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For information and to register :
(Grand Army of the Republic Highway)
1455 E 6th ST and Superior
Effort;; and many more!
Reserve Education Effort Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Chips““; the Federal
Fired““; Katherine Albrechet -,"Spy Chips
You're Fired Walk to the Federal
Island““; A
from Jekyll Island Kokesh;; William Lewis - "Washington,
dam Kokesh
Gravel;; Gov. Jesse Ventura ; G. Edward Griffin – “The Creature
Chuck Baldwin - Pres. Candidate Constitution Party; Sen. Mike
Endorsed by:

H.R. 27 Parking
nd H.R. 55 a
2756 Urge Co down 9th street
to Supp Walk to FED
Nov. 22, 2008
SAT mp t o
PUB. Nov. 22F,ederal Re Parking

Con s L 1 s
tit u I C R A2 Noon erve 12:00 Noon

Nati o utional, ALLY

FREE Stamp
Meet near the

na l D So
ay of und Mon Parking
Su pp ey Saturday 11/22/08 12PM at the “Free Stamp”
o rt fo FORECLOSE on the FED CARTEL!
r Had enough yet? It’s time to
Depression.”” George Soros
cycle seen since the Great Depression.
“Where are we headed? Probably the worst business

The private Federal Reserve central bank cartel’

unconstitutional actions are the true underlying cause for the
U.S. economic crash, credit crisis, job losses, and debt.

"Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are

United States Government Institutions. They are
private credit monopolies which prey upon the people
of the United States for the benefit of themselves and
their foreign customers.“ Congressman Louis T. McFadden

Stop the illegal U.S. bailouts of private bank corporations!

On Nov. 22nd, American citizens will join together to rally at
Federal Reserve (“FED”) banks across the USA. Our purpose
"So you think that money is the root of all evil? Have
is to create awareness of this private bank cartel’s control over you ever asked what is the root of all money?“ Ayn Rand
our nation’s money supply and policies -- policies resulting in
economic crisis and thus facilitating proposals for global money The U.S. economy and fate of the dollar is under the control
control by the private international banks. The U.S. Constitution and responsibility of the FED who are ultimately owned by
clearly states that only our Congress can issue U.S. currency! privately held foreign banking cartels!
URGE Congress to support Congressman Ron Paul’s H.R.2755
(Repeal of the Federal Reserve Act), H.R. 2756 (Honest "History records that the money changers have used
Money Act), and H.R. 4683 (Free Competition in Currency Act.) every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means
Reject any future global banking proposals that threaten U.S. possible to maintain their control over governments by
sovereignty and the issuance of U.S. currency by our Congress! controlling money and its issuance.“ Pres. James Madison
WHEN: Rally Saturday, November 22, 2008 @ 12pm noon
WHERE: 12 FED corporate and 25 branch US locations: Register for 11/22 on-line and be entered
for a chance to win a U.S. Silver Eagle.
(Drawing around 12:30. Must be present to win. No purchase necessary)

Get EDUCATED on Central Banks and sign up:
SAT. 11/22 12:00PM, Willard Park “FREE Stamp” to the FED

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