
CTPE? ('3) Piel part. 2 Ch. 5: 12 ;
see *nfrq.]
(2) a village, hamlet, country village, such as
are elsewhere called "W?n niJ3, Josh. 13 : 23, 28 ; 15 : pH see p'D.
32, seq.; Levit. 25:31. Also used of the moveable pn m followed
by Makk. "pn, with sufF. *$n, b*
tribes, consisting of tents, Gen.
Lev. 10:13; ^PC Ex. 5: 14; plur. O'i?n, constr.
villages of

5:16; Isa. 42:11 (compare Cant. 1:5). *Sq and "'ip/in Ezek. 20:18, properly that which it
Hence are the following names of towns or vil- established or definite (from the root Pi?n No. 3),
lages: e.g. *jpn that which is appointed for me, Job 23: 14.
(l)"nnvq ("the village of Addar"), [#a*ar- Specially
addar], a town on the borders of the tribe of Judah, (a) an appointed portion of labour, a task,
Nu. 34:4; more briefly called ~HK, Josh. 15:3. Ex. 5:14; Pro. 31:15; of food, Pro. 30:8.
["(2*) n-13 nvq(< village of good fortune'), (b) a defined limit, a bound, Job 26:10; Prov.

[Hazar-gaddaJt], in the southern part of the tribe 8:29. pn 7?? without limit, Isa. 5: 14; 24:5.
of Judah, Josh. 15:27."] (c)an appointed time, Job 14:13; 28:26.
(3) Hp-lD "iVn, Josh.19:5, and D'DW ivq (" the (d) an appointed law, a statute, an ordinance,
Tillage of horses"), [Hazar-susah, Hazar- Gen. 47 26; Ex. 12:24; use d of the laws of nature

tusim], l Ch. 4:31, in the tribe of Simeon. [as prescribed by God], Job 28 26; of laws given
(3) n "'Vq Eze. 47:17, and iyg ixq (" the vil- by God to man, Deu. 4:5, 8, 14; 6:24; 11:32; 12:1:
a decree of God, Psa. 2 7 a custom observed as

lage of fountains"), [Hazar-Enan], Eze. 48:1; :


Nu. 34:0, 10, on the northern borders of Palestine. though it were a law, Jud. 11 :39; right, privilege,
(4) tylt?n?q ("the fox's village"), [Hazar- observed as though it had been a law, Exod. 29 28 :

thuat], Josh. 15:28; 19:3; iCh.4:28; Neh. 11: [This passage speaks of an actual ordinance of God].
7, in the tribe of Simeon.
-mi unused in Kal, i. q. Pi?n pr. TO CUT INTO
( the middle village"), \_Ha-
(5) l''*n IT

to hack; henceto
tar-hatticon], Ezek. 47:16, on the borders of Au- (fjacfcn/ tjauen), engrave, to carve
ranitis. (Pual, No. l); to draw, to paint (Pual, No. 2; see
ppn, No.2); also, to hack up the ground (auftacten);
(6) plur. nhvq [Hazeroth~\, a station of the Is-
see Hithpael.
raelites in Arabia Petrasa,Num. 1 1 35 12:16; 33
; :

PUAL """^D (i) something carved, en-

17; Deu. i:l. part.
graved, l Ki. 6:35.
see Eze. 8:1O; comp. 23:14.
(2) drawn, painted,
M to hack
pTVri(enclosed, "surroundedbyawair), HITHPAEL, to dig up, up the ground,
auffyacfen/ einen raben aufiocrfcn. I would thus, from
[T2ron],pr.n. (l) of a son of Reuben, Gen.46:9;
Exod. 6 14. :
(2) of a son of Pharez, Gen. 46 12 :
the primary signification, explain Job 13:27, ^h^H
Ruth 4:18. Gr. 'Eopw/j, Mat. i. 3. Patron, is Tivn ni5nnn 7jn "around the roots of my feet thou hast
Nu. 26:6. dug up (the ground);" or, hast made a trench, so
[" (3) of a town in the tribe of Judah,
that I cannot go on, i. e. thou hast stopped
Josh. 15:3, 25."] up my
way, compare Job 19:8; Lam. 3:7. It is
1"7 [ffezrat], of one of David's
(id.), around the roots of my
interpreted, feet thou hast
captains, 2 Sam. 23 : 35 *y In yro and l Ch. 1 1 : delineated ; i. e. hast marked out to my feet how far
37, tyP- they shall go.
^XD Hazerim, pr. n. Deu. 2:23.] i"ljpn
f. from ph, that which is established or de-
fined [" Sing, spoken always of a single law or
n ("the court of death"), "
\Hazarma- ordinance; e.g. np^n nj?n law, ordinance of tlit.
veth], pr. n. of a district in Arabia Felix, situated on passover"]; specially (a) law, e.g. of heaven, of
the Indian sea, abounding in
frankincense, myrrh, nature, Job 38: 33; Jer. 31:35; 33:25; of God, Ex
and aloes; but remarkable on account of the un-
27:8!, D?iy ngn "an everlasting law." (b) prac-
healthiness of the climate
(whence its it is name); tice, custom, e.g. of the Gentiles, i.e. idolatry. 2 Ki

17:8; Lev. 20:23, right, privilege, Ex. 29:9 [such Deu. 13:15; Eze. 39 1 4 followed by ace. of perse i

a privilege being God's ordinance]. or thing, to explore, search out, as a country, Jud
18 :2; (to taste) food or drink, Prov. 23:30; wisdom,
NS'lpn ( bent"), [Hakuphd], pr.n. m. Ezr. 2: Job 28:27; tne mind of any one, i Sa. 20: 12; Psa.
Ol Neh. 7:53, from the unused root
139:1. Prov. 28:11," a rich man seems to him-
self to be wise, ^PO! T^O 711 but a poor man who
has understanding searches him." LXX. Kara'

prop. TO CUT, TO CUT INTO, TO HACK, yvuffirai. Aqu. Theod. ir)(rt&nt.

Kal. Eccles. 12:9.
compare the kindred roots, all of
/ eintiauen j PIEL, q.
NIPHAL, pass, of Kal. Jer. 31 :37- 1 Ki. 7:47, t6
which are onomatopoetic, rj, and to strike
ng>n? ^p_f P "ipm
i^iLfc the weight of the brass could not
with a sword, bauen/ then to stamp violently; also, to be searched out," comp. 1pv Q pjjt.
^ -
Hence "^P and
encounter violently; (JJj* an& ^^^^ id.; fyacfen/ to

hack. In passing, we may observe that especially in D (l) searching, investigation, Job 34:24.
verbs geminate in the middle radical, there are "'PD r^? that which cannot be sought out, Prov. 25:3;
many which are imitations of sound, and hence are hence used of any thing that is innumerable, Job
common to many languages; as pi?? lecfcn
\to lick~\, 5:9; 9:10; 36:26; also deliberation, Jud. 5: 16.
351, S]ao, tappen, "?Vn fallen/ 72* tinnio, fdjallcn/ pp^ to (2) thativhich is known by investigation, hidden,
beat, to beat to powder, etc. and in the geminate
; secret. Job 38: 16, DinJjl Ipn "the most secret
forms, ~I3~I| gargarizavit, ^IVPV pipivit,
?? tintinnum recesses of the sea." Metaph. "ipn Job 11:?,
edidit, etc. Specially i.
q. TO. fiadea TOV tov.
[Prof. Lee questions the
carve out a sepulchre, in a rock, Isaiah
(1) to propriety of this comparison on the ground of tht
82 -16; to engrave letters and figures on a tablet, Hebrew construction.]
Isa. JO:8; Eze. 4:1. n
m. only in plur. D^ln, noble, freeborn, l Ki.
to delineate, to paint, Isa. 49:
(2) i. q. -ypwptii',
2l:8,ll; Neh. 2:16; 4:13; once fully written
|6; Eze. 23:14. cnin ECC. 10:17. Root "nn NO. 2.
(3) to decree, to ordain (verbs of inscribing
^H a hole, see
writing are used in the sense of decreeing, since it lin-

ij the work of a legislator to write or inscribe his *"in S ee -vin.

Jaws), Isa. 10:1 ;

to determine, to appoint, to de-
scribe, Prov. 8 :
27, 29. Part. PpH poet, for Bafc> a

judge, Jud. 5:9. N M or N JM an unused root. Arabic

PUAL part. Pi?np what is decreed, Pro. 31:5.
HOPHAL, fut. Ipn* for -Ipn? (with the omission of to do easement, a low word rather than ?
decent one. Hence whenever its derivative occurs
Dag. forte) engrave, to inscribe, Job 19:23.
in the sacred text, the Hebrew critics have placed
POEL, i. q. Kal No. 3, to decree, Pro. 8: 15. Part.
Pt>h (i) a law giver, Deut. 33:21; Isa. 33:22; [what they deemed] a more decent word in the
a leader, Jud. 5:14. (2) a sceptre, Num. 2l:l8; margin. See niSiriD, DJ> '?.n for ^n, and DW
Ps. 60 9 Gen. 49 i o.
: D^N"in m
plur. dung, excrements, Isa. 36: 12.

Hence pn, ni?n, [Ppn], and In the margin the more decent word HNW is found
[as the ""ip] the vowels of which are subjoined to
Pfv^ m om"y i n pi- const. 't?i?H decrees, things de-

termined, Jud. 5: 15 (where it corresponds

to a similar word, 'IpH, verse 16). -^ i*/ whence imp. Tir^ and ^"1.0 future 31$
L" pr.n. of a town on the bor- (l) TO BE DRIED UP, spoken of water, rivers, earth.
ppH Hukkok,
ders of Asher and Naphtali, Josh. 19 34 called :
Gen. 8:13; Job 14:11; Isai. 19:6; Ps. 106:9. It

iCh. 6:60."] differs [" as merely denoting the absence of water"]

from t^5J to be dry, to become dried, see Gen. 8: 13,
(Job 13:9) TO SEARCH, TO IN-
fut -
""P 1?- compare 14; also Isa. 19:5, where there is a grada-
VESTIGATE. (The primary idea
is perhaps that of tion, tfUJl 3TTg -irm. Compare Reimarus, De Diffe-
marching in the earth by digging, so that kindred rentia Vocc. Hebr. p. 64. (From the same st xk if
toots are 1i?3, rn3, see "l^? Ps. 95:4.) Const, absol. {
Gr. Kr'ip<j>w
to become dry, K/>a/i/3o dry.)
(a) to be desolate, to be laid waste, spoken of Jcbel Musa). Ex. 3:1; 17:6; Deut. 1:2,6; 4:10,
countries or cities, (dry places being desert, devoid 15; 5:2; 18:16; i Ki. 8:9; 19:8; Mai. 3:22;com-
of water, Isai. 42 : 1 5 ; 48 : 2 1 ) ; Isai. 34 : 1 ;
Jer. 26 :
pare Burckhardt's Travels, p. 873, seq. ; 1077, seq.
9; of sanctuaries, Am. 7:9; also to be destroyed, Germ. edit. [" But Horeb seems to have been a
wasted, spoken of a people, Isa. 6o:l2; and trans. general name for a whole mountain, of which Sinai
to lay waste, to destroy, Jer. 50:21. (Imp. 3~>n.) was a particular summit. See Hengstenberir, Auth
(3) to be amazed, astonished, Jer. 2: 12; com- des Pentat. ii.
p. 896." Robinson.]
pare the synonymous words DDK' and "IJ^. D"Tl m .
(i) dry ness, drought, Jud. 6:37.39;
(Arab. <--J->. to be laid waste, Conj. II. to lay hence, heat, Gen. 31 :4O; Job 30:30.

waste, to destroy; cognate to which is I- H.

(2) a desolating, laying u-aste. 3yi
61 14; Eze. 29:10.
^ towns
tjy>- laid waste, desolated, Isa.
IV. to wage war.)
piur. rvann, with art.
n'nnnn const, n'nin
NIPUAL (i) pass, of Kal No. 2, to be laid waste,
desolated, Eze. 26:19; 30:7.
["(l) dryness, pi. dry places, Isa. 48:21."]
(2) a desolation, a place laid waste, ruins.
(2) recipr. to destroy one another, hence tofight,
Lev. 26:31, ns-in ornjrns 'nru will lay your I
2 Ki. 3:23.
cities waste." nn~in. i"^? to build ruins or places up
PUAI, pass, of No. 1, to be dried, Jud. 16:7, 8.
laid waste. Eze. 36: 10, 33; 38:12; Mai. 1:4; Isa.
IIiPiiiL (l) to dry up [" as water"], Isa. 50:2.
58:12; 61:4. Job 3: 14, "kings and counsellors
(2) lay waste, towns, countries, Ezekiel 19:7;
of the earth IE? D'33H who have built ruins
Jud. 16:24; to destroy a people, 2 Ki. 19: 17.
for themselves," i. e. splendid edifices, presently how-
HOPIIAL pass, of Hiphil No. 2, Eze. 26:2; 29:12.
ever to fall into ruins, q. d. Me grof: e @te inf aufcn auf*
The derivative nouns all follow. m3"in D\?n Isaiah
bauen. Synonymous with this is

">n Ch. i. Heb. 44 : 26. E'TO n'nin the ruins, i. e. the ruined houses
of the rich, Isa.
HOPHAL, to be destroyed, laid waste, Ezr. 4:15. 5:17.
i"O"in (for nn^n) that which is dry, dry land,
^")J? adj. fern. n:nq (i)dry, Lev. 7:10; Prov.
Gen. 7:22; Ex. 14:21; 2Ki.2:8.
(2) laid icaste, destroyed, Jer. 33:10, 12; Neh. I'D"})! plur. constr. '3'm.n m. drought, heat [of
2:3, 17; Eze. 36:35. summer], Ps. 32:4.
fin pause Tin, with suffix >3in, pi. n'nnq, fc^TQ*in (probably Pers. .,Lyi. an ass driver),
const. rfcnn],f. (i) a sword ["as laying waste; [Harbonah~\, pr. n. of a eimuch of Xerxes, Est. l : 10,
others, as having the signification edge,comp. j^., spelled n3'nin 7:9.
s -
v <*

<s>^*>, to be sharp, acrid, whence , _ i -^ edge of a ^ JM aval Xfyo^i. Psalm 18:46, TO SHAKE, TO
= <--
9 V TREMBLE. Ch. ^3"in fear, trembling. (The primary
sword"]. (Arab. c_?.-^, Syr. |_^x/, whence Greek
syllable is 3"i, -which
equally with jn denotes tremulous
see Bochart, Hieroz. ii.
760.) 3nn 'D? nsn Loc. cit. Dnn^|pBO M-jPTl
Zpirrj, p. movements, see Trj, yr\).
to smitewith the edge of the sword to kill with the ;
"and they shall tremble out of their hiding places,
sword, Deut. 13:16; 20:13; Joshua 6:21; 8:24; i. e. (they shall go out from their fortified places with
trembling) and shall deliver them up to me;" comp.
(2) applied to other cutting instruments ; e. g.
It is
Mic. 7:17; Hos. ll:ii. Others, from a comparison
a circumcising knife, Josh. 5:2,3; a knife, or razor,
Eze. 5 1 ; a graving tool, Ex. 20 25 ; an axe, Ezek.
: :
with Arab. _ j^ to go out, translate shall go out from

their hiding places, but it is weaker. In the parallel

26:9. Poetically used of the curved tusks of the
hippopotamus, Job 40 19. : . passage, 2 Sa. 22:46, there is
(3) drought, Deu. 28:22. [This meaning is not
needed in this passage; so Thes.]
3 nM
an unused quadril. i. q. Arab. to
leap, to gallop as a horse, to spring as a locust. It
yin & l"fin ( dry," desert"), pr. n. Horeb, is formed from the triliteral 3^n to fremble, which ia
a lower summit of Mount Sinai, from which one as-
applied to leaping (see /"*!). By the omission of "i frcra
oends Mount Sinai properly so called ( this root another t-iliteral is formed, ?jn. Hence
in m. a locust, so called from its leaping (see
to him ;" he was angry, Geu 31 :
36 34 7
l Sa. 1 5 : 1 1 ;

2 Sa. 19:43. V3J rnn "(anger) was kindled

tho root, comp. drrairoc, arrt'Xa/Boe, from ^rrfty), with (c)
- - o - in his eyes;" since anger is visible in the kindling ol
wings and fit for food, Lev. 11 :22. (Arab, ^> -
>. a
eyes, and inflamed countenance, Gen. 31:35; 45 :5.
5 - ^ \.

an ^ n These expressions sometimes rather denote sorrow

troop of horses, also of locusts, L .^f-/.>->
than anger; and hence they are rendered by the
being interchanged, a kind of locust without wings). LXX. by the verb Xvirlopcu, as Gen. 4:5; Jon. 4:
fut.TTP - (l) TO TREMBLE, TO BE FRIGHT- 4,9; Neh. 5:6; compare as to the connection of the
two ideas DJtt NIPHAL, and 3VJJ HITHPAEL.
IN ED. (The unused T]H prob. had the signification
of terrifying, compare flJJ, apae.) Exod. 19:16; (2) to be angry, followed by ? Hab. 3:8.
NIPHAL (Cant. 1:6 [referred in Thes. to the root
1 Sa. 28:5; Isa. 10:29
["ascribed to the heart, l Sa.
Used T]n]). part. D'"?n3 pi. i. q. Kal No. 2, to be angry, Isa.
28:5"]; followed by "? of the cause, Job 37 l : .

: 1 1
4.5 : 24; followed by ? against any one, Cant.
in a pregnant sense, Gen. 42:28, VnK B"K '"HO.*! ^ 41

:6 [but this should be referred to ">V|j.

"they were afraid (i.e. afraid they turned)
one to another, saying."
HIPHIL n "Jn ? fut. ~>rn: (i) to make to burn, to
kindle anger, Job 19:11; followed by ?J.
(2) Followed by ?N prop, fear for anyto one, i. e.
to take care of nritf (2) to do any thing with ardour, to be earnest;
him, 2 Ki. 4:13 ["followed by
followed another finite verb. Neh. 3 20, rnnn inn.NI
by :
to follow
any one trembling, l Sa. 13:7"]. him Baruch earnestly
to co?e trembling, to hasten (compare TSH ^TQ p'jnn "after repaired
(the wall)," or, emulating him, repaired, etc.
NIPHAL), followed by 1*? from a place, Hos. 1 1 :
10, 1 1 ;

TIPHIL, fut. nvin> (of the formfy?i?ri) to emulate,

nS'lpp to meet, 1 Sa. 16:4; 21:2.
to rival, Jer. 22:15; followed by riS with any one,
HIPHIL, terrify, to make afraid, Jud. 8: 12;
Jer. 12:5.
Sa. 17:2; Lev. 26:6; Job 11:19; Isa. 17:2.
The derivative nouns follow with the exception of HITHPAEL, to fret oneself, to be angry, Psa. 3":
the pr. n. "N~1Q. 1,7,8; Pro. 24:19.
Derived nouns, pn, nn,
"PJ7adj. (l) trembling, fearful, a/raze?,Jud.
7:3; followed by ?J?, for that of which one is afraid,
)n (Harhaiali), according to other copies
iVrnn ("who was dried up"), pr. n. of a man, Neh.
(2) Applied to the fear of God and piety; reverence, 3:8-"]
Ezr. 10:3, n$K rnyo? nnnqri" those who fear (or
"IVT! ("fear," "terror"), [Harod~], pr.n of a
reverence) the commandment of our God;" compare
fountain, or of a place near it. 11VJ p# Jud. 7 i. :

9:4; Isa. 66:2, nin. ?J? "nn "who reverences my Hence Gentil. '"JV] 2 Sa. 23:25.
words," followed by ? verse 5.

i"n"in f. C onstr. rn-in plur. ni-nn, Eze. 26: 16.

D m. pi. strings of pearls, or other gems,
"and Isaacfeared
or coral, Cant, i :
1O; from the root Tin which see.
(1) terror, fear. Gen. 27:33, 9 > S- -

Tin. a great fear." A genitive after this word Syr. JP<XA< and Arab. ; <~ a necklace composed of
sometimes refers to the person who is feared, as, gems or pearls.
tnx rn~in the fear of man, Prov. 29:25; sometimes
to him who inspires fear, O'wX flUn terror, or fear, /TiH m .,
Job 30:7; Zeph. 2:9; pi. D'hn Prov.
the nettle, so called from its burning, from
sent by God (a panic fear), l Sa. 14: 15. 24:31,
(2) care, concern, 2 Ki. 4:13.
the root ?VI = "nn. Comp. ^Eth. ArhAA '
to sm ge i

for l\(h'.. See Celsii Hierobot. t. 166.

(3) pr. n. of a station of the Israelites in the desert ii.p.

[Haradali], Nu. 33:24. (contracted from n? 5

D*VJ flat-nosed^

fat. rnrv a poc. vjy. [Harumaph~\, pr. n. of a man, Neh. 3: 10"].

( ) TO B U RN, TO BE K I N D L E D, COgn. to "Tin. Always *"^l m. (from the root nVI) heat, burning, and
spoken of anger, concerning which these expressions concr. of something burning, Ps. 58 :o. :

are used Exod. 22:23; followed by?

(a) 12$ nnn, There is often found the phrase 1-? }np "heat cf

against any one, Gen. 30 2 44:18; Job 32: 2, 3;

; anger," Nu. 25:4; 32:14; iSa. 28: 18, and simpl. flVI
42:7; less often followed by 7K Nu. 24: 10; ty Zee. is used for wrath, Neh. 13:18; Ps. 2:5. Plur, DT
1 :
3 () without *|K ft n VI (anger) was kindled
angers, Ps. 88:17.
see JV3.]
C 1 ) a graving tool, Ex. 32:4.

(a) a style, with which letters were inscribed on

(Kametz pure, see Amos l :
3), part. pass.
wood or stone; hence poetically used of a kind of
from the root V"]n to cut into, to sharpen. (l) cut
writing, Isa. 8:1, Bnag tyin? w ith the style of a
in, dug, hence the ditch of a fortified city, Dan. 9: 25.
man" (of the common people), i. e. with letters of the
(Chali r*") n .) Compare the root No. 1,6, where the common sort, such as the common people might
verb "1333 can on ly be referred to P~>n by zeugma,
a easily read.
(a) sharpened (see the root No. 2), hence as
poet, epith. for a threshing wain, an agricultural .
only in plur. DVptS^n sacred scribes,
instrument used for rubbing out corn ; more fully skilled in the sacred writing (i. e. in the
flTTl 3"]iO a sharpened threshing instrument, Isaiah phics), 'upo-ypafjifjiaTe'li:,
a kind of Egyptian priests (see
41:15; and hence used without the substantive in I Jablonskii Prolegg., in Panth. ^Egypt., page 91, seq
the same sense, Isa. 28 27 Job 41:22. Plur. niSV>0
; j
Creuzer, Mythologie und Symbolik, i. p. 245). Gen
Amos 1:3. As to the form of this instrument, see 41:8,24; Exod. 7:11,22; 8:3, 14,15; 9:M this
name is also applied to the Babylonian magi, Dan.

(3) something decided, hence judgment (see the l:2O; 2:2. This word appears to me to be of
root No. 3). Joel 4:14, P~inn pBJ?.? in the valley of Hebrew whether it be derived from B"^n a
judgment," i.e. of punishment. LXX. iv rg KotXaSi style, and Dformative (comp. DVT9 from rHB, D^~fl
r/c 3/iriK- from ~Q^), or whether it be taken as a quadrilateral,
(4) poetically used for gold, Psa. 68:14; Prov. formed from the triliterals t^n and Din to be sacred.
3:14; 8:lO; 16: 16; Zee. 9:3; so called either from But, however, it is not an improbable opinion that
the sharp (bright) colour (see fOPl No. 3), or else the Hebrews imitated in these letters a similar Egyp-
from its being eagerly desired by men (see fin tian word (comp. "=l"lf ^?, ^C'D, rflDH2) ; thus, according
and Opuscc. ed
No. 4, b. Arab.
^v. to be eager, to covet), or else
to Jablonski (loc.

cit., to Water, L

401) epxcoil thaumaturgus, or according to Igna-

perhaps for some other reason [ properly that which ;
tius Rossius (in Etymol. ^Egypt., p. 366) CApGCTOJU
ladug out"]. It seems to answer to the Gr. xpuouc.
i.e. guardian of secret things. On the other hand
^>H (of a form which regularly receives dagesh, it seems altogether absurd to seek for this word,

for WV?) (i) eager (see the root No. 4, 6), hence which occurs so frequently in the Pentateuch, another
diligent, sedulous. PL D'V'nn Pro. 10:4; 12:24;
etymology when found in Daniel, by deriving it from
13:4; 21:5- the Persic; namely, from jc^Jji- chyredmand (not
(2) \_Har uz~\, pr. n. of the father-in-law of king
chardamand), endued with wisdom. Besides Jablonski
Manasseh, 2 Ki. 21 : 19. and Rossius, see Michaelis Supplem. p 920; Rosen-
miiller ad Bocharti Hieroz. ii. page 468; Pfeifferi
I JM an unused root, cognate tof^n to puncture,
Dubia Vexata, ad Exod. 7:11.
hence to perforate, to bore through. Arab. \A* \

to perforate e.g. pearls or gems, in order to string

"i Ch. pi. i.q. Heb. Dan. 2:io, 27; 4:4, 6-
them. Hence ti~>n. 5:11.

[" Drnn (Harhas), pr.n. m., 2 Ki. 22 : 14, written jn m. with the addition of *!$ h eat of anger,
TTOn 2 Ch. 34:22."] Ex. 11:8; Deu. 29:23; Isa. 7 4, etc. Root i"nn. :

"l^in m (from the root ~nn)

(i)inflamma- I. '""If m. white bread, made of fine flour, from
tion, burning fever, Deut. 28:22. LXX. tpeOtcr/ioc. the root "Vin No.occurs once, Gen. 40: 16, *?P
I. It

Vulg. ardor. *Y! Vulg. canistra farince ; LXX. rard ypt'Sptr uv. In
(a) [Harhur], pr.n. of a man, Ezr. 8:51; Neh. the treatise of the Mishnah, Edaioth, iii. 10, nn is
- -
a kind of loaf or cake ;
Arab. ^j\ &. white bread,
U JM an unused root. Syriac ej;_~ to cut in, white flour.
to engrave, like the kindred root fin, rnn, Bnn,
H. a troglodyte," cave-dweller,"
Xapuffffu, See more under the root "HJ. (
from "fin No. II,a hole, a cavern, and the termination
Hence OVI a graving tool or chisel, and Arab. ^ -^
V), [Horite\i pr.n.
to turn [as in a lathe]. [Hence B^n and Dn (l ) of a people, who in very ancient tine inhabited
oin-nn cccv
Mount Seir (Gen. 14:6), afterwards expelled by the "the slothful man will not ro.'ist his prey,"
Edomites (Deu. 2:12, 22), Gen. 36:20 30. i. e. the lazy man will
always be in want of wished

(2) [7/ori], pr. n. of several men (a) Gen. 36 : for gain; for nothing is to be procured without
82. (b) Nu. 13:5. labour, bcr SrSge br5t !ctn SBilbpret. nOi. for
'1 K'*X.

'in D'JV 'Kin

LXX. OUK- iiriTiv^tTai
pursues not prey. Chald.
C^V for (from the root N->n), I
1 and Syr. ??.^p3 will take, will catch ; but all these
doves' dung, 2 Ki. 6:25 ara. This may be taken
translators appear only to have given the sense freely.
in its proper sense, for it is not incredible that men
The signification of taking is indeed doubtful, unless
oppressed by long-continued famine should have eaten
the idea be connected with Q'310. C. B. Michaelis
doves' dung; (compare Celsii Hierob. ii. p. 32 Rosen- ;

interprets, will catch in a net, making it thus, denom.

miiller ad Bocharti Hieroz.
582); but it is not ii.
from D'3"in net-work, lattice. [To this Geseniua
less probable that this name should be applied to
accedes in Thes.]
some kind of vegetable food, just as in Arabic the
herb Kali is called sparrows' dung ( iLajJ\ ,-)> and "=pD Chald. to burn, to 8inge,i.q. Arab. .J
in the shops of the <
hymists [in Germany] assa fce- ITHPAEL, Tin^K to be singed, Dan. 3:27.
tida is called SeufelSbrerf. See Bochart, Hieroz. ii.
m . lattices of window*, properly a net,
page 44, seq. conij). however Celsius, loc. cit., who
net-work. Cant. 2:Q. SiKrva. (Chaldee K31IJ
rightly shews that Bochart has erred in saying that a window.)
the Arabs are in the habit of calling fried beans, doves'
and sparrows' dung. In np 2 Ki. loc. cit. is T3V3,% / see ?-1"in
[given as an unused root in Thes.].
which see.

^ in m. pr. something turned or carved (from U JM unused in Kal, properly TO SHUT UP (comp.
the root Bin); specially a conical pouch or
purse, D^n a net, No. i.)

(1) specially to shut in, to contract the nose

2 Ki. 5 :
23 Isa. 3 22.
: Arabic &&,.. Compare

(comp. Bpn). Hence part. Win Levit. 21:18, drawn

Schroederus, De Vestitu Mulierum Heb. c. 17. in, or depressed at the nose. Vulg. naso panw. A rab.
"autumnal showers," -L and * t^L to bore through the cartilage between
tjHIl (Arabic cJj.ei.

from nyi autumn), [Hariph], pr. n. of a man, Neh. the nostrils of a camel and put in a ring, properly tc

draAv down the nose.

7:24; 10:20. Instead of this, there occurs in Ezr.
2: 18, iTlV (also signifying (2) to prohibit to common use; to consecrate tc
autumnal showers).
in God (opp. to ^H). Arabic * -^ to prohibit, especi-
(a verbal noun, from the root V"}H to cu *> t I

sharpen). ally to common use. II. to render sacred. IV. tc

(1) a cutting, piece cut off, 7-p7^a. i Sam. 17: devote. * j>- a sacred place, adytum, also women's
l8 3brirn>'nn n^y." ten cuttings of (thickened)
, :

milk (or of soft cheese)." LXX. TpvtyaXiSec, i. e. apartment \Haram\. JEth. fh^5 : to account un-
lawful, f\ft\l3^\ to forbid, to prohibit. See Hi PHIL.
according to Hesychius, rpfpara rov airaXov TVfiov.
HIPHIL, (i) to consecrate, to devott
Vulg. decem formella: casei. Arab.
^; ( being ^^ (^Eth. av un(^ er a curse) to God, so thai
firh^^! to ^

changed into (_!/) soft cheese. it could not be redeemed, Lev. 27 28, 29 Mic. 4:13. :

(2) sharpened, Specially of a

q. f-lin No. 2. In the wars of extermination against the Canaanites,
sharp threshing instrument, 2 Sam. 12:31; l Chr. cities were thus devoted, so that when they were

taken, both man and beast were one and all destroyed,
and the city itself razed. Hence
(from the root K>in) m. plowing, l Sam.
%:i<2,plou'ing time, dpordc, Gen. 45:6; Ex. 34:21. (2)extirpate, to destroy utterly, cities (Luth.

evbanncn), Deut. 2:34; 3:6; 7:2; 20:17; Josh.

r ;U adj. silent, quiet; hence hot, spoken of 8:26; 10:28,37; 11:21; 1 Sam. 15:3, seq.; Isaiah
the east wind, Jon. 4:8.
34:2; 37:11. There is sometimes added T).n '?/
Josh. 1 1 1 2 i Sa. 15 8. The phrase 'Q l.nK Dnnn

a root, tt7ra
Xeyo'/i. Pro. 12:27, prob. TO
Jer. 50:21, seems to denote an enemy pursuing aftai
BURN, TO SINGE (like Chald. ^D and Arab, s
?-), those who are to be destroyed (comp. ^tjN "H?3 i Ki
i to roast flesh. Prov. loc. cit., 'WV rPCH pqi & 14: 10; 21 :2i). Poetically, God himself is said to
nsnn-nnn CCCVI
devote any thing; i. e.
utterly to destroy it as some- with the sun), [ZTaran], pr. n. (l) of a town d
n} n l D ^J}?1
thing so devoted. Isa. 11:15, P^ ? Mesopotamia, called in Gr. and Lat. K'/J/ku, Came.
S tu
O.'nyp D
"and Jehovah will devote (i. e. will dry 9 9

Arab, and Syr. .;-*/, afterwards celebrated

op) the bay of the Egyptian sea." ^L-,
HOPHAL O^n^ to be devoted, to be consecrated, 31 12:5; 27:43;
for the defeat of Crassus; :

Ezr. 10:8; when used of men, i. q. to be slain, Ex. 2 Ki. 19: 12; and Eze. 27:23 (in this passage, J. D.

:19; Lev. 27:29. Michaelis, who follows a false hypothesis as to this

whole verse, understands some other city in Arabia
~n("devoted," "sacred"), [Horeni], pr. n.
Felix); see Gol. ad Alferg. p. 249; Schult. Ind
of a town in the tribe of Naphtali, Josh. 19:38.
Geogr. v. Charne; J. D. Michaelis, Suppl. p. 930.
D"Ttfor Dnn(i.q. Win "flat-nosed"), [Sari TO], (2) of a man, i Chr. 2:46.
man, Ezr. 2:32; 10:31; Neh. 3:11.
pr.n. of a
( two caverns," dual from p'n =
"n, once C"TI (Zee. 14:11), with suffix nyin, \_Horonaim~\, pr. n. of a town of the Moabites,
-ri situated on the ascent of a hill, Isa. 15:5; Jer. 48:
pi. D'pTTj.
The Gentile noun is T>H Neh. 2: 10, 19
(l) a net, of a fisherman or fowler, so called from 3? 5, 34-
j'nh rV3 is altogether a different place
shutting, see the root No. i, Hab. 1:16, 17; Ezek. page cxvn, B,
26:5, 14; 47 : 10. Metaph. nets are used of the ^I^IO (perhaps for "f^nj. from -ir to snore,
blandishments of women, Ecc. 7 26. :

and ^<>> to inhale,

i to pant), [Harnepher], pr. n.
(a) the devoting of any thing to utter destruc-
tion, Mai. 3:24; Zee. 14:11. 'P7P
voted by me, l Ki. 20:42; Isa. 34:5.
^ a man de-
m. l Ch. 7 36. :

^ V& J *^ - T an unused root.

np*^n (" a devoting," a place laid waste), [Hor- (l) i.q. <A^e*- an^ i/>~ to scrape, to scratch
mah~], pr. n. of a royal city of the Canaanites, after-
wards allotted to the tribe of Num. 14:45; and intrans. to be rough; .JL>- a potsherd, so
81:3; Deut. 1:44; Joshua 12:14; 19:4; formerly called from its being scratching, rough. Hence Knn
called HDV Jud. 1:17. a sherd, and D^n, D-lD^n.
S<-- S ~* I.

(2) perhaps to be dry, arid, hot. The idea of

pO^H (i. q. A^., prominent summit of a
roughness is applied to things which are dried up,
it seems the nose of a mountain
mountain; properly ;
arid, and thus to heat; see under the root ">in.
Hence D"in the sun.
compare v_^j\), Hermon, a
spur of Antilibanus,
Josh. 11:3, 17; Ps. 89:13; 133 3; near the spring :
l m
[in pause Dnn, root Dnn].
(i) the itch,
Deut. 28:27; so called from scratching (Ar&gr on
of the Jordan; now called Jebel esh-Sheikh (J^o-
and towards the south Jebel el-Heish; it
(2) the sun, an uncommon word, mostly poetic
consists of several mountains, and is therefore spoken [Qu. see the occurrences in prose]. Job 9:7; Jud.
of in the D'3'onn p s 42:7.
. We learn from Deut.
8:13; with n parag. npvi J U(]. 14:18 (like
3:9; 4:48, that these mountains were called by the
H/'?). seems properly to signify heat, like
Amorites "P?^f by the Sidonians ji'T?'; and they
see the root No. 2; unless it be preferred with Hitzig
were also sometimes called fc^; but iCh. 5:23,
Senir and Sirion are distinguished from one another. (whom I followed edit. 3 [Germ.]), to hold that D^n
is the orb, or disc of the sun, bie Sonnen
The names applied to the mountains of this region properly
from the idea of scraping or forming, as the
appear sometimes to have been used in a wider, some-
Germ. S5d)etbe from the verb fcfyaben (see Adelung
times in a narrower, sense.
h. v.). EyjC ~^V, in Isa. 19:18
is found in sixteen
in quadril. prob. compounded of *&. to codices, and in some editions, and is
expressed by the
cut and C^VI to cut into. Hence LXX. Compl. ('A^ept'c)? Symm. (irdXic >V\iow), Vulg.
''i m . a sickle, reaping hook, Deut. 16:9;
(cii'itas solis), ( (
ji^>- iJ), ind is also
confirmed by the Talmudists in Menachoth fol.i 10 A. :

s* - this must, if we follow the certain and ascertained
(i.q. Arab. ^\ &- a place
dried up, or parched use of words, mean the city of the sun ; i.e. Helio-

polis Egypt; called elsewhere fN, W3

in what- H% I

merely exposing one's life to danger; it

speaks ai
evt-r maybethought of the authenticity of the words, Him who laid down his life that he might take it

fins'? nps Dirin -vy. [Nothing but cor.jsci^re can again.]

be opposed to their genuineness.] From the Arabic NIPIIAL, p?s. of Piel No. 2, to be betrothed, speak-

usage (>/=- to defend, to preserve, it may be ren- ing of a woman prop, abandoned,!, e. given up, or

dered " one shall be called a city preserved," i. e. one delivered to a husband. Levit. 19:20, "a maid-
Whichever servant B"N? nayjl.3 who is betrothed to a husband."
of those five cities shall be preserved.
So in the Talmud HD-Tir} ig i. q. np-1~tt< espoused.
rendering is preferred, this reading is better than the
DTnn There is a similar use made of the Arabic verbs
other TJ?, concerning which see p. ccxxxn, B.
H 1 ,) jkj ^c^j, properly to esteem lightly, and then to
a pottery, potters workshop,
deliver a wife to a husband; see Schultensii Opp.
where earthen vessels are made (from B'YJ). Hence
nwinn Tye> the pottery gate, Jer. 19:2, a gate of Min.,p. 145, seq.
The derived nouns follow, with the exception of
Jerusalem near the valley of Hinnom. [" See under
"W."] In np there is rvpi.n.

("plucking"), [Hareph], pr.n.m., l Chr.
an uncertain root [" Syr. Ethpael
]I T to be
cunning"], see jnnE).
m. autumn, the season in ivhich fruits are
*pni (Job 27 6). :

gathered (see the root No. i). Arabic Ju -k., see

(1) TO GATHER, TO PLUCK OFF. (Arab. (__ <..
With this accord the Lat. carpo, and (with a prefixed Schultens on Job 29 4. It
commonly includes also

the winter, and thus *Qnj pj? summer and autumn

sibilant) German fcarp/ frfjavf. The primary syllable
make up the whole year, Gen. 8:22; Ps. 74: 17 Zee.
fp has also in other roots the signification of plucking ;

Hence *pn 14:8. &1T 1 fi

? a winter house, Am. 3:15. Metaph.
(ra/riendi), as *Pf, *pt, H"^?) see ^?^).
used of mature age, manhood; compare Gr. cTruipa.
i_?t -^ the time when fruits are plucked, autumn,
Pind. Isthm.ii. 8 Nem. v. 1 1 wpa, Plato. Legg. viii.
; ;
and from this
p. 415: auctumnus ; Ovid. Met., xv. 200. Job 29:4,
(2) denom. to pass the autumn
(and winter), to *3nn ^a
"in the days of my maturity," i.e. of
winter, X ijuaw. Isa. 18 :6, pnn \hy fiNn n?na^3i
and all the beasts of the field shall winter upon it, "
manly vigour; TIJQ a/'p7c /"ou, the flower of my age.
as rightly rendered [It may, I think, be questioned, whether *ff\
by Chald., Jerome, Luth. Opp.
to pass the summer really means winter as well as autumn ; the phrase
y-lp (from }*?). The Arabic
^Y } T.V- will not prove it by any means see Genesis

verb (__iA^ has also many significations derived from
8:22. As to Pro. 20:4, it may signify "he will not
v_cj -v. and denominative of it.
plow by reason of the autumn," i. e. the abundance
(3) figuratively, to at, to
of autumn fruits. In Job 29:4, the metaphorical
carp scorn, to reproach.
Ps. 69 10
1 19 42
Job 27 6, *!!$"&&
Pro. 27:11; :
use appears to arise from the autumn having been
'P'P '?ap "my heart conscience) shall not re-
(my regarded as the beginning, the prime of the year,
see Thes.]
proach me as to any day of
my life;" i.e. I do not
repent of any day.
*r v f- C 1 ) reproach, scorn, contempt

PIEL *pn (l)i.e. Kal No. 3, to reproach, to

(a) shewn to any one, Job 16: 1O; Ps. 39:9; 79: 12,
scorn, i Sa. 17:26, 36; 2Ki. 19:22,23; Ps.42:il;
pass. Mic. 6:16, V3J? nsnn "the reproach of my
10-2:9, etc.; followed by V 32:17; 3 2 Sam.
2 Chr.
people," the reproach which the people cast upon
i. e.
23:9- ?lP TO PS- 79:12; 89:52. me (b) which rests upon any one. Isa. 54:4, "the
(2) followed by ^3.3 to scorn life, to count one's
reproach of widowhood," i. e. which rests on widows.
life as of little ivorth, i. e. to expose one's life to
Josh. 5:9," the reproach of Egypt," i. e. the stigma
very great danger, especially in battle, irapaflaXXt-
Testing on Israel from the time of their departure out
ffdat. Jud. 5:18, mop
ie^3 cpn DJ; j'^aj "Zebulun, of Egypt, Isa. 25:8; Jer. 31:19;
the people
despised their life (and cast it awj>y) unto or thing which is
death." The Arabs make a similar use of the verbs (2) Figuratively a person
despised, Neh. 2:17; Psalm 22:7; Joel 2:17, *!V
^,W, Jjj, ^A^c* see my Comment on Isa.
53:12. Plural rflEnn Ps. 69: 1O; Dan. 12:2.
'It is not to be thought that Isa. 53:12, speaks of (3) pudenda, Isa. 47 3. :
enn-pn -pn
(Rish being omitted) is frequently used for the
fut. fin (i) properly TO CUT, TO CUT
INTO; kindred to S?in, m_n. (LXX. sometimes render (Rom. xi. 10; see Castelli Lex., Syr. cd. Michaolia
it Prov. 21:5; Isaiah 10:23; p. 316). So Dan. 5 6, : IJWO Ptfin 1t2j? the band,,, 28:22.)
of his loins were loosed," i. e. fc.e joints of hia
Hence pin a slice. Specially (a) to cut skin deep,
back, the vertebrae.
to wound slightly. (Arabic ..a/*- to cut the skin,
s- - s - - T an unused quadril. root, i.
q. Arab, transp
to wound skin deep, Le.>- such a wound on
the head.) Part, pin somewhat wounded, Levit. tyjyo- to bind a cord fast, comp. /.> and i j .la*.

2:22. (b) to dig, see pin No. i.
(a) to sharp en, to bring to a point (comp. Arab. 7U pl. ni3Vin_(i) bands tightly fastened,
Isa. 58: 6.
.s^. the point of a spear. Schult. on Prov. 21:5).
(2) pangs, griefs, Ps. 73:4; comp. ?3nand ?tfl.

Only occurring in the proverbial expression, Exodus

11:7, i3B^ 3^3 prr j6 ^ST^! *3? "against all
the children of Israel not even a dog shall sharpen
^ IV :- on ty in pl. D^V^n sour or unripe grapes,
compare the root fin No. 4; Nu. 6:4. Arab. Sam.
U o i* o
his tongue," i.e. no one shall oppose or provoke them transp. /-as>-> i3 \'fTr0[ i^-i <L-< .*=>- food prepared
however Vulg. non imitict
slightly. canis, Joshua
from sour grapes. In the Talmud it is grape stones
10:21 ; compare Judith 11:13 (*9)- Hence pin
No. a. [and that this is the real import of the word, Gesenius
shows in Thes.], likewise so called from sourness.
(3) Thisword is also figuratively used to decide,
See Mishnah the treatise on the Nazarites, vi. 2.
to determine, i Ki. 20:40, " this is thy sentence, ;

nrX thou thyself hast decided it." Job 14:5,

7I>*11 GNASH with the teeth, an ono-
fut. pin* TO
VD* O'Win DX "seeing that his
days are deter- p '

mined." Isaiah 10: 22, pin |i'?3 "destruction is matopoetic root (Arab. \^~ Syr. ..o;^, id., jLO'CXw
decreed." Compare NIPIIAL, and pin No. 3. gnashing of teeth. With this accords the Gr. Kplw,
Aor. t:ptyoi', of Avhich the root is KPtF). It occurs
(4) from the idea of sharpening; to be sharp, as
whence D'|Sin sour grapes
applied to Uiste, to be sour, D.JB>?pin Job 16:9; and D^'^'n Ps. 35:16; 37:12;
[or grape stones]; and also 112:10; Lam. 2:16.
(5) to be eager, i. e. strenuous, active, diligent
(l) TO BURN. (Arab. -^ to be warm, to
(Germ. jtd)'3 fauer rocrben laffen). Hence adj. pin eager,
which see and once as a verb. 2 Sa. 5 24, pinnTK
glow; ^th. (\\l,'t to be hot. The signification of
"then be thou diligent," on the alert; i.e. hasten. burning is found in the stock in, comp. rnn, Tpn,

^in, : >-, Lat. areo, uro,

and Germ, tjar/ t;t)r/ fire;
(Arab. ..e.*- to long for earnestly; to be impelled
^>eerb/ ^arften> to roast.
The primary idea is that of
by eagerness and desire. VIII. to desire, to long for,
the shrivelled roughness of things that are dried or
s <-

to be earnest about, ./:=>- desire, pursuit.) scorched; compare Din, 3in). Used of hot metal,
nvvo Ezek. 24:11; of bones which have been dried up
NIPIIAL, part, construed flVinj something
with heat, Job 30 130; of men destroyed by htat,
determined, decreed, especially in the phrase n/3
Isa. 24:6.
living "destruction, and that which is decreed;"
iv cm for the destruction decreed (by God).
t.voli', (2) i.
q. Arab. j>- for ,^- born of a noble race,
Isa.10:23; 28:22; Daniel 9:27; 11:36. Daniel .
9:28, n'lDpVj' nyina [" a decree of desolations," to be free, tobefreeborn, whence^., Heb. in, "ftn
i.e.] ''the desolations decreed." r ^ ^
Derivative nouns pin I. and II., TIC D '?"|n. 1
noble, freeborn, Syr. j;^, to set at liberty, J HA, free,
freeborn. The primary idea appears to be that of
pD Chaldee, loin, the lower part of the back,
the brightness and purity of a man obscures 1 by no
round which the girdle was bcund, i. q. Hebr. D*>7n, stain.
^ and 1 being interchanged. In Chaldee this word NIPHAL in3, and in? (Psalm 69:4; 102:4, of &*
used in the singular. (Deut. 33:11; 2 Ki. 1:4
form !?n3 from ^n and nro from nnn) ftit. in;. (Ezck.
[Turgums]); and in plural P"? n (Ex. 28:42; Job
9 r 5:5) to h burned up,. Jer. 6:29; Ezek. 15:5;
which the singular to be dried, Ps. 69:4. [Also trop. to burn
4O:ll); so also in Syriac, in | _*/ 24: 10;
with anger, Cant, l :6,'?Tin3. See Thes. In Man. cutting off, hacking, and
Bnn properly is blunted,
from rnn.] flump f, flumpffmnig/ like KW^'JQ dumb and deaf, from
PILPEL inf innn to kindle (contention), Proverbs KOTTTUV, and Germ, flu mm of the same origin aa
28 2 l: . flumpf. Others regard Bnn as applied to one from
Derived nouns ["
iri l

]," ([Q
n , Pn and whom speech and hearing are cut off.) [" But the
in. or sunburnt places, examples show that Bnn implies only voluntary
0*T?.L| pi. parched,
silence, and so differs from E.^X which refers to that
Jer. 17:6 which is involuntary."] Often used of God when
^ - T
D1n which see. Hence not answering the prayers of men, i. e. not attending
to them (opp. to n$). p s 35. :
22, Bnp^J
fc^n m. a potsherd, Job 2:8; 41:22; Ps.22: " thou hast seen
(all) O Jehovah, keep not
16; Eze. 23:34. Bnn p5 a vessel of earthenware,
Psalm 39: 13; 83:2; 109:1. Followed by |t? in a
Levit.6:2l; 11:33; 14:5, 50; 15:12; instead of " be not
pregnant sense, Psalm 28: l, ^1>p B'lnn "?K
which, poetically, Bnn stands alone, Proverbs 26:23. silent from me," do not silently turn away from me.
A potsherd proverbially for anything of no value,
(5) A trace of the Chaldee signification to be en-
Isa. 45 9 :
[" also for any thing very dry, Ps. 22 16"]. :

is found in the noun B^n.

(Arab. /, ~L a wine jar, /M, <*. to make an earthen-
NIPHAL, pass, of No. 3, to be plowed, Jer. 26:18;
ware wine jar, Gol. ex Maruph.) Mic. 3:12.
HIPHIL (l) i. q. Kal No. 3, to devise evil, l Sane.
[fut chrp
. and Bnrr] i
( )
TO c u T i N T o, TO
INS CUT BE letters on a tablet, Gr. yapnaad), ^
i. Kal No. 4, to be deaf (properly, to act as
(2) q.
Jer. 17: 1. (Kindred roots are tin, pn, Din if deaf), i Sa. to be du mb (properly, to act as
which see. Syr. <_;_*, is, to cut some one's throat.) if dumb); keep silence, Gen. 34:5; Psa.32:3;

(2) to
fabricate, out of metal (l Ki. 7:14), Avood, 50:21. Followed by ? to bear silently, to pass
stone (see Bnn), with an ace. of the material, l Ki. by, Nu. 30:5, 8, 12, 15; followed by an ace. id., Job
loc. cit. Metaph. to devise evil things, Prov. 6:14; 11:3; followed by IP to be silent from someone,
12:20; 14:22 (where alone by zeugma there is also i. e. to hear some one silently ; followed by 7^ id.,
31t2 Bnn') followed
by ?V against some one, Proverbs
; Isa. 41:1; to be silent about any thing (cUra6 ccrs

3 29.
: So in Lat. fabricari fraudem, Plaut. Asin. i. fcfynetgen), Job 41 -.4.. Like Kal, it often signifies to be
1, 89; doli fabricator, Virg. vEn. ii. 264; KUKO. TEV- quiet. Exod. 14:14, "the Lord will fight for you,
oAov Ttv\tiv, Horn., Hesiod., Tr%vatt> to devise, j-IB'nnn CrM and you shall keep quiet," or be titill.
a deviser, TEKraiveadai ^n~<-v, 11.x. 19. Followed by |P quietly to depart from some one, to
desist from some thing. Jer. 38 27 l Sam. 7:8; fol- :

(3) fut. Bhq?

a ~
to plow (Arab. e^- ^Eth.s ^ft:
- <-
lowed by a gerund, quietly and inactively to ornit
id., C-vU. a plowman, a husbandman, ij^^.^ a doing something, 2 Sa. 19:11. Used of God; to be

plow); spoken of oxen plowing, Job 1:14; and of quiet as to sin, to pardon (opp. to punishing), Zeph.
3: 17-
the plowman; with ? before the cattle, Deu. 22:10;
Jud. 14:18; with an ace. of the i Ki. 19:19; [''Causat. to put to silence,to make one hold
Ps. 129:3, D'ehh .iBnn 3J h]} the his peace, Job 11 :3-"]
plowers plowed
upon back," i. e. they furrowed my back with
my HITHPAEL, to keep oneself quiet, Jud. 16:2.
stripes, as the ground is furrowed with the plow. The derivative nouns follow, except [B""?nj
Metaph. to plow, or to plow in iniquity (Unveil
daadern), as elsewhere to sow evil, to prepare it for
time to come, opp. to, to reap calamity, Job 4:8; (of a form which takes dagesh, for
Hos. 10:13. constr.Bnn (Exod. 28: 1 1 Isa. 44: ; 12, 13; compare
(4) fut. Bnrv to be deaf (compare Bnn deaf), Mic.
BhS constr. BhS Eze. 26:10)
7:l6, also to be dumb (which oftc:: is the result of
(1) an engraver, of stones, Ex. 38 1 1. :

and is thus connected with v

wood [a
(2) an artificer, of iron, brass, stone,
to keep
silence. (Syr. <_;_*,, Med. E., Arab. L>w -i. id., smith, mason, or carpenter], Exod. 35:35; Deu.
27:15; sometimes more fully, ^.H? Bnn an artificer of
* -^

Jumb. Fhe origin of this meaning lies in iron. Isa. 44: 12, D'W. Bnn an artificer of wood, il>.
rjn- enn cccx
rerse 13 ; 9 Sa. 5: 1 1 ; l Ch. 14:1 ; 22 15. Metaph. :

("made naked"), [Hasupha, Hashit-

T'TJ'P Chn artificer of destruction, Eze. 2 1 36. :

pha~\, pr.n. m.,Ezr. 2:43; Neh. 7:46.

BH>.n (of the form 7B?) adj. pi. DBnn (see
ihe root No. 4), Ex. 4:11; Lev. 19: 14; Psti. 38 14.
d/ :
yU m. properly separated [as if peeled off"],
used of a little flock separated from others, l King*
Metaphorically used of men who will not hear the %
20:27, D^J? 3~'0 \?P'LXX.36o7ro//ui'ia alyuv. Vulg.
prophets and obey the law, Isa. 29: 1 8.
[But see if
duo parvi greges caprarum. Abulwalid MS. gives it
this comment is required by the passage.}
well an Arabic word which corresponds both
Bnn m(i) work of an artificer. Hence *3
in etymology and signification. ["But perhaps it
D'pnn the valley of craftsmen near Jerusalem, l Ch.
may be from the idea of driving a flock; compare
4:14; Neh. 11:35.
This word is only found
i_ ?.....-_- to drive a flock."
(2) an artifice, used in a bad sense of magic arts,
9 V 9 q f
like the Syr. L*;.^,
defectively ^n.]
!*;--, compare |_A^ Chaldee
Enn a magician, an enchanter. Isa. 3 3, D'Bnn D3Q :Tl*n RESTRAIN, TO HOLD
fu t. YJ'IT (l) TO
"one skilled in art ifices," i.e. in magic: there follows 9

B'D? p3p a skilful enchanter. So Ch.; on the other IN. (Syr. and Chald. ^PH, t
- id. kindred root ^ A
is Pin.) 2 Sa, 18:16,
" Joab restrained the
hand LXX., Vulg., people"
Syr., Saad. understand, a skilful
workman. from pursuing. Prov. 10: 19, VHSy* "^'n " he who
restrains his lips." Job7:ll; 16:5; Isa. 58:1,
(3) silence (root No. 4), and adv. silently, Josh.
9:1. "cry aloud (with the throat), ^b'nrr'ps keep not
back (thy throat or mouth)." Followed by IP to
(4) [HeresK], pr.n. of a man, i Ch. 9: 15.
restrainfrom something, Gen. 20:6; l Sam. 25:39
m. pr. part. Kal of the verb Bhn No. l, 2, 2Sa. 18:16.
cutting, fabricating, hence a cutting instru- Hence (2) to preserve, to keep safely from
ment, edged tool. Gen. 4: 22, neTi? BnjfT^3a|l something, Prov. 24 : 1 1 ; Ps.78:5O; Job 33:1 8; and
kinds of tools of brass." [Eng. Vers. takes this word withhold something from any one, i.e. to
(3) to
simply as a participle, and there does not appear any deny it to him followed by IP of the person, and ace.

sufficient reason for making this occurrence of the of the thing, Gen. 39:9, 22:12; but verse 16 with-
word into a new substantive. E. V. gives decidedly out IP of person.
the better sense.]
(4) spare, to be sparing of (a) things (Germ,

Pro. 13:24, "he who spares the rod hates

m. a thick wood, ["either as being cut, or"] fparcn).

from the Chaldee verb Khp to be entangled, Ktrvin a his son;" 11:24; 21:26. (b) men (Germ, fdjcnen).
Isa. 14:6; 2 Ki. 5:20. Followed by P to reserve foi
wood, NJWnq a thicket of trees, compare Sam.
/V"10 ^
a wood, Isaiah 17:9; Eze. 31:3. With n something
Job 38:23.
(fur cncaS aufjVaven),
(l)tobe restrained, pass. of No. l, Job
parag. ne^h i Sa. 23: 16, which is also retained with
a preposition. Henna veises 15, 18; pi. D'tTjn 3 Ch. 16:6.
(2) pass, of No. 4, to be reserved for any thing,
Khn (Chaldee "enchanter," "magician"),
Job 2 1 30. :

'Harsha'], pr.n. m. (l)Ezra2:52. (2) Neh. fut. v\vrv a kindred root to *lpn (which
7 54-=

of wood, or stones, (1) TO STRIP OFF THE BARK, as of a tree. (Arab
(l) the working
Ex. 31: 5; 35:33. i^?...-^ and i^_ ?*c,-,\ Joel 1:7-

(2) trijn
[Harosheth of the Gentiles'], pr.n. (2) to strip off a covering, folloAved by an ace. of
of a town in the north of Palestine, Jud. 4:2, 13, 16. the covering. Isa. 47:2, ??# '3?>n "strip off the

train." Jer. 13:26, w'ith ace. of person, to matt

EHTI No. l, TO ENGRAVE, compare bare or naked, the covering being stripped oft". Jer.
\aparru. It occurs once, Exod. 32:16. " the Lord has made bare his
49:10; Isa. .52:10,
(Chald. n-.p id.). [Hence in Thes.]
nt? *?'n with the
holy arm." Exe. \ 7 Isa. 20 4, : ; :

rnn (prob. i.q. Bnh "wood" ["a cutting, hence buttocks uncovered." To make a tree bare, i.q.
"]), [//ere*//], pr. name of a wood in the
i. En*"
to strip oil' its lca\es, Ps. 129:9.
m iiuitains of Judah, 1 Sa. 22:5. (V tc dtau- (as water), >roperly from the sur

face, oben abfcl)Spfen/ Isaiah 30:14; Hagg. 2:16. (In 35JTPD3H is counted wise." Gen. 31 15; Isa. 40; :

Followed by? to be reckoned equal to some one,

Arabic _
t <**>- is a perennial well of water in sandy
Job 18:3; 41:21; Hos. 8:12 (hence to be like, I* a.
ground; but the derivation of this word is to be
5:28); followed by ? id. iKi. 1O:21; Lam. 4:8
sought elsewhere [from i_ ?......_<- to let down]). ? Isa. 2:22, tn 3E>m n3 to what shall he bt
Derivatives, *\'VV, *\W?Q and pr. n. made equal," i.e. at how much is he to be estimated?
followed by Dy Ps. 88:5.

(3) pass, of Kal No. 3, to be imputed to some one

followed by ? Lev. 7:18; 17:4; Nu. 18:27; Psalm
Bfa but -3BTP Ps. 40:18;
PIEL (l) to compute, to recicon; (as to the
u.^^, Syr. tra, -ffith. primary signification of roots being very often pre-
The primary idea seems to be that ofcomp u t ing, reck- served in Piel, sec Lehrg. p. 242); with ace. (etroaS
beredwcn/ auSrcdmen) Lev. 25 27, 50, 52 27 18, 23,
oning, see PielNo. 1; hence, to reckon with unless
: :

n$ (fl8*) to reckon with any, 2 Ki. 12: 16.

perhaps it be that of mixing, like Arab. c_-v^L>- and
(2) to consider, to think upon (bebcnOcn), Psalm
^__jv\, whence 3'H a weaver in coloured figures,
77:6; 119:59-
properly, one mixing threads and colours). Isa. 10:7; (3) to think, to meditate, i.
q. Kal No. l, absol
Gen. 50:20. think out,
Followed by an ace. i.
q. to Ps. 73 :1 6; followed by an ace. to think out, Prov.
to invent, to compose, as songs [music], Am. 6:5; 16:9 in a bad sense, to devise, to plot, followed by

artificial work (compare i'nE'H), Ex. 31:4; whence ^ of pers. Vj? n'UB'nO IVn Dan. 11:24; of pers ^
3CT5 an artificer, 2 Chron. 26: 15; especially poly- Nah.l:9; Hos. 7:15. Metaph. of inanimate thing*.
mitariuK, a weaver of damask adorned with figures to be as though it were Jon. i :4, " the ship was
(different fmui Cjri) Ex. 26:1, 31; 28:6; 35:35; as though it would be broken."
36:8; 39:8. More frequently used in a bad sense; HITHPAEL reflex, i. q. NiphalNo. l, to reckon one's
to devise evil, to plot, as JNJ 3K*n, n?3Tp TI Ps. io:2; selfu-ith.
Nu. 23:9.
21:12; 35:20; 36:5; 52:4; 7Jf njri 3BT) Genesis The derivatives follow, exc.
/,0 2O Mic. 2 3 Nah. 1 1 1 ?J> nta^'rjO 3B>rl (against

someone), Jer. 11:19; 18:11, 18; followed by ?N


^0 Ch. i.
q. Heb. No. 2, to reckon, to
Jer.49:20; 50:45; followed by a gerund, to think,
any thing, followed by ? Dan. 4:32.
to purpose to do something, Ps. 140:5; l Sa. 18: m. the girdle of the high priest, with which
25; Jer. 18:8; 26:3; 36:3; Job6:26; Esth.g:24 his "112$ was bound together, Ex. 29:5; Lev. 8:7;
(where there is added of the person). ^ fully expressed "V)3$n
3L"n Ex. 28:27, 28;
(a) to think, to take to be so and so, followed 2 1 irn?^ IK n Ex. 28 8

by ; 39 5 So called from its

: .

ace. and dat. (Xoyifeirtiai nva tic ri). Gen. 38:15, woven work of various colours (see the root No. l).
" and he thought her
ru'lf ? n3t?>IV} (or, took her
a harlot." Sam. 1:13; Job 13:24; 19:15;
l (for rm? 3n "reason,""thoughtin
33 l;;
35: 2 ; 4*'- 19* 2 4 followed by an ace. and
judging," perhaps" w is ejudge"),[//as/iiadan a].
3 Job Absol. tomakemuch account of, to pr. n. of a man, Neh. 8:4.
19: 11.
esteem, toprize(a(bten for t)od)cid)ten). Isaiah 13: 35Tl with the Ara-
( estimated," for
&6 " who do not silver."
17,-nb'n: C]D3 -ig'K regard maean article
e. the
termination]), emphatic
Isa. 33:8; 53:3; Mai. 3:16.
[//os/iM&ttA], pr. n. of a man, the son of Zerub-
(3) to
impute something some one; followed to
babel, l Ch. 3 : 20.
by ? of pers. and ace. of the thing e. g. sin, Psalm ;

;2:2; 2 Sam. 19:20; a good deed, [which was not llDt?! tn.
(l) reason, understanding, Ecc.
*ny work at all, but simply his believing God], Gen. 7:25.27; 9:10, Vulg. ratio.

15:6. (2) [Heshbon~\, pr. n. of a city, celebrated for its

NIPHAL (l) pass, of Piel No. i, to be computed, ponds (Cant. 7:5), formerly a royal city of the Air.or-
Beckoned, Ki. 22:7; to be accounted, followed by
2 ites (Num. 21 :26, seq.), situated on the borders of

f to, Josh. 13:3; ^V 2 Sa. 4:2. the territory allotted to the tribes of Gad and
(a) pass, of Kal No. a, to be taken for, followed Keuben, and assigned the Levites (Josh. 13: 17,

by an ace. Prov.l7 :28, "even a fool while he is silent I Ch. 6:66), afterwards enumerated among thf cities

f Moab (Isaiah 15:4; Jer. 48:2). The EsboniU (2) to reckon needful, followed by a gerund.
Arab: are mentioned by Pliny H. N. 5 : 1 1. Abulfeda Dan. 3:16. Hence
s <- -

(Tab. Syria;, p. 11). It is now called .L^^- as f.need, what is needful, Ezr. 7 ao. :

mentioned by Seetzen and Burckhardt (vol. ii. p. 623,

fi3*|?n see
O'PT see
paBTT plur. rfayfn m. (Ecc. loc. cit.) [" prop.
inventions"']. / fut. ^n.J TO BE DARK, TO BE DARKENED
(1) warlike engine*, specially for casting darts
or stones (compare 3?^ No. 1, comp. ingenium, which
v .. m. _

in mediaeval Latin was used for a used of the light of the sun, Job 18:6; Isaiah
ballista, properly
hence 5 3O; 13:10; of the earth, Exod. 10:15; of eyes

signifying a machine ingeniously constructed

the French inge'nieur [and the English engineer^). becoming dim, Lam. 5:17; Ps. 69:24; of men, Ecc,
Ch. 26:15. 12:3.
HIPHIL (l) to darken, to make dark. Amos
(2) arts, devices. 00.7:29.
5:8, TBnn r$5 OV "he makes the day dark (even
n*3$n VV3E>n(whomJehovahesteems"),
unto) night ;" followed by ? 8:9.

[Hashabiah~\, pr. n. of several Levites (l) l Ch. Job 38:2, "M nyj? w ho is this, whc
6:30. (2)1 Ch. 9:14; Neh.ii:i5.
nj p T^P
(3) iCh.25:3, darkens (my) counsel with unwise words;" i. a
19; Kzr. 8:19. (4) l Ch.26:30; 27:17. (5) Ezr. strives to hinder it.
8:24; Neh. 12:24. (6)Neh. 3:17; 10:12; 11:22. (2) intrans. to be dark (properly to make dark-
Qat/n (J.q. the preceding, from which this seems ness), Ps. 139:12; Jer. 13:16.
to have originated, being changed into 3), [Ha- [Derivatives, ^p^D and the following words.]
th(ibnah~\, pr. n. m. Neh. 10:26.
^bTl pl. D3B>n adj.["rfor*, metaph."] obscure, '

rP3?BTl (id.) [Hathalniah], pr. n. m. (l) mean, ignoble, Prov. 22 : 29. Chaldee
Neh. 3: 10 (2) Neh. 9:5. K?TD id.

/M fut. ng'H* - (l) TO KEEP SILENCE, TO BE m

(i) darkness, Gen. i :2,seq.; Exod.

STILL, (an onomatop. root; comp. under npn). Ecc. 10:21,22, etc.; hence spoken of a dark place, as oi
Hades, Ps. 88 1 3 compare Job 10:21; of an under-
8:7; Ps. 107:29.
(2) to be still, quiet, to rest, often used of God
ground prison, Isa. 42 7 47 5 49 9. ^'n nn^iX :

treasures of darkness i. e. hid in darkness, in under-

refusi ng the looked for aid, Isa. 62 : l ,
6 64
: 1 1 ; 65 : 6. ;

Followed by IP to turn oneself silently away from any ground cells, Isa. 45:3.
one, Ps. 28 l.
( ) metaph (a) m is e ry, adve rs ity.
. Isa. 9:1;
Compare E^ri No. 4.

(i) trans, to make still, to quiet,

Job 15:22, Tf n \3? 3' WIP " he
does not hope &
Neh. 8: 11.
to return out of darkness (or destruction);" 23, 30;
20:26; 23:17; Mic.7:8; Am. 5:18, 20; Ps. 18:29.
(2) intrans. to be silent, like Kal, (properly, to act
Also used of death, Ecc. 1 1 8 compare "VIS used ol :

compare tt""?, O'lTf ?), Jud. 18:9; 2 Ki. 2:

life, verse 7. (b) ignorance, Job 37 19 (comp. 12:15, :

3,5;7:9; 1*8.39:3.
and there verse 24). (c) sadness, Eccles. 5:16.
(3) to bequiet, q. Kal No. 2, Isa. 57 1 1 ; l Ki.
i. :

As to the form B>nrn [from C in] Job 31:5, ;

[" (c/) wickedness, Prov. 2:13; comp. TO oxoroc, John
gee Analyt, Ind. 3:19; also Rom. 13:12."]

a^.BTl nat^L? fern. id. Gen. 15:12; Isa. 8:22; Ps. 82:5,
("understanding" ["considerate"]),
m. also np'trn ps .
139:12. Plur. D'?t?*n isa. 50:10.
[Has/nib, Husshub~\, (i) i Chr. 9:14;
pr. n.
or na^n ( W
Neh. 3:23; 11:15. (2) Neh. 3:11; 10:24. rpu'n itli Tzere pure), constr. na'fn
'H Chsld. darkness, Dan. 2:22. Root (without dagesh lene), Ps. 18:12.

na^n f id. darkness. Mic. 3:6, D?^ n??^

DDj5p "and darkness shall surround you, so that
n Chald. (i) to be needful.
1 *
Some copies have n ?^"(?, 3 pret
(Syr. ye shall not divine.
to be fit, iseful.) Ezra 6:9, in^rrnc what thingo f.
impers., "it shall be dark to you," but the formel
are noed.'ul." in shewn to be preferable by np'p in the oth' r clause

t*FT unused in Kal i.
BOH to prostrate, to ,
a great man with a large retinue. Well
u taken. the Hebrew DvHJ D'K*3H
explained by interpreters,
NITHAL, part. C v^na. *A weakened, the wearied, DTJ31. More far-fetched and improbable is the
Deu. 25:18.
opinion of Ewald (Hebrew Gram. 520) that this p.

^^r} Chald. to make

thin, hence to crush, to word comes from the Arabic t^>. the nose, which
140. (Chald. and Talmud
beat fine, i.
q. PTlu, Dan. a
may be a prince, like i_?.^ a nose, a
applied to
Jurus. to hammer out, to beat out thin, fc6^n crushed
prince. Indeed, the Arabic Lexicons do not ac-
barley. Syr.
^_^ to hammer out.) such a noun as ,*,- signifying nose
knowledge -

s r
an unused root. Arab. (0 to be although ^\J^f~ is a large-nosed man, AA.=L to break
^As- I i .

fat, transposed
nc ;

(52) to
have many servants the cartilages of the nose. Compare under DB"]n.
(prop, to be rich, wealthy). Hence i'l&f n, njlD^TI
FT an unused root,
q. Arab. ,^^>-

[D'|D? n], and jL/

i. to be fair,

Arab. ~JLj>- having Conj. IV.

II. to adorn. (In the western languages,
D?n(" r ich," "wealthy."
a man, Ezra perhaps, there accord with this Goth, sceinan, Germ.
many servants), [Haslium\, pr. n. of whence Hence
fdxtncn/ ffon/ fd)6n).
8:19; 10:33; Neh. 7:22; 8:4; 10:19.
j^TI ni. ornament, used of the breastplate of the

high on the outside adorned with twelve pre-

n("fatness," "fat soil"), [Heshmon], cious stones, within hollow [?]; called more fully |KTI

pr. n. of a town in the tribe of Judali, Josh. 15:27. DS^'Jpn Exod. 28:15, seq.; 39:8, seq.; Levit. 8:8,
Comp. D^I-IK. LXX. \oyiior, Philo \6yior, \oytiuv
!"l3ifc/n (id.)
[Hashmonali\, pr. n. of a station Sir.
of the Israelites, in the desert, Nu. 33:29. , 45:10.

