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Guardian Angels Catholic Church

218 Second Street West Chaska, Minnesota 55318 (952) 227-4000

2009-2010 2009-

Time and Talent Opportunities

Volunteers are the Heart of our Parish Guardian Angels Time and Talent
Takethefirststep!Itmayonlybeonesmall stepbutyouwillatleastbeonyourwayto helpingothers.
Helping others is what we do as a Catholic Christian community. We need to not only maintain and build on those ministries which have been an important part of our 150+ year church history but we must also expand our horizons and look to do more. We should not only be proud of who we are and what we do as a church and school, but we must also become more involved in new and needed community stewardship opportunities. Stewardship is giving of your time, talent, and treasure back to the Lord. It is ALL about your responsibility and opportunity to utilize your God-given talents to help others. We gather in church as Catholics because we believe in the Father, and The Son and The Holy Spirit. As Christians we give back to others to show our Love for our Lord! What have you given recently of yourself in the image of Jesus Christ to help others who are less fortunate?

We have separated the G.A. ministries and volunteer opportunities into the following areas: + LITURGY + LEARNING + LIFE
Note that the people listed as contacts are Guardian Angels parishioners just like you. They are excited to speak with you and give you more information about the ministry that they represent and are eager to tell you how to get involved. These contacts are volunteers of your G.A. church community who are giving of themselves for the benefit of others! Give them a call!

The communal celebration of the liturgy is the "source and summit" of the life of a parish. It is in the liturgy that we express who we are as Christians. It is in the liturgy that we continue to be formed in the ways of our Christian life. The celebrant of the liturgy is the entire community, from priest to parishioner, from musician to minister of hospitality. The language of the liturgy is art in its many different expressions: architecture, music, decoration, processions and text. At Guardian Angels, with our magnificent building, historic treasures, musical talent and thriving community, we hold this mandate to heart.

Altar Servers
Altar servers at Guardian Angels are laymen and women, girls and boys who are designated to assist the priest at Mass. Altar servers are baptized Catholics who are mature enough to understand and carry out their liturgical function. At Guardian Angels, servers are fourth grade or older. If you would be interested in serving in the liturgical ministry of altar server, contact Julie VanDenBroeke 952-448-5532 ( or Randy Symanitz 952-381-4214 (

When the scriptures are read in church, God speaks to his people. Lectors combine faith with skill when reading the scriptures. A reader needs to be able to read clearly and audibly and to interact with the assembly. The lector may carry in the Book of Gospels in the entrance procession, proclaim the readings, and if the responsorial psalm is not sung, the reader may be asked to lead it, such as at daily Mass. If you would be interested in becoming a lector or knowing more about what is involved, contact Randy Kerber 612-251-9592 ( or Randy Symanitz 952381-4214 (

Homebound Ministers
On Sunday mornings, volunteers bring the Eucharist to parishioners who are unable to attend Mass. In bringing the Eucharist to our homebound parishioners, we are also telling them that they are still an active and important part of our Parish community, and that the rest of the Community is one with them, and are praying for them. Homebound Ministers typically go out in teams of two, but you are also welcome to do this ministry as a family. Bringing the Eucharist to the Homebound is like being the hands and feet of Christ. Contact: Pat & Lucy Halloran 952-448-2565 (

Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to those attending Mass. Members of this ministry find it to be a very rewarding experience. All extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion must be full members of the church, which means that they must have received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion. To offer the Eucharist under both species (Bread and Wine), G.A. needs 21 ministers per weekend. If you have an interest in being a G.A. Eucharistic minister, contact Randy Symanitz 952381-4214 (

The sacristan undertakes the overall preparation of liturgical celebrations. The sacristan arranges the books needed for the celebration, marking all of the divisions. He or she lays out the vestments and anything else needed for the celebration, such as cruets, chalices, ciboria, linens, oils, processional crosses, candles and torches. They supply fresh hosts and duly authorized wine, clean purificators, corporals, hand towels, and prepare incense and coals. Generally the time commitment is a half-hour before mass and 10 to 15 minutes after. If you have an interest in being a G.A. sacristan, contact Randy Symanitz 952-381-4214 (

Additional Liturgy Opportunities...

