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From THE PSYCHOLOGY OF WEALTH by Dr. Charles Richards

When we recognize the nature of wealthwith its potential for supporting happiness and, conversely, with its pitfallswe can use it to our advantage rather than allow it to unconsciously drive or sabotage us. Our individual concept of wealth can inspire and motivate us, or it can lead to stress and burn-out. In its most extreme shadow expression, an unhealthy concept of wealth can result in a chaotic life prone to negativity, self-destructive behavior, and tragedy. To generate the life we want, we must reinforce the positive aspects of the wealth archetype in our awareness and actions. The Positive Side of Wealth is: Generous Proficient Creative Discerning The Positive Side of Wealth The positive expression of wealth encompasses four primary qualities: generosity, proficiency, creativity, and discernment. Thus, the ideal expression of wealth is generous, empowering, expansive, joyful, humorous, playful, enthusiastic, creative, regenerative, innovative, and service-oriented. At its core, this expression of wealth is never self-serving. Through the individual, it serves a higher cause or principle beyond the mere accumulation of assets. This principle may be spiritual, philanthropic, healing, patriotic, or otherwise positive and generous. Wealth becomes a vehicle to realize a more expansive goal of service in the world. If your view of wealth includes these qualities, you will naturally attract like-minded people. Your inner sense of expansiveness and your willingness to grow will create situations in which you can experience the freedom to be your best. This may take hard work, perseverance, and everything you ever thought you had to give. With this generosity of spirit, you can begin from wherever you are to take your first steps toward wealth. The Negative Side of Wealth The destructive side of wealth is restrictive, constrictive, suspicious, miserly, competitive, abusive, arrogant, self-serving, punitive, judgmental, indulgent, and disempowering. This side of wealth is driven by fear and insecurity. It is also accompanied by stress and anxiety and, often, by lashing out and blaming others. Operating in this state floods the body with stress hormones and can actually lead to cardiovascular disease and other disorders of the heart. -----------------------Your early schooling, the general environment in which you were raised, and your "family operating system" (the set of spoken and unspoken rules within your household during your youth) lay the foundation for both your conscious and unconscious beliefs, attitudes, skills, anxieties, and expectations about money. The programming you receive about money can greatly condition positively or negatively, as described above the degree of wealth you are likely to achieve. Examining your background and family operating system is an important step in making constructive changes in your subconscious programming about wealth, success, and prosperity. To schedule an interview with Dr. Charles Richards, please contact Planned Television Arts: Jared Sharpe 413-325-8296 / David Hahn 212-593-5847 / The Negative Side of Wealth is: Restrictive Miserly Self-serving Judgmental

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