/D^'n m. brass made smooth, i.e. polished, pl./n (i) properly TO JOIN TOGETHER (comp.
Eze. l -.4,
27; 8:2; supposed by Bochart (Hieroz.ii. PTH No. l, 2), and
intrans. (for Ph'CO to be joined
page 877, seq.) to be compounded of K'HJ) for ri^in^ together, to adhere, see PIEL. In Kal always
brass, and Chald. S^O gold, so that it would answer
metaphorically in the sense
; [if this word had been (as is sometimes
to auricJialcum to cleave to i. e. to be attached with
(2) any one,
supposed) from aurum, but it is in Greek Bptt'xoAeoCi very great love, as though it were to be joined to
see Thes.], but the word N//P seems to be of very
any one, as Cic. ad Q. fratrem, iii. l. Followed by
uncertain authority. As in chap. 1:7, there occurs ? Genesis 34: 8 Deu. 7:7, 10, 15; 21:11. (It cor-

in the same connection 7fi> J"l'h3 smooth brass, ^Ctf'C 1

responds to .LJLs. to cleave to a girl, to burn with

must, think, be explained as having the same sense ;
love for her.) There is a pregnant construction in
and be taken as from KTI3 (3 being rejected by aphae- " nd
the passage Isa..38:i7, ^3 HD^? TtS Ri??T'l
resis), and ?D, a syllable which is shewn to have
thoii hast loved my life (and hast drawn it
up) from
only the signification of softness, but also that of
the pit of destruction."
smoothness and brightness, by many roots Avhich com-
(3) Followed by a gerund, to like to do something,
mence with it, as B?O, P/9, ,u*Lc, /iLe /m\<Ww, 1X5.9:19; 2 Ch. 8:6.
and with a guttural prefixed ?pn (see
mulceo, mollis, PIEL trans, of Kal No. l, to join together, Ex~L

I*/ ?). LXX. translate it

Vulg. electrwn, iiXsKrpov. 38:28.
which words are not to be understood as used for PUAL Hence
pass, of Piel ibid., -27 17.

amber, but for. a kind of metal of remarkable bright-

suff. *?*f D m. desire, deliglit, i Ki.g:i,igb.
ness compounded of gold and silver; see Pausan. v.12 ; p^'H M
Plin. xxxiii. 4, s. 23. Buttmann iiber das Electron, in Isa. 21:4, *pw D ^'P. "the night of my pleasure."
dessen Mythol. ii-337, seq. Rev. l 15, in a similar :
m plur. joinings, i. e. poles or

connection, occurs xAxoX/3aiw, which I would ex- which were used to join together the tops oi
plain the columns of the coiirt of the holy tabernacle, and
m .
pi. * Xeyo/i. Ps. 68:32, "those from which the curtains or hangings \veresuspeaded,
who are fat," i. e. rich, nobles; compare Arabic Ex. 27:10, 11; 38:10, sea.
nnn-cwn CCCXIV

C'pCTl m .
p]. the spokes of a wheel, by which plur. I^n adj. timid, fearful, ECP
the nave and the rim are joined, I Ki. 7:33. 12:5. Koot npn.
see nn/
V 1*7 an unused root. Arabic J^>- to gather

together. Hence fi^n (from nnn) f. terror, alarm, 20.32:23

26. With suff. Drrnn their alai-m, i. e. that whici
Or "
constr. nTf n f. the gathering they cause. Eze. 26: 17.
together, collection of waters, poet, used of the
clouds, 2 Sara. 22:12. In the parallel passage, Psa. properly TO CUT, TO DIVIDE, as in Ch.
18: 12, there is nS'-'TI. and Kabb. (cogn. to the roots which begin with
masc. plur. nave of a wheel (SRabe beg I3p, fp), hence to
decree, to determine.
NIPHAL Dan. seventy weeks ?V ?^
Wabeg), at which the spokes are gathered together, pass. 9:24, ""l

iKi. 7:33. T?V are determined (and shall come) upon thy
people." Theodor. and Gr. Venet. avvLT^i^aav
a n unused root. Arab. i/j- is to give rlr/j,r)t'Tai.
LXX. iKpiBrjaav.
hay for fodder, but this is a denominative from
t^jA-*- hay, dry grass the primary signification is
a new-born child, Arab. J^=>-, properly, to cover. (

in Conj. IV. to be dried up, to be dry, perhaps

7 hence, to hide, to deceive.
properly, to be wrinkled (comp.
f B'l'J, _*_o ) Hence PUAL and HOPHAL, pass. Eze. 16:4.
fc?$n m. dt y grass, hay. Isa. H3r6 E^q Derived nouns, Win [and the following words]
5 :
u of flame,"
dry grass i. e. burning- Isa. 33: 11. ^/fiD f. a bandage, a swaddling band, Job
fiD (from nnn) with suff. D3nn (Gen. 9: 2). 38:9-
broken (as a bow), 1 Sam. 2:4; con-
(l) adj.
(" a hiding-place," "a place wrapped
founded, fearful, Jer. 46:5.
up"), [Hethlon], pr. n. of a town situated in Syria
(a) Subst. fear, alarm, Gen. 9:2; Job 41:25. of Damascus, Eze. 47 1 5 48 : l :

HP! "
( terror") \HetK], pr. n. of a Ca-
naanite, Gen. 10:15, progenitor of the Canaanitish
rr - (l) TO SEAL, TO SEAL UP, TO
nation bearing the same name \_Hittites], sometimes
SETASEALUPON. A kindred root to other verbs

called nn *33 Gen. 25.3, seq.; 25:10 (nn niJ3 27: of shutting, as Dpn, DOS, DVy. Arab.
^. id. Conj.
46); sometimes 'Fin plur. Q'fin, inhabiting the neigh- IV. to lock up. The general sense of
shutting is
bourhood of Hebron (Gen. 23:7); Gen. 15:20; Deu. also found in some forms of the
^Ethiopic root '^'f'CFi;
7:1; Josh. 1:4. D'nnn '3^? 2 Kings 7:6, a name see Ludolph, p. 282. Construed absol. Jer. 3-2: 10.
given to all the Canaanitish kings [?]. 44; followed by 3 of the signet i Ki. 2:8;
[" Fem.
rrnn Eze. 16:3, plur. ni'nn Ki. 11:1, Est. 8:8; with an accus. Dhrj "seaiIsa. 8: 16,
i !"n'in

also nnni33 Gen. 27:46."] up the oracle" [rather, the

law]; also "$3 Job 9: 7
3 J
(compare 1^3 No. 3), and Job 37 7, D'1X ?3 : T3
fu t. nnrP TOTAKE, TO TAKE HOLD OF, TO DDrv " he sea! sup the hand of
every man," i.e. re-
SEIZE (perhaps cogn. to HD^i whence by softening strains them from labour, hinders them from
the third radical might be formed 3nn and ^nri). their hands. Job 33: "
1 6, Dfir^ D^DO^ properly he
It is once applied to a man, Ps. 52:7; elsewhere seals up their instruction," i.e. instructs them
always, to fire or burning coals. Isaiah 30 1 4, ninn? :

vately. (In this sense it answers to the Arab.

" to take
*Mp*O L"K away fire from a hearth." Prov.
nnn nnx D'^ru '3
followed by c__> to reveal to some one; see Schult.
6:27; 25:22, pregn. const, -^>y

\&tfr\ " for thou wilt take coals of fire (and ad h. 1.) Part. pass. D-inn sea led up, Cant. 4:18;
them) on his head." See under the word ?n|. Job 14: 17. The ancients were accustomed to
put a
Hence nnnp fire-pan, censer [and nnp]. seal on many things for which we use a lock
ad Tac. Annal. ii. 2 Salmas. Exercitntt.
terror, fear, Gen. 35:5.
45), cap.
(from nnn) f.
Cant. loc. cit. ; compare Daniel 6: 18; Matt. 97:66.
(from 'PP) m a bandage - for binding up From a roll or letter when completed receiving i

wound, Eze. 30:91. seal, the signification arises

nnn-cnn cccxv

(a) to complete (like Arab. /k ^=L to mark tvith the festival of circumcision was applied to that of a

a sign of conclusion, Jinia, to finish). Daniel 9: 24, marriage." Thes.]

N'33] l^TH chri?

" until the
predictions of the prophets jnn m
he who takes any one's daughter in

be fulfilled," [too loose a rendering of the Hebrew]. marriage, Gr. yanfipor, hence with regard to the
NIPHAL pass, of No. i,to be sealed, Est.3: 12; 8:8. bride
PIEL, to shut
(see under Kal No. i), followed by (1) a bridegroom, Pa. 19:6; Isaiah 62:5. It ia

? as though were, to put, a barrier, to set a lock on

it not easy to explain now in what sense the nevr-born

something. Job 24:16, 1B^ ^OPin DO'l* " in the day child, Ex. 4:25, should, when circumcised, have
they hide themselves," properly
they shut up an
been called by its mother 100 bridegroom oj ^^
enclosure around themselves." blood [see note above]. It seems to me that in this
q. Piel, once occurs, Lev. 15:3, D'nnn IX metaphorical appellation is contained a comparison
i">b3 "whether he stop his flesh from flowing," of circumcision, as the sign of the covenant between
i. e. the passage be so stopped that the issue cannot God and the new-born child (Gen. 17:10, 13), with
run freely. marriage; and for the same reason the Arabic verb
Derivatives onin, npnh. .-.^ to contract affinity, has also the signification
DHH Ch.i. q. Heb. to seal, Dan. 6: 18. of circumcising, no doubt a secondary sense, de-

DTlh see Dnin a seal. rived from the former. [But see above]. Aben
Ezra " It is for Avomen to call a son
says, customary
nonn fid. 6^.38:25. when he is Those who
circumcised, bridegroom."

(0 TO GIVE ONE'S DAUGHTER IN MAR- apply these words to Moses and not to the child, seem
to have made a great mistake; see the observations
BIAGE (ocrl)cpratt)f n). Hence part. Kal inn a father-
of Pococke in Not. Miscell. ad portam Mosis, p. 59
in-law, the wife's father (a husband's father is
called who Eosenm. on Ex. loc. cit.
EH), gives his daughter in marriage.
n^D jnh the father-in-law of Moses, Ex. 18: l ; Jud. (2) with regard to parents, a son-in-law, Gen.

19:4, seq. Fern. J"l3nh a mother-in-law, wife's 19:12; Jud. 15:6.

mother. Deu. 27:23. (3) a connection by marriage, 2 Ki. 8:27.

(2) to take in marriage, {jetjratfyen. Hence jnn, "Ip^U f.

marriage, nuptials, Cant. 3:11.

HITHPAEL, togivedaughters in marriage to one jr i.

q. cjon TO SEIZE, TO RAVIN, as a lion,
another, ["to give or receive a daughter in mar- Job 9:12. Hence
riage"]; to join affinity, followed byntf, ith any w m. prey, used poet, for ^Jnn EN a robber
one, Gen. 34:9; lKi.3:i; 3 Deut. 7:3; Josh. 23: t^X 2 Sa. 12:4), Pro. 23:28.
(like JJJO for ^n
12; l Sam. 18:22, 23, 26, 27; Ezr. 9:14; *? 2 Ch.
fut. "Wn* TO BREAK or DIG ^IIROUGH a
18 :i. (Arab. ^i. Conj. III. id., x. a son-in-

wall, followed by 3 Eze. 8:8; 12:5,7; with an ace.
law, by marriage [" father-in-law"].) D*r>3 "inn
(the thief) breaks through houses, breaks
[" Further this
root signifies, Conj. I. to circumcise
into them, Job 24:16; to break through into, Am.
an infant;
^-z~ circumcision, place of circumcision 9:2,^3 -nnn: ON "if they break through into
Hades." Metaph. to break through the waves in
^-iiL, ,v^U a circumcised infant. These signifi- rowing, to row. Absol. Jon. 1:13.
cations are shown
be joined together by a common
to Derivative,
bond, not only by Ex. 4:25 (see below in inn) but
also by
JV (i) prop. TO BREAK (kindred to other
j^>~ Conj.
I. to
provide a nuptial feast, or
s-- s - onomatopoetic roots, nns, nn3; B'na, t-^ns, jjs,), see
a feast at the circumcision of an infant, r~L ,1--^
[y^ C^ ' '
Niphal, Piel, Hiphil. In Kal only
a feast at a. circumcision. The primary and genuine broken
(2) intrans. to be broken, specially to be
meaning may be to cut off, to circumcise, another down with fear, to be
confounded. (Many verbs
trace of which is in
which signify breaking are applied to fear, as ">5^ Job
^^. to diminish, .^U a cutting -

(comp. the roots |B? ^nn, and others which begin
% 41 16; Arab, si
<>, jjj> Schult. Opp. Min. p. 93.
with the
syllable kcfr ; %nd then the word used for As those who are seized with great terror or few
jnta-nnn cccxvi sto-nnn
strike their if they were broken,
knees together as Kin nrp s
p^ \3|O "and he feared my name," stood
e brcdxn ;ufamnien.)Job 32:15; Isa. 20:5; 37:27; iu awe of it.

Jer. 8:9; 14 4; 48 l, 20, 39 50 2, 36. Often

: :
: PIEL (l) intrans. (but with an intensitive power)
connected witli tlie verb C?13. to be broken (as a bow), Jer. 51 :56.
NIPHAL nil} (which is identical in form wich Piel (2) causat. of Kal No. 2, to frighten, Job 7: 14-
ami Niphai of tlie verb nm), fut niv, p i. VP_(I) .
HiruiL nnn, fu t. nrp, with suff. *?FJT, once jnw

pass, of Kal No. l, to be broken, of a dominion, Isa.

Hab. 2:17, for jniT. (sue Lehrg. p. 369), rarely like
7:8; of justice, or the salvation of God, Isa. 51:6. regular verbs
Winn J 2^49:37. (l) to break, to
break to pieces, Isa. 9:3.
(a) i.q. Kal No. 3, to be broken down with fear,
to be confounded. Often with the synonym &n*, as (2)tofriyhten,toputtoshame,3er.l:i'j] 49:37;
Dent. 31:8, nnn IP, tmi &
"fear not, neither be
Job3l :34- (Arab. i^^sJ to be terrified, put to shame.)
3onfounded;" Deu. i:2l; Josh. 1:9; 8:i; 10:25.
Derivatives, nn, nnn, n^nn, D'nnnn, nnnp, pr. n.
Followed by *3?? before the person, Jer. 1:17; Eze.
nn, and
2:6; 3:9; IP before the thing, for fear of which one
flies (compare IP No. 3, a), Isa. 30 31 31:4; Jer. :
; ?D m. (l) terror, Job6:2l.
10 2. : To the former, as to sense, belongs Mai. 2 5, :
(3) [Hat hat It], pr. n. of a man, l Ch. 4:13.

Tet, [Tcth, Lam. r}0, nB], the ninth letter in Greek having so clearly changed both their power
of the alphabet ; as a numeral, nine ; whence 10 9 -f 6 and nature (r\=E; n=/7; y=0; N=J).
is written instead of n* 15. The name of this letter (a) Ewald refers to the ^, which has also a semi-
is uncerteiin. It is commonly explained to mean"]
[" guttural sound; this reference is quite correct, but
S o-
this sound is not to be confounded with an aspiration.
a serpent (Arab. U.U a serpent), to which it has a
The common opinion is fortified
"by the authority
resemblance in figure in several Phcenicio-Shemitic
of the LXX. who, with very few excep-
alphabets (see Kopp,Bilder und Schriften der Vorzeit,
tions (I find a solitary one, 2 Sa. 5:6, cited by Hart-
336)- [" Others make it something rolled or
mann, Ling. Einleitung, p. 63, and by Ewald, loc.cit.),
twisted together, n*L3 from the root n^3, Arab.
constantly render 13 by r: iptf* Swraiuc, '?^ Tw-
i" 1


1^:, so Lee; or perhaps it is

Egypt, tot, hand; all /3/c> Kv3~]D Tap0aA!oi and likewise it is supported

by the converse usage in the Syriac versions, where

these views accord well enough with the figure of
this letter in the Phoenician alphabet; see Monum.
for the Greek r is
always found &r.d for 9, 1, as
f f = 1 3C

Phoen. p. 30." Ges. add.] T(^00OC vCOOJJ^Xi^, T/roc .Ca.A^.

As to tlie pronunciation of this letter, 13 is t uttered To this letter there correspond in the Arabic
with a certain roughness of the throat (appropriately and ^, but more often the former; the
alphabet ,U
written f) different from n whether aspirated (th,
latter, which is almost a &."!
ilant, commonly answer-
0) or smooth (t, r): in the same mannor as p, ut- K Hebrew
ing to the V. Compare the roots ina, ^tp,
tered at the back part of the palate towards the
throat, differs in sound from 3, whether aspirated
It is changed (a) with v, see that letter. (6)
(ch, x) or smooth (k, v). The new opinion of Ewald,
n, as *!9 n , n^n to seize, ^Pi>,
JJ to kill, njjn, r^o
who holds 12 to be really an aspirated letter (in Heb.
Gramm. page aG), has been well commented on by \
^-j to err.^-(c) with 1, which see, page CLXXX, A.
Hupfeld in his review of Ewald's grammar (Hermes,
vol. xxxi. p. 9, 10). He had brought forward (l) 3Ktp Ch. TO BE OLAD, followed by ^ Dan. 6
the Greek 0, which both in name (B'9, Oi/ra) and its id. See HIE No.
34. Syr. usL^ 3.
place in the alphabet agrees with O, and is undoubt- D see X1B and also BIO.]
edly aspirated. But however much the Greek letters
muy answer to the Phocnicio-Shemitic, yet we cannot o0rf, i.q. Ilcbr. 213. Dan. 2:32; Ezr.
learn from their pronunciation tlie more minute par- 5:17, 39 N?>9"^ JD "if it seem good to tlie king/
ticulars of Hebrew pronunciation; some of the letters L e, if pleasing. Compare 31D Est. 1:19; 3:9.
in pause ?3 ("the goodness of God,' Chald. i.
q. Hebr. No. 2, an executioner
or, "God is good." Syriac form for
comp. hence one of the king's guard, Dan. 2: 14.
pen30, n3to), [Tabeal, Taleel], pr.n. Syriac
. suff. nn3tp._
(l) of an unknown person, whose son the Syrians and
(1) a slaying of cattle, Prov. 7:22; Isa. 53:7;
Ephraimites intended to place on the throne of Jeru-
also slaughter of men, Isa. 34:2, 6; Jer. 48:15;
salem, Isa. 7 6. See my Commentary on this place.

(2) of a Persian governor in Samaria, Ezr. 4:7.
(2) slain beasts, banquets so prepared, Prov.
an unused root. Syriac '~w Aph. i. q. 9:2; Gen. 43: 16; compare H3I No. i.
Hebr. 33T No. 2, also, in a good sense, to spread a (3) [Tebah~\, pr.n. of a son of Nahor, Genesi*

^ood report. Hence flSB. 22:24.

D 7^*P m. Pin3 f. a C00 k, i Sa. 8:13.

head-bands, tiaras, turbans,
Eze. 23: 15. Commonly derived from ?3D to dip, to f i.q. masc. n?tp (i) a slaying of cattle,
which corresponds Arab, ^b to die. I
prefer taking slaughter-house,-Ps. 44:23; Jer. 12:3.
it from
yEthiop. dVOAA I to twist round, to twist (2) slain beasts, and banquets prepared from
round with bands. their flesh, i Sa. 25: 1 1.

"T13D m. lofty place, summit, from the root ~QO "CM'-P [Tib hath"], pr.n. of a town in Syria,
13V Jud. Q:37,
pXH T-13B DJ?D DHVJ\(verse tJ36,
&Ut/'VTV 7
l Ch. 18:8, which in the parallel passage, 3 Sa. 8:8,
D 1 "?^? come down from the height of is written np3 see this latter word.
'i?'^) "they ;

the land."Eze. 38:12, H?? TWQT7S 3f "who

dwell in the height of the earth," i. e. the holy land; J fut. ?3t?? TO DIP, TO DIP IN, TO IMMEKSK,
irhich the Hebrews considered to be more followed by an and 3 before the
ace. of the thing,
lofty than
other countries; comp. ?>?^' ^
Eze. 6:2; 33:28; liquid, Genesis 37:31; Lev. 9:9; Deu. 33:24; Job
Ruth 2:14; also without an ace. Excd. 12 22
35 1 2 38:8. To
this correspond Sam. \<^ JEih. 9:31 ; :

,fHl: a mountain. LXX., Vulg., translate "V13O 2 Ki. 8:15. Intrans. to immerse oneself. 2 Ki.

umbilicus, as though it were the summit of the belly. 5:14, "he went down D'EJ>3 V3C? JT3 ^3tp?1 and
Compare Talmud "lU^D the navel. dipped himself in the Jordan seven times." (Chald.
Arab. J^l- id.)
u (i) TO KILL (cattle), Ex. 21:37; spe-

NIPHAL, pass. Josh. 3: 15.

cially for food, l Sa. 25 1 1 Prov. 9:2. As to killing
Hence D v-13p and
in sacrifice, the
cognate verb H3T is used, which see.

(JEth. ( [Vflrh: to kill, to cut the throat. Arab.

^Jb ("whom Jehovah has immersed,"
i.e. "purified"), [Tebaliali], pr.n. masc., i Chr.
to cook, to roast, compare D*rPI33^.) 26:11.
(2) to kill, to slay men, Ps. 37:14; Lam. 2:21;
Eze. 21:15.
(l) properly TO SINK, TO PRESS IM
Derivatives, OStpO and the following words to any soft material such as clay, hence to impress
n2D m. a slayer, hence a seal, to seal. (Arab. i-*t), whence n^SO a seal.
s -

(1) a cook, l 83.9:23, 24. Arab. -'J, id.

(Kindred is V3V, ^_Mf to dip into, to immerse, M\h.

(2) an executioner, hence one of the king's guard, ; id., also ?3tp. The primary syllable is 3t2,
whose business it was in the East to inflict capital which has also in the languages connected with the

punishments. D^n3D~2"] 2 Ki. 25 8, seq. :

Jer. 39 :
9, German, the signification of depth and dipping;
eeq.; and DTOgrpb
Gen. 37:36; 39:1; 40 3,4; =
:ompare Goth, diup, Germ, beep/ ttef j also boufan, tatifen/
41:10, 12, "the captain of the executioners," i. e. 'ttppen/ Ital. tuffare. In Gr. Svirru, and by a softening
of the body guard; pretty much the same as the of the labial, Stvw, besides, with the letters transposed,
Kapijji-Pasha of the modern Turkish court. [" In ladiig, ftvBuc. Compare Adelung, iv.
Egypt he had a public prison in his house, Genesis (2) intrans. sink, to be dipped, plunged, as in

4^:3; in Babylon, Nebuzaradan who held this office, lay, a ditch, followed by
3. Psa. 9: 16; 69:3, 15;
commanded also a part of the royal army, Jer. 39 1 3 :
Jer. 38:6: Lam. 2:9, nnjTf pN3 ^'3^ "her gates

59:15." Ges. add.] are sunk into the earth." Figuratively, i Sa. 17 :4P.
\ >P? J5XH yspni "and the stone sank (i.e. was 2 Ki. 5:12, 14. (ft)
in a Levitical sense, opp. to Kp

infixed) in his forehead."

Lev. 11:32; 12:8; 13:6, 34,58. (c) in a moral
POAL i. q. Kal No. 2, Ex. 15:4. sense, Job 4:17; Pro. 20:9. (Arab. -L to be pure,
HOPHAL id., Jer. 38 22 used of foundations of the
: ;
clean, specially from the catamenia; cogn. 1 to be
\, the mountains, Job 38 6,
Prov. 8 25. : :

manifest, to be conspicuous. ^Ethiop. ft'J* U4 I *

iur. niyap constr. niy?p f. purify, to wash one's self in water.)

PIEL ">np, fut. inp* (i) to purify, to cleanse,
(l) a sea/, a sea I- ring, Gen. 41 142;
Est. 3:10;

see the root y?9 No. i. [whether physically or Levitically, or spiritually,] as

without a a land from dead bodies, Ezek. 39: 12, 16; from the
(a) a ring of any sort, although seal,
with Avhich the curtains of the holy pollution of idols, Eze. 37 23 the temple from filth,

g. the rings
2 Ch. 29:15, 16 34: 8 the sky from clouds, Job 37 21
tabernacle were joined together, Exod. 35:22, seq.;
; ; ;

men from sins, like metal from dross, Mai. 3: 3.

37:3, seq.
(2) to declare some one or something clean
ntylrtp ("rings'*), [TVz&aofA], pr.n. m., Ezra (a) in a Levitical sense, Levit. 13:6, seq.; 14:7; 16:
:43- 19. (ft)
in a moral sense, Ps. 51:4.

PUAL, to be cleansed [" part, fern."], Eze. 22 24. :

an tmused root, prob. i.

q. "Oy to heap HITHPAEL "1DP? and "inpn to cleanse one's self,
vp, hence ~U2p Avhich see. Gen. 35:2; Lev. 14:4, seq.; Num. 8:7; Ezr. 6:20;
Neh. 12:30; 13:22.
p*)3 (for iteTJJ 2P,"who pleases Rimmon"
3O Rimmon |i1 the The derivatives follow, except "Mnp.
["for P~! is good"], as to
"intO m.
Syrian word), [Tabrivmton^ pr.n. of
Idol, see that (i) brightness, purity of the air, 01
the father of Benhadad, king of Syria, 1 Ki. 15:18. heaven, Ex. 24:10.
(2) purification, Lev. 12:4,6.
H3D (perhaps i.
q. JjxZ^ "renowned"),
town situated near w ith Cholera pure) const, inp inb
hath~\, pr. n. of a Abel-Meholah, [" "inip ( i.

in the tribe of Ephraim, Jud. 7:22.

m. purity, Job 17:9; Pro. 22:ll, 'p."]

the tenth Hebrew month; from the new 'VTT m

splendour, brightness, majesty; com-

pare the root No. i. Ps. 89:45, i^v^P fiSWn "thon

moon in January to that in February, Est. 2:l6.
" The hast made his brightness (or majesty) to cease."
tenth month which is called by the Hebrews
The verb FPa^n with JP following, is to be found Eze,
Tebeth, and by the Egyptians Tvfit (in la Croze
Arabic Jo.Jp), by the 34:10; and in the same manner this passage may
Tw/3 in Cod. Vienn. Ti//3t.
properly be rendered, thou hast made to cease, that
Romans January." Jerome, on Eze. 39: 1. But the his brightness should be no more;" or, as I should
Egyptian month now mentioned, extended from the prefer to take it, it is a pregnant construction for,
EOth of December, to the 2Oth of January. " thou hast made to cease
(and takest away) from
sometimes *"inp Job 17:9; his brightness." But as nouns of the form ">np are
adj., constr. ">'np
Prov. 22 of uncertain authority, the learned may enquire whe-
: ll [separated in Thes., see "^P], pure,
ther the Sh'va should not be transposed, and thus
specially (a) clea r, opp. tc filthy (as to a garment),
we should have ^v!? ?? from the common word ~>!j^.
Zech-3:5. (b) unmixed, unalloyed, e.g. as of
This appears to me now more suitable than that which
gold, Exod. 25:11, seq.; 9$t3&r4(^ in a Levitical
sense, as opposed to unclean, polluted, Levit. 13:17;
formerly supposed (Lehrg. page 87), following Abe
hence applied to animals used in food, Gen. 7:2; Ezra and Kimchi, regarding Dagesh in this word to
be euphonic, and D to be formative; so that il^O
8:2O. (d) in a moral sense, Ps. 12:7; 19:10; 51:
or i~i?t?p (as it is found in some copies) would be for
12, "tintp 27 "a pure heart;'' Job 14:4,
Subst. purity, Pro. 22: 1 1. hnpp, from the noun "^PP. [The pointing of this
word varies in different copies. See De Rossi.]
inp fem .
(1) purity of heart, 2 Ch. 30:19.
like the kindred roots ~>nj, in V. [" Syr. Jio-La noon, (2) purification, cleansing, Lev. 13:35; 14:1
<Hi. -H? id."] Hence inb No. i ,
ins. rnnip W. "blood of pur if i cat ion" from whkL =
(a) to be, or
become clean, or
to pure (a) in a a woman who had been delive ed of a ikild is to 'M

physical sense (as opposed to the filth of leprosy), cleansed, Lev. 12:4, 5.
neutr. goodness, uprightness, kindness. 3113 nSJTJ Ju
or an unused root; prob. to be miry,
acted well, he lived honestly, Ps. 34: 15; 37:3; l-A,i
clayey; whence Arabic i'/'L clay. [This root is
7 2O. : DJJ 3113 n^JJ to shew kindness to some one.

rejected in Thes., see 1310.] Hence Gen. 26 :

29. 7 31i3 to be kind towards some one,
take aiv ay clay (compare J&P! to
to Lam. 3 :
25. |?y 3113 a man of a kind eye, i. e. mr-
take away ashes, from }^.), as in the Talmud Npxp opp. to HJ? jn, Pro. 22:9, where see LXX. Vulg.

and t3X'D, which latter may also be derived from 310 N ? by Atrorjjc, wicked, evil, Prov. 18:5; 20:23.
" I will Often used
on? isa. 14 23, nps'n NP^PP.3 rpnspsp
(aa) of a good, i.e. a happy lot,
sweep her (Babylon) away with the besom of de- compare No. 4. v 31 D rpn "it is Avell with me," !

will altogether destroy, as Eccl. 8:12, 13. 3VJ ? that

struction ;" i. e. I though it
may be well
Dr6>, -i:V

her site had been swept clezvn ; compare 2 Ki.

21:23. with us, or with them, Deut. 6:24; 10:13; Jer. 32 :
From this quadriliteral form, which may be called a 39 (properly for ^ 3113 JYPn7, as in '*? IV?, DH^ jr).

secondary root, is derived the noun found in the '$> 3113 well for me! Psa. 119:71 ;
Lam. 3:27. 3113?
same passage, in agood sense, for welfare (compare 13113), often in
medial phrases, Psal. 119: 122; Deut. 30 9. (bb) :

pret. -13b (for the future, the form 3O^, from 'B '3^3 31O of some one, ichat
good in the eyes
3PJ is
used.) pleases some one, Nu. 24: i Deu. 6: 18. Gen. 16:6, ;

tp.3'? 3it3H !^rt>y do to her that which seems

(1) TO BE GOOD (Arab, Med. Ye, to be good, :
t jUa
good to thee" = do with her as thou wilt, Gen. 19:8;
pleasant, agreeable, especially used of a pleasant Jud. 10:15; 19:24; also followed by \3?? Ecc. 2:26,-
smell [" Ch. Syr. id."], compare Bfca, efc?). Only and Job 10:3 [but see verb]; Deu. 23: 17. Adv.
used impersonally in the following phrases (a) 3113
well, very good, 2 Sa. 3:13; Ru. 3:13, and subst.
y it is good for me, it goes well with me, Deut. 5:
something good, that which is good, Job 7:7; placed
30; 15:16; 19:13; Nu. il: 18; also, to be well, to
as a genitive after a noun, as 3113 rD"13 a blessing of
be in good health, l Sa. 16: 16. Followed by 7X id.
well good, for a good blessing, Pro. 24:25.
1 Sa. 20: 12. Job 13 :
9, '? 31l3n it is for you
that. As to the passage Job 10:3, see letter b.
(2) goodly, fair, beautiful, used of persons,
Exod. 2:2; Gen. 6:2; and of things, Isa. 5:9; moro
3'#3 3iO it is good in my eyes, i.e. "it pleases often with the addition of '"I^IP Gen. 24:16; Esth,
me," Nu 24: i. In the later books it is followed by
" if it 1:11; 2:3,7.
7J> Chr. 13:2.
i Est. i : 19, 3113 ^srrVaK
(3) pleasant, agreeable, Gen. 3 6; Cant. 1:2; :

please the king." Est, 3:9; 5:4,8; 7:3; Neh. 2:5; 31t2H JGE' sweet
7 : 1O. Especially used of smell,
compare Ezr. 5:17; once followed by ? Job 10:3,
smelling ointment, Ps. 133:2; Isa. 39 2 :
Cant, l :
i? 3toq does p 1 e a s e thee?" So Vu'lg. Ch.
31t3n npf? sweet calamus, Jer. 6:20.
(2) to be beautiful, pleasant, Numbers 24:5;
(4) well off, prosperous, happy, comp. No. i,
Cant. 4:10. "
(art) ;
Isa. 3:10; Jer. 44 1 7. Ps. 1 1 2 5, ttX"3it3 O
: :

(3) to (a common meaning

be cheerful, merry man." Eccl. 5:4, 17; 7: 18; compare Laim
Syriac), used especially of the heart, 1 Sa. 25 36 ; :
2 Sa. 13:28; Est. 1:10. 3:26; Am. 6:2. (Syr.
> O the bless-
ings of. Often used for Heb. '1VV ^, see Matt. 5 3,
(i) to do well, to do something
rightly, with an ace. 1 Ki. 8:18; 2 Ki. 10:30.
(5) distinguished, great, excelling. Ps. 69:
(2) to do good to some one, to confer benefits,
17, T^tpn
31O '3 " for great is
Eze. 36 1 1 : . thy loving-kindness."
(3) to make fair, to adorn, Hos. 1O: i. Ps.109:21 (comp. Ru. 3: 10). Syr. .^' adv. very.
(4) to make cheerful, Eccl. 11:9. 3H3V1, from (6) cheerful, merry, Est. 8:17; i Kings 8:66;
3? J, is more commonly used. 31O 373 with a merry heart. Ecc. 9:7.
[Derivatives, the following Avords, and pr. n. 7^313, (7) [jToi], pr. n. of a region beyond Jordan, Jud
and lto 11:3; 2 Sam. 10:6; apparently, i.
q. Tovfliov, LXX
n.lIB Vat. Tw/3ioi', l Mace. 5:13.
adj. (l) good, in various senses
(a) physically, as a good land, Exod.
i"IN DID [Tob-adonijah~], pr. n. m. 2 Chr.
(i.e. fertile)
1 7 :8.
3:8; a good tree, 2 Ki. 3: 19; good gold, i.e. pure,
Gen. 2:12. 3'V.D m. Ps. 119:66, DJH3 3-lt:
(l) goodness.
(6) i)0we, good, kind, upright, Isa. 5:20; and "goodness of intelligence," good understanding;
thegoodness, i.e. the kindness of God, Ps. 25:7; an unused
87:13; 3i:iO; 145:7; Jw.3i:l4.
rcot, see B'P. ["Arab, ^^
to collect." To this root in Thes. are referred O'p,
(2) concr. that which is good, or lest of any
3*O P and
thing, i. e. the best part, Gen. 45: 1 8, 20. f^C 1

the best gifts of the land, Gen. 45:23; Isa. l:lQ; pi. f. bands, fillets, especially those
80.9:1*. worn by the Jews at prayers (ir??, yvXaKri'ipia,
(3) good*, i- e. wealth, property, Deu. 6: 11 ; Matt. 23:5), i. e. scrolls of parchment with sentences
precious things, Gen. 24:10; com p. verses 22,30. written on them out of the law of Moses (Ex. 13:1
(4) beauty. Hos. iO:ll; Zec.9:i7. Used of 16; Deu. 6:4 9; 11:13
10, 11 21), which the
the divine glory, Ex. 33 19, 3*r5| T3i?X 3 :
[But Jews have been accustomed to wear at prayers bound
is this the sense of the passage? See No. l.J to the forehead and the left wrist, Ex. 13:16; Deu.
(5) welfare, happiness, Job 20:21; 21:16; 6:8; Il:l8. [It requires proof that the Jewish
Prov. 11:10. here intended by these fillets or
phylacteries are
(6) with the addition of 37 gladness, cheerful- bandages.] (Ch. KBpto, Wlpoio a bracelet, a front-
ness. Den. 28:47; Isa. 65:14. let. This word is for nBD$p", like 733 for ^3>3, 33^3
(i) that which is good. fUiD^ for for 3333, nJ?JjJ, Syr.
jVx^o^, Lehrg. p. 869
good, Nehemiali5: 19, "remember me, O my God, Root which and not s]QO, to which the sig-
S).1J3, see;
"1310? for good," i.e. thatthou also wilt do good to
nification of binding has been hastily attributed.)
me. Neh. 13:31. Similarly used elsewhere for
accurately defining medial expressions. Ps. 86:17; /TU unused in Kal. Arab. 11^ Med.Waw, TC
Jer.14:11; 24:6; Ezr. 8:22. BE LONG.
(2) the goodness, kindness of God, Ps. 65: 12. HIPHIL ?'Pn to throiv doivn at length, to pi-os-
(3) goods, icealth, Eec. 5: 1O. trate (ber Sdnge lar.g 22:17);
Ijtnrecrfcn/ comp. Isai.

(4) welfare, happiness, Ps. 16:2; 106:5. to throw, to cast, as a spear, l Sa. 18: ll; 20:33;

to cast out as from a country, Jer. 16:13; 22:26;

n*3iZD & n:riD (i. q. rnn^ 31B pleasing to
from a ship, Jon. 1:5, 12; to send forth a wind,
Jehovah"), pr. n. Tobiah, [Tolijali]. (l) Neh.
Jon. l :4.
*:io; 4:1. (a)Ezr. 2:6o; Neh. 7:62. (3) Zee.
6:10,14. HOPHAL, to be prostrated, Ps. 37 24; Job 41 l : :

to be cast as a lot, Prov. 16:33; t b& cast out, Jer.

[i) i.
q. Arab. ^3 TO ROLL TOGETHER, 22:28.
ro TWIST, hence TO SPIN. Ex. 35:25/26. PILPEL, ?P<P i.
q. lliphil, to prostrate, to ca$l
forth, Isa. 22: 17.
(a) to suffer hunger, to fast, i.
q. Arab, ^cb,
Derivative, ^p^>p.
whence ^^ hunger, .li^ hungry, famished. Pro-
*"p3 an unused
root. Arab. _i\lr Med.
perly, to le twisted,
i. e. in the bowels. Thus the to surround.
Arabs ascribe twisted, or entangled, bowels to those Hence msplI3 bands, as if girdles.
who are hungry, e. g. Hariri Cons. iii. p. 142, ed.
an unused root, like the kindred roots "H^,
Schult,, c_?-y^ eL= \^$\ i^+a to have the bowels
Tin to surround (see Hartmann's Linguist. Eiuleiv.
twisted from want of food. Compare Schulteus in
p. 82). Hence TO [n^P, -O].
the book just referred to, p. 4, 136.
Derivatives, "'?.PP, njP t
"I'ltD m. (i)a wall around about, a fence, an m-

TO SPREAD OVER, TO DAUB, as a wall with

closure. 20.46:23. (,L a boundary, ,Ll, a fence.)

plaster, Lev. 14:42; l Ch. 29:4; followed by two (2) a row, as of precious stones. Ex. 28: 17, seq. ;

accus. Eze. 13:10 15; 22:28; as eyes that they 39:10, seq. [" Or of hewn stone, l Ki. 7:18; also
-^ Med. Ye applied to a row of other things."]
may not see, Isa. 44:18. (Arab. II. to

cover over with fat, sec Kamfls, p. 328. Compare in

"ftD Ch. m. a mountain, a rock. Dan. 8:35.
the western languages, riyyu, tingo, tundjcn.) Isaiah
45; i.
q. Heb. "WV. Syr. J?o^
id, [" Arab, "j^."]
loc. cit. the pret. is no for np (as if from HDP).

NirilAL piss. Lev. 14:43,48. TO FLY VIOLEKTLT, TO SEEK FOB PREY,

Deri vat n 23, 0'P, an eagle, properly to dash upon, compare German

jtojjerti a word appropriated to birds of prey, whence grind for another," be his mill-woman, i. e. hi*

6t6fi f r/ tofioogf I/ the English word to toss. Job 9 : most abject slave and concubine (compare Ex. 11:5}
6, bsK *i?JZ i?3J l^ (With this corresponds Syr. Isaiah 47 2). LXX., Vulg., Chald., by comparison

with verse 9, take " grind for another," in a figu-

-raj used of the flying of an eagle or vulture, for
rative and obscene sense, for "let her be violated by
Hebrew n^n Jer. 48 40 49 29 Pael, Deut. 32:11;
: :

9 1
another man," the Greek /it/XXtd'jTheocr. iv. 58, Lat.
Job 39 : 1 3 ; IOA_: a lofty or vehement flight.) molere, permolere, used of connection with a woman,
see Interpp. ad Petron. Sat. 23. Hor. Sat., i. 2, 35.
J"nlp Ch. f. a fast, adv. fasting, not having taken
Dan. 6: 19. Root Kit? i. q. Heb. HJO No. 2, to Bochart, Hieroz. i. p. 188; but a word of this sense,
is, in all the places, attributed to the man.
fast, to abstain from food, which see. [" The form
Hence fintp and the two following words.
is like na? from FU3."]
? f. a mill worked by hand, Ecc. 12:4
u unused in Kal, TO STRETCH OUT, TO EX-
ni-nu pi. f. th'ose that grind, the grinders,
TEND. Arab. L^L to spread out.
PILEL part. n|?j3"\inop those who draw the bow, or molar teeth. Arab. <^-lij, Ecc. 12:3.
i. e. f re hers, Gen. 21 16 [i. e. in this passage a bow-

t-3 an unused
As to the form, root, which I suppose to have
shot]. comp. nnB>, Hithp. nVWi^n. had the same meaning as "intp (n being changed into
masc. a mill, worked by hand, Lam. 5:13; the harsher letter n), to be, or become conspicu-
Root JTO.
ous, toshine for t h, tieroors/ jum SSorfdjein fcmmen. [In
D jinip m .
p]. tumours of the anus, haemorrhoidal Thes. the idea of groaning under pressure or suffering

protruding from the anus (see 1D9)> pro-

mariscce, is that attributed to this root, comparing Syr. i-^_!
truding through tenesmus in voiding, l Sam. 6 :
to pant under a load, also used of alvine straining,
11,17; an d Deu. 28:27; i Sa. 5:6, 9, in npfor 3nD with derivatives in the same sense. Arab. -s^L id/
B yBJJ which seems to have been thought a less decent
Hence DninD which see.
word. Hence Syriac i-^J. to suffer from tenesmus,
9 ' *
TP m. covering over, plaister, Suncf;e/ Eze.
tenesmus with flow of blood, Arabic Root DID.

t^P masc. (l) clay, loam, Isa. 41:25; Nah.

pi f. according to the Hebrew interpreters

reins, so called because of their being covered over (2) mud, mire, Psalm 18:43; 6 9:!5-
with fat; from the root 0-112, .\t, II. to cover over ; clay, Arab. ^L.< ^ clay collected in the bottom
with -'
Compare 3?n No. Used equally with
of a pond, from
2? and J"liv3 as the seat of the mind and thoughts. b^ to gather.)
Ps. 51:8, "behold thou delightest in truth in the
PtP Chald. m. CLAY, POTTERS' CLAY. Daniel
reins (of a man)." Job 38 -.36, "who taught the
2:41,43, NfP ^IPD "earthenware." (Syriac and
reins (this) wisdom," sc. so that thou knowest and * *-

understandest these things; in the other clause

all Arab. ,^~, } I AJ id., whence the denominative verb
of the verse there is ^St? the mind. Whatever be '1? Med. Ye to daub with clay, to form out of clay.)
the meaning ascribed to this passage, the word J"lint3
must have the same meaning as in Ps. JT'Vtp fem. (i) a wall, a fence, round about,
loc. cit.
JRingmauer/ i.
q. T-1D No. 1, from the root "tiB tc
(no Isa.44:i8), see 0. surround.
fenced off by a wall or hedge; hence
(2) a place
tJ T0 CRUSH SMALL, with an
ace., Ex. 32:20; (a) a fortress, Cant. 8:9; an enclosure, a
specially to grind in a hand-mill, Jud. 16:21 Nu. ; country village, an encampment of Nomadic tribes,
Gen. 25:16; Num. 31:10; iChr. 6:39; Ps. 69:26;
il:8.(Arab. ^^U?, Aram. ,1^, IDtpid.) \3? JITO
Eze. 25:4.
"to grind the face ["person not face." Thes.] of

the poor," i.e. to

oppress him; Isa. 3:15. / in pause fyp, suff. &? m. dciv, Gen. 27 28, 39; :

Job 31: 10," "XW? jnpn "let my wifeW

Exod. 16:13, 14; Deut.32:2; Isaiah 26:19; Zee
8:l. (Arabic Jl? light rain, ^Ethiop. (\\&\ dew.) jiD/to ( oppressed"), [Talmon~\, pr. n. m
Root ^P ^o- 1 - Ezr. 2:42; Neh. 7:45.

?B Chald. id. Dan. 4:12.

inf. """KPB (Lev. 15:32) (i) ro BE or TO
*" *
Joshua 9:5, nixtal? rifya "patched up shoes." which follows the analogy of guttural verbs, t4'

[But this belongs to Pual.j

pollute, t^ft polluted, comp. Lat. contamino, attamino,
pass.] Part. *WP
spotted, having large spots
[Kal, intaniino). Especially used of uncleanness in a
like patches on a garment (comp. Germ, gleet/ which Levitical sense both of persons and of animals (whose
signifies both a spot and a patch, i. q. glicte/ whence flesh was not to be eaten, see Lev. 11 : i 31); also
Gen. 30:32, seq.; Eze. 16:16. of things, as of buildings, vessels. to "i^p. Lev
[PUAL part. Josh. 9:5; see above.] j
11:24, seq. Followed by 3 to be unclean by any
tp see *?P and ojo. thing. Levit.l5:32; 18:20,23. [" Also to defile
oneself, followed by
3 trith any thing, Ps. 106:39;
n7lJ an unused root, i.
q. JJ^ to be fresh, comp.
Eze. 22:4."]

Gr. 6uXXw. NIPHAL KP? part. plur. DW?t?3 Eze. 20:30, 31,
Hence vP and pass, of Piel, to pollute one's self,
as a woman by adul-

tery, Nu. 5: 13, 14, 20, 27, 28; a people by whoredom

J""Ptp m. a young lamb, 1 Sam. 7:9; 153.65:25. or idolatry, Hos. 5:3; 6:10. Followed by 3 of the
a young animal of any thing with which any one is defiled, as with idols,
(Arab. }JU sort, especially
9 P- Eze. 20:43; 23:7,30.
a new born
gazelle. Mill. (]){\^; a kid, Syr.
LO^ PIEL SP (i) to pollute, to defile, Lev. 15:31,
a boy, )^A^.^ a girl; [r\i0a Kovfil. Mark 5: 41]. hence (a) to profane a land with wickedness
Lev. 18:28; 20:3; the temple, Ps. 79:1; the high
rPD7t? fem. a casting forth, Isa. 22 :
17. Root places (J")iC3) i. e. to destroy them, to take them

away, 2 Ki. 23:8, 10, 13. (ft) to violate a woman,

vD i.
q. rpp, only in plur. masc. D^/P for D\vP
(2) to declare any one unclean, as was done bj-
(compare Lehrg. 575) young lambs, Isa. 40 : 1 1.
the priest, Lev. 13:3, 8, 11, seq.

Arab JU, JEth. Wftft to moisten (3) to make be polluted, to cause to pollute one's
I. /79, :
Eze. 20:26.
gently, as the earth with dew or showers.
PUAL polluted, Eze. 4:14.
Hence ?P dew.
HITHPAEL KSP* i. q. Niph. to pollute one's self,

followed by 3 (Lev. 11:43; 18:30) and (Lev. ll:

II. / /U i.
q .
t>>>* No. m. Arab. Jfe II. TO OVER- j>

24; 2l:il) of the thing with which any one is

SHADOW, hence to cover over.
PIEL polluted.
cover, especially with beams or planks
'.?P to
HOTHPAEL NOpn id. Deu. 24:4.
(elsewhere nTf5) } Neh. 3:15. Compare Gen. 19:8,
[Derivatives the following words.]
PILPEL PP is from ^It3, which see.
P i^^PP adj. impure, unclean
(a) in
7 q. Hebr. No. II.
Chald. i.
Levitical sense as to persons, animals, and things,

APHEL 7^pK to take shelter, Dan. 4:9. Lev. 5:2; Deu. 14:19. (ft)
in a moral sense, Job

14:4. D??n riNDp polluted of name, infamous, Eze.

sp an unused root. Aram. D?P, Arab. J.1?, 22:5.
: to oppress, to do wrong to. Hence f Mic. 2:10 [sometimes taken as inf. of

D ?9 of a verb], and
(" oppression"), [Telem], pr. n.
town in the tribe of Judah, Josh. 15:24; in the n^pD f. uncleanness, pollution, Lev. 5:3;
opinior of Kimchi and others, the same as is called 7:21; also an unclean thing, Jud. 13:7, 14.; 2(0.
in 1 Sa 15:4, D^P (young lambs). [(2) pr. n. m. 29:16. Plur. const. n'KDD Lev. 16:19. [Used in
Eze. 10:84.] Levitical and moral senses like the verb].

q. NPP; a t least some of the forms of (b) to taste, to eat a little, l Sa. 14:24, 29, 43; Jon
3:?- c
( )
perceive by the taste or flavour^
this verb follow the analogy of verbs nfr. So
2 Sa. 9 36 Metaph.
1 : .

NIPHAL DnppJ Lev. 11:43, and Job 18:3, ^'Dp?

B.?Ty? "we are unclean in your eyes," i.e. im- (2) to perceive
mentally [or spiritually], Prov.
pious, compare Job 14:4. Some, however, of the
31 18.: Psalm 34:9, rrtn* SiD" ? 1O#p taste

Hebrew (perceive) and see that Jehovah is good."
interpreters, without violence to the paral-
Hence the words immediately following, and
lelism, take Hipp to be the same as BDp, Dps to be
stopped up, i. e. to be stupid. Vulg. sorduimus.
Ch. id.
J (cogn. toIPV) TO HIDE, Josh. 2:6; Job 31 :

PAEL, to give to taste, i.e. to eat, Daniel 4: 22;

33; specially under the earth, to bury, Gen. 35:4;
Ex.2:l2; Josh. 7:21, 22; Jer.43:io. ^ HS }OO
Psalm 140:6; 142:4; *? HKh 'B Ps. 9:16; 31:5, to m. (i) taste,flavour of food, Nu. 11:8;
hide a snare or a net for any one, i. e. to plot against Jer.48:ii; Job 6': 6.
him, comp. Ps. 64 6 Job 1 8 l o.:
: |-lE>p 7D3 a hidden (2) metaph. taste for judgment, discernment,
abortion, Job 3:16. Followed by? to hide for some reason (as in Lat. sapere, sapiens, sapientia, and on
one, to reserve for him. Job 20:26, |-1>P "^fTvS the other hand insipidus}, 1 Sa. 25:33; Ps. 119:66;
" all darkness " a
Viisy? (or calamity) is hid (reserved)
Job 12: 20. DyP rnD n^'N woman without dis-
in his treasuries." A
play of words is here to be cernment," Prov. 11 :22. DJK? nat* to ch a nge one's
observed in the use of the cognate words rIEB an(^ reason, i.e. to feign one's self mad, Psalm 34 l . :

" the Dyo >2^p ^v^o gj ve an answer

pay. Similar is Deut.33:i9, Vin \)-1p 'JBJ? intelligently. Prov.
most secret of the hidden things of sand" (to be un- 26:16.
derstood of glass [???]). Facetiously used, Proverbs (3) the sentence of a king; hence a royal de-
19:24, nnW? IT ty JOB " the man hides
slothful cree, Jon. 3:7. See Chald.
his hand in the dish." The hand of a lazy man is
m. Ch. i.q. Heb. No. 3, a decree, mandate,
well described as being dipped slowly and deeply in
Ezr. 6: 14. More frequently used is
the dish.
NIVHAL, to hide one's self underground, Isa. 2: 10. Cy>P m. Chald. (i) taste, flavour; specially,
HIPHIL i. q. Kal, 2 Ki. 7 8. :
pleasant. Dan. 5 K"JOn D.V.P? "in the taste of

[In Thes. the primary meaning is said to be that wine," i. e. in his cups, whilst drinking.
of immersing, as found in many roots beginning (2) intelligence, reason, Dan. 2: 14. Nl?J?p 3r\\
with the syllables Dt3, 3t3-] to give account, Dan. 6:3. ?J? DV.P Q-1K> to regard

Derivative any thing, make account of it, Dan. 3:12.

(3) sentence, royal edict, Dan. 3:10, 12, 29,
an unused root, perhaps i.
q. Arab. >f-j Djjp D-1B> to give forth a mandate, Ezr. 4: 19, 21 5: ;

3, 9, 13 ;
"6 : 1 ; 7 :
13. Used of a cause to be judged,
to twine, to weave, as a basket, whence <Ldj~c a
Ezr. 5:3. BJ?.P ?V.? holder of judicial authority, or
basket. Hence N.3.P.. [In Thes. this root is rejected, a royal prefect, Ezr. 4:8, 9, 17.
and the noun stands as a primitive.]

[const. "^pp] m . a basket, Deut. 26:2, 4. I.

TO PIERCE THROUGH with a sword.

(Ch. toy id.)

(Arab. ^&~ id., .^jiL pierced through, <L*1? stroke.
unused in Kal. Aram, to be soiled,
Chald. Pael, id.)
to be dirtied. PUAL pass. Isa. 14: 19.
PIEL, to dirty, to soil, Cant. 5:3.
H. jc TO LOAD beasts of burden, Gen. 45:17.
njm TO oo ASTKAT, Aram,
wad Arab.


(Aram. JV.P, v ^ to be laden. Arab, j^ VHI. to

sit on a camel, .,xi? a loaded camel, dl^xij Ji camel'*

HIPHIL, to lead astray, Eze. 13:10.
saddle. Compare $)
(l) TO TASTE (as in all the cognate
tfi m. with suffix *?P collect, little children
languages) (a) to try the flavour, Job 12:11. boys and girls, so called from their brisk and trip-

ping gait (from the root HPOj compare ?.?W), Gen. 34: than what Ewuld supposes (Heb. Grain
this is better
29 ? 43:8; 45 opposed : 1
9 46 5
to young men and page 520), ^'ji prince of height, from t_-?\J and ^
9:6; to men above twenty years of age,
virgins, Eze.
[" Bohlen, in his posthumous sheets, compares Sanscr
Exod. 12:37. Sometimes it extends to the whole
adhipac'ara, king's legate."] In Targ. Jonath. Deut.
family, and is opposed only to the head of the 28: 12, it is the name of a certain superior angel.
house. 2 Chron. 20: 13, 3^33-1 DrVK'jl DSP'Q? " also
their families, (to wit) their wives and children."
2 Chr. 31 :Gen. 47: 12, HPH '?? " according to
18. w, Arabic <s and ?^ TO BE BBISK on <

NIMBLE in walking, TO TRIP ALONG (trippcln), to

their family." Ex. 1O:1O; Nu. 32: 16, 24, 26.
walk with short steps, used of the walking of children
SLJ unused in Kal. Syr. .^.^j to spread out. (hence ^P), also of women loving display. It once
occurs Isa. 3 16, """U^H *p2t?1 "sp^n, where Luther
Cogn. nay.
follows the sense happily treten eintjer unb
PlEL n?P (l) TO SPREAD OUT, TO EXPAND, as enough : fte
" O. O
the heaven, Isa. 48:13.
fd)min}cn/ i. e. to wag, to waddle, like Saad.
(2) to carry little children on the palms (in Latin
it is
expressed in ulnis [Engl. to carry in the arms]); Ch. fBjpO l n ?M. (Arab. e_ck and <_Jj to be quick,
denom. from n?B No. l, Lam. 2 :22. as a horse, to amble see Schroeder, De Vest. Mulier.

Derivatives, nn?PP, and the words immediately page 127. Kindred words are tappen/ trappen/ and its
following. diminutive tvtppetn.)

[Derivative, ^P.]
(l) properly, the open hand, the palm,
in all its occurrences used as the measure of four
Ch. pi. p9P m. i.q. Hebr. fib? (i)
fingers [a hand-breadth], iKi. 7:26; 2 Chron. 4:5; NAIL of a man, Dan.4:3O.
comp. Jer.52:2i. Ps. 39:6,^! nriro ninstp nan "be-
(2) the claw or hoof of beasts, Dan. 7: 19.
hold, thou hast made my days as handbreadths,"
i. e.
very short.
TO BE FAT; metaph. to be inert, stupid;
(2) in architecture, mutuli ; i. P. projecting stones,
compare ira-xyc, Lat. pinguis. Psa 1 1 9 :
70. (More
on the tops of which beams rest (.Rragftetne), 1X1.7:9.
LXX. TO. frequently used in Chaldee.)

m .
nB No. l,a palm, a handbreadth, 3Ip ( a drop"=nQb^, root S|W),
Ex. 25:25; 37:12; pr. n. of a daughter of Solomon, i Ki.
4: 1 1.

m. plur. a verbal noun, from nsp No. 2, I

|U TO THRUST; Lat. trudo (which verb has
bearing in the arms, carrying children, Lam. 2 :2O. the same radicals); hence to follow on continu-

u prop, (as in Talmudic) TO PATCH, TO SEW

ally one after another, Pro. 19:13; 27:15, T)p
"a thrusting dropping," i. e.
dropping continually,
TOGETHER; figuratively, to /r a me lies, comp. 5oXov
drop coming close upon drop. (Arab, j J? to thrust,
pcurTfiv, suere dolos, Ps\ 119:69; Job 13:4. Ellipti-
" and to push forward, IV. one thing to follow another, see
cally, Job 14: Vspril 17,^^thou de vises t
Schult. ad Prov. loc. cit. Taur. ad Ham. page 516. ;

(false things) upon my iniquity," i. e. thou increasest

Syr. and Chald. TIP i.
q. Conj. I.)
my Compare a very similar
sins with false charges.
Hence pr. n.
passage, Deu. VT$? ^D WJfc JIJ^BP
l : l
[Targ.] Jon.
"ye devise (and would add) upon him words of Ch. to thrust out, to drive out, to cast out.
to frame speech Dan. 4 -.22,29, 30.
falsehood." (Arabic Jit artfully,

compare Gr. pairrur iirtj, whence po^ySoc-)

4* an unused root, i.q. !"i/D to be fresh. Arab.

IDS!? m. Jer. 51:27, plur. Dnp^B Nah.3:i7, a The

and i? id.; .ffith. : raw, undrest.
foreign word, a eatrap, a governor of provinces
and soldiers amongst the Assyrians and Medes. If a primary idea is perhaps that of plucking off, so that
conjecture ia to be made respecting this word from rnp (np, :npj, maybe i.q. 119, which see, No. 1,
the modern Persic, we should compare with Lorsbach Hence 'IP'

andBohlen(, j^U
a military leader, and DVtD (Dhtp) i.
q. 079 not yet, Eu. 3: 14 ana.

for before the beginning, Hag. 2:15. Compare
unused in Kal.
^a Conj.
Arab, I.
IP in the phrase n'BfcTD, DTJ5D Isa. 46: 1O.

"also upon (3) Dip (in ace.) (a) not yet, followed by
HIPHIL, Job 37 :
11, 3JJ nnp! T?-S|
pret. l Sa. 3:7; but more often followed by a fut,
he showers (God) casts down a thick cloud;"
applied to a past action, Gen. 2:5; Ex. 10:7; Josh
words exhibiting the image of the clouds themselves
2:8; 1 Sam. 3:3. (b) i.q.
DTO3 before that, fol-
oeing cast down (or seeming to be cast down) by the lowed by a future, of a past action, Josh. 3:1; Ex
weight of the ram in them (SBolfenbrudj). But the Arab. 1 2 34 of something future, Isa. 65 24.
: :

U followed by J_c. signifies also, to cast upon,
' *-^

to place upon something (compare rnp a load); so

fut. TC, once TO Gen. 49: 27. (l) TC
" PLUCK OFF (kindred to nnp, Dip, comp. Gr. Qplnrrw),
that it
may be translated, he loads the cloud with
a shower." Symm. fcrt/^pfcn. hence Arab. k_J.L to be fresh Heb.
(frtfd) abgebrorfjen),

burthen, trouble, Deu. 1:12; Tsa. 1:14.
. eprp, fT>p No. 3.
to pull, tear, in pieces as a wild beast, Gen.
(Chald. K!T"]9 labour, weariness, Hip to be wearied; (2)
37 33; :
44: 2 8; Deut. 33:20; Psal. 22:14; Nah. a:
13. Metaph. used of anger, Job 16:9; 18:4; and
dj. f. nnp fresh, used of a wound, Isa. 1:6; thus even of God, Psal. 50: 22, ^PP*"]! " lest I tear"
of a jaw-bone of an ass, Jud. 15:15. Root I"nO.
like wild beasts. Hos. 6:1.
NIPHAL pass, of No. 2. Ex. 22:12; Jer. 5:6.
an unused root, prob. i.q. pluck off;
PuALid. Gen. 37:33; 44:28.
^^ to cut off. Hence
compare HIPHIL, to tear up food, i.e. to make some one
eat, tofeed,Prov. 30:8. Hence the following words
pr. a cutting off, a part cut off (ber 2f bfd)mtt,

bie telle/ roo ein jtoetg com SScwme frifd) abgefcfynitten ift) ;
Sj^P adj. /res/i, newly plucked, of a leaf. Gen
hence beginning ["although Ido not lay this de- 8 : 1 1 ; see the root No.l.
rivation down as certain"]. Always used as an
Pp.D m. (l) a green leaf, a leaf newly
plucked, so called from tearing off (compare Gen.
(i) Dip. prop, in the beginning, before the begin-
Eze. 17:9.
ning, i.e. before that, previously, followed by a 8:ll). (Ch. S1P, Syr. l<*^ id.)
preterite, Ps. 90 2 :
Pro. 8:25; also, sometimes fol- (2) ananimaltorninpieces,thepreyofa wild
lowed by a future in a future signification, Isa. 66:7.
beast. Job 4:11; 29 1 7 38 39. *n& ^-1? " moun-

Job "before I shall go;" but more tains of i.e. of depredators, thieves, whence
10:21,^ 0*39? prey,"
often in a past sense, Jer. 1:5,"! sanctified thee they come forth for booty, Ps. 76:5.
K^ri Dnpa before thou earnest forth." Ru. 3:14; (3) food, Prov. 31 : 15 ; Mai. 3:10; Psal. 111:5;
2 Ki. 2:9; followed by an inf. Zeph. 2:2, rv^> D"J.P.3. comp. the verb in Hiphil.
Ibid, twice pleonast. X13' fc> B"}P.?> coinp. the Germ.
nSTltp f. coll. that ivhich is torn in pieces,
efj er nid)t fommt. (The usage is similar of the par- cattle torn (by wild beasts), Gen. 31:39; Ex.32:
1 2 ; Lev. 7 : 24.
tides D"}P. and ^ not yet, and TS then : a future seems
to be placed with them for a preterite, because after Ch. [Tarp elites'], Ezr.4:9; the name
these particles the action is contemplated as future.) of a nation, from which the Assyrian kings brought
(2) P"2P.P i. q. 2^83 properly from the beginning, a colony into Samaria. LXX.

Tod, the tenth letter of the alphabet; when used presents the figure of a hand rudely drawn. In
letter has
as a numeral denoting ten. There can be no doubt ^Ethiopic also it may be added that this
that the name of this letter "W as well as the Heb. "V the name of Yaman (i. e. right hand).
Mgnifies hand (comp. Di" pi. D^P* from the unused1

A large portion of the roots

whose first radical is
and in the Phoenician and Samaritan writing,
O' Yod (<Q),
are in Arab, and ^Eth. is, as grammarian!
/* t

.-e" as on the coins of the Maccabees, this letter '

have shown (see Lehrg. 105, A), as "vj, jj.,

.-to. As to the relation of verbs a with other roots, 9, 28. Construed with a gerund alter it, Josh. 17 12; :

and Jud. 1:35; or with a finite verb sometimes joined

y verbs ly yy, see Lehrg. 1 12, 2.
by a conjunction (Jud. 19:6), sometimes without ono,
O T TO DESIKE, TO LONG, followed by
?. Ps. <ri;i2trws;(Deu.l:5; Hos. 5:11). [Note in Ges. add
all these passages are referred to the idea of to will,
119:131. ["LXX. trir(J6oui'."] (Syr. ^2)^ and what
-> V to ivish, either in the sense of undertaking is
the quadriliteral cd.^ id. Kindred roots are HZ1K, wished, as Gen. 18:27, 3*5 Josh. 17:12; Jud. 1:27,
35; i Sa. 17:39; or in the sense of being willing
to yield to another, as Job 6:28; 2 Ki. 6:3.]
T q. .

Ps. 33:1; Prov. 17:7). Impers. followed by ? to & "lltf* masc. A RIVER, an Egyptian word,
become some one. Jer. 10:7, nnsj 1? *3 "for it be- in the Memphitic dialect Kvpo, in the Sahidic lepo
come th thee." LXX. ed. Compl. ao\ yap (see Jablonskii Opuscc. ed. te Water, torn. i. page 93,
v '
(Syr. jj.,, suitable, seemly, followed by j* becoming, 444; Champollion, 1'Egypte, i. p. 137, 138; ii. 238);
on the Rosetta stone [" as read by Dr. Young"J

"' isfound, lines 14, !5,iOR(see Kosegarten, De Scriptura

see a river. It is used almost ex-
Vett. jEgyptiorum, p. 14).
whom Jehovah clusively of the Nile. Gen. 41 : 1, seq. ; Exod. 1:22.
"T2!$! (" hears"), \Jaaza-
m. 2: 3 ?: 15? seq-; in one passage, of another river
a/i], pr. n. (l) Jer. 35:3. (2) Eze. ll:l.
Dan. 12:5,6,7.
^TX* " (id.) (1)2 Ki. 25:23; contr. *n;3T_;
Plural t^"!**; rivers, channels, Job 28:10; Isa
40:8; njn Jer. 42: 1. (2) Eze. 8: 11.
33:21 specially the arms and channels of the Nile.

Eze. 29 3, seq. 30 1 2 Ps. 78 44 hence DHV ? 1

^N? ("whom he(sc.God)enlightens" from -flX), :


[t/ai'r], pr. Mark5:22) (l) of a

n. (Gr. 'latipoc, isa.7:l8; 19:6; 37:25.
son of Manasseh, Nu. 32:41. (2) of a judge of the and transp.
Israelites, Jud. 10:3. (3) Est. 2:5. Patron. '7$'
unused in Kal. Arabic
flSa. 20:26; from No. 2.
^j\ to despair, to be cast doicn in spirit.

I. /N
T prop. 78} unused in Kal, TO BE FOOLISH,
NIPHAL by IP to desist from any
id., followed
or thing,
27 l '^"i??? l\3S>9 Sa.
[" The primary idea appears

q. 7}X which see. pel-son

i. ,

to be that of perverseness, i. q. liy "Saul will desist from me to seek me any

more." Part. CW3 void of hope, Job 6:26. Neutr.
NIPHAL A<i3 to be foolish, Nu. 12:11; Jer. 5:4;
to actaf a fool, Isa. 19:13. Jer. 50:36, ~^X 2~in to be without hope, to be in vain, Isa. 57: IO; Jer.

*'&} D ^?? the sword (is) upon the Iving(prophets), 2:25; 18:12.
and they shall act as fools" (comp. ?)?in Job 12:17; PIEL inf. B'K', followed by 13? to give over to de~
44:25). spairEcc. 2:2O.
ITB^ (see the following word), [JosiaJi], pr.n.
II. 7 J^ unused
T in Kal, kindred to ^S, ^X, Arab. m., Zee. 6:lO.

TO GO BEFORE, TO BE FIRST. [In TheS. the VVkJ-'N* pr. n. (" whom Jehovah heals," from
" the root HL"K = ^.\ to heal, and 1HJ), Josiah, king
meaning of this root is given
properly to will, to
of Judah,642 611 B.C., restorer of the observance
to begin
[" to wish, to will," Thes.], of the law of Moses: slain in battle at Megiddo, by
Deut. 1:5; Hos. 5:11; Josh. 17:12, n?e^ 3g3?ri !?Kn Necho, king of Egypt, 3 Ki. 23:23; aChr. 34:33.
rjsa "and the Canaanites began to dwell together Greek 'Iwff/ac.
(to set their feet) in the land." Jud.l 27, 35. Some- :
*"]riN [Jeaterai] pr. ri. m.,1 Ch. 6:6; forwhicu
times used with a more emphatic sense, to under-
it is
there is in verse 26, 'P^.
take, to *.ndeavour,Gen. 18:27,31 also of him who ;

yields to th? prayers of others, and does something, JJ, unuted in Kal.
to be willing,pleased to do something, Jud.
tn be PIEL, to exclaim, to cry out, Jud 5:28. (Aran*.
17:11; 19:6, r/1 Kf^rtn "be content now, and id.; specially used of joyful exclamations; found U
lodge." Ex. 2:21; 2 83.7:29; 2 Ki. 5: 23; Job 6: the Targums for Hebr. JHn, ]}, Syr. also to blow t

Arabic (1) to lead, to bring, e.g. persons, Psa 6(. 11'-

trumpet, I.^I^Q^ the sound of a trumpet.
- *-*. 108:11.
^ul id.; especially of a battle-cry or shout; comp. (2) to bear, to carry, as gifts,
Ps. 68:30; 76. 13,
Zeph. 3:10.
Hence 33V pr. n. (3) to produce, to bring forth, as the earth.
Hence >13^ p-13 produce, ?3P1 fertile or inhabited earth.

m. produce of the earth, from the root /3^

7'IJ. HOPHAL 73-in (i) to be brought, led, Psa. 45:
like nX-13^1 produce, from N12. Lev. 26: 4,20; Deu.
15,16; Isa. 53:7; 55:12; Jer. 11:19.
11:17; 32:22; Jud. 6:4; Psa. 67:7; 85:13; Hab. (2) to be brought, carried, Isa. 18:7; Hos. 1O:6;
3:17; Job 20:28, irva >13^ P3 "the produce of 12:2; to be borne, as to the grave, Job 10:19; 2l:
his house shall rejoice," i. e. riches laid up in his
house. Derivatives, see Kal No. and HIPHIL No.
l, 3.

D'Q*. (a place trodden down, as a threshing floor, /? T

L" to rejoioe, an onomatopoetic root, unused;
from the root D-13), pr. n. Jebus, an ancient name of hence ^3V,bv II."]
Jerusalem, used in the time of the Canaanites, Jud.
1 1 l Ch. ll :4, 5. The Gent, noun is *p-13* 7?) Chald. i.
q. Hebr.
19: 10, ;

Jebusite, collect. Jebusites, a Canaanitish nation, who APHEL ?3/n to carry, Ezr. 5:14; 6:5.
inhabited that city with the neighbouring mountains,
72* m. (i) river, stream.
conquered by David, still in existence in the time of Root ^3* No. i.
Ezra, Gen. 10:16; 15:21; Nu. 13:29; Josh. 15:63;
2 Sa. 5:6; Ezra 9:1. This Gentile noun is some- (2) pr. n. Jab a I, the son of Lamech,the introducer
of pastoral life, Gen. 4: 20.
times put for the city itself (for 'p-13^n "VJJ Jud.
19:11); Joshua 15:8; 18: 16; and poetically for /2P fern. n?3* adj. flowing out, sc. with matter,
Jerusalem, Zee. 9:7; like D^E'3 for Chalda3a. sufferingfrom ulcers; used of cattle, Levit. 22:33.
*"in!l? ("whom He (sc. God) chooses"), [76- Vulg. papulas habens ; and so in the phraseology of
the Talmud, see Mishnah, Eruvin, x. 13. Arabic
har], pr.n. of a son of David, 2 Sa.5:l5; l 01.14:5.
("whom He (sc. God) considered"), [7a- defluxus pilorum.

tiVt], pr.n.
of two kings of the land of Hazor (l) Djfep (from !~6:p and DJJ, "devouring the
Josh. ll:l. (2) Jud. 4:2; Ps. 83:10.
people"), [Ibleatii], pr.n. of a town in the tribe of
CW see P3J. Manasseh, Josh. 17:11; Jud. 1:27; 2 Kings 9 37 :

written iCh. 6:55, ^3.