The Church is always in need of people to serve as ushers and greeters. These folks serve as the face and hands of Jesus Christ to those who enter our church! Contact Marty OKeefe 952-368-7541 ( Weddings and Baptisms create special lifelong memories of a wonderful moment in our lives. Help make these days special by serving on the Wedding and Baptism Ministries. Contact Deacon Gregg Sroder, 952227-4092 ( Interested in helping guide and direct Guardian Angels liturgy areas? Consider serving on our Liturgy Committee! Contact Randy Symanitz 952-381-4214 (

Music Ministry Little Ringers

For children 4 years old through 2nd grade. The Little Ringers play one piece each for prelude and post-communion at Mass once a month. Rehearsal is hour before mass. Contact: Tami Hed 952 - 4 4 8 - 0 5 5 7 (LittleRingers Or contact Teresa Schmidt 952-3610181(tschmidt

Angels Choir
For 3rd through 8th graders. In previous years this choir has sung for Christmas Eve, Easter and First Communion with some rehearsals before each Mass they will be singing for. Stay tuned for an expanded Angels Choir, singing once every 6 weeks, with 2 rehearsals prior to the Mass in which they are singing.

Adult Choir
Meets Thursdays from 7:00 8:30 p.m. and sings for some Saturday Masses, most Sunday 10:00 a.m. Masses, Christmas Eve Midnight Mass, Easter Vigil and feast days.

Youth/Contemporary Choir
For 6th graders and older, including adults. This choir sings once a month for 5:00 p.m. Mass with rehearsal the same day at 3:30 p.m.

Play an instrument? Interested in cantoring? Playing handbells? Questions? Contact for all volunteer music opportunities: Teresa Schmidt, Music Director and Organist at 952-361-0181 (

Our greatest teacher in action and words is our Lord Jesus Christ. Following His example in teaching others as disciples is the best way to evangelize and to build on our faith and the faith of others. By allowing others to learn, we as the Guardian Angels community can help others to truly find the Way of Jesus Christ. For others to learn, we must step forward to mentor and to teach. Guardian Angels provides many opportunities and we hope you can use your God given ability to help spread the Word.

Youth Faith Formation

The Guardian Angels Faith Formation program assists parents in teaching their children about the Catholic faith. Faith Formation education is one of the most important ministries at G.A. and is very much dependent on volunteers for its success. Some of the ways you may get involved include; Wednesday evening school year program for youth grades 1 10 that meets weekly from 6:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The Sunday school program during the 10:00 a.m. Mass for pre-schoolers ages 3 6. The Childrens Liturgy of the Word during the Saturday 5:00 p.m. Mass for boys and girls in first through fourth grade. Summer Bible School for kids entering kindergarten through fourth grade. Confirmation (9th and 10th Grades) Confirmation students are required to complete service projects as part of their class work. Projects in the past have included clothing drives, food shelf, visiting the sick, helping senior citizens in our community, pro-life awareness in addition to many of the G.A. parish special events. These youth formation activities provide excellent volunteer opportunities for middle-school and high-school age students as well as adults. If you have idea for projects or would like to participate as a volunteer please contact G.A. Faith Formation Director: Emily Klinker 952-227-4007 or (

Faith Formation Advisory Committee

The Faith Formation Advisory Committee meets every other month on the first Monday of the month. There is a place for anyone interested in assisting youth and adults in learning more about the Catholic faith. The only requirement is a love of our Lord and a desire to share it with others. Contacts: Jason Difuccia 952-448-3299 ( or Emily Klinker 952-227-4007 (

Additional Faith Formation Options

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) prepares adults wishing to explore the Catholic Faith. If you are interested in learning more about the RCIA program as a participant, or would be interested in serving as a teacher or sponsor in this program or on the RCIA leadership team, please see contact information below. Faith formation is not something you start and finish as a child. Guardian Angels provides formation and faith education activities from birth to the golden years because as disciples, we should never stop learning! Guardian Angels offers a wealth of educational offerings for teens and adults including bible study, missions, service learning opportunities and more. We are always looking for eager teachers and learners! Guardian Angels Faith Formation contact: Emily Klinker 952-227-4007 (

