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Propun un test psihologic care se face celor care intr i studiaz la Harvard n loc de bun venit.

Cel puin asta am aflat de la cea care mi-a propus testul. Este foarte simplu, extrem de relevant i incredibil de adevrat. l dau mai departe pentru c pe mine m-a convins. Voi oferi la sfrit i unele rspunsuri dar, pentru ca testul s fie ct mai aproape de realitate, trebuie fcut fr s le citeti. Am testat mai multe persoane iar varietatea rspunsurilor a reflectat exact paleta larg de personaliti pe care am ntlnit-o. Trebuie s descriei foarte plastic, folosindu-v de toate simurile, cteva obiecte: 1. un cub. Mrime, culoare, textur, material, miros. Tot ceea ce v trece prin cap prima dat cnd cineva v pune s descriei un cub. unde este pozitionat? il vezi 3 d sau plat? 2. o scar. Trebuie descris vizual la fel. Mrime, ct este de lung, form (pot fi n form de V, de L, care se spijin pe ceva), material, culoare; departe/aproape de cub, multe trepte.. 3. un cal: cum se simte el, culoare, e departe/aproape, e liber sau legat, e domestica sau salbatic.. Atenie: descrierea ct mai amnunit a celor 3 lucruri v uureaz nelegerea testului. 4. dup ce ai descris foarte sincer cum v imaginai cele 2 obiecte i calul, imaginai-v ce ai face cu ele n cazul n care ai fi n deert i ar izbucni o furtun de nisip. Trebuie descris scena prin cumulul de aciuni pe care le ntreprindei n legtur cu fiecare obiect. Acesta este tot testul. Varietatea de rspunsuri este incredibil. Furtuna e departe/aproape, puternica/slaba, mare/mica, trece pe langa sau vine inspre tine?

1. The first object in the desert, the cube, represents you. The bigger the cube, the bigger your ego. If the cube is transparent, you are open to others, you dont hide anything from your friends or family. If you cannot see through the cube, it means that you are a private person and dont talk much about yourself. If the cube is made out of something solid and strong, it means that you are a strong person. If it is soft, it means that you can be easily influenced and you are emotional.

How you think about the cube represents how you think about yourself. A cube which is on the ground indicates that you are down to earth, while a floating cube shows that you are a dreamer. If you see the flat side of the cube, you have a shallow personality, if you see the cube in 3D, you have a deep personality. If the cube is in the centre it means that you like the attention and you like to be praised. The color of the cube represents your personality. In general, if the cube is light you are a positive person and the darker it is the more negative you are. However it may not always be so, you should always pay attention to how you feel about the color. If you like the color then you are a likeable personality, it the color seems cold to you, you seem distant to people. Here is a general guide to the cube colors: Black is the color of authority, elegance, sophistication. It can also mean the dark side of the personality. White symbolizes innocence, non-judgemental personality, objectivity, lack of strong opinions. Red is the color of dominance, power, love and sexual energy. If your cube is red it also can mean that you are an attention seeker. Yellow color of the cube shows that the person loves attention and would do almost anything to get the attention. If this is your color, you may seem too overbearing to some people so they may avoid you. This color also represents playfulness, optimism and energy. Green represents compassion, prosperity, money, and vitality. Blue represents knowledge, loyalty and calmness. Purple represents luxury, wealth, and sophistication. Brown shows stability. Brown is the most common cube color among men. 2. The Ladder The ladder represents your friends. The closer the ladder to the cube, the closer you are with your friends. If the ladder is leaning against the cube, this indicates that some friends are relying on you or expecting you to act according to their wishes.

If the ladder is far away from the cube, it may mean that you either have no friends or you dont consider their friendship important to you. You either mentally or physically like to distance yourself from your friends. The color of the ladder represents the personality that most of your friends have. You can check the meaning of the ladder color in the cube color description. The more rungs the ladder has, the more friends you have. 3. The Horse The horse represents your ideal partner and how you behave in relationships. If it is a wild horse, it means that you give freedom to your partner, if the horse is tied it means you want to be in control and you always want to know where your partner is and what he/she is doing. If the horse is tied to the cube that shows that you are a very possessive person. The distance between the cube and the horse shows how close or distant you are in relationships. How the horse behaves also shows what kind of partner you would like to have. If the horse is running or does not stand for long in one place, it means that you want to have a partner that would like to travel, would be full of energy and would always be involved in something. If the horse does nothing but stands or eats, it means that you want to have a partner that likes to be at home and rarely travels. The look of a horse can also indicate the physical features of your ideal partner. The better the appearance of the horse, the better looking partner you would like to have. 4. The Storm The storm represents how you deal with difficulties in life. If it is a big storm, then you always try to make a drama out of something. If the storm is small and far away from you, it means that you are a calm and positive person and you dont like being angry and try to quickly shift your mood if you notice that anger gets activated in you. The storm can also represent current problems in your life. If, whilst seeing storm in your minds eye,

you think that it will stay there for a long time, you think the same way about your current problems. If you see a big storm, it means that you currently experience big problems in your life. The proximity between the storm and the cube also shows how intensely these problems affect you. Cubul reprezint eul fiecruia, scara, relaiile sociale ale fiecruia iar calul este partenerul de via. Furtuna de nisip este relaia individului cu propria persoan, cu cei din preajma lui i cu fiina iubit. Reprezint i momentul de cumpn din viaa fiecruia pentru c, abia n momentele cheie din via, fiecare i dezvluie adevrata personalitate. Cubul unora este rubik, cu fiecare fa de alt culoare, mobil, din plastic, lucios. Al altora, din catifea roie. M-a nspimntat cubul unuia din ghea, care se topise demult pn la venirea furtunii (este vorba de o persoan cu foarte multe probleme n realitate). Cubul altuia este din lemn, lefuit i plcut la atingere, uor, elegant i miroase a lemn. Alt cub era din porelan, altul din cristal. Scrile au fost i ele de multe feluri. Lungi, de metal, pliante, grele dar sigure, nu ai cum s cazi de pe ele, sub form de L sau V. Cu multe sau cu puine trepte. Cu trepte din metal sau din lemn. Scrile spun totul despre modul n care ne raportm noi la alte persoane. Caii au reprezentat pentru toi descrierea stilizat a partenerului de via. Maro, cu coama si coada negre, lungi, mtsoase, bine fcut, muchi fin, suplu, curat i bine ntreinut. Sau negru, pur snge, nalt, elegant, focos i de nestpnit. Sau rou, cu stea n frunte (n felul acesta o persoan i-a descris fr s tie soul care este artist plastic). La ultima problem, aproape c nu au existat rspunsuri similare. Unii au luat cubul n buzunar, alii l-au aruncat (pentru c, n imaginaia unora, cubul era mult prea mare i nu l-ar fi putut lua cu ei, iar unii nu au vzut utilitatea transportului lui), alii ns l-au pus pe cal. Cel care a descris un cub de ghea a spus c nu mai are ce transporta ntruct cubul s-a topit. Unii au protejat calul, l-au culcat la pmnt i i-au acoperit capul pentru ca acesta s nu se sperie sau s nu nghit nisip. Alii au fcut din trupul calului

pavz pentru ei n calea nisipului, unii l-au abandonat, alii s-au folosit de el i au fugit clare. Scara unora a fost folosit n crearea unui adpost, alii au abandonat-o sau au aezat-o pe cal.

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