/J T [unused in Kal] (l) TO FLOW, especially
T m. LE vi K, a husband's brother, who, by the

Copiously, and with some violence. (Arabic .b. to law of Moses, was required to marry the wife of his
brother who had died without children, Deut. 25:
flow copiously, to rain, whence ^. a shower.
5 9. Hence the denominative
Answering to this, is German tualtcn/ whence SBclte.)
Hence ^, a river, ^13 for ^3 E5! PiELto act as the levir, to perform his duty,
*?3y, ^3-IK shower,
Q a flood, deluge (in which Yod, like Nun else-
to marry the ivife of a deceased brother, Deut.
loc. cit.; Gen. 38:8.
where, is inserted in the next letter) [ its omission

being compensated by Dagesh]. 1\ with suff. W?3>, \F,D? f. a sister-in-law,

(2) to run as a sore, whence ?3*
having a running a brother's wife, Deut. 25:7, 9; also, the wife of a
sore. Ruth l
brother-in-law, :
(3) poetically to go, to walk, like the Germ, roallen/
poet for to walk, a metaphor derived from water, X^ ("which God caused to be built"),
comp. the French aller,which belongs to the same [Jabneel"], pr.n. (l) of a town of the tribe of
stock as wallcn/ as has been well observed by Ade- Judah, Josh. 15:11. (2) of a town of the tribe of
haig (iv.p. 1366); see HIPHIL. Naphtali, Josh. 19:33.
* f
HIPHIL ?'3in (Syriac ^2>oj), causat. of No. 3, fl3^ ("which God caused to be built"), [7aft-
roetically for -?n_- neh~\, pr. n.
of a town situated on the Mediterranean
T-rvir cccxxvm n-r-mr
aea, taken from the Philistines by Uzziah, 2 Ch. 26:6; the harvest, Joel l : 10, 12, 17; and metaph. ver. 12
comp. Josh. 15:46, LXX. *Ia/zvm, 1 Mace. 4:15, and "joy dried up
has perished) from the childrei
'lupvfia, 5:58; 2Macc. 12:8. Strab.xvi. 2; Arab. of men."

U-j Yebna, which name is now given to a village II. Wy^ HIPHIL K^in, with a signification taken

situated in the ruins of the ancient town. from that of 5^3 (l) to put to shame, 2 83.19:6.
ashamed, to be
"1 whom Jehovah will build up," i. e. (2) intrans. i.
q. t?13 in Kal, to be
T ^3. ("
cause to prosper), [IbneiaK], pr. n. m. 1 Ch. 9:8.
put to shame, made to blush, Jer.2:26; 6:15;
8:12; especially used of a person whose hope has
fifty ibid. failed, Joel l 1 1 Jer. 10: 14; Zech. 9:5; poet, of
(id.), [/6yo/i], :

cities overthrown (compare the Germ, ju cfyanben

J T an unused root; Arab. ^^^ to shine. erben), Jer. 48:1, 20; 50:2.
Hence pr. n. P3FI. (3) to do shameful things, to act basely,Ho8.<i:'j.

p3_ Jabbok, pr. n. of a stream near Mount Gi- &y adj. fern. 0^3* (i) dry, dried up, Job 13:
lead, on the northern border of the Ammonites, flow- 25; Eze. 17:24; 21:3.
(2) \_Jabesh~], pr.n. (a) of a town in Gilead,
ing into Jordan on the east, now called \j ,
^jl. which also is written B"3J i Sa. 1 1 : l , 3, 5 ; Jud. 21:8.
Wady Zurka, i. e. blue river, Nu. 21 34; Gen. 32: :
of a man, 2 Ki. 15:10, 13, 14.
23; Deu. 2:37; 3= 16; Josh. 12:2; Jud. 11:13. See
Burckhardt's Travels in Syria, p. 598 ; Germ, trans. ; k^3_ (an intensitive form) i. q. K*3*, only in fun
End note on the place, in which I have rejected
my -f3-that which is dry, baS Srocfcne. HE^? on the
the error of Pococke and others, who confounded this dry, dry footed, Ex. 14:16, 22, 29; Josh. 4:22.
stream with the Hieromiax (Arab. Hence used for dry land, as opposed to sea, Gen.
CJ^cy)- As to
1:9; Ex. 4:9; Jon. 1:9, 13; 2:11; Psa.66:6. So
the etymology, Jo. Simonis, in Onomast.
page 315,
in Gr. j fopa and TO bipov, Matt. 23:15 (opp. / 0a-
is not amiss in
deriving p3* from Pi?3 to empty, by a
Aaaffa), Sir. 37 : 3 ; Vorstius, De Hebraismis N. Test
Chaldaism, for pb; hence pouring out, emptying;
ed. Fischer, cap. 2, a.
Gen. 32 25, this name is however so alluded to as

if it were for pi35>0 from the root P3X. n^IP f. id. Ex.
4:9; Ps. 95:5; Chald. emphat. st
1^3! Dan. 2:10.
^^"1 (" whom Jehovah blesses"), [Jebe-
rechiah~\, pr. n. m. Isa. 8:2. God will avenge"), \_Igeal~\, pr.n.

D T. m. (i) Num. 13:7. (2) l Ch. 3:22. (3) 2 Sam.

("pleasant"), [JY bsam], pr.n. m. 1 Ch.

-*JT i. q. 3-13 TO CUT [" spec."], TO PLOW. Part,

I. fat. t?3, pi.
?3 inf. constr.
pi. 0^3^ plowmen, husbandmen, 2 Ki. 25 12 np; :

BECOMEDRY; Jer. 52 : 16. Hence

used of plants, trees, grass, Isaiah 15:6; 19:7; 40:
7,8; Joel 1:12; of tilled fields, Jer.23:io; Isa.27:ll; 33* m .
D'33 a
field, Jer. 39: 10.
Ezek. 17:9; of the earth, Gen. 8:14; of bones void
of marrow, Ezek. 37 : 1 1 of a withered ^5^ with H parag. nn3J ( lofty"), [Jogbe-
hand, l Ki.
town of the tribe of Gad, Nu. 32.
thali], pr. n. of a
13:4 (comp. Mark 3:1); hence, of vital strength, Ps.
82 16, n'3 bnn? ebj "my strength is dried 35; Jud. 8:11.
up like a
potsherd." Moisture itself is said also to
dry up ; ^yP^!}*. ("whom Jehovah shall make
hence it is used of rivers and the sea, Job 14:11; great"), [Igdaliah'], pr.n. m. Jer. 35:4.
Gen. 8:14; Joel As
l :2O. (Arab. {Jl ^j id.) to its
I. 'J T unused in Kal, TO BE PAINED in mind,
difference from 3nn
be dry, see under that word.
to TO BE SAD. A kindred root is V3*.

PIEL E'3? to dry, to make dry, Job 15:30; Prov. PIEL nr to sad. to make Fut. H|M for
17:22; Nan. i :4 (where *n#3M J s for -inB'3^1). ";! Lam. Compare t 3 T Piel.

HiriiiL B3in_(i) to dry, to make dry, Joeh. HIPHIL nain to grieve, to make sad, to afflict,
t:io ; 4:23. Job 19:9; Lam. 1:5, 12; 3:32; 188.51:23.
() intraunt. to become dry, used of plants, fi NIPIIAL nj-13
lite, (for njto), part, afflicted, grieved,

led, Lam. 1:4. Zeph. 3:18, "Wpop \JJI3 "grieved PIEL, to weary. Josh. 7:3; Ecc. 10:15.

(and excluded) from the holy convocation." HIPHIL, y_'}in to weary someone, tobe wearisorm

Derivatives, pa*, na-in. tosome one, followed by an accus. of the person and
3 of die thing. Isai.43:23, nau>3 Tnyain t6 " I
II. H3* i.
nan No. II. to be removed.
bave not wearied thee with incense" (which I might
HIPHIL nain Sa. 20: 13. Arab, '
to remove, 2 ^j have demanded). Verse 24,
V^y. Tniaiy.3. 31
" " diou1

hast wearied me with thy sins." Mai. 2 17.

.Conj. IV. id. ["Syr. o^oj to expel"]. [This pas-
" when he had removed Derivatives, J?'?*, ny*a^, and the words which im-
sage should be construed,
(him);" see Thes.] mediately follow.

V^T m fruit of labour, what is earned by la-

p3* m. grief, sor row, Gen. 42:38; 44:31; Ps.

Root naj No. I. bour. Job2O:l8.

"W <:
lodging," deriv. of the fut. from "Via ),
y^) verbal adj. one who is wearied, tired, ex-
hausted. Deut. 25:18; 2Sa. 17:2; Ecc. 1:8, "v3
\_Jagur~\, pr. n. of a town of the tribe of Judah, Josh.
D^yy. D'"]inn "all words are wearied," are become
weary (not as Winer renders it, tire, make weary),
*^\ m. adj. wearied, exhausted, Job 3:17. [" i. e. he is wearied who would declare all these
Root yr.
things in words"].
y?y. (from the root y?') m. (l) labour, toil, [^^?! (the form actually occurring^ see ^y'?*.]
specially that which is wearisome, and thus grief
" the labour of
(Job 39:11). Gen. 'S3 31:42, Py > 3 T an unused root.
[Omitted in Thes. and the
jy hands." deriv. placed under ">a*.] JEth. 0^4: to cast > *

(2) product of labour, hence work done, Job throAv, to stone; "7: a hill, a heap of stones.
10:3; more often riches, ivealth. Isa. 45: 14; 55:2 ; Kindred to which is the Heb. "OX. Hence
Jer. 3:24; 20:5; Eze. 23:29; Psalm 109:11; Neh.
y. m. Ch. a hill, a henp of stones. Gen. 31:47.
5:13; especially that which arises from agriculture,
78:46; 128:2. D?S3 y_'y. Hag. 1:11, id. (Syr. 4;, id.)

^$ n y?l], f-
labour, weariness. Ecc.
. [def.
3 pers. iy)J) i. q. "H3 No. 2, to fear, to be
of, followed by an ace. Job 3 25 ; 9:28;
afraid :

/?? (" led into exile"), [Joglt], pr. n. m. Nu. Deu. 9:19; 28:60.
119:39; and '?.?

an unused root. Arab. .,->-. to beat abroad,
to pound, press. to
part, or verbal adj. fearing, with the addition
Hence n| (for nay, na.3) a wine-press, like prelum of the personal pronouns it forms a circumlocution
for the finite verb, Jer. 22 25 39 : 1 7.
(qs. premulwri) a premendo.

[This derivative is in

Thes. referred to JJa, a preferable arrangement.]

Tconst. HI with suff. *TJ, but D^.,
pn (for
>} T fut y?" (l) TO LABOUR, especially Avith D3T, !?T), dual DH; const. "3. Plur! n'nj"; fern.
Tort and toil, and so as to become weary. (Arab. (see however Eze. 2:9). [In Thes. this word is
to be pained, compare referred to the root n ^.]
-, na*). Const. (a) ab-
(l) THE human HAND, once used of the feet of a
sol.Job 9:29, yy* ^2n nj-nsb w hy then do I
lizard, as being like a human hand, Prov. 30:28.
labour in vain?" Prov. 23:4; Isa.49:4; 65:23. V S~
(b) followed by 3 of the thing in \vhich one (Syr. _,, Arab, ju id., JEth. ^^;). The principal
labours, Josh. 24:13; Isa. 47:12; 62:8; once in the phrases in which the proper signification cf hand u
same sense followed by an ace. verse 15. retained are the following:
(2) to be fatigued, wearied out, 2 Sa 23:10; Isa. (a) '3~J"I^, Ey '"71 my hand (is) with some one;"
40:31. Followed by 3 of the thing, Psa. 6:7, WV i. e. I
help him, I take his part, l Sa. 22:17; 2 Sa.
n ?$ 3 "I am
weary with groaning;" Jer_45:3; Ps. 3:12; 2Ki. 15:19.
69-4; also with ? of the person, Isa. 43:22, nyaj *3 (b) '?3
nn^n nj my hand
Uf in some ooe, is

'^'! '9 "for thou art wearied of me, O Israel." i. e. against him (Gen. 18:12). I dc violence anJ
h-irm to .Him, Gen. 37:27; i Sa. 18: 17, ai ; 24:13, (/3) of the hand, i. e. the aid of man, hun, aia , ,

14; Josh 2:19. So ? njvn T used of the hand Ta K^> Job 34:20, and T D3N3 Dan. 8:25, without
of Grod in punishing and afflicting, Ex. 9:3; Deut. any human power. Chald. 1?T3 K? Dan. 2 34, 45. :

:15; Jud.2:l5; lSa.7:l3; 12:15; rarely (in a Compare Lam. 4 6. :

ood sense) aiding, favouring, 2 Chron. 30: 12 Ezr. "l* from hand to hand
(g) 1*? (on ^>anb ju $anb\
9:2; to avoid the ambiguity of this medial phrase i. e.
through all ages and generations, and, when ac-
there added njn? Jud. 2: 15. The following ex-
is companied by a negative particle, never. Pro. 1 1 2 1, :

pressions are used only in a bad sense, 3 I" 1DJ (of

yn nj33J 6 l T "through all generations the
Ex. and 3 n n ? Kuth l *3; iu a good '
wicked shall not be unpunished ;" 16:5. In Persic a
God) 7 14; -

sense we find, Isa. 25:10, n*n 1H3 T m:ri the similar phrase is i^jJj ^w J> Schult. Anim-
hand of Jehovah shall rest on this mountain." 9 =c 9 z
more often iu a Prov.loc. cit.,and Syr. J,-.L^ )._) is, ont
(c) In either sense (but good one)
is this used. 'B
phrase ^ \\ \' nnn " the hand of by one, one after another. To the same usage belong]
God upon some one," i.e. as bringing aid. Ezr.
is the Arabic interpretation of jj by succession.
" as the hand of Jehovah his
7:6, V^jf Vr6 \\ 7$ (Ji) "i?7
hand to the mouth, sc. place, i. e. be
God (was) upon him." Verse 28; 8: 18, 31. Twice silent, remain silent, Pro. 30:32 (compare Job 21 15;
it is naiDn D'.T> T Ezr. 7:9; Neh.
expressly said, 29 9 40 4 Mic. 7:16). Pers. ^.U j -*'j ^
; :
; j.
9 8 also there is added nato? Ezr. 8:22. Also in a
. . i .

l"'XT n* DVkJ* 2 Sam. 13: v&dnbe uber bem

n ? v^ but (i) :>y. 19, tie
good sense there is said, Isa. l TPV >!
25, *7l ?>
in a bad, Am. l :8,
n'^D " I will turn ^opf jufammenfdjlagen/ an action of one deeply bewail-
PPX ty 'T
compare Jer. 2 : 37.
my hand upon (against) Ekron;" and so followed ing,

New Test. Acts See other expressions under the verbs

by ^X (for ^2) Eze. 13:9;
and in
13: 11, %up Kvplov Liri tre, Kai toy rv(f>\<'ig K. r. A.
ntp3, RBO, nan, n^
^Dri, yj?n, etc., and the adjective!

(d) The ph'rase, the hand of God is upon(?%) any

is also used in this se.nse, the Spirit of God is
It is so used with prepositions as sometimes tc iose
its force as a noun.
upon a prophet, begins move him, inasmuch as theto altogether

(a) in with me, after

Spirit of God was communicated to men with laying my
(au.) "}'3 hand, often for

on a hand. Eze.l:3; 3:14,22; 37:1; 2X1.3:15; verbs of carrying or leading, briny with one' as, to

followed by 7? (for 58) l Ki. 18:46. The same is self, l Sa. 14: 34, VT3
^K 0^:1^3 ? and all W0
^? V "- n i?! Eze. 3:14 (compare Isa. 8 1 1) and <"6p,3 :
the people brought each one his ox with him." Jer.


38:10, D'C'W D^ njO ^T3 n|5" take with tbee


?V V- "1- Eze. 8:1 (compared with Eze. 11:5, where

for "P there is HVl). Thus may be understood Jer. from hence thirty men." Gen. 3^' 14; 35:4; Num.
" Be-
15 17, TI' '3?O because of thy hand," i. e. because
: 31:49; Deut. 33:3; iSa. 16:2; l Ki. 10:29
of the Spirit of God by which I am moved. cause I possess the things which I bring 01 c?rry with

(e) ]0? to give the hand, i.e. to pledge the

"I* me, hence it is applied to possession, like ^N DJ? Lat. , ;

fidelity of the giver, 2 Ki. 10: 15; Ezra 10: 19; spe- penes. 00.5:13, "he beget* a ru n&1S?y iT3 J'W
who has nothing" (comp. Gem. etn>^i> in ber anb
cially the vanquished giving the hand to the victor.
Eze. 17: 18; Jer. 50:15; Lam. 5:6; 2 Chron. 30:8, fcbtn,and Hebr. ian HXVP H^ ai-J.- the word >').
rnn the hand (submit) to Jehovah." Chald. Ezr. 7:25, " the wisdom 01' *...y God which is
1J ^> "give
in thy hand," i.e. which thou pov^sesi. (/3) ''into
(For a similar usage in Syriac, see Act. 27:15, Pesh.
To this usage also into my afl-ir ~x 01 us of deliver-
Lud. de Dieu, on the passage. my hand, i.e. power,
- Sam. l8:4.
s ing, Gen. 9:2; 14:20; Exod. 4:^1; 2
belongs the gloss of Arabic Lexicographers, j^i se-
Hence ^T|KX the flock delivered into hi? hand, Ps. 95:
curity by pledge, rendering subjection, ^tipuarif;.) 7; and to the same usage are the words to he referred,
Similar is '9 nnn "' ID? to subject oneself to any Isaiah 20: 2, in;y& T3. LXX. 7rp6 t 'llaaiut; viz,

one, 1 Ch. 29:24. being about to deliver a revelation to him.(y)

(/) tlie hand, KUT itjo\iiv OJD) is sometimes used through my hand, often throughme, by means for
(a) of the hand of God (like of me, Nu. 15:23, whatsoever God commanded you
rnin for J? nn, DB>n for
nirv So Isa. 8:11, *vn Dj5jna for
D). 'na \\
T nro T? through Moses;" 2 Chr. 29:25; l Kings
(com p. letter d) and Job 23:'2,nn?3 n; for nin; T 12:15; Jer. 37:2, etc. Often thus after verbs of
nna3 *3 TK't:? "the hand of God (inflicting punish- sending, i Ki. 2:25, "and king Solomon sent "V.|
BJeut) which is
against me is
heavy ; comp. letter b. *n;:3."- Ex. 4:13; Prov. 26:6; i Sa. 16:20; 2 S*

12:25; cpn;p.>ct. 11:30; 15:23. (S)at my hand, aChron. 29:27, "the sounding of trumpets bogna
i.e. before me, in my sight, i. q. ^V?. (In this "l'H '??^\ to according to tne (musical) instru-
sense the Arabs are accustomed to use
ments of David;" i.e. the sounding followed th
\~s" f-j measures of the musical instruments appointed by
between any one's hands; see 256, 2; Koran ii. iii.

xx. 109. Schult.Opp. Min.,p.29, 30; ad Job. p. 391.

David. Compare as to this idiom, Lud. de Dieu,
In Greek iv \^paiv, Apollon., Rhod. i. 1 1 1 3 comp. TT/JO ;
on Jer. 5:31; Critica; Sacrae,p.
240. (Arab, a jj ig
- ,."{-,
oorfyomben/ <a \iipui- X tl/ > ^at. nos ^ es
\tipwi', aj Jo \z under any one's care or auspices, a phrase
3unt in manibus, i.e. in sight. Cass. Bell. Gall., ii. 19;
Salhist. Jug., ante oculos in- often found on Arabic coins connected with the name
94; Virg.^En.,xi. 31 1,
of the artist.) See also under No. 5.
terque manus sunt omnia vestras, i. e. -xpuyjEipa iort.)
" he (ff) v see No.i, let. g, and No. 5.
feigned himself mad
1 Sa. 21:14, D"l'3 in their
Dual DH* a person's two hands, also used for the
sight." Job 15: 23, "he knows T~'n DV ITS fl33 '3
hand him." plural, Job 4:3; Prov. 6:17; Isa. 13:7.
that the day of darkness is
ready at to
hands, on the (2) Plur. artificial hands, or handles,
(bb) 2V1' T? between the breast,
also used of things which resemble handles.
the front of the body, Zee. 13:6. Comp. D.TX Tl on
(a) tenons of boards (3apfcn), Ex. 26:17, 19; 36:
[Is there no secret reason
the forehead. for making
22,24. (&) the axles of a wheel, l Ki. 7:32,33
an especial rule as to Zee. 13:6? It surely must be
As to the distinction between the dual and plur. fern.
taken without gloss.]
in substantives which denote members of the body,
T? according
(cc) to thehand, in the phrase s -

^^D T? according to the hand of the king, i Ki. see Lehrg. 540. (Arab, jj handle, as of a hand-
0.. P- IT

10:13; Est. 1:7; 2: 18, i. e. according to the bounty an axe; Syriac plur. jicn,-^) handles,
mill, or of
of the king. The liberal and open hand of the king
hinges.) Comp. J"l'lS3.
is signified. Others have taken it less
appropriately ac-
(3) The hand being the seat of strength, mctaph.
cording to the power of the king; for it is not power and
power, strength (the proper force of the word
might which are here ascribed to him, but libei-ality.
being for the most part lost in such cases compare ;

'3 ~l?P out

(dd) of the hand, i. e. out of the power above (l), dd). 1J? with force, or power, Isa. 28:2;
of any one, often put after verbs of asking, Gen. 9: 5;
?$ 1! the power of God, Job 27: 11. Psalm 76:6,
31:39; Isa. 1:12; of taking, Gen. 33: 19; Nn.5:95; "and all the men of might have not found DH'T
of setting free, Gen. 32: 12; Ex. 18:9; Num. 35:25;
their hands," i.e.. have found themselves devoid of
whence it is said, out of the hands of the lion and the "
strength. (Vice versa Vit. Tim. i. 44, they found
bear, i Sam. 17 37 of dogs, Ps. 22 2 1 of the sword,
their hand and side," i. e. "they had all their
Job 5:20; of Hades, Psa. 49 16 89 49 the flame, :

strength ready.") Applied to one remarkable and

; ;

Isa. 47:14. wonderful work, Ex.l4:3l (comp. manus, Virg. JEn.

() '3 T ^., 'B T. ^> (a) hand, or
upon the vi. 688). Specially a id, assistance, 0011.32:36,
hands, of any one, after verbs of delivering, com- V n^N "help is departed." (So Arab. UJ1 jj
manding, Genesis 42:37; l Sa. 17:22; 2 Ki. 10:24; the power of the east wind, thou hast
22 :5, 9 Ezra i 8. So, to deliver 3TH T hy_
<__> <^<3 j^ j
1 2 1 2
; ;

into the hands of the sword, Psa. 63 1 1 Jer. 1 8 2 1 :

: .
no power in such a thing, Syr. J,.<OOCTl5j J^J the
But in the same sense is also said, 'B 'T, T Jinn under power of the Romans, Pers. uL-~.-J power. As to
anyone's hands, Gen. 16:9; 41:35; Isa. 3? 6. (fi) the expression a long or a short hand, see under the
T to (Ezr. l:8), more often H* to on or at the hands word ")>'.

of any one, i.e. some one taking the matter in hand, (4) The hand being used for smiting with, hence
or under his guidance (an ber anb jemanbcS/ \te a stroke. Job 2O-.22, ^shjjl ^DJ/ T'^ "every
manbcm l Chr. 25 3, Dn*3X h])
" under stroke of the wretched comes upon him;" whatever
jur anb). : 'T.
the (or superintendence) of their father,"
guidance usually falls upon the wretched. (Compare Latin
verses 2, 6; 7:29. (As it is said in Latin, servus a manus, for a blow, with regard to gladiators.)
m(tnu,ad manum esse.) Also used of one absent (5) aside, properly used of the sides of a person,
and dead, whom others follow as a guide or director. where the hands and arms are situated (comp. Lat.
aChnn. 23:18, TH
'T to " by the guidance of ad dextram, sinistram manum, ad hanc manum, Tereni.
David;" i. e. as following David, according to the Ad. iv. 2, 31). Hence the dual CH' properly both
institution of David, Ezra 3:10. Used of things, 3
sides, especially in the phrase DHJ D"5 broad of botl
tides, i.e. long and broad, widely extending, Gen. Ch. Heb.
N"E i.
q. rnj.
34:21; Ps. 104:25; Isa, 33:21, etc. Used in the AraEL, to prais e (God). Part S^VnD Dan. 2 : 23
ing. of the side or bank of a river,
Ex. 2:5; Dcut. contr. Nl'lD Dan. 6 1 1. :

9 V f I

:37 (Syr. |v> ._ shore). With prepositions, T?

iSa. 19:3; iCh". 18:17; 23:28; Prov.8:3;T"iyi
JV^TC' that which God has shown," for a^T
Sa.4:l8; T
^X 2 Sa. 14:30; 18:4; 7J? Josh. T with a Syriac inflexion from
J j to show [So accord-
15:46; 2 Sam. 15:2; 9 Ch. 17:15; 31:15; Jobl: ing to Simonis or, perhaps from a doubtful root *?K",

14 ;
Neh. 3 :
2, seq. ; *T. ?J? Num. 34 3 :
Jud. 1 1 : 26 ;
i.q. Arab.
J\j and Uj to go softly secretly"]).
by the side of, near (Syr. _ near). 1 Ch. 6: ^^ [Ida la h], pr. n. of a town in the tribe of Zebulon.
16, njn rva TK> n; to TH
nn?$n ->^ whom David Josh. 19:15.
constituted for (by the side of) the singing of the

temple;" like the German, er ftcllte U)n an bci) bem T : (perhaps "honied," compare 2'?"'!), [Id-
See farther as to the particle *T ?# No.l, bash^, pr. n. m. l Ch. 4:3.
cc. Plur. rfnj sides (a) of a royal throne, arms n*V TO TO CAST, as a
I. i
J T i.q. THROW, lot.
as of a chair, lateral supports, lKi. 10: 19. (b) la- Pret. pi. IT Joel 4:3; Nah. 3:10; Obad. 11.
teral projections on bases, 1 Ki. 7:35, 36.

(6) a place, Deu.23:i3; Nu.2:i7, n; Jftf *

H. I
j T
[an unused root], i.
q.l^ to love. Arab.
" each one in his own
place." Isa. 56:5 (compare
No. 8). Isa. 57: 8, nnn T
"thou didst look thee J..
Hence are T"1J beloved, TNTT dearly beloved, and
out a place." Ezek. 21 :24. Dual id. Josh. 8:20,
" the proper names nnn, ITO, fy [T].
DJ> DH4 Dra jrn *6 they had no place to flee."
(?) opart (perhaps properly a handful, a part of 1 .
(the actually occurring form), see nnH*. J
anything to bo taken up whilst dividing). Jer. 6:3;
Dan. 12:7. [Qu. as to the applicability of these two n J T TO THROW, TO CAST, i.q. "^IJ No. I. ;

Plur. n'VT 2 Ki. 11:7, D?3 JYn'rt *$& dred is nnn. ^th. Q)^P: Imp. IT Jer. 50:
id. 14.
"and two parts of you," opposed to the third part. PIEL, i.q. Kal, to throw, as stones. Fut. ^!5 foi

Gen. 47:24, n'njn J?:nX "four parts," opposed to ^^l Lam. 3 53.
: Inf. n'l V Zee. 2 4. :

Ot^Pn the fifth part.' Neh. il:i. (Compare Hf.)

HIPHIL nnin, fu t. rrn\ sometimes nnisv. ps .
Also in the connection, Dan. l 20, " and he found : 45:18; Neh. 11:17.
themDVJD-inn-'pa ty JTiTTB^ ten parts (i.e. ten (1) to profess, to confess; perhaps properly, to
times) wiser than all the magicians." Gen. 43:34; show or point out with the hand extended; from
9 Sa. 19:44. the idea of the hand being cast forth, i.e. extended

(8) a monument, trophy, i.

q. (a hand being ^ (see Kal; comp.
"V rbv and ITV, K a and
Hiphil, to l

that which points and marks), of victory, l Sa. 15: cast, and thence to shew by the extended hand).
19 ; "
sepulchral, 2 Sa. 18 18. Isa. 56:5, I will give
: Arab. ^j. Conj. X.; Syr. Aph. id. Constr. followed
to them in my house CC/M T a memorial and followe
by an ace. Pro. 28: 13
(or : 1
by <'J.
portion) and a name." This name in Hebrew for a
ing), Ps. 32:5.
monument may be connected Avith the ancient custom
give thanks, to j>, or'rftf, V ::el'braie, since
(2) to
of sculpturing on cippi or sepulchral columns, an
thanksgiving and praise naturally fellow the acknow-
open hand and arm. See Hamackeri Diatribe de ledgment or confession of benefits received followed ;

Monumentis Punicis (Humbertianis, Lugduni asser-

by an ace. Gen. 29 35 49:8; Psalm 7:18; 30:13; :

vatis), p. 20, and Reuvensii ad eadem Animadverts. and V of pers. Ps. 75 2 i Ch. 29 1 3 Ezr. 3:11. -TUn:
: ;

p. 5, seq. Dt? to name of Jehovah, l Ki. 8:33; Ps.

J* praise
As to the Dual, see Nos. l, 3, 5, 6.
54:8; J? D|J7 id., 106:47; 122:4.
As to the Plural fin* Nos. 2, 5, 7.
HITHPAEL "Tljnn (Vav being taken in the place of
T Ch. emph. K^ Daniel 5:5, 24; with suff.
TV,, Tod) i. q. Hiphil'.
aT, DJTE, Ezr 5 8.' Dual - = H! Dan. 2:34, 45, i.
q. (l) to confess, prop, to confess concerning one's
Heb. 1* hand. T IP from
the hand, i.e. the power self, to chew one's self as guilty. ^Eth. A?l ri"TJ?f <


after a verb of liberating (compare Heb. 1!P), e. g. to accuse, to criminate; properly, I believe, to object,
from the hand of the lions, Dan. 6:28. As to Ezr. cast against; (Germ. Dorwcrffen* from the idea of

7 : 14, 95, compare Heb. No. \ aa. t casting; (0*^^: an accusation, ^Jorirurf), Dan. 9 4
followed by an ace. of the thing, Levit. 5:5; 16:21 ;
J/T T fut. JTT, once JTl?*, (see Lehrg. 389), inf. alx
26:40; ^ of the thing, Neh. 1:6; 9:2.

corresponding to the i
JN1J, constr. J"ljn, obvioxisly

(2) to praise, to celebrate, followed by ? 2 Chr. tiduv, olda, TO SEE; and hence, to perceive, to ar
30:22. quire knowledge, to know, to be acquainted. I*
Derived nouns, [T], JTrtn, nn|n, and the proper includes the action of knowing both as commencing,
names prHT, nn, rvttiV., and those which are se- ba Jicnncnternen/ @rfat>ren/ and as completed, ba8 Jleni

condarily derived from them, "NPP, '"N^, nH-in], ncn, SBiffcn/ (The root is very widelj
"ID.?? [also perhaps rn, ppY]. extended in the Indo-Germanic languages, in the

ty jty, "loving," "given to love"), signification both of seeing and knowing; as Sanscr.
m. Ch. 27:21. wid, budh ; Zend, weedem ; Gr. t'iSw, t5w, ol$a, Saiw;
[/drfo], pr.n. (l) 1 (2) Ezr.lO:43-
Lat. video ; Goth, vitan ; Engl. weet [Qu. to wit] ;
("a judge" ["or, 'whom God A as judg-
ji"T Germ, reetcn, wtffrn/ njctfej and so also in the Sclavonic
ed'"]}, [Jadon], pr.n.
m. Neh. 3:7. Bohem.
tongues, as the Polish, widze, to see; wedeti,
to see.) The is found in the
JflT ( known"), ryaddua], pr.n. m. (l) Neh. original signification
" and his sister stood
10:22. (2) Neh. 12:11,22. following examples, Exod. 2:4,
afar off \> r&y* ""ID ^V^ -- to see what would happen

pnvr, prvr, & prvT Chr. i s -

P r ai s , :
3s ( to him." l Sa. 22:3. Also, Isa. 6 9, Wlff h*\ tan INT :

ing," "celebrating," from the obsolete noun MT. "seeing ye shall see, and not perceive" (in the other
praise, praisings ;
root nT Hiphil, to praise, with the member is, hearing ye shall hear, and not under-
addition of the termination \_Jeduthun\, pr. n. of
stand). These examples may be added to the pri-
a Levite, set as chief over a choir, l Chr.
by David mary signification of seeing: Deut. 34:10, iyv ">K/8
9:16; 16:38,41, 42; 25:1; also of his descendants, D*3S 7X 0^3 9 ^ (in the same connection elsewhere HX"1
who were themselves musicians, 2 Chr. 35:15; Neh. Gen. 32 :3i; Jud. 6:22; 2 Ki.i4:8, 11); Eccl. 6:5;
11:17; Ps. 39:1; 62:1; 77:1. -3
Dl^ VT Esth. 2 11 i. q. && njjfi Gen. 37 14.
: , :

*T Sometimes JHJ to see, to observe with the eyes, i<

\Jadau], pr.n. Ezr. 10:43 np.
opposed to what we hear or observe with our ears.
T~J* (from the root TV No. II), m. (l) beloved, Isa. 40:21, -iy?^n 66 DX -Ijnri j6n "have ye net
a friend, Isa. 5:1. njn* TT beloved by the Lord,
seen? have ye not heard?" Ver. 28; 44: 18, -Ijnj t6
Ps. 127:2; applied toBenjamin, Deu. 33:12; in "
they see not, they do not understand, foi
13^3^ tOl
to the Israelites, Ps. 60:7; 108:7. their eyes are besmeared that they may not see, and
(2) pleasant, lovely, Psa. 84 : 2. Plur. n'VVT.
that their hearts may not understand;" where Vl* is
charms. Psa. 45: 1, n'lTT. "VS? "a pleasant song." 7 ??'n to the heart or mind.

applied to the eyes, just as

song of loves," i. e. an epithalamium. (Syr. W T
then signifies that which results from seeing,

]*-*+-> beloved.) unless anyone be devoid of senses and mind, or has his
understanding shut up. The following are its specific
Tin* ("beloved"), {JedidaK], pr. n. of the
mother of king Josiah, 2 Ki. 22:1.
(1) to perceive, to be aware of(wafyr*
know, to

nVT*T fern, delight, that which is loved, Jer. whether by the eyes (Isa. 6:9)
nefymen/ geroafyr rcevben),
12:7. or by the touch, Gen. 19:33; often by the mind, and
n !TT hence to understand, Jud. 13:21 with the addition
("the delight ['friend'] of Jehovah"),

of 33J? DJ? Deut. 8 5. Followed by ? of the thing


\Jedidiah~\, a cognomen given to Solomon when

through which any thing is understood, Gen. 15:8,
newly born, by the prophet Nathan, 2 Sa. 12:25.
JHS no? "whence shall I understand?" Gen. 24;
("whom Jehovah has shewn" ["who 14; Ex. 7: 17.
praises <Jod"]), \_Jedaiah~\, pr.n. m. (l) 1 Ch. 4:
(2) to get to know, to discover, whether by see-
37. (2) Neh. 3:10.
ing (see Ex. 2:4; l Sa. 22:3) or by hearing, Gen. 9:
Will (" known by God"), \Jediaet\, pr. n. 24; Deu. ll:2; Neh. 13:10; or, to know by expe-
*f a son of Benjamin, l Ch. 7:6, 10, 11. rience, to experience, Job5:25; Eccl. 8:5. So
often in threatenings (Germ, bu nrirft eS frfjon geroafyr
see Jinn*.
tcerben/ erfatjrem ffltlen 5 Lat. tu ipse videbis, senties).
" krael shall see." Job a
"T- (" weeping"), [JidlapK\, pr.n. of a son Hos. 9 7, :
Sip! lyT 7 : ! 9,
of Nahor, Gen. as : 99. JTVI. V| D^B" (God) recompenses him that he may
see." Ex. 6:7. "and ye shall know that I am Je- "I know not how to flatter;" 23:3; 1 Sa. l6:l6j
hovah your God," 7 : 5, 17 ; 11:7; Ezek. 6:7; Isa. Neh. 10:29; conj. *3 Genesis 3:5; also by a vhole
" \ve do not know DB> *D
5:19; 9:8; Ps. 14:4. (In the Koran the expression sentence, Gen. 43 22, :

is of frequpnt occurrence, _ - then shall who piit," etc. Also the accusative of the c eject
^^Lt? <

may be altogether omitted, as after verbs of calling.

they understand, e. g. xxvi. 48 ;
see Schult. Opp.
Cantl :8, "H? 'V"1H as in Lat. si nescis, ircnn bu
Min. nd. Job 21:19.)
e8 nidjt here redundant, as Job 5:27.
itetjjtj "H/ is
(3) to know, to become acquainted with any
Specially the phrases are to be noticed (a) JHV vp
one Deu. 9 24 any thing (as a coun-
(f enne n lerncn), :
"who knows;" followed by R fut., 3 Sam. 12:22;
try), Num. 14:31. Often put by a euphemism for
Joel 2: 14; Jon. 3:9; more fully D*< 81* 'P Est. 4: 14,
sexual intercourse. (a) of a man ; to know a woman, " who knows whether," i. q. Lat. nescio an, hand scir
i. e. to lie with her, Gen. 4:
17, 25; i Sa. i 19, etc. :

an, for fortasse (comp. DK B. As to Pro. 24:22


2). ;
Gen. 19:5.
also as applied to crimes against nature,
see No. 6. (b) V^J 3to JTT to know
good and
(Verbs of knowing are frequently employed for this
evil;" Gen. 3:5,22; i.e. to be prudent, to be wise,
euphemism in other languages, both oriental and who
[no one really believes in the fall of man can
occidental; see Syr. JQ-a*/, Arab. tJ-c, admit this explanation], whence V^J 31B njnn H? ib.
^\ ,

2:17, "the tree of wisdom [knowledge]." On

f\?\<R>; Greek yn-wtncw, see Fesselii Adv. S. ii. 14;
this account little children are said not to know good
Pfochenius, De Purit. Styli N. Test, page 10; Lat.
and Deut. 1:39; compare Isa. 7:15; and also
cognosco, Justin, v. 2 and thus Italian and French

conoscei-e, connottre, although these have perhaps been

decrepit men, who have, as it were, sunk into
second childhood, 2 Sam. 19:36. See Horn., Od. t
borrowed from the phraseology of the Holy Scrip-
a woman, ^S Piyv "to have lain
xviii. 223, o7a ra<mi, iffdXa rt cat %tpua, jrapo? df
ture.) (i) of
with man," Genesis 19:8; Jud. 11:39; more
(6) to foresee, to expect any thing. Psa. 35:8,
33fp> B*K njn; Num. 31 17. Compare Ovid., :
" letdestruction come upon him VT. K? not expect-
Heroid.,vi. 133, "titrpiterillavirum cognovit adultera
Job " removes
ing it," i. e.
unexpected. 9:5, (God)
(4) to knote, to be acquainted wilh any one, mountains," VHJ N^ (properly) "they expect it not,"
" God over-
with ace. of person, Gen. 29:5; Isaiah 1:3; of the unexpectedly, suddenly. (Kor. xvi. ?8,
thing, Gen. 30:29. C'2 JHJ to know by name, Ex. throws them .. ,^*.i 5. not expect ing it." Lokm.
33:12,17; D'?3^N D:b JH>to know face to face, Fab. 28.) Cant. 6: 12, \31?D^ B^3 F|nj N^> "I knew
Deu. 34: 10. Part. act. plur. D'VT " those who know
not," i.e. "when I did not expect, my soul made
me," my acquaintances (nrnne SScfonntcn), Job 19: 13. So JJT 'P who foresees ? i. e.
me," etc. Jer. 50 24.

J"P knoton, followed by V Deut. 1:13,

Part. Pass.
no one knows, or foresees, for suddenly, unexpectedly,

"men Da't??^ ? D'jrv who are known to your tribes," Pro. 24: 22 parall. DK??.

without the dative, verse 15. Isaiah 53: 3, ^>n JrtT

(7) Often used of the will, to tnrn the mind to
"known to sickness," i.e. bcfannt, orrtraut nut JCrank
something, to care for, t> see ah-)ut. Germ, nadj)
for the prose expression vn? JJVP,
according to etwaS fe^er.. Gen. 39:6. HDISp HI ^"'
" ho took
others known by sickness, as being remarkable for
and calamities; an especial ex-
of none of his things;" Prov. i,:
'n ^7:23; Job
suffering sicknesses
9:21 (opp. to oxp). Job 34:4, ato-no a3 ny-|3
ample of a man afflicted with calamities (Compare "let us see to it amongst ourselves what is
9 ^ =r good?"
Syr. L^_> known, illustrious.) i. e. let us attend to C, loi cr "ivestignte. In the

(5) to know, to have a knowledge of any thing, other hemistich n "JD.3?. FolloAved by? Job 35: 15,
with an ace. like nya JTV (see nra), r.$n J!T to know B'Sa yv N7 " he does not regard iniquity." Spe-
knowledge (to have knowledge, understanding), Pro. cially used (a) of God as caring for men; Psalm
17:27, etc.; followed by the prepos. 3 (German urn 144:3; Nah. 1:7; followed by ]P Amos 3: 2, "you
Genesis 19:33, 35; Sa. only have I known (especially cared for) of all the
ttn>a imfitn), 22:15; Jer. i

38:24; 72 Job 37: 16; followed

by the naked inf. nations of the earth." Gen. 18: 19, U?P.^ vru?T
Jer. 1:6; 1 Sam. 16:18; by a gerund, Ecc. 4:13; njX^ "him (Abraham) have I known (cared for
10: 15; Eccl. 4: \7, " they know not JH nib}> that chosen) that he may command," etc. Compare Ps&
they do evil ;" likrt the Germ, jte glauben nidtf ubet baran 1:6. (6) of men regarding or worshipping God.
by a finite verb, Tob32:22, H3DS Hos.8:; 13:4; Ps. 36:11; g: 1 1, IPf *yf "those
n cccxxxv
who know (regard or worship) tny name." Job HITHPAEL jniOn to make one's selj known, Gen
18:21, ^ yT 5*6
(1^8) "who regards not God," 45:1; to reveal one's self, Nu. 12:6; followed bj

an atheist, l Sa. 2:12.

knowing, or wise, Psalm 73: 22; Derivatives *?VT SI!, '"W!!, ^Vl, VI?, y 1^9, -

(8) absol. to be Vl'lO,

Isa.44:9 18; 45:20; 56:10. Part. DTf i.
B W1 nyito, and the pr.'n. yv, n;yV, glT, ?J8lJ.
Job 34:2, Eccles. 9:11. Hence r~ljn wisdom, or yT. Ch. fat. yw Daniel 2 :g, 30; 4: 14, i.
q. Heb.;
knowledge, which see.
NIPHAL y~P 3 (i) to be, or to become known, of to understand, Dan. 2: 8; 5:23.
(1) to perceive,
persons, Ps. Pro.3l:23; of things, Ex. 2:14;
76:2 ;
know, to learn, Dan. 4:6; 6:11.
(2) to get to
Lev. 4:14; Ps. 9: 17. Followed by ? of the person
(3) to know, to have knowledge of, Dan. 5:22.
to whom any thing is known, l Sam. 6:3; Ruth 3:3;
Part. pass. N3?9? N.lil/ SH) be it known to the king.
Est. 2 : 22. Gen. 41:21, HJ|^H^ -IN?" ?
y *fy nor
Ezr.4:12, 13.
was it known
(did appear) that they had entered
APHEL jnin fat. jnin* part. Vlinp tomake known,
(been swallowed) into their bowels (belly)." hew, followed by dat. of pers. Daniel 2: 15, 17, 28;
to s
(2) pass, of Hiph. No. 2, to be taught by experience, with suff. Dan. 2:23, 29; 4: 15; 5: 15, 16, 17; 7:16
i. e. to be punished, comp. Kal No. 2. Prov. 10:9,
Derivative in?P.
VST 5 " he who perverts his ways (acts
y_TV !
y*!! (" wise"), \Jada], pr. n. m. l Ch. 2:28, 32.
perversely) shall be made to know," be taught, i.e.
be punished. 31:19, *V7,'l^ '-HS? "after I was
Jer. "Xy I. (" for whom Jehovah cares"), \_Je-
instructed." Well rendered by Luther, nachbem daiah~\, pr. n. m. l Ch. 9:10; 24:7; compare Zee.
id) geiDifctjjt bin. 6:10, 14.
PIEL, causat. to make to know, to shew anything
rV\. m. pi. D'tfyi* (l) properly knowing, wise,
to any one; with two accusatives, Job 38: 12. hence a prophet, a wizard, always used in a bad
PUAL, part. y^.P knoivn, with stiff. 'V^P my ac- sense of false prophets. Lev. 19:31; 20:6; Deut.
quaintance, Psalm 31:12; 55:14; 88:9, 19. Fern.
something known. Isa. 12:5 a'ro. 18: 11; l Sa. 28:3,9 (comp. JU prop, knowing, a
i.Wq. PIEL, to sheiv, with ace.
should it

not be read
of pers.l Sa.
instead of
magician, like the Germ, rceifer i)3?ann> fluge^rau/ used
21:3. 'Jjiy.*lin of wizards uttering words to the deluded people.)

(2) a spirit of divination, aspiritof python

HIPIIIL yi'in (imp. yiin) cause some one
(i) to with which these soothsayers were believed to be in
to know something, to shew something to some one, communication. Lev. 20:27; comp. 31S.
(a) followed by two ace. Gen. 41 139; Ex. 33: 12,
T Jah a word abbreviated from nin* Jehovah,
13; Eze. 20: 11; 22:2. Used in threatening, 1 Sa.
" or rather from the more ancient pronunciation !"li{J2
14:12, "O^ OppN y/T13 we will shew you this
or HVV this rests on the assumption that one of
thing." (b) followed by ace. of the thing, and dat.
these contradictory pronunciations is the more an-
of pers. Ex. 18: 20; Deut. 4:9; Ps. 145:12; Neh.
whence by apocope VT*-(as*nfl|P*for ninijlB^)
9:14. (c) followed by an ace. of pers. and an entire cient],
then by the omission of the unaccented PIJ, Lehrg.
sentence, Josh. 4:22; iKi. 1:27. (c?) followed
vn ace. of the thing, Ps. 77:15; 98:2; Job 26 3. 157. Either of these forms is used promiscuously

at the end of many proper names, as SrPpK, and '"V?K,

(2) to teach, to acquaint, followed by ace. of
pers. Job 38:3; 40:7; 42:4; dat. Prov. 9:9; spe- ln;pT and rmv, -in;y^ and njyg>, the final n

cially, by experience, to teach any one by punishing,

in these compounds being always without Mappik.
to punish. Kal No. 2. Jud. 8: 16. " (he PIJ is
principally used in certain customary phrases,
Compare "
took) the thorns of the wilderness and threshing in-
as n^'-l
?pn praise ye Jehovah !" Ps. 1 04 35 1 05 : :

struments n'l3D 'BOX DK Dna jn*j an d with them he 45; 106:1,48; lll:l; 112: 1 113: l, etc. Besides ;

taught the men of Succoth ;" i. e. crushed them with e.g. Ps. 89:9; 94:7,12; Isa. 38:11; Ex. 15:2, M^
rP J~npTl. "
iron threshing instruments laid
upon thorns (see fc^-H).
my strength and my song is Jehovah."
LXX. Vulg. from the Hebrew y"V1,
Ps. 1 18: 14; Isai. 12:2; Ps. 68:5, \0$ aj? Jah is
t}\6r](Tj>, contrivit,
which seems to me more suitable to the context than his name" (comp. ? let. D). Isa. 26:4. (In a few
the common doxological forms this word is also retained in
reading. 9 . V
HOPHAL y"Tin to be made known. Lev. 4:23, 28. as jLnxoo* OT.A^ glory to Je lovah, Assam. Bibl
Part. njn-lE Jsa. 12:5 Orient, ii.
'~>p 230 iii. 570.)
mrr-nrv CCCXXXVI
U T in Hebrew a, rare and defective root; of Jehu, pr.n. (perhaps i. q.
frequent use in Chaldec, Syriac, Arabic, and WH"] "Jehovah is He," like TO for jpcnn)._
TO GIVE, (l) of a king of Israel, who, after exterminating the
opic (3^, cOOT^jSjCDU:) -q-
dynasty of Ahab, held the kingdom from 844 56,
TO PL ACE, once in pret. Psalm 55: 2 3, nirP'TP ^|?^n B.C. he was very much opposed to [some kinds of] idol-
" commit to God he has
^3p*. (that which) given atry, but very cruel, 2 Ki. chap. 9 and 10. (2 ) of a
th'ee (or) laid on thee," I e.
thy lot, for ^ 3n; ~\m. prophet living in the kingdom of Israel, in the time
The person to whom anything is given is often ex- of Baasha, l Ki. 16:1; 2 Ch. 19:2: 20:34. (3) of
pressed by the pronoun suffixed to the verb; see others of little note.
'?nri? Josh. 15: 19; compare Arab. U-V J.\j, and
L^ **s masc. ("whom Jehovah holds fast"),
so ^_^Jv t with two ace. of pers. and thing, although
[Jehoahaz], pr.n. (l) of a king of Israel 856
this construction is not sanctioned by grammarians. 840 B.C. the son of Jehu, 2 Ki. 13:1 (2) of a 9.
Others take 3!? in this place as a subst. burden, king of Judah, 611 B. C. the son of Josiah, 2 Kings
jrief.) 23:31 35; 2 Ch. 36:1. This name is also spelled
Found 30 (Prov. 30: 15);
besides only in imper. THSJV. LXX. 'Io,a Xac.
often with n parag. nan, 3n (Ruth 3:15) pl.^H f.

("whom Jehovah gave," K'Kprob.from

(l}give, give here. Genesis29:2l Job6:22; ;

8 Sam. 16:20, nyy 0:6 -nn give counsel!" B'-IK, to give), [Jehoash~\, pr.n. (l)of a king
(*) place, put, set. 2 Sa. 11:15; Deu. i:i3,13n of Judah 877 38 B. C., the son of Ahaziah, 2 Ki.
Dn?3 D3^ "set for yourselves men." Josh. 18:4.
I2:l; 14:13; also spelled E'Kr [7oas/i],ibid.; ll:2;
(3) adv. of exhorting, come ! come on ! come now, go 12:20. (2) of a king of Israel 840 25 B. C. the
o -
son of Jehoahaz, 2 Kings 13:10 25; also spelled
'o. :3, 4, 7; 38:16; Ex.l:lO. (Arab. __ ( jj>

As to H3H Hos. 4:18, see Analyt. Ind. contractedly

KW* ibid, verse 9. LXX 'Iwdc.
, grant.)
Derivative "TOT Chald. i.q. rnin; the land of Judah, Ju-
s **- s ^
3^] (Dan. 3:28) imp. 3H Dan. 5:17; part. act.
dcea. (Arab. j-i., j-fc collectively the Jews.) Dan.
3.^, pass. 3'IV, pret. pass. J"l?';v, to'il* Dan. 7 1 1, 12 :
Ezr. 5:14; fut. and inf. are borrowed from ID?, comp. 8:25, Nn> Kn-ta <33 "the captives of
5:13; 6:14; Ezr. 5: i,8.
Syr. _=><rL, fut. ^kj from ^Li = ?H3. Ch. i.
["(2) Jehud, a town of the Danites, Joshua
Heb. 19H5."]
(l) toDan. 2 37, 38,48,
give. = to deliver, to give
(verbal from fut. Hoph. "praised," comp.
jver, Dan. 3:28; 7:11.
Gen. 49:6), pr.n. Judah, borne by
(a) to lay (a foundation), Ezr. 5:16.
place, to
(l) the fourth son of Jacob, Gen. 29:35; 35: 2j;
ITHPEAL, 3rVflX3rpJV, part 3rvrj fut.
to be given,
and the tribe springing from him (""H'" ! '??), Num. 1 "" 1

or delivered, Dan. 4:13; 7:25, etc.

7:12; Josh. li:2l, etc., the boundaries of which are

a secondary verb, denom. from "HH*.

ilJ described, Josh. 15. iTTirV VI the mountain district
of Judah; see "V3 p. ccxxx. After the division of
HITHPAEL, ID-rifl pr. to make one's self a Jew,
L e. to embrace the Jewish religion, Est. 8: 17. The the kingdom, the name of this tribe was applied tc
letter Yod, which, in the noun is a servile, becomes a one of the kingdoms which included the tribes of
* radical as in n~ g from t^p, and from this again is
Judah and Benjamin with a portion of Simeon and
* 9*
Dan, and had Jerusalem for its metropolis the other ;

formed *J3 u*> from $\ see more

^j kingdom was either called ^XTB*. or (especially in the

instances of this kind in Reisk ad Abulf., Ann. ii. 510. prophets) DH?. ~] npnN the land of Judah,
S-f the kingdom of Judah, Isa. 19:17. !TTirV "VJJ the
So Arab. j'jj> to become a Jew, from j.& for
e -.- ' (capital) of Judah, i. e. Jerusalem, 2 Ch. 25:28, i. q.
j Kor. ii.
59; lxii.6; II. to make a Jew." nn TJf 2 Ki. 14:20. After the carrying away of the
ten tribes, and after the Babylonian exile, this name
Thes.] is applied to the whole land of Israel, Hag. 1:1, 14,

^J (for n^rij whom Jehovah directs," from 8 : 3. Where it signifies the land (Judtea)
ni$n* ii

[Jahdaf], pr.n. m., l Ch. i:47. fern., Psalm 114:2; where the people (the Jnvs for
tribe of Judah]) masc. Isa. 3:8; TLe same name ]?), rightly appealing to the authority of certain
was borne by ancient writers, who have stated that the God of the
l} other more obscure persons (a) Neh. 1 1 :g. Hebrews was called IAO (Diod. i. 94: 'urropovot ....
Ezr. 3:9; Neh. 12:8. (c) Neh. 1
2 34. (d) ib. vofjiovs SiSovai
: Tovq vapa. $e roue 'lovtiaiovg Mwffjji'
verse 36. rof IA} iiriKuXovfjiei'ov Qf.6v. Macrob. Sat. i. l8.
Hesych. v. 'O'ac, intp. ad Clem. Alex. Strom, v.
'"PIT p l. DH-in;, sometimes DTI^! Est.4:7; 8:1,
p. 666. Theod. qusest. 15 ad Exod. KaXovai ce aim

7,13; 9:i5, i8,ina>n3 n ABE to which

Zafiape'irai I [ .}L|!] 'lov^atot e IAQ);
(1) Gent, noun, a Jew (a) one who belonged to also may be added, that this same form appears on
the kingdom of Judah, 2 Ki. 16:6; 25:25. (ft)
the gems of the Egyptian Gnostics as the of
the later Hebrew, after the carrying away of the
God (Iren. adv. Hsres. 34; ii. 26. Bellermann, liber
ten tribes, it was applied to any Israelite, Jer. 32 12 :
die Gemmen der Alten mit dem Abraxasbilde, i. ii.).
38:19; 40:11; 43:9; especially 34:9 (Syn. 'l^.). Not very dissimilar is the name lEYii of Philo By-
Neh. 1:2; 3:33; 4:6; Est.2:5;3:4; 5:13. Fern.
blius ap. Euseb. praep. Evang. i.
9; and IAOY (^J) in
nnn i 011.4:1 8. Clem. Al. Strom, v. p. 562. Others, as Reland (de-
(2) [Jeliudi], pr. n. m. Jer. 36: 14, 21. cad. exercitatt. de vera pronunciatione nominis Je-

"Flf"l. Ch. a Jew, only occurring in pl. rxi-i hova, Traj. ad Rh. 1707, 8.), following the Samari-
was anciently the true pro-
tans, suppose that nijl*
phat. WNnj Dan. 3:8,12; Ezr 4 : 1 2 ; 5:1,5.

nunciation, and they have an additional ground for

(l) f. Gent. n. H'fV adv. Jewishly,
lJ the opinion in the abbreviated forms -1HJ and nj. Also
in the Jewish tongue, 2 Ki. 18:261; Neh. 13:24.
those who consider that nJ!"^ was the actual pronun-
(a) pr. n. Judith, the wife of Esau, Gen. 26:34. ciation (Michaelis inSupplem. p. 524), are not alto-
gether without ground on which to defend their opi-
; Jehovah, pr. name of the supreme God nion. In this way can the abbreviated syllables in*
(D*n?sn) amongst the Hebrews. The later Hebrews, and V, with which many proper names begin, be more
for some centuries before the time of Christ, either
satisfactorily explained. [This last argument goes a
misled by a false interpretation of certain laws (Ex.
long way to prove the vowels ^^* to be the true ones. J
80:7 Lev. 24:11), or
else following some old super- To give my own opinion [This opinion Geseniui!
stition, regarded this name as so very holy, that it afterwards THOROUGHLY retracted; seeThes. and Amer.
might not even be pronounced (see Philo, Vit. Mo- trans, in voc. he calls such comparisons and deriva-

sis t. iii. p. 519, 529). Whenever, therefore, this no- tions,"waste of time and labour;" would that he had
men tetragrammaton occurred in the sacred text (DE>n, learned how irreverent a mode- this was of treating
Ehbon DE>), they were accustomed to substitute for such subjects!], I suppose this word to be one of the
*3"% and thus the vowels of the noun ^'"IX are in most remote antiquity, perhaps of the same origin as
the Masoretic text placed under the four letters mrp,
Joins, Jwpiter, and transferred from the Egyptians to
but with this difference, that the initial Yod receives the Hebrews [What an idea! God himself revealed
a simple and not a compound Sh'va ( n j^?, not
""IJH?.); this as his own name; the Israelites could never have
prefixes, however, receive the same points as if they received it from the Egyptians] ; (compare what has
were followed by OIK., thus FlJrpJ, nj,T3, mrVD. This been said above, as to the use of this name on the
custom was already in vogue in the days of the LXX.
Egyptian gems [but these gems are not of the most
translators; and thus it is that they every where remote antiquity; they are the work of heretics of
translate mrp by 6 Kupioc (V'"l): the Samaritans have
the second and third centuries]), and then so in-
also followed a similar custom, so that for rrtn'
they flected by the Hebrews, that it
might appear, both in
pronounce N^
(i. q. OEM). Where the text has form and origin, to be Phenicio-Shemitic (see
nirv '31X, in order that Adonai should not be twice

repeated, the Jews read D'nVs '31X, and they write To this origin, allusion is made Exod. 3: 14;
n*f?K ">% (ever) shall be (the same) that I am
As thus evident that the word njrp does not
it is
(to-day);" compare Apoc. l :4, 8, 6 u!t> Kai 6 r\v Kal 6
stand with its own vowels, but with those of another name nin* being derived from the verb
tpxdjui>oe: the
ivord. the
inquiry arises, what then are its true and Hjn to be, was considered to signify God as etetTial
genuine vowels ? Several consider that r\r\\ \ s the and immutable, who will never be other than the
true pronunciation made
(according to the analogy of 3pJP, same. Allusion is to the same etymology, Hoc.
l:6, n3T nin< "Jehovah (i.e. the eternal, the im-
PTJlJ m. ("whom Jehovah cared for"), [J-
mutable) is his name."[We have thus the authority hoiada~], pr. n. of a priest who held great authority
of God in His word, that this name is derived from in the kingdom of Samaria [prop, in Judsea], 2 Ki.
the idea of being, existence, and not from any relics of
11:4 [also contr. JHM].
Egyptian idolatry.] With -this may be compared the
inscription of the Sai'tic tt.nple, Plut. de Iside et Osi- |*5*iT. ("whom Jehovah has established"),
ride, c. 9, i y<J tlfit -o yf/oi'bg KO.I ov ml f*6ftsvor, Jehoiachin, the son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah,
shews how Pagans borrowed ideas from the 600 B. C., 2 Ki. 24:8 17. r^i' Eze. 1:2; n;n
true theology of God's revelation, and not that the Est. 2:6; Jer. 27:20; 28:4; WJU* (for -1^ flDJ) Jer.

latter borrowed any thing from the former. |

24:1 a'ro; and ^n^3 Jer. 22:24, 28; 37:1.
As to the usage of the word, the same supreme
"p^'T m. ("whom Jehovah has set up"),
God, and the fooc tTrt^woioc [God was in an especial
sense the God of the Israelites, but no idea must be ad-
pr. n. Jehoiakim, the son of Josiah, king of Judah
611 600 B. C., previously called D'i?v> (which see).
mitted for a moment which would even seem to localize
2X1.23:34; 34:1; Jer. 1:3.
the God whose name is Jehovah of Hosts] tutelar God
of the Hebrews, is called in the Old Testament by his
1 and TTV m. ("whom Jehovah will
proper name nin^and by the appellative D'npXr^D'npK
" contend for
defend," or "), \_Jeli oiarib~\, pr. n.
of a distinguished priest at Jerusalem, l Chr. 9: 1O;
(6 0oc,<dn)> sometimes promiscuously, and sometimes
24:7; Ezra8:i6;; 12:6,19. Henre
the one or the other used according to the na-
l Mac. 2:1.
Gr. 'Iwap//3,
ture of the expressions, or the custom of the writers

(see p. XLIX, B), as njn> DJU, mnj npx nb, rrtny nn, DJ; (verbal of the fut. Hoph. from j, "able"),
nirv "nj7, etc. The use of the word is to be
flin*, espe-
\_Jehuchal~\, pr. n. masc., Jer. 37:3: written con-
cially observed in the following cases.
tractedly ^?-V 38:1.
nin* i.e. Jehovah God
(a) D'H/S (in apposition, and
not, as some have maintained, Jehovah of Gods, sc.
& ^"1^* masc. (" whom Jehovan im-
the chief), the customary appellation of Jehovah in pels"), [Jonadab, Jehonadab~\^r.n. (l)of a son
Genesis chap. 2 3, elsewhere less frequent, see how-
of Rechab, the ancestor of the Nomadic tribe of the
ever Ex. 9:30; 2 Sam. 7:22; l Ch. 28:20; 29:1; Rechabites, who bound his posterity by a vow of
3 Ch. 1:9: 6:41,42; Ps. 72:18; 84: 12; Jon. 4:6; abstinence from wine, 2 Ki. 10: 15; Jer. 35:6. See
also D'^^n nirv i Sam. 6 20; 1 Chron. 22 1, 19; : : 2?!!. (2) 2 Sa. 13:5, seq.
3 Chron. 32 : 16; Ne. 8:6. Very frequent, on the con-
[nyirV & |JW m. ("whom Jehovah gave,"
trary, is the compound form followed by a gen., as
Jos. 7
Gr. 0o?J}/>oc), [Jonathan], pr. n. (l) of a son of
Sf&'iPS njy 113,19,20; 8:30; 9:18,19,
Saul, celebrated for his generous friendship towards
Tp'^vpx nirv Deu. 1:21; 6:3; 27:3; rrtrp
David, l Sam. 13 31. (2) of a son of Abiathar,
V3% TO^Den.W.3*; 2:7; 4:5; 18:16; 26: 14! 2 Sa.l5:27, 36; l Ki. l :42, 43; also of others.
and very frequently elsewhere.
(b) nnqy nyv Jehovah (the God) of the (hea- is Chaldaic, and the
q. ^Oi* (this form
venly) hosts," see N?y. other is not to be regarded as contracted), pr. name:
nirr nx
(as to the points nin; see above) 2 Sa. Ps. 81 :6; but in this place it is used poeti-
7:18,19; 133.50:4; Jer. 32: 17; and continually in nation of Israel. See ^DV.
cally of the
" whom Jehovah adorned"),[J"Aoa-
(d) As to the phrase nirv '3^7 see *j?9/, under the
word B. dah~\, pr. n. m., l Ch. 8:36; for which there is 9:42,

': ("whom Jehovah gave")[7"e/joza&ad],

pr. n. m.
(i) i Chr. 26:4. (2) 2 Ki. 12:22. (3) [Jehoaddan], pr.n. f. 2 Ki. 14:2 (in arO
2 Ch. 17: 18 [also contractedly
pjnr,<); aCh. 25:1.
m- (" w hom Jehovah gave"), \Jeho- p^tin* ("towards whom Jehovah is just,"
hanan, Johanan], pr. n. of ne of Jehoshaphat's [" whom Jehovah has made just"]), pr.n. of th
captains,ft Ch. 1
7 : 15 23:1; also of >thers.
; Hence father of Joshua the high priest, Hag. l :
1, 13; Ear

the Greek 'Iwarrdc and 3:2,8; 5:2


C"T)IT( Jehovah is exalted," ["whom Jeho- |

U. &
'V - (i- 1' <*-*& a place trampled
: down,
rah upholds"]), JehorurK, or Jorum, pr. n. (l)
perhaps a threshing floor), Jahaz, pr. n. of a city o(
of a king of Judah, from the year 891 884 B. C.,
Moab, situated near the desert; afterwards a sacer-
son of Jehoshaphat, 2 Ki. 8 16 :
24. (2) of a dotal city in the tribe of Reuben, Nu. 21 :23; Deut.
king of Israel, from the year 896 884 B.C., the
2:32; Josh. 13:18; Isa. 15:4; Jer.48:2l, 34.
eon of Ahab. The name of both is also spelled

contractedly D"J1\ see i*nj.

("whose oath is Jehovah," i e. she who

^V ("whose father is
Jehovah"), 7oa&,pr.n.
swears by Jehovan, hence worships him, compare
of David's general, 2 Sa. 2 24; : 1 Ki. 2 :5, 22 ;
also of
y?P"?), \_Jehosheba], pr. n. of a daughter of king other men.
Joram, the wife of Jehoiada the priest, 2 Ki. 11 :2.
This name is written HJ7;i'irV in 2 Ch. 22:11. ("whose brother
(i.e. helper) is Jeho-
vah"), Jo ah, (l) of a son of Asaph, Heze-
pr. n.
m. ("whose help [salvation]
kiah's recorder, 2 Ki. 18:18; Isa. 36:3. (2) of the
isJehovah;" comp. JN3>^>K, the German ottf)i(f), recorder of king Josiah, 2 Ch. 34:8; also of others.
Joshua \_Jehoshua], pr. n. borne by (l) the son
of Nun the minister and armour-bearer [?] of Moses, TPISV
afterwards his successor, and the leader of the Israelites,
Ex. 17:9; 24:13; elsewhere called also Jft^ln Num. ^("to whom Jehovah is God," i.e. worshipper
of Jehovah), pr. n. Joel (l) a prophet, son of Pe-
13.16 P-l^?.). (2) a high priest cotempo-
(see also
thuel, Joel l l. (2) the eldest son of Samuel, l Sa.

rary with Zerubbabel, Zee. 3:1; Hag. l:l, 12; see

8:2. (3) a son of king Uzziah, l Chron. 6:21; for
Tj._( 3 ) i Sa.6:i4, 18. (4) 2 Ki. 23:8. LXX.
which (by a manifest [transcriptural] error), there is,
Vulg. Josua.
verse 9, also the name of others.

D3 2'irP ("whom Jehovah

judges," i.e. whose

[/oasA],pr.n. (l)KWn; q . v. (2) the
cause he pleads), Jehoshaphat (l) king of Judah,
father of Gideon, Jud. 6 1 1 etc. :
B. son of l Ki. 22:41 51, from
914 889 C., Asa,
whom the valley between Jerusalem and the Mount 21 [/oi], pr. n. of a son of Issachar, Gen. 46: 13;
of Olives received name
[" although that is not perhaps an incorrect reading for 3-1B* Num. 26:24;

expressly stated"], Joel 4:2, 12; 2 Ch. 20. (2) the i Ch. 7:1 np.
recorder of king David, 2 Sam. 8:16; 20:24. (3)
HHV (probably i. q. L A-. " a desert," properly
Ki.4:i7. (4) 2 Ki. 9:2, 14.
a crying out, a place where wild beasts cry out;
"VH* lofty, swelling, proud (root "in*, which is
from the root ^_-i, 3?^), [Jobab~], pr. n. of a region
akin, perhaps, to the noun ~>D [" Arab. ..^.J a lofty
of the Joktanite Arabs, Gen. 10:29; iCh. 1:23.
heap of sand"]), Prov. 21: 24; Hab. 2:5. (Chaldee A trace of this name may be found perhaps in
and Talmud =d., "in*.C^ to be proud; rvn*n*, Jsnn-V
Ptolemy, who mentions near the Sachalitas on the
pride.) Indian sea, the 'Iw/3apu-at, or, according to the con-

^//L^. ("who praised God"), pr. n. masc. jecture of Salmasius and Bochart, 'Iwfla/Sirai (p being

(l ) 2 Ch. 29: 12. (2) l Ch. 4: 16. changed into /3). See Bochart, Phaleg. ii. 29.
[" (2) pr. n. of an Edomite king, Gen. 36:33, 34;
E/D! m. a kind of hard gem, so called from the
iCh. 1:44, 45. (3) of a Canaani te king, Josh.l l:l.
idea of striking (root 2??), Ex. 28: 18; 39: 11 Eze. ;
(4) i Ch. 8:9. (5) i
28 1 3. :The ancient translators sometimes render
this by diamond, sometimes by emerald, sometimes /Jl comm. (compare No. 2) an onomatopoetic
by jasper; but this last is certainly incorrect, for in word, signifying, if I judge aright, jubilum or a joyful
Eze. loc. cit. it is joined with ""13^*, which can hardly sound, then applied to the sound of a trumpet,
be doubted to be the jasper. See Braun, De Vestitu trumpet signal, which see. There are
like n^-n^,

Sacerdotum, ii. 13. allied roots, sound and sense, signifying

both as to

loud noise, a mark sometimes of joy sometimes of

U T an unused root. Arab.
trample, grief (since the two are often hardly to be distinguish-
to tread down. Hence- ed, and thcT are expressed by the same verbs, cornp
Oy, n H) such in the Phocnicio-Shemitic languages are
: announced to the people (Lev. 25 9). This year wa :

the fiftieth (Lev. 25 10, 1 1 Joseph. Ant. iii. 12 not


, ^,
and with the radical Beth 33, ^^ ;

as others suppose, the forty-ninth), and then by the


in Greek oXoXu&tv, dXaXdeo', idXt^toc, Lat. ejulare, Mosaic law, lands which had been sold reverted to
ulnlare, in the German dialects, the Swedish to/en their first owner, and slaves were to be set free.
(whence the festival of the ancient Scandinavians LXX. Luth. (following the
troc aiptffewc, a^tffiy.
called lulfest), Dutch ioelen, vulg. German jobcln.
Vulgate) alliatjr.
In ail these words the signification of the syllable

jvl, jobl, jodl, is that

of jo, of ciying out, as in the x^V m. (I) a river, a moist country, Jer.
Germ. which is no other than to cry 17:8. Root 73* No. I. i.
jud)en, jauehjen/

out, to, jucfr. Hence (II) pr. n. Ju bal, son of Lamech, inventor of music,

(i) 73*n rS?. the horn of jubilee, i. e. with which a Gen. 4:21. Perhaps as an appellative Jubal signified
signal sounded, Josh. 6:5; andellipt. 73V Exodus
is jubilum, or the sound and noise of the trumpet and
other instruments, music, (kindred with 73V), and
19:13; pi. D\?3V nhate Josh. 6:6; with art. nhafe>
Josh. 6:4, 8,' 13, "trumpets of Jubilee" thus was afterwards applied to the inventor. [As
(as to the plur.
B v3V see note), i. e. with which a if the Scripture account were not to be simply be-
is sounded, Sermtromveten/ plainly the same as lieved.] As to the conjecture of Buttman (My-
naiB> Lev. Between 73/0 p^ (Scrmfcorn) thologus, i. 163, seq. 169), that the. name of Apollo
nyi-up 25:9.
and 73*n naiL? there could be no distinction as drawn,
comes from the same source, I express no opinion.
appears from Josh. 6:4, compared with Josh. 5:6. DJV ("whom Jehovah gave"), [Jozabacf],
-73 J n TtrPS Ex. 19: 13, and 73 J n HJ53 TJ^pa Josh.
" as -oon as a pr. n. of several Levites (1)2 Ch. 31 13. :
(2) Ezr.
6:5, signal is sounded," which is 8:33. (3) Ezr. 10:22.
elsewhere jVnaitS>3 ypn compare Josh. 6:4, compared
with Josh. 6:5. The Chaldee Targumist and the "OTV (" whom Jehovah has remembered"),
Jewish doctors absurdly translate 73V a ram, and \_Jozachar\, pr. n. of one of those who killed Joash,
^3n 'P a ram's horn, nor are the conjectures of 2 Ki. 12:22; which in 2 Ch. 24:26 is written 13|

modern writers any better, as to which see Fuller, (by a manifest [transcriptural] error).
Miscell. iv. 8. Carpzov, Apparat. Antiqu. Cod. S. fctriV
(perhaps contracted from HjnV whom Je-
p. 44, seq. Bochart, Hieroz. i. lib. ii. c. 43. hovah called back to life, compare n3'D for fVa'D),

Note. The plur. use in D^>3Vn nhab> trumpets Ch. 8: 16. Ch. n:45-
pr. n. 1 l
[Joha], (l) (2)
of soundings, where there might have been expected
73*n 'C>, arises from a singular usage in Hebrew pHV (''whom Jehovah bestowed"), pr. n.
Jo h an an, This name in its contracted
see 1-inin*.
hitherto unnoticed by grammarians. In Hebrew
the usage the same as in Syriac (Hoflmanni Gram.
form was borne by (l) two of David's officers, iCh.
12:4, 12. (2) a son of King Josiah, iCh. 3:15, all.
Syr. p. 254), to form the plural of compounds in
three different ways (a) the most frequent is to put y^ ^("whom Jehovah cares for"), [Jehoiada,

the governing noun only in the pi., as 71D 1133, pi. see Jn? n *f a) Neh. 3:6;
Joiada], pr. n. (l) (
7'H '1)33; or noun governed, or in the geni-
(b) the
tive is also made pi., as D^rj n'33 i Chron. 7:5; '"$&
B'PQ for D?H nt? Ex. 1 11 D'W 3? P8 29:2, for :

7X '33; or even (c) the governing noun remaining Jehovah sets up"), [JoiaHro],
in the singular, the genitive only is made pi., of m. Neh. 12:1O.
pr. n.
which there is a remarkable example in J"fl3S JV3
3K 'PI3 (page cxvi, B). In the 3'T,V \Joiarib] (1) see 3*$"?. () Neh,
paternal houses, for
example now before us we have an instance of the
second of these three modes (letter b). "llpV ("whose glory is Jehovah"], [Joche-
JW of the mother of Moses, whose husband
(2) 73Vn Lev. 25:13, 15, 31, 40, and ellipt. bed], pr. n.
73V Levit. 25:28,30, 33 (comm. gen. m. Nu. 36:4; was Amram, Ex. 6 20 :
Nu. 26 59. :

more often fern, by ellipsis of the word n3K> Leviticus

25: 10) the year ofjubilee, Vulg. annus jubileus, annus
jvbilei,so called from the sot ndofthe trumpets on the ["
an unused root, apparently signifying heat,
tenth day of the Beventh month, by which it was compare the kindred roots Dn> D ^ n > DI

n being by degrees softened into (n and) V..." Three J

52 Ki. 4:8; Job l :6 (where the common rendering i

roots are thus found with the softer letter DV, DDJ,
on a certain day, at some time, i.
q. Uy> the force
noj. Hence DV, D*p.V Thes.]
of the article being neglected).
DV snff. 'P'V, IPV, dual DVDV, pi.
D '
T (as if from (b) DV? followed by inf. in the day in which, aa
m DV3 " in the

sing. D'), constr. 'P.' Gen. 2:17, l ??^ day in which thou
i v m,- eatest ;" Lev. 7 36 at that time in which, i.e. ichen.