Parish Council
Guardian Angels Parish Council is a policy making body established to administer and oversee the spiritual and other affairs of the Parish. Activities of the Parish Council are governed by a written constitution. Membership consists of nine lay members and the Pastor. Lay members are elected from within the Parish and serve three year terms. Each year, three new members are added to the Parish Council to replace members whose terms are expiring. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month. Following each election, the Parish Council elects three members to serve in the offices of President, Vice President and Secretary. In addition to serving on the Council, each member has a committee assignment as determined by the President. The purpose of this assignment is for the designated Council member to act as a liaison to each of the Parishs permanent committees, such as Finance, School Advisory Committee, etc. Contacts: Father Paul 952-227-4000 ( or Tim Collins at 952-368-9076 (

Finance Council
The Parish Finance Council is consultative in nature, offering advice to the Pastor, the Trustees and the Director of Finance & Administration. The Finance Council must observe both church and civil law in sound management of the temporal goods of the parish and is governed by the guidelines set forth by the Archdiocese. The work of the council will be done primarily in the monthly finance council meetings, times and dates to be determined by the council and parish administra6 tion. The Parish Finance Council will consist of nine voting members selected from current, active, Guardian Angels Parishioners. Each member shall be selected and approved by the Pastor. The presence of at least five of the nine members of the council will constitute a quorum. Members will be selected for a three year term with the option to extend for an additional three years at the request/approval of the Pastor. Contacts: Tom Green 952-227-4002 ( or Jim Healy 952-443-1340 (

Communications Committee
At Guardian Angels, it is important that we spread the Good News about Jesus all seven days a week not just on Sundays! Our Communications Committee ensures that the message is consistent, effective and innovative in the use of technology. From the bulletin, the website, and publications such as the one you are looking at right now, the Communications Committee keeps it all looking good and ensures that all parishioners and visitors know about the Good News! Contact: Eric Crowell 952-227-4008 (

Stewardship Committee
The Stewardship Committee communicates to parishioners how we can live out our lives as good stewards. This committee will communicate the ways our lives can be blessed by actively sharing our gifts of Time, Talent and Treasure. It is the hope that this committee will have eight to ten active members. This committee will advise the Pastor, Finance Committee, and the Parish Council and may occasionally work with other committees as needed. Contact: Tom Green 952227-4002 (

Guardian Angels Catholic School
Founded in 1869 and originally staffed by the Benedictine Sisters and then by the Sisters of Christian Charity who served until 1991, Guardian Angels School is dedicated to the spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical and personal development of each of our students in grades Pre-K through 8th Grade. Our school empowers students to grow in their Christian faith through the teaching and modeling of Catholic principals and values. Our caring staff recognizes that our students bring a variety of learning styles and abilities and we strive to meet individual needs within an adaptable, written curriculum. Our students are proud of their strong relationship with God and look forward to serving their parishes and the communities in which they live.

School Advisory Committee

Members of the School Advisory Committee (SAC) work collaboratively with the school Principal and Pastor in an advisory capacity. They do much of their work behind the scenes to plan for and guide Guardian Angels School so that it is the best school it can be. SACs work involves budget planning in conjunction with school administration, review and adoption of policy, development/ marketing/fundraising, and long-range planning. This is a supportive group both physically and spiritually. Contact: Barb Winfield at 952-448-4246 (

School Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO)

In order to help keep the cost of tuition affordable, our schools PTO utilizes the time, talent and treasure of our school parents, matching individual interests to school needs. The T.E.A.M. Agreement (Together Everyone Achieves More) lists the many ways we can use your help. There are opportunities for volunteers to help at home and at school on daily and weekly and even once-a-year tasks. The benefit goes 100% to our students by helping our teachers, other parents, and G.A. students directly. Contact Heather Hessman 952-479-7139 (

Caring for One Another Ministry An outreach for school families

This is an outreach program for our school families for those times when extra help is needed. Hospital visits, a hot meal, a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on are all things that can be very helpful when we are hurting. We would like to form a group of 4 -10 caring individuals who could be that connection to a family in time of need. If you are interested in serving in this ministry please contact Lori Reznick in the school office at 952227-4010 (


Volunteers are the Heart of our School

Junior Great Books

Reading is essential to all skills in life. Encourage the love of reading by volunteering!

Book Fair
Bring the joy of reading to the children in our school! Occurs each January.

Spring Fling
Another big fundraiser for the school, our Spring Fling Committee is always looking for volunteers, donations of goods and services and guests for our event! Watch the bulletin for opportunities!

One of our schools largest fundraisers! This Fall service-learning opportunity gives our students a chance to give back to their community!

Art Adventure
Are you creative? Share your love of art with children and nurture creativity!

Labels/Caps/Box Tops
Our School benefits from the various programs sponsored by companies such as Campbells, Kemps, and General Mills. From saving labels, helping with cutting and organizing and mailing, there is always a need for donations and help!

Lunchroom Help
Our school provides a hot, healthy lunch to the children in our school. We can always use an extra hand to help with serving, dishwashing, etc.

Office Help
Perhaps you like working behind the scenes. We are always looking for volunteers to help with office tasks such as copying, laminating, etc.

Prairie Fire Theater

Every Spring, we bring the professional theater to our school where students get a chance to learn the craft from actors working in the field! Be part of the show by volunteering!

Quarterly Clean-Up Day

From cleaning and painting to special projects, we could use your help! Call the school office for details and to find out about our next work day!

Interested in volunteering at our Pre-K8th Grade Catholic School? Contact Nancy Ronhovde, Principal at 952-227-4010 (

Perhaps no other part of our life journey with Jesus Christ is as important as love. As it is a constant theme in our daily readings, let it also be a constant practice in our daily lives. The message pertains to loving our family, neighbors and friends. More importantly we are asked to lead a life to assist those who are in need of our help. Those who are in need depend on us as Guardian Angels members to use our God-given abilities for the benefit of others both young and old. Love is the essence of our life and of our faith.

Bountiful Basket
The CAP Agency recently established a food shelf in the city of Chaska called Bountiful Basket. The Bountiful Basket ministry allows volunteers to assist with the day-today operations of the Chaska food shelf, which serves Eastern Carver County families in need. Bountiful Basket is operated by an advisory volunteer group made up of representatives of Chaska area churches including G.A. Guardian Angels participates annually with our always popular Pack-A-Pick-Up food drive. Plans are in the works to become more active in soliciting much needed food throughout the year. This G.A. ministry needs your help to be successful. Contact: Joey Reynolds 952-448-3489 (

Employment & Job Assistance Ministry

Guardian Angels initiated an Employment and Job Ministry to help those unemployed or underemployed. Additionally, this ministry provides volunteer opportunities for those willing to share their talents assisting others throughout their career search. Some to the skill sets sought are: Resume preparation, interview techniques, and networking assistance. Job Coaches will help candidates improve their job searching methods and activities. The challenges of todays economic environment make this a necessary and very important ministry. If you are seeking employment, know how to help others find employment, or have job opportunities to fill, please contact Susan Keough 952-220-6005 ( or Tom Green 952-227-4002 (

Love, INC.
Love in the Name of Christ is made up of 19 Eastern Carver County Churches including Guardian Angels. Its primary purpose is to provide a bridge of support between area churches and individuals in need. Love Inc. serves as a first stop resource and in helping needy families determine where to go for help. Love Inc. operations include the Blessed Bee Thrift Store on Chaska Boulevard in Chaska where clothing and household good donations are accepted. Contact: Tom Redman 952-227-7745 ( Gap Ministries for Love Inc.: An important part of Love Inc. is Gap Ministries. Local churches identify specific needs, then provide the mechanisms for parishioners to provide for the benefit of others. Existing Gap Ministries include household linens, baby cribs and diapers, personal care products, school supplies, laundry and dishes, household cleaning supplies, and furniture. Do you have an idea for a G.A. Gap Ministry? Contact: Kathy Skinner 952-227-7747 (

Pastoral Care Ministry
Guardian Angels Pastoral Care ministers visit the sick and homebound of our parish in their homes, nursing homes, and hospitals. We have the opportunity to share Jesus with our fellow parishioners in the Eucharist and to visit and pray together. If you know of someone needing a visit (weekly or otherwise) please feel free to call. We would love to hear from you! Or if you feel you are being called to become a Pastoral Care Minister, we would love to meet with you! Contact: Dianne Eiden 952-201-6045 (