(l) the day. (Syr. Jjocu, Arabic id. The WXA

*y Gen. 2:4, }>1K D'r6x nibjl n'VS "when Jeho-

primary signification appears to me to be that of the vah God had made the earth and the heaven;" 3:5;
heat of the day. For the roots and JV or }V DV Exod. 10:28; Isa. 11:16; Lam. 3:57. Folknved by
appear to have originated by softening the guttural, a pret. Lev. 7 35. :

DV3 by day, in day time, Jer. 36:30; "in the
from the roots DPP to be warm, and JIT Arabic -trv..
this very day," once, presently, Pro. 12:l6;
i.e. at

to glow with anger. Compare Arabic transp. <u. to Neh. 3:34; in that day, i.e. lately, Jud. 13:10.
be hot (as the day), and Gr. icuVw.) Opp. to night, (J)
DV3 i n this day, at this time, now, Gen.
2 5 3 1 >33'> iKi. 1:51; Isaiah 58:4; where it refers
Gen. 7: 4, 12; 8:22; 31:39. Adv. DV by day, in the :

to a future action: before that, 1 Sara. 2:l6; 1 Ki.

day time, i. q. Dpv P s 88 2 (see DVH, DV3). DV DV
. :

Gen. 39:10; Ex. 16:5; DV1 DV Est. 3:4 (more fully 22:5. DV3 at this time, now, 1 Sa.
Often also rtfn

DV1 DV-^33 ibid. 2 1 1 ). DV3 DV an 22:8, 13; at that time, then, of something past,
(properly Sag

Deu. 8: 18; of something future, Deut. 2:30; 4:38;

Sag, see 3 letter B, No. l ) Neh. 8 1 8 DV3 DV3 i Sa.

l Ki. 8:24.
18:10; b'V3 D'vV 2 Ch. 24:11, daily.
The day of any one is specially Not greatly different is DVn3 i.e. to day, i Sa.
(a) in a good (e)

sense, the festival day of any one. Hos. 7:5, D*V 9:13; Neh-5:il (immediately); njri DVH3 a t this
W3?P " the day of our king," i. e. his birth-day, or time, now, Ezr. 9:7, 15; Neh. 9:10; at that time,
that of his inauguration; 2:15, D^>]>3n DJ "the then, Gen. 39: 11, also as at this time (when 3 has
festival of idols"; 2:2, ^7?! DV ''the day of the power of comparison), Deu. 6: 24; Jer. 44:22.
Jezreel," i. e. the day when the people shall be as- (/) pVp/ron the time when Ex. 10:6; Deu.
sembled at Jezreel. Used of a birth-clay, Job 3 : 1 9:24-
DVrr?3 a ) in all days, everyday, daily,
(not so l 4).:
(b) in a bad sense, a fatal day, the (g) (
day of one's destruction. Obad. 12, TO? DV the Psalm42:4, ll; 44:23; 56:2,3,6; 71:8,15,24;
dayofthy brother's (destruction)." Job 18:20, "at 73: 14 (parall. D^Zlt' every morning); 74:22; 86:3;
his de struc ti on (1DV) shall posterity be astonished ;" 88 18 89 17. (LXX. sometimes KaO' tKiifrrr]v i^jti-

all the day, Isa. 62:6 nWrHpS).

15:32; Ps. 37:13; 137:7; l Sa. 26:10; Eze. 21:30. f,nv}. (/3) (parall.
Psa.32:3; 35:28; 37:26; 38:7,13. LXX. 6\nv
(Arabic j*j times, sc. unfortunate). Hence (c) n all time, perpetually (aUtyiti
T>)V iipipav. (y)
" the Ps. 52:3, Di n'73 ^N ipn " the

day of battle and slaughter. Isa. 9 : 3, j*']'? DV tmmcrbar). mercy of

of the defeat of Midian." " dies Allien- God Pro. 21:26. ~^3
day Comp. (is exercised) continually."

O8,Cannensis;" Arab. ,jj /,; the day of the battle of ni^n n-jxrin DVn "(the wicked man) covets greedily
continually;" 23:17; Isa. 28: 24, "does the plough-
Beder. (d) "the day of Jehovah," i.e. the day of man plough continually?" 65:5, DVrH?3 rnjT K'X
the judgment which God will hold upon the wicked, " a fire
Joel 1:15; Plur. Job 24: l.
continually burning." There is often added
26.13:5; Isa. 2:12. TDPI Isa. 51:13; 52:5; Psa. 72:15. In the same
(2) time, like iiptpa, a day. Seethe phrases DVH,
^ sense there is
frequently used in prose nD*pjn~?3
DV3, DV3 etc., under the letters a. b. d. e.f.g. More which now under
see; the expression consideration
frequently inPL D'DJ No. 2. is peculiar to
With the article and prepositions prefixed (a) Dual D'EV two days, Ex. 16:29; 21:21; Num.
DVn in this day, to-day, Gen. 4:14; 22:14; 24:12;
9:22; Hos.6:2,T^fb DV3 DWD "after two days,
on the third day," i.e. presently [surely it ought to
30:32; 31:48, etc. (Arab. in the
^0; by day,
betaken in its exact meaning]; comp. Joh. 2:19,20.
day time (opp. to !"i)?n), Neh. 4:16; Hos. 4:5, i. q. Plural CD'P' (as if from the singular D*), in the
DDV; at this time, Deu. l :39; l Sam. 12:17; 1 4 : Chaldee form PP* Dan. 12:13; constr. 'D*, poetically
33; also, at that time, then, i Sam. 1:4; 14: 1; DID) Deut. 32:7; Psa. 90:15 (compare Aram. riV s

). (l) days, e.g. seven days i

^ thi P ic ^T6A: days, just as in Hebrew, see A
censio Jesaiaj ed. Laurence, i 1 1 xi. 7.)
Q'inX D'P) some days, .e. some
Gen. 8: 10, 12.
D'P' put absolutely (3) The signification of time is limited to a certain
time, for a urAi'/e, Gen. 27:44.
space of time, namely a year, as in Syr. and Chaklee
has the same power as Arab. LM some days, some
while, Syr. |Ac*30L
i* i^s after some time (Barhebr.
v i>,

r\V signifies both time and a
also several words which designate time,
year; and in

Ch. p. Neh.i:4; Dan. 8:27; Gen. 40:4,

391,418). weight, measure, etc., are applied to certain specific
"ip?'33 D'P "and they were for a while in
ViTl periods of time, weights, and measures (see ^1??)-

custody." The space of time thus signified, which [Compare the English word pound from pondus.]
is often several months, and never an entire year, Lev. 25:29; Jud. 17: 10. D'P'D n SI an anniversary
will appear clearly from the following examples. sacrifice. iSa. 2:19. HD'PJ D'pjp yearly. Exod.
Nu. 9:22, D'P' IS enn is D?pV for two days or a 13:10; Jud. 11:40; 21:19; l Sa. 1:3 (comp. H3C
month or a greater length of time." l Sa. 529:3, njtJ'3 verse 7); 2:19. For n?y?y D'P* Isa. 32:10;
" he has been with me there is found in Isa. 29:1 !"I3E>~7J) n3K>. Also used
D'?E> HT IS Dp; n| now for
several (or many) days, or rather years." CD'P'P in a plural sense 1'or years, with the addition of

some while Jud. 11:4; 14:8; 15:1. D'PI Y$? numerals (as D'?S plur. efiditcr). 2 Ch. 21:19,
D'PTv fi?n nx> nj;3 " at the end of two years."

Gen. 4:3; that the state- D;;p>

id., l Ki. 1 7 :
7. [It is clear
ment that D'P^ always means something less than The interpretation of Amos 4:4 is doubtful, flt'^p?
a year is a mere assertion ; the cited passages prove D'P' either "every third year," or else every third
if it mean the latter, it is used in bitter irony.
nothing of the kind. See No. 3.] day;"
(2) timr, without any reference to days, Genesis DV m . Ch. i.
q. Heb. a day. DV? DV every day,
" the
47:8, T'O ?^
*P.* time
(period) of the years of Ezr. 6 :
9. Emphat. Ri Dan. 6 1 1. :

crnas O'3 in the time of Abraham, Gen.

(a) pCV const.
life." Plur. found in three [two] forms
36:1; nbV,'in Sam. 21:1; l Ki. lO:2l, in
'P'3 2 HDV Ezr. 4:19 and
'P1\ emphat. N*PV; (b) const.
the time, or age, of David, of Solomon; i.e. during (c) as in Hebrew, const. *P! Ezr. 4:7. [This
the reign of David, of Solomon. (Arab. *\j\ ^ should have been omitted, for this verse (as is noticed
in Thes.) is in Hebrew.] The same as in Hebrew
during the reign of king N.N.). Exod.
B'P' in plur. denotes time, especially life-time, P^P
pass QDC D'PT at that time."
8: 11, it '3 to 1

R'PI* advanced in age, Dan. 7:22. [Much better as

D'P'n"?3 in all time, perpetually, for ever, always. in the English version, the Ancient of days ; it is not
Deu.4:40; 5:29; 6:24; li:l; 1-2:1; 123 (and H a reverential manner of speaking to use words as if
often in that book). Jer. 31:36; 32:39; 33:18; God had grown old.]
35:19; l Samuel 1:28; 2:32, 35; 18:29; 23:14.
time of life, lifetime. U'-V adv. (from DV and the adverbial termination
Often () specially it is the 1

H?' ?! DDV
D'P3 K3 advanced in life, Gen. 24:!; Josh. 13:!; 07) (l) by day. by day and by night,
Job 32:7, VIST Dp; let days (of life) speak (bie
i. e.
continually, Lev. 8:35; Num. 9:21. Like sub-

3at)tc mogen reben/ bag ttltcr mag rcbcn), i. e. let the old stantives () it receives prepositions. DDV3 Neh.
all the time of Gen. 9: 19, and (b) it is put in the genit.
DOV '"IV daily
speak. D'pjn~73 through life,

43:9; 44:32. T?'P since

thy days, i. e. whilst thou enemies, 20.30:16.
hast lived, i Sa. 25:28; Job 38: 12. VDJ ipT^n to (2) daily, see Ezek. 1. c. (Syr. f
v-o. a day,
9 =c
live long, to be long-lived, see "-PX. Mctaph. 'P'"??

| daily.)
Y~'l all the time of the earth, as long as the earth
lasts. Gen. 8:22. (b) D'DJ is often put in the ace. j
1 T which appears to hnve had
an unused root,

pleonastically after words denoting a certain space of the sense of boiling up, or bubbling up, being in
time, as D'PJ O.'PJP' two years of time, jnjct) 3at)re a fer men t, whence tl' clay and I" wine, just like
Jkit/ Gen. 41 : l ; Jer. 28:3, 1 1
(in German there is a ">H mire, clay, and ">pn wine, from "ipn to boil up,
similar pleonasm, jit>ri) Ztjalcr clb), D'P' t-""}.n[n month to ferment. Cognate roots have been given under ci.

daySj, tin SXonat iJat/ for cincn SNonat long/ Gen. 29: 14; JV [7at?an], pr. n. (l) Ionia, from this pro-

B'P: rnj Dcu. 21:13; 3 Ki. 15 : 1 3 ; Dp; Dy3C ne^p vince being more to the east, and better known than
Duo. 1O:2, 3. See as to this idiom, Lehrg. p. 667. the rest cf Greece to the Orientals, its name beoamf
(Similarly in Arab there is added and in applied ;a their languages to the whole of Greta
Lej time,
this has been
expressly remarked by Greek writers also the same ^pi' 'P.? Jos. 14:4. (b) poet, of th
themselves (/Eschyl. Acharn. 504, ibique Schol. Pers. Ephraimite kingdom, i.
q. onpSI No. a. Psal. 78:67;

176,561). Gen. 10:2; Dan. 8:21; Isaiah 66: 19; Eze. 37:16 19; Zee. 1O:6. (c) of the whole na
f p
tion of Israel [?] Ps. 80:2; 81 :6; Am. 5:6, 15; 6:6.
. <>

Fzek. 27:13; Zech. 9:13. (Syriac Jja,, ^<x, x

5 -o- (2) of several other men (a) l Ch. 25:2,9. (6)

Greece; Arab, ,j'/ji a Greek.) The is ^}\ Neh. 12:14 (c) Ezr. 10:42.

Hence D^J'n \33 sons of the Greeks, VIIQ 'Ax<.duv. *"\: ("whom Jehovah will increase"),[7o-
Joel 4:6. s ip hi ah~\, pr. n. m. Ezr. 8 : l o.

(2) Eze. 27: 13 perhaps a city of Arabia Felix,

is l
!"i?NXS(^perhaps for n $V "he helps" ["perhaps
.^ Jaw an, a city Kamus. for fVpJJV Jehovah aids
compare ,., of Yemen, him"]), (Joelah~\ t pr. n.
m. l Ch. 12:7.
m. mire, clay. Psalm 69:3; 40:3,
const, ir.

JVn t^p mire of clay, comp. Dan. 2:41. "TJn*("for whom Jehovah is
witness"), [JoetT
pr. n. m. Neh. 11:7.

"\$V ("whose help is

Jehovah"), [Joezer],
p l. a dove, Genesis 8:8, seq.
D?V_(i) m. Ch. 12:6.
pr. n- l

my dove, a gentle term of endearment, Cant.

2:14; 5:2; 6:9; 1:15, DW
TO?" thy eyes (are) EfyV [Joas/t] (i. q. CrV), pr . n. m. l Ch. 7:8.

doves," i.e. like to doves' eyes. Cant. 4:1. V>? (2) 27:28.
H3V young doves, Lev. 5 7. (As to the
I give no opinion.
" a libidinis
[In Thes. ardore
"l^i* a potter, see ijfj.
(2) Zee. 11:13,
quse in proverbium abiit ita dictam censeo."] Some (i )

derive it from ^J.

be weak, gentle, and thus it
to (perhaps "'V^ treasury of the temple;
IVi'), i.
formed by a change of letters according to the Ara-
would properly be, feeble and gentle bird. 1

maaan pronunciation (as in K", &$, 'n "^). The true

(2) [Jonah~\, pr. n. of a prophet, Jon. l l ; 2 Ki. :

interpretation was seen by the copyists, and also par-

14:25. Another H31* see under H3J.
tiallyexpressed; some having written "l^ rV3, and
'?)! see IV No. l. others 1V1S bs. Of the ancient versions, the Syriac

rightly gives it a treasury. [This is wrong altoge-

m.53:2, and ^(73" f. properly sucking,
ther the word certainly means a potter in this place :

figuratively a sucker of a tree, as if it sucked nou- the Syriac translator made a mistake, and this mis-
rishment from a mother. Job 8: 16; 14:7; 15:30;
take is taken as a sufficient ground for contradicting
Eze. 17:22; Hos. 14:7. By a similar figure applied the New Test. !]
from animals to plants, a sucker is called in Greek
from [/0Kw], 11. m. l Ch.
u6ffxpc,andpullulare is used of plants. C'pi* (contr. D'i?^'), pr.
]H3i' [Jonathan], (l) see |ruin._( a ) others
bore this name only in its contracted form. ["
PnV [Jorah~\, pr. n. m. Ezr. 2 : 1
(a) iCh.
2:32. (b) Jer. 40:8 all. i"nV m. (l) part. act. Kal of the root iTV, pr,

*|y* m. Joseph, (l) of the youngest son

pr. n. watering, sprinkling (Hos. 6:3), hence ihe former
of Jacob, with the exception of Benjamin; who was rain which falls in Palestine from the middle of Oc-
sold by his brethren into tober to the middle of December, preparing the earth
Egypt, and afterwards rose
to the highest honours. See Gen. chap. 37 to receive the seed. Deu. 11:14; Jer 5 24. - :

Gen. 30:23.24, allusion a double etymo-
is made to (2) pr. n. see *nn. [This should be """n^; see
logy, as thc-'jgh it were (a)
]DN' he takes awa:< = 1
and (b) fut. Hiph. apoc. from ^IP* he shall add, *"fl (for nnv "whom Jehovah teaches"\ [Jo-
which latter is confirmed by the Chaldaic form ^Ipirp m. Ch. 5: 13.
ai], pr. n. 1
Ps. 8l 6. The two sons of
Joseph, Ephraim and Ma-
D"}V ("Jehovah is exalted"), [Jorarn], pr. a
nasseh, having been adopted by their grandfather,
and becoming the ancestors of two of the tribes of m. a Sa. 8: 10, for which i Ch. 18: 10 is O^VlQ.
Israel, the name ^IPV and *|DV JV3is used
(a) of
"TDH 3B^* ("whose love is returned") [/
these two tribe Jos. 17:17; 18:5; Jud. 1:23,35; shab-hesed], pr. n. m. 1 Chr. 3:20.

t^T ("to whom Jehovah gives a dwelling"), I? with art l Chr. 27:8, [//raft if e], standj

[JosibiaK], pr. n. m. i Ch. 4: 35. for 'rrijX.

, pr. n. m. i Ch. 4:34. i

T n J|. ("whom Jehovah brought to i/ght,"
see the root rnj, No. m.
2), [Izrahiafi], pr.n. (l)
\1ri ("whom Jehovah raises up"), see the
i Ch.
root n 7:3, see n;nij._ ( 2 ) Neh. 12:42.
["for n;?en'"], {Joshabiah], pr.n. m. i Ch.
11:46. T a fictitious root, which some have adopted on
account of the form Gen. 11:6, which is from
OTlV(" Jehovah is
upright"), [Jotham], pr.n. -1BTJ
the root DOJ, which see.
(l) of a son of Gideon, Jud. 9:5, 7. (2) a king
of Judah, the son of Uzziah, 759 43 B.C. 2 Ki.
an uncertain root, see JIT Hophal. [In Thes.
Pu. part, is given under this word see \M
J ;

*in'_(i) pr part Of the root 1JV re- . :

mainder, hence gain, emolument. Ecc. 6:8.

(a) Adv. (a) more, farther. (Chald. and Kabb. }7 J T an unused root, Arab. -% toflov, to run (as
TnV [ Syr. ;!"], followed by JO more than), Ecc. water), Amhar. H: for TIO: to sweat. Hence
8:15; 7:11; 12:12. too much,(ft) over. Eccl.
m. sweat, Eze. 44:18.
l* i.
q. H^T, avalL Xcyoju.
7:16. (c) besides, like ip; Esther 6:6; ???O ini
betides me. '& "IJIV
conj. inasmuch as. Ecc. 12:9; nr & ^ST8?
("that which God planted"),
D3PIn^np HJH0 nn'n an d inasmuch as Koheleth pr. n. [Jezreef]. (l) of a town in the tribe of Is-
was wse. sachar (Jos. 19:18), Avhere stood the palace of Ahab
and his successors, l Ki. 18:46; 21 :l; 2 Ki. 9:15;
n* [only found defect. *W], f. of the preceding
word, that which is redundant, hanging over,
whence ^0? ^
Hos. i =4, the blood of Jezreel ia
used of the blood there shed by the dynasties of Ahab
"nan- ?!? rvinvn EX. 29 1 3 Lev. 3:4; rgrri'
specially :
and Jehu. Near the city there was a great valley
"Q2i Ex. 29:22 and 133n JD nTTJV Lev. 9: 10, "the
$? Jos. 17:16; Jud. 6:33 (afterwards called
greater lobe of the liver," as though it were the re-
A *, Burckhardt's Travels
dundant part of the liver; something added to it. ow^e'x
P- 334. Germ. ed. vol.
p. 579), in which Hos. 1:5,
LXX. Xo/3oc TOV /jraroc, Saad. a j\j id. and of the same
predicts that there shall be a great slaughter (D^'

from Hos. 2:2). The same prophet gives to his

origin as the Hebr. See Bochart, !
jl : i.
q. ">JV.
Hieroz. vol. p. 498, seq. Vulg. reticulum hepatis ;
i. newly born, the name of Jezreel (l :4),
eldest son, then
and he afterwards with his brother Lo-Ammi and his
according to which, some later writers understand
sister Lo-Ruhamah (2:24, 25) are made types of the
amentum minus hepatico-gastricum; but this could
people, when after their punishments and dispersions
hardly have been used in sacrifice, as being devoid
of fat they are brought back to their own land (2:2), and
endowed with new blessings. It is thus that the words
nT T an unused root. Arab. ^\ to gather selves are be understood, which have been so much

together. Hence twisted expositors, 2:24: "the earth shall an-

swer the corn and new wine and oil, and these (gifts
/N'H ("the assembly of God"), {Jezief\, pr.n. of the earth) shall answer Jezreel;" i.e. the earth,
m, l Ch. 12:3.
made by Heaven (verse 23), shall again ren-
H(contracted from
T J.
and HJ, "who exults be- i"l der its The prophet goes on with
produce to Jezreel.
cause of Jehovah," [" whom Jehovah sprinkles, the allusion made to Jezreel, verse 25; Vl^? v^V"}*'

expiates"], see the root HT3), [Jeziali], pr. n. m. 'I will sow him again in the land, and I will again
Ezr. 10:25. ove Lo-Ruhamah (not beloved), and a people will I
call Lo-Ammi (not a people);" i .e. the whole peoplt
T*T) ("whom God moves," "to whom God gives of Israel, who were typified by the three children oi
life and motion"), [Jaziz], pr. n. m. i Ch. 27:31.
the prophet, I will again plant, love, and appropriate
"^ r|? ["whom God draws out," i.e. "will pre- as my own. 7XJHT* in this passage is construed as fern
serve," Jezliah"], pr. n. m. l Ch. 8 : 18, from the un- aeing taken collectively, so Ephraim, Isa. 17:10, lij
tued root K7J. etc. [In this passage, the force of my people, and DO*
w-mrr cccxi,v

my people, must also be remembered.] The Gentile njn, from nin NO. 2 = rvn), \j t i
,'/], pr . n. m
noun is '>N'O? l Ki. 2l:l,f. n^HI?, &&$ 1 Sam. 2 Ch. 29:14.

*?:3; 30:5-
/K'Trj! ("who looks to God" ["whom God
(2) a town in the mountains of Judah, Joshua watches over"]), [Jahaziel, Jahzief], pr.n. of se-
15:56; l Sa. 29:1.
veral men, l Ch. 12:4; 16:6; 23:19.
(3) pr.n. m. (a) of a son of Hosea; camp. No. l,
Hos. 1:4. (6) l Ch. 4:3. TTPI* (" who looks to Jehovah," ["whom Je-
hovah watches over"]), \_Jahaziali], pr.n. m. Ezr.
n3n* (< hidden,' i. e.
protected,' verbal of 10:15.
l Chron. 7:34.
Pual), \Jehubb ali\, pr.n. of a man, bx p T^, whom God will
Root nan."] 7N*p}n; (for ^Wn;, :

strengthen," Pathach in the shortened syllable

being changed into Segol, see Heb. Gramm. ed. 10,
fut. TIT (cogn. ins, *tn^), TO BE JOINED,
25, note l, like TflQ Ex. 33: 3, for $38), \_Eze-
UNITED TOGETHER, TO JOIN ONESELF; followed by kiel,Jehezeket], pr. n. of a very celebrated prophet,
? Gen. 49:6; followed by 1"IX
(HS) Isa. 14:20. (Arab. whose writings stand third in order; he was the son
and of Buzi the priest. After he was carried away cap-
U-w-j j^.)
tive together with king Jechoniah, he lived in the
PIEL, to unite, to join together, Ps. 86:11. Hence
TIV and Jewish colony on the river Chebar, and there pro-
phesied until the sixteenth year after the destruction
'U. m. (l) union, junction, Ch. 12:17. l of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar (see Eze. 29:17);
(2) elsewhere adv. (a) together, in one place, iSa. Eze.l 3 24 24. The LXX. write this name 'lefck-u'/X

11 : ll ; 17: 10; at once, 2 Sa.2l :g; in? ^3 all together, and so Sir. 49:8 (10). Vulg. Ezechiel [which has
all at once; Job 34: 15, "in* nB2r^3 "all are alike been adopted in the English version] (compare n 'i??n,
flesh," i. e. mortal ;
Isa 22 3, and then Avithout 73 id.
: ;
n 'i?JD; 'EEx ta e> Ezechias), Luther has imitated the
Job 3: 18; 24:4; 38:7, TJ33 3?b nnrn? "when all Greek, cfe!ieL

themorning stars sang together;" Deu. 33:5. Absol. which

n*pTn) m.
q. n>j5}n, see.
without a noun, Job 16:10, l79^ in*
| "they
have together (i.e. all) assembled against me," ^'pJD? [Hezekiah], pr.n. m. 2 Ch. 28:12.
17:16; 19:12. With a negative particle, no one, "Hirr ( whom God brings back," fut. Hiph.
Hos. 11:7. (b) wholly, altogether, Job 1O:8; Ps.
parag. from Ch. ~W.
to return), [JahzeraJi], pr.n.
141 10.: Of the same signification, and also rather
m. l Ch. 9:12. I should prefer to read n^rr.
more used is
7N> n. (probably for ?$ HMV " whom God pre-
l^r^' i"^!prop, those joined together, they to- serves alive," [" 'God liveth,' according to Simo-
gether, like i?3. (l) together, in one place, Gen. of several men, as of a son of
nis"]), [Jeliiet], pr.n.
13:6; 22:6; 36:7; Deu. 25:5. ^SW
Jehoshaphat, iCh. 21:2. Patron. \ Chron.
(2) together at one time, Ps. 4:9.
(3) with the addition of 73 all together, all at
once,Ps.l4:3; iCh.iO: 6; also without 73 Job 24: 17. TH) m m;m f. (from nnj)._(i) only, especiaUy

(4) Lq. mutually, with o n e a n o t h e r, e. g.

nrp -W3 only begotten, only child, Gen. 22:2, 12, 16; Jer. 6:
2 6 Zee. 1 2 i O Pro. 4:3; and fern. HTn* Ju d. 1 1 34. :

they strove together, Deu. 25

: 1 1 ; comp. l Sa. 17:10. ; ;

(2) solitary; hence forsaken, wretched, Ps. 25:

r fnni "united," ["his union"]), \Jali- 16568:7.
do], pr.n. m. l Ch. 5:14.
n T^* only one, hence that which is most
dear, that which cannot be replaced, poet, for ft/e,
N^tt! ("whom God makes glad," from the
Ps. 22:21; 35:17; [does not this pervert both the
root nnnj, [Jahdiel], pr. n. m. i Ch. 5:24.
passages ?] comp.
^"C^rC ("whom Jchovahmakes glad"),[from [JTrV ('Jehovah lives'), [Jehiah~\ t pr.n. m
the root "Tin]), [JedeiaJi], pr. n. m. (i) i Ch. 24: l Ch. 15:24."]
80. (2) l Ch. 27:30. IT m .
expecting,waiting, hof ing, Lam. 3: 26
TWH* ( whom God preserves alive," for
' n in Kal, i.
q. ^n No. 7, TO REMAIN,
No. 2), with serrated horns, probably ctrvits dana.
See Bochart, Hieroz. P. i. p. 913. (T. ii page 284,
TO DELAY. Com pare T^n No. 7.

hope for some- Leipsic edit.) Oedmann, Verm. Sammlungen, fasc. i

PIEL ?n?. (l) causat. to cause to
p. 30, seq.
thing; followed by 72 Ps. 119:49; by a gerund, Eze.
W* (for .TOPJl "whom Jehovah guards"),
(2) to expect, to hope, to wait, absol. Job6:ll ; \_Jahmaf], pr. n. m. l Ch. 7:2.
13:15; 14:14; 29:21; followed by ? of the person
or thing expected, Job 29:23; 30:26; followed by an unused root, to be barefoot. (Arab.
7X 51 :5: Ps. 130:7; 131:3. There often occur
Isa. e - * p

D*r6$6, nto? hn\ ps 31:25; 33:22; 69:4; \\ .

^ id., Syr....g^.. unshod, .3A*j) to take one's

Ps. 130:7; 131:3. shoes off. The stockin the syllable cjn, and the

Piel, to expect,to wait for, l Sa.

HiPHiL/*nin i. q. primary idea is that of rubbing off, as if peeling, or
1O:8; 13:8; 2 Sa.i8:i4; followed by ^ Job 32:11;
followed by nin *p [it should have been said
barking, see the root H? ? No. 1
II. Hence i^

Ps. 42: 6. also, to have the hoof worn down, speaking of cattle,
NlPHAL O" and Hiphil, but to have the skin galled as a horse. IV. to shave the
fut. i.
q. Piel

properly to be caused
Gen. 8: 12; Eze. 19:5. to hope, moustache, to trim the beard.)
Derived nouns, 7*0^ rpnto [ and i n Thes. the fol-
S]n^ m .
unshod, barefoot,^ Sam.l5:3O; Isaiah
lowing pr. n.].
20:2, 3, 4; Jer. 2:85.
'N^IV (for ^ r6q> "whom God has made
7t<yn! (" whom God allots"), [JahzeeT], pr.n.
sick" [" hoping in God"], [Jahleef], pr. n. of a son
of a son cf Naphtali. Gen. 46: 24; in l Ch. 7:13 it
of Zebulun, Gen. 46 14. Patron. Tlftfc Nu. 26 26.: :

is written ^>*n!. Gent, noun ^>'n! Nu. 26 48. :

unused in pret. (in which tense there is

used the form DH from Don, compare 31B fut. 31?'*., q.
once 2 Sam. 20:5 a'ru, in " (read in*?!), np, <| ~>rn**.
JH fut. jni), fut. CIV i Ki. l i, and DPP (see the note), :

Hiph. in a Chaldee form from the root

is ~>H
Deu. 19:6; Eze. 24:11; plur. -lO^P for W[Tr; Genesis

30:39; 3 plural masc. ^3Dn^ (in the Chaldee and an unused root; see the following word.]
Arabic form for the common """^PO^, see Lehrgeb.

p. 276) i.
q. Dpn to be hot (Arabic ^-s-.
to be hot, . m. a word of the silver age, A RACE, A
as the day ; V.
be warm, of sexual desire in cattle).
to FAMILY. Found once Neh.7:5, E'n'jj ~&& pedigre^
D~i* is used in the Targums for
Eze. 24 1 1 specially with wrath, Deu. loc. cit., and
genealogy (Chald.
with sexual desire, hence to conceive (speaking of Heb. nns^'D and nnpin. Simonis also compares

sheep), Genesis 30 38, 39. [These two passages in


1 iu}^ nature, origin ;

but this word properly sig-
Thes. are referred to ?n.] Impers. i ? Dn> Ecc. 4:11;
and '"h crv i Ki. l : i, to become hot. [See CD??.]
nifies brass, i.
q. nC'l"P and the phrase
(j^Utu!! . .=
Note. Above at D?n I have followed the common of a liberal and generous disposition, is
arrangement, and referred the forms QQ*, D(V to the and properly signifies of fine brass). Hence there
root Drr however, let grammarians inquire, whether
; is formed a denom. verb in

they should not all be referred to 0?^; compare the IlriHi'AEL i^G^n to cause one's name to be recorded
form ^CT. Hosea 7:7. ingenealogicaltalles, a.iroyp(i<f>fffOat, to beenrolled,
PIEL Cn 1. on* to be warm, with sexual desire, as 1 Chron. 5:1,7,17? 9:1? Neh. 7 5- Inf. ^'O^n is :

cattle; to have sexual intercourse, Gen. 30:41 ; often used as a noun, and signifies register, table of
31 10.: Hence to conceive, used also of a woman. genealogy, l Ch. 7:5,7,9.40? 2 Ch. 31:16, 17;

Psalm 51:7, '*? ?flpr W?n;n " and in sin did my 2 Ch. 12:15, "the acts of Rehoboam are recorded
mo-her conceive me." *?J?'on for Nl^PO! as l"n in the commentaries of Shemaiah ^'01^? 60 that
for rinx, nrix j u d. 5:28. the particulars are related hi the manner of a genea-
Hence non for norv.
logical table."

"lV2iT T)eut. 14:5; i Ki. 5:3. Arabic a " contr. from

jyusZ. fiD! (perhaps union,"
kind of deer, of a reddish colour (see the root "ipn h a I A], pr.n. m. l Ch. 4: 2; 6:5, 28 all.
form pr. n. Jetur, a son of lehmael, GenesU
31B, only used in the fut. 39"., 3p.
2 5 :1 55iCh. 1:31; and his descendants the Itu-
(once ^P'FI Nab. 3:8; in pret. use is made of the
verb rceans, dwelling beyond Jordan, near the foot of
Hermon, and on the eastern shore of the sea of
(1) to 6e good, Nah.3:8. Mostly used impers.
" it-will be well for me." Gen. 12: Galilee, l 011.5:19,20, the region which was after-
(a) ^ 3P". 13;
J " it was wards the province of Ituraa (Luc. iii. l Relandi
40: 14; Deu. 4:40.
(b) J*J?3 3P'.
good in
" Palajstina, p. 106), at present the district of Jeidur
my eyes," i. e. I was pleased." Gen. 41 137 45: ;

JL^, Burckhardt's Travels in Syria, p. 447). More

16; Lev. 10:19,20; more rarely followed by *3p*? ( t

Est.5:i4; Neh. 2:5,6; followed by V Ps. 69:32. has been said on this subject by Ilgen on the book
(2) to be merry, joyful, of the mind (3.7). Jud. of Job, p. 93, 94, and Fr. Mtinter in Progr. de Rebua
19:6; Ruth 3:7; 00.7:3. Iturajorum ad Luc. iii. l; Hafniac, 1824,410.
HIPHIL 3'pn fut. 3'p\, once 3<PV..
const. once Cant. 8:2; with ufF. m.
(1) to do well, or rightly (any things which }!! IV., 1?! 5

have been done), Deut. 5:25, rEft jjfafi} WE)n (1) ivine, perhaps so called from bubbling up and
they have done we 11
(as to) whatever they have fermenting, see J3*, unless it be deemed better to regard
said," they have well spoken. Deu. 18:17. Fol-
i. e.
it as a primitive. (Arab. <tj, collect, clusters be- v^.v
lowed by a gerund. Jer. l 1 2, n'lX~|? n3P'n " thou : S-o-
" who
hast seen rightly." 1 Sa.
16:17, ]?.& 3'P'D coming black, with the noun of unity ,' ej-^Eth. (S)\\
can play well," i. e. skilfully; without ? poetically a vineyard, wine, Greek oli'oc, Latin vinum, Armen,
Isa. 23:16. Inf. absol. 3p n in doing w ell, or r ig h t ly,

n ^ 3 house of wine, Cant. 2:4, poet,

9-A^A i7 zn O- V
adv. well, accurately, fitly. Deu. 9:21; 13:15; S
nn'^p n^3 Est. 7 8J convi vial room, and the
for |\ D :

17:4;. 19:18; 27:8. vrn 3<pvijer. 2:33; 7:3, words in the cited place, IX'n 3X3n he rv^
5; D^py.p 'H Jer. 35:15, to act, or live, well, or me to the house of for he intoxicated
brought wine,"
honestly, without accus. elliptically, Jerem. 4:22, me with love, /.itOuffm^ai tpwn. cella vinaria,
" Vulg.
WT ift
ypn^ they know not to do well." Jer.
mean a
Others understand it to vineyard, which in
13:23. Inf. adv. honestly, rightly. Jon. 4:9.
this context would be frigid.
(2) to do good to anyone, followed
by a dat. Gen. (2) meton. effect of wine, intoxication, Gen. 9:
12: 16; Ex. l :2O; followed by an ace. Deu. 8: 16; 30:
24; iSa. 1:14; 25:37.
followed by DJJGen. 32:10, 13; Nu. 10:32.
(3) to make merry, Jud. 19:22. =j.
l Sa. 4:13 a'm, by a manifest errcr of tran-

(4) to fit, to adjust (to trim), Germ. jured)tmad)cn scribers, for "I! (a side), which is in the np.
* 7
as lamps, Ex. 30 7 ; to adorn the head,
I" J unused in
yr. OL>~^),
T Kal, prob. i. q. H33 TO BE IN THE
e. to put the locks in order, 2 Ki. 9 30. :

FRONT, IN THE FOREPART; hence figuratively, to

(5) intrans. to be good, Mic. 2:7; hence followed be in the sunshine, to be clear, manifest, to ap-
*?N to
please, as in Kal, i Sa. 20: 13.
Hence 3B'Q [and nnatg]. pear, like the Arab.
^>-. [" i.
q- ^^."]
IV. to make
clear, to demonstrate, to prove, see HIPHIL.
3D* fut. 3PV. Chald. id., followed by ^ to seem
to one. Ezr. 7:18 (i) to argue, to sheic, to prove
good any
anything (bewetfen). Job 13: 15, ITSte V33'^ ^fnS
rOtp* (" goodness," as if Agathopolis), [Jot- "yet my ways I will arguebefore him:" I will de-
bath, Jotbathah'], Nu. 33:33; Deut. 10:7, pr. n. clare, 1 will defend. Job 19:5, " prove against me
of a station of the Israelites in the wilderness, abound- shew that I have acted basely.
my reproach," i. e.

ing with water, [Jot ball], 2 Ki. 21 19, seems

argue down any

(2) to one, to confute, to con-

to be a different place.
vict, Job 32 12. Followed by a dative, Pro. 9:7, 8;

ET & PIBV ("stretched

out," or "inclined," 15:12; 19:25; absol. Eze. 3:26; Pro. 25:12; Am.
verbal fut. Hoph. from npj),
[Juttali], pr. n. of a 5; 1O; Isa. 29:21. Especially with the idea of cen-
town in the tribe of Judah. Josh. 15:55; 21:l6. siire; reprove, to rebuke any one (ucnccifen).
hence to

Job 6: 25, D3O rnin rvrfvnp "what does your re-

[Now Yutta, \U Rob. ii.
proving prove?" i. e. your censure. Job 13:10;
" an
(prob. i.q. HTp
: enclosure," "anen- n-p'iD" r ep rover of God." Gen. 21:25,
iampment of Nomades," from the root IIP of the Drn3X n?im "and Abraham reproved

Abimclech;" more strongly, to upbraid, 2 Ki.

also, speak) friendly to him." Job 4:2. Has. 8:5, pllipt.

19:4; Isa. 37:4; and thus PJ93 --63-V 6 'n^-li; " how long will not they be a b U
(3) to correct by punishment, to punish; espe- (to practise) innocency?" i. e. are they not able ti
cially used of God dealing with men in discipline for resolve to act uprightly? (c) to be able lawfully, i. e.
theiramendment, Job 5:17; Prov. 3:12; Psa. 6:2; to be lawful, or permitted to any one. Gen. 43:32,

38:2; 94:10; 105:14; 141:5. In this sense it is "the Egyptians could not eat with the Hebrews,"
often joined with ID*. i.e.
they could not lawfully, it was not permitted w
(4) to judge, to decide, syn. t3?tp Isa. 11:3; fol- them. Nu. 9:6; Deu. 12:17.
lowed by ? Isa. 2:4; also, to do justice to any one (2) to be powerful, to prevail, whether in fight-
(like P"*, Bp0, 11 :4; followed by P3: to be arbiter ing cr in anything else, Hos. 12:5; Jer. 3:5; 20:7;
between Gen. 31:37; Job 9:33; followed by a dat. l Ki. 22:22.Followed by ? of the pers. to prevail
to adjudge for any one, Gen. 24: 14, 44. over any one in fighting, Gen. 32:29. With a verbal
(5) to dispute, altercate with any one; prop.
to suffix (whether it be taken as a dative or an accus.),
to argue down, to try to convince
(compare B35pJ, Jer. 20: 1O; Psa. 13:5. With a dative of the thing,
tVM, and Niphal); followed by an accus. Job 22 4; :
metaph. to be master of anything difficult, i.e. to
followed by ^
Job 13:3; followed by *? 16:21. comprehend it, Ps. 139:6.
HOPHAL pass, of No. 3, Job 33: 19. Derived proper names, ^/5 :, '3-V, 73-irV.
NIPIIAL n313 i of Hiph. No. 2, to be argued
( ) pass,
/y Ch. fut. b; Dan. 3 29; 5:16; and the :

down, to be convicted. Gen. 20: 16, nnDJI "and Hebr. form /?-1* 2: 10 (i) to be able, to be power-
she (Sarah) was convicted," she had nothing by
which she could excuse herself. ful, followed by a gerund, Dan. 2:47; 3:17; 4:34.
(2) to prevail, to overcome, followed by a dat.
(2) recipr. to dispute with any one, Job 23:7; of pers. Dan 7:21.
Isa. 1:18.
HITIIPAEL n31i;in i. q. Niph. No. 2, Mic. 6:2. JT7^ & ^t/$! ("for whom Jehovah shews
Derived nouns, HPIDW, nroin. himself stron g," [" strong by means of Jehovah"] ),
[Jecoliah, Jecholiah], pr.n. of the mother of king
T75! [JecoliaJi'], 2 Ch. 26:3 ana for
Uzziah, 2 Ki. 15:2, and 2 Ch. 26:3 np.
JO* ("whom God strengthens," founds"),
[Jack iii], pr. n. (l) of a son of Simeon, Gen. 46 :

1O; for which there is 1 Ch. 4:24, 3 "!).


/ (Arabic jj^-ffith.
A:j, i
pers. W&, but
(2) of the right hand column before the porch of
Solomon's temple, 1 Ki. 7:21. Patron, of No. l is
with suff. TJIOi* Psa. 2:7, #r Jer.
T?: Nu. 26:12. 2:27 (which some would take from "vj, . ^, without

any need), inf. absol. 1?J constr. nnp (rn^7 I sa 37 3 . :


731, rarely ^J 2 Chron. 7:7; 32:14; fut. hlV n 1?9 Hos. 9 1 1 ) TIT?, once n? l Sam.
; 4:19; with
(properly, fut. Hophal, to be made able, see Lehrg. part. ^\ fern, nn^ and IT}^ Gen.
suff. FUTjX fut. n?. .,

page 460; for that this is not fut. Kal, as formerly 16:11; Jud. 13:5,7.
was thought, and is still repeated, is clear from the (1) to bring forth, to bear, as a mother, Genesis
fact, that the pr. n 73-V Jer. 38:1, is also spelled 4:1,22; 16: i, 15, etc.; used of animals as well aa
^?-1 n 37:3), pi-
: ?*', 6& inf. const,
fljb. persons, Gen. 30:39; also to lay eggs, as a bird, Jer.
(l) TO BE ABLE, CAN. (A cognate root is Vl3 to 17:11. Part. fern. n*T?V one who brings forth,
take, to hold, to contain, to sustain, fallen/ tragen f oniun/ poetically for a mother,Prov. 17:25; 23:25; Cant.
comp. letter a.) Const, followed by an ace. Job 42:2; 6:9. Sometimes the accusative children is omitted
more frequently followed by a gerund (Germ, omn&gen by ellipsis; Genesis 6: 4, DH? 1T7M and they bare
ju), Gen. 13:6, 16; 45 1,3; Exod. 7 :2i, 24; by a them 1 6 l ft
D^K nb njfcq
(children) to '&6 :
rTJg; ,

naked inf. Exod. 2:3; 18:23; also by a finite verb, " and Sarai Abraham's wife bare him no
Est. 8:6, 'JVX-J1 km
n33K how shall I be able to 30:3 (comp. Niphal and Pual). Metaphorically, to
see," etc. Specially it is (a) to be able to bear bring forth fraud, iniquity (opp. to '"tin to conceive,
(comp. ^13), Isa. 1:13; Psalm 101:5; m re fully ^3T
to plan),Job 15 35 Ps. 7 15 ; compare Isa. 33 1 1
: ; : : .

44:22; Pro. 30:21; or /"3H Am. 7: 10.
flXfe^ Jer. by a similar metaphor, Pro. 27:1, thou knowest not
(6) to be able to bring oneself to do anything. what a day may bring forth;" Zeph. 2:a.
Gen. 37 14, "they could not (bring themselves to (2) to beget, as a father (like the Greek -inn LI
Lnt. parere, used of either sex, whence ol HOPHAL, properly to be caused to be born, henct
, 10:8,13. Used of
parentes), Gen. 4: 18; to be born. Inf. rn|n Gen. 40:20, and TJJW Eze
" Genesis loc. cit., ny-lBTI$ rTJJFJ D*
God, to create. Deu. 32:18, thou hast forgotten 16:4, 5, birth.
Jerem. 2:27, " Pharaoh's birth
the rock that begat (created) thee." day," prop, the day of Pharaoh's
(idolaters) say to a stock, thou art my father, thou being born. As to the use of accusatives with passive
hast begotten (i. e. hast created) me." (Compare verbs, see my Grammar, edit. 9, p. 233 [ 140, ed.l J
3N No. 3.) Thus light will be thrown on the passage Olshausen, Emendationen zum A. T. p. 24, 25.
Ps. 2:7, where God says to the king (the sen of God, HITHPAEL, to declare one's self to be born, tc
" thou art
cornp. |3 No. 8, ft), my son, this day have cause one's name to be inscribed in the genealogical
I begotten thee;" i.e. I have created or constituted tables, Nu. i :l8. In the books of a later age, the
thee king, giving thee the divine spirit. Those who expression used is KWnn.
maintain that this word must necessarily be taken in Derivative nouns, besides those which immediately
a physical sense, as implying generation, and that in follow, T^, TTMDj rnVw, 1J1, i& and pr.n. 1$
this passage the eternal generation of Christ is taught,
do not appear to have considered (besides the pas-
m pl ur constr. Hj>! and *i^ (Isa. 57: 4)
\?l - -

pages in Deut. and Jer.) the words of the apostle,

(1) one born, a son, poetically i. q. 1?. Hence
1 ''or. 4 15> * v T"P
Xptor^J 'Ijiarov diet rnv tvayyeXlou

iyu> iyivv 170-0.

v/idc [Whatever difficulty might
D*"p3 H^ sons of strangers, poet, for strangers
have been found in Psalm 2: 7, it is all cleared away (compare I? p. cxxv, B.), sons of tuickedness, for
the wicked, Is?.iali57:4. Used HUT ilo\r\v, of the
by the New Test. where we learn, that it speaks of

the resurrection of Christ, when He, the eternal son king' s son [rather, the son of God, himself the
mighty God~\, Isa. 9:5. Plur. comm. children, i. q.
of God, became the first begotten of the dead; the
D*33 i Sam. 1:2; Ezra 10:1 also of the young ol ;

passage 1 Cor. 4:15, refers to believers in the risen

son of God, who are themselves " begotten again to animals, Isa. 11:7; Job 38:41.
" (2) a child, sometimes one recently born, Genesis
a lively hope by His resurrection, or, as is said in Ex. 1:17; 2:3, sometimes one older,
" 21:8, seq. seq. ;

begotten by the word of truth."]]

another place,
a young man, Gen. 4:23 (in the other hemistich
NIPHAL lVl3 to be born. Gen. 4: 18, ife TO^ Ecc. 4:13; iKi. 12:8 (opp.
B*K). toli?T).
TVJTn^ "and unto Enoch was born Irad;" 21:5; '

46:20; Num. 26:60. Ellip. as in Kal No. l. Gen. "H7- [p!-

n n !?d f-
9 irl Gen. 34:4; Joel 4:3;

17:17, i?y. ~V I?/ ?

1 " shall
(a child) be born Zee. 8: 5.
to him that is an hundred years old?" l Chr. 3:5;
20:8, for H^J Lamed is doubled Tp^ (denom. from 1), f.
(l) youth, as a
period of life, Ecc. 11:9,10.
PIEL "1?? to aid a woman ivho
brings forth,
(2) youth, young men, Ps. 110:3.
Ex. 1:16. Part. f.
rin^D a midwife, Exod. 1:15;
Gen. 35:17. "lix? verbal adj. born, i. Ex. 1:22; Josh.
q. "IvJ,
PUAL and
18:29; Ruth 4:17
1p-V Jud.
"IJJ (l) 5:5; 2 Sa.5:l4.
to be born, i. q. Niphal, Gen. 4:26; 6:1.
Impers. u "
e.g. 10:21, N-in-DJ
iW DE^I "and to Shem even to P/* ( passing the night," tarrying," from
him was born," i.e. children were born. P&), [Jalon], pr. n. m. l Ch.4:l7-
(2) to be created, Ps. 90:2. verbal adj. born, especially in the
1^/^ (l)
HIPHIL T?in (i) to cause a woman to bring "
phrase n?3 TV! (a slave) born in the house of his
forth (spoken of God), Isa. 66:9; to beget children
owner," verna, Arab, jj., jkJj id. Gen 14:14; 17:
by any one, to impregnate a woman, i Chron. 2:l8;
8:8 to make (the earth) fruitful (as showers), Isa.
12,13,23; Lev. 22:il.
55 10. sons of Anak, Nu.
(2) subst. a son; P^V.n *T7j the

(2) to beget, as a father, i. q. Kal No. 2, Gen. 5:4, 13:22, 28; nann 'T^. 2 Sam. 21: 16, 18, the sons of
7,10, 13, seq. ; ll:ll,seq. Metaphorically to be- Raphah, i.
q. D^D").
get wickedness, Isa. 59:4 (nor is it needful in this
passage to ascribe to Hiphil the sense of bringing / *!
TO GO, TO WALK; see I/O-

(3) to create. Job 38 28, P^ft
: T^'mD who Y /I an onomatopoetic root, unused in Kd, Tt
hath begotten (created) the storehouses of dew?" YELL. TO WAIL. See for similar words under ??t
page cccxxxix, B; also Ann. /"*_ MI Germ. lullen, Q^ const. ~D;, more rarely "2!; with snff. 3S
IMW Saxon, lilauen.
51:36; with n parag. n}; pi. Q*P! m.
HIPHIL 57*!?, fut. (Isa. 52: 5), 7?* (Lehrg.
??$ s- <> r * r
p. 389). (1) THE SEA (Arab, J^a and J^oo* but
^j, Syr.
(1) to cry out, to lament, tohowl.Isa.. 13:6; 16:3;
83:1,14: Jer. 25:34; Am. 8:3, ^*0 nYVB> ?n the latter word is
generally used for a lake ^Egypt. ;

''the songs of palaces shall howl" (shall become sad,

IOU id. A derivation is scarcely to be sought:
however it
may be conjectured that it properly de-
shall be mournful).
Once used of the joyful voices of proud con- notes, the boiling, foaming of the sea; compare DV and
[referred in Thes. to the unused root DO^]).
D< P.!!;
querors, Isa. 52:5; so ^^| of the sound of war, Used either of the ocean or any of its parts, or of
Barhebr. 411, 413, Gr. 6\o\veiv of a joyful out-
inland lakes (Job 14:11, Syr. jlool). So n^S-DJ
cry, ^schyl. Septem ante Theb. 831; Agam. 281;
the lake of Tiberias, Nu. 34: 1 1 ; rpsrrqj Gen. 14:3
and on the contrary a\a\aiiv for lamentation, Eurip.
(sea of the desert) Deu. 4:49,
Phocn. 358. Also i?"}, JT")D, npO are used for outcry (the salt sea), !"I?7V
of either kind. There seems to be a trace of the '3bli5 DJ (eastern sea) Joel2:2O; Zee. 14:8, locus
Asphaltites, or the Dead Sea; Pl-ID'D^ (the weedy sea,
form 7vfo (comparer !J. and the noun '/in), Ps.
see PJ-1D) and DnyP'P? Isa. 11:15, the Red Sea; Djn
^j; .

78:63, where for l^n the parallelism requires us to ^h|n the great sea, Nu. 34:6,7, and P">Q^vJ D'D the
read V?vin (are lamented). [Few, I believe, will ap- hinder, i. e. the western sea, Deu. 1 1 : 24, for the Me-
prove of any such alteration; the passage needs none.] diterranean sea; D'H with art. used (as shewn by the
Derivatives, /jifl and context) of the Mediterranean sea, Josh. 15:47; the
sea of Galilee, Isa. 8:23; the Red Sea, Isa. 10:26;
//. m. yelling or howling of wild beasts, Dou.
s -- the Dead Sea, Isa. 16:8; D^ pDQ wealth of the sea, is
32 10; com p. Arab. t__ Lj yelling, for t__jLj c 1\ y>~
the wealth of maritime and trans-marine nations
a desert where wild beasts yell (Willmet's Lex. Arab. (D'|Xn) procured by sea voyages ;
Isa. 60:5, i.q. y%&
.v.),and Hebr. D"..
D^ Deu. 33:19;
"am I
Job 7:
a sea, or a seamonster, that,"
12, 131 '? T3P D
"1/7! const, state np? f. howling, yelling, Isa. untamed like the sea? Lam. 2:13, Vna
T?.??' DJ?
15:8; Jer. 25:36; Zee. 11:3. ruin Plur. 0'!
"thy is great like the sea." seas,

, i.q. n$ [i.q. JN 7 Thes.], Arab.

DTTEU anything RASHLY(Syn. NB3), Pro. 20:25. In
^ poet, for the sing., e. g. for the prose D'D
71H Gen.

32:13; 41:49; poet, is said 0^3? pin Gen.49:l3;

Job 6: 3; Jud. 5:17; Ps. 78:27. Figuratively and
Arabic the verb ^
is used of rash oaths, Kor. Sur.
hyperbolically ri^n^ri'D* the sea of brass was the name
ii. 225. As to the power of the syllable V? see under of the great laver in the inner court of Solomon's
&. Ch. 18:8. The name of
temple, 2 Ki. 25:13; i sea
[Hence Vf& and n$fl in Thes.]
is also applied to

H an unused Arabic (2) a great river, as the Nile, Isa. 19:5; Nahum
r T root. <3
Conj. HI. to
3:8; the Euphrates. Isa. 27:1; Jer. 51 : 36 ; pi. of the
adhere firmly. Hence
I - - s<- -

^?p. f a sca6, an itching scab, so called from arms of the Nile, Eze. 32 : 2. (So Arab. ^

ticking fast, Levit. 2l:2O; 22:22; LXX. Xtixfiv, compare Diod. i. 12, 96. More instances have been
Vulg. impetigo. given on Isa. 19:5.)

(3) the west, the western quarter, from the Me-

p7 T an unused root, i.
q. P7 to Ji'c, to Zap, to diterranean sea being situated to the west of Palestine;
lick up, to browse upon, like cattle (comp. ^n^ Nu. 0* rfn the west wind, Exod. 10: 19; the west D^ri!!?^
t?:4). Hence side,Ex. 27 1 2 38 1 2 HDJ westward, Gen. 28 14
: ; :

Exod. 26:22 (also to the sea, Ex. 10:19, f r which

/r m< a species of locust, with wings (Nah. 3 16) :

there is more n !?JO); BJP from the

and hairy (Jcr. 51:27), Ps. 105:34; Joel 1:4; 2:25; frequently west,
Gen. 12:8; ? D'jt?on the west of
any place, Josh. 8:
ee Bochart, Hieroz. P. ii.
p. 443.
9, 12, 13. Twice (Ps. 107:3; Isa. 49:12) D^ is joined
'! a bag, a purse, so called from collecting with the north (P^Y) and on this account some sup-

(root OJ^), 1 Sa. 17:40. at least in these places, to signify the south
pose it, ;

but elsewhere, also quarters which are not opposite I

(c) on or at the right (after verbs of motion) PP,"?
but near together are spoken of in the same connexion ;
I Neh. 12:31; of some one '3 PPv Psalm no:l. 3t?
compare Am. 8: 12; Deu. 33:23. tyDv '
sit thou at
my right hand." (d) towards
Dan. 7:2,3.
theright is PP'n ?J? 2 Sa. 2:19; Isa. 9: 19; PP'O /$
E? emphat. NPl Ch. the sea. Ezek. 1:1O; PPJH Gen. 13:9, and PP* 1 Sam. 6:12;
MuJ an unused which appears to have Nu. 20:17; 22:26; often in proverbial phrases, >1D
T root,
kindred words are Dl" BVpJ, 7S'D^ IS pp* to turn to the right or left, Deu. 2:27;
signified heat, ivarmth

; ,

which itself follows the analogy of this root ; -1O^

= 5:29; 17:20; Josh. 1:7, 23:6. To stand on the
D^ Q'p, 4,,.. be hot (as the day).to See under Di\ right hand of any one is the same as to oz'c/him, Ps.
16:8; 109:31; 110:5; 121:5; [The passages Ps.
[Hence the three following words ]
109:6, Zee. 3:!, show that this cannot be always the
hw&] ( the day
i.q. D^, -inP i.q. ^P a man), [Jemuef], pr.
n. of a
God," W = DV comp. ^ meaning of the phrase the context and subject must

be carefully heeded.] Those on whom special honour

son of Simeon, Gen. 46: 10, called erroneously /Nl^ is conferred are said to sit on the right hand of a king,
Nil. 26:12. as the queen, iKi. 2:19; Ps. 45:10; the friend of
the king, and minister of the kingdom, Ps. lio:l
HIS* pi. of the noun Di*, which see.
(where see the interpreters); comp. Jos. Arch. vi. 11
U*D t
id. see ibid. 9. [No one who believes in the divine authority
of the N. Test, can doubt the
E'P* m. Gen. 36:24, prob. ac- application of Ps. 1 1O: l
Xeyo/z. pi. air a
to Him, as risen from the dead, and ascended into
cording to Vulg. aquae calidce, thermce, hot springs,
the Father's presence, " from henceforth
such as are actually found in the country spoken of expecting
till His enemies shall be made His
in the passage, to the east of the Dead Sea. That footstool."]
which Jerome says in Quasst. ad loc. cit.
" Nonnulli (2) i.q. rp*T "II the right sc. hand, Gen. 48:18;
Ex. 15:6; Ps. 21:9; 44:4, etc. In this signification,
pTitant aquas calidas juxta punicce lingua? viciniam,
like 1J, it is
joined with a feminine verb (Ps. 137:5),
quae hebraeae contermina est, hoc vocabulo significari,"
more rarely with a masculine (Prov. 27 16). Psa.
is not to be

despised, nor is it devoid of etymological

80:18, 1.J'P' C S "the man of thy right hand,"

reasons which have been given under DV

see those S

i. e. whom
and np^. In the Samaritan copy of the Pentateuch thy right hand conducts, [rather, the man
it is C^P'SH Emims or
who there seated, even Christ
giants, and so it is understood
(3) the so uthern quarter, the sou th, compare the
by Onkelos and Pseudo-Jonathan. By a very un- remarks on "tins No. 2. l Sa. 23:19, |iO*E>*n PP*p
lappy conjecture made from the context, some Jewish " from the south of
the desert." Verse 24. 2 Sam.
riters and Luther
[also the English version] under-
id it to mean mules.
(4) The right hand in Hebrew, the same as in
" connected with the idea of success, and thus
!2p^ (i. q. ti^*j dove"), [JemimaJi], pr. n. Greek, is

of a daughter of Job, Job 42 14. :

denotes prosperity, like the Arab. ff+j, see pr. n,
j ?* subst. (i) m. [" com. but mostly fern."] the PP*?? Gen. 35: 18. [It appears to be a mere as-
sumption to assign this meaning or this idea to the
right side, the right quarter. (Arab. >r./j)-
Hebrew word.]
.it in the genitive after other nouns has the force
[Jamz'ra], pr. n. of a son of Simeon, Genesis
of the adj. right ('JO)). PPT n pitf the thigh of the 46:10 all.
right side, i. e. the right thigh ; PPJ pJ? the right eye, Hence patron.
1 Sa. lira;
"'Pp! Genesis 48: 14; ye T his, my ^*^?T [Jaminites'], Nu. 26:12.
ight hand, Ps. 73 : 23 ; Jer. 22 24. :
(Compare Syr.
the right hand). Also *?& (l) i- q- *3P; right (opposite to left), cnly
cn^l (a) on the
found 2 Ch. 3:17; Eze. 4:6 a'ro.
right PP: h% Job 30:12; P
is i
Kings 7: 39, 49;
PPI (ace.) Job 23:9. (2) ""^Pril and ellipt. TP*. a Benjaminite. Gen-
(b) on the right of anc person
tile noun from PP*33 see page cxxvni, B.
or thing is '3 PP> W,
Neh.8:4; Zee. 4:11; ^
91 PP? 1 Sa. 23:24; '3 TP7 Ps.
109:31 Isaiah ;
*V? & fi/&! (" whom h e, sc. God, will fill up"),
53:12-; 'Sppn? Gen. 48: 13; Ps. 16:8; Ezek. 10:3;
[Imla, Imlah'], pr. n. of the father of Micaiah tfcg
4:3; '&? rP'P 2 Ki. 23:13; *B ri? s Sa. 24:5. prophet, l Ki. 22:8,9.
" the wrath ol
|/P. ("whom God makes to reign"), \_Jam- probably id.; 2.3:38, naVrj Tfnrf

lech~\, pr. n. of a leader of the tribe of Simeon, i Ch. *heoppressing,"i.e. sword,asithas been well taken
4:34- by Schnurrer, unless, perhaps, with LXX., Chald.,
and some MSS. we ought to read n3Vn 3"1PI. Psalm
" '

an umised root, see np'OJ. [ (i) ..

q. 74:8, in? DV3 let us oppress (i.e. let us destroy
and non to make a noise; hence Q* sea. them all."

HIPHIL ntf n fut.

naV i. q. Kal, than which it is oftener
(a) i.
q. DV, no; &> be hot, whence PS-XL, day, ap-
used, specially of civil commotions, i. q. py'J Exod.
plied to love, whence nDJ." Thes.]
22:20; Levit. 19:33; Eze. 18:7, seq.; Isa. 49:26;
used of fraud and cheating in bxiying and selling,
unused in Kal; ["kindred to 1K"].
Levit. 25:14, 17; followed by "? to cast out, from
HiPHtL rP'i? and ppn 2 Sam. 14:19, denom. from
possession, Ezek. 46:18. (Chaldee Aph. '31K id.)
Compare H3V.
(1) to go tc the right, to turn to the right. Gen.
13:9; Eze. 21:21. Comp. IPX No. II. HI}) ( rest"), [Janoali], pr.n. of a town on the
(2) to use the right hand. Part. D\3'PJD l Ch. borders of Ephraim and Manasseh. 2 Kings 15:29.
M:t. With n local nrfoj Josh. 16:6, 7.
Derived or cognate nouns, PPJ, *3*p* No. l, lP*fl
D1^ ("sleep"), Josh. 15: 53 ana, for which in np
there is
("flight"), [Jant/n?], pr.n. of a town
H30* ("prosperity," i.
q. ^j), [JYwna, 7m- in the tribe of Judah.

a], pr. n. of a son of Asher, Gen. 46 : 17 all. n J T an uncertain root, ["a spurious root"], whence
^ m. n f.
adj. right (opposite of left), Ex. the Hiphil rvan is commonly derived.
this form the root H13.
But see for

29:20; Levit. 8:23. Formed as from JPJ, ^ the

"~lp^l f. i.q. J"I|W a sucker,
a shoot, Eze. 17:4.
right side.
Properly, sucking, from the root p?*, pass, form, but
>TT- ("whom God retains," i.e. preserves), Avith active power. To this word corresponds Ch.
[/mna/i], pr. n. m. l Ch. 7:35.
p'r, p-13J, Syr. LQ<XL, suckling.
'? T unused in Kal, i.q.T-ID to exchange. Hence
HIPHIL "PP 1 ? tocha nge, to exchange, Jer. 2 1 1
fut. P_3". ["Ch. R3, Syr. TO SUCK, ca"]
: .
Job 3:12; properly a mother's breast, followed by
HITHPAEL 15>!rin to exchange oneself -with
any ace., Cant. 8:1; Joel 2:l6; but used also of other
one, i.e. to change places with any one (compare things, as Job 20:16, "he sucked the poison of
Arab. to change, to V. " thou shalt also
Jjj exchange, Conj. to take asps." Figuratively Isaiah 6o:l6,
the place). Isa. 61
Q"ji333 "for their
:6, 'np.inn suck the milk of the Gentiles and the breasts of

brightness be ye substituted." So Saad.andJarchi, kings thou shalt suck," i. e. thou shalt be enriched
" in their with the wealth of nations and kings. Deu. 33; 19,
Others, as Vulg., Chald., Syr., brightness
" for
ye shall glory," as though it were the same as 1P3".nv ?- *W '? sna11 suck the abundance
of the seas," i. e. of transmarine nations ;
Isa. 66 :

UF 11, 12. Part. P.3V (a) suckling, Deu. 32: 25; Ps.
("stubborn," from rn),[/mr aA],pr.n.
8:3. (b) a shoot, a sucker, see under the word P.3V.
m., i Ch. 7 36. :

HIPHIL P'3'H to give suck, to stickle, as a mother

a child, Genesis 21:7; Ex. 2 7, 9 l Sa. l 23 also
: :
q. U^, unused in Kal.
used of cattle, Gen. 32 16.

Part. np.?/P, with suffix


HIPHIL, Jud. 16:26 in 3r let

inprp 2 Ki. 11:2. Plural riip\rp Isaiah 49:23 (a
me feel.
woman), giving suck, subst. a nurse. As things
w which are sweet and pleasant to the taste are sucked,
J fut. fl3 P-
T .

BESS. The primary idea is that of heat, kindred hence to cause to taste, to give to eat anything t
to also to DV Part. Zeph. 3:1, !~13>n Tyri sweet, Deu. 32:13.
|SJ, etc."]
"the In other passages it is used Derivatives, P.3V, ngjV. np/3^.
oppressing city."
an epithet H3Vn 3TTI the an unclean
SpBty m. and once *\W?. (Isa. 34:11),
as for a sword.
or violent swoii, Jer. 46:16; 50-16; and without bird, probably aquatic or living in marshes; Levit

11:17; Deut. 14:16, an inhabitant of deserts or 6:26; i Ki. 16:34; Zee. 4:9; Isa. 14:32; 28:16.

marshes, Isa. loc. cit. LXX. and Vulgate render it Followed also by another ace. of the material, l Ki.
ibis, i. e. the Egyptian heron. Chald., Syr., noctua, 5:31, rm
'33N rv?rt ID: ? to lay the foundation

vlula; and so Bochart (Hieroz. P. II, p. 281, seq.), of the house with hewn stone. Figuratively, Pg.
who supposes it to be so called from twilight (*\V3). 8:3, TV rn.D? "thou hast founded glory for thyself
It seems to me to be a kind of heron or crane, such a (comp. the usage of the Arabs, who compare glory to a
one as utters a sound like the blowing of a horn, firm and strong edifice; see Muntinghi on the pas-
like the ardea stellaris (SRofyrbommel), ardea Agami (ber sage).
Urompeteroogcl), grus vulgaris ; this opinion being in (2) to appoint, to ordain, with an aco., l Ch.
accordance with the etymology from ^^'3 to blow. 9:22; followed by ^V_ Est. 1:8.
In the list of unclean birds, Levit. loc. cit. this bird is PUAL ID* to be founded, iKi. 6:37; followed by
followed by npt???, which is almost from the same an ace. of the material, i Ki. 7:10.
root (BB>3 = tjsb).' HOPHAL i.
q. Pu. Inf. "l?-in subst. a foundation,
being founded, Ezr. 3:11; 2011.3:3. Part. "lE^k
? ["Inf. with prefix ite^ Isa. 51:16; "HB^ (with dag. forte euphon.)
founded. Isai. 28:16,
(as if from a verb i"^),2 Ch. 31:7. The primary and ID-ID ^-10 a founded foundation, i.e. firm, comp
monosyllabic root is sad, Sanscrit to sit, Lat. sedere, bsnp b*sn p s 64:7; ^>B>3p ^>g>3 EX.
Goth, satjan, to place; compare Eng. to set." See Derivatives besides those immediately following,
Thes.] (i) TO FOUND (a building), ["to place a niD, npio, np*o rnwo, npp, iio an d n.
f [ pr. nnioa]
building, hence to found "], Ezra 3:12; Isa. 54 1 1 : .