Prison Outreach
Members from Guardian Angels, St. Victoria and St. Hubert meet every third and fifth Sunday of the month at the Carver County Jail in Chaska. We have a Liturgy of the Word service on the third Sunday from 8:00 - 9:10 a.m. and a Word and Communion service on the fifth Sunday from 8:00 9:10 a.m. You are more than welcome to join us. It is a moving experience both to you and to those to whom you minister. It is even better when two or more go together, to support and to bring a variety of gifts and enthusiasm to this ministry. A volunteer application, background check, interview and orientation are necessary to do ministry work at the jail. Contact: Jean Rief 952-227-4095 (

Prayer Request Line

The Guardian Angels Prayer Chain currently has about 20 members who lift the prayer intentions of the G.A. community up to God for one month. Intentions are called or sent into Tricia Feilmeyer who then passes them on to the other members through telephone or email. Members then pray for each intention in a comfortable way. Some choose to light a special candle to remind them of the intentions, while others choose to use more structured prayers (Rosary). If you have a prayer request, or if you are interested in being a Prayer Warrior, please contact Tricia using the information below. Prayers can include a persons name or can be anonymous. Contact: Tricia Feilmeyer 952-217-5828 ( or the Parish Office 952-2274000 (


Grief Support Ministry
There are times in our lives when we need a few more prayers, a shoulder to lean on or an extra ear to hear our story. We can help by reaching out to our brothers and sisters and in being the light of Christ to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Its the small and unexpected gestures that can offer hope and even joy to those who are suffering. To be surrounded by love and care is the beginning of the journey toward healing. All are welcome to join this ministry. Contact: Pat Scheuble 952-448-3122 (

Guardian Angels AOAs for Christ

Guardian Angels for our Military Men and Women

This G.A. ministry recognizes those men and women who serve our country in the military service. If you are a parishioner who is in the military or if you have children or grandchildren in the military, we would like to pray for and recognize them. As a church community we would also like to have their pictures and names to acknowledge them at different times during the year. We will also send care packages as resources and donations allow. Contact: Steve Kingsbury 952-448-7115 (

If you are age 55+, we welcome you to the Guardian Angels Active Older Adults (AOAs) for Christ. Parishioners meet each Tuesday morning after the 8:00 A.M. Mass at The Lodge at the Chaska Community Center for coffee and conversation! Activities and special events are scheduled as interest indicates. This G.A. activity is also an excellent support group for those who are grieving in their personal lives due to a loss of a loved one or other individual difficulties such as loneliness or poor health. Retirement age can be some of the most active and happiest times of your life. This is an excellent way to stay healthy and active within your church and community! Contact: Tom Redman 952-448-3572 (

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and self. There is no commandment greater than these.

with all your mind and with all your strength. Love your neighbor as yourMark 12: 30-31


Council of Catholic Women (CCW)
All women of the parish are enrolled in the Council of Catholic Women when they join the G.A. church community. The council is divided into 13 circles with each circle assigned to rotating months. The circle of the month will host funeral lunches, and help with any other needs of the church for that month. In addition they are involved with after-Mass hospitality, and furnish the supplies needed for St. Francis Hall. They also contribute funds to G.A. Parish and School. The CCW meets approximately 5 times a year, starting with a pot-luck in September. Meetings are always held on the 4th Tuesday of the month. Contacts: Tricia Feilmeyer 952-217-5828 ( or Linda Forner 952-448-3312

Mens Club
All men and boys who are members of G.A. are also members of the Mens Club. The Mens Club conducts the Annual Beef and Sausage Dinner each February as a major fundraiser benefiting the church and school. This event has been in existence for over 50 years! Volunteers are needed for set up, meat cutting, sausage making, and smoking. Contact: Bernie Schrempp 952-448-2301

The Quilters are a long standing group who use their skills in quilting, knotting and sewing to create quilts for the benefit of Guardian Angels. They meet on Thursday mornings to work on quilts and to enjoy each others company. The quilting season, October 15 April 15, ends with a potluck dinner with their quilts being sold at the G.A. AngelFest. This fun group is open to anyone who can hold a needle. Contact: Jeanette Van Sloun 952-466-3384


Knights of Columbus Daughters of Isabella
The Guardian Angels Daughters of Isabella were officially organized in 1953. Annual fundraising projects include the Palm Sunday Dinner and the G.A. fall festival with past proceeds being utilized on such G.A. projects as the church and St. Francis Hall renovations and school gym renovation. The spiritual life of this circle includes retreats, days of recollection and memorial services. Contacts: Mary Kingsbury 952-448-7115 ( or Mary Meyer 952-448-4311

The G.A. Knights of Columbus are a group of dedicated men who are guided by their belief in the Catholic Church. There are five main areas which direct their efforts including faith, community, family, youth and fellowship. To be a Knight means working hand-inhand with fellow Knight brothers and the church community in a spirit of happiness for the benefit of many. The importance of helping youth is a large focus of the Order. Annual projects include the Lenten Fish Frys for the benefit of the G.A. church and school and the Tootsie Roll drive for the benefit of the mentally challenged. Contact: Steve Tomkins 952-448-3127 (

Catholic Aid Society

The Catholic Aid Society exists to provide fraternalism and charity among its members. It is a non-profit organization that provides its members with insurance, annuities, and other benefits. It exists to support the Roman Catholic Church in extending the faith, especially through schools and religious education. Catholic Aid has a matching grant fundraiser each year to support Catholic education. Contact: Mary VanSloun 952-448-4815 (


Card Making Ministry
The primary purpose of the Card Making Ministry is to make and give cards to our G.A. parishioners in spiritual need. We meet on the third Tuesday of each month from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in Saint Francis Hall. At these meetings we concentrate our efforts on making cards for different groups, such as retirement/nursing homes, Veterans Homes, etc. Creativity is not necessary! We provide ideas and supplies. We also welcome your cards made at home for our various needs especially Thinking of You and Sympathy cards. These cards can be dropped off at the Parish Office. The Card Ministry is sponsored by Daughters of Isabella. Contacts: Sandy Montague 952 -448-3135 ( or Tammy Bouska 952-448-6980

Friends of the Friary

Our Catholic Christian faith is rich in history and tradition. Here at Guardian Angels, we are blessed to not only have celebrated our 150th year anniversary as a parish in 2008. We also celebrated our 166th anniversary as a faith community, started by a missionary priest, lAbbe Augustin Ravoux, ministering among the Dakotah people in the 1840s. Fr. Ravoux founded the log chapel mission in honor of St. Francis Xavier, and our churchs chapel is dedicated in his honor. A part of what we treasure as a congregation and broader community are the many historic buildings on our campus, including the 1868 friary adjacent to our 1885 church. The friary served as the rectory for the parish and as a home for the Franciscan friars and fathers serving Guardian Angels, St. Nicholas, St. Victoria, and St. Hubert parishioners. They would ride on horseback to parishioners homes in the villages/cities of Chaska, Carver, Victoria, Chanhassen and Eden (now called Eden Prairie). Friends of the Friary come from all around Carver, Scott and Hennepin Counties in a long-term blood, sweat and prayers volunteer effort to clean up and repair a building that was at one time close to demolition, but was found to be in amazing condition when it was cleaned out. Now, the Old Friary is one of the more intriguing sites of our campus that newcomers definitely want to see when opened for guided tours. If you are interested in joining the volunteer cleaning and repairing effort, please contact Rick Lindemeier 952-448-6830 ( If you want to join the trained guides or docents who help people explore the amazing friary, church and gardens, contact Neil Kennedy 952-448-6551 (


Marriage Ministry
One of the most important vocations in the Christian community is the vocation of marriage, which is a critically important ministry in terms of witnessing to unconditional love within the larger community. In the Catholic Christian Church, disciples engaged to be married actually go through formation for this important ministry. They journey, typically for a year, with longmarried parishioner couples, called Marriage Mentors these are parishioners whove experienced the joys, the love, and the challenges of marriage. With training, they administer and review an inventory they give to their couples, called Prepare. Marriage Mentors usually have experience with Marriage Encounter. Contact: Deacon Gregg Sroder, 952-227-4092 ( In their journey with marriage mentors, engaged couples are prepared for a ministry that only begins with a ceremony much like an ordination. This initiatory liturgy is called a wedding. Each wedding, and the rehearsal beforehand, is overseen by a volunteer wedding coordinator couple. The wedding coordinator is something like an MC for the liturgy; they represent the pastor. Contact: Head Coordinator Sue Johnson, 952-361-6022 ( After a couple is married, the parish supports them in their ministry much as a parish supports ordained priests and deacons. For example, there is Marriage Encounter for married couples. Carver County enjoys the largest Marriage Encounter group in the nation. Whereas all marriages including Catholic marriages experience a 50% success rate, those married couples involved in Marriage Encounter enjoy a 98% success rate. If interested in going on a Marriage Encounter retreat, and possibly the follow-up monthly meetings after that, please contact Jane and Dennis Hively, 952448-6702 ( Spanish -speaking parishioners should contact Enrique Valencia about the Spanish-language version of Marriage Encounter, 952-846-8600 (