However, proper and original signification is more

this ^^\,metaph.beginning. Ezr.'jig.

frequent in Piel; in Kal commonly poetically used

"TlD . m. a foundation, base, as of the altar, Ex.
of God as founding the heaven or the earth, Psalm
29:12; Levit. 4:7, seq.; of a building, Hab. 3:13.
24:2; 78:69; 89:12; 102:26; 104:5; Job 38:4; PL DniD Mic. i :
6, and nnb Lam. 4:11. Metaph.
Am. 9:6. Also ["to place"^ to pile up aheap, used of princes (comp. ninK'). Eze. 30:4.
appoint, ordain, 2 Chr. 31:7.
(2) Metaphorically to constitute, to establish,
^l f.
foundation, Ps. 87:1.

as laws. Psa. 119:152; Hab. l 12, in"]P) rV3ir6 :

lit). m. a corrector, a reprover, verbal subst.
" thou hast ordained it
(the Chaldean people) for of the form "1123 from the root
">PJ. Job 40:2, 3'in
punishment," i. e. hast sent, hast called for it in the ; -liD? ^B'-ny " shall the reprover (of God contend)
other hemistich inp'B> BSE'P^. p s 104:8, "unto the .
in contending with the Almighty?" 3'~i is inf. absol.
place which thou hast appointed for them," hast from the root used instead of the finite verb, com
3'"i -

Isaiah 23: 13, " behold the land of the

assigned. pare Jud. 1 1 :
25, V?O^ Dy in Tiq where a finite
Chaldees ...
D'!$ anp) TWg "Assyria appointed verb is added. Various separate interpreters have
it the inhabitants of the desert," i. e. for the
rightly explained the single words of this verse
Chaldees compare my Commentary on the passage.
(see as to~nE>*. Junius and Tremell., as to the form 3"!
NIPHAL 1D13 (l) to be founded, as a kingdom see Aben Ezra and Kimchi) but I have not found
any :

["to sit down, settle as men in any country"], Ex. who have rightly understood the whole. The inter-
9:18; Isa. 44:28. have given above, was suggested
pretation which I

(2) to support, oneself, to lean, or rest on one's in my larger lexicon [1810], and has been approved
arm; used of men reclining on a couch or cushion,
by Umbreit, Winer, de Wette, but neglected by Ko-
especially as deliberating and consulting together; Fenmliller.
hence to take counsel together: [This mode of
m. drawing back, withdrawing, verbal
arriving at this sense is rejected in Thes. Gesenius T

there takes up the idea of to sit together in

Ps. 2 2 :
; 31
a couch, [in Thes. a sitting
14. Hence "tfB for *riD
prop, a cushion,


'Pi ?

" those who
(as 3^* from 3^1).

depart from
Jer. 17:13 a'ro,

me," for'?P.p D^B*,

np ?p.
together], hence a council;
and, on the contrary, Arab. P
prop, deliberation, ^Vo j T an uncertain root, i.
q. ^IPJ to pour out, but
sitting together ;
hence a couch, on which those who intrans. to be poured (comp. D-16? and ^J). Onc
consul; recline. " shall be
found Ex. 30:32, "HP". poured." But per-
(i) i. q. Kal, to found (a building), haps the reading should be ^|p1\ [This is not in-
["to place a, foundation stone" ], with ace., Joshua serted as a root in Thes.]J

p* ("one who beholds, looks out," from Num. 32:15; Josh. 7:12; 180111.19:8: 27:4; Isa,

?P), [/sea A], pr. n of the sister of Lot, Gen. 11 29. :

47 : l, 5. (c) to do more. Genesis 37 :5, ~W3 la'pi*!
in'K K5' " and they hated him yet more;" 37:8
*T5?P! ("whom Jehovah props up"), [7s- 1 Sam. 18:29; 2 Sam. 3 34. Sometimes the action

achiah], pr. n. m. 2 Ch. 31:13.

which is either to be repeated or continued, ia
omitted, and is only to be gathered from what pre-
^ in Kal and Hiph. fut. ^PV, apoc. *jpV, conv. cedes. Job 20:9, ppin 6l Wieif 13? " the eye has
*l'(fut. Kal unused), inf. TP iri ; part. ^IPV for *)Pi* seen him, but it shall not add," sc. *$Y? i. e. shall
(Isa. 29: 14; 38:5), and *TP1 Neh. 13:18 (compare see no more. Job 34:32, " if I have sinned, I will
note). not continue," sc. to sin. Job 38:11; 40:5, 32.
(l) to add, (Syr. and Chald. Aph. *1P>, isuio)). Ex. ll:6," such as never was before fpp'rrx? inbD}
Followed by an accus. of the thing added, and J? of (sc. flVrv) neither afterwards will there be." Num.
that to which it is added. Lev. 5:16,1 JVE^pq r\$\ 11
" and when the Spirit came upon them they
V/y )PV and he shah add a fifth part thereto."

prophesied *SDJ *6l (sc. K33nn!?) but (from that day)

Levit. 22:14; Deu. 19:9; followed by
27:13, seq. ;
never any more," as is well rendered by theLXX.
' 2 Sa. 24:3. The accusative of the thing to be and Syr.
added is however often omitted, Deu. 13:1, ^PJTN? Note. *l?i* there is sometimes
In the future for
USQjnjn vb] V7J? " neither add thereto nor take written Ex. 5:7; i Sa. 18:29; an(l on *^ e
therefrom (any thing whatever)." Proverbs 30:6; contrary f\7\\ *\& Ps. 104:29; 2 Sam. 6:1, for ^OX
Ecc. 3:14. from ^IP^. For the imp. there occurs twice ^SP, but
Hence (2) to add (something) to ,
i. e. to in- more correctly referred to the root HSP.
this is

crease any thing, comp. the Fr. ajouter a, and Lat. NIPHAL ^PW (l) to be added, followed by 75?

detrahere (aliquid} de laudibus alic. Followed by Nu. 36:3, 4, reflect, to join one's self, Ex. l :1O.
" and I will add
?y PS. 71:14, in?nrr73'7y ^Pippini. (2) to be increased, sc. in wealth. Prov. 11 :24-
to (increase) all thy praise." Ps. 115: 14; Ezr. 1O: Part. n'lSPij Isa. 15:9, additions, increases,sc. of

10; followed by b& Eze. 23:14; followed by ? Isai. calamities, i. e. new calamities.
26:15; followed by an ace. Lev. 19:25. Job42:lO, Derived pr. n. *|9>, *]Pirp, rv?pi\
" and Jehovah
nrji?> nii6 Te^S-ntf njrp fJPh
increased twofold all things which Job had." Ecc. ^p\ Ch. unused in Kal.
l:l8; Prov. 1:5; 9 95 10:27; l6:2l; 19:4; Job
HOPHAL (as in Hebrew) ^^ to be added, Dan.
4 =
17:9; Isa. 29:19. To increase any thing to any one
sometimes means i. q. to give more, plentifully. T rarely occurring in Kal, fut. PIP.? Hos. 1O:
Ps. 120:3, n ??") P-'/5 "$ TPi^P/ "$
\nr2 "what 1O ;
8:li [This passage is omitted in Thes.] ;

shall one give to thee, or what shall one increase part.

IP' Pro.
9 7 Ps. 94:10. Elsewhere in

to thee, O deceitful tongue?" compare Lev. 26:21; PIEL IP!, fut. IP!*, inf. also rnpj Uv. 26 18, ^P- :

Eze. 5:16. Elsewhere to increase, is i.

q. to sur- Ps. 118:18.
" thou hast in-
pass. 2 Ch. 9:6, rUttCS?! 7J? JJ12PJ (I)TO CORRECT by blows or stripes, TO CHASTISE,
creased the fame," i.e. thou hast surpassed the Deu. 22: 18. iKi. 12:11,14, "my father chastised
fame, comp. 1 Ki. 10:7. you with whips;" especially used of children who are
(3) To add to do anything, followed by an inf. corrected by their parents, Prov. 19 18; 29:17; of :

either naked or with ? prefixed, more rarely with

else men corrected by God, Levit. 26: 18, 28; Psa. 6:2;
a finite verb, (the copula either added or omitted, 38:2; 39:12; 118:18; Jer.2 19; 10:24. (^th. :

Prov. 23:35; Isa. 52:1; Hos. 1:6) is (a) to do TU)^! to correct, to reprove, to instruct; the palatal
again, and in Latin [or other language which re- being changed into the harsher 3.)
sembles it in this particular] itis
commonly ex- (2) to correct by words; hence (a) to arfmo-
pressed by an adverb, iterum, ntrsus. Genesis 4: 2, nish, exhort, Prov. 9:7; Job 4:3 (comp. Hos.
mSS nn'm "and she bare
again." Gen. 8:10,12; 7:15). Ps.i6:7, "pv ?? wp:

"also by night
" and he
18:29, "^"l? ~W ^9*1 spoke yet again." my reins admonish me," to praise God. Followed
Genesis 25 1 ; Exod. 10:28, 29.
(b) to do something by JP to dissuade from anything, Isa. 8:ll. Often
afterwards, to cm '.inue to do anything, to do it
any used of the discipline which children receive from theii
longer. Geneau 4 12, ^ Pirfe-'nn
(the parents, Deu. 21:18; or men from God, Deu. 4:36
earth) shall no more yield to thee her strength." 8:5; Psa. 94:12. (b) to instruct, to teach, ba

28:26, nV Vr6g DBSHffc will instruct Vphe summon to a court, to call on to plead. Job 9:
him according to the right, his God will teach him." 19, TOfl* *9 " who shall cite me?" Jei. 49 19; :

Followed by two ace. Pro. 31 1. Often joined with :

the synonymous word D^"" which differs from this 1
HOPHAL (1) to be appointed, set, Jer. 24: i.
verb in applying primarily to the milder discipline of (2) turned, as the face, Eze. 21:21.
to be

admonition and reproof, and being thence transferred Derivatives, rny., ntfo, ijn, rnjno, and pr. n.
to the more severe as that of stripes and punishment ;

this verb, on the other hand, properly signifies the

1^3?* [Iddo~\, m. 2 Chron. 9:29 in np (for which
more severe discipline, and is transferred to that which
3'm ^IV.1), pr. n. m.; elsewhere HJ7, which see.
is milder. Like the former is Gr. irai t wet*', Germ.
jud)ttgen 3ud)t/ jtefjen/ erjtefjen), like the latter is P a root, aira \eyop. Isaiah 28 17, [" TO :


'[" HIPHIL i.
q. Kal and Piel. Once OTP?X Hos. = e
Arab. cz. lP.K to gather, IV. to lay up; perhaps,
NIPIIAL "ipfa to be corrected, to be admonished,
to take away, to snatch away; whence JP a shovel,
toreceive discipline, Ps. 2:10; Jer. 6:8; Pro. 29:
19; Eze. 23:48. lit?-'!? Eze. loc. cit. is Nithpael (see /W. & '8T?! (perhaps "treasure of God"),
Lehrg. p. 249) for -"nSiro. The common analogy is \Jeuel, Jeiel, Jehiel], pr. n. of several men (l)
however preserved, if the word be written with other of the captain of the Reubenites, 1 Ch. 5:7. (2) of
vowels, 1~ipU. the builder of the city of Gibeon, l Chr. 9:35. (3)
Derivatives, T^, TOD, ibb. of the scribe of king Uzziah, 2 Ch. 26: 1 1, all.

y) [pi. Q^VJ] ni. a shovel for taking away ashes, py* (" counsellor," part. fut. from pjj), [Jens],
from the root H^ to take away, Exod. 27:3; 38 3; :
pr. n. m. l Ch. 8:10.
Nu. 4:14; l Ki. 7 40, 45. Vulg. forceps. (In Arabic

; pl. woods, i.
q. D^J Eze. 34:25 am.
many nouns derived from the root ^.c, signify a
" whom
vessel, but in this root the Arabic appears to differ (verbal, from fut. of the verb Btyj,
from the Hebrew.) God hastens"), [Jeush, JehusJi], pr. n. (l) of
a son of Esau, Gen. 36: 18; for which there is "#?,
|*5V- [Jabez], pr. n. (l) of a man, l Chr. 4 9, :
verse 5, 14 aro. (2) of a son of Rehoboam, 2 Chr.
1O; where it is so stated as if it were put for 3^V!
11:19, also of others.
(he causes pains).
(2) of a town of the tribe of Judah, l Ch. 2 55. :
UL T unused in Kal, prob. i.
q. TTJJ to be hard, firm,
fut. 1JJ".
TO APPOINT, especially a place, Jer. 47:7, and time, NIPHAL, Isa. 33 19, T^U
: DJ? hard (or obstinate)
2 Sa. 20 5 people;" or, as well rendered by Jerome, impiidens.
also, a punishment, Mic. 6 9.

Symm. di'cuS//c.
(2) espouse, a wife or concubine, Ex. 21 :8, 9.
to *l

(Arab. iXc k to point out anything before,

especially ?> lit., ("whom God comforts," from the root

jood ;
but also sometimes, to threaten some harm, o -Ic to comfort), [JaazieT], pr. n. m. l Ch. 15:18;
ifi. to
appoint a time or place. Apparently cognate for which there is, verse 20, /^TJ?-
is '";'n to cause to know, to point out.)
XIPHAL "tyfa tomeet with any one at an "^fiL ("which Jehovah comforts"), [Jaa-
ziabJ], pr. n. m. l Ch. 24:26, 27.
appointed place, to come with him to such a
plci'.'e; followed by ? Ex. 25:22; 29:42, 43; 30:6, "MJT- & TU
("which Jehovah aids"), [Jaa~
36; followed by ?K Nu. 10:4. zer, \Jazer~\, pr. n. of a town in the tribe of Gad,
(2) recipr. to come together at an appointed near the land of the Ammonites, long subjected to
time or place, Neh. 6:2, 10; Job2:ll; Am. 3:3; the rule of the Moabites; its site was in the spot
generally, to come together, Josh. 11:5; l Ki. where now are the ruins called Sdr. As to the sea
8:5; followed by /J? against any one, speaking of ofJazcr(~\W_ DJ Jer. 48:32), which is of very doubt-
confederates, Nu. 14:35; 16:11; 27:3. ful authority, see my observations on Isa. 16 : 8.
HIPHIL Tjnn to appoint any one to meet at a Nu. 21:32; 32:1. Greek 'Ia/p, 1 Mace. 5 : 8. Com-
pare Eusebius, De Locis Heb. v.
certiin time or place,
specially for judgment ;
to 'l

/? a root, o/roi Xeyo'/i.

q. ^OJJ
TO CLOTHE, "1/y.. f. of the
^l) preceding, the female ibex t

foa. 61 10.
: or chamois. Pro. 5: 19, ID J"DJ" the graceful cha-
mois;" an epithet applied to a beautiful woman.
/"! Chald. i.
q. Hebr. fJ TO COUNSEL. Part.
The Arabs say more
A COUNSELLOR of a king, Ezra 7
proverbially ulcJ^ .-* J*\\
(for t3J), :

beautiful than an ibex i.

; Bochart, 899.
U, n. m., Ezra 2:56;
(a) \_Jaalah, Jahala~], pr.
ITHPAEL, to consult together, Dan. 6:8.
Derivative, Nt?V.-

E/J?! ("whom God hides"), [7"aa/am], pr.n.

'ST S [Je/, Jehiet], see ^TO. [Also used of a son of Esau, Gen. 36:5, 14.
when not in aro as i Ch. 5:7; 15:18, 21.]
* * * * f* ^ ""

"VJP ('''whom God stirs up"),[/atr], pr. n. of a

U/ ^ an unused root. Syriac Ethpa. .
s..L) to be
9 f
man, 1 Ch. 20:5 np, in 3'ro there is "HVJ. In the greedy, voracious, \
greedy, voracious. Hence
parallel place, 2 Sa. 21
19, there : is instead of it *T3- and njJJl the ostrich, so called from its
probably IV.I

D'STX, but 0^~}N appears to be a spurious reading greediness.

taken by mistake from the following D'S'iX ~3D.
|y. (for
n ?S.*.) prop.subst. purpose, intent (from the
py* (" troubled," see P3), [7acAan], pr.n.m., root H3J?, propose any thing by words, to
^J^ to
1 Ch. 5:13.
signify), always used as a particle:

unused in Kal ASCEND ON HIGH, (1) as a prep, on account of, Eze.5:9; Hag. 1:9;
\^\ (i) TO
followed by an inf., Isa. 37:29.
TO RISE ABOVE; kindred to H7JJ. (Arab. ^s. t to rise (2) asaconj., because, in that, Nu. 20: 12; l Ki.
above. V. to ascend a mountain, to stand on the 20:42; 2 Ki. 22:19; more fully "W$ \V1 Gen. 22:16-
l Sa. 30 2 2 l Ki. 3:11, etc.
more rarely '? JJ Nu. ;

summit, J^. a noble, a prince.) Hence ?JP ibex. 1 1 20

: Isa. 7:5; each followed by a pret. Followed

(a) to excel, to be useful, compare ?J in the a fut. "f 'S ]V1 it is, that, Eze. 12:12. It is three
compound word ?S!r?- times emphatically doubled !J3-1 H because and
HIPHIL 7'JJin (i) to be useful, to profit, to aid, because, because that (bteireil), Levit. 26:43; Eze.
absol. Pro. i o : 2 ; 11:4; Jerem. 2 8, TOJV'fiO nriK :
13:10; a-^d without the copulative ft? JJ ibid.,
<3?n " they follow those who profit (or are worth) 36 3. Compare $2.

nothing," (i.
e. false gods). Followed by dat. of pers.
an ostrich, so called from its greediness ana
30:5; Jer. 23:32; or of the thing. Job 30: 13,


'TV? ?

they help my fall;" with suff.^J?V Isa.

gluttony ;
see the root |J. in plur. D'?J?!!
Lam. 4: 3 innp; and there it is used t7rtroiVwc, of the
Once found

female ostrich, for 'l^.*. rW?. LXX. <Jc ffrpovdlov.

(2) intrans. to be benefited, to receive help from
Vulg. sicut stntthio. (As to the sense compare Job
any thing. Job 21 -.15, 7*jn3TID "what should we
39: 17). Of much more freqnent use is
be benefited (in this thing)?" 15:3, "words SO
D3 7'jrt* in which there is no profit;" 35:3; Isa. n Jy.. f. of the preceding (as to the form compare
47:12548:17. Hence /V.T fem. "V^l, not '"VV.;), everywhere joined with HS;

""Uy'.TJ"!? the daughter of the female ostrich, i. e. the

?J m. pi. DyX*. const. \?J (l) the ibex, perhaps
i - S .- female ostrich herself; according to Bochart, Hieroz.
also the chamois. Arab. J^. and
U U., Ps. 104: 18 ;
ii. 230,
opp. to DDI|1J|) the male ostrich, Levit. 1 1 16; :

Deut. 14:15. In the plural, however, nay*. n'l3? is,

Job 39: 1. Com p. Bochart, Hieroz. P. I, p. 915, seq.
without doubt, used for either sex, Isa. 13:21; 34 13 ; :

Dy?*? *T& the rocks of the wild goats, near the desert
Mic. 1:8; Job 30 29 (in these passages they are said

of Engedi, 1 Sa. 24:3.

to inhabit the deserts, and to utter a doleful cry).
(2) [Jaef], pr.n. (a) of a judge [?] or heroic The Arabs, at least, call an ostrich without any dis-
person of Israel, before the time of Deborah, Jud. s --

5:6. [This surely the same as the next.]

(V) of a
tinction of sex .Ui (a word which I judge kindred
resolute woman, the wife of Heber the Kenite, Jud. s - -- - -- . <,

to the Hebrew), <Lel*}, <L<lx) i^-u. 1

- Others have
4:17,18; 5:24. Some understand the same to be
spoken of >:6 [of course they are the same.] badly rendered HJJ* an owl, from njVt to
cry out (fl

m opposition to thrj context and the authority of the (4) i.

q. Arab. Ug.. to predict, to declare future
ancient interpreters.
things, Nu. 24:14; Isa.4l:28.
NIPHAL n?i3 (l) reflect, to let oneself be C6 un-
^5?*. ["whom Jehovah answers"], [Jaanai],
l Ch. 5:12. selled, receive advice, Pro. 13:10.
pr.n. m.,
(2) recipr. to consult one another, i.e. to hold
*] J^ fut. BIS*? ( i) i.
q. Arab.
to 0o swiftly, a consultation, to deliberate, Ps. 71:10; 83:6;
to run. See HOPHAL, and the derived nouns *|J and followed by DJ? i Ch. 13: 1 or J"IX Isa. 40: 14; l Ki. ;

12:6, 8, to deliberate with any one.

consider with oneself; also to decree, com-
(2) to be fatigued, wearied out (compare ^JJ), (3) to

whether in running, Jerem. 2 24, -13J|V"K? rpB>j93p : mand, or advise, as the result of deliberation. Fol-
" those who seek her will not be
weary." Luth. lowed by 7N 2 Ki.6:8, ibs!? lH3g ^K ftjfVl and he
bte fud)en, burfen nid)t rcett laufen. Isa. 40:30, 31
or ;
commanded his servants, saying." 2 Chr. 2O:21;

with heavy labour, Isa. 40:28; 44:12; Hab. 2:13; lKi.l2:6,9, Dnyy_U ,DF|8 HO "what do ye advise?"
or with grief, Isa. 50 4. [But this is the next word,
: HITHPAEL, i. q. Niphal No. 2, Ps. 83:4.
the derivative Derivatives, n*

HOPHAL, part, wearied. Daniel 9:21, *$*? *$

X?- (" taking hold of the heel, supplanter, layer
" wearied in flight." LXX. ra^ei Qepdpevog. Others, of snares," comp. Gen. 25:26; 27:36; Hoseai2:4),
following Theod., Vulg., Syr., take *$& from the of the twin sons of Isaac;
pr.n. Jacob, the younger
root 5]-iy, and translate it flying, but this is unsuitable
also called Israel ('"$?".) the ancestor of the nation

to that which follows ^2. of Israel, Gen. 25 50. 3pl *D^ the God of Jacob,
Derivatives, rnsy^fl and the following words. Spy." , JV3 and
Jehovah, Isaiah 2:3; Psa. 2O:2.

i. e.

m. fatigued, wearied, simply 3'py. the house or family of Jacob ; poetically


^|y. T tired, Isa. 40: 29 [" of ..

a people"]; 50:4. used of the people of Israel, i.

q. ?&&*., *%?&. ^3
compare IB'V.. Used of the land of Israel, Gcr_. 49 7 :
masc. a swift course, [_"weari ness, arising
^JX :

elsewhere used of the whole people regarded as one

from swiftness of course"], Dan. 9:21.
person, e.g. Isa. 41, 43, 44, 45, etc.; rarely used ol
Vy. fut. ?$"., for twice -1^ (from the kingdom of Ephraim, Hos. 12:3; Mic. 1:5; Isa.
T imp. there is

the root py) [perhaps primarily to command. See 17:4; or even, as also Israel is used in the later
Thes. as to this, and also as to the cognate roots], Jud. books, of the kingdom of Judah, Obad. 18; Nah.
8:10. GIVE COUNSEL, Sam. 2:3.
19:30; Isa. (i) TO 2

17:11, l'5; more fully n^y fJT 16:23; 17:7. Fol-

"13p5 [Jaakobah'], (id.), pr. n.,
l 01.4:36.
lowed by dat. of pers., Job 26:3, by a stiff., Exod.
18:19; l Kings 1:12; 12:8,13. Part. subst. YW
a counsellor, adviser, Prov. 11:14; 24:6; espe-
<jL T
an unused root, i.
q. Arab. Jj, prop, to boil,
cially the counsellor, or minister of a king, i Ch.
to boil up, to boil over; the idea of which is applied
2 7 32, 33
= Ezra 7:28; 8 25, (compare 7 24, 25).
; : :

Plural D'yy.V chiefs, leaders, of a land and state,

to any sort of redundancy or abundance, as the luxu-
riant growth of plants. Hence the following words.
Job 3:14; 12:17; Isa. 1:26.
(2) to take counsel, to decree, followed by a *^?_ [with suff. 1"lJf!] masc. (l) redundancy
gerund. Psa. 62:5, HHrip -ISJJ^ intfbp "they have of honey; honey spontaneously and freely flowing
decreed to cast (him) down from his height;" fol- from the combs, which was called by the Greeks and
lowed by /y_ against any one, Isa. 7:5; 19:17; 23:8; Romans aKrjrov ptXi, mel acetum (Plin. N. H. xv. 1 1).
followed by ^ Jer. 49:20. HIST fJ!J to devise evil Cant. 5:1; more fully B^n rPV! l Sam. 14 27 :

counsels, Isa. 32:7. Some have carelessly and inaccurately rendered this
(3) to consult for any one, i.e. to provide for. favus mellis, meaning the cells of wax, the comb in
With suff. Ps. 16:7; 32:8,^V. T^ n>TP, pregn. for which the honey is contained, and out of which the
TK nO'BW " I
T?3? iyy; will care for thee, and will purest honey oozes, (see Ovid, Fast., iv. 152, expressia
my eye upon thee," i. e. I will favour thee. KVT one mella liquata favis}. It is rather i. q. CTaW n?3 tl;.

dropping of honey combs, the German >omgfetm/

who consults, i. e. cares for, protects, Isa. 9 :
5. [The
part, in all its ether occurrences means a giver of coun- Psalm 19:11. This very German word, of frequei i
sel ; why uhould it not be the same here? So Thes.] occurrence in Luther's translation of the Bible, u

erroneously explained by some to mean the honey- |

of doubling the latter radicals, such as "^DP, can
comb (v^onigjeUe/ .gxmtgfcfaibe), while it rather signifies hardly be compared with this, since this latter usage,
liquid honey, as if saliva mellis (etm/ i.
q. cfcleim, instead of increasing the signification, diminishea
saliva). it. To give my own opinion, 1 think that an error
(2)0 thicket of trees, so called from the luxuriant may exist in this word, and that the letters B' at the
9 f
N^ beginning spurious, as having arisen from
may be
growth of trees and shrubs, see the root (Syr. J;
the practice of copyists; of this, which has been a
thicket of briers, Arab. e..
rugged place, whence the constant source of errors, I have treated in Thes. i.
verb P. to be rugged, difficult of passage, spoken p. 64; Anecdd. Orient, i. 68.

of a region), Isaiah 21:13; Eze. 21:2,3; hence any HITHPAEL, to adorn oneself (of a woman), Jer.

wood or forest, Deu. 19:5; Josh. 17: 15, 18. J"T3 4:30.
Tn the house of the forest, Isa. 22:8; fully TJC IV2
Derivatives, besides those v/hich follow next, *?*.,
S* and probably riSl/D.
}i33?n the house of the forest of Lebanon, i Ki. 7:2; : ,

10:17; it was the armoury of king Solomon, else- |"I3 a

T dj. m., constr. HQ*; f. HBJ constr. riQ^
where (Neh. 3:19) called p'J, its name arose from
(l) fair, beautiful, used of persons, both men
the cedar wood, of which it was built. Used of a and women, Gen. 12:14; 2 Sa. 1 3 l 14:25; Cant :

rugged rough country (see Syr.), Hosea 2:14. Metaph. 1; 8;5:9; often with the addition of '"'") l Sa.
of a troop of enemies, Isa. 32: 1 9 comp. i o 1 8, 1 9, 34. :
17:42; or "I8?hGen. 29:17; also used of animals,
(3) pr. n. probably i.
q. DT nnp Ps .
132:6. of pleasant countries, Psalm 48 3 of a
4i:2,seq. ;

"!"$! [Jar ah"], pr. n. m., l Chr. 9:42; probably pleasant tuneful voice, Eze. 33:32.
" God made
a wrong reading, see (z)good, excellent, caXoc- Ecc. 3:11,
all things beautiful;" ca\tDc,5: 17.
ee TC No. i.
rVSTPlip* adj f., Jer. 46: 20, fa iris h; from masc.
^QijlD* (of the form 'P?9i?, Lehrg. 497), the letter n
whom Jehovah nourishes," from quiescing in the middle of the word (Lehrg. p. 48).
\y^".- ("
~*> Y In consequence of this word appearing to be too dis-
the unused root BHJJ, Syr. _j;_i to fatten), \Jare- crepant from ordinary usage, in very many MSS. and
*iaA], pr. n. m., 1 Ch. 8:27. editions it is found divided into two.

'TO (abbreviated from rrfe>l "whom Jehovah 15* Jon. 1:3;

("beauty"), [Japho, Joppa~\,
made"), pr. n. masc., Ezra 10 37 n'm, :
np *&!.. Josh. 19:46; 2Ch.2-i5, and Ezr.3:7; pr.n. WS)
Gr. 'IOTTTTJJ, a maritime city of the Danites with a
'*ro ("whom God made"), [Jaasiel, Ja- celebrated port on the Mediterranean; now called
one of David's captains, 1 Ch. 11:47;
tief], pr. n. of
Jafa (\j\j Uij),
and noted for its port. Relandi Pa-
compare 27:21.
laestina, p. 864.
n n?-C' whona Jehovah frees"), [Iphedeiah],
pr. n. m., l Ch. 8:25. HT i. n?3 TO BLOW, TO BREATHE, TO
q. HIS,

PUFF, unused in Kal.

HITHPAEL, to pant, to sigh deeply, Jer. 4:31.

(1) properly TO SHINE, TO BS BRIOHT, cogn. root Hence
VBJ, compare J?
^^ and H3. Hence '?>; No. l,
D-?* adj. breathing out; Ps. 27:12, DOn HB^
and nplD an a miracle.
illustrious deed, " and
(2) to be beautiful, used of a woman, Cant.4:io;
breathing out wickedness;" compare O'Cn.
7:2,7; Eze. 16:13; of a tree, 31:7. S? Eze. 28:7, and 3 T. in pause *P*; with eutL
PJ:L, to make beautiful, to adorn, to deck (-with ^*BJ m.
gold), Jer. 10:4. (1) splendour, brightness (see the root No. l),
PUAL, with the two first radicals doubled np^DJ to of a king, Isa. 33:17; of a city, Psalm 50: 2; Ezek.
be very beautiful, Psalm 45:3. But this form* is 27:3,4, 11.
altogether without analogy, nor is there any example (2) &eaty,<7race/Wnea*,ofawoman,P8.45: 12;
found of first radicals which are doubled;
examples Isa. 3:24; Eze. 16:25.
To oo OUT, ic GO FORTH (JEth. QQftj id. In
JTS! ( splendid"), [Japhia], pr.n. (i) of a Sy-
town in the tribe of Zebulon, Josh. 19:12. riac and Chaldee the word which radically corresponds,
<> =
(a Of several men. (a) of a king of the city of WJ! t^
to germinate, to expand, as a plant,
Lachish, Josh. 10:3. (b) of a son of David, 2 Sam. use in the sense of going out, when speaking of

men and other things _OiJ, pM as the Arabs do

?! ("whom God frees"), [Japhlet], pr.n.
m. i Ch. 7:32, 33. Patron, with the addition of the
Josh. 16:3. Const, followed by IP of the place, whence any one
syllable V,
goes out, Gen. 8:19; Job 3:11; also followed by an
v x- (perhaps "for whom away is
prepared"), accus. like the Latin egredi urbem: 6611.44:4, D[?
pr. n. m. (i) the father of Caleb, Nu. 13:6; 14:6.
TyrrnN -1S^ "hi egres si erant urbem;" Ex.9:29,33;
(8)101.7:38. Job 29:7; Deu. 14:22, nnbn " that which
goes NV
out from the field," its produce; Jerem. 10:20, *31
,y5 T unused in Kal, TO SHINE, TO BE BBIGHT,
cognate root HDJ.
'J-INy' my children have gone out from me," i. e.
have forsaken me; Am. 4: 3, n3X>TI D'V"}? " go out
HIPHIL yj"?in. (i) to cause to shine, used of God,
Job 37:15. through the breaches." Part. l^n'C" Gen. 1

^] W'?
to to be 34:24, compared with 9:10. Once with accus. of
(2) give light, bright, (prop, to scatter, or
that which goes out in great plenty, or pours itself
bestow lijht,
like "1W1), Job 3:4; 10:3;
out (comp. Heb. Gramm. ed. 10, 135, i, note 2, and
used of Jehovah as appearing in very bright light,
the verbs r6j; Pro. 24:31 TV Lam. 3:48 Am. 5:3,
Deu. 33:25 Ps. 50:2; 80:2; 94:1. ; ;

s>N nKVTl "the city which poured forth thou-

Derivatives, the pr. n. V.W, riya^p and
sands ;" IP is prefixed to the gate by which one goes
n^|). fern, beauty, splendour of a city, Ezek. out, Jud. 11:31; and f Jer. 17:19; Neh. 2:13.
Specially to go out, to goforth,isused (a) of sol-
a spurious root, which some have invented diers (a) to war, l Sa. 8:2O; Job 39:21; Isa. 42 .-13;
on account of the noun OQ^D. But this comes from Zechariah 14:3 (and similarly shepherds against wild
HD*. beasts, l Sa. 17 : 35). (/3)out of a city in order to sur-
render it, Isa. 36: 16. (b) merchants and sailors for
HS* pr. n. Japheth, the second [query eldest] purposes of trade, Deut. 33:18. (c) slaves manu-
son of Noah (Gen. 5:32; 7:13; 9:18, whose
seq.), mittedby their owners, Ex. 2 1 3, 4, 1 1 Lev. 25 41 :

descendants (Gen. 10:2 5) are stated to have espe- 54; more fully in this sense I^SH NVJ Ex. 21 :5; and
cially occupied the western and northern regions of the ^Drp NV^ verse 2 to go out as free, manumitted (figu-

earth; this accords well enough with the etymology which were be delivered
ratively applied to estates to
of the name, which has the sense of widely-extend-
gratuitously to the original possessor in the year of
ing, from the root nnS; see Gen. 9:27, LXX. jubilee, Lev. 25:28, 30). (d) children, descendants
or what God sets free," are said to come forth from their father, or the ances-
J?5! (prob. whom,
see the root nn| Isa.
14: 17), pr. n. (i) [Jiphtah],
tor of the race; Gen. 17:6, f]pp D^p kings
a town in the tribe of Judah, Joshua 15:43. shall forth from thee, " shall be
come amongst thy
[Jephthali], a judge of Israel, celebrated for hav- descendants. More fully 'B TP, J??P N to come
forth from the womb, from the loins of any one, Job
ing, in compliance with a vow, sacrificed his daugh-
l:2l; Gen. 46 26. (e) those who are delivered from
ter, Jnd. 1 1 12 ; i Sa. 12 1 1 ; Greek 'I
: : :
Vulg Jephte. danger are said to come forth followed by an accus. ;

Ecc. 7:18, D^SVIN KV.1 D<r6 NT he who fears God

Wp! ( which God opens"), \_Jiphthah- shall come forth from all these" (similarly of any
et], pr. n. of a valley in the tribes of Zebulon and
one who escapes being taken by lot, opp. to T37J i Sa.
Asher, Josh. 19: 14, 27.
k> It is applied to inanimate things. So (/) th
-f T once without X *JW Job 1:21; fut.
pret. :

sun is said to 19:23; Pg.

e. to rise, Gen.
**!, imp. N?,- with n parag. HXX Ju d. 9:29; pi. once go forth, i.

rivoyuaAwc n f?V Cant. 3 1 1 19:6; the stars, Neh. 4: 15; the morning, Hos. 6:5.
inf. absol. const.
: ;
Jf, part. KX>, f. NV* for ny, nX* and without (g) to plants which spring forth, l Ki. 5:13; Isa.
' 9 a:
Deu. 28:57; Ps. 144:14. 1 1 i Job 14:2; compare Syr. J/Sy to shoot
; flowers,

ap,aud the noun D'XWy. (A) water flowing, gushing Luke 1:19. Job l : t ,
Zee. 6 5, comp. Prov.
forth from a fountain, Gen. 2 :io Deut. 8
; Q?O KVi :
7 ;
The same phrase in a hostile sense, to stand up
Isa. 41 18. : It is used also (i)
of a boundary, term- against God, Ps. 2:2.
inus, running on, running through, Josh. 1.5:3, (2) to stand (ftetjn/ baftefyn), followed by ''JIB? before
4,9, 1 1. which is laidout, expended,
(k) of money any one, i.e. to minister to him, Prov. 22:29; *
a Ki. 12 13 (like the synonyms in Syriac, Arabic, and
: stand firm before any one (beftcfyn oor jem.), whether
^Ethiopic). ([) of things which go
forth to the people, a victor before an enemy, followed by *?.?? Deu. 9:2:
are promulgated; of an edict, Hab. 1:4; of the sen- Job 41:2; '.3B3 Deut. 7:24; 11:25; Josh. 1:5; Ofc
tence of a judge, Ps. 17:2; compare Gen. 24:50. 2 Ch. 20 6 or a just person before a judge, followed

(m) of the outgoing, i. e. the end of a period of time; by \n!f 13$ Ps. 5:6. Absol. 2 Sa. 21:5.
Exod. 23: 16, n3B n nKV? " at the end of the year,"

(3) to stqndupfor,tostandbyanyone(bt\$tt)n),
Ezek.7:io; hence of the end, the destruction of a followed by ? of pers. Ps. 94: 16. Ex. 2:4, SV^d-
city, Eze. 26:18. /uaXwc, for S-yrin, see Lehrg. p. 386.
HIPHIL K*>in causat. to cause to go out, or come
3V* Ch. unused in Pe. to be firm, sure.
forth, hence of animate beings to lead out, e. g. ;

the people from Egypt, Ex. 12:51; 16:6; of in- PAEL, tospeakthat which is true, certain, Dan.
animate beings, to carry out, Gen. 14:18; to draw 7:19; comp. 16. Hence adj. 3'-l.
out, to take out, Ex. 4:6, 7; Job 28:11; to take
l unused in Kal, but cogn. to the roots 3^,
out as from a case, Gen. 24:53. Specially it is
n$3, y?*, and P*: Hiphil.
(a) causat. of Kal, letter g, to put forth plants (as the
HIPHIL 3 VVH (in the manner of verbs IS) pr. te
earth), Gen. 1:12,24; Isa. 6 1 1 1 (b) causat. of Kal : .

letter k, to cause to lay out, to exact money, followed

make to stand, hence
place, to set (tHnftellen) persons, Gen. 43:9;
(1) to
by TV ;
to lay on a tribute, 2 Ki. 15 20 (comp. Arab. :

47:2; Judges 7:5; Jer. 51:34; Job 17:6; things,

x. f
_ <. tribute). (c) causat. of Kal letter /, to
Gen.3O:38; Deu. 28:56. Trop. to establish, Am.
5:15, "establish right in the gate."
publish a,
report, followed by ?J? of the pers concerning .

Jud. 6:37.
whom the report is spread, Nu. 14: 37 Deu. 22 14, ;
: (2) to put, to place,

19 ;report \vnrds, followed by? of the per^s. to whom

to (3) to leave, to let stay (jleijn lafien)Gen. 33:15.
HOPHAL >>'Q pass, of Hiph. No. 3. Ex. 10:24.
they are brought, Neh.6:i9; to promulgate doc-
trine, Isa. 42 l,
K'ri' D$J&
BS^D "he shall promul-
IIIX^ (from the root ^DV to shine, compare 3pT
gate a law to the Gentiles" [far better literally, he No. 2), m.
shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles"]; Isa.
fresh and new, Nu. 18:12;
(1) oil, especially
42:3. (d) to produce as an artisan, Isa. 54: 16. Deu. 12:17; 14:23; 2Ki.i8:32. It is often joined
(e) to lead forth, i.e. to separate, Jer. 15:19. with B^R must, and it appeai-s to c jffer from lpt?' }

HOPHAL, to be brought forth, to be taken out,

as t?Vvn does from F. TV'? *.?? ons of oil, i.e. .

Eze. 38:8; 47:8. Hence deiiom.

anointed ones, Zee. 4:14. ">'nyn [see
Derivatives, N^, JWO, nKVIO, rfltJ*B, D'KyKg,
HKV, HXiV [and in Thes. K1V]. of Kohath, Ex. 6: 18;
(2) \_Izhar~], pr. n. of a son
NX* Ch. unused in Kal. Nu. 3:19. Patron, ends in *r, Nu. 3 27. :

SHAPHEL N.V??' and ^B 5

in the Targums is, to *
subst. see V* part. Paul.]
bring something to an end, to finish.
Hence in the Scripture &T& finished, Ezr.6: 15. nV*. (" sporting," as if it were part. fut. from
the root PDV, to which etymology allusion is made,
[unused in Kal] TO SET, TO PUT, TO PLACE,
Gen.l7:17, 19; l8:ia, seq.; 21:6; 26:8), pr. n.
i. 3^3, from which Niphal, Hiphil, and Hophal,
Isaac (LXX. *I<ranic),
a patriarch, the son of Abra-
and also many derivative nouns are formed.
a stand ham and Sarah, Gen. 21 28. In the poetical books
HITHPAEL (i) to set oneself,to take (fid) ^
btnfWlen, Hntrtten),Ex.2:4; 19:17; 34:5; 16; Nu.n : it is sometimes written pn?". (Syr. >f>^m/|, Arab.
" and took his stand - <.

22:22; l Sa. 17:16, (for the Am.

fj^^) Ps. 105:9; Jer.33:26; 7:9, 16; and
fight) forty days." Job 33:5, followed by '?.?? Ex. 8 1 6 :

and VjJ of pers.

nirv ^ a-V^n used of the angels as in Am. loc. cit.
poetically used for the
nation of Israel

presenting themselves before God, Gr. i.


PIEL, tof.ur out. Part. np.:-?lP 2 Ki. 4:5 ri'ro.

see No. 3.
HIPHIL p^V 1 '"1 id. 2 Ki. loc. cit.
np, but in anothei
fc^V) m. verbal adj. pass, (but of active significa- form
from the rootNiP; goneforth, come out, 2Ch.
lijn), HIPHIL P^V? is to to set, i. ^'VD (the
place, q.
32:21. ideas of pouring, casting, placing, being connected),

3*5T m. Ch. Josh. 7:23; 2 Sa. 15:24.

adj. (i) established, firm, valid.
Dan. 6:13.
HOPHAL PV'Ifi. (i) tobe poured out, Lev. 21 :io;
Ps. 45:3.
(2) true, trustworthy. Dan. 2:45; 3 2 4-
= "I
V *
adv. certainly, Dan. 2:8. (2) to be cast from metal, 1^.7:23,33; Job
37:18. Metaph. P->"> firm, fearless, Job 11:15.
TO SPREAD OUT. (Arab, *-*? to place, Derivatives, pMB, %)& [HjttD], and
to spread out. Cognate roots are 3*, 3J, P^J.) Part. f. a casting (of metals), l Ki. 7:24
pass. JJ 1^ subst. [simply taken as such in Thes.]

(1) a bed, a couch, Psalm 63 -.7; 132:3; Job I. fut. IX" V"1 ?*!, also 1*! Isa. 44: 12 (so also

17:13; used of a marriage bed, Gen. 49 4. : Isa.42 6 49 8 T"!*? which, in my Commentary, I


(2) a story, floor. Vulg. tabulatum. l Kings have with others incorrectly derived from IV- ) see 1

6:5,6, 10 (np rVJ). Const, fern. verse6(ter) and No. 2.

masc. verse 10. In the temple of Solomon, loc. cit., (1) TOFORM, TO FASHION, as a potter, clay (see
this name was given to the three stories of side IvVa Gen. 2:7, 8,19; an artist, statues, Isa.
chambers (riiypy) on three of the sides of the temple, 44:9,10,12; arms, Isa. 54:17. Often used of God
five cubits in height one above another; JNV* fem. " he who formed
as the Creator, Ps,. 94:9, 1!^ ">>T
Verse 6 is used of the single stories; in verses 5, 10 the eye," Ps. 33=155 74=175 95 =5 Isa. 45:7, 18, ir. ;

(where it is masculine) it is used

collectively of the which sense it is often joined with ^7?- Part. "TO' 1
whole of this part of the temple. Aug. Hirt (der as a subst. is (a) a potter, Ps. 94:9, 20; whence
Tempel Salomo's, p. 24, 25), makes these three stories "^P ^3 a vessel of earthenware, Ps. 2 9 ; 2 Sa. 17:28. :

to have risen to the full height of the temple; in (i) an artist, a maker of statues, Isa. 44:9. (c)
thishe follows Josephus, but it is in contradiction creator, Isa. 43: i 44: 2, 24. As to the word

to the express words of the Hebrew text, verse 18, Zee. 11:13, see P- CCCXLIII, B. [The use made of the
passage in the New Test, proves that the word here
HIPHIL y-Vi? to spread out, to spread under. simply means the potter.']
Ps. 139:8, 7M$ iTV^Kl "and (if)
I spread out
(2) Followed by ? to form for any thing, to des-
Hades beneath me," i. e. make (it) my bed, Isaiah tine for any thing; Isa. 44:21, ^ 1?$
" I

have formed thee, that thou mayest be my servant;"

HOPHAL, pass. Isa. 14:11, n") JW T^r"? "the Isa. nnii^ s|?nw T]->'?
42: 6, DJJ
" I have formed

worms are spread under thee," are for thy bed, Est. thee, and made thee the author of a covenant of the
4:3; compare Isa. 14:11. people;" Isa. 49:5, 8; 45:18 (fin.). Often used of
Derivative J^B. things predestined, predetermined by God, (opp. to
their event, result), Isaiah 22:ll; 37 26 43 7 :

T fut. i&!, pi. -IPX? (once fut. E. PXM i Ki. 22 =

[in some copies],
and there intransitive), imp. p
(3) to form in the mind, to devise, to plan, 2 Ki.
8 Ki. 4:41, and p^ Eze. 24:3; inf. np...
POUR, TO POUR OUT, liquids, Gen. 28:18;
19 2 5

5 ^
against any one, Jer. 18 1 1 Ps. 94 2O :

(1) TO Jer. 1:5 (np).

35:14; Ex. 29:7; 2 Ki. 4:4; to cast metal, such as
NIPHAL, pass. ofKal No. l, to be formed, created,
brass, Exod. 25 1 2 26 37 36 36. Part. pass. p-1
Isa. 43:10.
cast, Kings 7:24, 30; hence hard, firm, like cast
Kal No.
1'V pass, of 3, to be predestined,
metal, Job 41 15, 16. Metaph. Ps. 41 :g, ?^| "D'H

Ps. 139:16.
ta pl ^ " a wicked

purpose is poured out upon

q. Niphal, Isa. 54: 17.
Derivatives, 1-> D Ti-
(2) to pour self out, to out, l Ki. 22:35;
flow not divided into two parts.J
Job 38:38, [In Thes. this root is
py-lS^ 1?J> nj$? where dust flows into
a molten mass," i. e. it becomes wet with rain water, II. ""^-^ i.q.")-1V,
but intrans. TO BE STRAITENED
like a molten mass. TO BE NARROW, (comp. Gramm. 76, 1 ^hrg. 112)

Only found in fut. ", pi. *">! Pro. 4:12; Isa. 49 19 flows, Joel s : / , Pro. 3: 10. It was

Job 18: 7. Elsewhere impers. ft "i!! it was narrow dug into the earth, ci else cut out in the rock.
to 7tii
(in pret.
~>), i.e. (a) to be in distress, (2) the wineprcfs itself, Job 24: 11 ; 2 Ki. 6: 47.
Judges 2:15; 10:9; Job 20:22. (b) to be in per- God
plexity, Gen. 32:8 (and so in f.
ft 1$M 1 Sa. 30:6). 7V5|T ("what gathers"), [Jekabzeet],
2 Sam. Neh. 1 1 and [Kabzeef], Josh. 15:8!;
(c) to be g~ieved(n nafym e8 ftd) natje),
25, ^*V?p
2 Sa. 23 20, pr. n. of a town in the south of Judea.
m. 1 fut. "T2! Isa. 10: 16, and 1E". Deu. 32:22, TO
"1V. will, sufl* fa? .. (l) frame, formation; "p"!
Ps 103:14., 1*. JTC Wn-3 "for he knoweth our BURN, TO SET ON FIRE, Isa. 65:5 (Arab. jjj. id., Syr.
frame," i.e. knows how or whence we have been .ily). Part. pass. "MpJ "that which is kindled,"
formed; hence, a thing framed, as earthenware, Isa,. i. the fuel burning on the hearth, Isa. 30: 14.

29:16; specially an ido I, Hab. 2 1 8. : HOPHAL

*li?in to be kindled, to burn, Lev. 6:2, 5,

(2) Metaph. a meditation, thought, more fully 6; trop. of anger, Jer. 15:14; 17:4.
3} 1 Gen. 8:21; 6:5; Deu. 31:21; SpDD 1 a Derivatives, "lip*, "IpO.
firm mind," a firm soul, i.e. a man of firm mind,
Isa. 26 3 (comp. Ps.
: 1 1 2 8).
Ch. id. Part. fern. KFHJ5J and K$Ti? T Jwr^
Genesis t<7, Dan. 3:6, 11, 23, 26.
(3) [Jezer], pr. n. of a son of Naphtali,
46:24. Patron. *1V! Nu. 26:49; which latter word ^ll?. f- Ch. a burning, Dan. 7:11.
is also pr. n. of another man, 1 Ch. 25 l J (for which :

there is in verse 3 'IV). E3nj?T ("burning of the people;" [In Thes.

possessed by the people, from the root n l!3"])i
DH*m. pi. Job 17:7; prop, things formed,poet. [J ok d earn], pr. n. of a town in the mountains oi
for members; as it is well rendered by the Vulg. Others Judah, Josh. 15:56.
take it for the features of the face.
np T an unused root. Arabic \_^j V. to rever-
only found in the fut. !>! ; pi. in pause W*! ence; VIII. to fear God, to be pious.
for [Hence pr. n. njV, fcwj.]
(1) TO SET ON FIRE, TO KINDLE, followed by 3
"^r (" pious"), [JakeK], pr.n. m. Prov. 30:1;
Isa. 9: 17.
compare ?K*rWp.
(2) pass, to be set on fire, to be burned, i.q. Niph.
Isa. 33: 12; Jer.49:2; 51:58. an unused root. Arab. Hence
<^j to obey.
NIPHAL, pret. n-^3. (l) to be burned, to be de-
fem only const, st. nnj9^ (with Dagesh forte
stroyed by fire, Nehem. 1:3; 2:17; Jer.2:l5;

9:9,11- euphon.), obedience, submission, Gen.49:lO; Pro.

(2) to kindle (as anger), followed by 3 against 30:17-

any one, 2 Ki. 22: 13, 17. ^

m. a burning, Isa. 10:16.
HIPHIL JVVin 2 Sam. 14:30 1'ro; elsewhere J"P>*n *
m. whatever lives (in the earth), from the
L q. No. l, to set on fire, Jer. 51 :3O; with the addi-
root Dip in the signification of living, in which it is
tion of EV3 Josh. 8: 19; Jer. 32:29; 3 E'K TV-?? to
used in the Samaritan, Gen. 7:4, 23; Deu. 11 :6.
kindle a fire in any thing, Jer. 17:27; 21:14; fol-

lowed by ^y. Jer. 1 1 : 16. Hos. 9 :

8, and ^p'T Psal. 91:3; Prov. 6 5. :
#ip' T

PL D^-1p Jer. 5 26, m. a fo w le r. Root C?T\ Of


> T an unused root, to make hollow, like fit*ti these forms, the former is properly intransitive; the
S ^""

Med. Waw whence v_^J. a cave in a rock. other of a passive but intransitive power.
; Cog-
nate roots are 3i?3 to bore, 33p_ Ch. to
hollow, make 7tWlp] (perhaps, "the fear of God," fix m the
and others which are to be found under the root subst. Wp], from the root <"lj9 ^7 of junction, an It

153- \Jekuthief], pr. n. m. l Ch. 4: 18.

2p* \vith suff. ^3pJ (without dagesh lene), Deut |Dp* ("small"), [Joktan], pr.n. of one of the
15:14; 16:13; pi. const. *3P*. Zee. 14:10, m. descendants of Shem, a son of Heber, Gen. 10 : 25,
(l) the vat of the wine press, liroXi'iviov, the re- 26 to whom many of the tribes of southern Arabia

servoir i-'to which the must squeezed out in the press refer their origin. In the Arabian genealogies he it

26 21, T?/y.3 " because

also called Ak<, Kahtdn. See Bochart, Phaleg. : *B>BJ iTlj TB'B my life wai
precious to thee," because thou hast spared it
chap. 15; Pococke, Spec. Hist. Arab, page 3, 38 ;
l 13, 14; Psa. 72 14; also, followed
A. Schultens, Histor. Imperil Joctanidarum in Arabia
2 Ki. :
by ^JJD to :

Harderov. 1786, 4to.

be highly estimated by any one (compare IP pl^,
IP VEh). Zee. 11 13, "a goodly price, VH3J l^N

B'P* ("whom God sets up"), [Jakim], pr.n.m. ED\?y.P at which I was estimated by them," i. e.
iCh. 24:12. reckoned worth.
(l) iCh. 8:19. (2)
(3) to be heavy, i.e. honoured, i Sam. 18:30.
Jer. 31 20. Root
"Vjp! adj. dear, T2J.

Compare "133.

^p! adj. Chald. (i) heavy, hard, difficult, HIPHIL Tj?in to make rare (compare adj. No. 5),
Dan. 2:11. ^ Isa. 13:12; Pro. 25517.
(2) honoured, mighty, powerful, Ezr. 4:10. Derivative, besides those which follow immediately,
^Tpp!(f ra l PiT.," whom
n Jehovah gathers"),
{Jekamiah}, pr.n. m. (l) iCh. 2:41. (2) iCh. m. TTpTJ fern. adj. prop, heavy, see the verb;
3:18. hence
(1) precious. rnf J3N collect. precious stones,
E)'2?p* ("who gathers the people together," l Ki. 10:2, 1O, ll ; also, of the better kinds of
for DJJ ri
?i2;), \Jekameam~], pr.n. m. i Chr. 23:19;
stone used in building houses, as of marble, of stones
cut square, 2 Ch. 3:6; plur. ni"lj? D'?3 i Ki.5:3l ;

DJJ|T ("gathered by the people,"

root nppT ), 7:9, seq. Metaph. Psal. 36 :
8, D'rkg ^pn nj?J-nO
\Jokm earn], pr.n. of a Levitical town in the tribe "how precious is
thy lovingkindness, O Godl"
of Ephraim, l Ki. 4 1 2 l Chron. 6:53.
: For this in
Ps. 116:15, compared with 72:14.
Josh. 21 :22, there is D!?i?, of nearly the same sig- (2) dear. Psa. 45:10, "the daughters of kings
nification. are amongst thy dear ones," i.e. amongst thy dam-

the people," for n$?J

Tnihjp3 by a Syriacism for TDf!?, with Dag.
DJ^jT ("possessed by forte euphon.
Oy)> [Jokneani], pr. name of a town in the tribe of
(3) heavy, i.e. honoured, Ecc. io:l.
Zebulon, Josh. 12:22; 19:11; 21:34.
(4) magnificent, splendid, Job 31 : 26. Subst.
TO BE TORN OFF, TO magnificence, beauty. Psa. 37:2O, D 1
">|T? "lik
V^^ only in fut. V&1 i.
q. Vj?3
the beauty of the pastures,"

BE TORN AWAY; hence i. e. grass.

i Sa. 3:1.
(1) to be dislocated, as a limb, Gen. 32:26. (5) rare,
alienated from any one, Jer. (6) Prov. 17 27, n-ivijv in np, perhaps "with a
(2) metaph. to be

6:8; Eze. 33:17, 18; followed by IP and ^Ji. quiet spirit," compared with Arab. yj.
to be quiet,
HIPHIL JPp'in to hang upon a stake, to fix to a meek. In 2rD it is D-n 1J51.

stake, a punishment by which the limbs were dis- m. (with Kametz impure).
*^P* (l) precious-
located: [Perhaps simply to hang, in which the neck
ness, costliness. ">5, v? a precious vessel, Pro.
dislocated], Nil. 25:4; 2 Sa. 21:6, 9. "
Concr. 5)"73 whatever is precious, Job 28*
20:15. |

HOPHAL pass. 2 Sa. 21 :

1O; Jer. 20:5.

used only in fut. fl?!, UK, once flW Gen. 9: (2) honour, dignity, Ps. 49: 13, 21 ;
Est. l :2O.
^pl (3) magnificence, Est. 1:4.
J4; TO AWAKE, TO BE AROUSED, Gen. 28:16; 41:
For the preterite is used the form VP.D Hiphil, (4) price (*prei8), Zee. 11:13.
1, 7.

from (Arab. Ub't "1p? (i) precious things, Dan. 2:6;

m. Chald.
p-1p. id.)
compare with Isa 3:17; 10:3. Targum.
fut. 1?! a Ki. i :
13 ; 1J2V. Ps. 72 14, and
: (2) honour, dignity, Dan. 2:37; 4 27,33. =

(l) TO BE HEAVY. (Syriac us, Arabic

Jj id.)
p? (yakosh) l pers. i.
q. and V)p
V^ ^
(which see),
Metaph. to be hard to be understood, Psal. 139 17, : Part, t'i?.^ a fowler, 124:7. Followed by ? of pers.,
compare Dan. 2:11. Jer. 50 24 and more fully
; ? n3 {ypj to lay snares for,
(a) to be precious, dear, Ps. 49:9. Followed by i.e. to plot against any one. (Fut. |-1E9*t Isa. ZQ 21, is

f and ^'^S to be pi'ecious or dear to any one, i Sa. from B>ip.)


NIPHAL K'i?.i3 to be snared, to be taken in a

God, Jer. 44: 10. In like manner in Syr. and Arab.
noos e, Isa. 8 15 28 1 3 Pro. 6 2. Metaphorically
: verbs of fearing are applied to religion and piety ai ;

to be snared, or seduced by avarice, Deu. 7 25. :

PUAL, part. D'J? j?V for

D^ j9Vp
Ecc. 9:12.
to tremble for joy, like the synonym. "1C ?.

Derivatives, B^p*, ^D, and Isa. 60 :
5, where the more correct copies have 'N"ll

of the second i.
q. 'NTFI,
not *N"W. [In Thes. this meaning is ex
1^(?! ("fowler"), \Joks han\, pr.n.
son of Abraham and Keturah, ancestor of the Sabae- pressly repudiated; and in Isaiah 63:5, the reading
*N")Jjl is preferred; so LXX., Vulg., Targ., Syr., Saad.]
ans and Dedanites, Gen. 25:2, 3.
NIPHAL NT3 to be feared, Psa. 130:4. Part. NT3
for !?N HFIpJ from
^Hj^ ("subdued by God,"
the root nni? = bJi to serve), [Joktheel], pr.n. (i) (1) terrible, dreadful, used of the desert, Deu.
of a town of the tribe of Judah, Josh. 15:38. (2) 1:19; 8:15; of the day of judgment, Joel 2:11; 3:4.
the name which king Amaziah gave to Sela the me- (2) venerable, august, Gen. 28:17; Psa. 99:3;
tropolis of Arabia Petraea,
which he took, 2 Ki. 14:7^ Job 37: 22; Eze. 1:22.
(3) stupendous, admirable, Psa. 66:3, 5; Ex,
"]? pret. pi. DHNT
Deut. 5:5, and DHNT Josh. 15:11. Plural niN"Vl3 wonderful, or illustrious
4: 14; fat NT, NTM, NT1 plur. Wp. and ttTJ, 2 Ki. ; deeds, of men, Ps. 45 5. [But the man here speken:

17:28; imp. NT, plur. -1ST, by a Syriacism for -1NT of is "God with us"], especially the deeds of God [aZ-
1 Sam. 12:24; Psa. 34 i o inf. NT Deu. 10:21 2 Sam. 7:23; adv. in a won-
Lehrg.p.4l7. :
ways~\, ;

Josh. 22:25; with pref. NT? for NT? i Sam. 18:29; derful manner, w onde rfu I ly, Ps. 65:6; 139:14
elsewhere fern. HNT, prop. TO TREMBLE. For this (like ni*6?3).
root is softened from VT
c j to tremble, com p. c , ,
PIEL NT to terrify, to put in fear, a Sa. 14:15;
v^>' v^-
2 Ch. 32:18; Neh.6:9, 14.
JT1T Aramaean NT, to sow, VPjl and ND| to swallow
* Derivatives the following words, and N"flO.
greedily, ^L^ and U^L to hide. Hence
m. constr. NT fem . HNT. constr. flNT. (Prov.
(1) fear, to be afraid.
to (a) It is

absol. Gen. 3:10; 18:15.

31:30); verbal adj.
HT9^K, 'NTrH?N, fear
(1) fearing, reverencing; with personal pro-
not, Gen. 15:1; 21:17; 26:24; and often elsewhere.
nouns it forms a periphrasis for the finite verb, at
(b) followed by an ace. of pers. or thing, that
33$ NT I fear, Gen. 32:12; flFIS NT thou fearest,
we fear, Num. 14:9; 21:34; Jol>9:35; also IP and
Jud. 7:10; D'NT n_3j we fear, l Sa. 23 3 NT -133;N :
*}?O Deut. 1:29; 5:5; Psa. 3:7; 27:1; Josh. 11:6
he does not fear, Ecc. 8: 13. Followed by the case
(prop, to fear from [or before] some person, or thing, of the verb njrVTlN NT fearing God, 2 Ki. 4: l else- ;
in the same manner as verbs of fleeing; compare 19 where followed by a genitive, D'H^N ;o religious,
No. 2, a). (c) followed by ? to fear for any person
pious [onewho fears God], (timidus Deorum, Ovid.);
or thing. Josh. 9 : 24, CD?'?.? 9 M*0^^ "^P NT31 Gen. 22:12; Job i: 1,8; 2:3.
"and we feared greatly for our lives because of
(2) fearful, Deu. 20 8. :

you;" Pro. 31 :2l. (d) followed by ? and IP with an

inf. tofear (to hesitate) to do any thing. Genesis X'V f.
(i) prop. of the verb NT to fear, to

19:30, T&? n?fi> NT 3 "for he feared to dwell

reverence. Neh. l : 1 1,
^Pp>~nN HNTp to fear thy
in Zoar;" 46:3; Ex. 3:6; 34:30. (e) followed by name." 2 Sa. 3 1 1 :
to'N inNTO " because he f e a re d

If to fear lest any thing may be done, like 2a'5w p), him;" Deu.4:!O; 5:26; 6:24; 10:12; 14:23.
Gen. 31:31; 32:8. (2) subst. fear, terror. Jon. l :1O, D^3^n -IXT^
(2) to fear, to reverence, as one's parents, Lev. n/>'nj riNT and the men were seized with great fear."

19:3; a leader, Josh. 4:14; the sanctuary, Levit. Followed by a genitive of the subject, i. e. of him whc
19:30; an oath, 1 Sa. 14:26. fears, Ps. 55:6; Job 4:6; and of the object, i. e. of
Specially D'rft{fn$
NT _ ( a ) to fear God, prop. that which is feared, (compare as the double sense of
Ex 14:31; l Sam. 12:18. (b) to reverence him, as the phrase metus hostium, Gell. N. Att. Heuce
the avenger of wrong; hence to be godly, upright. IPN?- thy fear. Deu. 2 25 Isaiah 7 25, TDK' TINT :

e.g Lev. 19:14, 32; 25:17; Exod. 1:17; Pro.3:7, nw "fear of thorns and briers." Compare Eze.
"fear God, and fly from evil ;" Job 1:19. Followed 1:18, DQ^ HNT "terror (was) in them;" i.
by \?p?P Eoc. 8:12,13. Once without the name of caused terror.
Ps. 2:ii; 5:8. 1 1 into Samaria l Kings 22 2
: 2 Ki. 8 :
29 10:13;
(3) reverence, holy fear, ; ; ;

rfyv reverence towards God, piety.

Pro. 1:7, those who go
into southern countries (as the ancients

njn JVK'&n rrtrv, Job 28:28; Isa. 11:2; Psa. 34: 1 2 ; supposed the northern regions of the earth to be the
111:10; meton. the precepts of religion or piety more lofty, see Intpp. ad Virg. Georg. i. 240 43.
will of God], Ps. 1 9 l O without Herod, l Mace. 3 37 2 Mace. 9 23), l Sam.
[rather the revealed
; 95. :

njrr. Job 4:6; 15:4. 25:1; 26:2. Compare Chr. B. Michaelis Diss. de
Notione Superi et Inferi, reprinted in Commentt.
V ("timid," "pious" [" piety?"]), [Iron],
Theol. a Velthusenio aliisque editis, v. p. 397, se<|.
pr. n. of a town in the tribe of Naphtali, Josh.l9:38.
The place whither one goes down has prefixed to
("whom Jehovah looks on"), [JryaA], it the particle 7K 2 Sa. 11:9, 1O; ? Cant. 6:2; 01 is

pr m. Jer. 37:13, 14. put in the accusative (n paragogic either added or

" et them
Hosea 5:13; i o 6 commonly taken as a omitted). Ps.55:l6, D\n VlS^ 1TV go ]

3^.* :
down alive into Hades." Job7:9; 17:16; 33:^4.
substantive, see under the root 3'"} [31)* ^O an
Part, "fany those who go down to the grave. Pr> >v.
verse king].
/y?" m. 1
(contr. from *?J?3 31J
"with whom Baal It is often used also of inanimate things, as ol a

contends," see Jud. 6:32), a cognomen of Gideon, river flowing downwards, Deut. 9:21; of showers,
the judge of the Israelites, for which there is
nt?'2T[/e- Ps. 72:6; of a way and of boundaries which are in a
rubbesheth~\, ("with whom the idol contends"), direction downwards, or to the south, Nu. 34: 1 1, 12;
2 Sa. 11:21. LXX. 'hpo/3aa\. Compare JIK'S'B'^ Josh. 18:13, seq. of the day closing in, Jud. 19: 1 1.

and Like other verbs of flowing (see Hebr. Gram m.

Ya ro- 135, l, note 2, ed. 10.), poet, it takes an accus. of
(" whose people are many"),
the thing which is sent down in great abundance:
beam be pronounced, not Tor o be-
(for so it should
n. of two kings of the ten tribes,
and thus has the transitive signification of sending
am}, [Jeroboam], pr. 1

down, to let fall down. Lam. 3:48, Tin D.'O '2 ??

the former of whom, the son of Nebat, was the founder
of the kingdom of Ephraim and of Moscholatry;
*J*J? my eye pours down rivers of waters." Lain

Ki. 12 l: 16; Jer. 9:17; 13:17; 14:17; Psalmiig:!^

he reigned 975 54, B. C., l 14; the other
was the son of Jehoaz, 825 784. 2 Ki.14 :23 29. The same phrase is
commonly used in Arabic .^!

TV lxJ\ v^?Ji. my eye pours out weeping (in grca

fut. TV, TV}, in pause "i?.!, imp. ~n, rrn,
TV inf. absol. TV abundance), see Schult. Origg. Hebr. p. 99. Thoro
once (Jud. 5:13), (Gen. 43:20),
is a different turn of expression, Isa. 15 3, *?33 T1*
const, JTVi, with suff. ^"1"!, once Gen. 46:3. :

TO DESCEND. ([" JEth. (weeping) to flow down with weeping."
In Arabic the word which literally corresponds to (2) to be cast down, to fall (as if to go doAvn
against one's will, compare ??3, K*), used of men or
this is j ,. to go for drink, for water, so used because
beasts slain (fallen), Isa. 34:7; of those who from
one goes down to the spring: the word in common
prosperity and affluence are cast down into poverty,
use is J /) One is said to descend, not only in Deu. 28:43; al so of inanimate things, as of a wall,
going down from a mountain (Ex. 34:29), but gene- Deu. 28:52; of a wood cut down, Isa. 32:19; Zrc.
rally whoever goes from a place or region to loftier 11:2; of a city destroyed, Deu. 20 2O. :

one less elevated, specially those who go to a spring HIPHIL T~iin to make some
person or thing come
or river, Genesis 24: 16, 45 Exod. 2:5; Josh. 17:9;; down, in whatever way, Genesis 42 38 44 29, 3 1 ; :

l Ki. 18:44; to the sea, Isa. 42:10; Ps. 107:23(33 hence

the land is elevated above the surface of the water), (1) when relating to persons, to
bring down(b\\\?
those who disembark from a ship, Eze. 27:29; those abfufjren/ Gen. 44:21; Jud. 7:4; to let
who go out from a city, (cities, for the sake of strength, down, as by a rope, Josh. 2:15, 18; to send down
being mostly built on mountains), Ruth 3:3,6; l Sa. (to Hades), l Sa. 2:6; Eze. 26:20; and when done
9:27; 2 Ki. 6 1 8 those who go from a mountainous
; violently, to cast down, e. g. of God casting down
and lofty count ry to one more flat, as from Jeru- a people, Ps. 56:8; to pull down (kings from their
salem [the land of Canaan rather] into Egypt, Gen. thrones), Isa. 10:13, compare Obad. 3,4; to subdve
12:lO; 26:2, seq. 46:3; into Philistia and the
; (nations), 2 Sa. 22:48.
sea coast (^Sf ) Gen. 38: l Sa. 13:20; 23:6, 8, ; (2) when relating to things, to carry (/own, Gen

37:25; 43:11,29; tot>enddown (beruntcr netjmen), (2) to sprinkle, to water. Part, ""tic i. q. fT^V
Gen. 24 18, 46; Nu.4:5; to cause to flow down, " the former
rain," Joel 2:23; Ps. 84:7.
1 Sa. 21:14; Joel 2:23; and, when connected with n
(3) to send out the hand (like*^ ?^), especially
force, to cast down, Hos. 7:12; Prov. 21:2^. for pointing out. Hence to show, to indicate, Gen.
pass, of Hiph. Gen. 39:1; Isa ^4: 46:28. Prov. 6: 13, Vny?y$? rnb showing (i. e.
11, seq. giving signals) with his fingers;" followed by two
Derivatives, the following nouns and Tlte. au.-isatives, of the person and of the thing, Ex. 15:25.
From pointing out or shewing it is (4) to teach,
TT (" descent"), [Jared], pr. n. m. (l) Gen. to instruct (comp. Gr. 3m-j't>w, avcityairui), Ex. 35:
Luke 3:37. 1 Ch.4:i8.
5:15. Gr.'Iapitf, (2) 34; Mic. 3:11; followed by an ace. of pers. to in-
struct any one, Job 6:24; 8:10512:7,8; followed prose always with the art. IT) (as an
appellative, river, so called from descending, flowing by an ace. of the thing, Isa.8. Hence 9:14; Hab. 2 : 1

followed by two and of the

accusatives, of the person
down; like the Germ. 9Jt)j)n/ Slfjetn/ from the verb
thing, Ps. 27:11; 86:11; 119:33; followed by 3 o<
9 f
rinnen, compare );_ a lake, sea), Jordan, Gr. 6 'lop-
the thing (properly to instruct in something), Job
IO.VTIC,the largest river of Palestine, rising at the
27 : 1 1 ;
Psa. 25 :
8, 1 2 ; 32:8; more rarely followed
foot of Antilibanus, and flowing into the Dead Sea,
by / (pr P- to teach or conform
something) 2 Ch. to
where it is lost, Gen. 13:10, 11; 32: 11; 50:10.
6 27 or
: IP (to instruct concerning} Isa. 2:3; Mic.