Birthright helps any girl or woman regardless of age, race, creed, marital or economic status, who feels distressed by an unplanned pregnancy. No matter how difficult a situation may seem Birthright helps each woman plan constructively for the future. Birthright provides its services and products free of charge. Donations of diapers, formula, gently used maternity/baby clothes and toys can be dropped off at the Waconia Birthright location. Contact: Sara Heitkamp 952-6936668 (

Prayer Shawl Ministry
Guardian Angels is fortunate to have a group interested in knitting and crocheting prayer shawls. Each handmade shawl is blessed when completed and donated to unknown recipients in times of illness, grief or of celebration. The group not only meets to work on their shawls, but also to pray and build community. The group currently has both young members (10 years old) and the young at heart! Not sure how to knit or crochet? Not to worry, we have great teachers who love to share their joy of the craft! If you know of someone who would like a prayer shawl, please let us know. We meet every Monday at the parish office from 6:30 8:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome! This ministry is sponsored by the Council of Catholic Women. Contacts: Tricia Feilmeyer 952-217-5828 ( or Terri Rothmeier 952448-4753.

Volunteer Parish Receptionists

During normal business hours, the church office depends upon volunteer receptionists to answer phones, greet visitors to the parish office, and do light general secretarial work. We provide the training during your first shift and day and evening shifts are flexible to your schedule. Contact: Sandy Montague 952-448-3135 (

Building, Grounds and Gardens Committee

This volunteer group assists with general maintenance and improvement needs that can typically be handled by adult volunteers. Projects include inside and outside of the school and the church. Project and work details are predicated by the season and the need to help get things done in a timely and cost effective manner. Contact: Stev e Kingsbury 952-448-7115 (

School Alumni Association

Guardian Angels is very proud of its educational history and would like to bring its alumni back into the church picture and future. Founded in 1869, the school has gone through many changes. The G.A. church community feels there is much to learn and benefit from our school alumni. Whether you graduated in 1927 or 2007 we would like to reconnect with you! Go to and click on alumni update so that we can add your name to our mailing list and keep you in the loop. Contact: Guardian Angels School Office 952-227-4010 (

BeFriender Ministry
We are all in need of friends in our lives friends we can trust to stand by us and walk with us on our lifes journey friends with whom we can share our insights, joys, sorrow, confusion and triumphs with friends who will guard all we say in confidence. The role of the BeFriender is to be a companion to those in our community who may be experiencing a need. Through listening, presence and compassion, the BeFriender brings with them the caring presence of God and the emotional and spiritual support of the parish community. Training is provided which will develop communication skills, faith sharing and ministry reflection. It also addresses such issues as grief and loss, spirituality, aging, listening and confidentiality. Contact: Gloria Doerr 952-448-5163 (

Other Life Opportunities

In addition to the many Life ministries featured in this section of this Time and Talent booklet, there are other established and potential opportunities to serve the Guardian Angels Community. Please contact us if you are interested in helping with these or some additional ministries: Christmas in May Coffee & Donut Sundays, Contact Mary Elliott 952-448-5194 or Jessica Oberpriller 952-361-3165 ( New Parishioner Welcome Committee, Contact Heather Hessman 952-479-7139 (

Loaves & Fishes

Loaves and Fishes prepares and serves meals to people in need in the Minneapolis area on the fifth Thursday of the month. Our Loaves and Fishes ministry is dependent on approximately 24 G.A. volunteers for each meal service. This ministry has historically been an important aspect of Guardian Angels in giving back to help others. This is an excellent opportunity to participate in a worthwhile endeavor on an occasional basis! Contact: Jim and Sharon Schleicher 952-448-2254 (


Latino Ministry Contacts

Miguel Angel Salinas, Maria Virginia Koehn, y Enrique Valencia Rojas

CoordinadorGeneral YFormacionDeFe:EnriqueValenciaRojas 9528468600 AnalistaDeLa Parroquia: MiguelAngelSalinas 9522274004 Asistente Administrativo MinisterioLatino: MariaVirginiaKoehn 9522274015 Coro: CarlosTorres 9523610782 MinisteriodeLectores: NicolasHernandez 6127034596 MinisterioDeEucarisita: ManuelPalacios 9529347975 R.I.C.A.YLiturgia: MarioMontes 6124140745 CordinadoraDeBodas:LuzMariaPalacios 9529347975 OracionyVisitade Enfermos: JeronimoLara 9522330281 PastoralJuvenil: VictorPastelin 6127357593 Servidores del Altar Cordinador: AbelardoVillena 9524962556

RespondingjoyfullytoGodsgenerosity, IpledgetobecomeactivelyinvolvedinGuardianAngelsMinistry/Ministries.

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GuardianAngelsCatholicChurchisacommunitycommittedtothejourneyofChris tianstewardship.Havingcarefullyandprayerfullydiscernedmytalentsandthedis positionofmytime,Ipledgetobeapartofthatstewardshipjourneybythesacrificial offeringofmyservicesasindicatedonthebackofthisform.

Mailing Address: Guardian Angels Time and Talent 215 West 2nd Street Chaska, MN 55318

At Guardian Angels, every committee, every ministry, every social organization, every act of worship gives expression to one or more of three aspects our messianic ministry that are most easily remembered as the three L's: Liturgy, Learning and Life. Liturgy is the public and individual expression of our priestly discipleship work. Learning gives expression to teaching and preaching of the liberating Wisdom (or Word) of Christ. Life is our charitable outreach, our pastoral care for one another. There are so many ways to contribute your time and talent to your church! Below is an ever growing list. Check our website often as the list changes frequently.



Altar Server, page 3 Baptism Ministry, page 4 Eucharistic Minister, page 3 Homebound Minister, page 3 Lector, page 3 Liturgy Committee, page 4 Sacristan, page 4 Music Ministry, page 4: Adult Choir Angels Choir Cantoring Little Ringers Playing an Instrument Youth/Contemporary Choir

Faith Formation, page 5: Adult Faith Formation Faith Formation Advisory Committee RCIA Program RCIA Participant RCIA Leadership Team RCIA Sponsor/Teacher Youth Faith Formation Catechist Assistant Catechist Sibling Care Childrens Liturgy Sacramental Preparation Special Faith Formation Events Clerical Assistance with Faith Formation Hall Monitor (Wednesday Evenings) Guardian Angels School, page 7 & 8: Caring for One Another Ministry School Advisory Committee School Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) Parish, page 6: Communications Committee Finance Council Parish Council Stewardship Committee


AOAs for Christ, page 11 BeFriender Ministry, page 17 Birthright, page 15 Bountiful Basket, page 9 Building, Grounds and Gardens , page 16 Card Making Ministry, page 14 Catholic Aid Society, page 13 Christmas in May, page 17 Coffee & Donut Sundays, page 17 Council of Catholic Women, (CCW), page 12 Daughters of Isabella, page 13 Employment & Job Assistance Ministry, page 9 Friends of the Friary, page 14 Grief Support Ministry, page 11 Guardian Angels for our Military Men and Women, page 11 Knights of Columbus, page 13 Loaves & Fishes, page 17 Love, INC., page 9 Marriage Ministry, page 15 Mens Club, page 12 New Parishioner Welcome Committee, page 17 Pastoral Care Ministry, page 10 Prayer Request Line , page 10 Prayer Shawl Ministry, page 16 Prison Outreach, page 10 Quilters, page 12 School Alumni Association, page 16 Volunteer Parish Receptionist, page 16

Seasonal and Periodic Opportunities to Serve your Parish: (Please watch the parish bulletin for more information) Christmas & Easter Deep Cleaning of Church Spring and Fall Cleanup of Parish Grounds

I would like to encour all par ag e ishione rs t o p ick out on e o r tw o ar e a s of minist ry t o s ha r e y ou r talents wi t h o ur par ish. Fr. P aul

Thank You! Please drop completed form at the Parish Office, the School Office FAX to (952) 227-4050 or Mail to: 217 West 2nd Street, Chaska, MN 55318

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