Arab. ,^S\ el-Urdun, and also now it is called 4:2. Followed by a dative of pers. and ace. of the
tiling, Deu. 33:10;
Hos. 1 1 2 :

tju.l\ esh-Sherfah, i. e. the

ford (as having been of
Derived nouns, rnV, rnio, rnin rnV, nr ' [also
old crossed by the Israelites), [or rather, the water-
ing place"]. H!~!! F~? th e country near Jordan, Ps.
42:7.- Job 40:23, Jordan is put for any large 1*1 ! T U7ra Xt yo/i., in my judgment, kindred to the
river [?] (like Cicero, a Cicero, for a great orator); TREMBLE; hence
roots JHJ, X!)*, pr. TO to be
and this marks a writer as belonging to Palestine :

ened, like the Arabic $,.. Hence ^n"l JFI

(2 Codd.
[not necessarily, any more than such a use of the

name Cicero would mark a writer to be a Roman]. ^rn^Pl), 44 Isa. ^j) 7rXavd<r0.
8' i-
q^ '8K'H. LXX.
All the other versions express the signification of
"TV inf. n'T, nri% and Kh 2 Chron. 26: 15, imp.
fearing, as though it were the same as WTJjl.
HT ;,
fat. rn
[I'pers. pi. with suff. D-VJ].
(1) TO CAST, Ex. 15:4; e.g. a lot, Josh. 18:6; an 7XVT ("people," or "habitation of God," see
arrow, l Sa. 20 : 36, 37 ; Ps. 1 1 2 64 5 ; Num. 2 1 :
: : D^rp ["founded by God"]), [/ere/],pr.n. ["of a
30. Part. !TTV an archer, l Ch. 10:3. town and"] desert, 2 Ch. 20:16.
Gr. /3aA\or0at
(2) to lay foundations (compare
- "C 0- Q- ^T "*noon"), [Jiroah^, pr. name, m
torv, for to lay the foundations of a city; Syr. Jboi to l Ch. 5:14.
cast, to place a foundation), to found. Job 38 6, :

m. f 7*a< which is green, Job 39 : 8. Root
"who laid (or founded, or placed) its corner stone."
jen. 31 151, "behold the pillar rn "C>K which I
aave founded," i. e. placed, or raised. N^'l* & ("possessed, sc. by a hus-

(3) to sprinkle, to water (pr. to throw water, to band"), [Jerusha], pr. n. of the mother of king
scatter drops, compare p"}T), Hos. 6 :
3. Hence part. Jotham, 2Ki. 15:33; 2 Ch. 27:1.
JTiJP the former rain, see above, page CCCXLHI, B.
Q^/t^'H* (as found sometimes, though rarely, in
NIPHAL, pass, of No. l, shot through with
to be
the books of Chronicles, l Ch. 3:5; also on some of
darts or arrows. Fut. <TV Ex. 19:13.
the coins of the Maccabees, although others of them
HIPHIL fTTin, fat. rnv, with Vav convers. "M.
have the name spelled defectively, see Eckhel, Doctr.
(l) i.q. Kal, to cast, Job 30: 19; specially arrows,
l Sa. 20 20, 36.
: Fut. apoc. "A*! 2 Ki. 1 3 1 7. Part. :
Numm. Vett. iii. page 466, seq.), commonly
Jr^D an archer, l Sam. 31
Written by an Ara-
anciently (Gen. 14: 18) and poet. (Psal. 76
:3- :
mteism in die manner of verbs vb, 2 Sam. 1 1 24, :
pr. n. Jerusalem (Gr.'IepovaaXi'ifi and 'I

D'K-psn )*!
"nd the archers shot," comp. 2 Ch. a royal city of the Canaanites (Josh. 10: l, 5; 15:8^
26: 15. and from the time of Da-rid and onward the me

tropolis of the Hebrews, and the royal city of the L IM T an unused probably (as noticed by
kouse of David situated on the borders of the tribes
Maurer), i.
q. p"V to be yellow; H and p being inter-
of Judah and Benjamin.
changed." Hence]
Interpreters differ as to the etymology and ortho-
graphy. As to the first of its compounded parts, n J T m . THE MOON; a word prob. primitive [bus
Reland (Faustina, p. 832, seq.), and lately, Ewald see above], Gen. 37:9; Deu.4:ig; Josh. 10: 12, 13;

(Heb. Grainm. p. 332), consider that D/B^"!* stands Ps. 72:5, [TV *3S? "before the moon," i.e. as long
for DvE^'-TV. thepossession of peace, one 5J> being as the moon shall shine.
excluded but this does not agree well with analogy
TV m .
(comp. Lehrg. p. 512, note 11); pi. DT ",

for, in Hebrew, the former of doubled letters is not const. *nTJ.

in such a case usually excluded, but is commonly
(1) a month, which amongst the Hebrews was
compensated with Dagesh forte; as in ?J??~ for 3i"V Germ. ?OIonb and 9Ronat, Gr. p>'/v7j and
lunar, (compare
*7y3 besides the form K'-I'V with the meaning of

r Hfiv, a month), i. q. t^l'n, but a rarer word, and one

possession (=n! V) neither occurs separately nor yet used by the older writers (Ex. 2:2), and by poets
in composition. I prefer regarding 1"V. as a segolate
&_ (Deut. 33:14; Job 3:6; 7:3; 29:2; 39:2; Zech.
noun (of the form W"],
q. Arabic ^j 1t men, 11:8); see however i Ki. 6:37, 38; 8:2.

and D?"'- men

people of peace; or perhaps,
or (2) [Jerah], a people and region of Arabia,

house or habitation of peace; just as, on the the race of the Joktanites, Gen. 10:26 Bochart ;

S^f- S o- namf
(Phaleg. ii.ig) remarks, not unsuitably, that this
Jj^ and c^> are transferred from the
contraiy, is Hebrew, but a translation from an Arabic name of
house to the inhabitants. The same word is found
the same On this assumed ground he
in the pr. n. of a desert, which may be more
'N-1T., understands this people to be the A lilcei, living near the
suitably rendered house of God than people of Red Sea in a district where gold is found ( Agatharchides
God; and the same interpretation of this name is
c.49, Strabo xvi. p. 277); their true name he conjec-
found in Saadiah, who translates
JLJ1 house of peace, city of peace: [InThes.Gesenius
,M...\\ \ j aud &j .x,. tures to have been Jli children of the moon,

so called from the worship of the moon, or Alilat

takes the former part of this name -IT from the root (Herodot. iii. 8). As to a tribe bearing this name,
"TV, foundation, and' thus Q7B>1"V the near Mecca, see Niebuhr in Descr. of Arabia, p. 270.
foundation of peace]. As to the latter of the A more probable opinion, however, is that of J. D.
compound parts of this name, some suppose D?E> Michaelis in Spicileg. ii.
p. 60, understanding this to
and ofotf be the dual of nbc> quiet, and they
think that a city in two parts was designated by this
be the coast of the moon (.*] ^J.) and the mountain

(^\ J~s>-), near Hadramaut;
the for fTTJ
name, referring to 2 Sam. 5:9 (Ewald, loc. cit.): but
Gen. loc. cit. is joined with the country of Hadra-
no mention is made in the cited passage of a double
city; and it may be pretty certainly concluded
D in this word is originally radical, not servile ;
as rn? Chald. the moon [a month, so expressly cor-
rected in Thes.], Ezr. 6: 15.
shewn by the forms CD/?', Arab. ^J^, ' ,Jjb, Chald.
i .

Gr. 2(>\vpa, 'lipoao\vp.a. It appears to me

^m* Num. 22 : l ;
also WT Josh. 2 :
l, 2, 3, and
CT?'f 1^,
nrp" Ki. 16:34; Jericho, a well known city of
that whenever it is written defectively CD7K^T, it
should be pronounced D.??^ the dwelling of peace: Palestine, situated in the neighbourhood of the Jor-
dan and the Dead Sea, in the territory of Benjamin,
and at length the later writers regarded as an DT LXX.
ancient form of the Dual, and on this account every
in a very fertile district; 'lept^w, Strabo 'Ie/u-

where have read Qv'-1"V, even in those places cowe, xvi. 2, 41, Arabic \^j^ ^j Rtha, see Re-
where it is written defectively in the text [It is written ;
landi Palaestina, p. 383, and 829, seq. (If the primary
with the Yod in very few places]. In like manner, form be 'MTV, it may be rendered city of the moon,,
Samaria was called in Hebrew and anciently, plp'^, from CIT and \ n=P, as in the words 13X, nb$^,
Ch. pP^, an d hence as if it Avere a dual, 1!"]P^; com- ^V; if 'HT-T, it signifies a fragrant place, from the
pare Lehrg. page 538. root nn.)

. & Chald. id. Dan. 5: a; 6:ll; Dn'"V ("who is loved" [" who will find mercy"]),
. 4: 8. pr. n. m. (i) l Sa. l :i. (2) i Chron

i a. l Ch. 27 22. (4) 2 Ch. 23 l

(5) Neh. i(
curtains"), [/e to^"
: .
(3) :
'"?? (

pr. n. f. l
11:13 all.
9: 18.

5nT : ("whom God

loves"), [JerahmeeF], ^1 - T an unused root, perhaps of the same or a
Ir. n. m.Ch. 2:9, 25, 26, 42.
(l) l (2) l Chron. similar as the cognate root to be soft,
meaning T\3~}
24:29. (3) Jer. 36:26; From No. l, there is patron. tender. Hence
in *T \_Jer ahmeelites~\, l Sa. 27:10.
const. T)-, with suff. *31! f.
(Nu. 5:21); dual
yn"T [Jar ha], pr. n. of an Egyptian slave, l Ch.
a :
34, 35. [" As to the etymology I can say no-
(1) the thigh, perhaps so called from softness (see
the root), Gr. unpoc. (Arab. j.1/,. thigh, haunch,
llt - THROW any one HEAD-
.- TO
buttocks.) Wherein it differs from D*?J?9 ^ie loins,
is seen both from the words, Ex. 28 42,
" make :

for them linen breeches to cover their nakedness

i? ,. II. id. Jb ,. a precipice, destruction). Job 16: 1 1,
DJ3-V Ijn. 0*3^90 from the loins even to the thighs,"
3OT " he has cast me into the hands
D'JJBH *T"^J? and also from the general use of the word. For thus
of the wicked." Well rendered by the Vulg. manibus D*3TO signifies the lower part of the back, 'PJ dual
'3OT (to be marked
impiorum me tradidit, LXX. Iftpi^t.

D.'? the double thick and fleshy member extending


with the line Metheg) for ^t3T^. [Taken as Piel in

from the bottom of the spine to the legs (DJp'lE') i. e.
Thes.] the two thighs with the buttocks. ^ITjI *1? the socket 1

(2) Intrans. to be destructive, perverse, Num. of the thigh, where the thigh is joined to the pelvis,
In the Samaritan Pentateuch there is given
88:32. Gen. 32:26, 33. On the thigh ("SQI 7JJ) soldiers wore
an interpretation jn>l (JHD).
their swords, Exod. 32:27; Jud. 3:16, 21 Ps. 45:4; ;

[PiEL, Job 16: 1 1 ;

see above.]
men smote their thigh in mourning and indigna-
Derivative wy [in Thes. referred to B"tt?]. tion, Jer. 31:19; Eze. 21:17 (compare Iliad xii. 162 ;

of God"=^?W xv -397? Od. xiii. 198; Cic. cl. Orat. 80 Quinctil.

7XH) ("people [" founded, i. e. :

xi. 3), those who swore put the hand under the thigh
constituted by God"]), [Jerief], pr. n. m. l Chron. ;

Gen. 24:2,9; 47:29; to have come forth from the

thigh of any one, is to be descended from him, Gen.
(i) m. an adversary, from the root 3^"),
46:26; Ex. 1:5; Jud. 8:3O(comp. Kor. Sur. iv.27;
Pa..35:i; Jer. 18:19; Isa. 49:25. The buttocks are to be understood, Num.
(2) [Jarib'], pr. n. m. (a) see 1'3J No. l. (J) 5:21, 27; in animals, the thigh, the haunch (Jteulfi
Ezr.8:i6. Eze. 24:4.

'1H? (from 3n with the adj. termination V), (2) Figuratively applied to inanimate things (in
m. Ch. 11:46. which sense however the feminine form ^31! is more
[.Teribat], pr. n. l
used [query, the existence of such a form, see Thes.]),

n'1) & VVT "people of Jehovah;" see it is (a) that part of the holy candlestick in which
["either 'founded by God,' (or else,) i.q.^JRT whom shaft ( n ?.i^) divided into three branches, Ex. 25:31
the ;

Jiihovah regards'"]), [Jerijah], pr.n. m. i Ch. 23 :ig ; 37 1 7- (*) the side of a tent, Ex. 40: 22, 24; of the

94:23; 26:31. altar, Lev. l : ll ;

2 Ki. 16: 14.
Dual ?^ both th
ighs, Ex. 28:42 (see above),

; seeing. Cant. 7 : 2.

'l) [JerimotK]; see rfDT. H3T

[nan* Thes.] f. i. q. T5 No. 2, the hinder
( heights"), \JeremotK\, pr.n. m. l Ch. part, or side (of a country), Gen. 49: 13. Compare
Dual D?D3n? constr. *D?")!, properly both sides,
a tfJ curtain, so called from tremulous
the haunches, the buttocks, but always used of
motion (see the root JHJ No. l); specially of a tent,
inanimate things
Ima.54:2; Jer. 4:20; 49 29 of the holy tabernacle, :

(i) the hinder part, the back, the rear, Exod.


Ex. 26: i, seq. 36:8, seq. of the palace of Solomon,

26:23; of the temple, iKi. 6:16;
; ;

9 m 9
Cant, l :. (Syr. |_^w the curtain of a tent, and the (9) in the interior area, the parts farthest in, thi
tent itself). extremities, inmost recesses, as ofa house,
Ps.128:3, of a saip, Jon. 1:5; of a cave, 1 Sam. only in frit. XT (the other forms, as pret. XH, Hiphll
24:4; of a sepulchre, Isa. 14:15; Eze.32: 3 Hence JTH are from J?jn, from which also the fut. itself of
p33? *n3"V the recesses of Lebanon, i. e. the extreme y^ maybe taken, as 1O.1 from Tip, *?&. from ^J5; but
and inaccessible parts of that wood. 153.37:24: comp. pret. 31B fut. 2B".).
[The fut. is taken from
and Jud.l9:i,i8, D?1?Kpn Tf?! "the inner re- yJTJ expressly in Thes.] These phrases are espe-
lesscs of the mountains of Ephraim." Hence cially to be observed (a) v jn.1 it will be ill for me.

(3) the most remote regions. [Is not this mean- will go iU, Psa. 106:32. (b) V.3 JH.1 and it dis-
ing wholly needless ?] psy *P?"?! the extreme regions pleased me, Gen. 21:11; 38:10; 48:17; 1 Sa.8:6;
of the north, Isa. 14:13. [But see Ps. 48:3, where also followed by? Neh. 13: 8; and with the addition of
n?',1J njn, to increase the rorce of the sentence, Neh.
the same phrase is applied to Jerusalem, and belongs
to the description of its site; although Gesenius con- 2 1: Jon. 4:1. Impers. used l Ch. 2 1 7 \^J7? JH'? :

; ,

tradicts this in Thes., applying it to some other place.] "JD ^. D'nfo?? "and God was displeased
n^? *D?"?! the extreme regions of the earth, Jer. 6:22; because of this thing." Farther, to be evil is also i.q.
to be injurious, 2 Sa 20 :6, followed by?; used of

the eye, i.q. to be envious, malignant, Deu. 28:54;

^3"?! f. Chald. the thigh, the haunch, Dan. 2: 32. of the face, i.q. to be sad, morose, Neh. 2:3; of
Q 1 T an unused root, probably i.
q. *,., C-Tland the heart, id. l Sa. l 8 Deut. 15 10, ^^> JH?.'^ :

i? "^n? " let it not go ill with thee (be grievous tc

DIN to be high, lofty. Hence
thee) to give to him."
("high"), [Jarmuth"], pr. n. of a town
in the plain country of the tribe of Judah formerly ;
N'^T. ("which Jehovah heals"),
pr. n. of a town of the Benjamites, Josh. 18:27.
a royal city of the Canaanites, Josh. 10:3; 12:11;
5 35; Neh. 11:29.
[Prob. now Yarmuk,
p"11 (l) TO SPIT, i. q. pjn. (Ch. pn,
Rob. ii. 344.]
4<f>: id.). Pret. Num. 12:14; Deut. 25:9. Inf.
H123T ("high places"), \Jeremoth~], m. pr.n. absol. Nu. loc. cit. The fut. is taken from pi^.
(l) l Chron. 8:14. (2) Ezra 10:26. (3) Ezra
10:27. (4) i Ch. 23:23; for which there is
n'wi* II.
pi T an unused root; to be green, as an herb,
04:30. (5) 25:22; for nion* verse 4. (6) Ezra a plant. 7 ,. Arab. IV.
to come into leaf, as a tree.
10:29 ^ 'ro, L^J
np ntorj.
to shoot forth both ideas arising from that of verdure.
vl ("dwelling in high places"), pr. n. m.,

Hence the following words [also P'" *]. 1

Ezr. 10:33.
neutr. that which is green,
nOT " p"l* masc. adj. green,
ITJp"^ & probably whom Je-
irPJy'V (}ilj
hovah has appointed," from HOT in the Chald. verdure, 2 Ki. 19:26; Isaiah 37: 27. Specially an
herb. p^'D U a garden of herbs, Deu. 1 1 : 10; i Ki.
usage), Jeremiah. LXX. 'leptyu/ae, pr. n. (l)of a
21:2. p"3J
nrnx a portion of vegetables, Pro. 15: 17.
very celebrated prophet, son of Hilkiah the priest, a v 9 . f
Jer. l:l; 27:1; Dan. 9: 2, etc. (2) 1 Chr. 12:13.
(Syr. LQ^,, |_joo^j herb.)
(3) 2 Ki. 2 3 3 1 :
; comp. Jer. 35 :
3. (4) l Ch. 5:24. m all greenness of
PI- -
greenness. 3^y \^~"^
(5) 12:4. (6) 12:10. (7) Neh. 10:3; 12:1.
herb, Gen. 1:30; 9:3. N^ P7 greenness of grass,
i.e. green grass, Psa. 37:2. Elsewhere concr. any-
jJ ! T (i) properly TO TREMBLE. (This signi-
fication lies in the primary syllable jn, compare the green (bag rune), of the fields and trees, Ex.
roots "ty/l, ?jn, CJH, tt'y.'J,
and the remarks made under 10:15; Nu. 22:4; Isa. 15:6.
the root "tiT}). Once, thus, in the verb, Isaiah 15:4,
n " his soul trembles for him
ft ^?3 (Moab),"
(1) of persons, paleness of face; that lurid green-
for fear, terror. (The same signification of fearing, ish colour in the countenance of men when smitten
being terrified, belongs to the Arabic f ,
c y- ^ with great terror, Jer. 30:6.
tho same sense in Hebrew fcO* is commonly used, (2) of grain, yellowness, paleness, mildew,
which is formed from this root, the letter y being Deu. 28 22 :
i Ki. 8 : 37 Am. 4
9. (Arab, ^,'j^.;
somewhat softened. Compare also I^l^).
(a) i.q. yjn to be evil (prop, to rage, to make a [" D#|7" (" paleness of the people?"), Jorleam,
occurs of a town of Judsea, l Ch. 2 :44."J
noise, to be tumultuous, sea the root yjn). It pr. n.
bond-woman shall not inherit with my oon, eves
plur. fern. r^pTp"}*
(l) adj. greenish,
with Isaac." Part. t?T an heir, Jer. 49:1.
yellowish, x\wp/wi', -ised of the colour of leprosy
seen in garments, Lev. 13:49; 14:37. NIPHAL, to be dispossessed of one's possessions
(pass, of Kal No. 1, b); reduced to poverty,
(2) subst. yellowness, paleness, tatcniness
(of gold), Psa. 68:14. 0<th. ^>: denotes gold
45 1 1 Pro. 20 13. In this signification it is kindred

s<*- to t'-ITbe poor.

itself. Arab. \ ,. money, coins.) PIEL tri. q. Kal No. 1, with an ace. of the thing,
Deu. 28:4-2; with an ace. of the pers. i. q. to cast out
& fut. Bh? imp. EH Deu. of possession, to make poor. Jud. 14:15, where
(Jer.49: i)
1 :2l tn ib., 2 : 24, 31 and EH* with n parag. there is ^^h^ which I prefer placing here rather thau
; ; fully
nr?! 33:23; inf. ncn suff. tor). under Kal. Inf. Kal would be -UripnV.
HIPHIL E^lin (i) to give the possession of any
especially by force, 1 Ki.2i:i6. (This, and not to thing to any one, followed by two ace. Jud. 11:24;
" and
shewn to be the primary signification, by 2 Chr.20:ii; Job 13:26, n*W niity *W*iin}
inherit, is
the derivativesOKH a net, so called from taking or makest me to possess the sins of my youth," i. e,

catching; and E1TPI must, neAv wine, from its affect-

now imputest them to me. Followed by ? of the
This root is Ezr. 9: 12.
ing (taking possession of) the head. pei-s.

kindred to other verbs of seizing, ending in D1, p, (2) i.

q. Kal No. l, to occupy () followed by an
such as D"in which see. In Arabic and Syriac there is ace. of the thing, e.g. land, Nu. 14:24; a city, Josh.

8:7; 17:12; mountain-land, Jud. 1:19. (b) fol-

t> or

a secondary sense of inheriting in the verbs L^? ,., Lw ;

lowed by an ace. of pers. to possess the property of
and perhaps the Lat. heres, heredis, is of the same
anyone, i.e. "to expel him from possession."
be from alpiw, capio). Constr-
stock, unless, indeed, it Ex. 34:24; Nu. 32:21; 33:52; Deu. 4:38. Figu-
followed by an ace. of thing, and used most inanimate things, Job 20:15,
(a) ratively applied also to
commonly of the occupation of the Holy Land, Lev. " God shall drive them out from his
belty" (the
20:24; Deut. 1:8; 3:18,20; Psa.44:4; 83:13. riches swallowed up). Hence to disposs ess of goods,
(6) followed by an ace. to take possession of any to reduce to poverty; l Sa. 2:7. Comp NipK.
to take possession of his goods; to expel,
one, i. e.
(3) to destroy, Nu. 14: 12.
blot out, to
to drive him out from the possession, to siicceed in Derivatives, nen?, nen nen, ento, nehto, :,

his place.Deu. 2:12, On:J?D D-ITD!^ Dltff. 1\y% '3}-l and C

pr.n. or
n s

"and the Edomites expelled them (the Horites) 1

and destroyed them before them." Verses 21, 22.

. f. Nu.24:l8, and
9:1; 11:23; 12:2,29; 18:14; 19:1531:3; Pro. riiTl*. f. a possession, Deut. 2:5,9, 19; Joshua
30:23, "a handmaid when she ex pels her mistress," 12:6,7.'
succeeds in her place Isaiah 54 3 Jer. 49 2.
The :
[" (2) inheritance,
Jer. 32:8."]

following passages exhibit the proper force of this

verb, Deu. 31 3, "the Lord Avill destroy those nations

before thee, DFI?n*1 and thou shall occupy their TXp'fe^. ("whom God makes," i.e. creates),
Jud. ll :23, "Jehovah drove out the m. Ch. 4: 36.
possession." [jesimief], pr. n. l
Amorites before his people, ^B^'fl nnw. and wilt thou
q. D^ir
TO JET, or PLACE. Hence
occupy their land?" l (i) i.
(2) topotsess, Lev. 25:46; Deu. 19:14; 21 :i; XJ Jud. 12:3 3ro.
and frequently. The phrase is of very frequent oc- (2) intrans. to be set, placed (compare ">VJ
currence, r& ^
to possess the
(holy) land, spoken
of a quiet occupancy in that land, which had been where the
Fut. DB"3 Genesis 50:26, and 24:33 ST:,
np is DfcV, Hoph. from D-lb.

promised of old to the Israelites, and was regarded 7t< "W* ("contender," " soldier of God," froip
as he highest happiness of life, Ps. 25 1 3 n "F to n
37 9, 1 1 , :
and ^, Gen. 32:29; 35:lo;comp.Ho.
22,29 (Matt. 5:5). 12:4), Israel, pr. n. given by God to Jacob the
(3) Specially receive an inheritance, with an
patriarch (Gen. locc. citt.), but used more frequently
ace. of the thing, Num. 27:11 36:8; also with ace. ;
of his descendants, i. ft. of the Israelitish natiou
of pers. (compare No. 2), to inherit any one's goods, (comp. a'Pi?!). $#". or ^^. '35 signifies

Gen. 15:3.4. Absol. Gen. 21:10, "the son of the (l) all the descendants of Israel or Israelite* }
Gen. 34:7; 49:7. X". r$ 1 Kings Sa. 13: 19; 2 esse, bein g, existence (see ^J); whence that which
6 23 Eze. 27:17; and
; 19 24, the land
^S^. f. Isa. : ispresent, ready; ovtria, wealth (compare rfrpriy.).
of Israel, i. e. Palestine. Emphatically 7N"U?". is some- So prob Prov. 8:21, E '3qfc ^C9OT " to cause those
times used of those really worthy of the name of who love me to inherit substance."
Israelites (u\r;0we 'lo-par/X/rat, John 1:48), as being far the most common use of the word
(a) By is

righteous, Isa. 49 3 Ps. 73:1; according to Romans

; its being put for the verb substantive, without distinc-
9:6, uv yap TTiirrfQ ol tit 'I7/>a/;X, ovrot 'lapaiyX; also tion of number or tense (Aram. i^j\, VT*?, wnich see,
lovingly, as elsewhere fl'W] (which see). Hos. 8:2, - ^."s-

" Ave
VsTf: TOT know thee, we (are thy) Israel," id.; Arab. ,
fMj\. Opposed to !?&?, ]'$, there is not).

compare Ps. 24:6.

Specially, therefore, with a sing, is, was, will be.
(2) From the time of the dissensions, after the Gen. 28:16, n|n DipE>2 mn) B "Jehovah
may be.
death of Saul, between the ten tribes and Judah, the "
is in this place."
2 Ki. 10:15,^! E?. truly it is so."
ten tribes, following Ephraim as their leader, took
Nu. 22:29; J er 3* 6. With plur. are, icere, will
- ;

to themselves this honourable name of the whole

be, aKi. 2:16: Ezr. 10:44; 2 Chron. 16:9. "Vfe
nation (2 Sa. 2:9, 10, 17, 28; 3:10,17; 19:40 43; there are those ivho, there will be those who
i Ki. 1-2 :
l) ; and this after the death of Solomon was
applied to the kingdom founded by Jeroboam, so that (Syr. 9
^>|), Neh. 5 :
2, 3, 4. ^ ^ there to me, is

from that time the kings of the ten tribes were called 7 have, Genesis 43:7; 44: 20; hence v W "i^'73
whatsoever he had, Gen. 39
TJOB'* ??P, while David's posterity, who ruled Judah

and Benjamin, were called rnin* 'OpO. Other names (3) especially, to be present, ready, to exist,Rn.
of the ten tribes were Q?1!?? (which see), taken from 3 1 2 ; Jer 5:1. Ecc. l l o, "lONn? lin B
: there i s :

the more powerful tribe, and flips? (which see), from anything of which it may be said." Ecc. 2:21; 7:15;
the capital city. The prophets of that period, princi- 8 14.: Pro. 13:7, "^yrip ?. " there are those (Avho)

pally of Judah, occasionally use both names, Judah feign themselves rich." Pro. 11:24; 18:24. Comp.
and Israel, in poetical parallelism of the kingdom of Num. 9 20, nn^ -is?S :
" there
was, when there W
Judah [?], seelsa.l:3; 4:2; 5:7; 10: 20; Mic.i:i4- Avas," etc., i. e. there was sometimes, likeCh. JVX. ^m
If the subject be contained iii a personal pronoun,
(3) After the Babylonish exile, the whole people,
this is expressed a suffix, as ^?. thou art, Jud.
although chiefly consisting of the remains of Judah by
and Benjamin, again took the name most delighted 6 36;:
ye are, Gen. 24 40;'.bg he is, Deut.
D?f :

in by the nation when flourishing, (l Mace. 3:35; 29:14. The verb substantive, Avhen thus expressed,
4:11,30,31; and on the coins of the Maccabees, stands often in conjunction with a participle for the
which are inscribed finite verb, Jud. 6:36, g'E^O Tf* DK "if thou sav-
^JOE h\>W) whence it is, that

even used of the kingdom

in the Chronicles 7*"jp. is est." Gen. 24:42, 49.
of Judah, 2Chron. 12:1; 15:17; 19:8; 21:2,4;
$3:2; 24:5. t^ T
fut. n#J, inf. abs. 3iB^ (i Sa. 20:5), constr.
The Gentile noun is v$"!? 3 Sam. 17:25; fern. nn^, with suff. *nyv, imp. ae?, na??.
nv&rjtp. Lev. 24: 10. Israelite. (l) TO SIT, TO SIT DOWK; absol. Gen. 27:19; fol-
lowed by ? of place, Ps. 9:5; Pro. 9:14; Job 2:13;
pr. n. m. l Ch. 25: 14, see '#.
and Avith a dative pleon. Gen. 21 16, H7 3K*ri1 " and :

*\yy&\ [/ssacAar], name

son of of the fifth
she sat down." to be sitting,
Also, to be seated,
Jacob by Leah, Genesis 30 18; whose descendants:
folknved by ? (Gen. 19:152
Sa.? l ) (
l Ki. 2 19), :
^ :

(WW 33) dwelt in the region near the sea of Ga-

and poet, also with an ace. of the place on which any
lilee, Josh. 19: 17 This name, as it now stands one sits. Ps. 80:2, Hainan 3K-" "he who sits upon 1

in the editions (like rrtrp, the cherubim," i.
q. sits on a throne upborne by che-
C3?BTI., etc., see Simonis,
Analys. Lect. Masoreth. in Pref), takes the vowels
rubim. Ps. 99: l Isa. ; 37 16. Psa. 122 5, HKK' 3
: :

belonging to a continual np, "OB>! (bought Avith wages 133^ ni^pD -13^ "for there they (judges) sit on
or price, see Gen. 30
16). The more full reading in
for judging;" commonly, but incorrectly, taken as,
lro may be read in two ways, either "GB> E" he is i. e. are placed, thrones; (Aram. 30*, _CiJL
wages, or TS^
"OS? he f KB) er bring wages, id. Arab, verb i__-o has the signification of sitting
bringt ben Sotjn.
only in the dialect of the Himyarites see the amusing ;

?I followed by a Makkaph,^ (i) prop, subst. story in Pococke, in Spec. Hist. ArsK page 15, edit

White; but this sense is found in the substantives HIPHIL 3'B>in (i) causat, of Kal No. l, to cauf>l
to sit down, l Sa. 2:8; l Ki. 21:9.
^li-. a sitting down, habitations, places, c._jlj a
(2) causat. of Kal No. 3, to cause to inhabit, Psal.
throne, a bed. In the vulgar Arabic the verb is
68:7; 113:8; followed by 3 of place, Gen. 47:6;
commonly used in the sense of lying in wait, spring- 2 Ki. 17:26. Also, to cause a woman to dwell with
ing on the prey, and leaping in general). one, i.e. to take in marriage (compare Kal, Hos.3:3
Specially, to sit is used
of (a) judges, where .(Ethiop. (Drtfl: Conj. IV. to take a wife), Ezr. 1O 2, :

to give judgment, Ps. 9:5; kings sitting on

they 10,14, 17. 18; Neh. 13:27.
their thrones, Psa. 9:8; 55:20. Hence, Isa. 10:13, (3) causat. of Kal No. 4, to cause a land to be ir
" those who sit on
E3*3^' (thrones)," i.e. kings. habited, Eze. 36:33; Isa.54:3.
(b) of those who lie in wait for others, Psal. 10:8; HOPHAL. (l) to be made to dwell, Isa. 5:8.
17:12; Job 38 40. : Followed by ? Jer. 3:2. Comp. (2) to be inhabited, Isa. 44:26.
Gr. Ad)(oc, ambush ;
Xo-^evw, Xo^i^u, to lie in ambush, Derivatives, n3"E> (for ^3^.), 3tpO, SBOfl, and the
from At'yw, to sit down; and Arabic s_-J. f
fid) Ucjen, pr. names which follow.

(see above). (c) of an army, which sits down in a rOB>3 Z& ("dwelling tranquilly" ["sitting
place, and holds possession of it (cincn >rt befe^t fyaben), on the seat"]), pr.n. of one of David's captairs, 2 Sa.
l Sa. 13: 16.
(</) of mourners, Isa. 47:5;
Job 2:13.
23:8; in the parallel passages DJJ3E*.
(e) of those who sit down
do nothing, are sloth- idly,
ful, Isa. (/) To sit with any one,
30:7; Jer.8:i4. ^?^ (" father's seat"), [Jes1ieleab~\, pr.n
followed by DJ? is to associate with him, Ps. 26:4, 5; m. 1 Ch. 24:13.

compare Psal. 1:1, and OJJ v^, DJJ N13. As to the Ha??) m. 1 Ch.
" to sit at the (" praising"), [Ishbali], pr.n.
phrase, king's right hand," see above, 4:17.'
page CCCLI, B [and see the note added there].
2j3 *p. (" his seat is at Nob"), pr. n. m.
(2) to remain, abide, Gen. 24:55; 29:19. Fol-
lowed by an accus. of place, Gen. 25 27, DvH'R 3ti" :
2 Sam. 2l:l6 ana; np, 333 *3^ (" my seat is at

"remaining in the tents," i. e. staying at home. Nob"), [Ishbi-benob].

With a dative pleonast. Gen. 22:5, H3 D3? }3> " re- ^
main Followed by a dat. of pers. to remain
some Also uJ/5^) 1.
Yashov'am, like 23??"ljr (" to whom
for one, i.
q. to expect him, Ex. 24: 14.
used of inanimate things, Gen. 49 24, 1^3 3KW :
th people turn"), [Jashobeam], pr. n. m. l Ch.
" but his bow 11: ll; 27:2.
\F\%>\) remained strong."
(3)dwell, to dwell in, to inhabit, Gen. 13:6,
p3^. ("leaving behind"), [IshbaK], pr.n.
7, 12; 19:29; followed by 3 Deut. 17: 14, and ?J? of of a son of Abraham and Keturah, Gen. 25:2.
the place or land which one inhabits, Levit. 25:18;
n&yp^K^ (" a seat in a hard place"),
followed by an ace. Gen. 4:20. Poet. Ps. 22:4,
$~&\ 3CT "dwelling amongst the praises bekashah~\, pr. n. m. l Ch. 25:4, 24.
of Israel," in the temple, where the hymns of Israel \
a root unused in Hebrew, but found very
from around sound in thy ears. Ps. 107: 10. Part.
3EH' an inhabitant, a dweller, Gen. widely spread through ancient languages, whence the
19:25; Jud. noun E?. esse, being, and HJC'W a setting upright
I :al 3:3. But 3E* followed by an accus. is also
to stand, to stand
(aid), uprightness, truth. Prop,
to dwell near, by anything, to be neighbour (comp.
' out, to stand upright; hence to be. (With this
"tt3). those who dwell near her, sc. the city,
C '?.?*1

agree Sanscr. as, to be, Pers. ,^^Jt, Latin Kin-

Eze. 26: 17. Gen. 4 20, ^J'PPI Pfj'R 3K" " those who

dwell and amongst flocks."

in tents dred in signification is J-13 to stand, whence K to be

(4) pass, inhabited, as a place, city, country,

to be Other traces of this root are found in the pr. name*
Isa. 13 : 20; Jer. 17 6, 25; Ezek. 26 20. :In like :

manner 13V and Greek vaiu, vuurau, signify both to *

inhabit and to be inhabited. ("turning oneself"), {Jashub], pr.u.

NIPHAL 3En3 to be inhabited, Exod. 16:35, * nd (l)of a son of Issachar, Nu. 26:24. (a) Ezr. 10:89.
often in other places.
From No. l is the patron. 'SE'J Nu. loc. cit.
PIEL 3g". to place, to make to sit down, Ezek. H)^(" even," level"), [7Aua, Itua], pr. n
of a son of Asher, Gen. 46 : 17.

*\&* (id.), [/*wi, Ishui, Jesut], pr.n. (i) of a fiO'#) m. a waste,a desert, Ps.68:8; 78:40.
son of Asher, Gen. 46: 17. (2) of a son of Saul, i Sa. 106:14.' Koot OB>;.
niQ^fc/. pi. f. desolations, destruction, Psalrn
? ("whom Jehovah casts down"), [J>- 55: 16 a'ro. Root 0^; compare pr. n. of the town
shohaiah'], pr.n. m. l 11.4:36. nio^rnv? p .
cxvn, B.

5?^?. \jJeshua~\, a contracted form of the pr.n. *^ ^

T m. an old man, properly hoary, (from the

ITK'in* used in the later Hebrew, Gr. 'IrjvovQ.

(l) of root K't^J) a word altogether poetic, Job 12: 12;

Joshua, the leader of the Israelites, Neh. 8:17. (2) 15: 10; 29:8; 32:6. In the cognate languages these
" 9 f !
of a high priest of the same name; see JK^ ! No. 2, 1 5

correspond to this \ AAAJ? ,

^^.ucJj ,
the letter '
Ezr. 2:2; 3:2; Neh. 7:7. (3) pr.n. of other men,
mentioned in the books of Chronicles, Ezra, and Ne- changed into the hardest of the palatals (see under
hemiah. the letter D).

[" (4) a city of Judah, Neh. 1 1 :-26."] UY. (" descended from an old man"), e-

njp!5?; f. with n parag. poet. nr^lB* Ps. 3 3 :

80 13 shishai], pr.n. m. l Ch. 5:14.

(from the root V'^).

(1) Verbal adj. f. that is delivered, safe,
Hence b&B
Genesis 47: 19; Ezek 12:19; 19:7
(which however may come from DOE? itself, like ^2!
(2) Subst. (a) deliverance, help; njn* njJ-1B
" aid vouchsafed from 7?%, see Hebrew Grammar 66, note 3) ; plur.
by God," Ex. 14: 13. (b) welfare,
Job 30: 15. napB^n Eze.6:6.
(c) victory, l Sa. 14:45; 2 Ch. 20:17;
Derived nouns, flD^*, rtD*B and
ii L/ 'P^' (" wasteness"), [/sAma], pr. n. m. iCb.
T an unused
Arab, transp. (j^- to be
void, empty, used of a desert and desolated region,
and of a famishing belly. Conj. IV. to be famished,
^ o -
7^2^ ( whom God hears"), Ishmael, pr.n.
borne by (i) the son of Abraham, by Hagar his
hungry, lA-^ fasting, having taken no food. Hence
concubine, the ancestor of many Arabian tribes, Gen.
v m. found once Micah6:l4; hunger, prop, 25 : 1 2 18. Hence patron. ^KV-Pp! l Chron. 2:17;
emptiness of stomach.
27 :
3j pl- ^T Arabs descended from Ishmael, trad-
ing with Egypt (Gen. 37:25,27; 39:1), wandering
Ok/ T only found in HIPHIL D^H xo STR.ETCH as nomades from the east of the Hebrews, and from

Egypt as far as the Persian gulf and Assyria (i. e.

OUT, Est. 4:ll;5:2;8:4. (Syr. and Ch.
Babylonia), Gen. 25:18, which same limits are else-
OOQL- id.) where (l Sa. 15:7) assigned to the Amalekites, Jud.
&\ (perhaps "wealthy," see K?. No. l). pr. n. 8:24 (compare verse 22); Ps. 83:7. (2) the killer
Jesse, a shepherd of Bethlehem, the father of King of Gedaliah, Jerem. 40 and 41. (3) several others,
David, who, as being of humble birth, was called iCh. 8:38; 2 Ch. 23:1; Ezr. 1O:22.
contemptuously by his enemies *T1? i Sa. 20:27,
ilJiQY .("whom J eh ov ah hears"), [Ismaiah],
30,31; 22:7,8; 2Sam.2O:l; l Ki. 12: 16 (i Sam. m. i Ch. 12:4. A different person is -in^yp^
pr. n.
16: i, seq.); the stem of Jesse, Isa. 11 i
poet, used :
l Ch. 27:19.
of the family of David, and the root, i. e. the shoot of
Jesse,, used of the Messiah. [Compare Rev. '"]?*'. (for nnp^, "whom Jehovah keeps"),
22: 16, "I am the root and offspring of David;" [Ishmerai], pr. n. m. lCh.8:l8.
root can never be put for shoot as
suggested by Ge-
senius, but the Lord Jesus Christ, son of God and
& Ecc.5:ll, pr. TO
fut. fl?T, inf. Jte*

son of David, was both.'] LXX. 'liaaai.

hence uiube frpn),

(l) of persons, to fall asleep, Gen. 2: 21; 41:5;

TWy. (" whom Jehovah lends"), [Ishijah, Ps. 4:9; to sleep, to be sleeping, Isa. 5:27; l Ki
Ishaiah}, pr.n. (i) l 01.7:3. (2) Ezr. 10:31;
also the name of several Levites. 19:5. (Arab. .^. to begin to sleep, to slumber,
id ), [Jesaiali], pr. n. m. i Ch i:6 fdjlummern j JL-j the beginning of sleep. As to e'&ef

which on the succour. Const, absol. Isa. 45:20,

to to
it* elf,
they commonly use the verb +\j, (2") aid,

contr iry is used in Hebrew of slumbering, see

followed by an
Ex. 2:17; 2 Sam. 10:19; and ?
D^J). Josh. 1O:6; Eze. 34:22; most commonly used oJ
Persoisare said, who are
poetically, to sleep (a) God giving help to men, followed by an ace. Ps. 3:8;
idle, doing nothing, whence arflpws-o^o^wc, Psalm
6:5; 31:17; by a dative, Ps. 72:4; 86: 16; 116:6.
44:24," why sleepest th"U, O Jehovah?" Psalm As victory depends on the aid of God, it is i. q.
78:65. (b) dead. Job 3 13; concerning whom
the idea is more fully expressed with an accus. fol-
to give victory, followed
by a dat. Deu. 20:4; Josh.
22:22; 2 Sa. 8 6, 14. A phrase frequently used is,

lowing, C/>fo? nrr Jg* Jer. 51 :39, 57, and J"HD Jtt J ps .

njwin "my own hand has helped me," [saved

7* *?
me] or, "V^l *p n^'Cin my own arm has hel ped me,"
(a) used of inanimate things, to be flaccid, dried, " own
hence to be old (opp. to fresh or new),
by my valour (without the aid of any one)
compare 733, have Ithe victory." Jud-7:2; Job 40: 14;
nb?. So adj. and gained
Ps. 98:1. 44:4; Isa. 59:16; 63:5. In another
(i) to be dry, used of old [last
sense and construction, l Sa.-25:-26, 1? TJJ Vffin " to
year's] corn, opp. to what is fresh. Lev. 26: 10.
help thyself with thy own hand," i.e. to take private
(2) to be old,inveterate, of leprosy, Lev. 13:11;
of a person who has long dwelt in vengeance, l Sa. 25:33. T], and *"!J i Sa. 25:33,
any country, Deu. is the accusative of instrument which is also else-
4:5 where coupled with this verb (Psalm 108:7); with
PEEL, causat. of Kal No. 1, to cause to sleep, Jud.
16:19. regard to which see Heb. Gramm. ed. 10, 135, l..
note 3.
Derivatives, WV, rw* and those which follow im-
NIPHAL (l) to be freed, preserved, followed by
tP Nu. 10:9; Ps. 33:16.
|y T m. n3K"_ f. adj. old, opp. to recent, fresh, used ^(2) to be helped, Isa. 30:15; 45:17; tobesafe,
of corn of the past year, Levit. 25:22; Cant. 7:14. Ps. 80:4. 8; also to conquer, [Is it not saved in
(Luth. firne), of an old gate (opp. to a new), Neh. the alleged passage?] Deu 33:29. Part. J?^ 3 con-
3:6; 12:39; of the old pool, Isa. 22:11.
queror, Zee. 9 :9 [In this passage of course it refers
to Christ as bestowing sali-ation] Ps. 33: 1 6.
W\ f. "35*. PI- const. "ISP Dan. 12:2. (l) part.

and verbal adj. sleeping, 1 Sa. 26:7; Ps. 78:65. It Derivatives, besides those which immediately fol-
serves in the same manner as participles in peri- low,' ny^
rviytfto, an d the pr. n. t S?nn, V&7$
[ a so
phrastic expressions for the finite verb, Ki. 3 20,
i :

inP.K thy handmaid was sleeping." Cant.
y&* & yi with
(1) deliverance, aid, [salvation"], Ps. 12:6;
suff. w'., ^ :

: PS. 85:8.

(2) {Jasheii], pr. n. m. 283.23:32; for which

1 Ch. 11:34, there is Dfc?n. 50:23. Used like verbals with the case of the finite
" to deliver
verb, Hab.3:i3, irrorpVIK PtfJ thine
( old"), [Jeshanah], pr. n. of a town of anointed." "VV*. 'D^X God of my help [salvation'],
the tribe of Judah, [in the kingdom of Samaria helper [saviour]. Ps. 18:47; 2 5 5; 2 7'9; :

rather]. 2 Ch. 13:19. Mic. 7:7; Isa. 17:10.

(2) safety, welfare, Job 5:4, 11; Ps. 132:16;
J7t^ unused in Kal, Arab.
-^ TO BE SPACIOUS, Isa. 6l:io [in these two last cited passages, *a/-
AMPLE, BROAD, figuratively to be opulent, kindred vation].
W&. See Jeuhari in A. Schultens, Origg. Heb.
torn. i.
p. 2O. The signification of ample space
W! ("salutary"), [Isht], pr. n. m. (l) iCh.
2:31. (2) iCh.5:24. (3) iCh. 4:20,42.
is in Hebrew
applied to liberty, deliverance from
dangers and distresses (compare 3n^ n l"3) as on the
other hand narrowness of space is
$^ ("the salvation of Jehovah"), Isaiah,
frequently used of [Jeshaiah~], LXX. 'Herotac, Vulg. Isaias, pr. n.
distresses and dangers (com p. "MV, rnV). Hence borne by (i) a very celebrated prophet who flou-
HIPHIL JTPn fut. 1?^', the n retained rished, and had great influence among the people,
BTin: Ps.
116:6, apoc. y&', yenn. in the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Ileze-
(l) tost free, to preserve, followed by JP Ps. kiah, see Isaiah 1 : 1 ; 6: l,seq. ; 7:l,seq. 2O:l,cq.;

7:2; 34:7 44:8; TPJud. 2:16, 18; 3:31; 6:14, 22: 15,seq.; chaps. 36 39. (2) l Chron. 25:3, 15.
(3) l Ch. 26:25.
HIPHIL TB*n and "W (P 8 5:9; I oa 45:2 aroi
[Jeshaiah, JesaiaK], pr. n. m.
. .

"1$^ : (id.)
(l) to make a way straight. Ellipt. Pio. 4:25,
(i) iCh.'3:2i (2) Ezr.8:7. (3) Ezr. 8:19.
"let thy eyelids T?.??. -l" ^'!! make straight (sc. a 1

(4) Neh. 11:7.

way) before thee," i. e. let them look straight.
L nW T an unused root, kindred to the roots (2) to make away even, Ps. 5:9; high places, Isa.

45 2.
naK> to make smooth, and HDV, J^j to shine, to be

bright, which appears also tohave been the sig-

Derived nouns, "fa^l?, *#, pr.n. f^ and tlma
which immediately follow.
nification of this root. Hence may be derived" ]
~W\ adj.
T]W (i) straight.
Eze.l:7, 23;
"13$* (read Yah-sh'pheh), Ex. 28:20; 39:13,
Job 33:27, W^.Q "*?7 "I have made the straight
crooked;" I have acted perversely. Figuratively
'"'yp',) Eze..28:l3, a jasper, a precious stone of 0^2 "l^ that which is right in my eyes, i. e. what
what Jud. "
different colours. (Arab. i__ij. ^j, y_^A-' >
also pleases me, I approve. 1 7 6,
every one
n wliat was right in his own
^- s^- did V^y.3 eyes," what
? t "IB'

c-^j an etymology is to be sought

c_^2.'> id.) If was pleasing to himself. Deu. 12:25, 28, ^"^3 "i^H
in Hebrew, it may be from the root nQB> to be nin* " that which is
pi easing to God." Followed by
smooth [but see ^J above]. But the form of the ^P? id., Pro. 14:12; 16: 25. Often used of persons
word appears strange, as if it were foreign. (a) upright,righteous, Jobl :i, 8; More
nt P s 7 1 1, and TJ1
fully expressed 3J? '^! 37 14. . : :

HSp? (perhaps "bald," from HS^), [Ispah],

pr.n. m., i Ch. 8: 16.
W)] KUT i.oyr) v are tne Jews, Daniel 11:17.
i "^?
"^'D [the book of Jasher] the book of the upright,
\7^\ (prob. id.), [/s/t^ara],pr. n. m., iCh. 8:22. either sing, or collect, is an anthology of ancient

poems, to which reference is twice made in the Old

fut.IT! (once 1^! i Sa. 6: 12).
Test., J,osh. 10: 13; 2 Sam. 1:18. (If it could be
(1) i.
q. T^K (kindred roots are "l^?, 1^) T0 BE "IE?* is also used of
proved that military valour, the
STRAIGHT, especially of a way, l Sa. 6:12, """IJ")^! !!
titleof that book might not be ill rendered the book
" and the kine were straight in
'HT!? rilisn prop.
of valour ; comp. the name of the celebrated Arabic
the way," i. e. they went in a straight, direct way.
anthology, called <L:l?- i- e. valour.) Neutr. "i'J up-
(As to the grammatical form, see Gramm. 47, note 3.)
rightness, integrity, Psa. 37:37; 111:8. (&) just,
Metaphorically in this one phrase, ^#3 to be "^ word of God, Deu. 32:4;
" true, of God, and the Psa,
straight in my eyes, i.e. it is
pleasing to me,"
33:4; 119:137.
I approve it, Nu. 23:27; Jud. 14:3,7; l Sa. 18:20,
(2) even, used of a way Jer. 3 1 9 hence "=11^ ,

26; 2 Sa. 17:4; 1X1.9:12. n "?^ an even (unobstructed)

way, i. c. fortunate, Ezr.
(2) to be even, level, metaphorically used of an 3? ~\&] ready-minded, prompt for doing
8:21. any
even mind^i. e. tranquil (compare n-JB> Isa. 38:13), or
thing; followed by a gerund, 2 Ch. 29:34. Compare
composed, opp. proud, Hab. 2:4, '"l/SJJ nan
to inflated,
13 iK?93 behold the puffed up, his soul is ^j to be ready, obsequious. III. to
JTWftb Ajrabic Conj.
not tranquil in him." make oneself of easy access to any one.
PIEL (l) to make a
Pro. 9:15,
way straight, >
" ^^. uprightness"), \_Jesher~\, pr. n. masc.,
those who make their ways straight," i. e. those .
who go on in a straight way, the upright. J" ??? "$* 1
iCh. 2:18.
" God
to forward.
go straight Prov. 15:21, makes "1^ m. (l) straightness, of way, Pro. 2:13;
straight the ways of any one," i. e. causes that his 4:11.
may prosper; Prov. 3:6; 11:5. Hence to (2) Figuratively is right, what ought
(a) what
direct, as a water coiirse, 2 Chr. 32:30; poetically to be done, that which just and meet. Prov. is

applied to thunder, Job 37:3. ll :24, " who withholds "'^'P mere than is just and

(2) to esteem as right, to approve, Ps. 119:128. meet." With suffix i">^'* what he cafht to do, hia
(}) causat. of Xal No. 2, to make even, level, office, Job 33:23; Prov. 14:2; 17:26. Also, what
as a
way, Isa. 40:3; 45:13; followed by ^ for any we ought to speak, that which is true or right,
one. Job 6:25. (b) used of persons; uprightness, in
PCAL, pass, of Piel No. 3. Part. 1BD 3HT gold tegrity, often with the addition of 3.?, 33?, Deut
made even, sfead out, l Xi. 6:35. 9:5; Ps.25:2l; 119:7; Job 33-3.
Tim. i. p. 1 34, 228, edit. Manger.), an image of a fira
"l2( right before God"), [Jesharela A],
m. Ch. 25:14. and stable abode, Isa. 22:23 in which sense "inj is
pr. n.
used Ezr. 9:8; comp. "H| verse 9, and the roots JJO3,
rnST. or rn#* constr. rnB f. i. TB" upright-
S^DJ. Also, a nail or pin is used
metaphorically of
1 Ki. 3:6.
ness, integrity, a prince, from whom the care of the whole state
w^ m. Jeshurun, Jesurun, a poetical and (at hangs as it were, Zee. 10:4; the same person is also
the same time apparently) a tender and loving ap- called "l|3 or corner stone, on whom the state is
pellation of the people of Israel; found four times,
Deu. 32:15; 33:5,26; Isa. 44:2. Interpreters are (2) a spade, paddle, Deu. 23:14. ^n^^Jwl.
not determined as to its origin. To me it appears 16:14, a weaver's spatha. [In Thesaur. this last
probable [but. see below] that j-1"!^
was a diminutive passage is not put under this head.]
of thename ^ST^, used among the people and in an orphan, from the root CDH^ Ex. 29:
T m.
common life for the fuller form J^STis^ (as to the
21,23; Deu. 10: 18; 14:29. Used of a child who is
syllable |1 added to diminutives, see Lehrgeb. p. 513, bereaved of his father only, Job 24 9. :

and Hoffmann, Syr. Gr. page 251); but, like other

words of this sort in frequent use, more freely in- . m. (from the root 1-in, of the form
flected and contracted (compare Syriac Aristot, for searching out; meton. that which is found by
Aristotle Arab. Bokrat, for Hippocrates and the
; ;
searching, Job 39 8. :

German names, such as gri$ for

an unused root. Arab. to beat with
griebrid)) and thus, at the same time, an allusion

was made to the idea of rectitude, uprightness, a club, <Ls~o a club. Hence a club, which
as found in the root "X?*; compare CD "?^; Nu. 23: 1O. see.
So Gr. Venct. 'lopaiXiffKos. Others regard ^"". as a
diminutive from if as though rectulus,
"W ("height"), [Jattir], pr. n. of a town in
TtPJ (as "^), the mountains of Judah, inhabited by the priest^.
justulus [the righteous little people], baS Hebe/ fromme
Josh. 15:48; 21:14; l Sam. 30:27; i Chron. 6:4
B&lfdjen (Aqu., Symm.,Theod. euflvf); but the passage
[Perhaps 'Attir, Rob. ii.
in Isaiah appears to hinder this, where it stands for ^s.
7KT^7,parall. 3p5 [Yet this was Gesenius' corrected
"W?! Ch. (l) adj. very great, excellent, pre-
judgment]. eminent, Dan. 2:31; 5:12, 14.
(2) f.
'~nW adv. abundantly, very, Dan. 3 99; :

V/unused root; cogn. to K>1B> to be white,

T aft

hoary; hence to have hoary hairs, i.e. to ie an

old man; comp. ""l^'S?. !"l?0! ("height," "lofty place," root
Hence B^B/J, pr. n. */*?*, and [JethlaK], pr. name of a town of the Danites, Josh
7 19:42-
<?\ m. an o/a wian, prop, hoary, 2 Ch. 36: 17.
H* Chald. With an unused root. Arabic *^J and *x> to be
i.q. Heb. OX, the mark of the ace. .' T

pron. P'~IJV them, Dan. 3:12. solitary, bereaved. The signification of solitari-
ness appears to have sprung from that of silence, so
JJj . Chald. i.q. Heb. SB'J (l) TO SIT, TO SIT thatit is kindred to the roots D^, BO'l. Hence
DOWN, Dan. 7:9, 10, 26. Dto an orphan. BJVN p s a. 19:14, is from DOR see
(2) to dwell, Ezr. 4:17.
Analyt. Ind.
APHEL 3D1 n to cause <o dwell, Ezr. 4:10.
PlGJV ("bereavednees"), [Ithmah'], pr.n. m.
an unused root. Arabic J^j and 0?j to 1 Ch. 11:46.
nake firm, to fix firmly. Hence
unused root, i. q. ^*
m Ezck. 15 jJT^ an to be constant,
1H) const. "ID*, plur. ri'nn*, . :
3, f. Isa.
hence to bt
perennial, used of water (comp. 1?J?) ;
2:25; Dmi. 23:14.
firm, stable.
(l) a pin, a nail, which is fixed into a wall, Eze.
Derivative, tn'K.
15:3; Isa. loxcit.; a pin of a tent, Exod.
27'19; 35:l8; 38:31; Jud. 4:21,22. To drive in Ttfyy. ("whom God gives"),
a pin or n iil, is in Hebrew (as in Arabic, see Vit. pr. n. m. 1 Ch. 26:9.
of the string of a bow, Ps. 11:2 (c) of a cord used
J3JV ("given"), \_Ithn an], pr.n. of a town in the
as a bridle; Job 30: 11 3ro, HPIS Vin^ " he looses hu
tribe oi Judah, Josh. 15:23.
bridle," or coll. they loose their bridle," i. e. they
J (i) pr. TO BE REDUNDANT (bruber are unbridled, unrestrained; np, *"}F! they loose my
see "ip* No. i and "1JVO hence , ; bridle, i. e. the rein which I put on them, or the re-
(2) to abound (ubevfluffig fet)n/ ireptyffiveii'). verence owed to me.
(3) to be over and above, to be left (fibrtcj fet)n). (2) abundance, Psalm 17: 14; Job 22: 20; adv.
(4) to fo beyond measure, to exceed bounds; abundantly, very, Isa.56:l2; Dan.8:g; "W 7JJ
hence to be preeminent, to excel. abundantly, enough and more, Ps. 31 :24.
In Kal there only occurs part. "inV that which is
(3) remainder, rest, residue; BJM
"in* the rest

left, the rest, i Sa. 15:15; whence ^am, and adv. of the people, Jud. 7:6; 2 Sa. 10:10, 'tf *^1 1?' the
more, farther, see page CCCXLIV. A. rest of the acts of Solomon, i Ki. 11:41; compare
1 Ki. 14:19. But Joel 1:4, "!!*? "W
" that which
HIPHIL "Vnin (i) fo cause some one io abound
with something followed by an ace. of pers. and 2
the locust has left."
of the thing, Deu. 28:11; 30 9. :
(4) that which exceeds measure or limit, whence
(2) to let remain, to leave, Ex. 10: 15; 12:10; adv. besides (i. q. "inV 2, c); hence eminence, ex-
Isa. 1:9. Ps. 79:11, nrtoDJJl VJ3 "iriin "let remain cellence, Pro. 17:7. Concr. that which is excellent,
y. e. keep alive) the sons of death," i. e. those doomed or first, Gen. 49:3.
jo die. y = (5) \_Jetlier, Jethro], pr. n. m. (a) Jud. 8:20.
(3) to make profit (like Syr. ^ Pe. and Aph.). (6) Ch.2:32.
i 01.4:17. (c) 1 (d) 1 Ch. 7:38,
Gen. 49:4, inin ?N "thou shalt not lay up gain" for which there is i"^ verse 37. (e} the father-in-
" thou shalt not
law of Moses, elsewhere called M$ Ex. 4:18. (/)
"in Thes. excel,' shalt not be su-

perior to thy brethren"]. 1 Kings 2:5, for which there is fcfW 2 Sam. 17 :25.

NIPHAL ~ID'1J ( 1 ) to
be left, to be let to rema in, Ex. Patron. '"!! 2 Sa. 23:38.
1O:15; also, remain, Gen. 32 25. Part. 1013,
to :

rV i.
q. ">Pv No. 3, f. that which is
left, residue
fern, rnn'!} rest, remainder, Gen. 30 36
Ex. 28: :
Isa. 15:7; Jer.48:36.
10; 29:34. 1P
[In Thes. abundance, riches, i.
q. No. a.]
(2) to excel, to be superior to the rest; hence to
gain a victory. (Syr. Ethpa. to excel, to be pre- ^ J
"?? (i- q-
n]?-)> [Jethro~\,
i' pr. n. of the father-in-
eminent.) Dan. 10: 13, D?Q *3/>
^* 0^ 'FlCfo '38! law of Moses ; compare "U)' and 33n ;
Exod. 3:1;
" and I there obtained the
victory with the kings 4:18.
of Persia." [This sense is in Thes. spoken of very
and in this passage the meaning given in fnJT. m. (i) gain, profit, emolument, what
one has over and above, Ecc. 1:3; 2 1 1 3:9; 5:8, :
the Engl. Vers. is
preferred.] <> V
Derived nouns, itf \ mjTJV, 1W, "into, TTl'O, and 15; 10:10 [" Syriac JiJl.Qj gain"].
a followed
those which immediately follow. (2) pre-eminenc by JP Ecc. 2:13. ,

^0 with su ff- 1 IJ
?- m -
(0 a cord, a rope, prop. H* Ithran,
T pr. n. m. Gen. 36:26; 1 Ch. 1:41;
something hanging over, redundant, so called
from hanging over, hanging down see the root No. i. ;

(Arab. ". id. a bow string, harp string), Jud. 16, 7,

Djn ?' ("abundance
1 of people," ["rest of the
seq. Specially (a) used of the cords which in n. m. 2 Sam. 3:5; 1 Ch.
people"]), [Ithream], pr.
pitching a tent fasten the curtains to the stakes. Me-
Job 4: 21, 03 D"W JJD3 "their cords are torn 3 =
away," their tents are removed, i. e.
they die (comp.
(according to Simonis for flin)
"a nail")
the metaphor of a tent, verse 19; Isa. n. of an Edomite prince, Gen. 36:40.
38:12). (ft) [Jetheth'], pr.

Caph, the eleventh Hebrew letter as a numeral, figure of the letter

in the Chaldee alphabet now in

standing for twenty. Its name (*!?) signifies a use refers.

" hollow of the a middle place the pa?a<al letters.
wing hand, palm"], to which the It takes among

And is interchanged (a) with the softer ones j (see wind, ns?p }B13, bones (grow)
p. CL, A) ;
and also *,
as"* and "K?*3 (compare also in the pregnant womb, so," etc.
9 i V
WVP and (3) indefinitely, in some way, some measure (eU
jLjkxjt_oan old man). (b) with the harder
palatal P; see
IP.? ; ~>P.3
and PPJ'J;
"H?" }

and pp."}; l?n and
and ">?3, and other words almost without
mgcrmaafkn), hence, when numbers, or measure of
space or time are expressed in round numbers-
number in the cognate languages; see Schult. Clav. about, Gr. J>c (we Trtvr/ycoiTo), axrc/, uaoi>', German
ungefd&r/ etwa. i Ki. 22:6,C^ niKDJ?31X3 "aboui
Dialectorum, p. 295; Scheid. ad Cant. Hiskioe, p. 196.
four hundred men." Ex. 12:37; Ruth 2: 17, H'X3
It more rarely passes into the somewhat harsher gut-
" about an
Dnyp ephah of barley." Nu. 11:31,
turuls H (^) and V (i), as "vn, a mole; D^ 3 " about one
^ll^ journey." Ruth 1:4,day's
&)$ ~ti?y? "about ten years." Also used of a
"9? and "inn the river Chebar; f^n ^, ^ cheese; when not defined with strict exact-
point of time,
103 and
j^ a young lion, "1HJJ to sur- ness. Ex. n^pn ni^n? "about midnight."
1 1 :
Ex. 9:18, "inp n#3 " to-morrow about this time."
Dan. 9:21, I'M. nn?p nj?3 about the time of the
?, monosyllables and barytones often 3
before evening sacrifice." (In these examples ? may, as
Xehrg. 151, l); with suff. D33, DH3, DH3 ( w ith the has been here done, be taken adverbially, and the
jther pers. pronouns there is put 1O3 IDS, which see). ?
substantive as the accusative marking the time when ;

(A) adv. of quality, abbreviated from }3 (like "=1^ but see B. No. 3.)
for |3.X and the like, see Ilebr. Grarnm. 100,; {B) Prep. (i) as, like, as if, denoting some
(unless it be preferred to regard the adverb 3 as kind of resemblance, Gen. 3:5; 9:3; 29:20; Psalm
having sprung from *? properly the relative pronoun 1:3; Jb 3 2:1 95 Gen. 25:25; either of form, ap-
qui, qua, quod, hence quomodo (n?ie bcfiaffen), like we pearance (Cant. 6:6, thy teeth (are) D^DI? ">"$?
from the relative 5, also ovov, dlov adv. from the re- like a flock of sheep." Jud. 8:l8; Job 41:10);
latives offoc, oloc ut, uti, from Sn. If this etymology
; or of magnitude (Josh. 10:2, "for Gibeon was a
be adopted the poicer of the word would be properly great city,n3?pp *"$) J"irtS3 like one of the royal
" as
relative, and the signification A, 2 must stand first.) cities," i.
great as one of those cities"); or of

time (Job 10:5; Ps. 89:37, ^ p^ ? 'itfps " his throne

; :

(l) demonst. pron. thus, so, in this manner, Gr.

tfc- Hence repeated ?...? as.; how. ..thus; shall stand like the sun," i. e. as long as the sun
when two things are compared with each other (old shall shine; compare Ps. 72 : 17); or of lot (compare
Germ, fo for the common rote Lev. 7:7, ? njn to experience the same as p. ccxxii, A, and
DE>S3 nxtsn? "as the sin-offering, so the trespass- ? ir>3 under the word ID?); often used in such a
offering;" Num. 15:15; Hos. 4:9; i Ki. 22:4, and manner that what is called a third comparison is
more rarely so ... as ; thus ... " who is like
contrariwise, although added, Job 34:7, Job, (who) drinketh
how, Gr. we. ..we; Gen. 44:18, n'yics ^jiD3 S o art iniquity like water?" Specially should be noted
thou, as Pharaoh ;" Gen. 1 8 25 Ps. 1 39 1 2. Accord- :
; :
(a) A
substantive with ? prefixed signifies that
ing to the various modes of comparison, it may often which like this thing, a thing or person similar
" an
be rendered, as well, tain ...qvam; Lev. 24: 16, Dan. !O:l8, D"^ n ?T= ?
thereto, ( appearance)
"all the congregation shall stone him n^TX3 "133 a s like the appearance of a man, (something) like a
well the foreigners as the natives;" Deu. l 17 Eze. :
; human form," (enag) roie cine 9Kenfd)cng? jhlt. Deut.
how " has there been THan lin?
18:4; great, so great, quantus, tantus; qualis, 4:32, n$n anything
talis (offoe, TOffOf' oloc...ro7oc); Josh. 14:11, *nb? like this great thing?" Gen. 41 : 38, B*K nya S ypaq
n3 ? fK "as great as

my strength was then, so " can we find

(a man) like this man?" such
a man
great is my strength now;" l Sam. 30:24; as soon So HT3, njN3 may often be rendered in Latin, talis,

as. or then (when two things are said to have Jud. 13:23.
tale, "lalia,
Isa. 66 8, <P nNT3 1!? *P :

happened at the same time), Ps. 48:5 [?]; compare nVs3 HST " who has heard such a thing, who haa
Gr. wr...wc, II. i. 512. More fully expressed 15 ...3 seen such things?" Job 16:8; also nx>3 (what) u
Ps. 127:4; Joel 2:4; also in the later
[?] Hebrew like this, the same, in like manner, Jud. 8:8; 2 Ch.
?* ...3 Josh. 14:11; Dan. 11:29; Eze. 18:4. 3i:-2O. such and such, so and so, Jud.
(2) r~lat. in what way, how, ciuf wclcfcc SBcifc/ after n
18:4; lKi. l4:5 nNT31 kXT3 id. 2 Sam. 17:15.;

the verb PI? (as elsewhere T$ 3 to verbs of simili-

u aa thou dost
Ru. 3:18); Ecc. 11:5, (b) may be added pleonastically
not know what is the course of the ^t^J like the Germ, ifcnlid) fcpn wit jcm.
tude, J

\c) As to the article being frequently put after 3 trcu al$ moglid))and fearing God more than many/
denoting comparison, see above, n art. 2, c, p.ccxn, A. 1 WJ " he was so quiet," er benatjm
Sa. 10: 27, E'nrjGO

according to, after, seciindum (k-a-c't), denoting

(2) fid) ganj rubjg. Num. 11 i, VI D'??DP? ayn nl :

agreement with some rule, standard, or model. Gen. "and the people were so complaining of evil," row
1:26, -UnW]3 "according to our likeness." 4:17, Scute nurtbun f6nnm/bie etn gvoficS Unglurt bejammcrn/i.e.
" and he called the name of the 133 Dt?3
complained most bitterly, Hos. 11:4.
city ^3$ (b} it pre-
after the name of his son Enoch." Joshua 6: 15* fixed to adverbs 13JJD3 how very httic (o<ro oXt'yoi/),
Pro. 10 20 EJ/D3 T ")'^ a remainder so small, Isa. 1:9;
" 1

Hjn OS^3 after this manner." 2 Ki. 1:17, ?"|?


" in like manner i?n? Ps. 73 19 V^. Bfi?? Isa. 26 2O,

according to the word of the Lord." 1 Sa. :

" a man how very

13: 14, 12:173 E"K according to his heart," speedily. (c) substantives Isa. 1:7,

as it pleases him. Ps. 7:18, "I will praise Jehovah D'lT n3Sn!p2 nD3' "a desolation such as ever was

ip"|V3 "according to his righteousness," i.e. even as, wrought by enemies," rote nur irgenb gcinbc erijecren

according to the degree that his righteousness demands ;

f onncn. once thus prefixed to the subject. Lam.
It is

2 Sa. 3:39; Jer. 17:10; Pro. 24:12. Compare "V3 1 :20,nj? n;?3 3-JjTI rbsy pnp "without, the sword

according to the hand of, i. e. bounty, under "1J let. cc.

destroys; within, the pestilence ;" i. e. the pestilencp
Also in this signification in the apodosis there follows destroys with the utmost virulence. Compare Eze^
1?. Gen. 6:22, nfeqj )3 Br6| ins my &?. n^ 7:15, v/here there is a similar expression without 3
(3) from its adverbial use above explained (A, intensitive. Some other examples which I would
No. 3), arises that usage of this particle in which it not bring under this head, are, Job 24: 14, ""^.Y?
becomes a mere particle of time, like the Germ, um/ 23|3 "and by night he is as a thief,"he acts the thief,

in the phrase um breij Ul;r/ which, not only means Ex. 22:24, n^ 33 i ? rvnn *6 "thou shall not be to

about three o'clock, but also three o'clock itself. So him as an usurer." Isa. 13:6, N'l3* T^P IB' 3 "as
Bfefcp toDJ=Dte^ & yesterday, and the _ day a storm cometh from the Almighty," i. e. suddenly,
before yesterday, formerly, l Sa. 14:21; 21:6; QVn3, as tempests usually rise. The letter 3 is radical in
D1'3 to
day, at this time, now (see EV lett.o*. e) ; Pi"}.? nnpa Job 3: 5.
at one moment, Nu. 16: 21; BJMpS for a little while. (5) ? Prefixed to an inf. is (a) as, like as (comp.
(4) On the other hand, from the idea of likeness, No. i, 2), Isa. 5:24; iron, as z/(al3 ob); Isa.10:15,
there arises a singular idiom, which no one as far as VDnp-nX D3.^ span? "as if (indeed) a staflf should
I know has rightly explained, although common to take uphim who lifts it up." (b) as = often, tvhen,
Gr. and Latin, as well as to Hebrew ; this idiom is that, as soon as, like the Gr. we for ind (Passow v. we
when 3 stands before predicates expressing quality, it B. ii.
5), a particle of time (comp. No. 3), when the
denotes any thing to be so, as much as possible, and period of two actions is compared, (compare above,

therefore to be so in a very high degree. (Caph veritatis Ps. 89:37,38); Gen. 39:18, 3Tlp...'?ip"?nq3 "as
was the name formerly given to this by grammarians, I lifted up my voice ... (fo nne id) meine (gttmrne evtjob),
might be more correctly called Caph intensitive. ) he left," etc.; Sam. 5:10, -IPip D^N fn$ Ktas. nJ

The Greeks and Romans use in this sense the parti- '^31
" as the ark of God
came, (immediately) they
cles wr, <7or, quam prefixed to the superlative, we cried out;" l Ki. 1:21. Also used of future time
(3t\Tiaroc, we oaov ra^tora, quam excellen-
Tfi-^iarn, in a conditional sense; Gen. 44:30, ^ ^33 nFjJfl.

tissimus, quam celenime, but also, more rarely to the "n'in}...iriiO3 njm...^ "and it will be as (if,

positive, we aXijflwe, Germ, rote (nur irgenb mogltd)) when) I go to my father... and as soon as he sees...
at)v, fo roafyr al moglid)/ we /ivij/tfoi/tKoc
b Kvpoc (it is immediately he will go down," etc. ; comp. Deu. 1 6 6 :

wonderful what a memory Cyrus Xen. Cyrop. had). Jerem. 25:12. It properly implies both time and
v. 3,
17. Lat. quam magnus numerus for maximus, Cass. condition; also in Isa. 28:20, jnn?'?P J?->'n ">Vl7
B. Civil., i. 55;
quam late for latissime, Cic. Verr. vi. D330H3 rm
n3Dni. " the bed is shorter than that
25 (see Passow, under the words we, uaor, Fischer. any one can stretch out upon it, and the covering ia
ad Wellerum, ii. 136. Viger Herman, p. 563); and
(too) narrow if one would wrap himself
in it."
the Hebrew idiom 3 is also prefixed to verbal nouns in the same
accurately answers to this, since
it. has no superlative form. (a) when it is
prefixed sense; 2 Chron. 12 :l, in^T.n? "as his strength in-
" when
to adjectives or
participlesdepending on the verb creased;" Isa. 23:5, IV yp'i'S they hear ti*a
substantive [whether expressed or
understood]. Neh. rumour of Tyre ;" Isa. 18 4, 5 rarely also to a partici-
: ;

ple, Gen. 38 29,

VP anro? n?i forn^e 'urns " as Yu

he was a man faithful to *,he highest degree (fo

drew back his hand ;" Gen. 40 : 1O.
(C) 3 is also rarely a conj. i.
q. "*?$? so that it is power. Ecc. 4: 17, when (if) tiou shah go to the
prefixed to a whole sentence; Isa. 8:23, litWjn fi^S house of God." 5:3," when th pu shall vow a vow."
W T33n fnnsrn...J^>3t nynx as (in what de- ^n
gree) the former times have brought reproach upon O or 2ND
(see Syr. and Arab.) fut. 3?
the land of Zebulun ... so (in the same degree) shall TO HAVEPAIN, TO BE SORE, Gen. 34 25 figurativelj : ;

the following times make honourable," etc. ; for">'N.3

applied to a sorrowing soul, Pro. 14:13; Psa. 69 30 :

HJjHjIsa. 61 10.: Asto prepositions changed into con- Job 14:22; pain is attributed to a corpse, followed by
junctions by their being added to the relative con-
?y of cause. (Syr. cS^.o to be in pain, to be sorrow-
junctions ~>^ :
or *? (which, by may
ellipsis, also be - t-

omitted) see Lehrg. p. 636, Hebr. Gramm. 1O2, 1 ; ful. Arab. \^~ to be sorrowful).
comp. as to the above example, Ewald, Hebr. Gramm. HIPHIL (i) to cause pain, Job 5:18; Eze,
p. 614. 28:24; followed by an ace. of person, Eze. 13:22.
As to the ellipsis of the prefix 3 after ?, which 2 Kings
(2) to afflict, i.e. to mar, to destroy.
many have unnecessarily laid down, see
Hebr. Gramm. ed. 10, 116, note.
my remarks,
3:19, D*?3K3 ?13 nn'lGn
H^pn-l and ye shall
mar every good piece of land with stones" cast on
5 Chald. q. Hebr. as, as if, as it were, Dan.6:i.
it, by which means it Avould become sterile; compare
nro Hebr. nXT3 05 if this, i.e. so, thus, Jer. io:li; Isaiah 5:2; Job 5 '.23. LXX. a\(>tiui<reTe. By a
Ezr. 5:7; such, Dan. 2:10. n3="lK'K3 as, when, similar figure an untilled field is called dead (Gen.
see"!. 47:.! 9), and vines destroyed by hail are poetically
78 :47. (Simonis considers
said to be slain, Ps. ^XDPI
'kv>? (Aram. Hf, ~o) pr. as w ho, as one who,
to be put by a Syriacism for W33r> from the root
Job 29 25 according to the different significations

of each particle, it means 333 Syriac -^-^ to harm, which, however, it is not
(i) according to (that)
which, hence (a) according as, as much as. Gen. necessary to suppose.)
34: 12, "and I will give ^N VBpKFl f ^3 as much as
Derived nouns, 3*SpP and
ye shall ask from me;" l Sa. 2:l6. (6) according !1N3 m. (Tzere impure) constr. 3X3 (Isa. 65:14),
to what manner, i. q. as, like as, i. q. 3 A. 2, but
not prefixed to single words, but only to sentences. _patn of body, Job2: 13; 16:6; and sorrow of mind
Gen. 7:9, Dr6g to'X Ttr$3
" as God
had com- (with the addition of 37), Isa. loc. cit. (Germ. e rjleib).
manded him ;" Gen. 34: 1 2 Isa. 9:2; i Ki. 8 57, also
; :

before an imperfect sentence (Josh. 8:6, "

% unused in Kal, properly TO REPROVE, TO
they flee 9
nX>t03 Tf $53 as they fled formerly"); because like the Syr. JJ_o, hence to become fear*
cause ye have
baf). Num. 27:14, 'B Dpnp ^3 "be-
ful, faint-hearted, to be sad, compare HH3 <^_
rebelled against me;" l Sam. 28:18;
8 Ki. 17:26; Mic. 3:4. The use of the prefix ? in
guch phrases as *i?"lX9 corresponds with this. Very to be faint-hearted, Arabic to be sad,
often ?3 ...TE't?? answer to each other, as., Nu.
faint-hearted, -_<=-~ to terrify, to restrain, intrana.
:17; Isaiah 31:4; even as.. .so, Jud. 1:7; in what
Med. E. to be fearful, faint-hearted.
degree. the same, Ex.1 :12; Isaiah52:i4; where
there is a double protasis 1?....~>E'N?...~>^3, Isaiah HIPHIL, to make sad, faint-hearted, to afflict^
10:10,11. with the addition of 3? Eze. 13:22.

(a) as if, as though (nit votnn, compare ~K?N Conj. NIPHAL (\)toberebuked,fo\\o\\ed\)y'\tobeca8i
No. 4); Job 10:19, nng JVV! fc6 ->K3 " I should out, expelled. Job 30:8, n??T? W3 ? " they are
be as though I had not been;" Zee. 1O:6. cast out of the land." (Dagesh euphon. in Caph.)
(3) as, so as, of time, i.
q. ? prefixed to infinitives, [In Thes. this passage is referred to N33, and this
Germ, nrie, foroif/ alS/ followed by a pret. i. q. after meaning is therefore not given.]

that, when. Ex. 32: 19, 1~$> n1 Und when

he drew near to the camp." Gen. 29:10; l Sam.
^3 (2)
Ps. 109:16.
to be faint-hearted, dejected, Dan.
11 -.30;

8:6; Exodus :;:ii; Est. 4: 16, WISH W]3K TB>3 m. sad, unhappy. Plur. Ps. 10:1O
"when I siail perish, I
perish," ntnn id) gu runbt
But the ana is preferable, see
gfgangtn bin/ fo tin id) eg/ the cry of one despairing;

Gen. 43 14. : Followed bv a fut. it has a conditional *? see -W3.]

^3 an unu.-d root, see
33b; sec also PUAL 133%
to be honoured, Prov. 13:18; 27:18
JE,\h. FlOR: to roll up,
Hiphil. ["Arabic HIPHIL (l) to make heavy, e.g. a yoke, l Ki
, ,

f f
TlfHI : round, TlO-fl globe? Syr. JL^L^O a : ball."] 12:1O; Isa. 47:6; a chain, Lam. 3:7. Ellipt. Neh.
^Derivatives, 3313, and pr.n. fl33.] 5:15, "the former governors OJJH ?JJ VV3?n sc. ?V,
laid a heavy (yoke) upon the people," greatly op-
& M? (Jud. 20:34) fut.
pressed the people.
(1) TO BE HEAVY (jEthiop ftfl '.
id. In Arabic (2) causat. of Kal No. 2, to honour, to increase
with honours, to render illustrious, Isa.8:23;
there is but one trace of this signification in Ju.^>
Jer. 30: 19. Also, to acquire honour or glory (for
Conj. III. to bear up under vany thing, to endure
v * cneself), 2 611.25:19.
to be indignant,
adversity [" and so in Syr. _:X3L| (3) causat. of Kal No. 5, to make dull the ears,
angry"]). Prop, used of weight, Job f; 3. Mostly to harden the heart, Ex.9:34.
Isa.6:iO; Zec.7:ll;
used figuratively, thus NIPHAL (i)pass. of PIEL No.l, to be honoured, tc
(2) to be heavy, tobe honoured (Gr fiupvc, Germ. be held in honour, Gen. 34: 19; lSa.9:6; 2 Sa
Job 14:21; 26.27:25; Isa. 66:5. Com-
23:19, 23. 1??3 DK> a glorious name, Deut. 28:58
pare 1133. j
PI.nil333 things done gloriously, Ps. 87:3.
(3) i.q. to be great, vehement, plentiful,
(2) reflect, to sheiv oneself great or glorious^
enormity of wickedness, Gen. 1 8 20 of a battle be- :
Hag. 1:8; followed by 3 in any thing, Exod. 14:4,
soming fierce, Jud. 2o 34 : l Sam. 31:3; of a weight,
17,18; Lev. 10:3; Eze. 39:13.

' *>a plenty of sand, Job loc. cit.

(3) to be heavy, i.e. abundant, to be rich, see
And in a bad sense be troublesome, (4) to
Kal No. 3. Pro. 8 24, D?O ^333 n'U^B "heavy (i.e

burdensome, followed by ?# 24:20; Neh. 5:18; Isa.

" copious) fountains of water." Isa. 23:8, 9, Yl$ '????
8 Sam. 13:25, T?if l3 ?? *&} "lest we should be " the most
wealthy of the earth."
burdensome to thee;" compare 14:26. "1! n 7?3 HITHPAEL (l) to honour oneself, to boast one-
7JJ nj.T "the hand of God is heavy upon" any
self, Pro. 12:9.
one, i. e. God afflicts some one heavily (compare to multiply oneself; hence to be numerous,
1 Sa. 5:11; Ps. 32 Fol-
flaptias x^P"^ Horn.) ; -.4.
many, Nah. 3:15.
lowed by t>8 iSa.5:6. Job 23: 2, <nmx 75 H133 HJ
The derived nouns follow, except 113J.
"the hand of God which presseth on me is heavier
"153 const. 133 Ex. 4: 1O, and 133 Isa. 1 14.
than my sighing," i. e. the calamities which oppress
me are more weighty, or more vehement than my (A) adj. (l) heavy, i Sam. 4:18; Prov. 27:3;
also, laden (Isa.l 14). Mostly used figuratively, as
complainings compare 1J letter /.
; (In Arabic also
(2) abundant (Germ, cine fdwere SKengej Lat.
verbs of weight, such as j, followed by \c
Jju 133 ?*n a numerous
graves pavonum greges. Varr.) ;

denote trouble.) From heavy things not being easily rich

army, l Ki. 10:2; Isa. 36:2; also, (cere gratis),
moved, this verb is applied Gen. 13:2. In a bad sense
(5) to indolence, dullness (<3.iwerf&ntgfett),and to any
(3) grievous, burdensome (brucfcnb), of a heavy
hindrance of the use of the senses; hence to be dull,
famine, Gen. 12 :1O; 41:31; of enormous sin, PsaL
t lugg is h, of the
eyes, Gen. 48 i o of the ears, Isa. 59 l :

38:5 (compare Isa. 1:4, \ty 133 "(a people) laden

(fd)u>ert)6ng) ;
also of the mind not easily moved, and with iniquity."
therefore obdurate, Exod. 9 7 (compare n ^i"J). In like
hard, of an affair or business,

(4) difficult,
manner verbs of fatness are applied to indolence; Exod. 18 : 18
ll 14 Num.
of a language hard to :
; ;

compare 3?ri E*?t3.

be understood, Eze. 3:5
PIEL 133 (i) causat. of Kal No. 2, to honour, (5) not easily moved because
of weight; slow,
tod? honour to persons, Jud.
3 1 7 2 Sa. 10:3; 1
of the tongue, Ex. 4:10.

God, Isa. 29:13; followed by ? of person, Ps. 86:9;

Dan. 11:38; and (in the same manner as verbs of (B) subst. the Ztver(Arab. j^ ju^ J^), being
abundance) with the two accusatives. Isa. 43:23, the heaviest of the viscera, both in weight and in
'3R133 fc6 'fpnriT thou hast not honoured me with importance, Ex. 29 1 3, 22 Lev. 3 :4, 0. Lam. 2:11
1 :

thy sacrifices." ^133 ywb ^1?^ "my liver is poured out upon the
(2) causat. of Kal No. 5 to harden the heart, or \ earth ;" hyperb. spoken of the most severe wounding
mind, i Sa.6:6. of the liver, i. e. of the mind.

adjective, everywhere fern.
rW33 for PH133 see "ft?.

magnificent, splendid, Eze. 523:41 ;

Psal. 45:14; 7133 [Cabut], pr. n. (l) of a region in GaliJee
mbst. precious things, Jud. 18:21.
containing twenty given by Salomon to Hiram,
?3 (i) heaviness (of a, weight), Prov. 27:3. l
Kings 9:13. Josephus, in Ant. viii. 5, 3, pro-
(2) vehemence, e.g. of fire, Isa. 30:27. bably making a conjecture from the context, says
(3) multitude, Nah. 3:3. {ifdippTjrevoperov -yap TO XaflaXwv, KOTO. QoiviKwv
(4) heaviness, i.e. grievousness ofwar,Tsa. Ql :15_ yXairrai' OVK apiattov but this meaning
can scarcely rest on etymological grounds, and perhaps
JTTnip f. heaviness, difficulty, Ex. 14:25.
^133 is the same as >13$ bound, limit. The Arabian
(1113) TO DE EXTINGUISHED, QUENCHED, GO geographers mention, in the province of Safad, in that
OUT; properly spoken of fire, Lev. 6:5,6; of a lamp, region, a fortress called Cabul J.. ^ see Rosenmiiller. 1

1 Sa. 3:3; metaph. of the anger of God, 2 Ki. 2 2 7 : 1 ;

Analecta Arabica, iii. page 20.
of the destruction of enemies, Isa. 43: 17, " they are
(2) of a town in the tribe of Asher, Josh. 19:27.
quenched like a wick." (Arab. L^-> to cover a
|133 ("bond," from the root 1?3 [In Thes. "cake,
fire with ashes, not quite to extinguish, but L^ is
from 333"]), [Cabbon], pr. n. of a town in the tribe
to be extinguished. The primary idea is that of of Judah, Josh. 15 140; perhaps the same as W33O
covering over, hiding, compare K^n, n3n. To this
l Ch. 2 49. :

answers the Gr. <r/3e'w.)

PIEL, to extinguish, put out, prop. Isa. l :
31 ;
T33 m. adj.

42:3; metaph. 4:4; 21:12.

Jer. 2 Sam. 21 -.17, i6 D'Taa
" that thou
(1) great, large (Arab. 1^). D'.9
^XT{f irns nspo quench not the light
great waters, Isa. "1*33
of Israel," lest thou, the alone light of the people, 17:12; 28:2; O'DJ very old,
Job 15:10.
shouldest perish. Compare 2 Sa. 14: 7, and above, (Arab.^^ ^J* a very aged man.)
see n^DI, page CLXVH, B. much, Job 31:25; Isa 16:14. Koot "OSNo.a.
TQ3 m .
(once f. Gen. 49:6, No. 4), pr. heaviness,
?3 m. a plaited mattress, from the root ">33
always used figuratively. No.l. l Sam. 19:13, 16, tMy "1^33 "a mattress
(l) honour, glory of men, Ps. 8:6; JobiQiQ; made of woven goats' hair."
1 Sa.4:21; of God, Psa. 1 9 2 79:9; 96:8. And :

thus, Saoi^-ins Mic. 1:15, the most noble of Israel, ?y an unused root, Ch. [Talm.], Syr., Arab.

compare Isa. 5:13; 8:7; 17:3,4. In ace. adverbial ly to tie, to bind, to tie firmly ;kindred to the root
with honour, honourably, Ps. 73:24. "P33 and bn ;
also 133, 133, 13H. Hence the quad-
(a) majesty, glory, splendour.
"^33n "H^O the
riliteral ?3~!3 which see; also pr.n. >133 and
king of majesty, of glory, used of God, Psa. 24:7, 8,
9 [The person of the Son] "^33 tf S>3 a throne of ;
^33 pi. const. ^33 m . a fetter. Psalm 105:18;
glory, 1 Sa. 2:8; plpn
1133 the glory of Lebanon, 149 : 8. (Arab, and Syr. id.).
i.e. its wood, Isa. 35:2; 60:13; comp. lO:l8; "1*133
(LXX. 2fJa Kvplov), i. e. the glory, surrounded j? -3 an unused root, Talmud, to bind, to bird
with which Jehovah appears; also, God as sur- together, i. q. 733, Syr. to gird. Hence the pr. n.
rounded with this glory, Exod. 24: 16; 40:34; 1 Ki. P33 [in Thes. from 333], K333.5, '33?O.
8:li; 2Ch.7:l; Isa. 6:3; Eze. 1:28; 3:12,23; 8:4;
10:4, 18; 11:23; comp. Luke 2:9.
FEET (cogn. to t"33; as to the syllable D3, which is
(3) ah mi dance, riches, Psal. 49: 17; Isa. 10:3;
66:12. primary in this root, sec under p. cvm, A), W3
(4) poet, the heart, the soul, as being the more
hence to wash garments by treading on them when
noble part of man; comp. 'TVn* (if it be not i. q."1 ?? under water. It differs from J'lTVto wash (the b-tfv),
as the Gr. Xoutiv differs from ir\vmv. In Kal it omy
prop, the liver, and figuratively arplicd to the soul,
as elsewhere i?), Psa. 16:9; 57:9; 108:2. Const. occurs in Part. D313 Isa. 7:3; 36:2, a washer oj
with fern, (like itssynonym t?S3). Gen. 49 : 6. C&??? garments, a fuller, Gr. 7rXvrn'/p, rvu^cvt, one who
nil3 "inFT7S cleanses soiled garments, and fulls new ones. See
"my soul was not present in their
assemblies." [But, qu, is not the verb 3 p. ma?c. ? Schneider, Ind. ad Scriptt. Kei Rusticse, p. 385. Sch. tt-

So English version.] j;en, Tritunc et Fulloniae Antiquitates, Lips. l?f 3, 8


PIEL DM and D33 _(i) i.

q. Kal Gen. 49 : 1 1 ;
Ex. in const. J"n33] f. pr. length (from
J?3 [only
19: 10. Part, D33P i. 033 Mai. 3:2.
q. "133 No.hence of a certain measure of distance,
(2) Metaph. to purge the soul from sin, Psal. 51 : just as many other words denoting measure, weight,
4.,9; Jer. 4:14; but still allusion is made to the time, are used of certain measures, weights, and spaces
original signification of washing, Jer. 2:22; Mai. of time (compare Heb. np, ^e>, n?O,.D^ Ch. pp? ;

3:. 9

a long time, specially a year, n Vf, L^- >pa, a short

PCAL, pass. Lev. 13:58; 15:17.

time, specially an hour; Germ.TCcfer Santv fin Sftaajj

HOTHPAEL, pass. D33n Lev. 13:55,56.
2Betn>Lat. pondo, whence spfunt). But what this
an unused root, like the cogn. ^33 and measure may have been, cannot certainly be gathered
to a round form as a
be high, specially with from the occurrences, Gen. 35:16; 48:7; 2 Kings
tumour, cup, head. Hence V313 helmet. 5:19. The LXX. once (Gen. 48:7) add for the
sake of explanation, inrdfyofioc, which is either
- unused in Kal (i)pr. TO BIND TOGE-
stadium (see Hody, De Bibl. Text. Originalibus, p.

THER, TO PLAIT, TO BRAID, i. q. ?33 and the roots

115), or a measure used by the Arabs
therewith compared (also "IO3 No. II). Hence "P33
i. e. a distance such as a horse can
plaited mattress,
n "}33 sieve, ~>33p coarse cloth, 133O go without being
net work. Like other words of overworked about three parasangs (cine Station), see
many twisting,

Koehler ad Abulf. Syriam, p. 27.

plaiting, binding (T^U, 7-in, )', pnj3), it is
applied to
strength and magnitude. Hence
33 and D33
to be to be also to be long, con- [an unused root], pr. i.
(2) great, much,
to subdue, force, specially to have coition, to be-
tinual, see 133, HT13. (Arabic ^ to be great, ^'33 No. Arab. and
get offspring (see 3). ..<,-/

powerful, ^ to grow up, to be advanced in years, transp. I/M^J subegit puellam. Hence

Syr. ;."X3 to increase, to grow up, ^Eth. TVf)4l * [pi.

a lamb (pr. progeny of
D^33] m.
be glorious, illustrious.) sheep), specially from the first to the third
year (cee
HIPHIL, to make much, to multiply, Job 35:16. Bochart, Hieroz. i. p. 421, seq.), whence there is often
Part. t
T330 subst. (of the form JVnpto) abundance, added 103^3 the son of its year, one year old. Nu.
with "? prefixed, "*3?O^ i. q.
l~b plentifully, much. 7 15, 2 1 33, 39, 45, 5 1 57, 63, 69, 75, and in plur.
, ,

Job 36:31. m^ \33Nu. 7:17, 23, 29, 35, 41. Sometimes it is

Derived nouns, see under Kal No. i, also "^33 used in a wider sense, and denotes sheep generally,
and those which immediately follow. Gen. 21:27. [This is quite a mistake, this word
s <-

"H? pr. subst, length of space, continuance of does not occur there.] LtL^c. a lamb of a year
time (see the root, No. Hence Arabian grammarians
2). old, see the in Bochart, loc.
(l) [CAe&ar], pr. n. of a river in Mesopotamia, The feminine of this word is
also called ~n3n
(which see), Greek and Latin Cha-
boras. Eze. 1:3; 3:15,23; 10:15,22. This or- 2Sa. 12:3, and^ Lev. 14: 10. Nu.
thography of this name accords with the Syriac 6:14 [pi. J">b>33, const. nVK'33] n ewe lamb, from
the first
year to the third. Rather more rarely with
a*LJ3), while on the other hand "fan
the letters transposed 3K>3, H3^'3 is found, but thn
Agrees with the Arabic. Although each former is undoubtedly tin original form.
form affords a suitable
etymology ("fan joining to-
gether, and 123 length, a long, great river), yet ftlt.8^33* (l) TO THEAD WITH THK
I should
regard the Aramaean mode of the spelling FEET, TO TRAMPLE UNDER FEET, kindred to the
name of a river in Mesopotamia, as the
genuine and root D33. Zee. 9: 15, Sfc^TT?* 31 "they shall ;

original. tread with their feet the stones of the sling," i.e.
(2) adv. already, long ago, formerly, now shall easily turn them aside, so as not to be hurt

(l&ngft). Eco.l:lO; 3:15; 4:2; 9:6,7. (Syr. ^o (compare Job 41 20, 21). Mic. 7:19, -I^D^. 133^

"he treads down our iniquities," i.e. disregards

long ago already).
them, does not avenge them.
sieve. Am. 9:9. Root 133 No. i.
(a) to subject, to subdve to oneself, e. g. of

beasts,with regard to man, Genesis 1:28; enemies, an unused root. Arab, and
slaves,a hostile country, Nu. 32:22, 29 [In Niph.]; turbid, troubltd.
to be
(cogn. 1115). (l)
9 Ch. 28 10 Jer. 34 1 1 ; Neh. 5 5. Comp.
(2) to be dis tu rbed, as life by adverse circumstances
: : :

and calamities (compare "^JJ). By another metaphor

(3) toforce a woman, Est.7:8. (Arab,
in Hebrew it is
applied to warlike disturbances,
PIEL, to subject, i. q. Kal No. 2, 2 Sam. 8 11. :

[" Hiph. i. q. Kal No. 2, Jer. 34: 11 3'ro."]

NIPHAL (i) pass, of Kal No. 2, Nu. 32:22, 29; THI [Chedorlaomer] (if it be a Phoenicio-
Josh. 18 :i. Shemitic word "a handful of sheaves," from
(2) pass, of No. 3 Neh. 5 :
5, at the end. Hence
; "113 i.
q. jf j^ a handful, and "lOJJ
sheaf), pr. n. of
m. a stool for the feet, 2 Ch.g: 18. Syriac a king of the Elamites in the time of Abraham, Gen,

id. Chald. t "?3."]

14:1,9. ["Perhaps its true etymology should be
sought in the ancient Persian."]
33 mnsc. a furnace; according to Kimchi a
H3 constr. from 5H3 (like WB? from ^Dp, see
lime kiln, or a furnace for smelting metal, differing
Hebr. Gramm. ed. 10, p. 24,82), pr. like as this,
from TUn an oven, Gen. 19:28; Ex. 9:8,10; 19:18.
So called apparently from its subduing metal; unless it i-<l-
n j? Arab. \ j^ i. e.

be judged best to refer it to the Arab. i,yu-J to kindle. (l) so,thus,Gen. 32:5; Ex.3:l5. Ofveryfrequent
occurrence is the phrase '3 IPS H3, where the words
[fn Thes. the allusion to this Arabic verb
themselves follow, Jud. 11 15; especially in the be- :

ginning of communications from God. njrv ~W?X H3,
"I? Ki. 17:16) plur. B"to m. (Jud-7:l6;
fern, (i
"thus saith Jehovah," Jer. 2:2; 7:20; 9:16,22.
I Ki. 18:34),
[" Sanscrit ghada, Slav. Rad"~], *roSoc, Rarely in the manner of substantives with a prefix
engine, cadus, a bucket, a pail, a vessel both for nb3 in this manner (like {?? for J3) } and put twice
drawing (see the root "H3 No. 2), and for carrying in this manner... in that manner, l Ki. 22:20.
water, Gen. 24: 14, seq.; Ecc. 12:6; also for keeping When applied to place, hither,
(5) here, but this i*
meal, 1 Ki. 17:12, 14, 16 this vessel was one ;
rare, Gen. 31 :37 Sam. 18 30 also doubled, here,
2 :

which women were accustomed to carry on their

there; hither, thither, Nu. 11:31. nbTy hithertc,
shoulders. (Gf n. loc. cit.)
bortfytn/ Gen. 22:5. H3J H3 hither, and thither,Ex.
Heb. 2:12.
Chald. Pael to lie, to tell lies, i.

3J3. Hence (3) Used of time, now n3"IJJ hitherto, Ex. 7:16,-
Josh. 17: 14. nbnjn n'3~ty till now and till then, b'\i
? f.
na*]3 Chald. adj. lying,
Dan. 2:9. bonn unb bann/i.e. in the meanwhile; \ Ki. 18:45.

*T"lD an unused root; prop. i.

riP3 to beat, to H3 Ch. i.q.
n'3 No. 3, Dan. 7:28. n3~lj? hitherto.
pound; hence
to strike fire, whence "11T3 a spark, and (Cogn. roots
HX3 and nnpr )fu t. n?1. (i) TO
"13^3 a sparkling gem, a ruby.
smiths in mind, Isa. 42: 4.
(a) to labour heavily, toilsomely, like Specially,

oomp. etwfo) specially to draio water from a well.

(2) used of a lamp about to go out (see adj. Isa.
^ 42:3); of eyes become dim, whether by age, Deut.

Hence is 13. (Arab. .v<^~ to pound, to labour toil-

34:7; Zee. 11:17; Gen 27:1; or by grief, Job 17:7.
s<* -
PIEL nn3 andnns. (i)intrans. tobecomepale,aa
somely, to draw from a well, ^ e=-> a striking fire:
a spot on the skin, Levit. 13:6, 21, 26, 28, 56; also
["compare to be feeble, timid, to be cast down in mind, Ex.
21 12 comp. Isa. 61 3.
H| see *!. :

(2) to chide, to restrain any one; i Sam. 3:13,

H see T. D3 nn? t6] "and (that) he did not chide them;"
m. Ezek. 27: 16; Isaiah 54: 12, a certain i. e. restrain them. Compare HN3. Hence
sparkling gem, prob. tfie ruby, from the root
"HS Q HH3 failing, weak, spe-
adj. only used in f.
No. 1. Arab. jk=.x=> extreme redness (Chald. cially of a wick burning with a very little flame, almof I
Ex -
39: >!*) gone out, Isa. 42:3; of eyea become dim, lSa.3:2; of
faint light cokur,Levit. 13:39; "spots rfo?? rns of (Gen. 41 =45; Ex. loc. cit.; Ps. 110:4) translated h
a pale v/hiteness," won mattsiretfier Jjarbe j of a spirit by N3T a prince; but even the author of the booki
Voken down, Isa. 61:3. of Chronicles seems to have followed this opinion;
giving, according to his manner, an interpretation cf
1^5 f.
healing, mitigation, Nah. 3:19. the words, 2 Sa. 8:l8, Vn D'pq'3 in

i Chr. 18:
n*3Bin 1)1 \3^
and the sons of Da-
7n3ch. TO BE ABLE, (kindred to 7-13, ?b'; com p. 17, 1.^
vid (were) the chief about the king," i. e. the prin-
as to the connection of verbs ny and iy, p. ccxi, A.
cipal ministers of the kingdom. Nevertheless, from
under let. n), followed by *? with inf. Dan. 2:26; 4:15;
2 Sa. 8:17, compared with 1 Sa. 21 :2; 22:9, it ap-
pears pretty clearly that in 2 Sa. 8 : 1 8, priests are

M3 unused in Kal. Arab. (
and Conj. really to be understood, although not of the tribe of
s- -
Levi; [This shews that they could not have been
and V. TO PRESAGE, TO PREDICT, the art of
priests] ; and the author of the Chronicles seems to

s -
have chosen this. interpretation of the more ancient
augury, and >l^~ a prophet, a soothsayer, often
text,being unable to admit of any priests except
used amongst the heathen Arabs h&ice, one who ;
those of the tribe of Levi. [No such priests could
undertakes any one's cause, his deputy, dele- have been under that dispensation the inspiration of ;

gate,touse the words of Firuzabadi(Kamus,p. 1799) ;

the books of Chronicles, as well as those of Samuel,
J* J- O -
I,- -
must not be forgotten.] (See De Wette, Beytrage
<C^>-^ ^ U-.M -<b /ib ne wuo
S ^ *-^ -S '
J " W
,.r< zur Einleit. ins A. T. i. page 81, 82; and my history
stands up in any one's matter, and labours in of the Hebrew language, page 41.) The authority
his cause. The signification of priest is kindred in of Onkelos is much lower, and in ail the above cited

Heb. i^3, inasmuch as prophets and priests were alike examples the signification of priest is the only true one.
supposed to intercede between the gods and men. Syr. [Let this assertion of Gesenius be carefully weighed.]
f 9 =n ?

to be
rich, opulent, JjLcn_D rich, abundant, p3 emphat. st. M?.?, pl. Ppi]3, Ch. i.
q. Heb. J03
a priest, Ezr. 7:12, 16,21.
riches, abundance, glory; all which ideas
are secondary, and appear to be deduced from the f-
priesthood, the office or function
T \ : ofc
condition of the priests. (As to the signification of Ex. 29:9; 40:15; Nu.l6:iO; 25:13.
ministering, Avhich has been inaccurately [ ?] attributed Yj V
pl. | 13, Chald. a window, Dan. 6 : ll.
to this root, I have lately made observations, in pref. Syr.
s* ~ - -
to Hebr. Lex. Germ. ed. ni., p. xxxin.) 9 P -*

JLtxo, Arab, ^j^" id., and j^= an aperture in a wall.

PIEL J[?3 (i) to be or become a priest, Deu.
From the root H13 No. II.
10:6. (Syr. cn_D.)
13 a:ro| \ty6p. Eze. 30:5, [Chub], pr. n. of a
minister as a priest, to use the office of
(2) to
country which is joined with Egypt and -/Ethiopia.
priest, Ex. 31:10; often followed by njrpp Ex.28:
Some understand by it Coben, a port of Ethiopia, or
41; 40:13,15; Hos. 4:6.
Cobium, a town near the Mareotis perhaps it should
(3) from the use in Syriac, Isa. 6l
10, IH?! ?$? be written
"as a bridegroom makes splendid his head- Nubia, a reading followed by the Arabic
translator (he undoubtedly imitating the LXX., al-
dress." So Syinm., Vulg., Syr. Hence
though in our copies this word is
wanting) ;
he has
[p l.
DOnb], m. a priest (Syr. Chald. translated <Lj*J^ Jjl^ the people of Nubia; a trace of
As to the Arabic, and the
N?i!?, Jithiop. fiJJ^; id.
this reading is found in De Rossi's Cod. 409, which
etymology, see the root), Gen. 14:18; 41:45,50; for 3131 a prima manu has
Ex. 2 16 3:1; 1 8 l and often. E Nin 1H3. 2 Ch.
: :

19 , :

ll; 24 26 20, and ^Via? fnbn Lev. 2 1 : 10 Nu.

: 1 1 : :
3 (Milra) Ezek. 27:10, in pause J?^3 38 :

35:25, 28; Josh. 2O:6, the high priest, who also is const, jn'13 (Milel) i Sa. 17:5; Isa. 59: 17, pl.
called n'l"En }n"3n the anointed
priest, Lev. 4:3, 5. Jer. 46:4; 2 Chron. 26: 14, m. a helmet; twice
Kings, who were also priests, are
mentioned Gen. 14: (Milra) Eze. 23*: 24, const. V?ip (Milel) i Sa. 17:38
18; Psalm 1 10
a very old opinion of
4. There is Root y?3. In this word there is a singular confusion
Hebrew writers, that 1D3 alsc signifies prince. Not of the segolate and penacute form EHp, ?J9 with the
only have the Chaldee iuterj reters in several acute D?iy, which
places may be thus explained. Properlv
each of these words was a segolate, of the form 7J?3 TO MEASURE Arab.
s-<-* (like the Syr., Chald.,

(like the Arabic altJ a cup). But the Cholem as ,)1

In Kal it occurs once, Isa. 40: 12.
the and written fully,
trengthened by ascent, being PILPEL ?2?3 (i) to take in, to hold, to contain;
contrary to the common usage, in the manner of the prop, used of a vessel (in fid) Ijaltf n/ meffen). 1 Ki.
later Hebrew and Syriac (comp. CHIP Dan. 11:30, " behold heaven and the heaven of heavens
cannot contain thee," 2 Ch. 6: 18.
Syr. J.JQQ), had such force in
2 Su. 18 :
this word, that was retained even in the pi. D'jnYs
it (2) to hold up, to sustain. (a) i. q. to bear, to

(for Q'V33, or D'V23 kfivaim), as if from the singular enrfwrc(auebaUen), Mai. 3:2; Pro. 18:14; Jer. 20:9.
jnte, of the form Q?iy. Hence it was that such a (b) to protect any one; Ps. 112:5, to defend
ones cause before a tribunal, Ps. 55 23. :
form (^313) was used at least in the absolute state,
(3) to nourish, to sustain, to provide with sus-
although in the construct state the original segolate
form was preserved (compare 153, constr. I??). A tenance, Gen. 45:11; 47:12; 50:21; lKings4:7;
99 * 17:4. Followed by two ace. Genesis 47: 12; l Kings
longer and secondary form is found in Syr. \ %^oo. 18:4,13-
Intermediate forms, which fluctuate between the two, Pass. 73p3 to be provided with food, l
are 23/13 Eze. 27: 10, V3ip 23:24. 20:27.
HIPHIL ^?n._(i) i. No. l Kings
M \3 unused in Kal. (I) TO BURN; Gr.
q. Pilpel. l,

^7:26,38; Ezek. 23:32, ?'3?V nano "containing

Arab. ,_j==; Syriac Jou3 to burn in, to much."
brand, to mark by burning, see '3 No. II, n13, H13D. (2) i.
q. Pilp.
No. a, a, Jerem. 6:11; 10:10; Joel
(H) Like the cognate words 33pT 3p.3, 3|V, also ,
iris,?}:), appear to have the signification of hollow-
an unused root. Arab. /l= Conj. II. to
ing, excavating, a trace of which is found in the s- -

f - s z-
Ch. 1? a window, Arabic .<^~ an aperture, >.^=-. a heap up, <.= a heap, like the Hebr. ft&3, which
see. This root belongs to the very widely extended
window. I formerly derived this from H13 to bore
family of stocks D3, BJ7, DN, concerning which see be-
through, but this is an uncertain meaning. As to low on the root
what the Arabic lexicons give, ,_*== to pierce, to
(of the form 3MP), a globe, little ball oj
prick as a scorpion, this meaning comes from that
of burning in, because a scorpion marks the skin as gold (from the root TD3, to make globular),
with a cautery, in piercing it and introducing its perhaps collectively globules, or a necklace made
of golden globules strung together, (which are found
NIPHAL pass, of No. I, to be burned, scorched solid in Arabia; see Diod. Sic. iii. 44, al. 50; Strabo
with Pro. 6:28; Isa. 2. xvi. p. 777, Casaub.), such as the Israelites in the
l fire), 43 :

[Derivatives, ?, njtt, ni3?, 13.] wilderness, and the Midianites wore, Ex. 35:22; Nu.

'.night, Dan. 11:6, see 03.

unused in Kal, prop. TO STAND UPRIGHT;
fern, a burning, a burnt part of the body, p3 and the noun J3. A secondary
Ex. 1 :
25. Hoot H13.
root is the Arab, and ^Eth. ,l==, t>^: to exist, to
[const. 3Db], m. a star, Gen. 37 :g; Psal.
be. As to -13313;! Job 31 15; : see Analyt. Ind.
PILEL P.13. (i) to set up,
to erect,
prop, to set
4. (Arabic Syr. I^COLS, ^Ethiop.
and whence denom. verb upright, as a throne, Ps. 9:8; 2 Sa. 7:13; hence, to
confirm, to establish, to maintain, Psalm 7:10;
to sparkle like a star. The root is 333, 40:3; 48:9; 68:10; 90:17; 99:4.
(2) to found, as a city, Ps. 107:36; Hab. 2:l,
Arab, JZtn. ftflfl J * T(
^f, U P '" a hall whence M ;
the earth, Psalm 24:2; 119:90; heaven. Proverb*
3333, and 2 being softened 33)3, 3313 prop, a globe, 3-19
a ball; compare mBBto.) Metaph. used of an il-
(3) to direct, as arrows, Psalm 7:13; 11:2;
lustrinis prince, Nu. 4:i?; like the Arab. V
also without the accus. D V? absol. (jt'clcn), followed
often in Hariri
by ^H of the mark, Ps. 21:13 Metaph. with the
omissicn of 37 (fci the full form, see HIPHIL, No. 4), pose of virtue, Ps, 51:12; Gen. |l 32, : D5tt? "Cm
turn one's mind to any have in one's "
to thing, to the thing is certainly decreed of God."
mind, Job 8 8 Isa. 51:13.
; (d) to be firm, intrepid, used of the mind, Ps. 57 :8;
(4) to create, form, used of God with regard to
to 108:2; 112:7. () to be sure, certain, cer- pr7K
man, Deut. 32 :6; Psalm 119:73; the moon and stars, tainly, i Sa. 26:4; 23:23.
Ps. 8:4. (2) to be founded, Jud. 16:26.
Pass. J313. (i) to be established (used of one's (3) to be
prepared; Ex. 19:1 1,0*313? Vn be ye
steps), Ps. 37:23. ready;" verse 15; 34:2; Eze. 38:7. Followed by
(2) Pass, of act. No. 3, to be prepared, Ezek. P of pers. to be ready for any one, i. e. to be near

48:13. at hand, Pro. 19:29; compare Job 15:23; followed

HIPHIL P?n i. q. Pilel. (i) to set up, to erect, by ? of the thing, to be ready for any thing, i. e. to be
near doing it; Ps. 38: 18, fl33 y " I am neai
e.g. a seat, Job 29:7; Ps. 103:19; hence, to estab- VJ$

lish, Ps.Sg:5; 2 Sa-7:l2; tostrengthen,Ys. 10:17; falling."

89:0 HITHPAEL once Proverbs 24 3 elsewhere

1.313^11, :

(2) to constitute, to appoint any one, e. g. a |.3.13n (l) established, confirmed. Prov.
to be

king; followed by ? 2 Sa. 5:12; Josh. 4:4. 24:3; Num. 21:27; Isa. 54:14.
(2) to prepare oneself. Ps. 59:5.
(3) to found, as a sanctuary, 1 Ki. 6: 19; an altar,
Ezr. 3:3; the world, the mountains, Ps. 65 7 Jer. :
Derived nouns, }3, J3K, 1J3, p3, flap, njtep,

10:12; 51:15.
and the pr.n. pa*, njaa'/rns,

(4) to direct, to aim, as a weapon, followed by


P3 i Ch. 18:8 [<7An], pr.n. of a town in Phc&

of pers. (against any one), Ps. 7:14; to set the face, Sam. 8:8,
nicia, called in the parallel place, 2
Eze. 4:3, one's way, 2 Chron. 27:6. Specially (a) In the itinerary of Antoninus, it is called
? 3.p pan to apply one's mind to do something, i.e. see Michaelis in Suppl. p. 1233.
topurpose seriously, to take in hand, 2 Ch. 12:14;
30:19; Ezr. 7:10; and without 3? i Chron. 28:2, |15 m. a cake, a small cake [used for idolatrous

TYI337 ^ni^an. "Ihave purposed to build;" Jud. offerings], Jer. 44:19; Greek KUVUV, xavwy,
12:6. (#)(3?) P?n to apply the mind, i Sa. 23:22; Xafiuv, a word adopted from the Phoenicio-Shemitic.
It is from the root J-13, Piel !?.? (Ch. J;!?) to prepare;
followed by ? of pers. (for to care for) 2 Ch. 29:36.
nin-7$ 3.7 pan to direct the heart to the Lord, not, as some have supposed, from ni3 like the Greek ?
1 Sam. 7:3; 2 Ch. 20:33; and without "Tln^7^ Job TTOTraror, Trippa, from TrtVrw to cook, bake; for this
root has the signification of burning, branding, not
(5) to prepare, make ready, as food, Gen. 43: 16; cooking.
Job 15:35; compare Job 27: 17; 38:41,610.
pi. JYID3 f.
(Jer. 25:15) (l) a cup. Syi
As and its use as
to the Inf. absol. |3Nt (for I?.?),
Chald. KD13, KD3, ST13, [ Sam.
an adverb, see that word. A^?ja and
s - s - s<* -

^^ u

HOPHAL, pass, of Hiphil, No. l, Isa. 16:5; of No. 2, ], Arab. w a CUP ftr11 of
Isa. 30:33; of No. 5, Nah. 2:6; Pro. 21:31.
^=> j=*
wne. As to the have no doubt that
etymology I
NIPHAL, pass, of Pilel and Hiphil. (i) to be set the true origin was seen by Leberecht, a very skilful
up, to rise
up, Isa. 2:2; Eze. 16:7 (of breasts be- who of late [1832] made
young Oriental scholar,
coming round); to stand firm, to be established, the observation, that D13 appeared to him to be con-
Ps. 93:2; 101:7; Job 2i:8. Hence Di'n pa 3 Prov.
tracted from D33, D313 a receptacle, a vessel, a
4- 18, fixed, steady day, noon, when the sun seems
to stand without cup, like D^3 a purse from D33, according to the
moving, at the highest point of its
course in the sky; Gr. araQe^ov analogy of the nouns for B^, n^3 for H33, n.33,
ornfepa \iiar\\Ji-
Genesis 40:11, 13, 21 a Sa.
compare also ri^. ;

Arab. see Schult. on Pro. loc. cit. ;

fipia, J$*\\ duj'Ji ;
12:3; Psalm 23:5. Psalm 116:13, n'B>K
Ruhnken ad Tim. p. 236. Figuratively " I will take the of salvation,"
i.e. I will
(a) to be cup pour
righ t, fit, Ex. 8 22 Job 42 8 Ps. 5 10.
(b) to be
: out thtf cup of thanksgiving Jehovah, because of
true, sincere ; Ps-78 37, iV forK7 Dl6 their heart
: aid vouchsafed. In the prophets, Jehovah is some-
was not sincere towards him." Part. f. njiaj that times represented as making the nations drink a cup
which is sincere, sincerity, Ps. 5:10. (c) to be of intoxicating wine (n/JHTin D13), so that they rush
/iriHj constant; J133 H'T a spirit constant in the pur- reeling into destruction Isa. 51 1 7, 29 ; Jer. 25 1.5
: :
113 - CCCLXXXVIII -113

49:12; 51:7; Lam.4:2i; Hab. 2:i6; 76.23:31, Lehrg. 401, 523). If tiis opinion were adopted,w
3 2 33; comjwire Apoc. 17:24, and as to the same should render, piercing, digging through, mj
image as used by the Arabic poets, see my Com- hands and my feet, that is, my enemies (who are to
ment. on Isaiah 51 17. Elsewhere cup is used me-
: be understood by the dogs) with their darts and
taphorically of lot, the image of a cup however being weapons on every side: and there is no need to
retained, Psalm 11 :6; 16:5; compare Matt. 26:39; remark that even these things apply as suitably as
2O:22; and see my observations out of Arabic possible to David [?], to whom this psalm is ascribed
writers, on Isaiah 51:17, on Matt. loc. cit. in Rosen- in the title, and that at least there is no need to
mliller's Repertorium, i. p. 130, and in the London understand them of Christ as affixed to the cross [?].
Classical Journal, liii.
p. 159. A verb of piercing in the sense of wounding (com-
* "
(a) a certain uncleanbird (Lev. 1 1 17; Deuter. :
Some pare ?/H and Arab. y>- to perforate, to wound) is
14: 16), dwelling amongst ruins (Ps. 102:7).
of the ancient translators render it night owl, but most aptly applied to hostile weapons; and hands
and feet are used poetically for all the members and
this is not its
etymology. Bochart more
supported by
correctly (Hieroz. 267) understands it to be the
the whole body[?] (compare Hesiod. 114). LXX.
pelican, or cormorant, so called from the pouch &pvav (the verb which they use elsewhere for H13,
or bag hanging from the throat; like the Lat. truo
1"?}). Vulg. fodenmt. Syr. o_ij.^. Aqu. Symm.
from trua.
in the Hexapla and Jerome (according to the reading
I. m3 a root of doubtful authority in the verb, vinxemnt [which is a mere erratum]) give the word
but signifying as far as "can be gathered from its the signification of binding, tying, which is defen-

derivatives, TO DIG, TO BORE THROUGH, like the sible on philological grounds (and this ought not to

kindred roots, ""H3, "l?X, "Up, ~C3. Compare Arab. have been denied by Hengstenberg, Christologie d.

.^^ a digging in the earth, and in the Indo-Ger- A. T. i.

p. 180), compare ,1^ I. V. to fold round a
manic languages, Sanscr. k'hur, to cleave, to dig.
Hence n "I5P na^aipa, a sword, so called from its head-dress, ,..=> a wreath, a head-dress, but it is

~Q executioner, also n 7l3J?> T^9 a ! I
much less suitable to the context. Aquila in his
where metals are dug, hence native first edition iJ7\vt'av, they disfigured, i.e. they
stained with blood, prob. ascribing to the root ">N3
Very many interpreters suppose the verb itself to
be found in a passage much discussed as relating to the signification of the Aramaean "W?. Farther,
the Messiah [seethe note], Ps. 22:17, where David, was commonly regarded as a verb is shown
that *~iX3
pursued by the soldiers of Saul, says, Dogs have by the reading of two MSS. 1"IX3 ("S?) for ^3.
surrounded me, the assembly of the wicked have. [Note. The remarks of Gesenius are
sufficient to
To give my own opi-

inclosed me, vjn *TJ ^3." ! shew any unprejudiced reader that *"!$?? in this pas-
nion, I now regard
it as the most
simple exposition sage, does notmean, as a lion; it is to be observed,
to retain tho ordinary signification of the words, and 1st.That all the ancient versions take it as part of a
to translate " as lions" they gape upon, or threaten verb, and most of them in the sense of to pierce ; and
would be a strange ellipsis], my hands and this, as Gesenius has shewn, is explicable with the
my they threaten to tear
feet," i. e. all
my members. present reading. 2nd, The Jews themselves (see the
The form '"W3 is w'c o AtW, i. e. as lions, like Isaiah Masora on Num. 24:9.), expressly disclaim the mean-
" as a lion."
38: 13; and to threaten, to gape vpon,or a similar ing of 3rd, Ben Chaim states th;it, in
verb may be understood in this member of the sen- the best MSS., he found a 'p and '3 on the wcrd
tence from the foregoing context, by the ordinary *"lS3, ntO- 4th, *~i^3 is actually the reading of some
figure zeugma. [But no such idea is
comprised in MSS. (see De Rossi). The sense will be just the same
what goes before.] whether we read nj as a participle pi.,
or whether we
However, all the ancient interpreters have token read rO pret. of the verb;
the latter is apparently
nX3 as a verb, and this may be defended, if we preferable. We may either take it from 113 with N
regard H*<3 a participle of Kal, formed in the Chaldee inserted, or from a kindred root TJO (compare DN*i
manner (Dip part. DNp,) and plural, for D'~]^3 (like and D-11). It is
hardly needful to state
how certain it

'JO Ps. 45:9, for

D'3D): although it would be cause isthat the Psalm applies to Christ and not to David ,

for surprise if we were

two grammatical forms to find the authority of the New Test, proves this, even if it
"t such extreme had not been clear from the contents of the Psalm.}
rarity joined in one word (compare

II. 1 w or ' 3
an unused root, prob. i. q. "V3 f.
prosperity, pi. (comp. T$, <:y

K) Ps
to be hot, to boil (gStjren), hence to cook. Hence 68:7. Root T^3 No. 2.
B.'T? frying pan, 1V3 basin, and HIS 2 Ki. 17:30, and HrfiS verse 24. pr.n. Cuth,
"1^2 m. a furnace in which metals are smelted from Cuthah, the country of the Cuthaeans*; i. e. of a
the ores, Ez. 22 l 8, 20, 22 Pro. 17 3 27 2 1 Metaph.
; nation who were brought by the king cf Assyria to
Isa. 48: 10, "I have proved thee in the furnace of inhabit the territory of the kingdom of Israel after
affliction ;" Deut. 4:20," and he brought you from the the people had been carried into captivity ; they after-

iron furnace of Egypt;" iKi. 8:51. wards became one nation with those who were left of
(Arab. ,^3,
9 * the old inhabitants, thus forming the Samaritan peo-
Syr. Jj<X3 id.) the Chaldeans
ple, who, on this account, are called by
I^V "^("smoking furnace"), [CAor-as/jan], and Talmudists, D^HIS. Nothing can be certainly
a town in the tribe of Simeon, i Sam. 30 30 ;
pr. n. of : stated as to the locality of this country, which Josephus
elsewhere ]&%, Josh. 15:42; 19:7; lCh-4:32; 6:44. (Archaeol. ix. 14, 3) places in Persia; others seek
it in Pho2nicia, because the Samaritans themselves
"113 i.
q. "IS which see.
professed a Sidonian origin (Jos. Ant. xi. 8. 6; xii.
6); see Mir-haelis Spicileg. P.
5. p. 104, sq.
and ^Ethiopians (LXX. Ai0o-m, AifliWte, comp.
Jos. Archaeol. i. 6, 2, and Pesh. Act. 8:27); a peo-

ple descended from Ham, Gen. 10:7,8; whose country

was surrounded by the river Gihon(Gen. 2:13; comp. 1 in Kal part.
3T3 Ps. ll6:ll; of more fre-

Isa. Zeph. 3:10); inhabited by black men (Jer.

18 : 1 ;
quent occurrence in
PIEL 3*3 TO LIE, Job 6:28; 34:6; Prov. 14:5.
13 23) and very rich (Isa. 43 3 45 1 4) very often
; : : :

joined with Egypt (Isa. 20:3 5; 37:9; see my com- (Arab. i__;j.) Followed by ? 1o lie to any one, to
ment on this passage); see also 2 Ki. 19:9; 2Ch. 14:11, deceive him. Ps. 78:36; 89:36, "shall I lie unto
sq.; Ps. 68: 32; 87:4; Jer.46:g; Eze.3O:4,sq.; Dan. David ?" i. e. break my fidelity (comp. Num. 23 19). :

11:43; Am. 9:7; Job 28:19. Bochart has incau- Eze. 13:19, followed by ? id. 2 Ki. 4:16. Metaph.
tiously (Phalegiv. 2) made the Cushites inhabitants applied to water quickly drying up and disappointing
of Arabia Felix ;
and the opinion of J. D. Michaelis, the traveller, comp. 3T3X.
who places the Cushites partly in Arabia, partly in HIPHIL, to reprove of lying, to convict of false-
^Ethiopia, is not to be regarded (Spicileg. i. p. 143, hood, Job 24:25.
sq.); for there isno place in the Old Test, as Schul- NIPHAL, pass, of Hiphil, to be proved false, or
thesshas rightly remarked (Paradies,
p. lo,sq.), which deceitful, Job 41 : 1.
makes it needful to regard D^-13 as having inhabited The derivatives follow, except 3T3S, 3n?K.
any where but in Africa (the passages Num. 1 2 l :
3T3 m. Ps.
(l) falsehood, lying, 4:3; 5:7;
Hab.3:lo; aCh.21:l6; 14; 16, prove nothing); [but
Prov. 6: 19.
even if these passages proved
nothing, Gen. 2:13 would
mark an 2) any thing that deceives, deludes by false
still Asiatic Cush. See Forster's Arabia].
Indeed all the nations sprung from J?-13 and enume- hope; used of idols, Ps. 40:5; Am. 2:4; used of a
false oracle, Ez. 13:6.
rated in Gen. 10:7, are to be
sought for in Africa.
(2) a Benjamite in the court of Saul, [if not a DT3 ("lying"), \_Chozeba~\, pr. n. of a place,
name applied to Saul himself, or to l Ch. 4:22, which appears to be the same as 3*T3,
Shimei], Ps.7:l.
*'to m. which see.
(l) Gent. n. from E>-13 No. 1, an^Ethio-
pian, Jer. 13:23; 38:7, 10, 12; 2 Chr. 14:8, pi. '3T3 ( lying"), \_Cozli], pr. n. of a daughter of
0^3 a Chr. 21:16; Dan 11:43; and EW13, Am. a prince of Midian, Num. 25: 15, 18.
9:7, lea rVKJ-13 Num. 12: l.
15 [^Chezib'], pr. n. of a town in the tribe of
(2) [Cnshi], pr. n. of the father of Zephaniah the
prophet, Zeph. i :i. Judah, Gen. 38:5, prob. the same as that called else-
where 3^36?.
JTO [CWian], Hao. 3:7, q. t?, No. 1. f. i.

OTW1 [TO ("most malicious," (or wicked) an unused rcot; nearly the same as Arab.

''^Ethiopian?") [Cushan-risf athaim], pr. a, -f

(the root ,;^~. which is found in Simocis, a
king of Mesopotamia, Jud. 3:8. l o to break with via-
altogether wanting ic Arabic),
3-PD cccxc j-ro

lence, to rout an enemy, med. Kesra, to be angry, onomatopoetic, HQ3, n3tf, 3D^); hence, to exert ot e't

strength,\vhence D3 strength, power. I consider

followed by ^A^; compare Syriac }i->\^, bold,
the Arab. _'.> to overcome in battle, as a secondary
taring. (Kindred roots are li?; "% '!*.) Hence
root, formed from the Hebr. 03.

H3 nte Dan. ll :6, with sufF. 'n*3

(from the
rarely Ij3 j. q. Arab.
/ TO PAINT the eyes with J^v=
root nr)3 which see).
stibium, Ez. 23:40; prop, perhaps to blacken, as ii
(1) strength,power, might (a) of men, Jud. with charcoal, so that it would be kindred to ^ni
16:6, 30; Job 26: a, Ob XT? "to him who is devoid charcoal. For the p a in t of the Hebrew women (else-
of strength." nb n'33 Ps. 103:20 i. q. elsewhere where was dust, producing a
called "^IS, Gr. orippt)
b.TI n'33. (6) of animals,
Job 39:11. (c) used of black colour, commonly prepared from lead ore and
the power of God, Num. 14:17; Job 23:6; 30:18;
zinc, which they mixed with water, and spread on the
Ecc. 4: i].
[used in a bad sense of violence, Spe-
eyelids in such away that the white of the eye might
used of virile strength, Gen. 49:3, 'nb nflK
cially appear brighter surrounded by a black margin. Com-
"thou art my strength"!, e. the son of my strength,
pare Car. Bottiger's Sabina, p. 22, 48, and A. Th.
begotten in my youthful vigour.
The "strength am
Hartmann, Die Hebraerin Putztische, P. ii.
p. 149
of the earth" is used for its produce, Gen. 4:12; iii.
sq.; p. 198, sq.
Job 31: 39.
power of doing any thing, fol-
(2) the ability, (kindred to IDS) (i) prob. TO LIE (see
lowed by a gerund. Dan. 1:4. .

(3) substance, wealth,
riches (compare 7?n
(2) to fail, used of the body (compare 3i? Isa.
No. 3), Job 6: 22; 36:19; Pro. 5: lO,comp.Ezr.2:69. ETI3 nb>3
58:11). Ps. 109: 24, JOB>0 "my flesh fail-
so called
(4) a larger kind of lizard, probably eth of fatness," i. e. is void of fat, is become lean.
from its strength, Lev. 11:30; see Boch. Hieroz. i., Compare ^0?.
p. 1069. PIEL *n3. (i) to deny, Gen. 18:15; Josh. 7:11;
followed by ? of pers. and thing, to disavow any
unused in Kal; kindred root K'ri3, prob. Lev. 5:21,22; Job 8: 18, nifV3 CTD to
thing, deny
.dEth. ftfh: and Arab. the Lord ; Isa.5:12; ellipt. Pro. 30 9,
59 : 1
3 ;
Jer. :

JTC>n31 ysbS-J? " lest I be full and deny (God)."

and ?n|, appears to have
;-:: ,/v/i
[" This root, like (2) to lie, Lcvit. 19:11; Hos. 4:2; followed by
had the signification of covering, covering over; l Ki. 13: 18, ft Vr\3 he lied to him."
and this idea was partly transferred to that of deny- (3) to deceive (one's expectation); hence, i. q. tc
ing (in Pns, ins), and partly to that of smearing fail, used of the productions of the earth, Hos. 9:2;
over (in ^13)." Thes.] Hab. 3:17; compare Lat. spem mentita seges, fundus
PIEL "in? (i) to deny, to disown, followed by an mendax.
accus. Isa. 3:9; Job 6: 1O.
(4) to feign, to flatter, most commonly
\ised ot

(2) cover, to hide, Job 27: ll Ps. 40: ll, fol-

to ; the vanquished pretending subjection and love to-
lowed by an accus. of the thing and ? (Ps. 40: 1 1) or wards a victor, Ps. 18:45; 66:3; 81 16; rtjffj rnr :

IP of pers. to conceal from any one, Jos. *]: 19; l Sam. Job 31: 28.
3:17, 17; Jer.38:l4, 25. NIPHAL, Deut. 33:29, and HITIIPAEL, 2 Sa. 22 :45,
HIPHIL Tnan. (i) to hide, Job 20:12 i.
q. Piel No. 4. Hence
(2) cut off, to destroy, i. q. d^tm'fctv, as a
fc^HS C
1) falsehood, fraud, deception, Nah.
people, Exod. 23:23; Zee. 1
1 8. :

3:1; Hos. 12:1.

NIPHAL (l) pass, of Piel, No. l, 2 Sam. 18: 13;
Ps. (2) leanness, Job 16:8; see the verb in Kal;
69:6; 139: 15; Hos.5:3-
(2) pass, of Hiphil No. 2, Job 4:7; 15:28; 22:
20, with the addition of the words from the earth, .
(for BTI3, BTO, of the form 3), lying,
Ex. 9:15. Isa. 30:9.
an unused root, having, as I consider, the
O3 (A) prop, relative pron. i. q. ">?'$, although
same meaning as Syriac u^O to pant, Germ. !eud)fn in theHebrew, that we have, this primitive use is ex-
compaie the roots of similar sound, which also are tremely rare. This very ancient and truly prim;

tiveword is widely extended also in the Indo-Ger- forgetting, Job 39: 15; rejoicing, Is.-. 14:29; repent-
manic languages compare Sanscr. relat. jas, jd, jat
ing, Gen. 6:6, 7 when in Latin there is used eithei

kim; Latin an accus. with an infinitive, or the particle quod. In

(softened for qas, etc.); interrog. kas, kd,
even Chinese other phrases the sentence depending on this particle
qui, qua, quod; Pers. .J=>, <^= an(l
is to be regarded as the nominative, e. g. '3 2VO it it
he, and tche, who the correlatives of these words
tshe, ;
good that; Job 10:3; 2 Sa. 18:3; Lam. 3:28, and
are the demonstr. fc^H, ^
Gr. i, t=7c tt> Latin is,
*? *n*1 which may be rendered in Latin accidit ut [it

idem; see Buttmann's larger Gr. Grammar, i. 290; happened that], but properly accidit hoc, quod (e<
Job 1:5; 2 Sam. 7:1, so fre-
demonstr. and relat. %
,_cj (die)', interrogatives *O,
trug fid) bag ju,

quently. Here belong


()^?C| num. verum est quodf

i-/. From the fuller and ancient form qui, by the re-
is (it so) that ? (French esl-ce que?) for num? whe-
jection of the palatal from the beginning, have arisen " is
ther? Job 6:22, rnO (it) that
I said?"
also Pers. and Zab. ^., Germ, nrie a trace of the
'% ; 2 Sa. 9:1; and so when an answer is expected in the

palatal is found in the Anglo-Saxon liwa and hweo, affirmative, (compare L|. No. i, b), nonne verum est
Notk. As
judge, there is a most certain example
quod, is it not true that (French rfest-ce pas que),
of the use of this word as a relative in Gen. 3:19, i.q. nonne? Genesis 27:36; 29:15;
2 Sam. 23:19
" until thou returnest to the earth n ??P '? out *3 added to adverbs and
nri^ (compare l Ch. 1 1 2 1 (b) : .

of which thou wast taken" (LXX. e A/^>07e,

yc and interjections, which have the force of a whole sen-
so also Onk., Syr., Saad.), which is expressed in verse tence, e. g. Job 12:2, DJ#
DnK VD D3*?S " (it is) true
33, DB>D Hi?? T^X. In this sentence it can scarcely that you are thq people." So *3 nsn behold that,
be causal, for the cause immediately follows in these does not differ from the simple nan p s 128:4; '? N^Q .

words 3JB>n IDj; ty nn 13V "3. An equally pro- id.; 1 Sam. 10: l ;
3 *| also that (see 1); '? DSK
bable instance Gen. 4:25,
is W
U~)n '?, Vulg. quern only that (see D??)- In all these phrases '3 may in
occidit Kam (LXX. ov airiKTiive Kat>. Onk., Syr.); Latin [or English] be omitted; and this is always
and in this passage nothing could be more languid done (c)
when *3-is prefixed to oratio directa, like
than, for Cain had killed him." This more ancient Gr. on in Plato [and New Test.], and Syr. j (see a
" The Lord
usage is
again found revived, Isa. 54:6; number of examples in Agrelli Otiola Syr. p. 19);
who wast re- " and she
calleth thee as a wife of youth DS^ri '3 Gen. 29:33, V: yQ& '? 10XR] said, Jeho-

jected" (LXX. f.ufii(Tiifj.tfT)v. Vulg. abjectam; Ch. who vah has heard," prop, she said, that Jehovah has
wast rejected); Isa. 57:20, "the wicked are like a heard; for the whole of what is said is regarded as
troubled sea i?3V &
D^n *3 Vulg. quod quiescere ;
in the accusative, depending on the verb of saying,
non potcst. Other examples which have been re- Ruth l :
10; l Sam. 10: 19. Often also after expres-
sions of swearing, as 3 njn Tl
f^rred to this usage are either uncertain (Deu. 14: 29 ; by the life of God
Ps.90:4), or unsuitable (see Noldii Concord. Part, (I declare) that,"
l Sa. 20:3; 25:34; 26: 16; 29:6;
372); but the primary pronominal power of this <n 2 Sa. n Job 27:2; '}x n Isa.
2:27: ?*?
p. Dr6gn
word no one will doubt, who has considered the ana- 49: iV; i'pi n"^;.
ns i Sam. 14:44;
nbi D<n$

logy of other languages, and has compared the double 2 Sam. 3:9; 19:8; 1 Ki. 2:23; whence it is that by
use of the conjunction ~WX. Just like "V V Gr. 6Vt the ellipsis of such an expression it is put affirma-
5 K,
Latin quod, quia French que the beginning of an oracular declara-
(whence tively, even at
uti, ut) ; ; ; it

commonly becomes tion, Isa. 15:1.

(B) A. relative
(l) bafi/ THAT (Germ, (2) so that, that, used of consecution and effect
c -
sprung from the demonstr. baS changed into a rela-
tive), prefixed to sentences depending on an active (compare Arab. c = in the sense of that final, in
verb, occupying to it the place of an ace. ;
as else- order that). Job 6 1 1, V.N. '3 'rib no what is : !

where 1^, and ~W HN

fully (see I^N. B, No. l); my strength that
I should hope?" Isa. 36:5, 'P ?y
upon whom dost thou so trust, that
Gen. 3
i: 10,
D'rt^ tO>1 prO p. "and God saw FTY19 *? J?H5
(this) which was
good;" Job 9:2, i? *3 'RyT
" I thou shouldest rebel?" 29:16, "is then the
know this to be so." So after verbs of *"$ T\vyo np
*3 so that
seeing, Gen.
potter as the clay
1:4; of hearing, i Ki. 21:15; Isa.
37:8; of speak- the work may say of the workman, he hath not
ing,Job 36:10; demanding, Isaiah 1:12;
knowing, made me." Ex. 3 1 1 nJriS *fa *? :
, ^ " who
Gen. 22:12; 24:14; 42:33; Job
10:7; believing, (am) I should go unto Pharaoh?"
that I I am not
Ex. 4:5; Job 9: 16; " I wiU
remembering. Job 7:7; 10:9; such a one as can go before him. Hos. l :6,

DO more ]is\ 3
mercy on the house of Israel W?3 *? in a longer clause is it put after nouns absolute (ai
Oil? Kb>K so as to pardon them.
Ex. 23:33; (Jen. elsewhere 1 No. l, letter e), Gen. 18:20, Q'lp ngK
40:15; Jud.9:28; 2Ki.8:i3; 18:34; Job 3:12; n3 '? n "P& " the
?r cry concerning Sodom and Go-
7:12,17; 10:6; 15:14; 21:15. Sometimes it has morrah, so is it great." Isa. 49:19. Compare at
an intensitive so that, so even, even, compare
force, to the same use in Aramaean, Comment, on Isaiah
" thorns 8:20. From
"^P. C, 2. Isa. 32 13, grow up in the fields
: its relative use as to time (No. 3)
of my people, bi?D *fl3 'V. *? even in the houses of there arises farther its power
joy," etc. Comp. ~W$ B, 10. More fully it would (5) as a relative causal particle: because, since,
be '?-iy. while, Gr. on, Germ. eil (which also
(3) used of time, i. q. ore, pr. at that time, ivhich, relates to time, from SBetlefor while, when), more
u>hat time, when. Job 7: 13, "131 JT)S <? " when fully
*3 }]P,
'3 7JJ
proptei'ea quod, on account that
I say," etc. Gen. 4:12, " when thou tillest the (German bieroeil). A
causal sentence sometimes
no more yield to thee its strength." " because thou hast
ground, it shall precedes, as Gen. 3:14, done
Hos. 1 1 i, " when Israel was a child I loved him."
this, thou art cursed," etc. Gen. 3:17, " because
Job 92:2, " can a man profit God, when (or where) thou hast hearkened to thy wife .... cursed be the
he wisely profits himself?" Job 4:5. Lev. 21:9; ground," etc.; sometimes it follows; Lam. 3:28,
" he sitteth
Isa. 8:19. Of frequent use is the phrase '? *nl " and alone, and is silent V?y ^03 *3 because
it came to
pass when" Gen. 6:1; 12: 12; Exod. (God) has laid (this) upon him." When the causal
1 1O.
: Sometimes it has almost a conditional power, clause follows, in Latin the causal demonstrative
(compare ">-'&* No. 4, and the German n>ann/ roenn/ [so nam is
commonly used, Gr. yap [Eugl.for]. Psalm
sometimes the English wheii]), as Deut. 14:24,'?! 6:3, "heal me, O Jehovah, '>'$( V?n33 '3 for my
nroi ... TP.O T?P "IT- " and when ( if) ^ bones are troubled." Psa. 10:14; 25:16; 27:10;

way be too long for thee ... then thou shalt give (i. e. Isa.2:3,6,22; 3:1, 10, ll; 6:5; 7:22,24; 8:lO;
sell) it," etc. In other places a distinction is care- 9:3; 10:22, 23; Gen.5:24; 30:13; 41=49? as so
fully made between this particle and CK conditional. very frequently. *3 stands almost always at the be-
Ex. 21:2, "when ('?) thou buyest an Hebrew ser- ginning of its clause; it is rarely inserted like the
vant, he shall serve thee six years in the seventh ;
Lat. enim. Ps. 118:10; 128:2. If there be many
he shall go out free. 3. If (ON) he came in alone, causes of one thing, *3 is repeated (when in German
alone he shall go out; if(DN) with a wife, his wife itwould be nml ... unb nml/ or benn ... unb), [Engl.
shall go out with him. 4. If (EN) his master hath because ...and, or for ...
anrf], Isa. 6:5, "woe is
given him a wife 5. and
(E^l) the servant
if me, for I am undone,*? ... '33S D.'nKT NDlp '?VK
shall say," etc. And thus to the single provisions of *ry -INT
J* because I am
of unclean lips ... (and)
the law DK is prefixed; but before the whole enact- because my eyes (have) seen Jehovah," i. e. because
ment '?. Compare in the same chapter, verse 7 ('?) I, who am of unclean lips, have beheld God. Isaiah
and verses 8,9,10,11 (DK). ver. 14,18 ('?) and 1:29,30; 3^,6; 9:3 5; 5:6, seq.; 28:19,21;
ver. 19 (ON). ver. 2O ('?) and ver. 21 ( c ^). ver. Job 3:24, 25; 8:9; 11 :i5, 16; Eccl. 4:14; also
82 ('?) and 23 ( D{*), and so 26, 27. 28, compare ?1...'3 Isa. 65:16; Job38:2O. Used disjunctively
2 9>3>3-- Also Gen. 24:41. (In Arabic there is '?i...^..."?/or...or...or. l Ki. 18:27.
Sometimes the causal power of this particle is not
a like distinction between j\ \ = *? and '
> > immediately obvious, but by a careful examination
= 3N, although not always accurately
observed.) of the connection of the sentences, it is found to exist.
(4.1 *? is used of time, but in such a sense that Job 5:22, "at destruction and famine thou shalt
(like other relatives) it
passes over to a demonstrative laugh, and of the beasts of the field thou shalt not be
power when begins an apodosis, pr. turn, then, so
it afraid. 23. For ('?) with the stones of the field
(as elsewhere 'I** at the beginning of an apodosis, Ps. thou shalt have a covenant, and friendship with the
1*4:3, seq., and }
Germ, bann, fo (which
i, e), beasts of the field." Thou shalt have nothing to
latter isarelat. fern.). Conditional words commence fear, because thy field shall be fertile, not covered
a protasis, as DK Job 8: 6, nny '3 ring ^ DK -} with stones, nor overrun by wild beasts. Isa. 5: 10,

T/V TP? lf tnou art pure and upright, then will

"for (*?)ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath,
he now watch over thee." Job 37:20; Ex. 22:22; and the seed of an homer (ten ephahs) (shall yield)
6 DX Isai:ih7:9; ^ Job 6: 2; Genesis 31:42; W one ephah." There had preceded, " the houses shall
43: 10; ^K (unless) Nu, 22:33. More rarely, and be laid desolate without inhabitants ;" because of the

be deso- turn ingemuisse Epaminondam pittas, quwn, una am

great sterility of the fields the land shal. i

lated. Isa-7:21," in that day shall a man nourish !

sanguine vitam effluere sentiret? Imperanten enin

KO"}-1 HKpn
a heifer and two sheep. 22 '3
patriam Lacedcemoniis relinquebat, quam acceperat ser-
lil irriarr ?? hlW " for butter and honey shall they vientem" for " Minime
nam Germ, nein
vero, ;" [on*

all eat who shall be left," etc. In the desolated land bern/ nein benn 5 Job 31:17, "have
aber nein/ benn ja.

for want of fruits and wine they shall live on milk I then eaten my morsel alone ? have I withheld it

and honey, and therefore they shall all attend to the from the orphan? 18. nay but ('?) from youth he
keeping of cattle. Compare Isai. 17:3, seq. 30:9. ; grew up with me as a father." Mic. 6:3," what
In other places *3 sometimes does not refer to the harm have I done to thee? 4. (none) for I brought
" if
words next preceding, but to those a little more thee ;" id) futjrte bid) ja/ etc. Psa. 44 : 2 1 23, we
" therefore the Lord himself will have forgotten God... would not God search this out.
remote. Isa. 7 14, :

give you a sign, behold a virgin shall conceive .... 33. but on the contrary, (^3) for thy sake we are
16. for (^3) before the child shall know," etc. i.e. killed." Job 14:16, "(oh! that thou wouldst hide
in this very thing, which is contained in verse 16, me for a while iii Hades, and afterwards recal me to
was the sign of the prophecy contained (comp. Isa. life, though I know this to be impossible): nrij?

1SDPI nj;y but no!

8:4); 10:24, "fear not ... 25. for yet a very (on the contrary) thou number-
little while and the punishment shall cease." Josh. est my steps ;" so far from dealing with me kindly,

5:5. Compare as to a similar use of the particle thou even art almost lying in wait against me. Psa.
yap, Herm. ad Viger, p. 846, ed. 3, and as to enim 49:11; 130:4; 2 Sam. 19:23; Isa. 49 24, 25. It :

Kamshorn's Lat. Gram. 191, i. And ^ also agrees rarely occurs (c) without any previous negation,
with these particles, in its being put when any like \Xa yap, enimvero, but truly, yet ; aber ja/ abet
thing is brought forward as a matter of common fret)lid). (Comp. DK V? letter B, No. 3.) Isa. 28:28,
knowledge, Germ, benn ja/ ja (inserted in a sentence). "wheat is threshed, B>Vl tfllK nvb s6 3 yet it
Job 5:6, |JS l?yp K &6 '3 md)t au bem JBoben letmt is not threshed hard;" aber man brifdit ibn fuv>lid)

ja bag Unveil. Isa.

32:6 8. Ironical expressions md)t fart 8 23, fkIsa. : *3 j3 T^ ^^ &
" ne-
" what is his
are these, Prov. 30:4, name, and what vertheless, darkness (shall) not (always be) where
is his son's name? jnn '3 for thou knowest," bu (now) distress is ;" aber frevjlid) bleibt'6 nidit bunfetj

Beift es Ja. Job 38:5. i Ki. 18:27, Mn D '? ^8 or, aber e bleibt ja md)t bunfcl. (d) It introduces ail
"for he (Baal) is a god." :

explanation, like the Lat. atque, Isa. 5:7; Job6:2l;

Fromthe causal power there arises (6) its varied Isa. 51 3.: Also (e) a causal power is also manifest
use in adversative sentences. For iften () after a in those examples in Avhich it
may be rendered by the
negation, it is i. q. seel, but (fbnbern). Gen. 24:3, Latin quanquam, although. Ex. 13: 17, " God led
" thou shalt not take for son a wife of the daugh- them not by the way through the land of the Phi-
Canaan. ..4. ^9...*TH?
ters of ^
'? but thou shalt ^r^ N-in *3 although it was near (prop,

go unto my country," etc. Prop, for thou shalt go was near): for ('3) he said," etc. Psa. 116:
for this

unto my country: the former must not be done, be- 1O; Deu. 29:18; Josh. 17:18.
cause the latter is to be done. (Verse 38, with the (7) Prepositions, to which '3 is joined (the same
same context, there is put N?~DN.) Gen. 45 8, " you : as "IB'X No. ll), are turned into conjunctions, as $!
have not sent me hither, but (*3) God," pr./or God ^ and *3 ?J onaccount of,; ^ "W until
sent me. Gen. 19:2, \ty ~>3 'I
& " (we will) not that, until; *3 2^.y and *3 nnn for the reason that,

(go in); but we will lodge in the street." Gen. 3:4, because; see Lehrg. 637.
5; 17:15; 18:15; 42:12; Exod. 1:19; 16:8; Josh. In the expression 1? ^J? *3 the relative
17:18; l Ki. 21:15; 2 Chr. 20:15; Psa.44:8; Isa. is
put before the adverb. this phraseFor wherever
7:8; 10:7; 28:27; 30:i6; 38:1; 65:6,18; Dan. occurs (Gen. 18:5; 19:8; 33:10; 38:26; Nu. 10:
9:18. Compare DS '? B, l. Once for D$ '? B, 2. 31 14:43; 2 Sa. l8:20; Jer. 29:28; 38:4) it is for

" n
on account that, because, like J3'7j; T^K
1 Sa. 27: l,
nothing is well for me, B.?E>* ? unless "S'lSTpy
that I flee." LXX. ikv p,i'j. (b} On a similar prin- Job 34:27, for">^ |3'7jJ. [Gesenius afterwards en-

ciple is the use of *? in passages where, although an tirely rejected the idea of any such transposition in
express negative does not precede, there is a negative the phrase he would take ^ in its own proper causal

force in the sentence itself. In Latin it may be more power, separating it in such cases from the following
fully rendered (minime vero) sed, and simply enim, I?"'?; in other passages, he would take the compound
" num
as in this example from Cicero (Tusc. ii. 24) : phrase unitedly, as signifying on this account

that."] A similar transposition occurs in IP^ for ? IP (2) unless(au$w wcnn), also after anegation: (Germ
inde de-in); 1?;>P and IP 1?^; 'TJi?3D, Syr.
(for fonbern/formerly was also i. q. nisi, unless). (a
followed by a verb, Gen. 32:27, " I will not let the*
^L> , Vs*v DK '3 for '3 DN (see DN '? letter C,

go, unless (Dt< '?) thou bless me."

Lev.22:G; Est
No. and in Gr. on n for rt ort. The opinion of
Winer cannot be assented to, AV!IO (Simonis Lex. page 2:14; 2 Sam. 5:6. by a noun, Gen. 39
(b) followed
" he V

9, keepsback nothing from me, except (OX *3 ,

474), tries to show, with more toil than success, that

thee, because thou art his wife;" 28: 17; Est. 2:15.
with the exception of one example, 2 Sa. 18:20, this
Instead of the preceding negative there is sometimet
phrase is always to be rendered for therefore. See an interrogation with a negative force, Isa. 42 i, :

Sal. b. Melech on Gen. 18 15, "KTK ^>y 1D3 p "?y '3

"who is blind (i.e. no one is to be called blind\
mpons p !?y 3 ^3 pv
DK *3
except my servant ?"
remarkable example of the various significations ^?V.
of *3 is found in Josh. 17:18, " Thou shall not have (3) without a previous negation; but, Germ. aber
Gen. 40:14, "131 DK V3 "but remember me
one lot only, but ('?) thou shall have the mountain, 3n-)3J

/ince ('?) it is a forest, thou shall cut il down, and when it shall be well with thee;" Num. 24: 22. Some
whole extent shall be thine; for have denied this sense of DN '3, but it is clear that il
its (*?) thou must
is also found in the simple *? (see No. 6, c) and it ia
drive oul the Canaanite, because (*?) they have ;

not lo be wondered at, as also the Germ, fontern was

chariots of iron, and because (*?) they are strong,"
formerly used without a negation, see Frisch's Glossary.
i.e. they are so troublesome and injurious to you;
(C) In some passages one of the two particles seems
comp. Josh. 14: .*.
to be redundant. Il islhen (l) i.
B, i,c, t hat,
E^ *3 (A) so that DX may refer to an
is used after forms of swearing, 2 Sam. 15:21; 2 Ki. 5:20;
interposed or parenthetic clause, and each particle Jer. 51:14.
retain its own native force. (l) that, if, bajj/ menu. (2) i. q. *? of time (No. 3); ivhen, if, Ex. 22:22,
" if
lSa.20:9,"God.forbid njnn fl^jj 3 yitf y'T DR) 3 (DS) thou afflictest him (the orphan), pyy DX '3
$ TjR nnfc &\ (yjjj RU^ <ix nyo thVt, if I inj?y. :
V ypp'S y_be> <bx pyyi and if he shall cry to me,
knew assuredly that evil were determined from my I will hearken to him." With this agrees the old
father to come upon thee, I should not shew it to Germ, wenn baj} for wenn/ prop, iccnn (e$ tfl) bafj/
thee." Here, after the parenthetic sentence, the other and DX *3 appears to me to be transposed for *3 DN
words are adjoined with 1 copulative. In other cases
if (it be) that.
*3 itself is
repeated, Jer. 26 15, know ye, :
(3) i.
q. '? causal (No. 5); for, Job 42:8; Prov.
Ifl j?} Dl <3 rfR DPIX that if
ye slay me, ye will 23:18.
bring upon yourselves innocent blood;" Germ. tl;r
|5 "'*" 5 on this account that, btcwcil/ see '3,
follt roifien/ ba/ wcnn ifyr mid) tobtet, fo iwfcct ifcr u.f.n?.
letter B, No. 7.
(2) that since, that inasmuch as (compare EK
II. *? subst. aw. Xe-y. Isa. 3 24,contr. from '!?, from
No. 5), Gen. 47:18. :

(3) for, if, Ex. 8:17; Josh. 23:12; Ecc. 11:8.

the root H13 (compare ^
from H1X, *]} from the root
" but if
(4) but, if (fonbcvn, cnn), Lam. 3 32, :
a mark branded, or burnt in. Arab.
(God) cause grief, yet will he have compassion."
w ^-,
id., from the root _.^~.
(B) so that the particles are closely conjoined, and l

refer to the same clause. (l) but if (jbubcrn H?cnn), I 3 an unused root. Arab. J\^= Jled. Ye, tu
after a negation. Ps. l l " blessed is the man who
use deceit, prop., I believe, to ensnare, so that it
walketh not ...(if he walk not...). 2. but if his
is cognate to the verbs 13S, H3N, and others, with
delight is in the law;" and simply but (fonbcvn), i. q.
*3 No. 6. Gen. 32 29, " thou shall no more be called
which it is compared under that root. Hence v^g-,

Jacob, but (DX

'?) Sa. 8:19, " nay, but
Israel." l deceit, snares; also destruction, ruin, war. So the
(DS '?) a king shall be over us." Psa. 1:4; l Ki. Hebr.
18: 18; a Ki. 23:23; Jer. 7:23; 16:15; Deu.i2:i4. T3 m. destruction, calamity, Job 2l:!io. See
Sometimes the negation is only implied in the sen- also PT3.
tence (comp. *? No. 6, b). 2 Sa. 13:33, " let not the
*3 m. aval
take it t> heart, because they say that all the
Xeyo/i. Job 41 : 1 1, a spark, from
king SO -

king's sons aia dead; (not so) bit (DK '3) Ainnon the root "n3 } which see. (Arab. .v^c-. a striking ci

only ia dead." fire.')


JVV3 m. (l) a dart, javelin (different from ficient cause. Indeed the passage ititlf "manifestly
VHI a lance), Job 39:23; 41:21; 1 Sam. 17:6, 45; contradicts such a meaning, as the scaffold in question
Jos. 8:18, 26; Jer. 6:23; 50:42. The etymology is is described as being square, K'DH 131.X TViSN t^pri

uncertain: Bochart (Hieroz. i., p. 135 40) not un- taiji ntex.)
derives it from "I ? destruction, war; so that it
aptly ?3
7*3 Isa. 32 :5, and verse 7, fraudulent, de-
would be a weapon of war (compare 3^ sword, and
S <- - ceitful, crafty. By aphaeresis for v'33, from the
c__?j>- war). It E light also be from the root 1*1 or
root ^33 Syr. jlloj id. The form ^3 for
'/'3 is used
"H3 in the sense of invading, breaking in; compare the prophet, in order to allude to the following
1U No. 2.

(2) \_Chidcn\i pr. n. of a place near Jerusalem. 7^3 pi. f., Ps. 74:6, mauls, or axes, from the
ftT3 (the threshing-floor of the dart) 1 Ch. 13:9,
root ^3 which see. (Chald. N^F-lp a club; Syriac
for which in the parallel place there is, 2 Sam. 6:6,
a maul, an axe, a mattock.)
{133 \~\l (prepared threshing floor).
m. iv ar like disturbance, military tu-
nO^3 f.
pr. a heap, cluster (from the root W3
which specially of stars, hence the Pleiades, or
mult, Job 15:24, from the root 113, which see. see) ;

the seven stars, consisting of seven larger stars, and

Vulg. praelium. Syr. war. ji__,

JV3 aira Xtyo/x. Am. 5:26, the name of an idol other lesser ones closely grouped ; Arab. !
J (plenty,

worshipped by the Israelites in the wilderness, i.

q. multitude), more fully L *J\ jJu the bundle of the
a "<-
9 -^
Arab. ^~ i.e. the planet Saturn, regarded by Amos 5:8; Job
,L t Pleiades; Syr. and Hebr. J.iCLO.
the Phoenicio-Shemitic people as demon, to be an evil 9 9; 38:31,
: in which last passage, by a like image
sacrifices Comment, on Isa., np3 niSlJ^p hast thou fastened together the
ippeased by expiatory (see
vol. ii. p: 353), [" prob. a statue, an image, Thes."]. bands of the Pleiades?" More allusions are given by
To the Hebrew words loc.cit. DJ*EPtS n ^3 D3.'? pl'3 Th. Hyde on Ulugh-Beigh's Tabb. page 32, Niebuhr's
there answer (some of the members, however, being Arabia, p. 114, Ideler, Ub. Ursprung und Bedeutung
*jansposed) the Greek, KOI TO aarpov TOV deov vftwr, der Sternnamen, p. 146.

fatfav TOVQ TVTTOVC ai-wr, so that it is clear that the D^3 m. from D33 from the, root D33, like D13
Hebr. fV3 expressed in Greek by 'Paityhv Compl.
(which and P?3 a purse, bag (Syr. and Arab.
'Po/i^a, (for Rosenmuller
does not convince us that this
id.), in which money was kept, Prov. 1:14; Isa. 46 6 ; :

word is inserted as a kind of gloss). Now it appears and in which traders were accustomed to carry
pretty certain that Taityav was an Egyptian name about their weights for weighing goods (see Chardin,
for Saturn (see Kircheri Ling. ^Egypt. restit. p. 49
Voyage, torn. iii. p. 420), Deut. 25:13; Mic. 6:11.

Jablonskii Opuscc. t. ii.

p. l, sq. and
on the other
Hence D'3 .3.5K, Prov. 16:11.
hand, J. D. Mich. Supplemm. p. 1225, sq.). Others
[" (2) a cup, i. q. 2*13 Prov. 23:31, O."]
give this word the signification of statue, or image.
the opinion of Gesenius himself in Thes.]
"V3 only in dual DVT?, Levifc. 11:35,2 cooking
Vulg. imaginem idolorum vcstrorum.
v ess el, or p ot, so called from the idea of cooking (see
the root "V13 No. II.), made of eartharvware (since it
"tt*3 and "1*3 D T 2 Chron. 4:6, and TY\- l Ki.
pi. could be broken) and double, probably furnished with
7:38,40,43- a similar cover; compare C^SNj LXX. ^urpd^o^tc-
(1) pr.asmall hearth (spfanne/ geuerpfcmne), afire
No. 2) *flJ^3 a7ra Prov. 31 :
19, according to the
pan, so called from boiling or roasting (see "VIS ; Atyo/z.
&$ "fl'S cine gcuerpfanne/ cin geucvbcctcn/ Zech. 12:6.
Hebrew writers, a distaff, from the root 1^3 to be

Whence straight [see Thes.].

(2) a basin, a laver, Exodus 30:18,28; 31:9; i"p3 (Milel [" except Exod. 12: 11."]) contr. troiu
35:16; 39:39; 1 Ki. 7:38. And thus H3 n3 so and so, i. q. >"I3 n'3 (PIS being for ^3 like P13
On account of the resemblance, a scaffold,
(3) for^3), Exod. 12:11; 29:35; Num.> 8:26; 11:15;
or platform, 2 Chron. 6:13. (This is rendered a
round scaffold by Simonis, Winer, and others, on 15:11, and often besides. Hence "33^ how? (The
the ground of the idea of roundness in the root "VI 3, Aramaeans, rejecting the final n, have ^11 so, aud on

which, however, they attribute to it without any suf- this account some suppose that H33 i$ from ^3 will
n parag. Although this is very incorrect, the He- the earth, Genesis 5:19; 11:1; DJJv the whole 1

crew grammarians [the Masorites] seem to have held people, Genesis 19:4; l&M?n~73 the whole flock
the same opinion, by the accent being placed on the Genesis 31:8; 7?Xn"73 the whole ram, Exodus 29:18;
DVn-73 the whole day (see Di\ letter g, /3) ; 1
penultima.) ?3'^3
PD!? the whole circuit of Jordan, Gen. 13:10; /S
*!33f. (Gea. 13:10; Exod. 29:23; 2 Ki.5:5),cstr. BM3 pX the whole land of ^Ethiopia, Gen. 2:13,
pr. a circle, globe, for "13"}3 from the root T)3
compare Gen. 14:7; 41:8; 45:20; *PIT^3 all my
Pi. ~Q"]3. (To this there agree in the western lan-
people, Gen. 41: 40; ^>b3?1 ^3>^D3 Deu.4:29;
guages, circus, circulus, and the letter r being softened, 2 Sa. 9 9 Gen. 2:2; ^?"JT^3 all the people of Is-

vv/icAoc; comp. Tl?.) Specially Ch. 11 With ^3 of thee,

rael, l :i. suff. ^3, all
(l)acircumjacent tract of country, ber UmfreiS/
Isa. 14:29, 31; 22:1; i?3 of him, Gen. 25:25; all
iN'eh. 12:28; JTn
"?? the tract of Jordan, i.e. the
73 is rarely placed after in the genitive (in the
region through which the Jordan flows down into the
same manner as the phrase E'Tj?n "'O and the like) as
Red Sea; mr itoyfiv "'I??! Gen. 13:12; 19:17, sq.; 73H D-lin the whole vision, Isa. 29:1 1 ;
more often
9 Sam. 18:23; Gr. ft Trepi^wpOQ rov 'lopSavov, Matt.
with a suffix, as !"t?3 ?S"}V'! prop. Israel, it the ichole,
3:5; now called ,J&\ el Ghor. 2 Sa. 2:9; n^s nn.vp for op.vp-^s Eze. 29:2; pan

(2) DH.V "I?? a cake, a round loaf, Exod. 29:23; HP3 Job 34: 13. (As to a similar use of the Arabic
l Sa. 2 36 Pro. 6 26.
PL m. Dr6 nh33 Jud. 8:5;

1 Sa. 10:3. words ,J^=> and _*-i^- see De Sacy, Gramm. Arabe
(3) a talent (Syr. |;r>^>), equal, as nearly as can 68.)
be computed from Ex. 38 25, 26, to three thousand :
(2) When it refers to many things, many indivi-
shekels of the sanctuary, Zee. 5:7, 3HT 13 3 a talent duals, all, omnes, omnia. (a) followed by a plural,
of gold; Kings 9 -.14; 10:10,14. Dual OHf? two
1 made definite (compare tous les hoinmes); D?i3rn>3
talents, 2 Ki. 5:23; ^DS D.n33 two talents of silver, all
peoples, Isa. 2:2; 25:7; Jr6\?rr73 all nights, Isa.
ibid. ;
where D!"]33 holds as it were a middle place 21:8; D^Vpi
all the wicked, Psalm 145:20; ^>3

between the absolute state DM?? and the const. *!??, D^Bih all those who fall, Ps. 145:14; D^n'73 all

which could not be used without taking away the days (i.
e. in all time, always see DV) ;
; D!^ 'P'*' 3
numeral distinction. PI. O'"!?? const. *!!?? f. talents, all the days of (the life of) Adam, Gen. 5:5; ^^3-73
S Ki. 5:5; l Ch. 22:14; 29:7; Ezr. 8:26. all ^-?3 Isa. 18:3;
theLevites, Exod. 32:26; 7?n
D^J *3^p-73 Isa. 14:9; TgtM^r?? all thy wondrous
133 pi. p33 Ch. i.
q. Heb. No. 3, Ezr. 7:22.
works, Ps. 9:2. But however, poetically, without art.
73. once TI3 ( Jer. 33 8 aro), followed
by Mak- DHJ^S Isa. 13:7; ni3n^T73 Isa. 28:8; compare Isa.
kaph ~?3 m. prop, subst. the whole, totality, bag 51:18,20. With pi. suff. -1^3 all of us, Gen. 42:11;
efammtfjctt/ from the root ?^3 to complete. D3;>3 all of all of them, C;>3
anjc/ bie you, Deut. 1:22;
all, Isa. 14:10, 18; 31 :3; '$3 Gen. 42 36; njn^s f. =

(Arabic J^D, Syriac ^o id. [" Sam. 2, *S, i Ki. 7:37. Also followed by a relative, Gen. 6:2,
ft*\ !"] To this aaswcr the Greek oXoc, Lat. vllus, nn3 -^"73 "all (the virgins) whom they chose;"
comp. No. 4, Germ, all/ allr/ omnes, and fycil, totus, Engl. Gen. 7:22, V2K3 a^O n
"^^3 " all in whose
all and whole.) In western languages it has to be nostrils was the breath of life;" Gen. 39:5, ">'$ '?
rendered by adjectives. ^ B " whatsoever he had," and ellipt. n^?n"73
(l) If used with regard to one continuous thing, "all things (which) 1 have prepared," iCh. 29:3.
the whole, Qonj); followed by a
totus, a, urn (oXoc, Also followed by a periphr. "HJ "fa"?33 in all ages,
substantive (regarded as being in the genitive) either Ps. 45: 1 8, DVj DV-723 Eot. 2: 11. (b) followed by a
made definite by the article (like the Greek irciaa >/ collective singular alwayshaving the article, as v3
yij, toute
la by a genitive of
terre, bie ganje Grbe), or D^n Gen. 7:21; Jud. 16:17: nnn-73 all animals,
a noun or pronoun, unless it be a proper name, which Gen. 8:1; i?3 they all, Isa. 1:23; nN'r73 all this,
needs no such definition [in English this has to be : Isa. 5 25 (a demonstrative pronoun not requiring the

expressed either by whole preceded by the article, article). (c) followed by a singular without the ar-
01 bj when the noun is made
all followed
by it; ticle, it is, all, every one, whoever, whatever, om-
definite by a pronoun suffixed, it must be ren- nis, omne ; quivis, (fitodvis ; Germ, jebet (French tout
dered in English by all without the article, or else Jiomme), e. g.
every year, Est. 9:21; ^3-73
the whole r$?"^ the whole earth, 9:16; n?3~' 3 every house, I?aiah
by of]; all every mouth, Isa.
K^D-SD cccxcvn

84:10: B'?3~73 every face, Isa. 25 8 compare Isa. :

later Hebrew. ^ rV2>y-?3 ivhclly as, altogether
15:2, 24:11; 30:25; 40:4; 45 :2 4? "N33-73 all like (gcvabe fo nrie/ ebcnfo rcte),Eccles. 5:15; TijT7|
Isaiah 4: 5; n $.r?3 altogether in the same period of time, eben fo lango
splendour, every thing splendid,
whatever is high, Isa. 2:12. Here also belongs "73 ganj fo lange/ Job 27:3. Comp. Lehrg. p. 626.
every man, Job 21:33; 37 7; Ps. 39:6; and = Note. When 73 stands connected with a feminine
all of flesh, irana chpt, all
flesh, all that is substantive, or a plural, the predicate commonly agrees
mortals. Genesis 6: 12, 13; Isa. 40 5 49 26. (d) :
: in gender and number with such noun as being the
absol. it is put () without the art. 73 omnes, all, more important word, e.g. /p'l'J? ?''?D 73 Ps. 150:6; J

Isaiah 30:5, K*X3'rr73 they were all ashamed " all rarely with 73 as the governing word, Gen. 9: 29;
(ft) with the
art. Ex. 12:16; Nah. 3:7. 73 is found separated from
things (which are)," Isa. 44:24.
73? all (men); Genesis 16: 12, 733 Vl his hand its genitive, Hos. 14:3, piy ^?T7|.
against all men;" Eccl.g:9, 73^ f^3 73H to all 73 followed by Makk.^3 Chald. i.
q. Ileb. (l)
it shall be, ^s to all," the same lot awaits all; Job
followed by a sing, whole, totus. i^rviapp"?!) the
24:24, I-l*?i?T! 733 -13n they melt away, like all Avhole kingdom, Ezr. 6:11, 12; 7 : 16.
the rest they are carried away" (where 733 is put for (2) all, omnes, followed by a plur. Dan. 3:2, 5,7.
the fuller Dnxrr?:)? Jud. 16:17); also all things; With of them, Dan. 2 38
suff. pn*p3 all :
; 7 19. Absol.

Ecc.l:2, 73H 73H "allthings are vanity ;" Ecc. 1 2 8 :

in emphat. (Milel, in the Syriac
st. manner) i.
Dan. 11:2. Hebr. 73H all, omnia; (not adverbially, altogether,
Followed by a noun not made definite, it is also as it is made through some error by Winer, p. 481).
(3) any,tvhosoever,ullus,quicunque; as
"Q'TvS any-
Dan. 2:40, N?3 7L'T! " breaking to pieces all things;"
thing whatsoever (irgenb cine @ad)e), Ru. 4:7; Levie. Dan. 4:9, 33 rt3 food for all (was) in it" (the
4:2; Nu
35:22; Eze. 15:3; hence with a negation, Dan. 4:25; Ezr. 5:7.
N7 and }*$, not any, no one, non ullus, nulhs. 2 Ch. an y-< whosoever, Dan. 6:8.
(3) ullus, qtiicunque,
32:15, \&!l 7'-Vn^... l3 73 n'l7-73 73V N7 "nor is
1 ;

(4) adv. like Heb. No. 5, altogether; used re-

any god of any people able to -save his people." Ex. dundantly prefixed to other adverbs, (in the Aramaean
12:16, n"B>JP t6 n3*6p"?3 "not any work shall be
manner, in which particles heaped upon one another
done," i.e. no work shall be done. Prov. 12:21, N7
weakly are so commonly used); in the phrases "73
tt?~73 pn-5 no evil happen
n.3X: to the
there shall
., n3 r?3j5
altogether on that account, j"73j5"73 wholly
. T T . 11 .

Ecc." there is not

righteous." ^"jn~73 P^ 1 :g,
any- because, for the simple because (see 73p).
thing new." Gen. 3:1; Ex. 10:15; 20:4; Lev.
3:17; Jud. 19:19; Pro. 30:30. A difference must N^!p (i) TO CLOSE, TO SHUT UP, Jer. 32:2,
be made in the passage, Ps. 49: i8,73n nj5* '1JYIO3. K7 Intrans. to be closed, Hag. l 10.
3; Psal. 88:9. :

(where >3 has the article) when lift dies he does (2) to restrain, to hold in, Num. 11:28; Ecc.
not take all this," tin Sobe mmrnt cr ba6 TflleS
away 8:8; Psal. 40:10; followed by JP from doing any-
and also in those passages where 73 is
nicf)t fid) $
thing, l Sa.25:33; Ps. 119:101; followed by IP o<
followed by a defined substantive, and signifies the
pers. to withhold something from some one, to pro-
whole, totus. l Sa. 14:24, Or6 D^n-73 DJ>O the & hibit in respect to anything, Gen. 23:6; Ps. 40:12;
whole people did not taste food." Nu. 23: 13, K7 i?3
comp. Hag. ! : IO. (Ch., Syr. *$?. lU, -ffiHi. ftflA :

^10 "the whole of him thou wilt not see (but s-

only a part)." And to prohibit, Arab. ^l ^->

to fuard. IT, Jo prohibit, to

(4) all, of all kinds, every sort, omnis generis, restrain. This root
also very widvly attended in

varius (like the Gr. trdc, for TrarroToe, ?ra I'-odawoc, II. the western languages, in the signification of shutting
5 ;
and just as a periphrastic plural is used in up : K\idt, K\ftc, <:\j/Vc, cXa'tc, cLivis, c<*awa'9 / in the
speaking of things of many kinds, SStel for SStetevtet)/ signification of prohibiting: M iXi-w, KoXoixa, :oXa^w
Gram. 106,4). PT73 trees of every kind, Levit. Compare also celo, occulo.)
19:23; "13O"73 saleable commodities of every kind, NIPHAL, to be shut up, restrained, Gen. 8:2;
Neli.13:16; i Ch. 29:2. Ex. 36:6.
(5) Adv. rt is put for irav-wc, all, wholly, al- The forms are often borrowed from the cognate
together, omnino, plane, prorsvs ; placed before verb i"63, which see as '3^3 Sa. 25 33, ^73 i Si

(a) substantives, Ps. 39:6, ? 73rr73 "altoge- 6:10,, n?5 Gen. 23:6. and . Ps. 119: 101.. Oi
ther vanity is
every man, ganj citel/ tauter ttclfeit/ the other hand, N?3 Dan. 9:24, inf. Piel is for H?3 <*
q. .
(6) other adverbs, especially in the ni?3 (Lehrg. page 418).

Derivatives, P, and also an unclean and despised animal so by way of

reproach, any oneis called a dog, 2 Ki. 8:13; a dead
m. with stiff. ^?
Jer. 52:33, a prison, so
dog, 183.24:15; 2Sa-9:8; 16:9; a dog's head,
called from the idea of shutting up, Jer. loc. cit. 2 Ki.
2 Sa. 3 8 (compare Gr. KVVWT^, Germ. tffelgf opf/ and

85:29; more fully ^3 IV3, K^sn JV3 2Ki.l7:4; 25: gmnbgfottf dog's foot) ; just as, in the East, in the
i. e.
7, pi. D^3
'53 Isa. 42:22.
present day, Christians are called dogs by the Mo-

3X73 (perhaps for 3S H73, whom the father hammedan rabble. Also, because of the shameless-
has perfected"), [Chileab"], pr. n. ness of dogs, this name is given to scorta virilia
(i.e. creator)
of a son of David, 2 Sa. 3 3. : , Apoc. 22 15), Deu. 23:19; elsewhere D'tftj?.

K?3 dual, two things of diverse kinds,

heterogeneous things, prop, two separations, two dred roots 7^3 and *6fi q. d. abfd)ltefien), Ex. 39:32;
separated, i.e. diverse, tilings. (Arab. \<z, both, see l Ki. 6:38, hence to be prepared, made ready for
some one by any one, Prov. 22:8, r ^3? 'MT^JJ E3K**| l

De Sacy, Gram. Arabe

page 122 and Jeuhari, as ii. ;
" and the rod of his
anger shall be prepared;" fol-
quoted by him on Haririi Cons, page 87 JEthiop.
lowed by BJJP, HND of pers. 1 Sam. 20:7, 9; 25:17;

ft\ft>! two, of a twofold kind). Lev. 19:19; Deut.

Est. 7:7; also to be accomplished, fulfilled, used
of a prophecy, Ezr. 1:1; Dan. 12:7.
J 7 3 an unused root. (I) onomatopoetic, prop, (2) to be past, gone by, of a space of time, Gen,
imitating the sound of striking, beating (like the 41:53; Isa. 24:13, "l'3 n73'DN when the vintage
" and the
kindred root Hr?, which see), ftappen/ ftopfen/ figura- is ended," 32:10; 10:25. DJtt H73) indig-
nation (period of indignation) shall be past," 16:4.
tively applied to the barking of dogs (just as it is
said in Germ, ber 4>unb fd)Iagt an), lldffen/ French (3) to be consumed, spent, Gen. 21:15; l Ki.
clapir, clabauder, Swedish glajffa, to bark. Hence 17:16; to be wasted, to be destroyed, to perish,
3^3 a dog. Jer. 16:4; Eze.5:i3; Ps. 39:11; to waste, to pine
away, Lam. 2:li, "my eyes waste away with
(H) i^-A ^- to plait, to braid, in the Western
tears." Of frequent occurrence is the phrase n O?^
languages, with the letters transposed, TrXtKu, plico, ^ ?>3 ps 84: 3, 'n-n nn^3T Ps. 143: 7, *yy. -ta Ps.69:4,

plecto, facto, flfcfyten. Hence 3175 [3?3 H. is not given

nv?3 Job 19:27, my soul, my spirit, my eyes, my
in Thes.].
reins, pineaway,orwaste, for,Imyself pine or languish,
^.?3 (["perhaps 'dog,' i.e. 3$>3"], i. \ <^ especially from disappointed hope. Job 1 1 20 1 7 5 :

q. ._
Jer.i4:6; Lam. 4:17 (comp. D-in); to vanish away,
"rabid"?), Caleb, pr. n. borne by (l) the com- used of a cloud, Job 7:9, smoke, Ps. 37:20, time,
panion of Joshua, the son of Jephunneh, Nu. 13:6; Job 7:6; Ps. 31:11. In fut. once n^3Fl i Ki.i7:i4
14:6, seq.; Josh. 15: 14. Patron. '373 i Sa. 25 : 3.
Ch. 2 18, 19, for which there
in the manner of verbs t<7.
(2) l : is '3173 V er. 9.
l Ch. 2:50. PIEL H73
(i) causal, of Kal No. l, to complete,
to finish, Gen. 2:2; 6: 16; also to prepare evil for
["nrnSK 373 [Caleb-ephratah"], pr.n. of a any one, Prov. 16:30.
place elsewhere unknown, i Ch. 2:24."] (2) to come to an end, i. e. to finish, followed by
a gerund, to cease doing any thing, Gen. 24:15,
from barking, as

const. m a dog, so called
^2 .

barker, see 3^3 No. l. (Arab.

3"?? n ?7> D 79 ^
" ne na d not et d ne

S -<-
, p,
had not ceased speaking. Gen. 43 2 Num. 7 ' :

(..^l^r, Syr. J^i^o idem. Secondary roots, tak- Deu. 31 :24, followed by IP; Ex. 34:33; Lev. 16: 20.
ing their signification from the nature of dogs, are (3) to consume, Isaiah 27:10, to waste (one's
strength), Isa. 49:4; to destroy men, peoples. Gen.
to be rabid, to persecute one's enemies also,
41:30; Jer. 14:12; 2 Sa. 21:5, n.^3 "UJ 2 Ki. 13:17,
to be rabid.
In the East,
troops of fierce 19, and np3?-1j; 2 Ch. 31 l, even unto destruction;

half-famished dogs, without masters, are often wan- to make to pine away, to cause to languish. Job

dering around the towns and villages (l Ki. 14: 11 ; 31:16; l Sa. 2:33; Lev. 26:16; to cause tovoiish ;

16: 4 2 Ki. 9: 10); whence fierce and cruel men are

Ps. 78:33; 90:9. For inf. Piel H?3 there u
ometimea called dogs, Ps. 22 17, a i. As a the manner of verbs
N.??, in
is dog K7.
PUAL n?3 and !"&3 to be
completed, finished. (2) poetically used of old age, as rightly taken bj
Gen. 2:1: Ps. 72:20.
Targ. Saad. Ms. Kimchi (the Arab. : i-= to have HE
Derivatives, r$3, n5$, 79, n$3, f^s, n^n, rtan,
DD, and the proper names P v?, *n-1^3. austere countenance, and ..\^~ to draw up and con-
"I7J n?3 pining aioay (used of the eye);
adj.f. tract the lips, are
secondary words, both of them
mpar the verb No. 3. Deut. 28:32.
compare being derived from the idea of old age). Job 5: 26,
1/ 13 fern. (i) completion, perfection ; hence ~9i?T *9:
n ??? N*nn tho\i shalt
go to the grave in
old age," as if nrtio n3/B>3.. As to the word with
adv. n^ 2 Ch. 12:12; Eze. 13:13, and ^3 alto-
which I, together with others, formerly compared
gether, Gen. 18:21 ;
Ex. ll:l.
(2) consumption, destruction, n?3 !"IK>JJ to make this, Syr. u*^.o soundness, health ;" it rested on
a singular error of Edm. Castell, who had incor-
consumption, to destroy altogether Jer. 4:27; 5 1O ; ;

Neh.g:3i Nah. i :8, 9. Followed by ?, Jer. 30: 11,

rectly rendered a gloss of Barbahlul, see Lex. min.
and HK of pers. Jer. 5 :
18; 46 :
28; Eze. 11 :
edit. 3, pref.
p. xx. [In Thes. the primary meaning
20:17. given to this word "perhaps mature old age.'"'] is

[CalaX], pr. n. of a city and province of

"1/5 fern. (i) a bride, maiden betrothed, so
calledfrom her being crowned with a chaplet, see Assyria, probably the same as is elsewhere written
H?Q, which see. (Compare "13? and "N3H.) Gen.
??3No.2. Cant.4:8,seq.; Jer. 2:32; 7:34; 16:9;
10:11. See Michaelis, Supplem. p. 767.
25: 10. [Syr. j^o pi. |o id.]
?? m. in pause v3 DVpS (from the lost sing.
(2) daughter-in-law, Gen. 38: ll, 24; Lev. 18: pi.

1.5; Ruth 4: 15.

const, v?
properly whatever is made, completed,
Compare inn. ""I.?.?)

or prepared, from the root !"l?3, a word of

KV?? m. prison, i.
q. N./3 Jer. 37:4; 52:31 np. general import, like the Germ. j5mg from jcugen/ i. e.
In am there is NY?. to complete = Tv%en', specially
m. ivicker-worTc, woven of twigs or rods, (1) any utensil, vessel. Gen. 31:3?; 45:20.
from the root 373 No. II., specially 3HT y3, ^K) v3 vessels of
(l) a basket gold, of silver (@ilbfr
for fruit, Am. 8: 1. , ^ i e u g). Ex. 3 22 :
1 1 : 2.
njn^-n^a \^3 Ezr. i :
(2) a cage for birds, Jer. 5:27. Jj^a^o and nin 52:11, the vessels of the temple.
\73 Isa.
and the same word n ^^ Y? vessels of
id., is also adopted in Greek, wandering, outfit for exile (2San
a cage, see Bochart, Hieroz. ber jeug), Jer. 46:19.
K\w/3oe, cXov/3oc, K\ofioc,
662, ii.
p. 90). It is also pr. n. m.
[Chelub~\. (2) clothing (3cug), ornaments. "i.3| v3 a man's
(a) iCh. 4:11. (6) i Ch. 27:26. clothing, Deut. 22:5; used of the ornaments of a
bride, Isa. 6 1 i o also of yokes for oxen, 2 Sa. 24 22.
: :
see 3j>3 No. 2. ;

(3) a vessel for sailing (gatrjcug). Isa. 18:2.

ir. n. m. Ezr. 10:35.
(4) an implement, a <oo/(2Berljeug). "Tfc* v|
musical instruments, 2 Chr. 34:12; Am. 6:5. ~v3
pi. denom. from <"i/3; the state, or
'3 f.

?3p. pleon. instrument of a

condition of a bride before her marriage, SSraut- psaltery, Psalm 71: 22.
jtant /1
Jer. 2 : 2. Metaph. n}rp DJ?T v3 instruments of the indignation

of Jehovah. Isai. 13:5; Jer. 50:25. Isai. 32:7,

/^ an unused
which interpreters have
root, to D T3 ^? 3 V? "(as -
to) the deceiver his instruments
assigned various meanings. However I have no are evil," the devices which he uses to
carry out
i. e.
same as ^73 to be com-
doubt but that it signifies the his plans. Gen. 49:5.
pleted, finished (compare HB'j? and nK> an d the arms, iveapons (SWftjeug), Gen. 27:3; more
examples given below on the rootn?j5). Hence
fully, nprfyp [^3] Jud. 18:11, 16. niO-^| deadly
''73 m. weapons, Psalm 7 14. Dv3 NK^J an armour-bearer, :
(i) completion, finishing [thismean-
not given in Thes. see No. 2].
is So Job 30:2, l Sa. 1 4
6, 7, seq. ; 3 1 : 4, 5, 6.
: l ,
D v3 n*2 an armoury
used of very despicable men " what can the (>5eugt)au6). Isa. 39:2.
strength ;

of their hands profit me np3 13S iB 7j? in whom l|

?3 see ^'3.
completion is perished," who cannot complete any
thing. LXX. ITT avrovg a^wXero trvvrcXFta. ^*?^ ^
?3 m. a prison. Jer. 37:4; 52:31,
Hence Root
DM cccc

"I!?? only in plur. const. rtJ nY3 f.

(2) to put a crown upon, to crown (Arab.
(l) fAe kidneys, reins. Exod. 29:13,22; Job Hence
Conj. II.
^Ethiop. f\f\(\ ; Syr. Pa. id).
-<5:S3. D^'X fiVSa 2^n "the fat of the kidneys
of rams," Isa. 34:6; comp. Deu. 32: 14.
'/? Chald. whence Shaph. ^3S to/
(a) meton. used of the inmost mind, as the seat

of the desires and affections. Jer. 1 1 20, 7? 1C 3 : 1 /ec<, Ezra 5:11: 6:14; Pass. ^pnp'K, Ezra 4:13.
" tries the reins and the heart." Jerem. Chap. 4:12, in a'D3 there is I^DB'X, by omission
3<?5 (God)
of the letter n.
17:lO; 20:12; Psalm 7:10; Job 19:27, V^Y? 173
"my reins (i.e. my inmost soul) have wasted away." ("completion"), [Chelat], pr. n. m., Ezr.
Ps. 73:21; Prov. 23:16. Chald. sing. Nv3, Arab.

rarely and inaccurately <Llr> Schultens

. id.
Q 3 unused in Kal, pr. TO w o u N D
i ;
like the Arab.
supposed the reins to be so called, because of their
t \ g- Conj. I. II. ; comp. Sansc. klam, to be exhausted,
being double; compare 0?K?3, H^ (which is un-
fatigued, whence perhaps is the Lat. calumnia. A
suitable because D'S^D signifies rather things diverse similar figurative use is certainly found in Hebrew,
in kind, and in Arabic this word is used in sing.
[" like many other words implying, to pierce, to prick,
dual and plural) ; Aben Ezra and Bochart considered to cut, such as 3j?J, ^"Hl"].
them be so called from the idea of desire, longing,
to HIPHIL D^?n and D^DH (i
S a 25:7).

comp. Job 19: 27, but I do not know why H>3 should (1) to reproach, pr. to hurt some one, l Sam.
not be simply the fern, of the noun v3 and thus sig- 20:34.
nify properly instrument, vessel (efdfj), just as (2) to treat shamefully, to injure, l Sa. 25:7;

physicians call the veins and arteries, vessels. Jud. 18:7.

(3) to put anyone to shame,3ob 11:3; Proverbt
PY? const. flyS m. (1) destruction, con-
25:8; Ps. 44:10. This verb is stronger than the
tumption, Isa. 10:2-2.
synonym EM3 Hi Efcjfal; comp. Isa. 45:16, l7; Jer.
(2) pining, toasting away. D?^J! pining of 31:19, and see Reimarus de DifFerentiis, vcc. Hebr.
the eyes, i. e. languishing itself, Deu. 28 65. = See n73 Diss. I.
p. 67, sq.
No. 3. HOPHAL (i) to be hurt, injured, l Sa. 25:15.
m. (2) to be made ashamed (through disappointed
("wasting away"), [Chilion], pr. n.
Ruth 1:2; 4:9. hope), Jer. 14:3; comp. Niph.
NIPUAL (i) to be insulted, disgraced, 2 Sam.
[f. "VY-P] (from
the root /?3) (i) adj. 10:5; l Chron. 19:5.
perfect, complete, especially of perfect beauty. (2) to be put to shame, bcfcfSmt baflofjn/ 511 dianben
Eze. 28: 12, '' ?Y? of perfect beauty. Eze. 27: 3; 31 : 19; often used of one who fails in his
rccrbcn/ Jer.

Lam. 2: 15; Eze. 16:14. endeavours, Ps. 35:4; 40:15; 70:3; 74:21; also to
(2) subst. the whole, the totality. Jud. 20:40, be ashamed, i.q. Kn3, Num. 12:14; followed by 1?
TPn'7^>? the whole city. Ex. 28:31, n?3^ 7^3 the of cause, Eze. 16:27,54; followed by 3 , Ps. 69:7.
whole of blue. Ex. 39 2 2 Nu. 4 6. :
: Derivatives
(3) i. q. H7iy a whole burnt offering, a sacrifice
of which tJie whole is burned, Deut. 33:10; Psalm [Chilmad], pr. n. of a town or region which,
in Eze. 27:23, is mentioned together with Assyria,

Nothing is known either of the meaning of this quad-

(4) adv. altogether. Isa. 2: 18; Lev. 6 15.
riliteral name (if it be Phoenicio-Shemitic), or of the

7372 " situation of the place.

(perhaps sustenance," from 73^3 to
sustain, Pilpel of the verb ^3) [Chalcol, Calcot],
shame, reproach,Ps.6():S; Jer. 51:51;

pr. n. of a wise man of an age prior to that of So-

Eze.i6:54; 32:*4; 36:7; 44 13- n ?^? c? 3/ to be =

lomon. iKi. 5:11; i Ch. 2:6.

clothed with shame i. e. to be, as it were, altogethei

covered with reproach, Ps. 109:29; Plur. F\\ Is*

(Cogn. n?3, which see.) Hence &, tya
, f.
id., Jer. 83:40.
>3 Gen. 1O:1O; HJ73 Amos as, like, Gr. we- 'Jto3 t?'K a man such as I, Neh.
6:2; and "
[sa. 10:9, n. of a great city 6:11; Ex. 15:5, they sank into the depths J3N ID?
[^Calneh, Calno~]; pr.
like a stone;" Job 6. 15; Psa. 58:9; Job 10:22,
subject to the Assyrians; according to the Targums,
^r'K 103 nnD'8 }n a land of darkness, like the
Eusebius, Jerome, and others, Ctesiphon, situated on
bank of the This darkness of night," wo e pnjler tft, cte ftocffinftre 9lad)t.
the eastern Tigris, opposite Seleucia. "
latter name is said to have been given by Pacorus Hag. 2:3, D^p^ll |)S3 -in'OD N?n is not (a temple)
to this city; see like this (i.e. such a temple) as nothing in your
Bochart, Phaleg. iv. 18; Michaelis,
eyes ?"
n?K 1O| (ivords) like these" (i. e. such
Spicileg. i.
p. 228. (The origin of this foreign word
does not appear.) words), Job 12:3; -iniO3 (such) as he," Ex. 9:18.
[See also i"l|?.]
(C) Conj. i.
q. ^^3^ prefixed to an entire sentence
a ro * unused as a verb, onomatopoet. imi- (l) like as. Isa. 41 :25, D'D'DCn* 1VV ITS like
tating the sound of beating, or striking; compare
as the potter treadeth clay."
Gr. coXttTrrw (whence KoXa0oc colaphus; Ital. colpo; (2) as, of tinie, =
tc en, afterwards, as soonas.

French, coup); Germ, flopfen, Happen 5 Engl. to clap, FolloAved by a prst. (as in Lat.) Gen. 19:15, to?
The cognate forms are figuratively applied sometimes TIK'n "as (as soon as) the Isa.
n?JJ morning arose;"
to the beating of the feet; i.e. to leaping (Gr. icaAir?/, 26:18, n-11
to3 "when we brought forth, it wai
Germ, alopp) sometimes to hewing, or scraping (*]??.

y\v(pit>, sculpo, scalpo);

sometimes to barking, as si- To this correspond in the cognate languages
milar in sound to beating (3?3 to bark, bcr 9

Derivative noun Ch. Np?, Syr. fv^^) from which forms an opinioi
fdjlagt an). is HS/'?, Gr. ;

hatchet. may be formed as to the signification of the syllabi

to. This then is i. q. np indef. tohat, whatever
TO PINE WITH LONGING FOR any thing, something, anything, so that in Ps. 73: 15 (letter

it once occurs, Ps. 63:2. Arab. <ub to become dark, A) it is

properly like any (such) thing ; letter G,
like (that) which.
used of the eye, a colour, the mind. According to
Firuzabadi (see Kamus, p. 1832, Calcutta), specially fcyift^ m. \_Chemosh~], pr. n. of a national god of
the Moabites and Ammonites, Jud. 1 1 24, worshipped
used of a man whose colour is changed or fails pr. ;

also at Jerusalem in the reign of Solomon [after his

therefore tobecomepale, which applied to longing;
wives had turned aside his heart]. 1 Ki. : l :*]; 2 Ki,
comp. ^P?. With this accords Sanscr. kam, to desire ;

Pers. *! desire also the Greek 23:13; Jer. 48 7 perhaps subduer, conqueror, tamer,
; comp. /cajuw,
from the root t?P3, which see; hence ^B3 CJ^ people
Derivative, pr. n. of Chemosh, i. e. the Moabites, Num. 21 :2g. LXX.
Xa/uwc- Vulg. Chamos.
DHD3( languishing," "longing"), \_Chim- an unused root. Arab. !<*= to make glo-
ham], pr. n. m. 2 Sam. 19:38, 39; Jer. 41 :
17 (aro bular, whence TO-13 ? which see.
Onto?); also jn3 2 Sa. 19:41.
an unused root. Syr. and Arab. (l) to
: (when followed by nouns and before grave hide away, to lay up; whence D'3P?*?, treasures,
suffixes, D?to?, Dn'103) and 1233 (before light suf-
fixes, *?to| like me, as I, ^l3 , -inios, n'lOS ; .13103) a [" Arab. i
. ^= ^=
r , id."]

separable particle, especially poet, for the prose 3, (2) Syr. also, to season, especially with salt (pro-
q. HO? ( S ee below).
perly, to lay up in salt); hence
(A) Adv. of quality, demonstrative, like the Gr.
we, ita, sic, thus, so. So in the difficult passage, Ps. |u3 m. cummin [a plant], which was used with

73: 15," ^ I should say to? rn?p$ w ill thus salt as a condiment (Plin. H. N. 19, Arab. f

LXX. ovrwc- (Others take

speak" 8). ,^ -

(as the wicked speak).

["Ch. N3i03, Syriac JLjo^oa, -fflth.
ft^V'J, Gr.
)O in this passage as a suffix, to| for Di?3, but then
. Isa. 28:25, 27.
^03 would be the
reading.) When repeated as.;
such.; Jud. 8: 18 Onto? fl3 such as thou Trai X y >. Deu. 32 :34, TC LAY UP; per*
o(were) they; and on the contrary so. ..a s; so. ..such, haps the same as D33, which is the reading of the
Ki. 22:4, T10 ?
'JtoB, so (am) I, as thou (art). Samaritan copy in this passage.
(B) A
preposition marking similitude, as, such Hetice pr. n. D^?9.
I. I
wy a root nr.used in Kal; kindred to the root an unused root, prob. i.
q. to lay up
"S?n (compare CDn, DOT). Hence J"in)p3p pr. n.


j 5 (A) prop. part. act. from |13 ^pright^
see Niphal No. l (Talmud 1CT3, a warming).
erect; metaph. upright, honest (German aufridjttg
(2) to be burned, scorched (see Niphal No. 2); D33 Gen. 42:11,19, 31 Isa. 16:6, TW
recftlidb); plur. ;
be.nce to be black, dark, obscure, like the Syriac
13 non rectum, i. e. vanity, folly.
;_>oa to be sad, sorrowful. Aphel, to go about in (B) Adv. (i) rightly, well; 2 Kings 7:9, 13"*"
" we do not w e 1
black, i. e. mourning. Compare ""33, D*T"}O3. D'bfy rwK. 1," or r i g h 1 1 y ; Ex. 10:29,
NIPHAL (l) to be warm, to glow, used of love rnan J3 thou hast well spoken;" Nu.27:7; 36:5;
towards any one; followed by ?# l Ki. 3:26, and ? Ecc. 8:10.
Gen. 43:30; to be moved, spoken of pity, Hos. 1 1 :8. (2) so, thus; Gr.tie, ourwc (prop, rightly, accord-
(2) to be scorched; tarn. 5:10, "our skin is ing to some standard, Germ. rcd)t fo/ gerafce fo/ alfoj
scorched as in an oven from the burning heat of although Gusset, Danz, and others maintain 1? so,
the famine." be another word contracted from ft 3 like those
things, in the same manner as n'3 from ^3;
II. iy Lq. "133 TO PLAIT, TO BRAID; whence
compare 13!*) followed by Makkaph "1? Job 5 27

ipap, -iiD3D, rvToap a net. Josh. 2:21; Proverbs 23:7. Genesis 1:7, 13 VTJ
" and it was
so," as God had commanded; verses 9,

only in D^.03 idolatrous priests, 2 Ki.

. 11 Gen. 29:26, PPP3 13 nb> &6 " it is not cus-

13:5; Hos. 10:5; Zeph. 1:4. Syr. Ji^DCXO used of to be so done amongst us;" Psalm 1 14, 13 N?
any priest whatever; but Syriac words relating to D'JK?hn not so the wicked;" 1 Ki. 20:40, I^S^P 13
divine worship are in Hebrew restricted to the wor-
R>nn nj?^ " so (this) is thy judgment, thou hat* thy-
ship of idols ; see Gesch. der Heb. Sprache, p. 58. self decided;" Sam. 23:17, "also Saul my father
If the etymology of this word be inquired for, 1D3,
* *
|3 2T i. e. knoweth this, roeifi c6 fo/ nidit
knoweth so,"
anberS (where it is by no means needful to render J3
|;jQ3 is
prop. blackness, sadness, and as a con- %

crete, one who goes about in black attire, mourning ; by a demonstrative pronoun); Jer. 5:31, 13 ^n.S OJ!
" Pro. 28:2,
people loveth thus," liebt e
my (it) fo;

nence, an ascetic, a priest. " VW. thus (fo/ bonn)

Compare JuA ]L*^>] sad, if men are pnident and wise 13

mournful hence, an ascetic, a monk, an ecclesiastic.

is the state of long continuance. (In this example
See my Comment, on Isa. 22 12 38: 15. :
13 approaches very nearly in power to the sign oi
Gr. Gramm. p. 822.)
apodosis compare OVTU, Matthiae

u "|G-p pi. m. obscurations, from the root T?3

} Often as answering to each other 13...? as. (see
I, 2, of the form "HPi?, except the Chirik in the first 3 i3~~^ $3
A, l);
n No. l); more rarely in-

(see ^3
syllable, as in HPTIS. Found once in Job 3:5, -inny^. verted T^XS...^ so., Gen. 18:5; 2 Sam. 5:25;
Di' " darknesses Elsewhere 3 is omitted in the
'TIP? let the terrify it" (i.
e. the UD3...13 Ex. 10:14.
day of my birth) that is, obscurations of the light of
protasis, Isa. 55:9 (comp. verses 1O, ll); Jud. 5:15.
day, of the sun, eclipses, which the ancients believed This adverb of quality is also variously rendered,
ills and calamities.
to portend [Some of] the ancient according as it belongs to quality, quantity, or time.
interpreters [Aqu., Vulg., Syr., Targ.] regarded 3 as (a) if to quality,
it w so, such, so constituted:
a prefix to the substantive D*T)P| according to which Job 9: 35, 'I? '3^ i? ^ non eO sic sum (as often in
opinion should be interpreted the greatest bitter-
Terence) apud me, i. e. I am not so constituted with
nesses, i.e. calamities which could befall a day (see myself, I am not at heart;
l Ki. 10: 12, '>!? 13 ? *6
as to 3 intensive, p. CCCLXXIX, A) ; but the former view " never afterwards did there conic such
D'3D7S< any
of the word suits the context by far the best. sandal trees;" also so very (fo fct)r), Nahumi:l2,
D*3T p} D'P??' OS " although they be secure and so
i,J^ an unused root, prob. i.
q. t^?3 to subdue wit, no* fo icle ). In Latin
O fc
very many" (Germ, fo fetjr

O in like manner there is the negative expression, non

(3 and being exchanged), whence )_CX2CL3 incubus,
9 ita multi, met* fo fc^r mete. (b) when referring t..

nightmare; Arab, (j^l^-, JjO_*Xl3 grape husks, quantity and abundance,

it is so many (fomel); Ex.
to called from their having l>een trampled on. Hence 1C: 14, ^^3 naiK 13 "so many locusts as thes*

Hebr. CnO? and ^3,9 [?]. were;" Jud/21 :

14, 13 DH ?

WVO K>1 "and there wei*

not found so many (women as they needed)," ntrfjt spits of thy boasting and threatening words, I have
footel al8 n&tt)ig/ ntrfjt grnug. (c)if to time, so long
it is an answer for thee.
. - -
Est. 2:12, ]n<j?np p; so long the
(fo lange); *fyp. J3 There corresponds the Arab. $ ^ >r J however,
of purifying lasted;" also toties so often (fo oft);
' '
i . _
Hos. 11:2, Dn^.?D -ID^n f3 Dr6 *) nevertheless, which has undoubtedly sprung from
(as oft as) they
often they drew back from them ;" also the Hebrew J?7. This adversative I?? is
called them, so regarded by
sosoon, immediately (fofort/ fog(rul)), preceded by 3 many (with whom I formerly agreed in opinion) as
of time (fobalb al); 1 88.9:13, infc fl^P ;3 D3*pi altogether another word, and one of a different origin ;

"asyeenter... immediately ye will find him;" comp.

as though it were from fc6 K*J and J3 =
this opinion ;

Gr. wc.-.wc, Eurip. Phoeniss. 1437 ;

II. 1.512; xiv. might be defended on the authority of the LXX. in-
who twice render it ov% OVTWC, Gen. 4: 15;
294; poet, more strongly without 3; Ps. 48 6, IK'} terpreters,
" as Isa. 16:7; and also by the Arabic orthography, who
}npri ^3 (immediately as) they saw, so (imme- -

diately) they were terrified."

of discourse it is,
(d) in the continuation
so then, therefore (fo benn); Ps.
also write ^ (see Ham. Schult., p. 312, 364, 412).

But the adversative use, as we have seen above,

90:12, JHin J3 -m?J rmp^ "so then teach us to
really depends on its causal power, and it is the same
number our days;" Ps. 61:9; 63:3.
with regard to the Chaldee particle \n? which see.
(3) i. q. 13X, 'JX it is a particle of asseveration at
the beginning of a sentence; Jerem. 14:10; -l^riN J3 (d) I?"?? (u) on that account, therefore, Gen,
2:24; 10:9; 11:9; 19:22; 20:6; Isa.5-.25; 13:7;
With 16:9; Job 6:3; 9:22, and very frequently. (ft) In
prepositions -(a) |3 in*<, 13"n.DK after that
it also has the force of a
poetry conjunction for J3 ?JJ
things have so occurred, i. e. aftenoards, see"lHX. " >
? ^ on account that, because that (compare I??

(0) 15? prop, in such a condition, so, then, Ecc.

Isa. 26: 14, |3 ?y '3 p. cccxciv, B, and
8:1*); Est. 4:16. (Of very frequent occurrence in the my remarks on
the ellipsis of relative conjunctions, Lgb. p. 636).
Targums, then, so.)
Ps. 45:3, " thou art fairer than the children of men
(e) |3^> ( a ) adv. causal, on that account, there-
...DVfTg sp-13 13-^; because that God has blessed
fore, Jud. 10:13; l Sam. 3:14; Isaiah 5:24; 8:7;
thee;" Ps. 1:5; 42:7; Isa. 15:4; Jer. 48:36; comp.
30:7; Job 32:10; 34:10; 37:24, and so frequently;
what Winer has of late remarked (Sim. Lex. p. 466),
Genesis 4 -.15, is to be rendered '131. \1\> ain'^S |3^
"therefore (that Avhat thou fearest may not hap-
in defence of the common meaning therefore, which
he would give it even in these passages; but I doubt
pen) whoever kills Cain," etc. There answer to each
3 whether he has rightly shewn the connection of these
other I??] ]yi because ... therefore, Isaiah 8:6, 7;
l??-iy. 29:13, 14; once it is for "K^? J37 or this
(e) !3""iy as yet, hitherto, Neh. 2: 16.
account that, because, Isa. 26:14; and it has the
force of a conjunction ?y for 1? ?y).
[5 with suff. '33, 133 from the root 133 No. 2.
(compare 1.3 "iS^fr?

(/3) By degrees the meaning of this word was de-

q. 1-13.

flected into an adversative sense; Germ, barum bocfv (1) a place, station (<3tclfc), Gen. 40: 13; 41:13:
unb barum body abcv barum body hoc non obstante, nihilo- Daniel 11:20, 21; verse 38, 133 ?y in his place (an

viinus, attamen, yet therefore, nevertheless, how- beffen telle), [does

not this mean " on his own basis,"
ever (compare !?S). So, when preceded by DK in
and not "in his stead" ?] for which there is, verse 7, 133.
although ( Q N) they say, as God
l Ki.
protasis, Jer. 5:2, (2) base, pedestal, (eftelle/ gufjge|ieUe) ;

nevertheless (!?<) they swear falsely." Also

liveth, 7:31, }3~nK'J?P in the manner of a base, like a pedestal;
7:14, where the sentences are thus to be con-
in Isa. specially used of the base of the laver in the court of
nected " although thou hast impiously refused the
the temple [tabernacle], Ex. 30: 18, 2 8; 31:9; 35:16;
offered sign, nevertheless the Lord Himself will 38 8 ; Lev. 8 1 1 used of the base or socket for the
: :

give to thee, although thou dost not wish for it." mast of a ship ; called in Greek fifirodfirj, iaro$6k-ri (II. i.

Often used in the prophets, when a transition is made 434), IffTwre&p (Od. xii. 5 1 ) in Lat. modius, Isa. 33 23.

from rebukes and threatenings to consolations and III. (-3 once in sing., Isa. 51:6 (where the old in-

promises. Isa. 10:24, "nevertheless thus saith

terpreters very weakly render }3~iD? as so, i. e. m
Jehovah of Hosts, fear not," etc. Isa. 27:9; 30:18;;
the same manner; I render it like a gnat); plur.

Jcrem.i6:i4; 30:16; Ezek. 39:25; Hos.2:l6; Job D'33 Exod. 8:12; Psa. 105:31 ;
<m'<pee; Vulg.
20:2, Zophar thus begins, ?*?", ?Vf
" never-

theless my thoughts lead nie to answer;" i.e. in

$ sciniphes, a species
of gnats;
account of their stinging;
very troublesome on
found 5n the marshjr
113-p DM-p
districts yf Egypt ( Ctdex reptans, Linn. ; culex molestus, strings,and was struck with a plectrum but this U ;

ForskiT,. See Herod, i.

95; Philo, De Vita Mosis P. contr idictedby the words, iSa. 16:23; 18:105199,
p. 97, ed. Mangey, and other accounts, both of ancients from which it may be seen that this was an instru-
and moderns, in CEdmann, Verm. Sammll. aus der ment struck by the hand. (To this answers the Arab.
S - y-G S- ' -
Natnrkunde, Fasc. I. cap. 6. As to the etymology,
\\-> ilx= *
y'-'^ a harp.
The original idea
nothing certain can be laid down [In Thes. from 123
No. a] the gnats may indeed be so called from the idea
; appears to me to be that of tremulous, striduloua
of covering (root J33 No. 1 ) but I prefer rather from
; sound, compare the root I??.)
the idea of pinching (fnctjren); so that this word may
be connate to the Greek vruw, o'//0w, KI-ITTOC, Krify,
W3 [Conic A], pr.n.; see \^7\\.

and with a prefixed sibilant (as found in the LXX.), D33 i.

D'33 gnats. Ex. 8:13, 14. Joined in
<rri'i\J/, oxi'T^ec, which opinion I see was also held by
the manner of plurals and collectives with a feminine,
Eichhorn (Einleit. in das A. T. t. iii. p. 254). The and it isbe inquired whether it should not be read

Jews and Josephus (Antt. ii. 14, 3), without much defectively D|3, as the Samaritan copy has'Q'33.

probability, explain it to mean lice; andtheTalmudists Compare Lehrg. p. 517.

also use the singular ^33 for a louse; this is, however, N33 adv. Chald. so, thus, in this manner.
approved by Bochart (Hieroz. torn, ii
p. 572, seq.); Ezra 4:8; 5:4, 9, 11 6: 13. ;
It appears to be com-
compare D33. pounded of 3 and N^"> **?-> ft cn i the Talmud used
found also in the Chal. text, Dan. 2 24, 25.] 1
[p so, : for "tt?\3, ~tt?W, the letter being negligently omitted :

it has been said, or as

thus it
properly means, as
nj!p unused in Kal. Arab. (
-J^=I.,IL, IV., to we say; and it is so used as to refer sometimes to
callsome person or thing by a figurative name or what precedes, sometimes to what follows. The Heb
cognomen, especially by an honourable appellation, translator [of the Chaldee parts of Daniel and Ezra.
o adorn with a title (see Tauritz. ad Hamas. Schult.
printed in Kennicott's Hebrew Bible] renders 4:8,
p. 320; Tebleb. ad Har. Schult. ii.
57). Ch. to ad- nK |3 (read TOK.3.3), and 5:4
1K3E>3 (as it has been
dress honourably. So, in the
Hebrew, in v

PlF.I. i"!33 (l)

TO ADDRESS KINDLY, TO CALL (any said). In like manner, Syr. >L^>)li3 to ivit, is con-
tracted from U_iOll3 as if thou would st say. KINDLY. Isa. 44:5, n33 ^X^ D#M and
he kindly speaks to Israel" [addresses by that
name]; Isa. 45:4, ^Jn? *6] 1.S I have (gently)
- (I.) i.
q. c,<-^> TO

called thee, though thou hast not known me." DEFEND (compare .?-" Imper. with n parag.

(2) to flatter. Job 32:21, 22. HS3 protect, Ps.8o:l6: [This meaning is rejected in
Hence subst. J"I33.
Thes.], where others less suitably understand a plant,
"3 aira Xyo'^. Eze. 27:23 [Canne/i], pr. n a shoot (compare i? Dan. 11:7). C^66 n l?-]
of a town, prob. i. q. '"1373 (which see), Ctesiphon, a [Derivatives, j? 2 and 3, H33, D33.]
reading which is found in one codex of De Rossi. [Also perhaps to nip, to pinch, Gr. icrnw, etc. ;

Compare I"lj5? for R\d?\ nence D'33. See Thes.]

H33 80 16; (II.) i. q. i. See !5 No.
II. From No. II. is
Ps. : see ?3? [H33 f. a plant, from tha
idea of placing, setting, Ps. 80: 16. See Thes.] ^33 (' protector"), [Chenani], pr.n. m. Neh
see n. 9=4-

Ch. see ri33. VVJ33 (" whom Jehovah defends" [" has set

up"]), [ConontaA], pr. n. of a I^evite. 2 Ch. 31:12,

m. pi. D'~)&3 Eze. 26: 13, nh33 i Ki. 1O:12,
3; 35:9-
Gr. Ktrvvpa, cithara, a harp, a musical instru-
ment; that on which David excelled in playing; both
^1133 (id.) [Chcnaniah'], pr.n. m. 1 Ch. 15.

used with regard to sacred and secular things, whe- 22; 26:29, for which there is, 15:27,

ther in rejoicing (Isa. 5: 12) or in sorrowing (Job 30:

31), commonly accompanied by singing to the music as stones, Ecc. 3:5; treasures, Ecc. 2:8, 26; water,
played upon it. Gen. 4:21 Ps. 33:2; 43:4; 49:5; Ps.
33 :
71:22; 183.16:16,23; and often besides. Jose- (2) to gather together, persons. Est 4:16; iCh.
phus says (A it. vii > I, 3), that the cinyra had ten 32:2

[" (3) tJ hide, see Hithp. and deriv. Canaanites (Ex. 13:15, fullj
(a) the land of the
(Aram. D3_? to collect, to gather together. Arab. 1V.2? H
Gen. 13:12; 33:18), and the nation (Jud.
c~. id., also, to lay up, elsewhere ...... <=~.
Cognate 3:1, with masc. Hos. 12:8); pr. the depressed, low^

to this are the transposed roots DD3; whence D33 region (from the root V33, with the addition of IT,
as in I2D), opp. to the loftier country D"1X (see '3J733
treasure, and P?; whence J"li33pp stores: also, by a No. l). [But this name was taken from Canaan, the
softening of letters, T3|.)
son of the ancestor of the Canaanites.]
Ham, It
PIEL, i. q. Kal No.
2, to gather together persons.
specially denotes (a) the land on this side Jordan,
Eze. 22:21; 39:28; Ps. 147:2. as opposed to the land of Gilead, Nu. 33:51 Josh.
HITHPAEL, to hide oneself away, to wrap one-

Isa. 28 20, D33jpn'3 rTO nSDBni. and the 22:9. Phoenicia, Isa. 23:11, i.e. the northern
self up. :

part of Canaan, situated at the base of Lebanon the

covering is too narrow for one to wrap himself in

B inhabitants of which call themselves jyjD upon their

it." Compare 3 5.
Hence D?PQ [ D13, P<3"].
coins (seemy Comment, on Isa. loc. cit. Gesch. der ;

Heb. Sprache,p.i6,227); by the Greeks they are called

unused in Kal, TO BOW THE KNEE, to fall QoiriKfc. The Poeni, also a colony of the Phoenicians,
on one's knees (kindred to JH3, which see) a widely ; retained this ancient name, as we learn from Augustin
extended root, see yaw, yw (in yvvirt-f~iv\ genii, "
(Expos. Ep. ad Romanes) in these words, Interrogate
Stnie 5 [" Sanscr. garni""] yuvia, lyviia, hollow of the rustici nostri" i. e. Hipponenses,"quid sint f punict

bow down, respondentes Chanani, corruptd scilicet, ut in talibu*

knee; Aram. W|, Jju^to and, with the
solet, una litterd, quid aliud respondent, quam Cha-
third radical hardened, fnicten/ cinfnicfcn.

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